#and i got 30 mins into that before saying 'ok yeah i should try and watch the series for real i think lmaoo'
did NOT expect to get into Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But here we are!!
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saraakpotter · 2 months
y\n babysitting Loki and Thor for 4 mins
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y\c\n=your character name. your the actress and fans made this. (this is a start for a series and its not always the same story)
y\n was tiered. she just came home from filming y\m\m\n (your marvel movie name) she played y\c\n. she was Loki and Thor s sister and also the goddess of life. she quickly changed to her comfy clothes and opened her phone while eating the food she had cooked before leaving. Tom (Hiddelston) had send her a video ''y\c\n babysitting Thor and Loki for 4 full mins''.
y\n laughed at the title before clicking on the video. the intro came in that included some pictures of marvel movies and the name of the video then it started. the first was for Thor Ragnarok, it was the scene were doctor strange was talking about were Odin was.
"so earth has wizards now?" Thor said
y\n rolled her eyes: "just tell us were our father is!"
then it was time for him to bring back Loki.
strange opened a portal to were Odin was standing and Thor was about to go in "wait!" y\n said before he can go in   "something wrong?" asked Thor
"what do you think?" she turned her look to strange "Loki?"
"oh yes!" he opened a portal in which Loki fell from.
"I HAVE BEEN FALLING, FOR 30 MINS!" Loki shouts angry then pulls out his daggers. he wants to go forward when y\n uses her magic to make the daggers disappear Loki look at her confused."nope! not now." she says before Loki looks at strange with a threatening look.
"ummm.....bye!" strange says before pushing them into the portal.
The next video starts. its for (y\m\m\n:1). y\n remembers Thor s line! it was something humiliating for Loki. exactly then Loki made an innocent look at y\c\n but then she said "no Loki, no you cant stab Thor. again!"
"oh come on! he deserves it!" he says annoyed
he rolls his eyes.
the next videos were also from y\m\m\n. in this scene y\c\n was going to shield to check some files while leaving Thor and Loki alone.
"ok so i will be leaving for 2 hours! in that paper is everything you should not do" you said putting your cote on
"this just says 'no' you sure its correct?" Thor asks confused
"yeah i just wanted to stop you from making any possible mess."
in the next one y\c\n was reading a shield file when Thor and Loki come to her
"y\c\n i was thinking......" Thor starts
"no" she says not looking up
" you did not even listened!" Loki says
"i have seen your planes before, i dont need to hear this one!"
"but...." Thor tries to continue
"y\c\n....." Loki retries
the next one was also in Ragnarok. it was when Y\C\N and Thor were ,meeting Valkery.
" you know i wanted to be a valkery when i was younger!" Thor starts " but then i got older and found out they were only women s and.....i mean no...not that i have problem with women i love them! sometimes to much i just....."
"Thor.....shut up!" y\c\n says rolling her eyes.
the next one was in the first parts of the movie. Thor was yelling at Loki " how could you? i thought you were dead! we mourned for you!" then he turns to y\c\n "can you believe him?"
"yes of course! he never dies!" you rolled your eyes at Thor s confused face
the next one was for 'Loki s1':
"wait so there are other versions of my brothers?" y\c\n asked mobius
"yes there is!" he answered
" oh no.....to of them are bad enough!"
the last  two ones were for for y\m\m\n: 2
in this one Loki hurt himself trying to protect some important object and y\c\n was healing his wounds. when it finished, she looked up and he smiled at her but she slapped him and then hugged him.
the last video was Thor snapping at Loki for something he did and ended lit by looking at y\c\n.
" i agree with Thor, we trusted you! how could you?" she shouted at Loki but before he could answer she turned to Thor and slapped him twice in the face "and....im the only one who can shout or hurt any of you! got it?'' they both nodded confused.
" now we will continue this later. we are in the middle of the road!"
the video ended with a 'thanks for watching'
y\n could not stop laughing and it got worse when she saw Toms text: i still think i didnt deserved the slap.
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poetsdepartment · 10 months
anyway here's my rwrb movie review that no one asked for!
it does not even come close to the amazingness that is the book. and it really comes down to three things
mismatched energy
characters. ok there are so many characters missing! june not being around is ridiculous. so is henry's absent mom. i don't get it. and literally, raf, the backstabber responsible for the leak, doesn't exist so that this weird raf/liam hybrid can be here? every character is responsible for bringing stakes into play. not having them decreases the stakes and makes you rely on the logic of the problem instead of the way it makes you feel, killing the emotional investment, most prominently in the huge leak convo scene. And many of the characters are NOT scary enough! if i'm supposed to believe the crown is homophobic, i need someone to actually say something homophobic, just not the word "homosexual" in a wierd voice. i need to see hushed voices and people almost getting caught and disdainful glances. alex got away with too much shit and if the comedy can be that extreme, i need our character presence to bring that back to earth. henry can't be the only person doing that because then, again, we only believe him either bc we read the book or bc it makes sense, not bc we see it. showing vs. telling ppl! this is like, basic writing principle.
pacing/scale. this is probably the biggest issue. the first 30 mins of the movie cover like half of the book! also, most are really short scenes (like 1-3 mins), so there isn't time to get invested. we don't see them develop from friends to enemies or friends to lovers. and we don't see the details of alex understanding his bisexuality! this also decreases the stakes because the audience doesn't understand how deeply they know about and care for one another. when henry spits out "it feels like you don't know me" we're kinda like, yeah... bc we don't know henry, either. we needed the texts and emails to be slowed waaayyy down. what they did to accommodate them for film is cute, but it wrecked the sense of time passing, and passing time is integral to showing change and development in relationships. and a lot of this vulnerability in character DID happen during or before/after sex in the book! so cutting out sex scenes, as they did so often, really ruined the sense of how they were feeling. the sense of taking this from "i am attracted to you but have unresolved issues about my sexuality/our relationship so am using your body to express this pain" kind of sex to "i'm actually deeply in love with you" kind of sex! they kind of did it with the slowness of henry's undressing but it should have been even slower AND there should have been foreplay and blushing and lots and lots of consent. maybe candles? idk i just feel like one of the things casey mq does so well is writing sex scenes that are both awesome for representation and also necessary for plot/character development
so many moments happen in a way that distorts their emotional impact by having either strange camera focuses and/or not having enough physical acting to be believable. be it the focus of the scene (why do cameras cut to a patch of lavender while henry is opening up to bea?). and, in their big fight scene after not talking for a week, why does the camera focus so much on just henry's face? alex is the one who is confronting? and why is there a focus on quiet conflict? let them rage! in the museum scene, why is henry leading alex like a tour guide, instead of trying to be close to him? or trying to not look at alex only to fail? there isn't quite enough physical pining and use of the actors' bodies in space to help heighten emotions of the scene. they are just like, bodies roaming around. part of this is also the way voiceover is used for the text/email scenes and how quickly questions would be answered bc we'd see the answer happening in real time. more diminishing of stakes!
i feel like this is getting out of my realm of literary expertise (i'm a creative writing major), but i do feel like the choice of music was odd. WHERE WAS THAT FUCKING BILLY JOEL SONG? why did they use such a niche "i can't help falling in love with you" cover. why did we never hear henry play the piano until the very end? why didn't alex's dad play the guitar? why did we never get to hear a muffled breath over the phone? WHY DID THEY NEVER MOAN DURING SEX?? like, why is there such a lack of real, human sounds? i think one of my favorite moments was henry fumbling around the closet and singing karaoke for that reason. they were real sounds that could happen in real life. yes, the music swells in your head when you are into someone, but camera zooms can get that effect. just like, less weird pop, more sounds that are contextual to what is going on.
anyways, some moments are so golden. and many characters are played well, henry and zahra, especially. but the stakes are like completely removed bc all we see is success montages with short sad scenes. i think that part of this is that it can be hard adapting a dual-pov book into a movie bc how do you not show the context in real time? it's so tempting! but part of the impact of dual-pov is the inherent longing, miscommunication, and emotional spiraling that comes from not knowing the answers and seeing things right away! too many things were resolved too quickly.
i also think that they really glossed over alex's discovery of his bisexuality. i remember the scene where he talked about his poster of prince henry having thumbprints all over it and how he had taken these confusing seeds of bisexuality and repackaged them as idolization and rage and jealousy bc he had nothing else to call it! it was literally so relatable and so integral to my own queer awakening and to see those parts removed really took away from alex's stakes and the main message of the book. like of course henry is scared bc his family is homophobic but alex's fear couldn't be evenly represented bc his identity was realized so quickly that the doubt and embarrassment that went along with it only lasted for one sex scene and a way-too-heavy-handed-ally convo with his mom.
anyways i want to read the book now.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Okok lemme try to explain 😪
So I finished classes early today at 10:30 am and I'm a commuter so my trip to uni and back is about 1 hour and 15 minutes, not too bad but I have to be a little efficient with my time. Now I live in Belgium a little over the border with the Netherlands and because the city I live in is not very big and I don't have a car I usually take a like 20 min bus trip to the capital of the province nearest to me in the Netherlands yeah? And one of the busses I can take takes me straight over the border pretty much right in front the center of the city with a supermarket like a 2 minute walk away from the bus stop. And right next to that supermarket is an Asian grocery store. So I went down there to get some stuff from both of those and when I was walking towards the Asian grocery store I looked up and suddenly saw this guy staring at me so I made sure to go very far around him into the store but he started following me and starting telling me how beautiful I was, that I was lovely and any man would be lucky to have me Yada Yada I unfortunately put my headphones away like a minute before I saw him so I couldn't even pretend not to hear him so I just tried subtly ignoring him hoping that being in such a public place would deter him soon but that didn't happen, then he started obscuring the path and trying to grab my wrist so I ended up only getting some noodles and rushing to the cash register and he finally left so I thought I was done with him yeah? I waited inside the store for a bit, got some Boba to calm down and the guy seemed to be completely gone so I carefully went out again and he wasn't in the area AT ALL, so I went over to the grocery store, I was peacefully shopping there looking at some bread and suddenly this guy rushes in the store loudly proclaiming 'We meet again' lemme tell you my heart sunk!! He started again with the compliments or whatever and said he just wanted to talk to me and to look him in the eyes because I was so pretty?? And I was just quickly going trough the store trying to get what I needed and told him I was busy and needed to go home but he started whining and telling me that I shouldn't be like that and that we should meet again because he wants to talk to me and he tried caressing my face but I dodged and went back to the cash register because I was finally done but this time he followed me and said he wouldn't leave until he got an answer and managed to grab my wrist this time and let me tell you I could CRYYYY!!! there were only teenage girls working near the registers at the moment so I couldn't even blame them but I checked out already and SPRINTED upstairs and by a stroke of luck the bus I needed was just approaching so I ran over there at full speed and it drove away and hopefully I won't see him again but omgggg I cried on the bus ride home I was so scared :( sorry it got so long I needed to explain everything properly
IT'S OK BABE, I literally died on the inside when he started throwing those weird ass compliments at you, men like this are some of the biggest enigmas I've ever encountered and I'll never understand why they do this... You were saved by the grace of God, the universe or whatever the hell you believe in but I hope this never happens to you ever again... I legit don't even know what to say other than maybe a few self defense techniques wouldn't hurt to know.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Im honestly not even excited for tonight based off of what ive heard already. Im more ready for grey’s cause Addison. Lol. I will be making gifs while watching to occupy myself. Nonetheless… here we go..
I really need this detective and bell to date. Pls.
Oky WHY do they continually let victims families/civilians out in the field with them?! Like this is not okay… this is not ideal, this is not legal…
“do you think we can trust him to do this?” THANK YOU AYANNA. God.
Genuinely surprised they didn’t have the building fully surrounded wtf? Like yeah the boys got there eventually but woof.
Me chanting: flirt! Flirt! Flirt! Flirt! At the queers.
Ayanna: eye fucks her
Okay, that’s a win for this episode that’s all I care about lol
Ah yes… dorm life… because eli who canologically should be like 14 is in college…
Moving on!
Tbh based on the promo I am kinda interested in mothership tonight, lets see how that goes lol.
Okay… so the promo had me thinking that Nolan would be a major witness and sam was running point on the case the whole time so im kinda bummed.
I was distracted actually watching and also gaffing but I have 2 notes:
-hugh dancy was WAY off his eyeline mark on his “its my decision sam!” line
-loved the way sam continually called Nolan out this episode. Loved that.
Okay… Churlish *doesn’t drink* but she thinks it’s a good idea to go UC on a roofie case? Wtf girl?!
Really?! REALLY?! They had to make these fucking sleezeballs Canadian!? Fuck you.
The EXACT same moment this pricks cl phone buzzed “redhead” my phone went off with a tinder notification.. I think that’s a sign from hell… defs not opening that app
Why is her water in a plastic cup? Like, I get that we have plastic glassware at my bar but it’s not like, plastic solo cups, theyre plastic cups that look just like our glass ones and you cant tell til you pick them up.
“you don’t have to say everything you think…” LOL.
This is like, a full personal opinion, but I don’t like them wearing their badges around their necks, when they’re on the belt’s it just looks better, they don’t get in the way, but that may just be me.
Okay, again, I get the loyalty and not liking all of your coworkers (beeeelieve me there) but like, there’s a time and a place, you can still be professional and courteous while absolutely hating someone lol. These guys are all being ridiculously immature about it. (also its weird Velasco & muncy are still allowed to be partners???)
Churlish is really out there what? Trying to tie muncy to this case or shit? Again, I understand if it maybe came up a little LATER in the case but for right now you’re just going to check out that bartender, talk to him, get his story. If something doesn’t line up THEN you’d go through his socials…
Man churlish is TINY isn’t she??
Man, they are pushing veluncy way too hard for me right now. Even if it’s just friends, there’s so many looks between them and this is considering they haven’t spoken in a week or whatever? Can we pls not do this.
Churlish really went and baited herself without clearing it with anyone AND making it look like muncy was trying to set her up…
“youre saying this was her idea?” MUNCY WHAT DID CHRULISH JUST FUCKING SAY IN THE VAN?
“you slid into her dms!?” muncy’s SO fucking angry, her little hand?! HAHAHA
Man if olivia felt like she was babysitting *before* she must absolutely hate this shit now. Like…as someone who is a manager and the team used to all be in their 30’s and very unproblematic, staying in their own lanes and now my team has babies on it, it’s annoying af.
The way Bruno had that work conversation while looking like he was flirting was some *prime* acting.
There’s only 15 mins of this left… is it a two parter?
Ok so the drug is in the salt?
The black shirt grace has on looks exactly like one molly has lol
Not surprised there’s a girl involved in this to get them outta the bathrooms
Ah… the limes.. okay…good to know nothing can be trusted in bars. (although… bartender pro tip… don’t ever put the fruit into your drinks or into your mouth. A very large amount of hands touch those fruits, and who tf knows the last time they’re washed, they’re constantly touching dirty dishes, money, debit cards, etc AND a large number of places probably don’t wash their fruits…)
Aside from giving teddy her pic for bait HOW WAS SHE RECKLESS?? SHE DIDN’T FUCKING DRINK! How was she supposed to know it was the limes???
But also yeah, she does have to be there for the right reasons and work with the team otherwise it aint gonna work.
This episode was… I dunno man the vibes are off. That’s all I got.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 113
Exile on Main St./Planet of the Dead
“Exile on Main St.”
Plot Description: Mysteriously freed from hell, Sam finds Dean and tells him he need to rejoin the fight
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: my heart’s breaking but Dean’s living a pretty fucking normal life with Lisa and Ben
Dean not FULLY lying about what he used to do before moving in with Lisa to his new bff
It’s gonna suck when he has to uproot this whole new life he’s built with her. Aside from the Sam stuff, he seems pretty happy
They very do not have rabies, Dean, and I wonder if that is going to come back to bite you. You can’t just say you used to be in pest control and then also tell your bff that possums have rabies
How the fuck is Azazel back?? I’m sorry, where the fuck did you just take Dean, Sam???
How can he trust that you’re real, Sam? You just told him that he’s been poisoned and has been hallucinating a bunch of stuff
Oh. CAMPBELL Campbell. Like Mary’s family…
Yeah, no, I watched you DIE, Samuel.
Is Dean’s bff a djinn??
I’m not even that attached to Lisa, but she’s a good person who doesn’t deserve her heart broken this many times by the same dude. She just wanted a good enough life with a guy her son could look up to and who she loved. I’m so sorry, girl
Stop fucking judging him. Yeah, golf should be abolished, but damn…he was just TRYING to have a normal life after saving the entire world
There were vampires on the Mayflower?? That’s all I got out of that conversation
Dean, YOU didn’t wanna talk about your time in hell, and Sam spent his whole time (which was much shorter than yours) in a cage. It’s not crazy to think he wouldn’t wanna talk about it
Lisa and Ben aren’t REALLY there, right??? No no no no no. This HAS to be the djinns’ doing no matter how angry she might be with him
Oh. I don’t like that at all. Where are they taking that djinn?
I know this is the start of the Soulless Sam plot but what happened to the “we’ll find dad and then I’m going back to Stanford” Sam? You NEVER would have thought to try for a normal life??
“Been On My Mind…”: Kind of?? Dean’s in a committed relationship with Lisa for a good portion of the episode and seems to go back to her at the end…but we’ll see how long that lasts. I guess we’re back at 10??
“Planet of the Dead”
Plot Description: a London bus takes a detour to an alien world. Can the Doctor defeat the terrifying Swarm?
(I have about an hour left of the day and I’m emotionally wrecked by unexpected manga spoilers, LET’S SEE HOW THIS GOES. I’m hitting post before midnight one way or another)
Gandalf “I Have No Memory Of This Place”.jpg
I’m fascinated by this British woman stealing from the International Gallery in London
It’s Easter now?? It was JUST. CHRISTMAS. two days ago
The Doctor and the Winchesters should compare doodads
Don’t you just hate it when you trap everyone on a bus in your artifact stealing hijinx but there’s an alien on the same bus who traps you in HIS interplanetary shenanigans??
Please tell me the sand isn’t actually ash…
So yeah. Maybe watching someone burn to death, no matter how quickly, is not the move tonight. Will someone end my suffering please?
Careful how you talk about the sand, Doc, you’ll start sounding like Anakin Skywalker
This guy wants to impress the Doctor so badly. Luckily, it’s working. Good for him
Why do I hate him flirting with Christina so much? I didn’t hate it with the girl on the Titanic
You fucking idiots. Why the fuck would you use up ALL the gas in the bus?
Ok but why would she do that when she nearly got SUPER caught last time…like 30 min ago
Well, that seems unfair. The other two aliens they encountered shouldn’t have had to die
This scientist is so adorable. He’s so excited to be of assistance
I don’t like that they used that one lady’s psychic abilities just for vague exposition. Like…really had no other function. Ok. She got ONE important thing, telling the Doctor “he will knock four times”
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thespoondrawer · 1 year
So...I did a thing.
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A long thing, a wet thing.
Did I enjoy every minute? nope. Did I enjoy most of it? nope.
But, did I finish it? yes. Did I run every step? yes. Did I finish in 3h59m and 26 seconds? hell yeah!
THANK YOU to EVERY single one of you who donated and made it worth doing the thing. I won't do it again so don't worry...you will stop hearing about this very soon.
It was the hardest thing I've done physically, and almost as wet as the last horrid (virtual) London Marathon I did in 4h2m in 2020.
I AM happy, honest....but I think I'll only realise that in a day or two more. I'm aching but it's a nice ache and only going DOWN stairs hurts and I ain't picking anything of the floor any time soon.
BUT...without seeming arrogant, and I know Nicola Hunt gets it (thank you so much for saying exactly what's in my head), but I did think I could possibly hit 3h40m...looking at my 22 mile training run to Bedworth and back which I did in 3:00 including a fall at 19 miles only a few weeks ago...so 4 hours was a surprise. BUT as I'd written off that target by mile 20 when I was overtaken by the 3:55 pacers (obviously not MY pacers in the end) it was a pleasant one.
Why did it take me 20+ minutes more than I thought? why was every single step after Tower Bridge awful? I put it down to 'sensory overload'. From Saturday AM getting to London on shitty trains, getting to the Expo to pick up my number in 5 mins then getting back to the AirBnb (surely making this mandatory to do in person is all about trying to sell me more running tech I don't need), meeting Shiv and the girls who arrived later, trying to eat well, get some sleep, then getting up in Tower Hamlets and trying to eat something when the stomach said NO...finding out the Underground line to Lewisham was out of action, having to get 3 tubes to get to Blackheath (waiting for 4 trains before one has 3cm of space for me to fit in), walking up to the heath not even being able to see any of London on the horizon, queuing for the toilet I didn't even need because I'd been told I should, hanging around in the cold and wet for 90 mins then ALL that 'I don't know what is going on' in my head.
Once we had started it felt...ok....I did have a little space and quickly I started chatting to the lovely Amber who entertained and motivated me all the way to Tower Bridge....but then I 'let her go' to smash it in 3h42m. What I did know but didn't prepare for, I don't know how you could, was the noise, the cheering, the banging choons, the puddles, the desolate drab arse end of London for the first 13 miles (except a tiny bit of Cutty Sark) then another 10 of drab 'could be any city in the world' before the final ouchy 3 miles where you CAN see London but you just want to see a foil blanket.
4 hours of simultaneously trying to ignore the other 44,000 runners and having to be uber-aware where they are about to slow/stop inches in front of you, elbow past you or find a tiny gap to slip between them in a rare burst of speed. Exhausting and VERY different to a happy 13 miles to Kenilworth and back taking in the sights and smells of HS2.
Then the cheering was lovely, and I WISH I had put my name on my shirt...every 30 seconds...bloody 'GO AMBER YOU'RE SMASHING IT' whilst an older grumpier looking bloke got no love. I really WANTED to high five all the kids but by halfway I just didn't have anything to give them...
Then to nail my coffin, seeing so many obviously keen runners (in vests!) pulling up with cramp, lying on the street covered in coats and holding their loved one's hands over the barrier...thinking all the time 'my calves are going to cramp soon, that will be me' all the way to the line.
So...I've done it and that's a closed chapter I think. I know people say 'you'll change your mind' but I don't think I will. Those 34 seconds I think mean I don't feel I need to prove anything. I don't get my running mojo from races, medals or speed. Parkrun maybe...but I might have also reached my peak there with 22:03...
Back to solo running, early sunny mornings, podcasts on and my stats on Strava and fewer wobbly bits to motivate me.
BUT THANK YOU ALL for support, cash and love. xx
Especially Siobhán Harrison and my amazing girls who had a shit time in shit busy wet tiring London too.
Look at the face. That says it all
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Star Wars Re-watch Part 13
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
1. Me on my third viewing of Return of the Jedi: I love Darth Vader. 🤣
2. C-3PO: "I better knock, I suppose." *knocks hesitantly on Jabba the Hutt's front door* *waits 1 second* "There doesn't seem to be anyone here. Let's go back and tell Master Luke."
I love how C-3PO is the literal manifestation of anxiety.
3. Han: "A Jedi knight?" *exasperated* "I'm out of it for a little while, everybody gets delusions of grandeur!"
4. 22 min 13 seconds: Hell yeah, enter sexy Jedi Luke.
Force pushing the guards away from himself. Boy, I bet Mark Hamill loved shooting this!
5. Luke: "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my power." That is my baby!
6. *slug voice* Palpatine to Darth Vader: "Rise, my friend."
7. Palpatine: "Only togethar can we turn him to the dark side of the Force." Ian McDiarmid should have gotten an Oscar for this performance. He wasn’t even 40!
8. Yoda to Luke: "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hm?" *yoda chuckle*
9. Yoda: "You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi you will be."
10. Luke: "Is Darth Vader my father?"
Yoda: "Rest I need... Yes, rest."
Luke: "Yoda, I must know."
Yoda: "Your father he is. ... Told you, did he?"
Luke: "Yes."
Yoda: "Unexpected this is. And unfortunate."
11. Yoda: "There is another... Skywalker." 😢
12. Luke to Force ghost Obi-Wan: "I can’t kill my own father."
Obi-Wan: "Then the Emperor has already won... you were our only hope."
Stfu, Obi-Wan! 🤣🤣🤣 You had more than one opportunity to kill him.
To quote Reva: "Do you really want Anakin dead?" *I didn't think so*
13. Han: "I didn't know they were looking for somebody to lead this crazy attack..."
Lando: "I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it."
Han: "Well, who says they didn't? But I ain't crazy. You're the respectable one, remember?"
Ok, they are literally flirting.
14. Lando to Han: "Would you get going, you pirate?"
15. Darth Vader: "What is thy bidding, my master?"
16. Han: "Where's Leia?"
Luke: "What, she didn't come back?"
Han: "I thought she was with you."
Luke: "We got separated."
17. Palpatine: "His compassion for you will be his undoing."
18. Luke: "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. And... my sister has it."
19. Leia as Luke tells her she is his sister: "I know. Somehow I've always known."
Um... anyway...
20. Leia: "But why must you confront him?"
Luke: "Because there is good in him. I felt it. He won't turn me over to the Emperor. I can save him. I can turn him back to the good side. I have to try."
21. I love how you can project almost anything onto Darth Vader because you cannot see his face. True genius.
22. Palpatine *slug voice*: "Guards. Leave us." I love everything about this.
23. Palpatine: "By now you must know your father can never be turned..."
Vader *looks over to Luke*
Palpatine: "... from the Dark Side."
Luke *looking over to Vader*
Palpatine: "So will it be with you."
Vader *slowly turns back to face Palpatine*
Luke: "You're wrong. Soon I'll be dead. And you with me."
It is called 💁‍♀️ acting.
24. Luke: "Your overconfidence is your weakness."
Palpatine: "Your faith in your friends is yours."
25. Chewbacca *Tarzan shout as he is swinging through the air* Art.
26. Han: "I love you."
Leia: "I know."
27. Vader: "Obi-Wan has taught you well."
Luke *having the higher ground* "I will not fight you, father."
28. Luke: "Never. *throwing away his lightsaber*: I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
29. Palpatine: "Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand." Me, meta-ing the dialogue: this is directed at you, Vader.
30. Palpatine: "Now, young Skywalker, you will die."
Vader *27 seconds later*: "No. No!" *throws Palpatine into the abyss*
This movie is still amazing.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I wonder if the real guy seriously looks similar, but tbh I doubt it and I'm worried about people's reactions if/when he'll be revealed. I feel bad for the real members, they're outstaged by some fake pink guy 😭 can't even promote their song. No because it's true AI TY is that you???
Ok maybe I got carried away with 10 steps but I definitely have enough of different products to do the steps, I know some people who do that, but I'm lost and lazy eidgjsehemheusggs this is one of the reasons why I was interested in that brand, the name is cute. I got a lick of the watermelon sugar, did it for Harry. It actually tasted good, but slightly off 😭
Seonghwa should live in a car at this point idc I need car selfies every day. And Soo Hyuk takes car selfies too A COINCIDENCE???
No it's not okay I have terrible eyesight 😭 today my friend woke me up at 7 and for some reason I couldn't fall back asleep until 9, but that was pointless since I had to wake up at 10 anyways 🔫 and I went to bad after 2
Yes the same thing happened with the festival in Riyadh that Stray Kids, Chungha and someone else attended. Not only was it controversial, but also a lot of shit happened because of the weather it was chaos... on one hand I feel happy for the fans, but I understand how morally controversial it is. It's like playing concerts in China.
I WANTED TO SAY THIS IS BODYGUARD X BOXER CROSSOVER, when he did the gun gesture... Seonghwa are you here?! Are you trying to destroy us completely bestie?
My hacking era starts now if you see anything sus look away, I just wanna sightsee in your drafts 🤗
They barely have hair 😭😭😭😭 maybe those weren't shampoos only. Yeah maybe those were body + hair products
Basically me and mister Lee Taeyong were in my hometown and went to eat, he couldn't stop talking about bread? So we went to a bread place lmao, it was cold af and we definitely weren't dressed appropriately, I kept complaining about my converse getting wet and my feet freezing. At the bread place we ate a lot of stuff, not just bread but the place was a bit sus tbh. They kept giving us food and I asked if we should pay, but TY said no, so we just left. But before I wanted a cold cheesecake on the go, but he said "it's cold, let's get a warm one" lmao. So we ate the cheesecake on out way back, but it was even colder and we were walking along a highway 😬😬😬😬 later Taeyong told me to be careful because there were shootings in my area(?) I was like "bro, who even has a gun here?" and he showed me a WANTED poster and it was an idol BUT I CAN'T FUCKING REMEMBER WHO IT WAS. I also remember something about school, but I think that was a separate dream
I need to stop getting Seonghwa in every quiz, let's be fucking normal for a second. Ahhh so many people I know got Sannie. Baek what's with all the feelings and emotions 😭 I got Remembering something nostalgic with full clarity - the description is very accurate.
https://uquiz.com/quiz/5lyKy0?p=162107 - Got HK <3
I'm attending Pride today wish me luck because it's so mf hot and my make up will be gone in 30 mins lol, shit is gonna melt for sure... - DV 💖
hi hello!!
I wonder if the real guy seriously looks similar, but tbh I doubt it and I'm worried about people's reactions if/when he'll be revealed. I feel bad for the real members, they're outstaged by some fake pink guy 😭 can't even promote their song. No because it's true AI TY is that you???
YEAAAHH worries if dispatch tries to get the dirt behind the guy and reveal it publicly 🔫🔫 LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 OUTSTAGED BY A AI PLS id honestly give up fhkwhdk YEAH TY LOOKS MORE AI THAN THE ACTUAL AI 😭😭 SM RLY SCORED HARD WITH TY
Ok maybe I got carried away with 10 steps but I definitely have enough of different products to do the steps, I know some people who do that, but I'm lost and lazy eidgjsehemheusggs this is one of the reasons why I was interested in that brand, the name is cute. I got a lick of the watermelon sugar, did it for Harry. It actually tasted good, but slightly off 😭
no def bc 10 steps id get tired after three how do u dO iT 😭😭 the name is so cute omg reminds me of a nonexisting fic with seonghwa and that title <3 LMFAOOOO IT TASTED GOOD 😭😭 DONT BE SHY HAVE A SPOONFUL !!!
Seonghwa should live in a car at this point idc I need car selfies every day. And Soo Hyuk takes car selfies too A COINCIDENCE???
No it's not okay I have terrible eyesight 😭 today my friend woke me up at 7 and for some reason I couldn't fall back asleep until 9, but that was pointless since I had to wake up at 10 anyways 🔫 and I went to bad after 2
LMFAOOOO i also did the same thing just this morning <3 kept tripping and waking up every minute w/o glasses bc i thought it was 12 😀 no bc naps after 2 hit like coma???? so warm and tingly u feel like ur on drügś when u wake up all drowsy with marks on ur arms and cheeksies 😭😭😭
Yes the same thing happened with the festival in Riyadh that Stray Kids, Chungha and someone else attended. Not only was it controversial, but also a lot of shit happened because of the weather it was chaos... on one hand I feel happy for the fans, but I understand how morally controversial it is. It's like playing concerts in China.
YEAAHHH esp bc jeddah is also like extremely close to mecca (like an hour) and that could also be considered heavily controversial + like of the moves they do r a little u know,,, dunno how that’ll work out YEAAH THAT SKZ CHUNGHA ONE WAS CRAZY ????? no fr so true
I WANTED TO SAY THIS IS BODYGUARD X BOXER CROSSOVER, when he did the gun gesture... Seonghwa are you here?! Are you trying to destroy us completely bestie?
My hacking era starts now if you see anything sus look away, I just wanna sightsee in your drafts 🤗
omg pls do i need someone to tell me what to write this will make it easier fbkwfb 😭😭
They barely have hair 😭😭😭😭 maybe those weren't shampoos only. Yeah maybe those were body + hair products
LMFAOOOO SO TRUE FHWK BALD SPOT ERA COMINGGGGGG 😭😭😭 reminds me if chanyeol’s bald spot <3 (endearing) those were some tHICK body + hair products they better be smelling like bath and body works with those many things
Basically me and mister Lee Taeyong were in my hometown and went to eat, he couldn't stop talking about bread? So we went to a bread place lmao, it was cold af and we definitely weren't dressed appropriately, I kept complaining about my converse getting wet and my feet freezing. At the bread place we ate a lot of stuff, not just bread but the place was a bit sus tbh. They kept giving us food and I asked if we should pay, but TY said no, so we just left. But before I wanted a cold cheesecake on the go, but he said "it's cold, let's get a warm one" lmao. So we ate the cheesecake on out way back, but it was even colder and we were walking along a highway 😬😬😬😬 later Taeyong told me to be careful because there were shootings in my area(?) I was like "bro, who even has a gun here?" and he showed me a WANTED poster and it was an idol BUT I CAN'T FUCKING REMEMBER WHO IT WAS. I also remember something about school, but I think that was a separate dream
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I need to stop getting Seonghwa in every quiz, let's be fucking normal for a second. Ahhh so many people I know got Sannie. Baek what's with all the feelings and emotions 😭 I got Remembering something nostalgic with full clarity - the description is very accurate.
LMFAOOOO U AND SEONGHWA ARE BASICALLY THE SAME PERSON THEN DBDB no bestie idk either fbenfb omg no bc these quizzes be understanding u to the fullest this is crazy
https://uquiz.com/quiz/5lyKy0?p=162107 - Got HK <3
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I'm attending Pride today wish me luck because it's so mf hot and my make up will be gone in 30 mins lol, shit is gonna melt for sure... - DV 💖
OOOOO GOOD LUCK HAVE FUN AND DANCE LOADS OMG VLOG IT !!!! take some extra makeup in case bc drip is forever <3
do the borahae quiz dbdbd
0 notes
ayyezhongli · 3 years
dom student council pres zhongli x troublemaker childe
Guess who’s back :D Back with some zhonchi smut for all u sinners. Note: Theres a lot of spelling errors bc when i wrote this i was telling it to a friend n they said i should post this n i’m too lazy to edit it so yeah! enjoy <3
summary kinda: child did something n is now stuck in detention with zhongli being a kinky president of the student council watching him.
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so childe is bored asf n tries seducing zhongli. but childe has always had a crush on zhongli. thats why he misbehaves to get his attention.
so zhongli says “ur here again” n sighs
“yup did you miss me?! dont answer that bc ik you did”
n zhongli sighs again all annoyed n shit
“seems you never learn”
“maybe i’m jus here bc i love n want to see you everyday”
n zhongli taking that as sarcasm rolls his eyes
“i doubt that.”
and so for like 30mins childe is making all these noises to get zhongli’s attention and annoy him which it works. and zhongli having enough of it already decides that he needs to be punished. so he gets up n walks over to the desk childe is sitting at cups his face with his hand grinning
“u rly like to get on my nerves dont you~…..” and childe’s tryna contain himself
“is it working~?”
“idk pretty boy….wanna find out for urself~…..”
n zhongli is like inches away from childe’s face. n childe still keeping his composure decides to tease back hoping to get what he’s longed for for so long.
“idk do i~?….”
and zhongli leans in n jus as hes abt to kiss childe he pulls away and walks back over to the teachers desk and childe is really disappointed bc he thought he finally had it but jus lost it. so zhongli goes back to working on his paperwork while childe is just furious.
”Is this how u treat everyone?! tease them and leave them with nothing. take advantage of us!!”
n zhongli bursts out laughing putting his papers in a neat stack
”ur quite interesting childe, if i said it was jus u would that make u feel better??”
and childe huffs rolling his eyes still rly pissed off.
“did u want more? were you expecting something more from me? something else?”
n childe blushing looks away
“fuck off”
n zhongli gets mad at the response and pulls out one of those long ass rulers n gets up n starts walking to childe.
“thats no way to speak to the student council president. you need to be punished”
so zhongli sets the ruler aside still pissed asf
“get up.” childe ignores.
”get up right now.” childe still ignores.
so zhongli grabs the ruler smacking it against the desk childe is at.
n childe jumps a little and gets up
“ok ok chill”
so childe walks over to zhongli n stands in front of him.
“im gonna punish n force you into submission until u completely submit to me”
childe laughs
“no way. you really think u can do that? just try”
“oh i will. just watch me”
(a/n: in this fic childe has bright pink sensitive nipples bc ughh 😩🤌🏾 well both of them have bright pink nipples but zhonglis r rly sensitive.)
so zhongli turns childe around n starts grinding against him causing childe to moan ever so slightly.
“do u like that~?”
n childe tryna keep his composure laughs to cover up a moan. n zhongli looks down and grins seeing childe’s hard erection through his clothes.
so zhongli reaches down n starts palming childe causing slightly louder moans to come out of his mouth.
“your so hard for me childe….what a naughty slutty little boy~“
childe loses it bc zhongli is finally saying the things he’s been dreaming of him saying. so zhongli amused starts licking the shell of his ear biting and nibbling it which makes childe blush harder. so zhongli reaches his hand down into childe’s pants and boxers and wraps his hand around childe’s dick which he almost cums. so zhongli starts pumping him n not even 30s he throws his head back on zhonglis shoulder n cums letting out a loud moan
“fuck zhongli~…..”
zhongli smirks very amused
“so quick to cum~ do i rly turn u on that much~?”
n childe fights the urge to nod his head and submit. he’s not going down without a fight.
“no i was just pent up. why would i be for someone like you!!”
zhongli snickers and slides his hands up childes shirt n starts taking it off.
“not submitting yet i see~….”
“did u think it would be that easy asshole? ha!”
so zhongli turns childe around.
“you should just give up now! your not go-“
n zhongli interrupts him with a passionate kiss. a long deep one filled with sexual tension n desire. he leaves childe blushing like crazy and gasping for air.
“what was that? i didnt catch the last part, say that again.”
“i said that i’m never gonna sub-“
n zhongli interrupts him again. same thing happens like 2 more times until childe gives up.
“can u repeat that one more time?”
and childe looks away with a annoyed expression on his face
“glad that shut u up~”
so then zhongli looks childe up and down bites his lip causing childe to blush.
“you’re kinda cute…i think i can use u….”
n childe blushes more
“and these nipples….”
zhongli says while pinching them making childe arch his back and moan loudly.
“they look pink and innocent…but when i pinch n twist them like this…”
childe lets out n even louder moan with a face flushed even more n drool running down the side of his mouth
“….you make such naughty noises and that really turns me on.”
and so zhongli continues pinch n play with them and then starts marking his neck.
“what if i made u mine hmm? my little fuck toy? or how abt pet?? you could be of some use to me….”
and all childe can do is whimper. so zhongli has him bend over on the teachers desk and pulls down childe’s pants. and he like squeezes childes plump round ass and caresses it before grabbing the ruler and spanking him with it which causes childe to moan n cum immediately.
“ur such a slutty masochist”
n childe groans n is like stuttering his words
“w-w-well ur so fucking sadis-“
n zhongli spanks him not with the ruler this time but his hand n childe jus looses it.
“ready to submit….?”
n childe tryna keep the ounce of pride he has left shakes his head.
zhongli spanks him again.
“how abt now?”
n so zhongli gets an idea n sticks his fingers inside childe’s mouth.
childe does so n a minute later zhongli pulls them out.
“what are you gonna d- ahh!”
and zhongli’s fingers are wiggling around inside childe tryna get him prepared. childe has just completely lost it. he’s drooling all over the desk, moaning so loudly that if there was people here they would be able to hear, clinging onto the edge of the desk like his life is on the line.
“f-fuck zhongli…ahhh”
he’s a panting slutty mess. a fee mins later zhongli pulls his fingers out n takes off his own pants and boxers lining himself up to childes entrance. he inserts only the tip of his dick causing childe to go even more crazy if thats even possible n moan so fucking loud. but its been long enough. he wants more. more of zhongli inside him. he wants all. all of zhongli inside him. so he whimpers n cries out zhongli’s name.
“whats the problem sweetheart?”
zhongli says grinning from ear to ear.
childe says desperately
“pls what?”
”pls zhongli i-….”
“you…? gotta tell me what u want otherwise i wont know.”
“pls i want more of u….!!”
“beg for more than.”
“Zhongli pls i want ur cock inside me so bad. pls i’ll do anything!! just fuck me already!!”
zhongli says slipping half way inside him.
“y-y-yes just pls fuck me!!”
n zhongli, a very satisfied man jus starts pounding into him hitting his g spot every time.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! ZHONGLI PLS SLOW DOWN AHH~!!”
n that only makes zhongli speed up and childe cums like multiple times. after a while, giving a few last thrusts zhongli comes for the second time inside childe. and pulls out while childe just drops to the floor completely unable to move or anything. jus a panting blushing hot slutty mess with zhongli’s cum dripping out of him. all pride lost. pulling his pants and boxers back on zhongli lifts him up to his feet and bc childe has no strength he just falls onto zhongli resting his head on his shoulder.
“now that you’ve completely submit to me, ur all mine~….mine to do whatever i pls with. mine and only mine. No one else….”
and childe jus nods groaning bc of the pain.
”i hope u learned ur lesson now. unless…. you wanna comeback again for another visit…”
n childe jus groans again.
“i see the way you look at me childe….a look filled with lust and desire…its really quite a turn on~….. you look so desperately….so needy….so vulnerable…the amount of times i wanted to bend you over and fuck u so hard until you cant walk is too much to count. i wanted to make you mine so no one else could have that innocent slutty little boy who’s just oozing with sexual desire. any man or woman would get turned on n wanna have there way with you. u needed to be protected and only by me.”
so zhongli grinds his teeth bc of how possessive he is.
“so no one but me can fuck u stupid. and now that ur finally mine…i dont have to worry abt it so much as before”
n so zhongli strokes childe’s hair n plants a kiss on his head.
“you’re my precious little play thing.”
and childe, burying his face into zhongli’s chest smiles bc thats all he ever wanted. and then he looks up at zhongli as zhongli looks down at him smiling.
“if all u said was true….why were u such an asshole to me. you were stricter on me than others, ruder to me than others, tougher on me then others….so why?”
zhongli chuckles n childe nods
“to keep a good reputation, but i also wanted to push you, everytime u got angry and gave me attitude it only turned me on. which is why i kept going….does that answer ur question?”
n childe grunts
“u sadistic fuck!”
n zhongli laughs
“says the one who got turned on every time i public humiliated or yelled at you….”
“thats not true!!”
“uh-huh…the sexual energy u admit would become stronger and i could hear your breathing getting heavier with breathy tiny moans and u would always part ur lips slightly and rub ur thighs together and on top of that, ur eyes squint ever so slightly.”
childe was speechless bc this whole time he thought he was being slick.
“w-w-well that doesnt matter!”
childe said huffing and zhongli only chuckled and kissed his head.
“hey childe…”
“i love you….”
childe was blushing like crazy. never in a million years did he think zhongli would say that.
“you can’t just go randomly saying those things?!!”
childe said burying his face deeper into zhonglis chest.
“b-but i love you too i guess…”
he mumbled and zhongli smirked.
“look at me.”
childe looked up into zhonglis ambers eyes embarrassed asf.
“wh-wh-what is it?”
“you’re really cute yk.”
n zhongli leaned down slightly and kissed him before he could say anything else. the end :)
thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed even though its formatted weird and kinda sorta a story. 🥰
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Obey Me! Brothers React: Baby?!?
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This is a VERY old request that I actually found I had when scrolling through my blog lol
I liked it so much so I did the thing. It also gives some fluff between all the sin I have in my WIPs 
Probably the calmest out of the bunch
“Are you okay?” “I’m prepared to take responsibility and make sure you’re happy.”
Makes sure you have your doctor appointments and goes with you
Very attentive to your needs
Over all he is pretty organized and prepared . . . on the outside
On the inside he’s a bit of a hoverer, but never too obvious. Just kinda stands to the side and observes,”just in case” you are carrying precious cargo afterall
Also he won't say it outloud but seeing your growing belly makes his pride shine the most and very territorial of you more than usual You are his and everyone will know
Kinda low-key didn’t not-not try to impregnate you but you didn’t hear that from me…
You and lucifer ended up having a Baby Boy Great another boy in the house
“Am I just destined to be surrounded by boys my whole life?” “I can always try to give you a girl. Just tell me when.” 😉
Yeah you’ll probably wait a year or two to actually plain for another baby, that is if Lucifer doesn’t “if it happens it happens”you again and BOOM baby #2 smh
Not as strict as one may think when thinking of Lucifer’s parenting style
Mammon definitely has something to say about that 
Does like to try and keep to a daily schedule of when they not just eat and sleep but also scheduled play and study time when they get to that age
He may need an ambulance
JK but he is a bit of a nervous wreck
Wait till he finds how birth works
But after the initial shock he is still worried about you
Maybe a bit overbearing
“Mammon, I can walk! I’m pregnant, not crippled.” “What? I can’t carry you around for no reason now?”
You end up having a Baby Girl
Cue panic mode!
Must protect baby girl at all costs Daddy mode engaged!
“My Love, you don’t have to watch her all night. She’ll be fine.” “I don’t know that!”
That dad that gets upsetty spaghetti if a “snot-nosed brat” messes with his perfect daughter on the playground
Levi.exe has stopped working
Try turning off and turning on and try again later
Wasn’t ready for you to say it
I mean sure you guys do do the do, bUt hOw?!?!?
“Can we go back?” “Levi this isn’t a video game level.”
Don’t get him wrong he’s not mad just scared!
He’ll get into it after he has time to process it 
“I guess it would be nice to have another player when your busy.”
Started “practicing” with a life simulator game
You and Levi had a baby boy!
Games galore! 
When your little boy is still a baby obviously he can’t play video games with Levi but Levi has surprisingly really liked playing peek-a-boo
You do find Levi with your son on his chest as he plays video games most of the time when he’s watching him 
Is about tied with Lucifer on the calm factor
Actually knew before you told him
“How the heck did you know, I just told you.” “Your period was late.”
Read all the books he can find on parenting and newborns in both humans and demons
You kinda wished he didn’t read so much because it went from ‘just wanting to cover all bases’ to being a bit of a worry wart and always “helping” you and “informing” you
Can you say Papa Bear!!! VERY protective!!!
Will damn near bite someone's head off if they bump into you especially w/o apologizing
Reads and/or plays music for the baby every night
“They say they can start to hear and recognize things in the womb at about 18-24 weeks. I have so many books I’d want to show them so might as well start early.”
Finds himself talking to and kississing your belly when your asleep late at night
“I promise I’m gonna make sure I’m the best Dad for you!”
Does touch your belly though everytime he kisses you
You and Satan had a Baby Girl
Truely a Daddy’s girl! She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger
He denies it but it’s true lol
Checks under the bed for “the scaries” every time she asks 
“You know Daddy will always protect you!”
Obviously the one to teach her to read and write. Making sure they get at least 30 mins of reading time together where they take turns
You’ve walking into the library many times to see Satan laying on the couch with your daughter on his chest, both asleep
At some point he finally admitted to you that he’s scared to “let her go”
He wants his baby girl to be his baby forever but he knows sadly she has to grow up but he hopes that when that happens they still have their book discussions and reading time together
It’s how he bonds with her the most.
Okay. Okay. I’ll stop cuz we should know I love Daddy Satan so I’ll stop before i get out of hand lol
Ok but really he is excited
“With my charm and your cuteness, this child is gonna be the most sought after person in devildom.”
The day you told him he started preparing their room. Filling the room with bins of stuffed animals and toys
And clothes. Lots and lots of clothes.
“Asmo we don’t even know the gender yet.” “That’s ok! What ever we don’t use I guess we’ll just have to make another for those.”
He is gonna be in for a rude awakening literally when the baby comes
Say goodbye to your beauty sleep Asmo 
You and Asmo had a Baby Girl
When he found out you were having a girl, demon lord help this new doll baby
Dress up everyday 
Loves parading her around in his arms or the stroller
“Excuse me, Princess coming through!” 
Telling him you were pregnant made him really happy!!!
“I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.” “You’ll be the best mother.”
Of course he was nervous but he had you and you always knew how to make him feel better
And when the stress of the actual baby came up he just focused on what he did know
Snacks. Snacks. & more Snacks!!!
Your pregnancy cravings were arguably the easiest part of your pregnancy for him because he was always down to go get them for you it also gave him an excuse to get more snacks for himself too and he got to try all your favorite snacks and weird concoctions you’d want.
You and Beel had surprise, surprise. Twins!!!! Fraternal Twins to be exact, a boy and a girl
One baby was scary enough but, multiply it by two!?!? Oh nelly.
But Beel really has a way to calm you.
Divide and conquer is your modo
He’ll bathe and clothe them and you feed them Beel has helped with the feeding but somehow the food seems to disappear rather fast and the rest you share and tag in and out of
I’m sorry. He must have heard you wrong.
Maybe he is still asleep and this is a dream
But nope. It’s not! You are tellin his face that he had accidentally put a … baby… inside you…
“Are you really pregnant?” “Yup” “I’m telling you right now I’m getting rid of it if it interferes with my sleep.”
Yeah… that didn’t happen :)
He lost sleep, yes. But although annoyed he was even shocked with how attached?!? He was to the child
Oh you had a boy!
You thanked the heavens for not “gifting” you with twins
A plus is your little boy takes after his father when it comes to sleep
Altho he’s still a baby so restless nights are still very much in your future 
Belphie gifted him his very own special pillow :3 He was sick of his kid stealing/hogging his
I kinda went into them as parents bit oops  I got too excited lol
Maybe I can do more Daddy AUs in the future if that’d interest anyone.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I really liked writing it.  I can’t be the only one obviously that really likes Daddy AUs :3
I love the fluff and I hope you do too :D
~ Undateables Reactions ~
💛 ~
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas- Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Dressed to the Nines
Dad!Mob!Tom Holland x Mom!Mob!Reader Fanfic
-Pairings: mob! Tom Holland x reader
-Warnings: Language
-Words: 3.9K
Background Info- Tom Holland is boss of his mafia and Y/N Holland, his wife, is former mafia boss turned stay at home mom but still joined Tom on his business trips and meetings. They started dating at 19 and were married at the young age of 21, realizing they only needed each other. They have two kids together, both ages 16, Parker and Rosie Holland.
*Realistically to have two teenagers, Tom and Y/N are both in their mid/late thirties but they look like they are in their mid twenties/late twenties alright. What can I say, they have really good genes. I can guarantee that Tom will still definitely look as gorgeous as he does know in his 30’s.
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Author note: I enjoy writing drama, so it’s hard to have constant fluff, mostly angst (I hope, at least what I consider angst). The more times where a character almost dies but doesn’t the better to me. This is my first fanfic, I wrote this story based on being married with kids because that is the part of my life I’m most looking forward to. Heads up but there is tons of dialogue, I find that the most fun to write.
Also I enjoy PDA and a personal goal of mine is to be married for 20 years and still want to jump my husband’s bones so there are a bunch of little hints like that through the fanfic. Sorry if your name is any of the characters, feel free to change them in your mind. I know it’s stupid of me to say that but whatever.
Chapter 1: Dressed to the Nines
Words: 3.9K
You and Tom were a power couple. The Hollands, the ones with the most power and the most dangerous. A king and queen to their empire. Lately you had been tackling married life together and had been raising two kids. A boy named Parker and a girl named Rosie both the same age. But nothing could prepare you for what every parent dreads, their teenage years. All the hormones, mood swings and relationship drama that comes with it.
When both the twins turned 16 it was big turning point in your family. Rights of passage as Tom would say. You and Tom threw a massive gala to celebrate their 16 years of being alive. Tom as the leader of his own mob, money was no object and you coming from the family you did and being a former mafia boss, you both had truly opulent wealth. It was the night of their kids’ sixteenth birthday and everyone was invited from family, friends, business associates and even enemies. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer they would say. Tom and tried to keep as much as possible from your kids, trying to give them a normal childhood. Failing over and over again at that. Some nights Tom would come home bloody from beating up someone who crossed him. Or there would always been strange, bulky, built men surrounding your mansion for protection. It was hard to explain everything to the kids, but it was something they just had to do for family.
The party was about to begin, 7:00 on the dot, and the house was decorated to fit a very elegant yet youthful look. Caterers dressed in white carrying bountiful trays of appetizers. Tom and you adored the luxury of their life, even though they knew if they didn’t have all the materials they did they would be even happier. Their family is what mattered most to them. You were dressed to the nines, in a lace gold gown, with sparkly stilettos on. Her Y/H/C hair gracefully laying one her back, without a strand out of the place. And her Y/E/C eyes were beaming, if looks could kill they would. Tom couldn’t help but admire you.
“You know, it’s rude to gawk,” you said and Tom chuckled.
“I’m sorry but you’re just too beautiful not to,” he responded and placing his hands on your hips.
Rolling your eyes and smirking you said “tonight’s the night.”
“I know, should we do it now?” he questioned as his half smile turned into a frown.
“No, let him have this one more night. Without any obligation,” you had been dreading this night for years.
“Alright, darling,” he said as he kissed softly, he just couldn’t contain himself he
found his other half. The person that makes him want to be a better man. His soulmate.
Like any family there are skeletons in their closets but, the Hollands were a whole another story. Tonight was the night, one they had been dreading for 16 years, to be exact. You and Tom’s son, Parker would be tasked with the most difficult decision of his life. One that will rewrite his story. Tom wishes he would just turn it down and do what he didn’t have the balls to do when he was his age.
The day Tom’s dad brought him into the office, he knew his life would never be the same. Dom, his father and former boss of the Holland empire, made it very clear that if he turned him down, he could forget about being in this family. Tom just knows he won’t give the same ultimatum. Parker being the oldest and only son of Tom and Y/N Holland is the future of their family empire. Parker was quite popular, a playboy actually and very dashing. Wearing a black suit with a black tie and a white shirt he look just like his dad with his brown hair slicked back. Being one of the guests of honor tonight he had to look the part. Slowly made his way to the bar before his mother could find him. Desperately needing some liquid courage, he quickly poured himself a shot of vodka and downed it even faster. However nothing gets past, you, Y/N Holland.
“Parker Jackson Holland!” you fumed, catching her 16 year old son drinking.
“Hey, what’s with the middle naming me, it’s my birthday,” he responded a little startled.
“You should not be drinking, ever. You got two years, mister,” you explained.
“Alright, mum,” Parker sounded annoyed.
“Where’s your sister by the way, party is supposed to start in 10 mins,” you said as she noticed all the guest starting to arrive. A line of people already waiting at the door but everyone knew the Hollands preferred people to arrive fashionably late.
“I don’t know. Having a fit probably. Last I heard was screaming coming from her closet.”
“I’ll go check on her. Your father and I need you sober later. Understood?” You exclaimed.
“Yes, mum.” Parker was a good boy on paper but, enjoyed breaking the rules.
Right as you turned away, Parker then started to pour another shot.
“Don’t even think about it,” you said still walking forward. Parker chuckled and set the shot down.
You went to go check on her daughter. You knocked on the door when she heard something shatter. Rosie may seem timid but she definitely inherited Tom’s anger issues.
“Honey? Is everything alright?” You questioned, startled by the outburst.
“Yeah, mum. I’m sorry,” Rosie muttered seeming frustrated.
“It’s ok, oh honey!” You exclaimed, noticing the tears on her daughter face
“I know, this is stupid,” Rosie whispered trying to hide her tear stained face.
“No, no it isn’t. What’s wrong?” you said, genuinely concerned for her daughter’s well-being.
“I don’t know everything, this dress, my hair, my makeup,” she exclaimed frantically.
“Baby, you look beautiful.”
“Pretty enough that someone would want to dance with me?” Rosie whispered. You were caught off guard that your daughter could ever have thoughts like that.
“Yes of course, you are always gorgeous.” You hated seeing your baby girl beat herself up based on her looks.
“Thanks mom, I have a question?” You just nodded in response.
How did you get dad to fall in love with you?” Rosie asked inquisitively.
“Um, I guess was just myself. I didn’t put on a facade and I was very honest and transparent with him,” you answered a little taken back from the question.
“You were yourself? I find that hard to believe. From stories I’ve heard you seemed to be bold, brave and beguiling” said Rosie with a hint of sarcasm.
“Am I not those things now?” You asked, cheekily.
“No you are, just in a different way.”
“Honey, whoever you are trying impress, will love for who you are, ok?” You couldn’t stand seeing her daughter like this.
“Alright. Can you help me with my makeup?” Rosie asked because her previous makeup had been ruined by her miniature breakdown
“Yes, of course.”
Back at the party Tom was making his way around saying hello to almost everyone. He desperately needed to find his son. Tom’s and Parker’s relationship was interesting to say the least. As babies and toddlers Tom was there. He loved his kids so much but as they grew older they only noticed the times he wasn’t there. Only the missed recitals and football games, never all times that had dinner as a family and he tucked them in to bed at night. Parker is closer to his mother and his twin sister. Never really having that man to man talk with his dad yet. The time when fathers stop seeing their sons as boys and look at them as men. Tom approached Parker sitting there with his a drink in his hand, he hoped was a watered down Pepsi.
“Hey Parker, did your mom talk to you already?” Tom asked, not trying to raise too many questions.
“No, she might have mentioned something,” Parker responded.
“Ok, well after cake meet me in my office.” Parker nodded in response and noticed how he tensed a little at the conversation.
Their chat quickly ended when Harrison and his 16 year old son Henry came to wish happy birthday. Harrison is Tom’s right hand man, his consigliere and his best friend. He was more than that, Harrison was family. Harrison’s son, Henry was best friends with Parker and Rosie, ever since birth.
“Hey mate,” Tom said to his best friend Harrison.
“Hey, just came to wish this guy “happy birthday”” he said patting Parker’s shoulder.
“Happy birthday, dude” Henry said to Parker and he returned with subtle “thank you’s.” Parker slightly nodded to his dad to see if he could leave the conversation and Tom let him know it was ok.
“Come on, let’s go,” Parker exclaimed making his way to den where his other friends were.
Harrison was the first to speak up, “Have you told him yet?”
“No, Y/N and I are going to do it tonight” Tom uttered with a low toned voice.
“Geez, do you need me there?” Harrison asked, afraid Tom might say yes. Harrison was there when Tom went through the same process with his dad. Tom’s anger issues didn’t help the outcome.
“I think I’m alright, just family. Not that I don’t consider you family but I don’t even know if Rosie should be there.” Tom justified.
“It’s alright mate, I get it.”
They were both enjoying their night, making their rounds, Tom and Harrison went to get drinks, not beer this time but a scotch on the rocks as this was a classy night. Everything was dandy up until one of Tom’s men, William, came up to him informing Tom of a problem.
“Sir we have a problem,” William whispered to Tom, Tom nodded for them to follow them to his office.
“William, what now? Can’t you see I’m enjoying the party?” Tom exclaimed, closing the doors to his office.
“Sir, Daniel, was found dead at his post outside, shot by a tranquilizer gun, with a note taped to his chest, it’s for you.” William announced and handed the paper to the most important and dangerous man of the mob, his boss.
“What the fuck?” A long silence stayed in the air while Tom processed the news. Awkwardness had filled the entire room as they all awaited Tom’s response.
“For fucks sake, you need at least 3 guards posted outside. NOW!” He screamed as his anger continued to rise as read the note.
“Yes, Sir.” William said promptly.
“God forbid anything else happen tonight, but my wife and kids are the first ones to be escorted to safe house. Understood?” Tom explained as he only was only thinking about his family in that moment.
“Yes, Sir.” William said and quickly ran out before he could get the brunt of Tom’s upcoming outburst. Right on cue, Tom threw a glass ashtray at the wall, it shattering into shards.
“Calm down mate, what did the note even say.” Harrison asked with a worrisome look on his face. Tom showed Harrison the joy and his smile faded immediately. Tom for the first time, in a while, felt fear because he knew he had everything to lose.
Not wanting to deal with the life long headache that is his life. He looked for solace in, you, his wife as he spotted her over by the fireplace and made his way over to you.
“Have told you look stunning tonight?” He said instantly falling in love with you over again.
“Several times actually,” you said.
“Well I can’t help what you do to me, gorgeous.” He said placing a kiss to your temple.
“Hey, have you had the talk with him yet?” You said pointing a finger at your son getting very intimate with some girl.
The girl was Charlotte Owens. Parker and her had been together for almost a year, but you and Tom hadn’t met her formally yet. Your son was very tight-lipped the it came to his private life. She was tall, fair and had platinum blonde hair along with piercing blue eyes. Rosie didn’t seem to like her very much, constantly annoyed by her popularity status and reputation, used to be known for being with a new guy every couple weeks and don’t put it past Rosie to not give her the benefit of the doubt.
“No, remember we’re going to do it tonight. Is something wrong?” He said with concern, worried why you would forget something so important.
“No, not that talk, silly, “The talk”,” you responded. His lips formed an “o” shaped as he realized he would have to teach his son about how to be safe during sex.
“Oh, no. I’ve been avoiding it for as long as possible.”
“Why baby, you’re so good at it. You could give him a few a pointers.” You said, winking at him.
“Wow, love, you surprise me everyday. Speaking of beautiful girls, where’s Rosie. I’ve haven’t seen her all night,” Tom quickly trying to change the subject as they were at a party.
“I saw her a few minutes ago,” you said as a puzzled look grew on her face.
“Come on, let’s go find her and maybe you and I can sneak off for awhile.” He said cheekily.
“Tommy,” you whispered but eventually agreed. Slowly making your way out of the main ballroom to the secret garden next to his office.
Walking very slyly, you both made your way to secret spot near Tom’s office. Where ivy had grown throughout the brick and purple and yellow tulips lined the fence along with giant trees. There was a little wishing fountain that Tom had installed when you moved in, this was their secret spot. One where they could forget about all the violence and responsibility that tainted their lives.
Their intimate moment was ruined when Rosie walked by with some random guy named Connor, not the person she’d hope to bring there. All throughout the night Rosie seemed to be jealous of the attention her crush was getting at the party as he didn’t pay attention to her. Thus, she went find a distraction of her own.
“Oh hey, shh, look two people getting it on over there,” he whispered to her as she dragged him outside.
“Please don’t be my brother.” She murmured but felt like she wanted to throw up when she saw who it was.
“Mom, dad?” Rosie screamed.
“Oh shit, we’ve been busted,” Tom muttered against your neck.
“Hey honey,” You said while Rosie was completely mortified. Rosie’s potential hookup stood there mouth wide open.
“That’s your mum, god, she’s a babe.” Connor said.
“Connor, not helping.” Rosie exclaimed sternly as she pinched his side.
Tom spoke up, “Why don’t you guys go back and enjoy the rest of the party.”
Rosie just nodded and left as fast as humanly possible. She never wants to be that embarrassed again.
“Oh my god, we were gonna get it later.” You said.
“I know, we really screwed up this time. But have you had “the talk” with her yet,” Tom asked.
“Nope, we should both really get on that. What would I’ve happened if they hadn’t caught us?” You asked jokingly.
“I don’t want to think about that Y/N! She’s our daughter.” Tom exclaimed.
“Neither do I.”
“Enough of this, where were we?” Tom interjected immediately changing the subject.
“Well you lips were on my neck and you hand was on my waist, but I think the moment has passed and we should get back to the party,” you said rather seductively.
“Fine, I know you’re right. But fuck, I just want to make out with my wife,” Tom muttered frustratingly.
“Well you can later... in bed.” Winking as you chuckled.
“Man, that kid was right, you are a babe.”he said as he slapped your ass as you walked in front of him chuckling.
“Is it time for cake?” Harrison asks as he came up to Tom and you.
“I think it is.” Tom said and you nodded. Walking towards Rosie, who was desperately trying to erase her self from existence because of the embarrassment she’d experienced a minute ago.
“Hi, honey. Can you please go find your brother? We are going to cut the cake.” You said trying not to accidentally bring up the elephant in the room.
“Alright, fine,” Rosie muttered still a little peeved finding you and Tom like that. Rosie searched high and low for Parker.
Needing some assistance she asked Henry. “Hey, have you seen my brother?”
“Last I saw he was taking Charlotte to the green house” Henry responded.
“Alright, come on, let’s go find them” Rosie said rolling her eyes. Her hand slipped into Henry’s as she led the way. Making their way through the vast yet gorgeous yard. Rosie and Henry found Parker and Charlottes lips entangled together and bodies in a compromising position in the green house
“For fucks sake, how many people am I going to find sucking face at this party.” Rosie yelled, startling Charlotte and Parker.
“What the fuck do you want, Rosie? Can’t you see I’m busy.” Parker quipped annoyingly.
“Mom and dad want to cut the cake” Rosie responded.
“Ugh fine. Give us 10 mins” knowing he will be finished in that time.
“No, you can fuck your bimbo of a girlfriend later.” Rosie said, receiving a grimace from Charlotte.
“Don’t you fucking talk about her like that! Fuck off!” Parker yelled as Henry and Rosie left. Both of the kids had inherited Tom’s angry side.
“Well, you can explain to mom and dad you were late because you were balls deep in in your whore,” Rosie said walking away.
The moments leading up to the end of Parker’s innocence were fleeting. In more ways than one. He wasn’t a virgin even before that evening but, Parker could imagine the task he was supposed to accomplish. The 3 tier chocolate raspberry ganache cake had been cut and distributed to the guests. Happy birthday had been sung to Rosie and Parker. Parker tried to go off with Charlotte again, but Harrison stopped him and brought him to the Tom’s office.
“They’re in there,” Harrison whispered.
“Who?” Parker asked Harrison who was like his uncle.
“Just go,” Parker opened the door to see his mother and his dad sat behind the desk. The door shut behind him.
“Mom? Dad? What’s going on here?” Parker hesitated.
“Son, sit down,” Tom said, knowing this wasn’t going to be easy.
“We have to talk to you.” You interjected.
“Parker, as part of this family, there are certain responsibilities you have to take. It is a tradition in our family that at the age of 16, the sons are brought to light about the dealings of our family and what is expected of you,” Tom said as Parker grew wary. Not really understanding what his parents were trying to convey.
Throughout his entire life, he had his suspicions about his family. Wondering why men followed them everywhere, even on trips to the store for eggs. Why his parents went to work but have never seen their office, only heard it referred to as “the warehouse.” Why everything was always so damm secretive. Scared if he accidentally let some enormous family secret slip with his big mouth there would be repercussions. Never not scared of the harm that could come to his family.
“Your father, is the leader of a very powerful mob. I am part of it too, not just as wife but as his partner. There will be day when he will longer be in position of boss and you will take over,” you asserted playing off of Tom’s words.
“Our family is not only the owners of one of the world’s richest exporting company, we also do business with casinos and own multiple hotel chains. Sometimes our work brings us above the law, but the connections we have are what keep us alive.” Tom explained trying to preserve his son’s innocence.
“Why are you telling me all this?” Parker stuttered.
“Because it is time. Time for you to step up and take your place in this family. You’ve had 16 years of juvenile fun and now this is what has to be done.” Tom concluded.
“What if I don’t want this life. You don’t think I don’t know what happens behind closed doors here. All the times dad has come home with a black eye or blood on his knuckles. Why fuck isn’t Rosie here? She is the same age as me, WE ARE TWINS! Why am I the only one who has to do this. I don’t want to kill for sport like you and mom!” Parker screamed. He couldn’t handle this anymore. There was too much information he had to process.
“Do not raise your voice at your mother! Tom screamed.
“Dad, I had dreams and hopes. I wanted to go to college and travel. Find a nice girl and marry her. Experience the kind of love you and mom have. What you are asking me to do, flushes all that away. You are asking me to give up on my life.
So that’s it, I don’t have a choice,” Parker begged.
“Baby, you have a choice. Nothing is set in stone,” you said rubbing his arm.
“Y/N, you damm well know what will happen if he turns this down,” Tom yelled.
“Maybe this life works for you two, but I don’t want this kind of life. My answer is no. Find someone else.”
“Parker, you know I can’t do that. Take a couple days and think about it” Tom answered trying to stay calm.
“NO DAD! My answer is final, I’m not going to be your apprentice to carry on this heinous family legacy!” Parker exploded. It was too much.
“If you aren’t willing to do what is asked of you, then you can forget about being in this family!” Tom screamed. He did exactly what he said he wouldn’t, he gave his son an ultimatum. Parker couldn’t handle it anymore and left. Needing to forget about the fact he no longer had a say. He was stuck.
It was just Tom and you sitting in the study. They couldn’t understand where the conversation had gone. All their hopes for tonight went out the window along with potted plant Tom threw when Parker stormed out.
“Tom, you can’t force him. You can’t do what your father did to you to him.” You tried to say in a loving tone but it came out as stern.
“IM NOT, Y/N!!!” Tom screamed. He had fucked up. The words spoken tonight have rewritten his relationship with his son.
“Alright.” You whispered trying to calm your fuming husband down.
“I’m sorry I raised my voice, baby.” Tom’s tone immediately changed once he heard the softness of your voice. You just nodded in response
“Tommy?” You asked hoping Tom was now ok.
“Yes, love” Tom said.
“He’ll come around. I can promise you that.”
“I know, darling. That’s not what I’m worried about.”
“Then what?” a look of confusion grew on your face.
He handed you a paper, the same one that was found on Daniel’s body, saying “Eclipsing of the Hollands. Let the show begin. Better watch your back.”
It was threat. A play to eventually be made on his life or the life of his family and you all had no idea who was behind it.
Guns, Glamour, and Goodfellas Series Masterlist
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softyoongiionly · 3 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Seventeen
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, College! Yoongi, Sub! Yoongi
Word Count: 9.1k
A/N: Hi friends! Here is a new chapter for you. I know it’s been a super duper long time since I’ve updated this series but, I plan on wrapping up the current timeline (wink wink) within the first half of the year! Special shoutout to my amazing friend @bulletproofbirdy​ who I love so so much. Without her big genius brain, I would literally not be able to get through any of my wip. Another huge shoutout to @gldnrecs​ @kithtaehyung​ @yoonia​ and @randombtsprincessa​ for being my lil hype team. I love you! Also, thank you to everyone over at @bangtansorciere​. I am so grateful to have met so many lovely new friends this year! okiii bye. I hope you like it!
NOTE: all bolded words indicate when characters are speaking Korean
Warnings for this Chapter: ok here we go…(TRIGGER WARNING)
moderate angst, drug use (marijuana), mentions of anxiety, brief allusions to physical abuse, very brief allusions to drug addiction, alcohol 
Chapter Seventeen: Daegu and Dirty Laundry
No thoughts, head empty (and in Yoongi’s lap)
The two of you are in his living room, bags packed by the front door, awaiting the cab to take you to the airport.  
In a few short hours, you were leaving on a plane to Daegu to visit Yoongi’s older brother and, you can tell by the way he’s shuffled around all morning that he’s anxious.  
Thankfully, Hoseok and Namjoon woke up with him, knowing that emotions would be high and well- offered to get him high.
“This is a really good indica strain hyung,” Hoseok assures him as he hands over a zip-lock bag, “I rolled a joint with this last night and passed out in like 30 minutes.”
Yoongi, dressed in an all-black sweat outfit, accepts the bag into the palm of his hand, before grabbing the pipe that’s resting on the couch cushion beside him.
“Did you get it from that same guy?” Yoongi asks, his voice heavy beneath the obvious tension he’s feeling.
Despite his attempts to remain casual, you know him well enough to feel how nervous he is. He’s practically vibrating beneath you but, you know that pointing this out will only make it worse so instead, you merely rub the outside of his thigh whilst he packs his pipe. 
“Yeah, Jin’s friend-” Hoseok responds before nodding to Namjoon, “He’s honestly killing it right now. Jin told me he’s made like 5 grand already.”
Namjoon raises his brows, “Really? Damn, that’s impressive, I’ve never heard of anyone taking off that fast.”
“Jin has a lot of contacts-” Yoongi offers, adjusting the bud once more before grabbing his lighter, “it probably helped him get started. Plus, I think a lot of people around here have been looking for a good plug. Whatever he’s doing is working though, the high from last night was pretty good.”
At Yoongi’s comment, Hoseok’s lip melt into a salacious smirk as he raises his brows and jerks his chin towards you, “Are you sure it had nothing to do with that one over there?” He teases, “Yah, what are you so quiet for? You haven’t given me shit all morning...”
His comment makes you giggle but Yoongi cuts in before you’re able to respond.
“She’s tired, leave her alone.” He scolds but his lips twitch at the sound of your laughter.
Hoseok snickers as you finally decide to sit up. You can feel Yoongi’s eyes on you even as he lifts the pipe to his mouth. Tucking yourself into the side of the couch, you finally decide to add to the conversation.
“Is the guy you pick up named Yugyeom by chance?” The sleepiness in your tone is more obvious than you were expecting and, it makes Yoongi smile to himself whilst he lights his pipe.
Namjoon nods, “Yeah, it is. Do you know him?”
Yoongi’s attention is on you even as he inhales his first hit, the nerves in his body standing at attention, waiting to be soothed.  
“He was in my human sexuality class.” You remember, with a grin on your lips, “That’s actually where I met Jin too. I just had a feeling that it was him because, he literally always came to class high. Plus, him and Jin were like inseparable.”
Namjoon winces, “Of all the people to get stuck learning about sex with. I’m sorry...”
This makes you laugh, as your mind journey’s back to all the days you spent trying not to make a scene as Jin made sexual puns in the middle of a serious lecture.  
“It definitely kept things interesting...” You offer, “I’m glad to hear that Yugyeom is thriving on his own. He mentioned his dad wanted him to join the family business but, I could never picture that man in a suit.”
Hoseok chuckles before his face tightens with intrigue, “Oof that makes one of us. He would look fine as hell in a suit.”
Namjoon grins, nudging Hoseok with his foot, “You got a thing for him?”
For the first time, you see a hint of shyness overcoming Hoseok’s demeanor but he shrugs it off, trying to appear casual, “I mean- I don’t know about all that. I’m just saying that he would look good in a suit.”
“You’d both look good in suits- together...” You offer, grinning at him, “Maybe in a private venue somewhere...”
Hoseok rolls his eyes but the smile creeping onto his lips is unmistakable, “Shut up- you guys are fucking wild. All I said is that he was hot...”
Giggling, you shrug your shoulders before nodding over to Yoongi, “Yeah well that’s how it starts-” You warn, “Then the next thing you know, you’re sitting on the subway, simping over a selfie he sends you.”
Yoongi’s soft lips immediately turn up in a small smile, the shy boy in him peeking out. At first, he says nothing as he merely passes the pipe to Namjoon, who mirrors a similar expression.
Hoseok is back to his normal mischief, feeling relieved that the heat is off him for the time being.  
“Are you saying you’d marry Yoongi then?”
He expects you to be flustered by this question but, the answer is simple.  
“This man?” You raise your brows as you point to Yoongi, “You’re asking me if I would marry this man right here? Hoseok- I would wife this man up so quickly, it would give you whiplash.”
Your comment causes the three of them to laugh and, to add to the shifting vibe of the room, you feel Yoongi wrap his arm around you in an effort to pull you into his side.
“You can’t say shit like that right in front of them, they don’t need to see me soft...” He mumbles shyly in your ear before kissing your cheek, his heart singing with validation.
“Hyung, you act like we don’t already know who whipped you are for this girl.” Hoseok laughs, eagerly accepting the pipe from a coughing Namjoon.
Yoongi ignores him with his arm still around you, checking his phone with the other hand, “The cab should be here soon, do you need anything before we go?”
“Hyung, you’re gonna leave your piece here right? Cause we kinda need it-”  
Namjoon eyes him suspiciously, “What happened to your bong?”
Hoseok cringes, “I may have accidentally dropped it off the rooftop...”
Namjoon’s eyes blow wide open, “What the fuck were you doing on the rooftop to begin with?”
“I wanted to vibe! The bud was good and, I wanted to listen to the J. Cole album and get in my feelings hyung, get off my dick-” He laughs, playfully defensive.
“Hey that’s J Cole song-” You point out giggling at the double meaning, the exhaustion from earlier finding you once again.
“Exactly, I’m glad you caught that-” Hoseok winks at you before Yoongi finally responds.
“I’m not going to take my pipe through international security. Pot isn’t legal in Korea so, I wouldn’t be smoking while we were there anyway.”  
“Oh shit that’s right-” Namjoon remembers, “I really need to keep up with what’s been going on back home, I heard they were opening the discussion about it recently but, I haven’t kept up with it.”
Hoseok interjects, “What about your brother? He probably has connections.”
Yoongi shrugs, “He might but, I'm not going to worry about it.” He glances at his phone again before turning it towards you, “Our car is here, you ready to go?”
You offer him a small smile as you nod, your cheek tingling still as he places another kiss to it.
He stands up first before holding his hand out to you. Eagerly, you lace your fingers with his and, hoist yourself off the couch.
“Alright you two-” Namjoon stands too, brushing his hands over the front of his hoodie, “Try and send us updates when you can yeah?” He shoots a look towards Yoongi that is filled with an emotion that breaches casual concern.  
Yoongi understands perfectly, offering Namjoon a solemn nod in return as he pats his shoulder, “Yeah I will. I’ll text you when we land...”
Moments later, the two of you are in the back of the cab. Yoongi takes the middle seat so he can be close to you, his fingers are interlaced tightly with your own despite the fact that his hand is already sweating.  
He’s anxious.  
You can feel it and, you’re faced with two options.
Address it
Distract him  
It’s not an easy choice but, you figure this weekend will already be filled with heightened emotions so, you’re not sure if you should breach this topic so early. At the same time though, you don’t want to act like nothing’s wrong and dismiss what he’s clearly feeling.  
So, you land somewhere in the middle.  
Yoongi’s jaw is loaded with tension as you reach over and turn his face towards yours. He doesn’t register what you’re doing at first but he is in tune with your touch as always so, he doesn’t question it.    
Leaning in, you tuck your lips between his own, whilst your free hand comes up to encase the side of his face. You feel him relax beneath your kiss, a sigh leaving his nose as he kisses you back slowly.  
You pull away, pecking at his lips a few times, your thumb rubbing over his cheek.
“It’s going to be ok.” You murmur softly for the sake of his privacy, “We’re going to get through this.”
Yoongi’s eyes open just enough to show you the sheer amount of trust present in them.  
He believes everything that comes out of your mouth and, despite the anxiety that’s raging inside of him, he knows you’re right.  
Pressing his cheek against your hand, a soft smirk graces his lips as he resists the urge to pour his heart out to you for the millionth time.
“I wish it was socially acceptable for you to kiss me like that every time I feel like this...”
You giggle, pecking his lips again for good measure, “It would make our psych presentation really interesting that’s for sure.”
He chuckles, his face adorably smushed against your hand, “I keep forgetting that we have to do that. I don’t even remember the last time we worked on it...”
“Me neither.” You say at first before your eyes light up with realization, “Oh my god wait- the last time was when we watched that horrible spider movie at my apartment! Ugh no wonder I couldn’t remember, I’m pretty sure I've blocked those images from my mind as a coping mechanism.”
Yoongi’s face lights up along with you, “Oh shit, that’s right-” He laughs, “Did we even finish our lists?”
The two of you share another round of laughter, caught up in the ridiculous realization that you had lowkey abandoned your final project.  
You lean over to pull your phone out of your purse, “Here let me check-” Scrolling through your notes app, you find the project tab before allowing your eyes to wander over it, “It looks like I still have deep water and you technically still have night clubs and horror movies. But I mean- you did perform in a night club recently so I feel like that should count.”  
He nods thoughtfully before his face lights up with realization once more, “Oh yeah, I already wrote about that in the research journal, I forget to tell you. That was definitely more of a direct confrontation than I was planning.” He chuckles, “We did sit on the beach and read terrifying facts about the depth of the ocean for mine, would that be enough for you to write about?”  
The two of you have maneuvered so that you’re tucked into Yoongi’s side again, his arm draping comfortably around your shoulders.
“You still have horror movies left though so, I feel like I should maybe confront one more directly too. Besides, I have a feeling that I’ll be able to distract myself in the water if you’re there-” You mumble suggestively, which causes him to smirk as he leans his head back against the seat.
“Oh yeah?” He jerks his head towards you “How so?”
Resting your face on his chest, you smile to yourself and think of a response that’s appropriate for a perfect stranger aka your cab driver, to hear.
“Cause if something touches my feet in the water, I could simply latch myself to your back for safety purposes.” You explain matter of factly.
“If something touched your foot while we were in the water, I’d swim away so fucking fast- I don’t think you’d have time to latch on.” He explains through his laughter
Scoffing, you smack your hand against his chest as you sit up fully, wiggling out of his grip, “So you’d just leave me to die???” You accuse, “Also, last time I checked- you weren’t an Olympic swimmer, what makes you think you’d just zoom out of there???”
Yoongi’s cackling at this point, his hand on his stomach, his previously tense features now smoothed out beneath his amusement, “I’m not saying I would leave you necessarily-”
“Necessarily!” You point out, laughter erupting from your lips as you pinch his side, “After everything we’ve been through, you’re really just gonna let a sea monster eat me!?”
His eyes widen, as his laughter increases, “A sea monster?! Who said anything about a sea monster? Where did they come in????”
“I said something touched my foot???? Obviously that means there is a sea monster, lurking in the depths, trying to eat me and you-” You poke his sternum, “You just said you would leave me to die!”
Yoongi’s face is reddened with the force of his own laughter, his hand subconsciously coming up to cover your own. With his eyes tearing up and his mouth parted to make way for his giggling, you can’t help but admire how beautiful he is.  
Especially when he’s laughing...
He wipes his eyes with his free hand, still chuckling lightly to himself even as he brings your hand to his mouth, “Alright, alright- let's be clear- I would never leave you to die.” He promises, still smirking as he kisses the back of your hand, “Realistically, I’d probably panic and jump on YOUR back.”
With narrowed eyes, you wiggle the fingers he has pressed to his lips, “Well I don’t know how that would work out because, I’d probably you know- swim away so fucking fast that I don’t know if you’d have time to latch on...”
Yoongi snickers as you imitate his voice but, rather than retaliate he simply tugs you by the hand his currently holding and, kisses you.  
It’s soft and sweet- lasting only for a few seconds until he’s pulling away.
“Thank you for coming with me.” He says suddenly, the volume of his voice decreasing significantly.
And as usual, you know that he wants to say way more than he does. But you’re perfectly fine with that.
Yoongi’s subtly is a specific brand and, you’ve grown to love how the little things he does allows him to pack so much emotion into a simple phrase.  
You feel lucky to love such a special person.  
“Of course.” You return his simplicity, pecking his lips once more before settling back in your original position.  
The airport was a blur.  
You’re thankful it passes quickly because, the process of getting through security makes you anxious.  
Yoongi ushers you into your seat before taking both of your bags and, storing them in the overhead compartment. You can’t help but smile as he turns to help an older woman with her luggage as well.
He smiles ( :] ) at her, bowing his head slightly as she thanks him. Yoongi offers her a tiny wave and takes his seat beside you, not noticing the way you smile fondly at him.  
When he takes his seat beside you, the two of you settle into a comfortable silence. Once the flight crew permits it, Yoongi takes his laptop out and begins toying around with one of his songs. You pull your headphones out as well and find one of your favorite playlists. Leaning back against the seat, your eyes eventually begin to droop until you can no longer keep them open.  
The next thing you know, you’re being woken up by someone gently patting your thigh.  
“Sleepy girl...” Yoongi croons in Korean, the sound of his voice alone making you smile, “We’re landing soon.”
Slightly disoriented, you blink your eyes a few times before you’re finally able to focus on your boyfriend’s face.  
You slump against him, rubbing your cheek against the material of his hoodie. He chuckles softly, his arm sliding out from underneath you in order to drape across your shoulders.  
“I’m sorry I fell asleep.” You mumble
He chuckles again, nodding with a false sense of consideration, “Ah yes, you missed so much. Two hours ago, the flight attendant came by and asked if we wanted anything to drink. It was a wild ride...”
Giggling sleepily, you shake your head at his sarcasm before pointing at his laptop.  
“Were you working on your composition project?”
He bites his bottom lip and shakes his head, a bashful expression on his face “No, it was just a song I’ve been working on for a while now.”  
He leaves it at that and, due to the signal from the flight crew, Yoongi begins putting his stuff away as the rest of the cabin prepares for landing.  
“Are we taking the train?” You mumble, still fighting off the remnants of your nap.
Yoongi purses his lips, his eyes narrowed in concentration whilst he scrolls through his phone.
“No, I have a cab waiting for us.” He responds, “It says it’s already here. So, when you get out of customs, just meet me right outside. It should just be a straight shot from immigration.”
You nod and rest your head back against his shoulder, “Okay.”
He puts his phone away, allowing his hand to find yours. Intertwining your fingers, he takes a deep breath- his mind clearly elsewhere. You squeeze his hand to acknowledge this but, the two of you don’t comment on it.  
There is no need.  
With the tightening of your grip, so much has already been said.  
Less than a half hour later, the two of you are once again seated in the back of the cab.  
“It’s probably going to rain a lot while we’re here.” Yoongi explains, his voice low and slow, “This is Daegu’s rainy season. I’ve been checking the weather periodically and it looks like there might be a storm coming but, it doesn’t look too severe.”
You look at the window after his comment, noticing that the sky is overflowing with heavy clouds, swollen and gray with the promise of rain.  
“We’re approaching monsoon season, we call it uh- jangma.” He tells you and his explanation makes you smile.  
Despite the circumstances, you’re very honored and excited to be in Yoongi’s hometown. You know the memories he associates with this place are complex but, there is a shift in his tone now and, he sounds eager to teach you about this place: the place he called home for so long.  
And you’d gladly listen for hours.
“Jangma-” You repeat, trying to get the pronunciation right, causing him to refocus his attention back on you. He smiles softly and nods,
“Good job.”  
Your heart skips a beat at his approval as you return his smile, “Is there gonna be thunder?”  
Yoongi chuckles, “Do you want there to be thunder?”
You nod eagerly, “I love storms. When I was little, I would just sit at the window and watch them go by. I’m pretty sure our neighbors thought I was crazy. But I don’t know- I've always had a thing for bad weather...”
He smirks, glancing out the window and then back at you, “That explains a lot.”
Giggling, you cock your head, “What do you mean?”
Yoongi gestures to himself, his now playful gaze looking at you expectantly. You laugh at his insinuation,
“I see the resemblance.” You concede, gently patting his cheek, “You’re not nearly as gloomy as you think you are though.”
“To you-” He retorts, “You always forget that...”
“Pleaaaase.” You disagree, “You’re soft for other people too, don’t lie. I’ve seen the way you deal with Namjoon and Hobi...”
He shakes his head, “Yeah but things are still different with you, I don’t think you realize that.”
You nudge yourself underneath his arm once more, cuddling up with him as best as you can in the back of a cab.
“I know you’re especially-” You emphasize the word, “soft for me. I’m just saying that you come across more approachable than you think you do.”
Yoongi smirks to himself, seemingly understanding something that you don’t.  
“Soft is an understatement.” He retorts, turning to kiss the top of your head.
“Whateverrrr.” You tease him, your eyes trailing down to focus on his hands, “I’m still right.”
He chuckles, his figure shaking lightly beneath you, “You usually are.”
The cab pulls off of the highway, and it’s then that you begin to notice the way the scenery around you shifts from a middle class/ metropolitan vibe to something much much...fancier.  
Through the winding streets, the cab begins taking the two of you up a pretty steep hill before turning onto a street full of ridiculously nice houses.  
White marble, giant glass windows, and driveways filled to the brim with luxury vehicles zip by as the car turns down another street. Similar in theme but greater in size, the new street had much larger houses on more sizeable plots of land- likely designed to give the owners privacy amongst their neighbors.  
You can feel Yoongi’s eyes on you then and, you know very well that he’s observing your reaction.
He knows that even though he told you his brother was wealthy that, that phrase alone wouldn’t be enough to properly convey what that entailed.  
“This neighborhood is really beautiful,” You observe softly, eyes still glued to the window, “The architecture is so different than anything I’ve ever seen.”
And of course, this makes Yoongi smile.  
Because of course, you aren’t making a fuss about the degree of luxury before you. You’re finding the beauty in what otherwise is a very stressful situation.  
Finally, the cab pulls into a driveway right behind a black Tesla before putting the car in park.  
He and Yoongi exchange a few words in Korean as Yoongi hands him a small wad of money.  
“Thank you.” You murmur to the cab driver with a slight bow of your head to which he responds with a tight smile and a similar bow.  
You and Yoongi unload your bags from the trunk and as he is reaching for your hand, the front door of the house swings open.  
A man a few inches taller than Yoongi steps out. His black hair is neatly arranged in a middle part and he’s dressed in a beige turtleneck and white slacks. As he comes closer, the resemblance between the two of them is staggering.  
“Hello!” He calls with a warm smile, his voice bright, “Welcome! Come on in, the rain is supposed to pick back up soon.”
His expression only glows as he spots his younger brother. He looks excited to see him but, his movements are apprehensive.  
The unspoken tension is already present and, you can feel Yoongi almost freeze up as he draws near. Subtly, you coax him along offering his brother a warm smile as the two of you approach the landing just in front of his door.  
Normally, you don’t get nervous when meeting new people but, this situation is laced with so much complexity- you aren’t sure how to act.
Thankfully Yoongi finally speaks, “Good to see you hyung. Thank you for having us on such short notice.” His tone is almost unrecognizable as he gestures to you, “This is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N-” He gestures back to his brother, “This is my older brother Geum-jae hyung.”
Bowing your head slightly, you smile once more, “It’s very nice to meet you, thank you for having me.”
Geum-jae nods, eyeing you softly as his lips press into a tight line, “It’s so nice to meet you Y/N. I promise you, the pleasure is all mine.”
Yoongi motions for you to step in front of him so, you follow his lead and trail behind his brother through the doorway.  
Geum-jae's home resembles a marble statue. It’s clean, beautiful and, elegant- but lifeless. Geum-jae has artwork of various styles all over his walls, crisp white couches, sleek granite countertops and, stainless-steel appliances however, there is not one bit of evidence that anyone even lives here. The house feels empty despite the amount of effort put into its appearance.  
It makes you sad.  
“You have a beautiful home.”  
Your voice echoes off the dead weight of the walls, the paintings themselves seeming to arch a brow at your comment. Geum-jae however, smiles and nods graciously,
“Thank you. I just moved in not too long ago so, there is a lot I want to do. I definitely could have used this one’s expertise-” He nods to Yoongi, “He was always really good at that kind of stuff...”
Your boyfriend smirks, his eyes taking in his surroundings but failing to really focus on anything; he was too wound up, “You could have. I would have charged you though...”
Geum-jae chuckles and you see him glance at Yoongi fondly for a split second before he quickly reverts to his casual demeanor.  
“I put you guys on the second floor facing the skyline-” He gestures to the ivory staircase, “I’m sure you want some time to freshen up and relax so, please take all the time you need. I’m having BBQ brought over tonight but, if you’re hungry- feel free to help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen.”
Yoongi allows you to step in front of him whilst taking the suitcase from your hands. The two men follow behind you as Geum-jae continues laying out the plans for the evening,  
“I have a few virtual meetings to attend that I wasn’t able to move around but, I will be free as of 7 this evening. Until then, please make yourselves at home. I am really-” He seems to take a deep breath for emphasis, “really happy to have you here.”
“Thank you hyung.” Yoongi smiles slightly once the three of you reach the outside of the guest room, “Good luck with your meetings. Let me know if you need help with dinner.”
Geum-jae responds with a tight nod, “Will do. I’ll be in my office so, feel free to explore.” As he pushes open the door for you, he allows his own pained expression to meet yours, “I’m honored to meet you Y/N. Thank you for coming all this way with my brother.”
“Well-” You squeeze Yoongi’s hand gently, “He’s lucky I like him so much...”
Cheeks flushed, Yoongi rolls his eyes and shakes his head, but his lips are practically puckered against the smile he’s trying to stifle.  
“That’s fair.” Geum-jae chuckles, “Let me know if you two need anything. I’ll just be downstairs...”
With that, Yoongi pushes open the door and allows you to step inside before following behind you.
“Wow.” You whisper to yourself as you take in the scene before you.
The walls are painted a soft gray and surrounding only three sides of the bedroom. The fourth wall is made entirely of glass and given that the house rests upon a hill, you’re able to make out the skyline of the inner city. A giant four poster bed sits in the middle of the room, covered completely in a white duvet and three rows of pillows. Dark gray curtains sit on either side of the massive window as various muted colors accent the room in the form of a dresser, two nightstands and, a set of couches at the end of the bed.  
Yoongi is silent behind you as he sets the bags down at the entrance of the room. He pushes the door shut and allows his eyes to move over the space for a moment.  
It's nice, he thinks, but he can’t find himself to be very impressed.  
He knows where this money comes from and, even though his brother is out of the crime sector now, it still feels strange to acknowledge his wealth.  
Noticing his silence, you turn towards him, eyes tracing over the features of his face to assess his mood.
With a slight and subconscious pout, he looks at you, his body seemingly full of a breath he wants to take.  
“Do you want to lay down for a bit? I know you didn’t sleep on the plane.”  
At your offer, he seems to deflate slightly, lips turning up at the corners, “I think I want to shower first...”
Immediately, you nod with an encouraging smile, “Yeah go shower babe, I’ll just-”
He interrupts you, sticking his hand out and flexing his fingers in a grabbing motion, “Come with me.”
His offer makes you giggle, “You want me to shower with you?”
Yoongi closes the distance between you, using his grabby hands to lock onto your hips, “No, I meant like come with me as in come watch me...yes I want you to shower with me.”
Your laughter heightens as you pinch his side, causing him to recoil before chuckling.
“You’re such a punk today...” You scold.
Yoongi simply chuckles warmly as he kisses the side of your head, the tone of his voice lowering significantly, “That usually means something to you doesn’t it?”
It does.  
It usually means he’s having trouble vocalizing his needs and, he’s in need of attention. And the type of attention is usually a specific brand.  
And it usually comes with a little bit of pain.  
However, you don’t think it’s a good idea to indulge that side of Yoongi’s desires at the moment because, his emotions aren’t fully organized. You know the talk with his brother is causing him a lot of stress and, as much as you liked to wreck his body right now- you know it’s best to wait until later.  
That doesn’t mean you can’t take care of him though...
“Come on-” You urge him, grabbing his hand and practically running towards the bathroom, “Let's get you clean, king.”
He laughs, stumbling into the bathroom which is just as nice and similarly colored as the room.
“I’m a king now?”
His question goes over your head as you notice the ridiculously oversized bathtub in the center of the room. Biting your lip, you turn towards him and point at it.
“Do you want to take a bath instead? The shower looks amazing and all but- this thing literally looks like a jacuzzi.”
Yoongi eyes it curiously, his teeth finding his bottom lip, looking a little apprehensive, “How would you want to sit in it though? I kinda uh- I kinda thought maybe we could stand under the water for a bit together, like last time...”
He wants you to hold him.
He’s not going to say it but, he needs it.  
Like really bad.
You can see his nerves creeping into his posture so, you decide to act quickly before he somehow convinces himself that he’s being too needy.  
Looking around the room, you spot a few things that could aid in his relaxation: candles, bubble bath, a neatly folded pile of fluffy gray towels...
“I’ll show you.” You assure him, “Close your eyes really quick- no peeking. I have a plan...”
Yoongi looks at you, suspicious all over his face, “I’m scared.”
Giggling, you raise your brows for emphasize, “Oh you should be-”
He can’t help but smirk at your tone despite the anticipation swimming in his gut. He trusts you though so, instead of arguing- he shuts his eyes.  
Shuffling around the bathroom, you set things up in record time, turning the water on, pouring the rose scented bubble bath beneath the stream, and lighting a few candles along the ivory counter. Yoongi maintains his smirk the entire time, folding his arms across his chest, stifling his desire to make a snarky comment.  
“Alright,” You sigh, dusting your hands off, “Ta daaaaa.”
Yoongi opens his eyes, blinking a few times before taking in the scene in front of him. It changes his smirk into a grin really quickly as his cat-like eyes flit over to you.
“Are you planning on sacrificing me?” He quips, nodding to the candles.
Snorting, you roll your eyes, “If you keep talking shit, I just might-” You threaten, laughter forming on the tail end of your sentence, “Get naked...”
Yoongi snickers, his face full of satisfaction as his finger tuck beneath his hoodie to tug it over his head. The two of you undress in a small bout of silence and attempt to sneak glances at one another’s naked form.  
“I’m going to get in first and then you’re going to sit in front of me, between my legs...” You explain, trying not to shiver as the cool air of the bathroom begins to grow uncomfortable.
His brows raise, “Between your legs?” He confirms, “Say no more...”
Once again, your eyes are rolling but this time, there is a smile on your lips as you move to take your spot beneath the warmth of the water. Yoongi has to take a deep breath as he watches you, his emotions brewing dangerously beneath the surface at the sight of the woman he loves.  
He still doesn’t fully understand it.  
He is still meet with endless confusion when he starts to think about why you’ve chosen to be with him but, he knows better now than to question it.  
You have your reasons, he thinks, and he has a million of his own.  
Looking up from beneath the mountain of bubbles, you pat the top of them, looking at him expectantly, “Come here.”
He grabs the hand that you extend towards him, balancing himself on it whilst he steps into the tub. Modestly, he turns his body away from you for a second so he’s able to bend down before pivoting beneath the water and settling against your chest. The bathtub is big enough for the water to go past his shoulders and, he feels his entire body relax once he feels your body against his.  
“Comfy?” You check, draping your arms across his chest.  
Yoongi nods, his head leaning back and resting against your left shoulder. Once it lands there, you turn and kiss his temple which then prompts one of his hands to reach up rest on yours. Silently, you place a few more kisses against his hairline, allowing him to decompress however he wants to, not wanting to pressure him into talking about anything.  
And he doesn’t, at least not for a while.  
The only sounds between the two of you are the dribbling of water from the faucet and the low whisper of breathing. Every so often, you kiss his temple, just so he knows that he isn’t alone.
“Seeing my brother is really difficult.” He mumbles, eyes still closed, hand still on top of yours, “Even just seeing his face- it brings back a lot of memories.”
You nod, “I can imagine- especially since it’s been so long.”
Yoongi sighs, his eyes fluttering open and honing in on the ceiling, “I haven’t seen him since I was 18. He came to Sejin’s place just before I moved in with Namjoon. He tried to talk to me to let me know that he was leaving the business but, I barely said anything. I was too angry at him.”
Using your free hand, you rub softly at his chest under the water, silently encouraging him to continue.  
“He never helped me when my father would-” He takes a deep breath through his nose, his throat bobbing as he swallows on the exhale, “the time I told you about, when my father hit me...that wasn’t the only time. It happened often towards the end.”
Your eyes shut momentarily, the pain of Yoongi being harmed stinging your heart like a shot.  
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper, kissing his temple again.
Yoongi’s face turns slightly into your lips, his hand squeezing over yours, “Don’t be. It was a long time ago. I held onto my disappointment in him for a while until I realized something: the only reason my father every laid his hands on me and not Geum-jae hyung was because, I stood up to him.”
“Geum-jae hyung never did and, I think he still carries that regret to this day. I can see it all over his face...” His voice is so low now that it barely makes it above a whisper, his eyes seemingly elsewhere. “Is it wrong that I feel like- like I didn’t just come here to save Sejin’s studio?”
You shake your head, “Not at all...”
He swallows again and takes another deep breath through his nose, “It’s hard you know- during winter break especially; everyone would leave campus and go home for the holidays...and I never knew where to go. For the first two years at school, I spent Christmas alone until Namjoon’s mom finally called me and told me that if I didn’t come back with him, that she was going to make him sleep outside.” He chuckles, smirking slightly at the memory.
Your heart fills with despair then. You didn’t piece it together that Yoongi would have stayed behind during the holiday season. There was so much to unpack from the tragedy that he’s endured; it didn’t even cross your mind.  
“Namjoon’s mom was right to threaten you-” You affirm but then you shake your head, “I don’t think there could be a wrong reason to come here. You deserve to have whatever kind of closure or healing that you need.”  
“I wish I knew what I needed...” He admits, licking his lips before turning towards you, his brown eyes holding all the emotions he can’t vocalize, “I wish everything was as easy as this.”
Following suit, you turn your head so that you’re facing him, “So do I. But I’ll always be here through all the not-so-easy stuff.”
Yoongi smiles then, soft and sweet, delivering a kiss to match. He relaxes into you, brushing his tongue along the inside of your lip just for a moment before pulling away.
“I love you Y/N.”  
“I love you too Yoongi.”  
Eventually, you both got out of the bathtub and into the shower so, that you were able to get clean properly. After a few hours of catching up on missed calls/texts and relaxing, Yoongi gets a text from his brother saying that dinner would be ready in 15 minutes.  
Geum-jae had the finest BBQ in the city delivered and prepared right in his dining room. Banchan lined the center of the table, slabs of meat were grilled one right after the other until the three of you tapped out.  
It passed easier than you thought it would. Yoongi and Geum-jae relaxed in the face of a meal, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them as if no time had passed. It was a touching sight to see and, you hoped that it meant their discussion would come out easier.  
You take your leave after you help clean up, thanking Geum-jae for the incredible food and, letting Yoongi know that you’d be up in the room checking on something for school if he needed anything.  
Which was a total lie but, you needed an excuse to leave them alone for a bit.  
Yoongi feels his heartbeat pick up a bit as he watches you leave the room, the realization of what was coming finally hitting him.  
“Hyung-” He wants to rip the band aid off. “Is it alright if we talk for a moment?”
Geum-jae raises his brows at the switch in languages and nods immediately, gesturing to the table, “Of course. Can we sit here? Or would you rather talk in the living room?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Here is fine.” He sits back down in his original seat and, rubs his palms against his jeans.
Geum-jae takes a seat across from him, gazing expectantly at his younger brother, “What did you want to talk about?”
Despite Yoongi’s anxiety, he understands that being to the point would be the most effective way to communicate. He wasn’t sure if any past issues would come up but, right now his concern was on Sejin.  
“I know that I told you I needed your help with something but-” Yoongi begins, “It isn’t me who needs your help exactly...it’s Sejin.”
Geum-jae purses his lips, his hands coming out to clasp rest on the table, “Is he alright?”
“The landlord for the studio he runs is increasing his rent again and, he doesn’t have the money to keep it open...” Yoongi’s explanation gets a little rushed as he gets more and more nervous, “I have some money in savings to help out with rent for the next few months but, it’s not enough to keep it open long term and-”
Geum-jae cuts him off, “Tell Sejin to call me. I will send a team to his location to sort everything out. It wouldn’t be a bad building to purchase but if Sejin is willing- then maybe he can look at other properties and I’ll have the money wired over to him.”
Yoongi can’t hide the shock on his face, “Wait- are you serious?”
“Of course. Sejin is one of my dearest friends. I owe him a lot for what he’s done over the years.”
In this moment, regret washes over Geum-jae's face, his eyes reaching out to Yoongi’s in hopes that he understands what he’s alluding to.  
And obviously, he does.  
“Why didn’t you just call me?” Geum-jae continues, tilting his head to get a better look at Yoongi’s expression, trying to read him, “I’ve always told you that if you ever needed anything-”
“I haven’t talked to you in 8 years hyung, I wasn’t just going to call and ask you for a favor.”  
Geum-jae nods, his face tightening with solemnity, “I understand.” A brief moment of silence passes between the two of them before a sigh comes from Geum-jae, “There is so much I want to say to you Yoongi, I don’t even know where to begin...”
Yoongi stays quiet.  
He doesn’t know either.  
He just knows that the only way to get rid of the heaviness in his chest is to talk about it.  
“I suppose I could start with an apology.” Geum-jae concludes, shaking his head as a light scoff leaves his lips, “I could never find the words to express how much regret and shame I feel inside. I could never explain how sorry I am for not protecting you, for not being a better example, for not having a backbone, for being selfish...I was blinded by greed. I couldn’t see what was in front of me.”
Yoongi swallows back his emotion, dreading the way his eyes begin to sting.  
Geum-jae continues, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I just want to apologize and tell you that, even though I played no part in the man you’ve become, I am incredibly honored to call you my brother.”
It isn’t easy but, Yoongi manages to contain the tears that desperately want to fall from his eyes. His chest tightens as he hears his brother’s words. He wades through all the bitterness he feels towards him, allowing himself to feel the full force of his approval.  
“I forgave you a long time ago.” Yoongi swallows, avoiding direct eye contact with him, “I just wish I understood your actions. You were my hyung, I thought you would have protected me and-” Yoongi blinks away the tears as quickly as he can, “and I still haven’t been able to accept the fact that you didn’t...”
Geum-jae shakes his head, “I wanted to protect you. I just didn’t know how- I was scared of him too. You had more courage than I did. It doesn’t excuse my actions but, it’s the truth.”
Suddenly, he reaches out and places his hand overtop of Yoongi’s, a pleading expression on his face, “That’s why you got out. That’s why you have a life. You have friends, you’re about to graduate university and, you have Y/N...” Geum-jae's voice breaks at the end, “Because of your strength, you finally found happiness.”
Yoongi looks at his hand, observing the evidence of his life present on his skin. Scars, burns, callouses, needle marks...
“Are you saying that you haven’t?” He asks, still not meeting his brother’s eyes.
“I’m not even close.”
Finally, the two meet each other's gaze. For a moment, they just stare, glistening eyes to glistening eyes. Overcome with years of repressed emotions, fueled by the desperate need to try and break the cycle, they wordlessly convey an unspoken emptiness.  
They have missed each other so much.  
“I am here now.” Geum-jae promises, the first tear dangerously close to falling, “Hyung is here if you’ll have him. I want to be in your life but, I understand if you want nothing to do with me.”
Yoongi blinks now, and the tears land upon his cheeks, “You’re my hyung...” And it really is a desperate proclamation, “...you’ll always be my hyung...”
The chair screeches against the tile, causing Yoongi to jump in his seat until he realizes what his brother is doing. Rounding the table, stands to the side of Yoongi with open arms and his own tears atop his cheeks.
He eyes him for only a few seconds before standing up suddenly and accepting Geum-jae into his arms. The two of them seem to collapse against one another. Yoongi breaks down and sobs in the arms of his older brother.  
Just as he would have when they were young.
When times were hard and he could take shelter behind the one person who made him feel safe, the first person who ever showed him love.  
“I’m so sorry Yoongi-ah.”  
His words cause Yoongi to squeeze his eyes shut as he nods against the expensive fabric of his brother’s dress shirt, “I know.” He sniffles and pats his back, “I know you are.”
You’ve been upstairs, straightening up the bedroom and trying to pass the time without worrying excessively about your boyfriend’s well-being.  
Which turns out to be impossible...
Cleaning around the room/bathroom only takes you about 20 minutes before your flopping onto the massive bed and, pulling out your phone. Scrolling through Tik Tok, you hope for a substantial distraction and, lucky for you- one arrives.  
But, it isn’t on Tik Tok...
Jungkook: So you know Jimin right...  
The text from Jungkook confuses you as you’re pretty sure it's like the middle of the night back home and, it’s not like him to text you outside of the group chat.
You: I have heard of him yes
You: Isn’t he like your boyfriend or something?
Jungkook: ha ha
Jungkook: about that
Jungkook: what if he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore?
Your eyes widen and, you immediately sit up in bed and hover anxiously over your phone.
Jungkook: shhhhhh don’t yell
Jungkook: my future fiance is sleeping...
You’re about ready to get on a flight back home to kick his ass before your vision focuses on the word he’s just sent.
You: excuse me  
You: YOU’RE WHAT ???????????
Jungkook: …
Jungkook: What did I just tell you smh
Jungkook: -____-
Jungkook: can I call  
You: ?????? Obviously!!!!
Seconds later, Jungkook’s name illuminates your screen.
“Good evening,” He begins calmly, “I’m having a panic attack...”
You giggle, “What’s going on????”
“Well you see- I am in love with Park Jimin and I fear it may be terminal.”
“Terminal huh? Is that how you describe a lifelong partnership with your one true love?”
“Jungkook,” You urge him through your laughter, “What is going on?”
You hear him sigh, “I think I’m going to ask Jimin to marry me.”
Squealing, you jump up on your knees, “Wait seriously?! Jungkook!”
“Yah! Don’t yell at me! This is all your fault!”  
“My fault??? How is this my fault?”
“Well technically I guess- it's Yoongi’s fault because, he’s the one that convinced me to get in touch with my feelings or whatever- either way, I am STILL the victim. And now I want to be with him forever and it’s disgusting...”
You flop back against the pillows and laugh again, “If Jimin knew this was how you were telling people you were proposing, he would kill you.”
He doesn’t hesitate, “He’s going to kill me either way Y/N...it’s bad- the other day, he sent me a selfie and, I had heart palpitations for like 15 minutes.”
“If your man doesn’t give you heart palpitations then, that isn’t your man.” You conclude.
“Y/N...” Jungkook whines now, sounding very much like the boy you met back in middle school.
“Jungkook...” You whine back causing him to finally chuckle on the other end of the line.
“I’m scared...”
“I know but, you and Jimin are so perfect for each other, there is no way that this wouldn’t work out.”
“More perfect than you and Yoongi?” He teases, reverting back to being a little shit.
And his question makes you scoff, “Oh sweetheart- obviously not. But second place isn’t bad!”
He laughs now and it’s the full bellied sound that you love hearing.  
“You really think we’re perfect together?”
Despite his inability to see you, you smile at his need for validation,
“Duh. You two are literally soulmates.”
Jungkook is quiet on the other line but when he speaks again, you can hear the giddiness in his voice, “Ok so...will you help me then???”
Back downstairs, Yoongi and Geum-jae are sat at the bar in front of the window that faces his backyard. As he predicted, the rain came back in full force and is now propelling itself against the clean glass. After their emotional encounter in the dining room, Geum-jae suggested that they have a drink together and relax for a moment.  
He had poured each of them a glass of wine, ensuring not to fill his glass up too much.  
“Your girlfriend is a wonderful woman; you made a good choice.”
At the mention of you, Yoongi’s lips twitch, his eyes watching the droplets of water chaotically race down the window, “Thank you. But, it was her who chose me, I’m still working out exactly why.”  
Geum-jae chuckles, “I see you’re still selling yourself short ah? Did you two meet at school?”
Yoongi smirks, “Yeah, we met 6 months ago in my psychology class. She was my partner on our final project.”
“Ah.” He nods, “Things blossomed that way then?”
Yoongi’s heart throbs a bit as his brain begins its recollection of his time with you.  
So much has happened during your relationship, he forgets that he hasn’t known you all his life.
It certainly feels like he has.  
Geum-jae chuckles, “You’re so reserved about her.”
Yoongi knows what he means. In the Min family, you always say things as they are. You don’t sugarcoat your sentiments and you definitely don’t play coy.  
“I can’t help it-” He admits, and he can feel the heat on his cheeks now, “I find it difficult to talk about her...”
His brother bites his bottom lip, unable to help how endeared he is, “Can I ask why?”
Yoongi leans his cheek against the palm of his hand, still focusing on the rain, “It’s overwhelming.”
Geum-jae seems to understand but he chuckles anyway, “Do you plan on marrying her?”
His question hangs in the air for a moment. Yoongi’s brain once again travels elsewhere, and he is bombarded with images of you walking down the aisle. He has to take a deep breath as he forces the thoughts out of his head; he’s cried enough this evening.
“I would marry her tomorrow.”  
Geum-jae's laughter increases now but now it bubbles over his lips in an excited fashion.
“Yahhhh! Look at that eh?” He congratulates him, “It’s safe to say you’re off the market for good then? Because I have a few of my friends who have been asking about you.”
This finally makes Yoongi laugh as he turns towards him, “That’s flattering.” He means it too but, he speaks the next set of words with all of the conviction he can muster, “There is no one else for me though.”  
Geum-jae grins proudly and with a raise to his brows, he lifts his glass, “Well, let’s drink to that then.”
The clinking of crystal signifies so much. For now though, Yoongi allows it to represent the future and, all of the possibilities it may bring.  
319 notes · View notes
totallyimagines · 4 years
Owari no Seraph reaction to your Periods
I have a whole comforting Masterlist in my drafts and I’ve still got a lot of scenarios and headcannons I want to do..and I have a lot of other Masterlists but it’s actually just to help me keep track of things because I’m super messy..I’ve been posting owari no seraph all week. Nothing is wrong — just got a lot of ideas for everyone in the anime
Warnings: Cowards, Menustration for Da vampires..of course, mostly just these men being afraid of you
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That face..is so accurate for this situation — I don’t know what else is. He’s a little lost..but he knows the basics. Seriously, don’t cry around him (I.e dropping food,) — like he would literally look at you like come on..
I can see him being like the one that points out that your on your period because of your mood change or something..like I’m just sure he can tell and then he’s immediately like “oh shit..” If your mood swings are violent or if your just super mad, he’s afraid of you. You scare this man..who knew you had so much power in that small body — seriously, he called you Hulk one time because you got mad at the wall ‘hitting your body’ and started to square up with that wall. If your emotional, *insert eye roll* “you’re such a baby.” You dropped your box of chocolates on the ground? Big deal..don’t cry about it.
If your emotions are in between — anxiety.
Ok, he understands most of your emotional outbreaks though..not emotional — “Sensitive”.. I can see him being like tired of you crying but super understanding — either way..I think he’ll keep his distance if you start crying about something like food or just something that’s really dumb to him.
When your appetite changes: he’s more scared than that then your strength. When he sees you eat foods that I’m sure he wouldn’t dare touch.. just watches in fascination. Like, how do you eat that much ice cream without stopping? Or why are you eating ice cream and peanut butter? He would probably just be so scared of that, watching you eat a full box of pizza by yourself.
Cramps? Holy shit, are you ok? Once you’re bending over in pain, he’s honestly so worried. Although, he may look so unaffected by you doing this. He’s truly concerned. He’s more of the groaner when you have cramps. Because he doesn’t want you to be in pain in the middle of cuddles. But guren holds you tights so I doubt you will be able to really feel cramps during cuddling with him.
*Coward = 1
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He’s so quiet when you’re on it..like he doesn’t want to say anything that will trigger you though but he can smell your blood though which also makes him want to avoid you..unless you want to have...No, ok.
He’s scared of your mood swings too, one second you’re crying and then the next you’re squaring up with your reflection for looking like you. If he wasn’t your boyfriend he would say you were crazy..I’m sure any normal person would right? He’s suprised by your increased strength too, you boxed a vampire for some ice cream — and you won, of course. Ice cream never fails to disappoint.
When he wakes up to you with blood in the bed, and it’s coming from you..he thinks he killed you. *violently shakes you awake* when you tell him it’s your blood — which I’m sure you’ll have to explain the whole blood process..you’ll have to change your own sheets because he’s lost. I mean all types of lost, he doesn’t even know what pads are.
Appetite Change? He didn’t notice..
Cramps? He just kinds of nuzzles into you, rubs your stomach and asks if you feel better. If he can’t help he’ll just follow your instructions. The leaning over in pain or you can’t move is really unnerving for him. He just doesn’t really want you to be in pain. Curse these Cramps. Their hurting you. He was probably convinced they were killing you at first.
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Would probably want to do Menustration too? Your blood is just super tasty to her, just let her get a taste.
Doesn’t really care about your mood swings, she’s the same way. I’m sure she’ll probably encourage the mood swings making you take it on someone near you. So amusing. The strength that you have in that tiny body is unbelievable. When you fought someone over a box of twinkies and almost broke their nose..what do you humans see in food?
*She probably won’t even care when she sees blood in the bed. Unbothered.
Appetite change, she definitely notices that. Like your so hungry all the time or your barely hungry at all. She’s actually really uncaring about what you eat though, it’s not really interesting to her. Or she just doesn’t really seem to care about how much you eat either. She watched you gobble down that whole box of twinkies with ice cream..she’s impressed.
Cramps? She’ll get some servants to treat you to whatever that you need.
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Crowley is probs(*definitely) up for menustration..your blood is tasty to all vampires. Like he’s so hungry for you know, smells your cycle before it even starts. Yes, he’s keeping track. Which is probably a bonus on your side if you have a vampire as your lover.
Mood swings? Crowley knows how to get you really upset to the point where you want to make a dent his face. The strength in that small body of yours is incredible. Crowley tried you one time, never again. If your emotional, he’s just so playful about it. Like, he’ll comfort you just by saying some sweet words and then everything is good again. Well, you stopped crying for now. Win for him. Ice cream and Chocolate and you almost killed a person for that? He fears you now. He’s learned to keep food out of the fights. You’ll go into beast mode for that.
When he wakes up to see blood in the bed..he begs for menustration. Like there’s no better way to clean it up..why not? He’ll pout but let up after like 30 mins of asking. If your comfortable with it, you’ll get the best eating out of your life. He heard sex easies up your cramps? So why not?
Appetite Change? Who’s she? Oh yeah, you eat a lot. Like seriously he really doesn’t care.. sort of just lets you eat whatever because it’s your body. Why not?
Cramps? He chuckles but helps, his laughing is sexy guys.. I think I’ll trade that out for cramps. He’ll cuddle you and rub the spot that hurts you the most. He’s actually so good at this actually. He may stay silent and it may get a little dirty. But his “massaging” is not that bad and it actually easies up intense cramps.
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Ferid definitely wants Menustration. If you want oral, this is the way to go. If he gets blood and you get oral. Win - win. So this is actually the best way to bribe him with some oral sex. Well, if that’s if he didn’t already ask.
Mood swings? Laughs the entire time, no it���s not a chuckle it’s him down right laughing. He loves them, you can be so angry and emotional in just minutes and he loves them. You scared him with the strength though. I’m sorry but who fights someone for candy, noodles or just ice cream? And just so you can binge eat it. He finds this really interesting and amusing because vampires do the same. He’s never really seen humans fight for food..like that. Emotional mood swings, nuisance to him. He’ll comfort you but like it’s just not his thing. Finds it weird when you get mad at inanimate objects — it can’t talk..
When he wakes to blood on the bed and your still asleep..yes..he’s going to eat you out. You can’t question it. He just wants to be between your legs lapping at the blood. You’ll wake up to him doing that at least once. No blood is going to go to waste with him around. And yes, he knows when your period comes and goes.. the going part sucks for him especially if you didn’t let him taste it.
Change in appetite? Umm...He notices but chooses not to. He’s practically the definition, I see you but I choose not to. Like, he’ll watch you eat the food but won’t comment on it. As he should. Again, you eating doesn’t really apply to them. They don’t really care what you eat, yeah they may watch you but seriously they aren’t judging you.
Cramps? He can hold you or cuddle you. He’ll run you a bath too, no he’s not getting in. It’s for you. But that’s probably all he’ll do. He’ll read to you if that makes you feel better? Gets your painkillers though he’s not going to let you go without those especially if you have really bad cramps.
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Stays....away. Well, half of the time most of the time he’s really comforting and everything. He still keeps his playful additude nothing else.
Mood Swings? He’s scared too, like you’re so powerful. You’ve become so scary, what happened to you.. to him.. you’re a nightmare that’s walking around for a few days and then right after your period you’re a bundle of joy. That’s probably why he’s scared.. you switch moods so quickly that he can’t keep up. You’re battling people for food? Are you crazy? Ok, he’ll count you as crazy if you battle someone for something so simple and small as chocolate. Yeah, but he’s there for the whole fight cheering you on. Emotional — he’ll probably cry with you and it’s probably over a scoop of ice cream you dropped.
When he wakes up with blood in the bed, he’ll go run you a shower first. And ask you to get up so he can change the sheets. He’ll probably join you later and he’ll get you a snack. But sometimes he’s not there so.. not much there.
Appetite change? You’re eating so much Ice cream without stopping. He just stares at you, awkwardly..dumbfounded. Then you’ll probably get on from him staring to much, it doesn’t break his process. In fact, he sits besides you and stares and puts his hand up to his chin. Stares, and Stares..and stares.
Cramps? Knows exactly what to do, you bending over in pain isn’t taking lightly by him. Even if you say you’re fine — he’s going to run you a bath water and make you feel better. Snacks? That he can do. He’s honestly so easy going with this and doesn’t make it such a problem.
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Smirks.. ah, it’s that time of the month again. He just corners you until you give into trying the Menustration thing at least once. He’s so tempting. Sorry Lacus but there is way more to it then just Menustration, ok?
Mood swings? He’s not scared but he’ll watch you from afar. Like, you’re not scary from back here but up close — you’re scary. You don’t know wether to take that as an insult or compliment. All that strength though — how come you aren’t fighting battles? He’ll want to battle you over some chocolate, maybe some tug of war? Let’s just say — you won..chocolate beats everything. Emotional, *sigh*.. He’ll just watch you cry like, what else is he supposed to do? Yes, he seems so uninterested in this.
Menustration: Don’t let this boy tell you any different, he loves eating you out while doing this. He’s super lazy — yeah, yeah whatever. But he’s cutting corners just so he can get a taste of you tonight.(my bad, that was cheesy)
Appetite change? Again, doesn’t care. Doesn’t even stare. He might tease you with it.. holding it above his head. Which also didn’t end well, so he stop doing that. He totally call you vicious right after that.
Cramps? Lucas doesn’t really know much on that department. Another teaching lesson. He’s a little worried at the sudden pain honestly. Watching you bend over in pain isn’t what he’ll like to see when he comes home. Other days, you probably won’t even want to get out of bed and Lucas is right there. Asking if there is anything he can do to make you feel better.
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That quick? It was just here last week.. what happened? Lost again.. just lost. He just doesn’t understand why you have this. He’s close to crying..
Mood Swings? Stays away..you’re scary. You’re always trying to box something such as the chair that you bumped into. He’s more than dumbfounded, the way that you’re talking to inanimate objects though makes him laugh. You’re seriously cursing out a stool? Emotional, he doesn’t do so good. He’ll comfort you like he’ll usually do. But he may not know how to really solve the problem so say goodbye to that delicious Oreo cookie you stepped on.
When he wakes up to blood in the bed, he’s not as lost because he already knows but he’ll stare for quite a bit before waking you up. And doing what you do when this happens. It’s either because your too embarrassed and he’s says he’ll do it or your on the verge of crying.
Appetite change? Can care less, you’re hungry then eat. He won’t even question you getting up late at night to eat. He’ll just let you leave from the cuddle session to go do whatever you want to. Late night snack sounds good to him, why not?
Cramps? He hates seeing you lean over in a pain every once in a while. He’ll do anything to try and make it feel better. He’ll get you some painkillers. And if your cramps are really bad, he’s not really good at comforting but he’ll do what you tell him. He knows you’re in pain so he won’t push your limits.
762 notes · View notes
yoongis-eggslut · 4 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Apparently Min Yoongi hasn’t been doing enough to get your attention on a MV shoot.
Word Count: 6.8K
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex (f. receiving), light nipple play, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don’t take sex advice from Tumblr smut), slight scratching kink, name calling kink, unnamed noona kink (noona is never used, but reader is a noona), Suga’s not quite himself because he’s trying to impress Reader, Suga also likes the word “fuck” a LOT
A/N: Sweet and protective Yoongi does it for me but so does “grab you and fuck you” Yoongi, so this is like a mild swirl of the two. I tried to be as unspecific about the reader as possible. Also, the smut is in P2 if that’s what you’re here for and it’s like...3K words of sweet smutty goodness.
Part One | Part Two
“So we definitely want to avoid the top of the hill!” you’re calling out towards the director as you descend down said dusty hill, one hand raised to block your eyes from the bright desert sun. Your boots slide a little in the dirt and a shadow quickly steps into your path. You look up to see that Suga seems to have jogged a few paces up the hill and is reaching out a courteous hand to help you the rest of the way down.
You take his hand, hoping the heat of the sun covers for the blush that spreads across your cheeks, and murmur “Thanks…” as you carefully navigate the rest of the way down. He remains silent, keeping a firm but polite grip until you’ve safely covered the few steps to the bottom.
“Why, what’s at the top of the hill?” The director asks, wandering over to you while looking over a clipboard an assistant handed to him. You drop Suga’s hand as naturally as you could and move towards the director to relay the surprising presence of a very unamused nest of rattlesnakes at the crest of the hill you’d been exploring for the shoot.
It had been one of the longest video shoots you had ever worked, but BTS had wanted to go all out so the entire crew had been on site from dawn every day until late into the nights, toiling away to ensure they nailed their concept. It was your first time working with them and you’d been impressed with their level of perfectionism as well as their sheer, inexplicable humbleness, considering who they were. They were also, endearingly, remarkably silly and carefree between scenes, which had made this one of the more enjoyable shoots you’d worked in recent memory.
Well, you thought, most of them were pretty carefree. Suga seemed to stand out as the silent, stoic one, which was a little unusual since you’d heard he was actually a pretty soft guy once you got to know him. He was good about letting the other members joke around with him, but it was more with the attitude of someone indulging them. You wondered if his position as one of the eldest in the group had made him settle into premature Dad mode. Which was funny to you, since, being a few years older than him, you’d noted that you still weren’t excluded from his fussing. If you went too long without eating, for example, or got too busy to notice how the cold had set in once the sun was down, he’d quietly appear, offering a bag of snacks or asking nonchalantly if you were uncomfortable without a coat. You found it very sweet, if a little unnecessary, but almost all of the guys were that way, to some degree, so it didn’t particularly stand out that Suga had silently made it his mission to look after you.
Which was why you missed the look on his face as he heard you recount running into rattlesnakes to the director, even as you assured him you were fine and backed away properly as the crew had been instructed. His eyes widened as you gestured up the hill and asked if there were markers to seal off the area so no one else would run into them. You missed the pout of his lips as you moved away with the director and a crew member to head to a supply trailer to look for something that might do.
His face was like thunder as he felt a wide hand clap him on his back. He looked up at Namjoon, whose lips were flattened into a thin line of commiseration.
“Her job is her job, hyung.” He said.
“No one’s job is to get attacked by poisonous snakes.” Yoongi muttered before moving along with the rest of the crew to the next set.
As Namjoon couldn’t argue with that, no more was said, which suited Yoongi just fine as he tried to shake it off and get his head back into the shoot.
Yoongi didn’t run into you again until later that day. He walked into the catering tent and found you chugging a bottle of water and disinterestedly perusing the snack options. He bided his time as he opened the cooler in search of the iced coffee he’d come to get, standing just a little ways away from you as he leisurely filled his cup with ice and began to pour the coffee in.
You looked over and smiled at him, but otherwise said nothing. He was just gearing himself up to start a conversation with you when Taehyung bound into the tent and up to the table.
“Mmm, watermelon…” he said, popping a giant slice into his mouth, cheeks puffing out as he chewed. Yoongi remained expressionless as Taehyung turned to you and held a slice out right in front of your face.
“Here. Watermelon.” Was all he said. You looked at him, amused, before rolling your eyes and smiling, gingerly taking the slice from him and beginning to nibble on it before giving him a companionable pat on the back and moving away.
Taehyung turned, his back to you, and shot a smirk at Yoongi as he raised his eyebrows and walked out of the tent, still munching on his fruit. The annoyance level within Yoongi grew, and he had to loosen his shoulders, his neck cracking in the process. In the meantime, you’d wandered off to the nearby seating area and sat down next to one of the other female crew members, the sounds of your soft conversation letting him know he’d missed his window with you this time.
Huffing out his irritation, mostly with himself for letting Taehyung get under his skin so easily, he made his way out of the tent and veered quickly towards the back of it, where the sun was slanting enough to put him in some shade while he took a few moments to get away from everyone else and coach himself out of his cranky mood.
He was staring out at the distant foothills, sipping his coffee and trying to restore his sense of peace. A slight grin dawned on his lips as he took comfort in the fact that at least you’d smiled at him just now. He was beginning to reminisce about how nice your hand had felt in his earlier when the generator next to him flipped on, filling the air with an obnoxious buzzing and shattering the peace he’d been seeking.
“Of course.” He muttered darkly, taking another swig of his coffee as he accepted that things weren’t going his way today.
It was a few minutes until the damn machine switched off, he was about to get back to work when he heard your voice, still inside the tent and apparently raised to compensate for the now silent buzz of the generator.
“No he does not!” you were laughing.
“I’m telling you, he’s into you. You should go for it.” He heard the other female crewmember say, equally mirthful. Yoongi froze, waiting to hear what was said next, his stomach clenched in anticipation that was about to give him an issue with the ice cold coffee he’d just consumed.
“Shhh, shut up! You’re so full of it. He’s just being a nice…kid.”
“Pssh, you’re full of it. And so condescending. Isn’t he like, almost 30?”
Oh god, oh god, Yoongi chanted in his head. Who were you talking about? Some kid liked you? The idea had him frowning at the horizon while his ears kept straining to hear your conversation.
“No.” you answered petulantly, clearly not taking the conversation seriously at all. “He’s 12. He needs a mommy, not a hook-up.”
“Maybe you could be his mommy.” Your friend intoned suggestively.
“OMG, please stop.” You’re both squealing with laughter now and Yoongi’s brow is thoroughly furrowed in confusion.
“Ok, ok…” he hears your friend suck in a breath, trying to regain her composure before she starts her next sentence. It’s silent for a moment and Yoongi prays that the generator doesn’t switch back on. Let just one thing not screw him over today.
“You can’t tell me you wouldn’t, though.” He hears a light smack and doesn’t know whether you or your friend have hit each other or if you’ve just smacked your own forehead in exasperation. “Oh COME ON…” your friend continues, “You’re telling me that if you and Suga, like…hypothetically end up stranded in a cabin in the woods, you’re not going to sleep with him if he crooks his finger at you??”
If Yoongi’s face could get any paler it would. His lips have practically disappeared into a thin line as he strains to hear your answer over the blood suddenly rushing in his ears.
“In that exact situation? Well obviously.” You admit, but he can hear your sarcasm and practically see the roll of your eyes.
Your friend calls your bluff. “Please. You’d fuck him in his trailer and wouldn’t even be mad if he couldn’t remember your name.”
Suddenly he can hear the chairs squeak as you both get up and start moving out of his earshot and he finds himself praying again that he’ll be able to make out your response before you’re gone.
“Yeah,” you say, and there’s no trace of sarcasm in your tone this time, but there is a slight sigh in your voice that sounds almost…dreamy? “I probably would.”
Yoongi’s coffee cup slips from his hands.
“Wait, she called you a KID?”
Jin’s voice has reached peak Jin and Yoongi cringes.
“Ey, keep it down, hyung. You don’t have to be so loud.” He shushes.
He’s sitting in his trailer with Jin and Namjoon, relaying the conversation he just overheard. Yoongi is having an embarrassing enough time confiding this information, he’s not interested in having Jin shout it across the set.
“Yoongi-ah…” Jin seems split between being genuinely remorseful and highly entertained at his brother’s predicament, “it’s not good if she can’t think of you as a man.”
Yoongi rubs a hand over his face and sighs. “I know this, hyung.”
“But she said she’d sleep with you.” Namjoon says, arms crossed over his chest as he ponders. “Twice, technically.”
“She’d technically sleep with him twice?” Jin questions, the mirth in his voice breaking through at his first opportunity to make a joke.
“She said she’d sleep with me two times.” Yoongi is irritated.
“Why just two times, are you bad the second time?” Jin asks, now enjoying himself a little too much.
“Why am I having this conversation when I could just murder you instead?” Yoongi’s voice is flat.
In the corner, Namjoon’s shoulders are shaking silently as he tries to pull himself together. It sure was easy to get under Yoongi’s skin these days, he’d be lying if he couldn’t admit that the whole group had been enjoying it a little too much.
“Hyung,” Namjoon suggests, “it was just girls talking. She’s working here, I don’t think she’s trying to sleep with anyone right now.”
Yoongi knew this, realistically. But there was a buzz that had been running through his veins ever since he’d heard you admit that you’d fuck him, and he couldn’t focus on anything else right now. Hence the need to call Jin and Namjoon into his trailer and try to talk it through so he could reclaim his brain and stop thinking about that hint of wistfulness in your voice as you talked about him…
“Yah!” Jin’s shouting breaks through Yoongi’s reverie. “We don’t have time for this right now. We have to be back on set. Yoongi-ah…” Yoongi looks up as Jin leans forward and addresses him seriously, “You’re not proving you’re a man by bringing her water and hovering around her all the time. If you want to know her, you’ve got to gather your courage and talk to her. Tell her you like her.”
At this Jin gets up, exactly as the staff begin knocking at the door to collect everyone back to set.
Jin pauses at the door and turns around, a sly expression on his face. “Offer to take her to a nice cabin.”
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 45 - Walking from Kishibojin, Haunted staircase.
00:00 J: Ah, this, this! Akamaru Bakery.
00:20 K: So, as to why we are here..it will be a mystery to everyone I think.
J: Haha
K: Joe just really wanted to eat this bread.
J: Thats right.
K: So, we came here.
J: Yes.
K: Akamaru Bakery.
J: Yep, Akamaru Bakery.
K: Where is this?
J: Its Zōshigaya. Well, Zōshigaya is just up there, but this place probably only locals know about. Its on Tsurumaki Street. This is a very small shopping street, but Akamaru Bakery is here. I found this place by chance before, and it was really good.
T: What did you get?
J: Kaoru?
K: Chicken Nanban
T: I got a hot dog.
J: I got this tuna and egg mix.
K: I wanted to get that, but I thought I shouldn't if you are getting it.
J: Haha, no, no, no, that makes me look bad.
K: Hahah.
J: This is ¥190, right?
T: Its cheap, isn't it?
J: It is cheap!  Ok, lets stand and eat.
T: Yep.
J: Ok, lets go for it. Apologies to the locals, we are not trying to be rude. Its a food report. This kind of bakery is quite rare these days, isn't it? They're all like new, stylish ones now.
K: *eats* Mm.
J: *eats* Mm, tastes good.
K: Yeah, its good.
J: The bread is really soft too.
T: Yeah.
J: I didn't eat before this.
K: If this was in my neighborhood, I would come every day.
J: Absolutely. Ah, delicious. So, this is like an 8 min walk from Zōshigaya station, right? Its a bit of a walk, but you'll be able to find it online if you search for it.
T: Ths is good. Its delicious.
2:25 J: (*At station*) Well now..
K: Where is this?
J: So this is the tram on the Toden-Arakawa line.
T: Its Kishibojinmae station.
K: Ahh, so ??? (*Facing away from camera with mask on...couldn't clearly make out what he said*)
J: Thats it. So, we are gonna move to a different spot from here.
T: Yep, its been all funfunfun before now, but this time we are gonna go looking for some Tokyo mysteries. So, we'll get on this train and go to a certain place.
J: Tokyo Sports is all about mysteries, monsters, and UFOs, right? (*Couldn't really follow the rest of this exchange*)
*They get on, then off the train at the next spot*
3:29 T: The mystery spot that I am gonna introduce is this bridge. Omokage bridge (Omokage=face/visage).
J: It just looks like a regular bridge.
T: Its a really short bridge. Its almost not a bridge. This explains the name (*points to info board*). So, actually, on the otherside of the bridge there used to be the criminal execution center for Zōshigaya.
J: Ahh, so this is not exactly the river Styx, but..
T: Yeh, and they would part from thier family on this side of the bridge, and be taken over to the other side.
J: I see.
T: Its just a theory, but its thought that its called 'Omokage/visage brige', because they left the memory thier faces here. But there is also a history to this brigde. You know the story of 'Yotsuya Kaidan'/The Ghost of Yotsuya?
J: Yep, yep.
T: With Oiwa san..
J: Like 'I curse youuuu'
T: Yeh, yeh, yeh. Do you know the story of Oiwa san?
J: Yeh, I do. Like 'One plate, two plates..'
T: No, thats Sarayashiki, thats a different one. So, what happened was, there was a man, and his wife called Oiwa. The man became annoyed with her, and she was made to drink a poison which scarred her face. Then he forced her to seperate from him. The woman cursed him, saying she would come back as a ghost. This woman Oiwa was nailed to a door post, and thrown in the river to be washed away, there's a scene like that, right?  Its thought that this is the spot she was thrown in the river. So, this story, Yotsuya Kaidan, came about as a Kabuki play after its writer, Tsuruya Nanboku had gathered up a lot of these kind of local  rumors during the Edo era. We don't know if Oiwa san really was washed away here, but we know this kind of thing did happen. Its only a short bridge, but its got this kind of history going back to the Edo era.
J: ???*1
T: Actually, I used to live around here.
J: Ehh? Why in such a frightful place?
T: It was cheap.
J: Is this in Shinjuku ward?
T: No, its in Toshima ward.
J: Oh, Toshima?
T: Just on the verge of Shinjuku.
K: It says Shinjuku here.
T: Yes, but..Oh, the other side is Toshima.
J: Where we are stood now is Shinjuku. Its next to Waseda, right?
T: Should we cross the bridge?
K: Yeah, lets cross it.
6:50 J: The river is pretty, isn't it?
(*Next is short exchange about the sakura leaning into the river, and execution spot over on the other side, which I can't make out clealy due to them all facing away from the mic, and very loud traffic passing simultaneously*)
T: So you see, this place is very historic.
J: It makes a shiver run down your spine when you think of it.....*shudders*. Sorry, its just being in this place.
K: Ok, should we head to the next spot?
J: Yeh, should we go?
K: Its a different place next.
*In the suburbs*
7:46 K: Where is this?
J: Here in Bunkyō Ward, they call this place Nezucchi (*The name of a comedian who is good at tellIng riddles*)
T: Nezucchi?
J: Haha
K: He lost it. haha
J: Sorry, Im embarrassed now, haha. Well, actually, they call this area Yanasen/谷根千, which is the neighborhoods of Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi together, and we are in Nezu today. Its a very quiet surburban area, but this place was voted for by a listener, or rather a user, as a good mystery spot. We recieved this email, so Kaoru could you read it out?
K: (*reading*) Its from 'Yasubeniisann'. It says, 'This is quite famous, but in Nezu there is a haunted staircase. When you go up the stairs there are 40 steps, but going down, there are only 39'....Um..did..
J: We already spilled the mystery.
T: Yeah.
J: Well, we already spilled the mystery , but yes, this is what we are going to see. A mysterious set of stairs. Lets go.
8:49 K: (*approaching the stairs*) Right up to the top, yeah? Not half way?
J: Yeah, I think right up to the top.
K: Both sides are the same, right?
J: Seems like it. Which side is the way up?
K: Eh? You could go up either side, right?
T: You mean like on an escalator where one side is up and one side is down.
J: Should we try counting the steps?
K: You're too eager, haha.
T: Which side should we do, the right side?
J: No, lets go with the left side.
T: Like in Kantō.
J: Yep, Kantō style.
K: Ok, Im gonna start.
J: Ok...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
9:57 K: (*reaching the top of the staircase*) 39 steps.
J: 39? Yep I got 39 too. And next, if we go down..
T: On that side?
K: Will it be 39?
(*They walk downstairs *)
K: (*Reaching the bottom*) Eh?
T: Wasn't that 40?
K: I got 39.
T: Huh?
J: Huh?! I got 39. You got 40?
T: Yeah, I got 40.
J: Eh?! Hang on, whats going on?
10:55 K: (*Re-reading the email*) It says there are 40 steps going up.
J: 40 going up?
K: Are they including this? (*points to first concrete step on level with the ground*)
J: Oh, is that it?
K: If they are including this..
J: Yeah, if thats included, then..
T: I see.
K: I'll try starting from this. (*starts going up*)
J: Maybe you're supposed to go up the other side.. I can hear you.
T: Im out of breath..
J: Oh, you're carrying the bag..
T: Its embarrassing, im out of breath.
J: Its this step, this one.
11:36 K: (*Gets to top of stairs*) Ah, I see.
J: (*Getting to top*) 40!
T: (*Starting from the bottom*) This is the first step, yeh? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....
J: Haha
T: Then across?
J: No, no, diagonally.
T:...38, 39, 40.
K: You included the very first step at the bottom, right?
T: Yes...huh?
K: Huh? Really? How come only I'm different?
12:30 T: (*Going down*) This is the first one. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....... ....... 37, 38, 39, and this is 40.
K: You're not counting this one, are you? (*To J*) This one is ???*2
J: Ahh, thats the difference.
13:08 J: Do we count this one? Thats the problem. According to the email, there are 40 steps going up, and 39 going down.
K: Its like can you count this as 1..?
J: Yeah, thats it.
K: Im not sure.
T: Its raised by about 5cm.
K: Well, I mean...we'll digest that bread easily.
J: Haha, yeah, we can definitely say we exercised today.
T: Its been quite tough for the staff doing the filming.
J: Yeah, haha. While we were going up one by one, they were going up and down each time. But what is our verdict about this?
K: Was is right? If this is the first step?
J: Im pretty intrigued about this.
T: Well, let's give our answer here. To conclude.
J: As a last word?
T: Yeah.
J: Well, it depends on whether or not you count this as the first step. If you do count it, then there is 40 steps going up. But if you look over here, this side is barely elevated from the ground at all. So you end up taking the second level as the first step.
K: Yeah.
J: Thats it right? And back over here, the first step is more elevated, so you would make that number 1.(*Starts climbing*).1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
K: (*To T*) Ok, shall we go?
T: Yep, lets go. Bye Joe.... ... ... That was fun.
K: Yeh, it was. (*Too windy to make out what they are saying*)
T: I wonder if Joe is still doing it.
15:00 J: (*Coming downstairs*) They're not here? They left me. Hello? You two? What? There's no one here.
Takabayashi: That was 39.
J: Was it 39? So, yes, that means going up is 40 steps, and coming down is 39 steps. The  others have already left, so if you'd like to try this, its in Nezu...the haunted staircase. Please come and have a go, get some exercise.
15:31 T: He didn't call out for us to wait, right? haha....... ... ... Haha, here he is.
J: ??? (*No idea what he means here*)
T: You didn't realise we'd gone?
J: No, I didn't. When I came down there was no-one there, so it was a bit lonely. I closed the segment by myself.
T, K: Hahaha
T: How about this haunted staircase?
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: There was no ghost.
J: There wasn't, was there.
K: Its more like a mistaken staircase.
J: Yeah.
T: Ah, I see. Haha. To be accurate, the mistaken first step.
J: Yeah. When you go up, the fist step on one side looks as if its slightly elevated, so..
T: Yeah. We could go looking for other mysteries like this.
J: Yeah, lets solve them all!
K: So it seems as if we can use this one then.
J: Ah, thats good! We didnt waste our effort. So, if anyone knows any other mysteries that we could solve..?
K: Yeh, anything is ok, just let us know.
J: We'll solve them.
K: Ok, well, we can finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much. 
*1,2 Couldn't catch.
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