#and then i fell down the reylo rabbit hole
bookishdaze · 5 months
I gotta share something that's gonna sound so ridiculous, and I'm self-aware enough to know that this is me being very gullible, but I just HAVE to spit this out somewhere. Plus, I think it's hilarious.
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So I just came back from watching Civil War. I went through like 3 mini heart attacks during that movie by the way.
Anyways, we got a KOTPOTA trailer beforehand, and ya wanna know what my mother said?
"Creo que el changuito se va enamorar de la humana." That's Spanish for "I think the little monkey is gonna fall in love with the human."
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And listen. LISTEN. The last time I took a general audience member (my cousin) to watch the first movie in a trilogy from a popular scifi franchise (The Force Awakens) and who had never seen any of the previous movies, I KID YOU NOT they turned to me and told me that they felt something going on between Rey and Kylo. Fast forward 2 years later when the sequel came out AND THEY WERE RIGHT.
For those who don't know, 99% of the theories about Rey at the time were of her being a Skywalker, which would make Rey and Kylo related. Yet my cousin CLOCKED it. My cousin had the gift of PROPHECY.
"Don't be ridiculous. That was ONE time." I don't care. You don't understand. After that experience, I'll believe so many things at this point.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I would never defend them - at least not the ones who actually harass people - but I do wonder if there's some antis out there who genuinely come from good intentions.
Super serious and genuinely shameful confession: I'm an ex-radfem. I went into those circles in the first place bc I liked some of Dworkin's works. And while I obviously do not recommend anyone ever get into radical feminism, I will say this: If haven’t been down that very specific rabbit hole of ideology yourself - especially in online settings - you cannot even begin to imagine how fucking INSANELY pervasive the ideas are. Even if you've been a victim of radfem hate, if you haven't been a radfem yourself, I'm truly inclined to think you have no idea what those spaces are actually like. Sorta like how if you've been a victim of fundie hate, that is awful and it fucking sucks, but if you haven't been raised fundie yourself, you really don't know what it's like to be IN those circles, just a VICTIM of those circles.
I hate to throw around words like “hivemind” or “groupthink” but it is that. I went into radfem spaces thinking that I was above believing certain things that they believed but I clearly wasnt, it is so fucking toxic and that’s why i’ll never believe that “TIRF” (trans inclusionary radfem - something I tried and failed to be) can be a real thing. And then these same people have the audacity to call trans rights a cult, but you know, it's whatever.
Obviously terfs are more serious in the "real world" than antis are, but there are some parallels in the way that both groups feel about kink/porn discourse. (No, I'm not saying that antis "believe TERF ideology" or anything, but I do think in the specific context of sex stuff, there ARE alot of parallels.)
I am not defending radfems either, but I will say that I got into it because I was genuinely worried about things such as: PH and how they just steal content from sex workers, the abuse going on in the sex work industry, the phenomenon of young girls who are waiting to turn 18 so they can start an OF account, romance novels that were not marketed as dark but should've been considering they straight up romanticized abuse and rape.
I really do think that most antis are of a similar mindset -- people, typically young traumatized people (not trying to pull the neurodivergent minor card, it's just that statistically speaking, that label CAN describe most antis) who are truly worried that, like, idk, some young girl is gonna watch Twilight or read Reylo fic and think that an overly possessive bf is #goals. Again, I'm NOT trying to defend this ideology or line of thinking at all, I'm just saying that i DO think most of them really don't realize the harm that they're doing, and actually think they're doing good.
I actually kinda feel bad for them, but like my earlier comparisons, I feel bad for them in the same way I feel bad for fundies or evangelicals. I feel bad that they hold such an awful ideology while thinking they're doing good things, but I stop feeling bad once they start ACTUALLY hurting people and I'll always feel worse for the people who they harass and harm.
And like I'd never want to be a radfem again and I hate that I was one once but, between myself and your ~10k (ballpark estimate lol) followers, I think that my time spend in that belief system gave me some really good insight to cult mindsets, which was something I didn't understand before or have much sympathy towards, and I've emerged with a lot of empathy for people who ARE stuck in bad ideologies. I could've been born into a hate group. I could've been preyed on by alt-right people and sucked in that way. Instead, it was reading radblr during quarantine that got me. Before I fell into it, I just mindlessly hated everyone in that group, and now I just feel sorry for them (still without justifying any of their actions).
It's honestly a really, really, complicated thing to try to grapple with. Anyone, yes including you reading this, can be brainwashed into hate. The second you think you're too good for that, you've lost.
This was more of a vent than a discourse ask. I guess my tl;dr is: I hate antis, terfs, fundamentalists, etc, as much as the next guy, but I also recognize that some of those people truly truly do think they're on the right side of history, and some of those people have been sucked into an ideology they never would've believed otherwise if not for xyz factors. While hate groups will never deserve pity, there are some vulnerable people in hate groups who for some reason believe they're doing good, and I wish I could help all of those people.
Yeah, I assume many antis are perfectly sincere in their desire to protect people. They're just wrong about what will work.
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suchasourwolfie · 1 year
@suchasourwolfie: Sterek Recs
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I don’t even know if people are still reading Sterek any longer or what state the fandom is in. 
Sterek was my first fandom and an emotional escape during a time in my life I needed one. 
Lately I’ve been reading Dramione (and run the @dramioneden​ blog) and prior to that I fell into Reylo (and run the @areysololife​ blog). So it seemed that it was about time I create a blog to the pairing that pushed me down the fandom rabbit hole. 
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the-pull-to-the-light · 10 months
I fell down a random YouTube rabbit hole and was vividly reminded of how much I love this damn ship and these two wonderful, star-crossed dumbasses.
I only saw TRoS once, in the theater on opening day, and I've never wanted to revisit it. Seeing clips from it on YT reminded me that there were some awesome Reylo moments, and if they had both just stayed alive and had their hard-earned happily ever after, I would have been able to forgive everything else about TRoS that sucked.
Instead I'm still gutted at what a crushing disappointment it was, and what a colossal waste of a fantastic character, an epic ship, and a beautiful bookend to the series.
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him-e · 6 years
Can I also join the "Indifferent About Reylo But Wants to Watch From the Fandom Bleachers As It Becomes Canon To Spite The Puritans" club? Sounds fun.
You have my blessing, mate.
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obi-wkenobi · 2 years
Hii, do you think you can write decent fics being a casual fan of Staw wars like me? I've seen the movies and thats about it, I went through my reylo phase without getting super invested but by complete chance I fell into the obikin rabbit hole and I've gone completely ferral. I haven't written anything in.... definitely more than 5 years and even then they were really short stories. I've always wanted to write more and I think I'd love to give it a go with obikin but I'm really self-conscious about my lack of knowledge, do you think is doable? Also, do you know of any betas or where to find one?
aaaah, welcome to the obikin fandom!!! Yes, it is absolutely doable!! Yes, Star Wars is a huge universe with a lot of lore, but I promise you that myself and a lot of the writers that I know are mostly just winging it! We all have different levels of knowledge regarding sw, for example, I don't read any of the comics and I often worry that perhaps that shows in my writing? Maybe someone will call me out on it? But then I swiftly remember that I'm providing free content and there is no criteria regarding what I must know. Write what you enjoy, and try not to worry about the technicalities.
Also, you'll find that as you fall further down the sw and obikin rabbit hole that you'll learn as you go along. When I first started writing in the universe I had no idea that 'durasteel' was a type of metal alloy, but I learned about it through reading fics and now include it in my own content.
If you're someone who would still like to be a bit more prepared then here is a useful list of Star Wars writing resources. But in no way do I think you need to know any of this before writing, I definitely didn't! Your enthusiasm and love for the characters and universe are all you need. 🥰
The Obikin server has some betas available. If you send the mods over @obikins a message they can send you a link to the server!
Happy writing, and most of all, enjoy!! 💙
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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Rey doesn't think when she calls Ben to go into her emails to send off her draft email with her final to her professor. 
It isn't until she's off the phone that she remembers all the other draft emails are to him and vary from confessing her love to him and describing in detail what exactly she wants to do to his body. 
No, Rey didn't think this through at all.
These letters to you (1/1)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: This came from this prompt from the ReylosPrompt Twitter account.
Curious Cat Prompt: "Ben finds a draft on Rey’s email addressed to him confessing her love and lust for him."
@andyouweremine​ and @storiesofimagination​ are some of the best betas a girl could ever ask for. They make sure that my tenses stay correct and reassure me the entire time that I’m writing. They are the best cheerleaders and I wouldn’t know what to do without them. <3 
Read below or on AO3.
Please pick up. Please pick up. If there is any sort of fairness in the galaxy, please pick up your fucking phone--
"Hello?" Ben's voice is low, deeper than usual. It's his mostly asleep voice. Rey hates that she has thought enough about the variances of Ben's voice to know the different tones almost as much as she hates the fact that a sleepy Ben Solo is almost always her favorite version of Ben.
Ben had been one of the first people Rey had met when she transferred in as a sophomore. He had been in his first year at the law school. They both fought for the right to study under a specific tree toward the edge of the campus. It was quiet, far enough away from the hot spots to really attract much attention or noise. The leaves were big and provided plenty of shade from the sun. The ground was soft and mostly free of any large rocks or bouts of even landscaping. 
It was Rey's favorite spot. 
They fought over the tree for two months, both of them refusing to leave and each attempting to annoy the other into giving the spot up. It didn't take long for them to realize that when they were just sitting under the tree, quietly, together studying, it wasn't so bad.
It was actually nice, not being alone. 
Rey moved into Ben's apartment the following fall and they'd been best friends ever since. 
Rey's fairly certain she's been in love with him for roughly the same amount of time. 
Not that she has the time to be getting lost down that particular rabbit hole.
"Thank God, you answered," Rey responds, twisting the cord of the phone around one of her fingers. Everything about the diner she works at is a little bit kitschy and old, but having to make a call on a phone actually attached to a wall with cords is a whole different experience. "I'm so sorry I woke you up. I know you were up late studying."
"Rey?" Ben asks while yawning. Rey can hear him shuffle around in his bed. "It's not even 6 AM, is everything okay?"
"You answered," Rey smiles, hoping Ben knows that she is practically beaming at him through the phone. "Everything is going to be fine. My final paper is due at 6. On the dot. I was too nervous to send it last night when I finished it. I was going to send it in this morning, after I had a chance to at least look over it for grammar and spelling, but I'm me and I--"
"Slept through your first four alarms and barely made it out the door for work?" Ben interrupts.
"Yes." Rey sighs, rolling her eyes. "Anyways. You know I can't use my cell at work, I'm probably going to get shit for this call, and you're the only number I have memorized. So I really, really need you to get on my computer, go to my email and send in my paper. I have a draft saved and everything. All you have to do is get in my drafts folder and hit send."
"Sure," Ben agrees. "Password for your laptop?"
"Capital d-y-at sign-d-hashtag-number 3-exclamation point."
"I'm on it." Rey can hear Ben's door open, the same squeak sounding over the phone that she complains about every night when he's anxious from studying and walks back and forth from his room to the kitchen every twenty minutes. "Consider it done."
"You're the best roommate, slash friend, slash just all around hero of my life," Rey blushes, stopping just short of adding 'probably the love of my life' at the end of her sentence. Thinking about her feelings for Ben is definitely a rabbit hole she is better off to avoid. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"It's the least I can do if I'm really the only phone number you have memorized."
"It's 2020, Ben," Rey teases. "The fact that I have your number memorized is really impressive."
"Why mine?"
Rey can hear water running in the background, a cabinet opening and a drawer shutting. Rey hates that she can clearly see Ben in their kitchen, making coffee, probably with a slightly grumpy look on his face because Rey knows that she put the grinder and the filters back in the wrong spot. She hates it the same way she hates knowing that Ben won't say anything about the misplaced items to her, and that if she were home he would make her cup of coffee first. 
The way Ben always takes care of her first drives Rey crazy most days. 
"I figure the only time I'm ever going to need to call someone without having access to my phone would be in a real emergency. And you're the person I would want to call." Rey bites her lip, shaking her head as if she could shake away how vulnerable she sounds to her own ears. "Or, if I've been arrested. And if that's the case, you're the only lawyer I know."
Ben snorts. "I have to actually finish next semester and pass the bar to be a real lawyer."
"You're going to pass," Rey gently reminds him. It's the same conversation they've been having since the beginning of the year. "And then you're going to kick legal ass all over New York."
Ben's laugh is warm. "You should go back to work, don't worry about your paper. I won't let you down."
"I know you won't. Text me what you want for dinner. I'll pick it up on my way home from my last final." 
Rey hangs the phone back up on the wall and walks back out into the diner. She smiles, grabbing a rag to wipe down the front counter. Her nerves finally calm knowing that Ben wouldn't let her down and she no longer had to worry about failing one of her last classes. 
Ben would just go into her draft emails and send the email on to her professor.
Into her draft emails.
Her draft emails.
Ben is not surprised when he opens Rey's email and sees that she has 37 draft emails. It's honestly exactly what he expects. 
He blows across the top of his mug, watching as the steam from the cup scatters. The coffee's still too hot to drink, but it's 5:57 in the morning and Ben's only had 2 hours of sleep. 
If he survives law school and passes the bar, Ben is going to need a three week long nap.  
Taking a drink from the mug, Ben grimaces as the too hot liquid burns his tongue and throat, and yet at the same time warms his soul. Ben opens the draft emails, seeing the one at the top to Rey's professor. It's easy enough to look at, make sure that there's an attachment attached and that Rey's message isn't full of 2 AM Rey snark. 
It's sent by 5:59.
Ben's glad that he woke up to his phone going off and that he answered. Usually, answering unknown numbers isn't something Ben does, but he's always a little more cautious when Rey is gone and it's a local number. Just in case. 
Answering a spam call and wasting 5 seconds but knowing Rey is fine is worth it. 
Everything about the call fell into the 'reasons to tell Rey about his feelings' column in the pro/con list he kept in his mind. Rey had his number memorized in case of emergencies. 
Somehow Rey Johnson had decided that he was worthy and could be trusted to be someone she could rely on.  
And for Rey, with all of the abandonment issues Ben knows about, to trust him to be there for her… it means more than Ben can say. 
Falling completely in love with his best friend was not on his list of things to complete before finishing law school. 
Though he thinks it might be the most worthwhile thing he's done in the three years. If he wasn't absolutely terrified of Rey not feeling the same way and ruining their friendship, Ben knows that loving her, being loved by her… that would be the honor of a lifetime. 
Tilting his head back, Ben reaches for his mug and takes another drink. These are the kinds of thoughts that Ben knows he cannot dwell on so early and on such little sleep. He's going to fuck up one day and send her a text message confessing that he does actually reorganize their kitchen cabinets sometimes just because he thinks that the way she scrunches her nose when she's confused and angry is the cutest thing in the world.  
Maybe he'll just text her that he loves her and not in a friend way. But in a ‘very real, very romantic, wants to take her on dates, and make her toes curl in pleasure’ kind of way.
Which is why Ben needs to go back to bed and try to sleep before studying again. His last final is tomorrow and if he isn't smart enough to list ten reasons why texting Rey about how pretty he thinks her freckles are in the sunlight, well, he has no idea how he's going to pass his trademarks and false advertising final. 
Ben is just starting to close the laptop when he sees his email on one of the draft emails. He knows that he shouldn't snoop in Rey's draft emails, but it's addressed to him and it's probably just a dumb meme that she forgot to hit send on. 
Because Rey sends Ben a lot of dumb memes. It's one of the things he loves about her. 
Ben pushes the screen up and is stunned to find that there are a bunch of emails to him.
Before he can think his way out of doing it, Ben opens the first email.
Dear Ben:
I came home early from work and you were shirtless and exercising in the living room
First: rude.
Second: I've decided it's unfair for you to ever wear shirts and you should be shirtless all the time
Third: actually, no one else needs to know about this gross injustice and you should only not wear shirts around me
Fourth: have you always been so... big?
Fifth: I need to go to bed and think more about this.
Ben takes a deep breath. That was not a dumb meme.
That was the furthest thing from a dumb meme.
Ben slowly releases his breath, closing out of the draft email. He should stop. He knows he should shut down Rey’s computer and that he absolutely should not open another draft email to him. 
But he needs to know what else they say. For the first time in three years, there's a spark of hope inside Ben that maybe Rey feels something for him. So he looks down the list of drafts and opens one from 6 months ago on his birthday.
It's your birthday. I know you aren't comfortable with attention being solely focused on you, but I'm so glad that you seemed to be enjoying yourself tonight. 
You deserve it. You're always so hard on yourself. I wish you could see you the way I see you. How kind and caring and thoughtful you can be. It never fails to amaze me, just how wonderful you really are.
You looked gorgeous. I had to stop myself from telling you just what seeing you in that suit did to me. I almost told you how badly I want you. 
I drank too much. I hate that you thought you had to leave the club to make sure that I made it back home okay, but I also… God Ben, you are always taking care of me.
No one else has done that for me.
You got me in bed, made sure I could change out of my outfit (which did you like my outfit? I thought you looked like you appreciated it when I walked out of my room, but you didn't say anything. I mean of course you didn't say anything. But I hope you did. I wore it for you.) you even brought water and aspirin for me to take tomorrow morning when I wake up. 
You kissed my forehead when you tucked me in.
I just want to kiss you. 
Well, I want to do more than just kiss you. But kissing seems like a good place to start. 
Which is how I ended up here. Reading all of these unsent emails to you. I almost hit send on the first one I wrote. My feelings for you haven't changed. 
But I'm so so scared.
I am terrified Ben.
I can't lose you. You've become the one constant in my life and I don't know what I would do without you in it. 
What if you don't feel the same way? What if I ruin everything?
I should go to bed. I just wish that I were in your arms instead of alone.
I'm so tired of being alone.
Happy birthday, Ben.
Ben reads the email four times before it really clicks in his brain that Rey likes him. Rey has apparently liked him for at least six months, but maybe even longer since she referred to sending her first draft email and that her feelings hadn't changed.
Her feelings. For him.  
His birthday had been the best birthday he could remember. Rey had planned the entire event. She had been so excited to celebrate him that it was hard not to embrace it. 
Ben's birthdays usually consisted of a phone call from his parents, maybe lunch or dinner if they were in the same city, and a few text messages from others. 
Rey woke him up with pancakes and waffles, because no one should have to choose between the two best breakfast foods on their birthday, and a detailed itinerary of all her ideas for the rest of the day. 
She spent the entire day with him doing whatever he wanted to do. Watching his favorite movies, ordering lunch from his favorite restaurant, confirming with everyone the dinner plans and post-dinner drink plans she had made. 
Ben had almost told Rey about his feelings for her that night. After reading her email, he wishes that he had.
How much time had they missed out on being together because they were both scared?
Ben shakes his head, he still isn't sure that this all is real. Maybe Rey hadn't really called and he is still asleep. Maybe this is all a dream. 
He downs the last of the coffee in his mug, running a finger across the chip on the side. 
Rey had tried throwing the mug out after she moved in, saying something about how they could just use his mugs. Ben had ignored her, placing the pastel colored mugs, chips and all, next to his glossy black ones in the cabinet. He told her the blue one was his favorite and it wasn't going anywhere. 
The smile she had given him lit up the entire room. 
He sets the mug back down on the table, scrolling down until he finds the first draft to him. I almost hit send on the first one I wrote. The email is dated the day before she moved in. 
He opens it.
I will probably never send this email, but I also don't know that I won't. I know that I want to send it. I want to be brave and to know the truth.
The thought of doing it is just scary though. 
You know that you're my best friend right? It's hard for me to imagine a world without you in it, which for me is a lot. You haven't even been in my life for a year and you've already managed to make it so that I don't know what I'll do when you decide to leave.
That's what people do, Ben, they leave me. 
It's just a fact in my life and knowing that, honestly, has kept me safe. I keep people at a distance, which wasn't hard growing up because I just bounced around from foster home to foster home and school to school. But now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere new anytime soon.  
And then there's you. 
For some reason, I believe you're not going anywhere either. 
Which is scarier to me. I've never had anyone stay before. I don't know what to do with that. 
A part of me needs to believe that you're going to leave. So when you do eventually move on and leave me behind it'll at least be something I knew was going to eventually happen.
Anyways. I've gotten really sidetracked here. 
I've been going to therapy. Which you already know, since you're the one who kept telling me that it was something I should look into. Thanks for that by the way. You were right. 
She suggested that I write letters to the people who have left or hurt me. Not to send, but to just, get my thoughts and feelings out of my head. 
It helped. 
Which is why I'm writing this email to you, even though I'll never be brave enough to send it. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about you, Ben. I need them out of my head.  
I love you. 
I am in love with you. 
Not in a platonic way. In a very romantic way.
Almost everything you do drives me crazy and makes my heart warm and my face glow. 
I want to kiss you and hold your hand. I want to find out if my head will fit in the crook of your neck when you hold me the way I think that it will. I want to commit the taste of your skin to my memory. I want to know the marks on your body better than I know my own. I want to know what you look like when you lose control and give into pleasure. 
It's really apparent, I think, the way I feel about you.  
Only you don't seem to notice. And I need to admit to myself that it's because you don't think of me that way. 
Which is fine. I get it. 
You're you… and I'm just, well, I'm just me. 
But I'm moving in tomorrow and I just needed to get these thoughts out. Otherwise I'm a little worried I might just blurt it out when you help me wash the dishes or eat dinner with me. Which I'm sure sounds a little strange, but after a lifetime without these moments… 
I imagine living with you is only going to make me fall more in love with you. 
Maybe I'll just have to write you more. 
Ben doesn't bother to count how many times he rereads the email. He just keeps going back to the top as soon as he reads her name and starts again. He doesn't stop until he is sure he could repeat every word without looking at the screen. 
And then he continues to read the email again, just to make sure.
Rey loves him.
Even with the words clearly on the screen for Ben to see, it's hard for him to believe. He's been in love with Rey since before she moved in. The idea that Rey has felt the same way the entire time doesn't make sense. 
Ben is objectively smart. He isn't even shy about his intelligence. In fact any given classmate of his would likely describe him as an insufferable know it all. Rey loving him without Ben catching on for over two years is inconceivable. He would have noticed. He would have seen the signs.  Certainly he would--
He reads the email again. And again. And again. 
Every time he tries to find a way to read anything into it beyond 'Rey has admitted in three different emails, to various degrees, that she is physically attracted to you and that she is in love with you' he rereads the emails. 
He doesn't read any more beyond the three. There are plenty of drafts to him that are unread, but he grasps the threads between them to form the overall picture without needing to read the individual emails. 
He feels guilty if he thinks for too long about reading the ones he did. He has information now that he didn't have before. He reasons that it is information that he should have though. Because now that he knows and he thinks to any given memory of Rey, with just a tiny bit of certainty that Rey loves him…
Well it's the easiest thing in the world to see. 
When he really thinks about it, Rey doesn't hide the way she loves him, she shines with it. He can see it in the way she smiles at him when he pulls the blanket from the back of the couch and tucks it around her during a movie. Her face soft and warm as she instinctively burrows into the heat. 
He can see it in the way she keeps finding reasons to touch his arm when they are walking. Her hand guiding his elbow when she's giving directions. A finger tapping on his wrist when she wants him to follow her gaze. Her arm interlocked with his when she's had just a little too much to drink to still be steady in her heels. 
It's certainly the way she trusts that he won't let her fall. 
Ben closes the laptop, stretching as he stands. He places the empty coffee mug in the sink, rinsing out the small drops of coffee lingering in the bottom of the glass. The time on the stove clock mocks him. 
Rey isn't going to be home for hours. She'll go straight from the diner to her final. And he doesn't want to worry her by texting her. Especially when he knows she won't have a lot of time, if any, to text him back.
He isn't even sure what he would say to her. 
He could study. He should study. He tries to study, but it's pointless. He can't really focus when at least half of his brain is still focused on Rey's emails. 
Ben waits. Impatiently watching the clock and attempting to will time to pass faster. He reads his note cards in between planning the possible ways his conversation with Rey may go when she finally, finally gets home. 
It's a long day.
Rey glances down at her phone for approximately the millionth time on her walk from the diner to campus. She's almost run into ten different people while walking because she's too focused on her phone and not where she is going. 
There are no messages from Ben. No missed calls either. 
Maybe Ben didn't see the emails. There's no way Ben would see the draft emails to him and not read them. And if he read them he absolutely would have texted her about them by now. 
Right? Right.  
Unless he thought that letting her down over a text message or a phone call is too impersonal. Maybe he is just waiting for her to get home to break her heart. 
She should have just turned in the paper late. So what if she failed and had to retake the class over the summer and figure out a way to pay for it out of pocket? At least she would still have her best friend.
A drop of water hits Rey's face, Rey looks up from her phone and glares at the darkened sky. She doesn't remember rain being mentioned in the weather forecast, but that hardly matters as it starts raining harder.  
Rey checks one more time for any messages before sliding her phone into her bag and running the rest of the way to class. She makes it inside of the building just before a large round of thunder and the rain starts to pour.  
She sits at her desk, waiting for the rest of her classmates to show up. She pulls out her phone, debating if she should send Ben a message. 
Hey! By now you probably read the emails. This is really embarrassing and obviously I should have deleted them instead of saving them. I'm an idiot. Please let me know when you need me to move out by. Sorry for making this so awkward.
You find two years worth of love letters and you have NOTHING to say to me??????
I assume that if you felt anything similar toward me you would have said something by now. Can we just pretend that you never saw them? I don't want this to change everything. 
The professor walks in, handing off the test packets to another student to begin passing around. 
There's not enough time for Rey to address any of this with Ben in a message. But she can't stomach the idea of not hearing from him at all before going home. 
Rey: Hey! Getting ready to start my final, you never said what you want me to grab for dinner on my way home?
Rey hands in her test to her professor with a tight smile and a small wave. She's pretty sure she passed, which at this point, is all she can hope for. 
She spent half of the time thinking of different scenarios that could be a possibility when she went back to the apartment. Anything near passing would be fine. 
She walks out of the classroom and pulls out her phone. She has two messages from Ben.
Ben: Actually, I was thinking I would make dinner. Something to celebrate your last final. 
Ben: Maybe something to distract me from studying. 
Rey sighs as she walks toward the exit of the building. Maybe Ben didn't read the draft emails after all. Even if he didn't have feelings for her, surely they'd be enough to at least distract him. 
Rey had poured her heart out in some of those emails. She knows there are at least a few where she went on and on about what she thought about Ben's body and the way his hair looked with him growing it out. A few where she made it clear about her thoughts about how kissable his lips looked, how she wondered what his fingers would feel like tracing her curves. 
Even if he didn't have feelings for her,  certainly he would be distracted by some of those emails.
Maybe she won't go home. Maybe she can avoid Ben long enough that she won't have to find out if he read the emails or not. She won't have to find out if she's ruined one of the best things in her life.
The sun is bright when Rey steps outside. The sidewalks are a darker grey, small puddles pooled around the cracks and uneven slabs. 
Rey zips her jacket up, shivering slightly as the wind picks up speed. 
She spends most of the walk home trying to fight against her disappointment at the thought that Ben hadn't gone through the emails to him. She had spent so much of her energy imagining Ben breaking it to her that he didn't feel the same way, but a part of her had been hoping that maybe, maybe he felt the same. 
The idea that Ben just didn't read the emails was worse.
Maybe Rey should just tell him. Get her feelings out in the open and see what comes from it. There was a chance, a small chance, but still a chance that he felt the same way. Or that he could be open to the idea. 
Rey: Sounds good! Need me to stop for anything? Dessert? Wine? Hard alcohol to help with the studying?
Ben doesn't respond until she's almost home. 
Ben: No. The only thing missing is you.
Ben fidgets with the pen in his hand, twirling it in between his fingers. The pasta is done, the french bread is in the oven.
The only thing that is missing is Rey.
He glances down at his phone to check and see if Rey had responded, but there's no notification. She should be home soon and Ben still doesn't know what he's going to do when he sees her. 
He knows what he wants to do. He doesn't want to waste anymore time. He wants to tell her that she's beautiful, because she is, even if she'll fight it because she always complains about how gross she feels after a shift at the diner when she has to head straight to class. She’s always beautiful though, and now he just wants to tell her that. He wants to be able to tell her that when she wakes up in the morning and she’s scrunching her face up against the harshness of the sun sneaking in, or when she is passionate about something and it lights up her entire face.
He wants to tell her that he loves her. That he has been in love with her the entire time too. He’s just not sure how. 
It doesn't seem like enough to just say that he loves her. She wrote him fucking love letters. And even though Ben only read three, he knows that there are more and that they are just as lovely and somehow all about her feelings for him. She deserves more than just him saying that he feels the same way.
She deserves to know about the day he realized he was in love with her. She deserves to know about the way the slope of her neck into her shoulder drives him crazy. She deserves to know that he pretends to fall asleep during their movie nights because then she'll fall asleep and curl herself around him on the couch. 
The oven beeps and Ben stands from the table, he closes his book, grabbing his note cards and pens and highlighters. He dumps the items into his bedroom, before walking back into the kitchen to pull the french bread out from the oven. 
Ben's sliding the bread onto a cutting board, knife in his hand, when the door opens and Rey walks in.
Ben struggles to remember how to breathe as he stares at her. She looks beautiful. But she's nervous, her fingers are playing with the sleeve of her jacket, pulling and twisting at the loose fabric. She shuts the door, taking a step into the kitchen. 
She's staring at Ben and he can see it now. She loves him and he can see it. How had he never noticed it before?
Maybe he really was an idiot.
He had spent all day fighting his own nerves, trying to come up with the perfect plan on how to tell Rey that he never thought about what she must have spent the entire day doing.
Obviously, she knew that she sent him into her draft emails and that there was a chance that he would see the emails.
Did she know that he read them? Is that why she is looking at him with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open, as if she is almost about to say something, but she doesn't. 
Of course she's worried that he doesn't feel the same way. Why else would she keep writing him draft emails while not saying anything or giving him any real signs about her feelings?
He sets the knife down next to the bread and takes a step toward her.
"Dinner smells good," she says, a little breathless. 
Ben doesn't say anything in response, he just takes another step, closing the distance between him. Rey glances up at him, her body tense as she takes a small step back. 
Ben reaches out for her, his hand settling against her lower back, gently urging her to come closer to him. 
"Ben," she breathes, stepping forward, her hand hovering over his bicep for a second before she commits and rests her hand against the sleeve of his shirt. 
"It was the first night you stayed over," Ben says, brushing a stray piece of Rey's hair behind her ear. "It was… two, maybe three months before you moved in. You came over to study. We had dinner first and then you demanded that we watch a movie before we started studying. Something about how our brains needed a break and we'd be better off waiting for a few hours to get started on our all nighter."
Ben smiles, mostly for himself, remembering how cute she had been arguing with him. 
"We didn't study," Ben continues, running a finger down her cheek. "You fell asleep twenty minutes into the movie. You looked so peaceful and beautiful and I just… all I could think was about how all I wanted in life was to share it with you. Because I was in love with you."
Rey's expression is soft and a little bewildered as he continues. She turns her head slightly, her lips quickly pressing against his thumb.
"I've been in love with you this entire time. I'm sorry I was too scared to tell you. I was nervous… I am nervous that I'm going to ruin this. I love you and I know, Rey, I know that nothing is ever going to change that. I'm going to love you forever. I can feel it in my bones. Be with me? I know it's scary--"
Rey pulls at Ben's shirt until he bends down and she cuts off his sentence by kissing him. Ben sighs against her lips, his eyes closing as he places her free hand on her hips. She deepens the kiss, her tongue running across his, her fingers burying themselves in his hair.
The way Rey feels pressed against him, the pressure of her mouth on his, it's better than he could have imagined. 
It's over too soon, Rey breaks the kiss, a large smile spreading across her face. Ben's grin is just as large and toothy. He stares at her for a second, trying to memorize the way she looks in that moment to his brain. Then he pulls her into his chest and kisses her hair.
"I love you too," Rey says after a moment. "And I agree that it is scary. But I want to be with you. It's worth it."
Ben's kisses are something Rey could get addicted to. He kisses with his whole body, the way he angles in his legs to brush against hers, the pressure of his thumb pressing into her hip, his fingernails lightly scratching down her spine. And his lips.
God his lips.
She had been right about his lips. They were absolutely made for kissing.
He left kisses all over her face, her cheek, her jaw, just above her eyebrow. Rey tugged at the bottom of his shirt with one hand, the other quickly moving to run along the exposed skin of his stomach. 
He is so warm and solid underneath her hand. 
Ben pulls away just long enough to pull his shirt off. Rey spends a few seconds taking in the sight of him shirtless, his eyes darker than she has ever seen them as he watches her watch him. 
"You're so gorgeous," she says because she can. Then she moves to pull her own shirt off.
The black bra, which was mostly see through mesh, that she had picked out that morning appears to have been a good choice, judging by the way Ben swallows at the sight, his eyes slowly moving down her body. 
He places one hand over her right breast, gently squeezing before taking her nipple and rolling it in between his fingers. 
Rey moans, pushing herself forward into his hand, desperate for more friction. he repeats the actions on her left breast and Rey can't control the needy sounds falling from her lips. 
Ben pulls away then, dropping his hands to her waist as he takes a step back to put distance between them. 
Rey whines, instinctively following after him.
"The food is going to be cold if we don't stop," he explains, nodding at the pasta that's on the counter. 
Rey shakes her head, lifting up on her toes to kiss him again.
"Ben," she says, her fingers digging into his shoulder as she tries to find her balance. "I don't give a fuck about the food."
Ben groans at Rey's words, helpless to pull away when she's saying things like that and smiling against his lips. 
He kisses her, while moving them until her back is pressed against the wall. His fingers making quick work of the button on her jeans.  
This is going too fast. He knows that he should stop, that they should eat and he should ask her to go on an actual date, or to be his girlfriend, or fuck, his wife,  whatever she wants. 
But he can't stop kissing her. And judging by the way she's trying to undo his belt, she doesn't want to stop either. It's hard to argue against the side of his brain begging him to give into the pleasure and to take her into his room when she's pushing his pants and boxers down just enough to run her fingers down his cock.
"Rey, look at me," he begs, his hand grips the corner of the wall as he fails to stop his hips from pushing forward. The way Rey's hands feel wrapped around him, moving at a slow and steady pace as she raises her eyes to his face. Her hand picks up speed, and her eyes slightly narrow in concentration, like she's trying to decipher every twitch of his face so she can make him do it again is too much. 
"Yeah, Ben?" Rey says as an answer, her eyes not leaving his. She looks like the picture of innocence as she holds his gaze, her eyes full of love, her cheeks slightly pink, and her lips turned up in a smile.
It's difficult to believe that she can keep that expression on her face while giving him the best hand job of his life. 
"We should, uh, we should talk," he manages to get out, his grip on the wall tightening. "About all of this and what it means. I don't want… we don't have to rush into anything. We have time."
Rey's hand stops moving and if Ben was capable of holding on to more than a few of his brain cells he would have been embarrassed at the way he kept moving his hips long after she stopped. 
She holds his chin in her other hand, tilting his head down so she can look directly into his eyes before she leans up. The kiss is chaste and short, it leaves Ben wanting more.
"I don't want to talk," she says, moving her hand down his length again. "I don't want to wait either Ben," he shudders at the combination of her words and the way she twists her hand around the head of his penis. "I just want you."
Ben doesn't say anything, he tilts his head and looks at Rey like he's trying to decide what he did to deserve her and what he wants to do next. He's all action once he's made up his mind. 
He places his hand on top of Rey's, and Rey pumps him faster, feeling emboldened by the feel of Ben's hands on hers. He moves her hand away off of him, pinning it above her head and against the wall. 
"Ben," Rey sighs, half heartedly fighting against his hold, "I wasn't done--"
Rey stops talking while she watches Ben push down his pants to the floor. He picks her up and Rey wraps her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. 
Heat pools in her stomach when he starts to walk them towards his room. His mouth is on her again. Ben's room is only about 30 steps away from the kitchen, but it seems to take forever before Ben finally makes it to his door. 
Ben holds her against the door, carefully shifting her in his arms so that he can move one hand from her to open the door. Rey uses that as an opportunity to suck at the skin just below his jaw. The arm wrapped around her tightens and Rey can hear Ben's sharp intake of breath once she's moved her lips away. 
So she does it again to the skin below his ear, just to see if she gets the same reaction from him. 
Ben carefully sets her down on his bed. He settles his knees on either side of her and bends down to kiss her. His mouth is hot and desperate against hers as he unclasps her bra. Rey leans back on the bed and helps him slide the straps down her arms. 
Rey lifts her hips up so Ben can remove her underwear and jeans. She runs her fingers along the edge of his hip bone.
"You're beautiful," Ben says, his voice lower than Rey has heard it before. He drags his thumb along the curve of her breast and across her nipple.  "You're so beautiful Rey--" his fingers trail down along her waist and stomach until he barely grazes her clit with the pad of his finger. 
But it's enough to send small tendrils of pleasure throughout her body. He moves lower, running a finger through the wetness at her opening. She nods at the questioning look he gives her. 
He pushes a finger inside of her, curling it up as he sets a slow, leisurely pace with his movements. Rey moans, trying to urge him on to go faster.
"Ben, please," Rey begs, though she isn't quite sure what she's asking him to do. "I need more."
Ben drops to his knees, hooking Rey's legs over his shoulder. He adds another finger, picking up speed while he places wet kisses on her thighs and hip bone. His nose brushes against her clit when he moves his head to pay attention to the other side of her body. 
Rey whines, lifting her hips to try to find something to give her friction where she needs it most. Ben grins into her thigh. 
"You're a tease," Rey huffs. "An absolute damn tease and I need--"
"I know what you need," Ben whispers, his breath hot on her center and then he finally, finally lowers his mouth to her clit. 
Rey's brain ceases to function when he sucks and pleasure washes over her body.  She lifts her hips up and she's only slightly annoyed when Ben's hand pushes her back down to the bed. 
Ben works her up easily. He isn't shy about trying different things, and the way he manages to work his tongue with his fingers and his mouth is magic. 
Rey threads her fingers in his hair, she tugs on the strands as he brings her closer and closer to the edge. 
"Ben," Rey whimpers, her back arching. She's fairly confident the grip she has on his hair is actually painful, but she can't bring herself to let go and Ben doesn't seem to mind. At least, it isn't stopping him from devouring her. 
She doesn't want to come yet. She wants to stay in this moment forever. She needs it to last longer so she can commit the way her nerves are buzzing with pleasure and her heart is swelling with love and comfort to her memory. 
Ben sucks harder. The hand on her stomach moves up and he is pinching her nipple and she comes. 
He works her through her orgasm. His mouth and tongue slowing their movements against her clit until she swats at his head. 
"Too sensitive," she mutters, her eyes still closed. He laughs against her skin, resting his chin just above her pubic bone. 
Rey leans up, pressing her elbows into the mattress. "Hi," she says, grinning down at him.
"Hi." Ben sounds a little breathless, but he matches her smile and presses a kiss against her skin. 
His hair is a mess and Rey's stomach swoops with the knowledge that she did that. She's the reason this gorgeous man was out of breath and his usually perfectly tousled hair was all out of place. 
He moves up her body, running his tongue along her exposed skin until his head is hovering just over her own. 
"I love you," he says. And if it were possible Rey knows that he would be able to see her heart beat out of her chest. 
His face is so open and honest it surprises Rey. Because she knows that he said he loved her earlier, but there's still a part of her that isn't sure that he can mean it.
But then he looks at her with such adoration in his eyes and she's not sure how she could doubt him.
"I love you too," she says, beaming up at him as he closes the distance between them.
She can taste herself on his lips, but she isn't complaining as he opens his mouth to deepen the kiss.
"Condom?" she asks, breaking the kiss before placing smaller kisses along his jaw.
He nods, moving off of her and moving to the other edge of the bed. He opens the top drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a condom. Rey just watches as he tears open the wrapper, pinches the tip of the condom and rolls it down his length. 
"Come here," he says and Rey rolls over and makes her way to Ben. She settles herself over him, resting her hands on his shoulders and sinks down on him.
Ben let's her set the pace, but he meets her thrust for thrust and it makes Rey clench against him. He feels so good inside of her, and then he uses his hands, dragging them down on her spine, across her chest, down her stomach until he reaches her clit and he presses down and Rey starts to see stars. Her movements above him stutter and she knows she isn't going to last long if he keeps that up.
"That's it," he says, "Are you going to come for me?" He puts more pressure on his finger, drawing small circles on her clit. 
Rey sighs his name, squeezing her nails into his shoulder. He's taken over, controlling the speed of her thrusts as she just let's him, too lost in the pleasure pulsing through her veins.
"Ben," she groans when his mouth wraps around her nipple, his teeth sharp against her skin.
She comes when he bites down, her vision blurring. He keeps fucking into her chasing his own orgasm.
He comes silently, his breath hot on her neck. Rey catches her breath, enjoying the way Ben can't keep his hands still. He runs his hands over her collarbone, a finger trailing across her jawline, another down her spine.
She rolls off of him once she feels like she can take a full breath without immediately trying to suck in another. He moves around, removing the condom and tossing it into a trash can near his bed.
Rey is glad to discover that her head does fit into the crook of his neck just like she imagined. She tastes the salt on his skin when she leaves an opened mouth kiss to his shoulder. She wraps her arm around his chest and curls herself around him.
"So, you read the emails then?" Rey asks with a small laugh.
Ben kisses her head. "I read three of them, yeah."
"Just three?"
Ben sighs, his fingers continuing to run across her body as if he can't get enough of her skin. "I felt bad. Reading through emails you didn't send me, it felt like I was invading your privacy."
"I'm glad you did," Rey admits, pulling him closer to her. "Otherwise we might not be here."
Ben hums, his chest vibrating underneath her hand. "You have a point."
"Which ones did you read?"
"Um," Ben hesitates. Rey can feel his heartbeat pick up pace. "A recent one about me working out? And then the one on my birthday and the first one."
"Those were good ones," Rey laughs. "You could have read the other ones."
"You could send them to me." Ben drags his fingers through her hair. "I don't want you to hide from me anymore."
"Maybe I will," Rey teases. "Now that I know you might feel the same way about me."
"I do feel the same way," Ben amends her words. "I'm crazy about you. I've been crazy about you."
"But will you be tomorrow?" Rey asks, hating how needy her voice sounds to her own ears. "And the next day?"
"Always," Ben answers. There's no hesitancy to his answer. 
"Always is a long time," Reys says, kissing his neck. "Don't make promises you can't keep."
"I never do," Ben promises. "I'm always going to love you."
"Me too," Rey says, her voice heavy with sleep. "I'm always going to love you."
"Maybe tomorrow we can read the rest of them together?" Ben asks.  
"Yeah," Rey smiles. "We can do that."
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scarlet-it-was · 4 years
folklore for evermore: the ruby x christina edition
combining two of my favorite things: taylor swift and fandom. here are the lyrics and headcanons that are giving me life from the summer/autumn sister albums; reylo & msr editions to follow
you drew scars around my stars
but now i’m bleeding
but i knew you
stepping on the last train
marked me like a bloodstain
i knew you
tried to change the ending
peter losing wendy
...you put me on and said I was your favorite
I’d be remiss not to include this as the first in the list considering I’m writing a fic and using specific lyrics as the fic name and chapter titles. If you’re interested, you can find it here: You Drew Stars Around My Scars
my tears ricochet
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
You turned into your worst fears
When I think of the...distinctly disappointing end of the series, these last lines come to mind. Even though I don’t really believe that Christina killed Ruby—but if she had, she definitely turned into her worst fears, which was ultimately being as much of a failure as her father.
this is me trying
I've been having a hard time adjusting
I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back
I have a lot of regrets about that
Pulled the car off the road to the lookout
Could've followed my fears all the way down
And maybe I don't quite know what to say
But I'm here in your doorway
Headcanon: Christina has been resurrected in some fashion, perhaps by the Mark of Cain, or a secondary magic trap she set just in case things went to hell. This finds her regretting her choices, contemplating her next steps, if she even wants to take them, but ultimately, ends up finding Ruby.
And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere Fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here Pouring out my heart to a stranger But I didn't pour the whiskey
Headcanon (cont): Ruby proved time and time again in the show that she knows exactly how to cut right to the center of a person with her words, and I’m sure over the years, she’s said some regrettable things to her sister (not that they were undeserved). Ruby also put in the effort to take the classes and make herself as an attractive candidate as possible for her ‘dream job’ and when she finally is ready—she finds a thin, light-skinned Tamara has been hired. And the rest of the story in the little bar scene—she and William didn’t stay strangers for long.
mad woman
And there's nothing like a mad woman
What a shame she went mad
No one likes a mad woman
You made her like that
And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out
And you find something to wrap your ***** around
And there's nothing like a mad woman
Really applicable to both parties who were both oppressed by patriarchy (both) and whiteness (Ruby). I censored one of the words because I’m not comfortable using that word in reference to a POC, but the Swifties know what it is. Anyway, you end up with two women who are willing to ‘go the distance’ so to speak to get what they want and not be interrupted because of the bodies and skin they were born in.
But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
If your cascade, ocean wave blues come
All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Headcanon: In spite of her money and magic, there’s a certain amount of peace that she’ll never be able to give Ruby in part because she can’t (and doesn’t want, nor does Ruby want) for her to take away her blackness. The flip side is that Christina’s ambition will likely always put them in harm’s way to an extent. But at the end of the day, in spite of Leti’s accusations that Ruby is being used, Christina is the only one who is up front with her 100% of the time regardless of how it comes out. She always comes through for Ruby.
My best laid plan
Your sleight of hand
My barren land
I am ash from your fire
Stood on the cliffside screaming, "Give me a reason"
Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in
Headcanon: a sadder and more cynical take on if Ruby had betrayed Christina in the finale (which I still don’t think she would have, but it wasn’t my show and I didn’t write that ending) which did in fact wreck her best laid plans with Ruby’s bait and switch of seducing Christina in her natural body instead of William’s—leaving Christina dead at the end of the series.
Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind
They count me out time and time again
Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind
But I come back stronger than a '90s trend
Including this lyrics specifically because it reminds me of one of my favorite AU fics, Leave It To The Davenports – if you haven’t checked out this WIP, it is a ride you don’t want to miss.
gold rush
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominoes
I see me padding across your wooden floors
With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit
Headcanon: The last line specifically reminds me of Ruby snarking at Christina about being late and in return being called demanding. But also, overall, it captures the feeling of Ruby initially being distrustful of William’s affections towards her specifically when there are any number of women he could be with.
no body no crime
Headcanon: The whole damn song is my murder wives anthem.
Past the blood and bruise Past the curses and cries Beyond the terror in the nightfall Haunted by the look in my eyes That would've loved you for a lifetime Leave it all behind And there is happiness
I can't make it go away by making you a villain
I guess it's the price I paid And I pulled your body into mine Every goddamn night
There'll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you Both of these things can be true There is happiness
In our history, across our great divide
There is a glorious sunrise
Dappled with the flickers of light
Headcanon: Misleading song title in a way. This is what I’m dealing with in chapter 3 of my fic in the wake of Christina’s death and the process of Ruby moving on and finding happiness on her own. The writers Lovecraft Country tried really hard to make Christina a hateable villain, and I suppose through the lens of straight up hating white people, they may have done that for some viewers. They failed to give her any real Big Bad qualities though outside of manipulation and apathy—which while those aren’t shining character traits for her, it doesn’t make her the best (worst?) option for being the overarching antagonist. We had villains literally chopping people up and sewing them together, but Christina was the bad guy? Nah, I think not
long story short
I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me
Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep
And you passed right by
I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides
The knife cuts both ways
If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break And I fell from the pedestal
Right down the rabbit hole
Long story short, it was a bad time
Pushed from the precipice
No more keepin' score
Now I just keep you warm 
No more tug of war
Now I just know there's more 
And my waves meet your shore
Ever and evermore When I dropped my sword
I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door
And we live in peace
But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready Long story short, I survived
Headcanon: based on the idea that Christina survives, but does in fact have her magic stripped from her and is reflecting on the time period and going forward how she will protect her and Ruby’s relationship going forward by critics (like Leti) who would make Ruby choose between them.
Hey December
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Can't remember
What I used to fight for
I rewind thе tape but all it does is pause
On thе very moment, all was lost
Sending signals
To be double-crossed
And I was catching my breath
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
That this pain would be for
And when I was shipwrecked (Can't think of all the cost)
I thought of you (All the things that will be lost now)
In the cracks of light (Can we just get a pause?)
I dreamed of you (To be certain we'll be tall again, if you think of all the costs)
It was real enough (Whether weather be the frost)
To get me through (Or the violence of the dog days) (Or the violence of the dog days)
(Out on waves, being tossed)
(I'm on waves, out being tossed)
I swear (Is there a line that we can just go cross?)
You were there
And I was catching my breath
Floors of a cabin creaking under my step
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
This pain wouldn't be for
Headcanon: Specific to You Drew Stars Around My Scars and Ruby’s grief in the early chapters and how she feels that the grief is impossible to move past when she thinks back about the months that the two of them spent getting to know each other as friends and lovers. She uses magic to connect with Christina even when she’s not there.
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spicy-ryls · 5 years
Ranty TROS stuff below. I wrote this on and off days so it might sound disconnected but yeah. Sorry it’s kinda long and my spelling and grammar might not be the best but I just wanted to let my feelings out.
I’m still trying to accept this movie. I watched it on the night of 19 December, the premier date for Malaysia, and I still remember my visceral feeling towards this movie. I remember feeling so empty, baffled, sad and shocked, almost like I just lost a relative or one of my cats, and I’ve experienced that multiple times in my life and it sucks.
Sometimes I think, how could I be so attached to this trilogy? I’ve literally spent so much energy defending TLJ and the ST from the backlash in the local fandom to the point where I couldn’t stand it anymore and I removed myself from the local fanbase as much as I could. But I’ve never felt so betrayed and almost embarassed that I was so invested into it.
I never grew up with Star Wars. Instead, I started watching TFA while I was in that age period between 19-20. I was a little shit and I was still adjsuting to adulthood, so it pretty much was almost like in the process of being born again as an adult. At the time I was making a series of webcomics under the title ‘Gods Among Men’ and I was pretty much drawing almost exclusively Hades/Persephone stuff and I was drawing Hades as this typical tall, dark & handsome guy. At some point, my friends and I just joked at how much I loved that trope that’s it’s like my type in fictional guys, and yes I still love it.
So my friends just said to me “hey, watch the new Star Wars, you’ll love it!”
And I was HOOKED.
I got so into it. I watched all of the other movies, even the Christmas Special. And I loved the character of Kylo Ren so much. Initially I wasn’t instantly into Reylo. But after some fanart or fanfic or two I fell down the rabbit hole of this ship that I loved so much and the two characters of Rey and Kylo/Ben whom I had such a strong connection to.
Q4 of 2017 was the best year for me as a fan of this franchise. I was so excited for TLJ. I was super involved in a lot of local Star Wars related stuff and at that point people just knew me as “That Rey (cosplayer) who liked Reylo and Kylo Ren a lot”. I had made many friends and acquaintances over the year. And then TLJ came.
And the community was divided.
A lot of male fans I knew were so enraged by the movie. “TLJ ruined my childhood!!” they shouted on their facebook wall. “RJ and KK ruined Star Wars” they yelled. It just cemented the Star Wars Fanboy trope so badly that it was laughable that grown men 3 times my age with family AND KIDS were yelling about it for TWO WHOLE YEARS and because I was the one publicly championing the ST, all they talked about to me was about how much they hated it, and it’s still brought on in passing conversation to this day. I hated having to meet these people at events because my encounters are always unpleasant.
Time passed. The Reylo community was prosperous and it really was a golden age of content. We were excited to see how the ending of a saga was going to be, with a definitive Ben Solo redemption and Reylo being canon. And then came the announcement of JJ returning to direct Episode IX. I instantly had a gut feeling that it was not gonna be good, but I will hold my trust to him since he directed TFA. BOY I WAS WRONG.
The TROS panel at SWCC ended in a somewhat hopeful note. Later in the year, interviews were being published, and in the beginning it was all fine and dandy. I can’t remember when the news of reshoots started popping out, but even then I gave them the benefit of the doubt that because this movie was going to tie in all of the other 8 movies and surely they had to do something right about it. Then came in a lot of red flags in merchandising, marketing, cast interviews, etc. Daisy’s and John’s infamous interview felt so OOC for me that I couldn’t believe what I was reading. And at this point, my hopes were very low. I felt something was very off in everything and I was almost inactive of soc med or any TROS news because I wanted to watch the movie with no outside influences. I didn’t even read any leaks and only heard about it in passing.
Then came the week of the premier. I was putting my expectations super low. I just thought of all the bad things that could happen like Rey Palpatine or Kylo/Ben dying and I went into it with that thought. Before the movie, I had to sort of minggle with the crowd of a private screening event as Rey. But I just had so much anxiety before I could even get in costume to the point where I did cry. And it didn’t help that some of the other cosplayers and minders had already seen the movie the previous day and were having borderline spoilery conversations, which did upset me further. Eventually I calmed down enough, but I was still feeling a little down. It sort of helped that the attendees who are usually normal people are usually the kind to take pictures with the more masked or sith-looking guys or my friend who was masked Kylo so I could usually be left alone.
And finally, it was time to watch the movie and I can still remember how dumb I was for thinking this movie was going to be smart. There was just too much going on and I was so in shock of how poorly written, edited and directed it was. There was hardly any cheer or gasps in my cinema throughout the whole thing, although there were one or two who tried to whoop at the Lucasfilm logo but they kept quiet for the rest of it too. It was such a different experience from the one I had of my first TLJ screening. 80% of the time I just had a blank expression on my face and the only time I sort of got excited for were the Rey and Kylo/Ben scenes, except that ending. I really did not like this movie. I did not feel hopeful at all and the ending the just felt so off. I was relieved to see that I was not the only one who thought of it that way.
This movie effected me so much that I had trouble sleeping, loss of apetite, loss of focus and random bouts of crying in my car for how hollow I felt for about a week+. There was a huge convention on the same weekend and everyone who knew me pretty much came up to me and ask how I was and what I thought about the movie, and a simple glance and head shake was enough to convey how much I felt, and I just did not want to talk about it on a busy con day. But after a busy con weekend, I went in full force on venting it out on Twitter and finding myself in discord support groups and I’m glad I was not alone.
Now it’s been 11 days since I’ve watched TROS and I’ve sort of clamed down from being mad about it. But I don’t think I could accept an ending to a saga for how botched it was which stemmed from fan pandering and corporate greed. But I have never been so proud to be in the Reylo community, who are tirelessly finding concrete evidence on how badly edited it was and just how messy things were behind the scenes. I’m glad to have met all of you and even befriend some thanks to this ship and our love for Rey and Ben Solo and every character in the saga. I am very saddened at how badly treated every character was from Rey to Leia and everyone in between, but it’s not going to stop us from creating good fan content and what we’ve had so far is incredible.
Stay strong and save what we love. ❤
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221bshrlocked · 5 years
Yall, I fell down another rabbit hole besides the Reylo one. I binged Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy yesterday and the fact that there isn’t a lot of fanfiction out there for the Christian Bale version just upsets me. So guess whaaaaaat? Look out for the next text post(s).
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Hey, thanks for joining the reylo fam recently! What made you start shipping reylo?
honestly the first thing was the art.... there's so many incredibly talented people in the fandom. low key I was reading fanfic a while ago and then I sorta just...... fell in love with it all!!! I'm so glad I decided to just dive in because every day I'm finding new content and just falling further down the rabbit hole haha. there's so many things I love about it.... hero/villain, size difference, age gap.. its just ALL very appealing to me
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raven-m-3 · 6 years
Raven’s Fic Recs: Faves
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Hi there, nonny: 
Ooh, I love this question, but it’s so hard to answer! I have a crap ton of favorite fics.
To make this easier, I’m limiting myself to completed fics (no WIPs), and only 25 all-time faves. Here they are, in no particular order! 
1. You’ll Be The One to Turn by @postedbygaslight. post-TLJ canonverse. This fic is the ultimate love letter to fans of Reylo, the Sequel Trilogy, and SW. The prose is breathtakingly beautiful, and the character development and plot points fulfill all of my deepest wishes for Ep. 9. It more than does justice to the characters and story that I love.
2. Turn by @ever-so-reylo. a post-TLJ two-shot. Ali always insists she doesn’t deserve all the praise she gets, but she truly does. I read everything she writes. I would follow her into any fandom or down any rabbit hole (in fact, I have 😂). It’s almost impossible to pick my fave fic of hers, but I chose Turn because it is the reason I first fell in love with Reylo fic. It’s soft, subtle, emotionally raw, and deeply romantic.
Other fics that I considered including on here:
You Should See The Things We Do 
Until You
Left-Handed Kisses
3. Sealed to Me by @galacti-core post-TLJ canonverse. Phenomenal plot, writing, and smut. There’s something for everyone here: snark and sexual tension, Force Bond voyeurism, romantic times on Naboo, epic space battles, the Knights of Ren. etc. The final climatic scenes blew my mind. A gorgeous vision of Ep. 9 with lots of banging. 
4. One Night Stand by @delia-pavorum. modern AU. This is the sexiest, sweetest, most emotionally intense one-night-stand fic. There are safe sexy times, but these two forget to guard their hearts, and instantly fall hard for one another. I love Ben being the adoring gentleman Rey deserves- he’s thrilled to take care of all her needs, even in the morning light. 
Moral Ambiguity and Spira are runners-up.
5. Within Monsters by @anonymousmink. a canonverse AU / retelling of TFA in which Rey becomes Ben’s apprentice. It explores a fascinating what-if scenario while totally getting Reylo-- i.e., that they are equals, and that Rey’s love will ultimately inspire Ben to choose a better path. The writing is superb, and the sizzling slow burn is not to be missed. 
6. Proximity’s Paramour by @dvrkrey. a post-TLJ canonverse two-shot. A darker take on how Reylo could finally unite. It’s intense, sexy, harsh, and refreshingly unapologetic. It’s a great example of her inimitable writing style: confident, immersive, and bold AF. 
Runner-up: Infectious, which is soft(er) Reylo. 
7. User Not Found by @r-e-a-l-m-a-t-h. modern AU where Rey is a technologically-challenged office worker, and Ben is the awkward-yet-adorable IT guy. I re-read this often- it has so much heart. It’s hilarious, moving, sexy as hell, and has the sweetest finish. I’m cheating a bit, because there is one chapter left. However, the first chapter can be read as a standalone. She only wrote more because I begged / commissioned her! 😂
8. Starstuff by @voicedimplosives. a three-part post-TLJ fic. This fic explores two of Ben and Rey’s possible futures until they “finally get things right.” It’s hard to explain how brilliant and moving it is. There’s necessary angst, but the ending made my Reylo heart weep with joy. Her writing is so graceful and gorgeous. 
9. Full and Anew by medelrey. a two-shot canonverse AU with Renperor and Empress Rey. Be prepared to bathe in sin with this fic. It’s deliciously dark and sumptuous, from its prose to its characterizations and smut. 
10. I’m Always In This Twilight (In the Shadow of Your Heart) by @kylorenvevo. a canonverse AU one-shot in which Ben defects to the Resistance. It’s a poignant, beautiful tale on how they fall in love, and how Ben ultimately learns to forgive himself. The ending is perfect. The hype about her writing is 100% earned.
Runners-up: Into the Great Laugh of Mankind and Lilies of the Valley.
11. The Way to Tomorrow by @the-reylo-void. a canonverse AU. Ben is sentenced to one year of exile / solitary confinement, and his connection with Rey becomes his only lifeline. This fic shattered me and put me back together again. It’s a moving, masterful take on how they finally find their home together.
12. Find a Thread to Pull, and We Can Watch It Unravel, Please by @dixiecupaquarium. a canonverse vision of Reylo uniting at the end of Ep. IX. This fic is so realistic and true to canon. It shows Reylo finally coming together, both physically and emotionally— their initial shyness ultimately giving way to soaring love, joy, and hope. It’s stunningly beautiful. 
13. Gratitude by @lunaplath. a post-TLJ mini fic in which Ben captures Rey and brings her to the FO. This is a Rey Says Yes fic, but it firmly maintains that which makes Reylo, Reylo— i.e., a deeply conflicted Rey who is desperate to find her belonging; a quietly devoted Ben who is possessive of Rey but respects her agency. I love the bittersweet (but firmly Reylo) ending.
14. Stumble Through Heaven by @inspirationalmisquotes. a post-TLJ one-shot. Reylo sneaking around the galaxy and dealing with their forbidden love / passion / frustration via tons of rough, love / hate sex. It’s delicious.
15. Auribus Teneo Lupum by @malevolent-reverie. a dark, dystopian A/B/O AU. Just when you think you have this fic figured out, it will gleefully flit right out of your grasp. It’s dark. It’s funny. It’s hot. It’s serious. It’s crack. It’s subversively feminist. It’s one hell of a ride. 
16. You’re the Best, Daddy by @newerconstellations. a modern AU one-shot with Professor! Ben and Student! Rey. This delicious little fic sums up everything I love about her writing: naughty and dangerous, but also soft and totally empowering. It will leave you with utterly heart-melting Reylo feels.
17. Heartstruck by @strawberrycupcakehuckleberrypie. a modern soulmates AU. It’s impossible to be in a bad mood after reading this fic. It’s like Reylo nirvana. It describes a world in which Ben and Rey are still soulmates, but find each other in the sweetest, softest, most swoon-worthy way. 
18. Lovebite by @tearoomsaloon. a dark canonverse AU / Reydar one-shot. Expect predatory, possessive Kylo / Matt, and dub con. It’s pure sin and I love it. 
19. America’s Asshole by @monsterleadmehome. modern AU one-shot. Ben is an asshole movie star, and Rey becomes his reluctant agent. This is top-tier fluff / crack, my friends- it’s smutty, fiery, hilarious, and clever. It’s such a fun read.  
20. And Just Like That by @vaader. a modern AU with Asshole Exec! Ben and Assistant! Rey. It’s snarky, clever, and hilarious, and the smut is insanely hot. Ben reforms himself just enough to get to lovable rogue status. This is a gift fic, so it hits soo many of my kinks. #blessed
21. Can’t Turn Me Off (What Turns Me On) by @audreyii-fic. modern A/B/O AU. Omega! Rey gets way more than she bargained for when her heat app matches her with Alpha! Ben. This fic is A/B/O done right. The writing is phenomenal. Most of the fic is lighthearted and hilarious, but it also tackles Rey’s traumatic past. The angst only makes the ending that much sweeter.
22. Selfishness in Silence by @reyloisblessed. post-TLJ canonverse. A fantastic rendering of Ep. IX. Her writing is my jam. Ben in this fic reminds me strongly of Jason Fry’s, except he is (*cough*) unrestrained in ways that Disney would never allow. This is the darker, R-rated Ep. IX that I would kill to see.  
[Leaving the last 3 spots for a few of my fave WIPs. I will update this list when they’re done.]
So there you have it, nonny. It was so hard to narrow these down! I’m sure that there are some I missed, but I had to cut myself off. 😂 
I definitely recommend checking out my normal rec lists, too (Part 1 | Part 2). I follow a decent number of WIPs that will likely become faves. 
I hope you enjoy these as much as I have!! 😊❤️
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yosei-sessions · 6 years
@ignorantstrawberry tagged me, and I think this will have been the first I’ve ever actually done!
Rules: answer 21 questions, tag 21 blogs you’d like to get to know better!
ZODIAC: Scorpio sun.
HEIGHT: 5'3”
LAST MOVIE I SAW: Uhh, I think it was the first hour of Alita Battle Angel. We left the theatre actually, hahah.
LAST THING I GOOGLED: Demigirl. I fell down the Wikipedia rabbit hole of gender identity again.
FAVORITE MUSICIAN: My significant other. 🥰
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: “Still” by Daughter. Two feet standing on a principle...
OTHER BLOGS: Do I have other blogs? Is that the question? Yes! @sundropsecrets is probably way more active than this one, but I post all of my witchy stuff there.
DO I GET ASKS: Not really, I’ve always wanted to make internet friends but couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. It’s probably me. 🤷🏼‍♀️
BLOGS FOLLOWING: tbh i have no idea. Probably a lot. I should clean that up. I’ll do that next.
AMOUNT OF 💤: As many as possible. It varies too much honestly. I guess never less than 3 hours?
LUCKY NUMBER: 3, ironically.
WHAT IM WEARING: Yoga pants, Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, bun.
DREAM JOB: ugh. I’ve been losing myself in this thought so much lately. I want to be home. All the time. I want my job to be living the best life I can. Always a clean home, writing, creating, practicing my spirituality, gardening, and loving to the most that I can and also sustaining as well as I am now. I guess that’s being a celebrity.
DREAM TRIP: IcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIceland
FAVORITE FOOD: s u s h i
PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS: Voice, hand drum, bass guitar.
LANGUAGES: English. I know a few useless phrases in many.
FAVORITE SONGS: “King and Lionheart” - Of Monsters and Men, “Over Soon” - Bon Iver
RANDOM FACT: I am genderfluid and have only told my significant other before I hit post.
DESCRIBE YOUR AESTHETIC: Pop-punk sunrise slut? Wow, project name.
Ok! @moonwaterwitchery @moon-lightfaerie @lofijazz @eri-anthropy @forest-faerie-spirit @autumnalroses @jennamarbles @of-bones-and-pomegranates @surreal--memes @sunfl0wer-spirit @sunkissed-empath @sunflowerrunes @sanjanasart @uaegnomanat @you-had-me-at-e-flat-major @moonglowlily @angrydragonpuppy @reylo-sin-anthology @orlandothings @gin-and-basil @princesskealie @ the person reading this!
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emperorren · 6 years
I think the assumption of Rey being a Skywalker/Solo from the start, made people misunderstand the direction of this trilogy and its core message. Before TLJ, whenever a member of the cast and crew talked about Kylo's abandonment issues and his unpleasant childhood, everyone assumed that the implication was that Rey was the "good" Skywalker who would prove that you can be a decent person despite having a terrible upbringing. They assumed the message was that Kylo's fall was 100% his own problem.
Oh yes definitely. If you watch TFA with reywalker goggles on, not only you’ll never see reylo coming and you’ll probably miss the entire subtext re: yin/yang and balance of darkness and light, you won’t also get how high the stakes for the skywalker family are given that their only child has fallen to the dark side, and you’ll probably waste your time arguing whether or not ben “deserves” redemption when, for the whole saga to end on a happy note, his redemption is the only path possible. 
I know plenty of smart, genre-savvy bloggers who fell down that rabbit hole, all because they refused to consider the possibility that the new Star Wars heroine wasn’t Luke’s daughter after all.
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westiec · 6 years
Shipping Ask!
Tagged by @minxymojo
First off, I am fascinated by the idea of Peggy/Luis and will be reading @thelittleblackfox 's The Art of Cooking for Two posthaste.
And here we go!
1. Ultimate OTP: Oh lordy, look, I am an unapologetic multishipper so I don't know how to answer this question. Steve/Bucky and Draco/Harry, going by sheer number of AO3 bookmarks. But also: Steve/Peggy. Spike/Buffy. WW3some. The Leverage OT3. Sam/Steve. Sam/Bucky. All Caps. Tony/Pepper. Sookie/Eric. Merlin/Arthur. Tony/Steve. Wade/grownup!Peter. Sherlock/Watson. Clint/Nat. Bucky/Nat. Emma/Regina. Cisco/Caitlin. Barry/Iris. Han/Leia. Chirrut/Baze. Everyone from Harry Potter/Growing Up Before You Get Married. I am forgetting whole fandoms, I'm sure.
2. A ship you will always love: the WW3some - Steve/Peggy/Bucky <3
3. My current obsession: ummmm Anakin Skywalker/Tattoine Slave Culture? I have recently found fialleril's Double Agent Vader series and absolutely devoured it. Not a shippy series, but you should read it anyway for the incredible worldbuilding and mythos.
4. A ship you never thought you’d like: Draco/Harry. But last summer someone sent me waspabi's Hogwarts Crammer and then I fell entirely down that rabbit hole and now I am trash for it. (Saras_Girl and gyzym also write excellent fic for this ship.)
5. A ship you liked but don’t like anymore: ummmmm................... Bill/Sookie I guess? That started off well and got yikes as the series went on. Similarly Angel/Buffy.
6. A ship you think should be canon: STEEB AND BUKKIT!!! They won't do that though, so maybe Bucky/Nat. Steve/Happiness. Tony/Not Dying. Avengers/Therapy. I HAVE A LOT OF CONCERNS ABOUT AVENGERS4 Y'ALL.
7. A canon ship you hate: I don't know that I hate any ship, but I do hate portmanteau ship names 99% of the time lol
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: Thor/Loki. I don't hate it, but they're both more interesting with other people, imo.
10. Favorite rare-pair: Bucky Barnes/Jessica Jones - find them in the Assembly Line series, which you should just check out in general if you like Marvel and hilarity. Steve/Loki à la Remember this Cold is another good one.
BONUS! Your NoTP: ReyLo. Y'all do what you want, but keep that mess away from me.
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to be clear, it is because of Tumblr that I fell down a fucking reylo rabbit hole on Ao3. I was never this invested before.
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