#and i honestly like just staying in this confusing grey area of 'what am i doing?' and 'what do i like?'
lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Patient 1: Pretender Optimus Prime. (Ft. Pretender Bumblebee) Author's note: Enjoy my dear friend! I hope you enjoy it <3
Orion stumbled out of the portal, looking back at it for a brief moment as it disappeared. Where was he now? He got up, dusted off some sand that got on him, and adjusted his medkit. No matter where he was, he would help whoever. Decepticon or otherwise. That’s what a good medical bot in training would do! No matter the circumstances, they always help others. His fuel storage growled at him, notifying him that he hasn’t eaten in a good bit. He got out a small energon cube and from his medkit, munching on it as he walked around the area. He wasn’t getting any large energon signals.. As if yet. By this point he was prepared for anything! Nothing would scare him, or so he hoped. He hasn’t encountered anything too terrifying yet. 
He jumped in surprise when he spotted a yellow and black blur run past him, he calmed his nerves (or he attempted to) as he glanced in the direction where the thing ran off to.. “?” He sensed a presence behind him, and he yelped a bit as he turned to face the figure, “AH-” There was Bumblebee, or well this universe’s Bee, not expecting to see such a small bot here. He thought it was solely his and his sire’s territory. He wasn’t much of a threat.. His sire wouldn’t like it if he just attacked for no reason. He beeped at him, “Hello!.. I didn’t expect to see anyone here.” Orion Pax managed to recollect himself as he stood proudly, or tried to make himself less of a threat. He wasn’t that at all in hindsight, but he was blindly following his mentor’s advice, “Hello there.. Sorry, you scared me there for a second!” He said that he was taught to say, “I am an in-training medical officer, Orion Pax.” Bumblebee seemed hesitant, this bot could be anyone. He looked at Orion’s optics.. Oh. It was just a bot, still. He was on a bit of an edge. 
Orion nodded, “Oh! You must be this universe’s bumblebee!” He noticed an injury on the pretender’s leg, a small-ish cut, but it could still get infected with ease due to the sandy environment. He was not aware that this wasn’t a normal bot, the different mouth certainly tipped him off, but he was still a bit oblivious. Even if he knew he would still help. He said quickly, “I can help with that, I’m licensed with taking care of cuts like that!” He knelt down and opened his medkit, “Just stay still and I can help you.” Bumblebee looked a bit skeptical ‘this universe’s bumblebee’? It’s clear that this autobot didn’t belong here.. But he was so nice. Still, his sire taught him well and he didn’t let his guard down fully. Orion spoke as he delicately took care of the pretender’s injury, patching up any visible fuel lines and using a spare piece of metal to cover it like a temporary bandage, “I need to talk to this universe’s Optimus. Knowing him, he’s probably hurting and needs my help!” Bumblebee stared at him, “Why?” Orion said with confidence, “I sorta been sent around the multiverse, I’ve met a bunch of primes before! Like one of them is a morally grey jester god who may have committed war crimes but he’s very nice. His optics are so pretty I wish I could show you a picture..” The pretender was more than a bit confused, ‘morally grey jester god’? He honestly didn’t want to know. 
Orion continued, “I want to help them because I'm a medic, to give them a good checkup! That’s what we do. We help people. No matter what, no matter if they aren’t truly cybertronians, or done hideous things. Because we care!” 
“Medic in training.”
“Besides that, we help everyone!” Orion got up from the floor, “You're all fixed, I suggest asking your ratchet to fix you up fully, as this is only a temporary fix.” ”Thank you..”  Orion smiled, “Sorry, couldn’t let you keep walking or running like that!” “It’s fine… You care too much y'know..” Orion tilted his head in confusion, “‘care too much’? That’s sorta my job, being a medic is tedious and exhausting, but it’s worth it to see your patients smile!” Bumblebee patted him on the head, Orion accepted it happily and asked again, “now that I've helped you, can you help me find Optimus?”
“It’s the least I could do for you.. Medic.”  
Well, it wasn’t that much of a search as heavy footsteps walked towards them. Bumblebee got excited naturally at the signature of his sire and chittered happily, “Sire!” 
The older pretender was worried about his kin because he didn’t return from the hunting grounds on time. He assumed he forgot, which was fine but he just wanted to check in on his baby.
He froze when he saw Orion, and the two stared at each other a bit as Bumblebee hugged his leg. Optimus patted his larva on the head gently as Orion mentally prepared himself. “Hello there.. Sir.” The mouth was much more noticeable for Orion, and he couldn’t help but say, “Whoa.. you look like a cool insecticon with that mouth!” he caught himself, “Sorry if that sounded rude, I just thought it was cool.” Optimus’s expression softened as he gestured for Bee to run back home, which he did without much compilants. He knelt down to Orion’s level, and spoke. His voice was deep, yet elegant at the same time. "You are little more than a larva. You pose no threat. Larva should not be left unattended."
Orion was actually a bit startled at that response, but tried to keep his ground, “L-larva?” A stutter snuck out, but tried to stay ‘fearless’. "Well I'm a medic in training, not a ‘larva’ that you speak of sir. I've been sent around the multiverse to do medical checkups! Or that's what I like to say.. last check up I did was a optical exam on mr jester god he's very nice."
"A bit off-putting but he gave me a sticker for my medkit." He exclaimed, showing the pretender a sticker of a puppy that the horror god gave him. The older pretender nodded in acknowledgement, getting up. “Come along, you are stepping on hunting grounds. I don’t want harm to come to you.”He left out the fact that this was his and his son’s hunting grounds, but didn’t want to scare the already clearly frightened Orion, he wanted this new larva to be safe as he didn’t want for his son to think of Orion as a fuel source. Orion followed behind him as they walked, Orion said only a moment later, “Do you have time for a checkup? I need to do a medical exam, from the Optimuses I've meant you're probably hurting both on the inside and outside, I can’t do it inside I’m not a licensed therapist, but I am a licensed medic! I would love to help you..” “You never told me your designation, young one.”Orion sheepishly chuckled and answered the question, “My name is Orion Pax, I'm working under my universe’s Ratchet as his mentee!” Optimus had a small smile, “It’s very pretty. As for the checkup, I wouldn’t mind a brief examination. You are quite brave, why do you care so much about beings that shouldn’t be cared about anyways?”
That wording made Orion a bit upset, “Why does everyone say that?...” he sounded frustrated. “I do it because I care! I’m a medical officer, it’s my duty to care for people. No matter what!” “I admire your gall little one, but you shouldn’t be doing this. You're so small.. Too little.”Orion spoke up, and with determination he said, “I may be small but I still got bite! Don’t assume I'm weak. I can handle myself plenty.”
Optimus’s response was to chuckle, he found it charming. To see this invader from another universe who was clearly too sweet to be here, care so much about him and try to be so brave for his ‘patient’s’ sake. “There seems to be no way to stop you, well, I can’t argue with a cybertronian medic with such a strong sense of virtue.”
Orion nodded as they stepped into the military base, Orion looked around for a brief moment. Seeing Bumblebee talking to Ratchet quite excitedly, seemingly about how Orion patched him up. 
Orion held his medkit as Optimus sat down on the examination table, Orion glanced at the clearly confused Ratchet. “Oh, you must be this universe’s Ratchet! Greetings, I am Orion Pax, a medic in training and your optimus agreed for me to give him a checkup! It’ll be quick, I promise.” He smiled, and Ratchet simply nodded, honestly unsure of what to do.
“Do not worry about him, old friend. Orion is here to ‘help me’, in his words..”Orion got out his tools, and also a little notepad as he flipped to a page that had questions to ask patients, he was in medic mode and very very serious, but this just made him look charming then not. “Alright, now these are the questions I'm supposed to ask. Any encounters with strange substances, synth-ed, dark energon, etc? Be honest with me.” “None.”“Any recent injuries on the battlefield? So I don’t accidentally touch those sensitive places while I'm patching you up.” “That.. Well, I have been struck in the back as of late. My spinel struts are a bit.. Misaligned at the bottom. My own medic has fixed it mostly but there’s still some soreness.”Orion wrote that down, “Noted, back soreness near pedic plate. Anything else?” “That’s all.”“Alright! That’s good, not much external work, but we’ll see in the checkup..” Ratchet chuckled, “You're so focused Orion.” Orion smiled proudly, “Of course! I can’t let my patients be injured by my own servos.”
The other medic nodded, seemingly impressed. This only made Orion more happy to help, if he got approval from this Ratchet, He must be doing something right! Right?
Orion got out one of his tools, “I’m going to look at your optics now, the last Optimus I treated had some optic problems so I want to get this out of the way first.” “So be it. I know that I'm in good servos.”Orion did the optic examination, he exclaimed, in a bit of awe. “Your optics are so different..” Optimus held his nonexistent breath, he didn’t want the young one to question it, but by this point it was inevitable… “So pretty!” “Pardon?”Orion gushed, “I’ve never seen optics like it, it’s so beautiful! Your creators must've been so gorgeous!” he caught himself again, “Apologies, I shouldn’t question it..”
Optimus’s expression softened once again, he knew that Orion was slowly figuring it out, but he did not expect that response. It was honestly.. Adorable. This little medic was the cutest thing he’s seen. Sure, he disagreed with him being a medic at his age, but he truly had good intentions. “Thank you..”Orion grinned, “No problem! Back to the check-up, I can’t get distracted!!” he got out a scanner tool, it was a miniature version of it, as Orion would probably fall under the weight of the bigger one. “This is to check for any parasites underneath your armor, it’s really noninvasive so you’ll only feel a slight tingling sensation!”  
Optimus froze, ‘parasites’? Would his larva feeding on his fuellines technically count as parasites? Would they show underneath the scanner?.. He got a bit anxious at the thought. How would he explain to the youngling about them? Orion seemed to notice this anxiousness as he stood there without doing anything, just holding the scanner.
“Why are you waiting medic?”Orion’s expression softened, “I saw that you looked anxious, so I won’t use it until you're ready. It’s alright Mr Optimus, everyone feels a bit anxious from time-to-time!” Optimus couldn’t really believe how.. Both oblivious and not oblivious Orion was. It touched his spark that he cared so much about him, but it also concerned him. What would be Orion’s reaction?
“I give you my consent, thank you for checking in on me.”Orion nodded cheerfully and started up the scanner, started with the legs, and then chest.. And then the older pretender’s arms. Optimus held his nonexistent breath again. Orion’s expression at first was a clear shock.. But he looked closer and his expression was… happily surprised? “Why didn’t you tell me you had feeding bitlets!? Sure, ive never seen anything like it but there still babies!” Orion said in a panic, not sure what to do.. Optimus was just as shocked, he did not expect this either. Did.. Orion thought that he was anxious because he didn’t want the medic to see that he had ‘babies’? That he thought it was shameful?..
Well it seemed to be the case when Orion started to lightly scold him, “You should’ve told me these things! I should’ve done a fuel supply check first… You don’t have to be afraid of your medic when it concerns your kin!” “Aren’t they parasites?”“Parasites?! No no this doesn't look like parasites at all! I’ve heard of insecticons letting their young feed off of them. I don’t know if you are an insecticon, but you certainly have traits like one!” Orion exclaimed. Orion then said, finally connecting the dots.. “Your… not an insecticon are you?” “I am not, young one.”
Orion seemed annoyed now, “I might have treated you incorrectly then! Did I hurt you?!” his tone devolved into one of worry, and even guilt. Orion really thought he might have hurt the prime. 
“No no.. I am perfectly fine. You have taken care of me wonderfully. It would be a matter of time before you figured it out..”Orion, with full confidence exclaimed, “lay it on me! I can handle it.” “I- are you sure?”“Certainly, as per my contract. I cannot say anything that might reveal information about my patients! So your secrets are safe with me.”
Ratchet nodded, “He is prepared enough. Tell him the truth.” Optimus sighed, and he explained. He explained what Bumblebee, himself and Ratchet were; Pretenders. He then explained his mission, and what they're doing there. He also explained the ‘hunting grounds’.
Orion nodded, writing it down on his notepad, “Species; Pretender.. Got it.” He seemed in awe once again, Optimus was confused. “I’m surprised you aren’t afraid.. Perhaps you were more resilient then I realized.”Orion nodded, “Why would I? Your species is so cool!! I love how it works, I respect your mission so much, and I hope your larva grows up big and strong ok? I know the circumstances may be tough, you're forced to be all mean when you usually aren’t and that is horrible! Nobody should be forced to be a part of a war when they don’t want to..” He held the prime’s hand, “But be strong!” The older pretender was once again touched. He didn’t expect the response, but it was very very welcome. He realized that Orion did understand, even if he was a bit oblivious to what he had done, he was grateful. “I am… Truly touched by your gratitude. Be strong as well Orion. I don’t want to imagine anything happening to you and your pure spark.”Orion took it to heart, “I promise I’ll be strong! For both of us!” (chuckle) “For the both of us.”
Once the checkup was complete, Orion proudly handed the prime, and Bumblebee a sticker. “And since you two got the Orion Treatment™, you get a sticker!” he also got out two energon treats giving one to Bumblebee, “Andd a energon treat!” He cut another energon treat in half, and gave Optimus the treat and the cut in half one, he explained, “The half one is for the babies! I don’t know how much fuel you consume daily, but I think it will help!” “Thank you, it’s truly saddening that you have to leave so soon..”Bumblebee nodded his helm, far too busy eating his treat to say anything. Orion sighed, “I wish I could stay longer too so I could hear more about how pretenders work, but my sire will get worried sick if I stay out longer! Have to make it home before dinner.” “Understood, but I don’t want you to return empty-handed for your efforts.” 
The Pretender Prime got out a small necklace, one with a charm that had a lustrous blue glow. The charm was shaped like an oval, and had a marking in it. He placed it around Orion’s neck. Orion looked at it, “It’s so pretty.. Thank you!” “Thanks should be for you, that will keep you safe if you encounter any of my pretender brethren. It shows that you are kin.” Orion gasped in happy surprise, “So I'm like half pretender now?” Optimus patted him on the helm, “If you wish to pretend, sure.” Bumblebee finished his treat, and ran over to hug Orion, “Come back soon! I’ll show you around our hunting grounds next time!!” A portal opened, and once Orion made sure he had all of his supplies in his medkit, he waved goodbye to this universe to go back home to Nimbus Prime and his mentor. He couldn’t wait to tell them what happened, and he would cherish his gift dearly. And with that, this wraps Orion's first patient case. Who knows who he will care for next, it could be anything. But he will address them without fear, and with compassion. Because that’s what a medic would do, wouldn’t they?
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— Shouto becomes victim of a quirk accident. In that he become two people who get along as well as fire and ice do. They clash at every moment, and only seem to agree on one thing: their love for you. Or in which Shouto gets split into two by a quirk that spilts chimeras and in order for peace to be found you find yourself in a threesome with two halves that make the one you love most.
pairing: split!todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, threesome, split!shouto, anal, double penetration, blowjob, rimming, cunnilingus, cursing, degradation, praise 
word count: 8,930
a/n: LMAOOOOOO this waas actually fun to write the names I gave them were super easy because I am uncreative. I used an anons rec for shoutos hero name: reisho so that’s what that is. and thank you to my lovely canasian for finding the original drabble I wrote. pls enjoy!
kinktober day 6 main kink: threesome
“What’s going on?”
It was a series of words that often came out of your mouth because, as a Pro Hero, there were many times where you had no idea what was going on. It usually ranged from asking why Kaminari and Kirishima were giggling and avoiding your gaze when you walked into a room to coming onto an active battle where Bakugou and Midoriya were bloodied and crazed. There was nothing off-limits to those words, as they were, after all, said in complete confusion. 
“Where is he?!” you tried again, watching as nineteen different eyes look everywhere but at you.
However, it was without given when you watched your twenty -- wait, was that twenty-one? -- former classmates both stumble into one another as they turn to face you.
“Y/l/n-chan!” Mina squeaked, stepping up from the crowd, trying to cover up the two people in there that you couldn’t quite recognize as your classmates. “How was patrol? I heard that Todoroki-kun left you midway!”
You wished that last comment didn’t make your cheeks burn as intensely as it did.
Today had been one of the rare days that you had gone off on your route with your boyfriend, Todoroki Shouto. Both of you watched the busy streets and whispering between yourself as you avoided the masses, not wanting to get caught up with fan interactions that were rather unneeded. But there had been a large altercation that required Shouto’s expertise. Specifically, the voice at headquarters commanded that you stay on patrol while Shouto would leave. So you had watched as Shouto placed a hand on your cheek, his thumb softly petting your cheek, his smile warm.
“I’ll be back,” he had promised before taking off in a mist of ice and fire.
You continued the rest of your patrol with a rather childish pout on your face, you hadn’t enjoyed being sidelined like this, but you calmly assessed the situation. It probably wasn’t a fight you would be much aid in, and there was never a reason to send more than enough heroes onto a single area. But your route was coming to an end, and Shouto had still yet to reappear. Trying not to overthink it, you frowned while passing a store with TVs out in front.
Staring at the bright, flashing screen, you suddenly felt a sense of panic at the headliner: Chimera Quirk-Wielding Villain Apprehended by Pro Heroes Froppy, Pinky, and Reisho. (slight injuries on the hero team.)
With concern pitting up horribly in your stomach for your friends and boyfriend, you finished your assignment as calmly as you could, before finally getting to rush back to your agency. You had taken to the rooftops to get there as quickly as you could.
Through all that, you found yourself right where you had been in the beginning, staring at Mina, who despite the few scrapes of dirt and soot on your costume, looked normal. Your eyes glanced over at Tsuyu, who, like Mina, was unharmed -- which left Shouto.
“Something strange happened during that battle,” Momo spoke up, her face set with concern, her eyes, although not horrified, was definitely a bit at a loss for an explanation.
“The person we fought against could make chimera’s out of people, but the limits of their quirk meant that once they made a chimera, they couldn’t add more to the creation,” Mina explained, her head nodding as she looked from Momo to you. Her fingers were tugging at her pink curls, and you tilted your head.
“Is Shouto still smashed together with someone or something?” you asked, a bit hesitant to see what potentially horrific creation your boyfriend could have turned into. “I’ve seen Shouto show up home after the poop-villain fiasco, I swear I won’t cry if he’s ugly!”
“Well, no, kero,” Tsuyu frowned, her finger pressing to her lower lip as she tilted her head. “Mina-chan and I were a chimera for a bit, and the quirk has a limit when they make a chimera.”
You didn’t like how that was worded.
“Just fucking show her the idiots who threw the match!” Bakugou snapped, his eyebrows furrowed as he shoved the crowd away in the middle, parting them like Moses did the red sea. 
Idiots? You thought, your confused expression growing as you looked from Bakugou’s frowning face onto what they had been hiding from you.
And you instantly understood why when you were greeted with two heads. One entirely redheaded, the other entirely white-haired, each with identical faces who looked at you with the same tone to their eyes.
“You see, their quirk can also separate chimera’s, and well… I — we, guess that Todoroki-san is one,” Momo informed you as you stared at opposite replicates of your loving boyfriend. “The villain said they’ve never split a natural-born human chimera before, it had been their first time, so the lasting effects of the quirk are unknown.”
The redheaded Shouto still sported a scar on his face, but he felt completely different. His face was cold, stare distant, and burning with a suppressed, denied fury that you couldn’t recognize on him outside of a battlefield. But even with the cold look encompassing his body and stature like a thick sheet of ice, when he looked at you with his set of two burning turquoise eyes, you knew his feelings for you were still the same.
The white-haired Shouto had no scar, and he looked much closer to the man you knew currently, except maybe a bit more open? His face quipped into a smile, his eyes swimming with mirth, joy, and content with finally seeing you here, all good emotions but emotions you weren’t used to him exposing to the public like this. But even with the warm, loving look burning softly around him, his set of grey eyes shone with feelings you knew were true.
“My boyfriend is split into two?!”
There was something wrong with that sentence, something that carried heat because the moment you said those words, both Shouto’s seemed to freeze next to each other. Icy and fiery glares meeting in an electric firestorm as Deku promptly dragged you out of the room with Momo and Mina. You struggled against Deku’s iron grip, only seeing white-haired Shouto’s jaw drop in the beginnings of a speech while redheaded Shouto glowered at him with all the intensity he could muster.
“Y/l/n-san, we need you to never, ever mention that they’re the same person,” Deku immediately spoke as soon as the door between the hallway and the room where the Shouto’s were closed. “He’s — they’re — not handling that information very well, and are acting rather… immature about who the real ‘Todoroki-kun’ is.”
“They’re not connected by the same mind?!” you spluttered, your own mind feeling like it was split down the middle at the hypothesis that your boyfriend was both of these men, but none of them. “So, it’s like a split personality manifesting completely?”
“We’re a bit sure on how to compare it to something such as dissociative disorder,” Momo spoke calmly, undoubtedly her mind working a mile a millisecond to make sense of the strange predicament you all were in. “He’s been in here for some time now. And from what we’ve managed to question from him, both parts of Todoroki-san remember everything. It seems they differ in just how they felt about it on an emotional basis.”
You blinked once, twice.
“Do you mind giving me an example?”
Goddamn idiot you were.
“Well, I guess the bigger emotional differences were during our high school years,” Midoriya mumbled, his fingers pinching his lower lip in thought. “A good example would be why he challenged me during the sports festival. Redhead Shouto said he did it because he hated Endeavor so much back then he was willing to prove his strength no matter what. White-haired Shouto says it was an overreaction on his own part and that he’s truly sorry.”
You frowned.
“It almost sounds like if Todoroki-san’s quirk had been only one of his parents, and his two halves are insights to the life he would have led if he had only one,” Momo offered a pursed stare. She didn’t seem too sure of her conclusion, but for you, it was enough.
“Honestly, you were the only one I saw both Todoroki-kun’s act the same toward!” Mina exclaimed, her hands grabbing your shoulders as she leaned in close, a sly grin on her face. “It’s like the two of you are destined lovers, no matter how the world is!”
“Mina!” you whined, feeling utterly embarrassed as she snickered loudly, her eye falling into a wink before straightening up.
“Alright, so just a recap: don’t mention which one is the ‘real’ Todoroki,” Mina warned, already moving back into the room.
“What do we call them then?” you whispered, feeling not at all prepared to stare at two, stupid hot versions of your same boyfriend.
“Ah-ha, well,” Midoriya smiled embarrassed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as you all walked back in. “Only Kacchan brought up a nickname so far.”
“YOU STUPID FUCKING RED HALF!” Bakugou’s voice roared the moment the door opened, and immediately, you were pulled back into the mess of the situation. “I’LL MURDER YOUR ASS!”
“Someone was clearly not raised on manners,” came the snide remark from Shouto’s white half, and you watched on in horror as your old male classmates worked together to hold off all three rambunctious boys to keep from fighting.
But you stared at the apathetic face on Shouto’s red half, his eyes somehow empty, dull, and angry as he glared at Bakugou.
Red half.
You looked at Shouto’s white half that was grinning at the challenge, icy frosting off his body akin to the explosions on Bakugou’s fists as he egged him on. 
That would be easy enough.
You snorted, before walking forward, grabbing your boyfriend(s) hands in yours, and they quickly turned to look at you. Their gazes turning warm and full, their demeanor utterly different as the raging Bakugou faded into the background. 
“So, I’m sure you both know what’s going on at the moment,” you spoke clearly, just loudly enough to be heard over the popping explosions on Bakugou’s palms. “I also know you’re both confident in who you are, but the truth is you both have the same name, so we’re going to need a new thing to call the both of you. Is that okay?”
“Ah, I see,” white-haired Shouto nodded, his hand tightening around yours, his thumb running along the backside of your palm. “You will continue to call me Shouto, and we will call him, the Imposter.”
Wait, what?!
“I’m not the imposter,” redheaded Shouto rolled his eyes, taking the hand he held up to his lips, pressing a gentle, warm kiss to your knuckles — it contrasted chillingly with the cold, aloof tone he continues to have with his white half. “I am, after all, the one with the facial scar. It is the most recognizable feature of me. Clearly, you’re the imposter.”
You had to ignore the way your stomach fluttered and how your cheeks exploded in heat as both Shouto’s were suddenly kissing your knuckles. They only went further after leaving warm, chilling kisses on your skin. For they pulled you closer by your waist, a physical challenge between the two to claim you. Even though they both were for you.
It was only made worse by the wide-eyed, cheek splitting grins, and spluttering noises made by your old classmates who relished in this rom-com type embarrassment.
“Oh my god, enough!” you squeaked, trying to shove both overpowering men away from you.
“See, you’re being too much,” white-haired Shouto snapped, ripping you from redhead Shouto’s hold.
“Let. Y/n. Go.” redhead Shouto growled, hand exploding with fire, and you wrestled yourself out of white-haired Shouto’s hold to press your palms flat against each of their chests.
“You both better calm down right now, or else I’ll send you off with our friends until you’re back to normal!” you snap, your cheek radiating with explosive heat. With the threat heavy on their minds, redhead Shouto took away his flame, and white-haired Shouto took a less defensive stance. Relieved with their current treaty, you thrust a finger at both halves, looking between your way too amused classmates and your boyfriend(s). “You will be called Red--” you jabbed redheaded Shouto with your finger-- “and you will be White!” you spoke clearly, tapping white-haired Shouto with your other finger.
“Am I understood?”
You glared at your boyfriend(s) who were staring down at you with wide eyes and gaping jaws.
“I said, am I understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” your boyfriend(s) sputtered.
Highlight of Day One of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Where is Red going to sleep?” White asked as you settled into the, thankfully, large bed the two -- now three -- of you shared. “On the floor?”
The bed had been a present from Endeavor when Shouto had moved into your apartment with you. It was much bigger than anything you owned, and while you hadn’t been fond of the length and stretch of the bed, you indeed were grateful for it now.
“Y/n likes to be warm when she sleeps,” Red duly noted, glaring at White the entire time it took him to crawl onto the right side of the bed. He settled right by you, arm wrapped around your waist, chin grazing against your temple. “You sleep on the floor.”
“You need comfort to stay beautiful, and since you’re eliminated from being that because of the scar on your face, you can sleep on the floor!” White countered while reciprocating the same position Red was doing.
Red’s eyebrow twitched at that before his glare soured and became icy cold, “I have the bigger co--”
“Both of you shut up now!” you snap, the palms of your hands shoving their faces away from one another. You were feeling more like a mother to a pair of troublesome twin toddlers than the girlfriend of your boyfriend(s). “I don’t want to hear it!” you groan as both their jaws dropped to attempt to speak their mind. “If you can’t shut up and sleep, I’ll sleep on the floor!”
“Then shut up, love me more, and let’s go to bed!”
“You don’t have the bigger cock--”
“Oh my god!”
“Please don’t go, my love, White is an idiot.”
Highlight of Day Two of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Well, this is certainly an interesting thing to be experiencing,” Rei’s gentle voice filled the room as both Red and White sat at her sides. Neither one of them touching her, but their gazes warm and soft for their mother. Rei touched the cheeks of both her son(s) and sighed softly before returning her attention to you. “Has it been hard? I do hope they’ve been behaving themselves.”
You smiled in hopes it would help to hide the grimace on your features as you laughed.
Just this morning, the two of them nearly burned down the kitchen while trying to outperform one another in making you breakfast in bed. It was of ample notice to realize that just one Todoroki Shouto was not to be trusted in the kitchen, but putting two Todoroki Shouto’s in there had caused them to somehow burn water and melt the stove.
The eggs they managed to pull together were burnt yet undercooked and had eggshells in them.
It wasn’t the worst meal you’ve had fun enough.
“They’re doing just fine,” you lie, your smile warm at the woman you would hope to one day become your mother-in-law. “Just a bit odd to deal with two people when I’m so used to one.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is. In fact, they initially saw Shouto was to be twins, but he absorbed the other one in the womb,” Rei admitted, a small laugh on her tongue as she politely covered her mouth, her eyes closed in her mirth. “A bit funny how it seems like this could have been the outcome of that life.”
You feel a cold sweat drip on the back of your neck as Red straightens, his eyes darkening as he makes contact with Rei’s arm, and fear thrums through every fiber of your being.
“Yes, Shouto?” Rei asked, her warm grey eyes taking in Red’s gloomy form.
“White called me ugly.”
Highlight of Day Three of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“My love, I’m not feeling too well,” White groaned on the couch when you first arrived home.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, you were still being cleared to work during this time of split Shouto. After a much-needed relatively short time away from home, you had returned after a patrol to a clean apartment living room and Red sitting on the singles armchair, and White sprawled on the couch. 
You froze, Shouto hardly ever got sick! His internal temperature was always so in tune to the things around him that no virus, bug, or bacteria ever managed to infect him with sickness. For all five years of knowing him, you had never once seen him sick.
“Oh my god!” you panicked, rushing to remove your coat and shoes as you ran over to the couch to feel his forehead for a temperature.
He was running a bit cold, as he always did on his right side of his body, so you internally freaked about if this was normal or not! Your Shouto always had a specific spot on his forehead that was considered normal, but this was not your normal Shouto.
You were fucked, so wildly fucked.
“Are you okay? What do you need? I can go get you a blanket. I’ll get some soup going! What medicine do you think you need?!”
“There’s…” White trailed off in his exhaustion, his hands rubbing his face in probably his sick delirium. “There’s only one thing that will help…”
“What is it?” you asked, leaning in closer to him so that his flushed lips were centimeters from your ear.
“I need... “ he trailed off, and you leaned in closer, only to be suddenly trapped in his arms and pulled on top of him. “Some one-on-one time with my beautiful girlfriend!”
The scent of burning leather filled the room.
“Princess, I’m not feeling good.”
Good fucking grief.
Highlight of Day Four of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“Hot soba.”
“Cold soba.”
“The store has both!” you sobbed, your boyfriend(s) adopting their possessive hugging on your body while out in public as you had attempted to get them out of the house because you thought that maybe, just maybe, they were feeling stir-crazy.
“But we always share our soba noodles, y/n,” Red looked down at you, tilting your chin so that you could look at him clearly. “I know you love cold soba more.”
“We get it, Ice Princess, daddy hurt your feelings, and now you still hate everything hot! Get over it; y/n always buys hot soba when you’re not around.”
“G-Guys,” you whimper, suddenly feeling drowned out with the clashing of ice and fire personalities around you as the crowd watched on in bemusement. “Please stop.”
They suddenly both turned on you, their eyes narrowed, faces fierce as they both exclaimed at the same time: “Which soba do you like better?!”
You’re too exhausted of them to even scold them like you had used to anymore.
In the end, they tried to settle it via arm wrestling, which resulted in a horrible tie. They had both tried to use their quirks to win, somehow forgetting in the heat of their battle that their quirks not only canceled each other, but their strength was painfully equivalent. 
Highlight of Day Five of Living with the Todoroki Twins Boyfriend(s):
To be frank, you missed kissing Shouto.
With them being the way they were and how horribly chaotic they acted, you knew if you kissed one, it would lead to them both impregnating you and slipping an engagement ring on your pretty ring finger well before you were ready for either one of those things. So instead, you stared at both of their equally perfect lips.
Full, slightly pouty pink lips that were somewhat chapped as they always were due to his quirk elements. Full, soft lips that you had felt pressed to your hands and cheeks for the past five days, and yet you craved it to be pressed against your lips, but that was undoubtedly dangerous.
But you continued to stare at Red’s lips, at White’s lips.
You liked seeing how their teeth exposed themselves when they smiled, or how he had barely formed dimples on his cheeks, the smile lines that had finally formed on his previously smooth face. You liked seeing the way he bit on his lower lip when he held his tongue, or how his tongue seductively swiped his lips when he caught you staring.
You snapped out of your daze, staring at the suggestive, all too pleased look on White’s face as he leaned in close to you while Red was busy performing his daily workout routine.
“You want to fuck while Not-the-real-Shouto’s busy? He won’t know, I promise.”
You flush.
It was day six of split Shouto when you woke up.
Your eyes stinging with exhaustion as you stared up at the ceiling as bodies of ice and fire sandwiched you between them. They snored softly, breathes deep and full in perfect harmony as they slumbered. You hated Shouto. You hated him so much.
This could have been a fantastic experience in your fantasies. Cloning quirks were a thing, and often you would hear about the sexual endeavors many partook in while in the company of someone with such quirk. It seemed like so much fun. Someone existing solely to be fucked, replicated from someone you already trusted.
It seemed perfect.
But here you were. Living the life of many porn fantasies, but the clones — not clones — hated one another. You couldn’t even so much as breathe next to one of them for too long before the other came to rip you away, annoyed, and ready to reclaim you. They were behaving as if you didn’t already belong to them.
Maybe you could have handled the lack of horny, lusting out of your mind sex if they had simply allowed you to kiss them without starting a war. But they claimed they would rather die than see you kiss someone that wasn’t them (singular them).
So, you were struggling.
The internal struggle only grew when they woke up at the same time. Growing when they both exposed their scarred, perfectly muscled, and toned body. It grew when they pressed their sinful body against yours, and you could only look up at them with eyes like a full moon, heat wet in your panties. You wanted something to happen because watching them go at it again for the fifty-third time today suddenly made your mind snap.
Since they wouldn’t seem to quit fighting, you might as well be fucked while they fought amongst themselves. You were a big girl, you could handle two cocks around your body.
At the moment, you were in the communal kitchen living room area. You sat at the table, trying to enjoy your cup of tea while they stood a few strides away from you… arguing.
“Would you both put those mouths to better use than fighting with each other?!” you finally snapped, your hands tugging at the roots of your hair after you placed down your cup of tea. They had been fighting for the past hour as to whether or not Shouto’s first costume idea was created because of Red or because of White. 
Neither one of them claimed responsibility on that one funny enough.
They fell silent immediately. Both their eyes wide, brows furrowed, and jaws gaping like a fish as they tried to separate their conversation from what you just said.
“Better use?” Red stated, his blink slow.
A curling, devious smirk spread on White’s face, “Oh, did my love finally cave to being fucked?”
“I didn’t think you would be into cucking,” Red admitted, his own smirk growing on his face while White frowned and glared at him. “What? It’s obvious it would be you tied up, White. You can’t expect y/n to trust either one of us to sit there, so she’d tie us up. My fire would easily destroy the bonds.”
Ah yes, how could you forget that they’d adopted only one half of the one quirk Shouto possessed. Now while you definitely wouldn’t mind cucking both sides of Shouto at some point, that wasn’t what you were craving at the moment.
“Y/n loves ice trailing down her body, I can definitely satisfy her better!”
“Like I said a few days ago, I have the bigger cock, so shut up and watch us.”
They were going to drive you insane.
Standing up from the table, the chair screeching against the floor as you did so, their attention fell on you. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks, your heart fluttering in your chest as turquoise and grey eyes that you could read like nothing gorged into your form. 
You settled between them, feeling dwarfed between their taller, muscled forms. Red was in a white t-shirt and sweats, White in a black shirt and dark jeans. You were unsure as to why you felt so shaken when you pressed your fingers between the valley of their pecs, your tongue heavy in your mouth. You blamed it on the six-day dry-feast the idiots put you in, and the mere thought of finally getting your way was exhilarating. 
“This is what’s going to happen,” you say with no room for arguing, your gaze meeting theirs through your eyelashes. “We are all going to fuck. There’s three of us, and I’m the one who wants to be satisfied, so this will be a threesome. Fuck me any way you want, I don’t care, but whoever starts fighting first gets cucked.”
Red is staring at you with his piercing turquoise eyes, White’s gaze dropped to your tracing finger on his chest. But the consensus was the same.
“Yes, ma’am.”
A warm, fluttery smile breached your face, and you nodded.
“Good… now, fuck me.”
They begin almost immediately. Two initially contradicting forces of fire and ice abandoning their internal surge for power to appease and please you. There’s no stopping the shiver and the moan trapped in your throat when two identical sets of hands you knew and craved the touch of finally made contact with your body. Red’s hands were on your breasts, groping and massaging your mounds of flesh while his mouth pressed tantalizing kisses along the curve of your neck, along the length of your clavicle. 
White had dropped down, his mouth pressing hot, kisses against the flesh of your thighs and your ass. His fingers pushing the sleeping shorts you still wore, his calloused fingers brushing against your clit. 
You openly moaned, hands pressing against both White and Red for some form of support.
“You’re already so wet,” White groans his observation, his finger slicking itself against your wet folds. 
You shake, your head nodding in full understanding as you began to rotate your hips against his finger. Of course, you were so wet, you thought, goosebumps flashing against your entire body when Red pinched your nipples through your light tank. 
“You try living with two of me and be denied every physical need,” you gasped, your voice pitching the moment Red’s teeth sank into the sweet spot on your neck the same time White’s finger curled within your walls. “Fuck…”
“It’s so cute when you whisper like that,” Red noted, his hands lifting your breast, tongue smoothing over your irritated skin. “I bet you didn’t mind our quirk accident because you wanted something like this.”
Now that was definitely something you couldn’t disagree about.
But with the way your body was so desperately deprived and how there were two sources of knowledge on you. Knowing the perfect sensations on your sensitive parts of your body, you pushed them away.
Grey and turquoise blazed into your skin, but you huffed, grabbing them by the hands and pulling on them.
“I want the bed,” you affirm, your cheeks feeling warm, your eyes keeping on theirs. “We’re fucking on the bed.”
“Of course, my love,” they responded together. And the heat in your body seemed to multiple when you pushed through into the room. 
Guiding them into the bedroom, you didn’t release their hands until they were sitting down onto the bed—Red on your right, white on your left.
Their stares are expectant, already clouded with horny, lustful need when you let go of their hands. Before they could ask what was next, you leaned in, opposite hands pressing to each of their crotches, and they both groaned lightly in their chest. You palmed them through their clothes, your cunt throbbing with the fact that you enjoyed watching their hooded, lusting expressions bore into your figure. Biting down onto your lower lip, you stopped a tethering moan from escaping when both their hands grabbed onto your ass.
They fondled the flesh as you continued to palm them, the cock buried within their clothes growing harder and larger with every quick movement of your hand. They both were so hot and dangerously heavy hidden away in the confines of the pants, and you wanted nothing more than to be choking and stuffed full of them both.
But you don’t get your way just yet.
“On the bed,” Red suddenly commands, and you stop a squeak from embarrassingly ripping from your throat. You stumble on the large bed, and both Red and White shift so that there’s enough room for you to be perched between them. Ass on Whites side, face on Red’s, and you feel your body freeze when everything picks up speed.
White’s lips are on the back of your thigh, kissing and nibbling on the sensitive skin while his fingers take up rubbing your cunt again. Your body trembles under his ministrations, hips shifting, and bucking against him as he once again buries his fingers into your blistering core.
But with the moans singing from your lips, you felt transcended. The way that your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each shift of White’s fingers proving that point, you focused in on Red, who had shoved your breasts over the hem of your shirt. You whimpered loudly when his fingers pinched at both nipples, tugging at the pebbled flesh. 
“Such pretty noises,” Red whispered, his nose brushing against yours, and you throbbed with the need to be kissed. “Are you enjoying this?”
“Yes,” you breathed, “Please give me more, more, please.”
Red inhaled sharply, his eyes blazing like blue fire before finally, he crashed his lips against yours, unable to hold back anymore, and you cried in glorious acceptance. You kissed Red back with everything you had. Your lips slick with your joining, mixing saliva while he continued to press bruising, heated kisses to your mouth. Your hands at one point had attached themselves onto his biceps, and you found your fingernails to be digging through his skin, but Red didn’t care.
He continued to play with your hanging, sore tits, his tongue entering the barricade of your mouth as he kissed you again, and again, and again.
His name spilling from your mouth until you froze, your back tightening the second something more was happening behind you.
White’s finger, covered in the slick of your essence, was probing through your ass all while he continued to finger fuck your cunt.
“Aw, you do like it when my finger goes into your ass!” White chirped, his finger pressing further past your tight rim, sending your mind into a flurry of thoughts and feelings at the sensation of being stretched out, while you collapsed onto the mattress. Red abandoned you. “Your ass always looks so fucking hot when it takes in my finger. It’s like it's sucking me back in whenever I try to pull out. So. Fucking. Hot.”
You could do nothing but choke out White’s name the second the finger curled in your ass and the fingers buried in your cunt came together to press between the thin wall separating the two cavities, and you keened at the feeling.
“White!” you yelled, your eyebrows furrowed in your pleasure, your hips bucking back against his hands. “More! I need more!”
It was at that moment his fingers abandoned your holes, but before you could cry at the loss, Red was back in front of you, naked as the day he was born. But his cock was hard, pressed against his stomach, standing tall and erect for you to suck.
“Come on, angel,” Red spoke, tilting your chin up so that he may press another sizzling kiss to your mouth. “Play with my cock.”
Still, on your knees, your back arched, mouth entirely occupied with Red’s mouth, your hand blindly grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. You kissed him harshly, thoroughly, not wanting to let him go without exploring and feeling every little thing you could offer while you run your hand up and down his length.
You fully moaned into his mouth when his fingers lightly brushed against your neck, showing how sensitive you are. He runs his hand all the way down to your hips and latches onto your ass cheek. You mewl against him, wondering just why he was doing that when something hot and wet pressed against your cunt.
Breaking off the kiss immediately, you turned around to see White’s face buried into your ass, but his tongue was meeting your cunt with every languid lick.
“Shit!” you curse, your hips bucking and moving to better find White’s tongue against your core. But before you could find your spot, his tongue abandons your cunt and presses back against your tight, tight rim.
Trembling, your eyes roll to the back of your head, all while Red reclaims your lips.
Your hand encompassing his cock began to pick up in speed as White seemed to interchange between tongue fucking your ass and cunt. Whimpering needs only resonated from your mouth into Red’s as you jacked him off sloppily, messily at heightened speeds while you begged for more.
It didn’t take long before they both pulled away from you, and you in your heat daze, teared up as you watched both Red and White step onto the floor, their twin, identical cocks out, leaking with precum that called your name. You didn't need to be told what to do at this point as you stumbled out of bed, falling to your knees right between them.
With Red’s cock in your left hand, you pulled him into your mouth, your right hand expertly, yet blindly jerking White off. You pushed your head as far down as it could go along Red’s cock, your eyes trying to keep on his the entire time. 
Relishing in the fact that his cock went unchanged, your tongue swirled around Red’s cock, your head bobbing along his length, and Red smirked down at you, pressing the tears in your eyes away. Pulling away with a string of saliva connecting his head to your lip, you alternated onto White’s cock, your left hand continuing to jerk off Red.
White groaned at the sudden heat, immersing against his length, his hips snapping into your mouth as you took him all the way in. You had been dating Shouto for a few years now. You were definitely capable of taking him in your mouth in one go without trouble. But it just felt so different with one of your hands stroking off Red, and White’s hands grabbing your head while he thrust into you.
Before you could settle on White’s cock, you switched back to Red, who decided to command your every little instruction.
It quickly became a game between Red and White on who could make you choke and moan the loudest as they fucked your mouth and throat mercilessly. You, thankfully, were entirely enjoying it, your soaked pussy rubbing against your tight panties, and you rutted against the fabric trying to relive the building, fast pressure in your core. 
“Fuck,” White snarled when Red had you completely choked against his cock. His cock was shoved as far down your throat as it could manage, and he kept you there. Painful tears falling from your eyes while your throat struggled to remain relaxed despite the burning lack of oxygen. “Keep her there, Red. Don’t let her move.”
Red, who was only entranced by you for quite some time, looked up with amusement at his other half.
“What, you like this?” Red asked a taunt hidden in his voice but was buried under so much more throbbing lust. “You like seeing y/n choking against a cock?”
You whimpered against Red, your throat muscles fluttering and flaring along his length-- what was he planning?
“Who wouldn’t want to see y/n like this,” White breathed, and you shook at the nonverbal agreement that passed between the two of them.
You whined at the unknown, finally being released from Red’s cock, and you spluttered and coughed, drool and saliva drenching your chin while you turned towards White, ready to do the same. But you shrieked, the wind knocking out of you when they both picked you up from the floor and tossing you onto the mattress. You bounced when you landed. 
Both Red and White quickly moved to remove your clothes until you were naked as well, their eyes glimmering with their treaty, a million ideas undoubtedly pouring through their mind. 
White is on you first. He joins you onto the mattress, his lips pressing and languidly moving against yours, and you moan against him.
“We’re going to start fucking you now, baby,” White whispers against your mouth, his thumb running up against your still spit slicked chin. With just his finger alone, he moves you so that you’re on your hands and knees before him, waiting like an obedient pet. Your eyes flutter open, just barely opened so that you could meet his stormy grey eyes while his thumb slips over your bottom lip and into your mouth. “I hope you’re ready to be fucked… Red?” he called, his thumb pressing down on your tongue, instinctively flaring your gag reflex.
“Hm?” Red answered back, and you stilled when something hot and heavy smacked against your ass. 
Once, twice.
“Fuck her right.”
You whimpered against White’s thumb, your eyes watering while you studied his determined, playful face. There's a chuckle from behind you, and you shiver at the fact that you could practically smell the knowing smirk on his face.
And then it happens.
Red slams his cock into your awaiting, wet pussy with a pleased groan while you lurched forward onto White at the mighty snap of Red’s hips. Naturally so, you screamed Red's name, your pussy singing in absolute love over the fact that he’s buried entirely within you, undoubtedly claiming you once again.
Before you could sing your praises for Red, White’s shut you up by replacing his thumb with his cock, and you’re forced silent.
When they worked against each other, they were annoying, irritating, and often horrifying, but together? Well, as Red’s cock shoved more profound and deeper into your womb, and White’s cock conquested your throat, you hummed with the pleasure they brought. Together they were powerful, commanding, and unbreakable, and if the sounds of your wet pussy and choking mouth were to prove it, it was more than just a fact. 
You struggled to keep up with Red’s slamming hips, the girth of his cock stretching you out in an all too familiar way, and White driving cock that choked you out every time you moved. You felt dizzy with the thumping, tingling pleasure, your hand that held onto White’s hips clutching his skin, while your other one manipulated and circled your clit.
You wanted to cum. You wanted to so badly.
“You sound so hot choking on his cock,” Red laughed, his hand coming down to spank your jiggling ass with a single, powerful thwack. You bristled at the sensation. “Do more, sweetheart, I know you can do more; we’ve experienced you doing more.”
You garbled as White smirked down at you, your eyes just barely open enough to see the knowing look in his eyes.
“Use that little slut mouth of yours better, baby,” White taunted, his hand coming to pat your hollowed cheeks roughly, quickly, in a few stinging slaps. 
This is what you liked, you realized as you pulled away from his length, mouth swallowing his balls with heightened eagerness, your hand rubbing his length as you did so. White moaned your name, his head dropping in his pleasure as you did so. 
It must have done something for Red, too, because his fingers dug into the skin on your waist, his powerful thrusts becoming quicker, shorter thrusts that moved you against his cock with rattling power and craving lust. You whimpered against White’s balls and cried out in pleasure-filled pain the moment Red spanked you again, and again, and again.
Your cunt was fluttering, squeezing, and beating in time to your heartbeat. The pleasure within you grew from a light warmth to a blazing heat. You cried for more, your knees and thighs shaking for more.
More friction, more fucking, more of Shouto.
“Turn around, you little cockslut,” White grinned, removing you from his balls. “It’s my turn to fuck your pretty little cunt.”
Whining, you did as you were told, your limbs feeling like lead as Red smoothed back the hair falling on to your face.
Before you were ready, not that you minded, their cocks reclaimed your holes.
It was different this time.
They fucked you differently, you realized when White enjoyed pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back into you. His strokes and powerful thrusts send the coil in your stomach to grow tighter and tighter. But Red, fuck, Red had his fingers in your mouth, choking you with them as he slapped your cheek with his cock, his precum mixed with your slick smearing all over your cheek as he did so. 
“I want to make sure that you realize that me putting my cock in your mouth is a blessing,” Red coldly smirked, his eyes blazing with a whole other story. But despite it all, you nodded your head quickly. Altogether agreeing with the claim that you needed to earn his cock in your mouth again. 
“I kno thath,” you whine against his fingers, saliva shamelessly dribbling past your lips, your mouth closing to suck on his fingers. “I promith I’ll apprethciate your giff.”
He could try all he wanted, but Red was whipped for you too.
His cock immediately replaced his fingers, slamming to the depths of your throat, all while the wet noises of your throat and choking voices joined the squelching of your cunt. Your eyes rolled in your pleasure, your cunt thrumming with energy as Red’s hands encircled your throat, choking you while he fucked straight down your throat.
“You looked so pretty earlier when you couldn’t breathe,” Red snarled, his cock twitching in your throat the same time White’s cock twitched in your cunt. “I’m just -- fuck do that again -- trying to get you there… faster… Your throat really feels like your fucking pussy at times, shit.”
You whimper at that comparison as you forcefully clench your throat and cunt around both of your boyfriend's cock. 
But you vibrate when White’s finger traces your rim, his finger not disappearing into your wrinkled muscle, but stimulating it well past teasing. You pull off Red’s cock with a spluttering cough, your eyes burning, but you find White’s gaze immediately. 
“What’s going on, sweetness?” White asked, his eyes glimmering with knowledge of what you want already, but the slick fucker just had to ask.
Too bad you weren’t ashamed of shit around him.
“I want you to fuck my ass,” you moan, your hips slamming back against White’s still shifting cock, your hand clenching one of your asscheeks as you split yourself open for White. “Please fuck my ass.”
“Fuck!” they both seemed to growl, and without so much as a break, White switches from your ass and buries his length slowly into your needy, tight ass.
The pitchy, unstoppable moan from your mouth sends both Red and White into whimpering messes as you collapse onto the mattress, your chest heaving with your heightened stimulus. It was starting to hurt, your lack of orgasm, you just needed a bit more done to cum, and you wanted to.
“Where’s my dick?” White finally growls at you as he bottoms out entirely within you. You tremble at the question, body shaking with every stroke of his cock he makes afterward. “Where is it?”
“I-In my ass!” you wail, your ass clenching around him, trying to make him feel this heated pleasure as strongly as you were. “It’s in m-my ass!”
“Do you love my cock in your ass?” White snarls, his hands gripping your waist and slamming you back onto him, your ass squeezing with the sensation. You can’t speak; your mind is overloaded with feeling and emotion. “Why do I even bother? I know you love my cock in your ass.”
Red comes back into the equation, his hands grabbing your jaw and pressing your mouth against his into a searing kiss. You can hardly kiss him back, your mouth pathetically hanging open as he kisses your teeth, mouth, tongue. So, it shouldn’t shock you that in your near blissful blackout, Red hands your limp arms to White, who holds onto them.
His grasp and hold on your arms elevates you slightly off the bed, your back arched, and breasts exposed as he begins to jackhammer into your ass. You want to scream, you want to shudder and cry your sensations to the world, but Red interrupts once more by pressing his swollen, purpling head into your mouth, silencing you with gags and chokes while they both use you.
They both drive into you with ferocity and power, your body nearly limp and twitching with your ever still denied orgasm that refuses to back down, and the way the lack of oxygen makes you spin as Red’s balls clash against your throat in quick, succinct, patterns.
“Sit down, White,” Red snaps at White, and White, who was ever so entranced at how your ass was swallowing his cock, dumbly nods. “Y/n is about to cum, we need to make sure she cums correctly.”
You whine against Red’s cock, unsure if you heard him correctly when White drops your arms. But instead of falling forward as you thought you would, his relaxed arms wrapped around your waist tightly, bringing you down with him.
Your back was pressed against his chiseled chest. And you moaned at the sensation this angle brought in terms of depth and stretch. Your mouth, freed from Red’s cock, opened in a loud, scratchy moan, undoubtedly raspy from the abuse it went through from the vigorous face fucking.
“R-Red!” you cried, your legs shaking when White hooked his arms under your knees and spreading them out, exposing your wet, slick core to Red, who was merely watching. You shifted pathetically, wanting to have both of them on you, not just one. “Red, please!”
But, White’s hips began to thrust upward, resuming his fucking of your asshole, and you howled in pleasure as he breathed heavily, gasping in your right ear. But as your legs trembled, unsure if White would be able to keep your legs in such position, Red pressed on top of you, his weight keeping your legs spread, and his cock quickly slamming within your cunt.
You had one hand buried in White’s hair, the other slipping behind Red’s back when he pressed onto you. The second their cocks rubbed against each other through the oh so thin wall between your ass and your cunt, you screeched. The hand in White’s hair tugging at his roots harshly, and the hand on Red’s back drawing bloody mountains on his skin.
But this didn’t stop them, the slight pain you gave them doing nothing but making them growl in your ear, making your eyes cross in your oblivion while they continued to fuck you.
Sandwiched between them, your breasts crushed by Red’s chest, and your back buried into White’s chest, White let go of one of your legs that immediately latched around Red’s waist. Your eyes crossed, rolling to the back of your head, your mouth agape, but no noise coming out as every massive, hard thrust sent your soul into a new dimension. White’s hand sneaking between Red’s drilling hips and your cunt to pinch and pull at your clit as you shook like a leaf in a windstorm. You came without realizing it, your walls clenching like a vice against Red’s cock, and your ass clenching around White’s in tandem to your orgasm. Both of them moaning against your salty sweat skin, but neither one of them stopped.
Faster and faster, they thrust into you, gaining such speed and power that you felt akin to a ragdoll as they fucked you. They praised you for taking them both at the same time, senseless names, and wordless praise as you took them without a single wince of pain. You were theirs, they claimed, and they were yours. 
The sounds of their cock drilling into the wet caverns of your cunt and ass, the sticking shivering sound of their balls smacking your ass and cunt.
It was so much, growing to be more and more, until your orgasm was once again growing as you attempted to shift your weak, still trembling hips up and down their length, wanton gasps shrill on your tongue. Your body begging for more.
“Gonna cum,” they whispered together, his deep, raspy voice filling both of your ears, and you wailed as your own orgasm tipped once again.
“Cum in me, please cum in me!” you begged with everything you had.
And with your pleading heavy in the air, they came with you. You moaned at the feeling of the hot, sticky thick ropes of cum filling up both your holes, the cocks spasming uncontrollably within you as their hips continued to ride out their orgasms. Your chest heaves as their snapping hips become rolling thrusts until finally, they stop.
All three of you still joined, all three of you sweaty and tired.
When you pass out, you can barely hear them saying goodbye.
You wake up, your body sore and bruised around midnight.
You groan, stretching out your neck as you realize that there is no body on top of you or beneath you as that was definitely how you all had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Panic filled you when the bed was empty, and you rushed to your feet, cursing when your knees buckled out from under your weight.
Crashing to the floor, you groaned as you lay there.
“What are you doing on the floor?” an all too familiar voice asked you, and you looked up to see if it was Red or White.
You blinked when instead the once two distinctive heads blurred into one, and you stared at your finally normal boyfriend.
“S-Shouto!” you cried, your body weakly pressing off the floor, your arms stretching to you.
Shouto smiled warmly, softly, the perfect in-between of the facial expressions Red and White would give you.
“I’m back, sorry for scaring you like that,” he whispered as he joined you on the floor, letting your arms wrap him into a firm hug, not wanting to let go as you pathetically began to cry.
The two of you lay naked together on the floor, his soft apologies gathering in your ear as you held him tightly, having missed him entirely.
“Do you remember?” you eventually asked long after Shouto managed to bring you back into the bed. You lay curled into his side, your fingers tracing the marks on his body that you had left on both Red and White. “Do you remember what happened?”
“Yes… and I remember how it all felt too.”
“Ew… perv…”
“Try that again? Ms. ‘I-want-your-cock-in-my-ass’.”
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ack3rlady · 3 years
The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 7
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Chapters: Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff and more Fluff
Word Count: ~2.74k
Inspiration: Don't Go - Exo
A/N: And with this chapter, I conclude this series. Thank you for all the love you all gave my baby project!
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le
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‘Why am I nervous? We've done much more than just kiss. For fucks sake! I'm the mother of his child.’
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before pushing the cart from behind your truck towards the large glass doors of the café. You had offered to take today’s batch of bread and pastries to Levi’s to snag a chance to see him, much to Mikasa’s annoyance.
“Oi, brat! You’re late.”, Levi remarked without looking up from his laptop when the bell above the door rang with your entrance, expecting her to have finally arrived.
“Levi, I’m so sorry! I made an impromptu decision to come here instead of Mikasa and -”, you emerged from behind the lofty stack of boxes.
Your hair was up in a messy bun, you were panting from hauling the weight and the resultant perspiration made you glow. Your continual rambling about why you were late, instantly gave him a feeling of Déjà vu, hurling him eight years back in time to the morning when he first laid his eyes on you.  Mirroring that day, he couldn’t focus on anything you were saying, gawking at you with unblinking eyes given how stupefied he was by the sight before his eyes and the sound of your voice.
“Levi? Are you listening?”, you waved your hand in front of his face, disrupting the mental movie playing in his head.
“Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Hi.” he shook his head vigorously and blinked a few times to bring himself back to the present.
Both a blushing mess, you stood by the entrance to the cafe, smiling at each other like two smitten high-schoolers.
“Are you finally back together?”, a shriek from the opposite end of the seating area made your ears ring.
The cacophony was loud enough that Erwin’s head immediately peaked out of his office; his face riddled with confusion. Both your necks snapped towards the source - Hange was running in your direction with the brightest grin on their face. Every head in the room was turned towards you. Eren and other new members of staff at the café, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie were slack jawed with their gaping eyes fixed on you after being subjected to this abrupt and unnecessary announcement. One look from Levi sent them scrambling back to work.
“Fucking four-eyes.” he mumbled as they came closer.
“I knew it! You lovebirds couldn’t stay apart for long!”, they squealed with joy enveloping you both in an spontaneous group hug, not giving Levi an opportunity to flinch away.
“Shhh! Calm down, Hange! We’re not back together. Yet.”, you tugged on their hands trying to free yourself from their clasp.
Levi's eyes met and stayed on yours when you uttered the last word, the way his heart fluttered at the sound of it clearly reflecting on his face.
“But you were together last night. You have both put in way too much effort in your appearances today. And the color on Short-stack's cheeks can be spotted from Mars! What am I missing here?”, they observed, unaware of the heat rising within their two friends thinking about their final moments together at the Ackerman home yesterday.
Always the perceptive one, Hange. They weren’t entirely wrong. You did spend forty minutes in your closet hunting for the one floral lemon-yellow dress that Levi loved seeing you in; piling on deodorant while simultaneously cursing the hot summer. You picked your reflection in the mirror apart for way too long, fiddling with the necklace he bought you ages ago while rehearsing what you would say to him.
By the looks of it, he did too. He looked oh-so handsome today. Granted, he always did. But today was different. He wore your favorite navy-blue button-down shirt with slate grey slacks, sleeves folded to reveal his toned fore arms, and the top two buttons left open to aid with the sweltering heat; or was it because he knew that it made you weak in the knees when he wore his shirts that way? And his cheeks and ears were definitely a brighter shade of pink than the raspberry compote on the cheesecake you brought.
He stood pinching the bridge of his nose, his breathing starting to speed up. You figured it was his attempt at suppressing the strong urge to smack the grin right off Hange’s face.
“Hange, I promise, I’ll give you all the details later. But for now, Levi and I have things to discuss.”, you pulled him away before he could act on his impulse.
Taking a seat at the table by the large bay window, kissed by the morning sun, you watched the city slowly rise awake with your cheek resting on the palm of your hand. Levi, who was walking back from the kitchen with a cup of tea for himself and a caramel latte for you, stopped in his tracks to mentally frame this image. It was as if you were a different person than who he met over the last two days.
There were no signs of the anxious but adoring mother from yesterday nor the bewildered, pained ex-wife from the day before; you were the same clumsy, moody, garrulous, as well as kind, selfless and mesmerizing woman he fell madly in love with when you walked in through the doors of this very place eight years ago. How could one person flood his heart with a barrage of different emotions this way?
You acknowledged him with a soft ‘hi’ accompanied by a smile when he sat down on the chair opposite to you, nervous about the forthcoming conversation. You stole occasional glances at each other while sipping your beverages, hesitating to be the one to say the first word.
“Do you hate me?”, he asked out of the blue, his gaze locked on his cup.
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Uh- you obviously had a chance to think about what I said to you after going home last night. Why would you possibly want to still see me?”
“Well, I’m here, aren't I? I want to work on us if you’re willing to try as well, Levi. I want to see where this takes us.”, you smiled, placing your hand on his.
"Me too."
Four months later
The day of Suki and Furlan's wedding was finally here. The venue was set, guests had arrived and you were busy helping the bride get ready for her special day, having spent all morning with her, Isabel and the other bridesmaids in the bridal suite, chatting away in excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.
“Honestly speaking, Suki, I’d have a hard time keeping my hands off you if I were Furlan”, you teased while draping the veil into her hair, causing her to bury her face into her palms.
“You’re one to talk! Levi has been looking for reasons to see you all morning. I had to turn him away thrice already. I'm pretty sure he is going to murder me after the wedding is over.”, Isabel shot back with a smirk.
The last four months had been nothing short of a whirlwind. After that morning at the cafe, having breakfast with Levi turned into a routine. He brought Luna along on most days, and the three of you spent time chatting and admiring the toddler’s antics over tea and scones while sitting at your usual table by the bay window. Sometimes you’d have her accompany you to the patisserie to give Levi a much-deserved break.
Everyone there was enamored with the little firecracker. Her Uncle Miche had always been her favorite because the gentle giant ferried her around the large kitchen on his shoulders. Bertholdt and Reiner would happily comply to all the orders their mini boss belted out. Annie, although a little awkward around her, listened intently to her endless stories; Mikasa secretly pampered her with numerous treats even after several warnings from you, and Nanaba would fuss over her all the time and try to keep the little one all to herself, earning protests from the others.
The evenings varied between taking Luna to the park or the pier, or just spending time indoors at your place or his. You even celebrated her fourth birthday two weeks ago. All your friends and family, along with some little friends the birthday girl had made at the park were invited. You spent a beautiful evening in the backyard of your house around a bonfire, with a delectable meal and wonderful company.
Levi especially made sure you knew that you were being wooed by taking you out on date nights every now-and-then to the finest of restaurants, walks on the beach, to the drive-in theater a few miles outside your town, or star gazing from your favorite spot up the nearby hill. You both were working through your differences and had barely had any disagreements during the time spent together. Things were slowly falling in place; in fact, this newly re-built relationship with him felt much stronger than ever before.
The flashback ended when the wedding planner knocked on the door indicating it was time for the ceremony to begin. You, Isabel, and the other bridesmaids ushered Suki to her designated spot, making sure her dress, hair, make up and flowers looked perfect.
Standing at the altar by Furlan’s side as his best man, Levi was relieved that he would finally be seeing you soon after being apart all morning. Lately, the two of you spent most of your time together; and this sudden separation had him feeling restless.
On cue, the two harpists seated on either side of the rows began to play heavenly tune of ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perry, a prompt for the bride’s party to start making their way towards the altar. He watched patiently as bridesmaids accompanied by groomsmen walked down the aisle, waiting for you to finally appear. He almost forgot to breathe when your form eventually entered the nave, walking a short distance behind Isabel and one of Furlan’s friends.
You wore the emerald gown from your encounter with him at the store four months ago, and looked a million times more beautiful this morning. Your usually open hair was tied into an elegant loose braid with some curly strands framing your face. The sun rays falling on your silhouette from the towering stained-glass windows of the church made you look like an angel descending solely upon him. He finally began breathing again when you smiled at him and mouthed “breathe”, after taking your position at the altar.
Levi only peeled his eyes away from you when Luna’s giggles reverberated off the stone walls as she waddled down the aisle, scattering petals of baby pink roses, about the same shade has her chubby cheeks, on the ivory carpet. You wiped a stray tear rolling down your face as you both proudly watched her play the part of a flower girl with utmost perfection. Upon making it to the end, she ran to you and buried her face in your gown, suddenly feeling shy from the cheers and applause she received from the smitten guests.
You instantly scooped her up and held her close, letting her nuzzle into the crook of your neck, cooing sweet words of encouragement into her ears. Levi was so taken by this divine scene before him that he failed to notice the bride's much awaited walk down the aisle; surprised to directly find Suki standing at the altar, facing Furlan with her lips curved into the widest smile before his attention found you and Luna again.
He lost track of how long he was marveling at his two perfect girls for, until he felt an elbow harshly crash into his ribs, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“Is this revenge for your wedding?”, Furlan frowned.
Levi blankly stared at him, having no clue what he was talking about
“Ring, Levi!”, the fuming groom growled.
Oh, right. He pursed his lips in embarrassment melting under the scrutiny of the baffled guests while he handed over the ring that was in the safety of his blazer’s pocket. His eyes darted towards an alarmed Suki and silently apologized to her. Then his gaze moved back to you, an impish smirk on your face as you stared back at him, knowing exactly what was going on in his mind.
Fuck! Furlan was not going to let this go for a long time.
Luna had lost interest in the festivities midway through the nuptials and had fallen asleep in your arms. After the ceremony, when everyone began to make their way outside the chapel, Levi swiftly moved over to walk beside you and offered to carry the snoozing toddler. You groaned after her weight left your body, stretching your sore shoulders and aching back .
“Stop that. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself from jumping your bones, especially when you look this gorgeous.”, Levi whispered in your ear, snaking an arm around your waist.
You glanced around awkwardly making sure his words did not fall on any prying ears and gave him a quick smack on the shoulder, trying to suppress the heat creeping up your neck.
Time skip – Evening
The wedding reception was underway. You sat at a table sipping lemonade, watching the newlyweds grooving to the beats of music being played by DJ Zeke. Levi swapped his usual glass of Macallan for a cup of ginger lemon tea; His reason being that his throat was sore from carrying out best man duties. But you knew he was just being supportive of your goal to stay off alcohol.
Erwin and Hange sat by the bar, socializing with Furlan’s Boss, Mr. Pyxis while Luna was busy playing duck-duck-goose with some new toddler friends she made at the venue. Levi needed to be physically restrained from ambushing Isabel who he had discovered slow dancing with the same groomsman that walked alongside her at the ceremony. Miche and Nanaba were spotted in a rare public embrace, dancing leisurely to the slow music; and your army of helpers consisting of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie took the lead on setting up tables as yours and Levi’s patisserie and café were the official caterers for the evening.
The choice of DJ Zeke's next track brought a sparkle to your eyes. Your smile spread from ear to ear when ‘Fly me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra emanated from the speakers. You sang along and began swaying cheerfully in your seat to the melody.
“Remember, Levi? This was the song we had our first dance to at our wedding.” you reminisced; a nostalgic smile spread across your face.
“How can I forget?”, he asked.
His eyes were unfocused, lost in memories of his own. He remembered how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress. How your diamond jewelry shimmered under the spotlight, how you whispered honeyed words into his ears when he felt exceptionally uncomfortable dancing in public, how warm your hands felt wrapped around his body, how your breath tickled his neck. He’d give anything just to go back and relive that moment.
You gaze was still lost among people enjoying themselves on the dance floor when a stretched-out hand entered your line of vision. Your eyes followed it to land on Levi’s face. A quirk in your eyebrows wordlessly asked him what this action meant.
“Let's dance.”, he said.
“You, Levi Ackerman, are willingly asking me to dance? Did someone spike your tea?” You smirked, earning an eye roll from him.
“Oi, brat! Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“Only if you ask nicely.”
“May I have this dance with you, my love?”
You accepted and the pair of you headed towards the dance floor. He gently pulled you close to him and firmly held on to your hand. His other hand wrapped firmly around your waist and you rested yours on his shoulder. You both moved to the slow rhythm in perfect harmony, as you drowned in those gorgeous blue-grey eyes. It felt like the world around you had dissolved and it was just the two of you and the music.
“You look nice today. I see you bought the same gray suit you hated with a fiery passion.”, you teased.
“How could I not after you said you liked it?”
You looked over his shoulder to Suki and Furlan flashing you a wide grin from across the dance floor. And so did Hange, Miche and Nanaba from over that the bar. Erwin gently raised his drink in your direction. The heat from the from the sudden metaphorical spot light you stood under was cooled by the kiss Levi planted on your cheek.
“Did I tell you how lucky I feel to have you?”, he whispered into your ear as while brushing strands of hair off your face.
“I could stand to hear it more often.”, You hid your blush by resting your forehead on his shoulder, feeling too shy to keep his gaze.
“It's true. You’re the most beautiful woman is this room tonight, scratch that, you’ll be the most beautiful woman anywhere, any day; and I get the honor of calling you mine.” he cooed, drawing gentle circles on your back with his fingers.
“You’re awfully talkative today!”, you lifted your head again to reveal a contagious coy smile spread across your lips.
“Don’t be stupid. I’ve always been talkative.”,
“Come with me.”, he moved you off his chest and tugged at your hand.
“Where?”, you asked in utter confusion, and a bit of annoyance at the wonderful moment being ruined, just to receive silence in response.
Levi quickly glanced over to find Luna munching on garlic bread sticks with Erwin and Hange, as he guided you away from the venue and towards the lake nearby. The ripples in the water gleamed under the moonlight, resembling liquid silver. Warm yellow light from the lamps on either side of a wooden dock dimly illuminated the path that led to a gorgeous gazebo that stood at the end, its ceiling sprinkled with fairy lights that defined the intricate floral carvings in the wood. You stood in the center of the structure and slowly spun around, marveling at the work of whose ever brilliant hands built it.
“Levi, this is stunning!”, you said gazing in all directions, running your fingers over the sophisticated engravings.
“Yes, it is.”, Levi agreed, his eyes not on the architecture, but instead on the human embodiment of radiant sunny day that stood by his side.
Not remotely expecting anything to outshine the sight before you, your vision was captured by an extravagant display of red, green, and gold against the dark blanket of the night’s sky. You jumped when the sound of the first soaring explosion caught you off guard. An arm slid across your waist and a kiss was placed on your temple. You were enamored by the shattering sparks of the fireworks, eliciting frequent oohs and aahs, until a voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“Marry me.”
It took you a few seconds to fully register what you just heard. But when you did, overwhelming feelings of joy rendered you speechless; fingers absentmindedly running over the carved railing of the gazebo, stunned orbs darting between the brilliant sky and the love of your life.
This time Levi had to remind you to breathe.
Your eyes and lips both turned into wide Os, and you slapped your hands to cover your gaping mouth when he slowly lowered himself to kneel before you, opening a little black box containing the same gorgeous ruby ring from all those years ago, which he sneaked out of your nightstand during one of his visits.
“I know that you said you wanted to take this slow. But the last four months with you have been the most precious of my life, where I got a glimpse of what having a perfect family would be like. I learnt the hard way, what I lost when I lost you and you gave me a second chance at finding happiness when you decided to come back. I promise to love and protect you every single day for the rest of my life, and even after. You complete me, love, and you complete our family. So, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Ackerman, again?”
“Levi...”, your trembling voice was barely audible.
“Yes.”, you breathed, letting the floodgates finally open when he slid the ring on your finger.
He got back on his feet and engulfed you into the tightest embrace as you wept joyous tears into his shoulders.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too!”, moving to look into your eyes, he cupped your face with warm hands.
And finally, his lips found yours.
It felt... like home;
Like laying in a cozy bed after a long day of work, like the warm chocolate sauce on a cold scoop of ice-cream, like wearing a fuzzy sweater on a crisp autumn evening, like walking barefoot on the beach at sunset, like taking a cool shower on a blazing summer afternoon, like everything you ever needed.
After being torn apart from the one person who made your life perfect, you were finally back in the soothing confines of his strong arms, resting against his able chest, ready to fall apart; all while the fireworks in the sky mirrored the fireworks in your hearts.
“Mama! Papa!”
You were awoken from this surreal euphoria by the most beautiful squeal you had ever heard. Both your heads turned towards the source of it – a tiny figure running towards you with all her might while all your near and dear ones including the newlyweds watched from a distance, cheering merrily.
“They knew?”, you gasped, sobbing and sniffling from the joyous tears.
“Yeah, pretty much everyone but you knew.”
Luna flew into Levi’s open arms when he bent down to receive her. The three of you merged into one blob of a positively smothering family hug, only pulling away to pepper each other with more kisses. Levi held his two girls close. His sun and moon were now back together in the sky of his life. He looked into Luna’s crescent shaped eyes and whispered,
“Moon beam, Mama’s coming home.”
167 notes · View notes
gr-ogu · 4 years
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Hello! As requested, here is a tutorial on how I make my gifs. I would like to preface this by saying there are many ways to make gifs, and there’s no right or wrong answer imo. This is just how I personally go about doing so!
I will be using PS CC 2017, but as long as you have the video timeline option, it shouldn’t matter too much; on any version of PS, you should be able to adapt anything I mention here! You will also need some kind of screen recording software. I’ll talk a little more about that under the cut.
To start, you need the source material you will be making the gifs from! I get mine from snahp(.)it (avoiding links so tumblr hopefully doesn’t banish this from the tags lmao) and I always opt for either 1080p or 2160p. Not all laptops will support 2160p as it’s 4K, but either works great! You just want your gifs to be the best quality possible.
Next is where the screen recording comes in. I don’t use the screencapping method to make my gifs (where you use a program to cap a clip and then load those caps into a stack in PS). This isn’t for any particular reason… it’s just how my friends, (who very kindly taught me to gif), had always done it, so it’s now how I do it too. Personally, I find the quality to be just as good as the screencapping method, and have never noticed a difference between the two.
As I have a PC, I use the software built into it for screen-recording. If you go here: theverge(.)com/2020/4/21/21222533/record-screen-pc-windows-laptop-xbox-game-bar-how-to – you can see how to use the XBOX screenrecorder to record from files you have d*wnloaded. This also works on some streaming sites, but I think it depends on what browser you use. Personally, I recommend Firefox, as that seems to bypass a lot of the blocking and ads that occur when trying to do this sort of thing.
For MAC users, I have been told handbrake works well, as it converts MKV files to MP4, which can then be used to make gifs. You only need to convert part of the file to MP4 depending on how much you want to gif, and this also bypasses the screenrecording stage, as you can edit MP4 clips on Quicktime. I am told you can split them into smaller clips by going to edit > trim and it saves the new clip!
I have also used anyvideoconverter for small clips, but I can’t say what it does to the quality of your video, or how big of a file it lets you put in! With the XBOX screenrecorder, it doesn’t matter what type of video files you get, as the recording will save to MP4 anyway.
Now, go ahead and record whatever clips you want to gif. Make sure you have the video timeline open, by going to window > timeline. Then, go to file > import > video frames to layers.
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Next, select and open your clip from where it has saved (with the XBOX recorder, it saves in video > captures). You should see a little window pop up, where you can move the sliders back and forth to clip your recording to whichever part(s) you specifically want to gif. I recommend trying not to load a lot of frames into photoshop at once, but I would be a hypocrite to say that, since I do it a lot lmao. Just be patient if you do!
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Once you have chosen the length, click okay. Never, EVER, I repeat NEVER click the button that says “limit to every __ frames”. This really ruins the flow and quality of your gif—it’s better to have shorter, but smoother gifs, I promise. And with tumblr’s new 10 MB limit, it shouldn’t be a problem anyway!
Then, your frames should open up. What we want to do is make them into a smart object, so we can edit all the layers at the same time. To do this, click the small button in the left-hand corner. ALWAYS click this first. If you don’t, it will only convert the first frame to a smart object and the gif won’t work.
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Give it a second to sort itself out, then, on the right-hand side, select all your frames at once using the shift key.
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Then, go to filter > convert for smart filters. This might take a minute. Don’t click anything else in case PS gets angry lmao, just leave it for a second and it’ll do its thing. The more frames you have, the longer it takes! Now we have our gif, but it needs to be cropped, sharpened and coloured!
You want to start by selecting the rectangular marquee tool on the left-hand side, then drag it across by clicking and highlighting the area you would like to crop your gif to, like so:
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What I tend to do is select everything inside the black lines you sometimes get around your gif (this depends on what file you d*wnload), and also the tiniest bit inside the sides. This is because I’ve found if you crop it right up to the edge, you get a tiny bit of transparency on the sides of your gifs, which I’d rather avoid.
Once you have your desired selection, go to image > crop. Now, the dimensions for tumblr are 540px width, so all your gifs have to be that width. However, the length is up to you. I really like big gifs, so sometimes I even make a full square, or even longer. It’s entirely up to you, and what kind of set you want to make.
For the purposes of this gif, I will stick to what I usually go for, 540px by 350 px. This will mean you’ll have to crop some width off, but that’s okay, since Marisa isn’t central anyway. The cropping is always trial and error for me, as sometimes people move out of the frame within in the gif. The best thing to do is just try it, and then move the slider in the timeline window at the bottom to see if the person stays inside the gif, and if not, adjust accordingly.
Next, go to image > image size:
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In this box, if I put the width as 540, the gif is a smaller height than I want, as it keeps to the dimensions of the gif when you load it into PS. That’s okay, just put the height you want instead, and we’ll crop off the excess.
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Then click OK. Using the rectangular marquee tool again, we need to remove the excess width. Part of the reason I like this version of PS is that it tells you the width of your selection as you do it, but you can always use the ruler as a guide, and check the size of your image by going to image > image size again.
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Again, use image > crop, and your gif should now be the correct size!
You can also use the crop tool in the timeline window to crop the length of your gif:
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However, I tend to wait until later on to do this (which will be explained further down!)
Next you want to go to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen.
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These are my settings. However, 0.4px is very sharp, too much so, but that’s easily fixed.
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Go to filter > blur > Gaussian blur and then set it to 1.0.
Now on the right-hand side, we need to reduce the blur, so double click the little adjustment button, and change the opacity of the blur. I usually go for 20-30%!
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Then click OK, and that’s your sharpening done!
I picked this scene on purpose as it’s dark, so good for showing how to colour a gif. I have a base psd which consists of some very basic adjustments, but it mostly exists so I don’t forget what adjustment layers I like to use. I adjust them every time I make a gif, essentially colouring each gif from scratch.
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In this case, the psd actually makes it darker. So, what I will do is turn each layer off, and adjust as I go. A lot of people say using lots of adjustment layers ruins the quality of your gif… I have never found this to be true, as long as you are gentle with them. If you whack the brightness right up to the top, it’s going to ruin your gif no matter if you use 1 adjustment layer or 100. I would just say use your common sense, and adjust a little at a time!
I start with a simple black to white gradient map set to soft light, because I think it helps you see depth once you add some brightness to it. I usually do this on about 10%, or more if needed. It’s probably unnecessary, I just like how it looks!
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Then, I move onto using curves and levels. This is where things can diverge depending on who you’re colouring. If this person is white, it doesn’t matter too much. If they’re not white, you don’t want to white wash them. My best advice is to play around with it. By adding vibrance and other (usually the red) selective colour settings later, you can ensure you don’t change the person’s skin tone from what it originally was. You can also use layer masks at varying opacities (various shades of grey), on your curves and levels, to remove some brightening so that you’re not changing anyone’s skin colour. Just brighten slowly and check in with yourself honestly about how your gif looks.
Some people don’t like using levels, or curves. It’s completely up to you. I tend to use both because levels are good for bringing depth, even if not brightening (though I like to use them for that as well). 
One thing you can do is use the white point of the gif to make PS adjust the curves itself, however I like to drag the sliders myself and see what it looks like. Just make sure it’s not too bright, as we will be using further layers to brighten more, after.
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Next is levels. The slider on the left controls the black point, the one in the middle controls the midtones, and the one on the right controls the white points. The black brings depth, the midtones adjust the overall brightness, and the white points produce stronger highlights. Again, you’ll get a feel for how this works as you practice. Just don’t use the white point excessively, especially if your characters are not white.
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Then I add vibrance (+20!), because we’ve removed a lot of it when lightening the gif. Next is exposure, which I find brings out the highlight and shadow areas more effectively:
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Then colour balance! This helps with scenes that might be a certain colour, i.e. too blue, too green, too red, etc. Moving the sliders in the opposite direction of the colour your gif is will counteract it. The best thing to do when accounting for different colours, is to make a new layer every time you change colour, so that you don’t get confused. I always add a new layer for colour balance and selective colour if I want to change more than one thing. So one for red, one for yellow, one for pink, etc. 
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A layer of brightness just to make the gif pop, and because the scene is extra dark, I added a very gentle extra curves layer:
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Time to save the gif. You can go ahead and file > export > save for web (legacy) now, but then you’ll have to reopen the gif to reset the frame rate from 0.07, to 0.05. Instead of doing that, I use a modified action. The original was made by the very talented @elenafisher! So I do not take credit for that at all. You can find the original here: elenafisher(.)tumblr(.)com/post/190817437374/gif-sharpening-action-2-preview-download and in my resources tag. Please reblog it if you’re going to use this!
To use an action, first make sure you have actions turned on in window > actions. To load in your action, go to the little lines circled, and then load the action from your downloads:
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Obviously if you don’t want to sharpen your gifs yourself, you can use the action as it is, and it will give you a beautiful glowing effect. If you’d just like to use it to flatten your gif into frames like I do, make sure to take out all the items I have highlighted:
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Until it looks like this!
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Make sure you have the layer under the file name highlighted, and then click the play button at the bottom! (If you get a screen saying select all frames cannot be found, don’t worry, just click continue!) You can delete the layer that does that if you want, I just keep it in case I realise I’ve forgotten to do something, because you can click cancel and edit your gif before you flatten it. Of course you can undo the steps to get back to the smart object version of your gif, it just takes longer!
And now your gif is in frames and set to 0.05 already, so you don’t have to change the speed! All you need to do now before saving is change the gif cycle to “forever” in the bottom left-hand corner:
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Then to save the gif go to file > export > save for web (legacy). Sometimes, the gif is bigger than the tumblr 10MB limit. You’ll be able to see this in the bottom left-hand corner of the gif save settings. If this is the case, I like to preview the gif, to see whether it would be best to cut frames off of the beginning or the end, or both. When you’ve decided, you can select the frames at the bottom, and in the right-hand side panel, and delete them both using the little bins/trash icons.
I keep checking and deleting frames until I get the gif under 10 MB! Just don’t delete frames from the middle, as then you’ll have the same issue as if you selected “every other frame” when making the gif: it won’t flow!
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Lastly, these are my save settings:
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So that’s it! That’s how I make all my gifs. Blending I do when the gifs are in the grouped, smart filter stage, whereas text I add on during the framing section above! Really hope this is helpful, please feel free to ask any questions you may have! 💖
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
post-finale stuff
Possible spoilers. Beware
Last night, I happened to check the scriptwriter's Weibo and saw that she had liked this fan's post. It's the only non-work related Weibo post that she had liked, so of course, I went to read it. 
The fact that this is the only fan post she's given her approval to must mean that it is on point and she agrees with the characterisation. I thought it's pretty good, so I've gone ahead to translate it here. I own 0 rights to this. I just thought it's a good perspective that may help others like me who struggled with the ending. 
I think I've mostly made my peace with it now, and to sum it up:
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all that they are. 
A-Xu never once blamed Lao Wen for how things turned out because he understood that. And he’s clearly a better person than I am (lol).
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Let me be clear about my stand - the real victim of how the drama unfolded in the last six episodes is WKX. When we feel our hearts ache for ZZS, it's because the show let down WKX (the character). If your heart is only hurting for WKX during episodes 33-34, you should try to ship WKX with someone else, ok? If you think the last six episodes were great and that WKX was very romantic (and only romantic), then I honestly don't know what to say. 
I ship wenzhou. That means I like both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu. I want them to love each other, be good to each other and live happily ever after. And I want them not to be OOC. 
The rest behind the cut. Spoilers for the whole drama. 
First, the source. Here is a link to that Weibo post, by 爱吐槽的栗小姐. I will delete this if requested by the OP - because this is really in a grey area imo. But I think the intention of a public post is for it to be shared? (especially something like this, which argues a point) 
Secondly, the poster does try to be fair in her post, but as the problem here is WKX's ruined characterisation, ZZS's character is analysed primarily concerning this issue only. There's quite a bit left to ZZS's character and backstory that isn't relevant. I believe that's why the post doesn't elaborate on it, or so I hope.
Ever since WKX faked his death, I received three to four waves of fellow sister fans' mournful wails: "Lao Wen actually faked his death; does he have a heart?" "They were supposed to be of the same heart and treat each other with honesty. How did they regress?" "What happened to their innate soulmate-ness?" "Why does A-Xu always say to face things together, yet Lao Wen always keeps his plans from him?" "A-Xu loves Lao Wen, yet Lao Wen only loves himself"…….
Wait. What have you guys misunderstood about the meaning of soulmates? 
Soulmates are about values, but a person's behaviour… that's methodology FFS! 
(Do they no longer teach this in political affairs class in high school anymore?) 
Wenzhou, these soulmates, are incomparably compatible and mesh well in terms of values. According to the scriptwriter, the entire jianghu wants and tries to get the pieces of Glazed Armour, save the two of them. Not only do they not care for the peerless martial arts, immense power, nor the massive wealth that the Glazed Armour represents, they don't even care for the power they hold in their hands –Ghost Valley and the Window of Heaven. Both of them willing to give it up without a second thought. 
Before they met each other, they were so tired of (ZZS) and so angry at (WKX) this earthly world that they didn't even want to live on anymore. 
After they met each other, they gradually began to feel the warmth in this world again. How nice it would be if they could live in seclusion, hand in hand and just bask in the sun. 
In this world, where everyone else is fighting for power or wealth, they are true soulmates. To intelligent people like them, whether or not they're honest about their identities or secrets is merely a matter of formality. They had already determined their attraction to the other's soul early on and have never doubted it. 
There may be some here who would criticise loudly at this point, "Then can't you be more considerate for your soulmate (the actual phrased used is "spiritual companion")? A-Xu has said many times, let's face everything together, I'll bet that you will be honest with me. If you really love him, then why can't you care for his feelings?" 
----- You guys, you've never been married. 
If two souls meeting can naturally resolve all behavioural conflicts and disagreements, then the theory of "breaking in" * would not exist. 
Let us take a look at what kind of a person WKX and ZZS each are.
Wen Kexing, he's a lone wolf. 
After his parents' death and his entering the Ghost Valley, his smooth sailing life suddenly fell off a cliff. Ever since then, the only person he could rely on was himself. That deep-seated hatred is carved into his bones, yet he can't speak of it to anyone else. He isn't the same type of person as the rest of the ghosts in the Ghost Valley; he isn't the same type of person as A-Xiang, who he raised. If we talk about the world and everyone who lives in it, he doesn't have any fetters or feels any (positive) emotions. 
His supposed craziness is a form of indifference. He's indifferent to others' lives, nor his own, because he just doesn't care. (T/N: I think he does care for his own life, but only for revenge, after that, he's indifferent. Indifferent isn't suicidal. I don't know why some fans seem to be confusing the two. Although he didn't plan to, if he somehow manages to stay alive after getting his revenge, WKX will continue to live on, even if it's only to keep A-Xiang happy because he is indifferent.)
Growing up like this, being solitary became his style. He's used to doing everything alone, used to making his own decisions, used to digesting all his emotions himself. 
Every time he argues with A-Xu, he digests his emotions himself. The next day, he faces A-Xu with a smile again. 
This is how he loves, to take it upon himself to face danger, difficulty and pain alone. It's how he had supported A-Xiang all these years in the Ghost Valley and what he's used to. 
While Zhou Zishu, he's a lead horse (of a herd). ** 
Since a very young age, he's taught to take responsibility. He's used to bearing everything on his shoulders, be it the responsibility of his family or the responsibility for the Four Seasons Manor, even the responsibility for saving commoners from disasters. 
Unlike the lone wolf, the lead horse is ultimately a social animal. 
Regardless of his identity as the Manor Lord of the Four Seasons Manor or the Leader of the Window of Heaven, he's always the one to lead the herd and rarely fights alone. So, A-Xu not only has leadership ability but more than that, he also knows how to be tolerant and accepting of the differences of his team members. You can see the various ways he managed to influence Lao Wen along the road; he's firm when he needs to be and soft the other times. It's absolutely textbook in managing your lover workplace management. 
Zhou Zishu believes in communication whenever there's a problem, that they should be open and honest. So, teamwork is what he's used to. 
Does it mean that when a horse and lone wolf fall in love, that there won't be a breaking in period? 
Obviously not. 
I guess this is where some may say again, "isn't this part of a character's arc/development? The two of them quarrel time and time again. Did WKX not grow at all from it?" 
Of course, after meeting each other, they both grew and saved each other.
When he first left Window of Heaven, A-Xu was lonely with regret. Unlike the lone wolf who's used to doing everything alone, a lead horse without the last of his herd has no way to bear the bone-deep loneliness and merciless self-recrimination.
ZZS wandered around this world aimlessly until Lao Wen started pestering him, until he picked up Zhang Chengling, right up until he felt he hadn't singlehandedly destroyed the Four Seasons Manor. This lead horse finally regained a goal in life. He gained a partner and a lover. Lao Wen sticks to him, Chengling relies on him, and the abandoned Four Seasons Manor became like-new in his hands. He finally reconciles with himself. 
When he first came out of the valley, Lao Wen carried a rage strong enough to burn the world down. But when he met A-Xu, he also met the beauty of the world. 
When the Four Sages of Anji died, WKX understood how he caused innocent suffering. When Gao Chong walked to his death knowingly, he understood that although some may desire power, they could still be righteous and upstanding people. When he learned of everything Long Que sacrificed to protect his family***, he finally relaxed his guard. 
There were so many types of good people and things that he saw along this journey that he hadn't seen in the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu told him he was a good person as they basked in the sun, he genuinely wanted to return to the human (vs ghost) realm and be a good man. 
Along their journey, A-Xu made up for the morals and values that WKX lost in the Ghost Valley and showed him a new world outlook. He appeased Lao Wen's anger, tempered his extremism. The process wasn't easy, but not that difficult either, because, in the end, Lao Wen is kind at heart. 
But in the end, being a lone wolf is how he survived and succeeded in a place like the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu was so heavily injured and needed a lot of rest (for Wu Xi) to save his life, Lao Wen suddenly recalled his enemies and how such an excellent opportunity to take revenge just fell into his lap. Everything was in place, and all he needed to do was hide it from A-Xu; he could leave for a short while and have it settled quickly. Upon returning, he could then live happily ever after with his wife. To a crazy lone wolf, why would he not take a gamble? 
What he couldn't predict was the news would've been leaked (to A-Xu), and he didn't know that by doing so, he would've forever lost his love. 
Both of them were using their own methods to love the other person. Zhou Zishu is more forgiving and accepting because being forgiving is in his blood. While what WKX learned in his years in the Ghost Valley is -- love needs to be protected, like how he has A-Xiang, who he considers a sister, call himself master (to protect her). 
Only when faced with painful consequences can a person's deep-rooted habits and approach to things change. So I don't think faking his death ruined the characterisation of Wen Kexing, but I regret that the last two episodes did not have a scene to show us Lao Wen's heartbreak when he learns the truth. 
Until I know what it feels like to have lost you, I will only love you in my own way. 
*I can't think of the correct phrase for this as I don't read all that much about relationships >< please let me know if you know of it. Here, I'm referring to the process of wearing something new (like shoes) that will hurt at the start until it becomes soft and comfortable. 
** I did some side-reading, and omg, A-Xu is TOTALLY the lead mare. Although he's not the stallion and weak/dying for most of the show, he's the head of their little family, and he expects "to be obeyed", aka, I'm not going to learn how to cook. Call me for dinner. Kthxbye. 
From Rutgers' website: A herd of wild horses consists of one or two stallions, a group of mares, and their foals. The leader of the herd is usually an older mare (the "alpha mare"), even though one stallion owns the herd. She maintains her dominant role even though she may be physically weaker than the others. The older mare has had more experiences, more close encounters, and survived more threats than any other horse in the herd. The requirement of the lead horse is not strength or size; if this were so, then humans could never dominate a horse. Dominance is established not only through aggression but also through attitudes that let the other horses know she expects to be obeyed.
***I think this is important here because WKX wasn't crying for his loss. I think a big part of him was realising not everyone in the world was callous and turned their backs on his parents, that he could've gone his whole life without ever discovering what sacrifices some people have made. Good people suffer quietly and in silence. It's a big moment to realise he was wrong about many things that he had let hatred blind himself to the world. Because although he was sad about the Four Sages and somewhat shocked by Gao Chong's death, he hadn't truly faced up to his actions until now. 
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(screenshot of the scriptwriter liking the above post) 
To add: 
I'm not sure how many of you read my "opinion" posts, but I've been struggling to find a way to accept the last six episodes of Word of Honor.  I first tried looking at open forum postings, comments, and Tumblr posts. None of it worked because it was just arguing and emotions and no one made points good enough for me to accept things. 
So I gave up and went back to reading Chinese sites. I found many posts discussing the plot. Some I liked, some I didn't, but none satisfied my need for a reasonable explanation. I felt they had biases (both ways), or else it lacked logic. After a time, I realised that I should be looking for WKX-stans (or pro-WKX fans) because they would be more motivated to explain his side, but also because well-written posts by wenzhou-fans & ZZS-stans made me super sad.
I'm sorry, but those who keep trying to explain why the ending was good completely missed that episodes 32-34 are the real problem to those who don't like it and only focused on 36. I can understand if people don't think those episodes are a problem, but no one could provide an articulate and sensible reason. There are just too few well-reasoned plot-focused posts in English (sorry). I've seen too many examples of WKX-fans arguing with people who are upset about the ending, backed by nothing more than "look how much WKX suffers, woe is him. And how romantic is this????" *dies* 
Lastly, if you spot anything inaccurate, let me know & I will correct it.
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courtofcravings · 4 years
Another you (2)
Warning: Some blood, needles, minor injuries.
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“Also, Y/N, you should call me Jim… Jim or Kirk.” 
“But, Sir? Is that appropriate?” You asked him. You’ve never worked with a captain who was okay with being familiar around their inferior officers. “I think after today, it would be weird if you didn’t,” He said, looking down at you, smiling softly.
“Alright, Jim… Jim or Kirk,” You said, not as a question, but more to mock him like a dad joke. To which he laughed at, “Perfect,” He looked down at the phaser and back at the area you two were walking towards. “So what is this I hear about you not knowing how to use a phaser? Seems pretty standard for anyone going into the field,”
“That’s just it; I know the standard, and that phaser is anything but.” You two walked for a decent amount of time, as he explained to you what the different buttons do, even quizzing you on the important ones to ensure you can protect yourself.
“You know, Bones thinks that I should ask you out.” Your head whipped at him, of all things to come out of his mouth. “Does he?” You asked back, hiding a creeping blush. You refused to look at him, staring ahead. “He’s known I’ve had a crush on you for a while, although, after this morning when we tag-teamed him, he might have changed his opinion.”
“Might never want to see us together in the same room, let alone in a relationship.” You added. With a burst of courage, you asked, “How long have you had this crush, Jim?”
“Since the day Bones introduced us. You’ve had to see that I’ve been showing up at your lab way more often,”
“I thought you were just coming to bug Doctor McCoy in the lab while we worked on the research. Anytime you and I talked, it was always short conversations about the work.” You’ve always liked the captain, but you never believed he’d actually return those feelings.
“I was intimidated.” You stopped walking, “Why are you telling me this now?” You inquired. Does he think you won’t make it out? Off this planet?
“When you face a life or death situation, these confessions seem so pointless to hold back.” You stopped walking and turned to face him; you reached up and planted a small peck on his cheek. “Well, I’d have to agree with Bones; you should ask me out.”
Eventually, you two came across the nest, a large caved in whole in the ground, with small tents inside of it. “I thought this was a diplomatic mission; what did you guys do to piss off the natives?” You asked him, looking at all the different guards walking around.
“They aren’t the natives of this planet that we came to see; these new species killed or enslaved the natives of this planet.” You shivered, not from the icy air this planet had, but from the amount of death that must have occurred here. Jim gave you a reassuring squeeze.
He was freezing to touch, but you knew it wasn’t from the air; it was from the blood loss he’d suffered. He needed real medical attention and fast.
“Why did they take our crew?” You had a sinking feeling in your stomach, made even worse at the fact that you couldn’t see your missing crew. “Trophies of conquering, they will be slaves.”
Near the camp’s left side was a small metal rod hooked to a large box. “Jim,” You pointed at it, recognizing what it was immediately, “That is what is blocking our comms, our transporters. If I can get to it I c-” He scoffed, interrupting me. “Absolutely not, that area is surrounded by them, and you can’t even use a phaser,” He said, his blue eyes staring intensely into yours.
“Okay, and what is your grand plan? To run in guns blazing? You can’t even move without me supporting you, and don’t try to tell me you’re fine.” You returned using the same tone he had with you and the same look he was giving you. “I am well aware of the trauma your body is undergoing due to blood loss right now, so stop telling me you are fine because you aren’t.”
This morning you couldn’t imagine not addressing him by captain, and now you are snapping back at him. What a development. But you know you are still right, so you are not going to apologize.
“I have no idea what Bones was saying; you are much more like him than me.”
“What!? think first, do next?” You scoffed.
“Exactly, but with a bit more pessimism.”
“Your definition of realism and pessimism are confused. If I were pessimistic, there would have been no way I’d almost die trying to help you when you were tied up. With all that blood loss, there is no point in saving a dead man.”
“Come on, Y/N, we both know you only did that because you couldn’t handle this handsome face going to waste.” He said in your ear, making heat creep up to your cheeks.
“Maybe, I am more like Bones; I am starting to learn his bitterness for you,” You bit back. He smiled, looking pale. He needed medical help, and your arm wasn’t doing so well either. You had pushed back the pain while walking in the forest, but It was throbbing—pain radiating up your arm.
“Jim, let me. If I can take it down, you can use the comms. The ship can lock onto the crew and get them out,” You reasoned with him.
“Fine. But if it is too dicey Y/N, I want you to run; you haven’t trained in combat,” He was right; there wouldn’t be much you can do if they confronted you.
“Stay here,” You said, leaning him against a tree. “I really can’t go anywhere,” He replied. Right, at least it’s reassuring to know he can’t get into any trouble. “Be careful,” He said and placed a small kiss on your forehead. “I said it last time, and you didn’t listen, so I’ll repeat it as your captain, don’t do anything stupid.”
You snuck around the nest, hoping not to fall into any of the guard’s eye view. The grey antenna was sitting there waiting to be turned off by you.
Tiptoeing between the tents, you stopped dead in your tracks. You heard that woman’s voice from before talking, having a conversation with two other voices. In the tent to your right, they must have been in there. You took your phaser out and looked under the tight, lifting to see inside it. They were alone.
“You,” The woman said, “Y/N, the scientist.” You ran to her first, untying her, handing her a phaser, then moving to the next two, “The captain?” Sulu asked solemnly. “He is alive, barley. He lost a lot of blood. There is a device blocking the comms I need to take down so we can get out of here.” You informed them. It was mutually decided they should sit still since they were wounded and could possibly attract more attention by being in a larger group.
Making it to the box, you realized it was locked. As much as you wanted to do this quietly, it was out of your hands. This is extremely stupid. You lined up the phaser and shot it a few times until there was a thick hole in the box. You were, hopefully, powering it down so the comms will work.
You stepped back slightly, hitting a hard surface. No, not a surface; it was a body. In an instant, you were picked up and thrown into a wall, hitting your head and back. You couldn’t move but braced for a second impact.
It never came.
“Y/N!” You heard Jim say. Opening your eyes at the sound of his voice, you saw that you were on the ground, safe, in the transport bay. “I can’t believe we actually survived that,” There was blood dripping down your head, and your arm was throbbing, but you were alive.
“Always so pessimistic, Y/N; I knew the whole time we’d be fine.”
“Depends on your definition of fine; you have a hole in your leg, I personally would not call that fine,”
“There is no point in arguing with him, Y/N,” Bones said, walking in with a wheelchair for Jim. “Hey, what happened to don’t do anything stupid? I watched you get tossed.”
“Just thought to myself… hmm, what would Jim do? And as it turns out, it was stupid and dangerous.”
Jim went to make some snarky comeback but instead started to faint. You and bones both supported him and lowered him into the chair. “Sorry, guys, I guess I’m falling too hard for Y/N,”
“Only you would try to be a flirt went fainting from blood loss,” Bones responded. You couldn’t even look at him with your face so heated; you just stayed silent all the way down to Med bay.
Bones took Jim into a private room and began working on his leg. You didn’t know what to do, shower and rest or wait to make sure Jim is alright. “Excuse me, miss?” An older gentleman placed a hand on your shoulder, introducing himself as Dr. Jean. “Dr. McCoy told me to look at your head.”
“I’m really, okay,” Dr. Jean insisted, so you caved; you didn’t mind sitting down for a second. He cleaned up your head wound and did a concussion exam. It came back normal, so he cleared you. Honestly, you were tuckered out from today; you decided to sit and wait outside for Dr. McCoy and Jim. Being too tired to walk upstairs, you chose to close your eyes while waiting.
You felt someone gently shaking your shoulder, but you could barely move. You tried to open your eyes, but they felt too heavy. “What do you mean you cleared her!? Does she look okay to you?” You heard someone yell, no, not someone. “Doc..Doctor McCoy?” Someone beside you cupped your cheek. “Hey, Bones, she’s talking.” You knew that voice, but your felt brain so foggy. “Jim, tell me her heart rate,”
“Jim?” You felt a hand on your neck, “Ouch.” It was still bruised from today. “Bones, I can barely feel one,”
“Nurse Chapel, help me lift her,” You heard her ask more questions, but she was talking so fast, it was hard for your head to digest them. “Foggy” You felt out of breath from just those few words, making it harder to talk, “Doctor, my head,” The doctor and nurse laid you down.  
“I’m Telling You, McCoy! She did not have a concussion.” Someone growled, “Pulse is thready and weak, not fully alert,” You were able to open your eyes slowly; everything around you much too bright.
You felt a comforting warmth touch your hand. “Vitals are not holding,” You looked at your hand; it was Jim. “You were,” You kept running out of breath “Jim, I think she’s talking to you, try to ask her-,” He looked between you and the doctor, “You were so cold when we,” You took a couple of rapid breaths, “But now you’re very warm.”
“Start her on an IV and 92% oxygen.” You noticed you couldn’t feel anything on your one arm, where the scratch is. “Doctor,” You spoke so much already, you felt so out of breath, “My arm,” Dr. McCoy stepped to the side to look at it. “Dammit,” He finished lifting your sleeve, “Jim, you said she scratched it? That looks infected, and her symptoms would suggest venom… maybe the plant was venomous?” He turned to order Nurse Chapel to do something.
You felt an oxygen mask go over your face; Jim was holding it. Finally, feeling like you can breathe and fill your lungs again, “You stayed with me?” Jim looked down at you, “Of course, couldn’t let Bones have all the glory,” He replied while glancing at bones, who was cleaning the wound.
“And here, I thought it was because you couldn’t let my beautiful face go to waste.”
“That contributed to it.” He gave you a small chaste kill on your forehead, brushing your hair out of the way of your face. “Y/N, Your wound has been thoroughly cleaned. Nurse Chapel is going to administer a remedy; it may make you drowsy” You reached your other hand to grab the doctor’s arm and gave a squeeze. “Your welcome, Darlin,” He said, dismissing himself.
“So when am I getting this date?”
“This doesn’t count!?” He asked, feigning surprise. “As much as I think it’s romantic that you almost bled out, and I almost died in a chair, I feel like others may disagree,”
“When you wake up,”
The doctor was right. You slept for about 16 hours while the anti-venom worked through your body. Besides your achy muscles, you were feeling great, energetic even.
“Y/N, you’re finally awake,” Bones walked in to greet you. I know someone will be happy to hear that. He will not stop bugging me about you. “Jim?” The doctor took some quick vitals on you before he felt okay to discharge you. “He has some trouble walking right now, so I sent him to rest. That, of course, has not stopped him from calling to check-in.”
“Can you do me a favor and not tell him I’m awake yet?” Bones gave you a curious look but agreed.
After showering and stopping by the cafeteria, you made it to his door—Ready for a real date. You heard the familiar chime that let him know someone was at the door, and you waited for the swoosh of the door.
It opened, and he was standing there, leaning on his crutch.
“I thought we could have our date, I was promised,” Holding up a bottle of whiskey and some warm fresh food in containers. “You’re awake!?” He signaled with his arm for you to walk in. “Bones didn’t tell me you were awake. Did he check you up before you left?” You set down the food and drinks, turning to face him. “Yes, of course,” He took a few steps over to you, a smile on his face.
“I thought it would be nicer as a surprise.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “I brought food and drinks because I know your leg is still recovering; I hope that’s okay.” He cupped your cheek with one hand while tilting his head slightly and kissing you softly. He was bracing himself with his other hand against the wall, “Very much okay with me.”  
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here!
A/N: I think two more parts and an epilogue :)
* If Draco’s being honest, he kind of saw it coming
* Honestly the fact that she had been so quiet when everything unfolded in Paris was very unlike her
* So he’s not at all surprised to see her in the mundane waiting area at his department
* A very frazzled receptionist who’s frantically telling an old war hero that even though she saved the world, she can’t see Mr.Malfoy without an appointment
* “It’s alright Saoirse, I’ll take it from here,” he tells the receptionist with a soft pat on the shoulder before turning his attention to his visitor
* “Hello Granger,” she only replies with a polite smile
* He really was afraid of this
* “what can I do for you?”
* And that’s how he found himself at a cafe around the corner sitting across from his old nemesis -
* And apparently also his old school crush-
* With two steaming cups of untouched tea in front of them
* He’s trying to keep calm, not showing that he’s internally freaking out
* It’s no sooner that the server is out of earshot that Granger leans over the table and says through gritted teeth
* “What are you playing at Malfoy?”
* And Draco, having learned one single thing living with his parents is that when someone is angry-
* You lie
* So he takes control of the moment, lifting the cup of tea to his lips and savoring his sip of tea before saying :
* “I have no idea what you mean”
* It only makes her angrier
* Well what did she think was going to happen?
* That she could just show up unannounced and interrogate him about his relationship
* He doesn’t need her to be hard on him, he’s hard enough on himself for the both of them
* “Honestly Draco, are you so self-involved that you have no consideration for what will happen to them once your family finds out you’re involved with a Muggle”
* He’s thought of nothing but that actually
* “You’ll be fine of course, you’re their son they’ll forgive you for it, call it a flight of youth but what about them? What about the years you’re stealing from them, their mind-“
* Mid tirade, Draco slips a hand into his suit pocket and pulls out a small velvet box
* Hermione stops talking when he sets it down in the middle of the table
* “I bought it the day after our first date”
* After that day, he knew there was no going back
* He couldn’t live a life without you, he couldn’t go back to the way things were anymore
* Hermione doesn’t say anything for a long time
* “Your parents-“she starts
* “Will disown me” Draco finishes and then after thinking about it for a second he adds:
* “Probably”
* “Draco-“ Hermione’ stone is sympathetic but he stops her right there
* “I know you think I’m the worst and daft to boot, and honestly I probably am, but don’t think for a second I haven’t considered all the angles for how this play’s out”
* They sit in silence, and to Draco’s surprise it’s not painful
* It’s just sad
* “You love them that much?” And for the first time, Hermione isn’t looking at him with a glare
* “With all my heart” he responds without a moments thought
* Because it’s true
* If being with you means his family will never speak to him again if it means he’ll have to give up his money if it means he’ll have to give up magic forever
* Then that’s okay
* He’ll give them all up with a smile on his face
* “They show up in my nightmares you know” Granger raises her eyebrow at that
* Ah, that came out wrong
* “Not like that-“
* He’s certainly not saying the person he loves is the root of his nightmares
* Every so often he’ll be back in school
* Kicking some first year while they’re down
* Telling Potter how pathetic he is because he doesn’t have parents
* Standing in front of the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, trying to mend it
* Standing in front of Dumbledore with his wand raised
* And he can see himself doing all of these terrible things, things that make him cringe and ashamed
* And then you show up
* A hand placed on his shoulder
* “You can choose kindness Draco”
* “You don’t have to hurt other people so they don’t notice that you’re hurting too”
* “Everything is okay”
* “I’m here now”
* And so, like things always are when you're around, the dream is bathed in warm gold light
* Draco extends his hand, helping the first year onto his feet
* He tells Potter: “sometimes I’m jealous you haven’t got any parents. Sometimes the things they want from me - it's like I can’t breathe”
* He breaks that vanishing cabinet
* And he lowers his wand and whispers “help me please, tell me what I have to do to escape this future”
* And it makes all the difference
* “They’re what saves me,” he says, completely unaware of the look in Hermione’s eyes
* Ron and Harry never saw it, but she did-
* It’s easy for the three of them to be good, they had people like Dumbledore and Arthur Weasley and Professor McGonagall to look up to, to look towards when they thought they may stray from their path
* But Draco never had anyone like that
* He had Snape, but that was a mess in and of itself
* And she’s ashamed to say that as smart as she is, she didn’t see it sooner
* Not until she saw him in that Parisian bakery
* She didn’t think he could look that kind in general, let alone to a Muggle
* But just because he’s better now because of you, doesn’t mean he should be better at the expense of you
* She’s happy for you
* “If you hurt them you won’t need to worry about your parents, I’ll murder you myself”
* Draco laughs
* That seems fair
* “I’m sorry,” and when she seems confused he adds:
* “For all the things I did in school, I regret all of them”
* An awkward expression crosses her face
* “I’m not asking for your forgiveness, I don’t deserve it, I just-“
* He just thought that she deserved one, even if it was after all these years
* “I just wanted to apologize”
* Not wanting to make her uncomfortable he moves to leave, standing up and ticking his chair in
* “Oh and one more thing,” he says before leaving.
* “Let Weasley and Potter know that the irony isn’t lost on me that I fell in love with a Muggle,” he says with a grin, and Hermione smiles back.
* You walk out of the office to see Draco leaning against the building, a brown bag in hand
* He’s wearing that black on black suit
* God he looks yummy
* “Were you waiting for me?” You’re probably grinning when he leans down to greet you with a kiss, grabbing your hand with his free on
* Fingers intertwining as you walk down the street
* “I got finished early, thought I would surprise you with some of your favorite food,” he says the paper bag rustling in his hand
* “My place or yours,” you ask, and Draco gulps
* He puts on his best smile
* “Yours is probably best”
* He strips off his coat the moment he asks in, before helping you out of yours
* “You’re being so attentive today,” you say with a giggle while he tucks your hair behind your ear
* “Just missed you is all,” he says with a smile
* “Hard day at work?” You ask setting your keys down and you see Draco shrug
* “A little” a tiny reassuring smile curled onto his face
* “I’ll get us some wine,” you say “white or red?”
* “Surprise me”
* He takes a seat on your couch, leg bouncing
* It has to be now
* He has to do it now
* You come back with two glasses of rosé
* “I thought you said my options were white or red?” He says taking one of the glasses
* “And you said ‘surprise me’”
* He laughs, setting the glass down on a coaster
* “You know there’s no one else like you in the world, you’re an original piece” he’s teasing, but it’s not unkind
* You banter back:
* “Well I didn’t see you complaining about my originality last month when you proposed to me”
* He smiles at you
* And you know exactly what’s about to happen
* Before his hand dips into his pocket
* Before you see the velvety box, which creaks open to reveal a formidable diamond ring
* Before Draco says
* “That’s right, I love your originality, I love everything about you. And I want nothing more than to spend my entire life being surprised by you”
* “Will you marry me?”
* Yes
* Of course, it’s a yes
* How could it not be?
* You don’t realize you’re crying until Draco’s thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks
* Your mouth opens to tell him that you want nothing more than to surprise him for the rest of your life too, nothing more than to stay by his side
* When he stops you
* “Before you answer, there’s something you need to know, something I haven’t been 100% honest about”
* Draco averts his gaze and you feel anxiety gnaw at you
* What sort of terrible thing could it be?
* He looks straight into your eyes with those warm Grey orbs
* Gulps, and says:
* “I’m a wizard (Y/N)”
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dysfuctional-family · 3 years
The IRR Pt. 2
{After a raid on the Interdimentional Rainbow Rocket home base the villains and everyone who works for them has been captured by strange people in armor and masks. so far, no one has been seriously injured, but all of this could quickly change. Click below the cut to read.}
!!TW for mentions of religious themes!!
Giovanni was led down to the "Main Land", the largest room in the IRR, located on the ground level. Many people had been led to this area both staff and soldiers, and to think all of this ended just as quickly as it started. Makes you question how long these masked assailants had been in the base. As he walked he heard the ever so recognizable yelling of their resident angry Unovan. The Italian honestly couldn't even tell what he was saying right now. All he knew is that death threats were involved.
It didn't take long for each team leader to be picked out of the crowd and brought outside. There were dozens of ships stationed outside... they stood no chance.
"Разделите их. по одному на каждом корабле." On of the masked people ordered, the leader from the looks of things. Each leader was taken to an individual ship, separating them so they couldn't form ant plan of escape. With the leaders of th IRR captured half of the fleet took off while th rest stayed behind to discourage any resistance.
Giovanni was silent throughout the ride, only eyeing the people around him and the ship he was being transported in. It all looked very futuristic, even for his standards. Far beyond anything they could ever hope to create. The ship was sleek and clean, its dark grey metal shimmering in the light blue lights. Then he began to think. The leader spoke Russian, as far as he was aware the only region that had Russian as a language commonly spoken was Sinnoh. Thats when he began to worry, if this was some alternate version of Sinnoh, if it was a Sinnoh where Cyrus won and was now ruling... what was going to happen to him and his team.
Giovanni wasn't given any more thinking time because they had arrived to wherever their destination was. He finally decided to say something, looking to the person in armor next to him.
"Just what do you hope to accomplish by bringing me and my co-workers here?" He asked firmly. He was only given a glance of acknowledgment I return. They then began walking again. They seemed to be in a large city. Large towers of white stone stood taller than anything he'd ever seen, roads weaving between buildings in layers. All of the main hustle and bustle was farther away as they were in a more remote are. That or the area had been locked down for their arrival. He and the others were taken into this large domed building, religious imagery carved into the walls. Symbols such as Arceus' spikes, the creation trio, Arceus itself, holy scripture, prayers, etc. It was all very impressive really...
The interior was just as extravagant, stained glass showing the story of Arceus hatching and creating the gods, the birth of the universe, the banishing of Giritina, all pretty standard for a church of this size... but everything seemed to shift halfway through. A human figure, who he could only assume was Cyrus, appears to the world shrouded in darkness and captures the gods. He takes them and forces them to do his bidding, but instead of destroying the world and creating anew the gods' power seems to instead rush into Cyrus. Overwhelmed with power he lashed out, destroying everything around him and tearing holes into reality itself. In the aftermath there was only destruction and this orb of godly energy. At least, that's what Giovanni could gleam from his experience reading stain glass pictures in church.
Suddenly all of the leaders were stopped in front of an old man. a very old man. He turned to look at the group, distain in his sunken in eyes. He was adorned with a robe and beads of various colors, modified priest attire from the looks of it. He supported his weight on a cane as he slowly walked up to Giovanni, seemingly knowing who he was.
"Hmm, Giovanni. Of all the people to do something like this, you were the last I expected." The man then eyed the rest of the leaders, eyes widening as his eyes fell on Cyrus. He stood up a little more straight as he looked back to the confused mafia boss.
"I am Saturn. Former admin of Team Galactic now priest of the people." He explained, much to the surprise of everyone but Cyrus.
"So, you've brought us here for what? Spill so we can get out of here." Cyrus practically demanded in a tired manner. Saturn looked to Cyrus, his face growing agitated.
"Hm. Very well. Giovanni Sakaki, why have my people been going missing and monsters attacking the innocent who are just trying to survive?' Saturn asked as his tone slowly became more aggressive. It took a second for the question to register but as soon as it did Giovanni responded.
"If that's why you brought us here I believe we have a common enemy. We've had an encounter with the man you're looking for and my own people are beginning to disappear." He explained smoothly. Those words surprised Saturn. He stepped back for a moment to think, humming as he did. The leaders looked amongst themselves, questioning practically everything that was happening at the moment.
"If this is true, then we have are all in grave danger. These creatures have been attacking our people for months, far longer than you've been around. Perhaps we could help each other to defeat a common foe." Saturn explained, making Maxie recoil in seemingly fear.
"Wait. He's been here for months?" He fearfully questioned. "In my home universe, months was all it took for him to tear down an entire country..." That news shocked everyone. There was a moment of silence after that news, the dread and horror of just how much danger everyone was in finally sinking in.
Saturn looked to the soldiers who had brought the evil team leaders before him. He waved his hand, dismissing them. He paced for a moment, pondering. Just what did this man want of them? The redhead seemed to know who this man was. He'd have to get some information from him after this meeting is concluded.
"If what you say is true, we are all in far more danger than we thought. This man must be stopped, his sins against nature cannot be forgiven."
"Then we are agreed. Working together could give us both some better protection and understanding of the current situation." Giovanni added.
"indeed. Apologies for our initial impression, but I'm sure you understand the circumstances are dire. Giovanni, Maxie, I'd like to speak with to further about this. everyone else if free to leave and return to your ship."
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Secrets in a Foreign Language (Part Two) - Jungkook
<<previous _ next>>
A week quickly passed with not much to report; no more accidental run-ins with any of Korea’s most famous. However, you did let curiosity get the best of you and you ended up researching a little bit more about Jeon Jungkook, and specifically his relationship with fellow idol, Kim Cho-hee. Well… fake relationship. Though when you saw pictures of the two of them together you honestly couldn’t believe it was all an act. They really were constantly photographed together; holding hands, snuggled up in booths, having dinner, coming in and out of each other’s apartments. They actually seemed happy together in those pictures, so much so that you almost had to pinch yourself to make sure you hadn’t dreamt the whole interaction at Jungkook’s home… you definitely hadn’t though.
Soon it was Tuesday of the next week at 2 o’clock; Jungkook’s place marked on your work schedule again. You didn’t think much of it though, remembering the last time you were there he made sure to confirm the time so he wouldn’t be there at the same time you were.
Or… so you thought.
When you unlocked the door, you were immediately met with Jungkook’s broad back facing you as he sat on his leather couch. He had a pair of headphones on and a game controller in his hand, speaking Korean (loudly) into the tiny microphone attached to the headphones; the tv playing what looked like a shooting video game.
“YAHH!” he suddenly yelled, throwing his arms up in the air as the word ‘VICTORY’ appeared on the screen before him.
You were so confused.
It was Tuesday, right? At 2pm? But you didn’t bother checking. You knew it was. Why did it seem you were always questioning yourself about the time of day in this house?
The front door slamming shut made Jungkook whip his head around, pulling one headphone from one of his ears at the sight of you.
“Oh! (y/n)! Hello!”
He smiled widely at you.
You cocked your head.
“Hello, Jungkook. Wh-what are you…” you trailed off, figuring asking what he was doing here was a silly question. It was his own home after all. So instead you opted for,
“Why-why are you here?”
Which honestly wasn’t much better.
“Ah, I have the day off and just wanted to relax at home,” he shrugged, a blush forming on his pale face, “I promise I will stay out of your way. Do you… do you mind? If I am here?”
You couldn’t help but snort, not believing he was actually asking you if it was okay… this was his house.
“I think I should be the one asking you that…” you replied.
He pulled his headphones all the way down and rested them around his neck, then turned his body more to face you, his arms laying on the back of the couch.
“What? Of course it’s okay you are here. I wouldn’t stop you from doing your job.”
You gave him a small nod and with that decided to start cleaning in the kitchen.
To your surprise, Jungkook got up from the couch and followed you there.
As you set your supplies down on the counter, he opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. Then he turned to you.
“Want one?”
You shook your head in response.
“No, thanks though.”
He leaned against the island and unscrewed the cap, letting the water fall into his open mouth. Meanwhile you peered around the kitchen, which was honestly the cleanest you had ever seen it in the few times you’ve been here to do your job. You struggled to even find any surface to wipe down. Usually there was at least something.
“So how are you?” Jungkook suddenly asked, taking a sip from his water again.
Your face started feeling hot knowing he was watching you. Why was he watching you? It made you nervous, especially since there seemed to literally be nothing for you to clean in this room. It looked even cleaner now than after you were done cleaning it! You were so confused.
“Uh, I’ve been good. And, um, you? How have you been?”
You finally looked back up at him, a sheepish grin on his lips.
“Fine, thank you.”
There was a pause where you two just stared at each other. You really took in his face for what felt like the first time. A small mole under his bottom lip, a rounded tip nose, he had put blue at the ends of his long black hair, the bangs of it falling over his big dark brown eyes. He smiled again, dimples becoming apparent on his round cheeks.
If your face could get any warmer, you’re pretty sure it would have caught fire by now.
You quickly looked away and cleared your throat.
“Well, I’ll be in here,” he walked back towards the couch and sat down, “Let me know if you need anything, (y/n).”
Then he gave you a thumbs up and put his headphones back on, turning back to the game.
You left the room and went down the hall to the main bedroom, figuring maybe he just hadn’t used the kitchen at all this week. He did say he wasn’t here that often after all.
But, to your surprise, the bedroom was in pretty immaculate shape as well. The hard wood floors were almost sparkling clean, the windows were so clear you had to shield your eyes from the afternoon sun, and you thought you noticed subtle streaks from a vacuum on the fluffy grey rug. At least you were able to dust the nightstands and desk in the corner (though if you were being honest there wasn’t much dust to begin with) and straighten out the sheets and blankets on the bed. Following that you moved on to the master bathroom which was also strangely spotless; you just wiped down the double sinks and toilet with disinfectant and headed to the guest room.
No longer surprised, but still very confused, it was the same in there, too. It didn’t not only not look lived in, but it also looked like it had been cleaned really recently. What on earth was going on?
You didn’t want to think too much into it though, it wasn’t your business and frankly you were relieved it was an easy job today considering Jungkook’s place was always the last on your schedule.
Once you felt satisfied with what you could do, you lugged your cleaning supplies back into the main area of the house. Jungkook no longer had headphones on and was playing what looked like Mario Kart. He noticed you walk in.
“Hey,” he briefly looked away from the race, “are you finished?”
You gestured to the room he was in, the living room.
“Just have to do this room,” you replied.
He paused the game and looked around for a moment, then back at you. He shrugged.
“Looks pretty clean to me.”
This room, too??
You were SO perplexed and suddenly worried. Did Jungkook not want you in his house for a long time? Is that why he had had it so obviously cleaned before you arrived? Was he mad about the last time you were here? Was he worried you were going to talk about what you had heard that day? Was he going to contact your company and not have you clean his place anymore? But why wouldn’t he have just done that in the first place? And again, the same question arose in your mind… why was he here when he had told you he wouldn’t be? What on earth was his end game?
Wow your overthinking was almost making you dizzy.
“O-Okay, I guess my work here is done then…” you trailed off, strolling over to the front door.
“Hey (y/n)?” Jungkook saying your name made you stop in your tracks.
You turned back to him.
“Was my house your last for the day?”
You paused then nodded, even more lost as to why he was asking this.
He looked down and scratched the back of his neck.
“Would you- do you want to stay and maybe play a game… with me?”
He held up the Nintendo Switch controller, his pale cheeks changing into a slight shade of pink.
Wait… what?
You cocked your head, imaging your face was all kinds of puzzled looking right now. He immediately caught on.
“Ah no no, you don’t have to, sorry, if you don’t want to or you have somewhere to be… I just thought maybe, I could use company? I think that’s the right words?”
He seemed flustered suddenly and well, you found it rather endearing.
“Um, no I don’t have anywhere to be…” you set your things down by the front door, “I’ll play with you.”
A few games couldn’t hurt, right? He invited you after all, and you were now technically off the clock. He smiled wide and bounced up and down a couple times in excitement like a little kid. It made you smile as you took the other controller from him and sat down cautiously, making sure to keep a bit of distance between the two of you.
“Have you played before?” he asked you.
You couldn’t help but scoff. You were, in fact, a master at Mario Kart.
“Have I played before? Ha! You may regret asking me to stay when I kick your butt.” Your confidence taking you by surprise and spilling out in the form of words.
Jungkook laughed and shook his head.
“Aisshh, we’ll see about that.”
It was a close race. But in the end, your cockiness was thrown back in your face. Jungkook got first place, his character standing on the podium accepting the gold trophy.
A pout was on your lips and Jungkook glanced at you from the side with a grin on his face.
Your competitiveness was coming out.
“Rematch?” you questioned.
Jungkook smiled at you, his nose scrunching in the process.
“Okay, if you really think you can win.”
The second race was close, but again he beat you. Same with the third. And the fourth. You were almost going to give up. Almost.
But you didn’t, and finally, after the fifth attempt, your kart zoomed over the checkered finish line just barely before Jungkook’s. You threw your arms in the air.
“Yes!!! Finally!! God, I thought I would never beat you.” You chuckled and shook your head.
“Yeah, that last banana really fucked me over,” he responded, looking down and avoiding your gaze, a small smile evident on his thin pink lips, “Should have watched where I was going.”
You then narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
“Waiiiit a minute… did you let me win that one??” you suddenly accused.
Jungkook finally met your gaze, his eye wide.
“What? No! No way! You beat me! I swear!”
It was at that moment when you learned Jeon Jungkook was a terrible liar.
A huge smile spread across your face and you pointed a finger at him.
“You did let me win!”
He brought his knees up to his chest and hid his face in his hands while laughing and shaking his head.
“No, no! I swear! You won, you won!”
He looked up again, his eyes squinting from how big his smile was, his face bright red.
You let out an exasperated sigh and threw your head back on the couch cushion.
“How many games is it going to take for me to beat you fair and square??”
At that moment, Jungkook’s phone started vibrating on the cushion between you two. Surprised by the noise, you instinctively looked down. The name ‘Cho-hee’ with a pink heart appeared on the screen, her face blowing a kiss as the contact picture. You quickly looked away as Jungkook silenced the vibration.
“She, um, made me put that picture and her name like that, with the heart, in case something happened or someone, like, got ahold of my ph-phone somehow…” he tried to explain, clearly nervous, his smile gone, his face going from red to white real quick.
You looked down and held up a hand.
“You’re good, I don’t need an explanation, it’s… not my business.”
There was an awkward silence before you decided to break it, coming to the conclusion that you had definitely overstayed your welcome.
“Well, you should probably answer that, and I should head out anyway,” you stood up; Jungkook did, too.
You smiled at him while walking to the front door.
“I had fun. Thank you… for asking me to play.”
He smiled back awkwardly.
“I did, too. Maybe…” he hesitated, “Maybe next time you will beat me.”
Next time? Would there be a next time?
His phone vibrated loudly in his hand again.
Yep, that was your cue.
“Goodbye, Jungkook.”
He watched you open the door.
“Bye (y/n). I’ll see you later, okay?”
You let the door shut behind you.
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Simple Things | jjk
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||| Masterlist |||
𝙿𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶: Boyfriend!Jungkook x Reader
𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚈: Based on the song Simple Things by Miguel! Highly recommend listening to the song before reading! (song fic request are my FAV, give me more please!?)
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂: Weed Smoking, Language, Sexual Content: grinding, teasing, nipple play, choking, unprotected sex (be safe!), Dom!jk, Sub!Reader if you squint, After care?  Its also really fucking cute and fluffy. 
A cloud of smoke hung in the air, as you press the joint to your lips. Inhaling deeply, feeling the familiar burn in your throat. Some new r&b track playing softly in the background. Jungkook’s long legs resting comfortably over your lap, you pass him the joint. He sets his phone to the side to sit up and take it from you. As mundane as it sounds, this had become somewhat comfortable for the two of you. He blows the smoke out, passing it back for you to finish. Placing the remainder in the ashtray as Jungkook starts laughing hysterically, his infamous cackle bouncing off the walls; easily one of your favorite sounds.
“This video was from last year, watch this…” He sits up bringing the phone close to your face. You watch an extremely drunk Jimin dancing chaotically in the middle of a crowded club. The phone pans to the VIP section, and Taehyung hyping him up. You don’t miss the obnoxiously attractive women that crowd the same area. Your eyes widen and you start to laugh too. It reminded you of when you and Jungkook had first started dating. For the first few months, every weekend was spent with your friends in overcrowded clubs. Fun times, no doubt, but you were happy with your new normal.
Jungkook dismisses himself to the kitchen, mumbling something about having the munchies. You giggle at your predictable boyfriend, extending your legs into the spot where he was laying. Pulling up Snap Chat on your phone, not surprised to see Jimin and Taehyung’s stories. Almost as if they were trying to replicate the memory Jungkook just showed you from a year ago. Drunk as hell, beautiful women, VIP section, it was something to envy from the outside looking in.
You laugh to yourself, thinking back on your own memories. At the start of your relationship, seven months ago, it was much different. Frequently bar hopping with friends whenever we were able to. Once we discovered that we preferred just being in each other’s company, the partying slowly came to an end. You were happy with that though. You loved smoking and hanging out with your best friend, who also happened to be your boyfriend. You find yourself replaying Jimin and Taehyungs story, until you click on Jungkook’s; nothing. Peaking behind you to see him finishing off an apple, you start to think.
You were comfortable with spending your nights like this. Having moved in with each other a month ago, you loved being able to spend your free nights together. Watching a movie, cuddled up on the couch, listening to music, experimenting with food. Whatever you did, it made you happy. This was the first time you wondered if maybe he felt different than you. What if he wants to go out but doesn’t say anything because he knows how much you love staying home?
You get up from your spot on the couch, a stolen pair of Jungkook’s sweatpants hanging around your hips, while his t-shirt hides all your curves. He’s singing to the soft sounds coming from the speaker, and he looks so ethereal. His long bouncy waves, floating back and forth over his eyes; always made you want to brush his hair back. His outfit matching yours since you were wearing his clothes. The grey sweatpants looking sexier on him than on you, although he would argue that statement.
You hop onto the countertop letting your legs hang over, “Do you want to go out?” you blurt out, attempting to sound nonchalant.
He pauses, quickly turning to look at you. His face screwing up with confusion, “What? Like… tonight?”
You press your lips into a hard line nodding at him, which only makes him look more confused.
“Right now? You want to go out?” He asks you again to confirm as he slots himself in between your legs. He wraps his arms around your waist, letting his thumbs slide against the inside of your waist band.
“I mean, if you want to. I’m good with whatever,” You murmur, still attempting to be nonchalant.
“Well… if you don’t want to go out… why would I?” He giggles softly before pressing his lips to your nose.
“I thought maybe you’d want to party with Jimin and Tae, it’s been awhile since we’ve been out,” you try explaining simply.
He tilts his head to the side, seeing straight through your bullshit.
“Actually, I do wanna go somewhere,” He starts, pulling back and walking over to where our shoes are laying, “walk to the grocery store with me, we have like no food.”
You roll your eyes but you follow his lead slipping your shoes on. The grocery store was in walking distance, which was quite dangerous when you both had the munchies.
The wind is harsh but overall, the night is beautiful. The street is on the quieter side since its late into the night. Jungkook pulls your hand out of your hoodie and laces his fingers with yours before putting both into his hoodie. You look up to see him already smiling down at you.
“Baby, why did you ask me to go out tonight, honestly?” his voice is soft and laced with curiosity.
You sigh. You try not to feel insecure, but it was hard with him. He was perfect in your eyes, and you were… well, you weren’t perfect by any means. You constantly wondered if he would want something more, something that you couldn’t offer him. What if he needed more adventure or someone that was in his league? The bottom line was, you knew there was someone out there that could give him that; and it intimidated you.
“I don’t know, it’s just been awhile since we’ve gone out.” You tell him, although its true you know you’re lying to him.
“But you didn’t want to go out, so what would you have done if I had said yes?” He chuckles raising his brows to you.
“I would have gone, I just want to make you happy,” You look up to him and smile.
“I am happy. Right here, with you,” He leans down and kisses your cheek, ”You know that right?”
You force a smile and nod, and he seems to pick up on your hesitation, but he lets it go for now.
Your cloudy eyes scan over the chip section, while Jungkook goes to a different isle to pick out ice cream. Decision making wasn’t your strong suit, so he found you in the same isle 5 minutes later still debating.
“Okay, like spicy or cheesy? You know I hate making decisions!” You pout holding up the two bags.
He chuckles coming closer to see what the options are, “For you, my lady,” He says taking both bags from your hands and putting them in the cart. You start to giggle, reaching out to hug him.
You walk through a few more isles deciding you want to get some noodles for an actual meal. You’re debating on what kind to get, when he freezes in the middle of the conversation. Instantly you stop talking wondering what the hell has your boyfriend’s attention.
Within a few seconds you know, “Oh, if that’s what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours,” Jungkook starts singing to you in the middle of the isle. His newfound love for the song 10,000 hours was intense, he was constantly singing it to you. Your eyes widen and you start to giggle, taking his hand when he holds it out to you. He spins you into him still singing incredibly loud for a grocery store. His pulls you in and you sway to the music, still unable to control your laughing. You back away from him and you start doing ‘tik-tok’ dance moves to the pop song, Jungkook’s voice cracks as he starts to laugh at you. Within seconds he’s right there with you mimicking your dance moves, you’re both dying from laughter.
You jump when you turn around to see an old couple watching you and giggling.
“Oh my gosh, we’re so sorry!” You start laughing moving the cart out of the way while Jungkook quickly picks up the noodles and throws them into the cart.
“Please don’t apologize, you remind us of when we were younger,” The old man starts, looking at this wife adoringly, “It’s something special, to be in love with your best friend!”
You and Jungkook’s cheeks are burning red, as you hear the sweet compliment.
“It really is,” Jungkook agrees softly before looking at you, eyes filled with the same adoration as the old man.
You finally check out and begin your trek home, Jungkook insisting on carrying all the bags if you feed him some gummy bears. His left arm hangs around your shoulder while you alternate giving him a gummy bear, then yourself.
“Those were some pretty sweet moves back there,” he giggles
You start to laugh again shrugging your shoulders, “Yeah… yours were alright,” you mock. Jungkook gasps sarcastically.
“If I didn’t have this bag of food, I would dance battle you right here!”
“You mean… you would lose a dance battle right here?” You say confidently, before your start to giggle. You slowly look up at him only to see him glaring down at you jokingly, you reach up pressing a red gummy to his lips. You can’t help the belly laugh when he quickly nips the gummy out of your fingers nearly biting you.
Finally, back home, he made the noodles as soon as you stepped into the house. Both of you singing loud to the music that plays in the background. You switch back and forth between both bags of chips, doing a happy dance when the flavors hit your tongue. His giggle pulls you from your food daze.
“Why are you laughing at me!” You push your lips out pouting as you crunch.
“Your little food dance, it’s one of my favorite things you do,” He imitates you with your little butt wiggle you do while he brings his noodles to his mouth.
“That’s not it,” you giggle showing him what you actually do, “you have to move your shoulders too!” You demonstrate taking a bite of your own noodles.
“Why are you so cute?” He giggles. You shrug cutely before poking your cheeks with your fingers. When you finish eating, he takes your bowls to the sink, and you decide to make your way over to his side of the counter. He turns around after washing the two dishes. You lean into his chest and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, leaning forward to take in the clean smell of your hair before kissing the top of your head multiple times.
He tugs at your chin so you’re looking up at him. He brushes his thumb over your cheekbone, lightly pushing your hair behind your ear, “You seem more like yourself now,” He presses his lips to yours lightly.
“What do you mean?” You ask, pushing yourself up so you can steal another kiss.
“Earlier, you asking to go out. I’m still confused about that…” He grazes his thumb over your bottom lip before looking into your eyes. You could tell that a part of him was worried. You sigh, knowing that it was out of character for you.
“So… maybe I thought that you wanted to be out partying,“ you try to pull back but his arms are around you tight, “Like Tae and Jimin are, with all of those beautiful women.”
His brows nit together as he processes your words, “Why did you think that?”
You take a deep breath deciding to tell him about your frequent insecurities. All of your fears and doubts about your perfect relationship, you told him all of them. He listened closely with his arms secure around you the whole time, his grip never faltering.
“Just… you know, I want to make sure you’re happy with me, so you don’t want to find someone who can make you happier,” you mumble, his face melts with the last sentence.
“Baby,” Its all he says, shaking his head slightly, “You make me, so happy. So happy sometimes that I wonder if this is real.”
“You’re so perfect for me. You know, a free-spirit, with a wild heart,” He sighs deeply cupping your cheeks in his hands, “I just want someone real, someone true.” He murmurs pressing his lips to yours again. He pulls back slightly before leaning in to hover just above your ear, “I need you to smoke with me baby.”
You smile, letting him pull you to the couch. He sits in the corner of the couch pulling you close to him, while he lights the joint that sits on his lips. Inhaling deeply before passing it to you. You both finish it off, and before you know it you’re laughing about who knows what. He pulls you onto his lap, you set your legs on both sides of his. Your body feels warm, maybe it’s because of high, or maybe its because of how much you love him.
His eyes are heavy as he stares up at you his fingers finding their way beneath the loose t-shirt on your body, “Are you happy with me?” He asks out of nowhere, “is there anything I could do to make you happier?”
You take a deep breath, the THC making it hard for you to think too deeply about the answer. You didn’t need to think hard because it was simple, you were happy.
“I just want the simple things,” You say quietly leaning forward to capture his lips in yours, “Someone to smoke with me, laugh with me, lay with me,” You kiss him between each phrase, you pull back to make sure he has your attention, “I just want you.”
He smiles big, taking his hand and wrapping it around the back of your neck to pull you close to him. You brace yourself against his chest, noticing the way his heart feels like it might beat out of his chest. His lips attach to yours but this time it’s needy. He presses into them letting his tongue dance along your lower lip. You feel him start to harden beneath you, and you can’t stop yourself from grinding down onto him. The moan that finds its way from his mouth to yours makes your body weak.
He pulls you closer to him, bringing himself forward on the couch. You wrap your legs around his waist, as he gently pulls his t-shirt from your body. Palming at your tits as soon as his eyes hit them. You throw your head back and he leans forward to leave love bites on the column of your throat. You reach forward to wrap your arms around his shoulders, running your fingers through his hair; tugging softly. He pulls you impossibly closer, your clothed heat pressed against his hard on. You moan into his mouth when he starts to kiss you again. Bucking your hips into him, he pulls back and brings his lips to your sensitive nipples. Massaging your left while his tongue teases the right, then switching. His hand slides up to your throat and your eyes finally meet his blown-out pupils, full of lust and love. His fingers tighten around your throat while he holds you close to his body with his other arm. He turns you both, leaning you back until your laying flat on the couch. His hand still firm around your throat, he leans forward to kiss you again; pressing his hard on into your groin making you whine.
He smiles before nipping at your neck, still pressing himself into where you need him the most. The friction is making you crazy and he knows it, “Baby…” you whimper and he lets out a quiet laugh into your skin. He moves down your body slowly, leaving hickeys in his path, “What baby? What do you need?” He coos, instantly snapping his hips into yours. You throw your head back whining again, “Come on princess, use your words,” He laughs again before sucking the skin of your thigh into his mouth. The purple mark is fresh compared to the dull ones from the nights previous. It’s like it’s his own private masterpiece, he runs his thumb over it before sitting up between your legs. He looks down at you and cocks his head, your bottom lip comfortably in-between your teeth. His fingers slide under the band of your sweatpants and he starts to pull them from your legs antagonizing slow. You wiggle your legs trying to speed up the process, only making him slow down even more.
“Mm no panties?” He licks his lips as notices how wet you are, ”Tell me what you want baby,” He says again, pulling the sweatpants from his own legs.
“I want you to fuck me, Kookie.” You lean forward reaching out for his hard cock, but he wraps his hands around your wrist. Pushing them into the couch, as he hovers over your body. He looks down at you, as the tip of his cock teases your clit. Your eyes are drawn to the way the veins in his biceps are popping out, then to the way his abs flex each time he thrust forward, “Please.” You beg finally meeting his eyes, and they seem to soften at your magic word.
Reaching down he lines himself up then slides inside of you torturously slow. Both of you inhaling deeply when he bottoms out and stops. Something you both loved the feeling of in general, but when you were high it was comparable to euphoria.
“You feel so fucking tight for me princess,” He moans pulling back, dragging his cock against your walls. You want to respond but the words hang on your lips, all you can formulate is whimper. Leaning forward on his forearms on each side of your head, he nudges your face to the side. Letting his teeth graze the shell of your ear. The sound of his moans and whimpers was enough to through you over the edge. He feels it when you start to tighten around him, his teeth finding the juncture of your shoulder and neck. Pressing his lips delicately before he starts to suck hard.
“I-Im so close, please,” You start to beg, you don’t know what you’re begging for exactly, but you have a feeling that he does. He quickens his pace, leaning up and pressing your thighs further apart. He takes his thumb to his mouth, collecting his spit before rubbing it into your clit with the perfect amount of pressure. Your hips start to buck up into his thrust, having a mind of their own. He takes it upon himself to pull your hips up to his, the new position making your body react instantly.
“Right there! Oh fuck, right there Kookie!” You yell out, warmth spreading through your body from your toes to your fingertips. The familiar tight feeling in your abdomen tells you that your close.
“Fuck princess, cum with me!” he moans and just like that your body starts to shake. An orgasm hitting you like a semi, the warmth that was running through your veins turns into something new. He holds your legs still, spilling himself inside of you. The feeling alone makes you feel like you could cum again. He thrust inside you a few more times, each time your body spasming.
He pulls out admiring the way his cum drips from you, taking his fingers and pushing it back inside of you. You spasm at the action, making him giggle, “You came so hard, didn’t you princess?” He asks you, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before he starts to get up to find something to clean you with. You nod, grabbing his hand quickly before he gets too far. He looks down at you, “Lay with me, baby.”
He pauses and smiles down at you before squeezing himself onto the couch next to you, “You’re still messy,” he says.
“I don’t care, I need you close right now,” You explain before burying your head into his chest. You feel his chest rock as he laughs at how fucked out you are. It didn’t happen every time but, sometimes he fucked you so good that you felt emotional afterwards. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world, and you just wanted him to hold you. He wraps his arms around you, massaging your scalp with his fingertips.
“I love you so much, baby.” He says softly.
You hum into his chest, “Love you too.”
After about an hour of naked cuddling, you ask him if he wants to take a shower. He instantly perks up, wrapping you in his arms carrying you to the shower.
“If you think I would ever choose a night out over a night like this, you’re insane.”
𝙰/𝙽: 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔! 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚒 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎!
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
Make Up For It
Erik Stevens x OC
Part ONE
After a year of not seeing Erik, Jada has been faced with him in a sticky situation. 
Warnings: Blood, Mention of Medical Procedure
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Jada laid back into the bathtub, letting the smell of the sweet candles fill her senses. She needed this.. in so many ways than others. After working 12 hours all week this week in the ICU, she was finally off for the next three days. She spoiled herself with some crab legs and dirty rice. She caught up in some of her reality T.V and her favorite anime (7 Deadly Sins), and now she was relaxing in her bath tub. 
She was dozing off until she heard the noise coming from her downstairs. Instantly she jolted up. At first she just thought it was her imagination until she heard whispers. She got out the bathtub before walking into her bedroom and grabbing her pistol that her brother King, got her to protect herself. She wrapped the black robe around her body before slowly opening her door. 
She walked down the stairs, holding the pistol taking it off of safety. She turned the corner to hear the talk get louder. “I thought you said she was off these days?” She recognized that voice. It was her brother.
“I thought she was here.” She recognized that voice too. How could she not? That was her ex-boyfriend. Erik Stevens. Gosh she missed him. How could she not? They’ve been together since high school. She was his right hand women while he ran his empire. But after a really bad break up, she cut all ties with him. Now it’s been almost year since she last seen him. 
“Bruh let’s just dip.” That was a voice she did recognize. 
She turned on the lights before saying, “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet in each of your knee caps.” she said. That was until she saw Erik and the other boy holding her brother up. “What the hell happened to him?” she said putting the gun on safety and placing it on the side table. 
“We were at the club, next thing you know gun shots were being ring. He got hit.” Erik said as she closed her eyes. He was lying out his ass. 
“Lay him down on the couch.” he was laid down as he groaned. She unbuttoned his shirt seeing the wound. “What time did this happen?”
“Not even 30 minutes ago..” her brother said as she nodded licking her teeth. 
“So you guys think I’m stupid.. right?” she said looking at the two of them. 
“What are you even talking about?”
“If this happened 30 minutes ago, why is there brown dried up blood already around the wound. And you can see around the area where the skin in starting to die.”  she said pointing it out. “I know you like the back of my hand, you’re lying to me.” she snapped standing up pointing at Erik.
“We ain’t lying it’s-”
“I’m sorry.. who are you?”  she asked the random man.
“Oh, I’m DJ.” he said as she looked between the three of them. She stood up.
“Tell me what happened.” she said looking at the three, as Erik rolled his eyes.
“Bruh we’re not fucking lying.” 
“Okay.. play dumb then. I’ma play along with ya ass.” she walked to her kitchen, grabbing her house phone dialing 911. “Wait wait, don’t call 911!” King exclaimed. He looked at Erik nodding his head. 
“We were doing a raid between one of the rivals, it went left. They hit him and we just came back into town.” Erik said as she closed her eyes. 
“Why didn’t you guys go to a fucking hospital!” she yelled at him as King scoffed.
“And risk going to jail. No thank-”
“Shut up King! Do you not understand that you could have died! I don’t give a fuck about none of that shit!” she snapped at him. King sat back, listening to his sister. “And the fuck am I suppose to do? I don’t have supplies here?” she asked Erik tilted his head in confusion. 
“What about the emergency kit we had.”
“I threw it out. Supplies in there was expired. And why would I keep knowing that you-” she stopped herself before looking at her brother. “You need to take him to the hospital. The wound is already getting affected.” she told them as King groaned. 
“Jada look, I understand you’re mad at us but-”
“This does not have anything to do with being mad, look at my fucking brother Erik.” she snapped at him.
“Jada… please. I can’t go back to jail man.” King said to her. She saw the tears building up in his eyes as she scratched her forehead. “Someone stay here with him, we can go to the pharmacy up the road to get supplies.” she said turning around. She walked back up the stairs to get dress.
“I’ll go with her.” DJ said as Erik scoffed. 
“Nah nigga.. I see the way you lookin at her and that shit ain’t happening.” Erik said. DJ stared down at Erik crossed his hands over his chest. “You tryna fuck my-”
“Aye.. first of all that’s my fucking sister you’re talking about. And two, I’m right here.” King said as Erik rolled his eyes. Jada came back down with grey stacked sweatpants, a black tank top, and black flip flops. She had a white rag in her hand before walking to King. She took off the button up as he winced out. 
“Hold this on his wound. I don’t know how much blood he lost so let’s try and keep what he has in his body please. Put pressure on it.” she told him. He followed her instructions before grabbing her keys and her gun placing it in her waistband. 
“Nah, we are driving my car-”
“Do you really think you’re in the position right now to make any decisions?” she cuts him off. Erik smacked his teeth listening to her. He’s not even going to lie, he miss this. She was the only one on planet Earth that he allowed to talk to him like that. 
“Plus, if what you said is true, there are people from the raid all over this city looking for you. You’re car is probably being searched for as we speak.” she said making her way to the garage. They got into her car, as she backed out of the driveway. They rode through the dead city, the car silent. 
“You know I didn’t mean for him to get hurt.. right?” she gripped the steering wheel, before nodding. 
“Erik I know..” she said looking at the road. “But you didn’t have to lie..” she reminded him. 
“I just know how you get when it comes down to him..” 
“Yeah but you also know that I don’t like being left in the dark.” she said pulling into the parking lot. She found a close parking spot before stepping out. He followed her inside seeing her grab the things she needed. 
“We need to stop by the hospital. There’s a couple of things that we need to get that they don’t have in here.” she said. 
After paying for everything, they made their way to the hospital. “Stay here.” he instructed her. “No I need to come with you.”
“Erik It’s fine.. I got this,” she walked into the 
“Excuse me, who are you?”
“Oh I’m the lead for the ICU unit. I left my charger in the break room and came by to pick it up.” she said as the nurse looked her up and down. 
“Yeah. Hopefully it’s still in there.” You know how people can get with their sticky fingers.” she joked as Jada chuckled. She went to the supply closet before grabbing some of the items she needed. She made her way out to the car to see Erik sitting in the car. 
“You got everything.” 
“Yeah, let’s head back.”
After this little procedure, she had them put him in one of the spare bedrooms she had in her house. She told them to leave the room so she could have privacy with her brother. She sat on the floor on the side of the bed as he looked at her. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to spend you day off.” he said to her as she nodded.
“I’m so glad you know so..” she said to him as he chuckled. 
“I’m sorry that I lied to you..” he randomly said as she chuckled. 
“I’m just glad that you’re alive...” she told him as he nodded. There was silence before he spoke up. “You know Erik still wants to be with you.” he said as she scoffed. 
“Erik is the least of my worries right now, no offense.” she told him as he chuckled. 
“I’m serious, give that nigga a chance. Do you know how much he’s obsessed with you? Asking me every other day are you okay? Do you need money? Like damn call her your damn self.” he mocked him as he chuckled. Jada looked down on at the ground playing with her hands. 
“You need to rest. I’ll be back in a few hours to refill your IV.” she told him. She kissed him on the forehead before turning the lights off and walking out his room. Erik stood on the other side of the hallway.
“How’s he doing?” 
“He’s fine, he didn’t loose that much blood thankfully.” she said. 
“That’s good.” he said putting his hands in his pockets.
“I need to talk-” “Can we talk?”
They both said at the same time. They both laughed before she said, “Let’s go to my bar and have a drink?”
They walked to her bar as she grabbed two whiskey glasses, pouring some Hennessy into each one. He grabbed it before taking a sip. “I miss you..” was all she said before he looked at her leaning against the counter. He smirked bringing the glass to his lips. 
“That must’ve been really hard to admit.. huh?” she hit him in the arm as he chuckled. He placed the glass on the counter before looking her up and down. 
“I missed you too... that whole situation spiraled outta control honestly. And it’s a shame that shit had us to stubborn to not talk to each other for almost a damn year.” he said as she sighed looking down. 
“What does that mean for us?” she asked him as he walked closer to her closing the gap. He basically towered over her making her weak in the knees. 
“I feel like we both know.” he whispered to her. “I don’t know about you, but I got a lotta of making up to do.” he said hooking his index finger along the strap of the tank top. He let it hang off her shoulder as tilted her head over. He placed soft kisses on her shoulder as she sighed in pleasure.
“I have to makeup for a birthday, valentines day.” he whispered. He undid the other strap. 
“Erik..” she whispered as he pulled away from her. 
“Can I make it up to you?”
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sassooda · 3 years
Worlds Away JJK AU / Chapter 37 - Destined for Greatness
w/c - 7,731
               Suguru has been lying in bed for hours now as his mind wanders through his past and imagines different scenarios for the future. He sighs as he tosses and turns for the thousandth time, facing away from his door while his gaze takes to his new quarters that are viewable from this angle. This is by far the cheeriest room he has ever called his own. The walls are a warm yellow, the floors of solid hardened red clay and all of the matching furniture a light wood. His eyes take to the closed curtains with long thick white drapes, ‘This is so fucking annoying…’, he mumbles knowing there’s not even a window behind it, there’s no way for there to be when you’re underground. Sitting up now with aggravation, he reaches over to the bedside table and places the bowl of water he was using the night before, back into his lap. He wants to check in on Elska’s surroundings although he knows other Titers are tasked with the enemy’s usual surveillance. Before activating his technique though, he hesitates due to anxiety, ‘What the fuck am I going to do when we take her? What the fuck will she do?’. He hears footsteps approaching his door and knows Genghis must have already finished with most of the arrangements.
               “Little one! Time to wake up!”. Genghis calls out in an eager voice. He stops and smiles when he sees that Getou is already awake and asks, “Aren’t you excited about today?”. He looks over the worrisome Suguru who’s vexation is transparent. The golden sheets drape along his body and slide from his bare skin whenever he moves under them.
               Getou grumbles and turns his head, “I don’t think what I’m feeling is excitement…”. He keeps looking at the curtains that hide lies while wondering if he’s much different. ‘Will I have to subdue her when she lashes out? Am I going to have to hurt her when she resists?’. He’s had no qualms with doing so in the past but feels an incredible amount of pressure regarding it now. ‘Could we…like each other?’.
               Genghis chuckles and ignores Suguru’s reluctant attitude while looking around the room, “This is definitely much more suitable! Did you really put in a request for a giant tub though?” He’s poking fun at his pupil but he was also puzzled by that. Genghis thinks the brighter room will serve them both well psychologically. ‘Not too shabby for being done at the last minute.’.
               Embarrassed by the question, Getou submerges deeper into his bad mood and bed before retorting, “It’s for me. I’m tall.”. He was certainly not about to admit that it was for Elska, thinking she really must love them judging by how insane Naoya acted about it when the Zenin originally designed the first room where she was held. Suguru is aware that her reaction may be hostile overall and is dreading these coming days because of it so he hopes having one may ease her nerves. He doesn’t know that tub is Naoya’s thing.
               Genghis isn’t really satisfied with that answer but continues on, “I’ve gathered the most adept offensive fighters we have to offer.” Knowing the Titer’s abilities are incredible but lack in the area of traditional combat, selecting the most capable available would be crucial. “I believe you’ll quite enjoy my plan…”. His teeth show in this smile now, he’s more than willing to share his enthusiasm.
               Suguru finally turns to his mentor, interested. “Do tell me what you’ve concocted.”.
               Genghis lights up, “So as we were discussing, we need to restrict their actions. We will make our move in a public setting but you’ll still be able to have your fun...we will have to harm innocents but I assume that’s not what troubles you.” He grins maniacally, “Mr. Satoru Gojo’s presence will be requested before the Elders here in a few and his curiosity will assure he attends.”. Genghis sighs, “I was worried Gojo might want to kill all of them but I brought in two special people to mediate our fictitious ambitions.”. He chuckles, “The silver shaman has no idea what’s in store for him.”.
               Getou smirks at the thought of Gojo having the rug pulled from beneath him, “So we’re planning on having to deal with Toji, Zenin and Choso…aside from her today?” Genghis nods to his question but a heaviness forms in Suguru’s chest when he thinks about having to kill Choso. He’s still not on board with that completely and figures he’ll try his best to protect the hybrid in the midst of confusion. ‘Not him too.”. Getou wishes to find a way to bring the hybrid back to his side.
               Genghis claps his hands, causing his yellow robes to flutter, “You better get up and get ready! I’m about to meet with our team. I believe your first sweetheart will be amongst them.”, he chuckles for the drama but honestly loathes that woman.
               “Lidia?”, Getou stiffens immediately as that did not help his motivation. “She’s fucking crazy Master Genghis, I don’t want to be anywhere near her!”. Suguru takes his head to his hands as a few memories of her dependency and inhumane behavior flood him. ‘Psychotic bitch.’. Lidia always chased after Suguru when they were younger and at some point this wore on him as before he knew it, she was claiming them to be betrothed. She was obsessed with his destiny, his calling for the clan and would worship him in the most toxic ways due to it. Her need to be the only one in Getou’s life caused her to mutilate young women amongst Suguru’s outer circle out of spite and jealousy. Their time together did not last long as it quickly became a violent pairing, ending with him crushing her ribs under his usual technique. Suguru sighs, “She’s is not going to help me obtain another woman…”. He shudders recalling how after healing, she was back to throwing herself at him as if nothing happened. ‘Fucking…crazy…’.
               Genghis hides his sneer, knowing full and well the history of the two. “On the contrary, she requested this assignment.”. He notices Suguru’s growing frustration and wishes he could explain exactly why he’s doing what he’s doing but instead says, “I’ve seen many outcomes for this and although they may have varied, I can assure you Lidia will serve a great purpose here.”. Little does Getou know, Lidia will be the proof offered to show Elska she will be cared for while in the Titer compound.
               Suguru is skeptical to believe this and shows it through his expression as he rises from the bed and says, “Women are the bane of my existence…”. He stretches in his black briefs and cracks his neck while thinking something foreboding was eating at him. ‘I’m probably going to have to expose my other techniques now.’.
               “You’re about to receive the most powerful wife in the world…and yet, you complain.”, Genghis teases as he’d probably be nervous too if the roles were reversed. He watches Suguru don a black robe, clearly showing signs of stress so he walks up to him and puts his jokes aside, “This is going to work out, little one, one way or another.”, and pulls Getou’s head down to plant a fatherly kiss to the top of it. After sharing the rare moment, he bows and leaves Suguru to his morning routine.
               Getou watches him quietly walk out of the room with conflicting emotions. Genghis is the only man he’s ever looked up to, the only other human that ever offered genuine affection. Ever since Suguru was reunited with his mentor though, something has felt off or perhaps he’s just seems more purposeful. He’s not sure if this odd feeling is because of his own unstable emotions that threatened to derail his purpose of revenge or if there’s another reason but he can’t ignore it either way. He trusts that his mentor is still worthy of his respect and recognition though and finds his returning welcomed regardless. ‘All of those years…’, he wonders where Genghis spent his time and exactly why. ‘Did they really keep him away to simply foster my hatred for Gojo?’. He knows that doesn’t really make sense.
               Genghis is turning a hall leading to stairs to take him upward. He sees two of the recruited Titers waiting for him outside of the designated meeting area at the top, smiles and nears them. The first one he shakes hands with is Sain Khun. The 32-year-old Titer was a remarkable martial artists and hunter. His rare eyes are more grey than blue and stand in contrast to his long black hair that he wears down. Sain is one of the handful of Titers that learned to channel their metaphysical natured abilities into to combative techniques but usually stays out of the political fray of the clan. ‘A fine young man.”. Before he’s able to address the handsome Titer, the second of the pairing cuts in.
               “Master Genghis, I have more questions about this woman.”. Lidia shamelessly exudes her opinion of the situation and demands attention. She receives a sharp look from the clan’s head that only fuels her suspicions. “Are we certain she’s the best pairing for Master Getou?”.
               “Miss Lidia, you look lovely today…”, Genghis takes her hand and kisses it, ignoring her inquires. He continues to smile until she speaks up again. ‘She never ceases.’.
               “Can we trust that her intentions for Master Getou are ones we can stand by?”. Lidia shakes her long curly red hair that dances down her arms. Her green eyes narrowed still, she waits for an answer. “She’s not even human. What if she uses her powers to manipulate his biology as well?”. Her foot taps impatiently against the now softer ground, ‘I’ll fucking kill that bitch if she even looks at him wrong!’.
               Genghis has already grown tired of catering to Lidia’s neediness in the short time they’ve come to know each other but understands she’s vital. “And what of your own intentions?”, he confidently questions her as he doesn’t need an answer. He already knows and is glad to see her heart hasn’t wavered from its possessive ways.
               Sain feels forced as this greet was supposed to be simple. He cares not of Lidia’s unhealthy interest for Suguru and even with his instincts crying against Genghis, feels badly for the man. He decides to enter the conversation in hopes to shut it down. “Lusting Lidia, it’s time to get on with the meeting.”, and grabs her arm, leading her through the door where the rest of the selected wait.
               Genghis takes a moment to center himself, ‘I understand your resentment little one…’. This quick exchange between them wasn’t the worst he’s suffered from the woman but he still cannot stand to be around her. He chuckles and whispers to himself, “But if she were any less obsessed, this wouldn’t work.”, and then enters the room with the rest as they lay out their plans.
               Elska is looking around at the busy street as they occasionally bump into passing people. “My prince, are you sure it’s around here?” She’s never been to this part of the city before and is feeling anxious by the crowd. The sun is out but a chilling breeze catches them every so often. Her mind is heavy and plagued with questions but doesn’t want to dampen Naoya’s mission for the day.
               Naoya stops near the edge of the wide sidewalk and pulls out his phone, “I’m positive!”, while checking the map to make sure he could stand by those words. ‘Where is it?’. His brow creases as he studies the screen.
               Toji huffs, “We’ve been walking forever.” He’s abnormally agitated but also hates crowds and is pinning the fault on being dragged out into one. He looks at Elska who’s eyes happen to meet his and feels his tension release ever so slightly as the wind blows her black V-cut dress along her knees. All of them are dressed up more than usual since Naoya begged for them to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. He sees Elska eyeing him in a way that foretells she finds his black pants and squeezing button up suiting and it makes him feel like he could deal with the clothed restriction for a while longer.
               “It says we’re close!”, Naoya points to the map on his phone pridefully. It’s been a few years since he was on this side of the city and a lot has changed. He’s becoming frustrated with not knowing how much time they’ll have before Gojo returns, wanting to enjoy some normalcy. ‘I just want to treat her to nice meal!’ He turns to Elska and takes her hand, “Baby, I promise it will be worth it. I’m talking…food fit for a princess.”, when she giggles, he does too, being happy to see that she isn’t wanting to turn around. He looks to Toji now, “Want me to find you a walker?”, and snickers as the giant narrows his eyes before continuing ahead.
               Elska feels Naoya’s finger lace into hers as they resume walking, with Toji on her left. She’s trying to be cheerful today, wanting to appreciate the time she’s spending with them but her mind keeps leading her into thought. The night before, Toji stopped her from feeding and although she was aware of why and understood the risks Satoru spoke about, she tried to proceed anyway. There were a weird few minutes where she could only focus on drinking from her beloved and flailed wildly as he restrained her. ‘Why did it feel like I wanted the Titer energy too?’. She thinks to hold Toji’s hand as well in this moment but stops herself as she doesn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to the three of them. ‘He looked so concerned all while I couldn’t even stop…”. The ancestral voice advised her to feed. Her heart aches as she knows this was out of character and extremely selfish when they didn’t know how it could affect her. The one thing keeping her afloat in this matter is how Toji held her after she snapped out it, how he seemed to understand without saying that she didn’t mean to.
               Toji lets Naoya and Elska get a step ahead of him so he can keep his eyes on her. After their last outing, he’s remaining highly aware of their surroundings and is watching for anything suspicious. He sees Naoya in his dark grey slacks and black dress shirt, leaning down to talk to her as they maneuver through the groups of families and friends, keeping her close. ‘Is she really, ok?’. Toji recalls how she struggled against him the night before. Gojo tried to rush to the bed after seeing her reaction but Toji was also wanting to shield her from him. Her eyes changed, showing the dashes of his green while she clawed at his arms and flashed her fangs with a glare. Toji knew that wasn’t his Elska but didn’t want to make her apprehensive, so he hid her the best he could from Satoru until they reverted. He heard something from within while this was all occurring, a voice that he swears communicated for him to feed his master. ‘Is that even possible? What the fuck was that?’. He rubs his bicep after feeling a sharp pain run through his arm.
               Naoya leads them to a building that has loud club music playing inside, the base being noticeable from where they stand. He looks up and scrunches his face, “What the fuck is this?”. He checks his watch that bares 1:39 and is further confused by the daytime club scene. ‘I’ve failed.’. Toji can be heard groaning so he orients himself to face them both, “It was right here!!”. He takes in Elska’s kind smile as she’s clearly not going to make him feel bad for being wrong. Not knowing what to do to save their lunch adventure he stands there awkwardly to think but hears Elska say, “Well let’s enjoy a drink while we look up somewhere else nearby!”. He smiles at her ability to always find a silver lining and follows behind her up the ramp that leads inside.
               As they walk through the room on the first floor, Toji feels this intense wave wash over him. Music is drowning out most other sounds but the way the bass pulses through him allows him to feel alive. The stench of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol sting his senses while they find a seat at the bar. Once sitting, he can smell Elska’s perfume when she whips her hair behind her shoulders, exposing her neck to which causes him to stir in the stool. Naoya hands out drink menus from them all but Toji doesn’t even look at it, knowing his order already and wanting it immediately. He feels ready to pounce but is cautiously calming himself as he knows this is not the place, ‘I am NOT Gojo…’. When she crosses her legs he feels the sting in his arm again, bringing his mood back to a wavering position.
               “I’m thinking a red…’, Elska states loud enough to be heard while looking over the wine menu. Naoya smiles to her words as he announces his choice of Mojito. “That’s why you’re so sweet!”, she jokes vaguely in regards to his actual taste. She places a hand on Toji’s right knee before turning to him and feels him jump. Her voice now concerned, “Did I scare you!?”. She giggles until she sees the intensity in his eyes, wondering why he’s exuding so much right then. Her breath was held in her throat as she waited for his eyes to glow, knowing that would not be good for where they are. They never do though and she eventually resumes respiration as he places his own large hand over hers. ‘What was that?’. She now swivels her head around the large room, taking in all of the day drinkers on the dance floor and seated randomly about.
               The bartender takes their orders with a smile and begins to serve them up right there. He recommended a red for Elska that he swears was his personal favorite and proudly waited for the approving sip. When she stated its palatability, he then left to attend other customers while Toji stared him down menacingly. ‘That’s a brave man to be flirting right in front of us.’.
               Naoya sips his drink while eyeing Toji chug his whiskey on the rocks. “Slow down old man, we still have to go somewhere to eat!”, he laughs at the eyeroll he receives and notices Elska drinking pretty quickly as well. “Baby, what’s on your mind?”, he knows something is bothering her and wonders if they’re both just nervous after the last Titer attack. ‘Maybe I can convince her to dance it away!’, he thinks as he imagines himself twirling her under the disco ball. He just wants her to have a good day.
               After finshing her glass already, she sets it down and tells Naoya, “I’m fine, I promise! I just really have to pee!”. He chuckles and adjusts himself so she has more room to slide off the stool. She announces that she’ll be right back before searching the walls for signs indicating the direction she should take. A drunken man bumps into her shortly after leaving the bar and can feel Toji increase his presence so she turns around to show that she’s fine. The whole room was lively except for Toji’s motionless staring. ‘I better be fast before he loses his shit.’.
               “She shouldn’t be alone.” Toji followed her with his eyes as she turned a corner down a hall. He’s worried about her and has this familiar unyielding need to be in her vicinity. It’s almost as if he knows something is about to happen. “I’m going to wait for her, watch the drinks.”. He hears Naoya protest with grief but faces him and says, “Boy, why don’t you find us a place to eat since we’re out here because of you.”, and places a hand on Naoya’s shoulder as he goes to walk past to counter the aggression in his voice. “Order another round too will ya?”.
               Elska stands up in the stall and flushes but doesn’t leave. She’s feeling like Toji’s eyes were trying to tell her something minutes ago but she can’t figure it out. All she knows is that it was sexy. She opens the latched door to wash and dry her hands but takes in her reflection in the mirror and thinks, ‘Life is so much crazier now…’, but smiles to herself knowing she had fantastic support from everyone. The door pushes open abruptly behind her and she gasps in startlement before realizing that it was Toji himself. “TOJI! What if there are others in here?!”. She can tell by his focus though that it didn’t matter anyway.
               “Doll…” he mutters as he locks the door behind him. He sees that she was caught off guard when she asks what he was doing in there but he just walks closer until he’s inches away. “I need…”, he lifts her up so she can wrap her legs around his waist and supports her weight with his right arm. “I need you.”, he whispers while dragging the tip of his nose along her collar bone, watching her skin change pigment from his glowing eyes. Her hands are roaming through his hair and he moans to the sensation of her nails against his scalp. “Right now.”. He nearly growls as he sinks her into his groin from above.
               “Toji…”, she was right about his prior intensity but can’t find it in her heart to stop him as he begins kissing the crook of her neck. The music can be heard through the walls along with idle chatter and it all serves as a reminder for where they’re at. She thinks of her pheromones and instantly pulls herself out of their beautiful trance. She whispers, “We shouldn’t do this here, my beloved.”, and frowns as he lifts his head to meet eyes. “I can’t release them here, it’ll be a disaster…”.
               He agrees that they shouldn’t have sex and nods with a grunt but that’s not truly what brought him in lady’s room to begin with. Feeling his fangs form he shows them to her and happily takes in her reaction as she smiles and moves her hair while saying, “Oh! ok…but we have to be quick!”. He squeezes her cheek with his right hand that supporting her rear and drags his teeth across the skin of her neck. “I just need to taste you.”, he wantonly groans before biting down. She gasps to his intrusion and grips his hair as he begins to suckle. His own whimpers could be heard between his gulps, loving every drop he’s being given as he deciphers her soul and feelings. Her flavor, now that he’s not as overloaded by the information, is reminiscent of the aroma born from a field of flowers. Each time he swallows more of her blood, his overall restlessness fades while her squirming increases.
               Elska cradles his head into her while melting in the master’s ecstasy flowing through her. Her eyes are closed as she bites her lip and attempts to muffle her sounds. “My beloved…”, she whimpers to him while her fingers stroke through his hair. His hypertonicity dwindles as she feels his left hand travel up her back, resting a grip on the nape of her neck. “I love you, my beloved Toji…”, and gasps in desperation as she can sense his own, wanting to assure him of his importance. Those same fingers now dance along her clavicle as he brings them over the wounds to close them while panting into her neck. He leaves his face buried there, adorning the area with his lips slowly as he she can tell he’s gathering himself. “Do you feel better?” She caresses his temple and cheek hoping that he did, feeling terrible that she didn’t recognize or even sense his disposition sooner. When he lifts his head to look at her again, she feels the need to lock her lips to his as they both exhale in a gratified union. She moves the hair out of his eyes and kisses his forehead before he gently puts her back down, him looking refreshed with a bashful grin.
               He grabs a paper towel from the dispenser and wets it. In the mirror he can see Elska’s loving eyes watching him and the scar on the corner of his lips bends pleasantly. While wiping away any evidence, he shyly adds, “I love you too, doll.”, the words still seeming unreal. After discarding the bloodied paper towel, he takes up her hands in his own, “I’m sorry for following you in here, I just…I really needed to do that.”. He’s still uneasy by how compelling the desire was. “I felt like I wouldn’t get another chance.”. He sees the concern on her face and doesn’t want to worry her, “It was just time for me to feed doll, everything is ok.”. Her hand sails upwards to hold his cheek and leans into it. ‘I have to keep her safe.’.
               Naoya is watching the condensation accumulate on his glass and is now feeling nervous as he checks his watch again. ‘Where are they?!’, he swings around in the stool to check the room and feels an incredible wave of relief as he finds Toji and Elska making their way back to the bar. After they sit he asks, “Did you guys go to the bathroom at the dorms or what?”, but picks up on the weird laughs he receives from them. ‘He wouldn’t have tried something sly, would he?’, and squints his eyes at Toji. ‘He looks way better though.’, and decides to let it go as he’s sure even a quickie couldn’t be that quick. “Baby…”, Naoya slides his phone over in front of them as he finishes his second Mojito, “I’ve only been here once but they have beautiful seating along the water!”. He cackles, “…and it’s only about half a mile away by foot…”.
               Gojo is quickly walking through the whited-out halls with Choso following. He speaks without looking, “Choso, when we get in there…I have to warn you, you’re not expected.”. Gojo heard Choso stop in place so he turns around to see him. “You’re with me though so it’s fine! If they say anything to you, just ignore them. I will do the talking.”, and waves for the being to hurry.
               “I…I don’t understand why I’m here with you and not everyone else…”. Choso is familiar with the Elders but can’t ignore the fact that he used to work for them where as he’s now on the opposing side. ‘Is this a good idea?’. He was expecting Gojo to sulk and whine to being called in today and is puzzled by how thrilled he seems.
               Gojo jumps up to click his heels to the side before saying, “I don’t trust these cunts and I’m almost positive this is a trap of some sort…”. He notices Choso’s eyes widen with confusion so he continues, “If they’re trying to distract me from Elska, they fail if you’re there using your technique to watch her for me!”, his smug grin appears, “This way I’ll know the moment something happens.”. He’s sure the Elders have called him away in order to create an opportunity but has a mind to flip their plans upside down with this small act of rebellion. “I can never remember where to go! This shit all looks the same…it’s creepy.”.
               Choso sighs but tries to keep up with Gojo’s quickened pace. The bright lighting overhead is blinding and causing him discomfort as he prefers darker places. He doesn’t know what to make of Gojo’s explanation but figures he’s along for the ride at this point anyways. “Do you think they’d even admit to what they’re doing?”. Choso understands the amount of secrecy the surrounds the Elder’s goals and is sure that he’s not even fully aware of their intentions.
               “Yes. I will make sure they do.”, Satoru’s words are eerie but his expression is still delighted. “These fuckers have messed with us for long enough. They’re cowards, Choso and the things they want to do to my love are unacceptable.”.  Gojo is certain that none of the others would have condoned what he’s thinking he’ll have to do which is why he said nothing before leaving. “They need to leave her alone and how can I call myself the strongest if I can’t protect her from these witless skin bags?”. Satoru at least wanted to inform Nanami of his meeting but hasn’t been able to reach the fellow shaman yet. ‘Did they get to him too?’. Gojo is certain that something happened with Shoko but was waiting to see how things played out. ‘As long as she’s fine, I know she can handle it.’, but worries about Nanami’s reaction if he’s already discovered this too.
               ‘What is he going to do?’, Choso feels like something big is about to happen, something that cannot be taken back. The unnerving pressure in his gut hints that whatever it is, it’s not good. “Itadori and the others are still on standby but isn’t it odd that they haven’t been given any missions?”. They pass more rooms before Satoru finally stops. Choso watches the silver shaman’s expression change to lethally cold one before straightening himself with resolve, and knows he should do the same. ‘I guess I have to just trust him…’, the thought not sitting comfortably at all.
               Gojo quietly speaks, “Remember, don’t mind them, they’re not worth the stress. You do not serve them any longer.”, and places a reassuring hand on the hybrids shoulder. He’s impressed when he looks over the being, seeing that his previous nervousness has been cast away and replaced by a collected ensemble. ‘I’m pretty sure I’m right about him.’, and feels poised in the dark nature that lurks beneath Choso’s kindness. Turning back to the door, Gojo kicks it open fiercely before entering. “WHAT’S UP FUCKERS?!”.
               Three people sit along one side of a long white table, seeming prepared aside from the sudden commotion. The first is a representative of the Kamo clan, a new middle-aged face Satoru has never seen draped in dark red robes. The second is a Zenin, the bought errand man known better as “Peaches” for a less known reason. Gojo knew him rather well from his childhood and all of the clan events he was forced to attend. The third, however, catches Satoru by complete surprise and angers him. The woman sitting as a representative for his own clan is none other than his mother.
               Gojo seethes with white knuckled fists, “What the fuck are you doing here?”, as old anguish resurfaces between the two. Satoru hasn’t been home in years and purposefully. He was sure if he stayed any longer, he’d annihilate his own family.
               The Kamo rep scoffs, “Yes… well hello to you too Satoru Gojo. We could ask you the same.” He points to Choso, “Isn’t that Kamo property?”. The hybrid and Gojo fail to give him the time of day, causing tension.
               Gojo never takes his eyes off of his mother while waiting in silence as Choso dutifully ignores them. His eyes darken, “I asked you a fucking question you miserable old whore.”. He feels the urge to gather a technique but calms himself with his better judgement.
               His mother speaks, “That is no way to talk to the woman who raised you!”, she laughs in a haughty way but brings her dramatics to a close, “Why else would I be here? You can’t be left to just do whatever you please…”. She tilts her nose up and displays her notion that she is untouchable.
               Peaches shifts in his chair, “You have something that needs to be returned to the Zenin’s. Master Naoya was promised her hand.”. He’s honestly terrified of Gojo but would never allow this to show. Satoru darts stormy eyes in his direction and he feels a chill race down his spine.
               “Let’s just be frank about it. You want Elska.”. Gojo voice is calm, almost lighthearted. He brings his gaze back to his mother, feeling a little better about the situation knowing he’s going to handle more business than he expected today. “Choso, please start now.”. Gojo doesn’t have to look since he can feel Choso’s energy gathering to form the window. He watches the representatives lean to figure out what the hybrid is up to and laughs out loud. “My friend here”, He scowls at the Kamo man, “is going to observe Elska while we meet.”. He winks to Peaches, “She’s with Naoya right now for your information…Toji too.”.
               Gojo’s mother bursts into hyaena laughter, threatening to rupture the unsuspecting eardrums of the others. “You think you have it all figured out, don’t you? Such a pitiful child.”. Her long white hair waves in the air as she jerks her head to see Peaches’s perplexed expression. “Don’t believe him just because he speaks it…trust me…”, and folds her arms while thinking of how many more beatings her son should have to experience when younger.
               Peaches clears his throat and tries to save face, “Surely this is some kind of joke. Master Naoya loathes your very existence Satoru.”. He’s now chuckling to himself having felt it was a test of some sort, “Are we not on better terms than that of your games?”. He’s now sure it was a lie.
               Gojo regrets that Peaches is here today but is unable to overlook the fact that the old goat is in cahoots with this situation. ‘It can’t be helped!’. He turns to Choso now for the first time since they walked into the room and is reassured that nothing bad is happening. Now facing Peaches again, “You know… Zenin and I got off on the wrong foot.” He grins, “But now we have threesomes!”, loving the shock that plasters everyone’s face. The Kamo man choked on his own saliva to the mention. Gojo looks at his mother, “Don’t be upset just because no one wants to fuck you. It can’t be helped when your cunt leaks venom.”.
               Choso sits motionlessly as he listens to the meeting unfold, completely flabbergasted by Satoru’s way of speaking. ‘What did his mother do to him to make him hate her so much?’, he hesitates to explore the options in his mind as he can only imagine. Aside from that though, Choso has never witnessed such a display of blatant disrespect to the higher ups and is completely unnerved by the silver shamans ever changing composure. ‘What is he planning to do?’, the ominous feelings he’s experiencing from this are only growing at this point.
               Peaches is red with embarrassment, “HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!”, and allows his anger on the matter to spill over. The representative huffs relentlessly to the accusations and feels disgraced for his ears being exposed to such vile talk. When expecting to see an angry Gojo, he’s further confused by the smile that meets him instead.
               Gojo runs his finger along the table as he casually saunters in front of each of them. “If you three decide to get rowdy…I’ll have to kill you.”. He basks in the glares and especially enjoys his mother’s fear as she knew he was not playing around. Once they become settled he says to her, “You being here makes you my enemy, mommy. How long have you been involved?”. She starts to swat his question away with a scoff but everyone leaps out of their skin when Satoru yells, “HOW FUCKING LONG?!”. He increases his presence tenfold and watches the representatives writhe in distress before him.
               She says nothing.
               The Kamo rep is sweating bullets as he’s only heard the tales of horrors committed at the hand of Gojo. ‘Genghis said nothing about this hostility.”, he thinks to himself as he comprehends that he’s bitten off more than he could chew. He’s afraid to peel his eyes away from the powerful shaman making inquiring demands but also wants to flee the room. ‘This guy is even crazier in person!’.
               Gojo takes a deep breath and exhales dramatically, “Well…this is going nowhere…”, and summons energy into his hand as he aims it at the Kamo representative. The nameless man cries out in fear and studders in his breathing. Gojo notices Choso jump to his feet but the being doesn’t say anything. Only when the defeated female voice utters, “3 years.”, does he quell his attack. He thinks about that answer for a moment before acknowledging her again. ‘That’s strange.’. Looming across from her he now asks, “I’d already had my love for some time before that, why did you join them to conspire against me at that point? Don’t make me blow this poor guy’s skull open…”, he warns of his lack of patience.
               His mother sulks in her seat having her hands tied about the questioning, “I thought she was a passing infatuation at first, like all of the others but you completely neglected your responsibilities of being an heir because of that wretch.” She’s met with unforgiving eyes and wishes she was able to smack the audacity out of him but has learned the hard way about his response to abuse. “She is not yours Satoru and you jeopardize the entire balance of the clans with your actions of keeping her.”.  Out of the corner of her eye she sees Peaches nod in support and feels reaffirmed by it.
               Gojo slips a wild laugh and slaps the table, “She is mine though. I voyaged worlds away to find her. I went to incredible lengths to bring her back…”, he sighs while resting his hands on his hips. “You do know, mom, these Titers that have you in their pocket…they were going to use her to assassinate me.”. The atmosphere of the room deteriorates at the mention of the Titer clan. Its obvious that they were left unaware to Gojo having knowledge of the group’s silent partner.
               His mother jumps from her seat and screams, “AND THEY SHOULD HAVE SUCCEEDED!”. All of the hatred she’s ever felt for her son sears the air around them, her chest feeling lighter for the honesty but heavier for the fear. “You were destined for greatness but even with your gifts, something is wrong with you! How you ever came out of me? I will never know…”. She feels she must stand her ground or else the structure they’ve served their entire lives will crumble. “You’re evil. You always have been.”.
               Choso is still watching Naoya, Toji and Elska but can’t help but be distracted by the darkness exuding Gojo. ‘What is going on here?’, he doesn’t understand how this is official business and even finds himself feeling defensive over Satoru. ‘That woman is appalling.’, he thinks as he considers Gojo’s upbringing and decides there’s more to the man than he ever considered. He looks back to the window after surmising that none of the representatives would attack. Choso becomes rattled when the window shows Toji drinking from Elska in a cramped bathroom, ‘I can’t believe the lighting permits this, it must be dim.’, He temporarily becomes fixated with Toji’s fangs anchored into her as she quietly moans. He’s not seen anyone but her feed before. ‘So, his bite feels good to her as well?’. He brushes his lap as if to tell it, “Knock it off”, but his attention is soon stolen by Peaches’s mention of Elska.
               “If you don’t return Elska Oda then this will be seen as an act of aggression Satoru, please…don’t do thi-…” Peaches can no longer speak as Gojo grips hit throat and is thrown into a fit of fright.
               “I kind of liked you…I was use to you at least…but if you ask me that one more time, I will break your fucking neck.” Gojo feels his face twitch as he squeezes the old man’s beard into his throat, “You guys are fucking with me today and I don’t appreciate it.”. Never letting go, he turns to his mother but also glances at the petrified Kamo rep, “I do not give a single flying fuck about the clans, I couldn’t care less of your archaic ways and I am never going to surrender my Elska.”. As Peaches reaches a critical point of needing air, Gojo clamps his fingers deeper, “I left my love’s side today to be here because of your guys’ little fucking Titer friends. That is what we will discuss.”.
               Gojo’s mother rushes to pull her son’s hand away but right as she’s reaching out, Satoru releases Peaches. She watches the old man heave and choke uncontrollably and shoots hateful eyes. “How dare you lay a hand on him? Do you fear nothing?”, she thinks to threaten with her husband but knows that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree so it’s likely useless.
               Satoru smirks while studying Peaches inability to regain his breath, “I crushed his trachea a bit, he’s going to need medical attention soon.”. He watches the Kamo man stand up in disbelief and warns, “My mother is right about one thing, I do not fear you or your influence.”, and smiles approvingly as the man takes his seat again hesitantly.
               “You psychotic little freak!”, his mother cries out in disgust, “We need to get him to a doctor!”. She feels herself fill with anxiety as she was not expecting him to go this far. “Let us take him!”.
               Satoru hisses quietly, “If you guys weren’t so dead set in dicking me around then this wouldn’t have happened. No one leaves until I get some answers.”. He strolls around the table, loving how terrified the Kamo representative became when he was close. He yanks up the suffocating Peaches and throws him back into his chair, “Have some fucking dignity…I thought better of you.”. When Peaches makes eye contact, he can see the dread wash over the man, knowing their dynamic has changed forever.
               The Kamo man speaks up sheepishly, “Wh…What is it that you want to know?”. He’s all for handing over the required information as he clearly cares about his life more than the others. Satoru’s expression softens as the other two representatives hang their mouths open, not expecting him to fold so easily. Gojo states, “Everything.”, which causes the rep to tense up as he doesn’t know where to begin. He hastily blurts out, “Suguru Getou inherited ancient techniques as well. The Titers are planning on taking the girl for themselves to ensure their supremacy.” He inhales sharply, “The head of their clan met his end by the hands of your company, they want to repay by being rid of you as you are their final target. You’re still too strong because of your infinity, so the girl’s fate was determined the moment you were born.”.
               “You… weak imbecile…”, Gojo’s mother retaliates to the sensitive information by pushing Peaches backwards causing him to fall to the ground and thrash violently. Without so much as a second thought, she gathers energy into her hand and expels it at the Kamo man’s mouth. The representative dons his own matching blood as his brain matter exits the back of his head, decorating the white surroundings behind him. Only a cavernous jagged hole remains where the words escaped him only seconds prior. His body slumps over the table as he leaks his remaining essence into a pool that shortly forms a dripping pattern to the white tiled floor.  
               Choso defensively stands as the black tattoo on his faces begins to wave. “Satoru…”, is all he says while watching Gojo’s mother now strain to lift the blue tinted and gasping Peaches back upright his seat. ‘His mother is just as rash…’. Choso waits for a few moments longer but is eager to gauge Gojo when their eyes finally meet. ‘Why does he look so satisfied?’, he questions himself as he’s met with that smug smile. The Zenin man’s eyes look like they may pop out of his head but Choso can still make out the man’s reaction to his own presence. He hears Gojo say, “Everything is alright Choso, don’t worry. Just watch them.”, but the being is unable to simply sit with ease at this time. ‘How is this alright?’.
               “And you wonder where I get it from?”, Gojo is irritated that the only man that was willing to talk is now dead but he’s also able to take the information to heart because of how his mother reacted. ‘So all of this really is because of me…’, he thinks of Elska with a heavy heart knowing all that she’s been through, even before he got his hands on her was his fault. ‘My love…I will make this right.’.
               Gojo’s mother now sits back down, wondering if she went too far and gave away their hand. Peaches struggles to speak next to her but she can make out that he’s trying to question the fidelity of the Kamo’s last words. She sighs, “Look Peaches, I like you but I’m siding with Genghis.”. Peaches gurgles himself into a purple hue as he still cannot breathe or talk properly. She understands that Peaches was completely ignorant to the Titer’s planned betrayal to the Zenins and calm says, “They’re not wanting to eliminate other clans, they’re just going to help guide us to this proposed peace, don’t worry so much.”.
               Peaches can only think of Master Naoya who he feels is in grave danger after hearing this information. ‘I…he has to know…Master Na…he needs to be made aware!’. He thinks to grab his phone but he wouldn’t be able to relay the information, nor is he fast enough to text it. Peaches chokes in his stress and can tell his body is slowly shutting down after being deprived oxygen and feels completely hopeless about his predicament. When his heavy eyes meet Gojo’s he freezes in apprehension while listening intently.
               Satoru sighs dramatically with growing anticipation, “Now…where were we?”.
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hybridfanfiction · 4 years
Owner Training - 8
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He knows exactly how long he’d lived on the streets. Seven hundred and fifteen days. Almost two years. Not long compared to many of the other hybrids that had roamed the area, but long enough for him. It had been cold and miserable, and he’d always had to fight for a spot under the park bridge when it rained. He’d been hungry and constantly sick, but it was still better than it had been living in any of his other previous homes.
He’d been smart when he left the last one, taking along his keyboard that a social worker had given him. Playing on that had allowed him to make enough money to keep himself fed, thanks to the guy that ran the convenience store and didn’t mind hybrids buying things for themselves. There was also the little old lady that ran a hostel nearby that let him pay for a shower and a nap, slipping him soup and sandwiches sometimes.
And then there’d been her.
The first couple of times he saw her hadn’t been some sort of love at first sight story. She’d simply been another face in the crowd that would stop by when he played, clapping and throwing some change in his bucket. It wasn’t until she’d asked if he could play Il Lamento by Liszt that he’d bothered to take a good look at her. Then once he’d looked, he couldn’t stop. Suddenly he noticed how pretty she was, how she always smelled sweet and clean with a hint of the same lemon and ginger tea every single day. How she never talked down to him. 
Before long, he’d begun to look forward to her visits. Sometimes she’d bring him breakfast and chat for a while ( meaning he’d let her ramble on while he set up his spot for the day) before she left for work. Sometimes she’d stop by after a hard day at work and simply sit on a bench with her eyes closed, listening to him play. He always made sure to play something soothing on those days. 
Occasionally she’d throw him way too much money which made him feel really awkward, so he’d offer to do something more to earn it. Usually, she just had him carry groceries or something else equally small just to humor him. 
It was every time that she was too busy to show up that he realized he was growing alarmingly attached to this human. That was not a clever thing to do, and he’d always prided himself on being a smart and realistic guy. Humans weren’t to be trusted. They would pretend to be loving and caring, then the moment no one was watching they’d turn their hybrids into slaves and sex toys. 
But then there was her, Ginger. That wasn’t her real name, of course, just what he’d taken to calling her in his head. She always smelled like the lemon and ginger tea she obviously drank often. He got so used to smelling it as soon as she arrived that he’d begun to equate that scent with...comfort? Home? He didn’t know. It’s not like she was his owner or anything, but his hind-brain was certainly attached to her. 
The point was that he trusted this woman for some reason that he couldn’t quite figure out. She seemed genuine and caring, but so had others in his past. She seemed a little ditsy sometimes, but that wasn’t a bad thing exactly. It was kinda cute, to be honest. 
So yeah, there were a few times he’d daydreamed about what life would be like if someone like her was his owner. Sure, he’d like to be able to not have to have an owner at all, but that wasn’t the reality of his life. Somehow, however, he thought if it was Ginger maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She was nice, really pretty, and seemed to like him just as much. 
So maybe when the most horrible storm of the year had happened and he’d been shit out of luck getting a spot under the bridge, he decided to take a shot. Worst case scenario, she called Hybrid Control. Best, she’d let him stay for the night. So he’d run towards the familiar apartment building only to find that she was still at work. All the lights were off and the door was locked. He could have slept on the porch, and he’d had every intention of doing so until he’d seen the wide-open window. 
He’d sighed in exasperation at her forgetfulness. Really, anyone could just jump inside the first-floor apartment and steal her shit. He’d been racked by shivers, the cold rain firming his resolve. Better to ask for forgiveness than die of pneumonia. 
He’d climbed into the bedroom window, cringing at the muddy prints he made on the floor. He’d clean it up before she got home. He sniffed, nearly moaning in happiness. It smelled so great in her apartment. He could smell her everywhere. There were occasional scents here and there that weren’t hers, but they were so faint that they obviously belonged to visitors. 
He’d been terrified, honestly, but he’d been so desperate and lonely and just emotionally drained that he’d decided fuck it. If she freaked out and kicked him out on his ass, well, better to get it over with now before he got even more attached. 
So he’d turned on the heat, showered, and grabbed some sweat pants from her dresser. At first, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep in her bed. He’d planned on just sitting there and waiting for his doom, but then the heat was so nice and the covers looked so soft and smelled so much like her that he figured just for a minute. He’d just try it out for a minute because it had been so long since he’d slept in such a nice bed. 
When she’d woken him up after she came home, he’d been terrified. Of course, he’d long mastered the art of seeming nonchalant even while his heart was pounding so hard he was afraid it would burst. So he’d bluffed his way through, hoping that she was really as much of a bleeding heart as she’d always seemed. 
Thank fuck she was, because she simply allowed him to stay with minimal fuss. In fact, he’d even gotten her to go along with him living there instead of just for the night. Of course, she’d obviously been too confused by what was happening to protest anything, but once again her ditziness was part of her charm. 
That first night in her bed would live in his memory forever. It wasn’t like much had happened, but it was something to him. He’d felt...safe. Probably the last time he’d genuinely felt that way had been when he was a kitten and didn’t know any better. But laying next to her wrapped in warmth and her scent, their legs tangled together and his tail pulling her close...he’d been safe. 
The days that had followed were like a dream. Every time he thought it was time for her to show her true colors, she’d surprise him instead by showing that her heart was bigger than her brain. Despite the way he forced himself into her life, she made every attempt to make him feel like he belonged there. She took him shopping, tried to cook for him despite being horrible at it, bought him a cell phone so that she could text him while she was at work. She went out of her way to find his favorite foods and shows and anything else she could spoil him with. She took care of him when he was sick and always let him sleep in the bed with her. 
After a while, he began to forget that there was a time before her. There were still times where he’d call himself a fool for trusting a human, but she just had to smile at him like he was her whole world for him to think that she was the exception. She was the real deal and he wanted to be good enough for her. 
When he realized that his feelings were veering into the forbidden territory of maybe actually loving this dumb human, he’d been terrified once again. Would it be better to keep it to himself and learn to live with it when she eventually got into a relationship someday, or tell her and risk losing her completely? Because, while she’d never treated him like a pet he was still a hybrid. Hybrid and human relationships were still viewed as “kinky,” something he didn’t think she was...well, not without a bit of training in the future anyway. 
Learning that her own brother was in an actual committed relationship with his hybrid had been an eyeopener. She’d never expressed a single bit of disgust or disdain towards the relationship at all. They simply were a regular couple in her mind. Despite the small bump with the way she introduced him to people, he thought maybe that meant she would be okay starting something with him. Honestly, he sometimes got the feeling that she did have feelings for him already and just didn’t realize what that meant yet. He’d learned that Ginger needed to have things pointed out to her plainly in order to understand, so maybe even this was that sort of situation. 
So, when his heat suddenly snuck up on him after years of being completely irregular, he’d figured what could be plainer than waving your dick around? 
Truthfully, he’d been a little worried that she’d freak out, but at the same time when you’re overcome with loving someone and extreme horniness you don’t make the best decisions. Thankfully, what had followed had been the best sex of his life. And even more amazing, she’d admitted that she loved him back. Him! She actually loved him even though he was a grumpy asshole most of the time and he knew it. But luckily for her, she always brought out his softer side and he’d do anything for her. 
He wanted to stay with her forever. To love her, mate her, see her belly swell with their children. To wipe her tears when she’s sad or comfort her when she’s worried. He wants to be there when she’s old and grey to remind her every day that she’s still beautiful. 
He still had a long way to go to be worthy of her, but he’d spend his whole life trying. 
It's a little short, I apologize. I've been working like crazy, but I am working on many more chapters for this as well as my other stuff. Lots of things in store for these kids. I just felt like we needed a peek into Yoongi's brain real quick.
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readingwithlemons · 4 years
The Training Scene
 Edited 8-21-21
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Prompt Scene to the Series: Rising Sun
Description: Y/N and Jasper are in charge of training both the other Cullens and Uley Pack, how to fight an army of Newborns. Still on touchy ground, Paul realizes the cruel severity of his imprint previous life and the rest of the pack seem to gain more respect for the tiny leech.
Word count:1902
Warnings: physical fighting, foul language, talk of death
a/n: Paul and the rest of the pack will be wolf form for most of this scene anything in Bold will be the conversation between the pack.
I avoided looking at anyone in the pack as they walked through the tree line. While my family gawked and stared at the large pack, I stood tensed, swallowing the pings and pangs of guilt I felt for not sharing this detail with my family. However this wasn't my information to give them.
Trying to refocus my thoughts towards helping Jasper with plans of training. It became hard to drift from the grey-silver wolf that held my shattered heart in his hands. Anger and Embarrassment still flooded through my system from our last conversation. I was hurt that he had thought so low of me and that he felt the need to scream at me in front of the whole pack.
I flinched as the memory of what I said popped back in my head. 
“Do you really think I wanted to be this monster?” I spun around to stare at him. Ignoring the eavesdropping teens behind me. Paul's face still held the ame disgust, as it did after Jacob told everyone of the newborn army.
“You honestly think that I asked to be this bloodsucking filth.” Paul's face flashed in shock at my phrasing.
" I had a life." I stressed the last word " A good life. With a doting husband, who I only recently found out, killed himself because he couldn't protect me." 
I never told Paul about Jonathan...or anything about my past because…Well he never seemed to care. Hell, Alice and Jasper are the only ones that even knew about Jonathan's suicide...maybe Edward but- \
Finally looking and registering the blank look that was Paul’s face now. I felt nothing but anger as I tried to bite my tongue from telling him anymore. He doesn't deserve to know about Jon. He doesn't get to use that against me like he uses everything else to attack me.
He just doesn't understand the fuckery that I've had to deal with. “ Did you know that one of the uhh-” I looked back at the ground “side efforts~” 
I almost laughed at my word choice. “Of being a leech is that you can’t kill yourself.” I could hear his heart skip a beat. “ Yeah... we can kill each other just not ourselves.”
A laugh escaped my throat, then another , then another. I shook my head, trying to pull myself back together. “And I know that because I tried every single method of the book."
“Even lighting myself on fire, did nothing but tickle me.”
"Y/n" I heard him breathe, then I felt the tiniest brush of a touch on the top of my shoulder. Jerking away from him, and looking back at his face. I saw the disgust that had laced in his expression and eyes were gone. In its place, was an expression of remorse. 
Full on laughing I tried to continue my speech, “It’s hilariously fucked up isn’t it” If I could cry I would be. I swallow the dry sob in the back of my throat. 
“Well my whole entire existence is fucked up actually.” I started to calm down. “ If it wasn’t, I would be 6 feet under right now.”  
“ Y/n” He started but I held up a hand to stop him, but he squeezed out “ It was a bad choice of word-.” 
"Of course!" I blew up. " Because you didn't know." I raised an eyebrow as he raised a hand to touch me again. He put it back down as when he saw the flames in my eyes. I continued "Because you never gave me the chance to explain to you what I went through. You just assumed that I asked for it ." 
"I'm done with having to defend myself, morally from you."   I turned and headed back to my vehicle, ignoring Paul's yells, as I slammed the car door. Bella would just have to get a ride from Jake. 
A wave of calmness hitting my system pulled me from the embarrassing memory. My eye shot up to Jasper, who was on the other side of her. He was still staring straight ahead. 
“Welcome” Carlisle spoke, I let my gaze settle on his relaxed stance out in the middle. My father has always amazed me with his calm appearance. 
"I know it must be a difficult thing for you to come." Then he went on to explain that Edward would be acting as a translator, so that way they don't have to phase if they don't want to.
“Thank you” Edward replied in a gruff tone. “We will only watch and listen, but no more. That is the most we can ask of our self-control.” I was thrilled more by that statement than I should be. I was hopeful that maybe I would be able to leave this place without a glance at a certain wolf.
“That is more than enough,” Carlisle smiled calmly. “My son Jasper” his right hand moved to gesture  “And daughter, Y/N '' his hand then shifting slightly to me, I nodded in acknowledgement to Carlisle gaze.
If I was still human, I would have had thousands of tiny goosebumps, up and down my arms right now. It felt like there were at least a thousand eyes on me.
"-have experience in this area. They will teach us how the newborns fight, and how they will be defeated. I’m sure you can apply this to your own hunting style." I heard a low rumble among the wolves 
“They are different from you?” asked Edward. Or Sam? This is getting confusing already. Carlisle smiled, “How about I let them explain.” again gesturing toward Jasper and me before stepping back to stand next to Esme. Jasper and I both walked up from the back to where Carlisle stood in the middle. 
I took a quick glance at Jasper and knowing, he would want to talk more than I did but I promised to speak mainly to the wolves if he explained more to our family. So that meant this question was for me to answer. 
Directing and keeping my attention to Sam, I tried to stay unfazed as I spoke “Yes, as they are still very new to this life. The Newborns will be full of frenzy driven by the brute strength given to them from the blood that still lingers in their system."  
"The newborns will fight amongst themselves. As of today we know that their numbers sit at 20. Ten for us and ten for you, with that it shouldn't be too difficult. but it's highly likely that their numbers will either lower farther or raise. ”  A rumble of excitement seems to run through them. 
“We are happy to take more than our share. If necessary” Edward translated, I notice the change in the tone. I smiled, “We will have to see.”
“ What makes you two more qualified on this matter than any of the others?” Edward spoke again. 
 There was a rustle next to me as Jasper took a step forward. Arms behind his back, his stance reminded me of my first meeting with him after I changed, posed and ready for a fight. 
“Y/N and I were forced into this life for the same reason as these newborns were forced. Except developed a conscience that our creator-" spoke with clear disgust in his tone. " -did not have control over." 
I heard a small gasp behind me and a small rustling of feet behind me. Clearly Bella did not know this strange detail. Jasper began to pace. I always picked on him when he did this. 'Your military is showing', I would say. But right now, it was nothing short of intimidating how he stood. 
“We know how to defeat them because we know what it's like to be them.” “Thank you” Edward quickly cut him off. “We will watch now.” Nodding Jasper turned to face back to our family. 
“There are 2 things you need to know, 1. Don’t let them get their arms around you; they will crush you instantly. 2.” He stopped turning back to face the wolves.
I flashed a look at Sam, the black wolf stood taller staring back at the ex-major. 
“ Don’t go for the obvious kill “ Jasper spoke clearly emphasizing each word wanting them to understand him. “ They will be expecting that. “ Jazz relaxed “ and you will lose. “ Sam let out a huff in response. 
“ Y/N and Emmett, you are up first.” I heard a mumble pass down the wolf line as everyone spread back leaving me and Emmett at different ends of the field.
“This should be good” Emmett spoke now, seeming to warm himself up, rubbing his hands together. 
“Emmett relies on his strength very much like the newborns.” Jasper said “ so he will be a good example for you.” He looked between Emmett and I. "Start whenever you are ready." I smiled at Em “Don’t hold back” cockily,  he let out a bearish laugh at ending it with a smirk. “Not in my nature” and he charged.
I felt the wind as he chucked me in the air, quickly catching myself in a landing spin charging back at him. It seemed not even a long second had passed before I had his large head smashed into the ground. 
“Again” Emmett growled. Smiling, I pushed away from him. I tried to ignore the huffs and snorts coming from the wolves' side.
“Don’t lose your focus” I told him “Following your emotions is only making your moves more predictable.” He nodded, standing up and heading over to his end of the field again. I nodded toward Jasper who agreed with my assessment, gesturing to continue with Emmett.
Taking my place again, Emmett charged and within the next minute he was already calling for another rematch. 
"Don't turn your back on your enemy." Jasper spoke with an eye roll. 
**Paul’s Pov**
"Y/n is kicking his ass." laughed Jared. Silently laughing with him I watched as Y/N jumped on top of the big Cullen twisting him mid-air and slamming him into the ground again. 
"That she is, " agreed Sam lightly chuckling.
Watching her first stand across the field from that large Cullen made my insides twist in worry; however, as I watched her pin him in no time flat, it seemed to bring a sense of pride in me. It only made me feel even more guilty. I shouldn't be happy to finally see her again. I didn't deserve it. Not after what I said about her.
"God, please just apologize to her already" spoke Leah, before I could reply Sam growled softly
" Leah," he warned.
"Shut up" I replied harshly. "I'll keep my thoughts to myself."
"What? I am only trying to help! Out of all of us. I'm the one who knows best how to handle the emotional range of a woman." Quick to defend herself, I realized Leah made sense.Before anyone could really respond to her statement. We watched as Gruff-man walked off the field. Leaving only Y/n on the field...undefeated. Edward stepped up, Jacob tensed as Edward's death flashed in his thoughts
"Jake" Sam barked
Watching all the Cullen's fight each other it was clear to anyone that both Y/N and Jasper were the only experienced ones. Either of them lost a fight with any of the others. It made me wonder…
"We're done for the day"
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch13 Onto Hammerlocke- I Mean Stow-On-Side
The two of you left. Heading off down the trail Hop directed you before rushing off to take on Bede and spend some time in the Wild Area as planned. You hoped Victor would be able to keep him out of trouble and from fighting with Bede. As much as you wanted to stick together and were honestly curious to see how that battle would play out, you couldn't just let Gloria skidaddle off by herself and she was dead set on heading to Hammerlocke whether you liked it or not...Well not Hammerlocke exactly. She wanted to go to the town of Stow-On-Side, to challenge with Fighting Type Gym, Hammerlocke just happened to be along the way. A pit stop of sorts if you will. And when down to it you were pretty curious now yourself about this place. From what Gloria was babbling about happily about it, Hammerlocke wasn't only just home to the famous Dragon Gym Leader and his gym, but one of the main power plants in Galar owned by the Chairman himself. Hey. Sonia mentioned something about the Chairman having to do something with the power supply of Galar.
"So how will we know when we get there?," you asked after you two had crossed Motostoke's bridge.
"Oh. It'll be easy. It's not as big of a place as people think and not a lot of people live there since it's mostly just a single stadium and power plant run by the Chairman so not a lot of people go in and out either. Raihan's usually on long trips this early in the year since he never battles anyone who hasn't obtained everyone else's badge. But usually barely anyone gets to battle him because Kabu wittles most out and it usually takes a long time to get that amount anyways. Sooo...We actually might NOT see him there if he's out n' about," she explained. Which also had you sighing in relief, from what she mentioned before you were a bit iffy about being flirted with by a video game character even if he was a real person in whatever reality you were in right now. "In fact...the Chairman's pretty strict when it comes to who gets in too. Only gym challengers who collected at least three badges are allowed in to visit even."
You rose a brow. "So, in order to battle Raihan you need all the badges from the other gym leaders, but in order to actually get into the city you have to get three badges? Seems a bit stricter than needed."
She shrugged. "It's supposed to motivate us to work harder I think. But we don't have to worry! I already got three badges so they should let us in. We'll know it when we see the place since it looks a lot like a castle!"
A castle? Well then that should be easy to spot at least. You had no idea how long it actually took to get there but you both soon fell into that familiar pattern of walking all day, pitching the tent, sleeping, then putting the tent away, and continue walking of course. You lost count after the third or fourth day of doing it as by now it had become a rather used to routine of yours. And of course eating your fill of whatever bland tasting foods you both had packed unless you were lucky enough to stumble upon another berry tree that your drizzilie eagerly climbed up and ate from. You were glad despite it's evolution that it's hunger hadn't increased too much, usually it would much rather sleep away in your pack as your walked or watched the world slowly go by. Tell you one thing, your back and shoulders sure weren't enjoying the new found experience of walking with even more extra weight added to yourself. Your body was easily more tired and sore by the end of each day and your sleeping was more deep, luckily Gloria now didn't seem to mind waiting and letting you sleep in now. Every new morning you found her outside the tent intently looking around the dirt roads you were following and guessed that she must've been waiting for her brother and best friend to catch up as they promised they would. You two hadn't seen or heard any sign of them in the days you've been traveling but neither of you were worried too much. You had a feeling you'd see them again if the game's story was being played out like it was, but you couldn't shake the feeling in the back of your head that something was going to happen sometime soon. You just wished you could remember what it was. Along the way the two of you passed one or two small towns on your way there and had momentarily stopped to restock your food replies but didn't find any sign of the two boys or motels to stay at. So you two kept on walking and camping as you got closer and closer to Hammerlocke according to that rotom inside Glory's phone. And then you two FINALLY saw it on the horizon, right after you managed to walk past a couple of trees that blocked your view of it.
Gloria pointed excitedly. "LOOK!! THERE IT IS!!" You glanced where she was pointed and even you had to blink, from far away it DID kinda look like a castle with what you could make out from some high walls and a few towers from your spot far away. She quickly grabbed your hand and gave a tug as encouragement to keep going. "C'mon we're almost there! I wanna see if the boys are there."
You wasted no time in complying in her request, after all you wanted to get there too and rest your aching feet thanks to mister water balloon lounging on your back. You were ready to just rest up for a while, but you persisted in increasing your pace for Gloria's sake as she seemed to gain a new and excited spring in her step at the promise of meeting back up with her crew. Well you couldn't really blame her for wanting to see them again. You yourself were curious about what happened between now and when you all left Motostoke some days ago. It took maybe one or two hours of you two walking to finally reach the 'town', and you had to say....it looked more like a giant building as far as you were concerned. The whole thing was MASSIVE and made from black and dark grey stones, the entrance literally being carved to look like some kind of dragon you had to pass through to get into the inner city. Gotta say. You were a fan of the design. It breathed the kind of Place a Dragon Type Gym Leader would live and work. As you two got closer (and noticed just how big it all was) you noticed that some man wearing the same white uniform and sunglasses as any other Gym Leader employees was standing in the shade of the steps leading up to Motostoke. His gaze laser focused on the two of you as you approuched. Shouldering up his body and holding out a hand towards the both of you as Gloria made it first to the first two steps of the Hammerlocke entrance way.
"Excuse me," he asked, "Are either of you two Gym Challengers? Only challengers with three or more badges may enter Hammerlocke for the duration of the Gym Challenge."
"I am!," Gloria confirmed before slinging that big old brown backpack of hers off her shoulders and you both watched as she opened and rummaged around in it. Presumably to get her badges for the man.
"Ah, a gym challenger. Allow me to check your gym badges, please young lady." he held his hand out to her expectantly and after a moment Gloria held out her badge circle to him containing the three badges she won and placed onto it so far. The man took them from her and you two waited patiently as he hummed and brought it up to his face to carefully examine. "Let's see here. The grass badge, the water badge, and the fire badge." After a moment longer he nodded and handed the circle back to her. "It's confirmed that you've defeated three gym leaders including the leader of Motostoke no doubt. You may enter. I wish you the best of luck in your future battles, Miss."
"Thanks!" She quickly took it from him and stuffed the thing back into her pack as the man looked back up.
"Oh, it's you!," he said, "The boss told me you were coming in today but I wasn't expecting you so early this morning."
"Naturally." Gloria froze at the voice and you turned around at the familiar male sounding voice. And your eyes widened as Bede just casually strolled up to the steps as well, "I'm never late to any meeting with the Chairman or the like. He doesn't like to be kept waiting-" He paused. Lavender eyes going wide as soon as he saw you but then went into a scowl as soon as Gloria turned around to scowl at him. "Oh, it's you...."
"Yeah?," she asked daring him to answer, pushing the lid on her pack closed and slinging it back over her shoulders. "Surprised ya ain't all frazzled like lint from Hop's battle with ya."
He scoffed. "Oh yes. I almost forgotten about him. You see...I doubt Hop will be coming. It's only natural."
She paused and even you rose a brow as Bede reached into one of the giant pockets of his. "....What are you talking about?"
"Ha! After such a humiliating defeat, there's no way he could look the Champion in the eyes. Here just look at the gym badges I've already won." He held up his own badge circle with coincidentally the same badges as Gloria up to the man who nodded at him. "I'm sure he'll withdraw from the challenge."
"Thank you, Challenger Bede. I can confirm you have the required badges."
"Anyway," He put the badge circle back into his giant pocket, "I have a meeting with the Chairman so I must excuse myself-" Bede leaned back as Gloria suddenly leaned forward at him with a glare.
"WHAT. Did. You. DO?," she demanded.
He blinked at her before scowling himself and (seemingly able to grow a more resistance to her anger from last time) brushed himself off. "I didn't do anything to him. I just simply beat Hop after all that confidence he spewed back at Motostoke."
"Oh no no no no. You did something else didn't ya? What did ya say to him?"
"The truth. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Why I-"
Gloria was suddenly pulled back by you with a confused yelp and even Bede paused when you gave him a glare. The type that a mother would a scold a child with that every kid could relate to seeing one time or another. "Bede." He paused wide eyed at you. "Go on to the Chairman. You don't want to be late." Gloria looked up at you even more confused at your calm tone but Bede made no time to waste as he snapped his head from you and quickly sped walked the stairs as they both of you watched. After he disappeared from your view completely, you let Gloria go with a look. "Hey. Are you alright?"
After a moment she nodded. "Yeah. But what did ya do that for? I had him right there itchin' for a battle."
"Remember what Victor said. You can't just pick a fight with him especially if the Chairman's here. I already had to apologize to him, so let's keep things civil. Ok?"
She huffed. "He's the bloody one who started it."
"I know. But let's let it go for now. Besides, if Bede could catch up to us this fast from Motostoke that means the others could too right?" You saw her perk up immediately at the propsition and you smiled, nodding towards the entrance way. "Come on. Let's go have a look around and see what's going on?"
She quickly agreed and together you two entered the darkened tunnel beyond the stairs. At the other end of the short tunnel was light and as the two of you exited, you gaped up in aw at the side before you. Before you was the biggest stone structure you had ever seen!! Surrounded by two other stone structures that looked oddly like wings in a way. It certainly screamed castle by it's magnificence. Everywhere you looked was a few houses and buildings all made from the same black-dark grey stones with some painted a bright shimmering gold in some places that reflected the sunlight to make it gleam. The place had it's OWN TOWN INSIDE OF ITS OWN WALLS and A FREAKING DRAW BRIDGE!!
".....I thought you said this place was just a stadium and power plant," you said after a moment to take it all in.
"I....guess they must've expanded from when Lee told me about this place." She looked around. "Where should we look first?"
"The Pokemon Center," you said without hesitation, "It's been a while since you had your pokemon looked at right? Plus it's a nice place to start that has seats and ac."
Luckily she agreed and it wasn't too long to find either since the center was literally right next to the entrance. The boys weren't there but you got to rest your legs for at least twenty peaceful minutes of relief, and Gloria was able to get her pokemon checked over. And Drizzilie as well since after what happened in Motostoke, you wanted to make sure that your pokemon was doing fine considering it's change, but the Nurse Joy assured you that he was totally fine and that it was indeed just normal Drizzilie nature to act like this. Thank goodness. You two (more like three after your Drizzilie noticed and repeated patted your shoulder until you gave in-) also got drinks from the man who was selling berry juice and such behind his counter at the center, tasted sour but it was nice at least. After that Gloria suggested you both walk around the town a little bit to see if you could spot the two of them. You didn't have any better ideas so you figured why not. It couldn't hurt to look around. Starting as soon as you two left the center, you both headed towards the right side of the town. There was around what you could tell was maybe about a good twenty or thirty houses that looked like the regular kind of space someone would live in so it didn't take long for you two to comb the streets of them with no signs of the two in sight. There was also the train station and when you went up a different path on the right side of Hammerlocke it lead to a dead end with a single school building and a giant statue of a pokeball.
You sighed aching feeling starting to return in your feet. "Man. They aren't here either are! ...Makes sense since I don't think they'd go to this school."
"No," Gloria agreed but perked up seeing the giant bronze statue of the pokeball and walking up to it, "Buuuut I heard a legend about the Hammerlocke Statue. They say if you touch it you'll be able to catch pokemon better. Can't hurt ta give it a wack."
You chuckled. "Go for it. You wouldn't have anything to lose after all." You watched as she smiled and with a giant grin slapped her hand down on the statue as it gave a soft thud sound where her hand made contact- "AH!?" You suddenly lurched forward from the force of your Drizzilie as it gave out the loudest sound of terror you ever heard coming out of it even when it was a sobble and scramble to hide itself into your pack completely. You nearly fell onto your face stumbling but by some miracle didn't fall down...before snapping your head around to your shivering back pack. "HEY! Drizzilie what's the big deal?!"
...Gloria blinked. "What just happened?"
You shook your head. "The heck if I know. He acted like he saw a ghost or something-"
"H-Hello there," a weak voice called out. Gloria yelped and whirled around behind her at the sudden voice and you also looked. ...Brows suddenly widening in surprise as a little girl who couldn't have looked older than six, seven, or eight years old tops shyly came out from behind the statue with something in her hand. But it wasn't that that surprised you. She wore an old fashioned little girl's dress you'd expected a little girl back in the 1950's to wear and short black hair, but what really had you staring was her skin which looked ghastly pale against her bright dress and dark hair. With bags under her very tired looking eyes, as if she was sick with a fever. "You look like someone I might trust." Her voice although small typical for a girl her age, sounded lightly raspy, and weak. Matching her sick appearance.
The two of you exchanged a look for a moment before Gloria knelt down to get eye level with the tired looking girl. "Hey there wee las." She said with a soft voice. "Are ye lost? What do you need help with?" Silently, she held up the thing in her hand which you finally noticed was a letter. A very OLD looking letter as the paper looked yellowed and the wax seal on it looked about as brittle as sand. She looked at it for a moment before slowly taking it from her. "What's this?"
"You see, there's I fancy and I....I...I've written him a love letter."
"....Aw! Did ye now?" She smiled. "That's so bloody sweet of you."
The girl nodded. "Do you think you might deliver it for me?"
Gloria immediately nodded. "Of course I will!"
"Really? Oh thank you thank you!," the little girl smiled brightly despite her tired appearance, "I'm so glad I found someone like you to help me!"
"By the way," you asked looking around. You didn't see any grown ups around. Where were her parents?, "What's your name?"
"My name is Paula. Here you go! This is the letter I want you to deliver!" She pushed Gloria's hand holding the letter towards her and you thought you saw Gloria pause for a moment blinking..Before she slowly stood up and held out the letter to you to look at. "Deliver it to Frank, won't you? Frank lives in Bellonlea. That's who you want."
You both gave each other a look as Gloria spoke. "Bellonlea? That's a long way from here."
You nodded. "Hey Paula. Where's your pare-" You froze. Absolutely froze. And when Gloria looked too she blinked...Before looking around. ..And you whipped around yourself. Paula. Who had just been standing in front of you less than five seconds ago. WAS. GONE. There weren't any signs of her leaving and no footsteps you heard. Gloria event stopped to walk around the statue but came out the other side alone...and the both of you stared at one another. ".....Where did she go?"
Gloria shrugged. "I dunno man." Her foot tapped the spot where Paula was just standing. "She was literally standing right here a minute ago. Her touch was so cold. Did ya see her leave?"
"No. Did you?" She shook her head no again. Leaving the both of you standing there with nothing but the letter in Gloria's hand as proof of her even existing.....Until you pointed back the way you came. "Come on. Let's go check the other side of town for the guys." You said hoping to get away from the awkward tention.
You two quickly left the area with Gloria slipping the letter into her pack as you did, and off to the left side of the town you went. Passing the center as you did. There was at least another twenty-thirty houses, an antique store, a small gym, a barber shop, a cafe, and a clothes store like back in Postwick. But still no signs of the guys. And then there was something called 'The Vault' that was being guarded by some men but you two didn't pay it much mind in the end as you searched. But still no signs of Hop or Victor anywhere.
"UGH!! This is useless!," Gloria gripped her hat in frustration. "We've been wondering around lookin' for 'em ALL DAY! And still ain't no signs of 'em bloody anywhere!"
You nodded looking around. Your Drizzilie had resumed it's regular position after a while of hiding thank goodness it seemed to be ok. "Maybe they haven't gotten here yet? Hop did say he wanted to stay a few days in Motostoke and catch some pokemon. We shouldn't give up yet."
"Yeah I guess. But they should've been here if the mareep head is. I wonder if I should call 'em-"
"Pst! Hey you!" Both of you paused...Another voice?? This time male and sounded around Gloria's age- Gloria whipped around quickly in expectation but the teen you were both met with wasn't Victor or Hop. Or even Bede. It was a red headed boy in a red hoodie, black sweats, and blue shoes. "You heard the rumor?" He asked the both of you.
....You both looked at each other bewildered for a moment before you shrugged. "...No?" Gloria slowly looked back to the boy. "I haven't. What rumor?"
"What? You haven't heard!?," the boy asked surprised, "There's a rumor if you give the one you like an applin, you'll be together forever!"
".....OH!! That old wive's tale!"
"....Applin?", you asked.
"It's a pokemon. The story goes that the first Queen of Galar's favorite pokemon was an applin and so her fiance gave 'er one as a gift on their weddin' day. Since then it's been tradition ta give one to a person yer romantically interested in when ya confess your feelings. Hop told me that story once," Gloria explained and the boy nodded.
"Actually the truth is, there's someone I like," the boy confessed looking down and scuffing his shoe on the ground, "She's gonna move over seas pretty soon...I've been searching for an applin so I can get my feelings across the right way. But I can't find one."
"Huh. Fancy that. You're the second one today who's told us they wanted to confess their feelings ta someone," Gloria chuckled, "But whatcha stop me for?"
"Well i-it's not just you two,'' he confirmed holding up a hand, "I've asked anyone here if they have an applin they'd trade me with. If you've got an applin, would you please give it to me?"
....You shook your head. "Sorry. But I've only ever had one pokemon and you're looking at him." Your drizzilie yawned in response.
"Actually," the both of you looked to Gloria smiling, "I do have one. While we was checkin' out that daycare back in Turrfield I adopted one from one of the random abandoned rotomi boxes. I think it's still in my personal inventory."
The boy's eyes widened. "Whoa! You mean you'll really give me an applin?!"
Gloria nodded. "Sure I will if it helps out your lady love!" She giggled before jamming her thumb behind her. "But wait 'ere for a sec. I gotta go get it from the center."
The boy nodded urgently. "Yes! I-I will! Thank you! B-B-But hurry! S-She's leaving tomorrow and I-I asked her to meet me later today!"
Gloria nodded turning quickly. "Don't worry! Stay right here I'll be back as fast as I can!" And she took off...You blinked and quickly made to jog to catch up with her.
"Hey! Whoa! You're handing him your pokemon just like that?"
She nodded as you caught up with her. "Yeah! I can tell he was bein' honest with me. 'Sides he's nice. Nicer than that mareep head anyways."
You nodded. Couldn't really blame her opinion on Bed-..........De.......BEDE!! "He's the troubled one!" You suddenly shouted and stopped. You must've caught Gloria off guard because she stopped just a few yards ahead of you as you stared at nothing suddenly....THAT'S IT!! THAT'S THE PERSON WHO YOU HAD THE BAD FEELING ABOUT!! BEDE WAS THE RIVAL WHO'D GET THAT LIFE CHANGING CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT MOMENT!! .....But what!? ....GAH!! You couldn't remember what happens to him in game!! Your hand smacked your face in a face palm and you groaned. "UUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!! GREAT!! Just my luck too!"
"....Yeah he's the troubled one." You slowly peeked your f/c eyes between your fingers to look at the confused brunette. "But whatcha goin' on 'bout now??"
....You shook your head. "Nothing." And looked up with a steeled face. "But Gloria. I NEED you to do something for me. And I need you to promise me to do it no matter what!"
Gloria must've been taken a back a bit because her face went concerned before she slowly nodded. "....Ok? What's it ya want me to do?"
She blinked as you very seriously grabbed her shoulders, looked her in the eyes, and spoke in a serious tone. "Gloria...I NEED you to apologize to Bede the next time you see him."
Gloria froze for a moment. Drawing a complete blank as if her brain was processing what you said with a reboot. "..............WHAT!? Are you crazy!? ME!? Apologize to the wooloo for brains for what he did!?"
"No! Not apologize for what he did to YOU. But apologize for what you did to him." She rose a brow and you sighed. "Gloria. I need you to apologize to Bede for yelling at him. And for calling him names like Mareep Head. That doesn't excuse his behavior and it doesn't make what he did ok, but I think he's about to go through something and I think it'll be better if there wasn't so much tention between you two. And after you apologise you shouldn't call him 'mareep head' or 'wooloo for brains' any more." You couldn't exactly tell her your reason why but you REALLY had a feeling whatever was about to happen was going to be big for him. And it'd be so much better the less tention there was between the rivals. And...with Bede being endorsed by the Chairman and all it'd be better for both her and Hop if most of the tention stopped. "You don't HAVE to forgive or forget what he did, and you DONT have to put up with him. But.....I can't explain why. So please as a friend just do me this favor."
Gloria stared at you for the longest time......before she sighed. Smiled. And nodded happily. "Ok."
"WHAT?!" You blinked. Hands dropping to your sides as she chuckled at your smackgobbed face. "A-Again?? Just like that!? You'll apologize to him??"
She nodded with a determined smile. "Hey. Victor and you already said I shouldn't fight with the mar-...Bede anymore! If apologizin' is what it's gonna take then I can suck it up and do it. After all ya apologized for me, so I can apologize for you just this once."
.......You breathed a long sigh of relief, weight lifting from your shoulders. "Thank you! I owe you one."
She shook her head. "Nah. Let's call it even. Kay? C'mon. Let's get that mate an applin before his lady love shoves off for a different region all together."
You nodded and with new found relief off you went towards the center. It didn't take too long for the two of you to reach it and immediately enter. Once inside Gloria made her way over to the Rotomi machine thingy than reminded you of an ATM and as soon as she pressed a button, the robotic pokemon on top danced to life as she worked it. Feeling slightly exhausted, you looked up feeling a tap on your shoulder and when you looked your Drizzilie pointed towards the man selling juice again. Before looking at you in question. With a sigh you nodded and went towards the man who was of course happy to sell you another cup of juice for your pokemon. RIP the rest of your money. You only had a few coins left from the change back as you stuffed them back into your pocket with a sigh and the man handed your eager pokemon a cup of reddish juice. It quickly jugged down the entire thing within a few seconds before giving a pleased chirp sound. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Well at least someone was happy-...You paused..Blinking and turning around as a blur of pink and white fluffy hair walked past the center's window...No. It couldn't be! It would've been too much of a coincidence if it was...But still. You quickly moved towards the door as Gloria curiously looked up from the machine after your retreating form as you stepped out of the center, and looked around. ..No sign of him-
"Mr. Chairman!" You blinked at the familiar voice...before peeking around the corner and low and behold there the white haired boy was! Walking towards...you frowned. Oleana and the chairman who was...wearing the same weird outfit you saw him wear in Hulbury. Seriously, what was with the polka dot shorts?? Bede walked right up to the two who looked at him. "I've been both collecting wishing stars and gym badges as fast as I can. "
"Good work, Bede." Oleana complimented crossing her arms. "I'm glad you haven't forgotten that it was the Chairman who endorsed you." You instantly frowned. What was the deal with this woman!?
"If I gather enough wishing stars that'll help solve the problem that's been bothering you, right Mr. Chairman?" Your brows rose. So that's why Bede was collecting lots of wishing stars!? The Chairman was using them for something!! ...But why would the Chairman of an entire region need wishing stars that just Dynamax pokemon??
"Oh it's not just about me," the chairman clarified, "It's for the future of the whole Galar Region. And we'll need more than just wishing stars. We need a powerful pokemon trainer, too. Someone like the Champion."
"With all due respect, Sir, I was able to show Hop, one of the champion endorsed trainers, just how outclassed he was." You frowned more. Ok. You could see how Gloria and Hop could get mad at him. "I'm sure I'll be able to defeat the Champion. No. I WILL defeat the Champion."
"That's the spirit! It takes healthy competition to really keep the Gym Challenge Energized!" .......He called THAT healthy competition!?!?
Unknownst to you, Gloria had come out of the center and spotted you after looking around a bit, poke ball in hand which must've been the applin for the boy she promised. She walked over to you before blinking and looking towards where you were looking at, and pausing a moment seeing the same trio you must have.
"Challenger Bede, there is something I wish to disscuss with you. Do you have a moment?," Oleana asked.
Bede nodded to her and she silently beckoned him to follow her as she turned and began walking off with him and the chairman- You jumped as a blur rushed past you and it took you a moment to realize that it was Gloria. And the brunette was barraling right towards the white haired boy as he walked after Oleana and the Chairman. ....!? OH NO!!! You opened your mouth to shout at her to wait and stop if she was going to fight but even if you did she wouldn't have heard you, and it was too late!
"WWWAAAAAAIIITT!!! BEDE!!," She shouted at the top of her lungs gaining the attention of both Bede, and Oleana and of course the Chairman as all three stopped to turn around and see who could've been the one who had called his name. "I HAVE TO TELL YA SOMETHIN' IMPORTANT!!"
Bede looked stunned to say the least blinking purple eyes wide as he took in the sight of Gloria racing right up to him, as the two adults behind him looked slightly surprised. Before he scowled at her. "YOU AGAIN!? I don't have time to deal with you! If it's a battle you want it'll have to wait after my business with Ms. Oleana and the Chairma-"
As he turned to go away, Gloria had straight up grabbed his hand which had the dynamax band on his wrist causing him to turn back around to face the heavily breathing brunette who gasped for breath stunnded. .....Oh no!! Blinking out of your stupor you began jogging your way towards them hoping to stop any misreadings on the situation before it got out of hand. In the mean time Bede had paused blankly, stunned....Looking between his hand and Gloria for a moment before frowning and tugging his hand only to find her tightly glued to it.
"I-....I h-have a c-c-confession ta make to ya!," she wheezed out between breaths staring at him pokeball in hand.
"Well whatever it is it can wait until I'm finished!," he stated firmly tugging on his hand. "Would you please mind letting go of my hand?"
She shook her head. "No! I've been meaning to do this the moment I realized I should've done it after our first encounter in the mines!" She said apologetically and it made you slow down as you got closer...OH!! She was going to apologize! But Bede looked at her confused. "Bede...I.." Her lips pursed for a moment as her face almost gave a cringe. Before slamming her eyes shut. Grit her teeth. And blurted it out. "I-I'm sorry! I called ya names n' yelled at ya!"
That made everyone quiet as they stared. You in relief. Bede stunned confusion. Oleana.....Oleana. And the chairman suddenly looking interested seeming to realize who it was talking to Bede.
".....I-...*ahem* Well..." Bede tried to straighten himself obviously not sure how to handle the closed eyed girl gripping his hand apologizing.
"I know, I know! But somethin' recently came up that made me realize I had ta do this n' if ya did beat some one fair and square then there ain't nothin' I could do about it...but believe me t-this is a lot harder for me to do ..c-c-confessing in all." You smiled. Good, good. This was going well.
....That was until she peeked an eye open to Bede's expression as he stared...Eyes darting around for any way to escape this. "I Uh..." He cleared is throat righting himself into that usually serious faced person. "Well then. It's seems you truly and finally came to your senses enough to realize I..." His eyes landed on the poke ball still clutched in her hand...and suddenly that calm face went suspicious. He glanced between her and the pokeball. Before using his free hand to point at it. "And WHAT is that your holding??"
She blinked holding it up with a shrug. "Nothin' really. Just a lil applin."
A smack sound was heard as you AND your Drizzilie utterly face palmed HARD with the reality hit before you. Bede went once again into that wide eyed shocked mode Jaw dropped. Behind him Oleana's face went slightly wide eyed in surprise, the Chairman looked totally taken by surprise too before hummed and grabbing his chin with a thoughtful expression.
Bede looked between her face and the pokeball so many times wide eyed and sputtering strange noises that sounded like words he was trying to form as she rose a brow confused. "....A-Are...." He looked at her suddenly in the eyes. "A-ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!?" His eyes narrowed. "Like...Y-You're not joking with me or m-m-making fun of me right now are you!? I-I have y-y-you know I don't appreciate being toyed with, Girl!!"
She scowled. "OF COURSE IM BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!! Y'know how hard it was for me to make myself run up to ya and say all that! And for your intel fancy pants! It IS an applin! I wouldn't lie 'bout the pokemon I have! I was gonna give it away after the lil confessin' I forced myself ta do." You wanted to die from second hand embarrassment from her obliviousness to the situation she unknowingly put herself in.
Bede went wide eyed before his face turned about as pink as the coat he was wearing. He glanced a couple more times between her and the pokeball. ...Before in one swift movement he yanked his hand out of her grip and turned away head down and hands shoved into his pockets. "I....I-I....*AHEM*...I-I appreciate what you have decided to tell me...B-But I'll need time to think about if I accept such outlandish words from you or not...It...It might be best if we go our seperate ways for a while to let me think on t-that."
Gloria blinked at him still oblivious...before nodding proudly of herself and satisfied with the answer she got from the obviously flustered boy. "I'm glad we agree on that. I don't think I need ta say anymore to get my point across."
"A-A-AGREED!!" He looked desperately to the older woman. "M-Ms. Oleana you wanted to see me??"
Oleana looked to the Chairman who chuckled after a moment and nodded before Oleana turned around and Bede quickly followed after him as you dared continued to walk up to her. She smiled as she turned to you. "Well I think that went better than expected!"
You shook your head with a groan. "Actually I think it could've gone better."
Gloria rose a brow and was about to ask what you meant when the two of you were cut off by a chuckle of the chairman....Oh shoot! You forgot he was here. The man waved a hand casually. "Not too worry. Bede will be fine. But either way I hope you were listening, Gloria." She looked more confused at him. "As you know, wishing stars are those mysterious stones that are even attached to your Dynamax bands. There's more to wishing stars than just making your pokemon into giants though. They hold far more energy than that."
".....There is what?"
He chuckled. "If you're curious, then you should head to the stadium. In fact, we should head inside right away.I'll even give you a lesson on how the Galar Region gets it's energy." He nodded to you. "And of course your friend is more than welcome to join us like last time. I'm interested in getting your opinion." Ah nuts he DID remember you.
"Mm....Sure I guess."
"Excellent." He smiled turning. "You ladies follow me and Ill give you the tour." The two of you looked at each other before Gloria shrugged and began following him as you sighed. How did you get yourself into these things?? But you also followed him. Mr. Rose lead you all across the draw bridge that lead into the main castle which had a giant red and black stripped rug and was lit by actual torches. As you both took in the darkness and barely light around you, you followed the Chairman as he walked. You followed him until you all turned a corner and were surprised to find the entrance to the stadium!! Well it was closed off with a few people and security around, and to no one's surprise found Oleana plain faced waiting for the lot of you. "As you know, Hammerlocke's stadium doubles as an energy plant." The chairman continued walking up to Oleana and holding up a hand. Immediately she handed him a tablet that was in her hands. "Now have a look at my tablet. I've got all the information you need on it." He held it out to Gloria. She took it, looking confused at it for a moment, before tapping the screen and what you would best call a diagram and a friendly looking picture of Mr. Rose himself popped up. "See? An easy to understand description of the energy plant! First, energy is absorbed from Hammerlocke Stadium's tower. Then it's changed into electricity in the underground power plant and delivered to people throughout the region!" He went on to explain. "Our lives and society require various types of energy sources, such as electricity, natural gas, and water. My associate groups aim to improve everyone's lives by harnessing the power stored in wishing stars!"
Both of you looked up obviously surprised by what he said before Gloria glanced back to the tablet raising a brow before holding it back out to him. "But I thought only Professor Magnolia's Dynamax bands could harness the energy, wouldn't ye need 'er help??"
He took the tablet back before handing it to Oleana. "That's what Oleana and my team is for. I'm hoping Sonia would join us after her travels and research is finished."
"....Why are you telling us this?," you asked, "It sounds petty important. Wouldn't you want to keep that info to yourself?" It was also suspicious just telling you two but then again Bede did say more than once he was gathering wishing stars for the Chairman so maybe this was just you being too paranoid...But still that uneasy feeling you got when you were around these two were back.
The chairman paused as if sensing your feelings before smiling. "Experiments with Wishing Stars is nothing new. Professor Magnolia has done it for years and look what she created! Other scientists are currently studying their properties other than just us, and I believe Sonia is looking into the history of the origin of their power. So it's not really private knowledge." ....You...guessed that made sense. "Besides. If Bede's going to become the next Champion perhaps having any strong trainers by his side might be beneficial to our cause." And that bad feeling doubled! Oleana leaned over to whisper something to him and he hummed. "...Oh. It's time for me to get to work. I should get a move on before Oleana decides to give me another earful." He chuckled. "Gloria, I suggest you head over to the vault next. Just head toward Route Six from the stadium and you should find the vault without any issues. If you ladies would excuse us. It was nice to see you both again." With that they turned and you both watched as they walked towards a guarded elevator and went right in.
When the doors closed behind them Gloria turned a brow to you. "Well that was weird ain't it?"
"Good riddance I say." You turned to her after a moment and pointed to her pokeball. "Hey. Weren't you supposed to give that to the guy?"
She hummed looking to her pokeball then jumped. "OH GOSH I FORGOT!!" She twisted on her heel and made a break for it. "C'mon Y/n! We got no time ta lose!"
You sighed but complied by turning and jogging off after her. It was going to be a long day you could tell. But still you two made a promise and you were going to keep it. And that's exactly what Gloria did. You were more tired than her jogging around and carrying more weight, so it would make sense by the time you caught up with her you were wheezing for breath and had a back as sore as it could get, doubling over and hands on your knees a few yards away from Gloria who offered the wide eyed teen the poke ball with a smile breathing heavily herself.
"S-Sorry it took so long, mate!" She handed it into his awaiting hands. "O-One applin as promised!"
"YES!!" He held the ball into the air. "WOW! I did it! I finally got an applin! Thank you! Thank you so much! Since you went through the trouble of giving me an applin I've got to tell her how I feel!"
Gloria nodded. "When is she coming anyways?"
The boy went to speak, but suddenly stopped wide eyed. Fumbling with the ball for a second and looking past Gloria who turned her head behind her as another teen girl with darker brown hair in a ponytail and a yellow shirt approuched with a smile. "O-Oh! Geez!! T-T-That's her now!!".....Gloria whistled turning on her heel and walked aways from the boy to you as she came over. Smooth. Too bad she wasn't that smooth when apologizing.
Nervous the boy rubbed his head as the girl walked right up to him. "Sorry I'm late" she apologized. "What was it that you needed to talk about so suddenly?"
He sputtered. "I....Er....H-How's your packing going?" You facepalmed for the third time that day.
"Pretty much everything's been packed. Since I'm moving away tomorrow."
"Yeah," he agreed with a sad look in his eyes before taking a deep breath, "H-Hey! Check out this pokemon here!" He stated holding the pokemon out to her.
Blinking she looked at the pokeball then to him before slowly accepting and holding his ball curiously. "..What is it?"
"It's uh!.." He looked down and rubbed his next. "A-A-An applin." She blinked up surprise suddenly gracing her features. "F-For you."
"Oh. An applin?" He nodded and she looked back to the ball for a moment silence falling over them. It continued on for so long you and Gloria exchanged a slightly worried glance feeling awkward watching the seen. Luckily the girl smiled before looking back to her blue eyed friend. "Amazing. Did you catch it?"
The blinked surprised by her reaction before he looked embarrased and shook his head no. "W-Well...N-No. Someone gave it to me. B-B-But NOT romantically gave it too me!" He clarified holding up his hands. "I-I traded for it! I-I..." He slumped arms to his sides. "I'm sorry. I really wanted to give you an applin that I caught on my own. But well...Ah just forget it. I can't give you this applin." WHAT!?
"You're right. I can't take it," she agreed handing it back to him. Double WHAT!?
"Even if we're separated and far away from each other, I'll still be waiting for an applin you caught yourself." She giggled at his sudden dumbfounded expression.
"W-Wait. Do you mean-?" He was quickly shut up when she out of no where kissed his cheek, and Gloria chuckled as his expression went as pink as Bede's coat.
"Ah! Um...I'll uh-....I'll see you later!," she said just as flustered and pink faced before she quickly turned on her heel and lightly squealing with joy ran off. Leaving the boy wide eyed and jaw dropped and you two as witnesses.
Gloria snorted and you gave a tap to her shoulder to get her to stop. The boy after a moment picked his jaw up off the ground and turned to you. "Say. W-What do you think that was about just now? D-D-Do you think it meant that-?"
"That she likes you back?," Gloria asked before nodding. "Sure does pal. Good on you!"
He chuckled nervously. "T-Thank you? Wait! Does that mean what I think i-i-it means!?" She nodded again at his wide eyed face. "Really, really!? I can't believe it!" He threw his hands up. "WOO HOO!! ...Ah...Sorry. I just never thought that we both felt the same way."
"Oh don't worry. I'm used to seeing that by now," you clarified.
"Right. Well, I'd better give this pokemon back to you." He handed Gloria back her pokeball and before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out something. "Here. Take this, too. Think of it as a reward for helping me take that first step." It looked to you two like some kind of coupons but you weren't sure. "I'm going to catch an applin myself! And then someday, I'm going to go giver her that applin. ...YEAH! I b-better get searching for an applin!" He turned with an extra bright smile on that face of his. "Thanks again, Mate! See ya!"
"Good luck!," Gloria called after him waving.
"Well...Today's been an exciting one," you stated stretching you back hissing as you did. "Looking around the castle town, seeing the chairman and his weird secretary, ...I guess technically apologizing to Bede, getting a letter from a mysterious girl, and helping someone confess their love. I think we've had enough excitement for one day. Does this place have an inn or a hotel we can stay at?"
"I didn't see one when we looked around."
"Camping doesn't sound too bad," a voice said with a chuckle.
"Yeah that does sound-"....You looked behind you and nearly had a heart attack when you came face to face with Leon himself! Jumping back and clutching your chest where your heart was as he gave a few laughs! "CHEESE AND RICE DONT DO THAT!!" You shouted your drizzilie chirped annoyed at him.
He chuckled a little more as you pouted at him and he shurgged. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself! I saw you just standing there and thought I should come up and say hi since it's been a while." Before you could say anything in response to that he was distracted by a happy squeal and turned to Gloria.
"LEON!!," she shouted jumping up to hug onto him.
With a laugh and smile he twirled around once cape flowing with her before planting her back down on her feet...And you couldn't help but shake your head with a smile. "Hey! Look at you, Gloria! You've groan exactly half an inch since I last saw you!" He fondly ruffled the giggling gal's hair. "Seems you're doing well collecting gym badges. I saw your recording of battling Kabu and I gotta say I'm so proud of you guys for making it this far!"
She beamed smiling wider than you had ever seen her before. "You are!? Aw. It was nothin'! Hop won his before I even did. He's the real one you should be proud of."
He nodded with a hum and you watched as he rubbed his neck like Hop. Family habit you supposed. "I am proud of him too! But Hop..." He suddenly looked down. "Gloria did something happen with him?" She blinked surprised. "He was acting really odd when I ran into him. He took one look at me and immediately was like "I'm so sorry, Lee!" It might be the first time I've heard him apologize for anything, and I have no idea what it was for. Maybe he's feeling down because he's had some losses in battle?"
"OH I KNEW IT!!" Both of you blinked to Gloria who scowled and huffed. "He lost to that challenger Bede! He was making fun of us and you and bein' a real pain in the tush!"
Leon stared at her for a moment before humming and catching her attention. "Well that would explain it. But he's got to learn sometime."
She blinked. "Whaddya mean?"
"Well...When you lose, you feel down in the dumps. But then there's no where left to go but back up! You've got to think on why it was you lost, though," he explained to her as she blinked.
"But...he lost before to Nessa and he didn't act like that when he did."
"Ah. I see. Well sometimes the reaction can depend on the person who you lose too. You said he made fun of you and me?" She nodded as he gave a thoughtful face. "I see. Well then if that happened he might be taking it a bit more personally. But we all have to handle people who don't like us on our journies. The important thing is to know that their words don't mean anything." He smiled. "Everyone's amazing in their own way, and someone else's hateful words shouldn't affect how you grow. So don't worry about him. You know that little brother of mine. I think he might yet become a surprisingly great trainer!"
Wise words. Wise words that seemed to get to Gloria as she nodded, "Yeah...Yeah you're right!" She smiled. "Hop's too smart to let that get him down anyways! He'll make it to the top guarenteed!"
"That's the spirit! Blast! And look at the time!" He scanned the sun real quick before groaning. "Nearly forgot my meeting with the Chairman! That Oleana lets me hear it when I'm late! Now only if I can remember which way to go-"
"They're at his power plant." Leon turned to you in question and you pointed back up the way you came. "Go that way to the pokemon center, you can't miss the thing it's the only thing here that's bright pink. Then turn left and he's inside his power plant last time we saw 'em."
He blinked before smiling brightly at you. "Hey thanks, Y/n. It was really good seeing you again. And seeing how that sobble of yours grew." He patted Gloria who smiled at him in return. "And it was so good seeing you too. You're doing a great job so far! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Anyways, I'd say that you should go and say hello to Raihan while you're here, Gloria!"
You paused and Gloria's eyes widened in wonder. "HE'S HERE!?"
He laughed again and nodded behind him. "Yeah! In fact he was my ride back here. He's the greatest rival I've got and the final hurdle you'll have to face in the Gym Challenge. Besides me of course. He should be still at the vault if you hurry. It's down that way." He pointed directly behind him. "On the way to Route Six...At least I think that's where it is. I'm not too good with directions."
Leon suddenly looked behind him as a small group had already gathered. "Uh oh! I-I'll see you later girls!" With a final pat to Gloria's head he RAN!! And the crowd gave chase. "S-Say Hi to Hop for me when you see him again!"
In a moment you quickly grabbed Gloria and yanked her out of the way of the stampeding twelve people's way as the crowd gave chase after the running champion and you both watched as they passed you. "GEEZ!! Does that happen to him all the time?"
Gloria nodded grabbing your arm. "Way more times than I can remember. But come on!" With a smile she tugged you forward in the direction Leon pointed. "I've never met Raihan before! And even the Chairman said I should visit the vault!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Whoa there! I thought we agreed to find somewhere to rest for the night."
"But Y/n!!," she whined tugging you again sad frown on her face, "I'm curiously about what this vault is now! So we gotta check it out! And plus! This might be my only chance of meeting Raihan casually without havin' the stress of a battle on my shoulders! If he's as amazin' as Lee says then I gotta at least say Hi!"
Your frowned back. "Yeah. I'm kinda iffy about the whole flirting with me part! I've never been hit on before."
She looked surprised for a moment. "Really? But you're so pretty! That's hard ta believe."
"Thank you. I'm glad you think that but that's not the point. The point is I don't feel like getting hit on by a guy who takes selfies and by the looks of it is abnoxious!," You insisted. Plus he was in your dream too and you'd rather avoid anymore interaction with anyone from your dream outside Leon who was genuinely nice. You were getting flirty bad boy vibes by what you've heard and seen and that was not your ideal type of guy in mind.
"PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEE!?," she begged you tugging on your arm. "Please please please! I promise It'll be the only favor I ask ya! Please won't ya do it just this one time!!"
You groaned throwing your head back. Knowing her she wouldn't budge til she got what she was after. "....Fine! But at the first sign of trouble we're outta there!"
Immediately her face lit up and she squealed happily like any teen you knew from back home meeting a boy band they loved. "YES!! Thank you thank you thank you! You won't regret it I promise!!"
"We'll have to see about that," You mumbled but let her tug you along with a newfound skip in her happy step as you went. You were right. This was definately gonna be a LONG day!
You let her drag your already annoyed and sore self towards the way Leon had pointed out to you past the barber shop you two had passed by earlier and onto another draw bridge as you came across it. Brow raised as you passed by a second pokemon center, did this place really need two of them?? And past a few people as you went. At one point you duo passed a group of about four woman who were excitedly chattering at a blushing girl in the center who held a piece of paper in her hands red faced embarrassed as a person could guess....You had a scary sinking feeling you knew where they had just come from. And an even more scarier feeling when you found out you weren't wrong. Because all of a sudden Gloria stopped, making you bump into her, gasped wide eyed like she had just seen a ghost, grabbed your arm tighter, and pointed with the other hand in front of you both! Blinking you looked up...and suddenly wanted to curl up into a whole and never come back out. There he was. The third person from your dream. the undenyable orange badanna dragom gym leader of Hammerlocke himself, Raihan. He looked...Bored. Leaning up against two double doors, which you had guessed was the vault, and lazily scolling through his phone....But perked up when he felt eyes on him and glanced over in your direction. As soon as he made eye contact with you he smiled. AH HECK NO!! You turned to leave but there was a problem as Gloria still had a good grip on your arm so you yelped in panic when she went forward with a happy smile on her face, and Raihan leaned himself off the wall as you approuched. OH FRICK OH FRICK OH SWEEET BABY SOBBLES!!
"Oh. Hey there, Ladies!," he greeted a fanged smile sent your guys' way when Gloria dragged your wincing form right up to him. "Nice day for a walk. If it isn't the trainer endorsed by the champion. Let's see...What's your name again?" He hummed for a moment eye brow perked up in thought at the excited girl standing before him before snapping his fingers and pointing at her. "Ah right! Gloria! And if Leon himself recognized your potential then I guess you'll grow into quite the trainer."
You rose a brow. ...Well that polite compliment wasn't what you expected at first. But Gloria gasped finally letting go of your arm. "You know who I am!?"
He laughed this time. But not in a mean way, more of an amuzed way. "Are you kidding? All Leon ever talks about is you and your brother and Hop! And how amazing you kids are. All the same though, anyone wanting to challenge the mighty Raihan has to prove they're up to it by earning seven gym badges first."
...She blinked. "Oh uh..." Embarrassed she kicked her foot against the ground. "A-Actually I-I'm not here to challenge ya. I just wanted to m-meet ya in person and c-check out the vault of course!!"
"Ah so you're here to see our treasures are you?" Gloria nodded to him. "Gaining a better understanding of pokemon by studying history certainly isn't a bad idea." Your brows raised even more in surprise. "I like your spirit, Kid!" He nodded towards the doors laying a hand on them. "Follow me why don't you?" With a single push from his hands they opened and he went inside, well Gloria excitedly went in right after him and by default you too. Hey. He hadn't said a single flirty word. Maybe this would be tolerable. " The room he walked into was...Honestly very plain looking. There was two giant shelves covered in trophier, a few seats leaned against one corner, a staircase leading elsewhere, A woman manning a counter, and some kind of symbol plastored on the wall. Blinking back up when Gloria gasped. "I'll even spare you one of my league cards. Signed of course as for any fan." Now you realized why she gasped. He had just handed her one of his league cards and was smiling brightly at him which made him chuckle before lazily pointing up the staircase. "Now on you go. If it's the vault you want it's up those stairs there."
Gloria blinked for a moment looking towards the stairs then back to Raihan and smiled. "H-Hey Thanks!" Before turning and slowly walking her way towards the stairs, card in hand.
You sighed in relief. Thank goodness he kept it casual. You didn't know how you'd react if-
"And I didn't know Lee had such cute friends.~" Your eyes must've looked like those funny googily eyed stickers you'd buy from the store by how wide they looked when you snapped to him. And this guy just stared calmly with a polite smile...And. WINKED!! At you!
You stood there for a moment before your Drizzilie gave a loud warning chirp in his direction to which Raihan blinked at. Gave you enough time in his moment of confusion to BOLT your way to the stairs weight and aching pain be darned and scrambled after Gloria a weird feeling coming over you. "Remind me to give you a big dinner later as a thanks!" Your pokemon thrummed in approval and you made your way and into the..outside?? What the? You slowed down your pace as you got higher and higher. And dared to look down which was a HUGE mistake because you instantly felt a twisting feeling in your gut realizing how HIGH you were off the ground and without safety bars from just one flight of stairs alone. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you dared to continue up the stone steps towards a door at the top.
"Whatever happened to the sword and shield that drove off the disaster?"
You rose a brow as you walked forward more towards the familiar sounding female voice all the way towards the open door...No there's no way SHE would be here too! But alas when you walked right in. Your eyes widened. The room was MASSIVE!! High brick walls, giant windows, and four giant tapestries lined the front walls. One depicting two men under a light, the next the two men by what looked like a storm(??), the third them, the storm, and a sword and shield in the sky, and the last one of the two men as kings. Not sure what story it told but it looked heroic as in a fairytale. As your eyes trailed down to two women in the room one was obviously Gloria who was chatting with Sonia and the other. Was obviously...Sonia. You blinked wide eyed at the lady but was relieved to see her as you stepped in with a smile.
"Hey, Sonia!," You called out.
said red head looked at you and smiled as you walked over to her. "Hey! Y/n, I thought you couldn't be too far behind if Gloria was here." She paused seeing the little hitch hiker leaning on your shoulder that was your Drizzilie, as she pointed at him. "Hey. Is that who I think it is?"
You smiled and nodded. "Yep. Apparently he was closer to evolving that you guys thought. He ended up doing that when Gloria borrowed him for a battle. Still hungry as a snorlax tho." Drizzilie shot you a pouty look and you three girls ended up chuckling at his reaction. "Anyways what are you doing here? I thought you came here right after that dinner in Hulbury."
She waved a hand. "Well, yeah that was the plan at first, but I ended up staying with Nessa a bit to catch up and have some time with my friends." She sighed. "It's been so long since I saw them all. It was good catching up with her and everyone else again revisting our favorite spots. I lost track of time and ended up catching a ride with Lee and Raihan back here to see the vault." She turned back to the tapestries and you glanced up as she looked. "I-....Think I'm getting closer to solving the mystery behind the dynamaz origin but...the same thing happened to everyone else that researched this far into the story before giving up. Still too much mystery and not enough answers to fill in the blanks I'm afraid."
You nodded glancing up at the old things. "Yeah I get you. I'm trying to solve a mystery of my own too in a way." A mystery of how to get back home and helping Gloria finish the game's story plot was the one but you weren't about to admit that!
She looked at you. "Oh yeah? What kind of mystery?"
"The mystery of how long it takes before that guy down stairs decides to put the moves on me. Maybe he's like an an- uh pokemon and you have to play dead." She rose a brow. "Y'know that one saying. You have to play dead or else they'll pounce on anything that moves."
"PFFFT!!" Sonia Snorted. Snorted!! Before her hands flew up to cover her mouth as laughter shook her form and Gloria looked up from her phone confused. "I-I-I...Oh gosh! Ahaha! I-I g-guess you met Raihan??" She asked between small giggles.
"Met him!? I thought the guy was gonna try to make me a side dish for his next curry by how he looks at you! Does he flirt with everyone?"
Sonia giggled a bit more before shaking her head. "No! That's just how h-he is. He really is a sweet and caring guy once you get to meet the real him honest."
"Told ya," Gloria confirmed.
"Well I don't think I wanna be the 'princess' who gets kidnapped by the 'dragon' thank you. Hopefully he'll be too busy taking selfies when we go back to go Y/n hunting." That got Sonia chuckling again.
"I hear you, I was that way when I first met him too. I hope you find what you're looking for." She turned back to the tapetries. "I'm going to stay here and try to study these a little more."
You were not that lucky. Because as soon as you two descended the stairs and got back down to the ground floor, Raihan was still there ever present seeming to wait for you. Doesn't a famous Gym leader have OTHER things to do-....Oh right. Gloria said he usually had a lot of time on his hands this early into the challenge. You wanted to face palm yourself hard for forgetting so easily like that. Raihan however just smiled at you two and looked to Gloria.
"Well that was quicker than I thought it'd be?," he chuckled," Was the famous Hammerlocke vault to your satisfaction Lil miss?"
Gloria instantly nodded. "Yes! The tapestries are beautiful!"
He nodded in agreement. "And really old too. The tapestries in the vault depict the heroes of the Galar Region's past. I suppose if we've got any modern hero I'd have to be our Champion Leon." He hummed looking Gloria over a moment and you rose a brow at him. "...Hey. You want some advice from a Gym leader who's fought Leon for the Champion title lots of times?" Of course she nodded excitedly. "Then listen up, Gloria. Your goal is to defeat that superstar Leon. So go to Route Six and train yourself up along the way to Stow-on-Side. Bea's the fighting type gym leader, so the best way to beat her is to think like a fighting type trainer would. Train hard and I know you'll be able to do it!"
With a fist pump the brunette nodded. "Right! I won't let ya down Sir!"
He chuckled. "Now I see why Lee likes you so much. Ah. That reminds me." He turned to the door and pointed. "There was this lil man that looked a lot like you looking for you outside there. Maybe you know him?"
In an instant the girl snapped to the door, gasped, and ran off. "VICTOR!!" The doors slamming open as she flew through them with the speed and strength of a wild bull.
He laughed. "Ah. That kid has some spunk. I look forward to battling her soon." He then turned to you as you paused. "Anyways. I don't think I got your name Miss??"
"Y/n." you stated flatly, "And thank you for the compliments-"
"Ah thank nothing of it." He flashed a fanged grin at you, "I know how it can be sometime meeting me n' all that but it really is no big deal-"
"Oh you're right about that." He paused stopping, blinking wide eyed at your deadpanned face mouth agape in a smile as he processed what you had bluntly but politely stated. "You do seem REALLY nice and I really appreciate all the nice things you said to me and Gloria, but I'll have to stop you right there with the flirting, Mr. Raihan. No offense to you of course, and I don't mean anything by it." You turned giving the frozen gym leader one last look before you left. "You just aren't my type. I'm sure you'll find a nice person soon tho with your looks and charms. Have a nice day."
And you left, leaving the wide eyed Dragon Type Gym Leader standing there jaw dropped and the secretary at the desk who also looked shell shocked at what she had just witnessed. ....Raihan's rotom gave a loud pokemon sound of alarm when Raihan dropped his phone with a thud onto the floor. Meanwhile you had just gotten outside the vault and with a sigh looked around. Relieved THAT was over and done with. As you scanned you heard someone call your name and when you looked, saw none other than Victor waving an arm towards you. Smiling you happily made your way over to the equally smiling brunette boy.
"Hey! There you are! We've been running all over the place trying to find the two of you! And judging by the sun..We've been doing it all day too. Where were you guys??"
He sighed shaking his head. "It's...complicated, Y/n. We got here a little while ago, but we aren't staying. We're taking the night train tonight to Stow-on-Side."
You blinked. "Wow. Again? I'm gonna be up all day and night then-"
"No." He cut you off and made you pause, "Not all of us." He clarfied frowning and looking down. "Just me and Hop. He...has some things he wants to sort out."
"Sort out? What do you-" You looked around more. "Where is he?"
He pointed behind him down the ways towards Route Six. "Down that way. Gloria took off after him but I wanted to make sure she didn't forget you or anything."
You nodded patting his shoulder before beginning to walk off in the direction he pointed out with a feeling you knew exactly what this was about. Victor followed behind as you picked up your pace looking around for those two crazy kids-
"Then there's no point in us stickin' around!," A loud male voice cried out somewhere ahead....Both you two exchanged looks for a moment before picking up your pace and rushing forward, going around the corner and finding out exactly where the loud yell was coming from. You found Gloria and Hop alright. With their wooloo and raboot out and two of those weird Team Yell guys standing there by some snake looking pokemon. The man was the one who was yelling tho. "Let's get out of here! We'll make these bothersome kids holler some other day!" Was that a threat!? In an instant you began walking towards them again as the two make up caked clowns turned and ran off.
"Gloria..." Hop began turning and giving his friend a sad smile. "You and raboot were brilliant together!"
Gloria smiled holding up her pokeball to return said raboot. "Thanks! Wooloo n' ye have really gotten stronger since the last time I saw ya! Guess ya can say 'Woo hoo' to match your wooloo!" She giggled at her own terrible pun but....when Hop remained silent her giggles slowly faded as she looked at him...and she blinked. Uh oh. This couldn't have been a good sign. "Hop?" She questioned reaching a hand half way to him....He shook his head no looking down. "H-Hey. What's wrong?"
He remained silent for a moment. ".........Gloria." He began. "See..Bede really wiped the floor with me last time we battled." Oh boy you KNEW it would have something to do with that. "And don't get me wrong. I can take a loss. Battling means you've got to lose sometimes. ....But he said that I was dragging Lee's good name through the mud being so rubbish like I was..." WHAT!?
"WHAT!?," Gloria yelled out shocked. "HOP! That's not true! You've won every at every gym we've been too so far! Twice even before me. How does that make you any weaker than I am?"
"I know that!" He clenched his hands into fists at his side not looking up. "And I know what you said is true but ...I can't just let myself let my guard down and not improve. And I just can't get those words out of my head! If I'm weak, then people'll think Lee's weak too! But I don't want that! I can't let Lee get dragged down! He's the unbeatable Champion! I'm gonna have to take some time figuring this out.....I-I...Im sorry- AH!?" He blinked frozen as Gloria suddenly enveloped him in a hug...before his face broke up in bright pink from it...and he slowly hugged his friend back.
"Hop...You're NOT weak," she mumbled against where she hugged him, "You're smarter and stronger than ya think. And I don't want you givin' up."
"Heh. Who said I was giving up?," he asked with a chuckle, "If I just gave up now that would just prove Bede's point. And I came too far now to stop. I made a promise to you I'd battle you in the finals and I aim to keep that promise! This isn't me quitting, Glory. Just taking some time away to improve on some of my skills. That's all." She blinked as he pushed her away and gave her that bright smile of his. "If I'm going to beat you, then I need to prove that I'm a worthy rival. Alright?" ...She nodded eventually with a smile.
"Besides." Both of them snapped towards the two of you as you approuched. "If you ever really want to talk with us, you can call me or Hop on your Rotom phone at any time." Victor rose a brow as he crossed his arms and eyed where Hop was gently holding his sister's arms. "...Did I miss something?"
Hop blinked before instantly letting go beat red with a cough. "HEY! When did you-...*AHEM*" He rubbed his neck. "I-I was just saying see you around, Gloria!"
Victor hummed like he really believed him. "Rrrriiiiiggght. Anyways, Hop. It's getting close to sun down. If we wanna catch the night train out of Hammerlocke we should go now and wait at the station."
"UH!! R-Right!" He cleared his throat and turned to Gloria. "I-...I-I'll see you later, Glory. You can b-bet on that." Before quickly walking away past the both of you. "H-Hi Y/n. Nice seeing you again!"
Victor sighed and turned to follow. "Yeah. It was good seeing the two of you again. Don't forget. You have our Numbers, Gloria." He pointed back at her as he walked away. "Stay out of trouble! You hear?! And be prepared!"
"I know how to stay out of trouble ya loon!," she yelled back at him.
"Could've fooled me!"
Gloria stuck her tongue out at his retreating form and you chuckled. "What a loon. He's more chatty than a herd of hungry wooloo."
You shrugged. "I guess so..." You frowned a bit. "But on a serious note, are you ok?"
After a moment staring at where the two boys disappeared she sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I'm ok. There ain't really nothin' I can do about this anywho."
You suddenly had a guilty feeling come over you. "Hey...A-About what I had you do earlier with apologizing to Bede. I'm really sorry about that-"
She held up a hand to you and shook her head. "No." Her face a determined frown. "Nah you n' Victor were right. And so was Lee. I shouldn't make any trouble for myself by just pickin' fights. And Lee was right about there bein' people like Bede anyways. But I ain't gonna let his words get ta me. And I know Hop."...She smiled. "I cant explain it as anything but a friend's intution, but I know he'll be alright. He's too smart to let Bede keep 'em down for long. And Victor's with him. So I know he'll help him too."
You nodded smiling. Of course you knew Hop would be ok as well. "That's right. But hey. Victor told me they were heading to Stow-on-Side. We were heading there anyways, and there's some day light left. Why don't we drop by Hammerlocke Cafe for a quick dinner and start heading out before night fall?"
With a determined smile Gloria Nodded and pointed up. "Perfect idea! Let's eat! Then it's onto Stow-on-Side!!"
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
The Siren P2
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I drove following the directions my phone told me driving down this long curving road beside the sea so many little houses and buildings lined the way between the road and the ocean. The sounds of seagulls and fairground rides breaking through the sounds of the radio playing something I didn't know. The sweet smell of sea air and chips, I drove on following the directions seeming to leave the world behind me going further and further from the busy town down these kong winding roads. Even the little houses stopped now I could see the crisp blue sea down a long drop to the ocean many broken railings were no doubt people had lost control and ended up going to the bottom. I took a turn and I saw it.
Tall, striking sat beside a beautiful cove of crystal blue water and golden sand, the sky a muted grey, the old bricks without a flaw, large victorian windows with purple drapes behind them, a fountain at the front that the road went around with little water coming from it and an old carefully preserved mermaid statue in the centre seat on a rock brushing her hair. The sign on the twisted gate confirming I was in the right place 'The Siren's Bay' hotel, restaurant, and bar. With a smaller sign on the gate
'All non-hotel guests must be off site by 10'
That seems fair. I pulled my car up and saw a car park to the right so i parked up grabbing my stuff and walking over by az soon as I took a step on the marble I jumped seeing a man stood there he was old, a little withered in a pair of black suit pants a red button-down and some black suspenders, he had a bushy beard not too unlike Santa but with tones of grey
"Good afternoon," he said welcomingly
"Good afternoon. I uhh in ti-"
"We know. We've been expected you" he smiled “Come I’ll have someone tend to your things,” He said
“Okay” I nodded a little unsure this felt weird, I swear some kinda Stephen king shit kicks up I am fucking out of here. I followed him up the steps and through the wooden door to a rather nice little reception room with checkerboard stone floors and tall fictional features, the desk central in the room in front of a large staircase to the left was a doorway to a large bar and restaurant with views of the cove and to the right a glass door out to a terrace that overlooked the gardens even if they seemed a little worse for wear then in the pictures online
“We’re a little down at the moment out of the high season you see” He said
“Oh yeah, of course “I nodded going over to the desk with him and he did a little paperwork and handed over a key
“Feel free to use al our facilities during your stay, you’ll be up in room Thirteen” He said “If you can just sign?”
I nodded and signed on the paperwork taking my key “Thanks”
“Go on up, and I’ll have things taken to your room”
“Thanks very much” I nodded heading up the stairs.
I got to my door and unlocked it revealing a very nice room it was large and open with a small area for the fridge And some counter space, a beautiful for post bed with blue curtains some sheer and some less so, beautiful blue and white covers on the bed with so many pillows you could build a fort. A very vintage and stylish bathroom to the side with a bath and seperate shower
There was a lovely old sofa that looked out the large glass doors out to the balcony, I opened the doors pushing back the blue and white curtains and walking out onto the lovely balcony looking out across the sand and sea of the cove nowone down there and honestly it was a little chilly but this Tome of year I don't know what I expected. Soon enough the man from the front brought my things up I thanked him and began to unpack hanging my shirts on the little wardrobe and such as I was to be here a while once I had put everything where it needed to be I smiled and jumped on my bed getting cosy with all the soft covers.
I had myself a nice warm bath and got dressed I'm on holiday perfect Tome to dress up a little for dinner I got my dark blue suit pants on and my light blue button down on doing my hair a little before heading down to the restaurant it was actually fairly busy clearly a lot of local people come up for the evening there was a older woman at the bar washing a glass of I had to guess I'd have sad she was the wife of the guy I met this morning, I took a seat at the bar as that was all there was and she smiled at me "room thirteen?" She asks
"Yeah that's me" I nodded showing my key a moment as I still had it in my hand from locking my door
"Not many in the hotel itself. Most just come up for dinner" she says "I can do you a drink while you wait for a table?"
"Sure" I nodded going for my wallet but she laughed
"No charge sir, part of you staying you see" she says
"Okay. I'll uhh have a cider then" I smiled she did me the drink and I sat sipping It looking out at the beautiful ocean I noticed someone at the bar he seemed off. Sat looking at his drink and nothing else his glass in his hand inna vice like grip, he seemed old, tried, nervous. I made a note of him and continued to look around the very nice room when suddenly there was noise people where applauding I looked around a little confused why before I noticed at the edge of the restaurant by the windows was a raised area and there now stood a woman.
I was for a moment taken aback by her. She was… beautiful.
She stood there in a long blue dress with white petticoats peeking out from the skirt, a white belt on her waist, she had silver bracelets and a necklace with a blue crystal hung from her neck, a white headband in her purple curled hair, she had perfect make up with a bright red lipstick, and eye shadow that made looked like waves apon the sea, natural looking lashes and a glow on her cheeks that sparkled purple and blue she had quiet wide hips and rather voluminous breasts she smiled doing a little curtsy as she stood there setting a microphone up I smiled widely just watching her I don't know why but she made me feel so happy, so peaceful and relaxed music began and she began to sing, it was gentle, slow, sultry and perfect like an old lounge singer designed to make you smile and maybe dance to her songs, but I couldn't help watching her it was like the world went dark and only her and I existed as she sang, like she was singing only for me and it was heavenly.
Once it was over I felt strange, I felt empty like I'd been thrown back to reality and I didn't really want to leave everyone applauded her I did too and she went off somewhere else many getting up to leave now the song was over so I got my table for dinner sitting by the window with my cider looking over the menu as the place cleared out only one old couple in the corner and that weird guy at the bar still here
"Would you mind if I joined you?" A voice asked I looked up and saw that woman again now with a glass of rosé in her hand
"Ohh no not at all, I'd be delighted" I said offering her the other chair at my table she smiled and took it "your song was beautiful"
"Thank you" she smiled "I've not seen you before"
"No I uhh staying here for a holiday only came down this morning"
"I see. How do you like it so far?"
"It's amazing. In really waiting for someone to pull the rug out from under me it all feels too good"
"Well it's a nice place, I'm sure they'll be something somewhere" she smiled
We both ordered another drink and some food getting a sharing thing between us
"So, do you live around here?"
"I do. In the hotel"
"I see. You work here then?"
"As a cleaner. sometimes singing"
"I see well your song was beautiful I've never heard anyone like you"
"Thank you" she blushed her hand gently stroking the top of mine. I blushed a little so not use to having anyone… flirt with me well other than kelly at work but not like this. I couldn't deny I was interested in her she was beautiful and I couldn't stop looking at her breasts our food and drinks came and we spoke for a good while about the area, the hotel, the food.
"Sorry I uhh I don't even know your name"
"Y/n." She smiled
"Y/n? That's a very beautiful name" I smiled "Tom. Or Thomas. Either"
"Tommy" she giggled
"usual Don't allow that one" I told her
"Ohh sorry I'll-"
"But. I'll let you" I smiled giving her a little wink
"That's sweet of you" she smiled stroking her foot up my leg a little I smirked and did it back too stroking my foot on her ankle and a little up her leg as we finished our food and our drinks
"So you have another song to sing?"
"No just one tonight, nothing left to do likely just go back to my room"
"Yeah me too."
"I could always. Come and keep you company?"
"Company? In my roo- oh."
She shrugged and smiled at me
"Yeah sure I uhh I'd love some company"
"Which room?"
"I'm room thirteen"
"I'll see you later then" she smiled getting up giving my head a kiss and heading out into the hotel as soon as I knew she was gone I pretty much bolted up to my room...
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