#and ill write your name | starter call
inaredflush · 3 months
anyone interested in a liiiiiittle starter for kate, bridget, penelope, or persephone?
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hey-its-roseaurum · 6 months
Guilty until Proven Innocent-Part I
A/N: Hey everyone. Thank you for taking the time to look at this story. This is for a collaboration with @lainiespicewrites. She is an excellent writer and I figured it was my turn to stretch my writing muscles and put something out into the world. This is my first Henry Cavill fic, so please don't be too harsh. Anyways, enjoy!
Synopsis: After recent murders in town, You (Olivia) decide to train with Edith in the art of self-defense. In the middle of training, you got a mysterious knock on the door. Sherlock walks in, looking for assistance with his latest case. He offers you to partake in a partnership to help him in his latest case? Do you take it?
Warnings: mentions of death
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“You’re progressing nicely Olivia.”  Edith smiled from above me, her elbow pinning me to the floor mat.  There wasn’t a hint of sweat along her forehead.  She had taken me down in less than a minute. The worst part was I thought I was going to land a hit on her this time.
”I’m beginning to think that you’re just saying that to soothe my pride”. I rasped out.  She had eased her hold on me and stood up, extending a hand.
”Nonsense.  Look how far you’ve come since you first stepped in these doors.  Pretty soon you’ll be able to hold your ground with me.”  She exclaimed as I grabbed her hand and hoisted myself up.  My back had long since started throbbing.
For the past few weeks, I have been meeting Edith at her office to train and learn self-defense.  Ever since the first girl went missing and was later found dead in the street I hadn’t been able to sleep soundly.  There were constant, nagging thoughts that made me question if I was going to be the next victim.  It had only gotten worse when they found the next girl a week later in the middle of an alleyway that I frequently visited.  Her throat had been cut. 
In London, it was ill-advised for a woman, especially of noble birth, to consider something as trivial as self-defense.  Women are supposed to be soft, elegant, and passive. All of the trouble and responsibility in making decisions was for the men. 
 Being passive and soft didn’t save those girls from their cruel end.
And I wasn’t going to let myself become like them.  I refuse to be the next girl that falls victim to this.  So I went to my dear friend Enola at her detective agency and inquired about a solution to my predicament.  She sent me over to Edith and had me start training the next day.  I’ve been training every day since then.
I’m still not really good at it.
”Did you say the same thing when you were teaching Enola?”  I inquired as I dusted myself off.  Edith only shook her head.
”Not exactly.  Her response was more witty, thanks to her mother.”  Eudoria Holmes, the mother, the fire starter as people liked to call her.  I’ve seen her wanted poster splayed all across London.  But I didn’t see her as a criminal.  I saw her as the woman who saved my life six months ago.
That morning had been cold and bitter.  I remember feeling my fingers grow numb while I huddled against a mailbox.  Its red paint had chipped away at its base, leaving rust behind.
Which was ironic and poetic now that I think back on it.  And let me explain why.
It all started when my father had recently passed from a sickness that left my mother and me penniless.  With no man in the house and no money to our name, we were cast out of society.  My mother and I were thrown out and the estate that I called my home.   It was sold to another noble family in the south.
We lived off the street after that.  My mother, using what knowledge she had of needlework, had acquired a job as an assisted seamstress.  I was left to salvage whatever pity people gave me and half-rotten food from dumpsters.
Eventually, we were able to afford a small cottage on the outskirts of town.  It was small, run-down, and often had a damp smell to it.  Mother didn’t like to be there for a long period.  She claimed it was because she was so busy with her duties to the seamstress that she didn’t have time to spend there.  I think it was because she missed her life at the estate and living in this small broken cottage was too much for her to bear.
That morning six months ago I decided to go into town to fill my water bucket and get bread before it got too crowded.  When I got there, I sat down by the mailbox to wait for the bakery to open.  I was particularly annoyed when I saw a lot of people around this early in the morning.
I was watching a man get onto a carriage when something shifted from the corner of my eye.  It had been a man, or what I thought was a man walking towards me with a package in their hand.  When we made eye contact I didn’t think anything of it.  I just watched them and noted how stiff they walked. They placed the package in the slot of the mailbox.  Before I knew it, I was grabbed by the elbow, hoisted upright, and pulled away from the mailbox.  
That mailbox exploded, releasing a whirlwind of fliers into the air.
The two of us had run from the police.  I was forced to since they refused to let go of my hand.  We ran until this stranger knew that they weren't being followed.  
When things settled down, the man revealed that they were a woman in disguise.  She introduced herself as Eudoria Holmes and then proceeded to lecture me about being near explosives as if she were my own mother.  All I had wanted to do was bite back, to lecture her on how she shouldn’t be putting explosives where there were people.
Instead, I broke down, not from her lecturing but because of something I couldn’t quite place. All I knew was that I was waiting for a soggy piece of bread and nearly got blown up.
In the end, I told her everything.  I told her my past, my current situation, and why I was even in town in the first place.  One thing kind of led to another.  The next thing I knew I was sitting in Eudoria’s house with a cup of tea in my hand.
I stayed in that damp cottage less and less as time passed and more at Eudoria’s warm, often chaotic home.  That’s where I became friends with Enola, had briefly met her two brothers Sherlock and Mycroft, and felt somewhat happy.  
I don’t know why she pulled me away from that mailbox.  The one time I asked her she said she saw something in me, some sort of fire in my eye.  She didn’t want it to go out along with the mailbox.
I didn’t believe her, but I couldn’t tell that to her.
“So what you’re trying to say is that I still have a long way to go,” I asked as my brain jumped back to the present.  I stepped away from the mat and made my way into her office.
”What I’m saying is you’re doing better than you think you are.  You just began learning.  Give yourself a little credit.”  Following me, she made her way to the table by the window.  A stack of teacups were messily stacked up to one side.  She grabbed two, placed them on saucers, and poured liquid into both.  
“I know.  I’m just…worried.  It’s been a week since the last victim was found and the police still haven’t found the suspect.”  I let out a sigh and sipped some of my tea.  I needed a moment to choose my words carefully.  “I just want to be…prepared.”
A heavy pause filled the air before either of us spoke.  
”Olivia…there’s more to that, isn’t there?” Edith’s words were soft and gentle.
“I mean I-“. My response was sharply cut short.
A knock pulled our attention away from our conversation and to the door.  A tall man entered from the training room and to Edith’s office.  I couldn’t place if he looked tall because of his size, or because of the giant top hat sitting snugly on top of his head.  Dark wavy strands of hair peaked through from under his hat. 
”Have you any sense what time it is?”  Edith interrogated, crossing her arms.  The man took off his hat, revealing thick brown locks.  His sculpted jawline and nose complimented the hair.  Blue, mesmerizing eyes glanced around, investigating.
But the feature that I recognized right away from him was his shoulders.  I knew those shoulders.
”Hello, Edith” His attention briefly shot to me “Olivia”  I curtly nodded, averting my eyes.
”Good evening Mr. Holmes.”  I responded softly.  “With what do we owe the pleasure of your company?” Holmes.  Sherlock Holmes.  One of Enola’s older brothers. One of the greatest detectives I’ve ever seen.
”There’s no need for formalities Olivia.”  I felt something warm begin to grow on my cheeks at his response.  He’s only being polite Olivia.  We are only acquaintances because of Enola and Eudoria.  He doesn’t like you like that.
Or does he?  
I’m not sure.
Sherlock Holmes is a difficult man to understand.
“What are you here for Sherlock?”  Edith asked again, harsher this time.  Her tone quickly pulled me back to the present and away from my thoughts.  
Sherlock cleared his throat, his blue eyes revealing some sort of inner turmoil within himself.  It was an unusual amount of emotion that I was not used to seeing.  I expected it with Mycroft, he practically wore his emotions on his face at all times.  Sherlock never did.  He’s always been composed, and proper.  Before me now he still was, but a layer of some sort had been chipped away.
”I….need your help.”  He struggled to say the words like it was almost painful to him.  A moment of silence clung in the air.  
”Is it about Enola?   Did she get herself into trouble?”  There was a hint of concern in Edith’s voice when she begged the questions.  The only response he gave was a small shake of his head. I watched as realization flashed on her face. 
”There’s something about this case-“. 
”That deduction cannot solve?”  Edith finished his thought.  He slightly nodded, setting his hat down on her desk.  That was my cue. I softly placed my teacup down and made my way to the table by the window.  I began making some tea for Sherlock while listening to the conversation.
”I may need your…skills to get information from a place I cannot enter.”
“What kind of place?”  He listed off a name that I didn’t recognize.  Edith’s face slightly reddened.
”A showgirl theatre?! You cannot ask me such a thing Sherlock, no matter how close we are.”  My eyebrows raised as I grabbed a cup and saucer and poured some tea into the cup.
“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t have another option.  A woman’s life is at stake.” His tone was calm, but there was something else there.
”But going into this with the possibility of getting murdered is not something I’m comfortable with.  Woman’s freedom and rights is one thing, going after a serial killer is a whole other matter entirely”
”Edith, I-“. I cut them off.
”I’ll do it.  I’ll go instead of you.”  In their arguing, I had made my way back to the two of them, Sherlock's tea in hand.  I had left mine behind.
”Olivia, do you know what kind of place that is, what situations you can get into.  You’re nowhere near ready to hold your ground”. What she said was like a punch to the gut.  
I knew I wasn’t ready, we had that same conversation not thirty minutes ago.  But I knew that if Edith went and something bad had happened to her Enola and Eudoria would be devastated.  I was different.  If I went and something happened to me, Edith would still be here training more girls like me.
”Who else is going to do it?  Enola?  She’s not expendable. I am.  And Edith, what about the other girls you train?” I took a breath, the stubbornness in me growing. “Besides, I know these streets better than anyone.  I’ve lived in them.  I know where to go in case I’m being followed.   And because of the way I look,”. I paused briefly looking down at myself, at my curvy, plump figure.  “No one would suspect me.  They would just see me as a showgirl trying to make ends meet.  I can blend in, go undercover, and get the information that he needs in order to catch this murderer.”
A heavy pause hung between the three of us.
I let what I said sink into the two of them.  I know that Edith is fighting with herself on whether she can let me go.  She believes that I am her responsibility, and I kind of was while Eudoria was undercover.  But since starting to learn to defend myself I told myself that I couldn’t sit and wait.  Sitting and worrying about who the next victim is going to drive me crazy.  If I can help and make a difference, then maybe the suspect will be caught before there’s more tragedy.  
”I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to her.”  Sherlock’s voice broke the silence and my inner thoughts.  “You have my word.”  His eyes met mine at his.  I felt something else there besides the promise.   Edith sighed,  rubbing her temples with both her index fingers.
“Okay, Sherlock.  Just…make sure she comes back in one piece.”   Edith finally concurred.  “You’re going to have to speak to your mother if you don’t.”
A smile tugged at my lips at the agreement.  I finally raised the cup of tea, offering it to him.    
”When do we start?”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading. If you want to read @lainiespicewrites story about Paul Atreides from the Dune Sage, here is her link: https://www.tumblr.com/lainiespicewrites/747032352877903872/the-atreides-era?source=share
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vampyresovereign · 3 months
Hi hi hi!! <3 <3 <3 I love your account and your music hcs for the characters especially Savanaclaw thinking about Jack listening to Ice Cube and Eazy-E is so funny to me to imagine. KDot too oh yes <3 If requests are still open could I ask for a GN!Reader as his gym partner. Kinda like he thinks MC is so weak with bones like jelly so he tries to motivate us to work out with him... Even if we suck at it haha!~!
YES QUEEN/KING OF COURSE ILL WRITE THIS FOR YOU!! I honestly was kind of scared cause I thought i put TOO much unnecessary thought into what everyone's music taste might be (like you could tell i was geekin out over music ngl) so I'm really glad you liked the headcanons. mb this took so long, here's your request<3333 -isa<3
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Pairing: Jack Howl x GN!Reader Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Quick Synopsis: You accompany Jack on a little trip to the gym, inspired by a snarky comment from coach Vargas. Tags: Use of Y/N, reader is not Yuu, no specific physical description of reader, reader is embarrassing as hell but it's okay cause Jack is patient with them, might be inaccurate/i've never been to a gym
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“Alright everyone! Class is over, get out of my face!” 
Coach Vargas practically screamed from the middle of the field. You watched, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the freshly cut grass as your fellow classmates grabbed their brooms, walking and talking in groups on their way towards the locker rooms.
Maybe it was because the weather forecast advised sunscreen since it was over 80 degrees, or maybe you were just stressed out from other classes, but something made phys ed today much harder than usual. 
You were startled when the coach suddenly appeared behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Your endurance is getting stronger, L/N,” He started. “But you still have a long way to go.”
“What do you mean, coach?”
“Well, for starters..” He removed his hand from you, taking a second to lift his arm and flex the bicep in front of you, as you raised an eyebrow.
“..You know, something many don’t know about broom riding is that most of your energy actually concentrates in the arms. You need to be able to balance yourself and hold onto the stick, y’know? And to be honest with you, kid..”
He pointed towards your arms.
“That’s something we need to work on, don’t we? Hit the showers.”
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You shouldn't have taken that comment so seriously, coach was known for being pretty vain and shallow when it came to physical appearance. But unfortunately, he had a point.
You constantly skipped leg day and couldn't lift a dumbbell with more than 3 plates.
Though you were dwelling on it, you decided to try and put those negative thoughts away. Your next period was lunch, and you had even more stressful classes to deal with after that.
Lack of muscle was the least of your problems at the moment.
As you walked towards the cafeteria, lagging behind another random group of people, you spotted a familiar pair of fuzzy white ears in the crowd, walking the opposite direction.
You felt your eyes spark in recognition, immediately calling his name out.
Jack's eyes widened, ears pointing up for a few seconds in surprise. He walked towards you, scratching his head. "Hey Y/N, what's up?"
"You know the cafeteria is that way, right?"
It was then you noticed the giant duffel bag slung across his right shoulder.
"I know. I'm not goin' to lunch."
"Why not?" You inquired.
"Decided to hit the gym at around this time from now on 'cause it gets way too crowded after classes are over," He said.
"So.. You're just not gonna eat anything?"
"Of course not," He scoffed. "I got a few protein bars and shakes in my bag. I'll be fine."
You hummed in response, you had totally forgot that working out was Jack's whole thing. As he adjusted his bag, an idea suddenly popped into your mind.
"Hey, can I join you? I kind of wanna try exercising for a little bit."
He looked at you, slightly shocked. "For real? You never seemed interested before."
"Well, I guess I wanna try something new today. How about it?"
He placed a finger on his chin in thought, before placing his hands on his hips.
"..Sure, I guess."
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Before the two of you headed to the gym together, you each went back to your respective dorms to grab comfortable clothing.
You didn't know what exactly to wear, so you settled on an old tracksuit you hadn't worn in the seven knows how long.
When you walked in, there were obviously some people there, but you had strolled past them and followed Jack into the section where the bench presses and mats were, suddenly feeling nervous.
Jack very quickly got to work, setting his bag down next to a random bundle of equipment, and adding about 5 plates to the light dumbbell.
You stood next to him awkwardly as he leaned his back down on the bench, wondering if this came off as creepy.
He glanced at you as he sat the dumbbell to rest, raising an eyebrow. "You know, there's a set right behind you, right?"
"..Oh. Sorry, this is my first time here, I'm just kind of trying to figure out what to do through you," You blurted out, a wave of embarrassment washing over you.
You moved to the set he had just mentioned, which also happened to be directly across from his, grabbing pretty much the same amount of plates on the way there.
You held back a grunt as you held all of them in the palm of your hands, wondering what the hell Jack was eating to be able to carry this amount effortlessly.
You leaned back on the bench, trying to replicate the same position you saw Jack in as you curled your hands around the base of the dumbbell. Taking a deep breath and lifting it up, you were good for about 4.5 seconds.
The realization of how heavy the equipment was immediately crushed down on you, literally. You dropped the dumbbell on your stomach, curling up and holding onto your belly for dear life when the instrument fell on the floor.
You heard Jack get up from behind you to assess the incident.
"The hell happened?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.
"I don't know how you do it, man."
He grabbed the dumbbell from off of the floor, sighing. "Y/N, beginners don't start with this amount. It's kind of common sense."
"It looked simple when you did it.."
"Yeah, because I've been honing these skills for years." Jack removed about 2 plates from each side of the dumbbell, handing it back to you on the bench. "Here, try to lift it now."
You nodded, proceeding to do as he said.
"..Still heavy, but do-able."
Jack smirked.
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You spent the rest of your time at the gym attempting to try a little bit of everything with Jack at your side, teaching you what to do. You felt a little bit bad that he used up all his training time essentially babysitting you, but he assured you it was no big deal.
The only problem was that when your time to train together was up, every single part of your body felt sore. Even your eyes.
Jack let out a laugh, a rare thing, and slapped you on your back.
"This was a great sesh, wasn't it?"
You stumbled a few paces forward from the impact of his hand. "..I would say yes, but I still gotta go to my afternoon classes after this."
"Hah. You better get used to the grind, we're doing this tomorrow. And the rest of the semester, actually. Breaks are on weekends."
You stared at Jack like he had three heads.
"Don't look at me like that. We're partners now. No turnin' back," He grinned.
You awkwardly laughed in response, excited to hang out more with Jack and expand your muscles, but not too excited about the process anymore.
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i don't even like jack like that but this was very fun to write. apologies again for the wait gang. -isa<3
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kirinda-ondo · 10 months
name — Kateh
pronouns — They/Them
preferred comms — Tumblr DMs, but I'll give you discord if I think you're cool :)
name of muse – Bragi. Aneas, Tomor and Cayenne are locked and loaded to go someday, but for now it's just exclusively Bragi Time /sobs
experience in RP — I've been at it since the DeviantART trenches of like 2008-2009. RPed on tumblr and Discord a lot as well~
best experiences — Growing my characters outside of their canon and in the rare instance, bringing in things into their canon. (ie: Io getting stood up by Tapion leading to her marriage with Toma)
pet peeves / dealbreakers —Idk, don't be a creep? Don't godmod, remember that IC =/= OOC, and please dear god don't make me do the same identical RP plot over and over again for months straight I can't do it again--
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I like comedy, slice of life, just kind of fluffy hanging out nonsense, but I'm also a slut for angst and hurt-comfort scenarios, like let's explore some fuckin TRAUMA AND MENTAL ILLNESS, babey!
plot or memes — Plotting or like open starters/starter calls are so much easier for me, 90% of starter memes are like........ He Would Not Fucking Say That (or He Would Not Fucking Say That To You).
long or short replies — I do my best to match length, but it really depends on the vibe or like how much I can actually say lol
best time to write — Usually the evenings, or during work on slow days. I sit at a computer all day so it's super easy lol
are you like your muse — Lmao not really. I mean we have similar anxiety and gifted kid damage but otherwise we are two very different beasts lol
Tagged By: @theannoyedskittle and @aquariclily
Tagging: lmao nobody on my main that hasn't already been tagged in this has RP blogs to my knowledge, but if you do, steal it (and then tell me what ur blog is maybe I wanna throw Bragi at you--)
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glacierheart · 2 months
you were born, bluer than a butterfly. beautiful & so deprived of oxygen, colder than your father's eyes. ❄
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you were born, reachin' for your mother's hands ... VICTIM of your father's plans to RULE the world. too afraid to step outside, paranoid & petrified what you've heard.
THE TALE OF THE HEIR OF JACK FROST . son of the ice king . an original character crafted from the son to a villainous jack frost & a concoction of a summer personification heroine for a mother (aestas) to create an elaborate story of choosing between good and evil, being the embodiment of both sides of the moral alignments. a character born with bad and GOOD ingredients.
delving into how a potential villain becomes an ANTI-HERO. themes of chasing for a controlling father's approval, child neglect, trust issues and abandonment issues. stepping outside of his mother's good will & turning down a dark path (before getting back onto the good one). teetering on the fine line side of wrong and right. the savior or the villain? feeling a void from a broken heart and a cold childhood. needing a reason to be good. icy eyes, warm heart. living behind a facade. pretends to not care, but deep down .. cares a lot. protective. a prankster, morbid humor, sarcastic and witty. emotional and unpredictable.
name origin: caspian theros frost. caspian, meaning, 'white' like snow. and theros meaning an old greek name of 'summer' & his last name frost– after his father jack frost. his name is a combination of winter and summer, just like his parents.
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memes. / open starters. / verses are under cut. / rules are under cut.
01. mun is 21+.
02. i am not based in just one verse, so pls– if you're not into the disney, thg, st, wednesday or dc/marvel world(s) then keep in mind i do have a normal modern world verse setting!
03. be mindful of triggering themes such as blood, death, drowning or child abuse on this blog. caspian was grown up with a very toxic, abusive father– so it'll be difficult to avoid mentioning these themes at times.
04. i am super welcoming of other oc characters and canon characters, i love them all.
05. i love different fandoms and crossovers, so do not hesitate to write with me if you apart of fandoms i may have not even mentioned on this blog yet.
06. if you follow me, pls feel free to reply to any of my opens or send in memes at any time! there's no expiration dates on those. if you're the type that loves to plot, then def come to my IMs but keep in mind i'm not the best at plotting until i get an idea flowing.. so coming to my IMs with an idea already in mind is your best bet if you'd rather plot !! <3
07. i ship with chemistry so no force shipping or godmodding, pls. <3
disney / disney descendants verse. the lost winter prince. caspian frost is the son to mother summer & father winter that are apart of their own separate seasonal kingdoms in auradon. when a combination of a warm hearted young woman and an ill-tempered, glacier hearted man wed and share a child they get both of their natures intertwined. the ice king had a skill for perfect persuasion– so charming and manipulative. he found grand interest the mother of warmth, aestas or as she liked to be called florence. the queen of summer is adorned with nothing but radiant waves, a symbol of abundance and prosperity. her presence heralds the arrival of the season of warmth, light, and growth. aestas is revered for her power to bring forth the earth's bounty, nurturing the land and its inhabitants with her life-giving energy. as the embodiment of summer, aestas represents the joyful and vibrant spirit of the season, inviting all to bask in the warmth of the sun's embrace. so what did father frost want, with a woman the complete opposite of himself? to destruct all of that, use florence as his greatest challenge to glaze over her summery heart, turn her on his side of all things glacier and then make her the queen of the winter kingdom. the ice king became very charming on his ploy to wrap himself around mother summer's heart. perhaps, kind deeds and months worth of finding out jack frost's romanticizing side had created a soft spot in her heart. perhaps, a warm spot... had melted a small hole in his frozen heart itself whether he wanted to remain in denial of that or not. perhaps, that's what fueled his anger all the more in the end. he promised to wed her, have the child she always wished for, jack frost was certain he had the queen of summer delicately wrapped around his icy finger. but when she wouldn't join him and his winter kingdom after understanding his scheme all along, to get her to join forces with him, he took it bitterly and hatefully because in his mind... he really thought she wouldn't 'betray' him then froze her over when she least expected it. caspian was a newborn and never learned the true events of what happened to his mother all from his father's manipulations and lies he fed the young frost. how his mother had abandoned them both and ran off with a new family because he simply wasn't good enough. his father took him under his wing and tried to mold caspian as his last option to being the future ruler of the winter kingdom one day. the ice king is equally as a controlling father as he is a ruler and eventually into caspian's teen years... he begins to find that out the more caspian strays off his father's plan and path of destruction the more he pries into how his mother was like the more demanding his father becomes. and the day he finds out how she really died, is the day the winter kingdom brews an ugly storm and a terrible argument between father winter and his child of winter that unfortunately held the eerily identical anger in his eye as his mother summer had the day she wished to 'betray' him. caspian's only choice left was to flee in fear he would kill him too... during that journey he ends up on the ISLE OF THE LOST. in this verse, caspian does possess a few powers as both of his parents have them. (all inheriting from his father, however.) he can create tiny snowflakes from the tips of his fingers. he has a special white rose that could be used for bad or for good, one touch of it and he can either create beautiful icy rose sculptures – or one drop – and freeze over endless acres of land. he posesses cryokinesis: ability to control temperature and moisture in the environment, which he can generate ice and cold. however, he doesn't have total control on his abilities and his volatile emotions of sadness and a lot of anger have a lot to do with how well he can control them.
the hunger games verse. the president's son: the hunger games. going entirely au for this by sort of reinventing the snow's with the frost's. the difference is unlike coriolanus, caspian has a long run battling between doing the right or wrong thing and inevitably chooses the right decision to scheme a plan to end the hunger games since the other difference is he's the presidents son. son of president frost. but – until then, his morals can come across skeptical. it's easy to assume what he may be like if going anything by his dictator father (which caspian despises). is he a bad person like mr. frost or has he taken a good streak after his late mother? getting accused, categorized in with his father, looked at as the next monster in line... sometimes makes him have difficulty believing he's any thing less. that's something that can certainly get in the way of trying to be a good person. especially with the brainwashing's of his father to topple on top of that. but there's a secret to still be unrevealed, something happened a long time ago when his mother tried to make a good impact on his father and out of anger of his mother's attempt to turn him good... he found a way to rid of her. all these year's caspian's believed a rebel is the one who did it but the day he finds out it was his father all along; things drastically change among that newfound betrayal.
wednesday verse. (to be written) ..
stranger things verse. (to be written) probably will be a test subject type thing, if i don't change my mind.
dc & marvel verse. anti hero. for this verse i may base him off delores winters son. but this is also to be decided and written!
modern verse 1. the president's son: modern day. in modern day setting, caspian winters lives an unordinary life as the son to the united state's president mr. jack winters. his entire life he's been shoved into politics, even if his mother, the kinder parent– has gave the best of her ability to allow him to live as a normal child. still, growing up with zero siblings and a small group of friends has created this loneliness inside of him he wishes he didn't have. sometimes he yearns for an escape from all of it all while the pressure to be next in line to take the throne is shoved down his throat.
modern verse 2. the mayor's son: modern day. this modern verse allows me to write caspian in more of a normal setting. his father's still able to be some kind of man in power, but he's allowed to live more typically and hide in the shadows better. attending university in his home city of chicago, in a band on the side, keeping up with his love for theatre. caspian's definitely always been that theatre kid. it's the only healthy thing other than his band in his life that keeps him out of his usual trouble he tends to find himself causing or in the middle of. he has a rebellious attitude, that tends to lead him there a lot. always caught on either side of right and wrong with zero positive role models in his life.
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heroicintention · 10 months
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nobody is a villain in their own story. George R.R. Martin.
#heroicintention — independent selective multimuse blog. medium activity. 18+ only. written by puff (she/her 25+). mutuals only.
dark & questionable themes present. please read rules before following.
site. memes. starter calls. jason todd & criminal!hawks blogs.
Mobile Rules.
18+ Only. I am over 25, and I will only write with people over 18. If I believe I am speaking with someone below legal age, I will cut off contact immediately.
21+ Shipping. I am so sorry to anyone under 21, but I am more comfortable writing ships / more intimate relationships with those over the age of 21. I’m still happy to write with anyone over 18 in a general manner, but I just don’t want to write that, you know?
No Bigotry. I know I write some HELLA problematic kids, but ooc we do not take any of the phobias. Just leave. (I didn’t think I needed to say this specifically but I do not support JKR. I like the sandbox, I am attached to the characters, I think she’s a bigoted bitch.)
Following. I will probably only follow blogs I see myself having fandoms in common && I will have read your rules. I am happy to write with OCs as well, but I am mainly on tumblr to explore more dynamics in the fandoms I love . I will not follow those who are critical of what others are writing in their own spaces. I can respect having boundaries. I do not respect calling people names or hammering down on people for their interest in fictional topics.
Ending Contact / Blocking. The block button is a friend and I advise we all get to know her.
If we are mutuals and you unfollow for any reason other than inactivity please hard block me. I do not mind and I will not dig into it. I mainly do not want to cause discomfort because my forgetful ass follows you again. Moreover, I don’t want to be under the impression we’re still mutuals. I’ve gotten chewed out for it before and I’m way too sensitive for this world.
If I unfollow from inactivity or just no interaction, I'll probably soft block. I just prefer to do so.
If I’ve blocked you and we’ve never interacted? I just don’t see us meshing and/or something in your rules made me decide my blog may not be for you. No one is perfect for everyone.
If I am made to feel uncomfortable for any reason, I will cut off communication and block. The block button is a friend. We love her.
Triggers. This blog can and probably will contain dark, questionable, and possibly problematic themes. I will tag things as appropriately as I can. I will not tag things out of fanon thought (i.e. ‘they’re like brothers’ does not equal incest. All ship art / ship threads will have tags. Block them or block me. Again, I don’t mind. I don’t have many triggers, but will not be writing the following:
Any terminal illness au threads or any thread that has terminal illness romanticized.
Any romance / sexual relationship between a minor and an adult. All my muses partaking in a relationship WILL be 18+, though more likely 21+.
Anything regarding scat or vomit.
On Shipping.
Do not force ships on me. I will not force ships on you. I don’t mean don’t approach me and ask— I mean don’t have your muse automatically talk about having an intimate relationship with mine without discussion. My muses USUALLY need to work up to ships and I most likely will NOT instantly ship unless we’ve discussed it because in canon characters are married or DEEPLY involved.
Some of my muses may NEVER be truly interested in a relationship despite having feelings for someone. I apologize for that, but I really love complicated dynamics and sometimes a muse can't accept love.
Also— please do not take me talking about a certain ship and/or writing fic or drabble about a certain ship as me trying to pressure you into it! I post a lot of Negan/Rick content, for example, but my Negan is not open to shipping and my Rick is not easy to romance! I love all kinds of dynamics.
Length. I’m not a stickler for matching length by any means, but PLEASE give me something to work with, even if it is continued from a meme. I will most likely not reply to one-liners.
Writing Multiples. I am open to playing multiple characters within a thread (NPCs included).
Characterization. My characterization of my characters is my own. Do not force your headcanons for my character on me. Several of my characters are canon-divergent.
Characterization continued. I know some of my characters are popular. I know some of my bios are long. But please at least read the snippet of “about characterization” before we thread or ask me and I will gladly tell you. I will bring it to your attention if something has been misinterpreted.
Literate. My job includes copy editing... so I don't want to write with a mass of errors. I expect my writing partners to be literate-- though of course errors happen and I'm perfectly understanding!
God Modding. Do not godmod. Do not assume things of my characters. Do not try to control the actions of my muses— NPCs I am happy to share 'custody' of. Exceptions are made for small things that help more the story forward.
Drama. I REALLY didn’t think I needed to add this. Do not, under any circumstances, involve me in your drama. Do not take our mutual status as a reason to bring me into your battles. I do not want details, I don’t want information, I will block you. Unless someone is harming REAL MINORS or doxxing people? I do not want to know your beef.
Mobile Muse List. all bios found on google site as written.
Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Alec Lightwood (The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Books Based)
Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Ariana Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Ashley Rayburn (DC Comics)
Bella Swan (Twilight) shut up i know
Beth Greene (The Walking Dead)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Carl Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Denki Kaminari (My Hero Academia - Canon Divergent)
Ellen Ripley (Alien)
Gabby Kinney (Marvel Comics)
Gwen Poole (Marvel Comics)
Harley Keener (Marvel Cinematic Universe + Comics)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
Jillian Moriarty (BBC Sherlock Original Character)
Jim Moriarty (BBC Shelock)
Kamala Khan (Marvel Cinematic Universe + Comics)
Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia)
Leah Clearwater (Twilight)
Lizzie Samuels (The Walking Dead)
Negan Smith (The Walking Dead) closed to shipping.
Nine (My Hero Academia)
Oboro Shirakumo (My Hero Academia)
Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)
Petunia Evans (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Shoko Komi (Komi Can't Communicate)
Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics + Cinematic Universe)
Snorkmaiden (Moomins)
Toru Hagekure (My Hero Academia)
Walden Macnair (Harry Potter) single ship.
Will Byers (Stranger Things)
Yu Takeyama (My Hero Academia)
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☆ ⋅ ⋆ — roleplay account for c!wilbur; canon-divergent, operates in the same timeline as the events of post-hitting on sixteen up until the finale. the character's ending is NOT canon to this blog. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — from this post onwards, i will be acting as if revivebur himself is running the blog herself. almost every entry will be written as if it's a diary log, because that's how she practically uses this account! don't be too surprised this blog consists so much of her reblogs to her interests (poetry for instance) and her talks regarding daily, mundane life. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — revivebur can answer or ignore depending on how i think she would react to your interactions, anonymous asks, etc. +
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☆ ⋅ ⋆ — revivebur uses he/she pronouns. wouldn't mind if you call her by any other pronouns, like they/them. just not all the time. for other alternative names to call her, you can call her wilbur. revivebur. rev. anything, really. or by her alias, march. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — i will be depicting her as transfem; he personally identifies as an aromantic, sex-repulsed asexual. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — i am certain she will ignore any explicit NSFW-related content from accounts she doesn't know too well and even if she knows you, doesn't make her any less uncomfortable. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — suggestive flirting is okay, but he'll be a bit freaked out if you try and advance further on that. revivebur's okay with flirting in general, especially playful banter and stuff.
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — however she is aromantic, so though she may play along, she will not develop strong romantic feelings for your character. the strongest feeling you could ever get from her will always be queer platonic. +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — heavily BPD and schizophrenic coded, written by someone with BPD and schizophrenia! +
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☆ ⋅ ⋆ — it is of my personal headcanon that she shows very little photos since revivebur's scared of her own appearance. if ever, she reaches the point of confidence where she sends pictures of herself, i will be the one to draw it. everything else will be drawn personally! +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — this is an account i made for fun; i might do a bit of angst there and there, but that's because it's revivebur. themes regarding mental illness is present, and any kind of triggering content will be tagged. obviously, she might darkly joke about the things she went through, and i cannot ignore her trauma for it's an integral part to her character. but for the most part, all of it will be done in light-hearted fun for me and my friends! +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — all of her posts will be tagged accordingly to certain subjects; her entries in particular will be tagged by #rev's personal entries. any other mundane posts will go under the #rev's daily life.. tag or #rev's thoughts. reblogs will be tagged by #rev's reblogs; and responses to asks or anything else will be tagged by #rev responds! +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — out of character (like where i talk specifically) are messages marked by symbols; '//' !! like for ex: // HAJAJSJS im dying so hard +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — you can send writing prompts, starters, and one shots! i will be more than happy to provide! +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — everything regarding her is within my personal headcanons; don't like? then just scroll away, easier done and said! +
☆ ⋅ ⋆ — blog monitored by @parfaitxparlour ; this pinned post can and might be updated as time goes on! +
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unhlnged · 1 year
call for crime & dark rp plots (open to anyone, mutuals & non-mutuals, 21+)
Send emoji (or word) via ask or DM, and I'll write you a private starter specifically for your muse (add muse name and ideas if you like)
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🛏️ (bed) psych ward escape: Rafe and y/m are inmates and about to break out. Can they work together and trust each other? Will they help or fight each other? (cw: violence, mental illness)
🚪(door) drug deal gone wrong: Rafe tries to buy from y/m, but something goes wrong. Who’s the narc? Where’s the money? (cw: violence, substance abuse)
🪑(chair) Stockholm syndrome: Rafe has kidnapped y/m. For revenge? To get information? Or is he just obsessed with y/m? (cw: violence, kidnapping)
🛋️ (couch) reverse kidnapping scenario: Rafe has been kidnapped by y/m. For ransom? By accident? For some darker reason? Careful, he’s no low-maintenance hostage... (cw: violence, kidnapping)
🗄️(file cabinet) in the middle of a heist: The robbery has been planned for weeks, Rafe and y/m have worked together closely, or they have just met on day X. Will Rafe keep cool? Will y/m get what they want? (cw: violence)
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inaredflush · 1 year
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i have a bunch of muses that i haven't written anything for, so like this post and i'll choose one at random to give you a starter for!
of course, you can always specify muse too!
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forgottenluck · 8 months
Mobile Friendly Rules
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Please follow the following rules, and warnings that go along with this blog. If you ignore these warnings, these rules, and make a fuss about what I rp, or who I rp with, then you will be blocked. I make these statements very clear as to not cause confusion.
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This is a semi-active, slow replies, Mutuals ONLY blog for an extreme (borderline OC) AU version of Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia. 90% of the time I likely will rp him as an OC, but I would love to explore the other vesperia characters with him.
This blog will have mentions of depression, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, and other dark topics. If any of these are something you wish to not interact with, then this blog is not for you. Continue interacting at your own risk.
While I try to tag triggers, I sometimes forget, or don't realize that something is a trigger. If you would like something tagged, please let me know!
It is okay for minors to interact with me. My blog will not contain any nsfw sexual content. (any such scenes will be fade to black or vaugely explained due to my personal trauma).
Reiteration of above point, there will be NO SMUT on my blog. Romantic relationships are absolutely fine, even encouraged because I'd love to explore that. But any writing more than kissing gets put into the fade to black corner. I am not comfortable writing indepth actions due to personal trauma.
Do not, under any circumstance, take control of my character without my consent. My writing style depends heavily on their own mind and actions, so taking control of my character without notifying me first OOC is a big red flag.
Please communicate with me OOC! I need communication via muns so that I know what i’m doing isn’t taken the wrong way. I have had these issues in the past, and would like to avoid repeats. (If we've hit it off on here, and talk consistently, feel free to ask for my discord! I'm not super great at keeping up conversations, but i can try and I'd love to get to know people better!)
I do not mind becoming affiliates! However, this will happen organically. If we talk a lot OOC and rp a lot, then I likely will affiliate with you and make you a Main. Do not ASK to be mains.
I reserve the right to rp with whoever I wish. I do not pick sides. I will not choose one over the other. If you attempt to make me choose either you or someone else, unless I know you very well and we are close friends...I will likely choose the person who is not pressuring me to choose. Firefox and Chrome both have extentions that allow you to block almost all instances of a user on your blog, please use it. (the only exception to that is asks, and for that reason I do not answer asks, but instead make a new post.)
IF YOU FOLLOW ME AND I MAKE AN EFFORT TO RP WITH YOU AND TALK WITH YOU AND YOU DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT IN RETURN I will unfollow you. I normally do not have an issue with this, but there are a few people who I have been excited to rp with and then it never go anywhere. If I see that you consistently reblog memes and starter requests without fulfilling, I will unfollow you.
The following urls and/or Muns are people I do not associate with. I do not wish them to be brought to my attention, I don't want to know about them. I have their urls blocked to where I cannot see them. I will not, however, tell you who to rp with.
-Star/Usa/whatever her url and name is now: Lots of drama happened with this person and my circle of friends. Due to her sending people to attack me and my friends via anon, I do not wish to even hear about her. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Loke: (renascii) Same reason as above though also for stealing and lieing. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Ezrile: A little bit more difficult to explain, but this person is unmedicated and mentally ill, and uses their illness as an excuse to treat others quite badly and as their personal punching machine. When called to take responsibilty for their actions, they pushed it off and have slandered my name as well as other's in order to justify their actions. This situation is still ongoing, as they continue to vague about me and another person who will remain unnamed, as well as stalk us. (I have confirmed that this person IS in fact a stalker. I would advise in avoiding this user, but will not force it. If you would like more information, send me a message and we can discuss things.)
This list will update as necessary. As stated, You may rp and interact with these people; just make sure to tag them so my blocker can get it. Please understand this is NOT a dni, I just ask if you interact with these people please make sure to tag their urls so that my blocker will pick them up.
I try not to engage in drama. I do my best to keep in my own lane. I have in the past, voiced my opinions on topics that are related to me particularly or related to people I am quite close with. However, I try to stay out of it.
Please do not pressure me in replying. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. All of these combined do not make a good cocktail for pressure, and if i'm pressured in interacting, replying, or other things then I get burnt out really fast. I do this because I enjoy it, so please don't take my enjoyment out of it by putting a deadline on me.
That being said, if i've taken more than a week or so to even interact with you, feel free to poke me and just give me a gentle reminder! I don't consider "hey we still good for that rp?" a pressuring measure, and I love to interact so i'd be thrilled to get a message!
I care very little about how other people run their blogs. I care very little about what topics you rp. If I enjoy talking to you, or writing with you, then I will do so. This means I do not take place in censorship culture. I will not shame you, or call you out based on what you find enjoyable. I know for a lot of people, writing and rp is a type of therapy, and most of us are adults here and can choose to disengage when something makes us uncomfortable.
If you DO happen to do something that makes me uncomfortable, I likely will unfollow, but I will at least communicate with you on why before I do. But considering I'm currently rping a bunch of trauma ridden little ones, it's highly unlikely.
Finally, a special rule: I will NOT RP with any characters from the series Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. If you are a multimuse that has these characters on it, then as long as those rps are tagged, I'm fine. I have a bit of trauma related to the series and don't wish to revisit it.
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beautifulxboy · 1 year
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Roleplay character message me or reply to an open starter for Eli Please read the rules.
Character Eli Perlman (full name Elliot), Original character, Identical twin of Elio Perlman (based on Call Me By Your Name Film 2017/ Call Me by Your Name Novel by André Aciman /Find Me Novel by André Aciman)
Faceclaim - Timothée Chalamet
If Elio is the boy of summer then Eli is the boy of winter. Cosy jumpers, candles and old books.
Jewish, Italian and French.
Intelligent, anxious, shy, lacking self-confidence, caring, loving, romantic, introspective, loyal and introverted.
Eli has Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. Some of the symptoms that Eli has is stomach cramping, digestive issues, extreme fatigue, sensitivity to foods, increased temperature and aching joints and muscles.
Eli was absent from school and had a few stays in the hospital as well as visits for his treatments and appointments. Being chronically ill throughout his childhood and teen years Eli missed out on building crucial social development skills.
Eli enjoys writing stories, writing poetry, collecting vintage books, reading fantasy, classic books, ancient history books and academic journals. Eli's love for books is almost an obsession, when he's not reading he wants to be reading. Eli also journals, scribbling down his thoughts and ideas for stories in his beat-up folded-over book.
The twin's mother is a therapist and their father is a professor. The twins were always surrounded by books and having thoughtful and complex conversations. The twins had a unique experience growing up, they had more freedom than their peers. The twins were very close to their parents but especially close with their father, a thoughtful and understanding man who encouraged the twins to live their lives purposefully and never take their time on earth for granted.
Verses: - 1983. 17 years old. Crema Italy. Elio lives with his parents at the Villa. - Modern day - 20- 23 years old, Eli is studying in the medical field to become a doctor.
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Art by me
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kuuyandere · 2 years
For the ask game thingy, Quit, Cope, Regret, Stigma, or Exposed, only if your comfy with answering! I picked a bunch so you can choose which ones you're ok with. Congrats on 100 Aidoneus (sorry if I get your name wrong)!
Thank you, Anon! And don't worry, you got my name correct. :) You must have done your research, I don't really make a habit of putting my moniker everywhere haha.
Also, I am comfortable answering all your questions: I was the one who created that ask game after all! I'm also the kind of person that finds answering nosy questions entertaining. The answers will be under the cut!
Quit: How long do you think it would take for you to “move on” from your darling if necessary? Would you be capable of moving on?
Ah, I don't know if I am capable of moving on from my darling. Seeing that it has been around six months since we broke up and my feelings haven't dissipated no matter how hard I try, it looks like it will linger for quite some time. I never felt remotely close to how I feel for her for anyone else before, so I don't have any prior experience to base it off of, timeline-wise.
Cope: How do you handle your more unhealthy intrusive thoughts or urges?
Well for starters, this blog is a good means to vent, and I also write for myself outside of that. I think distractions are the most helpful for me though, sometimes throwing myself into passion projects is enough to prevent my brain from spiraling too much. I also personally find replacing certain unhealthy urges with slightly healthier ones that achieve a similar feeling effective. To be honest, I am not very good at the coping part, and I mainly tend to bottle those thoughts and feelings in. 
Regret: Do you ever feel guilty about being a yandere or loving differently from other people?
Yes, I often wish that I didn't love this way, or love at all for that matter. I feel bad for having many of the thoughts I have and some of the actions I have taken. I want to be a healthy partner/person, but I also will likely never feel completely satisfied with just that. It’s honestly kind of painful.
Stigma: What do you think brought about this side of you (childhood, mental illness, personality traits etc)?
I do enjoy psychoanalysis! Let’s see, I suppose it’s a lot of things. My parents are not that affectionate, and for the most part, neither am I (hence my username, the “kuu” is for kuudere). I honestly thought I was ace/aro until I met my darling when I was in high school, so her being the first and only person that made me feel that way made me quite attached. I may not be naturally affectionate with others, but I quickly learned that I am very, very affectionate and “simpy” for my beloved. I think I naturally love stronger than the average person in part because it is so difficult for me to do so. 
Mental illness likely plays a large part as well, although I have never had a formal therapist to diagnose me with anything. My darling is severely depressed, so I developed a separation anxiety with her among other things from her attempts and trips to the psych ward. I am also an eldest child and naturally quite protective and nurturing, and I feel that a lot of my feelings first and foremost involve a need to protect, please, and take care of her (without anything or anyone interfering). My feelings for her are complicated, and I’m sure there are many factors that contributed to them that I am not aware of.
Exposed: Are you honest with your darling about your feelings or the true extent of them? Does anyone else know?
I have recently made my darling aware of my current romantic feelings for her (semi-unwillingly, it was a bit of a mess that I won’t get into), but she does not and will never know the true extent of how intense/obsessed/possessive/etc. I am. She does know that I have those tendencies though, and I asked for her consent to do some things like take thousands of screenshots of her on video calls while we were together. No one else in real life knows about it, but I suppose at least 100 followers on here are privy to my depravity!
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Thanks for blocking me so I gotta scurry about to find it. I loved that.
but ykno in case you're magically blind to me going off, as I do.
here's everything I've said so far.
DeviantArt: Her family still harasses me and my friends. I have never said anything about them, but they have contacted my friends and proceed to dead name them and misgsender them. Same with myself. The collab work WAS NEVER a collab to begin with. My stories, Hellish story/Hells unexpected Prince/ Whatever else I called it back in 2011 was MY work. I shared it WITH her out of trust. I wrote prompts with HER characters. Nothing fucking else. She never was part of the ACTUAL story. She did not help write it, or write any of the book/chapters. I DID. Her book that she so boldly used to publish was not written/or created until late 2012. ALMOST A YEAR AFTER MINES. AND THAT WAS AFTER I SHARED MY WORK WITH HER. There was no WE. It was ME. She wanna claim equal rights but WHERE IS MY PAY THEN? HUH?? WHERE IS MY CREDIT??? She NEVER credits me for the use of my character likeness.Salax/Len/Elysium/Furo/Veraque are dead ass copy paste of my 7 demons. Erys and Delirus are dead ass white trash copy of Lector and Chaos. Shakira & Rafiki are Azami and Inuki. THE LIST GOES ON. Oh and lets not forget her blatant stealing of Abyssia and Crystalis which WERE MY CHARACTERS. She didn't even attempt to fucking hide it. Yea, nice fucking collab you got there bud. Steal my story, my character, butcher their them and then slap your name on it and go TEEHEE IM SO CREATIVE. I'm not staying silent. I'm not going to be silent or shut up. Keep your fake support and wishes. Choke for all I care.
and then Lovely facebook group that you called a tranny hate group. Plot twist. You have no rights to fucking use that word/slur against us. you know what you were saying and that just proves you're fucking transphobic. fake fucking ally
Crazy that you wrote this but blocked me so I didn't see it. Cant see it and i had to jump on a whole other account to see wtf you taggee me in. Nice. I doubt you have because then your mother wouldnt have gone after Moon and your sister after me when I have done nothing to her or even said ANYTHING about her. Ill keep saying it until Im blue: MY PROBLEM IS YOU. Not to mention your blatant transphobia with dead naming us, misgendering us and whats that? Using a slur against us. Real fucking cool. There was no fucking WE in my book. MY STORY. LECTOR STORY. MY ICE CHRONICLES AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN WAS MY FUCKING WORK. My shit starter BEFORE YOU. it never was a fucking collab and you had no rights to butcher it for your own poor ass attempt at making money. You dont see nika layin claim to my characters when I let her read my work or had fun little writing prompts with her characters. You wanna nail the fact its a collab work? Fucking pay me bitch. Pay me for stealing Abyssia and Crystalis. PAY ME FOR USIN MY CHARACTERS LIKENESS TO UR SHITTY WHITE TRASH SHIT. PAY. UP. Simple fuckin solution. But you fucking wont because go figure. You used me YET again and play victim. I dont need your shitty fake support. Choke on a dick.
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roleplayfinder · 1 month
hi hi! you can call me ren (or cassette or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop), i’m 29, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? maybe twenty years ago. anywhere in the 15-20 range at least. so i don’t remember a whole lot, and i’m only in season two so far. but i would loooove to write in tng, it’s just?? so lovely ???
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker, an oc with a faceclaim i choose, or a canon transplant from another media (i would be looking for primarily tony stark or david xanatos)
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: data 🤍🤍🤍, geordi 🤍🤍, picard 🤍🤍🤍, deanna 🤍🤍
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com
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starship-ncc-1701-d · 1 month
make it so | st:tng 1x1 search
hi hi! you can call me ren (or alt or w/e permutation of my discord handle and display name you wanna workshop),
i’m late-late 20s, she/her, and exceedingly queer (and mentally ill!). i have the ability to type in proper sentence case just fine, but this is how i talk casually, and how i communicate ooc!
i’m a novella/multipara writer whose word count fluctuates depending on the scene. description heavy scenes like starters, scene transitions, new locations, etc, tend to be long. i’m talking in the 2kw without blinking territory, sometimes going all the way up to 4k (and could probably go 5k if my partner was similarly long winded askdjfg). but then for things like dialogue heavy scenes or fight scenes that require a lot of quick, decisive actions and decisions, i can go as low as about 200-300w. because of this i don’t at all expect you to mirror me post for post, but i do ask that bare minimum you’re comfortable at least hitting the 1k range, as well as comfortable with receiving long fuck off posts from yours truly askdjf
i write third person present tense, and i will write any gender and sexual orientation you ask for! i’ll be looking for either canon x oc or oc x oc for my side, which will be m/f, but my f!oc is queer herself, so it’ll be a queer flavor of m/f alskjhdfg. for your side! i am happy to write anything. canon, oc, male, female, trans, enby, whatever you want, just ask!
i do ask that any potential partners be preferably 25+. i also ask that we double, unless you only want to play the love interest i’m ask for against my oc, in which case we don’t have to double. but i’d love to double for you! i want to double for you! i will even triple for you, if you want a love triangle or a poly relationship.
my mediums are discord and email, exclusively!
i also have some limits i will ask you abide by. i do not want you to godmod my oc, i do not want you to discuss the topics of: alcohol, drugs, smoking/vaping, or substance abuse in or out of character (this includes meme images, emojis, etc. i don’t want to write about it i don’t want to see visuals of it, and i am very serious about this. they are limits and triggers. please respect them like you would anyone else’s triggers even if they’re not as commonplace). i also don’t wish to write about sexual assault or abuse, or any sort of incest/pedophilia/the usual limits for this community. additionally, i do not write smut. i fade to black, and that (along with my limits) are non negotiable. and of course likewise, i will respect any limits you have!
with all of that out of the way, we can move onto the fun things! today i am looking for
star trek: the next generation
heads up and fair warning! i’m in the middle of a rewatch, and the last time i saw this was?? 15-20 years ago, so i don’t remember a whole lot. i’m only in season three so far (around e4). but i would loooove to write in tng aaaaaaa i just rly love its vibes askjkdf
against my f!oc, i am looking for you to write one of the following: riker an oc with a faceclaim i choose
in return, i can write anything you like! though i do have some canons i’d be especially excited to write for you if given the chance! these are: 💛💛💛 data 💛💛 geordi ❤️❤️❤️ picard 💙💙 deanna
if interested, please feel free to reach me at my discord [altimit.os] or my email [altimit.osx (at) gmail (dot) com]
you can also reach out on tumblr for initial discussion, but please know i do not roleplay over tumblr!
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inaredflush · 1 year
Tumblr media
like this post for a starter from one of my underused muses!
as always please specify muse - full list under the cut
alexis rose - schitt's creek
amy santiago - brooklyn 99
baela targaryen - house of the dragon
gloria delgado - modern family
rosa diaz - brooklyn 99
gaby teller - the man from uncle
aphrodite - goddess of love
hecate - goddess of magic
psyche - goddess of the soul
hannah bellinger - hook, line, and sinker
jules ambrose - twisted hate
stella alonso - twisted lies
mixed media
kate sharma - bridgerton
penelope featherington - bridgerton
aurora drake - mafia oc
delaney thomas - villain oc
sadie hallstrom - political oc
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