#and it ends with kylo freaking extending his hand towards rey
bookishdaze · 5 months
I gotta share something that's gonna sound so ridiculous, and I'm self-aware enough to know that this is me being very gullible, but I just HAVE to spit this out somewhere. Plus, I think it's hilarious.
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So I just came back from watching Civil War. I went through like 3 mini heart attacks during that movie by the way.
Anyways, we got a KOTPOTA trailer beforehand, and ya wanna know what my mother said?
"Creo que el changuito se va enamorar de la humana." That's Spanish for "I think the little monkey is gonna fall in love with the human."
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And listen. LISTEN. The last time I took a general audience member (my cousin) to watch the first movie in a trilogy from a popular scifi franchise (The Force Awakens) and who had never seen any of the previous movies, I KID YOU NOT they turned to me and told me that they felt something going on between Rey and Kylo. Fast forward 2 years later when the sequel came out AND THEY WERE RIGHT.
For those who don't know, 99% of the theories about Rey at the time were of her being a Skywalker, which would make Rey and Kylo related. Yet my cousin CLOCKED it. My cousin had the gift of PROPHECY.
"Don't be ridiculous. That was ONE time." I don't care. You don't understand. After that experience, I'll believe so many things at this point.
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wookiefragger · 5 years
Alright everybody, I just saw The Rise of Skywalker ahead of you, and this is how it ends: It's the third Death Star. The Emperor's throne room is littered with corpses, including Palpatine himself. Kylo Ren and Rey exit the throne room into the adjacent shuttle bay, where, alongside Kylo's command ship and the emperor's personal Tydirium shuttle craft, the Millennium Falcon is docked, its automated anti-personnel turret quietly continuing to sweep left and right across the scorched wall that separates the spaceships from the deceased Sith lord's chamber. As the weary, traumatized Rey stumbles towards Palpatine's shuttle, she stops, and turns to face Kylo Ren. They look at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say, until Kylo gives her a nod. She recognizes the intent behind the gesture, its meaning only clear to the two of them, and nods back, knowing that there is nothing more to say. She hijacks the emperor's shuttle and flies off, crying, laughing, and screaming in waves of exhilaration, relief, and rage. As Kylo watches her fly away, he flinches in pain. He holds his hand up to his side to feel a deep, bleeding wound. He walks aboard his own craft where R2-D2, the little scamp, is stowed away in his Vader shrine. Kylo Ren walks up to his table, and begins to reminisce about his life in the Sith. Baby Blue, by Badfinger begins to play as he holds his grandfather's mask in his hands for a moment. R2-D2, the silly rascal, starts beeping and chirping out of nowhere. Kylo Ren dyingly saunters over to the little droid and rests his hand lovingly on top of the droid's dome, lingering for a few moments until he no longer has the strength to stand. He collapses to the floor, leaving a smeared, bloody hand print on top of R2-D2. With a smile on his face, he lays on the floor, dead. R2-D2 tries to get the blood off his head by spraying oil at it, but it ends up splashing onto the ceiling, the floor, and Kylo Ren's lifeless corpse. Freaking out, R2-D2 extends the jet thrusters from his legs in an attempt to fly away, but only succeeds in igniting the oil slick. Everything is on fire.
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two-halves-of-reylo · 6 years
First Blood - The Jedi Temple
Luke Skywalker attempts to kill Ben Solo in his sleep. Unable to stand the rejection anymore Ben decides to embrace the monster everyone claims him to be and destroy the Jedi temple.
This is the companion piece to “First Blood - Mind Probe”
written by: Shenanigenfilms
“I know everything I need to know about you” Rey spat with a vile tone in her voice. Her eyes flared at him just like they did when the fought in the forest.
“You do? Ah you do…You have that look in your eyes from the forest, the time you called me a Monster” 
“You are a Monster!” She countered standing her ground as he walked closer. “Yes I am” Kylo kept his walls to her, even as he became curious about their connection. His last words struck something inside Rey and for the first time she saw someone tormented.
Without warning the sound returned to the room and Kylo felt something wet running down his face. He gently rubbed the mysterious liquid from his face, was it blood? No water…but how?
He stared at his gloved hand as memories started to flood his mind. Blood. First Blood…His first kills. The night he destroyed it all. 
He wasn’t a boy, but not quite a man. He felt a strange presence above him as he slept, startled with a jolt as Ben heard the all to familiar sound of a lightsaber engaging. But who? Only a few of them had reached that point of their training. Luckily for him he had just constructed his blue lightsaber a few weeks ago. It was crude and needed tweaking but the crystal was strong and pure. 
As if everything was in slow motion Ben summoned his lightsaber spilling his beloved calligraphy set on the floor. Ben was fascinated with tales of the ancient time, it was one of the reason he requested an ancient calligraphy set. To be able to write in an age when it was no longer required. That all now seemed meaningless as he was being threatened by his Uncle who gave it to him as a present. 
Their lightsabers clashed with a terrible crackle and it was as if a seismic charge fell over the training grounds. Ben instinctively force pulled his hut around him not even considering he could die with his uncle. Ben was acting on pure instinct to get away. 
As if some unseeable dark force guided Ben to safety he rolled under his bed giving him just enough protection from the falling roof around him and his traitor of an uncle. Everything went dark.
Ben’s eyes shot open as he felt something cold run down his face. He struggled to pull the ruble of his hut off his, but he saw breaks in the piles and pulled them off with all his might.
He stood shaking the dust off his clothes and wiping the blood from his forehead. he stared at the liquid on his fingers and felt the rage burn with in him. He reached out to the force to find any solace in what just happened. To find any words or feeling of wisdom to guide him on how to proceed as he just possibly killed the only person who could explain anything about what was in his conflicted soul. A voice of a guardian rang through his his mind. “The strongest stars have hearts of Kyber.” 
Ben touched his hand to his chest almost to see if he even had a heart left inside. He was going to harden his heart so he would never be hurt again. Ben was fed up with the shame of feeling like a freak, a creature, a monster. Even his own parents were scared of him, it was the sole reason he was dumped with his Uncle. It was the hope Luke could help him, and now he betrayed him.
Ben’s thoughts came to his only “friend” that he had among Luke’s pupils, The Zabrak Lamu. They first bonded over the crystal ceremony Luke had created. 
In his quest for Jedi Artifacts Luke came across the Crystal Caves of Ilum . Luke had built his own lightsaber years ago with parts he found in Obi-Wan’s hut back on tattooine. But he found the where crystals were and that the crystals shared a special relationship with the Jedi for tens of thousands of years . Jedi younglings traveled to the ice caves to harvest their own crystals, which they then used to build their lightsabers. The Force would find a crystal that matched their destiny as Jedi. Some would never be allowed to feel its power, and the crystal would be cold to the touch. But if you were chose the crystals would call with a celestial hum to the future jedi’s. Crystals lacked color before they were chosen by a Jedi.
Luke had brought several Kyber Crystal Clusters back with him as he felt it was to dangerous to risk the lives of his future students. As the new academy was in strict secrecy for everyones protection until the time was right. 
During his ceremony most lightsabers became blue or green. Ben was actually relived his was blue. He didn’t want a colour that would make him stand out from the rest of the pupils, already feeling like the outsider. But Lamu’s crystal was yellow, something only reserved for the Jedi Temple Guard of the ancient times of the old republic. No one knew this but Ben. In one of his meditation sessions ancient guardians showed their ways of servitude to the order. 
One night a couple of pupils surrounded Lamu and were starting to harass him. They called him terrible names, taunted him, laughed at his crimson tattoo like features on his face from his kind and the black horns that adorned his scull like crown. They poked at him like some animal in a cage and Ben could sense the inevitable fight.
Ben came around the corner to find five students attacking Lamu. He did his best to fight them off but he was no match for the older students. Ben took pity on him, for he knew what it felt like to be cruley taunted for physical features. His were the prominate ears which stuck out. His way of hiding them was to let his hair grown over them. A luxury the poor Zabrak couldn’t have. Ben easily bested the older students with his raw use of the force. Lamu was grateful but now they both had enemies, dangerous enemies.
That night Ben shared with Lamu the meaning of his crystal colour and the ways of the Jedi Temple Guards. How they were anonymous sentinels that disappear inside robes and hide their features under masks. This was a way to show emotional detachment, something both of them desired to hide their deformities. 
This is how the Knights of Ren were born. They would become the guardians of the new temple and they alone would chose whom they viewed as worthy. Ben knew he could use his raw power, and Lamu must have had the same power otherwise his crystal would have been blue or green. 
Ben felt a pull in his chest as he remembered his friend. He tried to keep the rage at bay but he needed Lamu’s help and if they were ever to be what they vowed to become this was the time.
Ben sprinted as fast as he could, tears forming in his eyes, trying to harden his heart but he kept feeling the pull to the light. Lamu nearly jumped ten feet off his cot as Ben stormed into his hut.
“Are we brothers?” Ben shouted. Lamu stared at his friend, he didn’t understand the question, or why he would be asking. He could feel the rage building in Ben as he stood before him. But he didn’t know how to answer.
“I said are we brothers?” Ben was afraid, he didn’t and couldn’t take any more betrayals. He engaged his lightsaber and pointed it at Lamu. 
“Of course we are! Until the end!” He answered. He wasn’t afraid, for his heart was true. 
“Tonight we end this! Tonight we become the Knights of Ren!” 
Lamu had a slight smile on his face, he didn’t care what the reason was or why. He was ready to be what he felt he was always meant to be. 
“Ok but what do we do now?”
“We go one by one and decide who is worthy. I’ll start with the older pupils you start with the youngling” Lamu nodded in agreement, grabbed his lightsaber and made his way to the west side of the camp. Ben kept his lightsaber engaged and made his way to the east side of the camp. 
He was stopped in his tracks as the five students he fought off some time before approached him.
“Whats the matter creature, have another one of you night terrors?” They mocked. “mommy isn’t there to sooth you back to sleep like the coward you are” they continued.
Ben tried not to let their taunts hurt him, but he failed. All he could think to do was extend his lightsaber out in their direction, slowly moving it from side to side begging them to try and advance. “come and say that to me again?”
The boys were not intimidated in the slightest. “what are you going to do with that? What would master Luke say?” Ben didn’t flinch “he betrayed me and I killed him!”
The boys studied Ben and looked at one another. “Liar! Prove it!” They started to surround Ben. “Take a look for yourself, my collapsed hut is over there!”
They studied the horizon and saw what he said to be true. “You killed him? Why? Traitor!” One of the boys had his constructed lightsaber on his belt and advanced towards Ben. Without hesitation Ben easily countered and cut the boy’s head clear off and watched it fall from his shoulders.
A painful surge of energy rose in his body, and he felt the hilt of his lightsaber grow warm. Ben tried to keep himself from being sick. He wasn’t sure if Luke was truly dead, and he acted in self defence. But this time was a cold calculated murder and there was no escape from this. Some of the boys fled in fear others went to their respected huts to grab their weapons. 
Ben didn’t allow them much of a choice. He force pulled them one by one towards him, striking them down systematically. Each time the feeling of painful nausea was replaced by a feeling of calm, and power. Ben’s lightsaber grew hotter and the blade was starting to falter. A loud crackle was starting to form and he felt his crystal crack as it started to “bleed” and change colours. He was no longer going to be the victim, he was in control of his own life and destiny. 
More students came out of the huts to see what the commotion was about. Ben was in a blind frenzy as he struck them down. Some begged for their lives others tried to fight in the best way the could. Ben would only spare the ones who ever showed him kindness which he confused for loyalty. He asked them if they would join his knights and most agreed. They knew if they didn’t it would certainly mean death. Ben demanded as a sign of their loyalty to attack the main temple and burn it to the ground while he searched for an escape for them.
In his search Lamu had returned but to Ben’s surprise he only had two youngling who were just about old enough to join the older pupils. 
“Where are the others?”
“They were a liability, we cant let them escape and expose our order” Lamu said coldly. He never lifted his voice. The boy and girl next to him clearly shaken in fear kept their eyes to the ground.
Ben didn’t dare ask any further questions, but he knew. Lamu slaughtered them all. His crimson tattoo markings were growing more vibrant. He remembered about the Sith and how in their domination a true Sith’s eyes would change in times of great destruction. Ben found himself longing for the same. If he was truly a monster than what better way to look the part. But he couldn’t believe Lamu, Ben was a lot of things but he wouldn’t have killed younglings. He would have wiped their memories or something. But he dare not question for he didn’t want to lose the fragile loyalty of Lamu. 
Finally they found a cargo freighter that Luke had used in his excavations and loaded their perspective students, but there wasn’t enough room. They would need to choose who was worthy. Ben raised his lightsaber and struck down nearly twenty more pupils. When he struck the last pupil Ben felt his hilt give way as his lightsaber crystal shattered causing the beam to ooze out on the sides.
He threw it as the heat was too much to bare. Some of the students sighed a quite breath as they knew they were spared. Lamu announced that he set a course and they fled once and for all into uncharted space, to the unknown regions. Ben rushed to the fresher unit on board. He stood before the mirror but had kept his eyes shut. He held his breath as he was desparatly hoping to see the eyes of the monster he yearned for. Ben gripped the sides of the sink as he willed his body to open his eyes.
Finally he looked but his heart sank. All he saw was his eyes, dark and intense, but nothing else. He gripped his fingers tighter as his screamed in anguish. All that for nothing! He ripped the sink from its bolts and threw it agains the wall watching it smash into pieces. He fell to the floor hiding his face in his hands. He felt the drop of water hitting his face from the broken pipe. He almost wished it would wash away the blood on his hands, but it was too late.
Lamu came to see what the commotion was about. He found Ben in a way he had never seen his brother before. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew Ben needed a fresh start.
“When do we build our masks master?” The word hit Ben like a slap to the face. Master? No one ever considered him a master. Trying to find the words and how to even find the designs.
“We also need names…” it was the only thing Ben could blurt out. He no longer wanted the cursed name of Solo. 
“I want to keep mine…if thats ok master. But we can think of yours?” Ben understood it was a fair request. But he wanted something that was remnant of the stone he hardened his heart to. The Kyber Crystal. 
“What about Kyber Ren, all of the knights tiles will end in Ren” Lamu’s face betrayed him as he felt the name was a bit silly, but he didn’t want to outright say it. He thought of a different suggestion.
“I like Ren but what about Kylo. A combination of Skywalker, and Solo.” Ben hated the idea and started to interject but Lamu cut him off. “I know you hate the name, but think of it as a badge of honour, killing the master who betrayed you, and the name that fuels your power and rage”
Ben couldn’t argue with that logic. “Ok Lamu Ren, Kylo Ren it shall be” Lamu put his fisted hand to his heart and bowed his head in respect “Master”
He rose to his feet and left Kylo Ren in peace.
Ben Looked at his gloved hand with the drops remaining from his force connection with Rey. He longed to see his brother again, but the knights were in hiding, secret assassins in the far reaches of the Galaxy, doing the bidding of Snoke and the first order. Lamu was no longer loyal to Ben, he was loyal to Snoke. 
He took his lightsaber off his belt and stoked the crossgaurd vents which he later added after the attack on the temple. He chose its design from the ancient battle of the Sith and Jedi on the planet Malachor that happened thousands of years ago. He did love the ancient ways. But he was now wanting to kill it all, to let the past die.
I have tried my best to research as much cannon material and evidence for this origin story. 
Opening line of the flashback matches the line from the Last Jedi Novelisation on purpose
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erikbenjaminjones · 7 years
Part 7
"Where is she!?" Kylo yelled, ignoring how much Poe was screaming. Kylo was trying to dig into Poe's mind, trying and trying to get anything out of him to where Rey was. So far, nothing. Rey must have trained him. "You're getting stronger, pilot. I'll give you that. However, sooner or later, you're going to crack." Kylo said. A second later, Poe collapsed on the floor.
Kylo hated being inside Poe's mind, seeing all his memories with Rey. That should be him, not the pilot. Maybe if he kill him after they took him from Jakku, the First Order wouldn't be in this mess. Rey may not have resisted like she did. They would be ruling the galaxy together right now. Kylo turned back to Poe, who had managed to get to his feet. In a split second, Kylo had Poe right in front of him.
"I'm going to give you one more time to tell me where she is or you and your entire fleet dies." Kylo threatened, taking Poe by the neck.
"If you kill us, how are you going to find her?" Poe managed to choke out.
"I will give the order to..." Kylo stopped midsentence. He felt something or someone rather. Rey. He smiled, letting Poe drop to the floor. "She's here."
"What? No."
"I guess I can kill you after all."
Rey didn't know how she managed to get on the ship unnoticed. Rey snuck around corners and hid behind anything big enough to conceal her. She had Luke's lightsaber on her hip, thankful she fixed it. It took a long time and a lot of spare parts to get it working. At least, she hoped it was going to work. She hadn't gotten the time totally test it. She also had a weapon that Kaydel gave her. She didn't know what it was, but she was curious to see what it did. Rey closed her eyes and dug deep, trying to find Kylo. Her eyes suddenly shot open. He had him. Kylo had Poe.
"Rey!" Rey heard a loud whisper.
"Finn?! What are you doing here?" Rey asked as the pair hugged each other.
"I watched them take Poe away when they landed the ship."
"How did you get on?"
"I was on Poe's ship. In a hidden compartment. You're supposed to be back at base. What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't let you all fight without me. I'm the one Ben wants. I'm the one that has to defeat him. There is still good in Ben. I can feel it."
"Can you seriously stop calling him by his actual name? It still freaks me out. Do you need help?"
"You need to find a way to shut things down."
"I can't do that with out Rose."
"I'm right here." Rose said, sliding in next to Finn. She gave Finn a kiss on the cheek. "Miss me?"
"Not at all." Rose rolled her eyes. "I know where the shut downs are. You get Poe. We got this." They all hugged before Rey watched Finn and Rose disappear around the corner.
"Okay, Rey. You can do this. The force is with you." Rey felt movement in her stomach. "Right. Us. Let's go save your dad."
"She's close, pilot." Kylo said, pacing the floor.
"I have a name, you know. You can call me Poe. Or General. The title your mother gave me."
"My mother did favor you, didn't she? No matter. My mother can't come save you and Rey won't be able to."
"Are you sure about that Ben?" Kylo turned around, coming face to face with Rey.
"Rey. We've been expecting you. Just in time for the show." Kylo turned to and pressed a button in the comm link. "General Hux, it's time. Fire all."
"Copy." There was a brief pause. "Nothing is happening." Kylo turned to face Rey. "It seems like someone disable the blasters."
"You're not alone, are you? The storm trooper." Rey quickly grabbed the light saber before running towards Kylo. Before she could get there, Kylo stopped her mid-stride. "One more move, and the pilot dies." Rey turned to see Poe in mid-air. Rey tried to break free, but Kylo was too strong. Soon, Rey's ears were filled with Poe's scream and the crushing sound of bones. Rey took a deep breath and quickly broke free, catching Kylo off guard. Poe immediately dropped to the floor. Rey almost instantly lit up her saber, just as Kylo did the same.
"Please, Ben. It doesn't have to end this way."
"It does. Unless..."
"Unless what? I join you?"
"Yes and I..." Kylo stopped. "There's something different about you."
"What do you mean?"
"No. It can't be. A child. It's a girl. If you didn't know. Not that's it's going to matter. Even if you two live, she's going to grow up without a father." Rey was angry. She finally went at him, Kylo stopping her saber with his. Rey and Kylo stared each other down, neither of them backing down.
"You can do this, Rey." Rey heard Luke's voice tell her. "Whatever he says, you are not weak. You are stronger than he is." Rey slowly nodded her head.
She fought him with all her might. Blocking and ducking every shot he made towards her. After a few minutes, somehow, both of their sabers flew across the room. Rey quickly grabbed Connix's weapon, whipping it out like she told her to. A long stick like weapon extended out.
"Ben, it doesn't have to be like this. Just surrender." She watched as Kylo extended his hand and his saber came back to his hand.
"Seems like I have the upper hand on your...stick." Kylo quickly brought his light saber down at her, only to have Rey stop him with her weapon. "What is that?"
"Not sure. Been dying to try it out." Rey, with all her might, fought Kylo hard. Missing every swing at her. She missed her staff, but this thing was nice. Kylo went to swing up high, but Rey ducked. She quickly swept his feet out from under him, knocking him to the ground. "Drop the saber, Ben. It's over."
"Attention First Order." Rey heard Finn's voice. "This is Finn. Formally known as FN-2187. I would like to regret to inform you that you have lost. When I say lost, I mean you really lost. Your shields are down and your blasters are down, so you are all surrounded by resistance fighters. I hope you all down want to die." Rey smiled.
"Rey, watch out!" Poe croaked out as he watched Kylo try and get up. Rey quickly turned back to him before stoking him across the face with her staff.
"That's was from Chewie." Kylo tried taking the staff away, Rey hit him again. "That's for Han." And for good measure, Rey hit him one more time, knocking him out. "That's for Leia." Rey quickly turned around and ran to Poe. "Are you okay?" She asked, kneeling down beside him. Poe tried to get up, but couldn't. "Don't. I heard bones breaking."
"Yeah, ribs. Maybe have punctured a lung." Poe rasped. "Rey, I think I'm clocking out here." Poe collapsed back into the floor. He closed his eyes and tried to take in a deep breath.
"Poe, don't. Stay with me. I can't lose you. We can't lose you." Poe opened his eyes and looked at her. "I was going to tell you sooner, but..."
"I know." Poe said, closing his eyes again. Rey heard his breathing get more shallow.
"Poe! Please!" Rey cried. "Don't leave me!"
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blackidyll · 5 years
Saw your tags and omg if you ever write fic with Mara and Jacen and Jaina that would be amazing. I don't care that none of it is official anymore, they were my favorites.
Hi, it's likely been ten million years since you sent this message and I know this response is super late but I'm really happy to hear that you love the Extended Universe/Legends (whatever we're calling them now) characters too! Mara Jade is my absolutely favourite SW character. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever write fic for them because it's been more than a decade since I read any of the books (also the events of the Yuuzhan Vong War depresses me.....) but in my heart the original EU will always remain canon.
I don't know why I started reading the SW books in the first place, because I don't actually remember if I watched the original movies or not. I knew about Star Wars because it was one of those pop culture things people absorb through osmosis, but I picked up the Thrawn Trilogy on a whim from the library while on a sci-fi/fantasy book reading spree, and I just fell completely in love with Mara Jade and her very volatile interactions with Luke (in that she's trying to kill him, and Luke is determined not to be killed but also wants to help her, and they're both stuck on this planet and need each other to survive), and that's probably how I got interested in the Star Wars universe as a whole. 
Hence, I will always have a soft spot for Mara in my heart. She's such a wonderfully written character - complex and strong but flawed and human and yet she overcomes it all through her own efforts and hard work. Her agency after overcoming her past as the Emperor's Hand is probably one of the most important aspects of her character. Seeing Princess Leia become the head and leader of the New Republic? Hugely important. Seeing Mara Jade, overcoming her dark and painful beginnings and becoming utterly brilliant as the second-in-command of a major smuggling alliance and constantly sassing THE (one and only remaining) Jedi Knight/Master of the universe at the time? Also hugely important. And I was always more of a Mara kid than a Leia kid (I do love that Leia was amongst the first to trust Mara, despite Mara's Empire beginnings).
I also just love Mara's relationship with Luke; talk about the ultimate Enemies to Friends to Lovers. I remember as a teen reading the Hand of Thrawn books, and Luke freaking proposes when they're about to drown, and Mara just goes "we're in a literal life and death situation right now, are you for real?" because honestly Luke, your timing, and that banter of a proposal was just so THEM and I will love that scene forever. Also, moments after that Luke is forced to relinquish control and his saviour complex and let Mara do her job to save them, and it was a hugely important moment because their relationship can't survive if he doesn't trust her with this. And he does trust her with this, and I just love them and their partnership a lot ;A; they're so good together. I wouldn't change much about their canon selves except for how Mara's story ends (because... just no). In my ideal universe, the Solo children always remain chaotic teenage Jedi apprentices because everything falls apart when they grow up and the Yuuzhan Vong War happens. I actually stopped reading any Star Wars books midway through the Yuuzhan Vong arc because it was too depressing (if you read those books, you probably know why).
(more of my ramblings under the cut about the EU and also the new movie trilogies because I like Rey and Kylo/Ben, I just wish they were developed better when us EU fans already had characters like Mara and the Solo children.........)
I think one of the huge reasons why the new SW trilogy (Movies 7-9) constantly falls short for me is because... well, similar characters exist in the EU and they are just built and explored and characterized so much better. Much of it is because the book medium allows for so much more character growth and exploration, but yeah. I love Mara a lot because she really does have the whole grey and ambiguous background and she was molded into the Emperor's Hand with little choice of her own, and after Palpatine dies she fights bloody damn hard to define who she really is on her own terms. She actually feels like a so much better developed analogue for Kylo Ren, in that they were both manipulated from young to work for the dark side, and upon Palpatine/Snoke's death, they are finally free to make their own choices but are still haunted by their upbringing (Mara being literally haunted by Palpatine's final Force order to kill Luke).
I actually like Kylo's "redemption" back to Ben and how it was not motivated by any sudden moral change or goodness - but the fact that he just wants to be with Rey (someone who understands him), and if that means he has to go a little towards the grey side of the Force instead of the dark, then so be it. This is also why I thoroughly enjoyed Mara's long and windy journey to becoming a Jedi Knight - she didn't choose it and in fact avoided it since she quit Luke's Jedi training; it pretty much snuck up on her when she made the decision to sacrifice her beloved ship in an act of selflessness. The EU builds the idea that there is no true Light or Dark side of the Force, and although the new movie trilogy builds the foundation for this idea, it ended up enforcing the idea that everything /is/ black and white, that Rey has to reject being a Palpatine (Dark) to be a Skywalker (Light), and that Kylo Ren (a Dark side character for most of the trilogy) can only be "redeemed" in death............................ instead of just giving us the morally grey Jedi Knights that I want, because nothing is truly light or dark - one cannot exist without the other.
I hated the Rey Palpatine reveal BUT they could have really worked this angle and foil it against Kylo/Ben struggling with his legacy of being Darth Vader's grandson (and the fact that DV did die as Anakin Skywalker in the end - not on the side of good, but simply to protect his family). In fact, the EU does this perfectly with the Solo children: Anakin Solo has to struggle with his namesake and knowing he is the grandson of Anakin Skywalker, and his fear of turning to the dark side is a pretty great arc in the books (no Snoke or Palpatine influence needed).
Also, I think Adam Driver was wonderful as Kylo Ren/Ben, but honestly the EU making the very first Force-strong children in the new era a set of twins was a stroke of genius. The Solo twins are great. The fact that they are twins is also great as a literary technique. First, they share the burden of the entire universe's expectations - they bolster and balance each other. But they also eventually become opposite sides of the same coin, and even then, it's not all black and white. Jacen falls to the dark side literally because he wanted to protect the galaxy and was willing to do it at any cause (the road to hell is paved with good intentions indeed). Jaina is knighted the Sword of the Jedi - she's an offensive force that stands on the front lines so those behind her can know peace, and this eventually leads her to killing her brother (a Light character that commits fratricide to stop a Sith Lord).
I mean, I like the whole idea of Rey and Kylo/Ben's Force dyad thing (which by the way, is kind of broken/left hanging at the end of TROS because Ben fucking dies) but seriously, the Solo twins! All the built-in drama and legacy without having to give your new characters weird back stories!
At the end of the day. I wish they picked what they wanted to do with Kylo Ren. Make him like Jacen - have him willingly choose the dark side and live through the consequences of it. Or make him like Mara - someone who was forced into his current role - but also give him Mara's growth arc, where he gets the chance to properly break through the trauma and have time to work out his own motivations and NOT DIE at the end of it.
Same with Rey - let her be Rey from nowhere and build her own legacy (like Mara did :) I love that Mara absolutely thrived being second-in-command of a famed smuggling ring, because just because you are strong in the Force doesn't mean you need to be a Jedi). Or make her a Palpatine and let her actually struggle through the ramifications of it the way Anakin Solo did.
.. honestly if a Mara character existed in the movies we wouldn't have half the drama, because for one she wouldn't let Luke fuck off to the ends of the universe; she'd force him to take responsibility and not like, you know, abandon his sister and family and his duty. And knowing Mara (and seeing as Ben Solo was not actually responsible for the massacre at the Jedi academy apparently?), she'd take matters into her own hands and go infiltrate the First Order to get Ben back herself, because that's a Mara like thing to do. And she knows the Empire, you know? Even if it's been recasted as a different face (also canonically she's always been a good ally in taking care and safeguarding the Solo children).
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hela-of-ren · 7 years
My Chosen IV
HERE WE ARE AGAIN. Sorry, I get excited about ‘Mummy Sunday’ because I’m a nerd. This one is a bit shorter mainly because it’s more filler than anything. Things are starting to connect and intertwine and I’m excited for you all to read on, so without further adieu please enjoy!
@itsaconquestofimagination, @kylo-renne, @littlemisscreeper101
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“Y/N, in case you haven’t noticed the crash site is that way!” Rey’s exasperated voice echoed into the night.
You ignored her complaints and trudged ahead towards the abandoned ruins near the crash site. Some say that these ancient halls were used to train guards for the ancient empire, others say that it was used to house Jedi tasks.
Either way, the stone in the foundation was calling to you and at this point you weren’t so sure why.
“No, this is where we need to be.” You stood in front of one of the ruined buildings and gazed into the empty halls, your feet dragging along the soil.
There was something that begged you to go deeper into the ruins while a part of you urged for caution. You chose to ignore the latter as you gained a more confident step, Rey’s voice breaking through to you once more.
“The crash site is that way, Y/N. I get that you’re under a lot of stress right now, but I think it’s obvious that there’s no downed craft or sarcophagus here.” She stood in your path and crossed her arms as Finn gazed helplessly between the two of you. “You can either come with us or stay here, all up to you.” With that, she left in a huff.
Finn threw his hands up in exasperation and gave you an apologetic look.
“I’ll go after her, just stay here and we’ll be back” He squeezed your shoulders and took off after Rey. As their figures became smaller in the distance, the feeling of that pull became stronger once more.
Turning back to the ruins, you began your trek into rubble and darkness.
Ever since your earlier vision of Kylo, it almost felt as if your mind wasn’t completely your own. Kind of like you’d bought a new home yet someone else had taken residence without you knowing.
With each step further into the ruins, flashes of Kylo and golden sands gripped your mind; his enticing smirk, deep eyes, painted chest, flowing silks....
Where were you?
Somehow amidst your daydreaming you’d found your way to the inner chamber of the ruins. It was nothing special, a few stone benches and broken pieces of tech that no longer functioned.
So why had you found yourself led here of all places?
Just as you were about to turn back and leave, a few guttural rasps filled your ears and rough hands clasped your arms. A scream tore through your throat at the sight of five Resistance soldiers.
Five dead yet somehow living corpse like Resistance soldiers.
The more you struggled against their boney grip, the more their strength seemed to increase. Foul breath and rotting flesh filled your senses as they tugged and pulled you back and forth as if this would still your panicked motions. Just as you attempted to kick your foot through one of the shambling corpses a dominating voice filled the room.
“Enough..” The corpses stilled immediately, but still kept a tight grip on your now un-moving body. A dark figure swathed in torn black robes jumped down from the ledge above the benches and landed a few feet in front of you. As it rose from the ground, your heart jumped into your throat.
It was very much a he from what you could tell through the roughened flesh that partly resembled wrappings and sand. His hair was tangled and still growing in certain places around his face, framing a gaunt face with black markings extending from his forehead to his chin. His eyes were surrounded by poorly smudged kohl and his gaze seemed to glow a muddled gold that pierced your very soul.
His lips were dry and cracked like the rest of his skin yet they tilted into a smile at the sight of you.
“My Chosen...” His rough voice gurgled out the endearment as gently as possible, a wrapped hand appearing from beneath the robes in extension towards you. Your eyes widened in recognition at the name, most of your breath leaving you. At his silent summons, the boney hands disappeared from your arms.
Stay with a group of corpses who smelled worse than a Hutt or go towards the ancient prince who could kill you with a flick of his wrist?
You hesitantly made your way towards the creature who you now knew to be Kylo, your eyes trained on his hand as you willed your own to join his. At the touch of your finger tips his hand engulfed yours and pulled you into his cold body.
You surpressed a shiver at the feel of his still mummified hand coming to caress your face, his stale breath washing over your face. Your hands remained trapped against his chest as panic began to set in once more.
“Shhhhh, calm. Calm, my star. I would suffer a thousand more years entombed than willingly harm you.” The tips of his mummified fingers skimmed down your cheek as your breath quickened. This was vastly different than any of the visions you’d had with him yet you still felt insanely safe in his presence.
“I- I-,” You stuttered and swallowed in order to gain composure, “You still n-never answered my q-question and I think I deserve that m-much.” Your stuttered sentence ended with a hitch in your voice as you gained the confidence to look into his eyes. “Why is this happening? Why am I here?” Your eyes implored him to answer.
He closed his eyes with a rumble that sounded like a sigh and rested his cracked lips against your forehead, his hands clasping your waist gently.
“I never meant for this to happen to you,” He sounded so infinitely sad and lost, “But without you, this will never end.” Your brows furrowed at the cryptic response.
You opened your mouth to question him further when the doors to the chamber slammed open, your body spinning in Kylo’s hold to see Rey and Finn. Their eyes widened at the sight of their fallen men and you in the arms of a mummy.
Kylo growled and pulled you behind him protectively as he walked towards a pillar in the middle of the room. His fist smashed through its fragile structure and pulled forth what seemed to be a replica of the light saber from his tomb, every detail the same down to the crossed hilt.
“That’s impossible! We-” Kylo interrupted Rey with a vicious snarl.
“Do you think me a fool to hide my greatest weapon in plain sight?” He made his way back over to you and grasped your hand into his own once more, your body frozen in confusion. “The light saber you have is nothing more than a beacon, a key to open that infernal tomb. It will fail you in a fight.” Kylo uttered something in the ancient language and the corpses charged at Rey and Finn.
“No! Kylo please-” You were cut off as Kylo gripped your hand tighter and dragged you from the chamber as quick as a flash. “Please, they’re my friends! Don’t do this!” You begged and resisted even as you found yourself back outside in the dark night with a centuries old mummy dragging you along.
He ignored your pleas and pulled you to him once more, your feet lifting from the ground as darkness swathed your vision and wrapped around your body. It felt as if you were flying at the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair until you came to an abrupt stop, your feet once more touching the ground as familiar dark tendrils swirled around you an disappeared back into Kylo’s robes.
Your eyes scanned the area only to see that you were seemingly in the middle of no where as Kylo came into your line of vision, his decayed face urgent.
“My star, you must understand,” His hand came back to cup your cheek once more, “I cannot lose you now that I have finally found you, not to them and not to him.” He rasped out desperately. Your brow scrunched in confusion.
“He? Wh-what are you talking about? Kylo, you’re freaking me out!” He looked almost hurt as you pulled away. “It’s bad enough that Poe’s dead yet I keep seeing him. Now a centuries old mummy is up and walking and messing with my life! If you don’t give me answers right now I’ll-” You were beginning rapidly losing your cool, your nerves at an all time high when you were suddenly pulled backwards through the air.
Your back hit another person’s body as Kylo released an inhumane roar. You looked back at him to see a small harpoon ram into his back and clamp onto his chest, more following to clamp on his arms and legs until he was rendered immobile. You tried to go to him, but a hard arm restrained you.
You turned your head as much as you could to see an older man with haunted eyes and a full beard that matched his sandy hair. One mechanical arm clasped your waist as the other remained extended out towards Kylo, Resistance soldiers appearing as if out of thin air and restraining Kylo further.
“What are you doing? Wh-” You were cut off as a fuzzy feeling came over your mind and slowly began to put you under, voices coming in and out.
“Is she the one?”
“Yes, bring her to the general with the others.”
“And the creature?”
“Bind him, we cannot risk his presence being found by...him.”
Your mind reached for Kylo as darkness crept into your vision, his eyes meeting yours at the small nudge to his mind. The last thing you know is his arm reaching towards you and another roar leaving him and...
“My chosen...my star....”
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