#and it looks like most of the tech would line up with the 40s actually
cq-studios · 1 year
I love that Ephemer’s first conversation with Player is like “Thanks for the help! Did you know your life is a lie?”
There’s no way he’s not knee deep into conspiracy theories.
This was prior to Data Daybreak Town and the glitches, before the Keyblade War even. Did he come from one of the worlds being portrayed? (I don’t think so but it’s a thought) Judging by Player’s reaction they have no clue what the hell Ephemer is talking about (to quote the novel “It was the part about the world being holograms that had you stumped”) so where holograms even a piece of technology that was common knowledge? What evidence did Ephemer have to even make that claim?
Like I don’t care wether or not he was right (though for his sake I’ll say he was half right, it was just data, not holograms [which I think is further evidence for my whole no one knows about computers headcannon]), how the hell did he come to that conclusion? What happened to him that made him figure that out?
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jumpscaregoose · 2 months
leans casually on the wall. hi. if possibly could i know about the theories you have rn for the rtl groups trap reactions….👁️👁️
I can give you like.... 75% of one??? I guess???
I've been staring at kenta's character page for the past 40+ minutes trying to figure out what his deal is and I thinkkkkkkk I might be on to something? I've got nothing for anyone else this little shit is my area of expertise
mostly I've been staring at these bad boys
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the meanings of the first and last ones is pretty easy to figure out, "a dangerous mind" is probably referring to his programming skills/being a little bitch and "what kind of a joke is trust" obviously means his cynical attitude towards interpersonal relationships
such as this line from the opening show look at me point proof explanationing
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"hands that pulled away" is interesting though
I'll include that the google-translated version of the official website lists these for the tags in english
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and while the dog pun in "unleashed hands" does not escape me, I feel like "hands that pulled away" is probably more accurate (and is more interesting)
to me, the easiest way to interpret these tags together is as a chain of causality, with "a dangerous brain" causing "hands that pulled away" causing "what kind of a joke is trust"
translating that out of nonsense talk, I'm imagining that kenta's trust and interpersonal issues were caused by someone, either a caregiver or circle of peers, "pulling away" from him in response to his "dangerous brain"
we can actually verify this, or a similar event, through the timeline:
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specifically, this entry:
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it's clear that this event was what led him to take up programming, and that his opinions on other people were mostly solidified by age 8 (although the exact nature of the virus he created is vague, it's easy to assume it wasn't one you'd make while worrying about other people. we've all recently seen what massive international tech issues can do)
this is the most concrete theory I can think of based on the information available but while I have your captive attention I'd like to pose a similar question-
-when the HELL did he get his phantometal?
this was where my train of thought went after staring at that webpage for so long
certainly, there's no way he received it before entering the prison system. it does make sense that phantometal would be circling within prisons, especially considering how... weird the one we see is.
again this is where MORE DETAILS would be appreciated, GCREST/AVEX
mostly, I propose a chicken-and-egg problem: do you obtain phantometal from succeeding in prison rap, or do you succeed in prison rap because you have phantometal?
also, the exact timeline of prison rap rankings is. nonexistent. HOWEVER, we can again use the timeline to make inferences. it's mentioned that he begins posting tracks online at age 13. given how the prison operates (and the tidbits I know about real life) it's highly unlikely he would have access to a computer for long enough periods to produce and upload music without the preferential treatment given to those at the top of prison rap. therefore, I posit that this prison rap success occurred around age 13.
we also know that possessing phantometal was a qualifying requirement for participation in rtl, so this narrows down our timeline ever so slightly
in my mind, the most likely circumstances for kenta to acquire his phantometal are the chicken-and-egg solutions from above, which places the final date near the one we established for prison rap, around age 13
I have a few ideas as to how he got it, but I'm gonna keep those under wraps for future evil purposes
but that's just a theory
no I'm not doing it it's too easy
and cut
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kugiscki · 3 months
pride month is almost over & i’m still struggling to figure out what nobamaki fic to post, so here are some of my jjk head canons (but, in truth, these are actually canon. gege told me himself. i swear.)
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nbmk lesbian4lesbian prophecy is true
chosoyuki bi4bi prophecy is also true
gojo is so oblivious to the fact that nobara and maki dating to the point where nobamaki exploit his idiocy and see just how far they can cross the line beyond friendship until gojo asks if they’re a little more than best friends
nobara is most definitely a loud talker. everyone in the school knows her business because of this
megumi and nobara cannot cook to save their lives so they always beg yuuji to make something for them
megumi never tells yuuji when he wants to kiss. he just kinda hovers over him until yuuji gets the memo and initiates it (ORRRR very rarely will megumi initiate the kiss outta nowhere. this always sends yuuji spiraling)
nobara is a clothing stealer for life. 40% of her closet consists of clothes she bought while the other 60% is clothes she “borrowed” from maki (maki doesn’t mind, though. when she has some clothes she really wants to wear but doesn’t have, she just goes to nobara’s room and takes it back. only thing is she has to fight off nobara to get them back)
nobara has really poor vision but hates how glasses look on her, so she opts to wear contacts instead. (only time she wears glasses is when she’s alone with maki, mostly bc maki thinks she’s adorable with glasses.)
megumi definitely still calls nobara and yuuji “kugisaki” and “itadori” even tho they’re best friends JUSTTT so he can keep up his badass image
highschool au shokohime would definitely hide their relationship from satosugu bc they would be all in their business (like damn y’all never seen lesbians before???)
yuuji is a fucking hazard in him and megumi’s apartment. he’s always bumping into things, accidentally knocking stuff over, leaving piles of clothing on the ground all because he’s so eager to spend time with megumi.
nobara def sends maki tiktoks while they’re in the same room. like, they’ll be laying in bed together and maki will hear nobara giggling then shortly after get a text message from her that links to a tiktok
if suguru was a teacher at jujutsu tech, nobara would go into his room every afternoon and update him on all the latest celebrity gossip. (he doesn’t care for celebrities, but he does like to hear nobara talk on something she’s passionate about. even if it’s as trivial as celebrity drama.)
whenever the first year trio go out, yuuji & nobara bicker the entire trip about which direction is the right way to get to the restaurant. whole time, megumi is in front of them silently guiding them the correct way. (they don’t realize this and continue to argue about whose route was correct).
not really a hc but queerplatonic itafushikugi is so dear to me
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grumpygreenwitch · 7 months
The Witches and Wizards Job 7-8
Around this point I actually read back and asked myself, "Is this moving too fast?" Then I remember the speed at which a Leverage episode actually moves and the kind of beating Harry usually picks up each book, and went, "Nah."
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Remember: Tumblr has no algorithm. Reblogs give me life.
1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6 + 7-8 + 9-10-11 + 12-13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21-22 + 23-24-25 + 26-27-28 + 29-30 + 31-32-33 + 34-35-36 + 37-38 + 39-40-41-42
The divide between magic and technology is a known quantity. Every wizard knows to stay away from most mechanical things; the more complex they are, the more likely they were to break. The more powerful the wizard, the quicker it was gonna happen. Even knowing these things, I hadn't realized how deep that boundary ran until I tried to find out anything about my prospective employers.
If it had been a magical entity, a spell, an artifact, between Bob and I we could have probably found out at least the basics, but Bob couldn't find out anything about the Leverage people. I wasn't crazy enough to try and scry something in Boston, never mind the range.
All I could tell was that Leverage was, apparently, a purely mundane affair. Based in Boston as they were I didn't doubt they'd run themselves into something other that the average human, but as the afternoon dragged on I began to realize I was going to have more luck finding out what, rather than getting any sort of information on whatever Deveraux and Ford actually had going on.
A smart man would have said no on principle. What little I could find out told me that if things had gotten so bad that an entirely non-magical outfit like Leverage had come looking for a wizard, then they were bad enough that walking away unscathed to enjoy that absurdly large paycheck was not guaranteed. Not even 50/50 odds.
But 50/50 was still better than no odds at all.
And I hadn't lied when I told Deveraux that I'm a curious man.
She'd written a number on the back of the card. Not a hotel, so they could have been anywhere. I eyed it while I called Butters and asked him to look after Mister while I was away. Then I called it.
"Harry." Deveraux actually sounded happy to hear me; it was refreshing.
"Train. The older the better," I told her. "That applies to any tech you want near me, too. Mouse comes with me."
"Yes, of course."
"The daily fee is… good." My voice cracked a bit despite my best attempt at sounding like it was not a holy-heck amount of money. I cleared it. "It's good. But I can't go longer than a week. One week and I'm coming back home, even if your problem's not solved."
"That's fine."
"And I need a basement."
"A b… A basement?"
"It's contained in case something bad happens."
"Ah." The fact she didn't ask questions told me containment was a common concern in both her line of work and mine. "Anything else?"
"I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'm sure something will come up." Something did almost immediately. "A full briefing as soon as I'm there. No secrets, no lies. If I find out you've lied to me, I'll leave."
"We'll tell you as much as we know," she assured me, and I found myself believing her. "Welcome to the team, Harry."
It felt weird to be welcomed, to be made to feel as if I were part of a team that actually wanted me there. "When do you think you'll have everything ready?"
There was laughter in her tone. "When do you think you'll be packed?"
Three hours later I was at Union Station, being escorted off the oldest VW minibus in existence and onto a rail car that apparently I had all to myself, like something out of an Agatha Christie book. I'd packed Bob, my tools, a quick-spell kit, any books I thought might help, and a change of clothes. Mouse looked mournfully at me as the train began to move, and I couldn't blame him; it felt as if I were leaving a piece of myself behind.
I knew Chicago. It was home. I knew the people, the streets. I knew its seasons, its weather. I knew the hangouts of most of the dangerous creatures in it, both human and inhuman. I knew every layer of it, every mood, every current.
I knew very little about Boston except that it was a supernatural melting pot. Most creatures that crossed from the Old World or from Other Places and didn't come through the Nevernever landed in Boston; many stayed there, made lives there. There were inhuman families that were generations old, living side by side with the descendants of human immigrants. The divide between mortal and supernatural was as thin as my willpower in Boston.
Look, Deveraux had handed me a really big number.
The train never stopped. That struck me as weird, but then I'd never traveled first class on a train before, so I had no bar for normal. I tried to sleep, but the novelty of everything wore off a couple of hours into the trip, and panic began to settle in. What the hell was I doing? I was Chicago's wizard, not Boston's!
Well, it was done. The AC broke about halfway through the trip, but with the windows open I never even noticed. I got my books out and read, trying to give myself a crash course on the magical scene in Boston, so to speak. Mouse took over one of the windows and seemed to have forgiven me, head thrust out into the wind of our passage, jowls flapping and the plume of his tail wagging sedately. He scared the crap out of the one person I did see, a young man who brought me breakfast and lunch, somehow still warm.
The sun had just set when the train pulled into the Back Bay. I could feel the air buzzing all around me with an imperceptible, invisible charge, the ambient energy of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of supernatural creatures crackling against my senses. I felt both supercharged and itchy, and Mouse shook himself furiously when we finally made it off the rail car.
There was a man waiting for me on the concourse. He was tremendously solid, the sort of build I used to wish for when I was young, heavy muscle under a worn leather jacket, faded blue jeans and comfortable curb-stomper boots. He had long, very fine brown hair and oddly guileless blue eyes. He had stubble matching mine and he straightened up from his lazy slouch with the ease of someone perfectly at peace with the world around him.
I couldn't see the bulge of a gun anywhere, but I was pretty sure this was Leverage's heavy hitter.
Then he grinned at me, and his whole face lit up, and I thought maybe I was wrong. "Dresden?"
"That's me," I admitted.
He offered his hand without hesitation. "Eliot Spencer. Eliot's fine. Sorry to drag you so far from home."
This man was a walking contradiction. His hands told me I was right. His attitude told me I was wrong. He was the nicest, friendliest man with violence as his main occupation that I'd ever met up to that point in my life. He meant every word of his apology. He was sizing me up for threats.
Belatedly, I realized that Boston was literally supercharging me. My senses, both magical and normal, were trying to run away with me. I had nothing else at the moment; I clung to the hand Eliot Spencer offered, to the strength in it. "Oh, you didn't, not really. Too curious for my own good. Give me a second, would you?"
"You ok, man?"
"Just a little… drunk on the night air," I said, knowing how that had to sound to him.
I was not expecting the change that went over him. It was seamless, instantaneous. One moment Eliot Spencer was welcoming me to his home like a ray of sunshine; the next he was all deadly intent, a sort of quiet, intangible menace radiating from him like the darkest light. "A problem?" he asked mildly.
It told me two things; one, that I was right after all and two, that whatever had brought me to Boston was big enough to have this calm, steady man on a hair-trigger. "No, it's…. Boston's busy. Boston's real busy when it comes to magic. It hangs in the air, makes it thick, and it's giving me a head rush."
"Chicago's not like that?"
"No. The Lake grounds it. Water's good for that."
"I could take you by the Charles if it would help - hey!" And just like that the ray of sunshine was back when Mouse came trotting back from wherever he'd gone to take care of his business. Eliot dropped down to a crouch. "Who's this, Mouse, I think?"
"Yeah. Just watch out, he's not always -" Mouse, tail a blur, charged the Leverage man with a delighted huff and proceeded to lick anything Eliot didn't vigilantly protect, making him chuckle. Well. That was new. And good news for me. "Friendly. He was also a lot smaller when he was a puppy."
Eliot straightened up, rubbing Mouse's head with rough affection. My dog looked blissful, tongue lolling to one side. "Bait-and-switched you, huh."
"It might've been, if he'd given me any choice in the matter."
"He's big for a Tibetan Mastiff," Eliot pointed out. "Wrong color, too."
"He's not. He's a Tibetan Temple Mastiff."
Again that brief pause. Eliot looked down at Mouse. Mouse looked up at him.
The Leverage man grinned again and rubbed Mouse's ears. "Eh, he looks dog enough for me. Anyway. If you're feeling better, let's get you settled. I rented a van."
"Cars get temperamental with me around."
"Dresden, if you can break down a u-Haul, I'll believe you're a wizard no further questions. Where's your luggage?"
Apparently the Leverage people weren't unfamiliar with what happened when you put magic too close to tech. I was put up in their 'temporary' quarters, a small house a lick away from their actual place of business, a loft over a bar by the incredibly Irish name of John McRory's Place.
The house was nice. It had a fenced yard that Mouse promptly claimed as his own and a finished basement that I promptly claimed as my own. The bedroom looked suspiciously like someone had ordered it directly from a catalog, sheets and all. The only other rooms that were accessible were one bathroom and the living room, which had been set up as a meeting area of sorts. The kitchen was empty. The other rooms were full of crates.
There was dinner from the pub waiting for me that night, and a phone in a manila envelope. I offered to share my beer with Eliot; the phone died with a sad little squawk before we finished it.
"That's gonna make things hard," he admitted wryly, examining the dead screen of the phone. "I take it a bluetooth's out of the question?"
"The more parts to it, the quicker it goes."
I saw him get very thoughtful. "What about size? The bigger it is?"
"How big are we talking about?" I asked mildly, sensing a chance to finally get some information as to what had brought me to Boston.
"TV screen," Eliot answered without hesitation, then spread his arms. "Yay big."
"What were you doing at the time?"
"Trying to get a composite from a bunch of blurry pictures."
"What happened?"
"It cracked." He grinned wryly. "Top to bottom. We took that thing out to the recycling in two halves." His jovial mood faded. "I don't like the look on your face right now, Dresden."
"You shouldn't." I was trying to think of creatures that could shatter a screen like that, with just their image, without actually being there. It was a short list; it was also a very scary list. "It wasn't anything else, it had to be the picture?"
"The man who works our tech is the best, hands-down. His equipment doesn't blow up like that without a good reason," Eliot said calmly, then put his hands up. "Wait, no, I'm supposed to let you rest tonight. You're gonna hear all this tomorrow morning anyway."
"I did nothing but sleep on the train ride," I told him. I won't lie, it felt nice to know the Leverage outfit, whatever their business might be, gave enough of a damn to give me the night to myself. Most people who hire me for that kind of money expected 24-7 service, never mind what kind of shape I might be in at the end of the day. "Tell me what you can."
He gave me one of the few measuring looks I've ever gotten that didn't have my harm at heart before he made a decision and tipped his head toward the pub. "Come on."
"Mouse, watch the place." Mouse flopped in front of the door and settled down with a yawn.
The front of the pub was roaring, but we came in from the back. Eliot knocked softly on a door, poked his head in and murmured something to someone in there. I caught a faint whiff of something sweet, almost like licorice - probably a storage room, and a bottle of liquor had broken and been cleaned up. Eliot got his answer; he closed the door and we moved on. He peeked out into the main floor and called out something I couldn't hear over the noise of the crowd before heading to a pair of elevator doors.
I stopped walking. "Uh…"
He paused, turned, and led me to the stairs, grinning. "You know, I don't even think about most of this stuff. Tech's embedded so deep into our lives."
"I just wish for a hot water heater that didn't break in under a week," I told him.
"Just keep your distance from Hardison's tech," Eliot warned me as he led me into a vast, elegant little loft. The bare brick walls had paintings on them that looked… modern. Expensive. I didn't know enough about art back then to appreciate what they were. A spiral staircase led up to what was probably a bedroom, and behind it was a typical modern kitchen. Most of the open space was taken up by a very modern, very sleek meeting room sort of setup, a wall full of screens and a small curve of desks before it. "He's still sore about those screens."
"Screens? More than one?"
"Yeah, a second one a day after -"
A young woman came flying into the loft. "Where is he? Where's the wizard?"
"Parker, don't -"
She whirled and faced me, and immediately made a face. "Aren't you supposed to have a white bushy beard?"
"Not for another couple hundred years."
I hadn't expected my quip to bring her up short, but it did. She seemed to really think about it, and it gave me a chance to examine her. She was young, wiry, blonde, pretty. She had the same kind of intensity Karrin had, but her focus seemed to change from minute to minute.
"Oh. I didn't think about that. There have to be young wizards to get old wizards."
"Parker." Eliot sighed.
"No robes?"
"Not if I can help it."
"Fancy spell books?"
"I do have one of those."
"Can I see it?"
"Parker, let the man catch his breath." Sophie Deveraux looked cozy and elegant and beautiful in a flowing blue blouse and a shimmering gray skirt. She beamed at me and I felt warm and fuzzy. Look, I'm man enough to admit it, I'm a sucker for a pretty lady, particularly one that doesn't want me dead. "Harry."
"Miss Deveraux."
"Just Sophie, Harry, please. Are you sure you wouldn't rather wait?"
"I'm good. I got all my rest in the train ride. Boston's full of energy, and it's making me buzzed, I rather put some of it to work, get it out of my system -"
"Why do you carry a stick?"
I whipped around. Parker had my wand in her hands.
Hell's Bells, I'd never even felt the theft. My wand, and I would have never known she'd gone for it if she hadn't said something.
Something in my face clued Sophie and Eliot that things had gone very badly, very quickly. "Parker!" Sophie cried out.
With all the care of someone handling live explosives, Eliot closed a hand over the 'stick'. "We are trying," he told her, sticking to his calm demeanor like tar, "to make a good impression, Parker."
"Oh, fine. Should I give everything else back?"
I took the quickest stock of my person I'd ever taken in my life. Immediately I found another thing missing that I would have never thought could be taken from me without my notice. How in the hell -!
"Yes!" Sophie told her firmly.
"Well, he didn't have anything interesting anyways," Parker put out her hand with my wallet on it.
And my shield bracelet.
Eliot offered me my wand back, looking sheepish. "Sorry, man."
"I just - how?" Seriously. Never mind the theft, everything was coming back to me, nothing was broken, no one was hurt, I just wanted to know how she'd done it.
"Parker is the best in the world," Sophie said, somehow managing to convey warm pride and icy disapproval all in one. Parker squirmed uncertainly. "She should also bear in mind that as of now you're part of our team, and we don't pickpocket teammates."
Parker held strong under the tone of disapproval longer than I would have. "Sorry," she muttered with ill grace.
"No harm no foul if you teach me how to do it."
She grinned, just a little. "Deal."
"Also, where should I stand so I'm as far away from anything tech-y as possible?"
"Right there." Nathan Ford had arrived, and the mask was off. He still looked vaguely friendly, a little rumpled, somewhat distracted. But there was nothing hiding the ruthless ice in his eyes anymore, or the deep mistrust in the gaze he leveled at me. I was in his world, in his domain, I was his employee. The carrot had done her job, the stick didn't have to mind his manners anymore. "Right there's fine, mister Dresden."
Ford passed everyone by and moved to the kitchen to find himself, apparently, some coffee. "Where's Hardison?"
"He said he wanted to take a few more pictures of the cylinder we found at the museum," Eliot told him. "He's in the storage room."
"What cylinder?" Something was bugging me. It wasn't big, at least not big enough to pin it down, but it was there, nagging at the back of my mind like a toothache after too much sugar.
"There was an issue at the Isabella Gardner Museum," Sophie told me. "Someone tampered with the fire suppression system. They attached some kind of homemade cylinder to the system and it started pumping something out in the air, some sort of perfume." She shrugged lightly. "We don't know why, there was no need for it."
"Yes. Fernflower."
I was running the next moment, going on a guess and a prayer. The guess was that the closed door was the storage room. The prayer was that I wouldn't be too late.
The moment I hit the bottom floor a faint reek of sweet, rotten candy and burning flowers made me reel back, coughing, my lungs burning. I could definitely smell the fernflower; worse, I could also smell night's breath. This was some deep, deep magic. Deep and old. Someone had cooked up a Burning Witchwell, and Leverage had blundered right into it. Only luck had kept any of them from being magically inclined, but that luck had run out with the fernflower.
Eliot was right behind me, and he threw a hand over his face. He snatched a bunch of cloth napkins from a nearby shelf and shoved them at me. "What is that?!"
I ran on and shoved the door open to the storage room. There was a man kneeling on the floor before a table, wheezing. The fernflower fumes burned my eyes and I actually heard my skin hiss on contact with the night's breath, but I was running on Boston air. I was so charged up I barely registered any pain.
"Venti, ventum!" I shouted. Wind poured into the storage room. Everything went flying off the shelves. I felt my magic careen out of control, as supercharged as I was, and fought to bring it back under control. I didn't want to wreck the room, I just wanted to get the man to safety, away from the fumes.
"Hardison!" Eliot had already dashed past me, catching the man. He was lanky, lean, deceptively muscled, possibly an inch or so taller than me. His skin was very dark and it had gone blotchy where the night's breath had had time to settle down and sink in. He slurred something unintelligible and squinted intently at me; I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was seeing.
"Dresden?!" Eliot asked, spitting his own hair out of his mouth.
"Go, get him out!"
He didn't question me. I could have danced a happy jig at that show of trust. I backed out of the room; I was one step past the doorway when helpful hands slammed the door shut. "Does the ventilation system here connect to the pub?"
"No, it goes straight out," Ford replied.
"Then just put some…" The borrowed energy from the Boston ambiance ran out. I felt pain creep up over any part of me not covered by fabric. "Put some…"
"Sophie, put some towels at the bottom," Ford's voice was full of calm, focused competency. "Parker, go tell the front of house no one is to come into this room until one of us says otherwise. Eliot." There was a pause. "Dresden, is a hospital going to help either of you?"
"He's fine." Oh, that was Ford's shoulder under my arm, holding me up. When had that happened? "Unless he's got magic, he's just drunk. Sort of."
"And you?"
"I'm a little blistered." I was a little more than blistered, but I had the advantage of knowing the damage wasn't real. "No hospital. A bath."
"Alright. Let's get you and Hardison up to the loft, then."
I wasn't in any shape to argue. I got shoved under a spray of miraculously hot water. Someone peeled my clothes off. At some point I realized I trusted only two people in the loft, and one of them was helping undress me. "Wash your hands," I told Eliot. "Wash the clothes."
"Can we burn them?"
"Don't burn my clothes, I didn't bring any more." I stared at him suspiciously; well, there was only one person I trusted anymore. "Tell Parker to watch my things."
Eliot offered a sound of deeply amused disbelief. Somewhere nearby a man's voice was tunelessly singing what sounded like a church song. "Drunk?"
"Intox… Intec… Sort of. Fernflower gives you magic. See things. Talk to animals. Sorta thing. But it's eph… emph…. It fades quick. You gotta lace it with… other stuff. It It wasn't the weapon, the night's breath was."
"Night's breath?"
"Old plant. Burns up magic. Night's breath was fire. Fernflower was gasoline. 's called a… a Burning Witchwell."
"You aren't breathing right, man."
"Fake. I'll be fine when my…. when my magic comes back. Easy, in this place."
"Fake damage." At that Eliot did look disbelieving. "Hurt's hurt."
"Particularly if you believe in it," I shot back, then put my head up to the spray of hot water. "Oh, that feels good."
I heard Eliot snort in amusement. "Well, enjoy it while you can. Haven't blown up this heater."
"Give me a chance, I just got here."
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year
Listen. If you have anymore info to drop about that caseynardo au. I’m begging bc I’m kind of obsessed already
Sure thing >:]
When they are found by the others, they actually hide their real identities. It’s not too hard considering they both wear masks and Leo wears a cloak when out and about. The boys and April have no idea how long it’s been for them, and are looking for two 16 year olds instead of the guys in their mid-40s. The Elder Gays™️ hide their identities because they think that some other versions of them got stuck there recently, and that’s who the others are looking for. They think that this version of their family is not their version if I’m making any sense.
The Elder Gays ™️ would volunteer to help the boys and April find what they think is their Leo and Casey, since they think some other versions of them got trapped there too. As they’re guiding them around looking for two people who aren’t there, they start seeing connection between what Donnie describes as the events before the portal mishaps, and their own experiences. Like, the events line up perfectly for all of them, and Leo and Casey eventually realize what happened.
Eventually someone figures it out and they all collectively realize that they’ve just lost 30 years together. Cue angsty stuff but that’s not what we’re here for >:]
@lucatea ‘s idea of how the boys and April would figure out who they are is that Leo would run off to do something dumb and dangerous and Casey would panic and say Leo’s name, since they very much get anxious when someone runs off on their own in this dangerous world they’re in.
The masks:
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Random Tidbits:
- After a few years, Leo did lose the leg that was damaged in his fight with Shredder. He has a prosthetic made of salvaged tech.
- They had a shotgun wedding, in the middle of a fight, Pirates of the Caribbean style >:]
- They worry relentlessly about each other
- They first started falling for each other after about a month or two
- Eventually they became leaders of their own mini tribe of scavengers
- Casey confessed first
- They don’t specifically mention a that they’re married. Mikey is the first to realize it, then April and Donnie, and finally Raph, who is dumbfounded for the longest time, bc I find it funny
- It took them a really long time how to work with the salvaged tech, mostly relying on another scavenger and a scientist they know to make their gear, but later in their lives they could do some stuff with what they find.
- They live in an alien-like jungle biome, but I’m not sure what their house looks tho (so if you have ideas lmk :] )
- Part of their house has been turned into a greenhouse courtesy of Leo
- Casey missed playing Hockey so Leo learned to play to make him feel better
- Puppy Dog Eyes are an efficient way for Casey to get whatever he wants
- Leo has gotten sick several times and Casey REFUSES to leave his side every time
- Neither of them could really cook when they got there, but Casey eventually got really good at it. After 30 years, Leo is still banned from the kitchen.
- They built their house by hand
- They were there for 30 years, married for 19, and together for a total of 25, resulting in the most loving shit-talking
Some worldbuilding for the world they’re in:
It’s a sort of post apocalyptic world with many cities acting as safe havens, either protected by walls or forcefield domes. Inside of these cities, resources are scarce because of the sheer population and limited space. People can live outside of these protected cities but very few do because of the sheer amount of hyper-predatory animals that live there. Naturally, when the boys get dropped into this world, they end up far from any cities. They survive but just barely, hiding up in trees or small caves most of the time. Eventually, they would adapt, and get together with a small clan of people who are also outside the city. This planet has a lot of very different intelligent species, so mutant turtle isn’t weird, but there are very few humans, so Casey is considered strange or new.
The people outside the safe zones, scavenge, hunt, and gather for their food, as well as salvaging ancient tech that can be found all over the place. Most of this tech is used to make weapons or protection systems for their homes to keep the scary stuff away.
The scavengers take the surplus of what the find and take into the cities to trade and sell, but it’s very illegal to do that. Most of the trading happens in a black market but there’s always the risk of getting captured by law enforcement. Leo and Casey often go into the underground of these cities, getting chased by law enforcement and occasionally getting arrested.
The did try living inside of several different cities but found that they were better off on the outside instead, since the competition for resources in them was ferocious, and they had the skills to live in the more dangerous areas. They mainly stick to sneaking in outside resources, and the occasional shopping or date night at a restaurant.
Quotes I bombarded @lucatea with when I discovered the incorrect quote generator:
C: Am I in trouble?
L: Take a guess.
C: No?
L: Take another guess.
C: You love me, right, Lee?
L: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
L(smuggling outside resources into a city): Are we going too far?
C: No, no, no. We went too far about seven hours ago. Now we're going to prison.
L: So that’s my plan.
C: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean.
L: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
C: It fucking sucks.
L: That’s not constructive criticism.
C: So what’s for dinner?
L, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
L, tending to Casey's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
C: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
C: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
L: Twelve, actually.
C: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
L: Yours!
C: That's right, no one's.
The vibe:
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dankusner · 6 months
Starck contrast
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The year was 1984.
A rich kid from Preston Hollow created a Studio 54 for the landlocked on a dicey stretch of McKinney Avenue.
The stories were legendary: People had sex in the bathroom. They did ecstasy, which was legal, and cocaine, which was not. The place was designed by Philippe Starck, aFrench architect who’d given his name to cool chairs that were wildly uncomfortable (the place had a few).
Stevie Nicks was part owner, though people rarely saw her during the club’s five-year run.
They did see Prince, Oliver Stone and Rob Lowe.
Clubgoers lined up to get inside. They wanted the scene, but they needed the music.
Punk, post-punk and new wave, spun on vinyl by real, living humans who knew more about obscure artists and B-sides than Casey Kasem could ever hope to learn.
The live shows were epic: Australian noise band SPK, New York art monster Grace Jones, the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Video was projected onto the walls, because avirtual dreamworld still felt like a novelty.
Nobody knew screens and media would rise up like atidal wave and swallow us whole. You should have been there. And for one night only, May 12, you (sort of) can be when the Starck Club returns for a 40th anniversary party, thanks to the good folks behind the Longhorn Ballroom and the Kessler Theater, which is the far more civilized setting for this bash.
Of course, the event is already sold out, giving wannabe clubgoers the familiar experience of getting shut out ofthe best party in town.
Details: 6-11 p.m. May 12 at the Kessler Theater,1230 W. Davis St., Dallas.
Stalling for time FROM THE ARCHIVES In 1985, the now-acclaimed Texas Monthly writer Skip Hollandsworth contributed astory toThe Dallas Morning News about how men's rooms in Dallas were having amoment—avery opulent moment. He noted the upholstered walls ($70 per square yard) inside the gentlemen's lounge atCafe Pacific inHighland Park Village. He praised The Mansion on Turtle Creek's "hand-cast sink fixtures and commodes with comfy seats."Buthewas most gobsmacked by the facilities at the city's hottest dance spot: "The newly opened Starck Club downtown may be the only nightclub in Western civilization that has gotten national attention for its bathrooms. The facilities look like a combination video game, church parlor, hair salon and somebody's idea of a great practical joke. "The mirror-encased lobbies of both themen's andwomen's rooms arecoed. Everybody sits around high-tech couches and talks and smokes cigarettes. Occasionally,someone may get up to actually use the facilities. "There is a television monitor abovethecathedral-likedoor thatleads to the stalls.Likearrival-departure screens at the airport, the monitor tells you which stall is occupied. Each stall is setoff in its own separateroom large enough to startan impromptu game of handball." Hollandsworth spoke with valet attendant Herman Babers, 60, who worked the men's lounge at another showy nightclub, Mistral, inside the then-Loews Anatole Hotel. "I always thought you were supposed to pop inand out of abathroom," Babers told him. "But these men today like to come in and brush their hair and think about things, I guess." Christopher Wynn"The facilities look like a combination videogame, church parlor, hair salon and somebody's idea of a great practical joke."
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For One Night Only, the Kessler Theater Turns Into the Starck Club The infamous night club in the West End opened its doors 40 years ago. The Kessler Theater is bringing it back to life, briefly. The scene at the Starck Club during its peak.
New York City had Studio 54, London had the Hippodrome, and Dallas had The Starck Club. The West End venue, named for its Parisian designer Philippe Starck, defined the nightlife scene in Dallas throughout the 80s and reveled in the excesses of the decadent decade, powered by a new and curious drug called ecstasy. DJ Mark Ridlen says there’s more to The Starck Club than meets history’s narrow eye, a cultural touchstone that meant far more than the unchecked libido of the clubgoers. “All they talk about is the drug busts, ‘Who shot J.R.?,’ and the 80s but you’ve never seen a club with such an eclectic lineup over the years whether it was a band, fashion shows, plays, performance art,” Ridlen says. “You name it. They had it.” The Kessler is bringing back The Starck Club for its 40th anniversary reunion by transforming into the venue for five hours on Sunday May 12 into a new version of the influential Dallas nightclub. Kessler Artistic Director Jeff Liles said the event sold quickly: it took less than a week to sell out. It is not dissimilar to the venue’s tribute to the long-gone Video Bar, a room that was influential in the avant-garde scene of the 1980s. “We love paying homage to the venues that made Dallas culture what it was,” Liles says. “It was happening right at the same time as the emergence of the Deep Ellum scene.” Club founder Blake Woodall opened his vision of a hip, technology-filled nightlife spot in 1984 under a Woodall Rodgers overpass near the West End in a converted warehouse space. The first official show for the club’s investors brought Grace Jones and Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks to its stage. They were the first of many celebrities to walk through its doors, early adopters before Rob Lowe and Princess Stephanie of Monaco. Talking Heads’ David Byrne dropped in while in town to film his movie True Stories. Members of the famed Brat Pack who starred in movies like The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink spent evenings there. Prince even hosted an after party at Starck one night that went “well into the morning,” according to David Hynds, who ran the club’s video and art department with his then wife, Suzie Riddle. Word of mouth spread mostly by hairdressers to their clients helped build the club’s reputation as a fashion hot spot for the late-night partier. The Starck Club’s popularity started with some exclusivity but eventually, it wasn’t a place where you had to argue with a bouncer to convince them you were important enough to go past the velvet rope. “Initially, it seemed to have an upper-end feel to it but as time went on, we attracted a much broader range of customers,” Hynds says. “Part of the design and desire was to have a complete mix of all spectrums of people.” The space wasn’t just used for live music, dancing, and the occasional hit of what we now call Molly. The Starck Club was one giant canvas that a got a new coat of paint every evening. “We had these funky theme parties,” Ridlen says. “We would make it look like a grocery store or we would make it look like a rodeo. We’d have these fun themes with appropriate music. We’d always have video exhibits, people showing their art videos. We had events just for that.” ADVERTISEMENT
The club’s first theme party took on the psychedelic. Hynds asked Ridlen if he would create a band that fit its far-out theme. Ridlen’s band was named Lithium X-Mas and the group stayed together long after the club’s closing. “It was only meant to be a one-time deal but a few months down the road, they decided they would carry it forward under that name,” Hynds says. The Starck Club served as a kind of zeitgeist thermometer for its time that reflected changing trends and new sounds. “It was the beginning of the DJ culture in Dallas,” Liles says. The events on the club’s calendar weren’t just concerts. The Starck Club would host fashion shows, plays, and all kinds of performance art. “It was a hotbed of all kinds of just really cool activities under one roof,” Ridlen says. “You would come and see that and then, of course, stick around the music.” No ideas was too off the wall for the Starck Club. Hynds had everyone on the staff pitch ideas for shows, theme nights, and artistic expressions. “One of the things we did was a furniture fashion show,” Hynds says. “It had the basic design of a fashion show instead of clothing, we had people dressed as furniture movers bringing up furniture. Me and Suzie and [Greg Snyodis] from Lithium X-Mas had the idea of doing a band but instead of audio or music, it was visual. Instead of musical instruments, we used visual instruments.” So no recreation of the Starck Club would be complete without a reconstruction of its eclectic style. Camron Ware, the owner and founder of Lightware Labs who provided the visual tech for The Kessler’s recreation of the Video Bar, will work with Hines to turn the Kessler into a visual recreation of the Starck Club. “It’s going to feel like it’s all really immersive when you come in,” Liles says. “There’s going to be a red carpet and everything. We’re really gonna trick out The Kessler that night.” The Kessler turns into the Starck Club for one night only, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on May 12. Tickets are sold out, but keep your eye on this page. 1230 W. Davis St.
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
My Week(s) in Reviews: January 1, 2023
First and foremost... Happy New Year!!
Okay... now let’s get into it. I’m keeping these short because I have little to say about them or they’re going to be featured in My Best of 2022 shortly, anyway, so let’s just go with the old three things format for most of these, yeah? Good.
The Fabelmans (Steven Spielberg, 2022)
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1. Wholly feels like the film Spielberg’s been working toward.
2. That final shot is the reason (as if I needed another one) why Spielberg is my favorite director.
3. I’m going to be genuinely shocked if this lands anywhere other than on top of my top films of 2022. - 10/10
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (Rian Johnson, 2022)
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1. What a cast!!
2. A ton of fun, and it chooses an approach and sticks with it. If you’re underwhelmed with the ‘twists’, that’s kinda the point.
3. Seriously, though... what a cast!! - 8.5/10
Babylon (Damien Chazelle, 2022)
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What a clusterf*ck…
It’s very clear Chazelle lost the thread about 40% in. Cutting that whole Tobey storyline would help. Also cut the opening scene, just start on the party. Tighten up Margot’s arc, we didn’t need that snake shit. Cut Jovan’s arc complete, there’s enough there thematically for a separate film. Give that to someone who can tell it in a way that’ll actually resonate. Leave everything with Brad Pitt alone. He was fantastic and his arc is the only one that felt like it progressed and ended naturally. Beautiful, tragic, interesting shit, right there. Actually loved the ending, but a bunch of other late moments for Diego felt sloppy/rushed. The phenomenal editing helps some of the more upsetting issues throughout, but can’t save the film from the total loss of cohesion in the those final acts. Despite all its many flaws, though, I still pretty close to loved about 65% of this film. - 6/10
Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron, 2022)
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1. Visually stunning. Probably the easiest VFX win since the last, right?
2. Someone should give Fincher the money for his 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea... if this film is anything, it’s proof the tech has reached the point where Fincher’s vision is not only possible, but feasible.
3. Has James Cameron actually ever heard two people talking to each other? My God, that dialogue is atrocious. (The screenplay all-around, really.) Yikes. - 6.5/10
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (Eric Appel, 2022)
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1. This is not only the perfect approach to a Weird Al biopic, I’m pretty sure it’s the only approach to a Weird Al biopic.
2. Very funny if you’re familiar with Yankovic as a person, downright hilarious if you go in only knowing his music.
3. Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna... I repeat, Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna. My God! - 7.5/10
Emily the Criminal (John Patton Ford, 2022)
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1. Aubrey Plaza is really damn good.
2. So is just how terribly things go in that third act.
3. The rest... not so much. I really don’t get all the hype. - 5/10
Black Adam (Jaume Collet-Serra, 2022)
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1. This is a very bad movie. Very easily one of the worst of the year.
2. Any promise Dwayne Johnson had every shown has been tossed in the garbage for terrible line delivery and tough-guy stares.
3. Pierce Brosnan deserved better than this. An interesting character and perfect casting completely wasted in favor of whatever this shit was supposed to be. - 2/10
The People We Hate at the Wedding (Claire Scanlon, 2022)
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1. Not a good movie by any stretch.
2. But Kristen Bell.
3. And Allison Janney. - 5.5/10
A Christmas Story Christmas (Clay Kaytis, 2022)
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1. Corny as f*ck.
2. But the type of corny I can get behind.
3. And that Christmas morning was the obvious tear-jerker material I’m a sucker for. - 6/10
The Shop Around the Corner (Ernst Lubitsch, 1940)
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1. James Stewart really is one of my all-time favorite actors. Just always so damn good.
2. Love me some Lubitsch, yet for some reason I have so many blind spots with him.
3. I know we live in completely different times, but even looking through the scope of the time, that ending seemed a bit forced. Still a delightful film overall, but she must’ve been really desperate to let the shit he pulled go. - 7/10
Elvis (Baz Luhrmann, 2022)
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1. Significantly better than I expected. But painfully overlong.
2. Austin Butler is fantastic. Tom Hanks is (somehow) borderline awful.
3. Baz Luhrmann’s direction is god-awful. But there’s a shit-ton of it, so I guess the Golden Globes look at Directing like the Academy does editing, now. - 5.5/10 (Almost all of those 5.5 are for Butler and the early performance sequences only.)
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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carluex-carplay · 4 months
Learning The 2024 Ford F-150 Raptor R in 60 Seconds
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Welcome to the non-professional commentary. Some simple data about the 2024 Ford F-150 Raptor R. I believe you should be looking forward to this car. Let's take a simple look. Here we go.
Insane Power Output
The biggest highlight of the 2024 Raptor R is its ridiculous power output. It packs a 5.2L V8 engine that cranks out a whopping 700 horses and 640 lb-ft of torque. That makes it one of the most powerful production pickups out there, even outmuscling some supercars. It can rocket from 0-60 mph in just 4.1 seconds and hit 100 mph in 9.8 seconds. For a full-size truck that tips the scales at over 6,000 lbs, those acceleration numbers are just bonkers. Why's that? Well, compare it to the regular 2024 F-150 which tops out at 400 hp from its 3.5L twin-turbo V6. The Raptor's 700 hp is just insane. And even at high speeds on the track, it can keep pulling hard thanks to that big V8 and its slick 10-speed auto transmission.
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Off-Road Beast
But it's not just about straight-line performance. The Raptor R is also an off-road monster. It rides on 37-inch all-terrain tires to tackle any surface. Long-travel Fox shocks provide excellent damping to maintain grip and control over rough stuff. Locking front and rear diffs further boost its ability to claw through mud and slippery conditions. Even when sending it hard over jumps on the track, the Raptor R stays planted and controllable, giving you full confidence.
Beefy Brakes
To rein in all that power, the Raptor R has a stout braking system. It uses the same beefy setup as the Raptor 37 with large vented discs and high-performance calipers. Not only can it haul down this heavy-duty truck from crazy speeds, but it's also durable enough to handle sustained heavy braking without fading.
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Luxurious Interior
But the Raptor R isn't just about performance. Its interior is also seriously luxed-out compared to regular F-150s. You get premium materials like leather seats, carbon fiber trim and a massive 12-inch digital gauge cluster with a big head-up display to keep you informed. Even when bouncing over rough terrain, the cabin stays nice and comfy for those long hauls.
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Of course, being the ultimate performance truck, the Raptor R commands a steep $109,000 starting price - about 40% more than the regular Raptor. That's a lot of dough for the average buyer. But when you consider you're getting 55% more power than the standard truck, it's actually a performance bargain. For the speed freaks and driving enthusiasts out there, the Raptor R is a dream come true worth every penny.
So in summary, the 2024 Raptor R brings insane power, incredible off-road ability, stout brakes and a luxurious interior to redefine the limits of a performance pickup. Sure, it's expensive, but for those craving that ultimate thrill behind the wheel, there's nothing else like it. This truck is pushing the entire segment to new performance heights with more awesome choices for consumers.
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And you're absolutely right, that massive screen would be perfect for running a slick CARLUEX wireless Carplay adapter to make the tech experience just as awesome as the performance! Definitely a cool setup.
Picture source: CarsAround YouTube channel.
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polhcommunications · 2 years
Layers of fear skidrow
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Score one for the Grievance Panel, democracy, and the NC Charter. (105) electioneering, in the form of the Unite DTLA “Vote No” campaign. (104) that the DLANC Neighborhood Council Board endorsed the opponents of the proposed Skid Row NC and (103) opponents used City logos, including the LA City logo, EmpowerLA logo, NC logos, and other City department logos, in their campaign materials against the proposed Skid Row NC “In a shocking display that democracy can actually work, the Grievance Panel found in favor of all three of the grievances: First, amazingly, the Grievance Panel appeal filed by the Skid Row folks actually got a fair hearing: The same article also detailed the subterranean doings of Grayce Liu on behalf of Eric Garcetti, in her role as General Manager of DONE. The final tally included over 1600 votes cast, with Skid Row losing by a mere 62 votes.” Unsurprisingly, the Skid Row Formation Committee lost its bid in an amazingly close election, considering the forces lined up against them. You have to wonder how many homeless voters had access to any of this tech – as opposed to their opponents with their iPhones, social media chops, and political clout. When all of this didn’t work, Jose Huizar himself slammed through online voting just for this election, with about two weeks to go before the vote. “He sent a 10-page letter to BONC (as well as to Garcetti, Feuer, Huizar, Grayce Liu and DONE’s City Attorney, Darrren Matrinez.) You can find a link to his letter in an article here. I mention all of this to help folks understand the implications of the fact that ex-City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, back in 2017, represented the anti-Skid Row front group, United Downtown aka Unite DTLA, as: We also advise governments and public sector bodies.” They include more than half of the Fortune 250 and nearly half of the FTSE 350 or their subsidiaries. Our clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies. We deliver consistent services across our platform of practices and sectors in all matters we undertake. We achieve this through practical and innovative legal solutions that help our clients succeed. We strive to be the leading global business law firm by delivering quality and value to our clients. “DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, positioning us to help clients with their legal needs around the world. I mention this since their reach is huge: These days, Rocky is a Superlawyer for DLA Piper, the giant developer law firm. I think he was about the last genuine lawyer in that role. In January 2017, DONE (Department of Neighborhood Empowerment) sent the formation committee the approval and a notice calling for an election, with the unprecedented language that their election “may also include online voting.” We already knew the establishment of DLANC and HCNC (Historic Cultural Neighborhood Council) were well funded to take them out when their front group, United Downtown, or Unite DTLA, was represented by former City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo’s law firm.”įor those who don’t remember Rocky Delgadillo, he was the LA City Attorney from 2001 to 2009, when he was finally termed out. As early as 2014, the Skid Row NC Formation Committee was created to try and get out of the DLANC, as downtown real estate values soared and the plight of the homeless tanked. “Most of us who were around when the Neighborhood Councils were first formed knew how DLANC (the Downtown NC) was set up was to “manage” Skid Row. Since few Angelenos ever paid any attention to this slimy fix, here’s some background I wrote back in 2017 about the real stakes at play in the election: If you want to know how rotten this whole deal was, just read on. If he can’t do that, then take note of what that tells us a Feuer administration would look like. It’s a remedy for all the City-sponsored election illegalities, and there is little practical impact on the City of Los Angeles as a whole. It doesn’t cost much in terms of money if he simply decides to find in favor of certifying the Skid Row NC Formation Committee as a Neighborhood Council. My thought is that if Mike Feuer wants to have any legitimacy at all in the race for Mayor in 2022, he should fix the fix on Skid Row’s election, which is still tied up in a hostile court fight. I don’t know why this is OK for the Neighborhood Council system, when it is patently illegal for regular City Elections. It just happened in a Subdivision Election for Neighborhood Councils, instead of a regular election for our elected officials. EASTSIDER-If you really think about it, the Skid Row Neighborhood Council Formation Committee’s election in 2017 is actually a story about massive election fraud in Los Angeles.
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Sonic #50 Talk Under the Cut.
So. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Eggman beat Starline. Of course he did. It’s Eggman, and for all that his plans can get out of his control, he is still the most dangerous person in Sonic the Hedgehog’s world and Ian Flynn makes sure to drive that home here. The reveal that he played Starline as soon as he realized he was the one responsible for the core theft? Nice touch. Starline realizing that no, Eggman does listen to your talk, he just doesn’t acknowledge it because he didn’t really care? Excellent!
Speaking of Eggman’s plan, the way he and Tails both beat their counterpart by exhausting the finite power in their tech is an interesting parallel. As Starline said in Imposter Syndrome, they really do have more in common than either would probably admit. Tails does really well for himself here - he’s calm in the face of that ’it takes 40 seconds to drown someone’ line, and does a good job combining genuine enthusiasm and friendliness with some sharp reading of Kit’s motives to keep him off guard. Your tech’s cool but it’s not yours (and the person who made it for you probably sucks?) You’re still using it very well, don’t sell yourself short. You are 100% dead set on this plan and can’t be swayed? Fine, but how about we call a truce because we BOTH agree Starline needs to go down. Like I said, sharp, and keeps him from lending Surge support that might well have ACTUALLY challenged Sonic.
By contrast, everything about Sonic sets Surge off, and I think it goes beyond that Starline-conditioned hatred. After all, leaving everyone free to make their own choices DID leave Starline free to keep hurting people, and the fact that Sonic will not EVER take this as seriously as Surge is has to be infuriating. Sorry, new gal, he’s not trying to minimize your trauma, but seriously, he does this twice a month. Most of his former rivals are friends now. Of course there’s never serious doubt he’ll lose, even if Surge gets him to break a sweat - Metal Sonic’s not the only time Sonic’s fought someone who could be his match, if not a bit stronger, so he’s got a pretty good handle on this sort of fight. Probably would have done Starline some good to look into how he met Knuckles. And Shadow. And Blaze. And Silver. And…
Which will probably infuriate Surge when she comes back, and yeah, OF COURSE she’s not dead here. Nice ‘I spite you and fall’, nice ’You’re free to make your own choices but that means I can’t stop you from making bad ones,’ but come on. Death by bottomless pit for a character who’s just been introduced to give them more villains to play around with, especially as one of very, very few female villains in the franchise. No way she’s dead.
The one I think is a genuine question is whether or not STARLINE lives. He could probably replenish his Tricore if he gets back to base, but narratively? He’s been burned by Eggman before. He swore vengeance already. And he just got smacked in the face with the fact that Eggman will thrash him, even if he plays everything perfectly. His ego’s his fatal flaw just as much as Eggman’s is. This could be taking him off the playing field for good… but while it could be, I do think there’s still a bit more comeuppance in store for him. Starline still thinks he’s a mastermind and manipulator who’s one step ahead of everyone, and structuring the whole issue around each game character-comic character counterpart set (Eggman-Starline, Sonic-Surge, Tails-Kit, Metal Sonic-Belle) means he HASN’T found out his own creations played him like a fiddle. I could see him managing to survive this, composure shattered, and just as self-destructively reckless as he accused Eggman of being. We’ll have to see, especially with how big his presence has been up to this point - killing him off in a landmark issue would be fitting, too, and leave Surge and Kit unable to get the vengeance they REALLY want so they go even further in on destruction. We’ll just have to see.
Speaking of Surprise Tools That Will Help Us Later… Belle. Obviously Eggman has a plan having seen what she was capable of, and I don’t think he let her go out of the goodness of his heart. But I think it’ll be on the backburner for a bit - I could see her leaving the Restoration to go adventuring given her decision here, but even if she stays her arc’s resolved for now and whatever Eggman’s plan is will last a bit. She’s not the only Badnik who’s been abandoned, and I like that as a purpose going forward. I also like the more direct acknowledgment of Metal and Belle being parallels as Eggman’s most sophisticated creations, the one he keeps around and seems to respect on one hand and Mr. Tinker’s daughter on the other.
All in all, a solid milestone issue. Congrats to IDW Sonic’s team for 50 issues! Here’s to 50 more.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
The Bat
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summary: after a little accident with your kid, Grant, it’s finally time for Bucky to tell Grant who he’s names after and Bucky’s real story. 
words: 4007
warnings: slivers, crying, mostly fluff
pairing: dad!bucky x you
Grant Natasha Barnes was a funny kid. He liked to run around and get into trouble, you’d always find he was hiding a surprise for you like organizing his toys in a way only he really understood, or running around the yard for no apparent reason. He liked to explore, he got the love of the outdoors from you. Bucky had always wanted a huge backyard, so did you. You wanted flowers and trees and maybe a swing set over in the corner while Bucky just wanted space to teach his son how to throw a ball. All three of you spent most of your time there, Bucky would be practicing his meditation which you put him on while you tended to the garden, just recently your cherry tomatoes had actually lived so they were in every meal. Grant on the other hand would fill the silence by running around, talking to himself and acting out some of the stories you both told him when you saved the world. You weren’t in retirement per se, more… taking a seat on the bench for a while.
“Pow, pow!” Grant ducked behind the trees and then ran over to the swing, “get ready for take off!” he shouted before jumping off, you kept an eye out for him over your shoulder.
“Grant, make sure you don’t hurt yourself!” you called over, the six year old threw himself around and never seemed to adopt a scratch.
“I will, mom,” he said, mocking you. To be fair, you did say it everytime.
Bucky would just shake his head and run over to join Grant, Bucky would always act as the bad guy so Grant could save the world. When Grant got tired or there wasn’t anything else left to play Grant would simply lie down in the middle of the yard, his legs stretched and his arms in a star position. Bucky would join him on the green grass, you could never hear their conversation but you liked it that way, you only saw their smiles and the stories being told through their hand movements. It was a nice life.
It was nearing bedtime for Grant, you looked out the sink window into the backyard to find it still and empty, not even Bucky was there making sure Grant’s toys wouldn’t get wet in the storm that was coming. With a confused hum you walked down the hallway to find Grant’s door wide open and his room vacant. His bed wasn’t made- it never was -and his toys were in a line on the opposite wall, your stomach began to swirl but you knew he couldn’t get too far, he was somewhere on the property but that was still a delmla.
Bucky had always told you his dream life when you both lived in the Avenger Tower, he had been around high tech and flashing lights his entire conscious life. Either Stark Expo in the 40’s or the Tower, except Wakanda. In truth Bucky wanted to move back there with you, he wanted to live in his little place for the rest of his- now -wonderful life. Shuri had the flashing tech but he wouldn’t be around it, he’d be on the outskirts where people would call him ‘White Wolf’ every morning as he was taught how to braid with those young kids he loved so much. He hoped you’d get a new name, the one he’d wanted you to have would’ve been ‘Mama Wolf’ and he calls you that sometimes. But wanted to stay near the people you grew up with, from the few times you’ve visited Wakanda you knew it was an amazing place but it didn’t fit because of the family you have here. So you settled on a farm house on the outskirts of a suburb, it was right in the middle for your ideas and it was exactly what you both needed. Tons of space and quiet.
But when you were looking around for your son, you really wanted the property to be smaller so you could find him faster.  “Grant?” your hands cupped your mouth, “Grant-y baby, where are you?” you looked under the table and in your shared study that was filled with paper and saved paperwork, but no one was there. You changed your target, “Bucky?” you called from upstairs.
“Bathroom!” you got a call from the downstairs bathroom, you made your way down to see him leaving the powder room, his hands wiping down the back of his sweatpants. “What’s up, mama wolf?” he saw your slightly concerned face, a hand rubbed your forearm.
“Grant.” you huffed and looked from where you were, “where is he?”
“Last he told me was the barn-shed thing,” Bucky shrugged.
“I thought we agreed he needed to be watched when he was there,” your head whipped back to him, you had been looking around.
“He's old enough,” Bucky waved his hand, “plus, he knows not to touch things that look dangerous, he’s a smart kid, just curious.” Bucky was always the free-spirit one, not that you were uptight, it is more that you saw way more outcomes than the positive one in any given situation.
You wiped a hand down your face, “baby, there is exposed nails in there and not to mention the lack of light, y’know he cold trip-”
“Mommy!” A cry from the front door, “daddy!” Grant ran over, his left hand holding tight to his right wrist, he just stood there and cried, he didn’t try to explain what happened. “The bat!” Grant screamed, you didn’t know you had a bat.
“What happened?!” You kneeled down to his level, Grant offered you his right hand. Three splinters were at his fingertips, two and his pointer and one on his middle. All three of you moved over to the couch where Grant sat and wailed some more. “Shh-sh-sh, it’s gonna be alright, okay?” you soothed him, “Bucky, get the tweezers please- oh…thanks,” you had looked over to see him looking extremely guilty with the tweezers, he most likely raced back to get them right from when Grant walked in the door.
Bucky sat behind Grant and gently rubbed his back to try and calm his crying son, “you’re in great hands, G, mama’s gonna take really good care of you,” Bucky looked over at you and sent a smile, you couldn’t help but smile back. You knew this was the beginning of a real apology that would come after Grant was put to bed, but it was nice to have him like that now.
“M-mommy, it hurts.” As much as Grant loved- and still loves -to tell you he’d be too old for ‘goodnight snuggles’ and tickles to his belly, he sure loves to get babied. Grant always seemed to act half his age when he got a tummy ache or upset at anything, you found it cute so you went along with it when he acted like that. Last week he scraped his knee and he said he would ‘walk it off’ because he heard Bucky say that the day prior.
“I know, I got two out, I need this last one, it’s very stubborn.” Your hand came up to caress his cheek, he leaned into it before Bucky lightly took one shoulder and pulled him back.
“Lean on me, pal.” Bucky instructed, Grant leaned back on Bucky’s metal arm. You had to move closer but it was alright, you loved to see the way Bucky would play with his son’s hair like you did with Bucky’s. Grant was a split between you two genetically (yet he acted and always wanted to be like Bucky) but his hair was all Bucky. “It’s gonna be alright, G.” Bucky hushed, Grant’s eyelids began to fall and close. His tears dried on his face but didn’t get too dry because Bucky was there to wipe them away, his unoccupied hand flicking them off
“Got it, got it!” you whispered as to not wake the sleeping giant, “and there we go, completely out,” You brushed through Grant’s hair.
“Out?” was all he could lazily muster, it was his bedtime and the crying really knocked him out.
“All done, let’s get you into bed, huh?” you cooed, your arms were half way around him before Bucky stepped in.
“I’ll tuck him in, don’t worry.” Bucky smiled, knowing he should come back to the living room to talk about what just happened. You watched him take Grant to his bedroom, the door was always left open so you saw Bucky kneel by his bedside and say a couple words, but Grant was already well into sleep. Bucky came back to the living room, the floor creaking under him as he took slow and quiet steps. “I’m sorry, I should have watched him and let you know where he was, I was lazy and it won’t happen again.” Bucky looked at your eyes, he shifted his glance between the two.
“Thank you, and I forgive you.” You sighed and pulled him into a tight hug, “I didn’t know we had a bat, did you?” you asked from his neck, your nose pushing right up against his stubble. When Bucky didn’t answer you slightly pulled your chest away but stayed in his embrace, his hands seemed to hold you tighter then before, trying to pull you back into him to avoid answering the question. You weren't one to grill him for information, you’d learned through being together that he’ll tell you everything on his own time when he feels safe; safe in the environment, you were always his safe place. But from the way he acted, that way his eyes were glossy, his bottom lip trembled when he heard the word ‘bat’ come from his son’s mouth. You knew. “Steve.” was all you had to say.
Bucky lowered his head and his shoulders began to shake, “I stole it from the museum when Sam and I went to see Isaiah’s monument, it was so long ago I forgot I still had it,” he sniffled through his response. His head had managed to duck under your chin so the crown of his head rested on your chest, his hands coming up so his index finger could hook onto the belt loop of your cargo pants. “I wanted to show Grant the bat and tell him about who he was named after, and what that name means to me, but I always got scared Grant would ask too many questions and then get the truth about what I’ve done and then hate me.” Bucky cried in your chest, “I know, I should’ve told you, I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark, because you would have seen the coming if you actually saw the state the bat was in. I’m surprised he didn’t get more splinters.” His head shook back and forth like he was cursing himself out.
All you could do was sooth Bucky like you did Grant, your hands ran up and down the entire surface area of his back, almost pushing the words out because you never liked when he would bottle it all up. “The truth wouldn’t make him hate you, Bucky.” your voice was a stark contrast from Bucky’s low and shaky voice, you had learned he responded best when you talked slowly and very calmly.
“He would get mad if he found out I killed so many people, he wouldn’t look at me the same after finding out I had left for five years- left you.” Bucky hugged you tightly. He only left you when half the people you loved disappeared into thin air, you got pregnant a month after the dusted came back.
“That's not the truth and you know it. You’d tell him you were drafted into a war and then kidnapped and tortured for seventy years, you’d also tell your son how long you fought back for, you were simply a body HYDRA used, it wasn’t you. You would tell Grant you were brainwashed and didn’t even know who I was, you would tell him you were dusted because you fought the largest battle ever,” your words only made Bucky cry more. “Grant calls you a superhero, you don’t believe it, but really you are.”
All Bucky could do was nod, he followed you to bed where he laid awake with his head on your chest. Your hand would rub up and down his spine to try and calm him, and soon it did. Bucky went to sleep crafting a script in his head. He had told you Grant was mature only hours ago, Bucky also said he was smart, so maybe telling him who Steve really was other than Captain America wouldn’t be too hard.
It was early in the morning, Bucky never slept past sunrise for multiple reasons. He was currently in the shed that Grant got hurt in, there was a box near the back that was strategically covered by some spare tires. In that box were all the notebooks and everything Bucky had when he was remembering Steve and who he really was, things from his entire life. Bucky’s run down and torn apart Bucharest apartment was covered in these clippings, the notebooks that piled on top of the fridge were in this box, so was the notebook Steve had used to learn about the new world which would later become a notebook for Bucky to use in therapy for his reconciliations.
Bucky took a sanding strip to the bat, you gave him the idea last night. He rubbed and rubbed away all the stray ends of the completely wrecked wood from the 40’s, Steve could never play baseball but he and Bucky would lob up some baseballs and see who could smack it the hardest from time to time. Bucky was planning on giving Grant the bat to just keep in his room and now would probably be the best time to give the gift.
Later on in the day Bucky approached Grant who was sitting on the deck in the backyard, two toys that were being held by two hands. Bucky had the box with him and the bat laid behind him against the wall. Grant had dropped the toys when he saw the new box, his eyes went wide and Grant was totally consumed by the huge box.
“Alright, I wanna tell you about someone who was very close to me, bud,” Bucky started, his breath shaking. “I’ve told you about my friend Captain America and all the stuff we got into, but I wanna tell you about who he was when we were growing up.” As the lid was taken off Grant sneezed at the dust.
Neither of them noticed you standing and looking out the door, the door to get outside in the yard was a large window. You saw Bucky put the lid to the side and begin to show the pictures, there were photos you’d never seen before while others were somehow burned in your memory, you swore you were on the cyclone with Buck and Steve way back when. Bucky opened books upon books and showed all the clippings he had collected when his mind was starting to become one again, you could only imagine what Bucky was telling Grant right now. Soon the showing stopped and it seemed to be an easy flowing conversation between the two of them, you watched Bucky pause and think because you never really knew what you were getting when it came from a six year old. When Bucky got up to get the bat he locked eyes with you, and a calm hand waved you out.
“Hey, boys. What’s going on here?” you asked softly, waiting for Grant to answer so you could gauge what the conversation was really about.
Grant turned to see you, “daddy told me about uncle Steve and also him from when he was young and how daddy got his arm,” Grant smiled. His eyes shifted to the bat in Bucky’s hand and his eyes lit up, “the bat!” Grant jumped up.
Grant ran over and took it from Bucky’s hands, but before he could swing it around Grant froze. “I have a question, so, you were basically, like, frozen for a while?” Grant whipped it around in circles.
“Yeah, bud,” Bucky smiled. The way his son could water down his trauma to a simple question made him wonder if he could ever think like that.
“And once you were okay…” Grant looked around the yard to find the words he wanted to say, “Uncle Steve just...left you?” Grant asked it so calmly, “why would he do that if he could finally be with you, and be friends again, and ride all the rides at Coney Island?” Grant walked closer to Bucky and dropped the bat, Grant’s little arms reached up for him to be picked up. Bucky scooped him up and kept Grant on his hip, you got close and tickled Grant’s chin. “I mean, the nice lady...what was her name?” Grant looked between the both of you.
“Shuri,” Bucky answered with a smile, the memories came back again- the calm ones.
Grant continued, “she got all the stuff out and those words don’t hurt anymore, you were okay,” Bucky found it weird to actually see someone else working out a problem he’d been dealing with for years, this one dilemma he hyper focused on for so long, it couldn’t even be cracked by his son who could seem to give a reason for anything. “Why did he leave?” Grant asked again.
You could tell by the way Bucky was smiling and squinted his eyes he was holding back tears, the way he tried to make light of his biggest question he faced was a tell-all sign he was slowly falling apart, Bucky always wanted to give Grant the right answer. Bucky rubbed up and down Grant’s back, soothing his son was a way to soothe himself.
“Well I’ll tell you something, daddy,” Grant stated, Bucky looked down to look Grant in his eyes.
“Talk to me, big man,” Bucky ushered, he looked at you and you smiled to encourage him. You knew this conversation was hard for Bucky and Grant had hit a nerve which made it worse but your Bucky was strong.
“I’ll never leave,” Grant gave a curt nod to the statement, like he officially made a diction. “I know people have left and you’ve been alone, and I think your life has been a crazy roller coaster, but I don’t wanna leave.” Grant laid his head on Bucky’s chest, he was making himself upset. “Then if I leave, then you won’t see me grow up and-” Grant began to cry, his head going deep into Bucky's neck.
“Don’t think like, buddy, don’t.” Bucky tried hard to calm him down but it seemed Grant couldn’t stop crying.
“Bucky…” You softly gasped, your hand coming up to touch Grant’s back, “I knew it,” you whispered. You had always felt that Grant would become an empath, a person who could actually feel someone else’s emotions.
You remember a time when Grant when around three years old, you took him to the park down the street. Every time you’d take him, Grant would always find someone to run around and play with, another kid to join his imaginary games. One time Grant was with a boy named Jordan, a really nice kid, really nice parents. Grant and Jordan were swinging around on the monkey bar in order to sneak into the bad guys' lair, their mission was undetermined but you found it funny the way Grant would give orders and Jordan would give some back. The way they would add details by stopping mid way through and turning to each other.
“Time out,” they would say, and freeze, their eyes lighting up with a new idea. “What if we have to dodge, like, lasers and stuff- that would be so cool!” they would nod along and resume their fun, adding in every little thing with only their imagination and a swing set.
But while you were talking with Jordan’s mom, a scream cut through the entire park. You looked over to see Jordan under the monkey bars holding his right elbow, his cry made everyone leave and give him space.
You both ran over to see what was wrong, Grant was standing to the side as his eyes also watered. Jordan was swiftly picked up and brought away, Grant ran after. You chased them all until you said a quick goodbye to the both of them, when they drove to the emergency you looked back to make sure Grant was okay. He was also holding his elbow and holding back tears, “I can feel it, mommy.” He cried the whole walk home.
Bucky didn’t really believe you and told you he was just mirroring, a thing he read about in a parenting for dummies book, where the kid will copy someone else to feel like they are fitting in. You also thought because he was only three at the time and probably didn’t know his right form his left, never mind what feelings were and what they meant when you felt them.
But this right here was exactly what you meant, you had seen Bucky cry this hard right after Bucky left, you’d seen his bawl when he told you about it all. You didn’t have a past like him and as much as you told him you understood there was no way you could actually fathom what he went through and what he was feeling. But Bucky was trying to hide how he was feeling, he was smiling through the pain and yet Grant was crying like you’d never seen. And most likely Bucky didn’t tell the full story, Bucky was always one to make his pain lesser than it really was; and yet Grant seemed to feel it all.
Bucky looked at you and nodded, he let a few tears drop as he pulled Grant in. you’d hope you were right, and you were. Grant’s little six year old hand was placed right on Bucky’s heart, the little fingers to the beat of Bucky's rapid heart rate. Soon the beating slowed and Bucky put Grant down, Grant went over to the box and pulled out one of the journals, specifically the one used for Bucky’s therapy, and walked back over. Not all the pages were filled and Grant flipped through them.
“Can I finish this?” Grant asked, his feet tapped with anxiousness.
“I’d thought you’d never ask, bud,” Bucky smiled down at him, “why don’t you put them under your pillow, like I always did when I was kid, and then we can throw the ball around with mama wolf, huh?” Bucky asked softly.
Grant nodded and ran inside, his little feet padding over the floor.
You turned to Bucky with a smile, “how do you feel, love?” You asked.
“Lighter, I feel good, I think it was the right thing to do and I think you were right to call Grant an empath, glad I married a smart one,” Bucky chuckled and pecked your lips.
Grant came back and all three of you went to the yard, the ball was thrown around and soon enough Grant got the bat. He faced away from the windows of the house and got ready to swing, he’d never really done this but Grant was never one to pass up an opportunity. With his knees bent and his arms ready, you pitched the ball and Grant swung. The ball made contact with a crack, the ball went flying.
“Look at that!” Bucky jumped and watched it sore, he looked back proudly at his son.
“Home run!” Grant ran to the imaginary bases, you chased him down to cheer him on. “Home run!”
Bucky just watched the family he never thought he deserved, “you sure are a home run, kid.”
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mystic-sky · 4 years
One shot wherein the s/o of Gojo Satoru gets injured trying to protect him and brought to the hospital but doesnt die. With a mountain of angst pls. 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
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Word Count: 1.6k
16-year old Satoru had never known much about compassion, or any crucial emotions that would’ve paved the way for him to be a brilliant jujutsu sorcerer, through and through.  He lived life as he went, nonchalant and never dispatching empathy in the moments it mattered most. You appeared like wildfire, ringing out so many emotions from him all at once. You were placed on his team without warning, and he felt like you were just another nuisance for him to have to pretend to worry about. You were undeniably cute though, which was the only reason he ever made conversation with you from time to time. But even though he flirted with you, he was always sure to remind you that he was always better, stronger and more talented. 
One day, to his surprise, you gave him a piece of your mind when he tried to pursue you. You told him to learn some manners, some compassion, and to come back when he wasn’t an asshole. You expressed that he was arrogant, and all but so many people would tolerate him the way some teachers and his so called “team mates” did.
“No ones going to fall in love with you for real if you keep being a jerk.”
That was when he first learned of rejection. He was so used to having everything he wanted. It didn’t register in his brain the first time that you didn’t like him. He picked on you more because of it, unfortunately. You were thick skulled, and headstrong. You were charming for someone who started out so weak. He watched as you worked hard, and never asked for help from him or Suguru, or Shoko unless it was for the sake of the mission at hand. You were extremely talented. Just a late bloomer.
He asked you why you became a sorcerer one day, much to your surprise. You explained it to him and from that day on, he wasn't so much of an asshole towards you. He’d learned of admiration, but considering he was so cocky, he never did tell you that. Instead, he went from saying things like “Leave this to us” to “I’ll leave this to you.”
Maybe you do or don’t realize that he finally acknowledges you as strong, but you do know talking to him was 40% more bearable when you reached your third year of high school.
That same year, you lose someone who was close to you. You had no control over it. The way it happened, the result was inevitable. It had nothing to do with weakness or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are some outcomes in life that are meant to happen- and no one is ready for it. All he knows is that he didn’t like how it made you feel. He couldn’t give you a rebuttal on how it was possibly yours or someone else’s shortcomings that fated such a thing to happen. Instead, you both sat on the steps of the school long past curfew, sharing ice cream while he watched you cry. Neither of you spoke. For the first time in his life, he had nothing to say. He also knew he shouldn’t leave you there. He hoped his silence and presence would convey something, along with the free ice cream. This was the night Satoru learned sympathy.
He never wanted you to feel that way ever again. He became a bubbly force, always in your face. He smothered you with activities, sweets, things that became memories to deter you from your loss, and somehow amongst it all, you forgot that you hated him.
Some years had gone by. You'd become a fine jujutsu sorcerer, with the help of Satoru and so many others. You’d acknowledged him as a friend and possibly something more due his flirtatious personality. He had became someone who filled the void of the person you lost, showing you that life does in fact go on.
“It took you way too long to kill that thing,” he rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you a special grade jujutsu sorcerer? Get it together (Name).” 
He playfully scolded you. “You literally stood there and watched me do all the work.” Your clothes were stained of blood, but you weren’t bothered entirely. You were looking for something to wipe your hands with, shaking them violently at the ground.
“What can I say, you’re truly a site to behold.” He winked, dwindling a handkerchief in front of you. The flutter in your chest was erratic. 
“Nonetheless, I knew you could do it. I was just here for moral support.” He grinned, patting you on the head.
“Satoru,” You say, turning towards him and sheathing your weapon. “You’re really important to me. You’ve had my back since we went to Jujutsu Tech and then some. I don’t think I’ve ever said thank you for always being there for me.”
“So, thank you.” You say, offering him the warmest smile and making his heart skip a beat. He hadn’t known what to say. You hadn't ever put him on the spot like this before, which is what it made it so easy for him to be around you. You never praised him for anything, yet here you were thanking him, smiling at him like you loved him or something-
Did you? He wondered. He didn’t undertsand what it was he felt when he started to ponder the idea of you loving him. You never once complimented him on his looks, nor had you ever reciprocated his flirtations. And here he was, actively being your friend because he admired your character. He didn’t even know himself anymore.
“Stop staring at me like that and say you’re welcome.” You sass, breaking him out of his thoughts. “You’re freaking me out.”
“We’re friends. You don’t have to thank me for that.” He said cockily, getting right back in character. That night, he realized what it meant to love someone.
He got home and laid in bed, trying to draw the line in his head between how he loved you and how he loved kikufuku. Then he tried depicting the differences between his bromance with Geto Suguru and his friendship with you. He knew he liked being around you, and whatever goals in life he would eventually pursue- he wanted you to be there too.
You never once made it obvious that you liked him back in any sort of way, and it ticked him off. He would spend some days doing everything in his power to get a reaction out of you, even a kabedon, to which you burst out laughing in response. Satoru had never actually experienced true defeat until that moment. You had became one of the most precious things in the world to him, but he thought you were so dense and oblivious it pained him. He wanted to give up on pursuing you, but no one else in his entire life had ever made him feel anything. All these emotions he discovered were extensions and results of you allowing him to integrate himself into your life during your darkest moment. You had thanked him for being there; he wanted you to say so much more.
So when you leapt in front of him, coughing up blood in his direction and shielding his body, there wasn't a reason he could summon for it. What made him feel sick to his stomach is how you managed to smile whilst being impaled by the horns of the curse behind you. The rough taste of iron plagued your tongue and blood plopped from your lips and down your chin.
He caught your body with one arm, cradling you, before using his free hand to clutch the creature’s skull. He smashed it instantly, blood spattering all around your bodies. 
“Why did you do that?” He found himself panicking. He knelt down, stripping himself of his shirt and attempting to suppress the bleeding. “You’re not weak and you’re not stupid- why?!”
“Because, Satoru, I love you.” You say through blurry eyes. He’s petrified. Satoru Gojo did not know loss or grief. He was sure to feel it if you died right there in his arms. He already killed the curse that fatally attacked you. If you died, what would his purpose beyond that be? The only thing he hadn’t done yet was tell you he loved you. He knew in that moment that he loved you. But before the words could fall from his lips, your body went limp in his lap.
“No...” He took hold of you, immediately teleporting to the nearest hospital. If you died, he would blame it on his own incompetence. He’d flaw himself for this moment alone and take responsibility. He found himself praying to whatever God there might be, begging them to spare your short lived life. Not without him saying it back.
After multiple surgeries and blood transfusions, the doctors had informed him you were going to live, but recovery would take some time. Your cursed ability was able to delay the blood loss and neutralize a bit of the damage just before it became entirely fatal. He was thankful, the most he’s ever been for anything.
“I told you, you’re not weak,” he stared down at your comatose body. “You may make stupid decisions. But you’re not helpless.”
His voice cracked a bit whilst saying this, as he knelt beside you. He would stay with you endlessly through your recovery no matter how long it took. Nothing else mattered.
He was going to tell you that he loves you too.
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Meet the new music boss, same as the old music boss
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In his 2020 book MONOPOLIZED, David Dayen describes a curious and brutal dynamic of monopolies: they breed monopolies.
"Consumer welfare," the dominant strain of antitrust for the past 40 years, has treated monopolies as innocent until proven guilty.
Companies are allowed to merge with competitors and create vertical silos, so long as no one can prove that doing so has raised prices. The only acceptable proof are the mathematical models invented by pro-monopoly economists, who are the foremost builders of these models.
Strangely enough, these models always prove that the monopoly is good, actually: not harming "consumer welfare." All potential mergers will provably not result in increased prices. All post-merger price-increases are provably not due to the merger.
Anyone who challenges these interpretations is derided for their ignorance of how these models work. Modern antitrust is a priesthood, and whenever a monopoly question arises, they slaughter an ox and read the future in its guts, which only they can interpret.
And strangely enough, the ox guts always favor monopoly.
Now, not *all* price-fixing can be waved away as unrelated to market concentration. In some cases, different companies in a sector will literally conspire to set prices, putting it down on paper.
When that happens, you don't need to make a model to show that price rises can be attributed to market power: you have the receipts.
This happens all the time. The record labels documented their CD price-rigging in the 90s, leading to a $67.3m settlement in 2002.
In 2012, the Big Six publishers colluded with Apple to raise ebook prices. They also put it in writing.
In most of these cases, the price-fixing is only part of the story. What's actually going on is more complicated: a cartel of manufacturers are conspiring not merely to raise prices, but to fight the predatory practices of a monopolist somewhere else in the supply-chain.
With the labels, it was big box retailers like Walmart. With the publishers, it was Amazon. These monopolists had cornered significant customer-bases for the cartels' products, and the monopolists were squeezing their suppliers for all they were worth - literally.
Here's where it gets funky. Remember that monopolies are innocent until proven guilty, and it's impossible to prove them guilty. If six publishers' CEOs conspire to raise ebook prices, that's illegal. It's collusion.
If one of those six buys two of the others - if Random House buys Penguin and Simon & Schuster - then the former CEOs of those companies (now heads of divisions in a single company) can do *exactly* the same thing with little fear of legal reprisals.
Antitrust law rewards monopolies and punishes cartels, so members of cartels merge until they have monopolies.
Which brings me back to David Dayen and his book MONOPOLIZED. The industry Dayen analyzes to demonstrate this phenomenon is US health care.
In Dayen's telling, the first salvo was the mergers-to-monopoly in pharma, producing the Big Pharma giants we have today. These massive, consolidated firm started to lean on their customers, notably hospitals, price-gouging them on medicine.
Individual hospitals were powerless against this pressure: a single hospital that refuses to buy cancer meds at jacked-up prices doesn't get lower prices, it gets dead cancer patients.
But if hospitals teamed up to demand lower prices, that would be illegal price-rigging.
However, if the hospitals all merged into giant chains, they'd be able to push back in two directions. First, they could demand lower prices on drugs from Big Pharma, and second, they could pass on high prices to the insurance sector, which was still decentralized.
Again, the health insurers were not capable of pushing back as individual firms. When all the health care in a single ZIP code is provided by one chain of clinics, hospitals and ERs, an insurer can't declare them all out-of-network - not if it wants to keep its customers.
But once the insurers merged to monopoly, they not only got to push back against hospital price-gouging - they also got to charge higher premiums and deductibles, and they didn't have to worry about losing customers, because there was nowhere to go.
This is really a story of shit flowing downhill - pharma pushes hospitals who push insurers, who push...us. The patients and the front-line health-care workers, from custodians and cafeteria workers to nurses and MDs.
Monopoly breeds monopoly, with each sector of the supply chain concentrating to defend itself against the other sectors, and to exert market power over those sectors that aren't yet monopolized. The only part of the chain that can't organize are workers and customers.
Historically, workers organized in unions to push back against these leveraged assaults on their rights, but the US has all but prohibited unionization.
The public historically organized through politicians who fought for them, but unlimited corporate campaign contributions have made such fights a distant memory.
And so every sector starts to look like health-care: monopolized at every level except for labor and customers.
Writing in Wired today, Ron Knox from the antimonopoly Institue for Local Self-Reliance describes how this dynamic is playing out in music, where the new bosses are all the same as the old bosses.
It's not merely the Big Three labels colluding to rip off artists, it's also the tech partners who control distribution, notably Spotify and Youtube.
To the extent that merged-up behemoths like UMG exercise their monopoly power to get more from these digital partners, those excess gains are stolen from the musicians who earned them.
For example, big labels do minimum payout deals with Spotify specifying that millions are owed to them each quarter - but then they accept lower per-stream royalties for their music on Spotify. The result is that massive sums of those guaranteed payouts are "unattributed."
Unattributed revenues are not owed to any artist, so the label gets to keep that money. It's flat-out wage-theft, and it demonstrates the bankruptcy of hoping that a change in monopolists will make lives better for their workforces.
All things being equal, UMG would like to shift as many dollars as possible off of Spotify's balance sheet onto its own. But UMG will not, on its own, hand a single penny of that to the artists whose work generated those dollars
Which is why Knox says we have to break up all these giants - the labels and the digital distribution monopolists, including Youtube and Spotify and Apple and Amazon.
But, Knox points out, that will not be enough.
Because it's not just recording and distribution that are monopolized - it's also performance venues and ticketing (Ticketmaster/Live Nation) and radio (Iheartradio/Liberty Media), whose monopolists are rapacious wage-stealers and fraudsters.
The market can't and won't fix this. Take live performance venues: the vast majority of these are expected to fail thanks to the covid shutdowns. The private sector has a plan to bail them out: former WME exec Marc Geiger raised a vast warchest to buy them for pennies.
He will consolidate them into...a monopolist to push back against the Ticketmaster/Live Nation monopoly. If he pulls it off, he may succeed in shifting many millions from Live Nation's balance-sheet to his own. He will not give any of it to performers if he doesn't have to.
Knox's (correct) conclusion is that we have to have antimonopoly enforcement across the entire supply chain, not just in one or two sectors - from social media to recording to payments to venues to streaming to radio, we have to break them up.
And that might just happen. Two high-profile Biden appointees, Tim Wu and Lina Khan, are on the absolute vanguard of the new antimonopoly movement. Amy Klobuchar's (flawed) antitrust bill goes further than any initiative in years.
And most of all, the musicians aren't alone here. The fight they're fighting is just a part of the fight we're all in: not just every kind of artist, but doctors and patients, cabbies and riders, farmers and eaters.
Our fights have different technical characteristics and different structural remedies particular to those characteristics, but they are, fundamentally, the same fight.
The fight against monopolies.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium - August 24, 1984
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Some parts of the Hammer To Fall promo video were filmed during this show - the camera was filming the audience reactions during TYMD, Radio Ga Ga and Hammer To Fall. On the next day 20 fans from the Dutch fan club were invited to come again to the filming of the promo video.
At the gig, the band asked the audience to return the following day for the shoot. However, most likely assuming it was all a joke, the vast majority stayed away; in fact only a dozen fans turned up. Undeterred, the shoot went ahead anyway, with the band's performance that day interspersed with footage shot the previous night.
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This is the first show of The Works tour.
According to the July '89 issue of Record Collector, Queen ran through about 40 songs during rehearsals. This list of songs rehearsed that didn't end up in the setlist comes from someone who worked on the tour:
Great King Rat (longer version), Brighton Rock (full song), I'm In Love With My Car, Sweet Lady, White Man, We Will Rock You (fast), Play The Game, Need Your Loving Tonight, Put Out The Fire, Las Palabras de Amor, Life Is Real (both Freddie solo piano and Freddie/Brian acoustic duet versions)
The keyboardist for this tour (and also the '86 Magic tour) is session musician Spike Edney. He would also lend some vocals to many songs and play rhythm guitar in Hammer To Fall. He and Roger Taylor would form a band called "The Cross" in 1987 which spawned three albums, and he would return to Queen in the 21st century to play on the tours with Paul Rodgers and Adam Lambert.
Spike was recruited in a very informal way by a Queen associate. He went to Munich for their first rehearsal in early August, wound up partying for most of the first night, and missed the first day's rehearsal. It later transpired that everyone else had. He recalls, "The next day, we all managed to get to it eventually, to the first rehearsal, and all the gear was set up. The stage was huge, and I thought "Oh well, here we go then" and we got to the first song , and what I'd forgotten was that they hadn't actually played together for two years. So they said, OK, let's try one of the new songs, I think it was Radio Ga Ga, and we started playing it, and course, I knew it, I'd been studying it for weeks. You know, 1,2,3,4 and we start and we get about a minute into the song and the whole thing collapses. And they all look at each other, you know, very sheepishly, and they say, "Anyone know how it goes?" and I say "well, actually, I know. I know how it goes" and they said "Ah". And so I started showing them the chords and everything and Fred looked at me and said "You don't know the words, do you?" and "Well, yeah I do actually" so then they all came round the piano and we spent the whole day just going through songs, and I thought, "I'm gonna be all right here, this'll be OK"!"
The show started very late, as the band were still doing soundcheck when they were supposed to go on. Apparently over the previous week there were few occasions when all four band members actually showed up for rehearsal. Many songs (likely those listed above) never made the setlist, and soundcheck was an extensive cramming session, particularly for the older material that they hadn't played in years.
Roger Taylor later reflected that this European tour was one of his favourites, and many fans cite the early Works setlist as their favourite ever played by the band. Three medleys are now played, two of which have revived many old songs: Killer Queen, Seven Seas Of Rhye, Keep Yourself Alive, Liar, Stone Cold Crazy and Great King Rat. Staying Power from Hot Space returns to the set, as does Sheer Heart Attack from News Of The World. Only half of Staying Power is played, and it runs into Dragon Attack, followed by an improvisation running into a more compact version of Now I'm Here compared to previous tours.
Many people who attended shows on this tour recall Queen having a very heavy sound, especially on songs like Liar and Stone Cold Crazy. By 1984 they had gained a reputation as being one of the best live rock acts in the business.
Six songs from The Works are performed each night, and the introduction tape is from the album track "Machines". After the heavy G chords are heard on the tape twice, the band walk on stage in the darkness to play the chords the third time, which leads into the brand new "Tear It Up". This is yet another effective opening to a Queen show, something they would perfect time and time again.
I Want To Break Free is performed each night in 1984-85 as the first encore, with Freddie coming on stage sporting a pair of huge plastic breasts under a pink shirt. Part way through the song, he would remove the breasts and twirl them around for a while before finally throwing them into the audience. Some souvenir! As a result of this gag, Another One Bites The Dust has been moved from the encore to be earlier in the set.
This tour showcases an incredible lighting rig and an overall setup mimics the movie Metropolis, from which scenes were used for the promo video of Radio Ga Ga last year. The huge wheels behind the stage (modelled after the ones on The Works album cover) rotate at mostly random times - usually because they are turned manually by various crew members such as Roger's tech Chris "Crystal" Taylor whenever they have a free moment (Freddie Mercury's assistant Peter Freestone told the tale in 2021):
“Yeah, I mean Rio was… amazing. The feeling from that crowd… you know, something like 350,000 people. Oh, you can’t beat that. And when you’re flying in a helicopter over that crowd, it was stunning. But the thing is, I know this sounds really, really stupid but [laughs]… one thing I will always, always remember from that tour was, remember, in the back of the stage you had these wheels that turned every now and then, not constantly but just every now and then. That was because there was… the guy looking after Roger’s drums and me who actually turned those wheels. And there was no set cue or anything that, “Oh, it has to start on this bar, on this song.” No, it was when he wasn’t doing anything and I wasn’t doing anything, we’d say “Ok, let’s go and do it.” And we turned the wheels for a couple of minutes and then left them alone. He had then to do something for Roger and I would just sit there like I always did. And then you’d go back and you’d turn the wheels, like a hamster. We were like hamsters…”
However, a crew member who worked on the tour recalls otherwise: "I do know local crew members were used on the UK shows and certainly (a number of) European gigs. The other thing is that Radio Ga Ga had a set piece with the cogs and lighting, using low ambient lighting and strobes to emphasise mechanical motion of the cogs during the instrumental break. Would Roger Taylor be happy with no one covering him/his kit during a show? Possibly Peter Freestone is remembering production rehearsals when any spare bodies might have been asked to operate the cogs?"
During vocal improvisations on this tour, Freddie would often include bits of "Foolin' Around" and "Living On My Own" from his pending first solo album, which he had been working on during this period.
Freddie now plays a Telecaster for Crazy Little Thing Called Love. It would remain like this through the Magic tour.
The band no longer bring a gong with them on the road. Roger now does a cymbal roll at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody.
A fan recalls hearing the band running through Tear It Up whilst queuing up to enter the venue.
Freddie's voice is in superb shape for this show, but it will quickly weaken as the tour progresses. As incredible as Freddie Mercury was, he certainly did not take care of his voice at times, especially in the mid-80s. After a couple years of heavy smoking, Freddie's voice now sounds a lot deeper and raspier overall.
Before It's A Hard Life, Freddie says, "I think tonight we're gonna do songs from just about every album that we've ever made. You heard some very early stuff from the first album. Right now I think we're gonna do something very new, and we'll see what you think of it."
Freddie does a vocal exchange with the audience before Staying Power, singing "Get Down Make Love" and "Gimme Some Lovin" a few times. The band would improvise bits of the latter a couple times in 1986.
This is the only show on the entire Works tour where Roger plays regular acoustic drums on Another One Bites The Dust (before which Freddie teases the audience with a bit of Mustapha). For the rest of the tour, he'd play electronic drums. He'd also integrate the electronic drum kit into a few other songs, like at the beginning of Hammer To Fall, where one might argue that his sounds don't appropriately complement the guitar to create the intense, heavy sound.
The band sound very tight on this opening night of the tour, with the only exception being the rough transition from Stone Cold Crazy to Great King Rat. The keyboard and guitar solos are integrated together for the first few shows of the tour, during which Brian plays a few bits from Machines. Spike Edney uses his vocoder (a Roland VP-330) for the "machines" and "back to humans" lines heard throughout the tour during this spot (he would use his vocoder for the "radio" lines in Radio Ga Ga as well). After this segment, Brian then gets a few minutes to play on his own as usual.
Parts of the promo video for Hammer To Fall were filmed during this show. Claims from some (even official) sources state that Freddie invited the audience back for (what would actually be "additional") filming the following day aren't true. Here is all that Freddie had to say before the song: "This next song we're gonna use in our next video. So everybody just go mad and maybe later you'll see one of you guys inside the video one day. Oh, just go crazy, take your clothes off. It's called Hammer To Fall." After the song, he simply says, "Good night, you guys!" as that was the last song of the set.
Here is a fan's recollection: "On the night of the gig, there was a camera mounted on an arm that would swing over the front rows of the audience during a few songs. These audience shots were taken during Tie Your Mother Down, Radio Ga Ga, and Hammer To Fall itself. I guess they also had a camera up in the box at the back of the hall [as there are a few shots of both the audience and the band]. I don't remember any cameras onstage during the gig - just the one mounted on the arm."
The Dutch fan club invited only about twenty of its members to attend the video shoot the next day. They were instructed by a roadie to sit quietly on a chair and not to move or approach the band members. After a few hours, Brian came over and had a chat with them, checking to see if they were enjoying themselves and if they were hungry. He then promptly ordered them some take-out!
A minute of Tie Your Mother Down from this show was later broadcast on the Belgian TV station "RTBF" (x) (x). An audience-shot video allegedly exists as well, containing five songs.
After years of speculation, the existence of more footage from this show was proven when bits of it were included in the promo video for Let Me In Your Heart Again in 2014. About 30 seconds of Somebody To Love (largely crowd shots) were seen. There is, however, no accompanying audio. (x)
The first photo is from the autumn 1984 Queen fan club magazine. Brian is seen with a watchful eye over the proceedings. Tour manager Gerry Stickells and his wife are also in the shot.
Pics 2 through 6 were submitted by Alessio Rizzitelli, and the seventh pic was taken by Dave Matkin.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 5
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1601
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 5: Farewell to Our Old Life
It was kind of strange how little there was to organize for us regarding our move.  There was packing, but we couldn’t exactly hire a moving truck so it needed to fit in bags that we could carry or it had to stay behind.  That was difficult.  We had had a long time to collect a lot of things we considered precious to us.  The glass artwork that Thor and I had inadvertently made on our honeymoon was the thing I wished we could bring the most.  It would stay in the fountain in the entry and hopefully, we’d come back sometimes and see it.
Thankfully, most of our things were fairly portable.  We also wouldn’t need a lot of clothes because Asgard would provide things more fitting for the palace, and it’s not like we would need any furniture.  Mostly it was just personal effects and tech that Tony wanted to use there.
Other than that it was just letting the doctors know I was leaving, pulling Marya out of school, and organizing the party.
It was still leaning on the stressful side though - especially considering we were still waiting to hear what the rest of the kids were going to do.
Even though Rose and Paul had appeared closest to deciding to come, it was Billy and Teddy who came back to us first with a yes.  They had also said they wanted to do a bonding ceremony when we were there, which added another level of excitement and another level of stress.
Rose and Paul came next.  They said that they would try it out and see.  The concern about their children’s lifespan was a big issue for them, but Paul also said he’d be crazy to give up at least trying to live on Asgard as actual royalty.
As expected it was Eddie who took the longest to decide.  He really did love his job, and I think even with his talk about having children, he, Lyra, and Rory were still right into the rich, young party lifestyle.  He was worried about what they’d lose going to Asgard, rather than focusing on the things he might gain. 
No one pressured him though.  Any questions the three had were answered as honestly as we could and if we didn’t know we’d send word back to Asgard and Loki would come and give the answers they were looking for if at all possible.  Eventually, he decided that he’d give it six months for us to settle and make sure things with Stark Industries and the Avengers was transitioning smoothly given our sudden departure, and then he and his family would join us there to try it out.  He mentioned maybe doing six months on each planet or returning to Earth for a month or two every year, but we were all just glad he was willing to try it out, and his delayed departure from Earth was a good idea.  He even promised to come and visit when his new siblings were born.
When our goodbye party began, the whole family was excited for this new chapter in our lives and sad to say goodbye to the last.
Many of our friends were elderly or had passed on, so the party was going to be a mixture of different people.  Clarke was still around, though Jax had passed a few years ago.  We’d lost Rhodey and Fury, though Hill was still running the day-to-day operations of the Avengers, even in her old age, and Coulson had retired after years as successfully being director of SHIELD.  Vision was the same as ever, and people often came to him for direction when it came to the Avengers.  Carol also hadn’t changed though she still spent more time in space than on Earth.  A lot of the people we had met that had seemed so young when we met them, were all not officially middle-aged.  Even Peter Parker who was only fifteen when I met him was now pushing fifty and had a wife and daughter of his own.
They would all be at the party, including a lot of the new Avengers lineup.  Most of whom were much heavier hitters than any of us, even when we were wielding Mjolnir.  It was definitely going to be sad to say goodbye.
“It’s going to be okay, you know?”  Wanda said, snapping me out of my mini-trance as she ran a brush methodically through my hair.
“No, I know,” I said, tilting my head back.
“Then tell your brain that,” she teased.
I giggled and leaned up and pecked her lips.  “I’m sorry.  I would if I could.  Just hormones I guess.  Feeling stressed.”
“Well, stop it,” she scolded playfully.  “It’s bad for the babies.”
She began to braid my hair and I hummed as her fingertips grazed over my scalp.  “Imagine it though, Elly,” Wanda said.  “All the kids nearby - the new babies.”
“You’re a baby-oholic,” I said, laughing softly.
“It’s true,” she says.  “I am.”
She ran a hand around my side and pressed it on my stomach.  “I can’t wait to meet them,” she said.  “They already have such busy thoughts.”
I looked up at her and I’m not sure whether it was the look of pure and complete love in her eyes or the way the light caught in her hair, but I was struck by how beautiful she was and how much I loved her.  She smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “I love you too,” she said and picked up a strand of silver wire with black opal and threaded it into my hair.  “All done.”
I stood carefully and straightened out the skirts on my blue lace cocktail dress.  “How do I look?” I asked.
“Perfect as always,” she said.  “Let's go say goodbye to our friends.”
We made our way down to the party deck where the party was only just starting up.  Bruce, Steve, and Clint were all already there, but there was no sign of Tony, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Thor, or Bucky.
Some of our kids were there and their kids all played out in the garden atrium that was built on the protruding wing of the tower and the party deck opened out into.  I greeted everyone and as I made my way around the room more people arrived.
Clarke came over and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned and smiled, hugging her tightly.  She had aged well, not as well as I had obviously, but while her face was lined and she was a little frailer looking, she had kept in good shape and she continued to color her hair.  It would be easy to think she was in her early fifties rather than her mid-seventies.  Her eyes were what gave it away.  What had once been vivid violet had faded to pale lavender and were slightly cloudy.  They were heavily lined at the corners, the years having carved deep crevices to mark each time she was happy or sad or angry or worried.  It was still my Clarke though and I was going to miss her.
“I can’t believe you’re not going to be here when these two are born,” she said, indicating to my stomach as we pulled apart.  She was one of the select group of people I would be totally fine with touching my stomach unasked - but she never assumed.  “Where am I going to get my baby kisses from?”
I laughed and shook my head.  “I guess you’ll have to visit me on Asgard.”
“You can do that?”  She asked.
“I mean… I’m the Queen.  I think I can pull some strings,” I teased.
She laughed.  “God, thinking of you as a Queen is such a trip.”
“Hey Auntie Clarke,” Billy said, appearing behind us.  “I haven’t seen you for a while.”
Clarke hugged him and looked around.  “It’s been too long.  Where are those kids of yours.”
“Come on, I’ll take you to them,” he looked over at me and narrowed his eyes.  “You go sit down, mom.  You know you’re supposed to be taking it easy.”
“I am taking it easy,” I argued, holding up my hands.  “I’m just standing here.”
“Go on,” he said.  “Don’t make me page Dad Tony.”
“Heaven forbid,” I laughed and he wrinkled his nose at me and led Clarke out to the atrium.  I got myself a little plate of appetizers and a glass of punch and went and took a seat.
It wasn’t long until the whole room was teeming with people.  The Avengers had gotten to be a rather large collection of people since the original six had been reluctantly dragged together all those years ago.  Having so many of the people who meant so much to all of us here at the same time couldn’t help but make me think about how I’d first joined this group that would one day be my family.
All those years ago I had been a traumatized woman in her mid-twenties, just trying to get by.  I didn’t have many good friends, because it took a lot for me to trust people.  It took a superhero to get through and with her, so many other people flooded in after.  I was so grateful to them, and so in love with each of them to this day.  It would be hard letting this life of ours go, but it was inevitable.  I still had my 9 chosen people though, and I always would.  I was glad to be taking this next step with them at my side.
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marvxlousqueen · 4 years
So Fucking Sore- Bucky x Loki x Reader
i have returned from the dead to deliver this smut for my friend’s birthday LMAOO anyways for this let’s just pretend tony killed thanos in endgame and brought back nat and gamora and nobody died haha yes anyways bucky is a simp in this tbh (and i’ve never written for loki so forgive me if it’s bad LMAOO)
anyways happy bday bestie (don’t wanna expose ur name on here lol) love u <3
word count: 3.5k
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The Avengers compound was more full than it had ever been. Finally, every floor was filled, every guest room taken, some sleeping bags even rolled onto the floor. Tony hadn’t planned to host the entirety of the avengers force, some odd one thousand people. After defeating Thanos and fixing the time lines, Tony felt as though they deserved a break and a celebration. Although most people were still recovering and wouldn’t stay for long at the party, he figured laughter is the best medicine- that, and he always loved an occasion to show off his hosting skills. 
Tony’s invitation even extended to the staff at the compound, which is how (Y/n) found herself holding a rsvp letter, trying to decide which box to check off. 
“Yes [   ]  (+1)   No [    ]”
She fumbled with the letter, pen getting heavy in her hand. She was seated in her office, taking her lunch break in between helping some of the injured Wakandan soldiers. Being an on-site nurse, of course she had had encounters with the team, but nothing like this party would be. 
Would it be embarrassing if I didn’t have a plus one, she thought
She was interrupted by a knock at her door. “Come in,” she said without looking up. 
The door slowly opened and Bucky entered, small smile on his face. 
“Hey.. just figured I’d bring you some snacks. Figure you must be real busy in the infirmary.”
He set a plate of strawberries on the table with a bottle of water, metal arm extending towards her. (Y/n) could briefly see her reflection in the shine of the vibranium. She lost herself for a moment, examining his arm.
“What- oh yeah! Super busy. Thanks, Buck,” she gave him a smile, cheeks burning.
They had always had some sort of chemistry, but she just couldn’t quite get a read on it enough to make a move. Ever since reconnecting with Steve, Bucky had gotten back into his old ways. Still a giant flirt, just maybe a little more shy than in the 40s. He loved to toss some pick up lines around whenever he wound up in the infirmary (which was a little too often), so (Y/n) couldn’t figure out if he really liked her or was flirty with everyone. 
“What’s that you got there?” He motioned to the rsvp letter on her desk, still unanswered.
“Oh, invitation to Tony’s party thing this weekend. Think he’s trying to get a head count for seats and food. Don’t think I’m going to go, though.”
Bucky pulled up a chair to her desk, “Why wouldn’t you go? You should be celebrating too, I mean- half of us wouldn’t be in this good of a condition without your healing hands.”
His lips pulled into a smirk as he saw her smile shyly. He loved how we could always make her melt at the slightest compliement.
“I think it might be a little embarrassing to show up without a plus one.. I don’t know, it’s probably stupid, but it seems like everyone has someone, you know?”
(Y/n) shrugged, not sure how else to explain her thoughts.
Bucky nodded, running a hand through his hair, “So- what, you’re waiting for someone to ask you?” 
“I- No, but it would be nice, I guess.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. Here’s my chance, he thought. A chance to get some real action because I’ve been out of it for too fucking long. 
(Y/n) looked up at him, waiting for a response. When nothing came, she pushed through her nerves. “You don’t have a date, do you?”
His eyes snapped up to hers, wide with worry. “I-uh-no. D-don’t need one. Just a party, you know? Kinda stupid to get a date for a party like this.”
“Oh- yeah, totally,” (Y/n) stumbled over her words, facing burning with embarrassment. Did he call me stupid? Well, I guess that answers my questions- he is definitely NOT into me. 
 Bucky almost slapped himself after seeing the way (Y/n)’s face dropped. THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG!! He meant to come off as relaxed and nonchalant like he used to be, but instead he sounded like a dick. 
Before he could get an apology out, another knock was heard from her office door. “C-come in!”
Steve opened the door, “Hey- oh hey buck,” Bucky awkwardly waved at him, still busy screaming at himself, “anyways, (Y/n)- Thor’s got friends on the way and apparently they got a little scuffed up on the way from Norway, so you think you can head in and check on em?” 
“Yes! Totally! Uh- bye Bucky, I-I’ll see you.” She jumped out of her seat and rushed off down the hall, happy to get away from this tension with Bucky.
Steve watched her speed off down the hall before turning back to his old friend. “So.. how’s that going?”
Bucky sighed, “It’s not going at all. I think I accidently called her dumb? I don’t know- I kinda blacked out for a minute there.”
Steve patted him on the shoulder, “You’ll be fine. You got plenty of time to fix anything and make your move when you’re ready, all right?”
He understood how his friend was having some difficulties. While he was far more stable then he used to be, Bucky still had his moments and was working through them. Steve couldn’t be prouder. 
“I guess you’re right. As long as no other guy tries to scoop her up.”
(Y/n) entered the infirmary, breathing hard from the speed walk she took to escape that awkwardness. Laying on two of the beds was a tall man with long black hair and some sort of creature with knives attached to it’s hands. 
“(Y/n)! My friends require your services!” Thor shouts, embracing her in a hug.
She laughs as he squeezes her tightly, “Of course! Now let me go so I can help-”
The man who was reclining on the first bed sat up, eyebrows raised. “You’re a healer?”
She looked towards him, noting his accent was similar to Thor’s, “Well- no. Not a healer, just a nurse, but I’ll do my best. With all this new tech it’ll be real easy to batch you up. What happened?”
Thor spoke up, “My dear friend here,” he motioned toward the creature with the blades for hands, “Miek- got into a argument with my dear brother and knives were thrown. Just minor stab wounds of course, but it would be nice for them to be healed before Stark’s feast.”
“Your brother?” She looked towards the man with black hair, who offered a smile. “You’re Loki?” 
“The trickster god indeed.”
Her face heated up, partially in fear and partially in awe. Before her was the man who constantly tried to rule Earth. “Are you-,” she turned to Thor, “is he allowed to be here?”
“Of course! He aided me in our fight against Thanos. He stands as an avenger now.” 
Loki rolled his eyes and began to spin a small knife he pulled from his boot.  (Y/n) nodded, still registering everything, “Well, uh , okay then. Where’s the stab wound?” 
Loki moved to lift his shirt. On his left side was a gash still dripping blood. (Y/n) took a deep breathe, forcing herself to focus on his wound and not the outline of his abs and the way sweat was dripping down.
“Oh- jesus christ, okay. Let me get some stuff.”
The creature on the other bed made a noise and (Y/n) realized he was injured too, a small blade sticking out of his leg. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She ran to the other side to grab materials and begin patching them up. The process went like a blur. All she could feel was the way Loki’s body felt warm against hers, not like the cold she was expecting from his being a dark elf. His hand brushed against hers as he admired her handy work, eyes moving from her face to her form. Finally she was done and seated back in her office, yelling at herself for being so horny today for no goddamn reason. 
As she took a seat once again, she noticed the still blank rsvp card.
God-fucking-damn it
She still had a decision to make. As she went to check the “No [   ]” box, her door opened. Loki walked in and quickly made himself comfortable, sitting across from her. 
“I wish to thank you for the help.”
(Y/n) nodded, eyes wide, “Of course, yeah, anyth-”
“I also wish to invite you to Stark’s feast.”
She froze, mouth slightly open. I don’t even know this dude! And he’s killed a shit ton of people..
“Uh, well,” oh fuck it, “I would love that. Thanks.”
He smiled, “I’ll see you then, (Y/n).”
He left and closed the door behind him. She rushed to fill out the card and went to find Tony. Knowing him, he’d probably be down in his lab playing robots with Morgan. (Y/n) hopped in the elevator and headed towards the basement above the parking garage. It stopped around 3 floors down and the sign flashed “gym.” The doors opened and Bucky entered, sweaty from trying to workout and get rid of all these new feelings he’s having. He didn’t look up from his phone until the doors closed behind him. 
His eyes landed on hers, “O-oh hey! Hi.”
(Y/n) gave him a wave and looked down at her letter, rolling it up in her hands.
“You going to the party?”
“That’s good! Really good! Because you really don’t need a date for stuff like this, we’re all friends, right?” Bucky was desperately trying to make up for what he had said earlier. 
“I have a date actually.”
His eyes widened, “What? Who?”
She turned and shrugged, “Just some guy I met, don’t think you would know him.”
A light went off in his head- she’s trying to make me jealous, isn’t she! She doesn’t have a date! She just wants me to make my move!
Bucky laughed and gave her a smirk, “You don’t have to lie to impress me, doll.”
She whipped around, “Excuse me? You don’t think I can get a date?”
His cheeks turned bright red, “W-what? No, you’re just trying to make me jealous.. right?”
Her jaw dropped, “You are so full of it.” 
The elevator dinged and (Y/n) exited into the basement, leaving Bucky’s head full of questions.
Did I just fuck up again, he thought. 
The next few days past fairly quickly. (Y/n) spent her time in the medical bay once again, dealing with minor injuries and organizing the first aid kits. The few highlights she did have was a quick lunch with Loki, which seemed very abnormal for him. He showed up in her office with, as he called it, “Midgardian Trash,” which was just a plate of different snack foods that Clint had recommended. They ate in a comfortable silence, sharing a few thoughts here and there, until he took his que to leave. (Y/n) walked him to the door and was surprised when he pressed a kiss to her cheek, making her face heat up.
“See you tomorrow, dear (Y/n).”
She stumbled out a response, making him laugh at her speechlessness. After work she rushed to prepare herself for Saturday night.
It was probably the biggest party upstate New York had ever seen. Completely catered, a professional band, everyone dressed up in their finest clothing. (Y/n) would’ve felt completely out of place if it wasn’t for Loki’s arm wrapped around her waist as they entered. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark green tie, constantly repping his main color. Time flew as they spun on the dance floor and drank a little too much, although alcohol didn’t seem to have much effect on him. Loki excused himself to the restroom as (Y/n) downed a glass of water to sober up. She felt someone sit next to her at the bar.
“Look, I’m not interested-”
“Are you crazy? Like- do you genuinely have a death wish?”
She looked beside her and was face to face with Bucky. It felt weird to see him so dressed up. She was used to the sweats and t-shirts, but she had to admit that he cleaned up nice. 
“What are you talking about?”
He glared at her, “Loki? Your date is LOKI. Steve filled me in, I know everything. He’s killed people, (Y/n)! A lot of them!”
“So have you.”
“I-” His voice faltered. “That’s different, you know it is. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“Well don’t be. He’s actually a pretty good guy. And here he comes now.”
Loki appeared, tapping Bucky on the shoulder, “can I help you?”
“We were just talking.”
He laughed, “seems you would rather do much more than that.”
(Y/n)’s brows furrowed, ‘What does that mean?”
Bucky’s face turned red, “nothing! I guess I’ll leave you two alone now.” 
“Nonsense,” Loki pushed him back into the chair. “Tell the woman what you think of her. Perhaps it could work out for you, or for us both.”
(Y/n) was confused again, “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”
Loki looked her up and down, “don’t be a fool. He fancies you, as do I. I propose an agreement-”
“wait what,” she looked at Bucky, “you like me? Like- more than a friend?”
He looked down at the table, confused and frustrated about his feelings and about how this alien douchebag was making fun of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke up.
“Listen asshole-”
Loki rolled his eyes, “do you wish to mount the lady or no?”
(Y/n) choked on her water, “what the fuck-”
Bucky’s eyes felt like they would fall out of his head, but he responded instinctively, “yes, god yes.”
Butterflies went off in (Y/n)’s stomach, eyes locked onto Bucky’s face.
“Great. So do I. So we shall share her then? Tonight? What do you think?” 
Loki turned to (Y/n), who was in shock.
“Tonight, the two of us, yes? In your chambers, perhaps.”
“I-uh, okay.”
Bucky licked his lips, “Okay?”
“Yes, I mean-fuck, why not. You are both.. wow.”
Loki laughed, “Great, but truly shocking how blind you mortals are to each other.” 
The three of them sat in a weird tension at the bar while waiting for Tony to give his toast. After about 10 minutes of emotional rambling, Tony finally raised his glass to the Avengers. (Y/n) downed her drink and looked to the two men sitting beside her. Locking eyes, they shared a common thought and all excused themselves one by one. They found their way into (Y/n)’s bedroom, where she made herself at home by throwing off the heels she had been wearing all night. 
Bucky cut off her rambling with a hot, open mouthed kiss pressed to her lips. His hands trailed down her sides and grabbed her ass. He pulled away, breathing hard. “You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that.” 
He suddenly felt far more confident and began to strip off his suit, starting with the tie that had been choking him all night. Loki threw off his coat and pushed (Y/n) onto her bed. 
“I want you to kneel.” 
She stood up on her knees, face flushed, waiting for his next move. He slowly undid his pants and pulled out his cock. 
Well, yeah, he’s definitely packing
(Y/n) pressed a kiss to the tip before licking her way from the bottom back to the top. She took a deep breath and took him in her mouth as far as she could. Loki began to thrust, gripping her hair and pushing her forward, using her mouth as a fucktoy. (Y/n) opened her eyes to look up at him and noticed Bucky on the side, hand in his pants, eyes zeroed in on her mouth. She motioned for Bucky to strip, making him drop his pants and boxers, leaving him now completely exposed. His hand continued to pump his length, whimpers leaving his mouth. Loki noticed (Y/n)’s eye’s on Bucky and pulled away from her, leaving spit and precum dripping down her mouth.
“Take her.”
Bucky’s face flushed, embarrassed to be doing exactly what some other dude told him to. He walked towards the bed, cock standing proudly. 
“Is this okay?”
(Y/n) nodded yes, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him onto the bed with her. With Bucky underneath her, she lined up with his dick and sunk down onto it.
“Fuck! Jesus-fuck-”
(Y/n) couldn’t think for a moment, too distracted by how much he was stretching her. Bucky’s head was thrown up and his grip on her thighs tightened. He lifted his tips and bucked into her, making her gasp again.
Regaining her composure, (Y/n) began to roll her hips. As she rode him, Bucky sat up and his lips found their way to her neck, leaving marks up and down it. From the side of the bed, she could see Loki completely exposed now, hand running up and down his length as he watched them. He smirked as he caught her eye, making it more of a show. 
His hand moved faster before focusing on his tip. (Y/n)’s thoughts were broken from him as Bucky began to paw at her clit, rubbing it just the right way. Her hands went to his hair, pulling him close.
“God, so fucking-shit-so tight-”
Bucky’s voiced was strained, trying not to finish before her, but (Y/n) was making it difficult with how tight she was clamped around him. 
“Fuck-i’m so close, please!”
Bucky started thrusting up into her, “say my name-fuck”
“Bucky! Please!”
He rammed into her with a quick pace, hands groping her ass. (Y/n) a warmth growing in her, squeezing his dick even more. Finally, she reached her peak and exploded around him, dripping her juices down his dick. Bucky quickly flipped them over, putting one of her legs over his shoulder and started to pound into her. (Y/n) choked on her breath, completely overwhelmed from the overstimulation. Bucky’s thrusts began to stutter until he bucked one last time, going deep into her and exploding. He filled her up and slowly pulled out, seeing his cum dripping out of her.
“Holy shit.”
(Y/n) laughed, trying to catch her breath, “thanks, you too.”
“Quite the show, indeed.”
(Y/n) had almost forgot there was a whole other dude waiting to fuck her. Looking over, Loki’s cock was still standing tall, the tip burning red. 
He stood up and made his way to the bed, “On your hands and knees.”
His command made butterflies form in her stomach. (Y/n) turned over and got on her hands and knees. Loki entered her without warning, making her scream out in surprise. His hand came to her head, pushing her into the mattress. His pace picked up as he slammed into her.
Loki laughed through his heavy breathing, literally fucking her into the mattress.
“Let’s get something in that mouth, yes? Barnes-”
Bucky’s eyes moved from watching where Loki was connecting with (Y/n) to her mouth. “Sure-yeah, fuck yes.”
Bucky was thankful for his super soldier qualities because he was already up for round two. He got on the bed, dick facing (Y/n)’s mouth. She got back on her hands and kissed his tip before he pushed in. Bucky let (Y/n) control the pace although most times she was pushed on his dick by Loki’s hard thrusts. (Y/n) lost track of time as she getting literally fucking railed. Loki’s thrusts began to speed up and sweat was dripping down his godly body. 
(Y/n) felt the coil in her stomach tighten again, warmth spreading through out her, she was close, moaning around Bucky’s length. He pulled out of her mouth and began to jerk off, enjoying the show Loki and her were putting on. 
(Y/n) screamed as she reached her climax for the second time that night, eyes rolling to the back of her head, but Loki didn’t slow. He continued until one finally thrust, he pulled out and spilled onto her back, throwing his head back.
The noises (Y/n) was making made Bucky cum into his own hand before collapsing on the bed. 
(Y/n) dropped onto the bed, legs shaking. “Jesus- fuck.”
Bucky put a hand to her cheek, “you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
She shook her head, “No, just-fuck- I’m gonna be so fucking sore.”
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