#and in fact i do have an au now where all of this happens. Izuku is busy with school and ofa and also a mostly uninjured AfO he does not
pocketramblr · 5 months
As annoying as another movie is, it is fun that the movies all give villains that if allowed would have taken care of each other
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darkcircles4lyfe · 7 months
To Build Something Else
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Whenever I read a fanfiction that takes place in the future where the hero kids continue their schooling as normal and emerge as pro heroes into the existing system, I always kinda view it as like, “AU where things weren’t as bad” or “AU where everyone is still pretending that this is the way things should be” or “AU where good and evil are morally uncomplicated.” I’m not trying to call anybody out—I’ll still read and enjoy these sometimes—but that’s how I’ve always looked at it. I’m starting to notice other people feeling it too. I’ve read fics where they point out how redundant and unfair it is to go back to being students after saving the world (remember how many pros straight up quit and left a bunch of kids to keep fighting?). I’ve seen people acknowledge how trauma will affect their ability to keep going. Perhaps the trickiest thing to wrap our heads around is how the villains will fit into it all if not through death, punishment, or imprisonment. What about all the other trappings of society? The heavily regulated quirk use, the government-funded pros aiding police control and contributing to cover-ups that maintain the illusion of peace. Hero idolization, quirk counseling, civilian helplessness. Judging a person’s worth or character based on their quirk…
It would sound too obvious and cheesy to simply point out that society isn’t “just the way things are,” that change is possible. We all know this, and yet we struggle to pinpoint exactly where to aim our sights, find the source, make any meaningful progress. The other day I read some articles from my university’s student newspaper around 1970, and it made me feel sick wondering if progress is really an illusion. Fact is, it’s easy to intellectually deconstruct society, but very difficult to imagine how to build something else.
In this fictional world, heroes have offered a mythical vision of safety and triumph. When All Might arrived, everything was going to be okay. But let’s not forget how this story began: with a moment where All Might paused, like a bystander, and in his place, a desperate civilian kid hurtled forward without any common sense. If you ask me, it wasn’t that Izuku was so good and pure and selfless, it was that he disregarded everything.
And so the person who “saves the world” (if we can even reduce it to such a concept) is not the person who puts everyone at ease and makes crowds cheer. It’s the person who makes everyone hold their breath, with a feeling in the air like the pressure changed, and it smells like rain. It is natural to be worried about the future. It’s honest. It means you can see what’s really going on. Hero society has never felt this exposed, but the people are held back from the edge of despair because there is also so much potential brewing. Electricity about to strike. The world will NOT go back to the way it was, no matter what. That much is certain. But what if we still live to see the dawn? What then? What if one person’s courage to break the mold makes all the difference?
I’m not just talking about Izuku, you know. I’m talking about Horikoshi.
To an extent, I’ve given up on predicting how exactly things will play out, because if nothing else, I can tell he’s planning something big—so big, I can’t quite picture it. I’m watching and waiting for the one person who can. I just know where he’s coming from. I think about how he’s never come this far before because his other stories were snuffed out. I know he used to struggle to see the future of his career. I relate to his stubbornly rebellious resolve to do what he wants anyway. To keep dreaming. I know that emotional sincerity is his specialty. And now he’s even directly breaking the fourth wall, having characters talk about what’s supposed to happen in comic books. Gradually, almost imperceptibly at first, we’ve been shown how something else can happen. He’s not done yet.
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levihanskid · 5 months
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 1
Ch2 ao3 link wattpad link i haven’t made a fic in years so idk how this is gonna go, but i’ve been cooking this one for a while now! i’m planning to make more in the future but idk
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“Where the hell is that bastard?” the girl muttered to herself as she stares at her phone, pissed at her twin brother for not picking up her calls. 
She and Katsuki were supposed to meet up at the grocery store and run some errands after school. Although it seems like the other twin had forgotten about it and decided to storm off somewhere.
The girl walked towards the nearby shopping district, with her long sand blonde hair swaying with the wind. As she approached the store, she fished her phone out of her pocket and attempted to call her brother one last time.
The phone rang for a second before a sudden explosion reached her ears. It seems to be in quite some distance since the sound was not as loud, but it still caught her attention. She saw people on the main street running in different directions, some ran towards the commotion, while others went the opposite way in a panic. 
She heard the sounds of explosions again, this time a lot louder for her to hear properly and recognize. The awfully familiar noise made her stomach twist. Who wouldn’t recognize the sound of their own twin’s quirk?
The blonde girl marched into the crowd, which was a few blocks away from where she was at. Anxiety engulfs her as the explosions continued and smoke started rising. She knew right at that moment that it was something serious, because she knows for a fact that Katsuki wouldn’t carelessly use his quirk that much in public if he wanted a clean record before getting into high school. Her twin brother is in real trouble.
As she finally reached the commotion, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. From the other side of the road, she could see the street on fire. The scene made her stop on her tracks, her crimson eyes wide as she makes out the figure of a sludge looking thing enveloping a kid with the same hair and eyes identical to hers.
The sight made her stand on her spot frozen as questions ran through her mind. What the hell is happening? Why is that thing trying to kill her brother? Where are the pro heroes? Surely they will help him, right? 
Another batch of explosions snapped her out of her brain and to her disappointment, her last question was answered. A giant hero stood on the side of a street just watching the boy struggle. With furrowed brows, she scanned the area and saw the other pro-heroes standing around and doing nothing to rescue her brother. 
Her anxiety was immediately replaced with raging anger when she realized that no one was trying to help Katsuki. She began crossing the road as tears welled up her eyes. 
“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!”
She heard people gasp and pro-heroes yelling at another kid running to the villain. That unmistakably curly green hair… no way. Is Izuku trying to help Katsuki right now? Out of all people, a quirkless, scrawny boy is the one trying to rescue her brother?
Out of the corner of her eye, a skinny man seemed to have grown five times larger his size and jumped up. She didn’t pay much attention as she was too distracted to what was happening in front of her.
She was struggling to enter the scene because of the crowd when All Might appeared out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, All Might quickly grabbed the two boys as he punched the villain, yelling his signature move. Everyone was stunned for a moment as they saw how the number one hero changed the weather because of his powerful move. But that’s none of her concern, she didn’t waste anymore time and quickly ran to her brother. 
“WHAT KIND OF PRO-HEROES ARE YOU?!?” the girl’s voice thundered. 
Moments after All Might’s victory over the sludge villain, media arrived to cover the incident. People praised Katsuki for his bravery, while they scolded Izuku for running into the scene like an idiot. Which riled her up even more.
“How could you just stand around knowing a villain is trying to kill someone!?” she continued yelling at the pros. 
“Mitsuko, calm down. You’re too loud,” Katsuki said in a low, raspy voice.
“No, I will not calm down!” she regarded her twin before turning back to the pro-heroes. “You call yourselves heroes yet you can’t do anything against a single villain even when you have the numbers?!”
“Relax kid, none of us had the quirk to go against that slime villain so we had to wait for someone with the appropriate ability. We did everything we could, we kept the damage to a minimum and kept civilians safe,” the hero with a large build said. He’s wearing a yellow and black-striped headband that matches his wrist guards and the belt around his waist. Mitsuko recognized him as the Punching Hero: Death Arms.
“Besides, your brother is fine. He was able to hold off on his own. You should be glad he had such powerful quirk,” the woman who was a giant earlier added, which she didn’t recognize at all so she assumed that the hero was fairly new. 
“And what if the victim was another person? What if it was someone who was not strong enough to fight the villain off? Would you be able to live up to that if someone died because you weren’t able to do anything to help?” Mitsuko said in a stern voice, eyeing every single pro-hero in front of her. 
The heroes fell silent so she chuckled in disbelief. “I can’t believe a middle schooler beat you in having the balls to at least try and do something.” 
She picked up her brother, who has been sitting on the floor, and started walking away. “Come on, Suki. Let’s go home.”
The twins walked home in silence. None of them dared to speak until Katsuki stopped before a corner of a street. 
“You go ahead, I want to do something first,” he told his sister as he started walking to a different direction.
“Hell no. Do you think I’d let you go on your own after all that? Are you stupid?” Mitsuri raised an eyebrow.
“Just go! I can handle myself!” he yelled at her without stopping in his tracks.
Mitsuko could hear the exhaustion lingering in her brother’s usual rude tone. So she decided not to follow but to wait for him instead.
“Fine, I’ll just wait for you here. Just hurry up or mom’s gonna kill us.”
Several minutes passed before she saw her brother walking back with hands in his pockets and his back slouched. None of them spoke as they navigated their route home.
The twins were greeted with their father’s worried face the second they opened the door of the Bakugo residence. 
“We saw the news. Are you guys okay? Were you hurt, son?”
Katsuki let out an audible scoff. “I’m fine, old man! I could’ve freed myself on my own if no one intervened!” 
“STOP LYING!” their mom yelled before walking out the kitchen. “If you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place!”
“SHUT UP! It wasn’t my fault that some heroes were dumb enough to let that ugly slime loose! He was so weak I could beat the hell out of him!” the boy yelled back.
“Could you guys at least let us take our shoes off and walk in? Jeez,” Mitsuko said in a condescending tone.
“Right. Well, you see my brother here got into a slimy situation so we forgot. Sorry about that,” she pointed her thumb at her brother, unbothered by the volume of their mom’s voice.
“It’s fine, I can get the groceries later,” their dad said, trying to calm everyone down. “Dinner is ready, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Katsuki and their mom’s banter continued to the dining table. Still talking about the incident and how much of an idiot Katsuki was for getting in trouble. Mitsuko didn’t mind, she focused on eating her food in hopes of not getting the same yelling her brother was having. After dinner, the twins automatically stood up to help cleaning up but was stopped by their mother.
“I’ll do the dishes. You guys go and wash up. Especially you, Katsuki!! You reek of sewer and trash!” unlike her tone before, she said that in a much friendlier way except that she didn’t miss the opportunity to scold one of her twins.
After washing up and changing into her pajamas, Mitsuko sat at her desk, facing her laptop. A video of her yelling at the pro-heroes earlier is playing on the screen. The news didn’t include her in the reports, but some citizen had taken a video of the scene and uploaded it to the internet, which garnered tons of views and attention. She only found out about it when some of her classmates notified her and sent her the link.
Mitsuko could clearly see her furious expression from the angle the video was taken, and she wondered what kind of impression that gave to other people, especially the heroes. Just as she was about to open the comment section to see what people think, a hand came from behind and closed her laptop shut. She looked up from her shoulder and saw her twin standing next to her, holding a mug of milk chocolate. She realized how unaware she was because she didn’t even hear him come in her room.
“Don’t even bother paying attention to that video. Most of the comments are full of morons,” Katsuki told her before setting the mug on her desk and plopping down her bed.
“You read the comments? What did it say?” Mitsuko asked, sipping her milk chocolate. It relaxed her a bit, and she silently thanked her brother for always remembering her comfort drink.
“Yeah, most of them are just dumb enough to not know the context before putting down a comment, calling you disrespectful and whatnot. While some of them agree with what you said. Especially with the ‘what if the victim was someone weak’ statement,” Katsuki answered, taking one of her pillows and wrapping his arms around it. “You didn’t have to say that, you know.”
“What? And have you get all the spotlight?” she raised a teasing eyebrow to her brother. “There’s no way I’ll let you have all the fame.”
The boy sat up, and was about to hit his sister with the pillow before realizing that she is still holding the mug. “I’m just saying! I get what the heroes were trying to say. Even if they tried, none of them had the quirk to counter that sludge. It’s unfortunate, but they did everything they could.”
Mitsuko put the mug down and crossed her arms. “I just don’t like the idea of just watching someone struggle and nearly die. I hate to say this but even Deku had more balls than those heroes.”
“That damn nerd is an idiot! Don’t even remind me of him! You should have seen his face. The moron was obviously terrified. And he had the guts to dream about getting into U.A. Thinking about it makes me want to puke,” her brother exclaimed.
“Well, at least he tried to do something,” she said in a low voice, facing away from her twin. “I couldn’t even do anything. I was frozen in my spot, my mind was all over the place and I couldn’t think straight. I don’t know what I would do if something bad did happen to you with me there.” She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt guilty that she didn’t react faster to help him, when she knew damn well that her brother would’ve done everything he could if it was her in that position. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Katsuki sat up straight, whirling her chair around so they could face each other. “It’s over and I’m fine, stop overthinking things. Besides, that’s why we train right? So we can handle our own shit and not rely on each other every time,” her brother looked at her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Not that I need it, cause I’m stronger than you,” he added and his face grew into an annoying grin. 
“Don’t kid yourself,” Mitsuko rolled her eyes before drinking her milk chocolate ‘till the bottom’s up. “The reason I train is so I can become a better hero than those ones earlier. Someone who is able to help in any situation,” she added. It has always been the twins’ dream to become the best heroes. As kids, they used to role play with one twin playing as the hero who rescues the other and vice versa. 
“That reminds me, did you fill up those forms they gave to the classes earlier? The one where you put your school of choice for high school?” her brother asked.
“Yep. Obviously I only put U.A. and nothing else. I’m sure I’ll get in easily. Wouldn’t it be funny if I passed and you didn’t? That would be embarrassing,” she replied, teasing her twin again.
Knowing that she had finished her drink, Katsuki hit her with the pillow he’s been holding. “Like I’d fucking let that happen! And if you didn’t pass I would definitely not want to be seen with you, either!” he yelled and stood up to walk towards the door. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you dare stay up late! We have our morning run tomorrow! I swear I will literally throw you out of your bed if you’re not up!”
Mitsuko laughed, proud that she successfully annoyed her brother once again. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep now? You just gave me a chocolate drink!”
“That’s why I put milk in it you idiot!” Katsuki screamed before shutting the door. 
Like her usual routine, Mitsuko woke up before the crack of dawn, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes making it evident that she stayed up later than normal. Despite her twin’s advice to not read the comments under the viral video, she was too stubborn and still decided to go through them. The public’s opinion was mixed up, there were some who criticized her for being ungrateful. While some applauded her for being able to speak up and call the heroes out, which started debates on whether or not heroes are competent enough to do their job.
Part of her felt guilty for what she did, maybe she was wrong for lashing out at the heroes before knowing their side of the story. After all, they were pros, they knew better than she does. Now those heroes are getting hate comments on the internet because of her.
However, another part of her has too much ego and refuses to admit she did anything wrong. If there’s one thing Mitsuko hates, it’s people not living up to what they said they would do. Those pro-heroes became heroes because they exerted efforts to have their licenses and work as professionals. If they can’t do anything about a simple incident, then maybe they should just find another job.
An impatient knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” she stood in front of her mirror to put her hair up, grabbed a face towel and walked out of her room.
She walked down the stairs to see Katsuki standing by the front door holding a piece of toast on his left hand, while he munches on another with his right hand. Mitsuko eyed him, and chuckled at the very similar outfit they were wearing.
“Wow, Suki. You really love idolizing me, huh?” she teased, taking the toast from her brother.
Both of them wore black tank tops, gray jogging pants, and the same pair of shoes that they got last Christmas. It’s not rare for them to have some twin telepathy moment, but it was still amusing.
“Shut the fuck up! I finished before you did so if anything it’s you that’s copying me!” Katsuki flicked her forehead before heading out, lowering his voice so he doesn’t wake their parents up.
The twins started jogging, and by the time they reached the beach, the sun could be seen in the horizon. The stopped by the shore and did some stretching. Mitsuko faced the sun rise, her head held high and arms stretching out on both sides. When the sun rays hit her skin, she took a deep breath and felt the energy fill her system like she’s a battery getting charged up. Her brother, continuing his stretches, watched her skin glow as bright as the morning sun.
Despite being twins, Katsuki and Mitsuko had different quirks. While Katsuki can produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and can make them explode on command, Mitsuko’s pores absorb sunlight and act like solar panels. She converts the sunlight into her own energy, which she then can create into solar barriers and blasts. Having sunlight to absorb is essential for her quirk, so doing a run before sunrise has become her routine. Since sweating opens up her pores and she gets the best amount of energy from sunrise.
The girl opened her eyes, and faced her twin, her body still glowing from the absorption. “We better come up with a new training plan if we want to get into U.A.” she told him, not feeling satisfied with her current physical condition.
“We have a few months. The written exam is a piece of cake, I doubt that we would have a hard time passing that one,” her brother replied. When it comes to academics, both of them can pass anything with no efforts. “It’s the practical exam you should worry about, because I’ll definitely beat you.”
“Stop being delusional, the only thing you’re good at is acting like a rabid chihuahua,” Mitsuko tried hiding her laugh but failed.
“THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!?” before Katsuki could do anything, his sister had already sprinted away from him. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran after her, small explosions coming out of his balled fists. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
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izvmimi · 8 months
cw: gods au. fem!reader and izuku are both gods, although izuku is now a human. pining. part 2 of this.
“You should stop watching.”
The sudden voice behind you shocks you out of your reverie, and the gash that you’ve formed in the veil between your world and the human realm shrinks to almost imperceptible, yet your best friend can tell you’ve been peering behind the proverbial curtain again. You haven’t spent a millenia together for nothing.
You frown. 
“How did you know?” 
She scoffs, gliding over to you along marbled paths to where you sit, legs folded to the side and tucked beneath your robes, in your garden of never-wilting flowers. 
“How don’t I know? You have that look in your eye.” Her voice lowers and softens as she circles around your chair, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder as she stands behind you to see from your vantage point. “There’s no use watching,” she continues, “I understand that you want to keep him safe, but all humans will deteriorate and die eventually. You cannot stop the natural flow of time and circumstance.”
As expected from one who hails from the clan that stitches the thread of mortal life into the tapestry of Fate.
You shrug her off; it’s not meant to be an act of aggression but she frowns even deeper before raising her hands in feigned surrender and letting out a sigh. 
“He’s not a mere human and you know it,” you reply as you turn to glare at her. 
“Yes… right.” 
It’s a statement that she offers you that also is not meant to be condescending, yet somehow is. It’s been like this, for the two of you, any time he is brought into conversation. Although it’s been nearly a century since the transmutation of your lover’s soul, you have failed to come to terms with the fact that your partner is truly not ever coming back. 
He’d disappeared out of the fabric of time and space after the event, and you’d been so numb from tears that you were not sure you’d make it through the next millennium without letting your soul rot from bitterness, but just a couple decades ago, you had felt him reborn, his light, although significantly dimmed reappearing again in the womb of a young woman. And although his signature was nothing like you’d known of him your entire existence, it still burned brighter than the typical human, likely owing to the fact that he was once a god. You’d wondered if there was a loophole to the punishment - this was not something that was supposed to happen - but things were different for those immortals who descended directly from the Sun, more powerful than the rest.
“Is he still feeding the cat?” your companion asks. Raye comes to sit besides you, shifting your legs so that they lay on her lap. She wants to understand. She has tried to understand for so very long now, but she fails to understand why you haven’t given up the part of your heart that longs for him. There are rituals to harden your heart that she knows very well and have often been prescribed to people with your plight, and yet you prefer to suffer this way. 
So instead she indulges you with questions like this. Her gray eyes shift and watch your profile as you widen the gash between realms and watch the mortal once more. Raye peers into the hole to see from your vantage point.
Izuku Midoriya, the man, is not doing anything very interesting at this moment. You watch him on his couch, opening up a plastic bag containing a prepared dinner he must have picked up from a convenience store a few blocks away. Earlier today, he had a fanmeeting where he’d smiled and signed hundreds of autographs, and only now was getting the opportunity to eat. Sleep would probably occur to him soon and you would have to find something else to do aside from watching him tirelessly. 
“I didn’t descend today,” you reply. 
She lays her head on your shoulder and the two of you lay in silence. There’s a gentle warm breeze that runs in your garden and in the snap of your fingers, you could request some music to fill the pregnant pause between you too but you refrain. Your heart doesn’t hurt right now so you don’t need it. But it will soon.
“What would you do if he stopped?” she asks.
It’s a question that makes your heart pound ever so slightly in your chest. The idea of your Izuku walking by you, without even noticing, without any offer of attention to you, seems far too much to reconcile in your conscience.
But you lie.
“I’d have to accept it.”
“You wouldn’t turn into anything else?” she asks.
You pause, and lie again. “I wouldn’t.”
She blows out air from her nostrils in a slow, deliberate sigh.
“Liar,” she hisses before straightening up to a sitting position. She pauses, and then instead decides to stand before marching off to your front gate. 
“I’m not-” you call after her.
“You are such a bad liar! You would never let him go, face it.”
Her lips are pressed into a tight smile, and she’s somewhere between amused and annoyed as she runs a hand through her orchid-pink hair.
And you have started to get angry too, but you bite your lip so as to not let the honeysuckles that sprout around you wilt in your rage. 
“Why should I?” you demand.
“Because he’s a HUMAN.”
You grit your teeth but let your rage simmer. You can see that there’s an edge to her voice, a small plea to come back to your senses. 
It’s your turn to sigh.
“He isn’t meant to be…” you try to ignore the tears that well up in your eyes, aware that by now you’ve cried a flowing river over the years. 
She scoffs - not because she no longer cares but because the outcome of your moroseness is no longer beneficial to any of you. She misses him too, believe it or not, but she cannot watch you deteriorate forever. 
There’s an eternity that remains, and she wants you to be happy.
Izuku Midoriya, aged 27, dreams of fire and felines.
He wakes up in a cold, uncomfortable sweat, panting heavily in a too-sticky mess of matted bedsheets. It’s not the first time and it likely won’t be the last time he wakes up in a shock like this.
Izuku steadies his breath and grabs his phone from the end table, rubbing his eyes as he brings himself to a sitting position before checking the time and any pending notifications from overnight. There’s a text from his mother, reminding him to eat breakfast every morning. He smiles, then immediately frowns as he remembers that he actually has nothing left in his fridge aside from ketchup and katsudon leftovers from the night before. 
It’s Saturday morning, and he’s not sure what to do first, but there’s a long list of tasks and upkeep that he has to perform before the week starts. Laundry piles up in the corner of his room, overflowing from his laundry basket and he’s pretty sure the dishes in the sink have been there since last weekend. These are the moments he’s reminded that, despite being admittedly lonely in this apartment, he’s not equipped to take care of much else aside from himself, especially not a pet.
There is a jet black cat that he’s been seeing constantly since he moved to this neighborhood several months ago that seems to haunt him, although it should be a sign of good luck. Golden eyes watch him, glowing and far too intense, enough so that the first time he met it, he wondered if it would speak to him in formal Japanese.
It seemed to be waiting for him, the way it sat perfectly still on his route home from work. He had been mostly lost in thought when he suddenly encountered the animal, trying to decide if it were a good idea moving so far away from his mother when he had no other compelling reason besides asserting his independence. He saw the cat from a distance - rather felt compelled to look - and stood just as still. The two beings faced each other, and the cat seemed to size him up, as though hesitating, with far more interest in him than strays usually do. Perhaps it was hungry, he figured, and that made it friendly enough to beg for scraps, but its movements towards him - when it eventually decided he was worthy - were too graceful for a being humbled by starvation.
It passed between his legs once, then twice, then stood before him with far too much familiarity in its eyes. Squatting to his knees to look at it more closely, he decided eventually to pet it, gingerly placing his hand on its fur to test the waters. It purred to his touch, its coat again far too soft for an animal that wasn’t being taken care of somehow, by someone. He looked around for a collar and saw nothing on first pass, but as the animal continued to mew, he noticed an inscription behind its ear. 
It was a symbol he couldn’t recognize but felt intrinsically like he should be able to read. It bothered him for a split second, that feeling of uneasiness, but he soon forgot it, eventually realizing he had to get home. He took his time however to say goodbye to the small creature before he continued on his way, leaving the animal to watch him with newly shiny feline irises.
It almost seemed like it was sad to see him go.
As he stirs his protein shake, Izuku ponders on that symbol again, recreating it in his mind’s eye on his counter with the pad of his finger. It seemed not to be shaved in, but rather etched into its very flesh. Did it hurt? Who would brand their cat like this? Is that why it’s so oddly trusting?
He takes a sip of his drink and lets out a sigh. This is a lot of energy to be wasting on a stray and he has things to get to. 
But first, he needs to make a phone call to a friend.
Ochaco is far better at grocery shopping than Izuku is. 
“Buy the organic eggs, they’re better for you~”
“These snack bars are on sale if you buy two packs, and you can always save some for later!”
“The produce at this store isn’t high quality enough to be this expensive! Let’s go to the farmer’s market three blocks down!”
Ochaco reminds him a lot of his mother, Izuku thinks, and all he can do is nod and smile as she drags him from place to place that morning.
“I have an incredible recipe for an apple pie, “ she chirps, holding two apples to her face with a grin. The light red tones of the fruit compliment the pinks of her cheeks well, he notices, and his own face reddens ever so slightly as he realizes he’s staring.
He should tell her how he feels, he thinks. One day, when the dust settles, and his dreams are no longer dreams, he should tell her what she means to him. She’s always been there for him after all. The one constant in his hectic life, the only person he has never had to prove anything to.
Someone who knows all of him.
Izuku digs through the first heavenly bite of his longtime crush’s apple pie and excitedly exclaims that it’s the most delicious thing he’s had in a while. Ochaco beams, and she cuts herself a piece before slipping into the chair next to him and taking a bite. 
“It’s best with vanilla ice cream too!” she adds. “We should get some next time,” she hums, kicking her feet as she enjoys her pie. 
Izuku nods emphatically and Ochaco grins widely, brushing a few crumbs off his mouth. Her eyes linger just too long on his lips, but then she looks away and smiles. The air in the room gets quiet and he wonders if now is the time to kiss her. She tenses and right before he considers holding her hand, she jumps off the barstool and circles back around to the freezer.
His heart slows and then he chuckles gently to himself before occupying himself with finishing his desert.
In the skies, millions of miles above, pink hydrangeas wilt to nothing.
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megansabode · 5 months
Will You Remember Me?
“We have a mission. For the two of you.” The man set the carrier on the table and Katsuki swore he heard something move in it.
It must’ve been one big fucking cat. The carrier was huge.
“A cat?” Katsuki asked, unamused. To his surprise, the official shook his head.
“A child.” Katsuki looked at Izuku, who seemed as confused as the former was. “A child who has a very, very powerful quirk that you two need to work together to raise.”
“I’m fucking sorry?”
After the war, Katsuki lost all memories of what had happened, including apologising to Izuku. But Izuku remembered everything, in every detail. So when they're given a kid who can steal their quirks and have to share a room together, they might just get back to their relationship they had during the war.
Katsuki has amnesia and Izuku remembers everything in HD 1080P and they have to raise a kid.
wc: 7876
bkdk oneshot. also posted on ao3 @megansabode
(war au is slightly changed, oneshot written after 419 and before 420 manga chapters)
contains: swearing, (slight) gore, soft katsuki, katsuki being a good dad, izuku being very (not) subtle, angst, hurt/comfort, katsuki centric (can switch to izuku centric in some paragraphs)
Katsuki groaned as he rolled out of his blanket, crushing his alarm with his fist. He looked up, groaning as he blinked multiple times to open the one eye that still worked to see that his alarm was now broken.
“Fuck’s sake.” He muttered. “It’s too damn early for this shit.” He sat up, rubbing his eyes, flinching at the sudden twinge of pain from the scars on the right side of his face. Sometimes, when he was feeling stupid, he’d stick a finger into his empty eye socket. He didn’t know why, he guessed that sometimes he wanted to see if this shit was still a fever dream or not.
It wasn’t. His eye was gone. And so were, still, all of his memories from the war.
To say that he was confused when fucking Deku was wrapping his arms around him was an understatement. And the fact that Deku had said he’d apologised? When the fuck did he do that?
He couldn’t remember doing any of that shit, that was for sure.
Apparently he’d killed All For One. Great. And where was his reward? Nowhere. They didn’t even give him any funds when he plunged straight into debt after graduating.
If he was such a great hero, why didn’t they treat him like it?
“Deku!” Katsuki yelled. “I need a new alarm!”
“Again?” Izuku’s voice was slightly muffled, Katsuki guessed that he was brushing his teeth. Yes, again. Katsuki had broken his last alarm. And the one before that. And the one before that.
And he definitely was not going to use his phone. He’d just buy alarm after alarm until he got used to waking up at five AM easily again.
But after spending the past two years in and out of the Hospital, he doubted that would be happening anytime soon.
“You need help?” Izuku yelled from his bathroom.
“I’m fine!” No, Katsuki wasn’t fine. He’d only just realised the amount of fucking glass in his hand. After what must’ve been hundreds of trips to the hospital, he guessed that he must’ve been at least a little immune to pain now. And this was no different. He didn’t feel pain, there was just a shit ton of blood dripping onto his floor. He groaned and pulled on his clothes, making sure he didn’t get blood on his shirt, then walked out into the hallway.
“Kacchan, you’re bleeding.” Izuku said from the other side of the hallway as Katsuki attempted to pull the glass out.
“No fucking shit.” He said bluntly, grunting as Izuku grabbed him by the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him into his room. He sat Katsuki down on his bed and grabbed some tweezers, then started picking the glass out. “I’m fine, it’s just glass-”
“And?” Izuku asked, looking up at Katsuki. “I don’t care if it doesn’t hurt. Do you want to lose a hand like me?” Katsuki pursed his lips as his eye caught on the prosthetic arm Izuku had in replacement of his right arm.
Katsuki had lost his arm too, but the doctors had been able to reconstruct it, as they did with Izuku’s left arm. But his right one was unsalvageable.
If that idiot didn’t just fucking stay where he was and didn’t get sucked into that time portal or whatever it was, none of this would’ve ever happened. Well, Katsuki still wouldn’t have his eye, but Izuku wouldn’t have to get used to having no left arm anymore.
At least Katsuki was close to 18 when he died on the battlefield. When Izuku was on his deathbed, he was basically still freshly 17.
And now he was 20. And Izuku was 19. And the two still woke up to each other screaming from nightmares every night.
They never talked about it. Never. They didn’t need to. Their small, “Are you okay”’s in the morning were enough. And they would both nod to each other. Then, they’d move on from it.
Katsuki could never remember what he was even dreaming about. How could he–he didn’t remember anything from the battlefield. It just felt…weird. And he always felt like he needed to know whether Izuku was still alive or not.
But he’d pushed that out after his therapist, Recovery Girl’s daughter, had suggested that he actually cared about Izuku. Because he didn’t. Why would he care?
They heard a doorbell and Izuku looked up. He grabbed bandages after pulling out the last shard and then wrapped bandages around Katsuki’s hand. Then, he got up and walked out of his room, over to the apartment door.
Katsuki flexed his hand as he waited. He was still a little iffy after Izuku’s comment about not having a hand. Did that nerd really have to remind Katsuki about that? Or was it just because he didn’t remember anything else?
“Is your roommate home?” Katsuki heard a low voice travel from the kitchen. And soon, his name was called by Izuku. Not his name, just the stupid ‘Kacchan’ Izuku always yelled. But to Izuku, that was basically Katsuki’s name.
He groaned, getting off Izuku’s bed and walking into the kitchen to see a Hero Commission official with something that looked like a cat carrier in his arms. “Yeah?” The official looked down at Katsuki’s hand and frowned, then looked at Izuku.
“We have a mission. For the two of you.” The man set the carrier on the table and Katsuki swore he heard something move in it.
It must’ve been one big fucking cat. The carrier was huge.
“A cat?” Katsuki asked, unamused. To his surprise, the official shook his head.
“A child.” Katsuki looked at Izuku, who seemed as confused as the former was. “A child who has a very, very powerful quirk that you two need to work together to raise.”
“I’m fucking sorry?” Katsuki stormed forward, but Izuku held him back with his metal arm. “Deku-”
Izuku flinched at the name. “Shush.” He looked at the official. “Why are they in a cat carrier, then? If they really are a child?”
“They are too dangerous-”
“So you want the kid in a cage? Move out of the way.” Katsuki pushed Izuku’s arm out of the way and attempted to open the carrier. It was locked, but Katsuki pulled the door off and tried to pick the kid up. He could barely see them, but he could see them moving further back in the carrier. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help.” He said in a soft tone. The kid slowly crawled forward and he smiled.
Their face came into view and he saw she was a girl, with dark brown hair and violet eyes. Her hair was choppy, her lips chapped, and she looked around six or seven.
She reminded him far too much of Eri. With the scars on her arms and face. With the stupid hospital gown she wore. The official stepped back as the girl crawled out of the carrier and Katsuki glared at him, then picked up the girl. “What’s her name?” He asked, holding her in the crook of his elbow.
“Dynamight, I advise-”
“What. Is. Her. Name?” Katsuki repeated as the girl wrapped her fingers around tufts of his hair.
“How old is she?”
“What’s her quirk called?” Katsuki asked as the girl giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. He couldn’t help but smile as she played with the hairs at the back of his neck.
“Steal.” Izuku’s jaw dropped and he reached out to stop Katsuki, but Katsuki just moved away. He didn’t even seem to care.
Because he didn’t. In all honesty, he hadn’t used his quirk in a fucking year. He didn’t need to and he didn’t want to. The last time he’d used his quirk it had fucked him up so bad that he didn’t think he was even able to use it anymore.
He still wanted to be the No.1 hero. In other ways. And if that way was raising a girl who had a stealing quirk, then so fucking be it. That was what he was going to do.
“Shut up.” Katsuki looked back at the official. “Is that all you needed to say?”
The official nodded. “Good luck with…it.” Katsuki would’ve fucking killed that official if Izuku wasn’t holding onto his arm like a vice. The official left with the carrier and Katsuki turned to Izuku.
Izuku gulped. “Are you sure about this?”
“Set up my room as hers. I’ll clean up the glass on the floor.” Katsuki smiled again as the girl giggled again, pulling his hair slightly. “Ow, Kiro.”
“You named it?”
“Her.” Katsuki bit back.
Izuku shook his head. “Not my point! You named a kid who can steal your quirk? Kacchan, this is on a whole other level! I could lose One For All! You could lose your quirk!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Then don’t get near her.” Katsuki set Kiro down on the counter. “Be a good girl and stay here, okay?” Kiro nodded and he smiled, ruffling her hair before he walked out, going to his room. Izuku followed him quickly, keeping his eye on the kid as she sat down on the counter, playing with some scent beads on the side.
“You’re out of your mind, Kacchan!” Izuku yelled as Katsuki grabbed a dustpan and brush. “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” He said bluntly, picking up the glass on the floor.
“Well—where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch. Obviously.” He said, standing up and throwing all of the shards of glass into the bin. He grabbed what remained of the alarm and chucked it in there, too.
Izuku sighed. “No.”
“You’re sleeping in my bed.”
“I’m what?” Katsuki asked, turning around.
Izuku stood his ground (for once in his fucking life, Katsuki thought) and glared at Katsuki. “You are going to sleep in my bed while we work out what to do with our child, okay?”
“Fine. But don’t expect me to fucking cuddle up with you or some shit.” Izuku rolled his eyes but moved around the room, picking up everything that was Katsuki’s. “They could’ve moved us into a bigger place.” Katsuki mumbled as he took down his posters.
Izuku rolled his eyes again. “They won’t do that. They don’t have enough funds.”
“Don’t have enough funds, my ass.” Katsuki muttered. “They have billions, Deku.” Izuku flinched at the name again and Katsuki wanted to fucking kill himself.
Maybe Katsuki should’ve taken that swan dive off the roof.
Katsuki grabbed his clothes and shoved them into a suitcase. In all honesty, he didn’t mind having Izuku’s bed. It was much comfier than his, as Izuku had arrived at the apartment first.
“I’m gonna go check on her.” He said, walking out of the room and going to the kitchen. To his surprise, the girl was still sitting on the counter, giggling to herself. “What’re you giggling about, huh?” She squealed as he picked her up and held her in one hand, as if she was an airplane. Then, he pulled her to him and held her in front of him. “You stink.”
She giggled again. “You stink.” So she can talk. Katsuki gasped dramatically as she laughed and brought her into the bathroom. She let out a small ‘oof’ as he put her down on the side of the sink and started to fill up the bath. “What’s your name?” She asked.
Katsuki turned around. He didn’t really expect her to be that fluent speaking to anyone, before she had just laughed and giggled. But she sounded confident as she spoke, even if she did have a slight lisp hidden behind her words. Maybe she just didn’t want to talk in front of the official. “Katsuki.” He said.
“Kat-shu-ki?” Katsuki laughed as she struggled to say his name. “Kath-su-chi?”
Not just a slight lisp.
Katsuki smiled. “Katsu.” He said.
“Katsu.” That was a lot easier for her to say.
“Just call me that.” She nodded, looking around the bathroom as he filled up the bath. He didn’t want it to be too full—she could’ve drowned otherwise—so he filled it up so it would cover just up to her waist while she was sitting down. “Test it with your foot.”
She nodded and got up, then put her foot in the bath, smiling. “Is that good?” He asked. She nodded and he started to take off her hospital gown.
He’d bathed female baby cousins before, so he knew what he was doing. He lowered her into the bath and she grinned, splashing.
“Okay, don’t get it all over me.” She laughed as he cleaned her with a smile.
“Kacchan—what are you doing?” Izuku asked, standing in the doorway.
“Giving her a bath. She stank.” Kiro laughed even more as she splashed around, and Katsuki let out a laugh as she got soapy water all over him.
“Shut up. Give me the shampoo.” Izuku sighed and grabbed the bottle, then handed it to Katsuki. “Close your eyes.” He told Kiro. She nodded and closed her eyes, and he put shampoo on his hands, then rubbed it into her hair, creating foam. She reached her hands up to touch it but he pushed them back down, making her pout. Some of the foam went inside her mouth and she gagged for a couple seconds, until she stopped, looking up at Katsuki.
“You’re mean.” She said.
“Oh, am I now?” She nodded, then giggled when he forced her eyes shut so the shampoo wouldn’t get in them. Then, he grabbed the small bucket from the side of the tub and filled it up with water. He tipped it over her head and she giggled as he pressed the side of his palm against her forehead.
Katsuki could’ve sworn he heard Izuku laugh a little, but when he turned around, the green-haired young adult just stood there, crossing his arms. But his large, veridian eyes were softened and wide, which was something that Katsuki hadn’t seen much since he had woken up in that damn hospital bed, not remembering anything about how the fuck he’d gotten there, with a missing eye and an arm that felt like it wasn’t his.
“Kacchan, when will you be done so I can talk to you?” Izuku asked.
“When you make yourself useful?” Katsuki suggested. “Conditioner.” Izuku sighed but handed the hotheaded young adult the bottle, and he sat down on the floor next to Katsuki as the latter started to apply conditioner to Kiro’s ends.
Kiro’s hair was long, and it fell down her back. She was also thin, very thin. Too thin to be a healthy seven year old. “Kacchan, we need to talk about this whole thing.”
Kiro tilted her head to the side, and Katsuki (as gently as he could) moved it back. “Are you talking about me like I’m not here?” She asked. Katsuki snorted and looked over at Izuku.
Izuku shook his head quickly, swatting his hands in front of him. “No! Not at all! I was just, uhh…trying to talk to…” Izuku looked at Katsuki, as if asking what he should call him.
“To Katsu?” Kiro asked.
He smiled. “Yeah. To Katsu.” Izuku looked at Katsuki, who rolled his eyes.
“What’s your name?” Kiro asked, leaning forward in the bath. Katsuki pulled her back gently and she pouted again.
“Izuku.” Izuku smiled.
The girl nodded. “Izuku.”
Why couldn’t she just fucking say my name as easy as that? Katsuki wondered, side-eyeing Izuku, and groaning when he saw that the ‘old friend’ to the side of him was grinning.
“Yeah! Izuku.” Kiro splashed again in joy and Izuku laughed as she got water all over him. “Kiro!” Katsuki forced back the smile that threatened to show on his face as he heard Izuku say the girl’s name.
And Izuku continued to make small talk with Kiro as Katsuki bathed her.
“Goodnight.” Katsuki smiled, tucking Kiro into the bed. She giggled as Izuku walked in, and handed her a plush. Katsuki deadpanned at the All Might plush from years ago.
The one that Katsuki had bought Izuku for his fourth birthday.
“Thank you!” Kiro mused and Izuku laughed as she held the toy in front of her.
“You’re very welcome. Goodnight, Kiro. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Katsuki rolled his eyes at Izuku’s words, then walked out with him, turning off the light. Kiro grinned at Katsuki and Izuku stayed by the doorway, watching as Katsuki looked at Kiro.
The girl giggled and Katsuki laughed. “Night.” He walked out and closed the bedroom door behind him, then stared at the door, his laughter fading into a frown.
“Move.” Katsuki said, going into Izuku’s room. Izuku sighed and walked in after him, then closed the door. “What do you want?”
“Well, you are in my room.”
“Yeah, because it was your idea for me to be here. So spill, Deku. What do you want to talk to me about?” Katsuki sat down at the end of the bed.
Izuku sighed again. “Do you really not care if she steals your quirk?” He asked.
“I…” Katsuki groaned, falling back against the bed. “I don’t know.” Izuku sat down next to him. “I mean, yeah, my quirk’s great and all, but the last time I properly used it I almost fucking died.”
“You did die.”
“Yeah, but not entirely because of my quirk, dipshit.” Izuku rolled his eyes. “I just…we don’t even know how she steals quirks. How are we supposed to be scared if she’s actually just extremely calm?”
Suddenly, Izuku stood up. “What’re you doing?” Katsuki asked, sitting up. Izuku grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started pacing. “Deku-”
Izuku put his phone to his ear after calling someone. “Aizawa-Sensei.” Katsuki narrowed his eyes as Izuku pulled his phone away and put it on speaker.
“--Don’t have to call me Sensei still, kid.” Katsuki heard the end of Aizawa’s sentence. “What do you need, it’s midnight.”
“...Me and Kacchan have a kid. Do you know anything about her quirk?”
“005?” Katsuki’s blood boiled at the mention of the fucking lab name. “Yeah. Why, did they not tell you anything about the quirk?”
“Nope.” Katsuki said.
Aizawa sighed through the speakers. “Alright.” He said. “The kid’s quirk works when the people around her use their quirk and she feels threatened. They chose you because they thought that, for one, Bakugo doesn’t use his quirk, and Midoriya, your quirk is one that’s barely visible and the kid won’t see it as much of a risk–”
“Why is she treated like a fucking lab rat?” Katsuki asked, making Izuku stop pacing and Aizawa stop talking.
“Huh?” Aizawa asked.
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Why is Kiro treated like a lab rat?” He asked.
“That’s what he named the kid.”
“You named her?” Aizawa shouted.
“She’s my fucking kid!” Katsuki yelled.
“Our kid.” Izuku confirmed.
Same thing. “Whatever.” Katsuki said. “Why is she treated like a lab rat? What the hell happened to her?”
Aizawa sighed again. “This is confidential information.” Izuku sat down next to Katsuki again. “She was born about two or three years before your first year at UA.” Fuck, had it really been that long already? “The Commission believes she was a backup plan in case Tomura was never good enough. Which, well, in the end, he wasn’t. But after the war, they searched through every single base and found her in one of them. A frail, thin, malnourished child.”
Yeah, she was thin all right. “They’ve been keeping her in a lab for years, chained up so that she can’t do anything.” Katsuki gripped the sheets below him. After her bath, there were some marks on her wrists that were probably covered in makeup before she was brought over to the apartment. “...She’s stolen around six quirks so far. She can use them, but she only really uses them when she’s scared.”
“...Okay.” Izuku said, but he was just staring at Katsuki. “Aizawa-Sensei, how…do you think we should go about raising her?”
“Treat her like a normal kid, Midoriya. She’s been through enough. And be nice to her, Bakugo–”
“Actually, Kacchan’s been surprisingly good with her.” Katsuki scowled at Izuku’s comment.
Their old teacher laughed a little. “Really?”
“Mhm. He made her laugh, hugged her, gave her a bath and gave her his room. He–he’s a good dad.” Katsuki pursed his lips. He’s a good dad.
Thanks, Deku. He thought.
“Good. Now, can I go back to sleep?”
“Yes! Sorry for waking you up!” Izuku said.
“It’s alright, kid. Goodnight.”
“Night!” Izuku hung up, then turned to Katsuki. “Kacchan? Are you okay?”
Katsuki grinned. “He’s a good dad?” Izuku looked to the side, a pinkish tinge on his cheeks. “I’m a good dad?”
Izuku shrugged. “I guess?”
“Alright. So who’s going to be dad and who’s going to be dada?” Izuku groaned at Katsuki’s mocking tone and threw a pillow at him. “Hey! I’m serious!”
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not.” Katsuki grinned as Izuku glared at him, but the latter soon had a smile on his face. “What’re you looking at me like that for?”
Izuku put his phone back into his pocket. “You haven’t smiled in a while.” Katsuki immediately had a frown on his face again at that. “Oh, c’mon Kacchan, smile!”
“Nope.” Izuku laughed as Katsuki got into bed, throwing a pillow at the former. “You haven’t laughed in a while, Deku.”
Izuku stopped throwing a pillow back, the soft white rectangle dangling above his head. “...That’s not my name.”
“I’m not Deku. Stop calling me that.”
“Actually, it’s your hero name-”
“Call me Izuku!” Izuku yelled. Katsuki narrowed his eyes as Izuku threw the pillow to the floor. “Kacchan, I know, I know that you don’t remember anything. And I’m not trying to burden you with anything, but if you can say it once, you can say it again! Call me Izuku!”
Katsuki stared at his old friend. And for a few seconds, he genuinely considered calling him by his first name.
“...Go to sleep, Deku.” Izuku just stood there as Katsuki laid on his side and turned off the lamp on the right side of the bed.
“Izuku!” The new adult in question gasped as he heard Katsuki yell his name. Katsuki sat up, breathing heavily and sweating. “Fuck.”
“Kacchan?” Katsuki just got up and went into Izuku’s bathroom. The latter grimaced at the sound of Katsuki throwing up in the toilet.
Katsuki walked back into the bedroom, pushing his hair back with a hand. “Fuck’s sake.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands on either side of his face, his elbows on his thighs.
Izuku pursed his lips. “Kacchan, are you alright?” He asked.
“I’m fine, shitty Deku. Go back to sleep or something.” Katsuki looked down at the ground, trying to stop his hands from fucking shaking. He had a knot in his stomach, which only tightened when he heard Izuku move closer to him. “Deku–”
“You’re obviously not okay.” He said. “What happened?”
“Do you really expect me to fucking remember?” Izuku sighed and sat next to Katsuki. “I don’t know what happened. I can’t remember what happened when I have a shitty nightmare, I just feel like fucking shit after it.”
Izuku cocked his head to the side. “Really? You just…don’t remember?” Katsuki shook his head. “Well…considering you yelled my name, it was probably about me…from the war–”
“Cut it, Deku. As if I’d dream about you.” Katsuki scoffed.
He pursed his lips. “But,” Izuku started, “you did reach your hand out to touch my chest–y’know, where my heart is-?”
“Yeah, I know where a fucking heart is-”
“You were checking that I’m alive, Kacchan.” Katsuki stopped and turned around, to look at Izuku. To look at the boy with green hair. To look at the boy with the freckles. With twenty-six freckles. Katsuki always remembered the number, remembered the sound it made when he said it, remembered the way his lips felt as they pressed together as he echoed it. The boy with a robotic arm, the boy he wanted to hold hands with. He wasn’t an adult–Katsuki didn’t want him to be an adult. He didn’t want to be one either. He wanted to be a kid again. The kid in the woods, the kid on the wooden bridge, the kid who fell into the river, the kid who had a hand reaching out to him.
And then he stopped.
Was Izuku holding his hand out to me this entire time?
He moved forward. And he didn’t punch Izuku. He didn’t grab him and hurl him at the wall. He captured the boy in his arms and just hugged him. “Kacchan-” Izuku gasped.
“Shut up before I regret this.” Katsuki pressed his face into Izuku’s shoulder. “...Izuku.” He ended. He heard Izuku gasp again, before he wrapped his arms around Katsuki too, and Katsuki heard his damned sobs. Those sobs he always heard when he hit Izuku before, when he berated Izuku, when he was a fucking asshole. But this time, it wasn’t because he was being an asshole.
It was because he was finally accepting Izuku for himself. Not for the boy that chased after him for half of his life. Not for the boy that desperately tried to climb up the ranks to succeed him.
The depressed, fucked-up adult Izuku had become in spite of all of that. And Izuku didn’t mind what version Katsuki accepted him for. Izuku didn’t even mind that Katsuki didn’t remember apologising for his actions.
He didn’t care. Because his Katsuki–his Kacchan–was back. His Kacchan that he fell asleep next to in the Hospital. His Kacchan that he’d slept beside one night in the middle of the war because he couldn’t sleep without waking up from nightmares. His Kacchan Izuku’s back had once pressed against while he slept to ground himself when he felt like there was nobody left who knew him for who he really was.
The quirkless boy with a big dream.
The boy that Katsuki had known since he was two and a half years old.
“I’m sorry.” Katsuki muttered. “And I know that doesn’t mean fucking anything, but I’m sorry.” Fuck, he was going to cry. He sniffed into Izuku’s shoulder and Izuku stiffened. Katsuki had only cried in front of him once before.
“Shut up.” Katsuki murmured, his bottom lip trembling. “Fuck–Izuku–” Izuku felt himself shake at that word. Just a name. A name that meant so many things. “We’re gonna be dads. And if–if we’re going to be dads we have to talk. About things. Things I’ve probably talked to you about before but you don’t remember but–”
“It’s okay, Kacchan. Let it out.” Izuku whispered, stalling his crying for Katsuki. And to his surprise, Katsuki didn’t bite. Not like he always did. He grabbed Izuku tighter and cried into his shoulder, making the sleeve of his shirt wet within seconds.
“I’m sorry–I-fuck!” Katsuki yelled between sobs. “Izuku.”
“Say that again.” Izuku muttered.
“...Izuku. Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku.” Katsuki chanted it as if it was a lullaby, to keep himself grounded. To keep himself in the right mind. “Fuck, I’ll say it a million times if you want me to.” He kept on muttering Izuku’s name, his grip on Izuku getting tighter, as if he was afraid Izuku would decay if his grip was too loose. “You have twenty-six freckles.” He said suddenly.
Izuku looked down. “Huh?”
“You have twenty-six freckles. Twelve on the left, fourteen on the right. Your favourite food is Katsudon, you call me Kacchan because you admire me. You–you became a vigilante, apparently, and left on my birthday. On my fucking birthday.” Izuku sighed. “And your birthday is on July 30th. You celebrate July 4th even though we live in fucking Japan because All Might celebrates it and you fucking love All Might. You–you sat by my side every fucking day in the Hospital even after you found out that I didn’t remember anything from the war. You have nightmares every night but you don’t say anything in the morning and I don’t know what they’re about–”
“You.” Katsuki stopped crying and looked up, making eye contact with Izuku. “I dream about you. On the battlefield. Your heart ravaged and your body unmoving. Your eyes are white and rolled back. And–and you’re dead. Every time. It replays in my mind, Kacchan. And I never know if you’re actually alive or not because I always forget you’re in the room next to me. So I cry myself to sleep. Until you break your alarm. And then I’m reminded that you’re alive. And it makes me want to live even more.”
“...Kacchan, I can’t remember the last time I lived for myself. I lived for everyone else. I lived for All Might because I honestly didn’t think he’d make it another month without me. I lived for you even when you didn’t remember being nice to me because I just…I need you. And you’re weird with that kind of thing. You act like you don’t need anyone but you do. And…you probably don’t even need me. But I need you. And I live for you. And if that’s a crime, put it on my record.” Katsuki just stared into those damn wide eyes.
Katsuki and Izuku were complementary. Red and green. His vermillion eyes and his viridian eyes. And so Katsuki just closed his mouth and stared at the man in front of him. At the man that the boy had become. At the boy who had chased after him, At the man he now needed to chase after.
Katsuki couldn’t remember the last time he lived for himself, either. It must’ve been before the war. But ever since then, the one thing he could remember was Izuku. The person that he lived for.
There were segments. Fractions of their time together during the war. He remembered a back pressed against his. He remembered someone’s hands in his hair. And an all-too familiar phrase.
“Kacchan, I forgive you.” Izuku said. And Katsuki just grabbed Izuku and hugged him again. “Kacchan–”
“Don’t make me go all mopey again, Izuku.” Izuku chuckled. “I–I remember some things.”
“You do?”
“Did we sleep next to each other once?” Izuku nodded. “I remember a moment from that. Just a couple seconds. I remember your back against mine. And then–then I remember your hands in my hair. And I remember you saying that you forgive me. It’s familiar, you’ve probably said it so many times before-”
“I have. It used to be the only way to get you to sleep.” Katsuki shook at that, not out of sadness like the most recent times, but out of slight amusement. That sounded like something he would’ve done. “Kacchan, I’ve missed you being like this.”
Katsuki moved away to look at Izuku again. “Like what? A crying mess?” Izuku shook his head.
“Talking to me. Hugging me, being close to me. You haven’t been like that in three years.” Three years. It had been three years since the war. Four since they had gotten to UA. Five since Katsuki had told Izuku to take a swan dive off the roof. Six since the last time Katsuki had felt a smidge of respect for Izuku until he got to know him again after their fight in Ground Beta. And seven since their now kid, Kiro was born.
Katsuki didn’t know why he chose the name Kiro. It was just the first one on his mind. The perfect name for a kid that was a fucking bundle of joy. “Hang on.” He muttered, pulling his phone out.
“Huh?” Katsuki searched up something and a small smile came on his face when he read the first result. He tilted his screen so Izuku could read it and the latter read it aloud. “The name Kiro is originated from many languages including Japanese, Latin…it means…oh.” Izuku looked at Katsuki. “Did you really name our kid a name that means light?”
“She’s our light.” Katsuki looked at Izuku. “She’s our light that we needed to find to find each other again.”
“You said find too many times in that sentence.”
“I said it twice.”
“Mhm. And?” Izuku grinned. “You should smile more.” Katsuki’s expression quickly changed into a frown and Izuku laughed. “Kacchan–whoah!” Katsuki tackled Izuku down and Izuku laughed as his back landed on the bed. Katsuki rolled so he was laying down beside Izuku, and he grabbed his hand. His right hand. Not his robotic hand that Katsuki could barely look at.
“Our light.” Katsuki repeated. “She’s our light.”
“Our light.” And the two fell asleep with their arms wrapped around each other, just as they had years before.
“Dad!” Katsuki grunted as Kiro jumped on top of him. “Wake up, wake up!” She jumped in circles on his chest as he heard Izuku chuckle to the side of him.
“Kiro–get off, I’m gonna run out of breath.” Izuku laughed and picked Kiro up, letting Katsuki sit up on the bed. Katsuki looked at Izuku and smiled as he saw Kiro pulling at Izuku’s hair, the latter of which laughing and keeping her held up in the crook of his arm. “I’m gonna make breakfast.” Izuku hummed in approval and Katsuki got up, leaving the room and going to the kitchen. It was only then that he realised what Kiro had called him. Dad.
Not father. Not Katsu. Dad.
Maybe he would be able to live for her too.
He grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard and poured oil into it, then turned on the stove. Kiro probably hadn’t had a proper meal before, if she had grown up in a laboratory. So he would make a first meal to remember. Last night, they’d just had a couple sachets of instant ramen, too tired to do anything else. Katsuki, however, planned to give Kiro a full breakfast, akin to that of a full English breakfast. He’d never had one of those before, but he knew how to make it. An egg, bacon, toast, sausages, beans, and that was it. A full and hearty meal that was also simple to create, especially for someone as experienced (at least he deemed himself experienced) in cooking as Katsuki.
“Kacchan–what’re you making?” Izuku asked as he walked in, sniffing to catch the smell of what Katsuki was cooking. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Sit down.” Was all Katsuki said as he pulled out a pan for the baked beans. He grabbed everything from the fridge and got ready, grabbing everything he needed. He started with the bacon, something he wanted to get perfect. Izuku watched as he moved quickly around the kitchen, grabbing spices, missing out salt (that was something Katsuki never did) and cracking some eggs into a pan.
Is Kacchan really trying that hard to make Kiro breakfast? Izuku wondered to himself. Katsuki still moved around the kitchen and Izuku was left to deal with Kiro, who was currently walking around the table.
Unlike Katsuki, Izuku didn’t have baby cousins to model his care for Kiro after. In fact, he had no cousins at all, even though he did call Mitsuki his Aunt when he was younger. But as Kiro jumped around the table, Izuku tried his best to calm her down and keep her occupied. She still held her All Might plush and he attempted to ‘play hero’ with her.
Him and Katsuki used to do that when they were younger. Playing hero was their favourite game. They would fly All Might in the skies and make him fight against other heroes, or they would get animal plushies to be villains. All Might would run after them and always win.
All Might always won.
“All Might always wins!” Kiro shouted, giggling as she followed the flying All Might around the area behind the table. Katsuki turned around and looked at them for a few seconds, watching Izuku laugh as Kiro tried to grab All Might from midair.
“Breakfast’s ready.” He said, grabbing the plates and setting them down on the table. He made Kiro sit in her chair and pushed Izuku’s plate closer to him as he gave Izuku his coffee. Katsuki moved around the table to be on the other side of Kiro and he started eating.
At some point, he just helped Kiro to eat so she didn’t poke herself with her fork instead of picking anything up. Izuku watched as he taught Kiro how to use a knife and fork, then fed her food, making her giggle as she ate it. “Eat, Izuku.” Izuku stiffened, then nodded and started to eat his food.
Soon, everyone was done with their food and Katsuki scraped the plates as Izuku drank his coffee. Kiro sat on the counter of the kitchen, moving her All Might plush through the air and looking at Katsuki. “Where did your eye go?” She asked him. He turned around and looked at her. How the hell was he supposed to answer that.
“...It fell out.” She laughed. “What?”
“I once saw a man with an eyepatch. He called himself a pirate.” Katsuki knew exactly who that was. His old teacher was always good with kids. “And he didn’t have a leg, either. It was metal, like Izuku’s arm.” Katsuki expected Izuku to stop drinking his coffee at Kiro’s comment, but all he saw on Izuku’s face was a small smile.
Maybe Izuku didn’t mind when Kiro talked about his arm. Just like how Katsuki didn’t mind when Kiro talked about his eye.
Izuku finished his coffee and got up. “I thought you were going into work today.” Katsuki glanced at him.
“I can stay if you don't want to-”
“Go, Kacchan. I’ll look after Kiro.” Katsuki nodded and walked out of the kitchen, then got changed in the bedroom. He could faintly hear the sounds of Izuku playing heroes with Kiro again, and Kiro’s laugh was so loud that the sound travelled around the whole apartment.
Katsuki put on his hero costume and then walked out, a faint smile on his face at the sight of Izuku chasing Kiro around the living room as a villain, while Kiro swatted the All Might plush through the air. She giggled and squealed as Izuku picked her up, holding her high in the air as the victor of the fight. “I got you!” Izuku yelled.
“Put me down!” Kiro squealed, laughing. “Katsu, help!” Katsuki rolled his eyes and went up to them. Izuku quickly moved out of the way and grinned when he looked at Katsuki. For fuck’s sake.
It ended up with Katsuki chasing Izuku around the apartment, with Kiro in Izuku’s arms, still squealing and giggling. Katsuki tackled Izuku down and took Kiro back, laughing as Izuku leaned his head back, laughing too. Kiro giggled, grabbing the back of Katsuki’s head as he got off of Izuku. He held out his hand and Izuku took it, pulling himself up. “Don’t abduct the kid again while I’m out.” Izuku laughed and nodded.
They went back into the main room and Katsuki put Kiro down. She smiled, running around in circles while Katsuki pulled his jacket on. “I’ll be out for a couple hours at most. Call me if there’s any problems.”
“Alright.” Katsuki went to the door and looked back at Izuku. He felt like he should’ve done something at that moment, but he didn’t know what. Hug Izuku? Give him a shitty kiss goodbye or something? Instead of overthinking it, he just nodded and left.
An office job was something that Katsuki had never thought he would’ve ever had to work at. But due to the fact that he didn’t use his quirk anymore, he just sat at a desk in a lighter hero costume than his usual one and filed paperwork.
“Bakubro!” Ejiro yelled. “Weren’t you supposed to come in yesterday? Where’s Izuku?” Ejiro wrapped his arm around Katsuki’s shoulders.
“Dealing with the kid.” Ejiro’s jaw dropped. “What? They didn’t tell you?”
“Did you hook up with a chick, Katsuki?”
“Wha- no!” Katsuki yelled. “It’s a kid given to us from the Commission to look after. Like Eri.” Ejiro’s mouth formed a small ‘o’ and he nodded.
He grinned. “Alright! See you at lunch?” Katsuki just nodded, not bothered to tell Ejiro he would only be there for three hours at the most, and took the elevator up to the fourth floor.
He passed by old classmates and pro heroes as he made his way to his office. The only reward, in his eyes, that he had gotten for defeating All For One was a shitty cupboard to himself. And a computer, but that barely worked half of the time. And I.T just told him to turn it off and on again.
He sighed and sat down, pulling up his emails and leaning back in his chair. He’d forgotten to get a drink, but the runners usually did that for him every half hour anyway. They’d run up to every office and ask the heroes if they needed any food or drink.
Katsuki didn’t know if he could call himself a hero. He didn’t use his quirk. He sat and filed paperwork all day. His younger self would’ve beat his ass if he could see him today.
But, he would probably want to be here instead of on the field if he did work as a pro, anyway. He’d heard the stories from his friends about the war, and he himself had learnt a lot from how bad the nightmares made him shake. He’d seen the tapes. He’d read the books.
And still, nothing matched up. He didn’t know why he felt this way, and he didn’t know why he had fucking amnesia either.
The runners gave him a bottle of water ten minutes later and he downed it before he responded to emails and filed some paperwork for other people. That was all he did now. To think that his prime was when he was 16-17 was fucking depressing. Why the hell was that even a thing? A hero’s prime was after their quirk had awakened, usually when they were in their early to mid twenties. Izuku’s prime was also at that time, strengthened by the fact that at that point in time he had nine different quirks. And now, he barely used them.
At least Izuku went on patrols. Katsuki didn’t do anything like that. The two of them weren’t even in the top ten. Yeah, it had only been three years since the war, but that didn’t mean that Katsuki could just sulk and mope around all the time and not do anything. But that’s exactly what he did. He just did nothing. And even if raising Kiro would make him a hero, he wanted to be a hero to more than just one person. And their apartment wasn’t big enough for more little kids running around, playing hero.
Just after an hour had passed, Katsuki groaned, having only gone through about fifty emails out of the three hundred he’d missed. He was on a tight schedule, though. He needed to be back within three hours. That was his limit.
In the middle of the first and second hour, Katsuki got a call from Izuku. He quickly picked it up and took it as an excuse to get up and stretch his legs, pacing slowly in his tiny office. “Yeah?” Katsuki asked, pulling his phone up to his ear.
“It’s Kiro. She–she activated her quirk. Not her steal quirk, one of the ones she stole, Kacchan, you need to come back–” Izuku sounded out of breath. He sounded scared.
“On it.” Katsuki said. He grabbed his jacket and ran out of his office, moving straight into the elevator and pressing the button to get down to the ground floor. He left the office, ignoring Ejiro calling after him and got in his car, driving back home.
After disobeying the speed limit (and pissing off a lot of drivers), Katsuki made it back to the apartment complex. He ran up the stairs, opened the door and–oh.
Fucking butterflies? He stepped into the apartment, looking around as different colours of butterflies flew through the air, filling the apartment. And in the corner of the room was Izuku, grinning as Kiro laughed, running around and trying to grab the butterflies. One landed on Katsuki’s shoulder and he looked down at it, raising an eyebrow as Izuku walked over to him.
“You like it?” Izuku asked.
“You’re a good actor.” Katsuki said. “So…you made up a lie that Kiro activated a really dangerous quirk to show me butterflies?”
Izuku nodded. “Well, they could be poisonous.” Katsuki swatted the butterfly off of his shoulder quickly. “But, yeah, this is the first quirk Kiro’s shown me. She was just sitting down, then asked if I wanted to see a magic trick. I said yes and suddenly the apartment filled up with butterflies.”
“Did you just ask me to come home so that I wouldn’t be at work?”
“...Maybe.” Izuku laughed as Katsuki shoved him, lightly, towards the wall. “But honestly, it is kinda bad that our entire apartment is filled with butterflies.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes and kneeled down next to Kiro. “Hey, Kiro? You think you can turn off your quirk? I’ll get you some butterflies tomorrow.” Kiro pouted but nodded and soon all of the butterflies were gone. Katsuki stood up and looked at Izuku. “See? That’s how it’s done.”
Izuku rolled his eyes and grabbed Katsuki by his arm, pulling him down the hall and into his bedroom. “It’s too quiet when you’re at work, even when Kiro’s around.”
“Oh, really?” Izuku put his hands on Katsuki’s waist and Katsuki narrowed his eyes, looking down. “Izuku, what’re you doing?”
“What do you think?” Katsuki looked up, and then his eyes widened. “If you don’t want to, then that’s fine, but–”
Katsuki cupped Izuku’s face in his hands and brought him closer. “You talk too much.” Izuku smiled and leaned in. Katsuki leaned in too, and their lips met in the middle.
They’d kissed before. Izuku had failed to mention it. It was a quick kiss before, which had turned quickly into a rough one. The night before the war. The last time that Izuku thought he would ever be able to kiss Katsuki, in retrospect.
But this was so much better. It wasn’t rough. It wasn’t something two boys shared because they were scared of what was about to happen.
It was a slow moment they shared in spite of what had happened. Even if Katsuki still didn’t remember anything from during the war, they could remake those memories of just the two of them.
All because one light had arrived on their doorstep. Their light.
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the ask game - an au where Manual makes a deal with the devil to save Tensei's legs, to prevent Tenya from doing so. (And maybe he has other reasons but up to you)
Pocket! You odious fiend! You know what I plan in my awful AU and you’re trying to save Tenya! Betrayal!
1 – Demons exist, which is a fact of life not known by many people but Manual is aware of it, enough to know that the youngest Iida is in prime condition to be lured into a deal after what happened to Ingenium. He realizes that there is a dark presence circling around him, tries to interrupt the deal and messes up so much that he is now at the mercy of a very non amused demon. It’s either replacing Tenya as the losing his soul or dying. He decides to take care of Stain and so every Hero Killer’s victims still alive will be healed.
2 – The next day, everything is right in the world. Stain was arrested, Ingenium is running again… and he now apparently has a nephew in UA, who got recommended thanks to him. Except that Manual is an only child. And would remember if the green-haired-teenager putting All Might posters in his guest room was his nephew.
3 – There is now a demon living in his apartment and who doesn’t even hide that it’s too have all the benefits that come with being affiliated with a known pro hero. Said demon  however doesn’t like how low he is in the ranking so he keeps throwing villains at Manual and putting him in positions where the medias take a good look at him.
4 – Izuku isn’t a nice demon like he is in Demon Transfer Student. That boy is here to make contracts and steal souls. At best, he has blue and orange morality.
5 - Technically, Izuku is in the human world for business (get all the souls). However, he does have hobbies. One of them is shipping Manual and Tensei and trying to get them together, despite Manual's horrified shrieks.
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fractiflos · 11 months
And now for something completely different: headcanons for an AU where Toshinori Yagi was the Seventh One for All holder and Nana's teacher, and Nana became the Symbol of Peace.
Roleswaps are always fun to do.
This means that Toshinori had Gran Torino as a best friend instead. Although, it's more like, "good friend who terrifies the shit out of me to motivate me but I know will always be there for me no matter what" Oh, and he's still born quirkless here. However, he managed to be a hero thanks to En giving him OFA. Nana still has Float.
They met when All Might saw 12-year-old Nana trying to fight off members of a gang by herself to defend someone else. He quickly stepped in, and seeing how she managed to use her quirk in tandem with her heroic instincts, he offered to train her. She accepted.
Torino still used his harsh training methods, but All Might had an outside perspective and bought those teaching books earlier. Torino thought he was being soft-hearted, but the Dad Might instincts cannot be tamed, and he treated Nana as his own daughter. Not only did he teach her the way a father does his daughter, but he cooked her lunch and cheered her on when she started at UA, which is when he passed on OFA.
Because I'm a bit of a sucker for Dad Might, I'm going to mess with the timeline here. All Might survived past Nana's graduation and got to go to her wedding and even babysat her son a few times. In the end, All Might ends up getting killed battling AFO sometime when her son turns three. (I like to think that OFA wouldn't have faded so quickly if he still had his organs intact) She would become #1 hero, the Symbol of Peace, just six months after his death.
Her husband lives, so Kotaro doesn't go to foster care and gets a good childhood, meaning he doesn't become abusive. Hana lives and Tenko doesn't become a villain, in fact, he's quirkless. Unfortunately, there's another problem. OFA is slowly draining her life force. It's not too bad at first, but she still doesn't tell anyone besides her husband (who I headcanon was a nurse). By the time Tenko's born, it's clear that she's starting to crack under the strain. Literally. She got a new costume to cover some of the cracks starting to appear, but she can't hide the white in her hair and how she's making less and less public appearances.
She and her nurse husband figure out that it's OFA sapping her strength, but they don't know what to do about it. She's certainly not going to Torino, and most heroes are in the HPSC's pocket, making her distrustful of them. While she doesn't have a muscle form like All Might does in canon, the cracks in her skin start bleeding after too much exertion. Nezu offers her a teaching position to give her more time to figure something out. She needs a successor, but what's to stop this from happening again? There's something they're missing...
You pick what happens from here. Will she find Izuku Midoriya or will her grandson get it? Or maybe someone else entirely.
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Okay fuck it. The Discord has helped me make a new AU.
BNHA!Pokemon but this time it's Mystery Dungeon! So they're actual Pokemon instead of just trainers with Pokemon.
It actually works really well because like. Heroes = Explorers. Hero Agencies = Guilds. So on and so forth. UA is basically a training Guild for new Explorers to learn the ropes.
Uh. So who is what Pokemon? Fuck we're gonna get complicated.
One thing of note is that all the kids are first stage Evolutions because ya know. Baby. They're probably going to evolve over the course of the series but I'll list where they start
Izuku - combining the original pokemon au's thing of Izuku not realizing what Legendaries are and the monster au's Changeling thing. Izuku is a Mew that thinks he's a Shaymin. Kind of a 'Mewthree' actually? Long story we'll come back to it.
Katsuki - Riolu (it evolves with FRIENDSHIP just fuckin kill me!)
Ochako - Cleffa! Cute round pink motherfucker from space!
Kirishima - Sandshrew (technically ground not rock but I have a reason and it's a VIBE)
Kaminari - Pichu(BABY PLEASE)
Jiro - Noibat
Tsu - Froakie
Aoyama - Staryu
Fumikage - Murkrow
Hagakure - Kecleon
Sero - Spinark
Ojiro - Aipom
Sato - Milcrey (but like. Big.)
Momo - Eevee(unsure on later Eeveelution)
Himiko - Zorua
Mei - Tinkaton
Tetsutetsu - Alolan Sandshrew(matches with Kiri because siblings but steel type!)
Monoma - Smeargle
All Might - Palafin (Come on it's PERFECT)
Recovery Girl - Blissey
Present Mic - Chatot (LOOK I CAN'T NOT)
Nezu - Ironically, he's the random Human who got yeeted into this mess
Midnight - Slazzle
Cemetoss - Conkeldurr
Power Loader - Exadrill
Before we circle back to Izuku's nonsense let's talk about the Todoroki Family!
Enji is an Incineroar! Rei is an Alolan Ninetails!
Toya is a Kantonian Ninetails but he got the Alolan's Snow Cloak ability.
Natsuo is the opposite, being Alolan but with Flash Fire.
Fuyumi is full Alola
Shoto is still a chimera so both Kanto and Alola.
Now we circle back to Izuku's fuckery!
So like. We're kinda rolling with the fact that the Mystery Dungeon games happen post-Human Apocalypse? (possibly using the events of Detective Pikachu as how that happened?)
Which leads to having AfO being a very old and VERY pissed off Mewtwo.
Part of what he was doing was kind of a cycle of bullshit that involved trying to recreate himself/recreate the original Mew. Which resulted in Izuku being made.
Izuku is unaware of this, as he escaped pretty soon after waking up(probs teleported his ass out lmao). He's lost and confused and his instincts have him use Transform to turn into the nearest other Pokemon, which happens to be Inko who is a Shaymin. Inko thinks she just happened across an abandoned hatchling and goes 'well my baby now!'.
There really isn't a direct translation for being Quirkless with Izuku. I think the best thing would be that since he's not actually a Shaymin and isn't aware he can use transform, Gracidea Flowers have no affect on him. So he gets a bit othered for being a little fucky in that regard. But it's not quite the same.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Early Purge/HPSC Purges the hero ranks AU
my brain is still on this.
But anyways so: Before Izuku goes to UA, there's a full scale purge of the hero ranks, where certain heroes are fired/arrested depending on what the HPSC gathered on them. Like for example: Death Arms gets sacked because 1) his performance in the sludge villain attack wasn't great and he's been noted to kind of have a bad time with collateral and 2) super strength is a dime a dozen, he's easy to lose.
Some agencies such as IdaTen, Put Your Hands Up, Endeavour's and Fatgum's all knew this was coming, so they hired a bunch of sidekicks out of the numerous competent heroes to keep them from the purge, which also targets glory hound indies unless of course they have a useful Quirk (such as Mt. Lady as I think Giantification Quirks are rare). When the purge ends, they begin letting the sidekicks loose to be heroes on their own terms.
This... changes things.
For example: Stain attacking Tensei in my head was related to how many sidekicks he had (oh, he gets the glory of them all/he takes advantage) and seeing that the Purge happens and Tensei lets a lot loose kind of... shakes up Stain. Because a lot of Stain's ideology is tied up in the idea he's a lone wolf who targets heroes who society will not punish. He along is the saviour of society, that the world will remember him as the voice of reason, that only the true hero All Might, blah, blah, blah. You get the point.
But here is the HPSC getting rid of so many heroes who were only in it for the money. Leaving behind competent ones, and even posting information on WHY.
Stain's entire shtick gets SHATTERED. And even if he decides they missed son, he's not going to have as big of a platform because people can look shit up about them.
There's other stuff to i would add:
-A purge like this happened about twenty years ago when All Might became known as the symbol of peace five years after he came back to Japan. It's far enough back people forgot about it and a majority of heroes now never experienced it. This is why only some agencies held on, because those heroes or retired heroes passed on the word to them.
-Aizawa gets his own eye-opening because I love the guy, I do. But I am very convinced he has a chip on his shoulder and a bit of a habit of assuming things and refusing to let them go. Seeing the HPSC step up kind of shakes up his own worldview, and he ends up learning that no one told him or warned him because they knew he'd be safe given UA and his Quirk, and because his attitude annoys some people. It leads to him revamping his teaching style upon realizing that the HPSC will take steps if needed to.
-Bakugou gets a very harsh reality check that strength isn't everything, as he looks at reasons why a lot of the heroes got fired. Collateral damage, attitude, popularity... admittedly he doesn't really connect it to himself until... well...
-Nezu cackles and revamps the entrance exam to. Now they get a much longer list of points and reasons why they got them or didn't get points. Bakugou gets a card announcing since he got no rescue points he isn't first for the entrance exam while also lambasting a few other things. He isn't happy.
-This also affects Shinsou. He got a few more points then canon due to the new system, but given they noticed his attitude around 'traditional' heroic Quirks and the fact he's a beanpole in canon until buffing up later, he gets a 'you'll get into the heroics course if you get to the one on ones during the sports festival/someone gets expelled'. His parents hear about this and stick him in therapy due to the fact his attitude cost him.
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scribblestatic · 9 months
Another Chub update to make the day brighter
Two things:
One, when I think of Izuku sweating from surprise, nervousness, or fear, it's like this:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Just add the cutest, most nervous puppy eyes, and there you have it. I hope I describe it well enough that you all see it, too.
Also, aint it just grand her first name's Izumi? It just fits.
And two, I just... I keep thinking of chubby!Izuku as a fat lil mongoose doing his best.
Also, did you know that mongooses are one of the few facultatively carnivorous animals with horizontal pupils? It gives them a wider field of vision common in prey animals like sheep and goats.
Current studies assume this is because, while they are predators, they are also prey to many creatures in their environment. They also consistently face off against snakes, which would tend to hide from a narrower field of view.
So, mongooses can protect themselves by being extremely sensitive to their environment.
This chub Izuku is like a mongoose. He's chonk, but he can still kill snakes if the situation calls for it. I love him so much.
Anyway, that's your animal fact for today. Now, onto the AU stuffs.
(blanket tw for fatshaming as always, and also, some self-esteem and internalized issues)
Toshinori enters the nurse's office, expecting the boy to be unconscious after being kissed to heal his punctured leg. But, to his genuine surprise, the boy is awake, sitting up in bed with an IV of blood attached to his arm.
While he does look tired, his eyes half-closed, he is surprisingly not exhausted enough to be knocked out. A kiss to heal a punctured artery would certainly have anyone else down for the count.
Upon his entrance, the conversation between Recovery Girl and the young boy stops. He looks up from the elderly woman to the door with that same tired look.
But the exhaustion fades immediately, replaced with cold panic as his eyes open wide. Young Midoriya turns away from him, as though if he doesn't look at him, Toshinori won't see him in return.
Before Toshinori can say anything, Recovery Girl cuts in, her voice sickly sweet.
"Oh, there you are, young man. I was just wondering where you were."
"Ah...yes. You see, I wanted to--"
"Talk about the incident in your class today? Oh, don't worry. We'll be having a meeting after school."
...Well. He should expect at least this much. The boy's injury was rather severe, and who knows what Young Midoriya rightfully reported about the issue from class? Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised if his teaching license gets revoked.
The two look over to the boy, who is worrying his bedsheet with his fingers, sweating nervously. He cautiously looks up toward them in short glances, mostly keeping his gaze down.
"Uh...is... Is All Might, uhm...in trouble because of me?"
Recovery Girl stares at the young boy for a moment before speaking.
"Why did you call him All Might, dearie?"
Immediately, the boy's hands shoot up over his mouth, sweat practically flying off of him now.
"Ah, don't worry, don't worry." Recovery Girl slides her chair from her desk over toward him. "You're not in trouble. Rather, I was surprised you knew who he was, even in his current form."
"Oh...it's, uhm. He rescued me...a few months back. And, uhm...I happened to...see him."
"I see. So you didn't learn about it at school?"
Instead of answering verbally, he shakes his head, his hands slowly, stiltedly lowering from his mouth.
"I-I'm sorry. I just, I thought... I thought the teachers would..."
"No, you assumed correctly, dearie. The teachers do know. The students don't, so remember to keep it a secret, alright? Call him Yagi-sensei in the future if you see him like this."
"Yes... I'm sorry, sensei."
"Ah, don't worry, Young Midoriya. You didn't cause any harm. If anything, I need to thank you for keeping this secret so well. Even after rescuing you that day, I've seen no new news or rumors about my strength."
He doesn't react much to the praise, quietly and nervously fiddling with the sheet.
"And, well, about your question--"
"He is in quite a bit of trouble, but it's certainly not your fault," Recovery Girl finished, her smile tight.
"Eh? B-But..."
"No buts, dear. Like I said, a femoral artery injury like yours could have killed you. If you'd been in my care even a few minutes slower..."
She looks like she wants to say more, but she holds herself back. Instead, she just pats the boy's right leg.
"You're alive and you're going to be okay. That's what matters most. The adults have a responsibility to you to make sure you can learn heroics safely. And we've failed that here--"
"N-No!" The boy quickly apologizes for interrupting her, but he continues. "I mean, I was just--I was the one who couldn't keep up. This, uhm, the hero course is usually for people with quirks, so, uhm... So it's not All Mi--Yagi-sensei's fault that it happened. No one saw it coming, so, uhm, it was a surprise to everyone. Th-That's why, I think, uhm..."
He loses steam after a bit, worrying his lip as he forces himself to finish.
"I... It's okay. I'm okay. And I didn't die, so... And, uhm, it could happen in a real life setting. It was just, ah, a show of, uhm, what could...really happen. If I...manage to become a hero. So. It... Uhm...was a good lesson. I just have to be better. I have to... I have to be as good as everyone else. That's all. It's no one else's fault but mine."
The adults stay quiet for a good moment, and he starts to sweat nervously again, unsure of the reason for their silence.
"So then, dear, whose fault is it that your classmate let out an explosion that could've killed you in an enclosed setting?"
"Oh, uhm, that's just how Kacchan is. And it's fair that he'd want to, uhm, try out his new gear. Anyone would want to. So, he just... I just kinda got him fired up."
"Whose fault is it the building collapsed on you in a training lesson?"
"It's...mine. If I'd been faster, then I could've... I could've avoided falling."
"And, whose fault is it that your leg was impaled on a metal bar?"
He hesitates to answer, but it doesn't seem like they'll be moving forward with anything else until his does. So he says what he's thinking.
"Uhm...I guess...me? I mean, uhm. If I'd positioned myself--"
Recovery Girl shakes her head.
"I very strongly disagree. After all, it's not a hero's fault if something or someone injures them on the job when they try to move as safely as possible. Considering what you went through, I think you did wonderfully to only have the injury you did."
They all go quiet for a moment as the boy fiddles with the sheet. She speaks up again.
"You've been tired for a good bit. Why don't you try taking a nap again?"
"Eh? Uhm... It's okay. I can sleep at home, so..."
"...Well, I suppose you can."
Recovery Girl uses her cane to push herself to the other side of the room, opening a closet to pull out a crutch.
"The crack in your femur healed, as did the artery, but you should treat your leg delicately for a little while longer. Reduce the amount of weight on it for the next two days, then we'll take a look at it again, alright?"
The boy moves to the edge of the bed, both legs free where a person would usually have to wear a cast. But he had enough energy for his body to heal up much faster. After adjusting the crutch to his height and waiting for Recovery Girl to remove his IV, Young Midoriya stands up, the crutch supporting his weight on the left side.
"Uhm, thank you very much, Recovery Girl."
"I'd prefer not to see you in my office again for quite some time, dearie."
Though he sweats with embarrassment, he nods, his smile wobbly. Then, he heads toward the door, though he pauses and looks up at Toshinori with wide eyes.
"...Yag...uhm...All Might. I promise I'll do better. Uhm...thank you for teaching today."
"...Of course, Young Midoriya. Have a safe trip home."
Although still nervous, the boy manages to smile at him before exiting the room.
The two adults stand there silently for a good minute. Recovery Girl would usually have quite a bit to say, but after speaking to the boy, she figured he was getting the picture.
And indeed, Toshinori was.
He'd really, really messed up. Not just today, but those months back, too. But especially today.
Because he had quite seriously considered asking the boy to reconsider his dream to be a hero. Even though what happened today was entirely his own fault, he still had that thought at the back of his mind.
Wasn't he quirkless once? Didn't he have a dream of being a hero all those years back?
Why would he be so dedicated to stifling someone who already very clearly stifles himself?
He hears the rhythmic click of Recovery Girl's cane as she reaches the door. She gazes up at him, her expression shifting further with concern upon seeing the look on his face.
"It's time for the meeting now."
--- ---
And since I'm kinda running outta steam, back to drabble form briefly.
Ochako, Tooru, Mina, Tsuyu, Rikido, Eijirou, Tenya, Denki, and Fumikage all stayed after class ended to continue discussing some of their thoughts about the hero course. Of course, they were rather surprised by how dangerous it could get, but in the end, they came to a tentative reasoning that heroics in general was dangerous. At least they have a better idea of what they're getting themselves into.
"It's like...a wakeup call. We're here, now. So we've gotta stitch it up!" Eijirou says, motivated.
Some of the more active classmates get caught up in his positive energy. Though, others silently still think about how excessively dangerous Midoriya's turn had been. Tsuyu really had meant it when she said that explosion perhaps could've killed her.
Fumikage also couldn't quite get Dark Shadow's description of the scene in the darkness out of his mind. Of a boy, on his back with his leg pierced and bleeding, forced to hold his shield up against the rocks on top of him with all his remaining strength.
His and Tsuyu's worry about him kept them waiting more than the improvement discussions, but it was a nice change of pace.
Izuku gets back to his classroom, and the kids that don't know him yet formally introduce themselves to him. He's surprised by the sudden introductions, but he smiles, a bit of sweat coming off of him nervously. He's genuine when he says he's very happy to meet them.
Denki asks about his leg, and Izuku says it's alright, that he healed up very nicely and just has to take it easy on himself for a bit as the healing finalizes. While they're all quite happy to hear that, Tooru can't help but ask what's the deal with Ba-kun.
"Ah... We grew up together, and he's just kinda...ehm... He's a very motivated person. He gets excited and...sometimes that means he doesn't think about what he's doing completely. But he's super smart, so..."
"Damn... Never thought I'd hear you compliment the guy who essentially got you stabbed in the leg," Denki chuckles wearily.
"I mean, to be fair, he didn't exactly put the rebar there. Plus, he looked super shocked, too. I don't think he meant to set it off like that," Eijirou adds, to which Izuku quite vehemently agrees.
"He's rough at times... But he wants to be a hero and...Ah. Did he happen to stay behind?"
"Not that I know of. I think he left not long after the bell, gero. Though, Eraser Head-sensei did call him into another room. Not sure if he's still here."
After a bit more talking, they all start heading home, with Tenya, Ochako, and now Tooru taking the train together until they reach their stops. Izuku feels a tingle down his neck as they leave the school grounds, and he looks back to see if anyone was there. Seeing no one, he keeps going with the others.
Once he's further away, Katsuki looks from the side of the building he was...resting near. His expression is pinched with irritation, but he doesn't know what to do with the swirling in his chest.
His quirk pops in his hands, and with the sparks, he sees flashes of Deku's profusely bleeding leg impaled on the rebar. His right shoulder throbs, though Recovery Girl had already kissed him, his muscles sufficiently recovered.
There'd be an investigation continuing regarding his...outburst. Disciplinary action was imminent, but the actual form of it isn't something he knows just yet.
All he knows is that he fucked up really badly and his quirk almost killed someone.
For all he talks about murdering someone with his quirk, he's never thought of doing that to Deku. Murdering civilians is a villain sort of thing. Roughing him up is fine, but he's never wanted the stupid bastard truly dead. Definitely not by his own hands.
But that almost happened cause he miscalculated. And he almost ended his own career because he fucking miscalculated. If Deku would just fucking leave heroics to those who could actually do it, then--
"I think I maybe would’ve died if I couldn’t get away and was faced against that, gero."
"He was too focused on his prejudice to consider the ramifications of his actions."
"This was just supposed to be training, gero…"
"Bakugou-san’s explosions, from the beginning, could’ve threatened the bomb if it wasn’t stably manufactured."
Katsuki grits his teeth, fingers curling as more sparks pop in his hands...
But they eventually putter out. Only then does he start making his way home.
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geminai-ramblez · 11 months
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Summary: An AU surrounding a mysterious purple haired boy with green tips and pupils that sometimes look like buttons! Oh, and can't forget about the creepy doll this boy takes everywhere and I mean everywhere.
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Trigger Warnings here though because this AU is very messed up and bloody.
🚨 T.W.: Ambiguous Interpretations of Love, Character Deaths, Denials, Identity Theft, Mentions of Blood, Body Possession, Gore, Memory Gaps, Negligence, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotic Breaks, Pyrophobia, Stalking, Suffocation, and Suicidal Thoughts, Survivor's Guilt, Toxic Love, Messed Up Morals, and Murder.🚨
Plot Points:
Okay, to begin this Dark AU, I will start with Izuku's backstory!
His backstory begins during the beginning of quirks or meta abilities as they were first called. Izuku lived with his mother, Inko, and an ambiguous father, Hisashi. He was 5 then but when the quirk wars started everything went to hell.
Neither Midoriya's were rich but they weren't that poor either. Every once in a while money was a concern but they were satisfied with how they were living.
That is till the quirk wars broke out.
Hisashi, without either Inko or Izuku knowing, joined All for One's side in the war and wanted to drag his family alongside him so, they could get a meta ability like Hisashi, which in no surprise was fire breathing.
Now this is where stuff get messy since there's a sort of timeskip because I haven't had time to think very heavily on it.
So, I'm summarizing, but considering the time and moment I'm talking about, Izuku and Inko are in a war, times are tense, and meta abilities both on opposing sides can get gruesome.
Especially, since Izuku has caught AFO's attention which puts Inko in a tight position. And some background in Inko's character in this AU, she's a qualify trauma nurse, she came from a middle class family, and her family does have a history with mental health.
Inko, in her part, was feeling the pressure of the war as she helped many people, often times neglecting Izuku because of the amount of carnage that has been left behind.
Izuku for this part, tried his best to help his mother and to lessen the burden by behaving quietly. And keep in mind that Izuku is still 5, coming close to 6, Izuku while a bit clueless on what's going on knows that there is danger.
Something bad is happening.
Which leads me to this point in his backstory, the big catalyst. Izuku is 7 this time around and his mother can't handle it anymore. She can't handle the stress, the blood, the meta abilities that target her world. She was already on the brink of her sanity when Izuku hugged her.
It was a simple hug.
Either due to the stress, the trauma, or a combination with her fear of meta abilities, she, in the most vague and subtle themes, "kills" Izuku.
She isn't very responsive when Izuku asks what is she doing but she repeats the words 'Love,' 'I love you,' and 'I hate you.'
And when she does come back to her senses, she's terrified, she couldn't believe she's done this. Izuku is barely holding on to life, when he staring at Inko asking if she meant what she said. She denies it. She tells him she didn't mean to. She didn't mean to hurt him.
And Izuku can still see this; her pain. He hates it. Izuku with what little time he has tells his mother that no matter what he stills loves her. And that when this big war is other they'll both live happily ever after.
Keep in mind the language here.
Inko still denies the fact that Izuku is dead and does something so, mortified here, and that was to stuff her own son into a doll and carry him everywhere. Which is why I put a FNAF reference.
She carried her 'son' everywhere and no one really bat an eye to it but maybe just a bit. It looked wrong and it felt weird.
And at some point in time, an attack happens in the place where Inko was stationed, and in her final moments she tells the doll; she tells her son to 'Stay safe... Be happy... Mommy... loves you.'
That's Izuku backstory, however, we're yet to finish the Quirk Wars section of Izuku's character.
Now, it's during the moment where Inko 'protects' her son and her death that some black goo comes out of the doll.
The black goo gently lays a 'hand' on Inko and 'cries.' The black goo being a part of Izuku that never passed away.
Which is where things get confusing.
Because I was debating on giving Izuku a quirk or not since I wanted an explanation as to why Izuku's spirit remained/how the black goo appeared.
But then I decided, eh, let's reference something I comprehend which was FNAF, now, I'm not going to deep dive into FNAF lore because it's confusing nowadays but I'm referencing it's earlier games.
Which is FNAF 1 and FNAF 2, maybe a bit of FNAF 3.
Now back to Izuku's lore, at some point someone finds Inko's body and sees the doll which the person picks up.
However, when the doll is picked up that's when the black goo reacts.
Again, I'm trying to keep it subtle with the themes, but in short term, the black goo suffocates the person and takes over the body.
This is when Izuku wakes up again, there's no indication of physical change in the person's body per se, however their pupils, very subtly, look like the center of a button, and their hair has hints of green in it.
Is the person dead? Yeah, most definitely.
But what happens to the doll?
The doll, essentially, is Izuku's main body, its 'protector' and Izuku continues to take over people's body because he can't stop body decay.
Which is where we get to the present!!! Yay!!
Now, for clarification reason, Izuku takes over people's body not only because he needs it but out of 'love.'
Whenever, Izuku kills someone he thinks he's doing this out of love. That by killing them he is promising them a better future and that they won't have to worry anymore.
Izuku becomes that person, he lives this person's life whether they be male or female.
He thinks he's doing them a favor and by definition showing his love for them.
Now, remember that when Izuku technically died, he was 7, his "love" is strictly platonic/familial.
His last concrete memories about his life were that his mother was stressed and that he wished he could take away her pain.
Izuku, much like Inko, denies the fact his mother killed him. He refuses because in a messed up way, they both loved each other.
Call it a darker/messed up version of the unconditional love a parent and their child has for each other.
So, he genuinely believes that killing and taking over their life, is showing love, appreciate, and care. That by doing so, he's helping them live a better life by taking the burdens and stress like he tried doing when he was alive.
It's years before someone makes a connection because Izuku tends to bury the bodies of his "family" in beautiful hidden sceneries in his new body.
Heck, he goes as far to put a mini tombstone and list of accomplishments they have done and prays for their reincarnation to live a easier and simpler life.
The only possible reason why he could get caught or have a case is by the black goo that he leaves behind after taking over the body.
The process of taking over a body last a solid 30-40 seconds, Izuku tries to makes it easy and quickly for the person he's trying to show his love for.
Either the police find a body Izuku used as a host or people dig up the grave of that person who went missing suddenly and they always found some traced of black goo leading into an investigation.
Izuku for this part of his story took over the body of one Akatani Mikumo leading to where we begin a new section of his character's story.
Now please keep in mind this is another timeskip because I genuinely was stumped here since I thought of this moment before making a concrete plot point.
"Mikumo" meets someone who after studying his character, personality, etc. was named Aizawa Shōta.
Now this Aizawa is young, a teenager just like Mikumo.
However, Mikumo acts more childish, more playful, more young because again, Izuku was 7 when he died, his spirit didn't age and despite having multiple lives, heck, years, he's forever a 7-year-old. Which definitely doesn't sound familiar to a particular anime I love to reference.
Aizawa found Mikumo odd since he acted like a child and he continues to do so till he figured Mikumo's—I mean Izuku's secret.
This is where the timeskip happens because this part is iffy for me. I haven't thought too much on this part either but I know things will get messy here because not only does Aizawa find this all too fucking creepy, but an investigation, and the ongoing loom of UA's entrance exam come crashing down on him.
So, he's stressed to the fucking max.
Now this timeskip happens when "Mikumo" and Aizawa are in their second-year which we all know is where things get depressing.
And this gets depressing.
Because not only does Aizawa loose Oboro, he loses Mikumo as well.
Now, this timeskip skips over the part where Izuku/Mikumo bond with Aizawa despite the oddity/creepiness/messed-up morals Izuku has.
It was just something about Izuku ('s charisma) that made Aizawa hesitate on giving him away. On letting the police know the culprit because again not only is Aizawa a kid here (by technicality); he's also raw on emotion.
He looses Oboro first before loosing Izuku.
This moral dilemma leads to Izuku's identity being found and for fear to take over.
Now, Izuku's investigation, aka case, was meant to be to catch the culprit/send him to Tartarus, however, after realizing how old Izuku is; how death was probably the only way to truly capture him.
In a rare moment, in time, a kill call gets to be made for Izuku.
Now why do I call it rare? Well, because heroes, in this age and time, learned it was better, by moral standards, to capture the villains then to just kill them.
Also, to progress and learn from the past.
The Quirk Wars were violent, bloody, and quite frankly a dark part of Quirk's history, so, just like in a history class, heroes learn and become better than their ancestors.
Which is why I like to believe that unless the crimes committed are beyond from just being atrocious and or treason, having a villain killed is rarely, if ever an option.
But why does Izuku get a kill call?
To be honest, thinking of this as the creator of this messed up AU, the only true way to "capture" Izuku is via death.
Izuku is basically immortal, the only weak spot he does have is the doll that used to be his body.
And Izuku never parts from the doll; its his doll. His soul. His body. He's tied to this doll with both mind and spirit.
Which is why people find him or any of his host creepy because they see this doll that looks weird, it's old, and it smells odd.
If Izuku looses the doll, he cries and whines, and begs for it to come back to him like a child loosing his or her favorite toy.
And one fact about the doll is that while the doll is part of Izuku's spirit it essentially is its own entity.
It can't really speak because it's a doll but Izuku can have full-blown conversation with it whenever he couldn't make friends.
The doll like I have mentioned is Izuku's protector. It's two entities but one body. Like Ume and Gyutaro.
Which is where we come back to Izuku and Aizawa!
Now, I already established the kill call made for Izuku and this was by chance really but the police used fire to kill Izuku. Again another FNAF reference.
It wasn't the original plan, they wanted to secure an area and destroy Izuku and the doll in the process but fire happened and Izuku is dying. Again.
Which is where we get emotional Aizawa because not only did he started to care for Izuku but he was loosing him like he was loosing Oboro all over again.
However, there are explosions and fires.
Izuku cries and whines about not wanting to die and that he was begging the doll, his doll to help him but neither of them could do anything.
The doll was flammable. Which is why Izuku always strayed away from flames or fire, forming a fear from it. He always associated fire with danger and war. Not safe. NOT SAFE!
So, Izuku's only other option was to have someone save him but who would save a bad child?
Who would help an evil child?
Izuku is in distress and when he see the doll melt, die, and wither is he reminded of his past, once again, and he sobs because he's bad. He evil!
It's not like Izuku is coming to terms about it, he still denies that his mother killed him because she couldn't handle the situation anymore, but it's more of Izuku coming to terms that his love, his affection, his adoration was never right.
It was wrong.
That he was bad and that this was his punishment for not obeying the quote on quote rules.
Which is how Aizawa finds Izuku, the doll semi- burning and Izuku loosing his life.
They have a heartfelt moment, Izuku apologizing to Aizawa for scaring him, that he shouldn't have done such things, and that this was his punishment for being a bad boy.
Aizawa, much like Izuku, is in distressed and tries, and he actively does try to get the doll and Izuku out but Izuku cries out in pain and asking for Aizawa to stop.
Another moral dilemma for Aizawa because he doesn't want Izuku to die; he doesn't want to see the child he learned to love wither away.
However, Izuku begs Aizawa to let him burn despite the fear he holds on dying, especially, by flames.
The doll is just about be to completely burned and Izuku asks Aizawa to 'Live and strive to be better... than the past... Live a happily every after, Big Brother.'
Now, hear me out! This scene and time is 100% influenced by season two of Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Entertainment District Arc, it's a rough plan out but thinking of Daki and Gyutaro, I think Izuku in this AU and Aizawa's relationship would be somewhat similar to Daki and Gyutaro.
Aizawa acting as the rational and Izuku as the childish, forever child, minus Aizawa giving Izuku backhand comments.
Aizawa was just tired and trying to not anger Izuku because he wanted to live and after spending quite a long time (2+ years) with him, he learned to go with the flow and take it with strive.
Adaptability is a great tool, you know?
Now, time for end scene where Aizawa promises Izuku he'll do his best to live his best life because that was all Izuku wanted out of life.
Izuku's character wanted a life out of war, happiness, and peace. He wanted to make people smile and live peacefully and hopeful that they could accomplish anything. Izuku was young when he first died and he was stuck on that mindset no matter how many years passed.
He saw the pain, the grief, and the toll life—war—had on people and in a messed up way, he decided to take that burden and help those to live their best life.
Izuku wanted, in a dark, messed-up way, he learned from his mother, to help people be their best selves and live a happily ever after like he promised his mother.
He wanted to live blissfully with his mother because in the time Izuku was born and died, misery, pain, and corruption was all he knew; what he hated the most.
Aizawa does try to keep his promise but there are times where his fight withers away. Where life and death have a blurry line that Aizawa couldn't differentiate from.
But he makes it.
He lives a life that he's happy with and almost religiously says good morning to the shrine dedicated to both Izuku and Oboro and good night whenever he comes home after a patrol.
In a way, he's still mourning but has come to terms that life is full on unfairness and having to loose two friends—family members—wasn't his fault.
No matter how much guilt he holds for making it out alive.
However, this rush of emotions he gets when he meets another Class 1-A he has too teach is unexplainable.
He feels like a teenager for a moment because Izuku is alive. Once again.
And no, this time as an actual human boy.
Izuku reincarnated.
However, a key difference here is that Izuku is quirkless. He never gained OFA and got to UA purely by rescue points. Maybe a few villain points but mostly rescue points.
Aizawa didn't look too deep into Izuku's file since the name not only felt too raw for him but the colour as well.
But he takes a good look at Izuku in the first day and instantly recognizes him as his Izuku. His little brother.
The green hair, which were similar to the green tips Izuku had, the mannerism, Izuku always loved to ramble about something he was passionate about, and yet what took the cake here were his eyes, emerald green irises with permanent—not temporarily—pupils that looked like the center of a button.
Izuku was reborn and this time... with a second chance at life.
Izuku much like canon Izuku, faced discrimination for being quirkless, and for being weird.
However, the reason Izuku acted as such was because of his past life, Izuku isn't aware of his previous life and he might never find out but he knows that he's special in a way.
That he acts odd.
And as for the quirkless part, it's like his punishment for what he has done in previous life. Izuku can be blamed for the deaths he created, however, mental health is no joke and for that, some outside force or God took mercy on him for just a bit and let Izuku be reincarnated again but without a meta ability to call his own.
This was karma insuring that there wouldn't be a redo and that this Izuku face the consequences of his actions.
So, yeah, this Izuku is a sort of mix, of his past life and canon Izuku but for the most part he gets a hopeful ending.
A second chance.
And Aizawa can't help but breathe a bit easier.
Will Aizawa and Izuku reconcile? Yeah, sort of.
Aizawa wouldn't actively seek Izuku out and vice versa but little by little Izuku will see Aizawa as a big brother figure/someone to trust both by how Aizawa protected his class—and him—and by his instincts.
Again, Izuku is a reincarnation and I love the trope of a reincarnation remembering or at least having choices be influenced by their past life(ves).
Same goes here for Izuku.
Will Izuku remember his past life? High chance no because Aizawa isn't trying to make Izuku remember nor is Aizawa wanting Izuku to remember. Maybe he had a thought or two but on his part, seeing Izuku as a kid, as a child who still is a firm believer in helping people—morally correctly—this time around brings peace to Aizawa's heart.
And another fun fact—Inko reincarnated too! So, both Midoriya's get reincarnated together and get a second chance!
And while this AU is messed up and turns lighter towards the end, I couldn't help but just make it that way?
Like I could've just ended with an open ending or even just a happy ending but I wanted for once to make this happy or at least hopeful because in no way am I justifying Izuku's actions but I'm also not wanting to this make so miserable.
Also, I'm taking into account, the ages here and mental health for both Izuku and Inko, people can only take so much and some people just can't recover from that.
Not even Izuku this time around.
But hopefully he can with his third (fourth?) chance at life!
Now why do I say third. Well, in short, Izuku's first life was his human life during the beginning of the Quirk Wars, his second life was him being a sort of unrested soul, and third being his "second" chance in life with his karma insuring that the past won't be repeated another time.
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So, yeah! That's my Puppet AU! One of my more darker AU's but not necessarily the darkest, since I have a God AU that his probably darker or similar to this but the answer if it had a hopeful or happy ending is unsure!
Thank you for reading this post and for your patience, really, because this is one of my longer rambles since this AU was stuck on my mind for days.
The reason why I called it 'Puppet AU' was because of Izuku's methods. The main inspiration here was the song 'Daze Daze' by ENHYPEN where the lyrics 'daze, daze, daze, can't control my body, dance, dance, dance, this sweet scent, red fangs too. Enjoy this carnival, wow, wow, wow.'
Which helped create the bases of it, I'll probably ramble more about how this AU came to be on a later date but for now, that's all I have for tonight!
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful time! - Bye-Bye and rest well, Gemini!
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animebookworm16 · 2 years
So, first things first.
Yes. This is another Izuku has a quirk that isn’t AFO or OFA. In fact this is also an Inko Midoriya has a different quirk! 
Mother and son have functionally the same quirk. It is also, in many ways a generational quirk. How? Because Inko’s family has always had someone in the family with this quirk in one form or another. On all public records it is called “Excessive Crying”, pretty self explanitory right?
Wrong. It’s actually called, “Banshee”.
Yes. You got that right, this is an idea for an AU where Izuku has a quirk that more or less makes him a mythical figure.
A bit of lore for this quirk. Originally, it was a mutation between a mild precognition quirk, and a singing quirk. As time moved on, two other quirks were mingled in: an empathy quirk which caused anyone who heard the singing to feel the emotions of the singer, and a screaming quirk that amplified sound and helped carry the song further.
Which brings us to Inko who marries Hisashi and gives birth to Izuku. 
Now, you might be wondering, ‘okay, so Izuku’s got a quirk now. big deal. why all the secrecy? why cover it up with Excessive Crying? What’s so scary about it?’ And I would tell you that these are all excellent questions. Which I will answer now.
All of it leads back to the original Precognition quirk. You see, much like Nighteye’s quirk, it could only be activated under certain circumstances, and was fairly weak compared to the fifth generation quirks we’re used to seeing in the show. The Precognition quirk could only show the death of a single person a day. As you can imagine, such an ability wouldn’t make you many friends, or make you a very happy person.
Now, what happens when you combine that with a singing quirk? You get a child who can see when a person is going to die, and the only thing they can do is cry. Again. Not many friends, but a marginally happier person because they were able to mourn these people
Mix in an empathy quirk, and you get a third generation quirk that makes you see when someone is going to die, causes you to lament that death, and now causes anyone who hears it to know exactly what’s going to happen, because they can litterally feel your sorrow.
Add in a screaming quirk and suddenly it isn’t just a few people on the street hearing someone sing or scream a haunting melody that fortells death, now it’s the whole block caught in a swirling storm of grief and sorrow, and if the death is especally awful, sometimes the whole city. Needless to say, Inko moved around a lot as a kid until she learned to control her quirk, and rename it to avoid the bad reputation. 
When she had Izuku, she worried that he’d have the same problem. But the first time it happened, Katsuki was there and managed to pull Izuku from the grips of the quirk.
It was at that point that the two became the best of friends. 
Inko taught Izuku that he could cry all he wanted, should in fact, but that he could never under any circumstances allow himself to fall under the sway of his own quirk. 
So Izuku got the reputation of a cry baby. This isn’t because people around him were dropping left and right. No instead it was because on his way to and from school he’d come across an older lady who was reaching the end, a business man who was going to get mugged on his way home from work, a small time hero who wasn’t going to make it out of a fight, and so on and so on. 
One thing Izuku became very familiar with, was stifling the cry that always seemed to be sitting at the back of his throat, and death. Izuku knew to mourn the ones that he couldn’t help, and became determind to save those he could. Hence his desire to be a hero.
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faekishi · 5 months
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Once again it's been a very long time since I last drew and posted anything. The changing of seasons was not kind to me. But, I'm standing back up again. I've decided to work on art at least an hour a day. So I won't be to rusty. Place the times in the planner so I won't go for long periods of time without drawing. Certain days I'm hoping to studying drawing more than others. But, not gonna rush. For this piece. I been playing a lot of FF series games. Including the MMORPG and a few of the newer and older ones. One big thing about these games is that I love chocobos. Absolutely adore them. Which is why you get a piece of kid Izuku on a chocobo. Though... this one looks like a fusion between the chocobo and another mount you can get in the online game. I laughed a bit. While I'm not 100% loving this piece, I am satisfied and it was fun to draw. I hope you all enjoy it!
Now time for ideas!
So, as I said before I love chocobos. Back in the day for FF 7, I played the chocobo racing and breeding like crazy. With the newer games, it made me fall in love the big bird even more. It doesn't help the fact that in Stardew Valley I found something to be able to raise chocobos on there as well. So with all of this. I have a few cute aus.
One Au I thought about while making this piece was if Izuku had a chocobo quirk. Where he can summon all different types of chocobos throughout the series. So one moment he can summon a baby and the next moment he can summon a fat chocobo. Hizashi loves Izuku quirk and the chocobos love Hizashi. Cause yellow and they all be loud.
Izuku mainly fights quirkless while training his chocobos how to fight, search and rescue victims, and travel. The chocobo's who can do magic he often uses. There is one Chocobo he only calls out for desperate situations. *cough* the murderous red chocobo that only wants death and destruction *cough*. Izuku has to be really pressed to summon that one as it won't take orders and will do whatever it wants. And if that is murder then murder is on the table.
Honestly, I might make a small written series about this one cause it's cute. But, we'll see.
The second AU. Is of course Izuku being in the actual world of FF. While this one doesn't main chocobos and Izuku. Izuku would have a baby chocobo he'd carry in a special carrier pouch and Aizawa's chocobo is constantly bringing him out of danger. The third AU is a more rancher type. Again, cause of stardew valley and finding a beautiful mod to have chocobos in my farm. I couldn't help think of all types of ideas on this.
One idea hones in an old idea I had. Where Aizawa left behind a really chaotic and dark life in order to live a peaceful life with his nephew Izuku. Aizawa goes to the market to buy normal animals and not magical ones. But, then baby Izuku present Chocobo with quivering lips and big eyes and he caves. He does in fact, get a yellow one that reminded him of the cute radio show host in town. While the other idea is where Izuku is sent to live at a family chocobo ranch because some things were happening back a this old town. Only to come see the ranch basically run down and close to collapsing. Being determined to save the family ranch. The teen starts working in repairs and figuring out how to raise chocobo. In order to help with cost of repairs. He rents out rooms almost like an apartment! Which is how he'll meet an assortment of characters.
Again, I be cooking with stories. But, I hope you enjoyed this!
Again, be kind, stay hydrated, and take care of yourself. Especially with pollen season banging on our doors.
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quinncupine · 3 years
May I request Alpha Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki (seperate) always protecting their Omega reader? How would they react if another alpha tried to claim the omega? Likee hmm say for example the two are walking on the street then another alpha just jumps in and talks about like how attractive reader's scent is and stuff! It is alright if youre not comfortable with writing with this many characters, this ABO au, or this idea in general!
Notes: Hi Anon! I’m so sorry this took longer than expected to do! I promise I didn’t forget you! I don’t really know much about the ABO au so I had to do a bit of research first. I’m not really sure if I landed it though, but I did have fun writing it! It’s always fun to try out something new, so I do hope you enjoy it! I also tried to keep it gender-neutral.
Warnings: Language, mild violence, slight blood, possessive behavior, Alpha-Omega au, drinking-drunken behavior
Word Count: ~2.7K
Wanna request something?
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Katsuki is the definition of aggressive. It's no surprise he'd be just as aggressive as an Alpha, especially when it came to you. Your mere presence was enough to send him into ultra possessive protective mode.
The two of you were heading back to your shared apartment after one of your weekly date nights. Since he was a pro hero, he didn't often have much free time, so he set aside a specific night each week, just for you. He wasn't the best at showing his love through words, so his actions more than made up for the fact.
A muscled arm wrapped around your waist as the two of you walked through the deserted street. The ground seemed to be swaying a bit, or that might've just been you. One drink too many could do that. Katsuki warned you not to drink so much, but you didn't listen and as much as he complained that he wouldn't carry you home, he still held most of your body weight up by a single firm hand.
"I love you," you cooed, dropping your head into his shoulder with a smile.
His hand tightened around you and a cocky grin spread across his face. "I know."
With a slight pout, you huffed, "say it back."
The tiniest roll of his eyes before he grabbed your chin with his free hand and tilted it up so he could look into your eyes. You were about to question him but his lips silenced you with a deep kiss. "You know I do." He tried to sound annoyed, but you could see straight through it.
He wouldn't be caught dead being this sentimental with you if anyone else was nearby, especially if another Alpha was near. To him, acting like that opened someone up for weakness, and with you on the line, he would never allow that. But since it was just the two of you alone, he allowed himself to show just a slight bit of passion. These little moments were reserved solely for you.
Wrapping your arms around him as much as you could, you let out a heavy sigh with sleepy eyes. The peaceful night air had a bit of a chill to it, but that was nothing compared to the heavenly warmth radiating from his body. That was until you felt his whole person stiffen.
Confused, you looked up. Then the smell hit you. Another Alpha's scent. Even in your hazy state, it smelled overwhelming, intentional…and all-too aggressive. It literally smelled like trouble. You'd had trouble in the past with other Alpha's coming on way too strong, which was one of the reasons why you were so grateful to have found Katsuki. He doesn't put up with any bullshit and isn't afraid to fight others off.
Katsuki's nails dug into your waist, his feet abruptly coming to a stop. Jaw clenched so hard, teeth nearly cracking from the pressure. Ruby-red eyes narrowed into deadly slits. A vicious snarl itching to see some action. It was a sight you were used to seeing from him. Criminals and heroes alike tried to avoid that exact look he was wearing right now.
Plenty of Alpha's had tried to come onto you in the past, but none have been so bold as to outright try to challenge Katsuki, especially in the dead of night on some deserted street. The moment they got a whiff of that dangerous heady scent, dripping with aggression and possessiveness, they immediately backed off. He didn't know the meaning of mercy.
When you turned your head to pinpoint the source of the scent, he twisted around first, swinging you to his back in one easy motion. The street looked empty from where you poked your head around his arm.
"Get lost fuckwad," he growled, "or die."
The shadows shifted and a man clad in loose black clothes that blended into the darkness so well you were having a hard time keeping your eyes on him. It was only when he stepped into the glow of a streetlamp from a block away did you finally see him clearly. He casually crossed his arms behind his head. A way of showing Katsuki that he wasn't threatened in the slightest. Even a full block away the poignant smell of him invaded your nose.
"What a temper on this one," he purred with a sultry charm guised to disarm, a complete contradiction of his hostile scent. "You know babe, you'd be much better off with me."
"Don't fucking talk to them," Katsuki snapped, fingers digging into the fabric covering your arm. "Or I'll kill you."
"It's not worth it," you tugged on his jacket a bit. "Let's just go."
Even as you said it, you knew it was pointless. Katsuki never backs down from a fight. Violence is ingrained in his DNA.
"Gonna take orders from an Omega? At least I know how to keep them in place, like a real Alpha," he smirked, crossing the street. A deep growl rumbled in Katsuki's chest, but the other Alpha ignored it. "Can't you smell it? I could smell their scent three blocks away."
You were on suppressants but alcohol is notorious for diluting their effect and of course, you had to show him up and drink more than him tonight. Was your scent out of control? You didn't think so and Katsuki hadn't said anything about it all night. You couldn't smell it, but if that Alpha had followed you all this way, it must've been strong.
As the Alpha drew closer, you realized just how bulky the man was. He stood taller than Katsuki by almost a foot and that grin stitched into his face was making you nervous. The whole situation was stressing you out so much Katsuki could most likely smell it comes off you in waves. His bright vermillion eyes found yours and he huffed. That instinct to protect was warring with his compulsion for reckless abandon. Before he could say anything, the Alpha made the first move.
With a snap of his teeth, the burly man took off towards Katsuki and Katsuki didn't waste a second. He pushed you back and charged. The two met in a head-on collision. A bright explosion lit up the darkened street with an echoing boom. When the light faded and the smoke cleared, Katsuki stood over his opponent, an angry snarl spilling from his grinning face as he smashed his foot into the Alpha's singed back. What was the phrase? All bark and no bite.
Once he was sure the Alpha was down for the count, he trudged over to you. Without a word, he grabbed your hand and pulled you away. After a few minutes, he deemed it far enough and stopped to pull you into his chest, resting his chin on your head.
"The nerve of these assholes," he muttered, eyes still glaring at the soft shadows surrounding them. He wouldn't feel better until you were back home, under his watchful eye. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," you mumbled into his shirt, closing your eyes with a relieved sigh. "I'm always fine when I'm with you."
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Izuku isn't a typical Alpha. His demeanor is usually quiet and kind so it always surprised most people to find out he was one. Only making sense when he went into battle mode. The sheer ferocity this guy displays while fighting is one of the most intense things anyone will experience. R.I.P any brave soul that decides to challenge him. He gives it his all, especially if it means protecting someone under his care; namely you.
After leaving the theater (yes, Izuku drags you to each new All Might Movie premier, and no, you don't have a choice in the matter) you lean into him, listening to him gush about every detail the movie had gotten right or horribly wrong. This man was a serious fanboy. His voice was soothing to hear to so you could listen to him prattle on forever if you had your way.
The two of you had almost made it to the car when someone stumbled into you. If Izuku hadn't had his arm around your waist, you would've fallen down with the obviously drunk man. He pulled you away from the drunkard and did a quick check to make sure you weren't hurt before turning his attention to the man. "Hey, are you alright buddy?"
"Dammit!" the man groaned as he crawled back to his feet, swaying from side to side once he made it up. "Watch where you're goin'," he slurred out, lips having a hard time forming the words. Then he sniffed and blinked a few times, focusing on you. "Mmm, you smell good."
Izuku stiffened, subtly stepping in front of you, eyes narrowed. "Your drunk, it's time you went home."
"What's a lovely thing like you doing out so late?" he ignored Izuku entirely, puffing out his chest with a sleazy grin. That's when the scent hit you. Strong, mixed with the smell of alcohol. It made your nose wrinkle in disgust. "Come here doll, I can take good care of ya."
A low rumble vibrated deep within Izuku's chest. A warning. A threat. Most sensible Alpha's would've taken the cue, but this guy was far from anything resembling sense. Izuku is, for the most part, a rational Alpha, but when the drunkard stepped closer to touch you, he lost it.
It was so quick, you almost missed it. Izuku snatched the grimy hand, twisted it which in turn forced the man to twist as well, and sent him flying with a powerful kick to the rear. He kicked him so hard the Alpha flew halfway across the parking lot, landing in a small puddle with a loud splash. It took a moment for him to roll over, body still trying to process what just happened before finally falling back into the puddle with a long-winded groan.
Izuku stood rigid, eyes locked on the Alpha who had curled in on himself. He gnashed his teeth a few times trying to even out his huffy breaths. Small sparks of green electricity quietly crackled off his skin.
"Izuku?" you grabbed one of his fisted hands and pulled it close.
He looked down at you, still trying to calm his racing heart. Izuku didn't like to get like this in front of you and that in itself was making him more upset. But a part of him loved the fact that he could protect you so easily and that you took comfort in that fact.
The Alpha, apparently too drunk to remember what just happened, rolled out of the puddle and back to his feet. His back was dripping wet, but he didn't even seem to notice as he staggered off into the night.
"I'm sorry," he apologized, finally turning to you.
You wrapped your arms around his muscly frame, fingertips just barely meeting on his back. "What're you sorry for? You protected me, didn't you?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Pride swelled in his chest. A slight tinge rushed to his cheeks so he tucked his face into your neck, nuzzling his nose deep into the crook. Your scent was always so calming and he stayed like that for a minute until he remembered you were both still standing outside the car. "Let's go home."
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Shoto is a strong silent Alpha. He's probably the calmest of the three, but that doesn't mean he won't hesitate to kick anyone's ass if they dare mess with you. He's mastered the evil eye glare and combined with his natural Alpha aura, most steer clear.
You had decided to take a day trip to the next prefecture over to see your friends and had asked Shoto to pick you up from the train station. So, there he was, standing on the platform, umbrella in hand as the rain came down in a steady, freezing pour.
When the train finally pulled in, he scanned the cars until he saw you step out. Even in the heavy rain, he could pick up your scent and it was screaming distress. It confused him until he saw why…or rather smelled why. Stepping out behind you was a lanky man, mere inches from your back. His grinning face was bent next to yours as he talked with you, well more like at you. Large hands ghosted over your hair, taking in heavy whiffs of you. A grimace stuck on your face as you did everything in your power to ignore him, but trying to ignore an Alpha was like trying to ignore a blowhorn to the face. Loud, obnoxious, and completely overwhelming. The longer you ignored him, the more irritated he grew.
Shoto snapped the umbrella closed so hard he almost broke it. He no longer cared about getting wet and used the tip to wedge himself between the crowd of people. The hair on his neck stood on end. The rain on his right side froze the minute it touched his skin while on his left, it turned to steam. He tried to suppress that ball of rage building in the back of his throat, only for an aggravated growl to escape. Anyone who managed to catch his wrathful gaze quickly jumped out of his warpath.
The Alpha placed his hand on your shoulder and that was the final straw. You turned to swat him off, which was apparently the wrong thing to do. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you right up against him, dark eyes narrowed, teeth bared. Panic took over as you struggled to free yourself from his too-tight grip.
An umbrella came out of nowhere, whacking the Alpha right in the nose. He let go of your wrist with a startled yelp, stumbling back a few feet.
Shoto suddenly materialized between the two of you. You'd been so distracted that you didn't even realize you could smell Shoto's scent. But now that he was up close, it was all you could smell. Strong, powerful, and…furious.
"What the fu-AAAH!" With a scream, he toppled over. Both legs were frozen together in a thick column of ice. He hit the ground hard, head smacking on the wet concrete.
Shoto towered over him, shooting that perfected evil eye, face masked in shadows. "Next time," he growled, voice low and terrifyingly calm, "I'd advise not to touch people without their permission." Crouching next to his head, he glanced down at his left hand where a small flame erupted, and despite the pouring rain, only seemed to grow brighter. "Or you might get burned."
The man wisely stilled, eyes wide. "I didn't know they already had a mate dude, I swear."
"Regardless, don't ever let me catch you treating someone like that again," he snapped his hand closed, extinguishing the flame. "Is that understood?"
The threat was heard loud and clear but the Alpha glanced at you and Shoto grabbed his chin and pulled his gaze back to him. "Don't ever look at them again."
A nod and Shoto threw his face to the side, standing up. Taking a moment to compose himself again, he turned to you, hunched in on yourself, looking slightly embarrassed. Too many people were staring because Shoto had made a scene. He could care less about what other people thought. Someone had messed with you and he had to make it right.
Holding a hand out, you accepted it and he ushered you away. The both of you were soaking wet but he still opened the umbrella again, shielding you from the rain. Once you were far enough away from the station and other people, he stopped to inspect you.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, looking for any obvious signs or lingering scent marks.
"No, I'm fine." You hugged yourself, not sure if you were shivering from the cold wet or from that creep, possibly both.
With a frown, he pulled you in close. His left side immediately warmed you up and you buried your head as far as you could into his chest, that familiar, safe scent surrounding you. "Thanks, Sho."
That intense anger was slowly ebbing away the longer you held onto him. That need to protect, to comfort taking its place.  You alone were the only thing that seemed to be able to calm him down when he was so worked up. Wrapping his free arm around you, tucking you in as tightly as possible, he kissed the top of your head. "You know I'd do anything for you."
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gentrychild · 2 years
For five headcanons game
An AU where Izuku is a well known in the underworld as that crazy kid who'll body you after the Muscular incident
1 - Little known facts: villains gossip like crazy. Other little known fact: there might be no honor among thieves but villains do tell each which heroes would take care of you with extreme prejudice. Because of that and after the police finally managed to free Muscular from his mountain, Izuku gained a reputation.
2 - Now, the villains were only avoiding Izuku like the plague until Overhaul, both to get some street cred and to prove that he was scared of nothing, decided to piss off Deku. Canon events happened and now, people Izuku have never met either run screaming when they saw him, call him "Sir" and on a couple of occasions, just gave him money as a sign of respect.
3 - All hell breaks loose after Izuku is accused of being a mass murderer, manages to outrun a whole national police force and beats the blue what's-his-name from Humarize. From that point, Izuku never sees any villain when he goes on patrol or just walks around (except various members of the LoV but they are special). Any neighborhood where he is hanging out is so calm. Pro heroes used his name to scare villains into confessing.
4 - During the solo arc, he is very sad that every villain is just running away screaming when he is trying to talk to them. It hurts his feelings.
5 - Nagant is told about this terrifying soulless and merciless hero. I let you imagine her face when he removes the hood and cries before he didn't get to eat All Might's bento.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Aideku au where no.1 hero deku (or a diff name) has to stop hero work temporarily after an injury (in a battle against afo? Idk) and works at us while he’s healing to “help the next gen of heroes” (WITH a teaching license)
And he does analysis for the hero students and teaches them it so they can improve and find villains weaknesses
He’s constantly bursting into aizawas lessons and class 1A is like “huh. He’s smart. He’s the no.1 hero. He seems like he’s friends w aizawa even tho he seems annoyed. What if they…got together???”
So they start planning on how to set them up and try to get the other teachers in on it. Monoma sees this and is like “no way VLAD SENSEI WERE HELPING U SEDUCE THE NO1 HERO”
Meanwhile aizawa is annoyed bc his husband keeps interrupting his class and now the students are up to something. Izuku on the other hand revels in the chaos he’s caused while having tea w nedzu
Okay okay no I love this.
So Izuku, #1 Pro Hero Dekiru, ends up getting browbeat into taking some time off by a combination of Shouta, his mom, his agency, and Toshi-sensei giving him sad eyes and going "don't make the same mistakes I did, my boy".
But, of course, Izuku being Izuku, he's going stir crazy in under a week.
There are only so many cold case files Naomasa will let him get his hands on and he was banned from stepping foot in any police building outside of an emergency by day 3.
Shouta's threatened to divorce him if he sets up one more conspiracy board in their apartment after the last two migrated from his office to the living room and one of the cats got tangled up in a bunch of the string and sent one of them crashing down at 3 am in the middle of them having "quality time" and startled both of them so bad that Izuku shattered yet another headboard and Shouta had to both get his capture weapon repaired and dodge Hizashi's questions about his limp for the next week.
Plus there's the fact that his main PR agent Hifumi-san has threatened to kill him herself if he tries to revive his HeroTube channel again after that last scandal/debacle with those anti-mutant Gang Orca haters he threatened to fight in front of All Might and all of the Gods. (He's holding onto control of his official Twitter account by the skin of his teeth at this point too because he won't stop tweeting controversial but entirely true shit but he won't let her take his #DekiruRants from him too.)
So he's obviously running out of things to do and has resorted to playing online CAH with Nezu since they've been banned from playing online chess/shogi/checkers/9 deck go fish/Minecraft/all terraforming games/and monopoly specifically together by Shouta and the others.
Which is, of course, around the time Nezu has a glorious idea. Maybe Izuku should put that teaching license he got the last time he broke his leg and had some downtime to use.
So Izuku, faced with the opportunity to spend more time with Shouta during the day and to, frankly, get the fuck out of the apartment in a way that won't get him in trouble, instantly agrees.
It only takes two afternoons of seeing Dekiru beaming up at Aizawa-sensei, patting Bakugou on the head and cooing about how "Kacchan is growing up so well", hovering over Todoroki, and giving the entire 1-A class ridiculously detailed analysis on their quirks before 1-A decides that they have to have him for keeps.
Thus begins their earnest efforts to Parent Trap Aizawa-sensei and Dekiru.
Monoma of course can't allow that to happen which results in Vlad King (one of the only staff members who doesn't know Aizawa and Izuku are married) also being put on the spot.
Aizawa's less than pleased about that, especially since Vlad's crush on Dekiru is basically an office joke by this time.
Bright side though, Izuku's not bored anymore.
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