#and i’ll need to shower
4letteraroace · 5 months
happy first day of spring semester. i was late to my first class, asked to be removed from the waitlist and was told to wait a week or two (so no i will not be removed) and now im hiding in a bathroom stall before my next class to try and breathe through my emotions privately. will reblog with updates about how the other things i have to do today that are anxiety inducing go.
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xx-sketchy-xx · 7 months
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*grumble grumble* my photos are being annoying
LOOK AT THE COOL DUDES, I feel like Jax would try and make Wally commit as many crimes as possible with his eye eating powers
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coolpointsetta · 11 months
“where are you going?” jamie asks as roy gets up. he’s scrolling through tik tok, but he had his headphones in so roy’s reading wouldn’t be interrupted.
he closes his book as he stands, marking the page with a bookmark. “i want to be alone.” roy huffs.
that’s a lie. it always is.
he doesn’t plan on going far, just from the living room to their bed. the third stair from the stop creaks as he steps on it, just like it always does.
he flops down on their bed and reopens the book, but he’s not reading any of words. he can’t focus on them.
he doesn’t want to be alone, he wants to be with jamie. they’ve spent all day together, waking up in each others arms and eating at the same table and going over the grocery list and then doing the actual grocery shopping and then going to a cafe for lunch and then coming back to their house (jamie’s house, but roy basically lives here) where jamie scrolled through tik tok while roy read.
jamie has never once expressed that he and roy spend too much time together. never once.
but roy is clingy, he is needy and he knows this, has lost a lot of relationships because of it. and he’s trying to be better. he’s trying to give his partners that distance they seem to need and he just can’t understand why.
so he’s been making sure to give jamie that alone time, make sure he doesn’t feel like he’s being suffocated.
the third stair creaks as someone steps on it.
a moment later, jamie walks through the doorway. he crawls on the bed, his body moving right over roy’s.
“what are you doing?”
jamie shrugs, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to roy’s lips. “being with you.”
roy growls, but it’s half hearted at best. “i want to be alone.”
“well, i don’t.” jamie doesn’t back off, just flops down on roy’s chest, their bodies melting together. “i want to be alone with you.” jamie says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
roy hopes his heart isn’t beating too fast, but jamie’s breathing evens out moments later.
alone with you.
roy could get used to that. this time when he reads, he follows each word as his hand glides gently across jamie’s back.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
yes yes robin or eddie teaching steve about bisexuality that’s all good but consider!! steve talking to mike and explaining to him that sometimes people just like boys and girls, and that it’s okay. steve coming out to mike, telling him that he’s, like, kinda sorta dating eddie munson, and that that doesn’t mean he never loved nancy.
and then mike — prickly, ten walls around his heart, snarky comment on his tongue even when no one’s around, suppressed, confused, kinda scared, super in love with will — wheeler has a first, very tentative coming out. to steve harrington, of all people. and maybe that’s okay.
update: theres a fic now
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jasonsmirrorball · 5 months
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When I and many other writers/blogs on this app say that we don't want minors on our blog, it is for a reason. For me, it's because I regularly interact with content that is made by adults for adults, and I think it should be common sense to respect that boundary.
There are so many things I could say about how when we produce/reblog these posts it's with a basic understanding of sex and consent and relationship dynamics, but also, I just do not want minors in this space period.
The things I post on here often go untagged and that is the reason why this blog is an 18+ blog, as opposed to allowing minors to follow and interact with this blog on the condition they block a specific 18+ tag. It makes me (and probably a lot of other creators) feel incredibly disgusted and uncomfortable to think that not only has a minor read my 18+ content – all of which explicitly is marked as not being for their eyes – but has gone on to consistently interact with my blog under the guise of being an adult.
Disregarding the fact that you shouldn't be reading it, what about our boundaries? I often see the argument of being mature enough to handle topics that are marked for adults, but this sort of behaviour is completely antithetical to that. I as a sane, rational adult do not ever want to be discussing the topics I do on this blog with someone else's child, no matter how close to their 18th birthday they might be. (If you are that close, you can wait. It isn't that serious. You will not die if you don’t get to read the smut, I promise.)
Completely bypassing someone else's boundaries and potentially putting them at risk because of your behaviour doesn't scream mature or adult to me. As an older sister, the idea of finding out that my younger siblings had interacted with people much older than them in this capacity is horrifying, and the idea of being a parent in that situation is so much worse. There is absolutely no reason for you as a minor to be coming into the inboxes of adult blogs and interacting with them in an adult capacity when it’s clear you don’t have adult decision making skills or reasoning.
I don't know. This makes me feel so disgusted. This is an 18+ blog for a reason.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Motivation come here pleaseeee i need to shower i need to be clean I know I’ll feel better if I do
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raytm · 6 months
I know I don’t technically owe anyone and explanation but I want to put out there what’s going on and why I may have distanced myself or ended up losing mutuals because of cut contact.
on October eleventh my cat of eighteen years got put to sleep, which, has left me feeling empty and without reason to really do anything ? I was still working for a while and managing things but it progressed to a point where I was pacing any minute I was not doing anything and couldn’t sleep, spent the nights pacing the length of our property sometimes for hours at a time. my mum took me to the ER and they gave me sedatives which while acted to soothe it for a little bit didn’t solve the issue. when I returned home and was still exhibiting the symptoms she confronted me saying my cat was dead and I needed to get over it which ? was the last straw for me, she was screaming I was cowering it wasn’t fun. since then I’ve been staying with a friend who has taken me in and I’ve made progress but sleeping at night is still panic inducing for me and even with medication sometimes the insomnia still wins, I’ve been to the ER a few more times over the past two months and thankfully the pacing has stopped but the sleeping issues haven’t improved to the point where I’m able to sleep normally ? I still don’t know when it’s going to happen. I’m getting my PC from my mums house on the 28th so hopefully I’ll be able to write again but with how exhausted I am it can be difficult to even do the things I need to function day to day. I’ve had to give up my jobs as well so it’s just ? An on going ordeal. It’s been a rough two months but tbh I didn’t think I was going to make it to Christmas and I have so I’m just quietly hoping it improves even if it is slowly.
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aturnoftheearth · 3 days
boy smash mouth was right. the hits start coming and they don’t stop coming
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 year
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Zhu Yilong x Louis Vuitton Instagram update x
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whalesforhands · 29 days
hello everyone. just to let you all know i have locked my fics on ao3. this means that only registered users with a proper ao3 account are the only ones who are able to view and comment on my works.
i would like it to be temporary because i know people can be shy and prefer to be anonymous there, but with the recent sagas of botted comments and users putting my work through AI, it will have to remain this way for quite a while.
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why-bless-your-heart · 5 months
When did listening to music while you shower become a thing? Am I just that out of the loop?
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thisperfectmonsoon · 6 months
every day is now a new first. tomorrow, I’ll walk into my childhood home knowing my dad is dead, knowing that I’m going there specifically because my dad is dead. the pain in my chest is indescribable.
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piratefalls · 2 months
I did a ton of yard work today and now everything hurts and I just want a cheeseburger and a shake from Steak ‘n Shake but it’s all the way across town and I don’t trust my legs so like. Send help.
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roseofcards90 · 5 months
Trying to reorient myself after taking a nap 😭
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it-goes-on · 6 months
NEED headphones i can wear in the shower
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nakanotamu · 7 months
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I’m having a very productive day
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