#and is hurting like. large chunks of society in one way or another
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
i think its just individualism brain again because ‘this issue also impacts people who arent women’ doesnt really moot ‘this issue is about misogyny’ in any way and it isnt a contradiction that requires a 5 point explanation of how people who arent women can face misogyny in order to reconcile it. its something i just find myself coming up against all the time these days which is that you will never understand and therefore be able to effectively fight oppression until you stop fixating on its symptoms in individual people’s lives and start recognising it as an interconnected machine for maintaining power -_-
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Part 2: Thor Novelization Boogaloo: Loki and the Genocide of Jotunheim
So, if you haven’t read it already, you might want to go back to Part 1 here.
I spent a bunch of time highlighting this novelization for research purposes (I plan to write some stories about our tricksy boy at some point) and while I know it’s Thor’s story (which has some interesting bits to be sure, especially depending on who writes him), there’s some really intriguing Loki content here, and it speaks volumes just how much is actually cut out of the book versus the movie.
I’m actually going to start off this entry with some of the information provided at the end of the book (”A Guide to Asgard & More”)
First, there’s Odin, whose description is literally: “is king of Asgard and the mightiest of the Asgardians.”
Like, I don’t know about you, but that comes across as rather sus, my friends. Nothing about his family, who he cares about, his oft-spouted “peace”.  Nope. Power.  That’s it.
There’s Queen Frigga: “Mother to both Thor and Loki. Her greatest attributes are beauty, Asgardian strength, and great patience.”
I mean, other than (gag) offering her appearance as being one of her main characteristics, sure, ok, she’s strong and very patient (anyone would be to put up with the rest of the shenanigans that Odin and her kids are constantly up to). She’s also described as a mother- an involved parent.  Where Odin is basically just like “IM KING BEYOTCHES” The queen seems to have at least some priorities that don’t focus on holding onto power.
Then we get to Thor, who is “Asgard’s greatest warrior, son to Queen Frigga and King Odin Allfather, and brother to the trickster known as Loki.  He is Prince of Asgard and is next in line for the throne.  Thor’s closest friends and most trusted allies are the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, and Loki.”
Here we learn more (Frigga gets top billing, which is refreshing), especially how Thor and Loki relate to one another.  It’s pretty telling that Loki, while being called a trickster is also considered a “closest friend and most trusted ally.”
Then we get to Loki’s entry: Loki, the Master of Magic, knows deep down that the throne of Asgard will never belong to him. Often the voice of reason to his brother Thor, Loki is the one who summons Odin to save them, the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif from the grave threats on Jotunheim, though Loki’s motives might not always be completely honorable.
Just to break this down a little.  Loki’s billed as “Master of Magic,” which means that his magic is strong and a defining trait. 
I do find it interesting that it specifically skirts around his actual parentage/throne and just specifically says that Asgard’s throne won’t be his.  Also, the way it sounds in Thor’s description is that Thor, by the virtue of being eldest, is the one getting the throne, but there’s some interesting phrasing later on in the book that makes it pretty obvious that’s not the case.
The fact that Loki (billed as a trickster in Thor’s entry) is also considered the voice of reason, it is very interesting they also note that he “might not always be completely honorable.”
To extrapolate from that phrasing, it means that he is likely always honorable to some extent, it’s just that his motives are sometimes not aligned with that of Thor/Odin.  Which, considering that he is the voice of reason....might not be a bad thing?  Plus, it is pretty obvious that the motives of most of the Asgardians are that of glory in battle, delighting in violence, and using heavy-handed displays of machismo to gain and hold onto power.  Loki grows up under this kind of socialization, so it goes to show that he might pick up on some of those cultural lessons, but figure out different ways to use them since his power seems to be more scholarly/magical than sheer brawniness.
Over and over again we see that many of Loki’s end goals are actually very similar to that of Odin and Thor.  But he is regularly derided and attacked for going about it in a way they don’t approve of (ie: making plans, using magic, gathering allies, and influencing people to get what he wants instead of calling some massive one on one duel to the death in a coliseum with spears).
Another section details information on the Casket of Ancient Winters:  “While there are many dangerous items inside the vault, the Casket of Ancient Winters is the most feared.  Taken from the realm of Jotunheim by Odin to prevent the Frost Giants from taking over the Nine Realms, it has the power to cause instant and never-ending winter.
Ok, that sounds pretty horrifying, right? It’s a weapon! It could hurt people! Odin had to take it away for the good of peace, right? RIGHT?!
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Here’s what the book has to say about Jotunheim: “The Realm of Jotunheim was once full of stunning cities built entirely of ice.  After Odin took the Casket of Ancient Winters, the once beautiful buildings began to crumble and melt.  Now most of the land has floated away in large chunks.  The Frost Giants wander the desolate and lonely landscape, angry and thirsting for revenge against Asgard- and their king, Odin Allfather.
Ok, so imagine you live in a world with your own cities, culture, and society, and some asshole comes to your world and basically takes away all of your technology murders the majority of your people, and destroys your world so badly that your entire people are now homeless in a wasteland with no opportunity to rebuild?  How many children died of starvation on Jotunheim? Did Odin steal and then sell or “adopt” out other Frost Giant babies to Asgardian families or sell them to other worlds as slaves?
From Ragnarok, you can see that there’s some pretty damning evidence that Odin built Asgard using slavery, so it’s quite possible that they had no trouble using Jotuns in a similar manner:
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Are we actually supposed to believe that they are happy about that? There’s a truce, sure, but did Asgard go to help the other ice giants that were affected by the complete destruction of their world? Nope.  They were literally subjected to genocide and the last stragglers were left to die slowly.  If the situation had been reversed, I imagine that Asgard would consider themselves justified in trying to retaliate against Jotunheim.  But since they’re big, blue, “monstrous” etc....well, that makes it ok according to Odin.
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I find it really interesting that the book doesn’t include a scene where Loki turns blue and finds out about his parentage, so that’s really interesting as well. This is turning into a bit of a novel, so I’ll save that bit for Part 3.
Thanks to everyone who liked and reblogged and chatted about Part 1. I hope you like my thoughts, and as always, I love to hear what you think about how the text informs the films.
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goatpaste · 4 years
evil mane six you say... im listening👀
e! yeah this is like from a nearly 6+ year old AU of mine from when i originally into mlp and stuff 
lil cringe but i really wantd to update it because i liked some design/story concept from it
some of the basic world building for this AU was that the Crystal Empire never disappeared and went on to basically be the cantorlot of this universe, and ponies relied on a crystal based technology system and magic became less of a focus as crystal magic was something everyone could use.
Sombra is a good king of the empire, with a large happy family. Dear friends to the wizards of cantorlot, Celestia and Luna. Sombra also made of the elements of harmony in my AU but this is about these bad bitches
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twilight in my AU was a unicorn who looked up to the wizards of Cantorlot and wished to train under their wings. she learned many powerful spells from them and the books of great unicorns.
however Twilight became obsessed after learning of the elements of harmony, an ancient relic that had gone into slumber years ago claiming it wouldnt return until it was needed. however twilight thought herself to be smarter and able to force it out of hiding so that Equestria could have a boost in magic believing it would further society to have another source of power.
Twilight had no idea what she was working with and began to work behind the backs of celestia and luna. Tuning into Lord Tireks ability to absorb magic she used it for herself to drawn out the magic of the elements. However she was rejected and the spell turned on her, turning her to a monstery figure would mind could only think of taking the elements powers.
Shining armor was there with her when it happened trying to stop her, but instead became apart of the magical rejection. Only his body was effected and he was forced to stand by and watch his sisters mind become corrupted. Now she is locked in tarturus with Shinning armor as the doors gaurds, hoping they can find a way to heal her. 
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Rarity is much like her normal self, the only difference is she much more work focused and lives in the crystal empire. She was so goal oriented that she had no friends and simply went day to day working herself to the bone trying to make each dress better than the last. 
it drove her made when she began to believe her style was becoming repetitive and she simple would do anything to get out of her runt. so she left the empire and went out into the snow around the kingdom seeking out an old mine full of unique and beautiful stones. 
Little would she know she would come across a locked away evil that would take over her mind, feeding on her greed and want to be the best. she would act much as normal Sombra, taking over the crystal empire and demanding the most beautiful stones and jewelry and gowns of the people. it would be this event that would set the new elements into motion, king sombra and friends stopping rarity. (id like to thing her villian name could be oddity...)
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when i originally designed these villian designs pinkie was defiantly meant to take over nightmare moons place. 
Pinkie pie’s family lives in the crystal empire, as crystal farmers. Pinkie pie herself would work at the castle as a party planner from planning the birthdays of sombras children, to grand galas to diplomatic brunches. She is close friends with Princess Ivory.
However when rarity took over Pinkie pie was held captive as a jester for rarity. some believe the close contact with a creature radiating darkness infected pinkie pie. because there was hardly any build up, just one day Pinkie pie seemed to snap. right in the middle of a party she went berserk and began to destroy everything. The royal court chose to let her off assuming she was sick or had a sugar crash, the list of what it could be was endless. Pinkie pie word return again to throw Princess Ivory’s party and nearly kill her. Pinkie pie would have no memory of what she did only to come concious and learn she was banished from the court and to ever see Ivory again. it broke Pinkie’s heart and it was a moment of weakness. her mind was clouded and she turned into a monster of a mare named ‘The Timeless Party’ and planned to party the whole planet to its core until it could party no more.
with the new found elements of harmony powers pinkie pie was saved, she hasnt returned to the castle but still gets note from Ivory despite refusing to see her out of fear of hurting her. 
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Rainbow dash was a clouddale pony, she never left the city and happily worked at the weather factory and thinking of the day she would be a wonderbolt. Until the day she lost her wings, she could no longer fly like other pegasus and began to adjust to her new life. she moved to the ground and became a park ranger. she lived a happy simple life coming to enjoy the new experiences that came her way that she never thought she would thought she would enjoy.
Until a stroke of misfortune hit her, literally hit her. A bolt of lightning hit her and she swore she died, Until she  awoke and found she wasn't. instead she was covered in dark rolling clouds that she could manipulate and shape to her will. 
Rainbow dash found she could fly again and faster than ever before and with no fear of lightning or hail. the weather knelled to her. little did she know with the use of her power she brought on violent storms, floods and lightning made forest fires. Rainbow dash chose to stop her new powers until she could get them under control, but found this itch like a voice in the dark parts of her mind. telling her to let go and enjoy her powers, they were a gift after all.
it wasnt long until rainbow dash changed and seemed to no longer care about her damages. with this came the ancient unicorn, Starswirl the bearded. An old unicorn of old equestria would had frozen his aging to ensure his students could full take over for him one day. however star swirl was full of himself and could never see the bigger picture. He would freeze rainbow dash in ice and leave her in the cold mountains. 
with the story reaching tarturus shining could over hear twilight talking about starswirl and asking shining armor if he really thought rainbow dash was the villian and if starswirl choices were truly for the best. 
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Fluttershy lives in ponyville outskirts but ponyville in this world is mostly underwater and a tourist town for the large spa/hotspring resort run by and supported by a colony of seaponies and sirens. 
Fluttershy barely patreons there except to quietly get a spa once a month. and leaves without a world.
she still works with animals but mostly runs a pet cemetery for animals that drowned in the local waters or potentially eaten by rouge sea creatures. Fluttershy sadly would die in her own cemetery having fallen and hit her head on a tombstone. 
however after not being found she would be reclaimed and returned to the living by the earth. believing she was given a second chance and was not one with the earth Fluttershy didn’t notice that it was darkness that brought her back.  Fluttershy didn’t question her need to send the world back to a state when animals thrived and ponies were scares.
(a villian name i had for her was Queen Pangea)
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With the mostly underwater Ponyville in this AU applejack comes from a family of both seaponies and sirens. herself mostly taking after the siren side of the family. She comes from a farming family of seaweed farmers that contributes to the spa and Ponyville’s many economy source. 
Applejack’s colony would suffer a infection of darkness that effected a good chunk of the siren population including a bunch of applejacks family and herself. It started with it switching on and off were they would go into schooling frenzies and attack wildlife or other seaponies and sirens. Ponies began to speak bad of sirens believing them to be showing their true nature, which only pushed applejack over the edge. she would begin hunting the waters and destroying other seaponies livelihoods and the things the spa required, even running off guest.
Starswirl has plans to take care of the siren colony that has begun to terrorize ponyville, and shining armor questions if he really has the best choices in mind and wonders if the sirens are at all like his sister and need help. 
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symptoms-syndrome · 4 years
Alters and Race in White-Bodied Systems
I said I was going to write something up, so I’m going to try. I will try to make this as easily understandable as possible, so please let me know if parts are unclear. This will be a little long because it’s a complex topic, but I hope you try to read it if you can. I’ve broken things up into chunks and made the text large for each header so that it is more ADHD-friendly, and tried to use layman’s terms whenever possible.
Things I’m going to be talking about in this post will be:
What is race?
What are the types of racial oppression?
How do people in DID communities/spaces perpetuate racism?
How can I check myself and avoid perpetuating racism?
Final notes
When I can, I will link to sources. For transparency, I am a nonblack/indigenous, Korean-American mixed race person with diagnosed DID. When I use the term “DID” in this post I am referring to both DID and OSDD.
#1: What is Race?
Race is a social construct, created by white people. It is not based in any science, as science has disproven there are significant genetic markers that differ between different races. “Whiteness,“ especially, has been an idea that has changed wildly over time. (A good book to read about this is called How The Irish Became White.)
Socially, people are divided along lines of race, which are blurry at best. Things like “the one drop rule“ make it so that no person of color (POC, a noun not an adjective) can fully claim whiteness. Whiteness is primarily defined by “not being a POC.”
‘Whiteness,’  like ‘colour' and ‘Blackness,' are essentially social constructs  applied to human beings rather than veritable truths that have universal  validity. The power of Whiteness, however, is manifested by the ways in  which racialized Whiteness becomes transformed into social, political,  economic, and cultural behaviour. White culture, norms, and values in  all these areas become normative natural. They become the standard  against which all other cultures, groups, and individuals are measured  and usually found to be inferior (Henry & Tator, 2006, p. 46-47).
(In layman’s terms: Whiteness is created by society, and is now defined as “normal” and “default,” while actively oppressing people of color. People of color, by not being white, are seen as inferior. It’s a catch 22 of not being enough, and when you ARE enough, you’re not considered a person of color anymore, which is exactly what happened to the Irish.)
#2: What is Racial Oppression?
“Oppression” is a word a lot of folks throw around these days, and is commonly defined by what are called the “four Is of oppression.” These four Is are:
Internalized: This is oppression instilled in POC. Thoughts like “if I am more like my white peers, I will be more respected,” “I’m not like those people of color,” and pitting different POC against each other are all examples of internalized racism.
Interpersonal: This is oppression that is between individuals, and the most recognized form of racism. Interpersonal racism can look like calling people slurs, expecting POC to conform to stereotypes, etc.
Institutional: This is oppression built into the society and systems we live in. It can look like schools with higher percentages of POC getting less funding, differing descriptions for the same behavior (hyperactive white children being described as “outgoing” while a child of color is described as “disruptive”,) income inequality, and police brutality.
Ideological: Probably the hardest for people to recognize, ideological racism exists within our very thought processes. White people are told, directly and indirectly, that they are harder working, more deserving, more capable, more advanced, and so on. The inverse is applied to POC. A good example of this is the idea of “welfare queens,” or the idea that someone only got to where they are “by playing the race card.”
All of these interact with each other. Ideological racism is the basis of institutional racism, institutional racism is enforced by interpersonal racism, and progress towards liberation is inhibited by internalized racism, which is instilled in us by all of the above. Oftentimes, these are perpetuated in ways white folks don’t even notice or intend. Offhand comments and other microaggressions (more about those here, in a 2 minute video) can reinforce racism in ways that seem small or insignificant.
Now, onto the part folks are most likely here for:
#3: How Does This Relate to DID?
In DID, alters form for all sorts of reasons, and can look like anything. From demons to angels, fictional characters to animals or objects, the ways parts form can tell someone a lot about that parts beliefs, particularly when they differ from the body. In The Haunted Self, an example is given of a part that believes they are Superman because they cannot be hurt.
When race is involved with this, ideological biases come into play. Though you may not consciously make the decision to have an alter appear a certain way, ultimately, an alter is created by your brain and your brain alone (apart from, of course, the society that your brain/body exist in.) When you are a white person, and your brain creates an alter that appears to be of color, there is a reason. Even “positive” reasons can carry racism, such as splitting an Asian-appearing alter to help with schoolwork. Oftentimes, even without knowing, that reason is due to biases regarding race.
When an alter is created, it does not magically gain the experiences of someone who would actually live in that body. An alter that appears to be a POC has no idea what it’s actually like to be a POC, has no experience with racism, and does not experience any racism. Any racial experiences they may seem to carry with them are a white person’s perception of them, it’s a lot like claiming you know a show because you watched it through a neighbor’s window.
#4: How Can I Check Myself?
So, how do you never do anything racist ever again?
I’m sorry to say, but it just isn’t possible to be 100% non-racist. Even POC cannot be 100% non-racist or anti-racist, because we unfortunately live in a society that is constantly upholding white supremacy and white supremacist beliefs.
However, the next best step is being an anti-racist! Checking yourself for biases you’re upholding or racism you’re perpetuating is an important first step. This is an often uncomfortable and confronting process, and one that never has an end, but an important one. There are a LOT of ways you can do this, but I’ll just list a few that are relevant to DID.
Familiarize yourself with common stereotypes.
The easiest way to find where your internalized biases are with alters that appear to be a different race is familiarizing yourself with common stereotypes and ideas that our society has about POC. These are often tied to things like violence, hypersexualization, drug use, and other negative attributes, but can also be things that on the surface appear to be positive, such as being studious, people-pleasing, or frugal. Regardless of whether the stereotype seems positive or negative, either way it’s still perpetuating racism.
Ask yourself: Is my POC-appearing alter more sexual than others? Are they aggressive? Is my POC-appearing alter a monster (such as a demon or a zombie,) or otherwise less human, like an animal?
Keep an eye on your language
Obviously, if you follow my blog, I don’t support talking negatively about my parts. But in addition to this, when race is involved, it’s even more important. Words like “feral,” “aggressive,“ “sassy,” “soft,” and others can have a more racist impact when used on POC than when used on white folks. Additionally, your POC-appearing alter is not an actual person of color, so avoiding language like “my Asian alter”  and replacing it with (when race is relevant,) “my alter that appears Asian” can be also a helpful change. Lastly, and I would hope this goes without saying, but language like AAVE, slurs, and “broken” English are not yours to use if you have a white body. If you wouldn’t let a white person say it, you should not let an alter in a white body say it.
Ask yourself: Would I use this word if this alter appeared white? If I saw another white person talking like this, would I be okay with that?
Avoid cultural appropriation, be aware of culture
A lot of this may seem obvious, such as not wearing native regalia if you are not native, but other aspects of cultural appropriation may not be as obvious. Asian names, for example, are both incredibly personal, important, and significant in Asian culture, and stigmatized against in white society. I don’t know of any Asian folks who do not have a white name they used in school because teachers literally refuse to try and learn our real names. The issue of cultural appropriation is, at its core, that white people are treated differently for doing the same things that POC do, even when it’s originally something that POC created.
Ask yourself: Would someone of x race be treated differently from me doing this? Is this something that POC have been told they cannot do, even though I can?
#5: Final Notes
As I say whenever I do equity workshops, learning does not end here. I encourage you, if possible, to do more research on your own about racial equity! Clicking the links I’ve included throughout my writing would be a good start, and those links may lead you to others. Getting involved with local activism groups, meeting diverse groups of people with varying ideas, and reading would also be excellent ways to further your learning at your own pace.
Reading this may have made you uncomfortable. You might’ve read something and cringed, thinking to yourself “oh no, I do/did that!” in which case, forgive yourself. Learning is always a process, and no one is ever perfect. As long as you keep in mind what you’ve learned going forward, you are not a bad person for having done something racist in the past. We live in a society that at best doesn’t punish, and at worst rewards upholding the racist beliefs we all live with. Discomfort is a part of learning, and if you were uncomfortable and kept reading, I commend you. That’s hard.
This is all written by one person, with one experience and one life story. You may at some point in time talk to someone with an entirely different experience who may say totally different things than me. Use your best judgement.
If you read all the way through and found something useful, and you can spare any change, my cashapp is $beepollen98. Money would be used to prepare for my upcoming gender surgery! Obviously no pressure, I hope you learned something and feel a little more educated, and maybe even enjoyed reading!
As always, my DMs and asks are open if you found anything confusing, and/or have suggestions/questions.
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eyes-like-the-night · 3 years
I was wondering if there was any significance/symbolism was behind Woland's knee hurting in M&M? I don't remember it being explained in the book, but I might be misremembering
So, technically it is explained in the book, but only the uncensored versions
The spot in the book, chapter 22 By Candlelight
“ ‘my attendants insist it’s rheumatism’ Woland was saying, not taking his eyes off Margarita, ‘but I strongly suspect that this pain in my knee was left me as a souvenir by a charming witch with whom I was closely acquainted in the year 1571, on Mount Brocken, on the Devil’s Podium’
‘Ah can that be so!’ said Margarita.
‘Nonsense! In another three hundred years it will all go away!...”
According to Woland it’s a sex injury, but I think you can interpret it as he immediately goes back on what he’s saying by telling her it’s ‘Nonsense!’ Or that’s because of her expressing some sort of sympathy and it’s a really weird way of waving her off (this barely even touches on how flat out weird Woland is when talking to people until after the ball)
I’ve only seen this note in the Pevear & Volohonsky translation (large chunk of why I have all the English copies is for the different notes made by the translators) .
“Satan’s lameness is more commonly ascribed to his fall from heaven. Mount Brocken, highest of the Harz mountains in Germany, is a legendary gathering place of witches and devils, and the site of the Walpurgisnacht (as in Goethe’s Faust) on the eve of the first of May.”
Basically they’re saying, absolutely not it’s more likely from the fall. One of the things about Woland, while this is a Russian novel, he’s basically a walking talking Faustian reference (a point more or less made by the Master to Ivan because the Master knows immediately that the man from Patriarch Pond that Ivan and Berlioz spoke with is the Devil simply by his description because he is well educated and well read) so Germany has a lot of influence on him.
Before I go on an barely related side rant, yes basically it’s a reference to the fall.
So I just learned a new bit, Bulgakov also drew heavily on German folktales of the Devil when putting together Woland, more than just Faust (which is interesting considering a large part of Woland is to satirize Russian society at the time...while being also pretty damn German idk what Bulgakov is trying to get at there) In the same conversation I have above he tells Margo something about using herbs that his Grandmother left him, which is in reference to a figure in German folktales, Old Frick/Frau Fricke. Interestingly she has ties to the Wild Hunt but also I guess later is associated with being the devil’s grandmother (probably nature spirits being called devils instead of The Devil) but for only having 2 hours of sleep and it being close to 6 am that is what I’m able to understand at the moment XD.
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quillyfied · 4 years
Mega Good Omens Fic Rec Post 5
What up, it’s back!
77 carefully-curated titles for your perusal today! As always, the fics are broken into the following categories: Jaunts through History/Canon, South Downs, Post-Apocalypse, Bus Ride/The Night Before/Heaven and Hell, AU/UA, Just Soft, Touch-Starved/Body Worship/Wings, Bonus, and H/C /Whump/BAMF. I don’t read smut fics but sometimes there are sexual elements to the stories and sometimes you get invested and then suddenly the author drops a smut chapter, so warnings where applicable.
Mega GOmens Fic Rec Post MASTER
1.     Get Thee To A Nunnery – Owenjones (T, the one where Aziraphale is put in a nunnery and needs a bit of a rescue. More or less Ineffable Wives time, but warnings for Aziraphale being forced into a female corporation against his will, that’s pretty icky (three guesses for who the offending Archangel is). Crowley is posing as a little lady known as Julie D’Aubigny, which, if that rings no bells, you should Google her immediately and then go into this fic cackling like I did. Very sweet, a fun little adventure!)
2.    Bibliophilia – @wingedspirit (G, the one where Aziraphale has a book nemesis and Crowley always seems to have the perfect book as a gift, what a coincidence. This is so funny, you guys, seriously. We stan ONE (1) oblivious angel in this house. And when Aziraphale finally catches on, it’s so cute, I can’t even. I cannot EVEN. Go read it right now immediately.)
3.    The Heart Goes To Heaven, The Head Goes To Hell – Dekkles (T, the one where Crowley has intentions of making an angel Fall and it kinda…backfires. Guys fair warning, this one’s version of Hell is really gross, if you’re squeamish tread very carefully bc WOW it can get a bit graphic. Y’know what’s also gross? The PINING (obviously not gross in the same way but the pining is awfully feelsy and part of it does happen in Hell). Watching this Crawly go from an honestly nauseating portrayal of Hell to watching Aziraphale and kinda awkwardly twitching in his light is so delightful and I hope for more in the future (though maybe less visions of Hell, I will be so glad if and when the fic leaves that place because yikes).)
4.    i like this place (it feels spooky) – @asideofourown (G, the one where Warlock manages to convince Nanny and Brother Francis to take him to a haunted house and it’s so cute. You guys. It’s SO cute. You really get a feel for little Warlock’s personality and how he sees things (and he sees ALL). Just a really cute “family” outing, really, and someone gets spooked at the end and it’s not who you think!)
5.    Doubt the Stars are Fire – LilithReisender (T, the one where Aziraphale bails Crowley out of prison and they spend time together in an Italian villa. This one has cool history bits, really fun banter, and Crowley actively on the job while trying to pretend he isn’t on the job. It’s a delight, and it’s just getting started! Jump on this bandwagon, folks, it’s great!)
6.    The Hellfire Club – @amarguerite (NR, the one where greater measures are taken to make sure Aziraphale isn’t promoted back upstairs. This one is so hilarious, you guys, I can’t even tell you which bit is my favorite. And the cherry on top? Wing grooming! (I can also tell you that something highly unpleasant happens to Sandalphon, if that sweetens the pot for anyone.) If you have a Thing for Crowley and Aziraphale being melodramatic and overacting, then stay put, friends. Also continue reading this list, there’s a few more that’ll catch your eye later on.)
7.     The Immortal Look – MickyRC (G, the one where Crowley puts Aziraphale in some kohl and it’s awesome. A written entry for the Prince of Omens DTIYS, and even independent from Prince of Omens this fic is a winner, in my book. Crowley going dewy-eyed over Aziraphale’s looks in any capacity is always My Jam and this fic really goes for it.)
8.    Merry & Bright – @peppervl (G, the one where Aziraphale and Crowley go undercover as a married couple in the Regency. You like fem!Aziraphale but don’t see it often enough? SIT DOWN, FRIENDO. Not only does this have a lovely Miss Fell for us to fawn over, but it’s a Miss Fell in possession of a fortune and surely in want of a husband, according to prim-and-proper London, and who better to help her out than one Mr. Crowley who happens to need some help on a temptation? Fun, romantic, and with a cute little twist at the end I shan’t spoil but you should really stick around for.)
9.    Putting the Endearment in Dear – @joyandotherstories (G, the one where Aziraphale starts calling everyone “dear” just so he can also call Crowley by endearments. This one is sweet and a little sad and has the softest possible ending, y’all don’t even know. Read it, the point in time where Aziraphale doesn’t have to hold back his mountain of endearments anymore is a sight to behold.)
10. Between the Lines – cyankelpie (G, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale’s feelings are known but not spoken, at least not directly. This one is a historical jaunt where they have a lot of double-meaning conversations (and Crowley is very rightly lost through a lot of it, poor dear), and it aches, you guys, it just hurts. Not finished yet as of this review but WHEN IT’S DONE—I’m sure it’ll be worth it. Hot dang.)
11.  No Matter How the Stars Align (They Make Me Think of You) – silentsonata (G, the one that covers stars that Crowley and Aziraphale have met under. Every once in a while there’ll come along a fic that shakes the ground as it walks. I understand the Big Bang events usually churn these out, and there are quite a few on this list, but this fic here? A masterpiece. Pitch-perfect in every way, just a stunner. I want to tell y’all to pay special attention to certain chapters but they all took my breath utterly away and it would be unfair to single any out over the rest, the whole work is a monument. Just beautiful.)
12.  Too Wise to Woo Peaceably – purewanderlust (T, the one that’s five times they see “Much Ado About Nothing” throughout history. I love me some “Much Ado,” personally, and this fic knows what it’s on about. Wonderfully romantic and ends with the single most perfect conversation, I swear 2 someone. Hits right in the feels.)
13.  Just Another Sword Fight – DemonicGeek (NR, the one that’s a 5+1 about Crowley swordfighting. If you’re here because Aziraphale taking on the role of the swooning maiden to Crowley’s dashing hero makes you, in fact, be the one swooning, say hello to your new best friend. If you like to follow all that up with Aziraphale taking charge when needed, I might suggest building a home here, because ABSOLUTELY that’s what you’re getting.)
14.  A Few More Rescues – @poetic----nonsense (T, the one with, predictably, a few more rescues. If the previous fic had you reeling and begging for more, welcome to the buffet, children. These are some really fun rescues by Crowley on behalf of Aziraphale, and they’re unconventional and historical AF (especially the bit with the dragon) (you bet your sweet keister there’s a bit with a dragon). This fic is so much fun and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.)
15.  Floriography – Frenchmeister (T, the one where Crowley doesn’t get flower language. The premise is, Crowley slept through a large chunk of the Victorian era, so he doesn’t know what Aziraphale keeps trying to say as they work at the Dowlings’ estate raising Warlock. He does know that the philodendron is a menace, no matter what it’s supposed to mean. Funny and nerve-wracking and so, so sweet.)
16.  The Interplay of Illusion and Magic – SoulJelly (T, the one where Aziraphale tries to join a magicians’ society. This one has some delightful history and Aziraphale trying to perform sleight of hand magic to get in a secret magicians club and a surprising twist near the middle, all told; it’s a lot more exciting than I initially thought it was going to be (I was just expecting some fluff and that was not all I got; it’s always a good day when Crowley has to come to the rescue).)
17.  There goes the neighborhood – @bestoftheseekwill (G, the one where Crowley’s retirement peace is threatened by construction. If you’re here for Crowley wiles, anti-capitalism, and flashes of protective Aziraphale, get ready to take a load off because this is primo.)
18. Teatime Revelations – Cardinal_Daughter (T, the one where God invites Herself over for tea. This one is strained and it’s emotional and it’s all the softer for it. Aziraphale being quiet and protective while Crowley has a come-apart in the face of God is iconic, tbh; pretty sure this fic inspired a lot of my own portrayals of the GOmens God, looking back on it. A wonderful and light-hearted take.)
19.  Lose a Kraken, Gain an Angel – MistressKat (T, the one where Hastur has an expected friendship. This fic has everything—Hastur being a sympathetic character, the Kraken, Crowley pining after Aziraphale, the Antichrist, and is hilarious from start to finish. A fun and tonally accurate diversion, please read.)
20. Something Old, Something New – shippityshipship (G, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale are involved in weddings. Short and hasn’t updated in a while but still excellent reading, I find; great characterization, some fun OCs, lovely atmosphere, oblivious pining while everyone else thinks they’re dating, it’s amazing.)
21.  The difficulty with disposable demons – @areyougonnabe (T, the one where Eric the disposable demon shows up and it’s a madhouse in Crowley’s apartment. This is a really funny take on what happens to the disposable demons and why they are the way they are, and with the added bonus of driving Crowley up the wall and some mild miscommunications with Aziraphale that are all sorted out in the end.)
22. Care and Keeping – @arcafira (M, T, the series where Crowley is shedding and Aziraphale tries to help. Not rated M for anything violent or sexual, really more of a T than an M but there is a bath scene and a lot of self-loathing. There’s a lot of convincing Crowley to let Aziraphale care for him and a lot of working through Fall-related issues, but it leaves off in a wonderfully hopeful place.)
23. The Clockwork Days – redwinehouse (T, the one where the world’s ending again. There are many fics that have tackled possible sequels to Good Omens and this is one of the more tonally accurate ones, I feel; it’s very tongue-in-cheek and matter-of-fact, and the little twist at the end was a genuine surprise to me. Whack in plenty of mutual pining and a Bentley that has had it up to HERE with these idiots and you’ve got a recipe for a good little story.)
24. don’t leave me here alone – Elvendork (T, the one where Crowley asks for holy water again. This one is a tense argument, right up until it isn’t, and absolutely delectable, really. If you’re a fan of Aziraphale bringing up hellfire to go toe to toe with Crowley on the issue, BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP, this one is dunking itself into Soft Town with that accelerant to really drive it home.)
25. The Next Time We Wed – seashadows (T, the one where a mix-up leads to marriage. If drunken mistakes and their aftermath is what you’re after, welcome to the party, folks, because this one’s a whopper. Can people pine while being married to each other? The answer is yes. Can it have a soft ending? Also yes. Can it include the mothers of such characters as Anathema and Newt being wonderful characters in their own right? The answer, incredibly, is yes.)
26. You Can’t Un-See A Dog – @holycatsandrabbits (T, the one where Crowley is summoned and there’s shenanigans afoot. I won’t talk too much about the plot of this one bc I don’t want to spoil it but suffice it to say that this one is hilarious and has some especially gratifying Ineffable Husband silent communication at play. If your entire reason for existence, like Crowley’s, is seeing Bastard!Aziraphale at work, then bunk down here, friendos, you’ve arrived.)
27. Crowley, Big Bad Demon, Can Keep His Cool Around His Crush – @edennovik (T, the one where Crowley…well, see title, and then immediately disregard. Crowley cannot, in fact, keep his cool around his crush. Crowley is doing the opposite of keeping his cool around his crush. Crowley is a ball of anxiety and screaming pining gooey mess and Aziraphale might just like him anyway.)
28. If Not Now, When – @ineffablefool (T, the one where trans café worker Crowley strikes up a conversation with fat pretty Aziraphale. Listen. Y’all know ineffablefool. Y’all know he is a force that cannot be stopped or reckoned with, when it comes to Soft Fat-Postive Asexual Romance. So I do not say this lightly when I say that this is possibly his masterwork. There is a lot of good, good content in his catalogue but the emotional work put into this makes the whole thing stand straight up and resonate. It’s tender and respectful and handles conflicts of gender and sexuality with grace and gentleness and oh no I’m tearing up pls send help I’m DROWNING—).
29. Trip the Light – @summerofspock (M, the one where Aziraphale falls in love first. M for a sex scene near the end of the fic, second half of Chapter 17, so keep an eye out for that if you’re sensitive to it. Oh, y’all. This one goes through canon and a few scenes outside of it and the recontextualizing of those scenes as Aziraphale hopelessly in love and Crowley as oblivious is amazing. Even more amazing: once Crowley finally catches on and then it becomes Aziraphale once again in his role of holding back. Guys. Y’all. My DUDES. I am in the throes of agony. It’s so good.)
30. one love (only for you) – @weatheredlaw (M, the one that’s a vague Snow White AU. It’s truly unfair how poetic and romantic this one is, how lovely. It has fantasy elements and ridiculous vengeful brothers and soft, soft boys in love. A sweet little way to spend an afternoon, tbh.)
31.  in the house we remain – @commodorecliche (M, the one where Crowley’s a ghost in the house Aziraphale has bought. M for masturbation, weird ghost sex, and a harrowing backstory for Crowley; if you’re squeamish about sexual things and not good at gauging how to skip them, or if you can’t stand abuse stories, I would pass this one up. Y’all. Y’ALL. So thoroughly upsetting, this one; the horror elements are real but so is the romance and it’s a beautiful balance of the two. What’s wild is how believable it is; it could easily have been a story about Aziraphale just becoming obsessed with and romanticizing a dead person who used to live in his house but it feels like an actual love story, with Crowley learning how to trust Aziraphale, as well, despite their planar incompatibility. The ending is so unbelievably sweet. And there’s art now! There wasn’t, when I first added it to the list! Huzzah!)
32. pop! goes my heart – @areyougonnabe (E, the one that’s a Music and Lyrics AU. E for a sex scene near the end of Chapter 6 that’s a bit difficult to skip, since there’s a couple of relevant paragraphs after it that set up the next chapter, but if you’re up for the challenge, godspeed. First things first: this fic has ORIGINAL MUSIC RECORDED BY THE AUTHOR AND IT’S AMAZING. Music and Lyrics is one of my personal favorite romcoms, and what’s been done with it is not only accurate to the actual music industry, but accurate to the characters, as well. It’s such a fun story, adapted well, and the writing style is just charming. Fantastic!)
33. For the First Time in Forever – @nicnacsnonsense (T, the one that’s a Frozen AU. I am excited for this one, y’all. The adaptation is already so much fun and it’s only going to get funner. Aziraphale as Elsa and Crowley in an Anna-adjacent role (but not actually bc no incest) is amazing, the Olaf stand-in outshines the original, and the emotional toll is already pretty high. Absolutely worth a read.)
34. Sailor’s Omens – NeverNooitNiet (G, the one where Crowley’s a pirate and Aziraphale is his prisoner. There’s a touch of historical homophobia but that doesn’t matter much out at sea, really. If the boys being clever and bickering and also one-upping beloved series antagonists is something you enjoy, welcome to the party, friends. It’s a good old-fashioned piracy romp that’s sure to satisfy.)
35. Pomegranate Seeds – @nicnacsnonsense (G, the one that’s a Persephone and Hades AU with Aziraphale as Hades and Crowley as Persephone. This one has a unique tone and is also romantic as all get-out; throw in genderfluid Crowley, love at first sight, and Aziraphale being a sweetie, it’s a story well worth its salt, imo.)
36. Laws of Gravity – @brightwanderer (T, the one where Aziraphale invents pining for Raphael. Listen. I think we all know at this point that brightwanderer, or Atalan on ao3, has earned her clout as a GOmens fanfic heavyweight. She didn’t NEED to write an awkward and earnest Raphael trying to go incognito as Crowley into the Garden of Eden. She didn’t NEED to write about how incredibly awkward Aziraphale is while heels over halo in love. She didn’t NEED to have an engaging plot and a wonderful twist on the Temptation of Eve and also the most awkward and obvious besotted angels in the universe. But she did. And we are blessed. So go partake.)
37. Incubus!Crowley – GenericUsername01 (G, T, the series where Crowley is a sex demon and we get to see what that means. This fic threads the very specific needle I personally enjoy where sex is an element of the story and has bearing on it, but the story doesn’t have any actual sex scenes in it. I love this writer’s style and where they take Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship; I love the view of Hell in the first bit; I love all of it, really. A+++.)
38. Everyone But You – @summerofspock (M, the one where Crowley is hired to seduce an angel. M for some saucy makeouts and some post-coital afterglow but nothing explicit. If y’all like stories where a conman is hired to do a job and starts to have complicated feelings about it, especially if those feelings are falling in love with his mark, then here you go. It’s amazing as all heck and hilarious to boot; Crowley learning what falling in love is like is always a treat but omg. Poor Aziraphale. And the most DELIGHTFUL resolution, my goodness.)
39. In Mixed Company, or the Corporate Retreat of Heaven and Hell – @theoldaquarian (M, the one where Heaven and Hell have a joint corporate retreat every so often and Crowley and Aziraphale are doomed. M for some adult themes but nothing explicit. Y’all. TheOldAquarian must be stopped. They cannot continue to be so funny and engaging. They cannot continue to have the most corporate and hilariously mundane depiction of Heaven and Hell. They are a MENACE who, in the space of one fic, has packed all the pining of the ages in so tightly that when it finally bursts free, my shoulders physically relaxed and my spine uncoiled. This fic in particular is too much and too wonderful. I really must protest.)
40. Loosely Ballroom – marginalia_device, @mortifyingideal (T, the one where Aziraphale is a professional dancer and Crowley is a contestant on a show with him (for American viewers, think Dancing With the Stars). This fic is so good and so funny and so achingly in-character. I love Crowley as the washed-up old star trying to kick his career back up, I love Aziraphale as the put-upon dancer on his last legs, and I love that they’re both the victim of a studio gimmick and then decide that malicious compliance is their best bet. It’s still early in the fic (…at over 40k words wow it’s gonna be a monster and I’m ready), but it’s going to be so good already, I can just tell. There’s already some art for it floating around by naniiebimworks for the interested.)
41.  Repeat the Sounding Joy – @allonsy-gabriel (G, the one where they decorate a Christmas tree. This is a short and sweet look at what the holidays are like for an angel and a demon post-apocalypse and it’s so adorable, you guys. Crowley having FEELINGS and Aziraphale being fussy about his decorating, it’s just a treat.)
42. The Nesting Habits of Angelus Principalum – @obaewankenope (NR, the one where Aziraphale nests and is gently protective. This fic is quiet and understated and so unbelievably romantic without being over the top about it; it’s a quiet coming together that creeps up on you, much like how the realization of Aziraphale’s nesting habits creeps up on Crowley. A lovely little thing.)
43. we’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow – @tonyhawksmovingcastle (E, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale wind up faking a relationship on a couple’s cruise. E for Chapter 7, which is completely skippable without ruining any plot. This one gets a double whammy for both engaging plot and wonderful OCs that add to rather than distract from the story. Fake dating is fun enough but when you’re fake dating and also being wingmanned by well-meaning possibly supernatural sapphics, while also having fun in the tropics, it’s a recipe for a good time all around (at least for the audience). So lovely and sweet and that moment when Crowley and Aziraphale finally get together is magic.)
44. Road Trip Games and Love – rgfalso (T, the one where Crowley and Aziraphale go on a road trip together. This one almost takes place in real time, and has the most intense and emotional back-and-forth while these poor saps try to work out the Thing between them without actually talking about it for as long as inhumanly possible. Of course there are lots of road trip games, and of course those road trip games are a vehicle of conveyance for what they’re actually trying to say, and cue all the misunderstandings in the world. It’s frustrating and cathartic and amazing and the end especially is so, so sweet.)
45. The Most Stylish Wedding of AZ Fell and AJ Crowley – @leapoffaith1489 (T, the one where Aziraphale is determined to discard tartan for the wedding. Y’all. Omg. If relatively low-stakes cute wedding shenanigans are your thing, welcome home. If Aziraphale being pleasantly surprised is your thing, welcome home. If Aziraphale working through minor insecurities is your thing, welcome, truly, home. Featuring a lovely cast of side characters and a soft-as-butter plot.)
46. The Newlywed Game (Not What You’d Think) – @heavenslittlehellion (NR, the one where a game of drunken truth-telling goes a little farther than anticipated. Hello, welcome to the emotional gut-punch fic, you’ve arrived. The only thing that saves this from dunking into the last category on this list with the other h/c and whump fics is how low-stakes it is and how soft it is when they get past the unpleasant bit. People who love theories on what the Fall felt like, welcome to the table.)
47. On the Road to Love – Mizmak (G, the one where Crowley enters a motor rally race with the Bentley, with Aziraphale as navigator. While there’s great fun in Crowley and Aziraphale needling each other, there’s greater joy in their friendship and tenderness towards the other (and asexual bed-sharing fans, rejoice). It’s a fun concept all around and definitely worth the read.)
48. Mr. Fell’s Bookshop ficlets – @holycatsandrabbits (G, T, the series where Mr. Fell has regular customers and they love the place as much as they love its weird and eldritch owner. For folks who love seeing the Ineffable Duo through others’ eyes, this is a fun series to scratch that particular itch, and has spawned a number of spin-off fics, unless I’m mistaken. It’s a relatively low-stakes series, for people wanting something like that these days, too.)
49. Quiet Reflection – @shinyopals (T, the one where they have to duck into a church to avoid demons. If the phrase “spicy Jesus crackers” holds any appeal whatsoever, go read this fic immediately. It’s heartfelt and hilarious and really that’s all you can ask for in a good fluff fic. Also Crowley being held. Really, that’s all any of us want from life.)
50. Deck the Halls – forthegreatergood (G, the one where mistletoe should really not be this hard to get a hold of. Y’all you simply MUST stick around for the hijinks in this one. They are manifold and hilarious. Does it end in makeouts? Possibly. You’ll just have to read it, won’t you?)
51.  The Secret Dress – GlitterSkullFairy (G, the one where Crowley has a secret wedding dress. This one is very dramatic and sad…and then Aziraphale pops in. Like with all things concerning these two, it immediately takes a turn from there. If putting Crowley in pretty dresses is a thing you enjoy, have a seat and enjoy the show, it’s a softy.)
52. Well…That’s New – @almaasi (G, the one where Crowley doesn’t realize he’s in love. If oblivious Crowley is more to your taste, this is the one for you. Takes the concept “what if Crowley was in love but didn’t realize it” and runs with it for all it’s worth. Hilarious and sweet and wonderful.)
53. serpent, serpent-bearer – @elsajeni (G, the one that’s about horoscopes. I realize the Soft section of the rec list is for things that are Soft but hhnnngkk you guys. This one is so cute. My heart can’t take it. They’re so gosh darned precious, with their newspaper and their horoscopes and their welcome invasion of each other’s personal space.)
54. If Only You Were Mine – @somethingscarlet13 (G, the one where Crowley gets so drunk he can’t remember who Aziraphale’s husband is, just that he’s married. This is a little sugar shot for your day, folks—short, sweet, silly, and did I mention sweet? It is so worth having a giggle at drunk Crowley’s expense, please do read it.)
55. Cupboard Love – @copperplatebeech (T, the one where Crowley is a cranky snek. I would also highly recommend this for folks who enjoy Madam Tracy, especially Madam Tracy being utterly unaffected by being face-to-face with the supernatural and cooing over things like the wonderful lady she is. Fun and a little silly and a lot adorable.)
56. affirmation, appreciation – pearlwaldorf (G, the one where Aziraphale helps someone in need a little differently than expected. This one has Aziraphale taking on the persona of an interested male party looking to pick up the spirits of a woman on the tail end of a messy divorce and Crowley understanding but still getting a little jealous. It’s so sweet and so lovely, both what Aziraphale and Crowley do for this poor woman and how Aziraphale reassures Crowley afterwards. Top notch.)
57. Forget-Me-Not – @dietraumerei (T, the one where Crowley gets amnesia. Not as dramatic as others, he just loses 200 years and it’s temporary, but it’s ever so sweet, watching Crowley fall back in love with the modern world and be gobsmacked that he and Aziraphale are finally together. There’s a lot of reassurance and tender sweet nothings thrown about and I’m pretty sure I developed a heart condition just from reading this, it’s too good.)
58. They Shake The Mountains When They Dance – @copperbadge (T, the one where Crowley finds Aziraphale’s scar. Operating on the theory that Aziraphale was injured in the War in Heaven and that’s why he clutches his leg and limps when he’s discorporated, this is the sappiest, sweetest rumination on the subject I have ever read. Crowley gets so protective and defensive, and Aziraphale is so gentle in talking him down. On the whole, it’s just wonderful and so, so cute. Omg.)
59. Familiar Care – ginger_mosaic (G, the one where the Ineffable Dads have to take their snabies in for medical help. This comes from the Wiggleverse, which on the whole I cannot strongly recommend enough, but this fic in particular centers around the most delightful OC veterinarian who handles Crowley and Aziraphale’s strange family very well. There’s also a fun twist at the end, so absolutely keep reading to find out what that is. And also, immerse yourself in adorable snake baby shenanigans, because they are the best sort.)
60. Rituals (or the Seven Layer Bean Dip Approach to Sex) – SleepySelfLoathing (T, the one where no seriously metaphysical angel/demon sex is super weird. Fans of truly esoteric ethereal/occult mating rituals rejoice, for this is your new home. It’s abstract but no less beautiful for it, I think; the imagery and emotional accompaniment are all lovely, even if they don’t meet conventional human romance standards. You can really tell that it means a lot to Crowley and Aziraphale, the ways they show how much they love each other. A weird and delectable little dish, by all accounts.)
61.  Under Pressure – @copperplatebeech (M, the one where Crowley steals kisses. M for sensuality and body worship but nothing too explicit; also could be construed as dubcon kissing, for those of you sensitive to that. Hhhgkk y’all. Crowley thinks he’s being sly getting away with smooching Aziraphale throughout history while they’re both drunk off their rockers but does not count on Aziraphale actually remembering, and then once the Apocalypse is done with and they’re On Their Own Side and Can Aknowledge These Things…well. They do. Crowley is a mess and Aziraphale is a mess and they love each other so much. The writing is so tender and I’m CRYING.)
62. London Calling – forthegreatergood (G, the one with slow-burn wing grooming. There’s so much crammed into this bad boy and it balances it admirably—Crowley’s relationship with Aziraphale, Crowley’s relationship with Hell, Crowley thinking about retirement, Crowley getting preemptively banned from a certain European country for being a pest outside of its consulate, Crowley losing his cool over getting to touch Aziraphale’s wings. Humor, aching tenderness, the kind of longing that feels like a high, quavering violin note, tension and release. A beautiful piece.)
63. Elmie’s Ineffable Fireplace Fics – @almaasi (G, M, M, the series that is completely unrelated except for the physical and also figurative appearances of warm fireplaces. M for sensuality but nothing explicit. The first two are mainly short fluff; the third is a long Regency-esque AU with some gender and sexuality shenanigans on top of Real Danger and Intrigue. True to the writer’s promise, all three fics are pretty comfortable and warm, even if the third has some action and tension. They’re absolutely lovely, imo.)
64. The Hands Applauded (And This Was No Sin) – @ticketybye (G, the one where Crowley as a preoccupation with Aziraphale’s hands. Deals with both touch-starvation and touch-aversity in the same fic and weirdly enough it works. The fic is heartbreaking but it has a good resolution and that’s important.)
65. Moult – @sameoldsorceress (T, the one where Aziraphale molts and Crowley doesn’t. This is typical wing-grooming fare…right up until it isn’t. I won’t spoil the twist but rest assured that there is absolutely a twist. Other than that, it’s supportive and sweet and lovely and lord knows we all could use some of that right now.)
66. never get to heaven on a night like this – RestlessWanderings (G, the series where the Ineffable Wives are touch-starved and pining. The only reason this fic goes here instead of in Jaunts Through History is because especially in Crowley’s side of the story, the touch starvation is so horrifically visceral I very nearly bought myself a weighted blanket out of sympathy stress. They are both so afraid and so desperate for a bit of connection, the pining is absolutely ridiculous. And it helps that there’s worldbuilding there that’s both thematically appropriate and interesting to read. Engendered by lesbianism and catholic guilt, I believe the author said, and in this case what a delicious combination with an absolutely amazing ending.)
67. Strength in Modesty – flandersmare (T, the one where Aziraphale has a secret wardrobe. Y’all. I have a special love-hate relationship with clothes and my body and this fic somehow felt very soothing on both of those fronts. Corsetry is front and center, and it’s all very well-researched and well-presented. The story is so quiet and understated and is really told through excellent sensory details. The ending about broke my heart for tenderness. It’s a double love letter to Aziraphale and to fashion throughout history and I love it.)
68. Tales of the Them – @lyricwritesprose (G, the series where Crowley and Aziraphale are the Them’s godparents, too. This is such a fun series, with a lot of stories that are not just funny in bits, but also meaningful. For fans of the Them and people who like stories about children that aren’t dumbed-down or grimdark.)
69. Stans in High Places – @doomed-spectacles (G, the one where there’s someone in the Earth Observation department keeping an eye on Crowley and Aziraphale. Another take on the angel(s) in charge of Earth Observation, this time featuring a singular angel called Grigori, and boy is he a cutie. His friendship with fellow angel Pravuil is also blossoming and sweet throughout, and the amount of innocent cuteness throughout is just spectacular. What an adorable story.)
70. Anthony J Crowley, Retired Demon and AirBnB Superhost – @theoldaquarian (G, the one where Crowley turns his flat into an AirBnB. Told as if reading a comment section, it is hilarious and paints a horrid picture of what interacting with Crowley—and Aziraphale!—is like for normal humans. I can’t give you any more details than that, you are just going to have to read it and laugh your head off about it like I did.)
71.  A Guide to Fame for the Enterprising Demon – @asideofourown (T, the one where Crowley writes a book and accidentally becomes a queer icon. This is…so funny. And so sweet. And like most fics where human bystanders try to piece together what’s happening and come away with completely wrong conclusions, it’s utterly charming. You almost start rooting for the internet conspiracy theorists trying to unearth what exactly Crowley is from his (presumably) evasive or strange answers to interview questions.)
72. Hell Of An Angel – WaitingToBeBroken (T, the one where everyone thinks Crowley is a mafia family. This one is funny in a dramatic irony way; the way that every narrator in this is CONVINCED that Crowley is A. a family of redheads that all look eerily similar, and B. extremely dangerous, is entertaining all on its own. It helps that the writing is smooth and the characters are all fairly engaging, too. A fun little diversion for your day.)
73. the only one i want – @qorktrees (T,  the one where Crowley needs some convincing. The hurt in this one is real, folks. But so is the comfort. At last steps are taken to assure Crowley of how much he is wanted, of how much his love is cherished and his touch desired. If you cry while reading this, congrats and welcome to the club, we are all miserable touch-starved fools here.)
74. Always One More Time – boughofawillowtree (T, the one where Aziraphale has remaining psychological scars from Heaven. This one is tough, y’all, real tough. Aziraphale has a couple of abusive flashbacks and intrusive thoughts and his anxiety flaring up is a constant, so people sensitive to that should take heed. That said, this is a very healing fic, with a lot of underlying hurt that floats to the surface. But throughout Crowley does his best to be patient and understanding and even with a disagreement, it remains gentle and loving throughout.)
75. Smote and smitten – @nohaijiachi (G, the one where Aziraphale is a badass and we are ALL here for it. Screaming Hastur, briefly-sentient flaming swords, Aziraphale being amazing, and starry-eyed Crowley are all the ingredients chosen to make a wonderful little fic, and we are all grateful for it. What a guy, that Aziraphale.)
76. Nearly Romeo and Juliet – bisexual_dumbass (T, the one where Crowley’s hiding his panic attacks. This one hurts, friends. This one has miscommunications and fear and boundary communication, all while being so tense even the gentlest touch will snap something. It’s got learning to take care of yourself and value yourself and live FOR yourself. It is very important and I hope a lot of you read it because gosh dang.)
77.  Pigeon Girlfriends With A Long Preamble – SleepySelfLoathing (T, the one that’s exactly what it says on the tin. This fic has it all: humor! Torture! Terrible humans! Wrathful Aziraphale! Pain and suffering! Tenderness and care! Pigeon girlfriends! The Hurt and the Comfort are present in about equal measure, but fair warning that what Crowley is made to do just before his rescue is more than a little disturbing, both to readers and especially to Crowley.)
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siren1song · 4 years
Crying Out for More
Summary: Remus hasn’t seen another sea eldritch in two hundred years. Mostly because he was ran out of the community because he thought eating mers for power wasn’t that bad of a thing to do. And then Virgil brings an eldritch into the cave he’s been hiding in.
Warnings: Cannibalism, ask if more are needed
Pairing: Intruality
Word Count: 1,545
General Taglist: @acanvasofabillionsuns, @emo-disaster, @greenninjagal-blog, @jungle321jungle, @sleepy-sides, @gattonero17, @another-sandersidesblog, @strawberryjellystuff, @remusownsmyuwus, @logic-with-a-pinch-of-deceit, @gr3ml1n-loser, @main-chive, @kiribakuandcats, @firey-alex, @orca-iguana, @spooky-scary-virgil, @yalltookmyurlideas, @sanderssidesweirdo, @stormypaint, @just-a-little-bit-gay-oops, @dying-is-a-hobby
Intruality Taglist: @jessibbb
Notes: This fic is specifically for Rem because I saw he was sad and I wasn’t going to stand fro that.
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Remus had history. That came with living, but when that history involved your society rejecting you because you discovered you get a power boost from eating mers it kind of left a bitter taste.
He’s over it of course, he had roughly two hundred years to get over it. And he had Virgil now! Sure, he wouldn’t mind taking a bite out of him, he’d never had siren before, but Virgil was helping him heal.
Not with his own abilities of course, Remus kind of doubted singing to eldritch skin would make it mend itself, but he brought mers who knew how to heal. At least the ones that could handle the pressure of being so close to the sea floor anyway. Which was hard to find so Remus usually went a year or two (which if what Virgil told him was right like going a week or two to humans who had to deal with mortality) between visits.
To be perfectly honest, he’d probably out of this stupid hole by now if he stopped eating the mers after they got the pain down from unbearable to a dull throb, but he was hungry and he couldn’t really hunt fro himself right now.
”I fucking swear Remus if you get over excited over this one and get too close before he can help I’ll charm you into cleaning the algae from your teeth,” Virgil said, his voice coming from somewhere above him, the natural charm the night brought Virgil ringing through the water enough to actually wake Remus up from his doze.
”Ohhh you brought a healer? Nice! My side aches. Did I tell you who managed to get my side? I think it was-”
”Oh! I haven’t heard that language in so long!”
Remus froze, and for once he decided to bear the pain to lift up half his body from the hole he had hidden himself in so he could get a better look at the cave entrance where Virgil was hovering.
That was an eldritch.
Virgil darted in front of the eldritch protectively and glared down his nose at Remus, lips pulled back farther over fangs he couldn’t usually cover anyway.
”I said you can’t over excited before he could look,” he hissed.
Remus paid him no mind, using one of his tendrils to push Virgil out of the way and three more to drag his aching body forward to look at the eldritch who hadn’t stopped grinning.
Why was he grinning? Remus was easily twenty times the size of a regular male eldritch, the mers he ate having boosted his size over the last hundred or so years.
His voice was prettier than any siren song Remus had ever heard. He wasn’t entirely sure how that was possible.
Remus glanced towards Virgil, taking a brief note of his irritation, before he looked back towards the eldritch and reached out with his hand.
And then he hissed at the effort of keeping his body where it was and sunk back into the darkness. He kept his eyes locked on the pale blue of his body, forcing his breathing to stay even through the ache of his ribs and the stabbing pain where he’d been harpooned by one of Pryce’s poison spines.
The damned poison on those things were so potent, it’s probably why he was taking so long to heal. Though… with another eldritch to heal him he might be able to get out sooner.
It’s been a long two hundred years. Remus would love to have a bit of freedom back.
The tiny eldritch, and really he was small even for a male, looking more like an octo-mer than an eldritch, allowed himself to float down into the hole.
His glow reminded Remus of the shallow waters closer to where the humans lived. And as he sank closer, Remus remained entirely still (or… as still as he could be, when some of his tendrils tended to move on their own).
”I’m Ayoda, but I’ve taken to being called Patton so other mers can actually pronounce it, Virgil talked a lot about you on our way here!”
”Don’t tell him that!” Virgil hissed from his perch, peeking over the edge of the rock to glower at Remus.
Remus didn’t look away from Patton, tilting his head in curiosity as his fingers ghosted over the wound to keep one of his more active limbs from sliming it with stink. He didn’t notice the strange look Virgil gave him before he slithered out of the ext hole he usually used.
Patton meanwhile batted away both Remus’ tendrils and his hands so he could get a good at look at the wound in his side, not once showing fear even when Remus growled low in his throat on instinct when he poked at the infected flesh.
”You’re the eldritch they drove out of the community twenty years ago, aren’t you?” Patton asked, looking up at Remus with a coy smile that had him tensing and curious at the same time.
”It was two hundred,” he corrected, hissing harshly when Patton’s fingers slipped a claw poked into the sensitive flesh underneath the rotted skin that had yet to fall off.
”Was it? I have a hard time remembering how human years work, how’d you get the timeline down?” he asked, clearly not at all sorry for causing the pain he had.
Remus felt a fluttering in his chest, he ignored it in favor of reaching out to grab Patton’s face with one hand, squishing his cheeks between his fingers and pulling him close to get a better look.
He giggled.
“If you want me to work on helping you heal,” he started in a more common mer language that Remus had learned ages ago to lure meals into his cave before Virgil came along, “you have to let me go.”
But Remus didn’t want to let him go. He was chubby and soft and cute, he liked feeling his skin under his fingers.
”Remus?” Patton asked, making Remus blink and pull away his hand.
He stared down at it in confusion, his brows furrowed and a frown tugging at his lips.
”You know who I am, you know I have no issues eating our own kind to get stronger, why aren’t you scared?” he finally asked, gently poking Patton’s soft belly with a clawed finger.
Patton winced, but his grin didn’t fall as he gently pushed Remus’ finger away and held his hand over the small cut his claw had made.
”I’m not afraid because I was also run out of the community. It may not be smart but I feel solidarity and even if you do decide you want to eat me I’m perfectly capable of fighting you off long enough to get away.”
There was a snort from Virgil in a different area of the cave, and for once Remus didn’t try to figure out where it was so he could pull the siren down for a snack.
He was a little more invested in the tiny eldritch and the history he clearly had.
Patton looked in the vague direction Virgil’s laugh had come from, then shrugged and moved back to paying attention to the wound in Remus’ side.
”Why were you thrown out? And why aren’t you hurt?” Remus asked, shifting his arm out of the way to let Patton look, staring at him and hissing when he used his claws to start tearing off rotted and infected flesh.
He sighed, pausing in his work to look up at Remus before he lifted the flesh he’d just torn off and he took a bite.
That fluttering in his chest was back, and this time it was a thundering and it didn’t fade. The glow from his blush lit up Patton’s visage, and Remus could swear he was blushing as well.
”I started eating our dead. The benefits work differently with caregivers, but I found my healing magic started getting stronger. And my body started changing to be a bit more masculine. I thought there wasn’t an issue with it, the elders thought differently.”
Patton seemed like he was going to keep talking, but he interrupted himself with a yelp and his glowing blush grew so much stronger.
It took Remus a second to realize it was because one of his wandering tendrils had started snaking itself up Patton’s body in an intimate way it shouldn’t with an eldritch he’d just met.
Fuck if he didn’t want to let it keep going though, Patton was interesting and pretty and Remus was finding himself more and more enthralled the more time went on.
”Well!” Patton giggled, grinning at Remus as he untangled the tendril and clutched it to his chest while it squirmed.
”Did your body just try and mate with him?” Virgil asked, making Remus look up to see him holding a very large chunk of fat over to his ledge and giving him a mocking look.
”If you don’t want to be between my teeth instead of the fat you’d best shut your bauble fish jaws,” Remus snapped, his embarrassment increasing when Virgil only laughed.
Patton giggled at that, and oh.
…Remus didn’t think he was going to eat this one.
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
What to do after death; Vampirism
Preface -
I feel the name says it all.
But, I will elaborate anyhow.
I don’t intend on becoming a Vampire, at all. It’s a raw deal and one-way passage into a hell of my own making.
I suspect should I actively pursue becoming a Vampire I will lose my soul to damnation. Vampire’s are often the results of the foulest of magic and consorting with satanic entities with depraved offerings or just as often the results of those black souled individuals who find happiness in the torment of others. If I am not planning on becoming a Vampire, why I am I making this list?
Easy, it pays to be prepared. Just because I don’t seek undeath doesn’t protect me from being turned against my will. I am of the belief, once you have become a Vampire against your will you die and lose your soul, leaving a husk behind. A husk that has all your memories, personality, and desires, but none of the restraint, humanity or compassion. A sociopath with supernatural powers and a need for life essence of others to maintain my own parasitic existence.
I am making the list to give myself direction after death so as to prevent as much suffering as I can, and if possible, try and help humanity grow.
I can only hope my husk listens to my will.
My family is well armed otherwise, they will do what must be done, as I would do for them.
The List
Step One - Leave home, let’s not take any chances hurting my loved ones, or former loved ones, I owe them that much.
a) Construct a note though, tell them all how much they meant to me and why I am leaving, be through and leave nothing out, but don’t tell them where I am headed. Leave the code-word I have with our elder brother so he understands and tell him he’s free to what I leave behind.
b) Make a pack, get one of our knives in there and get a gun. Get some blankets so I can cover-up during the day, actually many blankets and some stones so that they’ll be weighted down. This is a temporary solution however.
c) Empty my bank account as much as possible. Cash and coin will be more beneficial if I’m going off the grid.
d) Leave town.
Step Two - Head north and head to a bigger city
a) Buy a sleeping bag and tent at the closest opportunity.
b) Keep an ear to the ground, find out who can go missing and people would be thankful that their gone. Pick my targets carefully, never more than one person at a time and always when their not expecting it, I’m a predator I should act like it. I might have supernatural powers, but I can’t be prepared for everything and people will know my weakness if I get found out.
c) Aim for the scum of the earth, get rid of them, but not until I have conclusive evidence. But, when I do have it, it’s feeding time, make sure to take their valuables, will need it for future plans.
d) Do that for about a month and move on, can’t stay anywhere for too long. But, before we leave buy a couple books on architecture, vampires, morals and ethics, stone-working, physics, building ect. We’re going to need it.
e) Find out if I can sustain our-self off animal blood.
Step Three - Rinse and Repeat. Go from city to city in our state till I’ve cleaned out what I can. Hopefully I’ll have a duffel-bag of money and valuables, along with those books.
a) Study those books. Find out what kind of vampire I am, make sure I learn about building castles.
b) Take some time to practice building.
c) Practice hunting; Hunt some animals to drink their blood if that helps, practice skinning and chopping up the parts. Donate the meat if I can, or leave at a poor home, they probably won’t be able to afford throwing it away.
d) Learn about interior decoration.
e) Get some better guns, drop off the gun we borrowed from our family along with a chunk of changes, leave them another note that we’re doing fine.
Step Four - Time to move. By the time I’ve hit this step I should have hit all the large towns, which depending we’re counting above or below ten thousand as a big town could take us from anywhere three years to around four if I cut off at nine thousand in population for a big town. It’s hard to say how much money I’ll have at this point, but It must be at least ten thousand dollars at a minimum if I’ve spent all my time eating, murdering, and robbing scum of the earth at least once a month for three to four years.
a) Head north. I need to get to Detroit. That place is so crime ridden no will notice a vampire. If there already vampires there leave, go find another crime-ridden hell-hole. I assume vampires get stronger, or at least craftier with age, I am not fucking with any old monsters.
b) On the way there repeat the Step three on any big cities on the way there, cover my tracks.
c) Make sure to pawn off what I can. Invest in urban camo and a bullet-resistant vest.
d) Keep practicing stone masonry, and improve my gun skills. I don’t need to chase anyone down if they can run, plus I can suck the blood from the wounds, it’ll be like a water fountain.
e) Read that book on physics and other science books, I am playing the long game, look into magic too. Nothing is better than magic or science than knowing the rules to both. Don’t fuck with demon’s though.
Step Five - Settle down for a while and then move again, once I get to my crime-ridden hellhole of my choice take some time to start eliminating the seedy elements. If not, start going for the low hanging fruit, I can’t help everybody, but I can help somebody.
a) Find some random kid and become their guardian, a great way to kill time probably.
   ai.) By guardian, I don’t mean parent, I’m talking more guardian spirit. A vampire rasing a child is a recipe for disaster.
   aii.) Don’t get too attached though, after their in a good place leave. I’m not       doing it for good, I’m doing it to maintain a little humanity.
b) By now I should have enough to fund a new identity and since I now live in a corrupt hell-hole it should be easy to enter the system. If I don’t have enough money, then attain it. Don’t try and intimidate anybody just yet me, I don’t have enough influence yet and it’ll just end up screwing me over.
c) Buy an actually house, fake a life for about ten years, then move to another corrupt hell-hole. Start saving valuable, no, start a war found, we’re going to need it.
Step Six - Start prepping for the End. Humanity has conflict in it’s blood, it’s only a matter of time before we go nuclear. Use the funds we have to buy some land in the mountains. Use the stone masonry skills and architect skills I’ve attained over the last several decades to build a fortified castle with space age materials.
a) Create a underground vault for my mortals.
b) Install anti-air defenses, install ground defences, booby-trap my land.
c) Creating a sustainable area for farming if possible, if not work on making sustainable green houses.
d) Start preserving all of human history, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Movies, games, books, porn, all of it. It needs to be preserves. Put it all in the vault. Record all the science, by hand if neccasary.
e) Start stealing relics so that they can be preserved by me. I am definitely going Trazyn the Infinite.
f) Start recruiting people for my cause, screen each and every one.
g) Put my room at the top of the mountain with as long stair case as possible, If these fuckers want to kill me while I sleep I want them to have leg cramps while they do it. Also put booby trap my coffin room.
Step Seven - Rebuilding Society or keep playing the waiting game. If the world has torn itself apart, I will then do what I feel is the best choice. Create bio-augmented techno-knights, or not. 
a) Hopefully decades of research on physics, matter, and engineering will allow me to create powered armor knights, but if not, just keep researching.
b) Make a secret castle deeper into the mountains no one else can reach without significant resources, or supernatural abilities. Start moving my lab, my vault, my copies of human history and media, plus my stored blood there.
c) When I finally succeed leave my first castle to my servants and teach them what I have to offer, leave them the blue prints for becoming techno-knights and leave. I no longer have a place among men or their future, I will merely safeguard the past and record it.
d) Go to my new castle and spend eternity studies reality and building more castles.
Afterword: The probability of me becoming a vampire is close to zero, and the idea of my soul-less husk following is these steps is even less, but should it work it will have been worth it.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
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Day 7: Euphoria Fairy Tail World Pairing: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser Series: Fairy Tail
“Can’t believe we are having a hard time finishing these morons.” fussed Gray as he froze the ground beneath around five to six thugs.
 “Well, there are a number of them.” reasoned Lucy who just Lucy-roundkick-house a pervert hanging on her leg. It was a new trick she mastered. Well, an upgrade on her ‘Lucy-kick’.
 Behind the two young mages, a certain Fire-Dragon Slayer just jumped into the air and roared a giant fire that eliminated around fifteen faceless hooligans that were approaching, including a number of merchant stalls and private houses.
 And behind the destructive Fire Dragon Slayer was the catastrophe made from hell – Titania, the Queen of the Fairies.
It wasn’t looking good for Team Natsu. They managed to finish the job but not without a big chunk of deduction from the reward; all thanks to the destructive duo. Gray helped too. Some things just didn’t change.
 Lucy hanged her head low as she profusely apologized to the Mayor of the City of Denish. He waved her concern but still insisted on the deduction to reimburse the destroyed church bell, a few angry merchants and angrier Denish citizens.
 The mayor had one of those non-threatening smiles and a bubbly personality. His belly was round and protruding, as if he’d been left in the kitchen for far too long. His eyes were so small like just two dots put on a very large face canvass. Gray couldn’t place where he’s seen the man before until he remembered talking to him when he and Juvia went to Denish for one of their dat-er, missions. Gray visibly changed his expression as he tried to correct himself – one of their missions.
 “Here,” the likeable leader placed a tray of beverage on the coffee table before Team Natsu. “Why don’t you help yourselves with this city’s finest tea?”
 Gray almost smacked his own head at his teammate’s, he wasn’t going to name names – Natsu’s – lack of manners when the Fire Dragon Slayer grabbed the cup and downed the tea in one audible gulp. Then, asked for more.
 What an embarrassing fellow.
 Gray stared at his cup for a moment, crossing his legs, like he was some kind of an English noble man participating in a tea party. But the ice-mage was feeling a little bit strange about the hot beverage. His eyes squinted at the few green particles floated around the light brown water.
 “What’s in this?” asked he.
 The mayor quickly responded, “Denish’s best export product.”
 If it was an exported product then Gray assumed it was safe for consumption. He pushed away his apprehensions and, along with his other teammates, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy and little Wendy, the six of them took a sip of Denish’s best tea.
 “This is quite tasty.” commented Lucy and asked for another pour. Her high society was showing since Lucy actually came from a rich family.
 The two boys, staying true to their nature, turned the entire tea-drinking into some kind of competition. They wanted to know who could finish the entire strawberry shortcake first but Erza Scarlet was guarding it – guarding it with her life.
 They enjoyed the hospitality so much – too much to notice sinister smile that crept up on the Mayor’s lips. Now, things would get really interesting.
 Juvia was slumped on the table, pouting next to Gajeel, who was apparently reading a book about parenting.
 “When is Gray-sama coming back?” asked Juvia, not actually looking for an answer to her question.
 “Never.” But Gajeel still answered her, not taking away his focused eyes on the page.
 Juvia bolted up to scold the Iron Dragon Slayer; her hands were balled into fists at either side, smoke coming out of her ears.
 “That’s not true, Gajeel-kun!” Juvia turned red denying it. “Gray-sama told Juvia to wait for him patiently.”
 Gajeel knew he needed to take back what he said. Otherwise, Rain Woman would be wailing at him the whole day. Which would be really annoying. But getting a rise from her was helluvan entertainment. Rain Woman was so concentrated at flailing her hands at him that she didn’t notice the playful grin behind ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’.
 And if he told her she should wait for him patiently then what the hell was she complaining about every day?
 The door to the guild building busted open, spitting out the man of Juvia’s dreams. But what did he just say? Or sing for that matter?
 Gajeel’s face was pulled into a confused and appalled expression, but mostly appalled – extremely horrified. Did Earthland decide to screw itself up and turn upside down? Because Gajeel didn’t get the memo. Juvia, on the other hand, wasn’t as bothered as he was. Little did he know, it wasn’t the first time Gray called her that.
 “Ah, there she is.” said Gray, who stopped near a dumbfounded group of Fairy Tail mages, to point at his ‘Juvia-sama’.
 He looked like he was in a daze, so over the moon, that nothing could ruin his mood. A fool’s grin plastered across his stupid-looking face.
 “There’s my Juvia-sama.”
 He made his way to the water-mage, who was feeling happy but at the same time a bit concerned with the way the ice-mage was walking up to her. He was swaying and stumbling every now and then. Gray lost his coat, shirt and eventually, his pants in the process; which was nothing new to Juvia.
 Before Gray could hurt herself trying and failing at walking, Juvia ran up to the ice-mage make to throw the widest and warmest embrace, until he beat her to it.
 “Juvin!” a cute little yelp escaped Juvia’s lips as she was enclosed in Gray’s embrace. But Gray went for it, his face buried and nestled between her generous breasts.
 “Juvia-sama’s so soft.”
 She gasped when the unabashed devil slayer snuggled comfortably against her chest.
 “You warm me up all over.”
 Juvia wanted to melt, literally, at Gray’s display of affection. But most of all she was a little bit confused. What did he mean by ‘warming him up all over’? Juvia didn’t care. Even if every pair of eyes were glued to them. Even if every jaw in that hall needed some picking up.
 But there was one common notion running inside every one’s head: finally, Gray came around.
 It was Erza who explained Gray’s unusual behavior. Apparently, she only finished one cup of the mysterious tea, allowing her to Erza quickly overcome the effect of the Euphoria concoction. She didn’t even want to remember what she did under that hypnotic state. Lucy and Wendy were next to get around Euphoria’s effects. She wasn’t sure about Natsu though and the Gray Fullbuster clinging on Juvia like a cuddly koala.
 “They’re under the feeling of extreme bliss.”
 “Extreme bliss?”
 “Yes. It’s the effect of Euphoria.”
 At that point, everyone was just repeating what the Requip Mage said, causing her patience to thin a little bit.
 “Yes. It’s some kind of substance extracted from a plant grown in Denish.” lectured Erza. “It can be consumed directly or added as an ingredient in food or drink.” Erza continued retelling the crowd what happened. “The Mayor must have added them in our drinks. That’s why they are acting like that.” pointed Erza out, embarrassed at what her two comrades were doing.
 “Juvia-chan.” purred Gray. “Juvia-chaaaaaan.” He stretched out the suffix thinking it was cute.
 “Yes, Gray-sama?”
 For Juvia, it was. For Erza? Meh.
 It was obvious how happy Juvia was about Gray showing so much affection towards her. As a matter of fact, the man currently bear-hugging her from behind, never left her side since this morning. She never thought that, in the actual world, Gray had that side of him.
 There was a tug in her heart knowing it wasn’t going to last. Good things often didn’t. Once the effects of Euphoria wore off, Gray’s going to return to his normal self. She didn’t hate that but she would surely miss affectionate Gray-sama who wasn’t shy to show it off – to show her off.
 Gray snuggled up to her, burying her nose in that area where the neck and shoulders met.
 “Juvia-chan smells so good.” whispered Gray, full of love.
 Erza, feeling a little bit exhausted with Gray’s out-of-character cuteness, and honestly, a little bit jealous, hit the doting Gray at the back of his head, scolding him to let go of Juvia for a moment.
 The Requip Mage wasn’t met with a complaint or a violent reaction. She preferred either of the two, instead of what she was receiving from the lovesick fool.
 “Does Erza-san want some hug too?” asked Gray but he didn’t let her respond. “Come here.”
Erza froze in her place as Gray was approaching her, arms wide open, eyes round and shining like a cat’s. She wanted to either punch him or kick him in the balls but she couldn’t move a muscle. The more he was inching towards her, the more Erza felt paralyzed.
 “G-g-gray-sama could just keep holding Juvia.”
 Blue filled Erza’s vision. She wasn’t staring at the approaching Gray but of Juvia getting enfolded in Gray’s embrace. Erza visibly sighed in relief, regaining her motor skills. She repentantly realized that adorable Gray was paralyzing, just like the cute exceed Frosch.
 “Oi, Lucy. Lucyyyy.” sang the Fire Dragon Slayer, just behind Erza, snatching her full attention.
 Lucy and Juvia were treating the problem differently; one was enjoying it, seizing the day, while the other was, well…
 “When will this end?” complained the Celestial mage as she tried to fend off Natsu’s unwelcomed hugs. In the end she gave up and just let him be.
 “Well,” Erza cleared her throat after composing herself. “we already surrendered the Mayor to the Magic Council.” She threw the ice-make mage a nervous glance, more aptly prepared and on-guard for when Gray attacks with his cuteness and free hugs again. “Since, they’re not a threat,” she began, pointing at the two bold mages who kept flirting with their women. Erza could feel blood rising and she was starting to doubt her own decision. “I guess we just need to wait for the effects to wear out.”
 “Oi, flame breath! Stop staring at my honey!” The ice-make mage barked at the culprit. “She’s mine!” exclaimed he as Gray pulled Juvia in a possessive embrace. “All mine!”
 “I’m not staring at her, droopy eyes!” denied Natsu. “I have my own. See?” The Dragon-Slayer tightened his embrace around Lucy too, short of a choke. So, rather than being romantic, Lucy begged for her life.
 “Erza, help me!”
 “Erm… Gray-sama should stop following Juvia.”
 “But Gray-sama��s going to miss Juvia-chan.” complained Gray as he followed her around like a teddy bear with a goofy smile plastered over his goofy face.
 Juvia twitched. Since when did Gray-sama referred to himself in third person?
 “But Juvia-chan, erm, Juvia is just going to the bathroom.”
 Gray stopped in his tracks as an idea hit him. Whether it was good or bad, that remained debatable.
 “Then, Gray-sama will wait outside the door.”
 Exasperation hang Juvia’s head low. “Gray-sama should just stop calling himself Gray-sama.” That would be weird if that would stick with Gray even if Euphoria wore out.
 “Whatever Juvia-chan would say, Gray-sama will follow.”
 “But Juvia-chan, ah no! Juvia. Juvia just told him not to call himself Gray-sama.” complained Juvia to herself.
 But this little incident did the couple some good too.
 Even after how many years that she knew Gray, Juvia was surprised to discover new things about the ice-make mage: just like how Gray loved it when Juvia gently scratch or pat his head or play with his stubborn hair. How he liked to hug Juvia from behind and brush his lips against her shoulders. How he would always say how much he loved her smell and bury his nose in that area where the neck and shoulders met. Those are things she would never hear him say or see him do in a million years. Juvia treasured those moments.
 That afternoon, when Gray walked Juvia to her dormitory, the water mage could sense that the effects of Euphoria was waning. Gray’s goofy smile became a memory and the reservation in his eyes returned. Time was up. A voice was telling Juvia, before Juvia lost this opportunity, before this day ended, Juvia should kiss Gray.
 She stopped in her tracks without saying a word, pulling Gray, who was holding her hand tightly, to a halt.
 “A-a-ano.” Juvia hesitantly released Gray’s hand to spin around and face him. “J-j-juvia… Juvia wanted to do something.”
 She peeked through her lashes to see Gray’s reaction. The goofy smile he worn since this morning was reduced into a small curve. Her stomach took a tumble and her nerves were making her rethink what she was about to do. But the voice kept growing louder. Kiss him, now. His no non-sense demeanor made her hesitate but if she wouldn’t do it now, just like what the voice said, who knew when she would be able to kiss Gray? If it would even happen. So, Juvia mustered all her courage, shut her eyes close and puckered her lips to prepare for the kiss. She rose to her balls and leaned into Gray.
 But in the end, Juvia just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t take advantage of Gray-sama’s condition. It wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right.
 “Ah,” Juvia opened her eyes to meet Gray’s confused gaze. She lowered her head, heart sinking in sadness. “Juvia couldn’t do it, after all.”
 She raised her gaze to bravely face Gray. “Gray-sama isn’t in his right mind and it would be wrong for Juv-mmm.”
 Gray stepped forward and cut Juvia’s words with a firm kiss.
 The contact initially stunned Juvia. She wondered if it was really happening. If her mind was just playing games with her. Until, she couldn’t think anymore. In the end, she chose to relish in the moment. She closed her eyes and indulged herself in the warm and soft press of Gray’s lips.
 Gray was repulsed. His stomach took an ugly turn. As he listened to every tale of his drug-induced Euphoria, Gray shrunk in embarrassment.
 “At one point, you even called Juvia honey!”
 “H-h-honey?!” Gray turned to Juvia for confirmation and the water-mage nodded in response.
 At that moment, Gray felt a lot of things: he felt like living under a rock, bury himself six-feet under the ground or just hit the Fire Dragon Slayer who was taking so much pleasure from Gray getting tangled in that hot mess.
 “Don’t act so high and mighty.” It was Carla, Wendy’s Exceed, who reprimanded Natsu. “You were clinging on Lucy too.”
 “Huh? But I do that everyday.”
 “As much as I’d like to deny it, I can’t.” The Celestial Mage was resigned to her fate.
 It was true. There was nothing new about Natsu invading Lucy’s space – personal or otherwise. Carla gave up in the end and continued hovering over the group of eight. Team Natsu hit the road to their next mission, which required the participation of one water-mage.
 Gray fell behind, still processing the fact that yesterday he acted cute and, dared he say it, lovey-dovey. How could he face Juvia now with all the skinship he forced on her?
 “Gray-sama even kissed Juvia.” murmured Juvia. She didn’t even intend for anyone to hear.
 Gray let his teammates get a head start and logged behind with Juvia. She was looking down on the pavement, smiling at what seemed to be a memory. But the memory was bittersweet. Juvia was smiling but her eyes were telling another story. Gray knew why. Yesterday may have been a dream come true for Juvia. But just like dreams, she had to wake up from it. A part of Gray hated himself, for always holding back, for always finding excuses not to dive in, fall down head first.
 “I remember.”
 Juvia stopped dead in her tracks, frozen in place. Gray must have noticed that Juvia wasn’t by his side anymore.  He stopped and turned to check on her. Juvia slowly raised her gaze from the pavement and tentatively met Gray’s eyes.
 “W-what did Gray-sama say?”
 He might not be able to let himself dive in, but it was time for Gray to be brave enough to at least stand at the edge.
 “I said, I remember.”
 And maybe test the waters.
 Gray spun around and began walking, leaving a dumbfounded Juvia still rooted in her place. She called after him, asking if what she heard was true, that he remembered the kiss – the one she started but Gray finished.
 Gray didn’t heed her calls and continued on his path, a foolish smile playing on his lips. Of course, he remembered. That was one moment he couldn’t forget from that drug-induced euphoric state. Maybe, it was the only moment he could remember crystal clear. He could still feel the ghost of Juvia’s lips pressed against his – soft, warm and right. It just felt right.
 And if he was being honest, no other euphoria could compare the moment he claimed that kiss.
Writer’s Corner: Day 7 huh? We’re finally here. WE. ARE. FINALLY. HERE. Last time I joined Gruvia Week I wasn’t able to finish my last day entry. But here we are. I’m glad that despite the fact that the anime and the manga ended a long time ago, the fandom still tries to keep this alive. I have to admit, I was expecting a more active fandom, I don’t blame you. I’m just happy that I was able to practice writing for my first and favorite manga ship. 
I would like to thank @gruviaweek for hosting this event every year. I may just be able to join annually now that I’m about to graduate from law school and I hope that you guys will still be around by that time. More power to you!
And for my fellow Gruvians, I have a lot of stories in store for you. As I’ve said before, I thrive in AU. AU is my thing. So, even if I don’t have a good grasp of the manga or the characters, be confident that I will continue writing. Gruvia is my muse. I may be writing with different characters in mind, but they will be the couple I will imagine as I write them. Let’s keep this fandom alive.  Send me some of that lovin’. #GruviaForever
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grigori77 · 4 years
Summer 2020′s Movies - My Top Ten Favourite Films (Part 2)
10.  BODY CAM – in the face of the current pandemic, viral outbreak cinema has become worryingly prescient lately, but as COVID led to civil unrest there were a couple of films in this summer that REALLY seemed to me to put their finger on the pulse of another particularly shitty zeitgeist.  Admittedly this one highlights a problem that’s been around for a good while, but it came along at just the right time to gain particularly strong resonance, filtering its message into the most reliable form of allegorical social commentary – horror.  The vengeful ghost trope has become pretty familiar over the past decade or so, but by marrying it with the corrupt cop thriller veteran horror screenwriter Nicholas McCarthy (The Pact) has given it a nice fresh spin, and the end result was, for me, a real winner.  Mary J. Blige plays troubled LAPD cop Renee Lomito-Smith, back on the beat after an extended hiatus following a particularly harrowing incident, just as fellow officers from her own precinct begin to die violent deaths under mysterious circumstances, and the only clues are weird, haunting camera footage that only Renee and her new partner, rookie Danny Holledge (Paper Towns and Death Note’s Natt Wolff), manage to see before it inexplicable wipes itself.  Something supernatural is stalking the City of Angels at night, and it’s got a serious grudge against local cops as the increasingly disturbing investigation slowly brings an act of horrific police brutality to light, until Renee no longer knows who in her department she can trust.  This is one of the most insidious scare-fests I’ve enjoyed so far this year, sophomore director Malik Vitthal (Imperial Dreams) weaving an effective atmosphere of pregnant dread and wire-taut suspense while delivering some impressively hair-raising shocks (the stunning minimart sequence is the film’s undeniable highlight), while the ghostly threat is cleverly thought-out and skilfully brought to “life”.  Blige delivers another top-drawer performance, giving Renee a winning combination of wounded fragility and steely resolve that makes for a particularly compelling hero, while Wolff invests Danny with skittish uncertainty and vulnerability in one of his strongest performances to date, and Dexter star David Zayas brings interesting moral complexity to the role of their put-upon superior, Sergeant Kesper.  In these times of heightened social awareness, when the police’s star has become particularly tarnished as unnecessary force, racial profiling and cover-ups have become major hot-button topics, the power and relevance of this particular slice of horror cinema cannot be denied.
9.  BLOOD QUANTUM – it certainly has been a great year for horror, and for most of the summer this was the genre leader, a compellingly fresh take on the zombie outbreak genre with a killer hook.  Canadian writer-director Jeff Barnaby (Rhymes for Young Ghouls) has always clung close to his Native American roots, and he brings strong social relevance to the intriguing early 80s Canadian setting as a really nasty zombie virus wreaks havoc in the Red Crow Indian Reservation and its neighbouring town.  It soon becomes clear, however, that members of the local tribe are immune to the infection, a revelation with far-reaching consequences as the outbreak rages unchecked and society begins to crumble.  Barnaby pulls off some impressive world-building and creates a compellingly grungy post-apocalyptic vibe as the story progresses, while the zombies themselves are a visceral, scuzzy bunch, and there’s plenty of cracking set-pieces and suitably full-blooded kills to keep the gore-hounds happy, while the horror has real intelligence behind it, the script posing interesting questions and delivering some uncomfortable answers.  The characters, meanwhile, are a well-drawn, complex bunch, no black-and-white saviours among them, any one of them capable of some pretty inhuman horrors when the chips are down, and the cast, an interesting mix of seasoned talent and unknowns, all excel in their roles – Michale Greyeyes (Fear the Walking Dead) and Forrest Goodluck (The Revenant) are the closest things the film has to real heroes, the former a fallible everyman as Traylor, the small-town sheriff who’s just trying to do right by his family, the latter unsure of himself as his son, put-upon teenage father-to-be Joseph; meanwhile, Olivia Scriven is tough but vulnerable as his pregnant white girlfriend Charlie, Stonehorse Lone Goeman is a grizzled badass as tough-as-nails tribal elder Gisigu, and Kiowa Gordon (probably best known for playing a werewolf in the Twilight movies) really goes to the dark side as Joseph’s delinquent half-brother Lysol, while there’s a memorably subtle turn from Dead Man’s Gary Farmer as unpredictable loner Moon.  This is definitely one of the year’s darkest films – by and large playing the horror straight, it tightens the screws as the situation grows steadily worse, and almost makes a virtue of wallowing in its hopeless tone – but there’s a fatalistic charm to all the bleakness, even in the downbeat yet tentatively hopeful climax, while it’s hard to deny the ruthless efficiency of the violence on display. This certainly isn’t a horror movie for everyone, but those with a strong stomach and relatively hard heart will find much to enjoy here.  Jeff Barnaby is definitely gonna be one to watch in the future …  
8.  PALM SPRINGS – the summer’s comedy highlight kind of snuck in under the radar, becoming something of an on-demand secret weapon with all the cinemas closed, and it definitely deserves its swiftly growing cult status.  You certainly can’t possibly believe it’s the feature debut of director Max Barbakow, who shows the kind of sharp-witted, steady-handed control of his craft that’s usually the province of far more experienced talents … then again, much of the credit must surely go to seasoned TV comedy writer Andy Siara (Lodge 49), for whom this has been a real labour of love he’s been tending since his film student days.  Certainly all that care, nurture and attention to detail is up there on the screen, the exceptional script singing its irresistible siren song from the start and providing fertile ground for its promising new director to spread his own creative wings.  The premise may be instantly familiar – playing like a latter-day Saturday Night Live take on Groundhog Day (Siara admits it was a major influence), it follows the misadventures of Sarah (How I Met Your Mother’s Cristin Miliota), the black sheep maid of honour at her sweet little sister Tala’s (Riverdale’s Camila Mendes) wedding to seemingly perfect hunk Abe (Supergirl’s Superman, Tyler Hoechlin), as she finds herself repeating the same high-stress day over and over again after being trapped in a mysterious cosmic time-loop along with slacker misanthrope Nyles (Brooklyn Nine Nine megastar Andy Samberg), who’s been stuck in this same situation for MUCH longer – but in Barbakow and Siara’s hands it feels fresh and intriguing, and goes in some surprising new directions before the well-worn central premise can outstay its welcome.  It certainly doesn’t hurt that the cast are uniformly excellent – Miliota is certainly the pounding emotional heart of the film, effortlessly lovable as she flounders against her lot, then learns to accept the unique possibilities it presents, before finally resolving to find a way out, while Samberg has rarely been THIS GOOD, truly endearing in his sardonic apathy as it becomes clear he’s been stuck like this for CENTURIES, and they make an enjoyably fiery couple with snipey chemistry to burn; meanwhile there’s top-notch support from Mendes and Hoechlin, The OC’s Peter Gallagher as Sarah and Tala’s straight-laced father, the ever-reliable Dale Dickey, a thoroughly adorable turn from Jena Freidman and, most notably, a full-blooded scene-stealing performance from the mighty J.K. Simmonds as Roy, Nyles’ nemesis, who he inadvertently trapped in the loop before Sarah and is, understandably, none too happy about it.  This really is an absolute laugh-riot, today’s more post-modern sense of humour allowing the central pair (and their occasional enemy) to indulge in even more extreme consequence-free craziness than Bill Murray ever got away with back in the day, but like all the best comedies there’s also a strong emotional foundation under the humour, leading us to really care about these people and what happens to them, while the story throws moments of true heartfelt power at us, particularly in the deeply cathartic climax.  Ultimately this was one of the summer’s biggest surprises, a solid gold gem that I can’t recommend enough.
7.  THE LAST DAYS OF AMERICAN CRIME – the summer’s other heavyweight Zeitgeist fondler is a deeply satirical chunk of speculative dystopian sci-fi clearly intended as a cinematic indictment of Trump’s broken America, but it became far more potent and prescient in these … ahem … troubled times.  Adapted by screenwriter Karl Gadjusek (Oblivion, Stranger Things, The King’s Man) from the graphic novel by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini for underrated schlock-action cinema director Olivier Megaton (Transporter 3, Colombiana, the last two Taken films), this Netflix original feature seemed like a fun way to kill a cinema-deprived Saturday night in the middle of the Lockdown, but ultimately proved to have a lot more substance than expected.  It’s powered by an intriguing premise – in a nearly lawless 2024, the US government is one week away from implementing a nationwide synaptic blocker signal called the API (American Peace Initiative) which will prevent the public from being able to commit any kind of crime – and focuses on a strikingly colourful bunch of outlaw antiheroes with an audacious agenda – prodigious Detroit bank robber Bricke (Édgar Ramiréz) is enlisted by Kevin Cash (Funny Games and Hannibal’s Michael Carmen Pitt), a wayward scion of local crime family the Dumois, and his hacker fiancée Shelby Dupree (Material Girl’s Anna Brewster) to pull off what’s destined to be the last great crime in American history, a daring raid on the night of the signal to steal over a billion dollars from the Motor City’s “money factory” and then escape across the border into Canada.  From this deceptively simple premise a sprawling action epic was born, carried along by a razor sharp, twisty script and Megaton’s typically hyperbolic, showy auteur directing style and significant skill at crafting thrillingly explosive set-pieces, while the cast consistently deliver quality performances.  Ramiréz has long been one of those actors I really love to watch, a gruff, quietly intense alpha male whose subtle understatement hides deep reserves of emotional intensity, while Dupree takes a character who could have been a thinly-drawn femme fetale and invests her with strong personal drive and steely resolve, and there’s strong support from Neil Blomkampf regulars Sharlto Copley and Brandon Auret as, respectively, emasculated beat cop Sawyer and brutal Mob enforcer Lonnie French, as well as a nearly unrecognisable Patrick Bergin as local kingpin (and Kevin’s father) Rossi Dumois; the film is roundly stolen, however, by Pitt, a phenomenal actor I’ve always thought we just don’t see enough of, here portraying a spectacularly sleazy, unpredictable force of nature who clearly has his own dark agenda, but whom we ultimately can’t help rooting for even as he stabs us in the back.  This is a cracking film, a dark and dangerous thriller of rare style and compulsive verve that I happily consider to be Megaton’s best film to date BY FAR – needless to say it was a major hit for Netflix when it dropped, clearly resonating with its audience given what’s STILL going on in the real world, and while it may have been roundly panned in reviews I think, like some of the platform’s other more glossy Original hits (Bright springs to mind), it’s destined for a major critical reappraisal and inevitable cult status before too long …
6.  HAMILTON – arriving just as Black Lives Matter reached fever-pitch levels, this feature presentation of the runaway Broadway musical smash-hit could not have been better timed.  Shot over three nights during the show’s 2016 run with the original cast and cut together with specially created “setup shots”, it’s an immersive experience that at once puts you right in amongst the audience (at times almost a character themselves, never seen but DEFINITELY heard) but also lets you experience the action up close.  And what action – it’s an incredible show, a thoroughly fascinating piece of work that reads like something very staid and proper on paper (an all-encompassing biographical account of the life and times of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton) but, in execution, becomes something very different and EXTREMELY vital.  The execution certainly couldn’t be further from the usual period biopic fare this kind of historical subject matter usually gets (although in the face of recent top-notch revisionist takes like Marie Antoinette, The Great and Tesla it’s not SO surprising), while the cast is not at all what you’d expect – with very few notable exceptions the cast is almost entirely people of colour, despite the fact that the real life individuals they’re playing were all very white indeed.  That said, every single one of them is an absolute revelation – the show’s writer-composer Lin-Manuel Miranda (already riding high on the success of In the Heights) carries the central role of Hamilton with effortless charm and raw star power, Leslie Odom Jr. (Smash, Murder On the Orient Express) is duplicitously complex as his constant nemesis Aaron Burr, Christopher Jackson (In the Heights, Moana, Bull) oozes integrity and nobility as his mentor and friend George Washington, Phillipa Soo is sweet and classy as his wife Eliza while Renée Elise Goldsberry (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Jacks, Altered Carbon) is fiery and statuesque as her sister Angelica Schuyler (the one who got away), and Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter) consistently steals every scene he’s in as fiendish yet childish fan favourite King George III; ultimately, however, the show (and the film) belongs to veritable powerhouse Daveed Diggs (Blindspotting, TV’s Snowpiercer) in a spectacular duel role, starting subtly but gaining scene-stealing momentum as French Revolutionary Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, before EXPLODING onto the stage in the second half as indomitable eventual American President Thomas Jefferson.  Not having seen the stage show, I was taken completely by surprise by this, revelling in its revisionist genius and offbeat, quirky hip-hop charm, spellbound by the skilful ease with which is takes the sometimes quite dull historical fact and skews it into something consistently entertaining and absorbing, transported by the catchy earworm musical numbers and thoroughly tickled by the delightfully cheeky sense of humour strung throughout (at least when I wasn’t having my heart broken by moments of raw dramatic power). Altogether it’s a pretty unique cinematic experience I wish I could have actually gotten to see on the big screen, and one I’ve consistently recommended to all my friends, even the ones who don’t usually like musicals.  As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t need a proper Les Misérables style screen adaptation – this is about as perfect a presentation as the show could possibly hope for.
5.  SPUTNIK – the summer’s horror highlight (despite SERIOUSLY tough competition) is a guaranteed sleeper hit that I almost totally missed, stumbling across the trailer one day on YouTube and being completely bowled over by its potential, prompting me to hunt it down by any means necessary.  The feature debut of Russian director Egor Abramenko, this first contact sci-fi chiller is about as far from E.T. as it’s possible to get, sharing some of the same DNA as Carpenter’s The Thing but proudly carving its own path with consummate skill and definitely signalling great things to come from its brand new helmer and relative unknown screenwriters Oleg Malovichko and Andrei Zolotarev.  Oksana Akinshina (probably best known in the West for her powerful climactic cameo in The Bourne Supremacy) is the beating heart of the film as neurophysiologist Tatyana Yuryevna Klimova, brought in to aid in the investigation in the Russian wilderness circa 1983 after an orbital research mission goes horribly wrong.  One of the cosmonauts dies horribly, while the other, Konstantin (The Duelist’s Pyotr Fyodorov) seems unharmed, but it quickly becomes clear that he’s now playing host to something decidedly extraterrestrial and potentially terrifying, and as Tatyana becomes more deeply embroiled in her assignment she comes to realise that her superiors, particularly mysterious Red Army project leader Colonel Semiradov (The PyraMMMid’s Fyodor Bondarchuk), have far darker plans for Konstantin and his new “friend” than she could ever imagine.  This is about as dark, intense and nightmarish as this particular sub-genre gets, a magnificently icky body horror that slowly builds its tension as we’re gradually exposed to the various truths and the awful gravity of the situation slowly reveals itself, punctuated by skilfully executed shocks and some particularly horrifying moments when the evils inflicted by the humans in charge prove to be far worse than anything the alien can do, while the ridiculously talented writers have a field day pulling the rug out from under us again and again, never going for the obvious twist and keeping us guessing right to the devastating ending, while the beautifully crafted digital creature effects are nothing short of astonishing and thoroughly creepy.  Akinshina dominates the film with her unbridled grace, vulnerability and integrity, the relationship that develops between Tatyana and Konstantin (Fyodorov delivering a beautifully understated turn belying deep inner turmoil) feeling realistically earned as it goes from tentatively wary to ultimately, tragically bittersweet, while Bondarchuk invests the Colonel with a subtly nuanced air of tarnished authority and restrained brutality that makes him one of my top screen villains for the year.  Guaranteed to go down as one of 2020’s great sleeper hits, I can’t speak of this film highly enough – it’s a genuine revelation, an instant classic for whom I’ll sing its praises for the remainder of the year and beyond, and I wish utmost success to all the creative talents involved in the future.  The Invisible Man still rules the roost in the year’s horror stakes, but this runs a VERY close second …
4.  GREYHOUND – when the cinemas closed back in March, the fate of many of the major summer blockbusters we’d been looking forward to was thrown into terrible doubt. Some were pushed back to more amenable dates in the autumn or winter, others knocked back a whole year to fill summer slots for 2021, but more than a few simply dropped off the radar entirely with the terrible words “postponed until further notice” stamped on them, and I lamented them all, this one in particular.  It hung in there longer than some, stubbornly holding onto its June release slot for as long as possible, but eventually it gave up the ghost too … but thanks to Apple TV+, not for long, ultimately releasing less than a month later than intended.  Thankfully the final film was worth the fuss, a taut World War II suspense thriller that’s all killer, no filler – set during the infamous Battle of the Atlantic, it portrays the constant life-or-death struggle faced by the Allied warships assigned to escort the transport convoys as they crossed the ocean, defending their charges from German U-boats.  Adapted from C.S. Forester’s famous 1955 novel The Good Shepherd by Tom Hanks and directed by Aaron Schneider (Get Low), the narrative focuses on the crew of the escort leader, American destroyer USS Fletcher, codenamed Greyhound, and in particular its captain, Commander Ernest Krause (Hanks), a career sailor serving his first command.  As they cross “the Pit”, the most dangerous mid stretch of the journey where they spend days without air-cover, they find themselves shadowed by “the Wolf Pack”, a particularly cunning group of German subs that begin to pick away at the convoy’s stragglers.  Faced with daunting odds, a dwindling supply of vital depth-charges and a ruthless, persistent enemy, Krause must make hard choices to bring his ships home safe … jumping into the thick of the action within the first ten minutes and maintaining that tension for the remainder of its trim 90-minute run, this is screen suspense par excellence, a sleek textbook example of how to craft a compelling big screen knuckle-whitener with zero fat and maximum reward, delivering a series of desperate naval scraps packed with hide-and-seek intensity, heart-in-mouth near-misses and fist-in-air cathartic payoffs by the bucket-load.  Hanks is subtly magnificent, the calm centre of the narrative storm as a supposed newcomer to this battle arena who could have been BORN for it, bringing to mind the similarly unflappable turn he delivered in Captain Phillips and certainly not suffering by comparison; by and large he’s the focus point, but other crew members do make strong (if sometimes quite brief) impressions, particularly Stephen Graham as Krause’s reliably seasoned XO, Lt. Commander Charlie Cole, The Magnificent Seven’s Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and Just Mercy’s Rob Morgan, while Elisabeth Shue does a lot with a very small part in brief flashbacks as Krause’s fiancée Evelyn.  Relentless, powerful, exhilarating and thoroughly unforgettable, this was one of the true action highlights of the summer, and one hell of a war flick.  I’m so glad it made the cut for the season …
3.  PROJECT POWER – with Marvel and DC pushing their tent-pole titles back into late autumn in the face of COVID, the usual superhero antics we’ve come to expect over the main blockbuster season were pretty thin on the ground, leading us to find our geeky fan thrills elsewhere.  Unfortunately, pickings were frustratingly slim – Korean comic book actioner Gundala was entertaining but workmanlike, while Thor AU-take Mortal was underwhelming despite strong direction from Troll Hunter’s André Øvredal, and I’ve already made my feelings clear on the frustration of The New Mutants – thank the Gods, then, for Netflix, once again riding to the rescue with this enjoyably offbeat super-thriller, which takes an intriguing central premise and really runs with it.  New designer drug Power has hit the streets of New Orleans, able to give anyone who takes it a superpower for five minutes … the only problem is, until you try it, you won’t know what your own unique talent is – for some, it could mean five minutes of invisibility, or insane levels of super-strength, but other powers can be potentially lethal, the really unlucky buggers just blowing up on the spot.  Robin (The Hate U Give’s Dominique Fishback) is a teenage Power-pusher with dreams of becoming a rap star, dealing the pills so she can help her diabetic mum; Frank Shaver (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is one of her customers, an NOPD detective who uses his power of near invulnerability to even the playing field when powered crims cause a disturbance.  Their lives are turned upside down when Art (Jamie Foxx) arrives in town – he’s a seriously badass ex-soldier determined to hunt down the source of Power by any means necessary, and he’s not above tearing the Big Easy apart to do it.  This is a fun, gleefully infectious  rollercoaster that doesn’t take itself too seriously, revelling in the anarchic potential of its premise and crafting some suitably OTT effects-driven chaos brought to pleasingly visceral fruition by its skilfully inventive director, Ariel Schulman (Catfish, Nerve, Viral), while Mattson Tomlin (the screenwriter of next year’s incendiary DCEU headline act The Batman) takes his script in some very interesting directions and poses some fascinating questions about what Power’s TRULY capable of.  Gordon-Levitt and Fishback are both brilliant, the latter particularly impressing in what’s sure to be a major breakthrough role for her, and the friendship their characters share is pretty adorable, while Foxx really is a force to be reckoned with, pretty chill even when he’s in deep shit but fully capable of turning into a bona fide killing machine at the flip of a switch, and there’s strong support from Westworld’s Rodrigo Santoro as Biggie, Power’s delightfully oily kingpin, Courtney B. Vance as Frank’s by-the-book superior, Captain Crane, Amy Landecker as Gardner, the morally bankrupt CIA spook responsible for the drug’s production, and Machine Gun Kelly as Newt, a Power dealer whose explosive pyrotechnic “gift” really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  Exciting, inventive, frequently amusing and infectiously likeable, this was some of the most uncomplicated “cinematic” fun I had this summer.  Not bad for something which I’m sure was originally destined to become one of the season’s B-list features …
2.  THE OLD GUARD – Netflix’s undisputable TOP OFFERING of the summer came damn close to bagging the whole season, and I can’t help thinking that even if some of the stiffer competition had still been present it may well have still finished this high. Gina Prince-Blythewood (Love & Basketball, the Secret Life of Bees) directs comics legend Greg Rucka’s adaptation of his own popular title with uncanny skill and laser-focused visual flair considering there’s nothing on her previous CV to suggest she’d be THIS good at mounting a stomping good ultraviolent action thriller, ushering in this thoroughly engrossing tale of four ancient, invulnerable immortal warriors – Andy AKA Andromache of Scythia (Charlize Theron), Booker AKA Sebastian de Livre (Matthias Schoenaerts), Joe AKA Yusuf Al-Kaysani (Wolf’s Marwan Kenzari) and Nicky AKA Niccolo di Ginova (Trust’s Luca Marinelli) – who’ve been around forever, hiring out their services as mercenaries for righteous causes while jealously guarding their identities for fear of horrific experimentation and exploitation should their true natures ever be discovered.  Their anonymity is threatened, however, when they’re uncovered by former CIA operative James Copley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), working for the decidedly dodgy pharmaceutical conglomerate run by sociopathic billionaire Steven Merrick (Harry Melling, formerly Dudley in the Harry Potter movies), who want to capture these immortals so they can patent whatever it is that makes them keep on ticking … just as a fifth immortal, US Marine Nile Freeman (If Beale Street Could Talk’s KiKi Layne), awakens after being “killed” on deployment in Afghanistan.  The supporting players are excellent, particularly Ejiofor, smart and driven but ultimately principled and deeply conflicted about what he’s doing, even if he does have the best of intentions, and Melling, the kind of loathsome, reptilian scumbag you just love to hate, but the film REALLY DOES belong to the Old Guard themselves – Schoenaerts is a master brooder, spot-on casting as the group’s relative newcomer, only immortal since the Napoleonic Wars but clearly one seriously old soul who’s already VERY tired of the lifestyle, while Joe and Nicky (who met on opposing sides of the Crusades) are simply ADORABLE, an unapologetically matter-of-fact gay couple who are sweet, sassy and incredibly kind, the absolute emotional heart of the film; it’s the ladies, however, that are most memorable here.  Layne is exceptional, investing Nile with a steely intensity that puts her in good stead as her new existence threatens to overwhelm her and MORE THAN qualified to bust heads alongside her elders … but it’s ancient Greek warrior Andy who steals the film, Theron building on the astounding work she did in Atomic Blonde to prove, once and for all, that there’s no woman on Earth who looks better kicking arse than her (as Booker puts it, “that woman has forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn”); in her hands, Andy truly is a goddess of death, tough as tungsten alloy and unflappable even in the face of hell itself, but underneath it all she hides a heart as big as any of her friends’. They’re an impossibly lovable bunch and you feel you could follow them on another TEN adventures like this one, which is just as well, because Prince-Blythewood and Rucka certainly put them through their paces here – the drama is high (but frequently laced with a gentle, knowing sense of humour, particularly whenever Joe and Nicky are onscreen), as are the stakes, and the frequent action sequences are top-notch, executed with rare skill and bone-crunching zest, but also ALWAYS in service to the story. Altogether this is an astounding film, a genuine victory for its makers and, it seems, for Netflix themselves – it’s become one of the platform’s biggest hits to date, earning well-deserved critical acclaim and great respect and genuine geek love from the fanbase at large. After this, a sequel is not only inevitable, it’s ESSENTIAL …
1.  TENET – granted, the streaming platforms (particularly Netflix and Amazon) certainly did save our cinematic summer, but I’m still IMMEASURABLY glad that the season’s ultimate top-spot winner was one I got to experience on THE BIG SCREEN.  You gotta hand it to Christopher Nolan, he sure hung in there, stubbornly determined that his latest cinematic masterpiece WOULD be released in cinemas in the summer (albeit ultimately landing JUST inside the line in the final week of August), and it was worth all the fuss because, for me, this was THE PERFECT MOVIE for me to get return to cinemas with.  I mean, okay, in the end it WASN’T the FIRST new movie I saw after the reopening, that honour went to Unhinged, but THIS was my first real Saturday night out big screen EXPERIENCE since March.  Needless to say, Nolan didn’t disappoint this time any more than he has on any of his consistently spectacular previous releases, delivering another twisted, mind-boggling headfuck of a full-blooded experiential sensory overload that comes perilously close to toppling his long-standing auteur-peak, Inception (itself second only by fractions to The Dark Knight as far as I’m concerned). To say much at all about the plot would give away major spoilers – personally I’d recommend just going in as cold as possible, indeed you really should just stop reading this right now and just GO SEE IT.  Still with us?  Okay … the VERY abridged version is that it’s about a secret war being waged between the present and the future by people capable of “inverting” time in substances, objects, people, whatever, into which the Protagonist (BlacKkKlansman’s John David Washington), an unnamed CIA agent, has been dispatched in order to prevent a potential coming apocalypse. Washington is once again on top form, crafting a robust and compelling morally complex heroic lead who’s just as comfortable negotiating the minefields of black market intrigue as he is breaking into places or dispatching heavies, Kenneth Branagh delivers one of his most interesting and memorable performances in years as brutal Russian oligarch Andrei Sator, a genuinely nasty piece of work who may be the year’s very best screen villain, Elizabeth Debicki (The Night Manager, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Widows) brings strength, poise and wounded integrity to the role of Sator’s estranged wife, Kat, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson gets to use his own accent for once as tough-as-nails British Intelligence officer Ives, while there are brief but consistently notable supporting turns and cameos from Martin Donovan, Yesterday’s HImesh Patel, Dirk Gently’s Fiona Dourif and, of course, Nolan’s good luck charm, Michael Caine.  The cast’s biggest surprise, however, is Robert Pattinson, truly a revelation in what has to be, HANDS DOWN, his best role to date, Neil, the Protagonist’s mysterious handler – he’s by turns cheeky, slick, duplicitous and thoroughly badass, delivering an enjoyably multi-layered, chameleonic performance which proves what I’ve long maintained, that the former Twilight star is actually a fucking amazing actor, and on the basis of this, even without that amazing new teaser trailer making the rounds, I think the debate about whether or not he’s the right choice for the new Batman is now academic.  As we’ve come to expect from Nolan, this is a TRUE tour-de-force experience, a visual masterpiece and an endlessly engrossing head-scratcher, Nolan’s screenplay bringing in some seriously big ideas and throwing us some major narrative knots and loopholes, constantly wrong-footing the viewer while also setting up truly revelatory payoffs from seemingly low-key, unimportant beginnings – this is a film you need to be awake and attentive for or you could miss something pretty vital.  The action sequences are, as ever, second to none, some of the year’s very best set-pieces coming thick and fast and executed with some of the most accomplished skill in the business, while Nolan-regular cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema (Interstellar and Dunkirk, as well as the heady likes of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, SPECTRE and Ad Astra) once again shows he’s one of the best camera-wizards in the business today by delivering some truly mesmerising visuals.  Notably, Nolan’s other regular collaborator, composer Hans Zimmer, is absent here (although he has good reason, currently working on his dream project, the fast-approaching screen adaptation of Dune), but Ludwig Göransson (best known for his regular collaborations with Ryan Coogler on the likes of Fruitvale Station, Creed and Black Panther, as well as truly awesome work on The Mandalorian) makes for a fine replacement, crafting an intriguingly internalised, post-modern musical landscape that thrums and pulses in time with the story and emotions of the characters rather than the action itself. Interestingly it’s on the subject of sound that some of the film’s rare detractions have been levelled, and I can see some of the points – the soundtrack mix is an all-encompassing thing, and there are times when the dialogue can be overwhelmed, but in Nolan’s defence as a film this is a heady, immersive experience, something you really need to concentrate on, so these potential flaws are easily forgiven.  As a piece of filmmaking art, this is another flawless wonder from one of the true masters of the craft working in cinema today, but it’s art with palpable substance, a rewarding whole that really HAS TO BE experienced on the big screen.  So put your snobbery at post-lockdown restrictions aside for the moment and get yourself down to your nearest cinema so you can experience it for yourself.  You won’t be disappointed.  Right now, this is my movie of the year, and with only one possible exception, I really don’t see that changing …
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sidespromptblog · 5 years
Truly. : Part 2
One, Three, End
Summary: And just like that, walking further and further away from Thomas’ house, his host, and all of the other sides…
Logan was alone, truly alone.
Word Count: 2120
AO3 Link
“What do you mean he’s gone?” 
The words felt like glass brittly breaking against Virgil’s throat from the very moment that he said them, his world felt off-kilter the longer and longer he stared at Patton. The moral side didn’t say a single thing else, as his fingers twisted and pulled at the tied arms of the hoodie around his shoulders. His eyes were red, as if he’d just gotten done crying or was about to start all over again, and his bottom lip trembled the more that he bit and chewed at it. His hair was a complete mess too, oily and in a disarray, like he’d spent just as many hours that he had looking for Logan, that he had running his fingers through his hair and tugging on the light brown strands. 
Regardless of his state… he was nothing in compared to how Roman was fairing, that much was glaringly obvious. 
“He,” Patton swallowed thickly, trying to quell the rising tears that would only make Virgil that much more uncomfortable. “I went up to his room to see if he wanted breakfast and.. and he was just gone. Both Remus and Roman have been combing over their sides of the imagination and.. and they’ve found nothing!” Even now he couldn’t help the slight hysterical edge to his voice, he just couldn’t help it. This was Logan they were talking about, their own dear logical side who was missing. “Re.. Remus said that even if one of their monsters got him, there would still be a body or.. or something left behind. They said that they were sure of it!” The world misted in tears, and once again Patton pressed the arm of the hoodie that Logan had given him to his watering eyes. 
As Patton trembled, Virgil didn’t waste a single second in consoling him, wrapping his arms around the moral side that dissolved into little sniffles and hidden tears as he buried his face into Virgil’s shoulder. Looking over his shoulder, he caught sight Remus as they sat next to the other creative side who was curled up on the couch boxes of tissues next to him. Roman wasn’t in the best of condition either, just the knowledge of that felt like jagged pieces of glass jutting wildly against his heart. 
What had he last said to Logan? What would be the last thing that Logan remembered before he went missing? What had he might have said that could have chased Logan away? Had he hurt him in any way? 
“Then why are you lying?” Virgil sneered, his frustrations building on top of frustrations at this point, it had been one thing for Remus to show up and utterly blindside him by knocking out his own brother. But for Logan to take Remus’ side on this? He felt his already shot nerves further fraying at the notion.    
Lying… he had honestly thought that Logan had been lying to all of them when Remus had shown up… to him. 
Oh… Oh!
Virgil reared back sharply as if he’d just been slapped, the realization scorching its way across his mind like the force of a hurricane. Patton startled in his arms, and even more so, at the delighted smile on Virgil’s face. 
“I know how we’re going to find Logan!” He blurted out much louder than he had been intending to, his hands were wildly jittering as he patted Patton’s shoulders just as wildly as if to calm down not only himself but the moral side as well. “I’ll be back, you just.. You stay here and make some hot cocoa! Everyone needs hot cocoa! The kind with the little marshmallows and whipped cream!” He blurted out, his nerves getting the better of him, as he gently shoved Patton towards Roman and Remus just to wave away their confused looks. “I’ll be back!” 
Anxiety… for lack of a better term, bubbled up in Virgil’s throat as he sank down. 
Down and down, going past everything. Thomas’ recent memories, his old memories, his instincts, and even the mental barriers that were meant to keep some of them at bay. He sank down, until he could feel the cold attaching itself to his bones, it was… the kind of cold he had promised him that he’d never come back to. The cold that he had been desperate to leave once he had gotten a taste of warmth from the other side of things… the lighter side as it were. It was all old and yet so very familiar to him, as his feet finally landed on something solid. The stone flooring and roughly patched up walls stretched out before him, well into the kitchen, the living room, all of which were largely abandoned due to nobody using them. That and… 
All of the different colored doors. 
A good chunk of them were taped off with bright yellow caution tape, a sign as clear as any that regardless of still showing himself to Thomas and letting Remus do what they pleased now… Deceit was still doing his job to the best of his ability. 
A soft nugget of guilt squirmed in his stomach as he walked the well-worn path all the way to that familiar but yellow faded door that looked to have been spray-painted yet again with Deceit’s newest “fuck society” quote… somethings never changed around here, and that was one of them. Nevertheless, Virgil swallowed past the lump of nervousness in his throat as he raised his fist, and for a moment… just a moment he hesitated before knocking heavily on the door. 
The result was almost immediate. 
“I told you, Remus!” A very short and a very peeved Deceit jerked the door open, his curls in a state of disarray from what could have only been sleeping. “Your dick modeling can wait unti-” In an instant, the dishonest side’s mouth snapped shut, before opening with nothing but silence. His widened eyes stared obviously back at Virgil, he didn’t make a single move as his hands curled defensively into his chest. At least… not until Virgil took a single step into the room, prompting Deceit to take just as many steps backwards away from the anxious side and towards his messy bed. “Oh.” Was the single word that fell from his lips, it might have been just one single word but even so… the emotions hidden behind it told Virgil everything. 
They were on an uneven playing field, and it wasn’t in Deceit’s favor at all. 
“I…” Awkwardness tugged at Virgil’s insides as he ran his fingers through his purple-dyed hair. His words weighed heavily on his tongue, like he had just swallowed a ton of weighted lead. “I need a favor.” 
“You what?!” 
Deceit stepped back yet again, as if he had just been slapped, the back of his legs brushed against the very end of his bed. And at that moment, the dishonest side in question would have loved nothing more than to just turn around and crawl right back in there and cacoon himself so that he never had to face the outside world or… Virgil ever again. Watching a lifetime of conspiracy videos and snacking on junk food was so much better than ever having to face the look that the anxious side was looking at him with now, infinitely better. 
Virgil despite this, held his hands up regardless, he’d come this far and he wasn’t about to let his shot nerves get in the way now. “I need you to find Logan, like… like you did before.”
“You want me to what now?” Deceit blandly stared back at him, strangely missing the fire that had burned in his eyes when he had summoned the courtroom and put all of them into suits. His eyes felt strangely empty now that Virgil thought about it, like all of the bravadoes was just that… nothing. “I thought that you hated me or something? Why on earth would you need ME to find Logan? Just summon him or something, and leave me be.” He coldly muttered, his arms crossing over his chest in an attempt to not feel so… out of place, and in his own room no less.
Before Deceit could turn over and lay back down and do whatever he had been doing before, Virgil roughly seized his shoulder pulling him right back up. 
“Please.” He openly begged, not giving a damn about pride right now. “Please Dee.” He softly added, relaxing his grip on the dishonest side’s shoulder so that he could gently turn the snake faced side towards him. Gingerly grasping both of his shoulders Virgil gave him the slightest shake, peering desperately into his eyes just to get across how utterly serious he was about this. “I need your help to find him, Dee, you knew how to find Remus when they tried to run away after the split. I need you. I need you to find Logan, please… please. I..” Virgil thickly swallowed, his hands shaking the longer and longer he grasped Deceit’s shoulders, if he needed to bargain to make this more interesting to Deceit he’d damn well do it. He knew what Deceit wanted, ever since he had left in the place. He knew what would make him help. “I’ll-”
 A soft ungloved finger laid over his lips before he could so much as get another word out. “Don’t.” Came the single word as Virgil looked surprisedly back at Deceit, “Don’t offer things you don’t want to give storm cloud. Take it from me and just… don’t.” 
This time when Deceit moved, Virgil didn’t dig his fingers into the other’s shoulders to keep him there. Allowing the dishonest side to move freely towards his closet as he disappeared inside, he was left just standing there awkwardly for almost ten minutes as his fists clenched and unclenched. The whisper of Deceit’s honey-sweet words still ringing as clear as a bell in his ears, as soft as cotton and as gentle as the touch of a mother cat with her newborn. 
Since when did he deserve such kindness? He had left. He acted like Remus and Deceit were the bain of his very existence since he left. He treated them terribly, and yet… in the privacy of his own room, Deceit’s real feeling, with no make-believe setup involved, were revealed to him. What on earth did he do to deserve that, when had he deserved something like loyalty from him after everything? 
The answer, hidden away in the confines of Deceit’s room. In the posters on the wall that had been in Virgil’s old room, in his old jacket that he had abandoned, and the gifts that he had gotten Deceit for Christmas before he had moved on with Patton and the others. The answer scared him. 
Always, it whispered to him as the heat of tears burned at his eyes. 
All it took was a rustling of clothes from the closet, and his attention was broken as soon as Deceit walked back out. Fitting in the softest scarves, hat, and gloves that he had ever seen, Deceit stood before him looking like he was ready to brave a snowstorm rather than the weather that wasn’t just yet in the freezing temperatures. He looked as ready as one could be given the situation, well… all except for one thing and one thing only. 
“Here, you’re going to need a jacket with how cold it is out there.” Virgil easily shrugged his jacket off before tossing it over to Deceit who caught it out of reflex only. “Bring him back and…” A tiny smile quirked on Virgil’s lips, “I’ll make you one with yellow patches.” It was an easy promise, one that was so much easier than ever offering to come back to a flower pot that wouldn’t hold him with how much he had grown since he had last been in it. 
Deceit… Deceit for the life of him had known that. 
And he looked just about ready to cry as he reverently held Virgil’s new jacket with an air of awe and stardom, as if even touching it for too long would soil it and corrupt it. Nevertheless, he slipped it on his hands shaking the entire time that he did, and Virgil… Virgil couldn’t help but to feel the slightest sliver of guilt nestling in his gut for that. 
But it was guilt he’d have to think about later.  
“I’ll bring him back,” Deceit tore his gaze from the sinfully soft and warm jacket that smelled ripely of Virgil’s cologne. “I promise.” 
And just like that… Deceit was gone, well and truly gone. 
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mk-wizard · 4 years
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Hey. A while ago, I mentioned that GoBots ought to be rebooted and it got me back into some old fanfiction ideas I had. Just to let you all know from now, I am NEVER doing a webcomic based on Transformers or GoBots unless they become public property first or unless I one day become so famous, I can borrow the rights. Until then, fanfiction will remain fanfiction with the occassional picture and fan-verse theory or fanlore by yours truly.
Today, I am focusing on the hidden secret behind the Autobot insignia. I (and many other fans) have noticed that it looks almost like it is crying. I did research and officially, the symbol was modeled after Prowl’s face, but Prowl doesn’t look like this anymore and the universe of Transformers has expanded. So I thought, what if the insignia really was crying? And for a reason? That is where I found a way to tie GoBots into the Transformers lore.
At one time, GoBots WERE a group of Autobots, but left because their way, views and propositions for change highly conflicted against the Autobot way. Now, as good as Autobots are, they are not a perfect society (no one is) and there are many things they hold sacred. The most important are the Prime system, the use of energon and being proud of technology. However, a group of bots began to question these ways and proposed changing things like converting to cleaner and more renewable sources of energy, introducing organic life (specifically plants) to Cybertron and to update the government to be more democratic oriented and to have many leaders. These bots got labeled as heretics and were considered as criminals for disturbing the peace and threatening the Autobot order. With time, they came to call themselves “GoBots” because their mentality was all about “going forward” for the better. By then, the GoBots came to realise their way of life and thinking would always remain outlawed and looked down upon so they left Cybertron in search of a new planet to call their own and live how they wanted to. This walk out though had a huge impact on Cybertron though because a large majority of the bots who left were the young generation (at the time), many researchers and other bots that Autbot society depended on. With that, the insignia was changed to look like it was weeping to symbolise and always remember how the abandonment hurt them. In the eyes of the GoBots, they were criminalised for free thinking, free speech and for offering improvement. In the eyes of the Autobots, they were abandoned out of pride and their way got vilified by a huge chunk of the younger generation.
As for the GoBots, they did find their own planet which they dubbed as GoBototron. As stated, their society is democratic and much more liberal which also shows in their insignia system. They have the main one (the G) and the “face” which goes on top of it and it shows what that GoBot’s job is. You will notice that they have farmers and such because on their planet and society, studying and having plants lead them to perfecting plant plastic which is very clean and much easier to recycle. It also lead to them upgrading themselves to no longer need enegon to live meaning they don’t even have it in their veins anymore. Being robots (even live ones), they evolve faster than us. As a nod of respect towards the original GoBots who were cyborgs, the GoBots are very close to functioning like organic beings because they are nourished by the sun, water and minerals. However, in their case, they eat their minerals straight up. In my lore, minerals to Transformers are what vegetables and fruit are to us. They have even bio-engineered special plants to produce mineral fruit so on GoBototron, you can literally find silver apples. To make a long story short, GoBots have perfected techno-organic research. However, more on their society and amazing plant plastics are for another day.
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acathea · 4 years
The Ridiculously Detailed Inquisitor Questionnaire that No One Needed
I’m just five years late for this. Taashath edition, impossibly long. @customhawke‘s inquisitor quiz was extremely time consuming to fill out but so fun!
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Give some basics for the Inquisitor:
Name: Taashath Adaar
Age: 32 (By the end of Trespasser, 34.). Born on Drakonis 3rd, 9:9 Dragon.
Race: Qunari
Gender/preferred pronouns: Trans Woman – She/her
Class (warrior/rogue/mage): Warrior
Preferred weapon/spell type: Two-Handed Swords
Specialization: Champion
Romance: Josephine
Give a detailed description of your Inquisitor.
Taashath has coppery, almost metallic-looking skin and bright red eyes surrounded by a black sclera. She has thick, long crimson hair that falls past her waist, which she keeps tied in a simple braid when out on missions. She takes excellent care of it and is very proud of the way it looks. Her eyebrows are dark, thick, and arched, of a red so dark it almost looks black if the sun is not shining on them. Her face is heart-shaped, with high and pronounced cheekbones and deep-set eyes, where subtle crows-feet rest, made more apparent when she smiles. Crowning her head are two large, dark horns that end in an upwards tip, chipped in places from her many fights throughout the years.
Taashath is tall compared to the other races, but stands at a rather short height for a qunari - at 6’9’’ft (205cm). Her body is muscular and toned, shaped from years of fighting and travelling. It’s scarred in numerous places, and it’s why she tends to wear clothing that covers her entire body not to show them.
Does the Inquisitor have any scars/tattoos before the game’s events? If so, tell how they got them/their meaning (for example, what elvhen god does Inquisitor Lavellan’s vallaslin represent, and why did they choose them?)
A horizontal scar crosses the length of the right corner of her mouth to her cheekbone, that she got on a job while still an inexperienced warrior. The debris from the explosion at the Temple of Sacred Ashes also hit her left eyebrow, leaving a nasty mark. Her body is scarred in numerous places due to her life work as a mercenary, notably her arms, and she always makes a point of covering them. Even when it should be too hot for long sleeves.
She wears mostly practical clothing, with little space for frivolousness. Usually in the dark colours of the Inquisition. After the events of the main game, she allows herself some prettier clothing and lighter colour schemes.
OPINIONS. Give your Inquisitor’s stance on:
The Chantry: Taashath dislikes the Chantry and would rather not be called the Herald of their Prophet. She doesn’t have any fond memories regarding priests of the Chantry, but only of the stones they would throw at her and her parents when passing through a village. She is interested in the history of the Chantry. She especially takes time to study it all in her time in Skyhold, but she holds no illusion that most in the Chantry want her dead. She has no issues with the Maker or Andraste, per se, however, even though she doesn’t believe in any kind of higher power.
Tevinter: Taashath has mixed feelings about Tevinter. She knows of the complicated history between the Qunari and the Imperium – but also, she’s Vashoth. Does that really apply to her? Of course, she holds mostly disdain for the way Tevinter controls its people and enslaves everyone they deem inferior. But she’s also intrigued by the culture of knowledge-seeking, were it not corrupted by lust for power.
Ferelden: It’s… brown. And cold. And it rains a lot. Taashath is more used to the warmth of the north, the brightness of it, but she falls in love with the culture and the people. Would she live in Ferelden? Absolutely not. But she doesn’t hate it.
Orlais: Orlais is… a very sore spot for her. For a chunk of her young adulthood, Taashath worked towards being admitted into the University of Orlais, her biggest dream. She wanted to study history and languages and geography. She wanted to walk in the University’s library and devote her life to knowledge. They laughed in her face, refused her entrance and kicked her out. Her experiences in Orlais after that were riddled with anxiety. When she visited the Winter Palace, however, she enjoyed beating the orlesian nobles that looked down on her at their own Game. She doesn’t like orlesians much, except a select few, and visiting the country is always the last thing she’s looking forward to.
Mages/Magic: Magic has always served Taashath well, and she sometimes envies those she encounters who have the gift. She is a big supporter of the mages’ freedom, although she agrees that they need a place where to study their magic – one where they’re not prisoners, maybe. But she’s not a fool, and she knows it can be dangerous – just like the weapons she carries.
Templars: While they never bothered her personally, Taashath is acutely aware of the abuses the Templars perpetuate and how power-hungry they can be, as she heard of the events of Kirkwall. She thinks their abilities may be of some use. Still, their affiliation with the Chantry and their methods don’t align with her moral principles. She would only ally with them if it was the only thing she could do. There must be some other way to protect people from demons other than Templars.
The Mage/Templar War: She believes it was inevitable. Wherever she went in Southern Thedas, she would always hear of the abuses of the Templars – either from apostates who wanted to join the Valo-Kas, or from the people they encountered. When the Chantry in Kirkwall exploded, she was surprised it didn’t have major consequences in all of Thedas sooner, taking another three years for the rebellion to fully take place. She supports the mages’ freedom.
The Dalish and City Elves: She is fascinated by the ways of the Dalish and would trade everything of value she has for the chance of learning more of their history and culture - and Shaevra is more than happy to share her culture with someone who seems to deeply appreciate it. She fails to make the connection between the nomadic way of the Dalish and the life she was living travelling with her parents. In regards to the city elves, she never knew much about them. It was only after becoming Inquisitor that she learned more of them from the servants in Skyhold. Then she sees first hand their living conditions in Orlais, and she feels much pity for them – although she admires their strength and sense of community.
Dwarves: Taashath hasn’t had much chance of seeing how the dwarves live in their thaigs, although she’s very curious about it – again, only after becoming Inquisitor does she have an opportunity to experience more of their culture. She’s more used to dealing with the Merchants’ Guild and surface dwarves. While she doesn’t have a particular liking for them, she also has no issues with them – unless they call her an ox-woman, which has unfortunately happened on more than one occasion.
Qunari/Tal-Vashoth (do they even know the difference?):  It’s… complicated. She’s qunari herself, although she is Vashoth. For followers of the Qun, she is nothing – like she doesn’t exist. For non-qunari, she is just like them, so she’s seen as a violent savage before a person. The only other example of qunari outside of the Qun are Tal-Vashoth like her parents, which she ran from because she believed she’d be better off without them. The others are either the Tal-Vashoth she is hired to kill, or the ones she works with, with whom she doesn’t feel any real connection to. It’s because of her feeling like she doesn’t have a culture of her own that Taashath is so interested in those of others. She feels like a fish out of water and is both interested in the ways of the followers of the Qun and wary of them. As I said, it’s complicated, and the only subject that genuinely makes her head hurt when she thinks about it.  
Humans: In her youth, Taashath used to idolize humans. She wanted to be like them, to be one of them – mostly because she only wished to have a roof over her head and not be thrown out of villages having sticks and stones thrown at them. She used to think that they must have been right about her parents, that they were savages and if only they allowed her in, they would see she was not like them. Now it’s different. Taashath has been hurt too many times by humans. She is wary and distrustful of them – the reason why she was convinced she wouldn’t have survived the events of the Conclave is that she was a qunari amidst angry humans. Of course, she can be swayed to think differently of some humans, but she treads very carefully when dealing with them. She likes the Avvar, though, and enjoys her time in the Frostbacks because of them.
What is their favourite place to travel to?
The Hissing Wastes. She loves the vastness of it, the climate, she loves the oasis. It’s also where she tames her wyvern mount, so it holds a special place in her heart.
Their least favourite?
Val Royeaux/the Winter Palace. It makes her feel anxious – she always has to watch her step and her mouth, always has to make sure she appears perfect in every way. It makes it hard to enjoy the architecture and pretty colours.
Honourable mention: the Fallow Mire. She hated being there, hated the climate, hated the mud and the water and the rain and everything that was there. She was glad to be out of that wretched place.
Describe what your Inquisitor is like before the game’s events–preferably, choose three words that describe best. Then explain why those adjectives are appropriate descriptors.
Quiet – During her travels, Taashath learned what misunderstood words might bring her in human society, and afterwards, it just stuck. She rarely spoke unless spoken to, and she much preferred entrusting her thoughts and musings to diaries and poetry rather than spoken words.
Apathetic – Or at least, on the surface. Taashath forces herself to appear unbothered and undisturbed by anything because, as usual, people will assume the worst when she expresses any kind of positive or negative emotions. This actually drives people away from her, which is… not what she’s aiming for when she does that. This also results in her basically shutting down her emotional side - which is ironically exactly what people expect of a qunari. It’s hard for her to trust people, to let herself go and be who she is – something that she only allows herself in private - and in turn, this created a sort of shell around her that, at some point, became more of prison than a protective measure.  
Level-headed – Taashath takes a lot of time to think things over. What she says, what she does is always the result of careful calculation and pondering. Not just in dealing with people, but with situations that come about as well. This makes her an excellent leader because she – usually – does not let emotions speak for her. There are a few exceptions, though.              
Does your Inquisitor change over the course of the game’s events? If so, how? What events affected their character arc the most?
It’s a mixed bag of feelings. Taashath learns to voice her feelings, her opinions, not to filter herself as much as she was used to and learns how to make friends. But after the events of the main game, the weight of being Inquisitor starts being too much. Every decision she makes leads to major consequences for the people involved - and even those who weren’t! - and they’re not always predictable. Each failure weighs on her even more. Sometimes, she feels herself becoming paralyzed by fear and doubt, and it’s only through the connections she’s made over the years in the Inquisition that she doesn’t break.
Being a lover of history and knowledge, seeing what happened to Ameridan shocked her quite a bit. Not only does she now doubt everything she’s ever read, but she’s also afraid that – with time – the Chantry will do the same to her. That they will erase her from history, make her a human, and rid the records of there ever being an Inquisitor named Taashath Adaar, of the qunari peoples. It’s disturbing, and she feels much pity for Ameridan and what was done to him. The events of the Descent also shake her, but mostly because she realizes there is so much more to Thedas than she realized. She wonders what other things there are still to discover or uncover.
The events of Trespasser truly break her. She fears and dislikes what the Inquisition is becoming, and she feels that everything is slipping out of her control. Even her advisors start making decisions without her, taking actions she wouldn’t have approved of. She thinks that finally, the charade is over and that she will be revealed for the fraud she is. She is glad, in the end, to disband the Inquisition. It was getting too big, too frightening, and something she was not proud of. She feels like a failure, honestly. Losing her arm also does not help, as her fighting style depends on it, and now she cannot even write – the only thing that brought her comfort for so many years. She feels that in some way she’s been stripped of her identity and made into something she doesn’t recognize.  
Solas betraying her was the worst thing. He honestly acted as her mentor, because he was the only one that knew something about the Anchor and how to control it. Taashath feels everything spiralled after he left. When she finds out that not only is he an Ancient Elven God, he is responsible for everything that happened, and what he is about to do will destroy the world, she just really doesn’t know how to cope with it. She is broken for a while. But, like always, she picks herself back up out of sheer willpower. She wants to save her friend, even if it means protecting him from himsef. It’s the only thing giving her purpose, now, the only thing she will not allow herself to fail at.
Use three words to describe your Inquisitor at the end of the game, and explain why they are appropriate. (If there are any that are still the same from the beginning of the game, explain why they are still appropriate DESPITE the game’s events.)
Authoritative – Taashath, through her knowledge of history and nobility, through being a good strategist, learns to use her voice and make herself heard, learns to make decisions and take control of the situation, and to live with the consequences of what she does. She’s also less afraid of not appearing perfect in front of the nobility – she knows who she is, and nothing will change that.
Paranoid/Insecure – She makes decisions. She lives with the consequences. But each day, those decisions and their repercussions weigh more and more on her, with the death count rising, always. She doubts herself, she is afraid she is not suited for the role and that she should pass it down to someone else instead. But she doesn’t do it, because she is also afraid of what someone else might do with the power of the Inquisition. In the end, it was never its fate to last, and she knew that.  
Dedicated – Despite her doubts, her fears, Taashath simply cannot give up. She will do anything it takes to find Solas, to make him see that this world is worth keeping, and to save him from himself – and the people of Thedas from him. It’s her only goal, and she puts everything she has in herself towards it. She will act, even if it means more decisions, and more weight on her shoulders. She can take it.
Life Before the Conclave
What is their combat skill level before the events of the game? Are they already skilled fighters, or can they barely hold their weapon of choice properly?
Taashath’s father was a Karasten, well trained in the way of fighting. He always believed that his daughter should be able to protect herself, given their nomadic lifestyle, and trained her with sticks first and real swords later from a very young age. She is quick and agile, nimble for someone of her stature and the weapons she wields. She’s an excellent fighter, despite it being something that she does only to defend herself and not because she actually enjoys it.  
How well do they improve after becoming the Herald/Inquisitor?
With The Iron Bull’s help, Taashaths learns quite a few tricks. Not just that, but he teaches her how to make training something to actually relax with, something she can do to wind down and keep her body and mind sharp. She does indeed come to enjoy sparring with him, Cassandra and Blackwall (as the other soldiers will not fight her). Losing her arm, her fighting hand, is absolutely the worst. If all else fails, now she cannot even fight. Of course, after Dagna makes her a very flexible prosthetic, she starts training again – as if she had never held a weapon before. She’s not at the level she used to be, but she’s still quite the fighter.
Does the Inquisitor have family they left behind? Friends?
She learns this during her time in the Inquisition, as for a long while she thought they were dead, but her mother and father are still alive and well. Moreover, she’s got a younger sister and brother. Her ex-partner, a Tal-Vashoth mage, also asks for her help in the Emerald Graves and helps the Inquisition as an agent. Taashath’s mother, Asala, was a Tamassran under the Qun. She taught Taashath everything she knows and, when she came out to them as a child, Asala wasted no time in making Taashath comfortable and teaching her about herb mixtures to help her growth. Taashath’s father, Berestaar, was a Karasten. He often had more trouble than Asala in expressing his feelings and emotions, and could appear like a distant father, but he always loved and cared for her daughter and wanted nothing but the best for them.
Hissera is Taashath’s younger sister, a little spitfire that causes trouble wherever she goes.
Finally, Kost is Hissera’s twin. He’s not as restless as she is, and is also a mage.
Hissra was Taashath’s first love, and they lost each other for a couple years before the events of Inquisition. After Taash helps her personally in the Emerald Graves, Hissra joins the Inquisition as an Agent until its disbandment out of loyalty and gratitude to Taashath.
How do they feel about being separated from them?
It’s very complicated. When she was young, Taashath resented having to always be on the run. She hated that they had nowhere to stay, she hated the way people looked at her parents – her. She hated that they did not speak the King’s Tongue well, she hated that they didn’t seem to make an effort to at least appear less threatening. When she was fifteen, before her mother found out she was pregnant again, she ran away and never looked back. She felt that, on her own, she had more chances of being able to build a life for herself in human society – and she was wrong. By the time of Inquisition, she is very ashamed of what she did, the words she said to them, and wishes she could take it all back. She fears they might be dead. She reveals this to Josephine one evening, who in turn informs Leliana and asks her to look into it as a personal favour. They reach Skyhold, and it’s a very emotional reunion. Now she knows she won’t let go of them ever, and bought a house for them to stay in Antiva, near where she and Josephine live.
What is the most important/influential moment of their life before the Conclave?
There are a couple, at least. Running away from her parents was one such moment. Her breakup with Hissra was another. But most definitely her most defining moment was when she got turned away from the University of Orlais. Even after all those years on the road, and having to work as a mercenary to gather the coin because no one would hire qunari for anything else, she still hoped she could make it. She was genuinely convinced that if she argued her points well, they would admit her. After all, the University was the only place elves were allowed to study in, so how far of a stretch could it have been to allow a qunari in as well? It was the moment she gave up on her dream, forever, and resigned herself to a life of mercenary work just to get by.
Why were they sent to the Conclave?
It was just another job with the Valo-Kas. Go there and look threatening, make sure no one started anything. She knew the importance of the Conclave and was interested in seeing its outcome. Still, she knew nothing would personally change in her life. Or at least, she thought so.  
How does the Inquisitor react to the Anchor and the idea of closing the Breach–do they want to do the right thing, are they only along because they are a prisoner, or something else?
Taashath is thoroughly freaked out the entirety of the prologue, even if she tries hard not to show it. She knows she didn’t do anything, but she can’t remember what happened. She’s surrounded by angry humans who blame her for the death of their religious head figure, and she knows how much humans hate and fear qunari. She wants to do the right thing and accepts anyway, but she honestly thinks that she won’t survive the ordeal – Anchor or no.  
Do they take the mountain pass with the scouts to the Temple, or do they charge with the soldiers?
The mountain pass was without a doubt the safest and smartest choice – charging aimlessly to fight a force she does not yet know is not her style at all.
How does the Inquisitor react to being called the Herald of Andraste?
She doesn't like it, and asks everyone not to call her that. Not only because she does not believe she’s the chosen of Andraste or the Maker, but because she’s afraid of what will happen when other people realize she’s neither of those things.
Do they believe it themselves?
Absolutely not. Taashath is an atheist, and she believes Andraste was just a very powerful mage who communed with a spirit. She holds no illusions of being the chosen of any God.
How does the Inquisitor react to Chancellor Roderick’s presence and the threat of the Chantry?
Taashath does not like him, and definitely does not like the way he calls for her beheading every two seconds – but he’s nothing new. She knows how much power the Chantry and its lackeys hold, so she can only hope that he won’t bother her too much.  
Does the Inquisitor decide to approach the mages or the Templars?
Taashath does not want to be affiliated with the Chantry in any way. However, she’s working for an organization that is technically under its banner. Still, she chooses the mages because she figures they can help more with this magic rather than following Cullen’s conjectures.
How does the Inquisitor feel about mages and about recruiting them?
She has a deep respect for magic and mages, and is a supporter of their cause. She goes to the mage without seconds thoughts because she genuinely feels they are the only way to help, and if she can help them in return, she will do anything in her power to do so. When she finds out they basically sold themselves into slavery she’s perplexed as to exactly why they would do that – but she also sees that they thought this was the only way they could escape the Chantry. This just further convinces her that she wants to help them and their cause.
How does the Inquisitor react to the idea of allying with Tevinter to gain the mages’ support?
Very practically. She is not allying herself with Tevinter, she is helping the mages and making sure they are not going to be slaves in a foreign land.
How do they react to being thrown a year into the future? Do they believe they can get back? Are they focused on their goal, gathering information? Or are they just freaking out?
Taashath, as usual, is very calm on the surface. She is very freaked out about the whole situation and what she sees, but she’s also very fascinated by how this was achieved. Having Dorian with her also helps, as even if she initially did not trust him, he quickly proves to be a valuable ally. Shared trauma is the quickest way to make friends, apparently. What really disturbs her is seeing how her companions have suffered, and seeing them die for her does a number on her. Her top priority after that becomes making sure there are the least number of casualties possible.
Did they ally with the mages or conscript them? Why?
She allies with them. She’s not about to force people to help her, and she doesn’t want the mages to go from one prison to another. She figures that the only way the Inquisition will survive is if it makes allies rather than enemies, as it already has quite a few of those, and conscripting people is not the best way to make lasting friendships.
What is the Inquisitor’s relationship with Fiona?
She is confused at first by Fiona’s reasoning, but she does not blame her more than what she feels is her right because Taashath is neither a mage nor an elf – there is clearly nuance there that she is lacking the life experiences to fully get. However, as they spend more time together in service of the Inquisition, she becomes fascinated with her stories and her life, and often comes to her for counsel.
Does the Inquisitor help Harriet and save all possible citizens of Haven? Why?
Of course! She saved everyone, and was willing to die herself to see the innocent people of Haven survive. Even if she did not like some of them, they had all given themselves to a cause and she is a firm believer that even the most “insignificant” of people has value. Everyone deserves to live, and she makes sure everyone makes it to the Chantry safe and sound.
How does the Inquisitor feel about being a distraction for Corypheus while Haven flees? Are they resigned to their fate? Resentful? Determined to defeat the enemy/survive?
In a way, she figured she would not survive Haven. She is afraid, and while she feels like shaking in fear, she knows she cannot show any weakness at this moment. She is resigned to her fate, and she only hopes the Inquisition will be able to defeat Corypheus. They have Cassandra to lead them, after all. She has closed the Breach, her duty is done, and although she is not ready, she wants to give everyone a chance.  
Does the encounter with Corypheus change their opinion of being Herald? Does it make them believe they are the Herald, lose faith, or affirm to their previous belief?
Nah, it doesn’t. It just makes her believe that she has to stop him at all costs - although she’s fascinated by what he said about the Black City.
How do they react to Solas telling them the orb is elvhen?
She’s so fascinated, and asks tons of questions. She wants to know more about it. She agrees nobody else should know the orb is elven in origin because she fears the reaction of the humans in the organization, and what it might mean for the elves working for it. 
How do they feel about being chosen for Inquisitor?
It’s the first time in the game she actually shows some emotion – mostly, bewilderment. She can’t believe a bunch of humans are making them her leader, and she doubts anyone will follow her. She thinks someone like Cassandra is more suited to leading the Inquisition, and gets a bit teary-eyed when she sees the outpouring love and support the people she helped save show her. She enjoys it - initially.
What do they say are the principle foundations for the Inquisition?
Uncovering the truth, protecting the people, defending the freedom of the people of Thedas – of all its people, not just humans.
How does the Inquisitor react to Hawke’s presence?
Taashath has read the Tale of the Champion quite a few times, and is fascinated by meeting the Champion herself. She asks lots of questions, and she is surprised to see how mellow and quiet Hawke seems to be – so different from what Varric had written in his book.
Does the Inquisitor side with Varric or Cassandra during their fight?
Varric. He is not responsible for what happened at the Conclave, and she does not fault him for not trusting Cassandra.
How well do they get along with Hawke? Do they agree with Hawke’s decisions?
They get along pretty well. They find much in terms of common ground and Taashath values Marian’s help a lot. Taashath doesn’t know what she would have done in Hawke’s place, so she does not judge her. Marian has had many dealings with qunari of all backgrounds, so seeing Taashath does not really phase her.
Who is the Warden contact?
In-game? Stroud. In my personal canon? My own Hero of Ferelden. After getting news from Varric of who is responsible for the Breach, Marian contacts Anthra for help, and Anthra interrupts her search for a cure (close to bearing fruit) because she believes Corypheus is the Wardens’ responsibility. Her wife Everelle follows in tow, and they’re joined by their daughter Fen’na shortly afterwards.
How does the Inquisitor get along with them?
With Stroud, she doesn’t form much of an opinion. He keeps to himself and gives her directions and information, and so she does the same. With Anthra, she is very fascinated by her and asks her tons of questions. She’s read the Chronicles of the Fifth Blight a thousand times already, but she doesn’t pass any chances to inquire about something with the Hero of Ferelden herself. She respects her, admires her, and admires her prowess in combat.
How do they react to finding out the Wardens are being used by Corypheus?
It went against everything she knew about the Wardens. Honourable warriors dedicated to defeating the darkspawn, allying themselves with a powerful one? She did not understand, and was pretty shaken after discovering it.  
How does the Inquisitor react to being in the Fade?
Extremely enthusiastic, despite the circumstances. She takes notes of everything she sees, until it becomes a little too freaky for her liking. She never expected to see the Fade in person.
Do they ever believe the spirit is actually of Divine Justinia?
For a brief moment, yes. And for a second, she started freaking out that if the spirit was truly Divine Justinia, then maybe she was really the Herald and all that other nonsense. She was thoroughly pleased to find out it was all as she believed initially - no higher power to speak of.
How do they react to the revelation regarding the Wardens’ involvement in the Conclave attack?
Disturbed. She had hoped they had no part in what happened at the Conclave, purely out of the respect she feels for the Order, but seeing her memories made it impossible to keep staying in denial.
Do they agree with Hawke or the Warden more?
In-game? Neither. Stroud’s “how dare you judge us” feels like he’s trying to avoid any kind of responsibility, while Marian would never blame what happened on the use of blood magic. In canon? Marian feels pity for how the Wardens were tricked. At the same time, Anthra can’t believe the Order let itself be fooled and forced into slavery by darkspawn. There is nothing to agree with, they all feel it’s a shitty situation.
How do they respond to Hawke’s and the Warden’s fight?
In canon, no fights happen, while in the game, she tries to make Stroud and Hawke realize that fighting while they are held hostage by a Nightmare full of demons is probably not the best decision.
How do they react to learning it was the Divine behind them in the Fade, not Andraste?
She feels relieved that it was not Andraste, sad for the Divine’s death, guilty for failing to help her.
What would the Nightmare Demon have said to rattle the Inquisitor?
“Try as you might, you won’t be able to hide forever. One day, they will all see what you really are. And I will be waiting.”
What is on the Inquisitor’s tombstone (what is their greatest fear)?
“Lost herself.”
Who does the Inquisitor leave behind in the Fade? Why do they choose to do so?
Both in-game and in canon it’s not actually Taashath’s decision, but I’ll explain the canon version: Anthra was ready to give herself for the cause, believing that Corypheus is the Wardens’ responsibility. However, Hawke believes otherwise. She failed to kill Corypheus, so in a way, she feels it’s her fault this all happened. She pushes Taashath and Anthra away with magic and forces them out of the rift before it closes. It’s her responsibility. She will pay the price.
Does the Inquisitor decide to exile the Wardens or have them fight alongside the Inquisition? What is their reasoning behind the decision?
Despite their mistakes, despite the revelation that the Wardens are not as infallible as she thought they were, she is not so stupid as to exile them. Two Old Gods still lie in the Deep Roads waiting to be awakened by the darkspawn, and when that time comes, the Grey Wardens will once again need to save Thedas.
What is their opinion on attending the ball in the first place? Do they think it’s a waste of time, a necessary duty, or something exciting?
It’s a necessary duty, but one she dreads. She dreads appearing in front of the same nobles and scholars who regularly mock her and call her ox, and she fears she will make a blunder and ruin the Inquisition’s reputation.
Do the companions/advisors believe the Inquisitor will do well at the palace, or is there a fear they’ll be kicked out within five minutes?
Everyone fears the outcome of the evening because they are attempting to stop a murder. But while no one is afraid Taashath will bring shame to the Inquisition, they do have to sit down with her and try to get her to be more warm and friendly - teach her to recognize some of the nobles. Vivienne especially helps in this situation, as she’s familiar with having to appear perfect in front of a group of people ready to eat her alive.
How does the Inquisitor actually fare? Are they the belle of the ball, or do they barely scrape by?
Taashath does incredibly well. It’s like the nobles are at her fingertips, she manoeuvres and manipulates them all. She finds the Game quite delightful, and discovers herself a good player.
Does the Inquisitor gather blackmail information for Leliana? Gather caprice coins and stone halla? Find the Red Jenny caches?
If there was a chance, yes, but she didn’t go out of her way to find stuff that was not directly related to the mission at hand – save the blackmail for Leliana. That was valuable and essential information that would have helped them even after the evening at the palace was over.
Does the Inquisitor fight Grand Duchess Florianne, or expose her?
She exposes her. Taashath fears that a divided Orlais will be worse for the balance of Thedas than Corypheus might be, and she does what she can to make sure there is someone to rule it.
Who does the Inquisitor support for Orlesian rule?
She forces Celene, Gaspard and Briala into a truce. She holds no love either for the Empress nor for Gaspard, and wishes to see Briala and her people thrive. Still, both the Empress and Gaspard have numerous allies and enemies that balance each other out, and her only interest was a united Orlais for what was to come.
She also, not so very subtly, enjoyed the humans having to bow to her demands, for once.
How does the Inquisitor get along with Morrigan?
She asks her questions, but she is wary. Morrigan seems more interested in the power she can find in the Temple of Mythal rather than stopping Corypheus, and this concerns her. She also sees how her Dalish ambassador and her clash, and she can’t help but take Shaevra’s side.
Does the Inquisitor take the Pilgrim’s Path, or fight their way through?
She follows the Pilgrim’s Path. She takes in as much of the Temple of Mythal as she can, having never had the chance to be so close to Ancient Elven culture. She wants to see everything for herself.
Does the Inquisitor ally with Abelas and the elven sentinels?
Of course. If she could, she would ask them tons of questions, and would love to hear their stories. She is very frustrated that there’s just no time to do that, and she has no wish of fighting them.
Does the Inquisitor weaken Samson’s armour before fighting him?
Yes. Weakening an enemy’s allies is the first thing she takes care of.
Who drinks from the Well of Sorrows? What is the reasoning behind the choice?
In-game, Taashath takes the knowledge of the Well for herself. Ancient history? Culture? There was not a chance she was giving that up. One of the only selfish choices she made during the game, as she knew Morrigan would benefit from it more. In canon? My own Lavellan, Shaevra, drank from the Well, as Taashath would never take that away from her. It’s her people, her culture, and she finds Morrigan’s comments terribly out of place, and a confirmation that she was more interested in the power of the Temple rather than helping fight Corypheus.
If the Inquisitor drank from the Well, how do they react to finding out they are now a servant of Flemeth/Mythal?
She regrets it a bit, because she realizes she didn’t think about the consequences - and she always thinks of the consequences. It surprises her to find out Mythal is in a human body, but she’s still fascinated by everything that’s happening.
Shaerva is not bothered by being a servant of one of her gods per se, but again, she is surprised first and angry later that Mythal chose a human vessel. She’s angry with Mythal, because she could have helped them all those years, and she didn’t. She doesn’t know what to make of it.  
How does the Inquisitor feel about facing Corypheus for the last time? Do they feel confident? Do they believe they will survive the encounter? How do they cope with the possibility of failure?
Honestly, Taashath believes that this final confrontation will be the last. The Breach, again? Corypheus and his dragon? This has to be it, she thinks. Her biggest regret is not having had enough time for her family, but at least she knows she’s done all she can.
Who becomes the next Divine? Is the Inquisitor in support of the decision?
This is actually the hardest decision Taash had to make - who to support. She, of course, realizes that the Divine being someone who used to work for the Inquisition is extrmely important and valuable. Her heart says Leliana, because of her outspoken support of nonhumans and mages. Vivienne also was a candidate in her mind, and talking with her personal apprentice, Sefridi, she was swayed to her side. It is only after Anthra herself gives her opinion that Taashath finally comes to the decision that Leliana is the best suited to become Divine.
How do they react to Solas’ disappearance?
Confused, sad. She always came to him not just to have stories told, or to have him walk her through the Fade, but also when she had doubts, second thoughts, when it came to the Anchor. They spent a lot of time together, and she deeply respected him. He was very much her mentor. She misses their ritual of greeting the morning on the roofs of Skyhold more than anything.
What does the Inquisitor decide to do after Corypheus is defeated? How do they focus the Inquisition?
There are still rifts out there that need to be closed, and the Inquisition’s work is not done. Corypheus’s mess is not entirely dealt with, so she doesn’t feel like there is any other path for her aside from continuing to lead the Inquisition. She wants them to keep the peace and protect the people of Thedas, though she realizes the organization is getting too big and slipping out of her control. After the events of Trespasser, Taashath dedicates herself to finding and stopping Solas, and try to save him from himself and make him realize this is a world worth preserving.
How does the Inquisitor generally judge prisoners?
If there is a way for her to make use of her enemies so that they bolster the Inquisition’s forces, that is what she will do.
What are the specific judgments passed to prisoners in-game?
Gereon Alexius (If Mages Recruited): Execution/Imprisonment/Work With Mages/Made Tranquil/Research Magic
She has him researching magic, especially the time magic he was able to use in Redcliffe.
Florianne’s Remains (If Confronted and not killed): Encloisterment/Recruitment/Farm Work/Exile/Jester
Recruited her. No way she’s wasting that potential.
Magister Livius Erimond: Imprisonment/Execution/Made Tranquil/Remand to Grey Wardens
She sends him to the Grey Wardens, as she is sure they will punish him appropriately.
Ser Ruth: Divine Forgiveness/Humiliation/Imprisonment/Refuse Judgment/Exile with Wardens/Exile to Deep Roads
Refused to judge her.
Captain Thom Rainer: Pardon/Give to Wardens/Servitude
She gives him to the Grey Wardens – she can see he regrets what he’s done and willing to make amends, so she sends him where he was initially supposed to go anyway.
Samson (If Mages Recruited): Serve Inquisition/Give to Dagna/Remand to Kirkwall/Exile/Imprisonment
He serves the Inquisition.
Chief Movran the Under: Banish/Public Display/Arm and Exile to Tevinter/Assign to Abernache
Arms and exiles him to Tevinter.
Mayor Gregory Dedrick: Give to Grey Wardens/Exile/Death/Imprison in Fereldan
She has Ferelden authorities deal with him, as even though the crimes pertain to the Blight, she still feels it’s not her place to make that call.
Crassius Servis: Imprisonment/Returned to Corypheus/Recruited (Informant)/Recruited (Smuggler)
Recruits him as an informant.
Mistress Poulin: Rebuild Town/Released/Put to Work/Execution/Money Confiscated for Trevelyan
She had Poulin use her own funds to rebuild the town.
Does your Inquisitor generally use Force, Secrets, or Connections to complete War Table Operations? Why?
She rarely, if ever, uses Cullen’s forces. Only when it comes to something military-related does she call on him, otherwise all the work goes to Leliana and Josephine’s agents.
What does the Inquisitor usually spend Inquisition Perks on?
Secrets. Taashath knows that, to use the Inquisition to its fullest potential, she has to know everyone and everything about Thedas.
Does the Inquisitor take time to collect the shards? Do they complete the Temple of Pride? Why or why not?
It’s secret knowledge – of course she’s not letting that slip out of her hands. She is, however, horrified to find out how the oculara are created.
Does the Inquisitor complete the Astrariums? Why or why not?
She loved testing her knowledge of the stars and enjoyed completing the puzzles – always refusing any help.
Does the Inquisitor take time to complete side quests/recruit agents? Why or why not?
Unless she was on a mission that required to make haste, Taashath always takes the time to help people in need and spread the word of the good work the Inquisition does. As for agents, she recruits as much as she can, and never turns down help or a chance to gain more influence.
Who does the Inquisitor prefer to have in their party? Why?
Cole, Solas and Dorian/Vivienne. They take turns. Cole is a spirit in a very unique predicament, Solas knows much about magic and the Fade, and Dorian is her bestie. She also really loves Vivienne’s company.
Which advisor is the Inquisitor closest to, if any?
Josephine. She helps Taashath a great deal adjusting in Haven and then in Skyhold, and she feels really drawn to her. She also really loves hearing about her time in Antiva and Orlais, but she comes to Leliana when she has doubts about what she’s doing or the Inquisition itself.
Who does the Inquisitor most often turn to for advice?
Solas, mostly. They have this ritual where they will greet the morning, relaxing their bodies, stretching them, it helps her relax a lot and start the morning with a clear mindset. She also finds venting to Dorian very helpful, and the two grow very close.
Who is the one the Inquisitor hangs out with the most in their free time?
Dorian, absolutely. They’re both bookworms and spend their time talking about what new things they’re studying, their favourite scholars and the like. He tries to get her to loosen up a bit, and although met with some initial resistance, the two grow very fond of each other.
Who would be the one the Inquisitor tells their deepest, darkest secrets to?
Cole already knows them all, and she knows it. Her deepest and darkest secrets? Leliana, the only one who will treasure them carefully.
Are there any companions the Inquisitor wishes they were closer to? If so, which ones?
Sera. Taashath feels that winding down with Sera is the best time she has in the Inquisition, but her duties always make it so she can spend little time with her, and she wishes she could be more like the elf - wild and carefree. However, after some time, they find solace in each other and help each other deal with their issues regarding their own heritages.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Leliana?
She’s the voice of reason compared to Cassandra, and she trusts her from the beginning, purely because she’s level-headed despite what is happening.
Does the impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Taashath always trusts Leliana and considers her a powerful and valuable ally. However, during the events of Trespasser she grows frustrated with the liberties Leliana takes, and her failures as well.
What does Leliana think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Leliana sees Taashath as a wonderful woman. Knowledgeable, well versed in the fighting arts and a diplomat to heart. Honestly, Leliana couldn’t have wished for a better Inquisitor.
Does the Inquisitor help Leliana find the Divine’s last message for her in Val Royeaux?
Of course she does. Having her advisors be at peace and entirely focused on her work is a top priority.
If so, do they “soften” Leliana or confirm her “hardened” nature?
Leliana doesn’t need Taashath to tell her who she is. She only tries to remind her that there can be space for a gentle heart even when making the toughest decisions.
Does the Inquisitor support the idea of Leliana being Divine?
She swings back and forth between her and Vivienne until she finally decides to support her. The Chantry needs radical change, and Leliana will bring just that. She loves how outspoken she is in favor of non-humans and mages, and she knows she will be a friend of the Inquisition. It’s an all around win for everyone, she believes.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cullen?
He’s angry, he’s got a sword, he’s giving her the stink eye. She doesn’t like him.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Not really. She’s apathetic towards him at best, or wishes they could find a better replacement for him, but the soldiers seem to like him, and she only wants the Inquisition to be united.
What does Cullen think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Cullen knows full well the Inquisitor doesn’t even think him necessary to the operations, and he tries to make her see things differently. When she challenges him on his views and his methods, he realizes he only buried his bigoted views under the false pretence of having “gotten over it”.  
Does the Inquisitor play the chess game with Cullen? Do they let him win, play fair, or cheat?
She doesn’t really like spending time with Cullen outside of work, so no.
Does the Inquisitor convince Cullen to stay off lyrium, or tell him to start taking it again?
She’s not gonna have him keep taking lyrium – it’s going to lead to madness eventually, and she urges him to push through it despite the pain. Genuinely, it’s when she feels sympathy for him. What he goes through cannot be easy, and even though she doesn’t like him and him being free of lyrium addiction would help the Inquisition, it’s mostly for his own good that she pushes him to power through it.
Does the Inquisitor assist Cullen in finding Samson’s base?
Yes. She is disgusted by him calling Maddox “Samson’s Tranquil” like he is some sort of pet, but in the end the only thing she cares about is weakening Corypheus’s allies.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Josephine?
Taashath thinks Josephine is lovely, and appreciates her efforts to make her feel comfortable. In her opinion, Josie is also a very beautiful, striking woman.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
She thinks Josephine is, along with Leliana, the most important asset to the Inquisition. Her knowledge and network of contacts is vital and she cherishes having such a prepared and professional woman by her side.
What does Josephine think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Josephine is initially nervous about Taashath’s apparent stoic nature, but eventually learns to recognize the subtle tells of the qunari’s feelings, learns to read them, and becomes her confidante. She greatly appreciates Taashath’s interest in politics and eagerness to help.  
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Josephine?
Yes. To be honest, in the beginning, Taashath went to her to vent and relax. She would compliment her constantly in what could be considered flirtatious comments, but to her she was only admiring the woman she was speaking to. It didn’t even occur to her that she was developing feelings for Josephine, as she would never assume Josephine would waste her time with her, and it is only when Leliana gives her “the talk” that she’s forced to think about her feelings and realizes just how much she cares for her.
What is it like? Why are they attracted to each other?
Taashath is interested in Josephine’s work and stories, and she enjoys her quiet company. Josephine appreciates Taashath’s work ethics and driven mind. It’s all professional at first… until it isn’t.
Does the Inquisitor find Josephine an example of her old family crest?
Yes. Taashath takes any chance she has to make Josephine happy, and spends a great deal of time finding that antiquity – she loves collecting old wine bottles as well, and thus she knows where and who to look for when it comes to trinket-hunters.
Does the Inquisitor duel Lord Otranto for Josephine’s affections? Do they confess their love to Josephine when she intervenes, or allow Otranto to marry Josephine?
Initially, she wasn’t going to. If Josephine said they were done, Taashath was not going to force anything on her. However, this caused her a great deal of suffering. She was a mess, and this to her was just reaffirmation that no one would ever love her the way she loved them. She got blind drunk and collapsed on the sofa in her chambers. Ironically, it was Hissra – her previous partner – who found her in that condition and made her realize she had to fight for Josephine. Her yelling “because I love you!” in the middle of the square was probably the most emotional she’s been, and has allowed herself to be, in quite a bit. She poured her heart out for Josephine in that moment, and to have her love reciprocated was… more than she could have ever hoped for.
They get married sometime before Trespasser.
Does the Inquisitor talk to Josephine about her work to help her relieve stress?
Yes. They go on and on about it, and Taashath tries to give helpful advice, or just offer an understanding ear.
Do they enjoy it? Does it continue to occur?
Oh, yes. It becomes a regular occurrence, so much so that Josephine is always ready with wine and appetizers for Taashath’s visit. Yes, those are dates. No, they don’t realize it for quite a while. Everybody else knows but them.
Does the Inquisitor help Josephine reinstate her family’s trade in Orlais?
Of course!
If yes, do they kill the agent from the House of Repose?
No. The agent came to speak, and so did she.
Do they decide to take Josephine’s route of nullifying the contract, or Leliana’s?
Taashath would prefer doing what Leliana suggests because it’s fast and easy, but ultimately chooses to follow Josephine’s route and elevate the Du Paraquettes. Having nobles owe you favours is convenient.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cassandra?
She is mostly afraid of her, because she understands she’s in a position of power and is very, very angry at her for something she didn’t do. Does not bode well.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
They become good work colleagues after the events of the Temple, and sometimes they share book recommendations and advice. However, Taashath does not like how Cassandra pushes for her to believe in the Maker, and her general lack of tact when it comes to asking about Taashath herself prevents them from becoming fully friends, although there is much respect between the two..
What does Cassandra think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Cassandra is surprised by Taashath’s prowess as a strategist and warrior, and is content with her being Inquisitor, although she disagrees with some of her choices.
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Cassandra?
Nah. Taashath likes Cassandra well enough, but she regards her more as a colleague rather than a potential partner.
Does the Inquisitor find out about Cassandra’s “guilty pleasure?” If so, do they convince Varric to make the next chapter of Swords and Shields for her?
Yes. She finds it all amusing, really. She’s read Sword & Shield herself, and finds it very shallow – not to the level of poetry books that she usually reads. However, she sees how much Cassandra likes it, and sees no harm in nudging Varric towards finishing another chapter.
Does the Inquisitor help Cassandra track down hunt down criminals left unchecked by the Seekers’ absence?
Yes. She has Leliana check their backgrounds herself first, but she helps her in the end.
Does the Inquisitor go with Cassandra to Caer Oswin to find the missing Seekers?
Yes. She sees how important it is for Cassandra, and wants her at peace.
If so, does the Inquisitor support Cassandra’s idea to rebuild the Seekers, or do they discourage her from doing so?
Taashath knows what the Seekers mean to Cassandra, and she sees she’s horrified by the secrets they kept and wants to do better by them- Plus, she believes Cassandra is the perfect fit to guide them, so she lets her go. Her hope is that the Seekers of Truth will now be worthy of their name.
Does the Inquisitor support the idea of Cassandra being Divine?
Nah. Cassandra is not suited to deal with nobles, or politics. She is a firm believer, sure, but that alone is not enough. She would keep the peace at the cost of people’s lives – as much as Taashath’s respects her, she does not trust her with the Sunburst Throne.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Varric?
She doesn’t ever really know how to respond to his jokes, but he’s an accomplished writer and a good person at heart, and she sees that. For her, it’s good enough.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Varric’s charisma gets to her, too, and she often drinks with him. They share stories and writing tips, and after Taashath has him read some of her own writing, he tries to hook her up with someone who might publish her poems under a pen name, successfully. Sometimes, occasionally, she vents to him, but she deals with things that are so far beyond a normal person’s understanding that he rarely knows what to say, so she tries not to make him uncomfortable. Like Dorian, he tries to get her to loosen up, but it’s actually because of their shared passion of writing that they grow fond of each other and become good friends.
What does Varric think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Varric’s dealings with the qunari in the past have left him wary of the people, but he also sees Taashath is genuinely trying to do what’s best. He only hopes things will turn out better than they did with Hawke, but Taashath seems better suited to deal with the situations thrown at her than Marian was.
If Varric could give the Inquisitor a nickname, what would it be?
Red. Her red eyes are the first thing he noticed about her, not to mention her red hair and coppery skin, and how she dresses. Red, to describe her, is the first thing that comes to mind.
Does the Inquisitor find and destroy the Red Lyrium sources across Thedas after learning about them from Varric?
Absolutely. It’s vital to her in destroying Corypheus, not doing so would be irresponsible.
Does the Inquisitor help Varric and Bianca find the thaig inside Valammar?
Does the Inquisitor blame Bianca for what happened?
Yes. She loves learning more, and knowing more, and figuring out stuff. But lying? Putting people in danger? Refusing to take responsibility? That does not sit right with her.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Solas?
She's' very uncomfortable with him grabbing her and yanking her arm, but she quickly comes to trust him - especially once she finds out he kept her alive while she was unconscious, and thanks him for his help.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
She immediately trusts him with her doubts regarding the Anchor, and often comes to him for advice. She loves walking with him through the Fade, she loves listening to his stories, they have their own little ritual in the morning. She considers him her mentor.
What does Solas think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
He is… surprised. He knows what she really is, where she comes from, what she comes from, and expects her to be nothing but a savage who will not understand the power she holds in her hand. Instead, Taashath reveals herself to be level-headed, reasonable, eager to learn, and interested in everything he has to say. Maybe he misjudged her people.
Does the Inquisitor help Solas find and activate elvhen artefacts to strengthen the Veil?
Yes. It’s part of the Inquisition’s job to deal with the Veil now, only natural that she would.
Does the Inquisitor help Solas rescue his friend in the Exalted Plains?
Of course. She sees how distressed he is, and she only wants to help him.
Does the Inquisitor choose to destroy the summoning stones or fight the Pride Demon?
They’re there to help Solas’s friend, even if the friend has been corrupted. Solas will deal with it when everything is over.
Does the Inquisitor let Solas kill the mages or do they stop him?
She stops him. It was all a mistake, one that was not supposed to happen, she doesn’t want him killing mages who didn’t understand what they were doing. Let them live, and learn from their experience.
How does the Inquisitor react to finding out Solas is Fen’harel?
It’s all a whirlwind of emotions. Some things make sense, others are completely upside down. That she was spending her time with an Ancient Elven God all this time, when she didn't believe in any higher power, shook her to her core.
Does the Inquisitor choose to look for Solas after he disappears? Why or why not?
Of course! She needs to know more, and knows that – deep down – Solas wants to be stopped. And she will.
Is Sera recruited?
Definitely. A network of spies that uses people no one ever expects to do this kind of work is exactly what Taashath needed.
If she is, does she ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
Absolutely not. Taashath values Sera’s network greatly, and she clearly wants to be with the Inquisition. Why turn down her help, when she gives it freely?
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Sera?
Amused. She doesn’t really know what to make of Sera, but her skill with a bow and her quick-witted nature are a breath of fresh air for her.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
They have a complicated relationship. Taashath sees a lot of herself in Sera, and not in the best sense. The way she looks down upon her own heritage, the way she shuts down when something becomes too overwhelming – it’s like seeing a younger version of herself. Taashath tries to help Sera in coming to terms with her own “elfyness”, and Sera ends up doing the same for her. They help each other like that.
What does Sera think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Sera finds Taashath to be a beautiful woman, and she’s captivated by her. Helps her relax and keep her eyes looking towards the little people. Sera is always watchful for the moment Taashath becomes like the nobles she hates - and yet this never happens. Sera and Taashath remain good friends even after the end of the main game. She has her loyalty.
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Sera?
No. Taashath finds Sera to be too young for her.
Does the Inquisitor complete the Red Jenny War Table missions?
Yes. After all, that’s why she recruited Sera in the first place.
Does the Inquisitor agree to send a presence to Verchiel for Sera?
Yes. She trusts and values Sera’s input, despite what others might say.
How does the Inquisitor deal with Lord Harmond? (Do they ally with him, force him to work for the Inquisition, let him leave, or let Sera kill him?)
Normally, Taashath tries to find a way so that her enemies can become her allies. However, after seeing how Harmond treats people, and seeing how distressed Sera was, she allows her to kill him. People like him would bring no good to the Inquisition, anyway.
Is Vivienne recruited?
Yes. Taashath is aware of who the Madame de Fer is, and is very intrigued by her invite.
If she is, does she ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. Taashath deeply values Vivienne as an ally and friend.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Vivienne?
She’s… almost enchanted. The way she handled the confrontation with the noble, the way she got straight to business immediately. Everything from the way she was dressed to the way she acted told Taashath this was someone to keep close. Maybe she even flirted a little bit with her, with no hopes of achieving anything, of course. She’s not that deluded.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Taashath wished Vivienne’s opinions on the Circle were somewhat different, although she still understood where she was coming from. But she comes to respect and regard Vivienne as a dear friend, and often came to her for advice or to vent. Vivienne was always willing to help, and to offer a listening ear. They enjoyed quiet evenings together, discussing politics and drinking fine wine.
What does Vivienne think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
At first, she saw Taashath as a rather weak leader, because of her demeanor. It does not fool VIvienne that a lot of her perceived stoicness is actually a shield. Then, she came to respect her and what she did, and regard her as a friend and valuable ally. Taashath became someone Vivienne could rely on. Does the Inquisitor help Vivienne look for the three tomes for the Circle of Magi?
Yes. It’s not exactly related to the Inquisition, but she always wishes to keep her closest ally content.
Does the Inquisitor agree to find Vivienne the heart of a Snowy Wyvern?
Yes. It’s the first time Vivienne directly asks for her help in a private matter, and she realizes this must be terribly important. Madame de Fer seems distressed also, and Taashath jumps to her help because she finds it so uncharacteristic of her.
Do they actually give Vivienne the heart, or do they give her the heart of a regular wyvern?
There is no reason to give her a fake heart, no reason not to trust Vivienne. After seeing Vivienne’s soft side, she feels more connected to her and was glad she tried to help, even if ultimately the Duke died.
Does the Inquisitor support Vivienne, the idea of Vivienne being Divine?
Not at first. She resonated more with Leliana’s ideas, and she had a mind of supporting the Left Hand of the Divine. After her personal assistant and apprentice, Sefridi Trevelyan, spoke to her in private, Taashath was more willing to support Vivienne in becoming Divine - especially because she is a mage. However, after more careful consideration and a talk with the Hero of Ferelden, Taashath ultimately chose Leliana.
Is Blackwall recruited?
Yes. The help of a Grey Warden when dealing with a darkspawn? Yes, please.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Blackwall?
She is… honestly disappointed. She expected Grey Wardens to be different. For one, he does not offer much in the way of information, the very thing they recruited him for. Second, he is even reluctant to speak of his life as a Warden. But he seems like a good man and gives himself to the cause, so she values his help, although she’s not really sure he’s the best Grey Warden they could have come across.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why? She is hurt that he would lie about it all, when he could have simply joined the cause as a normal warrior. She wouldn’t have kicked him out for that. After some thinking, she figures that he is truly seeking atonement, and that he should be allowed to do that. He’s helped her all this time, after all, even if it was under a false name. She’s not one to not repay favours.
What does Blackwall think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Surprised that Andraste would choose a qunari. But then he sees that she is a good woman, willing to do what it takes to close the Breach and defeat Corypheus, and vows to do better in regards to his own prejudices.
Does the Inquisitor help Blackwall find Grey Warden information across Thedas?
Yes. The more information they can gather, the better they can understand what’s going on. And it makes Blackwall happy, anyway.
How does the Inquisitor react to finding out Rainier’s true identity?
Very hurt at first. Why would he lie? Why would he not trust her with the truth? And then, angry. What are Leliana’s spies doing? Do they just believe anything they hear reported, not doing background checks? It’s a moment that makes her a bit paranoid, and becomes a little harsher in the way she deals with possible allies.
Do they leave them in Val Royeaux or bring them back to Skyhold for judgment?
She brings him to Skyhold for judgement. He is her soldier, she will deal with him herself. And then, she sees that he truly regrets what he did, and decides after all this is done he will become a real Warden.
Is Dorian recruited?
Yes. Shared trauma through time travel is the quickest way to friendship, as I said.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. He and Taashath basically become best of friends, always with their noses buried in books, chatting, supporting and confiding in each other. They enjoy their fair share of nights spent talking about life - lots of “I wish I could have” conversations - while enjoying some wine. Always in moderation, of course..
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Dorian?
Distrustful. He’s from Tevinter, and when she meets him she’s dealing with hostile Tevinters. It’s not really the best of introductions, but she’s willing to hear him out.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why? Yes, absolutely. After what they’ve been through in Redcliffe, they spend much time together. Taashath is quick to trust him after their ordeal and comes to him for questions regarding magic and Tevinter – as she’s never met someone from the place besides her ex-partner, and she has no fond memories of the place. As usual, she compliments him on things, sounds flirtatious because she has kind of a way with words, he flirts back because that’s just entertaining. This goes on for a while, until he comes forward and tells her he’s not interested. It’s… awkward, she tells him she’s not interested either. Wait, you’re gay? Wait, you’re lesbian? They laugh a lot about it, and it sorts of become their way of joking with each other.  She finds his opinions on slavery gross, and tells him of her former partner’s experiences in Tevinter. It’s hard for him to accept, but she doesn’t let it go until he realizes he has much to think about.
What does Dorian think of the Inquisitor? Does this change? At first he is nervous. He’s afraid this qunari will punch him down and not trust him, but she demonstrates herself  to be a valuable ally. After what they’ve been through in Redcliffe, he knows he can count on her, and slowly comes to considering her his best friend.
Does the Inquisitor help Dorian find and track down Venatori?
Yes. It’s not only a favour for Dorian, but beneficial to the Inquisition. Two birds and all that.
Does the Inquisitor learn that Dorian’s father wishes to speak with him?
Do they tell Dorian about the letter or not?
Of course. It’s not her place to keep anything of the sort from him.
 Do they urge Dorian to reconcile with his father, or do they let Dorian leave without reconciliation?
She understands, and she doesn’t want Dorian to feel like she’s forcing him to do something, but she tries to reason with him that this might be the last time he sees him, and if he wants to try – she’s there for him. It’s personal for her due to her own relationship with her family.
Is Cole recruited?
Yes. She found him immediately very interesting.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. Sometimes Taashath doesn’t know what’s best for him, but he feels useful and she finds him interesting. Almost feels a maternal instinct towards him.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cole?
His existence is something she didn’t think was possible, and is intrigued by the possibilities. She also finds his way of speaking very soothing.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
As they spend more time together, she comes to appreciate and grows fond of Cole not just as a strange occurrence, but as a person she has grown attached to. Sure, she wants to know more about him, but she’s also eager for him to experience the world as a person, and not just a spirit perusing beyond the veil.
What does Cole think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
She tries to drown her own light to survive, but she’s still so bright. She is gentle, kind, and she understands.
When Cole helps people, does the Inquisitor encourage their spirit-like methods (such as making people forget him and mercy killings), or convince him there are different ways to help?
She encourages him to seek out different methods of helping, and tries to help him make connections with people so that he can help them better.
Does the Inquisitor urge Cole to forgive the Templar and embrace his spirit nature, or learn to grow by confronting the Templar and becoming more human? Cole – the spirit of compassion – was in pain for what Cole – the boy – suffered through. That boy’s pain was his pain, and was she going to tell him to just forgive and forget? For starving a helpless boy? She encouraged him to do what he thought was best, and this led to Cole confronting the Templar.  
Is Iron Bull recruited?
Yes. He’s a valuable asset.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. His contacts are important, and she… gains insight into an actual follower of the Qun.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Iron Bull?
Surprised. At first she thinks he’s another Tal-Vashoth, but is left astonished when he confesses he’s a Ben-Hassrath. Asala told her of Ben-Hassrath, but still, she did not think he would be… so animated. She herself is prejudiced regarding qunari, as during the years she internalized what people said about her kind. She doesn’t know what to make of him, and this makes her anxious. She still recruits him, as his presence offers various advantages, but it’s almost like she’s studying him as well.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? if not, why?
Definitely. He teaches her more about what it means living under the Qun, and helps her reconnect to this part of her heritage that she was so detached from. Their sparring sessions become a little relaxing ritual for her, and she enjoys the company of the Chargers, and admires the family bond he has with them. She envies him, in some ways. In time, this envy turns to admiration, and the two become great friends.
What does Iron Bull think of the Inquisitor? Does this change? She lives outside of the Qun, her parents are Tal-Vashoth – yet she is no savage, purposeless beast. She is a great warrior, a leader – an inspiration to many. He makes sure she knows her people well, makes sure her mental health is kept in check – it’s his job, after all. But after a while, it becomes less of a job and more something that he does out of his own volition, because she cares about her and considers her his friend.
Is the Inquisition approached by the Ben-Hassrath to secure a formal alliance?
Yes. It’s a strange moment for her. It’s still difficult for her to deal with qunari business.
During the attack of the dreadnaught, does the Inquisitor sacrifice the dreadnaught and the alliance, or Bull’s Chargers?
She knows the Chargers. She loves them. She knows how the Iron Bull loves them, and she doesn’t want him sacrificing them because he feels he’s obligated to. To hell the alliance, to hell the contacts, to hell the information – these are her people. The Bull taught her well, but doesn’t realize it. It’s one of the only “selfish” choices she makes in game.
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tangodancerxxxmumu · 4 years
meet... niobe bulstrode ( the prince of demons, asmodeus )
Tumblr media
age: 25 / ageless
pronouns: she / her
birthplace: gerrard’s cross, england, uk
species: demon ( former banshee )
sexuality: bisexual ( demiromantic )
occupation: none
faceclaim: margaret qualley
&. “you have my permission not to love me; i am a cathedral of deadbolts and i’d rather burn myself down than change the locks.” --rachel mckibbens, “letter from my brain to my heart”
under the cut are multiple triggers, including ( tw death, tw grief, tw loss, tw violence, tw depression ). if i seem to have missed anything, please let me know.
niobe was born into moderate wealth in a town in south buckinghamshire. ( ironically, given her last name, near bulstrode park itself ). the only girl, middle child stuck inbetween a set of twin older brothers and a baby brother, she never quite found her footing in her family or the world at large. whatever her mother had wanted in her daughter, niobe was anything but. even as a child, the girl was rambunctious, short-tempered, and had an obsessive need to prove herself beyond her brothers. she rejected femininity, possibly because her mother endorsed it so heavily. there was, however, one way in which the mother and daughter could relate--they were both banshees.
her father had wanted all sons. while her older brothers pleased him, he wanted more. sons brought with the family power, carried on the bulstrode name. despite this, niobe was her father’s favorite child, and he remarked one day that she would’ve made a better son than a daughter. after that, niobe took on several more masculine traits–independence, leadership within her groups, an assertive nature that didn’t go unnoticed, arrogance.
it wasn’t until she was six years old that she met someone who truly understood her--corban, the son of a family friend. while he’d initially been brought in to befriend her older brothers, the pair of them clearly hit it off right away. they spent most of their time together, writing to each other when they were apart. niobe had never been fanciful about emotions and didn’t use the term lightly, but believed they were soulmates. she even told him about her abilities, and while she was sure he didn’t believe her, he didn’t mock her or run.
the older she got, the more her mother desperately wanted to make her look more... presentable to society. after all, her friends would have lavish parties, and she couldn’t parade her daughter around if her daughter refused to wear dresses and smile prettily. there became this routine where niobe would be allowed to dress as she wishes at home, at the boarding school they went to... but her mother would make her dress up to leave the house. niobe felt like a joke in the outfits, and a burning rage began to grow in her. she started getting into fights at school, at home, in public... anywhere. corban usually joined in, though she learned she was much better with her fists than him. no matter. she’d do a good chunk of the damage, and he’d be backup.
as niobe grew, so did her love of sports--soccer, specifically. she practiced every day, learned tactics, eventually trying out for teams. she ended up making a professional british league at twenty one. her mother wanted her to go to university and meet a nice man. her father, as much as he loved his daughter, wanted his wife happy. it caused a huge fight, and, in the dead of the night, niobe packed a bag, grabbed corban from his house, and the pair of them left. their families begged for them to return, but they’d long decided that all they needed to get by was each other.
the shitty flat they were living in was worth it for the freedom it gave them. corban was able to bring home men and women without judgement, and niobe was able to dress as she wished and come into her own more. the fights still happened, but less frequently. more often, they were provoked. they were happy, for a change. she’d been training her banshee abilities with her mother while she was younger, and occasionally she’d receive a text from the woman begging her to come home so she could continue, but she never did. being a banshee... never fit in with the plan.
two years after running off, niobe and corban were celebrating his twenty-fourth birthday by bar hopping, just the pair of them. around two in the morning, they decided to walk back to their apartment, taking a shortcut through their typical alley. normally, it was empty, but that night, a few men had been waiting for them. men they’d fought before. men who were angry. they were in no state for a fair fight, and they were outnumbered. it didn’t take long before two men were restraining niobe, the other two knocking corban around until he was on the ground. they kept hitting him, and hitting him, and this strange feeling was flooding niobe’s body. this awful sort of energy... then they began to bash his skull in against the concrete. she shrieked, this inhuman wail that made the men let go of her, and as they ran off, she knew her friend was gone. she’d felt it. 
niobe became a mere shell of herself after that night. she stopped leaving the apartment, not for practice or anything. she was kicked off of the team, which should’ve hurt, but she felt nothing. nothing but this ebb and flow of intense sorrow to intense apathy... and then back. she’d always been thin, but she lost her muscle, her definition. she spent hours in his room, staring at the art on the walls. she cried until she shook, then wailed until her voice was sore, but nothing helped. she could remember how it felt when he died. and it went on for months, this pain. the better part of a year she spent, losing herself... until a dark witch showed up.
if this were anyone else’s story, perhaps the witch that showed up might have taken advantage of her state. perhaps, in another tale, the witch would’ve heard about her and played her for a fool. but niobe... she was ready to be gone. she’d found the witch, a darker one, begging her to let something else take control. she wanted power, wanted to be rid of this grief... she didn’t want to think about corban anymore. and the witch took pity on her, invoking a powerful demon to inhabit her body as niobe, for the first time in almost a year, smiled.
asmodeus was the prince of demons, and an ancient being. biblical. he was the very snake that seduced eve into eating the apple in eden. he’s a demon of wrath, of sex, of prophecies, of treasures. married to the demon lilith, his wife. the demon found a sort of beauty as he possessed niobe, one he hadn’t seen in a while. a sad poetry to the tragic greek name. as the pair fused, niobe fading within herself, he decided to take on the persona.
niobe hasn’t been within herself for years, but that’s what she wanted. the demon within her has adopted her body, her identity, her sex. she eventually settled in bellport, maine, drawn by the magnetic pull of the small town. now, she’s exploring. niobe isn’t home, but you wouldn’t know that looking at her.
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
Clairy - I’ll be there to pull you back
@yellowmagicalgirl Here’s number 3! This one will also have a follow up in a few days. If anyone else has any requests or prompts, send me some asks!
Morgana did not rest in her time in the Shadow Realm. Ever so slowly she slid her way into Claire’s mind again. Years down the road, the New Jersey Trollmarket has been set up and Claire feels a tingle in her mind. Something that she remembers from her possession back in Arcadia. She flees running into the local caves to be alone, lest she hurt her friends again. And there in the darkness, Claire had no one to turn to when the darkness came for her. 
Morgana smiled as her magic shook the cave walls. Finally she was free again. It had taken years of work. Worming her way slowly into the child’s subconscious, though truly she no longer a child. From the Shadow Realm her power was limited, if she had moved too fast the girl would have been able to fight her off and her chances would have been ruined. Of course not all the work had been just for her escape. Convincing Claire to break up with the Trollhunter was just for fun. Morgana smiled to herself and let her magic rattle the cave again. 
The girl had grown powerful. If she wanted to she could bring this entire cave down. Morgana knew she had barely a portion of her true power in this realm. All the rest of the power came from Claire. She truly was a magnificent host. Morgana carefully crafted her armor around her body, shining golden light solidifying into plate and chainmail. Once all her armor was in place she smiled and allowed the cave shake again. It was time for the Eldritch Queen to make her appearance on the surface. 
Morgana began floating out of the cave system. Initially Claire had hid in this cave system when she had felt Morgana’s touch on her mind again. The girl had been desperate not to let her friends get hurt this time around. But down here in the dark, the Pale Lady was able to complete her work without distraction or interference. She floated into a larger room, she knew she was near the surface again. 
“Claire!” A voice screamed out of the dark. Morgana whirled, golden light shining at her fists. Somehow one of those damn kids had found her despite Claire’s best attempts to disappear in the darkness. But the voice wasn’t one she recognized from her many encounters with the Trollhunters. Morgana allowed her light to expand to brighten the whole chamber. 
The light flowed into the chamber and the girl covered her face at the sudden glare. She was an asian girl about Claire’s age. It looked like she had spent days down here in the caves. Her skin was pale and her hair a mess. Whoever she was, she had obviously come into this cave specifically to find Claire. Morgana didn’t recognize her at all. But Claire did. Morgana could feel the warmth in her core, the small buried place where the girl’s conscious had been sent to. 
A voice in her head, tremendously loud, suddenly shouted out. ‘Run Mary! Run or she’ll kill you!’ Morgana didn’t let the shout pass her lips, though it seemed to thunder inside her desperate to get out. ‘Be silent girl.’ Morgana growled back in her mind. Then she smiled. Whoever this Mary was, she and Claire were obviously close. Forcing Claire to kill her would solidify her control over the girl irreparably. Morgana might not even have to possess Claire any more. 
Golden light appeared at her fists, solidifying into the orbs that she preferred as her weapon. Morgana laughed to herself. It seemed when she left the Trollhunter, Claire fled to the fairer sex for her love. That was a desire Morgana knew well. She wondered if the society of today was kinder to women who loved women then society had been her day. Back when she had loved…
Morgana unleashed her magic, the golden orbs blasting holes in the rock. Why was she thinking about Her at a time like this? Her triumph was dawning. She frowned at herself and her frown deepened when she saw that somehow she had missed Claire’s lover completely. 
“Claire is this why you left me?” Mary called out. She was looking in a panic at the chunks that had been blown from the walls. 
“Claire is gone you fool girl!” Morgana said haughtily, charging another blast of her golden orbs. She unleashed an even larger salvo than last time. Massive pieces of stone fell from the roof of the cave. Again somehow every orb had missed Mary. 
Morgana growled. Claire. The girl must be fighting her somehow. Forcing her shots to go wide of their mark. In an instant she had one of her most powerful spells at her finger tips. Mary flinched, hiding her face as the massive blast thundered toward her. Morgana could only watch in horror as the powerful beam split around Mary’s body cleaving through the rock on either side. 
Morgana settled on the ground breathing heavily. From one of the tunnels she had just carved out there was a hint of fresh air. How had Claire managed to divert one of her most powerful spells? That was beyond anything even Merlin could do. She took a deep breath and summoned her golden whips. ‘Have it your way girl. She could have had a quick death. Now it will be painful.’
The whips sparkled and crackled in the air speeding towards Claire’s love. Before they reached her another whip appeared, this one purple not gold. To her surprise the purple whip wrapped around her own throat. 
‘I’ve learned a trick or two from you Morgana.’ Claire’s voice in her head said. The purple whip tightened and Morgana let her own gold light dissipate. ‘Let her go, you witch! Or I’ll kill us both!’ To prove her point the whip tightened further and started to burn. 
Morgana gasped and clawed at the chain around her throat. She felt herself get dragged into a region of the girl’s mind. It looked like the girl’s home back in Arcadia. Claire stood there, her eyes glowing with purple light, purple whips in her hands. She was wearing the armor Merlin had forged for her. ‘You should have stayed in the Shadow Realm!’
Claire flung her whips out with crack and Morgana felt them rake her mind. Again and again the girl whipped at her. Morgana tried to fight back but the human body she inhabited desperately needed air, her lungs burned and her vision started to fade. All the while Claire did not pause in her assault. 
As Morgana was on the edge of passing out when she felt someone grab hold of her armor. She was suddenly face to face with Claire’s lover. It was clear what Mary intended to do. Morgana’s body was on the verge of collapsing, starved of air as it was, Claire did let up the fight in the mental projection space she had created and all Morgana could focus on was the girl in front of her. The curves of her face, her lips, her eyes, the way her hair fell across her face. Nimue. 
Every inch of the girl’s skin reminded her of Nimue. The Lady of the Lake. And the lady of her heart. They had loved each other during an age when the world was less kind to them for their love. And it had cost them...everything. Morgana couldn’t bare the thought of what Nimue would think of her now. Her last and greatest love. 
Morgana could feel herself coming undone by Claire’s barrage. It was only a matter of time before she managed to drive Morgana completely from her mind. And even if she didn’t the girl was completely willing to die to prevent Morgana from using her body. In her mind she saw herself with her clawed hands clutching Claire’s body. The whips were pulling her off one finger at a time.
Mary pressed her lips to Claire’s. And Morgana let go. 
She suddenly found herself cast free. She had no shelter now from Claire’s whips and magic. In only a matter of moments the girl flayed Morgana’s mind and soul to pieces. Her last thought before even consciousness was stripped from her was, ‘I wonder if Nimue would be proud of me. For letting go…’ 
* * *
Mary pressed her lips to Claire’s and just like that the girl collapsed in her arms. Mary immediately pulled the golden helmet off her head. Her face was turning blue, her eyes vacant. Mary laid her down and scrabbled at the purple chain around her neck. The chain burned and scraped her fingers yet still she struggled to free her love from its grasp. 
“Claire, help me Claire! I can’t get this thing off you!” Mary cried, large tears running down her face to land on Claire’s. For a second the girl’s eyes focused on Mary. One of her hands that been held in a tight fist relaxed and the chain slowly dissolved into smoke and shadow. As the chain disappeared so did the golden armor Claire had been wearing. Then Claire passed out fully, but at least now she was breathing. 
Mary held her close for several seconds, crying onto the other girl’s shoulder. A touch of fresh air on her face reminded her that she needed to leave this cave. She carefully put Claire’s arm over her should and stood up. With one hand she pulled out a small crystal from her pocket. 
She breathed on it and it glowed brightly and two faces filled two of the facets of the crystal. One face belonged to Jim Lake Jr. and the other to Toby Domzalski. 
“Mary! Did you find her?” Jim asked. 
“Yes. I found her. She’s alive and I think the witch is gone.” Mary said then started to walk down the path Morgana had carved, dragging Claire as best she could. “I’m going to need your help getting her out of this cave and to a hospital.”
Jim was silent but Toby answered. “You got it! We’ll be there soon. It looks like you aren’t far.”
The faces of the crystal grew dark. Mary paused to adjust her grip on her love. Claire was unconscious, her throat was cut, bruised and burned, but at least she was alive. Mary pressed a kiss to Claire’s temple and stumbled on, dragging Claire with her.
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inqorporeal · 5 years
DVD commentary meme! Anything from the Mandalorian bit in the latest chapter of For the Right Price, please?
Director commentary meme
Ooooh, lessee…
Fuckit, here’s the good stuff.
In both Mando’a and traditional handspeak, he said, “I see you all live. It’s good. I’m gonna keep this short.” Jango sighed. It had taken him hours to figure out what he was going to say, and how to say it. Public speaking wasn’t his thing, but it was expected of him, so he shoved the nerves away to be dealt with later and continued, “I’m not happy with how the reputation of the Mando’adë has dropped. We used to be respected out of fear; Jaster’s dream was for us to be respected for our honour. The Kyr’tsad want the days of conquest back, and you can see that affecting our reception across the galaxy.”
The Mando’ade being a communal culture, I refuse to believe that they don’t have a sign language, or that everyone doesn’t know it.
Jango is a complicated character to write: he’s the typical Hardass Action Man on the outside, but everyone has internal conflicts and insecurities they’ve spent their lives trying to either overcome or otherwise deal with so they can fill the role they want. 
Jaster’s reforms were unpopular with a lot of Mandalorians who wanted to return to the “Good Old Days” of conquest. Jango’s making a move that might be unpopular, especially after a decade where the Death Watch -- who were partly responsible for Jaster’s death -- were the only visible leadership who didn’t push pacifism.
He soothed the tightness in his throat with another sip of gal and continued, “That’s partly my fault. Instead of standing upright, I went and disappeared. A lot of you will be right to question my ability to lead after that, and I’m willing to accept the criticism.” An unhappy smile crossed his face. “Believe me, none of you can be harder on me than I am.
“I’m here because I want that dream back. I’m here because I want to ask each one of you to give me the chance to honour Jaster’s legacy, and follow me into a better future for the Mando’adë and Manda’yaim.” He shook his head. “We used to be a community. It’s because of me that we’re not. But we can fix that. It’s not too late.”
Jango has spent his life trying to honour the legacy of the man who adopted him after Death Watch killed his parents. After the clusterfuck that was Galidraan, followed by being sold into slavery by the politician who duped both the Jedi and the True Mandalorians, he just… stopped. Canonically. It doesn’t fit with Jango’s stated goals, unless there’s a substantial chunk of self-recrimination and self-doubt going on under the surface. Jango went from being active in the community to being a prickly loner asshole, and I imagine most of that is because he had a hard time looking in the mirror most days.
In the silence that followed, a solidly built teenager, who had likely been no more than a child when Galidraan happened, rose to speak. “Why come back now? Are you really here for us? Or is this still about you?”
In any other situation, nobody would have dared to voice such a question; but that was then and this was now. Jango nodded. “I should have come back sooner. Maybe I just wasn’t ready before now. But… things have happened recently. For the first time in a long time, I’ve been looking toward the future, not just for myself but for all of us.”
It is technically about Jango –  meeting Obi-Wan’s family (and particularly seeing how quickly Boba latched onto the first kid-type person who didn’t push him aside) made Jango realise that he needs to face the damn mirror and his people, admit his failure, and try to pick up the pieces. 
A substantial chunk of his identity, though, has been his people. Even in his self-imposed exile, stewing over revenge fantasies, it’s been about getting one back for the people who were lost on Galidraan. Jango got his personal revenge already – Tor Vizsla is dead at his hands, as is the governor of Galidraan who had set them up. But the best revenge is a life well-lived, and if he leaves the Mando’ade scattered and leaderless, he’s only half done his job.
A voice rose from the crowd, accent thickened by pain and anguish. “So you want us to just trust you now? After what happened on Galidraan?” An older Zabrak man stood up from his table, glaring in his direction. “What did you get out of that, anyway? Why did my riduur have to die for you? Why did I have to lose my son?” His voice arched over the growing rumble of discontent. “You didn’t even have the decency to die alongside them!”
Jango squeezed his eyes shut and raised one hand, signaling for quiet. “If I’d had my way, I would have. I would have died with them. I would have left you leaderless, with a power vacuum large enough for Tor Vizsla to step in and claim my place.” Which had clearly been the original plan. It was a credit to his people’s unspoken belief in him that none had allowed for that to happen. He wasn’t sure he had deserved even that much, and he wasn’t going to thank them for what had to have been a terrible set of options: the choice between an opportunistic conqueror or an absent disgrace. “I failed you all that day, and you now have only my reassurance that I have learned from the mistakes of my youth and intend to dedicate myself to serving the Mando’adë better.” Had he really only been twenty-three when he’d made that disastrous call? Twelve years felt like three lifetimes.
I have… a severe beef with how the Mandalorians are portrayed in a lot of media, because the “show” and the “tell” are so badly in conflict. So, uh, yeah. Fuck that toxic masculinity bullshit. This is fanfic, we can rebuild it.
A genuinely communal society has no place for mocking people for their moments of weakness. The lifestyle is potentially dangerous and they all know it, but loss still hurts, and it benefits nobody tho tell someone who’s hurting to suck it up. People are allowed to grieve, and they’re also allowed to look at their leadership and ask what accountability has been had.
For his part, Jango went through hell. He was enslaved for two years, after watching the people who’d had faith in him get killed because he made a bad call. There would definitely have been times where he would have wished to have fallen with them, to not live with the guilt, to not be caged and tortured. And this community sees absolutely no weakness in admitting to that. There is an underlying strength in being able to look at oneself – the flaws, the failures – in honesty, hold it all up to the light for everyone to see, and say, “I’m going to try to do better than this.” Self-examination hurts, but it’s the kind of hurt that comes with healing.
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