#and i fell in love and left part of my soul there 😭 it's fine
theragamuffininitiative · 9 months
One Song Per Letter URL Tag
hooooooo there! @blatheringblatherskite and I think someone else that I can't find now (I'm so sorry!) tagged me in this a while ago 😅 so here I am. And my url is long oh no lol. I played hard mode and only did NTB songs...and then also did a second one with other artists bc I'm Like That, ok go:
Youtube NTB playlist: I only cheated twice! Once in using a song from Bear's solo project for an extra E, and once for "Let Us Love" for the U. XD
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Uh anyways, if you ever want to hear what it's like inside my head, it's basically Needtobreathe/Wilder Woods all the times, so have fun getting to know me in there. 😂
Then! I didn't allow any NTB/WW songs XD. Also I didn't make a new playlist for this post but here's the link to my 365 songs for this year playlist, which is where I got all the songs.
Train Station - The Gray Havens Heaven Knows - Five For Fighting Easter Song - Jess Ray Roses - The Brevet All My Heroes Are Underdogs - Ross King Garden on the Kitchen Floor - Tors Another State - Tigers in the Sky Millstatt - The Arcadian Wild Under the Circus Lights - Owl City Flowers for Strangers - The Nineteen Twenty Flares - The Script Irish Eyes - Rose Betts Not Giving In - The West Coast Feed If it's the Beaches - The Avett Brothers Not Home Yet - The Gray Havens Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil This Thing is Not Going to Break You - Christa Wells Into the Unknown - Frozen/P!atD cover As We Ran - The National Parks To the Mountains - Lizzy McAlpine Invisible God - Andrew Peterson Vincent - Don McLean Eagle Bear Buffalo - Passenger
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uh editing bc I didn't tag anyone um @wellmanneredthief @slytherinbookwyrm @doctorbluesmanreturns and @ the person reading this going "ohmygosh an excuse to share my music?? pick me!"
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simphornies · 7 months
Angst! I choose you! (That was cringe I'm sorry 😭)
Can I please request a Vox x Female Reader where Reader protected Vox from Valentino
(PS: Val killed Reader in the process)
And because of that Velvette has to take care of a Depressed Vox
A/N: My friend and I were going back and forth on ideas for this because we love angst. I hope you guys enjoy! A part 2 will be made for this because I love you guys
Word count: 1.6k (1,611) Warnings: ANGST, valentino being a FUCKER, descriptions of violence, death, there is no mention of y/n but it's f!reader
My Beloved [ Vox x F!Reader ]
Vox got into another argument with Valentino. Both overlords had anger issues so their arguments always end up becoming explosive with glassware being thrown around. You came in as soon as you got word of their fight. When you ran into his office, it was clear that it was about you again. Valentino shoved you out of his way, glaring at you, seething with anger. He slammed the door shut but you couldn’t care any less. You ran to your lover’s side and held his hand.
“Vox? What happened?” You frowned, seeing all the broken glass. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
” He hesitated and planted a gentle kiss on your hand, “It’s nothing, baby. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll always worry, my beloved.” You held his hand close, “Is it about the shoot again?” He sighed and nodded.
“He came in here demanding I convince you to be in one of his movies. I told him no and well,” He gestured to the shattered glass that littered his office, “You see how well that fucking turned out. Fucking moth just won’t stop. I told him that there’s nothing he could ever offer for your body! He ju-” You gently tighten your grip on his hand, cutting him off. He looked at you and the worry in your eyes melted his anger away. “I’m sorry, baby. It just makes me so angry when fuckers like him think they have any right to a sweetheart like you.”
“I’m sorry I’m causing this much stress.” You said softly, “I’ll talk to him if you need me to!”
“No!” He said as his screen got brighter with his increased panic, “No, babe. It’s fine. I got it handled. I promise, okay?”
You knelt next to him, your head on his lap, “Okay. But if anything happens, I’ll always be here for you, my beloved.”
He smiled, gently caressing your head, “Of all the souls in Hell, I know that the most, my dear.”
Your relationship with Vox seemed to come out of nowhere to those that didn’t know the past he shared with you. Velvette was the first to learn about his life with you before he died. He confided in her. At first she just wanted tea on his life before Hell but it ended up with her showing genuine interest. He had been pining for you even after his death. He wanted so desperately to confess how much he loved you. You never left his mind in his final hours and when he found himself in Hell, his heart broke. He feared that he would never meet you again. This fear pushed him into trying to get into relationships with people that had the smallest of reminders of you. You were an angel to him, the gentlest soul he’d ever met. He was sure that you would go to Heaven but when he saw you aimlessly roaming the streets of Hell, he rushed to meet you. You didn’t recognize him at first glance but the moment you heard his voice, everything fell into place. He, honestly, didn’t understand how you ended up in Hell. You had to remind him that you ran his “business” with him. His love for you blinded him from your heinous crimes, almost erasing it from his memory just out of adoration for you. He got such a massive ego boost when he learned you went on a bit of a rampage after his death that led to your execution.
It wasn’t long after your arrival that the two of you entered a honeymoon phase, constantly out on dates and always being at each other’s sides. After months of flirting, teasing and a multitude of dates, Vox finally asked you out. He was bad at romance more than he’d like to admit. Without Velvette’s help, he was definitely going to change his mind. The way he asked you out made you think he was going to propose. He had petals scattered on the floor and held the sweetest flowers he could buy in Hell. He was a nervous wreck waiting for you to arrive at the location he sent. The sight of him standing disheveled in front of a giant “Will you be mine?” neon sign made you burst out into laughter. But you said yes nonetheless.
Days passed after the argument. You were walking up to Vox’s office and as you got close you heard yelling. It was Valentino starting another fight. You started to run as soon as you heard glass breaking. When you reach the doorway you see Valentino aim a glass cup at Vox.
You grabbed his arm to stop him and raised your voice. “Stop! Valentino, that's enough!”
Valentino got angrier at your attempt to stop him and he pushed you off of him, knocking you down to the ground. “Don’t fucking touch me, bitch. You’re lower than me, don’t forget that.” He hissed. Vox ran to your side and helped you up.
You scowled at him as you held your head high, “I don’t give a single shit who you are. You’re a little bitch baby that can’t take no for an answer.” You spat back.
“What the fuck did you call me?!” He yelled and began to step closer to you. Vox blocked him from getting any closer.
“Val. Fuck off. I said no and my decision isn’t going to change.”
You saw Valentino raise his hand to hit Vox. Without thinking, you pulled Vox out of the way. You barely dodged his swing, his claw scratching your cheek deep enough for it to draw blood. You growled at him and slapped him across the face. It shocked all three of you. Your confidence faded once Valentino opened his wings, his face shrouded in rage.
In the blink of an eye, he had you by the throat. You instinctively held onto his hands, trying to pry his tightening grip on your neck. His hold alone left bruises on your neck. Before Vox could reach him, Valentino flew through Vox’s balcony. He used your head to break through the glass door, making you scream from fear.
“Valentino! What are you doing?!” Vox yelled, running after him.
“Aw, what?” He teased, “You’re telling me you really give a fuck about this bitch?” He laughed, menacingly. You struggled against him and managed to get a glimpse of how high up you were. “You loved me too, remember? Before her.”
“Put her down, Valentino!” He screamed, glitching from both fear and anger. His pleas received laughter.
“You’re turning out so pathetic and soft, Vox.” He grins, blood dripping from the side of his mouth. “I’ll put her down, just for you~”
Your eyes widened at his tone and knew exactly what was coming. You looked at Vox with tears in your eyes. The fear in his eyes broke your heart. His hand reached out towards you as if he could reach you. THe only thing you could do was smile at him. He couldn’t get himself to smile back, he could only stare at you. This exchange only fueled Valentino’s rage.
“V-Vox.” You croaked out, your voice hoarse from Valentino’s grasp. “I love y-”
Before you could continue, you were suddenly pummeling towards the concrete below you.
“No!” Vox screamed at the top of his lungs.
You heard his cry for you. You heard Valentino’s cackle. As you got closer to the ground, you relaxed your body and shut your eyes, accepting what was about to happen. And then you no longer heard anything. You didn’t hear the way Vox screamed and cried. You didn’t hear the hums of electricity that came before his power outages. You died from Valentino’s rage.
All power was cut off in Pentagram City. He heard your last words. He knew what you wanted to say. After the time you shared together, you had never told him “I love you.” because of your personal past. He didn’t need to hear you say it, you both knew how much you love each other. He didn’t know that you were finally ready to tell him you love him. He didn’t know he helped you get over your past. And he’ll never get to hear you say you love him. He’ll never hear your sweet voice again. He’ll never get to make up the time he lost with you. The only time he’ll be able to hold you again was to collect you from the ground.
His heart was shattered. It was obvious to everyone around him. Vox never left his security room. He locked himself in there and drank his pain away. He played the videos he had of you, looked at your photos and longed for your smile. He’ll never hear your songs, your jokes, your laugh or see your smile. He was alone again.
The only person that managed to get into his security room was Velvette. She did her best to comfort him and get him to clean up. Everytime she went in there, the entire room would reek of alcohol and grief. As cold as her heart was, the sight of him crying at your photos and videos broke her. She grew close to you when you first came. Her first impression of you was from Vox’s lovestruck stories and meeting you was a different ride. She understood why Vox loved you the way he did. She never spoke of it but she cried with Vox when you died. She was enraged. The only thing that stopped her from killing Valentino herself was the grief.
None of the Vees spoke to Valentino for months and that pissed him off.
Tag list: @froggybich @baizzhu @dickmastersworld @matrixbearer2024 
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fandomworld9728 · 4 days
U got time for some Radioapple Angst? Do ya think you could whip up an angst scenario about where Alastor confesses Lucifer that he likes him but Luci (scared of being left alone again after his divorce with Lilith and everything fell apart) gently rejects him, in fear of being in love again while also wanted what’s best for Al đŸ„Č and maybe cue to Lucifer leaving the hotel and heads back to the palace to be alone (while also notifying Charlie that he’ll be gone for awhile) 😭
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(Radioapple angst coming right up! I actually had a similar idea where it's Lucifer who confessed and got rejected. So, he left the hotel so that way he didn't make Alastor uncomfortable)
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What? Did he hear that right? Alastor, the fearsome and powerful radio demon just confessed to him?
He couldn't believe it, but here Alastor was. Standing in front of him, nervous smile and a bouquet of dead flowers.
This... this couldn't be happening. Right? What in the Seven Rings had he even done to make Alastor fall for him? Last he knew the Sinner had hated him but was slowly warming up to him. For Charlie's sake.
Lucifer would be lying if the declaration hadn't affected him. Because this Sinner, this Overlord, this human soul, had seen him. The real him and not only stayed but also loved him. The last time that had happened was with Lilith. However, she had left him all alone. Had taken their daughter with her because she had grown tired, bored, and annoyed with him. Didn't see him fit to be a good parent for Charlie.
Shaking those thoughts from his head, he tried to focus on the man in front of him. Alastor wanted Lucifer the broken Fallen Angel who was trying to do right by his daughter and the souls in his care. Not the all-powerful King of Hell. So, why were these horrible thoughts swirling around his head?
Would Alastor leave when he got bored like Lilith did? What if they did get together and ended up having a child of their own? Would he take them away like she had? The more Lucifer listened to the voices in his head, the more his panic rose. Why wouldn't they shut up and let him be happy for once?
There were so many factors. So many fears he had. As much as he desperately wanted to smile and say yes, take a chance on these budding feelings he had for the Overlord, Lucifer knew what the smart choice was. Leading with his head instead of his heart this time, he took a deep breath to steady himself.
"Alastor. This is sweet and romantic. You have no idea how happy this makes me. But... I can't accept your confession."
Oh Satan. Not the break in his vocal filter. This was so painful. He knew he was about to hurt Alastor. About to ruin whatever had developed between them. Would Alastor hate him after this?
"What the fuck do you mean you can't accept my confession?"
"I know that you put a lot into this and that this was probably difficult for you... I'm sorry."
Here he was back at square one. All alone in his palace once again. He had to get out the hotel, away from Alastor, as quick as he could. If he hadn't, he would have broken down in front of the Sinner and told him everything.
Forever being broken and pathetic. A coward. Having Alastor hate him was much then him realizing what everyone does eventually when they get close to him. He couldn't go through that again.
Besides, it was too dangerous for anyone to be in a relationship with him. Heaven used his ex-wife and daughter against him once, he knows they'd pull that same shit with anyone Lucifer cared about and loved. Charlie was old enough and powerful enough to protect herself well enough if it came down to it and who knows where Lilith ran off too, so she was fine.
Alastor, while being one of the most powerful human souls Lucifer's seen in a long while, wouldn't stand a chance against the higher-ranking angels and the Elders. At least this way he was safe. Not just from Heaven. Safe from Lucifer as well. Sometimes he was a hard time controlling the darker parts of his powers. Especially when he was emotional.
He could feel it creeping up on him even now-
"No! Don't think about it. Focus on something else. Like... Like ways to help Charlie that don't involve being at the hotel or around Alastor. And don't think about the crushed look in her eyes when you told her that you would be moving back into the palace for the time being..."
Once he had explained why, she told him that she understood. But he hated to make her hurt in any sort of way. He had reassured her he would remember to keep in touch this time and that she could contact him for anything. He'd be back at the hotel once things cooled down between him and Alastor.
But what if things never cool down? Did he ruin his one chance to make things right with his daughter because he was afraid to love again? What was wrong with him?!
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He had done it. Alastor had taken Rosie's advice on what to do with these... feelings....
He had spent a good part of the day getting things ready. Their usual meeting place, the hotel's roof, had been decorated with candles and something Angel Dust had referred to as fairy lights.
Music was playing from somewhere. Odd. Alastor didn't remember bringing anything up there to play music. He could solve that mystery later. His grip on the bouquet of Hell's native flowers tightened as his anxiety grew.
The poor things had died as soon as he had touched them. Oh well. If anyone could appreciate the beauty in one's death, it would be his king.
His king.
Ha. Alastor never thought he would be calling the man he once detested by such a title. However, Lucifer had proven himself worthy of such a title. Now, if the man would stop staring at him and give him an answer!
While he did enjoy leaving Lucifer flustered and speechless, he was becoming antsy. Vulnerability was not easy for him and made him uncomfortable. The Fallen Angel knew this, yet he was still standing there gawking at him.
He was about to snap when finally, finally, Lucifer spoke up. But now, Alastor wished that he had just stayed silent. 
"Alastor. This is sweet and romantic. You have no idea how happy this makes me. But.... I can't accept your confession."
What? If this makes him happy then why did he...? Was Rosie wrong about Lucifer feeling the same as Alastor? No... Rosie was never wrong about these things. So, why?
"...What...? What the fuck do you mean you can't accept my confession?"
"I know that you put a lot into this and that this was probably difficult for you... I'm sorry."
Before he could stop him, Lucifer had disappeared in a swirl of red and glitter. Leaving Alastor all alone in deafening silence. What had just happened? Did he just get rejected? Had that pitiful man, that coward, just rejected him and ran away without explaining why? 
What was this feeling? It.... hurt. Felt like whatever had been remaining of his heart was shattering. Digging his claws into the spot, Alastor felt his knees hit the roof tiles of the roof. However, he barely registered the feeling. He felt so numb.
'I'm sorry.'
Sorry? He was sorry?! Alastor would make sure he knew what that meant the next time he saw that poor excuse for a king! He'd rip the devil limb from limb and broadcast his screams throughout the Pride Ring. He'd do it until he was satisfied, knowing that Lucifer can't die. That he'd just regenerate quicker than any Sinner could ever dream of. Even if angelic steel was involved.
Alastor had locked himself away for the rest of the night once he found out that Lucifer would not be staying at the hotel for some time. He had planned to wreak havoc on that fool's room to teach him a lesson, but when he got in there, all he did was lay that stupidly oversized yet extremely comfortable bed like he had done so many times before. When he would stay up late to talk with Lucifer when he couldn't sleep.
Alastor had locked himself away for the rest of the night once he found out that Lucifer would not be staying at the hotel for some time. He had planned to wreak havoc on that fool's room to teach him a lesson, but when he got in there, all he did was lay that stupidly oversized yet extremely comfortable bed like he had done so many times before. When he would stay up late to talk with Lucifer when he couldn't sleep.
If Lucifer thought that he could just leave, he had another thing coming. Alastor wasn't going to let him get away that easy. He'd drag that idiot king back to the hotel himself he need be, but he wasn't going to let the man that lit his heart on fire get away. Ever.
No matter what. Lucifer better enjoy what little solitude he was getting right now. It would be the last of it he'd be getting. Alastor couldn't let him out of his sight now. Not after he just ran away like that.
"Prepare yourself, Lucifer Morningstar. You will regret awakening these feelings and desires within me."
(Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you'd like a part 2!)
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
hey would you consider doing a sequel to your barty crouch jr x reader fic? i loved it but i would adore a fluffy ending (or as fluffy as it can be lol 😭) <3
to be loved
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barty crouch jr x reader
a/n: SO I MAY HAVE MISSED THE FLUFFY ENDING PART! i’m sorry😭 please let me know if you want me to write ANOTHER FIC with a fluffy ending but this might be the end of this fic! IM SORRY ! thank you for the request though 😭
leaving barty was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do, his love suffocated you everyday and you simply couldn’t go through your days without finding something that reminded you of him.
when you loved, you loved hard and it hurt more to have to leave the person you loved more than anything but you knew you couldn’t go back.
maybe that’s what hurt more, the fact that you couldn’t go back to barty, or maybe it was that there was no longer a barty to go back to.
barty knew he fucked up, massively. laying on his bed in the black mansion in a pool of his own tears and tissues he couldn’t find himself to move. he wished it could have been different, he knew he couldn’t change what had happened but it didn’t help the pain that seemed to crush his heart whenever he thought of you.
he had always hated his father but right now, the abuse he endured at him seemed like pleasure instead of the suffering he’s had to deal with since you left him.
his shuddering breaths leave his hollow chest as he screams into his pillow as sobs wrack his body, he can hear regulus and evan outside his room whispering in worried hushed tones but he can’t bring himself to care or speak to them.
he would never be okay, he needed you by his side.
as soon as you felt the wards around your home break, you had run to grab your wand but before you were able to grasp it a body binding spell shot out of you and you had fallen to the floor, you could hear your mother and fathers tortured screams as a cackling voice yelled the crustacious curse. you felt your body go numb as every dark spell hit you from three different angles, you felt your body shudder as screams tore y through your throat however you had long disassociated from reality, the pain seemed almost welcomed before a green curse was shot out to you and your eyes finally rolled back in your head before your body slumped against the wall in a mess of blood and dirt.
barty had felt it the minute your soul seemed to leave this realm, his heart plummeted in his chest before he ran out of his room to where he saw around 5 death eaters apparating back from another attack. his mind spun as he found the worried eyes of evan and regulus standing at the bottom of the stairs before he ran to the first unknown death eater with their mask still on.
he grasped their shoulders and shook them hard “WHERE IS SHE!” he screamed into his face before the death eater to see a bemused lucius malfoy looking down at him. “dead.” he replied definitively, before barty realised what was happening he felt a scream tear through his heart as he fell to the floor grasping his head. “no no no no, come back, please come back to me my love. i’m sorry, you’re okay right? you’re okay it’s fine everything fine, YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE” he screamed as all the death eaters looked at him in shock and confusion.
regulus and evan pull their friend up and back into his room wher he sits facing the wall rocking back and forth in complete terror and heartbreak refusing to believe the truth.
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raidensgfmiko · 3 years
genshin characters and exams
A/n: as I'm studying for law school I picked too many subjects now I'm suffering I should have just taken something else 😭 but that only helps me write better about how I want a partner to help me through exams but I got none
Characters: kazuha, xiao
Warning: angst? On xiaos part
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April is approaching and you have exams soon, you wonder how you will survive with whatever grades you have right now. In the midst of everything you forget to reply back to your partner so they end up checking in on you:
He kind of just wondered why you weren't attending his calls or messages while he got boba tea for both of you, he then decided to visit your home
He knocked a few times and in front of him appeared a very tired version of you, it almost felt like your life was drained out of you [he was like "wtf are you okay"] “are you alright love?” he spoke so softly it made your heart melt and also made you realize you never replied back to him
“I'm so sorry zuha, I got distracted with the workload and I thought I replied but I didn't?” a string of apologies waiting but were cut short by kazuha “it's fine nonetheless I was just worried you were injured or something”
You smiled and told him to come in and set aside your workload of papers and books which were piled on top of each other and looked like they would fall anytime, which is why kazuha got up and organized them for you “just leave them they're fine” you said that while you cleaned up the place a bit but kazuha just hummed “what do you mean HM if you agree leave them be dearest”
“if these ever fell they would fall directly on you and then you would be the one who'd miss their exams and have a string of bills to pay, I suppose you don't want that? ” he laughed at your horrified expression "oh God's no, why would you even put that image in my head hhh” you shivered from the thought of you with a expensive bill to pay.
You sat down and talked with him for a while before he asked you to lay down on the bed with him and so you did “studying can wait exams are still pretty far away, you'll make me feel bad I haven't studied yet” he laughed [just squish him his laugh is so cute]
He wasn't worried it was actually the other way around, he was at art class, he takes extra classes to improve his skills. Which can take up to 3 hours because God knows what they do there never been to one wouldn't know that, also because xiao is someone who is reserved and doesn't say much easily and you don't want to pry.
You messaged him when you were out of running battery which is called having the will to live, I mean come on! Loads of work no friends to help you in the moment and your parents being upset no one is willing to help your poor soul not even your own partner!! How cruel is this world you thought.
Only after completing his lessons did xiao see the 20 messages you left him all containing love, hatred(not really) and sadness he was confused and decided to call you, in the end it was a long distance relationship since he lived in a different country then yours
Fun fact: he learned English because it was a language you used often so he learned it to communicate with you easier
It was your exams coming up and you told him about how you were mad at him for not responding to your messages to which he said he was busy.
“oh okay” then silence came, no not the comfortable rainbows and happy silence the awkward, tension type you pondered on what to say but no words came to mind except “.. Let's talk later” I mean he did love you but two years and still no trust development in the relationship made you wonder if you were even trying or if he was even trying to learn things about you
with exams on your head you decided it was best to take a break
You left a message that said “let's talk, I have something to say” you decided to get a glass of water for yourself and when you came back you saw your phone ringing you picked it up in a hustle and dropped it on the floor
“ you look nice ” you heard his voice and realize it was on video call, surprisingly this was the 4th time you both ever did a video call and probably the last
“um yeah, thanks you too” you found him looking confused and boy, did he look cute- sometimes you wondered if he was popular in his school but then again even if you asked him he would divert the topic
"I think, since exams are coming...” you paused and hesitated “we should take a break I think it's the best for both of us if we wait until the right time to get back together or if we find other people I think that's fine too” you smiled at him
“what?” now he looked mildly confused “what are you- no why are you saying this?” “I'm sorry xiao everything has just been stressful and I just-i don't know”
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princessozera · 4 years
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Summary: The HOL group chat is really something else
Word Count: 791
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BOLD is MC, the rest is the brothers who I wont label unless it really bothers y’all
Human health 🚑
"Hey Lucifer could I go back home for a couple days? Something happened and my friend REALLY needs me there :( "
"I'll discuss it with Diavolo and get you an answer by tonight. May I ask as to what happened?"
"My friend's coochie came out"
"........."     “Pardon?”      “...”        “WHAT?”       “...!???!??!”    “Come again?”
“Her coochie fell out 😔 F in the chat boys”
“ F F F F F F F F F F F F”   
 “Beel, could you come to the living room to pick up Asmo? He passed out.”     
  “I might regret this but could you please elaborate?”   
  “Unfortunately, I double that sentiment. Elaborate.”
“I don’t know what more there is to say, it’s pretty straight forward. Her parts are not where they’re supposed to be. I think the PrOpEr TeRm for it is a uterine collapse. Don’t look at the photos online”
“I looked it up online” 
“**** I did too.” 
“Beel could you come pick up Levi from the Kitchen, he passed out and hit his head on the counter”
“ I think Diavolo would be fine with you going.” 
“Honestly, did NOT know that was a thing. I thought like she sneezed then PLOP coochie on the ground”
“Like, maybe she went to go pee and then suddenly, out pops the coochie. Like an “I didn’t know I was pregnant” situation”
“MC please stop texting”
Harsh Reality 🎒
“Okay, no one bite my head off but I have something important to say.”
“What’s up?”
“Did something happen MC?”
“Are you in the hospital again?”
“No, fuck y’all 😣 ANYWAYS-”
“I’ve decided. I want to stay in the Devildom. And I would like if you guys could help me convince Diavolo to let me stay. I understand if you don’t want me in the house of Lamentation, you don’t need to house me, I just want to stay here.”
“HELL YES! ANd of course you can stay in the house of Lamentation MC! If Diavolo tries to shove another human in here you can just bunk with me!”
“I think that’s a great idea! If Diavolo still wants us to host exchange students we can just move into a new, bigger house! Or maybe just build an extra room!”
“I think it’d be pretty great if MC got to stay with us, they’re practically family anyways.”
“AWWW, MC YOU’RE SO CUTE! Of course you can stay with us, what’s this moving out nonsense?😭 “
“You HAVE to stay in the house of lamentation MC! The new Ruri-Chan magic guild game has raids that are only announced 10 minutes before they drop!  You need to be HERE so we can beat the raids together!”
“... MC, I think this is something we should discuss more in depth. Please come to my office later.”
“Lucifer!” “Let MC stay with us!” “Diavolo likes MC too! It shouldn’t be hard to convince him, c’mon Lucifer!”
“Lucifer, I’m honestly not taking no for an answer; I’ll speak to the Demon King himself if I have to!”
“You wouldn’t need to speak to the king, BUT you would need to be ready to continue going to RAD, probably until the day you die.”
“MC, demons live for over millions of years. My brothers and I alone have been attending RAD for over 200 years now and we still have about another thousand odd years left since RAD is a unilatteral school system, from middle school to doctorate programs. You’d be expected to stay in RAD for a couple of years, at least until you had a rough, all encompassing understanding of the Devildom.’
“So I need to have my bags pack by next Monday at 6 am right? It’s been nice knowing y’all !”
“MC!” “MC :( “ “What the hell MC”
“I love y’all, but school until the day I DIE?đŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€ź SAY SIKE RIGHT FUCKIN NOW”
Melodrama đŸŒ©đŸŒ©đŸŒ©âšĄ
“If not for physics and the law, I would be unstoppable”
*a booming yell is heard in every corner of the house of lamentation*
“There’s the law”
“No one understands the way my soul craves to be reclaimed by this moistened eart-”
“Do you think they actually got hit by lightning?” 
“RIP. Do you think WE have to deal with the funeral arrangements or do we just send the ashes back to the human realm?”
“MC has been confined to the attic until further notice, anyone attempting to release them will be strung up”
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leftsidebonfire · 3 years
Some Part 1 OC Lore as requested by @an-android-child BLESS you for giving my P1 Girls some love and affection, I appreciate you 😭😭 These are a bunch of random facts about them!
Gonna tag @milfnaki because there's some Amaryllis lore here and that's ur wife
Kallias didn't know there was a term for it at the time, but she was Bisexual.
During her time undercover as a man, she won the affection of a few women. While she was dedicated to Bruford, before she confessed to him, she was with a few women.
From the moment she met him, Kallias never really liked Tarkus, but respected him as a loyal and strong fighter and companion to Bruford.
During the time of Phantom Blood, Kallias was awoken at the same time Bruford and Tarkus were, though she was not corrupted as a zombie. She was more or less collateral damage from the mask. She roamed the countryside until Bruford's soul was saved.
Kallias never used Hamon, and was strictly weaponized combat only, as a knight.
Bruford learned that Kallias was a woman several months into their training together, after Kallias took a blinding blow to the eye and he was the first to help her.
Kallias never gained her sight back in her left eye, but she always thought the challenge forced her to be a better fighter.
Kallias's favorite color is blue
Kallias is ambidextrous.
Faceclaim: Milla Jovovich
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Amaryllis's favorite tea is Earl Grey with honey
Amaryllis has never yet had a kiss, beyond the cheek or the hand.
Amaryllis was very close with her friend Alexei, before he was trapped in a terrible fire when a factory burned down. She found evidence that he may still be alive, and had not stopped searching since.
Amaryllis wears Alexei's old necklace as a reminder of her cause.
Amaryllis did not know it at the time, but Alexei was beginning training as a Hamon monk. This led her to London, and through her meeting with Speedwagon, ironically led her to Zeppeli so she could follow her friend's footsteps and train the way he had.
Amaryllis can lift up to twice her body weight. This means Amaryllis would almost be able to lift Jonathan. Admittedly, with a lot of effort. In fact, once she met him, she trained a bit harder to be able to lift him. She decided that once she was able to lift him, she would be satisfied.
Amaryllis cannot play any instruments but is a fine singer.
Amaryllis wants to prove to herself and others that it is possible to be both strong and vulnerable at the same time.
Amaryllis is afraid of snakes and heights.
Faceclaim: Melissanthi Mahut
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Vassia's favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. Although his work was not very well known until long after his death, Vassia in her travels and search for a Hamon instructor, viewed a few of his pieces and immediately fell in love.
Vassia was born 3 years after Zeppeli began his training. The same year Speedwagon was born. The same year Zeppeli received news from Tonpetty about pursuing the ripple.
Vassia's favorite food is homemade chicken soup because it's comforting.
The main reason Vassia fell in love with Zeppeli was because he was the first man who ever researched Sign Language in order to communicate with her, instead of brushing her aside or making her work harder to read lips.
Vassia loves Sunflowers đŸŒ»
Not only was Vassia dismissed often for being deaf, but also for being left handed and having red hair. She was kind of a triple threat of things people didn't trust in those times.
Vassia's favorite food is sponge cake with berries.
Places Vassia had visited before linking up with Zeppeli and the Hamon Group in England include: Greece, the Netherlands, and Ireland.
Vassia is afraid of the dark (and for good reason! She's already missing one sense. Losing another feels detrimental!
Vassia likes to knit scarves and hats for the cold English winters.
Vassia's favorite color is yellow
Faceclaim Karen Gillan
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Caroline was very averse to the idea of love and relationships whole learning Hamon
Dire was the one who pursued her, and was admittedly far more goofy during his early years.
Dire won her over by asking to show her how to dance one night. He insisted that he taught all of this friends when he was bored, and the two shared a dance. Neither realized that it was the start of something at the time, but Caroline asked for another dance.
Caroline takes hygiene and cleanliness very seriously.
Caroline loves to read old plays, like Greek tragedies and Shakespeare
Caroline can fluently speak English, Tibetan, Italian, and is a bit rusty on sign language.
Caroline was the only other Hamon User to master Dire's special move.
Caroline is the tallest of my part 1 OCs, at 6'0 even.
Caroline is ambidextrous
Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
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