#and i'd love to get rose's
sallysetoncore · 1 year
so i just caught up on doctor who with elsie (which is to say that they’ve already seen all the episodes, but i’m the one who was behind and had to catch up) and the good news is that now they can send me any meme, fanwork, whatever about it and i’ll Get It. bad news is that i think i’m going to spend the next two weeks just wandering around the apartment and mumbling to myself in various english (and similar/adjacent) dialects until i can pinpoint the characters’ voices.
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gogglecannon · 1 month
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ricky-mortis · 13 days
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S1 Pulp Musicals Gang my beloved
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headcanon that xavier loves making out w ur pussy. he treats it like a second pair of lips fr. he loves resting his head against one of ur thighs and sloppily making out w ur folds the same way he does w ur lips. he’s so sloppy!!
i also like to think he’ll do that when ur occupied on ur phone to grab ur attention 🤭
ANONIE YOU GET IT. YOU GET IIITTT. he is ABSOLUTELY the type to get pussy drunk, i've said it before and i'll say it again but he would definitely love to spend hours down there ✋ and it's like? messy, lazy, chill vibes? there's something about having your legs spread all prettily for him when you're doing the most mundane things... how he's able to drink you up without really thinking about it, getting all the fuck in there and not caring in the slightest if he's being sloppy (and hell yeah, he will be), eyes closed and everything like he's genuinely enjoying it... plus those? little hums that he'd make against you bc? he's really just there reveling in how good you taste, he doesn't care about much else!!!
feels like more of something he'd do when he wants to, but he'd 100% also start doing it to get your attention when he realizes how much you enjoy it 😭✋ it's a win-win situation for him that way 😭✋
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transmascutena · 5 months
What do you think about mamiya? I find the blackrose arc very confusing but also so cool id like to know your point of view on him
mamiya is very interesting to me in what he has to say about the show's concept of eternity, and in the ways he parallels anthy (usually by, you know, being anthy. but also mamiya himself.) he's admittedly not much of a character, as he's dead before the show starts and only appears in a few scenes, and mostly he's there to give more insight into mikage and what's up with him (which says a lot about the themes in the black rose arc in itself.) but what mamiya says about his sister keeping roses alive and how he wonders if they like being made to last longer than is natural, is so intriguing to me. it implies a lot about how he views his illness and life in general, and it's very different from most of the other characters. mamiya correctly identifies eternity as a bad thing and does not want it. he seems accepting of his own death, which is in stark contrast with how both tokiko and mikage feel about it, neither of them seeming to actually respect his wishes and agency in the matter (rose bride moment.) and the fact that when he does die it serves to let tokiko escape ohtori while keeping mikage trapped is so interesting. it really shows how important it is to be able to move on, again something none of the other characters understand yet.
mamiya says at a later point that he does in fact want eternity, but i have to assume this is either anthy manipulating mikage, or mikage misremembering/projecting his own feelings on to the memory of mamiya. but the things the real mamiya says likely do reflect anthy's own feelings about being the rose bride and her eternal suffering. especially if you believe that anthy literally cannot die. (i don't think i personally do, but it adds another layer to this.)
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literalnobody · 1 year
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New Act - new vertical thumbnail! This is the image that'll appear if Rose Tide Rising is ever lucky enough to be promoted in Webtoons "Canvas" tab! The above is the "Normal" version, and below 2 are versions with manipulated colour to make the protagonists pop more. Which do you think I should use?
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fiovske · 7 months
listen. as much as I know (and love) that this doctor who special was v much trans rights save lives in the very blatant way that leaves no room for doubt for any wilful misinterpretation with the erasure of transness from the narrative esp in the terf supreme climate which was very necessary and important, and as much as I understand that dw is abt logical reasoning things making sense in a very (emphasis on very) abstracty hand-wavey way and you'd come up blank if you try to get into specifics ... i have just one question.
why did Donna and Rose Noble tell the doctor "we just let it go. you wouldn't understand as a male-presenting doctor." like.. that bit truly ???? me and I just didn't understand like... what does. male-presenting have to do w anything.. I am genuinely asking. i get the logic of the rest of the things: Donna passed down the metacrisis (sp? it's been years since doctordonna ep so I'm rusty) thingy to rose so they're both able to be share the weight of it without dying.. is it the extra regeneration energy theyre able to let go without any hassle? that's such a skill issue for a male-presenting doctor? ... if that then,, why so? what does being male-presenting have to do w anything is. my question. bc the logic is supposed to be handwavey I know.. but that part just puzzled me like is there some secret caveat I'm not getting?
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mayybirds · 10 months
Important question, do more of the RE8 villagers survive in this version?
Yes, very much yes. I can't, at this time, guarantee any specific characters other than Elena (definitely) and Luiza (probably), and an undetermined number of unnamed villagers, but I definitely plan for some of the villagers to survive.
While the total wipe-out of the Village in RE8 is a lot more believable than other "total wipes" like Raccoon City or the Pueblo in RE4, as it seems significantly smaller than both RC or the Pueblo, and has a more intelligent breed of bioweapon under specific instruction to exterminate the Village, Resident Evil has a weird and kind of uncomfortable history with complete massacres over its long history that I'm always inclined to push against. It's lazy, uninteresting writing to me when it's a trope recycled so frequently... especially given it's very clearly mostly used to provide clean narrative "closure" between each game by eliminating any other survivors other than the main protagonists (and Wesker lol). Like... RE4, for example, functions as a contained narrative because the Pueblo dies at its end. Its function is over in the continued story of "Resident Evil"... it only matters going forth in the context of Leon, Ashley, and Ada as characters. But as a writer, I'm much more intrigued by a version of that story that involves other survivors. What would it mean to live through something like that, not as the hero outsider protagonist, but as a civilian? How do you even recover? Who would you be after?
The weight of the horror of the complete destruction of a place that's isolated to a single game becomes faded when it's the same shit in every game. I'm sick of it, and bored of it. It would hit harder if it wasn't every damn game... better to take it apart and try something new with its empty box.
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hesperidia · 4 months
tbh i really want Atsushi to be the one that gets transferred into the PM. Not only bc he would be an important asset for Mori and not only for the sskk potential content. But because the latest arc wasn't very focused on him, and i also want the PM cast to have the spotlight for a second.
(Them interacting with Atsushi seems the best way to do that + it'd be interesting to see Atsushi's pov in an organization that does not care about principles and justice, with dynamics so different to the ada).
I'd like to see Atsushi befriending Chuuya, HIM BEFRIENDING HIGUCHI (this would be the funniest thing ever but if it actually happens it would be done very badly because it might turn out as a "jealousy" competition over Akutagawa) But think about it: Higuchi has a little sister she cares for and that's the reason she's in the mafia, Atsushi has Kyouka. They could be the poor underlings that have to be under Aku's command at first and have to put up with his nonsense. There's so much potential for bonding between them i could go on.
It would also be an opportunity to see more of KOUYOU (+ Kouyou thanking Atsushi for taking care of Kyouka pretty please??)
Plus, Mori canonically has some kind of an interest in Atsushi. If we remember chapter 15-16 he gives him advice when they get out of Anne's room (when he didn't have to at all).
Bonus situation i'd like to see: Someone pointed out that both Mori and Atsushi both like chazuke, so imagine Mori recruiting him and treating him to some chazuke like a mirror image of when he was recruited into the ADA by Dazai. But this time in a way that's off. that's uncomfortable and feels so wrong to him.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
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Starting a little collection of times when Rose says/does something cute and silly and you can literally see the hearts coming out of Blanche and Dorothy
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tomaturtles · 1 year
I loved your ship drawings of Metal x Amy and Speedy x Amy! I would like to see more of them! X3
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WAAA THANK YOU i have nothing new for either but. here's a speedamy I apparently never posted? They're stranded together :]
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yotd2009 · 5 months
there's so much manga i have to read it's unreal 😭
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My favorite thing my warden says in combat is "Have you no concern for your own existence!?"
She says it in every fight, I love it so much. Every time I replay, Rose needs to have the wise voice, I need to hear her say her battle catchphrase a million times per playthrough.
But my favorite time she's ever said it was when we went back to Ostagar. We've got Rose, Alistair, the mabari, and Wynne all together reliving the trauma of the battle right before we head to the landsmeet. We're actually super close to the end game so tension's high.
We're fighting darkspawn, but uh oh! "Look there--a cunning trap!" over by the stairs!
I rush Rose over there to disarm the trap, only to get interrupted by the last hurlock jumping in my way... and I see Alistair step in the damn thing just as Rose shrieks, "Have you no concern for your own existence!?"
I know in my heart of hearts that she actually said that to him. Alistair cannot stop himself, if there's an obvious bear trap on the floor, my man's gonna step in it.
By the way, I wanna know other people's favorite things their warden says. I know the ladder comment is a popular one for the violent voice, but I wanna hear all the others.
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miss-mossball · 7 months
Maybe art about what respective colors or setups Dosy and Rose would use for their home? 🐑 (a sheep 4 u)
Thank you for the ask :> I'm making moodboards for this :D (thank you for the sheepy too <3)
For Rose:
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This was one I did for Rose's room, but it would expand through her little house too! Rose would want a modest cottage with a greater emphasis on a big garden she can spend her days in
Her ideal home would be snug and cozy all throughout. With her partner Wolfgang in mind too, she'd have a good sized library and lots and lots of shelves and space for all their little knick-knacks and various collections they'd both collect from their travels. Their home would be like a home base to come back to, I think
Closets and corners would be made into safe hideaways for her younger parts to duck into and be hidden and secure for a while. A mishmash of comfy furniture and daybeds throughout the house so she could avoid sleeping in a bed if necessary. Or just pillows and plushies she can lay on the ground anywhere works too :> She likes following Wolfgang around and setting up camp wherever he is. Oh, and lots and lots of sting-lights and lamps!
For Dosy:
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Dosy's desires for a home went from not really requiring anything to wanting to collect things just as much as her crow husband Corvus. She loves vintage aesthetics, but in warm pastels and a farmhouse style compared to her gothic prince.
Corvus, Dosy and the dolls don't actually need to eat.. But Dosy has a fascination with food and the security and love it brings to make it for people, so a space she'd want for herself would be a kitchen decorated with all the cutest things, like bear and flower-shaped utensils and pastel cookware. She really wants it to be a warm and inviting environment
She doesn't pay much mind to the clutter they live in, probably preferring it to the cold, clean facilities she came from. Dosy feels most at home being one of Corvus' most prized possessions anyway
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ladyimaginarium · 7 months
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Manifestation Moodboard: Interfaith Christmas, Hannukah & Yule!!
#arcana.uploads#the idealized self.#christmas.#hannukah.#yule.#mine.#do not reblog unless you're a member of our system.#christmas + hannukah + yule inspo !! ft fancy clothes & cool stuff i'd& love to wear & do one day !! <3333#the contrasting colors of christmas / yule & hannukah are so neat tbh#like. you have red & green for christmas / yule & blue & white for hannukah w/ flecks of gold & silver for both !!#i& would totally love to have a whole hannukah thing w/ jewish friends & maybe some trusted goyim & vibe while we eat jelly donuts & challa#& study some more jewish literature & learn about revolution bc at its core thats what hannukah's about !!#& then for christmas we'd& vibe w/ friends while we drink hot cocoa & watch some cheesy movies & decorate the tree qwq + chinese food ngl#both hannukah & xmas get gingerbread houses & cakes for their respective holidays BET !!!! idc idc#& then in between xmas & yule we'd& love to go out w/ friends to like. a cabin or idk a longhouse or smth & vibe there !!#& go skiing maybe even tho i suck at it or try traditional dogsledding LAGJGAAGLJAGGALJAGJL#one of my& favorite gifts are gonna be blue roses + mullah bc we& love to see it !!#& then i'd& totally wanna go on those horseback carriage rides w/ either partner(s) or friends or maybe a future niece/nephew/nieph qwq#our& outfits would ideally SLAY#& then for yule it'll be a more quiet solemn but happy time !! bonus if it has log cake !! lots of prayers & hopes for the new year !! <333#maybe do some kinda fancy altar & practicing winter witchcraft / magick along w/ traditional indigenous medicines on the side !!#bc listen a native jewish bitch can dream !!!!
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pontiusprincess · 2 months
what if i got a tattoo that matched ryan's...
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