#and i'm drunk and tired
handmedownpocketpussy · 8 months
You know how white people use being scared as a weapon? All those videos of white women saying, "I called the cops because I felt like I was in danger" and how white guys have tiktoks about, "You need at least one semi automatic weapon close at hand at all times to defend your family" kinda shit?
That's what bothers me so much about watching fellow jews acting like just seeing a Palestinian flag or keffiyeh somehow automatically makes a place unsafe.
I mostly see it in US American jews posting about how they feel threatened by a Palestinian flag, or saying that anything referencing not wanting thousands and thousands of Palestinians to die is 'a call for jewish genocide'
Y'all. No. This tells me you have never interacted with a Palestinian or even the Muslim community at large. We diaspora Jews are not the victims here.
Your assimilation has ended on the path of weaponisation of your fears, which is not a great place to be.
If you honestly believe "The only safe place in the world for Jews is Israel" you've bought into someone fearmongering. I'm begging you to investigate why you bought that lie and who is benefiting from you buying it
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prahacat · 10 months
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first snow
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beastsovrevelation · 4 months
Penelope waited faithfully for years.
Colin wandered, until he found his way to his love, and his home.
The Odyssey?.. Please, it's not even funny.
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nineshrike · 4 months
Call me a Stolas apologist if you'd like, but Stolas wasn't wrong to portal Blitzø out.
Blitzø had basically just challenged Stolas to take his turn at insulting him, let's go, let's have everything out, let's make this breakup a fight to remember, remind me why I don't deserve you -- and Stolas. Doesn't.
Because that's not how fights like this have ever gone for him. Stolas's past relationship wasn't like Blitzø and Verosika trading insults in Spring Broken; it was standing still and quiet while Stella hurled abuse at him. He's stood up for himself against her, yes, but how can he stand up against Blitzø? When Blitzø's right, and when Stolas is seeing Blitzø through such rose-tinted glasses?
From Stolas's perspective, there really isn't anywhere the conversation can go after that. Anything else that is said will just make the situation worse. So he ends it. And, honestly, even if Blitzø was reaching out at the end there, he still hadn't had time to process, and I can't really see an emotional reconciliation happening that quickly. It probably would've just devolved into another argument. At this point, space and time are the best things for both of them.
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weaponizedducks · 5 months
zutara is my very favourite dynamic because they're just judgy bitch besties together. stupid shenanigans duo. impulsive yelling duo. sokka is like 90 percent of their impulse control so when he's gone they go haywire. this is even canon sokka leaves them alone for one minute and suddenly they're off to kill a guy. good for them. let them be crazy besties together, striking fear into the hearts of sexist twats
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radiance1 · 1 year
So, this time it's not anything to do with worlds or space but BIRDS.
Bet you didn't expect that one didn't you!
Sam have a great expansion of knowledge about the Paranormal, Mythological and the Occult. So, she finds out magic is real and is fucking ecstatic, well after she met Pandora, she started going through all of her material for spells and what not.
She knows all witches have to have a familiar, but she doesn't know what she would want to have as one, then a crow catches her eye and she just goes fuck it.
Then she started collecting an army of crows.
Pandora herself helps teach her the more, mystic, parts of magic whenever she's available, with Undergrowth begrudgingly helping her along with other parts such as nature magic.
Which is actually surprisingly difficult and rather easy and the same time.
Undergrowth uses a completely different system to use his abilities, whereas Sam uses mana and the occult to achieve her magic. So some things that Undergrowth can do easily might be hard to do for Sam, and where things that Sam can do easily would be a bit difficult for Undergrowth to do too.
The same thing is true for Pandora, albeit to a much lesser extent. She knows about spells and mana, so it's easier for her to translate to into teaching for Sam unlike Undergrowth.
Pandora is the one who helped to unlock Sam's mana when she was interested in it, finding that she has a great amount of mana right off the bat.
Enough that in the olden days she would be fought over by magicians fiercely.
Even more so by how greatly it increases by the added on amount of her familiars.
Now, a single crow's mana isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but add on 50, 100, 1000? Now, that is a great boost indeed.
Sam has enough crows to cover the sky has an entire city. Though most of them she never uses, that's still a great deal of mana that she and her familiar's are constantly sharing with each other, she even managed to cast protection magic on each and every one.
At least she's dedicated.
Hotep Ra is back in town, despite his attempts to plot and use Tucker to further his own ends, he now wants to serve the boy just as he did Duulaman.
To which Tucker was rightfully suspicious of.
Hotep Ra explained that now that Tucker has defeated him, no matter if he had help from his friends or that ghost boy or not, he has recognized him as the rightful heir to the throne.
Even if that throne is long gone, Hotep Ra is not.
With the time he spent with Tucker, he would sometimes urge the boy to reclaim his past self's throne, claiming that Duulaman and by an obvious extension Tucker, was born to rule over others.
To which tucker doesn't really want so he just nopes outta that one.
Hotep Ra also help him be able to control the scepter, although he himself doesn't have complete knowledge of it, he's learned through observing Duulaman what to do and how to use it.
He also got Tucker a few birds as an apology, specifically Golden Eagles, as Duulaman himself quite loved the apex birds, and thought it would be a fitting apology if Tucker happened to share the same trait.
It worked.
So now tucker has pet Eagles that come to him whenever he wants.
Danny is a bit miffed at current events, don't get him wrong he's happy that his friends get to learn magic and stuff, but now they barely have anytime to hang out!
Seeing that his kid isn't feeling that great what with his recent friends learning magic and having birds, Pariah thought that it would score him a few dad points if he got his kid his own bird!
Said bird is a giant the size of two houses that can and would kill if given a reason to. Pariah Dark literally forced it into submission so his son can be happy, it can also split itself up into multiple smaller birds.
Danny is happy with his gift.
Sam, when she isn't learning with Pandora or Undergrowth or hanging out with Danny and Tucker, usually occupies herself trying out magical concoctions or rituals.
A recent one she wants to try is to make a stone, a stone which is surprisingly apart of the family tree with the Philosopher's stone, just that this one uses no alchemy and pure magic to achieve its results.
She's confident in herself and that she can do, so she gathered all the ingredients listed for it. The first few of the ingredients were rather easy to get at first.
A lotus whom blooms at the crack of morn yet lay dormant 'i its absence.
A lotus which grants thou both power and strength tied with the god of kinship, physic, protection, travelling lamp and welken
A stone what be foe of any poison
A stone quoth to dispatch any whom comes into contact
All four of these weren't hard to get, though she had to wait quite a while for her crows to bring her the items requested.
The last item was a liquid.
Substance of greenist glow quoth to bring the dead to life and the corky to youth
Easy, she thought. There is loads of that stuff all around the ghost zone, though when she tried it, it failed.
Again, she tried failed.
She never knew what went wrong, she had all the ingredients, so what is happening? She looked over the recipe again, seeing that everything she had should have worked.
Was it her timing?
No, her timing was perfect.
Were her ingredients defective of some kind?
No, if they were she would know.
She paced back and forth through her room, thinking to herself what she could be doing wrong with a few crows looking at her curiously. She went through the recipe over and over, looking over her timing and ingredients before stopping.
Bring the dead to life. Ectoplasm can't do that.
Sam sent out a village's worth of crows to find this mysterious substance that she thought was ectoplasm, but isn't. Yet when her familiars came back, not a single one could find it for her.
So, she sent them into the zone, confident in her protections so that they won't be harmed. It was when she was sleeping that she felt it.
A vicious snaping withing her chest that forced her awake and out of bed, almost immediately she called all of her crows to her, all of them coming but one.
So, she sent out to find her missing crow. Going to where she can feel the bond's last traces and with coming upon a portal. She then departed without hesitation with only half of her scout crows.
Almost immediately she could feel the bond pick back up again and made hast to follow it. When she got there she was ecstatic, there right in front of her was a glowing green pool of the liquid she thinks she needed.
Though she was cautious in approaching it.
It was only when she was nearby the pool did she realize a man was in the room with her, a man who stepped out of the pool with his attention fully on her, his red eyes gazing at her with interest.
She tensed when she noticed one of her scout crows gripped tightly in his hand.
Man idk what I'm doing lmao but I wanted to make this a dc x dp crossover so hhehaheheh.
Danny and Tucker are worried about Sam, they haven't seen her in a while, and while it isn't all that usual for her to be doing her own magic thing for days on end.
They couldn't help this foreboding feeling in the back of they're heads.
Which was only furthered by how her crows gathered around them and pushed them towards a portal in the zone. Hotep Ra went with them, not one to leave his master.
The three stepped into the portal, and not knowing that they stepped into an entire different universe.
They started to search for their missing friend with the help of her crows and their own birds.
A thing, Sam doesn't know where all of her familiars are and vice versa normally. But if she ever focuses on their bond it would lead her to them, and she can call them to her whenever she wants.
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i promised to forget you (i lied)
the first time he calls, it goes to the machine. obi-wan's voice crisp and clean over the line. 
"i gave your name as my emergency call," anakin says, voice breaking, "please pick up."
the officer give him a look that he assumes is pity, "try someone else. they can come get you tonight."
anakin tries the number again, listens to the tone ring and ring. it goes to the machine again. 
"obi-wan, please. i know you're probably awake. please."
he could call asohka (but he's probably burned that bridge too) she might come get him, lecture him on the way home and deposit him in bed one last time.
if she knew he was in lock up, she'd have his head. he promised to do better.
“i swear he’ll pick up,” anakin whispers, voice lost in the cacophany of the county jail. 
he does not say, he always picks up. he does not say, he has always picked me up. he does not say, i think i burned that bridge, what if he doesn't pick up?
the alchol is still making his head fuzzy, the world blurs aroud the edges of his vision, though that might be the concussion. he thinks his nose is broken. his hand too, maybe. all the pain drowned under the heartbreak.
anakin knew they left things in tatters, their relationship in pieces as they (he) hurled the most hurtful things he could think of back at obi-wan while he tried to be understanding, patient, until even that was impossible. 
"son," the officer says. she's defintely looking at him with pity now, it burns. "try someone else."
anakin dials obi-wan's number again. fingers too tight around the black plastic as he punched the number in again. 
it rang twice.
"hullo," obi-wan says. his voice is too thin, frayed, like he's hanging on as well as anakin is.
"obi-wan," anakin breathes out and the line cuts off.
anakin slams the reciever down and lets out a frustrated yell. the officer lays a hand on his shoulder. he doesn't have the energy to shake it off. 
"he was wrong to hang up," she says, like she's trying to comfort him. 
belatedly, he realizes he's shaking. he thinks he's crying. he can't tell. 
"let me try again. i'll stay the night, i swear he'll call back."
"why are you doing this to yourself?" the officer asks. she's kinder than most of the officers at the county jail. patient with him when she doesn't need to be. she could send him out into the rain alone to find his way back home. 
"he always picks up," is all he can say in response. 
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remember to put on your best bathrobe for when you get hatecrimed. it really helps sell the gravity of the situation to the audience
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 months
my advice to being alone outside at night is if you think positively then the things that happen will be positive :)
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 3 months
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Did you *really* go to college if you didn't do this at least twice a semester?
#my roommates at yonsei- which i'm still amazed Noeul is a yonsei grad- would vanish for DAYS into the library#preparing for their English exams#and like- my girls you have a native english speaker back in the dorm can I help you study#but they would BOTH do this when they finally surfaced for air#sophia- she went by her english name- and ryeong-ah; they were both my Sig#they would come back and just scream 'my bedddd' and dive onto sophia's bed#i say sophia's bed because ryeong-ah couldn't be bothered to climb onto her bunk bed#so she'd just lay quite literally on top of sophia#i have a photo it's one of my favorites because you can see that sophia is about to deliver a violent kick to her spine#love in the air#lita#rain#first semester my roommates were all older than me so i was supposed to be polite and i only ever used polite korean#i was perfectly well behaved#but that first semester in korea my roommates were horrible- all were banned from the program they were so bad#but i remember most that at midterms i was studying so hard for my religion in korean history exams that i'd be at the library until 2am#and then walk back to the dorm a mile away- and like everyone was doing that so it wasn't scary walking the mountain at night#but i'd get back and my roommates would be drunk and yelling in the dorm until 6am or so#and that was almost every night regardless#but during midterms i was so tired and so fried and my classes started at 7am so i wasn't sleeping#and i finally showed my roommates that i can say 'shut the fuck up' in korean without any accent whatsoever
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adhd-merlin · 2 months
watching the musketeers ep 1x10 and why did everyone turn against d'artagnan when it turned out he slept with milady. porthos and aramis go from "who is this woman" to "you slept with athos's wife??" in the space of two seconds, bro no one even knew athos had a wife?? what was that
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
Joe Biden resigned as a candiate and I found out from a tumblr meme :(
Your fic makes me so happy in these times
Like I didn't want Biden to run for reelection but I hate this. The time for him to drop out was six months ago. Or he could have fucking resigned a year ago and let Harris run as the incumbent-for real, I half expected Joe to get reelected and then resign the second day, fuck off into the sunset with his dogs and cat and send us tiktoks of him sipping pina coladas on the beach. The only reason I can think of for him to be doing this is that he's about to do a bunch of shit that would tank his chances for reelection, like packing the Supreme Court or declaring a national ice cream day. Actually, no, we already have a national ice cream day, and it's...today, actually. Biden literally ended his reelection bid on National Ice Cream Day. Huh.
Anyway. I would definitely prefer for the first female president to be elected in, but clearly America isn't ready for a female president. 2016 showed us that the most qualified woman still can't beat the most unqualified man. And before you start yelling that Clinton wasn't the most qualified woman-she was practically president already. Bill Clinton's presidency is viewed very favorably, the 90s were great in the US. Hillary has always been the brains of their duo, Bill was the face-look at Hillary during any of her speeches, she is not a natural public speaker and is very uncomfortable up there. But she weathers it, she practices, and she fucking knows her stuff. In an alternate universe we're finishing up Hillary's second term. We have a liberal majority in the Supreme Court and still have RvW. RBG retired and lived the last few years of her life like the queen she was. Four people died of covid. Trump put out a book and spent some time touring conservative news outlets to whine about how oppressed he is, but he's returned to 'washed-out loser everyone ridicules' status. And we don't have that because liberals would rather sit on their hands and wait for a unicorn to come along than vote for an imperfect candidate.
Like, for fuck's sake, yes Hillary was out for herself. She would have still ended up being a solid president, because she's fucking smart and knows that would serve her.
The whole thing with covid, it handed Trump every advantage. National crises are election gold for the incumbent, provided they don't completely fuck it. The only reason Bush won in 2004 (which was the only time a Republican won the popular vote in the last 30-some years, I might add) was because he was in office when 9/11 happened. Three years later, despite Bush still fucking up quite a bit in his response, he still benefited from being the guy who 'brought our country together' and people voted for him as an emotional response. The same would have happened in 2020. And Trump literally had it set up for him. Like, there were already plans in place to handle a pandemic, he had experts swarming in ready to take the reins and deal with this for him. Literally all he had to do was wear a mask and say "listen to my man Fauci, he knows what he's talking about." He would have gotten credit for dealing with covid. He would have gotten reelected. Even the most selfish, corrupt version of Clinton that exists in people's minds would have done that, because it would have been in her best interest.
He couldn't fucking do that. He couldn't shut his goddamn mouth, he couldn't stand to have it not be about him for five minutes. He couldn't wear a mask like a fucking adult. So many people died because he was acting like a literal toddler. And in doing so he destroyed his bid for reelection.
And now we're back here again.
I comfort myself with the knowledge that he's never won the popular vote. That he's killed much of his own base with covid. That he's old, that he has to die at some point. That the Antichrist prophecy explicitly states that the Antichrist will only be in power for three and a half years, that he'll fail at every attempt to wrestle power back. (you guys should look up the parallels from Trump to the Antichrist prophecy if you haven't already, like I'm not religious but it's actually really freaky how accurate it is) But I just...I can't do this again. I was so hoping he'd just be dead by now.
For everyone in the US who will be old enough/eligible to vote in November: for fuck's sake, VOTE. Check your state's registration laws, double and triple-check that you're registered. Vote. Vote blue. It doesn't fucking matter who the candidate is, if Trump gets back in you will never have the opportunity to vote again. People will die. And I will be fucking off to Canada or Europe. I know they got their own problems, but Jesus Christ.
And wherever you live-and this is the only time I will ever fucking say this-I would consider buying a gun if you feel comfortable doing that. I hate guns, I think the 'home defense' argument is fucking stupid, but this isn't a normal situation. No matter what the outcome of this election is, Trump's cult is going to get violent. They're cowards and will go for people they think aren't a threat. I'm not even advocating for shooting anyone, just make it look like you and your neighborhood aren't worth it. This shit's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and we're at the point I legitimately wonder if it's ever going to get better.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
what do u think of ned and sansa’s relationship?
sorry this took so long, i wasn't sure how to lay it out because i didn't just want to word vomit all over lol.
i think it's a great depiction of grief and trauma "dripping through" so to speak (to steal a succession line) from a parent to their child. ned and sansa are similar in many ways (in fact, I'd argue that Sansa is the most like Ned) and you can see clearly that Sansa gets her outlook on life and society more so from her father than her mother. While Cat is much less trusting, much more forceful, and incredibly emotional, Ned has a much more romanticized idea of the world. He makes many of the same mistakes that Sansa does, as a matter of fact -
they both trust Littlefinger despite the warning signs because they both feel they have no other option and no allies to rely on, so this shady guy obsessed with Cat is the least noxious option (in their eyes)
they both have this idealistic image of a Baratheon that is tied more to reputations and romanticism than in that particular man's personality - Ned should realize that he can't rely on Robert literally the moment Robert refuses to step in to protect Lady but keeps deluding himself because Robert the Hero, Robert the King, Robert the Foster Brother, is this larger than life image he has in his mind. Meanwhile, Joffrey is...Joffrey and Sansa overlooks and romanticizes this because The Chivalrous Prince is this idea that is all powerful in her head.
they both think around a subject rather than face it head on. I detailed an example of this here but there's literally dozens of examples in both of their narratives. it's this commonality that I find particularly interesting; it's not just that they're very indirect people but that when faced with trauma, both of them double down on avoiding their trauma to cope with it.
in particular, they both do this wrt a younger sister which is even more fascinating in my opinion - so easy to have Ned think more often around Brandon but instead it's Lyanna he Does Not Obsess Over, and it's Lyanna he compares Sansa to (even though they likely look nothing alike). Later, it would be easy to have Sansa think more about her brothers but again, it's Arya she Does Not Obsess Over, and we know Arya likely resembles Lyanna to a point. Just something really fascinating there, that the relationship they are most troubled by is one with a little sister.
and in that vein, both of them will romanticize their own trauma to cope with it. we see this obviously with sansa and the Unkiss but I think it's present in his thoughts of the Tower of Joy as well. his fever dream in eddard x is steeped in fantasy imagery, with his companions as faceless wraiths, a "storm of rose petals" streaking across the red sky. he does this with rhaegar as well in my opinion - when he does think of rhaegar the man (and not just of his children) he has this image of Rhaegar as a chivalrous sort of man who no one can really measure up to and yet he never explicitly thinks anything positive about Rhaegar. once again, sort of romanticizing his idea of someone, like Sansa does with Sandor.
both of them are incredibly self conscious about how they're perceived - Ned thinks about his father and brother as being "born" to rule, is very aware that people see him as kind of an idiot, and Sansa is equally worried that people will see her as "silly" or simple. It seems very tied to their roles as the "girlson" - Sansa as the eldest daughter who must make an illustrious match and live up to that expectation of her and Ned as the second son stepping in to fill a role he feels unprepared to take.
despite some paternalism about the poor (Ned sitting a man with him every night while also kind of purposefully distancing himself to be The Benevolent Father of Winterfell and Sansa's out of pocket but realistic comments about Jeyne and Mya's marriage prospects), they clearly care about the common or low born people they live with - I think Sansa's grief (and purposeful Thinking Around) over Jeyne Poole going missing and her insistence that Jeyne's father is safe speaks to her affection for the Pooles just as Ned's fixation on Jory Cassel being murdered by Jaime also speaks to his affection for the Cassels. And just from an audience PoV, I think it really underlines Ned and Sansa's horror over the situation that Ned is traumatized by Jory's death at the hands of the Lannisters, and Sansa thinks over a year later about "poor Jeyne Poole" and her disappearance (due to the Lannisters, though she's ultimately sold by LF)
And then there's the emotional distance between them, that I think is really compounded by his trauma over Lyanna and Sansa's age -
Ned ultimately learns the wrong lesson from Lyanna's death. He doesn't learn "women shouldn't be given so few options and should be allowed control over their lives" he learns "if i protect the women i love from the evils of this world and give them freedom when they're young, they'll be happier" and that's just. Oh Ned.
But that "lesson" is really obvious in how he treats Sansa - he keeps her in the dark while putting her in a dangerous situation, because he doesn't want her to be involved in the same politics that killed Lyanna even as he's actively involving her in those politics. His first thoughts about Sansa in the book are that she's too young to be engaged to Joffrey! He does not want to let her go out into the big bad world and he thinks simply keeping the bad stuff from her mind is how he'll save her.
The Lady situation I think is what really damages their relationship; he links Sansa and Lyanna in his mind so closely during this scene that I think it stops him from being able to emotionally connect with her anymore. It's so tragic - to see Lyanna's sorrow reflected in Sansa, to feel that loss so deeply that it stops him from being able to comfort Sansa the way he comforted Lyanna as she died.
all of this really bites him in the ass because Sansa looks at his silence and sees treachery while Ned looks at her silence and sees obedience. And the moment when both of them are finally ready to act and not just dream is when their stories clash horrifically.
Narratively, I think they're set up to have some parallels - Ned as the second son (and what is a second son than a girlson, really) who was never supposed to inherit who does after a violent tragedy, and Sansa as the second born who was also never supposed to inherit who will after a violent tragedy.
And Ned's story is book ended by Ned choosing his love of a young female relative over his honor - he actually compares Sansa to Lyanna first in his narrative:
He could still hear Sansa pleading, as Lyanna had pleaded once.
and it's Sansa who he once again chooses over his word, over his honor. when he looks at Sansa (and Arya) all he sees is his grief. It leads all three of them to their doom, but Ned's death is something he would choose over and over because in the end, with all his faults, Ned did learn one good lesson from Lyanna and it's that a living, breathing woman will always be more important than some words spoken before a king. what is honor compared to the feel of your daughter in your arms, the memory of your sister's smile?
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kenobihater · 2 months
downloaded wolfenstein after going on a jacob geller rewatch binge and getting intrigued by blazko. for reference i've played one fps in my 23 years and got stuck on the third level, so i'm either gonna cry and shit my pants or actually learn how shooters work. if you see me spamming ben affleck smoking reaction pics in my posts tomorrow then that's your explanation
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hjartasalt · 11 months
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is this a big enough buck
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