#and it was always really loud and i couldnt skip it and it freaked me out
avocado-frog · 1 year
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Tagged a while ago by @the-stray-storyteller how goes it my friend
I'm finally working on chapter seven today. turns out all I needed was to put in my dylan and elliot agenda
Dylan wasn't afraid of much, other than flying squirrels. And The Muppets.
Tags: (no pressure still) @briannaswords
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. “pretty boy”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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"and why did you disappear for two days straight?!" kunikida exclaimed "what could you have possibly been doing all those times you've skipped work?!"
she simply smiled as she hummed under her breath, blatantly ignoring the man. "i told you i had school, kunikida-kun" she said with a soft chuckle
"i know that. i've already let that go since the president approved of it, but your absence is always messing up my schedule!" kunikida grumbled in annoyance as he slammed his hand on her desk.
"you are my partner and you have to work with me and not slack off all the time!"
"are you even listening?!" kunikida shrieked
"of course" she answered mindlessly. she simply stared at the phone she was holding with a cutesy grin and a small blush on her cheeks. "kenma-kun is so adorable! i truly couldnt ask for a better suicide partner!" she gushed 
kunikida irked a brow while atsushi simply sighed. 
"are you seriously following the poor guy around?" atsushi asked "that's kind of wrong you know" he said 
kunikida gritted his teeth and grasped her by the shoulders. "that is what you waste your time on rather than doing your work?!" kunikida exclaimed angrily 
he started shaking her violently, though she still had the same dumb grin on her face as she sluggishly chanted kenma's name 
"oya? would you look at the time, kunikida-kun!" she chimed. she pointed to the wall clock, displaying the time. 7:30. "i have to get to school! bye-bye!" she waved 
suddenly, just before she could exit the door, she turned around to look at him. her eyebrows furrowed as a look of concern painted itself on her features. 
"hey, kunikida-kun" she called out
kunikida glanced at her with gritted teeth, but didn't respond. 
"you should ease down, you know?" she cooed "i heard if you're too neurotic, you'll get lots of wrinkles and your aging becomes accelerated" she said with a hum 
kunikida calmed himself down as he sent her a curious yet wary look. "is that true?" he asked 
"oh, you should take notes" she urged him 
complying, he pulled out his notebook and began writing down. "if you're too neurotic..." he voiced out as he wrote "your aging will-" 
"im messing with you" she admitted nonchalantly 
a loud snap could be heard, emitting from the pen he was holding which was now broken in half.  "bastard! stop ridiculing me!" kunikida exclaimed 
just as the heel of his shoe could hit her, she skillfully dodged and stepped out of the room.  "hehe, see you later~" she cooed as she waved them goodbye 
as kunikida went back to screaming and whining about his good-for-nothing partner, atsushi could only watch in dread and confusion 
atsushi sweat dropped, hesitantly lowering his head on his desk as he muttered under his breath. 
"i really wonder why those two are partners" 
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"oya oya. you sure are late, ms. manager" kuroo mused 
she simply laughed in response and waved him off "sorry. i had some things to take care of" she said  "has fukurodani arrived yet?" she asked as she fiddled with the bandages on her neck 
"yeah, they're in the gym. we were waiting for you so we stayed out here for a while" kuroo said 
kenma sent her a longing glance, though he stood still while clutching his PSP in hand.  call him dramatic, but a minute has passed and she hasn't greeted nor tried to convince him on a double suicide yet. 
it was unnerving. 
"oya? you look peeved, kenma" kuroo whispered to him . the bedhead captain smirked teasingly as kenma huffed in annoyance. 
"shut up, kuroo" kenma whispered back 
then finally, she noticed him. she shot him a loopy grin and a wave
"oh, kenma!" she beamed "i have a pretty funny story" kenma smiled and nodded, urging her to continue with her 'funny story' 
"so last night, i tried to put the toaster in my bathtub!" 
noticing her loud and distinctive voice, and her ever so lovely suicidal tales, nekomata let out an amused chuckle. he lead fukurodani's two managers over to the girl. 
"but my power got cut off." she sulked, though kenma just listened along, completely unbothered 
"so i tried again this morning! but ranpo-san stole my toaster-" 
"this is y/n! she's nekoma's newest manager. so far, she's been doing a pretty good job." nekomata chimed in "hi! we're fukurodani's managers!" they greeted 
she excused herself away from kenma, much to his displeasure 
she sent the girls a smile and a wave "hey, i.." she trailed off. the girls look at her curiously as her eyes seemed to follow a certain dark haired setter. 
"i..think i have found the most beautiful boy i've ever laid my eyes on!" she exclaimed. her eyes seemed to sparkle as she studied each inch he had to offer from head to toe. 
"oh, akaashi-kun?!" one of the managers squealed excitedly
"you have good taste, y/n-chan! wanna talk to him?" the other girl asked 
"oh boy, do i?" she grinned as she prance around happily "i have a very important question to ask him!" 
as she and the two managers made their merry way over to akaashi, kuroo and kenma stayed behind watching them. kuroo chuckled and nudged the pudding-head. "heh. looks like you've been replaced" he said 
"y/n found a new boy to- um.. kenma?" kuroo sweatdropped 
kuroo grinned nervously as he watched kenma scrunch his face up in distaste, looking quite agitated as he gave akaashi a nasty glare. 
kenma gritted his teeth as he watched his girl-friend getting hyped up by the girls to talk to the setter. 
"oh no.. is y/n gonna pop the question to their setter?" yaku said as he caught sight of the girl creeping up behind akaashi 
"i think she's just saying hi.." kai intervened with his usual kind smile 
"no.. most likely not" yaku hummed 
she bit back a grin as she tapped akaashi on the shoulder. the setter perked up as he put away his bottle. he looked back to meet sparkling (e/c) colored eyes. 
"oya? can i help you with anything?" akaashi asked 
"akaashi-kun, this is y/n-chan! she's nekoma's manager!" the girls said 
akaashi nodded and bowed politely "nice to meet you, y/n-san. my name is akaashi keiji" 
she wordlessly took his hand in her bandaged ones, much to his surprise. though akaashi still managed to keep his stoic expression despite the soothing touches she left on his skin. 
"i have finally found a reason to live.." she started off dramatically "a reason to live? no! a reason i've kept living until now!" she exclaimed 
she looked up at him with sparkling eyes, filled with endearment and admiration. "that's right! i've lived to this day so i can go on a double suicide with you!" 
akaashi raised his eyebrows in surprise, while the entirety of nekoma simply bowed in apology from behind her. 
"i-is that so?" akaashi asked, a small chuckle emitting from his lips "yes! im sure of it!" she said "ah, mon amour~" she cooed 
"double suicide?" akaashi muttered in confusion "feel free to do it on your own..?" 
"well, maybe don't do it at all, actually" akaashi said with a soft chuckle.
"a double suicide is not possible alone!" she countered 
akaashi blinked and looked up at nekoma, who were still silently apologising. the dark haired setter looked at her in concerned and asked, "are you in need of a therapist or perhaps someone to talk to, y/n-san?" 
"why would you ask that, mon amour?" she smiled nervously 
"im quite concerned for you." akaashi said "and if you don't, i'd be happy to refer you one." he offered 
she silently stared at him with a smile, him doing the same. his hands were still in hers as they looked at each other in silence. she then flushed a soft pink as she dramatically covered her face with her hands. 
"ah! your vitality is blinding!" she exclaimed 
akaashi simply laughed and nodded along, slightly amused by her crazy and bubbly persona. 
"AKGAAASHII!" bokuto's loud voice called out 
"bokuto-san.." akaashi responded, looking back to meet eyes with his overly energetic friend running towards them 
"oh my" she said with a hum. she simply watched as the gray haired boy slapped his hand on akaashi's back. 
"hey hey hey!" bokuto cheered "did you see my totally awesome spike just now, akaashi?!" bokuto asked, followed by a loud and booming laugh 
"im sorry bokuto-san, but i didn't" akaashi said in his usual monotonous voice. almost instantly, bokuto's mood dropped. his hair drooped as a frown etched itself on his face. 
"r-really?" he sniffled with a pout 
"i saw it." she chimed in 
bokuto then grinned, successfully breaking out of his dejected mode. his head snapped towards her, a proud and happy look on his face. 
"is that so? so you saw how i broke through those blocks?! did you?!" bokuto asked eagerly 
she laughed softy, covering her mouth with her hands, as she nodded. "that's right." she said "i don't think i've seen anyone spike that hard. so far, atleast" 
akaashi sweat dropped as he watched bokuto cheer happily, repeatedly chanting his 'hey hey hey' catchphrase as he does so. 
"you shouldn't butter him up so much, y/n-san" akaashi said "though im very grateful. i'd have to resort in not setting to him until he snapped out of it, once again." he chuckled 
she grasped his hands in hers again and sighed dreamily "ah! your decisiveness is even more blinding!" 
"ehem. y/n." kenma chimed in. he fake coughed as he sneakily glared at their hands. "we need you back on our team." he said 
"right, right" she sighed 
"well then, hopefully, i'll see you both later" she said as she waved bokuto and akaashi goodbye 
"it was nice to meet you, y/n-san" akaashi smiled at her
she blinked rapidly as she studied the angelic boy infront of her. "ah! your beauty is truly blinding!" she exclaimed, dramatically holding out her hand to touch his face 
though, before her skin can make contact with his, kenma was already pulling her away. 
"you shouldn't waste your time of day flirting around with guys you see." kenma said in a quiet voice. he kept an emotionless expression as he guided her back to the bench. 
"hmm. i see" she said. she smirked as she studied his tense shoulders and the agitated aura flowing out of him. 
"ne, kenma-kun" she called out "what made you think i was flirting with akaashi?" she asked tauntingly 
kenma stopped in his tracks and side eyed her "huh? well you were-" 
"or better yet.." she cut him off "why are you so bothered?" she smirked "are you perhaps jealous, kenma-kun?" she asked with a teasing hum 
kenma flinched and looked away to avoid her eyes. "no.. why would you say that?" 
"its not like i have any reason to be, anyways" kenma said 
she smiled knowingly and shrugged. "well, i guess you're right." she mused "after all, you're just a friend. i can look for many more and ask others to join me on my goal of a double suicide." 
kenma furrowed his brows at her awfully unfiltered and hurtful words. he stared at her back as he watched her walk away. 
"why.." he muttered 
"hm?" she hummed, sparing him a glance as she took a seat on the bench. 
kenma walked up to her, his hands laying limp on his sides as he lowered his head.  "why would you say that?" he muttered 
she softly smiled as she leaned back on the seat. "why wouldn't i?" she mused 
"b-because!" kenma exclaimed, it was a bit louder than he had intended. the boys of nekoma looked at them from the other side of the gym. 
kuroo chuckled in amusement while the others look at him in confusion "what's happening?" yaku asked  "dunno, yakkun. maybe a lover's quarell or something" kuroo said jokingly 
"ooohh! they're lovers?!" lev asked excitedly 
"idiot." yaku muttered 
kenma racked his brain for the right words to say while she simply watched him with a smile. 
"yare yare, don't beat yourself up about it" she sneered "after all, im just messing with you" she said with a small chuckle 
kenma pouted at her. he stuffed his hands in the side of his shorts and turned away. "you're so mean." he said with a frown 
"eh?? i was just joking!" she exclaimed as she pulled him back by his arm, forcing him to sit next to her. "after all, i'd never replace you!" she squealed loudly as she latched her arms around him. 
"never never never!" she chanted repeatedly as she nuzzled her cheek along his hair 
kenma groaned as he felt himself getting tossed and tugged around like a doll, once again. 
"i won't let you go until we both drop dead!" she exclaimed loudly. she had a blush on her face, paired with a dreamy smile "ah! imagine dying alongside each other!" 
she squeezed kenma even tighter, possibly crushing his ribs and windpipe. "ah! i wouldn't have it any other way!" she exclaimed with teary eyes
"o-okay, i get it!" kenma wheezed 
he pushed her away and gently massaged his aching body. "geez. keep doing that and you'll kill me before you can have your awfully anticipated double suicide" he said 
he then walked away, back towards the team by the court. as she fully registers his words, she blinked in shock and looked at his retreating figure. 
"does that mean you'll go on a double suicide with me?" she asked 
"dont get your hopes up." 
leaving her behind, kenma walked up to the team, ignoring their painfully obvious stares. 
"what." he spat out, sending his teammates an irritated look. 
"oh, nothing. nothing at all~" kuroo mused, a small smirk grazing his lips 
kenma sighed and picked up a ball, blatantly ignoring kuroo and yamamoto who were now hovering over his shoulder 
"nice job, kenma! you finally snagged a girl!" yamamoto cheered "please go away" kenma muttered 
kuroo laughed and slung his arm around him. "don't worry kenma, no other boy will be taking up your lady's attention" he mused. kenma sighed and turned away from them. 
"again, please go away" 
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it was the end of the day, and fukurodani was settling in an Inn a block down from nekoma. "wanna eat out today? i can call over some people from the other team" kuroo asked them 
"yeah! im so hungry!" yamamoto whined 
"are you coming, y/n-senpai?" inouka asked her 
she simply smiled and nodded. "sure, i'd love to-" 
though she cut herself off as she felt some minimal movement and a pressure nearing her face. she quickly grasped whatever it is in her hand just before it could fully pierce her skin. 
"oya? what’s this?" she muttered with a hum 
"e-eh?? y/n-senpai is that a knife?!" lev shrieked in fear, making the others look her way. 
sure enough, she was standing there, holding a dagger by the hilt. the said dagger pointed to her face. 
"why do you have that?" kenma asked, a hint of panic and worry in his tone 
"well, i was sure it came from nowhere, really" she replied nonchalantly. she pulled the blade away, revealing a small shallow cut on the side of her cheek. a lone drop of blood dripped down from the wound.
she wiped it off with the back of her hand, causing the white bandages to stain a crimson red. 
"what do you mean?" yaku asked, now also worried. 
"well, it came from that direction-" she stopped herself as another dagger came flying towards her. though she used the one in her hand to skillfully block it before it could hit her. 
"oi! who the hell threw that?!" yamamoto exclaimed angrily. the boy looked around the empty street, trying to see who would dare try to hurt their friend. 
"hmm." she hummed thoughtfully, twirling the dagger in her hand. 
"plotting as usual?" a voice called out 
the boys watched in confusion as she perked up from the sound, a look of dread and agitation looming her features. 
"that voice.." she muttered, her face slightly scrunched up 
"its been quite long, and seeing you like this.." he said "soft, vulnerable, wounded.."
"its quite laughable. won't you agree, y/n?" chuuya sneered
she simply gagged and threw the dagger away. "gross! man, gross!" she whined out 
"i like that reaction" chuuya replied nonchalantly "it makes me wanna strangle you." 
she simply gritted her teeth as she watched him in agitation. her eye twitched every so often as he walked towards her. 
kuroo butted in, a look of confusion in his face. "um, sorry but who the hell is this?" he asked with a scoff 
kuroo looked down at chuuya, who simply ignored him and made his merry way towards the girl. 
"did you miss me, you suicidal brat?" chuuya spat out with a laugh 
she simply groaned and hugged kenma's arm as a way to scurry away from chuuya. 
"ugh. ew."
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queenabstract · 4 years
Do you still do trolls requests?? If so could I get a cute dickory x yodel troll reader where they reunite after the world tour and everyone’s like awwwwe
Throughout you childhood, things had been a little rough. Thing was being a yodel troll, you were expected to be as loud as possible without causing a landslide. That was tough because you lived in the mountains. Little you had a voice louder than any other, and it was killing you inside that you couldn't use it. Then one day it started to change. There was one family that was always coming and going. A father and his two sons. He used to have a girl too, but you hadn't seen her in a while. The father was named Mouse Whiskers. Made sense since he was short and his hair had a way of pointing out and curving up a little. His younger son, Hickory, had his hair, but grew much taller and bulkier. Towering over his older father and older brother. The older son was named Dickory. He was short like his father, but had long hair that had a bit of a natural flow to it. You talked to them when they were there, quickly befriending the older one. The three of you would hang out and have all sorts of fun together. One day, you and Hickory were talking while Hickory played with his toy horses and you were trying to fix his wild hair.
"Now that I think about it, I've never heard you yodel that much. Why?" Dickory asked. You let out a sigh.
"Its not because I don't want to. Its that I'm to good at it."
"Excuse me?" Dickory gave you a confused look.
"I'm way to loud. I would have to hold myself back or I'd cause an avalanche." You explained.
"Oh. But that doesn't mean you can't yodel at all." Dickory pointed out.
"I hate holding myself back. Its really difficult and honestly I'd rather not make any kind of music at all if I have to hold myself back." You said. "I feel like I'm holding myself as a prisoner." You gave up on Hickory's hair. Dickory hummed and looked at one of Hickory's horses. He picked it up and held it in front of you.
"You see this horse?" He asked you. You nodded. "Now imagine the entire neck and head gone, and replace that with the top half of a troll." Dickory said.
"Uh, pardon me?" You asked.
"That's a country troll!" Hickory exclaimed.
"SHHHHSHSH!" Dickory shushed Hickory and looked around. "We're not supposed to tell anyone but...there are other kinds of music that exist out there. A whole bunch! There's Pop, Funk, Techno, Reggaeton, Hard Rock, and so many more! Including Country. We haven't just been traveling. We've been visiting our mom in Lonesome Flats. She's a Country Troll. You live with your auntie right?" Dickory asked.
"Uh...yeah. But she doesnt watch me. I once left for a whole week and she had ni clue. I just have a bed there." You said.
"Then come with us on our next trip. We'll take you to Lonesome Flats and you could live their instead! You won't have to worry about being to loud or causing landslides. Though you'd have to sing Country instead of Yodeling and you'd be expected to be a hard worker." Dickory explained.
"Are you kidding!?! Yes! Absolutely!" You exclaimed and hugged him. "Thank you, Dickory. You're the best." You said and kissed him on the cheek. You didn't notice his blush.
The very next day, you hid inside of the wagon as the family made their way to Lonesome Flats.
"(Y/N), come on out. We're here." Dickory said. You tumbled out onto the dirt.
"Woah." You said as you looked at the small town. "This is where your mama lives?" You asked. Dickory nodded.
"Yeah...though I haven't seen her yet...she usually meets us here." You and Dickory wondered off in different directions. You walked towards the center of the town where there seemed to be a party of some sorts. Dickory wasn't kidding. These trolls were half troll and half horse. It was so cool! You saw a little Country troll with red hair and a green tail around your age. She was dancing and seemed to be enjoying herself. You skipped up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She rurned to you in surprise.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." You said.
"Well Howdy, (Y/N)! My name is Delta Dawn. Nice to meet ya!" Delta held out her hand. You shook it. "What brings you out here to Lonesome Flats?" Delta asked.
"Well...I was hoping to move here." You said.
"Move here? Dontcha have a mama and papa?" She asked. You shook your head. "Oh. Well I can talk to my papa. He's the mayor round here. He might just be able to help you out. She said and galloped away. You looked around to fund Dickory and Hickory, but you didn't see them anywhere. You skipped up to a random country troll and asked if they knew where they went.
"Them Yodelers? Ah. Their mama died. So their papa took em and left. Good riddance."
"Dickory is gone?" You asked.
"Yeah. Why? He was a friend of yours or something?" He asked. You nodded and walked away. Their was a feeling in your chest that was hard to describe. It felt like there was a weight and it hurt inside. It didn't physically hurt but...it did? You were confused.
"I fall to pieces." You began singing. "How can I be just your friend? You want me to forget, pretend that we never met!" Your voice became louder. Thankfully, you had walked away far enough from the other trolls so that they couldn't hear you. "And I'll try I'LL TRY! BUT I HAVEN'T YET! NOW YOUR GONE! And I fall to pieces." You sang.
Delta Dawn talked to her papa. You told him everything about how and why you came. He decided to take you in as his own. The three of you bonded and you fit right in as the younger daughter. Delta made sure than you didn't live in her shadow and pushed you to yodel in front of the others and NEVER hold back. You sang and yodeled until your throat was sore. The Country trolls absolutely adored your voice and were impressed by how loud you could be. You missed Dickory and his little brother. You thought about him every night. You were still sad you never got to say goodbye or thank him. It was all because of him you were a yodeling country troll.
You grew into a strong woman. There was never a man or woman who caught your heart like Hickory once did, so you had an egg on your own and had a little baby girl. You ended up naming her Clampers. She'd spend a lot of time with you, her aunt Delta, and your cousin Growly Pete. She was a wild one and would sometimes ate random objects. You still loved her anyways. You were surprised to find her born with four legs instead of two like you, but you had to assume it was bbecause you grew up in Country, so her body adapted to it before she hatched. She spent time with Delta a lot since you'd scout the outskirts of Lonesome Flats for predators and such. You were the one who showed Delta the letter from Barb after a weird looking bat gave it too you. You rounded up more of the Country trolls to prepare for the attack and left Clampers with Delta. Your voice almost stopped Barb.
"CLAMPERS! DELTA!" You screamed. You couldn't do anything but watch in horror as Barb turned everyone, including your sister and precious little girl into rock zombies. You were kept tied in chains near the center of the stage. Barb was pointing her guitar towards you.
"Don't worry. You're joining them." Barb said.
"No!" A voice called out and a small figure jumped out in front of you. When they broke out of the rock, you couldnt believe it. There was no way. They turned towards you. Their red eyes staring straight into your soul.
"Dickory?" You whispered. You were in so much shock, you hadn't realized that there was a fight going on onstage until the strings were broken amd drained you of your color. You fell to the ground, feeling weak. The chains slipped off and you felt gourseld being sat up.
"Mama?" Clampers asked, sitting in your lap. You held her in your arms and looked to see Dickory helping you up.
"Dickory?" You asked.
"I'm here, (Y/N)." Dickory said. You pressed your forehead against his and sighed, closing your eyes. Then you heard it, your heartbeats. You looked at the crowd and saw everyone's hearts lighting up and making music. You chuckled. Of course. I mean, you yodeled without a yodeling string, right? Delta Dawn made her way over to you and the four of you started to line up with the other leaders as you all started to sing. Even Hickory left the crowd to join you onstage. You didn't hold back a single bit. You sang and laughed with you childhood friends, just like old times.
"I missed you two so much!" You hugged both of them after the song was over.
"Yeah, we missed ya too." Hickory said.
"Look at you! Youve grown so big!" You giggled and then turned to Dickory. "And you, haven't changed a bit." You smiled at him.
"Really? Not at all?" Dickory smirked.
"Nope. Your still short as hell. And handsome. I guess you did grow more hair though." You laughed.
"Haha! That's what I thought waitwhat?" Dickory asked. Before he knew it, you picked him up and kissed him. He completely melted into it.
"EWW! MAMA!" Clampers exclaimed.
"Aww thats so cute!" You heard Queen Poppy say. You realized that everyone was looking in your direction and "Awwing" at the two of you.
"Well, if you take out all the people staring, I could get used to this." Dickory pulled you back into the kiss.
"Ah jeez get a room." Hickory rolled his eyes and walked away.
I apologize for it being so long, but if I'm doing a request, I freaking COMMIT to it. Though I admit I MIGHT have gone a teeny bit over the top with this? I hope you still enjoy though.
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too-kinky-to-live · 4 years
creative title ik
tbh i think this came out way longer than it should have, felt like i was just rambling on i couldnt help myself lmao
anyway, here’s an oum.asai stuffing fic i’ve been working on and off on since... october 2019. jesus christ. also this is my first time ever posting a fic online, meaning ive never had anyone read my stories before o.o so criticism is welcome! (and if its good enough i might post it on ao3)
Ouma learned an important lesson that day: never take unknown substances from Iruma’s lab. 
In hindsight, he really should have seen this coming. A lone piece of candy sitting on a desk should have looked more suspicious than it had. Still, Ouma had to fulfill his self-proclaimed duty of messing with Iruma’s stuff, popping the blue oval-shaped candy in his mouth and swallowing it without a second thought. 
Skipping cheerfully through the halls to find his next prank victim, Ouma licked his lips of the tasty raspberry flavor. If Iruma was such a great inventor, surely she could make a machine to generate a bunch of sweets for him to steal. His mind raced with the images of cakes and brownies, and his mouth slightly salivating at the thought. 
What the hell? 
Ouma stopped in his tracks. He had never thought about food so strongly before, what was with him today? Before he could dwell on it further, a searing pain tore through his stomach. Ouma doubled over onto his knees, clutching his middle and hissing in pain. Only one word ran through his head.
Going long periods of time without food was nothing new to Ouma, due to his poor upbringing. He should be used to an empty stomach, but damn. This was on a whole new level. Giving in to his hunger, he made a beeline to the dining hall, praying that no one was there to see the Supreme Leader shaking like a leaf. 
Ouma hastily grabbed onto the chairs as he inched his way to the kitchen. If anyone were in the room, they’d describe Ouma’s gaze of the fridge as predatory. Ouma raised a shaky hand to the door handle and swung it open to reveal a smorgasbord of delicacies. 
Chicken, steak, pasta, pies, cakes, soup… Ouma had never seen so much food in one place!
Licking his lips to clean up the drool forming, Ouma grabbed a bunch of plastic containers of meat and pasta and shoved them into nearby microwaves. Of course, his stomach wasn’t willing to wait around for that. A roar from his belly forced him to swipe a strawberry shortcake from the fridge. Ouma plopped himself on the floor and ravenously dug in, scooping up handfuls and shoving them into his gaping maw. The Supreme Leader moaned in ecstasy, tasting the sugary sweet confection. 
Even if he wasn’t alone, he couldn’t muffle his absolute bliss. And within ten seconds flat, Ouma was already lifting the last glob of cake above his mouth, dropping it in and making it history with a single gulp. 
The microwaves dinged in unison to reveal the next courses. Under any normal circumstances, Ouma would be bouncing off the walls from a sugar high. Strangely, though, his mind only repeated one command to the rest of his body: eat. Eat, eat some more, and then eat some more after that. Even his stomach seemed to agree, despite the fact it was pushing against his uniform. 
Soon enough, the only noises that could be heard were gulping, slurping, munching, and moaning from a happy Ouma. His cheeks became perpetually bulged as he kept himself busy chewing on whatever he could get his hands on. 
“Mmmmph… ‘sho good…” he moaned through a mouthful of pasta, before sending it down with an audible gulp. The tightness of his uniform didn’t hit him until he felt a shirt button pop off, giving him a brief release from the pressure. The satisfying pop snapped Ouma out of his stupor, and when he looked down at himself…
Holy shit.
Was that beach ball-shaped thing his stomach? He curiously placed a hand on top, feeling the mass of food churn busily within him. The small, skinny leader never would have imagined himself with a bloated belly, and yet, it was oh so satisfying. His muscles lost their tension and Ouma allowed himself to relax into the sensation, rubbing his swollen tummy gingerly. It was only fitting for someone in his position to be treated to a feast - why didn’t he think of this earlier? 
He glanced over at the open fridge to see it almost empty. Like the light at the end of the tunnel, his greedy gaze settled on a large 2 liter bottle of Panta. Or, according to Ouma, the elixir of the gods. It took a bit of effort to turn his body sporting extra weight over to the bottle; but for Panta, any amount of pain was worth it. He slowly grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the cap, licking his lips eagerly. After a king-sized feast like this, it was only natural to wash it all down with his favorite drink. 
Bringing the bottle to his lips, he proceeded to chug the whole thing. His neck bobbed with the intake, and his belly was steadily expanding for the new content. More buttons began to pop off his shirt until his bare tummy was exposed for the world to see, in all its distended glory. 
Slowly but surely, the bottle’s contents were drained down the gluttonous leader’s gullet. As if to emphasize his triumph, he made sure he was as loud as possible with each swallow. 
Finally, he separated himself from the empty bottle and nonchalantly tossed it aside. Ouma breathed a heavy sigh of relief and lightly patted his belly. 
“Ooooof, that hit the spot.” 
Suddenly, his insides began to bubble and churn, his stomach gurgling in protest. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea… Ouma felt a pressure rise to his mouth, and he swiftly brought a hand to cover it, but he was powerless to stop what came out. 
Ah, that was much better. He glanced down to see his stomach reaching his knees, and his bellybutton completely flat. Ouma remained on the floor in a daze, massaging his tummy to coax more belches out of it. Carefully, he eased himself to lay down on the floor, the movement causing a sharp hic! to escape. 
This was by far the best day he’d ever had at this crappy school. Surely no one needed to use the kitchen… 
“Screw ‘em,” he breathed. “It’s time for a nice nap…” 
Saihara waved goodbye to Kaito as he left the dorms. Looking at his Monopad, it seemed he still had some free time left. His thoughts immediately drifted to Ouma, wondering what the rambunctious little leader did in his spare time. He did mention having a tea party with me once, maybe now is a good time? Saihara thought. Seeing Ouma’s icon in the dining hall, perhaps the leader had the same thought?
Saihara quietly made his way into the dining hall, only to find it completely empty. Ouma couldn’t have known he was coming, where is he? His thought was broken when he heard what sounded like… snoring coming from the kitchen. Saihara could only raise an eyebrow. His detective instincts kicked in as he reached for the door handle. 
Nothing could prepare him for what he was about to witness.
The elusive Supreme Leader was sprawled out on his back, limbs spread out and hair an even bigger mess than usual. His soft snores broke the silence of the kitchen, his mouth agape with a variety of food smears surrounding it. Around his body were copious amounts of bones, crumbs, sauce, and plastic scattered around his slumbering form. By far the most striking sight, however, was his stomach. 
Saihara’s eyes widened as they spotted the round mass. The tip was a bright red, a stark contrast to Ouma’s pale skin. Saihara found himself stepping towards it, unable to resist the allure. He had no idea how appealing this sort of thing was, but seeing the malnourished boy so well-fed… it was truly beautiful. An unsteady hand reached out to caress the orb, and as soon as he made contact with it, he couldn’t help but rub a little. Ouma’s breath hitched slightly, before relaxing with a contented smile. The boy’s smile was always contagious to Saihara, and this was no different. 
He could only imagine what Ouma looked like gorging himself on hearty meals, Lord knows he deserved it. Saihara had to wonder why the boy would do this in the first place, though? The little leader never ate much around others, and Saihara certainly didn’t think he was the type to potentially expose himself like this. 
...Not that Saihara was complaining, though. 
Still, there were better places to nap than on the cold kitchen floor. In fear of making too much noise and waking up Ouma, Saihara opted to leave the mess and attempt to pick him up. “Attempt” being the keyword. The new weight attached to Ouma caused Saihara to grunt as he lifted the boy up in bridal-style. Kaito’s nightly training had definitely paid off. 
While walking back to the dorms, Saihara was treated to the noises of Ouma’s stomach as it busily churned with glurps and gurgles. Nobody was around, so… 
Saihara gave a quick peck to the boy’s belly. 
If Ouma woke up from that, Saihara would have dropped him in shock. But then, an even more terrifying thought crossed Saihara’s mind. What if Ouma was faking this whole thing? The boy would suddenly wake up and reveal a fake lump on top of his real stomach, and proceed to laugh at Saihara, calling him a freak. The very possibility made his heart sink. Ouma sure was dedicated to this prank, if it was one. 
Finally, Saihara reached the equally empty dorms. He made his way to Ouma’s door, and… didn’t open it. He felt as though he would betray Ouma’s trust by going into the boy’s room without permission. With how secretive the Supreme Leader was, access for his room felt like it had to be earned. And that’s just what Saihara was going to do. Turning around, he carried the boy to the other room. 
Saihara took extra care to lay the overstuffed boy onto the bed after closing the door behind them. He had no idea this sort of thing was appealing to him, but he wasn’t about to deny it. Seeing Ouma sleep so peacefully was making him tired, so he got dressed in his pajamas and laid down next to the boy.
Ouma sat up, rubbing his head with a groan. Why did he feel so… heavy? A quick glance at his midsection brought him out of his grogginess. His stomach was a doughy mound, peeking over his pants and out of the bottom of his shirt. He poked at it curiously and was met with a soft, jiggly texture. Ouma found himself blushing slightly. How the hell did he get like this? The last thing he could remember was eating a candy from Miu’s lab and- oh. Of course. That bitchlet probably drugged it.
Upon further inspection, his buttons on his jacket were completely absent. The leader’s blush only became deeper. Ouma took a moment to take in his surroundings. He was seated in a bed that was far too neat to be his, and this definitely wasn’t his dorm room. Oh, and Saihara-chan was asleep at his side. 
Ouma jumped back with a yelp, promptly waking Saihara up. The leader scrambled to pull his jacket over his tummy with little success, as a small part of it pooched out under. Sitting up, Saihara’s golden eyes darted to the concealed midsection, though it was no longer bloated like he had hoped. 
“Saihara-chan, how could you do this to me?! Wahhhhh!” the leader sobbed. This was his test to see if Saihara was behind his transformation, depending on how the detective reacted. 
Saihara faltered slightly, an expression of sympathy painted across his face. “I’m sorry Ouma-kun, I-I don’t have all the details, but I found you in the kitchen sleeping after your, um… lunch.” 
‘Lunch’ was definitely an understatement. Ouma wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow got a hold of everyone’s lunch, given how big he was now. From Saihara’s seemingly genuine response, he couldn’t discern any trace of a lie. The detective found the courage for an interrogation, as he finally broke away from staring at the lump.
“How did you manage to eat that much, Ouma-kun? There had to have been at least twenty containers open,” he pondered, bringing a hand to his chin. 
That was certainly the mystery. With his small stature, the leader didn’t have much of a capacity for food. Although, it was strange how big he still was even after a nap. Ouma had always been stick-thin due to his incredibly high metabolism, so why wasn’t it all digested by now? 
“I remember taking candy from that cum dumpster’s lab, and it made me so hungry! Like I could eat an entire horse! Maybe even two… Nishishishi!” 
The detective stared at him incredulously. “You took a candy. From Miu’s lab. Without knowing what it was.” 
Ouma shrugged. “I was bored. And I thought there was no way that whore would make something that’d kill me.” 
The smaller boy leaned back into the pillows, closing his eyes and resting his hands on his soft tummy. “Welp, at least I won’t have to eat dinner with you losers! I’m preeetty stuffed,” he sighed, giving his belly a light pat. 
Only one of them was relaxing, though. Saihara was shuddering at this weird feeling. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the boy peacefully resting on his bed, and with an adorable belly to boot. Maybe since his eyes were closed, he could sneak a brief rub in…
“You can go ahead and touch, Saihara-chan. I won’t judge you too much!” 
Ouma cracked open one eye halfway, smirking knowingly at the beet-red detective. Saihara gulped and moved his shaky hand over to the overstuffed boy. So warm… so soft… Saihara wanted to give it another kiss, but he highly doubted Ouma returned his feelings. He was probably only letting him do this so he could expose him to the rest of the students afterwards. The little leader seemed to notice Saihara’s hesitation, propping himself up on his elbows to face the taller boy. 
“You should feel honored to be this close to the body of the Supreme Leader of evil! And as your leader, I command you to give me a nice belly rub. Come on, Shumai, don’t be shy!” 
Well, who could resist an invitation like that? 
Saihara began to knead his hands delicately to the protruding belly, applying more pressure to the boy’s sides. This caused Ouma to let out a small burp, taking both boys by surprise. Saihara found that he liked the sound… more than he’d like to admit. Thus, he started rubbing more forcefully. Normally Ouma would call him out for yet another gross kink, but relieving the excess air from his stomach was far more satisfying. 
The detective continued to pamper the leader until he looked over to his wall clock. It was already 5 p.m.? He was getting pretty hungry, though he hated to leave the smaller boy like this. 
“Ouma-kun, I’d like to go get dinner if that’s okay. You don’t have to come, and I can bring my food back here if you’d like.” 
The purple-haired boy stared up at him with an unreadable expression. Without missing a beat, his face formed into a devilish smile. 
“Ohhhh, I see. You wanna get me more food to eat, huh? You want an even bigger stomach to rub? You really are kinky, Shumai! Nishishishi!” he snickered, putting his arms behind his head. 
Saihara almost choked. “T-That’s not it at all! I have to eat too, you know!” The detective may find the boy endearing, but his propensity to make things more difficult could only be handled so much. 
Ouma sat up slowly, taking great care to not upset his still-bloated belly. “No worries, Saihara-chan, I was lying earlier. I’ll come with you! But first, I gotta change into a new uniform.” 
Clutching his stomach, Ouma made his way to his room. At that moment, a thought came to Saihara’s mind. Would there even be food left? The kitchen was restocked daily due to Monokuma and his children. How often did they check for food? By now, he was certain that someone had seen the mess Ouma made. Saihara would hate to see his crush get in trouble for depriving everyone of one of Kirumi’s delectable meals. 
The leader soon returned to Saihara’s room with a new uniform that... wasn’t doing much to hide his indulgence. Anyone could see the apparent bulge under his jacket, almost threatening to pop off another button. Saihara could tell his belt wasn’t as tight as before either. Before he could make a comment, Ouma quickly grasped his hand and pulled him towards the dining hall. 
The two quietly made their way to the dining hall, only to see the group of fellow Ultimates arguing near the kitchen. 
“I bet it was one of those degenerate males who stole our food.”
“Gonta not do it! Gentlemen never steal!”
“I bet it was the Monokubs!”
Saihara poked his head through the doorway, trying to hide Kokichi’s body from the others. 
“Shuichi! You’re just in time!” Akamatsu’s cheery voice called. “We could really use your detective skills right about now.” 
The students collectively turned around with relief washing over them, knowing their local detective could put them at ease. Ouma, on the other hand, was trying his best to hide his belly behind his arms. Unfortunately for him, it was a futile effort.
“Who needs a detective when you have the gorgeous girl genius! I’ve already found our food thief!” A certain blonde proclaimed, followed by her hearty laughter. Everyone turned to Ouma who, to Saihara’s amazement, kept his face completely straight. Before he could react, Iruma jabbed her finger into the leader’s sensitive belly, causing his mask to break and cringe in pain. 
“What the hell, Ouma! This is a new low, even for you!” Kaito’s voice boomed. 
Maki gave her signature death glare. “I could always cut him open as punishment.”
Saihara didn’t think it was possible, but Ouma’s face got even paler at her threat. He couldn’t keep quiet any longer. 
“Everyone,” he cleared his throat, “I know we’re all upset at Ouma-kun. And… I know he pranks us a lot, but it’s always in good fun. Maybe he just got carried away with how good Kirumi’s food was. Ouma-kun told me that he would make it up to you guys by cooking for you guys tomorrow. Right, Ouma-kun?” 
Ouma was speechless. His beloved Saihara-chan was definitely a bad liar, just as he suspected. But, the respect he gained from his peers could maybe make this work. So, just for the hell of it, he decided to comply. 
“Of course, Saihara-chan! I’m gonna make a 5-star meal on my first try! I might even put Tojo-chan out of the job… Nishishishi!” 
The Ultimates murmured among themselves, but Saihara wasn’t listening. Of course, he already decided he would help with the cooking. 
But… he’d make sure there were leftovers for Ouma. 
Lots of leftovers.
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wildfangz · 6 years
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@liliithvatore tagged me in that simself thing thats been goin around DAYS ago but here it finally is! also thank you for the tag this was fun :-]
I tag @slythersim @thelurgoyf @seoulchii @weicyn @solitasims @daisydezem @raha-plays-the-sims if they want to do it & anyone that just wants to do it in general! message me and I’ll even @ u directly if u want. 
anyway lets DO THIS shitload of questions under the cut u’ve been warned!!!
1. what is your name?
2. what is your nickname?
jewel, jules
3. birthday?
oct 26th
4. what is your favorite book series?
percy jackson and the olympians will probably always own my heart & soul
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes & yes. tho i do think a lot of alien sightings and conspiracy theories and what not are bullshit
6. who is your favorite author?
maggie stiefvater probably? also cornelia funke but its been years since ive read anything by her so i cant be sure BUT i loved inkheart & the thief lord so much
7. what is your favorite radio station?
ummm when i listen to the radio at all i kinda just switch between two rock stations and our popular music station.
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
blue raspberry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tasty and i love a blue tongue
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
cool. or bitchin’.  i play it simple
10. what is your current favorite song?
hands like houses - revive
11. what is your favorite word?
roulette and inhibition which i never get to use either as much as i want !
12. what was the last song you listened to?
emarosa - givin’ up ! its a bop!
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
the new she-ra on netflix its so good. and gay
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
moana. its also like the only movie i dont have trouble getting thru despite how many times ive already seen it
15. do you play video games?
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16. what is your biggest fear?
idk... being inherently unlovable i guess n ending up alone? also spiders !
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?
im fairly open-minded and laid back. Unless someones being like, purposely nasty or something I generally don’t get defensive or aggressive. also a lot of little quirks that piss others off dont bother me im very u do u as long as its not actually harming anyone and ive had people tell me this makes it easier to open up to me so thats probably my best quality....
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?
....at the same time though i do get very sensitive when faced w/ criticism even if its of the fair variety when its not phrased really gently for various reasons and i dont like that. especially since I have a tendency to not even talk to people about it. I’ll just immediately start distancing myself. also other than that i think overall I have a really high tolerance lvl but if you cross that line I hold a grudge like a motherfucker
9. do you like cats or dogs better?
cats! dogs are good too but cats are a lot easier for me to handle...and quieter generally but even when they’re loud cat sounds dont get to me quite as much as barks do
20. what is your favorite season?
autumn but im starting to really like summer for some reason? wack :/
21. are you in a relationship?
22. what is something you miss from your childhood?
the lack of responsibility, probably. that sounds real bad lmao but for me its like...I know I’ve grown in various ways over the years but I also feel like so many of my experiences, my trauma, my mental health has held me back and I don’t think I’m mentally where I should be for my age. so all the responsibility of adulthood is just..really overwhelming for me sometimes, even though ive been given a pass from certain aspects of it and the rest is pretty simple its the idea!!!!
23. who is your best friend?
my ex
24. what is your eye color?
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25. what is your hair color?
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26. who is someone you love?
my mom
27. who is someone you trust?
not really anyone rn unfortunately...would like 2 work on that
28. who is someone you think about often?
are my OCs a fair answer because i am always thinking about my babies.....
29. are you currently excited about/for something?
my favorite webcomic (that also has two of my all time favorite characters in it) just came back!! the artist disappeared back in 2015 like the day after I binge-read the whole fucking thing & i was so disappointed but its BACK and 2018 has been redeemed
30. what is your biggest obsession?
sims probably! i could talk about anything relating to it for hours
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?
there were so damn many its hard to even think and figure out the most notable ones...i really, really liked teen titans though?
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
my ex, again
33. are you superstitious?
not terribly so but somewhat. I take certain things as signs and I mean I do believe in astrology & such to a degree
34. do you have any unusual phobias?
i used to be afraid of mirrors but thats all i can think of and its not even a thing anymore...the only other thing is tornadoes but i dont think its unusual. but it definitely sucks for me ‘cause i live in tornado alley!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it....like taking pretty pictures and dont like ppl capturing my image 2 film
36. what is your favorite hobby?
sims.....also singing!!! and drawing!!!! video editing!!!!!!!!! the works
37. what was the last book you read?
The Dream Thieves....havent finished it though because last time i went to read it a spider was lying in wait and im traumatized
38. what was the last movie you watched?
coco i think???
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?
drums, various other percussion instruments, and violin mainly
40. what is your favorite animal?
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhh @bratsims @liliithvatore @cabsim @wildlyminiaturesandwich @keysims pls dont feel bad if i didnt include u these were just the first to pop into my head and ive been following some of them since I first made my blog!! and have kept up with their stories completely and enjoy them etc check them OUT !
42. what superpower do you wish you had?
shapeshifting!!! dysphoria? gone. ugliness? gone. want to morph into a fucked up clown and scare people when they realize all the classic clown features are a real actual part of my face? possible!
43. when and where do you feel most at peace?
chillin’ at the pool in summer during the part of the day when no ones there.... swimming is always relaxing 2 me then i love just resting under the sun and drying off afterwards especially since we have a little pond nearby and i can hear the water! its nice
44. what makes you smile?
always and without fail? interacting with anyone i have a crush on. i’ll look like a dope the whole time
45. what sports do you play, if any?
i used 2 play basketball a lot. Like not seriously but it was a thing
46. what is your favorite drink?
dr pepper and monster energy (original flavor) pumps through my veins at this point. we love a carbonated beverage
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
two years ago for my ex and I’s first year anniversary... I never got it mailed but I did at least take a picture of it (with included caption because my handwriting is atrocious). i was very up front about being a romantic and see heres the PROOF
48. are you afraid of heights?
nope! very excited by them actually
49. what is your biggest pet peeve?
i cant stand passive aggressive behavior. my stance is either get over it or quit acting like a bitch because otherwise im just going to ignore you thats the scorpio way (in all seriousness I really, really do recommend not putting up with it and ignoring it until they decide to be up front with you. it can be exhausting constantly reading into conversations and its not healthy for you or them. if they have something to say they need to learn to talk about it properly, and that lack of social skills is not ever on you)
50. have you ever been to a concert?
yep! i think about....six or so? i love them...which is really funny im autistic and EVERYTHING about them should freak me out and they do in other circumstances but at a show i just live for it
51. are you vegan/vegetarian?
nope! ive thought before id like to go vegetarian...but i couldnt do it with my health problems. also i love shrimp too much
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
ive always wanted to do something creative! when i was rlly young I thought a lot about singing and acting and writing in particular...all things im still interested in.... also i wanted to be a dictator ages 4-7 because i told my mom i wanted to be president of the world and make people do what i say and she said “honey thats a dictator not a president”. i then made that known at school and that turned into a situation!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in?
pokemon universe or bust. 
54. what is something you worry about?
never being able to do things i want to do or catching up with others because of my disabilities
55. are you scared of the dark?
yes but a reasonable amount i think
56. do you like to sing?
yes :]
57. have you ever skipped school?
yes i used to play sick a LOT and as my parents caught onto it id even go all out to convince them. i was good at school but i hated it so much
58. what is your favorite place on the planet?
dunno! malls maybe i love shopping and looking at material objects i wish to own
59. where would you like to live?
oregon! portland in particular thats been my dream for a few years now
60. do you have any pets?
a cat! he lives with my dad & grandma though...hes grown up there and likes going outside so I felt bad about taking him with me when i moved out but anyway this is him hes fat and stupid and i love him his name is coffee
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl because my rhythm is all fucked up but in my heart....an early bird...if i get a good nights sleep i’ll be up early yacking your ear off and so excited for the day
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
sunsets are prettier...but sunrises feel more refreshing
63. do you know how to drive?
nope ! im gay !
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
headphones. better sound quality also discourages people from talking to me slightly more
65. have you ever had braces?
nope! but i need them
66. what is your favorite genre of music?
post-hardcore maybe?
67. who is your hero?
every trans person living their truth and being open and loud about who they are past present & future. the worlds not particularly kind to us and our existence alone is considered a radical act, so its always given me hope to see others refusing to pretend to be someone they’re not in this environment and I’ll always have mad respect for that
68. do you read comic books?
i read manga and webcomics...ive always wanted to get into superhero comics but the amount of issues and different versions is ridiculous and makes it inaccessible 2 me 
69. what makes you the most angry?
i mean its hard to pinpoint what makes me angry the MOST...but a contender is definitely how some people feel free to treat others with cruelty and think its their god given right to deny or attack someones existence in some way, & how acts of kindness, even the most basic are branded as liberal bullshit or whatever....it goes against everything i was taught growing up
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
real book! electronic device can be easier but....rough on the eyes after a while and nothing beats the real thing for me
71. what was your favorite subject in school?
language arts...at least when we did creative writing stuff
72. do you have any siblings?
two older sisters & an older brother that passed away years ago but. still my brother u kno
73. what was the last thing you bought?
mocha frappe baby!!!!!
74. how tall are you?
75. can you cook?
a little bit....not as much as id like to though but im learning
76. what are three things that you love?
storms, cheesy breadsticks, and cat purrs
77. what are three things that you hate?
unnecessary rudeness, being talked down to or generally treated like im stupid, grapefruit which is the worst thing on this list
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends?
female i think?
79. what is your sexual orientation?
im the big bad promiscuous bisexual your parents warned you about
80. where do you currently live?
oklahoma. gofundme campaign to get me out
81. who was the last person you texted?
my friend jojo! just Now!
82. when was the last time you cried?
yesterday afternoon but im a changed man now thats behind me. i will cry about different things soon
83. who is your favorite youtuber?
the mcelroy brothers. also super best friends play. matt, pat & woolie are all great tbh
84. do you like to take selfies?
depends on whether i feel ugly or terribly dysphoric that day or not
85. what is your favorite app?
ummmm....love live school idol festival ive been playin for years its an addiction
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
dad = bad mom = okay. theres some issues that strain it but its not too bad
87. what is your favorite foreign accent?
i have no idea what the fuck australians are talking about half the time but i dig it anyway 
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Mexico, various other states (ive only been out of state three times. twice to texas and then once to kansas. for five minutes)
89. what is your favorite number?
6!! 26 also
90. can you juggle?
ive always wanted to but alas.... :-[
91. are you religious?
i suppose...but im rlly not into organized religion
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
space probably theres so fucking much of it man!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
not to brag but sometimes i eat my mcdonalds hamburgers cold from the fridge so you can figure that one out yourself B)
94. are you allergic to anything?
pecans. not deathly allergic though so catch me eating turtle pie anyway! 
95. can you curl your tongue?
nope :[
96. can you wiggle your ears?
nope :[
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
usually as soon as i realize....unless someones being real smug and annoying then i might be stubborn about it
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach?
ive never been to the beach but i love her!!!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
probably that you have to look at your accomplishments differently when you’re disabled or just struggling, to not be so down on yourself because its a fact that what might be a mole hill to someone else is a mountain to you and you have to judge yourself accordingly. Like maybe you weren’t able to clean the whole house, but washing the dishes and tidying your desk doesn’t usually get done but you did it. That that should be celebrated because while it would also feel good if you did more, you still did something and thats great all things considered.
100. are you a good liar?
sometimes, really depends what im lying about and if im like....into it at all. If my guts against it for whatever reason I’ll have trouble
101. what is your hogwarts house?
i always get slytherin or hufflepuff! usually with like 1 point difference
102. do you talk to yourself?
i am talking to myself right now as i fill this out
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
extrovert mainly! i used to think i was more introverted but now i think a lot of exhaustion when theres any comes from me just going the extra mile and actively trying to read people and pick up on social ques.... if I just chill im fine
104. do you keep a journal/diary?
nope...ive tried but i just cant keep up with it so i do the next best thing. shouting into the void on the internet to a bunch of strangers
105. do you believe in second chances?
depends on what you did the first time. Some people just don’t deserve taking that risk imo...but i can be a little guarded so maybe thats a bit too harsh
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
turn it in, unless there was no identifying things in it & it was found somewhere kinda random. Then I’d maybe hold onto it unless my gut challenged that
107. do you believe that people are capable of change?
absolutely. i mean thats all we do throughout our lives is change and evolve...that being said I think extremely drastic changes are maybe not entirely impossible, but extremely rare, and the residue of the former self usually sticks around in some form
108. are you ticklish?
yes, dangerously so
109. have you ever been on a plane?
110. do you have any piercings?
one day hopefully!
111. what fictional character do you wish was real?
asra from the arcana.....even if he wasn’t my boyfriend thats just a dude u could chill and eat some pomegranates with u know. Before I downloaded the app my friends kept telling me he was made for me and he really was he ticks like everything on my Favorite Characters Feature List except villain but he has that particular allure & attitude i like so much in villains so thats not a single point off hes perfect
112. do you have any tattoos?
nope...one day! hopefully!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
accepting my genderqueerness and bisexuality definitely. Self Love hasn’t been perfected just yet but that was such a huge step in the right direction
114. do you believe in karma?
yes! she doesn’t get shit done as much as id like however
115. do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses. not contacts yet because my eye doctor is a bitch
116. do you want children?
I do....just not sure if id be a good parent. Its really important to me if I had a child itd be for the right reason and I could raise them well in a healthy environment & be able to take care of all their needs yknow
117. who is the smartest person you know?
probably my friend jojo
118. what is your most embarrassing memory?
one time i looked outside and the sunset was really pretty and i wanted to get a photo of it so i walked out.....and stood like right by the street so there weren’t trees in my way...and then i realized mid-pic 1) i am not wearing pants & my shirt is full of holes 2) id been depressed for days so my hair was a tangled mess. I tailed it back inside so i didnt even get a nice pic it was blurry!
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
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120. what colour are most of you clothes?
black i didnt even have to think about that one
121. do you like adventures?
they are pretty swell
122. have you ever been on tv?
a few times when i was little. always photobombing the news reporters 4 what i thought would eventually lead 2 fame & fortune
123. how old are you?
124. what is your favorite movie quote?
this is technically lyrics to that lil song in moana at the end but
“ They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you.”
hits me hard every time! emotional impact? i know her
125. sweet or savory?
sweet!!!!!!!! gotta balance out my bitter somehow
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tayegi · 6 years
I knew it. I fucking knew that you would do that. The whole chapter showed us a stellar example of a beautiful relationship, full of understanding and respect. It was too good to be true. And then you crushed us. I can’t wait to see what happened on that damn date to make JK act that way, what made him so insecure. I’m so immersed in this story, and I love every word of it, but I also know that the time skip and scenes leading up to it will be the end of me. Thank you. 🙏🏻
Anonymous said:Hey, I just finished reading chapter 9 in New rules, and I just have to tell how good of a writer you are. Feel free to delete this ask or not answer it at all if you feel like it's a spoiler, but I just have to say how shocked I was from Jungkook's reaction to the girl's "confession". Like... holy shit! I did not have that coming in my head at all. First I was shocked that she actually went after him. I knew he wasn't gonna agree, but that specific reaction really threw me off.
Anonymous said:Its mentioned numerous times that the OC is cold.The readers know she can be vulnerable and thats because we are reading from her POV. JK can only interpret the OC from her actions and there has been sooo many instances in NR where the OC is the one who pushes JK away. She’s told JK about the rules and she’s never failed to constantly remind him of them. SO in saying that, it’s obvious JK has to be guarded. I don’t get why some people are surprised as to why he acted the way he did at the end.🦋
Anonymous said:I mean both characters seem to keep track of their feelings and I LOVE that. I appreciate the realness (I don't know if that's a word) of the personality of each character. I hate it when a character is oblivious to their feelings, it just seems fake and reflects, in my eyes, the weakness of the writer. That's why I loved it when the girl would freak out if Jungkook seemed sincere and loving, and then would totally relax if he made a sexual move afterwards.
Anonymous said:🦋I also wanted to add and say how much of an amazing writer you are, it’s insane. I absolutely adore you💕
Anonymous said:It shows that she understands how her feelings are going to change if he were being sincere (which I believe he was, but that's not the point). That is why I was surprised by his reaction. He is not stupid! he sees, analyses and understands, and it just blows me away that he decided to respond that way. I would expect that from the girl but not him, and that is why I am so fucking in love with the story, that girl, Jungkook (OF CORSE!) And finally you! Great job.
Anonymous said:And the last thing that I want to add is that, it is very obvious that the girl reflects your actual opinions on sexism, feminism and all of the other social issues adressed in the story. I personally try to educate myself as much as possible on these matters and consider myself to have been raised in a feminist home, but your story and opinions opened my eyes to issues I never thought about... so thank you ❤
Anonymous said:is2g if jimin ends up being another seokjin i am going to scream™ (but at the same time im all for that angst if it does happen cause you write that good shizz and im highkey addicted)
Anonymous said:After reading (and thinking about for days)the latest chapter of NR, I feel like I get jk on a spiritual level. I see him as truly valuing the oc as a friend and loving her platonically. That doesn't make that affection any less valuable or genuine. That being said, I've found myself in situations like this in real life. I've definitely been the Jungkook before. Anyway, just some thoughts. Love and appreciate your hard work always. 💓💖💓💖 Thanks!
Anonymous said:Hi Lu, how r u? So, i just want to give my humble opnion on NR, because is the story of my life, literally. (English is not my first language so i hope u understand) A couple of years ago, i started hooking up w this boy, basically to forget his best friend, and something that beginned as a fwb kind of secret developet into love, but only for me. At that time i couldnt understand what happend bc everything seemed to be going in the direction of a relashionship (1)
Anonymous said:He was a amazing friend, supportive, caring, and i thought that the sentiment was mutual, even if the agreement was not feelings related. Anyway, long history short, he cut me out, and life moved on, and day by day i stated to understand and separate what we were to what we have. Reading the last chapter of nr i felt everything again, but not in the bad way. I was so concetrated in 'jk is in love with the oc' that i forgot his personality, who he is, and what they have. (2)
Anonymous said:Reading the last chapter of nr i felt everything again, but not in the bad way. I was so concetrated in 'jk is in love with the oc' that i forgot his personality, who he is, and what they have. This chapter reminded me why I love so much ur fics, because how human they are, how the characters have so much personality, how everything is not just good or bad, right and wrong. Thanks so much for the update and i'll be waiting anxiosly for the next, you are amazing!!! 💕 (3)
Anonymous said:Hi! I don't think you got these asks so I'm sending them again.~Okay since we only see everything from OC's POV, what if JK rejected her because he thinks the OC doesn't like him? Because from his POV most of the time the OC is rejecting him and has made it clear he isn't her type. Starting with the first chapter he already had an inkling that she might have had feelings for Jimin, secondly, just like JK the OC also has repeatedly reminded him that she could never catch feelings for him.(1/5)
Anonymous said:Third usually whenever she interacts with him she somehow brings up sex and JK even says "why is it always about sex with you" so here we can clearly see that JK would automatically assume that the OC doesn't interact with him for anything other than sex. Fourth, she didn't even admit she found him attractive until recently and lastly she has never kissed him and everytime he suggests it she says something like "eww." (2/5)
Anonymous said:So like how everyone said that even though JK said he doesn't want a relationship but his actions speak differently, similarly the OC's actions also give a loud and clear message and it's natural for JK to assume she doesn't like him. And maybe when he rejected her he was protecting himself and was doing it as a defense mechanism. I mean think about it, JK was drunk and he confessed a lot of things, wouldn't he be a slight bit worried that OC might suspect that he actually likes her. (3/5)Anonymous said:And when she was confessing to him in the end what if JK felt that she was calling him out for his not so platonic behaviour and drunken confession and he just laughed it off and rejected her as a defence mechanism. I'm not saying it's entirely the OC's fault that JK rejected her because I do feel there's something related to his past as well but the OC's actions towards JK also play a huge part in his behaviour towards the end. (4/5)
Anonymous said:I really want to know your thoughts on this. I know you don't want to give away much but do you think I'm completely off and at looking differently or maybe I'm kind of on the right track? (5/5)P.s. sorry for such a long ask, I went overboard, but NR is SO intriguing that I just had to! 💙
Once again, I have to thank you guys for sending in all your thoughts and feelings regarding the new chapter. It’s literally my favorite thing to read and im always blown away by how deep and insightful you guys are! i love you so much and you guys 100000% win best readers of the year! :D 
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sumblebee · 6 years
somehow i managed to turn off ONLY my alarm volume last night and i woke up half an hour late for my first class :( i mean its only first week though and half the lecture is always ‘this is how u use lms etc’... so i baked some bread at home and folded and put away all of my clothes before going in for french and had to spell out loud in french for the first time ever which is cool bc its something thats just never come up? also not cool because i forgot that im AWFUL at spelling outloud in general (my mind like goes proper blank i have to write each letter on my hand w my finger to even get close) also my tutor is stunning im obsessed w her... but then i had to go to my last tutorial and i just kinda panicked i couldnt do it i just knew that guy would b there and id be alone w him and im worried hes mad at me and i just freaked out and skipped to go home early... im in the worst damn headspace ever i feel like garbage and im so fucking depressed and anxious but i went to charlies and just hung out for a bit finishing some commissions and stuff and tommy made us a gorgeous meal and we looked around the abandoned house theyre demolishing next door which was cool... damien and charlie walked me home which was sweet and the moon was just breathtaking on the horizon and i dont know how to feel about anything but im really trying
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dolayn · 7 years
car kisses (pt 2) ♥ ethan
(a/n -- well then long time no see lifes been busy at one point i was thinking of giving this account away but I decided it was waaaay too important to me for me to give it up so here I am with a car kisses pt 2 (kinda short but dont kill me)! hope you enjoy!!!)
word count: 1064
"Pam!" Your smile widens when you see her, running up to hug her as soon as you enter the doors of your favorite small diner,
"It hasn't been that long, Y/N!" She give you a grin and takes you toward your favorite table, which was right near the window with a nice view of the parking lot. It wasn't all that pretty, no, but it made the whole place seem bigger than it really was.
You sit down as you wait for Ethan to come, as he was being dropped off by Grayson because he was, 'doing something important'. Of course, you were anxious to find out what it was considering Ethan sounded rather excited but- you could be pretty patient when it came down to it, and you knew you could just wait to ask him what was up. After all, Ethan never kept anything from you.
You sigh as you think about how long you two have coming to this tiny little diner. It'd been two years and almost once a month you would come visit pam and get your usual number one, just as you had your first date. And each time the amount of fun and laughter coming from your table doubled.
As you daydreamed about all the good times you and Ethan had in this cafe and in these very seats, you almost didn't notice the quiet ding of the door that signaled that someone entered.
You could feel your face grow into one of delight when you saw your handsome boyfriends face.  
"E!" You say happily and stand up to embrace him and he happily lets you, wrapping his strong arms around you and placing a thoughtful kiss on top of your head.
"My love." He says, almost bowing making you smile and laugh. He rushed to your side of the table to pull out your chair, although it was already pulled out enough, and once you did he slid you forward so that you were in a comfortable position in front of the table.
"Such a gentlemen." you say, and he sits down only to reply with,
"Only for you." Giving you major deja vu.
"Wait wait do the thing!" You say and he looks at you with a face that screams, 'really?'. You respond to his facial expression with your famous plea, "Pleeeeeaaaasseee" You drag out the word making him sigh.
A few moments later he made the most hilarious face you've ever seen, making you laugh hysterically. You and Ethan would have face wars all the time to see who could make a funnier face and, of course, Ethan always won.
"H-How do you do that?" You manage to let out  through all of your laughter. Everyone in the diner had pretty much gotten used to you and Ethan's loud and craziness. One time Pam caught you making out in the bathroom hallway and just shrugged it off, so, you could say you and this particular diner had some history.
"Its a natural talent!" He shrugs and you stick your tongue out at him playfully making him grab your face gently and giving you a quick kiss on the lips. You didn't realize how much you'd missed his lips against yours until he actually did it, even though you hadn't even been away from each other for more than a day. You were about to lean in for one more kiss until Pam arrived.
"Number ones for my number ones." She winked making you and Ethan laugh,
"Oh pam, you shouldnt show favoritism." Ethan says loudly making Pam narrow her eyes playfully, and then he whispers, "Don't worry we know we're your favorites!"
You shake your head at your goof of a boyfriend and then look at him and shrug, "Bone Apple tea." You tell him jokingly and he chokes on his water.
"Bon Appetite?" He corrects you and you giggle,
"Same thing!" You say and dig in. You expected Ethan to dig in, as well, but really he was just staring at you, taking in your beauty. He couldnt even understand how you still managed to look beautiful while shoving food down your throat, and just looking at you made him smile. Being with you made his day better by a long shot and just the look on his face gave that all away.
"I really can't wait any longer." Ethan lets out while you were engulfing pancakes. Suddenly he gets up and then gets on one knee making you stop chewing. You were pretty sure your heart skipped a beat and your eyes went wide.
"Y/N, you are definitely the love of my life and I am honestly not sure how I managed to hold off this long. I love you...I love you more than anything and..." He stops for a second, probably recalling the speech he most definitely prepared, "Oh screw that, Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks, looking the most vulnerable you'd ever seen him.
"Yes!" You say with a mouth full of pancakes, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. He laughs as you quickly swallow your delicious pancakes and rush to kiss him. Ethan broke the kiss and grabbed your hand, sliding the most beautiful ring you'd ever seen onto your ring finger.
"I was late because I was freaking out. I'm really glad you didnt suspect anything." He smiles and you smile back, happy tears now rolling down your face like a waterfall. You were so happy, and so excited that you jumped into his arms for another kiss. You both smile into the kiss and Ethan mumbles,
"Why're you crying, baby?" He laughs and you pull away for a moment to respond,
"I'm just so happy!" You laugh, "God Ethan took you long enough!" And pull him into one more passionate kiss.
You were forced apart by the sound of plates breaking behind you. Ethan turns his head and you look over his shoulder to see Pam standing there with broken plates surrounding her. You look at her surprised face, confused until she screams,
"I missed it?"
hehe hope you enjoyedddddd
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gaydemiboy · 5 years
I can't sleep and I just found the need to rant
Alrighty so, I'm pretty sure I suffer from anxiety for a very long time. I mean, years. Have I tried to tell my parents? Oh yeah, multiple times. My dad's always like "Back in my day we didn't have depression and anxiety" or "It's like the school system is telling you to be depressed". Honestly, he isn't too wrong about the latter, but sometimes depression starts at home. I even told him that and he gave me this look, like, "Are you tryna blame me?" And honestly, I kinda can. I mean, whenever I told my dad and mom back in sixth grade that I had attempted suicide over 5 times in multiple ways, they shrugged it off and were like "It's a phase". Literally, I wanted to kill myself and came closer because I wanted to get a point across. Then I got my prescription for glasses, and hoooo boy, that was one hell of a ride. Now, I knew that I needed glasses for a very VERY long time. Like, my school would send letters asking my parents to let me see an optometrist of some sort. But I finally got my prescription for glasses and. My. Parents. Flipped.
Literally lost all their shit, like. They say that if I wear glasses I "don't look normal" and that "my kids are gonna have to wear glasses and they're gonna hate me for tbe rest of my life". And honestly? That fucking broke me into a million pieces, because basically my parents were calling me a freak for something I didn't have control over.
Then I try to come out to my mom ad bisexual (I used to be bi) and she was like "Oh you're just confused" and "It's a phase, it'll pass" So yeah, I just love getting my feelings rejected by my own mother. Woop woop.
Seventh grade, I got sexually harrassed by a childhood friend. When I told my mom, she was like "oh im sorry" And hugged me and was kinda awkward about it. So then she told me dad and older brother and they told me to tell the principal. I just, i just needed someone to hug me and tell me everything was gonna be okay. I needed someone else to do the talking because i didnt feel brave enough to tell me principal. So, they send me to school like any normal day as if nothing happened. Externally i looked dead and numb, while internally i was screaming in pain, betrayal, and just. Many more more bad emotions. I told my vice principal (who was my gym teacher) and she promised to help me. And she did, the boy got in school suspension. I remember the day i told her, i didnt cry. But my voice was dead and my eyes were lifeless. Mostly because i hadnt gotten a wink of sleep that night. My family moved on as if nothing happened meanwhile i was left to deal with all that emotional shit by myself because i didnt know anyone who had been through someone like that. And my parents didnt know what to do either so they were like "eh she can deal with it herself".
Then enter eighth grade. I finally told my ELA teacher (whom I love very much and I am forever thankful to) that i was suffering through depression. I had started cutting in eighth grade, i used scissors. I basically told her everything that happened up above and some other stuff. My hands started shaking and i started crying because i never realized how much that had really hurt me until i said it out loud. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked really sad and shocked. You see, im a pretty decent student. I keep my grades up, am a good athlete, im pretty smart, and i stay outta trouble. And im also known as a quiet kid since i dont speak much except to my friends. So i kinds guess thats why she was shocked. After i finished, she hugged me really tight and said, "Sh, everything's gonna be alright. I'm so glad you told me this" And i cannot express how that made me feel. It made me feel heard, it made me feel loved. And i hugged back and kept crying. She then took me to the counslers and was there with me and helped me talk to her. I haf basketball so we walked down to the girls locker room and she hugged me one last time, "im so glad you told me this Jenny" And i hugged back them went to change. It was empty with other girl's stuff because practice had began like 30 minutes ago. I remember i started crying, but not because i was sad, i was happy. I was, extremely happy. I finally told someone and they listened and they are helping me. I quickly wiped away my tears and got changed and sprinted to the gym for practice.
Time skip, i see a therapist and my parents are finally understanding a bit better. But they mostly still think it's all in my head. My dad had the audacity of telling me, "Hey the therapist isnt cheap so like. Could you try to have less anxiety?" And honestly? That felt like a slap to the face. In my head i was like "bitch what. Did i hear right??? DID HE JUST ASK ME TO HAVE LESS ANXIETY????" and externally i was like, "um, its pretty hard to have less anxiety when ive bern dealing with it for years" And he kinda gave me this glare and turned away. I felt hurt (yet again) and so i didnt say anything else. My teacher was the only one who truly understood me. Somedays, i would skip classes to go to the counslers office because i wasnt emotionally or mentally good. ELA was my last core class of the day, so one day i go back to class. That day i had skipped my first, second, and fourth period (i had gym my third period). Then when i entered class her face seemed to light up. She was walking around, tslking about the lesson of the day. She was writing something down, then when she passed my desk she left a sticky note. I discretely grabbed it and when i looked at what it said i felt like crying. She wrote on it, "I'm so glad you're here today! ❤" And drew a heart.
This gets better.
Okay, so its the end of the year and i finally had figured out i was genderfluid. I really really really wanted to tell my ELA teacher because she is basically the only adult i trust enough. So, we went to the library one day to return our books. I was known as a bookworm and i came to the library often during the week so the librarian knew me well enough. My teacher was at the desk typing some stuff in, then i came up to her with my school agenda and pencil in hand. I told her i needed to talk to her. Then i wrote down, "I'm pansexual, demisexual, and genderfluid" She read it and gave me the biggest smile, "that's amazing to hear! You're part of such a great and beautiful community." My teacher has a part time job in the weekend as photographer. She told me she was a photographer for a gay wedding (one of the groom's later came out as trans) and i felt so happy and proud. I couldnt erase my smile off my face and like, ahhhhhhhhhh.
So, moral of this rant, please dont commit suicide. Dont think that life doesnt get better, because it does. I went from suicidal everyday to being constantly and truly happy. I am forever thankful to my teacher, Mrs. Davenport, for showing me that i dont have to go through everything alone and that someone cares. I love you, Mrs. Davenport ❤
Anywho, if anyone ever needs to talk about something, im always here and ready to listen
I hope you sll have a great day/night/afternoon
Signing off,
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What about a reaction of the RFA+Saeran (and V if you want) to an MC that suddenly shrinks to the size of thumbelina (whether at home or in the middle of an RFA party or a date or somethin) and panic/trouble/mayhem/mischief/amusement/cooing ensues~ preferably different scenario for each member thank you
Thank you for your request! It was a fun idea :D I may have went a bit overboard but I hope you enjoy! Put the read more cause it’s long as heck
You were at Jumin’s penthouse when it suddenly happened
You shrank to a real small size
For a normal person Jumin’s penthouse was big
Mc paniced, what the hell, what the hell was happening??
Everything was too big
She ran to try and get onto the counter which had her phone
But the climb to get there… was damn near impossible
she wasn’t even athletic
meanwhile Jumin walked in, pulling at his cuff as he was readying to go to work, when he noticed Elizabeth the 3rd fixating on something
She looked quite intrigued
Curious, that seemed to catch his attention
Elizabeth began clicking her mouth, then meowed, prancing over to said object of interest curiously
she froze
Elizabeth, Elizabeth no!
Elizabeth recognized it as Mc by her scent and soon gently stopped with some distance between her and Mc and gave a familiar Meow
Jumin walked over to Elizabeth to see what she was looking at
Jumin then froze when he saw Mc
He thought his eyes were deceiving him
Mc looked to Jumin just as surprised and confused as he was
She almost worried what he’d think
without a word he calmly walked over to her and kneeled down
Honestly Jumin was tall enough as is but now he was very intimidating
“Mc?” he asked in a surprised tone, his eyes widening a little in surprise and wonder when he got a closer look at her, hunching over a little
You’re small, why is she so small?
“Are you alright? I’m not sure what’s happened but, do you mind if I gently pick you up?” he asked in a smooth manner, focusing on helping Mc remain calm in the situation
Mc nodded “Y-Yes you can”
He nodded and gently helped her into his hand, cupping her comfortably in his grasp as he slowly stood up.
He was literally holding his girlfriend in his hands
He placed her onto the counter and talked to her as he kneeled down a bit
“Mc, this should not be possible, what happened?”
Mc told him she didnt know, this was strange but…
Jumin had to admit
seeing Mc so small like this, was just so cute
She was literally like a doll, he could imagine making so many custom dresses with her
He could even hold her in his very own hands
He liked that
He wanted to hold her close to him, to just hold her in his hands and look over her, he wanted to stroke her with his finger
Where ever she would go, it would always be a close raduis to him, she wouldnt be able to get far but still keep quite busy while he could always be nearby, she could always be in his line of sight, or in a certain area
Honestly he wanted to put her in his shirt pocket where his purple hankerchief is
he just wanted to put her there and have her with him all day, even at work
she would always be with him
Of course, he would rather want her safe and possibly back to normal
but he couldnt help but fantasize
Mc in the meantime, noticed him get that look, oh great
You were at the RFA party and you managed to pull off a very successful party
Zen came over to congratulate you and of course spend some time with you~
When he looked away for a moment, then looked back, suddenly you were gone!
He looked around bewildered for you before he heard you call out
“Zen!” in a small voice
He turned to look to where he heard it wide eyed and confused
until he locked eyes on you
you were on the table and waving up at him, concerned
This boy’s eyes just about POPPED outta his head!
Girl you were so small!
He leaned in to get a closer look at you “Mc?!”
Oh my god, this was real, that was you, that was you but very small
this dude just about paniced!!
How did this happen?
Meanwhile the other members noticed Zen freaking out a little but didnt see why
they just kind of raised there eyebrows and just carried on
“calm down calm down, don’t worry mc, we’ll figure out what happened.” he regained a little bit of his composure and thought out loud “This reminds me of an episode or movie scenario huh”
He gently picked you up with your permission, looking over you all protectively and concerned
“Don’t worry princess, your prince shall protect you tonight.”
Que Zen just cuddling you protectively and kind of keeping you safe by cupping you in his hand
to everyone else the whole scene looked weird because they couldn’t really see you but zen looked so goofy and awkward, like what was he hiding
Seven kind of just snickered and took a photo of him of course
Zen’s face was like on servalence like he was making sure no one took what he was hiding
He eventually frantically ran over to Seven to try and get help with the situation
When Jumin came around asking where Mc was Zen’s like
‘She’s not here!’ ‘Zen!’ ‘Sorry, sweetie’
Mc scolds him even in her tiny form
You two were out on a date, getting milkshakes somewhere, he kind of skipped class to do it oops, but was planning on returning to the next class after
As the two of them were enjoying your time, suddenly Mc shrinks
Yoosung stared gaping at wtf just happened
Yoosung exe stopped working
He noticed her on the table, now next to a huge milkshake
“Mc!” he leaned forward to get a good look at her, he seemed timid as he did since he was worried that if he did anything she’ll fall and get hurt and-
oh my god so many possibilities of her getting hurt like this!
he gave hushed whispers to mc as he was freaked out too which earned him a weird look from others in the shop, since it looked like he was whispering to the milkshake
oh god what should he do what should he do??
“Uh, um, m-maybe I should put you in my pocket? Or bag uh… Sorry Mc! I want to make sure you’re somewhere cozy and safe until we figure out what to do!”
kind of starts asking mc what it’s like being small, are things more interesting?
Keeps asking her if him being a giant now is freaking her out or that she must tell him if the way he’s handling her is uncomfortable
He’s so timid over little mc, oh god he just wants to protect her T_T
winds up taking her to class with him since.. he didn’t want to leave her on her own like this and, he couldn’t return home yet.
He tried to act as natural in class as possible but you can’t help but notice him on edge
feels so rude doing this to her omg
he kind of just nervously smiles at any of the weird looks the others give him
Mc winds up helping him out with some answers
*Mc visited her at work
*Jaehae was so busy but mc really wanted to see her, so she decided to make it easy and visit her there
*Mc managed to catch her as they both talked a bit as Jaehae worked on the documents
*So far that’s all she had to do at the moment
*Suddenly Mc shrunk
*Jaehae didn’t notice at first since she was focusing on the documents
*but found it odd that the conversation just stopped
*She looked up and saw mc was just gone
*she looked confused until she noticed something moving on her table
*it was Mc
*Mc was waving at her
*Jaehae let out an audible gasp at the surprise that the other coworkers paused and looked at her for a moment
*She nervously waved it off and looked at tiny mc completely shocked, her hand over her mouth as she lowered down a bit so she could whisper to her
* “Mc, what’s going on?? This shouldn’t be possible”
* Maybe she overworked herself again, she thought, maybe she was just seeing things and just imagined mc being there from the start
* She rested her head into hand and groaned a bit from that
* this was just too much
* “Jaehae, it is me! I don’t know what’s going on”
* Jaehae just kind of stared at Mc with confusion and concern
* if this was real then, she needed to help Mc quick
* Jaehae scooped Mc up slowly and got up to maybe go somewhere quieter or hopefully out of the building, somewhere safer for her
* But just as she stepped out Jumin approached her, oh god worst timing
*Jaehae had quickly put Mc in the collar of her shirt behind her neck in the panic of the moment
*“Assistant Kang, please file the reports for me and bring the documents to my desk.”
* Oh boy his voice sounded scary when you’re small, Mc thought
* “Y-Yes Mr Han”
* She tried to face Jumin with a straight face but she was cleary agitated, which he noticed
* “I just need to do something before I-”
* “I need them now, and you will be joining me for a meeting right after.”
* “Right, Mr Han, I just need to do something quick”
* “Why?”
* He was pretty adamant that things had to be done now
* Jaehae nervously tried to come up with an excuse
* Mc whispered towards Jaehae’s ear making sure to stay out of Jumin’s sight
* “Just say lady troubles”
* Oh god, what a humiliating thing to say but, she did and needless to say that worked immediately
( this kind of reminds me of the scene in mulan when mushu was hiding inside her collar and then made a comment to the one guy like he was a jerk or something and the guy turned around angry lol, just imagine mc calling Jumin a jerk and he thinks jaehae said it sjoee)
He was working on his computer as usual and you were quite bored, wanting to get his attention again
Sometimes you’d sit on the couch next to Saeran contemplating ways to yourself on how to get Seven’s attention
Suddenly one day poof!
You shrunk for some reason, and were sitting baffled on the couch
Saeran was looking at you with wide eyes, so confused at what had just happened
As you got up Saeran just slipped out of there so fast, completely spooked
maybe he was hallucinating or something this poor boy
You in the mean time got a great idea!
Yes! No way he can ignore me now, like this!
Still low key freaked out at what just happened
You awkwardly make you way to seven after climbing not so gracefully off of the couch, your butt hurts from that landing
you made your way over to him
he doesn’t notice, he has head phones on
Same result
Mc huffed and looked around, she decided she was just going to start throwing things at him
You did find some random objects Seven’s so god damn messy like wow
but most were too heavy for you to carry
You decided to be daring and climb onto the desk he was on
when you finally made it to the top, you were probably more fit than you have been your entire life, jk
Mc then spotted the perfect thing
a packet of honey buddha chips
Mc walked over and grabbed a chip, man the scent was intoxicating but she needed to focus
She walked over to him who was still oblivious and held up the chip, beginning to whistle like you would to get the attention of the dog
then she just threw it at him
that got his attention and he looked to where the chip came from and then saw you
He kind of just stared wide eyed for a minute also thinking he was hallucinating
“MC!” He shot out of his chair in surprise
what how?
he leaned down and looked over you with such fascination, even poking at you as you crossed your arms since you were mad at him for ignoring you earlier, but you’re ticklish so that kind of brought you out of your sulking a bit
“Omg you’re so teeny weeny, so little I could just hold you in my hands and aaaaw-” oh my god he was blushing as he cooed over this
“Your clothes and everything is so little! Omg I want to put you in my hair, and hoodie and-” he soon scooped her up gently like she a little kitten or something and gently rubbed his cheek against her as he was fawning
Oh man all the things they could do now! Like
“Let me put you next to Robocat, robo cat look at this!”
he quickly ran to the robocat as if he were an excited child, Mc wasn’t sure if  she was regretting making him notice her
He placed her next to the robocat “oh my word this is too precious! You’re even littler! Let me take a picture!”
“Seven, sto-”
he took the picture
Now off to the robodog, he wanted to put you ontop of it like you’re riding it and took a picture
“Ooooh, I think I have a toy space ship somwhere ah” as he began to look around “No wait I have a better idea” he scooped Mc up and settled her in his hair, “hold on tight! Seven Zero Seven, lauching in-”
“3, 2-”
“Seven wai-”
and there he took off running like a naruto ninja
Just what has this brought out of him
Saeran was just sitting somewhere rubbing his temples as his brother ran around like a maniac
Dear god this household
Later Seven would come up with all sorts of pranks you guys could pull off, but liked holding you to him like a little plushie, you were just. so. cute
Mc and Saeran were just chilling, maybe doing some house chores since someone doesn’t
You were both having a normal conversation and as a reward after doing all the work you decided to get out some ice cream for the both of you
As you were you put some in a bowl, suddenly poof! You were tiny, and still holding a giant spoon, you fell over and the spoon clattered
the noise attracting Saeran’s attention as he comes over to where you were, looking for you
“Mc? Are you alrig-” he looks at the bowl of ice cream and looks around again, did you rush off to somewhere?
You propped yourself up and rubbed your back from when you fell over
“Saeran, here” your small voice said
He looked in the direction of your voice and his eyes just stopped on you
He just froze
Kept staring
Anyday now buddy
he then looked around as if doubting what he was seeing, no way the real mc is probably in the other room or something right?
He kind of stepped back and then reluctantly looked at you again, you waved at him
oh god it was you
“Mc? Mc, what on earth happened to you??”
he was freaked out, bending a bit to get a closer look
you know like how cats do that thing with their back when their freaked out, yeah that’d probably sum him up
he sometimes wonders if this is the after affect after taking those pills at mint eye
he timidly poked at Mc
Yeah she seemed real
“Saeran, take deep breathes okay?” he nodded and did so
“I-I should get seven, maybe he’ll know? I don’t know um…” he felt awkward, he wanted to help but didn’t know how
but he had one idea
he took a spoon and took a small amount of ice cream and then gave some to Mc
this poor awkward boy
was kinda sweet though lol pun
he rearranged some of close by objects so Mc would have something to sit on and have something to put her ice cream on, he gave her a small amount on a tin foil rap? he couldn’t find anything like a bowl for her size so he was improvising
She was cute tho, he had to admit
pet her head gently with his finger and stuck his tongue out at her, teasing
she puffed up her cheeks but smiled
what a weird but cute day
he probably keeps on improvising things for Mc at her current size so that she is comfortable at least until they find a solution
I guess Saeran’s freaked out by little people or something lol he got spooked twice
You both were sitting together on the couch when it happened, he was laying back relaxed
of course he doesn’t notice it happen
he can’t see
but he does feel the warmth of you presence dissapear
“Mc? Are you here?”
“Your voice sounds different, are you okay?”
“Um, V, don’t freak out”
Mc touched his hand, with her now much SMALLER hand
“Mc you-” he lifted his hand and gently felt her, hair? shirt? all in one place?
“I shrunk” Mc stated bluntly, she was worried since he couldn’t see well he might accidently swat her away when moving his hand or any sudden movements
He finds this really odd, but this tiny version of her moved and felt weird
Mc giggled as he kept gently touching her
He can get so curious sometimes it was adorable
He smiled and continued to do it, it tickled her
she put her hands up as she laughed “Okay okay I think you get the idea haha”
“Do I? I’m not sure if I completely get the idea, I need to investigate more.” and so he continued to gently tickle her as he chuckled softly
Mc just hugged his hand to get him to keep still, she was still giggling
His hand was so warm, especially when she hugged it at this size
It was always warm and comforting when she held hands with him
but she felt so secure in his grasp and just wanted to cuddle against his hand
V noticed this and smiled “You like this?” he could feel Mc nod against his finger
He gently picked her up and placed her against his chest, keeping her scooped up in his hand as he breathed in slow, she could hear his heartbeat and his breathing made her feel so calm, and his hand felt so warm and secure.
Mc let out a happy sigh and cuddled into him as he stroked her hair a bit with his finger
“You are so cute, Mc.”
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kim-drawings · 7 years
these are my vacation updates and i could only post them on my rp blog because the wifi there sucks. so have fune reading :3
leaving and arrival at parc.
(so lol still under way with the car. So we wanted to take a stop but thanks to mom we missed that stop and had to wait for an hour and a half for the next one. Funny thing is that everyone needed to go badly but not me XD. So anyways i just ate and we are back underway since we still have a long way to go)(welp we have arrived at the parc so see you guys laters oke?)(alright lol everyone is settled and we also installed the free wifi here. though its very slow and doesent react quickly. the house wasnt very well cleaned but the scenery is beautiful and near a lake. i love it. though i wish that my brothers gf would stop nagging about alot of things. she’s kinda bumming everyone out here. so i instantly ignore her. the dog is beeing very weird here but i geuss its normal since she hasnt travelled to anywhere in a long while. did some sketches in the car wich i am going to blackline and color in later, dont have a scanner so i’ll take pictures of it with my phone. hope you guys are having fun to x3)(soooooo we found the dome here wich is were the store’s are, the info center and the swimmingpool. tomorrow we are going to explore more and hopeffully the weather will stay dry and the dog will be more used to the new surroundings cause she’s panting like crazy. im actually looking forward to swim x3 even though i get shy everytime i go there. lol thats how i work aparantly XD. we discovered there is a zoo nearby, i wonder how that is like x3 cause i do wanna go there. i’ll be probably sketching things rick and morty related and maybey not XD. anyways i hope you’re all having fun to :3.)
day 1 (oke so last night was pretty crazy i swear. so first off all my brothers gf was to fucking afraid to do something about the spiders in her room. she dint want to wake mom who wasnt even sleeping yet, so she went to bother me and i had a headache and was tired from the trip. so she tried to do it herself with my brother but she kept screaming and yelling so my mom came and dealt with every spider that was there. so finally it was quiet again. well i already talked about those geese and about this morning so i can skip that. so i went shopping with mom, my brother and hiss gf and it was pretty fun. now we are resting and maybey we will swim today cause i really want to x3)(alright im back and imma do another update thing. so eum i did a morning one, after midday wasnt so spectacular since it was raining so we decided to go and swim after dinner. i was so exited. but once there i kinda got dissapointed since it wasnt as big as im used to when we go to centerparcs. buuuuut i just shoved those thoughts aside and just had some fun exploring wich wasnt so great actually. but i kept on looking for the positive things wich i did, there were even funny moments were either one of us got stuck on the wild water slide, because they dint put enough water in it, or because my brother did something fucking hilarious. anyways after exploring we just went to the outside pool, water was nice and warm like sheesh if you dint watch yourself you could fall asleep because of the warmth itself. but since we were outside the air feels a bit colder XD. when i was swimming and relaxing wich i love to do most of all in those pools. it felt peacefull and nice if you block out all the noise :3 . so after that we went back to our cottage or house and played some UNO EXTREME, and i won 3 times x3 hehehe, those who play fair win fairly more :3. it was fun but sadly enough after dinner i dint feel so good so it kinda influenced my mood but i just ignored it most of the time. now im relaxing while they play poker, i dont like playing poker with my brother and hiss gf because they take it to seriously wich then infects my dad and i dont need that, so i was glad i played UNO with them before they changed it to poker. i still have one sketch to finish from my car trip but that’ll be for tomorrow. my mom wants to plan sertain things for us to do wich is always fun :3.)
day 2 (so little update thing for today. so like yesterday the dog was awake at 07:00 again. i think she hass a hard time adjusting to her new enviroment, but thats oke my brother got up and took her outside and then stayed with her wich im glad he did because he finally shows some responcebillity for hiss dog. anyways the birds woke me up at 10:22 AM wich is good because i dont wanna sleep the rest of the day away. my brother made an error wich im not going into detail in, lets just say she wasnt happy at all and my brother got the harsh treatment. so anyways they went to walk the dog while me and mom went to walk around discovering things some more. we found the little petting zoo, i believe thats how they call it in english. anyways so it was alot of fun and we found out they keep racoons there to that are not fit for the wild anymore. they arent tame but they arent fit for the wild anymore. thats all the explanation gave us. but i swear that fluffy one kinda reminded me of a rick. x3, later we are going to an evening market)(another update thing of today. so i went to an evening market here andit was fun. i also saw an old lady painting beautiful things onto candles and wooden shoe’s and i couldnt help but compliment her. she was so sweet and kind and overly happy that we liked her art. we also bought some of her stuff. she was so happy. so once we came back we played uno during almost the rest of the evening wich is also the reason of my abscence. so im sorry for my dissapearance. but i had fun playing uno, i laughed alot wich in turn will be bad for my voice in the morning XD.)
day 3 (so i know i dint do an update part thingy today and the reason for that is because most of the day i was on my laptop or drawing because it was rainning. so we couldnt do much during the day. also i really hate my brothersince he’s infected everyone in here with hiss cold and he doesent even wanna put hiss hand infront of hiss mouth when he coughs. ontop of that my brothers gf got infected because of him and im still in the clear yay for me x3. he’s been sick since monday but dint wanna get medication for it until tuesday when we went shopping with mom. anyways so they both have been so annoying and ruining alot of great moments with their negativity. thats why i told mom and dad that i dint want them with us because they have this thing to turn everything into a negative thing especially hiss gf. like today she was telling how much beeing in fashion was important and all. my parents told her that its not that important and that people are wearing clothes that they are feeling comofrotable in these days and she is right. but the gf just told my parents they were old fashioned and stuff and that people should think about fashion because it makes them look cooler and such and that it is important. until i opend my mouth and told her that they arent old fashioned, she is because of the way she is thinking and that she needs to get her nose out of the expensive clothing and judgemental negative thoughts and look around herself. alot of people are wearing the clothing they feel comfortable in these days, wether it is fashionable or not, wether its expensive or not. boy did she dim down he fucking mouth cause i swear she was bad mouthing my parents, infront of them, infront of my useless brother who cant even open hiss mouth to her and infront of me. anyways so i tried blocking her out with music, wich helped but then we had to go and get pizaa from the dome. like we went to get some information on how it works, does it get delivered or not. so we got the information but i wanted to go shopping peacefully since we had an hour before they start making pizza’s. but my fucking brother and hiss gf had to nag about choosing a pizza now in the bussy and loud house of games. they decided their pizza’s mom did to but i told them i wanna go back into the dome where its peacefull and quieter. so finally went out of the house of games and i could read the fucking menu we got from the bar. i decided on a pizza and told mom we should go shopping. the shopping calmed me down alot since they shut their mouths. so after shopping we ordered some pizza to take home and went home. we ate the pizza and i dint feel so good afterwards. idk what they did with the pizza but it made me feel so freaking bad. so i just wanted to draw peacefully and listen to some music before we went bowling. but she wanted to play uno again and it was only 30 minutes before we had to leave back to the house of games. like seriously she dint have the patience to relax and wait. so we went bowling and it was alotta fun. it made my stress go away and i laughed alot. we went to drink at a restaurant and i also ate some ice cream wich was yummy. we went hom and i went straight to my bedroom to relax and draw and that was my day. today wasnt so much fun as yesterday but i try to block out their negative behavior to make it a happy day x3)
day 4 (oke another update thingy. so today was another rainy day but i woke up in a happy mood. my brother and hiss gf were giving alot of negative vibes again and their attitude was negative. but then we went for a swim and it was all nice and relaxed and funny. but we stayed in the pool for like 4 hours and i felt drained and weak. i was shaking softly and overall not so good. we went grocery shopping before we came home. i ate a brownie and a muffin now. but still feeling a bit weak but atleest alot more relaxed and happy. i also discovered that my parents were also having enough of my brother and hiss gf’s bad attitude and such but they are doing what im doing and thats trying not to get affected by them. they are still sick but atleest taking their meds. we are going to a dinner thing at 18:00 soon)(so we went to this restaurant were you can get and choose the food yourself, but there wasnt much to choose from like holy shit. i was like ‘is this it?’ like normally with this open buffet thing you can choose from 3 different categories or even more but mostly its 3 for the warm food, also soup and in the middle cold food. but this was more everything to do with barbique and also a tiny bit of cold food and alot of fries. i dint eat much so i had room for dessert. wich wasnt alot either. like not much fruit , more soft ice cream with sprinkles and some cookies and marshmallows and a chocolate fountain. i dint mind though since i like marshmallows and the chocolate fountain x3. i ate well but i just hated it that you have to pay extra for softdrinks while tea and coffee are included with you’re reservation. we ended up paying 110 euro’s for 4 people pluse 2 softdrinks. softdrinks here are fantas, coca cola, soda and such stuff. anyways we got home and i just wanted to relax in the bedroom cause damn my stumach had a hard time digesting XD. so my bro and hiss gf and my parents played poker again. i dont like playing poker with them cause they take the game waaaaaaaaay to seriously and i dont know so well how to play the game well so i avoided playing that game with them. the other games are fine but not the poker one. anyways thats why i was online so much in the evening and even a bit during the night. i also found a new brand of cider to drink, it only hass like 5 procent alcohol in it. wich is great cause i dont like to drink high percentages of alcohol :P i can always taste the alcohol through the other tastes + i love sweet types of alcohol to. anyways i had tons of fun and beeing on here distracted me from the other two who were coughing themselves blus, sort to speak)
day 5 (so today was a good day. i woke up with a happy feeling. i went for a 3 or 4 hour dog walk with mom. wich was great because she could vent out to me about my brother and hiss gf’s actions and how sick and tired she was getting. like for instance if you know you’re going on vacation tell the people that are helping you get a job that you’re on a 2 week vacation so you can relax. but she dint and hass been nagging about not getting any wifi for work related things, while we are looking at her like ‘are you stupid or something or just ignorent’ anyways, she vented out i vented out, we saw alot of doggies to there and some baby ducks and baby water chickens. it was so much fun. after that i drew a little bit, then we went to eat at the pancake house. i must say i was dissapointed. they dint let the pancakes fully bake so it looked like a pancake but once you cut into the pancake you could see it wasnt fully baked. im glad i actually survived that D: lol. so we went to the souvenir store again. bought another cute souvenir. once home i’ll take some pictures of them and post them on here or on my art blog, better on my art blog cause i have some pretty scenery pictures and all. anyways so we went home and i went drawing again and beeing on here x3. because they wanted to do poker again and i dont like playing poker with my brothers gf cause she seriously takes the whole thing to serious and that makes it no fun at all. i never told them why i dont wanna poker everytime they wanna poker, so my brother and hiss gf finally asked but i just dint reply cause im not obliged to do so XD. but atleest i could finish my drawings x3. )
day 6 (alrighty im back from swimmng. so gonna do an update of today wich is the last day. we are going to leave tomorrow in the morning. so morning nothing special, i got woken up at 10:00 AM by some kids who were playing outside, but i heard things better on the right side of this bedroom since the window is there XD. also the dog was beeing a smart little girl since she whined to me to go outside so i let her outside on a leash since i dont want her to chase those pack of geese XD, but thats not the smart part, the smart part is because aparantly she already was let outside to do her thing at 07:00 AM XD. so yeah lol. we had breakfast but we dint know what to do afterwards since they dont present so many activities here for adults at this parc since the other parc’s do. so i suggested to go to the house of games. we spend a few hours in there playing one game there wich was fun cause mom was there and she was getting slightly exited about this game. XD then my brother and hiss gf found us and we played a bit of billiarts me vs my brother we hiss gf and mom made a few pictures i really wanna see but that will happen tomorrow. i also drew a but before the house of games and posted it. we came home we ate and relaxed a bit as i drew a little bit again. we went swimming for 1 or 2 hours and a half. it was very relaxing and we had those waves again. whenever i get relaxed mentally and fysicly i somethimes go to fantasy mode lol. and during the waves i was like ‘omg that would be so cute if Morticia went here  along with Ace, Katherine, @daycare-miami-r-ick and @ricktactoe and hiss morty. whenever Morticia is swayed along the wave towards @daycare-miami-r-ick she would push him under water and then swim away giggeling alot and i bett he would’ve caught her and did something silly to her’ XD dont ask why my brain just does that oke. anyways during the swim a guy came up behind me grabbing and fondling my breasts before laughing hard and swimming away. im not a fast swimmer so i stood there kinda scared and violated buuuuuut my brother XD my brother XD he swims alot fast then i can so he saw what happend aparantly and he swam after the guy yelling ‘YOU SON OF A BITCH HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BIG SISTER LIKE THAT’ i swear he caught him and beat him up even though i wanted to do that to i would’ve gone to one of the poolwatchers there of what happend instead of beating him up. but eventually i had to cause the guy tried to get my brother banned from the pool but i told this poolwatcher lady what happend and aparantly i had to go with her and say my statement again and they had to ask that guys name and aparantly he did this to 5 other women in the diffrent pools there and he got banned from the pool so he had to go change and leave. i swear that moment when my brother zoomed by it was kinda like a Morticia and @daycare-miami-r-ick moment there seriously. so we swam some more and i relaxed again. we got some icecream after swimming and then went straight to the cottage x3)
leaving parc (this one is from today)
(update lol. so today i stood up at 08:30 AM with my parents we all could leave at 09:00 AM since we packed up everything already. but geuss who decided to stay asleep until 09:30 AM and still had to pack their things? yeah my brother and hiss gf. so eventually we left around 10:00 AM and decided to let my brother take the lead with hiss car since he sais that hiss gps is better then our dads. it fucking isnt. he did 2 pitstops, one at 10:15AM and the other at 12:20 AM. my dads gps said that we would arrive at that time but thanks to my brothers gps and hiss 2 pitstops we ended up home at 13:30 PM. atleest i slept for an hour in the car cause i was tired. anyways we unpacked the dog was acting up again due to the change again. i unpacked my stuff im still organizing a little bit. gonna put all the updates on my other blog since the wifi there sucked i could only post the updates on here. so imma scan the drawings i made and post them on my art blog to and then imma take pictures of all the souvenirs and post them there to along with some other pictures i see fit to post there. the rest of the week i still have vacation so imma see if i cant do some drawings because i’ve been procrastinating on a few. :P)
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