#and i get home from work SO late im gonna be dying
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Anyway put a bunch of Mediterranean cookbooks (BUT NOT the keto/calorie counting/diet ones bc we hate those) on hold at the library like an old lady BC smthn about physical cookbooks and tangible food products and my weird hatred of digital recipes despite their convenience
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be-good-to-bugs · 8 months
i hope i go somewhere nice when i die
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tsurangaconundrum · 5 months
panem dash simulator
peeniss4everlark Follow
officialsenecacrane Follow
me when i lie
districtfun Follow
i heard from my uncle who works at hunger games that they're only pulling from everlark shippers when they do the quarter quell
thats funny because when i was fucking your uncle last night he told me they're only pulling from bitchy district one stans
catohead69 Follow
we poppin the biggest bottles when cato wins
catohead69 Follow
theeclove Follow
okay but is anyone else pissed how the district 11 guy literally did favoritism for late districts or what
the careers literally did an alliance r u fucking kidding me i hope u get reaped
clearly SOMEBODY doesnt understand the strategy of the games
career-sweep Follow
PLEASE tag your hunger games spoilers. this is literally common sense the games have been going on for 74 years you should know better by now
#hunger games spoilers #SOOO pissed rn theres never been a live announcement and now i found out from fucking everlarks
maytheodds Follow
Yes I'm a 30 yr old hunger games watcher. I've been watching kids die since you were in diapers. You have NO idea the tragedies I've endured. Hunger games is escapism for many of us when I come home from a long day of logging the last thing I need is for some 13 yr old tribute dying in a high stakes competition that we ALL knew was high stakes starting a riot and destroying all the nations grain
lmao. get a load of this guy
girlalcoholic Follow
haymitch stans rise tf up
#yes girl get that salve #i would fuck that old man
cinnagirl3000 Follow
i wld nvr survive in thg fr baby im killing myself
#thnk goddddd im cap 😁 #i woulda stepped tf off that platform cinna its been an honor
caeserflickerwoman Follow
does anyone else think it was fucked that peeta invaded ceasar's space when he CLEARLY wasn't comfortable with being SNIFFED by a STRANGER
fuck you this is clearly so fucking capitol-centric no one in the capitol would ever be comfortable with any districtperson doing ANYTHING these days. it is capitol-boot-licking scum like you that holds the movement back. get BLOCKED idiot
butchjohanna Follow
Just something I've noticed I think we as a fandom have gotten WAY too comfortable using the phrase "get reaped" as an insult, when it's a very serious reality that many children live with and should not be taken this lightly. Some people online have had to put their names in more for necessities like bread or water and the absolute terror that grips a person waiting for their name to be called doesn't leave you even in adulthood. Please think before you speak
#many of you are not acting in a way that johanna would be proud of. get it together #reaping mention
starcrossedluvrs Follow
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adaptacy · 7 months
A Found Flame {Pt.2}
Pairing: Mentor!Gale Dekarios x Apprentice!GN!Reader
(Previous Chapter) – (Next Chapter) ➔ (AO3)
A/N: Gonna cross-post this to AO3 eventually once I have more of an idea of how the plots gonna go cause you all have convinced me to full-send it and make it a longform thing. just adding it to the list of wip.... a sincere apology to my tcm fics.... anyways! i love my little depressed magic-cancer nerd and im glad im not the only one. here's more of him :) [it wont all be angst, but i gotta set the scene and the stakes, yanno...?] ALSO 'a found flame' is just the working title, idk what the official one is gonna be but i'll let yall know when i figure that out
Word Count: 3.1k
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Stepping outside grants you an opportunity to taste the last flavors of the fading winter, only feeling the quick spikes of a chill every few minutes, and even then, it’s only thanks to the setting sun. You still wear a purple velvet shawl, as per the request – well, demand – of Gale. He insisted many moons ago that you shouldn’t ever risk getting sick when you can take measures to avoid such a fate, and you’d decided it was much simpler to go along with it than to argue your safety. That plan was cemented when he purchased you a finely tailored purple shawl, the edges of the hood and cloak lined with lynx fur, dyed a dark pink to complement the thick purple velvet that made up the majority of the shawl. A gift that nothing short of surprised you, even had you fooled into believing you’d been dreaming when he presented it to you. Why he was so particularly fearful of the cold, you weren’t sure, but you deeply appreciated the gift, and even if you did enjoy winter’s nip, the shawl was both gorgeous and comfortable, and you’d be insane to leave it behind.
Gale was also particularly sensitive to cold weather, from what you could tell, which likely had a role in his passionate bias against the chilliness of post-snow air. Frankly, you were fine with the occasional runny nose in exchange for a chance to wander down a snow-dusted forest trail, and you didn’t mind a shiver here and there while you caught free-falling flakes that Waterdeep was ever so rarely granted. 
The garden, however, was much like Gale – hardly a fan of the cold. Gale did not have a green thumb, but he still shared similarities with the plants you tended. Those plants that, currently, were dead and buried. While you’d managed to convince him to try his hand at herbalism and gardening, he had more of Bhaal’s touch with the sprouts than the ‘magic’ touch he so often joked about. It was amusing, and a little pitiful; the exasperated sigh and the troubled frown that followed your breaking of the news, that his poorly packed and overwatered plants had passed. He was dramatic, and managed to find the humor in the situation, though vowed to let you handle anything to do with seedlings and crops from that point onwards.
It was unfortunate, as you appreciated his entertaining company (even if it came mostly in the form of griping, displeased that he had to get so up close and personal with dirt and worms) around the garden beds, but it allowed for moments like these. Truth be told, you had no intention of gardening. You would have to wait another twelve dawns until any useful plants would be back in season, so planting anything this late in winter would be a waste of both time and resources. 
Instead, you aimed to explore a small forest trail that you’d just recently discovered, not far from the tower you stayed at. To say you lived there felt like too strong, too certain, of a term. It was the only place you slept, and nearly all of your time was spent there, but you knew it wasn’t home. It was Gale’s home, and you were a mere guest. A sixteen-month-and-counting guest, but a guest nonetheless. You worked, your apprenticeship laboursome and sometimes really quite demanding, and Gale repaid your loyalty and assistance by giving you a place to stay. You’d just never planned to stay so long. 
In all honesty, you expected it to be a very temporary arrangement. You suspected Gale felt the same way. But circumstances changed, and so did minds, and you didn’t see yourself leaving anytime soon. It helped that you got along quite well with your boss-slash-roommate, despite the differences in personality and age. You were comfortable with the way things were, and Gale had just recently begun to sprout ideas of passing his own spell-casting knowledge on to you, with today’s lesson being a prime example. When you weren’t helping out around his home, or running errands for him, or tending to the garden, you were most usually subjected to reading long passages from books that were once very far above your understanding. 
If Gale was a master of anything, it was surely knowledge. You’d found it odd, at first. Spending all of his days wasting away in his tower, just reading, rotting into a hermit, you’d assumed. But you’d soon gained an appreciation for his boundless mind, and felt almost honored that he’d decided you worthy of learning from him. Being a wizard’s apprentice had never been in the plans, not even as a fleeting hypothetical, and yet you found yourself in that exact scenario – and enjoying it nonetheless! 
Glancing down at the small woven basket hanging from your arm, you frowned, lost in thought. Gale taught you a lot, and he still had plenty left to teach, but by no means did that translate over to you really knowing the man you shared a house with. He taught from books and scrolls, and on a few spare good days from his own vast experience. Even with all of the lectures he gave, you found that any details about him that weren’t related to magic, or your lessons, were all quite lacking. What you did know about his personal life was almost purely from observation. 
Well, a few times when Tara had made a passing comment about some personal detail and surely was later scolded for it, but those were few and far between. If anyone were to blame for your curiosity, it was most certainly the man himself. He loved preaching the importance of curiosity, exploration (despite rarely leaving the confines of his study), and seeking knowledge, and you’d be a rather poor apprentice to disregard such lessons. Or, arguably worse, cherry pick when you applied those lessons to real world scenarios. 
Most recently, your nose for curiosity had picked up on the notably pungent scent of Gale’s behavior. It was unusual, slightly withdrawn, perhaps a little panicked if you truly squinted between the lines. Gale was predictable, for the most part – it was one of his traits that had earned him your trust in the first place. Though as of recent, he’d been rather strange. And not the typical Gale kind of strange – an unsettling, uncharacteristic strange. One that you knew better than to ask questions about, but one that certainly sprouted confusion. 
You neared the edge of the forest, giving the pale trees a smile as if to promise your peace. Pausing just before the tree line, you peered into the woods, interested as to what you might discover. You proceeded, following a very faint trail into the woods. You had a pretty solid confidence in your navigational skills – otherwise you most definitely would’ve gotten completely trapped in the maze of a city that was Waterdeep every time you ran any sort of errand – so you weren’t particularly concerned with getting lost. 
Allowing your thoughts to return to Gale, you reminded yourself that you weren’t really lying to him. You definitely weren’t going to the garden, but you still planned on harvesting plants. You’d known him for almost a year and a half, and you knew the gist of what he’d been through, what with his mentorship from Mystra herself – which was so cool, and he was way too casual about it – and his strange appetite thanks to the Netherese orb that had become one with him. All that aside, however, you didn’t know many details about his past. For as chatty and sarcastic as he was, you couldn’t shake the feeling he had a good number of secrets he withheld from you, and big ones at that. 
Of course, Gale was entitled to his privacy, and you didn’t want to intrude or push his boundaries, but it was impossible to ignore the signs of unease. His constantly drifted mind, his long breaks between lessons, his increasingly frequent requests. Or the way that he’d direct you to read a passage from some folktale or other, only to remain silent for several moments after you finish, gazing longingly past his balcony. He’d been consuming more artifacts than usual recently, and gained a sudden eagerness to push real world practice into your schedules. Not that you minded the inflow of new information, but it didn’t seem to come from a place of excitement. Instead, you figured anxiety; judging based off of the common rapid bouncing of his leg, the messy-and-messier spread of his books and trinkets – especially when compared to how well-kept the place always was whenever you’d started working under him – or his new tendency to forget what he had and hadn’t asked of you, or which lessons he’d already covered, or hell, where he had last placed his staff. 
Well, what better way to get someone to open up and relax than with a hand-picked bouquet and some herbal tea? 
Even if he didn’t spill his guts to you, he certainly needed a pick-me-up. Sure, you already did a lot for him, but he did a lot for you, too. Maybe even more than he realized. He deserved a treat. 
–   –   –
“Though it may be bold of me to say, I estimate they’ll be a fine caster someday.”
“Bold indeed, Mr. Dekarios. Awfully bold. They quite nearly began trembling at the idea of a mere fire bolt!” The small beast chirped back, seated firmly atop his desk, pawing at a small fuzzy ball that swung from a thin string, easily entertained by the simple contraption. 
“Even I stumbled; all beginners do. Time is all they need. ‘Time heals all wounds’, is that not how the scriptures read?” He asked, sticking his tongue out and running the tip of a long harpy feather over it. 
As he dipped that same tip in a vial half-filled with a thick, clear liquid, Tara quickly outstretched a wing, the end of it not-so-accidentally hitting her companion in the face. The startle nearly caused him to knock over the bottle of magic ink, his torso leaning forward as he just barely managed to steady it with both hands, and he glared at his familiar out of the corner of his eye. She merely stretched out her other wing, feigning obliviousness before eventually looking back at him. “You are still the same fool who summoned me all those years ago. You are a prodigy, Mr. Dekarios! You were half their age then; to compare your ‘stumbles’ to the incompetence of a commoner such as them is exhaustively inconceivable.” 
“Tara, I implore you to exercise patience. They are a fine apprentice, and they certainly have the potential for brilliance. Am I not a competent mentor?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, intending the question to be at least somewhat thought-provoking, but the only reaction he received was Tara turning her head away and murmuring something too quiet for Gale to hear. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, he knew her well enough to predict it was something snarky, and he didn’t bother investigating. He dipped the large quill again, unable to recall if he’d already wet the tool, and the liquid dripped off of the tip, shimmering in the glint of the fading sun as it rejoined the rest contained in the bottle. “Why is it that you repudiate all of their attempts to bond with you? Surely you don’t think them ill-mannered?”
“‘Ill-mannered’, he says,” she mocks, her tail flicking in irritation. “It is not their civilities that I have quarrels with. It is the expectations I deplore.”
“Expectations?” Gale repeats, his palm flattening against his desk, pressing out the sides of a contorted scroll, the tip of the feather hovering over the yellowed paper. 
After solving her own deliberation, the tressym turns around, her wings folding against her sides, her tail curling around her paws. “Have you no fear that your confidence is misplaced? Mr. Dekarios, do you not worry that they may fall short in your plans for them? That they are not up to the task you have decided to burden them with?”
Gale’s irritated gaze softens, his hand relaxing, coming to join his other hand in resting on the desk. The clear liquid on the quill drips onto the parchment, becoming a black dot in an instant, the weave-infused iridescent ink soaking seamlessly into the paper. “I fear nobody could ever truly be capable. But my options are limited, and my few select choices are each disheartening in their own cruel ways.”
“Evidently, you have already made up your mind. Why is it that you allow them to remain oblivious? You know better than anyone how dire the circumstances are.” Tara’s paws slide forward, her belly laying flat on the desk, and she plants her head atop of her mitts. 
Gale moves his hand, letting the paper curl up without the weight, to gently scratch Tara’s head, her pitying purr drawing a sigh from his own chest. “I am but a ticking time bomb. Hardly much of a man these days,” he chuckles dryly, looking around the dust-riddled mess that he still called a study. It would be nothing short of anarchy if it weren’t for his apprentice, and he’s seen it in far worse shape, but it doesn’t quite shake the quiet guilt that rocks in his stomach at just how far he’s fallen. Gale is usually quick to excuse his carelessness as an incurable consequence of his age, but he’s well-aware that his energy is not merely being lost alongside his youth. 
The artifacts he consumes have only ever satiated a part of the orb’s appetite. Never quite satisfied – a commonly reoccurring trait of those Gale finds himself engaging with – the sortilege feeds off of him as well. The incantations he recites and the thaumaturgy he practices only grows stronger – more powerful than Gale could have ever predicted or wished for – while his body withers away as though his very anatomy is actively being shredded, and relentlessly so, to make room for spells that he now dreads casting. 
It doesn’t help that his learned reliance was only ripped away from him when he truly needed assistance. When the man who once considered himself the smartest in all of Faerun was clueless about his own condition, the only person who could possibly have the answers disappeared. 
Now, Gale was left to clean up the pieces. He understands this is his own doing – that he was, and still is, a fool. Once blinded by greed, a greed that led him to being blinded by love, a love that led him to being blinded by desperation, a desperation that led to him being trapped by fear. A fear that now has settled, more or less. Present as ever, but no longer unfamiliar, no longer a new addition to Gale’s emotions.
His hand returns to the paper, and Tara steadies her sights on the bottom of the quill, watching as it twirls, imprinting promises and bittersweet apologies onto the scroll. Words he couldn’t possibly utter aloud, but words that couldn’t be more genuine. The recipient deserves more than a written explanation and cursive laments, and he’s aware of the injustice he’s manufacturing, but he is a terribly faded man who is cursed by a deficiency in time and yet finds himself with so much left to do. He decides it is better a raven on her doorstep than his ghost, lacking any explanation. 
Each day, he wakes to find his chest a little warmer, his hands a little shakier, his hair a little thinner. And each day feels like his last. He is entirely helpless to the foe that resides inside of him, of all places. Incapable of defending against something that has already breached his castle walls, and even more useless as it has latched under his skin, reducing him to nothing more than a habitat. He hosts an aberration that has grown far, far too large for its enclosure, and who threatens to rupture its cage with every breath that he dares to draw. 
He’s held out for long enough. He’s lived longer than he ever imagined possible, but he knows his limits. The truth stings in places untouched by the Netherese’s reaches; his forced composure starts an ache in his face, but he knows better. With a sharp inhale, Gale rolls up the paper, setting down the large brown feather as he retrieves a thin, fraying string, tightly wrapping the letter up. He even finishes it off with a neat bow, a force of habit, and he sets it aside, leaning back in his chair. 
The moon is just barely visible now, approaching the stars and creeping over the mild coverage of the stone railings on his balcony, and the wizard watches the white giant rise. Some unburied, deep sense of longing reflects in his eyes, where the moon also resides, though she is much smaller and much dimmer. There’s movement on the desk, but Gale’s eyes aren’t yet drawn away from the beauty of the night. Then there’s a weight in his lap, and a purring against his stomach, and he lowers his hand to rest on Tara’s back, gently stroking, enjoying the silent tranquility. 
‘Mystra’s moon’ he used to call it. He’d tell her he could see her in the shadowed curves, but he isn’t sure if he ever really did. Maybe in a dream, long lost to him now. The moon that watched over him tonight was certainly not Mystra’s. It was bright, encasing the room in a beautiful blue, and the gaze it returned was a soft one. Free of judgment, free of stress, free of difficulty. 
“I reckon I’ll be up there soon,” he exhales, feeling his familiar curl up in his lap. “Ruling my own section of sky. Perhaps I’ll even have purpose. I can’t help but wonder what it’s like.”
“Peaceful, I suspect. An eternity of peace, at that. What a prospect.”
“You’ll join me some day?” 
The feline purrs out a quiet chuckle, her tail curling around her body so the tip rests on her nose, bundled perfectly atop his thighs. “Of course. I can only go so long without a self-warming bed.”
Gale smiles, his hand falling still on her back, though his thumb continues to run up and down her fur. “Give them a chance, will you? They can’t do it without guidance.”
“I’ll take care of them,” Tara reassures, her tone much softer now than when she spoke of his apprentice earlier. “Do wait for me up there. I’ll be by your side before long, Mr. Dekarios.” 
“I set out tomorrow night. I’ll inform them of what they need to know.”
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Can I request shinobu with a female reader who when they meet is always thirsty, like even them just walking a few steps makes them so thirsty for water they feel like their gonna pass out (and they sometimes do) and there's nothing wrong with there health at all! but of course it somehow doesn't effect their missions until the very end.
Thank you sm if you consider 😭😭
I love your writing so much eidhaksjdjr
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Here you go, hope you enjoy it! Everybody go drink some water! Word Count: 1,240
“Ahh, so refreshing,” (Y/n) hummed pleasantly after downing a cup of cool, soothing water, “I’m ready for our walk now!” She beamed, quickly joining Shinobu at the doorway.
“Very well,” Shinobu smiled in kind.
She barely took three steps out in the sun before she felt (Y/n)’s hand encircle her arm.
“On second thought, maybe I need a little more? I’ll be right back.”
Shinobu watched her go, shaking her head in amusement.
At first, she had been disturbed and concerned by (Y/n)’s seemingly never ending thirst. She put her through every test in the books to find out if it was a symptom of some underlying health condition, but (Y/n) seemed perfectly healthy by all measures of known science and medicine. She just had a tendency to be very thirsty, very often.
“Ready?” Shinobu asked once (Y/n) returned, ever patient when it came to her.
“Yeah— wait… maybe one more.”
“Let’s fill up a gourd bottle. Then you can carry some with you.” Shinobu decided. She did want to get out of the mansion at some point today before she was inevitably pulled back into work.
“That’s a great idea! I’ll go drink some more water while you get it. That way, I’ll maximize how long it’ll last me.” (Y/n) clapped.
Shinobu nodded and went to retrieve and fill a bottle. She let the water fill the container to the brim and corked it, holding it securely in her hands. The size of the gourd should have been more than adequate for the short outing but…
“Maybe one more.” Shinobu decided, already filling up a second gourd.
It had been a good idea, but it was not enough for the poor girl.
“Shinobuuuu,” she called, sounding like she had gargled a mouth full of warm, dry sand, “I, I ran out of water…”
“Already?” Shinobu pulled up the two gourds by the string hanging loosely over (Y/n)’s shoulder and found them to indeed be as light as air.
“Mouth so dry… World is spinning…”
“Here, sit in the shade for a minute. Take slow, deep breaths.”
“Shinobu? Am I dying?”
“No, no you are not. Just lay down and breathe, I’ll get you more water.”
“Shinobu, don’t leave me in the desert alone!” (Y/n) wheezed, weakly gripping Shinobu’s pant leg.
“We are in an evergreen forest not even two kilometers away from the mansion. I’ll just run home and refill these. I’ll be back in less than ten minutes.”
Shinobu untangled the gourds from (Y/n)’s person, then she was gone.
True to her word, she was back in no time at all, although in (Y/n)‘s delirium, it seemed like years.
“H’nobu, you came back for me… look at you, still so young. You haven’t aged a day…”
“That’s because not even eight minutes have passed since I was gone. Here,”
Shinobu had doubled the amount of gourds she had brought the first time. She uncorked one and lightly began to pour it over (Y/n)’s face, hoping to snap her out of the strange thirst-induced fog she had succumbed to. Shinobu made a mental note to always bring more water on sunny days like this from now on.
At first, (Y/n) didn’t register the sudden gush of ‘rain’ the washed over her, but then she blinked rapidly and swiftly sat up, snatching the gourd out of Shinobu’s hands to down the rest in a couple of rapid gulps.
She pulled her lips away from the gourd with a deep breath like she had been underwater for an almost worrisome period of time, then she looked to Shinobu, her eyes carrying more of their usual shine than they had just a moment ago.
“Wahh!” She latched onto Shinobu, hugging her tightly, “Shinobu! You saved my life!” She cried.
“I’m sure you would have survived, but please don’t cry, you’re going to lose more water and I can only carry so much at a time.”
“I’ll try.” (Y/n) sniffed, pulling back from Shinobu who offered her another gourd from the pile.
(Y/n) thanked her and put the gourd to her lips, drinking less like a frantic person lost in the desert for three days.
They took some time resting in the shade together and as (Y/n) picked up the third gourd, her crow came swooping down from the trees to alert her of a mission she would need to prepare for later that night.
Shinobu had a feeling that she would need to refill those gourds sooner rather than later, and maybe add another two to the pile while she was at it. She found herself wondering for not the first time since she knew (Y/n), how she survived this long as a demon slayer.
“Let’s make sure you are as prepared for this mission as you can be.” Shinobu said, helping (Y/n) back to her feet.
“Aww, you care about me.” (Y/n) gushed teasingly.
Shinobu held out the last gourd, hearing the water swish inside, “If you want this, and I’m sure you will, keep quiet.” Shinobu smiled a tad menacingly.
(Y/n) made a motion of zipping her lips and hurried after Shinobu, three empty gourds clinking against each other as she went.
Shinobu couldn’t help but be worried as she saw (Y/n) off at sunset. She couldn’t help but hover over her the rest of the day, making sure (Y/n) had adequate hydration and didn’t eat anything high in salt that would make her thirst even more troublesome. Usually, she gave no second thought to (Y/n)’s missions because she always came back in good health, but the chaos earlier in the day gave her trepidations. So when (Y/n) left with eight gourds hanging off of her shoulders, Shinobu decided to follow and observe from a distance.
Before long, (Y/n) had gone through six gourds. She wasn’t even halfway to the demon’s stomping grounds yet. Shinobu watched on, though she was concerned, she was also curious. Obviously (Y/n) had managed to survive just fine thus far, but how?
When (Y/n)’s crow alerted her than the demon was near, Shinobu rubbed at her temples as (Y/n) downed the last two gourds. Surely she would get thirsty during the battle, shouldn’t she save some at least? Or maybe, there wasn’t time to drink during? Even then, Shinobu thought she should at the very least save some for after.
The demon came out and swiped at (Y/n) as she took her last gulp. Shinobu watched with bated breath while (Y/n) fought it for several minutes, wondering when she should jump in to assist, but (Y/n) was holding her own just fine. It was incredible, honestly. Was this really the same girl who couldn’t go on a light walk without consuming her body weight in water?
(Y/n) then delivered the blow that decapitated the demon. She flicked the blood off of her sword and put it away with a satisfied nod. Shinobu then saw her footing falter and went to catch her without delay.
“(Y/n), are you alright?” Shinobu asked, checking (Y/n) over. Maybe the demon had nicked her somewhere…
(Y/n) had fainted, but even unconscious she found the strength to utter a single word,
“This girl,” Shinobu shook her head in disbelief.
Good thing she brought more with her. Maybe she should convert one of her bigger training gourds into a water bottle for (Y/n) in the future. She imagined it would be quite heavy though. She’d have to think on it.
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diabolikpersonals · 7 months
kou cl endings!
euphoria end:
ruki, with the use of shin’s super good nose, is chasing kou and yui through the forest. yuma and azusa were left behind to fight ayato and kanato. kouyui reach the church and rest there, and kou talks about how pathetic he feels that he couldn’t protect her enough :’( but yui’s like “nooo! u came to rescue me and you were so cool!”
just when kou is talking about how he can’t stand to fight ruki, who saved him when he was in the orphanage, ruki shows up like “tough shit, we’re fighting anyway.” kou pulls out his sword and ruki asks if he thinks he can win, to which kou replies, “NOPE but I have to try!!!”
during the sword fight, kou can tell ruki isn’t seriously trying to kill him. so he lowers his sword to let ruki strike him, but as he expected, ruki stops right before his sword makes contact. but even though that proves how close he is, it’s still not enough to bring back ruki’s memories. so kou takes drastic measures and gets himself hurt on purpose!!! ;-; and that works! ruki is back!!!
…but it looks like kou is, uh, dying. ruki thinks it’s all his fault. yui is inconsolable. but then ruki’s like, “wait a sec.” and he tastes the blood (lmfao I was so shocked) and then asks yui to taste it too.
I know this sounds like I’m making shit up but you have to believe me. it’s not blood, it’s ketchup. kou fucking pranked them. kou used the ivy to make armor underneath his clothes, so he’s totally fine. yuma taught him how to make that. everybody say thanks, yuma!
(if there was ketchup everywhere, wouldnt it smell like ketchup? like, really strongly? especially to a vampire nose?)
kou and yui kiss in the church, and u might remember that that’s the key to leaving this place, so the world falls apart and we wake up in eden. in the order im playing, kou is only the second one so far to complete socrates’ experiment in the “proper” way, so socrates is like “hell yeah, great job!” then he explains his whole plan as usual. kou’s like “FUCK you, dont EVER do that again” and socrates peaces out. he says he won’t appear again. that’s kinda sad, he’s a great plot device :’)
so everybody goes to their respective homes and stops fighting. the final scene is kou and yui deciding they’d be late for school so they can cuddle on the couch some more. yui prays these days will last forever.
it would’ve been really nice to get a mukami family reunion scene…!! but I guess we dont always get what we want, do we? lol
labyrinth end:
…kou can’t fight ruki :( he drops his sword instead. he apologizes over and over, because this means giving up yui, but yui tells him he’s done nothing wrong.
so kou and yui are taken and locked up separately. ruki tortures kou for several days, trying to get kou to give him info on how to become the overlord. eventually, shin comes to check on yui (who isnt eating) and to tell her that kou died. tortured to death! yui’s like “but he’s a vampire!” and shin’s like “vampires can TOTALLY die from that.” but yknow, he’s lying, as shin tends to do
well, yui fell for the lie, and shin just so happened to leave her alone with the knife that came with her dinner. shin is a fucking idiot. yui kills herself like immediately. was it worth the stupid joke, shin?? did u have fun??? everybody’s gonna yell at him later, I just know it.
everybody (kou included, cuz he’s NOT DEAD) is in eden. kou wakes up and sees his gf bleeding from her neck. she wont open her eyes.
karl heinz shows up and explains what happened. kou says that he’d rather stay trapped in that fake dimension if it means being able to see yui again, and he begs karl heinz to make that happen. karl heinz is like “okay sure” and he sends kou back in to live with a fake yui forever. this experiment was a failure, but for now, he’ll let adam dream.
so kou lives forever and ever with fake yui. he doesnt care if it’s a dream or an illusion or whatever, he just wants to drown in it </3
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mariska · 28 days
hi queer friends in my phone i hope u have all been having an ok month so far 💖 im sorry i havent been online very much lately, its like 80% just me being forgetful except to hop on my phone app for like ten mins to browse my dash and reblog something and get distracted by another non phone related activity LOL. my bestie Eli is here still until the rest of the month and we finished our rewatch (their first watch, my like......who even knows the specific numbered rewatch) of Avatar The Last Airbender a couple days ago and that was very fun and exciting, it was wild getting to those last few episodes in the final season and just totally getting brought back to being a kid in my head when the show was actively airing on tv and i was sitting in my bedroom exploding from sheer special interest excitement watching the story wrap up on the super small box tv i used to have like 15+ years ago 😭🫡 we haven't started watching Legend Of Korra yet since we just finished ATLA and need to like. take a lil Avatar media break before jumping into another entire finished series fhdhdhsfsshhgd but excited for whenever we start that too!! Eli showed me a fav movie of theirs the other night called Thoroughbreds and i REALLY liked it, fellow toxic yuri enjoyers i truly cannot recommend that one enough those girls have Problems In Abundance and i love that for them and also me.
OH OH OH ALSO on my birthday after we got home from out of house activities we watched that Nic Cage movie 'Dream Scenario' that i've wanted to see so bad since the first trailer for it dropped online a while back, and i am truly not just being dramatic when i say i think that is my favorite movie i've seen this year and it will be Difficult for another movie to win over that 2024 Fav Spot in my mind, it was exactly what i wanted it to be and MUCH MORE LMAOO IT WAS SO GODDAMN FUNNY. very specifically Me And Eli's Kinda Stupid Sense Of Humor throughout the whole run time we were fuckin losing it at every other scene. that was a wonderful lil birthday treat.
also the antique mall we were gonna go to ended up being closed on the day of my birthday so we went to a big mall off-Cape that i like instead and have been to a few other times for past birthdays cus they actually have a bunch of different types of stores with stuff i actually enjoy unlike the more local mall we have here that is 100% dying a slow agonizing Mall Death lmao. went to Build-A-Bear and they had that one bear style in stock that literally just looks like a femme lesbian with the lesbian flag colors and perfect lil eyeliner so i made a Chappell Roan inspired pop star outfit wearing lesbian colored bear (saw someone else online do that a lil while back with the same style i chose so i couldn't resist doing it myself when i saw it was at the store hfsfgsvsgshshdg) and the ppl working there that day were all super chill and friendly and most likely around me and Eli's age or maybe a few yrs younger than us, the person who helped me make my bear specifically was really friendly and fun to talk with cus while we were in there it was pretty much just us and the employees for the majority of the time, he like immediately picked up on me being A Very Obvious Femme Lesbian on account of The Femme Lesbian Bear and also The Very Over The Top Femme Alt Outfit I Was Wearing and we chatted abt being gay and trans while he was stuffing the bear it was such a genuinely sweet and wonderful interaction, he was also autistic and we got to briefly bond over Build-A-Bear being mutual life long autistic special interests of ours and he seemed rly happy to hear that i was turning 27 that day and was still actively wanting to spend birthdays making custom stuffed animals there it was just really great all around 😭💕 also before the mall closed later on we did a quick stop at the FYE store that was there (i always get very excited when i see a still active FYE store anywhere cus it was a childhood fav place of mine to shop but our local mall closed ours when i was a teenager lol) and there was a small stand set up with some ATLA merch and i got a fully functional Momo backpack/crossbody style bag that i am so incredibly psyched about having fjdgedfdhsshfg it is very cute. and anyone who knows me knows i love adding a silly lil functional novelty bag to my collection of silly lil novelty bags. so it will be getting much use from me out in the world
anyways!!! thats pretty much what i've been up to, just figured i would hop on and write a mariska life update so everyone here knows i didnt just like. drop off the face of the earth lol
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spiteless-xo · 7 months
Im so sorry this ramble is so long but here u go🙁
The absolute terror that came over me when i saw the email notification for the new chapter😭😭😭ok before i read im gonna put my final insights here,, ive literally been scrambling around my house procrastinating reading it bc im TERRIFIED and honestly im so sad its ending,, ive been reading since like february??? I think???Idk atp but i cannot express how much ive loved this story i wish it couldve just continued forever🥲🥲
Ok my predictions are that this will not be a one way path ik tiff is evil and likes to fuck w our feelings😞 i think smt twisted like reader picking eren but eren not picking reader could happen BC HE REALISED HIS SELF WORTH MAYBE😭😭but im not intricate enough to actually use that to decide but i honestly am at a loss i have no clue,, its an honest gamble but i do think eren is endgame??? Help i have no clue😭 but i do remember someone analysing the smells? Vanilla is more home and comfort so like a foundation? And citrus was for summer and things but i was thinking how summer is a temporary thing where people live out crazy activities for the sake of it but the whole thing abt it is that its temporary like we always have to go back HOME to our foundation aka vanilla aka eren????
Thing is ive been eren for endgame since DAYY ONEE i only almost switched up once during the arc with erens confession (idky😞) but other than that ive stayed loyal LMAO idk if im just being delusional tho convincing myself I think she'll end up with eren but
ALSO my other point right
I wanna take this back to tiff bc she IS the author😋 from what ive seen in her tumblr,, a lot of the reader owns resemblance to tiff?? She's mentioned a lot how the readers job is based off her irl experience in an office and some of the readers habits shes claimed to have herself i remember she was saying how people bashing the reader made her think like 'wait thats kind of me tho’ i remember it too vaguely to quote but ANYWAY off the basis that the reader is in some aspects (not all) a projection in some ways?? Its gonna influence,, we ALL know tiff is a strong jean girl😭 we love that and so u'd think jean would be picked BUT in between chapters i saw a few tumblr posts abt her growing liking for eren? I wont deny that she is DEFINITELY still a jean girl but i think for some form of variation in her work bc i think as far as i know she only has one other eren story on her ao3 and so i think her growing crush ok eren may be enough to win her over for just this fic even if jean remains her favourite?? I have like ten million other theories but i need to read the chapter now i will be back😋😋 (im so scared im shitting my pants)
Im back!! its been like 6 days since i read it but i just didnt have time to write out my reaction after bc i was so fucking immersed i lost track of time and was late to meet up w my friends💀💀💀anyway it was such rollercoaster omd😭 the letters from jean we’re honestly so cute and i think the year time skip made everything all the more realistic in her choice bc she frl needed that break😭 OMD AND THE WAY I WAS PANICKING when that girl came out the elevator istg i thought it was mikasa,, with all generic eren fanfics if theres ever a third party to make the reader jealous theres some unspoken rule to never use mikasa for some reason and i was dying thinking it was gonna be her😭😭 commonly people use historia so when even a mention of eren having a new gf came up my mind shot to historia i swear i was worrying just as much as the reader💀 anyway back to jeans letters i was honestly like getting a bit swayed that i wouldnt even be upset if reader ended up w jean and especially considering how offstandish eren was when reader went to see him at first he was like not following up on anything like he was rushing to see his stupid gf (it was armin🎉🎉🥳) AND THE READER WAS SO CUTE FOR THAT GUNDAM (tysm tiff its such a silly headcanon that eren collects those and builds them i can see it HELP) and i think it was so cute seeing the reader and sasha as bsfs more bc i think there was long periods of time that that relationship w sasha wasnt as strongly shown so its so nice AND OMGOGMOGM LEVI????? U made the dynamic w them so well how he has that small bit of warmth telling her she can work there whenever she needs its the cutest thing ever i love it more than ever and the way levi talks abt petra UGH u made everything so endearing, and istg the reader has never been real until this chapter bc she is so right saying that a bunch of paper doesnt change him bc I KNEW AS SOON AS HE SAID HE NEVER LEFT TITAN AND BECAME BASICALLY HIS DAD that he was not gonna be endgame,, i always had the theory that titan and the kirstein status is a metaphor for the status jean has from the reader bc shes loved him for so long thinking hes someone that hes really not,, jean was painfully aware how he could make any mistake at work and have no punishment similarly to how even if he hurts the reader she will always forgive him so if he couldnt avoid reaping the benefits of his kirstein status then it means he’d continue to take advantage of the reader but thing is this status dissolved when she took that year away from him which is why I appreciate how realistic it all is logic wise,, Eren evidently changed and omg i wanna know abt the pictures on his wall bc when reader was first there there was mention how there were no family pictures or any sign of him really living there but when she came back there were pictures,, i was trying to figure out the meaning but i cant get my finger on it😭 my guess is that he found more purpose in life?? Idk bc that seems so vague and farfetched i was wondering what ur intentions were with that🙆‍♀️ and i had a theory AGES AGO that piecks ‘bad bf’ before jean or smt was zeke?? Bc knowing how zeke was in that gc and stuff like that it sounded like smt was gonna link together? I just think the added details abt piecks past was left unfinished so i was also wondering abt that😋 anyway ugh the ending was also so cute usually i hate when characters dance in fanfics but it was so cute and fitting for the moment like THEM AT THE POINT omg i loved it i love u thank you SO MUCH tiff for an amazing story i hope u have a good day bb❤️❤️❤️
omg thank you for a such a lovely message 🥰💗🥰💗 i’ll hide my response under a cut here because it’s long
reading since february!! omg that’s like the beginning! i think i dropped the first chapter on valentine’s day
“tiff is evil and likes to fuck with our feelings” 💀💀💀 yes.
ugh the smells!!!!! that was my biggest slip up frfr 🙈 i said way too much when i responded to that ask because i was so excited someone asked!! and you guys were all right of course. eren was home and jean was just temporary (like the summer season)
lmao ok literally. i was still a hardcore jean girlie when i started writing tbaw and even after i decided it was gonna end w eren. so throughout writing tbaw….. i literally fell in love w eren jaeger 🙈 and i almost fell out of love w jean!!! tbaw!jean is so awful he almost ruined jean completely for me
hehehe yes yes you’re 100% right w jean. he’s so used to taking advantage and never getting punished (w reader and titan) that he doesn’t really see a point in changing because tbh his life is pretty good?? but then when reader spent time away from him, her blind infatuation w him wore off and then when he tried to pull that same shit again, she’s like nah bro.
ok this is probably not clear at all, but the deal w eren’s apartment is that in the beginning it’s very sanitized and show-homey because he feels distant and detached from his friends/family after the death of his mom and becoming close w zeke. he’s like internally ashamed of the way he’s acting because he knows he’s in the wrong so he’s almost punishing himself by distancing himself from everyone.
and then after a year when he’s changed and the pictures are on the wall, its because hes worked his way out of that hole of self loathing and is happy with the person he is now. so he’s able to feel more comfortable, even in the privacy of his own home, and having his mom “watch over him” in a sense, and cherishing his previous relationship w jean and his ongoing friendship w armin, etc etc.
yes!! pieck’s bad bf was zeke! i was originally going to have her have a bigger role in tbaw to show like how eren’s past behaviour can affect people, since she was a victim of that treatment when she dated zeke. but i scrapped it because it would’ve extended the story so much and also i didn’t really like writing pieck lol
so there are like lil bits and pieces about the pieck/zeke relationship and how the way he treated her makes her seek validation in men, but it’s super underdeveloped in tbaw.
thank you again for such a lovely comment!! i’m glad you enjoyed it 🥰💗
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badkarma1998 · 1 year
*places this ask in your hands* karma its time for you to talk about your original characters :)
Aight, you left this nice and vauge, so Im gonna go over the basics (which might still get long we'll see)
Firstly, Stella: She's my OG blorbo. We love a vampire babe. She died when she was 17, she had leukemia. Her brother couldn't stand the thought of her dying, so he broke her out of the hospital and took her to a coven of vampires. Her transformation was violent and she doesn't remember any of it. She woke up in an alley covered in blood with no memory, and her family has no idea what happened to her. She does get horrible dreams of the night her brother took her from the hospital, and they always end with her waking up from intense phantom pain. So fun so edgy. She's a loner, she's mean to everyone because she wants to stay isolated, but she's secretly a softy. So when she sees a teenager hudled in the rain on the street late at night, she takes him in.
Enter Elliot: He's my sweet baby boy, and I love to make him cry. He can see ghosts, like literally. Almost ghost whisperer sytle, but ghosts rarely interact with him. He saw his first ghost at his sister's funeral, at which point he was distracted and really couldn't care. Then the next year his dad died, and he ran away, because he's convinced he's cursed. He jumped on a bus, hoping to runaway to Hollywood, but he ended up in Seattle with no money, following a random stranger home. Then he slept on her couch for so many nights he ended up becoming roomates with a vampire. Stella would never admit it, but she has a huge soft spot for him, and Elliot somehow sees past her cold facade. They are comfy cozy found family, and I'm so normal about it I promise.
There's also Zack: Elliot's childhood best friend and love interest. He's known Elliot since they were 5, and had a crush on him since they were in middle school. He loves puzzles, games, and he runs a FNAF theory blog. So when his best friend up and dissapeared without a word, his response of course was to track him down clear on the other side of the country. He was not prepared however, to find out that Elliot has secret ghost powers, is living with a vampire, and that magic is real.
Also the twins: Forest and Sky. They're human (mostly), but their mother owns a store for magic clientel. The front is your typical corner store, the back is like if a 7-eleven got freaky with every YA fantasy novel ever. They're both practicing magicians, perfectly capable of spells and potions. Sky is fun and energetic. She's outgoing and loves to get into mischief. When she was 7, she made a deal with a loteral demon, and now her right eye can literally see into the future. Forest is much more shy and toned down, prefering to follow rules and avoid attention from others. He went fully deaf at a young age, and prefers to speak using ASL, so he's literally more soft spoken than his sister. He does however have a hidden sassy streak and can be just as mischievous as Sky when he wants to.
I could keep going, but Ill keep the others short. I have Oliver, who's Stella’s older brother. After taking her to the vampires and losing her anyways, he became a vampire hunter under the assumption she died. Naomi, a vampire who works at the shop with Sky and Forest. She's a fruit bat, so instead of drinking blood she eats a metric fuckton of fruit. And lastly Mariana. She's an ancient forest nymph who owns a flowershop. She absolutely HATES Stella, and by the wonders of fate, she offers Zack a job and her extra room when he shows up looking for Elliot. That's right, I've got not one, but TWO boys who unknowingly stumble into being roommates with supernatural beings!
Yes this is the basics, yes I can go more in depth on any of them, Cooper you asked for this and I love you for it.
Some fun facts because this is my post and I wanna:
Elliot has a sweet tooth and loves carrot cake and obscenely sugary starbucks drinks
Zack is trans, and Elliot helped him pick out his name.
Sky and Forest are homeschooled and they want to form a band when they're older. (Sky on vocals and bass, Forest plays drums)
Stella adores octopi and wanted to be a marine biologist when she was alive.
Mari lived in Spain for the first hundred years of her life, she and Zack often speak spanish with eachother.
Naomi retained most of her memory after becoming a vampire, unlike Stella, however her turning is very fuzzy. All she remembers is being bitten by a woman with long white hair, which saved her from a stab wound after being mugged. She's madly in love with this woman and wants to find her so badly.
Forest has a huge crush on Elliot. Zack also has a huge crush on Elliot. Elliot is a sweet boy and everyone has a huge crush on him. Naturally Elliot is oblivious af and would combust if he noticed.
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yanban-san · 2 years
OOGUHGH THAT ONE-SHOT WITH NOBORI AND THE LIGHTS WAS SO SWEET HELLO-- i love how you described everything!! im torn between "i love my husband" and "put your shirt back on before i motorboat you, clown (affectionate)" nd him just... fuck, hes gorgeous. im gonna kiss him so soundly and sweetly is the thing, and i love the idea of his... idk what else to call it aside from his chest tuft?? just always being cold and prime for the cuddling, i usually run really warm/overheat easily so getting to just kinda hang on/off of him like a hammock without having to worry about that sounds phenomenal, 1000/10 would romance again.
also i hope you've been doing alright and taking care of yourself nstuff!! that or that lifes just been generally kinder to you lately, and that you're being kind to you, too. don't force yourself and be sure to take breaks when/if you need to, okay? i hope the month ends on a good note for you, nd remember that you and your mental/emotional/overall well-being come first n'foremost, content can wait and so can people. - feather anon
I am so glad you enjoyed it Feather anon d(-▽ - )
His chest tuft of fur also gets real poofy like a bird's feathers :) You motorboat him, every last piece of furry fluff on him is going to be standing on end. He gets as poofy as a grackle. :)
And I am the same way! Even in the dead of Winter when it's below freezing I'm sweating most of the time because I'm just too toasty. Staying cool is difficult. ...And it's 96+ down where I am right now lol so I've been dying. Need a demon boy who's perpetually like grabbing the cool side of the pillow.
Both the demon husbands make excellent hammocks- Supporting you and the other one in a big cuddle pile. Even for eldritch abominations, cuddling is perhaps one of the most important romantic displays of affection they can think of! Just spending time holding and hugging you, massaging you gently and feeling you against them- They could spend an eternity doing that. :)
And I have been doing good! I am back in my home state and not ded lol, and just debriefing from the stress and going out with friends and attending to chores/work stuff. Thank you for your worries though! That's very sweet and thoughtful of you; I've been getting plenty of rest and writing as I want to- It's no good to write for the sake of getting it done, especially since i write all this stuff as a hobby/stress reliever. :,D I hope your month ends on a good note too and that any stress and or unhappiness resolves itself for you by then too!
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findyourrp · 1 year
Hey there! Im just gonna jump into it and lay it all out so I don’t get a message from someone who didn’t bother to read the ad (that happens a lot and I’m sure I’m not the only one with that struggle lmao)
Also, apologies in advance, it’s kind of all over the place and a bit repetitive, so please bear with me here.
I’m 22F and seeking other female or non-binary partners who enjoy writing male mains. I prefer playing a female main in MxF settings. I also only play in (preferably modern) fantasy settings with fantasy OCs, no furries, I don’t play as furries, my OCs are all humanoid, the worst being some form of animal ears or tails, or pointed ears, horns, different hair and eye color, etc- but the rest of their forms are human looking. I have to specify this because I’ve had people message me and ask me to make my OCs human and non-magical which I won’t do. Respect my characters, and I’ll respect yours! I just wanna have fun with magical shenanigans. I love a magical story with twists, turns, angst and romance, so if you’re vibing, I would love to hear from you! I would love to gush over our characters too! I want someone to love my characters too like I will love theirs! I want mutual excitement so we can both fawn and fangirl over our OCs and stuff!
I notice lately all the ads are fandom based- I hardly see anyone write originals, which is totally cool! No hate on fandom content at all, I just hope to find someone else who enjoys original pairs, characters and settings and what not. I hope to find someone chill I can vibe with.
To expand on my “preferably modern” comment in the above statement, I have a bit of a multi-dimensional thing going on- all dimensions, timelines, alternate realities exist within a larger scale dimensional plane. Technically, anything is possible, which is great for world crossovers so nobody has to change their own worlds or characters or anything like that. However, I am not good at anything requiring historical accuracy and I find most medieval setting quite dull. I like the aspect of modern earth and having fantasy beings and magic thrown into it. However, I also love having original worlds completely different from earth with their own rules, cultures, and magic and what not. So I’m looking for something flexible I suppose, but I would definitely enjoy something like fantasy characters living on modern earth away from their respective worlds- but eventually we take a journey into our characters unique worlds and settings! I hope that makes sense, I kinda suck at explaining things.
I have a big plot idea I’ve been dying to do, I really want this plot, but and however, if you do not enjoy the concept, I’m more than willing to work with you and make something new!
I have a list of ‘rules’ down below- really it just restates what I wrote, but people have a tendency to either not read the ad, or skim through it and miss half the info anyway, so I’m just putting this down here to kind of drive the point home I suppose. If you’ve read the ad, I would love for you to send me a cat fact or something about cats in general, or just a lovely statement on how much you love cats! If you do, I will be so grateful. If you have not read the ad, or ignore what I wrote and try to bulldoze over me so I’ll write something I don’t want too, I’ll probably not respond to you lol. Not trying to be mean, I’m just tired of my ads being ignored.
- I am 22F and i request you be at least 20 and up, 19 is pushing it, but I will not go below that, I feel weird writing with anyone 3 or more years younger than me.
- Please be a female or non-binary writer, I do not roleplay with men for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one being that I’m just more comfortable with women and non-binary folk.
- I am looking for someone who plays male mains, I am seeking FxM plots, I play mostly female mains as that’s more fun for me. Please do not come to me asking for MxF or FxF or ask me to play a male main. I can play any gender of side character, but I just genuinely don’t enjoy playing a male main. Which is why I seek someone who does enjoy playing male mains, because I want this to be fun for everyone!
- Fantasy settings, romance, fantasy characters are a must and should be accepted. However, you can play as whatever you want! Human, elf, vampire, orc, angel, I don’t care! I usually play as a demon from my own realm and world I wrote for them, but you could be a demon too, it don’t matter! Really, I just want to play my characters without having to change them.
- Do NOT make this NSFW oriented, I want a plot focused story. If you are seeking smut or NSFW only, I’m not for you.
- Please be okay with dark themes, I have very few limits and would prefer someone with minimal limits/triggers other than the usual stuff obviously, but I personally love dark, angsty and downright cruel themes to throw our characters into lol
- Please please PLEASE be literate. No one liners, no one paragraph responses. I write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs depending on what’s going on in the story whether it’s slow or not, but often I will write up to 5 or maybe over 10 or more paragraphs- and look, I’m not a stickler that much- I don’t expect anyone to write a novel or anything, that gets exhausting. I just want something I can work with, something with detail, emotion, expressive actions and dynamics and good dialogue. If you could write at least 3 or more paragraphs, I would appreciate that so much, but I also understand that things get slow and there just isn’t that much to write about. Which is usually when I go to ooc to try and plot something out to spice it up haha.
- Please plot with me, like be active in the planning, I hate when I’m left alone to plan everything and when I’m the only one actively trying to figure out ideas and stuff, if you don’t help me plan, I tend to lose interest altogether. Plus, the planning is the fun part! I love coming up with ideas and things for our characters!! I would love to make friends too and just have a good time.
If you made it this far and are still interested, congrats!! You can send me a message and I’ll get back as soon as I can! Please message me though, if you only like this chances are I won’t see it considering it will get lost in the sea of posts lol, so messaging me is definitely the best way to get to me!
Also, idk if this will show up- the text is entirely gone, I had to type this in my notes because when I try to insert it here on the tumblr text box thing, the words just aren’t there. So, hopefully this works?
Contact asker !
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findrppartners · 1 year
Hey there! Im just gonna jump into it and lay it all out so I don’t get a message from someone who didn’t bother to read the ad (that happens a lot and I’m sure I’m not the only one with that struggle lmao)
Also, apologies in advance, it’s kind of all over the place and a bit repetitive, so please bear with me here.
I’m 22F and seeking other female or non-binary partners who enjoy writing male mains. I prefer playing a female main in MxF settings. I also only play in (preferably modern) fantasy settings with fantasy OCs, no furries, I don’t play as furries, my OCs are all humanoid, the worst being some form of animal ears or tails, or pointed ears, horns, different hair and eye color, etc- but the rest of their forms are human looking. I have to specify this because I’ve had people message me and ask me to make my OCs human and non-magical which I won’t do. Respect my characters, and I’ll respect yours! I just wanna have fun with magical shenanigans. I love a magical story with twists, turns, angst and romance, so if you’re vibing, I would love to hear from you! I would love to gush over our characters too! I want someone to love my characters too like I will love theirs! I want mutual excitement so we can both fawn and fangirl over our OCs and stuff!
I notice lately all the ads are fandom based- I hardly see anyone write originals, which is totally cool! No hate on fandom content at all, I just hope to find someone else who enjoys original pairs, characters and settings and what not. I hope to find someone chill I can vibe with.
To expand on my “preferably modern” comment in the above statement, I have a bit of a multi-dimensional thing going on- all dimensions, timelines, alternate realities exist within a larger scale dimensional plane. Technically, anything is possible, which is great for world crossovers so nobody has to change their own worlds or characters or anything like that. However, I am not good at anything requiring historical accuracy and I find most medieval setting quite dull. I like the aspect of modern earth and having fantasy beings and magic thrown into it. However, I also love having original worlds completely different from earth with their own rules, cultures, and magic and what not. So I’m looking for something flexible I suppose, but I would definitely enjoy something like fantasy characters living on modern earth away from their respective worlds- but eventually we take a journey into our characters unique worlds and settings! I hope that makes sense, I kinda suck at explaining things.
I have a big plot idea I’ve been dying to do, I really want this plot, but and however, if you do not enjoy the concept, I’m more than willing to work with you and make something new!
I have a list of ‘rules’ down below- really it just restates what I wrote, but people have a tendency to either not read the ad, or skim through it and miss half the info anyway, so I’m just putting this down here to kind of drive the point home I suppose. If you’ve read the ad, I would love for you to send me a cat fact or something about cats in general, or just a lovely statement on how much you love cats! If you do, I will be so grateful. If you have not read the ad, or ignore what I wrote and try to bulldoze over me so I’ll write something I don’t want too, I’ll probably not respond to you lol. Not trying to be mean, I’m just tired of my ads being ignored.
- I am 22F and i request you be at least 20 and up, 19 is pushing it, but I will not go below that, I feel weird writing with anyone 3 or more years younger than me.
- Please be a female or non-binary writer, I do not roleplay with men for a variety of reasons, but the biggest one being that I’m just more comfortable with women and non-binary folk.
- I am looking for someone who plays male mains, I am seeking FxM plots, I play mostly female mains as that’s more fun for me. Please do not come to me asking for MxF or FxF or ask me to play a male main. I can play any gender of side character, but I just genuinely don’t enjoy playing a male main. Which is why I seek someone who does enjoy playing male mains, because I want this to be fun for everyone!
- Fantasy settings, romance, fantasy characters are a must and should be accepted. However, you can play as whatever you want! Human, elf, vampire, orc, angel, I don’t care! I usually play as a demon from my own realm and world I wrote for them, but you could be a demon too, it don’t matter! Really, I just want to play my characters without having to change them.
- Do NOT make this NSFW oriented, I want a plot focused story. If you are seeking smut or NSFW only, I’m not for you.
- Please be okay with dark themes, I have very few limits and would prefer someone with minimal limits/triggers other than the usual stuff obviously, but I personally love dark, angsty and downright cruel themes to throw our characters into lol
- Please please PLEASE be literate. No one liners, no one paragraph responses. I write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs depending on what’s going on in the story whether it’s slow or not, but often I will write up to 5 or maybe over 10 or more paragraphs- and look, I’m not a stickler that much- I don’t expect anyone to write a novel or anything, that gets exhausting. I just want something I can work with, something with detail, emotion, expressive actions and dynamics and good dialogue. If you could write at least 3 or more paragraphs, I would appreciate that so much, but I also understand that things get slow and there just isn’t that much to write about. Which is usually when I go to ooc to try and plot something out to spice it up haha.
- Please plot with me, like be active in the planning, I hate when I’m left alone to plan everything and when I’m the only one actively trying to figure out ideas and stuff, if you don’t help me plan, I tend to lose interest altogether. Plus, the planning is the fun part! I love coming up with ideas and things for our characters!! I would love to make friends too and just have a good time.
If you made it this far and are still interested, congrats!! You can send me a message and I’ll get back as soon as I can! Please message me though, if you only like this chances are I won’t see it considering it will get lost in the sea of posts lol, so messaging me is definitely the best way to get to me!
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munsonology · 1 year
Thus happened mid fall.. So me and my best friend live together. Usually if we are gonna have someone over, we tell the other and make ourselves scarce. Jokes on me and her cause I was gone on a hiking trip and came back a day early due to weather coming in. Didnt tell her cause my dumbass was like "oh she's working all weekend anyways". I come home to the door unlocked.
My true crime ass was like oh my god a break in. Because two young females living alone??? We always keep our door LOCKED. I hear a noise. Its muffled and I hear a thud from her bedroom. I creep my way there, pulling out my knife I take hiking. I hear her voice and I know when my friend has been crying and heard her repeatedly saying please. Im sweating, my friend is dying!! I threw her door open and had my knife raised, and the door slammed into the wall.
Well. She was not dying. She was handcuffed to the bed and her and her brother were getting freaky. Scared both of them and myself and all I could say was "oh...continue" and grabbed the door and slowly closed it.
I just had to tell someone cause its the most embarrassing thing ever for me lmao
Omg!!! 😭😭 wait I think your auto correct switched bf/boyfriend to brother 😭 but thank you for sharing 🤭 I could never look them in the eye again!!!
I’ve had so many embarrassing moments I can’t think of one specifically rn BUT one time I was at my auntie’s house and she couldn’t change the channel to game show network and she switched over to one demand and this w/w/w porn was playing and they were doing EVERYTHING and my auntie was like wtf i didn’t buy this then she found out her brother was buying porn on through her dvr 😭😭 and the remote got stuck and we were just sitting there watching these women FUCK
And another time me and mom were up late because we’re night owls and this alien movie was coming on Cinemax and turns out it was porn 😭 didn’t know until they started FUCKIN
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unearthlydream · 3 months
im sad and can't focus on work so instead time to scream into the fucking void so it at least looks like i'm trying to write this story thats due at the end of the day.
i keep finding myself thinking "i wish things were normal" and wishing i could go back to pre-Oct 31 and how things were before all of these things happened. but i don't think there is a noraml to get back to and i think that this is just what my life is now. and idk how to cope with that tbh lol ijust wanna jump off a building
i want to be able to see my friends and talk to people and work on craft projects but instead all i do is sit at home in silence after work dissociating into a game or a tv show because i don't have the energy. i can't lie and mask my way through life anymore and i feel uncomfortable w the fact that i can't have a conversation with anyone without them inevitably asking how i am or what i've been up to. how can i even engage with people when i have nothing positive to share and most of the convos just end up with "i'm so sorry, let me know if you need anything"??
my mom has been on and off dying (thankfully off for good now i think? long recovery process) since december. i've cared for my grandpa from oct 31-dec only for him to now be on palliative care. my family is being so normal and cool about it and i'm the youngest one and being forced to deal with all of their issues because my aunt and uncle can't be not self centered for once in their lives-- and obv my mom is dying and my grandma is grieving and helping w my mom so like who else is gonna take care of things and manage people's emotions and be a shoulder to cry on?
so i'm actually doing horribly and don't have the capacity to make up lies anymore. and what have i been up to? spending tons of time in hospitals and then getting various illnesses because people can't seem to mask up in a fucking hospital of all places!!! i don't have the energy to lie anymore bc i'm funneling everything i have into just waking up in the morning and doing thebare minimum to make sure i do'nt die and my household is clean enough that it's not a danger to my cat.
and even when my friends and partnersask like 'how can i support you' -- idfk put a bullet in my brain??? like no one can do anything to help me. i'm alone andhave always been alone and will always be alone and forced to be the mommy in every situation and i'm so tired. i just don't want tot hink. but then when i say 'it stresses me out that you're waiting on me to make the plans for groceries or doing laundry and i just need you to get it done,' i hurt peoples feelings and i'm being too rough.
i'm just so tired. i'm so fucking tired and i wish my brain didn't go from zero to "just kill yourself" so quickly. i wish i knew what i needed and how tomake it better. i feel like my stupid ass needs to be committed. i'm worried about self harming again as i already relapsed late last year amidst all of this. i'm worried one day i'll be so lcose to the end of my rope that i'll act on one of my impulsive thoughts and make things worse for myself.
i don't wanna worry anymore but i think that's just what's in the cards for me. which is like... doubly scary bc of the genetic lottery i've already won (mom had a stroke in her 40s and now is dealing with all of this which like.... most of it is caused by stress and not taking care of herslef and i'm falling down that same rabbit hole without my consent which is so cool and funky fresh).
and the worst part... i don't even think things would be easier if i died. the guilt of knowing what i'm leaving behind won't even let it in the realm of possibility.
this is so long. i might delete this later. but like holy fuck. a bitch needs a fuckin break. a bitch needs a resource officer or somethnig like hold fuck.
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snapdragonpovs · 10 months
when you get drunk
You wake up next to him in his bed, head pounding, sweating, and you are dying.
"Oh no!" you whine and he sits up.
"morning, love. How's the hangover?"
"Uhhhhhhhhghh" you moan
before stumbling to the bathroom to throw up and he follows you to hold your hair. Then he cleans you up and washes your face."Come on love, be good for me so i can go to work."
"No, stay with me!" you turn back to look at him
"You're lucky you don't have to work today, missy. The other hungover shanks either have to work or be put in the pit." he turns you back around so he can finish styling your hair and you pout. "you don't love me!"
"i love you just fine. now sit still." he has to practically hold you in place and you cooperate for him. You hold your head. It's pounding. "Can you turn the lights off newt?"
He gets you ready to sleep off your hangover and leaves, bringing you some lunch and then coming back to get you to come to dinner, and you feel a lot better.
Your boyfriend thomas drove you home from the party, and helped you to his bed. You fell over 4 times and couldn't stop asking him questions. "Hey tommy, why are deliveries on a car called a shipment, but on a ship it's called a cargo?"
"I don't know baby," he sighed.
"Tommy why is the room spinning? I feel weird."
"Because you drank way too much, baby." He says taking off your shoes and getting comfy clothes for you to change into.
"Let's get mcflurrys" you giggle.
"No, i think you should go to bed now. It's late."
"Aww Tommyyy," you whine as he gently wipes off your makeup and brushes your hair and puts it into a loose braid for the night.
He slides under the covers next to you and has to pull you down by your shoulders. "Time for bed, baby."
"No, i'm not even tired! I could run a marathon." you say.
"Im sure you could, but right now it's time to sleep."
"Im not even sleepy!" you say as he wraps his arms around you and plays with your hair.
You yawn, and within 5 seconds you are asleep.
You drank way too much, and are now absolutely wasted. Your friends laugh and video you because when you get drunk you are always hilarious. "Alright baby we should get going before you dance naked on a table," Minho takes your waist and leads you to your shoes.
"That's a great idea!" you giggle as he helps you put on your shoes.
"Hey Minho i have a really good idea!"
"and what's that?"
"Let's hook up!" you giggle.
"Baby, we're already dating."
"We are?!" you gasp
"Yes, i'm your boyfriend." he laughs.
"boyfriend," you dreamily sigh as your friends chuckle.
"Alright baby, let's go."
"Come on", he leads you by your waist out the door.
"Bye y/n!"
"Goodluck, Minho!", your friends call as you go out the door.
As Minho turns on the lights to your apartment, you gasp. "Whoa!"
"Aww i'm hungry!" you stagger to the couch
He turns on the tv, knowing you won't be able to fall asleep or calm down without it.
"The SiMpSonS!!!!!", you scream as the theme song comes on.
"Baby! Shh it's 3 AM!" he covers your mouth and slips a sleeping pill inside. "Our neighbors must hate us!"
"What? Oh nooooooooo" you cry.
"Shh it's alright," He cuddles next to you and you lean against him.
"Your so pretty, Min-Minnnnho"
he turns off the lights and cuddles next to you.
"Time to go to sleep," he tells you and mutters "god, how high are you?" under his breath.
"I'm not sleepy at all!"
"Your gonna feel very sick tomorrow, you should sleep."
"I'm gonna be sick?! No!!!"
you whine and he covers your mouth so the last part is muffled.
"Shh!"  "What'll make you sleepy?"
"Your mom" you giggle as he rolls his eyes and starts rubbing circles on your back.
You watch the simpsons as he slowly lulls you to sleep.
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todds-rwby-liveblog · 10 months
idek wtf to say about 13 and 14 like. Just sat there dying inside again the whole hour
there's one little detail that kills me about the start of the Cinder fight spiralling and that's the fact that Ruby was literally about to flashbang her again, glowing eyes n all but she was late by seconds. The level of self blame that must have added to her on top of everything else already in the mix.
Weiss double wielding Myrtenaster and Gambol Shroud. Oh my god damn I can't fucking. Do that. With weapons beinf extensions of their wielders and her taking it forward with her (and Yang technically too, seeing it has the gold mend in the blade) as a reminder. And her having to hold Blake back from jumping off after Yang always fucking hurts me also. The four of them would literally follow each other through hell and back and to the death for better or worse it's painful. Also just realising that with Weiss being in front of Cinder and her having to turn around to see Jaune killing Penny means that Weiss would have probably seen it all happen too.
Winter losing absolutely everything too. Fucjing hell. Her home and mentor, her school, her career, her dad, her sister, her friend and the one to show her that her humanity is one kf the most valuable things she could ever have and that it's something to be embraced and something that you need to acceot as part of yourself rather than repress and push away. Penny and Winter both getting the maiden powers as proof of being human underneath their respective machinery (esp since Winter's brace and armour in v8 make her look very cyborg-like as well, as if she followed Ironwood down his path to a self-destructive degree as well before she realisedwhat his thinking was actually like) is something that always gets me incredibly fucking emo (I likr to argue that Penny's real blue fairy moment was with Fria rather than Ambrosius because of this. The real proof to the world and to herself that anyone ever needed that she has a soul and a personhood was this as was for Winter and yet everyone around her with power tried so desperately to take that humanity away from her (IW, Watts, Salem, Jacques, Cinder). She deserved evey hug she got and more I can't with her.)
Oh Cinder.... I do think that she meant it when she said to Watts that he deserved it but as usual it was also just so twisted... like as in he deserved to be in charge of this part of the operation but also deserved to die by her hand and with about as much panic and suffering as possible (trapped on a falling city in a locked room full of fire smoke). What he said absolutely had an impact on her and while she was still absolutely keeping up a facade as usual I also think part of her words were genuine in that moment. But in the end of the day she still goes back to Salem GOD DAMN IT RAAAAHHHH
The entire volume she's just been stuck in a loop of repeating the cycle of tryinf to convince herself that she has any sort of power or influence and then cutting any bridges she had except for Salem herself down and then crawling back to Salem not acknowledging that she's never actually stopped living in someone's inescapable servitude to begin with. The maiden power collecting saga for her is just fuel for her own ego and always has been. I love how much more of an emphasis we've been seeing on her Grimm arm being a leash as well in v8. Go failgirl go!!! Also v interested to find out whether her last line to Ruby has Lore™ or if it's just an xbox live moment djjdkdkd
Breaking news!!! Harriet finally admits to herself that she is actually friends with her team!!! And now she's gonna have to confront the way she's been leading them to their deaths, namely im the form of Vine's sacrifice. Interested to see what her development in Vacuo is gonna look like... I can see the remaining ace ops getting a lot closer now that they have to rely on each other more closely to survive and can admit that they're friends really. Harriet working through her arrogance and competitiveness that brought herself and Vine down their paths would be very cool.
Though FUCKING. JACQUES [rips shift] on one hand let that fuckass stay gone I never wanted a redemption arc for him or anything like that not at all but dying is like. The 2nd worst thing after that for me let that man marinate in his own misery forever or something where he actually needs to confront his family and the people he hurt and get shat on by them WHYYYY. How did Ironwood even have access to his gun gun at that point. Fucjing hell raaa€AAAAAAAAA
Only other detail I DISlike is Oz somehow knowing exactly what Weiss said to Ambrosius... like yeah sure he knows he works on genie logic like Jinn does and might have figured out this was part of the wording in some form but. Oscar was never there.... [Peetah Family Guy death pose]
Qrow oh my guy Qrow was having the worst fucking day of his life, last he saw the kids they all split off the ship crashing into Mantle and next thing he knows they're MIA and presumed dead to him cus he's been in jail the whole time. Right as he starts to get a good turn on life it blows up in his face in the worst possible way. He genuinely looks like something in him just dies this man has had enough.
Honestly Ironwood going down with his ship right after Salem personally shows up and looks him in the eye was really fitting. He was exhausted and completely vulnerable and right in the core of the city, his greatest fears having finally caught up to him and mocked him. He's gone down the wrong path to try and protect the city and himself and it spat in his face in the end. Yadda yadda something about Ironwood embodying Atlas bearing the world on his shoulders and breaking down from the weight. Fucking hell dude that was insane. Imo IW's entire arc and conduct were always going to hit back at him and be the thing to bring him down and it just worked.
Fucking hell v8 was just. Bleak. Peak of the despair arc for sure even v9 had its moments but there was just. So god damned much shit happening at once and it was all going wrong and the stakes were so much higher than Beacon. Need to sit down [barbie pose]
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