#and i have a feeling nene will remember eventually and want to go back too
knightzp · 3 months
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kasaraku · 1 month
I've been thinking about something.
I saw a video in TT (not again-) and it was about how Tsukasa is frustrated by how the others are joking around, jokingly make fun of Tsukasa and it triggers him. (Check out Blu!)
And then I remembered someone pointed out that EmuRuiNene's jokes are a lot softer now than before, that even Nene's sharp tongue wasn't even used all that much to him too. I think it's because they realized how Tsukasa would open up more if they're softer around him.
I mean, other people also pointed out that, seeing how Tsukasa's event focuses are, he never really relied on others until 3rd focus. He realized just how much others are willing to help him out and also supports him. <- that makes me cry a whole hour.
In order for Tsukasa to let himself lean on others and let himself be more open to them, they (EmuRuiNene) have to soften up and let Tsukasa take the hints and be more reliant to them, making him realized that he can always trust them and comes to them for help. He has done more than enough, it's their turn now.
Suddenly it inspired me to make a short story. Just keep reading.
I'm sure you'll like a little fluff :D
Rehearsal has been going on smoothly. Emu takes up the main character, with Rui as her companion to defeat an evil god, a character Tsukasa plays, but also with the help and persuasion of semi - god, that's when Nene comes in.
The god is good, but humanity destroys him, and he was made into an evil being after being revived. The semi - god tells them that the god needs his heart back to revive the god she has befriended a long time ago. She begs them not to kill him as he's the only one who can keep the humans alive for so long. They eventually agree, and after finding the heart and presents it to the god, it shines as the evil god unconsciously reached for it and puts it in his chest as it shines and he comes back. Happily ever after.
Well, maybe not if the one who plays it don't know how to act as the evil god.
"Uhh... Nene? Can you help me with this? I'm a little stuck. " the singer looks at the one who called her. The blond who constantly yells 'World's Future Star' looks at her in embarrassment. He holds a script that opens a page she oh so familiar with. The part where the evil god and the semi - god shown to be friends in the past.
Emu and Rui are bussying themselves with the script as they excitedly talk about the ideas on putting sparkly things for the show, and Nene can hear how loud they are. Even if they're a few feet away from her, she feels a little irritated about it. They talk a little too loud from usual, which pretty much annoys her.
Tsukasa is still waiting for Nene's answer, as he fidgets with the script and debates on whether he should really ask her or forget about it. Suddenly Nene grabs his wrist and drags him away from the other two as they goes in the backstage, a quitter place for them to practice.
"I can help, don't worry about it. Well, tell me which part you're struggling with. " somehow, Nene looks at him with a soft smile that makes him want to melt away. Has she always smiles that softly to him? Maybe, but he might never realize it.
With a nod, he explains which part and his struggles of it, as Nene hums and helps him get the hang of it. In return, she asked him for the same thing as he smiled and pointed out which part she lacked in and gave her some insight and clues for it.
Little did they know, the other two were watching them the whole time with those big hearts in their eyes, and they affectionately looked at them, while also noting that Tsukasa gradually letting himself be dependent to others.
That day, everyone ends the rehearsal with a smile of affection painted on their face as they go home, replaying the memories they all had together today.
Yeah uhh... got a little too excited for the info I guess-
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mari-lair · 1 year
Kou is one of the people Hanako used to trust the most, and he was let down.
When Hanako first met Kou, he found him fun to tease, and while his determination is noticed, Hanako does not take Kou seriously in the slightest, everything he does is to tease him, and play with him.
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Hanako does like Kou, but it is a very superficial feeling. I wouldn’t say he cares about Kou as a person, not here, not yet.
It’s Hanako’s duty to make sure students don’t die, so he will save Kou from life threatening situations, but the second it became clear the situation have no risk of death, Hanako does not care: Leave the boy on the rooftop, throw him as a sacrifice to Yako, since he’ll only be a plushie, he doesn’t need to be comfortable or uninjured, just not dead.
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What he liked since the start was Kou’s attitude, the way he acknowledge what Hanako did is wrong, and his goal to exorcise him, which will be useful after Hanako ‘atone’.
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He was very disappointed when Kou said he changed his mind, that he doesn’t want to exorcise Hanako anymore since he is a ‘good spirit’, so Hanako decides to drop the mask. He throw the mischievous attitude he loves to hide behind away, and show Kou how unstable he is underneath. Pratically shove in Kou’s face that his decision is a mistake.
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When Teru attacks, Kou is hesitant to help, he recognizes that Hanako was acting weird and that he was too hast and naive, but he still decided to pay attention to Hanako’s explanation in the end. He still chose to help.
The boy Hanako never took seriously saved him, so he listened to him. Is the first time Kou have his full attention when talking about his beliefs, not how he fit in Hanako’s own. From start to finish, Hanako does not take his eyes off him.
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He starts acknowledging Kou here. He respects him.
His overall view of Kou personality doesn’t change too much though, Kou is still gullible, and someone that falls from his lies easily. No matter how bad the lie.
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He cares about Kou now, to some extend, so when Kou was distraught about Mitsuba Sousuke’s death, Hanako wasn’t unaffected.
He was honest about his view on death, keeping it real to not give him false hopes, but visibly attempting to make Kou feel better, since direct comfort isn’t his forte.
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It sticks with Hanako, cause he takes Kou's determination seriously now, and since Tsukasa is his yorishiro, his destruction would be a major step to Hanako’s own. He seems to accepts his declaration and all it implications though.
Is also important that what Kou says here isn’t something that challenges Hanako’s view. Despite his loud disagreement that destruction is being ‘saved’ Kou silently agrees that it is the end, that human Mitsuba is gone, he never says “I will bring Mitsuba back”, he just swears revenge.
However, a new problem eventually comes to light, one Hanako is very invested in but doesn't know how to deal with, one he has given up on: Nene’s lifespan.
He isn’t happy about it, but he has accepted as an unchangeable reality, and he cares about Kou, so he wants him to understand it too, to not obsess over it, going as far as to mention Mitsuba to make his point. Using the same thing he tells himself to comfort Kou.
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but Kou said “No”
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And despite his words, Hanako listens.
Just like Kou had saved him from Teru, he believes Kou will find a way to save Nene too.
Hanako trust him.
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This is big. I can’t remember him trusting someone with something this big before.
But Kou can’t do it and Hanako starts to notice that. Kou’s goal to save Nene gets mixed with his goal to help supernatural Mitsuba, and it slowly feels less like Kou is this unstoppable force he can’t help but give his full attention to, and more like the desperate and idealistic kid he is.
It hurt Hanako, and greatly disappoints him: The one time he placed his trust in someone, it turns out to be misplaced, it amounts to nothing.
However, Kou still left an impression, his words stuck with Hanako, it inspired him, so he takes it into his own hands, he will be the one to save Nene.
Picture Perfect plays out and Hanako’s dissapointment in Kou carries through it.
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Hanako seems angry at himself too, for being inspired by Kou enough to want to break out of his core belief and try to do something in the first place.
The name of the chapter where he reveals that he wants to keep Nene safe, that he wants to change the future, chapter 51, is called “perfectly empty ideals” or “empty promises” depending on the translation. Even though Kou barely shows up in this chapter, and he is far from the focus, it feels very much like an indirect attack on Kou’s promise.
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Even Mei can tell this isn’t something Hanako would normally do, he hates her worlds and how they work, but that sprinkle of hope Kou gave him lingered, and so, when he saw an opportunity in this paint world, he decided to give it a try.
Kou’s behavior, naive as it is, undeniably stuck with him: Be it in the form of hope, or resentment.
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Kou’s determination to escape Mei’s world, which is Hanako’s attempt to save Nene, an attempt with far more impact than any of Kou’s attempts, also doesn’t help his comflicting view on Kou.
I truly believe Hanako hasn’t gotten his respect for Kou back after this arc. Not fully.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
I had an idea for Rui and Mizuki with a shut-in reader, it can be either platonic or romantic idc.
Foreground: The reader used to be friends with the two of them in middle school, as they were another social outcast. The reader stops showing up to lunch one day without a word.
Present day: Mizuki or Rui run into the reader outside, and they're both happy to see eachother, but the reader is a complete ball of anxiety. It turns out that after some severe bullying, the reader left school and went full hikikomori. They work online and only ever leave their apartment to get groceries, and they've developed a fear of just going outside.
Feel free to pass on this if it's too angsty, I'm kinda just projecting my life onto a pjsekai prompt XD
waaa its ok dw, im doing this separately unless you wanted them combined, and ill leave it up for interpretation- i hope you like this!! <3
♡ OUTCASTS - Rui Kamishiro and Mizuki Akiyama x Reader
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Rui was used to people pushing him away for being weird, so he was always grateful for you and Mizuki's presence
He was expecting one of you two to leave him eventually. It still hurt when it was you though
Fast-forward to a couple years later. Rui has become an expert with robotics, and is well known for his eccentric plans
He was buying some more parts for his robots when he bumped into you
He would pause, looking you over before calling your name cautiously. Your eyes widened before you mumbled, "Rui?..." "Ah, so you do remember me! I thought you had forgotten about me completely back then." There was barely hidden hurt laced in his tone
You had detected it, and was quick to stumble an apology out. You spoke about how you had been bullied, how you shut yourself in your room, how you had grown a fear of going outside for anything except your essentials
And then, the hurt was gone, replaced by sympathy. "Ah, is that so?" He hummed, placing a hand on your head and patting you, "I apologize, I would've tried to help if I knew...How about I make it up to you?"
After that run-in, he went over to your house often. He would come with his robotics, and would talk and catch up with you as he worked. Sometimes, he'd bring Nene with him, since you were acquainted with her when you were younger
He makes a robot for you, one very similar to Robo-Nene that you can use. It can leave the house, and you were able to maneuver it from the comforts of your home. Rui would just need to accompany the robot to make sure that things didn't go wrong. He'd do anything for you though <3
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Mizuki was learning a lot about themself during middle school, so it was a show of trust that they let you and Rui into their life when they did
Of course, that made the sting of you suddenly not meeting with them worse. They could never find you at school either. Where did you go?...
Fast-forward to a couple of years later. Mizuki had become more sure of themself, and was as comfortable as they could be in their identity today
They were out buying groceries when they bumped into you, and it was a shock for you both
They called your name with awe, and you stared at them for a bit before your eyes went wide. "Mizuki?..." "Yeah! How have you been? I haven't seen you since..." They would trail off, looking to the side before sighing. "Ah well, that's in the past-"
You stutter out an apology before quickly and quietly explaining what had happened. When the bullying had become too much, you had shut yourself in your room, too anxious to do much outside except buy groceries
They had nodded the whole time, a sad smile on their face. "Ah, I'm sorry it reached that point..." They took your hand, squeezing it gently, "You're like one of my friends- I won't force you to go out too much, but we should really meet up again. I missed you!"
So, after that day, they go over to your house as much as they can. Sometimes, they call Niigo while they're at your house, and introduce you to them! You and Kanade bond over your hatred of going outside
They buy a lot of gifts for you since they know you fear going outside. Ena asks why they have so many bags and they respond that they're for a very special person <3
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 year
hot take: reader who is a friend of nene's (and observant), gets dragged along for cleaning, decides to stick around, pays too much attention and reads the squinty-romance of hananene and gets jealous?
Cuz that's the plotline of most of my daydreams for this fandom and I'm curious how you would take it? If you don't want to write it that's okay! Also sorry if this sounds forceful
Hihi! I love this idea sm- I actually added some plot of my own into it as well I hope you don’t mind 👀 It is not forceful at all!! :) None of you ever make me feel like I am forced to write and I want to let you know that. I love writing for you lovely, valid human beings out there :) I am sorry this is out WAY later than I anticipated! I have been so busy lately hahah- Hope you enjoy and have a good day/night!! <3
Warnings: jealousy(does that even count??), Angst but it turns to fluff i promise :), and swearing (bc why not lol)
Proofread: yes💅
Prompt: Hanako with a S/O who is jealous of Nene and Hanako
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You made your way to the old school building since it was the end of the day and you had to help clean the bathrooms with Nene. You don't even know why you come with anyways, though the reason could be that you took a liking to a certain ghost boy.
You would never admit it but you were jealous of the relationship that Nene had with the seventh wonder. He would get all close and touchy with her, and all she would do is say that she doesn’t like him like that. What really got to you was while she stated that she didn’t feel that way, she always seemed flustered or embarrassed.
It made sense, though. They seemed to get along, the ghost and the girl. Nene had come in to school one day telling you about how she made a wish to this.. “Hanako-San of the toilet”. Yeah..you were a tiny bit confused on what the hell she was talking about. Your words, exactly. She just looked at you nervously and said that they are good friends now.
That got you thinking, what was her wish? She never did quite tell you. All that she had mentioned was that it had something to do with romance. Wait a minute..could she have wished to be his girlfriend? It would make sense..kind of. Hanako is always flirting with her, touchy and whispers in her ear, which causes her face to heat up and scold him while he laughs his ass off.
But at the same time, she claims that she doesn’t like him like that. This was all so confusing to you. Perhaps Hanako was just one of those friends who likes to flirt with everyone. If so, why did he never flirt with you? It just didn’t make sense. Occasionally Hanako would give you a little tease but that’s about it. He would often stare at you, though. While you think it could mean something, you decide against it.
One time Nene got you all in trouble with the Misaki Stairs ghost (which you eventually ended up becoming friends with and you talk to her a lot) and you remember meeting up with them at the bottom of the boundary.
“..I am still in a bond..” or something like that
Those were Hanako’s words. A bond? What could that mean? The more you thought about it the more it all started to come together. They had a connection with each other. That had to be it. That must be why they are such good friends, but wouldn’t Nene tell you? It would have been easier if she just said it instead of trying to hide it from you.
Your walking came to an abrupt halt. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Hanako clearly took a liking to the girl, therefore you should let go..but you can’t. You cant let go, you’ve tried so hard to not let your feelings get in the way of their “bond”, but it never worked. No matter how goddamn hard you try, you end up liking him all the same.
You felt tears fill the rim of your eye lids. Seriously..? You were crying over this? Before you could even scold yourself you realize where your feet had halt. You read the familiar sign that read ‘Girl’s Restroom’. Well, there is no turning back now, you suppose. You could try to skip cleaning but you tried that once, they found you within five minutes.
You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath. It’s going to be fine, just try to think of something else, You told yourself. Pushing all of your feelings down, you entered the bathroom to hear arguing.
“BUT WHAT IF THEY TRIED TO SKIP CLEANING AGAIN?!” Nene’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom. Before you could announce that you didn’t skip cleaning, you saw Kou turn and look at you with a smile.
“(Name)! There you are! Yahsiro thought you skipped cleaning again but I told her you wouldn’t do that!” Kou turned back to Nene, “See? I told you they’d be fine!”
Nene rolled her eyes but looked at you with a soft grin and looked relieved that you were here. “I was worried about you! Where were you, by the way?” She questioned, letting her head tilt to the side.
“O-oh uhm..I got sidetracked, heh..” You said with a nervous look. The two of them looked at you with suspicion but let it slide. “Wait..where’s Hanako? Isn’t he supposed to be here?”
The two, again, glanced at each other. This time they looked like they were anxious about something. “We thought you knew where he was? Did he not go out to find you?” Kou questioned, a worried look on his face. Nene stared at you, worry and concern filling her eyes. She seemed to care a whole lot that Hanako was nowhere to be found. But, didn’t Kou seem worried too?
“I haven’t..I haven’t seen him today. Are you sure he went to look for me?” You asked, worry entangled in your voice. Nene looked like she was truly in a state of panic and fear. “I..I’m not sure anymore. When we entered the bathroom,” she glanced towards Kou.
“He wasn’t here, we assumed he went to look for you or something,” Kou finished her sentence. Now this was interesting. Hanako is normally waiting for you all to help clean, even Kou. It’s strange and unlike him to just disappear without anyone knowing where he went.
“Well, if we don’t know where he is, should we stay here or should we go look for him?” You questioned, looking for answers between the two individuals that stood before you. Kou stepped forward placing a hand on your shoulder, “It’s probably best to stay here. Although it’s unlike him to just..not be here, he’s probably just out for a meeting or something. I’m sure it will all be fine, (Name).”
Kou was always there for you, no matter what crazy things may be happening. You could hate his best friend and he would still be by your side. He's a good person to talk to and that's why he's the only one that you've told about your crush on Hanako to.
“Well, if you two want to wait here, that’s fine. But I am going to go look for him.” Before either of you could tell her not to and that you should just stay put, she had already dropped her mop and darted out the door.
You glanced over at Kou, curious as to what your next move should be. You opened your mouth to say something but couldn't even begin your sentence before you watch Kou run out the door after Nene. So much for having someone you trust by your side, you think yourself.
You let out a quiet sigh and decided it would be best to help them look, couldn't hurt anything to try. You walked out of the bathroom, mentally preparing yourself in case Hanako decides to jump out and scare you.
He's done that before, you know. One time you were on your way to help Yashiro clean and he jumped out from behind a set of lockers and scared the absolute shit out if you. You look upon that day constantly, hoping he never does that again.
Walking down the corridors of the old building was never your favorite part. It was easier when you were headed to the bathroom for cleaning but since everyone had left to go home except for those in clubs, it was quieter than usual. No students rushing to get to their classes, no whispers about friends behind their back. It all just felt so strange.
The silence of the hallways were starting to freak you out, so you decided to call out Hanako's name. Surely that will catch his attention right? Anytime you'd been in danger and you or someone else called out his name, Hanako showed up within seconds.
"Hanako? Where are you? This isn't funny.." Your voice rang out through the halls. Echoes filled your ears, but there wasn't any sound that wasn't your own bouncing off of the walls. Where could he have gone?
You were now by one of the staircases. Before you could enter, you heard laughter and scolding coming from what sounded like two voices. You'd recognize those voices from anywhere! Nene had found Hanako! Thank God, you were starting to get worried.
"Aww, were you really that worried about me?" Hanako spoke in a teasing tone, hands pinching Nene's cheeks. "Yes, and so was (Name). Speaking of, I left them and Kou in the bathroom so we should go back to them before they start to-" she was cut off by Hanako tilting her head up towards his face.
Your heart stopped, eyes widened at the scene before you. Although they didn't actually kiss and Hanako was just teasing, it looked like they kissed to you. Your eyes started to tear up for the second time that day. This time you let them fall.
Nene tried moving her head out of Hanako's hand and noticed you standing there, tears rolling down your cheeks as you stood with a look of betrayal and pain. "(Name)! What's wrong? Did something happen?" She called out to you, but as soon as she finished her sentence you took off where you came.
Hanako turned around just in time to see you run out the door. "(Name)?" He called out but you had ready taken off and your footsteps were getting further and further away. "What just happened?" Hanako looked towards Nene, hoping she had answers.
She didn't say anything as she ran up the stairs and in the direction you went in hope of getting to you. Hanako was left alone in the stairwell. He pulled his hat down slightly and his Haku-joudai twirled around him as he disappeared.
Hanako reappeared in the bathroom, hoping he'd find you there. Instead he found Kou and Nene arguing with each other. "I thought you said you saw them!" Kou shouted. "I did! But then they left without a word and the worst part is they were crying! I don't know where they went!" Nene fired back.
"QUIET! Both of you.." Hanako pushed the two away from each other. He cleared his throat before begining again. "Now, would someone please explain to me what is going on and where (Name) is?"
"I don't know where they are, but I saw them by the top of the stairwell earlier and they looked like they were crying. I asked them what was wrong but they ran off.." Nene said, guilt seething through her voice.
"Hm..well I guess we better go look for them, shouldn't we?" Hanako replied, grabbing both of their wrists and pulling them out of the bathroom to begin the search.
You found yourself crying on the Misaki Stairs, making sure you don't touch the fourth step. Yako came by earlier thinking some random person was on the stairs but once she saw you she sat down and attempted to calm you down.
You let out another soft cry as she sat next to you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner. She had gone into her human form not long after she sat next to you.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, she sounded like she didn't want to be there but you knew she was trying her best. "I guess, it wouldn't hurt to talk about it," you said in between sniffles.
So you explained what had happened, that you had feelings for the honorable no.7 and that you saw him kiss Nene, not leaving out a single detail. "Hm..sounds to me like your out of luck kid. No.7 is a tricky person, I've found. Very pushy, hypocritical, and only cares about himself. If I were you, I'd find someone better," she said, turning back into a fox.
You looked at her with shock but you couldn't say she was wrong. Hanako was tricky person, that boy. He was always trying to get people to tell him all for their secrets but never told a single thing about himself. Now that you think of it, maybe it is all kind of stupid-
You looked up and saw him, the one person you hoped wouldn't see you like this. There he stood, in all of his ghostly glory. He looked concerned and worried but most of all he looked hurt. What could have hurt him? You wouldn't know.
"Hanako? What are you doing here?" You asked wiping your face with your hands, an attempt to get rid of your tears. Yako looked between the two of you before turning around and running up the stairs, out of view and to wherever those halls lead.
"Nevermind that, what is wrong? Did something happen?" He crouched in front of you, looking into your sad, puffy eyes. You felt yourself having butterflies with how close he was, but you shake off the feeling. "No, nothing happened. I just..nevermind, it's stupid and doesn't matter anyway-"
You began to step off the stairs and walk away before you feel someone grab your wrist and soon enough you have been pinned against the wall. You face instantly flushed. Hanako didn't look angry, but now you understand why he looks hurt. He's hurt that you are in pain and feel like you can't talk to him.
"Tell me what's wrong...please?" He took one of his hands and placed it against the side of your face, gently stroking his thumb in a comforting manner. "I...I got jealous.." you started, tears prickling your eyes once more. "I saw that you kissed Nene and I just...I just wish you would flirt with me the way you do with her or be touchy with me. Hell, I wish you would kiss me the way you kiss her..but I know you're in a bond with her so I know it's not possi-" you were cut off by his finger against your lips.
"Why didn't you just say so, dear? I would have happily kissed you earlier if I knew you liked me too~" he spoke in a teasing tone that also felt genuine. You smiled, tears finally leaked, a tint of pink on your face. Hanako was quick to wipe them with a smile.
"Wait, like back? If you liked me, then why did you kiss Yashiro earlier?" You questioned.
He chuckled and said, "Oh, sweet (Name), I didn't kiss her. I was teasing her as I usually do, but to you that must have been seen as a smooch, hm?"
You let out a soft chuckle and wrapped your arms around Hanako. "I guess it was the angle then, huh? I'm glad you feel the same, though. I didn't know how much longer I could go before I pulled you to the side one day and kissed you myself." You teased back, an attempt to fluster him that seemed to work.
Or so you thought. He leaned his head down towards your ear and whispered, "Whats stopping you from doing that right now?" Your face flushed and before you could say anything you heard the voices of Kou and Nene, calling your and Hanako's names.
You pulled away before immediately running towards them in attempt to escape what you thought was about to become a flirt war between you and Hanako. "Everything alright, (Name)? You seemed pretty upset earlier.." Nene asked. You smiled and said, "Yep! I was just a little worried about something is all."
Hanako floated over and butted in after you. "Yep! They're just fine! Now, let's go back to cleaning! Those toilets aren't going to clean themselves!" He said with such a high level of enthusiasm. Kou and Nene groaned but began walking back towards the bathroom.
You walked behind them as Hanako clung onto you the whole way back to the bathroom. Heh, you were never going to hesitate to help Nene clean again.
I am SO sorry that this came out late! The gods of motivation have disappeared randomly but they have returned and I hope to get my other requests done as well! Hope you enjoyed and hope you have an amazing New Year, everyone!
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nanabansama · 6 months
What do you expect to happen in chapter 110? Honestly, I doubt that Aoi will actually die, but I liked seeing your opinion on what you think Aida Iro will do in the next chapter and theories if you have any 😁P. S: I love your posts and this is my first question ☺️
Hi! Welcome! 👋
I feel 110 is harder to guess than 109 was. It seemed pretty obvious before 109 came out that it would focus on the trial. So it's likely these predictions will be embarrassing to look back on, but I'll do my best.
Anyway, I agree! I find it incredibly unlikely that Aoi will die, especially so soon after being saved. So her being a yorishiro is unlikely for me. That said, it's possible a yorishiro is different from the actual person itself. The rules of yorishiro have never been clearly defined. Perhaps instead of the yorishiro being the real Aoi, it's some kind of copy... (there's really no way to know.)
That, or maybe there's a way to change what a yorishiro is and avoid the need to destroy it? I find that kind of unlikely, though. So for now, I will tentatively claim that Aoi is not the yorishiro...but some sort of Aoi-related memento. A boring guess, I know! Sorry!!!
Anyway, since Tsukasa just broke out of his cuffs and craves violence, I'm predicting a showdown between him and Akane. Kako is down for the count and Mirai is tangled up in his Kokujoudai, so I doubt they'll be any help less someone frees Mirai.
Actually, since Akane can stop time, I could easily see him freeing both Mirai and Teru to even the playing field. It's just a matter of buying himself enough time to stop time outright... remember, he needs his pocket watch to reach 6:30 before he can bring time to a standstill.
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Knowing Tsukasa, he might just be fast enough to stop him. Akane will be too busy dodging his attacks to have time to perform his special ability...
So that's two conflicting ideas I have! I guess I'll tentatively go with the one where Akane and Tsukasa will be too busy with their fight to do much else. But if that comes to pass...perhaps Nene, the only other person capable of doing something right now since she has no shackles, can come to the rescue!
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...I mean, I predicted this last time, so I have to be right eventually, right!? Right!? (I just think baby Nene saving the day would be fantastic, don't you?)
Anyway... I do really like the idea of Natsuhiko or Sakura showing up, too. Them having a dramatic reveal at the end of the chapter just seems like such an AidaIro thing to do, you know? I'm sure they're doing something behind the scenes right now to help Tsukasa. But maybe that just involves preventing any meddling from people outside the boundary, like Kou or whatever... (idk.)
And just to be clear, I truly cannot imagine Akane winning any sort of fight with Tsukasa, even in his own boundary. But I also think it's boring as Hell to just immediately have Tsukasa find the yorishiro and then force Nene to destroy it... but then again, I'm also having trouble even beginning to guess what else could happen!? And like it or not, that yorishiro is getting destroyed. Tsukasa will get what he wants, one way or another. Mark my words!!!
Hopefully this is satisfactory enough. I'm really happy to be proven wrong in any of my guesses here. But it's important to face the facts, people: this little arc is reaching its climax. It's only a matter of time before that yorishiro is gone and we get to put this all behind us. Let's just hope it comes with as little casualties as possible!
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damedamedame · 4 years
hihi! can I request hc's of teru, akane, and hanako's s/o being such a simp for them? Like giving them small sweet notes, and all those cute stuff. And it continues even after they were dating alr 🥺🥺
- “You’re a Simp? Understandable, have a good day.”
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Who isn’t though--
You were known to be one of the biggest simps for Teru Minamoto, Prince and Student Council President of Kamome Gakuen. 
I mean, like everyone else but like
h u g e s i m p e n e r g y
like myself
You would always greet him every single morning with a ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ and with a ‘See you tomorrow, Minamoto!’ once you see him leave.
Everyone knew you wouldn’t stop, even Teru himself.
Which was good. 
Because he
may or may not be
simping for you too—
Listen, he saw you as a boss-type fangirl at first because of all the love notes you leave on his desk, the little presents that were left on the table in the Council Room which he would have to ask Akane about and just,, you in general.
He didn’t actually mind at all !! the chocolate-chip cookies you put on his desk one morning could even rival Kou’s.
Mhm yes the cookies won him over—
wai where was i
THEN he realized that he was starting to like you simping for him,, A LOT ACTUALLY—
He couldn’t bear the thought of you doing these sort of things to someone else,, 
Then,, ended up falling for the little things about you hard-- 
When you arrived to say ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ to him in the entrance, guess who pulled you aside to personally say
 ‘I.. really am starting to like you, (L/N), can we.. go out?’
Yes, it was Teru and your mind still locks this precious memory away in the back of your head.
And no, the simping did not stop after you started dating him. 
Not at all.
You gave him kisses and hugs every time you saw him, which he would gladly return. 
Especially if he was having a rough day and just needed your comfort. 
He thinks you’re cute when you rush over to him and give him the biggest hug when he enters the classroom. 
Everyone still can’t f uc king believe you got him, but here you were, receiving a little kiss on the forehead with your arms wrapped around him.
“You’re so cute, (Y/N).”
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lil heads up that this was supposed to be really angsty but then chapter 71 happened and i CANNOT HURT THIS BOY ANY LONGER—
You?? You’re simping on the biggest simp?? oH MY GO--
Akane feels a little, or ve r y, awkward at first because?? um?? w h y ????
Even he knows he’s a big simp for Aoi, so why are you simping for him ??
As I said, vv confused.
Eventually, after having to deal with the many presents (how do you even have energy for this) and the amount of flirts you give him, he gets used to it :’))
An F in the chat for (Y/N) !!
Because he !!
*drumroll noises*
bRushEs yOu oFf 👁👄👁
Look, he has one goal and one goal only and it is all for Aoi—
You might have to give up on this one, even if it h ur t.
Perhaps you’ll do him a favor and start befriending Aoi to help Akane, even if it really really hurts to do so.
Unrealistic as fuck, I know, but deal with me rn :’3
When he sees you befriending Aoi, he is 99% sure you’re stealing her away from him for revenge.
May have brought a bat whenever he sees you, just sayin—
He hears you both talking and
“You know, Akane is actually really good boyfriend material ! Maybe give him a chance, yes??”
Are you being his wingman???
For some reason, his simp has turned into his matchmaker and he just. doesn’t know what to feel.
‘Thank you?? But?? Aren’t you supposed to be simping for me?? Why are you helping—‘
You interrupted his thoughts with a cheeky grin on your face,
“I hope get you with her, Aoi :’>”
Don’t ask Akane why he’s frustrated with this outcome or you will get hit on the head with a bat.
You guys becomes friends after a while of suffering in confusion from him and after many many explanations that you just wanted to help him haha brr
And after a few months of banter
Let’s just say
There’s gonna be
A simp reversal
Because he definitely did not just notice the beautiful twinkle in your eyes, the way your smile makes his face flush all too suddenly, or how you just astound him in the most unexpected way.
“I... might have a problem, Ao-chan.”
“Akane, just give them a chance already.”
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What?? Where are all these gifts outside his stall suddenly coming from??
Much like Akane, poor ghost boy is also vv confused. When he finally catches the imposter heh, he’s shocked to see someone he thought he’d never see in,, forever. 
You two were actually really good friends when you both were alive before !!
Hanako remembers you vividly.
You were always there to cheer him up whenever he came up with a new bruise.
Always sending him little love notes in class when you had nothing else to do.
Late night chats as you both walked each other home.
He always thought you were beautiful, but dangerous.
Falling in love with his old best friend was something he didn’t want, especially since ruining your friendship with him was not part of the plan.
Little did you know that Hanako did see that but was vv unsure because ✨insecurities✨
You were back in his life now, as a ‘student’ who was def not a ghost. Nope. Not at all.
Everyone thought you were weird because you just?? kept visiting that particular stall?? and always left a hella lot of presents and notes??
Hanako tries to keep an eye on you without you knowing but then you really went and said
“I know you’re there, Amane~”
He didn’t realize how much he missed the way you said his name.
“H-Hey, (Y/N)..”
You, because you love him too much and finally managed to find him after many boring years of waiting around, did not miss this chance to tell him that HEY YES I LIKED YOU FOR LIKE 50 YEARS.
Let me just say that
Hanako was a blushing mess. yes that is all.
He accepts your confession because you practically barged in his mind when you both first met and you just. never left—
When Nene comes in the next day, she goes 😳 because ‘I-Is that (L/N) and Hanako? WAI WHY ARE THEY KISSING—‘
Definitely makes sure that you never meet Tsukasa again, even though the younger Yugi twin pretty much loved you too :’D
After classes, you always made sure to spend all your time with Hanako without fail, being the huge simp you are.
Don’t worry, he is too ;))
“How did you even find me, (Y/N)?”
“Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily, Amane?”
END NOTES: sorry akane’s is so shit omg also um this was not at all proof-read so uH I’M SORRY FOR BEING A DISAPPOINTMENT :(((((
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pyrobeat · 3 years
『 🔥   』  darnell was .. pretty well off, knew there was no denying that. with supportive parents prepping him for a solid education, straight a’s all across the board, if it weren’t for the whole pyromania thing, he probably would’ve been the ideal philly kid! hoping to get outta state eventually to go make it big somewhere like new york .. at least that’s what he told his parents -- in reality, he felt like he’d always stay here, always stay so he could keep an eye on pico and nene. because, without them, what was the point? stuff wasn’t fun without those two rascals. 
『 🔥   』 which is why, when pico up and left one day for his mercenary job, darnell felt kinda hurt. not that he didn’t get it, godspeed to a guy goin’ out there to live his dream, but never seeing pico again? that was just too much, man! it kind of sucked .. especially since darnell didn’t know how to find him .. it just meant he had to go back to his usual life, maybe actually pursue that big leagues scholarship, after all, he and nene weren’t as close without pico -- he was the glue that held it all together. tough times .. he hated coming to terms with how maybe, some friendships just don’t last. at least, he hoped that pico was having fun shooting people in the face, that seemed like something he’d enjoy. 
『 🔥   』 but .. he hadn’t expected anything bad to happen to pico. why would anything bad happen to someone who was as apparently immune to anything as pico was? to find out that he’d died from his parents like it was just casual morning news was enough for darnell to .. fall apart for a few months.  he still remembered the service he’d insisted to hold, how he’d cried for what felt like years, didn’t want to let go and couldn’t let go of someone he was so close to. he’d left not too long after that, abandoning philadelphia and everyone in it, only coming back on the anniversary week of pico’s death to mourn the loss, to reminisce on the better parts of life. it was coming up again ... another flight booked to philidelphia, another session of cramming on his work so he could have a few days free for his tradition, the same old stuff. 
『 🔥   』 a knock at the door? who the hell could be here this late? darnell, setting aside his work in progress on a speech he was putting together to try and join the school’s committee, he pushed himself to his feet and went to answer it. he had a few hours before going to bed -- so hey, why not answer the door and have some fun? had a buck knife stashed in his pocket anyways, if someone wanted to tussle, they’d get a tussle. wait, is that -- 
『 🔥   』 “ pico? “ darnell looked at him in silence for what felt like eons, almost looking through him as he took him in. the last time he had seen him had felt like eons ago, distant and far away when he’d tried catching up on things with him. and then, just like that, they were distant .. then pico was gone. but now here he was, standing outside of his door, god knows how far away. one hand reaches out silently, reluctantly, before placing it against his shoulder, feeling that, yeah, he’s really there. “ i .... you should probably come inside. it’s fucking cold out. “ he grabs onto pico’s arm with an iron grip, pulling him inside before the door shuts behind him. they .. have a lot to talk about. 
                                        @funkin-merc !!  //  starter  call. 
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amane-by-together · 3 years
Hanafuda || Amane Yugi
(Part 2 of 10)
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genre: fluff, school, slice of life, modern au (where all wonders live)
warnings: cursing, grocery puns
summary: amane yugi spends his school days skipping classes until he meets [name] [surname], a student from the other class, who was also skipping classes and eventually the two of them formed a platonic friendship. cutting classes and playing hanafuda together strengthens their friendship but soon unexpected feelings blossom between the two.
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[name], for the first time in weeks, finally decided to take just one class for the sake of her attendance. In Amane's case, he almost forgot where he was seated but thankfully he remembered that he sat behind Yashiro Nene.
“Why the hell do I have to go to class, cheese and fucking fries.” [name] grumbled under her breath. “Just one whole class for this day and the rest I'll skip,”
“[surname]-san!” [name] frowned at her guy classmate (or does she even remember him) who was standing in front of the entrance blocking her way. “It's a rare thing for you to come to class.”
“Mind your fucking business you person I don't bother to remember.” [name] wore a distasteful expression to the guy so that he will know that she ain't interested in playing with him. “First thing in the morning and I'm already pissed as hell.”
[name] lazily made her way to her designated desk and sits down. Everyone stared at [name], who was currently confused why they had their eyes on her. She suddenly became uncomfortable. “What?” she said in a cold tone. “The fuck are you all looking at?”
In fear, everyone turned their heads back and continued what they were doing. [name] rolled her eyes, she didn't have any time to deal with their shit.
‘I'm gonna go out after lunch, I hope Amane-kun was there, otherwise it'll be lonely...’ [name] rests her cheek on top of her palm, looking at the board with an unamused expression. ‘I've been hanging out too much with Amane-kun, if only we're both classmates—’
“[surname]-san.” [name]'s thoughts were interrupted by her teacher's voice. She tilted her head waiting for another word. “Someone wanted to see you.”
‘Who tf—?’ The annoyed female stood up from her chair, she let out a small sigh. Who would want to see [name] in the middle of the class? Well maybe that someone would return something to her, the thing is, she didn't lent anything amongst the hundreds of students in the school. Then, who could it be?
“Sir, may I ask who?”
“Yugi from Class A.”
[name] blinked. “P-pardon?”
“He wants to give you something.” [name] swore she saw the teacher smirk at her. The whole class looked at [name] again but this time they were mentally teasing her.
Tsukasa's eyes widened in pure shock, he glanced over to [name] and smiled brightly. “[name]-chi is Amane's girlfriend?”
And soon everyone started to fangirl loudly. [name] facepalmed really hard muttering “Shut the fuck up.” under her breath multiple times. Her ears started to burn because of embarrassment. “You all must be mistaken.” she chuckled nervously. “We're not dating.”
“Hmm, then explain why I always saw you two together during lunch?” Tsukasa asked with a teasing glint in his eyes. [name]'s eye twitched in annoyance now that the younger twin seems to be supporting the idea of she and Amane being together.
“Uh, can I go now?” [name] pointed at the door wincing to escape the situation. “I can't let him wait that long.” She walked out of the classroom and saw Amane waiting for her outside with his hands on his back. Was he hiding something?
“Amane-kun.” The said boy had his head perked up to her direction, [name] went over to him and shot her hand up. “Yo.”
“Why is everyone staring at us?” Amane pointed at his finger towards the group of classmates peeking over to the two teens.
“Don't mind them.” [name] swats her hand. “Anyways, why did you call me?”
Amane gave her a small paper bag. [name] blinked twice and gently grabbed the bag. “What's this?”
The choppy haired boy's cheeks turned red and started talking in pout while looking away. “It's a bracelet...” he murmured. “They're matching bracelets, I'm currently wearing mine.”
“You bought this for me?” [name] resisted the urge to hug Amane, if only her classmates weren't watching her. She smiled, pink dusted upon her cheeks. “Thanks Amane-kun.”
“I-It's no big deal, really, but I'm glad you like it.” Amane sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while grinning.
[name] placed her hand on his shoulder, stood on the tips of her toes slightly and whispered something on his ear. “By the way do you want to skip classes after lunch?”
“I kinda plan to do that so I guess it's a yes.” Amane whispered back at her.
“Yeah, we're definitely skipping again.”
The two of them broke down in a fit of giggles as they pulled away from each other. “Hey [name], do you have plans later?” he asked.
“Not really, why'd you ask?”
Amane's cheeks started to burn again, he gained a little confidence and looked at [name] in a flustered state. “Well, why don't we go somewhere else after school? Just the two of us?”
“Of course.” [name] answered. Amane let out a sigh of relief and smiled back at his female friend.
“I gotta go back to class.” Amane patted her shoulder before dashing off towards his classroom. “I'll see you later!”
“You too,” [name] had her hand slightly raised up. She let out a small chuckle and looked at the paper bag. “Amane-kun, you really are a wonder...”
She quickly switched back to her aloofness and glared at her classmates. “The fuck are you all looking at?” she asked as her classmates hurriedly went over to their desks. “Honestly, when will they learn not to meddle in a private conversation.” she murmured right before she entered the classroom
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“I don't fucking get this projectile motion.” [name] was in a state of existential crisis remembering the physics lesson that they tackled during class. “Did I really skip that much?”
“In my case I only understood Earth and Life Sciences.” Amane changed his school shoes and placed them inside his shoe locker. [name] waited for him, placing her hand on her waist and whistled a little bit. After that the two of them started to walk next to each other. “[name]-san, did you notice that everyone was staring at you?”
“You didn't think it was you who they were staring at?” [name] scratched her head, her silver bracelet was twinkling against the sunset.
“Nope.” Amane answered. “It's definitely you, must be because you're pretty.”
[name] lets out a weird sound of disbelief and shock. Amane stopped on to his tracks as he realized what he had said. “I-I mean, yeah you are pretty, n-not gonna lie t-though.” he stuttered with a blush forming on his visuals.
“S-sorry.” It was [name]'s turn to blush, she looked down on her feet as her bangs were covering her eyes. “I-It's just no o-one h-has ever called me p-pretty before.”
“I-I always f-find you pretty so...” Amane can feel his whole face burning like embers. The two of them made eye contact and it felt like time had stopped between them. “If you like, I'll gladly call you pretty everyday...”
“Amane...” [name] covered her whole face to muffle her words. She felt so flustered and she didn't know what to do. Amane averted his gaze from her and blushed. “Screw you—”
“I'm sorry but I'm not lying.” Amane cleared his throat, an evident blush was still on his cheeks. “Let's go to the mall, do you want to eat some donuts?”
“Yeah dude!” [name] tries to lighten up the mood so that it wouldn't be awkward anymore. To be fair, Amane was on the attractive side in her opinion, she doesn't really find herself pretty but people have different perspectives anyways.
[name] wouldn't deny it though, Amane has nice visuals and...hands, they looked really soft and warm, she sometimes imagine what would it be like if they held hands. Other than that, he is an affectionate and sweet, then he turns into a sadist and a tease sometimes. “I never got to ask you this [name]-san but are you going out with someone?”
“I never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend.” [name] replied. “No one really confesses to me at some point so basically I'm single, must be nice having one though..” she mumbles the last part.
“I guess everyone must be blind...” Amane muttered to himself before walking ahead, leaving [name] clueless, and then she catched up next to the choppy haired boy.
“Amane-kun, I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna buy some groceries along the way.” [name] puts her hands behind her back. “After that, we can get some donuts and roam around.”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Amane reluctantly agrees with her. [name] wrapped an arm around his shoulders and grinned as he uttered an 'oof' from his lips.
“I love your gift by the way.” [name] raised her wrist in front of Amane to show her that she's wearing the bracelet. Her eyes widened in joy and pointed out the matching bracelet around his wrist. “And we're matching~!”
But then [name] flicked his forehead. “Ow!” Amane held his forehead while slightly whimpering. “That hurts.” he pouted. [name] let out a plfft sound from her lips, she reached over to rub his throbbing forehead.
“That's for excusing me out of class and my classmates started to tease me that you're my boyfriend.” she chuckled, then she switches to an annoyed tone. “Then your brother called me Nee-san just to tease me.”
Amane stifled a laugh. [name] puffed her cheeks at him angrily. “Oi! It's not that funny!” she harrumphed. She looked like an angry pouting mochi rather than an angry person.
“Hmm~?” Amane cheekily smirks at the latter, he leaned next to her to continue teasing her. “Nee-san~?”
“Don't call me Nee-san you idiot!” An irk mark appears on the side of [name]'s forehead as she reached over to pinch his cheek. “Honestly, you're such a tease.”
“Only for you~” Amane ruffles her hair making it messier than it is. [name] sighed asking how the hell did she end up being friends with Amane who is one hell of a tease.
After a few minutes of teasing and cheek pinching, the two teens arrived at the mall. [name] and Amane went to get some groceries first. “All of these bananas but you can't even notice my peelings.” [name] faked a sniff while putting the bunch of bananas inside the basket that Amane was holding.
“I don't understand why you needed six cans of sprite, can't you buy 7up instead?” [name] silently wheezed as she smacked his shoulder, earning a laugh from Amane.
“Shut up, I don't have—thyme for that.” [name] puts some spices inside the basket. She grabbed some bread from the bread aisle. “I also knead bread too.”
“I also have a grocery joke but aisle tell it later.” Amane added while laughing. [name] bursted out giggling, clutching on to her stomach. “Okay we better stop, the old couple beside us were giving looks of suspicion.”
“O-kale then.” [name] and Amane entered one of the aisles. “Grate minds think alike.”
“Do you live alone [name]?” Amane asked all of a sudden. He doesn't know any much about [name]'s family or background, heck, he doesn't even know if she had siblings.
“I live with Yako-neesan and my little brother.” [name] places some products inside the basket. “Why?”
“Just asking.”
“You seem curious about my family background.” [name] laughs softly while putting two carton of milk in the basket. “My parents are both abroad, my little brother and I lived in Yako-neesan's apartment, which is our cousin.”
“You're an older sibling?”
“Well yeah,” [name] beckoned Amane to follow her to the next aisle. “Maybe you can come over and play with him, he doesn't mind talking to older guys.”
“Did I mention that he wanted to meet you though?” [name] tilted her head towards his direction with a pack of strawberries on her hand. “You two will definitely get along.”
“What was Tsukasa like in class if I may ask?” Amane asked again, sure, even though the younger twin has a life of his own, he can't help but to be concerned with him.
“How the fuck should I know?” [name] raised her eyebrows and tossed the pack of strawberries in the basket. “I skipped a lot of classes so I didn't really pay attention to Tsukasa-kun.”
“It's like you skipped a lot than I did.” Amane sheepishly chuckles but he deadpanned afterwards. “But I can't get a damn thing about Maths.”
“I think we crossed the whole list.” [name] tells Amane with a thumbs up. The two of them went to the lane with few people. [name] whipped out her wallet when it was her turn to check in. “Omigod. Do I really have to carry them all?”
“I could help you carry them.” Amane suggests. [name]'s heart suddenly skipped a beat, she nodded slowly meaning that she needed his help to carry them.
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“There sure were a lot of people in the donut shop.” [name] sighed in a low spirited tone while holding the paper bag filled with donuts. Currently, Amane and [name] were eating donuts with their backs against the wall. “Here's yours Amane-kun.”
Amane took a bite of the plain donut and started munching on it. They were freshly cooked so that's why it tasted good. “So [name], are you going to class tomorrow?”
“I was gonna plan to attend one whole class in one week.” [name] answers while eating her cream-filled donut. Truth to be told, she didn't feel guilty about skipping classes, it was only her escape from pressure and stress in school. “How about you?”
“I guess I'll skip tomorrow.” Amane took out a piece of his donut and showed it to [name]. “Want some?”
“Sure. Thanks.” [name] opened her mouth waiting for Amane to plop the piece of donut inside her mouth. He blushed at the thought of his fingers might brush against her lips. Amane plopped the bite inside her mouth which [name] ate it gratefully. “Here have some of mine in exchange.” she says while handing him the donut.
Amane takes a bite of the cream-filled donut. He glanced over to [name] and saw that there's a bit of cream near her lips. “Hold on,” he pointed at her face. “Um, you got some cream on the side of your lips.”
“Huh? Here?” [name] pointed at her face. Amane shakes his head since she can't see where he was pointing. He sighed and reached over to wipe the cream off her lips using his thumb and quickly licked it.
Amane smirked slyly at her. “The cream does taste good.” he said in a playful way. [name]'s face grew red at the sudden action that he did, he decided to tease her a little bit so he moved his face closer to hers. “You seem a little flustered~ hmm~?”
[name] leaned back and averted her gaze from him. “Well, that looked like an indirect kiss.” she protested while pouting slightly. Amane let out a light chuckle and smiled.
“Sorry, I can't help but to tease because you're so cute.” He said with a slight smirk and he reached over to lightly pinch her cheek. “Your cheeks are red~”
“Ok, that's enough.” [name] pried his hand off her cheek and rubs it a little. Amane stares at her in a lovestruck awe, the way she blushes and pouts made him feel like he just wanna hold her protectively in his arms. “I finished my donut, let's get going now.”
The two of them got out of the mall. The skies were as pink overlayed with an orange color that the sun was setting. Amane stared at [name]'s hand, he blushed at the thought of hold it. “[name]-san...” he came to a halt.
“Yeah?” [name] said.
“Can...I...?” Amane looked down while mumbling incoherently. [name] tilted her head in confusion as he waits for him to speak. Amane must have looked like a strawberry right now. His eyes meet hers as he gains a bit of confidence. “C-Can I hold your hand?!” he asked with a hint of embarrassment.
[name]'s cheeks turned red at the sudden request. She stared at her own hand and then his hands, for some reason his hand looked warm. “T-that was a strange thing to ask, I'm sorry—” Amane swats his hand in denial.
“I'm sorry, what?” Amane's eyes widened. [name] turned away from him and blushed intensely, he looks at her hand. “You don't mind right? Me holding your hand...?”
“Mhmm...” [name] brushes her hand against his so that Amane would know that it's okay to hold her hand. Amane laced their hands together, tenderly holding her hand. [name] can hear her heartbeat hammering inside her chest. “You really like being coddled, huh?”
‘Her hand feels soft.’ Amane looked at their hands linking with each other. ‘They fit so perfectly with mine...’
“Shall we continue?” Amane asked with a shy smile. [name] hummed in agreement as the choppy haired boy gripped on to her hand softly, grinning at the female. “Let's take you home then~”
The two teens started walking together hand in hand, feeling each others warmth till the tips of their very own fingers. Amane mumbled something under his breath.“I love you,”
“Eh?” [name] didn't quite hear what Amane just mumbled.
“I meant your hands!” Amane blushed that he accidentally slipped that out but thank god she didn't hear it. “I love your hands——They're really cute!”
“Well your hands are pretty much gorgeous than mine, you have long fingers...” [name] raised their intertwined hands together in front of Amane and smiled softly. “See, our hands pretty much fit together.”
“Yeah...” Amane smiled contently, hoping that this moment will never end. If [name] continues to act like this around him,
Then, he would most likely to fall for her even more.
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-end of part 2-
thank you for reading, be sure to like and reblog if you love this part~!
taglist: @closetwaffle @closetweebsmh
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fatouseckcreates · 3 years
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Now entering the last days of the holy month of Ramadan, I’m reminded of my last year’s Korite, which I spent with my namesake’s family in Arafat. Though I’d visited the country during Ramadan before this was the first time I spent it from beginning to end. For most of it, I was down. I missed my family and friends. Fumbling through the language barrier, while constantly readjusting to sociocultural differences was kicking my ass. As everyone in my home was pulling closer together, praying and fasting together, it felt like there was no place for me. And while I have in the past fasted out of solidarity, I was just getting over being sick, and not being able to eat all the foods I loved. The thought of not eating for another month didn't exactly have me jumping for joy, but still I wanted to show my respect so I fasted. 
Fasting from food and drink is only one part of the holiday though. Its praying, breaking fast together, treating people with grace, being forgiving, fortifying the spiritual body through your relationship with God, and with your community. It’s beautiful, really. And I think this is why so many Muslims get excited for this time of year to come around. While I admire the discipline and dedication my Muslim family have to their faith, for me, a non Muslim, I just felt hungry, frustrated, and out of place. Stuck in the house, everyone on quarantine, the country under curfew, and corona had me afraid to leave the house, and the country. 
But the month wasn’t bad. I got to spend a lot of time with the baby of the house, Baye Kiss, and tap into my mothering skills, which I’ve always had anxiety about. When everyone in the house was praying, we would hang out together. I took a lot of trial and error to figure out how to get this 11 month old busybody baby who liked to yank and tear everything down, throw whatever object was small enough for his hand and stick his fingers into electric sockets because he was just tall enough to reach them, calm and occupied enough to not be screaming for his mom. All of my siblings are older than me, all my first cousins older than me. So I never had a baby to take care of. But I was so proud of myself that I could eventually figure out what he liked. Putting him to sleep twice had me feeling like a big boss😂. Soothing him helped to soothe me. We would walk upstairs to the roof and say hi to the goats and enjoy the cool night breeze. I would put him on my hip and walk in circles sometimes singing Ayo Nene. He made me feel confident that I could be left alone with an infant and return him to his mom in one piece. 
As the last week approached, I finally got tired of feeling like a lump on a log and decided to go to my happy place ,Arafat 2, Rufisque. Moving out of the country had proved incredibly overwhelming. Even though I’d visited a bunch of times and had established a group of friends, like anywhere in else in the world, like any other sphere of life, things change. People change.  But I always knew one place I could go for a bit of familiarity, a safe, home feeling was Rufisque. Mame Oulimata’s house in Arafat 2. Her children were like my big brothers and sisters, my aunties and big cousins, her grandchildren like my cousins, my sisters, my friends. 
When I left Parcelles for Arafat, I didn't even pay too much attention to the fact that Eid was approaching, I just knew I was tired of staying in this house, and its my Granny’s 83 birthday in 2 days. So I got up, packed a bag, took a $3 klando to downtown Rufisque, my home away from home. I didn't know it would be my last holiday with Mame Ouli. I remember on the day of Eid she was finally had her appetite back, she was enjoying the food. I took it as a sign her health was improving a lot. My sister friend Aissamba made my dress. Simple and cute. I attempted to do the girls’ makeup so we could have a cute photo shoot in front of the house. That was a dub. Lol, but I still managed to get at least one picture with everyone I could because I wanted to remember that day forever. (I lost that phone and most of the pictures are only in my mind.) The only ones left are a few I sent to my mom of me & Mame Ouli.  I didn't know how much she like pictures and dressing up until this visit. Big Gemini sun/Venus in Taurus energy! She enjoyed herself and so did I. I am grateful to have spent the holiday with her and to get to know her more as a person.
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feverdancing · 3 years
When it rains we run, okay? chapter three.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Nene’s skin crawled as she focused her tired gaze on the window beside her. The sky was still blanketed with thick clouds; fog covered the city lazily weighed down.
Her head was still clouded from last night’s episode. Her body clung to exhaustion, her eyelids refusing to open further than halfway.
Hanako was still working, and he would be until 4. Nene wasn’t sure what he did for work; he always danced around the subject, hiding, giving vague descriptions that could fit most jobs.
Nene never pushed. Hanako would tell her when he was ready.
He trusts her,
He’s always been like this, ever since they were children in middle school.
Amane’s eyes shifted, looking anywhere but her when she asked what he was reading, “Ah, it’s just something I’m interested in, nothing fascinating,”
She never got a direct answer from him… aside from when he was helping her with her studies, but even then, he made her solve it for herself.
Today was a good day.
Nene went to work. She works at a small magazine place; thankfully, they allowed her name to be anonymous. Her boss didn’t care about who she was, made a small comment about how her parents must be supernatural fanatics to name their child such a weird thing, then promptly hired her; her writing was good, persuasive.
Nene has always been persuasive. It’s how Amane still likes her.
Nene went home; she watched TV. She listened to music. The rain didn’t fall.
She’s going to her former teacher’s, Tsuchigomori’s, house for dinner.
Tsuchigomori… that man… knows way too much, for no one saying anything.
He’s cutthroat. As long as Nene and Hanako stay in line, out of sight, he won’t report them. When he found them in the alleyway near the school, he seemed to have already known what she had done.
Her former teacher hid them, keeping a close eye on them. He claimed that he needed to keep tabs on the two of them so they don’t “mess anything else up.”
He’s always been such a strange teacher. He never seemed to care, always distant and annoyed, but when she got injured from Him , Tsuchigomori always was there, having her sit in a classroom, as he tended to her injuries. He prodded for information... For some reason, Nene felt he already knew.
He helped them hide their identities. Gave them a place to hide. But, unfortunately, it seems Nene and Hanako will be in his debt for a long time.
He’s going to report them eventually.
Nene jolts, opening her eyes to look at the time on her phone. Then, she starts to doze off.
It was noon; maybe she could sleep until Hanako get’s off work. Her body seemed to agree, ready to collapse any moment.
She unlocks her phone and sets the alarm for 3:45. Placing it on the table, Nene decides she is too sleepy to walk to her bedroom. Slumping against the old sofa, she tugs her sweater sleeves and closes her eyes, letting sleep consume her consciousness.
Nene had a kitchen knife in her bag.
She was on edge from all the true crime she was watching, well, that and the spike of disappearances recently.
No money to buy a pocket knife or defense weapon. Sure, knives weren’t allowed on the school campus, but if Nene didn’t tell anyone, she wouldn’t get into trouble.
She remembers clearly how the tall male seized up when she stabbed him.
Her eyes wide, her breath shallow, the ringing in her ears when he screamed. Her arm pulling the knife out and driving it back in.
He fell. Nene fell on top of him, raising her arm.
Stabbing over and over, she gasped for air, choking and sobbing violently.
Nene was above him, shaking as she looked into his dead eyes. He looked like he was terrified, in excruciating pain.  
Mokke didn’t feel the guilt. After what he did, he deserves this.
Nene was afraid. Why didn’t he just listen? Why did it have to come to this? Why didn’t he stop? She didn’t want to kill him. He shouldn’t have died.
She sat on her knees above him. Staring at her hands on the knife.
Gasping, she lets go, backing off of him, slamming herself into the wall behind her, staring at the corpse with horror.
A knock on the bathroom entrance is what breaks her intense gaze.
Nene’s face was wet as she reached for her phone. Her alarm had gone off.
She groaned, sliding her thumb over what she believed was the alarm. Using the sleeve on her shirt to wipe the tears from her face.
The apartment was silent. Only the sound of light rain hitting the building and cars moving below could be heard.
Nene sits up slowly, taking note of the pain in her neck.
She stares at the phone in her hand, watching the screen darken, then turning black.
Hanako shouldn’t be here for another 30 minutes…
Nene set the phone on the table and looked towards the window.
At least the rain wasn’t that bad.
Nene sighs, looking down to the coffee table in front of her,
She didn’t feel right, the exhaustion still weighing heavily on her. She tugs on her sleeves, wrapping her arms around herself, listening to the rain let up, slowly dissipating.
A small break of rain. It wouldn’t last long. The forecast states thunderstorms and heavy rain for the next week.
Nene decided it’d be best to stretch, feeling the desire to sleep grow stronger the longer she sits there.
A loud yawn comes from her as she raises her arms above her head and arches her back.
Moving towards the kitchen, Nene briefly glances at the time on the microwave and opens a cupboard for a glass. She reaches for one, standing on her toes to grab it. Then, slowly closing it, she goes over her options for a drink.
Water, milk, coffee, Nene was almost sure they had some juice in there, but she wasn’t sure. She could put her ice in the coffee… but she would have to make a pot, which she didn’t want to do…
Nene turns the facet on, shoving her glass underneath the water.
Water. That’s what she needed.
Watching it fill up, Nene lets it overfill, flowing onto her hand before splashing into the sink. She blinks, turning it off, and pours some of the water out, and taking a sip of it.
It felt refreshing, cool against her dry throat.
Nene relishes in the silence, no rain, no talking. She moves back into the living room, sitting at the couch once again, this time, her exhaustion barely noticeable.
She sits, sipping on her water until Hanako comes home.
He was late, unusual even for him. Nene’s glass held only a few drops of water.
Hanako was out of breath as he walked in, quickly shutting the door behind him. He smiled at Nene, with a hello, before making his way into their room.
Nene blinked. Hanako has never not properly said his hello’s to her.
She set the glass onto the coffee table and made her way into their shared room. She peeked into seeing Hanako changing.
“Are you okay?” Nene asks quietly, making him stop his movement, looking over to her.
Hanako stares, his amber eyes gazing deeply into her as if gauging her motive. He smiled,
“Sorry, I thought I should get ready to leave right now since we might be late to the old man’s place,”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Nene was used to him evading questions, but it was seriously getting on her nerves.
“We’re going to be late, Mokke .” Hanako’s response ended this conversation. For now.
Nene sighs and shakes her head to him, disappointed.
“I don’t like it when you push me out, Hanako .” Manipulation, to get her way, she wanted answers. Tears fill her eyes, “Don’t you trust me? What did I do wrong?”
Amane seems to respond accordingly, his face twisting up into panic as he let go of the shirt he was buttoning up, waving his handing trying to calm her down.
“Mokke, I do trust you, believe me, I’ll tell you after dinner, please don’t cry,” Amane pleads with her, holding her hands in his.
“Promise?” Nene whispers to him, pulling one of her hands away to hold up a pinky, staring into his eyes, her ruby eyes wide and glassy, “ Please, ”
Hanako breaks shakily, connecting their pinky fingers together, “ Promise .”
Nene closes her eyes tightly, leaning into him.
“We need to get ready, starlight,” Hanako says softly.
Nene nods, leaning back and wiping her tears.
She was going to get answers.
Nene shuffles to the closet and opens it, staring at the clothes inside. She listens to Hanako button up his shirt.
She tugged on a cream-colored buttoned blouse and reached for a burgundy skirt.
Slowly she removes her clothes. She knows Hanako turns around regardless of whether or not she wants him to and slips on the items she pulled.
“Hanako?” She looks to him, “Could you grab my bag for me? And shut the blinds? I need to brush my hair,”
Hanako nods, doing as he was told.
Walking into the bathroom, she stares at herself in the mirror. Nene reaches for a brush and starts making her way through the knots she got while sleeping. She pauses,
Ao-chan always brushed her hair during break since Nene always overslept.
Nene grits her teeth, pulling her hair into a low bun. Quickly, she shoves the brush back onto the counter, glaring at it, and leaves the bathroom.
Hanako was slipping his shoes on, looking over to her with her bag in his hand,
“Are you ready?” She nods.
He helps her put her shoes on, and they leave, Hanako locking the door behind them,
“I put your phone in your bag,” Hanako informs her,
“I forgot about grabbing it,” Heat rushes to her cheeks, “Thank you Hanako-kun,” A smile on her face was enough of thanks to him, but she needs to make sure he knows he’s appreciated.
Hanako smiles back, grabbing her hand and pulling her along as they make their way to the elevator.
The walk there was nice. Neither Nene nor Hanako owned a car, let alone had a license to drive one. The clouds had broken up to let the setting sunshine down on the city.
Purple and orange hues filled the clouds, forming something akin to a painting. It was pretty, yet the only thing Nene felt looking at it was a bitter melancholy. The wet sidewalks glowed, reflecting the sun, making the world around them alive.
Something that made Nene uneasy was the dark clouds looming in the west.
The streets were empty, it was getting late, most people had gone home, to their families, or were having dinner.
They turn a street, spotting the familiar old but fancy-looking apartment. Hanako’s hand on hers seemed to tighten, giving her a soft squeeze as they made their way inside.
Instead of the elevator, they use the old narrow stairs.
The two arrive on the teacher’s floor up seven flights of stairs, completely out of breath. Nene laughs in between breaths, “Hanako-” She gasps slightly, “We should’ve used the elevator,” Hanako joins in on her laughter.
They stand there for a few moments, catching their breaths, composing themselves.
Hanko and Nene arrive at the door that has 705 engraved on  a golden plate  and knock.
Nene heard shuffling behind the door as Tsuchigomori unlocked it.
Right on cue, Tsuchigomori opens the door, glaring at the two young adults.
“You’re late.” He hisses out.
Hanako laughs lightly, rubbing the back of his neck, his smile slightly nervous,
“Sorry! Got caught up in traffic, you know?”
“You don’t have a car.”
“Oh right…” Hanako pauses, looking towards Nene, looking for an excuse. His gaze focuses on her before looking back at Tsuchigomori with a boyish grin, “...Got caught up looking at the sky, it’s a lovely sunset,”
Nene and Tsuchigomori both stare at him with a deadpan look.
“Tsuchigomori-sama, We’re sorry to be late; Hanako-kun got home later than usual.” Nene softly says, bowing deeply, her hands folding in front of her.
Tsuchigomori raises a hand dismissively, opening the door wider, and motions them in,
“Just don’t let it happen again.”
Hanako and Nene stepped into the apartment, sliding their coats and shoes off.
Tsuchigomori went towards the kitchen, presumably cooking still.
“You two can sit at the dining table. I’ll be out with the food in a minute.
Nene sucks in a breath.
Now they had to report their month to him.
Hanako was going to tell the truth, Nene was going to make sure of it.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 3 years
New Pleasures
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Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Side Pairings: Eijirou Kirishima x Nene Date (OC), Seijirou Eguchi (OC) x Dokuji (Doey) Kobayashi (OC)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic / Humor / Some angsty things
Story Warnings: Cursing, sex (vaginal and anal via pegging), foreplay (oral via blowjobs, face sitting, and rimming), alcohol consumption, sex toy use and discussion, lots of references to anxiety and self confidence issues
Koge has always had a fantasy about taking more control during sex and, to be blunt, fucking her dear husband with a strap-on. Bakugou, however, is hesitant, though he works through his issues with the kink to create a new and enjoyable adventure for them both. 
Art in banner is by me. You can see the full unedited version on my Twitter ( @hvalrossnoodlez ) IT IS AN 18+ ONLY ACCOUNT AND I BLOCK MINORS IF I CATCH YOU
“Why do you get so embarrassed? It’s just a little adult conversation, honestly-” 
“How is talking about the way we fuck a normal conversation?!” 
“That isn’t at all what I asked! I just made a comment that you should experiment a little, that’s all.” 
“It’s none of your business, Eguchi.” 
Koge sighed quietly as she glanced between the two bickering men, one being her husband beside her and the other being her mentor, who was really more like a part of their family at this point more than her boss. Sure, if they were just close business wise, this would be completely inappropriate, but he was truly more like a brother to her than anything else at this point in their adult lives. Besides, this hadn’t even started out as a raunchy conversation, anyway. Just a tease from Seijirou that Bakugou needed to get laid because he was so anxious and wound up is what started it, but the way he said it is what ticked Bakugou off. 
“Let her do all the work for a change, a dildo in the ass won’t kill you.” 
Oh, boy, was Koge’s first thought, and the bright red flushing of her lover’s ears and irritated snarl appeared faster than she could even think of what to say to calm him down. His retaliation was actually much calmer than she expected, probably reduced by the four glasses of whisky he had consumed up to this point, but she still had to place a hand tenderly on his thigh to remind him that they were in a public place and yelling about sex wasn’t a good idea. He kept a bit quiet due to her silent warning, but it was still just as aggressive as it would have been should he have let it all out. 
Seijirou, though? There was nothing she could do about that. That man had a mouth sharp enough cut diamond, and if he wanted to say something, he was going to. Period. Even his lover had little to no influence, especially now since he was nose deep in his notebook writing away with no recognition of the conversation going on beside him. Koge envied him for being able to shut out everything around him, because now, she was the one stuck in the middle of this and would have to figure out how to get both men to drop it. 
“I didn’t say it was my business! I just made a harmless comment. No need to be so uptight about it, there’s nothing wrong with it. And, from my personal experience-” 
“I don’t need to hear about how good you think ass fucking is, okay?” Bakugou barked, silencing Seijirou with the simple growl of his voice. “If Utsuro wants to take over fine, she does all the time, but I draw a line with shit going up my ass.” 
“Shit technically comes out of your ass,” Koge spoke softly as she sipped from her own glass of whisky, chancing a glance up at Bakugou as his glare turned down to her. 
“Are you on his side?!” 
Face flushing, Koge put her glass down, looking across the table at Seijirou before up at her husband. “Katsuki, I’ve tried to bring it up before, but you’re pretty, uhm… Against it. Though I think it would be fun.” 
“Fun?! For you, maybe! Remember how long it took for you to even be ready to take a dick in the ass? We had to work on it for weeks.” 
“But I’m really small compared to you, I don’t think it would be as hard for you as it was for me.” 
With a heavy sigh, Bakugou rested his elbows on the table, rubbing his face with both hands vigorously in frustration. “Utsuro… Eguchi. It isn’t going to happen. And even if it did, your stupid ass would be the last to know.” Pointing an accusatory finger at Seijirou, Bakugou’s annoyance visibly spiked at the amused smirk on the older man's lips. “What the fuck is that face?!” 
“It’s just funny that you think I don’t know every little thing about you. Your wife has to have someone to rant to and give her advice, you know. Do you need some advice, Bakugou? I’m an experienced man, I can help you in whatever you need!” Seijirou leaned back, letting his arm rest across the back of the booth behind his lover. “Isn’t that right, Doey?” 
“Hm?” Dokuji barely picked up on the sound of his nickname, icy blue eyes tearing off his notebook to glance around the group. At first, his freckled nose scrunched up in confusion at the varying expressions on everyone’s faces, before sitting up to turn his full attention to Seijirou. “What? What are you fighting about, now?” 
“I’m just saying that Bakugou needs to relax and let loose and letting Koge use a toy or two on him would be good for him. He doesn’t agree.” 
“No, I don’t fucking agree!” Bakugou snapped, slumping down into his seat with his arms crossed over his chest as if he were a child throwing a tantrum. “It’s stupid!” 
“Hm, no, I don’t see him doing that.” Dokuji picked up his drink, taking a few deep swallows of the light-colored beer before continuing. “It would absolutely damage his fragile ego.” 
“Hey! Fuck you, carrot top! I don’t have a fragile ego! I just don’t want shit in my ass-” 
“-But there’s already shit in your ass, Katsuki-”
“-Utsuro, your comments aren’t helping!” Bakugou took hold of Koge’s face in his hand, squishing her cheeks together to pucker out her lips in punishment. “This is your fault, you know! Telling him shit about us and that you want to do that!” 
“He’s easy to talk to.” Koge spoke against the pressure on her cheeks, not at all perturbed by his retaliation or aggressive demeanor. “And I figured he’d be better to ask than anyone else, especially for that.” 
“But that shit is between us!” 
“I’m sorry, Katsuki, I… I guess I shouldn’t have.” The visible upward furrowing of her brow had Bakugou’s grip loosening, her guilt at upsetting and embarrassing him so much becoming quite visible on her typically void expression. “I suppose… I mean… I guess I don’t have an excuse. It’s just a fantasy of mine I had always wanted to do, and I was hoping I could talk you into it eventually if I knew more about it. Sorry…” 
With a heavy sigh, Bakugou released her face to instead run his fingers through her hair softly, giving her forehead a tender kiss in acceptance of her apology and a silent hint that they would talk about it later. Yes, Bakugou had known for many years that Koge had always wanted to really take control, to use toys on him and maybe even a strap, but the thought just… what did it do? How exactly did the thought of doing those things make him feel? Was he really disgusted by it or was he just embarrassed? Or was it really that his ego was too big to even allow Koge to completely dominate him like that? 
Now he was just confused and feeling… selfish. 
“It’s healthy, y’know.” Dokuji spoke up again, gaining the attention of the couple across the table. “For your relationship, to try things that one person wants but the other is a bit uncomfortable with. And it’ll open you up to something you might actually like, on top of like… bonding or whatever. Just take the dildo in the ass, man, don’t be a fucking coward.” How quickly his calm demeanor switched into annoyance had Koge and Seijirou almost cackling, both holding their breath as Bakugou nearly leaped over the table to strangle the redhead, slamming his hands on the table to rattle the glasses. 
“Fuck off! It’s not about being a coward! You don’t fucking get it.” 
“Oh no, I get it. I was like you before, completely ignorant to everything outside of traditional sex, but in my young rebellion I started acting out and experimenting to find out who I was attracted to really and what I liked, since I was so in the dark about myself. This prick opened my eyes to a lot of things,” In his reference to Seijirou, Dokuji reached up and flicked his lover on the nose, gaining an annoyed whine and smack of the hand in retaliation. “Because there was a lot I didn’t know and was scared of, or uncomfortable with, but now it’s like… fun. I guess. And not just sex, dude. Like… Even just keeping up my appearance and taking better care of myself.” 
Huffing as a simple stroke along his back from Koge had him sitting back down normally, Bakugou’s glare bounced from Dokuji, to Seijirou rubbing his nose, to the half empty glass of whisky in front of him. Sure, this shit was making sense, but it still didn’t make him feel confident enough that he’d be able to pull it off without backing out. Would he do anything for Koge? Absolutely. He’d die for her. But her fucking him with a strap was… difficult for him to agree to. 
“It’s okay, Katsuki.” Koge spoke up softly after a while of silence, timidly taking his hand. “Don’t stress about it. I won’t bring it up again.” 
Resting his elbow on the table, Bakugou hid his face in his free hand, rubbing his flushed skin and tired eyes as he let out a heavy sigh. “I just can’t think about this shit right now, Utsuro. It shouldn’t even be something we’re discussing in public. Knowing my luck, there’s a fucking reporter here or some shit and there will be an article out tomorrow about how I want to be fucked in the ass.” 
“I doubt that, love.” Resting up against him, Koge laid her head on his shoulder, taking a sip from her drink while she avoided looking up at the men across from her. Although she was trying to hide it, she really did feel ashamed for this entire conversation happening, knowing she should never have talked about such private things with anyone in the first place. Even though she could hide it outwardly, her guilt and Bakugou’s embarrassment were palpable, bringing an awkward and deafening silence to the once talkative table of friends. It wasn’t long before they decided to part ways, with Seijirou and Dokuji taking a taxi home while Bakugou and Koge walked the couple of blocks back to their house. 
Although they held hands and walked close together as always, the heavy awkwardness didn’t fade. In fact, it grew heavier and heavier with every step they took, until it felt like they were tied down by the ankles by the time they reached their front door. Neither of them really even made the move to unlock the door, standing there beside each other with fingers laced and gazes averted. There were many moments that Koge thought a sudden heavy intake of break would mean that he was going to speak, but each time there was only silence, until he finally pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. 
They showered. They brushed their teeth. They got comfy in pajamas. They fluffed their pillows and settled into bed. And that was when Koge couldn’t take it anymore. 
Since he was on his back with one arm resting up over his eyes, Koge slowly and sneakily cuddled in close, wiggling herself under his free arm to latch herself to his body. Tenderly, she kissed his cheek, trailing more down along his jawline and neck before she settled down against him. 
“You still love me?” 
With a delicate touch, Koge traced her fingers along a scar he had on his upper left pectoral, watching his chest move with his calm breathing. “I really am sorry, Katsuki…” 
“It’s fine. Honestly, I can’t expect you to not talk to people about us, especially if you’re looking for advice. I do it, too. It’s hypocritical of me to be mad at you for that.” 
“I just feel bad it got brought up like that and it made you so uncomfortable… But we don’t ever have to talk about it again if you’re against it. There’s always other things for us to do.” 
“But you really want to… right?” 
Falling silent, Koge nuzzled her face more into his skin, squeezing herself in as close as she could. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts, speaking quietly. “It… doesn’t matter. Yes, I have a fantasy about it, but that’s all it has to be. I’m more than satisfied with where we are now and the other things that we could do one day.” Sitting up, she plopped down to sit onto his stomach, taking hold of both his hands to push his arms up above his head and finally reveal his face. Smiling, she placed kisses all across his flushed cheeks until he huffed with annoyance, bringing her to place a final one against his lips, releasing his hands to instead caress his cheeks. “But you know what I can’t believe?” 
“What?” Bakugou’s hands fell down to rest on her bare thighs, slowly moving upwards to her hips. His hands against her skin were incredibly warm, and Koge couldn’t help but share another kiss with him with a soft hum in contentment. 
“Mm… I can’t believe that we have this entire night and tomorrow morning all to ourselves, and we’re spending it sitting here like little awkward turtles.” 
Bakugou chuckled softly, unable to help the smirk on his lips. “Are we? I didn’t notice. Let me fix that,” While one hand stayed firmly on her hip, the other came up to caress the back of her head, pulling her down into a more passionate and tender kiss. It was quick to deepen as all tension broke, every morsel of their souls immediately craving to be close to each other, as close as one could possibly get. Before either of them truly knew it, Koge had begun to sink her body down onto his erect cock, both of them sighing in unison as every inch of her was filled to the brim. At first, they found themselves just sitting there, soaking in the feeling of being so close with passionate kisses and tender touches that screamed how strong their love for each other was. Koge could have stayed like this forever with him, but a simple shifting of his leg had him pressing up into her core, and she couldn’t resist moving another second. 
Sitting up from him, Koge began with a light grinding of her hips, her hands trailing down his torso and leaving light pink marks from the raking of her nails. Although it started out very slow and sensual, it wasn’t long before Koge became lost in the pleasure, digging her nails into skin as she rode him with vigor, moaning out freely and face flushed from ear to ear. As he let her take control, Bakugou had to admit that being under her like this was incredibly addicting, completely focused on doing what she could to pleasure them both. 
If he did decide to try allowing her to live out her fantasy, is that what it would be like? Would it really still feel this good and be this enjoyable for the both of them? Could it really still be just as intimate of a moment, or would he feel too vulnerable? He knew that she would take care of him and allow him to take it all at his pace, but it was still such a foreign thought to him. On top of that, all the prepping and just… foreplay that would go into it all. It was so much-
Koge’s voice and pause of her body pulled him out of his haze he hadn’t even realized he had been lost in, pulling his eyes off the random spot on her t-shirt he had been locked on to instead look up at her face. She gazed down at him with visible worry, her hands nervously clutching at the hem of her oversized shirt to fiddle with the fabric, and he immediately felt the pit of his stomach fall at the realization that he… wasn’t as hard as he had been. 
Clearly having noticed that before anything else, Koge sat up a bit until he was no longer inside her, sitting back down on his bare stomach instead. In their silence, the palpable awkwardness returned, and so did the guilt that came to rest over Koge’s shoulders. 
Swallowing hard, Bakugou gave a small shake of his head, glancing everywhere he could in the dark room but at her. “I don’t know what happened, Utsuro, I… My mind wandered.” 
“Did you… not want me on top? Is that bothering you right now?” Her voice was barely a whisper, fighting back a burning in her senses that bubbled with her frustration and confusion. “Or are you… actually upset with me?” 
“No, no! I’m not upset with you!” Bakugou sat up, carefully shifting her from sitting on his stomach to instead on his lap. “I just got lost in thought. I’m alright, Utsuro. We can keep-” 
“-No, Katsuki, it’s okay.” Koge avoided holding onto him even as he put his arms around her body, her hands still clutching at her shirt and head hung. “I should have guessed that you wouldn’t really be in the mood after all that. I didn’t mean to pressure you again.” 
“You haven’t pressured me into anything.” Cupping her cheeks, Bakugou urged her to look up at him, stroking her skin with his thumbs softly. “Koge it’s not that.” 
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I was just excited to have a night alone after so long. I hadn’t wanted to spend it all upset, I thought that I could help you feel better if I… I shouldn’t have been on top. I just wanted you to relax.” 
Frowning, Bakugou sighed heavily, resting his forehead against hers tenderly. “I had just started thinking… I don’t know where my mind was… It’s not your fault.” 
The question was soft, with only a timid glance up into his gaze as she kept hers mostly downcast, the disappointment and regret visible on her from head to toe. With this cut off of the issue, Bakugou knew that he wasn’t going to get anything else out of her about it right now, but he also knew that he had majorly fucked up. Him going soft in the middle of sex was a very rare occasion and only happened usually when he was just too tired, but this was different. No, his thoughts had actually made him uninterested in her and in sex in general right at that moment, and his body reacted exactly how he had expected it to. But how could he tell her that? It would hurt her feelings more than he already had, and at this rate, he was going to have to try very hard in the morning just to get her to look at him. 
Running his fingers through her hair softly, Bakugou gave a small shrug, kissing her forehead before replying. “If you want. But on one condition.” 
“You let me hold you. And give me one more kiss goodnight.” 
Koge spared him a small glance and a miniscule nod after a moment of silence, allowing him to carefully scoop her up and lay them down on their sides where he promptly cuddled her in close to him. The position gave her no choice but to reciprocate, her arm slipping around his torso and legs intertwining with his, and though she was very obviously still upset, she clutched onto him like she was scared he would leave. Instead, he only held her closer, kissing her forehead before receiving that final promised kiss to the lips that she allowed to linger. 
“You still love me, Utsuro?” 
The repeat of the same question she had asked him earlier had Koge’s face flushing, her eyes immediately tearing up with all the frustrations she had been trying to keep down, forcing her to sniffle as she tried to hold it all back. “Yes… Always.” 
“Good. Get some sleep, baby. We can talk about this more in the morning if you want.” 
They didn’t. 
In fact, with the first lights of sun through the blinds of the lazy morning, the couple found themselves completely entangled in each other, spending the few hours they had alternating between cuddling, falling back asleep, talking, and making love. What happened the previous night, both the conversation at the bar and while they were in bed, never came up again, even though Bakugou always expected it to. It was on the forefront of his mind and he couldn’t help but think about it all, and he knew that if he was thinking of it, she was, too. But she had promised to never bring it up again, and she didn’t. Not the rest of the day. Not for a few weeks after. Not even when Seijirou brought it up again later that month. 
But Bakugou couldn’t get it out of his head, and more than anything, he found himself… curious. He knew that ‘pegging’, as he learned it was called, was actually a very popular thing. He was surprised he hadn’t heard more about it in his adult life, or even his adolescence when exploring his blossoming sexual desires on the internet was at its peak. Toys for men, sure, but letting his wife use a strap on him? It was… intimidating, and Bakugou was never one to get easily intimidated by anything. Even still, this kink wasn’t really all that scary. The couple had done much worse, even including knives, risky breath play, tight bondage, and real injury often coming out of it all with bites, bruises, and scratches. There was one clear definition, though. 
It was all things that he did to her. Yes, he would often come out of a session with scratched up skin and a bruise or two where she would bite him in the midst of it all. Yes, she enjoyed it and wanted those harder sessions frequently and she never complained about it. But her, having any significant dominance over him? Never. 
And he suddenly felt very selfish for it. 
Koge had told him before about her fantasies and desires to be more dominant, to tie him up for once and tease him with toys and her body alike. ‘Eventually’, he would tell her, or otherwise just make some type of joke that she wouldn’t be able to handle him like that for long before she begged for him to take over. It had always been a joke to him because he knew that it would never happen. He was too dominant of a personality over her, so much larger in body size and strength that she just wouldn’t be able to push him around like she thought she could. 
Not to mention that it scared him to allow it to happen. 
Bakugou had always hoped that awful nagging in the back of his mind would vanish completely one day. That little voice that always told him to be bigger, be better, to take and want control, to never let or accept it when anyone put him down. It had gotten better over the years, but it was still there. He found that he just couldn’t let it happen, however subconsciously, and he was putting her down every time he did. It truly was his selfish need to hold on to that control keeping him back, no matter how much he wanted to believe it was something else. 
Koge had no negative intentions, he knew that. She would never do something that truly upset him, and she would stop if he asked her to. All she wanted was a chance to live out a fantasy that she had rather than something mutual they shared. She had let him do things she was uncomfortable with at first, and every time it ended up becoming a frequent occurrence to their love making. In the end, there was no fear or excuse he could make up to explain himself of why he couldn’t do what she wanted. It was just selfishness. 
If he was going to go through with this, then he needed advice. A nameless person describing and giving information on a blog was hardly helpful, especially when the opinions and tips tend to be different as he hopped along the endless links and websites. No, he needed serious advice, from someone close to him that he knew had experience with these things, or at least… some type of experience when it came to getting fucked in the ass. 
One morning, Koge proclaimed that she was going to go shopping with her best friend Nene for the day, leaving him to his own devices. This was the perfect chance to see if he could gather those chosen to help him figure out what to do, since his best friend was married to Nene and had the day off from hero work, just as Bakugou did. The other person he knew wouldn’t put up much of a fight. If anything, his partner would, but there was no chance in hell that Bakugou was seeking help from the man that belittled and berated him about it in the first place. 
me 2:09 pm: hey. you two free today?
Kirishima 2:10 pm: Hey, bro! Yeah man, Nene is off with Koge today. 
Kirishima 2:10 pm: Wait you know that. 
Kirishima 2:10 pm: How did you know I was off??? Did I tell you???
Kirishima 2:10 pm: Oh, I did. 
Kirishima 2:10 pm: LOL
Doey 2:11 pm: am i rlly in a txt group with blasty and hardhead rn? 
Doey 2:11 pm: also ffs you txt like a hyperactive girl.
Kirishima 2:12 pm: Wait
Kirishima 2:12 pm: Dokuji???? 
Doey 2:13 pm: i hate it here. what do u need.
With a huff and a roll of his eyes, Bakugou leaned back against the couch, rubbing his temple as he glared at the text messages scrolling by with Kirishima’s incessant multi texts and Dokuji’s snide remarks. For a moment, he thought about backing out, but the gnawing feeling of guilt made him press on. 
me 2:15 pm: shut up. i asked if you were free. 
Doey 2:15 pm: yeah and i said what do u need. 
Kirishima 2:15 pm: Totally free!!!
me 2:16 pm: i need help with something and you two are going to help me. 
Doey 2:17 pm: u have a stick up ur ass or something, dude? ffs just ask.
Doey 2:17 pm: o wait. wait. wait. you dont yet, yeah? 
Kirishima 2:18 pm: Do what now???
me 2:19 pm: just come over at 5!!! fuck, i just need some help. 
Doey 2:20 pm: k
Kirishima 2:20 pm: No worries, man! 
Kirishima 2:20 pm: I’ll be there! 
“Just let her shove it up your ass, dude. No lube. No prep. Just mmph- jam that shit up in there.” 
“I’m not that fucking ignorant, Carrot. I know the prep it takes, we did it with her, but I don’t know the… if it’s the same.” 
“Yeah, dude, it just goes in your ass, it’s not a big deal. You’re such a priss.” 
With a frustrated, heavy sigh, Bakugou slumped down into his seat, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to keep himself calm. Dokuji was doing very little to actually help in this situation, and Kirishima wasn’t much better. ‘Just go for it’ wasn’t something he could realistically accept. He needed to know the process, to understand it from a male perspective, but both of his friends were either not getting what he wanted to know, or just refused to tell him to fluster him further. “I get the whole point. I get that the fucking thing goes in my ass. I want to know where to start, you fucking dickwad.” 
“By shoving stuff up your ass, man! Do you still have the toys you used to train Koge? Use the same ones.” Dokuji pulled his legs up onto the couch, crossing them comfortably and leaving his slippers on the floor. “You’ll still want to start small, even if you’re like… three times the size of her.” 
“Nene and I started with just fingers and stuff during foreplay,” Kirishima finally spoke up after a while of embarrassed silence. “And we just moved on to bigger and bigger toys after a while. Took like… three months to get to a decent strap on size. But I also did some training on my own when I’d… y’know.” Clearing his throat, he sipped nervously from the glass of wine Bakugou had offered him, timid crimson gaze flashing between the two other men without making eye contact. “You have to do a lot on your own.” 
“Finding time to myself is a problem. I rarely need to jack off, anyway. Koge always wants to fuck, so if I’m horny, she’s all over me.” Taking a sip from his own glass of wine, Bakugou stretched his long legs out in front of him, his aching knees popping. “I wouldn’t even have the time to if I needed to. If I’m not here, I’m at work. And if I’m here, Koge’s here.” 
Dokuji gave a yawn, leaning his head back. “Make time. In the shower is the best, really, I doubt she joins you every time.” 
“She would if I let her, but she knows I need my space, too. Just like she needs hers. I just know that she’s going to catch on… She’s too intuitive.” 
“Oh, you aren’t going to tell her you're prepping for it? What, you just want to surprise her one day?” Dokuji smirked, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “Just lay on the bed, displayed for her with a plug in your ass? Candles lit, rose petals-” 
“-Okay, shut the fuck up-” 
“-wine, lube, soft jazz-” 
“-oh no wait, you’d rather have heavy metal, right?! So she can really pound you-” 
“-Alright, I get it!” Bakugou finally barked, glaring daggers at the snarky older man. “Not telling her is stupid! But I don’t want her to expect it!” 
“Why don’t you want to tell her?” Kirishima asked curiously, taking a quick glance at his phone as he received a text, the alert a soft ding that vibrated through the room. “Are you embarrassed to? Or you really just want to surprise her?” 
“I just know that she’d try to talk me out of it, now. Or she’d feel like she guilted me into doing it, and then she wouldn’t enjoy it. Surprising her would be more fun, for her. That’s the whole point of this. Also, I’d rather try to hide it just in case it’s something that I end up not being able to do… I don’t want to get her hopes up just to bail.” 
Kirishima gave a soft hum in understanding, rubbing his chin as he thought. “True… You’ll just have to find time to prep and practice without her around.” 
“I hardly even know where to start, though.” 
Suddenly, Dokuji stood, beginning to make his way up the stairs to the second floor of the home. With a click of his tongue, Bakugou stood as well, placing his glass of wine and phone down on the coffee table at his knees. “Excuse me, where the fuck are you going?” 
“To find your fucking stash! You want to know how to start, I have to see what you have!” Dokuji huffed as he continued up the stairs and around the corner before Bakugou could even take his first step, though the blonde was quick to leap two steps at a time to catch up the instant Dokuji finished with his proclamation. 
“Hey, wait, Carrot! You can’t just go dig around in my fucking house!” 
“I’m not! I knew you were going to follow me, so hurry the fuck up!” Dokuji glowered at Bakugou as he waited at the entrance to the master bedroom, being respectful enough to not go in. “Show the goods.” 
Glancing behind him as Kirishima joined them, Bakugou felt heat spread from his ears across his cheeks, starting to feel that nervous nausea beginning to build up in his stomach. Was he really about to discuss sex toys with his friends? The thought of digging through and picking what toys he should use from Koge’s stash was horrifically embarrassing, but he knew that if he didn’t have their help, he may end up too ambitious and ruin any chances of success he had. So, with a deep breath and a hard swallow to keep down the vomit, he headed into his bedroom, allowing the other two to follow him in. “Just… stay by the bed, I’ll bring them out.” 
“All of them.” Dokuji reiterated, meandering around the room as he looked around curiously in wait while Bakugou shuffled into the walk-in closet. Though, little did he know that there were too many for Bakugou to just carry. So, the blonde dumped out a dirty laundry bin on the floor for the meantime, placing the toys inside it from the drawer they had been hidden in. He was a bit too ambitious with his scooping and dumping, accidentally startling himself as one turned onto a high vibration and he had to rush to turn it off, feeling his face flush once again at the amused scoff from the bedroom. 
Once sure he had them all, he carried the basket back into the bedroom, placing it on the bed and allowing the two other men to come look at the contents. Dokuji gave a click of his tongue, starting to dig through them to find the ones he thought would be appropriate. “Fuck, most of these are anal toys already. This rivals Seiji’s collection. Actually, some of these are the same!” 
“Kook probably suggested some to her.” 
“I don’t doubt it. Okay, man, here’s the deal. When doing this on yourself, don’t use shit like this.” Dokuji held up a gel silicone dildo that had no base, wiggling it a bit to emphasize his point. “With all the lube you have to use, you’ll lose it up your ass. And believe me, that’s not a fun ER visit.” He tossed it to the side, along with others that were similar to it. “Avoid these bead things.” More tossed to the side. “This is like a g-spot toy, fuck that. Fuck that, too. You’ll never get to that size, fuck that one.” With each one tossed to the side, Bakugou grew more and more irritated, wishing that Dokuji would just pick out the ones that would be good instead of going over what was bad. But, before he could retort, Dokuji finally grabbed a couple of small beginner metal anal toys that they had first used with Koge. 
“Here! These fucking things. Though, they’re almost about as wide as your fucking sausage fingers, so maybe you can just finger yourself instead if you’re scared of these.” He put down the set of toys, tapping on one a few times to focus on it. “Though this plug would be good for training. Wear it during the day when you know you’re going to practice that day. Eventually, you can work yourself up in size. Here,” He dug through the collection again, finding a variety of anal plug sizes and setting them out in order. “I’d work yourself up to at least being able to handle this size before you let her use anything on you.” 
“Leave it in…? For hours?” Bakugou’s nose scrunched in annoyance, unsure he could function with something in his ass like that for hours. “I mean… Koge did it, but I didn’t think that was so much of a requirement.” 
“Don’t puss out, it’s not that bad. It’s not like a constant pleasure type of thing. Yeah, you feel it, but if you aren’t turned on, it doesn’t affect you. I mean, yeah, it can turn you on feeling it, but just don’t until you’re ready, y’know?” 
“That makes no fucking sense…” Bakugou looked over at Kirishima for some type of emotional support, though Kirishima just nodded in agreement with Dokuji.
“You gotta do it, man. I mean… I even went to work with it and stuff. Like if you know that’s gonna be a part of your night, it’s actually kind of hot to wear it all day. It’s exciting, and Nene goes crazy for it!” 
“And what size are you at?” 
“That big one.” Kirishima gestured to the largest size of plug. “Nene uses that size of dildo on me. The one that Doey said you’d never get to? Yeah, that one.” 
“Tch… and you’ve been doing this shit for, what? How long?” 
“Uhmmm I think like five or six years, man. We don’t do it all the time, and it started out with her just sticking a finger in my ass one night, and it was like wow, y’know? Like boom, fireworks in my gut.” 
“I just don’t see how it could feel good…” Bakugou grumbled as he picked up a different toy that Dokuji had sectioned off as appropriate for use, one which he and Koge used very early on during her journey so that she could have the feeling of double penetration. “Even for Koge, I don’t get it, but she gets off on anal way more than regular sex most of the time.” 
“We have a little thing in our ass called a prostate. It’s kind of like a woman's g-spot. I guess.” Dokuji rubbed the back of his head, glancing over his selected toys to see if they were appropriate for him to suggest. “It’s like… I don’t fucking know how to describe it. If you don’t do shit right, it can hurt, so just take your time, use more lube than you think you need, and listen to your body. If shit feels off, then stop. But yeah, work your way up in size for these toys here. Clean the shit out of them when you’re done, and then do whatever you want to hide the fact that you’re using them from Koge.” 
“How often should I be practicing?” 
“Any time you jerk off. At least a few times a week, though it also just depends on how fast you want to get to the fun stuff, man. Also how your body reacts to it all. Maybe you already have a loose asshole, who knows.”
Face flushing, Bakugou scoffed as he began to pile the toys back into the laundry basket to return them to the drawer, though he did make a strong mental note of the specific toys and order that Dokuji had laid out for him. “Whatever. Anything else?” 
“What type of lube do you use?” 
“We don’t even have any right now…” 
“Huh? Koge does anal and you don’t have lube? The fuck is wrong with you two, masochists-” 
“It’s not that! The woman is like a fucking waterfall, she doesn’t need it. Kirishima, does Nene need it?!” 
“Oh, Nene won’t do anal.” Kirishima shook his head, cheeks growing pink with the sudden question. “She has this weird thing about being on the receiving end of that. Something about not wanting to have to use diapers when she’s an old woman?” Brow furrowing, Kirishima rubbed the back of his head. “Hopefully that doesn’t happen…” 
“It’s not going to happen unless you constantly use huge dildos. And by huge, I mean fucking four plus inches in thickness. You’re fine, man.” With an amused chuckle, Dokuji gave Kirishima a firm pat on the shoulder before he began to leave the room, calling out loud enough for Bakugou to hear as he headed down the hallway. “Get some lube made for anal! Not the numbing shit, though! I’ll text you a brand I recommend once I remember what the fuck it is.” 
Slowly shuffling out of the closet once he was done putting the toys away, Bakugou rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, barely able to keep eye contact with Kirishima before he felt a rush of embarrassment and had to look away. With a cough to clear his throat, he shoved his hands into his sweatpants pockets, fighting against the awkwardness that he knew he was the only one experiencing. “Thanks. I know this is fucking stupid.” 
“It’s not stupid!” Kirishima grinned, his sharp teeth and bright smile enough to lighten any mood. “I wish I had someone to talk to when I first started with Nene! It’s intimidating, but it’s awesome that you’re doing this for her. I think you’ll both enjoy it more than you think.” 
“It just makes me feel vulnerable in a… weird way.” 
“It’s just Koge. I’m sure she’s seen you in way more vulnerable situations, and she won’t take advantage of you or anything weird like that. Can I make a suggestion?” 
“Don’t do doggy.” Kirishima held up a finger as he spoke, as if he were giving an important life lesson or lecture. “That’s a really vulnerable feeling position. You’re too… big of a dude to ride her, technically, and you shouldn’t do that your first time anyway. So stick with missionary. You can at least see her that way. It’s more intimate.” 
Bakugou felt the fire of his face grow hotter the longer Kirishima spoke, until his ears were burning, and his eyes began to ache. Just the thought of any of it made him want to crawl under his covers and hide, his chest aching with the anxiety of it all. Still, all of this information he gained was extremely helpful and guided him in the right direction, and he wasn’t sure he’d feel confident enough to go through with it without his friends' support. So, he gave Kirishima a strong pat on the arm, before using little pressure to direct his friend out of the bedroom. 
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“Sure! Anything you need, just let me know-” 
“Uncle Doey?! Why are you here?!” 
The sudden loud racket in the living room immediately made Bakugou almost lose his lunch, hearing the soft voice of his lover greeting Dokuji behind the multitude of children's voices. “Ah fuck, they’re home already.” As casually as he could without looking like he was rushing, Bakugou made his way down the stairs, doing everything in his power to swallow his embarrassment and restrain the fire beneath his skin. He caught Koge’s gaze immediately, giving her a small nod in greeting as she smiled at him. 
“Having some boy time?” Struggling with many shopping bags hanging off her arms, Bakugou was quick to jog to her side and help, taking them from her and placing them off out of the way on the floor near the fireplace. “Thank you, love.” 
“Sure, Utsuro. And yeah I just figured we’d… hang out for a bit while you were shopping.” 
Before he could say anything else, his daughter's voice caught his attention, looking over to watch Natsuki as she wandered around Dokuji, who was purposefully keeping his back to her. 
“Uncle Doey, why are you here?! Is Uncle Seiji here? Did you bring me a gift?” The blonde four-year-old circled him, though Dokuji continued to playfully ignore her. 
“What is that buzzing sound? I hear a little gnat or something. Matsuki, do you hear it?” Dokuji turned his attention to the young blonde boy that was the spitting image of Bakugou, doing his best to restrain a laugh as Natsuki tried to wave her arms to get his attention. Matsuki, who was currently pulling books out of a bag, gave a shy smile and nodded. 
“Yeah, that’s been happening all day. Just a weird buzzing sound.” 
“It is weird. Where’s the little bug?” 
“I’m here, I’m here!” Natsuki finally snatched onto his hand, tugging eagerly. The instant she grabbed him, Dokuji took hold of her hand and yoinked her up into the air, making her squeal and burst out with laughter, clambering to take hold of him as he swung her around to sit up on his shoulders. 
“Ah, there’s the bug! How’s it going, squirt?” 
“Uncle Doey, you’re so mean, pretending I wasn’t there!” Natsuki wrapped her arms around his head, shoving her face into his feathery orange hair. “So mean! I missed you!” 
“I missed you, too, kiddo. So what did you go do today? Looks like you spent a lot of money.” 
“It wasn’t my money, silly! It’s Daddy’s money!” 
Dokuji couldn’t help but to laugh, moving to sit on the couch with the little girl still latched to his head. “Oh man, Bakugou, she’s a hoot. Better check your bank account.” 
Bakugou couldn’t help but give an amused scoff, though he did peer down at Koge as she immediately began to leak guilt. “You went over the budget, didn’t you?” 
“N-not by much, no. But I bought winter clothes for me, you, and the kids! Matsuki needed new books to read and crafting supplies, and Natsuki was just begging for this and that. It just went over-” She was cut off as Bakugou cupped both her cheeks, leaning in to kiss her to silence to rambling to explain. 
“I’m picking on you. I already knew you’d go over. It’s okay. You didn’t have to shop for me, though, I told you that.” Letting up on her face, he gave her another kiss, feeling exceptionally affectionate. “Thanks, though. I’m excited to see what you got.” 
Koge smiled softly, stealing one more kiss before he released her. “I just saw some stuff I knew would look great on you; I couldn’t resist. On top of that, half your winter clothes don’t fit anymore ‘cause you just keep gaining muscle. You have to stop that.” 
“I’d turn into flab if I stopped. And I’d probably get my ass kicked. It’s one or the other, babe.” 
“Just keep your cute butt, it’s fine. Oh, I also got your new set of reading glasses that you needed.” 
“What?!” Kirishima spoke up from across the room, standing next to his wife with his twin children hanging off his impressive biceps. “Bakugou, you wear glasses already?!” 
Face flushing, Bakugou stuttered as he snatched the small box Koge had pulled from a bag, immediately shoving it into his pocket to hide them. “Shut up! Only to read!” 
“Daddy! You wear glasses, too!” Kirishima’s young daughter Otoha spoke up, dropping to the floor. “But only in the sun!” Chuckling, Kirishima put his son Daiki down as well, allowing the twins to run off as Natsuki leaped off the back of the couch to chase them. 
“Those are sunglasses, darlin’.” 
“Oh shove it!” Bakugou snapped, storming off into the kitchen with his petite wife at his heels. “You jerks want more wine!?” 
“Oh, Seijirou’s not here?” Koge stopped, looking back at Dokuji, who had his phone out. At the sound of his lover’s name, Dokuji looked up, a moment of confusion flashing across his face as he tried to figure out how to explain this without giving Bakugou away. 
“Ah… he wasn’t up to it.” 
“Really? How weird, I hope he’s okay.” 
“I’m gonna head out, anyway.” Dokuji stood, immediately gaining protest from Natsuki as she ran back up to him to latch to his legs. “I was already out when I dropped by, so he’s probably wondering where I am, anyway. Natsu, I’ll see you next weekend, okay?” Squatting down, he gave the pouting little girl a hug, standing and heading towards the front door with her still latched to him. “It’s the last weekend before Uncle Seiji and I go to America. We’ll visit for sure.” 
“Nooo, don’t go away! That’ll be forever!” 
“We’re just going to be in America for a few months, squirt. And we’re bringing back a big surprise. Remember?” 
“That’s right.” Dokuji smiled softly as he sat Natsuki down, ruffling her wild blonde hair as he shoved his feet back into his boots without lacing them. “We’re bringing Serina home. Uncle Seiji and I have to finalize her adoption papers and wait for her to be old enough before we can bring her on a plane.” As Bakugou approached, Dokuji shoved his wallet and keys into his baggy pant pockets, looking up at him curiously. 
“Let us know if you need anything before you head out. You good?” 
“Yeah man, no worries. I hope I was helpful.” 
“You were, even if you were a smartass. We’ll see you next weekend. Don’t tell Eguchi about this, I don’t think I’ll ever live it down.” 
“My lips are sealed until yours aren’t. Later,” An informal bow, a wave to the rest of the people in the house, and a final goodbye to Natsuki was shared before Dokuji left, leaving Bakugou to shut and lock the door behind him. After shooing his daughter away from the front door, Bakugou immediately caught Koge’s gaze, his face flaring up again with fire at the reminder of everything that had been discussed that day. Seeming to notice, Koge gave a small nod for him to follow her into the kitchen, which brought that feeling of vomiting back to his gut. He had to hide all of this from her for now, no matter how guilty that made him feel. But he also knew that Koge would be able to read him like a book if he didn’t get control of himself.
Once alone with his wife in the kitchen, he decided to busy himself with fetching a fresh bottle of wine from the rack, grabbing two clean glasses for Koge and Nene as well. “What’s up, Utsuro?” 
Arms crossed over her chest, Koge leaned back against the kitchen island, watching him closely. “You had some boy time, huh?” 
“Yeah, we just sat around and talked for a while. Why?” 
“Nothing. It’s just interesting that Dokuji came without Seijirou. Usually they’re attached at the hip, and Dokuji hates socializing. Did something happen, or is something wrong?” 
Waiting to answer until he pulled the cork out of the bottle successfully, Bakugou put the trash and corkscrew aside, pouring equal amounts of wine into the glasses. “There’s nothing wrong, Utsuro. I invited Dokuji to bring Eguchi if he wanted, but he said he didn’t want to. Eguchi and I have trouble getting along, anyway, if you’re not around… I can see why he didn’t.” 
“That’s not true. You two get along better than you think.” Making her way to stand next to him, Koge slipped her arm around his waist, resting up against his side as his arm tucked her in close. “Did you have fun?” 
“Yeah, it was fine. I can’t believe you spilled about my glasses, though.” Glowering down at her, he gave her a good squeeze in punishment, forcing a giggle from her lips. He hoped to change the subject so she wouldn’t pry, and he seemed successful right off the bat. 
“Sorry! I thought you would have told Eijirou already. Don’t be embarrassed, love, it’s okay.” Turning to face him completely, she cupped both of his cheeks, stroking his burning skin with her chilled thumbs. “You look so cute with glasses. Very distinguished.” 
“They make me look like my dad…” Grumbling under his breath, Bakugou placed one of his hands over hers, turning his head to place tender kisses across her palm and fingers. “Mmm… what’s this lotion smell?” 
“It’s like a citrus thing. I couldn’t resist it after trying it on, so I bought some. You like it?” 
Slipping his hand around her waist, Bakugou pulled the petite woman up against him, his lips continuing his affections down her arm. “Smells good. I think I need to lather you up in that sometime.” 
“Ooh, like a sexy rub down?” 
“Yeah, baby. Full body.” He released her hand to put both his arms around her, caressing her small body and urging her up into a kiss. Koge sighed softly against his lips in happiness from the affection, holding onto him tightly as he nearly lifted her up off her feet. He wanted her so badly in that moment, to soak in her affection and have his frustrated thoughts crushed under the happiness being with her brought him. But, nothing affectionate could last in a house full of children, and he was forced to release her at the sound of his daughter screeching for him. 
“Daddy! Daddy?! Are you in the kitchen?!” 
Setting his wife down, Bakugou got one last peck out of her before setting her free, looking over at the entrance to the kitchen as his daughter bounced in, her spiked pale blonde hair perfectly matching the wild look on her face. The instant her crimson eyes landed on him, Natsuki dashed over, quickly followed by Matsuki and Kirishima’s two children. Although Bakugou knew exactly what was going to be requested, he decided to ask anyway, ruffling the top of his daughter’s hair as she came up to him. 
“What’s up, squid?” 
“Daddy, can you make us a snack? Like, a yummy snack. A pizza!” 
“Pizza isn’t a snack, that’s dinner. Are you hungry for dinner?” 
“Yeah, yeah! Pizza!” 
Seeing Kirishima and Nene come in to join the group, Bakugou turned his attention to them, ignoring the feeling of Natsuki swinging his arm back and forth as she waited for her answer. “Would you like to join us?” 
“Sure!” Nene smiled happily, plopping down to sit on a bar stool on the other side of the kitchen island. “We haven’t had a full family hang out like this in a while!” 
“But first,” Kirishima stood behind her, one arm around her body while he leaned forward, propping himself up with his elbow on the countertop. “You gotta put on your glasses, man, I can’t take the unknown!” 
“Daddy is so cute with his glasses!” Natsuki giggled at the immediate glare Bakugou shot her way, sticking her tongue out at him as she went deadweight, swaying back and forth with only her grip on his hand to keep her up. “He actually looks smart!” 
“‘Actually’? Are you saying I look dumb otherwise?” Bakugou picked her up, holding the giggling and snickering child by the arm up near his chest. “Is that what you’re saying?” 
“Yeah! Daddy’s got a dumb face- pfft, hey! No!” Immediately with the insult, Bakugou flipped her in the air and snatched her by the legs so that she was upside down. “Daddy! You’re gonna make me dizzy!” Although she complained, she giggled and cackled as Bakugou walked her over to the refrigerator, guiding her to open it and grab a bottle of juice for the kids to enjoy. “Yay, melon juice! That’s a treat! Can I drink it upside down?” 
“No, you goof, you’ll spill it. Here, put it on the counter.” 
Once four child sized cups and a bag of chips was gathered in the same upside-down manner, Bakugou held Natsuki up high enough to give her a punishing kiss on the cheek before plopping her back down to stand normally on her feet. 
“Alright,” Bakugou began, opening the bottle of juice and catching the gaze of his lover nearby, who was already holding the phone up to her ear to order the demanded pizza. “Let’s get this party started, eh?” 
“A-ah, fuck-!” Bakugou bit down on his bottom lip, pressing his forehead into the cool tile of the shower wall, eyes shut tightly as he did everything he could to keep his voice down. With one leg propped up on the seat they had built into the shower long ago, he kept his gaze locked onto his thigh, watching the warm water that cascaded down his back dribble and gather around his foot, doing all he could to focus. The pleasure made that incredibly difficult, one hand pumping his erect cock while the other was reached around behind him, two fingers plunging in and out of his asshole eagerly. Two months into preparing and practicing to allow Koge to use a strap on him had passed, and he had gotten to the point where he actually enjoyed the pleasure he gained from anal stimulation. 
Could he cum from it alone? No, he wasn’t quite there yet, but it did enhance it all for him in a way that he couldn’t really describe. Whatever sensitive little spot there was inside him really did drive him mad, and he would even get hard just thinking about it. He had also come to realize that going a normal day with an anal plug was not as easy as his friends had made it out to be, and that part of his training had been the most frustrating and difficult. But, it was effective, and Bakugou had gotten to where he could take at least a one and a half inch in width dildo comfortably. With the success of cumming with that, he knew that it was time to get Koge in on this, which is exactly what he was prepping for now. 
He had done the whole deal that Kirishima had talked to him about all day, from wearing a plug most of the day to masturbating at least a little bit before to loosen his body up. The kids were bummed off on his parents, so he didn’t have to worry about that, and Koge was waiting patiently in their bedroom, reading or doing who knows what. From what he could tell, she didn’t suspect anything, but he hoped that he could pull off being just his regular self-up until the very moment he decided to bring it up. He wanted to at least get them going, to pleasure her and get her all riled up so that she would want to do it. 
As he grew closer to his peak in the shower, just the thought of her using a strap on him brought on a new tingling under his skin, an excitement that he hadn’t experienced yet and that was so different from his initial thoughts about this so many months ago. His fear had blossomed into anticipation, and what he was so against before was something he now craved. He wanted so badly to do this with her, and he just hoped that it wouldn’t end up an awful or awkward experience. 
Clamping his teeth together and eyes shut tightly, it took all his willpower to not moan out as he finally came, the release so intense that his entire body felt weak in the few seconds afterwards. Fuck that feels good… It’ll be so intense with her doing it. Ugh, stop thinking about it, you idiot, you’ll get hard again too soon! That’s what I get for not fucking her on purpose the past few days, too, I guess. I just hope she’s as horny as I am. Pushing himself up to stand up straight, Bakugou finished up his very thorough shower and cleaned up the tile wall, doing everything he could to not think about Koge’s body or the pleasure he was hoping for. 
It didn’t help that the petite woman sitting on their bed was already practically naked, sitting within the puffy mess of pillows and blankets in nothing but her favorite silk nightgown. Very engrossed in whatever book she was reading, Bakugou took it upon himself to get her attention, grabbing a pillow and playfully whacking her with it hard enough to make her whine and topple over to the side, her book quickly abandoned in favor of trying to grab the pillow in his hands. 
“Rude! I was reading.” 
“Reading time is over, it’s time to pay attention to me.” His first pillow now out of commission, he simply grabbed another to smack her with, forcing giggles from her lips as she kicked her legs in defiance. 
“There’s nicer ways to get attention!” 
“But this is more fun.” Crawling up onto the bed, he began to pile the pillows on her body, unable to resist a smirk in amusement of her giggles. She was so adorable to him and he found himself just wanting to snatch onto her, but he didn’t have the chance as she exploded from the pile of pillows, tackling him down onto the bed with a war cry and expert skill. Her tiny frame was no match for him in such a battle, and he was easily able to roll them over and pin her beneath him, her arms held up over her head and legs fastened around his hips. She attempted to struggle and push him off with her feet against his hips, but found that she was no match for his brawny frame, a pout crossing her lips with her defeat. 
“You’re too fat! I can’t wrestle with you anymore like when we were teenagers. I could even win sometimes! Now I can’t even get both my hands around your forearm.” 
“That’s because you’re a little shrimp. My cute little shrimp.” His hands sliding up her arms, he let their fingers lace, placing tender kisses down the bridge of her flushed nose. “You’re so fucking cute.”
Cheeks flushing darker from the affection, Koge couldn’t resist her ear to ear smile, squeezing his hips playfully with her thighs. “You’re being so extra affectionate today. All day you’ve been so mushy! I love it.”
“Yeah? Well, you make it hard for me not to be.”
“I also just make you hard… apparently.” With a playful nuzzle of their noses, Koge rolled her hips up against his, stroking her exposed sex along the hard form of his cock beneath his boxers. “Hm?”
Smirk crossing his lips, Bakugou moved to hold both Kobe’s wrists in one hand, the other moving down to hold her hip to grind himself back against her. “Who could blame me?” A low groan rumbled in his chest as he rested his forehead against hers, merely teasing her with a hint of a kiss while his movements grew more eager. “You’re so fucking sexy in that little nightgown, and just the thought of getting to fuck you all day has been driving me crazy.”
“Well you have me now, Katsuki,” Each attempt she made to kiss him was fruitless as he continued to pull back every time, only making her more frustrated and push their grinding even further, until she was panting and gasping softly. “All to yourself. So why don’t you show me what you’ve been wanting?” 
“No, baby,” Bakugou ran hot kisses and nibbles along her neck and jawline, releasing her arms to caress her entire small frame up against him tighter. “I want you to tell me what you want. To do what you want. Anything.” Catching her gaze, he saw surprise only for a moment before excitement took over, her mind immediately going to work to decide on what exactly it was she wanted. That guilt he had felt for being so selfish in their sexual endeavors creeped back upon him in that moment, but her eagerness was quick to pull him back as her hands slipped down between their bodies, freeing his cock from his boxers. 
“I just want you inside me, Katsuki. I just want you to make me cum… please.”
“You don’t have to beg, Utsuro. I told you. Anything you want.” Once her hands were moved out of the way, Bakugou took the chance to sink his entire length into her, bringing a pleasured groan from his throat as Koge moaned. “Ah fuck..! You want to cum, baby? I’ll make you cum-“
“A-ah, yes! Yes!” Koge clutched onto him tightly, pleasure rocketing through her body with the rhythmic thrusting of his hips. The sweet squeaking of her voice as he dug himself deep into her core was enough to drive Bakugou mad, wanting to give her more just so he could hear her moan and scream louder for him. He wanted to do all of this for her, to give her anything she wanted, and her first orgasm was quick to clash into her like a violent wave. It came with nails in his skin, fingers clutching his hair and her body trembling and twitching against him, her voice praising him and soft lips against his ear. This woman was perfection, and he’d be damned if he left her unsatisfied or unhappy for a single moment. 
Before her high could dissipate, he returned to rolling his hips in slower and softer motions, moving his lips back to hers as he dug his fingers into her hair. “You like that, babygirl? You want more?” 
Struggling to speak between her moans, his kisses, and hitching breath, Koge kept her eyes locked with his, her nails raking down his sides to send ticklish and pleasured tingles across his skin. “K-Katsuki… You’ll do anything I want?” 
“I… Can I sit on your face? Please?” 
“Don’t ask me.” Bakugou increased his efforts, slamming into her rougher to get his point across, sending her into a new round of moans with the eye rolling pleasure. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.” 
“Mm… I- I, a-ah-! I want…- Fu-fuck, fuck! Your cock feels so fucking good, I can’t think!” 
Smirking against her lips, Bakugou took this opportunity to tease her a bit, sliding his hand under her head to grab a fist full of her hair. “You have to tell me, Utsuro, or I can’t stop. This is all you… So tell me.” 
“I-I want to sit on your face! Please-!” 
“-No begging-!” 
“Now!” Koge clutched onto his cheeks, fighting through the pleasure to press her forehead into his and glare up at him in frustration. “Lay your ass down!” 
“Mm fuck, that’s it, baby. You’re so sexy when you’re aggressive.” Bakugou kissed her passionately, stopping his movements to instead scoop her body up against his, maneuvering them to where he was laying on his back. Not a second passed that he was settled that Koge had shifted herself off his cock to instead straddle his head, steadying herself on the headboard of the bed. Bakugou took to eating her out immediately once her hips were in his grip, doing what he could to ignore the antsy twitching of his cock at the sound of her moans. 
He had an idea of why she had chosen this exact position. Even though Bakugou truly did love eating her out, this was never particularly one of his favorite ways to do so, and they had talked about that many times. Koge, however, loved it, and he knew that it was more rare for her than what she would have liked. They compromised how they could, of course, and nearly every sexual endeavor they had involved him eating her out one way or another. But by choosing to do it this way, he knew that she was really testing him to see if he was being honest, and he was glad she was being so bold, especially with what his endgame was. He needed her to be bold and firm enough to either ask for the pegging, or to accept his request when he brings it up. 
“K-Katsuki,” Koge spoke breathlessly, digging her fingers into his hair as she was unable to resist a slow rocking of her hips. “R-right there! Ah, fuck!” Her body began to tremble, his hands sliding up her body to grip and squeeze her breasts, pinching her sensitive nipples as he pleased. How turned on she had become was apparent by the incredible flow of her essence that coated his face, and when she finally came again, he couldn’t help but smirk at the feeling of it beginning to drip down the sides of his neck. This is exactly how he wanted her, so eager and consumed with pleasure that she would push him for the things she wanted. Her next demand came after a moment of resting to catch her breath, loosening the tight grip her thighs had on his head. 
“When I move, put your arms up above your head and keep them there.” Carefully, Koge slipped backwards to sit on his chest, then his stomach, until she came to rest between his legs. Bakugou did as commanded, resting his arms under his head comfortably to watch her, though he couldn’t help a slight twinge of embarrassment as his boxers were stripped and flung away to the void that was their bedroom floor. He didn’t really know where the embarrassment came from. Maybe it was the glee in her gaze that made him feel flustered? It was obvious that she was excited, and he wanted to know exactly what was running through that clever head of hers. 
With a firm touch, Koge took his aching cock into her hands, teasing his tip with her hot tongue and letting her saliva flow freely to stroke up and down his length with ease. Just this initial touch from her was enough to make him want to reach down and dig his fingers into her hair, but Bakugou did as he was told, keeping his arms in place as she pleasured him. Well, in truth, it was more like teasing, giving him only hints of true pleasure with every touch, lick, and kiss. It only made him ache more, and he couldn’t resist a light rising or bucking of his hips when it was too much, groaning and cursing in his frustration. 
“Damn it, Utsuro…! That’s driving me fucking crazy!” 
“Is it?” Koge smirked against his sensitive flesh, her hands squeezing and stroking slowly all the way up his shaft until right below his tip, before sliding back down to avoid his most pleasurable areas. Again, Bakugou couldn’t resist a frustrated grunt and shifting of his hips, now clutching on to the pillow beneath his head. 
“Yes! You’re being a tease!” 
“You were the one that said I could do whatever I wanted. Here, let’s do something different, then.” Gripping his legs behind his knees, Koge pushed up and back until his body was bent, immediately making Bakugou flush a bright red and shout out in surprise. “You’re so flexible, Katsuki! All that stretching and weird movements do you pay off.” 
“U-Utsuro, what the fuck-” 
“Hold your legs, pretty please?” Koge leaned over him, smiling slyly in pleasure at just how flustered Bakugou was becoming, and it only grew as he followed her direction to hold onto his legs to keep his body contorted how she wanted. He wasn’t quite used to having his dick so close to his face, or his entire body exposed in such a way, but he couldn’t protest. He had given her this chance, and even if it was different for him, it wasn’t something that he hated. He just needed to adjust and let it all happen, and the excited throbbing of his cock was confirmation enough that he wanted to let it happen. 
“Hmmm, I’ve never had a view like this before.” Koge slipped one arm into an easy position so that she could continue to stroke his member, slowly and lightly pleasuring him as she trailed kisses and nibbles along the underside of his thigh. “You being so shy is cute, but you’re so sexy, Katsuki.” Within the same breath as her words, she ran her tongue along the form of his balls, sucking them into her mouth and increasing the tightness of her hand around his cock. Bakugou couldn’t resist the deep groan that rattled in his chest, though he found it difficult to keep a hold of his legs or stay in position, and he nearly crumbled into himself the instant her tongue slid across his asshole. 
“Ah fuck, Utsuro-” Bakugou did what he could to control the nervous waiver of his voice, though he wasn’t as successful as he would have hoped. “Straight to it, eh?” 
“Well I have a question for you.” Koge continued to tease his sensitive skin, from the base of his cock to his waiting hole, her fingers still pleasuring his straining cock. “I’ve noticed that some of my toys have been missing from my drawer for a while… And even some of my anal plugs. There’s even an unmarked bottle of liquid hidden under your sink in the bathroom. Did you really think you could hide it from me?”
Throat growing strangled from the confrontation, Bakugou couldn’t find it within himself to answer, though his embarrassed crimson gaze locking with hers was clearly enough of a confession as Koge’s lips curved into a smirk. 
“Ah ha… I knew it. What a guilty look. I had thought at first that maybe you pulled them out to use on me. But when that never happened, I began to suspect something else… But I couldn’t ever be sure.” Slipping her hand between her legs, Koge coated it in her slick before running her delicate fingers around his sensitive hole. “And it’s extra clean down here, even for just taking a shower. You wanted me to want this, huh?” As two of her fingers slipped inside him, Bakugou couldn’t stop a sharp intake of breath, his cock twitching eagerly in her hand and face burning violently. 
Even though her fingers were small, the pleasure of her moving them within him paired with the more rigorous stroking of his cock and new sucking on his balls brought forth a restrained moan, leaning his head back and doing what he could to push down the embarrassment to enjoy it. He had always been pretty vocal during sex, and those sounds pushed through the attempted restraint easily, especially as the pleasure grew. It felt so good, more than he had ever really expected, though when her fingers finally curved at just the right angle, he nearly lost it, releasing one of his legs to reach down and take hold of her head. 
“S-stop! Wait-!” 
Confused, Koge did as asked, removing her fingers from him in worry that she had hurt him. “What’s wrong? Did I do something that hurt you?” 
“No-” Breathing heavily to catch his breath from the rush, Bakugou ran his fingers through her hair gently, leaning his head back and closing his eyes to ground himself. “No. I don’t want to cum yet.” 
“It was that fast?” 
“I just wasn’t ready for it. I didn’t expect it to feel so different with you doing it instead. I have something for you, anyway.” Reaching down between the mattress and headboard, Bakugou pulled out a plastic bag that held said surprise, shoving it towards her and dropping it into her waiting hands before he let himself bail on the entire thing. Immediately upon feeling the concealed item, Koge’s eyes lit up and her face flushed bright red, digging her nails into the plastic to rip it open instead of taking the extra time to undo the knot that held it closed.
The excited squeal that left her lips immediately had Bakugou covering his eyes with his arms, groaning in momentary regret, though it was drowned out by her excited rambling. “Katsuki! Are you serious? Are you sure? You’ve prepped this much? This one is nice, it’s double ended! Oh, and fancy lube! You really mean it-” 
“-Of course I mean it!” Bakugou snapped to silence her, though he couldn’t find the confidence to remove his arms from over his face. “But you had better get on with it before I change my mind, or my boner goes away!” 
“Neither is gonna happen.” 
The sound of the bag being tossed away and the bed shifting as Koge sat up on her knees to put on the strap only increased Bakugou’s nervousness, closing his hands into tight fists as he struggled to even keep his quirk in check, which was a feeling he hadn’t had since high school. All the thoughts he had months ago came rushing back to him, making his stomach twist and head spin. It was time now, and there wasn’t any going back, not without absolutely crushing her. 
I can take it. It’ll be fine. It’s just Koge. She won’t make me feel small or vulnerable. It’s fine-
The soft and comforting sound of her voice pulled him back, bringing attention to the fact that he had been breathing quite heavily in his panic. Gathering himself, he moved his arms just enough to be able to peek up at her, the burning in his face somehow growing hotter just at the sight of her, strap in place and smiling down at him softly. She had removed her nightgown and was left mostly bare, her soft beauty bringing back those urges of pleasure in whatever way he could have her. Though, she surprised him as she held her hands out, wiggling her fingers to urge him to take them. 
“Sit up, love.” 
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Bakugou took Koge’s hands and sat up, sliding his hands up her arms as she moved to straddle his lap. Her delicate touch sent tingles all across his skin as her hands worked their way up to caress his cheeks, and her tender kisses soothed his nerves almost instantly. She was so understanding of him, not moving on in pleasuring him until his hands moved down to take a generous squeeze of her backside, to which she responded in kind by stroking his strained and twitching member. Though, she was quick to pair it with the pressure of the toy she had strapped to her hips, using both her hands to hold it against his cock and rock her hips lightly. At some point before she got on him, she had slathered the toy in lube already without him noticing, and he couldn’t help but groan eagerly against her lips. 
“I’ll be gentle with you, Katsuki. Unless you tell me otherwise.” Koge caught his gaze, nudging her nose against his to keep his attention. “How do you want to lay?” 
“Just… on my back. I can’t promise I won’t cum fast, I’m struggling.” 
“That’s okay. I’ll just make you eat me out again if I don’t get to before you do.” 
“Tch,” Bakugou couldn’t resist the smirk on his lips, letting one of his hands come down hard onto her backside in punishment of her snarky comment. “Whatever you want, baby. But you’d better hurry up before I change my mind.” Gripping tightly onto her hips, Bakugou used his strength to push her back so that her butt plopped onto the bed, giving him room to lay down again. Huffing, Koge snatched onto the previously discarded lube bottle, putting the liquid on the toy and over his cock, using her hand to spread it down over his balls and between his cheeks. 
“I’m about to wreck you and you’re being a smartass. You’d better watch it, or I’ll change my mind. Then you won’t get to cum at all.” Putting his legs into position, and finding that she needed to prop a pillow under his hips due to their size difference, Koge positioned the tip of the toy at his waiting asshole, catching his gaze one last time for final approval. Just feeling the tip threatening to enter had his heart racing, and after a final moment of internal nervous panic, Bakugou gave a small nod. The instant it slipped inside, slowly digging in inch by inch, Bakugou had to cover his face again with his arms, struggling to not beg or moan like a bitch in heat. Everything about it was different, from the unfamiliar feeling of this particular toy to the way it filled him and pressed against every sensitive spot he had discovered, and then some. It was incredible, and with the first roll of her hips that brought the toy nearly all the way out of him before plunging back inside, his voice broke with a trembling whine. 
“That’s okay, Katsuki?” Although he couldn’t see her, Bakugou could just hear that Koge was already totally lost in this, even though she kept her current movements slow and steady as she waited for his response. It was difficult for him to open his mouth and restrain his moans, so all he could manage was his typical grunt of agreement, his hands clenching into fists with her slight increase of pace.
Bakugou knew that it was going to end up feeling good. He knew that it was going to embarrass the shit out of him and that he was going to struggle to gather himself once she started. What he hadn’t expected was how he already wanted to beg for more, how his body craved to feel the pleasure crash onto him faster and harder. He hadn’t expected that he was going to strain to hold back his voice to this extent, that each thrust had him wanting to cry out and moan. He hadn’t expected to love it this much so early on. 
“Look at me, Katsuki.” 
He couldn’t. He was sure that the embarrassment would kill him if he had to watch her, but her next move just proved that he really didn’t have a choice. A sharp snap of her hips and rougher pace finally forced all the restrained air from his lungs, his arms moving up so he could clutch on tightly onto the pillow his head rested on. “F-fuck, Utsuro, you can’t- you can’t just- a-ah, damn it!” Still refusing to look at her, Bakugou turned his face into his bicep, teeth clamped shut tightly to do everything he could to hold himself back. He couldn’t turn into a horny little bitch so easily, even if every thrust and the feeling of his cock slapping against his abdomen was driving him nearly mad. His pride wouldn’t let him break just yet, but it was quite clear that Koge wasn’t going to have it. 
“Just let it out, you stubborn brat,” Koge’s voice was tinted with her own pleasure, stimulated from the other end of the strap that rested inside her. “You didn’t care about moaning or hiding yourself while I sucked you off or fingered you. Look at me, Katsuki, and just let it loose.” 
Her hand wrapping around his cock and the first stroke paired with the anal stimulation is what broke him, his entire body shuddering and the restraint of his voice shattering into loud curses and moans. “Fucking shit, Koge-! That’s it! Fucking harder!” 
“Greedy, huh? Only if you look at me.” 
There was hesitation, but it was brief, as the craving for more was stronger than his embarrassment as he grew closer to his release. Opening his burning eyes, he finally tilted his head more to face her, gazing over every inch of her beautiful body and the way her hips slammed eagerly into his. What really captivated him was her expression, flushed and hazed over with lust and excitement more than he had seen in a long time. She was completely lost in the moment, and a smirk crossed her lips as he finally caught her gaze. 
“There you are. Now don’t hold back, love. No one can hear you but me, and you’re so sexy like this,” As a reward for him finally looking, she gave him what he had asked for, pushing him closer and closer to his release. “But I want you to touch yourself while I fuck you.” 
The lack of pleasure from her hand on his cock hand him immediately bringing his own hand down to do as she told him, pumping eagerly. There was no longer any restraint or control of himself like he had to start with, and he allowed himself to grow lost in it all, not caring about how he may be perceived. It was just them and the pleasure, for how long he wasn’t even sure, and before he knew it, he was teetering on the edge of release.
“I’m going to fucking cum, Utsuro-! I can’t fucking hold it anymore!” 
“Do it, Katsuki,” Koge pushed his hand away so she could stroke him instead, wanting to bring him to orgasm completely on her own, keeping the pace of her hips steady. Hands free again, Bakugou couldn’t resist clutching onto the pillow he rested on at his hips, his head tilting back as he let the pleasure overwhelm him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-!” His release was more intense than anything he had ever felt before, and all that time masturbating didn’t prepare him for it like he had expected. His entire body was on fire, the crash of pleasure nearly sending his eyes rolling back. It was euphoria and took much longer to come down than normal, though his first deep intake of breath was quick to bring him back to reality. The first thing he noticed was the incredible amount of hot cum all over his stomach and chest, surprised that it was so much even after having cum just an hour before in the shower. “Holy shit…” 
“Holy shit is right, Katsuki,” Having clearly cum herself, Koge carefully removed the toy from within him before flopping back to sit on her butt, propping herself up on her arms as she heaved to catch her breath. “Humping like that is hard work!” 
Bakugou couldn’t resist a chuckle, letting his arm come up to flop back over his eyes as his body struggled to recover. “Don’t be a pussy.” 
“I still can’t believe you even wanted this. At first I couldn’t understand where my toys were going and stuff, but I really didn’t expect it to be ‘cause you were training.” 
With the click of the strap-on harness coming loose, Bakugou peeked under his arm to look at his lover, who was more focused on removing the toy than watching him. The contented smile on her flushed face had the butterflies in his stomach turn crazed, feeling the heat in his own cheeks spread almost down to his toes, and the urge to clutch on to her was nearly suffocating. Sitting up on weak arms, he yanked the petite woman over to him, who cuddled up into his lap and against his chest without protest or being bothered by bodily liquids that coated them both. In fact, she hummed happily, nuzzling her face up into his neck as he caressed her close. 
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I’d be able to do it or that I would like it at all,” Bakugou spoke as softly as his gruff voice would allow, running his hands along the soft flesh of her thigh. “But it was… Fucking awesome. Sorry I was such a prick about it for so long.” 
“I had a feeling you’d like it! And I think how shy you were was really, really cute. But it’s also so sexy, Katsuki. This whole thing was amazing, I don’t think I’ve been this turned on in a while. Trying new things always gets me super crazy.” 
“Well hopefully this will keep you crazy.” Bakugou urged her head up a bit to kiss her lips softly. “Won’t be the last time.” 
“Can I do you doggy next time?” 
Ignoring her question for the moment, he showered her with more affectionate kisses, running his fingers through her hair softly. He wasn’t sure why, but this entire experience had him feeling so close to her, so accepted and safe that he couldn’t restrain his adoration for her. “Mm… Why? I thought you liked me looking at you.” 
“I do. But I want to see that cute bubble butt of yours jiggle.” 
“Then no.” 
“Well, I say yes.” Cupping his cheeks, Koge squished them together playfully, kissing his puckered lips in punishment. “Let me spank you.” 
“Never!” Breaking free from her grip, Bakugou first gave the tip of her nose a vengeful nibble before blowing a rough raspberry onto her cheek, ignoring her giggles and squeals as he leaned forward to cocoon her down onto the bed beneath him. “You have to work for that privilege!” 
“I will! I will get the chance to spank that booty. But seriously, Katsuki,” Koge paused for a moment, gently pushing his bangs back out of his face so she could better catch his gaze. “Thank you for trusting me.” 
“Tch, of course I trust you. Thank you for not making me feel like a pathetic horny bitch. 
“Oh, but my Katsuki, you are a horny bitch. Ouch, don’t bite me! Meanie!” 
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ahogedetective · 3 years
Nene peered around the corner of the library shelf. There was the new transfer student, a grade higher than her. She only admired him from a distance, knowing Aoi would say something later if she didn’t try to strike up a conversation.
Gaining the courage to talk to him, she grabbed a random book off the shelf and pretended to be reading. Little did she know the book was a Sherlock Holmes novel. She paused to look at what Shuichi was reading.
“Oh, I’m familiar with that author too!”
She really wasn’t.
— Yashiro (Nene)
It hadn’t been too long ago since Shuichi transferred to this school. He still needed some time to fully settle in, mostly from how nervous he was since he didn’t know anyone in his classroom, and worrying if he’ll be able to fit in... but so far, his classmates seemed like pretty nice people, and the school itself seemed pretty nice...
He was still really shy when it came to actually talking to new people, though; so when classes ended for the day, he practically scrambled over to the library as soon as he had finished packing his things in his school bag. Not only was he curious to see what kind of books this school’s library housed, but relaxing in there for a while  would surely calm his nerves, he believes. He always felt most comfortable in a library...
When he arrived there, he curiously scanned the different bookshelves with a hum. It didn’t take too long before he eventually navigated towards the mystery genre section, with it being one of his notable favorite genres. He could already recognize a lot of his favorite works by authors he read a lot from, the excited glint in his eyes growing even more when he spotted one particular book. “Ohhh...!” ‘A Study in Scarlet’ by Arthur Conan Doyle. It was a title Shuichi read quite a long time ago, but one he remembered enjoying very much.
As he opened the book to begin reading it, he didn’t notice that Nene had been looking at him from around the corner of the shelf. He did feel her presence when she stood nearby and ‘read’ the book she grabbed, however. Then when she actually proceeds to talk to him-
“!” He looks over at her, eyes widened in surprise. “O-Oh yeah...?” He didn’t expect that, since they haven’t talked to each other before... but believing that she was a fellow enjoyer of this author’s works, made a small smile appear on his face. “I see: that’s nice...!”
Now talking about a shared interest in books was definitely one of Shuichi's favorite ways to befriend someone, and why he was always eager to spot someone who enjoyed books like he does; at least, thinking she really was familiar with that author.
"I love Doyle's works, especially his Sherlock Holmes's series. In fact, I was re-reading..." He re-positions his book to show her the cover of it. "...'A Study in Scarlet.' With it being the book to introduce Sherlock and Watson, it was only natural it was one of the first books I read of Doyle's. I remembered reading it for hours...but it's been quite a long while since I last done so, so I wanted to go down memory lane for a while...ah!"
Realizing he was rambling on quite a bit, his cheeks turn an embarrassed pink as he rubs the back of his head. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk so much!" He takes a curious glance at the cover of the book she's reading. "Ahh, I see you're reading a Sherlock Holmes novel, too. Is that your favorite work? Or do you have another aside from this?"
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hanakokun77 · 4 years
Theories of chapter 71: Will hanako comeback in the future? NOTE: I UPDATED THIS THEORY!
Alright we all know hanako "shattered" away our hearts in chapter 71 (aka he had disappeared from the human world)
So let's first introduce my theory, then I will include evidence.
My theory :
So basically I think hanako will be back! I know he is dead and has disappear, but I am certian that he will be back and live/go to school with nene!
reason 1.
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Do u guys remember around ep 6 about the black, white, and red books? and how they include records about the living AND dead. we have been told that the white book contains records of living, and black of the dead. BUT we have not been told what the red consist. BUt what I think is that the red book might contain records of the future meaning things that might happen between the "living" and the "dead". I say this because when nene was opening her book, she actually read something about her future that's gonna happen to her which made her book to start turning RED. I think the red book will contain future things that will happening between the living and the dead for example: nene and hanako. ALSO I forgot to mention that EACH of these books will consist records of the person AT ThIS SCHOOL AND WHAT ThEY DID HERE. Which means hanako's book will still consist records of him even after he did die, since he was still at the school but as a ghost...
Reason 2.
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Remember when nene was told by her sensei that hanako changed his "future". I actually think he didn't because sensei started talking about how hanako became a science teacher at the school and became coworkers with him, but from what we were told, it didnt happened since he died before it. GUYS remember sensei read hanako’s book about the “hanako science teacher part”, WE never heard of anything in between hanako’s book.(I’m talking about the part of hanako’s records with nene and etc). These thing must have been in hanako’s book since it’s hanako’s records even if he is dead, it will still consist records of him!!(I mentioned this above in reason #1). I think sensai didnt want to say that part on purpose as a secret to keep everything spiced. 🔥👌I think sensei has some sort of power of the future and stuff about records since he is a school wounder too! I think he has something to do behind this all... (plus that teacher looks really sus and seems like he is hiding a lot.)  SO WHICH MEaNS hanako will be back somehow...-----> 
UPDATE): I now think that Number 6 will be the one that bring hanako back because he is able to bring the dead back to life! Not only that, hanako didn’t take away number 6′s seal either, which means he never disappeared during the severance!!! I also remember hanako saying that “no.6 might come in handy”, so he didn’t take his seal and just left it.
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I'm saying this because in one of the chapters I remember hanako mentioning of a "god". And also in chapter 70 he was speaking of how "he is gonna feel lonely" which just shows heaven and hell exists especially all about his sins and stuff.
I really think hanako will be forgiven by god and somehow god will give hanako a second chance to live as the same person again!!?? ((UPDATE: Or number 6 can bring him back through that path)) And that’s where the hanako school science teacher comes in!! I think hanako will come back and go to school and live/grow up with nene. AND THEN HANANENE SHIP LIVES HAPPlIY EVER AFTER!!! (Also guys I forgot to mention that a lot of twists and turns might happen for these events to occur) (also I think Aoi-chan will somehow be brought back using no. 6 or something OR maybe using Tsukasa too)
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ALSO HANAKO AND NENE HAVE A BOUND SO WE DONT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ThEM BEING TOGEThER LOL cause they eventually will!!!!!😂 ALSO IT says "now our fates are tied together. Across the worlds of the living and dead", this shows us that they will ALWAYS be together where ever they go. The "living" and "dead". which means that even if hanako and nene are separated right now in chapter 71, they come back together somehow at the end!!
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naughtydaaikon · 4 years
A Rose By Any Other Name...
Title: A Rose By Any Other Name... (Chapter 1/2)
Also on Ao3!
Fandom: Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Rating: T (warnings for major character death, but it’s not gonna have a sad ending, I promise!)
Word Count: 7,480 words
Death wasn’t as dramatic as stories made it out to be.
Nene had read plenty of books growing up. Romance, drama, horror (her favorite!), and of course, tragedies. She had never been a big fan of that particular genre. It was always too melodramatic for her tastes, and not in the whimsical, romantic way that she liked. Death was always tragic, that was undeniably true, but in the stories, it always seemed as though the dying person would cling desperately to life, fighting with every fiber of their being to cling to that one final breath. Nene didn’t fight when she died.
Oh, she had thought as it hit her. I’m dying.
That sucks.
Predictably, Nene dies. Fortunately, contrary to what Hanako claimed, death wasn't necessarily the end. 
Notes: Okay, so like this was posted on ao3 forever ago, and I just realized that I never posted it here, so I’m correcting that right now, I guess. I hope you all enjoy. Please leave a comment, like, and reblog if you enjoy. Also shoot a message to me if you want to talk Hananene. I forget about tumblr sometimes, but I will surely answer eventually. 
...Would still smell just as sweet.
 Kamome Academy was a place where legends were born and made real. 
 The school had been the one unchanging fixture within Shibuya of what was now Tokyo’s bustling financial district. Kamome had stood for a near century, its walls still made from the same stone that had been used to construct it all of those years ago, back when it had first been built over an old wooden school house that shared its land with an old Shinto shrine to the god, Inari. 
 There were strong spiritual roots here, even in the iron jungle that was Tokyo. 
 Perhaps that was the reason so many spirits were born here — were bound to this place. 
 Within the crowded, lively halls of Kamome Academy, secrets and rumors had a way of becoming tangible; real. All you really had to do was breathe life into that secret and it would animate itself. 
 Or in some cases — reanimate.
 “Hey, have you heard this rumor?” A girl leans close to her friend during their lunch period. They sit at the same desk, hunched over, giggling. It is here that a rumor is whispered, a rumor to be spread. “If there’s someone that you love with all your heart, you should go to Kamome’s outdoor pool. If you throw a 5 yen coin into the pool and wish for your lover to be yours, the mermaid who lives in the depths of the pool will grant your wish.”
 “Yes! It’s said that when she was alive she fell in love with a mortal that she couldn’t have, for she was a mermaid and he was a human. In the end, she tried to change her fate.”
 “And then what happened?”
 “What do you think happens when you try to change your destiny? She turned into sea foam and died!”
 And so, she was born. Or was it reborn?
 Just — like — that. 
 Death wasn’t as dramatic as stories made it out to be.
 Nene had read plenty of books growing up. Romance, drama, horror (her favorite!), and of course, tragedies. She had never been a big fan of that particular genre. It was always too melodramatic for her tastes, and not in the whimsical, romantic way that she liked. Death was always tragic, that was undeniably true, but in the stories, it always seemed as though the dying person would cling desperately to life, fighting with every fiber of their being to cling to that one final breath. Nene didn’t fight when she died. 
 “No -- no, Yashiro! You’ve got to fight! No, no, no--”
 Oh, she wanted to fight, of course. She wanted to kick, to punch, to scream about how badly she wanted to live. She wanted to perform a long soliloquy about the unfairness of it all, the spotlight shining directly on her as she decried her fate. After all, who wanted to die at sixteen? There was still so much that she hadn’t done! 
 “Yashiro, hold on!”
 She hadn’t gone on a real date, hadn’t gone on a long romantic walk underneath the starlight, nor had she been swept off of her feet, or even kissed. The subject of her own mortality had been a constant burden that she had carried with her since living in  Shijima’s pseudo-perfect world. How could she not think about it, after all? Though, at the moment of death, it was as though all those feelings crashed within her, and the impact was both sudden and brutal. It was a strange duality, wanting so badly to live, and yet having not a slither of energy or ability to fight off that impending finality.
 It was her fate, after all.
 No, she couldn’t fight.
 Nene had simply slipped away.
 One moment, she was there — filled with light, with warmth. She had been helping Hanako with something —  though, that was difficult to remember. What had she been helping him with? A yorishiro, perhaps. Yeah, that sounded right. One moment, she had been reaching to undo the 
seal on a yorishiro. An action that she had done so many times before. She hadn’t even considered that this would be the moment that the sand within her hourglass would finally run out. 
 That was all that it took. 
 She doesn’t even feel being stabbed.
 Then she’s losing feeling in all of her limbs, growing numb —  cold.
 The most difficult part of dying, Nene thought, had been lying in Hanako’s arms as he held her and screamed. She remembered that with almost crystal clarity. Had she ever seen him cry before? Yes, she had. Thrice -- once as Amane, when he had still been full of life, bruised and sobbing in an empty classroom. Then once more on the school’s rooftop after he had encountered his brother, and again back in the painted world as he admitted how badly he wanted her to live. She had felt awful, then. He wanted her to live, to survive  —  and she wouldn't, even when he had taken on her wish to live for another 99 years.
 An impossible wish.
 Too impossible to grant.
 A selfish wish. Just who was she to try to defy fate, after all? 
 She had promised herself that she would never be the source of those tears again, though. I’m just breaking all of my promises, she thought as she gazed up at him, his voice growing so far away. His voice sounded like nothing more than a distant, far off echo. He seemed so alive right now -- amber eyes burning, red and swollen with tears, as though he had true flesh to bruise and swell. He had been trembling, shaking her as he cried her name again and again. 
 Oh, she had thought as it hit her. I’m dying.
 That sucks.
 Nene had wanted to comfort him, to cup his cheek and promise that everything would be fine. She would be fine. She wanted to lie to him -- to assure him that her own mortality was nothing but a fallacy to be ignored. What happened? She wondered, watching his expression, as tears that she could not feel fell onto her skin. They should have been wet. Under normal circumstances, she might’ve even panicked about him getting her skin wet. Didn’t he know that she’d turn into a fish if she got too wet? 
 And with that last, foolish thought  —  she was gone.
 Here  —  and then not.
 No, death wasn’t the hard part.
 It was leaving him behind -- knowing that she had caused that pain within his eyes. That was the hardest part.
 It was a bright and sunny morning when she regained consciousness.
 At first, she hadn’t found anything to be amiss. The school bell hadn’t even rung yet as Nene stood just beyond the entrance to the school building. Strange, she thought to herself, looking around and taking in her surroundings. It was still too early for the rest of her classmates to arrive, earlier than she normally even came into school. Had she needed to finish something for Aoi in the gardening club? That was usually the only time that she came in early. “That has to be it,” she said, satisfied with her answer.
 Something had felt off.
 It was an odd feeling, as though her skin was pulled too tightly over her own body, as though her organs didn’t fit correctly inside of her. There was an acrid, bitter taste in her mouth that just didn’t seem to dissipate. Something was wrong; she couldn’t place just what. Nene’s lips twisted into a frown as she tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth. Come to think of it, she didn’t remember even coming to school. She didn’t even remember the previous day. Had she cleaned the toilets with Hanako? Had she eaten dinner? What had her mother prepared for her and her father? Her stomach felt -- off. There was a dull throbbing sensation in her belly, as though she had eaten something that hadn’t sat right with her. Absentmindedly, she rubbed the spot.
 Had she remembered to clean Black Canyon’s cage? She had to clean it out every Wednesday.
 What day even is it? Nene wondered, that awful feeling only growing, like bile rising in her throat. She could feel it gathering in her throat as she made it to the school gardens. It was empty, of course. It was still far too early for anyone else to be there. She looked around, checking the soil and growing even colder as she did so. 
 Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
 Something was very wrong.
 The last time she had gone to her gardening club, they had harvested the tomatoes and cucumbers that had finally finished growing. She knew that she had meant to come in early and plant new vegetables for the summer season like Aoi had asked her to do, and if Aoi had delegated the task to Nene, that meant it was her job to get it done and hers alone.
 And yet -- 
 All of the summer vegetables had already been planted. Some of them were even fully grown. The squash plants were large and supple. They would need to be pulled soon. 
 How much time had passed? 
 When was it?
 It couldn’t still be Spring. Hadn't the trees just been blossoming with soft pink petals days before? Calm down, she thought to herself, though it felt as though her heart was about to burst out of her chest. Her hands felt cold and clammy, as though they were covered in sweat.
 One, two. Breathe.
 Try to remember. There had to be an explanation for all of this  — 
 What was it  — 
 The memory came to her suddenly, barrelling through her mind like a bullet train. 
 -- There had been new supernaturals that had cropped up, plaguing the schools with their wretched pranks. Hanako had called them Amanojaku, imp-like troublemakers who had begun appearing around the school, whispering in the ears of the students before their cruel persuasion eventually incited the object of their torment to mischief and violence. It had started with arguments amongst the students within Nene’s class. Simple things -- everyone just seemed more on edge than usual, until the moment that Lemon-kun had thrown a punch right at Akane-kun’s face.  
 And then...
 And then what? 
 It’s fine! She thought, even though she was already falling to her knees, nerves threatening to overtake her. I can just ask Hanako! He’ll know what happened!
 She’d talk to him  — and then he’d fill her in. Then, everything would make sense  —  
 “Yashiro?” A voice whispered. She could barely even hear it, though she recognized the voice immediately. She could feel her breath catch in the back of her throat. Hanako! She thought. Good! It was just the person who she wanted to see! Nene smiled, all but scrambling to her feet as she turned around to face him. He was the same as he normally was  — translucent as the rays of sunlight shone through his body. It was as though he was there, and yet not. A fading fixture in a solid world.
 Haku-joudai hovered around him, though the two orbs appeared to be agitated about something. They shook in place, dashing around him as though in a frenzy.  Hanako, on the other hand, hadn’t moved an inch.
 “Hanako-kun!” she cried, delighted as she began to run towards him. “Something really weird is going on!” Tears of frustration and relief filled her eyes. 
 It was only then that something about his reaction struck her as strange. Normally, Hanako would’ve already been all over her, wouldn’t he have? He’d be floating near her, arms wrapped around her as though he were a second skin. 
 But  — 
 Hanako hadn’t made a single move towards her. He simply stood there, staring at her, lips parted in what seemed to be disbelief. 
 Wasn’t he normally happy to see her?
 His usual cheshire smile was gone, replaced with a look of pure horror. His large eyes seemed even wider, pupils constricted as his body trembled hard. “Yashiro,” he breathed, sounding as though the very action of speaking was a laborious effort. “Yashiro  — I’m so sorry.”
 An apology.
 What was he apologizing for?
 She laughed, unsure of herself. “Hey,” she said, taking another hesitant step towards him, as that feeling of wrongness in the pit of her stomach only mounted. Why was he looking at her like that? The expression of his face was difficult to place. His eyes seemed swollen, lips quivering. It was like he didn’t want to look at her. Was he feeling guilty?  “What are you apologizing for?” She couldn’t remember. Had she complained to him about cleaning the toilets again? It wasn’t like him to be sorry over something like that, though.
 She smiled, “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Hanako-kun.” She grabbed his hand, meaning to calm him. The moment that she does, however, she noticed that his hand felt different. It wasn’t cold. In fact, she could feel a warmth emanating from him. It was reminiscent of how his skin had felt in the picture world. Soft. Warm.
 “Hanako-kun -- I’m glad that I ran into you here,” and truly, she was. She could mull over the warmth of his skin later. Finally, things would begin to start making sense!
 “I wanted to ask you what happened the other day?” she began slowly. “With the Amanojaku!”
 No answer.
 Why was he looking at her like that?
 He swallowed as though there was something thick trapped within his throat. “Yashiro,” from the moment that he spoke, he seemed to come back to himself. He was pale, shivering as he slowly lifted a hand to her cheek. He squeezed the hand that she was holding, before lacing their fingers together. “Yashiro,” he repeated her name, but it sounded like he was in pain. 
 He still hadn’t answered her.
 Hanako leaned against her, moving so close that for a moment, she thought that he might kiss her. She grew warm, cheeks burning when he rested his forehead against her. His eyes squeeze closed. He felt as though he were actually alive. How was that possible? Hanako’s touch had always been cool, but his skin was so warm that Nene couldn't help but melt into it. As bemused as she was, it felt nice to be held like this by him. Like she belonged there -- in his arms. The school was quiet all around them, and for a moment, she wondered if time had stopped.
 The romance novels that she read often described moments like this. It was the moment that magic became real, and the feelings of the two lovers became too overwhelming to be contained. Perhaps there would be a confession  — an embrace or even a warm kiss. Nene felt swollen with excitement.
 It felt —  perfect.
 “You need to move on,” he spoke suddenly, jolting her right out of her thoughts. 
  —  And the spell had been broken.
 “Move on?” She asked quietly. She didn’t understand what he meant. Move on from what? 
 His eyes averted, looking lower, towards her abdomen. His skin seemed to turn ashen before his eyes flickered back to hers. “You  — you don’t feel that?” He asked quietly. His question makes her pause. 
 Feel what? 
 “Why aren’t you answering my questions?” It didn’t make any sense. This evasiveness was ridiculous even for Hanako, who always kept his secrets locked close to his heart. It was normal for him to use a question or some other means to distract her when he wanted to keep his lips sealed, but this was far too much. He kept on answering her questions with more questions. Really -- there had to be a limit to how much Hanako could keep from her! 
 His eyes flickered back down to her abdomen again.
 He grit his teeth, untangling their fingers to her disappointment and bringing them to rest on her shoulders. “Look down,” said Hanako, choosing to be evasive once more. Still, his insistence that she look at herself made her hesitate. She didn’t want to. She wanted to fight him more -- to demand that he answer her questions, but from the look within his eyes, Nene could tell that this was serious. She was missing something important.
 But what was that?
 Nene could feel that harsh, heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach returning. Come to think of it -- didn’t her belly hurt? There was a dull throb there, right beneath her ribs. It didn’t feel like a stomach ache. No, the pain was much sharper.  It had been building since the moment that she woke up in front of the school. Finally ripping her eyes away from Hanako’s she looked down at herself. 
 -- And then she saw it.
 A gaping hole, ripped ragged and bloody,was torn right through her. It was right beneath her ribs. Crimson blood stained her uniform. There was so much of it. The skirt of her uniform was entirely ruined, soaked through with the fluid. She could even feel the warm, sticky substance seeping into the fabric of her tights. “...What…?” she whispered. The pain dissipated, leaving only a numbness in its wake. And cold -- it was so cold. A part of her had been gouged out and she hadn’t even noticed. Not until now.
 “Hanako-kun,” her voice shook. “Hanako-kun -- my stomach--”
 She’d been stabbed.
 She’d been stabbed  —  
 She’d been stabbed.
“Yashiro!” Hanako’s voice brought her back, grounding her. He pulled her against him tightly, his body a solid anchor within the chaos that had begun to swirl inside of her. Her visage flickered, as though she were nothing more than a candle about to be snuffed out. “Yashiro! Stay focused! I know -- I know this can be confusing at first,” his fingers ran through her hair, brushing through the strands like he had done before when he had come to harass her during her English class before. “It sometimes takes awhile to get a sense of yourself again.” His grip on her was crushing, but she relished in the feeling of it. Hanako made sense, even if none of this did. “Focus on me, okay?”
 She could do that. Nene closed her eyes, breathed deeply. She filled lungs that no longer required air, and shook like a leaf in the autumn wind. The air felt crisp as she inhaled, just as it always had. Nothing felt any different. She could still feel all of her limbs. She had two hands, two legs, and two feet. She could feel Hanako as she clung to him, nails digging into the fabric of his old school uniform. “Hanako-kun,” she said when she finally trusted herself to speak. “What happened?”
 He didn’t answer -- not at first. No, he simply buried his face into her hair.  Inhaling deeply, then he released a ragged breath that seemed to be ripped from his chest. When he pulled back, meeting her gaze, his eyes were set with a sort of weary, grim determination. 
 And she knew.
 She knew without him even having to say it. Though, the words still knocked the wind out of her when they finally did come. 
 “You died, Yashiro.”
 No -- dying hadn’t been dramatic. But... what had come after was.
 Days seemed to blend into one another over the next few weeks, each night dying into day again and again. 
 Rinse and repeat. 
 Nene was never quite sure if she was awake or not. She had read about narcolepsy for class once. She thought that what she was experiencing now was most similar to that. There were fleeting moments of consciousness. She would blink and awaken back at the school, before blinking again and finding herself back in a sea of darkness that was thicker than the blackest of nights. 
 When she was awake, Hanako was usually never far away.
 He’d appear minutes after she did, a bone weary and hollow guilt etched into his eyes as he always encouraged the same thing over and over again.
 “Pass on, Yashiro.”
 She didn’t listen, of course.
 Nene came to realize rather quickly that coming to terms with your own death was quite the shock. The awareness of one’s own demise didn’t come right away. No, your body did everything in its power to maintain that illusion of life. She still felt things, phantom sensations of what should be. She couldn’t feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, but something within her brain (soul? She didn’t have a brain anymore -- that had died with her physical body) told her that the rays would brush against her skin like a sultry embrace, and so she perceived it as such. She didn’t have skin to feel the coolness of the wind sweeping over her, and yet, she shivered. Her chest burned when she held her breath, yearning for oxygen that she couldn’t breathe. Though, gradually --
 Those sensations…
 Her awareness was even more fleeting.
 From the moment that she realized that she was dead, Nene had trouble maintaining her form. She would simply blink in and out of existence. Here one minute -- gone the next. She would often wake back up in the school -- by the entrance, in the practice garden, right in the middle of her old homeroom class. Masaki-sensei would be in the middle of a lesson. Aoi would be sitting in class, scribbling notes with a far off and misty look in her eye. She’d never see her, of course.
 No one did.
 Her desk had been outright removed from the class. An empty spot in the classroom was the only acknowledgement that she had once existed. Though, perhaps that wasn’t the only reminder. No one sat where her desk had once stood. When students walked past that spot, they would cast a sad, pitying glance towards it. She’d hear whispers when there was a lull in the lesson. They were always the same words. Whispers that were as loud as screams echoed throughout the entire school -- building to a crescendo that was impossible to ignore.
 Poor Nene-chan.
 It was always the same. 
 Did you hear how she died? She was found stabbed in the school courtyard! Isn’t that awful?
 Poor Nene-chan, indeed. 
 “Insensitive, isn’t it?” A soft, yet almost dreary voice spoke to her. Nene blinked. She was in the school hallway now. How frustrating! She couldn’t seem to get a hold of herself. Her sense of self was off, just as Hanako had said. She was worried that she would disappear for good if she wasn’t careful. “The way that humans discuss the dead has always left something to be desired.” That voice sounded so familiar.
 It gave Nene something to grasp. A familiar voice -- soft, distant, and feminine. 
 “Nanamine-senpai!” Nene found her voice, yelping out loud as she finally noticed the girl standing right in front of her. It was as though Nanamine-senpai had been out of focus, a blurry image in a camera that she had been unable to discern until that very moment. Her head just felt so foggy. Was she disappearing? 
 You are dead, a fact her mind was quick to remind herself of. You shouldn’t even still be here.
 “You haven’t crossed over yet,” Nanamine-senpai observed. She leaned against the adjacent wall, hands folded neatly across her chest. She was as beautiful as always, resembling a painting more than a person -- a beautiful piece of art that had been handcrafted and placed into the real world. Perhaps that was why she seemed so doll-like, her movements perfectly precise, her voice like a distant dream. The sunlight filtering in through the windows from the hallway bathed her in a warm, honey-like hue. “Perhaps you should.”
 “Hanako-kun….said the same thing…” Speaking was difficult. It was as though her tongue was laden with lead. It was difficult to remember how to form her words, like there were some kind of delay between her thoughts and her mouth. Then again, she didn’t have a real mouth anymore. 
 She was dead.
 Her insides shuddered, squirming at that thought. She could feel herself flicker again -- her consciousness fading to darkness before finding purchase in the school’s hallways once more. Sakura still stood there, watching her. “You should listen to him,” the elder girl advised. “Nothing good comes from remaining bound here.” Her tone became almost wistful. She turned slightly, glancing out of the nearby window, as a caged bird would stare longingly outside of the gaps in its cage. 
 “I wish that I had known that, before.” 
 Before? Before what? Nene wanted to ask what she meant by that, but the words never seemed to reach her lips.
 The other girl didn’t elaborate on her meaning, either. Instead, she took her hand in hers, holding it in a similar manner to the way that she had back in the tea room Boundary. Imploring, asking for understanding. “Go, Yashiro-san.” 
 “Go where?” Nene rasped, her form trembling as her hand squeezed around Nanamine’s. “Where do I have to go?”
 There was nowhere to go now. There was nothing to do. There was nothing to be. She was stuck, frozen in place from the moment that she had been stabbed. Nene had a whole list of things that she had wanted to do before she died. She’d wanted to get a boyfriend, get her first kiss, go on a date. Maybe one day she’d grow into a sexy older woman with men fawning all over her. One day she might’ve even gotten married!
 Nene had wanted to stream Space Hamsters Strike Back on her laptop, curled up beside Hanako on the floor of his bathroom. She’d wanted to watch his eyes light up as he watched all of the modern special effects. Nene had heard that the effects made it feel like you were really in space while you were watching. She had downloaded the movie, and planned to bring her laptop with her the day after they had gone after the Amanojaku. 
 She wanted to see him get all excited about the stars, telling her all of the facts that he knew like the back of his hand. When he was like that, the mask of Hanako fell away until he was only Amane -- a boy who wanted to be an astronaut. The boy who wanted to go to the moon or to Scorpius. The boy whose life had been cut far too short.
 Kind of like her.
 A tight knot formed in her chest. Right where her heart would have been if she still had one. It felt as though her feet were cast in iron, given a weight that she hadn’t felt since she was alive.
 “So, you’ve made your choice,” Nanamine-senpai murmured, watching her with hooded, secretive eyes.
 Her choice? Nene clung to the sick feeling of sloshing acid that formed in the pit of her stomach. It was real. It anchored her in place -- kept her from disappearing, even as her consciousness began to slowly fade.
 “Staying isn’t always the better option,” she informed her, dropping her hand. Her lips curled into a sad smile. “A wish cannot always be granted. Even if it is, it might just chain you in place. You can become imprisoned by that wish.”
 Nene didn’t understand. How could a wish become a prison? 
 “Nanamine-senpai,” Nene asked quietly. “How do you know that?”
 The older girl remained quiet, her eyes holding an answer that Nene didn’t want to acknowledge. Why do you think that I know, they questioned. Tsukasa-kun was a supernatural who only granted wishes to spirits, after all. How else had Nanamine-senpai been able to form a bond with him if she didn’t already intimately understand the danger of such wishes? Her wish had become the elder girl’s shackles.
 Crimson eyes widened, understanding dawning within them. “Nanamine-senpai��. Are you…?”
 “It doesn’t matter what I am, anymore,” Nanamine’s voice was clipped. She didn’t want to talk about that, then. “Every wish comes with a cost. Are you prepared to make such a sacrifice, Yashiro-san?”
 Was she?
 “You all keep saying that!” Her form flickered. Here and then not -- as though she had glitched out of reality. “You tell me it’s better to pass on! Then you say that it’s up to me to make a choice! Make up your minds already!” All of the frustration at the unfairness of the situation erupted.
 Stupid supernaturals! They kept things from her, tried to force her to make decisions that she didn’t want to make, and all looked at her with that hopeless, resigned expression that she had come to loathe. 
 It was all too much.
 She was still just too young. Before meeting Hanako her biggest concern had been her thick ankles and whether the boy she liked would return her feelings! Nene had been thrust into a world far more complex and layered than she had ever been able to fathom before. A world of wishes, apparitions and separate pockets of reality where all manner of creatures roamed, and all of her older concerns seemed paltry in comparison. Still, she had toed the line of the Near Shore and Far Shore for so long that she had come to love this dark world, filled to the brim with ancient legends and rules that were too difficult for her to comprehend.  
 It had always been her destiny to die.
 Though, that didn’t mean that she needed to fade away, either.
 Hanako. She thought of his sad, remorseful eyes. He had promised her a wish that he hadn’t been able to grant. He must be agonizing over that. He probably felt as though he had failed. 
 Did he always feel shackled by his wishes? Like Nanamine-senpai? Had her own wish added yet another chain to the restraints that bound him? 
 There were two paths laid before her, and while she knew what the easiest choice would be, she found herself yearning for the other more treacherous road that offered her nothing but overgrown thickets and branches that could easily snag her into place. It was a merciless path. Perhaps she’d even end up as bound as the rest of the apparitions who frequented this school.
 Even so....
 Hanako was at the end of this road, wasn’t he? 
 Nanamine-senpai smiled, a slight slither that seemed almost cut onto her face with knives. “Just remember this, Yashiro-san--” The girl leaned closer, resting her hand on her shoulder. She squeezed it, though Nene was unsure if the gesture was meant to be comforting or not. 
 “ You’re a spirit of the Far Shore now, Yashiro-san. That means if you stay long enough to manifest a wish…”
 Nanamine-senpai didn’t even need to finish her sentence.
 Nene knew.
 “He’ll come to grant it.” 
 Strangely enough -- that didn’t frighten her. At least, not completely. 
 And come, he did.
 Nene wasn’t surprised to see Tsukasa when he finally sought her out. Her wish had already manifested, building itself in her heart until her entire spirit was consumed by it. It sang its song in every molecule of her form, making sure that even if she vanished, she was never gone for long. This time, she was on the roof of the old school building. She opened her eyes, and could see the sun shining down on her, even if she couldn’t feel its rays. The wind blew against her, causing her hair to blow across her face.
 “Aaaaaaaaaaaah!” A loud, boisterous voice cried out. She recognized it immediately, flinching as her hands balled into fists. “Amane’s assistant died! You really died! I mean -- I knew that you would, but that’s a lot faster than I was expecting!” He laughed, floating in the air before flying above her, lowering himself so that his face was right in front of hers as he hung upside down. It was an action that reminded her almost too cruelly of Hanako. The boy had his face, after all, even if that was where the similarities ended. 
 He stared down at the wound that had yet to repair itself in her chest. “Hey! Someone stabbed you! Squish!” He reached for her, mimicking the stabbing motion with his hand. She grimaced, but she took a step away from him, eyes narrowed as she covered the wound with one of her hands. “Hey, when you got stabbed, did it make that sound? It kind of sounds like that, right?”
 She didn’t want to think about that -- or the sound of it.
 “Tsukasa-kun…” Nene said hesitantly, watching him with wary eyes. 
 “That must’ve broken Amane’s heart,” he giggled, eyes closed and grinning wide. He had a smile that was like a wild animal, all teeth -- a warning. “Did he make a good face?” She didn’t like it when he spoke like this, eyes darker than the obsidian. “I wish I could’ve seen that!”
 She didn’t answer his question, her mind flashing back to Hanako’s face as she had died. No -- it hadn’t been a good face, at all. She bit into her lip -- hard.  “You’re here for a reason, aren’t you, Tsukasa-kun?” She was sure that if she was still alive, she would’ve ran from him. She would’ve cowered away and called for Hanako, probably. All of those fears seemed so far away now, like a distant memory. Tsukasa would do as he pleased, whether it was favorable for her or not. 
 Her words seem to snap him back to attention. “Yes! Your heart called me. You have a wish, don’t you?” He had such large eyes -- round and wide until they thinned, pupils zeroing in on her. Malicious curiosity shone within them, as though he were looking right through her. It was as though he were peering into her soul. She forced herself not to cower from him even if there was still a part of her that wanted to run and cry. “I do,” she answered, voice trembling.
 Well, dead or not -- she couldn’t change her crybaby ways completely. 
 “You know what it is already, don’t you?” Nene’s hands clenched around the hem of her skirt. 
 “I do,” he sang as koku-jodai danced around him. The orbs were just as excitable as he was. “You want to stay with Amane, right? You want to be with him from the bottom of your heart!”
 His smile softened, startling her as he moved closer, invading her space. She wasn’t able to move away quickly enough as he grabbed both of her hands, entwining their fingers the same way that Hanako had done back when he had first granted her wish.  “You want to make him happy.” She didn’t expect him to look like that. He almost seemed like his twin at that point -- kind and gentle, though those words were not what she would’ve ever chosen to describe Tsukasa. 
 Why was he behaving this way? She had almost expected to be run through or hurt in some way. Though, she remembered even he had stopped himself from hurting her at one point. You’re not supposed to hurt girls. Had Hanako told him that? 
 She nodded, “Y-Yes.” She wished she could get her treacherous voice under control. 
 “Are you scared?” he asked cheekily, grinning as he stuck his tongue out at her. “I won’t hurt you. I’m here to grant your wish. And well… I like your wish.” 
 That made her pause. He… liked her wish? 
 “We both want Amane to be happy.” He flew above her, koku-jodai practically vibrating as they circled him, glowing darkly as his power gathered. His response only served to further confuse her. He wanted Hanako to be happy? If that was the case, then why did he torment his brother? He had called them arch-enemies before. Rivals -- and yet, it seemed as though Tsukasa-kun genuinely wanted to help her. Hanako's eyes were always so sad and regretful whenever he saw him. A question formed in her throat, scratching at her vocal chords. “Do you really?”
 “Yeah!” He stretched his arms out wide, as though he were going to fall to the ground and make a snow angel. “He and I are playing a game, but that’s not really what I’m here to talk about, is it?” He tapped his lip with his index finger, smirking as sharp fangs bared themselves. 
 She would get no more answers out of him. 
 A game.
 She wasn’t sure what kind of game he was playing, but Nene was certain that neither Hanako nor the other spirits who got drawn into the web that he cast wanted to be a part of it. You’re confusing, Tsukasa-kun, she thought sadly, lips drawing into a deep frown. She wondered if anyone truly understood the boy in front of her. The members of his little broadcasting group didn’t seem to, all drawn together by the wishes that they had made to him, with the exception of Natsuhiko-senpai. She wasn’t sure why he was there, to be honest. Had Hanako understood him at some point? 
 Would she ever really know? 
 “Your price has already manifested. I’ve granted you an audience, so be sure not to be boring and disappoint me!” 
 An audience?! With whom?
 She didn’t get the chance to ask him what he meant before the floor opened up underneath her.
 “T-Tsukasa-kun!” she cried out, flailing out, trying to grab onto something to no avail.
 “Bye-Bye!” He waved at her, and then --
 Lights out. 
 The next time Nene awakened, she was surrounded by a pitch black void. 
 There was nothing in this abyss -- nothing but emptiness and vast space. There was nothing to feel here, nothing to think; nothing but everlasting and far stretching darkness as distant as the eye could see. She wondered if this was the true afterlife. Was this where she was supposed to be? Was she only clinging to her worldly desires, tethering herself to the Near Shore when all that actually awaited her was an endless abyss? 
 Her final resting place.
 It was almost peaceful. If she let herself, she could drift off into an endless, calm slumber. There would be no more pain. No more suffering. No more agonizing about her life, cut far too short. She hadn’t even had her first kiss. How cruel was that? Sixteen years old and deader than a doornail. Sleeping was much too tempting.. She could feel the desire tugging at her chest. It’d be so easy to simply close her eyes and drift off into nothingness. It’d be so easy. So peaceful. Right. This was fate, wasn’t it?
 Her eyes were so heavy.
 Maybe she could take just a little nap?
 She could think about it more later.
 “It’s kind of nostalgic -- like having a friend again.”
 Nene’s eyes snapped open almost as suddenly as they had started to drift closed, suddenly alert. No. She couldn’t leave -- not yet. Not when Hanako was still tethered to the third floor girl’s bathroom of the old school building. She couldn’t believe that she had almost forgotten about him! No, she couldn’t fade away. Not while Hanako’s eyes still held that haunted, tired look as though he had seen more lifetimes than she could count. He was dead -- and yet, he couldn’t rest.
 If he couldn’t rest, then neither should she. 
 Hanako wanted a friend. Hanako was lonely -- bound to his duty, to a penance that seemed far too great to burden a fourteen year old boy with. He’s a murderer, she reminded herself. That was true. Hanako had killed, but as she thought back to the way that he had looked on the floor of that empty classroom, all covered in bruises and bloody marks, bandages covering older wounds that had no business marring his skin, she couldn’t find it within herself to blame him. He had never told her why he had killed his brother, nor had he ever told her what had happened to him all those years ago.
 There just hadn’t been enough time.
 “Pass on, Yashiro.”
 No, she couldn’t rest yet. 
 Hanako’s words only served to piss her off. He was always talking like that, making it seem as though all the dead had to look forward to was annihilation. He was a slave to rules and order -- what should be. There was still so much to do! Hanako was still at Kanome, after all. If he was there, then she would have no choice but to stay as well. She was his assistant and his friend. What would he do without her? He had urged her to move on, but that was just him being his normal, self-sacrificing self. Of course he’d say that. He was determined to make himself miserable, but Nene would be damned if she let that continue. 
 She wouldn’t.
 Hanako needed to be protected, too!
 That thought filled her like air, grounding her -- providing her with an alertness that kept her steady even in the recesses of this abyss. 
 Poor little lost spirit. Why do you scoff at death? 
 Nene could hear a voice in that abyss. It was a whisper, something that slid gently against the edges of her consciousness. It beckoned, called to her sweetly as she imagined a lover would. It was insistent, and yet too soft for her to discern its words until it slowly became more clear and present. That was, at least until the voice slowly became clear and present. It filled the space with an energy that rocked her to her core. It demanded attention now, as though it had grown tired of being ignored. She wasn’t alone here, and yet whatever she shared this space with was just out of her grasp. Nene grasped at air that wasn’t there, reaching -- searching for that voice.
 Hear me, Spirit. I am here with you.
 “I’m not alone?” Nene asked as she finally found her voice. There was an echo when she spoke, one that seemed to vibrate throughout the dark abyss, filling each of the spaces as it reverberated again and again. “Who are you?” 
 There was a rumble in the darkness, something deep and warm -- like laughter. 
 That is the question, isn’t it? Funny, how those who come here never seem to know the answer to that question. 
 Was the voice talking in riddles? Nene had never been very good at solving those. She wasn’t sure who this person was -- but who did you talk to when you finally died? The answer hit her suddenly, and she wondered why she hadn’t thought of it right away. “Are you God?”
 The rumble was back, ouder this time, and it shook her as it reverberated through her like ripples of a raging river. Was it… amused by her? 
 Some have called me that. That seems to be the only thing humans can come up with, at least.  I’m not God -- or anything of the sort. 
 She didn’t understand. If this voice wasn’t God, then what was it? She panicked for a moment, flailing out into the void wildly out in fear. If not God -- then was it a demon?! She didn’t voice that thought, but it seemed to recognize her fear, regardless. The laughter is deep and echoing.
 I am from this land. You died on my land, and so you are tied here. Your soul refuses to pass on. 
 That much was true. She still had things that she needed to do, after all. If Hanako was still at Kamome, then she needed to be there, too. She was sure of it, even more sure than she had been when Hanako had tried to lock her away in the picture perfect world. She hadn’t belonged there. Even with the news of her impending death, she wanted to live with him in the real world. That wish hadn’t changed. 
 You are a funny human. I’m quite curious -- who are you?
 Nene sputtered, “Me?”
 Yes, you. You have yet to fade away. You have yet to accept death. You even solicited the help of that apparition to appear here. Why is that?
 Why couldn’t she accept death? 
 She knew the answer to that question immediately. 
 “My name is Yashiro Nene.” Her voice was like steel as she spoke, steadier than it had ever been.  “ I have someone that I can’t leave behind,” she answered firmly. 
 The void pulsed. She could hear a subtle sound, like the beating of a heart that only increased in volume until her ears rang from it.
 You are a lucky one, little spirit. Your fate has been tied to that of another. It is a bond that transcends even death.
 A bond that transcended death? She had heard that before, hadn’t she? 
 I’ve heard your wish, spirit -- Don’t come to regret it.
 -- And then, a star burst into a kaleidoscope of colors before her eyes, illuminating the darkness. 
 “Hey, have you heard this rumor? There’s a mermaid that lives in the outdoor pool --”
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Considering Tsuchigomori was being stingy with the exam answers, there’s only one recourse — studying. Thankfully, Hanako can help Yashiro with that. Right?
Part 1 of the Rumors of Kamome series. For more updates, follow the rumors of kamome tag on this blog. 
It was uncommon for Tsuchigomori to see the 7th School Mystery alone as of late. At least during the day. With his newfound assistant and “overseer”, Hanako was almost always surrounded by others rather than aimlessly filling his day with his duties and distant observation of the students coming and going.
Overall, it wasn’t a terrible change of pace.
Tsuchigomori enjoyed watching the trio blunder through one mystery after the other. Their squabbling often leading to another embarrassing secret or special moment in their books, entertaining him when the weight of everything felt too heavy.
Yako took pleasure in knowing what the group she dubbed the “Toilet Trio” were up to. The two of them taking to talking about it in their spare time, carefully avoiding any mention of the moments none of them wanted to remember.
Ones bathed in sadness and drenched with ill feeling, a look-alike to the ghost they called their leader, pain twisting a young boy’s resolve of peace to revenge, and the impending loss of a tiny light — too bright and too good to go out so soon.
It was easier to pretend that these lazy days would go on forever and nothing would change. But, like all dreams, Tsuchigomori knew it would end one day. For now, living in the present was bittersweet. Ignoring what was to come and making every moment count.
Poetic as it sounded, Tsuchigomori couldn’t help but notice the irony. He was a supernatural and yet he wanted to ignore the future, bask in the present, and move on from the past — just like a mortal. Even his books weren’t as comforting as they’d been before.
Knowing how things ended didn’t give him any sort of satisfaction as it used to.
But if fate could be changed once, he hoped it would be again, just so these children could find a happy ending in a world where there were few.
─── 地縛少年花子くん
The afternoon school bell rang and as the students left one by one, Tsuchigomori bid them farewell with a slight nod of the head or a wave. It took some cajoling to get Minamoto Kou through the doorway, Yokoo and Satou leading him out with one pushing at his back while the other grasped his hands. Kou sputtering about seeing something and trying to call over his shoulder with both boys telling him nothing was there. Tsuchigomori waved when the blond looked at him helplessly, sighing once the door slid shut and the room was quiet aside from the buzz in the halls.
“Honorable Number Seven, don’t you think this an abuse of your power?” Tsuchigomori asked with a tired sigh, glancing up from the doorway to the ghost lazily floating through the air.
Without even a hint of repentance, Hanako floated over with his legs crossed and hands rested on his knees. “Ehhh~?” He drawled in a light-hearted tone, tipping his head to one side, his hat slipping over his eyes for a moment. “Whatever do you mean, Tsuchigomori-sensei?”
Throughout the entire class, strange things had been happening. The students were wise enough not to interrupt Tsuchigomori’s lecture but seeing as he could pinpoint the source of the disturbance — he couldn’t be upset with them if they had. Hanako floated from one corner of the room to another.
Giving students cold chills, messing with books, poking erasers until they tumbled to the floor and adjusting small things. It was enough to be noticeable but not enough for the students to panic. All aside from Minamoto-kun.
The poor boy was close to breaking his glasses with how tightly he clenched them. Having gotten fed up with Hanako poking at the temple earpieces tomato them lift then fall over and over.
Tsuchigomori took some pity on him with answering questions but tried not to let it show. Hanako was doing a stellar job of getting under the blond’s skin, an unwise decision considering the boy’s older brother was still out for the 7th Mystery.
Still, this was the thirty-sixth class in a row the 7th Mystery had disturbed even in his own way. Eventually, the students would start catching on and although he knew Hanako took his duties seriously — he didn’t need to deal with their murmuring and rumor spreading this close to exams.
Gathering his class roster and the stack of papers he would have to grade, Tsuchigomori kept his voice low when a group of students passed by. “I know that you want to help Yashiro with her exams, but there’s other ways to go about it then interrupting my classes.”
Hanako hummed, pressing his finger to the underside of his chin, his head tipping to the other side and hat following suit. “It would be easier if you gave me the answers,” he suggested cheerfully, as if it were the easiest solution to come to. His hands clasping together with a bright smile. “And then I could give them to Yashiro to study.”
Tsuchigomori blinked slowly, then narrowed his eyes. “Absolutely not.”
“Ehhh~?” Hanako sighed, floating over as Tsuchigomori started patting down everything to see if he had all he needed. “Why not?” Eyes narrowing, Hanako studied him critically then gasped. “Don’t tell me, you have an honor code as a teacher?”
Out of all the things he could have come up with. An honor code, really? Tsuchigomori sighed, really wishing he could smoke now but with most of his co-workers nearby and the students it would really hurt his image.
“No,” Tsuchigomori groused, tucking the materials under his arm and leveling Hanako with a flat stare. “There’s nothing in it for me.”
Hanako blinked at him a few times then rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and floating backward. A few of the Mokke beginning to make their way through the classroom through one of the openings in the wall. “Stingy,” Hanako sighed, and the Mokke repeated the word enthusiastically, hopping up and down.
Tsuchigomori narrowed his eyes at them. “I’m not above letting Yako eat one of you, she would enjoy a snack and I could go for a few minutes of peace and quiet.”
Immediately, the chanting stopped and Tsuchigomori pressed his fingers to his temple. There had to be a way to help Hanako understand the importance of this. Although, Tsuchigomori couldn’t deny the curl of pride he felt with how fiercely the 7th Mystery went at this. He truly wanted to help his “assistant” even if it meant spending his free time pestering him.
No, was that pride or annoyance?
Ah, he couldn’t tell now.
“Think about it, Honorable Number Seven,” Tsuchigomori began, setting one hand on his hip. “Yashiro Nene isn’t long for this world — right?”
The Mokke which gathered near Hanako as he floated to the ground, immediately went rigid. With his back turned to him, the ember sun rays outlining his translucent form, Tsuchigomori felt a thin trail of regret. Especially when Hanako didn’t reply right away. The knife he often used wasn’t summoned to his hand but his hands fell to his side, palms open and shoulders loosened.
They didn’t speak of the Picture Perfect world or the promise he must have made to Yashiro Nene there. He and Yako were aware of Number Four’s doings but the curiosity in the 7th Mystery’s lack of an attempt to stay her hand was what puzzled him. Whatever conclusion Hanako came to must’ve been for Yashiro’s sake but at what cost —
“Studying can be taxing on a student’s health, both mental and physical, if she’s procrastinating then she may be stressing herself with how the results will turn out…”
It was a deplorable truth. Students were meant to take tests on subjects which might not have had much bearing in their futures but decided their future. He wasn’t fond of the process even now with how much it’d changed over the decades. But he could only lighten their burdens so much.
In spite of Hanako’s silence, Tsuchigomori continued on with his preparations to leave. Thumbing through the books despite knowing all he had was there in his arm, trying to buy time for the words to sink in.
“If she’s studying too hard, then it may have the same effect,” Tsuchigomori continued, ignoring the tension in Hanako’s shoulders. “Instead of pestering about the answers, why not be her solution?”
The Mokke gathered around cast him venomous looks but they dispersed from Hanako’s side, quickly leaving the classroom like rats jumping over a ship’s side. Hanako’s shoulders slowly rose and held before lowering with a shuddering sigh.
“Tsuchigomori…” He muttered, his voice hollow and softer than a whisper on the wind. A silent declaration for him to get on with it.
Quietness aside, Hanako had seemed different ever since he returned. Whether for the better or worst, Tsuchigomori wasn’t sure but there was a way to lighten his burden even indirectly.
“She isn’t long for this world, and I knew that…” Tsuchigomori acquiesced, remembering their earlier argument when Yashiro glimpsed her book and he hadn’t stopped her beforehand despite knowing she had stepped foot in his Boundary. “But she wants to live a normal life, doesn’t she?”
Hanako turned his head slightly, the corner of his mouth visible, downturned into a sullen frown.
“This is part of it. Studying for exams, spending the days wondering what comes next —“ Walking to the door, Tsuchigomori placed his hand on the handle and stared down at his feet. “Waiting on friends.”
His own shadow wasn’t what it appeared to be but those who weren’t aware of the supernatural wouldn’t see. Hanako on the other hand —
“There are better ways to spend your time, Honorable Number Seven.”
A long moment of silence passed between them and not once did it cross his mind that keeping his back to Hanako may have been dangerous. Counting backward from ten in his head, Tsuchigomori nodded and opened the door, feeling a light brush against his back.
“Thanks for the advice, Tsuchigomori-sensei…”
Turning around sharply, the empty classroom awaited him without a hint that the 7th Mystery had even been there.
─── 地縛少年花子くん
Hanako’s fingers twitched as he walked. Seconds from summoning his knife to hand, he had to remind himself there was no point. Tsuchigomori might not have been the best at fighting but he also wasn’t wrong. There was no sense in being angry. Even this — lingering around trying to garner the answers for an exam — was a distraction. He wasn’t sure what they were all doing half the time. Simply trying to wish away a problem and hope that nothing else would go wrong. Attempting to smile when they knew it would end in heartbreak.
He wanted to laugh bitterly. God, that “arbitrary” being who gave him this solemn duty, did he know that someone like her would cross his path? Someone who he would be willing to give up everything to save. Did he put this time limit on Yashiro’s soul to punish him? Sending a tiny light to save him from despair only to let it flicker out the moment his hands touched it?
Fists curled, he couldn’t even feel the press of his nails against the palm of his hand. Searing pain was no longer something he knew well. But he was learning again. Learning what it felt like to be torn from the inside out by the world around him. Clinging to one person to try and find comfort in the twist and turns of fate.
Taking a deep breath, he tipped his head back and stared up at the ceiling of the hallway in the old building’s third floor. Tsuchigomori. Would he be able to find it in himself to forgive him even when it was no one’s fault in the bitter end?
Even he knew Yashiro wasn’t long for this world but he didn’t know how he would feel for her. Couldn’t Tsuchigomori have warned him of that? So he wouldn’t have felt this pain.
Did he want him to?
Hanako sighed, opening his hands and dropping his head, the brim of his hat covering his eyes. Two students walking down the hall from the opposite end were talking warmly. Passing by him without even a backward glance and he was grateful. Like this, he didn’t want to be seen. He wasn’t sure if he could put on a smile even if it was mocking. As they walked home, talking about their plans and the homework they had, supernaturals watched them — kept only at bay by the presence of the 7th Mystery who promised a swift punishment if either of their souls were touched.
The pair exited the building slowly and Hanako watched from the window, pressing his hand to the glass. Warmed from the sunlight, it chased away the chill in his “skin” but only for so long.
“What am I doing?” He sighed, clapping his hands together as he rocked back on his heel. “It’s about that time, I should start heading back, huh?”
Turning on his heel, he clasped his hands behind his back and walked with a hum. Perhaps Yashiro would be there, he thought with a smile. Or maybe she was preparing a way to tell him that she had to head home.
「 Studying can be taxing on a student’s health, both mental and physical.  」
Hanako’s smile fell gradually.
「 If she’s studying too hard, then it may have the same effect.  」
Would it be better if she went home for the day? What if she worked herself too hard? There was nothing he could do from here.
「 Instead of pestering about the answers, why not be her solution?  」
Standing outside of the bathroom door, Hanako’s hand hovered over the handle and he hesitated. If she was there then what would he say to her? If she wasn’t there, then what would he say the next time he saw her? He’d been spending all of his time trying to help by gaining the answers for her that —
He brought his hand to his mouth, pressing his fingers to his skin then pulling them away, grabbing the door’s handle. He would look after her. One way or another, he would do his best to look after her.
“Yashiro!” Hanako called, cupping his hand around the side of his mouth as he opened the door. “Y—“
He sniffed, glancing down and his eyes widened. Curled up on the floor with her head resting against the wall and an open textbook propped up on bent knees, her ashen-teal hair slipping over folded arms was Yashiro. In the shade of the bathroom sinks, her skin seemed much paler and he couldn’t see the rise and fall of her shoulders very well. Alarm rose in his chest and in an instant, he was at her side, reaching for her shoulder.
Wake up, Yashiro. You’re just sleeping, right?
The cold brush of his fingers against her skin elicited a low grumble and he’d never been happier to hear that sound. Her brows furrowing and twitching as she fought likely to remain in the last vestiges of sleep. Slowly, her eyes opened. Hazy ruby a blessed sight and Hanako felt the tension dissipate, his hand resting on her arm. It took a few minutes for Yashiro to wake and he glanced down at her notebook in the meantime. It was outlined with notes in the margins, doodles of the Mokke, and other things.
He squinted slightly when he saw something written with ‘H’, trying to peer closer when her hand obscured it. A yawn parting her lips as she rubbed her eyes, undeniably cute with the little pout to her lips.
As if registering him being there for the first time, she smiled sheepishly. “Hanako-kun, sorry… I was trying to study a bit before I started cleaning.”
Studying… and cleaning?
He wanted to ask if that was too much. Surely, she could just go home and get some rest. But she came here to clean. Hanako reached out for the book, brushing her hands aside despite her protests.
With a cheery smile, he said, “Nope!” and shut it.
“Eh…?” Yashiro stared up at him as he rose to his feet with the book in hand. “H-Hanako-kun!”
“Noooope~!” He waved the book back and forth, tapping her lightly on the head, a smile curving his lips despite the ache in his core. “That’s enough studying, Ya-shi-ro~.”
A soft pink blossomed across her cheeks and her breath hitched. Two things he adored greatly, though his mind traitorously mentioned it would be two things he missed sorely. Yashiro’s voice cut through his thoughts and he stepped aside when she stood, reaching for the book. “I already told you what’ll happen if I don’t pass, right?”
As if he would forget. Still, he wouldn’t let Yashiro put herself hard to see him only to make herself feel worse.
Wait, she could just be trying to avoid supplementary classes so she doesn’t have to take them. It’s not necessarily for me, is it?
Oh right, she was waiting for her book.
Tossing it up and down, he smiled back at her. “Mhm. And you’ve been working hard,” he turned back to face her, hiding it behind his back. “Which is why today, we’re going to take a break.” Spying the Mokke peeking out from behind one of the sinks, he let one part of the notebook show as Yashiro tried to process his words. Strolling past, he turned on his heel when Yashiro glanced back at him suspiciously, reaching out for the book and narrowly missing.
“What do you mean we are going to take a break?” Yashiro huffed, folding her arms across her chest, her cheeks puffing.
Hanako almost dropped the book in his shock. Why was she this cute? With his hands freed, he stepped toward her and the pout fell as he leant closer. His reflection in her eyes the closer they got and he grinned.
“I mean we,” he said, spinning past her then reaching out to lift her up in his arms.
The sudden movement had her sputtering and she wiggled in his grasp. Narrowly avoiding having his hat knocked off with one outward strike of her arm. Really, she was getting good at that.
“W-W-Wait a minute, Hanako-kun!”
Hanako adjusted his hold on her, smiling softly. “You’re tired, right?” He asked, tilting his head, fondness easing where doubt had been when she stopped flailing and stared up at him with wonder. “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you.”
There wouldn’t be anyone by this time and he didn’t have to worry about the Minamoto brothers either. Carrying her out of the bathroom, Yashiro’s arms wrapped around his neck and her fingers curled in his uniform jacket. Having her so close to him was a little distracting but he tried to keep his steps as light as possible and his face from reddening.
“But I’m—“
“You’re not heavy,” Hanako interrupted, giving her a side-long glance when her lips parted again. “And you’re not a burden.”
He hated that look on Yashiro’s face. A flicker of pain, hurt, regret — she always spoke of him saving her and looking after her. Granting her wishes. Didn’t she know that she granted all of his? That she was what he wished for.
Perhaps she didn’t.
And maybe it was his fault for not letting it be known. Her head tucked against his shoulder and he glanced down at her, his eyes softening and cheek pressing to the top of her head. Another moment neither of them would speak of.
So close and yet so far.
Opening the door to the rooftop, Hanako grinned. “And here we are!”
He turned to look down at Yashiro and tease her for being so quiet when he heard the quiet breaths.
Her hold on him was loose, one of her hands curled up at his chest, a grip on the front of his uniform while the other was draped over his shoulder. Listening to her breathing and the gentle cadence of her heart was better than any song.
“…. You were that tired, huh?” Hanako muttered, walking to the edge of the roof and sitting down with Yashiro in his lap, his head resting atop of hers. “An hour or two is fine, the sun won’t go down til then…”
He looked up at the sky, watching a pair of birds soar on the wind currents and disappear into the honey-gold sky. Yashiro sighed and pressed her cheek against his shoulder, drawing his attention back to her.
Maybe their story wouldn’t end like her fairy tales. And he wasn’t the type to kiss someone when they weren’t awake to tell him if he could. But he held her as close to him as possible as if he could protect her from anything and everything — even time itself.
“Sleep well, Yashiro.”
For now though? He would guard her dreams.
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