#and if anyone says i said that i'm gonna riot
expectiations · 4 months
once again, River's Doctor is any version of the Doctor who knows who she is. who knows that River Song is not just a name, it's a promise. a name chosen as a promise. much like how the Doctor is a promise too. who knows what River has sacrificed in the name of them. who understands why River's last words were "not one line. don't you dare."
the Doctor in the two parter opening for series 6 is still not her Doctor. no matter how much he may have flirted with her. he still doesn't know who she is. he still suspects she may have killed him. the distrust and doubt is still there. and the Doctor definitely doesn't like not knowing (sometimes).
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kinardgo · 2 months
Jee having fun with her uncles Buck & Tommy!
Maybe Buck feeling a little 🥰😍 watching Tommy being in 'competent dad mode', even though he's not ready for their own 😂
okay this is everything actually if season 8 doesn't give us tommy playing with jee and buck noticably ovulating across the room i will riot
bucktommy / rated g / mild warning for non serious accidental injury to a child
"-and take a nice, deep breath for me. This is going to sting a little, okay?"
It takes a few seconds for Buck's brain to come back online as he re-enters his apartment. It's been a quiet day so far, as quiet as any day off looking after his curious, hyperactive niece can be. They'd watched some TV, leaving some irritating cartoon pop song ingrained in his head, probably for the next week at least. Had some lunch. Afterwards, Jee-Yun had proclaimed her desire for ice cream with all the certainty of a biblical saint. Buck, a little soft hearted from an easy day surrounded by people he loves, agreed to go to the shop in search of some.
Maybe it's lulled him into a false sense of security, because he stares at the scene in his kitchen with a blank expression for a full three seconds before he galvanizes into action.
Jee's up on the kitchen counter, a little teary eyed, her bottom lip wobbling, blood trickling down her skinny calf.
"Woah, woah, hey," he says, rushing to Tommy's side, where he's crouched in front of the counter, "What happened?"
"Someone," he says, eyeing the slightly sheepish looking girl, "decided to ignore me when I said running full pelt around the place would end in tears."
"I'm sorry, Tommy," Jee says, her voice shaking.
"It's okay, chica. You're not in trouble. Tripped over the rug," he adds lowly to Buck, "Limbs everywhere, slid five feet, the whole ten yards."
Now he's a little closer up, he can see that. Her knee is all scraped up, a messy graze, but nothing deep. There's a little mark on her elbow, but no blood. Kids bounce, Hen once told him. Buck kinda wishes Jee would stop trying to test that theory out on him though.
"Now, stay nice and still while I get this cleaned up, okay sweetheart?" Tommy eases, turning his attention back to Jee, the full effect of his Cool And Unphased Firefighter Pilot shtick aimed at a tiny little person who doesn't even have a fully developed concept of consequence yet. It feels unfair. Buck's a whole ass adult and it's enough to make him spacy, "Do you know what this is?"
Jee looks from the antibacterial wipe in his hand, to Buck, and back to Tommy nervously, "No."
"This is a special kind of cloth that can get all the yucky stuff out of your cut, get it nice and clean."
"Like soap?"
"Kinda like soap, yeah," he nods, smiling, "It's gonna hurt a little bit, but that's how you know it's working. Ready?"
She nods, hands fisting in the skirt of her pink dress anxiously. Tommy swipes over the graze of her cut quickly and gently, efficient but effective.
"Brave girl, Jee," Buck murmers, rubbing a hand soothingly up her arm.
"Yes, she is," Tommy agrees, "Now, I'm going to put a plaster on this. Hold still for me-" She holds herself dutifully, solid like a rock, as Tommy smooths the dressing over the knee. It's probably overkill, but Buck knows that the power of belief in healing is almost as important as the actual healing bit.
"You did so good, Jee," Buck says, straightening up to plant a kiss in her hair. She giggles, grasping at him with her pudgy hands, "And so did you," he says, kissing him on the cheek. Jee shrieks with laughter the way she always does when Buck dares to show any kind of affection to anyone but her.
"Now, you," Tommy says, sweeping Jee off the counter, "Get settled on the couch, because it looks like your Uncle Evan got some cookie dough vanilla that's got your name all over it, kid."
Jee's face splits with a grin so wide it looks like it might hurt, then throws her arms around Tommy's neck, burrowing her face in his shoulder with a happy little sound, "Thank you, Uncle Tommy," The words are muffled into the collar of his shirt, but Tommy clearly hears loud and clear if the way his face scrunches up in delight is any indication.
Something heavy and dense swoops straight through the middle of Buck's core, through his chest and out through his stomach. Too much, too fast, too soon. Tommy gives Jee a final squeeze, swaying her a little so her tiny legs flop around, giggling happily until he puts her back down.
Jee cuddles up with a pillow on the couch, something that looks like elves on an acid trip playing on the TV while Tommy washes his hands and puts the first aid kit back in the cupboard and Buck gets three bowls of cookie dough ready for a good ol' fashioned sugar binge.
"She adores you."
Tommy looks up, even as Buck keeps his eyes resolutely on the ice cream.
"She's got a big heart," he says fondly, before adding, "Must be a Buckley family trait."
"She's a good kid," Buck grins, turning to look over at Jee, hugging one of the sofa cusions to her chest, so big against her that she can rest her chin on it.
"Yeah. Do you want kids?"
The ice cream scoop skids across the counter out of Buck's hand when he jerks in surprise.
Tommy laughs quietly, ducking his head to kiss his shoulder, "Not right now, Evan. Just... curious. You're good with her."
"So are you," he fires back. He knows he's being stupid, that he's acting defensive, and he doesn't even know what about. Jesus, he sucks when someone catches him off guard, "Do you want kids?"
It doesn't look like it bothers Tommy, who just grins like he knows better than to take Buck's knee-jerk panic personally. Probably because he does.
"Yeah. One day."
Buck can't help smiling back, "Yeah. One day."
They all squeeze onto the couch, Jee tucked in between them with enough sugar shovelling into her mouth for Maddie to have reasonable justification to murder him later. It's probably not how he would have described his ideal afternoon, but he can't find fault in it.
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7thedisasterdyke · 25 days
Kamala has already supported KOSA (Project 2025). She has told us she is going to continue to murder babies and families. She wants to turn Gaza into real estate for white supremacists. She invited right wing goons to speak at the DNC. The Biden admin just funded alt-right chuds in Venezuela to riot because Biden thinks the socialist cheated and thinks Venezuelan Trump won instead. As a queer, indigenous person, I know Kamala will be just as bad as Trump for my rights if not worse because she wants conservatives to vote for her. The Democratic party and AIPAC has ousted progressive dems in their primaries and replaced them with obedient right wing Dems. The Biden admin sends weapons to nazis in Ukraine who killed 14,000 Ukrainians who protested against the Right wing coup that Obama supported a decade ago. Obama is responsible for many innocent deaths (but y'all treat him like a celebrity saint). Obama and Hillary had Gaddafi killed. Libyan had it all. Obama ordered a drone strike on paramedics rescuing people from the wedding he just bombed (they call it the Obama two tap). Anyway, you can keep defending the Dems moving 3 clicks right because it's better than 10 clicks right with Republicans, and saying it's an evil system, but you're helping to enable it. If we get Trump, it's nobody's fault but the Dems. I actually thought Kamala would be better than Biden. I was wrong. I'm not gonna vote for anyone who is responsible for murdering children and selling the rights of marginalized people (including myself) to Republicans. You can say "Oh but she said 'trans rights'" all you want but this is my 4th election and Dems keep supporting transphobic dems and anti-abortion dems and they parade them around like the good guys. The marginalized people you claim to support are all screaming at you to not support these right wing Dems and join them on the left. You don't get to sell them out for your own comfort. Your rights aren't more important than mine and vice versa. We've been asking you to move left with us since at least Obama turned out to have lied about codifying Roe and decided bailing out his bank buddies was more important. But we're watching you move right. We will survive either way but the dems want you to use scare tactics because they want to be the ones at the wheel of the fascist machine. So if you don't like it then don't participate. Don't play their game. They both play for the same team. They want your consent for nuclear war against made up enemies. It's sick. Stop believing their lies and supporting them. Supporting Kamala is the same as supporting Trump. You're just voting for aesthetics. Lots of liberals have already lost their way anyway and say they'd rather be fascists than socialists. Human rights begin on the left and the dems have never been left of center. Ffs liberals pulled out of a pride fest because of Palestinian inclusion. Lots of them already are self admitted zionists. Do you want to belong to a political party that openly supports white Christian supremacy cosplaying as judaism to avoid criticism? The two party system is white supremacy and they are using a black woman to play identity politics with people who only see her as color and refuse to see that she's a tool to them. Anyway there's room at the leftist table. Or you can keep going to the right until you no longer remember what you stood for.
I'm not gonna lie, sending one big chunk of text with no space for me to breathe between paragraphs is tough for me to read, but I'm going to anyway, because I foresee I'm gonna get quite a few of these.
So I'm going to go through this one point at a time:
Support of KOSA: sadly true, but that's an easy thing to change minds on. Not like she's the only one in the senate who wants it passed on either side.
Continue to murder babies and families: I can't tell if you mean the border or Gaza, but in either case, Trump will do many times worse.
Gaza into WS real estate: no she doesn't. She's been more outspoken in favor of an end to the genocide than any other presidential candidate in modern history.
Invited right-wingers into the DNC: first, I don't think she personally invited them. Second, even if she did, she still needs to pull Trump supporters and marginally right-wing independents to vote for her. We want a better society for everyone, after all.
Venezuela: the "socialist" has a proven track record of human rights abuses, and other than that, I don't know enough about the country to speak further on the subject.
Just as bad for queer/indigenous as Trump because she wants the right to vote for her: seriously, this is just point 4 worded differently. The purpose of an election (in the US) is to make yourself palatable to as many people as possible so you can beat the massive core of voters each party has. Also, again, we're trying to make a better society for everyone, right?
Dems/AIPAC ousting progressives in primaries: sure, AIPAC has a large amount of money to outspend progressives, and even still, the only actual "ousting" I've heard of was Cory Bush.
Biden sending weapons to Nazis in Ukraine: ok look, I'm sick of leftists parroting Russian propaganda. The government of Russia is authoritarian and right-wing, Trump idolizes Putin, and Putin has allied himself with Kim Jong-Un, who Trump also loves. Also, a few far-right nationalist groups fighting to maintain their nation (alongside non-far-right troops) is to be expected. And respectfully, I don't care how Obama was involved, because that's irrelevant to Russia literally invading.
Obama having innocents killed: yeah, duh, he was a US president in the US Empire's Military Age. That doesn't mean anything, and Harris was never even part of his administration, so your point is just a complete non sequitur to begin with.
"Defending Dems moving 3 clicks right when it's better than 10 clicks with Repubs": would you rather have the 10 clicks? Like, actually. Democrats are already right-wing. Harris's policies would work to move the country left, actually.
"If we get Trump, it's nobody's fault but the dems": actually, no, it's the fault of people who try to persuade the minority of far-left democrats to not vote for the best possible option.
Dems keep supporting transphobic/anti-abortion dems: yeah, sure, I'll give you that one, because guess what? They're more easily convinced to vote in their trans constituents' best interests regardless. They're more likely to vote to maintain abortion rights because they're more likely to listen to those constituents.
Marginalized people screaming at me to join them on the left: I am on the left. Incredibly far left, in fact. I'm just not stupid enough to think that we have enough people to change things. Want me to vote third party? I think I'd rather go with the safer option for marginalized people and pick someone with any chance of beating Trump.
I'm a sellout: no, I'm really not. I just understand that the system is overwhelmingly rigged against the non-establishment picks.
Dems want to be at the wheel of the fascist machine: better the one who has a chance at turning it around than the one who'll turn up the throttle.
Don't like it, don't participate: this isn't like a boycott. If every left-winger decided not to participate, Trump would almost certainly win by default. We "play their game" because without the game's existence, Trump's devoted followers would have already had every minority expunged from the country.
They both play for the same team: they're not even playing the same game! Trump and his Republican lackeys want to eliminate the concept of voting entirely, wants to end freedoms for all minorities, and wants to establish theocracy. Democrats want to maintain the democratic system, establish more rights for minorities, and make life better for Americans. This is also my answer to "Supporting Kamala is the same as supporting Trump": it's just not true.
Lots of liberals are self-admitted Zionists: believing Jewish people have a right to the chunk of land the Jewish ethnoreligion originated from, in this world with borders, where they can be unequivocally safe from the historic oppression they have faced for the last several thousand years in... is a fairly common sentiment. That is Zionism. There is a difference between believing that, and believing that they should be the only ones living in that specific region that was inhabited when they got there, which is Kahanism. In order to figure out, in a way that makes as many people happy as possible with the outcome, what to do with Israel, we need someone at the helm of the US who is not Kahanist. Trump notably supports Kahanists. Harris, notably, does not. At least not publicly. Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret as a presidential nominee?
The two-party system is WS: YES! It is! But we're not going to beat it from the outside because, and this is important, they have the power to silence us if we get too loud, and they will absolutely use it. The US has the third largest military in the world by active personnel, at 1.3 million. Do you think we would be able to train enough people to beat that? Think we can afford enough fighter planes to defeat 4 of the top 5 air forces in the world? Until the answer to that is yes, I'm going to keep voting in US elections for the lesser of two evils, because I'd rather fight them, than the trigger-happier alternatives.
"You can keep going to the right until you no longer remember what you stood for": also known as "doing anything a different flavor of leftist doesn't like".
I'd like to end this with a series of open questions:
Did you know that, of the third-party candidates for president, only Jill Stein has any chance of winning enough states?
Did you know that she's only ever won Massachusetts?
Did you know that the Claudia de la Cruz can only win by write-in?
Did you know that Cornel West isn't even on enough ballots to win?
I've seen leftists calling for votes for all three.
Final question to everyone voting "third-party or not at all":
Which one of them will beat Harris in every state?
Have a good night, and stay whelmed.
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nozunhinged · 7 months
My Top 5 BL Kisses of Jan (& Feb) 24 + why
Okay, okayyyyy I'm doing this, no backing out. I offically accept that analyzing kisses takes up so much of my brainspace that I can write about it — so here it goes. I'M NOT HIDING ANYMORE BUT OWNING UP TO IT! (lol, chill)
Last year I complained that I didn't get a single perfect kiss since I started watching BL TV shows (until PhayaTharn turned up) and now we're not even a quarter into the new year and I already got FIVE I'm absolutely in AWE about!! FIVE!!
I don't know if it's the actors, directors or coaches who upped their game (probably all of them) but hot damn, all of these are beautiful.
And don't ask me why I'm into kiss-acting so much I have no fucking clue, my first guess is that it's an artform in itself to make this amazing, wonderful, intimate form of touching look as beautiful as it feels — bc let's be honest here, irl kissing rarely looks pretty no matter how great it is! So I think it's just dope when you can see this beauty translated on screen.
So I guess this is peak romance genre for me and with that being said, enough talking, lets get to the kissykissies!
5. TenPrem - Cooking Crush EP. 11
I have to be honest with you, I was a bit confused by the kissing in this show. The tippytoe kiss was cute as heck but we all saw how Off AND Gun awkwardly blinked because they probably had to stay like that for a looooong time. It took the whole magic out of the whole first-kiss-moment. Same with the forced in, reshot makeout-scenes. But the kiss in the kitchen? Looks like they FINALLY got to show what they got.
Ten gently pulling Prem closer, them smoothly moving against each other, Ten closing in even more, the slightly open-mouthed kiss with their lips perfectly caressing each other, Ten with a bit more force, Prem with a bit more heat resulting in the perfect mix...Loved it, mwah.
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4. PromNont - Playboyy EP. 12
They are my one Playboyy-couple where I'm like "if they don't end up married and running Playboyy together, starting the revolution of well-payed, insured and safe sex workers I'm gonna riot" even though I know this show will not end nicely for ANYONE.
Anyways, this kiss. Holy smokes they had so many good scenes but this one took the cake. Not just the sheer length of it (but still with perfect timing and breaks).
The slightest suck on Nonts upper lip, Prem literally making Nont sway, Nonts hidden desperation for Prom surfacing from his lips, them slowly but surely turning up the heat and last but not least, Prom grabbing Nonts face just to lean against him...UGH THEM!
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(I made those)
3. Myungha & Yeowoon - Love for Love's Sake EP 8
I know I'm not alone in how this show swept me off my feet and hit me right in the feels. But I've gotta say, this kiss hit completely different. Again they kissed for so long but not a single moment felt wasted. It felt like their whole story put in a single kiss. And — I mean that in the most loving and positive way possible — they kissed so amazingly gay. Do you know what I mean?!
There's just this level of love, care and happiness that only queer couples can convey. Sprinkled with a hint of tongue (I saw that Yeowoon 👀) — they absolutely nailed it.
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2. AlanJeff - Pit Babe EP. 11
The kiss that made me consider doing this post in the first place. I saw them and shouted THIS IS PERFECT just to realize that I did this a few weeks ago already and it made me spiral a little. In the best way possible because I felt truly blessed once again to have discovered the genre of BL in their golden era!
Because this right here is how you nail an open mouthed kiss my friends. Take notes BL producers. Put this in your textbooks! They both go at the same rythm (slow, careful but so, so loving JUST LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP UGH) and same level of touch so their lips caress each other perfectly. Furthermore, Alan knows exactly how to meet Jeff which is also a PERFECT EXTENSION OF HIS CHARACTER! Alan leads, Jeff follows but they meet perfectly and equally. TEN OUT OF TEN NO NOTES!
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1. PhayaTharn - The Sign EP. 9
I don't understand the meaning of the "Roman Empire"-thing but I think if I say they are mine, I am correct because they will be the end of me and that's what that means right? I may be biased AF but objectively speaking, this is just an insanely well acted-out scene, PERIOD! And we all know it's thanks to Billybabes out-of-this-world-chemistry!
Phayas desperation translated into this gorgeous lip-clash, so much yearning but softness at the same time but what really got to me was how Tharn immediately melted after their lips touched, how he immediately opened up to him and got completely overwhelmed by Phayas feelings. Chapeau to Babe for showing so much range in a single second. My favorite kiss of the whole series ❤️
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I also just realized all these kisses have one thing in common....hands on faces lol.
Well that was fun peeps, thanks if you made it until the end!
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x reader
Word count: 5.4k
Notes: Editing is the biggest pain in the entire world why do I do this to myself anyway I'm on my laptop now, gee I NEVER use this thing
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Episode 5: Secret Plans and Clever Tricks
"I can't believe you talked me into this" May huffs as Buck awkwardly climbs through the window. He lands in a little heap on the floor and she rolls her eyes. 
"I'm sorry alright! Bobby would kill me if he found out I was dating his niece"
"When are you telling him by the way?" She asks, offering him her lint roller from her desk. He picks himself up off the floor and takes it, rolling himself off
"Never!" He smiles widely and she snickers at him 
"You guys can't keep hiding forever" 
The bedroom door opens and he dives behind her bed, crawling under it. You walk in, tossing your coat onto your bed 
"Is he here yet? I got home as fast as I could"
"Were you speeding?? I told you to take your time" Bucks head pops out from under the bed and you shriek, nearly launching yourself into space 
"What are you doing under there?!" 
"Why didn't you knock!"
"It's my room???" You gesture around to your shared room with May as he crawls out from under the bed 
"Yeah. Sure" he scoffs "Your room" he makes little air quotes around "room" and you roll your eyes at him 
"Just shut up and kiss me" 
"With pleasure" he puts his hands on your hips, pulling you against him, and kisses you, growling while you squeal and giggle 
"Ohhh I missed you" He groans softly as he peppers little kisses all over your face "I missed my pretty, pretty, little doll"
"You know for two people who aren't dating yet, you sure are heavy on the PDA" May scoffs and grabs her hoodie to go out 
"You're dead wrong if you think I'm gonna pass up absolutely any chance I get to kiss her. Besides four more dates and she's mine" 
He picks you up and you squeak, wrapping your arms and legs around his neck and clinging to him 
"Lock the door on your way out?" He bats his eyelashes at May and she rolls her eyes, shaking her head. 
"I swear to god y'all better keep it to your side of the room or I'm rioting"
"I promise!" You giggle as Buck flops in your bed 
"I don't!" He rolls you guys over, smothering you into the covers and you laugh, trying to push him off but he just hums happily, squishing you more
"Buck don't get caught" May warns him before she leaves, locking the door behind her 
"How did you even arrange this?" You ask as he rolls off of you but pulls you into his arms, against his chest
"I stole May's number from Eddie's phone and texted her and begged her to help me out. I'm not above begging okay" 
You laugh into your pillows and turn on your back so you can look at him, he smiles down at you, propping himself up on his elbow 
"What did she say," you ask, looking up at him and he bends down, kissing your nose 
"She told me I owed her five uses of my Jeep whenever she wanted unless it's like a no-choice circumstance and I couldn't lend it to her. It's a sweet car, I get it" 
"You love that jeep" you gasp and he blushes, looking up at the ceiling 
"Eh, not as much as I love you" 
Your mouth drops open and he looks back down at you, his heart stopping in his chest. 
"I- I mean like- shit I mean like hanging out with you! I don't. I don't love you! That would be weird!" 
You nod along with his rambling, watching his cheeks flush as he tries to backtrack 
"Psh yeah, yeah no love from me" 
"You want me to believe you?" 
"It would be nice if you did," He says sheepishly, smoothing his hand over your hair 
"Yeah okay sure" 
"Okay good, Eddie would kill me if he knew I said that" 
"Why would he kill you?" You ask curiously, enjoying the way his fingers rub smooth circles on your head 
"He says I'm not a Disney Princess" 
"Well that's just not true" you joke and he throws his hand in the air
"That's exactly what I told him!!! If anyone here is a Disney Princess it's me" He sighs, slightly irritated at Eddie as he goes back to messing with your hair, you snort and curl up into his chest more 
"Whatever you say, Princess Buck" 
There's not much you can do together right now, he really just wanted to come over to hang out. He can't exactly just invite you over by yourself, he'd have to lie and say Eddie was there too, and then he'd have to deal with Bobby saying you couldn't be alone with two boys and then you'd have to talk about how you're an adult and-
"Hello? Buck?" You wave your hand in front of his face and he blinks 
"I said do you want a snack or something? I have some stuff. What were you thinking about?" 
"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?" He reaches over you, grabs the plastic bag from the floor and starts going through it. He doesn't care actually, he'll really just invite Eddie too. Eddie doesn't mind being a third-wheel 
"Just me and you?" You ask grabbing an Arizona fruit punch from the bag 
"Do you want it to just be me and you?" Or maybe he won't invite Eddie. 
"Kinda" you blush and he smiles a little, opening the bag of hot Cheetos 
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Buck is doing a horrible job of keeping quiet in your bedroom, Athena can hear his giggles as she walks by the room and you shushing him. She's not sure when he got in the house; she just knows he's there.
She'll allow it, for now. It's kind of cute if anything… but you're definitely getting a safe sex talk when she gets the chance. 
"So…. Do they make it to Shell City?" Buck asks as you take his other hand and start filing his nails 
"You just have to watch!!!" You scold him for the fourth time. Neither of you knew what to watch and so you just turned on the old SpongeBob Movie from 2004, Buck had never seen it and you were flabbergasted. He was totally poking through your stuff when he found your box of nail polish, he looked at you coyly and you smirked at him, reaching out for the box 
"Any specific color?" You asked as you set things up 
"Anything you want, I want to match my boo" he teases you as he sits criss cross on your bed. 
"We should go out for lunch" You mumble as you paint little flowers on his nails, he watches you, enjoying the way your tongue pokes out of the corner of your mouth in concentration. You squint as you add a little dot of yellow in the middle, your hands are so steady and he's impressed 
"I have to fall out of the window, but sure! Sounds good to me, where do you want to go?" 
You giggle as you blow on his nails "Anywhere you want…. Maybe we could pick something up and go drive somewhere to eat it?….kinda like a date"
You try to be as nonchalant as possible with it but he's already practically bouncing off the bed 
"As in one of the four dates?!" He's almost shouting. You slap your hands over his mouth and nod quickly 
"Shut up! Athena is home!" You climb into his lap, still holding your hands over his mouth 
"Yes. As in one of the four dates… I would really really like that" 
His hands settle on your hips, and he splays his fingers carefully to not smudge his nails. You put your hands on his shoulders and he leans in immediately, capturing your lips and kissing your breathless 
"I'm ready whenever you are… But uh- I kinda forgot" 
"Forgot what?" You say, your eyes partially lidded, still reeling from his kiss 
"May took my Jeep" 
"I can drive us!" You're excited now as you pull away from him and get out of bed. He watches you grab a pair of shorts and pull them up your thighs, jumping a little to get them over your ass. He whimpers at the sight and you turn to him, narrowing your eyes 
"Simp" you tease and he gets up from the bed, rolling his eyes 
"Wholeheartedly. I am in no way shape or form ever going to deny that when it comes to you. Do I get to wear the white kitty helmet?" He's getting his stuff ready to climb out of the window 
"You sure do" You walk over to the window with him, and he puts one leg out and turns back to you 
"C'mere" He trails his finger down your cheek and hooks it under your chin, pulling you to him and kissing you. It leaves you a little breathless and he smiles haughtily 
"See you outside Princess"
You connect the two helmets and hand one to Buck as he climbs on the back of your motorcycle. He puts it over his head and knocks gently against yours 
"All set" 
He has no problem being on the back of your bike. In fact, he's overjoyed to be behind you, you can feel his hands slide over your sides, feeling you up before he wraps his arms securely around your waist 
"Happy?" Your voice surrounds him in the helmet and he practically purrs as he settles against you more, hanging on like a little koala 
"Oh you're driving us everywhere from now on" he sighs happily and you giggle, purposely sending your hips back a bit more than necessary, you hear him groan as you kick off the stand and take off. 
He's enjoying himself immensely on the back of your bike, the playlist he made you plays through the speakers of your helmets as you weave in and out of traffic on the highway. Bobby would kill him and he thinks you're gonna kill him too when he leans back slightly letting the air flow over his body, he holds out his arms like he's flying and you giggle, speeding up for him.
"You're gonna get yourself killed," You say and he chuckles, putting his hands back on your hips and squeezing them 
"What's the point of living if you're not gonna do something stupid every once in a while?" 
"Stupid huh? Get ready Jack" 
You put your arms out like he had and he laughs, holding your waist as you drive straight down the highway 
"This is really dangerous!" He yells out and you giggle wildly
"I thought you liked dangerous!" You taunt him and he wraps his arms tightly around you, holding you down so you don't go flying off the bike. You look pretty like that, he thinks he likes this best. When you seem carefree and wild, you make him feel infinite. 
Pulling into the McDonald's parking lot you just decide to eat there since you've only got the bike, and you promise that it still counts as one of your dates as long as you go to Target afterward 
 "Um… Can I drive to Target?" Buck asks sheepishly as he sets the tray down on the table. You slide it towards you set his stuff down for him and go to open your nuggets
"Course you can, you can even drive us home if you want" 
"Seriously? You're not kidding" Buck watches you stuff a fry in your mouth and you smile a little before swallowing 
"Why would I be lying? I know you can drive one! Athena mentioned it when I first got here… she said we might have some stuff in common" You dip your nugget into the barbecue sauce and bring it to your face, inspecting before you eat it
"I was pretty eager to meet you" 
"Really? You were?" He opens his cheeseburger and takes a bite, his eyes rolling back for a second before he goes to sip his Coke
"Uh huh" Your cheeks flush a little as you admit it to him 
"What are you two doing here?" 
Buck chokes on his drink and Bobby pats his back, your eyes are as wide as saucers as you pull out your phone frantically sending an SOS to Eddie. You silently pray he's not busy 
"Uh we are-" He coughs a little, clearing his throat "We're just eating lunch" 
"Together?" Bobby asks, and you can already feel him entering dad mode 
"No! No of course not" You scoff, taking another nugget and gesturing with it 
"We're waiting for Eddie. You know us, a...trio"
"We're the dynamic duo but not!" Buck beams up at him and Bobby narrows his eyes skeptically 
"Why isn't Eddie here now?" 
"I've only got room on my bike for two?" You shrug awkwardly, it sounds more like a question than an explanation. 
"Guess that makes sense…" He shrugs back and you and Buck look at each other for a moment, you check your phone again, pretending to just look at the time, but there's a text from Eddie 
Cakes: Be there in 5
You lift your phone, gesturing with it "He's uh- he's almost here. Why don't you go order his food now Buck? You know since we wanted it to stay hot and all?"
Buck has the dumbest look on his face for a second and you blink rapidly at him 
"Oh! Oh duh! Oh yeah!" He trips over his feet getting up and stumbles into Bobby 
"Sorry" he pats his shoulder awkwardly before going back up to the counter and you cringe a little 
"You've been hanging out with them a lot lately" Bobby sits down and shifts Buck's food over a bit, folding his hands in front of him on the table 
"I mean yeah… they're like my only friends here" 
"What about Hen? Or May? Are you two getting along?"
You sigh and push your food away "Yes, we're getting along just fine… and Hen has a wife Bobby I'm sure she wants to be with her on her days off"
"It wouldn't hurt to have a girl's night, maybe I can have Athena set something up"
"I don't even know them like that" You roll your eyes and he raises an eyebrow 
"Well, this will be the perfect way for you to get to know them like that. I just want you to have more friends Y/N… honestly. I want you to have a support network"
"You mean more friends and a support network that aren't two attractive, single, grown men"
"That too! Wait, you think they're attractive?" 
You look up to see Eddie rushing in and Buck pointing over to your table, his mouth drops wide open and you cover your eyes with your hands 
"I'm gonna be so real with you Uncle Bobby, you're totally embarrassing me right now" You let your head fall on the table and groan loudly as the guys walk over with Eddie's food. Buck slides in next to you and Bobby scoots over for Eddie 
"Sorry, I'm late guys! I left the house later than I wanted" 
Bobby passes Buck his food and the four of you eat together, the three of them are having a great time, talking and laughing while you're sitting quietly in the corner, just poking your fry in ketchup
Bobby is scolding Eddie saying something inappropriate when you feel Buck's hand on your thigh, you look over at him and he looks down at you, taking your hand in his, he nudges you with his arm a little and you smile, nudging him back 
It's cute and Buck's heart skips a beat, with the way you look up at him, he leans in a little wanting to kiss your nose when suddenly he yelps and pulls away from you 
"Are you okay?" Bobby looks up at Buck and he smiles innocently, his eyes wide and crazy as he stares at Eddie 
"Yup! I'm great! Just wonderful and peachy" he reaches down and rubs his shin, and you snicker
"So what are you guys doing next?" Bobby asks, crushing up his wrapping and throwing it on the tray 
"Target!!" You say excitedly while Eddie stares back at Buck, they're clearly talking 
"Alright, you kids have fun, and get there safely alright? I'll see you at home later" Bobby gets up from the table and ruffles your hair and you push his hand away. You all say goodbye as he finally leaves. Buck leans over you, watching him leave, as soon as he's out of sight, Buck pulls you towards him and kisses you. He pushes you back against the wall and you gasp, surprised by his forwardness before melting into him and wrapping your arms around his neck. Buck gestures to Eddie to keep watch in case he comes back 
"You guys owe me. I had plans!" He groans as he looks out the window  
"You mean sitting on the couch in your underwear all day eating snacks and watching TV?" 
Buck asks as peppers little kisses all over your face like he likes to do and you giggle 
"Exactly. Now I have to trail behind you two in Target and watch you be gross"
"I promise we won't be gross! I'm sorry… I didn't expect him to show up like that…" 
Buck hugs you to him and Eddie sighs, looking at you both, his head in his hands and you kind of feel bad now. You push Buck away a little and he whines 
"Oh come on, we can't let Eddie feel left out! He's our boyfriend!" 
Buck looks at Eddie and frowns, He gets up from the table and goes to Eddie's side, hugging him as tight as he can. Eddie wheezes and slaps at his arms 
"Quit it!"
"No! I forgot the most important rule Bros before hoes!!" 
You flick some of the condensation on your cup at Buck and Eddie chuckles 
"Gee, thanks Buck" 
"Can we please go now? Or does the ho not get to make decisions" you ask sarcastically as you get up from the table and Buck giggles, taking your hand in his 
"The ho can make decisions" 
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Buck drives your motorcycle to Target… alone. While you and Eddie trail behind him purposely honking at him and driving way too close to him on the way over. He flips you both off multiple times and you blare the horn when he drives with no hands, it's obnoxious but hilarious to the three of you. 
"You didn't have to include me. I was just kidding around" Eddie says as he turns down the radio on the playlist Buck made.
"You're my friend Eddie, and Buck's best friend. We can chill when we're with you, it's messed up not to. Besides! I like hanging out with you!"
"Don't let Buck hear you say that" He chuckles as he pulls into a parking space and parks the car. You lean over and kiss his cheek, and he smiles and kisses yours back. Suddenly the door opens and you squeak 
"See! This is why I don't leave you two alone together!! You make out without me!!" 
"We're not making out" Eddie snorts as he gets out of the car, locking the doors. You and Buck come around the car and you're on his back, holding onto his neck
"When did you do that," Eddie asks as he stares and Buck shrugs walking next to him and bouncing you along 
"Oh you know when you weren't paying attention" 
Buck dumps you into a cart as soon as you get inside and takes Eddie's shoulders, putting him in front of the cart to push it. He rolls his eyes but pushes you around anyway. You both drag Eddie to the toy aisle where you guys go wild and he's suddenly very glad you're in the cart. You grab a hockey stick and start to roll yourself away from him and he takes the stick from you putting it on a shelf 
"Yeah no absolutely not," He says as he pushes you to the next aisle. He's looking at a Captain America's Shield Lego set when Buck slips the hockey stick back into your cart. He winks as he stuffs his hands in his pockets, whistling as he walks away 
"You think I should just go for it?… Y/N? Buck??" 
Eddie whirls around as you're using the stick to push you along as fast as you can 
"Oh my god are you five?!" 
Eddie finally reigns you both in, Making Buck keep one hand on the cart at all times and your hands in your lap, holding his Lego set and one for you and Buck each. You're both snickering and making jokes about him being such a dad 
"If you two are gonna act like kids I'm gonna treat you like kids. And if you keep messing around I'll spank you"
"Is that a promise?" You look back at him, making sweet doe eyes 
"Ayooooo" Buck yells, high-fiving you and Eddie pushes you away, letting you crash into one of the aisles. 
You all end up at Eddie's house, sitting at his kitchen table with a bunch of mismatched bowls, holding your Lego pieces 
"This is the coolest date I've ever been on," Buck says as he gnaws on a brick to pull it apart 
"You know you could just use this?" You say, holding up the little orange tool 
"That's for losers" 
"At least us losers still have all our teeth…" Eddie mumbles as he squints, focusing on putting two tiny little pieces together "Is this really still a date? I mean… I'm here with you" 
"I mean I didn't necessarily say who the date was with…" Buck wriggles his eyebrows and winks at Eddie
"Yup, just two boyfriends and their side piece," You say, grabbing a pink piece from your little bowl 
"Exactly! You see why I lo- Like her" He corrects himself quickly, making a little commotion with his pieces. Eddie glares at him for a second but goes back to work anyway, ignoring his little slip-up. The three of you work almost silently for a couple hours before Buck starts to get antsy 
"Hey uh…Y/N?" Buck breaks you from your concentration and you look up 
"What's up?" 
"This- this isn't like lame is it? I know it wasn't exactly our plans but like I just… are you having a good time? Because I'm having a good time… and like I just- I kinda wanna make sure we're on the same page" He looks so nervous when he asks you, stopping what he's doing to study your face 
"I'm gonna go order Chipotle, text me your orders," Eddie says, pushing away from the table and getting up to stretch. He wanders into the living room and flops on the couch lying down so he can't see you two 
You get up now, making Buck scoot his chair back so you can stand between his legs 
"I'm having a really good time" you reassure him, putting your arms around his neck, his hands slide up the backs of your thighs, pulling you closer to him 
"You mean it?" He asks, looking up at you as you run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it a little 
"Of course I mean it! I like hanging out with you and being around you Buck, even if things aren't exactly as planned it's really nice to just be with the person you… want to be with" 
He hums softly, leaning into your hands as you massage his head messing up his hair. 
"Are you okay with this being one of our dates?" You ask him and he nods enthusiastically 
"Of course I am! You're right, even if Eddie is totally crashing it-"
"It's nice to just be around you" 
He pulls you closer, parting your legs so you sit in his lap. He stands up, holding your ass and kissing you passionately. You feel his tongue swipe over your lips and you gasp, letting him slip it right into your mouth. He carries you into the living room, snapping at Eddie 
"I'm gone" He puts his hands up as he scoots out of the living room and down to his bedroom. Buck gets on the couch, laying back so you're on top of him 
"We shoulda taken the bedroom" He chuckles as you straddle him and smirk 
"Yeah because Eddie would let that happen" You sass him and he holds your hips, rubbing soft circles on them before you lean down, your lips connecting with his.
The doorbell rings and you squeak, nearly falling off his lap. He whines when you pull away and you swat at his chest 
"Oh quit it" You pant softly, as he reaches up and brushes your hair out of your face 
"But I need you" 
And he knows exactly what he's doing when he says it like that, all pathetic and pouty… his eyes wide and watery like he just can't go on unless you go back to kissing him 
"I-I" You're speechless as he slides his hands up your sides and under your shirt 
"Wanna know what it feels like for your nails to dig into me babydoll" 
"Is he doing his lil bitch voice again?" Eddie asks as he walks past the couch, and you nearly fall off of Buck laughing. His mouth drops wide open and he sits up, holding your hips so you don't fall off 
"You did not just call it that!" He yells at Eddie who's grabbing the Chipotle from the ground 
"Are you gonna tell me I'm wrong?!" He yells back 
"Okay, but she loves it!" Buck launches a throw pillow at him and Eddie yelps, dodging it
"I didn't say she didn't!! Did I say you didn't?!"
"No??" You say, as Buck sets you on the couch and stumbles over his feet, before chasing after Eddie. Eddie tosses the bag at you and you catch it while he goes running off, both men yelling at each other. 
As you're setting the bowls out on the kitchen counter you hear a loud crash and Buck and Eddie screaming 
"Uhhh??? What was that!?" You yell down the hallway 
"Nothing!!" They shout back in unison 
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You give Buck a ride back to your place where his Jeep is waiting, he gets in and you duck inside, pulling him to you, and kiss him
"Can I…" He starts, holding your hand in his "You think I could go park down the street somewhere and sneak back up here?"
"You want to stay for a bit?" You ask curiously, your cheeks flushed "I think I can sneak you in through the back…" 
"Please? That sounds nice…" He kisses your forehead "I just… I want to be with you just a little longer.. please..?" His voice is soft and hesitant like he's a little worried about even suggesting it 
You smile at him, nodding and stepping back "Hurry up and go find somewhere to park, I'll be waiting for you"
"Yeah okay, anything for you Doll" 
Buck looks ridiculous as he sneaks back to the house, if he was walking like a normal freaking person he would look 10 times less suspicious. But it's Buck, he can't do anything the simple way. 
You're leaning against the doors, watching him sneak through the yard like a complete idiot and it's hilarious. You open the glass door and he has to fight everything in him not to pull you in and kiss you. He slips off his shoes and picks them up so he doesn't make any noise 
"Come on you weirdo" You roll your eyes as he grabs your hips and walks you back to your bedroom. You sneak in, sliding into your bed, and watch him kick off his pants and crawl into bed with you 
"Why would you do that!" You scold him "I'm already barely wearing anything"
"That's exactly why I did that" He purrs in your ear as he rolls over onto you.
Honestly, Athena let the first time slide. It was daytime, and that was fine. She sits at the kitchen table, slowly stirring her tea. Because Buck is going to leave the exact same way you snuck him in, through the large glass patio doors. She listens to his soft footsteps as he pads down the stairs without his shoes on. She hears the whispers and your giggles as he kisses you goodbye and she hears him avoid the creaky floorboard. 
He's sneaking right past the table when Athena clinks her spoon against her cup once. He cringes slowly as he turns on his heel towards the table 
"Hi Mom" 
She nods towards the seat next to her and he stomps over, huffing and pouting 
"Pick your feet up"
He straightens up, dropping into the chair next to her. She pushes a cup to him and the sugar and he smiles a little, making himself a cup 
"What are you doing here?" 
"Oh you know… just uh… hangin out" He sheepishly stirs his tea, avoiding looking up. She stares at him, bringing her cup to her mouth 
"At two in the morning?" 
He holds his cup in both hands, staring down at the swirling sugar, and sighs 
"Y/N let me in… it wasn't her fault! I begged her to. I just- I just wanted to spend a little more time with her…" 
"At two in the morning?" She repeats herself
"I know I shouldn't have… I'm sorry. Just- please don't tell Bobby. He's gonna kill me, he's so protective of her and he has every right to be!! I am too" 
"I'm not gonna tell him, it's not my place. But you will not be sneaking into my house at two in the morning anymore, do you understand me?" 
"Yes ma'am" He blushes, sipping his tea 
"And you two will be practicing safe sex" 
"Oh my god" Buck chokes on his tea, his face turning a lovely shade of crimson. 
"We- no- no, no we're not- No we're not even having sex right now" he's stumbling over his words, trying so hard to not die of embarrassment because he knows she can easily get rid of his body 
"Evan Buckley, I was not born yesterday. You sneak into her bedroom and you think I don't know what's happening?" 
"No, I swear, I swear we haven't done anything. And we- okay we're not even technically together yet! She said three more dates and then she'll be my girlfriend and I absolutely do not plan on having sex with her before then. Not to mention May is in there too!! She's literally right across the room!" 
"And you haven't been back to your place?" She asks calmly, watching him practically burn up in his seat 
"No!! Not once!… a-actually uh…actually we're going to my place tomorrow. Just to hang out, I promise. Eddie might come over too. I'm not sure yet, he might be busy."
"Look, things happen, Buck, you're a very attractive young man-"
"Oh my god" 
"And she's a very attractive young lady-"
"Are you wearing your gun by any chance?" 
"And things could get steamy-"
"Please- Mom please"
"I'm just saying!! I'd like to know if you have protection. And if you don't you need to go get it before she comes over. If you need money for it I'll give it to you"
Buck is laid out on the table, smacking his head against it. Athena puts her hand on his head, chuckling as she ruffles his hair 
"You take care of my baby. Don't let me hear you went back to being a womanizer"
"I really like her, like… I really like her. I'll be good to her, I just hope I can be good enough for her"
"You just keep being you, Buck. Don't get in your head, just keep being that sweet man we all know you are and it'll be okay. You deserve to be happy baby" 
Buck smiles, turning his head to look at Athena, he sits up, taking her hand in his and squeezing it 
"I promise to do my best" 
They finish their tea together, he gushes about you and all of the dates he has planned and she smiles, listening to him talk. She even gives input on a few details for some of his dates, it's 3:30 when he finally gets to leave. He washes up his cup and kisses her cheek before ducking out the back door.
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johnslittlespoon · 6 months
sorry i dont know how to be happy...and slight cw for implied sexual harassment feel free not to post this <3
but. bucky having a close call incident with one of the guards in the camp- the first person he runs into after *isn't* gale but the get the vibes of what happened and know they need to get *him* to gale asap. and gale is so angry and hurt but tries so hard to push it down to comfort him </3 his poor sweet boy has been strugglig enough and really didn't need one more thing. sobbing in gale's big arms telling him he's sorry, gale rocking him shushing him telling him he has not one thing to be sorry for he didn't do anything wrong.
giving me angst asks is so dangerous rn while i'm still in post–finale grief lmfaoooo count your days (buckle in, i think this is gonna get lengthy and i should probably just write a oneshot bc i have many thoughts but we'll see) (and yeah, cw for assault)
i haven't seen anyone talk about this happening to john (might've just missed it tbf) and in a way i get it, because y'know gale is 'visually' more likely to be a target of things like that and we don't see what he goes through at the camp before john gets there, but i'm also surprised that i haven't seen more posts talking about it the other way around because i mean john literally comes into camp with a reputation, we see it right off the bat when the interrogator basically calls him on being a man whore lol.
i can see guards (hypocritically, bc they'll turn around and hurl slurs in the next breath) making offhand comments and passes at him, "nothing that i can't handle" when one of the others catches it happening one day, and the way john is so nonchalant about it makes them wonder how often it happens.
but one day a guard doesn't like the way he mouths off at them when they say something gross to john, and it results in john being shoved to the ground with the guard atop his back in a quiet corner of the camp, and he doesn't even hear half of what's being said because his ears start ringing and all he can remember is the feeling of the cold cobble street beneath his face and the shouts of the riot around him.
vaguely registers the guard moving to feel him up, his skin crawling, bile rising in his throat, but it only takes a few seconds before someone else is approaching and the guard jumps up so as to not cause suspicion. john drags himself back to his feet in a daze, stumbling away in the general direction of his block with his head buzzing, flinches hard when he feels a hand on his arm but realizes it's just brady looking at him with concern, brady who'd caught the guard on top of him.
gale looks up from his bunk when the door opens and he sees brady ushering john in, watches brady sag with relief when he sees gale's there, and gale only has to glance at john to know something's happened, rolls out of his bunk immediately and looks at brady in alarm. he sees red when brady tells him how he'd found john, but john is staring into a corner of the room and he knows anger isn't what he needs right now, so he swallows it down, moves to stand in front of john instead as brady leaves the room, reaching up to cup his face in his hands.
john's eyes move to look at him, but he's not really looking at him, until gale murmurs a "hey, you're okay", brushing his thumbs over john's cheekbones, and then he watches john crumble and his heart sinks. and maybe any other day, john wouldn't break like that, but gale knows he's already had a hell of a week and whatever went down must have been the final nail in the coffin because as soon as he's led john to the closest bunk, john's collapsing into his arms and he can feel hot tears against his neck and gale feels sick and has to keep swallowing to fight his own tears back.
he can feel how tense john is in his arms, like he's still trying to hold back from really showing his emotions even now, and gale pets his hair, assures him it's okay, "you don't have to hide from me, bucky." and his heart shatters when he starts getting whispered apologies through hiccuped sobs where john's face rests on his chest, gale shaking his head immediately, promising him that he has nothing to be sorry for, squeezing him tighter as he rocks him gently.
gale thinks about all the different ways he'd like to go out and murder that guard, almost scaring himself with the aggression he feels, but he shoves it down so john doesn't pick up on the red–hot anger, focussing that energy on holding john tight and whispering words of comfort until the sobs become quiet shudders, feeling him finally, slowly start to relax in his arms.
(gale probably hears john huff out a shaky little laugh when he tells him "that guard better sleep with one eye open until we get out of here" because the thought of gale actually being violent is laughable to him; he doesn't realize how much gale would really do for him, how much it hurt gale to see him stumble into the room like that.)
i definitely want to properly tackle this concept in a oneshot someday so forgive me for being vague in some areas, i don't wanna fully brainrot it out and then not feel the need to write something longer about it, you feel? <3 but hopefully this is sorta what you were envisioning. they both deserved better :(
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Hopeless: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Summary: You and your lawyer try to fight your unlawful arrest but it's not looking good. The entire team feels your loss and tries to concentrate on the case at hand. None of them can predict the outcome.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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The team is forced back to the BAU but Hotch isn't worried about it. As soon as he steps foot into the bullpen, Penelope comes rushing down the stairs to greet them.
"I've logged into police dispatch for the area you've isolated. If anything's reported, we'll know when they know," Penelope says.
"Wait, are we staying on the case?" Emily asks.
"We all know that these unsubs are gonna react to last night's riot. Andrews is a good cop. He's just too emotional right now. If we don't stay on, with or without his permission, he and all the rest of us will regret it."
This pisses Emily and Derek off. Emily holds herself back from saying anything but decides it's better if she does.
"Let me try to understand here. You're going to ignore their request but you're not even going to help Y/N?" Hotch sighs because he knew this was coming. "If you should be ignoring anyone, it should be the officers assigned to Y/N's case."
"She's right, Hotch. Why are you pretending like what happened to Y/N didn't happen?"
Spencer locks eyes with Hotch, and he can see how much Spencer is hurting.
"Strauss called me and threatened my job and anyone's job who decided to work on the case. I am doing everything I can privately to help Y/N, but if everyone gets fired, then no one can help her. Trust me, I'd love to go down to that prison and fight everyone to get her back. I hate it, but she is going to have to wait."
Hotch walks away after that and Rossi addresses the team.
"He has a point. You all know Y/N would have said to work the active case."
"Yeah, I know," Derek sighs.
Spencer has tears in his eyes because he knows if they could talk to you, you'd tell them to help other people before you. When are you going to let someone help you first? When are you going to put yourself before everyone else? The team walks to the briefing room to continue working on the case since they have all the details and files about it.
"I talked to the beat cops. They're getting the word out to local businesses to keep an eye out for anyone who seems agitated by the news of last night's riot," JJ informs.
"By now, Andrews has to know that none of those kids are the unsubs."
"Then he's bound to beef up police presence in the Southeast. We should be there, too. The faster we can react, the more we can help," Hotch says.
"Do you think the unsubs know about the riot?"
"It's on the front page. I don't know how they can't."
"What if the profile is right?"
"Their reaction's gonna be quick and it's gonna be brutal. Basically, it's like knowing that lightning is gonna strike but not being able to pinpoint where."
Much like Hotch predicted, there is another murder because of what was featured in the news. Hotch sends over his team to investigate whether Andrews wants it or not.
"What are you doing here?" Andrews asks.
"Detective, we can argue about this later. Right now, you have a crime scene and we're here to help."
Andrews must realize he is in over his head because he nods once and allows them to enter the bar of the newest crime scene. There is someone who is nailed to the bar counter and someone else who is beaten on the ground.
"They nailed the bartender's hands to the bar first. The other bastard got off easier. They just plain beat him."
"I'm getting real sick of us being right and it just not mattering," Derek mutters.
"This is weird. The unsubs are extremely physical. They beat their victims mercilessly with blunt objects. Why aren't these nails pounded in?"
"They probably used a nail gun. With all the gentrification and turnover in housing In the neighborhood, what's a common sight these days?"
"Builders, contractors, and construction workers."
"Wait a minute, killing four people in that first home invasion never made sense to me. Unsubs build to something like that. What if this wasn't their first murder? The first two rounds of vandalism were typical, but that last case right before the home invasion, was a random construction site. A single-family townhouse. Prentiss, you flagged it yourself."
"Yeah." She takes out her phone to call Penelope. "Hey, Garcia. I need the address of that townhouse that was vandalized."
Only Emily and Derek go to the townhouse that is now owned by a nice couple who are looking to start a family. This isn't going to be an easy talk to have with them, and Derek hopes they will be cooperative with them. When the nice couple answers the door, Derek quickly gives them a rundown of their presence.
"I don't understand how we can help."
"Sir, we believe that whoever vandalized your house is responsible for the murders in the area."
"Oh, I know. We've read the papers, but that's not something we're gonna think about right now."
"We also think it's possible that your home was vandalized for a reason."
"What do you mean?" the man's wife asks.
"May we come inside?"
"Thank you."
"We believe there may have been another murder before the first one the police became aware of," Emily explains as the front door closes.
"You think there might be a body hidden here on our property?"
The woman's hand goes to her stomach as a way to protect her unborn baby.
"It's possible. At the very least, the men we're looking for may have worked here. Were there any issues with workers during construction?"
"No, nothing."
"Did anyone appear overly confrontational? I understand people come and go during construction, but was there anyone at all that you may have noticed suddenly wasn't around?"
"Oh, God. After the vandalism, we called this contractor to oversee the repairs. He never called us back. They smashed every room except for the nursery. They didn't touch that one."
"May we see it?"
The young couple escorts Derek and Emily to the back room where the nursery is. The walls are blue and pink with storks painted on, fairy lights above the crib, and just a beautiful room for a newborn baby. There is a short wall protruding from the main wall that doesn't look like it belonged in the original design. Derek touches the wall and knocks twice to confirm that it's hollow.
"This wall is structural," Derek says to Emily before turning to the couple. "I wouldn't ask you this unless I felt it was incredibly important. I need to open up this wall."
"No," the woman shakes her head.
"We can't live here not know," her husband says.
"Ma'am, I promise you, even if I have to do every bit of the work myself, this wall will be repaired. It'll go right back to being exactly what you want. Please?"
"Okay," she nods.
Emily calls in a crew to open the wall, and what they find inside is shocking to the young couple. There is a dead body wrapped in plastic wrap stuffed into the wall. Emily takes out her phone to call someone.
"This is Agent Emily Prentiss with the FBI. I need a CSI unit right away.
"I can't be here," the woman shudders.
"Let's move over here." Derek moves the couple away from the wall. "Is there someplace the two of you can stay?"
"Yes, we have friends I can call."
"After you give the police a statement, they can take you to your friend's house."
"Thank you."
As soon as the police and the CSI unit arrive, the young couple is taken downstairs for a statement.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Derek asks Emily.
"I don't know. I mean, you redo your dream home, about to start a new chapter of your life, and then this? How did you know?"
"The other crime scenes were brutal but it had control. They took their time. That type of MO had to start before the home invasions. This entire place was destroyed except this room. Why?"
"Because they took the time to rebuild the wall once they buried the contractor."
"Exactly. If they smashed this place up, he could have been discovered."
"Still. A body inside the wall?"
"It's like a builder's tradition. You leave a little something behind to send a message to the people who may do work down the road. Like the front page of a newspaper or a photo of the construction crew. It's like a time capsule."
"Okay, so what would you need to rebuild this wall? Drywall, brickwork, and electrical?"
"I'll call Garcia." He pulls out his phone and calls her. "Hey, girl."
"Hey, what do you need?"
"Pull up the address of the townhouse that was vandalized. Give me work permits for the contractor."
"That would be James Morris. Is he our unsub?"
"No, actually, I'm afraid he's our first victim. Does it list Morris' subcontractors?"
"Yes, it does."
"Okay, I need all the names and addresses of whoever was hired to do the electrical, brickwork, and drywall."
"That would be three names, one address. 5058 B Street near Anacostia. I'm sending you it now."
"Thanks, babe." Derek hangs up. "We were right. They're a pack."
Emily informs Hotch who meets up with Derek and Emily at the unsubs' house. They have to be prepared for everything, so they bring in all the big guns. These guys love violence, so they're not going to go down easy. Hotch and Derek are the first ones in the house, but there is only one of them inside. He gets up to flee but Hotch grabs him so he can't go anywhere. The rest of the team filters through the house but the other two unsubs are not there.
"Where are the other two?" Hotch asks.
"You're kidding me, right?"
Hotch turns to Rossi who shows him what's playing on the TV. It's footage of the murders they've done. 
"You like that, sir? I got more," the man smirks.
"Where are the others?"
"Go to Hell."
There is a car out front that Emily can use to track whoever owns it. She has Penelope on the line to give her the license plate number.
"Garcia, I need vehicle information on all the residents. D.C. plate 7-4-Delta-Alpha-4. I also need to know if they're registered on any jobs right now."
Detective Andrews also has his men putting an APB out on whoever owns the vehicle and gets a hit.
"I got a visual on the station wagon just south of 8th, heading toward Half Street in Southeast."
"That's right next to their current work site."
"Deploy tactical units to 922 Half Street in Southeast," Andrews orders.
"We got them!" Emily calls to her team inside the house.
"Morgan, forget him. He's nothing. Let's go."
The other two unsubs are the unfinished housing project they are contracted to work on, and they know the second they hear sirens that they aren't getting out of this. They think they're bigger than what they are and started something they knew they couldn't finish. It ended with both of them dead, their bodies riddled with bullets from the police.
Case closed but not for you.
After you were finished with the long interrogation, they moved you to the other side of the prison where you were given your cell number. You're sharing this cell with three other women with your lawyer's words ringing in your head.
They're denying you bail. You will be put in jail awaiting your trial.
You won't even get to see Spencer but maybe this is for the best. Why give him hope only for that to be taken away when you're convicted of these crimes? You have faith in Steve but what can he do when all the evidence points to you? The only thing that can save you is if the person who actually did it gets caught and admits it.
Every cell you pass by is enough to send you into a fit of tears. The trauma and fear of each woman weigh heavily on your shoulders as if their trauma is your own. You stop outside of your cell and wait for the door to open. The three women inside look at their new roommate. The woman occupying the bottom left bunk doesn't look friendly at all. She looks like she could kill you if you look at her wrong. Maybe you won't engage in conversation with her. The woman on the top left bunk is quiet with her head down so she isn't looking at you. You feel waves of anger roll off her but it's controlled anger. She might not have good intentions, so you'll make sure to be extra nice to her. The woman on the bottom right bunk is the friendliest of the bunch. Well, you feel like she is. She's really sad and shy but maybe you can help her out of her shell. If you had to choose one to be friends with, it'd be her.
Well, this is your life now. May as well make lemonade with what you got.
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Frank walks into his home where Clarissa is waiting for him. She jumps into his arms and kisses his face with a huge smile.
"I've missed you," she grins.
"Okay, get off me."
She gets off him and clears her throat, smiling to pretend like that didn't happen. Rob comes walking out of the kitchen with a bloodstain on his shirt. Frank sighs in frustration and points to the mark.
"Really? You couldn't have kept it clean?"
"Don't give me that shit. Be thankful I'm even here at all. Some kids you got. Obedient as hell."
"Isn't that what we want?"
"You know I like the backtalkers," Rob smirks. "I left the stuff in your room. I gotta go. Itchy hands."
Frank rolls his eyes as his friend leaves. He turns to his wife who smiles innocently. Innocent. She's far from it. She's in this just as deep as Frank is.
"Where are the kids?"
Frank hums as he passes by his wife to get to their bedroom. On the bed is a black duffel bag with the stuff he asked Rob to get him. Frank hasn't been home nearly ten minutes and he's already itching to get out again. He yanks off his tie and throws it on the bed before ripping open the bag. Inside are all kinds of weapons from small guns to big guns and knives. Frank grabs one of the biggest guns inside the bag and takes out the magazine to check the bullets. He can't remember the name of the gun but Rob says it's one of his bests.
"What are you going to do with those? I promise the kids behaved while you were gone."
"I don't care about the damn kids right now, Clarissa."
"How did it go with Y/N?"
"I made sure that bitch stays in jail. I didn't kill those seven men for her to walk. Don't worry. She's taken care of."
"But she's my--"
"I don't care what she is to you!" Frank yells, and Clarissa flinches at his tone. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm just having a hard time."
"I know. It's okay."
"With Y/N out of the picture, I can focus all my attention on her bitch boyfriend, Spencer. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch for taking her away from me," Frank says and cocks his gun.
"These violent delights have violent ends." - William Shakespeare
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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thehobbem · 2 years
Jane Eyre - Part II
*clears throat*
A few days ago I wrote this post about my first thoughts on Jane Eyre. Since people wanted to see my reactions to further events, here I am.
I gotta say: you were all holding out on me, because not only does Jane Eyre have a man more ridiculous than Darcy (by a CLEAR mile), but it also has a clergyman more insufferable than Edmund Bertram, which??? should not be possible???
Okay, so:
I was hoping Rochester would give up on the wedding and confess to Jane about his wife in the attic, but nope! And he would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling solicitor & brother-in-law. Like. This man is so idiotic, and felt so unbelievably sorry for himself, that he said with his full chest "yeah, bigamy is the solution! :D".
...Very uncomfortable how the narrative attributed the lowest possible vices to Bertha Rochester, while calling her "the creole". The vices weren't outright attributed to her being of mixed ancestry, but it felt like that was what was meant. All very uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as when the landed gentry wanted to visit a Romani encampment to see the Romani people (while, ofc, using the g-slur) as if they were animals in a circus? Hmmm, yeah, tough call!
(Look. I'm not gonna go around publicly denouncing books from past centuries for not being politically correct, bc that is an idiotic way to relate to literature from the past. Society was what it was, and not even the authors we admire so much were above that most of the time. But I can, and will!, look at certain things and go "wow, this aged like fucking milk". I think that's fair.)
Rochester, who can't possibly be thinking straight, proposes that Jane become his mistress!!!! Edward Fairfax Rochester, have you ever even MET Jane Eyre?? Do you know her but at all????
And he's like "me, me, me, what's to become of me, am I to be denied love, doesn't the world feel sorry for ME" and I nearly spit on my kindle, I was so mad XD How is this man, pushing fucking FORTY, putting on this preposterous show and leaving this 18-year-old girl to comfort him?????
(To bring up the sad sack that is Edmund Bertram again: it reminded me when Edmund wrote to Fanny: Maria has brought ruin to their name, Tom has nearly died, everyone is in distress, and he's like "But Fanny. Think of ME!!!" ugh)
But yes, honestly, Rochester's not evil, but he's so. goddamn. stupid. And draMATIC. I love him, he's a riot.
...I do not love how he kept blaming others for him marrying Bertha. Like. Sir. You were an adult and you married her of your own volition. "My father" this, and "her family didn't tell me" that, but YOU looked at her, thought she was gorgeous, and agreed to marry her. So fuck you. Hold yourself accountable, for a change. You man child.
So yeah, Jane runs away, which is totally the right decision, and without any money, which is totally the wrong decision, and ends up eating burned porridge again, and I'm like. If I had a nickel for every time Jane Eyre had to eat burned porridge while starving, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Jane is then saved by the Rivers siblings: Mary and Diana Rivers, who are absolutely precious, and St. John Rivers, who is absolutely
Me, every time St. John appeared on the page:
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Hey. Charlotte? Charlotte. Was this a ploy? Did you bring St. John into the story to have us like Rochester more? Is St. John your way of going "Yeah, I know, Rochester is deranged, and what he wanted to do was morally and legally and spiritually wrong, but look at how boring righteous people can be!"? Was it? If so, it FUCKING WORKED, BRING EDWARD ROCHESTER BACK RIGHT NOW.
*rubs temples*
Also??? aekjsdzcbvsdjfsk I can't: St. John: "I found you employment." Jane: "Really? Which is it?" St. John: rambles on about the will of God or something, for entire paragraphs. Jane, who patiently waited for him to finish: "So? The job?" St. John: "Right! I don't know if you're gonna like it, but" rambles on again about the will of God or perseverance or something, for entire paragraphs. Jane: "Right. And the job?"
...Oh. Oh.
That's the point.
St. John really is Brocklehurst again, I love it: both love to talk about how Christian they are, and how it's important to lead a life of humility, etc -- the difference being, ofc, that St. John is not a hypocrite, fat capitalist pig, he's actually leading by (insufferable) example. And they both make Jane feel bad about her true self, just in opposite ways.
And St. John wants to be a missionary, because of course this insufferable man wants to be a missionary and impose his views on nice people who are just living their fucking lives. And he goes on and on about... idk, bringing light to the unenlightened and saving pagans or whatever, and it's SO pedantic, and it's SO patronizing, and it's SO... UGH.
I cannot believe Jane gave this man a quarter of her entire fortune.
No, I have not read the entirety of English literature, but oh boy am I fully confident in my statement. This is the WORST. Like. Mr. Collins' proposal is a shining beacon of unbridled love and romance next to THIS.
Me, reading his proposal:
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"Jane, you weren't made for love, you were made for labour. You were made to be a missionary's wife" QEIARKSHV\CZNB;SAEKFJSDVC I'M GONNA GOUGE MY EYES OUT WITH A SPOON
At least Jane, too, was full aware of the insult XD Love that when she told Diana of the proposal, she repeated those exact words, and Diana was like "Girl, what??? Nu-uh!!!".
But it's all great. She refuses him, and he gets all prickly and assholish about it in the most holier-than-thou way possible, I hate him, but then she hears Rochester's voice in the wind crying out for her, and she hurries back to Thornfield. Sure, we've all been there.
Then we find out karma does exist and is the proverbial bitch: Rochester lost an eye, all of his eyesight, a hand, and his manor. Wow.
And then???? They have the CUTEST reunion ever???? And I was so happy for him???? For them??? Charlotte 😭😭😭👌👌👌
Rochester being all jealous of St. John, and I'm like "no, you're safe, he's the worst, he told Jane she wasn't made for love".
He also holds himself accountable at long last (hard not to, after all that), and he thought Jane was deeeeeeaaaad, and he was inconsolable and I'm a MESS
So all is good in the end: they marry -- LEGALLY! :D -- and have a child, and he recovers his eyesight on the eye he still has, and the Rivers siblings marry and are happy, and the book ends... with a letter from St. John saying he's dying??? WHAT
I love all of it. Specially St. John dying. A few stray observations:
The foreshadowing of future events is very well-planted, nicely done, Charlotte. That horse chestnut tree being split in half by lightning after Rochester proposes marriage to Jane? 👌👌👌👌👌 If I ever saw an omen!
And Jane. So smart, so good, so compassionate, so horny on main, so witty, so brave. May God keep St. John Rivers far away from her forever and ever.
LOVE how Jane begins with an aunt (who knows her and hates her) and 3 cousins (a John who torments her trying to diminish her, and two sisters who don't care if she's alive or not) and ends up having an uncle (who doesn't know her but loves her) and 3 cousins (a John who torments her trying to "elevate" her and two sisters who love her and save her life). The story is obviously very cyclical, and I enjoyed that a lot.
Don't know if I love or hate the fact that Charlotte slapped a "St." in front of the name of the John who wants to be a missionary and is the opposite of the first John XD (Yes, I know St. John is a real name, I've seen it many times before, but it's a bit on the nose here!)
...I wonder if Miss Ingram ever found out that Rochester wanted to marry the governess. I would've paid Charlotte Brontë good money to write THAT scene.
And last but not least: Pilot is the goodest boy in the whole wide world.
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incognitotoro · 4 months
Some more people with glorious manes and a lot of eyeliner playing obsure musical instruments and headbanging.
It makes me very happy that a few of you were actually interested in the music I posted yesterday, @quintalon since IRL i don't have any metalhead friends, but I do love to talk about it, so here's a quick rec list :)
Spoiler. It wasn't quick.
Fair warning, lots of non-english speaking bands here, and also probably a lot of overlap in the artists in the bands, because them promoting their side projects would have been how I found out about them in the first place. Also, god help me, I just absolutely love weird music.
So, in no particular order.
A few more d'Artagnan songs I love:
We're Gonna be Drinking
BONUS: One-take singthrough of Hey Brother by lead singer in normal clothes with his man-bun. Hot in a different way but i'm here for it.
Feuerschwanz. Same singer as in d'Artagnan, probably equal amounts of serious music as absolutely absurd stuff, but stupid talented all the same. On a related note, I'll save you the trouble of translating. It means fire dick.
Some Feuerschwanz recs in order of most to least serious:
Das Herz eines Drachen
Bastard von Asgard (My personal fave, this whole album is fire.)
Dragostea Din Tei (yeah, you read that right. their covers are hysterical and numerous. see also: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, Ding)
Alestorm. I've been listening to these idiots since i was a teenager, so lots of examples in this one. Pirate metal, does what it says on the tin, generally very silly, kinda like the Pirates of the Caribbean music with electric guitar and A LOT of swearing. Some cool sea shanty vibes. Lots of generally good times.
Paddy and the Rats. Also vaguely piratey, I like the sound though.
Join the Riot.
Red River Prince.
Dark Side of the Moon (band, not Pink Floyd album). First Light
Russkaja. More Polka/ ska vibes than traditional folky sound, but some of the most gloriously weird music i've ever heard. Before anyone says anything, they use Soviet imagery and some Russian language, but they are and have always been hardcore anti-war, and the band members are from all over Europe.
These will both have you saying 'wtf am i putting in my ears right now?' hopefully in a good way. Shapka and Energia.
Wind Rose. Dwarf metal. Someone said that the song i posted earlier sounded like a metal band in middle earth, well these guys literally sing about Erebor and Durin and whatnot. Nerdy AF, obviously.
Saltatio Mortis. My Mother Told Me
The HU. Mongolian folk metal. Incredibly atmospheric.
Yuve Yuve Yu (music starts at 1 min)
Wolf Totem
I could go on, but i've tortured you all enough for one day. Rock on, my dudes.
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sawtastic-sideblog · 10 months
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This is kind of unnerving. Idk why. Probably because this looks like a selfie he'd send on snapchat.
Mark watches as Amanda poses and takes a selfie on her phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking a selfie."
"Well, yeah, but why?"
"Adam snapped me."
"He did what?"
"He sent me a snap."
"That has made nothing clearer."
"Snapchat," Amanda says. She looks at Mark and sees the questioning look on his face. She sighs and gets up from the couch to walk over and sit on the arm of the recliner. "Look."
"It's your camera."
"I mean, yeah, but look down here. These are filters. You can put them over your pictures."
"Kinda like the voice filters we use for the tests?"
"Exactly. Adam sent me another snap."
Mark watches as she swipes over to her messages and taps the message. The image of a pouting Adam graces the screen. The caption "Larry says we can't get ice cream. This is bullshit. I'm gonna riot." Amanda laughs and double taps Adam's name. The camera comes back up. She scrolls through the filters and picks one.
"Okay, you're in this. Open your mouth when you see the ears," Amanda explains. Before Mark can protest, Amanda has the phone out in front of them. Amanda has a pair of brown ears with a dog nose on her face. Mark has a pair of white ears with black spots and a dog nose on his face. Mark opens his mouth to speak, but cuts himself off when he sees a tongue come out of his mouth. Amanda presses the shutter button and chuckles at Mark's confused expression. She taps the screen and types in "Teaching Hoffman how to use snap. Wish me luck. #boomer."
"What the hell?"
"I am not a boomer."
"Okay, whatever you say, Boomer."
"If anyone is a boomer, it's John."
"John is hip and cool. He wears backwards hats. He's an honorary member of Gen Z."
"You're not even Gen Z."
"Shut up. Anyway, you can have a bitmoji, add friends, see where they are on snap maps, and you can earn points."
"What do those do?"
"No clue, but you should make an account."
"Help me?"
Fifteen minutes later and Mark is receiving his first snap. It's from Adam. He's in the passenger seat of the car, angling the phone to where he and Lawrence are both in view. Both men are wearing sunglasses. Lawrence is looking ahead, driving as Adam gives the camera a pouty, kissy face. The caption reads "welcome to the snapiverse. Been trying to get Larry on for a while. Maybe now he will that you're here."
Mark goes to reply to Adam but slides to the left instead. He sees Adam's bitmoji pop up at the bottom of the screen.
"We can also text here if you want. I just like posing for the camera sometimes."
Before Mark can answer, Amanda snatches his phone.
"Hi, give me a minute."
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Making your bitmoji."
A few minutes later, Amanda is handing his phone back. She made the bitmoji look similar to Mark and she's also added him to a group chat with herself and Adam.
"Send your first snap in the chat. I'll be back in a minute," Amanda says leaving the room. Mark does as she said and sends a photo of him glaring into the camera. Adam responds first with a picture of him pulling his sunglasses down. He is looking over the top of the glasses. He is making another kissy face at the camera. The caption says, "Dude what the fuck? Pose or something."
Amanda's snap comes in. Mark opens it to find the top half of Amanda's heas in front of a white wall with a silver bar behind her head. Is she in the bathroom? Her eyebrows are in a questioning furrow and her eyes are concerned. Her caption reads "for real. Pose. Do ducks lips. Give a peace sign. Something."
Mark opens the camera. His lips poke out and he holds up two fingers and snaps a picture. He types out "like this?" And hits send.
*Adam has taken a screenshot*
*Amanda has taken a screenshot*
"OMG I cannot breathe. I am deceased!" Adam sends in the chat.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT MARK!?" Amanda questions.
"I tried okay?"
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Hi hi! I was wondering if I could could please request a Little! Bakugou with a Caregiver! Kirishima?
I hope you have an amazing rest of your day! <3 :D
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ofc! sorry i didn't get to these sooner ^^; hope this makes up for it!!
tw; none that i can think of, let me know if there's something i can add!
Sometime, when Bakugou was stressed, he would age regress. Pretty much no one knew about it, except for Kirishima.
Kirishima found out on accident, even though Bakugou had been intending on telling him. The red head started coming over and hanging around whenever Bakugou was regressed, and if he regressed during their regular hang out sessions, Kirishima wouldn't bat an eye and ask if he wanted to switch activities. Sometimes Bakugou would say yes, sometimes he'd say no. Kirishima also helped him with some of the things he struggled with doing while in his small headspace.
Kirishima becoming Bakugou's caregiver kinda just... happened. But he was a very good caregiver. He made sure to communicate as much as possible with Bakugou. He made sure the little didn't stay up past his bed time, picked up all his toys, and gave him extra treats when he deserved them or after a bad nightmare.
Kirishima was always there for Bakugou, and Bakugou wouldn't want anyone else as a caregiver.
So he wanted to do something extra special for him. Maybe it was sappy, trying to make the spiky red-headed rock a gift, but Bakugou didn't care. He needed to show Kiri that he was the bestest caregiver ever. And Bakugou didn't award that title lightly! You really had to be amazing in order to earn such high praise from him!
And Bakugou needed his gift to be just as spectacular as his caregiver.
That's how he found himself sitting at his desk, half in his headspace, glaring at the card in front of him. Yeah, it was good. It was handmade and the drawings were amazing. But a card? No, his caregiver deserved something even cooler! Though he was pretty proud of the card, so he would still give it to Kirishima. So, the partially regressed teen walked over to his bed and flopped onto it, pulling out his phone.
Kiri deserved something amazing, so he was gonna get him something amazing!
Bakugou scrolled through various Etsy stores and Ebay listings, trying to find something that was perfect. Eventually, the little found just the thing.
Gasping, he sat up excitedly. "Eiji'll love it!" he declared, not noticing how much he'd regressed already. "It's perfect! I gotta get it for him!" Bakugou quickly bought the gift, and now all he had to do was wait. And not tell Eiji! Eiji couldn't know, it had to be a surprise!
When the day came that the gift arrived, Bakugou could barely keep still. He was practically vibrating in excitement as he wrapped the gift up and place the card on top of the box. He texted Kirishima, struggling a little with typing it as he slipped into his headspace. Eiji would love his gift, he knew it!
Kirishima arrived, and Bakugou pulled him over to his desk. "Eiji! Eiji! Got you somethin'!" Bakugou said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Woah, you didn't have to Kats."
"I know! But you the bestest caregiver, gotta show that! An' the gift is perfect!" Bakugou stated matter-of-factly.
"Alright. Well, before I open this, no doubt, awesome gift, Kats, are you little right now?"
Bakugou was about to answer no, when he realized that, yes, he had slipped. "Uh-huh! But still! Your gift!" Bakugou picked the box up and pushed it into the red-head's hands.
"Thank you, Katsuki," Kirishima said, ruffling the blondes hair. Bakugou beamed.
Kirishima teared up as he read the card. The handwriting was slightly shaky, but Bakugou's handwriting was still very neat. It read, 'For the bestest caregiver in the universe! You're the manliest!' and it had a bunch of silly, slightly childish drawings of him and Bakugou, as well as some doodles of Crimson Riot. "This card is lovely, Kats! I'm going to hang it up and keep it forever and ever," Kirishima said definitively, and Bakugou nodded.
"Yeah, cause it's the coolest! But it's gots nothin' on your real gift!"
Kirishima nodded, and delicately unwrapped the wrapping paper, doing his best to avoid tearing it. When he saw the box, he almost started balling.
It was a limited edition Crimson Riot action figurine. One that only had some ninety-seven in existence. Kirishima had tried to get one, but they were expensive and sold out extremely quickly.
"Kats..." Kirishima said, voice wavering. "Kats I love it, thank you so much...! How did you even get this?"
"Ebay!" Bakugou responded proudly. "I wan'ed to show you that you're the bestest and the coolest!"
Kirishima hugged Bakugou. "Well, thank you Katsuki! I'm gonna treasure this figurine forever!"
Bakugou hugged his caregiver back. "Your welcome, Eiji!"
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icharchivist · 10 months
Icha help what is going on with hxh and its multiple endings, the tag is just confusing me even more, I feel like the whole classroom passed a note and I'm the only one who didn't read it, did Togashi play Who Wanna Be A Millionaire and lost because that's what I'm getting.
oh i'm so sorry i have to be the one to break this news to you
you rn:
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so a couple of days ago Togashi was at an event in which he answered some questions from an interview and everything. In this interview, he was asked about the hxh's ending.
Here's what he replied.
the long story short is that he mentioned that he had 3 ending planned for hxh, all of which he calculates would be meet with different level of satisfaction from fans. His favorite ending is Ending C, but he feels like fans will dislike it the most.
However he also added that to give a picture of the possible endings, he's going to share Ending D, which is an ending he disregarded and would not make canon, but then he added "but if i die before i can finish hxh you can imagine this one to be canon"
Ending D is the cliché type of ending from shounen manga where you cut to Gon's daughter, Jin (get it, because Ging, Jin) who is fishing the god of the lake on Whale's Island for Grandma Mito and Noko, her mother (? a brand new character at least.) We learn her father, Gon, has left as an hunter and Jin wonders why her father is living this life, meanwhile "a figure" (probably Gon) is observing this scene from afar.
So as you can imagine, fans have been Losing It™ to say the least. News outlet has been saying THIS is the true hxh ending and now everyone is mad. Homophobic fans have been extremely eager to spam this ending to the replies of anyone talking about Killugon since because "actually Togashi planned on Gon to have a child" and all of that jazz. It's been a riot. On fire. People have been disappointed. Other heartbroken.
... because everyone is acting like it's going to be the actual ending.
While the interview was literally "here's the ending i disregarded but hey, if i die you can use this one in your head"
Like i said personally i think Togashi is trolling and making fun of the fans who are already burying him. It seems too cliché to be serious, and the fact it's not an ending that is considered makes me think it was never that serious to share to start with.
But fans gonna be fans and the fandom has been on fire ever since this interview came out.
And once people calmed down about this ending, people have been theorizing about the others three teased ending and what would Togashi means about "endings fans would find disappointing" and all of that. So that's where we're at right now.
so welcome to this dumpfire, enjoy your stay!
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dresden-syndrome · 11 months
Whumper: 16, 29; Whumpee: 50, 24, 6
Thank you for asking!! Sorry for being so late again🥺
I've had a really tough time last month but now I'm finally back on track💫
16) How possessive you are about your whumpee?
29) Did you know your whumpee before capturing them?
"Possessive isn't the right word, comrade. You wouldn't say "possessive" of any other property, would you? It's called being vigilant. You need it a lot in our work. One can't protect our country if he can't even protect his own belongings."
"My comrades in Czechoslovakia reported a riot in May '63 with some photos and tape records. There was a boy on a couple of them, standing at the top with that old bourgeois traitor flag. That was him. When the next uprising started - this time in Prague - I arrived there when our patrols were cleaning it up. There were crowds and crowds of corrupted capitalist parasites. Infesting the towns like invasive cockroach despite our Commander's best efforts.
That day I've seen him firsthand. He wasn't just some poor metal factory boy who listened to Radio Free Europe too much - it's a cold-blooded vicious enemy, with values of the West, trained to destroy. Look at him there for a second - it would be obvious. I've ordered to look out for that boy right then. Where there are vermin like him, there is destruction, revolt and decay. They cannot be cured - only put for the right use. That's what class 4 was made for.
Oh, it'd be a disrespect if I'd conceal from you, comrade. SB-7067 isn't only socially dangerous - he's particularly pretty as well. Incredibly pretty. A perfect state-supplied plaything."
-Erhardt Wilhelm Günther, Minister of the State Security
6) Do your friends or family know you're here? Do you think they miss you?
24) How often does your whumper punish you? Why?
50) Share one of your happiest moment of freedom for us!
"The thing is, y'know - they all count me dead. That's it. You're sorted class 4 and from that there's no "you" anymore. Everyone say you're dead, the gov says you're dead, by law you cease to exist. I thought exactly like that back then. They all told me if you're gonna get class 4 it's a nine gram bullet to your head that awaits you. Even West radio said so. I get it why they did. The stuff they do to you, it's much worse than a bullet. It'd be an outrage if anybody found out.
I'm sure they miss me. Mom, dad, grandpa... I didn't know I'd miss them so much... My friends as well. They were all with me in the underground, I've seen half of them snatched. Chances are the rest were caught too. I don't want to imagine what they're going through. If only I could do anything about it...
I love them all but... after all of that i wish they'd rather forget me. I don't want anyone to see me like that."
"What did Günther "punish" me for? For talking back, for not doing exact what he said, for resisting anything, for asking wrong questions, for snacking on his food or drinks, for getting out of bed at night, for not studying Marxism-Leninism enough, for not cleaning room or office enough, for speaking Czech, for hiding, for running... Can I just say "for anything"? And of course when he just feels like it. Fucking sadist. Not surprising he made such a career."
"Happy moments in my life? Let me think... It'll be quite a lot. Wouldn't say life was any easy, but when you're locked for life, it's like... almost everything before counts as a happy moment.
For what I miss really much - definitely the summer of '62. Me, Evžen, Martin, other guys, we had so much fun back then. Everything was calm, no martial law, no curfews, no patrols out there. Not gonna lie, we already knew the government was shit, we snuck out to listen to radio in the woods without fear of getting caught somehow. I could just lie on the grass, maybe with the boys, or with Evžen alone, counting the clouds and snacking on the berries we picked along the way. In these moments you think like, hey, everything's gonna be fine, life's a great thing! I know it sounds so funny but me and Evžen dreamed of sneaking off to Austria and starting a new life there. We even discussed how tasty Austrian chocolate would be... Silly, isn't it?
... May I ask you for a small favor? If you ever see him anywhere, could you please send him a little bar of Austrian chocolate? If you have any, of course. Just don't tell him who it was from. Don't say anything about me. And try to give it in secret - having Western goods can get anyone arrested. Except those in high government of course.
-Class 4 subject SB-7067 (Radím Štušek)
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yunessa · 2 months
Six-Song Soundtrack
tagged by @dujour13 Thank you! This was a lot of fun! I listen to a lot of EDM due to hearing loss so a lot of these can be put as 'interpret as you will'. Tagging: @jean-dieu @spyridonya
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following:
An event that defines your character's past
How your character sees themselves
How others view them
Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
A major fight scene
End credits song
For Yunessa: 1.) Equillus- "Darkness" "Lost again in a bitter heart of darkness. How far this time...? How far?" 2.) Stupendium- "A Pizza the Action" This is a ways into their story. But Yunessa has always been about choices and the freedom to pick them.
So come pick your destiny off of the menu (fate won't wait 'til the Sun comes up) Or be laid to rest in your favourite venue (arcade to arcade, crust to crust) In this amusement park, you are the Superstar We know that you'll go far, but you must choose your path Those neon tubes cast shadows on a truth so dark It's up to you to battle to its putrid heart So savour the taste of your last pepperoni (you've got a party pass to a backstage tour) 'Cause you're taking the stage for one night only (but will dawn chorus be your encore?)
3.) Psylla- "Furor"
4.) Dion Trimmer "Internet boy"
Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me?
Are you only passing through or (incoming message)
I feel the love I've never felt before I'm fired up now Conceal the words I've never said before I'll say them out loud
Everyone loves everyone You can't turn it off, no Anyone under the gun We close our eyes and let it go
Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? We close our eyes and let it go Are you only passing through or are you gonna love me? We close our eyes and let it go
I don't wanna be Anywhere but here with you Future memories We can carry on the truth (I found you)
5.) David Hasselhoff- "True Survivor"
Dominoes falling Riot in the streets Baby this time There's no retreat There's no surrender A devil is rising A shadow from the past Feeding the flames with fire On the edge of fury
Out of time Running in and out of time Hear the ticking of the Countdown clocks tonight
Girl, we need some Girl, we need some Action! If we re gonna make it like a true survivor We need some
6.) Wojciech Golczewski- "Summer 1992" Alternative songs below
#1.) Celldweller- "Unshakeable"
Beyond the reaches of our galaxy Three figures watch over us all As suns are rising on a distant planet's shores They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating Celestial covering of humankind Perfectly hovering in space and time A world that turns when they're in control Means we're bound to stand on ground that's unshakeable! Unshakeable! (I am beyond) Unshakeable! They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating Beyond the reaches of mortality Three figures watch over us all As suns are setting on a distant planet's shores They are watching and waiting, always orchestrating
#2.) alternative: SWARM- "The Oncoming storm"
Do you remember who I was before? You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore This constant wave of anxiety inside me Won’t leave me be and it’s screaming That everybody is lying to me Let it rain Open the floodgates Let the waves crash down carry me away Let it rain Let it flood Let it pour Swallowed by the oncoming storm
#3.) Mazare- " "Battlecry"
We're braver than a lion We're steady in our state of mind Keeping our composure Another one breaks the silence Another one shuts the door We're never gonna be the same as we've been before A city burned down to ashes Memories lost in vain It's only gonna make us stronger, as we heal the pain
#4) Alternative, but Lann's point of view,lol. Flight Faculties "Crave you EDM Remix."
Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I stare at you Why can't I keep you safe as my own? One moment I have you the next you are gone Rehearsed steps on an empty stage That boy's got my heart in a silver cage Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I crave you It's true I crave you Crave you It's true I crave you
#5) Toccata- "Overwerk"
#6) Saint Punk "Empty Bed" For an alternative 'bad' story ending for Yunessa.
Your footsteps On the stairs If I listen hard enough They're still there You think I'd Know better by now But I still drink until you're next to me again, baby Yeah, yeah, yeah And I still think that in the morning, I might wake up next to you
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itstimetodrew · 1 year
Harley for the bingo meme
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Harley fans who liked him since his initial appearance are God's Strongest Soldiers. The fandom was sooooooo nasty about him in the Olden Days. I will say I was not immune to the 'Harley is a creepy weirdo :/' propaganda of the time. But I reached enlightenment later in life. HE DESERVES BETTER and I'm glad he got cameos alongside Drew in both DP and JN!! Not just a comedic relief rival, no sir.
Harley is a blorbo for me because he's so ridiculous. He's one of those characters that steals every scene he's in and doesn't leave room for anyone else. He's unapologetically loud and funny and has one of THE most unique styles of all coordinators. He had a grudge with a 10 year old because she didn't praise his baking skills highly enough, and he became a full on Nemesis when said 10 year old kept kicking his butt. Baffling and kinda pitiful, but he's a riot so it only makes him better. I do wish he had more time in the series, like if could have been introduced earlier or got to do more than scheme and lose multiple times, but! What can ya do.
I like how even though he is a dirty trickster, he ends up a core part of May's friend group. (And Drew's if they're watching TV together in Hoenn? Without May or Solidad? That group chat must be bonkers...) I think they realized Harley must care about them if he keeps coming around, even if he says he has better things to do. I think his tricks came from him not being confident in his skills, and wanting to take down those who do have that sense of self-assurance. But now that he's Better he's still gonna be a pain but a more lovable pain :)
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notasweetnightingale · 8 months
It was 2am. How the hell was it already 2am? How the hell was it only 2am? Deziree should have been asleep at least 4 hours ago! Beauty sleep was a highly valued commodity when you could no longer afford Botox and the 111SKIN Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream. Why wasn't she sleeping?!?!
Ah, that's right. She couldn't. Her stupid brain would not shut the fuck up. Every time she closed her eyes, something else reminded her of another something else, and another, and another, until her whole brain was very, very, very loud and oh-- were those tears?
The 111SKIN Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream couldn't even save you from those. Not from the tears, or the necklace, or the kiss, or Charlotte La Bouff, or that other blonde, or--or-- Maybe she should dye her hair? Go Kardashian blonde or something. Oh my God, but the box dye! Ew! God, her life was so over!!
What would her mom say? Did it matter what mom would say? Eugh, of course it matter. It had been so long, and still, as ever, Deziree did not know who she was without mom's heavy stare and marked words.
She was basically a failure, if mom could call her something. All that practise to get a man, get money, have status, and here she was barely making her car payments and hung up on a no-name boy who was (at least in Deziree's eyes) interested in everyone and anyone. God forbid mom finds out about the buttons...
The truth was, despite her personal failings, she couldn't stop thinking about stupid Travis Montgomery in amongst how absolutely desperate she was to just fall asleep.
She couldn't help but think about that kiss, hidden beneath a dark veil in the corner of a party, or the necklace that was stuffed in a box at the back of a drawer. She couldn't help but think about the coffee, or the car ride, or... Anastasia puking in the back of said car. Ew! Way to ruin the moment again, Stas!
Deziree could only hope there wasn't another phone call to go pick her sister up tonight, because tiredness and driving wasn't a good combo, even if she could use someone's shoulder to cry on. She sure as shit wasn't going to wake up Ella at this hour.
It was 2am and Deziree was exhausted. She was hysterical. She was delirious okay?! Deziree did the unthinkable.
She picked up her phone, found his name, and hit record on what was only supposed to be a short, to the point voice note. "Hey, this is--"
"--This is gonna sound really stupid, but, like, um, do you remember that, uh, that one time that you came by to pick me up because Stas was a riot and you were like hey, anytime, no problem bestie? And there was coffee and you saw my-- nevermind! Not that point. The point is-- I don't know what the point is. The point is! That-- Look, I know it's like 3am and you're probably sleeping or off, I don't know, like making out with someone or fixing a car or something but I can't stop-- I can't-- I can't sleep."
Just enough pause for a deep inhale.
"I can't sleep and it's driving me nuts and I don't even know what I'm saying or why I'm even making this voice note or-- no. No, I do. You said if I needed you I should call you and... I know this isn't technically a call but..."
And an exhale.
"But if you're awake, I wouldn't mind..."
And thus, the voice note went on for a further 3 minutes, becoming no clearer as time went on.
Turns out, holding your thumb on the record button for 5 minutes is quite tiring and... whoosh! The message sent the moment her too-tired finger was released.
The post-send clarity was a bit too real...
Oh no! Oh no, no, no! That wasn't supposed to send! Shit!! Shit, shit, shit, delete, delete, please del-- It's fine, he's not online! It's fine, this is-- wait-- he's online, why is he online?! Why is he online at 3 in the morning?! Deleeeeete!!
Deziree's heart-rate spiked well above safe levels when the read receipt lit up blue. The only thing she could possibly do was send another voice note to make it absolutely clear that he should not listen to the first voice note! (He'd seen it, she couldn't delete it yet. Then he'd know something was wrong!!)
And another.
"You can just ignore it. Seriously! Everything is actually fine. Go back to sleep or fixing your car or whatever, just pretend you didn't even see anything. Bye! Goodnight! Fu--"
If her life wasn't already over, it certainly was now...
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