#and if you have an OC that thinks somebody is cute then feel free to say it haha
aylaaescar · 1 year
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dating profiles for my Dragon Age OCs, courtesy of one @reverienne! others are doing some profiles too - feel free to check her blog and see!
Vanyla Cousland, Rosemary Hawke, and Zacharias Hawke, all of whom are in separate playthroughs/timelines BUT they’re grouped together for the DA representation anyway 😌 maybe they will get a date, who knows
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prpfs · 10 months
Y’all ready to get funky? 🖤🍕
Time for a very weird ask — I’m out here looking for Pizza Tower roleplay. Before I get in too deep[-dish], let’s go over a few things.
- 30+, transmasc, long-term writer.
- Literate, but looking for more manageable post sizes. [300-600 words per response.]
- Discord only — a fan of private servers.
- NOT rapid fire. Posts maybe once or twice a week.
- Very patient and communicative.
- Looking for a partner who wants to add their own ideas to this, as well.
- Willing and happy to make friends with writing partners.
- Preferably 25+. This is simply a comfort thing for me. If you’re between 18-25, I’m fine with talking and seeing if we mesh! Absolutely no minors.
- Also patient — I no longer have the ability to do rapid fire writing, so, I need someone who is understanding and is just excited to vibe. I have an extremely busy life and unless you’re paying me to drop everything to respond to you, you’re gonna get what I have the time/energy for. [Mr. Stick moment.]
- That’s about it. As long as you’re okay with everything I’m outlining in this post, you do you.
I know, I know. Pizza Tower roleplay?? I honestly don’t think I’m going to get much traction with this ad. But, there has to be somebody out there who wants to mess about in this wacky world as much as I do!
Truthfully, my biggest want is to find someone who is open and willing to play Peppino against my Fake Peppino muse. I will give you literally anything for me to be able to play a wacky doppelgänger who is trying to ruin your life. [NOTE: I refuse to type his dialogue backwards. I lived enough of my life hand-typing Homestuck text quirks. I find it much more interesting/amusing to have a Fake Peppino that is closer to RecD’s version, bless him.]
Besides what I outlined above, I’m so desperate to write for this, that I will legitimately write as anyone against anyone. So, if you’d rather I play as Peppino, I’m down. Wanna do rivals and pick up Peppino and The Noise? Cutesy and fun Noise and Noisette threads? Pizzahead and Peppino pre-canon lovers-to-enemies??? Hell, you want me to play as a sexy toppins to your OC!?!? I’ll do it — I don’t even care. I demand pizza content!
We can run the gambit from very silly and cute to very strange and dark. I’m even willing to do smut for this series. Yeah, I said it. I am a limitless writer, so there is nothing that’s going to make me cringe away. Bring it on!
If you’ve managed to get this far and you’re still interested, feel free to add me on Discord over at voxquietus! 🖤
Discord: voxquietus
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twsted-princess · 1 year
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I posted 5,514 times in 2022
502 posts created (9%)
5,012 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,506 of my posts in 2022
#twisted wonderland - 1,581 posts
#the princess aesthetic - 1,247 posts
#twst oc's - 752 posts
#others art - 531 posts
#others work - 530 posts
#my work - 512 posts
#fate/grand order - 227 posts
#fire emblem heroes - 217 posts
#genshin impact - 209 posts
#ffxiv - 205 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#basically i'm sitting here panicking cause i gotta make sure my neighbor's cat isn't dead and my mom (who's at the yacht club) has the keys
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pov: You're getting Valentine chocolate from the Ramshackle gang.
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Melanie: "(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you here? Oh! There you are! How are you doing? Did you get any chocolates yet? W- Well........here. I- I know we're good friends but...I really like you a lot!! So...do you want to be my valentine?"
Petva: "Here ya go. See ya........huh? What? It's Valentine's day and I wanted to give you something. Look I- I'm not good for this kinda stuff. But I kinda...like you a lot and if you don't wanna be mine that's fair. But gimme a chance?"
Mori: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got something for you!!!!!!! Do you like it? Do you? I made it all by myself!! You know what this means right? Let's go on a date!!!!"
Regina: "Ah, you're here (Y/N). You're probably wondering why I asked you to come here. Well.....it's valentine's day. Here......this is for you. I know I know, this might seem out of place but I do admire you deeply. Every time I see you my heart aches to be by your side. Of course you're free to reject but please.....I wish to be your valentine."
Allison (platonically): "Waaah!! Oh it's just you. Seriously (Y/N) don't sneak up on me like that. *Sigh* Today's valentine's day. I wonder if the others had confessed yet? Have you gotten something nice? H- Huh...me? Oh no no, I'm not that interested in this kinda stuff. I'm just happy to see everyone else have fun. But I do have some candy, do you want some? Think of it as...a symbol of our friendship."
Alto: "Yo, (Y/N)!! I see you got some chocolates, being a heartthrob now huh? You got the school wrapped around your hand? Gehaha I'm just pulling your leg dude!!! Here, got you some more. Don't worry this isn't gonna be a confession. I just think you're pretty rad! Come on, let's go see if Forte found somebody!"
Forte: "(Y/N) can you come here for a second. Don't worry I won't bite you silly. Here I want you to have this. Ah, your blushing face is so cute!! Yes yes I want to be your valentine. You're not dreaming. You're dear to me you know, I've been planning this for a while. How about we talk about this over dinner~?"
@crestbaby @rookvonhunt @fumikomiyasaki @ellovett @sugarandmelody @zackcrazyvalentine @just-an-otakus-blog @sakurablossoms10 @thetwstwildcard @honey-milk-depresso
43 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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"Hey! Maybe we'll beat Ace to class today, let's go!!" "But then we'll run the risk of being scolded for running in the halls Grim." "Now now you two. I'm sure we can make it on time and get there before Ace and Deuce."
Sooooooooo ya girl commissioned @chibichibisha and LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO CUTE AND SHINY AND I JUST LOVE IT!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
43 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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Guys have you ever gotten art so fucking gorgeous I've left speechless and wanting to scream?
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70 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As the newest set of Birthday cards are coming in soon here's the Groovys of all the Dorm Leaders 2nd birthdays!
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2,715 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Trainwreck (OC fiction) - Part 4
3.7 words
>>> Part 5
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It was a nightmare. It had to be.
Her throat felt weird, closed up. Joyce wasn’t too sure she would be able to speak. The shame, the embarrassment at having been fooled didn’t leave her. It upset her empty stomach, but she tried her best to show a confident front. She doubted she was successful.
“Flirting never hurt anyone, huh?” Roman said, tilting his head to the left, his big blue eye never once leaving hers. It was the first thing he said after what felt like an interminable silence between them.
They had both decided to skip their next period to talk about what just happened after the blond – Alma – left them alone, Roman had begged Jo to let him explain, and she’d been too dumb-struck to refuse. She followed him inside their building, walking towards a free bench. It was the last place on earth where she wanted to be right now. She felt ready to explode, and the surrounding noise, and hustle, and the stifling heat made it worse. If she was going to cry, she wanted it to be in private, not in the middle of a university hall.
It had been a dangerous game to go and flirt with this boy, because despite his shy acting, Jo knew he wasn't even half as much so as he tried to make her think. He had always met her teasing head on, there was no denying he knew how to talk to girls. God, had had eyes, he knew what he looked like, droopy eyelid or not, he was a catch – and he was aware.
He knew exactly what he was doing to her, and there was no doubt to her that he had done it before - the crippling feeling of being used and thrown aside like a tissue weighed on her small shoulders, and crushed to dust the impression of being special to him.
But the worst thing wasn’t even that she was played by this guy. The worst part was that she felt cheated on, but in reality, she was the other woman. Alma should have been mad, not her.
Had he… done this on purpose? Did he want to humiliate her? Was it a game to him? Did it amuse him to lead her on, knowing it was never going to amount to anything? Jo just didn’t know anymore, she couldn’t think straight with him staring at her so intently.
            Eventually, she realized he had asked her a question. She cleared her throat before speaking.
“Sure, no harm done,” she croaked out pitifully. She smiled as her fingers mindlessly played with the fraying edge of her wool sweater. She wanted to scream. She ground her teeth together and breathed slowly. She might not walk out of here with her heart in one piece, but she would walk out with whatever dignity she had left.
Sounding like she believed what she just said was a lot more difficult than expected. To some extent he was right - flirt was an art to practice at will with whoever consented and played along. But in this particular case, somebody had been hurt and that was her. She hadn’t known the details of their contract, hadn’t realized it was all there would ever be between them.
Finding out about his girlfriend was like being hit by a truck at full speed and then getting stomped over by an angry mob. The feeling was an overall unpleasant one to say the least. Joyce’s eyes were glued to her lap. She could not look up. She could not meet his eyes and keep it together.
“You don't sound convinced,” he noticed, sighing deeply.
“Oh, don’t I?!” she couldn’t help but snap. Good. Better to be angry than sad. She could deal with anger.
He regretted lying, he didn't know what possessed him when he forgot to mention that he already was in a relationship. But to his defense, it genuinely took him aback when a cute girl like her sat down next to him on the train and so straightforwardly hit on him.
“I'm sorry, I should have told you, I just-“ he started, feeling the sudden urge to justify his action but finding none. “Förlåt. I'm just sorry, Jo. I don't know what else to say, scream at me if you want or throw your coffee in my face,” he suggested.
She honestly hated the fact that it made her smile but she couldn't suppress the treacherous grin before it spread her lips. Her coffee was cold, what would be the point in throwing it in his face?
“Don't tempt me, you fool.” She shushed him by a gesture of her hand. “And yeah, it would have been nice to mention that. Would have spared me from looking like an idiot when she came to say hello.”
It was a huge understatement and he was perfectly aware. His smile dropped at the bitterness in her tone. At least he had the decency to be embarrassed of his behavior. Of course, she had blushed too when this all-legs and gorgeous blond-haired girl came up and started kissing him like she wanted to suck out his soul. Jo puked a little in her mouth.
“Jo...” The tips of his fingers brushed over her knuckles and she immediately let go of her sweater and pulled her hand into a fist. He stopped touching her right away. “I was in a bad place that day and you were- you are so nice and easy-going that I just couldn't bring myself to say it, it felt a little too good to be true that the beautiful girl I saw at the train station every week for a year now came and talked to me.”
Sucking in her cheeks, Jo tried very hard not to show that he got to her. If there actually was a manual explaining how to properly apologize to a girl even though you lied about being single and flirted with her for four months, Roman must have read it. A year. That thought gave her vertigo. She hadn’t noticed him up until that day their gazes caught.
“I know I shouldn't have done it and I sincerely regret it. I hope you can forgive me.”
And if there was anything to add, now it was done. For a split second she seriously considered throwing her coffee to his annoying, flawless face. Swallowing down her fit of anger, offered him her most convincing smile and told him she would get there eventually. Being angry at someone because they behaved badly was something but staying mad at them because she was stubborn and hurt in her pride was idiotic. Roman must have had his reasons, she had learned to know him and had come to the conclusion that he was a pretty decent guy. He was only human, and as far as she recalled, she didn't remember asking if he had a girlfriend.
God, she was disgusted by how badly she wanted to forgive him and realize it was all one big misunderstanding. She needed to leave now before she did something she would regret later – really regret, not just write a fucking poem.
“If it's any comfort to you, just know that I'll probably get lectured tonight and most definitely also get punched,” he attempted to joke, rubbing his cheek as if in anticipation, but Jo’s jaw remained tense and the lump in her throat grew two sizes bigger. What kind of spell was she under? “I know you want to punch my teeth out right now - I can see it in your eyes. Please don't look at me like that,” he practically begged, sounding pitiful.
“How am I supposed to look at you Roman?” she asked. It wasn’t rhetorical either, she wanted an answer.
The question was a simple one yet she honestly didn't have a clue. She switched from angry to sad to forgiving and then mad again. Jo needed to leave and have a good night of sleep - or at least a good night of staying awake and staring at the ceiling - to think it through.
“Like before?” he suggested, unconvincingly. He pushed his beanie back and combed his hair with his fingers in unease.
It wasn't every day that he found himself stuck between two girls who both liked him. At least, Jo did like him before finding out about his major screw up. He found himself hoping she still did, even after that. She made him feel so alive, he had forgotten she was also her own person, with her own feelings. Of course this would hurt her, it was inexcusable.
“And how is that?” she asked, an edge of hysteria in her voice. “Like you’re a handsome stranger I finally worked up the courage to talk to? Like I’m looking forward to seeing you every day because I never get tired of your company? Like I’m hoping you’ll ask me out soon?” Her voice cracked a little at the last sentence but she kept a hushed tone. “I can’t Roman, I-“ She closed her mouth, thinking about what she was going to say next. “Just- why didn't you say it? Do you think I would have stopped talking to you?”
“I don't know!” Roman burst out, not knowing what to say that hasn't already been said. “I wish I could take it back, Joyce. I do. If I could make it right, I would do it in a heartbeat. I swear, I never meant to do you dirty.”
“I believe you.” She bit down on her lips. “God, this is so awkward!” She hid her face behind her hands.
She had been flirting with him shamelessly for the past months and now that she knew he was taken and that she looked back on the events, she felt completely and utterly embarrassed of her behavior. No matter how much of a bitch his girlfriend might turn out to be, it was gross of her and inexcusable to hit on some other girl's man.
“It's petty to think that but I do hope she is not as nice as she looks because it would make me feel a lot less guilty if I knew she was a bitch,” Joyce confessed.
Roman couldn't help the smirk stretching his face at her words, his glorious face suddenly lighting up. She cursed herself for looking up right as he looked at her like that. “I won’t venture on this territory,” he admitted. “Come and meet her if you want to judge for yourself.” Jo’s eyes practically popped out of her head and he noticed. “You say you feel guilty,” he said, matter-of-factly. “Well, why don't you meet her and explain that you didn't know?”
Suddenly, the air around them was electrical, almost sizzling with tension. That was the single most awful idea she had ever heard. Yet somehow, she agreed.
                Every minute between the moment she agreed to this disastrous idea and the day of had been spent in dread and regret. Joyce’s stomach filled with acid at the sheet thought of spending an entire evening with Roman and Alma. She had no idea what to expect – she only knew they would go for drinks.
            She didn’t usually go out on week-ends since she lived out of town, but apparently if Alma was to believe, the bar they were going to was the greatest in the city. Jo didn’t care one bit what they did or where they went, she just wanted it to end quickly. She was more of a cocktails and pumpkin spiced latte girl, not really a beer and black coffee person. Luckily, the bar provided a large choice of drinks she would choose from.
            She would need alcohol in her blood tonight.
            From the moment they stepped through the door, it was clear to her that Alma was not happy about being here either tonight. Whatever this thing was, it was not her idea of fun. She wondered how Roman had brought up the idea to her, if she’d reacted as badly as she had. If given the chance, Jo would have crawled into a hole and died.
            After an hour of awkward, sparse conversation, she was ready to throw herself under a car. Never in her life, had someone made her feel so inadequate. Compared to Alma, who is just so blond and so beautiful, she felt like the snottiest of brats. Jo didn’t often compare herself to other girls, she was mostly secure with the way she looked, but this was just ridiculous. Was she supposed to compete with Barbie? Alma was tall, and fit, and had big doe eyes.
            Big doe eyes that sparkled and smiled when she looked at Roman, but narrowed at her whenever he had his back turned. Joyce was no dummy, she knew this meeting was happening solely for his sake, that they had both agreed to humor him and not because there was a single chance they’d get along. Hell would probably freeze over before they became friends.
            Jo crossed her legs and closed her sweater over her chest, holding it tight. Their conversation was background noise in her head, she just smiled a little and nodded every now and then to hold up appearances, but she’d get up and out of here as soon as possible. This is the dumbest idea Roman had ever had.
            What did he expect? That she would forgive and forget if it turned out his girlfriend – just thinking the word made her cringe – was a decent person? She could be an angel and Jo would still hate her guts. She was screwing the guy she liked. She was kissing him, quite intimately, right in front of her, in a gross display of ownership. Jo got the message. He was taken, he wasn’t up for grabs and whatever was going on between them had been nothing more than friendship.
            Even that was in jeopardy. Joyce didn’t know how long she could pretend it didn’t affect her. She had let herself fall for a guy that turned out to be unavailable. Would she keep on torturing herself if she knew it was a dead end? She liked talking to Roman, she liked getting lost in his bluest of blue eye. She wanted to see for herself if his lips were as soft as they seemed, and she wanted to gently stroke his face and lightly run her thumb over his bad eye. She wanted to kiss him there and in other places. She wanted him to write more poems about her.
            Looking up at the couple in front of her, Joyce wanted to run away. She had nothing to do here, she was just third-wheeling and wasting a week-end night. Roman glanced her way every now and then to check on her, and she had to work up a tight-lipped smile to show she was doing OK, but she wasn’t. She hated him a little for what he was hid from her and for bringing her here tonight.
            She hated him but she didn’t. She liked him – a lot more than she would have liked in the end. A lot more than she should at this point. The sheer fact that he checked up on her made her heart swell, even if he did it with Alma practically sitting on his lap.
“I’m gonna get us another round,” Roman offered. Joyce didn’t contradict him this time – he had made her come here despite her better judgment, tonight he was paying for her drinks and tomorrow maybe she would make him pay for her shrink appointment. “Same as before?”
            The two girls nodded and smiled as he walked away, only to drop all pretenses as soon as he was out of sight. Joyce was ready to wait in silence for him to come back, not bothering to make conversation to someone who so clearly had nothing nice to say to her, but Alma seemed to have other plans.
“Just so we’re clear, this little game of yours is over,” the beautiful blond said in a clipped tone. “I don’t care what’s going on, but you better nip it in the bud right now.”
            Joyce was an accommodating, amicable person, but she didn’t take too well to being threatened. She sat a little straighter and raised her chin, letting her mouth twist into a snarl.
“Do you think I want to be here? By all means, put an end to this if you so despise my presence. I’m here only because Roman asked me, and I’ll stay until the end – for him.”
            It was bluff – she run at the first chance, and he would hear from her about his stupid ideas – but Alma didn’t know that. She sneered, the hateful expression distorting her otherwise perfect features. It should be illegal to her skin this clear.
“Don’t overplay your hand, Jo,” she spat her name. “You don’t stand a chance.”
            God, she knew that.
“Don’t get too comfortable up on that high horse of yours,” Jo snapped back. “We wouldn’t be here in the first place if I didn’t have a chance. You ever think about why Roman spent more time with me than you in the past few months?”
            Why did he? That was a good question – one that Alma would hopefully take as rhetorical, because she did not have an answer. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part, maybe she was only projecting. Maybe she didn’t want to admit that she had been playing a losing hand from the beginning.
            Alma’s frown smoothed out and the ugliest smile Joyce had ever smile appeared on her lips.
“Oh, boo hoo- poor little Joyce has a crush,” she began, laughing cruelly. “Get over it, bitch. Roman is mine, do you hear me? I say sit, he sits. I say jump, he jumps. Do you think I’ll allow him to keep seeing you?” She snapped her fingers. “Poof, you’re gone. I’ll look at him with big, wet eyes and he’ll apologize, take me against a wall, and delete your number.”
“Yeah, sound like a good, healthy relationship you guys have. Did you also pee on his leg to mark your territory or does Frenching him in front of other girls do the trick?”
            Jo was all bark no bite at this point, but she couldn’t let her win. She had to stand her ground, defend herself. After all, she was a victim in all of this, she hadn’t known Roman was already taken. She looked over at the bar, but it was crowded, Roman wasn’t even in the front yet.
“Don’t look at him for help,” Alma said sharply, raising her tone. “He’ll never return your silly little feelings. Do you know why?”
            Joyce swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Please do tell me.”
            She was confident that whatever Alma was going to say wouldn’t hurt more than her conversation with Roman earlier this week. She had replayed it in her head over and over again, cried over it almost every day. She already felt lower than low, this hateful girl did not know her well-enough to push her buttons. She could spew her poison if she pleased, it wouldn’t reach her.
            Joyce could take it all, she could look this Barbie in the eyes and not bat an eyelash at the venom in her voice. She didn’t have the weapons to hurt her.
But then, something sparked in her eyes.
“The universe took its time on you,” she began, looking Joyce dead in the eye.
“-crafted you precisely,” Alma continued, her awful smile still stretching her lips.
“-so you could offer the world something distinct from everyone else,” she kept going on, repeating back Jo’s own words to her.
            She closed her eyes, trying for all the world to tune her out. Praying Roman would return now.
“I’d go on if it wasn’t so pathetic,” Alma said, finally stopping enunciating Joyce’s poem. She leaned back and laughed, sipping the last of her drink.
            Joyce was going to be sick – physically sick. She stood up and grabbed her coat. Alma was still snickering in that horrendous self-satisfied manner when she walked away, making a bee-line for the front door. She never should have come here. She never should have talked to Roman. This is what she got for getting her hopes up.
“Wow! Where are you going?” Roman exclaimed when she almost bumped into him, nearly spilling the glasses he was holding.
            Joyce stopped in her tracks just long enough to really, truly look into Roman’s soulful eyes one last time.
“Jag är ledsen,” she said in a clumsy attempt to speak Swedish. The way his face lit up and fell almost simultaneously broke her heart. “I tried, but I can’t do this. I have to leave.”
            She elbowed past him and walked to the door. He didn’t try to stop her, but before she left, she turned around, and saw him standing over their table, visibly angry, and shouting over the music.
“What did you say to her?!”
            Roman didn’t even care what Alma said, he just left her there, with all three of their drinks and went back outside to see if he could catch up with Joyce, but she was already out of sight. Angry with himself and at the world, he kicked into a road sign, sending a shockwave through his leg.
“Helvete!” he cursed, gritting his teeth at the pain in his foot.
            He’d realized from the moment they arrived here that tonight had been a huge mistake – and it was his fault too, neither of the girls would have agreed to come if not for him. He had messed up big time now.
            He pulled out his phone and tried to call Jo.
“C’mon, answer your phone,” he whispered, listening to the tone ring.
            She didn’t pick up. He tried again, also to no avail.
“You must be kidding,” came Alma’s voice behind him. “Did you seriously just leave me alone in there to run after that bitch?” She made it sound like he was the bad guy here.
“You made her run away,” he accused her. “I don’t even care what kind of lies you told her to make her leave, I can’t look at you right now. You should go home.”
            Jaw hanging open in astonishment, Alma watched him stomp away without another word.
0 notes
darkdoverpseeker · 10 months
Y’all ready to get funky? 🕊️🍕
Time for a very weird ask — I’m out here looking for Pizza Tower roleplay. Before I get in too deep[-dish], let’s go over a few things.
- 30+, transmasc, long-term writer.
- Literate, but looking for more manageable post sizes. [300-600 words per response.]
- Discord only — a fan of private servers.
- NOT rapid fire. Posts maybe once or twice a week.
- Very patient and communicative.
- Looking for a partner who wants to add their own ideas to this, as well.
- Willing and happy to make friends with writing partners.
- Preferably 25+. This is simply a comfort thing for me. If you’re between 18-25, I’m fine with talking and seeing if we mesh! Absolutely no minors.
- Also patient — I no longer have the ability to do rapid fire writing, so, I need someone who is understanding and is just excited to vibe. I have an extremely busy life and unless you’re paying me to drop everything to respond to you, you’re gonna get what I have the time/energy for. [Mr. Stick moment.]
- That’s about it. As long as you’re okay with everything I’m outlining in this post, you do you.
I know, I know. Pizza Tower roleplay?? I honestly don’t think I’m going to get much traction with this ad. But, there has to be somebody out there who wants to mess about in this wacky world as much as I do!
Truthfully, my biggest want is to find someone who is open and willing to play Peppino against my Fake Peppino muse. I will give you literally anything for me to be able to play a wacky doppelgänger who is trying to ruin your life. [NOTE: I refuse to type his dialogue backwards. I lived enough of my life hand-typing Homestuck text quirks. I find it much more interesting/amusing to have a Fake Peppino that is closer to RecD’s version, bless him.]
Besides what I outlined above, I’m so desperate to write for this, that I will legitimately write as anyone against anyone. So, if you’d rather I play as Peppino, I’m down. Wanna do rivals and pick up Peppino and The Noise? Cutesy and fun Noise and Noisette threads? Pizzahead and Peppino pre-canon lovers-to-enemies??? Hell, you want me to play as a sexy toppins to your OC!?!? I’ll do it — I don’t even care. I demand pizza content!
We can run the gambit from very silly and cute to very strange and dark. I’m even willing to do smut for this series. Yeah, I said it. I am a limitless writer, so there is nothing that’s going to make me cringe away. Bring it on!
If you’ve managed to get this far and you’re still interested, feel free to add me on Discord over at voxquietus! 🖤
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sabo-has-my-heart · 11 months
Hello! Are your devil fruit requests open? If they aren't, you are free to ignore this!
I have this illusion illusion fruit in mind.
A Paramecia-class type that can make illusions, ex. A group of butterflies, which makes it seem like magic thingy.
If you watched Bungou Stray Dogs, this fruit would be quite similar to Tanizaki's ability.
I can't decide if I should give it a range or let it be freestyle. And i also can not decide how its power would be after being awakened.
I would like to hear your thoughts over this. Can it be changed a little bit or something like that. I wouldn't want this fruit to get too overpowered, as it's for a self insert oc, but it would be nice to see if it can go in that direction too, for fun.
Genso Genso no mi
     An Illusion fruit, huh? I’ve actually played around with the idea for some time but was never able to come up with anything, myself. I haven’t watched Bungou Stray Dogs, but there’s, thankfully, many things with various illusion abilities so there’s no shortage of things to pull from. That being said, I did read about Bungou a little bit online, just so I knew what you were talking about. This is also just what I would do, so this is just my opinion.
    So the illusion illusion fruit or Genso Genso no mi, paramecia (obviously).
Powers would, again, obviously, include making illusions. As with any devil fruit, paramecia especially, this takes training. In the beginning I’d make it simple things, like the butterflies you mentioned. Just simple, cute butterflies that just… do butterfly things. If it’s just a single butterfly, it’s probably cute, great for a kid’s party, but it doesn’t seem like much. At inspection, there are minor things that can tell a person this thing isn’t real. Like, oh, this totally random civilian looking at groceries hasn’t blinked in 10 minutes or that stray dog just ignored the sausages somebody dropped. Now when you say illusions, most people think visual illusions, a form you see. However, Auditory and olfactory, hearing and smell, illusions exist as well. So let’s say you’re super strong, almost awakened. You can make an illusion of a market stall selling fragrant flowers and make people actually smell the flowers, hear the bees buzzing from petal to petal. But at the end of the day, they’re still illusions, you can’t make people believe they’re real unless the person wants to believe they’re real. At nearly awakened power, you can also do much, much more than just make a few butterflies. The one that I played with for some time was able to disguise an entire tower and small island (the island was only really big enough for a Rapunzel-like tower and like, 5 feet of rock surrounding the tower). Again, it’s just an illusion, meaning if you run into it, you’re gonna feel it. But that’s a big illusion encompassing a wide area. At Full awakened power? You can make people think they’re in an actual market place, you can make people think they’re eating their most favorite meal, make them think they’re flying. Or you could literally kill them. Make them think they’re just walking down the street when they’re actually about to step off the side of a tall building, make them think they’re drowning, or other such horrific deaths. That being said, there are ways to break even awakened illusions, but it’s a lot harder. For starters, the person under the illusion has to realize it’s an illusion which is very hard to do if you think you’re drowning! People can still call out to them, so unless you give them an auditory illusion that drowns out other people, which would have to be very loud, a person can shout at them to stop, that it’s an illusion, etc. But basically, there are still ways to tell it’s an illusion. As with basically all devil fruits, there is a range, but that changes with training like most devil fruits of this nature. At first, the range isn’t great and depends on the size of the illusion. At low level I’d make it no further than 100 ft or so for a human sized illusion. Still relatively close, but it doesn’t have to be right in front of you. At near awakening, I’d make it something like a quarter of a mile (approx. 1300 feet). But that’s a radius, meaning a half mile diameter. At full awakening, depending on the size of the illusion, if it’s within sight or half mile, you can do it. That means if you have binoculars that go out super far while standing on a cliff, looking out, you could, hypothetically, create an illusion…. Hundreds of miles away. However, it’s hundreds of miles away, there’s going to be some… discrepancies. The further away it is from you, the harder it’s going to be to maintain certain things. It’s 100 miles away from you, it might not be able to walk properly because you can’t take minor terrain problems into account at that distance. Also, I’d make the sound and smell illusions harder to do than the visual illusions. So making sound and smell illusions at a great distance? No, that’s a bit much in my opinion. Then again, some people might think hiding an entire tower is a bit much so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Immortal Chapter 3
A/N- My first OC and I'm super excited for it and this story! Hope you love her ☺️
Summary- Thor learns more about his mystery love interest
Word count- 1,952k
Pairing- Thor x OC
18+ Only!
Posted: 21st June 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires
Part 1. Part 2.
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The last thing Aria remembered before her vision pooled with bright lights and stars, was a car heading straight towards her. She felt the impact, her body flown through the air and crashing back to the ground with a sickening thud. She expected to hear her bones fracture into pieces with the impact of the car, to see her life flash in front of her eyes as she floated through the air. The world around her paused, time going incredibly slow, the speed causing the wind to blow her hair around the curve of her jaw in slow motion. She'd expected to feel the rough tar of the road, peeling away her skin as she landed in a heap, to feel tiny fragments of gravel imbedded in her soft and malleable flesh.
When none of that came though, she wasn't overly surprised. Instead of feeling excruciating pain, she revelled in the feeling of flying, enjoying the moment while it lasted until she was pulled back to earth and ultimately, back to reality. The reality of knowing the look on people's faces as she stood unharmed after a brutal collision that should've left her for dead.
Aria kept her eyes screwed shut, willing herself to just disappear and not have to deal with the backlash. The accident drawing unwanted and dangerous attention to her, attention she'd worked so hard to avoid. I mean she'd run away from her Prince Charming just to avoid this sort of attention, it was kind of ironic really.
Aria slowly opened one of her eyes, her vision blurred and glassy, there were people around her. Lots of faces she didn't recognise, hazy shapes all merging together until her eyes settled on one familiar face. Thor.
His distinct features standing out through the obscurity of her vision. Piercing sky blue eyes shone brightly, until that was all she could see. Eyes so clear she could see straight into his soul, a soul so pure it made her eyes sting. Thor's story playing through her mind like a movie, she blinked repeatedly willing it to stop, wrinkling her eyes tightly shut again.
"Everybody move out of the way, give her space. MOVE!" Thor bellowed over Aria, the crowd dispersing at once with his all commanding tone. He crouched down beside her, giving her body the once over, gulping deeply at the feel of her curves under his touch. Shaking his head while trying to ignore the unwanted thoughts that so helplessly followed. Wondering morbidly if it would be the second and last time he would be able to feel that magnetic pull he felt when their bodies touched.
Aria's tense muscles relaxed at the feel of Thor's hands smoothing down her legs and arms, checking for broken bones he was never going to find. A gasp left her lips when he lifted her T-shirt up just above her belly button, his fingers prodding gently at the softness of her flesh. It took all she had not to giggle, as his fingers tickled against her bare midriff.
Thor continued kneeding his hands softly around her precious torso, more than sure he would find something life threatening. Knowing there was absolutely no way a Midgardian could escape a collision like that with absolutely no lasting scars. His brow furrowed with suprise at finding absolutely no broken bones. Not even one. Even more surprising he found no cuts or bruises, not even a graze.
Aria lay before him, a vision of perfectness, her dark as night hair blanketing her defined features. She bent her hour glass curves, bringing her knees up to her chest. Thor's eyes widened, drawn to the definition of her hips and the swell of her backside in the tight black jeans she wore. He reached forward to stroke the silky hair away from her face, anxious to see her flawless skin and the rosy pink flush of her cheeks.
Aria's eye's fluttered open when she felt Thor's cold fingers brush against her clammy cheek. She recognised the painful look of anguish in his expressive blue eyes, the worry set deep within them.
"I'm ok, help me up please." She stuttered, trying to raise her head from the ground, twisting her body around. Thor's arms immediately reached out, cushioning his large hand behind her head.
"I don't think that's wise, you've been flung about five metres down the street. You need medical assistance. How are you even…" 
"Thor I'm fine, just dizzy. Help me stand please." Aria stopped him mid-sentence, desperate to get out of there before the ambulances arrived, not knowing how she was meant to explain how she was completely fine after being hit by a fast moving car and thrown at speed for quite a distance. The car alone should've broken bones and left her with internal bleeding and that's before she shattered onto the ground five metres down the street. She shouldn't even be alive, never mind perfectly capable of walking away unharmed.
Thor gave in and helped her to her feet, hooking his arms underneath hers and pulling her up gently. Aria's legs buckled when she stood but Thor was there to catch her and hold her steady, the bulk of him stood behind her as he waited for her to find her feet. 
Shaking loose from his grasp, squirming free, she turned to bolt but not before his thick fingers wrapped around her wrist. Aria's heart sank when she realised she wasn't getting away from his restraint, not then and maybe not ever. Thor wasn't about to lose her again, not after she was nearly taken from him for good.
The crowd of people that had gathered around to witness the miracle, the deception of logic, begin whispering between themselves. Sounds of astonishment filled the air at the spectacle before them. Thor pulled Aria against his chest, wrapping his arms around her back in an embrace. The warmth of his body was comforting for her,
the familiarity of his heartbeat thrumming against her ear. The sounds around them melting away as they held each other on the sidewalk, as they became lost in each other once more they heard the faint signs of cheering.
Aria let herself smile, she let herself be happy in the moment if for only a minute before the cheering and whistling was drowned out by the sound of approaching sirens. Thor noticed the visible panic on her face as she pulled back from him, searching the streets for a place to hide. 
If he knew anything after seeing that look in her eyes, that terrible look of fear in her emerald green, Doe eyes, he knew he would do absolutely anything to protect her. Thor knew it the first time he ever laid eyes on Aria, he would always do everything within his power to keep her safe.
Without a moment's hesitation he pulled Aria by the hand, taking her with him as he ran down the street. Glancing at her through his peripheral and taking a moment to appreciate the sight of her next to him, the feel of her fingers wrapped tightly around his hand as she gave her trust to him. The wind blowing through her shoulder length hair as they ran and realising that he hadn't needed to slow his pace so she could keep up. She was running at the exact same speed as him, running along side him effortlessly as they dodged the obstacles in their paths. Aria was just as agile, just as strong and with the exact same level of reflexes as Thor.
If Aria wasn't in a state of panic she would have enjoyed the feeling of running alongside Thor, to finally not have to hold back any longer. It was a big deal for her to put her trust in anybody let alone somebody she had just met but she didn't have much choice. She needed to get out of there and fast. 
They turned the corner together, down a narrower street lined with trash cans and through an even smaller alley.
With no where else to go, they stopped at the end of the alleyway, a metal gate blocking their way. Closed in with no where to escape but luckily no one to escape from. Thor leant one hand against the sturdy gate, studying Aria closely. Waiting with bated breath to see whether she would need to catch her breath, instead she looked up at him bright eyed, crinkling her nose in the cutest way. Then he heard the most glorious sound he has ever heard, like sweet music to his ears. 
Aria couldn't help herself, she looked up at the god of Thunder, a look of confusion etched on his chiselled face and she laughed. Not a cute little girly giggle either but a full belly laugh, holding on to her knees as she struggled to breath through it. The truth was, she hadn't felt that exhilarated in years, running away from danger usually wasn't so exciting for her but having a tall, strong, literal God by her side made her feel invincible. Cheating death also added to the thrill, to that untouchable feeling. She knew it wouldn't last long, it never does, but she would enjoy it while it lasted.
"Why are you laughing?" Thor couldn't hide the amusement in his voice from the warm feeling it gave him seeing Aria laugh.
"The look on… People's faces." She struggled to get out between laughing. Her pink cheeks turning red, her head feeling light from lack of air. "On your face." Her chest rattled as she finally started calming down.
"Yes, although it wasn't funny at the time, I can see why it would make you laugh." He leaned his body against the gate. The sound making Aria jump, goosebumps travelling up her arms as her ears pricked, the laughter dissipated. 
"Relax, it's just me." He soothed, taking note of how easily she startled. Not only eyes like a doe but the behaviour too. "So you're unbreakable, you have no trouble keeping up with my speed and your stamina almost matches mine. That's without even mentioning the feeling I get when I'm near you." 
The uneasy feeling came, as she knew it would. She was deluded to think she would automatically begin to trust. To forget about the way people had used and hurt her in the past. So much so that she'd built a giant wall, locked her heart up and thrown away the key. Luckily Thor had his own hammer to knock down that wall and nothing would stop him finding that key.
"So what are you saying Thor?" She didn't hide the annoyance in her voice. Resting her back against the brick wall and slumping down to the ground.
"I want to get to know you, to figure out why we're quite clearly connected in some way. I don't even know your name?" 
"My name is Aria and I don't know what I am. I've spent my lifetime trying to figure it out. And I don't know, ok?" Aria sniffs.
"It's ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you Aria. What about your parents?" 
"I don't know my parents, they probably realised what a freak I am and sent me away." 
"I can help you." Thor pushes back from the gate and slides himself down next to her. "We're similar. And you can not deny the connection we have." He nudges her with his elbow, willing her to look at him just as the sound of footfall echoed down the alley towards them. They both turned their heads at the same time, in the direction of the noise. The footsteps drawing closer.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Chained and Hooked Up
Karl Heisenberg & [OC] Paige Winchester (or female reader)
Summary: Getting captured and being hooked up while Lord Heisenburg taunts her, and also needs her.
Warnings: Some language, some slight degradation, some thigh caressing and slight threatening.
Part 2 to Red [Click here to read]
A/N: Also feel free to insert yourself as my OC as you read. I’m accepting requests for RE8. Drabbles and headcanons. This is more of a reader insert than Karl x OC.  Let me know if you want more, let me know. So I can keep up with the (she inputs) 😊😁
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Regaining consciousness, not being able to remember how she ended up being chained up, or have any knowledge where she is. Then it all comes back to her immediately. 
“Help! Help!” she shouts, her hands are cuffed together and she’s hanging by her hands from a sharp metal hook in the ceiling. Her feet are barely touching the floor, forcing her to stand on her tippy toes.  Making this feel like a workout for her especially with the heat of the room she's in.
“Help! Somebody help me!” she continues to shout, but deep down she knows help won’t come because her family doesn't know where she is. Her voice echoes off the walls of the factory. 
“Help!” she shouts once again. Her voice starting to go hoarse.
“Quit your whining!” Heisenberg tells her as he walks into the room. 
“Let me go, you son of bitch!” she immediately threatens him the second she hears his voice. Which only causes him to laugh, finding her threats adorable.  
“Cute buttercup” he says, putting out his cigar with his foot, dropping it to the floor “You’re in no condition for threats”. 
He approaches her, setting his giant hammer down. “But I figured I can use you”.
“Get the fuck away from me!” she growls, attempting to kick him away but he grabs both her ankles. Putting a strong, painful grip on her ankles.
“Like I said. You’re in no condition for threats. I can easily kill you, but like I said before I can use you” he says, approaching her while still holding her ankles. Having him stand between her legs. Pressing his lower half to her lower half.
“No” she mutters, “Let me go!”. He ignores her, making pieces of metal levitate, flying around on his command. Locking her ankles together in place, keeping him close and trapped between her legs. Filling her lungs and nostrils with his scent even though she can't smell it herself.
“Whatever you’re about to do. You better think twice about it” she tells him. Causing him to chuckle with a smirk on his face. “Trust me sweetheart. You want this more than you think”. 
Sounding so sure of himself. He cups her chin, forcing her to look at him. Looking into her eyes, using his other hand to move strains of her hair away from her face.
“I kinda wanna see how much of a little slut you are” he tells her, his face inches away from hers. 
“Fuck you” she mutters, “I will not let you touch me. You sick fuck”. 
He tilts his head to the side, a huge grin on his face as she struggles to get out of his grasp. His hand that moved her hair away, now caressing her right thigh, moving it up towards the hem of her jeans. 
“Hey! Hey!” she shouts, “Don’t fucking touch me!. Especially down there. Why don’t you just kill me! Get it over with!”. 
“Now why would I do that?” he asks, head tilted to the side again “I’m having fun with you. You’re very feisty, you fight back and you have potential. God knows I love a challenge, and that’s what you are Red. A challenge”. 
“I’m more than a challenge! I’m a threat!” she tells him. “If it weren’t for these cuffs I could kill you”. She's ignoring the sensation and the ache her pussy is giving off, she knows deep down she wants Karl to rail her ass but she's ignoring it. But it only makes it stronger.
“No buttercup. You’re not a threat and your bullets won’t hurt me. You’ve already seen that” he tells her, one of his hands still cupping her chin the other still caressing her thigh “You’re more of an object. My personal sex toy perhaps. My precious little fuck toy”.
Her eyes widened in disbelief, processing this man’s words. “Fuck you asshole” is all she had for a response. 
Pulling her closer to him, “Maybe if you’re a good little whore. I’ll make it good for you. Cause either way killing you is not an option, and I’ll just have my fun with you” he teases her in a threatening tone. Slightly tugging on her pants, wanting to get them off of her. 
“Let me go!” Paige shouts, but to no avail Karl still has her in his tight grasp. Not gonna be letting her go for quite a while. 
“You keep running that pretty little mouth of yours, I’m gonna have to punish you doll”. 
“If your punishment involves killing me, then I’ll fucking take it!” she snaps back. 
“I told you before I won’t kill you. Do you have a bad memory??”. 
The metal cuffs eating into her wrists, she feels blood coming out of the new wounds on her hands and wrists. The heat of the room is so unbearable, she feels sweat running down her temples. Almost getting into her eyes, making them sting. 
With the wave of his hand the pieces of metal release her ankles, making them swing back. Giving her relief before her bones and limbs start to ache. 
“Now Red- I’m sorry. Paige” Karl starts, moving away from her towards a table, “Not sure how you got here, but that doesn’t matter. Good thing I found you before the Lycans did cause you would be as good as dead”.
She looks over at him as she struggles to get out of the cuffs, and the metal hook keeping them in place. 
“Lycans?!?” she exclaims, “Humanoid wolves?! From Greek mythology and lore?!?”.
He turns around to face her, removing his dark circular glasses, placing them on the table. “You know your Lycan history!” he says, amused by her knowledge of Lycans, “I like a woman who knows her monsters and freaks. I knew I’d like you. You have something in that noggin’ of yours". 
He chuckles, turning his back to her again. 
“Listen, Paige. I have you here because if any of those other freaks got you. Like that Super Sized Bitch, Ugly Ass Psycho Doll or that Moranic Freak. You’d be dead. Just another one of Mother Miranda’s failed experiments”. 
“Mother Miranda? Who the fuck is Mother Miranda??” she asks. 
He sighs, “Mother Miranda is-” as he’s explaining to her, a loud motor, or some sort of chainsaw sound from down in what she’s guessing the basement interrupts him. 
“Damn it I’m talking here” he mutters as the loud motor underground annoys him, he opens the small metal latch on the floor that leads down. 
“Shut your fucking hole!” he shouts, it goes silent, “Sorry about that” he says calmly as he turns back to Paige. 
“It’s fine” she responds, “What the fuck was that?? What kind of mechanic are you??”. 
“I invent things! I create freaks. Monsters!” he tells her, “Like that bitch Miranda. That mold crap that infected everyone in the village but you”. 
“Bro, I’m not even from here! I’m not even a tourist! How I got here you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you” she tells him. 
He stares at her for a few seconds, “Try me. I’ve heard a lot of strange and mindfucking things before”. 
“Tell me more about this Miranda lady, and I’ll tell you how I got here”. 
He shrugs, and explains to her. “Mother Miranda is the one who gave me my powers. With that mold crap, and I have these powers. She wants to bring back her dead daughter, but she needs a vessel for her”. 
“Dead things should stay dead!” she says, “No matter what they are!”. 
“I couldn’t agree more buttercup” he says, “Now. How did you get here??”. 
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the-best-drawer · 2 years
I figured I should make like some sort of introduction for my character, especially with the fact that they’re an OC, so:
Andromeda’s a dog-human hybrid, but slowly turning into a dog
Hi! I’m Andromeda. What’s your name?
What are your hobbies?
Cooking, baking, whatever you want to call it, it’s amazing! There’s just something that I love about it.
And also art! I love art, especially when there’s something added, like a completely ridiculous prompt, or a limited color palette.
Foraging too! It’s just so cool, spore prints and false gills and tree types, and the best part is, you can eat some of it!
Hmm… I think that’s it for my hobbies! What’s the next question?
And what do you look like?
What do I look like? Well that’s a bit of a silly question!
I have very dark brown hair, it looks black most of the time
I have grayish-turquoise eyes
Wait…I AM always wearing the same clothes, this hoodie and some jeans… How are they always clean?
I’m pretty white-passing, unless you stare WAY too hard at my eyelids.
Um… I’m kind of on the chubbier side?
Oh yeah! I’ve also got this huge scar on my hand!
{DA headcanons/theories:}
(Theory)The DA is the one going on all of the choose-your-own-adventures
(Headcanon) The DA remembers all of the paths
(This is a headcanon of mine for Andromeda specifically, but she just kind of goes “oof… what happened? WAIT, I HAVE NEW MEMORIES NOW” after the choose-your-own-adventures)
(By the way, the DA isn’t really going to have an appearance [e.g. if somebody were to ask Andromeda about the DA’s hair or whatever, she would just kind of go “sclrfasodag” in a kind of reversed audio way])
(I’ll be going back and tagging my older RP threads soon)
(oh god I keep forgetting to tag)
Roleplay threads will be tagged as #where am i (RP thread)
Daniel Rivers will be tagged as #Psychic ghost
Eric Derekson will be tagged as #The cute one
Red will be tagged as #Brother in Law
Illinois will be tagged as #Magic man
Finn Gardener will be tagged as #oh no that’s me
Dr. Iplier will be tagged as #croissant man
HeeHoo will be tagged as #terrifying (compliment)
Bing will be tagged as #orange dude
Anti will be tagged as #terrifying (terrifying)
Shadow’s tag will be #gremlin friend
Yancy’s tag is #free as a bird
Snack Void’s tag is just “#snack void”, but if it gets a name, that’ll be its new tag
Snack Void RP threads will be tagged as #where in the world is snack void
The Andromeda who was with Edward will be tagged as #Andy
The Andromeda who was with Finn will be tagged as #Crystal
The Andromedas who aren’t Crystal or Andy will just be tagged as #Andromeda, or they just won’t be tagged.
Enzo’s tag will just be #e
Vivi doesn’t currently have a tag, but if I think of one, I’ll put it here.
If you want me to change your tag, please feel free to message me or send in an ask.
(M!As are allowed)
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helnjk · 3 years
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hi ! hello ! so i just reached 1k followers recently, and just the thought of it makes my head spin. one thousand followers. that is absolutely, positively, insane. i’m so so so thankful for everyone who reads my stories and puts up with me and my random rambles. my heart is so so so full. 
thank you. 
and now, onto the fic recs! prepare yourselves, i read too much. 
Fred Weasley
fluff/angst ❀
royally screwed (series) - @lumos-barnes​
enemies to lovers? infuriating conversations? PRINCE!FRED? sign me up baby
in the summer sun - @parseltongueswriting
slight hurt/comfort. slice of life fic 🥺💕 based off of an ask that i sent & i love it sm
secrets i have held in my heart - @parseltongeswriting
i have no words for this fic. none. i just love it so much. 
mirrorball - @gcdric
the absolute softness of this. unparalleled. 
happiness, i’m sorry you’ve been on hold - @iliveiloveiwrite
probably the first fred fic i ever fell in love with. postwar!fred & muggle!reader. 
blessed be the mystery of love - @mitsukui
the writing here is absolutely positively GORGEOUS. fred writing love letters to reader. so lovely. so soft. 
falling - @vogueweasley
delicious angst that breaks your heart and then fluff that puts it back together again. 
lights up - @vogueweasley 
unbelievably well written. postwar!fred who is cheeky and confident and everything i want in a man. amen. 
meet the weasleys - @weelittleweasley
american!reader. feels like being wrapped up in a cozy blanket. i love this family sm. 
i’m low on gas and you need a jacket - @whizboingies
i cannot put into words how much this makes me scream. i want it. i want it so bad. 
but, part of me’s unending, hear it say ‘i love you’ - @whizboingies
ultimate comfort fic & soft freddie 🥺
smut ☽
all that jazz - @slytherinsunrise
no words. deliciously hot. filthy. absolutely loved it. 
hate to think about you with somebody else - @spacexcowgirl
jealous!fred 🥵 so hot. and then it gets so soft at the end. goodbye.
nine lives - @darthwheezely
did not know i needed this fic until i read it. mmmmmmmffffffmmmmm.
all tied up and nowhere to go - @wand3ringr0s3
porn with no plot. bondage & sex toys. amen. 
anything she wants - @lumosandnoxwriting
ceo!fred. no other words. head empty after reading this. 
put a ring on it - @lumosandnoxwriting
porn with a plot?? yes. yes absolutely. deliciously soft AND smutty. 
George Weasley
fluff/angst ❀
potions and constellations - @iliveiloveiwrite
postwar!george trying to figure out his place in the world, unexpectedly finds love 🥺 it makes my heart soar
the perfect arrangement (series) - @lumos-barnes
bridgerton!au. arranged marriage. mutual pining. miscommunication. need i say more??
a bit too loud - @lupinsclassroom
soft and sweet. slight hurt/comfort. georgie here is just the best 😭
bunny rabbits & a clover patch - @parseltongeswriting
best friends to lovers!! so gorgeously written i could cry.
cross the line - @cruciostyles
best friends to lovers. tooth rotting fluff. need i say more?
forever is a long time without you (series) - @cruciostyles
parent trap au. i love this sm u have no idea. it’s just the right amount of nostalgia and mystery. chefs kiss.
let me take care of you - @george-fabian-weasley
comfort!! fic!! with george!! all i need in the world. 
worth fighting for - @spacexcowgirl
delicious break up/make up & there was only one bed. and a beach trip?? yes please. 
driver’s license - @wand3ringr0s3
title says it all. makes my heart ache painfully. 
call me when you’re sober - @lumosandnoxwriting
delicious angst. i can’t even explain. happy ending that’s just the right amount of softness. love this. 
smut ☽
birthday suit - @mitsukui
absolutely filthy. absolutely. this lives in my head rent free 24/7.
pixels - @slytherinsunrise
phone sex with george? sign me UP. i would like this in my life thanks. 
video game lover - @lumosandnoxwriting
gamer!geroge. need i say more? 
Charlie Weasley 
a weasley christmas - @constantlydiscombobulated
first charlie fic i ever read. literally began my simp journey. this fic makes me unbelievably happy. 
Ron Weasley
finding a light (series) - @gryffindors-weasley
so so so so beautifully written. makes my heart flutter and my chest hurt. postwar!ron falling in love. 
Harry Potter
fingers and toes - @iliveiloveiwrite
the first harry fic i ever read. dad!harry. unbelievably sweet. had tears in my eyes reading this ngl. 
Sweater Weather & Coast to Coast
o’knutzy babysitting - @prohibitionincurls
do i need to explain more? this was so delightfully fluffy
value isn’t always numeric - @prohibitionincurls
my head thinks this is canonically c2c bc of how well written it is. i love it. it makes my chest hurt and my heart ache
winging it (series) - @prohibitionincurls
i love this. adding an oc to the universe is positively wonderful. 
hope (is all i have) - @startanewdream
jily lives!au. james struggles with being a parent and worrying for harry’s safety. gut-wrenching, delicious angst.
you can hear it in the silence - @alrightginger
jily. deaf!lily. soulmates au. so so so tender and sweet. type of fic that you could read multiple times and not get sick of.
door dash - @mppmaraudergirl
american!au. both of them arrive at a house at the same time, holding door dash orders. 
little red - @harpyloon
sirius black & ginny weasley friendship. hinny. absolutely positively cheeky, well written, and lovely. 
my tears ricochet - @gcdric 
estranged/death eater weasley!sister fic. gut wrenching angst. i read it when i want to cry & not be comforted. 
weasley!sister (series) - @gcdric
idk what else to say about this but that it’s so stinking cute. i love it. 
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aylaaescar · 1 year
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dating profiles for my interactive fiction OCs, courtesy of one @reverienne! others are doing some profiles too - feel free to check her blog and see!
Odelina Payne-Isibis (Shepherds of Haven, and the 4th MC that wasn’t on the last post) - Zae Benenati (When Twilight Strikes), and Lyn Ventura (Body Count). three of the last people who should be in a room together, I realize belatedly, but they’re my meow meows and I love them and I’ll let them <3
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levi-ships-eruri · 3 years
Hey there! Can i request headcanons on Levi and Pieck’s ideal s/o? I love those two very much! Thanks, you’re awesome! 🔥
I feel this, I love these two as well <3 Okay, let me try
First of all, an “ideal” S/O is kind tricky. You shouldn’t be running through life with a check-point list for your potential lover. Humans are all different and sometimes you can fall for somebody, who is not necessary your type. Therefore, I will not get too specific for these two icons as well.
However, Levi would need somebody that can take care of themselves. Due to his job, his S/O would be a soldier as well and if they are a Survey Corps member, he cannot take care of them on the battlefield. It would be too much of a distraction. Levi needs to be sure that you can fight and survive on your own.
Lookwise, Levi is pretty open. He has a thing for taller people, of course, but in generell he couldn’t care less about hair and eye colour or anything. An athletic body might be an advantage in the SNK world, since it would mean you are potentially fit enough to care for yourself. In an AU, he wouldn’t mind your body type as well. And despite common believe, Levi would probably not fall for a cadet, especially not if the person is a minor. He is a grown ass adult and needs someone who is on the same level as himself.
I think Levi would also like someone who gets along with his friends. Being friends with Hanji and Erwin is definitely an advantage. And you have to be okay with his strong bond with those two - Levi is bathing Hanji on a regular basis, so you better not throw a tantrum about it. Don’t be jelous. A little bit of jelousy is okay, he is not free from that as well. But do not make a scene, he would be annoyed.
Be a tea lover and he gets down on his knees for you.
Alright, Pieck is one of the most chill characters in her freetime. So don’t you dare to stess her. Her S/O must have an understanding of how Pieck feels after spending days as the Cart Titan. She would rather have someone who cuddles with her and pampers her a little instead of someone too active.
Pieck would rather not have another warrior of Marley by her side - too much to worry about. Her S/O would probably be a normal Eldian in Marley. She would, however, not date someone rebellious. We all know about how bad the situation over at Marley is for Eldians and Pieck is fighting as a Warrior to keep her loved ones safe - therefore a rebellious Eldian who endangers themselves and their family would not be an option. (oc, she also wouldn’t date an Marleyan!)
When it comes to looks, Pieck is super chill. She falls in love with personality, not with looks. (Even though she is a sucker for cute chubby cheeks.)
Her S/O needs to be able to deal with her cocky remarks and her teasing. She loves having fun and therefore you shouldn’t be someone who is easily annoyed or angered by this.
She would love to have someone by her side who can cook.
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babydaddyleorio · 3 years
snacks: ryunosuke tanaka x reader
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pairings: ryunosuke tanaka x shaven head!fem!reader
word count: 1,385
summary: in which tanaka is hungry but forgets about his hunger when he meets you.
additional notes: the reader’s main take away is suppose to be her hair, but her appearance might be slightly oc if you don’t share everything in her description.
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Tanaka walked aimlessly down the long hallway, It being empty since school let out a while ago. He smacked his lips with annoyance as he recounted the events that led him to where he was currently at now.
When his last period ended, Tanaka rushed out the classroom door excitedly because he and his teammates were training themselves hard so they could win their next volleyball match. However, when Tanaka got to the gym, he wondered to himself why the usual loud and chaotic locker room was quiet and barren today. Being confused, he turned to see If Coach Ukai was lazing around in the teacher’s office, but the note on the door had stopped him before his hand could even touch the handle.
Apparently practice was cancelled today and Tanaka just didn’t get the memo. 
His stomach suddenly growled, breaking the suffocating silence that once surrounded him. He grunted out loud as he stuck his hands in his front pockets and changed his direction to go get a snack. It was after school hours so the café area was most likely closed, meaning he would have to be satisfied with vending machine food. His left hand moved around in his pocket to feel against crumpled up paper; Saeko had given him a few bucks this morning so Tanaka figured he might as well use it for a good cause. His black converse squeaked against the freshly waxed tile as he neared the snack area, but his movements stalled once he saw that somebody was already there. 
A girl stood in the distance, hand holding her chin thoughtfully as she surveyed the many options displayed on the vending machine. Tanaka stood immobile in his spot while mentally wondering to himself if he had ever seen this girl before. He discreetly studied her from the top of the ramp that led to the snack area, his eyes widening once he took all of her appearance in. The girl wore their school uniform, only substituting the usual tights with ones that were black and fishnet. She had a lot of piercings, well more than Tanaka’s ever seen, and her skin was a beautiful, rich color. Tanaka marveled at how different she looked from the other girls that went to Karasuno, but there was one thing that stuck out about her the most to him.
The girl who was getting a snack, her head was shaved… just like Tanaka’s.
Tanaka blinked at her, having this weird, bubbly feeling start to spread throughout his body. He contemplated If he wanted to hide himself behind the trash can that was beside him until she left to avoid any awkwardness, or just suck it up and get the snack anyway. As these intrusive thoughts wormed their way into his consciousness, Tanaka’s stomach decided it would be a great idea to growl loudly again, rudely blowing his cover. He immediately stopped his mental bickering and instead face palmed his forehead to shield himself from the embarrassment. 
The girl who populated the snack area quickly turned towards Tanaka, startled by the abrupt sound. 
“Oh, hello.” She said to Tanaka while pushing her glasses up her nose.
The girl's voice was beautiful and Tanaka stared dumbstruck at her for a split second before straightening his posture and clearing his throat.
“What’s up, you come here often?” Tanaka asked her with a slight head nod.
“No, no, no- why the hell did I say that? Damn I panicked, of all the times to say something embarrassing, it had to be in front of this cute girl! Oh she’s going to think I’m weird now!” Tanaka yelled at himself mentally, resisting the urge to bang his head against the wall that was next to him. 
Tanaka was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of low laughter reaching his ears. He glanced up, sheepishly peeking at the girl by the vending machines who was currently snickering at him. He rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment, but he was glad that she didn’t seem too bothered by his response.
“This is my first time at these machines— in fact, I’m actually new to this school and the reason I’m still here is because I missed my bus.” The girl answered and Tanaka looked at her in surprise.
‘That explains why I haven’t seen her before’ he mused to himself.
Tanaka’s stomach felt like it was going to tear itself inside out, so he began walking down the ramp and towards the vending machines plugged in the wall.
“I’ve been there before.” Tanaka said while shaking his head. “But I usually walk home now since I started playing volleyball.” 
The girl turned to Tanaka since he now stood right next to her. “You play volleyball? That’s pretty cool!”
Tanaka awkwardly pushed the button that would trigger the Doritos to fall, but he immediately perked up once the girl showed interest in his mention of volleyball.
“Oh yeah, It’s amazing! My position is a wing spiker and  whenever I’m out there on the court, I feel so free and happy. I’ve improved my skills so much since I've been practicing more this year,  and even my family is so proud of how far I've come! And don’t even get me started on my awesome teammates-” Tanaka beamed while bouncing gleefully in his spot, but once he realized that he was rambling about volleyball, he stopped talking and cleared his throat.
“Sorry.” Tanaka apologized while grabbing the chips from the machine that had fallen moments ago.
“Why are you apologizing? It’s nothing wrong with being passionate about what you love.” The girl shrugged, causing Tanaka to freeze in his spot. The girl bent down and grabbed her juice out of the vending machine slot and stood back up to slide it in the pocket of her backpack.
“When you were talking, I noticed that you had this really bright sparkle in your eyes. I can tell that volleyball means a lot to you and frankly, I think that’s pretty dope.” The girl smiled at Tanaka and he blushed while scratching the side of face bashfully with one finger.
“Well, I guess I better get going now. It was nice to meet you, but I gotta get home!” The girl said quickly after her eyes trailed to the watch on her wrist. She swiftly turned around and started speed-walking towards the exit, leaving Tanaka in his same spot with his arms stuck by his sides. He looked down at his sneakers, clenching the bag of chips that he had in his left hand. Primping his lips together, he turned around, facing the girl who had just pushed the door open.
“Wait!” Tanaka shouted at the girl with his eyes closed, causing her to stop in her stride and turn to look back at him with a confused expression.
“Yeah?” She asked, wondering what suddenly got into the boy. Tanaka nervously shifted in his spot feeling uneasy, but he quickly decided that he wasn’t going to be timid at this moment. He had something he wanted to say and he was making it his mission to say it with his chest this time.
“Your hair.. I really like it. I think It suits you well and it's very pretty on you.” Tanaka declared while looking at the girl’s shaven head, trying to keep a cool composure even though this was something that even he was too shy to handle. He hoped she didn’t find this to be weird since she had been quiet for so long, but Tanaka wasn’t lying about her hair being beautiful to him. He meant what he said.
The girl looked at Tanaka, startled at his sudden comment. She stood still while processing what he said, then finally a huge smile broke across her face. The girl lifted her arm and her hand formed a thumbs up. She tilted her head to the side while laughing happily at Tanaka.
“Thanks, I like yours too!”
Tanaka smiled at the girl who had by now waved goodbye and left, glad that she liked his compliment. He turned his attention to the chips that were in his hand and stuffed them in the pocket of his volleyball jacket that he was wearing.
His stomach was happy now. 
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1oserjk · 4 years
— full stop | still good without luck
when life was becoming a bit steadier
+ here is a clearer puzzle piece of oc n jk’s backstory :D
word count: 2.4k
x full stop masterlist | x masterlist
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Three years after he finally landed a solid grip on the shop and enough money came in to pay back the bills including the newly bought house and his studio, is when he came barreling in your shared bedroom door with a complicated-looking bouquet in his hand.
Your first instinctive reaction was to recoil and question the cheesy gesture.
“Oh god. What’s this?” You stupidly pointed—poked towards the obvious. They were very living, giving them a long appreciative look knowing in a matter of days they would wither and fall off if you didn’t snip the stems and soak them in water soon enough. 
“Flowers, obviously. For you.”
You reluctantly took them into your arms, listening intently to the way the thin plastic rubbed against your bare skin.
You wondered if he would be okay with you picking off the petals of some of the white flowers to set out in the sun for a day, before soaking them in oil to preserve the fragrance.
Stupid crafts like that always made you happy. He knew that.
“It’s a pretty pairing,” you honestly said, staring at the stark contrast between the white and the slightly familiar dirty orange. You think you’ve seen it in one of the pages of your A-Z Of Perennials book your mother gifted you last summer.
“They’re your favorite,” he explained as if it was a fact you never knew about yourself.
You nodded. “They are.”
He took a slight breath in before fully releasing to say, “And this lily is my birth flower.” He put his hands in the pockets of his slacks to stop himself from anxiously fidgeting. You thought it was cute. “I’m personally fond of the meaning of them.”
You smiled. “And what exactly could that meaning be?”
“Please—“ his eyes set out for yours when he finished, “—love me.”
The message you received through each petal achingly clear: that Jeon Jungkook was a man made solely for you and nobody else. Somebody so incredibly needy in only the best ways possible, eager to hand you the world — that was your husband and the father of your child.
“Corny, huh,” he attempted to brush off, but you saw right through his prideful facade, the tint to his cheeks lacking in help for the man standing right in front of you.
Jungkook was always the type to go soft at the romanticization of things, as if you were watching a Studio Ghibli film right at the center of his dark-colored orbs, the projection of the simplicity of all things beautiful. It was a solid contrast to your realist characteristic you held, but being with Jungkook all those years only made it easier to fall back and dream for a bit with him.
You carefully set the flowers down on the dresser beside you to wrap your arms around him, his eyes being the easiest thing to fully immerse yourself into.
“Not at all,” you said, shaking your head, “I think they fit you well.”
He hummed, hands easily finding the curve of your hips and landing them firmly atop the thin layer of your dress. He was automatically up to no good when his lips had quirked to one side and his eyes flashed a gleam for a millisecond. “Being pretty?”
You hit at his arm, leaning your head closer to his until your noses met and intuitively slotted at just the right angle. “No,” you lead, lips brushing at the single syllable, “being needy.”
He scrunched his and pulled away from your lips as a form of punishment. Eyes set on the prize, so driven for the one thing you find yourself craving the past week, standing on the tips of your toes and eagerly reaching for a kiss.
He scoffed quietly, putting up a false front. He gave it to you easily and without even a fight, “I’m the needy one? Look who’s kissing me.”
“Please,” you reasoned and puckered up for another, “This is me showing my appreciation and affection for the flowers. Really, thank you.”
He dug his face into your neck and traced the bare skin of your back with the tip of each of his slender fingers. He said something quietly about liking that particular dress on you, his fingers playing along with the open slit to emphasize his appreciation. You shivered slightly from the contact and leaned most of your weight against him to compensate for your legs suddenly weakening.
“I’m glad you liked them,” he murmured into your skin, leaving goosebumps against the rest. “I thought it would be a nice addition to our date night.”
“Speaking of,” you began to mutter at the reminder, “It’s been so long since we’ve had a decent amount of time alone. I was surprised you were free this weekend.”
“Sorry,” he sheepishly said, “As much as I trust those two back at the shop — I don’t. But, they told me I at least needed a small break and that they would take care of interviewing for our receptionist position over the weekend.”
Your head tilted curiously to ponder, “You’re still looking for someone?”
He solemnly nodded.
“Then I might just quit and apply at yours,” you teasingly smirked, “Sounds kind of fun.”
He groans. “As much as that would go appreciated..” His hands suddenly drift down to roam your ass and hips, giving it a solid pinch to make you yelp out loud. The corner of his lips quirked. “I don’t think your mother will appreciate you wasting a degree like that. And to be honest? I don’t think I’d get much work done if you were working under me either.”
“Why not?” You didn’t exactly have the opportunity to be as creative as he was, to interact with new people, and share art the way he did. You were organized and clean though. “I’ve had to take a leave at work to focus on Yeona while you were kept busy with the shop, I want to get back to working again. Want to spend more time with you..”
He landed a solid kiss on the edge of your temple and sighed. “Baby, I promise that once business gains momentum without me having to be there, I’ll take some more time off. I feel better that you’re with our daughter for now.”
Your mouth formed to a downturn. “What about you? Jungkook, she needs her own father.”
There’s a moment of silence between the both of you, a thousand of unspoken words floated in between. Yours surrounded him with question marks.
“Do you really want to start that tonight?” He asked, tiredness stirring in his eyes.
You blinked in slight pain before erasing it completely away from his view to read it as anything more and mustered a weak smile. Your hands fidgetted but stick to simply smoothing out the lines of his dress coat.
The bite on your tongue is harsh and punishing.
“Okay,” you answered, a mustered smile easily stretched out, “Fine.”
You wondered how much longer you both would suppress the looming subject until the next argument would find its way back into conversation again.
You stepped out of his hold and observed him from a distance. His expression is given with the way he held back the same as you.
You didn’t push it for the sake of that night.
With your back turned, you grabbed for your purse and handed him a smile before offering your hand. “Let’s go before it gets too late.”
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You’ve encased his hand into your hold at the beginning of the drive, probably slightly dangerous to do but a foolish and selfish habit you had when it came to him. He doesn’t mind when they folded in between the warmth of your thighs, anyway. His driving skills were well off enough to stay stable and to occasionally run his thumb against your skin whenever he pleased.
Just feeling the span of where your short dress had risen had him stirring in his pants and already questioning, “When was the last time we had sex?”
You didn’t flinch at the abrupt question, humming to think. “Maybe about—a week ago?”
His eyes widened. “Fuck, really?”
You nodded. “Your perception of time has always been fucked..” Sitting up, you pinned him a stare, “Come on, you really don’t remember?”
Mindless sex was one of the many ways he would vow out his apology after all. He spelled out his sorry by drawing out an orgasm after orgasm. 
“No, no, I do,” he answered, “I just—didn’t expect it to be that long ago.”
Your mind begged to comment out that it was his fault for always being so damn busy.
“Okay,” he said, arm extended out, having it be enough of your fidgeting and sudden silence, “Come here and hold my hand again.”
It’s his cluelessness to note the way you felt that frustrated you the most — maybe it was just your fault for not properly voicing it out.
“Let’s not think about the last time and look forward to tonight, yeah?” You bit at a remark, reluctantly obliging, only quickly regretting it when his long fingers flexed, unattainable to let go of the raw thoughts that clumped into your head right after. Cheeky bastard. You gripped them tightly to make him hiss out, rubbing the stupid initials of yours on the back of his hand a second later.
He went on with the conversation about some big time client who was willing to spend a fuck ton of money for him to ink his whole entire back. You weren’t too surprised to hear him say that he was informed it would be free game, a general idea and vibe but overall letting Jungkook’s creativity roam free. There was a fond smile stretched upon your lips when he got giddy over it, sprouting out all of the sketch ideas he planned for his work to splay out on the man’s bare skin, eyes twinkling like a fucking kid and it’s beautiful. He’s beautiful.
The car turned to an unfamiliar road and it’s only then your eyebrows furrowed. Your mind perked at the fact you’ve been clueless for that long, not even recognizing the route to your unannounced destination. “I don’t even know where we’re going.”
He turned the wheel again. “Somewhere nicer.” That was the theme for that night, nicer—better—greater than usual.
You eagerly started to look around, like the GPS in front of you didn’t indicate you would be there in the next ten minutes. “Where? What’s the name of the place?” 
He chuckled. “Sit back and wait for it, alright? I promise you’ll like it.”
Of course, you took his word for it.
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The tower sat at a painstakingly high height.
“Jungkook,” you deadpanned, “What are we doing here?”
He smiled widely. “Do you remember this place?”
The breeze blew through you and you could only hug yourself tighter with a meager nod. “You took me here for my birthday that one year?”
He nodded, hands in his pockets. “And I only had enough money to pay for the admission fee and nothing else. Not even enough to get a decent souvenir from the gift shop.”
“Hey, no,” you denied with a pout, clearly offended, “You got me a small magnet that’s still hanging on top of our fridge. It’s cute and I love it.”
His tongue ticked against the roof of his mouth and he reluctantly agreed. “Alright, fine. But—”
You gaped at the tower, mindlessly sputtering when you realize, “Is this where we’re having dinner?”
Finally, he confirmed with a solid nod and a sheepish smile. “We have a reservation.”
Blinking, you repeated, “Reservation? Why would we even need one—”
His arm suddenly swooped down and curled your body next to his as soon as you began walking up the intimidating structure. “Because I have the money to do so now, can’t you see? I can finally spoil the fuck out of my wife the way I’ve been wanting to this whole time.” Nicer—better—greater than usual
“I know that it might be a few years too late to make up for it, but I want you to realize how much I love you,” he said sincerely. “That I’m doing all of this for reason.”
You tugged his hand and called for him again.
Ignoring your pleas, he continued, “I’m shitty for not doing this sooner, and I know some nights get lonely without me, but I want to pay you back with everything I can possibly afford — I’m working hard. For you. For Yeona. Only for the both of you.”
Impulsively, your heel stomped against the pavement until his attention finally shifted towards you. The action immediately turned regrettable when the impact vibrated and bounced off of your ankle. You winced.
“Jungkook,” you pathetically mumbled, reaching out towards him.
Mid-talk, and it was your eyes that glossed over to throw him off, putting him on high alert. He had no choice but to stare down nervously at you with a bitten lip. 
You exhaled slowly and eventually circled your arms around his neck to pull him closer. You were still just outside of the front doors to climb in a beautifully long elevator ride, the gift shop beside the admission booths light blinking brightly to let visitors know it was wide open for them to waste money on overpriced, useless trinkets and tiny magnets.
Your fingers softly pulled at the hairs of his nape, urging him to give you a kiss right then and there. “I appreciate and love everything you’ve bought and done for me tonight.” Just for even allowing some time for the both of you that weekend — it was way more than enough. Your fingers softly ran over the edge of his jaw and went a bit further up to cup his cheek. His hands slid up to your wrist in return and squeezed, angling his head to put a few kisses on the center of your palm. “But you know I love you regardless, right? I don’t need you to pay back my love I’ll always have for you. Always, Gguk. We maintained a shitty apartment together for so many years, still got married when the circumstances weren’t always the nicest, and continue to raise a beautiful little girl together. Nothing changes when I’m with you.”
He eagerly bent down to encase your lips with his own. “I love you,” he said with utter sincerity, his silent ode to you he would carry along for the rest of his life hung somewhere within the tone of it. Always.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
hi yes, welcome to the Angst Fic about one of my Monkie Kid OC’s-
i figured Aeolian needed an Angsty Backstory to explain the whole Phantom Thief and No Mirrors thing, so I... kinda went ham and made one, no thanks to the encouragement of my friends....
anyways, here we go!
Warning: injury and... i guess you could call it a panic attack? maybe? There’s definitely Something Like That happening here
Word Count: 1.9k
The first thing Aeolian noted was the ringing.
It was the first thing he heard as he came to, slowly sitting up and trying to get a grip of his surroundings.
The second thing he noted was the mirrors.
The walls were covered in mirrors, some small, some large, some ornate, others simple. There was not a single space that did not hold a reflective surface.
He was alone. Alone with just his reflection, coming from all directions.
There was no way in hell he was staying here.
Standing up and looking around, he couldn't see any obvious door. But he had to have been brought in here somehow, which meant there was a way in, which, obviously, meant there had to be a way out. He started feeling the small spaces between the mirrors, searching for any seams or switches that would indicate a hidden door of some sort.
Laughter suddenly burst out from behind him, making him startle, his fur fluffing up in surprise as a chill ran down his spine. The ringing in his ears, which had started to fade away without him noticing, suddenly came back tenfold. A wave of nausea washed over him, causing him to nearly stumble as he whirled around, facing the unknown source of the haunting sound.
Someone...or maybe something, would be more accurate, was slowly coming out of one of the mirrors on the opposite side of the room. Try as he might, Aeolian couldn't find any kind of identifying features. He couldn't tell what it was, and that-
That terrified him.
"Aw, is the cute little monkey trying to escape?" It said, in a voice that made Aeolian want to instinctively curl up and hide. He resisted the urge, standing up taller and trying to hide the fact that he was shaking. He only barely succeeded, his tail still shaking behind him in fear.
"Who are you?" Aeolian asked, trying his best not to let his voice waver. "Why am I here?"
The being chuckled again, in that awful, horrible laugh.
"Hm. Somebody is interested in you." It hissed out, amusement coating it's words. "I am merely.... testing you. I must say, you do not cut an imposing figure at all, little monkey. But... Maybe you'll impress me."
Aeolian really didn't want to hear another sentence come out of this creature's mouth. Every word felt like an ocean of anxiety passed over him, making bile start to rise in his throat. He couldn't handle...this, whatever this is.
Panic was starting to over take him. He couldn't think straight.
He summoned a gust of wind, hurling it at the being. It was strong enough to make the glass on some of the closer mirrors crack, his reflection in them distorting.
It was at this point that Aeolian realized something horrifying.
The being didn't have a reflection.
The wind gust slammed ineffectively against the creature, who remained unfazed to the attack, not even flinching.
"Hmph. Pitiful." It said, and then suddenly, Aeolian was slammed against the wall, the previously cracked mirrors shattering with the force of it, raining glass down all around him. He hissed as the falling glass cut his shoulders and arms as it brushed pass him. Slowly, he started to peel himself off the wall, putting his hand against it for support as he stumbled-
Only to choke as the was suddenly some... force shoving him back up against it, pinning his arms and holding a horrible pressure around his neck. He struggled, tail thrashing wildly as he tried to move his arms up to claw at the force around his neck, to no avail.
It wasn't tight enough to strangle him. But it could become so at any moment.
The being slid closer to him, until it held one clawed hand up to Aeolian's face, cupping his chin, tilting his head side to side as it looked him over. At this point, Aeolian couldn't stop himself from trembling.
"Hm. How disappointing." It said, and Aeolian whimpered in pain as the creature suddenly drew its clawed finger down Aeolian's cheek, deep enough to draw blood, deep enough to scar. "I expected more from you, little monkey."
This couldn't be how it ends. Aeolian wouldn't let this be how it ends.
Summoning more energy than he thought he had, Aeolian summoned a sharp blade of wind, bringing it swiftly down on the creatures face. It reared back, and Aeolian dropped to the ground, free of the force that had been holding him to the wall. He panted, trying to recover from that horrible feeling of near suffocation, but still tried to stand back up, knowing that the fight was far from won.
He'd only made it halfway up before the creature laughed again, nearly sending Aeolian tumbling back down to the ground from the sheer energy that came with it.
"Interesting." It hissed, "Perhaps you will be of some use after all."
It waved a clawed hand, and Aeolian watched in frozen fear as a small mirror, the only mirror in the room that remained undamaged, floated down into the being's grasp. The creature turned, and slowly started to approach him again.
Aeolian scrambled to back away, tripping on his feet as he did so, until his back was up against the wall again. He threw his arms in front of himself, his tail also wrapping around in a feeble attempt at protection.
It was a useless endeavor.
The being laughed it's horrible, horrible laugh again, and the ringing increased ten fold-
It stuck it's clawed hand right into Aeolian's chest.
Aeolian screamed, trying to pull back, his tail swishing erratically from the pain. His whole body burned, and he felt the creatures long claws prod and twist, searching for something, before grasping and Aeolian felt like he'd lost the ability to breathe altogether, and his struggling and squirming increased with the desperate need for the creature to stop touching it, stop touching me-
The claws pulled out, painfully slowly, taking what they had grasped along with it, leaving Aeolian to crumple to the ground, feeling cold, hollow-
He stared unblinkingly at the creature, knowing he should be feeling something, anything, but it all felt...muted. He couldn't think. He was empty.
The ringing was back. It was all that he could hear.
Aeolian watched, watched as the creature took what it had stolen, something that shown with a bright glow, and looked like it'd give off the sensation of warmth, of home.
He wanted it back so badly, yet could not bring himself to move as the creature slid what it had stolen into the small ornate mirror, claiming what it had stole.
He could just barely hear the creature laugh over the ringing, and it was at this point that Aeolian's body finally decided it had had enough.
His vision went black, and he passed out.
When Aeolian woke up again, he was in his bedroom, lying on top of the covers.
A dream. He wanted to believe that it had all been a dream.
He knew that it wasn't.
He could feel the blood from the fresh cut on his cheek still dripping down the side of his face. He could feel the pain of where the glass shards had cut him on his arms and shoulders.
But most of all, he could still feel that empty coldness, right where something warm used to be.
...He'd have to treat the cuts.
Standing up, he slowly made his way to the bathroom, putting his hand against the wall for support.
He entered, flickering on the light-
The bathroom mirror shown back at him.
His reflection was nowhere to be seen.
Stumbling forwards, he placed both hands on the mirror, drawing as close to it as possible, to make sure that this was real, he wasn't hallucinating, his reflection is gone-
He could hear the laughter ringing in his ears.
Panic planted it's roots in him.
Drawing his hands back, he summoned wind around his fists-
And smashed his mirror into pieces.
He stood there for a moment, panting, listening to the dripping of the blood from the fresh cuts on his hands falling down and hitting the sink below.
There was silence. No laughter. No ringing.
Only silence.
Aeolian slowly backed away from where his mirror used to be. Quietly, shaking, he slid down, to the floor, bringing his knees up to his chest, his tail curling around him in a poor attempt at comfort.
He couldn't bring himself to cry. He was too shaken to.
Later, he would be told by an uncharacteristically serious Iva that she found him there, on the floor of the bathroom, trembling, staring at nothing, with glass shards surrounding him. He had refused to talk to her, refused to say anything, as she had removed him from the bathroom, and quickly and quietly cleaned his wounds. It was only when she had jokingly asked if he wanted her to buy him a new mirror that he had spoken, panicking, repeating "No. No mirrors.".
Apparently, it had taken her 6 minutes to get him to calm back down again. It had taken her another 20 to get him to fall asleep.
He managed to explain what had happened to her, somewhat, once he had woken up again, and was more coherent. She had sat there in thought, knowing that this was too serious of a situation to make a joke.
"Well." She eventually said, "What are you going to do?"
There was a moment of silence between them as Aeolian pondered that question.
"The....creature." He eventually started, lightly gripping his blankets. "It. It wanted something from me. It took something from me."
"How about this then." Iva said, "You simply take it back."
"How? How could I possibly manage to beat it-"
"I'm not saying you beat it. I'm saying you take it back."
Upon only receiving a confused look from the bedridden monkey, Iva sighed.
"I'm suggesting you steal it." She said.
"I....I don't think I could." Aeolian said, "I have no idea where it went, it could be anywhere, and, and besides, I don't know the first thing about stealing-"
"Then you can practice." Iva interrupted. "As soon as you feel better, I can set up a mock heist for you, at my place. After you get the basics down, you can start trying to lure the creature out. Steal some rare and mystical items. Make a show out of it. Even if it doesn't attract the creature's attention, it will still attract attention. Maybe you'll be able to find some people who know something about it."
"I- are you suggesting I become a phantom thief?" Aeolian asked.
"I didn't not suggest it."
"Iva, that's breaking the law."
Iva shrugged.
"Since when have I ever cared about breaking the law?" She said, and Aeolian stared at her in disbelief. "Besides, you'll only be stealing from rich people anyways. It'll be like a modern day Robin Hood kinda thing."
"And if I get arrested?"
"I'll break you out, of course."
There was a moment of silence as Aeolian contemplated his decision, as Iva watched patiently for her friend to accept the chaotic idea she had proposed. He always did accept her ideas, in the end.
And this time was no different.
"...Fine. It's not like we've got any better ideas." Aeolian finally sighed, and Iva cheered in response. "I do have one condition though."
"And what would that be?" Iva asked.
"If I end up falling in love with a detective during this process, I'm going to need you to smack me. Hard."
"Done." Iva said, holding out her hand. Aeolian accepted her handshake, although he winced at the brief sting from the cuts on his hands.
Three months later, shortly after meeting Haze, Iva would proceed to smack Aeolian on the head.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Fortune Teller! Park Jimin - I Wanna Take You Down My Path
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So huge credit to @smallestplanets on Twitter for the inspiration behind this imagine. To my knowledge the requesting person got permission from the artist for me to use this as inspiration. Let me emphasize that I take no credit for this art or the idea of  a fortune teller alternate universe. If the owner of the artwork would like me to take the picture off this post then I will. That being said you should go support them because their art is top tier!
Credit for this ask goes to @youmaiiwasherebeforeu​
hallo! can u please make a oneshot w explicit smut and fluffo of dis fortune teller jimin and oc?? like timid and quiet oc w this DOMINATING man. if ur not ok w this than it's ok. I asked the artist who created this masterpiece permission to ask for a oneshot using their piece. if u do make this, please include this ask in the post as well. @smallestplanets requested this.
Disclaimer- Nasty Time with a dude you just met....hehe VERY SLIGHT Bloodplay
Okay so I didn’t do that much smut...sorrryy! If you want I can rewrite it! Or something else you might want!
There was nothing like the Summer Festival that rolled around every year. It was like the citizens set aside their differences and just have fun. Everyone was so happy. You just adored the smell of fresh flowers showering from up above. People wore all sorts of fun colorful costumes that lit up the festivities even more.
“Y/N! You’ve got to see this!” one of your friends called you over to a street performer. A singer with a guitar, wearing a large sparkling purple top hat with a matching blazer. You joined the crowd in hearing the man sing. You were so lost in the music that you didn’t notice the man standing right across from you in the little circle the crowd had made around the performer.
You had found it in yourself to look up. He was looking right at you, so your eyes met almost instantly. You held back a slight gasp. This man was dressed in a crisp dark grey jacket with an ivory colored shirt underneath. His hair had looked like he had just rolled out of bed and the wind wasn’t helping either. 
“Hey Y/N! we’re gonna go on the rides! We’ll catch up!”
You didn’t even process your friends parting ways with you. You felt like he was trying to study you. You would have stared longer had somebody not completely rammed into you, sending you straight to the floor. 
“Owww” You whined.
“Allow me.” a soft spoken voice cut through the air.  The same man from before was standing above you, his pale hand outstretched towards you. “That looked painful.”
“Thank you.” you didn’t think twice before lacing his fingers within yours. You stood to your feet.
“First time?”
“Excuse you?” you were a bit taken aback. “W-what did you just say?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“At the festival.” he clarified, a slight smile teasing the corners of his mouth.
“Oh...No. I come here every year.” you replied, suddenly feeling very silly. “I’ve never seen you here before.” you tried to make conversation. “I mean, is this your first time here?”
“I like to be in the background.” he shrugged. “I’m surprised you haven’t stumbled across my booth.”
“Booth?” you repeated. Maybe it was because you always hung in the back, but you’d remember someone looking like him around.
“Yes.” he nodded, that teasing smile still gracing his face. “Interested?”
Something in you trusted him, even though you had just met him. He seemed welcoming, inviting even. “Hm, what’s the matter? Scared.”
“No.” you scoffed, laughing a little. “It’s just I don’t know your name.”
“Right, I just didn’t expect to get this far.” he shoved his hands in his pocket. “Guess I didn’t see that one coming.”
The way he said ‘that one’ made you curious.
“I’m Y/N.” you smiled. 
“Jimin.” he replied. “Feel like taking a chance on the future?” He removed his right hand from his pocket and held it out to you, waiting. 
“Fortune teller?” you guessed.
“I like to think of it as...a guardian that leads people on the right path. I wanna take you down my path.” he winked. 
Call it adventurous, call it crazy...but you wanted to know more. So you grabbed his hand. “You knew I’d do that didn’t you?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“No...but I was hoping.” he winked. Jimin began leading you to a tent looking room with black curtains. “Take a seat.” he let go you you, leaving your fingers cold. There was a table with two chairs on either side. There was a deck of cards, three white candles, a strange looking blade, all sitting on a red velvety tablecloth. You sat in the chair closest to the entrance of the curtain. 
Jimin sat across from you, his aura now completely different. He seemed focused, intent on breaking down your barriers to see through you. Your eyes darted down to the strange knife, which was about to slide off the table.
“Hey, be carefu- OUCH!” You tried to grab the handle, only to have it slide off the table and nick you in the process. Your index finger was bleeding. The wound wasn’t deep enough to require medical attention, but it hurt like hell. 
“I knew that’d happen.” Jimin’s voice didn’t waver nor change. 
“Shit. I’m such a klutz.” you complained. “Sorry about that-”
“No worries. Give me your hand, I’ll help you out.”
Without thinking, you held your hand out. You though that maybe he had a napkin on him or something. You were taken aback to see Jimin raising your hand to his mouth.
“What are you-”
His tongue darted out and slid down your finger, You could feel his wet tongue slither around your finger. You could see the red collecting on the tip on his tongue.
It took a minute to snap out of it. but your hand back.
“I don’t know what you problem is bu-”
Before you could finish your statement you saw something flash before you eyes.
You were laid against a plush surface, writhing under a scorching hot body. Sweat ran down your back. 
“I knew you were mine the minute I laid eyes on you.” a voice cut through the air. “Mine, m-mine.”
“Hey Jimin! Come look at this!”
“Must we stop and look at every cute animal we come across?”
“Umm yes?”
“Jimin, don’t you ever get tired of knowing the future? Doesn’t that take the fun out of life?”
“What do you mean?”
“Knowing everything before it happens...Seems kinda sad.”
“Well that’s one way of looking at it. I never thought of it that way”
“P-please don’t make me order by myself!”
“My darling it isn’t that bad.”
“Do you want the world to explode?!”
You had no idea what the hell just happened, and you weren’t sure if you liked it or not. “What the hell was that?”
“Your future.” Jimin’s voice was wavering. Almost as if he wasn’t expecting that ‘vision’. “And apparently mine.”
“Oh.” You went completely quiet now. You had no idea how to respond. “W-wow.” Suddenly you were overcome with a large bounty of fear. You literally just saw you future with a man whom you just met. How the hell were you supposed to respond?! You instantly felt small. As if you were shrunk down to size and the world was way too big to navigate through.
“Um...I should go.” Jimin rose to his feet and left without another word. He disappeared through the curtains and didn’t look back. You stared longingly, part of you hoping he’d return.
...(Hours later)
You hadn’t run into your friends all afternoon, and you were too in a daze to even try and look for them. Last you saw, they were headed for the circus tent. 
The festive bright colors had dulled to red, black, and purple as far as the eye could see. It looked straight out of a vampire romance novel. You tried not to think about Jimin all day since your interaction, but you couldn’t. 
“You know what, fuck him.” you seethed. “He’s lucky I didn’t call the cops on his ass.” you stopped in place.
“Free mask?” a woman came up to you, holding out a gem encrusted masquerade. “Enjoy the festival the right way.” She had white gloves on that matched her own mask that covered her entire face. You took a look around and many people were wearing all sorts of different masks. “Don’t worry each one is special. You won’t find another one like it.”
“Sure...thank you.” you smiled politely. As the woman walked away, you slipped the mask on. Lucky for you, you could see just fine. As you got your mask on, you could see a man in the distance, wearing a sparkly black mask that kind of reminded you of the mask from Phantom Of The Opera. 
You didn’t think much of it. In fact, you continued walking. You ignored everyone else. You were gonna enjoy yourself until morning.
“Ladies and Gents! The fireworks show is about to begin!!” 
You found yourself wandering to the back of the crowd, leaning against a tree. It felt nice. It was almost like your own personal show. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
“Very.” you breathed in response. His presence could be felt like a space heater. 
“I was thinking about you...”
“Really?” you hummed thoughtfully. “Before or after you left me sitting with a bleeding hand?” you turned around to face Jimin, his sparkling black mask seemingly glowing under the fireworks. 
“I didn’t know how to process it.” he explained. “It’s the first time I’ve ever come across a vision like that.”
“I can see that.” you shrugged. “So what do you want then?”
“Meet me back at my tent.”
And so here you were, arms crossed and dragging your feet to follow Jimin back to his tent. A woman was standing outside the tent and all Jimin had to do was nod her way for her to walk away.
The second you both went through the tent, you were taken into his arms.
Jimin kissed you passionately, walking you backwards towards the now empty table. He gently pushed you down, letting you land on the hard table. 
Jimin stared at you, particularly the rise and fall of your chest. He knew the blood was rushing to your had, because he was going through the same thing. Without thinking, you reached out and took his mask off. 
“Don’t cover your scar.” you smiled sadly.
He mirrored your face and removed your mask. “Only if you don’t cover your face.”
Whoever took whose clothes off first didn’t matter.
Slowly, he slid in, his jaw going slack as he felt you tighten around him.
“I’ve been waiting for this.” he whimpered. “You don’t know how badly I need this, how badly I want this.”
 His touch was scorching hot, like fire against your naked skin. “Do you trust me?”
You wordlessly nodded. All the motivation he needed. He took his pinky finger nail, which you noticed was very sharp and poked your shoulder. 
He neared closer and collecting the blood on his tongue.
“Wanted to gaze into the future again?” you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Could you blame me?”
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