#and i think after iwtv
thelioncourts · 1 year
#saw a post talking about louis and armand's relationship and i'm trying to figure out the words to say that i#disagree? with the viewpoint but i understand it very much too#basically the post was like 'armand wasn't in love with louis he loved louis because louis was lestat's fledgling'#and then 'armand really only loved lestat but comes to have genuine love for louis'#and like -- idk I don't think that's wrong per se but i think it's an oversimplification of lestat and armand#and wrong about louis and armand#i very much think armand's initial fascination with louis was about lestat#but he fell in love with louis' humanity and beauty the way the entire vampire world does#like i think it was an italicized 'oh' kind of moment when louis first showed armand the truth of himself#and i think after iwtv#when louis and armand come together again#after iwtv and in the later books i very much think that if louis was ever like 'armand i want you again in the way we were in paris'#i think armand would fall over himself to say yes to not disappoint louis' beautiful face#as for armand and lestat#i think armand very much romanticizes everything about lestat and that never goes away as they never are together#so there's not 'reality' to break that romantic-view he has of him#but at the same time armand is critical of lestat where louis is involved#and it's the only thing that seems to break armand's romanticizing#and i think armand loves the idea of lestat#and would lestat say 'armand i want you' armand would also fall over himself to say yes#but i think it would end horribly and i think they both very much know that#and i think if they did get together armand would fall very much out of his romanticization of lestat#anyway to make a long story short i think armand very very very much loves louis#in his very unique way#and i think armand loves the idea of lestat very much#but i also think armand would kill lestat if he ever truly endangered louis in front of him#idk what i'm getting at really but here i am rambling
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bivampir · 2 years
it's SO funny that when asked what he had to do to prepare for his role in IWTV Sam Reid says he had to learn how to play the piano, learn to speak French, Italian, and English with a French accent. Bailey read IWTV religiously and added her own comments, and kept an actual fucking journal she wrote entirely as Claudia. meanwhile Jacob Anderson, when asked the same question, just responds with “oh nothing, i was already emo”. icons and legends only
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starting to think that lestat is going to appear in dubai in the end of s2 not to get louis back or to tell his life story but to let everyone know that he did NOT fuck armand
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indelicateink · 29 days
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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'You're going to find that quite difficult'
Lestat in After the Phantoms of Your Former Self
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verysadlesbian · 3 days
Okay, but the fact that Louis had a suitcase filled with drugs ready in his apartment is sticking out to me. This and also Armand saying that he drained 128 men. Like Daniel, Louis had a drug abuse problem in the 70's. As I said before, he was numbing himself, going through the stages of grief he'll never get over with, courting his own demise like he's so used to do...
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noirve · 1 day
they just read each other for filth like that, then stayed together for another 50 years anyway. it's like when you know someone well enough to be able to say the things that truly hurt—why even leave? who else could know you like that? something something shiv calling tom post-fight to say she's always been afraid of the underneaths, of the worst thing the other person is thinking, but now they know! and once you've said the worst things, you're kind of... free? which is her last resort attempt at saving her dying marriage instead of just divorcing. that's post-'73 loumand to me except it's just armand actually because he deleted the whole argument from louis's memory oops
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queenoftheimps · 10 days
Some part of my brain is going dizzy over the fact that Louis says 'I love you' to Armand, but wouldn't say it to Lestat
But wouldn't call Armand his companion, the very thing Lestat asked Louis to be on the night he became a vampire
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louisbleedingout · 16 days
i really feel for louis and claudia so far in season 2 because the ONLY private space they had away from lestat in season 1 was their brains. claudia had her journals, but she really had to be careful with what she was writing after lestat told her that he read her journals.
sure there are ways to "build up mental walls" like armand keeps mentioning, but your mind should be a sacred place. needing to keep mental walls up 24/7 in case someone can dig around in there is horrifying to me as an abuse survivor, it would literally be my worst nightmare. we saw the impacts of how easily it lead to claudia being abused in season 1, but something about the realization of any vampire being able to dig around in another vampire's brain didn't hit me until this season. also not just one person digging around, but the ENTIRE 10+ member coven trying to find a crack in your mind to slip in?? horrifying!! even picturing that for a few days or weeks would be enough to give me life long trauma, let alone how long louis and claudia are going to be doing it for. there's so much autonomy that you need to regain in order to present yourself and make yourself come off as "normal" after surviving abuse. not having any private space (or space where you can sort out what version of yourself you're trying to be) REALLY would start to make anyone fall apart long term, but i can see why it's taken such a toll on louis. even louis' ONLY creative output and hobby (photography, especially focusing on his love for portrait photography) means he always needs to indirectly involve other people
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lestatisprince · 9 days
So I amplified the audio but my computer is being dumb today so I cant upload it.
Here are some highlights from the last 2:50 of episode 4.
... mean I couldn't catch it and moved on.
I probably missed some and messed up others so take this with a grain of salt or whatever.
Louis:(right after it cuts to Daniel)"I just want to know what happened."
One of them:"What happened...."
Armand:"... understand...understand...."
Louis: Growling!?"you and me me and you...."
One of them: "you want to know"
Armand:"... Understand.."
Armand:"... Why..."
Louis: "anything with her...........I mean you don't understand.......
Long period of not understanding anything.
(while Daniel is listening to the tape)
Louis: "FUCK"
Armand: "you have an inability......"
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garashir · 3 days
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foaming at the mouth
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bivampir · 1 year
acab (all cannibals are bisexual)
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soitamulle · 8 months
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louis & armand for day 5, a vile hunger
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extra: an attempt that was discontinued
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transldpdl · 2 months
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Is My Very Nature That of a Devil - LDPDL
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Lestat in After the Phantoms of Your Former Self
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cbrownjc · 2 years
Theory: Lestat is asleep in the Dubai Penthouse.
So I want to put this theory out before EP7 airs. I am nowhere close to 100% about it (barely even 50%), but I want to post it just in case I’m correct.
Since EP5, my belief has been that the 2022 part of the story takes place “during” Merrick. It doesn’t match Merrick 1-to-1, of course. But there are significant story points that match, particularly when it comes to Claudia’s diaries playing a significant role in the story and Louis attempting to end his un-life. 
And where was Lestat during Merrick? Asleep. Basically, in a coma. A coma he’d been in since right after book 5, Memnoch the Devil. 
In the books, Lestat went through basically three comas in his vampire life. (That I know of/remember. I don’t know if he goes through one in the Prince Lestat trilogy yet, since I just started it.) And I think the show has taken two of those comas and made them into one: the pre-Vampire Lestat coma and the post-Memnoch coma. 
This works because the timeline for everything in the show is shorter than it was in the books because of the aging up of Lestat before the events of Interview with the Vampire happen. (He’s 150 in vampire years in the show instead of just 10 as in the book.) During the time period the show is at by EP6, the middle to the end of the 1930s, Lestat was at the start of his second coma sleep in the books. 
And we already know from Claudia’s diaries in EP4 that she and Louis don’t get to Paris until 1945, after WWII is over and Paris was already liberated.  
That second coma sleep of Lestat’s lasted 55 years. And, gee, how long has it been since Louis gave that first interview to Daniel in 1973? 49 years now. 50 years exactly when S2 starts (assuming S2 comes out at the end of 2023.)
My theory? Lestat went to sleep sometime in 1967 or 1968. (Which, US history-wise, 1968 was a hell of a year. In the books, he went to sleep in 1929, the year of the Crash and the start of the Great Depression. Which was a fitting parallel.) 
If it was 1967, that would make it exactly 55 years since he was asleep by 2022, which is the year the show takes place in right now. 
Now, I couldn’t guess where Lestat might have started his over half a century of sleep. But I do think, at some point, his body was moved. And the place it was moved to was Dubai. Into the penthouse where Louis is living and now giving his do-over interview with Daniel. 
And Louis is now watching over him, as he was in Merrick when Lestat was in his post-Memnoch coma. I believe that part of Louis’ resting in EP4 was him also spending time with Lestat’s sleeping body, reading to him and such, as he did with Lestat's sleeping body in Merrick.
So, if this theory is correct, one of the final shots of EP7 will be the reveal of Lestat being asleep in another room in the Dubai penthouse.     
Rashid said Louis’ book isn’t just a warning to humanity but a lengthy suicide note. And I think it is a suicide note specifically for Lestat, for whenever Louis hopes Lestat wakes up. 
Just like the suicide note Louis left for the sleeping Lestat in Merrick.   
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