#and i hope we won't forget that. won't let anyone have that kind of power and influence ever again
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maddascanbe-blog · 5 months
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Miracu-class girls are done! It took less time than I initially anticipated, thank goodness. Let's talk re-write's and re-designs shall we?
Sabrina so freaking cute, give the girl her hat. It was probably a gift from Chloe. For her redesign I thought she would be the kind to dress in cute blouses and flowy skirts. She has tennis skirts in every color for every occasion. As for her re-write- anyone who saw how I changed Chloe probably will guess that their dynamic is drastically changes as well.
Sabrina met Chloe when they were in their tween years, Officer Roger having worked security for the Bourgeois on multiple occasions. One day he had to bring his daughter into work and Chloe found her wandering the halls. When a kidnapper tried to abduct Chloe, Sabrina sprayed him with pepper spray her father gave her and then kicked him in the dick for good measure. Chloe then declared that Sabrina should be her full-time body guard, and she technically is being paid to hang out with Chloe. But Sabrina would have done it with or without the money since Chloe is actually very endearing once you figure out how she works.
Alix is next! Alix's violently pink hair could not be ignored, so I kept it (albeit a little less saturated) Also she is in fact still short. Her outfits are probably all variations of sports gear unless she has an event to attend at the museum. I also tanned her up since I imagine she spends a lot of time outside, girl is sunburnt. She is actually a year ahead in history, having gotten too bored with junior level classes. So she's friends with some of the seniors too. I won't get into Bunnix anytime soon but- let's just say it's a lot more tragic than cannon would ever admit. The rabbit's powers are changing, and Alix still has to live with that.
On a lighter note, Juleka, as stunning as ever. Tall queen. She is a year behind since her lack of participation in classes ultimately tanked her grade in several subjects. Her band director was more then happy for her to stay an extra year though, since she is trained classically as well as electrically on the bass. She may not like talking, but she has little fear of performing when the music can do the talking. Her twin brother actually graduated early, and he's working now to help pay for the band the two want to start. Her design doesn't change much from her cannon one other than the fact I switched her ripped leggings for lace ones. I imagine she actually has many outfits in this color pallet, since Chat Noir quickly becomes her favorite hero.
Mylene, okay the change I made here is pretty obvious. I debated for a long time on whether or not I change her skin tone. And when I did the line art? Wasn't planning too. But changed my mind last second, since I thought it helped the color pallet more. This would imply she is mixed, with her dad looking pretty much the same as cannon. it's hard to tell her unless you look closely but I gave her freckles that just cover every inch of her. She is Sunkissed. He character isn't super different, she is still easily startled, but she knows what she believes and will fight for it no matter what.
And finally, Rose! The lovely Rosey! The flower child! Her nonspecific illness still definitely happened, but I like to think she has actually recovered. I do not know enough about most chronic illnesses to make any sort of specification on what she has so nameless headache disease it is! She struggled a lot as a kid, but now she's planning to start a non-profit to help kids who are going through hard times of their own. She definitely still has her down days, the fact that she nearly died so young is not something she is quick to forget. But she will do whatever she can to give other people hope, sinee she knows all too well what it feels like to be hopeless.
As for her design, she had a bucket of pink upturned on her. She did have to have her hair shaved as an affect of her illness but now it's growing back faster than ever. She gets it cut every time it gets past a certain length to donate it.
Luka is next!
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hell-drabbles · 20 days
Mock-up Card 1
Basically it's just an L Card with the Embittered Companion and Lucifer working together because my brain is stuck on that for some reason? It's weird. Anyways, when you activate the Ultimate Skill of this card, you switch to either Lucifer or the Embittered Companion. A sort of, two-in-one card. Embittered Companion is all about dealing damage while Lucifer is all about healing. There's a boost to their ATK for a good while after switching. Don't ask about the numbers, I didn't think of them at aaaall.
Also I don't have it in me to write prose right now, so here be lines!!!
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[First Encounter]
YOU: Hey. It's been how many years? You know, since I last took up a weapon to chase people away? It's pretty nostalgic, honestly. LUCIFER: …are you already forgetting what you promised us? YOU: I'm not gonna charge in head first, you two. Get off my ass.
[Level Up]
YOU: What I lack… LUCIFER: I'll make up.
YOU: It would be nice, to have less lives lost. LUCIFER: But all we can do is continue on, until the very end.
[Ultimate Skill 1]
YOU: Go ahead and take a nap, Lucifer.
[Ultimate Skill 2]
LUCIFER: Sit. Rest. You're bleeding.
[Upon Death]
YOU: I'm still shit at keeping promises huh? LUCIFER: It's not your fault. Let's go.
[Victory 1]
YOU: Glad to see you've been focusing on the task at hand, Ra-on. Well, battle's over, so you can do whatever the hell you want.
[Victory 2]
LUCIFER: This is something to celebrate about, isn't it? …yes, you'll be invited to the party.
LUCIFER: A mortal body such as their's does not deserve to have injuries like this. Keep quiet, they'll wake up. I know they will.
[Lobby Interaction 1]
YOU: It's kind of funny to me that, after all that, my normal body hasn't really changed one bit. Still the same strength, still the same weaknesses. LUCIFER: It doesn't make it any less remarkable to me. YOU: So you and Ra-on say. Well, I've been in this body longer than anyone, so I wouldn't know what to be impressed by. Everything about this body is just uninteresting to me. Doesn't make me any less happy that I'm back in it, though.
[Lobby Interaction 2]
YOU: Hmm? What are you staring at us for, Ra-on? We that good of a sight? …happy, huh? Yeah, I suppose Lucifer and I make each other pretty happy. Don't discount yourself though, buddy. Wouldn't be in the place that I am without your help.
[Lobby Interaction 3]
LUCIFER: Your hands. Let me see them. YOU: Huh? Alright, but why? LUCIFER: Ra-on told me you forgot about your blisters. YOU: Oh. Oh! No, yeah I did forget. Whoops. But hey, at least I'm wearing gloves this time around, so they're not that bad. None of them popped, so they should heal nicely.
[Lobby Interaction 4]
LUCIFER: If you wanted to destroy Heaven, would you? I wouldn't blame you if you answered 'yes.' YOU: …maybe a younger, more freshly wounded version of myself would've said yes, but as I am now, no. The fate of Heaven is not mine to control. I can only control the distance between me and that place. Besides, I'll hold onto hope that the angels will eventually weed out that sickening need to be superior.
[Lobby Interaction 5]
LUCIFER: Shh. They haven't rested well last night. Whatever it is you want to ask, save it for later. Hmm? Mm. Yes, they're… still haunted by everything. Not even in sleep can they be allowed to escape. A curse that not even my powers can relieve.
[Lobby Interaction 6]
YOU: You know, I haven't heard the name Solomon in a while. Did you finally put your foot while I was away, Ra-on?
[Lobby Interaction 7]
YOU: Another angel almost snatched me up today. Even in this human form they hate so much, they still want to whisk me up right back to that suffocating cradle. Thanks for the warning by the way. LUCIFER: While we were all once siblings connected through our love for God, I won't allow them to repeat that torture. If I must make my words absolute, then I will.
[Lobby Interaction 8]
LUCIFER: Have you adjusted yet? YOU: To what? LUCIFER: To your lack of extra limbs. To that body of yours. Is there any pain? Any noises that want to invade your eyes and ears? YOU: …There's nothing. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm missing something, but it's all blissfully silent.
[Lobby Interaction 9]
LUCIFER: Do you have no intention of staying here? YOU: I have no intention of ever forgetting you, Lucifer. But, I can't stay here. This is not my home. Our home, is right where Minhyeok is. Where our beloved earth is. Hell is nice, but I'm pretty sure Ra-on and I miss the comfort of our home's air.
[Lobby Interaction 10]
YOU: Lucifer? LUCIFER: Yes? YOU: If, one day, I decide to visit, would you welcome me? LUCIFER: …always. A small visit, or a promise to dedicate our existences to one another, I'll welcome it all the same.
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dolceaspidenera · 9 months
About Astarion, Cazador, and what it means to be bad.
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In Italian the word "bad" is translated as "cattivo", whose etymology derives from the Latin captivus, prisoner. I think our ancestors had profound wisdom when it came to understanding human nature, generally speaking, most people who are considered "bad" often act like that and hurt others because they are prisoners of their own hurt and fears.  This does not mean that they are justified in their actions, of course, at the end of the day we are all responsible for our behaviors, and trying to understand why someone may act a certain way does not equal to justify them. 
Astarion's story revolves around overcoming trauma and hurt to not repeat the cycle of abuse. 
On one hand, there's Ascendant Astarion, who loses himself and his humanity, in favor of his hunger for power. A hunger that is fueled by fear, and the conviction that he can only count on himself and only the ones who have power are safe and free to do whatever they want. 
"One last thrust and I'll be free of you. I'll never have to fear you again. But if I finish the ritual you started, I'll never have to fear anyone, ever."
In reality, he becomes shackled to his fears, never truly free to move on, to face his trauma and overcome it. He will forever be watching his back, paranoid and worried about being betrayed. He becomes what he has always feared and hated, he is now the monster that haunted his nightmares, and the cycle repeats.
Before Astarion, there was Cazador, who succumbed to his own hurt and trauma and ended up perpetuating the abuse. He too was tortured by his master, Vellioth, and punished by being impaled for 11 years when he rebelled, not even for the rebellion itself but because he failed. Cazador too was just a victim in the beginning, but eventually turned into a monster himself.
“The boy I was, the man I became, the monster that will not end. I sleep, but cannot rest, I live, but cannot die. I am eternal, and I grieve.”
It's even more telling when you realize that Cazador probably saw himself in Astarion, every time he looked at him he was reminded of his old self, whom he perceived as pitiful, powerless, and detestable, all his unresolved traumas were thus projected onto Astarion, who was made a scapegoat and punished. (NB This is not to pity or humanize Cazador, by the time you get to confront him, he is a full-blown-out psychopath, and he needs to go down).
On the other hand, we have Astarion as a spawn, who was able to reject the ritual. He recognized that the power on offer wasn't going to set him free. 
"I know you think this will set you free, but it won't. This power will trap you, just like it trapped Cazador."
He retains his soul, his humanity, and by facing his fears he is able to let go. He is now able to see that true strength does not come from a dark and twisted power like the one the ritual offers, it does not come from dominating others and from hurting them before they hurt you in an endless cycle of pain and vengeance, but it comes from within. It's the strength to be kind, to be forgiving toward ourselves and others, the strength to hope and be open and vulnerable, to let others in and take the chance to see if there are others out there with a big heart like Tav's. To live again is to care again. He realizes that he is enough, just the way he is, and he can finally start the healing process. The cycle is broken, and he is finally free.
"But you saw something else in me - someone else I could be. Someone who could break the cycle of power and terror that started centuries ago."
"You saved me from myself and let me walk a path where I can be free. Truly, honestly free. This is a gift, you know. Thank you - I won't forget it."
(I know most of these things were already discussed, but I had to share my thoughts. I love it when even the etymology of words that we usually use without thinking too much makes sense and everything comes full circle.)
Thanks to @myopic-skull for letting me borrow his super cool photo of Astarion being a glorious regal cat
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tokiro07 · 7 months
Undead Unluck ch.182 thoughts
[Might as Well be Sittin' on the Sun]
(Contents: slight Fuuko analysis, power-scaling, speculation)
Okay, so maybe we won't be learning the Master Rules' names any time soon, but to be fair, I did kind of see that coming. After all, this was so clearly meant to be a parallel to the introduction to the Union in ch.8 and 9, and back then, we only learned three out of eight names (Tatiana, Billy and Nico), so it only seems fair that we only learn one new name here (Luck, in this case)
Speaking of parallels, Fuuko's dual rapid-firing to mirror Andy's Finger Bullets was sick, and I hope just a sample of the kind of things Fuuko can do as a gunner. Still waiting to see what the revolver Artifact's ability is, or its name for that matter!! Considering that we're introducing the (presumably) final team of antagonists and Fuuko has made it clear that the team isn't currently up to snuff to take them on, she's definitely going to need some kind of upgrade, and giving her a secondary ability seems like a great way to do that
Also, absolutely insane that Sick is the weakest of the Master Rules, and apparently by a wide margin given how everyone else was picking on him. Poor guy, falling asleep and slumping both forward and back because he's literally and permanently cut in half. That's kind of like what I end up doing while writing these posts late at night
Master Rule I questions Fuuko's motives, and we get to see another great, if subtle, Fuuko face: with a gentle smile and absolutely dead eyes, Fuuko claims that it would have been convenient for her if her bullets had reached the Master Rules, as they would have taken them all out instantly (I guess the 60-year range was one that Fuuko was really attached to, cus even 44 didn't actually kill UMA Heat). That look is simply unsettling, as I think it's the only time that Fuuko has ever said anything about intending to kill anyone or anything. She definitely isn't enjoying it, it's simply a matter-of-fact statement, but she also knows that it would mean an end to their struggles, so while it would be unfortunate in its own way, it would be the objectively best outcome
M.R. I immediately learns to appreciate Fuuko's best charm point, the fact that she's an actual lunatic behind her cute face, and offers one piece of information. Fuuko, of course, chooses to learn Andy's location, fearing the worst since he could only send a clone. We then learn that for hundreds of millions of years, Andy has been chilling on the surface of the sun, using his soul to trap the Master Rules inside
God damn, Tozuka, you told us that Victor was alone billions of years waiting for Juiz and then you said "well Andy's gotta do something more impressive!" Well you succeeded, sir, sitting in place on a ball of plasma that should completely atomize you for millions of years is definitely more intense than hanging around and fighting dinosaurs, or at least a more striking snapshot
I don't imagine I was alone in thinking that Andy and Ruin have been playing cat and mouse for the last 2 billion years, but the fact that at some point Andy found his way to the god damn SUN and just decided to park it really speaks to his willpower and commitment. I wonder if he checked out for it like Victor said he did when the Earth was just uninhabitable magma. I get the feeling that he didn't, since he was able to consciously launch a clone down to Earth, so...yeah, confirmed, I guess, Andy's been present the whole however many millions of years he's been there
Oh, and let's not forget the distance. 92 million miles, eight light minutes away, and Andy was able to accurately fire one of his fingers down to Iseult Hospital in France in the middle of the Sick fight. I don't know if his soul gives him some kind of clairvoyance like how Fuuko saw everything that happened to Andy while she was dead, but no matter how you look at it, that's some firing power!!! Sure, he's got infinite fuel by regenerating his blood repeatedly, but he's still gotta travel nearly 100 million miles with enough force to escape the gravitational pull of the GOD DAMN SUN!!! If Google is to be believed, Andy's finger bullet had to have been moving over a 1.38 million miles an hour just to reach escape velocity, though if he reached Earth in a matter of minutes, then I guess that's a pretty low bar to clear, huh?
I'm moving on from this topic, but I want it to be clear that aside from perhaps any given movement from Sun, this may well be the grandest display of power that we've ever seen in this series, and it's a surprisingly subtle one. No wonder Andy could only maintain the clone for a minute: the finger bullet was probably already around for at least ten. Hell, it definitely explains why this was "spreading his soul too thin"
Now that we've seen all of the Master Rules close-up, now I'm willing to speculate on what their identities might be
As with most people, I'm decently confident that 1 is Death, but with 2 "[reeking] of blood and guts" and being close to Luck, fans have taken to the possibility that 2 is Death to parallel with Andy and Fuuko's relationship. @your-zipper-is-down suggested that 1 might be Life or Humanity, which would definitely be interesting; for Death to be a Rule, that all living things must die, then logically there must be a preceding Rule that living things exist at all. That said, the existence of humanity might be independent of the Rules, but we'll find out sooner or later
If 2 isn't Death, then the most likely reason that she's so smelly is that she might be Pain, as alluded to by Ruin about 80 chapters ago. I think that would fit her religious visual theme pretty well, as self-flagellation and other forms of deliberate pain are commonly associated with religion. I'm also curious if those lizard-eye decals on her habit are actually her real eyes since she never seems to open the ones on her face
3 is Sex, I don't think anyone disagrees with that
We've established that 4 is Luck, which I imagine is because aside from Death, Luck is the concept most heavily associated with bringing death in the series (4 being a symbol of death). The real fun thing, though, is that Luck has a bandage on her right cheek, whereas Fuuko has one on her left! Does the bandage itself hold any significance? Does it simply serve as a visual indicator that she's Fuuko's opposite, or is there a deeper metaphysical connection between them that forces them to act as mirrors to each other? Unrelated, I imagine that Luck's halo is meant to represent the Wheel of Fortune, and likely plays into how she uses her powers
5 has a knight theme, and my best guess for that is either that it has something to do with defense/survival, like UMA Guard to represent survival instincts, or UMA Justice
6 is War. Guy looks like he uses napalm face wash, that's War.
I originally guessed that 7 would be Luck since he looks like a gambler, but now that we know this isn't the case, I'm assuming that the pocketwatch indicates that he's UMA Time. I've seen it suggested that he's UMA Past, but I really doubt that Juiz, a septuagenarian Nico and Phil were able to capture a Master Rule by themselves when Fuuko's Union couldn't beat number 10. Just doesn't seem right to me
8's design is really interesting, as she seems to be wearing a crown shaped like a ruined tower. This immediately makes me (and others like @bubhbuhlmao) think of the Tower of Babel, suggesting that she may be UMA Language, but again, could the Nico of Loop 100 really kill a Master Rule by himself? It's possible, but I don't buy it. She could be Knowledge, though that seems pretty similar to Information, so I don't know if Tozuka would want that much of an overlap. Intelligence? Wisdom? We'll see. However, given that she's wearing ruins, I do think it would be interesting if she's UMA Ruin and God just had really bad naming sense when creating our boy Unruin Ruin
9 is almost definitely Animal or Beast or something like that, but I stand by the extremely funny possibility that he's the real Clothes and Clothy is his Junior. That idea absolutely kills me
I do wonder if the Master Rule fights are going to be individual arcs like the Seasons or if it's going to be a team vs. team match like Union vs. Under, but either way, the introduction of a whole team of Master Rules definitely gives the impression that the end isn't as close as I thought. We still have a few more recruits to get, Ruin and Seal are definitely still going to be a problem, we have to clear the ten Master Rules, and only then can we fight Sun, and for all we know we still might have to fight Luna
In other words, I'm starting to think fouryearsandananime might have been a conservative estimate
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tadpolejourney · 2 months
Day 13
Shadowheart was pretty fucking harsh to me this morning about taking the tadpole power. I was going to apologize to her about standing her up last night, but she'd probably try to club me to death if I did that. She hates me now, I think. If that is the case I fucking deserve it.
Wyll expressed similar disgust with me. Thanks, buddy. Heard you loud and clear. Sarcasm aside, he's been very morose and withdrawn since Mizora punished him and I can understand that even if I have no idea how he feels. I'm doing my best to not take today's comment from him personally. It's not going well, but I'm trying.
It seems Gale, Astarion, and I will be the only ones consuming any other tadpole powers we find until we get to Moonrise and cure ourselves. More for us, I guess.
So Lae'zel and Astarion are banging now. That's a thing. Or at least they did last night and Lae'zel wants to go back for more. I can't help but feel like I encouraged that by rejecting them both. I know they each propositioned me first, after all. But they also know I won't tell anyone else that... Astarion didn't tell anyone, purposely. The two of them were definitely very stealthy about it, and I would not have known it actually happened unless someone told me. So I bet he thought Lae'zel would be silent too. She wasn't. At least not to me. The final litmus test to measure my regret. Sorry, Lae'zel, I don't regret turning you down.
Halsin and I spoke for a long time this morning. I apologized for coming on too strongly last night. He let me know in other circumstances it would be, as Gale would say, 'Most welcome'. I told him to forget it ever happened. He told me about a shadow curse on the lands leading to Moonrise, which is also the path to Baldur's Gate from here. He knew about this but he let the tieflings go? I didn't ask, because somehow I think he didn't even think about it. I think he failed to make the connection entirely. I refuse to believe he would be that malicious, because I truly don't think he is. I know I haven't known him for very long, but he has had many opportunities to be an asshole already, and he's only ever been kind in a way that feels genuine. I think he has a good heart, and that he wouldn't want the tieflings to die.
I can only hope they survive. There were so many children, and they've already been through so much.
In one twenty four hour period I guaranteed I will be stringing no one along. People always get weird when they're constantly surrounded by death. And when you throw a group of hot, talented, and single adults into a pile that's also surrounded by danger and death, there's bound to be a few shared bedrolls, crossed boundaries, crushes, and mistakes made, I suppose. I hope there are no hard feelings, and if there are that we can at least talk about them. I really do feel terrible. I hate rejecting people, because I know how it feels to be rejected in some of the worst ways a person can be rejected.
I also feel relieved now. Safer. I feel like now maybe I can work on getting over Gale.
I guess Volo is intent on sticking around. He invited himself to do so, after all.
Short day today. We needed it. Went and finally had a good long bath, washed all my clothes. I cooked for everyone for once. Hopefully that helped make up for at least some of my assholery last night.
<<< Days 11-12 | Index | Day 14 >>>
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jaimebluesq · 6 months
not exactly a fic request just kind of a creepy imagine-this if you wanna keep it in your pocket.
there's a video game where one of the villains is SO obsessed with your character that while infiltrating his palace, you come across a torture chamber where all the corpses are under an illusion that makes them look like your character, each one killed a different way, and with a chair and plate of delicacies for someone to watch.
imagine how much it would fuck with meng yao's head when wen ruohan leads him to the fire palace and the first torture room they enter is full of mingjues and huaisangs.
Ooooooooooooooh. I'm all for Nie & Wen obsessions with one another, and I can see this as a tangent from WRH's obsession/hatred of Daddy Nie, and the things he targets the most in the fake NMJ & NHS are things they share with their father, etc etc. And poor Meng Yao, coming to this and seeing it, having gotten to know both Nie bros in person, and most of him is absolutely horrified, but a perverse little part of him is tantalized because he's also developed a mild obsession with the Nie (MY: "I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"), and though he would never actually wish harm upon them, the torture room gives him the perfect outlet for some of his angers/frustrations - and also those dirty little sexual fantasies we would never admit to anyone else but harbour deep inside ourselves.
But reading this, my brain then went to the next place it would go, which is... what if it isn't WRH that has that torture room. What if, after NMJ's death, JGY is making his way through the Unclean Realm after having helped NHS with something he said he didn't know how to do, and he takes a hallway he rarely took, and through some accident finds a hidden door and falls through (very convoluted, just humour me). And he comes upon the kind of torture room you described, and every single corpse has been glamoured to look like JGY. He sees his own dead face staring up at him, blood spattered on surfaces everywhere, some of it used to write "Brother-murderer" and "I hope Da-ge watches you rot for what you did", and there is NO hiding the sheer amount of rage exhibited in this room. JGY looks at it and remembers how mere minutes ago, NHS was sniffling and begging for his help, and how NHS has NEVER shown signs of such anger or signs that he even suspected that JGY had killed NMJ.
And then, just as JGY is about to turn and run, the door slams shut.
"This isn't how it was supposed to go," Nie Huaisang says, his voice light but his face the darkest Jin Guangyao had ever seen it. "I haven't gathered enough evidence yet to turn the world against you. I was supposed to destroy EVERYTHING YOU EVER HELD DEAR!"
Jin Guangyao takes a nervous step back, his hand reaching for the handle of his sword at his waist.
"And I still haven't found all the parts of my brother's body yet. I needed to find them, so he could watch you pay for what you did."
"I don't know what you think I did," Jin Guangyao tries desperately, "but A-Sang-"
Nie Huaisang pulls a talisman from his robes and activates it. There is a clanking and rustling sound before four chains slither to Jin Guangyao and wrap around his arms and legs, pulling him backward against a damp and foul-smelling stone wall.
"Don't A-Sang me," Nie Huaisang growls, sounding almost exactly like his brother. "You could have had more years to enjoy before I destroyed you, but no, you had to find this room."
"You can still let me go! I won't tell a soul, and we can forget any of this happened." Jin Guangyao pulled at the chains, even tried to gather his qi to break them, but there was a power to them that was beyond his comprehension. How had weak and pathetically cultivated Nie Huaisang managed such a feat?
But then, had Jin Guangyao ever known the real Nie Huaisang?
"I can't do that, San-ge." Nie Huaisang stalked forward with measured steps, his eyes never leaving Jin Guangyao's face. "I can no more let you go than you can bring me my brother back."
Knowing he could not get out of this, Jin Guangyao did the only thing he could do - gathered his dignity around him like a cloak, and hope that Nie Huaisang made a mistake he could take advantage of. "So what are you going to do... kill me?"
The corner of Nie Huaisang's lips curled up. There was movement behind him, and Jin Guangyao realized that there was something approaching him, something that gleamed in the nearby candle-light.
"Oh no, San-ge." Nie Huaisang lifted up his right hand, and the huge saber easily slid into his waiting palm. "Death is far too good for you. But don't worry, I've been practising, and you'd be surprised just how much pain a person can suffer without dying."
Jin Guangyao swallowed hard.
"And," Nie Huaisang added with a sneer, "Baxia is hungry."
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lu3ky777 · 6 months
“It’s because I love you Himiko~”
A line that’s stuck with me for a while, soooo… how about post game where Himiko finds Kokichi, she plans to be romantic… but walks in on him jerking his huge pillar of dickmeat. Next thing she knows, shes twerking the fattest ass in Hope’s peak over him in hope that shes good enough~
(I went a little crazy with this one! So enjoy~)
Himiko had gone to Kokichi's room since she was hoping to ask him on a date, she was a relatively flat girl. She hardly had any tits or ass to speak of unlike the other girls of her class who were all pretty thick, especially Miu who teased her for this relentlessly. She was super thick and hot and tall and- but she had Magic, and that's better than all those things! But as Himiko put her hand on his door she heard… strange sounds, intense slapping sounds. So she cast a *stealth spell* on herself and slowly opened the door, where she saw Kokichi beating his enormous fuckrod. She stared at the huge intimidating thing for what felt like days but was only a few minutes, there was no way she could take it… “S-so big~” she whispered to herself as she stared. B-but maybe she could cast a s-stamina spell on herself to make her take it!  
Having decided she would use the spell and fuck him right there, she started trying to cast the spell. But the spell worked for once!!! Maybe too well, it made her breasts massively expand as they became bigger than even Miu’s breasts! Her ass rapidly expanded to becoming even better than Celestia's Pale Massive assglobes. Her thighs had become better than anyone she could compare them to, annoyingly though she didn't get any taller. But now she was surely more than enough to take him! However as she walked into his room she realized her stealth spell wore off as she fell onto her face, her ass stuck up into the air as she groaned “Ugh…” Kokichi was surprised, but snicked “Oh Himi- What- Why do you look li-” “I told you I'm a Mage!!! I've already casted my seduction spell!” She stood up as her clothes that were already barely holding her outfit together broke in comedic fashion as she was now naked. 
Kokichi tried to lie to her “N-no I'm not-” Himiko quickly jumped into the air and landed on his bed, she placed her enormous cockcrushing ass on his cock as she started rapidly twerking on his cock as Kokichi started moaning loudly. “Himiko~ your so good at this~” “Of course I'm. A MAGE!!!” She forgot to close the door to Kokichi's room so everyone could hear Kokichi's moans and the extremely loud slaps and plaps of the assjob. Himiko kept going and going getting faster and harder as she felt Kokichi's cock twitch like it was charging up some kind of powerful spell, then it unleashed a huge blast of cum all over his floor. “Himiko your so good at this~” Himiko blushed but quickly twerked wildly in front of his face “F-forget that, we still have more sex to get through” 
Vaginal sex: Himiko rode him at what felt like superhuman speeds, she slammed up and down to milk load after load from him. Loud sounds echoed in the halls of his room of slamming, clapping, and Kokichi's moans and voice “HIMIKO!!! I'M LOSING MY MIND~~~” “Kokichi, you know that as a mage I can't go any softer!” She spoke in a cute tone as she milked Load after Load of his cock, expertly letting him cum all over his room and walls before continuing her assault on his cock (17 loads)
Hand jobs: Himiko was rapidly jerking off the huge cock as she kissed and licked his balls, pleasuring his huge mana crystals like they needed attention immediately. Her hands were magically soft and felt amazing around Kokichi's massive bitch breaker. He was constantly cumming like a hose, most of it shot out of the room filling the outside hallway with cum making an unmissable flood outside his room. “HIMIKO~ C-CAN WE PLEASE TAKE A 5 MINUTE BREAK~~~” “No way~ If I stop for even a second I might lose my mana, then I won't be able to keep my spells up!” She spoke momentarily then went back to worshipping his nuts (28 loads)
Thigh jobs: Himiko rapidly milked loads of cum from him with her thighs as she loved the feeling of his cock in between her thighs cumming load after load all over his room. Her thighs were Smoother than what felt physically possible and it allowed for one of the best sensations of his entire life. Even with her not going super fast or hard, he came like he never imagined possible. “HIMIKO HOW AM I STILL CUMMING?” “I made sure to cast a refill spell on your balls Kokichi~” “IT FEELS LIKE IT'S DRAINING MY WHOLE BODY INTO MY COCK~” “W-well magic has side effects… Do you like it?” “YESSSSSS~~~” he practically screamed as he unleashed another load. (46 loads)
Anal: Kokichi was currently fucking her ass like he had never fucked anyone before, slamming into her ass intensely and quickly as he felt like he was going crosseyed. Her ass felt so good and it felt like she was the absolute Queen of Ass~ Himiko had used a spell to force Kokichi to fuck her ass at max power, even gave him a power spell to make do it better. She moaned loudly as Kokichi drilled her ass. Kokichi either didn't notice or didn't care that there was currently a huge crowd outside his room watching the two lovebirds fuck like animals. “HIMIKO!!! I'M CUMMING!!!” He pulled out and came all over the other side of his room that, before Anal wasn't covered in cum but now was. (94 loads
Blow jobs: Himiko was currently sucking Kokichi's huge bitchbreaker like a vacuum, which she had been doing for nearly 3 hours now. Kokichi was moaning loudly as she sucked him better than anyone “HIMIKO!!! YOU'RE SOOOOOOOO~~~ GOOD~~” Kokichi was currently sitting on his bed and Himiko was so short she could suck his cock standing up. As Kokichi had came 139 times from blowjobs alone, and he made it 140 as he came a huge load down Himikod stomach which she drank eagerly. Kokichi heard a voice in his head that was Himikod voice “I'm a very powerful mage~ what can I say?” (140 loads
Boob jobs: Himiko was laying on the bed as Kokichi stood up straight, thanks to Himikos magic Kokichi was still rock hard. So she rapidly shoved her goddess tits on his cock and rapidly moved them around to pleasure him intensely, as if she was Miu. But Kokichi felt that she was better than Miu and the sheer size of her breasts made him confident he was right… At least maybe he would think that if he wasn't getting his mind constantly blown by Himiko. “HIMIKO!!! FASTER~ HARDER~” “I'm glad you're finally loving my magic Kokichi~” She started going 100 times faster and harder on him as she stuck her tounge out to drink the whole incoming flood of cum. (200 loads)
31 hours later and the room was filled with cumstains and the smell of sex. Himiko was Giving Kokichi another assjob, which he had came to for the 499th time as he screamed “HIMIKO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!” “I LOVE YOU TOO KOKICHI!!!” she screamed too as she rapidly increased her pace and strength as she made out with Kokichi. A few minutes later and they both screamed each other's names as Kokichi came his largest load yet as it looked like a white Lazer beam and shot outside the door onto the perverted watchers. Amount the watchers were Miu and Kaede, who both looked like they wanted to take a piece of Kokichi. Kokichi wasn't interested as he spoke “Hey Perverts!!! Leave me and my girlfriend alone!!!” Another lie that they were dating but Himiko was hoping that it would soon be true~
(I decided this was so good that I'm going to make a magic Himiko plot so feel free to send asks about that!) (Also, something something the real magic was true love idk)
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tieflingtareon · 8 months
My love, are you the devil? (Oh, call me a devil)
Chapter 18 | Words: 5.6k
Summary: Astarion found himself often surprised by his heroic companion. He had one goal. To become the favoured companion of the group, to earn the Tieflings loyalty, to make Tar'eons strength his own. Yet Tar'eon isn't like the usual target of his manipulations. Despite his naivety, he does not seem gullible. There is something very wrong with their 'leader' to begin with. Astarion isn't sure if he wants to control it or eradicate the threat it posed. But can he really do either when Tar'eon himself seems so...unwaveringly kind?
That devil is getting into his head, while others get into Tar'eons. He doesn't appreciate not having the upperhand after years of being at the disadvantage. He will find a way to make him see.
He is the one he should be listening to. Astarion would make it so, no matter the means.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50668558/chapters/127995079
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"I truly appreciate your help, Tar’eon. Thanks to you...I can make amends with an old friend, and hopefully lift the curse off this land." Halsin bowed his head to Tar'eon, hoping his gratitude was as potent as it felt in his chest.
"It was a rough day, I won't lie, but I'm glad to know we saved both Cullagh and Thaniel from the curse. Neither deserved to be further tormented." Tar'eon smiled weakly. He was beyond tired, bruised and tender, but it had been a good distraction.
It took his mind off Astarion. Astarion who still hadn't come out of hiding when he left. Karlach assured him she'd look for him, but Tar'eon feared the worst. Feared he had left, for good. He knew Astarion - he would find the road to Baldur's Gate with ease, and live in the daylight until he found his own way to kill Cazador. He was a survivor at his core. He withstood two hundred years of torture; if anyone had the strength, the willpower, or the intellect to defeat Cazador, even alone, it was him.
He hadn't been able to find Astarion himself, but he had found the owlbear cub, and it seemed he and Scratch were becoming quite good friends. It was one good thing. It didn't ease the ache in his chest though, feeling like a permanent bruise to his heart. He wasn't sure if it would ever heal, if he was honest. He had ruined everything. Pushed him too far. And now Astarion was gone.
"You look tired." Halsin frowned and hesitated before he stepped closer, his hand glowing with a gentle whisper in his baritone voice. His magic graced over him, and he could hear a waterfall distantly, the peace of standing in a meadow overcoming his senses. Where Shadowheart's healing was like a powerful wave, seeking out wounds like arrows to a target, Halsin's was a gentle stream, travelling down from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.
Every ache seemed to ease, even the one in his chest, if only for a moment. He realised he had closed his eyes and opened them once more, sparing Halsin a smile, this one much more sincere even if small.
"Thank you."
"I know our initial meeting was...not ideal. I feel I am yet to be forgiven, but you have been generous nonetheless, helping me. You brought my friend back to me. And hopefully, once Ketheric is gone, you will bring peace back to these lands as well." Haslin's smile was gentle, and Tar'eon found himself returning it.
"I don't think I'll ever forget. But I think I'm ready to forgive." He offered graciously. "We could use all the allies, and friends, we can get."
"A smart choice. Very leader-like of you." Halsin chuckled. "You would have made a fine druid."
"Perhaps in another life." Tar'eon shrugged and sighed. "I'm exhausted. Thank you, for the pick me up, but I think it's time I hit the hay."
"Do not let me keep you. You mentioned travelling west, back towards Moonrise. Something tells me you will need your strength, should things go unfavourably."
"I've been told I have quite the silver tongue. May it bless me when I finally face the Absolute." Tar'eon mused and bowed his head, a small tilt of his right horn before he took his leave. "Do get some rest, Halsin."
"I will certainly try." The druid hummed, and that was that.
He made his way towards the stairs, pausing momentarily to note that Gale was chatting with Wyll once more by the barrels of wine, a bright light flickering in his palm. They couldn't have been back more than an hour, but the pair looked freshly washed, Gale's hair still damp against the collar of his tunic.
"A simple cantrip - please, go ahead. I would love to see your magic. Even if you are not studied in the way of the Weave." Gale sounded teasing, voice fair lighter than Tar'eon was used to, and Wyll shook his head, an amused look in his eyes. He raised his palm up and closed his eyes, whispering a spell under his breath. There, was a mimic of Gale's own white light, flickering like a flame being guided by the wind. It was noticeably larger than Gale's own, and the wizard seemed to notice this, narrowing his eyes at the smirking warlock.
"You're doing that on purpose."
"Perhaps just a little." Wyll grinned, nodding to the wizard to continue his little lesson. Indulging him. Gale shook his head but was smiling nonetheless.
"You have talent, at least. It earns you a little arrogance. Now, repeat after me; Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao."
"Ah, a tongue twister. I delighted in those as a child." Wyll chuckled, not looking overwhelmed in the slightest as he stared the man head on, almost in challenge, repeating his words in a bold, proud fashion. Though, moments later the self-satisfied expression on Wyll's face changed. Shifting from confused, to shocked, before it settled into something pleasant. His smile was softer now.
"Very good." Gale looked proud, voice warm and sweet like tea and honey.
"It is...sweet?" Wyll was looking at him like he had given him a precious gift, something he hadn't realised he wanted, or yearned for. "In both scent and essence. I never would have thought..." His voice held an uncharacteristically wispy lint to it, like he was a million miles away, lost in thought.
"Every ounce of the Weave is more beautiful than you would ever be able to comprehend. Even now, after so long connected to it, I find myself in amazement. Magic is my everything; and yet it still marvels me. Surprises me." Gaze's dark eyes held a brightness to them as he spoke, so obviously delighted by Wyll's success in connecting to the Weave as well, if just a minuscule amount, a sparkle twinkling in his gaze. Tar'eon hadn't had the pleasure of seeing such an expression from the man before. "It means the world to share it with another."
"It means the world to experience it again. I don't think I've made a real connection since...since before Mizora." He admitted. "I suppose I forgot how."
"One never truly loses their connection once they have it. Your pact, Mizora be damned, may have given you magic of an eldritch nature, but it is still magic nonetheless. You've made magic that is seen as evil into something good. Something useful. Not many people dare to defy such odds."
Wyll huffed out a soft laugh, looking bashful at the praise.
"I miss the magic I once had, I won't lie. I could...weather storms, break light through the clouds - I miss it." He suddenly looked sad, remembering what he once had. "But I do not regret. I never will. I use this power she gave me for the right reasons. I would never compromise on that. People may see a devil now, but I will always be the Blade that swore to protect them. I hope others see that in time."
"Your merry band of heroes are all people talk about from what I've heard. Do not fret over your image in their eyes. I see you perfectly clearly, my friend, if that counts for anything."
"It counts for a lot." Wyll smiled, his eyes fond as he gestured to the wizard. "Please. Continue. I find your lesson quite...fascinating. Allow me to travel the Weave with you. You have the makings of a great teacher."
Gale guffawed out a laugh, a hand on his chest.
"Flattery! If I am the teacher, then I declare you my favourite student." He crossed his arms, looking rather fondly at him as he nodded to the man. "Now, I want you to picture in your mind the concept of harmony. As true as you can."
Gale watched Wyll with anticipation, like he was itching to see the results of his teachings as the swordsman closed his eyes, his brows pinched at first as he thought, before they smoothed, looking both sad yet peaceful. Melancholy. Whatever he was thinking about, it caused a faint surge of power, a sphere of purple light growing before it dispersed into almost a fog, a string of something weaving around the pair.
Tar'eons eyes widened. The Weave itself. He'd never seen it before. He held the rail of the staircase tightly, unable to move as he watched it in fascination.
Wyll looked shocked, yet delighted all at once as he turned his head from side to side to follow its path, his red eye reflecting it's faint purple glow in the low light of their not-so-hidden hideaway. Gale laughed, light and impressed as he admired it like one would a lover, with intricate care and appraisal.
"You did it. You're channelling the Weave. How does it feel?" Gale grabbed Wyll's attention back with his words, the horned man taking a moment to shake his head in amazement.
"Magical." A laugh punched past his lips like he couldn't quite believe what was in front of him. "Sensual, even." He admitted, raising his hand and watching the magic slip through his fingers like soft fur.
"That it does." Gale breathed. There was a moment of compatible silence between the pair as the Weave seemed to envelop them, drawing them closer with Gale's shifting of a foot, and with Wyll's gentle lean, his weight on one side of his body rather than centred like it usually was.
Then there was another moment, where they looked at each other, and Tar'eon found himself feeling like an intruder on a moment he shouldn't be a part of. Like he'd stepped into something quite...intimate.
"I...I didn't think..." Gale suddenly sounded so unsure, and Wyll's weight shifted to his other leg, growing back the distance between them that had been there previously. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting..."
The Weave seemed to evaporate around them, the quiet moment broken, and Wyll cleared his throat. Gale looked around, something mournful in his expression.
"There it goes..." He murmured, seemingly to himself.
"I apologise. I was...simply caught up in the moment. I find myself doing that a lot. Misinterpreting others intentions. Please, banish the memory from your mind, if only to save me the embarrassment." Wyll was attempting to smile, but it was obvious he was hurt, and perhaps even a little ashamed to have been so forward in such short time.
"It is a pleasant image, do not think me so callous as to...think otherwise." The small, polite smile on Gale's lips dissolved, that previous sparkle in his eyes fading. Dark eyes regained their haunted visage. "It was...most pleasant. If we had met earlier, it would have been most welcome, too. But I'm afraid I...I am not one you'd want to consider such things with. I cannot be what you desire, not in the present time, nor future. My mission from Mystra comes before anything else. Even...even things I may desire just as much."
"You speak a lot of your mission, yet I haven't a clue what it is." Wyll pursed his lips.
"I think it better if you don't know." Gale took a step back, arms behind his back. "Goodnight. I...I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you, Wyll."
"As did I." Wyll sighed, turning to the back door and stepping out into the night, not returning the wizards parting farewell. Gale stood there for a long moment, looking hollowed out. Like he was standing before Kelemvor's scales, awaiting judgement. His shoulders sagged with a soft sigh, his left hand holding his right wrist behind his back.
"This is for the best. For everyone's sake. They'll thank me one day." The wizard said it out loud like he was trying to convince himself, and Tar'eon hid further up the steps of the staircase as Gale turned and made towards the opposite staircase, towards his own room.
Tar'eon shook his head sadly at the pair. He'd watched them for much too long; breached their privacy in a way he shouldn't have dared, even if they hadn't noticed him watching. It had been so nice to see Gale shine so brightly, even if only for a couple minutes, and to see Wyll smile so warmly at another...
Tar'eon had feared the wizard wouldn't open up to them, especially with his promises of a short journey, a temporary partnership. His heart ached for Wyll, advances rejected twice during the blossoming of them, for Gale, wrapped up in some unknown mission that seemed to haunt him. He hoped Gale would flourish alongside the others during his time with them, that perhaps...he'd put himself before his mission, whatever it was. It was obviously taking it's toll on him, whatever his Goddess had ordered of him.
Tar'eon did not follow any particular God or Goddess, he had no patron to follow the instructions of, so he couldn't understand it, not really. He simply wanted Gale to see the end of this journey alongside them, to be free of his tadpole and to return to Waterdeep, or wherever he wished to go.
Tar'eon let his head fall back against the wall before sighing and dragging himself up the remaining stairs.
"Now if you really want to make a good steal, you must always flatter the wealthy before sinking your sticky fingers into their pockets. You little ring trick is nothing, and hardly worth the effort. Instead, make a scene. The wealthy care not for party tricks, but they do care about their precious cloaks and doublets." Tar'eon paused at the top of the stairs, the familiar sound of that voice bleeding the tension from his body. The relief was so sudden, so potent, he thought he might cry, but all he did was exhale raggedly, watching as Astarion moved a gold piece between his fingers, flipping and snatching it in a swift movement, only to reveal it to be missing.
The children were crowded around him, listening to his advice with rapture, some piled onto the floor while Astarion sat on the couch with Mirkon and Arabella, the former tucked into his side. Astarion had his arm along the back of the couch, allowing the action but not acknowledging the young boy's closeness.
"Tar'eon wouldn't be happy with you, encouraging us to steal." Mattias remarked, smirking anyway. She was looking over Astarion, like she was trying to find the gold piece he'd hidden away.
"Tar'eon can complain all he likes." Astarion tutted. "He doesn't have the skill to pickpockets like I do. He's simply jealous." The vampire smirked, reaching down to tuck a curl behind Mirkon's ear, pulling the gold piece out from behind it, eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Woah..." Mirkon looked at the coin in awe, placing a hand over his ear, like he might find more. "I didn't even feel it. How did you get it behind my ear?"
"He didn't, it's a magic trick, Mirkon." Mattias rolled her eyes. "A simple sleight of hand. A good one at that."
"Why, are you praising me, little darling?" Astarion placed a hand to his chest, smirking like he had won a debate. He flicked the coin off his forefinger with his thumb and Mattias caught it quick, looking at Astarion with wide eyes before she tucked it away in her pouch. The vampire simply chuckled.
"It's getting late, and I can smell that you lot have not washed in a tenday. Go! Bathe and put yourselves to bed." Astarion shooed the children, looking as haughty as ever. Mirkon looked up at him shyly with a mass of coiled curls half covering his eyes.
"Um...will you tell us a story before bed, Mister 'Starion? Maybe one of your adventures?"
"Absolutely not." Astarion gave the child a deadpanned look. "I am not your doting saviour, nor your storybook hero. You are all much too old for bedtime stories, harpy bait."
Doni grunted at Astarion's callous answer, scowling at the vampire when Mirkon ducked his head, looking embarrassed for even asking. Even Mattias was glaring at him, as much as she poked fun at Mirkon herself on the daily. Silfy looked as crestfallen as Mirkon was.
With all the withering glares and sad puppy dog eyes on Astarion, he shifted uncomfortably and crossed his arms, refusing to give in. It lasted all of five seconds before he broke, groaning and throwing his arms up.
"Fine! Fine, I will read you a bed time story. But only after you have washed yourselves. All I can smell is dirt and ash. Go, before I change my mind." Mirkon and Silfy perked up, looking delighted as they both scrambled onto their feet and ran off, Mattias smirking like she had won this time, Doni following after her and the two boys. Arabella was the only one left, sitting on the couch beside the vampire.
"You act mean, but you're not cruel. Not really." She smiled. "Can we have a story about dragons? Mirkon likes dragon stories."
"Oh, get lost, little thief." Astarion scoffed and shooed her without answering her question. She continued to smile anyway, getting off the couch, and like she could sense his presence, she turned to look at Tar'eon.
"You're back!" She ran up to him and hugged him tight around the waist, Tar'eon placing a hand on top of her head and smiling softly before he looked up to meet Astarion's startled gaze. The vampire quickly stood, standing tall, looking as elegant as ever, even if he swayed on the spot.
"I-" He started, before seeming to catch himself. "Welcome back."
"You're still here." Tar'eon hadn't meant it to come out the way it did. Breathless. Filled with the fear he had felt at the idea he was gone. So much relief in just three words.
"I...Well, of course. Where else would I go? It's positively dreadful out there." Astarion deflected, avoiding his eyes. Arabella let go of Tar'eon and looked between the two men. She smiled to herself, something small and secretive.
"I'm going to wash up. Astarion's going to tell us a bed time story tonight."
"I heard. His stories will probably be a lot more creative than my own." Tar'eon chuckled, ruffling her hair. He knew his voice wasn't really suited to the embellishments that children liked, even if it was soothingly low.
"We'll have to wait and see." Arabella laughed and went off to join the others. Leaving the two men alone.
It was silent a long moment, neither making a move to breach the uncomfortable tension as they stood, a few broad steps apart. Tar'eon rubbed the back of his neck, remembering he was still covered in soot and remnants of shadow monster vestiges. He cleared his throat.
"I...I think I'll go bathe also. After the children are asleep, perhaps we could...talk?" He asked, hopeful.
"Yes." Astarion agreed quickly, looking much less confident than he usually did, playing with the ruffles along the neckline of his bed shirt. "I- yes. We have...I have something to tell you. But it can wait until they're asleep."
"Good, good, I...I'll come join you in their chambers when I'm done." Tar'eon gave a tight smile, ignoring the ache in his chest as he disappeared into their room. Anxiety festered in his gut, but he refused to let it consume him. Whatever Astarion had to say, he would know soon enough.
And he would take it in stride. No matter his response.
When Tar'eon finally joined them, he was happy to see all the children were in their own beds. Mattias and Silfy were sharing one as sister and brother, Silfy cuddling his sister close. Doni was clutching onto his stuffed bear, wearing away at its paw pad as he listened to Astarion speak. Arabella's auburn hair was loose from her ponytail, hair still wet against her pillow, and Tar'eon sat on the edge of her mattress, beckoning her silently to sit up so he could dry her hair with his towel, slightly damp from drying his own a few moments before, the dark strands now pulled back into a low ponytail.
Mirkon was looking up at Astarion with pure rapture as he wove a tale about a group of adventures slaying a dragon that was as black at night, holding a stuffed lion that looked even older than the boy hugging it. Mirkon had managed to weasel himself against the mans side again, his curls spilling over onto the vampires thigh.
As much as Astarion had protested, he was good at telling stories. Perhaps it was from all the practised lies he'd told over the course of his life. The cadence of his voice helped too, managing to both enthral the children while lulling them to rest. By the time he concluded his story, Mattias, Silfy and Doni were well and truly asleep, and Mirkon looked ready to drop off himself.
Arabella's hair was as dry as it could be, and Tar'eon whispered a soft incantation to dry the towel, warm and fluffy before he ruffled her hair once more, draping it over her pillow so she wouldn't have to sleep on the cold wet spot.
"Will you tell us another story tomorrow...?" Mirkon asked sleepily, and Astarion quirked a brow, smirking a little as he slipped off the bed and crouched beside it. He scratched his nails through the young boys hair.
"Sleep now, or you will not have the energy to convince me, come morning." He said lowly in a honeyed voice, the boy drifting off near instantly like he'd been enchanted to do so. Astarion stood, a hand on his hip as he slid his eyes over all the children, as if counting off the sleeping babes. His eyes landed on Arabella and Tar'eon, the tiefling pulling the blanket up over the young druid sorceress who smiled at him, turning on her side and closing her eyes.
"Goodnight, Arabella."
"'Night, mister..." Tar'eon waited until her breathing evened out before he dared to move, going to each child's bed and tucking them in so their blankets wouldn't fall off in the night from their tossing and turning.
"You spoil them too much." Astarion said softly, not wanting to wake them. "They'll get used to it, you know."
"They don't have anybody to care for them to begin with, Astarion. Doni may have a guardian in Rikka, but the others - they don't have anybody but each other. No parents, no uncle or aunts, no grandparents - they don't even have their little leader anymore. Mol is in the wind, lost...If I can give them just a little bit of comfort, make their day a little brighter through all the grief that follows them like a plague...I will." Tar'eon meant every word. If he did not fear the danger the journey ahead would bring, if he did not fear his own self, he would make a home for them, perhaps in Baldur's Gate. He would provide them with the guardian, the family, that they now lacked.
Astarion sighed. He was such a bleeding heart. When had he started to like that about him, rather than begrudge him for it?
"Come on, now. You make too much noise, clomping around. I'm not telling them another story tonight." Astarion ushered Tar'eon out, and Tar'eon found himself smiling a little. Astarion hadn't said no to a bedtime story tomorrow. The vampire blew out the candle by the door and closed it with the softest click.
He didn't look at Tar'eon for a moment, staring at the children's door.
"I...Oh Hells, if I don't tell you now, I know I never will." Astarion sighed and took Tar'eons wrist, guiding the man to follow him to their shared room, needing the privacy. His previous anxiety rushed back to him, standing in the middle of the room as Astarion closed the door behind them, crossing his arms and seeming to ponder his next few words.
"...I think- I know, we have to talk." Astarion began, but still looked nervous. Tar'eon tilted his head at him, trying to decipher where this was going.
"Are you alright?" He hadn't seen him the entire night or day. He wondered where he had run off to. If he'd done more damage to him than what was repairable.
"Oh yes, I'm fine, I just..." Astarion shook his head ever so slightly, those usually narrowed eyes round and wide, more vulnerable than he had ever seen him. More upset than he allowed Tar'eon to see him when together. "...feel awful."
Tar'eon stepped closer, but Astarion placed a hand out to ward him off, to keep the mere few steps between them as he tried to collect his thoughts. He wanted to say his part before Tar'eon either forgave him, the bleeding heart he was, or decided to toss him to the shadows.
"Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan - seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me." Astarion tried to laugh like it was funny, to break the tension, to avoid crying. His voice wobbled more than he liked though, strained.
"It was...easy. Instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in." It was all he could remember, all he knew how to do. "All you had to do...was fall for it." And that's where it had all fallen apart. Because Tar'eon had. And Astarion had been stupid enough to get caught up in his own game.
"And all I had to do was not fall for you..." He smiled bitterly, cursing his past self for putting him in this predicament. For allowing himself to feel something for the first time in two centuries. To feel for someone. He thought Cazador had stripped him of even that, if he was honest.
He caught Tar'eons eyes, so hard to read in the moment.
"Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart." Something shifted in the air, the confession a weight off his chest even if he could feel himself trembling from the anxiety of baring himself before the man in a way he wasn't used to. To think, he could bare his naked body and feel nothing, but to bare his soul...it felt close to torture. He would know. He knew of torture intimately.
"You-...you're incredible." There a breathless aspect to the truth, despite not needing to breathe in the first place. He watched Tar'eon, the softening of his expression, the sadness in his eyes. He probably felt bad, making Astarion open up like this in order to apologise. He was the type to feel guilty when presented with something he admitted to wanting.
"I want you more than anything."
"You deserve something real." Astarion hated how rough his voice sounded to his own ears. "I want us...to be something real."
Astarion had said all he needed to. The ball was in Tar'eons court now. Whatever he decided...Astarion would accept it. Whether he sent him away, or declined his offer, so be it. But he hoped. He hoped for Tar'eon to say yes. To say he felt the same, even still, knowing he had lied to him.
"I...I want nothing more, Astar." Tar'eons voice was soft, like he feared being any louder would break him away from this dream. "I just...I have to know. The nights we spent together...did that mean anything to you? Did it- did it mean as much to you as it did me?"
"Of course they did!" Astarion was quick to assure before he stepped back, leaning against the door with a soft sigh. "That's the problem. Or, part of it."
Tar'eon stepped closer, but Astarion did not ward him away this time, did not stop him.
"Being close to someone - any kind of intimacy - was something I- performed to lure people back...for him." The him in question didn't need to be named. Astarion shook his head. Karlach had said he needed to be honest. Tar'eon deserved his honesty, even if speaking about the subject made his skin crawl. "Even though I know things between us are different, being with someone still feels...tainted. Still brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing."
Tar'eon did not touch him, but his presence still felt like a balm to the ache in his chest as he spoke. Like a welcome caress that didn't leave his stomach roiling. He resented himself for being disgusted to begin with, the desire to have a normal relationship with intimacy so strong it felt like a hand around his windpipe.
"I don't know how else to be with someone...No matter how much I'd like to."
His eyes slipped shut as Tar'eons hand gently touched the side of his face, the heat of his palm burning through the chill of his skin. He reached up to hold the warmth there, turning his nose into his wrist, listening closely to the strong, gentle beating of his heart. It didn't feel like expectation, or like wanton desire, a coaxed flame.
It felt like love. He wasn't quite used that feeling.
"You know how I feel. You know I care for you. Deeply." Tar'eon whispered, his thumb smoothing along the skin beneath his eye. Admiring Astarions expression. The yearning. He thought he'd been the only one.
"Really?" Astarion opened his eyes slowly, pale lashes framing red eyes as they turned upwards to meet his. Looking for reassurance.
Tar'eon didn't bother telling him in words, in action. Instead, he closed his eyes and allowed the tadpole to reach out to Astarions, opening his mind to him for the first time since they met, completely voluntary. He had to be careful, not wanting anything unseemly to peak through the rush of adoration. He didn't want Astarion to see the urges, the darkness. He wanted him to see how bright he was in his eyes. How beautiful. How easy he was to love.
He let the intensity of his feelings ride through the pulsing waves of the connection, letting images flutter into Astarion's mind. Memories of his smile, his laugh, the way he basked in the sunlight with his books, and the way he glowed in the moonlight with his pale complexion. He showed him the way his red eyes reflected the flames of their campfire, the stark white of colour of his hair in daylight, the silvery-grey in the night. He thought about the way he looked with his bow, poised to strike, and his elegant fingers wrapped around a dagger; and then those same fingers with a needle pinched between them as he weaved thread through fabric.
He even let himself show Astarion at his worst, the glimpses of his anger, his hunger for power, his bloodlust; all conflicting to Tar'eon, objectively ugly, but loved just as much as the beautiful parts.
He wanted Astarion to see everything he loved. The occasional kind words, the cadence in his voice, his faux cruelty he played into for his own amusement. His sheer willpower, and the instinct to survive. His ability to coax Tar'eon away from his dark thoughts with his presence alone. He even admired the refusal to submit to humiliation tactics by Raphael, and the refusal to submit to Cazador ever again despite the terror his old master induced in him.
More than anything, he adored his wide, fanged smile, and the rounded softness of his eyes when he was truly happy. In the moments where he seemed to forget the decades upon decades of torment, and was simply a man again, enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
When Tar'eon opened his eyes, the connection dying down to a whisper, and then nothing, he saw Astarions own eyes closed, a soft pinch between his brows as he tried to reconcile with the image of himself he'd never seen before. He was seeing himself through Tar'eon, through his eyes, and it was more beautiful than he could ever imagine his reflection in a mirror to be. Terrifying knowing, but beautiful.
He opened his eyes, looking up into the tieflings, unsure if he'd ever be able to pick which was his favourite colour when both were so captivating.
"You...you are full of surprises, aren't you?"
"You've told me that before." Tar'eon smiled softly, achingly gentle as he caressed his cheek, his hand falling down to his side. Astarion grinned, baring the fangs Tar'eon loved, feeling a rush of giddiness he wasn't used to associating with anything other than a good kill.
"Honestly, I have no idea what we're doing. Or what comes next." He grew sombre, but his smile remained as he gently took Tar'eons hand in his, soaking up the warmth and encasing it with his other. Tar'eons hands were calloused, unlike Astarions who only held a coarse bump on his middle finger, on his right hand, from years of holding a quill before his turning.
To think, the one with a gentle heart had such rough hands, while the one who had been without one for two centuries, had hands as soft as lilies.
"But I know this?" He squeezed gently. "This is nice."
It was the only nice thing he could remember having for himself. He never wanted it to end.
Tar'eon threw his arm around him, drawing the vampire closer as a burst affection filled his body, the need to express it overcoming him. He enveloped Astarion in his arms, his face buried into his shoulder, and his lover seemed surprised. Slowly though, his arms came around his waist in return, tucking his nose against his neck. Tar'eon didn't mind the chill. He welcomed it.
He wasn't sure how long he stood there, with Astarion in his arms, but it never felt like it would be long enough. So he held on, and let Astarion decide when it would be over. After a minute of silence, soaking in the contact, the vampires fingers curled into the back of his nightshirt, clinging to him, and Tar'eon smiled.
He'd stay there a century, if that's what he wanted, and he'd consider it a life well spent.
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Hello lovely Noll :) may I request prompt #9 with your lovely Data?
Hello, dear friend; thank you SO much for the request! I'm honored that you're my first request 🖤
I know you're not a fan of Star Trek, but I hope you still enjoy!
Prompt #9: "Oh look. Another journey to another dimension. How fun." (prompt from this post)
The soft sounds of Data tapping away at the console buttons resounded throughout the small shuttle. Geordi watched the glow of Data's fast moving hands as he waited for him to review the information he was currently browsing through. The longer Data remained silent, the more worried Geordi became.
"Well, Data?"
Data scrunched his eyebrows thoughtfully, his fingers ceasing their tapping, "I am uncertain precisely what has occurred, but according to the shuttle's navigational system, it appears we have ventured beyond our original position by 193,567 light years..."
Geordi groaned, "Oh, look. Another journey to another dimension...how fun," he buried his face in his hands. It was barely 16:00 hours on a Wednesday, and this was already the second time this week they had ventured into an alternative dimension.
"Based on our current position and fuel levels, it would take 119 years and 27,854 full fuel tanks for us to return to the Enterprise's last recorded coordinates."
Geordi whistled, "Well, it sounds like we won't be making it back home for dinner any time soon," Data stared at him in bewilderment, but Geordi continued speaking before he could vocalize his confusion. "Okay, let's retrace our steps. First, the shuttle started shaking. Then, it suddenly accelerated so quickly that it seemed to go into warp. Finally, the shuttle dropped out of warp, stopped shaking, and we ended up way out here. Has this happened to anyone else before?"
Data's eyes moved back and forth as he accessed his databanks for information. After a moment, his eyes stopped moving and he spoke, "No, there is currently no such record of these events or any similar events ever occurring to a Federation-issued shuttle."
Geordi sighed, "Okay, I guess we're on our own then...got any ideas or theories, Data?"
Data was silent for a moment, then sharply inhaled, "I believe I do have a 'theory', but I will need to extract more information before I can confirm its plausibility."
"Let's hear it."
"Based on the information currently available, I hypothesize that we have experienced some form of a power fluctuation that caused the shuttle to jump into warp."
"We would need a lot of power to jump into warp, though. What...things out here could create that much power?"
"A collapsing star, the implosion of the sun, an asteriod collision---"
Geordi stopped him abruptly, "But we didn't witness anything like that before the shuttle jumped into warp."
"That is correct...that is why I require more information before I can begin extrapolating a solution."
Geordi shook his head, "No, let's forget about why this happened for a moment and try to figure out how to reverse it and get back home. Is there any way for us to generate enough power to get the shuttle to jump back into warp and take us back?"
Data mulled over the question, reviewing all the documented methods of creating the amount of power necessary to instigate a warp jump in a space vessel. After some time, he came across an intriguing idea, "It is possible for a highly exothermic reaction to release enough energy to instigate a warp jump."
"Hmm, okay...but what kind of exothermic reaction could we generate out here, with the supplies currently available to us?"
Data gave his friend and colleague a somewhat uneasy look, "The ignition of our reserve fuel tank may generate enough energy to activate the warp capacity of the engine...."
Geordi's eyebrows shot up above his VISOR, "And if it doesn't generate enough energy, we'll blow ourselves to smithereens."
"That is essentially correct."
Geordi sighed, "Well, we don't have many other options, do we?"
"At this time, it appears to be our only option."
Geordi swallowed, "Alright...let's give it a try then. What have we got to lose?"
"As you stated previously, the major loss we could sustain is the loss of our lives. However, we will also lose the remainder of our fuel, and possibly the shuttle, as well."
"Thanks, Data. My apprehension for this plan is diminishing by the minute," Geordi added sarcastically.
Data smiled faintly, misunderstanding his 'gratitude' to be genuine, "You are welcome, Geordi."
Several hours, equipment adjustments, and an exploded fuel reserve tank later, what was left of their shuttle was docked back on the Enterprise. The shuttle sustained major (but repairable) physical damage, and both Geordi and Data received some minor burns during the ignition of the reserve fuel tank. Otherwise, the return mission was considered a success.
"A most interesting occurrence, gentleman, and very creative solution," Picard admonished as he briefly discussed the events with Geordi and Data in Sick Bay, "It's not often that a Federation space vessel travels through alternate dimensions multiple times in the same week."
Geordi tsked, "Oh, I'm sure this won't be the last time this week. After all, it's only Wednesday."
"Actually, Geordi, it is now technically Thursday."
Geordi chuckled softly, "Right, my mistake."
"Alright," Dr. Crusher spoke as she healed the last of Geordi's burns, "your burns are healed, and I found no other injuries or anomalies in either of you. I am officially discharging you both, and deem you fit for duty."
The Captain offered them a slight smile, "Thank you, gentlemen. I look forward to reading your reports on the matter," he began to leave Sick Bay, but stopped and turned back around, "Hopefully, you won't have to experience this again...or at least not again this week."
Geordi chuckled, "Well, the week is still young...another teleportation into a third dimension might still be possible."
Data lifted his head up slightly, "Geordi, in the strictest sense, we did not 'teleport' into that alternate dimension. In fact, at this time, it is not possible to teleport into dimensions of any kind..." Geordi simply smiled as Data began to explain the currently accepted theories of inter-dimensional space travel and teleportation to him in great detail, as they both left Sick Bay to return to their respective posts.
A/N: I wish we had gotten more subplots of Geordi's and Data's misadventures; they were always so fun and interesting!
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: Republikkkan lies.
1. If espionage is so important for the extreme Reich, why haven't they gone after The Big Orange Rump for selling out our national secrets?
Did any of their billion dollar payments (from foreign enemies) trickle down to your blood-stained hands?
I'm betting nothing did...
Not even change for a dollar.
2. This is why minorities don't vote for your Party.
Rather than trying to re-enslave folks, you should have tried to uplift the whole country...
But, your heart doesn't worry about the welfare of others - right?
It's all about your access to power, sex & money - right?
Is this why you surround yourself with soulless, yes-folk?
People who are only interested in their own dreams of power & money...
Folk that stab you in the back when you fire them - or, leave them to take the fall for you...
You're hurting your own Party about as much as you wish you could hurt the real Law & Order Party - the Democrats.
3. This is what the U.S. will look like under Putin's rule.
But, you don't care about that.
Instead, you've surrounded yourself with traitors - hoping so to be safe.
Traitors forever together - right?
You're forgetting that you've had to 'buy' so many of them to your side.
That's makes them dangerous - when Putin has no more need of you...
You didn't think that he'd actually let you live as some kind of overlord?
Your own 'popularity' would mark you out to be a possible challenger to his powerbase.
That's something he won't tolerate...
4. As for the billionaires that bought your spiel, if they can buy your help - they can buy anybody.
You'll have to be wary of anyone who becomes more popular than you with these corporate 'barons.'
They're so 'money conscious' that they'll always be on the lookout for someone who costs them less...
5. As for the white folk that follow you blindly, they don't understand their future use in your dystopia.
While minorities & Democrats will be fighting for their freedoms, poor white folk will have to serve as cannon fodder for your new, privileged Nazi leaders.
Some of you are even looking forward to a new Civil War.
Hoping to re-ignite the self esteem of your Aryan hate & jealousy of others.
But, you're just disposable toys that couldn't even kill the Vice-President.
All you did that January day was to become marked folk. Liable for your actions - just as you thought you had gotten away, Scott free...
So, how many of you were actually pardoned by tRump?
Without, that is, having to pay for the 'favor.'
6. So, how many of you have lived in a totalitarian nation?
Not many I'd bet.
It's not like living in the U.K. - that's a constitutional monarchy. You still have rights.
I'm talking about China, Russia or North Korea...
In these countries, everyone lives in fear. Especially those in power.
Any act, no matter how innocent, can be your last.
Anyone can be picked up by the Secret Police.
And, you have no real legal protect- ions against false arrest.
Nobody has a totally safe life.
7. We should all be working together to fight against the real problems of our times.
Things like climate change, solar eruptions & meteor strikes - for God's sake!!
"Think of your children. They're the ones who will suffer thru a hellish future...
I know the American political system is capitalistic & doesn't really care - much - about relieving poverty or easing medical assistance.
But, you still have access to better personal freedoms than in any known totalitarian state.
Banana republics are places where there's no question that you live in an oppressive & invaded land.
Closed countries that good people are dying to leave...
What does it take for you to see the truth?
Aren't you a good person?
Aren't you worthy of better treat- ment?
Let me know...
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi, I want to share a poem of obeying God's commandments. There are some full parts of the Bible. I finished it today (16th May 2023). In the next post, I'll share the Bible verses I used in this poem :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This poem is not to teach that we have to be good people to enter Heaven. I am aware of the fact that it's our faith, obeying God's will and most importantly, His grace that saves us. However, I wrote this poem for I told God to let me know what I should write about and He gave me some parts of 1 Timothy. Then, while praying I also felt the need to talk about faith in the beginning and then talking that He wanted us to be Christ like. My poem is not meant to be used as teaching that our deeds save us.
Walk in righteousness with God
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
Without it, it is impossible to please our Lord, for everyone who tries to find Him
Has to believe that He exists
And rewards those who seek Him
For by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not
Your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast
But we must remember that Jesus said ”If anyone loves me,
He will keep my word, and my Father will love him
And we will come to him and make our home with him”
We shall therefore love our Lord Most High and keep His charts, statutes, ordinences
And not forget about other thing that is also important — His commandments
We should keep on living while loving others just like He taught us
Show people love that is patient, kind, doesn't envy nor boast, isn't proud
This true kind of love that isn't self-seeking, doesn't dishonor others
Keeps absolutely no records of wrongs, is not easily angered
We should be forgiving if we have a grievance again someone,
For Lord forgave us first, we should do the same as we were made in His image
We should look at Jesus as our inspiration, be more Christ-like
For when He was dying on the cross after such brutal things that happened, He told God
”Father, forgive them for they not know what they do”
Can't we really forgive each other and ourselves, not even after we read about what Jesus said about you?
All of us were the reason why went through so much — He wanted to rescue us
If He forgave us such thing, so why can't you forgive your brother a little fight that happened once?
Jesus' heart was not only pure but He was humble as well
He was and still is the Lord of Lords but came to earth in the likeness of men
He did not count equalitt with God a thing to be grasped
But made Himself nothing by taking form of not the King of earth but a servant
We should keep in our hearts the words He said
”If My people who are called by My Name humble themselves,
And pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways
Then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land”
When Almighty sees what people do, how they turned from their evil way,
He relented of the disaster He said He would do to them
Learn to be obedient to the only One Who saves
Do you know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves,
You are the slaves of the one you obey
Either of sin, which leads to death or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
As I am telling you, stop judging others to not be judged
Do not condemn, so you won't be condemned
Walk with God in righteousness every single day,
Bear good fruit keeping with repentance
Do not forget that Holy Spirit is with you and Jesus lives in you
The One Who is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature
The One Who always upholds the whole universe
By using nothing else but the word of His power
After making purification for sins, He sat down at the Right Hand of the Majesty in Heaven
Do not fall for the traps of the devil but trust in the One Who says“I am the first and I am the last;
Besides Me there is no god” and believe in Who He says He is — the Alpha and the Omega
The One who is and Who was and Who is to come
The Only Creator of ours, refuge in the storm, Good Shepherd and the One Who set us from etarnal death, our dear Savior
Do not say that prayer is only for some people for it is for everyone
So that we could live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness — for it pleases our One and Only God
He wants all of the people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth
That the only mediator between Him and us is Jesus Christ
All men should pray everywhere while lifting up holy hands as a sign for the honor and respect
May it be done without any disputing and anger
All women should dress modestly with decency and propriety
Adorning themselves and not with elaborate hairstyles or gold, or pearls or expensive clothes
May they be styled with other expensive gifts, by which I mean good deeds
Be worthy of the respect you gain
Be not malicious talkers but learn to be temperate and trustworthy
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales
Try to be as godly as you can — train yourself
If you are young, instead of worrying about your age and people looking down on you,
Set and example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, purity and faith
Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy
Until He comes, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, preaching and teaching
Exhort an older man as if He were your father
Treat younger women as sisters, younger men as brothers
Treat older women as mothers and remember about the needs of widows
Do not deny your faith by not providing for hour relatives, especially for your household
Do not share in the sins of others but keep yourself pure
Flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith
Take hold of the eternal life to which you were
Called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain
But to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share
Deacons may be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain
They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience
Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate
Self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness
Not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well
And see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect
He must not be a recent convert
He must also have a good reputation with outsiders
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omentranslates · 9 months
Owari no Seraph chapter 130 english fan translation
Hi you guys on tumbly get it before twitter this time because ehe
Anyways. I had no idea wtf to do abt labelling their dialogue in this flashback so. The eyeball is Eyeball bc they're an eyeball and the little human is Mikayuu bc idk they look like both? Thanks for reading, please check out the official tl if you haven't :)
Chapter 130: Remaining Light
Having come to know the truth of his own creation....
Yuu: I am Mikaela.
Yuu: Huh? Wait then, who are you supposed to be?
Mika: .....
-- Shibuya, Japanese Imperial Demon Army Capital City --
Shikama: ....hm.
Saitou: So then, you've been all alone doing this the whole time?
Human 1: We're out!
Human 2: What's that!?
Paimon Human: Oh wow
Bael Human: Hmm
Shikama: *little laugh*
Paimon Human: Who are you, Mr. Adult?
Paimon Human: Let's go where everyone else is!
Bael Human: Oh
Bael Human: Yeah, ok!
Shikama: Seems they don't have any memories left from their lives as angels after all. Well, that's for the best. It's better that way.
Saitou: ...does this mean you're still fighting for our sakes now?
Shikama: I'd rather they had no memories, that way they've got a chance at being happy living in this hell. Human lives are not long.
Saitou: You mean that, completely alone-
Shikama: And this plan as such slim hope of succeeding.
Shikama: But I'm not giving up on anyone. I'm going to resurrect them all.
Saitou: I'm crying...even though I don't remember. Could it be...are these memories of being an angel?
Mikayuu: Oof
Saitou: Huh?
Shikama: What are you doing with that box?
Mikayuu: Yuu. Yuu. Get over here, quietly.
Eyeball: *blink sound*
Mikayuu: Father is smart, he's going to find out I'm Mika and force me under his thumb again real quick. But if I let him protect me I can't move my plan forward...
Eyeball: Huy
Mikayuu: So what do we do, Yuu? We gotta lie so he doesn't find out.
Eyeball: Huy
Eyeball: Huy huy huy huy
Mikayuu: Ah c'mon, this isn't what you promised. Didn't you say you'd stay by my side and protect me as long as you lived? So is this you abandoning me?
Mikayuu: You'd never abandon me, right? Since we're best friends, right? Let's do this together then, we'll connect our souls together. Yuu and Mika will be two as one!
Mikayuu: This is the biggest deal, and our opponent is the smartest father in the whole world. If we wanna outsmart him we need to get serious. I'm gonna forget that I was ever Mika and become totally Yuu. And so are you. Forget everything else, your name is...
Eyeball: ...
Mikayuu: Mikaela.
Mikayuu: As long as you're Mikaela, Father won't be able to resurrect Mikaela, since my REAL soul is over here with me! Alright, let's start this battle, Yuu! No wait, Mika!
Mikayuu: No matter how many generations it takes, no matter how many eras come and go, we're going to save everything in the end.
Mikayuu: Our only allies will be each other. Won't you accompany me?
Eyeball: Huy
Mikayuu: Haha!
Mikayuu: Mika, get in the body. And then take the power of the seven lights and send em off flying ALL over, to places Father will never find them. So it'll take forever to do the resurrection.
Eyeball: Huy!
Shikama: What the hell are you two doing.
Mikayuu: O Light, erase my memories. I'm Yuu. I'm Yuu. I'm...
Shikama: Wh-WHAT THE...?
Shikama: NO WAY!!??
Shikama: It's hot-!! Yuu, what did you just do?
Eyeball: Huy?
Shikama: There's no way they know anything...Yuu is my creation. They don't have free will. So then, what? What happened? I'm the only being here with that kind of brainpower.
Shikama: HEY YOU. What did you just do? What did you see?
Mikayuu: Huh? Huh, what's that? I'm-
Shikama: Show your memories now.
Mikayuu: *gagging*
Shikama: There's nothing here, they've got no memory. They died so easily. Horrible how fragile human bodies are.
Shikama: Is this, too, divine punishment? This is such a rocky road to travel. Not to mention these dolls will just be repeating not even hundred year long existences, I wonder how much darkness they'll be able to collect. This...could be a long fight.
Mikayuu: ...huh. I kinda feel like there's something I have to do.
Yuu: I see.
Yuu: I remember a little more now. So in other words-I found you, Mika.
Mika: You found me. Don't you think you're a little late, though?
Yuu: Well it's not like I have any memories to work with here. Do you?
Mika: None. I feel like we wouldn't be able to bear recovering them, though. It's too long of a story not to fall into despair.
Yuu: Makes you think about how bad the vampires have it, huh. They live a long time.
Mika: You're right, it seemed that way with Krul too.
Yuu: What's life even for then? If everyone just dies anyways? And then forgets everything.
Mika: Yeah.
Yuu: So then what are we living for? What are we bringing everyone back for? What am I turning you back into a human for?
Mika: Look who's finally come around! I believe I've already answered this one.
Yuu: Remind me.
Mika: Let's run away somewhere together and live quietly. And then let's die at the end. That's our ending no matter what road we take.
Yuu: Oh, you did say that, asking me to run away. I'm really hearing Mika say that our end won't change no matter how hard we work, guess it's time to stop.
Mika: Oh come on.
Yuu: In other words, if I run away and die quietly somewhere, will that make you happy?
Mika: Hmm? I mean, I guess?
Yuu: But you don't have much life left to live, do you? Since if we keep up like this, you're going to turn into a full demon, right?
Mika: Oh, you figured out about that?
Yuu: I did. What's gonna happen if you become a demon? Taking my body or leaving? You'd never possess me, so you're gonna leave. Am I right?
Mika: Damn, you're good.
Yuu: And you think I'm just gonna let that happen?
Mika: Well-
Yuu: And with Akane and the kids still dead, you'd just say "well we tried let's both give up." Can we do that?
Mika: .....
Yuu: In the end, the most important thing is that since we don't have those specific memories, the us we just saw isn't really us.
Mika: ...hm?
Yuu: We're us now, can't be anyone else. I still can't give up on you.
Mika: .....
Yuu: I can't give up on Akane and the others. I also want to save Guren and the squad from whatever pain they're in.
Mika: So?
Yuu: So this is kind of a massive deal, isn't it? We don't know how things go after the Past Us died. If now us dies, we die.
Mika: Yeah.
Mika: Well now you're just saying things that should go without saying.
Yuu: Ok but so we're mixed up with god and angels, so what's certain is that this game got SO messy. And easy-to-die human guys like us, well we've gotta pull through somehow without dying anyways! Yeah!! That's what we're going with.
Mika: Ok so...you're just saying "do your best." That's not gonna change our ending at all.
Yuu: Of course it's not. That's why we're getting more information we can use to win.
Mika: Yeah I guess.
Yuu: You're not getting away from me til I'm dead, Mika!
Mika: Yeahhh
Yuu: Ok so, we know the rules of the game now. And once we know them, we can make our own. Let's move up to the gamemaker's side of the board!
Mika: Not looking to be a very well thoughtout game.
Yuu: Mika, who's gonna be the winner?
Mika: I mean, of course it'll be us if we actually do it.
Yuu: Exactly! Alright, let's go. We're not picking from strategies, we're just gonna go get those seven sin keys!
-- 8 years ago, The Third Vampire City Sanguinem (Tokyo Underground) --
Ferid: *humming*
Ferid: What exactly is this Mikaela that the first keeps trying to create? What exactly is this Mikaela that Father keeps just barely missing?
Ferid: Just what the hell is this Mikaela that I've been told I've got no aptitude for?
Vampire Attendant: Your things have arrived from the human town.
Ferid: Ah, then we'll be able to search right through their memories. And where is it? Vampire Attendant: In the second guest room...-
Ferid: Thanks. And the children?
Vampire Attendant: They've been tranquilized and are sleep...-
Ferid: Thanks.
Ferid: They're so cute asleep, and they sure are knocked out.
Ferid: So, did you already see in the memories?
Guren: ...I'm just about to head in.
What were they searching for so early in those two's memories...!?
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anonymousexywoman · 7 months
the first real breakup of a girl who doesn't know how to feel correctly
November 24th, 2023
11:32 PM
There will always be someone in my life who's better than me at everything I try to do. I always say please, but never thank you. And because of that, nothing is ever going to work out for me, never had and never will. Anything I get excited about is doomed in my life's nature to fail. I honestly just need to accept that it's going to feel like this for me forever. I was starting to truly convince myself that maybe you didn't like her anymore but God forbids that someone like me would have the chance of being someone's first choice. To be appreciated, to be cared for, to be loved. What powerful yet fleeting experiences. It doesn't matter for me, because I'm not the kind of person people love. You haven't done anything wrong besides getting involved with me in the first place.
November 25th
2:07 AM
Walk me home, kiss my cheek, then walk away watching me crumble to the ground in sobs. A car that isn't yours drives me away and I'll never see that movie-like scene again. Please don't make me sleep alone.
I don't want to get over it. I don't want to move on. I always have to, and everyone tells me to. I just want to be happy for once. I really thought it would work out this time. If I can't have anything else, just this once, let me have this, and I promise to be happy with that. Please.
12:58 PM
I will replace the time we would have spent together with films that are what we could have been. No matter if you're here or not, as long as I know you, I'll be wasting my time. I wish I never met you at all.
November 26th
1:59 PM
The first snow is falling, and once again I am alone for another winter.
November 29th
1:11 AM
Why do I care so much? I shouldn't be mentally and physically begging for a man to respect me. I'm an angel, he can't have me. When he chases, then maybe I'll take him. For now, I can be anyone's girl, I'm anyone's if I choose to be. I'm not gonna love someone unless they'll make the effort to love me. I refuse to allow you to do that. I don't really know why, but I just don't care anymore.
December 4th
2:44 PM
I understand how I'm feeling now. It feels unfair that I could feel something so strongly and have that emotion stripped from me as if it didn't matter at all.
11:23 PM
As I type this post, I feel more capable of verbalizing this strange emotion I'm feeling. It is almost like an exclusive disdain towards the unfortunately odd functions of my brain and how I cannot process emotions normally due to this. My reasoning for not caring seems logically valid enough, but I really think it is obscure how such intense, passionate, soul-crushing feelings can cease to exist overnight. As I reflect on how I felt before and am unable to resonate with these sentiments, I grieve the loss of a deep and pure love, even if it was only one sided. You told me to move on, and I moved on, but I will not forget those two months when I was 18 years old and fell in love for the first time. I won't, I won't, because if I don't have my love, I have nothing. I won't forget her and what she felt towards you, and I hope you don't either, as much as I'm sure you'd like to, and knowing that you probably will. I know how much you struggle to find something that will make you happy, and I'm sorry I couldn't be that for you.
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rachaelnpc · 8 months
Come Inside For A Moment...
You can be-friend anyone. You should be free to converse and spend your time with souls you connect with no matter what walk of life they are on. Hold Healthy Boundaries. Maybe you wouldn't go to this person for advice if it will be to 'Have a few drinks to forget about it.' Maybe you need to though, because it is really rough and you have not managed to have one second not thinking about it and they are the only ones right now that understand. So you have a few drinks. You know your limit and when it is okay to go past that. Your rumination thoughts might surface.
You are safe to address them here.
Or should I not be drinking and I may bring the vibe down? Is this Codependent? Maybe I need to be home and focus on myself. I am too much again. Or is this friendship? Is this okay, really? I have never felt okay sharing like this. It is new. It helps me feel lighter. This is healing? Now they hate him. I feel guilty. He has a whole backstory. I try to tell it but it is seen as defending him. I'm simply trying to remove the feeling of anger. The feeling should be love. That is why I need to let this go. It is feeding the wrong narratives. There are so many beautiful stories to focus on. The story of how we got here with 'All The Little Things.' I really hope they are finding their way especially now that I stepped out of the way. He was trying to 'tell me' but didn't know how. It was destructive and could have been a conversation. I get it now or from what I gathered. I could be way off. I needed an answer/resolution so I created one. One that sheds light onto your heart, it is still there if you quite your mind.
I am a Women Writing About a Boy Becoming A Man.
Trapped by a kind soul who is too broken to move. That sounds annoying. I wish when you asked me to move you also explained why on the deeper level. I now know I don't need that. I also wished you didn't show me how much you needed me. You wouldn't let me leave. You said leave, then I would try and you would... It is very confusing. I am going to put aside your coping skills and focus on what I was not doing correctly. I needed to step aside for myself - ignoring your reaction. Kept walking through it. It got scary. I did try to leave. It was confusing. In my early years I was codependent and said things I shouldn't have even if it was how I felt. I had not learned how to be there for myself yet. When I was older I did show and explain how I would be able to figure it out, what I would do to be okay and grow into whatever else is to come. You would get upset at how planned out it was. You hated the idea of me picturing a life with out you. I have to. I know how quickly I could lose you. You could get hit by a car tomorrow. It would ruin me like some of the losses I have experienced. Your loss would be the greatest. I would have to prepare myself well for that kind of loss. Logically I have it. It would still be unbearable executing the plan. I would be a mess without the plan. I have to remind myself I can do this all on my own. I want to hold up myself and not need you. I want to have you to help me grow, not to help me stand. I am just learning how to stand on my own. It is a huge ask if I haven't truly grown on my own yet. I am still healing. I just know that is the kind of person I will want when I am ready. I haven't found them because it isn't the right time yet. Not for lack of me not trying to grow. Wait, I am growing. Just not as much as I want to. It is interesting. Once you realize what you are aiming for you are already there. Once you see it you cannot unsee it. It is only up from here. You cannot go back down when you know all of this. No one can do that again. You won't allow it. You won't trust in those situations. You hold power in moments of realization. Power is always to be shared.
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nihilnisiluna · 1 year
Somethings that Neito said to me:
(Smiles encouragingly) Always remember that. If someone ever bullies you, just remember this...
(Raises his voice and roars like a lion) NEITO MONOMA WILL PROTECT YOU!
I'm the only one who's allowed to insult myself! So if anyone ever thinks they should do the same to you, just tell me, and I'll beat 'em up! SO KEEP YOUR HEAD HIGH!
(Smiles gently) I'm glad it helped. (Smiles mischievously again) But be careful. This world is filled with people who would try and tear you down simply because you have something they don't or because they want to elevate themselves. There's no reason for them to be like that, but people can be awful. You just have to understand that there's nothing wrong with you. You aren't wrong. You are you.
No need to thank me, Nihil. In my heart, I'm a hero. I hope that I can upstage all of the other heroes and become the number one hero, so you and everyone else can know - anyone can become a great hero. It's all about heart, you see. Not about strength or power, but about heart... You're a good one, Nihil. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
...I know this is a big ask, but... Can I be your friend? We don't have so much in common, but I can still be a friend to you! I may be a little bit insane, and I may have a big ego, but my heart is not black! I swear! Please, let me prove myself to you so we can be friends!
It is my pleasure. You're a girl of good morals and a pure heart. You want to do what's right. You want to help others. If more people in 1-A, and even 1-B, had the qualities that you do... well, then this world would be a happier place.
No problem, kid of 1-B. You keep being you. I won't even think of bringing you down. Don't let anyone else bring you down. I believe in you, Nihil. (Smiles encouragingly)
You're welcome, Nihil. In this world, people are born with differences. Whether that be through appearance or Quirk, we all are born different. However some people... try to bring others down to raise themselves up. Don't let others do this to you. You are who you want to be. You're amazing just the way you are.
(Neito's smile becomes genuine, and he begins clapping) Now that's a motivation to be a hero! You are perfect for this line of work! (He continues clapping and doesn't seem to be able to stop) You can be what you want! Anyone can be what they want! But only if they believe in themselves! Never forget that!
You're welcome, Nihil. You just remember that. Be proud of who you are. Be proud of your talents, no matter what others think. Even though you're a hero, you aren't always going to have people around you to praise you for your hard work. That's okay, though. You may not need people to support you, but you should definitely support yourself. You're unique, Nihil. Be yourself. No matter what others say.
You're welcome. Don't change for anyone, keep being yourself. The world could always use more heroes, especially ones as kind as you. Never give up on your dreams, and don't let any of the nasty comments get to you. You're beautiful as you are, Nihil. You're amazing as you are. You're you.
I hope I've given you the drive to prove to the 1-A students who say these things to you... You're not just unique. You are stronger than them. You are better than them. You are smarter than them. Show them what it means to be a hero!
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