#and i was like oh yeah the station for all lines is literally right here and new guy was like nah lets walk all the way
letstevengrantsleep · 2 months
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Part Three
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Eddie Munson x reader slow burn
part summary: heated words are exchanged between you and Jake, big decisions are made, and bonds are broken
word count: 1,145
warnings: toxic horrid relationship, smacking (just the one, to the face, in the heat of the moment), swearing, ANGST
a/n: This chapter is kinda heavy so please be aware of that before you read it. I've got a humble little taglist going too so lemmie know if you want to be added to it okay thanks byeee xoxo
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Your heart is pounding in your chest so hard you can feel it in your throat, following Jake to your meeting spot as the dread seeps in. He's gone silent, the tension in the air palpable as he stops abruptly to huff and practically slams himself down onto a park bench.
"What's going on, Jake?" You ask, knowing full well that it's a ridiculous question. You know what's up, you just don't want to admit it yet.
"I thought I was clear on the phone about how much last night upset me."
You want to roll your eyes, tell him he's being ridiculous and to get over himself, but something holds you back.
"I can't help it if I bump into people on the street, Jake." You really do try to keep your tone neutral but there's an edge of bitterness that seeps through the seems, soaking your words as they leave your mouth.
"No. But you have full control over whether you stop and have a fucking conversation with them," your name leaves Jake's mouth and it's sharp, harsh. It sounds completely unlike any way he's ever said your name before. It makes you recoil slightly, pulling a face at his words.
"You're overreacting." Sighing, you run your hands through your hair in frustration, "we've literally known each other less than twenty four hours, you have nothing to worry about here."
It sounds unconvincing, and honestly you're not even trying to make your words sound any different. What's the point? He's only going to accuse you of lying anyway.
"This is a fucking joke," he groans, voice rising, "I feel like I'm loosing you." His hand comes up to touch your face and it's involuntary, the way that you flinch back before he makes contact. You don't think he notices. "It used to be just me and you against the world, baby. Now it's like there's all these people in your head, everyone except me."
Oh God.
You can taste acid at the back of your throat, and you're convinced it's been brought on by this sudden show of affection from your boyfriend. You're not used to it anymore.
"Jake." You warn, pulling away.
"See?" His voice raises again, drawing attention from a few passers by. You wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole. "I can't even touch you anymore. What's up with that?" There's that anger in his eyes again, glazed over like a bull seeing red.
All you can do is stare at him, not even knowing where to start with that line of conversation. There are so many reasons why you pulled away, where do you even start?
Fuck it.
"Do you think maybe if you hadn't ditched me for your friends last night then maybe I wouldn't have spoken to Eddie at all?" There's an edge to your tone but you're calm, way calmer than he is.
"The fuck you just say to me?"
"You heard me, Jake."
"I'm not having this conversation with you right now." He snaps.
That makes you laugh, really laugh. "Right," you nod, "because it only suits you to hash things out if you think I'm in the wrong, yeah?"
"Shut up," he grinds out your name through gritted teeth.
"No,” you shake your head, "actually I think I'll carry on. While we're at it, in fact, let's talk about other noted absences."
"Shut it-"
"-what about the time you left me for four hours to go speak to a 'friend' while we were at my graduation?"
"I mean it, stop-"
"-or the time you forgot to pick me up from the station after I'd been to visit my dying grandma, alone-"
"Or every time we go to Steve's an you leave me to go 'swim' for hours when you're actually-"
The sound came before the sting, and it takes you a second to catch up with what's actually happened. Instinctively, your hand comes up to grasp at your cheek, eyes stinging with tears not through sadness or fear but because of the impact. Your heart is in your throat again but this time in pure fucking rage. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Jake says your name. Sheepishly. Quiet. His hand is coming up to meet yours but you move back, shaking your head.
"We're done." Is all you say. Voice stoic, mind made up.
"No, you're not doing this to me." Jake's stubborn, but so are you.
"Jake you just fucking hit me in a public park. We. Are. Done." You accentuate every word, making sure he understands how grave a mistake he has just made.
He says your name again, firmer this time. "We're not breaking up."
"Yes we are, Jake. You made that decision for us."
You're not even sure how you made it back home without a fight, dodging the main street in favour of side streets as the sting on your cheek got more and more aggressive. As you close the door you take a second to compose yourself, the silence of your home a stark contrast to the chaos of the park.
Taking a deep breath, you push yourself off the wall and make your way to the bathroom, your steps heavy and uncertain. The light flicks on after a moment and you brace yourself as you look in the mirror. There's no emotion on your face, you can't even bring yourself to look surprised as you glance at the deep bruise forming on your cheek.
Turning on the cold water you splash your face in an attempt to sooth the ache. As the water drips down onto your chin you look back at your reflection. The face staring back at you is angry, determined. This isn't about the bruise, this is about the betrayal. The broken trust and the realization that something had to give.
You take a deep breath, shaking out your limbs as you straighten your posture, stretching your neck with closed eyes. Somewhere in that bathroom you find a new sense of resolve, the determination not to take any more backwards steps.
The phone sits, quiet on the shoddy side table, and as you take a seat next to the window you catch it in your peripheral. For a moment you sit there, debating whether it's worth the trouble. If picking up the phone and calling someone is worth all the inevitable questions. Paralyzed, you mull it over a thousand times, each with a different outcome, before ultimately deciding that you're going to have to explain eventually, so why not now?
You grab the receiver, punch a series of numbers into the square number pad and hold it to your ear.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Hiya, it's me." A beat while the person on the other end responds, "yeah, something's happened. Can I come over?"
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@sapphire4082 @twirls827 @bewr0210
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Here's a snippet of my new fic! It'll either be a 5+1 or something insane we'll see 🤗
He's had enough of this guy. He knew karaoke Fridays were a bad idea but did anyone listen to him? No. He's the boss. He runs this place. Why did he have to hire all his friends?
The drunk on the stage croons.
"Okaaaay that's enough man," Eddie hops on the stage. "C'mon dude sit down or I'm gonna ask you to leave."
"Oh yeah?" The bastard spits at him. Literal spit. On his face.
"That's it! You're outta here!"
"No!" He's still trying to sing while the bouncers grab him. "I WANNA FEEL THE HEAAAAAAT NO LET GO OF ME! I DESERVE TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS!"
Jesus christ he's so glad he has Hopper on speed dial. He calls the station up and is only kind of thrown off when a new voice picks up.
"Sheriff's office. Max speaking."
"Max? Where's Hop he always answers?"
"Retired. Last day was yesterday. What do you want."
"Um well I need someone down here to get this drunk out of my bar-"
"K got it." Dial tone.
"She just hung up on me!"
"Girlsull do that to ya" the drunk slurs. Pinned down my security.
"Shut it Leonard!"
When will this guy shut up. He's still singing that stupid song.
Eddie's behind the bar with his fingers in his ears. Most of the customers headed out and it wasn't even 11 yet.
"You'll hurt your ears doing that," a voice beside him pipes up.
Eddie spins around and is face to face with the hottest man he's seen around these parts. In a cops uniform. Fuck.
"So what's the issue?" Officer Mchottie says.
Eddie just points to Leanoard. Jeff is sitting on top of him.
"I never would've guessed," he smirks. Oh my god his stupid face. He needs to touch it.
"Good luck officer!" Leonard shouts half asleep.
Eddie hold up the soda water spray nozzle and aims it at Leonard. "Don't say I didn't warn you"
"Alright calm down. I'll get him out." He puts a hand on Eddie's his skin burns where it touches. "No need for soda induced violence." He's looking softly at Eddie.
"Right. Right. Thanks officer..."
"Harrington." He holds out a hand for Eddie to shake. "Steve Harrington."
"Well officer Stevie, Eddie Munson pleasure is all mine."
"I'm sure it is." He gets Leonard off the ground and hauls him out the door. "This better not become a reoccurring thing Munson!" He shouts out.
"Of course not officer!" Eddie's grin is wicked.
It absolutely will be.
Thanks to @pomegranatetimetravel for pushing me to write this :)
Let me know your thoughts! If I should continue etc. I love to read comments :)
Check out my other fic Hold the Line it's completed and about time travel it's pinned on my page
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pugetprincess · 4 months
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Some The Bear season 3 trailer ponderings -
Love how they always make sure to get Syd in the light and in red. The red touches are usually smaller than this, so the full red shirt does make me wonder how her review of that partnership agreement is going.
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Contrast that to Carmy in his apartment here, all dark in the shadows even though he too is near the window
They later show Claire in a red jacket, interesting (red is pretty much symbolic of Syd in the show)
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they also show Carmy in the dark, walking down the street with the voiceover saying "Why are you doing this?"
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and it immediately cuts to Syd, yet again in the light:
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always, always with at least a small flash of red. the only scene it's hard to see the red is her talk with Pete, where you can just see a small piece of red on her hat
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(and it's literally a flame)(also i couldn't get a good shot of Syd here bc she looks down/away when telling Pete yeah, no, it's great. sus.)
also, note that this talk with Pete occurs after a time jump. because at the beginning of the trailer we see lots of scenes with Nat in her ~3rd trimester,, but behind Pete during this scene is a bottle cleaning station and so the baby is there at that point:
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it seems like Syd, at some point over the first year or two of opening, is going to leave right? something happens and so she finds a new job. maybe working with this guy?
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oh, i just noticed Syd is really covering up in both these scenes, maybe symbolic of armor? also, does anyone know the significance of how they framed this shot with all the words in the background? she descends the stairs to meet this guy.
also, i think in the top pic, with Syd in the red shirt, it looks like she may have moved out of her dad's and moved into a new place. this place where Marcus visits her:
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i find the placement of their feet interesting, bc it gives off that their both in motion, both in transition, but also not in the same plane. i don't think they're dating here or anything. there's a whole lot we could get into with Marcus' scenes in the trailer, but i think he's going to go off and see the world and this might be him saying goodbye to Syd for now.
also, right before they show Syd at her new place with Marcus, it cuts from this shot of Carmy looking pissed and angry, all in dark clothes, trying to clean the back alley
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also, it looks like Tina maybe gets to create some dishes! at least that's what i got from this outtake of her going through a farmer's market with a clipboard combined with her line about a new menu every night
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also, love the little girl food critic. you just know she has a highly successful youtube channel
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also, i posted this earlier, but i enjoy Syd's face when Carmy says he dumped Claire
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thrawns-backrest · 1 year
My thoughts on Treason but just the funny bits. I'll do a more serious review but here's some crack for now (CONTAINS SPOILERS BEWARE):
Pik and Waffle, lovable evil jocks with the silliest little names. No, I will not elaborate.
Savit is the embodiment of the 'he's out of line but he's right' meme. He was literally right. No actually he was wrong, he gave Stardust a few years when in reality it only lasted a day (Fs in the chat but also lmao, get rekt).
I'm still not supposed to root for the Empire like this but here we are.
Someone give Ronan a 'Krennic's top simp' shirt that he can wear with his goofy little cape. Which I'm happy to say the book read to filth, as it should.
The fact that Eli is still so genuine and likeable that even barbed-stick-up-my-ass Ronan felt bad for leaving him down at the space port... only for Eli to then get back to his shuttle with literal thoughts of slaughter on his mind. Like damn it takes some skill to make Eli this mad.
In recent news, Thrawn is still an absolute riot.
My heart goes out to Faro, every time she thinks she's catching up to Thrawn he just comes up with an even more insane plan and she ages ten years on the spot. Like 'we're going to fight Savit now but I'm not even gonna be here, also I left you some instructions on your Ipad :)' '???? Sir????'
My sympathies to the poor stormtroopers who had to watch Thrawn and literally thought he was joking when he said he was going to the bridge. They literally went 'yeah sure you will buddy- wait where did he go?!?'
Cue Savit having an aneurism when he finds him there. (You cannot tell me this man isn't having the time of his life in that moment. Huge 'little shit' energy right there. And I respect that.)
Imagine the Firedrake crew just minding their own business and Grand Fucking Admiral Thrawn walks by without any escort whatsoever like 'Hello :)' '???? Can I help you, sir????' 'No, I know my way around :)) Thank you :)'
TIE Defender supremacy. Stardust sucks.
Half of this book was big ships yeeting smaller ships at other big ships. No, I will not elaborate.
The other half was Thrawn and Ar'alani going back and forth like 'Thrawn no!! >:((' 'Thrawn yes! :))' 'sigh... fine.'
Also, can we talk about how hilariously petty the Chiss are?? ...I am so on board with that.
Knowing how bad Thrawn is at these political games, it's no wonder he's cool chilling with the Empire for now. I mean, the Empire is bad but the Chiss sound even worse. My man just wants to solve space mysteries, let him be.
Savit having another aneurysm while waiting for Ronan to catch up to him and Thrawn in the beginning of the book. Meanwhile Ronan living his best life walking down the runway with his stupid little cape
Chiss are genetically predisposed to being little shits, I'm not joking that's just facts.
"Have you found the target? If not, I suggest you put thoughts of entertainment out of your mind and concentrate on the task at hand." "Yes, sir." Tanik straightened in his chair. "Oh, wait, sir," he said with exaggerated brightness. "I stand corrected. Admiral, we have them." (SEE? SEE WHAT I MEAN??)
Tanik literally smiling at his station because he's gonna spill the tea about Khresh having a little tantrum to all his besties at home, what a legend.
Eli: Man, I want some one-on-one time with Thrawn. Also Eli when he gets some one-on-one time with Thrawn: Oh fuck, am I in trouble-
"Perhaps. But I believe you were suggesting a shift to turbolaser fire?" "A shift to-? Oh. No, actually, I was being facetious." "Ah." PFFFFFT
Okay I'm done. For now.
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offbrandkyoya · 6 months
92 Fight Club
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Diluc ran and ran to the train station.
When he arrives, the train leaves and Thoma was no where to be found. “Fuck..” He mutters, clearly defeated. He wasted so much time and now, he’ll never see him again.
Diluc turns back around but freezes when Thoma stands right in front of him. He notices he’s holding a brown lunch bag. “Thoma, y-you’re still here. I thought you left already?” The blonde blushes, “Uh, no, I got hungry and the line was kind of long…so…” “Oh okay.”
There was silence. Diluc gulps before speaking, “I wanted to talk to you.” “About?” “A…About us…” Thomas eyes widen, “Us?” The redhead nods. “Y-Yeah. I…I want to say I’m sorry. For literally everything…” He sighs, “Thoma, it was wrong for me to break up with you. I did that because I thought it’d be better for you. I should’ve talked to you about it but instead I just let you go. I really don’t deserve you at all. You never once complained about our relationship and it was all me. I thought I was doing the right thing but instead I let us down. I’m sorry.��
Thoma clutches his bag, thinking of a response. Dilucs face turned red as he’s a bit nervous about his reaction. Thoma looks the side, “I appreciate your apology but I don’t want us to get back together again.” Dilucs shocked by this. Surely, he thought Thoma would give him a chance because it’s Thoma. The kindest guy you’d ever meet.
“Why?” “Because…I don’t think..” Thoma closes his eyes tightly. “I don’t think I’m ready to be with you again. I’m sorry.” Thoma looks at him in pity. “I still like you but I’m not ready. Not yet.” “Then I’ll wait.” Diluc replies immediately, shocking Thoma a little. “Y-You will?” “Uh huh. I’ll wait as long as it takes but please, don’t fall for anyone else. I won’t fall for anyone either because you’re the one for me.”
Thoma blinks then bursts out laughing. Diluc jumps a little. “What a selfish thing to say. That’s so not you!” He calms down a little then smiles at him. “Okay, I won’t. Promise.” Diluc smiles too. “Can we at least be friends?” Thoma nods. “I’d like that.” Diluc smiles more. “Cool. Nothing like befriending your crush.” “Very cliche.”
The train arrives and Thoma begins to walk to it. “Well, see ya-“ “Uh, wait!” Diluc grabs his sleeve. He blushes a bit. “Let me walk you home?” Thoma giggles, “Okay but we’re going on the train first.” “Y-You know what I mean!” So the two men climb aboard. Another love story solved.
“I suddenly feel happy.” You say after you’ve put away your painting. “Freak.” Scaramouche comments and you punch his stomach. He groans as you puff up your cheeks. “Yn.” You straighten yourself up upon hearing that voice. Standing right in front of you are your parents. “Mom, dad, you’re here…” “We heard that you won.” “Oh right.” ‘Of course that’s all they care about.’
Your mother scans the room. “Where is it?” “Where’s what?” “Your painting.” Your father answers. “Oh, I put it away because I’m heading home. I had a tiring day.” You say sincerely. Scaramouche stands behind you, watching you converse with your parents. “I see.” Your mother shrugs, “Fine, I guess. We’ve seen it roam around the internet anyways.”
“To think you actually got somewhere with that.” Your dad chuckles and you look down a little. “Now that that’s out of your hair, you can go back to focusing on your studies.” “But-“ “No buts Yn.” Your mother lifts a finger. “You’ve disappointed us enough. Don’t try to continue to rebel.” You feel tears well up but you see Scaramouche’s arm wrap around your body.
“Yn can do whatever they want.” He says and your parents eye him. “Who’s this?” “Their boyfriend.” He states matter a factly. “Oh, I know him.” Your dad nods. “Yes, he’s the one who was abandoned by his mother a child.” “Oh that’s right! He’s the same one who had that crazy meltdown in public.” Your mom shakes her head. “Music doesn’t get you anymore.” Scaramouche growls but your hand rests on top of his.
“Don’t talk about him like that.” You say with an angry expression. “I don’t like that you’re talking crap about my boyfriend right in front of me! Also, I don’t give a shit if you’re disappointed by the fact I’m still doing art! I won because I’m good at what I do! You don’t support me at all and honestly, I don’t care.” You clench your fists. “Fuck you. My friends and Scaramouche are all I need.”
Your parents look at you wide eyed. You grab Scaramouche’s hand and stomp off to the front door. “Woah Yn, slow down.” He says once you’ve made it far enough. You guys stop and you frown. “Sorry…” “Hey,” He kisses your cheek and his hand rests on your cheek. “That was pretty cool that you stood up to them.” You smile weakly. “Thanks. I’m really sorry about what they said about you.” “It’s fine.”
He kisses you again. “Guess they won’t be seeing their grandkids.” You blush heavily. “S-Scara! Please stop mentioning that!” He laughs and kisses you again while you whine. “Before we leave, I’m going to use the bathroom real quick, okay?” “Okay.” You share a kiss before he turns back to use the restroom.
You place your arms behind your back with a hum. A few minutes passed, people leaving and entering. You decided to lean against the wall so you wouldn’t be in peoples way. As you wait, you noticed something odd. This girl keeps coming back and leaving. At first you thought she might’ve forgot something but she did it quite often.
She’s leaving again and you decide to confront her. “Excuse me, do you need anything?” She smirks a little, stopping in her tracks. “Why yes! Are you Yn?” “Um, yes?” Her smirk reminds you of the Cheshire Cat and because of this, you’re a bit skeptical at what she wants.
“Is something the matter?” “Oh nothing, nothing!” She giggled weirdly. “Then why are you coming back all the time? Are you looking for something?” “I was looking for you.” She says and you feel grossed out.
“How come?” She shrugs with a hum. “To congratulate you on your win. I really didn’t think you’d pull it off.” You tilt your head. This girl wasn’t competing so you wondered. “I like Scaramouche.” She says and it clicks. “Oh you’re a fan.” You say boringly. “Yes, I am! I’m also a HUGE Diluc fan!” “That’s cool.” You sigh and look the other way to see if your boyfriend is finished.
“Yn,” You didn’t even bother to look at her. “You don’t give up.” “No, I don’t.” “Even after having your painting ruined. Such a shame.” Slowly, you turn your head towards her, your mind buzzing. “How do you know that?” She stares at you with a sinister smile. “Because I did that.” Rage boils up inside you.
“You know what else? I even sent you about Thoma.” You let out a gasp. That was so long ago that you completely forgot that the only reason you knew about the drama was because someone sent it to you. That someone was the same girl who ruined your picture. “Why-“ “Because we don’t like you.” “We?” “Everyone. You’re a bug, Yn. Getting in the way of your friends. Were they really being abused? Or were you just trying to blame on someone innocent. Your existence caused the boys to suffer. You should be ashamed.”
You grit your teeth and grab her shoulder. She screams and slaps your face. “They’re attacking me!” She shouts. Instantly, you slap her back. Not only that, you grab her hair as well and tug it hard. She yelps in pain and grabs hold of your arms.
Everyone circles around you two, watching instead of helping. You didn’t care at all. You kick her stomach, making her fall in the floor. You get on top of her and punch her. “How could you?! I worked long and hard on that painting but because of your hatred for me, you RUIN it?!” “It’s what you deserve! You’re a complete, utter, WHORE!” You punch her again and she punches you back.
The fight didn’t last as you were pulled away by force. “What’re you doing?!” Scaramouche looks at you crazy, grabbing your arms back to prevent you from escaping. Seeing him made you come to your senses. “Scara, she ruined my painting!” The girl stands up with a huff.
“You deserved it! Someone like you doesn’t deserve this win!” You growl but Scaramouche moves you behind him. He lets go and walks to the girl. “Scara-“ He slaps the girls face. “Leave them alone or I’ll kill you.” Scaramouche glares. She scoffs, “Is this how you treat your fans?!” “You’re no fan of mine. You’re a virgin loser who’s insecure about their love life. Me and my friends will never give you the satisfaction of dumping Yn for the likes of you.”
She stares at him wide eyed and looks at the people staring and whispering. Scaramouche shoved her, tripping on her own feet, she falls. “Get the hell away from me or I’ll chase you away if I have to.” He takes a step forward and she struggles to get up and when she does, she runs off.
Scaramouche lets out a sigh and turns to you. “You need to learn how to defend yourself. You’re all bruised up.” He walks to you and observes your features. “Use your arms to block your face or have fast reflexes to block.” You blink then begin to laugh. “You’re so weird, Scara.” “Wha-“ You grab his face and kiss him, startling him a little.
You pull away and hug him. “I love you.” Scaramouche couldn’t help but feel confused but he smiles and hugs you back. “I love you too.”
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- did you guys see that the boy and the heron won an OSCAR?????????
- unfortunately i never watched the movie but i love ghibli and am super happy for Miyazaki! :3
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woodchipp · 9 months
Hi there! I came across your post dissecting Omocat's Motivational Speech. I decided to read it with a friend of mine and holy crap-HOW did ANYONE read that and NOT see this person as a horrible jerkhole?! Seriously, we saw WAY more red flags in this writing BESIDES the ones you pointed out?! I usually don't say anything, but I couldn't keep quiet with what was put here:
"the stress will be there. you can overcome it but it will not go away"
Why are they making stress as something that can never leave after encountering something that causes it??? It CAN go away! One simply just TAKE A BREAK FROM IT, or STOP DOING WHAT'S STRESSING THEM OUT! There's no reason to make stress out as this force that permanently looms over a person after introduction. If that's the case, more human beings would be dying from that (it's one of the aiding factors to a lot of serious health problems and a lethal one on its own)!
"The next thing is to know you are not alone on this. We have a team of, I don't now, 10 ppl here everyday working. I can vouch that you are all, for the most part, nice people."
For the MOST part??? So Omocat doesn't truly believe that the people slaving away in making their game, and are considered as FRIENDS by them, are nice people??? Guess that makes sense considering how Omocat treated them behind the scenes. Why show kindness to people if one doesn't believe that they deserve it, right?
"There are some people who have more work than others, so I ask for those who have a bit less on their shoulders to remain courteous. It's distracting and feels really bad to hear laughter or people enjoying themselves when you have so much wor to do."
This MAY sound reasonable at first glance, but my friend immediately point out that this is manipulative language to shame and guilt trip employees into not complaining about mistreatment or taking much needed breaks from working. Coporate companies LOVE to use this kind of talk to keep employees in line by playing on their sympathy to help their fellow man, and the fear of being singled out and hated by everyone in the workforce.
"Thinking of all the choices I made down the line could have led to a different possible worse situation. This kind of thinking needs a certain level of humility"
Oh really? Cause Melonkid DID suffer the worse situation from not only not being paid royalties, was mistreated while working on this game, but is being ganged up by former coworkers AND most fans of the game! On top of being lied on to be painted as mentally unstable! So uh...way to make this line moot, Omocat.
"Another thing that helps is the way I view deadlines. Deadlines are deadlines. They are immovable. They are above me, like higher beings."
THIS shocked us. Not only is it unprofessional to say such a thing to employees, but...WHY??? I'm not joking when my friend asked if Omocat's studio is stationed outside of America, because to portray deadlines as a deity when this is a LITERAL talk to a literal dev team? Yeah, that's cult talk.
"Think of deadlines as a demon you have to continually give nourishment and sacrifice to or else it will destroy our game/ And everytime you work on the game, finish something. you're saying fuck you to that demon"
Okay, these are no longer red flags anymore, these lines are just Omocat conditioning employees with cultist mentality to have control over them as they work on the game. Moving the deadline is impossible because it's a being higher than our existence, so stop asking to have it moved so you can rest. Don't you dare take anymore breaks than the limited amount I am allowing YOU to have, or else the "demon" destroys all our hard work and you will be to blame for it. That's what these lines are actually saying. In what way is this suppose to be motivating? In what way is this NOT evoking an ominous sense of danger from this person?
"It actually means so much to me that I have to pull back on a lot of emothons since I have a natural tendency to take everything to do with this game really personally."
Yet that's exactly what Omocat did with the Melonkid situation. Instead of handling the whole thing professionally, like a person who owns a business is SUPPOSE to do, they instead acted like this employee had ruined their life with handling financial affairs over royalties. Goodness, out of the many speeches I had read online out of controversies, THIS one was the most blatant in the person's true colors. The fact that none of the fans see this is beyond disturbing, it just shows the growing trend of victim blaming that is putting actual victims in danger. Yet, allow horrible people to take advantage of the narrative as long as they play things right.
holy shit I absolutely did NOT catch that "for the most part" part. that's peak passive-aggressiveness
Given that she apparently also mistreated her ex-manager (who was a friend of hers as well), I'm not surprised that this is the way she seems to treat people she considers "friends". It's still immensely disgusting, sure, but it's not all that surprising.
Personally, I wouldn't go as far as to claim that her equating deadlines with a demon is "cult talk", but yeah, I can't possibly see how such rhetoric is supposed to be even remotely motivational. "nourishment and sacrifice" Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Also... how is giving the "demon" nourishment saying "fuck you" to it?what a thoughtful metaphor
my joke theory that the devs exhausted the Kickstarter money on huge amounts of weed is seeming more and more plausible by the day huh
The fact that none of the fans see this is beyond disturbing
As I've mentioned before, this kind of controversy would've completely erased any other developer off the face of the Internet by now. But since Omocat is responsible for making a game specifically tailored to appeal to the sensibilities of Tumblr/Twitter users, she's pretty much inviolable :)
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
Chapter Ten (Part 2)
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I have never known cold in my life like the cold of the early morning in Berlin. It’s the kind of morning that feels like the sun will never rise. The cars still have their headlights on as Claire and I haul our bags up the stairs of the U Bahn station and out onto the street for the first time. It is seven in the morning, and it is not beautiful here. 
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We huddle together beneath a massive BAHNHOF NEUKOLLN sign and peer through the grey in search for a familiar face. The metal barriers all around us are lined with chained up bicycles overlapping each other, and there is careless graffiti on the shutters of the electronics shop across the road from us. It isn’t open yet. Nothing is open yet, including our hostel, so we stand with our backs against the frigid metal of a cigarette machine and wait. 
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He’s like an otherworldly spirit when he emerges from the fog, bundled in a big black coat, breaths turning to clouds that absorb into the thick mist around him. He raises a hand in a wave, and his smile is the brightest thing for miles.  
“Good morning.” Jude says. “I’m sorry I’m a bit late.” He bends down to hug me and I immediately feel my lack of sleep. I could almost sleep right here on the cushiony softness of his puffer coat with his cheek somehow still warm despite the weather. 
“So this is your home.” Claire says as he gives her a hug, and he shrugs nonchalantly. “Looks like shit this morning, to be honest. It literally couldn’t be uglier, but welcome to Berlin.” He offers to carry some of our bags, and we let him. We head down an identically bleak street that’s lined with Doner Kebab takeaways, phone shops and tiny supermarkets, all closed. Jude gently tugs on the back of my collar when I try to cross the road. 
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“You have to wait for the green man.” He says near my ear. 
I stare at him incredulously. “I know, but there’s no cars coming.”
“I don’t make the rules here.” We stand then, stupidly, waiting for the lights to change as not a single car passes us by. Then finally, it does, and we can cross. 
“That was ridiculous.” I say. “What’s going to happen if I just walk? They’ll throw me in jail?”
“No, worse.” He says. “An old German woman will materialise and start scolding you from her kitchen window. Happens literally every time.”
“Hm. So they’re pretty rule bound here.”
“You’re telling me.”
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Jude lives a twenty minute walk from the station in a large brutalist block of flats that is identical to all of the other brutalist blocks of flats that flank it on all four sides. I wonder how he can ever remember which is his, or how many times in his first few weeks he found himself wandering around trying to recall which block he walked out of that same morning, because I can certainly imagine that for myself.
“Oh, cats!” Claire comments as a pair of tabbys appear from the vegetation around the base of the building, one of whom starts winding her slinky body in between Jude’s ankles and mewing rather impatiently at him while the other sits watch from a short distance away. He leans down to scratch her head. “Nothing for you right now.” He says to her. “I’ll come back later on.”
“You feed these cats.” I say. Not a question, a fact. 
“I’m the crazy cat man of the neighbourhood.” He admits. “But they just love me, they must know that I have a kind soul.”
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“It’s because you feed them.” The tabby gives up on him and approaches me next, mouth open in a startling maw, her meow the cat equivalent of a screech. “Jesus.” I whisper.
“It’s just how she sounds.” He explains. “She’s actually a well tempered cat.”
“What’s her name?”
“I call her Main Street, because that’s where she mostly hangs out, and that one.” He points his thumb toward her noticeably more timid pair, hovering by the wheels of a parked car. “That’s Ten Feet Behind.”
“Because she’s always-”
“Yeah, ten feet behind the other cat.” He grins with chattering teeth. “Let’s go inside, it’s so damn cold.” With stiff fingers he punches in the code for the apartment and leads us into a hallway stuffed to the gills with more bikes. There is no lift, which means we have to carry our things up the stairway, winding around and around, hoping that each landing will be our last, but we keep going up until the seventh floor, where finally, mercifully, Jude lays our bags on the floor and fumbles in his pocket for his keys. 
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“Jonas is probably still asleep.” He warns us. “So let’s try and keep it down until he surfaces.” He gingerly opens the door to his apartment and lets us inside, and the heating is on, and my body is flooded with the kind of warmth and comfort that makes me want to curl up on that inviting green couch in the living area and fall asleep for hours. 
“You two can sit down wherever.” Jude says, so we peel our coats off and leave them hanging in a closet by the door. “I’ll make something for us to eat.”
“Oh? Food?” Claire says, as she and I sink into the soft cushions of his couch. “You don’t have to make anything.”
“I’m hungry, I’m sure you’re hungry, we can eat.”
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“Okay.” She says, immediately convinced, and I wind my arm with hers and rest my head on her shoulder as my eyes flutter shut with contentment. The apartment is so nice. It smells good. There is nice art on the walls that looks as though it was picked out by someone with a good eye, rather than the usual landlord special back in Dublin, which consists usually of some ancient picture of a hideous, jowled dog that was likely dug out of the bottom of a bargain pile at a car boot sale. 
I can’t believe that this morning I was in Dublin, and now I’m in a different country. I’m really in Berlin. I’m in Jude’s house. He’s cooking breakfast. It feels like something that would only happen in my head, but I keep opening my eyes to make sure that it’s real, and finding out that it is. After a while I peer over the back of the couch, and he has his back to me, whisking eggs in a bowl, and I read the spines of the cookbooks stacked neatly by the hob. Ottolenghi. Samin Nosrat. Grace Young. There are no books with unsophisticated titles like One Pot Wonders or Meals in Minutes! His are specific cuisines. Middle eastern food, Japanese food, North African, Italian, Chinese, French. I prop my chin on my hand and regard him with fresh interest. “I didn’t know you cooked.”
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He glances over his shoulder at me. “Of course.”
“I mean that I didn’t know that you cooked cooked, as in, more than just improvised tomato pasta and shepherd’s pie from a container.”
He chuckles. “I seem like I enjoy food from containers, do I?”
“Not particularly, I just never thought about it.”
He takes a serrated knife to a hunk of soft bread and cuts off several thick slices. “I’ve always liked to cook. I had to do it a lot when my parents were too busy to make dinner for my sister, it all kind of fell on me, and I grew to like it a bit, I suppose. Luckily. There’s not much that beats the taste of something you made yourself. When it’s good, I mean.”
He casually drunks a slice of bread into the beaten eggs with one hand and fires up the gas stove with the other. “Weird that you never knew that about me, honestly.”
“I suppose it never came up.”
“Hm. Well, surprise.” 
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The door from an adjoining room suddenly opens, and I glance around to see a very broad, bare chested man emerge from the darkness of his bedroom. “Hello” He says groggily. “What smells good?”
Claire, who had drifted into a shallow sleep before, regards him suddenly with wide, shocked eyes. He’s wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, looking like a viking, with blonde hair the length of his shoulders and messed up on one side to suggest that he sleeps on his right. 
“Oh.” He says when he notices us on the couch. “Hello ladies.” He steps in front of us so that we’re just about eye level with his crotch and extends a hand for Claire to shake, then me. “I don’t need introductions. I know that you’re Claire, and you’re Evie.” He points his thumb at himself. “I’m Jonas.”
Jude peers at him from the kitchen. “Yeah, they’re pleased to meet you, Jonas, can you put trousers on please.”
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Okay! If you want.” and goes back into his room. 
“Oh my god.” Claire says under her breath. I can’t tell whether she’s appalled or impressed, but she’s wide awake now. 
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Jude starts dealing out plates at the counter, and we get up to take our seats as he carefully places a slice of perfectly golden French toast in front of us. He takes a bowl of fresh berries out of the fridge, along with some sort of mascarpone cheese cream, and slides a jar of maple syrup across the counter into my waiting hand. “Enjoy.” He says, and stands on the other side of the counter to eat his the way that Italians drink espresso, al banca. He stabs his fork into the centre of the toast and swipes the knife across it. He’ll have it all eaten in ten seconds, but Claire and I will savour every delicious mouthful. 
“Sorry about the berries.” Jude says eventually. “They’re off-season.”
“Oh God, no, we don’t mind that.” Says Claire. “It’s actually so good, this is unreal.”
“Absolutely.” I agree. “This is like something you’d get in a restaurant.”
“Calm down, lads, it’s just French toast.” Says Jude, but the tips of his ears have gone red. 
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When Jonas reemerges, dressed, he takes a plate from the cupboard and starts unceremoniously shovelling food onto it, and then stands barefoot in the middle of the kitchen eating it like a wild animal. I side eye Claire to gauge her reaction to this, and just like I expected she’s horrified.
“What is everyone going to do today?” He says, mouth jammed with bread. 
“No big plans.” I tell him. “Maybe see the sights a bit, wander around. Look at the shops.”
“Oh, have you got costumes for Saturday night?”
“Sort of. Halfway, maybe. We were hoping to find something here.” I glance at Claire and she nods. I have the shoes I want to wear, but nothing else. She hasn’t got a single item, so some serious shopping is in order. 
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“There are so many places for thrift shopping.” He says with a wave of his fork. “You will find something great.” He prods Jude’s shoulder with his fork. “Are you going too?”
“Nah we’ve agreed to meet up in the evening, I have to go to the studio today, unfortunately.”
“Work work work.” Jonas says with an eye roll. “I hope you get a good job after all of this is finished, or it will all be for nothing.” 
“Agreed.” Jude says flatly. “Who are going as, by the way? I mean, costume wise” he says to Claire and I then, eyes flitting back and forth between us, and I smirk at him. “We’re not telling you.” We don’t know. “We’re going to surprise you on the night.”
“Fine, then I’ll surprise you too.”
“Well I’m expecting to be impressed.”
His smile falters. “Don’t hold your breath.”
“You mean you’re not overly prepared?”
“It was a difficult theme.”
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“It’s not difficult.” Jonas informs him. “It would be difficult if it was, I don’t know, 1930s soviet politicians, but it’s 60’s celebrities. It really couldn’t be easier.”
“Okay.” He shrugs. “Just mostly men were just wearing variations of the same suit.”
“Not true. You could have been a beatle, or a rolling stone, any of those groovy woodstock men, you didn’t think outside the box.” Jonas turns and winks at us. “My costume is good. Wait and see.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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Young American - Part 21** (^?)
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OK, I went against my entire plan and just had to split the last part into 2 parts because it was going to be way longer than I anticipated!
Full Series Masterlist is here
Warnings: unprotected sex, daddy/lg themes, slight degradation, breeding kink, and a baby glimpse of a pain kink. There's also a wee bit of sadness., but nothing hearbreaking.
WC: 18K
Don't forget to turn off shuffle!
“Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” Rosa asked Y/N quietly with a smile as she tattooed the portrait of her hairless cat onto her forearm and Y/N smiled.
“I don’t know! I’m barely 7 weeks!” She giggled and chuckled.
“Right, but like you don’t have like a feeling?”
“Other than a little morning sickness, not really.” Y/N sniggered and Rosa laughed along quietly. 
“It’s kind of a bummer that you guys are leaving…” she sighed, “But at least I got tattooed by you before you left!” She said and Y/N smiled. She loved that about Rosa, she had a great ability to find the silver lining in things.
“Well it’s not like we won’t come visit and stuff or like you guys can’t visit us.” She said and Rosa smiled.
“True…but still, it won’t be the same without you guys around all the time. Rubbing your true and eternal love in our faces….putting all our love lives to shame…but whatever, I am happy for you guys.” She grinned.
“Thanks, girl.” Y/N giggled at her dramatics.
“How’s the feline nutsack coming along?” Vy asked as she came up and Y/N had to pull her hand away from Rosa as she hunched over and burst into laughter as Vy chuckled and Rosa scoffed and scolded Vy for her comments on her cat. “I’m sorry, but they’re literally so ugly and look like what I said. I hear they get greasy too.” She said with a disgusted look on her face.
“Everyone does…” Rosa defended.
“My dogs don’t.” Vy said and Rosa shook her head. “Anyway, your man sent me over to check on you.” Vy said to Y/N and she turned to her and giggled.
“Check on me for what?” She questioned.
“To see if you were planning on taking a lunch any time soon?” Vy said and Y/N’s eyes widened.
“Oh is it that time already?”
“Yeah, girl!” Vy said with a smile.
“Well can you let him know I’m nearly done, so I’ll just eat after I finish up here. I’m not all that hungry yet anyway.” Y/N smiled and Vy nodded. Not even a minute later she was back and sighed.
“He told me to remind you that you’re eating for two now so…”
“Just don’t go back, Vy. Chill here with us and we can all go to lunch together.” Y/N suggested and Vy chuckled.
“Sounds like a great plan.” She agreed as she pulled her stool over to Y/N’s station.
Harry had been so protective over Y/N and the soon to be baby growing inside of her. Considering his mum and gran were also around, she was living her most stress free life as the three of them and Julie were basically waiting on her hand and foot. It was pretty amusing to her. She was well aware that the first trimester was always the riskiest one and sometimes it just didn’t work out, so despite her excitement, she was trying to remain as emotionally neutral about this as possible for just a bit more. Contrary to what she’d told Rosa she did have a feeling about what the little thing inside of her would become. Something about it just…felt like a boy. And every time she’d picture the baby it was a boy, but again, because this was such a delicate stage in the pregnancy she just didn’t want to personify the baby too much as like an internal defense mechanism. She was half listening to Rosa and Vy’s conversation until she had finished up Rosa’s tattoo. Vy helped to wrap her tattoo up while Y/N cleared her station in preparation for her lunch break. When they made it into the break room to get their bags they saw Harry still waiting in the lounge.
“About time! What’re you gonna eat?” Harry immediately asked them and Vy grinned.
“Y/N said she’s in the mood for some top quality sashimi, so I think we’ll go do that.” Vy teased and Harry rolled his eyes at her and she giggled.
“Baby, for real don’t worry so much about me. It makes me anxious.” Y/N said to him as she came over to kiss the top of his head.
“M’sorry, I can’t help it.” He huffed.
“It’s OK, my love. I’m being careful, promise.” She assured and he nodded, “Did you eat?”
“Yeah, was just waiting for you to check in on you before I set up for my appointment.”
“Oh OK, well I think we’re just gonna get some tacos from across the street. Just text me if you want me to bring you back anything, OK?”
“Yeah, love.” He assured and she hugged around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head again.
“Love you. Be back soon.” 
“Love you most.” He responded and kissed her hand before allowing Y/N to grab her purse from the locker and Vy and Rosa waved goodbye to him as they left the lounge. 
“He has been so intense…” Vy commented and Y/N nodded.
“I mean, Harry in general is just intense.” She giggled, “But like…he’s wanted this for a really long time so I think he’s just being really protective of the asset.” She said as she gently patted her belly that quite literally just looked like her normal belly, she wasn’t even showing yet.
“I would be so stressed if someone was hovering over me like that.” Rosa said as they waited at the crosswalk and both, Y/N and Vy, glanced to Rosa with incredulous looks and she burst into laughter.
“Girl please, you’d live for the attention.” Vy said what they were all thinking and Rosa shrugged.Y/N would definitely miss this, she’d miss her friends from school and from the shop. Time was flying by way too quickly, they’d be leaving so soon and she felt like she needed to start making fresh memories with her friends, like this, just some time with the girls was really nice and was missed.
All afternoon and well into the night, Y/N’s brain was spiraling as she realized that she’d been so wrapped up in Harry that she’d neglected her friends a bit and now she’d be moving to a whole other country and not really get to see any of them for a long time. She was overwhelmed with this feeling of sadness and regret at how quickly things were moving. Of course she wanted to go and she’d be so happy in England, she knew she would be. She loved London and she absolutely loved Harry’s family, but she also recognized that California was home for her entire life up until now. And realistically, she knew she wouldn’t fully feel at home in London for a while, it’d be a big adjustment. Maybe it was the hormones? But she couldn’t help it as her tears trickled down her face as she removed her makeup. She could hear Julie, Anne, Hillary, and Harry all laughing in the kitchen and she tried to focus on that and how nothing would really change because the people around her would be the same ones. But she would be so far away from everyone else… be so far away from her favorite places…it honestly had her feeling really sad.
“Hey baby, we’re setting the kettle. Do you want-” Harry stopped talking when he peered into the bathroom and saw her sitting on the toilet lid fully crying now, “Baby, what’s the matter?” He asked quietly as he shut the door and knelt down before her. She breathed in shakily as she got ready to explain her state to him.
“I’ve just been thinking about leaving all day and I’m…feeling really upset about it.” She shared and Harry tried not to take it personally as soon as the words left her mouth. He wanted to ask more questions before he felt upset or doubtful, but it made him sad that she felt upset about leaving to England how they had agreed and planned.
“In what way? Like what do you mean?” He asked as calmly as possible and she sighed shakily.
“Like I am uprooting my entire life. I don’t know why that just hit me today but it did! Like…come January we’re gone. Forever.” She said and he nodded.
“Right, but that’s what we agreed upon.” He said and she nodded through her tears.
“I know it is! But it feels too soon now. I don’t know how else to explain it. Like…I haven’t spent enough time with my friends, like even if I invite them to the wedding it’s not like they can save enough to plan a trip to another country for a wedding on short notice. Like…I’ve just been so wrapped up in us that I’ve kind of neglected everyone else.” She explained tearfully, “And I don’t regret everything we’ve shared together, so don’t even go there. I just wish I had…been more present for the other people in my life too.” She explained and as much as he was trying to not be hurt or upset by what she was saying, Harry definitely was.
“I don’t really know what I can even say.” He said softly and she could see that he was upset and she frowned.
“You’re upset.” She pointed out and he sighed as he stood up. Y/N dropped her face into her hands and sighed in defeat, “I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.” She shook her head and that made him even more upset.
“I mean, I think it’s better to know now that you don’t want to do this than when we’re already there.” He said and she shook her head.
“Harry, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying that I feel like I don’t have enough time with my friends, that’s it. Like…to go out and have fun…like there are so many plans I flaked out on because I wanted to be with you and-”
“So it’s my fault?”
“No! It’s entirely my fault! Like I prioritized our relationship over everything else, which I mean, I’m happy about where we are today, but like…everything comes with a sacrifice and I sacrificed other important people for this. For us. And it’s just about me and my priorities and time management. Like I just wish I had more time, that’s all.” She elaborated and he sighed.
“It’s not like we’re never going to come back and visit…”
“I know, but like…when? We’re gonna have the baby and we’re gonna be busy for a while and like…it’s just not going to be the same ever again.” She shook her head. 
Harry knew that she would never abandon him or leave him hurt and high and dry, but this is what the conversation felt like. Like she was regretful of making this choice with him. Like she wished she had done things differently. Like being with him was going to change her life but not entirely for the better. He didn’t like that that was even a thought in her head.
“So you regret it.” He said sadly and she sighed.
“No! Like regret is not the right word… I don’t know, maybe it’s just the hormones…” she huffed as she wiped under her eyes. 
“Don’t shift the blame.” He said and she pouted.
“H, I’m not. I’m just saying that maybe I’m just suddenly so upset because I’m just overproducing them right now. Like I literally started to feel this way in the middle of the crosswalk while going to lunch with the girls!” She explained and he sighed.
“So what do you want me to do?” He asked and she shook her head.
“Nothing. You just asked what was wrong and I’m telling you, you don’t have to do anything. I just need to deal with these feelings. Like I want to spend more time with my friends before the holidays but like…your family is here now and I can’t very well bail on everything to just hang out with my friends. Like I just…I wish I had a little more time now, that’s all.” She explained and Harry sighed.
“I know that you’re really trying to not make this about me, but I still feel like it’s my fault somehow.” Harry admitted and Y/N sighed.
“Baby, it’s not. It just finally hit me that like…this won’t be my home any more.” She explained, “I think out of anyone you should be able to understand that.” She said and he rolled his lips together.
“I left under very different circumstances. I knew I needed to go because I was dying over there. Like I needed to do this for myself! You’re just leaving because you’re angry at your family.” He said and her frown deepened even further as her eyes welled up again. She swallowed the lump in her throat and bit down on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying, she exhaled shakily.
“Yeah…OK…” She said softly with a roll of her eyes and just stood up from her spot. They hardly ever had any arguments, but whenever they did it felt like they were just really personalized attacks and that scared her. How could he say that to her? That’s what she didn’t understand and in a way she was just brushing it off because she refused to believe that he would normally take such a low blow. “Can you just…give me minute to just get my makeup off?” She asked. “I’ll be out in a few.” She said quietly as her tears streamed down her face.
“Now, you’re upset.” He said and she sighed.
“Yeah, I really am but I don’t…feel the need to defend my feelings to you any more. You’re clearly not understanding what I’m feeling and you’re making it really personal and it’s not cool…” She said and he scoffed.
“Of course not! One day you’re crying in the backseat of my mum’s car because you love England so much and want to move with me and now you’re telling me you don’t want to go when we leave in a little over a month!” He whisper shouted, trying not to call any attention to their argument.
“That’s not…” she stopped herself, “You’re doing that thing again where you’re putting words in my mouth and flipping your issues on me.” She called him out and he sighed and shook his head.
“Fuck…You’re right.” He admitted through an exasperated sigh, “I don’t mean to. You know I don’t. But after hearing what you’ve just told me I’m kind of freaking out!” He admitted and she sighed.
“Well when you act like this I freak out!” She said to him and he reached for her hand.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, what I said about you wanting to leave…that was really fucked up. I’m sorry.” He apologized right away, “You’re right…I just…like I hear what you’re saying but like…my brain is like…making it about me and like m-my…my insecurities.” He admitted and she pouted and just hugged him tight and he exhaled slowly as he hugged her back.
“I love you and it’s OK, I know it’s hard to like slip out of the mental framework you’ve been like reinforced into over and over again.” She said gently as she turned up to look at him and he nodded.
“I guess I’m just…scared that you’re regretting your choice or that you might change your mind.” He shared. That’s what it had been about this whole time.
“No. I don’t regret my decision to start a new part of my life with you, H.” She assured him, “Like this is wonderful, we’re in a good place and I think we’re going to get to an even better place with this move and the baby.” She assured with a smile, “It’s just scary for me too. Like…I’ve never even been outside of California until earlier this year with you!” She reminded him with a giggle, “Like…this is my home, it’s where my heart is. And where the people I love are.” She said to him, “And I just feel like I…like I didn’t appreciate it enough. I’m sorry for making it about you, like saying I got wrapped up in us-”
“No, I get what you mean like…I am quite clingy with you.” He admitted with a small smile and she smiled back at him.
“I like that though. I enjoyed it and every experience we’ve had until now! I just…wish I had included more of my friends in everything. Like…they know you a bit more now from like the random hangouts we’ve had but like, they didn’t properly get to know you and they don’t get to see why I’ve decided to just move my whole life to England after some guy that I was always complaining about just a year ago!” She said and he chuckled and shook his head. “And like…” she sighed as her smile faded, “My parents.” She said more solemnly and he furrowed his brows and nodded as he listened to her, “Like…a part of me wants to give them a warning that I’m leaving, but then another part of me just wants to keep them in the dark after what happened with my grandma.” She said to him, “Like…I’ve never been the kind of person to want to enact vengeance on anyone, but this feels like the perfect opportunity. But then I think, what if something happens to one of them and they can’t get a hold of me? Like I know they’re not the most open, but I still love them.” She whimpered now as she cried and he hugged her tight.
“Of course, my love. They’re your parents, you’ll always love them.” He assured her, “And like, I don’t know, maybe you don’t have to tell them that you’re leaving in person or over the phone. Maybe just write a letter. Share your thoughts with them? Tell them why you decided to leave.” He suggested and Y/N nodded as she considered that.
“Yeah, I think that would be nice.” She sniffled, “Cathartic too.” She added and he nodded.
“Exactly. And you can spend more time with your friends before we go, you know? My family will understand it.”
“I will.” She assured and Harry smiled.
“Good. I love you.”
“Love you.” She responded with a smile.
That very night Y/N wrote her first letter. She decided that she would write her parents a letter every day until her last day in the states. She’d have Julie mail it out for her or something. And as she finished writing her first letter she signed her name and then just quickly doodled a little plane at the bottom left corner at the page and a runway that stretched all the way across the paper and then she put it away. 
It was a few days into the new year and they would be dropping Anne and Hillary at the airport in a few days. Harry would be moving out of his apartment over the weekend and staying at Julie’s with her until he and Y/N left on the 21st. In just 3 short weeks Y/N would be living in another country. It still didn’t feel real, but she was more excited now. She felt better about leaving now because she had seen more of her friends through December, she’d even had them hang out a little more with Harry and they all really loved him.
Y/N had been really enjoying seeing how easily Hillary, Anne, and Julie had connected, it made her feel better about Julie deciding to move out to England as well. She and Harry had originally planned to let Julie stay with them, but she’d already overheard Anne ask Julie to come live with Hillary and her while she decided if she wanted a place of her own since it was just them two in Anne’s 4 bedroom home. And a few days after that she’d heard them already making plans about how Julie could decorate her room. So even for Julie, as crazy as this was, she was excited about this new step in life too.
And well, as for Y/N and Harry, they’d spent the holidays reading tons of parenting and child development and psychology books. They planned to discuss what each of them had found and wanted to decide how to raise their child, this was more his idea, because Y/N was sure that whatever her and his parents had done during their formative years had been right because she and Harry were pretty decent people in her opinion. Y/N was at the tail end of the first trimester and everything was looking good. Being 3 months, she knew that she’d start showing a bit more now. It was a lot more noticeable now, or at least it was to her and to Harry too. He just held her tummy so much when they cuddled now that he literally felt her growing a little more each day.
“Today the baby is officially the size of a…?” Harry paused as he entered the kitchen, demanding everyone’s attention with his question. He glanced from Y/N, to Julie, to his mum, and to his gran and they all looked at each other not really sure of the answer. His mum finally glanced to him and shrugged. “And you call yourself women.” Harry huffed jokingly and they just mumbled something about him being a pest before they continued talking over their morning tea. 
They were all only drinking fruit or decaffeinated herbal teas in solidarity of Y/N’s inability to consume caffeine, though Harry had caught her fervidly inhaling the scent of his freshly pressed, piping hot espressos a few times because as much as he wanted to support her, he caved after 3 days without coffee. He served himself breakfast before finding a seat next to Y/N and she smiled at him quickly.
“Want a bite?” He asked her quietly as the ladies were talking with each other.
“Yeah.” She smiled. “Get it like super syrupy though.” She requested and he smiled as he drown the little slice of pancake into the syrup as much as he could before feeding it to her, “Mmmthanks, baby.” She mumbled through her chewing and he just kissed the side of her head.
“What time is it?” Harry asked and Julie tapped her phone and glanced to him.
“A quarter to 10.” She said and Harry smiled.
“Perfect! So, I’ve got an announcement!” He said and they all glanced to him, “In addition to the humble Christmas gifts you ladies received I have actually scheduled an engagement / family Holiday photo shoot!” He said and they all glanced to each other with excitement, “It’s gonna be this afternoon,” he said and then turned to Y/N, “at our beach.” he said and she pouted with endearment, “We gotta go one last time before we leave.” he said and she smiled an nodded.
“Yeah.” She agreed softly.
“So, we’ll need to be out of here by 12:30 the latest! Bring a jacket, s’gonna be cold. The sun sets right before 5! Julie helped me get you all dresses.” He said and she grinned as they all turned to her, “So get all dolled up! We need to meet the photographer there by 2!” He said and they all started to chat about that. 
Y/N was the first to head off and get showered, of course, Harry had gone in after her and snuck in behind her. Despite his want to just eat her out until he was lightheaded, because pregnancy glow was truly a thing, they were on a tight schedule! Her hair always took her the longest to do and well she wanted to do a blow out for her pictures so she did that while Harry cleaned up and while everyone else showered. She knew she would end up doing everyone else’s eye makeup so as soon as she finished her hair and own eye make up she quickly got Julie’s eye make up done, then Anne’s, then Hillary’s, then she finished her own look. 
“OK, where are the dresses?” Y/N asked Julie as she came into her room.
“In here…” she said guiding her to the walk in closet, “This one’s yours.” She said handing over a dress in a black bag and Y/N smiled. “Do you want me to clean your ring so it’s extra shiny?” She asked and Y/N nodded with a grin, “OK, leave it on my vanity.” Julie said and Y/N slipped it off and put it down before going to get changed. She hurried to the bedroom and found Harry in his briefs buttoning up his light blue shirt and he glanced up at her as she rested her weight on the door to get it to shut.
“Can I help?” She asked and he nodded. She laid the bag her dress was in neatly on her bed and came over and kissed his chest before doing up his buttons.
“Have you seen your dress?”
“I think you’re gonna love it.” He said and she grinned excitedly.
“I can’t wait.” She confessed, “Do you think it’ll show the bump?”
“Mmmm, no. We’ll see right now though. Do you want to show it off?”
“I don’t care, just wondering.” She said as she left the last three buttons unfastened knowing that if she did them up he’d eventually undo them. She then went over to the bag and got it off, she gasped and turned to him. “You helped pick this out?” She asked him.
“Why do you seem so surprised?” He asked, playing offended at her reaction.
“It’s just, you and Julie obviously know me way too well.” She giggled and he came over and looked down at it with her, “I would’ve definitely chosen something like this.” She assured and he smiled.
“Good.” He said to her and then kissed her deeply, “I can’t wait to marry you.” He mumbled against her lips and she smiled.
“I can’t either. I’m really excited that we’re doing these pictures before I get too big though. Thanks for this! And that we’re doing it here too. This is really thoughtful of you, baby. I love it. Thank you.” She assured and he kissed her once again. She got dressed and just did a few more finishing touches before they were getting into Julie’s car. Harry was driving and Y/N was up front with him. Obviously, it was the winter, so they hadn’t taken Anne or Hillary to the beach, but as soon as they got into the canyon they were both glancing around in wonder. The drive out really was breathtaking. Y/N would definitely miss this and she knew Harry would too, they spent a lot of their summer at the beach. So as they drove through she paid extra attention to the scenery around her and took many mental pictures of this place and the people with her.
“Oh wow!” Anne gasped as they made it through the canyon and Y/N smiled as Harry made a right up the PCH and they started to cruise up the coast. She then glanced to Harry and her heart melted.
Y/N wished she could just stare at him all the time, especially now because he was quite literally glowing. He looked so relaxed, so happy with the sun lighting up his eyes and highlighting the golden hues of his hair. He looked so. Fucking. Hot. She knew coming into the second trimester is when you start to get insatiable and it had already started for her. Anything about Harry would get her going in a heartbeat! Like now, how he looked like a literal angel, he was the brightest star, she swore it. She released his hand and glanced up through the mirror to ensure that the ladies were distracted enough before she gripped his thigh and slid her hand higher. She saw his lips quirk up in a grin before he grabbed her hand before it went too high and interlocked their fingers again. He shook his head and then shot her a playful wink which made her giggle. But as he laid her hand flat over his thigh and let his fingers caress and tickle her palm she started to get all tingly inside. She glanced over to him with a bitten lip and he just smirked. This drive would certainly feel long.
“We’re getting close.” Harry said after about another 20 minutes of driving. He started to slow down as they drove past a large rock formation and then Y/N pointed it out to them on their left. 
“Oh that’s just lovely!” Anne said as she saw the sycamore trees lining the beach.
As Harry got into the turning lane and went into the parking lot Y/N gasped in total shock when she saw everyone from the shop and her school friends all waving and cheering as they drove in. Harry parked right beside them and she turned to him.
“What is going on?!” She asked him through her laughter and he smirked.
“We’re actually getting married today. Surprise!” He said to her and her eyes immediately welled up as Anne and Hillary squealed in excitement and Julie chuckled as they applauded her for her ability to keep secrets so well. 
“Let’s give them a minute.” Julie said through her laughter and so they got out and left Harry and Y/N alone as she expertly dabbed at her eyes as to not ruin her makeup.
“I hope this is OK.” He said softly and she nodded and leaned forward and pecked his lips, “Like, I know we talked about how you felt like you didn’t get to make as many memories as you would’ve wanted with the people that matter to you. And you’re right about them having a hard time with coming to a wedding across the world so I figured we could have this with our friends from here. We could even do another with our family in England if you wanted to.” He said simply and she smiled. He said our family in England that made her want to cry even more.
“God, I love you so fucking much.” She said softly and he pecked her lips quickly.
“I love you too and I just wanted to show to you that I heard what you were saying before.” He said softly.
“Thank you, baby. You’re so thoughtful. Thank you for understanding this really is the best surprise. It was killing me to wait any longer if I’m being honest.” She said with a bright smile.
“Same.” He confessed through some laughter, “Well there’s another surprise and that is that Julie is officiating.” He said and she shook her head.
“I’m gonna cry the whole time…”
“You can’t! The pictures and the video…”
“I’m too hormonal for this! Like I want to hold you and jump your bones and then I want to just curl up in a little ball and cry all at the same time!” She explained through a chuckle.
“Oh, there will be time for jumping bones.” He assured her with a playful smirk and she giggled, “We’ve got plans tonight and tomorrow night. So after this, we’re gonna have a nice meal with everyone and then enjoy a mini honeymoon. I do owe you a proper one but-”  
“Baby?” She pouted with a heart so full of love she felt like she might burst.
“Yes, my love?” Harry asked her as he cradled her face in his hand.
“We’re getting married.” She said with a big smile and he nodded firmly once, his own smile was bright and dimpled, “Like, right now!” She added and he nodded again, “I love you. So much. This is already the best day of my life.” She said softly.
“I love you.” He hummed before he leaned in and kissed her lips quickly, “Let’s do this.” He said softly and she nodded.
As soon as they made it out of the car her friends all cheered for them and came over and hugged them. There really was a photographer and a videographer there to capture each moment. Especially as they made their way over to the beach where they would have their little ceremony. Their friends had all brought their own little picnic blankets and some lounge chairs for Anne and Hillary which they set up right before Julie as Y/N and Harry had a few pictures taken before they went up there with Julie who was smiling so wide it looked like it hurt.
“Ready?” She asked quietly and they both nodded, “Welcome everyone!��� She greeted with a smile, “I really won’t say too much because well, I think if you’ve spent more than 5 minutes with these two you’d see exactly what love is supposed to look like.” She said and they both smiled at each other, “When I first met Harry he had been an unexpected guest, Y/N had looked after him after a rager at Vy’s.” She said pointing to her among the guests and she giggled, “He was so terribly sweet, I liked him right away and after that he just…kind of kept showing up!” She said and everyone chuckled, “And Harry, you integrated yourself into our lives so seamlessly with your kindness and thoughtfulness. You brought so much joy and laughter and fun to our lives, but mostly to Y/N’s. You brought out a side of her that really just made me so happy to see and I’ve just been able to witness first hand how your care and love for each other has transformed you both into the best versions of yourselves. And well, Y/N has always had a really big heart, so I wasn’t surprised that she had wanted to make sure Harry felt like he had a home here, but this was so different. You literally just light right up when he shows up, it’s the most adorable thing.” She said to her and Y/N rolled her head back to prevent her tears from falling, “It’s such a pure love that you have for each other. Your family and I were talking about how you’ve both seemed to have perfectly filled the void you’ve had and it makes us so happy to see that you’re being loved like you deserve. You’re gonna have your own family soon-”
“Team girl!” G called out and everyone chuckled.
“I am team girl as well.” Julie confessed through a smile, “But ummm, I’ve seen the give and take, I’ve seen the squabbles, I’ve seen the hardships, the joys, and also the determination. I mean it’s crazy how much can happen in just a year, but what you two have, it’s the real thing. It’s the thing that so many people wait their entire lives for.” She said and Harry squeezed Y/N’s hand as he nodded in agreement with Julie. “And I love you both so freaking much and I am so grateful that I’m gonna get to see this pan out for a long, long time.” She sniffled, “So without further ado…” she said reaching into her dress’ pocket, “I actually have to say this bit to make it legit.” She explained as she also pulled out another ring box and handed it to Harry, everyone laughed softly at her words and fell silent before they said their vows. It felt surreal to be staring into Harry’s eyes while he stared back and they promised each other all the love, support, and respect in the world as they exchanged wedding bands. 
“Well, here’s to forever.” Harry said softly to her and Y/N couldn’t even wait before she leaned in to kiss him. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply as everyone clapped for them. It wasn’t anything fancy or elaborate, but it was completely genuine.
“I love you so much.” She mumbled against his lips as they pulled back with big smiles.
“I love you too. I always will.” He assured her softly. 
They had some snacks at the picnic tables which G had brought to feed people while they greeted and took pictures with their friends and family. They hung out there for a bit before Harry announced where they’d meet to get some dinner and they all started heading off. The sun was starting to set at this point and it was getting colder.
“Ready love?” Harry asked as he came up to her and she looked up at him, her feet in the warm ocean water.
“Just one more minute, yeah?” She asked and he nodded and wrapped his arms around her and exhaled as they just looked out at the ocean as the sun started to set. “Baby, thank you so much for this.” She hummed and he smiled.
“Like I know it wasn’t like all that formal or-”
“I mean, but we’ve never really been all that formal either.” She said said and he chuckled.
“I suppose not…”
“It was perfect.” She assured him, “Was it legit though?”
“Oh yeah, Julie has a friend who works at the courthouse, they got us the license application, we just need to sign it and send it in.” He said and she giggled.
“You guys thought of everything…”
“We really did. We’ve been cooking this up since right after Thanksgiving.” He said and she shook her head.
“You guys are sneaky.” She hummed in amusement and he shrugged.
“It had to be done. I just couldn’t wait and I also thought a lot about what we talked about, with you feeling like you hadn’t made enough memories with your friends. I want them to be part of that too.” he admitted and she smiled.
“I’m glad you didn’t wait. It was genuinely perfect.” She hummed as he kissed the side of her head.
“Ready, love birds?” Hillary called out from beside the car.
“Ready!” He shouted and guided Y/N back to the car and soon they were heading off to the restaurant as well. 
It was nice to see the huge table decorated with a few pearlescent balloons and some simple centerpieces, she spent plenty of time chatting with her friends, introducing them to each other properly, it was all extremely fun and so special. The evening felt magical, everyone had a few drinks in them, apart from her and Harry (that was one thing he did stop doing along with her since giving up his caffeine was out of the question), and it was full of joyful chatter and laughter. Then she recalled that she hadn’t written her letter for the day, and that made her think of her parents, and she wondered if he had invited them. She turned to him and waited until he had finished talking to Auree’s girlfriend about something before she captured his attention.
“Baby?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, my love?” He asked as he turned to her with a bright smile.
“Can we ummm…can we talk? In private?” She asked and he looked at her skeptically, “I’m not trying to get in your pants. Well not yet at least.” She added in with a grin and he chuckled.
“Yeah, let’s go up front, yeah?” He suggested and she nodded. “We’ll be right back.” He assured everyone as they headed out of the private dining room they were occupying and as they passed by their waitress Harry let her know it was time for dessert and she nodded and assured him she’d get that going in the kitchen.
“What’s for dessert?” She asked with intrigued eyes.
“Chocolate lava cake.” He smiled at her and she gasped.
“Oh my god…OK, I can’t wait.” She assured and he chuckled as they made it out front. They were stood by one of the heating lanterns so at least they were warm, but a certain cold feeling still crept into her chest.
“So what did you want to talk about?” He asked her, feeling a bit nervous because why did she have to do this privately? Maybe she wasn’t as happy about this surprise elopement as he thought? Maybe he’d gone too far?
“So after we spoke back in November about how I felt we were moving away too soon?” She reminded and he nodded, “I took your suggestion. I decided to write my parents letters up until the day we left and they’ve been about what’s been going on with us, how we’ve been preparing to head over, what our plans are. And like…I’m just wondering if they know we got married or if I should like…be a little tactful with the letter I’ll write for today?” She asked him and he nodded in understanding at her question. He wanted to give her good news, but it was his duty to be honest with her. The truth hurts sometimes and…well he knew this one would really hurt her.
“Ummm…th-they know.” He said to her and he saw the sparkle leave her eyes before she looked away and took a slow breath, “Baby, I got both your parents’ numbers from your phone. I figured maybe they’re cautious with numbers they don’t recognize so I left messages and then I sent texts just so they would go ahead and listen to the voice mails.” He explained and she nodded, “I ummm…I got a text back from both numbers after a few days, it said to not call anymore and that they’re disappointed to hear about it.” He said and she choked on a sob that she wanted so badly to keep trapped in her throat and he wrapped her up in his arms, “It was the same exact message, so I’m sure your dad…maybe had your mom send the same thing as he did. He got back to me first. I’m so sorry.” He said quietly and she just squeezed around him, “I was going to tell you, maybe tomorrow afterwards, but I should’ve told you before instead of letting you wonder about it all day and ruin things-”
“There’s a reason why I asked until now, babe. I hadn’t even thought of them until I thought that I don’t have the stuff to write my letter tonight. The day has been wonderful H, believe me. I couldn’t have been happier. You’ve made me so incredibly happy.” She assured him as he wiped her tears with his thumbs.
“You positive?”
“I am. I promise you, hubby.” She said with a smile and his smile widened.
“S’gonna feel so good to refer to you as my wife. Been calling you that in my mind for a while now…” he said and she smiled, “Just…when you know, you know, I guess.” She shrugged slightly.
“I love you, Harry.” She said softly, “Thank you for thinking of everything. And maybe it didn’t happen how you hoped it would, but you still thought to include my family and that’s more than you even should’ve done after the way they’ve behaved towards you.” He shook his head.
“Of course love, they’re your family.” He said.
“Well, now you’re my husband and we’re having a baby soon so…we’re our own family now. And you don’t have to think about my family anymore. I know you…and I know that deep down a tiny part of you might feel responsible for this falling out,” she said and he sighed, “but you’re not. It’s been a long time coming. It’s what they do.” She said to him and he nodded, “Thank you for trying though. That means everything to me, especially after the way my father treated you. I just want you to know that you don’t have to try and fix it, it’s in their hands now.” She said and he sighed and nodded.
“I just had to try and make it right.”
“I know, my love. You’re the best man I’ve ever known.” She smiled at him, “I don’t want you to feel like the rejection happens because it’s you. So if there’s anything that ever needs to be communicated to them I can do it, OK? I don’t want you to have to deal with any unpleasantness just because they’ve got some sticks up their asses.”
“But your mum might-”
“She’s complicit, H. That’s what’s most hurtful about her actions. I’ve seen my dad and his side of the family shun people like this my whole life so I knew he was capable of that, but my mom? She’d just…rather lose the rest of us than lose him.”
“Yeah. But again, thank you for thinking of them despite everything. Makes me love you even more.” She smiled and tip-toed to kiss his lips.
“Course, love.” He assured with a kind smile, “We can drop by the house to pick up your stuff for your letters?” He offered.
“It’s alright. I can write it on my notes and then just transcribe it.” She assured him and he nodded.“Be honest with me, is there anything about this that scares you?” She asked him and he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yeah, of course.”
“What is it?” She asked and he sighed.
“Just that…the love will somehow run out? Like I’ve seen so many couples that seem like they’re perfect but then they just haven’t loved each other for ages and hate what marriage did to them and like…I guess if you ever felt like we were heading down a path where you find the person you fell in love with is disappearing please tell me. Or even if it’s got nothing to do with me and you just start to lose feelings or…I don’t know, the magic dies…” he said and she nodded as she listened.
“How about this, lets promise to always speak honestly and listen to each other. You know how in Ted Lasso they say Oklahoma to like…basically just tell each other truth no matter how it comes out?” He nodded, “Like that. Let’s have that. And I mean, one thing I learned from my parents is that they always made time for each other. They’d go on dates, they’d have alone time, they’d take vacations together…like, let’s not let ourselves forget why we decided to do this.” She said and he nodded.
“Yeah, I like that.” He agreed softly.
“I promise you that if anything like that is going on with me or us I will tell you the truth. Obviously with as much love and tact as possible.” She said and he smiled, “But you tell me as well, OK?”
“I will, baby. Do you have any fears?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, the same one as you. Like what if this just somehow doesn’t work out, but I mean, the fact that we’re even bringing this up on our wedding day somehow tells me it’s gonna be just fine.” She said and he smiled, “And ummm…s’mostly my family. That like…they’ll not be a part of our lives ever, like that they won’t come around. It’s almost like I’m grieving them before we go.” She explained.
“Yeah, I can see how that would be the case.” He said as he grabbed her hands.
“Like one day I’m fine and just accept that this is how things are and I feel OK with it. But then later I feel angry about it, or like totally in denial, or wondering if there’s anything I can do to fix this…but I think the more I write those things down the more it helps me feel relieved from it all. Like, I want to include a copy of the next sonogram in the letter, just so they’re aware that we’re having a baby, you know? I haven’t written about the baby at all yet, just in case…I mean, that was a huge fear I had for a while there. That something would happen and I’d lose it.” She said and he frowned.
“Baby, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because you were so excited and everyone was being so protective and all, like I didn’t want to make you all feel bad for fussing over me all the time. Like the fact that you guys were caring so much made me feel better about not getting too attached yet.” She said and Harry seemed even more upset by that.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry you had to deal with that all on your own.” He shook his head.
“It’s OK, I do wish I had said something, but I think I was able to have some good internal conversations about why I was so scared to just…be happy about this.”
“And what’d you come up with?”
“It just goes back to my family. Like what if our child estranges themselves from us? Or what if we do something wrong and fuck him up?” She asked and he smiled a bit. “What’s funny about that?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Nothing at all. You just said “him” when you referred to the baby.” He pointed out, “Do you think it’s a boy?” He asked and Y/N smiled a bit as the topic seemingly shifted.
“Yeah, I do.” She confirmed and he smiled wider.
“I do too! Like I had a dream about it and maybe it’s because Archie was just so attached to you that you with a baby boy is like the image in my mind, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it. But I mean, as the parents I think in a way we have a connection that just…makes us kind of know if we really tune into it all.”
“Mmmm, yeah. Could very well be true.” He hummed his agreement, “But back to what you were saying before…we’re not gonna fuck up our kid, there’s absolutely no way. And like…maybe one day your parents will come around and we’ll feel good about introducing them to our family and they’ll see that we had everything we needed to start our own family.” He said and she nodded.
“Yeah. You’re right.” She said and he smiled.
“And I mean…I can’t imagine how much it hurts to be dealing with so many big moments and not having them here with you, but they’ve chosen to let you go, baby. Like it hurts me to say that to you, but that’s what they’ve chosen.” He said and she nodded.
“I know.” She sniffled and he kissed her forehead.
“I feel like you’re being dragged along, you know? Like you’re holding on, hoping that they’ll give you a glimmer of hope or something, but sometimes letting go is the best thing. Like…they can’t hurt you if you let go too.” He said and she nodded.
“I know, baby. I know.” She sighed shakily.
“I just want you to know that I’m here with you every step of the way. Like you said, it’s almost like a grieving process and like…I don’t care if we talk about it one time or one billion times!” He said with a smile, “I will hear you out and walk with you through the hurt and the disappointment and hopefully the recovery of your relationship with them. I’m hopeful too, baby. I want that for you, I do. So please, never feel like you talk about it too much or like it’s stupid to bring up, OK?”
“Thank you, baby. Thank you so much.” She whispered as she hugged him tight.
“Of course, my love.” He hummed as he rubbed her back gently, “So you really think it’s a boy?”
“Yeah. I picture a boy too.” She confessed and he smiled, “If it is, maybe we can name him after your grandpa. I know he meant a lot to you.” She said and he pulled back.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, I’m sure. Apart from you, I don’t know of any men I would want to name a baby after.” She assured and he cringed.
“And if it is, I will most definitely not have a Harry jr.” he assured with a slight grimace and she laughed.
“Not even the middle name?”
“No.” He said firmly and she giggled.
“Alright, no jr’s.” She assured with a grin and he dipped down to kiss her lips.
“Also, whenever you’re ready to go just say the word. Auree’s agreed to drop our family at home.”
“Oh, OK.” She grinned, “Then…let’s go eat our cake and then say goodbye?” She asked and he smirked.
“You horny, little thing.” He mumbled against her lips as he playfully swatted her bum and she laughed at his playful jab.
“Like you’re any better.” She countered and he sniggered, “C’mon.” She said and they made their way back inside.
----Wedding Outfits----
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They only stayed another 30 minutes before they headed off to their hotel room. And well Harry had delivered, the place was beachfront in Santa Monica, bordering Venice, and it was absolutely gorgeous.
“You’re all checked in. Enjoy your stay and congratulations.” The man behind the counter smiled at them.
“Thank you so much, good night.” Harry said and Y/N smiled before she followed after him into the elevator. 
“I can’t believe you packed up all this stuff and I didn’t notice it was missing.” She laughed.
“Well a benefit of you leaving your clean laundry piled on the desk chair in your room. I just took a couple things here and there over the last few days.” He said and Y/N laughed and shook her head. “And while you got dressed Julie swiped your makeup bag from the bathroom so that’s in there too.” He assured and she chuckled.
“Well thank you for thinking of everything.” She said with a happy smile.
“Course, my love.” He hummed as the elevator slid open. He took a moment to look at the signage, “This way.” He said guiding her to their room, they were just down the hall and soon he was keying their way in and held the door open for her.
“Oh! It’s so cute!” She gasped as she headed inside and immediately started to look around, “Look at this! We can watch the sunset while we have a bath.” She cooed as she turned to him and he smiled.
“I know!” He chuckled, “I’ve also booked us massages and manicures for tomorrow after lunch. We could use a little pampering.” He said with a smile and she grinned.
“Wow, baby. Thank you, I love this.” She said from the bedroom now and as she made her way to the balcony she cooed again as she swung the doors open and saw the set up of champagne, candles, and roses set out on the little table.
“Now that I didn’t do.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“A sweet gesture nonetheless.” She hummed and he nodded.
“I’m just going to call them to just take the bottle back. S’a pricey one.” He said and she nodded.
“Yeah, but first a kiss.” She pouted and he smiled and wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her sweetly, dipping her down quickly. Their permanent smiles kept interrupting their kisses.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “M’just so happy.” He said and she grinned.
“Me too, H.” She whispered.
As soon as Harry let the front desk know that they weren’t drinking since she was pregnant the manager apologized and instead decided to comp their meals for the next two days - whatever room service they wanted, free of charge. Harry assured them it wasn’t necessary, but Y/N was quick to scowl at him and Harry chuckled quietly as the man assured him that it was fine. And well in the situation they would soon be in, saving some money couldn’t hurt.
“I can’t believe you almost turned down free food…” she said as soon as he hung up and he chuckled.
“It’s gonna be more than the champagne bottle! Was just trying to be honest.” He reasoned and she scoffed.
“So? They offered and besides, this is basically your dream come true for me, Mr. ‘You’re-eating-for-two-now’ Styles.” She reminded and he chuckled. 
“Yeah, yeah, go get cleaned up, Mrs. Styles.” He said guiding her to the bathroom as she swooned at the reminder that a name change would be coming soon. 
So with that Harry started to set up the tub while Y/N had a body shower and then he hopped in as she settled into the warm and bubbly tub. When she heard the shower door open she peered over at Harry emerging from the shower, dripping wet in all his naked glory. Fuck was he a sight to behold. She bit her bottom lip as he slicked his hair back and out of his face.
Harry could feel Y/N’s eyes on him and he was wanting to milk her gawking and attention for as long as possible. Finally, his eyes met hers and he smirked, making her blush when she realized that he knew she’d been checking him out this whole time. He couldn’t help it as his cock started to stiffen up at her salacious stare and at the mental image of the incredible sex he was about to have with her. With his wife. It made Harry’s heart pound erratically and for his stomach to flip and flutter with excitement and pure zeal and anticipation.
“Make space, yeah?” He asked her lowly and she scooted forward, hugging her knees to her chest as he climbed in behind her and then finally rested his back against the wall of the tub.
As soon as he was settled in she leaned back into into his chest and his hands circled around her midsection immediately and he rested his chin on her shoulder. She smiled as he exhaled slowly. She could feel his leg hair slightly tickling against her bare legs and she could also feel how hard he was getting. She had been waiting to feel him like this all fucking day and as much as she loved how soft he’d get with her sometimes, she was craving him in the horniest way right now. She put her hand over his, letting her fingers fit in the gaps of his and wordlessly guided his hand down to her folds. She felt him chuckle softly before he kissed her shoulder and quickly found her clit to rub into leisurely.
“Right, been waiting half the day, haven’t you?” He asked and she nodded. “Been so good for me. So patient, haven’t you, babygirl?” He praised her lowly and she smiled.
“Yes, daddy.” She hummed breathily as he added a bit more pressure, causing her toes to curl. She sighed in relief as his other hand came over her breast and kneaded at it for a few moments. She whined softly when he pinched at her nipple, she was so tender lately and she glanced down to see it immediately peaked. He was grinning at just how sensitive she was as he steadily built her up for an orgasm with a combination of that and his consistently delicious rubs over her clit. 
Harry could feel Y/N’s body wriggling and then tensing up against his with every passing minute. The pleasure she was feeling was winding her up towards an orgasm. It was making her breathing hitch and her legs to twitch as she fought to keep them open for him to continue playing with her pussy. Her whimpers started to get more and more consistent as she approached her climax and just as she was about to topple over the edge he just cupped over her pussy and she whined lowly and ground against his hand as the feeling started to fizzle, he smirked in response. She knew better than to complain so she just exhaled shakily and rested her weight against him and after a few seconds he started up again, he built her up so close…
“Don’t let yourself come yet. Keep holding it, baby…” He instructed “If you’re close to coming tell me OK? Can’t have that yet.” He warned and he kept going until a desperate groan crawled from her throat and he abruptly stopped rubbing and she relaxed, “Good girl.” He hummed mawkishly and she huffed.
“You’re going to kill me one day. Should’ve gotten away from you while I had the chance.” She joked quietly and he tutted.
“Don’t say that.” His deep voice grumbled seriously, “Besides, you can’t escape me now. You’re bound to me for life considering that not only are you my wife now.” He said as he tickled her sides and she giggled a bit, “You’re also the mother of my unborn child so…better start getting used to me and my antics because I think we’re in this for the long haul, wife.” He said and she giggled.
“You’re so annoying.” She hummed playfully and he grinned.
“Who else would I annoy if not my own wife? Hmmm?” He asked with a gentle pat on her inner thigh before he ran his hand up to the crease between her legs again, he could feel the different consistency of her arousal at her entrance despite them being immersed in the water. He felt her body tense as he added more pressure again and sunk a single finger into her, it was purely for his own purposes as he dipped it in and out a few times just to feel how hot and wet she was for him. Once his finger was all sticky with her arousal he slid it up to her clit again and rubbed it lightly as she wriggled a bit. She sighed as he kissed her neck. “You OK? Can you handle a bit more?” He asked softly and she nodded, “Your words, babygirl. Use your words for me.” He reminded.
“Yes, daddy. I can handle more.” She assured and he smiled.
“Of course you can. Always so fucking good for me. Such a slut for my cock, aren’t you?” He teased as she whimpered a response, “I love that you get greedy, means you know that I can give you what you want. Does daddy give you what you want?” he questioned her, “Tell me, baby. Tell me how spoiled rotten you are.” He hummed as he started to rub her clit quickly again until once again her legs were trembling.
“You’re so good to me, daddy! You give me more than anyone deserves, I love you so much!” she keened, “Oh daddy, it feels so good!” she whimpered as she kept herself on the edge like he wanted but she was slipping and her body was so tense and she couldn’t stay that way anymore, her muscles would surely ache the next day. Good thing they’d be heading to the spa. 
“Are you close?” he asked.
“Yes! So close.” She whimpered when he stopped.
“Want to come on my cock?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yes, daddy.”
“M’kay, my love. Turn around f’me.” He said softly and she did so right away. She was facing him now, hovering over his lap. His cock was so heavy, he had to hold it up for her to lower herself onto him. They hadn’t had sex since before Christmas, it’d been weeks and that was way longer than they’d gone in a long while quite frankly. Her voice quivered with a whine as she tried to sink down hard onto Harry’s cock, he was so big though. He didn’t fit as easily as before and the stretch, though uncomfortable, was exactly what she was hoping to feel.
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down, baby. Take your time, don’t wanna hurt you.” He said softly and she sighed in despair.
“I just need to feel you inside.” She mumbled against his mouth, “S’been way too long. Need you inside. Please, jus’get inside.” She whispered desperately and he smiled.
“Yeah, s’been too fucking long but still, take it slow we’ve got time. All night if you want it, babygirl.” He assured her and she nodded. He rubbed her clit to relax her a bit more and she started lowering herself slower, “Good girl.” He said and she just hid her face in his neck, moaning softly and relaxing in his hold when she’d finally seated herself completely and had his entire cock in her pussy. Harry gently thrust up as she ground herself against him. Her lips parted around a moan as she started going a bit faster. “Baby, look at me. Please look at me.” He panted and she reared back and pressed her forehead to his before kissing him passionately, “Fuck.” He grunted into their kiss with a smile as he went harder, causing the water to start sloshing around their bodies. She was still whimpering and speechless at how deep he felt and she pulled back to look into his eyes like he had asked. They were both looking hazy and completely gone. Both in a complete lust-filled daze.
Every time his thick shaft would delve into her sopping pussy she felt like melting in his arms. It made her legs feel like jello and like she couldn’t breathe properly. The consistent cadence of his thrusts and of his rubs against her clit were building her up quickly and she just wanted to feel the delicious tingles of an orgasm possessing her once again.
“Fuck daddy, y’feel so good!” She mewled against his mouth, “Forgot how deep y’can get.” she breathed and he tutted.
“S’not good. I’ll make sure there’s no forgetting ever again.” He huffed and she kissed his lips softly, “But carefully, of course.” He said as he slowed down and glanced down at the very slight bump between them.
“Right…” she hummed with breathy giggle.
“You’ve made me the happiest person alive. Did you know that?” He asked and she smiled timidly at his intense eye contact. “Made a lovesick husband and dad out of a chronic grump.” He smiled and she giggled.
“We really did this…like I’m your wife.” She said with a bright smile and he nodded.
“Hell yeah, you are.” He hummed in satisfaction before grabbing her face and kissing her slowly and deeply. She started rolling her hips into his again and as she slightly shifted, she gasped into their kiss as his cock found that spot inside of her that made her weak for him. She was powerless in his arms when his cock was caressing that part of her.
“Fuuuck.” Harry moaned in pleasure as his sensitive tip prodded into that hot and spongey part of her over and over and over again. Thrust after thrust of his cock into her perfect and delicious little pussy his resolve weakened and weakened. His hands migrated down to her bum and guided her into a pace that quickly got them back to where they’d been moments before. She smiled through a hiss of pleasure and pain when he delivered a hard smack against her ass. Then again and she cried out, “More?”
“Please! Yes, please more!” She keened and her back arched as he delivered another round of smacks to her ass. 
The water against her skin made the bite of the sting more intense, she swore she was getting dizzy from how good it felt. Harry leaned forward and wrapped his lips around her hardened nipple, suckling and nipping at her as he kneaded her fleshy bottom in his hands to give her a small break. One of her hands brushed the curls away from his forehead so that she could get a good look at his perfectly hollowed out cheeks as he sucked her tender nipple, the achey feeling was making her wetter for him somehow. He eagerly moved to the next one, loving her soft whimper of pain as he bit down a little too roughly this time.
“Gentle, m’a bit tender.” She gasped and he groaned in frustration. He’d been so needy for her that he just wanted to go rough and hard and wreck her. He thrust up hard and she yelped but started bouncing on him a bit, obsessed with the feeling of him driving into that part of her.
“Fuck, you feel amazing like this.” He groaned in pleasure, “Gonna make me come so hard, babygirl.”
“Fuck please, baby. Please come!” She whined into his mouth, “I need it so bad!” She gasped breathily.
“Yeah, baby? Want me to come inside you?” He mumbled against her lips and she nodded.
“Yeah, daddy, please.” 
“Should I challenge science and try and get you pregnant again?” He grinned and she swore she transcended to a new level of pleasure.
“Yes, daddy! Please, please, please.” She slurred as her pleasure started to peak. The tickles and warmth in her tummy started to spread through her entire body, making her start to lose her rhythm. “Oh my god, I’m so close!” She warned, she wouldn’t be able to hold this one after he’d edged her several times already.
“I can feel it, love. M’so close too, just hang on a little longer for me, babygirl. Just a bit more.” He said tiredly as he started to guide her rhythm, holding tight to her hips.
“Fuck, oh fuck!” She mewled as her forehead fell to his shoulder and his own head rolled back and his mouth dropped open as his abs tightened up impossibly and he started to unravel.
“Come. Come for me. Come for me, baby.” He moaned his command as her own moan just ripped through her throat, “Fuck, I love you so much. Fuck, love your pussy so much.” He moaned.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” She whispered against his skin as her body trembled with pleasure, her hips moved all on their own, helping them through it all. She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply as their highs started wearing off. She wrapped her arms around him as he also just hugged her tight as they just basked in the moment as they caught their breaths for a bit. “I love you so much.” She whispered again and he smiled.
“I love you so much.” He responded.
“I can’t wait for the life we’re gonna have together.” She hummed happily and he smiled.
“S’day one and it’s already amazing.” He assured her, “Should we move this to the bed?” He asked softly as he pressed his forehead to hers and she nodded with a smile.
“Yeah. Have some making up to do.” She said and he hummed in agreement with a smile.
The rest of their night was spent like that, dozing off and making love until the morning came. And the next day as well until it was time to get back to reality. They were in a continuous love bubble and it never seemed to burst and now with this new commitment they had made to each other they just knew that it would get better and better. 
Now the newlyweds were just a week from moving and Y/N and Harry had packed up all of their essentials. They’d been able to make some money back by selling some of their stuff. Harry had sold most of the furniture from his apartment to have some extra cash. Y/N had spent the weekend “flipping” her desk and vanity to make ‘em more modern in style and she was able to also make some good money from that as well and from selling some of her clothes and shoes to some thrift stores in the area. A lot of her clothes had sentimental value to her and she wasn’t all that big yet, but already there were some things that she’d struggle to stay in comfortably. And whereas before she wouldn’t mind a little squeeze or pinch to get something on she figured that much compression couldn’t be healthy for the baby. And this is how she managed to get everything she needed into one large suitcase, like Harry.
In truth, Y/N felt a bit sad to see her bedroom at Julie’s so bare…stripped of the essentials…of the things that had made made the bedroom her very own space. It was a perfect, peaceful, and sacred place to her. It was the place where she’d made sad art, happy art, and made love, and so many other wonderful memories. So as she stepped inside after her shower and saw it again she felt a little hurt in her heart and pouted a bit at what she’d be saying goodbye to.
“What’s the matter?” Harry asked from the bed and she shook her head as her eyes glossed over.
“I just…forgot everything was gone.” She said and he pouted with her.
“Oh, I’m sorry, my love.”
“It’s alright. Just got nostalgic.” She assured with a small smile before she went to get her pajamas on, which currently consisted of some sweatpants and one of Harry’s hoodies. She was absolutely infatuated with his scent, it was so comforting to her over the last few weeks or so, she felt the need to bask in it. She just needed to feel all wrapped up in it, it even curbed the occasional wave of nausea she’d get.
Harry watched quietly as she got out of her robe and into her clothes. He constantly admired how beautiful she was. Especially as her tummy grew more and more each week, he’s sure other people couldn’t tell the subtle differences week by week but he did. And it made him happy to be able to feel and see it for himself because it meant that their baby was growing just fine. She was 15 weeks along now.
“As of today,” Harry’s voice was suddenly behind her and it startled her a bit because she hadn’t anticipated him at all or to feel his big, warm hands sliding from her hips to hold her bump, “the baby’s the size of an?” He quizzed and she smiled.
“Orange?” She responded softly and he smiled and kissed her cheek.
“Yep. We have a winner!” He confirmed playfully and she snorted out a laugh which made him squeeze her gently as he laughed.
“What did I win?” She asked softly as she turned to face him.
“I didn’t think that far ahead.” He confessed and she giggled, “Any ideas?”
“Ummm…a big fat kiss?” She asked and he smirked.
“Yeah, I can do that.” He hummed as he continued to rub over her little bump as he started to lean in.
“Mmmm, maybe also the lo mein and kung-pao chicken bowl from Great Wall? With the spring rolls and sweet and sour sauce?” She asked with big eyes, he could see her desire swimming in them and he smiled.
“Baby, that’s a lot of sodium.” He chuckled and she huffed.
“Look, not that I’ve been snooping but…I’ve seen the book marks you’ve left in the pregnancy books in the diet sections and I know you’re gonna force me to be a super clean eater soon-” 
“I’m gonna do it with you! I’m sure mum and gran will also be joining us. And it’s not forcing you, it’s just what’s good for the baby.” He reminded and she sighed.
“Yeah, I know. But can this be an England thing please? It’ll be easier then because I didn’t like your fast food to be honest.” She admitted.
“Oh please!” He laughed with a dramatic eye roll, “We went to the chippy a few times a week while we were there!” He reminded.
“Because that was the only good junk food!” She said and he chuckled.
“Fine, fine…eat your American junk while you still can…” he said in surrender.
“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t die for Feng’s lo mein with the spicy tofu and veggies.” She said to him and he chuckled.
“Yeah, fine. But the fact that you’re on a first name basis with the chef at this point means you’re eating there too much.” He pointed out with a smile.
“My love, it’s a pregnancy craving…the baby’s basically begging for it and then punishing me when I try and satisfy it with anything else. You can deny me all you want, but you can’t deny the baby. Think of the children.” She pouted at him and he pecked her lips quickly and grinned as he shook his head in disbelief.
“You’re a manipulative little shit.” He said playfully and she laughed, “Get dressed then so we can go.” He hummed as his hands slithered back to her bum.
“Yes, daddy.” She teased and he bit his lip and shook his head at her mischief. He lightly smacked her ass a few times and then he smirked as he saw how much it jiggled in the reflection of the mirror on her closet door.
“Whoa…didn’t know this grew with pregnancy too.” He looked at her with a smirk as he groped her butt now. Kneading his fingers into her cheeks.
“Everything’s gonna grow…unfortunately. You know some people literally grow shoe sizes and never revert back to normal! I like my regular sized feet.” She said and he chuckled.
“I’m sure your feet will be fine, baby.” He reassured with a smile and she huffed.
“They fucking better.” She mumbled before she pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips met gently before they were pulled into a deeper kiss for a few more moments until he felt her skin covered in goosebumps and he broke apart from her.
“Let’s get you dressed so we can get you two fed, then.” He said and she smiled.
“H, I love you.” She said to him, holding eye contact with him and he smiled back at her.
“I love you too, baby.” He responded, “And you too.” He said as he brought his hand up to his mouth and kissed his palm before putting it against her bump with a happy smile.
“Got everything?” Julie asked as she came into Y/N’s room and she turned with tear-filled eyes and nodded, “Oh, sweetheart.” She cooed as she hugged her as she wept just a bit. This was it, this was goodbye.
“Please tell me this is the best thing to do.” She whispered to Julie and she pulled back and smiled at her niece.
“Not only is it the best thing, it’s the right thing to do.” She assured her and Y/N smiled, “I know that…maybe things aren’t the way that you imagined they would be at this stage in your life. I’m sure you always envisioned your mom and dad just as happy about your choice of partner, excited for your first baby, present at your wedding…” she said and Y/N nodded with a sniffle, “You don’t deserve for them to just take away their love like that. And I know that having your family is important, but you’re starting a new family, with Harry. Your best friend, the love of your life! And your little family will be full of limitless love and support and so much happiness. You’re going to have a new home and a new place to flourish and grow into the person you were always meant to be! And yes, growing can be painful, but it’s far more painful to be growing in a place where you no longer fit.” She explained gently, “And you, my love, have outgrown this place…the life you had here even. And of course, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t great or spectacular, but now you’re onto greater and more spectacular things, yeah?”
“Yeah.” She whispered back and Julie smiled.
“I love you so much.” She said before hugging her tight.
“I love you too.” Y/N sniffled. She then shared with her the letters she’d been writing and asked her to please mail them out on her way home and Julie agreed to do so.
On the drive to the airport Harry just let her sit quietly and look around at everything as they made their way down the freeway. She was just taking everything in and while they could always visit, this was no longer going to be her home, so it was still an intense feeling. When he left England he knew that he’d be in LA for at least a few years, but he always intended to go back when things got better for him. He’d only ever considered staying if Y/N had asked him to but she never did though, she knew what his family meant to him, she knew that he was just trying to reacquaint himself with himself. She’d seen him at his absolute lowest point and still managed to love him for everything he was then. She saw everything that he could be and she believed in him and helped him find himself again. Maybe she hadn’t been hurt and broken in the exact same ways he had been, but she was still hurt and broken right now and this was the first step towards healing. He knew it would be hard for her, but he would do the same thing she did for him. Believe in her and love her through all of it and help her see that she deserved the very best.
The drive flew by and the goodbye with Julie was tearful though she’d be joining them soon. They had come extra early just so they could all just hug each other for a few minutes.  They were doing it. They were moving on. And with on final wave Y/N was following Harry into the airport. And after getting through everything, they were sitting in the airplane and she was squeezing his hand tight as they started rolling down the airway. This was it. She turned to Harry with nervous eyes and he just smiled at her and gave her one reassuring nod and she smiled at him, despite her tearful eyes.
“We’re going home.” She said softly and he nodded.
“Yeah, my love. We’re going home.” He smiled.
Harry had spent his birthday morning quietly because his mum and gran had taken Y/N for a “stroll”, but he knew they were up to something. They were gone by 7:30 and now it was nearing 8:30 and he had just finished making his espresso.
“Happy birthday to you…” he heard from behind him and he turned from the kitchen sink where he’d been washing his espresso pot,“Happy birthday to you…” She sang and he smiled, “Happy birthday dear, husband or Harry…” she giggled, “whichever you prefer…” she sang through her laugh, still in key with the melody of the song and he chuckled along.
“I think husband is the preferred one.” He interrupted and she smirked.
“Happy birthday, dear husbaaaaand…” She sang the part again and he giggled, “Happy birthday to you!” She finished singing as she brought her hands out from behind her back with an envelope and extended it out to him.
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” He said to her and she shrugged with a smile, “Is this what…you ladies went out to get?” He raised his voice towards the end and Y/N laughed softly as Anne and Hillary peeked in from around the corner and emerged with a little cake. “No sane person goes for a leisurely stroll in February.” He said to the three of them and they all laughed as well as they came into the kitchen.
“It’s your birthday, of course we had to get you something.” Y/N said with a smile, “Here, open it up.” She insisted, “I promise you’ll like it.” She said with a grin and he chuckled and gripped the envelope. Anne and Hillary were leaning on the kitchen counter, waiting eagerly for him to open his envelope.
“Alright, let’s see.” He said opening it up and chuckled at the card inside. It was a sketch of Jenna from “13 going on 30” in her iconic rainbow dress with the words “Thirty, flirty, and thriving inked across it.”
“Know how much you love a rom-com.” Y/N hummed and he shook his head as he knocked his head back a bit to laugh. He then opened up the card and saw a big message on the right side that said, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!” And he smiled as he skimmed over everyone’s notes quickly before the picture of the sonogram that was tucked inside captivated his attention. It looked newer than the last one they’d had taken and as he glanced over it he saw that the paper had been marked with a sharpie and he swears his entire world paused as he read the words spelled out in the marker, “BTW that’s a willy” and he followed the line that had a little arrow at the end and pointed at said “willy” on the sonogram. “Wait-”
“It’s a boy!” They shouted. Suddenly his sister and brother in law popped out of nowhere with Archie and Ivy and shouted the big news at him along with his mum, gran, and of course, Y/N. He hurried to Y/N and hugged her tight as he laughed with joy.
“You were right.” He said softly as he looked into her bright and excited eyes.
“We were right. Happy birthday, H.” She said softly as she looked into his eyes, they were all glossed over as they met her own and he dipped down to kiss her deeply.
“Thank you, baby. This is the best gift.” He smiled and then turned to his family who flocked over and hugged him as well.
“Thank you for your help.” Y/N said to Anne as Gemma congratulated Harry. 
“Of course, darling.” She hummed and they both glanced over as Harry crouched down and high-fived Archie before hugging him tight. The sight had an added effect on her now that it was confirmed that the little person growing inside of her was also a boy. Harry then pointed over to Y/N and Archie smiled wide and she crouched down as he rushed over to her.
“Hi auntie Y/N.” He greeted her with a bright smile.
“Hey Arch.” She smiled as she opened her arms and hugged him tight, “Told you I’d see you again soon.” She said to him and he just giggled.
“Can we eat the cake now?” He asked and she giggled.
“I think that’s up to your uncle.” Y/N said and Harry smiled.
“Well I say breakfast first and then cake. How’s that?” He asked Archie who just sighed.
“Alright…” he mumbled and Y/N giggled. 
Soon she was properly greeting Gemma, Skye, and Ivy as they congratulated her. Eventually, they were all having breakfast as they chatted and caught up before Skye and Gemma had to head off to work, the kids would be staying with her and Harry for the day.
“What are we doing today, uncle Harry?” Archie asked with an excited smile.
“Do you want to help us find a place to live?” He asked and Archie seemed to light up at that idea.
Y/N and Harry had been back for a little over a week and had been staying with Anne and Hillary while they found their own place. They’d been doing a lot of that over the last week and Harry was also figuring out a work schedule with Eddie. Since Y/N was here on a visa and couldn’t legally work yet she had agreed to help Anne out at her shop or run errands with Hillary when needed. There were a lot of things that she had to get together to even be able to properly function in this new place. It would help speed things along with their marriage certificate, which Julie would be sending as soon as it arrived.
Obviously, things were still falling into place, but they were moving in the right direction. They had been able to see several listings and actually having Ivy and Archie around actually helped them think about how things would look with their own child in the space. And as always, they’d had a great time with them, they were pretty well-behaved kids and were quite fun to be around, but they were exhausted after parading them around all day. Harry had just finished buckling in Ivy’s carseat with her in it and now he was moving on to Archie.
“They weren’t too insane were they?” Gemma asked as Harry transferred a sleeping Archie into Gemma’s car, carseat and all. Y/N bit her lip for a moment as she watched for a second, she forgot how strong he really was sometimes. And then she shook her head in response to Gemma’s question.
“No, not at all. They were helpful if anything.” She assured and Gemma chuckled.
“OK, good.” She grinned, “Were you able to get an appointment with Dr. Livingstone?” She asked of the OB doctor she’d recommended.
“Yeah, for three weeks from now. Thank you for that, I’d been going to the same doctor since I was 18, so I was a bit nervous about having to find someone new.” She explained.
“Of course! And well, if you have questions about anything about being a mum or things to buy let me know. Also, we’ve got plenty of newborn clothes from Ivy and even a couple things that Arch outgrew that we kept for Ivy, like coats and jammies or like those ummm bottom layer things?”
“Like to keep ‘em warm?” Y/N asked and Gemma nodded, “Thermals.”
“Yes, thermals!” She chuckled.
“Well, yeah anything helps. I mean, I don’t think it matters if they’re for boys or girls, all babies look the same for quite a while.” She said with a shrug and Gemma nodded.
“Exactly!” She said and Y/N chuckled, “Well Ivy was a warm weather baby as well, so when you get a bit closer I can just unpack the stuff she’s outgrown so far and you can have a look at anything you might want. We got plenty of gender neutral stuff at the shower.”
“Perfect.” Y/N smiled and they hugged to say goodbye and soon she was saying bye to Harry as well.
“See you on Sunday!” She called before driving off as they waved goodbye from the front of Anne’s house. She smiled as she felt Harry’s arms around her midsection before he kissed the top of her head.
“Think we found the place today?” He asked lowly and she hummed.
“Mmmm…I don’t know. I really liked the last two we saw today but again, I don’t know.” She said as he started to turn them around to head inside. He was walking behind her, still wrapped around her body as he hummed.
“I liked the last one most. The town home-”
“I liked that one too but we can’t necessarily afford that now.” She reasoned. He stopped her and turned her around to face him.
“Baby, what do you think my savings are even for?” He chuckled and she shook her head.
“H, it’s your money. And I thought you said you’d depleted them on your move to LA.” She said and he smiled.
“Our money. Because we’re married now and-”
“Now we are, but when you earned that it was for you, yeah?”
“Yeah, but also to prepare for the future so I wouldn’t have to start from scratch when I got married and had a family. And like…” he sighed, “Yeah, I did deplete those savings a bit, but I had an account that I just left alone here as well. And I don’t mean to sound like a prick, but like…it’s…a pretty substantial amount. And I’m only telling you that because I know it probably shouldn’t bug me, but hearing you talk to Gemma about taking whatever hand-me-downs she has from Archie and Ivy like…” he looked down at their hands and his thumb ran over her wedding band, “I am more than capable of getting new things for the baby. Like I don’t want you to feel like we need to see what we can get our hands on like some charity case.” He said with a frown and Y/N pouted as he said this.
“Baby, look at me for a sec.” She said and he glanced up at her with welled up eyes and she swore her heart broke for him, “I wasn’t accepting that because I don’t think we can afford it or because I don’t think you can’t support our family. S’just that babies grow super fucking fast!” She explained with a small smile as she reached up to stroke his cheek, “I would hate to spend so much money on baby clothes just for them to be grown out of in a month.” She explained, “Like, that’s not a smart use of our money.” She said and he smiled a bit.
“That’s true…”
“And like in terms of where we want to live…I don’t know how long it’ll be before I can properly get hired and like…help you out. I don’t want all of this to fall on you either whether you have the money or not.”
“Well I also don’t want you to feel like you just moved here with me to struggle and be cooped up with my mum for a year or two. Especially if I have the capability of getting us our own place.” He explained, “Like…you literally moved your whole life to another country for me. For us. And I know that you’re gonna be on mum duty for a bit until we get all your paperwork squared away, but I also want you to be comfortable in the meantime.” He explained, “I don’t want you to be in the dodgy part of town all by yourself at our place or just hanging out with my gran all day. Like I want you to feel safe and secure and happy in our space. And like…I kind of want a house. Like…that was my goal.” He said and she smiled.
“I think that’d be great, H. But I just want you to know that I don’t need a house to be happy or to feel safe and at home. I love your gran and your mom, they’re a hoot and I like being with your family, OK? There’s literally no rush. But if you think that a house is the best move and the best investment of your hard-earned money, then perfect.” She said softly and he smiled.
“OK.” He hummed, “I just like…I want the baby to grow up in one place, you know? And when we’re all old and a little batty I want us to have all of our memories in one place.” 
“That does sound really nice…” she said softly and he smiled, “I just want to make sure that you know that I don’t expect everything to just…fall into place and be perfect from the get go. We made a huge move already! Well two actually.” She said and he nodded with a smile, “I trust you and I trust your judgement and I love you.” She said softly and he leaned down to kiss her lips gently.
“When I was driving back from the shop the other day I saw a house for sale kind of between mum’s shop and Gem’s place.”
“Oh, that is a good location. Pretty central.”
“Yeah…I ummm, I went to check it out since they were doing an open showing.” He said and she smiled, “Got the ladies’s number and all in case you want to go see it too?” He asked and she smiled.
“Yeah, let’s do it then.” She said and he smiled a bit wider.
“Yeah, baby.”
“Perfect. I’ll call her right away. Ummm, I just want you to know that I want to take care of you. You took care of me in a strange place and now this is a new place for you and I just want you to know that I fully intend on doing the same for you.” He said and she smiled and soon she started to laugh softly and he pouted a bit, “What?” He asked in confusion.
“I just realized that our baby’s gonna have an accent.” She started laughing a bit harder and he chuckled along.
“Actually he’s gonna ask why you talk funny.” Harry smirked.
“Poor little guy, he’s gonna be so confused. If I’m gonna be with him most of the time he’ll definitely have my American accent for a bit…and then kids’ll make fun of him in school and he’ll have to assimilate to make friends.” She sighed with a small pout and he grinned.
“What if we try super, super hard to have him call you “mom” instead?” He smiled at her and she grinned.
“Please. S’better than ‘mummy’ if I were to be honest…I’m not some dried out old carcass.” She said and he chuckled and rolled his eyes at her really lame joke.
“With jokes that bad you’re lucky you’re so fucking endearing.”
“I try…” she hummed playfully.
“We’re gonna be alright, yeah? I promise you, we’ll be alright.”
“I know, H. I mean it when I said that I trust you.”
“I know you’ll do the best thing for our family.”
“I will my love. I really will.” He promised.
When Harry and Y/N discovered that the previous owner of the house they were initially interested in had actually…done himself in… after a divorce, they were a bit shocked. Y/N assured him that they could sage the house or something just in case, but Harry immediately declined putting in an offer because although he didn’t believe in ghosts, a marriage went to shit in that house and he didn’t want those bad vibes for them. 
Luckily, they’d found another listing a bit closer to Anne’s shop and that’s the one Harry ended up making an offer on. It was a two story house with 3 bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and then one half bath. The inside of the house wasn’t all that large, but their backyard was spacious, a perfect place for pets and their son to play down the line.
Y/N was 22 weeks along now and Harry was policing after her as they brought their stuff over from Anne’s place. He wanted to make sure nothing was too heavy for her so he had her unpacking the kitchen stuff. She was sure that it was still fine as long as she wasn’t straining herself too much, but she didn’t want to stress Harry out over nothing, also her appointment with the OB Gemma recommended was the following week, just in time for her 5th month. She could properly ask all the questions about what she could and couldn’t do then and well, she was quite excited to see how the baby was coming along. But for now she’d just let him do all the heavy lifting.
“Alright, so this is the last box for the kitchen.” Eddie said and Y/N swirled around from her spot on the counter at the sound of his voice.
“Hi! I didn’t know you were coming to help!” She said putting down the box cutter and hurrying over to help him with the box in his hands.
“Of course! No, no, I’ve got it, it’s a bit heavy.” He said and she moved out of his way as he placed the box down on the empty spot on the counter. He then turned to her and smiled wide. “Look at you!” Eddie said with a soft smile.
“I know…” she hummed.
“Just two years ago you were sitting at a tattoo con trying to sell your art…” he reminisced and she chuckled.
“Yeah…so crazy.” She shook her head as they hugged.
“Are you still drawing though?” Eddie asked.
“Oh yeah! I have lots of free time right now.” She giggled, “Gotta take advantage before I’m drowning in poopy diapers.” She joked and he chuckled.
“Yeah, best of luck with that.” He said and she smiled, “I mean… I know you can’t technically work at the moment but we could sell some of your art designs if you want? Just plop ‘em in with Harry’s stuff if you want?” He asked and she smiled.
“I’ll certainly talk to him about it and see if that’s something to do. I’d have to find a print shop here to get that going again and well, he’d have to pay for it at the moment.” She explained.
“Well, if you go through with it consider me an investor, yeah? There’s a couple people I know who sell prints and whatnot, I can find out if they have any shops they recommend?” He said and she smiled.
“You’re too nice to me, Eddie…” she sighed and he chuckled.
“Just helping out my friends.”
“Well yeah, if you find something from a trusted person I’d definitely reach out. I know Harry’s all in husband/dad mode and I know he wants to take care of everything but I want to help out too, you know? Don’t want him to feel like he’s the only one pulling his weight-”
“Baby, you’re pulling plenty of weight just by being pregnant.” Harry said as he came into the kitchen with a smirk.
“Right, but we’re just talking about possibly selling some of her prints in the shop if she finds a printer. So some income and no heavy lifting required.” Eddie assured and Harry smiled.
“Yeah, no heavy lifting!” She agreed, “We can talk about it later yeah?” She asked him hopefully.
“Course, love. Ummm, I came to bug you because we need to get the mattress into the bedroom.” He smiled at Eddie who just sighed.
“Yeah, alright…” he finally said, “Your gran didn’t want to help? She has’t really done much.” he mumbled jokingly as they walked off and Y/N giggled as she heard Harry telling Eddie to fuck off. 
After a few hours all of the essentials were in and everyone was heading home after they’d shared a meal and Harry and Y/N were left alone in their new home. Obviously it was still a bit bare and they just had the essentials but it was a place of their own. They were both getting ready for bed their master bath had a double vanity and Y/N glanced over to Harry with a big smile and love-struck eyes.
“What?” He giggled as he dropped his toothbrush into the holder and she shrugged.
“Just happy to be here with you.” She said to him. “Thank you for all of this, H. I love the house and I can’t wait to make it our own.” His only response was to take the few steps over to her and hug her tight.
“I’m glad you like it, my love. Gonna have to start thinking about the nursery first I think.” He mused and she nodded.
“Oh, definitely.”
“I have only one request about that.”
“When Gem’s had Arch the whole neutrals fad had started and I think it’s the most boring thing-” she gasped and pulled back.
“Oh my god! Me too!” She exclaimed and he smiled in relief, “The babies need the visual stimulation. The neutrals are ghastly in a nursery…” she said with a head shake and Harry nodded with wide eyes.
“Thank you! Agreed! I gave Gemma so much shit about it…” he recalled with a chuckle, “But as long as we’re on the same page with that…” he said and she nodded.
“We are. We’ll just have to think of like a theme. And we can paint some stuff on it to like make it artsy and more personal?” She asked excitedly and his smile widened.
“Definitely! I’d love to do that with you.” He said softly as he tucked her hair behind her ear. “You know, the more I think about how quickly time’s passing by I ummm…I just feel really sure that we’re gonna do a great job as parents.” He spoke softly.
“I still feel a bit nervous, but it’s mainly about the birthing bit.” She said with a sigh.
“Yeah, I can’t really help you feel better about that.” He said with a small smile and she shook her head with a giggle.
“No help…” she hummed and he just kissed her forehead.
“I’ll be with you the whole time, if that helps.” He chuckled and she shook her head.
“I doubt it will now.” She teased and he chuckled.
“Ouch…” he said and she grinned.
“You asked for it.” She quipped with a playful glint in her eye.
“Suppose so.” He said with a soft smile.
Soon enough they were cuddled up together, as was custom now, one of his hands was on her tummy as he just rubbed over her gently, which actually helped her lotion absorb into her skin better. Suddenly she felt harsher movements in her tummy and Harry started to feel around her belly until his hand was right over where the baby was moving. Soon her hand came over beside his and she gasped as she felt the soft little movements.
“He’s kicking!” She laughed happily.
“Oh my god.” Harry’s voice cracked as every good emotion overwhelmed him in that moment and he just sighed happily as he just transferred all of that joy, awe, happiness, and positivity to his little son swimming around in there and to Y/N, his wife, the love of his life. He felt her giggle happily as her fingers interlocked with his over the movements happening in her tummy.
“Oh…?” she gasped a bit in shock as the baby started to kick a bit harder. Harry pulled the covers away and just knelt over her and exposed her tummy before he kissed the bump a few times.
“Slow down, bud! You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” He chuckled, his lips grazed against her smooth skin as he spoke, “So you gotta let your mom get some rest.” He hummed and Y/N smiled as her fingers wove into his hair. “We love you so much. We can’t wait to meet you either.” He mumbled against her skin before giving her bump a few more kisses.
He then settled over her carefully and kissed her deeply, their excited smiles ended the kiss. Harry smiled happily before kissing her once more and then cuddling back up to her and for now the baby had done all his moving and so they settled back into bed with huge smiles and hearts bursting with love for their little boy.
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
I hope you get the switch issue sorted out and it just needs a new memory card or something :( I'd love HCs or a oneshot with Handsome Jack, maybe with a reader who's a medic who takes care of his scars and mask? SFW or NSFW or both, whatever you're feeling.
Thank you, I appreciate your support man. It is so far downloading Borderlands: The Pre-sequel alright. So I am crossing my fingers that it at least works at redownloading that game since I was working on a rerun with it and would hate to have to wait until I could get a new memory card to replay it 😭 thank you for the request too, though! I am absolutely living off the fact that there are still people on here who read borderlands stuff. I have really missed this fandom tbh <3
This may be pretty ooc for Handsome Jack. I never write for him, but I was in a fluffy sort of mood so I hope you enjoy Anon :)
Taking Care of Handsome Jack:
He never really let anyone touch him, before or after he became Handsome Jack. The thought of getting too close to someone and having them slip through his fingers like everyone else in his life hurt him, it really did. He just chose not to let anyone know that. I mean, he was supposed to be a feared man, showing any sign of weakness would surely get him demoted to Pandoras most feared, to Pandoras Softest Villain.
But there you were, sitting next to him on the floor of his home, a first aid kit strewn out on the floor before the both of you. "You know, I could tend to these wounds a lot better if you let me take you to my station and clean these with proper equipment. Unless scars are today's form of tattoo, it almost seems like it." You fussed while working away at bandaging up his arm.
"And let someone see that I'm not made of steel and that I bleed? Yeah, fat chance, princess." You rolled your eyes at the pet name. "Why do you trust that I won't tell the world that the all-great and powerful Jack bleeds blood like the rest of us?" You asked him, peeking up at him through your lashes with a small smirk before looking back down to tend to his wounds. "Oh, I just know you won't" he hummed, his other hand moving to rest on your thigh. "I feel like you get cockier each time I come here," "Call it confidence, dolly." He cooed with a snicker, though that quickly faded when you pressed on one of his cuts just right. A hiss left the man's lips, glaring over at you as you tried to hide a smile. "Sorry. "
He watched you for a few more moments until you leaned back, declaring your work finished as you looked over the mans body one last time. At least from what you could see of it. "Like what you see?" He asked you, and you rolled your eyes for what felt like the fiftieth time tonight. "I'm just checking over to make sure you didn't get shot anywhere else. Remember last time?" "God, don't remind me." He groaned.
Last time you did have to take him to your place of work. He had gotten shot in the back, literally, and hardly noticed until his adrenaline wore off. If it weren't for your second inspection and you seeing the blood he would have been a dead man. He never even said thank you for it, either.
"Well?" He asked, and you nodded your head. Eyes moving back up to meet his. Smiling softly back at him. "Looks good, handsome." You teased with a smirk. "Well then come here, gorgeous," he sniggered, pulling you closer to him by your hips. Moving you to rest over his lap. "Has anyone ever told you how hard to get you are?" You sighed, leaning forward a bit, "humor me." This wasn't the first time the two of you had done something like this. It started to become a common occurrence each time he called you to come to his house and patch him up. Some days you wondered if he was putting himself in the line of fire just so he could see you. You didn't think that much into it, though. The last thing you needed was the thought of Handsome Jack actually liking you for more than just your body and easy help. He was ruthless and cared about no one. At least that's what you were always told and assumed.
He sighed back, leaning forward to rest his chin on your chest, staring up at you with a smug expression. It was an awkward angle to stare back down at him, but it made you smile nonetheless. "I think that's what I like about you most." He hummed, "That and the fact that you save me about once a week, and god damn do you fuck really well." He partially joked and you groaned. There he went ruining the moment that you were starting to think was actually really sweet.
"Is that all I am? A toy?" You truly didn't care what the answer would be from the man, you were more so just playing along. But something behind his eyes told you that it struck a chord with him. His brows furrowing together. "Why the hell would you say that?" Well, that wasn't entirely the response you were expecting. Jack leaned back so the both of you were able to look at one another properly.
"Well, you only ever contact me when your bloody and bruised, and then we screw around, and I leave. Sorry, I was just playing around." You confessed, and he shook his head. "Have you ever thought about the fact that a call works both ways? You never call me, I call you for help because it's the only time you'll come and see me. I asked you to come over on three other occasions and each time you said you were busy. You only ever come if I'm dying, I can't believe you think so little of me." He spat, pushing you away from him. This wasn't like him, the sudden emotional change made your heartache. You felt horrible for making him upset. Then again, a part of you expected him to start laughing and point out the look on your face.
He wasn't lying though, he had asked you to come over three other times. Two of those times you assumed was just for sex, but the third time, thinking back on it now with the way he worded it. He did really just want to see you, even if he was drunk and you could tell.
"Jack, I don't think little of you," you tried to reassure him, and he scolded you. "Oh, yet you thought I was just using you as a fuck toy? Yeah, I enjoy it, but that's not who I am. I'm a lot of things, and I've done a lot of sick, idiotic things, but I'm not a user," he frowned, his eyes still focused on you. You could tell he was pissed, betrayed, hurt. You didn't know what you could do to make it up to him, and that's when you saw it. The blood dripping down his mask that made your chest clench in panic.
"Jack, did you hit your head today?" You asked all while leaning forward. "Oh, now you think I hit my head because I'm showing emotions? I'm not a fucking lunatic," he hissed, and you ignored him. Reaching out to touch the face of his mask. Pulling it back to show him the blood on your fingers. "Why are you bleeding from your head, Jack?" You asked with a stern expression. A bit upset he was ignoring the fact that he was still hurt.
"Oh shit," he muttered. Reaching up to touch the blood himself. Slight panic setting into himself. The last thing he needed was a concussion, or something worse. His head did hurt a little, but he didn't think it was that bad. "How many fingers am I holding up?" You asked while holding three fingers up for him. He pouted a bit, "Jack," you stated sternly. "Fine, three." "Good," you hummed, reaching into your bag for a light. "I'm going to shine my light on your eyes to make sure your pupils dilate properly, is that okay?" "Whatever you have to do, doc."
You completed the tests that you had to to make sure he was alright. Though you did suggest he take a concussion test, you knew he wouldn't. He was too stubborn to admit that he had one. Lucky for him you were sure it wasn't too severe if he did have one. "You call me if you start feeling worse, okay Jack?" He sighed as you mothered him. Closing his eyes while you worked on checking the wound through his thick hair. Minus the wound itself, he liked the feeling of you taking care of him. It made him feel normal in a sense. Like you were his loving partner, taking care of him after he got hurt at work, but he knew now that wouldn't be a thing. Or at least he assumed. You seemed to have higher expectations, or at least ones that weren't named Handsome Jack.
"Is it bad?" You shrugged. "Sort of? I suggest taking a shower before I stitch it up." You told him, moving some of his hair that fell onto his forehead. "Can you join me?" You frowned a bit, "Come on, just make sure I don't fall and die. Because if I die, I'm leaving you Hyperion as payback." He quipped, and you let out a groan. He knew you hated working for the place, let alone the thought of owning it. You were a medic, not a business person.
You knew that Jack was playing his games again. The moment the both of you got into the bathroom for him to take a shower he asked if you could join him in it. "As in without any clothes?" "I mean unless you want to shower with clothes on, what are you, crazy?" Jack asked with furrowed brows as he worked at removing his shirt. Turning around so his back was to you to allow you to remove your own clothes. Which did shock you a little. It did give you the chance to look over his back wound though. It was healing up nicely, just as you presumed.
"Alright," You hummed, opening the door so he could step in, you following after. Shutting the door behind the both of you.
The whole shower was quiet, besides the water that echoed in your ears. A nonstop stream that was almost comforting. His eyes were either on your face or the wall behind you the whole time while you helped him clean his hair and body. Giving you the opportunity to make sure he had no other marks hiding from you.
"Thank you," you froze up. God, you were sure you were wrong and this man had the worse concussion you had ever seen before. First, he practically told you he had feelings for you, and now he was thanking you? After nearly eight months of you helping him out like this? "You're welcome." You didn't question it, it was nice having him thank you for your service for once. You did practically do all of it for free. It was the least he could do, even if he was technically your boss.
It wasn't long before the both of you were exiting the shower. Drying off and changing. Jack had a spare set of clothes for you. Most of the time it was the clothes that you left behind, but this time it was clothes you had never seen before. "Are they your size? I picked them out myself. It's an apology for ripping your shirt last time." He told you with a smug grin. He was still proud of that, but you didn't even have the time to be mad at him. They were your size, and the fabric was the type that you liked and that didn't bother your skin. "Yeah, these are great, thank you, Jack." You smiled back at him, and he nodded. Pulling his shirt back over his head after tugging his pants up his legs.
"See, I'm not so unthoughtful, am I?" He asked with a brow raised, sitting on the edge of his bed while watching you head back into the other room after getting changed. He knew you were just grabbing your supplies to bring them in there. He trusted you, after all.
When you did come back, he scooted back so he was leaned back against the head board. Waiting for you to come over and attend to what you both hoped was his final wound. "So," you started as you dug out the supplies to patch up his scalp. "If I'm not a toy, what am I? Or... What are we?" You asked, glancing at his eyes before working on his head.
He was quiet for a while. Long enough that it had you worried, but each time you looked down at his face he was staring at you like he was thinking. Thinking long and hard about his next words. Really, he was praying that you would know without him having to say anything. "Truthfully, I don't even know." He told you, and you frowned a bit. There it was, you got your hopes up just a bit and you were brought back down.
"Well, I know what I want," Jack told you, a small laugh leaving his chest. "I always know what I want, it's what I'm best at. I want you. I want you by my side when I take down the Vault Hunters and open the Vault on Pandora." You stopped your work, staring at him with wide eyes. He had to be joking, right?
"What do you mean, by your side? Like as your medic?" You stammered a bit, pulling your hands away and Jack took this as a chance to grab your hands, pulling them close to him. A crazy glint in his eyes that worried you a little. "Well, that too, but as my partner. My other half. I want you as mine, and I really thought I made that damn clear with you being the only person I ever screw around with. I mean, I let you leave hickeys on me, you think I'd let just anyone do that?" He laughed, and you felt your insides turning. You were scared he was going to start laughing at you if you said you wanted all of that too, I mean. It wasn't like you didn't like him. You liked him quite a bit, actually. You always just pushed those feeling away.
"Are you making fun of me? This is a joke isn't it?" He could see the worry on your face, and it frustrated him. "What part of I like you do you not fucking understand?" He snapped, squeezing your hands a little tighter, and that made you flinch, your eyes and jaw squeezing shut. He regretted his actions, wishing he didn't let his anger get the best of him, but it was just who he was.
He released the grip on your hands. Letting them go completely so he could reach up to cup the sides of your face. "Look at me," he wanted to see your eyes. "Hey, look at me, please?" He asked, rubbing your cheek bones as he waited for your eyes to open. When they did finally flutter open he smiled. A smile that seemed almost too genuine for Handsome Jack. It scared you a little, really.
"Look, I'm sorry I yelled. I just don't understand why you can't trust me. I've been nothing but good to you, haven't I? If I did anything wrong, tell me now." He spoke, and you shook your head. "You didn't do anything wrong." He nodded his head, "Then what is it?" You stared back at him for a second while you thought of what you wanted to say. You didn't want to confuse or frustrate him any more than he already was. "I just don't get it." He furrowed his brows, "Everyone told me you were some heartless bastard who didn't care about no one. So I always just assumed you were using me. I never told anyone about me coming over to help us, or the time that we shared, but the rumors that people spread about them. I believed a lot of them." "Why?" He asked, looking a little wounded. "I guess I just never expected you to like a nobody like me." He sighed, pulling you close to him so he could wrap his arms around you. "Yeah, well I guess I'm just full of surprises." You shrugged, resting your head on his shoulder. "You really are, Jack." No one would believe you if you told them you were sleeping with Handsome Jack anyways, but you were glad to know you were hopefully the only one. If you could even believe him.
"I always just assumed you would want someone like Moxxi," "And have my heart broken again? No way, baby. Plus, you take better care of me, and you let me spoil you without having to flaunt it to the world." You smiled a little, he did spoil you. A lot more than you liked, actually. You always felt like he owed you back each time he would buy you the new supplies you needed and wanted for work or just the little things you wanted for yourself. No matter how much he assured you, you always wanted to pay him back somehow.
Your silence made him a little antsy, giving your hip a light squeeze. "Does this mean you'll be mine, and just mine?" He asked with a grin, and you smiled a bit back yourself. "Yeah, only if you let me make earlier up to you." You stated, beginning to place all of your appliances back into your bag while Jack settled down onto the bed. "Baby, when have I ever denied you?"
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banamine-bananime · 7 months
preface: i was writing a list of my headcanons for funsies and got completely derailed with angsty grimmons shit that needs to be scooped out of that post because it’s stupid long. so here
grif worked in honolulu a couple years after hs graduation until kai was old enough (17) he felt he could leave. did a year at university before realizing he’s smart enough to be admitted to cornell but not to get the scholarship he realistically needs to not be in crushing debt on graduation, and also there’s not nearly enough regimentation to college life to prevent him from rotting in bed paralyzed by “oh my god i don’t have Responsibilities That Need To Be Done Right Now for the first time in forever and idk what to do now” and executive dysfunction. went through basic and stationed on the doomed outpost. That Whole Thing (a polite way of saying “sneaking off for a nap on duty, sleeping through a massacre, and waking up to find literally everyone else dead”) was the nail in the coffin that pretty much shot his last shred of motivation and hope to shit, and based on his behaviour and psych eval afterwards (best summarized as “learned helplessness that everything is shit always and he’s useless and never gonna be able to help anyone so 👍 fuck everything fuck everyone just try to eke some hedonistic joy out of life before you die”) he was reassigned to the sim soldiers.
meanwhile simmons tried to do university several times and had to drop out for mental health reasons (a very polite way of putting “rapid spiral into absolute disaster every time”. it leaves room for giving him the benefit of the doubt that this was a proactive “ah i should take care of myself and this is not working for me :) #selfcare #therapy” decision. this is not benefit of the doubt that anyone who knows him would extend.).
I go back and forth on whether to roll with the “that one throwaway line with a suspiciously specific hypothetical of being in a unit that was stranded and had to eat their dog to survive” thing or just say he was assigned straight to sim troopers. on the one hand, i really love grif and simmons having a parallel immensely traumatic first assignment that made them both Worse in kinda similar kinda opposite ways in line with the ways they were each already fucked up
(grif “life is inherently a garbage fire. i am useless. all i can do is look out for myself and save my own hide by absolute never trusting any authority, refusing to get attached to the other fuckers around here (they’d hate me anyways so just let them hate me), and obsessively hoarding any access to food and shelter and comfort because Maslow said I can’t work on health or belonging or esteem until i do :/ yeah i know, sorry, i’ve got a doctor’s note from him right here.” vs simmons “my life is a garbage fire probably because everyone around me is an idiot fucking something up but also because i’m not trying hard enough. i’m sure if i keep Performing The Maladaptive Behaviours even harder they will work and i THEN will feel respected and powerful and loved. you see you just have to keep repressing every feeling so you can suck up to anyone you detect a whiff of Authority Figure on no matter how little you actually respect them, and follow EVERY RULE and work and work and work. and you had better abandon any compunctions about things like eating a dog you loved or backstabbing a friend for brownie points from the CO who hates him or Literally Murdering your CO for a promotion. and if you ever stop desperately trying, fighting dirty looking out just for yourself, and instead just sit still for a moment and enjoy sincere zero-ulterior-motives connections with people, you will probably definitely immediately die of starvation or exposure (it is a metaphor you see. of exposure to the elements while stranded without resources. for the agonizing exposure of allowing yourself to be known.)”)
on the other hand i’m like whoa now. this boy’s got enough problems we really don’t need to be giving him any more or we’re really never gonna pry him free of the woobiefication fics.
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Well. Welcome to Episode 5 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
...Lemme explain.
So. Thing is, I'm still translating Arle's route, don't worry. It's just with school going on and the sort, I...don't have enough to show for the route right now, so instead of sending the little bit I have, I'll use the filler episode to show off some OTHER findings I have...and my rambles about random Puyo things.
Yeah believe it or not there's always something to learn about Puyo/Madou, and since I'm someone who knows a good bit, I may as well tell some. With that, the usual shall begin.
Welcome to the Witch Specialized (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(The Puyo Manga is literally my best friend at this rate)
Heya everyone, happy super early Halloween because that's this lady's birthday, but since I feel like it, we're posting it now.
Welcome or welcome back to Waku Puyo Extras, the filler series where I translate much, much smaller videos than the things I usually do, while also talking about the wonderful world of Madou and Puyo, giving little facts and knowledge I have of these games.
This episode is about...well. Witch. You may be wondering "Why her?" And to that I say:
Girl has caused me now 4 sleepless nights. I'm sharing this knowledge with you all.
Oh, and I'm impatient for Halloween. That too. But that's besides the point, I felt like making an episode just about her because, well, she's my 3rd favorite character besides Lagnus and Lemres. Plus, while learning about the lore and the games, I've stumbled upon a lot of info about characters, some good and some...well, it's not awful but slightly questionable. This time, this stuff will be centered around all Madou games as a whole, as Puyo is another breed of things.
This'll cover these few things:
Very short video about a refight in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon.
Her character portrayal in specific games (Saturn, Tower of the Magician, etc.) I won't be speaking about Puyo games this time around besides maybe for a joke or two. Won't be in chronological order.
...Let's just say crimes against Schezo and occasionally Arle. Consider this an add on to 2. Who knows? Maybe this'll change your opinion on her.
And err...consider this compensation for not bring done with episode 1 of Arle's route. I'm getting it done, don't worry. I just don't have enough to share RN.
HOWEVER. With the help of @kirstenonic05 (Good friend of mines who gave me this recommendation,) they were kind enough to give me a small video to translate.
Refight dialogue. Yes, there's that, and I'm gonna show it off.
What they're doing is saving me so much time and effort and I cannot thank them enough. It's only 46 seconds so no timestamps this time. (It's really like 25 seconds.)
Oh, and I'll mention it here, I edited some parts of Witch's wiki on the Puyo Nexus, adding stuff about Madou Saturn and obviously WWPPD.
With that out of the way, hope you enjoy this.
Witch Refight:
I let you get away earlier...
This time, I'll for sure get your black clothes! (...YOU BEAT THE MAN AND DIDN'T TAKE THEM? That's on you)
You're still saying that...
I'm not going to let you take my clothes in a place like this! (Because that's public indecency.)
Ah. 4 lines. My beloved.
So with that outta the way, let's speak about her several incarnations throughout the series.
Where do I even BEGIN?
I guess we'll start with what I believe to be a good starting point: Madou Monogatari; Tower of the Magician.
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(Image shown was made for an official calander in Disc Station 17. Here it shows Wish, Witch's Grandmother.)
In this game, you play as Schezo trying to go through a tower for power, which is basically the quickest way to describe the game. However, Witch's trial to get an actual name starts at the same time, but she runs into Schezo and Incubus, and they kinda fight.
Throughout the game, she's a roaming sidekick, usually there to help with puzzles and banter with Schezo. Here...Schezo kinda dotes on Witch like an older brother would, while providing banter and the sort. He'll he even gives answers to Witch's trials just to get further into the tower.
However, near the end, Witch begins to get concerned for her grandmother, and Schezo says she'll be alright.
She was not alright. She got possessed and Schezo fights the final boss. When Wish is brought back to her senses, Schezo says that it was Witch who saved the day, not him. (When it was him.)
Unfortunately, since Witch had outside help, she fails the trials. Sad day.
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It's a nice dynamic they had. Plus they show that she cares a lot for her grandma, which I absolutely respect.
Keyword had.
Because besides this game, it kinda goes all over the place. Like Madou Saturn. However, I still like the dynamic later on, it's super funny.
In this game she plays a minor role, like everyone that's not the ARS/Satan/Lagnus. She's kidnapped along with Draco by Incubus, and if you choose to save Witch first, you go to a tourney to save Draco as well. After you beat Kikimora, who was infested with the smoke via the Yogs, Kiki tells you that she saw Schezo (didn't name him though, and he was possessed by Lagnus,) and Witch is IMMEDIATELY interested. Rulue says that he's a massive pervert and...yeah that don't work. She gets more interested.
They finally met Schezo and the first thing she says is that she wants to touch him.
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AKA this. Translated it says "...So this is the mega-pervert! Lemme touch him!"
Which I mean, there's worse introductions. After you kick Schezo's ass, he leaves, and Witch is quite sad that he left.
After that, the Trio wins the tourney, which gets interrupted by Jann, and after some shenanigans, beat her and save Draco. After that, Witch leaves the party.
Alright, so a wacky impression in Madou, surely it can't get wackier...
Just like clockwork, Waku Puyo strikes y'all.
Ah, this game. My namesake, basically, the thing that got me to Tumblr and have me listening to the Apollo Justice OST for hours.
I'll say it here: Most of what I know of Witch comes from Schezo's Route. Just a heads up.
But what even goes on in there? Great question, I wished you never asked.
In Schezo's Route, you meet her at the Horror House and she's all vague with him, saying she wants "it" and begins to beg, leaving my poor man Schezo befuddled. Then she clarifies that she wants his clothes, and she'll rip it off if Schezo says no.
Then during the end of the game, Schezo can run into her again. And she's doing the usual, asking basically a cave dweller for his clothes, to which Schezo finally asks why.
Her answer? She wants them, and they're cool. She also throws the heart symbol a lot toward ONLY Schezo.
(Top one is her vaguely saying that Schezo's clothes are still cool, middle one is Schezo saying he's not going to strip, but she was gonna ask for the Meteor Spellbook he had, but the clothes would be nice also.)
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Yes. This is how she acts to ONLY Schezo Wegey. I'm pulling out his full government name for that one.
So with that, that most that I know about her-
Nah I'm joking. We gotta talk about Rulue's Spring Break of Fists.
For those unaware, Rulue's Spring Break of Fists was a Disc System game released in 1997, which is more of a "Choose your adventure Visual Novel" sorta deal where Rulue is tasked with getting ingredients for...cooking, not fully sure myself.
What I AM sure of is that Witch is there. And oh boy, does shit get wacky. You enter her house, and Rulue asks for the ingredients she needs, and Witch isn't giving the responses Rulue wants, which she (understandably) gets annoyed at. However, Autism be damned, Witch can cook what Rulue is trying to make, and she'll give the ingredient to Rulue... if she answers her quiz. Yes. A quiz.
Alright, not too bad, right?
Wrong. First question she asks is "What is my bust size?
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No. I'm not joking. And since I'm trying to save images, the answers you could've chosen are:
A. 79 • 60 • Unknown
B. 78 • 58 • 81
C. 90 • 61 • 87
(The answer...is B. Which is fucking hilarious because in Madou Saturn it's 81 • 58 • 81, and Saturn came out a year later.)
She then continues to tell us to remember it, and after the quiz... she does give the ingredient, thankfully.
Unfortunately I dunno what she does in Puyolympics or Serilly's Happy Birthday, but I'll learn someday.
With all of this, you may wonder "How is she getting away with asking all of this stuff?"
I'm glad you asked. This little lass has commented some crazy things.
Take, oh IDK, Drugging Arle in the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga to make her fall in love with her?
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And that...didn't go well because Arle fell in love with almost everyone else but her. Which is IRONIC.
Then wanting to touch Schezo, cooking Incubus so bad with fire that he couldn't move for 3 days (both in Saturn), then...wanting to rob Schezo of his clothes and basically commit public indecency, and asks several times throughout Waku Puyo.
And then in more modern Puyo media, in 20th Anniversary she goes around basically harassing people to get ingredients but they're all subsituted for something else EXCEPT Schezo's hair, in the Puyo Puyo light novels she fake cries to Amitie and almost blows her up with nuisance puyos. And in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, when she gets possessed by Marle, asking Schezo to submit to her and that she know he wants to, and if he doesn't come to her, she'll come to him. And after she's cured, whatever she does with Marle and Draco, I'm ngl I forgot.
I joke about her being an actual pervert, but you know... maybe the joke isn't a joke anymore. And thus, I shall sentence her to...
30 minutes in time out. (Made by once again @kirstenonic05)
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With my long talk, I think this marks the end of this episode. When all is said and done, Witch is still one of my favorite Puyo characters, and maybe with this new knowledge (even if some of, no, a lot of it was odd,) you'll like her more...or less. One of the two.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
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positivexcellence · 2 years
Supernatural star Jensen Ackles on playing Dean again in The Winchesters finale: 'It was a mixed bag'
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: If your return wasn't exciting enough, you guys also brought in Bobby (Jim Beaver) and Jack (Alexander Calvert), and it feels like you really managed to pull off that surprise.
JENSEN ACKLES: Yeah. People were like, "Are we gonna see more faces in the finale?" And I was like, "Of course you are, but I'm not telling you who." [Laughs] There's a treasure trove to choose from. And moving forward, God willing, there's been plenty of interest by folks that are deeply rooted in the Supernatural lore who were like, "Hey, why didn't I get a call?" I'm like, "Wait till season 2." Hopefully we can bring those familiar faces. We want to make the most entertaining show we can. That's what we set out to do in the beginning and what we hope to continue to accomplish.
Let's talk the alternate universe twist, which is a great way to sidestep canon.
That's the thing. Everybody's like, "I can't believe you're gonna mess with the show's lore," and it's like, "Hang on, just trust us." And in fact, it plays right into it. You've got Bobby, you've got Jack, you've got the fact that Sam is still on Earth, and here's Dean, literally in heaven trying to do things to protect the life his brother's living. So it furthers the lore.
And then it opens the door to other characters, a different Sam and Dean, etc.
Right. It would've been a fool's errand to try and box ourselves in with what had been created on Supernatural. We would be boxed in by that. In order to get our two heroes together and make it make sense in that timeframe, it had to be messed with. And the only way to really mess with that was just to make it a completely separate, alternate thing, which luckily the mothership had established with Chuck [Rob Benedict] when he was like, "I've made multiverses, and you guys are my favorite." So we knew that there was still stuff out there. And then also to tether it to the fact that, oh, if this was a fail safe that Chuck created, how many other fail safes does he have?
Obviously you played Dean in the pilot, but you didn't have any dialogue. You've been doing the narration. But what was it like to really be back playing him again in this setting?
It was a mixed bag. It's weird because we're in a different city, filming with a different crew. I'm working with different actors. Having Jim there and having Calvert there, it was almost like we were brought in from another team to come and show these new recruits how to play baseball. [Laughs] Like we weren't on our home turf. But it was a position that we were all very comfortable with jumping into and, how could you not be with playing those characters as long as we all have? It was like Dean was on location.
You really threw fans for a loop with that turtleneck and peacoat look.
[Laughs] Kerry Weinrauch from Supernatural is our costume designer on The Winchesters. When Kerry and I started talking about, "Well, what's that gonna look like when Dean hands the letter to his dad?" I was like, "What if he tries to pass as a sailor or somebody that's in the Navy? People wouldn't bat an eye if they saw somebody that looked like he just got off a boat." I was like, "I don't know, maybe peacoat?" [Laughs] She's like, "Yeah, we can get you peacoat." And then she had a turtleneck and she was like, "I mean, if we're gonna do it, let's do it." [Laughs]
It was also Dean with facial hair!
Without giving away too much, I'm supposed to do another character, and I needed that kind of facial growth and that hair to stick around. I didn't know if I should cut all my hair off and shave my beard. And [showrunner] Robbie [Thompson] was like, "Well, then don't." I think they did a good enough job of making it look like I've been in heaven for a while. In fact, Jim Beaver actually added a line in that scene in the train station where he's like, "I'm gonna go get the cavalry." And, I think I say like, "What do you mean?" He's like, "Well, you know, we gotta get some help." And then just before he walks away, he goes, "Nice try with the beard though." I think we were just running long on time and we had to shave every little bit of stuff away, so unfortunately that that didn't make it. But we got to have a little fun.
I'm assuming that was your Baby?
Yeah, that was number one, Dean's original car. It was funny. As I arrived on set, they were doing the the car screeching to a halt, the shot of it coming through the portal. Our stunt driver is a local stunt guy there in Louisiana, Tyler, he's one of our assistant coordinators. I walked up and I stood by the monitors for one take and they all cut and I'm like, "That's it! Get out of my car!" [Laughs] Tyler's like, "Dude, I saw you over there and I got really nervous."
You also had to show up and deliver so much exposition in what was also a really emotional scene for Dean.
I know. And the funny thing is, for the last like six seasons [of Supernatural], we hired guest stars to come on and deliver the exposition. [Laughs] Jared and I didn't have to do any of that s---. And here I am coming in as a guest star and having to deliver like, the biggest piece of exposition the show has ever seen. I'm just thankful it was Robbie's writing. His writing just slides right off the tongue.
Safe to say you guys opened up so many potential stories with that ending!
I'm hoping. We're in such a weird time right now with the network kind of changing guard and not knowing quite what the new format's gonna be and how that's all gonna pan out. I know that everybody did everything they could to make the best show that they could. I know I'm really proud of it and everybody involved is really proud of it. Hopefully we land on our feet in some capacity, but I don't know what that's gonna look like.
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acorrespondence · 1 year
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A continuation of my answer to @love-leah’s ask here.
This little bit of backstory is pretty much ripped directly from a reply to @universewoman’s recent comment on Chapter 5, because I tired myself out writing that seven paragraph essay, ha. It’s about Boyd’s decision to get his tattoo covered up.
The whole story kind of evolved from the question of what would have to happen to get Boyd to cover up his tattoo. When I first wrote out the bit where Boyd has his crisis of conscience on the bathroom floor, it was in present tense and there was a lot more context to the scene, including Boyd resisting getting the cover-up for days until he walked in on Raylan just lying on the couch, talking to baby Pem where she’s propped on his chest—like, a completely normal thing to do with babies that Boyd’s gonna walk in on countless times for as long as he and his kid are living in Raylan’s apartment—and he’s like oh my god fuck it, I will literally die if I have to watch this man being adorable with my baby every day of my life and I don’t get to fuck him. And he comes in with the raven on his shoulder the next day. Because Boyd wasn’t going to cover that shit up unless he gets something out of it. And then, of course, you have this scene three years later where the meaning of the bird changes and he actually experiences real regret.
And here’s a little bonus excerpt from the junk pile since there’s no way I can fit it into the fic:
Boyd calls the Marshals in East Texas, where Raylan last told his mama he was living before she died, and they transfer him over to the Miami office. He says it’s about Raylan’s uncle, which it’s not, because Raylan’s uncle is already dead.
It’s not long before Raylan picks up the line transfer. “Who the hell’s this?” he asks suspiciously.
“Boyd?” The suspicion twists into concern. “What’s the matter? Why you callin?”
“Tell you the truth, Raylan, I had no earthly idea what else to do.”
“Well that’s new. Why’s your voice sound like that?”
“I’d imagine it’s because I been cryin.”
“What you doin that for?”
Boyd looks down at Pemberley, her miserable little face all scrunched up and red, blubbering her little heart out all over his nice corduroy jacket. “I am lost, Raylan.” He pauses. “Well, not in any literal sense, I’m in Louisville.” He moves the receiver down by his chin so he can shush Pemberley, who’s wailing directly into his opposite ear. He bounces her around on his hip, trying to quiet her. “Shh. Shh, darlin.”
“Wait,” says Raylan, “that’s your baby?”
“Yeah.” Boyd remembers to put the phone back to his mouth. “My little girl, Pemberley.”
“I know,” Boyd says wryly, still sniffling himself.
“Guess I’ve heard worse. You try feedin her?”
“I mashed up a banana for her in a plastic bag, so there’s no true way to ascertain if she ain’t hungry or if she just has standards.”
Raylan laughs. Boyd watches a woman in a blazer cross the whole bank of phones, to the one furthest removed from Pemberley’s dulcet tones. “So,” Raylan says, and his voice is hushed now, like he’s crowded in close to the phone. “You lit out of there for good?”
“‘Less I get dragged back, I suppose.” Boyd takes a shaky breath. “I don’t know anyone else outside Kentucky, Raylan. I was hopin...”
He lets the question hang unasked, and Raylan doesn’t bother to answer. “You got money? Enough to get you to Florida?”
“I believe so, excepting extraordinary circumstances.”
“All right, you got a pen?” Boyd doesn’t, but he finds one, on the little shelf screwed to the wall under the phone box. Raylan reels off a number different to the one the Texas Marshals gave him. Juggling Pemberley and the bag he packed, Boyd copies it carefully onto the back of his own hand. “That goes straight to my desk at the courthouse. Call me when you get to the station.”
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kanazawa-division · 11 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Joey Kurusu
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~~ October 9th ~~
“The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.”
Login Lines:
“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m late for work! Haaah…why didn’t my alarms go off?! I set up six of them! Man, I knew I shouldn’t stayed up all night gaming! Wataru’s gonna have my a-huh?”
“What’s this? A present? And it’s for me!…Oh crap, so that’s why my alarms didn’t go off, it’s my birthday, haha!”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, I’m 24 now. I know it’s not a huge milestone or anything but after all the shit I went through and coming close to death more times than I would like to admit, I’ve come to learn that time is very precious and I’m thankful for every minute, hour, day, and year that I’m alive….wow, that was hella sappy lmao.”
“Everyone at the station sent me a happy birthday! Even the Narcotics Unit and those guys don’t talk to anyone! Man, it feels like yesterday I was just joining the force, I’m glad to make such nice and cool friends.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just got a text from my dad, he wished me a happy birthday….’why do I look angry?’ I’m not angry! Really, I’m not! It’s just….this is the first time he’s reached out to me in four years…yeah…I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Hahaha! Oh man, my mom is hilarious! She sent me a book a puns….a book of police puns, hehe. Oh, I am definitely going to use these on Wataru and Kyler, maybe this is the day I finally get a smile out of both of them! Wish me luck!”
“Hey Shanny….I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while, work’s got me in a chokehold right now, especially with all the DRB stuff happening…but I haven’t forgotten you, I would never forget you. I hope you’re doing okay wherever you are, I hope that you’re happy, your big bro is working really hard to find whoever took you away, they’ll get what’s coming to them, I promise.”
“Sorry guys but I’m spending the day with my lovely Mamoru! It’s been a while since we’ve been on a date, I know it’s my birthday but I wanna make this special for him….Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, call me a simp, whatever, I’d gladly be his Tier 3 Sub!….Wait-“
“Wataru! Buddy! You’re here! And here I thought you forgot about little ol’ me!…Ouch! That’s so mean! C’mon man, we’ve known each other for how long?…You’re so cold Wataru, you’re lucky I’m here to thaw that frozen aura of yours, otherwise you’d never have any friends haha, ooooh! A gift! From you! Let’s see what it is!”
“It’s a….a….okay, I’m stumped, what even is this?….Ohhhhh…This is…nice….I guess…Hey! My desk is not messy! Maybe to you but I can easily find whatever I need no problem! It’s called ‘organized chaos’, dude, there’s a method to the madness…Holy fuck, you’re old-“
“Kyler! My dude! Good to see you, man! Feels like it’s been forever since we last hung out…that’s still too long! C’mon dude, not only are we teammates but we’re friends! We should hang out outside of our jobs! Hm? You got something for me? Your bestie? Aw, you shouldn’t have…I’m joking, gimme.”
“Whooooa, sick! A new game! Deadpool huh? This is a character from your American comic books, right? Niiiiiice! I’ve been wanting to play more western games, this is just what I wanted! Thanks Ky! We definitely have to play this together, a game night with the boys! It’ll be awesome!”
Wataru Lines:
“Hello Joey, happy birthday…to be honest, I had completely forgot it was your birthday and even when I remembered, I originally wasn’t going to do anything…*sigh* For the umpteenth time, we are not friends, we are coworkers, I don’t know why that hasn’t clicked for you…Good grief, just take this.”
“It’s a desk organizer, something I noticed that you desperately needed ever since you started working here. It’s irritating to pass by your desk and see all sorts of junk everywhere, I implore you to use it, there is only so many times I can see your Hatsuno Miki pencils and notebooks lying around so haphazardly.”
Kyler Lines:
“Sup Joey, happy birthday, man…we literally just solved a case four days ago, alright, alright, you might have a point. Speaking of, I got something for you, I figured you would like it….fine then, I’ll give it to someone else…yeah, yeah, you’re welcome by the way.”
“It’s the Deadpool video game, I had it imported all the way from America to here so you better enjoy it…Nice, I’m glad you like it, I’ll admit, you do kinda remind me of him sometimes…but without the regeneration abilities, ducked up face, and is somehow more annoying. *Sigh* Y’know what? Sure, just text me when and I’ll be there, happy birthday, Jo.”
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musette22 · 2 years
Minnieeee 💕💕 how about this Sebastian and this Chris? Or Stucky, if you prefer. Seb is at a local diner, just ordered some food, when he hears a noise outside, a man on his motor cycle stopping right outside. He turns around on his bar stool, and he finds himself unable to look away. This is the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen. He’s definitely hungry now.
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He forgets about the food he’s ordered and gets ready to go up to the man outside. He’s just going to shoot his shot. He walks up to him, smirking a little. He’s definitely putting a little extra swing in his step.
When gets right in front of the guy, he looks him up and down shamelessly. “Hey gorgeous,” he says, “ain’t seen anyone like you ‘round here before. Let me buy you dinner?”
The guy grins at him. “Those lines usually work for you?” He asks.
Sebastian pulls him in by his open shirt. “‘S worked fine for me so far.”
The guy’s eyes twinkle in amusement. “Oh yeah? You been using them on every poor unassuming man driving by?”
Seb presses a kiss to his lips. “Just on the gorgeous ones, honey,” he teases as he pulls away. “You get everything we needed?���
Chris pulls him back in for a kiss, biting Sebastian’s lip a little for his teasing. “Yeah baby,” he says, holding up the bag from a nearby gas station. “Now come on, I was promised dinner.”
They probably get dinner to go, have a picnic somewhere in a field, before they go on the rest of their little road trip, just the two of them. Sebastian thinks this trip is probably the worst idea ever, because seeing Chris on a bike drives him crazy, but luckily Chris feels the same - that’s what all those motel and b&b (and the occasional field) stops are for. So really, not the worst idea ever at all.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Maya??? Hello? Quick word? Here I am, just minding my own business on this Thursday evening, and then I open my inbox to THIS? 😭😭 I love this so much I'm literally wiggling in my seat, IT'S SO CUTE 🥺🥺🥺
I absolutely adore the little plot twist, which just makes it even cuter if you ask me. Seb thinking to himself 'DAMN, I can't believe this grade A hunk is all mine', while Chris is probably thinking 'God, I can't believe this bold, cheeky cutie is al mine' 💗💗
This reminds me of that post about the guy who asks out a girl at work and she accepts and his friends are like 'yeaaah!!' and then it turns out they're already married and really, that just makes it cuter 🥰 Still so in love after all this time, just like these boys 💘 I love love love this ficlet, and the visuals aren't half bad either 👀 Fluffy haired boyfriends in denim and on a bike??? UGH. Incredible. Love you Maya, boo!!
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echantedtoon · 10 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch15 Battle Gym Leader Allister
( Edit: If anyone's wondering if I'm doing anything to make this different from Love Doesn't Do Encores, and yes. MC's interest is switched more into baking/cookery hobbies than music in this story, as well as Victor is also competing in the Challenge. Other chapters down the line will also be changed/redone/not be included or replaced entirely. Hope this clears things up.)
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To say your exit out of Stow-on-Side was quick and abrupt to say the least was an understatement. Gloria literally dragged you out of town and the two of you two ran through the heat like the time the onix chased you two in the Wild Area until exhausted and too hot from the heat to handle and collasped under a shady ledge of one of the cliffsides that were still surrounding the path you took out of Stow-on-Side. Panting, sitting on the ground as your Drizzilie face planted the shaded ground next to you just as tired.
.....You weakly raised an arm from your sweating tired self pointing up. "W-W-We...a-are *wheeze* NEVER r-running- *gasp* in the h-heat again! Hhhaaaaa-'' Your arm flopped back to your side as your laid there heaving your lungs out and Gloria weakly nodded agreeing to that proposal.
After a few tired moments of just laying there in the shade catching your breaths and regular temperatures back thanks to the shade provided Gloria eventually spoke. "W-Well...W-What now?"
You shrugged. "I dunno man. The past two days have been absolutely CRAZY!" During the silence as you were catching your breaths, the silence let it sink in for you two exactly what had transpired the last day and a half for the two of you. "It all happened so fast I can barely believe it happened."
Gloria nodded again patting her pockets. "If I didn't have these wee ones on me person I would nah believe it either but 'ere we are. UGH! What was that boy thinkin'!?"
You shrugged forcing yourself back up into a standing position despite your tired body's protest. "I-I dunno but I think it might be best for us to just leave Stow-on-Side all together before we get caught in anymore trouble's crossfires."
She nodded immediately and used the ledge she laid again to help pull herself up. Before pausing for a moment..and pointing at your hand. "What's that ya got there?"
You hummed before lifting your hand up and coming face to face with the lightly dirty mask that Sonia's yamper had found. And you lit up in realization. "OH! It's the mask Sonia found." You held it out to her as she made a reach for it. "I must've forgotten I had it when we suddenly split town. But I think she said it might've belonged to whoever runs the ghost type gym around here."
"Allister," Gloria corrected you turning the small mask over in her hands...before smiling. "Well if it is we outta return it ta him! I was plannin' on seeing 'em anyways! Now might be a good time as any if we need a reason ta leave."
You nodded. Good enough reason to you too. "I...think Sonia said his gym was a day out of here by some grave yard."
"Oh yeah it is! In fact when I checked the map for his location, I noticed there's also an Inn and a taxi station right next to it as well! We'll have somewhere to rest up then!" You nodded, nudging your pokemon who made an annoyed noise but reluctantly got up from his spot on the ground. "I just hope he's not too scared to accept battling with me. Especially since I already go the same badge he give out from Bea."
You paused..looking up from your yawning water type to raise a brow at her examining the mask more. "..What are you talking about?"
She still looked at the mask almost sadly for a moment before looking at you. "Oh right. Of course you wouldn't really know about him. Even tho it's easily known." She sighed looking back down to the mask. "Allister accordin' ta Lee is one of the newest Gym Leaders in Galar, in fact this is gonna be his first Gym Challenge too."
You blinked wide eyed at her. "Oh really?"
She nodded slowly. "In fact he's only been an official gym leader for 'round two years, but he is a bit eccentric from what I've heard. He claims ta be able ta see ghosts after an accident when he was four that claimed the lives o' his folks." She looked at you and you stared back STUNNED at the words that came and still stumbled from her mouth. "Then he was taken in by the old Gym Leader of the stadium he runs now before he passed away too. From there Allister took over and I think the Chairman or Lee's the one who's taken on the responsibility for him about keeping the stadium up n' running since he's so young." She held the mask with a slightly bigger frown. "In fact accordin' to his league card he's supposed ta have at least a hundred of these things cuz he's so shy."
You still stared.....WHAT!? HOW COULD ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND PUT THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ON A CHILD THAT YOUNG!?...Well you couldn't remember exactly HOW young he was since you remembered the only time you had ever really seen most of the Gym Leaders was during the Entrance Ceremony months ago and only for a short time. And in the game Allister's backstory, as much as it pained you too say, didn't have much impact because in fact JUST A GAME then. But now with it being your reality this was down right almost cruel! THAT CHILD NEEDS HELP!!
"Who in their right mind would just put all that responsibility on a kid like that?," you asked scowling.
Gloria shrugged. "From what I've heard through the grapevine Allister insisted on takin' over and wouldn't budge til they agreed. He must've really wanted ta stay at the stadium if he did that."
You didn't at first and just sighed shaking your head. "Well...In any case if we're heading to see him we better start walking while there's still daylight to see by. I don't feel like camping surrounded by cliffs where more boulders could fall on us."
That got her motivated enough to slip the mask into her back pack as the two of you shoved back off in the summer heat, and began walking down the trail still surrounded by the Stow-on-Side's cliffs. By the time it was night time you two were still surrounded by cliffs, so the best thing either of you could do was pitch the tent as fair from the center of the pathway you could as to not block the entrance way in case some traveler passed by. The next morning waking bright and early at Gloria's insistance to start traveling again. As in her words it would take at least a day to get there but since you two had a head start if you started walking early in the morning now, you should be able to reach the inn before night fall. You grumbled but the promise of a proper bed and home cooked food that wasn't just trail mix or the like was enough motivation for you to get up and after packing everything away, started off once again. The sun was as hot as ever as the two of you walked with Drizzilie whining but keeping up at your feet, you were glad he took what you said seriously and began walking but you also regretted not having any water for him or Gloria who looked absolutely miserable in the heat. The sooner you got to that inn the better! As the three of you walked and walked, the sun slowly got to the middle of the sky and then started slowly going down towards the time of sunset. Also within the hours you walked, the cliffs around you started to become scarcer and scarcer until they started to break off from the path around you until you both would just walk by the occiasional one spread out away from the last one and more trees and vegitation started to replace them around you. Thank goodness. The trees offered some shade from the scorching heat luckily, but it still was a pain to walk through. Ahead of you along the dirt path it started to open up to open fields like most of the scenery of Galar you've traveled past and you groaned dreading the lack of shade once you got past the treeline.
"LOOK!," Gloria suddenly pointed making you blink at where she was pointing. And you had to squint your eyes past the sun's glare to see what she was pointing to in the distance. And to your shock, a lil fair aways from you in the open area was a giant silvery stadium, and across from it was a few buildings. THERE IT WAS!! THE INN!! "There it is!" She started forward again waving to you. "C'mon. Let's get outta this bloody sun already! I'm more cooked than a burnt curry."
You could agree with that. Picking up your pace, the two of you quickly made down the pathway, sun be darned to the inn and the closer and closer you two got, the more you noticed this stadium was JUST as BIG as the others even tho it was smack dab in the middle of no where outside of a town. But that's not what got the two of you staring. It was the grave yard on the other side of the giant stadium that caught your attention. It was MASSIVE!! At least two hundred looking headstones surrounded by a very tall and sturdy looking black metal fence with the gates leading into there wide open. You two must've have noticed it at first because it was blocked from view by the stadium. Gloria was first to noticed as she just so happened to glance over her shoulder as you two went down the path that broke off from the main dirt road and towards the inn that in all honestly wasn't an inn. It was in fact just a regular two story house you'd find in Postwick,but very very BIG with what looked like lots of rooms. The only way you could've figured it was an actual inn was the sign in front of the home stating it was in fact a hotel. Just not a very big one. Beside the home was just a plain looking barn with LOTS and LOTS of hay scattered about the front of in like the kind of bard you'd keep cows and pigs in. You nearly made it to the porch when your Drizzilie squeaked and tugged on your leg, when you looked to him he pointed at Gloria, and you looked too confused, until you saw the massive graveyard she was silently staring at for a moment and you settled your gaze on it too for a moment.
".....Gloria. Are you ok?," you eventually asked her once you got over your initial shock of seeing such a thing by a pokemon stadium of all things.
She....eventually nodded and looked back to you. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I just thought I saw someone." She shivered before shaking it off and bounding up to you and you made a point of turning around to walk up onto the shady house's porch. "It was just my imagination tho. I guess I'm just a wee spooked about it all."
You nodded in understanding. The two of you walked up to the door and hesitated just a moment before you slowly opened the door which opened with a creak. What it opened too was a cozy looking regular living room and a few doorways leading to different areas, one of which was a kitchen from the looks of it and the other was a stairway leading up towards the second floor of the home. The two of you stared for a moment, relieved it looked normal, before looking at each other. This was an inn?? After a moment the two of you looked back inside and around, not too sure if you should step in from the shaded porch, even if the ac from the cool house was inviting.
"Uh....HELLO!?," you called into the home eventually raising a brow and looking around, "Is anyone here?! We heard this was an inn with rooms!"
"Maybe the place is run by ghosts too," Gloria suggested half teasing half mumbled.
"OH CUSTOMERS!!" Both of you looked up as a young woman's voice shouted from the kitchen area and some noises that sounded like pots and pans and shuffling footsteps. "Please, come in and close the door! I'll be right out in a giffy!" You two looked at each other again before Gloria shrugged and walked in and you followed, closing the door behind you with a creak. As you two walked into the living room area the source of the noise finally made herself present. A woman who looked about a few years older than you with black hair in a short ponytail and black sweats and t-shirt came speed walking from the kitchen. A bright white apron draped over her otherwise dark wardrode. Some flour spread all over her face and front like snow. "Hello there! Good evening!" She greeted with a wave and bright smile. Huh. You didn't remember this in game. Must've been because this was an actual world too. "Sorry I couldn't answer the door. I was a little busy baking some soul cakes." She briefly gestured to the kitchen. "But welcome to the Stow-on-Side Inn and Corviknight flight service! How can I help you two today?"
You two briefly looked at one another again before you cleared your throat. "Well, I don't suppose we could get a room just for the night. ...And where's everyone else?" You rose a brow around you. "This place is pretty big just for one person to manage."
"Oh I'm not alone," the woman explained, "My family works as the caretakers for the Stow-on-Side Cemetery or employed at the stadium across the street. Except for my uncle. He's out right now but him and his corviknight are in charge of the taxi from here if that's what you need." You shook your head no. "It's just me and my grandmother here for the moment, but I'd be happy to ring you up and show you to the guests rooms." You both agreed to that and watched as the woman just walked on over to the closet, opened it, and pulled out an old timey looking cash register. It took a moment for the two of you to practically go through your entire bags to scramble just enough for how much the room would cost for the night and after putting away said register with the money, the woman gestured for you two to follow her up the stairs and onto the second floor. As you two followed, you were honestly surprised at the place being homey and not so scary despite working for the ghost type gym leader and caretaking the cemetery next to it. You followed her to a nice looking but big room with double beds on the opposite side of the house. "The bathroom is through there." She pointed at a closed door within the room. "Feel free to use our laundry room if you need too. It's just down the hall through the green door. Dinner will be served in about two hours. I hope you don't mind soup."
"Uh..No, no. That's fine," you assured her, "Thanks."
She nodded. "You can just leave your dishes outside your door and I'll collect them before sun down. I hope you two enjoy your stay here."
"Thanks again....By the way," you gave her another look, "Where's the gym leader now? I didn't see him when we came in."
"Oh Allister? Probably off somewhere in the gym. He prefers to be left alone unless some one's delivering him food or checking up on him as the Champion ordered. But I'm sure he's fine if you're looking to go battle him right now."
"Uh. No. I was just curious."
She nodded before leaving. "Well if there's anything else you need don't hesitate to come down stairs and ask us."
She seemed pretty nice, and you were surprised but relieved to hear that Leon had recruited someone at least to keep an eye on the boy. You wasted no time in using the provided shower and laundry room for your clothes, relief flooding away from getting to finally cool down from the scorching heat you've endured for quite a few days. Your Drizzilie sure seemed to like when you filled the bathtub just a little bit and let the poor pokemon jump in only to curl up for a nap within the water. He must've been more tired out than you. Gloria made herself busy as she went through her things before pulling out that camera and a lense thing that went over it. When you asked she explained it wasn't just a night vision lense, but one that would also allow her to take pictures clear as day without the bright flash. Sounded handy. Then the next thing you knew she was pulling out that mask you had let her take and headed towards the sink and when you looked over noticed she was scrubbing the thing front and back with soap in the washroom sink furiously. As if it never had been cleaned before in it's life.
"Hey. What are you cleaning that thing off for?"
"Well I can't just give it back ta him all dirty now can I? It'd look like we didn't take care o' it at all 'n come off as rude don't cha think?"
Hmm. She had a point. It'd be rude of you to just give the poor boy his mask back in poor condition, it was better to clean it up before giving it back to him. By the time Gloria was done it was mostly ok looking. It still looked to have a few scratches and markings here and there from being obviously left out in the elements for who knows how long before being found, but it should still function ok. You didn't know how much time had exactly passed since you crashed on one of the twin beds provided for you but when you did eventually look up from your laid position was when there was a knock at the door and Gloria had found herself busy sticking more of the pictures she had apparently taken with her camera into the pages of one of her dex challenge books but looked up as you got up and answered the door. And on the other side was the same woman although without flour on herself or the apron this time, holding a tray which judging by the smell that hit you as soon as you opened the door was tomato or some kind of veggie soup.
She smiled. "Hello! Hope I'm not disturbing you folks too much." She held up the food. "But since you didn't come down for dinner I figured I would bring it to you as promised. Again, I hope you don't mind soup."
After a moment, you blinked and smiled. "That'll be fine thank you!" You carefully took it from her. It would be a nice change from curry, wild berries, and camping food at least.
She nodded before you closed the door. "Just leave them outside your door and I'll collect them from you later."
You nodded back to her before closing the door and turning with the tray in your hands. Gloria perking up at the promised food you had collected and gestured for you to come on over and look at the pictures she had taken so far. My my. There was a lot already and the book of different pokemon was practically full. Most of them were really well done and showed off the pokemon really well. Victor must've really put a lot of time and effort into the hobby he was so passionate about. However the newer ones were more plain looking and there was a bit of a snap-and-go kind of vibe to them that was obviously Gloria's and some were a bit blurry but not to the point you couldn't tell what pokemon they were. That's not saying Gloria's was worse just more different. One picture she pointed out to you was one of you asleep on the table back at the Stow-on-Side's pokemon center with your Drizzilie asleep next to you for her photo under the Drizzilie section....You had given her a look half way through your soup with a raised brow, but she only giggled in response teasing how he must've been your long lost twin to be stuck to your side most of the time. You decided to let it go for now since you were more focused on eating your food to fill the empty space in your stomach. Speaking of said water type pokemon, Drizzilie had given a bored but curious look over the still slightly filled tub once he heard the mention of food. Afraid he might've yelled and gotten you in trouble with who ever the owners of this place was, you had rummaged around in your backpack and had found a mini bag of what looked like granola bars and tossed it to him to keep his stomach in check. You also found the small bag of candy you had been 'tipped' back in Hulbury for your 'job' still sealed tight with the little ribbon. Deciding you didn't want for it you offered it to Gloria who, after giving a thoughtful expression, gladly took it and set it aside for the moment. For the next while you had finished the food offered, leaving it outside the door as requested, and you picked up helping her find the right pictures to put into place within the book until you were done. There was quite a number of them that you didn't remember her taking on her way to Hammerlocke or Stow-on-Side concluding she must've just not had the time to glue them all in yet. By the time you were finished and Gloria put the book and other things back into her bag the sun had set and darkness was settling in for a long night ahead.
You stretched and yawned with a sigh turning to the bed provided for you with a smile. Happy you didn't have to worry about pitching a tent for the night again. "Ok! Time for bed-"
"UH! Don't ya mean adventure, Y/n?" You paused...turning Gloria with a bewildered expression plastered on your face as it what she meant by that. She meant adventure as in like a good dream right? She held up her camera and shook it a bit. "The best time ta capture ghost pokemon would be at night! And what better place than around a ghost type stadium n' grave yard!? I don't even have the flash on so it won't scare 'em off!"
"Oh HECK to the no with that idea!" You frowned immediately shutting her idea down and pointed to the floor. "Gloria we've been walking all day in the hot sun and I'd like to get a little sleep tonight. Plus we CAN'T just go trespassing in a graveyard of all places! That's like high key illegal and very disrespectful might I add."
She gave you a look as if you had just insulted her mother. "WHAT!? Who said anythin' about goin' into that spooky place? I was talkin' 'bout just takin' pictures of 'em as they floated around. I wouldn't really just walk into a grave yard in the middle of the night are ya looney?"
Oh.....That actually made a lot more sense. Since ghost type pokemon wouldn't be too common during the day if any came out at all, and Gloria would probably need to get a few pictures of them if she wanted to finish up that challenge book. Being next to a ghost type stadium and the grave yard did seem like a good place as any to catch a couple of them floating about. But you two couldn't just be skulking about at night light this!! They'd think you were...were....I don't know! Grave robbers or something!
You shook your head. "Glory. Don't you think this is ...I don't know. Strange looking? What if someone catches us and think we're up to no good? These people practically own this land after all."
She gave you that same pleading face she gave to you when she wanted to meet Raihan back in Hammerlocke. "Please! I know I said I wouldn't ask for any more favors but this could be a good chance to get some pictures I probably couldn't get anywhere else! And we wouldn't be actually goin' inside the cemetery for pictures anyways so there wouldn't be any reason for us to get in trouble even if we were found! Plus think of the scientific reasons!" You rose a brow. "Seein' ghost type pokemon first hand in their natural habitat! Documenting' 'em for the world ta see! It'd be a good first hand experience in case one ever crosses our paths!"
You groaned, reaching a hand up to rub at your face. "You're really settled on this thing aren't you??....*sigh* Fine!" You pointed to her. "But you can't expect us to spend all night out there! We'll spend an hour outside but then we need to come back and get some sleep for tomorrow."
"....An hour n' a half!"
You sighed again. "Fine. An hour and a half but don't push it anymore than that!"
She beamed brightly nodding and jumping to her feet with her pack still slung over her shoulders. "You got it! We'll be in 'n out so fast they'll think we're ghosts too!"
You dry chuckled before shaking your head and turning. The things you got yourself into on this journey. "Drizzilie!" Said water pokemon peeked it's head over from the tub as it was called and you pointed to your own bag. "We'll be right back. Watch my bag for me until we come back. Ok?" The pokemon made some kind of sound before sinking back down from view which you took as an ok and turned back to follow Gloria once she walked over to the door. "Hey." She paused. "We'll need to be quiet about this. Remember. In and out. We're not going to be doing anything crazy like in Stow-on-Side. Ok?"
She nodded and with a groan, you reluctantly followed her flipping the lights of your room off as you did. The dishes weren't in the doorway when Gloria stepped out so the lady must've collected them as she promised. The whole house was...quiet. And dark. You had snuck downstairs to the kitchen a couple times to grab a midnight snack without your parents knowing when you were back home a couple times, but this felt different. Everything was quiet and dark besides the odd night noises you'd usually hear and the moonlight leaking in through the windows being your only source of light around. You stood there for a moment taking it in, it almost felt like you two were sneaking away like thieves or something, even if neither of you had bad intentions it still felt strange sneaking out like this. You jumped as the door made a soft creaking noise as Gloria slowly closed it behind the two of you. The brunette turned to you before putting a hand to her mouth in the universal 'be quiet' motion that you guessed even in this universe was known. You nodded and together the two of you slowly walked towards the stairs. It was strange at night sounds seemed to be much louder especially when the two of you were TRYING to be quiet. Even though your footsteps were pretty light and soft considering to your slightly worried selves they might as well have been compared to an elephant's! You tried to not bump or trip over anything in the limited light the moon provided and did your best to try and let your eyes get used to the dark as fast as possible to help out. Eventually Gloria found the stairs and took the first few steps down with you right behind her of course praying you neither of you would accidentally trip down these. Someone must've heard your prayers because you both made it and headed towards the front door. Gloria made the first move as you looked around and were surprised no one from the family woke up. They must've all still been asleep. Gloria slowly reached over and grabbed onto the doorknob, slowly turning it counter clockwise until there was a small click noise alerting it had been all the way turned, and pulled back the door with a small squeak noise. You two cringed at it and in a panicked stopped half way from the noise looking back towards the stairs of the dark and still home......But no sounds of anyone waking up came. With a sigh Gloria finished opening the creaking door enough for you both to slip through and out you two went into the night before she as slowly as before closed it back with a creak and small click. You both stayed still for a moment a little on edge...before sighing on the dark porch. Whelp you made it outside at least. Turning around, you looked out onto the dark world around you and it didn't look so much different than usual. The stadium giant and silent blocking out some of the moonlight and casting the road in front of it and parts of the cemetery in a pitch black shadow. The moon full rising high above your heads as stars twinkled around it like diamonds and dark grey clouds lazily passed along the sky. Would've made a perfect scene for a Halloween cartoon. As you glanced towards the cemetery, devoid of any life or light besides the moon, you couldn't help but let a shiver run down your spine. But you didn't see any pokemon. Not even ghost pokemon.
"Hey Gloria," you nearly said in a whisper turning. But jumped realizing she wasn't next to you anymore. It only took one look over your shoulder to locate her tho. She turned back to you and made another shush motion before waving you over from her kneeled spot on the ground facing down the road from the stadium. How did she move so fast? Blinking, you did end up walking over to her as she resumed holding the camera to her eye, leaning over to be eye level. "What's up?"
"Shh." She looked to you, held her finger to her now smiling mouth for a third time, before pointing in front of her. "Loud noises will scare 'em away." She whispered.
Raising a brow you looked forward....And your eyes widened. Down the road from the stadium (the side that didn't have the cemetery on it) was littered in taller grass and a few trees. And they were AB-SO-LUTELY FILLED with ghosts pokemon! And some lights which you quickly realized were chandelier and candle looking pokemon flying or shuffling around. THERE MUST'VE BEEN AT LEAST ONE OR TWO HUNDRED OF THEM!! Peeking through grass. Randomly flying around. Interacting with one another. Climbing over the barn building. A few you remembered the names of like that small group of driftloons. A few shuppets here and there. That there climbing on the barn's roof was a sableeye. You THINK those candle like pokemon walking down the pathway were litwick. There was this really pretty white pokemon who looked to be dancing in the moonlight and you were pretty sure it was a Frostlass. IT WAS INCREDIBL- You gave a yelped and fell to your knees next to Gloria ducking as a loudly wailing Mismagius flew over head....And the teen giggled at you as you threw a frown at her.
"Oh haha. Very funny Ms. Get-Us-Chased-By-An-Onix."
"Hey! I said it was an accident. Besides unlike with that big rock for brains I know we'll be safe doin' this." She went back to holding up the camera towards the variety of pokemon around you. And while it was dark, and you were both a decent ways a way from the cemetery so you couldn't really have seen unless you could see in the dark....Neither of you saw the small figure peeking out from between the tombstones at you. Having heard the yelp you made thanks to the mischievous pokemon that whizzed by.
"Oh yeah? How are you so sure?"
"Ghost type pokemon are just different from rock types," she continued with a smile, "Rock pokemon would usually just mindlessly chase after ya far away if you even bother 'em in the slightest. And while ghost type pokemon can be pretty territorial if they have a territory of their own, usually they're just like this." She pressed the button again aiming at a ghost pokemon with a skull over it's face you couldn't remember the name off. Despite being so close to it and Gloria pointing the camera directly at it, it never even looked at her as it left. "They like to just mind they're own business most of the time as it is. As long as ye don't bother 'em or make 'em feel like you're gonna do something bad nine times outta ten they'll just leave ya alone. A lot of people think they're creepy or just plain ol' dangerous cuz of the bad rep some spread....But we're just sittin' here. Mindin' our own business while they do theirs. What reason would they have to just suddenly come at us?"
You stared at her completely in surprise. ".....Did you learn this from Hop too?"
"Yep!," she said snapping a picture at one of those chandelier like pokemon as it flew directly over the two of you. "He'd make a pretty smart scientist or pokemon researcher if he ever decided to become one."
You nodded. Not aware of just how smart Hop if he could know such astounding information. "...Well. How would you describe it then if a lot of people are too scared of them?"
....she paused...before looking and not even missing a beat said, "Beautiful. Wouldn't you?" The figure watching you's eyes widened.
You blinked a moment before looking forward as another driftloon lazily floated past close enough that if you wanted too you could touch one of it's yellow hand-thingies...before smiling. "You know I would. Because I can't really argue with how you described it either."
She hummed before turning and spotting a small mimikyu walking past towards the shadowed area of the path you two couldn't see into and pointed her camera towards it's disappearing figur- She froze. Eyes widening as through the night proof lense she caught a humanoid white face staring back before it swiftly ducked behind a tombstone- "GAH!!" You yelped as Gloria fell backwards onto her bum with a loud yelp. Startling some of the ghost pokemon into scattering away while others turned at the noise that disturbed the night. She pointed. "There's a bloody ghost in there!"
"SHHH!!" You quickly looked back towards the house relieved it didn't look like anyone was disturbed..before turning to her scared look with a scowl. "Gloria! You'll wake everyone up!"
her hand grabbed your arm as she scowled herself and pointed still. "I. Saw. A. Bloody. GHOST!! G. H. O. S. T. GHOST!!"
"Of course you're gonna see a ghost! We're surrounded by them-"
"No! Not a ghost type pokemon! I mean a real-..." She suddenly let go of your arm. "Hang on." With a fumble she managed to pull her camera's strap from around her head and forced the camera over to you. You nearly dropped to as she grabbed your shoulder and pointed towards a specific part of the cemetery across the road you couldn't see into because of the stadium blocking the moonlight. "Look. There! Right 'round that area there!" You looked to the camera, where she pointed, and then her unsure. But judging by the frown she wore, she wasn't going to take no for an answer. With a sigh you complied and held the camera up to your eye. Now you weren't sure whatever lense she used, but she was right that this thing made everything look like it really was in day time. Only with a yellow-ish hue to it. You could see the grave yard(making you shiver again-) clearly with this again, and could make out a bunch more ghost type pokemon doing their own thing among the graves there. Nothing really out of place as you could tell- until a humanoid black blur ran past a few of them. Startled you gave a small gasped and dropped the camera from your face. Gloria wearing an 'I told you so' look before snatching the camera back. "Now do you believe me?"
You opened your mouth before closing it like a goldfish a couple times looking between her and the pitch black darkness a few times. Not sure what to say...before settling on. "W-Well....Maybe it's one of the caretakers. They could be doing night rounds or...or something?" Or maybe it was a ghost type pokemon you couldn't remember.
She hummed. "Sure. Could be. But when did a graves keeper wear some kind of ghost ma-" Gloria froze...her hands lowering the camera back around her neck before dropping to her lap. her eyed wide and staring off into the darkness for a moment. ".....Wait a bloody second." You watched confused as she slid her bag off her shoulders(not sure why she brought it along in the first place) and opened it. Her hand shooting inside one specific area before pulling out the same white mask she had been cleaning earlier that day. It's white color shining in the moonlight as she held it up. Her brown eyes looked at it then at the dark cemetery then back to it again before she slowly stood up. Still looking at the mask as she slung her backpack back over her shoulders before looking back at the cemetary....and began to walk across the dirt road towards it.
"HEY! Gloria!" You were quick to jump to your feet and run after her, reaching a hand out to grab her backpack again as she let out a 'Hey!' in protest to you stopping her. "Whoa whoa whoa! And where do you think you're going!? I thought we agreed no grave yard adventures!"
"But he's in there!,'' she insisted pointing forward.
"Him? Him who?"
"Allister." she held up the small mask tugging free from your grip. "We said we'd give it back ta him."
......You rose a brow. "You think that Allister is in the grave yard?.....I'm pretty sure he's not an actual ghost."
"I didn't mean like that! He's runnin' around in there."
"Gloria. He's younger than you and most kids even adults would be asleep by now. What makes you think a little kid is going to be running around in a dark cemetery filled with pokemon who'd rather not be bothered at ten at night by himself??"
...She sighed. "Look. I know it sounds crazy but-.."She looked back to it. "I can't explain it..But there's somethin' I really need ta check out there. SO...Please? It's not like we'd be causing trouble by just lookin'."
You understandably were WAY too ready to just say no, call it a night there, and then drag Gloria back to bed to see Allister IN THE MORNING especially not in a grave yard but-...You looked back up too. ....There was a strange feeling about this. Not a bad feeling like you'd get with Mr. Rose or an uncomfortable feeling like when Raihan tried flirting with you or a familiar feeling like when you remembered something. Just...a neutral one as you stared back towards the darkness. And you found yourself slowly walking towards it yourself. Gloria blinked but didn't questioning anything as she followed you into the darkness. It didn't take long for either of you to find the open gates wide open for the two of you and in you went with Gloria right after you. Right into the dark grave yard. And you instantly felt a scary feeling overcome you. OH BOY!! This was like NOTHING in a game!! As you two looked around, Gloria turned down one way for a moment before beginning to walk that way, you blinking before slowly following behind not wanting to be left alone in this place. And like you had seen through the lense there was plenty of ghost types running around here. Many you didn't pay attention too as the two of you walked and looked around. Besides being in a literally cemetery in the middle of the night, everything seemed pretty normal. Before you bumped into Gloria who had stopped suddenly right in front of you.
"Hey!" Her sudden shout made you jump and blink. She walked forward a few steps and you watched...and noticed there was something cowering behind a particular tombstone that didn't look like a pokemon. "I can see ya hidin' away there." Whatever the thing was shifted even more behind the tombstone as Gloria stepped forward- Until a sudden barricaded wall of purple and sound quickly materialized from out of the earth before you two and sent her yelping and stumbling back as a trio of ghastly, haunter, and a gengar made up it. They didn't too happy. Acting quickly, you held your arms out just in time to catch her back before pushing her back upright into a standing position from the scare. She stumbled, righted herself up, and threw you a smile over her shoulder. "Quick thinkin' Y/n!"
"Those three don't seem to be too happy to see us," you commented gesturing to the obvious trio blocking your way as they made more sounds of contentment and frowns your way. Huh. Strange. Usually when you saw these three in any pokemon media they were always smiling so why were these trio angry? Were you invading their domain?
The thing moved from one tombstone to behind another and you two got a glimpse of a person. A rather small person which made Gloria raise a hand and call out again. "WAIT! You're Allister right?!" She pointed behind her. "You're the gym leader here aren't ya?"
There was a moment of silence as the trio of ghosts still stood there .....before the TINIEST and softest voice you had ever come from a kid speak out. "......'M A-Allister." You two could barely make out what was said by the voice...before slowly ....a small hand grabbed onto the side of the tomb stone the figure was hiding behind and a white masked face with dark hair peeked an eye from behind it. You both stared at him and he stared right back at the two of you. First at Gloria, then you, then back to Gloria before he shrunk a bit back behind the grave stone. "...Gym c-c-challenger??" He whispered out.
You weren't sure if it was a question or statement but Gloria nodded. "Yeah. That's right." Before lowering herself to sit cross legged on the ground as you blinked in surprise at her actions. "I am one but I didn't come 'ere to challenge ye or anythin'," she assured in a soft voice Wait...She DIDNT?! Then why was see so insistent on coming here? "So you don't have ta worry yourself over that."
There was a long pause and the figure didn't even budge from his spot, in fact he inched back even more behind the stone if you were seeing things in the dark corrected. "T-T-Then w-w-why ...W-What do y-y-you-" Gloria calmly held up the lightly scratched up mask to him, and it seemed to be he realized what it was because his visible eye that was reflected within the moonlight blinked at it. "....T-T-That's m-m-my mask."
She slowly nodded again. "I figured it was." Without getting up she slowly extended her arm holding the mask out to him. "We found it all the way in Stow-on-Side. I just...well I wanted to return it to ya. Since you're always wearin' 'em in all I figured you'd might want it back is all."
......The hand on the stone pointed behind her at you. "W-W-W-Who's t-that?"
"Oh this?" She looked back to you before gesturing to come sit on the ground next to her and after a second of hesitation you complied and sat yourself on the ground next to her. "This is my pal Y/n. She was the one who found your mask by the mural in Stow-on-Side." There was another silence as he still stood there before Gloria slowly held it out to the purple pokemon trio in front of her instead. "Here. You can give it to him if it's make it more comfortable to him."
The pokemon all blinked before looking at one another before the gengar reached out and took the mask from her. Examining it as it turned around and walked over to where the boy was still hiding behind the stone. Allister's head disappeared for a moment back behind the stone and you both watched as a hand poked right out real quick to grab the mask from the pokemon who held it out to him.
"I'm really sorry about all the scratches n' dents in it," Gloria apologized, "But I cleaned it up good. I hope that's alright."
Again another pause and while he didn't look out again his voice came back. "T-That c-camera a-around your neck."The masked face peeked out again." ...W-Were you going to t-t-take m-my picture w-w-w-with it?"
"Absolutely not unless you wanted too." The boy furiously shook his head no and Gloria held up her hands before reaching up and taking the camera off your shoulder and held it over to you. You understood and without a word, silently took it from her and placed it inside her bag as she looked back to him. "Ta tell ya the truth I came out 'ere to collect some pictures of ghost type pokemon for somethin' I've been working on."
The boy nodded but in a way that almost seemed guilty. "I-I know I-I heard you speaking....I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. We don't mind at all. And we were being a bit loud, especially when I got spooked by a mismagius," you finally spoke giving him a smile and the same tone Gloria used. Holding a hand to your chest. You're little tease bringing a small but single chuckle from the boy to your delight. "My name's Y/n and this is Gloria. It's very nice to meet you Allister."
"......Gloria?," he asked tilting his head to Gloria who nodded, ".....Like Leon said?"
"If it was Lee who told ya 'bout me then it was def me." She tilted her head at him. "Did he tell ya bout me?"
......"He s-s-said you were a v-very nice and k-kind p-person."
She chuckled. "I try to be. Which is why I wanted to return your mask to ya. Although I have no idea how it ended up all the way in Stow-on-Side."
There was another pause....before the boy disappeared behind the stone again only to shuffle out to meet his full body to face you, as if in case he'd have to duck back behind it again, and you widened your eyes in surprise. When you had originally seen him back in the Entrance Ceremony on the giant screen you estimated him to be only one or two years younger than Gloria herself, but judging by his height and tone he couldn't possibly be older than eight or nine years. As he clutched the lightly scratched mask to his chest he stared at the two of you for a moment. "I-I....l-lost it by accident..w-when I was visiting a yam-mask in the ruins."
"Well then it sounds like you have a bunch of friends from everywhere," you smiled and Gloria nodded. He seemed to brighten at the fact you didn't state what someone would probably usually say and that having a yamask for a friend and traveling to see him was strange. .....You hesitated but couldn't help but ask. "Hey. Sweetie, what are you doing out here so late at night? And by yourself?"
"Oh. I-I'm n-not alone," he said a slightly brighter tone to his voice before he looked at the now smiling trio behind him. "I'm here with my friends."
.....You nodded. "I can see that, and it's obvious to me that they must help take very good care of you." The three pokemon made proud noises and smiles at the praise. "But I guess what I mean is did you let anyone from the stadium know you would be playing outside this late? They might be worried if you didn't let them know."
"Oh no it's ok. They already know I like to come out here a lot so it's not a b-big deal." He said this like it was normal....You slowly nodded but didn't make any move to make him feel bad. Allister then cocked his head curiously at the both of you. ".....D-Did you really m-mean it? I mean. W-When you said you f-found ghost types...b-b-beautiful?"
"Of course we did!," Gloria stated proudly and loudly. Well a little too loud because it made Allister flinch from the loud voice. "Oh. Sorry 'bout that." She immediately apologized before nodding and talking in that soft tone again. "Yeah. We did. But genuinely if I'm honest I really like all pokemon despite what kind they are. Ghost, physic, grass....They're all really unique in their own way. Just like Gym Leaders even if they're similar."
He seemed confused as he stared at her. "What do you mean?"
She hummed in thought. "Well...For example Kabu and Bea exercise a lot to keep fit n' ta help with their motivation, and so does Nessa now that I think about it. All three exercise for their careers in one way or another, but for different reasons. Like how Bea uses that to compete in the Galarian Martial Arts tournaments while Kabu couldn't careless 'bout fightin' in those things." A brighter smile lit up her features. "Oh! Or how Raihan and Gordie like postin' lots for their fan base. But each o' 'em post different things and even if it's the same thing there's differences in each one. It's fun getting to meet all the different gym leaders as people and seeing what makes them so passionate about their lives and how they do things!"
".....A-A-And me?" His grip on the mask increased slightly as he hugged it to himself. "W-What would you w-w-want to meet me for?"
"Well, besides to return that mask like I was tellin' ye about," she explained with a smile, "I think I wanted to meet you to see that special connection ya got that no one else has."
"Huh?," he blinked at her confused.
She gestured to him. "I've been around for a bit n' I've seen some really good connections between some people and their pokemon. But not even Leon can communicate the same level those lovlies behind ya can with you." Allister looked to the trio around him before looking back to her. "I'm not sayin' people and pokemon can't be friend, cuz that wouldn't be right at all since pokemon can be your friends no matter what. But there's somethin' extra special about the way you talk and interact with 'em compared to the other trainers and their pokemon that just seems more......closely bonded in a way I don't know but I can kinda understand in a way. ....That what makes it so beautiful about ya." Allister....didn't move....or talk.....Just stared silently. To the point even his ghost pokemon pals turned to look at him in question. And more long silence the two of you exchanged a worry look before Gloria looked at him. "H-hey mate. I'm sorry if I said something to upset ya."
"Hm?" He blinked..before waving his hands. "Oh n-no nono. I-I'm sorry. I-It's just....n-no body's ever s-said that to me b-before e-except for L-Leon a-and P-Piers."
"Well he's not wrong." He turned to look at you as you genuinely smiled at the boy. "Allister, I honestly don't know you or much about you ..but by kindly you've been and how ready your friends are to help you speaks that you're a really kind hearted person. And I think you're a great gym leader too. It wouldn't even matter if Leon told you you were special because I think you always were. We just all happen to be special in our unique ways."
He seemed to be taken aback at what you just said because he looked away and kicked at the ground with his foot. "You don't.....think any of this is scary?"
"Hm. Maybe some people would but that's alright too. We're all scared on something. I'm scared of heights."
"....Oooh. So that's why you never wanted to ride a flying taxi."
You nodded. "But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing at all Allister. I think you're a good kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Besides. We've talked to ghosts too!"
A silence fell over the lot of you again as you blinked and everyone turned to Gloria who smiled. "........What?"
"Yeah. You remember her! Paula! She's the one who wanted us to deliver a letter-"....She blinked. "Oh wait!" You all watched as she slung her bag off her shoulders and once again went to dig through it. Allister tilted his head curiously at her rummaging until jumping back when Gloria pulled out the same letter she had received from Paula back in Hammerlocke. "Here it is!"
"Gloria. We can't just say that little girl was a ghost. She could've just been a regular person."
She rose her brow at you. "A lil girl who could run as fast as a rapidash and disappear as silent as a ghost type pokemon?"
".....Ok. You have a fair point but we can't just jump to conclusions like that-"
"M-May.." You both turned back to Allister as he slowly reached a free hand out the other one still clutching the returned mask to him. "M-May I see it?"
"Of course ya can."
She gently handed over the letter and you two watched him take it as his ghost pokemon crowded around him to also look at it. He stared silently the entire time he looked at it, turning the thing front and back with his hands. ".........T-This has a strange aura about it." He finally looked at Gloria. "Y-You said she wanted you to d-deliver it?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Said it was for someone called Frank in Bellonlea. Also said I looked like someone she could trust."
He hummed for a moment before slowly handing it back to her and she took it back from him. "W-Well.....I think the b-best thing to do if she e-entrusted you with it is to make sure it gets delivered as soon as possible."
Gloria nodded putting the letter back into her bag. "Then it sounds like ta me the next stop we should make is the Bellonlea gym. I can go return the letter n' then battle the gym leader there....*yyyyaaaawwwnnn*"
"Yeah. Speaking of tomorrow, I think we've all had enough adventure for one night and should head back." You slowly stood up as to not spook Allister and Gloria slowly nodded and followed your example with another yawn. "We've all been out here for a while."
......Allister nodded. "U-Um...Yeah. I t-t-think I'll go back inside now too."
"Do you want us to walk you home?" He looked up to you surprised for a moment before shaking his head. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get lost on your way back by yourself."
"Oh don't worry Miss. I'm not alone. I-I have my friends to help me.....b-but if you want y-y-you can come with me to the stadium doors. I-I don't mind."
You smiled and offered your hand out to him making him jump a bit in surprise....before silently looking between you and your hand....before slowly extending his free hand...and putting it in yours. You smiled as you turned around at a slow pace the young boy could walk without needing to change whatever pace he would've already had and walked with him towards the exit of cemetery. Thanking whoever answered your prayers that you were going to be able to get some sleep tonight after all. Even if Allister did this often in game or in this world often, you would feel better knowing that the young boy was safe inside his home and not out running around in the dark unsupervised and got home safely. So you slowly walked with him out of the cemetery and along the dirt path all the way to the big stadium doors where he eventually let go of your hand and you let him with Gloria and the spooky trio following.
"I-I can go on from here,'' he told you.
"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Alright. You be careful now. Ok?"
"I-I will." You smiled and waved a moment before turning and starting to walk away. Gloria turning too the moment you got to her.
"G-Gloria.." She stopped and turned to Allister who was still hugging the mask to himself. "U-Um....If...I-I k-know you said y-y-you didn't want to have a battle w-w-with me...b-b-but i-if you want too..y-you can stop by b-before you l-leave t-t-tomorrow a-a-and have a quick match."
She blinked at him for a moment before smiling and nodding. "I wouldn't miss it!" And then turned to catch up with you.
As you passed by the ghosts pokemon you gave them a smile. "You three continue looking after him ok? You've all done such a great job so far."
They all smiled and made happy noises so you took that as a yes. The both of you heard the door to the stadium open and close as you were walking signaling Allisters entrance and you sighed in relief knowing he'd be safe inside at least. You both returned the same way you got out. By sneaking inside through the creaking doors cringing all the way and being as quiet as you can to not wake anyone up. By the grace of some unseen force you managed to somehow not wake anyone up and successfully make your ways back into your room safe and soundly. And finding your Drzzilie had curled himself in your bag and had fallen asleep. Heh. Guess old habits died hard. You were sure exhausted though and practically fell dead asleep as soon as you hit the pillow. Sighing and closing your heavy eyelids as the peaceful darkness took over. Infact..... you didn't wake up. Not until much later the next day. Also not surprisingly in the slightest you ended up dead asleep again, not waking up until it was almost eleven in the after noon and when you eventually pulled your heavy feeling body out of bed you discovered Gloria folding some white clothing to stuff back into her bag with a plate of untouched waffles sitting next to her on the bed, and your Drizzilie boredly staring unmoving at the food.
At the sounds of you groaning and sitting up she flashed you a smile and waved. "Mornin' Sleepin' Beauty! I hope you're hungry cuz I already went through the trouble of not lettin' this tyrant 'ere take your breakfast." You pokemon sent an annoyed look her way.
With a long yawn and quick rub of your eyes you waved back. "Mmmmmmm. Morning. *yaaaaawwwwnnn*".....Your tired eyes blinked more at the uniform she was stuffing back into her pack and you pointed. "Hey. How come you have your challenger uniform out?"
"Well it's required ta wear it when you challenge a gym leader. I swear both his and Bea's gym challenge was me spinnin' more than Kabu's arcanine's flame wheel attack."
.........You blinked, taking a moment for your tired brain to process what she had just said. "Wait. You challenged Allister?" She nodded. "When did that happen?"
"Early this mornin'. He said if I wanted ta challenge him I should do it before we left for Bellonlea this mornin'. I was thinkin' of heading there next anyways since it would be the closest Gym I haven't battled yet." She finished stuffing the uniform into the pack before slinging it over her shoulders before you noticed the camera slung back over her neck. "And I got the badge...Even if I didn't win exactly."
"....What do you mean by that?"
"There was four rounds with 'em. I won two and lost two. So it ended with a tie between us both. I didn't want to accept the badge if I didn't really win, but he said since we were even I should take it anyways since I technically won it in a way. I think he was really happen to just have a battle with someone who didn't pressure him into it and without a big crows ta watch, tho he said as an official battle it'd still is gonna be broadcasted online for everyone to see," she explained picking up the food and turning to you," He's a really strong trainer for a lil kid. I think he's gonna be a great gym leader. And I saved ya some food that the land lady brought."
"Thanks! ...But where is he now?"
"Asleep. He was pretty tuckered out from last night n' the battle." She handed the plate over to you. "But that's to be expected."
You nodded. "Yeah. So that means you got the Ghost gym badge right?" She nodded again. "...Oh. By the way, how far away is Bellonlea anyways?"
"Eh. It'd take a REAL long time if we walk, n' there's no train 'round here for a good distance too. Which is why I already told the taxi guy out front we would use the corviknight taxi as soon as you were all ready."
You paused. Food on your fork lowered as you looked at her wide eyed. A silence coming over you two as you stared long enough to not notice your Drizzilie take one of the waffles from your plate.
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