#and if you find more shifter stuff send it my way
writeforfandoms · 11 months
Hi! I love your shifter au 141 works so much! That being said, is there any other shifter au 141 fics outside of your own that you really loved reading, gave you inspiration, or would just recommend? I was just curious because I love your work and storytelling.
Hi friend!! Oh thank you so much!! This is super nice of you 💖💖
Okay so. Hm. Other shifter fics. My lovely friend @justnat15 wrote this darling fic with shifters, it's super cute.
Uh. No other shifter fics are coming to mind right now? @deadbranch has a lovely werewolf AU that is so much fun.
I always use the tag "fic rec" for anything I'd recommend, so you can always browse that tag. But I really haven't seen much shifter au. Not to say it isn't out there! I'm sure it is. I just haven't seen it. Sorry I don't have more to directly rec for you!
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djljpanda · 2 years
Can you do a fanfic of Wednesday getting sick and she’s just more affectionate than usual and gives lots of little hugs and small kisses and then reader finds out that she’s sick and takes care of her (sorry for the long request)
Don't Worry Request How You Like To Request. And I Love This Idea.
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It was the start of a new day as you were heading to class till you were stopped and almost knocked over by a certain blonde Werewolf.
"Y/n! You have to come with me" "Why! What happen Enid?" "It's Wednesday", and with that no others words had to be said as once your girlfriends name came up you were already half way to her dorm.
Once you walked in you almost thought it was a shape shifter. "Mi Amour, arent you suppose to wait for me in class", Wednesday said as she walked up to you and held your hand in yours bring it up to her face. "Who are you and where id Wednesday", Wednesday almost smiled as she started kissing your knuckles, "I say we call the sheriff and make a missing persons report" "Wait I need to make sure this is my Wednesday".
So you asked Wednesday one question and one question only. "Where was our first date", Wednesday came and whispered in your ear before leaving a kiss on your cheek. "Yeah it's my girl" "How?" "We only know where are first date was truly at".
With that news you cheeked her forehead feeling on how she was a bit warm so you send Enid to tell a teacher that you and Wednesday will not be in class for awhile.
You got your girlfriend in comfortable clothes as you made her lay down in her bed as Thing climbed on your shoulder. "Here take this and go get something for Wednesday. No I'm gonna stay here just to get kisses. You know what just go get the stuff.", after Thing left you, you sat down next to your girl.
As Thing was gone Wednesday kept a hold on your hand drawing circles on your knuckles as you watched her. When Thing did come back you started to prepare food for her as you can hear her quietly whine, as much as you love this Wednesday you want your old one back. You sat down next to her as she made you feed her and you did help her take the medicine Thing gave you.
Enid was going to spend the week at Yoko dorm so you and Wednesday can be alone and so she doesn't get anyone else sick. So that night as you were tucking her in she stopped you as she held onto your hand. "Mi Amour read to me" " Sure love, What would you like to hear?" "Stephen King The Shining". Once you started reading Wednesday put her head on your chest wrapping her arms around you waist as she listen to you read. You just reached chapter three as you looked down seeing your gothic girlfriend sleeping on your chest. You kissed her forehead as you put your book down cuddling her closer.
As the week went on the only way you can tell she was getting better was how she wasn't trying to threw herself on you and just sat in bed but did still gave you small kisses but when the next week hit she was back to her old Wednesday self.
"Thank you Y/n I appreciate your help" "Don't worry that is what a good partner does" "And Y/n if you tell anyone i will really make your heart all mine" "Don't worry my love this will be our other lovely secret". You smiled at her as you both looked pinkies and went on to class.
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3liza · 1 year
every single "but the poor YA authors" reply on the piracy post are genuinely convinced that "just go to the library" is a universal option for every person on earth, that every book or album or DVD is represented in every library collection, and that when an author's sales hit the shitter there's absolutely no explanation other than those awful pirates voraciously stealing their urban fantasy shifter novels. could it be that the book is bad and there's no other way to make people pay for it than to prevent them trying before they buy???
i live in a super liberal metropolitan area in the usa and my own city library is barely accessible, has enormous waiting lists for stuff that should just be piled on the shelf, rotten hours, bad transit access, and even though I do have a library card i just never use it because it will take me hours or days to find out they don't even have what i need in their extended loan collection. this happened enough times that i gave up
friend texted me this a few days ago, we live in the same city:
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major work in the English canon that every library would presumably have adequate copies of, the type of book that libraries get too much of and have to sell or send to the pulper regularly right? maybe a librarian can confirm here. i don't think the YA writer people who say "just go to the library" actually read. i think they write fanfic and change the names so they can publish it on amazon, and probably read free copies of the same genre given to them by their writer acquaintances for the purpose of blurbing covers, but anyone who has actually reads extensively and broadly, who has had to depend on a library for their media provision, would know you can never "just go to a library" for everything either literally or metaphorically outside of maybe three cities in the world. libraries "having everything" is a liberal fantasy that i wish was true
edit: im not blaming the library for ANY of this. it is a funding issue and politicians do not give a shit about public services and have been systematically attacking libraries for decades. this is not the fault of libraries, librarians, or people who actually support libraries. i am in favor of giving libraries more money and support. all im saying is that the material reality right now is that libraries cannot replace piracy as a way of accessing media and claiming they can is just evidence that you dont actually care that much about media of any kind.
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angstyaches · 15 days
The Hexagon: Aftermath, Part One
Hexagon Parts 1 - 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
This is a long one (4,000+). It's a lot of general recovery stuff, with a bit of rare Charlie/Ryan interaction.
Also, please note that I am in no way a medical professional (and neither is Ryan).
CW: effects of hunger/exhaustion/dehydration, passing out, slightly medical setting, injury (burns), nausea, mention of emeto, anxiety, refeeding, mention of blood drinking, stomach noises, embarrassment/awkwardness, demonic possession, fear for CT's wellbeing.
The last stretch of the car ride felt like the longest, and yet Charlie felt stuck in a daze. He couldn’t sleep anymore, no matter how badly he wanted to. What mental energy he had, he was channeling into not crying, not throwing up, not panicking over the sickening fear he felt, that he would suddenly be flung from a dream and back into the forest. Into the hexagon. 
He must have drawn a loud, shaky breath or something, because Shayne tilted his head to try to look at him. 
“You okay?” 
Charli nodded. “I’m...” 
Whatever the end of that sentence was supposed to be, it didn’t make it to his lips. He wasn’t even sure why that was, exactly. He just wanted his bed. He wanted his parents. He wanted to be alone with Shayne so they could cry and process everything at their own speed. 
He most certainly did not want to see Ryan Aldridge waiting in the driveway as Elliott pulled up to the townhouse.
There was no delicate way of putting it; Charlie had never stopped finding Ryan abjectly terrifying. He liked to think he’d done a decent job of acclimatising to a world that consisted of demons, demon eaters, witches, shifters, and vampires, but the most ancient vampire he’d ever met still send tendrils of cold through his body. She never smiled. She never looked angry. She never made any sudden movements. And she had never transitioned away from calling him Mr. Waters. Then again, he’d always been too terrified to ask her to call him anything else, so maybe that one was on him. 
In his fragile state, she was probably the last person he wanted to see right now. 
She was standing in the driveway of the townhouse, holding a black parasol to shield her face from the sun. She was wearing a crisp white pantsuit that washed out her unnaturally pale skin even more. For a woman trying so hard to block out UV rays, she looked like she should have come with her own light sensitivity warning. 
Elliott pulled up the handbrake and whipped off his sunglasses. The engine rumbled down to silence, finishing off with a whine from the air conditioning. Ingrid had been reminding Trevor to get that checked out for months. 
“Oh, god.” Charlie’s breath caught in his throat. “I-I need to tell my car where his dad is.” 
“You... mean your dad where –?” 
“My dad where his c-car is.” 
“Charlie,” Shayne muttered. “I’m sure they’re far more worried about you than the fucking car.” 
Charlie blinked, the movement happening far too slowly. The way Ryan Aldridge would blink. Probably. The thought of his parents worrying about him, unable to contact him, put a surge of panic right into the centre of his chest cavity. The way his mother’s face, her entire being, had collapsed inwards on that night three years ago, when he’d told them what he – 
Charlie jumped. The door next to him had been opened. Switching to autopilot, he slid out of the back seat and promptly forgot how to use his legs. 
Somebody – Shayne? Elliott? Ryan? – grabbed him, to keep him from sagging to the ground. Maybe CT had managed to pull themself together and levitate him. 
CT? he whispered internally, and a cold wave of black swarmed his vision. It seeped into his every thought, his memories of the past few days, flashes of childhood visits to the sea. Bubbles of pressure pushed up against his lungs, inside and out. 
Lights exploded in the darkness. His stomach heaved. 
His mind stretched on and on, and Charlie followed it, until he could feel the demon submerged in that same smothering darkness. They weren’t reaching back towards him. 
Still, Charlie took some semblance of relief in feeling the low, thrumming pressure of them. 
Come back to me, Charlie pleaded. When you’re ready. 
When he opened his eyes, he was on his back, but not in a pile of pine needles. Not on the concrete driveway in front of the townhouse, either. A white ceiling enclosed the room, where he’d half-expected to see drifting treetops through a purple gloss. 
Charlie savoured it for a few seconds. He had missed being inside. The older he got, the more sure he became that he had been put on this earth to be inside, to be cosy and warm and in soft lighting. 
The lighting here was not soft, though, and Charlie’s eyes protested as he tried to have a look around. 
Some kind of thin, narrow bed was stretched out beneath him, as though he had fallen asleep on an examining table. He could feel that his hoodie and Converse were gone, but his damp, three-day-old jeans and t-shirt still clung to his skin. Nausea rolled over him in cold waves, and he realised he was sweating. Was it always this warm when there was no natural breeze blowing through? 
With the glow of gratitude fading fast, Charlie turned his head. It felt like trying to shove his face through quicksand, but it was worth it. 
A few feet away, a leather chair sat across from the front of a massive, light oak desk. Shayne was standing behind the chair, resting his weight against its back. He was looking down, his eyelids heavy, and was attempting to wrap something around his hand. 
Elliott stood at the other side of the room, by the door, arms crossed, looking off into the middle distance. His aviators hung from the front of his shirt. 
Ryan had shed her parasol and one layer of her white suit. She was organising medical equipment on a plastic trolley. Her wavy white hair had been scraped back into a bulldog clip to keep it from falling into her face. Charlie hadn’t thought it was possible for the woman to look even more severe, but now he missed the softening curls that normally framed her face. 
He didn’t recognise the room, but he assumed it was Ryan office. Shayne had mentioned it to him several times in the past. Aside from books, the only decorations were a couple of deer skulls mounted on stands, and a square wall clock that, Charlie realised as soon as he noticed it, ticked obnoxiously in the quiet. And the walls, the carpet, the bookshelves, almost everything was clean and white. 
Of course it would be, Charlie thought, squinting his eyes to fight off the pulsing headache. 
This was where Shayne had first been medically assessed by Ryan, and where he had finally managed to tell them the truth about Madelyn and his eating issues. It felt a little bit bizarre that Charlie now had his own story to tell about this room. The time they got trapped in the forest and had to be rescued by Elliott. 
Except... They hadn’t been rescued by Elliott, had they? Someone had taken down the wards and allowed them to escape. 
Shayne had never quite explained that one, Charlie realised. Only now did that make Charlie feel a bit uneasy. 
As though he had been thinking the same thing, Shayne’s eyes swiveled anxiously upwards. His gaze softened, though, when he realised that Charlie was awake. He lurched away from the leather chair. 
“Hey, love.” 
“Hey,” Charlie breathed. 
Shayne closed the distance, his wrapped hand gently – messily – pushing Charlie’s hair back from his eyes. Charlie closed his eyes and groaned softly as his forehead was kissed. 
“Are you okay?”  
Before Charlie could respond, Ryan turned towards them. A stethoscope hung from her neck. If she was surprised at Charlie’s departure into consciousness, her face had no intention of showing it. 
“As I have said, Mr. Waters is dehydrated. His body has entered a state of adaptive ketosis. I will continue to monitor his vitals while he rests and is gradually reintroduced to food and fluids.” 
At the mention of food, Charlie felt a strange ripple go through the walls of his stomach. It had to be hunger, and yet there was the slightest tinge of acid in the back of his throat, as though he might be sick as soon as he tried to swallow anything. 
Shayne rolled his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering uneasily. His grip on Charlie’s hand was weak. “Are you okay, love?” he asked again. 
Charlie nodded, though he felt a stuttering echo of that panicked feeling in his chest. Nausea twisted in his stomach, heightened by the white lights. The absence of CT’s voice panged, not just in his head but throughout his body.  
He shifted on his back. 
“Want to sit up?” Shayne asked. 
Charlie nodded again.  
As he moved, he found a drip connected to his arm. His own right hand had also been bandaged, all the way up to the tips of his fingers, where he’d touched the wards and blistered his skin. His movement unsettled a large, white basin that had been lying next to him. Shayne reached out to steady it before it could fall off the – he was literally lying on an examining table.  
Was it normal for Elder vampires to own examining tables? 
A smell suddenly wafted towards Charlie, conjuring up memories of various kitchens throughout his teenage years, all of them different, and yet the hearty aroma of his dad’s chicken casserole was the same in each one. After this, maybe he would study remotely for a few weeks, spend some time with his parents, if they were happy to have him. Maybe ask his dad to teach him his casserole recipe. 
After hearing what Ryan had said about a gradual introduction to food, he had a feeling that what he was smelling now was more likely to be some kind of broth. After almost three days, though, he’d take what he was given. 
“My... my parents.” Stars blinked in and out of his vision as he tried to focus on not letting his head sway back and forth. He mustn’t have done a great job, because Shayne’s bandaged hand came to rest against his cheek, and Charlie inadvertently leaned into it. He rubbed at his eyes, and found tears had gathered there. 
“Miss McDonagh has been tasked with informing Ingrid and Trevor Waters of the situation.” Ryan glanced at her silver watch. The clock face rested on the inside of her wrist. “I should expect she will be speaking with them presently.” 
“Miss McDonagh?” Elliott scoffed. Charlie had almost forgotten he was there. “Odd thing to call your lover, but alright.” 
Ryan ignored him. So did Charlie. He looked at Shayne. “Is that...?” 
“Lucy,” Shayne nodded. 
Charlie exhaled. He didn’t exactly trust this counsellor, who he’d never met, but he trusted Shayne. He swallowed, his throat feeling like grit. 
“Is... she here, at the townhouse?” Shayne was looking at Ryan as she worked. “Does that mean Nancy’s back, too?” 
Ryan pushed the trolley a little closer. The chicken broth smell became stronger. 
“Um.” Shayne reached across himself and held his waist. The gauze on his right hand was already unraveling. “Ryan?” 
“Shayne.” She dismissed him with a calm, fluid shake of her head. “Since you will not allow me to examine you, there is currently no need for you for you to be present.” 
“Wait.” Charlie’s stomach lurched, both at the prospect of being left alone with Ryan, and at what she’d said. He tried to catch Shayne’s eye. “You wouldn’t let her check on you?” 
Shayne scowled. He looked down and rubbed his thumb against Charlie’s wrist, sending tingles across his skin. “I’m fine. You’re the one who collapsed in the driveway. And threw up on your shoes.” 
“I –” Charlie grimaced. He couldn’t remember throwing up, but with the way his tummy had felt after the flat Coke, and the way he felt now, it definitely sounded like something that could have happened. That would explain the basin, too. 
It also spoke volumes that he didn’t even worry about his Converse being ruined. 
“I want to stay with Charlie. I can be useful –” 
“Elliott?” Nothing shifted in Ryan’s expression, and yet Shayne sucked in a breath as though he were being told off. “Would you terribly mind relieving me of this one?” 
As he peeled himself away from the far wall, Elliott looked just as surprised to be summoned as Shayne looked betrayed.  
Ryan picked up a deep, heavy mug from the trolley. Her fingers splayed delicately as she turned to pass it to Elliott. Charlie watched it go and felt his heart drop; rationally, he knew there would be more, and he would never take food away from Shayne, but Charlie’s stomach was starting to cramp up impatiently. It felt less like hunger and more like a burning anxiety over being so empty for so long. 
Ryan took a few more things from the trolley and thrust them towards Elliott. He wrapped a fist around the mug handle, but still managed to make it look precarious. He tucked everything else under his armpit so he could plant a hand on Shayne’s shoulder. 
“Come on.” 
“Really?” Shayne snarled at him. 
“Really.” Elliott directed him towards the door. “Charlie’s in good hands, and those hands will be even better if you’re not in here being a nuisance.” 
“See you later, lovely,” Charlie half-smiled. He hated feeling so helpless to do anything else about the worried look on Shayne’s face. He didn’t realise how pathetic he must have looked, keeping his eyes trained on Shayne’s back, until Elliott had finished herding him out of the room, until the door clicked shut behind them. 
And then, for the first time in his life, he was alone with a vampire. 
“Are you in any pain?” 
Charlie jumped. “I-I’m sorry, what?” 
“Are you in any pain?”  
Was it his imagination, or had she spoken more slowly when she’d repeated herself? Was she being sarcastic? Pointing out that he was a lowly, pathetic human, while she was an all-knowing Elder vampire? Was this a power play? 
“Mr. Waters?” 
Charlie flinched again, his heart stuttering. 
“I apologise for instructing Shayne to leave. I realise how that might be... uncomfortable for you.” 
Guilt seeped into Charlie’s gut. Was it that obvious? 
“In your condition, it is best for both of you to be in calm, quiet environments.” 
“Right. He needs to rest, too,” he said quietly. That was what she was getting at, right? That she was focused on tending to Charlie, but that she also cared for Shayne? She had protected him from Madelyn for this long, after all, and while Shayne was still a walking sack of issues, his mental and physical health had both improved a lot since living with her. 
That’s what you would tell me, isn’t it, CT? You’d be telling me to get over my stupid hang-ups and do what’s best in the moment? 
“Are you in any pain, Mr. Waters?” 
Charlie took a deep breath and nodded. “My hand. My stomach. My head, the... the lights are hurting my eyes.” 
“My apologies again.” Ryan walked stiffly to the door and twisted a dimmer switch. The lights softened all at once, and although his head still ached, the buzzing pressure in Charlie’s eyes eased. He didn’t have to squint anymore. 
“Thank you.” 
She crossed the room again, dipping behind her large desk. As he watched her, Charlie now realised that she had a fridge in the back corner. The door was clear glass, and inside, what looked like tiny bottles of wine sat on a wire shelf. 
Charlie felt his stomach gurgle as he realised that those probably weren’t tiny bottles of wine. He looked away as Ryan reach inside, towards a lower shelf that was blocked from his view anyway. 
“I would like to take your blood pressure now that you are awake.” 
Charlie nodded stiffly, gaze glued to the floor. He glanced to the side, holding perfectly still, as Ryan wheeled over a blood pressure monitor – seriously, who had a blood pressure monitor ready to go at a moment’s notice? – and strapped the reader around his upper arm. He tried to control his breathing as the machine tightened. Would his anxiety mess up the results of this? 
Ryan was suddenly standing directly in front of him, staring down her nose. There was an uncapped bottle of water in her hand. 
“Oh...” Charlie stammered and took the bottle. The condensation immediately started to seep into his bandage, so he passed it into his left hand. “Thank you.” 
“Do not drink too quickly. Your digestive tract will not be capable of processing it yet.” 
Charlie nodded, trying not to think of that quarter-bottle of Coke and how it was now splattered across the Aldridges’ driveway along with his stomach acid. He lifted the bottle to his mouth and swished it lightly. He barely let his lips get wet, despite the clawing dryness in his throat. 
Ryan moved back to his side and unstrapped the blood pressure monitor. Charlie squeezed in a couple more miniscule sips of water, but found himself taking a little more each time. Ryan didn’t share the readings with him. Good. Too much bodily data could make Charlie feel squeamish, and between the hunger-nausea and the chilled cabinet full of what he could only assume was actual human blood, he didn’t need anything else stirring up his stomach. His water was only just starting to settle in, and it would be a shame to lose it all again. 
Ryan unhooked the stethoscope from around her neck. “Please lift your shirt at the back.” 
Charlie fumbled it a bit, with his gauzed hand and his water bottle, but was grateful that Ryan didn’t try to lift it herself. He winced as she pressed the metal chest piece to the centre of his back. 
“Breathe in.” 
Charlie did. He fought the urge to let the breath stutter back out prematurely as water and bile clogged his throat. 
“And out.” 
She asked him to do this several times before moving the stethoscope to his chest. The thought of her listening to the pumping of his heart made Charlie tremble. Was she picturing sucking the blood from his veins like straws? Would she tell him she needed a blood sample for medical reasons, stick him with a needle, and drain him dry before he even realised what was happening? 
Charlie’s eyes widened, his hand clenching around his water bottle. By the sounds of it, his stomach was only just becoming aware of its newly-acquired contents. His eyes flicked towards Ryan’s face as she continued listening to his heart. If he had heard his own tummy rumbling, then she had heard it with her vampiric hearing and had most definitely heard it through the stethoscope. Her face didn’t give her away. She hadn’t even flinched, despite how horrifically loud it must have been. She continued listening to his heartbeat, and then swiftly turned, removing her earpieces, to write down the result. 
Something in Charlie’s chest suddenly unclenched. This whole time, he’d thought of Ryan as nothing but a vampire, whereas he should have been thinking of her as a... Well, maybe not a doctor, as he wasn’t sure she had any actual qualifications, but certainly a caregiver.  
She removed the chest piece and stood off to the side again. Charlie allowed himself a couple more sips of water, laying a hand on his stomach to ward off any uneasiness. He could feel his belly churning, but no cramping, which had to be a good sign. 
“You may cover yourself, Mr. Waters.” 
“Charlie,” Charlie said softly. He tugged his t-shirt back into place. 
“Next, I will give you a cup of light broth. It is important that you do not consume it too hastily, or –” 
“I-I know. It could make me sick.” 
Ryan gave a curt nod as she turned towards her trolley. Charlie flushed a little at himself for interrupting, but he was a teacher’s pet at heart and knew deep down he’d never let go of that need to seem like he was paying attention, participating, understanding the assignment.  
He was also dying to get his hands on something warm and nourishing. His mouth, now that he had the barest amount of fluids in his body, watered as he watched Ryan pick up a mug of broth. 
“Is there anything else in particular that is concerning you?” She paused as she handed him the mug, easing the bottle of water from his hand so he could hold it steady. She capped the bottle and turned to leave it on the trolley. 
It took Charlie a minute to answer her question. Maybe two or three. He gently sipped on the broth, and even though he knew he had to take his time, he struggled to keep himself from drinking it any faster. He wondered if he could feel the broth literally warming his insides as it slipped down his throat, or if the relief of finally feeling safe was only just setting into his body. 
He tentatively felt for CT, but still felt no energy coming back from them. 
Charlie lowered the mug to his lap. The light flavour of the broth stuck to his tongue and he fought to swallow it down as tears pricked his eyes. 
“I can’t talk to Charlie Too.”  
Ryan had busied herself with tidying up her equipment as he’d been drinking. She was standing behind her desk, sliding a beige folder onto a shelf filled with other, disturbingly similar, beige folders. 
“That’s what we call the demon that I –” 
“I am aware.” Ryan smoothly turned her head. “Perhaps this is the reason for Shayne’s questions regarding Nancy’s time of arrival. She has limited knowledge on the topic of demons, but regardless is the greatest source of knowledge at our disposal.” 
“Oh.” Charlie’s heart fluttered. “Maybe. I-I assumed he wanted to ask her if she knew anything about the trap.” 
It may have been Charlie’s imagination, but Ryan’s chin seemed to lower slightly, her eyes sharpening. He almost choked on nothing as fear spiked in his gut. 
“Not – not that we thought she set it,” Charlie sputtered. “Just –” 
There was a sharp knock at the door. Without waiting for a response, someone hurried into the room. 
She was pale and a little curvy, with cotton-candy pink hair tied in two low, messy pigtails. Her shoulders were hunched, and she kept a hold of the door handle. Her other hand hovered over her chin as she cast her eyes about the room. 
“H-hi, Ryan, I...” She grimaced as she caught Charlie’s eye. “Hi. Charlie?” 
Charlie nodded. “Lucy?” 
Her grimace widened. “Hi. So, your mother and father are fine. I explained the situation, and they’re coming to get you tomorrow. I assured them that you’re in great hands.” 
Charlie swallowed over the urge to belch, trying not to let his anxiety show on his face. Tomorrow felt too far away. Separated from Shayne and frozen out by CT, all he wanted was to see his parents’ faces. “Thank you.” 
“I would also like to schedule a meeting between the two of you,” Ryan cut in. She folded her arms. Her gaze swiveled from Lucy to Charlie. “A debriefing following your ordeal. Tomorrow morning, once you have had some rest.” 
Charlie tried to nod, to be a good student and show that he understood the value of Ryan’s suggestion. He flinched as another bubble of pressure rose up through his chest, muffling the burp with the back of his hand. 
“T-tomorrow morning, you said, Ryan?” Lucy said slowly. She took a step back, still clutching the door handle. 
“We will finalise the details later.” 
“Okay. Well, it’s – uh, been nice to meet you, Charlie. I’ll – I’ll just...” Lucy pointed with her thumb before backing out of the room, pulling the door shut with her. 
Alarm grew in Charlie’s mind; he hadn’t expected a qualified counsellor to slink about, acting like an embarrassed teenager. Charlie very much hoped she hadn’t been like this when she’d been on the phone with his parents. 
Doesn’t really matter, he thought to himself as he took a sip from his mug. And to CT, he thought, Everything’s going to be okay. 
He had to believe hard enough for both of them now.
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st4rshipr4nger · 3 months
okay so im the handlers daughter (she adopts me she is NOT my birth mother) and then she adopts lila but were the same age so anyway she like raises us and stuff cause shes mother and so she trains us and shit like she does in the show with lila and also me and lila kind of have the same powers ish because okay idk if youre familiar with xmen but i like have rogues powers so like power absorption and taking peoples energy and stuff so like if i touch someone skin to skin ill take their powers if they have any and their energy and i kind of get their memories too, and so she makes me wear these gloves because one time i accidentally touched her when i was a baby and took some of her energy and she almost passed out or something, anyways being the handlers daughter obviously comes with trauma so when im like ten im like mom i dont like this i dont wanna do this anymore and shes like well thats too damn bad and i tell lila im running away but we make a plan to like meet up in the future so i run and shit one night and i find the umbrella academy a few days after and Pogo answers the door and i tell him about my powers because ive seen the hargreeves on television and on billboards and im like can i just like stay here for a little while and hes like yes ofcourse but i need to talk to sir reginald and hes like wow youre weird and then i kind of become like his labrat because he wants to see exactly how my powers work but hes also like youre fucking dangerous, so he gets this serum that makes my powers go away for a limited amount of time and i have to get injected with it every morning but i meet the hargreeves and we all get along pretty quickly and they like accept me into the family and oh my god GRACE :(((( i love her so much me and ben obviously have like a LITTLE thing but none of us is gonna admit it until like later but yeah reg doesnt trust me going on missions at first but he lets me go on one which kind of ends bad so he doesnt let me go on anymore and i have to stay on the sidelines with viktor ALSO me klaus ben diego and vik are super close i get closer with everyone else too but like specifically them so like yeah!! me and ben kiss literally like three days before he yk and then i want to kms !!! but its fine he watches me as a ghost for the next 18 years!!!! but yeah its obviously hard for all of us to take and stuff
so when were all older we obviously go our seperate ways but i kind of stay in touch with diego klaus and viktor (allison never answers her damn phone and luthers on the moon) i read viktors book and i thought it was fine like i dont have an issue with it he was speaking facts that nobody else in the house wanted to admit and we were pretty much treated the same also after bens death i kind of like started doing drugs with klaus again because the serums were also just drugs like be fucking fr anyways klaus also never tells me that ben is looking over us and he feels bad about it but like klaus and i are really similar [in my dr everyones like oh hes just klaus but in another body] so im not like yk i cant like stay mad but trust in my dr i will be sorry buddy anyways i still talk to diego cause me and him are also bestfriends and i try to send messages up to the moon sometimes to luther cause he and diego were literally like i actually felt like family around them theyre like my brothers but obviously wtv
thats like kind of a backstory thing i left some things out but i love oversharing about some of the things in my drs its fun
let me know if you wanna hear more cause like eeeeeeeee
also im scripting that like i dont know klaus has ben on his shoulder and that stuff cause i like to make myself suffer a little bit
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f1-disaster-bi · 10 months
I always forget if its you or birb who write shifters au but at this point you two are just one lump of ideas so I don't think it matters that much who I send this idea to 😅
Anyway, I have a cat and he's just a few months old and pretty small. But he really likes to "hunt" and find stuff that he bring to me. And he often finds the big stuff, like a pillow twice the size of him or a blanket that he somehow manages to drag to me. That gave me an idea for shifters au about when Lando wants to cuddle up somewhere nice with someone, he brings a blanket and puts it down by the persons feet as to say "let's cuddle".
Just an idea I had haha
Honestly, I think @f1-birb and I have blended into one, and I'm here for it. We already share a brain (I'm not joking, we sent each other the same thoughts at the same time more than is normal) 😅
But you are right in that you could send it to either of us because Shifters is a joint au between my dear Birb and I!
I absolutely love this idea anon, and I just had to do this!
Pierre was watching Lando out of the corner of his eyes The little fox was wandering around their living room as if he was hunting for something. Every so often he would freeze, going completely still before bolted out of sight and all Pierre heard was a little unimpressed huff when Lando didn't mange to catch whatever it was that he was looking for. It made him chuckle whenever the little fox reappeared, growling softly to himself and patting a tiny paw at the ground in a small tantrum.
"Bebé, what are you doing?" Pierre grinned, and leaned forward.
Lando looked at him. His ear flicking a little as he gave Pierre what could only be judged as an exasperated look. He whined as he looked around once more before he seemed to spot something and dart off once more.
Pierre just shook his head and leaned back again. He checked the grid pack chat, firing off a response or two to some meme that Charles has sent into the group before he heard the little pitter patter of feet once more but slower this time.
It took a minute or two before Lando became visible and when he did, Pierre couldn't help but grin.
Lando, all thirteen inches of him, was dragging a blanket that was way to big for him but he seemed determined. He had to stop once or twice, adjusting his grip on it before starting again. He let out little huffs as he moved, almost scooting backwards to drag it to Pierre’s feet and as he dropped it, he grinned. All teeth on display and eyes shining with pride.
"Is that what you wanted? You wanted me to shift and cuddle you, bebé?", Pierre cooed, reaching down to scoop Lando up into his hold and getting excited little yip as he did, "Okay, okay, give me a second"
Lando licked at his chin before he wriggled out of his arms. He looked pointedly at the blanket which Pierre lifted onto the sofa before he moved away to shift.
Lando yipped once more. Little feet making tapping motions on the sofa until Pierre, in his fox form, hopped up. He licked Lando’s cheek before getting cosy on the blanket and leaving space for Lando to wriggle in against his side before he wrapped his tail around them both.
The sigh that the little fox let out this time was one of content as he snuggled in close, eyes already closing and ready to nap.
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autumngremlin · 5 months
Hi there! Before interacting with me and my content, please check out my boundaries below:
Last updated: 9/18/24
Do NOT Interact
Basic DNIs (racists, homophobic, proshippers, etc)
Black Ice shippers (Pitch Black and Jack Frost, for those that don't know/gen)
Killing Stalking fans ESPECIALLY those that romanticize it
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NSFW-only accounts
Problematic drs (ie. Killing DR, Yandere DR, pedo DR, etc)
Peter Cawkwell fans/defenders
Race changing (changing species is different)
Comparing other parts of the shifting community to say another part of it is "better". I get it, every community has it's own toxic corner, but I'd rather not be involved in that part of shiftblr thanks
Rage-baiting or similar forms
Trolling, catcalling, harassment, etc
Bible preaching or anything related
Art/Edit theft
Obsessive behavior towards me or my account/content (Sending posts/edits is more than okay! | love seeing what people make and gushing over interests Spamming within minutes is not)
Slurs and any workarounds, including "is it acoustic" jokes. Doesnt matter if you can coin/claim it, Im not spending my time on figuring out if youre a good person or an A-hole, especially if Ive never seen you before
Spamming as a whole
Compliments that involve being negative to YOURSELF will be deleted. Like... please don't put yourself down like that?/gen/nm
If you feel it's needed, BY ALL MEANS PLEASE USE A TONE TAG! I have ADHD and undiagnosed autism and I don't wanna accidentally misunderstand any messages/ comments especially if we're bantering or something like that
I am against adult shifters aging down to be sexual towards minors. This is because of my own trauma from this reality that I am currently working to heal from with trauma therapy. My stance on this is not up to you to change but my own.
DO NOT PROMOTE SUICIDE AS A WAY TO RESPAWN ON MY BLOG. I am not open to this for the sake of my own mental health
Absolutely DO NOT copy my scenarios and memories that I choose to share. You can take inspiration but PLEASE don't copy word-for-word. I hesitate in sharing these as is because of how personal they are, ESPECIALLY memories
Same interests
Legend of Zelda fans
Rise of the Guardians fans
Adult shifters
Really anyone that's not in DNI, just don't be weird please
TLDR: Don't be weird and/or an asshole. Simple as that.
To rest of need-to-knows (please read these before sending a question):
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shonkgobonk · 2 years
Working more on the cult that made Adonis and what that cult specifically does with their handful of shifters and other uses that other cults may have for them.
Also just what the main cult does. I will be referring to the cult that made Adonis the "main" cult, which it is.
Cults are also my current hyperfixation right now, so working on this is another way to just scratch this itch in my brain.
This may be all over the place, but I am rusty on writing, so I'm just mostly trying to get everything out onto metaphorical paper
The info/rambles are under the cut
Shifters are made with a ritual and they involve a human and animal sacrifice to their god, and they need a way to be 'incubated', usually it takes the form of what's like pregnancy, leading the cult to prey on couples with fertility issues.
Shapeshifters in the cult are usually used for different purposes depending on their traits and on the cults definition of 'deformities'. Shifters are used in one of three ways, getting people to join whether by force or by persuading them, "taking care" of rebellious members of the cult and those trying to escape, and by taking the place of now cult members.
Those born with more noticeable traits that can't be changed, such as monstrous looking eyes, claws, unnatural skin tones, claws, or even animalistic traits, are used to 'take care' of the deviant members. Some of these shifters can't keep a more humanoid form, leading them to even act more violent. They are usually used to torture and kill those who either attempt to run away or those trying to rebel against the authority of the cult. When it comes to torturing those who tried to escape or rebel, the shifters don't feel empathy or sympathy for these people, they were trained not to and treated harshly if they show any remorse or softness to them. While it isn't a common occurrence, the cult keeps the rest of the members in check by 'sending a message' to them by showing them the mangled corpse of the formal rebel/ attempted escapee. Children are kept away from this message, the cult may be cruel, but would still like the younger members to be spared from the more violent side. These shifters are trained from an early age to basically be emotionless machines. They're the ones who are treated like monsters
Those who have those traits, but are more subtle, like Adonis, would be used to bring people into the cult. They have fangs, odd eyes, claws, pointed ears, look slightly disproportionate. They would be assigned to an area and would at first select a victim or victims, trying to persuade them into joining, using different forms of people, hyping up the cult as to make it more enticing. "They can give you everything you could ever want, all you need to do is trust them." Lies. "If you trust us, we can make sure you never have any more problems." If persuasion doesn't work, they will resort to more violent tactics. They will try to break them, harassing them in different forms, occasionally getting physical, and making them believe that the cult is the only way to get away from the unending harassment. That it'll be a safe haven away from these creatures that won't leave them alone. These shifters are also taught how to kill since if one of them attempts to go to the police to report them or report anything with the cult, they need to get rid of them.
And to the shifters that are close to perfect, who are perfect, or who can hide their traits, are given the task to pretend to be the now members of the cult. They are there to act as the people they've kidnapped or killed. They need to keep the amount of missing people to at least seem lower than it actually is, they don't need the cops finding them out.
All shifters are omnivores, but have a preference to meat. The fresher it is, the more it keeps them going. The ones who are animalistic in nature and looks, are fed animals that the cult has raised for this purpose. Those who are more allowed out into society, can really just eat like normal people, occasionally eating animals that they themselves have caught. If they leave the cult without notice, they usually live the same life, but with a higher level of anger and less restraint on their negative emotions, leading them to lash out more often. Some shifters, like Adonis, can usually wait until they have someone singled out, and also being able to eat them to get rid of evidence and to help push them through another day.
If a shifter misbehaves or is showing signs of defiance, they will be tortured, but not killed. They will be put at the brink of death only to be treated, to heal, and then to be tortured again. The cult knows about shifters weakness to silver, and how even if the metal is cold to the touch, to a shifter, it will feel white hot and burn them as such. Prolonged exposure to the metal can lead to permanent scars and even death in some cases. The reason for not killing them is that it's a bit too much to kill and just remake one, as they've tried 'recycling' shifters before, but it doesn't work as the human sacrifice of the creation process.
What happens to the 'parents' of shifters is one of 2 things. Since they're no longer useful to the cult, they will be killed or will be forced into the cult. After what happens they are either disposed of to the more monstrous shifters or like I said, brought into the cult. Adonis' parents chose to stay because they wanted to see their 'child' grow up. Another thing on parents of shifters, other than the odd traits the younger shifters get, they do at least look somewhat like their biological mothers.
Adonis was one of the rare shifters to get away. They wanted freedom, they wanted to be in control of their own life.
Also on the looking like their mothers, Adonis was originally born with freckles and dark blonde hair like their mother. Had they been an actual human and born to their 'parents' they would've been born with brown hair like their father and have their mothers green eyes. Of course, this wasn't the case, and they are cursed to have this power that can crack and break their bones in odd ways, stretch out their skin, and being able to contort their body in ways that aren't natural. In ways that aren't human. And their eyes that will forever set them apart from humanity no matter how hard they try to blend in.
The cult is still looking for Adonis. They wasted resources on them and they want them back, if not alive, then dead. Unbeknownst to Adonis, they have killed their parents as an act of revenge.
Until inspo strikes again, this is what I have on the shifters and the cult for a bit, I am so rusty with writing, I'm trying I swear guys<3
Also, Adonis and Nyx are still open for both questions and just like giving them things, I have hit art block and have absolutely no idea what to draw
T a g s s s s
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content* 
As Ian Foley sets his cell-phone down and turns to face Sam Asato, who can can tell something is wrong. 
A moment before Ian was blushing adorably but now his face is unhealthily pale.
"What is it?" Sam asks, lifting himself and crawling forward to sit on the edge of the bed. 
"Bad news?"
"You could say that," Ian says, coming to sit beside Sam. 
He lets out a long breath, scrubbing his hands over the stubble covering his lower face and jaw and then leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. 
"Somehow, in the time it took us to fool around, 'Detective Hunter' tracked down Raven Wheeler's boyfriend and got the name of the person who called her home."
"Who?" Sam asks.
"Inez. He said... it was Inez."
"Wait... what?" Sam struggles to understand. 
Sure, her 'memory loss' story was suspicious but she'd seemed as genuinely freaked out as the rest of us.
"It makes sense," Ian says. 
His voice has a dull tone and he stares at the floor between his knees, unblinking. 
"If seven Shifters have to die, it makes sense the Walkers would prefer they be strangers and outcasts, folk with few connections, who no one will miss."
Ian sighs, studying the pattern in the blue and white carpet under the bed. 
"Inez didn't invite me here on account of some open-armed, bear-folk community ethos," he goes on. 
"She invited me here to kill me."
"But you have lots of friends," Sam argues. 
"They'd come looking for you, right?"
"Maybe," he allows. 
"But Inez doesn't know that. She only knows what I told her in the few emails we exchanged, that I don't have any close family anymore and that... that I was having a hard time after losing my dad."
"And... all the other deaths looked like... suicides," Sam says quietly, "except for Raven."
"I've been thinking about that," Ian says. 
"I think maybe it was meant to look like that, too. Maybe we interrupted Inez's plan, finding the car when we did."
"What plan?"
"I don't know," he shrugs. 
"But probably something more solid than 'I don't remember where I was for a week.'"
"What do we do now?" Sam asks, unable to hide the nervous tremble in his voice. 
"Do you think the Walkers are all in on it?"
"I guess we'll find out," Ian says, getting to his feet with another sigh. 
"Pack your things. We need to be ready to run. I'll text Carlos, too. Tell him to get his and Toni's stuff in my truck."
Ian stands and grabs his cell-phone, tapping out a quick message while Sam pull on his clothes and throws his few possessions in his back-pack. 
Sam feels a tiny, nonsensical twinge of jealousy when the little 'swoosh' sound announces the text is sent. 
He has never had a cell-phone and once he gets some money it's the first thing he plans to buy. 
That way, Ian can send him messages.
With their things packed, they leave their room and descend the stairs to the first level. 
The lodge is creepily quiet. 
Up until Sam got his private tour of the basement, he’d thought it was charming, in its own rustic, earthbound way. 
Now he'd rather stay at the Overlook Hotel. 
Outside, there's no sign of the others, or of a tow-truck. 
The silence of the landscape impresses Sam with the remoteness of this place and of how far they are from any kind of help.
"Shit," Ian swears. 
"I was hoping Toni and Carlos would be out here already. I'd rather wait outside."
"What should we do?" Sam asks
"Play it cool," he says. 
"Act like everything's fine. Maybe it will be."
He doesn't sound convinced. 
As they approach the Walkers' house, Sam feels a nervous tension coiling like metal bands around his chest and resists the urge to reach for Ian's hand. 
Ian must see some small motion in the corner of his eye, though and reaches for Sam instead, his fingers closing with reassuring firmness around his.
"Deep breath," he says, leading by example. 
"We'll be okay."
Sam wishes he had so much confidence or that Ian had less. 
Running away and sending help from a distance is starting to sound like a pretty good idea right now. 
It seems even better when they reach the steps of the low deck in front of the house and Inez steps through the door with Elliot and Sofia at her back, a shotgun in her hands. 
She holds it across her chest, barrel pointed down and smiles when she sees them.
"There you are," she says. 
"We was just comin' to look for you."
Ian stands very still at Sam’s side, his hand still holding his. 
"The tow-truck?" Ian asks, his voice impressively even.
"Not here yet," Inez says. 
"In fact, I thought maybe we'd better go an' check the road. Make sure there's not some kind of blockage. Why don't you come along with us, Ian? If there's a tree down, we could use the extra pair of strong arms."
Sam: ‘First, Ian only has one strong arm right now. Second, I'm pretty sure 'don't follow the lady with the shotgun into the woods' is right up there with 'don't believe the windowless van is really full of puppies and candy.'
"I think we'd better stay here," Ian replies. 
"If you find the truck and send him on, we'll be here to meet him."
Inez doesn't say anything for a moment and Elliot and Sofia stand like statues at her back, as though waiting for some cue. 
Very slowly, she raises the gun and aims it at us, her mask of a friendly expression slipping to reveal something far colder beneath.
"Looks like the gig's up, then, eh?" she says. 
"You were s'posed to be the easy one, too. Stranger shows up in town, stranger disappears. No one's the wiser. Instead, you brought company. Witnesses. Problems. Fortunately, I've always been good at solving problems. That's why my grandad chose me to be a Keeper, after all."
"Keeper?" Ian repeats, maybe trying to keep her talking. It doesn't work.
"This ain't story-time, boy," Inez snaps, dark eyes flashing. 
"It's time to finish this and be done with it. You think I like killing folk? Well I don't. You'll be the last, I can promise you that."
"But you need seven," Ian says. 
"I'd only be the sixth."
She nods. 
"You'll be the last I kill, save one. A Keeper's always the seventh. It's only fair. Now move."
She jerks the gun and Sam tenses reflexively, ready to use everything he has to take on his full demon-form. 
She sees his slight motion and raises the gun a little higher but keeps it on Ian.
"You think you're faster than a spray of bullets?" she asks, eyes on me. "Make a move and we'll find out."
"Please," Ian interrupts, reaching his arm across Sam’s chest and pushing him slightly behind him, 
"Don't hurt Sam. He's innocent. Carlos and his aunt, too. Please let them go."
"Don't worry 'bout them. The woman's unconscious, along with the rest of my family. Once this is done, they'll all 'wake up' together and wonder what happened. Later they'll find you an' me. They'll figure that 'death-bringer' must've got to us both and that'll be the end of it. At least for another forty-nine years. As for the boys... well, they'll simply be 'disappeared'. A mystery."
"I'm begging you," Ian pleads, at last losing the calm tone he'd maintained so far and sounding more desperate and afraid. 
"Please, don't hurt them."
"I don't want to," Inez says,. 
"Though I thought I'd have to for a while. In fact, I thought I did. Your boy seemed pretty dead when I left him in the lake. Harder to kill than he looks, I guess."
Ian makes an angry sound deep in his chest, a bear-like moan of rage and the muscles in his back and shoulders bunch with barely contained energy. 
Sam hold’s on to his arm and Inez shakes her head.
"I would have tried again but then your meddling Slayer friend provided a better solution. She was followed here, you see, though she didn't know it."
She stops and Sofia and Elliot move aside to let two more people emerge from the dark interior of the house. 
Pax and Roman, Karin's 'hounds,' who Sam had thought he'd seen the last of the night he rode away in Ian's truck. 
Fear erupts anew in Sam’s chest as the familiar sight of Pax's hard-lined tan face and spiky blond hair and Roman's sallow, hollow-eyed visage summon bad memories like a swarm of bats rising from hell. 
Sam shrinks against Ian, strength sapped by sudden panic and shock.
"Your little lover's in high demand, it seems," Inez says, still keeping her eyes on Ian. 
"Sofia caught these two snooping around while we had him... contained. When they explained what they were after, I was only too happy to oblige."
"You're insane if you think I'll let you take Sam," Ian growls and Sam sees the shadow of his bear-shape ready to burst forth in full fury but Inez just nods.
"That's your choice. You can die now, or you can die later but I will put a hole through you both if either of you attempts to Shift."
She swings the barrel of the shotgun towards Sam just a little and Ian goes still.
"I'd rather die with Ian than go with them," Sam says, pressing himself a little closer to Ian's side. 
"Go ahead, shoot us and have fun cleaning up the mess."
"What about your friend?" Inez asks. 
"Are you willing to condemn him too?"
At her words, a final set of figures emerge from the house, all the players on the stage. 
One is Carlos, awake but looking strangely docile and dazed, the other is a tall man with pale skin, long white hair and inky black eyes.
"Hello, little Sama," Karin says. 
"You didn't really think you could escape me, did you? I own you, body and soul, remember?"
"The hell? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Ian snarls.
"I am Karinius Locke," he says, in the deep voice that still haunts Sam’s dreams and gives Ian a mocking bow. 
"And I suppose I ought to thank you for taking such good care of my wayward property."
"You..." Ian starts forward and Sam sees Inez's finger twitch against the trigger. 
He grabs Ian’s arm and hold him back, then slip between him and Inez.
"You made a mistake," Sam says, going for cocky but sounding frightened and desperate instead. 
"Karin won't let you hurt me and I won't let you hurt Ian. As for Carlos," he adds with a shrug. 
"Take him. I don't care."
If they get out of this, they can rescue Carlos later. To his surprise, Karin merely smiles.
"I would indeed be loathe to lose you, Sama," he says. "But this is not my domain and I yield to those who hold the power here. Of course, I would prefer to bring you safely home with me but if I cannot, then I will see you destroyed. Better that than let you fall into... other hands. As for this one," he glances at Carlos, 
"He seems promising but..."
He shrugs and Elliot moves to stand at Carlos's back, the thick blade of a hunting knife poised against his bare throat. 
Inez smiles but it's tired and humorless and her eyes are dull. 
Sam don't know why she's doing this but he believe she told the truth when she said she didn't enjoy it.
"So, what'll it be?" she asks. 
"Leave a mess or leave in peace?"
"Sam," Ian whispers at my back. 
"Go with them and with Carlos. At least you'll be alive. Please. At least let me know you'll be okay."
‘Sam: He doesn't understand. I'd rather be dead than be Karin's slave again. But I understand him. He wants to see me walk away unhurt, even if it is in chains.’
Sam will give him that but only because Karin's possessiveness and greed have given him an idea. 
Not much of one but maybe something that will give them, Ian and Carlos at least, a chance. 
Sam just hopes whatever Inez plans to do will take a bit of time.
"Fine, Master Karinius," Sam says, dropping slowly to a kneel and not having to try very hard at all to sound defeated. 
"Take me home."
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alrightberries · 4 years
Hi! So like what if Levi & F!Reader are like cuddling, and Levi over slept (maybe misses a meetings?) and Eren and his squad have to go find him and they see Reader and Levi all cuddly and stuffs. AND THEN Levi become super pissed bc they went into his quarters without permission and blah blah blah (you can decide the rest lolll) basically crack, fluff and humor lol. Please& thank uuu
the short end of the stick
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❈ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
❈ genre: fluff, semi-crack ❈ word count: 3.3k
❈ summary: In which the 104th cadets were not prepared to find out that the terrifying and ever-intimidating Captain Levi... is a little spoon.
❈ trigger warnings: implied sex. brief mentions of blood and death. profanity
a/n: i made the reader gender neutral, hope y’all don’t mind. i had too much fun writing this and got kinda carried away. this is my first request ever and i’m glad that i finished it. enjoy!
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Eren was shaking.
Sweat dripped down his forehead and his knuckles turned white from how hard he was clenching his fists, nails piercing his skin so harshly he swore it would draw blood. His heart angrily pumped inside his chest, every beat so strong he nearly anticipated for it to jump out of his ribcage at any given moment.
He felt fear.
He puts a name to the feeling and it doesn’t make him feel any better. Ears ringing, lungs breathing rapidly as he tries to steady his fear-induced heart. He was hyperventilating. His eyebrows crease from his anxiousness and he feels his knees weaken, daring to give out beneath him. Was he actually shaking right now? He couldn’t even tell.
He felt vulnerable.
Eren had seen many horrors throughout his short lifetime. He saw the colossal titan rear its ugly head over Wall Maria as its foot smashed into the wall’s gates, debris flying throughout the district as a boulder crushed his home with his mother still inside. He saw his mother get snapped in half and eaten by a titan right before his very eyes at a tender age as he sat by and could do nothing but watch.
He was orphaned. Forced to grow up too soon, too fast just so he could say he survived. His entire district was left homeless, forced to become refugees as titans rampaged throughout the outer walls, forced plow the fields to combat the famine and hunger, forced to have 250,000 people go on what was essentually a suicide mission to appease the growing population.
He trained in the military. He trained for three gruesome years and had his physical and mental psyche crushed into dust beneath the boots of the commanding officer, only to be thrown into a battle—completely unprepared— with the titans once more before he could even graduate.
He saw his friends, his family, his brothers and sisters in arms get eaten. Killed. Murdered. Swatted away like flies by the very beasts he swore he’d kill.
And yet, nothing could prepare him for this.
Nothing could prepare him for the blood-pumping, adrenaline-induced terror at the mere thought of having to carry out his mission.
Nothing could prepare him for having to wake up Captain Levi from his nap.
Jean groaned. “Dammit, just fucking do it already.”
Eren is snapped out of his reverie, suddenly reminded that he wasn’t alone. His fellow soldiers stood behind him.
“Well if you’re so brave then why don’t you do it, horse-face?” He grits back, turning around and clenching his fists at his side.
He glimpses around the hallway and his eyes loom over his teammates’ amused faces, each painted with a shit-eating grin. Everyone was relieved that they weren’t the ones tagged with waking up the Captain from his nap.
Rumor around the base is, the last person from his original squadron (may they rest in peace) who had to wake up Captain Levi almost had his ear sliced off. Levi wasn’t even carrying any gear or anywhere near a knife.
One look at Mikasa told Eren that even she was glad she didn’t get picked for this task, and he shudders at the thought of being the poor bastard who had to lose his ear just so the Captain wouldn’t be late for his meeting. He quite liked having both of his ears attached to his head, thank you very much.
“It’s your task.”
“Yeah but why is it my task?!”
“Because you drew the short end of the stick, genius.” Jean replies easily.
Oh. Right.
“There has to be something we can do! Another plan. One that doesn’t involve waking up Captain Levi.” His eyes are pleading as he looks at his fellow soldiers, yet none of them seem willing to switch places with him.
Dammit. They were really going to make him work for it.
All his dignity is thrown out the window as Eren quickly gets on his knees and starts begging his friends, the shit-eating grins on their faces turning into wicked smiles as they watch him beg for mercy.
“Mikasa? What about you? Are you seriously going to let them send me to my death?” He asks, but Mikasa simply turns her head the other way as she speaks.
“He won’t kill you. Just sever your ear.”
Eren’s eye twitches.
She looks at him once more. “I’ll pick up your ear and ask the medical unit to sew it back on you. I’m sure they’ll understand.”
As proof, she holds up a glass jar and some tweezers. She had gloves on her hands.
God, he was going to kill his teammates.
Jean, apparently fed up with Eren’s incessant whining, marches towards him and grabs him by the collar, forcing him to stand up.
“Yeager, you trained in the military for three years. You’re a goddam titan shifter. You got kidnapped and held hostage. Three times. Waking up a growth-stunted man won’t be the last of you.”
Jean’s words are reassuring but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. No, his eyes are still amused. Very amused.
Scratch that, he wasn’t going to kill all his comrades. Just Jean. Jean and his extremely punchable horse-face.
Before he could even reply, Eren is shoved inside the Captain’s office with a quick “Off you go!” and the door is quickly shut behind him.
This was truly fear.
Captain Levi’s office is empty, Eren notices. It’s spotless as always and tall shelves line every wall, each filled to the brim with books and documents. A lone door sits at the far right wall.
The Captain’s bedroom.
Slowly, with bathed breaths, he forces his legs to walk closer to the door that held his fate. Briefly, Eren thinks about getting some protective ear covers (just in case) but he quickly shoves that idea aside when he realizes that Jean and Conny were likely blocking the door from the outside.
That, and he concludes that the Captain would just break another part of his body. Maybe his hands. He didn’t need ears for handling ODM gear but he did need his hands.
“Captain?” Eren’s voice is weak but clear as he knocks on the door. “Captain Levi, you’re late for your meeting.”
He holds his breath for a few seconds, and there’s no response. He tries once more.
“Captain,” he repeats, louder this time. “Captain, you really need to wake up. Commander Erwin says your attendance is required for the meeting to start.”
But there’s still no response.
His hands are shaky and he’s still extremely nervous, but he knew Captain Levi’s presence was urgent to the meeting. Classified, Commander Erwin had said when he asked what it was about. 
The third time Eren repeats his fruitless endeavors, he realizes that Captain Levi really wasn’t waking up any time soon.
He runs back to the door he came in from.
“Let me out!” He yells, hands throttling the doorknob as he tries to pull the door open but just as he suspected, Jean and Conny are sealing the exit and pulling at the doorknob as well.
“Let me out, dammit! Captain Levi won’t wake up, I don’t wanna die— just let me out!”
His feet are pressed up against the wall at this point and he manages to yank the door open by a few mere inches. A quick glimpse outside confirms his worse fears: all his friends are holding onto the doorknob as well, trying to keep the door closed. Even Mikasa.
He’d never felt so betrayed.
“You got this Eren!” His eyes drift to the back of the group where Sasha was smiling at him with a cheeky grin. “I’m sure the Captain won’t hurt you too badly when you wake him up.”
“No, fuck that! He’ll murder me and say it was because I went ape shit in titan form. He won’t even get arrested!”
It was when he made eye contact with Mikasa when he realized what true betrayal felt like.
“Good luck, Eren.” “No, don’t—!” Mikasa yanks the door close with one strong pull and he falls to the floor, on his ass.
The room is quite once more (save for the cheeky giggles on the other side of the door) and Eren brushes himself off as he stands up. He eyes the door to the Captain’s bedroom and he breathes in deeply when he comes to terms with what he has to do to wake the Captain from his deep slumber. He has to go inside.
He finds himself in front of the door once again, and this time his knocks are a little louder, a little more unsure, as he speaks. “Captain? I don’t think you’re waking up soon. I’m coming in.”
Slowly, he tells himself. Slowly.
Eren wasn’t sure what to expect when he opened the door to Captain Levi’s quarters. Maybe a torture chamber. Maybe swords and skeletons on the wall. Maybe a book on How To Murder With One Glare on a coffee table. He didn’t know.
But oddly, he thinks as he glances around, the Captain’s bedroom is... normal. The room’s dark, with its curtains drawn and the candles unlit. Tall shelves holding an impressive collection of books still line a portion of the walls. A bed is pressed up against the wall opposite the door, and there are two lumps underneath the blankets—
Two lumps.
Captain Levi’s in bed with someone?
“Captain Levi,” Eren quietly calls out. He wonders who the hell managed to catch the Captain’s attention... or if someone even caught his attention at all. Captain Levi could just be hugging a pillow, he reasons. But Eren’s curiosity overtakes his fears and his legs start to walk closer towards the bed. “Captain?”
The blanket was pulled over the two sleeping lumps, and Eren gently tugs it down to reveal their faces.
No way.
No fucking way.
Briefly, Eren is speechless. His words get caught in his throat, hand frozen mid-air as he marvels at the sight of Humanity’s Strongest Soldier cuddled up within the arms of his lover. His normally stoic face is gone, replaced by relaxed eyes and a slightly ajar mouth, one cheek puffed up as it’s squished into his lover’s chest and his head is nuzzled into the crook of their neck. His arms disappear underneath the blankets, but judging by the fact that his lover’s arms were around him, Eren surmised that the Captain’s arms were most likely wrapped around his lover as well.
He looked innocent— cute, almost, and if Eren didn’t have to train under him everyday he might have actually believed that the Captain’s innocent sleeping face could be taken at face value.
Eren recognizes you, as well. He’s seen you around the base with your own squadron, an elite soldier with your own team of other elite soldiers. You’re known around the base as the squad leader who works their team to the ground, training your members so hard that they genuinely considered going to Captain Levi for comfort. But it wasn’t for naught, of course. Your squad’s survived longer than Captain Levi’s (again, may they rest in peace), barely making it out complete when the fiasco with the Female Titan occurred.
“Oi, Eren.” A voice behind him speaks, and Eren is briefly caught off guard as he turns around and makes eye contact with his comrades. Most likely, they got impatient with waiting for him and decided to see if he’d been murdered already.
Great, so now they decide they weren’t scared of going inside the Captain’s room.
“What’s taking so long?” Jean asks.
Eren is still speechless, opting to instead shakily point his finger towards the bed where Levi lay wrapped in your arms.
“H-he’s... he’s—“ “He’s what?”
He gulps and sighs deeply, speaking out so quietly his friends almost didn’t hear, speaking out in a mere shaky whisper as he utters his words.
“He’s a little spoon.”
Chaos is what Eren would use to describe what happened next. His comrades immediately jumped to stand next to him and take a look at the sight on bed, crowding around them as if they were a soap opera.
“Oh my god, he looks so...” Sasha starts in awe, hands on her cheeks and stars in her eyes but unsure how to finish her words.
Eren nods his head, understanding her speechlessness. “Innocent.”
Silently, his friends nod as well. But he couldn’t just stand here and gawk at Captain Levi’s sleeping form, he came here with a mission. “We need to wake him up. He’s already really late.” He says, more to himself than to his friends. He doesn’t wait for his comrades to exit the room as he gently places a hand on the Captain’s shoulders to shake him awake.
“Captain Levi—“
Eren learns his mistake too late as Levi’s eyes immediately snap open, hand clamping down on Eren’s and twisting it behind his back to disarm him.
“Eren!” Mikasa yells behind him, making a move to free him from Levi’s iron clad grip. From the corner of his eyes, Eren sees the person lying down next to Levi quickly sit up and throw something silver, flying past his comrades and towards Mikasa’s head, embedding itself deep within the wood next to her face.
Eren stares at his friends, all silent, frozen with fear, and rooted to their spots as their mouths hang open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Levi sneers, pushing down on Eren’s arm.
“C-captain, you’re late for the—“ “Holy shit, we’re late for the meeting.” You cut in, eyes wide in realization.
The Captain briefly glimpses at you and clicks his tongue as he releases Eren from his grip, the young soldier immediately slumping to the ground in relief. His arms and legs felt like jello and he could already feel himself melting into the wooden floor.
“Can someone explain to me why you brats thought it would be a good idea to enter my private quarters?” Levi glares. “Without my permission?”
Oh shit. They didn’t think this through.
A cold shiver runs down the soldier’s spines as they unanimously realize their mistake, something that Eren undoubtedly would’ve felt as well if he wasn’t too busy gawking at the realization that Captain Levi was shirtless (probably naked underneath the sheets), and you were shirtless as well (also probably naked underneath the sheets).
Levi catches Eren’s eyes staring at you, and he silently pulls the blanket over your chest and up to your collarbones without breaking his glare at the cadets.
Fuck. Eren thinks, eyes snapping to the ground as a blush creeps up his neck. Captain Levi’s definitely going to cut off both my ears now.
Conny, apparently already cracking under the pressure, flails his arms and yells as he tries to make a run for the door. Before anyone could even blink, another silver blur whizzes through the air, stabbing the wood directly in front of Conny as he freezes.
It was a knife. A fucking butter knife. Why the hell the Captain and his lover keep a butterknife next to them on the bed is something Eren doesn’t want to know.
“Since none of you lot have tongues,” Levi speaks. He’s not going to get an explanation soon. “We’ll discuss punishment later. For now,” He stands up, grabbing a still flustered Eren by the collar and dragging him towards the door, pushing out the rest of the team as well.
Eren doesn’t have time to be relieved about the fact that Captain Levi was not, for a fact, naked and was wearing black boxers. He was too busy getting pushed out the Captain’s bedroom and dragged through the office before finally getting thrown out into the hallway.
“For now, you leave me alone. I have a meeting to attend to.”
Levi slams the door shut at his awestruck soldiers, breathing in a frustrated sigh as he rests his hand on his forehead. He was getting a headache. He feels arms wrap around him from behind, hands resting on his chest. He sighs once more, this time in content, as he leans into your touch.
“Hey,” you kiss neck. “Thought you said you locked the door.”
“I did.” He turns around, still in your arms, and gently places his hands on your face as he kisses your nose. “Someone must’ve accidentally unlocked it when they were trying to grab onto something. Y’know, when they were getting fucked from behind.”
You chuckle. “Well, I’m sure that someone probably got sweet talked into getting fucked against the door.”
You break away from his arms after giving him a kiss, making your way back inside Levi’s bedroom, no doubt to get dressed for the meeting.
He stares at you as you walk, still naked and looking gorgeous. His face may be stoic but his heart was leaping, the gold ring on your left hand that matched his own glimmering in the light.
Your head peaks out from behind his bedroom door. “Round two before the meeting?” You ask cheekily.
Levi rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the bedroom as well, patting your bum as he passes by. “No. We’re already late.”
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Eren clutches the pillow to his head, exhausted from the laps he’d done. He glances around the room, eyeing the tired faces of his comrades.
As punishment for invading your privacy, Captain Levi assigned them laps around the base until sundown plus two weeks of stable duty. As punishment for invading his privacy, Captain Levi deemed them unworthy of having their own private space and made the entire squadron bunk together in the small room beside his own. 
Well, the entire squadron except for the Captain himself, at least.
Eren was pretty sure the room they were made to sleep in indefinitely was supposed to be a supply closet of some kind, but it fitted enough bunk beds for the entire team and was deemed a worthy location to carry out the rest of their punishment.
“How long do we have to sleep here?” Sasha asked dreadfully, hands covering her ears in attempts to block out the noises coming from the other room. The sound of a squeaky mattress and a wooden bed slamming against the adjacent wall continued.
“Until we learn our lesson,” Jean quotes the Captain. He himself looked extremely tired but he wasn’t trying to cover his ears like the rest of them were, undoubtedly because he’d already given up on getting a good night’s rest if the bags underneath his eyes were anything to go by.
“I don’t even care how long we have to sleep here anymore.” Conny interjects tiredly. “I just want to know when they’ll ever stop.”
As if to prove his point, a moan is heard through the walls. The soldiers flinch, still not accustomed to the sound. Mikasa silently runs her hands through Eren’s hair to calm him down.
“They’ve been at it for hours,” Jean whispers in horror. “How much stamina do those two have?”
Armin sighs, the bags under his eyes feeling heavier by the second. “They’re elite soldiers who’ve trained for years. They have more stamina than all of us combined.”
The whole room heaves out a collective groan, finally accepting that they weren’t getting any sleep tonight. 
In the other room, Captain Levi bangs his fist against the shared wall. “Oi,” he calls out. “Shut up, you brats. We can hear you.”
Levi thrusts his hips, eyes glancing down at your pleasure-struck face as he grinds into you more. The action causes you to throw your head back and let out a desperate moan, finger nails scratch down his back. He grabs your hands to pin them to the sides of your head, leaning down to whisper “Not too harsh, darling. We don’t want you leaving marks now, do we?” He continues his pace, the bed’s wooden frame slamming against the wall as he once again speaks to his soldiers.
“We have thin walls, y’know.”
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alrightberries © 2020. do not modify or repost.
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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starlitangels · 3 years
Just Sweetheart doing cool investigator Sweetheart stuff. For fun. Because we all need a little more surly shifter and playful Stealth in our lives 1.4k words
Arthur and I slipped into the bar, trying to blend in but stay on alert. Both of us were tired. This was the third night in a row we’d had to work late. And I was missing dinner with Milo.
Art and I froze as we registered a magical signature. We both looked at the bartender—a woman around my age—as she dried a glass with a small dish towel. Freelancer. The only magical signature in the bar besides the two of us.
Art nodded at me and we approached, sitting at the bar on adjacent stools. “Evening, ma’am,” Art said.
“Hi. What can I get—” She froze as she registered our signatures. She cleared her throat. “How can I help you?” The name tag clipped to her shirt identified her as Hannah.
I pulled my badge from the inside pocket of my jacket and set it on the table. “We just have a couple questions,” I said.
I felt a pulse of magic—she was testing the badge for authenticity.
The woman set the glass down and whipped the dish towel over her shoulder. I caught the glint of a wedding ring flashing in the low light. “Come with me.” She moved out from behind the bar toward a door. “Stan! Watch the bar, yeah?” she called to one of the waitstaff wandering the floor.
“You got it, boss!” Stan replied.
Art and I followed Hannah into the back room. Once we were inside, she flicked the lock on the door knob and waved a hand through the air. I felt invisible wards descend over the small space, and the dull drone of conversation out in the main bar disappeared. Soundproofing. Hannah leaned against a shelf stacked with crates, her arms folded.
“Can I get you officers something to drink? Water, soda? Not much else here is non-alcoholic, I’m afraid. Though we do have some milk around here somewhere.”
“No thank you,” I put in. “This is strictly business.”
She nodded. “I’m assuming this is about the fight the other night,” she said.
“It is,” Art said.
“Didn’t think DUMP would send a pair of Investigators for a bar fight—even if one of the participants was magical,” she remarked.
“We’re just here to make sure there was no breach of covert,” I put in. “This place is famous for its steady stream of empowered clientele. Our people know they can trust it. But the fact remains that most of your customers are unempowered. So we’re just doing due diligence.”
Hannah made a contemplative face. “There were no breaches. I keep an eye on every empowered person in this space. A very close eye. Because I like avoiding situations like this. And the magical people who come here know it. They know better than to use their magic on a regular night. There are evenings when we say the bar is closed for a ‘Private Event’—which essentially means unempowered people aren’t allowed inside for the night. But other than that, they know not to use magic here. Even the vampire from the fight the other night.”
I went rigid. “Vampire?” I asked.
She nodded. “Mmhmm,” she replied. “I do get quite a few vampires in here, looking for a meal. We have arrangements. This room is soundproofed with magic, and then the vampire trances the last hour to be forgotten. The unempowered person thinks they drank too much and the vampire gets a meal out of it.”
“Other places in the city do that too,” I said. “But do you know who this vampire was? Like, a name?”
“Not off the top of my head, but I can check the tabs of who used the room. Why? Is DUMP looking for someone?”
“Kinda. The Shaw pack and the Solaire clan are pushing the Department to find a rogue vampire who attacked a member of my pack and a pair of members of their clan months ago. We’re looking for him as a side project.”
Hannah raised an eyebrow. “You’re part of a shifter pack? As a Stealth?”
I swore under my breath. I wasn’t supposed to word it that way. “Yeah. I’m dating one of the pack members,” I said quickly.
“Ah,” Hannah said. “Well, give me a moment to check the records of who used the room. We have a sign-in, sign-out system that people know better than not to use.”
“Thank you.”
Hannah left the room, dropping the wards. I followed after her, Arthur trailing behind me.
Hannah was typing at a small computer just outside the room, an outdated UI that looked like a library catalog from fifteen years ago on the screen. She clicked around on a calendar, pulling up an old-fashioned spreadsheet. “Does the name Luke Trenton of the... Volkov Clan mean anything to you?”
I wrote the name down in my notebook quickly. “No. But it never hurts to double check,” I said.
“Alright. Anything else I can do for you, officers?”
Arthur glanced at me. I shrugged. He looked back at Hannah. “Not that we can think of at the moment. If we have any more questions, we’ll be sure to stop by again,” he said.
Hannah nodded. “Alright. Take care, then,” she said.
We left, going back to our Department car and climbing in. I tapped my foot on the floor mat as Arthur turned over the engine. “The Volkov Clan is really small,” I said. “I mean, it’s like, ten members at most. And most of them aren’t even anywhere close to Dahlia.”
“Shouldn’t be hard to track down Luke Trenton then,” Arthur remarked.
“No... but why would he come all the way to Dahlia for a drink?”
Arthur shrugged. “Maybe he likes the wine,” he joked.
I snorted. “Maybe.”
“Hey sweetheart. How was your day? You’re home late,” Milo greeted.
I sighed and fell into his open, waiting arms. “Long day,” I said. “Had to wait for the right time to go to this bar on the other side of town where there was some brawl between a vampire and an unempowered human to make sure there wasn’t a covert breach and... yeah.”
“A vamp and a human got in a fight?”
“Apparently.” I gave him a kiss and moved over to the dining table to open my work laptop.
“Ah-ah! Sweetheart, no. No more work for tonight,” Milo protested.
“I’m not. I’m just checking a name,” I said. I got onto the DUMP database and went to vampire clans, searching for Volkov, Luke Trenton.
A driver’s license appeared. I scratched down his turning date and address before logging out and shutting the laptop.
“See? There. Done. Just needed to see if the vampire in question was real or made up. Tomorrow’s task is finding out if it was him or if someone borrowed his identity.”
Milo sighed and shook his head. “They work you too hard.”
“It’s just because I’m just one of the best at what I do,” I joked.
Milo gathered me into another hug. “Well, maybe consider being a little bit worse at your job, so you don’t run yourself ragged for these people who don’t appreciate all you do for them. And definitely don’t pay you enough to put up with it,” he said.
I smiled. “You’re sweet to me, Milo.”
“Nah. Only returning the favor you’ve given me these past three years.”
I nuzzled my face into his neck. “Best three years of my life,” I mumbled.
Milo held me tighter, cupping the back of my head against him. “Me too,” he said softly. “Even if you do take some sick delight outta scarin’ me outta my skin.”
“I used to do it to my family too, before my powers even manifested. It’s how I show affection.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure, whatever,” Milo muttered. “So. Dinner?”
“Yes. Please. I’m famished. What should we make?”
“Mmm... how about my ma’s pasta?”
“Sounds delicious. Let me go get out of these work clothes.”
Before I could wiggle out of his arms, Milo trapped me to his chest and gave me a kiss. The kind that still gave me butterflies—even after all these years together. His lips were firm but soft against mine. My arms wrapped around his waist and neck, clinging to him and holding him to me like I’d lose him if I let go.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
I kissed him again, catching his lower lip between both of mine as I pulled away. “Be right back,” I whispered. I phased through his arms and slipped out of the front room.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
buncha kisses
warnings: mature language, Good music mention, slight suggestive content, lotta name calling!, basically just fluff
tags: sapnap x fem!reader (a continuation of [renamed from “a collection of moments at the beginning of your relationship”] win for me, basically, with college!au)
words: 1447
A/N: a very sweet anon requested a continuation of college!au with sappy and had some great ideas for me! i love when you guys interact and talk with me pls continue to do so! been receiving a lot of really encouraging attention from some of my favorite people (ahem, for example @strawberrymilkgeorge [among others] <3) so i just wanted to say thanks for that :)
It’s a sticky day in May.
It’s that kind of hot that irritates under the skin and works its way through the hair on your arms. Makes you want to either rip your skin off or sink into a pool full of ice.
May is a month that Florida doesn’t take very well; it’s either raining like it’s the Great Flood, or hot as a mosquito’s ball sack.
And to make matters worse, it’s the due date of a huge calculus project. Like— weighted heavier than the final kind of huge.
You’d gotten up three hours before your final at 9 just to cram. Your desk was littered with folders, chapter notes, and highlighters dull with use. A half-eaten bagel was off to the side, staling by the second.
That was before your AC broke. Yup. Broke. Ka-put. Just full on died—it was almost audible. Your roommate had stumbled into your room, face creased with sleep, and cursed for thirty seconds straight.
Completely understandable, actually.
But you didn’t have time to fret about the damn temperature. You just took your shirt off, kicked the box fan near your bed into the highest gear, and breathed hot anger down into your notes.
The only relief you would find would be lunch with Sapnap after your final. His apartment had air conditioning, and he was surprisingly deft with a knife and cutting board. Dude didn’t know how to figure the mechanics for emailing his film class project to you that one time last semester but could whip up a Greek salad and broiled chicken like no other. Your own little Gordon Ramsey.
He was yours now, officially. As of last month he was yours. A month full of drive-in movies, failed study dates, and an absurd amount of McFlurry’s.
And that’s what is waiting for you in Sapnap’s cup holder when you swing your way into his car with an exasperated look on your face. You just melt, eyes flicking up to his gratefully and silently taking it.
“How was the final?” He lays a hand on the gear shifter and nudges the AC up one more tick. The door closes behind you and you shuffle your legs apart, leg hair tingling in this heat.
“It was fucking brutal. I think I developed an ulcer just looking at the reference page,” you huff and he just shakes his head, laugh hot on his lips. “Absolutely not worth the studying—think I got a good grade, though.”
“Well, that’s cool. I’m proud of you.” The engine chugs to life when he shifts into drive and starts for the side street.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks blush ever so lightly but you pass it off to the heat. A moment passes. “So.” The straw makes a choking noise as it nudges at the bottom of an empty cup. Jesus, you finished that fast. “What’s on the menu for today?” Brandy’s Sunny Day lilts softly into the blasting air as you settle into a comfortable conversation, schoolwork at the back of your mind.
“Thinking of making banana chocolate chip muffins and pigging on those. Thoughts?” Flicking on his left turn signal with his left hand, the right slides onto your knee.
It’s never too hot for that.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply, voice small in a sudden bout of shyness. He double-takes with a smile, squeezing once at your leg.
Pigging is a perfect term for what you two do the second those muffins are out of the oven; it is too easy to shove three of those in a matter of seconds. Bellies full and in a sugar coma, you two lay under the whirring of his living room’s fan and stare up at the ceiling.
“This feels so good,” he mumbles, eyes half-lidded. Reaching a hand out, he pats his way to your hand and takes it, immediately squeezing it. “Wish you were kissing me right now.”
“Oh, yeah?” You taunt and hike a leg up onto his hips, swinging onto his lap and leaning to get your lips near his.
And that’s that.
The night is perfect.
Sapnap ushered you into his car at midnight and within four minutes you were on a US freeway with your head out the window. Like a dog.
A lone bird flies past in the dark air and you watch it swing into a patch of trees. You just close your eyes and breathe.
The stress literally melts. Melts into a puddle and drips out of you, falling onto the black pavement whipping past at a moment’s notice. School is a bitch already, much less an American college education. Grades and tests and professors and GPA’s and all that.
You swear Logan Lerman’s character knew what he was talking about when he said “we were infinite” in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. That’s what this feels like: infinity. Going 70 in a car driven by your hunk of a boyfriend, feeling the wind in your hair and the taste of midnight in between your teeth.
The inside of the car feels sweet when you duck your head back in, smile wide and hair crazy and a content look in your eyes. Sapnap gives you a glance before looking back at the road nonchalantly and lifting to curl and twitch two fingers at you. You instinctively move forward, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity. Three fingers grip your jaw tight, and then his mouth is on yours as the chorus of The King swells through the speakers. You only get two seconds to hum in happiness and slide a hand up his chest before he’s pulling away and has those beautiful eyes back on the road.
“You’re mean to me,” you sigh, and settle back into your seat with a ‘hmph’. He just looks smug. Bastard.
The nights Sapnap plays video games with his friends are—hm. Definitely something. You like to let him have those nights with no distractions most of the time; and you’re categorized as a distraction by the amount of times he “lags” when giving you a kiss or getting you on his lap.
Tonight, he got off work early and on the drive home called and asked if you’d come over and sit with him while he Robloxes with his friends. (“It’s like you can’t go one day without your hands on me,” you’d teased, but he couldn’t say a thing in response. You were right, needless to say.) “You can bring your paints!” he’d even added, knowing you like to watercolor as a hobby. You weren’t necessarily Etsy-worthy but it was fun and a stress-reliever.
And so here you were. Legs crossed, sketch pad in your lap, watching your adult boyfriend yell so loud that his voice cracks and breaks with every change of tone. You really had to remember to apologize to his neighbors…
“Baby—,” Sapnap starts, swinging around in his chair to hit you with a look so pouty his lip was in danger of falling off. “My dear girlfriend. My lovely woman.” His question doesn’t even need to be asked— he wants you to go get him a drink.
“You’re a misogynist. I’m calling NOW on you.” But you’re already heaving yourself off of his mattress and heading into the hallway, faux-annoyed look on your face. It melts into a smile upon seeing that little canvas mounted on the wall next to the door to his bathroom. It was a haphazard portrait of his parent’s dog Bowser that you’d drawn the few days his step-mom forced him to bring you home over spring break.
When you return to his room a few minutes later with a Bang and a couple of snacks for yourself, Sapnap has his headphones off and is swinging his feet in his chair like a child waiting for their parents to pick them up from school. You approach him, apprehensive smile on your face, and hand his drink over.
“Thank you,” he drawls, mid-yawn, and sets it down on the desk. Snaking an arm around your waist, he drags you between his legs and stuffs his face into your shirt. He inhales deeply but pulls away after a pause, hands tight on your abdomen. You press a thumb into his cheek and rub fondly at his facial hair, watching the way his eyes close calmly and relax.
“You’re so cute it causes me physical pain,” is all you get out before leaning and pressing a kiss square on his pink lips. They move against yours like they were meant to, one hand sliding up the material of your shirt and onto your warm skin.
“You smell like Subway,” he murmurs, and then the moment’s over.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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not-poignant · 2 years
I’ve been reading you work for years, and will continue doing so. Sometimes when struggling with insecurity, I’d get a notification for a new chapter of yours, read it, and then manage to write :) I’ve completed a novel, sent it in to a publisher, and they’re interested! For me writing is meditative but editing is fastidious, and as I’m always in varying degrees of head/neck pain, my composition is all over the place. How do you manage editing while having chronic illness?
Firstly, a huge congratulations on completing a novel and sending it to a publisher! I really hope that works out for you :D And I really wish you all the best. That's so so amazing. Also it's so humbling that you feel inspired to write sometimes after reading my stuff? That's like... *flails quietly*
For me writing is meditative but editing is fastidious, and as I’m always in varying degrees of head/neck pain, my composition is all over the place. How do you manage editing while having chronic illness?
This one is tough, and honestly my editing techniques are very personally targeted for me.
The first thing is that I do write relatively clean copy. As in, there are not like hundreds of mistakes per chapter. Between myself and my beta, we usually pick up between 0-5 typos (and they're usually dropped words, not misspelled words) per chapter. Most of my editing is tightening prose, and removing words that I'm overly reliant on. That does help! I'm definitely not a re-writer, or someone who wants to do big structural changes to a story.
Secondly, for editing, I use a noise generator. This one is very specific to my circumstances. I have very mild brain damage from 6 weeks of head/neck radiotherapy for two fairly decent size tumours in my neck. As a result of that, these days editing is actually a lot harder than it used to be, because of the damage to the writing/language centres of my brain. It causes more of a particular kind of error, one of which is I'll sometimes substitute a word with another word that sounds phonetically the same ('cheans' for 'jeans', 'prince' for 'prints' etc.). In general, editing is just harder than it used to be, because my brain is prone to making certain kinds of error that are sometimes hard to spot. The worst one is 'opposite' errors where I write 'hate' but mean 'love' or write 'can' but mean 'can't.'
Anyway! So for me:
I separate editing and writing days. I don't mind if I edit after I write a chapter on the same day if I really feel like it, after a break. But I do not write after a day I started editing. I find the process just feels smoother for me on both sides that way.
I do 'edit as I go.' In other words even while writing the Perth Shifters novels, I edited each chapter after finishing, before editing the whole story. This is partly because I was sending each chapter to my beta as I went.
I use a noise generator. I have unmedicated ADHD, with extremely poor visual attention, but very high auditory attention. So this isn't going to work for anyone with low auditory attention. But I need sound to be more successful at things that require vision (nearly everything). I've found songs are too distracting, but a noise generator provides enough background stimulation that I can stay focused on editing successfully. I'm also more likely to pick up errors with a noise generator than with music. For folks who hate sound, you might need noise cancelling earphones and complete silence. It's really important you find what works for you and tailor it.
If I'm editing a novel, I will break down my editing into different kinds of edits. The first will be a structural edit - which is reading to see if there are any big things I need to delete, or anything that just isn't working for the story. This is where I make my biggest deletions.
The second is the continuity edit. This is where I read for continuity of plot, but also continuity of character. Are the characters saying the same sorts of phrases throughout the story? Are their motivations consistent? If their talking style changes, is it because they're absorbing it from a romantic partner? What about their dialogue style differentiates from their partner? I can't tell you how many times I've read romances where I'm like 'these are both the same character, but Bob 1 is sad and Bob 2 is angry. When they are both feeling the same emotion at the same time, they will be completely indistinguishable from each other.'
The third edit is my 'words I overuse' edit. I have a lot of words I overuse - most authors do - and some of mine are 'just' and 'realised' and 'he thought' etc. I just ctrl+F and reduce the amounts of the words.
The fourth (sometimes third, switching up with the previous one) I do is general prose tightening, and sometimes further explaining on things that aren't clear enough. Prose tightening is probably my biggest thing in writing. I usually remove about 150-400 words per chapter via this (some people need to expand instead of tightening!), and I remove more in a novel. This is making sentences crisper, making sure there's good flow, deleting redundant sentences and paragraphs.
And the fifth is usually the general proof. But I'll do a proper 'proof' at the end once a story comes back from an editor or beta. This is the edit where you do a final check for like, missing full stops and commas, things that should be semi-colons but aren't, spacing issues, and again, typos. The proof is the hardest part of an edit and I hate it and honestly with the unmedicated ADHD I'm not very good at it. But I do try, lmao.
I don't do all of this for fanfiction, but if I'm publishing, then I will go through all of this before sending off to betas, or before letting my work go off to a professional editor. It helps me to break it down into certain stages because I know what I'm focusing on and instead of feeling like I have to fix everything at once, I can really hone in on what I need to focus on.
Honestly editing is very personal, what works for me may not work for you. I do think with novels it's good to break down the editing tasks into different things so that you're not trying to do everything at once. Structural vs. continuity vs. grammar edits are all very different things that employ different skillsets, you're kind of hurting yourself by forcing yourself to do them all at the same time. Structural + continuity can kind of go together, and continuity + grammar can kind of go together, but structural + grammar hurts.
And ultimately, outsourcing where possible! I don't use third party apps but I know some folks who run every chapter through Grammarly etc. before going through it again. Don't be afraid to utilise apps or software or people that can help you out in exchange for something that you can do for them.
Chronic illness doesn't really change any of this for me except that I need to separate writing/editing days a lot, and that I need to take breaks and be realistic about how much I can do at once.
I tend to get into 'editing mode' where I just want to get it out of the way because frankly I hate editing. It's taxing and exhausting and can push me into fatigue flares. I think writing serials vs. novels is actually one of the ways I cope with my chronic illness + editing, which represents a huge change in career, but editing novels all at once is crushing and frankly idk that I could do it on a regular basis.
I don't know if any of this helped because 90% was just 'regular editing advice' which I still use to help me edit even though I'm sick because it does help. And the other 10% is 'I completely changed my career so I didn't have to edit whole novels anymore.' x.x
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - When Lovely meets Angel
Summary: When the boyfriends are away, their partners try their best to be functioning members of society. Spoiler alert: they failed. 
Tw: [Mentions of Adam], [Profanity] and [Very, very brief mention of drugs. Like, half a sentence]
I shared this oneshot in the Discord server and I thought to share it here too before uploading it on AO3 later this weekend. 
You smile as your eyes do their best to track Vincent’s every move. Your head spins as your boyfriend flits from one room to another, never pausing for even a second. His duffel bag is lying beside you on the couch, gradually full of clothes, toiletries and other travelling necessities as he chucks them in Mach speed. 
You pick up the clothes that didn’t make it into the bag. You fold them nicely before placing them in with the rest. 
“Alright, I’ve stocked up the pantry to last at least for a few weeks, b-but I’ll be back by Sunday so don’t worry.” The blur that was Vincent said as he ran from their shared bedroom to the kitchen. With a fond shake of your head, you observe the Vampire made one last round. 
Letting Vincent fuss is your way of helping him calm down. And sure enough, it only takes a few minutes until your boyfriend is satisfied with the apartment - from the wards that he erected to the well-stocked kitchen and rows of laundry detergents. With the way he prepared for his departure, you couldn’t help but want to remind Vincent that he’ll only be leaving for three days; not three months. 
“Do you have Alexis’ number, Lovely? Sam’s?” Vincent asks - again - in concern as he pad towards you and the duffel bag. “Hang on, I’ll forward them to you now -” 
You grab his hand before he could reach for his phone and force him to sit beside you on the couch. You peck him on the cheek to startle him. No matter how many times you’ve done this; Vincent always reacts the same. Startled with a tinge of red dusting his pale cheeks. A simple kiss is enough to leave him speechless and it never fails to make your heart skip a beat at how precious he is. 
“Yes, you gave them to me this morning. I have their numbers on speed dial for any emergency of the Adam kind.” You easily assure him, only to backtrack quickly when you see how wide his eyes went. Oh yikes, bad move! Bad move! “N-Not that there will be any problem! Haha! I mean, you’re only going away with Will for three days, right? I can hold the fort, don’t worry!” 
Vincent bit his lower lip, still hesitant. “I wish I didn’t have to go, Lovely. It hurts to be away from you…” His head tilts down and holds your hand tight, yet always mindful of his Supernatural strength. “Sometimes… sometimes I could still see you in Adam’s arms, so pale and sick… your blood on his mouth - ”
“Hey, hey, Vince? Look at me please.” You gently tilt his chin using your hand that wasn’t captured by your worrisome boyfriend. You made sure to properly look him in the eyes before smiling softly. “You got me in time and for that? I’m forever grateful, but that’s in the past, OK? I’m here now with you! We both have been making good progress at D.A.M.N so that has to count for something, yeah? We’re both stronger than we were before.” 
That earns a tiny smile from Vincent and you mentally cheer in victory. “You always know what to say, huh, Lovely? And yeah, we’re pretty badass now, huh? A Vampire and an Electro Energetic? We’ll conquer this city in less than a month.” He joked. 
You try to picture it: you and Vincent - the King and Queen of Dahlia. The first thing you would do is declare PJ Friday - where everyone must wear PJs every Friday and those that wear the silliest PJs get brownie points. Collect enough of them and they’ll get a free meal in the most expensive restaurant Dahlia has to offer. Vincent can handle the boring stuff like, governing and health care. 
...Now that’s a thought; Vincent as a politician. 
Ah wait - Will would probably be disappointed in them if they tried to do a hostile takeover of this city and you couldn’t bear to disappoint him. After all, no one can pull off the perfect sad dad look other than Vincent’s Sire. Not even your own dad! 
“ - Lovely? Uh, Earth to Lovely? You there?” 
Vincent’s warm voice broke you off from your mad train of thoughts. You flash a sheepish grin when he realised that you haven’t paid a single word he said. Vincent wants to appear annoyed but his lips are twitching, as if he’s holding back from laughing at the dumbfounded expression on your face. 
“Sorry, babe. I spaced out because Will was disappointed in us.”  
“...What? Will? Lovely, what the - ”
“Anyway, don’t worry about me.” You quickly interject before you have to explain yourself. “You got me food, Alexis’ and Sam’s numbers are on my speed dial and my powers have been growing nicely over the last few classes. I got this; you got this.” To seal the deal you added, “And I promise to call you twice a day; in the morning and before I go to bed. Sounds good?” 
That finally assured Vincent. The tension melts away from his taunt shoulders and when he kisses you, it’s slow and sweet. You would’ve loved to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him on top of you and turn this into something more, but Will would surely call him if Vincent is late. 
Vincent moans when you pull away; disappointed and slightly frustrated. “Easy there, Vince. I’ll make sure to give you a very warm welcome when you get back.” You purr, loving how his eyes lid at your promise. 
But alas, as much as you love to drag Vincent to the bedroom, work comes first. So you allow Vincent to fuss around a little more before he slings the duffel bag over one shoulder, kisses you goodbye and leaves. 
Now, you planned this. You have a whole itinerary in your head for the days that Vincent is on a business trip with the King of the Solaire Clan. Assignments that need to be done, Despacito to learn on the piano (neither of them knew why Alexis dropped off an upright piano in their apartment on a random ass Wednesday night and when asked, she just cackled before pulling off a Batman and vanished into the night. So Vincent gave up trying to pester the answer out of her. You still think it’s some sort of an elaborate prank), boba pizza to cook for dinner tomorrow and a list of video games to pre-order so really, you would be so busy for the upcoming days that you wouldn’t even have the time to miss Vincent. 
If you repeat that long enough, you hope that’ll become true. 
Glancing at the clock hanging on the living room wall, you sigh at the time.10.30 PM. A little early to get ready for bed but hey, it’s not like there’s anything else that you want to do now. 
With little fanfare, you make sure that the apartment is locked and secure, switch off the lights before heading to the bedroom for your nightly ablutions.
Ok, that part about the itinerary? Yeah, that’s completely out of the window the moment you wake up missing Vincent’s arms around you. 
The gentle and warm sun rays pierce through the sheer curtains, promising a bright day ahead of you, but all you could think about is the space in this bedroom. Was the bed always this big? Was the bedroom always this quiet? Those questions rattled in your brain and it really doesn’t help that you can smell Vincent’s faint cologne lingered on the pillows. Soothing vanilla that never fails to clear your mind as opposed to sandalwood and bergamot. Vincent once claimed that the scent is too fancy for someone like him. 
Right now though? His cologne sends a pang of longing in your heart in his absence, and it’s only the first day! 
“I can’t stay here.” You decided out loud when the tangle of sleepiness ebbed away. Kicking the thick duvet off your body, you stomp to the bathroom to shower, dress up and quickly leave the apartment with nothing but your phone and backpack. 
You didn’t want to return to an empty apartment, so what better than walking around the city to distract yourself? Grab some breakfast at a new cafe, maybe do some window shopping afterwards… yeah, that sounds way better than anything you’ve planned before. 
Joggers pass you by as you walk through the park and the city slowly comes back to life. People are out and about, going through their monotonous day. Some are catching the bus, others are like her, eager to find something to eat. 
You recall that your classmate mentioned that they and someone named Damien found a Taiwanese bakery/cafe that recently opened up near the city’s library; a quaint little shop, squeezed between a hardware shop and a health & beauty care chain store. You can still remember how their eyes lit up as they excitedly described the brioche and the strawberry tiramisu they ate with vivid details. 
So that’s where you’re headed off to now. 
Apparently, the bakery is closer than you thought when you cut corners and jump through the shortcuts. Being born and raised here in Dahlia like so many others, you knew this city like the back of your hand. Though the existence of Shifters, Vampires, Daemons and more were a slap in the face to you.
Oh, that reminds you, be sure to ask Vincent if the Vampires have anything similar to Fangtasia here in this city. 
The bell above the door chimes when you enter the bakery. The sign outside says ‘OPEN’ but since it’s still quite early in the morning, you and a couple sitting at a table near the corner are the only customers currently. Manning behind the cashier is a young woman and her co-worker setting up freshly baked goods behind the display glass. 
You made a beeline to the counter. 
“Good morning. Uh, can I please have one sea salt coffee - regular size - one red bean mooncake and, umm…” You paused to scan the menu laid before you. “And a marble taro.” 
There. That's sort of a healthy breakfast, right? 
The young woman hardly bats an eye at your order. She drawl out the total amount of your food and drink to which you hand her some cash before choosing a table beside the large window so you could see the city and her people go about their lives. The scent of freshly baked pastries, hot chocolates and brewed coffees wash over you pleasantly. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if Vincent would love this place as much as you do… 
The cashier came over with a tray of your order before your musing could spiral down further. You thank her, snap a picture of your food and coffee for Vincent before enjoying your breakfast. It’s a perfect morning, well, almost a perfect morning… 
Halfway through your coffee, your phone vibrates. Vincent had texted back: 
‘Looks delish, Lovely! Make sure to finish your meal, OK? My flight was a nightmare - I’ll spare you the details - but Will and I reached the airport safely. I’ll call you soon, Lovely. I love you, always.’ 
Vincent’s text helps to fill his absence, somewhat. You polish off the last bit of your coffee and exhale loudly; there’s no use moping around. Adventure awaits! After all, there’s never a dull day here in Dahlia. For all you know, something is right around the corner just for you! 
Tummy warm and full, you bask in the morning light for a few more minutes before exiting the bakery. 
...And promptly collide with a walking furnace. Because seriously, the moment your chest hits them, it feels as if their body heat lunges at you.
“Ow!” You fell and landed hard on your ass. Whoever had the misfortune to collide against you, they were a tad taller and seemed to be in a rush to be able to hit you with an impact. 
“Oh fuck! I’m so so sorry! Are you alright!? I ran too fast because I always missed out on their marble taros! Oh gosh, oh gosh; can you hear me? Shit, I really hope I didn’t hurt you too badly…” The stranger rambled worriedly. 
“I-I’m fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me.” You assured them and gladly grabbed the offered hand. They gently pull you up from the pavement. 
“You sure? I can take you to the hospital right now if you want!” They pressed on, eyes checking for any sign of injuries on your body. “Just after I buy my pastries though.” 
You didn’t expect the blatant honesty; the idea that some loaves of bread are this person's top priorities crack you up. You couldn’t help it, so you burst out a giggle. 
“I’m good, I’m good; don’t worry.” You hiccup and wipe a stray tear from the corner of your right eye. You can’t believe this. “Go get your bread and oh, for the record? I totally get why you rush here. Their marble taro is really something else. You better hurry up; I heard the cashier said they’ll be making the last batch for the day.”
You smirk when the walking furnace’s eyes widen in horror. They darted into the bakery without a single word. The bell chimes loudly when they rush to yank the door and scramble towards the counter.
Just for the fuck of it, you lean against the window and decide to wait. Snippets of frantic conversation can be heard inside and it wasn’t long before the bell tinkle once more. 
The stranger that bumped into you pout, clutching a huge paper bag of pastries close to their chest as if they feared you would snatch it. “You lied.” 
“Shocker, I know.” You tease and then you feel your blood froze despite the warm morning. You suddenly recalled where and from whom you heard those words before and quickly stomped the image out of your head. 
“Uh, dude? Are you sure you’re alright? You look super pale.” The stranger narrowed their eyes on you. Despite the blatant concern on their face and how genuinely friendly and cheerful their voice is, you get the feeling that they’re trying to pull you apart by the seams to see if you would lie or not. 
So you opt for the honest option. “I will be.” You assured them. “Just some… bad memories pop up.” 
“Huh, well that sucks.” They glance at the bag of pastries for a moment, silent and contemplating. They then thrust it practically in your face before you could do so much as flinch. “You want some? Food always helps me feel good when I’m sad.” 
The loaves of bread smelled really good but for the second time, you giggled. “No, no, I’m full. Thank you though; that’s very kind of you to offer.” 
“It’s only the right thing to do.” They reply with an easy shrug. You get the feeling that the stranger’s kindness is something remarkable. “The name is -” 
Across the street, a truck driver pressed the horn when the car in front of him refused to budge despite the traffic lights having switched from red to green for ten minutes now.
“ - but you can call me Angel; all my friends do. Now that we’ve bumped into one another, your destiny just altered. Our fates will forever be intertwined once you give me your name.” 
Oh, you like where this is going.
“I’m - ” The driver in front of the truck kicked open his door and proceeded to shout at the truck driver. A line of cars gradually formed behind the vehicle and horns began to blare as a brawl broke out in the middle of the road. “ - nice to meet you!” 
“A lovely name…” Here your new friend - Angel - trailed off, their eyes appraising your body. “For a lovely soul. Lovely. Huh. Can I call you that?” 
Gorgeous, brimming with moxie mix with a spoonful of friendly flirting? Oh, you like them more and more by the second. 
Also, you idly wondered if there’s some weird magic attached to your name or else this is going to be a pattern every time you introduce yourself. 
“Sure.” You answered, and the two of you shook hands. 
“Say… who do you think would win? Godzilla or King Kong?” 
“Psh, is that even a question? Godzilla, obviously. He’s the king of monsters for a reason! And grandpa got his Atomic Breath; what does Kong even have?” 
“You. I like you. I have a feeling that this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.” 
When there’s no escaping from Angel’s octopus arm of love and friendship around your shoulders, you let yourself be swept away. 
“So you’re an Electro Energetic?” 
“Got any plans on what you’re going to be in the future?” 
“To shed my mortal body and transform into King Ghidorah.”
“...Can I be the left head?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that. We need the right head, though.” 
“I’ll give my friend a call; they’re a Freelancer studying at D.A.M.N too. Maybe you’ve seen them around?”
“Wait - you said your boyfriend is a Vampire?”
“He’s more of a dork than a Vampire, but yeah.”
“Cool, cool. Hey, my boyfriend is a Werewolf. Do you know what this means?” 
“...Twilight marathon?” 
“Twilight marathon! We have to do it. Let’s go, Lovely; you’re going to crash at my place for the best movie night of your life!” 
“I’ll grab some food and drinks from my place. Will be there in twenty minutes.” 
“This is the third time I’ve watched these movies and I think they just got worse over the years.” You complained, chugging down your fourth can of Red Bull. You don’t drink, so you wondered if this is how it feels like to slowly go drunk. Or high. 
You’re in your sleep wear - a simple black shorts and one of Vincent’s t-shirts. Exhausted, stomach bloated with snacks; you feel like shit. Your body is seconds away from saying fuck it and crash down. 
And yet you’ve never felt so alive before. 
The time on your phone says it's 3.23 AM; you and Angel slough through the first two movies and now finally, the end credits for Eclipse roll down on the TV screen. Angel lives with their boyfriend - who was on a business trip, coincidentally - in a very homely apartment. When you first entered, you could tell just what sort of couple they are. 
The place looks as if a small tornado tried to turn the apartment upside down but was fended off just barely - little knick knacks such as rainbow beaded bracelets were carelessly thrown on the kitchen counter behind a microwave, a crop top with printed bongo cats floating within a glittered galaxy is drape over a dining chair, three heart-shaped balloons knock against one another from the living room’s ceiling and for some reason, the USB stereo is on the floor playing Black Pink’s Pretty Savage. 
The other half of the apartment - the more organised side - are filled with neatly shelved books of all genres, an untouched bowl of fruits are on the coffee table and most of the expensive-looking dishes and silverwares are displayed behind a glass cabinet. Those were probably gifts from family and friends. 
You spend an entire day here, engaging in stupid but fun conversations with Angel, painted each others’ nails and even shop online for the sluttiest outfit that you two could find just for the hell of it before binge-watching the entire Twilight series. 
Unlike you, however, Angel is buzzing around like a hyperactive bunny on crackhead energy. Halfway through New Moon, she busted out stacks of colourful sticky notes, some thumbtacks and a huge yarn ball. You watch with utter fascination as they begin to furiously write down every little thing about the Vampires and Werewolves representations from the movies to your and their boyfriend. 
It’s 3.25 AM now. The entire living room wall looks like an abstract form of an art piece, made of common stationeries. 
Hair in a messy bun, a stick of strawberry pocky dangling from their lips like a lit cigarette, a black sharpie in one hand and dressed in black cat onesie, Angel tapped on the piece of red sticky note that wrote ‘culture appropriation or nah?’
“So what have we learned so far?” 
“Vampires don't sparkle.” You immediately piped up and this time, cracked open a can of black coffee. A brand name from Japan, but the bitter tang immediately zolt your already fried nerves to maximum level. You love it. “Period.” 
“Noted! Now, does this make Stephenie Meyer racist!?” 
You actually had to pause and consider that. “Will need to get you back on that one.” 
Angel hurried to scribble ‘remind Lovely for feedback’ inside the same note. “Very well. We shall move on to the Werewolves.” They start to list down the characteristics of the Werewolves portrayed in the movies and then compare them to their boyfriend; but the thing is, they didn’t realise that they verbally list down the quirks of their Shifter lover instead. 
You find it cute that Angel rambled on and on about someone named Davey, so you didn’t interrupt them. Hell, you’d be the same with Vincent. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you got sidetracked from comparing your lovers to spilling the tea about your relationships. 
“After we first slept together, I said to Davey, “Thanks for the sex, bro” complete with a peace sign and a wink. He got so mad that he refused to let me off the bed until I promised to stay.” Angel laughs fondly. They tear open a bag of Cheetos Puffs and throw one into your open mouth. The two of you celebrate with a high-five. 
“Vince freaked out when I told him he was my first.” You chewed, swallowed and washed the after taste of the junk food with even more coffee. Who needs sleep when you could reach divinity with cans of Red Bulls, Kirin Fire coffees and junk foods. “He was extra sweet to me the next day as if he was trying to make up for how rough he was. You could totally see how precious he is from Pluto.” 
“That’s so cute!” Angel cooed. “You’ve landed the golden D, dude. Congrats.” 
“Sounds like you’re the same. To us!” 
You clink your can of coffee with Angel’s bottle of Mountain Dew. 
Eventually, the night made way to the rising sun and the final scene of Breaking Dawn came to a close. The living room is a total mess - blankets and pillows are strewn all over the floor, empty bags of chips, cans and bottles are underneath the coffee table and you swore that one rolled underneath the couch and the wall is still a sad, modern version of cubism with strings. 
“So…” You tilt your head to stare at a wide-eyed Angel, still buzzing with energy. “Want to play Mario Kart? Loser has to let the winner dress them for the day.” 
“You’re on! I hope you like crop tops” 
Vincent couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. The airport is bustling with people rushing for their early morning flights despite dawn barely peeking from the horizon. Like most of the humans around them, Vincent and Will are waiting for their boarding gate to open. 
Speaking of Will, he had wandered off to inquire about their time of arrival to one of the help counters somewhere near the vending machines that they passed. 
These past three days felt like three years without Lovely at his side. Vincent was an idiot to think that a few simple phone calls were enough to chase the yearning of his undead heart for his lover. His sweet and strong, Lovely. 
How are they right now? Judging from the different time zones, Vincent reckoned that it’s nearly midnight where the city of Dahlia is right now. Is Lovely getting ready for bed? What did they have for dinner? How was their day? 
An amused chuckle startled Vincent from his musing. “Oh Vincent, did your phone somehow insult you? You’ve been glaring at it for at least five minutes since I’ve returned.” 
“G-Geez! Don’t sneak up on me like that, old man.” Vincent mumbled, he nearly dropped his phone from his Sire’s sudden and silent appearance. 
“Apologies. Perhaps you should give them a call?” Will suggested as he took a seat beside him. He offers a warm, knowing smile at Vincent’s confused expression. “You wore a lovelorn expression when you stared at your phone. Do us both a favour and call your Lovely, hmm?” 
“...I shouldn’t. They’re probably sleeping - ”
“Maybe. Or maybe not. For all you know, they might still be up, waiting for you to call them.” 
Vincent gave in. He desperately needed to hear Lovely's voice. Besides, their sleepy whines are so adorable and he misses them terribly. 
Will occupied himself with a John Grisham book while Vincent pressed familiar numbers and held his phone up to his ear. Lovely answered in less than a minute. 
“Hey, Lovely.” Vincent greets, feeling the uneasiness and longing untangled themselves from his chest. He can’t wait to return home and have them in his arms again. The next time he has to go on a business trip again, he’ll bring Lovely along. If Will has a problem with it, he could take Alexis. “Sorry for calling you again so late at night. I… I just need to hear your voice again. Anyway, are you on the bed - ”
“Oh my god, did you just throw your underwear at me!?” 
“Uh, Lovely?” 
Vincent immediately pull the phone away when his ear is assaulted by a cacophony of K-pop music blaring in the background, accompanied by an obnoxious laugh of glee and Lovely’s mutterings of “That slut is going to get it now”, “300% sugar in your boba tea? Dude, just do cocaine instead!” and “Oh, Dilf alert! He has a French accent too? A solid 8/10 from me, definitely.” 
Beside him, Will snorts. He happily ignores the glare Vincent threw at him and flips a page. 
But for a brief, crazy moment, Vincent was struck with fear at the thought of his lover harbouring a secret crush on his Sire. He still remembers how freely Lovely blush and giggle whenever Will was around.
“Lovely? Is everything alright?” Vincent tries again, straining to hear through the music and someone’s chattering. Who is with his Lovely past midnight? He starts to worry and feel… a little uncomfortable. 
“Vincent? What’s up, baby? You don’t usually call me so late.” Lovely reply, sounding a bit distracted. Suddenly, Vincent heard a crash, followed by a, “It’s not broken! It’s all good!” 
“Where are you? What’s going on? Are you at a party?” Vincent didn’t demand, he inquired as firmly as possible. Flashes of his Lovely dancing at a club or hanging out with some faceless man and woman keep popping in his mind. It stirs his bloodlust. 
Will idly pat his hand to calm Vincent down, eyes still glued to his book. 
“I’m at home; had a friend over for the night. The apartment is just… too quiet without you.” 
Lovely’s easy and genuine admittance settled something feral inside of Vincent. He guessed that his lover and their friend must be having a sleepover. 
“I’m sorry that I had to leave, Lovely.” Vincent murmurs. “Will and I are at the airport right now. We should be boarding in thirty minutes.” Here, he paused and continued in a quieter tone, “I’ve missed you so much, Lovely. I’ve left my heart with you and… well, it’s just not the same without you.”
“See!? Prime example of a golden D there, Lovely!” Someone - Vincent assumed is his lover’s friend - shriek in the background. 
Their sudden shriek didn’t surprise him. What did, however, was another, stranger’s voice joining in their conversation. 
From a couple of seats, right in front of Vincent. Right here in the airport. 
“Don’t shriek into the phone, Angel! Are you trying to make me go deaf in one ear!?” 
The man - no, Shifter, grumbled. Vincent could smell the scent of lush forest and dirt around him; a Werewolf, then. But his nature wasn’t the reason why Vincent’s jaw is hanging open. 
Will, who had given up the pretence of reading his book, couldn’t hold himself back from grinning widely. He already connected the dots, unlike Vincent. “Oh my, isn’t that Alpha Shaw? He must be on a business trip as well! What a small world.” 
Luckily Vincent was clutching his phone tightly or not he would’ve dropped it in shock. Alpha Shaw? No way… David Shaw!? The Alpha of the Werewolf’s pack in Dahlia!? What the fuck - 
“Turn down the volume, Angel, before the neighbours call the police!” Lovely shouted back. 
In front of him, Vincent and Will watch the impressive scowl on David Shaw’s - the Werewolf King of Dahlia, himself - face. “Uh, excuse me? The fuck? It’s way past midnight, Angel. Where are you; who are you with?” 
“Looks like your lover made a new friend.” Will said in mock-whisper. Even though both of them knew full well that the Shifter wouldn’t be able to hear them from where they are in his human form. “I have a feeling that the Shaw pack and the Solaire clan will be closely in touch in the coming days.” 
Vincent shakes his head; truly, his Lovely is something else. Without hesitation, the Vampire Prince got up to introduce himself to the annoyed Werewolf. He didn’t take it personally when the Shifter shot him a glare for interrupting his phone call. If looks could kill, well, let’s just say that Vincent is thankful that being a Vampire means that he’s not about to be a Werewolf’s chew toy anytime soon. 
“Hi. I’m Vincent Solaire - yes, you heard that right - and before you ask, I’m pretty sure our lovers are currently hanging out at my place right now.” 
That got the Alpha to do a wonderful imitation of a statue. He wouldn’t look out of place at the Louvre, Vincent thought.
David exhales loudly - as if he damn close to being done with everything that this world has to offer - before addressing his lover on the other side of the phone. “The things you got yourself into, you damn troublemaker.” No doubt that David probably isn’t too keen to know that his mate is friends with a Vampire’s lover, but Will has a knack for turning enemies to allies; he’ll let his Sire deal with the politics once they get back to Dahlia. 
“You love me!” Angel smugly replied. “Oh and guess what? We binge watched the entire Twilight movie series and we got some questions!” 
“And uh, just a heads up.” Lovely’s voice hesitantly chimes through Vincent’s phone. “We haven’t slept since you guys left. I mean, I slept the day you left Vince, but, uh...” 
Vincent winces and politely ignores David’s flow of cursing under his breath. 
They left home for only three days, surely their apartments are still standing and their lovers aren’t drunk, high or planning to commit anarchy!
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