#and if you’ve never played the game and are wondering why the graphics changed
quibbs126 · 2 years
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Video game references in the prison
Oh yeah to be clear, some time has passed in the game, now I’m in prison
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actual-changeling · 9 months
you’re the only person i feel comfortable saying this to. but i feel like a fake fan for not wanting to/not engaging with tlou2 content. i don’t like the story and i don’t like the characters/characterizations. it makes me really sad and uncomfortable at times. i won’t be watching season 2 when it comes out. i’m sure the making of it and the actors will all be incredible it obviously has nothing to do with them.
i know there’s like a whole thing where you don’t have to engage with content you don’t like blah blah but it just feels like *some* (emphasis on some, not generalizing here) tlou fans really get mad with people who don’t like tlou2, they think that they don’t understand it and are just mad there isn’t a happy ending and just hate abby. which, idk, i would never expect a happy ending of an apocalypse story. but there are so many problems with the story that i cannot get over. and yeah. i don’t really think **** should have died (asterisks for spoiler). honestly these people make me want to engage with tlou2 even less.
i love tlou1 and it’s been such an outlet for me and for so many others with parental trauma. i think it’s okay to want to protect that.
i wonder if you think it’s okay and still good etiquette (for lack of better word) to not engage with tlou2 for these reasons?
i know you’ve spoken about tlou2 before and your take on it. i wouldn’t ask you to go through this all again, but i just felt like this was a safe outlet to say all this. i’m sorry if this was a bother!!!
It is completely fine to send me asks about this, don't worry! I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to do so.
I've watched the show and played both games, and it is always okay to dislike any aspect of a canon universe, no matter what your reasoning is.
A tiny part of me is still riding the denial train and hopes that Craig will at the very least vastly improve the plot if not change it, but since Neil is also involved I doubt it. The first game was perfect as a stand-alone, and just like you, the characters and the world helped me work through a bunch of issues.
It didn't need a part 2, especially not one that demolished everything they had built. The one we got also destroyed some of the comfort the first game had simply because once you know how the story ends, you will never be able to see it again like you did before.
Pedro and Bella will be amazing in season two, that am sure of, and I hope Kaitlyn can shield herself from the hate she will undoubtedly receive.
The fandom is, like you said, very. sensitive about part 2 opinions that aren't "I loved it and want Abby to rail me", and it would be hilarious if it weren't sad and didn't involve those people harassing others. After playing part 2, I realised that 90% of the tlou content I see anywhere is so removed from what is actually happening in the game that I cannot take anyone who praises it seriously.
For some reason, many seem incapable of separating themselves from people's opinions about the game. If you told me you liked the game and constantly talk about it, sure, fine, I am not a toddler, I can co-exist or even be friends with someone who has a different opinion on a video game. 99% of the tlou2 fandom just cannot do the same and I have no idea why, they take any and all non-positive takes and treat them like I personally insulted their mother.
The pure game mechanics of it, the infected, the environmental designs, the details—all of that is beautiful and I genuinely enjoy playing Ellie's Seattle Days because of that; I just try not to think about why she's there. But for a story-driven game, good mechanics and nice graphics aren't enough to balance out the shit writing.
Even if we ignore the Death tm, there are so many other issues, including various flavours of homophobia and transphobia (that I also never saw anyone talk about??? and I mean transphobia in the writing itself, not the characters), plot issues, pacing issues, horrible character development, and much, much more.
Not liking the game and feeling uncomfortable watching/playing it makes perfect sense, and you 100% have the right to block any and all content related to part/season 2. I know you know that, but sometimes it really does help to have someone else tell you something you technically already know (half of my therapy sessions consist of me and my therapist talking about stuff I already know).
No one—and I mean no one—gets to decide that for you. Anyone who demands you expose yourself to something that makes you feel like shit is an asshole and has no validity.
I hope this wasn't too rambly and turned out somewhat coherent. My inbox is always open for you (or others) to talk about anything tlou related. I've weathered several waves of hate from those people and I couldn't give less of a fuck about it.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Got A Secret, Part 1
Summary:   When Dayton White makes a bad call with his latest girlfriend, and she tries to destroy his career, it is up to you his makeup artist to help fix it.  You were older, and more mature.  Had already been spotted with Dayton happily smiling, and the fans loved you.  Now you’re in front of the cameras left wondering when does the acting stop...
Pairings:  Dayton White X Reader
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, lies, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.3K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“He’s in the chair,” Dayton’s assistant peeks his head into your room with a big smile. Ray was ever punctual for Dayton’s erratic behavior. “He’s ready and waiting on you,” you stand quickly, grabbing your kit as you follow Ray down the corridor to Dayton’s dressing room. 
“You know why he likes you?”
“Because I allow him to call me sweetheart without making a peep?”
Ray raises his eyebrows and nods in agreement with you, “Because you’re punctual. You’re always ready and waiting for him when he comes to call. You keep your mouth shut. I know that you’ve undoubtedly seen and heard some stuff. He’s not a bad guy.”
“No, he’s definitely got potential. His fame, notoriety, and good looks have afforded him a certain way of life, however.  And you and everyone else enables his childlike tendencies.  A man that has never grown up, but then portrays himself to be the picture perfect example of marriage material.”
“Oh? And why would you say that?” Rays asks. His hand on the door, ready to open it so you can deal with Dayton. 
“The man’s a slut,” you shrug. “I mean come on, every girl he comes across, they know about him. They don’t care. They want that moment to think that their pussy could actually change him. They sign that NDA quickly, he gets his dick wet, and he moves on. It’s simple math really.”
“He also likes you’re one of the few people that’ll tell him no.”
“I don’t get paid to coddle a grown man. I get paid to make sure his age isn’t showing and people don’t question why someone with a perfectly curated image such as himself can’t keep a woman. Make him look younger so playing the fields doesn’t look so bad. I thought you knew that,” you give him a chuckle as you walk into the room. 
Dayton usually gives everyone his perfect facade of America’s golden boy, but for some reason, he’s always been able to let his guard down with you. Forbade anyone to be in the room while you work on him. It was like he was able to be himself while you put on his mask. Hiding the real him from the world. 
Typically the man’s phone was far enough away, always upright so you could see his alerts, this time, it was snug in his hand. Practically angling the screen in an odd way to make you question just who had his attention. You didn’t take the bait. Dayton was not your friend. He was a client. 
Dayton sighs, finally laying his phone in his lap, still screen up. He thought he was slick making his notifications private, until it was just you and him, and then you were able to see everything. You were a makeup artist, he assumed you frothed at the mouth for gossip. “What are you promoting today, Mr. White?”
“Ugh, please, you of all people don’t call me that. I’m Dayton,” he waits for your response as you add some concealer to his eye bags. You wondered if this man ever slept, or was he always just fucking and playing the game. 
You still don’t respond. Preferred to keep the conversation led by him. You asked a question, he didn’t answer. “You really don’t know?”
“If I knew, would I have asked a question?” His phone lights up with a text, and against your better judgment you look down, and see her name again. Stupid girl. You casually tried to warn Dayton that she was too young and ambitious. He didn’t listen. 
He looks at his phone, but doesn’t respond. Doesn’t even open it. Which leads to a few back to back texts. “Needy,” you surmise. Dayton knew he had you. You tried to act aloof, but the difference was, you actually cared. And you responded, you saw who was texting him and that was his goal.  He always wanted to hear your input, whether he applied it to his life or not.
“Yeah. That’s why the um,” he clears his throat asking about the next product you were putting on his face. “Damage control.”
“I don’t even want to know.”
“She uh…she wants to go public,” don’t respond. Don’t react. For every step forward that Dayton thinks he has with you, he realizes these games don’t work. “I don’t want to.”
“We’re fucking. She’s not the only one. She’s too young. Too new in the industry. Too needy. Too…as you say ambitious.”
“Hmm, maybe next time you date a woman that wants to get ahead in the industry you’ll make sure she knows you’re just using her as a flesh light,” Dayton snorts, and looks back down in his lap. If you weren’t so entertaining, he would have gotten rid of you a long time ago. You were always smarting something off to him, but he needed to hear it.  And he enjoyed your take on his chaotic life.
You however, didn’t speak on matters between you and him. Your mouth was always zipped tight. “She’s ruining my image.”
“Oh, the one you don’t care about? The one you’ve created for the last decade. Became what America’s women want. Be obtainable in a sense. Make them think you want a regular girl, when in reality you have a very specific type.”
“And what’s that?”
“Tall, but not too tall. Skinny. Blonde. Actress. I think that covers it,” you remove the tissue from his shirt, and spin him around to look at himself, but he stares blankly in the mirror. “Are you needing anything else, Dayton?”
He looks down at his phone and panic arises on his perfectly chiseled face, “Dammit! Ray! Get Ray!” You cock up an eyebrow looking at him, “I know it’s not your job.”
You don’t even have to get Ray; he and Dayton’s whole team start bursting into the room, “Have you checked the gossip blogs?”
“You’re starting to trend on Twitter.”
“Shit! She left a cryptic message on Instagram.”
“We need to make a statement to some outlet. Who do you want?”
“Which narrative are we trying to spin? How does this affect your upcoming projects?”
“God, you’re so stupid.”
“No!! There’s hate happening. You’ve got a less than shiny piece on the gossip sites.”
Fingers snap, screams, and overall pushing you out of the room, and Dayton gives you a final sad smile, mouthing out, “Sorry.”
You don’t want to look. It was all an image that he and the whole team faked, and it sounded like that image was being tarnished for the time being. You step back into your room. You’re paid well to sit around and wait for him to be touched up. 
“Put out that picture we’ve been sitting on,” Ray tells a publicist, and Dayton stands up quickly to protest. “That’s our best option.”
“It’s a lie.”
“She’s your fucking age. You wanted to get a young pussy, and now she’s biting off your dick. Using your fame and resources to make her star rise, while yours is fading. Do I have your permission to source out the photo?” Dayton scratches the back of his neck. Trying to think if his career was even worth it. 
“She’s been seen with you before. This makes it stop. The fans react well to her, and even look for her at events. Let’s send it to all our sources. Send it to a few of the gossip blogs. Nothing has to be said. Let everyone else make up their mind on what’s happening. All that tartlet has is a few coincidences. No evidence of you together,” Dayton grimaces, because that wasn’t entirely true. 
“My god, you’re so stupid. I hope this was worth it. Your career or your makeup artist?”
“Send the photo,” Dayton responds wearily. He settles back into his chair with his fingers rubbing along his temples. “We’re not putting out an official statement either way. Inform the host no personal questions of any sort. I want all major outlets and fan-run sites and blogs to have that exclusive. Make this go away, and make it quick.”
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“Just my usual,” you smile at the barista, already handing over your card. You look over to a nearby table, giving the two girls a smile when they gasp, and lean in to whisper to each other. 
“It’s kinda weird seeing you here,” the barista tells you, and you give her an odd look. “I thought you would be back in New York.”
“Oh, Dayton doesn’t have any upcoming events.  We got a break from filming,” she tilts her head to the side, but then smiles with a wink. It was odd. You’ll give her that, but the coffee here was impeccable. 
Hearing a clicking sound of a camera you look back at the girls, who’s phones go in their lap quickly. Probably a selfie. Giving a nod to the barista, you grab your coffee, and start to head out, until you hear, “That is her,” and turn to another table. 
Becoming paranoid as they blatantly point at you, and look down at their phones. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as more and more people look up at you. Some from phones and some from a magazines with Dayton on the cover. 
Trying to hold onto your dignity you walk out quickly. Looking at your phone before calling your mom, “Honey, why didn't you tell me?” This doesn’t help calm your fear as you pick up your pace, heading to your car.
“You and Dayton. It’s actually a great match. He seems like the best guy. So kind. And he wants kids. Are you finally going to make me a grandmother?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, honey, you really don’t read the gossip do you? But…there was an exclusive source.  And I’m your mother.  You could have at least told me that this business partnership had turned romantic.”
“What?” You put your head down, opening up the door to your car. It felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest, and you just had to get out of here. 
“You got caught. I’ll admit the timing looks a bit suspicious since that stupid girl had a few screen shots and messages, and…well, I’m sure yours and Dayton’s timeline can be discussed. Maybe he didn’t know how he felt at the time, or wasn’t aware that you were exclusive.”
“Oh my god. I can’t breathe.”
“Oh, sweetheart, were you not ready to be public?” You never look at the gossip. Never desired to because it was all fake. But it doesn’t take long to find exactly what your mother was talking about. A picture of you and Dayton, supposed to be alone for you to do his makeup. 
The two of you were giggling and laughing, and he was pushing a bit of fallen hair out of your face. Had you not known what was going on, you could see how a picture of you leaning over him in the chair, right in his face, while both his hands were on you could be romantic. You don’t even remember his hand being on your hip, or this moment. Things happened so quickly for makeup. Most of the time they were enjoyable. 
‘He looks happy.’
‘Actor, Dayton White finally finds the one.’
‘Hiding under his nose all along.’
‘A source tells us they are happily in love.’
“Dayton!” You scream into the phone as he picks up. 
He was afraid that the blindsight of this was not ideal, but he had a reputation to protect and was filming a family movie with a wife and kids, “What the fuck is going on?”
“Damage control.”
“I’m not part of your fantasy world. Take it back!”
“Doesn’t work like that. Just…give me a few months, clean up my image, and we can go our separate ways.”
“And you can find a new fucking makeup artist! I can’t believe you! How did you get this picture? It’s…” even you couldn’t deny the chemistry between you and Dayton. It looked almost too intimate. Personable and comfortable. But there was something in the way he was looking at you. You’d seen it a hundred times in his movies though. It was just part of the ever churning cog in Dayton’s life. He was an actor. 
“It’s perfect for me.”
“I didn’t ask for this!”
“You don’t have to do anything, but show up on my arm. We’ve got a pap walk scheduled for when we get back on set,” you let your head drop down onto the steering wheel. “Please, just do this for me. You know how much my career and image mean to me.”
“I have conditions then.”
“Whatever you want. Name your price.”
You scoff hearing that, “I don’t want money. I want respect. You quit sleeping around.”
“Does that mean I get to with…”
“No! Get acquainted with your hand. You stepping out on me isn’t going to help your image. Don’t sneak them in your house. Don’t like pictures on Instagram, don’t slide into someone’s DMs. If you’re playing the role of my boyfriend, then you act like. I can't believe you didn’t ask!”
“I knew you’d say no. Don’t…don’t get on social media though. Please?”
“Just don’t. Be you. Don’t get on. But I need you to hand your passwords over to MacRay immediately. He’s got to scrub your social media. Luckily you don’t post much. But your likes, they can be questionable at times.. Call him as soon as you hang up.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
“I know. I’m sorry, and if there was any other way, I would have done it. You’re a lifesaver, and I’ll owe you forever!”
Famous last words that you knew no matter what that Dayton wouldn’t be able to hold up that promise. You just take a deep breath and get ready to weather this shit storm that had been brewing from the stupid tarltlet. Dayton and his dick were always getting him in trouble. And up until now you had managed to come out unscathed, but now you have to be the one in front of the camera.  Smiling and playing make believe.  All to protect him.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @infatuatedjanes​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @peaches1958​ @thedarkplume​ @rebekahdawkins​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @filthy-gorgeous-library​
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noivysneverland · 2 years
a drunk, rambling (of both positive and negative sides) of pokemon scarlet (my pick) and violet. spoilers ahead under the cut. you’ve been justly warned
tl;dr up front, this game in terms of Story, Characters, Battle Mechanics, and new changes to the overworld far exceed the lack luster trash that I think gen 8 is. as i make my next sandvich to feed to the stupid lizard i named Heavy because of its addiction to said sandviches i think about what this game has brought to the table, and it’s got a lot of filling in it,but arguably its execution of has been for some funny, others an embarrassment, and others still, a blatant showcase of why first party pokemon games are going the Way of the Dodo in terms of quality. 
it has been Five days since generation 9 has had its rather divisive release into the public space, most certainly one of the most anticipated releases for the switch this year, and for a not insubstancial vocal contingency have been raking it over the coals for a lot of reasons, predominantly performance and graphics issues. its so hilariously bad on this front because the frame rate dips, shadow rendering and sometimes piss awful rendering speeds make the game look like something out of a goddamn steam greenlight submission (remember those????). now see i dont normally even care about that sort of thing or can just easily ignore it. except this happens so frequently i cant even go a few minutes without something getting choppy. and yea when it comes to a first party nintendo release fuck up should be a badge of shame we should put not on gamefreak but rather the fucking corporate investors that forced an obviously crunch-induced deadline. it has all the hallmarks of a game put under crunch, and while GF is quite famously press shy (especially after the dexit thing last gen), so we’ll probably not know the whole story unless someone does The Game Journalist and digs up as much of the story as they possibly can. 
 but alas i dont play pokemon for graphics. im mostly into battles and well, I was actualyl pretty surprised with some areas and parts.
i actually really like the idea of terrestalizing, and changing a pokemon’s typing to another thing. it opens up a lot of strat and team making that suddenly some mons which may have been held back by massive type weaknesses can now suddenly get a chance to shine in ways never before possible. the game really doesnt do it much justice since they basically treaded water for a majority of the big fights, but some notable outliers are out there. but some fights are a fucking joke at the point you reach them; WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU PUT A FUCKING ***GOGOAT*** ON THAT PERSONS TEAM WHEN YOU LITERALLY COULD HAVE PUT ANYTHING. FUCKING. ELSE. ON IT I SWEAR TO FUCK I AM GOING TO CHOKE A FUCKER. that one battle (if you know you know) was so underwhelming bc of that team line up i still wonder who thought HM WE SHOULD DO THIS FOR THAT BATTLE. 
the real strengh of gen 9 is in its story characters in multiple fronts. After the fucking embarrassment of a rival that was fucking Hop, you’re greeted out the bat with a Champion rank trainer who basically just wants to Battle All the Things and wants a challenge again. This would be annoying as Nemona pops up all over the bloody place and at times much like the Hopeless Hop, but instead she tries to actually build the player character to reach her level so she can finally have the real challenge again.  it doesnt actually stop with nemona either, you also get introduced to Arven, a young man who is so Done with the Stupid Sanvich Addicted Lizard that he just gives it to you and now You have the unsubtle legendary which you can just ride in plain daylight and nobody bats a bloody eye. his line involves finding The Perfect Food Ingredient for personal reasons that also happen to be important for some reason. and then there’s the whole thing with Team Star, which as you progress you actually get a thing where, depending on how well your time in school was, you may very well understand and appreciate whats going on there.  unlike every other pokemon game out there, there’s no hard order for you to do things. if you wanna march right up to the strongest gym leader, the only thing there to stop you is pokemon well above yours in level, and the fact you will Get Your Shit Kicked In(ask me how i know). there’s rewards for talking to things and doing things unrelated to the main story line(s!) and taking a bit of time away from the battle and world to read things is a good way to get some decent rewards early game. and the final areas are actually p. gud in terms of what they bring to the table, its what happens after the main story where things get Meh and enough for me to put down the game for a few months.
The (non performance/bugs) weakness of gen 9 right now is the lack of a real postgame. even sword and shield gave you a Battle Tower to just keep doing things. but after you clear every thing leading to what i see as the final task, you basically only have the tera raids and a tournament thing to do. and let me tell you those tera raids at their highest levels are, at the time of writing, are impossible to solo for me. you gotta have Friends to do em afaik and one fuck up or RNG Bullshit.tm will halt a run instantly. i don’t enjoy em, and since I have seen all that i deem to be seen for now, I am back into Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak where i am now mercy-killing infected monsters. There’s obviously going to be DLC for this game at some point, but lets face it with the Amount of Bugs currently plaguing it, i dont see that happening any time soon. closing notes, i know some of the tunes are bugged, but some of them are really, really fucking good. one of them beats out the famed Gen 5 tune for that type of trainer. if you know, you know and i will die on this hill that gen 9s is better than gen 5s. fight me. i also have found three shiny mons after not encountering a single one since 20-fucking-10. a Summer Deerling, a Houndour and a Skrelp (oooo!)
final drunk noivy ratings Story: 9.1/10, probably one of the strongest ones since gen 5 Battles: 7.5/10, terrestalizing is a cool concept, but the game doesnt deliver on it well enough anD SOME OF THE FIGHTS ARE A FUCKING JOKE, FUCKING GOGOAT MY FUCKING GOD. but some of the fights are up there in difficulty graphics/performance: lol its better than sword and shield. and then some. that first bar isn’t hard to clear for me. but it does enough out side of the glaring bugs to convince me that yea it was ok purchasing it day one. probably won’t do that for gen 10.
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wedlascl · 2 years
Final fantasy 8 gamefaqs
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Srsly I've written a review about the same issue in Star Ocean 3 Remaster where it was the same problem and what does SE do? The same stupid thing again.
The worst problem in the PS4 version is that you don't have the option to turn down the volume of music etc. I have tested it around 20 minutes and have refunded it. Everything is so blurry that it hurts my eyes to play the game. Yes the character looks upgraded but all the rest is downgraded graphicaly. It is the worst Remaster I have ever played.
It is I love Final Fantasy 8 and ofcourse I was silliy enough to pre-order this game for PC and PS4. I love Final Fantasy 8 and ofcourse I was silliy enough to pre-order this game for PC and PS4. Do I recommend it?: I would recommend it mostly to those who want to get deeper into the series. Pros: + Engaging plot + Serviceable characters + Interesting mechanics + Nice music + Vastly improved graphics from previous Final Fantasy games Cons: - Weak narrative - Characters lack depth - Junction System is poorly designed - Upgrading weapons is tedious - Outdated minor elements Narrative: 4/10 Gameplay: 2/10 Content: ?/10 Characters: 6/10 Music: 7/10 Graphics/Audio: ?/10 Final Rating: 6/10 - Decent - On one hand, Final Fantasy VIII is a decent, traditional Final Fantasy experience, but on the other hand, it's filled with flaws and it's one of my least favorite games in the series. Lastly, the game does have some outdated elements. Upgrading weapons by picking up random maganizes and grinding for materials is a slog. Overall, it's kinda boring, but it's unique and I can see why some people like it. The Junction System brings some interesting ideas on paper but the execution falls short. I haven't mentioned the biggest flaws of the game yet. As you've seen so far, Final Fantasy VIII is quite flawed, but the thing is. Also, the music is good and the visuals are significantly better than the visuals in older Final Fantasy games. The characters are likable and I liked some of them more than I expected, however, most of them lack depth. The combat system is similar to Final Fantasy IX's but a bit more responsive, nothing special. Final Fantasy VIII's story is convoluted and it gets quite nonsensical at times but it's intriguing for the most part even if the writing is inconsistent. Fortunately though, it got me hooked after a while and I stayed till the end. Fortunately though, it got me hooked after a while and I To be honest, I wasn't very interested in playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. To be honest, I wasn't very interested in playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. In my opinion FF VIII is a solid title, just not one I see myself playing as much as I have played VII or IX … Expand I understand it is important to the plot but it could have been done in a better way. Also hated it when the game changed its pace when I went to the dream world to, for some reason, follow the story of Laguna and company. They aren't bad but they have moments that will make you question their actions as well as their character. Squall was the emo guy who never shared his feelings, Quistis was the know-it-all teenage instructor, Zell was the annoying loud mouth, Selphie's character is that she has none, Rinoa is the ditzy daughter of a general, and Irvine is the wannabe sharp shooter that hits on every pretty lady he sees. The characters were never too interesting to me. I always wondered if they were aware how easily their game could be broken. You can break it so hard that you can get Squall's final and best weapon by the end of disc 1, as well as spells that won't be available til disc 3 without drawing them and you can junction said spells to give level 10 characters level 40-50 stats. Luckily Square gave the ability to break the game in literally the beginning hours of disc 1. Basic enemies scale to your level making grinding kind of pointless. Drawing magic is tedious and the idea that magic is more like an item bugged me. It isn't a bad game but it isn't great either. This one usually split the So after so many years of pleading from fans, Square finally released a remaster of their classic ps1 title. So after so many years of pleading from fans, Square finally released a remaster of their classic ps1 title.
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gojology · 4 years
Strawberry Flavored Pocky.
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pairing : teen! gojo x gender neutral reader warnings : the big three: unedited, most likely badly written, and some cursing. also there’s like.. graphic imagery that gojo and reader exchange to eachother. it’s just banter though! wordcount : 2273 a/n : for that one anon that wanted teen gojo. my stroke of genius always occurs when im eating strawberry flavored pocky i swear.. anyways yeah this is unfiltered writing n it’s probably like not the best tbh and maybe i didn’t nail teen gojo’s personality but u know what this was so fun to write
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     The sound of the tear of the wrapper containing the Pocky you had just bought was music to your ears, crinkling with every touch. Your fingers are itching to grab for the deliciously coated sticks, but you’re stopped by someone none other than Gojo Satoru himself.       “What’d you get?” he inquired, seemingly unbothered by the face you were making, he hadn’t even greeted you with a simple, “Hello.” he sat down on the bench seat right next to you, uninvited.       In his hand were many bags of various sweet treats, you could only make out some familiar ones- ramune flavored gummies, a bag of chips, vibrantly colored candy. Your lips quirk downwards, exhaling, turning to face the setting sun.       “Just some Pocky.” you flatly respond, beginning to pick the biscuit up. Contrary to Gojo’s wide choice of snacks, you only really had one favorite- Pocky. Specifically, Strawberry flavored Pocky. The sweet, yet somewhat tart aftertaste treat dominated your mind almost day and night. It wasn’t everyday that Yaga would be lenient enough to take the four of you to the local convenience store. You were waiting for Shoko and Geto to finish shopping to finally head home for a night of yummy snacking.       Gojo sighs, lazily dropping the treats right next to his side, they sat idly, limply resting on his thigh as he crossed his right leg over his left knee. His hands warmly nestled into his snowy white hair, his elbows jutting into your personal bubble.        “Not one to chat, are you? What’s the problem? You scared?” his tone is teasing, and you jerk your head to face his. Your head is tilted, like your confused, but in reality you’re just astounded how obnoxious he was.       “Why in the world would I be scared of you? You wouldn’t lay a finger on me. Yaga-Senpai would rip your limbs off one by one and fling you into the horizon! And he’s not even that far away, I could report you to him if you even get on my nerves in the slightest.” you shot back, huffing and taking your first bite on the biscuit. You instantly melt.       He flashes you a toothy smile, and you stiffen, did he ever take anything seriously? “Oh my, so riled up. Only scaredy-cats would talk about how not scared they were. Look, you’re even shaking-” he gestures to your just slightly shaking, tightened grip on your Pocky. “-I win, Y/N! Boo hoo, case closed, gimme your Pocky~”        “No, fuck you and your fat ass trying to take my Pocky, I’m not shaking from fear anyways.” you sternly retort, warmth rushing to your cheeks for whatever reason. “I’m shaking because I’m resisting the urge to duct tape your mouth shut and gouge your eyeballs out.”       He chuckles warmly as if your gruesome detailing was humorous, he probably didn’t know you meant it. He too, ripped open one of his snacks. “Calm down, Y/N. I was joking, I could buy Pocky’s whole stock and probably also buy my position up as CEO if I wanted to. I wouldn’t leech off of you, sugar.” readjusting his crooked, circular shades, he looked down at your now slack grip on the wrapper.      Unanswering, you’re grumbling instead. Under your breath, you’re curious as to how Gojo hasn’t realized how obnoxious he was, and how much longer could he survive without his head exploding from how big it was from his inflated ego?      Gojo grinned. He was all too aware of those things, but who really cared?      “Not unless you let your guard down!-” unable to finish the rest of his sentence, he yanked up the wrapper from your hands, using the extent of his long arm to dangle it high above your head. Your reflexes are far too slow to react, causing you to glare at him in a mixture of shock, hatred, and disbelief.      “Give-” you jump, arm reaching towards your snack, but he backs off, snickering and still dangling it above your head. “It-” now you’ve leapt up on the bench, grabbing at the wrapper to no avail. “Back!-” whimpering and flailing your arms out, every time you came close to retrieving your rightfully owned pack of Pocky, he’d simply throw it to his other hand so carelessly it pissed you off. All the while giggling, juggling it like a clown.      A breath of laughter escapes his lips as he looks at you, prancing around like a circus act on the bench, yelling curses and many death-wishes to his clan. Your eyebrows are knitted together, and he can’t just help but realize how adorable you were when concentrated in getting something- so stubborn.    “Okay, okay!” and as if Gojo had flipped a switch, you simmer down, looking at him with an impatient side-eye. “You want it, doggie?”     “Refer to me as doggie, and I’ll send a pack of strays to ravage you.”       Gojo exhaled out of his nose. “You’re a funny one, doggie.” did he just dismiss the conversation you two were having literally 2 seconds prior? “I’ll ask this again, do you want to get your treats back?” his eyes are glinting with amusement and child-like glee. You were almost sure that he had started calling your beloved Pocky as treats because of just how well it suited the nickname Doggie. It looked like you would be getting no where unless you paid no mind to him calling you such a.. Derogatory name.       Grumbling and studying the concrete you were currently trampling on, you exasperatedly sigh.       “Yes. I do want my Pocky back.” you grunt, averting your gaze to anywhere but Gojo’s shoes.       He perks up in approval, drawing out a long, “Hmmm?” as if he hadn’t expected you to give up so easily. “What are the magic words, Y/N?”       This was so humiliating.       “Please?” you politely say through gritted teeth. If it weren’t for the general public bustling about, you would’ve lunged for his unruly hair and tear it out of his scalp.       “Hah! You think I’m gonna do that sorta bullshit?” he crosses his arms, Pocky tucked safely under his arm. You wince, thinking about how the biscuits may potentially be snapped in half. Did you really want your snack still? It probably smelled like Gojo’s armpit sweat, death, and all the bad things in the world combined. “You’re gonna have to earn it, Y/N, in a game.”       Now convinced that Gojo was the manifestation of all the bad karma that you had avoided, you stare at him with wide eyes and fear, the irritation long gone. Games, no, scratch that, literally anything with Gojo only resulted in a small, or maybe large piece of your sanity torn away from you, lost to the infinite dark abyss. Maybe that’s why Geto seemed to slowly go insane everyday.       “On second thought, I’ll just go-”      He cuts you off, alarm now displayed on full view, his face contorting back to neutral. “Wait, no! It won’t be hard. Pinkie promise.” extending a pinkie towards you, you gently slap it away. The mood change was so instant, you were still shocked, that, and he was almost a legal adult and still believed in pinkie promises.      Still hesitant, you quirk an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’d rather spend another two dollars than play whatever game your planning, unless you tell me about it.”      “That’s a given, besides, it won’t take too long, Y/N. I think you’ll like it.” he replies cheerfully, leaning and whisper-yelling into your ear, fruitfully jolting you up. Seriously, did he have any idea what personal space was?      After just a few seconds of thinking, you roll your eyes in defeat. “Okay, what’s this game?”      His incredibly long fingers inserted themselves inside the crinkling wrapper, pulling out a slender stick. You’re almost sure your salivating, and subconsciously swallow the lump at the back of your throat. “Okay, rules of this game are... Hm, we both place our mouths at both ends of the stick. You get the pretzel part because that part sucks.” mischief flickers in his eyes briefly. “Whoever can get down the Pocky longest without being afraid of kissing and pulling back, loses and doesn’t get the Pocky. Whoever stays in their place wins. I’ll throw in some money, deal or no deal?”       “This doesn’t sound.. Fun.” you were still skeptical, but curiosity was blossoming rapidly inside of you. Could you really resist such an intriguing request? The guy was rich, and he did say he’d throw in some money. Gojo probably hated the thought of you, too. You could probably get up and close, get him to cower away from the thought of locking lips with you, and you’d be on your merry way.       “Um, actually, never mind. Let’s do this.” you chirp, the weariness had depleted completely. Besides, Gojo would pester you into doing it anyways, this would effectively save time. The expression on his face was indecipherable, silently wishing to yourself to see his eyes. You wonder if they’re wide open, in shock of your acceptance.       He gently placed the biscuit between your lips, his thumb brushing against it. Your breath hitches, now he’s up close. The shades adorning his handsome features, concealing those vivid blue eyes of his made your heart pace quicken in just seconds, maybe it was because he could see you- and you couldn’t. Your gaze shifts to the tufts of white hair hanging above his forehead. His bangs look lusciously soft, so soft you wonder what it’d be like to ruffle his unruly hair, what did it smell like? What conditioner did he use?     Your cheeks darken, but you hope he doesn’t notice it. This was what people thought of when they saw pretty people up close, it wasn’t like you had a thing for him, he was just attractive, that’s all.      “You look real stupid holding that stick between your teeth and looking at me.” he comments, charmingly smirking as you give him another death glare, unable to speak in fear of dropping the Pocky stick. You could count each individual hair strand he had on top of his head with the amount of time he was taking.      Chomp.     You take the first bite, and you can’t help but realize how much your heart is fluttering about in your chest. Eyelashes fluttering, nerves getting jittery, the exchange was strangely intimate. No kidding, of course it was- if the two of you were adamant and continued to chomp on the stick, it would only end in a kiss. There was no way around it.      He takes a bite too, his lips look curved in a dopey smile, but there’s not a single word traded between the two of you, just tiny, slight nibbles. It would be eons until someone finished, and you were growing impatient by the minute. Quicken the pace. Quicken the fucking pace.     So you did the unthinkable, you quickened the pace.     Taking a large bite, he pauses for a minute- as if to think, before taking an even larger bite. Now, 2/3′s of the original stick is gone. One more large bite, and a kiss would follow suit. Now, you’re sweating bullets, eyes bouncing from him, back down to the microscopic sized Pocky. His lips are so, so close. Soft, plush pink, so glossy you’re inclined to ask what brand of lip gloss he uses. You can hear his breathing grow heavier, why wasn’t he giving up?      The two of you don’t take a single bite, plainly avoiding the objective, the world around you had evaporated into thin air. It’s you, and Gojo Satoru.      You nibbled a little bit more, and then you make up your mind. You’re going to kiss-       Growing chatter grew closer to closer, and you realize Shoko’s monotone and Geto’s lively voice, alongside a very disgruntled Yaga.       “Yeah, she’s pretty hot. I actually liked the movie- Uh...?” the steady rhythm stopped against the concrete. Immediately, you straighten and clear your throat, spitting out the Pocky stick into the nearby grass. Gojo follows suit, shoving his hands deep into his pockets and twirling around. “Oh hey, Geto!-”       “Are we interrupting something? Something.. Important?” Shoko quizzes, struggling to stifle her giggling. A sheepish smile was displayed widely on your face for the world to see, hands behind your back like you were hiding something. Gojo, on the other hand, is facing the other direction, whistling and staring at the now setting sky.       You stutter, cheeks growing even darker. Yaga looks as disgruntled as ever, facepalming and murmuring to himself. Geto looks ecstatic.        “MY MAN!” he beams. “WERE YOU GOING TO-”       “SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Shoko shushes him in response, turning her head back to the two of you. You looked like you had just seen a ghost. “We thought you hated Gojo, we’re just...” her head is cocked slightly, an understanding expression on her features. “Just surprised, is all.”       Spluttering, you try to explain yourself- but no sound comes out. Your mouth is opening and closing, struggling to find the words.       “I do hate him... I just... He.. Pocky.. He uh...”       “Sheeeeeeeesh! Poor Y/N over here is going through some shock right now!” Gojo muses aloud, he places an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in under his arm. There’s a small, coy grin on his lips. As if he didn’t try kissing you 1 minute ago. “Just ignore them, anyways, what are we having for dinner tonight? I heard there’s a really good KBBQ place down the street that just opened..”      As much as you hate Gojo, his ability to escape anything did come in handy.    Well, maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you were leading on.     You’d go as far as to say.. Maybe you enjoyed some parts of him.      
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alluringjae · 3 years
until dawn; pt. II - ljn
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part I | part II
⤑ summary: basic number one rule of the museum is not to touch the art. but no one told jeno that falling for one of them isn’t allowed either.
⤑ pairing: jeno x female reader
⤑ word count: 12.2k
⤑ genre: ANGST, fluff, romance, smut (f receiving, dom!jeno waow, dirty talk, wrap it everyone) | broke architecture major!jeno, historical figure!reader, enemies to lovers!au, college!au, night at the museum-inspired!au
⤑ warnings: references to actual historical figures, explicit language, graphic details, major heartbreak caused by another party, expect time jumps too
⤑ author’s note: happy jeno day!! i’ve been so excited to post this part, and i’m happy we’re here!! perhaps, this is the last long fic i’ll write for a while so i can rest, but i’ll still be posting short stories within the weeks to come! i’m excited for may to say the least hehe
btw, for the smut scene (indicated with **), i highly recommend you listen to strange (feat. hillary smith) by kris bowers!! this song is from the bridgerton soundtrack, and oh man, the feels!!
with that, enjoy!
italicized text either means they are personal notes or flashbacks.
this was meant to be more angsty, but either way, i screamed every time i wrote something gut-wrenching.
⤑ taglist: @renjunniehome
​ ⤑ ctto above!!
⤑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism, or hellos!
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“You ready to get your butt beaten by me, Lee?”
“Prepare your final words when I win instead, (Y/L/N).”
Mischievous banter exchanged between you two became a new norm. Almost every night, someone within the art pieces established a contest over anything and it released the competitive sides of you two. So far, Jeno has been winning. Not like it hurt your pride, but maybe just once, you could conquer one game to feel better. Not only that, there’s a mini penalty for the loser. So far, you’ve cleaned up the lobby yourself and acted cutely to everyone the entire evening (or aegyo as Jeno called it).
Tonight, a game of archery was held by the Greek gods. They pushed away any extra pieces away, leaving the whole room vacant with two boards right beside Zeus’ throne. Numerous arrows were produced and sharpened, Zeus in the center announced to everyone participating.
“It’ll be 1 on 1 games. First to go are Jeno vs (Y/N), followed by Athena vs. Hermes, Cleopatra vs. Freddie, and last would be Hades vs Aphrodite.”
Cutting the chase, you didn’t expect Jeno to be that good at archery. Sure, he told you that he took classes with his friends for fun when he was younger, though it showed that he’s a fast learner and even hit one bullseye in the middle of the game.
Not slightly threatened until the last rounds, you fixed your aim and lessened your overthinking when preparing to shoot. Thus, you scored 2 bullseyes shot. It was a close fight, having the audience on the edge on their feet again because it’s the two of you. Your dynamic with the night guard always elevated the mood, shifting their bets over and over again.
By 1 point, you received your first victory against Jeno. Unlike you, he showcased his sportsmanship sweetly without any comments of disbelief. He’s never bragged about anything big in his life, not unless it’s a high grade for his plate. Normally, he celebrated wins in a laid-back manner. But don’t be fooled: he loves giving penalties.
“This is why I don’t make bets with my friends because I really go for their weak spots.”
“You’re cynical, Lee Jeno.”
“Only if you’re close to me, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Aren’t we already past that stage?”
Almost halfway through his job, he sustained a meaningful friendship with you. Out of everyone, you were his default person to hang out within the nights he had a shift. If he wasn’t present, he made sure to give you small treats or gifts as much as possible. An innocent friendship, it was that the world would’ve never believed in.
Or was it?
“To celebrate your win, what do you want me to do?”
“You’re too kind for me to play around with, even if you’re the complete opposite of me.”
“I’ll make it simple and worthwhile since I don’t know when I���ll win a game again.” As your finger tapped your temple as you pondered deeply, a smart idea came through. “Grant me 3 wishes.”
He chuckled, lowering himself to view you better. “Am I like some genie now to you?”
“No room to complain, I won, didn’t I?” You grinned, raising one brow to show your dominance.
“You’re petty in your own way, aren’t you?”
“Perhaps. Now come on, I want to use my first wish.” You shrugged it off like no big deal, loving the high feeling of triumph. You lead him to the center of the lobby, where a beautiful grand piano only selected people get to play during exhibits. “Open the museum piano.”
Ever since you were brought to life, you never used it. Tempting but because people from the outside might here, maybe it’s time to try something new. A new challenge, and besides, you missed entertaining people through it. The last time you touched the delicate piano keys was to your family before you ran away.
It’s a good thing that in the shackle of keys Jeno held, the needed key was there. Unlocking the lustrous black instrument, you sat by the matching black bench. Crackling your fingers, you tested by pressing a few keys to get the hang of it again.
“What are you planning to play, (Y/N)?” Jeno leaned against the side, his arms crossed.
Humming the first notes of your piece, the nostalgia ran through your veins. “Nocturne No. 2 in E flat by Chopin.”
Your fingers took off and played each chord slowly and calmly. This piece reminded you the most of your mother, who sat by the couch in front of your old piano with your father while guests from the party they hosted crowded around you. Being the youngest, they often requested you to perform as entertainment so you always put your best foot forward. Or so you tried.
Nevertheless, no one else in your family was capable to play this piece as perfectly as you. By the way your eyes closed and your body swayed to the mellow tune, Jeno observed how you memorized this piece by heart. A passionate flame you were, outshining every pianist out there.
He wasn’t surprised at how multi-talented you were, though there’s a different kind of aura you present when you played the instrument. From your hard and tough front, you could be soft and sweet to the right people.
In a way, you showed your comfort toward the boy by serenading him with the piano. Sketching him with him in the past was one thing, but this was another. You’d sketch with people you’ve grown used to, but you play piano to people you want to cherish in your life. As dangerous as it seems, Jeno was someone special to you, only wanting to have good moments with him.
Junmyeon will always have a huge part in your museum life, but Jeno filled the emptiness that he left behind. This loneliness for a human friend vanquished thanks to Jeno, and you didn’t want to jeopardize it at all. Sure, whenever he acted like a gentleman around you, let you inside the Foreign Art Room, or brought you food sometimes, you couldn’t help feel honored.
Though lately, every time he showed off his strength when he defeated Zeus and Hades during an arm wrestle game the god held again. You seriously had to catch a breath at every flex his arms made, like the goddesses. Maybe how he pushed his black hair back when he’s drawing another plate, you’d give yourself a few extra seconds to see his long fingers skim through them. He’d bit his lower lip when he’s in too deep with his creativity, wondering if he’d bite the lower lip of the girl he’d ki-
All right, (Y/N), relax. Maybe you’re thinking this way because it’s been decades since your last relationship. You wouldn’t want to fall for another possible trap and hurt yourself again, right?
Ever since this job, Jeno’s university life drastically changed. Yes, he still hung out with his friends and performed extremely well in his classes, though he prioritized anything related to the museum wherever he was. If they were drinking out, he’d buy an extra bottle of soju for you on his way back to the dorm. Rarely does he get shitfaced anyways.
If he and Renjun visited the bookstore to purchase pens or any art-related materials, he always bought either an extra sketchpad or set of pens. Even if you were simply a figure to everyone else, he appreciated the bond you both developed.
Every night, he’d tell you about his day from the start. Normally, it consisted of a lot of schoolwork and coffee, some stories about his roommates too. Speaking of them, he’d insert a lot of humorous words about his entire group of friends, whom you learned their names too.
Mark, Jaemin, Renjun, Jisung, Chenle, and Donghyuck, each of them presented a different color in their group. Jeno, who’d admitted to being shy and quiet, grew out of his shell because of them. A friend of Jeno’s would automatically be a friend of yours, if only you were allowed to leave the museum or become a human.
Jeno learned more about your past explorations that never got documented because you no longer had an interest in jotting them down. They were adventures you’d kept to yourself, memories only close to you then would know. Except now, Jeno was another addition. You’re not the type to instantly open to people, though again, a sense of relief surrounded him every time you encounter each other. It grew gradually like a warm hug, softening your heart and breaking your walls.
The more he spent time with you, nothing feared Jeno the slightest. He’s always maintained himself intact, avoiding lines to be crossed and giving respect to those who deserve it. However, he began to question himself where exactly his feelings lie with you after Jaemin tried to set him up on a blind double date just so the best friend of his date wouldn’t feel left out.
He’s rarely one to get crushes on people, even when other girls in his college openly showed their affection towards him. Valentine’s Day or his birthday, several girls sent him chocolate or flowers. Jaemin and Renjun got sick of girls reaching out to them first so they could reach him. It’s not because he’s not the dating type, but because he’s so goal-oriented that unlike his roommates, he doesn’t have a slight clue about dating.
Though one-night stands while at a party and dating were completely different, he’d still say he had experience with girls. Plus having an older sister, he never took advantage of them. He’d rather tell them in person that the feelings weren’t mutual than ghosting them. He’s not like Jaemin anyways.
With that, he’s so lost when his heart beats twice as fast the second you’ve woken up from your posing slumber. He doesn’t comprehend how flustered he’d be when you highly insist to help him with his plate or how cute he finds it when you’re playing fetch with Mochi. On top of it, when you chose to sketch each other for one of your sketching sessions, he’d take a longer stare at your visage before he drew some strokes.
A lot of historical accounts mentioned how your beauty was the standard of the Victorian era, wherein you were the jewel of your neighborhood and numerous men wanted your hand. Women envied you, especially having high intelligence skills that were equivalent to a man. That time, that felt like a threat to most men. Though surprisingly, it turns out there were men who liked intelligent girls.
Jeno knew he liked you as a friend, though liking you past that he didn’t intend. Nor was it allowed because it’ll break one of the golden rules. Before he’d go beyond contemplating, he had to stop himself. This was so unlike him. The feelings will fleet away, he’d repeat to himself. Don’t waste a great friendship because of your silly emotions.
Individually, both of you swallowed these harboring feelings down your guts and simply kept your friendship status safe. Doing your typical activities or whatever else you could think of, none of you minded to change it whatsoever.
Unknown to you though, it was obvious to the other art pieces ones that you two practically passed off as young lovers. Although they know that pushing one towards the other went against the rules, Aphrodite begged to differ.
“Holding them back from expressing what they really feel just because of the law here is a tragedy. They should at least try, you know?”
On another typical night, Jeno invited you to the Theater Room for a movie marathon. After finding out that you’ve never seen any moving pictures, he wanted to be there to introduce it. Luck was on his side to not have plates or requirements due for the week and everyone was behaving themselves, so he started with rolling out short films from the 88mm projector. Having premade popcorn and drinks, the two of you shared roars of laughter and emotional tears.
Switching to the cd player for longer and clearer films, you’d opt to believe that you were born at the wrong time. With all these advancements, it came with a lot of new beliefs. One of them was allowing women to study and work. Then again, she was a pioneer according to historians. Without her, it wouldn’t help shape society as it is today.
Nonetheless, this movie Jeno played on the big screen was what he defined as “one of the classics”, 10 Things I Hate About You.
This outspoken character named Kat was presenting a poem to her class, trying to hold in her raw emotions towards Patrick, the boy who broke her heart. Too engaged, you didn’t notice how Jeno stretched his arms out so he could wrap one around your shoulder. Not that you were complaining, his warmth reassuring you safety.
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.” The way she attempted to keep her strong ground only reminded you of where you were weeks ago, especially once she excruciatingly broke down.
“I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” Only when you leaned back to the chair, you felt his arm. His thumb caressing your covered shoulder, you peeked him a little bit. His eyes fixated on the screen, absorbed in the acting and how Kat’s tears weren’t scripted as she stormed out of the classroom.
Not that you were her, but it sparked the past memory of how you merely disliked him because of his job. But as a person, not even close, not even once did you hate him. How blessed that he never judged you for it, staying patient all this time.
Right before he could look back at you, you moved your face back to resume your watching. Jeno definitely noticed what you did, though not sure as to why. Whatever it was, it wasn’t harmful.
Once the film ended, Jeno checked his watch for the time. 4 am, he wanted to do something else now instead of film viewing. You were on par with it, wanting to walk it out after being seated for hours. As you both cleaned up and bid the posters outside goodbye, the doors to the museum were locked unexpectedly. Impossible on Jeno’s half because he had the keys for every room, but he double-checked his bunch.
Alas, the keys for these doors specifically were missing. But there was no other way anyone could’ve gotten it, plus it’s not like the last person he talked to, which was Aphrodite, would need it.
Or did she?
Rather than putting any blame on each other, your only wish now was to return to your section before sunrise. You and he could just relax momentarily before yelling for help.
“Maybe we should watch another film first?”
“Alright, you choose while I return the rest.”
As Jeno inserted the cd of Cinema Paradiso inside, the background music of the opening played. He hummed the first notes, already feeling the love from this film. Another must-see classic as recommended by Renjun, he wanted to rewatch it with you.
Slowly returning each cd and film roll to their respective drawers, the melodious theme had you waltzing in the small space. Even beyond your life, classical music never gets old. Aging like fine wine, sounding spectacular as time passes because of people’s creativity.
Jeno gazed over your sudden movements, smiling uncontrollably at how immersed you were as you multi-tasked. However, you took a wrong turn by the desk and almost dropped a priceless film roll. But before you fully slipped and fell, a pair of strong arms caught you at the right time. Panting from the nerves, mostly when he was inches from your face. Never has he pressed his body this close to you to protect you, and never have you seen his captivating eyes this up close.
As enchanting as the background music of Ennio Morricone was, it only became noise once Jeno took ahold of the film roll on your hand and placing down on the desk. Taking another step closer, you were backed up by the edge. Not to mention how his height dignified his impact on you, your arms were still situated by your side with nowhere else to go.
That was until his finger elevated your chin so he could meet you on eye-to-eye level. His other hand gripping your waist, you became brave enough to place your hands by his broad shoulders. Licking your lips, you glanced at his lips quickly. But he noticed it, and as risky as this was, it was a leap of faith to take.
“May I kiss you?”
Always such a gentleman, even when he already knew how much you desired him through your returning affections. Calming your breath patterns by the speed of everything occurring, you came back to your senses. He’s the one who constantly told you not to forget your roots, so you were going to take this one.
You trust him, and he does too.
Since the first film, some kind of tension increased the closer he moved or intimate his actions were towards you. You kept pushing it back in hopes not to ruin what you both have. But it only turned out to be mutual, especially how none of you held back as soon as his lips passionately clashed yours.
Tangling your arms around his neck, you stood on your tiptoes to press even closer to him. Feeling his lively heart pumping against your hollow chest, you bit his lower lip. Something you’ve secretly craved to do, he growled from the pleasure. He hoisted your waist to the desk, his impatient hands earnestly traveling all over your body. While your legs locked around his torso, your feisty nature leaned back so your entire body lied on the small desk.
Jeno was on top, placing one hand down to hold himself while the other squeezed your waist firmly. Even if you’re made of wax, you’re like an actual living woman at night. Everything about you becomes real until dawn. You emitted vulgar moans, giving him more access to your neck. Peppering a mix of soft to hard kisses, your hand teasingly snaked under his shirt. He really wasn’t joking when he bragged that he was quite ripped since he enjoyed sports and going to the gym, cupping a part of his toned abdomen.
“If you want something, all you have to do is ask.” He sluggishly sucked the area between your ear and neck, one of your weakest spots. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
The growing moistness in between your legs left a stain in your panties, trying to close your legs out of embarrassment. It’s been decades since you’ve been stimulated like this. However, Jeno beat you to it as he trailed the hand that was on your waist and lowering it right above your covered sex. He cupped it agonizingly slow, making you folding your leg from the pleasure. For a man who doesn’t date around, he knew exactly what he’s doing.
“I just kissed you, and you’re already this soaked. Can you handle me, baby?”
As the strong woman that you present yourself to be, it would selfishly take the right touch from the right man to weaken you. With his savage lips back on yours while your hands clutched on his shirt, he was simply waiting for a verbal answer, yet driving you completely mad. Everything was happening so fast, and here he was to please you in anywhere you seem fit.
You were deprived, and oh, you needed it more than ever.
However, seconds before you replied, there was loud rumbling from the main doors which stopped your devilish antics. As Jeno moved back from you to see the ruckus, you lifted yourself back up, pulling back your dress sleeves and flattening out the creases. The last thing you wanted was a trail of familiar red marks from the aggressive male, finding any reflective surfaces to check.
“I wouldn’t be that dumb to leave you hickies now, would I?” Jeno ended your worries as he placed his hands by your side again. His face leaned towards yours again, reliving the warmth in your cheeks. His lips were plumper, catching traces of your coral lipstick smudged there down to his jaw. He slotted himself again between your legs, grazing a hand on your waist and the other to your warm cheek. “The door’s unlocked now, and it’s 5 am. Do you want to clean up now?”
You playfully scoffed, aware that neither of you had plans to do that yet. Such a player while in the heat of the moment.
“Spare me 15 more minutes with you first.”
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Hiding the romance you’ve both built failed without trying. Aphrodite spotted all the signs from your open physical affection and words of admiration, calling you two out in front of everyone without shame. She is the goddess of love, after all. You couldn’t fool her even if you tried.
Plus, she’s the one who locked the two of you up in the Theater Room that night. But neither of you know that.
“Sketch my ideal home?” Jeno bent down to the table, testing out his newly bought pens so they wouldn’t spill.
“Isn’t that why you decided to pursue Architecture in the first place? Come on now!” You pestered across him, opening your new sketchpad since your last one ran out of pages. As expected, Jeno bought you one when he went to the bookstore. As much as you insisted not to because he should use the money somewhere else, he did it anyway. He loved your works, encouraging you in any way he could.
When he was reminded of his humble beginnings of his passion for architecture by you, never had he envisioned exactly how his perfect home would be like. Settling down was so far beyond his mind, only focusing to graduate university then study for the licensure exams. However, he did miss drawing something for fun, not as a requirement. He also was the one who took charge of designing his dorm.
“Fine, only if you draw what your ideal home would’ve been if you never left London.”
Now as lovers, the only addition to your relationship were the public and private exchanges of affection. Deep conversations, film viewing, back and forth banter, you’re both still the same competitive duo everyone expected to be together. In public, the two of you held hands, hugged, kissed each other cheeks too when it felt right. Cleopatra’s face of fake nausea was priceless every time, while Princess Diana, Anne, and Katherine enjoyed it. It’s been years since they’ve seen this glow of adoration in you. Bit by bit, you’re going back to the old you. Except now, you’re a lot stronger.
Perhaps, this version of you proved wrong for the need for romance. Even if you made the choice not to settle down then, it would’ve been different if Jeno was in your universe then.
“Are you done there?” Jeno asked while you were finishing up your masterpiece. Life in London sounded fun when you were younger, having all these ideas on interior design and the like. An innocent time.
Instead of replying, you strode to his side and compared your pieces together. He pictured a two-story home, with a backyard and rooftop area. He definitely wanted to stay in the city as his whole life was based there. Although you preferred living in the countryside more for more freedom, you gave it a shot by pinpointing every detail of a wealthy typical Victorian-era home you liked. You desired a spacious lobby with a grand staircase in the middle, a crystal chandelier there too. The living room would have a small library and a grand piano, where wide doors leading to the grasslands were beside it.
Considering you two lived from different times, in a way your ideal homes were similar. Somewhere private, surrounded by nature and minimal furniture, you’re curious as to how it would look if the two of you fused them together. A mix of old and new, will it look pretty?
“What will look pretty?” Jeno questioned your random thought, looking back and forth at your sketches. “You know who’s pretty though?”
“If you say what I think you’re going to say, I’m lea-”
Jeno has gotten flirtier since that night, always finding the right opportunity to flatter you. Although you denied them out of embarrassment, the butterflies in your stomach can’t lie to you.
You’re so smitten, and so was he.
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Jeno’s always one to follow the rules, but so far, he’s been breaking some of them already.
Just last night, he gave Renjun access to the lively museum because he needed more research regarding you. Initially, he practically interviewed Jeno for every piece of information he gathered because he used to be so deep in the books to study everything about you. Now in the past, Renjun still couldn’t forget how Jeno drunkenly admitted how crazy he was going to be over you and your coldness whilst sobering up in the dorm.
He didn’t understand one bit by that, especially when you’re technically dead. But by the sight of the first piece Renjun saw alive, which was Zeus, he almost passed out. Piece by piece, he viewed these artworks come to life from his fresh eyes. Right before he could’ve screamed when Athena shot a lightbulb in their exhibit, you happily called out Jeno’s name.
Renjun froze on the spot upon seeing your wax figure come to life. He’s browsed through this museum numerously due to the new exhibits, but lately, he checked your section out to find any tiny details that were linked to your life. Aside from the sketchpad, compass, and hairpins, he wanted to know if there was more to your life as an explorer.
As human interactions except the night guard weren’t allowed, Renjun needed help for his project in Women Studies. Just like Jeno’s assignment, you aided him. Fruitfully answering every question he gave you, Athena popped out of nowhere to inspect Jeno.
“I see you’re breaking another rule.”
“I’m sorry, Athena. He was desperate, and it would be selfish of me to let him fail.”
“This is the last one I’ll let slide, alright?” Athena huffed, not impressed by the reckless behavior Jeno acquired over time. She saw this coming, but for a change, she couldn’t punish him. He was a young adult, still learning more about life. Only will she step in if things turn for the worst. “I can’t believe I’ve gained a soft spot for you.”
Jeno laughed, hugging the figure like his older sister. “You love me though!”
Glad to say, Renjun aced his project and kept his word of not telling anyone about the happenings in Jeno’s job. Jeno even made a makeshift non-disclosure contract so Renjun wouldn’t spill the slightest details.
Lately, so much has been happening in the museum that having alone time with each other was rare. And when you did, the two of you made sure to maximize it and make every intimate moment count. From each touch, each longing kiss, each moan, and groan, never were you left hanging whether you’re at the Theater Room, Jeno’s office, or the Foreign Art Room.
The only time the two of you went beyond the boundaries was at the indoor garden. Jeno managed to get the key to it, lighting up some candles before you invited you inside. Thanks to the magic of the Greek gods, the cameras were bewitched to display fake imageries when security checks in the morning after.
Upon your deep conversations, you’ve mentioned once or twice about the indoor garden. It was the latest addition of the museum, opening in the early 2000s. Because it was a sacred place, no art piece was ever allowed inside.
Yet again, Jeno challenged the rules again when he invited you inside. A few minutes before, he set up some lights along the hallway of the garden, where he placed a blanket, a picnic basket, and his laptop right at the end of it. The best place to view everything, he just knew you’d love it.
He was undoubtedly right once you gasped at such a pretty sight. Seeing the silhouettes of various flowers and plants together with the night sky with all the stars sparkling, it was like you’re attending another ball with your sisters, who were looking for suitors then.
Once Jeno leisurely led you until the end, he brought out all the delicacies from the basket. One of them was this Italian savory dish of dough with toppings such as cheese and pepperoni, or pizza as they named it. The next ones were fresh strawberries and melted chocolate, followed by grape juice.
“I’d drink actual alcohol with you again, only if I didn’t get shitfaced and do my job properly.”
“Point taken. Besides, this is close enough. So pour me a drink please.”
Perhaps this was the closest to a date Jeno could ever ask you out to. With the restrictions and being constrained with time, he brainstormed all sorts of ways to bring the outside world to you. From simply letting you wander around this fascinating room, he unleashed the inner romantic in him. None of his friends would’ve thought since they never asked him about it, so he kept it to himself only. Finally, he’s satisfied with what he prepared. After eating, the two of you would watch more films before the sun rose again.
You’re just the right person for him at the moment he can act that way.
After your quiet stroll and sitting back down, Jeno surprisingly handed you a tiny box.
“A gift?”
“Open it.” He sipped on his juice, paying attention to your actions. Gently untying the box, the amazement in your eyes couldn’t fathom such a lovely present. No words were required to verify that Jeno outdid himself again, just your facial expression alone is enough.
When Jeno said that he pays attention to the tiny details, he doesn’t bluff. Throughout your growing relationship, you’ve cited how you wanted another special flower in your life. Just because you couldn’t view lavender roses the same way ever again, it didn’t mean you wanted to kick them out of your life. Flowers were one of nature’s beautiful creations, so you’re wishing to find the love you once had for lavender roses in other ones.
Thus, you came across what you thought held the highest form of meaning: red roses. Despite its thorns, it’s still a marvelous flower. Innocently, you told him that just because of the memory of your father giving them to your mother on her birthday yearly.
Red roses represented true love and romance, a discreet message only those eager would know.
Jeno was one of them, which was why he reserved this gift for this very moment. It was a necklace he found through a college fair recently, a subtle red rose pendant in the center. Since he couldn’t give you huge gifts, he settled for something light. Something none of the guards or the director wouldn’t pinpoint out when they do their inspections.
“Do you like it?”
Not one utter from your mouth since you’re so hypnotized, your lips quirked up in a charming smile. “Is that even a question? This is astonishing, Jeno.”
After you attempted to put it around your neck, Jeno sighed and stepped in to help you out. “Turn around, (Y/N). Let me.”
The tension gradually heightened once you held your hair up so Jeno accessibly viewed your clean neck. Clasping the lock, it took all his might to hold himself back from you. Even from behind, your silhouette was attractive to him. The lights he set up weren’t helping the slightest of what he’s thinking to do with you.
“Done.” He breathily whispered in your ear.
If he thought he was the only one feeling something powerful, he’d be more than wrong. The lingering sensation of his slim fingers gracing your décolletage area unhinged another kind of want, the one you’ve only imagined in your mind when you were needy and alone. It shouldn’t be a sin unless you’re with the person you’ve fallen for, right?
Facing him again, the eye contact didn’t last long when you were the first one to strike a move. Jeno kissed back right away, his hands pulling you closer by your waist. Whatever sultry music Jeno played, it gave you the perfect momentum to grind on his lap. He groaned against kisses, adding his tongue. His thumbs sensually rubbed your hipbones, one of your hands toying around with his hair while the other one balled up his shirt by the chest. None of you cared if anyone caught you.
The last time you’ve been this aggressive was at the Theater Room, which eventually increased the hidden lust you’ve had towards each other. Taking things slowly at first, it’s about time to delve in for more. The mood was already set from the start, even if Jeno didn’t plan this to happen here. But being the prepared man he is, he did have a condom in his back pocket.
Your fingers trailed from his neck until his crotch. He was hard, sensing how suffocated he must be. But he kept himself in control. Locking eye contact, you sweetly spoke.
“Grant my second wish, Jeno.” That same hand of yours held one of his, planting it in your breast. “Make love to me.”
Giving the go-signal, he crashed his lips on yours while stripping you off your dress. Carefully, he turned you around to untie your tight corset. Once it fell, your neck leaned sideways as his lips attacked it madly. Your breaths were tremulous, placing both his hands on your freed breasts to knead with. His touch felt like fire on your skin, yet you couldn’t stop.
“Jeno,” Obscene moans from your lips choked out. You desired more, shifting back to face him again to attack his lips. Slowly feeling one of his hands laying you down, you spread your legs with ease just for him. He parted after your head landed on the cushion to unbutton himself. The way your mouth dropped to selfishly stare at his bare body, flexing them before getting back into position. He was fit and toned just as Cleopatra predicted.
As much as Jeno knew how wild your thoughts were getting, he was more taken aback by your perky chest.
“Fuck, you are divine.” He sucked one nipple as his fingers ventured to slip your panties down. So much was going on, you didn’t know which stimulated you more. You tried to close your legs around his hand, but he slapped your inner thigh to stop you.
The cool breeze shivered you, especially from your core. Jeno’s fingers adventurously grazed from your hip area to your lower lips. He teasingly rubbed it up and down in your essence, his index finger settling it right at your needy clit. Another moan escaped your lips, an opportunity for Jeno to slide his tongue in your mouth. Enjoying the moment, his fingers dipped inside you. A gasp broke your kiss, making him giggle in your ear.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Oh, angel. The things I want to do with you.”
Sliding them back and forth, curling it even, you squirmed for more. Dropping himself to meet your core, Jeno placed your legs on his shoulder. Pushing you closer, his steamy breath felt like friction. Your hips grinded against it, so he gripped on them so you stay put.
“Angel,” He chuckled darkly, his crotch tightening at how powerless you looked. “You’re so pretty.”
You were drenched from arousal. But to Jeno, you were glowing under the lights. He wanted to take his time to admire what he had done to you. His independent girl, only weak for him.
His fingers unfolded in your lower lips, diving in to your orbit. You could hardly speak from his skilled mouth, especially his tongue savagely lapping your clit in numerous paces. You’ve only daydreamed about what it could do aside from kissing, and it exceeded your expectations. By the heated sensation that had the heels of your feet digging his back deeply, you affirmed to have seen more stars than the night sky above you.
Your back arched uncontrollably while his hands grasped your hips to stay in place, the tears in your eyes formulating while tugging on his hair. Your thighs clenched around his face, but his broad shoulders widened it to taste more of you. No use of pulling away when his grip on you was tight, so you could only cry out from the pleasure.
The ringing sounds in your off were going off, your throat drying up from moaning once another orgasm was about to hit. Once the knot in you snapped, nothing could hold back your screams of pleasure whilst panting for air. Sensitive as he licked every remaining essence he caused, he smirked as he got up to unbuckle his jeans.
Oh, boy. He got quite a package behind his boxers.
Even while you were overly sensitive, you had to grasp it in your hands. He was yours, and you were his.
The way you clenched around his protected length, pausing to readjust yourself to the feeling. The foreplay deemed helpful, though the girth of him overwhelmed you. He stretched you out so good.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” The stunned face you made was expected, still feeling worried that it may be too much.
Biting your lip, you moaned once everything felt bearable. “You can move, Jeno.”
None of you could track exactly how many rounds you went through. Even in the semi-public area, it didn’t hinder either of you. There’s that thrill, and surprisingly enough, you both shared the liking of it. Always switching the positions, you decided to call it quits after another sloppy round in missionary. Something seeing Jeno on top, fully submitting yourself to him, made you feel calm to be vulnerable. It’s really the trust you’ve established from the start, making you rely on humans again once you’ve let the past be.
Jeno brought out another blanket, initially meant for cuddling. It was still applicable though, curling your body into a spoon towards his racing chest. Music was no longer noise, the intimacy creeping back instead of lust this time. The afterglow of Jeno, sweaty and knackered as his legs sprawled under the sheet, was a sight for sore eyes. He’s always been handsome while on duty, but post-sex gave him an extra boost.
Plus there’s pride from the red marks courtesy of you on his chest, grazing over it softly.
Jeno chuckled softly at your smooth fingers, lifting them up to kiss them tenderly before kissing your lips again. Only humans were capable of and to love, but you’re some kind of an exception. Regardless of the magic from the plate, you’d be able to love too if it weren’t for your background.
There’s so much love Jeno wanted to offer you, even if he hasn’t said it out loud yet.
Perhaps one reason was because time was beginning to tick. Finals were a few weeks away, then the one-month long semestral break until a new semester kicks off. Time really flew by, and his bank account and heart expanded too. Enjoying the now was all he could think of doing, but those uncertainties bothered him.
The biggest would be where you and he would stand when his job ended.
Jeno was too absorbed in his internal debate, as portrayed by his eyes staring off in space and running his hand in his hair repeatedly. Something was disturbing him, and you’re concerned as to what it was.
“Jeno,” Around his arm, you tapped his chest to get him out of it. “What’s going on in your head?”
Jeno approached every obstacle he faces straightforwardly, not wanting to let him hold back. Rarely did he keep secrets, especially from you. Instead of hiding away, he voiced it out.
“(Y/N), will we work out?”
“What do you mean, Jeno?”
You’re so occupied in the present that thinking of the future was never in your field. Like him, you’re just enjoying being in the moment. Though after tonight, it’s making you wonder if there’s a future.
“Well,” He placed his hand on top of yours, affectionately observing you. “Times flies faster when you’re having fun, and well, the semester is ending.”
His last words crushed a part of your heart, remembering his initial plan. None of you expected your friendship to bloom into what it is now, but life was just full of surprises without a schedule. At the same time, none of you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It may have been a few months since you two committed to each other, but the spark was still strong. It wasn’t like a summer romance kind of feeling. Time was not a determinant of love either, which you were certain of it with Jeno. A lot more than Junmyeon.
It should’ve frightened you when you realized your love for Jeno, but it didn’t. Even if you didn’t age physically, your mindset did. You’ve learned to forgive your younger self, and through Jeno, you let your guard down completely. From that, you let love in. Platonic to your fellow art pieces, and all of the above to Jeno.
Throughout your relationship, you regained all confidence in yourself and everything you set your mind to.
“I wouldn’t want to worry too much about it if I were you.” Your body flipped to lie on your stomach, resting your head on your palm.
“Why shouldn’t I, angel?”
Gazing back at him, you left a velvety kiss on his lips to rest his thoughts. His hand wrapped your neck, deepening it. But you pulled away with a giggle, all too knowing of his secret intentions as his cock began to harden again. His eyes narrowed down and his lower lip stuck out at your attempt of being a tease.
But enough about sex, you wanted to address a point.
Lee Jeno was going to be the biggest risk you wanted to take and fight for, and no one should try to stop you.
“I’ll ask Circe for a potion. For me, for you, for us.”
If it weren’t for insistent questioning towards every art piece, who kept their mouths shut, only Circe herself banished him from his suffering. Her series of potions varied, and the one you requested years ago which you threw out was capable of turning any art piece into a living human. No potion of Circe ever failed, so you entrusted your life for the day you do drink it.
“Are you sure, angel?”
Jeno knew about that one specifically, and as great to hear that you never threw it out, he never put pressure on you. He wanted you to do whatever felt right, even if deep down, he wished you’d use it. He was only worried about how the flow of the entire museum would be disrupted.
Typical Jeno always looking out for you, but you saw right through his concern. Here you were, caressing his check as reassurance. With an honest smile,
“I’ve never been more certain with anything in my life here until you came, Lee Jeno.”
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Jeno opened up more to his life outside the museum, telling all sorts of experiences not just his days as a university student. From his childhood, his family, his travels, heck you even want to meet his friends at this point!
Newly, he shared with you how the sunrise and sunset looked like in Seoul with much vivacity. It’s a luxury as a human to witness as day breaks and ends, so you could imagine by yourself how it would look like. Sure, you had drawings and all, but that was from the real (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
This version of you wanted to live more; that’s your greed now.
“You’ve never touched snow too, right?” Jeno, who had his arm wrapped around you, silently watched the first batch of snow from inside.
“Yup, that’s the thing when you’re imprisoned in this place.” You sulked by his side, earning a chuckle from him who pulled you in closer.
“Don’t tell me now that you despise this place.”
“I don’t, but it hinders me to experience new things. The whole pattern of being awake at night by a plate gets tiring, Jeno.”
All Jeno would do when you’re frustrated was placing your head on his shoulder, listening as you talk.
“I know, angel. But it won’t be long until you leave this place with me, right?”
“You know it!” You interlocked your hands with him, eyes trained at every falling snowflake.
Sometimes, moments in silence with Jeno were all you needed for the night. Being within each other’s presence, focusing or admiring something from afar, it was all the peace you’ve needed from the bustling art pieces.
This week was the last of the semester, and Jeno’s off duty for tonight to focus on his exams. You’ll see him tomorrow night, which was his last shift ever, and also yours too.
Perhaps the biggest milestone you’re committing to without any regrets.
However, it took an unnecessary conversation you accidentally eavesdropped on to rock your decision.
You needed more ink after running out mid-way of sketching the sculptures as a secret parting gift. Before you could take a single step inside your exhibit room, a series of voices were full-on arguing. Booming back and forth, you peeped your ear out whilst hiding against the door.
“Athena, how dare you did to her?! She’s done so well from moving on from it, falling in love even! And now you’re telling me this?!” The distinct voice of Princess Diana, who spoke sweetly most of the time, boomed towards the Greek god. “You’re heartless.”
“I did what I had to do for the sake of this place, Diana!” Athena raised her voice, the lightning in her hands holding back from lashing out. She hated it when anyone argued with her, especially when she does things according to what she believed was necessary. Out of everyone, she had more leadership. “She had to know that her place is here as a wax figure, not outside. Talking Junmyeon out of it was for the best, plus it’s ideal when he drank the potion of memory loss from Circe.”
“But it tore her apart when he left her, and it’s going to tear her again if you do the same with Jeno.”
“How else are you going to approach the situation then, Diana? Those two have broken the highest golden rule, so they need to wake up.”
Right when she celebrated within herself for healing, hearing the unbearable revelation behind the past devastated you. This whole time, she internally blamed herself for being ageless and lashed out at others. The scary past barged back in, and you couldn’t handle it anymore.
Somewhere in the corner, you wept without a trace. You could care less about Athena’s opinions, but you found yourself agreeing to some of her words. You had a role to fulfill, and leaving that behind would be selfish and it could make the museum go topsy-turvy. As painful for Junmyeon to leave you, it was because the truth hurts. Nothing could change it, even if Circe could be your solution because it’ll leave a lot of questions. You didn’t want Jeno to be seen as a suspect.
Oh, Jeno.
There’s nothing wrong with falling in love either, you didn’t intend it to happen. But it becomes unfair when it compromises with your purpose, and that’s not how you are. You’ll always remember Jeno as your biggest risk, though it’s time to end things. Treacherous as it was to accept for you, risk-takers have boundaries too.
Fast forward, on the night of Jeno’s last shift, you’ve cherished every second with him. Playing around, chatting with other art pieces, kissing in private, you made it count. Before dawn broke, that’s where you chose to come clean by the garden, your sacred place. Not even your self-reassurance could prepare you to witness the hurt and confusion Jeno felt.
“You’re a mortal, and you still get to choose your path. Mine is already predetermined here as a wax copy of a historical figure.” You advised as you held both his hands, your voice shaking at the reality.
A few days ago, you were beaming with exhilaration at a new journey but now you’ve permanently backed out. Jeno couldn’t comprehend, and as much as he tried, he couldn’t. A life without you by his side would be empty and dull. “Even so, there are things about you that the original person didn’t have.”
Arguing with him wasn’t your favorite, and it’ll leave the two of you in a bad mood. But there is no way to negotiate this; you’ve already made up your mind. “We must end this, Jeno. You need someone who can grow old with you, and I can’t be that person for you.”
“But we can make it work!” His hands gripped on your slumped shoulders, whilst your face avoiding his to spare yourself from the heartache. “There’s still Circe.”
“I know, but recently, I found out that she’s an indirect cause of my misery.” Pulling away from his touch, you belted with frustration. “I cannot do this anymore, Jeno.”
You’ve always fought for whatever you wanted in life, and Jeno knew he was one of them if it weren’t for you telling him that. So he did the same, thinking of ways to make you feel whole. Now, he couldn’t tolerate the sudden crumbling of his heart from your outburst, and all he wanted to know was why you felt this way. How could he help you?
You don’t keep secrets from Jeno, but the truth behind your harsh actions cannot be revealed for the sake of the museum. Plus, you didn’t want him to despise this place he admired. Causing him pain wasn’t on your list, but keeping him safe was. It may be shown differently and he may not understand it now, but over time, he will.
“Jeno, you’ll find someone better out there. Someone with their whole life ahead of them, who’ll love you for everything that makes you who you are.” Repetitive punches in your guts urged you to barf at your half-lie, but you held it in.
“Why are you pushing me away? What happened to taking risks, (Y/N)?” Jeno interrogated, taking your hands in his hands again. They unconventionally quivered, like his lips. Jeno has never cried in front of anyone, not even when he was younger. Though for you, he just might. “Am I not worth it for you?”
Dear heavens, he was wrong. You internally screamed that, but you can’t let your selfishness seize the night. As Athena said, you had to wake up from your dream. “Committing to you was my biggest risk of them all, Jeno. Everything else that went along with it, I don’t regret it one bit. But time’s really up for us, and we must resume our normal duties.”
“I can’t lose you, (Y/N).”
“You never will, Jeno.”
He crouched lower to meet your height, his finger moving your head so you’d look at him back. Weakly enough, you did. “I want you to be a part of my normal life, angel.”
“I’ll always be here, you know. I’ll be standing in my usual spot upstairs, and you can drop by whenever you can.” You pressed your lips, lifting your head to avoid incoming tears. Meanwhile, he began shedding a few. You’ve hurt him big time, and you’ll never forgive yourself for this. “I still have one wish, right?”
Jeno’s sorrow was beyond his capacity, leaning his forehead against yours to kiss it. No matter what he could say or do, he already knew it won’t be effective. You’re affirmative in your choices, yet he still wanted to challenge it. All he wanted to know was why you’re doing this.
“Let me walk you one last time to your section.”
The black night sky had remnants of blue, motioning that dawn was approaching. Other figures gave their goodbyes to Jeno earlier, cleaning up their areas before they pose. Though none of them anticipated such a cold atmosphere between you two, they could only spy on what was bound to happen.
“My last wish is for you to let me go, Jeno.” You avowed, blinking your eyes with faux positivity. Your hands patted his blazer so it wouldn’t crease. “I already have a role to fulfill here, and you’re on the way to yours, future architect.”
“I love you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Only tonight did he muster his courage to finally admit it to you after giving himself more time to analyze it. Timing was always crucial, and the badness of it showed.
Deep in your heart, you resonated the feeling. But it’ll make things more complicated, and it was the final thing you’ve wanted to occur. Someone had to be the strong one, and now, it should be you. With one more compassionate kiss on his lips, you stepped inside your section and readied your position.
“Goodbye, Lee Jeno.”
The sunshine brightened the room, and you’ve frozen to slumber again.
All Jeno could do was drop on his knees, sobbing over your rash actions. Unknown to him, a single tear left your eye as you posed.
Regardless of what status you were in, the pain of it all remained.
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Jeno spent most of his semestral break with his friends to travel or whatnot, trying to forget it all. Even if he aced all his finals, his efforts felt like nothing if he never had you by his side to celebrate.
The sting over his short-lived romance with you never diminished the slightest, no one whom he could express his pain about it to especially when Renjun drank the memory wipe potion that Athena initially left for Jeno by his desk.
Forget it all, and live a peaceful life. You have so much potential, my mentee.
- Athena
Perhaps this was the same thing Junmyeon drank all those years ago, but unlike him, he didn’t have the guts to. He still wanted another chance.
So every day since the new semester began, he spent every afternoon break at your section. He’ll be seated by the bench, doing his assignments and talking about his day while sometimes stealing a glance of your figure. Some habits don’t change.
He never got sick of the same smile you exemplified, falling even more for you. He’ll often wonder what you’ve been up to.
What are your new sketches?
Are you taking care of Mochi well?
Have you apologized to Sanghoon yet?
Speaking of him, he surprisingly scooted over to Jeno’s side. This was the first time Jeno met the man, and politely enough greeted him. Sanghoon interviewed the boy, asking all sorts of questions that Jeno had every answer to. The biggest change that Sanghoon noticed since he left was your personality. You no longer bite, but treat everyone kindly without bias. You’re always active to help him out in cleaning the lobby, and you don’t go easily defensive.
Once he found out that Jeno was the reason for that, he was overjoyed at the start and wanted to meet him some way. You were a tough cookie, but now you relaxed. That was all that mattered to him, hoping to know more about him from you. That was until Diana stepped in and told him everything that happened. Mostly, the bad.
Playfulness eventually bore love. The last time you fell in love was in the 80s and Junmyeon pushed you away, he recalled. This time, you’re pushing Jeno away because you simply agreed with Athena’s points.
This wasn’t right, but it wasn’t his place to interfere.
But then again, he finally caught Jeno for the first time today and this time, he was open to hearing his side of the story. Lessen his misery too.
“No matter how stubborn she is, she loves you.” He advised him, bringing out one of your full sketchbooks. As Jeno opened it, the majority of the portraits were him. Sleeping, smiling, laughing, you drew him from every minor detail you could spot like the mole near his eye and his crescent eyes.
A handsome face I would never get sick until the end of time. Someone I want to wake up to every day in the morning if it weren’t for that plate.
- (Y/N)
Towards the end, a sketch of a house unfolded. The interior was a fusion of modernity and old royal design due to its white walls, wide space, and the placing of less furniture, plus an open backyard. There’s another tiny comment on the side from you.
I was right. Joining our varying designs together is pretty. Maybe Jeno and I could live in a house like this one day.
- (Y/N)
If you loved him so much, why did you let him go then when you had all these plans with him? Even if he tried to understand, he just didn’t.
“Don’t give up just yet when she told you to.”
“Are you just saying this or something?”
“Well, Princess Diana passed this message on but after everything, I believe that she’s right.” Sanghoon gave his opinion, but Jeno was reluctant to accept it.
“I never got a proper explanation why she suddenly changed her mind, Sanghoon.” He ranted, raking his hand through his hair from puzzlement. “Did I do something wrong?”
Sanghoon pitied him, having the upper hand and questioning himself whether to reveal the truth. However, since this boy took the job, he’s succumbed to secrecy. Without any transparency, it could drive someone mad. He’s too young for that, so Sanghoon breathed in defeat and placed his hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
“Promise me you won’t be mad when I tell you because I was when I found out; almost screamed even.”
Jeno nodded, listening to whatever Sanghoon had to say.
Of all people, he never would’ve expected Athena to do such a brash thing. Someone he respected and trusted, only to betray him by doing something she believed was good for all. Except it wasn’t, and it ended up hurting you all these years. The woman he loved, now he’s a clearer understanding of why you did what you did. Yet, it can’t fix his excruciation.
Heartbroken was an understatement; he had no one to rely on. With Sanghoon, he finally had a proper breakdown. The older man could only comfort his quietly, picturing him like one of his sons going through a hard time in school. But if it involves the heart, it’ll take more time to recover.
“You’re always the one adjusting, Jeno. But I think this time, you’re the one who needs space.”
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A Year and a Half Later
“Jeno Lee!!!” Jaemin roughly wallowed his best friend in a hug when he arrived in their dorm room for the first time in a long time. “You dyed your hair blonde again!”
Renjun, who was behind the two of them, only rolled his eyes as he helped carry Jeno’s bags. “God damn it, Jaemin! You’re supposed to be helping me first!”
“I know, but give me a few seconds! I’m just happy our group is back together!”
Jeno laughed at his friends’ annoying yet silly dynamics, giddy to be back home. For a year, Jeno spent his 3rd year of university in Rome, Italy after one of his professors brought up to him about a scholarship program there for his course. At the time where he needed a change of scenery, he sent his application form and got interviewed.
Acing it, he had the opportunity to fly across the world to study and travel. His English skills surely improved, even picking up Italian words along the way due to a required class for it. He studied the history of different locations and how they were built.
He also went on field trips almost every day if it weren’t for the Italian students assigned to tour him around, academic and non-academic. Nights he spent on drinking wine on the rooftop of his dorm with them, screaming his complaints in the world with them.
It didn’t hit him that his stay was reaching its end until he submitted his final plate. His goodbye party didn’t even feel like one, but a see you later in the next few years after he becomes a licensed architect with money. His goal of it felt more realistic, motivating him to excel in his remaining years in university.
After unpacking half of his things, he was reminded of an email from one of the head professors, who requested another copy of his confidential documents from the Italian university he went to as soon as he’s back on campus.
He raced to the department with a folder of them and luckily encountered the said professor. Handing it to him, this professor questioned how he was and what experiences he gained from the trip. With excitement, Jeno spoke all sorts of tales from his adventures, highlighting how determined he was now to be an architect.
“That’s great to hear, Jeno!” He celebrated, checking on his watch, and widened his eyes. Frantic at his colliding schedules, he asked Jeno for a favor. It turned out that at the same time as his emergency meeting, he’s supposed to tour the new transferee student around campus.
“Only if you have time, Jeno! I could always ask another student, plus you just came back and need rest.”
“It’s not like I left for a decade, sir. No worries, I’ll do it.”
“Oh, bless your soul.” He put his hands together in prayer position, bowing back and forth with gratitude. “Wait, she’s right outside! Go ahead and introduce yourself.”
Jeno nodded, exiting right through the department doors. This girl had her back turned, inspecting her surroundings. She wore a black and white tweed blazer that matched with her skirt, black high heeled boots, and a black handbag. She must be a foreigner, Jeno thought.
“Excuse me, are you the transferee in the department of Architecture?”
Jeno didn’t brace himself for the surprise he’d face once this girl reacted to him calling her out. Her face was one he could never forget, no matter how many times he told himself to. The same face he convinced his heart to stop beating for, yet it lied.
This radiant face was none other than yours.
Jeno almost dropped his phone. He tried his best to hold on to your promise, but he failed. It was the main reason he studied abroad; to forget and focus on his career path. So the least thing he could’ve done was to study hard for his dream career.
Just a glimpse of you projected back every single memory you’ve had together. Beautiful yet heart-wrenching, he kept his emotions to himself.
You even wore the rose necklace he got you. Could it be?
“It’s been a while, Lee Jeno.” You took the metaphorical scissors to cut the tension, trying to contain the crushing feelings. The faculty center was a public place, yet it’s like the two of you were on the main stage.
“Do you remember me?” Astounded, you nodded. Every single detail.
Jeno could’ve ran away, but didn’t. He could’ve left you hanging, but didn’t. He can no longer count how many times you’ve appeared in his dreams, only to be disappointed when morning comes to not have you in his arms. He took one step closer, taking his time.
“How do you know me?”
“You’re the boy whom I helped with his assignment, argued with me over Romeo and Juliet,” You mimicked his move, making you one step nearer to him. “And most of all, the boy I once gave my entire heart to.”
Another step, leaving a few inches between the two of you. His heart palpitated without caffeine. What if he was napping in his dorm again? It was all surreal. “Is it really you, (Y/N)?”
Hearing your name from his lips lowered your guard, you pleased him with a hopeful grin. “I’d be dust by now if I didn’t drink Circe’s potion, right?”
That’s where Jeno unchained himself from his emotions. He engulfed in a warm hug, one that has no plans to let go when his chin planted on your shoulder. You returned the gesture, dropping all your worries away along with your bag and papers as your arms snaked through his neck.
You knew you had to part ways for a while after everything, though you were unsure how he’d feel about it. You recalled every time he visited you after his job ended up until his intense chat with Sanghoon, where he bawled his heart out. You couldn’t take it anymore after trying to stay strong, crying as soon as you woke up that night.
All your fellow figures could do was soothe you down like before to the best of their abilities, yet this time, it was unsuccessful. You’re filled with misery, realizing later how much of a big mistake you’ve made.
You’ve isolated yourself again for a while, but less rudeness and more silence. It was until Circe visited you. She doesn’t like getting involved with drama, though now was different. She, alongside Hera and Aphrodite, couldn’t withstand you tolerating the heartbreak again. So they went behind Athena’s back on this one time and created a potion together just for you. But with a compromise.
“This potion can turn you into a human. However, there’s only a 10% chance you’ll regain all your memories from this place.”
“So I’ll forget everyone and him?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” You’re about to shoo her away, not in the mood to do something drastic as that. But Circe grabbed your arm again. “I strongly believe that if you and he meant to be, then there will come a time these past memories will suddenly surge at you.”
“Must I need to forget to live properly?”
You’re stubborn, and Circe expected it. “You’ve broken so many golden rules, (Y/N), so it must be done. I’ve gone against Athena for this potion, and rarely have I done that. So rather than wallowing up in misery, you should focus on yourself. Do what makes you happy because this place is trapping you from every great thing out there.”
Those were the word that the actual (Y/N) (Y/L/N) lived by, nevertheless, you’re unique from her. You built a separate identity from her. “But Jeno-”
“At the right time, (Y/N). Pull yourself together and do all the things you’ve dreamt of before he came into the picture. I just know he loves you that much, and that he will wait for you.”
That same night, you gathered all your senses and drank it. The transition was fast as lightning speed, and behold, you were like a new person. You’re back in London, with a family that closely resembled your former one; only 3 older siblings, making you the youngest. You also had a new set of memories, from childhood until your adult years.
From (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you became (Y/N) Edwards.
It took one drunken night out with your university friends for the unlikely surge of old memories to speedily hit through your intoxicated state. Way beyond a dream, you’ve dropped your shot glass and broke down in the bathroom of your dorm room. You left something unaccomplished, and you had to do something before it’s too late.
Thus, you rushed to Seoul thanks to your parents’ support as they agreed that exploring outside your home country was a great experience. The only excuse you gave to your friends for the sudden transfer was you finding a new calling.
Sure, studying abroad was an exciting thing but you’re more determined to reunite with him. Even if this encounter was unforeseen, it was bound to happen one day. It so turned out that you had the same major in your former university and this new one.
Head to toe, you remembered everything.
“I’m so sorry I took so long.” You cradled your head on his chest, unaware of how your new life left Jeno so troubled.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Jeno tightened his grip, scared of releasing you again. Those two years felt like a breath of fresh air and a punch in the gut. “I tried to live up to your last wish, but I really can’t.”
“I want to take that wish back, Jeno. I wasn’t thinking right and only ended putting you through so much.”
“Oh, angel. I slowly understood why you did it.” Before he got too fragile, he softened his grip on you and showed his face again to you. He wanted a better look at his pretty girl, his fingers brushing strands of your hair behind your ear. Heart-fluttering, you bit your bottom lip. “What would you want to wish for instead?”
“Instead of you letting me go, I wish you could take me back and love me again. I can’t undo the past, but I’d still like to think I’ve tried my best.” That was the only wish you could ever think of. As huge as it was, it was something he may not accept. Yet you gave it a go, risking it all. “I don’t deserve you at all, Jeno.”
“Don’t say that, (Y/N).” One of his hands grabbed yours, putting it on his cheek. Cupping it, “I’ve never stopped loving you, you know.”
Oh, love. An all-too familiar emotion that either makes or breaks you. Of all the times you could’ve said those words, you held back, especially that wretched night you two broke it off. Although you showed it, being able to say it to someone felt more empowering.
This was finally the chance you’ve unconsciously waited for.
“I’m stupid for not saying this sooner.”
“What is it?”
With intimate eye contact, you drowned in the comfort of his brown orbs. You trusted him then, and you trusted him now. “I love you, Lee Jeno.”
Secretly, Jeno anticipated for the day you’d say those meaningful 3 words. Just like you, he showed more affection through actions than words. He only admitted when he lost you, and never would he do the same mistake again. If he felt that the love was strongly present, he will say it aloud.
“I love you still, (Y/N).” His arm around your waist tugged you in further. “I loved you as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I will continue to love you as (Y/N) Edwards.”
He peeked on your ID earlier, but regardless, he stood by his truth. You’re still the same (Y/N).
Finally, he closed the limited space between your lips. The memories of your past romance replayed in sync of every touching kiss, popping one leg up like in the movies. The Princess Diaries, specifically. Like in the museum from your unbearable parting, one warm tear freed itself down your cheek.
The sweetness of being reunited with you again beat the torturous wait of Jeno. Time really made your hearts grow fonder. As everyone said, if the love between two people is real, then it’ll find its way back to each other.
The world must be on your side too because no professor called you two out on your public display of affection. Jeno pecked your lips one time before stepping away, picking up the things you dropped.
“Now come on, I have to tour you around as instructed.”
You stomped on your feet, rolling your eyes from being left hanging. He’s still the same tease from before. “After that kiss though, I would’ve thought we could reschedule it.”
“No can do, Edwards.” Passing over your things, he wrapped one arm around you as he escorted you out of the building. The university was huge, with more buildings and green fields surrounded everywhere. “Left or right? There are a lot of places you missed out on all those years.”
“Point taken. Then you lead the way, my love.”
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader WORD COUNT: 3.1k SUMMARY: Through guessing games and walking on eggshells, it’s you and Loki that dance the strange choreography of two curious minds trying to figure out the other. A/N: Slow moving chapter! If any of you speak Norwegian and know that sentence is wrong, please tell me! I took a risk, not sure if it's worth it. Anyways, I promise there’s more stuff coming in the next chapters. Tell me anything about this chapter, what you love, what you hate. Enjoy xo gif from this gifset by@marvelheroes WARNINGS: Swearing? More paperwork. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERPOST ; MASTERLIST
The narration of Miss Minutes accompanying the grainy animated graphics of a training video on how, why, and when a branch of a timeline is reset seems to be the source of Loki’s absentmindedness. If he is typically referred to as outrageously and mostly unnecessarily communicative, it is his mind that beats his mouth—the tumult of his thoughts is loud and overwhelming like the people who amass at taverns every evening to drink themselves silly whilst singing jolly drinking songs until the wee hours of the morning. Except, his thoughts are far from jolly. He, mastermind of language and a silver-tongue, has no words of any language to describe the complexity of his mind with accuracy.
Kraftig regn som faller i en fossende elv.
Like heavy rain falling on a cascading river. Water from the sky on water streaming through the ground—thunderous raindrops from above against the river that strikes every rock of every winding turn.
Those were the words of his mother.
Maybe, that’s how his mind should be described.
It’s the mechanical creaks of spinning wheels against the polished floor that pulls him out of his thoughts and finds that he had been staring blankly at a page of men riding jet skis of a magazine he'd nipped from the stack of junk on Mobius’ desk for the last minute or hour. A second or a day? He isn’t sure.
Time works differently at the TVA.
“Hey Casey,” he hears you chime, the cart squeaks as it pulls to a halt. “Do you have a paperweight or something I could use?”
There’s a sound of rummaging as the clerk searches the drawers. Loki restrains the urge to look.
“Uh, yeah...Here.”
Probably an infinity stone.
The clerk then wheels by, pushing the evidence cart as he casts a cautious glance his way.
Right. He did threaten to gut him like a fish earlier on although the threat was not as deadly as he intended but proved to be surprisingly effective. Yet, Casey is probably the type to be afraid of his own shadow, he would comply with any sort of threat even if it isn't death.
Pathetic. But amusing.
The training video continues to play in the background, and Miss Minutes’ stupidly charming and cheery voice is starting to sound like gibberish to him. At this rate, it’s white noise to him—attention elsewhere but somewhat listening to a certain extent. He loves multi-tasking and isn’t afraid to admit he’s great at it though it likely plays a huge factor in contributing to the uproar of his brain. It’s why he doesn’t get any sleep for most nights.
There’s just...so much to think about.
And now, it’s filled with the reminder of how you met another version of him. Somewhere. Sometime. An inferior Loki, obviously.
Suddenly, the jet ski magazine becomes less interesting, his mind fleeting.
Discreetly, he spins in his swivel chair and sees you through inked writings and diagrams on the glass partition of your cubicle. Your coat’s discarded, and you have your sleeves rolled up, looking less formal, less tense than before. Yet, still as fierce with that constant scowl of your brows. He watches you bring your fingers to scratch the left side of your cheek and notices a vague resemblance of a fading scar.
He hadn’t seen that before.
The glowing orange hue of the soul stone sits idly on top of a stack of papers beside you.
Loki makes some sort of contemptuous noise in his mind at the sight.
The TVA is a strange place. The thought of a cosmic organization that overlooks all of the time doesn’t make it any less weird and neither do the uniforms—dull color combinations and collars that never seem to end. And the Time-Keepers, well, he isn’t sure what to make of that. Things are a little too straightforward, too simple for handling such a complex matter of the universe—Time. It doesn't make sense.
You spark his curiosity. You had a connection with him. Another Loki trusted you to a certain extent. He wonders what makes you so special, that Mobius was willing to try everything to convince you to help.
He also wonders what your name is.
The clearing of his throat comes off as a sudden and disruptive sound that resonates clearly through the somewhat silent environment of the office floor. A subtle way to gaining your attention although it's proving ineffective. You continue to flip through documents, scribbling notes on a notepad.
He wheels his chair closer to you. For a moment, he catches sight of a white mug amongst the mess. It says, 'Rocket scientist at work.' There’s no way a person as intimidating as you have that kind of mug.
He clears his throat once more.
Still nothing. It’s like he doesn't exist to you.
Then, he notes your vague attempt to fight down a growing smile.
Oh. Oh. You—
He scooches closer and taps on the glass partition a little too aggressively.
“I know you can hear me.”
His tone comes out in a sing-song manner. Finally, your eyes turn up to meet his. They are different from when you first saw him emerged into the hallway. Less angry and shocked. Now, you just look unimpressed.
Loki somehow thinks it’s a great idea to charm his way to you.
A grin finds his way to his lips, curving widely with oozing allure.
Or so he thinks.
“Pardon me, but I believe we haven’t properly met and I didn’t catch your name earlier on.”
You don’t say anything, only blink in response.
Tough crowd.
Loki shifts in his seat.
“...What is your name?”
He articulates his words with care, and he doesn’t know why he finds it a need to tread lightly around you. Like with a touch, you will transform into a fiery beast from his childhood nightmares and eat him alive.
You and Mobius are polar opposites—personality-wise. It’s a wonder how the two of you get along.
Do you scare him? No. Definitely not.
Do you intimidate him? Perhaps. But, he will never admit it.
Maybe it’s the way you’re gazing at him with that constant, deafening deadpan look.
Then, you finally give him an answer.
And with that, you're back to scribbling notes on a notepad.
Loki scoffs silently to himself.
Well, that turned out to be completely pointless.
He turns his back to you, returning to scanning through Mobius' jet ski magazine within his grasp.
Loki doesn’t see how you’re now staring at the back of his figure, tapping your pen against the notepad absentmindedly.
Curious minds think alike.
You needed a change of scenery.
With all the noise of the muffling narration of the training videos from Mobius’ desk, you began to feel like you forgot how to do your job. The only job you were created for. The disturbance seems to be putting your brain into a frenzy and it’s preventing you from getting your head straight on report protocols. Trying to think of better words to describe the things you’ve seen on Sakaar that weren’t words that meant trash and didn’t end up sounding unintentionally sexual, is where you draw the line.
Times are hard for the variant turned analyst.
The archives are serene amid your solitude. Extensive tables hidden between shelves of identical-looking binders that expanded throughout the hundreds of floors of the building. The spot that overlooks the three looming statues of the Time-Keepers is your favorite. The occasional swish of a passing elevator calms your nerves from all the frustration and pressure ever since you were released from your arrest. You’re just happy to be somewhere familiar although it’s not home.
Although all distractions are gone, you manage to find new ones as you gaze at the glowing ‘357’ signage from across the building as you decide to let your thoughts run for just a little while. You feel like you’re looking through foggy glasses and your brain feels like it’s about to shut down any moment.
Dream away the pain, then.
Then, you hear a voice from afar. Two voices. It’s Mobius; you’ll recognize that quintessential Texan accent anywhere from the times he would rave about a new jet ski magazine he’d found on a mission...something along those lines.
Much to your chagrin, you also hear Loki with that irritatingly posh accent of his.
You should probably move somewhere else. Run and hide before you're being pulled even more into this mess because you know Mobius is trying to get you to spend as much time with the variant turned analyst to gain trust.
You’re still not sure how it’s helping with his case. Loki has better trust in Mobius than you as far as you’re concerned.
Before you could even gather the mess of your files, the two men you’ve been trying to escape are already by the desk you’re sitting at. You suddenly notice the stack of files on the other end of the desk, not remembering seeing the archivist putting that there.
“Let me park ya at this desk and don’t be afraid to really lean into this work...”
You look like a deer caught in the headlights, signaling to Mobius that you really don’t want to share a desk with Loki. He continues to speak to him, ignoring your silent plea. Then, he gestures to the seat across from you.
There’s still time to leave.
Mobius addresses you with the stretch of his pointer finger.
“You, keep an eye on him. I’m gonna get a snack.”
Well, too late.
With a turn of a heel, you and Loki watch him walk away and pass neverending shelves of the archives. Once again, the two of you are left alone in the silence and the white noise of the TVA.
You meet each other's eyes at the same time, struck with the thought that you and he will probably be seeing each other a lot until the Loki variant is arrested. Plus, you’re tired of giving him the cold shoulder although you believe he deserves it.
This is a different Loki. The one who’s still power-hungry. The one who still wants to rule.
Time to start fresh.
You notice he now wears a jacket, a color somewhere between green, grey, and brown with a striking image of the TVA’s official badge above his chest. The lapels of his jacket jut out in an attempt to replicate his sense of pride and confidence.
He must have been on a trip with Mobius to the Renaissance Faire in Wisconsin, 1985. Oh, how you would kill to tag along. Everyone who knows you knows about your obsession with Earth’s music pop culture, specifically the 1980s. It explains the cassettes you have lying around. Your apartment has more of it.
Unfortunately, you're grounded. That's reality.
Thus, you decide that Loki deserves a second chance because he’s also somehow looking at you for some kind of approval. You’re starting to wonder if this is the same Loki that was tapping aggressively on your cubicle earlier on.
With an open palm, you gesture to the empty seat surrounded by stacks of binders and folders. It's the first time he has experienced some kind of acknowledgment of his presence that you weren’t ranting or screaming about. Oddly calm. Oddly inviting. Momentarily, he shifts in his stance, eyes darting between a fading figure of Mobius rounding the corner and to the seat, across from you.
The air is tense. However, still breathable.
Loki slides into the seat, legs shifting under the desk as it brushes against your by accident. You shoot him a pointed look, and he responds with a coy expression, blinking at you innocently. It’s mischievous.
Classic Loki.
You turn back to your case file, ignoring the way his gaze seems to burn holes into the side of your face for a fleeting moment before flipping a binder open from the stack to his left.
You snore when you sleep.
Loki wouldn’t describe it as a snore; it's more of a wheeze. Soft and subtle but it’s there, cutting through the ambiance of the archives, drifting and resonating in his ears. Through turning pages, uttering words to himself for his amusement, and having an irritating lady shush him for that, he realized how it became a lot quieter. The grazing sound of pen furiously scribbling words onto the yellow notepad has stopped.
Then, he hears it. Your pathetic snores. Your cheek is unceremoniously pressed against the back of your hand while the other holds the orange pen that’s still pinned down on the paper, mid-scrawl. The tip of the ballpoint pen sits idly, halfway through the curved stroke of the last letter of the word, ‘debris.’ He cranes his neck, face tilting in an attempt to read the chicken scratchings of your handwriting.
0132: L1190 hauls me through the time door and I miserably land on Sakaar, the planet of wastelands and debris.
You are quite...miserable. In a comical way. And he knows how much you hated your time on Sakaar—Mobius warned him of your apparent irritation in reminiscent of being stranded and then having to resume paperwork immediately. He wonders if he, too, is the reason for another boiling rage.
Apparently, you were pardoned on behalf of not only Mobius but the Time-Keepers as well.
You, an agent, are recognized by the holy and almighty Time-Keepers.
You, an agent, who sleeps with your mouth agape.
The statues of the TVA’s creators loom over him like they’re watching his every step. Every movement. Every lingering thought. Right now, he has the urge to uncover, perhaps deduce, the holes within this whole mess. In a carefully calculated and discrete movement, he reaches to prod you on the forearm. You don’t move.
He prods you again.
You still don’t move.
Now, Loki is trying to chat up the archivist who watches him through narrowed eyes, glasses framing the austere and rigid structure of her face, in favor of files that turn out to be classified.
Classified, classified, classified. Only able to gain access to his own file.
His journey from the desk proved to be useless and unproductive although the much-needed stretch somehow made it a little worthwhile.
When he returns, you're surprisingly still asleep, brow twitching and lips still parted.
Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on him?
The pen you held has now left your grasp, rolled over to his stack of binders. He notices the words inscribed on it, ‘Mars is there, waiting to be reached.'
Through your fury and chaos, he knows there’s a part of you that feels, a part of you that loves. And you love everything about the Midgardians’ space program. It's shown in the way you cling to collected memorabilia.
There are dark circles that adorn your shut eyes, barely hidden under your lashes. You’re exhausted, fractured.
Loki is having a difficult time trying to suppress how he likes the way the frizz of your hair glows against the glowing table lamps from the desk behind you. You’re raw, flaws presented on a silver platter for everyone to see. Maybe, that’s the reason why you entice him the way you do.
He’s staring. Right. Back to work.
Loki returns to running through neverending case files, engrossed in the pixelated monochrome images that accompany the monospace typeface of endless reports.
Then, he sees it.
‘Destruction of Asgard’ in big, bold, and red letters. It glares at him sharply, images of his once divine home of Asgard, crumbling at the feet of Surtur. Buildings, people, engulfed in the flames of the fire demon. The prophecy of the end, Ragnarok—it was meant to be.
His home, it still was. Although an untrue Asgardian.
He knows how it ends. He knows he dies. He wishes his true self, the one on the Sacred Timeline, could have done more.
He doesn’t realize the forming tears that linger. He doesn’t realize that in the sense of premonition, you’ve awakened. He doesn’t realize that even with sleepy eyes, you notice the grief that glints in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
With three words, you’ve struck him with those eyes that seemed all-knowing. You see through the facade he has created, sealing the true nature of what is truly a child that is afraid of his destiny and to lose all he had ever known. His mother, father, and brother. His people. You see through it all.
You know that face. You’d seen it on Sakaar when he sat at the doorstep of your makeshift home, watching the splintered moon drift through the star-lit sky. You’d seen it in yourself through the dusty reflection of the screen of the tempad.
He longs for home. He longs for family.
For a moment, Loki sees Frigga in your eyes.
Then, his world shifts, hauling him back to reality. It’s you who’s across his way, not his mother. Loki blinks, partly to get his head straight with the excuse to blink away the sting in his eye. He shifts in his seat, rolling his neck and squares his shoulders.
“Yes. I’m alright. It’s just...”
Trailing off, he clears his throat. You follow his gaze and from your spot, you catch sight of those deafening crimson letters. Maybe, it was the spur of the moment. You blame your drowsy state, but there’s a growing warmth that spreads across your chest from the pit of your stomach. It’s subtle, a spark, but evident. Before you know it, you’re uttering words that leave your lips faster than your brain could perceive.
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t know when was the last time you said those words and meant it. Loki doesn’t know when was the last time he’d ever heard those words addressed to him, spoken from the lips of a stranger. Until now.
You mean it. He sees it in the curve of your brows.
Loki swallows, nodding curtly. For the first time, he has nothing to say. And as quickly as the moment comes, he brushes it off and so do you. Whatever is reminiscent of a residing unknown feeling, bubbling within, has disappeared.
He sees your hand reach for the pen and for a while, he thinks you’re about to reach for his arm.
But no, you’re back to scrawling notes on the paper and he’s back to studying useless documents.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall back into your normal antics as you find yourself chasing after Loki, who abruptly left the desk with wide eyes.
Curious minds think alike. Mostly.
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prof-peach · 4 years
If you could cross over two of your favorite games, which would you choose? Please explain, why that crossover would be a good match.
Oh you’re going to regret asking this one, I’m bout to GET SERIOUS.
So Pokemon, obvs, I love the whole world it’s built in, but the games imo are REALLY boring, I haven’t enjoyed one a lot since gale of darkness, the main ones just are a little too linear obvious plots, pretty standard setups for story and style. Speaking of style, the games lack personality, the models aren’t animated well, moves have no dynamic energy or visual difference at times, and the turn based battle style just feels kind of, I don’t know, old? Slow? Just doesn’t suit what I enjoy personally, gives me a FInal Fantasy vibe and I just cannot stand the speed at which things happen in those games, plus not into 3rd person ‘let’s build a team of people’ much, but that’s a problem for another time. With this all in mind, the game I wish would happen is like gen20 Pokemon, far future sadly, I doubt I’d see it in my lifetime but god I’d be happy if I did!
Ok so take the newest Zelda graphics, the visual treat that was BOTW, open world, puzzles, not JUST combat, you got side missions, hunt the chickens, find missing pets, parcels, items, whatever. Love it! The horse taming?! Amazing you funky little game. Now take the bad guys and beasts from that. And put Pokemon in instead. Give them the diversity, the life and believable natures that BOTW gave the animals, I followed a frog in BOTW for 15 minutes, and it was a great experience, it felt like it was believable. Above world spawning, ACTUAL difficult gameplay, rare spawn rates, make dragons hard to get again, cmon, it’s too easy now, make it so we need a certain set of Pokemon for certain tasks. Water types big enough to carry you will be able to get you to new areas, rock types that can help you climb mountains faster, or break through blocking boulders. Actual towns with more than 4 houses in them, shops, barns, farms, homes. Like little link with the heat, maybe ice types would struggle in volcano areas, or bug Pokemon not be so comfortable in gale force winds. Give the weather more of an effect on your partners. Mounts, don’t even get me started that Pokemon Let’s go had you able to ride any of the larger species, but swsh did not???? Bitch please, give me my rideable Pokemon. The wild area too was far too closed, limited, online was laggy and a mess, camping is limited, let me do more with my team. Pokemon for me is all about the actual creatures, how they live with humans, and the many wonderful things they’re capable of. Yes of course it’s cool they can fight, but like what else you know?
I’d love a game that lets me buy a plot of land, maybe plant things, custom build things. I’m a sucker for the fallout4 settlement builds when they’re modded to hell and back, they’re fun! It can be a really calm and creative process. If I could do that and skip the main campaign and all the battles for a bit? Amazing, it sound perfect for me. I am that distracted hoe collecting flowers while the kingdom burns in the background. Side quests are everything to me. Let me give homeless people enough money to get them in a home? Let me adopt Pokemon that are stray around the town? Plz oh plz bring me a Pokemon game that allows me to work WITH my team to do more than KO other species. I want to save and buy a plow for my buddy gogoat, and grow amazing foods to sell to get currency to spend in decorations, to spoil my team. Give me actual game consequence, if I ignore that sick and injured Pokemon I find in the wild, later maybe it’s family don’t want to help me out with a different problem, too stricken from grief. I am all about the average bits, the old women who need help, the lost pets board in town, the general day to day stuff. Let me get cosmetic items for the Pokemon I keep, cute outfits, special gemstone items, let me actually live with them, or even feel remotely like they’re realistic.
Ok so in game, if it’s looking like BOTW it’s pretty beautiful but also stylised, I’d have it so you can send out a maximum of 3 Pokemon from your 6, using bumpers and such to throw them out. If you hit the trigger you switch from controlling the human trainer, to the Pokemon you’ve targeted with a standard lock on targeting system. You then can be the leader, but be the Pokemon. You could technically defeat the game without a human if you wanted, which incorporates the mystery dungeon games I think, and caters to that crowd. I’d love to see the use of attacks out of battle, things like using water gun to grow plants, using ember to start a campfire faster and stave off the cold. There’s no consequence to Pokemon anymore, and I think that’s where it’s lost me. I have to admit I miss the days of a poisoned pokemon fainting if you don’t heal them soon enough, I miss gym battles that were actually tough, damn, try picking charmander in red and beating brock without grinding in viridian forest first, it’s not easy. And I loved that. Yes it’s a child’s game, it will never be difficult again, but god it’d be nice to have a bit of a challenge, or maybe a difficulty setting, so some could play it with hostility turned off, great for kids, or you can be n adult like I know so many Pokemon fans are, and play it on expert mode and ACTUALLY have to work hard to beat the game. Alternate skill trees anyone? Train gun a fire type to ACUTALLy combat water moves?? Please! Cmon! It frustrated me that every challenger has pretty much a systematic set of moves to use to win. Grass opponent? Fire attack spam until you win. It’s dull, so at least with very difficult tricks to either find or learn in game would make it more achievable if you can send that fire type in and I don’t know, train them so much the heat evaporates the water mid-battle and you suddenly have a shot at winning. Pokemon has taught me that if you work hard enough you can achieve something, but the games just have such strict ways to win. Feels wrong.
In terms of battling, let us BE the Pokemon, let us learn to dodge, train our speed, train our defence, make a team of truly tough Pokemon instead of just, average? Some species have a cap on their skills, a squirtle has lower stat points than a Charizard, but you can’t ever change that? Let me choose the Pokemon I believe in, and let me work with them until they’re just as good, if not better than the game tanks. This would also make online battles more interesting. Everyone picks the top trio. Fairy, dragon, legendaries. And yknow what? It’s boring. That one IRL fight with the monster Pacharisu that won in the world tournament with follow me and the situs Berry? Unbelievable, I love that little rat so much because of this, so let us all have a chance to build a team that’s strategically viable, strong, and potentially a winner formula, even if they aren’t fully evolved, or the biggest Pokemon in the world. Yeah maybe you have to grind way harder with your unevolved Pokemon, but you get to the end game and win, because you put love and time into species that you enjoy, not just good fighters.
Unfortunately I am beholdent to Todd-idiot-Howard, and I love the Eldrescrolls and fallout games (before they got dumb, not that I don’t play the new ones. 76 I’m looking at you, you big asshole game.) honestly I hate online games, so none of that junk, just a good old fashioned open world sandbox game is plenty. Games for me are an escape from others, not an invitation to socialise. To each their own of course, and I do play online games sometimes, just pretty short lived ones, over watch and rdr2 for example. Would they be sometimes better on private servers? Yes of course, fallout76? Want to play with others? No. I do not. Please leave me alone. And if you buy a private server you’re feeding the monster that is Todd Howard, the man the myth the asshole, then we’ll get more bad games like 76. I just so desperately want the Pokemon company to see what a beautiful potential game they’ve got on their hands, that could be suitable for far greater audiences, but instead they’ve focused on the kids. It’s fine, it’s functional, but it’s lost to the fans from day 1, that are all 20+ years old now and want something meatier to play, something far more broad and inclusive. I also hate that there’s no wheelchair option in any Pokemon game. Like cmon, it’s not hard to include that.
In short, BOTW + Pokemon, with a sprinkle of open world sandbox to it, less fighting, more fun. Or, at least both options. Sure, go fight everything, great, but I want to farm carrots over here with 6sunflora, plz let me have some peace.
Edit: I forgot about harvest moon, chuck some of that in there too.
SECOND EDIT: someone in the comments mentioned to put this in Unova? Plz love yourselves, this game would be ALL MAPS. Stuff one singular location, this is the ideal game, put every map in it, join them, put islands in, make them more explorable, more detailed!
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x reader
Synopsis: Reader and Reggie have been best friends since they were toddlers, nothing tearing them apart until Veronica their Junior year. This follows the rise and downfall of their friendship. Can they mend their friendship and be back to what they once were, will they be too hurt to fix their broken hearts, or will they finally admit their feelings for one another?
Word count: 2.6K+ (my hand slipped)
Warnings: Mr. Honey; he’s the worst villain to ever enter Riverdale, you can’t change my mind. Mentions of child abuse, nothing graphic past the mention of a black eye. Some angst. Spoilers for s4e4 technically, I still can’t believe what Mr. Honey did. 
A/N: I have like 11 requests I still have to get to, yikes. I swear I’ll do them soon, but inspiration hit and I ended up writing this. there isn’t enough Reggie love on Tumblr, plus I have a tiny crush on Charles Melton, so writing this was a win win. let me know what you think, and if I should write more for Riverdale. Veggie is better than Varchie (don’t come for me), but I still think Reggie deserves better than Ronnie. 
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Growing up in a small town like Riverdale there weren’t too many kids to become friends with, but when you met Reggie Mantle on your first day of preschool you knew he would be your best friend for life. Archie was showing off on the playground by walking up the slide when the teacher wasn’t looking. The problem then being that Archie's foot slipped right as you were walking passed the bottom of the slide, and he slid down and ended up knocking you on the ground. You started to cry because he scraped your arm bad enough that it started to bleed. Reggie, whom you shared a table with in class, watched from the sidelines as your teacher helped you up and took you to the nurse, he got his revenge during arts and crafts later that day- ‘accidentally’ spilling red paint all over the front of Archie’s khaki pants. When Reggie made it to the table you quietly thanked him and shared your paint with him since the teacher said he couldn’t have new paint as a lesson to be more careful next time. 
As the years went on, yours and Reggie’s friendship only grew until you were inseparable; you two went on family vacations together, you went to every single one of his junior bulldog football games from the ages of eight to twelve, he went to your ballet recitals when you took classes in grade school even bringing you roses. Reggie was your rock at your grandmother’s funeral, you helped him pass his geometry class Sophomore year so he could stay on the football team, and you were the only person that he opened up to about his father’s abuse- having witnessed it with your own eyes a handful of times. 
Your mom was convinced you and Reggie would fall in love and get married one day, and your father was convinced your friendship would crumble and ultimately go down in a blazing fire. Going into your senior year you hate to admit that your father was right, his words bouncing around in your skull every time your brain shut off for longer than two seconds. Veronica Lodge moved to town Sophomore year, enticing every boy within a fifty mile radius with her upper East side charm. Reggie didn’t fall for Veronica right away, he fell for her junior year when he was helping her with La Bonne Nuit. And as cliche as it is, that’s when you realized you were in love with him, you had been for a while. The small nagging voice in the back of your head told you that it had been since that day in preschool. 
But you would grin and bear the pain, the soul crushing pain, if it meant that Reggie would still be in your life. And you did, for a while at least; until Reggie stopped calling and texting you back, until he stopped begging you to come to his games, until he stopped sneaking into your room every friday night after a game to go over the play footage where you would help him come up with new plays and tweaks to the old ones, until he started ignoring you in the halls in favor of making out with Veronica. You never hated the girl, she had been nothing but nice to you anytime you would interact, but God, you just wished she would disappear and give you your Reggie back. 
You resented Veronica, leading your interactions with the girl to be more tense and your answers clipped, and that was what led to the blazing fire your father talked about. Reggie offered you a ride home one day after school, and of course you jumped at the opportunity to spend time with him again. Instead of going to pops and talking like you thought you would, the two of you got into your biggest, and last, fight ever. 
It started with Reggie asking why you hated Veronica, where you defended yourself and swore that you didn’t. But he wouldn’t believe a word that came out of your mouth, continuing to press you as you two kept driving. The closer you got to the edge of town the worse the fighting got, your voice raising along with his. You accuse him of abandoning his friends, abandoning you, to be with Veronica all the time. He gets mad that you don’t understand why he’s with her all the time, claiming that you couldn’t understand not when you’ve never had a boyfriend. Something that he’s the reason for, since he scared all of the guys even remotely interested in you away with just one piercing glare or one lowly growled threat. 
The comment picking on your relationship status, or lack thereof, is the straw that broke the camel's back. You let loose just as you pass the sign thanking you for visiting Riverdale, the town with pep. Pep your ass, the small town is full of death and endless heartache wherever you look. You rip into Reggie, letting the hurt take over as you scream and scream at him-calling him a terrible friend. He finally screams back, claiming that you’re worse because you hate his girlfriend. He has to pull his precious car over, the car you helped him pick out when he turned sixteen, because he started swerving when you two got into a screaming match. 
The interaction ends with you getting out of the car on the side of the road leading into Greendale, slamming the car door behind you, knowing that he’ll get mad with how aggressive you’re being with his baby, his Bella. He does a sharp U-turn driving beside you, trying to coax you into getting back in the car with him. But you can’t do that, you can’t face him right now. So as you watch the taillights of the gun metal grey Chevelle disappear around the curve in the road you finally let the tears fall down your face, they stream harder and faster the closer you get to reentering the town with pep. 
Reggie had dropped your backpack off at your house when he got back into town, so it was sitting there waiting for you in your living room alongside your worried mother. You cried into her arms that night for hours, until you were all cried out, not caring that you look like a big baby. You had just lost Reggie, you had just lost your everything. You hadn’t talked to him since that day in the middle of your junior year, even after him and Veronica broke up and she went back to Archie like always. The days of your senior year seemed to fly by, October coming in what felt like mere days as opposed to months, and your last Halloween in Riverdale is today. 
You and Reggie would always wear matching costumes to trick or treat, and school just for fun as you got older, this always prompted your classmates to wonder if you two were finally dating. But that wouldn’t be happening this year, for the first time ever. You had even dressed up and sat on his porch in costume when you were six, handing out candy to the other kids so you could talk to Reggie, who was in costume too, through the window because he was sick with a 102.2 degree fever. You were dressed as Kim and Ron that year, his mom had even crocheted him a little Rufus to stick in his pocket. You couldn’t wait to get out of this town, away from Reggie, away from the places where you would see ghosts of your younger selves everywhere you went. 
Kevin calls you freaking out after he and Reggie got caught tp’ing Mr. Honey’s office. Kevin caved after Mr. Honey threatened to make sure he wouldn’t get into NYU if he didn’t. Kevin felt guilty for his actions, and even though you hadn’t talked to Reggie in close to a year you were worried about him. Worried what his dad might do to him when he hears he got in trouble at school again, and worried what the unhinged Mr. Honey might do to him himself. 
You don’t hear anything from Reggie the next day, not that you really expect to. You more-so hope he’ll call you, but you know what they say about hope- it breeds eternal misery. The day goes by at a snail's pace as you stare at your phone throughout the entirety of said day. You finally curl in on yourself and go to sleep after midnight, however sleep doesn’t stay for long. You’re awoken around two in the morning from your phone’s incessant ringing, in your dazed stupor you don’t realize it’s Reggie’s special ringtone- the bulldog cheer from Kim Possible. 
“Hello?” you ask hoarsely, making sure to stay quiet so your parents won’t hear. 
“(Y/N/N), can you talk?” your startled to hear Reggie’s voice on the other line. It sounds scratchy, like he was recently in a screaming match with someone. You open your eyes for the first time, finally accepting that you won’t be able to just roll over and slip back into your dreams. You glance at the alarm clock on your bedside table and your eyes widen at the time.
“It’s like two in the morning Reg,” you sigh, hoping he’ll wait till morning. 
“Can I come over?” Reggie’s pleading now.
“Later, we can go to Pop’s for lunch or something,” you yawn loudly into the phone in protest. 
“I’m already here,” before you can respond the line goes dead.
You can hear quiet, almost not there, footsteps outside your window as Reggie expertly navigates his way through the flowers and bushes outside your window. He taps on the window three times in quick succession, your old signal for when he would sneak over letting you know it was him at your window. You reluctantly get out of your warm cozy bed, stumbling to the window to open it for your former best friend. 
Your plans for just slipping back into bed anf hopefully nodding off while he talks go out the window as you come face to face with Reggie’s swollen face. He has a split lip and a black eye, you’re sure he has belt marks on his back too. You don't care that Reggie is climbing through the window a little too loudly, your sole focus now on fixing him up. Once he’s in the room you sneak to the kitchen and quietly grab an ice pack, stopping in the bathroom to grab rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and ibuprofen.  
You hand him the pain reliever and your bottle of water, it’s not the first time you’ve shared, as soon as you shut your bedroom door behind you. He swallows the pills down with ease, and you both settle on your bed, a sad depressing routine. You don’t say anything as you clean his split lip, he winces slightly when the alcohol drenched cotton ball makes contact with his open wound. 
“Mr. Honey caught Kevin and I last night,” Reggie admits quietly. 
“I heard, Kevin told me,” you murmur unsure of where this conversation is headed, so you continue to dab at his lip.
“Mr Honey, he said that no one takes me seriously, no one since you. He said that he heard around school that I made my ‘persona’ bigger, became more of a prankster, after I lost you. He-he knew about my dad, (Y/N),” Reggie’s voice cracks, you can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now. “Said people at school are laughing at me, worst of all, you’re laughing at me.”
“Oh sweetie, no!” you're quick to jump in and defend. “I would never laugh at you, you know that. Never. No one else is either, he was just saying that to get a rise out of you.” Your arm moves without your permission, you push a strand of black hair out of his eyes before caressing his cheek softly. 
“He tp’d my car, that I get. That was actually funny,” Reggie hisses, you aren’t sure if it’s because you’re lightly pressing the ice pack to his shiner or because of what he’s about to say next. “But he broke Bella’s windshield, shattered her passenger side window, and busted her left headlight.” 
“I’ll kill him!” you jump up from your spot on your bed, no longer caring if you wake your parents. Reggie holds the ice pack to his eye with his right hand, cautiously reaching for your hands with his left. You calm down when his fingers intertwine with yours, sinking back down next to him. 
“I avoided going home all day, but when I did and my dad saw the car,” Reggie takes in a shaky breath, and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb. “He did, well he did this.” He uses your joined hands to gesture towards his face. 
You don’t say anything, instead just pulling him in for a hug. Reggie tenses at first before melting into your warm embrace. You pull him down onto the bed with you so you're laying side by side, he rests his head on your chest as you tuck the two of you in. 
“I know we haven’t talked in a while,” you let out dissatisfied hum as you card your fingers soothingly through his hair. “But you're the only person I wanted to see, the only person I ever want to see. It’s been torture without you (Y/N).”
“It doesn’t seem like it,” you say under your breath, but he hears you clearly with his ear pressed to your chest. 
“I was an idiot, I let my ego keep me from you,” he moves his head to look up at you, his brown eyes shine with sincerity. 
“Don’t do this right now Reggie,: your eyes fill with tears, “Don’t do or say anything you don’t mean just to make me feel better.”
Reggie moves his right arm from around your waist to brush away a stray tear that slipped out of your eye. He moves his thumb down your cheek to your lips, tracing them with the pad of his thumb. Reggie lightly tugs down on your lower lip causing you to uncage it from your teeth, when did you even bite it in the first place? 
“I love you (Y/N), I always have,” he looks away from your mouth so he can stare into your eyes. “And I think you have too.”
“I have, I love you so much Reggie,” he pulls your face down to meet him. The kiss is searing, and a little wet due to the tears leaking out of both of your eyes, but it’s perfect. You pull back when you get the slightly tangy taste of blood on your tongue. You immediately fuss over Reggie’s lip, said lip splitting again during the makeout. Reggie pulls you back down onto the bed and into his arms after you’ve dabbed at his lip with the cotton ball again. 
“How can I make it up to you?” his eyes shine with unshed tears as he stares lovingly at your face, almost like he’s mesmerized by you. “Not just tonight, but leaving you for Ronnie so I could try to get over you, and for every other night you’ve taken care of me.”
“Just never leave me again,” you whimper, which is cut off when he kisses you again. 
“Never,” Reggie’s never been more serious about anything in his life. 
You cuddle up to Reggie’s chest, his warmth and scent quickly lulling you into  a deep comforting sleep. You don’t care that he should sneak out the window and go home, or that your mom will find you two cuddled up in your twisted sheets when she comes to check on you at ten. All you care about is Reggie being safe, in your arms, and finally having him back in your life-but with one vast improvement to your relationship.
Permenent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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transsergio · 4 years
17 - "is that my shirt?"
wow golly i wonder who asked this. (it was me. i asked this)
jesse/reader, g, 656 words - vague mention of character death, angst
You’ve stayed at Jesse’s every night for the last week and a half. He doesn’t mention it either way - asking you to never go home again, please, or to get the fuck out of his kitchen and stop eating all his Cheerios. You take that as your cue not to acknowledge it, either. That’s easy to do when Jesse won’t let himself be still for five minutes.
There’s always something; Jesse wants you to play this video game with him, and you do, even though it’s mindless and the bloody graphics gross you out. He wants to watch bad, late night TV, which involves a lot of Storage Wars and the aggressively bright infomercials that loop at three a.m. He blasts music and has a city block’s worth of strangers over, throwing money at them for pizza and beer when they start to dwindle. The one thing you don’t do is go outside, even if you think the sun would do Jesse a lot of good. He’s gone so far as to smoke inside (with a window cracked only at your request).
At this point, you’re afraid to go home. Something nervous worms in your gut and says you shouldn’t leave Jesse by himself, definitely not for more than the few minutes you spend alone on the toilet. Unfortunately, this means you’re running out of clothes. You brought enough t-shirts and underwear for three days tops, and have been recycling them for six more. It’s easy to ignore when there’s thirty strangers piled downstairs and you’re buried somewhere in the bodies, but they finally cleared out. Well, except for the one straggler you found in the upstairs bathtub. You think he’s still in there, but more importantly, pray he’s not dead.
So, when Jesse comes upstairs with a fresh plate of Pizza Rolls, he notices the change.
“Is, uh,” he squints, “is that my shirt?”
You stare back. “Is that...okay?”
Jesse falters. He looks around the room like he’s been plucked from space and time only to be unknowingly dropped in this moment. He can’t seem to put the Pizza Rolls down. Jesse clears his throat, his eyes now glassy. “Yeah that’s...that’s good.”
“You wanna sit?” you ask, that nervous dread choking its way up your spine. You reach for Jesse’s arm. With just your fingertips, you tug him towards the bed. You feel an uncanny kinship with guide dogs as Jesse follows your lead and squats down to the mattress.
Jesse can’t look at you. He’s examining the twelve perfect pouches of tomato sauce, cheese, and grease stained to his paper plate. He says, quiet, more than a little broken, “It’s not really my shirt.”
“What do you mean?”
“I took it from her closet, before they came and got her stuff.” 
“Oh.” Your mouth has run dry and so has your well of answers. You’ve never wished for tragedy so much as you do right now. Why have you never lost anyone so integral? Why has your life been more or less fine, fine enough that you don’t have the right words? You’ve never known how to repair a cracked foundation.
The Pizza Rolls are tossed wayside, lolling about the plate as it slides over the comforter. Jesse’s arms are around your shoulders and his face is stuffed in the crook of your neck. You wonder how many times he fit in this exact square of fabric, before. He leans his weight into your chest until you’ve succumbed to the pillows beneath you. You wrap your arms around him in return, knowing you can’t help him, if nothing else. All you can do is lie still, breathe evenly, and wait. As Jesse knots his fingers in the hem of your (her) shirt, as your (her) body warms and fills its shape, you lose yourself in the current moment and allow her to come back to him. Just for a little while.
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It is I, here to Officially Request™ absolutely chaos All Named Characters Molina Family Board Game Night because honestly? The chaos needs to be freed.
Have the official sequel to this fic because when @screamin-amuseum requested the first part as "the whole gang + boardgame" I took that to mean All Named Characters playing board games and so here's that continuation. It's so unnecessarily long. It's so unnecessarily angsty??? TW for mentions of Trevor with an eating disorder, nothing graphic though.
I don't know what else to say. This is really chaotic. I can't write scenes with more than two people in them and yet this fic has 13. Hope you all enjoy.
Read on ao3 here:
Unfortunately, the Molinas’ extensive board game collection does not actually include Pretty Pretty Princess (it was just a tad bit before Julie’s time).
But on the bright side, she knows someone they can borrow it from. Even if Luke’s not happy about it.
“Why’d you have to invite him?” he complains the second Julie gets off the phone with Nick.
“Because—” Julie barely spares Luke a glance as she passes him on the way to the living room. “We’re borrowing his little sister’s board game.”
“So? That doesn’t mean he has to play it with us!”
Julie rolls her eyes. “Luke, are you seriously still jealous of him?”
Luke lets out an indignant squawk. “I am not jealous . I just don’t like him!” He poofs out and back in again to cut Julie off in the doorway, and she stops out of instinct, never quite sure these days if she’ll end up walking through the boys or into them. “Julie, in case you’ve forgotten, we’re talking about a kid who was literally possessed by Caleb five minutes ago. And you want us to hang out with him? You want to bring him into your house? Where you live? To play Pretty Pretty Princess? ”
Julie gives him the most exasperated look she can muster, trying to ignore the smile threatening to tug at her lips. “Luke. First of all, Nick’s already been to my house, so that argument is invalid. Second, he’s not possessed by Caleb anymore, and the fact that he used to be is only more reason for us to offer him some extra friendship, I’m sure he needs it. And third, I already invited him, he’s on his way, and not even your pouting and puppy dog eyes can change that, so don’t even bother trying.”
Of course, Luke immediately breaks out the pout and the puppy dog eyes, but Julie doesn’t let herself so much as look at him. She pushes past him and continues through to the kitchen, shaking her head in amusement as Luke’s annoyed grumbling fades out behind her.
Her dad’s at the kitchen counter, just hanging up his own phone. He turns when Julie enters and offers her a small smile. “Takeout’s on its way. And your tía’s coming, with her own set of dice, so be prepared for those to be loaded.”
Julie giggles. “Well, I called Flynn and they’re gonna bring some sodas and snacks, and Nick’s bringing Pretty Pretty Princess since the boys were so excited to play it. It’s still cool that he comes, too, right?”
“Of course, mija.” Her dad looks at her for a second, and then away, busies himself with wiping down the perfectly-clean counter. “Did you, uh… Did you maybe want to invite Carrie to join us?”
Julie sighs. “Dad, you know me and Carrie aren’t friends anymore.”
“No, yeah, I know.” He scrubs harder at an invisible speck of dirt. “I just thought it might be a nice gesture.”
Despite everything, Julie finds herself considering it. Sure, she and Carrie are still decidedly not friends , but… they’re not quite enemies anymore, either. It’s hard to be enemies with someone who helped you save your shared ex-love interest from an evil jazz-singing magician ghost. Carrie knows about the guys now and didn’t expose Julie and the Phantoms as a fraud, and she hasn’t been as actively mean to Julie and Flynn at school the past few months.
Maybe someday, the three of them will be able to reconcile, officially. Julie might even want to. But that doesn’t mean she’s ready to have Carrie in her house so soon, doesn’t mean she wants to include Carrie in their first family game night without her mom.
“Maybe another time,” she says, offering her dad a soft smile so he knows she means it.
He smiles back, and there’s more relief and happiness in his eyes than Julie would’ve expected under the circumstances, leaving Julie to wonder why her dad would care about her relationship with Carrie Wilson so much.
An hour later, everything’s all set up, and all the guests—ghost and human alike—have arrived. They’re all spread out across the various couches and floor space in Julie’s living room, all ten of them—Julie, her dad, Carlos, Tía Victoria, Luke, Alex, Reggie, Willie, Flynn, and Nick. The four ghosts are all sharing one couch, the four Molinas another, while Flynn and Nick lounge on the floor across the room because the ghosts still make Nick a little uncomfortable (though Julie’s unsure if that’s because of his stint with Caleb or because Luke won’t stop glaring at him).
Knowing Game Night, the seating arrangements won’t stay as they are for long, as the various games require space or privacy or the occasional team-up. Julie’s certain by the end of the night, her friends and family will all be mingling and getting along.
Since there are so many of them, they can’t follow the usual Game Night rules—everyone picks one game and they play through them all. If they tried, they’d be here all night, and half of them have to go to school tomorrow. So instead, the plan is this: Everyone’s name will go in a hat. Whoever wins each game picks a name out of the hat, and that person gets to pick the next game. They’ll play a total of five, or until midnight, whichever comes first.
The only caveat to this strategy is that they’re playing Pretty Pretty Princess first, and since that was technically Alex’s choice, his name’s not going in the hat (a fact Alex seems perfectly fine with).
Game Number One isn’t nearly as much of a disaster as Julie kind of expected it to be. It’s only a four player game, so they play in teams of two and three: Luke, Reggie, and Julie playing for the purple jewelry; Alex, Willie, and Flynn playing for the pink; Nick and Carlos for green; and Dad and Tía for blue. The only fight that breaks out is when Luke takes the black ring on purpose and then refuses to put it back the next turn; otherwise, the teams work together surprisingly well.
Somehow, despite Reggie’s earlier insistence that Alex is a PPP master, the adults win, and then they insist on splitting their winning jewelry between them even though it’s all sized to fit five-year-olds.
Just as Dad and Tía are celebrating their victory, and Julie and Carlos are having a telepathic brother-sister conversation about how their aunt must have rigged it, the doorbell rings.
“Ooh, I bet that’s the pizza,” Dad says, hauling himself to his feet. He keeps one hand on the tiny plastic crown on his head so it doesn’t fall off.
He looks ridiculous, between the crown, the singular clip-on earring, and the ring just barely stuck on the end of his pinky finger, but Julie manages to hold back her laughter as she stands and says, “I’ll help carry.”
Her dad beats her to the door, only because Reggie holds her back and tries to convince her not to let Luke have any pizza (to which Luke gives another indignant squawk and immediately starts bickering), so by the time Julie catches up with him, Dad’s already got the front door thrown open, and whatever’s on the porch to greet him has left him staring, wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and pale.
Like he’s seen a ghost or something.
“Dad?” Julie starts to say, but the word dies in her throat as she steps into view of the open door and sees none other than Carrie Wilson standing on her front porch.
Carrie looks nervous, and just as pale, as she stares back at Julie’s father, a clutch purse held in her white-knuckled hands.
Carrie says something, quietly enough that Julie thinks she might have imagined it, that sounds suspiciously like, “Hi, Papi,” and then her gaze flits behind him to Julie and her eyes widen. She clears her throat, straightens her shoulders, says louder, “Mr. Molina. Julie.”
“Hi, Carrie,” Dad says after a weirdly long pause, startling like he’s been struck. “What are—I didn’t—” He breaks off and glances at Julie over his shoulder, his expression screaming, I thought you weren’t going to invite her!
I didn’t! Julie shoots back, then trains a painfully plastic smile on her definitely-not-a-friend-but-not-quite-an-enemy. “Carrie, what are you doing here?”
“Sorry to interrupt, I—didn’t realize you had company…” She glances toward the driveway next to the house, where Nick parked his car. “I can leave.”
“No, don’t—It’s okay,” Dad assures her, a little too quickly for Julie’s liking. “What’s—did you need something?”
Carrie shifts her weight awkwardly from foot to foot, looking back and forth between Julie and her dad like she wants to ask Julie to give them some privacy. Julie just plants her feet and crosses her arms over her chest. Like hell is she gonna leave Carrie alone with her dad when he’s already acting weird and she still has yet to tell them what she’s doing there.
Julie doesn’t even remember the last time Carrie Wilson stepped foot on the Molinas’ property. It’s all too weird, like Julie’s stepped out of Family Game Night and into some strange, confusing alternate universe.
“Um… Okay, so, Dad and I were at this dumb charity event at Schaefer’s, and on the way back, our car broke down.” Carrie waves a vague hand toward the street. “Gerald—our driver—called someone, but Dad doesn’t trust mechanics, and I think it’s supposed to storm later, so…” She trails off, blushes, and adds, “We were only a block or so away so I thought…”
Julie’s not sure she’s following. Her dad must catch up quicker because he says, “Oh! Oh, well—well, you’re welcome to wait out the storm here, we’ve got food coming, we’re having a little game night. Why don’t you join us?”
He turns to look at Julie, almost as an afterthought, his gaze somehow pleading and apologetic at the same time.
Whatever frustration Julie might feel at his eagerness to let Carrie interfere with their lives despite knowing how Julie feels about her is quickly snuffed out by the look on her dad’s face, and the equally anxious look on Carrie’s.
Julie doesn’t like this. She doesn’t think putting her, Flynn, Nick, and Carrie in a competitive setting together is a good idea. She really doesn’t think putting Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Trevor Wilson in a competitive setting together is a good idea. She can think of very few scenarios in which this whole night doesn’t turn into a complete and total disaster.
But reconciliation has to start somewhere, and she does, deep down, want to be Carrie’s friend again someday, wants even more to help her boys get their bandmate back.
She takes a slow, deep breath, prays she won’t regret this, and says, “Of course, Carrie. Come join us for Game Night.”
Carrie visibly relaxes, something like a real, genuine smile fluttering around her lips. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll, um—I’ll go get Dad. He wanted to wait in the car, in case you guys… turned us away…”
Awkward silence falls, and Julie can’t understand why her dad looks so sad all of a sudden, but before she can think of how to ask, Carrie spins on her high heels and starts back down the porch steps.
The second the door closes behind her, Dad says, “I’m sorry, did I overstep?”
Julie sighs. Her dad’s always been particularly good with boundaries. And she thinks part of him might miss the days when Carrie was over more often than not, playing dolls and singing with Julie and Flynn. So Julie can’t be mad. “No, it’s okay. But you get to tell the guys the pizza’s not here yet, and the guy who stole all their songs is.”
His eyes widen in horror, only adding to the absurdity of his bejeweled look, and Julie stifles another laugh as she heads back to the living room.
All things considered, it’s not nearly as much of a trainwreck as Julie thought it might be. Flynn loudly declares that she will not be on a team with Carrie under any circumstances, and the guys don’t take the Trevor news well , exactly, but a sharp look from Julie and a badly whispered promise from Willie to do some serious ghost pranking later keep them from actively pitching a fit about it.
When the Wilsons and their driver Gerald arrive, the tension in the room grows so instantly thick and awkward that Julie’s worried someone might actually explode. Carrie breaks it by stalking confidently into the room and plopping herself on the floor between Nick and Carlos like she belongs there. Gerald soon follows, claiming a chair next to Tía Victoria, and smiles politely at them all.
Only Trevor remains hovering in the doorway, pale and shaky, taking deep meditative breaths as his eyes rove across each person one at a time, lingering a little too long on Julie’s aunt, skipping over Luke entirely. Finally, he swallows, winces like it hurts, and says to Julie’s dad, “I didn’t realize you still did these.”
Julie frowns, unsure what that’s supposed to mean exactly, but her dad offers up no explanation, just waves Trevor over to sit on the couch with him. Luke lays a gentle hand on Julie’s knee, leans in close to whisper, “Hey. You okay?”
She gives him a grateful smile, nods. “Fine. How about you?”
Luke shrugs, glances over at Trevor, who’s still very purposefully not looking in their direction, and winks at Julie. “Let’s just cream this guy, shall we?”
And so, Game Night continues.
The three new guests’ names get added to the hat, and Victoria shuffles them around before pulling a slip of paper out.
“Carrie,” she reads. “You get to pick the next game.”
“Oh, no, that’s okay,” Carrie tries. “I just got here, someone else can pick.”
“Come on, Care,” Nick says, nudging her encouragingly. “Them’s the rules.”
“Your name came out of the hat,” Julie agrees, attempting a smile. It’s the closest she can get to a peace offering. “Pick a game.”
Carrie scans her face a moment, like she’s searching for any hint that Julie’s being mean or ingenuine. She must not find any, because she says, “Okay,” and gets to her feet, brushing invisible dust off her skirt. She peers into the game cabinet for a total of about five seconds before she says, “Oh my god, you still have Monopoly with the credit card readers? We are definitely playing that.”
“Dibs on banker!” Carlos shouts and jumps to his feet to dig the box out of the cabinet.
Julie grins at her little brother’s enthusiasm, and when she catches Carrie’s eye, her smile doesn’t fade.
Maybe they can do this. It’s as good a first step toward reconciliation as any, she supposes.
The pizza arrives while Carrie and Carlos are setting up the Monopoly board, so Julie and her dad bring it in and set up the stack of boxes on the kitchen island for easy access. The ghosts immediately descend on the food like a pack of rabid animals, Luke grabbing four or five slices at once and starting to stuff them in his mouth before Julie shouts, “Plates, boys! Plates!” and he deflates, grinning bashfully at her.
Once everyone who wants pizza has gotten some (Gerald takes a slice, Trevor and Carrie don’t—Julie remembers vaguely that the Wilsons were never big fans of take-out in general), they work out new teams, which leads to less bloodshed than Julie expected but takes way longer than it has any right to. Finally, they figure out a breakdown that everyone’s more or less happy with, despite now having an uneven number of players: Trevor, Gerald, Dad, and Tía; Carlos, Luke, and Reggie; Alex, Willie, and Flynn; and Carrie, Nick, and Julie.
It’s a chaotic game for sure, but no one outright attacks each other, so Julie counts it as a success. And her team wins, so.
The rest of the night goes like that, one game after another. Julie picks Willie’s name, Willie picks Mario Kart, Carlos wins. Carlos picks Gerald’s name, Gerald picks poker (“Oh my god, my driver’s a gambler,” Trevor sighs into his hands), and somehow Flynn smokes them all. For the last game, Flynn picks Luke’s name, Luke picks Candy Land because he’s actually eight years old, and Flynn and Carrie manage to eke out a victory despite being on the same team and bickering the entire game.
Luke and Trevor, also on the same team, don’t say a single word to each other, but Julie doesn’t miss how a smile tugs at Luke’s lips when Trevor makes a joke about Lord Licorice looking like their high school English teacher.
Gerald gets a call just as they’re finishing up and informs them that the broken down limo’s been towed away and one of his colleagues is there with a fresh car to take the Wilsons home.
“Perfect timing,” Dad says, clapping his hands together. “I’ll walk you out.”
Once they’re gone, Nick and Flynn soon follow. Julie thanks Nick profusely for letting them borrow his sister’s game and convinces him to take some of the leftover pizza home to his family. Tía kisses them all goodnight (including the ghosts, which leaves Reggie grinning and the rest of them bright red), and then she’s out the door too, and Carlos heads up to bed, and Willie poofs out, telling Alex they’ll catch him later, leaving just Julie alone with her Phantoms.
“That was actually really fun,” she says, leaning back into the couch.
“Next time, I think we should choose teams at the beginning and stick with them all night,” Luke suggests, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “More fun that way.”
Alex plops onto the couch on Luke’s other side. “But if we play Pretty Pretty Princess again, I’m not playing on your team, bro.”
“Yeah, man,” Reggie agrees, snuggling up under Julie’s arm. “We coulda won that game if you’d just put the black ring away. ”
“It made me look awesome!” Luke insists.
“And the purple one didn’t?”
Alex lets out a dramatic sigh as Luke and Reggie break into an argument over Julie’s head. She just rolls her eyes and tries not to giggle too audibly, though it’s hard when her boys are so lovingly silly.
When she looks up, her dad’s lingering in the doorway, watching the four of them and playing a little nervously with his hands.
Julie frowns, catches his gaze, and mouths, You okay?
He nods, smiles, but looks from her to the three ghost boys cuddled up next to her and back again. Julie instantly catches his meaning.
“Hey, guys,” she says, loud enough to be heard over Luke and Reggie’s bickering. They shut up right away. “I’m gonna help my dad clean up. Can you go wait in the studio for me, and we can rehearse a bit before I go to bed?”
“Oh, yeah,” the boys say, and “Yeah, sure, Julie,” and they all hug her and wave goodnight to her dad before disappearing with a gentle displacement of air.
Julie gets to her feet as her dad joins her in the living room. He sets his phone on top of the game cabinet and plays a Celia Cruz album her mom liked.
They work in companionable silence for a while, other than the music, counting all the cards and tokens and jewelry pieces to make sure everything’s accounted for and gets back into its proper box.
As Julie’s wrapping up the Mario Kart controllers, her dad says casually, “You have fun tonight?”
“Yeah,” she says, and finds she means it. “Yeah, you know, it wasn’t quite the same as playing with Mom, but I still had a really good time. Thanks for letting everyone come over.”
“Thank you for being such a good sport about Carrie. I know she wasn’t exactly part of your plan for how the night would go.”
“No,” Julie agrees, shutting the game cabinet. “But I kinda liked having her here. Although—can I ask you something?”
Dad grabs his phone to pause the music. “Of course, mija. What is it?”
Something’s been nagging at her all evening, but now that Julie actually has the opportunity to ask about it, she’s not quite sure how to put her question into words.
Finally, she manages, “When Mr. Wilson first got here, he said something like… like he didn’t know we still had game nights. But I don’t remember him ever playing with us when Mom was alive.”
Her dad doesn’t answer for a really long time. Julie knows him well enough to know she needs not be concerned—her dad, much more than her mom, has always needed to really take his time and think before he says anything, especially anything important. Finally, he sighs and says, “Honestly, mija… I’m not quite sure what to say. It’s not really my story to tell.” He sits on one of the couches and pats the cushion next to him. Julie joins him, hugging a throw pillow as she waits patiently for him to continue.
“Do you remember, when you were really little, Trevor and Carrie used to live with us?”
Julie’s mouth drops open. “What? No. When?”
“Only until you were about six,” Dad explains. “But for a while, we had a house together, the five and then six of us, once Carlos was born. Your mom and I, and Trevor, we all kind of raised you kids together.” He elbows her teasingly. “You used to call Trevor Daddy.”
“I definitely don’t remember that,” Julie says, eyes wide in horror.
His smile fades, face turning serious. “I think Carrie does,” he says softly, and Julie remembers when Carrie first got here tonight, how she called Julie’s dad Papi , so quietly Julie thought she’d imagined it.
“Anyway,” he continues, “before all that, before Trevor was even… Trevor … he lived with your mom and me, and he was going through a really rough time, had a lot of trouble with food because, well…”
“Because food killed his best friends…” Julie realizes.
“We used to play board games with him, after dinner, when things were hard. It kept him distracted, made it easier to keep things down. That was the real start of Molina Family Game Night.”
“Huh,” Julie breathes. “Well then, next time? I want to invite him and Carrie for real.”
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @apples-bees @reggiescrookedteeth @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @shellydominique
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Alex Mason x Reader
Hello everyone! Here I am again with another NSFW fic!
This is going to be the first of many NSFW fics I'll be writing in which I will try to attempt to bond Reader and a character in more ways than one!
First up is our Alaskan Captain Alex Mason
why? because why not? 🥴
As always here is where I draw the line and warn you that this is graphic (for me, I don't know about you)
not good with warnings and etc. Read at your own risk. (2900ish words)
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'wow. this was a nice read! I hope to see more of your work soon' You tapped the soft keys of your trusty laptop as you finished reading another fan fiction about your favorite character. Releasing a deep sigh, you peeked at the taskbar to see what time it was. 12:24 am. You could read another one, you told yourself as you let your fingers slide across the touch receptors of your device. Your room was already dark, you were happily positioned at your bed and you clicked on the link to your next story. I was another smut fic, but the chapter summary was full of words that didn't make sense together. You softly whispered each word, the other one louder than the next as you tried to comprehend what the author was up to. By the time you read the last word, a soft yawn escaped your mouth as you slightly drew your device close to you and began reading the fic.
The story was good. It started with a mystery where the characters started to wonder why it happened, then conveniently led it into a flashback style. You chuckled at the possibilities on how this fic goes but you suddenly felt your eyelids drop and you gave in to the feeling.
Cold. It was the feeling that sent you awake. You slowly opened your eyes and someone beside you lifted its head and started rubbing your head.
"You awake?" his low voice sent tingles down your spine. You know for a fact that this might be a dream, but it felt so real.
"It's too cold." You whispered, playing along with your mind, but you were very curious to see for yourself if your hunch was right.
"Of course Honey, we're in Alaska." he comments, you could hear him smile through his reply and your heart thumped faster as you felt his arms wrap around you, giving warmth to your icy skin.
"I don't live here. Why are we here? And who are you?" You turned slightly to him, his hug was restricting your movement and it's not that you didn't like it, it was just too overwhelming to be hugged.
"Fairbanks, Alaska. And who am I? I took you to dinner earlier and you forgot who I am?" he complained, letting go of his grip and looking intently at you as you flipped yourself to face him.
What you saw was unbelievable. He looked like the actual photos you downloaded, every detail felt correct and you're starting to be proud of your brain for conjuring such vivid thoughts.
"Alex… Mason?" you catch your breath, covering your mouth with your hands as he smiled and tucked your hair and placed it behind your ear.
"Full Name? Did I do something wrong honey?" he pouted his lips as you longingly looked at it, wondering if you will be able to remember all.of these when you wake up.
"Nothing h h honey.." you played along as he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. It was warm and wet, too realistic of a feeling to be assumed as a dream. You reach out your finger as you softly poke his skin, the touch felt real and Alex actually got scared of your immediate actions.
"Something bothering you, honey?" he asked with a smile. You wondered about how to respond and is it really worth it to respond even if after all of this is just a dream. But if it is a very realistic dream, you debated that the good choice was to enjoy whatever the fuck this place is before the real you actually wakes up.
"Kiss me." you dared the captain as you cupped his cheeks. Much to your surprise, Alex didn't hesitate to lean forward, close his eyes and pout his lips. 
"Eh. Fuck it." you whispered to yourself as you started to accept Mason's kisses. His mouth felt so real inside yours, his tongue probed around the regions of your mouth while your tongue battled against his. Soft moans from your mouth filled the small space between your bodies as Alex reciprocated it with soft groans. Original pleasure groans, not those found in the game files. You felt your body tense as his hand slowly slid on your thigh, through the silk fabric of your pajamas. You whimpered at his warm touch and ran your hand across his arm, feeling his muscles tense as he gave your thigh a soft and teasing squeeze.
"What made you change your mind tonight, honey?" Mason whispered against your ears, his soft voice made your hairs tingle. You couldn't believe what was going on but insisted that your mind was capable of conjuring such vivid illusions.
"I can't stop thinking of you, Alex." You groaned needily. It wasn't necessary to say that but you really played your part in this fantasy, something you never expected you'd do but Alex seemed to enjoy it.
You moaned the moment his hand lifted the garter of your pajamas and slowly reached for your intimate area, this was the first time you looked down and realized that this isn't your body. 
'Shit' you whispered to yourself as you started to get up and touch your body. Alex got up too and wondered about your condition.
"You okay?" he flicked his lamp and you saw a clearer version of the man sleeping next to you. Your eyes widened at the realistic rendition of Alex Mason, his hair was sort of messy, he was wearing a blue and white striped silk pajama combo and his right elbow sank deep into the mattress, supporting his body. All of those things weren't on the game files you browsed endlessly.
"Pinch me." was all you could say.
"Really? I'm not going to hurt you, you know that." Alex ran his left hand to fix his messy hair, your eyes couldn't help but enjoy the way his arms flexed in front of you.
"Fine. I'm pinching myself." You surrendered and squeezed your arm using your fingers, sending a pulse of pain to your brain. You're still here and a very real Alex Mason is still in front of you.
"Maybe you just need some water. I'll go get you some." Alex offered and got down the bed, dragging his feet on the floor as he made his way to the kitchen. You couldn't help but stare at his beautifully shaped ass while he did it. Just like what you let Bell do when you played through the game.
You quickly scramble around the room as soon as he's gone. Drawers filled with notes and unimportant documents, photo frames of you two on different places around the globe, there's also one with Frank Woods, who's also wearing outfits and poses not on the game.
"Where am I? How do I go back?" You worried as you heard footsteps walk back to the room. Tossing the covers, you quickly slipped inside them and went back to the position you were in when he left, just like nothing happened.
"Here's a glass." he handed it over to you, it was so sweet that you could feel your heart melt and gave you more reason to leave this place before you want to stay here forever. Your hands trembled as you held the water. Mason's arms were on his hips as he smiled at watched you try to drink it, but instead, you poured it all over your face.
"Goodbye, Alex!" you yelled as the water splashed all over your face. Mixed with Alaska's cold temperature, it felt like tiny bits of ice tickled your skin. This is it, you're home. You slowly open your eyes and much to your expectations, Alex Mason was still there, standing in shock at your actions.
"I'm going to get a towel, and remind myself to take you to the doctors first thing tomorrow morning." he said as he helped himself to the closet with some towels and a fresh change of clothes.
He wanted to be the one to wipe off your face, but you insisted to do it yourself. It may be a dream come true to be sleeping beside and pampered by Alex Mason, but this was too supernatural to occur. 
"Take off your clothes." he muttered, his tone was commanding yet concerned. You blush at the thought, you've been reading a lot of fanfiction about him and this was exactly what you'd pictured he'd sound and look like saying that exact same phrase.
"Turn around." You mutter, fidgeting on the topmost button of your pajamas.
"Aw come on. It's not like I haven't seen that beautiful body of yours before." He smiled, it was way better than the smile he gave to Frank when you played the game. This one sent butterflies on your stomach. 
'Ah fuck it.' you mentally told yourself as you gave in to this little realm's temptations. You stared at Alex invitingly, to which he responded with a slow crawl back up the bed, his fingers trailed on your second button, while you worked on the first.
"There's the girl, I used to know." he mused, his lips slowly inched toward yours as you slowly close your eyes and felt his mouth slowly smooch against yours, leaving that soft sound of your wet lips parting etched into your brain. More of those sounds filled the room, as you tense your shoulders and trailed your hands across the silky texture of his clothes, feeling the bit of hard muscle underneath it.
Alex groaned at your touch, whispering to you how he yearned for such intimacy after all those years of being controlled. You noted that the numbers were canon and that meant it's not just someone who looked like Alex Mason, you were with THE Alex Mason.
You giggled as he met your exploring hands with his, wrapped his fingers around yours and slowly pushed you down the bed. His mouth went back to your lips, kissing you like he'd never kissed in years. 
His hands slowly parted your grip as you reached for his cheek, not wanting to let him go. His hand finished the rest of the buttons, leaving your body wide open. He gave you a menacing smirk as he slid his fresh shaven chin down your body, leaving soft trails of kisses every inch he traveled, you couldn't help but gasp as the sensation, lifting your body unconsciously every time he parted his lips from your skin.
You headcanon Mason as someone who's slow and intimate but his actions surprised you as he aggressively lifted your lower body and slid your pajamas along with your underwear tossing it behind. His eyelids were half closed when he turned his gaze to you. You were looking down at him, your face almost incomprehensible, but your mouth was open enough you could feel yourself almost drool.
His fingers teased your shaven opening, two fingers formed a small peace sign, splitting the two regions of your pussy open. You couldn't help but groan and he chuckled at your initial reaction.
"Don't worry. We don't have neighbors here." he winked and started to trail his tongue on your pussy, eyes focused on yours.
You gasped as his tongue repeatedly moved between your legs, sending jolts of pleasure across your body as it unwillingly lifts itself up. Mason then grabs your legs and spreads them open, pushing it close to you, leaving you very open.
You could feel the pain of your position but it was unmatched with the pleasure his tongue was doing to you. It felt like he hadn't done this in years and was reliving his younger days as he did it. You had no problem with it, you moaned along with his movements, joined him while he gasped and praised your perfection.
You were already soaking when he stopped and you opened your eyes out of curiosity. He quickly unbuttoned the rest of his clothes and dropped it on the floor. He was far from the light of the lamp but you could see the silhouette of his erect cock that he slowly rubbed. You gulped as he positioned its tip at your entrance and swallowed as he slowly pushed the tip.
Warm. It felt warm as it slowly eased it's way inside you. You could feel your tight walls cling around his shaft and can't help but sigh as each inch slowly penetrated your being.
"Alex…" you whimpered. He looked serious and concerned but your eyes already told him to push through and that was all he needed.
"Oh." you gasped as he pushed himself a little bit more and slowly pulled. The pull felt amazing as your walls tightened once again when he left. Then came another thrust and the sensation repeated as he continuously picked up his pace, low moans escaped his mouth and made your whole body shiver at the delightful sound of it. The sound you were capable of making him do.
The bed creaked along as Alex's silhouette continued to fill your vision, the way his shoulders rise and fall with his swings and the way his arms looked when he reached to play with your breasts were like an art you were appreciating. It's almost you never wanted this dream to end.
His groans became heavier and his thrusts stopped as he quickly pulled himself out, panting and gasping. You almost pushed him on the edge and he wasn't giving up yet.
You quickly got up and climbed up his face, kissing him intimately, like this will be the last time you'll be ever kissing him, he gave in to your sweet lips and your heads swayed along with your kisses, hands probing every inch of your bodies, squeezing, grabbing, grazing and teasing.
You giggled as you pulled back and his mouth reached out to you more, he was needy but you had other plans. Your hand reached out for his balls, grabbing it and playing with it while your mouth trailed down to his chest, inhaling that sweet Captain-like musk he had, down to his pecs, which were perfect and down to his hard cock.
You softly kissed the tip, tasting a little bit of sticky liquid from it. You were right, he was already on the edge. You seductively swallowed him slowly as he let out a low groan
while you let out a teasing gag sound.
"Haaah… Fuck." he gasped as you continued to work your tongue around his rod, your eyes looked like smiling as you roll it upward and look at his reaction. He was beautiful even in that face.
He cupped your cheek and slowly lifted your head up and met his lips, this time you're already comfortable with the situation and you want more. You hungrily tasted his mouth, savoring whatever this fantasy was, and he reciprocated it with force gently pushing you to the bed while he pressed his firm body against yours, his warm cock stood firm and pressed against your stomach as he continued to romance his mouth on yours.
Once the smooching was enough he slowly lifted your leg and laid down behind you, your shoulders pressed against his chest feeling his nipples. 
You felt his tip point at your entrance, teasing you as you turned your head to him and furrowed your eyebrows. He seemed to like the way you're needing him badly so he slowly slid himself inside once again.
He felt like the first time all over again, but this time he didn't take his time slowing it down. He was actually excited. You felt his gasps on your neck as he bucked and swayed his hips inside you while you yelped in pleasure.
"Please… Alex…" you begged him for more, even if you already felt more than enough that you could handle, you felt greedy. He seemed to understand your language as he hummed amusingly, grabbing your breast with gripping force as he continued fucking you from behind.
You closed your eyes to savor each of his thrusts but it immediately felt quiet. Yo looked for him and he was already in front of you, kneeling, and readying his cock for another round.
You wished it would never end but at some point he had to release all his tension, you asked him to spray it across your whole body and wanted him to join you to clean it up later and he did. It was a lot, you felt hot shoots of his load, on your neck, breasts, stomach and down to the top of your pussy. You both gasped in excitement and exhaustion as he plopped himself to you and gave you a very long and sweet tongue action.
The cold Alaskan air breezed through the window but you were both sweating and panting, never wanting to part your lips.
You both eventually fell asleep later in the night and it was the first time in quite a while that you actually slept well, you slowly opened your eyes to see the handsome soldier sleep beside you but what greeted you was your phone. You quickly got up and looked around. You were back on your room, you're back to your normal life. It's a mix of happiness and sadness, as you realized it was all a figment of imagination, and a realistic one at that, too.
You open your phone and Alex Mason's face greeted you. He was your wallpaper and it almost felt that you took it that night, you didn't remember downloading that wallpaper but ignored it and carried on with your life with that beautiful memory planted in your mind.
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novoaa1writes · 4 years
comeback kid
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pairing(s): f!reader & jennifer jareau (familial), f!reader & emily prentiss (familial), jennifer jareau x emily prentiss, the BAU team & f!reader (familial)
summary: reader is a young girl who escapes captivity at the hands of a very bad man with the BAU’s help. she meets emily and JJ. spencer, too, along with the others. somewhere along the way, she learns a little something about trust and healing.
word count: ~5,500
rating: mature
warnings: kidnapping, rape/non-con, canon-typical violence, non-graphic sexual & physical abuse to a child
notes: i definitely spent too much time on this bitch i’ve got FINALS tf??? anyways. in this ‘verse, jj never met will and therefore didn’t have henry or michael. and yes i’m aware the title is stupid but it’s kinda sticking with me so i might change it later. **PLEASE read the warnings dude i’m begging you the first half of this is pretty brutal before the healing starts*** (also on ao3)
— —
“I’m sorry there is so much pain in this story. I’m sorry it’s in fragments, like a body caught in crossfire or pulled apart by force. But there is nothing I can do to change it.
I’ve tried to put some of the good things in as well. Flowers, for instance, because where would we be without them?”
— Margaret Atwood
Your daddy dies on a Tuesday. The bad man forces him down onto his knees, shoots him in the chest with a real-life, actual gun. BANG. It’s so loud. Way louder than it is in the movies. 
He turns to you next. Tells you to watch as he takes Momma’s clothes off, throws her onto the bed. He starts touching her like Daddy sometimes did, except she doesn’t smile and laugh like she does with Daddy. She screams and cries like it hurts, like the bad man is making it hurt. It goes on for a long time. 
Eventually, he takes out a knife, puts it in Momma’s stomach. Once, twice, three times. She cries a little louder, starts to breathe a little funny. Soon enough, she goes completely quiet.
Then the bad man turns to you with a big, toothy smile. You don’t like to think about what happens after that. 
— —
Time passes, and the bad man gets a name—Sir. You think it’s sorta a funny name (not truly a name at all, really), but you don’t ask him about it. He gives you a name, too—Princess. You don’t ask about that either. Your questions only ever seem to make him mad, and he gets really mean when he’s mad. 
Sir gives you a bedroom down in the basement of his house. He tells you it’s your home now, but it doesn’t feel warm and safe like home should. 
You get used to it, though. Eventually. 
— —
You start to grow. It’s slow, at first, but once it starts it doesn’t stop, and you have no idea how to feel about it. 
Your chest starts to get a little bigger. It isn’t flat like Sir’s anymore, and that makes you worry about what he’ll think. Instead of getting mad, though, he actually seems to approve. You don’t know why or what it means, but it’s a relief all the same. 
One morning, you wake up with a tummy ache and blood staining the bedsheets between your legs. You kind of freak out about it, but Sir just smiles and says that it’s a good thing, that it means you’re a woman now. That same night, he spreads your legs and takes out his thing. It hurts when he forces it inside you, but you know better than to fight. He says it’s called “making love,” that it’s what two people do when they really care about each other. 
You wonder why it’s called “making love” if it hurts so much, but you don’t ask him that. 
After that night, Sir starts letting you stay in his room. You were never allowed before. At nighttime he puts his thing inside you and makes love, but you don’t mind. His bedsheets are so much softer than yours, and his pillows are so fluffy. You sleep a lot better most nights, even if your private parts feel ache-y and sore more often than not. 
Sir isn’t angry with you as often as he used to be, but he’s still super strict and punishes you for almost everything. He says it has to be done, that you’ve gotta learn your place. He says it hurts him just as much as it hurts you to do it. You don’t know if you believe him. His thing always grows in his pants when he hits you, which you’ve learned to mean that he’s excited. Sometimes he’ll stop in the middle of punishing you to drag you upstairs and make love. 
It’s okay, though. You’re kind of used to it now. 
— —
More time passes, and you get a sister. 
She’s smaller than you are, and when you ask her if she’s bled yet, she just looks back up at you all confused. 
Sir says her name is Sissy. Sissy frowns and says, “No, my name is Bella.” Sir slaps Sissy until she screams and cries and her nose starts bleeding. By the end of it, she’s calling herself Sissy, too. 
Eventually, Sissy’s body starts to go through changes, too, just like yours did. Her chest gets a little bigger. One day she falls to her knees, whimpering and clutching her tummy, and when you check her panties, they’re red with blood. 
Sir starts making love to her, too. Sometimes he invites his friends over. They make love with you and Sissy, too. 
Other times, he makes you and Sissy kiss on the mouth and touch each other’s private parts. You don’t understand why, ‘cause you thought sisters weren’t supposed to do things like that, but you know better than to question it. 
You actually like having a sister, you find. She’s warm and soft and you get to hold each other when things are bad. Since Sissy is old enough to do grown-up things now, Sir gives you and Sissy your own room and a bed to share. 
He still makes love to you most nights, and forces the two of you to play grown-up games together in his bed. But you try your best to be good, and teach Sissy how to be good, too. Sometimes, the two of you can manage to go hours on end without making him upset.
When he hugs the two of you against his bare chest late at night, squeezing you tight and saying how much he loves his two beautiful little girls, it doesn’t make your skin crawl like it used to. It actually doesn’t bother you at all. 
— —
The angry-looking people with guns and vests come barging in late at night when you and Sissy are with Sir in his bed playing grown-up games. Sir grabs a knife, stabs it right into Sissy’s tummy. You’ve never heard her scream so loud.  
The pretty man with dark, chocolate-y skin barges into the room, yanks Sir off the bed and pins him down on the floor. Sissy is whimpering and bleeding from her gut, Sir is thrashing and yelling on the floor. A handsome man with dark curly hair yanks you off the bed, drags you outside. You keep hitting your fists against his big, burly chest; wriggling and flailing in his strong arms; begging him to take you back in and get Sissy, too. He doesn’t. 
The next bit is kind of a blur. 
Someone drapes a coat around your shoulders. A lady with a buzzcut sits you up on the back of the ambulance and dabs wet cotton balls all over the cuts on your face. It stings.
She says you’re gonna be okay, so long as you go to a hospital later.  
They take you back to the police station. You’ve never been in one of those before.
Sissy’s blood is drying on your hands when the big, burly man with brown eyes leads you into a room right next to the captain’s office. It’s got a table and cushion-y chairs. He leaves you there with a tight smile and an apology, but not before telling you that there’ll be someone in to talk to you soon. 
You’re wearing a big blue jacket that says FBI on the back, a pair of panties and nothing else. It’s a little cold, but otherwise you don’t mind. 
You clamber up onto one of the chairs, tuck your bruised knees against your chest. 
You don’t have to wait for very long until someone opens the door and comes inside. She’s really pretty—tall and thin with long golden hair and big blue eyes. You think she kind of looks like a Disney princess. 
“Hi, there,” she says. You watch her carefully as she takes a seat at the table right across from you. “My name is Jennifer, but you can call me JJ.”
“Are you a police officer?” you ask. 
“No, I’m with the FBI.” Her voice is soft and gentle, like silk. 
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
She chuckles, like you’ve said something funny. “Kind of.”
You nod, staring down at the tabletop. “Cool.”
“Can you tell me your name, sweetie?”
“‘Princess,’” she repeats, eyebrows raised. “That’s a cute name.”
You look up. You can’t figure out if she really means that. “Thanks. Sir gave it to me.”
“Ah.” JJ’s eyebrows creep a little higher.  “And do you like being called ‘Princess’?” 
You frown. “I guess so.” You don’t really understand what she’s asking. “It’s my name.”
“Okay.” JJ nods. “And how old are you, Princess?”
“I… I don’t know,” you admit. 
“That’s alright,” JJ says. “Now, can you tell me how you and ‘Sir’ met?”
You start fidgeting with your hands, concern for Sissy still fresh on your mind. “Is Sissy okay?”
JJ looks confused. “‘Sissy’?”
“My sister,” you tell her. “Is she okay? She was bleeding.”
JJ pauses, a wrinkle forming between her brows. You get a sinking feeling in your gut. “Princess, your sister was hurt very badly,” she explains, looking at you with sad eyes. “The doctors said there was nothing they could do. I’m so, so sorry.”
Your eyes start to burn like they do when you’re about to start crying. “She’s… She’s dead?”
JJ nods slowly. The sad expression doesn’t leave her face. “Yes, Princess. Again, I’m… so, so sorry.”
Your body feels numb. There’s a humming in your ears you can’t quite place. Your sight grows hazy around the edges. 
“Princess?” JJ’s voice sounds far-away, distant. 
A hot tear traces down your cheek. It helps to anchor you in the moment, sort of. “Sir is a bad man, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” JJ says after a moment. “Yes, he is.”
You tuck your knees a little tighter to your chest. Your bad arm aches, but you ignore it. “I don’t wanna be called ‘Princess’ anymore,” you whisper. 
“Alright. What would you like to be called instead?”
You sniffle as another warm tear traces your cheek. “I… I don’t know.”
“Okay. That’s okay. You don’t have to figure it out right now.”
“You’re really nice, Miss JJ.”
“Just ‘JJ’ is fine.” She takes out a notepad and pen, sets it in front of her on the table. “Now, can you tell me how you and ‘Sir’ met?”
You nod. You still feel numb. “He came into my house one night. He was scary.”
“He hurt your parents, didn’t he?”
You gulp down a whimper. “Y-Yea. He had a gun and a knife.”
“What did he do with them?”
“Shot Daddy right here.” You shift in your seat, pointing at your chest with your good arm—right around where you think your heart should be. “Put Mommy on the bed, and… made love.”
JJ frowns. “‘Made love’?”
You nod, looking at her curiously. Weren’t grown-ups supposed to know all about making love? “Yea. The thing that grown-ups do with each other.”
JJ just stares.
“You know, when they take off their clothes and touch each other’s private parts.”
Something in JJ’s eyes shifts. “Honey… ” she begins. She sounds like she’s choosing her words carefully. “Did Sir teach you about that?”
You nod again. “Yea, he showed me how once I became a woman.”
JJ’s eyes widen. “Once you ‘became a woman’?”
Why does she keep repeating everything I’m saying? “When I started bleeding down… there.”
“Your period?”
Huh? “What’s that?”
“It’s something that happens every month to girls like you and me.”
You lean forward a little bit in your seat, peering intently at her over your knees. “It happens to you, too?”
JJ’s lips curve into a little smile, like she’s amused by your question. Her eyes still look kinda sad, though. “Yes, sweetie, they happen to me, too. I have one every month.”
“A period.” It sounds kinda funny coming off your tongue. “Do you get tummy aches when they happen, too?”
“Sometimes. I take painkillers for the first couple days so that it doesn’t hurt as much.”
“Why… Why doesn’t it happen to boys?” 
“Because girl parts and boy parts are different.”
You nod. That makes sense. After all, whenever Sir pulled out his thing, it was so strange-looking. It didn’t look anything like what you had between your legs.  
“Boy parts are weird,” you say eventually, wrinkling your nose. 
JJ laughs. She has a pretty laugh. “Yes, they certainly are.”
— —
JJ leaves eventually, says she’ll bring you food when she comes back. Your stomach growls. You don’t know how you can be hungry at a time like this, but somehow, you are. 
Another woman takes JJ’s place. 
She’s beautiful, too, in a different way. Black hair, bangs, dark eyes. Her smile is white and dazzling. She’s tall and thin like JJ, but the sweater she’s wearing looks soft while JJ’s shirt was crisp and business-y. 
“Hi, there,” she says as she takes JJ’s seat across from you. She places a brown folder on the table in front of her. “I’m Emily.”
“Are you FBI? Like Miss JJ?” When you mention JJ’s name, her smile seems to get wider. You wonder if you’re just imagining things. 
“Yes, in fact, I am,” she replies. 
“Are you gonna put me in jail?”
Emily raises one eyebrow. “No, honey, I’m not going to put you in jail.”
“What about Sir?”
Emily sighs. “He’s in another room right now. One of our agents is talking to him.”
“He’s gonna go to jail, isn’t he?”
Emily nods. “Yes. For a very long time.” Straightforward and honest. You like that about her, you decide. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
You frown, hesitating. “Sir called me ‘Princess.’”
“So, should I call you that as well?”
Instantly, you shake your head. “No, thank you.”
“What about the name you had before Sir took you?”
“I… I can’t remember.”
“That’s okay.” Emily opens the file, flips it around and slides it across the table over to you. “One of our people, Garcia, found you.”
Hesitantly, you reach out to trace the paper on top. There’s a smaller picture paper-clipped to the front of it. It’s… It’s you. “Name: Y/N Y/L/N,” you read off the page. “That’s… That’s me?”
“Yes, honey,” Emily agrees. Her voice is soft like JJ’s, but different. Deeper. You like it, you decide. “That’s you.”
Your head spins. You look up at her, searching her pale features for an answer. “Miss Emily, h-how old am I?”
“You’re 14.”
“And my parents… They’re gone, aren’t they?”
Emily nods. There’s sadness in her eyes, too. It’s different from JJ’s, but not by much. “I’m afraid they are.”
You bite your lower lip nervously. You really don’t want to think about that right now. “Are you and Miss JJ… friends?”
Emily’s lips twitch. “You could say that.”
“What does that mean?”
“We live together.”
“Oh. That’s cool,” you say, tapping your knees. They’re a mottled combination of purple and black and blue. “Miss JJ is really pretty.”
Emily smiles. “Yes, she certainly is.”
“You smile when you talk about Miss JJ,” you observe, watching Emily carefully. You can’t quite figure her out. “You don’t seem like a very smile-y person.”
Emily looks a little taken aback at your remark, but she recovers quickly. “Well, JJ and I are very close.”
You hum, resting your chin on your knees and giving her your full attention. “Sir says I’m a woman now. Is that true?”
Emily huffs out a laugh. “No, sweetie, not quite. You’re a teenager.”
You tilt your head curiously. “But I did the period.”
“What’s that now?”
“The period. Miss JJ says that that’s what it’s called when you bleed from... down there.”
“Oh, I see what you mean now,” Emily says. “But you don’t ‘do’ periods. You have them.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“And, either way, having a period doesn’t automatically make you a woman, Y/N.”
You squint over at her. Now you’re even more confused. “It doesn’t?”
“Nope. I had my first period when I was around 12 years old, but I didn’t grow up until much, much later.”
You nod at that, like you understand. (You don’t really.) “How much later?”
“According to the law, everyone’s an adult at 18. But honestly, I don’t think I really became a grown-up until I was 25, at least.”
“Woah,” you murmur. “That’s a lot of years.”
Emily chuckles again. You find that you’re beginning to like the sound of it. “I used to think that, too.”
It’s quiet for a little bit. “Miss Emily?” you ask eventually. “Why am I still here?”
“We’re not quite finished with Sir yet,” she tells you. 
“But you caught him.”
“That’s true,” Emily agrees. “But we need him to tell us where to find some other people, too.”
“Why? Did Sir do something to them?”
“Yes. He did.”
“Sir gets angry sometimes,” you say. You don’t quite know what point you’re trying to make, but you feel like you should say it all the same. “He loses control.”
“Everyone gets angry sometimes. Everyone loses control.” Emily leans back in her seat. Her eyes don’t leave you. “That still doesn’t make it okay to hurt people.”
You agree with Emily on that, you think. Even if Sir doesn’t. “Miss Emily?”
“You can just call me ‘Emily.’”
“Emily,” you correct yourself. It feels wrong coming off your tongue. You don’t think you’ll be doing that again any time soon. “You know about making love, right? The thing that grown-ups do in bed?”
Emily opens her mouth but nothing comes out, like she doesn’t quite know what to say. You think she looks kind of silly like that. After a long moment, she says, “I… Well, yes, I suppose I do.”
“Why does it hurt so much? Sir says… that it’s supposed to hurt when you make love. He says that sometimes we have to hurt the people we care about. Is that true?”
Emily’s face falls. All of a sudden, her eyes are sad again, and the way she’s looking at you… like she’s sad for you. 
When she finally answers, her voice is small—smaller than you’ve heard it be since she came in and started talking to you. “He’s wrong, Y/N,” she says.
“But then why is his thing so big?” you ask, completely bewildered. “How could anyone ever fit it in without getting hurt?”
If anything, Emily’s face gets even sadder at that. “He’s a grown-up. He’s much bigger than you are.”
“But I can do grown-up things. I had a period,” you point out. 
“Sweetie, that’s not how it works.” Emily’s hands clasp tightly together on the tabletop until her knuckles turn white. “You’re still a kid. You shouldn’t be doing things like that with grown-ups, and it isn’t fair that he forced you to.” 
You frown. That doesn’t sound totally right, but you don’t know enough to say one way or the other. “Do I belong to him now? ‘Cause we did grown-up things together?” you ask. As soon as the words leave your lips, you realize how badly you’ve been wanting to know the answer.
You can see Emily’s jaw get tight. “Is that what he told you?”
“Yea,” you admit. Your tummy churns as you watch Emily’s clenched hands start to shake. “Um… Are you angry with me, Miss Emily?”
Emily blinks, looking down at her hands and then back to you. “No, honey. No, of course not.” She takes her hands back, puts them in her lap. “I’m sorry. I’m angry with him for doing these things to you.”
“Oh.” Your frown deepens at the defeated look on Emily’s face. “It’s okay,” you assure her. You don’t want her to be sad. “It wasn’t too bad. I learned what he liked pretty quick, and that made it easier.”
Emily begins to look a little sick. 
“Miss Emily, are you alright?” you ask. 
Emily clears her throat. The green complexion fades, but she still looks wary. “Yes, sweetie, I’m fine.”
She’s lying. You don’t know why, but she is. Still, you won’t ask about it. You’re smarter than that. “Is Miss JJ coming back soon?” 
Emily glances down at her watch. She wears it on the inside of her wrist, you remember. “Yeah, I think—”
A sudden knock at the door interrupts Emily mid-sentence, making you flinch. 
“Ah.” Emily’s eyes shift to look at something over your shoulder. She smiles. “Ask and ye shall receive.”
You chance a look behind you. 
There Miss JJ is, holding a brown paper bag and a Sprite. When you meet her eye, she gives you a warm smile and a wink. You immediately turn back around, your cheeks feeling hot. 
“I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a handful of things for you to choose from,” JJ explains. She drops the paper bag and soda right next to the open file in front of you, then circles around to the other side of the table. It smells like grease and fast food and ketchup. Your tummy rumbles again. “There’s a cheeseburger, some chicken nuggets, and a grilled chicken sandwich. I got you some fries, too.”
JJ gently touches Emily’s shoulder, and the two of them share some sort of silent communication. Then she sits down, too. 
“Thank you, Miss JJ,” you murmur. You don’t make a move to touch the food. 
“You’re welcome, honey.”
The room goes quiet. You steal glances at the food, then over at JJ and Emily. They’re watching you with identical frowns. Occasionally, they turn to exchange concerned looks with each other. In the meantime, you continue your staring match with the purple skin of your kneecaps. 
“Not hungry?” Emily asks after a little while. 
You glance up at her. “Is this a test?”
JJ and Emily exchange another look. “‘A test’?” JJ repeats. Her voice is just as soft and silky as you remember it. “What do you mean by that, honey?”
If it is a test, it’s already way more elaborate than anything Sir ever did. Still, you can’t help falling back on old habits. 
“Food is earned, not given,” you recite. The words come out easy—like second nature. At this point, they kind of are. 
It’s quiet again, until—
“Y/N… Did Sir tell you that?” Emily’s dark eyes on you are steady, like if she looks at you for long enough, she’ll figure out all your secrets. You pray that that isn’t true. 
Reluctantly, you nod. You look back and forth between them, searching. “What do you want for this?”
“Nothing,” Emily says simply. 
You just raise your eyebrows. You’ve played this game before. “A favor, then?”
Emily shakes her head. “No favors necessary.”
“I brought you food because you’re hungry and you need to eat,” JJ adds. She’s looking at you with a pained expression. “That’s all.”
Slowly, you reach for the Sprite. You don’t take your eyes off JJ and Emily. The can is cold and wet, dripping down the sides. 
“Oh!” Emily abruptly stands, leaning forward over the table and reaching out. “Here, I’ll open it for y—”
She stops herself short when she sees you flinch. 
“Y/N, hey,” she prompts. She raises both her hands, palms facing you. “I’m sorry; I should have asked first.” She nods down toward the soda can. “Would it be alright if I opened that Sprite for you?”
Your heartbeat hammers in your chest. Slowly, you reach around your knees to slide the can forward a couple inches. Your eyes don’t leave Emily’s face. 
“Okay, I’m gonna open it for you now,” she tells you. Her hands fall to the soda can, and she does just that. Chk-chk! Her nails are all ragged and torn, you note. One of them has dried blood around it. It looks painful. The soda hisses as she slides it back over to you. 
You don’t relax until she retreats back into her seat. 
“Thank you, Miss Emily.” You take the soda can into your hands, down a little sip. It’s fizzy and strange and way too sweet. You like it. 
“No problem, hon.”
— —
After endless tests, and doctors poking you, and a whole bunch of confusing questions, you’re finally left alone. Well, mostly. 
It’s just you, a hospital bed, and a thin pale man who says his name is Spencer. He’s FBI, too, evidently. He doesn’t look like he’d be FBI, but the gun on his hip says otherwise. 
He’s got big brown eyes, short brown hair, and he won’t stop fidgeting with his hands. He seems nervous. It’s making you nervous. 
Eventually, you can’t take it any longer. “Mister Spencer?” you ask. 
Immediately, his eyes shift to you. “Yes?”  He leans forward in his seat, rests his elbows on his knees. 
“They said I have to have surgery.”
He nods. “You’ve had some broken bones that didn’t heal correctly,” he explains patiently. His voice is soft, so soft it’s almost a whisper. “Most of them won’t require surgery, but from what I understand, the one in your left forearm is still hurting.”
Instinctively, you cradle your bad arm to your chest. “It’s not so bad.”
“That may be true, but the doctors here can fix it. They’re very good at what they do. And once you heal from the surgery, it won’t ever hurt like that again.”
A song plays in your head—one of Sir’s favorite songs. He’d play it all the time. “Ain’t nothin’ in this world for free,” you murmur. 
“Nothing in this world is free,” you say. “They can’t just take the pain away, Mister Spencer. Not unless the price is really, really high.” 
“The price has been taken care of.”
“By who?” Owing someone is dangerous. You know that. 
Spencer hesitates. “Well—”
“By me.” A familiar voice makes you whirl your head around. You really don’t like surprises. 
Emily’s standing there in the doorway. She looks at you with an expression you can’t quite figure out. 
“Miss Emily, I—I can’t pay you back—”
“You don’t have to.” She pushes off of the doorframe, comes in and sits in an empty chair next to Spencer. “I just want you to get better, sweetie.”
You eye her suspiciously up and down. “That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“I don’t believe you,” you whisper out eventually. 
You don’t expect her to hear you, much less answer, so it’s a surprise when she does. 
“I know,” she says. 
— —
The next couple days are a blur. You get the surgery, though you don’t really remember it. All you know is you wake up with the room spinning and your bad arm feeling numb. There’s a bandage on it, and white gauze wrapped from your wrist all the way up to your elbow. 
The doctors smile and tell you that things went well, that you’re gonna be okay. Their smiles are too big and the room is too bright and you really don’t want to be there anymore. 
Someone carries you out of the hospital to a big, black car. They smell like cinnamon, and their shirt is really soft. Their long black hair tickles your nose. Emily.
She stays with you in the backseat when the car starts to move.  
There’s a woman with golden hair driving the car. You think you might know her. JJ, a distant voice in your head supplies. 
Things go black for a while after that.
When you wake up, it’s bleary. You’re warm and comfy, which strikes you as unusual. The bed you’re on feels like a cloud. It’s a million times softer and more cloud-like than Sir’s bed ever was. That’s unusual, too. 
Turns out, it’s a guest room in an apartment that’s too fancy to be called an apartment. A “loft.” 
There’s a black cat with green eyes that jumps up on the bed and starts nuzzling you as soon as you’re up. Its fur is really, really soft. You like the way it purrs when you scratch it behind the ears. 
Turns out, the “it” is a “he.” His name is Sergio, and he belongs to Emily and JJ. 
This is their loft, where they’ve offered to let you stay for the foreseeable future. 
You have no idea what their angle is, and that terrifies you. But they’re warm and they smell nice and they let you order takeout from wherever you want for dinner. They’re gentle and they smile a lot and as far as you can tell, they don’t come into your room to touch you at night. 
Still, there’s only one way to be sure. One day, you sneak a strip of Scotch tape from Emily’s desk before dinner. That same night, you stick it horizontally on the inside of the door—from the metal frame across to the wood of the door itself. 
This way, it won’t come undone unless someone opens the door. And if they do, it’ll be impossible to stick the tape back exactly how it was unless you’re on the inside. You’re not sure where you learned that, ‘cause it definitely wasn’t from Sir, but you figure it doesn’t really matter either way. What matters is that it’s smart, and it works.  
Three nights go by. The tape doesn’t move. 
Three nights becomes a week. You keep sneaking bits of Scotch tape to replace the old ones when they start to lose their stick. 
The tape still doesn’t move. 
JJ and Emily are still as kind as ever. They still give you food, change your bandages, let you watch as much TV as you want. They don’t make you play grown-up games. They don’t yell at you. They don’t hit you, either. 
It’s new, and confusing, and strange. 
You think that maybe you could use a little of that. 
— —
A geriatric, balding judge with bifocals and a lisp signs the adoption papers on a Tuesday afternoon. And just like that, Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau are finally declared the official legal guardians of Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. 
You’re sixteen, now, after a quiet but memorable birthday spent at home with your moms three weeks prior.
Thanks to Uncle Spencer’s influence, you’re reading books like a fiend and doing weekly crossword puzzles with him on Sunday mornings. Social media remains something of a mystery to you, still. Hell, even Mama Emily’s better at it than you are. Auntie Penelope says it’s better that way ‘cause “the Internet is a beautiful but terrible place, my sweet sugarplum,” but at the very least, you think you should get a Facebook before you graduate.
Plus, Uncle Kevin says he’ll teach you some hacker tricks on the sly so long as you don’t tell Auntie Pen. You’re really, really looking forward to that. 
Uncle Hotch goes on weekly runs with you around the park. You pretty much spend the whole time teasing him for being so old and having to stretch so much before the two of you can actually get going, but he still very nearly beats you every time. 
Uncle Rossi spoils you with gifts and home-made Italian recipes. Sometimes, he’ll come over just to cook you dinner. 
Uncle Morgan’s teaching you how to pick up girls. Ever since you told him about that cute girl Emiko in your Spanish class, he’s been drilling you with lessons on “how to woo a lady.” You groan and blush and act like it’s the worst thing that ever happened to you, but secretly, you don’t really mind it. At all. Sometimes, you even take his advice. (Though admittedly, that’s rather rare.)
Luke, Matt, Tara, Alex and Stephen are all new, but your moms seem to trust them, and that’s good enough for you. Plus, Luke lets you play with his dog Roxy sometimes, so he’s already pretty cool in your book.
Friday nights are special. They’re the nights you always, always spend at home with your moms. You play board games, watch movies, binge trashy Netflix shows. Currently, you’re 11 seasons into Grey’s Anatomy. 
Most of the time, you pass out snuggled between them on the couch. They shake you gently when it’s time to go to bed, and you trudge back to your room in a zombie-like trance. You don’t stick tape anywhere. You don’t even close the door. You just fall face-first into bed and drift off to sleep. 
In the mornings, you always wake up all tucked in with a smudge of JJ’s strawberry-scented lip gloss drying on your forehead. 
And… you’re happy. Happier than you’ve ever been. 
‘Course, you still get sad sometimes. You still think about Sir and miss him even when you know you shouldn’t. You still visit Sissy every year, lay pretty pink flowers at the foot of her grave. (Sissy always loved pink.) But, things are different—you’re not alone. Your moms are always, always, always at your side. 
You think Sissy would’ve liked them. Loved them, in fact. 
After all, you certainly do. 
— — 
end notes: the song is “ain’t no rest for the wicked” by cage the elephant and uhhhh that’s it? i think? i Love using fanfic as a means of self-projection <3
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Unsung Verses Chapter 4
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Rockstar!Dean x plus sized reader
Word Count- 3879
Summary-Y/N and Dean have been best friends since high school, in a band together, and dated for a year but decided they were better off friends. They play gig after gig trying to get discovered, but once they sign a record deal, will fame be all it’s cracked up to be? Or will it be too much for their relationship to handle? Join them on their adventure to fame and find out!
Warnings-Angst, Mutual Pining, A little fluff
A/N- Songs in this chapter are “Why Can’t He Be You” by Patsy Cline and “Unlove You” by Jennifer Nettles
Thank you to @deanwanddamons​ for being my beta for this series!
Text dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
Lyrics will be in italics. I really hope everyone enjoys this series! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Series Masterlist
Series Spotify Playlist
“Why did I let you guys talk me into this?” Y/N groaned, taking the shot of whiskey Sam pushed towards her. 
“Because you love us,” he laughed. 
“I’m not so sure about that,” she chuckled, sticking out her tongue at the boys sitting around the bar table. Why had she agreed to a drinking game in the first place? 
“Come on now, baby. Don’t be a sore loser,” Brent said, poking her in the ribs. 
“You don’t have to get up and sing a random song!” Y/N yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. 
“You can sing anything, Freddie. It won’t be that bad,” Dean smiled, trying to give her a little encouragement. 
“Fine, what am I singing?” she sighed. 
“Page four, song twelve,” Cas said with a smirk. 
“What the hell. Let’s do it!” Y/N said, taking another shot before walking to find her song for the next spot on the karaoke stage. 
“Let’s hope it’s something she can actually sing,” Cassie laughed, taking a sip of her beer. 
Brent laughed along with her, but Dean didn’t find it funny at all. It had pissed him off, to be completely honest. He threw back his shot before looking at his girlfriend and letting her know exactly what he was thinking. 
“Have you not been paying attention at our gigs? Y/N can sing anything you throw at her. That’s why we’ll be famous one day, not us, but her. She will be the reason we make it big!” Dean growled, his patience wearing thin with Cassie lately. 
“Whatever, Dean,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. 
“Calm down, man. She was just making a joke,” Brent laughed. 
Dean opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of the piano caught his attention. He looked to the stage to see Y/N getting ready to sing. He didn’t understand why she looked like she was about to cry, and it worried him. His eyes never left her as she began to sing. 
He takes me to the places you and I used to go
He tells me over and over that he loves me so
He gives me love that I never got from you
He loves me too, his love is true
Why can't he be you
He never fails to call and tell me I'm on his mind
And I'm lucky to have such a guy; I hear it all the time
And he does all the things that you would never do
He loves me too, his love is true
Why can't he be you
Dean’s breath hitched in his chest as his eyes met hers. She was singing with so much emotion that you would think that she was really feeling this way. But that couldn’t be true, could it? Of course not. He knew she didn’t feel the same for him. It was his imagination running wild and wishful thinking. 
He's not the one who dominates my mind and soul
And I should love him so, 'cause he loves me, I know
But his kisses leave me cold
He sends me flowers, calls on the hour, just to prove his love
And my friends say when he's around, I'm all he speaks of
And he does all the things that you would never do
He loves me too, his love is true
Why can't he be you
Dean is pulled out of his hypnotic state when the song ends, and the sounds of everyone screaming and cheering for her fills his ears. He can’t help but smile when he sees everyone clapping and Sam and Cas on their feet whistling and cheering. His smile falters when he looks over to see Cassie staring at him, an angry look on her face. 
“Have a good time staring at her?” she asked, her voice full of anger. 
“I was watching my best friend sing. Chill out,” he groaned, in no mood for her bullshit. 
“Correction, Dean. You were ogling her, not watching,” Cassie huffed. 
“I’m not doing this with you tonight and definitely not here,” he whispered hatefully in her ear. This was an ongoing argument with her lately. 
Dean was going to say more, but Y/N was almost back to their table, and he didn’t want her to hear him and Cassie arguing over her. 
“Are you guys happy now?” Y/N sighed as she sat back in her seat, hoping no one would notice the sadness in her voice. 
That song had hit too close to home, and she had barely been able to keep herself together to sing it. When Dean’s eyes had met hers, she didn’t think she would be able to keep going. His face was at the forefront of her mind as she had sung, wishing that he was the one she was with and feeling guilty for feeling that way because she was with Brent. 
“You did an amazing job, babe,” Brent told her, kissing her passionately. 
“Uh, thanks,” she said, pulling back from him, wondering why the dramatics with the kiss. He usually wasn’t that fond of PDA. 
“Yeah, good job,” Cassie chuckled, standing with such force her chair scooted harshly against the floor as she turned and walked away. 
“What the hell is her problem?” Y/N asked angrily, standing up to follow Cassie, but Dean stopped her. 
“It’s nothing. She’s been in a bad mood all day. I’m going to take her home,” Dean sighed, saying his goodbyes and walking away to find his girlfriend. 
“You know what? I’m ready to go home, too. I’ll see you guys later,” Y/N smiled, trying to keep herself together until she could get out of the bar. 
“Want me to follow you home?” Brent asked with a smirk, and she wasn’t in the mood for what he had in mind. 
“No, I just want to get some sleep. I’m not feeling so great,” she bent down and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, and walked away. The fact that Brent didn’t try to follow her should have bothered her, but she was too emotional to notice.
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 Y/N was sitting at the kitchen island drinking her coffee and enjoying the rare morning that she was alone in the house. Sam and Cas went to their girlfriends’ homes after the bar last night, and it was apparent that Dean had stayed with Cassie. After last night, she was happy that she was alone. The song had brought up too many emotions, and she needed time to process them without anyone around to distract her. 
She knew she had to let her feelings for Dean go. It wasn’t fair to Brent, and it was painful for her to watch him with another woman. But it wasn’t easy to turn off your feelings for someone that you’ve loved for over a decade. That thought sparked an idea for a song. Y/N grabbed her coffee and ran to the basement to write before the concept was lost. She grabbed her guitar and started strumming, letting the words flow from her. 
I could break down and cry
Laugh it off and deny
Draw lines in the sand
And count on both hands
All the reasons why
This just won't work
It'll be nothing but hurt
I can swear that I don't
And maybe one day I won't
But for how hard I've tried
I can't unlove you
My heart can't unbreak
I can't unfeel how it felt
But feel so much myself
My whole body ached
And I can't unknow this
Lord, I wish I knew how
But I can't unlove you
So come love me for now
She sang and played with her eyes closed, letting the emotions she felt overtake her. A tear slipped down her cheek as she sang the words that she wished she could say to the green-eyed man she was still so in love with, but couldn’t. 
They call it fire
But it feels just like drowning
Well, the weight of my burning desire
Closing in all around me
I wasn't lost until you found me
And I can't unlove you
My heart can't unbreak
I can't unfeel how it felt
But feel so much myself
My whole body ached
And I can't unknow this
Lord, I wish I knew how
But I can't unlove you
So come love me for now
“You’re still in love with him,” 
Y/N jumped and dropped her guitar, his voice scaring her. She hadn’t heard him come downstairs, and she couldn’t form words as she stared at him. She felt horrible that he had heard her singing a song she had just written for her best friend that she was indeed still in love with, but she couldn’t do anything now but try to apologize. 
“I’m so sorry..” she began before he cut her off. 
“Y/N, just..don’t. I’ve known it for a while now, but I guess I was too stupid to believe it,” Brent said with a sigh, “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t compete with him,” 
“Brent, please,” she started, but he interrupted her again. 
“No, this is for best, Y/N. I won’t spill your secret, but I’m not going to keep trying to win your love from him,” he chuckled wryly, walking over to kiss her on the forehead, “Goodbye, babe,” 
She watched as he turned and walked away from her and up the stairs. Her relationship had just ended because she couldn’t stop loving a man she would never have again, and she wasn’t sure what to do. She ran up the stairs to lock herself in her room as the tears began to trail down her cheeks. Her undying love for her best friend had just cost her a good man, and she knew that it was wrong to have led him on, but she couldn’t stop loving Dean. No matter how hard she tried. 
She threw herself down on her bed and let the sobs overtake her. She wasn’t sure what she was crying about more, the fact that Brent had just ended things, or that she was deeply in love with her best friend who she would never have again. The fact that she  still felt this way about  Dean made her feel guilty, but she knew it wouldn’t change. She had loved him for so long that she didn’t think she would ever be able to feel the same for anyone else, and that scared her. That would leave her doomed never to have the love she wanted so desperately, to be alone and pining for a man who didn’t love her back. 
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Dean walked in the house, closing the door, leaning his back against it. He had been at Cassie’s all night, and he was glad to be home. They had done nothing but fight and argue all night long. She had insisted that he wanted Y/N.  He denied it of course, even though it was a lie. But it wasn’t as if he could tell her the truth, knowing that his feelings for her weren’t reciprocated. He knew that it was selfish to lie to his girlfriend just so he wouldn’t be alone, but he knew his time with Y/N was over, and he had to try and move on. So, if that meant lying to Cassie about his true feelings until he could let Y/N go, then so be it. 
He sighed as he pushed himself off the door and started walking to his room. He needed some peace and quiet so he could think, knowing that he had to find a way to move past this infatuation with his best friend. She had a boyfriend, for fucks sake! All his feelings were going to do is further break his heart because he knew he would never have the woman he truly wanted. 
As he passed Y/N’s room, a sound made him freeze in his steps. He could’ve sworn he heard her crying, but what would she have to cry about? He continued to listen, hoping he was wrong, but then he clearly heard her sobs through her bedroom door. Without any hesitation, he opened the door to see her curled up in her bed, hugging her pillow to her body, and his heart dropped at the sight of her. 
“Freddie, what’s wrong?” he asked her, walking over to lay behind her. 
“Please leave, Dean. I don’t want to talk about it,” she sobbed. She couldn’t bear to look at him right now. 
“Sweetheart, talk to me. I can’t leave you here like this, and you know it,” he whispered, his voice breaking with the sadness of seeing her this way. 
“It’s over,” she spoke so low Dean almost didn’t hear her, “Brent and I are done,” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. What happened?” he asked her, feeling guilty that he was a little happy that Brent was out of the picture now. 
“It doesn’t matter. I just want to forget about it,” she sighed. She couldn’t tell him the truth. 
“Okay, but I have one question,” 
“What’s that?” she asked, turning to look at him. 
“Do I need to go kick his ass? You know, rearrange his face a little,” he said with a chuckle. 
The giggle that she let escape made his heart melt. He hated to see her this way, and he wished that she felt for him the way he did her. If only she could be his, he would never break her heart or hurt her like this. He would make it his mission to make her smile every day until the end of his time on this earth. 
“No. I don’t need you to kick his ass. I just need my best friend,” she said shyly. 
“You’ve always got me, Freddie. Always. Now, roll that cute ass over here and let me cuddle you,” he said with a laugh, holding his arm up for her to snuggle into his side. 
Y/N couldn’t help but to smile at him. He was too damn cute lying on her bed, arms open, and waiting to hold her. She scooted over and wrapped her arm around his middle, laying her head on his chest. The feeling of his warmth and his arm caging her against his body was already making her feel better. 
“Let’s get a little rest. I’m sure we could both use it,” he whispered, placing a light kiss on her forehead. 
“Sounds good,” she yawned, curling into him and falling asleep. 
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Dean’s eyes fluttered open, a feeling of something poking him. He looked through sleepy eyes at Y/N, her back flush against his chest, and his arms wrapped tightly around her. He smiled softly to himself at the feeling of holding her like this until he felt it again, something poking him. He grunted at the annoyance, turning to look behind him and his eyes shot open wide. Cassie was standing there, a look of pure anger on her face. He hurriedly got out of bed and walked her out of the room before the inevitable fight started, and it woke Y/N. 
“Well, well. What a sight for me to see,” she growled. 
“Cassie, I was comforting my best friend. Brent dumped her, and I was trying to make her feel better,” he explained. 
“Really? Is that how you comfort all your friends?” she asked sarcastically. 
“I’m not doing this with you today,” he rolled his eyes, walking to his room with Cassie on his heels. 
“Yes, we are doing this! I’m tired of sharing my boyfriend with his “best friend” who is clearly in love with him! This ends today!” she shouted. 
“What the hell are you talking about? She’s not in love with me,” he said, shocked at what she was saying to him. 
“You’re blind, Dean! Everyone can see that she loves you! Everyone but you, obviously!” she continued yelling, pacing the floor. 
“Be quiet! You’re going to wake her up!” he hissed, getting frustrated. 
“Again, it’s all about her. It’s time to choose Dean. I refuse to keep being put on the back burner for her,” she said bluntly. 
“I’m not picking between my girlfriend and best friend. I’d never make you choose!” he yelled. 
“Yeah, and you’ve never caught me snuggling in bed with my best friend!” she shouted back. 
“I told you why, Cassie,” he said, pinching his nose between his fingers. 
“That’s supposed to make it okay? It doesn’t! So, time to choose,” 
Dean stopped and stared at her for a few seconds, seeing she was serious about him choosing between her and Y/N. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He couldn’t believe it had come down to this, but he knew what the choice was going to be. 
“Goodbye, Cassie.” 
He walked over to his bedroom door and held it open for her to leave. 
“Are you serious?” she asked, shocked. 
“You made me choose, and I did. I’m sorry, and I hope you find someone who will make you happy,” 
“Fuck you, Dean!” she yelled, walking past him and down the hallway, slamming the front door behind her. 
Dean shut his bedroom door with a sigh, not knowing what to think about everything that had happened and what had been said. He was angry that she had wanted him to choose between her and Y/N, but he was also so confused. Did his best friend really have feelings for him too, and he was just too blind to see it? Could he honestly be lucky enough to have her love him back? 
He flopped down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His mind ran wild, thinking about how Y/N acted around him, trying to see if what Cassie said was right. Had she been showing feelings toward him, and he didn’t see it? And if she was, why hadn’t he noticed? He had wanted her for so long that he would’ve noticed it, right? 
Dean growled in frustration as he jumped up from his bed. He needed to clear his head, and the best way to do that was to play his guitar. If he could play a little and clear his mind, he could rationally think everything over. He was so determined to get to the basement that he missed  Y/N opening her bedroom door after he walked by, watching him head for the basement. 
Once he was there, he walked around the corner to see her guitar lying on the floor. He knew that she never treated her guitar that way. It was her baby, so something was wrong with this picture. He bent to pick it up and placed it back on its stand when he saw the notepad lying beside it. Y/N had been writing a song, and he had to read it. His eyes scanned the paper, and his heart stopped, the words on the paper making him freeze. The title of the song was Unlove You, and the lyrics were heartbreaking. 
And I can't unknow this
Lord, I wish I knew how
But I can't unlove you
She had been with Brent, so why would she write this? She could’ve written it after they broke up, but that didn’t seem likely. If she wrote it before, maybe Cassie was right, and she did have feelings for him. His heart began to race at the thought that she could possibly want him too. It’s all he’s wanted for such a long time, and maybe now it could happen. 
“Dean?” Y/N whispered, seeing the notepad in his hands. 
“Y/N, please don’t lie to me. When did you write this?” he asked, turning to see tears in her eyes. 
“Today,” she said, her voice barely audible. 
“Before or after?” he questioned her, walking over to stand right in front of her. 
“What do you mean?” she looked up at him, confused. 
“Freddie, please, did you write this before or after you and Brent were over?” he stared down into her tear-filled eyes. He had to know. 
“B-before,” she stuttered, scared that this was going to be the end of their friendship. 
“Y/N, I-I..Did you write this about me? I have to know, sweetheart,” he whispered, not trusting his voice. 
“No, please be honest with me. I deserve that,” he sighed, praying she was going to say yes. 
“Yes, okay? I wrote it about you! So, go ahead and tell me how you don’t feel the same and that you’re with Cassie and..” she was shouting until he interrupted her, grabbing her face and crushing his lips to hers. 
“Y/N, I want you to listen to me,” he said, resting his forehead to hers after they broke the kiss, “I’ve been crazy about you since high school. I never wanted us to end back then, so this has made me the happiest man on earth, sweetheart,” 
“Dean...We can’t. You’re with Cassie. I’m not doing that again,” she sighed, not willing to be the other woman. 
“I’m not with her anymore. We broke up while you were still asleep, and what do you mean, again?” he asked, but then it all made sense, “You remember! You remember what happened that night after the karaoke bar!” 
“Yeah, I do, but...Wait?! You remember?!” she asked, catching on to his words. 
“I’ve always remembered. You said you didn’t, so I didn’t want you to carry that guilt if you didn’t have to,” he told her bluntly. 
“You said it was a mistake,” she said, hanging her head. 
“I know, and I was stupid. I regretted saying it as soon as the words left my mouth. I felt guilty, but being with you would never be a mistake. Wasting all these years on other people has been the mistake,” he chuckled. The truth of what he had said hit him. 
“We just got out of relationships today. I don’t want to be a rebound, Dean. I want you to want me because you want me. Not because you don’t want to be alone,” she said, looking up to see his face, and all she saw was love and hurt at what she had just told him. 
“How could you think that, Y/N? You want to know why me and Cassie aren’t together anymore? She told me I had to choose between you and her. I chose you, sweetheart. I’ll always choose you,” he declared, leaning in to kiss her lips softly. 
“You chose me?” she asked in shock. 
“Of course, I’ll always pick you, pretty girl!” he laughed. 
The smile that spread across her face had his heart beating double time and the fact that he was the reason she was smiling made it even better. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms tightly around her, resting his head on hers. He had to thank Cassie for making him angry. If she hadn’t forced him to choose, he wouldn’t have come to the basement and seen Y/N’s song. He would never have admitted how he felt and wouldn’t be standing there with the love of his life in his arms. 
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Polycule 2
CN: recovering pet whumpee.
Ellis’s Taglist: @lonesome--hunter, @iaminamoodymoodtoday, @wildfaewhump, @ishouldblogmore, @lektricwhump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @rosesareviolentlyread, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog
Ellis wakes up on the bed between Felicity and Nic. It’s dark outside still; the nights are long right now, and even though Felicity rises early, she’s not usually up before sunrise at the moment. She stays up late to spend time with Nic, after Ellis has become tired and gone to bed.
Bed. It’s soft, so soft he worries about floating away, but he wakes up held. Felicity’s warm arm is draped over his waist, her forehead against his back. Felicity gives good hugs, though she doesn’t like it when he nuzzles. Not like Master.
Nic sleeps on the very edge of the bed, now. Ellis knows it’s because he clings to them otherwise. When he clings to them, they don’t sleep. He’s heard them talking about it.
But they never push him off or send him to the floor. They never even mentioned it. Ever since those awful weeks with the voice, Ellis hasn’t been able to sleep in the dark alone. He reaches for them, to chase away the cold and loneliness of the pitch black in his head.
Felicity is a good enough replacement. Ellis relaxes into her arms, feeling her breath through his thin T-shirt, pooling warm and then damp on his skin.
It’s someone real, who hasn’t left in the night, or in any of the nights before now. She’s something he wouldn’t see at home, where even Master sometimes had to leave him alone.
She’s good.
She’s reliable, careful, and she never pushes him. He doesn’t want to be pushed; he doesn’t want to be a person, like Nic talks about sometimes. If he could just learn some things again, that would be enough. He would be happy like this.
“You awake, pumpkin?”
She picked out a nickname for him that he’s never heard. He thinks that’s nice. He’s surprised that she’s awake, but even more that she’s still holding him.
He nods.
“Let’s get up, so Nic can sleep a little more.”
She lets him go, and cold brushes up his sides, but he rolls off the bed after she does and follows her downstairs. She’s wearing pink flannel pyjamas and she looks really cute in them. They’re not pyjamas like he wears with Master, but he still likes them.
Arriving in the living room, she rubs her arms. “Oh, it’s chilly down here.” She crosses the room and picks up her jumper from last night, taken off when she got too warm sandwiched between himself and Nic. “Here, you must be cold in just your T-shirt, right?”
He nods. He takes the jumper. It’s soft. It had been days before he’d taken off his pyjamas to shower, and weeks before he’d stopped putting them back on again as soon as they were out of the wash. Now, he wears T-shirts and sleep shorts like he used to. They’re not as soft against his skin as Master’s choices, but he endures the heat of the itch. It’s never going to go away.
The wool of the jumper is nearly unbearable. He knows as soon as he puts it on. The fibres scratch against every burn scar. The way it shifts with his movements makes it feel like he’s being burned anew. He doesn’t say a word.
Felicity, of course, can’t see that he’s in pain. She smiles, pleased that he’s not cold. And he’s not, no. He’s burning.
“I’ll make breakfast,” she says. She steps into the kitchen. Ellis stands for a minute, but the feeling on his skin is ever louder without a distraction. He follows her, and kneels in the doorway.
He hears her make a sympathetic, disappointed noise, and assumes she is looking at him.
“Let’s do eggs,” she says, presumably to herself. Nobody bothers talking to Ellis usually. “Four should do it, with enough spare to share with you, if you want some after your toast.”
Talking to him isn’t the same as talking with him. He only nods.
“Fried, scrambled…” Felicity wonders aloud. “Do you know how they like their eggs, pumpkin?”
He knows. Distantly, he knows. “S… Sunny…”
He’s not sure of the next word. Top? Side? Turn?
“Sunny side up it is,” Felicity agrees immediately, not at all bothered by his half-asleep vagueness. “And some toast, do you think?”
Unsure of what to say, whether he’s really being asked, he doesn’t answer. Master talks like this all the time, just keeping him involved without asking him to do anything. Ellis likes it that way. He leans against the doorframe and watches her move, listens to her hum, and it’s safely familiar even while being horribly alien to him.
Footsteps sound on the stairs and he turns his head to see Nic stumbling down, in the midst of a yawn with one hand scrubbing their cheek. “Morning,” they smile at him as they reach the floor. “Sleep okay?”
He nods.
“S’good. Morning ‘Lis.”
“Good morning! Sunny side up, right?”
“Huh? Yeah.”
Felicity turns and gives him a thumbs up, and he smiles at her smile, and wishes she would just pet his hair like Master does.
“Go take a nap, boo. We’re gonna play - I dunno what we’re playing.”
Nic blinks, sighs, and nods. Iz pats their back, and they head upstairs with a tired smile Ellis’s way.
He keeps his eyes on the ground, watching them only in his peripheral vision. They’re always so tired, it takes intervention from one of the other two to make them admit it. He knows why, too. They’re trying to hide it from him.
Iz sits down on the sofa, and pats it. He climbs into it, and tucks against her side. “What are we playing, then?” she asks, looking at him from the corner of her eye. “‘Cause I’m in the mood for something shooty.”
Ellis chews his lip, thinking. Hesitantly, he reaches for the computer mouse, and she nods encouragingly. He takes it, and clicks through his library until he finds a game he thinks she’ll like. He double-clicks on it, and it immediately fills the screen with its loading graphics.
“What have I got?”
Iz doesn’t know a thing about video games. She says she played Call of Duty as a teenager, but hasn’t touched one since. But she kept asking about them, asking Ellis for recommendations, and now she comes over most weekends and plays something on his computer, asking him for help pretty much non-stop. She no longer turns the controller to try and move, or looks down at it to check which buttons she’s pressing, but she still doesn’t know what she likes. They’re finding out together.
It’s like the games that Master’s guests used to play, except Ellis picks them, and nobody wins or loses.
Iz looks through the menu screens, eyes studying the screen. She pauses, eyes widening. “Wait, am I playing against people?” There’s a hint of panic in her voice.
Ellis points to an option on the screen, and she selects it. “Training. Right. Thank fuck for that. Wait, so I’m playing with people?”
She cuts a glance his way, and he nods. He smiles encouragingly.
“Okay. Shit, dude, you have a lot of faith in me.” She finds the character select and scroll through the options until she finds a muscular woman with spiky hair and a huge cannon in her arms. She reads through her character’s abilities, tries moving around the pre-match area, and then nods. “Right. Okay. Here goes.”
He snuggles down against her side as she enters the match, ignoring the way the jumper scratches over his skin. She gets lost more than once, but once she finds her way to the action, she turns out to be a pretty good shot. The character she chose happens to be a tank, sturdy and the priority for healing, so she does pretty well.
“Shit!” she exclaims, as she is assassinated at short range. “Oh man, what was that?”
“Ultimate,” Ellis mumbles without thinking. “Strong ability. You’ve got one too.”
“Ohhhh. Okay. Wait, so that’s something to use when I’m in danger?”
“Got it.”
It’s not like the games with guests he’s done before. No winners or losers, not between himself and Iz. No pain, no mockery. Ellis is the expert, and he teaches her what to do, and her attention stays on her screen and not him.
“Did you have an okay day, Ellis?”
He nods against the pillow his head is resting on. His arms are around another pillow, their new attempt to stop him winding around Nic in the night.
They smile. They look less tired now, but still not their usual self. “That’s great. I’m really proud of you for sitting on the sofa today, and sleeping on the bed, too. You’re doing your best, and I see that.”
He is. The rules are different here, but he’s learning them as fast as he can, and trying to follow them. He wants to be good.
“You ready to sleep?”
He nods. He sits up, realising his opportunity: at last, he can go back to being in his pyjamas. He slips his arms into his sleeves, and finally, finally pulls off the jumper. Cool bedroom air washes over his skin, and the burning begins to slowly fade away.
“Oh, hon,” Nic says, and he tries not to flinch, “isn’t that one wool?” They reach out and rub a hand over the material. “Doesn’t that itch against your scars?”
Ellis twitches, looking down at his lap. His hands twist together.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Nic lays a hand over one of his. “Did Felicity hand it to you?”
He nods. Always nodding, useless at talking, a bad pet. Bad company.
“You couldn’t tell her no, huh?”
Nod. Cringe, waiting for the affectionate sigh, the touch and forgiveness for his stupidity.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice earlier. I’ll tell her tomorrow.”
He blinks. Sincere apology. Promise of change. He looks up at them, but they’re not smiling. They’re looking at him seriously, with compassion. “Is that okay?” they ask him softly.
He wants to hug them. He wants to throw himself into their arms and thank them with sweet, tumbling words, and stay there until he falls asleep and dreams of Master.
But he’s been given a pillow. He’s too much trouble. He curls up on his side, the cotton bedding smooth and only a little scratchy on his skin, and he tries to fall asleep.
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