#and i used to be in homestuck fandom!
yusiyomogi · 5 months
i'm so used to small fandoms, that i'm kinda baffled by some things in dm fandom. like, i never realized that shippers can be so annoying, especially for a story with 0 romantic relationships. i just. can't adapt to the reality of big fandoms anymore, i guess.
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natalieleif · 4 months
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When the fandom writer becomes the canon writer...
I'm coping with Take All Of Us receiving its first review feedback in a normal way. Very normal.
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bowenoke · 20 days
something that i think goes really unappreciated about spotify is how over time you develop like a 6th sense for if someone who made a specific playlist is in a fandom. why do you in 2024 have barns courtney AND mitski AND kansas on the same playlist. and how is super hell.
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kandipandaa · 17 days
Homestuck and Hetalia are both trending this morning on tumblr
What fcukin year is it
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grapefaygodude69 · 1 month
Gamzee when did you have tumblr
TC: hI kArBro
TC: It'S a PrEtTy cOoL sToRY
TC: iT kInD oF aPpEaReD oN mY gRuBtOp
TC: LiKe a MoThErFuCkInG. MiRaClE.
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day 184
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
I read Hussie's author notes and they were so disappointing. He dismisses Eridan and gamzee as one-dimensional nastyboys, he claims Rose and Dave's true arc was to refuse their quests and they just needed to stop feeling guilty about it, and he says karkat's final frog didn't even matter and he was just worrying over nothing. There's so much potential clearly written in and he just throws it all away bc lol. Your analysis is so much more nuanced has so much more thought put into it both with regards to who these characters are as people and the role they serve in the plot. I'd take your ideas over what hussie thinks is canon any day of the week.
this is super funny to me because i absolutely take what hussie says into account like all the time HAHAHA
Like genuinely I go back to their formspring/tumblr/forum/book notes all the time to see how on-track i am with my analyses. If you like whatever bullshit i'm talking about, then you like hussie's writing!
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retros-artandstuff · 6 months
using dave strider as a measurement for how ive grown as an artist over the last few years
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gem-tavvy · 5 months
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made a comm for @betamomlalonde!!! this will forever be how i imagine lucas miller in my head now.....
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verdantglow · 6 months
Hiiii, hellooooo, I saw your Homestuck au and I love it. Love your art !!! I wanna eat everysingle one of them they are so-
Ok so, I had a few questions if you don't mind like, how did Scar and Grian met? Like- how they become moirals? Aaaand what would be the quadrants between Mumbo, Scar and Grian
Aaah hi! & thank you so much! (I’ve never had someone say they wanted to eat my art, that’s such a high compliment, omg…)
So Scar & Griann. They met while playing the VR version of Flarp around mid adolescence!
Actually, the VR edition of Flarp is how all the various groups of characters know each other. When they were around 7-8 sweeps old, they all signed up for & played a VR Flarp called Third Life. After the campaign ended, they stayed in touch & over the years they’ve played four more campaigns over VR, occasionally adding in more players. (This is very odd for Flarpers & really just for trolls in general. Maintaining relationships outside of your quadrants once you’re an adult & off planet is exceedingly rare, but this group is now around 12-14 sweeps & just finished playing the Secret Life module together.) (…There might be something to be said about the complex shipping chart that has developed holding them together in some ways.) (But mostly they’re just all friends, for whatever shade & value of friendship is possible as an adult troll.)
Anyway! Back to Scar & Griann! Griann ‘accidentally’ (no one is sure how accurate that word is) led to Scar’s first death in the Third Life campaign. We can guess that either Griann really thought Scar wouldn’t die or he just is piss poor at thinking things through, ‘cause killing a sea dweller, even in a game, when you were not supposed to… Well let’s just say that Griann vowed his first life to Scar & Scar, whether by dint of being the friendliest sea dweller you’ve ever met or because he was genuinely placated by the vow, didn’t pursue revenge IRL as he was entitled to by troll custom.
(It’s important to remember here that 1. Griann is a mutant candy red blood & 2. everyone was around the age where blood colour starts showing in your eyes, making it harder to hide your hemostatus. Given Griann wasn’t a full adult, so there was just a tint of red to his irises, during the Third Life campaign most of them assumed Griann was a rustblood. & a such a low blood killing fucking royalty out of turn, frankly most of them were pretty damn shocked that Scar accepted the vow instead of killing Griann on the spot, at least in game. It was very much a defining moment for everyone’s thoughts of Scar.)
So Griann & Scar teamed up & feelings… happened. Most of the rest of the crew saw their relationship as a somewhat forced moiraillegence, Griann placating Scar for his own safety as well as that of others while voicing his desire to leave the partnership to almost anyone who’d listen. By the end of the campaign, the forced part fell off people’s estimations, as Grian obviously became closer & closer to Scar. But it still seemed like a pretty cut & dry moiraillegence, albeit a kinda dysfunctional one, given how much death & destruction Scar still enacted on everyone.
When they were asked about their fresh moiraillegence after the campaign, they both just kinda smiled & nodded, trying not to think about all the confusing vacillating make outs that happened on Monopoly Mountain. & they’ve been living in ??? ever since.
Now, Mummbo Jummbo. My favorite jade blood. (My only jade blood lol.) He & Griann have known each other since they were grubs & have always been pretty much inseparable, despite Mummbo not picking up VR Flarp until the group’s second campaign.
No one knows what the heck is going on between Griann & Mummbo. They are utterly, helplessly devoted to each other in a way that everyone speculates whether they flushed or maybe ashen or ??? Like. Scar & Griann, while they keep up the image of them being moirails, anyone who really knows them can see quadrant vacillation clear as day. That’s not too out of the ordinary. But Mummbo & Griann? Extremely odd by troll standards, particularly adult troll standards. They seem to swing between pity friends & hate friends, as many troll friends do; they just do it at an intensity & velocity that most trolls find baffling outside of quadrants.
(The truth is Mummbo’s quadrants are completely empty & he prefers it that way. Aroace king right here. If you ask if, he’ll just say that quadrants are too much fuss & confusion for him. Though it is worth noting that Mummbo’s main point of reference for what quadrants look like for a long time was whatever the fuck Griann & Scar have going on, which, is, uh, not particularly stable & frequently somewhat unhealthy. Love them though.)
Mummbo & Scar become good pity friends after being introduced by Griann post-Third Life campaign, though they also have their hate friend days. Heck there have even been a few times that others have suspected Mummbo was pitch flirting with Scar (like during the Secret Life campaign when Mummbo said, rather loudly, in public, something to the effect of ‘get good.’). But really it’s a case of the hate friendship aspect of their relationship flaring & Mummbo being utterly clueless to flirting of any kind, even when he seemingly is the one doing it.
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lycanr0t · 2 months
i think one of the quickest ways to make a character feel OOC is to use language they wouldnt use.
Characters, like people, tend to favor certain words depending on a ton of different factors (culture, upbringing, age, class, personality) and its useful to try and break down what words they tend to favor and how their language ~feels~ overall. It's tempting to just insert how you talk yourself but I am so serious when I say that it can make or break your characterization if you use language that that character would simply not use.
To start it can be as simple as noting which swears or pet names the character uses most often in canon. What do those words say about them. What's the vibe they give off. I'll give an example:
Character A's favorite pet name is Baby. this gives off a less formal vibe generally, and feels very flirty. Depending on the character's vibe otherwise this can come off as sweet, flamboyant, overly familiar, playful, etc. But overall it's casual, it's flirty, it's confident, generally speaking.
You can use this to inform what swears the character may or may not use. They'll likely use ones that feel more casual. Swears vary HEAVILY depending on your location so that's something to keep in mind here. For this example I would likely go with basic common ones like fuck, shit or bitch. I would likely lean away from something like damn/god damn it or hell because to me those feel a bit reserved sounding. (for a swear)
that's just a SUPER basic version of how i start to break down how characters talk but. i promise it does wonders for characterization to really stop and think hard about how they speak and what language they use. I know I personally make a whole mental (or sometimes written down!!) profile just on notes about how a character speaks, what words they like, which ones they never use, and how they tend to express different emotions. It's honestly also just fun!!!!
anyways thats my not so short post on not even the tip of my character analysis iceberg thanks for coming to my ted talk
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thou-babbling-brook · 2 years
Hello everyone! I know this is vastly different from the usual content I post, but it is extremely important to me. I am currently doing research on fandom vocabulary and identity for one of my college classes this semester with the goal of getting my paper published. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if anyone involved with fandoms currently or in the past could complete this survey and spread it to others.
This survey will remain anonymous and no personal data will be collected. It is being conducted for its potential benefits to individuals or humans in general. An expected benefit of this study is an understanding of fandom culture and its vocabulary. You are not likely to experience physical, psychological, social, or legal risks beyond those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine examinations or tests by participating in this study. Your participation is voluntary. You can stop at any time and can decline to answer questions if you do not feel comfortable answering them.
This survey consists of a demographic section and questions related to fandoms and their vocabularies. It will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Even if you are not able to take the survey, spreading it by reblogging it or sharing it online with friends will be just as helpful! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks again everyone!
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autie-stuck · 1 year
Your blog tickles my brain in a good way.
I want to continue the agere train by asking for Little!Rose and Caretaker!Kanaya, Rose is laying on Kanaya's lap and she is reading a story to Rose.
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AGERE WOOOOOOOOO!!!! We will never turn down agere it slays so hard
Please use (she/they/vamp) for kanaya and (she/they) for rose!
Also do not tag this with any k!nk tags thank you :)
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milkwayshake · 16 days
I recently made myself 2 homestuck ocs that maaay or may not have been based on 2 homestar runner characters!…
So i decided to draw/edit them over some bases i had because i have way too fucking many of them to count
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This here’s the first OC of the 2, She may or may not! be based off of homestar himself!
Annd the second oc…who i did not do nearly as much sprite edits of….is a troll counterpart who was based off of strong bad
(+I would’ve made their glasses blue like the little gem thing on him but it clashed too much with the other colors)
…also theyr an olive blood… but I decided to break the normal canon boundaries by making their scelera a shade of their blood color, rather than yellow, cause I thought it looked easier on the eyes.
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tickle-me-homestuck · 4 months
ORIGINAL SONG: Luck Be A Lady from Guys and Dolls
if captor rejects me or any of you points out my vvoice crack i'll deny this song evver existed. is that fuckin clear?
(Lyrics under the cut)
CA: cod, sollux has been gettin on my nerves more than usual as of late. I wish I could tell him i dislike him like THAT. even if he didn't reciprocate maybe he'd at least stop pissin me off.
CA: ...no, i'd look desperate. Hmm...
CA: I've got it! Instead of sayin it, I can sing it. Real classy. Eridan, you ARE a genius.
They call you honey-sweet,
But there is room for doubt.
You always manage to piss me off with the way you run your mouth.
And I've been swinging pitch.
I want to shut you up.
And yet before this evening is over I might be out of luck.
You might not feel the same way, you might not want to stay,
And so the best that I can do is pray.
Sol, be a jackass tonight.
Sol, be a jackass tonight.
Sol, if you've ever felt pitch for me to begin with,
Sol, be an asshole tonight.
Sol, let a gentleman see,
How cruel a guy you can be.
I've seen the way you look at all the girls you've flushed for.
Sol, be a shithead with me.
A kismesis wouldn't leave his rival,
It isn't fair, it isn't nice.
A kismesis wouldn't take his eyes off of me,
When I plan to maul you tonight.
So let's keep the party polite,
Don't let me out of your sight.
Fight with me loser, I'm the guy who wants to pail you.
Sol, be an asshole tonight.
Sol, be a bastard tonight.
Sol, be pitch with me tonight.
Sol, be a jackass tonight.
Sol, be a jackass tonight.
Sol, if you've ever been black for me to begin with,
Sol, be an asshole tonight.
Sol, let a gentleman see,
How cruel a guy you can be.
I've seen the way you've treated all the guys you've hated.
Sol, be an asshole with me.
A kismesis wouldn't pull his punches.
He'd have the guts, he'd make the move.
A kismesis wouldn't leave my poor heart fit to burst
When I've still got something to prove.
So let's keep the party polite.
Never get out of my sight.
Bash in my brains and then I'll tear your fucking eyes out (oh, right...)
Sol be a jackass.
Sol be an asshole.
Sol be pitch with me,
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originalaccountname · 7 months
Nawy you don't have to answer this but i can see the shadows of homestuck in your art /not mean in anyway
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huh what I don't see it
every time I try to draw hands with fingers in my little guys artstyle this post hovers right over my shoulder, reminding me of my past and letting me know I'm never gonna escape it
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artificialcaretaker · 2 months
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STILL haven’t met Magnus in my watch yet but on the TOPIC of watching I have been WATCHING his tag because he looks INTERESTING and I can’t just NOT latch onto the possibility of pitch-shipping. Is this how they actually act? I will not know for probably the next few weeks to months!
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