#and i'm 99% sure it's stolen design
patriciavetinari · 2 years
What if we were two frogs
Holding up an orb while pondering it
On top of a ring
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Seeing doubles amiright?, like, wow that's familiar oh yea it looks near identical to my besties art that was posted earlier this year, I mean maybe the heads the other way it can't be THAT copy pasted I so thought
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Hm. Yea it IS that bad, now, I've not seen the movie in a long time but I am 99% sure that is not a pose from the genesect movie so it's not referenced from there
"But they have different art styles!" I mean pretty sure using an image as reference without consent or credit but altering it for your art style still infringes on copyright and the original image made by the original artist. And you're really gonna look at me with the art side by side and go well duh the art style is different even if they're near identical so can't be stolen (you can still, steal something while having a different artstyle???)
"but the head is the other way and the hands are closed!" and the posing is the exact same the angle is the exact same the mouth open the sternums pointing similarly the definition of the chest in illusion to chest plate
And as well the minor differences look pretty deliberate imo? Can't copy the exact posing 1 for 1 as somebody (read nobody (save for me bitches cause I'm pissed) since people don't like to call out bigger popular artists for things like this and just let it slide because 'wellll we like this artist better so they can steal allllll the time~!' which guys popular or not it ain't fucking on), but yea can't just do the exact same so alter just enough to make it pass off as original (didn't work literally saw it in passing and clocked it right away and had to scramble to check and make a comparison refer my beloathed)
I just wanna know like, why? What the fuck? And I know swearing might damage my point but, just, I can't stand seeing or hearing about my friends getting treated like this having their original content taken and warped by other people who know to some degree they can get away with it, it's gross, if you wanna take inspiration you credit that appropriately hell even ask permission and respect if the og artist says no.
I don't think this panel should've been made or it should've been a helluv a lot different. Things like this is exactly the reason I'm scared to share my original ideas online, in case it gets taken and used specifically by this artist because I genuinely can't trust them at this point from what I've seen I don't want my ideas to be taken and then be brushed off with a "oh I've always wanted to play with this idea/it's always been implied actually! Don't look into why it's only showed up now after somebody made a post about their ocs with the same idea" cause being the lesser content creator guess what? I'll be the insane one if I say anything, I'll be told I'm wrong and have people jump my content claiming I've stolen or something because that's unfortunately how the Internet works! I've already had my works warped in a way I cant really even talk about! I know I'd probably look mad or like I was grasping at straws if I said anything then or now and at the time I valued my safety my comfort online and enjoyment online over saying anything and hey maybe I was wrong and the ideas were simply similar, but I doubt it. I know I could dig up and provide my references at least for my work, at the time when asked they couldn't do the same.
But this is my friend, and I'm not gonna let this shit slide anymore, I know this isn't the first thing this artist has, 'taken inspiration from' I use with heavy quotation marks, and I hope to fuck it's the last. But I don't know. I'm not gonna sit in silence about it anymore though, I will be calling it out as I see.
Plugging other people's artwork and original ideas character designs traits ect into your own to replicate to boost your own art makes you no better than ai art, because it takes without consent and spits out something warped and stolen.
This might come off as angry and petty and bitter, because it is, but don't mistake that for jealousy, I don't want what they have I'm not talking about this like a jealous ex trying to sabotage their fame because I know this is probably gonna damage my online rep and experience far more than theirs (or maybe I'll be lucky and this will become a tumbleweed in the desert) I'm talking about this because I want this kind of behaviour to stop. More popular 'better' artists shouldn't get free reign to plagiarise and pocket concepts from smaller artists just because they can, my friends content is not your fucking strawberry patch to plunder, it's not yours to take ANYTHING from. Make your own fucking original content. You've got your fame. Stop taking from us, leave us alone.
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
HELLO interesting tidbit I've stolen from the limbus company subreddit: if you look at meursalt's death sprite, his hand is visible without the gauntlets. And his fingertips aren't normal fingertips. They're sharp metal. And it's not just a shading or style thing, either - if you look closely, there's grey within the metal fingertips. Dark shading on the rest of his sprite, and in other sprites, never does that. It's always solid black The fingertips also break the outlines of their fingers, forming distinct diamond/speartip shapes that're wider than the fingers.
So... This is a really funny ask to come back to after over a month has passed, because my response to this would have been Way Different had I answered it back when I first got it compared to now.
You see, around the end of July, someone on Twitter made a discovery that let them find unused image assets from the limbuscompany.kr website. I took a look around myself, and there were some very interesting beta designs and early gameplay screenshots that could be found that way.
One of them was the following image, which seems to include pixellated early versions of several talksprites.
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Now. Can you see what I'm looking at?
I'll give you a hint.
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Originally Meursault's talksprite very visibly showed that his gauntlets had pointy claw-like ends on his fingers. With that in mind, I'm 99% sure that the way Meursault's fingers look on his death sprite are a leftover of this early design choice that simply didn't get changed before the game's final release.
After all, if you look at that sprite pretty closely...
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motheatenscarf · 2 years
Going through more of the story content between ARR and Heavensward, just... DESPERATELY trying to get to Heavensward so I can unlock Dark Knight, it's ALL I WANT, but it's making me do a whole lot of primal killing for this being the "Seventh Astral Era."
The good news is that the Scions are starting to have actual personalities in the writing. The bad news is I don't like most of them :T
One I do for sure like tho is Y'shtola now, and not just by default as the only one with an inkling of a personality with any competence about her. She's making very cogent and correct arguments about why the various tribes keep summoning up primals, which.
Read more, cuz this got long, but-
I've avoided mentioning it before now, but yeah, I don't... love how they call the beast tribes "Beast Tribes", I get what they're going for. This is a fantasy setting, these are fantastical magical beings that are designed to look like folkloric creatures that often embody bestial elements, your fish folk, your pixies, your lizard men, what have you. I even get the point they're, I think, going for, about how there basically aren't real gods in this world. So these people's sense of superiority is something the narrative will punish them for, and it's clearly being written from a sympathetic point of view and well meaning, but it's not great that they're the beast tribes and we're civilization, but I get what they're trying to do even if it's just... unfortunate. It's annoying for me but not a dealbreaker, but I can see it being one for someone else, that's my privilege there.
Anyway, other than that, the big red string conspiracy board I'm building is the most engaged I've been with this narrative for want of characters to care about. Everything is just primals summoned up by belief and desperation from frightened people, it's all primals all the way down. The general public opinion hasn't caught up with that in universe yet, but it's clearly been implied by the Moogle raid I had to do (which I got an AMAZING sword from btw, pics later). I don't for one minute believe the twelve gods of Eorzea were ever real, and the fact that an Ascian rolled up to some Ala Mhigans and told them to summon forth Rhagan is proof of that imo.
Speaking of, I STILL don't fucking trust Hydalen. She's just a primal born out of the biggest fucking aether crystal yet, and there's a lot of dualism going on, so I know that she's supposed to be the primal opposite to whatever that Dark Crystal has going on, and I'm pretty sure Ascians are just tempered by the Dark Crystal and that the WoL and anyone with the Echo is tempered by Hydalen.
Which, again, the tempering is horrifying. I feel BAD for the people who get tempered, I don't know why the game keeps trying to make them out to be villains, they are victims who've had their free will stolen and now exist to worship this being. Even when we kill a primal, it's not like we can kill everyone who was tempered by them, of course people are going to keep summoning them up even if they're not having their territory stolen from them.
But anyway, my conspiracy board.
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So if the only way for someone not to be tempered is if a god has already laid claim to them, then I'm pretty sure Hydalen called dibs on my character and Minfilia. I don't think any of the rest of the scions have the echo, or if they do, they've been quiet about it. I thought they all did, when Thancred first recruited me he said he also saw the woman buying the food she was accused of stealing (again, hated that story beat, I hope she did steal it), but I guess it's just me and Minfilia. Which at least makes it a little more excusable that they haven't been lifting a goddamn finger to help me kill these primals, I maintain that the Scions just feel like a brunch club with me, Y'shtola, and Alphinaud, who is a CHILD, doing all the work.
But anyway, yeah, even if she doesn't want anything from me, I don't trust Hydalen for a fucking second, I'm 99% sure she tempered my ass to give me this echo. Which is probably born from my frustration with this game's inability to let the PC have a voice or input any kind of opinion or be anything but a mute automaton whose only function is to use the echo to kill primals. Which, again, I don't trust. If the echo made a little fish priest immortal and able to body hop, clearly that's what the Ascians have going on, so maybe the echo isn't even... good, actually. And also makes me worried because I've been really hoping someone will kill Minfilia, and if she has the echo, and the echo makes you immortal, then she's never fucking leaving and I'm in my own personal hell.
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So it’s not just me wonder who the hell the face models are for the Tantas! I’ve searched high and low and all I can find are the voice actors but they don’t really resemble what their in game counterparts look like. For me especially Cintas face looks strangely generic kinda like Audens something a lil uncanny. Personally as a head canon I image Cinta to look like Rana McAnear (Samara from Mass Effect) with just brown hair lol
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I think their mo-cap actresses are listed in the credits, but I could be wrong. It's also possible they used a single mo-cap actor for everyone except Frey (who I'm 99% sure was mo-capped by Ella?) and just used different face models on the rigs. I'm way less versed in motion capture animation than I am with hand-drawn animation or 3D modeled animation, so idk if it even works like that.
I wish Olas looked more like her VA, Claudia Black. I mean, look at her:
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Image stolen off of Duck Duck Go lol
But yeah, like, the diversity of faces in this game is wonderful. Absolutely no same-face syndrome, and you can tell everyone was designed to look like an actual human person and not eye candy :D I think most of the uncanny valley comes from the (unfortunately) unpolished animation. I feel like the cutscene animation got a lot less love than the combat animation. Which is understandable, we're gonna be spending more time in combat than in cutscenes, but the cutscene animation is definitely my biggest gripe just because it's mildly heebie-jeebie inducing
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sunsetskylane · 2 months
What’s your favorite color, and how does it make you feel? If you could live anywhere, what would it look like? If you went to a psychic, what would you most want to know?
I've always adored green. It feels like home, like the bosque on a summer day, like the brush that comes to life in the desert after it rains. I catalogue all types of greens: little dots of lichen in various lime shades, the emerald of the tiles on the facade of my house, the shimmering teal green of the wings of the alpine black swallowtail butterfly that's pinned on my wall. I'm almost synonymous with the color green, or I would be, if I didn't insist on wearing all black 99% of the time. Green makes me feel alive. If I could photosynthesize like my plants, I would. I once read a study about the tangible mental health benefits of the color green, and ever since then, I've surrounded myself with it.
Lately, though, I've been fascinated with blues of all sorts. Part of my fixation with the ocean has extended to all aspects of my life, color included. I'm returning to graduate school for the second time next month, and I'm determined to eschew my typical green-orange-maroon color palette and work with some lovely blues.
To be truthful, I've never know the answer to questions like "where would you want to live if you could live anywhere in the world?" I'm a bit of a creature of habit, and I love where I live. I've traveled, not extensively, but enough, and I am always thrilled to come home. My city doesn't have the best reputation (I think we placed in someone's top 20 most dangerous cities in the world list, recently) but I'd have to respectfully disagree. There is a culture of caring here that I haven't found anywhere else. Sure, your car might get stolen, or a tourist might ask if everyone here cooks meth, like Walter White (figured out where I'm from, yet?), but it's home, for however long I can stay. I would love to live in an old brick house here. I'm fascinated by architecture, and if I can't find a house that I adore, I'll design one. I can envision flowing brick shapes, surrounded by old cottonwood trees and desert greenery. That's the kind of place that I want to be.
To begin to answer your final question, I have to tell you that I don't necessarily believe in psychics, but my god would I love to. I collect fortunes from fortune cookies, and whenever I receive a particularly apt one, I do wonder. I want to be curious about the future and have my curiosities sated by unshakeable knowledge discovered in a psychic vision. I don't think I'm built for that kind of belief, but I would love to ask a psychic what my life looks like in twenty years. I'm at that stage of adulthood where I'm not quite sure where I'm going and I'm perpetually terrified as I take each big step. It would be reassuring to understand what I'm working towards, and where I'm going.
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jess-moloney · 11 months
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This is the way you get verified on Instagram. The criteria list. The source is Instagram itself. They say they require the following things, meaning all of them not just one or two. How does Jess qualify for all of these things?
Her account certainly is a real person and she certainly does have a registered business even if it's questionable how much she actually runs it. I mean do they not vet this? If this is a way to get verified and you have money almost anyone can get verified.
I'm not sure how her account is a "unique presence" of anything other than herself because if a lot of her media isn't straight-up stolen it's certainly questionable where she got it and how she's using it.
I guess this explains why neither Ice Studios account is verified because it seems she probably used that to verify her personal account (she links to the business in her profile)
She has a profile photo, bio, and at least one post.
She absolutely is not "well known" and the only reason she *might* be highly searched for is Jamie. On her own, she'd not be searched for a lot if at all (her verification is fairly recent as well so I'm guessing she jumped on it now). Even still, if you Google her name and just her name 99% of results are about how she's dating Jamie. Not about her business, or what she does as an occupation. That's enough to legitimize the verification of her account?
It goes on to say that it verifies accounts featured in multiple news sources, and we know that's not possibly true for her. They say they don't consider paid or promotional content as news sources but isn't that most of what she does? It seems the only possible way she got verification is because she's dating Jamie and "public interest" is directly related to her dating Jamie. If her business, managing skills, fashion design, or anything else she pretends to have as a career were any good she'd have been verified before now and she'd have a lot more followers. It makes me wonder how she can be proud of her life or what she does for "a living" if the only way she ever got any validation was for dating "the right guy" or does it not matter as long as she gets attention? Why would Jamie of all people want to be with anyone like this?
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
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The Kacchan bullying Deku moments that sent me: 
(AKA Kacchan has a really obvious crush)
GET OUT OF MY WAY (“I’m not in your way!?!”) 
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Throwing his head accessory at him like a freaking shuriken😂
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Asserting his dominance over Izuku’s costume design
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No capes! Boyfriend says so! You gotta do things properly, damn Deku!
Making Deku hop like a bunny to show that he doesn’t have any hidden “stolen food” 😂
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Kacchan knows he didn’t steal it! He just loves to make use of his authority as the one person Izuku will do anything for 😂 pyonpyon
In the end of year special page, 1-A are having a friendly snowball fight
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Buuuuut... it’s not so friendly for Kacchan...
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Kacchan is turning his snowballs into murder weapons to aim at his one and only ❄️❤️
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It’s so psychotic, even Horikoshi is warning kids not to try this with their snowballs IRL, as it might kill someone. 💀
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This gag has “Eyes on the prize, Deku!” energy. Kacchan is that kid with a crush that will do anything to get his crush’s attention redirected back his way and this was drawn to show us that Kacchan really does have nothing but Izuku on the brain. Izuku is all he sees. Whether it’s kill-intent or noble intent, Izuku being Kacchan’s priority has always stayed a constant for him. I can definitely appreciate what Kohei is laying down here. Thank you sensei 😌 
Playfully splashing him in the bath while trying to cheer him up😭
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Just because I want to give you cuddles now doesn’t mean I’ll stop pushing you to be your best self, De-Izuku.
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Kacchan is always so concerned with Deku, it feels as if Deku’s the only person in the world to him 😩 (Kacchan is too damn cute...)
That one Melissa/Hatsume team-up mission where all he did was stand there and entertain himself by watching Deku🙏  
(esp after Deku cried bc nobody came there to watch him😌)
Kacchan’s there, Izuku.
Kacchan’s there watching you so he can laugh at you😂
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A pointed effort was made to show how idle the others were to contrast with Kacchan, who is once again, showing off his sugoi Deku obsession😂
This sketch of Kacchan roughing up Izuku for Hori's decision making in the Volume 37 Cover Art where IZUKU IS HOLDING HIM IN HIS ARMS 😭
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"This scene never happened right?" Izuku confirms to him that it was an illustration that Hori’s imagination cooked up
You can tell he’s SO embarrassed by the cover art so he’s taking it out on Izuku and wanting him to back him up and tell everyone how it didn’t happen in the manga 😩
And maybe he’s only 99% sure bc he was unconscious so he’s all like:
“You didn’t do this while I was out, did you Izuku?!” 🫣😠
Izuku's easygoing face in response BECAUSE HE FREAKING LOVES AND ACCEPTS *ALL* OF HIM!
😅 - Izuku at Kacchan’s antics, always.
That “Yes dear, you’re right.” energy 😳
I just can’t with these two!! 😭❤️
The Team Up Mission where the class have to cosplay and act like each other and Iida has to dress and act like Izuku
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But Katsuki doesn't think he's doing a good enough job so he takes matters into his own hands.
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"Not enough freckles, fix your posture" Katsuki draws the freckles on Iidas face perfectly, and gives him black lines around his eyes to signify Izuku's big round eyes. I can't believe how protective he gets over Iida portaying his Izuku incorrectly hahahaha Izuku says "He's strict (about this!)"
HELP! This was such adorable tsundere behaviour!! 😭
bc of the "There. Much more annoying." to his own handiwork.
Yeah right, you clearly love Izuku so much Kacchan! Did you remember every single freckle dotted on his face from always looking at him for 12+ years?
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I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE ANOTHER ONE TO ADD IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD BKDK CANON 2024 I'M CRYING KUDOU KNOWS THEY'RE GAY TOO LMAO!!! That knowing smirk and the mocking tone with his: "That childhood playmate" of yours. Guys this post has now been blessed by Kudou. Thank you Kudou. Very cool.
The fact Kacchan will never change😌
because he would stay the same Deku-antagonising shit even if they were together and still get stupidly soft on him when they’re alone at home 
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These pair of dorks are adorably absurd, polar opposite, childhood friends-to enemies-to rivals-to bickering old married couple (who love each other crazily, dearly) and they are my most fave comfort ship & I wouldn’t change a single thing.🥰
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- Michi on “the post DvK2 bullying″ in The Childhood Friend Dilemma afterword. 
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- The School Briefs 6 LN agrees.
Conclusion: Exposing their feelings in DvK2 transformed I HATE YOU (real) into I HATE YOU (affectionate) 
and yk Katsuki aggressively targeting Izuku like this is essentially Mitsuki chasing after Masaru 2.0
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Something I've always wondered about: How come the Yeerks simply never built robots to use as hosts? In the THBC, we see Esplin 9466 and other Yeerks using that interface to learn things, so one would think that building robotic bodies couldn't be too hard. Sure, the Chee are alien-built robots from the long-gone Pemalites, but we never see any current alien races building sentient machines. (For this, I'm not counting those drones patrolling the Yeerk Pool as such.)
Honestly, I think that the reason there aren’t yeerk-assisting robots is because the andalites never built any.
Ax points out several times (all of them huffy) that 99% of yeerk tech is “stolen” from andalite tech.  We know the other 1% is “stolen” from skrit na and humans.  However, in this case “stolen” actually means “we gave the yeerks 50% of our tech and they reverse-engineered the other 49% on their own,” but that’s classic andalite imperialism for you, and I don’t actually expect Ax to pick up on that distinction in the early part of the series.
Anyway, mind-to-computer consoles exist because andalites made them for andalites, albeit with enough universal design features that yeerks can pretty easily use them.  Blade ships are reverse-engineered versions of Alloran’s ship Jahar.  Dracon beams are modified shredders.  Hunter-killer robots descend from andalite drones, and Gleet biofilters were straight-up invented by paranoid andalites.  Etcetera.
The yeerks are starting to develop their own tech, yes.  But they’ve only had access to computers for about 30 years as of canon, so that’s not that much time to invent an entirely new branch of prosthetic cybernetics.  And they’re sure as hell not going to get another helping hand from any andalites after Seerow, not after Alloran shuts the whole project down with extreme prejudice.  So they might well be on their way to becoming robo-symbiotes, and just haven’t caught their tech up to their vision yet, and hence the enslaving other species to use as hosts.
You make a good point that the chee already have the capability to keep a yeerk alive inside a synthetic body and give the yeerk a rich sensory experience in the process.  Erek uses that ability to keep a yeerk trapped inside its own mind within his body, which is a whole other level of chee-are-problematic-af, BUT in theory it could pretty easily be used to create chee-like bodies for all of the yeerks interested in that option.  It’d be cool to see some kind of fusion of andalite, yeerk, and pemalite technology toward that end, one that allowed yeerks another option besides morphing or remaining their original sluggy selves.  (Just to clarify: IMHO taking involuntary or “voluntary” hosts is simply not an option worth considering as any kind of peaceful compromise, not while the biological realities of yeerks prevent true symbiosis with any of their hosts.)
I really like the idea of yeerks getting the chance to have whichever bodies they’d like, through constructing those bodies out of robots.  That also gives them the chance to remain yeerks full-time if they so choose, and to inhabit multiple bodies if they’d like.
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