#and into her first turf war against tartar
bapzap · 1 year
my greatest power is that i can talk for hours about the most inane nonsense about media i'm interested in
my greatest flaw is that i will talk for hours about the most inane nonsense about media i'm interested in
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
what does the rest of the splatoon think of 4 and acht dating
Before I start, here's a quick summary of the pronouns I'll be using for each of the agents:
Agent 8: He/him
Captain 3: She/her
Neo 3: It/It's
Agent 4: They/Them
Eight supports them 100%. He's an absolute sucker for romance and he got to see it blossom first hand since he was in the elevator when Four climbed the spire and whitnessed the two slowly fall in love. (If anyone reading this has no idea what I'm talking about, you can check out my post on it here.) Eight and Marina act as Acht's wingmen, trying to encourage them to confess their feelings for Four. (Pearl does the same for Four.)
Captain 3 is on edge around Acht. She remembers being controlled by Tartar vividly and is worried that Marina's Memverse plan might not have worked as well as she thought it did. When Captain was sanitized she couldn't do anything to fight it, so how could some code made it go away entirely? What if Acht is just trying to take advantage of Four having been greyscaled? What if they're plotting something malicious? Her suspicion never really goes away, but it does fade over time. Her main goal is just to protect those she cares about.
Neo 3 had never met Four before Side Order, so it didn't have any connection to Four. It and Four sort of become playful rivals and will often purposefully be on opposite teams in turf war and ranked matches. It likes Acht, but is a little bit afraid of them. It thinks Acht is really intimidating. Regardless, Neo 3 supports their relationship and likes to joke about how it's friend is dating a zombie.
Callie is just happy that Four found a partner. She'd been trying to set them up with someone for a while and is excited to see that they've finally found someone who makes them happy. She thinks it's cool that Acht is a musician and wants to collab sometime. She organizes a monthly game night amongst her friends and was very excited to invite Acht (against Captain's wishes).
Marie feels similar to Captain in that she's suspicious of Acht. Both her and Captain exchange paranoid theories about Acht's true intentions that gradually become more and more convoluted. As the two get to know Acht better and let their guards down, their theories turn into a running inside joke rather than real suspicion.
Cuttlefish is... trying his best. He can be insensitive at times by saying things like "You know I was almost put in the sludge that telephone used to control your partner." He doesn't realize that he's just bringing back traumatic memories for Acht and making it awkward for everyone else (especially since only Eight was supposed to be in the sludge, he was just sort of there). Four is trying to teach him not to say that kind of stuff.
Deep Cut, while not a part of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, would likely end up meeing Four and Acht since Marie is their boss. They're really competitive, especially Shiver and Frye. Frye will often say things like "You two may be big shots in Inkopolis but in Splatsville we're the kings. Don't forget that." in hopes of indimidating Four and Acht. Shiver will just give them mean looks. Four thinks it's super cool and Acht just finds it funny. Really Shiver and Frye feel thretened by the fact that Acht is a musician and they don't want Big Man working with a different artist again. Big Man is embarrassed by how they act and often aplogizes for them, despite the fact that Acht and Four don't mind.
I probably went into more detail for this than I had to, but it was fun! Thank you for the ask!!!
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Headcanon for Captain 3: They have gotten out of shape (the weight gain type) since their “promotion”. While their excuse is they got bored with Turf Wars, they got PTSD flashbacks when in contact with a weapon due to the Tartar trauma, hence why they gave it up.
IM SCREAMING AND CRYING RIGHT NOW I REALLY LIKE THIS IDEA FOR CAPTAIN 3,,,, i hope you don't mind me turning this into a quick agent 24 drabble bc i will lose my mind
[cw for slight weight gain/body image issues]
Three knew they weren't as in shape as they were seven years ago, or hell, even just three years ago- that was natural as any inkling or octoling got older. Once they hit their 20's they noticed how much older they felt, whether it was physical changes in their body or how much they had been through mentally, they just felt... older. It didn't help that they weren't very active anymore like they used to be, turf wars and ranked battles just brought back bad memories, and the whole Grizzco opporation just gave them the creeps.
As Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon their duties didn't require them to be very active, they mostly had to manage the other agents and keep tabs on things in the area. It was a blessing and a curse, it meant they didn't have to force themself to pick up a weapon when they didn't want to, but it also meant they weren't doing anything. Eight had noticed their decline in activity but she didn't ask any further when Three gave the excuse of being tired of turf wars, too busy with captain work to get back into them.
The truth was they couldn't hold a weapon on the battlefield after they were controlled by TARTAR. Every time they picked up a splattershot they could only feel the uncomfortable memories looming in their mind, threatening to cloud their vision and take them back to what they did. It was worse with Eight, she was the one who had to fight them, and the mere thought of playfully battling against her in turf was painful to Three. They never wanted to touch a weapon again, hadn't they done enough?
Compared to Eight, who was in peak physical condition with defined muscles and stood tall and thin, Three was much more soft. They had lost the definition in their muscles and gained a bit of weight all over, their figure more short and stout. They were afraid of losing their girlfriend, if their body changed too much then Eight might not want to be with them anymore. It wasn't the same as when they first got together.
"Three, will you tell me what's wrong? You have been sulking for a few days and I can tell you are not feeling well," Eight said to them one night while they were at home on the couch.
Three sighed, knowing that if they tried to hide the truth any longer it would only start to hurt them, "I'm... worried."
The octoling waited for them to continue, placing her hand on theirs.
"I'm worried that you're not going to want to be with me anymore because I've, changed," they said, looking down and away from their girlfriend's concerned eyes. "I told you that turf just got boring for me but- the truth is I can't stomach picking up a weapon anymore. Every time I try it's like I'm under the ink's control again and I'm reliving all the shit I went through back then. I can't even think about going up against other people, let alone you, after that."
"Babe..." Eight cooed, moving closer to the inkling to pull them into her arms. "I understand, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to, including turf wars. But why would you think I won't want to be your girlfriend anymore?"
Three relaxed into her embrace, breathing in their scent to help calm them down, "Because I just haven't been able to be active so I gained weight, and you didn't fall in love with me for the body I have now."
"No, I fell in love with you because of your heart, your personality. You charmed me from the moment we first properly met, nothing about that had to do with your body." Eight kissed their head lovingly. "I do think you're attractive, back then and now too, but I like your body because it's you."
The words eased their mind- they had fallen for Eight for all the same reasons. They laughed slightly, "That makes sense, I fell in love with you for you too, I guess I shouldn't have been anxious about it."
"It's okay to have those feelings or thoughts, but I will always be here to make you feel better about it, okay?"
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timedyne · 1 year
the splatsville catalogue (a splatoon mandela catalogue au)
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after driving humanity to extinction (almost six world wars is an impressive feat!) gabriel and the alternates rest, figuring their work is complete. when they awake, they find that a new species have taken the place of the humans, and have managed to mimic their old society and mannerisms almost perfectly -- the only difference being their desire to play strange ink games all day. this, very obviously, makes gabriel angry, that after all of the work he did it just got undone by the rise of what he considers to be a more disgusting, slimy version of the human race.
he starts to send alternates back out, but the death rate from MAD goes from 97% to 1%. the techniques he used against the humans dont seem to ever work against these strange creatures, so he goes back to the drawing board. everyone has a breaking point, right?
(information about the characters and a B&W version under the cut)
Eve “M0N0CHR0MEANG3L” Ika (Victim One) a splatsville-born octoling who makes music under their stage name “M0N0CHR0MEANG3L”. often works shifts at grizzco to earn extra cash, but can be found participating in turf wars on the weekend with their trusty flingza roller. their friends would describe them as “weird and loud”, but if you were to only listen to their music you would think they were quiet and reserved. most of eve’s fans wouldn’t even know it was them if they bumped into them on the street. they view professor hagfish as a parental figure and role model. thinks their last name is ironic due to being an octopus, not a squid.
design wise, they are a slightly modified version of my octoling that i play as in splatoon 3
Professor Hagfish (Victim Two) a vampire squid inkling of mysterious origin. used to be the head scientist at kamabo co before it was destroyed during the events of splatoon 2: octo expansion (which in this au, tartar -- and later mr grizz as well -- was controlled by gabriel in his attempt to take out the cephalopod race quickly). now works at splatsville high school as a biology teacher. they only allow themselves to be called “professor hagfish”, and nobody knows if they have a first name. they refuse to share where they came from with anyone, but due to their strange green scars on their face and neck students have spread rumors that they worked at kamabo co and/or they are an alternate.
spoiler alert: those rumors are both correct.
design wise, they are this au’s version of my main splatoon character, who was based off of the outfit i used in splatoon 2
Captain Three (Victim Three) an inkling from inkadia and captain of the new squidbeak splatoon. rarely speaks to anyone, even her friends, but would get hit by a train if it meant it saved their lives. she is a high-priority target of the alternates due to her status. hasn’t slept in days, both due to the fact that she has probably never had a normal sleep schedule in her life and because she spends every night fending off the alternates that inevitably break into her apartment. gets dragged around by agent 8 to document the alternates and post them online
Hachi “Agent 8″ (Victim Four) an octoling who grew up in octo valley. defeated commander tartar and kept him from killing everyone with assistance from popular idol duo off the hook (who have since gone missing). moves to splatsville and starts the splatsville paranormal society, where she and captain three (who is only really there for moral support) investigate alternate and other weird sightings over livestream. she and three have garnered quite a large following worldwide by the thrill-seekers that are inklings and octolings, especially after alternate sightings and deaths start to ramp up in splatsville. although their first mission is to have fun and provide spooky content to their fans, their second mission is to try and figure out what happened to off the hook.
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My sister always insisted to draw this. I said no, but then I accepted. And here we are...
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This is Aurora, another one of my old OCs (and also the Agent 8 of my AU).
Here's the backstory (be ready bc there's a shit ton of stuff under the cut):
She was created in the same lab where Koya was created.
For creating her, the lab scientists, somehow, brought Galacta Knight from the Kirby universe to the lab, kept him under key (they knocked him out before warping him btw) and used one of his feathers, which, combined with Octarian DNA, gave life to Aurora.
After several months, the little Octoling was freed, remaining in the lab and always being checked on by secret cameras.
This until Elfilis, through a portal, busted into the lab and, thanks to their psychic power, interrupted the signal of the cameras. Then, they met Aurora, who was scared of them at first (despite they didn't mean any harm to her). But then the two became quickly friends and headed to the room where Galacta was.
He was there, contained and unconscious... Elfilis proceded to free him, but not without triggering the alarm. The three of them proceeded to escape and to go through the portal safe and sound.
Galacta was still out cold, until he woke up back in Halcandra, were Elfilis, the other two heroes and Aurora were looking at him with a worried look. Elfilis explained everything to him, leaving him quite confused, and also shocked bc he got basically a daughter to take care of.
But then he decided to keep her and name her with the name she's known for (bc she didn't even have a name before, just a code name that she can't remember). By the time passing, she learned to fly, hide her horns and wings (it's her own trait and it can be very useful when needed) and use her powers, except they weren't as strong as Gala's (she was too young to use all of her potential, also she actually didn't use them very much). She never used any pronouns for Gala (she always referred to him as “Papa", then “Father").
But then, one day, a lot of bad events happened, leading to Elfilis and Galacta going insane (but then got both sealed) and the dissappereance of one of the heroes. Only one remained, who managed to bring safely Aurora into the Splatoon universe via portal.
She ended up underground, where the Octarians lived (she was hiding her horns and wings at that moment). DJ Octavio noticed her and decided to recruit her as one of the members of the army. From that moment on, she slowly had forgotten about her powers.
Then y'know the events of Splatoon, the Octo Expansion, blah blah blah...
Also, she immediately remembered about her true self during the last minute of the battle against Tartar. That means that Pearl, Marina and Cuttlefish are the only ones who know about her secret in the Splatoon universe.
Now, she's living a normal life, playing Turf War with friends but still keeping her secret. But, deep in her soul, she really wishes to reunite with her father and the others, even tho it might be a
Man, I'm so tired rn... Also forgive me for my bad writing, it's also almost 1 AM and I have to sleep (despite my poor ass didn't sleep well in the last few nights...)...
Aight, cya guys... U.U
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uvjellyfish · 2 years
Asking Eggcellence Timeline (v1)
hey gamers heres something thats been a long time in the making (3 years to be exact lol). if u arent familiar with AE it is pretty fucking extensive and convoluted so i figure why not try to make it less so. keep in mind this timeline doesnt have everything, just most of the major story beats up to a specific reveal.
tetra isnt included in this because shes Special and i need much more time to figure out where the fuck she slots into everything, and i dont wanna rush it just to make this post, so i will likely put out another one with her in the future. i might also start including splat3 events if i have them established by then
anyways, HERE WE GO!
JUNE 2015
Captain Cuttlefish catches the attention of an ambitious young inkling named Florentine, and begs her to help him retrieve stolen zapfish from the underground domes of the Octarians. Seeing it as an opportunity to stick it to some friends that had been giving her trouble, she accepts the challenge, and she is dubbed Agent 3. 
At the end of her journey she clashes with the cunning and imposing leader of the Octarians, DJ Octavio, in what would come to be known as a legendary concert featuring the Squid Sisters and their smash hit, Calamari Inkantation.
Poe, Ched, Cavi, Vee, Shelly, and Tamago are all present at this electrifying event.
Florentine quits turf wars, and even stops going to the Plaza in order to avoid her old team. She has fully dedicated herself to her work as an agent of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
Shelly leaves for Inkopolis, with the intent of finding Agent 3. She never does, but she does befriend a pair of nice inklings (Edd and Sonnie).
Nothing of note happens after this so it's for a 
July 2017
Poe, Ched, Vee, and Cavi execute a plan to escape Octo Valley. They split up into pairs, and things go bad when they’re discovered by strange blue Octarians. Poe and Ched are both captured, the former making it to the surface before running into Agent 3 and Captain Cuttlefish. Vee sacrifices her own escape to assure Cavi’s.
Cavi arrives in Inkopolis alone. 
Vee wakes up with no memories of who she was, her only sense of identity being the number 10007 on her bracelet. She partakes in a series of strange tests with the hopes of reaching a “promised land”, and struggles to complete them. During one test she injures her right eye in an accident and is unable to make any more progress.
Fritta moves to Inkopolis. At the square she ends up following a mystery squid down a grate, who turns out to be Marie. She’s recruited to the New Squidbeak Splatoon as Agent 4 and tasked with exploring the Octarian domes in search of the missing zapfish (and Callie).
After many difficulties she eventually confronts DJ Octavio in a battle reminiscent of the one from two years before.
Ben, Cell, and Tamago are present at this concert.
An amnesiac octoling wakes up deep underground, immediately discovered by Captain Cuttlefish. She’s temporarily recruited as a member of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, dubbed Agent 8, and the two of them press on to explore the dark subway. Not long after starting the metro’s trials they run into another octoling with the same number as Eight. He decides to join them, and together the three of them make their way for the “promised land”. 
Tamago leads Ben and Cell to the surface.
Newly named Poe and Ched begin settling in to Inkopolis. They both chose not to stay with the NSS, and lose contact with them for the time being. 
They try proper turf wars for the first time, but Poe finds herself overwhelmed as she correlates the casual game with the panic felt during the fight against Tartar. She decides maybe turf wars aren't for her, and contents herself watching Ched from the sidelines.
Radio, a former partner of Ched’s, is tasked with searching for the awol soldier. This takes him deeper underground, into the bowels of Kamabo Co., where disaster strikes as his team is ambushed. He’s partially shoved into a flooder, instantly scarring his face and losing a good portion of his memory. 
With nothing but an octoshot and a photograph he spends several weeks wandering aimlessly in search of a face he no longer recognizes for reasons he no longer remembers. Eventually he finds his way to the surface in Inkopolis, deciding instead to make a new life for himself.
Florentine decides to return to turf wars. There she meets Sonnie in a lobby, and they get along pretty well. Afterwards she gets invited to the square where she meets Edd and Shelly. 
After spending some time together, Edd, Sonnie, Shelly, and Florentine decide to make a formal league team. Under the name Asking Eggcellence, they enter a tournament for fun.
There, they run into the Runway Renegades comprised of Ben, Cell, and Tamago. Angry at Shelly’s abandoning of them, Ben makes a wager, that should they win the tournament she would have to return home with them.
Asking Eggcellence triumphs, and it is revealed the wager was a bluff, and Ben had just been caught up in chastising his sister for leaving.
Edd meets Fritta during a Salmon Run shift.
JAN 2018
Edd introduces Fritta to the group during the Action vs Comedy splatfest. She officially joins the team afterwards.
Shelly meets Ched in a lobby. After some charger shenanigans they return to the square, where Florentine happens to be waiting. They catch up briefly, and Ched invites her home to meet Poe, which she eagerly accepts.
Shortly after, Poe decides to rejoin the NSS as Agent Eight, and they both join Asking Eggcellence
After obtaining an old military radio from Florentine, Ched becomes desperate to remember something from his past. His frenzied efforts result in using a specific frequency to hear the ghostly calls for help of a young girl claiming to be stuck deep underground.
With Poe’s help, he returns to the Deep Sea Metro, and the two of them locate and rescue this girl, now named Vitelle (Vee for short).
Due to Vee’s rescue, Poe decides to focus her endeavors as an agent on exploring Kamabo Co. further.
???? (no specific date)
Fritta decides to join a second, more competitive league team with the introduction of X rank. She ends up on one called Hollow Tide, along with members Quin, Maggie, and Radio.
Cavi half-heartedly joins the Runway Renegades, usually only playing during league and not whenever they have private matches with AE. 
Eventually, however, he does join for one, and is completely shocked when he comes face to face with his sister (and Ched), who at that point he believed to be gone forever. Unfortunately, they barely remember him.
He follows them home and tries his best to come to terms with things as he learns what happened (though they do omit some details like the blender and the fight against the NILS statue). He is also pretty distraught they don’t seem to remember their missing 4th member…until later that night Vee sneaks in and startles the hell out of Cavi. At first he mistook her for the sanitized octolings that had chased them in their escape, but upon looking closer he realized she was in fact that missing fourth.
Poe and Ched got woken up by the ordeal, and the they all spend the rest of the night trying to sort out their feelings. Vee even reveals she had known about her past with Poe and Ched the whole time, but never told them as she didn’t want to burden them with that knowledge.
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anarchyrainbowz · 2 years
oh my god i need to fuckin. gush about my agent 3 for a minute i need u to perceive her for a second
her personality is that she Does Not Emote and is essentially emotionally unavailable due to her circumstances. she doesnt rlly pay attention to herself to much so she has no clue how to really navigate her thoughts and feelings so she just Doesnt and drowns herself in agent work
story wise shes only really working as agent 3 to find her dad cuz he got like, kidnapped cuz hes an octoling and dj octavio needed all the people he could get so he could overthrow the government or smth idk, and this happens when shes like 12 so shes young stupid and recently fatherless livinv alone w/ her brother
uhhh SOMEHOW her and cuttlefish meet and the whole splat 1 campaign happens and when octavio is defeated some of the debris hits her eye and makes a scar and now she HATES this guy cuz first he steals her dad AND THEN almost blinds her???? so now octavio has a very upset 13 yr old 3 who wants him dead
uhhhh OK so before the splat 2 campaign starts her and cuttlefish get stuck and separated in the metro where octo expansion happens and 3 is soooo tired shes been LOST in a MYSTERIOUS FACILITY for THREE MONTH (or however long octo expansion takes place, i just say between 3-6 month tbh) and shes like 15 at this point so she is NOT mature at all despite her stony personality
anyways so she saves 8 and cuttlefish from tartar or whatever and she gets a concussion n gets infected with the goo and all that stuff blah blah blah FIGHT WITH 8 HAPPENS
my 3 uses dualies cuz i say so and 8 uses a e liter so its pretty much a free win for 3 BUT somewhere near the end of that fight 8 takes the nozzle part of the e liter and smacks 3 with the ink tank part ?? and the fight ends there becuz 3 just got a DOUBLE CONCUSSION and cant even stand up straight anymore
blah blah blah the turf war thing on the statue happens blah blah 8 wins n they head back to octo valley/canyon (wherever splat 2s campaign happens in idk i havent played in months) and 3s brother is there?????
spoiler alert octo expansion happens DURING splat 2 campaign (at least in my version of events) and 3s brother was like ‘damn my sisters been MISSING for like a month’ so he goes and investigates and accidentally gets initiated by marie so now hes agent 4 now and he beats octavios ass over the course of like 2 months
ok so now the siblings r back together again and pearl (who is sort of a family friend to their family, basically pearls younger brother aka emperor from the manga cuz i think that hc is funny , used to be friends with 3 before she lived with her dad) decides that she need to contact 3s parents, cuz 3 is half dead and concussed to the second power and probably needs to go to the hospital
pearl can only contact her mom for obvious reasons and 3 gets treated by her family doctor because her mom is rich as balls and is a famed wrestler (lol) and 3 is like in an out of consciousness this whole time and eventually just passes out for a week or two
when she wakes up tho she doesnt really remember what happened after getting infected with Goo and is HORRIFIED to find out she attacked 8 and cuttlefish
she formally apologizes to both of them and is overall feelinb Very Bad and Guilty about the whole thing and 8 doesnt really hold it against her because its not like 3 did it on purpose (and also because she saved their life like 30 minutes before trying to kill them so its canceles out. pemdas)
ok im ending that here before i start rambling about agent 24
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Unwanted House Guest: Valentine’s Run - Part 3
Based on the video games Splatoon, Splatoon 2, and Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion by Nintendo.
And includes a cameo of a character created by @tamarinfrog , @searching-for-bananaflies , @cafe-cardamari , @bottledupcomic , and more!
Twenty minutes earlier, in the Salmon Run Ladies Changing Rooms, a slightly older Octoling girl had just finished styling a younger Octoling’s tentacles into a ponytail.
<There you go,> said the older of the two girls, <All done.>
<Thanks, Nalini,> the younger Octoling said with a smile to her older sister.
<Ready for your first Salmon Run?> Nalini asked.
<Well...> the younger Octoling hesitated. <...kind of. I’m a little nervous, though.>
<Don’t you worry, Lajni,> Nalini said with a smile, <I’ll keep you safe.>
Lajni gave a warm smile back to her older sister just as another Octoling with an Afro barged in with a self-assured grin on his face. <Not to worry, sis!> the boy boasted, <I’ll take care of those Salmonids so fast, you won’t even know they’re there!>
The two girls’ faces blushed a crimson red as they rushed towards the Octoling boy. <AADI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? THIS IS THE LADIES ROOM!> Nalini shouted as she began to drag the boy out.
<YEAH! You can’t be in here!> Lajni said as she pushed against her older brother.
<Okay! Okay! I get it! You can get your hands off me!> Aadi complained.
The door to the Ladies Changing Room opened with a shove as Nalini dragged Aadi out by his shirt collar. The three were now all dressed and ready to go, but Nalini still had a few words to say.
<You’re lucky no one else was in there, otherwise you would have been in even more trouble!> Nalini scolded, <Don’t you know it’s rude to enter places you aren’t supposed to be in!?>
<I’M SORRY ALREADY!> Aadi whined, <How else was I supposed to check on you!? You two we’re taking forever in there!>
<You could have texted us from your OctoPod!> pointed out Nalini.
Aadi looked like he had just been hit over the head with an epiphany, <Oh... right! I forgot about that!>
Nalini sighed and looked at her two younger siblings. While Lajni was fourteen, and Aadi was fifteen, the two of them still acted like little kids. A smile spread over Nalini’s face as she remembered what brought them all here today.
At seventeen, Nalini was the oldest of the three siblings and had taken it upon herself to look after her beloved little brother and sister. After the first failed attempt to capture the Great Zapfish, and after escaping from his snow globe prison, D.J. Octavio began recruiting Octarians left and right. Nalini signed up for training to become an Octoling soldier in hopes of supporting Lajni and Aadi and keeping them from having to serve in the Octarian Army.
Before Nalini completed her training to enter active combat, D.J. Octavio’s plans were thwarted and he was defeated a second time. Soon after, the influence of the Squid Sisters and their music spread throughout Octarian society; moving the hearts of many. Even though D.J. Octavio had kidnapped and brainwashed Callie, one of the Squid Sisters, she bore no ill will towards the Octarians and made great efforts to foster peace between them after her rescue. Finally, the Tartar Sauce incident brought Inklings and Octolings together against a common enemy; forging a new era of peace and prosperity for both species.
Nalini never completed her training, and deep down, she was glad that she didn’t. She could now spend more time with her family and take comfort knowing that Lajni and Aadi would never have to fight in a Great Turf War like their ancestors did. The three Octoling siblings even began making trips to Inkopolis to make new friends and try new things. It was a good time to be alive.
Unfortunately, taking care of two younger siblings required money. While the Turf War League was the best way for kids and young adults to make money in Inkopolis Square, Nalini wasn’t comfortable with it since she couldn’t stand the thought of slinging ink against fellow Octolings, or even Inklings. The Grizzco Salmon Runs, however, let Nalini put the training she received to good use, and make some money without raising a weapon against her people or the people that made up her new friends.
After four Salmon Runs, Nalini still hadn’t made much money, and her younger brother and sister were eager to help her in her work so that they could get by. Lajni just turned fourteen, and Aadi had been wanting to show off what he could do ever since he was twelve. This was going to be Nalini’s fifth Salmon Run, and the first for Aadi and Lajni.
The three Octolings stepped onto the Spawn Point that would launch them to the Grizzco boat that was off the shore of Marooner’s Bay. Lajni, feeling a little nervous, took Nalini’s hand in hers and held on to it with a little squeeze. Nalini squeezed back to let her sister know everything was going to be okay. A few seconds later, the spawn point powered on and launched the three Octolings to their destination.
In what seemed like no time at all, the three Octolings appeared on a different spawn pad several miles away from where they started. Lajni felt a little woozy and clutched her sister’s hand tighter than before to make sure she didn’t fall down. As she regained her bearings, she took a look at who her older brother and sister were staring at. In front of them was a tall, lanky Inkling with purple tentacles. He was wearing the exact same uniform they were wearing and had a no-nonsense expression. His eyes widened when he saw the three siblings and Lajni thought she saw the color drain from his face.
Lajni stepped behind her sister, feeling embarrassed that she didn’t know how to speak Inklish. Aadi did the same as Nalini was the only one who had studied it, and she wasn’t entirely fluent either. The eldest of the three Octolings swallowed hard as she extended a slightly nervous hand in greeting.
“Heh-“ Nalini stuttered. “Hello. I am Nalini. It is... pleasure to meet you.”
The tall Inkling reached out, firmly clasped Nalini’s hand in theirs, and gave it a hearty shake. His grip wasn’t too tight or too loose, and his shake could be measured as precisely in the middle of the two extremes: “trying to tear your arm off” and “I don’t even care enough about this greeting to move a muscle”. It was, for all accounts, a genuine handshake. Nalini would have felt more reassured by it if not for the Inkling’s slasher smile that was stretched across their face and the shrunken pupils.
“HI!” he said loudly with a hint of madness. “I’M SCREWED SIX WAYS FROM SUNDAY! PLEASED TO MEET YOU!”
...To Be Continued...
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bixels · 6 years
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Agent 3 is an austere, tough-as-nails, no funny business Inkling. After joining the New Squidbeak Splatoon two years ago and defeating the octarians, she’s trained her mind and body to become a formidable warrior. She takes her job very seriously and works hard to maintain her tough-girl persona. When calm, Agent 3 acts cold and aloof.
Agent 8 is an innocent, naive, and sweet young Octoling. After passing the Kamabo Co. tests, defeating Commander Tartar, and finding freedom on the surface, this recruit has become the new face of Octoling and Inkling relations. Although she always seems curious and excited, Agent 8 is very emotionally sensitive and will often suddenly become quiet and reserved. She’s prone to panic attacks and flashbacks and easily cries.
More headcanons under the cut:
Agent 3 Headcanons:
Aside from being an agent, Agent 3 is also a professional turf war player, though she doesn’t have a permanent team.
As a pro player, 3′s constantly swarmed by fans and spectators, eager to get some hot tips or her phone number.
3 is incredibly introverted and hates attention or socializing, so she isn’t great at dealing with her popularity.
Due to 3′s high ranking status, she was able to afford a fairly nice apartment, though it’s still a total mess thanks to her disorganized lifestyle.
3 is a butch lesbian.
She basically lives off of energy drinks and scallop protein shakes.
3 is a night person and usually stays up until around 2 AM.
She enjoys tinkering with and customizing weapons (hence why she was able to remove her limiter in her boss fight).
If it’s not apparent enough, 3 works out. A lot.
Because she works out so much, she never has time to take a shower before going on missions, hence Marie’s hygiene comment.
She has an extremely short temper and is excellent at intimidation. 3 is used for all interrogations by the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
3 was never very close with her parents and she’s very lonely and isolated, usually by choice. The New Squidbeak Splatoon was the first “family” she really had.
She sees Cap’n Cuttlefish as a mentor and father figure.
3 has a crush on 8, but because she’s never had feelings for anyone before, she’s unsure of what to do, making her an awkward, useless lesbian. She’s also oblivious to 8′s not-so-subtle affection.
She prefers the Squid Sisters over Off The Hook. She also likes Callie more because Marie’s always teased her.
3 is very easily flustered and made embarrassed.
She fears being seen as weak or incompetent and will do anything to prove how strong and capable she is.
When stressed out, 3 is a bit of a workaholic.
When relaxing, 3 enjoys watching TV (while pumping iron, of course), playing some casual Turf War, or working in Salmon Run.
Her favorite genre is action and thriller.
3 hates anything remotely “sappy” or “romantic.”
She has a very low, almost deep voice. 
3 is a senior in high school.
She is very tall, at around 6′.
3 is ashamed of her eye scar and refuses to talk about it. She sees it as a painful reminder of the time she was too weak to resist the parasite and tried to kill 8 and Cap’n Cuttlefish.
Agent 8 Headcanons:
At first, 8 refused to step into a subway, having an irrational fear that she’ll get trapped in one.
She has frequent nightmares, a result of her PTSD.
8 dislikes vaporwave aesthetics.
She’s a very curious octoling and loves exploring Inkopolis, trying new foods, and meeting new people.
8 is very good at socializing, though she can be a little shy at first.
She has a bad stutter if she’s nervous.
8 is a bisexual femme.
After countless splats by her manually-detonated suicide backpack, she can be very skittish and jumpy and gets scared easily, .
Despite her fears and trauma, 8 will bravely face any danger head on. She has an unusual amount of tenacity and determination.
8 is a morning person and tends to go to sleep around 10 PM.
She rarely gets mad at people, so if she gets angry at you, you know you’ve done something wrong.
8 doesn’t engage in skirmishes and battles against the octarians like Agent 3 or 4. Instead, she goes to Octo Valley to help deserting octolings find their way to the surface.
She sees Marina and Pearl as mother figures.
8 has a crush on 3, but she doesn’t understand her feelings at all. All she knows is that she feels very hot and her hearts beat wildly whenever she’s around 3. 8 is also blind to 3′s feelings.
She prefers Off The Hook over the Squid Sisters. And although she likes Marina and Pearl equally, she feels a strong kinship with Marina, as they were both the first octolings to escape.
8 is also very easily flustered and made embarrassed. 
She fears being trapped, both physically or mentally. She’s been trapped all her life in the octarian army and as a test subject.
Due to her amnesia, 8 doesn’t remember much of her life as a soldier.
8 doesn’t like talking to DJ Octavio in Octo Valley.
She stays fit by running and playing casual turf war (3′s workout regiment is a little too intense for her).
8 does not like eight-ball.
Her favorite genre is comedy and romance.
8 is very empathetic and kind-hearted. No matter what, she always shows mercy and forgiveness.
She’s still in close contact with Iso Padre and CQ Cumber.
8 can act very childishly, with a whole arsenal of puppy-dog eyes and pouting tactics to get her way.
Agent 24 Headcanons (pre-relationship):
After reaching the surface, Cap’n Cuttlefish placed 8 in the responsibility of 3 as her new roommates in hopes of giving 8 some reliable guidance and care and 3 some company and the chance to open up to someone.
3 tries to be gentle with 8, but sometimes her anger slips through.
3 is afraid of hurting 8.
3 cusses like a drunk sailor, but for the sake of her innocent octoling roommate, she tries to hold her tongue.
At first, 8 slept in a guest bedroom, but could barely sleep due to nightmares of being underground. Every time, her screams and cries would get 3′s attention, who would stay by her side, holding and comforting her for hours. Eventually, the two move into the same room and share a bed. Ever since, 8′s nightmares have nearly disappeared.
3 used to have a blender to mix protein shakes, but had to get rid of it as soon as 8 moved in.
8 says she likes to watch 3 exercise so she can spot her, but everyone knows 8 just wants to see her work those muscles.
3 is VERY defensive and protective over 8 and will literally fight anyone who dares to make fun of her.
The two balance out each others lives. 3 keeps 8 safe, takes care of her, and teaches her about life on the surface. 8 helps clean up after 3, reminds her of her daily needs (like taking a shower), and keeps her company. Together, they provide each other the company and trust they need. They’re always there for each other.
8 enjoys jumping into 3′s arms to “test her reaction time.” Really, she just wants to be held. It only creates a mess if 3′s already holding something.
8 likes sleeping on 3′s shoulder on long subway rides.
8 just really likes any physical contact with 3.
8 is the only person who’s managed to get 3 to burst out laughing. She’s really proud of it too.
The two enjoy doing nearly everything together. This includes going to the mall, getting dinner, seeing a movie, etc. (though both insist they’re not dates).
8 likes wearing 3′s hoodies just to see how much bigger they are on her.
8′s nickname for 3 is “San,” which means three in Japanese.
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Okay, fine, I’ll spill. Here’s the AU idea I’ve had for a while.
If The Octarians Won The War AU:
Splatoon 1:
So, in the AU, Octavio was able to single handily win the war with his octoweapon powers and thus banished the inklings to the now known Ink Valley. Over 100 years later and Octo-opolis is a thriving city of modern and tradition and the freshest spot for turf war and new start for Octos and other sea creatures. Lulu, just Lulu in this AU, has run away from the orphanage she grew up in Octo Country and wants to start a new life for herself . She was still heavily bullied in the orphanage for being a hybrid but after one point she finally stood up for herself and learn to fight. Now she's in Octo-opolis to try and start a career as a DJ and try to pull some octolings or octarians together to make a turf wars team. No luck one day, she finally spots an old looking octopus with a green scar on a tentacle looking around from a man cover near some lockers near the tower where the great Zapfish is suppose to be; no smelly trash cans cause Octolings are better at keeping things clean. 
Curious when the octopus notices her and ducks down, she follows him and finds herself in Ink Valley. The octopus turns out to be the old King DJ Octavio who relays to Lulu about the kidnapping of the zapfish and the Great Zapfish. Sitting on the little bench that is connected to a traditional looking hut that looks nicely kept is Octavio’s wife Athena as she hands Lulu a cup of Tea as Octavio tells Lulu what's been happening and asks her if she will help. Lulu agrees to do so and thus becomes Agent 3.Once in Ink Valley, it's a sneak and fight situation, like Metal Gear type style of sneaking around, to get her way to the zapfish. Unlike the city and the upper world where it's lively and tons of music plays, down in the valley, it's cold, silent, and dangerous but Lulu took up the mantle to get the zapfish back and back she does. Along the way, she defeats Inkweapons which Octavio relays that were made from the octoweapon X-Trace serum that the inklings stole from the old plans used during the war. In this AU, octoweapons are no longer needed and Octavio is the only one in modern time. It isn't till half way through things, that General Cuttlefish kidnaps Athena as a revenge ploy against Octavio. But now, Agent 1 and 2 have shown up to guide Lulu to the end of things.
At the final boss, Athena is shown to be tied to a pole as General Cuttlefish shows up to suck the Great Zapfish in his giant mecha and the fight begins after giving a monologue about things. Half way through, Agent 1 and 2 reveal they are the Octo Sisters, Hannah and Coraline, and start up the Octo Country Inkantation. With the defeat of General Cuttlefish, he's put in the snow globe so Octavio can watch him. 
In gratitude for bring the zapfish back and for saving his wife, Octavio asks Lulu if there is anything he can do for her. He's king after all, he has means to get her anything she wants. So she asks him if he can help her find someone as she pulls the picture out of her suppose mother and shows them the ruby necklace. Seeing the photo, turns out it's Precious, their missing daughter, and the necklace was Athena's, which means Lulu is their missing grandchild. Breaking down, all three of them cry in each other's arms.
Side Key Notes:
So in it, Lulu's still a princess and Octaivo is still the ruling king. 
Athena is still around cause better medicine since being on the surface, technology, including medicine, had better resources to flourish. So that makes the city being pretty high tech as well. Floating platforms, the gliders being the flying cars stuff. The works.
Ink Valley on the other hand is pretty dark and cold and Cuttlefish is pretty cold and ruthless. Although Octavio has been trying to help, Cuttlefish won't take it.
The platforms above Ink Valley are taken care of by Octaivo and he uses them to farm.They don't live there, but most times, are found hanging out there. They actually own a nice house in the outskirts of the city. Pretty much it looks like the one they got in the main story.
With modern times, even though they are the ruling family, they aren't really needed much. 
Octavio is still a DJ and a very popular one next to the Octo Sisters; still owning his own music company that he gets Lulu in to launch her career.
Since the Inklings were banished to the valley, it means Lulu doesn't have her friends but she does okay on her own. She makes new ones with Turf and mostly just plays as a profeshional single player.
Turf is also better regulated by the octolings so it's much more fair to play. It’s also opened up to other sea creatures with tech that octolings have designed for them to play with.
In this verse, although she's a princess, Lulu won't see the crown because of the modernization, the ruling family is really not needed anymore, so after Octavio steps down, the council will take over. So Octavio works to train Lulu to speak in the council instead.
The key catchphrase, “Stay Fresh,” is now “Stay Happy,” meaning to be you and do what makes you happy in life. This is why there is so many clothes brands. So Octolings, Octarians, and other players have clothes that fit them and their style and they can be happy with.
The stellar system is still a thing here and Sako is still Octavio’s lackey and head scientist. Lulu fights Cuttlefish way deep in the valley instead of in space.
Lulu is still pretty much herself. Plays turf, hangs with the family, ect.
Octaivo has a limp in his walk, so he walks with a cane that at the top has a ball head in the shape of the remixer. Little carved with a little Octavio in it too. Down the cane is music notes in order for “I am Octavio!”
Splatoon 2:
Octavio notices that the old plaza tower isn’t as stable as it once was for the Turf Wars hub and feeling that it needs to be repaired, Octavio moves the hub to the new more sturdier Octo-opolis Square. Much better built for Turf wars and much closer together for shopping and stuff, this becomes the new hot spot for Turf players. Once all moved, Octavio gets the old radio tower fixed up as new stores move in to get the area lively again. Not for turf, but still lively.
Pixie finds herself at the square and stumbles upon Hannah standing over the manhole cover there, and jumping in, finds herself in Ink Canyon. Pixie basically looks like the default Agent 8 for reference.
Hannah explains about the great Zapfish being taken away again and that the Inklings are up to no good again. So the drill is the same. Pixie takes up the ropes as Agent 4 and off she goes to get the zapfish back. Since Coraline lost the last splatfest, she's the one taken by Cuttlefish and has to be rescued. Once Hannah hits Coraline with a hero charger shot and Coraline is free, they sing the Spicy Octo Country Inkantation.
Side Key Points:
Lulu has become successful in her music career and after the events of the story mode, becomes good friends with Pixie.
Off the Hook is still here but it’s Pearl who’s left the valley. Marina is still tech heavy, so she still makes all the shifty stations.
With the addition of the new hero weapons, Lulu’s hero weapon choice is the duelies from this point on. It was originally just the hero gun.
Precious and Kane are found about the same way they are in the main story. Just different locations on where the fight with Octavio happens.
Inkling Expansion:
I'm still working kinks out but here's what I got so far.
In a training practice, Octavio and Lulu get attacked by a sanitized inkling and fall into the metro. Lulu gets separated from Octavio as he finds Agent 10, which is Joey. With Joey's help, him and Octavio find the thangs and assemble them to be the blinder. Marina is able to signal Lulu as she crashes in to brake the blender, but his the ground too hard and gets knocked out as Octavio grabs her up and watches over her. So now it's a race to the top as now Lulu's the one being mind controlled and Joey has to fight her which if under normal circumstances, would be one hell of a fight but because of Tartar, Joey is able to handle her with decency. At the end of the fight, it seems one of Lulu's back tentacles got cut off at the tip but she seems fine.
In the final fight, Tartar reveals their plans that they were working to eradicate inklings because they are the ones that started the war and broke the peace that the octolings had. They had been watching the octolings and saw how advance they were and admired them for it. Seeing them as the next evolution. Then inklings came and tried to destroy that. When the war was won by the octolings, Tartar was pleased but then they found out about the story arcs and decided it was time to rid of them. So NILS is aimed at the valley but Marina concludes if they go with this plan, the blast at the angle it is could cause a tide wave that would wipe the city out. So now Joey has to fight to stop that from happening. 
With the stop of Tartar, Joey is free to see the city as other inklings start moving to the surface.
Side key notes:
Now for Lutarna, the story is about the same. It isn't that she takes the cut tentacle, she finds it and uses it. Same ploy. Making the new body, the memories, frees her from her directive but she still has a major superiority complex against inklings so instead of helping the valley, she helps the city. First making her presence known to Lulu, she apologizes for mind controlling her and wants to rekindle connections to help fix the metro. Though she had been experimenting on Inklings to make the sanitized ink, she finds heart to cut the mind control on them and work to make the sanitized ink be more helpful than dangerous to others.
Still though, she’s quite snobby around inklings which Lulu has to put a hold on so Lutarna doesn’t piss anybody off. 
Befoer Inkling Expansion, Sako had figured out the water serum but even still, only Lulu would be the only hybrid able to be in water and the impact of a tide wave to the city would be devastating.
Tatavio still exists in the AU as Lutarna was going to use him as a ploy to play around and mess with Cuttlefish’s head before killing him.
Daisy would still be in this one but the process to revive her is different. Thinking with the octolings’ tech and medicine, they find a way to cure Daisy of the cancer so once Lutarna brings her back, they quickly start her on the treatment.
Lulu doesn't suffer really from the mind control but I like @whethervane HC about the ultra violet light scar marks from the sanitized ink, so shine UV lights on Lulu and you'll see the scar. But unlike @whethervane, I see that under normal circumstances, you never see the scars.
Unlike Cuttlefish where he was wary at first towards the agent 8, Octavio is concerned and relieved Joey was okay when waking up, though concern about the memory loss.
And, that’s what I got so far for this. Like I said, I’ve had this idea since the first game and it would be interesting to implicate this in on the blog but I don’t know who all would interact with this since it’s a big change to things.
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havenochill-blog · 6 years
CANON SUMMARY: Agent 8 -- Splatoon 2 (Octo Expansion)
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This is a write-up for anyone who wants more details about my character’s canon. Please enjoy! ❤ NOTE: This post will contain SPOILERS!
Approximately 12,000 years before the events of Splatoon, humanity’s reckless usage of the Earth’s resources resulted in mass flooding, and the human race -- along with many of its domesticated species -- went extinct. A lone scientist known only as “the Professor” worked to preserve as much of humanity’s culture as possible, storing it within a dormant AI for the next dominant species to enjoy. He then placed his beloved cat Judd into a capsule and initiated a cryo-sleep function, intending to shield at least one of Earth’s creatures from mass extinction. The ocean overtook the land, and for 10,000 years, much of the planet’s life remained within the depths.
As the ocean receded and warmed to inhabitable temperatures, a rapid onset of evolution overtook sea life. Squids and octopods were among the first creatures to reach land. They swiftly adapted to life outside of the water, their bodies becoming soluble to allow for quick transportation through tracks of ink. They began walking on two legs, invented languages of their own, and formed close-knit societies. An evolved form of the electric eel known as the Zapfish was discovered to have strong electric properties; thus, electricity was utilized for the first time since humanity’s erasure. Traces of human existence were discovered, including Judd’s capsule, so much of the technology from 12,000 years ago was reverse engineered.
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Life was idyllic until 100 years before the present day. Squids and octopods -- now known as Inklings and Octolings -- began getting into skirmishes over territory. The two sides resorted to a cultural form of warfare that was once considered a game: Turf Wars. They used ink from their bodies to cover land and destabilize members of the opposing team, ‘splatting’ them for extra clout within battle. Judd’s keen eye declared the Inklings the victor of this war, and the Octolings were forced underground, driven from the surface. Inkling children were taught that Octolings had gone extinct during the Great Turf War, and squids became the Earth’s dominant species.
Inkling culture came to resemble humanity from the 1980s to early 2000s. They had a passion for pop music, fashion, and video games. Many young Inklings enjoyed street art and skateboarding; some took jobs for extra money to earn brand-name clothing, but most competed in friendly Turf Wars for prizes.
The Octolings did not take kindly to their banishment. DJ Octavio, leader of the Octarian army, turned the once-rich culture of Ocotlings completely militant, brainwashing his soldiers with music from his turntables. As the Inklings flourished, Octavio plotted his revenge. He waited until the Inklings let their guard down, then stole the Great Zapfish from their major city, draining it of power. Many other, smaller Zapfish were stolen in the process. 
Unbeknownst to Octavio, the Inkling hero Cap’n Cuttlefish had suspected the Octolings to retaliate. He trained three soldiers (two being his own grandchildren, Squid Sisters Callie and Marie) to hunt down the stolen Zapfish. The youngest of the soldiers, Agent 3, successfully infiltrated Octarian society, reclaimed the stolen Zapfish, and took down DJ Octavio in a climactic battle. The Squid Sisters performed their song ‘Calamari Inkantation’ during the battle, freeing many Octoling soldiers from the mind-controlled beats of their leader. 
The Zapfish were returned, and DJ Octavio was imprisoned. However, without the brainwashing of their former leader’s music, many Octolings were left feeling unsatisfied by their dark and unfulfilling lives beneath the surface...
A new band took Inkopolis by storm: Off the Hook, starring Pearl and her “odd-looking” DJ, Marina. Meanwhile, DJ Octavio managed to escape his confinement; the Zapfish and Callie vanished along with him. With Cap’n Cuttlefish and Agent 3 missing in action, the other half of the Squid Sisters -- Marie, a.k.a Agent 2 -- recruited a new Inkling to repeat the battles of two years prior.
Callie was discovered deep underground, having been brainwashed in a similar manner to Octavio’s own soldiers. Agent 4 worked to defeat Octavio in battle, and Marie broke her bandmate’s brainwashing through the power of music (and a sniper shot to the face). The Squid Sisters were reunited, the Zapfish returned, and DJ Octavio was relegated to imprisonment once more -- but Agent 3 and Cap’n Cuttlefish were nowhere to be found.
While Agent 4 was combating the revived Octarian menace, a young Octoling soldier defected from the military. Her aim was to join Inklings on the surface and live a more fulfilling life; however, Cap’n Cuttlefish spotted her sneaking through Octo Valley and mistook her for an enemy soldier. She and Agent 3 clashed, only to be interrupted by an unknown force. All three lost consciousness and were spirited away.
The Octoling awoke within the bowels of the Deep Sea Metro and found that her memories had been erased. Though Cap’n Cuttlefish was wary of her (because racism), he heard her singing the Calamari Inkantation in her sleep and deduced that she wasn’t a threat. The pair formed an uneasy truce until they could escape back to Inkopolis. Upon reaching the subway, a strange phone informed them that the amnesiac Octoling was participant number 10,008 in a contest to reach the “promised land.” Because she couldn’t remember her true name, Cuttlefish decided to call her Agent 8.
Eight was subjected to 80 grueling, unfair, and violent tests as a means of proving her mettle. Throughout these attempts, she and Cuttlefish were aided via radio by Off the Hook, who picked up on their distress signals from a nearby mountaintop. Each completed task rewarded her with a Mem Cake -- a small piece of her memories -- accompanied by a poem which outlined a certain aspect of her life. With the promise of freedom and regaining her lost self as incentive, Agent 8 set about collecting the “four thangs” that would unlock a path to the so-called Promised Land. Each test was populated by zombified Octarians who maintained no sense of self, granting the entire scenario a haunting vibe.
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As it turned out, the “four thangs” were actually a blender, and the Promised Land was a tantalizing fabrication. Before Agent 8 and Cap’n Cuttlefish could get “smoothied,” Agent 3 burst the ceiling and freed them. Eight set out in search of an escape route and was forced to sneak through the facility unarmed, gradually making her way to the surface. When success seemed within reach, Agent 3 appeared once more, clearly possessed by the same odd green slime that zombified her Octarian comrades. Cap’n Cuttlefish explained that the jive-talking phone had burst open and “hijacked her brain.” After a challenging battle against Agent 3, Eight managed to remove the slime, then continued her path to the surface.
When she finally reached the outdoors, Off the Hook was waiting with a swath of helicopters, intending to air-lift her to Inkopolis. Unfortunately, they celebrated her freedom too soon; a massive statue resembling a human head rose from the water, piloted by the very same phone from before. He introduced himself as Commander Tartar -- the AI that was meant to pass humanity’s knowledge onto the next worthy species. He was disillusioned by the Great Turf War, and even more disgusted by the material nature of Inkling culture. For many years he operated beneath the surface, blending up every creature who passed his tests in order to create a “sludge” of DNA. This sludge would not only wipe out Inkopolis, but also plant the seed of a new, superior species.
With only an Octo Shot and a series of manually-detonated bombs at her disposal, Eight set about covering the statue in ink, hoping to prevent its cannon from taking a charge. Once the statue was covered, Pearl from Off the Hook used a full-powered battle cry to destroy the statue and its cannon; the world was saved, and Eight was finally free.
Eight is a kind yet awkward Octoling with a good heart. Though she passed all 80 tests, she has a very limited recollection of her previous life, and is still struggling to adapt as a result. She loves music, dancing, sports, and collecting clothes. Her canon point is set shortly after the events of Octo Expansion.
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Wedding At Lulu Lake
(Yay, I finally got time to get this done. Worked on it all day. It’s a bit long but I hope you guys enjoy!)
“You feeling better?”
“Yeah….just….don’t move yet.”
The weather was warm today. The sun bright and shining down on Zora’s domain. Today was a perfect day to be out and about. A perfect day for a wedding. If only the bride to be could hold her stomach down.
As for the past month or so, Lulu had been dealing with morning sickness with her pregnancy.  Her head laying in Demoiselle lap as Demi rubbed her stomach, all of Lulu’s bride’s maids were around her as they had been helping her cope. “Don’t worry Lulu. Give it a few more months. It will be worth it,” Paella stated. “I know! I just wish a few months would get here. Getting tired of this,” Lulu groaned. “It’s what happens when you get pregnant silly,” Piro pointed out. Lulu just blew a raspberry as everybody chuckled. “It’s just only one you are having, right?” Octavia asked. Nodding in Demi’s lap, Lulu replied, “That’s what the zora doctors have been saying. Though nobody is sure what the hatchling will be.”
Having her stomach starting to feel better, Lulu patted Demi’s hand as she sat up. “Better?” Demi asked. “Yeah, thanks. Sorry again for the trouble,” Lulu replied.
“Not at all Lulu. It happens. Least you are feeling better now to go through with the wedding. Ah, I’m so excited. A bride’s maid to Lulu’s royal wedding,” Emmy squealed with excitement. “I know. I’m stoked too,” Atarime replied, “Thank you for inviting us.” Shaking her head, Lulu replied. “Not at all. I wanted all my closest friends here as best as I could get them. I’m the one that should be happy that you all came.” All giving chuckles and smiles, a knock came over the door.
Popping in, the last of the bride’s maids, Hannah, Coraline, Pudge, Tartar and Pixie came walking in. “She feeling better?” Hannah asked. “Yeah. We think so,” Demi remarked. “Good. Okay, let’s get her finished up with all the garments. Wedding starts in a few minutes and we need to get her up to the lake,” Hannah replied. Hearing this, the girls scrambled around to get the last bits of Lulu’s wedding dress together.
Having her ready, the group scurried up to the surface of Zora’s Domain’s palace as they made their way up to a certain lake the wedding would be held out; Lulu Lake. Using portals to get up there, the lake and all of Zora’s Domain was closed off to public eye for today as everybody attending the wedding ceremony was standing around the stone monument; the one that described Sidon’s victory against the giant octorok.
Being what Lulu was, not many knew of Lulu’s appearance or that of her existence and relationship to Prince Sidon. Because of this, the wedding itself was kept private and only a certain amount was allowed to attend the after wedding party. Only a few were even allow to see them wed.
“So...she’s a octorok...girl...creature?” Zelda asked. “Octoling. More specific, Inktoling as she’s a hybrid of the other species, Inklings, as well. I’ll explain it all later,” Link sighed.
Being the royal princess of Hyrule, Zelda pestered Link and Sidon to attend the wedding; curious and demanding in seeing Sidon’s bride to be. Link, having explained the events with the Dark Link and then of the smash world, was doing his best to try and explain again about Lulu and her people without Zelda wanting to poke and prod her constantly for answers to her curious questions. It was the first time Zelda got to see this heroine from another world who helped her Champion of Hyrule and the Prince of the Zora’s and Zelda was more than wanted to see her up close. “She is a princess though?” Zelda asked, trying to move around Link to see Lulu more. “Yes. Yes. The upcoming queen of her people. The man standing next to her is her grandfather and the ruling king at this moment,” Link sighed.
Shaking a little at seeing the overly curious princess, Lulu was thankful Link was holding Zelda back as Lulu tucked behind her grandfather for a bit to get out of the Zelda’s sight. Vio chuckled. “She’s just curious,” Vio remarked. “She’s overzealous about it,” Lulu huffed.
Coming over, Precious took hold of Lulu’s face as she checked up on her makeup. “Alright, still good. Nervous?” Precious asked. “Little bit,” Lulu replied sheepishly. “I know. I know. I was too when I married Kane’s father. Promise you, it’s all worthwhile.”
Chatting up, everybody in their formal wear for the wedding was waiting for Prince Sidon, King Dorephan, and the zora priest to show up. Coming up and looking at Lulu, Ao gave a smirk. “Surprised to see you actually clean up good. Use to you covered in ink,” Ao joked. Giving a chuckle back, Lulu replied, “Don’t be koi. You’re just missing your best salmonid hunter. Once all this is said and done in a few months, I’ll be back at the front lines holding things up for yah.” “Don’t know. You’re counterpart has been holding things up pretty nicely for yah. Might pay her more since you’ll be dealing with a kid from now on,” Ao joked. Lulu just huffed.
“How are you handling all this?” Doc asked Vio, the two DJ’s pulling away from the group for a second. “Best I can. I’m giving my Sunshine away today and in a few short months, I’ll be a first time great grandfather. Still feels like the war was just yesterday,” Vio replied, rubbing the back of his head in nerves. “It will be alright. Enjoy these things while you can. How has she been doing? No signs of any trouble?” Doc asked. Shaking his head, Vio replied, “No, other than the morning sickness, the doctors I’ve been giving her a good bill of health. Nobody knows what it’s going to be but I just want her and the child healthy.” “We all do. We all do,” Doc replied, patting Vio on the back.
“So, you two planning to have any more after all this?” Piro asked. “Piro, don’t rush her,” Emmy huffed, annoyed at Piro’s prodding. Giving a hesitant chuckle, Lulu replied, “Can I just get through the first one?”
“I still do not understand why I’m attending,” Mr. T huffed. “Because this Lulu, like the other one we hang out with, sees you as a friend. So be cools for her. And hey, there’s cake at the end of all this,” Demi replied as she straightened Mr. T’s tie up. “Very well,” Mr. T replied.
“Oh, so you are Lulu’s mother,” Nova remarked, “Yes and you must be Mrs. Nova I’ve heard about,” Precious replies. Shaking hands in greeting, the octoling and octobomber chatted for a bit before Agatha walked up. Introducing themselves, the three talked about their children for a bit till a voice spoke up. “Ah, so you are the one I’m suppose to have a tentacle tying rivalry with,” Tamago remarked, walking up with Wasa behind her. “Pardon?” Precious asked as she looked the woman over,” Have we met before?” “No, not yet. But I have met your daughter’s counter part. Takowasa Tamago. From what I heard, you are good at having your tentacles tied. So much, you daughter brought up about us being rivals,” Tamago explained. “Ah, I see. Well, I will say I’m quite impressed with your tentacle length. Rivals you say, How interesting,” Precious remarked. Starting at each other, Nova, Agatha, and Wasa watched as the two gave intense stares for a moment before both started to chuckle and chat way.
“So is he like what he is in the games?” Atarime asked. “Oh, he’s like ten times worse. He’s a huge sweetheart to Lulu and cares about everybody’s well being. Like he always knows what to say to cheer you up and everything,” Pudge explained. “It can be sickening at times how sweet he can be. Like, does he ever get mad???” Hannah remarked.
“I don’t have interest in playing turf or dealing with those nasty fish. I have enough work to do in the metro but I do make time for my family or when I just want to relax,” Tartar explains. “So that’s why we haven’t seen you yet,” Demi remarked, “So our long, tan, and handsome kraken over there doesn’t catch your eye?” Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Tartar looked over to where Demi was pointing to see Ro.  Scrunching up her nose a little, Tartar replied, “He’s okay looking. That shade of green isn’t a particular shade I care for. Not to mention, I’m already in a happy relationship.” “WITH WHO?” Demi asked surprised. Pointing to the right of her, Demi looked to see the sanitized Octo Samurai talking with Octavia and Pixie. “Naiko and I have been dating for a few months now and we have a lot in common. He’s working on writing a novel and so far it’s really good. I can’t wait till he finishes it,” Tartar explained, giving a soft smile as she watched him talk with Lulu’s friends. Demi just stared.
“I got to agree with Ao, you do look pretty good,” Phil remarked, Sam standing next to him. Lulu stuck her tongue out. “And it seems Sammy can get you cleaned up nicely too,” Lulu joked. Snorting, Phil looked away as Sam gave a chuckle. “Lulu,” Demi called out as she came up with her friend Olivia. Waving, Lulu stated, “Hi, you’re Olivia, right?” Nodding, the two girls chatted for a bit as the others watched in amusement.
“Hey, get back here!” Max called out as he chased Pashmina around playfully. Pashmina was just giggling away as Max’s mom was watching them. Paella and Cop’per were sitting near by with their hatchlings.
“Oh Lulu, you looks so pretty in your wedding dress,” Peregrine remarked. “Thank you Peggy. And it’s lovely to finally meet you. You are so pretty. I can see why Nabe fell for yah,” Lulu replied. Rolling his  eyes, Taro had a slight tint to his cheeks before speaking, “Well, happy that you invited us Lulu.” “Glad you came. I’m sorry if this is like the first time you guys are meeting “me,” but I do appreciate it.” Waving it off, the three chatted for a bit before Lulu moved on to talk to others.
“Awww, so you’re Lady Tamago?!? I’m so happy to meet you,” Lulu remarked before giving a bow to Tamago, “Sammy’s so awesome and I know he’s working really hard to be a good DJ for the valley.” Giving a smirk, Tamago replied, “It’s fine dear. Guess the manners didn’t change from one version to the other.” Confused, Lulu looked at Tamago as she just patted Lulu’s head.
“So your mom and sister work for them,” Kane questioned, spotting Ao and Demi chatting with Vio and Athena. “Yes! They are...shifty, but kind enough that it works,” Groa replied. ‘I don’t know. The guy looks like some crazy mob boss,” Kane remarked shrugging. Groa just sheepishly chuckled.
“EVERYONE! THE KING, THE PRINCE, AND THE PRIEST ARE COMING! TAKE YOUR PLACES!” one of the zora guards shouted from the edge of the ledge. Quickly getting into place, Precious moved Lulu behind the rocks so Sidon wouldn’t see her yet as she moved the veil over her face.
Lining up, the bride’s maids took to the right as the best men, Bazz, Link, and a few other royal guards, took to the left. The rest of the family and guest circled around as King Dorephan, Prince Sidon, and the zora priest came walking up. Dorephan joining the group, many looked at him with wide eye stares at his size as he was even bigger than the octo samurai. Dorephan just smiled.
Whistling to get everybody’s attention as Sidon, who was dressed in gold and silver garments instead of his usual attire, was standing in the shallow waters, the priest spoke up. “If everybody is ready, may we start the ceremony?” Nods and yeses from people, the priest spoke, “The bride then.”
Coming first, Pashmina was the little flower girl as she wore a cute little spring dress as she tossed out petals from her little basket. Following behind, Vio was was walking Lulu around the rocks and straight to Sidon as he was trying his best not to loose it right then and there.
To everybody’s agreement earlier, Lulu was indeed lovely.
White gown with a golden chain around the waist that ran down to the bottom, puff sleeves that fanned out to longer sleeves that were decorated with zora charms at the elbows, patterns of sunflowers that decorated the waist up to the chest, a white veil covered Lulu face as pearls ran down all her tentacles. Holding a bouquet of white lilies and small sunflowers, Lulu looked up to Sidon and smiled, trying not to let happy tears fall down her face. Sidon smiled back; showing off those pearly whites Lulu loved.
Finally to Sidon, Vio handed his granddaughter to her husband to be as Lulu held a hand out to him. Grabbing it softly, Sidon picked Lulu up to everybody’s surprise before snuggling her a bit after pulling the veil over and starting at her with loving and content eyes. Chuckling, Lulu kissed his cheek before Hannah called out, “Can’t you two wait???” Now everybody laughing, even Sidon and Lulu, Sidon set Lulu back down as they stood at the water’s edge as the priest spoke.
“Today...is a very special day. A day where two people, two family, two worlds come together as one. A day of peace, a day of joy, a good day for a wedding. And what a wedding it is as we see our dear Prince Sidon of Zora’s Domain marry his sweetheart, love of his life, and heroine to us all, Princess Lulu of Octo Valley,” the zora priest spoke. Hearing the priest, Lulu scooted a bit closer to Sidon as she leaned against his side; Sidon moving his arm and placing it on her shoulder. In the crowd, Doc and Wasa were patting Vio’s back as the old octoling was about to loose it there, tears already running down his face.
“Now, before we began, if anybody here has any gripes or reasons these two shouldn’t wed, speak now or hold your peace,” the priest spoke. Everyone quite, faces looked around before the priest spoke up again.
“Now, your highness,” the priest began, “Will you love and cherish this lovely lady for as long as you live?” “Always and forever with all my heart for my Little Minnow,” Sidon replied. Blushing, Lulu covered her face as small giggles came from her. Straightening back up, Lulu took a breath before the priest addressed her. “And you my dear Princess Lulu, will you love and cherish our prince for as long as you live?” the priest asked. “Till I die an old octopus. Sidon’s my heart. I’d be lost without my Sweet Prince,” Lulu replied. Hearing this, Sidon’s head tail was going a mile a minute as the priest chuckled. “Then the wedding vows.” the priest spoke.
Now turning to each other, Sidon bent down on one knee as he began. “My Little Minnow, My Pearl, Water of my Gills, from the moment we met, my heart was yours. You are so kind, caring, brave, passionate in all the things you do. More and more I got to know you, more and more my heart filled with love for you till I realized I was in love with you completely. So let me promise this to you. By marrying me, I will be your knight, your savior, your king, and your loving and devoting husband for all our days. I will cherish both you and our unborn child. I will fill your days with happiness and love. This I promise you,” Sidon spoke.
It took all of Lulu’s strength not to break down crying and hugging him as she spoke. “Sidon, you have been one of the best things to have happen to me. You love me for me, you cherish my family and my people with all your heart, you are so kinda; so loving. More and more it makes me happy to be the mother of your child. Our little life we made together. So let me promise you this. I’ll be by your side. As your queen. As your support. As your wife. As your lover. I will be all these things for you through the years. When times are hard, I’ll hold you up. When times are good and happy, I’ll be there laughing along with you. This is my promise to you. I love you Sidon and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Lulu spoke.
Nodding, the priest spoke, a smile on his face, “Now you have heard these two. So by your eyes and mine, I now pronounce these two husband and wife. Your highness, you may kiss your bride!”
Practically jumping into his arms, Sidon spun Lulu around before kissing her as cheers, hollers, and chapping could be heard around them.
Once everything had settled down, everybody got Lulu and Sidon ready for the ride up the waterfall; a traditional event for Zora weddings. Wiping the makeup off Lulu’s face, Precious took the veil, the bouquet, and Lulu’s heels off of her before handing her over back to Sidon. Picking her up and helping her onto his back, Lulu held on as Sidon walked into the shallows and then into the waters next to the river.
On the priest notion, Sidon started to swim up the waterfall as Lulu hung on; popping her head up from the water to watch the ones from down below before looking up in excitement. Up and up, at the top, Sidon jumped which tossed Lulu a bit up in the air as Sidon back flipped and landed on his feet before catching Lulu in his arms. Walking to the edge, Lulu waved down as everybody gave cheers before she looked out towards Hyrule. “Oh wow Sidon! It’s beautiful up here,” Lulu remarked, seeing all that she could. “It is, but doesn’t compare to you,” Sidon replies. Blushing, Lulu kissed him before both of them were giggling and laughing; both soak and wet.
As evening set in and Lulu was switched into a dry white gown with her veil and heels, the wedding party started as all guest invited celebrated the union of Prince Sidon and Princess Lulu. Or course by this point, Vio had finally broken down crying as Athena, Precious, Dorephan, and Doc were consoling the poor old octoling.
Enjoying their first slow dance as a married couple, Sidon holding Lulu in his arms as she leaned against him, many watched as others chatted away for a few hours.
Getting as much info from each other as they could, Ao and Zelda were chatting each other up as Link and Nova stood there with them sighing.
“So, now that our children are married, perhaps we should set up a system of trade,” Dorephan suggested. “That wouldn’t be a bad idea. Of course our technology is off the table, food and jewelry isn’t,” Vio suggested, having finally calmed down enough to be sociable.
“So, now all you got to worry about is your son finding someone,” Agatha remarked as Precious took a seat with the other ladies. “Ugh, that’s going to be a struggle! That boy is a handful. I would have to pray to the great kraken above for someone to be able to put up with him,” Precious sighed. Agatha just laughed.
Once seeing Sidon and Lulu down, Groa walked over to Lulu to congratulate her. “Congrats Lulu. Happy to see you wed the shark you love,” Groa remarked. Lulu giggled, “Thanks Groa. Maybe when we get a chance, I’ll have Sidon tag along to see the restaurant and let him try your cooking,” Lulu replied. “I’ll wait for that day then,” Groa chuckled.
Keeping Pashmina from running around and getting lost, Piro started to play with her as Pudge and Coraline joined in the fun. Pashmina seemed quite happy with all the play mates.
“Wait! So music literally effects you emotionally and physically?!?” Kane questioned surprised. Nodding, Sam replied, “Yes. I guess that’s why there hasn’t been any music playing.” “Yeah, Lulu said little to no music cause of some of the guest. I guess that’s why,” Kane replied, hands behind his head.
“LULU! COME ON! LET’S DO THE BOUQUET TOSSING!” Atarime called out. Hearing this, Lulu came over as Atarime handed over the flowers, and all the ladies behind her, watched as Lulu turned around and tossed the bouquet into the air. Landing in the mix of them, the bouquet wound up in the hands of Tartar as everybody around her gave giggles. Tartar just blushed.
Giggling herself, Lulu was scooped up by Sidon as he spun her before bring her over to the wedding cake at the food table to cut it. Setting her down, as people and zoras gathered, one of the zoras brought a long knife. As Sidon held Lulu’s hands, they both cut the wedding cake together as everybody around them gave joyous laughs and cheers. Taking the first two slices as Sidon picked Lulu up again, each gave a bit to one another before kissing once more.
As things were winding down, Lulu decided to take up sorting the wedding gifts as Octavia and Max came over to the table Lulu was at. “What’cha doing?” Max asked. “I want to sort the wedding gifts by the families. That way it will be easier when Sidon and I open them up. Care to help me out you two?” Lulu replied. Nodding, all three went to work when Max noticed something.
“Hey Lulu, this one doesn’t have a name on it,” Max remarked; holding up a very small and plan looking box. It indeed had no name on it nor no wrapping. Just a box and lid. “What? That’s odd! I know I mentioned to everybody to put their names on them so why is this one missing one? Is there a tag or something somewhere that fell off?” Lulu questioned. Looking around, Octavia shook her head. “No tag anywhere. How odd, it’s such a plan box too. Is there anything in it? Someone might have just left this here for no reason,” Octavia replied.
Shaking the box a little, there seemed to be something inside of it. Deciding to see and perhaps figure out where this came from, Lulu took the lid off as she pulled out-
“A...a mask?” Max questioned. “It’s so plan looking,” Octavia remarked. “It has my name on it in the inside,” Lulu replied, “How odd. What is this for?” Turning to look at the others, Max called out, “Hey, did anybody give Lulu a funny mask as a gift?” when Lulu decided to place it on her face.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHEEEEEHH,” Lulu screamed. “LULU!!!” Octavia screamed as she watched Lulu hit the floor and came rushing towards her. Hearing her scream, everybody came barreling over; Sidon the first to reach her.
“LULU! LULU, WHAT’S WRONG?” Sidon panicked before noticing something. As everybody came around, they all noticed it.
Long blond hair covered Lulu’s face as Sidon got her to sit up and lean against him. Looking up at him and then at the others, all eyes went wide as blue eyes with no face mask looked at them. Then she looked at herself before feeling the hair that sat on her head instead of her tentacles. “Wha,” Lulu went before looking back up to Sidon. Sidon’s face was flushed at seeing Lulu like this.
“Holy Kraken. What happen to her?” Kane remarked. “She’s-” Piro went. “HUMAN,” Ao and Mr. T remarked.
Indeed, somehow, Lulu had turned human; Hylian to be exact. “Both of you, what was going on when this happened?” Sidon questioned and demanded. Straightening up, Octavia replied first. “We were just helping Lulu sort the wedding gifts when we found this plan gift,” Octavia replied in panic. “Yeah, it had this plan looking mask in it and I was going to ask if anybody sent a mask,” Max replied. “When I just wanted to see if it fit my face,” Lulu finally spoke.
“A magic mask,” Zelda spoke up, fist smacking hand in realization, “It must have been a magic mask. Magic mask have magic on them that can turn one into whatever the mask was designed for.”
“Then this one was designed to turn someone human?” Vio questioned. “It would seem so,” Zelda replied back. “Well, will it come off?” Precious questioned. Walking over, Zelda bent down and check the side of Lulu’s face; much to Lulu’s panic and flinching. “Ah, here we go. There are groves here. Alright Lulu, hold still,” Zelda stated.
Starting to pull, Lulu screamed in pain. “NO! STOP!!! THAT HURTS,” Lulu shouted. Stopping for a second, everyone watched as Lulu started crying. Comforting her, Sidon held Lulu close. “She’s not going to turn back to normal till that mask comes off,” Zelda stated to Sidon. “I know. But I can’t bare to see her hurting,” Sidon replied. “I understand but we don’t know the effects of it yet. Sooner we get it off the better,” Zelda remarked as Lulu looked back at her. “Give it another shot?” Zelda asked. “…...I guess,” Lulu sniffled.
Trying again, sadly, things were no different as Lulu screamed again and pushed Zelda to let go. Now sobbing from the pain, Sidon held her close as everybody had concerned faces. “Well, shell, what the kraken are y'all going to do about this?” Ao questioned. “It needs to come off but how?” Athena asked concerned.
All looking around, Wasa, who had been quite most of the day, came up and bent down to look at Lulu. Looking up at him, Lulu was surprised when Wasa started to wipe the tears away before petting her head. Calming down, Lulu seemed to be comforted by Wasa petting her. “Uncle Wasa?” Lulu questioned.
“You really should just retired those cuttlegear duelies of yours,” Wasa spoke.
“Whaaa? Uncle Wasa, what does that have to do wit-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!”
In one quick move, Wasa grabbed the back of the mask and pulled it upward and off Lulu’s face as she was distracted by his comment. Tumbling a bit backwards in Sidon’s arms, he grabbed onto her and smothered her. “WASA! THE SHELL?” Doc screamed. Holding the mask up, Wasa replied, “It’s off.”
Seeing the mask in Wasa’s hand, everybody looked as in Sidon’s grasp, Lulu turned back to normal; tentacles and face mask returning as she looked back at them; some blue light fading off of her. “Ah, thank goodness,” Athena sighed. Handing the mask to Zelda, Wasa watched as Zelda looked it over. “Oh yes, indeed a magical mask. Though these are quite rare now. I wonder where this came from,” Zelda remarked. “HEY! There’s a note here and another box just like it,” Octavia called out as she held the note up and pointed to the other plan looking box; much bigger than the other one. Walking over, Vio took the note from Octavia as he read it out loud.
“To the newly weds,
May these help you two in your travels between your worlds. I know being what you are has been a struggle for you two as one does not blend into the other’s society so let me give you something as a proper thank you for all you have done.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Creator”
“Ah, the creator sent them?” Tartar questioned. “Seems so,” Vio replied, “Octavia, open the other box.”
Nodding, Octavia opened it and pulled another mask, much larger as black rings circled around the eyes. “Ah, Sidon’s name is on this one,” Octavia remarked. “So what do you think that one is for?” Precious questioned. “Well, one way to find out,” Sidon stated.
Walking over, Octavia handed it to Sidon as he took a quick breath, before placing it on.
Blue light enveloped around Sidon as to everybody’s shock. When the light faded, golden eyes looked at blue as a blush came over Lulu’s face. “Ah! He’s-” Demi started. “A sharkling if I ever did see one,” Vio stated.
Indeed he was as red scales became red clothes with open cut sleeves as he garments became slightly loose and his shoulder finds became shoulder pads. A human shape hand was placed against Lulu’s cheek as she grabbed and rubbed her cheek in his palm. “Not bad look for yah,” Lulu chuckled. Looking over himself, Sidon didn’t seemed to bothered. His head tail still there, his face matched more of an inklings as he stood up and picked Lulu up to hold. “Not bad indeed,” Sidon replied.
“Ah, that must be it,” Emmy remarked, “This creator person must have given you the masks so you could blend in with each world. Lulu to be human and Sidon to be a sharkling.”
Looking at each other, then back to the others, Lulu watched in surprised as Sidon moved Lulu around in his arms to hold her in one and using the other, quickly ripping the mask off. To everybody’s shock as they saw Sidon flinch but change back, Sidon gave a smile before handing the mask to Zelda. “I’ll look into these more for you two but if what your friend has said is true Lulu, I believe these will be more than handy for you two,” Zelda stated.
Nodding, Sidon replied to everybody, “Well, the night is still young my friends. And there are more gifts to see. So how about it!” Chuckling, Lulu nodded as Max rushed over and grabbed another gift.
“This was fun. It was nice meeting you all,” Demi remarked as the celebrations were over. “Yeah, we should actually hang out some time,” Kane remarked, “I see why Lulu likes you so much. Can’t believe you’re actually Dedf1sh.”
“When I get a chance, I’ll write down recipe for you,” Athena stated. “Oh, I would love that. I’m sure Deva would find great use for it,” Nova replied.
“If yours were a bit longer, I would show you how to do a six point tie,” Tamago remarked, “That’s alright. But you can show me how you do that bun you are wearing right now,” Precious replied, “Will do,” Tamago chuckled.
“So how long will it be before we can see Lulu on turf again?” Atarime asked. “Once’s she laid the egg, she should be good to go,” Hannah remarked before noticing something, “HEY! Where is Lulu and Sidon?”
Sure enough, the two were nowhere to be seen as the newly wedded couple had slipped off to the top of  the Eastern Reservoir Lake. Floating along the waters, Lulu laid on Sidon’s stomach as she watched her husband; arms crossed behind his head with his eyes closed.
“Hmm, what’cha you thinking about?” Lulu hummed. “Just how tomorrow will be our first day as a married couple. I can’t wait,” Sidon replied. Smiling bright, Lulu laid her head down on his stomach as Sidon moved an arm around to lay it across her. Floating along, things were peaceful.
“Tomorrow will be the start of our lives together. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” Lulu thought as soon sleep took a hold of her and dreams of the future floated through her mind.
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I’m 90% certain that Tartar runs the Deepsea Metro and what goes on in it, and CQ. Dumber just runs the train, so I’d say the “Test Failed” is just him announcing it and not actually making it happen. A headcanon of mine, since it’s not fully proven, is since Tartar is defeated, the subjects in the Metro no longer have to pass the “tests” in order to get out. So once Iso Padre reaches the surface, the first thing he does when he reaches the surface, is find 8 and become her/his adoptive dad.
Firstly because it gives me a reason to not hold such a grudge against cq (I’ll admit it, he’s cute okay) and secondly Iso Padre becoming eight’s dad is a thing I didn’t know I needed until know. He’d be so good too! He would check in on her after she had been out for a long time playing turf war, take her out to Crusty Sean’s for lunch, care for her when she got sick only please help me this is too pure.
I would totally write a longer fic about this so I might but it on my list of things to write! 
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Commander Tartar
So I did some revisions for the back story for Tatar yesterday as I discussed things with friends on Discord so here’s the full story.
At the End of Octo Expansion, Tartar does survive but needs a needs a new body or something to make a new one from. In a sense, Tartar needs a reboot.
This is where Lulu comes in. We all know she’s a curious one and visiting a friends Metro a few times, Lulu decides against Vio’s warnings to visit her own Metro. This happens during the week of splatfest where Lulu is all octoling.  Down there Lulu runs into the left over goop that is Tatar and Tartar scares Lulu and in the process of getting away from Tartar, Lulu slices her back tentacle. Leaving behind a piece of it. Being the far back one, no one really notices it missing a chunk of it.
But this is what Tartar needs and absorbing it, is able to pull themselves together to make a new body in Lulu’s octoling image. Though because of this, Tartar actually gains Lulu’s memories and through this, Tatar takes a personality change as Tatar is now more calmer and more reasonable. From the memories, Tartar learns to feel emotion and comes to realize that their actions were in the wrong as from the memories, Tartar sees that Inklings and Octolings are not so bad.
So now having better physical form than before, Tartar sets out to fix things up in The Metro while also amending the damage they have done.
In the beginning, Tartar didn’t have a gender. It was just an AI and then a goopy AI. Though pointed out by C.Q. Cumber, CQ for short, Tartar finds they are female and is okay with this and just goes with it. Though when speaking about themselves, Tartar just says “Tartar.”
Meeting Lulu
After getting The Metro and Kambo Co. back in shape, Tartar decides it’s time to face Lulu and discuss some things with her. Luring her back down to the metro (This is after the RP I’m having with @grandpa-cephalopods right now) with hacking her phone and sending a text that Pixie is in trouble down in The Metro, Lulu goes down and is met with Tartar. Explaining everything, Tartar wants to set things right by Lulu and her people. Discussing things, the two agree upon letting the de-zombiefied sanitized octolings have a place in The Metro and Kambo Co. be a branch of Octo Valley’s science division.
Tartar is very calm and talks in formality and logical thinking. She’s not hard to approach but she’s not one to show emotion or open up to very easily with strangers. To ones she knows, she’s more expressive and likes to talk about her day and things she likes to do; which includes sewing, writing, and drawing. Tartar is very good at listening and figuring out problems. Though it maybe be hard sometimes to understand her since she talks in a broken pausing speech.
Tartar only has a few friends. CQ is one and Lulu is another. CQ keeps Tartar out of trouble and Lulu tries to visit once a week to give her some company. Other than, Tartar keeps to herself and doesn’t like outsiders in the metro. If found, she shoos them off. Not out of anger or such, but she doesn’t want the residence of The Metro to get hurt by outsiders. She is still their leader and wants nothing more than their safety. In truth, Tartar is very caring although she doesn’t show it.
The Memories
As said, Tartar has Lulu’s memories up to that point. Or what Lulu does remember. This has impacted Tartar a lot. Although not conflicted with having them as Tartar sees herself as just Tartar, not Lulu, they do leave Tartar in a pickle here and there.
 A long founding of wanting to meet Lulu’s family as well as try turf wars, Tartar feels no reason to leave The Metro. So Tartar asks Lulu a lot about things from up above. So much, that Lulu does bring her family down to see her and at first awkward, the do warm up to her. To help, Athena makes rag dolls out of everybody’s old clothes with sound clips in them for Tartar to have and this does wonders for her as she keeps them safe and sleeps with them at night.
Tartar and Lulu
Both girls don’t see each other as one or the other. More like siblings. Tartar treats Lulu with respect and welcomes her down to The Metro at all times. Lulu tries to help Tartar get things she wants from the surface such as clothes, food, or nick nacks. Both girls understand the situation and just take things day by day.
Okay, so that’s about it. I’ll add on to things if I think of anything else
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