#and im writing this bs
bottombaron · 11 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine being the one chained to Luis Serra instead of Leon and he’s flirting with you the entire time.
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“So, uh, you come here often?”
If your back wasn’t to him, he’d be on the receiving end of a pointed look asking him if he was being serious right now. Instead, you opted to get up from the ground where you sat and assess the current situation. The cuffs around your wrists are attached to a heavy chain that seems to hang overhead and you follow the length of it with your eyes until they stopped to another set of metal cuffs clamped around the man that was speaking to you. He was already standing by the time you take account of his attention on you, his grey eyes slowly taking you in before a playful, lascivious smile curves upon his chiseled face.
“Gracias a Dios. Glad they stuck me with someone so attractive,” he says before dropping to a low bow. The gesture seemed awkward due to his bound hands but it did little to dampen the dramatic flair he exuded. “Luis Serra. Encantado.”
You immediately recognized him as the man in the sack that you and Leon found in a basement before being knocked unconscious by some giant of a man. This Luis was a talker then too despite his apparently ever changing and unfortunate predicaments. He must have quite a story to tell and perhaps can be of use to your mission.
Pinning the thought to question him after you have freed both of you of your shackles, you look up at the mount that kept the chain suspended and give the metal a firm tug. The action catches the Spaniard off guard as he is dragged towards you.
“Easy, my friend. If you wanted me to come closer, all you had to do was ask.”
No amount of willpower could stop your eyes from rolling.
“Do you ever stop talking?” Your words set off a spark in his eyes and you realize your mistake too late.
Luis smiles, “Ah, so you finally speak! Any more of the silent treatment and I was about to start serenading you with sign language.”
Thankfully your focus on your mission outweighed your curiosity at imagining this man dexterously using his hands and fingers to communicate with you, feeling the support for the mount give slightly. Another tug and this time Luis seemed prepared for it as he braced himself in place, the sound of the mount straining against the chain finally catching his attention.
“Ah, I see your thinking. Muy bien.”
With him finally coming up to speed on your intentions, the man met your strength with each pull upon the chain, the support nails keeping the mount up gradually weakening. Sweat was beginning to pour down your brow. Just a few more…
“May I have your name?”
The question made you stop in your efforts.
“Your name. I’d like to know what to call you.” The damn smile widened as he spoke, evidently amused at your responses to him.
“What does it matter?” You tried to hide your increasing excitement with indifference, he didn’t seem at all put off by this.
Luis shrugs, “Given that I introduced myself to you in such gentlemanly fashion, I’d expect the same courtesy in turn. It’s only fair, sí?”
He made a point, but of course rather than answer him, you gathered the chain in your hands for one final pull and was grateful he had the sense to pull back. The mount and chain fall to the floor with a loud clank and Luis was on his back once again from using too much force.
“¡Mierda!” He groans and you couldn’t help the smirk creeping on your cheeks. “You’re very good at playing hard to get.”
You were about to offer him a snide apology as he moved to stand up once more but saw an infected coming towards him with an axe swinging. Quick to react, you drag Luis towards you and the unsuspecting Spaniard collapses to his knees before you. He looks up at you and you would have thought he’d be annoyed if not for the playful grin he continued to wear.
“This isn’t exactly my ideal place to be tossed around. I’d prefer somewhere much softer, but if you insist-“
“Shut up and brace!”
Using the chain, you make fast work of wrapping it around the infected man attacking you two and effectively snap his neck. Luis swiftly rushes over to the body as soon as it collapsed and searched through their pockets. He finds the key and unlocks his cuffs. You were about to take it from him to remove yours but he steps back and uses his long arms to keep it out of your reach.
“Give it here, Luis Serra.” Despite the obvious mirth in your voice, the man appeared pleased at the sound of his name on your tongue.
“Of course, my friend, but first,” he started, playing with the key between his fingers for you to see, “I have a proposition.”
If looks could kill, he’d be dead right now. “You being serious?”
“Mi luz, know that I’m always serious. Especially when it involves someone with a face like yours.”
You sincerely hoped that the heat burning on your cheeks was from the adrenaline of just killing an enemy and not at all from his charming words. Luis took your sigh of defeat as a sign to keep going.
“Obviously you’re not a local. But, lucky for you, I happen to know the area like the back of my hand.” He twists his hand, dangling the key into your view for emphasis. The scoff he earned from you made him laugh.
“We can help each other, keep each other safe. I watch your back,” his lecherous gaze makes a shameless journey over your form before stopping at your hips. You made a point not to turn or twist your body in any way. “You watch mine.”
Just as you were about to tell him off, he continued, “And who knows, perhaps we can reunite you with your agent friend and rescue a certain señorita?”
A thousand alarms went off in your head. Luis definitely knew more than he let on. It was always your intention to question him, but now you realize that you weren’t the one holding the cards between you two and the shit-eating grin he wore showed that he’s well aware of this fact. Countless curses flooded your mind at how ridiculous this situation is, but the rational part of you knew that this idea was the most logical course of action. You needed to find Leon (assuming he is still alive somewhere) and finish the mission. This is what you rationalized and not at all because Luis’ incessant attention was beginning to grow on you. After a long moment of contemplation, you sigh.
“Fine,” you acquiesced, making sure the displeasure in your tone was evident even though there was none in your heart. The smile he gave you radiated throughout his entire being and warmed you from the inside.
“¡Excelente! We are partners, then!”
Assuming that was the end of the exchange, you move over to grab the key from his hand. Once again, Luis pulls it out of your reach. This was getting frustrating.
“What now?”
The man deflects your sharp tone with a click of his tongue, a teasing glint in his grey eyes. You were about to start threatening him until you felt an unexpected tug around your wrists, your whole body tumbling forward until your hands forcefully made contact with his firm chest. The sight of his other hand gripping the middle of your cuff catches your attention.
When the hell did this man grab a hold of your shackles?
Instinct kicked in to hit him but before you could regain your composure to do so, you feel the warmth of long slender fingers against your skin. His thumb caressing gently against the exposed part of your arm below your wrist before wrapping around to keep you firmly in place. He finally brings the key down in the space between you two, inserting it in the lock but not twisting it.
You cast an impatient glare up at him and fell into the trap of his gaze. The way he looked at you suggested that he had been watching you the entire time he brought you to press against him and you noticed then that he no longer wore the chesire cat grin. His voice reaches your ears, low and husky.
“I still didn’t catch your name.”
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A/N: hope you enjoyed that ;) spicy continuation can be found here.
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numberonepartyboy · 8 months
'kai raised nya alone' is such bs. oh yeah those other village people wouldn't fucking help two babies who's parents are missing. they totally wouldn't provide them food and help them to get enrolled in school or help with their home.
(( i do hc that kai and nya grew up very fast, being too mature for their age and having no close friends with others bc of their more adult behavior. both of them are school dropouts (kai dropped out in middle school and nya in highschool.) ))
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cherrycola27 · 2 months
"it's so big" girlfriend 🤝 "you can take it" boyfriend
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pastelpousay · 2 months
My little Hadina 🤫🧏‍♂️
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@re3tro0 @dreamwinged @maddieinheaven @optizcool @delicatestringbean @persephoneflowerpetals
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Dividers from Chi’s resources!!
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wexhappyxfew · 1 month
the waiting game
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(a/n): HELLO FRIENDS!!!!! how is everyone?!?!?! it has been a minute since i've been able to put writing out but! i finished my summer internship and took a vacay too and i'm back to do some more writing! :) i have one more prompt to put out that is taking me some time to rewrite/edit, but i wanted to start with putting out a piece for annie x brady for AGES AGO!!!! i wrote it maybe back in march/april and it never got posted so, i cleaned it up and wanted to put it out!! PLUS it features annie x brady being adorable beans and some cameos from other Silver Bullets members just being their normal, chaotic selves haha. so please enjoy that!!!! :D
Algeria was hot as fuck.
The belly of Silver Bullets could only provide so much shade as they waited for the 12th to show up.
Too hot inside the fort, too hot outside the fort, the strip of shade providing what it could, especially with the sun moving from east to west and the atmosphere simply being one thing - hot.
Annie lounged beneath the shaded nose of the plane, leg bent up with her other leg crossed over top, aviators over her eyes as she stared at the smoke from her cigarette, curling upwards towards the bright blue sky, half covered by the nose of the B-17. Her shorts were filled with sand, her tank top a size too big and equally covered in sand and parts of her skin were either dried out or burnt and peeling. A lot of the others were in a much similar or slightly worse state - sun burnt, sweating and coarse sand all over; anywhere you could think and it was there. Something kicked at her foot.
"Hey, you alive?" Annie looked up and found Francis there, aviators and that stupid hat Major Egan was also walking around wearing on his head.
"I am in fact living and breathing," Annie said, and then placed the cigarette on her lip, "you look ridiculous." Francis smirked and then came and settled down on the ground beside Annie and sighed.
"This was all his idea, if I must say," Francis said as Annie passed her the cigarette and she took a puff, "you know as they say, if you wanna look stupid, look stupid together." Annie snorted and glanced over towards Francis.
"So, any update?"
"None. Absolutely nothing. Oh, someone from Brady's crew is trying to train a goat to stand on its hind-legs. Otherwise, no, no news."
"Great." Annie said and glanced back towards the nose of Silver Bullets, her mind drifting briefly to that glance her and Brady had shared a few nights ago after landing, his eyes soft, his face worn with exhaustion, the slight smile on the corners of his cheeks, "Who the hell is training the goat?" Francis let out a snort and sighed, picking up a handful of sand and dropping it to the ground again.
"I don't know, I think one of their waist gunners," Francis said nonchalantly, "Brady's encouraging him. Either way, it was funny as hell trying to see those two trying to tame a goat. It was a treat, that's all I gotta say." Annie chuckled and took back the cigarette and blew out a puff. Her mind wandered - everyone was hot, a little moody, waiting for some fresh water, or a meal that wasn't hot as anything. The waiting game was only fun so many times before you were waiting to lead a horse to water where it wouldn't drink.
"We get water?"
"Yeah, some," Francis said, "I think Mari and Judy are helping Benny to pass some out. Want me to grab you some?"
"Nah, I can get it." Annie said and then slowly sat up, her head swimming a bit from the mixture of sweat and equally, heat exhaustion.
"No you're not," Francis said, "honey, you're burnt up like a fried pepper. Stay here." Annie pulled a face.
"It's just a little bit of sun-burn, I've had worse." Annie said and Francis shot her a look, even from behind the aviators, that told her to stay still.
"Don't start moving around, alright, I'll be back." Annie watched Francis leave, before lying back down on her back and staring up again at the nose of good ole Silver Bullets, before shutting her eyes. A few minutes of shut-eye might be worthwhile.
"Annie." Her eyes shot open and she found Brady standing there above her. Eyes widening rather dramatically, she flushed a bit and shifted.
"John, hey." she said, suddenly realizing her fetal-position-like posture there on the ground and blinked a few times before, slowly sitting up, head swimming and then getting to her feet, to which Brady placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her, which made her hiss, the sun-burn burning a bit from his warm hand.
"Oh, shit," Brady said, immediately removing his hand, "I just wanted to steady you-"
"No, no, thank you, it's okay. You're okay, thank you." Annie said as she glanced towards her shoulder, at the skin beginning to peel up, grimacing a bit as she looked towards him, "Sunburn that's all." Brady looked at her through his own aviators and she suddenly took him in there in front of her - shirtless - not exactly something she was complaining about or should even be thinking too deeply into.
It was hot. The sun was brutal, you basically wanted as little layers on as possible, and they all smelled generally, not too great. But Brady being shirtless was yeah….definitely a sight worth glancing at considering the circumstances where everything was simply draining.
She flushed deeper, and hoped it would pass off as heat exhaustion if anything as she watched Brady cross his arms, the evidently toned muscles of his arms extending far greater into her line of sight than she would've thought.
"You need me to get a bandage for it or something?" Brady asked her, "Some water to pour on it?" Annie stared at him and then wised-up and shook her head.
"It's alright, really, no worries," she said, and then cleared her throat, "how's it going? What's up?" Brady smiled and then shook his head.
"That's what I came to ask you, but now you have me considering scrounging bandages." he said, placing his hands on his hips, "Don't mind stepping up to the plate."
"Don't be telling that to Kennedy, she'll start a ball game in this heat and next thing you know we'll all be burnt." Annie said with a smirk and Brady chuckled at her words. She tilted her head to the side and considered his help - he was already standing in her presence, he didn't need to do much else.
"I'm fine really though, save the bandages. For a serious issue." she told him with a small smile and he shook his head.
"It could get worse." he told her, face falling to a pinch of worry that you had to see if you squinted, crossing his arms again - really nice arms, "C'mon, let me find something. Hey…..Stagliano!"
Paulina Stagliano, ever-the-presently-always-pissed person she was, sat under one of the wings of Silver Bullets sat up and lifted her aviators, her curly hair that was out of its usual braids, looking like it'd been just dumped in a bucket of water, sticking to her cheeks, glanced at him.
"What the hell do you possibly want me from me, sir!" she hollered, voice bouncing off the nearby metal of the plane.
"Bandages!" Brady called back, "For your pilot!"
"That was a little unneeded, John," Annie said, giving his shoulder a shove and he turned to her with that wide grin and shook his head, "really, the girls know I'm fine, that's what matters."
"You're their pilot. And also one of the 100ths, I'll look out for ya, alright?" Well, there was no use arguing anymore at this point. Paulina came hauling over with a few packs of bandages she kept at the radio station in the fort and smacked it into Brady's hands with a grumble.
"Why you always gotta say it like that? Because you know I'll come running, sir?" Paulina murmured crossing her arms.
"Because I know you like to carry extra things with ya - bobby pins, bottle caps, postcards and figured you also had bandages."
"Right." Paulina said and then deadpanned, "Sir, why the hell you need bandages."
"Not me," Brady said, "Bradshaw." Paulina looked to Annie and then smirked.
"Right, Mr. Chivalrous." Paulina said, "Lieutenant Brady, when did you become such a softy-schmuck." Brady gave her a look.
"Ask me again during business hours."
"News-flash, Lieutenant, we are on business hours." Brady glanced her way and Paulina raised a brow, "Just make sure you wrap the bandages real nicely, okay? No need getting infections in this hell hole. This is my pilot we're talking about." Paulina sighed and shook her head, squinting into the sun, "For Christ-sake." And with that, Paulina was wading back over to her spot on the ground. Brady turned to look back at Annie and found her looking after Paulina.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," Annie said quickly, "just….worried about some of the women. Like usual." Brady chuckled and then flicked through some of the bandages in his grasp.
"Well, you don't have to worry anymore at the minute. Let someone else worry about you for now." he said and she glanced at him, "You need help putting these on?" Annie stared, and then shook her head.
"Nah, I got it." she said and took the bandages, "Really, you didn't have to get these, I'll be fine-"
"Annie, if you say you'll be fine, one more damn time, I'm actually going to lose it." Francis said coming over with two canteens filled with water, "Lieutenant Brady, pleasure to see you here." Francis said glancing at him before looking back at Annie, "You gotta take care of yourself better. I can't be playing co-pilot and single-mother out here."
"I'm fine, Francis, really, I'll throw some bandages and water on to cool the burns down and we'll move on from this. It'll heal." Annie admonished and watched as Francis side-eyed, glancing at Brady before looking back at Annie.
"I will hand-apply those bandages on Annie I swear to-"
"I'll take care of it." Brady said calmly, cutting in and taking the bandages out of Annie's hands and one of the tins of water from Francis' grasp, "Go sit down for a bit, I'll help her out." Francis looked from Annie to Brady and then nodded.
"Alright, then." Francis said and then glanced at Brady and pointed a finger at him, "Wrap it tight, Brady, I don't wanna see exposed bits of sun-burn, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am." Brady said, snickering as Francis wandered away and lied down beside Bessie on the ground.
Brady turned to Annie and then poured water on his hands before opening up the bandages. Annie suddenly took in the fact it was the two of them; it always ended up being the two of them somehow - like back at base, when the night got long, and it was the last of the group at the bar; it was the two of them. The one night the group had gone out to look at the stars, sharing cigarettes, stories and drinks, the last of the group had simply been the two of them, a few glances that had Annie second-guessing a bit too much for her liking. It was always the two of them.
Annie caught a glance at his bare chest in the golden, honey sun again and looked away, her cheeks, if they weren't already burning from heat exhaustion or sunburn, flaming red.
"So, liking Algeria?" Annie asked him as he began to work. Brady chuckled and glanced up at her, overtop the Aviators and smirked.
"It's hot as anything, so….not my favorite, but…I'm not dying so, can't complain." Annie laughed.
"Got that right." Annie said quietly and she watched him smile as he gently placed the bandages on the sunburn and then continued to do the same until the majority of the sunburn was mostly covered, and then pressed down the edges before looking at her. He was standing so close to her, and she was sure she must've smelled like sweat, metal and blood and almost wished she was still lying on the ground, in fetal-position with Francis bugging her about the water.
"Handy-work, huh?" he said softly, "You need some water?"
"Thanks." she said as she took the canteen from him and took down some water, before pulling down the canteen and then looking at Brady, who was staring her down from her angle.
"I appreciate the concern over my sunburn," she said with a small smile as she screwed the canteen lid on, and Brady offered a quick smile, "but, your boys okay?"
"Yeah," Brady said, "Jacobs was trying to train a goat." Annie laughed.
"I heard."
"Yeah." Annie said with a laugh, "So, how's that going?"
"Eh, could be going better," Brady said with a laugh, "funny though to watch a grown man chase around a goat with a piece of bread, trying to get the goat to stand on its hind legs." Annie laughed, before looking at him with a smile. That look, it made it her stomach twist.
"You managed to get any rest?" she asked him quietly; no one could really sleep it seemed just because of the circumstances, so when someone did, it was a small victory for the 100th it seemed altogether.
"A bit." Brady said, "Keep ending up with sand all up my nose when I get up though, you?"
"Here and there," Annie said, "it's why I was so surprised to see you, to be honest. I was half-asleep."
"Sorry 'bout that." Brady said quickly, with a grin and Annie laughed.
"It's fine, really, it's….it's nice to see you." she said and they fell quiet for a brief moment, Brady smiling at her with one of those closed-lipped grins he usually wore. Something seemed to shift between them. Brady took a small step closer and dropped his voice to the point only she could hear.
"Saw your plane take some hits flying out here….everyone okay?" Are you okay? His eyes begged the question.
"For the most part." Annie said managed quietly back, "I just think we're all glad to have made it. Thought at first we'd be going down somewhere over Italy - one of the engines….it's that stubborn third engine is always crapping out but…." Brady watched her, as the two fell quiet, the tension in the air between them overwhelming and suffocating. She couldn't help but take in a few shaky breaths, watching as he stared at her, their aviators suddenly the only thing between them it felt.
"Listen, Annie, I've been meaning to ask you-"
"Hey! Guys, it's the 12th!" Annie and Brady looked around the front of Silver Bullets, and there they were - the 12th. Coming in, like rolling thunder, dust kicking up all over the place in the far distance.
"Well, looks like we'll be heading home." Annie said, glancing over towards Brady with a small smile. The look on his face was hidden with something else she couldn't quite decipher, but instead he smiled and crossed his arms.
"Heading home." he echoed.
Heading home - wherever that seemed to be these days.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
one of the few zelda youtuber guys that seems to actually love totk made a video about it (i guess bc so many talked about why they dont like it) and while i didnt watch it i took a peek into the comments and of course its full of people going "LMAO people only dislike it bc it didnt validate their crazy theories!!" "its always the same when a new zelda comes out lol at first they hate it and then later its a classic haha idiots" "people who dont like it are just caught up in their nostalgia and cant accept anything new being introduced!!"
also thanking him for "speaking up" about loving the game ... which i find kinda mind boggling bc the internet is full of praise and 10/10s for it
i obviously dont want to villainize people that love totk but like .. these kinds of comments are so unecessarily judgemental? how dare someone NOT like an entry in the franchise and voice legit criticism, how dare someone not worship the game just bc it has zelda on it! CLEARLY they are just made delusional by their own fantasy and will realize later just how wrong they were! hah! those fools!
on my rants there were quite a few people who actually said they like the game but agree with alot of my views on it regardless, it is very flawed but i can also see that the good things outweigh the bad stuff for others, even if i legitimately hate it; but i also had to block multiple people bc they got so butthurt about me criticising it
and i dont think its 100% just an opinion thing either, totk, even when i disregard my personal feelings on the matter, has alot of problems, moreso than the other zeldas (each judged for how it was in their time) and in pretty much every part of the game too (story, lore, continuity, gameplay and rewards, UI-) and i think alot of it stems from its conception, they have never done a true direct sequel before and it came from a DLC idea, and it shows (though i still believe even coming from that you could have done something way better..... bc they also made botw, which seemed to prepare fertile ground for more storytelling that was all discarded for NO reason)
BUT that doesnt mean you cant like it anyway! there are some very horribly shitty games out there that are beloved by people anyway! and thats fine! i love ww and botw, both of which HAVE flaws too! and thats okay!
you dont need to be dismissive of any hint of criticism like that, there is no holy honor to defend, it just makes you look like a jerk
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
Buggy mourned after eating that devil fruit. He mourned losing his first love: the sea.
He was already an outcast, or at least he felt like one, with his big red nose. Now he was even more of a freak. And just when he had started making his peace with living in Shanks' shadow... he made him do this. (To be fair it was kinda his own fault too, but that didn't make Shanks any less guilty!!!!)
Not being able to swim, to touch the sea, to feel a deep grief anytime he looked at the vast blue surrounding him was just too much. He had one thing he was good at, and now he had nothing.
He cried that day, in Roger's arms, for what felt like hours. And everyone, everyone, looked at him with pity. He hated it. Even Roger, who always donned a smile no matter what, looked at him with such sadness in his eyes... Buggy couldn't handle it.
And if Buggy ignored Shanks for some time after that, it's because he deserved it.
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anonymocha · 6 months
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[ ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE FR | Full under cut ]
Literally just medpoc wearing a strap-on and carabiner, as requested by @fruitgummibean hope ur happy luv
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The ask + pose inspo and lyrics
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bottombaron · 11 months
like sry im going to be laughing at this for a long ass time, this is the best joke wwdits ever had
imagine writing a scenario you feel is so universal, like hero worshiping your shitty boss, and the generations watching this in the 2020's economy literally can not comprehend such an absurdity that they go,
"oh i get it, he wants to fuck his boss"
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verdantdaises · 16 days
how the fuck do u end a chaptered fanfic sos help ive never done this
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d0vegum · 1 year
writing characters that are laughing is so hard. all the synonyms to laughing are literally unusable in any context besides comedic.. no i am not calling that a chortle sir
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scribs-dibs · 6 months
sumeru makes me so mad cus so many of the designs would eat down with darker skin but nooooo at most we got coffee with extra extra extra extra cream for the playable characters. i truly hate it here
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pastelpousay · 3 months
Was trying out some new brushes that Ik I’m probably not gonna use ever again 😽😻‼️
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UHHH IDRK KNOW WHAT ELS ETO SAY BUT YEA 🗣‼️🐺 also Ik I keep posting but like….😽what can I say, you’ll never forget me 💪🐺🎀
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whirlybirdwhat · 3 months
engineering is just. so fun. cause every time u think you understand how physics works you just get new symbols and new equations and have to learn it all over again
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daenystheedreamer · 7 months
daenys made her prophecy as a maiden, aged eleven, and it took nearly too long to convince her father. they leave in 114 BC, when she is just thirteen, and she is wed to her brother gaemon soon after in order to lift their spirits and celebrate their new beginning. gaemon is nineteen. she fell pregnant with aegon soon after, and she named him for iron so he could be her strength. he is born on her fourteenth nameday. elaena was soon after, and with only fifteen years of a gap between them she felt more like a little sister than her own daugher. a few years without pregnancies, they're not easy on her body and the dragon dreams get worse. aenys is born when she is eighteen, and he is dead by her nineteenth nameday. daemon is born blue and without breath as valyria is doomed. daenys nearly dies that night, and gaemon can no longer look his wife in the eye. elaena is eleven when daenys' third child is born and gaemon lets her pick the child's name; daena, after her mother, and asks for daenys to have another son so daena will have someone to marry. aelora, helaena and rhaella all die before their third nameday. another boy, aenar, is born during the mourning of the death of his namesake. gaemon is glad their father lived long enough to see aegon and elaena wed. little aenar does not survive the winter.
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