#and i didn’t feel like figuring out the rest of the charas lol
toughtink · 2 years
because i’m arguing with my husband about this, order of heights for main characters in gtn as i see them from short to tall:
harrow, dulcinea, camilla, gideon, naberius, palamedes, ianthe, coronabeth
canonically, harrow is shorter than gideon who is shorter than pal who is described as tall but still half a head shorter than coronabeth. corona and ianthe are technically the same height, but between general necro demeanor/poor posture and corona’s outgoing personality/hair volume, corona comes off as taller.
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eriochromatic · 7 months
Your impel down modern au is absolutely amazing is it okay to ask more about it ?
Like is Jinbei the legal guardian or is Garp around ? Is the Sabo situation like in canon?
What about the warden is he like the landlord ?
(If I ever get inspiration/time would you be down for this to be a fic ?)
Thank u for liking my AU! To be completely honest I intentionally didn’t add other one piece characters since I wanted to explore a different dynamic, so in this AU, Garp (or Shanks or Whitebeard for that matter) wouldn’t be around too much, Sabo also probably wouldn't be too present. 
For this AU specifically, the influential parental figures around Luffy and Ace are Jinbei (legal guardian), and then Crocodile (takes care of them when Jinbei is busy), and then the rest of the apartment residents when both Jinbei and Croc are occupied. The only other one piece chara I might consider adding in is Magellan as the landlord, but he’d be pretty hands off and not really part of the main dynamic anyways.
And of course, feel free to turn this into a fic if you’re feeling inspired! To be completely honest this AU in itself was inspired by a fic from a completely different fandom where they took a bunch of characters who never interacted w/ each other and put them all in an apartment together for a modern AU; Oda already did the job of getting random characters to work together so I just wanted to do the modern AU part!
Certain headcanons that I wasn’t able to add in the post itself:
Jinbei is a highschool teacher! The area they live in isn’t well funded so he probably doubles up as their guidance counselor as well,, he’s super busy which is why the rest of the apartment complex all collectively helps out watching the kids
Crocodile’s income bracket is technically a few steps above the others but because he’s paying 3 apartments worth of rent his quality of life ends up around the same LOL technically he could always move out but he’s too attached to everyone (would never admit it)
Drag race is still rupaul’s show in this universe and not Ivankov’s HAHAHA Ivankov is definitely more of an underground queen, almost urban legend like… But yeah they’re never home much so Inazuma has been using Ivankov’s apartment as a glorified storage unit for fabrics and outfits
Ace is still the grumpy kid like in canon, but having Crocodile around as a vaguely bad influence (“I am not going to stop you from committing violence” type) makes them strangely close… Croc is trans in this AU and if u wanted Ace to also be trans that can be another bonding point
Since Crocodile manages a casino (with a nightclub), Bentham has been pestering Croc to let him put on a drag show, so far Croc has been saying said no. Croc’s frame of reference is Ivankov (aka someone who’s waaaay to good) so unfortunately anyone who’s not at Ivankov’s level isn’t worth the effort of changing schedules and reorganizing things. Bentham has seen Crocodile proposition Daz constantly for that bouncer job so now there’s this weird one sided rivalry between Bentham and Daz lol
that’s about all the ideas I have for now! hope that was fun and interesting to read!
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hxllo-nana · 2 months
Forgot to mention in my last Ask, but I also quite love Undyne.  She was great in both the flashbacks and the present.  Though, I also feel really bad for her.  Getting beat up by Paps when Undyne was being pushy about Sans.  Which, Undyne was just trying to look out for Paps (though, she also just has a bias against Sans.  Though, to be fair on her, Sans is…Sans), but the brothers will look out for each other.  And Undyne pushed herself too much about Sans for Paps.  Paps felt very guilty about it though (Sans came back to Undyne passed out on the floor and stuff.  Lol.  And then consoled Paps about it, ahaha).  
Undyne then got tested on by Sans (though, it didn’t really work out, because of her DT).  I am sorry Undyne, u were pissing Sans off, and he isn’t as fond as u as he is say, Paps, Alphys, Toriel, Grillby, etc.  Him calling her a test subject, and Sans saying he sounded like “him”, was such a good way to show Sans’ Gaster ties, and his testing stuff (might some more about this in those potential/maybe reblogs and/or whatever I might do) and stuff like that in general, is a really good way to show Sans’ more scientific side/scientific BG.  I am also very fond of the flashbacks in Ep4 and Dust’s interrogation of Frisk in Ep4, because it really shows how much of a face/expression and mind reader Sans and/or Dust Sans can be.  And how generally cold, analytical, smart, sadistic, and messed up each can be.
And then in the Ep4 flashbacks, both her and Paps basically got their realities destroyed (and both became even more gung-ho about hunting humans.  Though, for both the same and different reasons).
So yeah, basically, I love Undyne and I feel very bad for her.  She has not been having a good time lately.
I got even more character stuff and/or etc. to say, but again, saving those for something I might do later, in some other way (probably).
Off more character specific stuff, I am now starting to understand why Ep3 was called Prejudgemet (like, it took me way too long to understand that it was probably called that because Ep3 is pre-judgement. I completely figured out though at the ending screen that counts down towards judgment. I should really look up Ep4's title meaning at some point though.).
I still like the beginning screen that some character art, disclaimer, inspirations, etc., and I am defin. liking the ending screens and how they keep changing, and sometimes the creepy laugher and creepy, but sometimes funny and pretty stuff on the ending screens, Like, Ep3 having the doodles and writings from Dust Sans I presume, with Ep4's (I think) ending screen having blue doodles and text over that, that I presume come from the other Sans. Lol, they are fighting, even in the ending screens.
These episodes somehow made me want a happy ending even more for both Sanses and Paps's and Frisk and Chara too. Though, Chara, the Sanses, and Phantom (Paps and Frisk have their issues too, my goodness) are very messed up. But Phantom kind of got better in Ep4 after coming to a realization about how much he had lost himself when talking to Paps.
The Sanses and Chara though, are yeah, hmmm, yeah. Like, Chara is at least trying to hep out the people of her universe, but they also want some entertainment. The Sanses though; well, I want them both to be happy, and to get better. But all the therapy in the world, might not help them. And I also know that probably isn't ikely (like Chara and Sans(s) and etc. have been alluding to. And like what Phantom said, one of the Sanses might die. And he and the others will welcome and take of Paps' Sans if it is, and he will finally be able to rest with his Sans if it is his. Though, the Devil might not let them be together for awhile. Pretty understandably), but a person can hope.
I know u said Ep5 probably wouldn't be as long as Ep4, but I wouldn't mind that (and I wouldn't mind waiting longer for a longer episode, like w/ Ep4), esp. with how Ep4 left off, and how great Ep3 and Ep4 have been. But I also totally understand if Ep5 isn't.
I got some other things to say (mainly praise, interesting stuff I want to talk and theorize about, and/or etc., but I wil save that for the probably reblog(s), comment(s), or something I am going to do (if not/if not for now, I am doing at least this).
Some small critiques here and there. Nothing major, but sometimes text would get cut off, where I couldn't completely read what was being said, and so I had to kind of guess. Usually, I could still understand what was being said, and the times that it did happen were still some of my favorite parts of the Episodes.
U have much improved at making text readable on darker BG's and stuff though. The only times I had trouble with this, were for some of Chara's dialogue. And one time during the Mettaton section, when we got a bunch of text from the crowd after Sans and Paps fell from above on the stage.
So basically, it didn't happen much at all.
Also, I think how quickly you move between text and/or dialogue, but I wouldn't mind it a bit slower myself sometimes. Though, honestly, this is basically fine/they move at a pretty good pace, and I could and do, just pause, if I need to more fully take in what is saying.
Anyways, I loved Ep3 and Ep4 very much!  U did great on them.  And I am very excited (but also have so much dread for the characters.  U can really feel like a clash and/or some probably even more very bad stuff is going to go down from the titles, the episodes themselves, the ending cards that are getting more chaotic and which keep countdown to something, and stuff) for the next episode(s) whenever that ends up being!
Also, besides Ep3 and I think Ep2 or Ep1, do you have the episode video thumbnail art and/or posts with the links of/to the episodes and/or clips of the videos on your blog?  I would love to reblog them, because 1.  They are awesome, and I want to help share Dead Ringer, 2.  Reblogging stuff like that was one way I thought of how I could talk more about Dead Ringer, that wasn't Asks, and 3.  I just really like the thumbnail art, so I want to be able to like and reblog them.
Alright done talking about Dead Ringer for now.  I got some more Ask(s), but they will probably be mostly, if not, completely not Dead Ringer related.
2/2.  (I still got more Asks probably.  But I am saying 2/2, instead of 2/?.  Because I actually think having this Ask being 2/2 makes sense, because of how separated these ones will be to the next one(s), probably.  If I do it/them.  These ones will be mainly Dead Ringer-related, the next one(s), probably won’t be).
Undyne has only good intentions but worst executions..she does not catch a break lmao
Huh? Gaster reference? IN MY DEADRINGER? wonder if we’ll get to meet him
the blue doodles are dust but he used a different marker since he already used the red one lol
long episodes can hurt me if im not careful when making them so i plan on only doing longer episodes for the ones with the most tension going on
the cut off text was the error, exporting the files severely damaged my tablet on the day the video uploaded, ill try to make sure i won’t come into another problem like that again ewewew
Ill redo Chara’s and Mettaton’s text! As well as slowing down the texts as well, I tend to be a fast reader and i forget no everyone is that fast sorry ooo, as for the crowd they are intentionally met to be unreadable hehe
Ill post the thumbnail arts when the series is finished, similar to how i will do the same to bonnytale/underhell/and inkubators for reasons
thank u for the asks anyways!!! i love them!!! thank u for talking about my stuff it means a lot to me again idc if i say this w every ask I MEAN IT!
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pekorosu · 5 years
no.6 novels thinky thoughts
so… i ended up finishing all 9 vols in about a week haha.
my overall impression? it was… alright, i guess.
not that i didn’t enjoy it, in fact, the first half was great! by the time i reached the end though, i had mixed feelings. sat on it for a week or so but a lot of it remains a vague hhhmmmmmblah blob that i’m not done figuring out. 
i still wanna make a post as a form of closure for myself though, so i’m just gonna dump whatever comes to mind here. don’t mind me.
so... the ending. i guess it was supposed to be open-ended in a hopeful way, but it just came across as unsettling to me. the ~chosen one~ thing rubbed me the wrong way, because shion was entrusted with an enormous responsibility that no 16 year old should even be shouldering in the first place. (i mean yea okay he did willingly accept it, but still. why only him? why aren’t they all collectively responsible?) 
meanwhile the actual perpetrators get to escape all the consequences by just… dying. just like that. and the rest of them, especially the adults… they’re pretty much useless? even the ones that wanted to do something by staging a revolt ended up being unreliable either bc 1. they were drunk on revenge or 2. all that power was getting to their head. ironically, rou was like “it’s all on us, the adults” but in the end even he decided to just spend the rest of his life chilling out underground -_-
on top of that, shion had to let go of nezumi. idk about y’all but that ending, that “promise to meet again” kiss was like… i couldn’t help but wonder if nezumi only did that because shion was all “a world without you is meaningless” and he had to give him something to cling onto. followed by shion’s devoted “i’ll keep waiting” which… idk, something about it felt utterly depressing. to be fair, nezumi always keeps his promises and the epilogue was vaguely hopeful i guess, but it still didn’t give me the sense of closure that i needed. 
to clarify, i’m not saying it’s a bad ending. it’s realistic and the implication that there’s still a lot of work to be done is very much in line with the story’s themes. just that something about it didn’t work for me personally, plus the lead up to it felt rushed, so it left me feeling :/ when i was done.
the plot… well, it started out exciting but turned out to be rather anticlimactic? the shift from science to supernatural had a proper build up, but still felt like a letdown for some reason… 
i think... maybe it’s bc dystopian stories tend to culminate in a huge battle and stuff like that, while this one just… didn’t. there was no final showdown with the Big Bad. there was chaos, but it hadn’t descended into total devastation yet, with the ultimate message that maintaining peace is always more preferable in order to prevent any more senseless deaths. and i guess that threw me off a little? not in a bad way, it was just unexpected bc i’m so used to the whole “final boss” format.
speaking of which, the antagonists were very one-dimensional, and for dictators they were surprisingly… weak. i mean, i get that hubris was precisely the reason for their carelessness and subsequent destruction, but it felt too convenient, too simple.
and i was sorta expecting something more gruesome when they got to the top floor of the correctional facility. idk, i guess brains floating in tubes just couldn’t compare with that scene of them climbing a mountain of corpses+half-alive people, which i had the misfortune of reading right before dinner. that was straight up horror.
and for all its depiction of the horrors of a police state, of poverty, famine, genocide… i felt like it stopped short of something. this isn’t meant to be a proper critique ofc, just that i remember feeling like the writing came across as wishy-washy or superficial at times, even though i knew the author’s intention wasn’t to hand out answers, but to get the readers to think. something about the way it was handled left me feeling unsatisfied i guess. 
that said, there were stuff that i did like! eg. i liked how the story dealt with the “we’re all human beings” statement from shion. it started out as a simple, idealistic “all lives matter” kind of thing, only to be turned on its head when he comes face-to-face with the kind of atrocities no.6 has committed. then it becomes less about that and more “our shared humanity means that we too have the capability to become cruel and apathetic.” or at least, that was my takeaway. 
hmm… in hindsight, i think it does what it set out to do well enough. that is, to convey a certain message to a certain group of people (teenagers i guess. this is YA after all). to inspire them to think for themselves, to realise that apathy is dangerous and to take responsibility for their own learning, but also to know that doing the “right” thing is not just about good intentions; it is constant hard work but still important work... among others. all of which are solid themes and messages. god knows when i was younger and learning about all this for the first time, even the simplest things would leave me mindblown for days. if i’d read this back then i imagine it would’ve left a bigger impression too.
the main highlight for me though, was probably the character scenes. i was surprised to find out how introspective the story was, with the majority of it dedicated to the characters’ internal thoughts and conflicts. 
sadly though, the side charas’ POVs (like inukashi’s and karan’s) ended up becoming tediously repetitive and draggy despite starting out strong. and safu… poor safu, she pretty much got the shortest end of the shit stick being the Plot Device Damsel In Distress Who Is Eventually Fridged. i had higher hopes for her ):
as for the rest… i don’t really care about rikiga… and who else… oh right! small nezumi team! hamlet, cravat and tsukiyo. 10/10 love them, would never get tired of their cute little squeaks.
and the protags… shion started out kinda bland but ended up being the easiest to relate to haha. eg. his constant struggle to reconcile his personal ideals with practical reality. and it was interesting to see how he confronted and came to terms with some harsh truths. he always tries so hard. sometimes it hurt to read, but it made me want to root for him and in a way, it gave me strength too. 
also his apparent “lack of interest” in sex/women/etc... i know it’s generally played for laughs or to highlight his ~naivete~ or ~immaturity~, but whatever lol it’s something i can relate to it v strongly.
nezumi took a while for me to warm up to even when i understood why he is the way he is. the callousness, hostility, volatility… they’re all defense mechanisms rooted in his trauma, but still, knowing that didn’t make him any less irritating lol. he could be deeply hypocritical at times and his tendency to randomly explode at shion was grating. on the plus side, it’s always very satisfying whenever we do get a glimpse of his more vulnerable side.
them as a pair though… i’m not a huge fan of the “fate brought us together” trope so i was skeptical at first. nezumi being so prickly and moody at first didn’t help either, but shion. oh shion, he tried so hard to worm himself into nezumi’s heart, to prove himself worthy, that i couldn’t help but be charmed. to me, they started out more like “snarky senpai and curious kouhai” as opposed to “friends” or even “potential enemies” as nezumi liked to insist they were, which made for an amusing dynamic. 
and while they did grow on me over time, they don’t make me feel that INTENSE CHEST STABBING feeling that i get with other ships. idk why, i mean, their sarcastic exchanges were amusing, their brutally honest arguments were compelling, and the pining (which is my #1 weakness) was through the fucking roof with shion. but still, something was missing.
sidenote on something the author mentioned in the guidebook interview (my own rough t/l):
I like writing about relationships between people of the same sex, not just boys. When it comes to the opposite sex, the end result of being attracted to each other is always romantic love, or getting married…… To a certain extent, the “template” for that is already fixed, isn’t it? But when it comes to the same sex, there can exist a connection that can’t be expressed in the usual cliched words like friendship, camaraderie, love, hatred… I think there’s meaning in writing about relationships that can’t be clearly defined. What’s between Shion and Nezumi is a “one-of-a-kind connection” that’s born out of a certain situation, out of certain experiences that only they have gone through. I wanted to find out what exactly that connection is, which was why I wanted to try writing it. Of course, that “one-of-a-kind connection” would probably exist between people of the opposite sex as well. After all, the feelings that emerge from a chance meeting of two human beings can never be something that’s mass-produced. But still, I think the one thing that I really enjoy writing about has got to be the unique emotions that develop between people of the same sex.
i know she doesn’t mean anything negative here, but idk… it kinda reminds me of the way yoshida akimi discussed ash and eiji’s relationship in banana fish, and the way she discussed what she found so special about same-sex relationships that is lacking in m/f relationships. and something about it bugs me so much. i don’t even know why or how to explain it… 
it sounds like to them, there’s something fundamentally “different” about same-sex relationships. "different” doesn’t necessarily mean “bad” and in fact, it even sounds positive in this context because the implication is that that “difference” allows for more freedom and variety in relationship dynamics. but i guess, the closest thing that i can come up with is that it sounds… othering? i don’t know….......
speaking of which, i suppose shion/safu is a subversion of that typical m/f relationship. shion can never love her the way she wants him to, which is heartbreaking, but also refreshing in a way.
and you know what… it just occurred to me that maybe, maybe… it’s the same with shion and nezumi. and maybe that’s why something about them feels off to me. i mean, obviously the strength of their feelings for each other is indisputable, but idk if the essence of it is the same. 
shrugs. anyway, yeah.
the honest truth is that, while i enjoyed their interactions immensely, they just don’t ignite the same fire in me as all my other otps. that said, i still do have a lot of thoughts on them! maybe that’s a post for another day.
some other stray thoughts:
- was it ever explained how nezumi built his robo rats? or where tf he managed to gather so many gold coins? was this something the story just handwaved or did i just forget?
- nezumi wanting to leave on a journey at the end baffled me. even though him eventually leaving was foreshadowed a couple times, he never really struck me as a wanderer to begin with. but now that i think about it… i wonder if he’s leaving bc he wants to, or rather, needs to look out for any other remaining forests and natural environments. that’s what his people did, didn’t they? protect the forests. i wonder if he’s going to go look for others like himself. after all, he’s the only surviving indigenous person left in the area surrounding no.6, isn’t he? hmmm.
language-wise... this is my first proper japanese (light) novel so i’m feeling kinda accomplished rn! lol. it was surprisingly not as tough as i had expected. i think the most difficult part was actually reading the quotes at the beginning of each chapter bc it’s in a font that’s so hard to make out.
oh, and again, some parts felt really redundant. i kept wondering if it was a language thing or an author thing. either way, i felt like there were quite a few unnecessary rehashes that could’ve been omitted to improve the pacing. 
sequels, other adaptations...
i’ve not read “beyond” yet, which apparently has sequel-ish bits? i’ve ordered it, it’s on its way, but i have a feeling my impression won’t change that much even after i’ve read it. heck, it might get worse judging by all these lukewarm reviews. i’m definitely gonna see this through to the end, but i’m feeling kinda scared now lol.
i might check out the anime? based on the summaries on wiki, it sounds like quite a lot has been altered, but i’m still curious about the visuals. dunno if i’d wanna check out the manga. if it’s exactly the same as the novels or the anime then maybe not…
oh yeah, their anime/manga versions look quite different to how i imagined them! mine’s closer to the novel covers i guess. especially nezumi. i imagined him with short hair. maybe not all super saiyan like the one below, but yea.
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lastly, i just had a good look at all the vol covers and i actually think they look pretty cool! i’m really glad i chose to get this version instead of the bunkobon. i mean, i don’t know if i will ever reread this again, but at least the covers are nice to look at haha.
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cavaliant · 6 years
😍, 🌛, 🍁for all of them :Y
munday meme // multimuse edition
😍 which muse is the biggest heart breaker
You would think it’d be Fergus or Beowolf, but it’s actually Diarmuid. Unintentionally, but he’s still left quite a few admirers sighing over his continued lack of romantic pursuits. He’s sweet, well-mannered, responsible, basically the perfect boy-next-door except he’s also a prince with the Charm skill and I feel like this would have quite a few village girls (and boys, and whoever) falling for him pretty easily. Particularly while he’s working as an Agustrian diplomat and makes it a point to walk around town a lot and really get to know the people of the country. 
Unfortunately for them, in my canonverse Diarmuid never settles down with anyone and just remains the single, doting uncle figure for his friends’ kids. While I think he can feel romantic love, it’s not a thing he thinks about a lot and he’s perfectly happy with platonic love. (Incidentally, he has no predestined matches in 2nd gen Genealogy, all his love growths with the girls start at 0.)
🌛 which muse is the biggest dreamer
Diarmuid again maybe? He’s the youngest of my muses and also the most optimistic, trusting, and hopeful. He knows the world is a shitty place and that it takes a lot of hard work to change things, and he’s willing to put in the work to achieve that. Still, he’d like for the world to be a better place, and he’d like believe the best in people, and things would be so much easier if people were kind to each other but they aren’t and so??? He wants to change that.
{Last question under cut because I rambled lol}
🍁 what inspired you to write/create (specify muse)
I’m gonna list these in the order I added them…
Reinhardt: started using him in Heroes like ‘who dis’, found him useful, read up on his story and game and fell deep into liking him and also Jugdral hell, became friends with someone else who also loved him and we fed each others’ thirst with drawings back and forth. Was creeping nonpareiltactician’s blog one day when I saw a bribe pool for a Reinhardt and after about a month of waffling decided to take the plunge and dive into the FE RP comm. Haven’t regretted it since ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Fred: I don’t actually remember exactly, but he’s part of Olwen’s (and by extension Reinhardt’s kind of) character arc and so he popped up sometimes when I was looking up the Dire Sibs. I really admired his spirit and will and wanted to give him some love I guess? I felt bad for him being described as just ordinary all the time (also it is damn hard to find fanart of him, all you ever see here is Frederick art if you search for Fred…).
Machyua: I’d briefly considered adding her before because I’d been looking at more Thracia charas to add but dismissed the idea because she had so little dialogue/art/info (like everyone else in Thracia lmao…) Then caraidean was like “Ced probably has a bit of a crush on Machyua” and I was like damn…I was considering her…so that happened lol.
Fergus: Light (clericallis) and Kris (herousanimarum) and I were talking about the ‘no homo’ meme and I was lamenting the fact that my muses were all too serious to say those things (and were all really serious in general). Thus I searched Thracia for a less serious character and bam, Fergus was added (I’m not joking that’s literally the reason lmfao). Though Reinhardt ended up being the one answering those meme asks lol. Fergus’ first act on this blog was to…make puns about the dick saga (and then to get immediately chewed out by Karin. Wild).
Diarmuid and Beowolf: These two are combined because I added them at the same time. I really wanted to flesh out Fergus’ relationships with his family members and build up more solid characterizations for them in my mind, so I was just sitting around wishing someone would pick those two up but to no avail… I ended up looking more into their info and reading metas/fic and also the rest of the Blondshell Squad kept saying to just give in and accept my blond destiny. So here they are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
I’m not gonna thread with myself or anything but I can make the family speak to each other now and I get to portray their relationship with my own headcanons whatever way I want. I actually expected to have a harder time writing Beo than I do? Since there’s less material about him. I definitely didn’t expect him to take over my blog. Like Fergus, he’s just a lot of fun to write because the two of them basically have no filter lmao.
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isaassination · 4 years
Ernest Schmithson: The Experiment
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Ernest diregis ketika aku lagi break RP, setelah Isaac dan sekian chara cewe yang gagal kumainin. I thought, I’ve had enough of this incapability (of writing a new chara/of moving on, lol). Tapi waktu itu aku ditawarin ama Kakdin buat mainin sepupu charanya, dan ketika dikasih tau sedikit latar belakangnya, I was sold.
Lahirlah Ernest Schmithson.
Basic Traits
Karena aku sedang dalam proses moving on, seperti halnya Isaac, Ernest juga sempet jadi korban recycle chara-charaku yang lain. AKU SEMAGER ITU BUAT BIKIN TIPE CHARA BARU. Ernest was heavily influenced by Isaac, as some of you might notice already, dan sebenarnya aku pengin jadiin James Potter HIMSELF sebagai landasan teori buat karakter Ernest. The thing is, James Potter has his Marauders, jadi aku pun bikin Marauders-nya Ernest: The Little Rascals.
Mereka adalah NPC, temen-temen Ernest di rumah yang secara garis besar aku plot buat bantu ngembangin karakternya Ernest, in case di Hogwarts dia ga punya geng kayak di rumah (dan pada akhirnya emang ga punya, HUHUHU).
Basic traits Ernest (aku kopas dari postnya di blog) adalah sbb:
Adrenaline junkie. He won’t stop accepting challenges like his life depends on it. It’s nothing about the pride, it’s about the good times and feels that he will attain, though in a way it helps shape his arrogance.
A lazy competitor. No, you cannot win anything or be better than him, but it will take some real time for him to come forward and claim his glory. Therefore, in order to overcome his failing to compete and win, he turns malicious, bitter and vengeful.
His curiosity only hurts the cat. He’s got enough passion to figure out things he doesn’t understand, but not quite willing to risk himself over it. He doesn’t act on demand, so curiosity kids kills the thrill.
Actually struggles with his self-worth. Doesn’t like being invisible; he needs to be in the limelight, yet still doubtfully deems himself worthy to take the throne on top.
Once you got into his black list, he’ll probably lure you slowly with his smooth spider-y web that can entangle you without knowing it. He’s mischievous and slick, anyway.
Despises being treated as inferior. He loathes people who look down on other people (hypocritically speaking), thus it will tickle his almost-indulging pride. He realizes where he resides, therefore this concerns him quite greatly.
Pretty loyal for a friend. Though he might act a little too bossy and arrogant, he still has a good heart and a soul of a good friend who’s willing to fight for you (not die; he loves himself more than he loves you).
Smooth criminal. Knowing that his action can get him into trouble, Ernest never puts on a too-crowd-inviting act. He always makes sure that the room fits for the people, let the rest listen.
Di luar dugaan, pas masuk Hogwarts, Ernest lebih suka take charge sendiri. Dia emang sering banget “ngerekrut” orang-orang buat ngikutin “acaranya”, kayak main Dark Box, ngebuktiin misteri Kappa di Hogwarts (atau apalah itu), dll. Tapi setelah acaranya beres, he went back to being independent.
Dia lebih sering loncat-loncat dari satu komplotan ke komplotan lain, alih-alih bikin komplotan sendiri dan jadi pemimpin. Ga jarang Ernest ngumpul-ngumpul sama cowo-cowo Durjana Ravenclaw, atau sama Zagan Azra dan Dino Whiskey (yang selalu dia bully). Zagan sebenernya yang lebih sering nemenin dia, dan sangat berpotensi buat jadi Peter Pettigrew-nya, wkwkwk *ditakol PM-nya*
Yeah, he basically spent two or three years being lone criminal #halah, tapi pada akhirnya Ernest ngerasa Hogwarts mulai membosankan. Ini sebenernya salah PM-nya sih, yang telat ngegali karakter dan tidak aktif, hehehe. Jadinya ketinggalan 2 taun deh. Everybody’d been experiencing things here and there, while Ernest stayed the same. Di sinilah sebenernya titik stuck karakter Ernest, huft.
Aku udah ngerasa Ernest ketinggalan jauh buat mulai bikin komplotan; tau-tau dia udah remaja aja. Entah kenapa setiap chara udah masuk kelas empat tuh aku bawaannya suka ikut jadi angsty, like my conscious knows that they’ve become a teenager, meskipun mainku ga gitu aktif dan jadi lebih sering privat.
Pada taun ketiga atau keempat, Ernest ngga sengaja terlibat deep talk sama Lina Poitou. Bocah yang sukanya main-main dan berbuat onar itu ternyata bisa juga diajak mikir jauh, dari hal receh sampai filosofis. (Even I didn’t know that he’s capable of thinking that big, wkwkwk.) Ga lama kemudian, Ernest jadi lebih suka mikir lebih dulu daripada impulsif ngelakuin banyak hal (though in some occasions, it couldn’t be helped).
Pertemuan itu juga menimbulkan spark baru dalam diri Ernest, yang memotivasi dia buat ngejar semua kelas yang dia tinggalin dan ikut JunApp. Tiba-tiba Ernest jadi visioner: dia udah tahu mau jadi apa setelah lulus nanti, dan dia tahu gimana cara ngewujudinnya. Selama perjuangannya nge-JunApp, Ernest juga mulai patched things up sama temen-temen Gryffindor-nya. Dia jadi lebih menghargai persahabatan sama orang-orang di luar The Little Rascals.
Sisi rebellious Ernest sebenernya makin triggered ketika dia dijodohkan paksa pada tahun keenam. Ernest sempat merasa kalau dunianya gelap sebentar, dan tiba-tiba bayangannya buat masa depan lenyap gitu aja. But he’d turned the pain into revenge, janji sama diri sendiri buat ngelempar bukti kesuksesannya ke muka orang tuanya. Dia jadi lebih ambisius dalam hidup, meski pada akhirnya harus ninggalin komplotannya di rumah dan benar-benar berusaha sendirian; lepas dari orang-orang yang udah membesarkan dia.
Karakter Ernest sebenernya statis dan ga banyak perubahan, karena akunya sendiri ga sempet eksplor jauh dan sampai selesai. Here’s the possibilities of what he could’ve been or done:
-          Lulus dengan spesialisasi Evocation, then tossed that away to train for quidditch.
-          Jadi pemain quidditch Inggris.
-          Once he thought himself worthy, ngelamar Lina Poitou, terus nikah dan Bahagia selamanya, huehuehue~
 Thanks for tuning in!
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
It’s a long day folks. We were up at 5 to get to the venue by 7. You aren’t meant to line up until 8 and goods weren’t meant to go on sale until 10.
Heaps of people were there earlier in a somewhat orderly fashion. But management decided to fuck us all around and said we needed to line up from the opposite end of where we were. This may not seem like a big deal, but remember items are limited and resellers are a thing. This was a chance for people who arrived later to get to the front.
There was a literal stampede. People were screaming and being shoved. I was separated from my group numerous times, and only got back with them due to shoving others and the kindness of other fans who clearly realised I was with the other foreigners.
To get to the other side, management made us go in a complete circle. It was unnecessary and quite frankly, a little dangerous. It didn’t stop people who were there earlier from being close to the line, or help those who arrived on time be rewarded. It was just bad planning.
Of course, then it started raining. Umbrellas went up and if I hadn’t of been wearing glasses I would have been poked in the eye more than once. To say it was unpleasant would be an understatement.
The line slowly shuffled along. Every now and again people behind us would start pushing like mad, despite the fact that the line wasn’t moving. It was 35+ degrees Celsius, no air con, everyone was a bit hot and bothered. These jerks were not helping or doing anything to get the line moving faster.
If you follow my snapchat and/or twitter, you may have seen me mention the kindness of fans. This specifically refers to one lady in line who let me stay under her umbrella with her and who talked to me when I was separated from my friends. It also refers to another girl who kindly returned one of my badges to me.
You read that right. The lines and shoving were so bad, numerous people were having items ripped off their ita bags.
I don’t care where you’re from, that’s disgusting. It’s unnecessary, rude and disheartening. We’re all meant to be fans of the same thing and we all know some of these items are expensive or rare. The fans who were helping others get their things back were the MVPs of the day. Everyone who pushed and shoved can eat dog food for the rest of their life.
Goods started being sold early, at 9. Most likely due to the feral crowd. We were only a little over 100 people into the line, but by the time we got there, all of the keychains had sold out, as had some other items. On the other hand, by the time the first session finished, most items were sold out yet the amount of tshirts left was overflowing. Whoever did the math in the product department really needs to be fired. So many goods were gone, and the badges being so limited was honestly appalling. They want our money and Tri is a pretty blatant cash cow to the point it’s disgusting, yet they limited the badges (among others), one of the few things people are happy to buy quite a lot of, to such a small amount. Very bad planning. Lots of people were disappointed and trading was mediocre as a result.
We left the building just after 12. We’d spent around five hours lining up, buying goods and trading. We went to a supermarket and got some food, and since we had our trading stuff still out, a little girl came over to talk to us. I was with people who got Meiko badges (so many people did) and they didn’t want her, so they gave the badges to the little girl and her brother. A new set of Digi fans in the making???
I ended up trading the Koushirou acrylic stand to THE Koushirou fan. She lost her shit. In exchange I got ‘frontier no debu’ (the frontier fatty). She couldn’t remember Junpei’s name ;;; I also traded something else (Omegamon?) for LadyDevimon which is an A++++++ trade, tho the other girl was very confused as to why I wanted LDevimon. I SO regret not ordering that figure it’s sooooooo beautiful!!!! They had the prototypes for the sibling figures as well, and I can’t wait until the Yamakeru one is mine, they’re so cute!!!
For seats, I was in the fifth row, pretty much in the centre. Before you went in they had the life size AguGabu duo. One kid was like ‘um, no thanks!’ when his mum made him have a photo with them and I ended up sitting next to him. The girl on my other side was there for the first time too and pretty much cried the entire time haha
So first up was a talk and the reveal of the twitter poll. Nobody believed Jyou has a girlfriend – everyone thought that scene was the funniest moment. This happened a few times during the conversation. Every time it came up, his VA would just stand up, shrug and go I DO TOO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.
Meiko got a lot of support – Junko (iirc) said she supported Meiko because ‘she moved to Tokyo from the country’. As someone who lives in rural Japan, I can totally relate! Literally nobody supported Yamato lmao
I apologise that it’s short, but it was funny and interesting, but I can’t remember a lot of specifics sorry ;;; Fans and staff were shocked Leomon died. Like, have y’all ever been involved in this franchise????
Mini live – Miyazaki then AiM. Most people are only familiar with adventure stuff tho, which is kinda sad. It is also the main focus of fes so it’s understandable.
Next was advertising. Basically the figures, Agumon being in Appmon etc. Unfortunately, they showed a lot of this pre-show while we were waiting, so it was pretty dumb and pointless unless you came in just before the show started :/
The trailer, obviously online now, made people excited. I’m hoping Hikari goes dark either because of Taichi, or she tries to fight Takeru and Taichi gets in the way and gets hurt hehe~ Nobody really spoke about it tho.
Next was the drama segment. Essentially, there’s a singing contest and the winner gets an all you can eat buffet with them and friends. Obviously, with nine kids and mons, that's a great prize! Yamato wasn’t there due to his VA being ill, which came up a few times.
They all sung their chara songs, which was a little dull tbh. If it had been last year, it would have been great promo for the cds, but this year it feels too late and they didn’t want to put effort into a full drama.
Jyou ran off because the pressure made him have a bad stomach. Gomamon tried to bring him back and failed. Gabumon tried to bring Yamato in but failed but Gabu sung. Most of the cast didn’t sing. Hikari and Gomamon sung. Takeru did as well, Patamon blew him out of the water since it’s Seiyuu was jumping around and being cute.
Mimi sung I wish iirc and then started with Super Girl. AiM came out and they duet’d. It was pretty rad and you can hear how close new Mimi is to AiM’s Mimi. Palmon was like ‘wow two Mimi’s!!’ and Koushirou was ??? a little confused by past and present versions.
Agumon’s seiyuu ROCKED Agumon Sunba and then  Agumon Ondo (fit will since it’s matsuri and obon season). I would drink with her any day of the week. The seiyuu and lifesize Agu Gabu all joined in to dance, and it was cute how some of them had no clue what they were doing.
Meikuumon also sung. Weird to see the VA do the voice change so quickly. And she’s so tall??
Anyway, Agumon won and Mimi was low key pissed. “I lost to Agumon? That’s kinda…”
Then, the new song. Aikotoba. Holy shit it’s pretty. It’s very soothing, their voices work so well together. Please buy a copy of the CD!!!! I haven’t heard a single person say they didn’t like it. Wonderful song and lyrics.
Of course, everyone sang Butterfly. They had Wada-san’s performance from the time when they announced tri, which was special. Everyone gets kinda emotional. It’s definitely a moment where everyone feels like family.
In the group photo, I can’t be seen but I can see my light stick lol Most people had red or blue, so I chose green to represent Mimi (no point in representing Yama if he isn’t there lol). So it was easy to figure out where I was haha
By the time we left it was 4ish, and by the time we got home it was 9. A very, very long day, but a mostly eventful and amazing one <3
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seigyokus · 7 years
Translation+lyrics below the cut!
esの憂鬱 es no Yuuutsu Melancholy of es
Arisugawa Homare (CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki) Mikage Hisoka (CV: Terashima Junta)
溜息ついて あなたまた Tameiki tsuite anata mata With a sigh, you begin to toy around 
退屈と戯れ Taikutsu to tawamure With boredom once more.
暗い予感落としていた Kurai yokan otoshite ita A dark premonition fell before my eyes
運命の後をつけたんだ Unmei no ato wo tsuketanda So I chased after fate itself.
物言わぬ影に誘い込まれて Mono iwanu kage ni sasoi komarete Tempted by an unspeaking shadow--
突きつけられた殺人 Tsuki tsukerareta satsujin A murder was thrust before us.
声を潜める真実と Koe wo hisometa shinjitsu to The whispered truth, the footprints left behind,  
残された足跡だけが Nokosareta ashi ato dake ga and nothing else--
静かに 語りかけるよ Shizuka ni katari kakeru yo They quietly speak to us, 
憂いた言葉で Ureita kotoba de in grief-ridden words.
張り巡らされた嘘 嗚呼 Hari megurasareta uso Aa Ah, a web of lies,
謎に朧な 陰縫い Nazo ni oboro na kagenui And the faintly embroidered outline of a riddle.
秘密明かすように Himitsu akasu you ni These words have a faint fragrance to them--
そっと香る言の葉 Sotto kaoru kotonoha as if they're divulging their secrets to us.
擦り切れてた悲しい愛が Suri kireteta kanashii ai ga Ah, the two accomplices
嗚呼、仕組んだ共犯 Aa shikunda kyouhan brought together by a tragic, worn-out love
今は 優しい夢を Ima wa yasashii yume wo Are now in the midst of a gentle dream.
暴かれてちった真実 Abakarete chitta shinjitsu The truth, now exposed and scattered away,
残された足跡だけが Nokosareta ashi ato dake ga the footprints left behind, and nothing more--
静かに 語りかけるよ Shizuka ni katari kakeru yo They quietly speak to us,
憂いた言葉で Ureita kotoba de in grief-ridden words.
全てをあざ笑うように Subete wo azawarau you ni A mirage bewitchingly shimmers,
妖しく光る 陽炎 Ayashiku hikaru kagerou as if it were sneering at everything.
終わらせてあげる Owarasete ageru At the very least, let me end it for you
せめて自分の手で Semete jibun no te de with my own hands.
さよなら 嗚呼無情 Sayonara Aa mujou Farewell-- Ah, how heartless, how cruel.
TL Notes/comments:
no that is not a typo there are actually 3 u's in yuuutsu bc it's yuu-utsu, im sorry it looks like that
tbt the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya amirite
ALSO the lyrics tie pretty deeply into the event play so if you don't want spoilers, go watch the lil chibi play and come back!!! I wrote up a lil personal reference sheet idk if that helps 
退屈と戯れ - k this confused me a little but I did what i could LOL 
暗い予感落としていった - otosu means 'to drop' aka either implied you're the one who dropped it or someone did it. but i tl'd it as if it were transitive or passive bc fuck if i know what im doing!!!!!!!!! just tryna sound flowery Bro... 
THO perhaps it's a reference to the handkerchief that was plopped right in front of Toujou Shiki (Hisoka) on that windy day that led to this whole mess of a murder-mystery.
秘密明かすようにそっと香る言の葉 - just wanted to say: MAN THIS TIES RIGHT INTO THE STORY, the fragrance left behind on the bookmark/handkerchief is how Shiki figured out the murder.
張り巡らされた嘘 嗚呼 - 張り巡らす means 'to be spread out' like a wiring system, irrigation system, or 'to be stretched out'. so i took some creative liberties and just wrote 'web of lies' bc that is (1) spread out like a _____ system and also (2) pretty damn stretched out. fuck spider webs tbh. 
ALSO i styled 'ah/aa' as 嗚呼 bc, (1) why tf not (2) the only reason why I started tling this song was because the last line was Aa Mujou, and i immediately thought of lovelive and then i went and relistened to the entire song's lyrics and fELL HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THE CONTENT (3) technically this is a taisho era song so i'm allowed 2 toss in a little ye olde time japanese y/n??? y-yes?
謎に朧な 陰縫い - i couldn't really hear this line over tosshi very passionately crooning his line, and I also wasn't sure which kagenui they were referring to? if I even heard it righT!!!!! bc 影縫い is some ninjutsu technique where u throw shuriken to presumably stop someone in their tracks iirc, and 陰縫い is a japanese embroidery technique where you only embroider the outline of a shape. so uh I went very very very loosely with the second one and left the japanese lyrics in kana because, well, fucK if i know what im doing!!!!11.... 
after reading the event story/watching the play i'm 90% certain it's the embroidery one... After all, kusanagi's (the girl that got murdered) name was embroidered on her handkerchief and that ended up being a pivotal clue in deducing who her murderer was. 
uhh I left my dumb debating commentary there so u can laugh @ my ridiculous thought process. aka, don't try to tl shit without reading every available thing first LMAO
声を潜める真実 - lit. the truth, which makes you lower your voice. tl’d as ‘whispered’ because Aesthetic
擦り切れてた悲しい愛が / 嗚呼、仕組んだ共犯 / 今は 優しい夢を 
‘accomplice’ i interpreted as the kusanagi sibling pair. it’s heavily implied that miss kusanagi was okay with being killed by her ‘beloved older brother,’ kusanagi shizuma (azuma’s character). 
yasashii yume sounds like a very very poetic way to say ‘resting in peace’, which kinda ties into the whole ‘miss kusanagi didn’t want to get married off to souma kyouichi (tsumugi) and chose death at the hands of her brother’ thing instead 
THIS is all personal interp, so feel free 2 take the lyrics however tf u want
陽炎 - i tl'd as mirage instead of heat haze just bc it sounded better
last line i shoved in yet another def for mujou bc i wanted it to be drawn out just a little bit more so it'd sound a little more lyrical
overall, I wasn't sure which phrases were combine-able or not so i kinda just combined them willy nilly as i saw fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha! ha! ha! 
anyways I just wanted 2 tl this for fun bc it's been a while since I worked on anything flowery, and bc I just really love this sONG
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 years
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Time for my post-WonFes2017summer picks.  ^_^  (Also including some figures that were announced a little before WonFes.)
My definite buys:
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For me, the heart-stopping surprises were Nendoroid Taikogane Sadamune and Nendoroid Lina.  I mean, seriously?!  *O*  Sada-chan was on my WonFes wishlist, but I didn’t think there was a real chance of seeing him!  And Lina---!  That was completely out of no where!  Slayers was one of my oldest fandoms, and I didn’t think anyone even knew that series anymore!  On top of that, the Volks booth at AX2017, less than a month ago, made it seem like Volks had all the rights to make Lina figures. Though I would have preferred her TV series outfit, her movie outfit has pretty versatile pants that might be good on other Nendoroids. And hey, if she paves the way for a Nendoroid Zel, then I’ve got no complaints.  Regardless, a Nendoroid Lina Inverse is a dream come true.  *o*  The way I felt when I saw these 2 Nendoroids is exactly how I should feel about all the figures I preorder (instead of wasting my money on lukewarm buys).  
Casual version Yuri was also a surprise.  Not the “take my breath away”, "I can't wait to buy this" type of surprise, but more just surprised how much Good Smile Company is milking Yuri on Ice.  I guess it makes sense, with the fanbase so rabid.  But a whole other Nendoroid only really makes sense in terms of the characters’ different skating outfits.  This isn’t a skating outfit!  But somehow they knew they could get away with this, AND an upcoming coach outfit version for Victor!  LOL ^o^  ...But I can’t really complain.  I love versatile wardrobe for my Nendoroid collection in general.  Now I don't have to get that Nendoroid Yuki Nagato Disappearance version for her own similar coat.  ^-^  
And of course I'm obligated to get the maiko version of Kyoko Sakura.  She's my least favorite of the Holy Quintet, but I love wafuku, I'm a completionist, and I am getting the rest of this upcoming PMMM maiko set.  I'm sure they'll make her look beautiful.  Anyway, I kind of liked Kyoko from the Rebellion movie.  ^_^
Figma Joker didn't premier at WonFes, but he was displayed there, while his preorder was just opening.  So, let's count him.  I NEED THIS FIGMA SO MUCH.  Regardless that I had just decided to drop collecting Figma, since I prefer chibi Nendoroids...  But this Figma, I'd have no regrets getting.  ^o^  Joker's costume is just so cool!  I've always loved black trench coats, often drew them on character illustrations, and almost bought Nendoroid/Figma Kirito just because of his black trench coat (even though I don't watch SAO).  But now that I'm totally in the Persona 5 fandom, I'm so glad that there's now a black trench coat'ed figure for a character I already love.  
Next are figures I might buy, but not quite sure yet:
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I haven't watched "Welcome to the Ballroom" yet, but if Tatara Fujita's scruffy-haired character design is any indication, he might be the earnest, sincere, cinnamon roll type that's one of my favorites.  *.*  If I get into this series late, and it turns out I'll love it, then I'll really regret missing this preorder window.  But even besides that, his tux is so versatile and nice, I might want to get him just to add to my Nendoroid collection's overall wardrobe.  
I kind of dropped off of watching "New Game" for some reason, even though it's got all the moe and "slice of life" that I love.  o_o?  But before I forgot about it, Hifumi was one of my favorites.  ^.^!  So socially awkward and exuberant through text messages...She's just so relatable!  ^u^  And so adorably shy!  If I was following this series closely, I'd HAVE TO have this Nendoroid.  But I'm not so sure now.
Kasen Kanesada has nice character design, but I really have to lay off the Touken Ranbu Nendoroids.  Originally, I wanted only the Date-gumi Nendoroids.  But before Orange Rouge was created, we had to support all the male figures we could, until they got the hint.  In other words, I bought all of the first few Touken Ranbu Nendoroids, and now it's ballooned into this huge chunk of my collection.  x_x;  Even though they have such nice character designs, I really have to stop now!  @w@!  Also, I'd normally collect all the hakama I could, but I've already got some from 2 other TouRabu Nendoroids and 2 more TouRabu Nendoroid Co-de.  I should really stop now.  ...But I do like wafuku...
This chibi Lelouch is an Ichiban Kuji / Kyun-Chara from Banpresto.  I don't really have any feeling about this Code Black costume design, but I'm just so desperate for a chibi Lelouch to match my Chibi-Arts C.C., I'd probably buy this figure if I came across it.  
Next group is made of figures I really shouldn’t buy, but they’re very tempting:
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A few days ago, I saw Nendoroid Tomo Kunagisa, and though I have no idea what "The Beheading Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense Bearer" is, I began to seriously think about preordering her.  She's got multi-shaded blue hair!  *o*  It's got hints of greeen and indigo...  I'm a sucker for pastel hair and cool colors (vs warm colors), but most of the pastel-haired Nendoroids I already bought are lavender or pink haired.  I'd _love_ more blue-haired Nendoroids, especially with multiple blue-ish hues like Tomo.  Plus, she's just so cute!  Look at her little bare feet!  She comes with down AND braided hair...Her coat is cute...She holds a little flower accessory...And she even comes with a seated pose!
But if I get Tomo, I'd have to get Ii-chan, from the same series.  I say that as a completionist, but honestly, his casual hoodie sweatshirt and jeans would be a great addition to my overall Nendoroids' wardrobe.  And I'd no longer have to consider geting an Osomatsu-san Nendoroid, just for the same type of outfit.  That'd be a relief, because I'm not really a fan of those Osomatsu character designs. But if I'm in for Tomo, then I'd be in for Ii-chan too, and that sounds like a lot of money for a series I know nothing about and characters I don't know enough to have attachment to.  o_o;  
Then there's the Arthur Pendragon Nendoroid.  I'm not really a Fate Stay Night fan, let alone, a Fate Grand Order, or whatever spinoffs are going on with that series now.  But that Arthur Pendragon has a nice character design!  I really like his hair, going off into different directions.  And that armor could turn out pretty cool once it's painted too.  Previously, I've gotten Nendoroid Annelotte just because of her intricate armor, even though I wasn't into her series.  So why not Arthur Pendragon?  Like her, he could be a beauty piece.  And maybe it'd be nice to have a Western styled warrior next to my Touken Ranbu Nendoroids.  He'd either fit right in or make an interesting contrast.  It would just seem unfair if I didn't get him, while I was willing to get all those TouRabu Nendoroids---But I'm supposed to be saving money!!!  I have to stick to my rule of not buying from series/characters I don't know!  For once, I need to TRY adhering to that rule!  ;o;  
The Code Geass figures are pretty self-explainatory, given that it's one of my favorite series and CLAMP's Mokona Appapa is one of my favorite illustrators.  ^_^  But still, static scale figures are soooooooooo expensive.  And that Lelouch/Suzaku figure looks super expensive!  x_x;  I can't get that.
And lastly, there are the figures I’ve decided not to buy:
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Some of these figures used to be on my wishlist when they were first announced, but I've decided against them by now.  The rest are just minor interests worth noting, but I never intended to buy.  
Originally, I was going to get Figma Utena, Figma Umi Ryuuzaki, Figma Fuu Hououji, and Nendoroid Ariel.  But I got Figma Hikaru Shidou a while ago, and though I love that character, I just can't really get excited about scale figures.  But it's not just that: I have to save money, especially when I know there are so many Nendoroids I want.  x_x;  And of course, Racing Mikus are just fanciful dreams that I will never actually purchase.  Racing Mikus are too expensive!  Otherwise, I would have also gotten that knight themed Racing Miku, in addition to this year's green butterfly fairy Racing Miku!  
And Ariel, though not a scale figure, just didn't turn out as cute as I had hoped.  When I first saw her figure announcements, I very weakly committed to considering her preorder, because I wanted to try turning my other Nendoroid characters into mermaids/mermen.  But looking at her waist joint close up, I'm not sure it would align well with the Nendoroid Co-de Fundoshi, Nendoroid Aoba Seragaki's alternate body, etc.  And let's face it: I have to cut more out of my figure spending.  And realistically, I'm not fanatical about Disney.  I have to drop Ariel.  If I really want a mermaid Nendoroid, I should make a tail accessory, even as jsut a cloth sleeve to slip over a Nendoroid's legs.  I *make* figure accessories for aritst alley, for goodness sakes!  I shouldn't have to rely on Nendoroid Ariel for my Nendoroid mermaid/merman figure photography.
Juzumaru is pretty, but his costume design really isn't doing it for me.  He's just an honorable mention because I like Touken Ranbu and he's voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa, and old favorite seiyuu.  
Ryu Mustang is also an honorable mention.  I have no intention of buying him either.  He's just worth noting because FMA is cool.  ^_^  
When I originally saw the Magical Mirai 5th Anniversary Miku's unpainted prototype, I'll admit that big top hat was intriguing.  But Do I really need it?  I can make that.  I already have made smaller top hats for my Nendoroids and Chibi-Arts before.  I was not expecting this Magical Mirai Miku to look so good after painting.  *_*  All the cool colors I love, different hues blending together in her hair, and that cool backdrop of playing cards flying around behind her.  It's just really pretty!  ^-^  But still, another unnecessary expense.  
Nendoroid Wonder Woman isn't really a figure I ever seriously considered for the sake of AmeriComi.  I just happened to be thinking lately about cobbling together a custom Nendoroid that looks like me, in the same way Nendo Stories did.  But looking through the entire Good Smile Company Nendoroid catalog, it seems like Wonder Woman's hair is the closest thing to resembling mine.  
And lastly, Casual version Oikawa Toru.  No.  I am not bringing a Nendoroid Oikawa into my house!  He lost whatever slim chance he had, when the Iwaizumi Nendoroid perorders closed.  I might have accepted bringing Oikawa into my collection if I had an Iwaizumi to beat him up.  But that's done.  So get out of here, Trashykawa!  Don’t come in here with your goddamned versatile school uniform that would look great on so many of my other Nendoroids…  Just stop it already!  ;w;
Lastly, though I like Touken Ranbu, I'm not interested enough in figures from their butai stage show musicals.  I might consider the costumes as beauty pieces, if they were Nendoroids.  But Nendoroid Petites are something I’m saving my wallet from.  At least that’s one thing I can alleviate my wallet from buying.  Thankfully.  Thank goodness.  WonFes is already kicking my wallet’s butt, as it is…  x_x;
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allebooklover · 7 years
aa:p4 weaponry
I was thinking about it and maybe Pearls is the weaponsdealer this time round. Ok, to expand on this - I was thinking of giving them an item that would allow them to see clearly in the shadow world. A personal object that would, through spiritual energy, allows them to see clearly through the fogs in the shadow world like teddy’s glasses do for the p4 cast. Something like that.
I mostly got the idea from when Pearl imbued the magatama with spiritual energy, which allowed him to see Psyche Locks. I was wondering how to translate Pearl’s role here, since she’s an adorable little kid and I don’t want to leave her out, and this - spiritual sight clearing device! Which helps them channel certain powers, like Apollo’s Sight, Athena’s Hearing, Phoenix’s Psyche Locks, Miles Logic Chess etc., or help summon their personas. Or both.
My original thoughts were for Pearls to transform the Weapons into the form of their Personal Object, but small innocent Pearls getting access to weapons didn’t really sit right with me, so I changed it to Sight Clearing Object. I think it works better that way tbh.
Weapon dealers could be the detectives (at least for the first part - see this cool post by onyourwings for more details! Although nothing is set in stone yet haha :’D), but idk. hmm. I was kind of hoping to see them as support charas who have to go through their time in the tv world, but I think they could be the Real World Investigation Party Supporters or something. Again, not sure.
I wonder if I could get the Judge to be the Weapon dealer… but in terms of storyline he’s like Igor so… nggh I’ll just leave the slot open for now I guess.
Below lies their personal sight-clearing items and possible weapons Possible (not sure but here just in case) Spoilers for AA1-5.
                                     DEFENCE ATTORNEYS
- Phoenix Wright -
Sight Clearing Object: Magatama | Weapon: Shield (mb with sword)
Magatama because that’s how he’s able to see all those psyche locks (like the fog!), which get him close to the truth. Plus, it is canon he gets his powers from the Magatama, leaving it out would be a gigantic travesty in my opinion haha.
Shield since I vision Phoenix as a very defence-based fighter, due to his ridiculous luck at escaping accidents. Seriously, coming out of a car crash with only a sprained ankle? A raging devil riverfall with only a cold? This guy’s stamina’s and defence is ridiculously high. Also, he just, I dunno, seems like someone who’s a really defensive fighter? Not the type to go all out attack straight off the bat, unlike some prosecutors we know. Not sure why I think that way tbh. So I gave him a shield.
But since he’s the original character, giving him a sword also works, since its unique in that he’s the only one who can switch into another stance, and gives him the chance to go more on the offensive. His defences would go down, but the boost in attack power should help cover for that. So his primary weapon is a shield, while his secondary weapon (which is admittedly not used much) is the sword. Preferably a guan dao or a sabre, since both can be used effectively in one hand and with a shield.
Darkness more than light, fire, ice, electricity, wind, the Wild card has all and protects them and humanity with his shield, sword hidden near his hip for the few cases when a defensive approach is no longer needed, when the time to attack is right.
- Apollo Justice -
Sight Clearing Object: Bracelet | Weapon: Bow
Bracelet! Because his bracelet is actually what he uses to concentrate his focusing power so eyy, too good to pass up. Also, its clearly very important to him. And aa5 proves that he’s unable to really turn it off so in this au I can just pass it off as a side effect that just revealed what was already there or something haha. So much plots I can use it for mwahahaha.
As for why the bow - Originally, it was gauntlets, but it didn’t feel right, and he has pretty much average strength. @onyourwings and @worldbeyondtheworld agreed and provided the perfect alternative - the Bow! Which fits ridiculously well considering that the God Apollo uses a bow. It’d put his sharp eyesight to good use too, and we definitely need more far-ranged members on this team. Pfft imagine him using his Chord of Steel to tell others to get out of the way while he shoots from a distance - it’d be both cute and badass!
Wind that carries his shouts to afar, that caresses his cheeks and ruffles his hair and guides his arrows directly to home, blowing back the enemies in a gale that is as determined as the hurricane of determination in his soul.
- Athena Cykes -
Sight Clearing Object: Widget | Weapon: Gauntlets
Ok, I chose Widget as the SCO because she often uses it to figure out the emotions she hears, which in turn helped her find the truth - and it’s important to her, as well, due to it being a memento from her mom. Plus, Widget is an emotional-measuring device, which can come in pretty handy to detecting emotional distress and helping people accept their shadow selves without another freakout. So Widget it is!
As for why she’s given gauntlets, well, canon states she’s got self defence training, and I still remember that scene where she body throws Apollo over her shoulder in AA5 (lol rip Apollo). She’s strong, pretty aggressive when angered and she’s also got a reaction gif of her smacking her fists together, like she’s preparing to punch someone, so. Gauntlets.
Bright, like fire and energetic, like the electricity that crackles around her body, sparking out of her fists as she slams them together in anticipation, thrumming and humming a tune so fine that only her ears can hear.
- Raymond shields -
Sight Clearing Object: Pink Notebook | Weapon: Hammer?
Ok, I know he only appears in AAI2. But he’s still kinda important (definitely more important than the Payne Brothers even though they appear nearly every game) and he’s a good guy. He’s definitely a key player, much like Sebastian and Kay. Plus, the defence team needs more people and I like him (I like all the charas in this game actually). And so here he is.
I chose the Pink Notebook as his SCO because its the only thing he had with him during the past and the present.
As for the hammer, well. We kind of needed one, and I couldn’t think of what would suit him well enough. So I just went with the hammer.
- Miles Edgeworth -
Sight Clearing Object: White King Chess Piece | Weapon: Spear
Ok, the reason for the White King Chess Piece is because of the Logic Chess Sequences. In it, Edgeworth takes the white part of the chessboard, which is why his piece is White. And the King represents absolute authority and is the most important part of the game - without him you lose - So I figured that a King Chess Piece would work due to the symbolism. As the head Prosecutor and leader of Good on the Prosecuting Side, Miles more than deserves the White King Piece.
As for a Spear, well, I admittedly got the idea from aa1 case 5, the really long one that first introduced Emma Skye. The prosecuting award had the Spear so I thought ‘eyy, why not’ and thus, Spear. Plus it also serves as a good parallel to the Shield of Phoenix Wright - unbeatable Spear vs unbreakable Shield, which is alluded to in the awards in AA1 C5. Also! I forgot to add but World came up with the idea for Spear first - didn't include that bit because I was tired and forgot, sorry!
light and dark, intertwining with each other like yin and yang, centering around his spear and placing his soul to rest, driving him towards the truth.
- Franziska Von Karma -
Sight Clearing Object: Brooch |Weapon: Whip
I had trouble thinking this one up, but while I was looking over her character pictures I noticed a similarity - that blue brooch she wears at her neck. It appears in every single one of her sprites. Not even joking - official art, AA2, AA3, even AAI2 she has that same brooch at her neck. Clearly its an important part of her daily attire, so it serves pretty well as her SCO, I think.
She uses the whip in game as a tool of subjugation, so its pretty much canon for her already. Nine-O-Cat tails is probably the ultimate whip for her to unleash her wrath on the foolishly foolish shadows, although I don’t think she’d unleash that wrath onto people while holding the Nine-O-Cat tail whip. That thing was used as a torture weapon during the middle ages - its pretty brutal. I pity anyone who earns her wrath while she’s holding her normal whip, though.
Ice, so cold that it burns deep inside her heart like true fire, causing frostbite and ice to form wherever her whip struck.
- Sebastian Debeste -
Sight Clearing Object: Baton | Weapon: Knives
Sebestian uses the Baton in his animations, which is good enough for me. It’s probably pretty important to him, and somewhat iconic for him.
As for the knife, well. Originally I thought sword, to rival Edgeworth, but we’ve already got Simon as the Swordmaster. So I tried thinking about something similar to a baton in terms of length and maneuverability, and I came upon Knives. Around the same length as the baton, and serves as a good close-range weapon- although Sebastian with a knife is.... well, he’ll have to go straight up to fight them close range. And he seems a pretty scaredy guy. I dunno. But hey - he ran straight to the dumpster to dig up evidence! And stood up to his douchebag of a dad! So kid’s got guts.
Or alternatively chakra sticks! They’re like sticks, but held in both hands and used for attacking. That could work.
Fire spreading across the blade, heating it into the bright red that comes from the forge, held out determinedly in front of him with one hand like his baton, flames flaring out like the swell of a crescendoing orchestra, like his dad’s lighter, and spreading up and around him like a protective blanket before going for the kill. Alternatively ice, frost freezing onto the sticks and burning everything cold, freezing spots into ice that shatter at the next blow he delivers.
- Klavier Gavin -
Sight Clearing Object: G-shaped necklace | Weapon: String wires
Klavier has a lot of love for music, and since he’s associated with guitar - dude even plays a riff on air guitar when its epic enough in court - it should probably be something related to music. But I also wanted it to be associated with something he wears or is able to carry around easily, like the others, and a guitar is not easy to carry around. Especially when fighting. So I grabbed a look at his appearance, thought for a bit, and chose the necklace around his neck. It’s noticeable and what he wears, and I’m fairly sure its merchandise for his band The Gavinners (nice self promotion Klavier haha), which means its related to music, and so G-shaped necklace it is! An alternative was the chain he’s wearing around the belt, but since I can’t see if its still there in AA5, eh. I’ll stick with the necklace.
As for why not the rings he wears on his fingers, well, its a part of his weapon. Since it is no longer two am in the morning (its 1am in the morning! Good enough!) I’m awake enough to come up with a different weapon for this guy that still fits what I wanted to include - usage of music and range, really. Wire strings are ranged weapons that slice through opponents or trap them, and require strategic and creative thinking - something Klavier has in spades. Ranged, because he seems non-confrontational physically, preferring to hang back and smile it away instead, which would translate into fighting as attacking from afar. They also require deft hands - again, something Klavier has due to years of experience playing guitar for his band - and strings are often used to produce music with the sound of the string’s vibrations. Related to music, requires intelligence and deft hands, ranged - Suits Klavier pretty well, I think.
Heat emininating from deep within him,umming a couple of tunes from the Guitar Serenade as he lifts his hands as if he were thanking a crowd, twitching his fingers as if they were on guitar strings, smiling beautifully as flames pour down the strings like a spiderweb on fire, charring anyone in its snares into ashes.
- Simon Blackquill -
Sight Clearing Object: Taka Feather | Weapon: Katana
FINALLY CAME UP WITH SOMETHING! Granted, it was actually really obvious once I figured it out but eh. So, Taka’s feather, because Taka is important to him.
I do know that he used the same sword to intimidate people. Which totally works, you japanephobile. I mean, he probably attacks with Taka too, but I think he loves the Hawk a little too much to let her lose on dangerous Shadows... but I could be wrong. So he attacks with both? But uses the sword most of the time because he doesn’t want to rely on Taka too much and continue to seem intimidating.
Imagine a katana, intricate designs of darkness curling delicately around the surface of the blade, shadows weaving a delicate pattern and bringing everything dark. Alternatively, imagine that same sword crackling with electricity, the energy jolting up and down the blade like a live thing desperate to be unleashed, thrumming with the desire to electrocute the shadows into oblivion.
Sight Clearing Object: *shrug* | Weapon: Rosary
I’m not even sure I’ll ever include him due to how new the game is and that I haven’t even watched SoJ finished yet, but leaving him out would be pretty crappy to those who’ve watched SoJ. So. Here he is!
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weasterned · 6 years
1. Jo Oppanim ! He’s calm, but also funny ! And friendly, probably best friend material for everyone ! But sometimes I also get scared of him as well;;;; 2. Uh I don’t know this either— maybe because EXO has ended its promotion that’s why he didn’t update ? Or maybe I didn’t see him updating— 3. Jo Oppanim ! Christmas is near, 2018 is also neaar ! I hope you will be having a good year on 2018, and also for EXO itself ! Have a blessed year !
1. menel, menel, menel, kocak, bulliable 2. kamu straight apa yaoi? 3. jangan membuat hati para cewe dan cowo jadi galau
1. Bdh, Bdbh, Funny af. 2. Kak Jongin, apakah aku harus memberi tahu apa yang kurang dan lebih darimu? Kurang darimu adalah tukang neglect mention, sama seperti diriku. Lebihnya adalah moodbooster. Udh ya? Gausah minta lebih, gebet aja dulu Jung Soojung, baru minta lebih lebih. Emaap, aku begitu suka KaiStal jadi lupa bengad kalo kalian sudah jadi mangtan. 3. Since 2018 coming soon, I wish you to have a bless and great year ahead. Eventhough I’m bosen to see you, its not mean I hate you. Of course I love you, hyung. Semoga makin item.
1) Pervert 4x and weird 2) We’ve talked to each other before a lot and I think we should keep this up 😉 3) Happy holidays and happy new year to you, Jo. Please don’t explode yourself with a mercon and stay safe. Have a splendid 2018! 4) Plus : A lumayan game partner. Minus : Guess how many times I’ve typed ‘we rarely talk’ in this form. I’m getting tired 😥 so pls talk with me I’m desperate for having a friend…
#1 - Pervert - Like to tease others - Funny - Loves kinky topic - Cool #2 Talk more to other people you kinky head. Don’t ignore other’s mention. All you doing is only porn related. #3 Hi. It’s really nice to know you, but I was so surprised to know you’re such a pervert person. Anyway, I hope we can talk more. That’s all. Bye.
-1. Kind, warm, sometimes weird, boycrush, cool. 2. Talk with me more often! 3. Hello! I really want to get closer to you but yeah me is such a potato so please greet me HAHAHA. You’re so attractive, by the way. Enjoy your xmas and new year.
1. pervert, bobrokie, bodohie, but also nice and cool 2. tolonk y obba retweetannya dikondisikan, jangan membuat q triggeredddtttdttt :-) 3. Dear jongin obba, youre nice and friendly, i love it how you always jbjb me even tho its ngeselin kadang-kadang, but i always appreciate those who wants to get closer to me by talking to me even if its totally nonsense and random. i adore obba actually, you want to be cold and savage but ended up being dumb instead, its amusing to see :(
1. Modus people! Flirty namja! But he is kind and funny. And absurd sometimes. 2. Stop being soooo modus to people! 3. Keep doing your best oppa! I wish for your happiness and don’t forget to give me food. Actually I don’t know what I should write here.
1. Weird, weird, weird, friendly, good 2. Nope, he is weird apa adanya. 3. Hei weirdo! You’re kinda weird but good. A good-weird person. I dont know what to say but stay weird lah. If you’re not weird, it’s not you then. 😬
malika, pervert, cold outside fragile inside, pervert, pervert, the man who can’t be moved. hope u find another one lol but i think u have it already? lmao
Aish this people.. kurang2in gilanya ya jo wksk
1. awkward, kind, have a good vibe as jongin as well 2. - 3. i know you are a good person, but i guess  we haven’t talk muck each other, let’s make another convo and get along well as always in the future!
1. cool, handsome, kinda cold but very bobrok 2. don’t like or retweet porn at the day, you can do it at night or midnight, too much underage around us. and it would be great if you can share them with me /NO 3. hello jo sunbaenim!! it’s kinda weird to call you sunbae but you are really my sunbaenim so it’s okay lmao. actually you’re the first jongin’s rper that i have so it’s nice to meet you. and i really think you’re such a cold rper, but my though is broken itself as i saw you more. i want to be close with you. Please always be who you are right now. I hope you will have a nice day and keep healthy till 2017 comes to an end!A pervert, a pervert, and a pervert. But you are one of my best buddy here. Thanks for making me laugh with all your stupid jokes. Maybe those arent jokes, you are just stupid. PLEASE LESSEN YOUR THIRST, there are still some innocent souls :-)
1. dangerous, creepy, kind and cool 2. hyung please stay away from Jo hyung and the innocent hoobae of mine, a.k.a songso lol eh wait- jo hyung is gone tho. i bet he do damn plastic surgery and become oldie named christian? i’m sad. please take a good care of me then hyung! 3. just call that number 2 as a short message for him lololol happy christmas!
1. Crazy, smut instead of smooth, funny, kind, scary. 2. Stop being so extra would you? Hahaha. 3. Hello, Jo! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. friendly, crazy, playboy, love everyone 2. hope we love each other more 3. Marry christmas and happy new year, and lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Cool, weird, playful, fun, a bit zonk 2. Zonk-ien. Hahaha i hope youre less zonk because somehow i think youre a bit zonk lmao 3. Dear zonkien, lets talk more in the future so maybe i could figured out more zonkness from you or other things from you hahaha
He is nice, fun, easygoing and TALK A LOT I swear I saw him everywhere. Jk. But that’s good tho, I wish I could mingle well with others like he does. Keep that up, bro! To Kai, Happy early new year, Zongkai! Kurang-kurangin like tweets yang ahem ahemnya ya.
1. Fun? Idk. 2. I have some convos with him already hadeh hyong please sometimes likes rated vid and it appear on my timeline pls lees it :“) 3. hello, Jo hyong since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. Jo 2. Let’s talk more with me ㅎㅎㅎ 3. Happy New Year , Jo!
1. flirty, cool, fun!, I kind of scared with him sometimes, chatty 2. Nothing but I kind of scared with him at times. :( 3. I’d hope for your happiness in the end of this year, may the force will ever be yours later in 2018 and may 2018 bring you good stuffs!1. Mr. Pabo Jo who stole my nickname as bear here, ugh! Jo is so kind, nice, SOOOOOO APPROACHABLE (i was shocked cz usually Kai’s rp is hard to approach but you is the other way around lol which is good!), He is not awkward at all and has a really good and warm personality. 2. PLEASE REDUCE YOUR TYPO AND BOBROKNESS. AND PLEASE DRINK AQUA A LIL BIT MORE EACH DAYS YA. 3. 2017 is coming to an end, i just wish EXO especially you will always be happy and more successfull. Maybe there is a surprise in 2017 that you finally have a opportunity as a good kdrama cast hahah
1. -pervert - pervert - byuntae - byuntae - kind 2. insyaflah wahai manusia, jika dirimu bernoda~ hehehhe kidding! i’m happy to have you here in WST as my korban bully. let me bully you more in the future dude. mwah ♡
1. [💌]  just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ thank you for being kind to me, let’s make another memorable memories in the future!
1) kind, friendly, funny, likes to flirt and joking around 2) more update about his chara? 3) let’s talk more in the future and get along well! + i hope 2018 will be much much better year for you! ✨
Funny,  ffriendly, look always on group dm, cool, look zonk too. Idk… Let’s talk more int the future bruhJo oppa ini beda banget dr perkiraan. Liat accnya sih kyknya kalem tp tryt enggak. Apalagi kl ketemu seongso, ian oppa sama chanyeol. Haduu. Messagenya: Apapun yang terjadi selama setahun ini, semoga bs jadi pembelajaran utk ke depannya. Aku berharap akhir tahun ini bisa dinikmati (?) dengan rasa bahagia hehehe. Dan semoga keinginannya cpt tercapai ya. Amin
Oppaaaa —! Moodbooster of the day/? Entah karena me yang receh atau oppa nya yang bobroqeu , , , i can laugh only at his plesetan/? He is pervert 🙈 okaaaaay— if you know who am i , don’t labrak saya oyaaaaay !
1. JO. CRAZY AF. STOOPID HOOMAN BEING. IDK AH. LOUD AF. 2. I’M KINDA AWARE WHEN YOUR'E STILL ON TIMELINE AROUND 10-12pm. MY TIMELINE BEING SO NOT SAFE. YOU’RE SO PERVERT. HOW COULD IT BE? I’m looking forward to our interactions much in the future. Keep up the good work! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Funny, Receh, lawak, lawak, lawak lol ; 2. Please reply to my greeting ; 3. You’re such a funny person. I want to get closer with you as a same-age friend
1. quiet, unpredictable, sometimes weird (very very weird), sometimes awkward and definitely a cold saram in weast :|. 2. - Don’t too often delete your tweet bcs it’s not good - Don’t do something stupid - Talk with me (i mean more than before) - I know you like me but we have no chemistry (HAAHAHAA). 3. Hey bro. Don’t get me wrong when I said "You like me”. I mean I think you like me as weast member but we have no chemistry till we never had proper conversation. well, I know you are a good person and very fun. but tbh I dont know how to get close with crazy saram like you. I hope you always stay healthy and be better person. good luck!
1. Kinda cold, hard to approach, funny, bigos aka biang gosip, talk nonsense 24/7 2. You can make a warta wst acc or maybe lamtur wst 3. -
1. Low sense of humor, ngeselin, nyebelin, lemot, suka telat bales 2. fast rep juseyo. 3. I don’t even remember the last time we talk. And I also wonder why you thought I’m someone else- but, looking forward to talk more with you.
1. Mesum 2. Seram 3. Perverted 4. Also kind 5. And full of attention Jongin hyung, hello. I wish you’d appear more like a setan timeline because one thing, I enjoy talking to you. It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future! Lessen up the kemesuman, it gets scarier by time.
0 notes
eternaltchotchke · 7 years
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Aight and here's all the shit I got plus all the badges I could find for the years I've been to Sabo. 
I'll put a read more about like. Everything because I admittedly wanna talk about it, like Sabo as a whole because like I said in my last post, I think that's gonna be the last Saboten I'm going to...at least unless I do a booth. But that's besides the point. So yeah read more if you wanna read all my nostalgia shit. Stop here if you're good, lol. I’m warning you, it’s fucking long AF.
2009: My second ever convention. I actually got to go because a friend of mine got tickets for her birthday and she invited me to go with her. I was, like, the kind of person I think her parents wanted her to be like? ‘Cause at the time I was a nerd, but I was introverted and I think they were under the impression that I was a good christian straight girl(™) and well. Lol, neither of us were. This was way before I ever tried doing cosplay, and well, technically I did a really shitty Misty at PCC that same year, but like. OMG. It was terrible. I think this was the year I did a ‘lolita?’ outfit? But really it was just me trying to be edgy. It was kind of cute, but man, I would never wear it today.
2010: So this was senior year of high school and the con was actually at the Hilton just down the street from my school. It was my third convention and I got tickets for my friend and I invited my cousin, but he got food poisoning on one of the days he was going to go, so I ended up soloing it for the rest of the weekend. I went as Miki from Shugo Chara and...it was...bad, lol. I tried making the hat, and well, it was a craftfoam hat and everything else I just kind of found around the house. I don’t remember much else from this con to be honest, just that...I went as Miki for at least one day.
2011: This was the year that I got a lot more into Hetalia. I had just graduated from high school and was still kind of...figuring myself out. I dragged an, at the time, friend there with me to a Hetalia cafe and that was fun. I think that was the first time I’d had a con squish? Crush??? The America was mega cool and ooh, I know that was also the year I went to the Eyeshine concert! I was really into Johnny Yong Bosch’s voice ‘cause I was watching Code Geass and Bleach at the time, and well. I like voice actors a whole bunch? And the concert was really cool and I still have the video I saved from it...and yeah. Good times. Actually, p great times, heh.
2012: This was the year I finally went with con friends! God, it was such a good time because for once I had people to hang out with the whole weekend. I’d met a good majority of them at the last PCC and one of the main people I remember is Maddi who’s still one of my best of best friends. There’s also Sabby and again, one of the best friends a person can ever have. We weren’t close at the time, but I do have a pic with her in it? So. She was there. And I think one of the people in it is Hanna who is an awesome person and I love her so much. She’s great like, the coolest person and dang it all, I love my friends?
And then there are a lot of people that I hung out with at the time that...admittedly, I want to forget. One of them, I hate so very very much. Because they were a toxic person and terrible to my best friends and fuck, I wish I had actually stood up for my friends when I was younger and called out some of the shit they pulled because I should have. But. Well. Hindsight...and then the other? Well, I don’t hate but...I guess thinking back on things? It’s awkward and I was awkward and man, that was a...time. I see ‘em sometimes and it’s like, sweet bajeebus you haven’t changed at all.
There was a lot of shit that happened on the last day and like, one of it was there was a panel that didn’t go well and then the other was someone was kinda mega rude to a friend? And while yeah I understand their stance on things, they said things in a rude way that just...could’ve been said a lot better or at least in a kinder way.
But as a sidenote, that was the year I got Laboon! And I still have him, and I still love him. He’s a good whale.
2013: ...this was...the year of kind of an end to some things. But, the beginning of some really REALLY great things. This was the year I became really good friends with Jed, who is like, one of the best of best friends a person could have. He’s such a cool dude, and nerd, but also cool and I might not say it often enough but I’m really lucky to have become his friend. I gotta say that for all my friends, especially Sabby, Maddi, and Jed. I love y’all so much and really, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without y’all?
Anyway, this was the most stressful con I had ever been to. Admittedly? The first day was p good, I went as Cecil (here we go, Cecil version 1 lol) and Jed was Carlos and we had a good time all around. Theeeen Twitter ‘cause at the time, there was a lot of like...sonas for the websites and I was like, I have all that, I’ll be twitter! ...but I ended up having to wait a….long time for my friends to arrive and god, there was just...nothing but drama that day. It was not good.
Day 3 was 1000% better because me and Jed went back to Cecil and Carlos and all around that was just a dang good time. I think someone had actually told me that I was their headcanon Cecil? Which like. Literally made everything that weekend so much better because I was using my real hair (which at the time was sort of long) and I played up my brown skin. There were quite a few other Cecils, but from what I could remember, most of them were the blond white ones and that kind of helped me stand out.
Oh, and that was the first year we attempted flower crowns! Well, I tried, I literally got two garlands of roses and wrapped them around each other. We lost them on the first day, but another Carlos and Cecil found them, which was hilarious to me and I was really glad that happened actually, hah.
2014: HELL.
2015: --god no do you really wanna know about 2014? Okay one sec.
2014: So. I didn’t wanna pay for a ticket. I REALLY didn’t wanna pay for a ticket because also I was flat broke and honestly cons were so far out my price range at the time I shouldn’t have done it.
I did it anyway.
So 2014 was the year of volunteering and doing panels. It was also the first year we did a photo shoot, which was really fun and Maddi’s and Sabby’s were great. I still do love the ones we did for me and Jed, but there was something really nice and bright about the X-Ray and Vav stuff. To be completely honest? I don’t remember much like, for specifics of the con, just that we did panels and that I met a p cool Garrus cosplayer (who still cosplayed the same Garrus at PCC this year, and from the looks of it, it didn’t seem he made it at all more comfortable and I was like, DUDE. MAKE IT SO YOU CAN FREAKING SIT HOLY FUCK).
I’ve admittedly been going back through all my social media accounts to see if anything could jog my memory, and the only thing I remember clearly was that someone thought I was master chef in my Geoff cosplay and that was funny to me.
...I was also apparently America for a day. Which was p alright because I was admittedly a dang great America. Funny story, the only reason I know I was America was because someone from my past recognized us and snapped a pic. I’m like, looking at it and it’s just so funny to me that it turned out as good as it was for like, a really quick throw together thing.
2015: SHIT I HAD TO GO BACK TO MY OLD SHIT TO SEE WHAT THE HELL I WAS AND I FORGOT I THREW TOGETHER A CASUAL!DORIAN FOR THAT. Good fucking god, that’s hilarious, I was always somehow left tiddy commitee...even though it was a v casual Dorian, I guess I just had the right amount of hair for it, lol.
Also, it was the year that we did a panel for the Ladies of Hetalia and then we also did a Youtuber Let’s Players panel with prizes and I only remember spending the night before making those prizes, but the one that everyone really loved was the Geoff picture, which also was a fucking pain in the ass to make because would you be surprised that that picture was really hard to find a good enough quality one to print out? The best thing was though, that I kept running into the people who won the picture and I think some sort of cult formed around it. I’m not sure. I worry for that picture frame sometimes…
I think that was also the last time I cosplayed Cecil. Sabby was my Dana, which I mega appreciate her for, and I took a lot of liberties on my outfit...and based it much more heavily on the weirdness of Cec rather than the button up and tie version that was really popular. It was more fun just to do a Cecil cosplay TBH, and I actually can’t tell if Jed was there or not? I’m also not sure if Maddi was either...uhhh, most of the stuff I can find are selfies of me and Sabby which...I’m not sure of a lot of details actually.
2016: Man, that was the year of Undertale, Dragon Age, and Hamsteak. Er. Homestook. HOMESTUCK. Also the year I got a really nice camera to take pictures with. It was really fun because I got some great pics of our God Tier outfits and I’m still p happy with my Dave cape. Special thanks to Jed for making 99% of that hood. I still owe him a fuck ton.
This was also the year that me and Sabby went to a really fun quiz panel with an awesome Mettaton who is still p dang cool. I wasn’t sure if there was another this year? I don’t think I was able to make it to it, and I know that there was just so much work put into it, I was super blown away.
I also brought back Fen one last time, and that was fun. I dabbed for a dude and that made him super happy, then I just fucked around for the rest of the con. Ooh, also there was Naruto running. Late at night because also, sometimes you just gotta be a fucking loser with your friends. We...kind of started a whole thing? And I feel a little bad looking back on it? But it was at least, at first, just me and Hanna that Naruto ran down the empty hallway to Haruka Kanata and that was just. Such a fun time.
We did another photoshoot that year too, got some legit pics for hamsteak cosplays which was awesome. Then I had a lot of fun editing them. I’d say there’s more to say for this con, but...not really. Oh, but we did spend a lot of time in the activity lounge? Which I love the activity lounge ‘cause they have crayons and hang up your drawings on the walls and I did a ‘great’ drawing of Dave and Karkat that someone took home.
2017: So here we are, eight years later. To be honest? I was actually sort of dreading this con. There was so much just...not happening and I was feeling kind of eh...and I should’ve definitely gotten more done on Gabe but I didn’t. So instead I did Boxerwatch which was still fun, and my armor actually held up really fucking well. Which I was mega happy abound.
Saturday was kind of...a time. Like, I wanted to have fun, and I know I looked cool AF? But it was so hot and humid and I was in like, three layers of clothes and craftfoam and I didn’t bring a change of clothes. Which was stupid on my part. But! Jenny lent me her hot dog costume? Which literally made my day and it turned the whole thing from an /eh day to a THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER sort of time. I’m not gonna lie, I love wearing those mascot sort of costumes because the shenanigans you can have while wearing them. It’s just so good.
Sunday was awesome because I got to hang out with Clyde, Sam, Ray, and I met Keyboard who is p dang cool. Also, I met my hello new person quota of one, so, double accomplishment. On top of that? My armor held up ridiculously well that day and so did my shitty painted on beard and I was literally. So fucking comfortable. I know I was missing a fuck ton of things for Gabe but it worked out alright since I went with a mega casual version. I’m definitely gonna make sure I can wear that jacket anywhere I go though because I love it a bunch? And it was mega comfy. Plus I’m thinking of making the shoulder pads something permanent to the jacket so I could have my own Gabriel Reyes jacket to just. Wear and feel cool in. Well, not cool. More like fucking sweltering because also I live in AZ.
Monday was just a casual day. I think I’m coming down with something and I wasn’t gonna kill myself by wearing Hanzo so, I edged it up. I was kind of really bummed because the Eyeshine concert was cancelled and it was sort of the main thing I was looking forward to all weekend? But I think Sabo might have messed it up p badly because on the website they set it for Sunday at night, which would’ve been perfect ‘cause then all three of us could’ve gone. But the schedule moved it to Monday and I was sad ‘cause it was their farewell tour...and I kind of felt like it’d be just...one of the perfect ways to end my time going to Sabo.
And so yeah, that’s kind of it? Like, I definitely did have fun over the years, there was stress AF during some parts, but then there were some really really great times. I’ve sort of...lost a lot of interest in anime since I started going, and while I will admit, I do still enjoy watching it, I’m so choosy about what I like and what I’ll watch that a lot of the main things available at Sabo don’t interest me nearly as much. There’s one more anime cosplay I wanna do, and admittedly it’d be really freaking easy to pull off...just gotta get the stuff. But other than that single cosplay, I just...I would like to focus on different things. Plus, it’s just so hard to get stuff together because of the timing of it all. Working as a teaching assistant means that I have very little time during those weeks leading up to the con to do anything. The week before was kind of hell, as I had to stay on campus until at least 5:30 most days and god, I couldn’t work on really anything. That and I didn’t have the mental capacity to work on Gabe over the summer, plus I’d planned to have Cyberninja!Hanzo at least started but that just couldn’t happen.
But anyway, that’s it really! This turned out a lot longer than I meant for it to be and I’m probably going to cross post this onto my DeviantArt. So thank you Saboten-Con, it’s been one helluva ride. There were some ups, downs, turns, and spins and while some of those times really really sucked...there were many others that were just so great and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
0 notes