#when i was a kid i would watch this same movie (i cant even remember) but it would always start with the commercial for muppets 2
avocado-frog · 1 year
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Tagged a while ago by @the-stray-storyteller how goes it my friend
I'm finally working on chapter seven today. turns out all I needed was to put in my dylan and elliot agenda
Dylan wasn't afraid of much, other than flying squirrels. And The Muppets.
Tags: (no pressure still) @briannaswords
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
E42!Miles Morales x shy!reader
part 1
Ever since you guys had the project together it seemed like the both of you grew closer and closer together. Your parents know Rio and Aaron. You guys have had each other over for dinner so many times you cant even count it.
With each passing second you can feel yourself falling for him more and more. Though it seems like he’s been the same since you first met.
You were over at Miles place for dinner; your parents couldn’t make it due to work, but you didn’t mind. You sat in Miles room on his bed watching movies when he asked you a question that made your eyes go wide.
“You got a boyfriend?” He says leaning back on the palms of his hands with his legs straight out in front of him. “ No I don’t, do you have a girlfriend?” “ Nah”. This odd silence fell between the two of you, more awkward than usual. “Well, do you like anyone then?” you say turning your head towards him.
He shifts his weight onto his left hand while his right comes up to itch his neck. “ Well yea”. You feel your heart sink for a second; I mean why wouldn’t he like anyone? Your curiosity was rising “ Do I know who she is?”.
He stiffens before he could open his mouth Rio’s voice can be heard calling you guys down for dinner “ Kids come down food is ready!”. He gets up first leaving the room without a word you sigh following him.
After dinner you help wash dishes and clean off the table. When done you take yourself to Miles room; he was sitting on his bed phone in hand. He looks up at you putting his phone face down on the bed.
You look at the time 7:25 you don’t have to go home till 9:30. He speaks up “ so you wanna watch somethin’ ?” “Oh yea sure, you can choose”. The awkward silence was there again. He grabs the remote and puts something you’ve both already see on.
“You asked me somethin earlier” You thought for a second trying to remember what he’s talking about, but then a lightbulb goes off in your head. “ yea I did” He starts “ shes real nice, and pretty. Shes smart as hell too. We watch a ton of bad movies and laugh about how bad they are, you’d love her”. Feeling a bit defeated you sigh. “ Yea probably”.
In that moment Miles starts laughing “I know you can be an airhead sometimes but really?” He looks over at you and you look back confused. “ What are you talking about” “ Como estas tan despistada?”
“I’m talking about you”
You sit registering what he just said. “Huh” you weren’t thinking straight “ ME?” he nods “ who else do i watch trashy movies with just to rate them? What other girls do my mom let into the house with no questions asked? WHO else does my mom let come into my room AND lets me shut the door?” he says pointing to the door.
“Now i feel dumb” you say covering your face. He starts laughing at you.”Meaning you like me too” He doesn’t say it as a question he says it as a statement. “yeaaa” you say looking through your hands like this. 🫣
With that he sits next to you. “ yea i knew you did.” You look at him in disbelief “then why didnt you say anything??” “ Its funny watching you get flustered and stuff” he days nudging your shoulder.
You look over at him seeing his adorning brown eyes. “ So, what does that make us now?” you say quietly as if you were to say it any louder he would turn away and act as if this never happened.
“ Lets take it slow, ill take you on a date tomorrow, how does that sound Mi novia?” He reached for your hand intertwining it with your own “ sounds perfect”.
@rosesndan @shoyofroyoyoyo @p3rf3ct4ng3l
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long time coming but its here my little pookie poos 🤭
Sorry for the wait, i was procrastinating and wanting it to be perfect all at the same time HAHA
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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samarecharm · 1 year
Ryuji learns immediately that Akira is a little food goblin and in the worst way possible 😭 He eats literally anything, he doesnt attempt to ‘chef up’ anything he cooks. He draws the line at expired food but the food he makes for himself looks so fucking sad (ryujis words) that it might as well be garbage. And its not that Akira Wont cook or is averse to Learning how to cook, hes just. Busy. And he really doesnt balk at what most would consider bad tasting food. But ryuji does!!! He DOES balk!!!! He balks alot in fact! So while he knows he himself is not the Best cook in the world, he IS someone raised by his momma, and he will use everything she taught him to make food that Akira will ACTUALLY like and not just tolerate.
So he takes Akira food shopping in the market, picks out vegetables and spices and meats that Akira admits (embarrassed) he has never touched in his life. He tells Akira what to look for in markets, whats normally in season, what the appropriate prices are, what different cuts of meat are meant for, and Akira follows him like a toddler following their mother, looking at the displays listening intently. Hes a smart kid. Scary smart. And he picks and chooses whats worth investing into, whether Ryuji realizes it or not. So Akira listens and absorbs whatever Ryuji is telling him, bc Ryuji matters to him.
Ryuji has him on prep work duty. He shows Akira the easy way to chop and cube vegetables. Remembers halfway through that Akira is actually wicked scary with a blade; shows him a video of a professional cutting celery at lightning speed and is SO excited to see Akira replicate it near perfectly. Hes like a machine; chopping with such laser precision and Akira cannot help but feel a little bit warm when Ryuji openly compliments him
Ryuji is so loud and brash everywhere but the kitchen. Hes focused in a way Akira has never seen him be; listing off instructions and tips, carefully adding ingredients and measuring things by eye. While making the stew, he blanks on the amount of seasoning he should be adding, and before Akira can try to help him rubberduck, Ryuji video calls his mom. And Akira almost panics bc what if she was asleep? Or what if shes working??? But she picks up after two rings, wearing a nightgown and smiling huge and wide into the camera. Ryuji waves at her, and then moves the phone a bit to get Akira into frame. He does a very chill, not at all panicked and anxious wave and she smiles at him too.
Ryuji shows her the pot stewing and she comments on the coloring and texture of it. She pokes fun at him (‘oo did you go to a fancy market? Those beef cuts looks very nice’) to which ryuji waves her off, used to her teasing.
‘Have that young man try to season it; this is a team effort!’ And so Ryuji props the phone up so that she can see him and Akira by the stove top as she guides them. A sprinkle of this seasoning from top to bottom, yes perfect, and a pinch of that seasoning- ehh a little more than that- okay perfect, and add a ton of that seasoning in front of you- more. More. Ryuji I said a Ton, tell him i said a Ton- oh right he can hear me I SAID ADD A TON- okay thats it i think, if it comes out too salty, scoop some out and replace it with more stock or some water.
And from then on Ryuji just chats with his mom while Akira watches from his side of the counter; Ryuji mentions the nice lake that he wants to try fishing at, and some nice natural paths to run on in the mornings, and she tells him about her shift and the movie she saw the other day with some friends. Its very nice. It comes so easy to them; Akira cant remember the last time he got to hear his mom just chat about her life with him. Kinda hurts, but not really. Not when hes got Sojiro calling him, telling him about his day while Akira tinkers about at his desk. Its basically the same thing; even better when Akira thinks about it.
And then he thinks some more. And into the realization that Ryuji is here with him in his house cooking and relaxing and chatting with his mom. The tv is on in the livingroom buzzing at a volume thats barely audible. The setting sun is peaking through the curtains. His mom makes a snide comment about her coworker that makes Ryuji laugh a bit under his breath, and Akira is like. Painfully aware of how nice this feels. Warm and easy. It feels a bit silly to even say it but it feels domestic; it feels like home. And hes always been here, always lived here, but it didnt feel like Home as much as it did in this moment, with Ryuji idly chatting with his mom as he tended to the pot on the stove. He wants to capture this moment and keep it tucked away somewhere. And later on, when hes staring at the ceiling, head swimming as he tries to fall asleep, he’ll think ‘no. I dont want to just have this moment. I want more moments like this. I want to live in these moments again and again and again.’ Hes greedy like that, he thinks. He wants and wants and wants; wants so bad it makes his chest ache.
The stew comes out good. A bit salty, which Ryuji remedies by adding a bit more stock to the pot after theyve had their servings. Akiras face is a mix of childlike delight and contentment, eyes bright in that sweet and adorable way that has Ryujis face turning pink, suddenly a bit shy. Being complimented about his cooking is a different kind of nice hes not used to. Akira does a little happy bop with his head, the same bop he’ll do when he eats sweets with Ann.
“This is Really good-‘
“Oi! Please chew everything first before talking.”
Akira thinks its an act of love. In the same way art from Yusuke is an act of love, and the way Hangout Nights with Ann is an act of love; this is Ryujis. I want you to eat well. I want you to be well. Because I care about you. Ryuji cares so much. To come and stay with him. To cook with him, to live with him, even if for a moment. ‘My place…is right at your side.’ ‘Whaddya mean? Youre there.’ Like it keeps Akira up at night sometimes thinking of how much hes loved. It feels so foreign to him, yet natural all at once. Waking up to the rest of the breakfast Ryuji left for him after cooking. Ryuji listening to him ramble about some tech shit Akira knows only he truly cares about (Ryuji pays attention and tries to follow which is more than Akira can ask for). Like its a bit overwhelming but its nice. Its warm and loving and its nice.
Ryuji finds himself napping against Akiras taller frame on the couch, the movie they picked out failing to keep him entertained enough, and Akira thinks Ryuji feels the same way; its warm and loving and nice.
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iwasbored777 · 9 months
so ur trolls posts got me to watch trolls world tour again. i remembered liking it but i couldnt remember why, but now i know for sure
i was NOT expecting a brilliantly written masterpiece about colonialism, but thats what i got, and its going in the greatest of all time hall of fame in my brain forever.
im not gonna sit here and regale you on the message of the movie. they only said fax, no printer, and its an important message to send kids. alot of the messages kids get about races and borders is “we are all the same 😚” but they came in with the “we are NOT the same and that is both good and bad, both exciting and dangerous so you need to be aware of dangerous ideas of “harmony”” and thats so real. kids need to understand differences are OK.
i love how they backed off the “chosen one” vibe poppy had in the first movie and talked about her flaws as a leader. while her stubborness was a good thing in the first movie to contrast branches pessimistic nature, it wouldnt have worked here, and i can see a cheap writer (like m*chael w*ldron) either insisting she gets away with her selfishness and carrying on with the happy ending anyway, or pretending that wasnt a character trait at all (because w*ldron doesnt watch the first movie and writes a sequel anyway)
my favorite scene is the bubble scene and the woods right after they leave funk where branch confronts poppy. do i even need to tell you why?
i just want to mention it because im pretty sure branch sings a cover of “girl crush” by little big town, which is a country band, and branch said he likes country music earlier and that slays. but when poppy comes in, what they sing is definitley not girl crush, and i cant tell if its giving “trolls can mix music” or im completley wrong and its a different song alltogether. but i cant tell if that song is homophobic or is super gay, so if im wrong thats prob for the best.
the only flaw i can think of is the country music, as a midwestern i can confidently say that was an affront to real blue grass country music. i guess born to die “works” but it didnt represent country as well as the other genres did. theres alot of controversy in the country music fandom with alot of singers who sound exactly the same and produced like its a factory line. but even if people still think miranda lambert and carrie underwood arent true country singers, their songs wouldve worked better than born to die. also the country trolls shouldve been on a self sufficient farm instead of the wild west. that wild western jazzy piano and country music isnt the same.
the only bad part about the movie is that it ended and barb ATE. SHE LEFT NO CRUMBS WITH THAT INTRO. send ask.
Lol I love your review. I love Trolls World Tour a lot too and all their other movies. Great stuff.
And yeah I love Poppy and how she can accomplish A LOT but she doesn't make it on her own, she needs character development and help from others just like everyone else. Characters are surprisingly realistic.
Barb really was goat, the best antagonist in the franchise. I love parallels between her and Poppy, how both had different intentions (Poppy wanted to help and Barb wanted to conquer) but Poppy's method was also wrong and both Poppy and Barb and everyone had to make compromises for all tribes to live in harmony because no one has to change their lifestyle for that to happen, all they have to do is accept that they're different and that's perfect. Just be yourself and let others be themselves.
That song in the end (Just Sing) slaps hard (and so does Can't Stop The Feeling btw).
P.S. Tiny Diamond fucking slays 🔥🔥🔥
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EPISODE 5……..🥺
Right off the bat, i love the idea of percy’s forehead peeking out of the water, like the mysterious mermaid he is
Annabeth was the best part of the episode as always
Thought they were gonna talk more about thalia percy parallels grover just looked a lil tad distressed and that was it but whatever
Percy and his lil ‘hi’s will never stop being funny
the usual “i thought annabeth was gonna punch me but she was actually nice to me guys who would’ve thought someone would be happy to see me” narrative still shining through WITH THE HUG PLS CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW SWEET THE HUG WAS
grover’s so confused like “literally an hour ago you guys hated each other….am i missing out on some plot point”
dude was ‘looking for new tickets in the st. Louis arch as if they were going to be on the floor lying somewhere💀
Percy’s face when he addresses grover after the hug, he’s so proud someone actually hugged him 🥹his face is just like “hey grover look SHE’S HUGGING ME🥺”
Can I just say the writing for percy is perfect
like he’s so 50% there like he’s so good at communicating and asking what’s wrong and trying to understand the other person’s feelings (sally jackson’s son for you) but at the same time he has NEVER had a friend before so he ends up embarrassing himself 😂😭
”im pretty sure that’s what friends do” “….at least i think that’s what they do” pls 😭
grover’s face too help you’re already tired of being third wheel???oh honey this is THE FIRST HALF OF THE FIRST BOOK get comfortable
not their lil heads popping out and going back in. Peak comedy right there
Seriously adam did reallyyyyyy good as ares. Theres no one else i can imagine anymore as ares. The delicateness of his ‘good mood’ as if it is gonna break any second, the rage and fury but at the same time being extremely funny???
the diner looks so cosy it’s so cute
was kinda missing some percy rage in this but it comes out at the last so its fine
The real reason for grover to be so okay staying back is not the strategy of getting answers out of ares but because of how tired he was of taking care of annabeth and percy.
I feel like they should be showing luke more (later on they will, i have faith) im already forgetting about him it wont hit as hard if i dont remember him
Percy “ive not seen many movies since im broke” jackson x annabeth “ive never seen a movie since i live in a magical camp” chase
but the fact that annabeth’s never seen a movie kinda erases the fact that later on in hoo, annabeth talks about watching cheesy old romance movies with her father which kinda contributes to their dynamic but
the fact that percy would probably be the first one to take her to the movies makes me not care
honestly tho IM REALLY REALLY HOPING THAT THEIR FIRST MOVIE WONT BE THE ONE AT THE START OF BOTL I’d rage as much as annabeth when i see percy with rachel (not that im a rachel hater, im a circumstances hater)
grover is such a good therapist, like he is THE EMPATH. He tripped the god of war into talking about his life this is a grover appreciation post
annabeth zoning out with fascination at the mechanics and also i love the “percy being done with annabeth” representation
i cant see anything so nothing to say here
grover manipulating ares through his emotions>>>>>
also ares roasting athena
Percy sacrificing himself AGAIN like the depressed kid he is
annabeth immediately reassuring percy that she would save his mom the character developmentttttttt from being inconsiderate about percy losing his mom to promising that she would save the lady EVEN THOUGH SHE BARELY KNEW HER
This is giving me too many feelings guys the lady she’s promising to save is the lady who will be the best mother figure who will singlehandedly heal her mommy issues AND BECOME HER MOTHER IN LAW
“Its warm” i thought this was gonna be the last thing he says before whatever was gonna happen to him so i was like lol famous last words
but fr tho the intenseness of annabeth crying for percy to GET UP and percy’s just fading out of the world trying not to cry trying to reassure annabeth that he’s okay IN WHAT WOULD BE HIS LAST FEW WORDS, literally everything he does is for someone else even in his dying moments its just magelhi”gdsjihoawerhoudfjls
especially with the “im not…..” [okay] lol we have always known that percy, it aint a big surprise
i got to applaud leah for how she portrayed annabeth’s brain chemistry altering every minute with percy and how that influenced her speech with hephaestus
i cant believe thats leo’s dad hes giving santa claus i do like him tho
Now that i think about it the percabeth hug should have been after percy comes back to life not after the louis arch scene since they were just starting to have two minutes of chemistry there and have the “you dont have to feel bad about the hug” in the zebra truck scene
percy trying to intimidate ares lolllll walker scobell did his best to make it look real tho so good for him for not representing it as it was; a lil 12 year old child threatening a wrestler looking god of war
”Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers” will forever be in the cinema hall of fame
i feel like grover either is going to say the wrong person or he’s going to figure out it’s luke but something’s going to stop him from saying it out loud
or he’ll say it which causes some angst amongst the team who dont trust him cuz both annabeth and percy worship luke like there’s no tomorrow
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vampireghostlawyer · 8 months
just got home from seeing Saw X with @endlessly-vivid and I HAVE SO MANY. SO MANY EMOTIONS ABOUT IT. [spoilers for saw x under the cut]
-the reveal was SO SO FUCKING GOOD. we obviously know john and amanda survive, but having the kid to keep the audience on their toes and desperately trying to figure out HOW we get to saw 3 after this was great
-THE VICTIMS WERE SO LIKABLE. genuinely this entire cast of victims were acted and written phenomenally. every single one of them, even someone with so little screen time like valentina or a person we're set up to hate like cecilia had SO much character and i was rooting for all of them at the same time. gabriella's performance was especially amazing, but all of them really were great
-on top of being likable, they were also all so humanized. the little details like mateo needing a translation of the tape and gabriella tossing the tape away when she got scared or trying to hit the radiation with the hammer were so great.
-ALSO how close they all got to surviving their traps was so heart wrenching and insane like i was on the edge of my seat every time.
-AMANDA AMANDA AMANDA. she has always slayed, she has always been an indie horror sweetheart but this movie was one of my favorites pieces of her that we've seen. there is so much more depth and incentive added to a lot of her actions in saw 3 now and it is gorgeous. also shawnee smith gave a beautiful performance as always
-THE HIGHLIGHTING OF JIGSAW'S HYPOCRISY CONTRASTED WITH CECILIA'S WAS AMAZING. cecilia, a wealthy white woman taking advantage of those she has privilege over being a mirror to the way jigsaw blames people for systemic problems that are often times out of their control. cecilia in general was a great villain.
-my one gripe with the film (sorry i love to critique) is the traps. they were all super creative and it was awesome to see an extra level of complexity added to some of them compared to prior traps, but some of them were so anatomically and medically impossible that i got annoyed watching 😭 mateo acting completely normal after removing like two inches of brain matter and everyone having unrealistically short periods to complete their tasks was annoying BUT the traps were all hella cool so i cant even be truly angry. my favorite was probably mateo's. it was the first saw trap in a while to make me wince and definitely one of the traps where i would be using those tools to kms asap instead of actually attempting to survive lmao
-autumn brought this up to me and i agree so much but the return to some of the classic saw editing was so refreshing and nostalgic.
-i have so many other thoughts but this is all i can organize right now. AHHH, 4.5/5 stars, can't remember the last time i was so hyped in a theater
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samstersv · 2 years
CANCELED ON; eddie munson
•eddie munson’s younger sister gets canceled on by her friends and he goes to comfort her.
•fluff and angst
•y/n: your name n/n: nickname
•this just happened to me and i’m balling my eyes out so what better way to deal with it by writing -sam
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��fuck.” y/n cursed through the tears as she slammed the trailer door. she kicked off her dirty converse, one hit the couch while the other went down the hall. she knew it was cliche to fall against the front door in tears but she could care less. y/n sniffled as she pulled her legs to her chest and her head fell between them. she put one arm over her head to try and subdue the pain radiating all over because of how much she’d been crying.
y/n let sobs rack through, she let herself feel the pain “you deserve it.” she told herself “you should know you they didn’t like you, of course they’d do that. you should have fucking known y/n.” y/n looked up at the ceiling of the trailer and she slammed her hand against the door. “fucking stupid. this is so stupid. i-i hate myself.” she cried even more.
she felt so stupid for crying over this but she had to. not only did she let out cries because of what happened but with that she let out all the pain she’d been bottling up. this small and what was supposed to be comforting moment, was ruined by one small event. one that affected y/n more than she thought it would.
what y/n didn’t hear was a door opening across the small hallway and someone walking towards her. she kept her head in her hands as tears streamed down her face. she was startled when a heavy hand laid atop her head. y/n looked up to see her older brother, eddie, who had his comfortable clothes on and his hair in a bun. when she saw his concerned face, that’s when y/n broke down even more than the first time.
eddie let her cry in his arms. after a few minutes, y/n pulled away and awkwardly chuckled “i didn’t know you were home.” she mumbled. eddie scoffed and he got more comfortable on the ground—he crossed his legs and y/n did the same. “what happened?” he asked.
“uh.. it’s stupid.” eddie shook his head “it’s not stupid if you’re crying over it n/n.” he assured. “the group was supposed to go to family video to have a movie night at the wheelers. they canceled on it as soon as i finished getting ready; i called mike to confirm what time we should all meet up and he said they aren’t going anymore.”
she swallowed back tears as she continued “i decided that i’m already dressed so why not go pick out a few movies to watch by myself and i took my bike to family video and.. and everyone was there. lucas, max, eleven, dustin, mike, will. they were all there, laughing with steve and robin.”
eddie stayed quiet for a moment before he stood up “you’re kidding me.” he told himself “c’mon y/n, we’re going to family video.”
“did you not just hear me ed? i don’t wanna see them right now.” she stood up too and hit her brother on the shoulder “well as a munson, you should just listen to me,” he handed her back her shoes “and let’s go to family video. i’ll even watch some weird movie you like. those fucking brats shouldn’t be like that. especially the ones i’m friends with.”
eddie ran to his room and through on his chained jeans and a black long sleeve with his battle vest. he tossed on a matching pair of sneakers to y/n’s and shook the keys in front of her face. “onward n/n.”
eddie and y/n sung along to some of their songs in the car. they had mixtapes that were a mix of their taste’s in music which weren’t that different to start off.
when eddie parked the mini van, he looked to his sister “remember, walk in there, say hi to steve and robin if you want, go straight to the horror.” y/n laughed at eddie and nodded. the two then got out and walked to the entrance. the sign said it was closed but eddie didn’t care. he opened the door and let y/n in first.
everyone looked at the munson’s in surprise. steve and robin looked at them with a look that said “cant you read the sign” and the kids looked at y/n with nervous and guilty faces.
“hi.” y/n looked at steve and robin and completely ignored everyone else. she walked to the horror section and began to pick out movies “nightmare on elm street?” she turned back to eddie who nodded. she also picked out “the outsiders” and “karate kid” and decided to stroll around the rest of the store.
steve tried to tell eddie that they were closed but the munson boy gave him a serious look and brought steve to the back of the store. he told him a summary of all his younger sister told him. steve shook his head “they didn’t do that.” he mumbled to eddie but the boy shook his head “harrington,” he huffed “i’ve seen y/n cry but she was crying a lot so let it be. we’re gonna have a movie night.”
“shit. yeah go. i’ll ring em up for you.” he patted eddie on the shoulder as he smiled at y/n. the girl was the youngest out of everyone there. she was still in the same grade as the kids but she was 14 and not 15. “hey y/n. make eddie shit his pants.” robin smiled (the older girl could tell something was up with the nervous looks from the kids and how eddie brought steve to talk.) “hey y/n..” lucas mumbled awkwardly “fuck you guys.” she told all of them. she then thanked steve and her and eddie carried out the movies. eddie said a quick bye to robin and steve before following his sister.
“i’m crying again.” she mumbled when she got in the car. “it still hurts even though that felt good.” she laughed while wiping the flowing tears. eddie kissed the top of his sisters head “i’m here to be your annoying brother till they come crawling back to apologize.”
y/n laughed “you’re the best brother ever, eddie.”
“you’re the best sister ever too, y/n.”
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ghoulbullets · 16 days
my coming out story
happy pride month goobers!! ive been very open about my queer identity for a long time now but i wasn't always this proud of myself. and i wanted to come on here and share my story! its pretty heavy at times so i just want to say, beforehand, if you are struggling as bad as i was there are so many resources you can connect with that will help you greatly!! don't suffer in silence! you are loved, and you will get through whatever it is you are dealing with!
growing up ive always known that i wasn't like my peers. ive always been considered the weird kid. i only hung out with the outcasts, even in elementary school. my first queer experience I can trace to 6th grade. i met this girl who quickly became my best friend. she was a huge anime fan and would always talk about assassination classroom, that was her favorite. so i started watching it. 11 year old me would find the sketchiest websites to watch it for free and in english. i remember when i first realized that all of this effort i was putting in to make her think I was cool was actually because i had a crush. we were on the bus on our way to a field trip to see a movie with our class. we were sharing earbuds watching some anime on her phone. i remember feeling nasueous because we were sitting so close. that was my first crush on a girl.
when we finished 6th grade and all moved to different schools for middle school i lost contact with her. but that's okay, new school new me. i got that goofy asymmetrical haircut that most queer kids get at that age. and started 7th grade. i quickly became best friends with a girl that i shared 2 classes with. we texted every day and only did partner projects with each other. she was also very openly very religious. when i started telling her about how i thought i was a lesbian she would always tell me "well ill help you change". we would sit with friends and she would bring it up and laugh about it. i think she wholeheartedly believed she could change me. we were friends from the start of the school year until new years eve of that same year. new years eve was the night i came out to my mom and dad as a lesbian. i remember her texting me "its not too late to change your mind" and after i did it "im sorry but we just cant be friends anymore."
another girl i had became very close with at the same time shaped my interests and personality for,, well until now. we did a partner project together where we had to dissect a song for english class. the song she picked was ode to sleep by twenty one pilots. i remember not wanting to do it (crazy how they're one of the bands that saved my life). even after the project was over we still talked. we actually had history class together. we sat in the very back of the class and would squish our desks togther and share her earbuds to watch dan and phil. she stopped being friends with me around the same time for the same reason. which is ironic. i wonder where she is today.
i remember going back to school the day after i came out. my parents didn't really say much about my coming out besides the fact that they loved me.. however my best friend sat across the classroom from me because she didn't agree with my "choice". that was the first time i felt alone. isolated from everyone (my age) around me.
when 8th grade came along i gained a few friends. and reconnected with some friends from 6th grade who didn't talk to me in 7th for their own self discovery reasons. it was my first full year out as a lesbian i got my first girlfriend. a girl who now has a baby. she was sweet. it only lasted about 2 weeks. but as do most relationships at that age. i also joined an anime club during this time. because, two years later, i still was in to the animes my first girl crush showed me. i quickly became friends with a lot of the people in the club. many i am still friends with to this day.
the dynamic of this friend group was extremely toxic though. a bunch of weird queer kids with the same interests spending 2 hours after school together for 3 days a week? that's just a breeding ground for drama. and drama there was. i had my first kiss with a girl, joined a lesbian polycule, cheated on my partner at the time, lost and regained friends every other day. it was too much for kids our age to be going through. and during this time i was also discovering that i may not be a girl. i started throwing around the idea of being nonbinary.
during this time i also started falling into a very deep depression. i started self harming every day. i developed an addiction to benadryl. became friends with a trans guy who eventually started sexually assaulting me at school for a month, and then i had my first suicide attempt. it was terrible. and my parents didn't find out until a friend of mine did, who told the school. this led to my first hospitalization. which caused a rumor to be spread around the school that i had succeeded in killing myself. i had came back to school with my locker covered in sticky notes and lost many friends.. i hate to say the hospital didnt help me the way we had hoped it would. so i quickly became a frequent flier. my mom didn't know what else to do every time i relapsed or had my second attempt.
during my time in and out of the hospital i started experimenting with different pronouns. when i started this gender journey i was using they/them. but then i learned what being transgender was and my whole world changed. so i started using he/him as well. but i was so scared that my parents would find out so i begged my friends to misgender and dead name me when they came over. but i did get my first pixie cut. and i started dressing more masculine. and binding in any way that I could, often times EXTREMELY UNSAFE!
i stopped hanging out with some of the people from club around this time and met my third girlfriend. my first girlfriend as a BOY. only this time it was my first real relationship. we dated off and on until the very end of freshman year. my mom knew about them, they came with us to family events. we dated for nearly an entire year before we broke up. we are still friends today, they're an amazing person who helped me with my self discovery more than they know.
hospitalizations were a reoccurring thing. i remember one time we were driving to an evaluation and my mom asked why this was happening. in the heat of the moment i asked her "well have you ever though maybe i don't want to be a girl?" her only response was "you already came out as one thing, just slow down." we didn't talk about it again. a month later i left for school one day and left a very long letter on the kitchen counter telling my parents im transgender. i came home from school and they didn't say a word. so it continued.
i moved schools sophomore year. the bullying had gotten so bad and my pill addiction was causing me to skip class to sleep in the bathrooms.. the school pretty much begged me to leave. my parents, mainly my mom, were becoming very aware i "wanted to be trans". they let me tell the new school to change my name in the system from my dead name to my preferred name. they let me express myself in any way i wanted (my mom even bought me my first binder) but still were weird about the whole trans thing. but my mom did start taking me and my younger sisters to pride events!
nothing exciting happened until junior year. where i was taking the gender thing a lot more seriously. this year i had another really bad mental health crisis that landed me in the hospital again.. and then into a residential mental health facility. i was originally supposed to be there for nine months to a year, as requested by my therapist at the time. but during my stay i got worse. maybe it was the dysphoria of being the only boy in an all girls psych unit. maybe it was that i spent my 17th birthday in there with doctors and strangers, hours away from my family. or maybe it was that my dad (who my mom had separated from a year before) and his girlfriend had my baby sister and I wouldnt be able to meet her until i got out. i ended up getting out a month after her birth (which caused my therapist to drop me for not completing the program fully).. however my dad died a month after my discharge.
my dad was the most homophobic and transphobic out of my parents.. but the very last time i saw him he introduced me as his son, using my preferred name, to his friend. i now know my mom had a talk with him during my hospitalization that this trans thing is something im serious about.. and that them not respecting it was literally killing me. even if he was told to do it, its still a nice last memory.
senior year came. i was extremely open about being transgender and queer. i had been dating boys and girls. my mom was even starting to express her own queer identity. her and my doctor decided that after i graduated highschool i would start testosterone. and that i did. i graduated highschool a month early. march of 2023. and two weeks later my mom picked up my testosterone perscription and did my first injection.
a week after graduating highschool i started cosmetology school. i was so excited for this because i had been doing my own hair for years and even had friends that would have me do their hair as well. but starting college directly after years of highschool that nearly killed you will burn you out very quickly. burn out, combined with the intense dysphoria you don't expect to get when working in this industry, led to me dropping out in October of 2023. but i did keep an amazing tight knit friend group consisting of me and 3 amazing girls who love me more than i could ever ask for.
flash forward to today. im very open about my transness, my mom gets into arguments on facebook nearly every week defending me, her son, who she is so incredibly proud of. im watching my siblings come out as queer, im watching my extended family grow more and more comfortable with the fact that they have a nephew, grandson, etc. i wont say my depression is cured but I am better than I ever have been. because I survived school as a weird gay kid. and I'm now a weird gay adult who surrounds himself with nothing but love because that's all I deserve.
im begging young trans kids... YOU NEED TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO RECEIVE THE LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE YOU DESERVE. you will get there one day. it takes so much work but its all worth it.
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
ello bones hope youre doing good
just found even more cool songs thanks to you, how do you always have more???
also WE COULDVE HAD YOU DOING ASL??? aw man :( (/lh)
anyway, I just turned in my paper that ive been working on for the last few months (yay, finally, it ate like all of my free time and energy) and suddenly I have too much free time and not much too read or watch (I had saved so many fics I cant manage to read anymore)
any coming of age books (or fics) or movies recommendations? (I need me some honey and tangerines vibes yk? ive been listening to the playlist too much again. one day I think ill read that fic again, but today is not the day)
much love to go you all in the ask box, eli <3
I'm doing pretty good! went to a yoga class tonight and I'm seeing the tommyinnit live show tomorrow so it's shaping up to be a pretty great weekend!
I actually filmed a video to post here on language day and everything but I wanted to redo it so my face wasn't fully in frame but then I just didn't get around to it :( oh well next time
OOO congrats on turning in that paper!! that's a huge accomplishment, I hope you get a great grade on it. and yay for free time!
oh boy ok coming of age recs I can do this. I haven't read any coming of age books since I was a teenager though so keep in my my memory of these are all hazy
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky - hallmarker of the coming of age genre, read this when I was 16 and cried, even if you've seen the movie I highly recommend the book
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire saenz - literally was one of my favorite books for so many years. I read it when I was 15 and became obsessed with it. I still look back on it so warmly it's just such a great book
it's kind of a funny story by ned vizzini - also read this one when I was like 16ish. I remembered enjoying it but not as much as the other two I've listed here. still very good though!
cha cha real smooth (2022) - actually one of my favorite coming of age films I've ever seen. it's a coming of age film about a guy in his early 20s instead of in his teens which is refreshing in its own. it hit particularly hard for me because I saw it when I was 22 and freshly graduated from college unsure what to do, the main character is 22 and freshly graduated from college unsure what to do. it's also a very unique setup and I really loved how they pulled it off
the edge of seventeen (2016) - this might be a controversial pick because the main character is actually pretty insufferable in this, but that's part of why I enjoyed it. the character is meant to be insufferable. she's a teenage girl dealing with the hell of being a teenage girl and she sucks! it's an intentional thing and it does it very well! I would say it still falls flat in some areas, but I'm mainly recommending it because it's so refreshing to have an mc genuinely be a shitty person
sing street (2016) - I count this as a coming of age movie but it's also kind of a music movie? it's incredibly fun no matter what. the songs are so catchy, the characters are all great, and the relationships are just all very well done
the kings of summer (2013) - genuinely why do I never hear anyone talk about this movie. I haven't seen it in so long but I remember it being incredibly funny with a great dose of summertime whimsy
hunt for the wilderpeople (2016) - tbh I never thought of this as a coming of age movie and it might be a bit different than most of the films on here but I was looking up lists of coming of age movies to try and remember which ones I've seen and I saw this one mentioned a few times. if you're a fan of taika waititi films, in my opinion this is his best one hands down. it's hilarious but also incredibly sweet and heartwarming at the same time
moonrise kingdom (2012) - very charming and storybook esque in the way all wes anderson films are, but with a really sweet story between two kids at its core. again, different from most of the ones on this list, but definitely an enjoyable one all the same
hope this list helps!
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glitchbirds · 18 days
started watching the his dark materials tv adaptation earlier this week- something that i had meant to do back in 2019 when it began and never quite got around to. started s3 yesterday so i should get the remaining 7 episodes under my belt within the next few days genuinely it is fascinating to watch an adaptation of a series that i read only once, when i was ten years old, but which left such a profound impression on me that i have consistently cycled back to it for years and years (esp when its such a complex, sprawling fantasy world-or several worlds, really- that its adapting)
as ive mentioned Several times over the years- maybe not on this particular account though-, i was gifted an omnibus copy of all three books in one by my older brother, either for christmas or my birthday i cant remember, sometime before the 2007 movie came out (meaning i had to have been 10 at the absolute oldest when i started reading them, though maybe 11 by the time i finished?). i also very clearly remember The Controversy surrounding them among christians, mainly because of a few comments by classmates but more importantly because my (fourth grade, iirc?) teacher pulled me out of class one day to tell me the book i was reading was sinful and atheist and against god and etc (which made me cry very hard </3 even though she told me i could still read it. this was back when my dad still took me to (catholic) church on a semi-regular basis to appease my grandmother as well as sunday school (run by my older cousins) and at least a year or so before i started to develop a modicum of critical thought towards deep south church teachings. i was petrified of the idea of going to hell and scared to do anything whatsoever to jeopardize my chances) (this did not stop me from reading the book however, because i enjoyed it too much. but i also have a clear memory of reading the book every chance i got w/o paying much attention to what was happening around me and one day realizing that i was reading it while at church service and mentally freaking out that i was doing something sacrilegious and trying to force myself to stop reading. i think i spent about 10 minutes bored out of my mind before i, internally apologetic, went back to reading) luckily my parents seemed unaware or unphased by the fearmongering- i assume my mother never noticed, or this was before she started to become insane from fox news poisoning; my dad i think brought it up briefly because of a flyer he saw but wasnt overly worried about it- because i saw the movie in theaters (i liked it ok; have never seen it since, i want to now though) and also acquired the ds game (tbh i enjoyed it despite it being tie-in garbage and me being v bad at video games as a kid; i never managed to beat it though) and later the wii game (bad </3 never got far into it)
Anywayyyy. again i have never since reread any of the books or read any of the other novellas and the like philip pullman has written set in the same world, though im itching to do that now; and ofc while ive skimmed through wiki articles and the like to refresh my memory on things, my memory of most of the plot points in the books are heavily based on My Perspective As A Ten Year Old Child. i remember the first book the best, a decent amount of subtle knife, and can only recall a few specifics of amber spyglass, and its only now while revisiting the world by watching the tv show that im getting a proper, more well-rounded view of the symbolism and messaging and Authorial Intent(tm) behind the series, because of course a lot of this shit flew right over my stupid little child brain as a kid. once i got to the third book i started to understand, vaguely, why my teacher didnt want me reading this book and why there was a backlash against the movie, but a lot of things that are obvious to me now (and would have been obvious if i read the series just a few years later, really) just did not compute for a 10 y/o. which ofc does not mean that i think its a Bad thing i read them that young but all of ^ that turns watching this series into a mix of "oh i remember that" "oh i know whats coming up" "oh my god i forgot that this is from HDM, this has influenced so many creative projects over the years w/o me even realizing it" "oh they skipped over it but i know in the books there was a scene here that i loved and that has stuck with me forever" "i dont remember this from the books but it extrapolates perfectly from what i remember about these characters" "oh my god was the symbolism here really that obvious and i still didnt pick up on it" etc etc etc ANYWAYYYY. my actual review of the tv series so far: -season 1 in particular is sorely lacking in how it portrays daemons and it made me increasingly sad. daemons were without a doubt my favorite thing from these books and one of my favorite things in a work of fantasy Ever to the point where over the years i have Repeatedly decided to sit down and spend a ridiculous amount of time painstakingly plotting out what daemon i think (x) character from (x) piece of media i enjoy, would have. many of which are still committed to memory. i fucking love daemons as a concept and i wish this shit was public domain so any piece of fiction i write could utilize them forever. i get budget issues exist or w/e but whyyyy would you adapt a series where every character in a world would have a cgi animal with them at all times if you couldnt actually show those cgi animals in more than a handful of scenes per episode and only for (some) major characters and only if they had a speaking role in that scene and also occasionally just have them teleport instead of showing them walking from one room to the next and also crowd shots are fucking barren. its like watching a live action pkmn tv show where pokemon are onscreen for a combined 5-10 minutes out of 60 minute episodes. s2 is a bit better about it but it also spends significantly more time in other worlds where daemons arent visible so ig its easier to budget in more daemons in scenes that take place in lyras world. no idea about s3 yet though ofc the mulefa are coming so We'll See how they handle the cg there
-i do think the cg animal animation looks good though. like its not "i believe there is an actual snow leopard in the room" photorealism but not only is that something i do not particularly care about, i think daemons looking a little unreal is actually perfect. they are physical manifestation of human souls and are in-universe immediately distinguishable from identical animals of the same species... it works
-s2 in general is a significant improvement on s1 not just in the daemons but in the overall pacing and character exploration imo; which is surprising considering its the season cut short from covid lockdown; and also a bit sad since, again, most of what i remember is from the first book and thus many of my fondest memories of the books were things that were either skimmed over in the first season or cut out entirely </3 ALAS.
-iorek and iofurs fight didnt go as hard as it shouldve </3 they didnt even show iorek ripping iofur's jaw off... he was killed in the blurry bg behind lyra. how are you gonna let the 2007 pg-13 movie kick more ass at talking armored polar bears fighting to the death
-am i crazy or is the alethiometer just not used much in the tv series compared to the book... maybe the movie+games clouded my memory, or maybe its the fact that in the show there's rarely any elaboration as to what the symbols could mean or which symbols lyra is using for her questions/what she's interpreting. almost every scene of it being used blurs together and i wouldnt be shocked if some show-only fans think its a stupid plot device with no rhyme or reason behind the symbols, when imo i think you can at least roughly intuit many of the meanings, though obviously not to the extent that a reader could interpret full accurate sentences
-some really really strong casting for like 99% of the roles in this show, i love most of the changes theyve made from the books wrt to casting decisions, my only significant gripe is of course. why did you have to do lee scorseby like that. i loved lee a lot. i remembered him so fondly. why'd you have to give lin manuel miranda that one. just absolutely devastating to me personally (though the choice to have andrew scott as will's father was v funny to me because lin manuel miranda and moriarty from bbc sherlock hanging out together for a huge chunk of s2 has to have appealed massively to a very particular subset of tumblrina)
-again i read these books when i was 10 so the concept of "characters can be bad people but also really well written and enjoyable to spectate" hadnt really settled in my mind yet so i really have no idea if this fully applies to the book version of her but oh my godddd i love mrs coulter in this series. yes she kidnaps children and rips their souls apart from them yes she drugs her own daughter and holds her captive yes she murders people indiscriminately without remorse etc. and she rules <3
-similarly the changes theyve made to the golden monkey are Fascinating...
-i loved lyra and pan with my whole heart when i was her age and it is really :,) to now be fully an adult and see her again. waughh. i love how almost everyone she meets loves her too (i will not stand for ppl watering it down to found family fanfiction tropes. but She Is So Loved.)
-i think its cool that boreal went from being a fairly minor character in the books to one of the main antagonists for a hot minute. he was fun :)
-i dont remember having strong feelings about mary malone as a kid but i really like her here. i havent gotten to this point in the show yet but im aware they tweaked her backstory to make her a lesbian as well, which is just delightful to me
-will's relationship w/ his mother and particularly the way the book describes her mental illness from will's perspective was so, So important to me as a kid and the thing i remembered best from subtle knife, and i wish the show had dwelled on it a liiiittle more? in particular, the bit where will thinks about when he first realized something was up and his mother wasnt just playing a "game" with him and was actually terrified of a nonexistent threat, when he was seven and they were shopping for groceries, and how he realized then and there that he needed to take care of her and protect her- that stuck w/ me very strongly as a kid and i wish the show had found a way for will to talk about it with lyra, there were a couple points where i thought he was going to bring it up. maybe this season??
fun fact i started writing this post at like 10 last night. i gotta put a stop this rn
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bloodymiso · 3 months
Hi hi~! I was wondering if I can have a male stardew valley matchup please?
I’m a 25 year old female. I’m 5’4 with dyed burgundy hair and big green eyes. I also wear glasses and have a few piercings (nose and lots of ear piercings). I’m also a little on the chubby side.
Personality: I’m very shy and awkward around at first, but once I’m comfortable with someone I’ll warm up to them fast. I’m also more talkative, bubbly, giggly, sarcastic and a tad bit moody. I can also be mischievous and cause some chaos when I’m bored. I also suffer from anxiety and depression, so I need Simeon who can be patient and understanding. I hate confrontation, so I’ll avoid it as much as possible. I’m not a physical person as touching makes me anxious at times. But I’m very touchy and affectionate with loved ones. More of a reserved and calm person and rather watch my surroundings than participate in socializing. I’m also very sensitive and kind of a hot-head. I can be social if I want, but I’d rather keep to myself and stay home. Sometimes I don’t act my age because of how playful and youthful I come across.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: if I see anything cute and fluffy I will absolutely melt! I also love kids and would like some in the future. I have two cats of my own, so an animal lover is a must! I enjoy playing instruments, gaming, watching trashy shows, traveling, doing my makeup, banter/teasing and naps! I can literally sleep all day long with no interruptions. Also enjoy spooky things and going on ghost hunts. Absolutely hate spiders, loud abrupt noises and crowds.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day/night~!
i ship you with..
okay hear me out hear me out. when i started reading i honestly thought “oh def seb or harvey” but then i remember sam exists.
hes really immature for his age but willing to listen to anyone’s problems. he cant just turn on and off adult-mode but he can in the right situation. whenever you need comfort or a hug, he’s there.
i feel like you would have met sam through an injury. you were walking down willow lane when he was skateboarding and hit you like the dumbass he is. rather than going to harvey’s he brought you into the house with the help of jodi. as he *cough*jodi*cough* patched you up.
“sorry for the scratch..”
he actually felt so bad though like legit puppy eyes. he always saw you walking down willow lane to get to the beach or to yk any other part of the town but he never dared to even make eye contact with you. ever since that day he’d say hi. at some point that “hi” transformed into various conversations.
once you two got closer, BOOM jamming(not that jamming as in music jamming what are you thinkiny) sessions. like literally every day. expect seb to join you on saturdays. he invited you to the saloon and introduced you to the group. you and abigail would def do your makeup together, i can see you two vibing. you and abigail would go ghost hunting in the forest, sam would sometimes join but get ready for endless screaming. i can imaginr you and seb being complete gaming rivals
he always dreamed of starting a band with sebastian but now, he dreams of starting it with both of you. sam knows he cant hide his feelings forever, eventually he confesses in the middle of a commercial break as you were watching a movie.
after that you got together but completely forgot to tell the group. one night at the saloon, before you left you gave sam a quick peck on the kiss and left. the others stared for a quick two seconds before screaming at the top of their voice “WHAT.”
he thinks your piercings are soo pretty(i would too) he’d always giggle when he’d kiss your nose and feel the soft tingle of your metallic piercings on his lips. ever since you started dating you two have been complete menaces to the group. literally the best dumb jokes duo ever. jodi loves you, vincent thinks youre “stealing” sam from him.
sam would absolutely love youre cats, the problem is..they dont feel the same(protective much.) he’d try his best to get him to like him, but i guess it takes time:)
thanks for the request! i had a lot of fun with this . reblog if you can:3!!
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ess-presso · 1 year
your fic recs have been absolutely superior so ty. my turn! engraved upon my heart (in letters deeply worn) by inkpot_winters - jegulus little women au. need i say more. (also bc little women was in your top books)
taylor time! sad beautiful tragic, the moment i knew, and the way i loved you! ( i keep thinking im repeating ones ive already said so if i give u one i already said just ignore it LOL)
chat time!
drarry being a guilty pleasure is so real. like drarry and jegulus is same ship different font so u cant go wrong.
and being used as a personal grammarly by friends? SO real. my best friend cant spell for shit and ive been her dictionary and autocorrect since we kids.
okay but red converse is so james of you. i have red converse as well (i think i wore nothing but my red converse for an entire year when i was 16) but i like to change it up with my green or black converse too (i drew stars and moons all over the rubber part on my black ones because. i have to make everything in my life about wolfstar obviously)
GREEK MYTHOLOGY KIDS UNITE! this makes me so happy. truly a superior breed. i guess my obsession just bled into my academic career and here i am LOL. and dont worry, caecilius est in horto is a joke here too (at least it was in my intro to latin class, i feel like the average canadian would be lost)
love that u want to save lives. thats so cool of u. my best friend is a nursing student and shes the most badass person ive ever met so maybe its a prerequisite to be cool if u save lives.
(also wanting to be an agent after watching a spy movie is SO REAL like i swear my divine purpose becomes being a cool ass kicking agent, until reality dawns on me and i remember im just. a random person)
your top books list is so good. i love little women SM & ive heard so many good things about if we were villains (i really need to get on reading that)
also JUMANJI i love that movie. so good. and the hunger games movies ofc just classics at this point. and help the woman calling herself the kim k of businesswomen in the apprentice is so funny some people say the funniest things.
id love to visit new york too. concrete jungle where dreams are made of, obviously. the big gulp cup. god i want one too. (we have them in canada but i think ours are way smaller?)
your jewelry sounds so cool. i love the hp pandora bracelet thats so cool & rings! i love rings sm i cannot leave the house without them.
pop tarts & chinese takeout is such a good combination. perfect comfort food fr.
and a fellow cat person! i like dogs but i love cats sm. i have 3 and theyre my most favourite little creatures on the planet.
an INFJ! very remus of u. (at least i think hes an INFJ? idk i saw a tiktok about it lol) im an INTJ so im living up to my reg kinnie status.
stars is such a good choice. i will always be a star person too (and hello? im an ex-astronomy student too thats so funny). theyre just so pretty and i swear i could stare at them for hours.
christmas is my fav holiday too!! ive actually always wanted to visit london at christmas time it sounds so nice. do you get much snow during the winter? we dont get much snow here so honestly anywhere that gets snow at christmas sounds great to me.
I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHT JAMES OPENED THE DOOR??? i think i read some dumb thing somewhere where he opened the door wearing a lightning mcqueen costume and it really stuck with me😭 i guess i decided that was canon to me LOL
question answer time!
fav rarepair - oh god i dont even know. i tend to always enjoy the more popular ships. although i did read a fake dating fic where james and evan fake dated to make barty and reg jealous, and ofc barty and reg fake dated to make james and evan jealous. (a star for a summer's day by moony_reggie if u wanna check it out!) so ill say james x evan. they had more chemistry together than i would've expected.
fuck marry kill james sirius remus - GOd. i cant even answer that question thats like the hardest thing anyone has ever asked me. uhmmm ill fuck them all, and then marry them all. if i had to kill someone itd be myself because i cannot be responsible for any of their deaths THEYVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!!
place i wanna visit - id love to visit new zealand. im a HUGE lord of the rings fan and they filmed the movies there so id die if i ever got the chance to visit. ive actually always wanted to visit london too (and a lot of the UK in general, especially wales and scotland) as well as italy & greece! i visited both on a school trip a few years ago and it was a dream come true but id love to go back.
fav book/book series - another brutal question but ill try:
picture of dorian gray
song of achilles
percy jackson series
shadowhunter chronicles (yes its the incest series NO THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY SIBLINGS I SWEAR! we dont talk about it.)
mara dyer series by michelle hodkin (underrated and so good)
hp series ofc
hunger games ALWAYS.
six of crows duology my beloved <3
most embarrassing thing ive ever done - oh man. okay lets see. when i was in 10th grade i had to take a spanish oral final at the end of the school year but i am an ANXIOUS woman and did not wanna do that so i skipped my spanish class until the end of the year. my best friend was in my class and my teacher kept asking her where i was until one day she told my teacher i had CHLAMYDIA and thats why i was gone. i guess her excuse worked because the teacher never asked again. the next year any time i saw that teacher in the hall she gave me a funny look but . i guess mission success? i never did have to take that final so. LOL
favourite thing i own - i have a set of lightsabers (yes im a star wars nerd (derogatory)) but also i have the ring from the lord of the rings! my precious truly.
if my life was a movie - i truly dont think my life is interesting enough to have an exciting title. i think the best i can come up with is "the underwhelming adventures of a crazy cat lady and her books". and thats just like abysmal so.
do u have any pets?
fav fanfic trope?
do u have any weird talents?
whats your gas station order?
fav flower/plant?
fav planet?
and simply because now i have to know, most embarrassing thing youve ever done?
fav instrument sound? (like what sounds most pleasing to your ear)
and thats all! i eagerly await your responses and in the meantime ill be over here doing a little dance.🕺
bee hello hello hello 👋 i missed u <333
jegulus little women au ??? on god , sign me up for this right the fuck now. (& little women is genuinely so good. amylaurie truther 5ever>>>>)
(fic rec for u - no bright line by lady_grey - w/ sirius being an actor, remus being a historian & lily being the filmaker & matchmaker who fixes them up. james and harry are just there for the vibes honestly.)
tay tay -
sad beautiful tragic - JEGULUS - ‘long handwritten note’ - HELLO???? mr rab with the locket?? ‘kiss me try to fix it’ james trying to tell regulus to come and come that he’ll save reg , but reg already knowing he’s beyond repair. ‘for the life of us we can’t get back’ WHAT WHAT. they should’ve been happy your honour. ‘we both wake up in lonely beds in different cities’ the different places they wake up in especially during the summer holidays. ‘beautiful magic love there. what a sad beautiful tragic love affair.’ THEM THEM THEM THEY HAD SOMETHING SO SPECIAL AND THEY WERE SO TRAGIC.
the moment I knew- BLACK BROTHERS- i had to think about this one because I didn’t think anyone of my ships would betray each other like in this song. just not turn up or anything. BUT OF COURSE ! black brothers angst. i can just imagine sirius being like ‘bro i’m coming to your party bro’ & reg waiting but he doesn’t come because he’s getting smashed with the marauders. AHHHHH OH MY GOD NOW I’M ALL HURT. ‘your close friends seem to know when there’s something wrong’ - James being all ‘sup reg what up with u dude u seem a little depresso.’ i can just feel this song. very them .
the way i loved you - JEGULUS - i love this in the context of that jegulus had to break up and bartylus begins but then reg keeps thinking of james , like to me ‘frustrating intoxicating complicated’ is something reg would SO use to describe james. (ps - i’ve heard people use this for remus-grant in which it’s remus singing the song about sirius which i also agree with!)
now chatting time-
drarry ! i love them so much ! ‘harry had never been less interested in quidditch, he was rapidly become more and more obsessed with draco malfoy’ like BRO . i know what you are. ‘the boy who lived’ more like the ‘bi who lived’
and the personal dictionary thing is so real , isn’t it? it’s always like ‘ess check this’ ‘ess is there an a in definite’ ‘ess why is there a red line under this word’ .
and yes i agree red converse is very very james of me ! i love them so much they’re very dear to me. and green and black converse ??? very slytherin of you (i think the stars are so real of you #wolfstar5ever) i actually have a pair of stars converse !! on the little flap thingy , there is a little moon stitched on as well! when i saw them i was like ‘ i must own these’.
AND YES GREEK MYTHOLOGY FOREVER !!!! WE ARE THE BEST !!! the trojan horse was my obsession as a kid lmfao. i love that you took it to the next step though i could never do latin for so long ! (and i’m glad caecilius est in horto carries everywhere. it’s a staple of latin classes honestly.)
AND YESSSS saving lives is for cool people only ? are u a loser ? do you want to save lives ? if yes then u are no longer a loser ! (and nurses are definitely badass good on your best friend for opting for that)
(after the movies end i always be in the toilets staring into the mirror having an existential crisis like ‘well i’m gonna be in the mi6 now better get to training’ then the toilet flushes behind me and i get back to reality.)
little women ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (the 2019 movie >>>) ( and yes you must read iwwv that book changed my brain chemistry forever)
AND JUMANJI JUST SLAPS SO HARD HONESTLY!!! kevin and the rock together >>> . AND THIS YEAR’S APPRENTICE is on crack fr. if you watch it , you’ll notice there’s one guy who looks exactly like the hyde , honestly. and lord sugar saying ‘i hear you own a pest control business. any tips on how to get rid of piers morgan’ LIKE BRO YOU WENT HARD.
yes new york oh my god new york seems like the place that would make or break u. (not to mention that americans are a bit of a novelty here . like the candies , the cheetos the accents >>>) AND THE AMERICAN BIG GULP IS LIKE HUMONGOUS. HUGE . I must try it. (you have them in canada ??? that’s so cool)
RINGS ARE SO COOL. makes me feel all mysterious n shit , but i do too much lab work to handle wearing them all the time.
pop tarts & chinese takeout are simply superior. i don’t make the rules??
YOU HAVE CATS ??? I DON’T (yet. i plan on getting a black cat with green eyes. but a black cat) THAT’S SO SWEET AND AWESOME AND COOL AHHHHH. cats are so adorable honestly. (what are the kitties names ? i must know them and shower them with love from me !)
and yes INFJ !!! i love chocolate , but unfortunately i am not a werewolf so not totally remus. INTJ?? you little reg kinnie i see you there.
stars honestly i love them. light pollution is just so damning in london though. (and what??? that’s such a freaky coincidence oh my god !!!)
AND YES CHRISTMAS I LOVE CHRISTMAS !!! we did get snow last year but it melted pretty fast. We actually got frost a couple days ago , but not proper snow. i’m waiting for a real proper snow day again where the snow actually stays for ages. and lmfao you don’t get snow in canada ?? whenever i imagine canada i always think of three things - snow , maple syrup & mooses. it upsets me that not all of these things are everywhere in canada.
AND LMFAO NOT THE JAMES DOOR THING ??? it’s such a funny little thing because i see people bashing him for being dumb and opening the door and i’m like ‘guys.no’ (but he defo was wearing a costume.like that’s just the truth .)
your questions -
just enjoying the popular ships and not having a rarepair is so real of u. like yes i’m a basic bitch and i just want my jegulus + wolfstar. so what?? (and james & evan?? hmm never heard that before , i’m gonna have to check it out.) my rarepair is really really weird. brace yourself. it’s pansy x percy. i read one fic with them and i thought that was really cool so i think they’re sweet to read now and then! (the fic was the secretary by pacificrimbaud btw - recced by me but do read the tags for extra warnings ik not everyone likes that. it has wild child personal assistant pansy and rude controlling boss percy.)
not being to choose between them is so real . (me however ?? fuck james marry sirius kill remus. love u moonpie but mummy’s got a job to do.)
visiting places where movies got filmed is so surreal though isn’t it ?? and a lotr fan?? my mate’s one and she gave me the silmarillion to read for xmas . (it’s going to take me at least seven months to read because i read (1) page and got confused already.) AND VISIT LONDON YESSS !! very cool here usually , as long as you don’t bump into any roadmen. (I also want to go to italy and greece. Especially venice and athens >>>)
your fave books , i’m going through one by one
podg - isn’t ben barnes in the movie ?? so many edits i’ve seen of him with potd scenes , honestly i’ve got to read the book (& watch the movie of course , to sate my desire.)
‘name one hero who was happy’ & ‘ i am made of memories’ haunt me forever.
pjo is honestly so iconic. i’m waiting for the big old series to come out now.
IS THIS THE ONE BASED ON RON X GINNY FIC ?? like the one that goes ‘you’re my sister , my blood , i should want to protect you’ 😀😀😀 but i trust your judgement here bee!
never heard of this one. but i did just search it up , and the blurb is interesting so i’ve added it to my tbr !
hp did have my little year five self in a chokehold.
THE HUNGER GAMES OH MY LORD >>>>> peeta mellark and his baby bombs my god>>>
and soc ! i would read it except i have been spoiled for a certain chapter 40!
NOT YOU SKIPPING THE SPANISH CLASSES BECAUEE YOU DIDN’T WANT TO DO THE ORAL??? just say me llamo been and pass the exam 🤨🤨🤨🤨.now u got chlamydia too . and the teacher looking at you like ‘damn how she get chlamydia , this bitch be getting around.’
OMG LIGHTSABERS ??? i would so fight with them all the time that’s so so so awesome. (just looked up the lotr ring. it looks so elegant!)
ahhhh being a crazy cat lady >>>> (not abysmal cats beat people anyday.) my movie would be ‘drunk procrastinator’ because honestly i never do things on time and a little bit of sippy sip does release the stress sometimes. (the things i’ve done when under the influence will haunt me. my best friend has so much blackmail material on me .)
unfortunately not yet. but i do want to get a cat , so i’ll get on that asap.
when person a smells person b in amortentia , or when person a is given veritaserum and admits they like person b. i’m a sucker for that shit >>>
my weird talent is that i can eat an entire bowl of cereal in under ten seconds !! not useful at all , but it’s weird so yes , i consider it a talent !
i had to look up what a gas station was i got so confused. we call them petrol stations here so i was like ‘tf is a gas station’ BUT ANYWAYS! I don’t even have a car unfortunately, but my chauffeur (best friend) does and obviously i abuse the best friend privileges, and whenever he needs petrol i always get a pack of gum , a can of sprite (+ a diet coke for the driver man). (this is what you mean by gas station order , yes ? gas stations in canada don’t have restaurants in them right?)
favourite flower - poppies ! i adore poppies ! + lavender they’re so pretty // favourite plant - hyrdrangeas ! (they’re classified as shrubs so they count) very sweet and nice.
favourite planet - gonna be a real one and choose my gal pluto. she’s still a planet to me , okay???
i was at a funeral when i got a phone call . my phone was NOT on silent. and the worst part ? my ringtone was baby got back , so now the deceased’s family have a memory of ‘turn around stick it out even white boys got the shout , baby got back!’ in the middle of someone’s eulogy.
saxophone ! that shit RELAXING AS FUCK !
q’s for you to answer next time you come around -
what the fuck is putin (not the president)
unpopular opinion about the marauders
unpopular opinion in life
Dream car
do you watch the apprentice?
do you believe in soulmates ? (romantic or platonic?)
what’s your hidden talent?
Favourite villain ?
ever had your heart broken ?
ever broken a heart?
(bee you know the drill by now !! don’t be too long , I’ll miss you<333)
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princesstokyomoon · 1 year
i hath been tagged! owo by @nsfwitchy !!!! (this was a nice distraction from mean brain syndrome ty)
First Ship: this..... is a hard one to answer as someone with memory issues, and who forced myself to care about shipping when i was younger cus i thought it was what I "had to do" to enjoy something 😂 it never came naturally to me as a kid, only after i saw people online obsessing over it did i even try. so what my first attempt was i couldnt tell you cus i just did not care about it. i CAN tell you my first selfship though, that i DO remember clear as day being kovu from lion king 2
Three Ships: this is MUCH easier to answer, cus there are so few things i Legitimately consider myself to ship xD Rufus & Goal from Deponia, Aeryn Sun & John Crichton from Farscape, and..... hmmm what's a good third one that ISNT a selfship..... OOOOO Eleanor Shellstrop & Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place, i would sell my Soul for both of them, I don't know why I forget them so much I want what they have
Last Song: i could NOT tell you tbh, i was listening to a "Whiskey Blues" playlist on youtube and stopped when it froze, i wasn't really paying attention to what tracks were on it.
Last Movie: The Three Musketeers film, and hollyyy shit it was fun i do NOT understand how i never see anyone talk about it, i know i dont tend to enjoy most films so maybe my judgement isnt the same as the average guy on the street, but like???? it was cute, silly, and had a lightly 'pirates of the carribean' vibe, how did it not do better when it came out????
Currently Reading: i havent touched it in a month cus moving stress combined with my general struggle to read since uni, but i started "The Musician's Way - A Guide to Practice, Performance, and Wellness" by Gerald Klickstien in november, and what i DID manage to read i really enjoyed.
Currently Watching: at this Exact second in time? Valor Academy Issue 24: The Things We Do For Love
Currently Consuming: ....does.... does chewing gum count as consuming????
Currently Craving: .....uhhhmmmmm..... well to be Frankly honest, i have had a craving for someone to tie me up and or collar me for like a week now (thats not an invitation for randos to message me). other than that, sleep i guess, i feel like Shite, but i cant sleep lmao
anyone else wants to play, feel free to consider it a tag from me <3
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feminurge · 3 months
BEFORE INTERACTION. please take into account that i do not write in acts, meaning a thread or a plot cant take place at any time during ishtar's life. which is to say i can write her to be eight like i can write her to be fifty. it all depends on what i want to explore and the easiest way our characters can connect.
CONTROL + F : (available universes)
MODERN : modern universe / crime : the strangers / villain arc / yellowjackets and the wilds / celebrity / dead by daylight / supernatural / the last of us / the boys / the raven cycle / percy jackson
FANTASY : baldur's gate / the witcher / a court of thorns and roses / the cruel prince / droyi coire / grishaverse / god of war / house of the dragon & a song of ice and fire
BALDUR'S GATE III. [i am my own devastating god]
istar of eryri as dark urge. read more here.
THE WITCHER 3 : WILD HUNT. [last sun. i explode]
ishtar is a sorceress with a difficult past, involving magic-hating nuns, prophetic dreams, elves, and a dragon egg. however the general public of the continent doesn't really start hearing from her at that time : she is barely more than a kid with big dreams, big eyes, and the weight of a curse on her back. it is later, after the dragon egg has hatched in the manmade wildfire that wiped out her forest and her elven tribe that ishtar makes herself known. they call her dhufeainnewedd. the child of the black sun : the one that niya promised. daughter of lilit & maker of nightmares, the harbinger of death. the deadly rampage she goes on inscribes her name in the big tapestry of the world. even after she settles down, wishing to be nothing more than a sorceress with strange dreams & even stranger habits, people come to find her. yes, they fear her, but they also know her to be intelligent. and so a business is created : they take magical and cursed objects to her, and she "fixes" them. her price? a story, a memory, a future favor. find her cottage near the forest & near the sea, in a swamp where nothing is what it seems.
A COURT OF THORNS & ROSES, THE CRUEL PRINCE. [ an echo of inflicted evil ]
same past as her [last sun i explode] universe, only in this one she ended the world the day they destroyed her forest. with nowhere else to go she flew to another ; found a place in a haunted forest that would house her. she is a ghost who bears the testimony of a world long gone. she is a monster with the blood of millions on her hands. she is a legend, nothing more than a story. and yet she remembers... she remembers being a child, a girl, a woman.
MAIN MODERN UNIVERSE. [ yeet your haw ]
she is the weird kid who arrived into town not speaking a word, clothed like a mormon. they say she used to live in a church but they kicked her out because she was the devil. they say she was born in a corn-field but after her birth it all started to rot. they say she's stupid, but she has a good right hook, so after a while they stop talking, too afraid that she'll start defending herself. you see walk around with a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and a gecko on her shoulder. she calls him khairos and you don't think you've ever seen her love anyone as much as she loves him. whatever. you keep watching her, though. you like the way she talks, it brings you back to your dad's cowboy movies. you like the way she looks, too.
puberty does a good job with her : she comes out to the other side looking all dolled up and pretty. her weird is now a good weird, a sexy weird. she's your perfect manic pixie dream girl and you want her to stay. she does, for a while. never long enough, though. she's the retreating figure in your life, a foot outside the door. she loves you but then doesn't. it's weird. you pay it no mind. you see her kiss your friends and steal their jewelry. it's okay : that's ishtar. ishtar lying her way to the top. ishtar lying her way into your heart. ishtar telling the truth just to hurt you, ishtar only using lies when it doesn't matter. you're both eighteen now : you barely see her anymore. she's always in that goddamn house of hers. you haven't see her dad in a while. you haven't seen her with macy or rosie either. it's like her world imploded. ishtar is a bunch of pieces that you can't quite hold. she's erasing herself from the narrative. the day she's gone, you hear that her dad died. no one was at the funeral. you hear that rosie woke up from her coma and accused her of being a lying manipulating bitch. you hear jj's in rehab. you hear she's gone.
she still exists, though. you meet her two years later, at a concert of all places. she's dancing with people that look a little like her, with the same smile and those goddamn dimples she likes to flash the moment she wants something. family, you think. they act weird though. like actors that don't know their lines and their partner's lines. she kisses you on the mouth and tells you how much she missed you, but she doesn't remember your name and when you look back at where she was, standing with them, the group is gone. you hear later that she found her way to the artists' party. you're not surprised : ishtar gets what ishtar wants.
you see her again years later. you've heard of her, especially since she arrived mid-semester in your uni. she's in astrophysics but she often shows up in classes that she has no business being in. you've seen her drinking tomato soup at 8am in a sociology class. replied to a bunch of questions you didn't know the answer to, and then left. you never saw her in that class again. you've heard she's been an elf at the market for christmas. people say she's an uber driver, a mailwoman. some dudes say she's even a sex worker, say she's a dominatrix, but honestly no goddamn student has the means to pay her, so you don't know for sure. you wouldn't be surprised, though. the girl has no apartment, sleeps in people's dorms, in her car, on your couch. she is a cryptid, even now. khairos still on her shoulder. familiar cowboy boots at her feet.
at some point, you lose sight of her. it's not because you're not keeping track, it's because she has stopped running. she lives with that dude now, the big tall dude who looks at you like you're a mediocre excuse for a person. he's brooding and somber and you don't really know why ishtar is flashing him the sunniest smile you've ever seen. it's the last of her you hear about for a while, because the story gets boring. until years later when you hear of the wedding, and the kid, and the dogs. it's surprising, because ishtar has always been the running type. maybe she's finally found what she was looking for. maybe she's never been looking for anything but home.
follows the events of [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ] universe, only ishtar left home to find whatever she had been dreaming about for months. the road led to a forest, where an old man showed her the ropes of dreaming. dreaming life into existence, dreaming events that have yet to happen. she is a prophet & a maker of curses. she will dream your life & end your death. she will make you a hero of an adventure that only she knows the tale of. she is a girl inside of a magical forest ... and she holds the truth of the future.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON & A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. [ fire cannot kill a dragon ]
follows the same events as her [ last sun i explode ] universe, with the sole different that elves do not exist and were instead a tribe of native people living peacefully. the manmade wildfire triggers the sorceress to the point of annihilation : the loss of her family is enough to send her to the deep end. she is the reason for the doom of valyria. it is her magic that created the cataclysm, and it is her magic that doomed the valyrian freehold. ishtar escaped with khairos.
her new life in the world that comes after is difficult to explain, for she is less of a person and more of a vision. she appears sometimes throughout history, just to be part of the tale that unfolds. she likes to play with fate, if only to make sure that she is still breathing. her dragon is no longer "hers" in the sense that she has had to disconnect herself from him for his own protection. people call him cannibal, for his tendency to feast on his own. a common point they have... ishtar visits him often. when rhaenyra calls for dragon riders, ishtar shows up to reclaim the one who is already hers.
when the targaryen go extinct, ishtar leaves with khairos. she knows what comes next : another war that will see no end. it is toward the north that she travels, if only because she is interested in the magic happenings. it is not her kind of magic, but she is open minded. when the north reveals itself to be the home of an evil almost as old as her... she knows that whoever decides to fight this threat will need her. so she makes herself available. she knows better than to fight her own participation in the unfolding of the story : she is much older now, and has learned her lesson.
GOD OF WAR. [ there's nowhere left to go but down ]
same story as the [ last sun i explode ] only it is not men that destroy her people, it is gods. ishtar is accused of a vile crime against divinity and foresti is charged to see that the trial is fair. of course, the sorceress hasnt committed anything -- but she likes the attention and prefers to say that she is guilty. after a while, she decides to help forseti uncover the truth of her accusation... it connects them, in some way. so when some time later forseti wants for his light elf wife to reconnect the elven people, ishtar trusts him enough to introduce them to artemisia. she trusts him enough to show him her world, and the ones she calls family.
when the grand meeting begins and the dark king (a shape taken by odin) kills unn, forseti loses his mind & decides that his curse will not be solely his to bear. all in that room are killed, all but ishtar who is pushed in a portal of her own making by artemisia. the last of her lover is spent protecting her, and the last of her lover is taken by forseti's hand, even though ishtar had finally started calling him a friend. after that, ishtar is on a path to make sure the end of odin's world will begin, if only because it would mean revenge... and justice. maybe she learned something from forseti after all.
DROYI COIRE. available on request.
GRISHAVERSE. [ straight from the knife's sharp edge ]
the girl is special from birth ; more legend than human, more creature than person. the community that has birthed her does not accept her abilities. dreams of flight, dreams of a dragon bigger than the world. she calls him khairos. she is chased from her village, and finds herself to be protected by a ravkan high officer at the fjerdan border. he has no powers but he recognize the lightning at her fingertips, and the scails grazing her skin. he hides her in plain sight. gives her gloves to hide her magic & makes her work in the palace so that she will be his eyes and ears. soon enough, she becomes a whisperer for the right price, because no one thinks the girl who pours the water will tell on you.
when her adoptive father dies, the girl leaves ravka. she then gains many names, and responds to very few. she creates a story in which she is feared. dhufeainnewedd. they say that she can steal the wind from your lungs, just as she can catch your breath with her lips. she is a mercenary for a while, until sturmhond decides he will have a better use for her powers than mere assassinations. ishtar concedes, accepts his offer, sees no point in refusing him when he promises gold.
CRIME / THE STRANGERS. [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ]
alternative to her [ yeet your haw verse ]. they say the corn field she was born in rotted after her arrival. they say she is the devil. they say she is the reason for the community's sin. they make it clear to her that she is an animal that would need to blood atone for her crimes. she accepts it silently. she smokes behind the church & pretends she will marry whoever they want to sell her to. at age eighteen, she steals her mother's truck & never looks back. a while later, she meets mari. thinks she is love. thinks she is sick. mari thinks herself to be god reincarnated and ishtar has no choice but to play her role of the devil : it takes a game of will you won't you and a dead boyfriend for ishtar to disappear into the wind. when she comes back from the dead, she has a new girlfriend, naomi. another nutcase. she's in love, though. she's so in love that when she strangles naomi, she does it while sobbing. she's so in love that when naomi presses her dollface mask into ishtar's hands, as she is gurgling on her own blood, ishtar presses her forehead against hers & waits for silence. if, months later, she takes up naomi's place & becomes the new dollface, it is only because she is finally ready to be whatever her mamma thought her to be. a man-made horror with a knife in her hand and a grin on her lips. whatever it took to get there was just the beginning.
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. [ the void stares back ]
follows the same events as her [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ] universe, only ishtar never left town. she got fascinated by the disappearances and started investigating. when she fell into whatever void the entity exists in, they both realized she was not meant to be there, nor could she leave. protected by whatever curse she was indeed the owner of, ishtar found that she was not part of the killers or the survivors. she simply was. with the ability to always open the hatch no matter the situation, ishtar wanders between dimensions, hoping to find a way out. sometimes put on the hook, she never dies, and usually heals after a few reiteration of the trials. the survivors come to know her as a mischievous third-party, either friend or foe depending on her general mood.
THE BOYS. [ there be fury on the waves ]
a girl with powers that cannot be explained. a girl turned terrorist. a girl who would rather exterminate human kind that let them steal her life. later, when she meets the love of her life and loses him to protect their child, she thinks nothing will ever hurt as much. she was wrong. when they steal her child, she sees red, she doesn't think anymore. girl turned terrorist turned mercernary. she will do anything to get the information she needs. killer, spy, torturer. she will get her child back, no matter the price.
VILLAIN ARC. [ deserve's got nothing to do with it ]
same story as her [ there be fury on the waves ] only her child wasn't born yet when her boyfriend was killed. ishtar lost a part of her humanity when he died, and she saw no point in being a "better" person. creating her empire of blood & bones, she found a new purpose. to destroy everything that led to his destruction. she will leave no prisoners.
CELEBRITY ARC. [ spoiled and beautiful and easily bored ]
follows the events of her [ yeet your haw ] universe, only at some point during her teenage years, ishtar starts posting on social media (twitter, tiktok). she easily builds an audience, if only because her weird quirky behaviors are difficult to explain or to forget. time passes by and she becomes one of the big names people instinctively know. she gets invited to all the big events. she even sings a few of songs with your favorite popular artists. but she never truly settles in an industry, and doesn't hesitate to stop whatever she is doing to try something else. her weird attitude pays her bills, and that's really all she needs to live her weird, fulfilling life.
THE LAST OF US. [ an eye for an eye, a knife for the ribs ]
she is a teenager when the apocalypse starts. hidden in a house with her native father, she lives peacefully for a few years before fedra gets them. losing her family to the governement's violence, ishtar isn't too inclined to live in a qz, but she finds purpose in making sure the black market lives on. she soon becomes a name that most know. you send your stuff to dhufeainnewedd, she'll get it fixed. she'll even make it better. at some point, she falls in love with a fedra officer and she has a child -- little star. the kid is adorable, and his dad loves them to bits. but the war is the war and when he is called on a suicide mission to kill fireflies, he doesn't exactly have a choice. ishtar wants him to stay, he wants to go, and so the story goes. when news of his death reaches her, she is already packing her stuff.
the rest of her story is about leaving, and surviving. she finds an old mall not too far from where she used to live with her dad. the thing is buried underground due to the bombs, but she manages to clean it pretty easily over the years. she kills the few infected. she pays some fireflies a visit to get the material needed to make a home. people still come to her for repair -- she's the queen of radios and traps. her kid learns to walk in the ruins of an old mall, and ishtar has never been prouder. life goes on - deals are made, people are met, objects are echanged.
SUPERNATURAL. [ silence among the noisy heavens ]
follows the events of the [ yeet your haw ] universe, only during her twenties ishtar starts hearing angels & god. she doesn't know what to do with that information, and tries to gaslight her way out of being a prophet.
PERCY JACKSON. [ the bad daughter, the shaper of death masks ]
ishtar is the child of zeus, adopted by hera out of necessity. hidden in the deep end of a mythological forest, she is more a monster than a child. she is whatever the legends warned you about.
follows the events of the [ yeet your haw ] verse. once on the island/in the forest, ishtar reveals herself to be a rather difficult influence : everywhere she goes, chaos follows. girls fight. she is a mean girl among mean girls ; and worst part is ? she doesn't even try to hide it. she spews lies & truths for the fun of it, trying to distract herself from the fact that her cursed nature might be the reason the plane went down.
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prettybutter-flyy · 1 year
Went to see The Whale last night. I has conflixting thoughts but this is my ultimate review. Trigger warning, i will probrably use fatphobic language, sure it's something to unpack, but the movie was harsh and real. If you ever see the movie itself, they clearly wanted you to use the words i will use to discribe the main character
It was about a man, Charlie, who only cares about 3 things: his job (an English teacher), his kid, his long dead lover. At its core, its about a sad man who needs help coming out of a major depression, as when his love died, so did he essentially. And so he let himself go bc nothing else mattered, until he started seeing his daughter again, who he abandoned when she was young (for the now dead lover).
I liked the movie but i dont think i could ever watch it again. It was an incredibly hard thing to watch, especially considering my poor relationship with food. Some scenes were meant to be s grotesque, I had to look away. And being a little fat myself, i was a bit embarrassed and disgusted to find myself eating at the same time as Charlie, bc when food came into the frame, it almost always led to a gross scene. And The fat suit was definately used in good taste, charlie wasnt ever the subject of scutiny or the butt of a harmful joke... So thats about as far as i can get without spoiling it really.
Charlie's character is beautiful. It was clear a lot of love went into developing him. He looks for the honesty of people - sort of - sometimes he looks for honesty just to ignore it, like when it comes to his weight. But you can tell he really appreciates when people are honest with him, even if he ignores it, because he keeps the honest people around him. And hes got a good sense of humor about him. He knows he's so big hes going to die, his friend/caregiver told him several times before the movie started. But he ignored that, and instead of changing his lifestyle, he made plans to give his money away to his daughter when he dies.
Thats how little he cared about himself and those that loved him.
My favorite part of this film was the music. I remember actively saying "this music is fucking me up" to my date. Throughout the film, charlie soothes himself by reading an essay on the complexities of Moby Dick, the titular Whale. Its such a good essay (written by his daughter), he wants it to be the last words he hears. But the score was heavily pirate/ocean/Whale themed - heavy brass, rolling waves of sound. Several times in the movie, because of the music, I felt like i was stuck at sea, among a shipwreck, no life boat in sight. Much like how i imagine charlie was feeling in those moments. Its sad but i would recommend this movies simply for the ability to portray a sea of sorrow and saddness simply through music.
And then the pun of the name, the Whale, Moby Dick. I dont think i need to explain the metaphor. But i will, bc some ppl havent ready Moby Dick (for the purposes of understanding this movie? maybe give it a read! I dont think itd make sense without it! For fun? Dont waste your time. Its mad old timey. And a lil boring) the but the Whale in bith pieces are metaphors for just... a huge challenge the MC is working on overcoming. In MD, Captian Ishmel (?, the main pirate) is living his pirate life doing pirate thing, but has ongoing sexual tension with this literal Whale that refuses to be caught- that's a joke but he really wants to capture that fucking Whale one day. Much like Charlie having to overcome all the the extra weight he's allowed himself to gain. He let it get out of control and now he knows its either the weight or himself really.
Throughout the movie, i thought of all the ways Charlie (and lets be honest, his loved ones) let himself get so big. As a fat person myself, you don't just wake up fat. Its so gradual. Like, first youre weazing and cant breathe coming up the stairs, then your knees get weaker, and your backaches, and you cant easily get out of bed or off the couch, then you actually have to start investing money into stuff that makes being fat easier for you. that is a life you have to choose every single day (*unless of course you have a medical condition*) And then your loved ones have to keep feeding you and feeding you and not forcing you to get up to feed yourself, to move your body. That's a failure of everyone involved. As much as i wanted to believe his caregiver friend loved him, she enabled him by feeding him. What's he supposed to do, starve? No. But he can get up and feed himself. The fact that stuff like that happens in real life makes me sad.
His daughter is the first person to challenge him. He reminds him what he has to live for in a very dramatic and heavyhanded reading of her 8th grade Moby dick essay, which i thought did a LOOOT of heavy lifting throughout the movie. I wish theyd pulled more from the source material and maybe made a direct comparison rather than the allusion to the paper. But I get it, he likes essays and his daughter and this is his daughters essay .
His daughter was probrably my favorite character. She was extremely well written. I knew they were going to go the "genius rebellious teen" when she hit us with her opinion on the dumb ass books we have to read as kids in high school. They werent worth our time but if you say that youre seen as a dummy who didnt read it. Im not dumb, animal farm is dumb!
Anyways! One of the first things she does is tell her father to walk to her. Partially to embarrass him but he also very clearly cares about him. She offers to make him a sandwich, but out of either cruelty or love, she tells him "but itll be small". Which made me laugh out loud.
And then theres the Whale itself: charlies fat. Charlie's fat is almost a character itself. It feeds itself, it takes care of itself, it has a mind of its own. Charlie's has whole drawers dedicated to candy and has rigged ojut his ceiling so he can get out of bed easier, he works from home so he never has to move from the couch. It is an overlooming part of the film. It colors all of his decisions and dialouge. He calls people he doesn't like to help him pick stuff up that is out of reach, and they come!
I wish real life were as simple as in the movies. Charlie knows why he eats. His dead lover. In real life its not just boiled down to the one thing. Life sucks. We all have our vices but this is the one people judge the most for. Its not the only addict that is worn on the body, but youll never hear anyone calling a drug addict disgusting. Or a sex addict. Or a taxidermist. Or a dentist. They get much more compassion as their vices are much more easily hidden.
My point is, that scene where he insisted that guy call him disgusting for the sake of "honesty" was sad. But it's a sort of self harm I do constantly. Like just tell me im fat, tell me im ugly and thats why you dont wanna hang out. Just say it!
Its really easy to just forget why we live. We didn't make it easy to remember, we actually made it pretty difficult to want to live. (Without drugs or excessive foods or coping mechanisms). But the movie was a good reminder to remember why you're here. Why you're doing any of this. Its those little moments filled with shit we actually care about- our daughters, our hobbies, etc.
It a reminder that we can overcome ourselves and do things we need to do, over what ee think we want.
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