#and if we both dont know we'll giggle and then i'll show you how find the answer cuz google is no longer our friend 😔
arysamisu · 7 months
pet peeve rn is people saying to an 18 year old " youre an adult now" and proceed to not help them. maybe its semantics but the tone bothers me because its not that youre literally suddenly an adult, its just that when youre 18 you START to bear the responsibilities an adult so of course they might need help wtf
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
“There’s nothing wrong with being different.”
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Pairing: Dad!Spencer reid x Dad!reader
Description: Spencer and his husband talk to their daughter when she gets in trouble for punching someone (daughter is 10)
Warnings: Little bit of homophobia, lemme know if there's anything else!
Flufftober day 8: Kidfic/Petfic
A/N: I feel so bad cus I'm like a week behind on flufftober but I'm trying guys I swear 😭 anyways proof read by the lovely @ssaspenceswife!! (Totally check out her works it's way better than mine lmao)
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Y/n sighed as he stepped into the drivers seat of the car, spencer sliding in next to him. They had been enjoying their day off of work together, lounging while their daughter was at school for the day. That was of course until Spencers phone rang…
Spencer lounged on top of Y/n, practically flopped on top of him, the tv played some show quietly in the back round, but the couple were much too focused on each other to quite care. They had been discussing Poes works until spencers phone starts buzzing on the coffee table, alearting him of an incoming call.
Y/n looked at spencer curiously, silently asking him to pick it up, and find out what was going on. But when the familiar crease between spencers brow became apparent his husband frowned at the discontentment of his lover. Spencer gave Y/n the universal signal to wait and answered the phone.
(hello are you doctor reid?)
“yes thats me, is there something wrong?”
(we apologize for interrupting your busy works schedule but you need to come pick up your daughter, shes been suspended.)
This finally caught Y/ns attention as he looked at his husband confused. Spencer stared back equally puzzled and continued the conversation.
(She physically assulted another student, and is suspended until the end of the week. One guardian registered with he school may come pick your daughter up.)
"okay, thank you someone will be there to pick her up soon. Buh bye-"
spencer seemed to want the conversation over with as soon as possible when he said his goodbyes to the receptionist.
"Spence- what happened, was it the school? Is Esther okay?"
"she punched a kid.."
Y/ns face fell in disappointment- and then it turned to anger
"we taught her to never resort to violence?! What happened?"
Spencer just sighed and raised himself from his previous sitting position to start making his way to the door. "I'll go pick her up, we'll talk about it when we get back.
Needless to say the car ride home was silent. Spencer was angry but he knew better than to take it out on his daughter. It would only end in a fight, and that got them nowhere
finally they arrived at thé family's apartment- Esther's other father stood in the attached living room with his arms crossed over his chest. Esther only looked down shamefully, gripping the straps of her beloved astronaut backpack. Y/n sighed in resignation and invited his daughter to sit on couch; sandwiched in between her dads. Y/n started;
"Esther- I thought we taught you to be better this, you know better than that- better than violence."
"I know dad I'm sorry- but he deserved it!
this time it's Spencer's turn to speak, "no one deserves to be punched Esther- and you know that"
both Esther and her fathers attention are pulled away from eachother when they hear a snort/giggle from y/n after Spencer said no one deserves to be punched. Spencer gives his husband a warning glare and that in combination with the aforementioned husbands antics, lightened the mood enough to release a small giggle from the child. After Spencer pulled his eyes away from his husband and put the attention back on his daughter she started to explain herself ; " well this one deserved it- he always mean to you guys- I was just standing up for you!” the couple looked up from their daughter and at each other with confusion. Y/n was the first to shake off the confusion and ask Esther what she ment.
“How would he be mean to us, we dont know this boy?”
“he always says that having 2 dads is weird and un natural. and i always tell him its not and its normal but he wont listen! and then he kept saying means and untrue s stuff and i- i, i couldnt stop myself! he was just being such a dick!”
spencer sent esther a stern warning glare at her language before his and his husbands face softened. Y/n reached out and pulled esther in for a hug asking “bug, why didnt you tell us- we could’ve done something?”
Esther just sighs and hugs back before answering “i told the teachers, and they didn‘t do anything..” Esther voice was deflated and when she told her fathers about the schools lack of response to her cries for help, the men shared a look that said they’d talk about it later.
spencer joined the hug forming one big ball of reid family on the couch. When spencer and Y/n finally released their daughter from the binding hug spencer put one hand on each of esther’s shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes saying “having two dads, never a bad thing, and i dont ever want you to think anything different. Understand?” before Esther could respond Y/n cut in and said, “and theres nothing wrong with being different either- just look at your dad, he’s different and a hottie” Y/n winked at his husband and Esther just exclaimed “ewwww!!” loudly, making both spencer and Y/n laugh out loud. Hoping to lighten the mood spencer responded to his husbands comment with a “save it for later- handsome” and a mischievous smile.
After a family dinner, (with lots of subtle encouragement and affirmations) Esther was feeling better, but tired. So she climbed into bed, received a kiss from both her fathers, and promptly fell asleep before her dad could even turn on the night light. Y/n and spencer were thankful for her almost immediate restful state, needing a moment alone to finally process the events of the day.
when the couple retreated back to their shared master bedroom Y/n took the opportunity of his husband just standing there to engulf him in a big hug, needing the familiar comfort of his husband. And there they stood, for who knows how long. At least 5 minutes. maybe 10 if were being realistic. But hey what can I say, they hadn’t had a moment alone since their daughter to home and lets just d say they needed it.
Spencer was the first to break the comfortable silence, saying “i still cant believe the school didn’t do anything about it- remind me to call them tomorrow before we leave for work.” Y/n just nodded and gave spencer a chaste kiss on the lips- leading him over to the bed and pulling him down on top of him. spencer chuckled and reminded Y/n that they were still wearing their day clothes, and that dental health was extremely important yet they hadn’t brushed their teeth yet. Y/n chuckled and hummed all smiley at his husbands antics.
After brushing their teeth together and y/n (jokingly) trying to get spencer to sleep with no clothes- despite the not very well insulted apartment and the blistering cold just outside the apartment walls. Y/n’s defense was that he could keep spencer warm. needles to say Y/n didn’t win that argument. but the couple still went to bed smiling, curled up in each others arms, leaving the issues of the day for tomorrow.
The End
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writers-ex · 2 years
made with love
ryujin x fem!reader
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as you begin getting dressed your phone starts buzzing frantically, checking your notifications you see its from the one person you were hoping to see there.
'code gingerbread.' 'this is an emergency' 'plz i need ur help' 'meet me @ my place TT'
panicking from just the first few texts you grab your keys and phone rushing to her place. banging on the door you see a flour covered ryujin in an apron with the most saddest face you've ever seen.
"i burned them…i burned them all how is that even possible??"
"i'm sorry you burned wh-oh my gosh did you turn off the oven?" catching a whiff of something burning you rush inside and follow the scent to the kitchen, turning off the oven you look over to see ryujin staring mindlessly at the black cookies lying on the table. patting her back you hand her some water and clean up the mess, after taking out the trash you pinch her cheek slightly. "ok now that that's been taken care of tell me from the beginning what happened."
ryujin recounts how she was told by jihyo to bring cookies but this time she bought ingredients and wanted to try baking them only she didn't understand how long they needed to be cooked for and burnt the batch. in a panic she called you and now here you cleaning up her mess.
"it's fine jin, lucky for you i know a great baker on tiktok that can help us. just give me a minute-" swiping on your phone your feed shows up 'brownies'n'felix' watching one of his videos you give her a thumbs up. "now i know what to do! start making some shapes and i'll handle the rest." after making cookies of all shapes and sizes you manage to bake them with only two looking burnt, waiting around for them to cool you prepare some frosting and hand ryujin a pipping bag.
"ok now comes the hard part…decorating them. obviously mine are going to come out better-"
"um no they're not. i'm shin ryujin, the ace of everything."
"except baking."
"shut up. i can frost more cookies than you and i'll prove it to you!" sharing a look the two of you nod begin drawing little designs and faces on each cookie. getting closer to each other you notice that ryujin is beating you so to slow her down you swipe some frosting on her face and giggle making her drop the bag and have the access frosting land on your shirt. the two of you gasp and look at each other with a mischievous gaze, ryujin slowly reaches down to grab her green bag and quickly squeezes its contents all over your face making you groan.
"RYUJIN!!!" laughing you grab the access flour and throw it at her making her cough and vulnerable to more attacks. the two of you have at it until the supplies runs out and you're both covered in head to toe with frosting, flour, cookie dough, and what you think are rainbow sprinkles.
"ok ok truce!!" holding your hands up ryujin stops herself from throwing more flour at you. "i think the cookies have had enough of our jackson pollock art and we'll be late to the party if we keep this up."
"fineeee…you're no fun." walking over to you ryujin smirks. "buuuut you do look like a snack~" blushing you swat her now very close face from your own and find yourself backing up hitting the edge of the kitchen counter as ryujin corners you. giving you a slow once over she stops and stares directly into your eyes with a knowing look. "i think we both need to shower."
"yes i know that so i'll wait here and-"
"want to join me~?"
"RYUJIN?!" laughing she heads to a room and comes back with a change of clothes.
"i'm kidding i'm kidding!! you go first though i'll clean up now." handing you some clothes she pushes you toward the bathroom. once you come out you see ryujin once again in the kitchen in the middle of pipping one heart shaped cookie.
"jin i'm done." walking behind her you spot her attempting to write something on the cookie. "'i heart you' in a heart shaped cookie, wow that's so original~" startled she drops the bag and pouts.
"DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!! i almost ruined your cookie?!" laughing at her angry face you let her words register and stop to look at a flushed ryujin. "what? you heard me!! i'm making you a confession cookie because i like you but feel too awkward to tell you." taking the cookie from her you look down at it and smile making her give you an odd look.
"well that's good news because... i like you too and this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me." her shoulders slump in relief as she hears your answer.
"you're welcome~" puckering her lips ryujin tries to get a kiss from you but you block her with your cookie.
"not now my little baker, go change and maybe i'll consider it."
"yes ma'am!" rushing to the bathroom she closes the door enough to peak her head out. "now do you want to join me?"
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to go back and read another route click here
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dear-mortality · 7 months
The shepherd prince
Chapter eleven: it sure is nice here
Enfys and ether made it to their room and it was HUGE, they both had such wide eyes and enfys couldn't get his eyes off the king sized beds.
Ether quickly went to look outside the window and the marvellous view of the gardens behind the castle was so mesmerising he almost fell out of the window from being so stunned.
"ETHER!!" enfys called as they quickly reached to hold them with his magic, having saved them he sighed in relief. "PLEASE dont do that again. Or anything else that will get you killed for that matter." Enfys yelled in a stern voice while frowning
Ether looked down and seemed ashamed like a child that was getting scolded
Having noticed that enfys quickly thought of something to take their minds off it.
"so how was the book i lent you? Did you learn something about the deities?"
Ether immediately smiled and looked excited to discuss it with ether
"yes!!! The deities of the sun and moon seem so nice! I wonder if we'll ever meet them."
"meeting gods isn't exactly common occurrence ether. Don't get your hopes up about it. Though to be fair we ARE trying to meet one."
Ethers eyes widened and he was surprised
Enfys chuckled at ethers excitement "here" they said before handing her the book. "Their name is labeeb."
Ether quickly started looking through the book for the name, pages flapped quickly until he arrived at the gods drawing. It showed a deity that had the same style of clothing as enfys, long coat filled with beautiful marks and drawings, a messengers bag and multiple earrings that looked like stars. The deity stood tall with an arm resting on the bag and the other gently stroking their big beard despite seeming young. They were raising an eyebrow and it felt as if they were looking at ether directly.
Then ether started reading. "The deity of knowledge, one of the twin deities of curiosity and master of all sorts of mortal practices from simple tool crafting to magic and sorcery, despite all that they mostly work on making sure knowledge is easily accessible and to always find out the truth behind any phenomenon that mortals may not understanding. Those who have come in contact with heard the sentence 'im too busy' more than anyone should in their lifetime." Ether giggled after reading the last line. "Pffft He needs a vacation"
Enfys suddenly looked proud as he sat down on the bed with his legs crossed. "You know, im technically very close to that deity."
Ether immediately got really close and blinked aggressively at enfys
"okay so im taking it you're invested"
"yes. Now explain."
Enfys then cleared his throat and got ready to reveal how important they are
"as you heard me tell Zaroth and all the generals, i am a high mage. There's something called the magic guild which is alot of magic users of all sorts teaming together to keep order and make sure magic isn't used for evil. a high mage is someone who represents magic users of a certain category. I represent witches along with another two. We are looking for the arch mage who represents the deity of magic, she is the most powerful magic user out there and can pretty much use any spell out there." Enfys then noticed that ether got comfortable on their bed and tried to snap out of melting immediately from how soft it is. "The arch mage can help us and if she can't then she can just get as an audience with the deity of knowledge. Problem is she's been missing for a while and although she normally does this it NEVER took her this long to show up."
"and zaroth can help us find her?"
"hmmm. Well we can think about that all later!" Ether smiled while melting into the bed "this bed is so comfortable and soft i never felt something like this other than.....my sheep...."
Awkward silence filled the room. Ether looked sad.
"i miss them.... playing with them was how i spent my days before all....this." he said as he gestured at everything around him. "But at the same time i can't believe im actually seeing and talking with other people and learning about the world. I was always too scared to leave my home thinking if i do I wouldn't survive and then who would take care of the sheep?"
Enfys got up to sit next to ether and put a hand on his shoulder
"i know this is all too new for you. Im sorry i failed to make your life less lonely..."
"no no you don't get it." Ether stood up and walked around a bit "this is all i wanted. Meeting new people, learning new things, making friends and feeling like Im not alone in this world. Thank you for bringing me with you enfys. Sure, it would've been nice if this all wasn't about trying to save my people who I've been slaughtering whenever i was out of it haaaahaaaa......i know you probably put a spell on me to keep me calm and i appreciate the thought but....can you take off that spell please?"
"i wish i could but...i think its the reason you're not turning into a werewolf when you go to sleep these days. Im sorry ether...."
Ether looked disappointed but not surprised "well i had to give it a shot." Ether looked outside the window before sighing "its really nice here."
Enfys looked worriedly at ether before staring outside the window with him. "Yeah. It sure is."
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Ocean Eyes - Part 5
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To say i didn't get much sleep last night was an understatement! I had spent a couple hours on the phone to my mom telling her about Chris showing up and now knowing about Mason while having a couple glasses of wine. When i finally did go to bed i couldn't switch my brain off,  the last time i had looked at the time it was nearly 4:30am and i knew Mason would be getting up around 6! It felt like i had just closed my eyes when that darling boy of mine came jumping on the bed to wake me up.
After breakfast we both got ready and headed out to the car, i needed to go to the store to get some groceries (if i had guests coming round i should really have something to offer them).
"Oh nooo.... mom creepy Brian is coming out" Mason said quietly.
"Sshhh i told you not to call him that" i chuckled as we rushed to get into the car before Brian could reach us.
"Thats what you and aunt Hannah call him though" he rolled his eyes like i was crazy as i reversed out of the drive.
"Only when we're inside where he can't hear us. You can't say that while his around baby"
"Fine, i wont say it again" he shrugged "is my dad coming back today?"
"He said he was gonna come see you today"
"I like him, he seems cool"
I didn't know what to say to that so i just kept my eyes on the road.
"Mom, dont you like my dad?...."
"Sure i do bud, i just haven't seen your dad in a long time"
"But he makes you sad"
"Im fine Mace, don't you worry" i forced a smiled trying to put on a brave face for him.
Walking around the store i found myself picking up things i knew Chris and Scott liked.... or at least what they used to like.
I was loading the bags into the car when i got a text message.
Chris: Hey, just checking its still okay if we come over today?
Y/N: Sure
Chris: Thats good because we're at the house but your not home....
Y/N: Im at the store, be back in 5 minutes
Chris: 👍🏻
A thumbs up?? Really Chris??
I internally face palmed, he was still a dork.
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I spotted Chris's car parked out on the road leaving the drive way empty, once i had parked up he then drove up and parked behind me. Mason was already out the car and running over to see Chris before i even had my belt off!
I got out and walked around to the trunk to get the groceries out.
"Morning Neighbour" i heard Brian approaching.
"God damn it" i muttered under my breath before sticking my head around to see him "hi Brian"
"You need a hand with those bags Y/N?"
"No thanks i'm good, got plenty of help with these two" i threw a thumb back pointing towards Chris & Scott.
"You sure? i don't mind helping you out"
"Its fine, we've got it" Chris said coming to a stop beside me with Scott and Mason either side of him, he reached in and easily scooped up two bags, Scott grabbing the another.
"We're all good, thanks for the offer though"
"Anytime, you know where i am" he smiled and walked back to his house stopping a few times to look back.
"Urghh" i shivered "guy gives me the creeps" i muttered quietly as i shut the trunk and led the way up to the house.
"Is he always like that?" Scott asked his eyes going comically wide at the thought.
"Yeah. He always appears when we're leaving the house or getting back...."
"Thats a little weird"
"Im sure he's harmless...." i shrugged. Chris was being unusually quiet, I didn't ask him what his problem was.
"Mom and aunt Hannah call him creepy Brian but its a secret" Mason said quietly to Chris and Scott even though we were now safely inside.
"Mace, stop it" i laughed shaking my head.
"He can't hear me mom its fine"
"Honestly kid...."
"Wonder where he gets it from huh?" Scott chuckled at me.
"Definitely his dad" i rolled my eyes "i love him more than life itself but he's a pain my ass sometimes" i muttered quietly so Mason couldn't hear.
"Sounds just like Chris" Scott laughed playfully nudging my shoulder with his.
"I heard that!" Chris added just making Scott laugh louder.
I made some sandwiches for lunch and grabbed some drinks taking them all out into the garden where Chris and Scott were kicking a ball around with Mason.
"Foods ready guys" i called out to them once everything was laid out.
"Can i sit next to dad?" Mason asked running over.
"Sure bud, Scott looks like you stuck with me" i shrugged switching their plates around.
"Fine by me sweetheart, id rather sit next to you anyway"
"At least someone wants to sit with me" i joked sticking my tongue out at Mason making him giggle.
"Hey Y/N..?" I heard Brian call from behind me, i sighed closing my eyes before turning around to see him looking over the fence at us.
"Hey Brian, everything okay?"
"Oh yeah! I just wanted to remind you about the BBQ, your friends are more than welcome to join us too"
"Thanks for the invite Brian but i think we're just gonna have a quiet family lunch"
"Okay well if y'all change your mind just come on over"
"Will do" i forced a smiled and turned back around.
"Has he gone?" I whispered to Chris who had the clear view of next door.
"Yeah" he nodded "that guy needs to take a hint".
"I don't think he knows how to" i shook my head before taking a bite of my sandwich.
"Maybe you should give him a shot" Scott teased wiggling his eyebrows.
"No!" Both Chris and I said at the same time.
"Relax i was joking" Scott laughed before shooting Chris a look. Chris looked like he was about say something but his cell phone ringing his pocket drew his attention.
"Sorry i need to take this" he said getting up from the table "hey Lindsey" i heard him say as he walked further down the yard for some privacy.
"Lindsey? That the girlfriend?" I asked Scott quietly, he nodded giving me a sad smile "its fine, i just wondered"
"I don't think it'll last personally"
"He obviously feels differently if he's now wanting that divorce"
"Thats because he's an idiot"
"Not gonna argue with you on that....."
"So what about you? Anyone special in your life Y/N?"
"Yeah Mason" i scoffed "i don't have time for dating. Being a single parent is tough Scott.... most guys run a mile when they hear you have a kid..."
"But you must have dated a bit?"
"Not really" i shook my head feeling my face burn in embarrassment.
"Y/N, there has been someone since my brother right?"
I looked up at Scott slowly shaking my head "no. I've been on a couple dinner dates Hannah set me up on but nothing ever came of it" i shrugged "its fine".
"Jesus woman how long has it been....like 7 years??" He asked looking surprised.
"Something like that" i mumbled picking up my glass of water, my throat suddenly bone dry.
"Girl that is some dry spell, please tell me you at least have a vibrator!" He said quietly so Mason wouldn't hear. I choked on the water that i was swallowing and started coughing before it turned to laugher.
"God i've missed you Scott" i smiled at him.
"I've missed you too! But that doesn't answer my question".
"Whats so funny?" Chris asked as he rejoined us.
"Just Scott being Scott" i rolled my eyes.
"Im finished mom can we go play football again now?" Mason asked looking hopeful.
"In a little bit bud, your dad and Scott are still eating".
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Hannah and Lucas turned up unannounced not long after lunch was finished and I was grateful for the distraction. Lucas quickly joined in with Mason, Chris and Scott who were kicking the ball around again while Hannah poured us both a glass of wine.
"So hows it been having him around again?" She asked looking over at Chris.
"Weird. But Mason loves it"
"Your handling it better than i would be!"
"Mason deserves to know his dad, Chris has already been warned that i'll kill him if he does anything to upset him"
"I don't doubt that for a second" she laughed refilling our glasses.
"So..... Friday? I was thinking we start small just hitting some bars then we can end the night at 'Ruby's' for some dancing. I know you need to be wasted before you even consider dancing"
"Han i said id go out for a few drinks not an all nighter!"
"Oh come on! You haven't had a good night out in forever babe, we'll find us some cute guys...."
"Hannah...." i groaned closing my eyes.
"Ooh i heard you mention cute guys" Scott sat down looking very interested in our conversation.
"Im trying to talk Y/N into finding a cute guy to give her some much needed attention when we go out Friday" Hannah told Scott making me roll my eyes.
"Id listen to Hannah, you are in some serious need of male attention"
"But i don't just hook up with strangers guys.... we've talked about this!"
"Well maybe you should! Im just saying you deserve to find someone who makes you happy Y/N. Just because your a mom now doesn't mean you can't find love" Hannah said reaching over taking my hand with a smile. She had a point.... i couldn't sit around waiting for a man who had made his feelings perfectly clear 7 years ago. A man who was in a serious relationship..... maybe it was time to try and move on from him.
"Can i please come with you? I could use a night out" Scott asked looking hopeful.
"Sure, its been a while since you joined us on a night out Scotty" i smiled at him.
"You can help me find this one a man while your at it" Hannah smirked and shared a look with Scott that spelt nothing but trouble.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part VIII)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: mild smut, language, fluff, sexual themes.
Notes: this series will have more of a plot now that i have a more steady understanding about what i'm writing and where this is going. i expect this to have 2-4 more parts left. let me know what i should write next and who! thanks for reading and i hope you like it! x
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After a long explanation to Rami during dinner, he agreed that Ben should go back with me. "I hadn't seen him so happy. He'd be crushed if you left," was his excuse. "You won't miss me too much, will you mate? Especially with that new girl of yours. You're whipped!" Ben exclaimed laughing and Rami's cheeks got hot.
"Wait a second, who's he talking about?" I asked, excitedly. Rami looked up smiling, bitting his bottom lip. His eyes shined bright and he looked so proud. "Her name's Lucy," he said, lowly.
"I should meet her before I go! What's she like?" I asked. "She's so talented and intelligent. She's strong too," he rambled on and on about how great she was. "Okay, okay. We get it," Ben exclaimed and I laughed, "He's just in love. Leave him alone."
The next day, we got up early-ish to meet Joe at some company he was interning for. Apparently, he was some genius. "So you clicked a sort of transport thing that got you here?" he asked after I explained to him what had happened before I time-traveled.
"Okay, it'll take me a few hours to get that setup. Do you remember the name of it?" he asked, messing with some of the switches and wires on the big wall of circuits and microchips that they called a computer.
"It was called You've Got Mail. I just clicked on it," I explained. "I'm pretty sure I can get the both of you into the future," he said turning back to the computer. "Never thought I'd be doing this," he muttered.
"Thanks, Mazzelo. Just call my place whenever you're done. We'll be there all day," Ben said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Thank you, Joe!" I called out as Ben started to lead me out the office.
For some reason, Ben seemed eager to get home. He kept his hands on me whether it was on my thigh or around my waist. "What are you doing, Ben?" I giggled as his lips nipped at my neck, gently and softly. "Loving you," he murmed against my jaw line. His lips kept moving further up as I drove us home.
"Babe, you can't do that while I'm driving. You'll kill us," I sighed. I was getting hot and bothered quickly, it was distracting me from the road. "Then step on it, baby."
I pressed a bit harder on the accelerator going ten or fifteen over the speed limit. His hand moved up my thigh and squeezed it gently, almost teasingly. I suppressed the moan forming in the back of my throat.
Once we got home, Ben moved fast, rushing me to the bedroom. "You're fucking gorgeous, love," he said against my lips. His hand unbottoned my skirt a little bit to gain access under it. I grabbed onto his flexed arm, egging him to go further.
His hand moved my panties to the side. His finger lightly tapped my clit. Holy fuck. A moan escaped my mouth. "Again, darling," Ben urged. He started to move his finger into small, fast circles. "Ben," I groaned.
He pushed me into the bed, removing his hand from inside my skirt. His body immediately went in between my legs, his groin grinding against me. I could feel the hardened budgle on me.
His sucked on my neck and collarbone, leaving bright, angry bruises on me. I moaned again as he grinned harder and faster. Our breathes quickened and he rested his forehead against mine our noses rubbing together with each thrust.
"Fuck, I love you." he groaned and kissed my nose gently. "I love you too," I breathed, wrapping my legs around him to pull him closer to me. "You're so beautiful like this. Underneath me, a moaning mess," he said, throatedly.
"Keep moving. I need you," I moaned out, my nails racking his back as I felt the tension in my stomach and chest build up. I was getting close.
His moans turned into soft growls in my ear as mine got higher in pitch. "Ben-" I cried. "I know, babe. Cum for me. Please," he growled, almost begging. I let go, cumming into my panties. His growls got louder and he cried out as he jolted.
"Holy shit," he breathed, collapsing on top of me. I giggled. "Come on, get off." He chuckled, rolling off of me. "I love you," I said. "Love you too, Y/N."
We laid there for a couple moments, catching our breathe. I didn't want this to end. I just wanted to lay here with him right by me. The sound of the phone ringing ruined that.
"I'll be right back, love," he said, patting my thigh as I groaned. I turned over cuddling the pillow on his side of the bed. I smiled and felt giddy as the thoughts of what just happened racked my brain.
"It's done?" I heard Ben exclaim. I got up, situation myself against the door frame between the his room and the living room. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, mate. We'll be there soon," he said, back turned to me. I smiled. I guess that meant Joe was done. I could finally go back home.
He turned around with a smile on his face, "He's done. We're ready to go." I laughed and hugged him. "You know you can always back out of coming back with me," I mumbled into his neck.
He pulled back and grabbed my shoulders. "Trust me, I want to come with you," he smiled and moving his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks. He caresses them slowly before leaning forward to kiss me softly.
l pulled back, "We should get going." I smiled and grabbed his hand.
Once we got back, Joe had had everything set up and instructed us of what we needed to do. "Whenever the both of you are ready take the plugged wire from this outlet and plug it into this one. To travel together, I'd recommend holding hands and plugging it in together," he informed us. I nodded and smiled over at Ben.
"You're sure this'll work?" he asked Joe. "As sure as I can be. There has never been any experiments or tests done for time-traveling. So I'm sure as I possibly can be," he said. Ben shrugged and looked to me. "You ready?" he asked. I nodded.
We reached up together and unplugged the wire moving it to other outlet. He looked to me and nodded and moved the wire towards the outlet. A final push and we both plugged it in.
I ended up back in my bed, phone in hand as if no time had went by. It wasn't really a dream was it? All of the sudden, I heard a groan from beside me. I leaned over, looking over the bed to see Ben, his hand on his head. "You, okay?" I asked. He nodded, "Just a headache."
I giggled, "Come here." I patted the space beside me and he climbed up and lead his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, gently massaging his scalp.
"I'm sure it's just jet lag. It'll pass. Can you show me what's new?" he asked. He was excited to see what the future, or my present, was like. I laughed, grabbing my phone and handing it to him, "Here."
"What the fuck is this," he said, examining it. "That's my phone," I explained, giggling a bit at his reaction. "How do you call people?" he asked. "You have to turn it on and then go to the app," I said, showing him how to work it. "This is ape shit."
That was how the next hour went until he got tired. "I'm sleepy," he mumbled, against my stomach. "Do you wanna turn on a movie?" I asked and he looked up at me, surprised, "You have a television set?" I nodded, "But, we'll just watch it on my laptop."
"You can watch movies on that thing?" he exclaimed. I shook my head, laughing again. "You have so much to learn."
I grabbed my laptop, turning it on and went straight for netflix. I set it down on my side of the bed, scooting closer to Ben. He wrapped his arm around me, setting his chin on top of my head.
"How's your headache?" I asked, scrolling through classic movies so that he'd somewhat understand it. "It still hurts. I'm probability just exhausted and need sleep," he said. I nodded. I didn't really think anything of it, starting the movie and falling asleep in the first five minutes.
small note: the usernames crossed out in the taglist is one that is not available or spelled wrong from the form. pls let me know if this is you and the correct username. thank you!!
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury , @hi-i-dont-know , @kurt-nightcrawler
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New Girl in town
I'm the new girl in town, me and my folks don't get along real well, so im barely home. But people have been telling me that the Curtis Household is always unlocked, and that they don't mind if you stay the night.
--few days go by--
Me and my parents had got'n in a fight and kicked me out for the week. I had no where to go. So I went to the only place you know that Tim, and a bunch of other greasers have had told me about, the Curtis house hold. It was the middle of the night when I walked in quietly. I was so sleepy I didnt even think about a blanket or a pillow, I just plopped on the couch and slept.
--Next morning--
The next day I woke up to a slight 'hello' I opened my eyes hazly. To only a fogging outlining of a person when you heard that voice again... "Hellloo, you a wake??" I sat up when I realized it was an actual person and I freaked out. Then remembering people lived in that house. "Woah, calm down... I'm Ponyboy Curtis, I'm 14 also the youngest." He said in a calm voice almost soothing.
"Oh, sorry I wasn't planning on staying for ever just the night until I find somewherw else to sleep for the rest of the week... I swear..."
"WOAH, WOAH, slow down its okay you can stay here as long as you let me make this beautiful young lady some breakfast. And if anyone should be scared it should be me!!" He laughed towards the end, standing up and walking to the kitchen.
"Whys that?" I questioned.
"Because you could have been a Soc just waiting to jump us, and the fact that we have never had a girl sleep over just boys! And uh... Whats your name?" He said with no hesitation.
"Uh... duh... right forgot. Hi I'm y/n, I'm 13... Me and my parents got in a fight and kicked me out for the weekend. But breakfast would be nice thanks." I giggled.
"Y/n, uh thats an amazing name. But I know everyone in this town... you new!" He asked, while flipping pan cakes. Then yelling, "DARRY, SODA!!! BREAKFEST IS READY!!"
"Yes, I just moved here from Kansas." Darry and Sodapop just then walked in.
Soda was wrapped in a towel and nothing else on. "Well, who's this pretty lady!?!?" He said while slowly checking me out.
"Hi Soda and I'm gonna assume your Darry. Anywho I'm Y/n. And is it okay if I spend the week here. Me and my parents got in a fight and they kicked me out for a week. I am also new so you probably haven't seen you around I just moved from Kansas. And I'm 13." I stood there quietly after, in XL sweatpants, tank top, a bra, underwear, and a XXL solid black hoodie.
"Sure, why the hell not." Darry said after sitting down. "Let's eat!!"
--After Breakfast--
Darry then broken the silence by saying, "Ponyboy, why uh... why dont you take school off and you could show Y/n around the house and town. Go to the movies, or lunch something like that." Then handing Pony $10.
"Okay! I'm gonna change." He grabbed the money and looked at me , his hazel eyes met mine.
"Diddo!" I said walking towards my bag of stuff.
Pony looked at me and pulzzed said, "you have a strange vocabulary for girl." Then walked to Soda's and his room to change.
After I changed, I walked In with black and white converses, light blue jeans, a cute tank top with a wide area on the sides that showed my bra, and my jacket around your waist. "Woah, your even more beautiful then before!!" Ponyboy stared at me then looking up and down. "Shall we!?" We both walked out the door and to the side of the house where the rest of the gang was.
"Hey Ponyb... Wow who's she!!??" Two-bit asked as his goofy old self.
"Hey guys, this is y/n she's 13 and just moved here from Kansas. Y/n this is Two-bit.!
"Hey cutie!."
"We should hang out sometime!" He winked at me.
"Wow, prettiest girl that I've seen in along time!"
"And Steve is works at the DX with Sodapop, we'll go see them later though."
"Okay." I said turning back to Ponyboy.
"Damn... She sounds cute too!" Dally said.
"Thanks, and I think I'll take your offer for hanging out. How about later around 5. Pony here is gonna show me around!"
"Okay." The gang just then left and Pony started walking.
"Omg Ponyboy you're so much fun to hang out with, and so funny can you show me around again tomorrow. I have to go meet with Dally!?" I said slowly turning to him.
"Of course be home by 7 for dinner.!" He high fived me goodbye although I would much rather have had a hug but whatever. So I ran other quickly to Benny's because that where Dallas said he would be. When I got over to the house, he was sitting outside and smoking. He looked at me.
"Hey, doll! Looking good." He gave me a smirk as usual.
"Hey Dal!" I waved and ran up to sit next to him.
"So, y/n... What do you think of Pony uh?!"
I froze, "Why??"
"You... Uh... how do I put this. You blush around him a lot, and you laughed at everything he said. Come on be honest." He leaned in closer waiting for me to respond.
"Thats only because he's funny!!!"
"Oh, come on... I won't tell him!!" He gave me puppy eyes that unexpectedly worked.
"Uhmm, FINE" I squirmed in my chair at the fact I had to tell him. "Okay. I do I'm in LOVE with Ponyboy. He's so cute and smug, he's amazingly funny, huh and the way he stares at me with though hazel eyes its like a... Like a..." I couldn't believe I actually said that. I also can't believe I feel that. Our night went on.
It was 6: 30, and boy was I freaking out I couldn't wait for y/n to get home. I couldn't wait to see her. "Johnny, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack if these 30 minutes dont go by fast. UUUGGGHHH!!!!"
Johnny stared at me..."Somebody's love sick. Man, Ponyboy you really got a thing going for y/n don't ya?"
I sat up and came back with, "Gosh Johnnycake. How would you even know you didnt even spend a day with this Angel. I just want to kiss her already!!"
"Okay, man whatever you say." Johnny got up and went to the bathroom he's stay'n the night too, and for dinner.
--20 minutes go by--
It had just 7 O'Clock when y/n was home. I jumped up saying, "JUST IN TIME!!" Johnny had just gotten up from his nap and walked in.
She stared at me... "Hey Pony, oh hey Johnny!" Her smile was even beautiful.
"Oh yeah right. I forgot, Johnny is spending the night too, and having dinner with us. And is it okay if I sleep out here with you Johnny's gonna sleep in the bed with Soda tonight (soda in the background, 'hmhm')." I look at her and she paused and blushed into the color shade of a rose.
"I don't mind at all. But beware, when I get cold I snuggle with the closest thing to me." She giggled and went to go change in the bathroom.
As she walked I said, "I dont mind at all!"
--After dinner--
Johnny walked to the door and said " I'm gonna go grab something's from Dallas. Be back in a bit."
Everyone shouted, "Okay!"
When I got to Bennys I went upstairs to talk to Dal. "Hey Dallas!!"
"Hey, man was up Johnnycakes." He said roughly rubbing my head.
"We have a problem. Pony's love sick."
"Wait... What you're saying is Pony has feelings for Y/n!?!?"
"Yeah... how'd you know?!" I said puzzled.
Dally stood up. "She told me everything. How cute, funny, dreamy he is and she said it her self." Then in a girl voice said, "I"M IN LOVE WITH PONYBOY!!" Then he stared at me.
"Okay tomorrow we have to hook them up!"
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Ocean Eyes - Part 6
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I was stood in front of my mirror looking over my outfit choice, i wanted to keep it casual but dressy enough to be out on a Friday night! I already knew Hannah would show up in some ridiculously short dress or a too low cut top showing off her assets! The black wrap top i found in my closet was just low cut enough to tease but not slutty, i found my good jeans (that always made me feel good about myself) and finished my look with my black heals.
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As i checked my hair and make up i couldn't help but feel nervous. It had been so long since i had been out like this. My social life was pretty non-exsistant since becoming a mom, even when i did go out with Hannah it was days out with Mason and Lucas. I grabbed my clutch from the dresser throwing in my lipstick and eyeliner incase i needed to freshen up my makeup throughout the evening and then headed downstairs.
"Mace, you ready to go?" I asked as i walked into the living room, i was dropping him at Hannah's mom's place and meeting her there.
"Yeah..... wow mom you look so pretty" he said smiling at me.
"Thank you baby" he was such a sweet kid, he made my heart melt!
I grabbed my leather jacket and Mason's  overnight bag and we were soon heading out to the car.
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When we arrived at the bar we found a table in the back and got settled. Hannah was straight up at the bar ordering shots and vodka lemonade's while i held the table and kept a look out for Scott.
Hannah came back carrying a tray full of drinks with a huge grin on her face.
"These should last us a while"
"Jesus Han, you trying to kill me? You do realise i'll probably be wasted after two drinks!" I chuckled shaking my head.
"Thats what tonight is all about, we dont have to worry about the boys.... tonight we are free to drink and get wasted"
"Not gonna lie, i actually needed this"
"You've had a stressful few days babe, you've handled it like a pro. Im proud of you"
"Thanks" i smiled before throwing back a shot of whisky "wow.... that warms the chest" i coughed a little before laughing.
My cell lit up notifying me of a message from Scott telling me he was here, i told him where to find us and seconds later he was sliding into the seat next to me.
"Wow you look amazing honey!" He looked me up and down.
"Thank you Scott, Mason told me i looked pretty before we left.... i swear my heart melted"
"Awww thats so cute"
"Lucas didn't even notice i was going out" Hannah rolled her eyes before picking up another shot "Mason is such a sweetheart.... so observant to everything around him. My Luke? Im lucky if i can get him to talk to me at all when he's watching TV"
"He gets that from his dad Han, sounds exactly like Mike"
"God i hope not, i dont want him turning out like that asshole".
Scott disappeared to the bar (he was gone for ages) when he reappeared he was carrying a tray full of drinks.... some pretty pink glittery cocktails and more shots.
"Look how pretty these are!" he said loudly looking so happy with his drink choice, Hannah and i burst out laughing at how excited he was over the glittery drinks.
Id lost count of how many drinks we'd had by now, we had taken so many photo's and had even been dancing.... Scott had climbed up onto the table at one point until he nearly fell off.
"What about him? He looks cute.... and he keeps looking over here!" Scott pointed to a man near the bar, Hannah was already chatting to some guy she had taken a liking to.
"I think he's looking at you Scotty" i laughed.
"Who are you looking at?? Are we talking about the same person??"
"The blonde guy...."
"No! Im looking at him! The tall dark and handsome guy smouldering in the corner"
"His beautiful.... and so outta my league!" I laughed before taking a sip of my drink "i need to use the ladies room, i'll be back".
Heading back to our table once id finished in the ladies room i noticed Scott wasn't alone at our table anymore, Mr tall dark and handsome was sat with him along with another guy.
"Scott! You little shit" i muttered under my breath before giving him a false smile.
"Here she is! Gentleman this is my best friend Y/N.
Y/N this is Derek and Peter"
"Hi, its nice to meet you" Mr tall dark and handsome said with the most beautiful smile "i'm Derek"
"Hey, nice to meet you too"
"I invited them to join us for some drinks, more the merrier and all that" Scott looked at me smirking.
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'Ruby's' was packed out when we got there just before 11pm, Derek and Peter had decided to join us as well as Hannah's new 'friend' who we found out was called Troy. Derek and Peter had gone to get a round of drinks in while Scott and I found a table. I kept seeing Scott texting someone, he'd been at it all night.
"Okay spill, who have you been texting all night? You gotta a new guy?" I asked loudly over the music wiggling my eyebrows at him before giggling....id had far too much to drink!
"No there's no new guy" he laughed.
"So who is it?"
"Please tell me its not your brother Scott"
"Of course it is..... i'm sorry"
"Checking up on you?"
"Yeah you know what his like, he wanted to come out too but i told him that would be weird. He is going to be picking me up though"
"Scott!" I moaned resting my head on the table and groaning "Im too drunk to deal with your brother"
"He will just be picking me up out front, you dont have to see him" he reached over and gave my hand a squeeze.
"Here we go, we come baring gifts" Peter announced placing a tray on the small table.
"Thank you guys" i smiled at them both "anyone see where Hannah went?"
"I think she left with that guy" Derek said "im sure it was her i saw leaving"
"Why am i not surprised! She always did this to me"
"Did what?"
"Beg me to go out with her for a girls night and then disappear with some random guy. You'd think she'd grow out of that by now" i laughed. Checking my phone i saw a message from her confirming that she had indeed left for the night.
"I think this is my last guys, i'm seeing two of everyone"
"We should do this again sometime, its aways nice to meet new friends" Scott said to Derek and Peter.
"Its been fun" i nodded in agreement.
We all exchanged numbers and then Scott came outside with me to call an Uber. As we walked outside we spotted Chris's car parked across the street.
"He's here already"
"You can go, i'll be okay on my own"
"No way! Im not leaving you alone out here" he said being extra dramatic.
Scott's phone rang and he showed me the screen with Chris's name.
"Hey..... no everything's fine y/n is just getting an Uber. Um.... okay hold on" he looked at me "Chris said he'll take you home"
"An Ubers fine...."
"Come on let us take you. Please? For me?"
"Fine" i threw my hands up sighing "lets go".
I let Scott get in the front with chris while i sat in the back.
"You guys have fun?" He asked as he pulled out on to the road.
"It was sooo good. You missed out" Scott said drunkenly looking at his brother with a grin.
"Well i wasn't invited"
"Oh god...." i muttered to myself rolling my eyes, i was too drunk for this. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes.... maybe i could just sleep until we reached my place.
I managed to fall asleep until my cell started ringing. I fumbled around in my clutch for the phone and answered without seeing who it was.
"Y/N its Sue" i heard Hannah's mom's voice come through, i instantly opened my eyes on full alert.
"Sue, is everything okay.... is Mace ok?"
"He's actually not feeling well, he's been sick and has a fever. Y/N he's just crying and asking for you"
"Shit, um okay.... christ why did i drink so much"
"Hey whats wrong with Mason?" Chris asked meeting my eyes in the rear view.
"He's been sick and has a fever, he keeps asking for me"
"We can go get him, just tell me where i gotta go".
"Sue we'll be there in 10 minutes" i told her after i gave Chris the address "okay, see you soon" i ended the call and let my head fall back against the headrest "fuck! How the hell am i supposed to look after Mason like this"
"I can help out, i dont mind" Chris spoke up "if you need me to stay and help with Mason....."
"Thats actually not an awful idea.... at least until i've sobered up a bit. God, this is why i dont go out getting wasted!"
"You couldn't have known he'd get sick"
"But i should've been there for him...." i was suddenly feeling guilty for not being there for my baby boy.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie
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Home - Intro
Summary: Fresh out of a divorce, Y/N moves to Sun Valley for a fresh start, a house left to her by her aunt and a new job as a nanny.
James 'Bucky' Barnes owns a law firm and has been left with three kids after his wife died giving birth to their youngest.
Bucky is nervous about leaving the kids with a nanny but he cant keep finding babysitters and the kids need someone more permanent around.
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If you had asked me a year ago where id be right now, i would have said happily married, maybe a kid on the way?
But oh how wrong i was.
I was standing in my new home (a house left to me by my aunt that i was planning on selling!) with two suitcases of my belongings, no husband, no kids.... just me.
I stood looking around the fully furnished house and sighed, it was a lovely house, a bit outdated but i could work on that gradually....I wouldn't be here that often anyway. Before making the move i had applied for a nannying job in town, single father with 3 kids, he called me within the hour to have a phone interview that lasted over an hour. 20 minutes after the call he offered me the job. He was either impressed or desperate, i hadn't worked that out yet!
I dragged my suitcases upstairs and chose a bedroom, i unpacked the suitcases hanging up clothes in the wardrobe. Found some clean sheets and changed the bedsheets before turning in for the night. I had to be at the Barnes residence at 7:30am tomorrow to meet them all in person.
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Dressed in blue jeans and purple cable knit sweater i headed to the car and made my way to the Barnes residence.
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Pulling up in the 3 car garage as directed i sat leaning forward so i could take in the size of the place! It was huge! Clearly the man made ALOT of money!!
"Well shit" i quietly mumbled to myself grabbing my purse from the passenger seat and making my way up to the front door. The door opened before i even reached it and a young blonde woman opened the door with a tight smile.
"You must be Y/N"
"Yeah, thats me. Hi" i replied giving her a polite smile.
"Im Chloe, Mr Barnes's assistant. He is just finishing up a call, he asked me to show you in"
I followed Chloe through the huge house into the living room, i couldn't help but worry about getting lost in here!
"Just wait here he wont be long" Chloe said before turning and making a quick getaway. I sat on the edge of the sofa, knee shaking nervously as i looked around the room, the place was spotless considering three kids lived here.
"Im so sorry Miss Y/L/N, unexpected early morning problems to deal with" a deep voice suddenly said from behind making me stand up to turn and great my new employer.
When i saw him i felt my breath catch in my throat, the man was beautiful! ....i was NOT expecting that at all! 
"Its not a problem Mr Barnes" i smiled trying to ignore the fact he was the prettiest man id ever seen in my life!!
"Please have a seat"
"Thank you"
"Its nice to finally put a face to the name" he smiled looking a little surprised himself, maybe he was expecting an older woman??
"Yeah it sure is, i have to admit your a lot younger than i thought you'd be"
"I get that alot, we started young" he chuckled taking a seat on the sofa across from me "so how did the move go?"
"It was fine, i got in yesterday. Still gotta make it feel like home you know"
"I get that" he nodded looking around the room "i've lived here for 3 years and still doesn't feel like a home. As i said i work alot, i havent had time to do much with the place"
"Its a beautiful home Mr Barnes"
"Please call me James, Mr Barnes is so formal"
"Okay sure, in that case you have to call me Y/N" i smiled "so where are the kids? Its very quiet in here considering you have three young ones"
"Oh it wont stay like that for long, trust me! They stayed at their Uncle Steve's last night while i got the house cleaned. Couldn't have you turning up to messy house on your first day, you would have run a mile"
"I dont mind a bit of mess, its kinda expected when kids are involved anyway" i shrugged.
"I guess its inevitable" he smiled running his hand over his stubbled jaw "So, the hours i need you will vary depending on my work load. Some days i'll be home early and you can head home, others i may get held up and need you to stay"
"Yeah thats fine, im flexible with hours anyway" i nodded "being new to town i dont have any commitments, i'll welcome the distraction to be honest"
"No family or friends in town?"
"Nope, its just me. My aunt left me the farm house when she passed away a few months ago.... i had every intention of selling the place but..... well things changed and i decided a fresh start would be best"
"Well if you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask me"
"Thank you Mr Barnes.... sorry, i mean James" i felt myself blush slightly but he just smiled at me.
"I'll get a room set up for you here too, i dont expect you stay late then drive home. Id feel much better if you would just stay over when that happens"
"Okay, that sounds practical"
"I want you to feel comfortable with us, you will become a big part of our lives. I mean I'm trusting you with the most important things in my life"
"Im sure we'll get along great, and you dont have to worry. I will treat them like they were my own, they will be perfectly safe with me i promise you"
"BUCK WE'RE HOME!" A voice called suddenly followed by the sounds of running and laughing.
"Incoming" He stood up chuckling raising his eyebrows, the door burst open and two girls came busting through the door and dived at him. James scooped up both girls planted kisses on their faces making them giggle.
"How are my girls?"
"We good daddy, uncle Stevie gave us chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!" The smaller of the two said happily.
"He did?? Did you save me some?"
"Dont be silly daddy"
"Who are you?" The eldest of the two asked me suddenly looking suspicious.
"Im Y/N"
"You daddy's girlfriend?"
"No sweetheart, this is Y/N. She's going to be looking after you while im at work"
"No more Mrs Fisher???"
"YES!! she was mean!.... your not mean are you?"
"I dont think so" i laughed finding it amusing.
"Y/N's not mean at all! I think you guys are gonna get along just fine" James said smiling.
"Hey Buck" a tall blonde man appeared in the doorway with a toddler in his arms.
"Hey Steve, this is Y/N. Our new nanny"
Steve's eyebrows shot up quickly, he looked at James then over to me before smiling.
"Hi, nice to meet you" he held out his free hand for me to shake.
"You too, you must be uncle Steve"
"Guilty" he smiled before passing the baby over to James.
"Okay, so i guess i should introduce you to the kids".
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A/N: I will add a ‘keep reading’ later, i still cant do it on mobile!! 🤬
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