#and it is something that maedhros and maglor did with finrod too
thelordofgifs · 7 months
Congrats on the milestone! How about Maglor or Maedhros and jewellery, from the worldbuilding prompt list?
Digging up this old prompt for @maedhrosmaglorweek day 3! Have both of them.
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"You will jingle as you walk," says Maedhros, "they will hear you coming for miles."
Maglor laughs, and tosses his head so that the dangling silver earrings chime. "A poor minstrel I will make, if my jewellery plays more music than I! No, Nelyo, these will not do." He removes them carefully, and lays them aside in the growing pile of precious metal heaped upon the side-table.
Maedhros, sitting cross-legged on the stone floor of his chambers in Himring, watches him with a faint little frown. "You must choose something," he says; "you cannot go to the feast dressed as plainly as a Vanya monk."
"My songbird's voice is adornment enough," Maglor says blithely, "and anyhow I did not come here to pick out my own gems. We must make some progress on deciding what to bring as gifts."
From the chest Maedhros draws out a long string of pearls, meant to be draped three times around the neck for the full effect. A souvenir from a summer Maglor spent in Alqualondë, long before the light of the Trees went out, or indeed before their father took it into his mind to preserve it. Maglor chose the pearls himself, going up and down a hundred beachside stalls to pick out those most perfectly round and white, and had Finrod his cousin teach him how to string them on a thread of silk before presenting them to Maedhros. How lovely they had looked set against his brother's fair skin; they had seemed almost to glow.
"These – these stones," Maedhros says, hesitant, "we could gift them to the envoys of the Sindar, perhaps."
Maglor swallows. "They are pearls, Nelyo," he says, keeping his voice light. Maedhros blinks at him, and he explains, "They come from the sea, from oysters. We used to get them from the Teleri." He pauses, and then, when Maedhros still looks bewildered, adds, "I do not think it good politics to gift them to the kin of those we slaughtered, whether or not they know of it."
Maedhros' face darkens. "You are right – Nolofinwë's host will murmur to see them, besides." He gives the pearls another troubled look and then sets them aside.
No use, Maglor has learned, in dwelling on these missing spaces in his brother's memory. They frustrate Maedhros enough as it is: and it is nothing personal, Maglor knows, that he has forgotten the pearls were a gift from Maglor. Their Enemy has taken from Maedhros things far more precious than the recollection of a trinket. It does not sting, that Maedhros does not remember.
Maedhros has turned his attention back to the chest before him. These are all his personal jewels, salvaged from their father's house in Tirion in the brief hours they had to pack before setting out on their ill-fated march. In the years of his captivity Maglor would indulge himself, sometimes, and open the chest, and admire the treasure within as though he were yet a fanciful child trying on his brother's baubles; and he would tell himself that he would hear Maedhros' laughing voice at the door any moment now, saying, Are you going through my things again, little magpie?
Maedhros does not much like to wear jewellery, these days. He says that it chafes against his skin, and on darker days that it puts him in mind of chains; occasionally he will consent to Maglor pinning back his hair with a bejewelled clip, or to an unobtrusive pair of earrings, but all his fine gold necklaces and ornate jewel-encrusted bracelets are useless now.
"Too few gemstones," he says now with a frown; "they were more marvellous than the metalwork, and would be better received."
Maglor thinks with some regret of a fine set of rubies his father had made him for his two hundredth begetting-day. Like all the house of Fëanor's best jewels, they were locked in the vault at Formenos, and stolen by Morgoth when he ransacked it.
"I know not how things are done in Doriath," he says, "but in any case the Mithrim Sindar are not over-fond of jewels, much like their Falmari kin. I do not think we need worry that our gifts will seem poor to them; in truth they will know not what to do with them. They wear flowers in their hair oftener than gems."
"It may be different in Doriath," Maedhros argues. "Findaráto says of Menegroth that the very walls are studded with jewels. Perhaps a gift of our own best would go some way towards earning Elwë's favour."
Maglor frowns. "Think you he will come himself, then?"
"Perhaps," says Maedhros, "but even if he does not we must not seem to be ungenerous. Many of those in Nolofinwë's host will be searching for any excuse to name us so." He passes his hand over his eyes, looking tired. Maglor only arrived yesterday, but he has his suspicions about how long his brother had gone without sleep before that. "We must choose presents for them too—"
"You gave Nolofinwë a crown," says Maglor; "surely he will be sated with that!"
The jest makes Maedhros laugh, as it would not coming from any of their other brothers, edged as it would be with resentment or mockery. Maglor is awfully, selfishly glad of that.
"Come here," says Maedhros, "you are distracting me. Help me choose what to give our own kin, at least."
Maglor settles on the floor beside him. "This for Findaráto," he says, picking out a necklace of sapphires that Maedhros never much liked in the first place, "it will go well with his eyes."
Maedhros favours him with a smile. "Well chosen," he says. Then he finds a very fine emerald, set into the front of a copper circlet but easily prised free, and examines it thoughtfully. This, Maglor remembers, is a relic of their father's first experiments with the art of capturing light; it does not shine with a light of its own as do the Silmarils, but catches and magnifies all the daylight coming through the window in a most pleasing manner, reflecting them back in every shade of green imaginable. Maedhros sets it aside, and when Maglor casts him a questioning look blushes and says only, "For Finno."
The next piece Maedhros draws out of the chest is a golden bangle, from Fëanor's filigree phase: the metal worked into the shapes of trees and flowers and leaping horses, studded all over with tiny gems in a multitude of colours. Their father was in a good mood, when he made this, Maglor recalls. The precision of the work appealed to him. Perhaps it was that more than the loveliness of the finished product that made Maedhros fond of it.
"You always liked this one," says Maedhros, his eyes warm now with recollection. "The number of times it turned up on your dressing-table, after I had spent hours searching for it! Here." And he slips the bangle onto Maglor's wrist.
Maglor tenses, forces himself to relax, and takes it off again. "I do not want it," he says, "thank you, Nelyo."
Maedhros blinks at him. "I cannot wear it," he says, "not a bangle, it will be – too tight." He shudders briefly and then masters himself. "You might as well take it, and then someone can have use of it."
You do not want him back, Celegorm spat once; all your mourning is performance only. You are quite content to sit here wearing his crown and playing dress-up with his jewels, in truth.
"I do not want it," Maglor says again.
"Káno," Maedhros says, very gently. He tilts Maglor's chin up to examine his face. "What troubles you?"
But how can Maglor tell him, I am not now the child you knew in Valinor, the little magpie who so loved to be adorned? How can he say, I too was sated with a crown? He cannot unburden himself to Maedhros, who so depends on him to be merry and bright and unruffled. He has lost the right to do so.
"It will get in the way," he says, "when I play my harp." Then he summons up a smile and says, cheerfully, "Five cousins yet to choose gifts for, and then you promised you would let me practice my new Sindarin songs after we dine! We had better hurry." And he turns back to the chest before Maedhros can object.
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cilil · 9 months
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AO3 recommendations overview
A good chunk of the recommendations I received - thanks again to all those who sent me something! - were from AO3 and I couldn't always find a corresponding Tumblr post to reblog so I decided to make a list for convenience (an attempt at sorting has also been made). Please go show some love, enjoy and happy holidays/happy new year!
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₊˚⊹ Ainur
♡ Back In Evernow by @the-red-butterfly (Melkor & Manwë, Gen)
♡ Feathers and Friends by @elennalore (Manwë & Ulmo & Maglor, Gen)
♡ Whenever our paths cross by @thedaughterofshadows (Tilion, Arien & Ilmarë, Gen)
♡ Go Get Him by @glorf1ndel (Eönwë x Arafinwë, T, WoW)
♡ To be Made of Fire by @hirazuki (Mairon & Arien, Gen)
♡ Worth While by @hirazuki (Mairon & Eönwë, T, WoW)
♡ Redeeming graces cast aside by @mirkwood-hr-department (Melkor & Nienna, T, canon divergence)
♡ No Sooner Looked by @verecunda (Melkor x Mairon, Eönwë, T)
♡ When Your Walls Fall by @curufiin (Melkor x Mairon, T, canon divergence)
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₊˚⊹ Elves
♡ So do our Minutes Hasten to their End by @maglor-my-beloved (Caranthir x Haleth, Erestor, T)
♡ Anywhere With you by @last-capy-hupping (Maedhros x Fingon, past Melkor x Maedhros, E, modern AU, heed warnings)
♡ What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest by @polutrope (Daeron x Maglor, T, modern AU)
♡ of a harsh and caustic nature (the root of hope) by @oopsbirdficced (Caranthir x Finrod, T, soulmate AU)
♡ A Compass Pointing North by @elentarial (Celegorm x multiple, E, modern AU (cam work))
♡ Pour Out A Drink For Me by @nothinghereisworking (Caranthir x Haleth, T)
♡ Star Anise by @maglor-my-beloved (Fëanor & Nerdanel & their children, Gen)
♡ Bureaucratic outcomes & oversights by @sortumavaara (Glorfindel x Erestor, M)
♡ Snow white and the hunts(wo)men by @goschatewabn (Celegorm x Oromë, M, ABO)
♡ Laws and Customers by @z-h-i-e (Glorfindel x Erestor, little Arwen, Gen)
♡ glade-song by @welcomingdisaster (Galadriel x Melian, M)
♡ Slow Flights by @searchingforserendipity25 (Maedhros & Irmo, Gen, coming back to life)
♡ The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant by @melestasflight and @polutrope (Fingon, various pairings, T)
♡ My Bones Divide and Shake by @sallysavestheday (Celegorm & Oromë, Gen)
♡ Nothing gold can stay by @mirkwood-hr-department (Thranduil x Glorfindel, E, long fic)
♡ Something in the Darkness by @hirazuki (Eöl x Aredhel, M)
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₊˚⊹ Dwarves & Hobbits
♡ You Should Be Safe With Me by @fantasyinallforms (Bilbo x Thorin, E, canon divergent verse)
♡ And I’ll say I love you, and I’ll say that I do by @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book (Bilbo x Thorin, Gen, modern AU)
♡ Flowers that Never Die by @frosticenow (Bilbo x Thorin, T, pre-canon)
♡ Fuck Thy Neighbor by @lordoftherazzles (Bilbo x Thorin, E, modern AU, accidental marriage)
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₊˚⊹ For Orc lovers
♡ Scars of Silver and Gold by @niennawept (Adar x OFC, E, ROP verse)
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₊˚⊹ Old/older favorites that helped me through difficult times back in the day:
♡ Catechesis by @lvsifer (Melkor x Mairon, E, pope AU my beloved)
♡ the path of ecstasy by @bodhvild (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ In Utumno's Deeps by @foxindarkness (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ distractions by @tarmairons (Melkor x Mairon, baby dragons, unrated)
♡ Just This Once by @crackinthecup (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ ... and I burn for you by @echoesoftheforest (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Desire by @dragonofmordor (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Sacrament by @mayakoroz (Melkor x Mairon, E)
I was a lurker back then and too shy to comment or make myself known, but I saved links to my favorite works and never forgot about them. Better late than never.
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₊˚⊹ Gifts for yours truly
♡ His Malicious Majesty by @i-did-not-mean-to (Mairon, various pairings, M)
♡ Where there's smoke, there's a fire by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon x Gothmog, E, modern AU)
♡ Dog eat dog or something like that by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, puppy, gen)
♡ Aber bitte mit Sahne... by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, coffeeshop AU)
♡ Can't you see that I'm bound in chains? by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, mafia AU)
♡ Reaching for the stars by @i-did-not-mean-to (Manwë x Varda x Yavanna, T)
♡ The adventures of Crablor by @goschatewabn (Crablor x Faramir, E, heed warnings)
♡ Broken traps by @ruiniel (Andreth & a wolf, T)
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₊˚⊹ Art collections (is this cheating? No idea - but this is my event and I loved these so let's put them in as a bonus)
♡ Kinktober by @sortumavaara (various, E)
♡ Kinktober by @elanna-elrondiel (various, E)
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doodle-pops · 1 year
When I Look At You, I Admire...
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A/N: Had this here since 2021 and it was collecting too much dust. A little something to get me back into my game and yeah, I went wild on the aesthetics and gradient text 😅. I couldn't help it.
Part 1 | Part 2
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...YOUR EYES. They love the colour of your eyes. They could spend eternity admiring your colourful orbs. At night, they enjoy taking you out in an open field just to stare into your eyes to see the stars reflecting in them. It’s absolutely breathtaking. When your eyes light up because you’re happy or surprised, they can’t help but smile at that, knowing from just looking into them that you are truly happy. When laying together their hands can’t help but raise to cup your face ensuring that your face is fixed in their direction, to stare. Their favourite words to speak “Keep your eyes on me, love.”
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Turgon, Argon, Finrod, Aegnor, Galdor, Ecthelion, Thingol, Erestor
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...YOUR KINDNESS. Whether it’s reflected onto them or others, they love this aspect of you. Not once have they not told you about how kind-hearted you are. They believed that you were an angel sent to them by Eru above. They could not believe how soft and compassionate you were to them, most of all, despite their actions. To them, they remind you that they don’t deserve your compassion, but deep down they are pleased to know that you choose them. You would always let them know that the person everyone depicts them as is truly not who they are. Your words always bring tears, good tears, to their eyes. “I don’t deserve you or this, but I am thankful”
Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Finarfin, Finrod, Glorfindel, Rog, Galdor, Maeglin, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan
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...YOUR BRAVERY. Not once did you ever hesitate to stand up for them when harsh criticizing words were thrown. Sometimes, you’d go as far as standing in front of them as if it were to defend them physically. Knowing fully well that doing such actions can tarnish your reputation and name for standing up for them does not bother you one bit. When war came, and you two were fighting for your life on the field, never had you wavered to throw yourself before an oncoming slash or arrow. They’d scold you for your foolishness and braveness while crying at the thought of losing you. “How could you be so brave and foolish all in one?”
Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Argon, Finrod, Glorfindel, Rog, Galdor, Egalmoth, Beleg, Elladan
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...the way YOU LOVE. You love wholeheartedly. You love without the thought of being loved in return. You give it because you believe it’s the right thing to do because it’s necessary because it’s important. Everyone you’ve ever met you’ve been nothing but kind and loving towards them. Whether it’s parental love, sibling love, friendly love or romantic, you’ve loved for the sake of loving people. You’ve always believed that everyone deserves to be loved, at least once in their life. Love does a lot of things to a person, and it can change them for the greater good or evil, but never have your intentions been for the latter. But what they love most about you is the way you love them.
Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Fingon, Finarfin, Angrod, Aegnor, Rog, Galdor, Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Maeglin, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @singleteapot @the-phantom-of-arda @asianbutnotjapanese @justellie17 @justjane
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thelien-art · 2 years
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Headcannons for Maglor, Caranthir, Amrod&Amras, Fingolfin, Gil-Galad, Turgon, Eärendil Elros&Elrond, Aredhel, Eöl, Maeglin, Finafin, Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, Galadriel, Celebrían, Elladan&Elrohir below
Maglor manipulates his way through Valinor and kept doing it in Beleriand both in songs and way of words and knowing when to keep away. He also tears his eyes out in a moment of insanity after he hears about Celebrimbor's death which he founds out at the end of the second age when Elrond finds him (he wasn´t close enough to stop him) to take him home, right before Gil-Galad´s death.
Caranthir is autistic and loves working with textiles of any kind and he will go on for hours without end about it, he also knows the laws a bit too well to find loopholes. taxfraud (I also headcannon him as being Erector's dad but didn´t add it here)
Amrod & Amras:
Amraod was on the ships when Feanor burned them and he lost most of his left face, his body was heavily scarred and the worst was on the left side, he also lost two fingers and when Maedhros comes back from Angband he keeps making fun of it telling him they could borrow each other's hands, he did lose his ability to speak but Caranthir designed sign langue for him and Amras translated to others. Amrod was always more of a scholar and enjoyed beauty quite a lot, he would sometimes join Amras and Celegorm on hunts. Amras was the more outspoken of the twins and usually spoke for Amrod outside of court and after the burning of the ships he became Amrod voice as Amrod followed him no matter what and even insisted on sharing a bed (Amras didn´t mind they´ve always shared a bedroom and when they were smaller bed)
I like to think he's all for jewels but only when he has something to do, when he's home or something like that he wears the simplest and most comfortable available, but when he has somewhere to be or do, he goes crazy on the jewels, also he´s an introvert.
He used to straighten his hair for a long time when he first came to power and only really stopped in the few years before his death because of Elrond.
Turgon is autistic. I mean look at his action and think about it, also loves architecture.
I don´t think Eärendil and Elwing ever really loved each other, they were good childhood friends but when they got married it was more of a chore. It was only later, long into the third age, that they began having romantic feelings for each other. Later when he has sailed with the Silmaril for a lot of years he turns blind and his forehead is always heavily burnt and sometimes there´s blood in his hair
Elros & Elrond:
Elros and Elrond got their eyes from Turgon and the reason they´re so light is 1. the Silmaril 2. the Maia part, also keeps Elros away from scissors it took Elrond years to convince him to grow 1/4 of his hair long after Maedhros gave him permission to wear his hair whoever he wants (later when he becomes king, he makes a habit of covering his hair).
She wears white because her mom usually wears either light colors or white. She and Eöl love each other very much they just understand the world in two different ways which sometimes makes them quarrel.
I headcannon Eöl as a Maia of Aule who joined Melkor but left. His hair is purple and so is Maeglin´s, although he kept dyeing Maeglin´s hair to hide the real color for everyone. Maeglin never really relies it's unnatural color and just thinks some Avarins hair has that color and Aredhel just believes it turned purple because of Melian, she and Thingol know Eöl is a Maia, she also joins for tea sometimes. The tattoo symbol on Eöl´s forehead is picked up from dwarves (it stands for protection) nobody ever realizes Eöl is a Maia except when Fingon joins Aredhel to try and find him when they have been reborn. Aredhel says they should check the halls of Aule as he´s a smith and when they arrive Fingon finds a Maia if he has seen an Avarin named Eöl, Eöl (the Maia Fingon asked) doesn't have the time to explain before Aredhel crashes him in a hug. Also, he´s dyeing his hair to make it look like northern light which he really likes (Melkor made it and gave a jar with it to Eöl who now has it in his office or something)
Maeglin always saw himself as part of Eöl´s house and never really Fingolfin´s, although he does end up staying with his grandad until they find his dad, Eöl didn´t know he was back as Maeglin decided to stay a long time in Mandos and Namo ended up telling Eöl to stop coming and that Maeglin wasn't ever coming out (BIG MISUNDERSTANDING HAPPENS)
Finarfin has bangs because he has a little scar on his forehead from an accident when he was smaller. He always wanted kingship which was the main reason for him staying behind.
He will go to sleep in his jewels. He also wishes for kingship like his dad, although he might be a bit better at hiding it and making people do as he wants (he´s a snake and I love him)
No, I didn´t add his wife because I didn´t know how to make space for her. His always there to listen or help his brother (Aegnor).
He´s always had depressive tendencies but when they arrived at Beleriand it kicked hard and the fact that Angrod has a wife while Finrod kept telling him to stay away from Andreth didn´t help.
Galadriel wants power and she will do anything to get her way. Tolkien makes it known that she´s prideful and "too wild" for the Valar´s liking many times. Although she might be even better than Finrod hiding her lust for power as she´s less reckless.
Celebrían colors her hair in honor of her father's culture.
Elladan Elrohir:
Elladan has a tattoo of a blue branch on his right chin and Elrohir on his left.
I'm gonna this again and when I do it's gonna look way more professional than that sketch on sketch thing I made there
I just found out tumblr has a tag limit... (it´s 30)
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blueflipflops · 2 years
I see your Feanorians squabbling over Scrabble and I raise you Feanorians playing Uno and Mario Kart.
[Just finished exams haha. I'll just add the mario kart part later]
[This is from feanorians and scrabble, part 2, part 3, (monopoly)]
Uno with Feanorians operate on the premise of the rules being whatever you can convince the whole table are the rules. They had a whole Established Rules for Uno around family but sometimes Meadhros invites Fingon to circumvent this rule. The presence of a cousin makes the rules free game to rehash.
Discussion (arguements) over the rules often lasts almost 12-15 hrs and no one is allowed to start the game while there no Absolute Clear rules. (Which is half the fun in these games for them. I do believe that Ñoldorins think that banter and arguing for the sake of arguing is a very enjoyable pasttime and somewhat a game to them(Damn i'd sqy that they would LOVE a game of Werewolf then I remembered Finrod))
(This is also the reason Celegorm invites Aredhel to these games. To establish his own Bullshit rules.)
Betrayal between brothers were expected but when Fingon dropped Mae's ass with a +4, (on top of the accumulating +26 cards that had already gone a full circle around them, making it +30 cards) his brothers could almost hear his heart breaking. Mae wasn't able to control his face fast enough and his brothers are like a school of piranhas that can smell blood in the water from a mile away. In that split minute of betrayal, Maglor has somehow acquired a harp and started playing a lament while Curufin and Caranthir provides commentary like they're a narrator of either a drama reading or a nature documentary. The Ambarussa are doing backup singing in harmony with the music and Celegorm is HOWLING in laughter. He's slapping the table, teary eyed and at some point hit his side on the pointy edge of the table (Maedhros did NOT push the table. What are you talking about—) and now he's curled up on the floor. No one knows if he's still laughing or crying in pain.
The jeering would come to the point where Nerdanel would peek inside the room to ask what is happening and why is your brother on the floor? And suddenly fingers fly around faster than any arrows Fingon has ever released.
For some reason Curufin almost always have the best luck in this game with the Ambarussa right behind to him. He's so smug about that especially when Maedhros has the worst luck. He hates it so much. Everytime they play, they know what's going to happen yet Maedhros almost always go through all 5 stages of grief as the cards keep pilling up in his hands. Mae is surprisingly ( or unsurprisingly, considering) a sore loser. He keeps denying this and just cannot accept losing in a game of chance no matter how much he plans and schemes.
The Ambarussa gets so smug whenever they win because no way would Caranthir or Curufin would just lose. Maedhros would try but they all know how that would go. It would almost always end up in a showdown between those three on who could lose as many cards as fast as possible.
Whenever Celegorm invites Aredhel into these games, he always gets too into the high of circumventing the pre-Established Rules by inviting a cousin. Aredhel uses this against him. Whenever he gets uno, she uses all the plus (+2, +4), cancels, reverses or even flips just so he can't put down the last card. She'd peek at his card and change the color to something he doesn't have. It drives him crazy because in just a few minutes ago, she was targeting and taunting Maglor and Fingon with reckless abandon.
(He thought they were bonding!!!)
I played a game once where the uno reverse card would mean they could swap hands with their victim. So we would collect as much cards we can just so slam down a reverse card. We switch our hoard to two or three cards. It was so fun and so annoying. I hated those guys who suggested that. But imagine Caranthir suggesting this, fully intending to win. Except that he forgot one thing. That is Maedhros' luck. He was reminded of this when Mae suddenly dropped him 57 cards in a reverse card. And that was the one game where Mae won. Caranthir learnt his lesson and did not sit next to Mae next time he does this.
Maglor would claim that he doesnt care about winning but he is this close to punching Caranthir when he made that Rule. Celegorm is that little shit who swaps cards with him and he would put down a reverse to get them back. This would go on and on over the course of the game and it pisses Maglor off because he only does it to him!
Curufin wears a Crown of Bragging Rights every time he wins. They hate him so much for this.
(Feanor has similar luck in this game as Meadhros and Curufin had Nerdanel's so she doesn't play much unless Feanor does too. Because they have their own bets and deals between only the two of them. Feanor is just so deep into denial that he never learns no matter how many times he loses to her. He thinks he just keeps being distracted being so in love with her that he doesn't notice the cards piling up and no, she's not going against this theory of his. Their children know better tho.)
[ see more in the tag #feanorions and board games ]
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arofili · 2 years
and caverns old
the actual prompt response for @jaz-the-bard's request of Kidnap Dads + "Stay close to me" (as opposed to my misremembered version of the prompt, oops)
this one got a little out of control, but overall I'm quite pleased with it! hope you enjoy!
also on AO3!!!
“Stay close to me,” Maedhros rumbled, holding out his maimed arm in front of Elrond. “Be quiet. And try not to show your fear.”
“I’m not afraid,” Elrond insisted, despite how much he trembled. Thankfully, Maedhros said nothing else, focusing instead on walking for into the dark with his sword drawn.
The path into the cave was narrow and foul-smelling, and Elrond hated every second of it. But he pressed on, because he was not afraid, and this was where the tracks had led them.
With every skitter and clatter in the dark, Elrond’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t tell if it was a bat or a rock or something far more dangerous, but everything seemed full of malice in this dark, closed space. But Maedhros kept going, and so did he.
At last there was a faint light ahead, and Elrond stifled a gasp. No creature of the Shadow could shine like that, right?
Maedhros glared at him, his face gaunt and grim in the pale light, and Elrond shrank back into silence. The message was clear: Be quiet.
As they neared the light, Elrond heard the sound of...voices? But it was muffled, distorted, wrong. For all he was named for a cave, he hated this, and finally admitted to himself just how terrified he was.
(He had been named for the gleaming, vaulted caverns of Menegroth, the realm of his mother’s childhood. Not for this, a reservoir of some nameless evil.)
Maedhros tensed, then stepped out into the faint glow of a larger cavern. Elrond hesitated, but remembered: Stay close to me.
When he entered, he could not help but gasp. Small crystals shone dimly in the walls, and starlike glimmers twinkled on the ceiling. It was beautiful—not at all like the foulness of the tunnel.
A clash of steel refocused him, and he scrambled to draw his own dagger—but even as he did so, the swords dropped, and a familiar peal of laughter filled the cave with full, comforting resonance.
Maedhros let out a single harsh curse in a language Elrond did not recognize, and sheathed his sword with a murderous glare to his cackling brother.
“What’s all this?” he demanded. “Holing up in a dreadful place like this, not leaving proper trail signs—I thought some awful creature had dragged you into its den!”
“Oh, but that’s perfect, isn’t it?” Maglor said earnestly.
At the sound of his cheerful voice, Elros poked his head out from behind a rock, and Elrond immediately rushed to embrace his twin. They hated to part like this, but in the grim wastes what once had been Beleriand, it was sometimes necessary to travel in pairs, and neither of their guardians would leave the two of them alone without an adult warrior to protect them. And these days, after Amon Ereb’s fall and the fire that had scorched through the camp of Fëanorian stragglers, only the four of them remained together.
“It’s not so bad here,” Elros said with a smile. He opened his mind to Elrond, sharing the memory of how he and Maglor had discovered this place and cleansed it of any traces of true darkness. “A bit gloomy, and the glow-worms are kind of gross, but the crystals are pretty, aren’t they?”
Maedhros scowled. “How did you even find this place?”
“We’re not all that far from Nargothrond,” Maglor explained, growing wistful. “Finrod and I explored some caves nearby, a couple centuries ago, to see if there was any place worth excavating to, but...” A shadow passed over his face. “Well. It would’ve taken too much digging to make this cave useful for anything more than a secret hideout.”
“We think he and Beren might’ve stopped here on the way to Tol Sirion!” Elros added eagerly. “See, look—there’s a little bear carving in the wall here—and we found a scrap of lembas—”
“Ah, maybe.” Maglor shrugged, and Elrond gleaned he was not too convinced of that idea. “But Finrod did leave some provisions behind...and so did I, before the Nírnaeth. As a precaution.”
Maedhros groaned, and sat down heavily, his armor clanking now that he no longer needed to keep his movements quiet. “And the oppressive darkness on the way in?”
“Are you sure that’s not just you?” Maglor jibed.
Maedhros threw a loose bit of crystal at him. Maglor dodged out of the way, and Elrond jumped to catch it before it could fall and shatter.
“Well, I’ve not lost all talent for concealment spells,” Maglor said.
“This did not feel like your Song, Káno.”
“It’s not,” Maglor said. “The world above is crumbling, and Darkness seeps into every pore and vein of the land. This place was even drearier when Elros and I first rediscovered it. I...redirected the ambient Shadow to the tunnels leading in, to deter visitors, and make it livable in here. Cleansed the water, too—there’s a bit of a mineral-y trickle in the back, Elrond, if you’re thirsty.”
“And you knew I’d be stubborn enough to follow your tracks into any hell-pit,” Maedhros sighed. “Well done, I suppose.”
Maglor beamed. “Why, Nelyo, that was almost nice of you!”
“Too bad your ditties are only useful for running and hiding,” Maedhros grumbled.
Maglor huffed. “Too bad you can’t hold onto an army through something as prosaic as a wildfire!”
They were so much more than this, once upon a time. Elrond remembered it, a little: Maglor’s sweeping, dreadful battle Song at Sirion, the melodies he hummed to close wounds and give weary feet the strength to move onward; Maedhros’ firm, unyielding confidence, the sort of thing that made soldiers want to follow him to their very Dooms.
He remembered things he shouldn’t, also: star-spangled red banners flapping smartly in the winter wind, atop mightier battlements than Elrond had ever seen; cavalry surging like a river across an open plain; a hundred thousand swords ready for battle; a fierce hope driven by the love of brothers, of a golden king...
But as Beleriand rotted away and fell to pieces under the weight of a war long past due, so to did what remained of the once-noble princes of the Noldor. It made Elrond want to weep, sometimes, that he had only known these brilliant men at their lowest. And then it made him furious, because they were not blameless for their fall.
Elros leaned against him, sharing in his sorrow-anger. I know, he seemed to say, but didn’t need to, for he and Elrond were closer than words. I know.
“And what did you find?” Maglor asked.
“The Host of the Valar is drawing nearer to the Anfauglith every day,” Maedhros said, something in his tone changing as he slid back into the role of commander and strategist. “The...other hosts, in their train, still lag behind, but I suspect the remnants of the Noldor will reach the frontlines soon.”
“And I think we saw a Fëanorian banner with them,” Elrond added eagerly. “If some of our people survived the fire and joined Gil-galad’s host—”
“We cannot count on that, nor do I think any of them would be foolish enough to fly the eight-pointed star alongside the High King’s standard,” Maedhros said flatly. “If there are survivors, and they did join with their sundered kin, they must needs have forsaken their former lords and sworn fealty to the King. They cannot be counted as allies.”
“But if we talked to them—” Elrond protested.
“No.” This time it was Maglor who interrupted, his eyes troubled. “Elrond, Elros...it is too dangerous. You are too young to join the fighting, and could not do so if...” He shook his head. “Should you wish to forsake us also—”
“No!” Elrond and Elros cried as one.
“Never,” Elrond insisted.
“Not yet,” Elros said.
Elrond swallowed, and looked to his twin, but Elros’ mind was carefully closed off to him. He knew Elros did not intend to stay with their foster-fathers forever—and he, also, dreamed of a wider world—but to hear him say it...
Well. They were of one accord in this moment, at least.
“We ran into a spider nest on the way back,” Elrond said at last, breaking the heavy silence in the cavern.
“You what?” Elros exclaimed.
“They were young, and easy to kill,” Maedhros said. “I gathered some of their silk when we were done. Elrond committed himself admirably to the task.”
“Of web-collecting or monster-slaying?” Maglor asked.
“Both,” Elrond said, puffing out his chest. “I killed two of them!” He deflated a little, adding, “Well, and Maedhros killed the other eight.”
“We’ll make a warrior of you yet,” Maglor chuckled.
In Elrond’s hands, the fragment of crystal seemed to hum. Surprised, he looked down, and saw it was glowing faintly.
“No,” he said slowly, turning the glowing gem over in his hands. “I mean, I can defend myself. But you know I would rather be a healer.”
He hummed the same tone as the crystal, and felt its Song resonate deep within his fëa. He glimpsed within some trace of the Music, some unlocking of a hidden secret—
But then it shifted out of tune, and the magic was gone. Elrond shivered, then shoved the now-dull rock into his pocket.
“Elrond?” Elros asked quietly. All three of them were looking at him strangely, concern shining visibly in Maglor’s eyes, while Maedhros only looked grim.
He looked up and smiled, and for the first time in a while, he meant it entirely. “I know we can’t stay forever,” he said, “but I’m glad you brought us here, Maglor.”
Maglor tossed a meaningful glance to his brother, as if to say, See? I told you so!
“A respite, that is all,” Maedhros rumbled. He inclined his head to Maglor. “But not an ill-found one, I suppose.”
“Come on, let me show you the bear carving,” Elros said, and grabbed Elrond’s hand, tugging him further into the cavern. Elrond followed, his heart for once truly light—and he thought he heard the chiming of music all around him, a crystalline chorus reaching out to him, whispering of power and Song.
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batsyforyou · 2 years
Little Dove: Prologue
Manwë X FemChild Reader:
Warnings/Tags:  POV changes, child crying, dramatic intro, a child getting lost, child-ish shenanigans, stress and slight depression mentioned and Future kidnapping. Everything here should mostly be fluff right up til the end anyway. And I made a point to remove any and all possible cuss words/phrases. I also just stuck with the names the majority of people would probably recognize.
Reader Info: Pronouns Used: she/her. I also mentioned that the reader is blonde and female. If that doesn't work with you just imagine what you want.
Character List: Manwë, Varda, Feanor, Finrod, Maglor, Maedhros, and Finarfin.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with The Silmarillion, the Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit. I do, however own my fanfic and I ask that no one reposts or puts my work in an AI system. Thank you.
Author’s Note: 
Hello! I didn’t think this would actually make it to being posted but no! I proved myself wrong! Thankfully. So, the original idea behind this story was to just have some cute Manwë and child interactions. However! It had been brought to my attention, by my sister, that I had made the whole thing too long for a one shot. Which is possibly why I was struggling. I had to cut everything into pieces and edit the life out of it and now I have a mini series of hopefully cute Manwë moments. It genuinely felt like I had taken a 2 by 4 grabbed an axe and went WACK.
So far I have two through three parts I have yet to finish fleshing out. I did take some creative liberties, though not many. And I am very open to criticism! I tend to have the “hit me with your best shot” mentality towards criticism overall. So if you have something to say about literally any part of my writing from here out about my grammar, punctuation, word choice, setting, description, theme, dialogue, characterization and literally anything feel free to tell me. Also, I might have gotten some elf terms wrong or mixed up. Please let me know if I did and I’ll try to make time to fix it.
P.S. Some of what is written for this story was inspired by headcanons made by @edensrose and my own. And part one will be posted in a couple of days from now. I unfortunately can’t get to it any faster. And this prologue is indeed the Attempted Dramatic Intro. So anyway, I hope y’all have a great day!
Little Dove 
Valinor was a place of great beauty. With many blue mountains, green forests, and pastures full of wildflowers and bountiful farmland. Where glittering blue rivers and lakes spotted the landscape with great splendor. This was the home of the Elves… and of the Ainur.
This land had many Kings. Kings of Elves mostly and of the elves there stood three Great Elven Kingdoms that belonged to: the Vanyar, the Teleri and the Noldor. Ingwë ruled over the Vanyar, Finwe over the Noldor and Olwë over the Teleri.
Above them stood Manwë, King of the Valar, Ruler of Arda, brother to the Dark Lord Melkor and husband to the Lady Varda. Lord Manwë was held in high regard and was most notably known for his kindness and compassion towards others.
Lord Manwë lived atop Mount Taniquetil the highest mountain of the world where birds of all kinds brought him word about the happenings of the world. Though the most exciting news came from his herald, word from the Noldor, the Line of Finwe in fact.
The wife of Finwe’s youngest son, Finarfin, had given birth to his youngest grandchild, an elleth. Princess Y/N, a special little elleth so fair in face and hair the color of spun gold. She was adored amongst her people and had many tied around her finger. Most notably, her brother’s. As the years passed, Y/N’s tenth Begetting Day was getting closer. This was where the young Princess was to be Presented to the Valar, as her predecessors before her. All members of the three royal households were to be Presented to the Valar to be chosen by one of the Vala and receive their blessing.
And now, it was Y/N’s turn.
It had been decided that the young Princess would be Presented to the Valar on the every eve of Spring. Every elf who could come would be in attendance and meet in the Mansion by Lord Irmo’s domain. For food and drink was to be served and a night full of song and dance was promised. Elves would wear their finest clothes and the greatest minstrels would be paid to sing. Young Prince Maglor, Y/N’s cousin, and her oldest brother Finrod were rumored to be performing that night. It was to be a grand occasion, definitely not one to be missed.
This is where our story begins.  
@floraroselaughter did you still want to be tagged for this? 
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eri-pl · 5 months
It's ok to send asks (more or less about Tolkien, let's keep this blog on topic), I will more likely answer than not. It's ok to comment even if the post is old. If something that I wrote contradicts the canon, and I seem not to be aware of it, I would prefer to be informed (politely) of this fact. I usually don't do proper Quenya diacritics. I know it. Too complicated to type, sorry.
Post Masterlist
Online tool to easily make character sorting polls and KMF-style polls.
Proper-ish writing (Silm fanfics)
Ao3 in general
Steve the intern Maia / Ao3 - comedy, Mandos, Darkening
Amandil / Ao3 - sad/estel, fall of Numenor
Irrational / Ao3 - fluff + math + music + nature of Men, kidnap fam
Blood, red like fire / Ao3 - ominous, Feanor's mother, pregnancy
Writing propmts / ideas / sketches
(yes, you can use those, credit me if you quote more or less directly)
Some original Maiar, feel free to use
Crack taken seriously the um… very personal edition? (includes fangirling and Blue Wizards)
Nerdanel could but would she? (I hate Feanor less now, ignore the tag a bit)
Synopsis of “how I would do Third Age Sauron redemption fic (second part of interconectednss. It starts with Saruman not being a jerk. It may end on the world ending. Or not.)
Very AU: Melkor ok, Aule and Yavanna bad but opposing each other.
So, you want to canonize Tauriel? Here’s how.
Maglor in Numenor (it ends better than you’d expect)
I’m not a shipper, but Aredhel
yeet the Ring into space (not a very original idea)
I don’t write real people fics, but
Nobilis/Silm: Feanorians
Consider: A “ghost of Feanor in LotR” fanfic, but instead of, say, Elrond, it is Gimli who can perceive the ghost. (Literally just this. Plus some tags and discussion below post.)
Rework of Beren and Luthien, keeping the early idea of "C&C are helpful", but compatible with the rest of the canon.
Long reblog chain (partially mine) ending with Maedhros with undead Fingon as his hand (lierally).
If Osse went evil
Feanorians should go to a theater
Celegorm humts in his dreams
underexplored topic of Celebrimbor-Annatar discussions: the Feanorian… well, the whole thing about them, Oath and Darkness and all that.
discussions of greek mythology/Silm exchange program (Morgoth for Hermes) (see all the reblogs, there are good ideas there!)
a lot of "what-ifs" about Feanor not doing one of the questionable things he did (for different ones) (below cut)
Musing, rambling, essays, headcanons - masterlist
(yes, you can use those too)
Badly made Morgoth on a cake 
Spiders! Luthien! Also, Miriel! And more spiders!  (source of this idea)
cursed poll-haired Thranduil
Sauron goo in a jar
Polls!- Finished polls masterlist
H tengwa
Dagor Dagoradh with a car (+Sauron) + Elrond's van comparision
Finrod in a technicolor jacket
12 versions of Melkor (Morgoth): singing in the Ainulindale, early days, Dark Rider, in Aman, with Ungolianth, warlord, charmed into sleep, gloating to Hurin, bonus 1, bonus 2, bonus 3
the Oath of Feanor as a snake-thing
Feanorian-ish coloring pages: 1, 2, colored eldritch!Oath!knot
Melkor|Morgoth through the Ages + some bonus (tag, not a single post)
why goatee looks stupid on Melkor|Morgoth
kind of tutorial for easy Silmarils / light in graphics software
small Valar in a circle
Feanorian floor tiles (set of tiling patterns)
Cosmere (old posts)
Post-RoW predictions for Stormlight Archive (plus)
Ten spears go to battle
Nobilis (old posts)
Why I cannot play this game
You know you think too much about Nobilis when…
“wyrd” ws “weird”
What happens to instances of an Estate after a successful Flower Rite — some thoughts
You don’t FR a Mimic
Excrucian eyes : Deceivers
About Warmains
Warmains (feel free to use)
Deceivers (same)
grammar rant 
first one
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flowering-smile · 4 months
russingon ask game! 7 &/or 14?
Thank you much!
7. Share some headcanons on how secret the relationship was: did basically everyone know about it, or just very close family, or nobody at all? How did that change over their lifetimes?
I pretty much think it evolved with time. Pre-darkening, only they knew about it and kept it a secret... Except for Finrod. Because Fingon had to tell somebody and he was so giddy because Maitimo loved him back and maybe they would wed and...
But then Fëanor started with his paranoia and the tension escalated. They would postpone telling everyone for a bit, just a bit... But then the sword incident happened and had to be exiled to Formenos... They basically dropped the idea at this point and thought that maybe it was best if they didn't continue. In Formenos Finwë would realized something is wrong with his eldest grandson (I always headcanon them having a great relationship) and eventually Maedhros would tell him. Finwë would be appalled at the beginning but would support him if they ever made it public. How can he judge weird marriages ideas?
During the burning at Losgar when Maedhros steps aside and confronts his father. His father would be strucked with the knowledge of his son's feeling for his cousin. He would be scandalized and would want to talk to him about it but he didn't make it that far. Also from that moment on some of his brothers also started to feel extra suspicious about it. What it's so special about Findekáno?
Something similar would happen during Helcaraxë because Fingon would be so mad and betrayed, but at the same time so hopeful that it was all a misunderstanding... And some people would start to be suspicious. When he parted to Thangorodrim, Finrod that knows would try to cover his back as long as possible. But when he arrived with Maedhros after the rescue... The suspicion would be confirmed.
After the rescue the only ones that aren't really getting it would be C+C, Turgon and Fingolfin. Their pride is way too big to even acknowledge it. They would wed after the rescue and even if they try to be subtle there would be signs and at least between brothers and cousins it would be an open secret. The oblivious party would eventually come to terms with this but wouldn't approve of it really.
During Fingon's reign they would tone it down to the core. Trying to keep a facade for the high king's respectable image. Fingon would daydream about naming him his consort and ruling together, but they both know it's a terrible idea. After his death, there would be rumors about them. But Maedhros wouldn't want to hear any of it and they would die down eventually. The only one in which he would confide and talk about his marriage would be Maglor. The others can consider themselves in terrible danger if they mention it.
After rebirth however they wouldn't hold back not even a bit. They would live quietly as a couple. And everybody would be so relieved because they are so tired of trying to keep it secret.
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thelordofgifs · 2 years
Thinking about that line in the Shibboleth of Fëanor that even his sons might not have all adhered to the old-fashioned thorn pronunciation after his death - which immediately raises the question, so which ones did?? Random headcanons only vaguely supported by anything in the text below.
(Disclaimer that this all obviously became somewhat moot when Thingol’s Quenya ban came into play. Using crispy Amrod canon here.)
Maedhros: there are pages I could write on Maedhros’ complicated relationship with his father and his father’s legacy, it absolutely fascinates me. Initially Maedhros is the son of Fëanor who most openly defies his father - he stands aside at Losgar, he goes to parley with Morgoth literally as soon as Fëanor is dead, and, most notably, he gives the crown to Fingolfin. These are not the actions of a dutiful eldest son devoted to his father’s memory, which makes me fairly confident in saying that Maedhros definitely dropped the thorn post-Thangorodrim. It’s a fairly minor gesture of reconciliation compared to dispossessing his entire house, and I really don’t think Maedhros has many fucks left to give about linguistics after decades hanging from a cliff.
How did this change, say, post-Nirnaeth when there were effectively no descendants of Indis left to make nice with? I don’t know, but I rather like playing with the headcanon that Maedhros started using the thorn again in the last century or so of his life, especially when his mental state was particularly bleak.
Maglor: I don’t think Maglor’s feelings about his father were much less complicated than Maedhros’. He’s specifically noted as hanging out with Finrod and being trusted by Maedhros not to cause a scene at the Mereth Aderthad, suggesting that he very much follows Maedhros’ lead in reconciliation with the other side of the family. On the other hand, Maglor has always been rather fascinated by his dead grandmother, and he maintains that people’s names should be pronounced the way they want them to be pronounced. Also, several of his older works contain puns that absolutely hinge on the th/s distinction. He doesn’t drop the thorn.
Celegorm: actually never used the thorn consistently in the first place, a constant source of annoyance for his father. Celegorm values fast and efficient communication over linguistic precision - if foxes don’t have a word for what he wants to express, he’ll borrow one from Dog. Meaning over pedantry. Prescriptivism is stupid. He’s one of the fastest of the sons to pick up Sindarin, and displays zero interest in actually studying it. Post-reconciliation of the Noldor, he uses the thorn when the distinction is necessary for clarity, and doesn’t otherwise. Everyone is used to this.
Caranthir: I could go either way here, not having many headcanons about Caranthir’s relationship with his father. Since he’s not particularly on board with Maedhros’ efforts at diplomacy, let’s say he keeps the thorn, purely because nobody can tell him what to do.
Curufin: absolutely does not drop the thorn, that was his father’s hill to die on which means it’s his too. Is constantly furious with his brothers whenever they mispronounce something, this is personal, how can they just betray everything Fëanor stood for like that?? Will fully march Tyelpë out of the room if non-Fëanorian Quenya is being spoken there, his child’s ears are Pure and will not be Sullied with Improper Language. The Fëanorions are generally annoyed by Thingol’s Ban, but at least it gives Curufin a new target for all his linguistic aggression.
Amras: has never forgiven his father for Losgar and never will. Drops the thorn out of pure spite. 
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curiouselleth · 8 months
Hi @echo-bleu, thanks for the ask!
🪄You can change how one (1) Big Event goes down in the Silm - either in favor of something in HoME or something you made up. What happens instead? Tell us the cool stuff!
Finrod would survive 🥺. Perhaps by Luthien getting there earlier, or his wounds not being as severe. I think, once he recovers, he would also finally face the trauma that he was hiding behind the mask of a sunshine-y personality, and it would change how events from there out go. After Beren and Luthien's success in getting the silmaril, I think that Finrod would be hugely supported in getting Nargothrond back by Thingol. The Celegorm and Curufin would definitely be tossed out of Nargothrond sooner. Now it's been a while since I've read CoH, but I think he would treat the Turin situation very differently from Orodreth. I would like to say that Nargothrond stood for longer, though it definitely would still be sacked and destroyed at some point because well... everything was. With Finrod's closeness to Ulmo, with the vision to build Nargothrond perhaps he would've gotten a similar message that Turgon did, to flee the city before it was sacked and so on.
Also I think High King Finrod would be a lot of fun, I know Gil-galad was technically next in succession BUT he also wasn't of age when he became king so I think it would at least be temporarily pasted to Finrod, at least until Gil-galad was of age. And now that i think about it, Finarfin arriving in Beleriand to Finrod being king is just. I'm tearing that apart with my teeth I love it lol. I know it's more horrifying for Finarfin to arrive and have a Finwean that he doesn't even know as king, but I think Finrod as king would be a whole other kind of nasty shock.
I generally think Finrod surviving would have a bit of a uniting effect on the elves as a whole too, there would likely be a significant attempt by Maedhros and Maglor to show that they did not support Celegorm and Curufin's coup and that they supported Finrod, and with Thingol likely supporting him in winning back Nargothrond I think it could unite the Noldor and Sindar a little. The silmaril would definitely complicate matters but with how the Feanorians didn't even seem to consider getting the Silmaril from Luthien I don't think it would be immediately bad. And with Finrod as a in between perhaps the second kinslaying could be averted or made less severe. (I'm not taking a stance on if the Feanorian's claim to the Silmaril is valid or not though, that argument gives me a headache lol)
Wow this got long! But I had fun going down the rabbit hole of possibilities lol😂
Thanks again for the ask!
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Can I ask Maglor for the ask game please? :)
Character Ask Game 💚🤍🖤
Thank you so much @theghostinthemargins <3
I loved writing this even if it took some time, it was so enjoyable (too many Maglor thoughts to be easily ordered!)
one aspect about them i love 
Everything! Favourite blorbo. I have a big weakness for characters who are very alive to their role in the narrative and try to talk over it while removing themselves from it, the tension of narration as agency/acting as foretold is delightful. 
To narrow it down: I love that he wrote the Noldolante. I love it.  Regardless of the angle you take with it, he was doing something with it, and the vast possibilities of interpretation comes across as playing into the authorial intent of it all - it’s a work of mastercraft to be judged, as the deeds were judged. It’s a fascinating situation from every ethical and emotional angle, and the idea of such a text/work of oral memory/manifesto/epitaph/elegy existing, outlasting him, lingering as his last word and testimony - delicious!
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
 Sometimes exiting the narrative while making a very pointed point that the narrative you’ve composed is over is the best possible choice! 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character 
Nomadic at heart, and all the time too. Hates cities; genuinely believes Turgon lost his mind in the Ice to think Gondolin is a good idea (laughs about it very tastelessly in public); very concerned about Finrod, hence the regular invitations to hunts outside the caves of Nargothrond. 
The Siege was nightmare for many reasons, but honestly? Mostly because they had to stay stuck in the same side of the Mithrim. Fully aware that Fingolfin was on to something about wanting to attack Morgoth during the Long Peace, but also knew the Gap would be the first place to be sacrificed for that gambit, and simply did not care for that.
This decision did not age well, but got too attached to the freedom and challenges of the Gap (hello fun blood-rituals!) to consider doing anything else. Especially on Fingolfin’s terms. It took a long, long time for him to even be sorry about that, never mind actually regret it. 
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
 Maedhros. They bring a fun ‘bros bickering over the camping fire’ energy to every slaughter and divine judgment that I really like. 
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Fingolfin, actually. The recognition of the second-born is very bitter. 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
A minstrel isn't just a guy that sings sometimes! It's a fully official position with political, spiritual and religious, life-long implications. I'm not saying he's getting paid to be the spiritual spokesperson of the Noldor, but I'm not saying he's not not getting paid, in the days of Valinor, when competition for the (then mostly decorative) position of leading singer are an outright cesspit of intrigue and political machinations.
 Unrelatadly, Indis was the one in charge of the jury to decide who received the honour; they developed a very intense frenemis situation when Maglor, in the one and only time he set himself to compete with Curufin for Best Son (also to get some pocket money), set himself to the task with all the drama and verse of an ambitious tiny-sized prodigy around 16 in human years. 
 Nerdanel thought it was hilarious, and absolutely refused to put in a good word with Indis for her son. India also thought it was hilarious - he was very short, his stack of scrolls was very tall, and his demands for a dozen organs and a five-hundred singers for the chorus was cute, as if - but never let it on, and that turned out to be a good influence on Maglor. 
To, uh, a limited degree. He definetely learned a great deal about public relations and the backstage production of narratives to go with the diplomacy needed to calm down primaddonas, that’s for sure, if not necessarily for good.
(He did get the big extravaganza, eventually).
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gwaedhannen · 10 months
Some random author notes about Kill the flame
The whole fic was written in an afternoon and it shows.
I don't necessarily think this is how late-Third Age Galadriel always thinks of her family (especially the Feanorians), but when she allows herself to miss them, she really misses them.
I follow the "G&C fucked off to Eriador sometime in the 1st Age" canon, most likely shortly after Finrod's death. They showed up again a few years into the War of Wrath at a suitably dramatic moment to bail her father out. As juicy as the idea of her being present in Doriath and therefore on the losing side of all three Kinslayings is, I feel like she would've tried to confront the Feanorians in the Second Kinslaying instead of fleeing, and would've likely died there.
The names used are somewhat arbitrary, but the ones I imagine Galadriel using for her brothers/cousins by the late Third Age (having mostly heard their names in the context of history). Hence Arakáno instead of Argon since he died before they met any Sindar, but the rest are in Sindarin, and Finrod instead of Ingoldo since that's what he's known by in all the histories/songs/etc.
Ar-Feiniel instead of Aredhel is completely vibes though.
Am I doing "read more" breaks right
"I always tried to make Lothlórien a place you would love." probably made more sense when I was trying to contrast Lothlórien with Nan Elmoth as a "forest of light" vs "forest of darkness". But I couldn't get a good way to word the Nan Elmoth reference so it was cut. Honestly I don't really think this line is terribly accurate; Lothlórien feels like it's too "tame" for my impression of Aredhel's character.
Angrod isn't really an ass, he just has a tendency to laugh at other peoples' minor mishaps and doesn't know when to shut up. Except when explaining to the local king why you're here from Valinor, of course.
I really didn't want to make another candle/moth reference for Aegnnor, so instead I made up the part about him saving Galadriel on the Helcaraxë for this fic. Maybe one day I'll write it. Something about Galadriel's cold fury towards the Feanorians for their betrayal causing a spiritual positive feedback loop.
Galadriel doesn't know what to say to Finrod in part because I sure as hell don't know what she'd say to Finrod. The line about the Ring of Barahir at least manages to date the fic to between Aragorn's first trip to Lothlórien and the fall of Sauron.
If it wasn't obvious, "mountains" and "empty hill" refer to Tirion, and "sea" and "blooded sands" to Alqualondë. I figure the finarfinians and fingolfinians did a fair bit of back-and-forth'ing due to their families' close bond.
Why should Angrod Aegnor and Maedhros be the only ones who'd follow Fingon anywhere? I recall a post somewhere about how it's his death, even more than the slaughter of the Nirnaeth, which seals the Noldor's fate. Without him, the survivors lose all Estel. Turgon and Orodreth stop listening to Ulmo, and the Feanorians turn against other elves.
No I don't know why Galadriel blames Curufin for sending Finrod to die more than Celegorm. I already had Celegorm's line so instead Curufin gets to kill Galathil for the symmetry.
Ambarussa's lines took the longest to think of. Some inspiration from this Polutrope post, especially lightly-toasted Amrod, and them driving the Third Kinslaying.
The madness/truth Amras discovered? Moments after he kills Dior, the corpse hops back up, declares "I'm fucking done with this shitty-ass 'bittersweet' narrative, we're going to a romcom" (paraphrased), and walks through a wall. He grabs his sons on the way out of this pataphysical layer.
Maglor is probably still alive somewhere so "[Finwë's] final heir in Middle-Earth" is an exaggeration. And of course there's Elrond and his kids, but shh.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Hear me out on this: there's a party with the theme "dress up as your favorite person" and reader goes dressed as the elf (or ainur, lots of appreciation to them in here I see, rightful so, they deserve it), but like on a really intricate way, almost as they were attending to the Met Gala.
How do you think they'd react and feel about this?
I can see them loving this but you always have those who would complain "I do not look like that!" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
"I look like that? Whoa, you did a good job imitating me, darling, the only thing you're missing is my height — ouch, hey, stop hitting me!" they are admiring you from head to toe. Holding a hand out for you to take and twirling you. Might fix one or two things that are out of place, but other than that, they are in awe of your appearance of them and your dedication. Never before has anyone done something like this for them, with that much effort.
Oh God, the judgemental squad has arrived and is going to critique you from head to toe because they want to ensure that you weren't mocking them and displaying an accurate image. "My hair doesn't look so flat. Those boots are too cheap to represent me. The circlet is alright but not the jewellery. Lacking a lot to represent me, love, we need to do better than this...come." You probably want to throw hands at them because it's not that serious but it's the judgemental squad guys. Nitpicking.
FEANOR, Celegorm, CARANTHIR, CURUFIN, Fingolfin, TURGON, Ecthelion, Erestor
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
*happily digs through the werewolf AU tag* this is EXCELLENT.
So like, how and when exactly do Maedhros and Maglor realize that the fluffy oddly unmurdery murder machine is Finrod? (I can't imagine this revelation goes particularly WELL tbh because, well, how would it)
And looking forward, does Doriath ever fall? Like, the second kinslaying never happens, but does Morgoth take it eventually along with Gondolin? Does Gondolin fall the same way, with the same reasons?
With refugees going to Sirion as in the original story or-
(fervently hoping Elwing and Earendil exist, and Elrond and Elros)
And like, did Earwen come with Arafinwe, bc Finrod is her son too? (Her other kids also being motivation I'm sure)
hehe i'm so glad you liked it
I. Have not yet decided how exactly the big reveal goes, I have few versions
In the first one he just relaxes as a werewolf (Fingon comes to visit, Maedhros and Maglor are there, everything feels peaceful) and. kind of slips into his normal form while sleeping in the same bed as fingon and maedhros (they had a sleepover because who knows when will they meet next time). cut to an absolute horrified maedhros who went to sleep with one person and a wolf and woke up with two people in his bed, with the other one being thin and shaking and malnourished
In the other it's a constant struggle for him to keep his mind present in a wolf form, to fight for every thought, to try and grasp control. Maedhros sees something's wrong with his (were)wolf, and wrong in a bad kind of way, wrong in a "will my action of housing sauron's werewolf finally provoke consequences ah shit this is bad isn't it" way. He... he doesn't want to do this, but he also doesn't want any of his *people* to get hurt, so he locks werefinrod in a cell. which. only forces finrod to fight harder because he can't have the only person who cared for him give up on him
maedhros is TERRIFIED when finrod starts transforming because it's bloody and messy and horrible and really it's a miracle no swords get involved - maedhros forgot his in his room and maglor is too far and by the time he arrives yelling "I F-CKING TOLD YOU" finrod's already unconscious and brothers are horrified. fingon is too i guess (i just need fingon to be there)
now that i wrote it down i lean towards the second option tbf
Concerning Doriath - sorry I really have no idea. I *do* want all the canon characters to be born so elrond and elros are going to happen somehow
Same goes for Gondolin. I really need to sit and thing through all the possible scenarios, with the whole post-nirnaeth timeline and finarfin arriving early
Eärwen - i. i think she does. She either arrives at the same time with Arafinwe (in that case she stays in the back lines - that was Olwe's asking) or later with Ingwion and Elulindo. I'm personally leaning towards the latter option. Amarie however goes with Finarfin in any case
also yeah their other kids are the priority of course hjhkhj it's just my bias towards finrod showing sorry. they get their (remaining) family reunion don't worry
Thank you for the ask!! Feel free to ask more i'm always happy to talk about this au
(P.S. "fluffy oddly unmurdery murder machine" is an official werefinrod description now thank you)
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eilinelsghost · 5 months
I just thought of this and wanted to ask it separately to not make my last ask too long …. Which other Tolkien pairings do you ship, besides Finrod & Balan?
Hm, to be honest I'm not really sure on this one. I've never been in online fandom until this past year or so and (I'm not kidding) until last year I thought "shipping" was a cute way of saying you thought two (IRL) people would be good together - like putting them in a little ship and sending them down the river together or something.
Yes, I am an old.
I got into the online fandom when I started working on Atandil and I confess I had never read fanfic until then. I've been obsessed with The Silmarillion since I was in middle-school - I once attempted writing/filming an adaption of Beren & Lúthien in 8th grade lol - but I didn't really know anything about fan writing until recently. I'd been on a 15 year or more writing drought and suddenly had a story arrive in my head that I knew for the first time in ages I might actually have the ability to get on the page - partly because it was set within another person's creation and not my own. Which is when I decided I should get online and investigate whether that was something people did. I vaguely knew fanfic was a thing, but had no idea of the scope or sheer volume, and it's been lovely getting to see what a wide variety there is and how many talented writers are around building these detailed visions of characters I've loved for so long!
All that to say, the idea of shipping as a way to approach the text is very new to me and I'm not really sure there are other pairs where I have strong feelings about their romantic interests? But here are a few that featured in fics I've really enjoyed this past year while I've been slowing getting more familiar with fandom writing:
Celeborn/Galadriel (specifically in @sallysavestheday's vignettes of these two - her Celeborn changed my entire vision of him)
Fingon/Maedhros (hello seabird, my old friend)
Aerin/Morwen (@outofangband's vision for these two is truly inspired)
Edrahil/Finrod (this one surprised me tbh because I'm SO weird about Finrod - probably one of my most annoying traits - but I've read a few very lovely fics that had me fully rooting for these two, even while they're not really my normal interest)
Ecthelion/Glorfindel (again, I was introduced to this idea via @sallysavestheday's work and was unexpectedly moved by these two)
and I know I'm surely missing quite a few here, but I'm also answering this during a work call I don't need to be on, so my brain is perhaps not at its sharpest at the moment 😂
Thanks so much for the ask!
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