#and it was originally about bronya seele honkai??
faerociousbeast · 1 year
why are you as a woman rushing to the aid of another woman. with a gun
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Crater AU
So, as there seems to be some interest and I am all too happy to take the opportunity to start going off on the first real major idea I've had for this fandom, here it is.
Beware, Long Post Ahead!
The Crater AU is focussed, surprise surprise, on a crater, and the folks living there and those who come to visit them.
Let me paint you a picture:
On the seashore, between rolling hills and rolling waves, lies a small port town.
Within sight of this quaint little town, barely more than an hour's brisk walk away, right on the shoreline, the earth rises and then sharply falls in a great crater, a scar left over from the great war a generation ago, when humanity nearly tore itself apart with nucelar fire.
In that crater, among the pools of water and slowly regrowing shrub lies the wreck of an old aircraft carrier, the corpse of a once mighty beast of steel, now repurposed as a home for the two protectors of the coastal lands who live there, training themselves and venturing out to destroy the Honkai wherever it appears.
These guardians of the land are the Great Phoenix, Fu Hua, and her disciple, the cheerful amnesiac girl Kiana.
Their most frequent visitors are Seele, a kind and gentle girl who grew up in the town's orphanage, and Mei, an enigmatic girl who arrived in town a year ago.
Seele is labouring under the weight of not one but two massive crushes, one on her childhood friend Bronya and one on the captivating Kiana. She is otherwise as we know her, a kind and gentle girl who will to to any lengths to take care of those she cares about.
Mei is a driven soul, who came to town specifically to learn from the Great Phoenix so that she can gain the strength to fight the Honkai. Her determination is second only to her beauty, but still Fu Hua refuses to take her on as a disciple, though she does not forbid her from training and sparring with Kiana, which has already tremendously increased her skills and power.
Bronya grew up with Seele in the orphanage, becoming first a protector and then a source of confidence for the timid girl. An avid tinkerer, whenever she is not training herself to be able to better protect Seele and all the other kids, she is either fiddling with some electronic or mechanical device, or researching and teaching herself more engineering skills.
Fu Hua is an ancient guardian of the land, born in an era long before ours. Though events of the war and various conflicts before that have seen her steadily lose many memories of her early life, she is adamant in her pursuit of her duty, both to the people of earth and to the promises she made to her friends.
One of those promises is to take care of Kiana, who unbeknownst to anyone except Hua, is the reincarnation of the second Herrscher, Bianka Kaslana. Bianka was the daughter of Cecilia and Siegfried, dear friends and comrades of Hua's, and herself a capable ally and friend in the fight against the Honkai.
Bianka grew bitter when her lover Rita was killed in the war between humans, a war Otto, the Overseer of Schicksal, insisted she participat in to allow him some influence on events. This caused Bianka to succumb to the Will of the Honkai and become the Herrscher of the Void, to punish humanity for it's needless cruelty and reckless destructiveness.
In an effort to prevent this from devolving into rambling, I will limit myself to these essentials, though rest assured I have plenty more useless trivia, associated plot bunnies and half-baked ideas running around my head that are currently clamoring for a chance to be fleshed out further.
I am in the process of writing a fic set in the Crater AU, but I am unsure when it will come out.
I welcome questions and suggestions, and encourage others to play around with this world if it interests you.
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solverse · 8 months
okay, we all know about SAGAU and its different hundred of aus (not complaining tho, some are chef kiss out there) but like I've been interested in Honkai Star Rail self-aware AU– like i know it's been out for a while but the SAGAU concept is even better when it comes to HSR because of it sheer size and potential.
(not saying Genshin SAGAU aren't good tho.)
It just that I've been having this brainrot and I just need to get it out.
Imagine in SAHSR (yk, self-aware honkai star rail), we got an OC (or reader, if you're more comfortable with that– i refuse to use Y/N, just no) that is an Aeon.
Nothing shocking but lets turn that up a bit by making the OC (or Reader) the oldest yet an unknown Aeon since they went into hiding, but still kept watch of the galaxies. People know little to nothing about OC other than their loyal followers– like, even some of the newer Aeons know nothing about us (or Reader).
My brain rot came up with the Aeon of Mortality. Kinda like an emphasization that we (the Aeon) was here before most of the living being in the galaxies (hence the 'creator' thingy).
Or Aeon of Origin would be a good one too since theres Terminus, the Aeon of Finality.
(kinda like a direct reference to Kiana and Mei, hehe.) But im leaning more towards Aeon of Mortality.
Heck, yk how the Imaginary element embodies the light of lives? yeh, spin that point to how when OC(or Reader), the Aeon of Mortality came into existence, which created the Imaginary element. hell, maybe even drag the Quantum element in too bcs mortality also embodies the aspect of death.
some of the faction/group names i came up with are [Freedom-willed Sworn], [Home of the Epheremeal] and [Anti-Entropy].
not gonna explain the meaning of all of that, but they all gotta do with mortality, freedom, freewill, the will to choose and live, etc.
now thats out of the way, lets get to the fun part!
OC (or Reader) is the Aeon that watches over the Trailblazers (like, us players) and latches onto the Astral Express because they used to be besties with Akilivi ( D: ). Stelle/Caelus have no idea how they got a whole Aeon to get attached to them but they aren't complaining!
(we are also the one enabling the two's trash-loving behavior lmao)
the Astral Express also has no idea why an Aeon, the oldest one (and one they know nothing about) decided to ride along with them. Himeko got used to our presence as we appeared when she repaired the train.
March is confused but happy, Dan Heng is cautious but tolerant and Welt is skeptical but lenient. But slowly, they get used to our presence and might even start liking our help and support!
Asta and Arlan are surprised to know that the oldest Aeon known is constantly watching over them. They've never met an Aeon that interact so close! Herta might have a whole aneurysm wanting to learn anything about us.
Screwllum and Ruan Mei would try to stop her but even they could not hide their curiosity about the oldest Aeon.
The Stellaron Hunters are surprised by our appearance as it was not written or foretold in Elio's script. Kafka is amused by the outcome, also a bit delighted to know that the Aeon (or Reader) was watching over them.
Going to Jarilo-IV! Surprise, surprise! Theres someone in Belobog who is a [Freedom-willed Sworn]! who is it? it can be whoever you might think it is!
The Jarilo-IV gang would be shocked to know that an Aeon was traveling alongside the Astral Express and was currently watching over them.
Some of them would be shy and awkward for knowing that, especially Bronya and Gepard. Some would be apprehensive, like Seele and Svarog. And some would be delighted! Aka, Sampo, Serval and Luka! Even Clara and Hook are happy to have us here.
Next station, the Xianzhou Luofu! right from the start, every kind of words gets out when they find out that the Aeon of Mortality is with the Astral Express. Xianzhou Luofu are skeptical of us, since they do not know of our standing, especially when it comes to the Plague Author (Yaoshi.)
not to mention OC/Reader is the Aeon of Mortality and little is known about us so they might think that our path is aligned with Yaoshi. (which doesnt, honestly.)
Jing Yuan would be suspicious of us but he would hide it well, Fu Xuan would be discontent since the future she saw did not include us, Yanqing have his own opinion but he'd follow Jing Yuan's belief, Sushang would be fascinated and Luocha would be surprised at our reveal.
Tingyun (or Phantylia) would be intrigued at our sudden appearance, Yukong is the same as Jing Yuan (just that she doesn't hide it) and Qingque wouldn't really care.
but once the Xianzhou Luofu quest is over and the gang understands that OC/Reader is not aligned with Yaoshi, they start warming up to us! while Xianzhou Luofu is devoted to Lan the Hunt in their pursue to eradicate Yaoshi, they wouldn't oppose the help of the oldest Aeon!
also, our relationship with some of the Aeons? Aeon OC/Reader constantly gives Qlipoth headaches and they would get worried about us since we do all kinds of shits ehehe.
Aeon OC/Reader constantly annoys Lan (affectionately) and Nanook whenever they get the chance.
OC/Reader are besties with Xipe (goes on a date all the time) and IX (bcs its hilarious). Likes to go sightseeing with Fuli and constantly argue with Aha lmao.
p.s. im hesitant to include the notion of 'Reader' as im not used to using that title but i think most people are more comfortable with that. i, however, will not use Y/N.
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hoyotournament · 2 months
Quarterfinals: Bronya Zaychik vs Collei
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(Propaganda under the cut)
Bronya Zaychik:
revamping this bc i feel like it could be better: i love her so so bad <3. canonically disabled lesbian who has trouble with feeling intense emotions BUT HER ENTIRE CHARACTER REVOLVES AROUND LOVE!! whether it be from her romantic love of seele in the early game/manhua (it being the primary motivation for her to take care of herself and a partial reflection of her initial goal of saving seele from the quantam space no matter what); familial love surrounding her (her inheritance of the legacy of reason from welt yang who lost his own father, her guardians love for her being the only reason shes survived for so long even after their death <- many examples of that but the most obvious one being alexandra trading her own life for bronya via misteln, cocolia's relationship with bronya being emphasized as complex in part because of the real love they do feel for each other alongside all the other resentment from cocolia's betrayal of her), literally just. the core of reason and its 300,000 minds being representative of welt joyce's decision to fight for humanity because he loved humanity from that. and all of this from (again!!!) a canonically disabled lesbian! who's character and marginalized identities have been dehumanized over and over again in real life and in the plot! this isn't even mentioning how her entire arc exemplifies honkai's theme of agency!! which makes me sob my eyes out bc bronya hasn't really been allowed agency since she came to cocolia's orphanage!! she was a child mercenary who's lost her home and guardians over and over and over again and forced to care for herself when she was young. her first true point of domestic stability was in cocolia's orphanage (which even then wasn't perfect!! cocolia, for how much she loved her children, still asked them to participate in dangerous experiments!) and when that was threatened because of her loss of seele and her trust in cocolia, she chose to leave. her agency is also exemplified with cocolia literally taking over her body in the early chapters of the game and ofc the parallels w wendy. AND DO YOU SEE HOW THIS CONNECTS TO WELT JOYCE, HUMANITY'S ADAM, WHO CHOSE TO FIGHT FOR HUMANITY AND EMBRACE HIMSELF AS A HUMAN INSPITE OF HIS ORIGIN AS THE CURRENT ERA'S FIRST HERRSCHER AND HOW THAT ALSO EXTENDS BACK TO ELYSIA'S SACRIFICE? she's so important to me everyone watch cyberangel rn.
MY DEADALIVEGIRL!!!!!!!!!! i genuinely don't even know where to start. collei is such a beautiful beautiful character who's entire story revolves around a girl who's been dehumanized and exploited for her entire life, healing through compassion and a recognition of her own humanity. first of all, when we meet collei in the genshin manhua, she is full of vitriolic anger and hate at both the world and herself. she's been dehumanized over and over and over again and because its a repetitive experience, she fully believes that her lack of worth is something innately true. this only changes when someone (amber) shows her unrelenting compassion and trust. amber goes against everything that collei believed about herself. amber tells her that she is not only capable of good, but she is good. amber reinforces this novel idea that collei deserves goodness. and that realization is the moment that collei begins recognizing her own humanity, and thus, recognizing her own potential to grow, heal, and be the good person that amber knows she is. every moment thus forth is a demonstration of her attempts to grow and be kind!!!! she decides to go through with cyno's sealing ritual even with its conditions! she asks lisa to help her write a letter at the end of the manhua! she mends amber's tattered clothes like she promised! she decides to go to sumeru, a land of wisdom! it's so pertinent to her character that she gains her vision (representative of her ambition) during a show of compassion (protecting a child during a dangerous storm)! it's even in her symbolism with the way she's constantly referred to as a sproutling. NOT EVEN MENTIONING HOW THE REBIRTH METAPHOR THATS APPLIED TO HER CHARACTER (re: sprout of rebirth, revived serval, cyno and anubis and their ritual) IS SO DEEPLY CONNECTED TO SUMERU (her being the first sumeru character we know of and having that rebirth metaphor hinted at in the manhua! that rebirth metaphor carrying over to the actual sumeru plot w nahida! the rebirth metaphor tying in with the snake and cat symbolism that she and the archon residue complete!!!!!!) she's just such a loaded character!! AND collei's one of the few genshin characters with canonical cptsd who has identifiable and realistically common triggers. most importantly, the game acknowledges that its there and in spite of that, shows her resilience in still trying and healing!!!! my disabled deadalive mummygirl i love her so bad.
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bung3665 · 6 months
Some Dynamics and Character Lore From GGZ
Given the title, this won't cover everything, especially the dynamics that are present for GGZ-only characters, but I thought I'd make a post for Hi3 characters that are present in GGZ for those of you who like to draw fanart/write fanfiction. As well as the fact that I like talking about GGZ.
Fair warning: this is going to be long, I have a bad habit of going into too much detail on things like this, so please bear with me.
For this post in particular, I was going to focus on multiple characters but this ended up being so long I relegated to it just being about Kiana and Mei, and more specifically two versions of them. I might make a follow up post for Bronya/Seele/Sin at another time.
Trigger warning for attempted suicide below. I feel like I should include this just in case.
Short introduction but that's all I have to say before diving into the material.
It shouldn't really be a surprise that Kiana's greatest dynamic is with Mei and only Mei. The two are a lot more blatant with their feelings and relationship in GGZ. However, their relationship is also more tumultuous than in Hi3. They are a good example of doomed yuri, besides the ending to the Reborn storyline, which is bittersweet at the least and good at the most.
The writing of GGZ carries the same theme as Honkai 3rd, fighting against the fate of the world and for all that's beautiful. GGZ tends to explore the darker aspects to this setting, often times mixing in heavier themes while doubling down on the struggles of the characters. At times, it can be almost over the top, but I think its cohesive and still a finely crafted story.
It should come as no shocker that Kiamei is the primary ship of GGZ, it's outright confirmed that they love each other at points throughout the story. Sometimes it is for lesbian bait, but on the whole I think their writing is good and the way they rely on each other for support is nice.
Kiana and Mei are more grounded in GGZ, if I had to word it. They're still incredibly resilient, but there are times where they crack mentally. It happens to Kiana more than it does to Mei (save for the last arc, where it's all about Mei suffering), but seeing them work through these things does deepen the bond they have.
Now with all that said, let's move on to the actual content of this post.
Retro is the story you play when you first start the game, this is the "first half" of GGZ's story in some regard. GGZ's story and setting is divided into separate eras, with the main two being Retrospective and Reborn. Era Zero, taking place before both of them, was never fully completed unfortunately.
In Retro, Kiana and Mei initially start off on the wrong foot. Mei is sort of hostile towards Kiana (a result of her becoming a Herrscher) and Kiana is a bit insensitive to Mei on introduction, but after learning about Mei's past, Kiana manages to get through to Mei after their battle and the two make up.
Will put it out there that much like Kiana in the Hi3 mangas and early Hi3 story, she's a perv here. Yet her crush on Mei is a genuine thing.
Things calm down for a while, but when Bronya enters the picture and Mei begins to dote on her like a big sister, Kiana gets a little...possessive, and jealous. She's quite immature when it comes to romance in Retro. And while Mei is more serene about things she does care for Kiana too.
The two have their own unresolved matters, however. For Kiana, it's finding her dad who went missing when she was young (note: Kiana in GGZ is not a clone like in Hi3, this is the real and original Kiana Kaslana). And for Mei, it's regarding Ryoma's sentencing and his ties to Anti-Entropy. The two bring it up at points and reassure each other that they will find their dads which is sweet.
Things take a turn for the worse when Cocolia attacks St. Freya with the Moonlight Throne battleship. When the ship crashes into the church where the furnace containing the core of the second Herrscher is (yeah they stored Sirin's core there), Kiana somewhat fuses with the core and has a complete mental breakdown when Cocolia reveals the truth about Siegfried and how Kiana murdered him when she accidentally became a Herrscher while young.
This causes Kiana to become a Herrscher due to the rising amounts of Honkai energy in her body. If you're wondering about Cocolia, she dies by heading into the Honkai furnace and gets swallowed up by all the Honkai.
Kiana kills everyone after becoming the Herrscher of Finality (or Herrscher of The End, Final Herrscher etc), and the last person she kills is Mei.
It's a sad scene through and through, and the CGs are great. Even more so because at the end, when Kiana and Mei are floating above the world, Kiana still cries while the world ends.
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See you in the next world originates from this scene. Very good piece of music.
So what happens after? The world ends, Mei and everyone die, but what happens to Kiana?
Kiana became a puppet for the Honkai, even after the initial catastrophe that occurred at St. Freya, small groups of people managed to survive the world-wide Honkai eruption. But they too would be wiped out by Kiana.
She didn't move, she didn't think anymore, and she had no emotion. Only when the Honkai needed her to kill whatever remnants of civilization rose up did she move.
This carried on for hundreds of years, or tens of thousands, but by the end Kiana had killed all of humanity.
And then she regained her consciousness and was faced with the reality of how many she had killed and how much blood she had spilled. To save herself from the suffering she tried to end her life, but because she was a Herrscher, she was immortal.
No one could kill Kiana, not even Kiana herself. When Kiana realized this fact she gave up all resistance. She deluded her mind with memories of the past and paralyzed herself on the spear she had impaled herself with, until the day Honkai disappeared from the world.
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Quite the terrible end. I won't be covering Reborn in this post, but I thought it would be cool to write about the Fire Moth DLC side story, since their relationship in that story builds off of Retro.
Fire Moth
To understand Kiana and Mei's relationship in Fire Moth, you first need an understanding of the setting. The events of Fire Moth happen during Reborn's story, during the story chapters as a matter of fact.
But Fire Moth itself technically takes place in a stigma space where the world has turned desolate five years after Kiana became a Herrscher and destroyed everything. It should be noted that this is the world contained in the stigma space, so the setting of the story is not taking place in the real world. The backstories and characters are acting upon how they were in Retro (and were materialized by Kyuushou's memories of them).
This is Kyuushou's stigmata space, and she has the stigmata of both Kiana and Mei from Retro. Hence why this world bears so much familiarity to Retro.
Most life on the surface is dead, and the survivors in Nagazora have banded together to form the organization "Fire Moth", or "Moth Who Chases The Flame", under the leadership of an older Bronya.
Houraiji Kyuushou is the protagonist of Fire Moth, and you play through the story as her amnesiac self. Kiana is still the Final Herrscher, and rather than a being who is carrying out the Honkai's will endlessly, or someone who still has enough emotion and humanity to cry, this Kiana has gone deep into nihilism and has become devoid of most emotion.
This is a Kiana who knows what happened thousands of years ago and guilt has eaten away at her and left her with nothing.
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CG of Kiana when Kyuushou first meets her in a dream.
To get a good idea of what Kiana and Mei are going through in Fire Moth, how about this short conversation I machine-translated. Might be inaccurate, I don't know Chinese that well! But hopefully it helps. Some of it has been taken from Guns Girl Z Cutscene Interpreter as well, I translated some of the text that was still in Chinese.
(Mei's text is purple, and Kiana's is blue).
Mei…what would you do if the world didn't fall apart?
If it hadn't collapsed...
I would probably have been like an ordinary girl, studying something I like, enrolling in a university I wished to go to, and then starting my own family, and walking through a happy and uneventful life with the person I love.
Kiana, what about you?
For me…as long as I'm with Mei, I'm already satisfied.
Really…don't say such embarrassing things...If it's Kiana then there must be something more worthy of pursuing.
If it's the old me…I do have hundreds of wishes I want to fulfill...
I wanted to attend the same school as Mei, eat our bento together under a cherry blossom tree, and spend our entire lunch break lazily.
I want to travel around the world with Mei, take pictures of us in beautiful landscapes, and keep our figures in a precious photo album forever.
I want to build a small cabin by the sea with Mei, watch the tide rise and fall together, collect seashells on the sand blown by the sea breeze together, and then fall asleep under the embrace of the moonlight.
There are so many more wishes…well there are so many more plans too..
But now…
I just want to stay by your side quietly like this forever.
Mei...please give me your hand.
If it's possible, will you stay with me until the end of the world?
Kiana…thank you.
Thank you for loving me so much. For protecting me so much.
But both of us, no, we all, we all understand.
That this is a long-cherished wish that simply cannot be fulfilled.
Because...because all of it...has been destroyed by your hands.
Every promise has been turned into ash... and we can never go back.
I'm so sorry Kiana...I'm so sorry.
It's time for us to say our farewells...
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(Kiana alone with Mei's ribbon).
I understand.
In fact, I understand it better than anyone.
This is the mistake I made...I've destroyed our future with my own hands.
Such an ending is the best punishment for me.
Alone in a world without you. Even death is too kind for me.
(There's a little bit more to this scene, but it's not relevant to this post).
During the final battle between Kiana and Mei (they're both in the same nihilistic and existential boat here, so naturally they are the two overarching antagonists), when Mei falls in battle, Kiana bids her farewell and calls Mei her "only regret".
At the end of Fire Moth, Kyuushou manages to reignite Kiana's wish from forty-two thousand years ago, which was to bring hope to the world. What Kiana was chasing all this time was a sliver of hope in a world that gave her none.
Kiana relinquishes her existence after their battle, so she along with Mei disappear from the world entirely. No one remembers them and nobody recognizes their names. Kyuushou remarks that Kiana's dream was to live in a world without Honkai, a sentiment echoed by both Kiana and Mei.
Fun fact: if you 100% all of Fire Moth, you get this wonderful CG of the two.
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If you made it this far, thanks. I'm a bit out of my element when writing things like this, so if you have any questions on anything I'd be happy to answer them. I appreciate GGZ a lot, so making this was fun and I hope I can do more of it for the others.
I have a nagging feeling this was a bit too long, so I apologize for that. I ended up explaining a lot of GGZ's lore when this was mainly supposed to be about relationship dynamics...oops.
But to summarize, Kiana and Mei's relationship isn't entirely different from what they have in Hi3, but just like in Hi3 they have their own struggles and nuances. Mostly in the formed of doomed yuri but that's beside the point. I like their relationship in GGZ, at times its as simple as a few exchanges before a battle, and at others its the crux of the story itself.
With all that being said, I hope you enjoyed the read!!
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larkspurglove · 1 month
Happy first anniversary Honkai Star Rail!
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Version without text, close ups and notes below the cut
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Wowie so it’s been a whole year since I first started playing this game, and it went from a side game I play when Genshin had its slow patches, to my main game and now current fixation and main fandom.
Anyway here’s my reasoning for why I chose to draw each character.
Astral Express Crew
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They’re the core of the game’s story, of course I had to include them.
Belobog duo - Luka and Seele
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I realised far too late I could’ve drawn Bronya and Seele but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. Anyway Seele was the first limited five star in the game, so that was a major factor, but I chose these two specifically because of the English VAs.
Molly Zhang (Seele) and Howard Wang (Luka) do lighthearted bickering during most of the streams they’re on together. Molly is also a very core part of the HSR English VAs in my eyes, as she’s been organising group streams and creating extremely clippable moments this past year.
Herta Space Station/Genius Society Duo - Ruan Mei and Herta
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Ruan Mei is a character I had been waiting for since the first time I discovered her simulated universe occurrence. As for Herta, she’s just a bit silly :)
Xianzhou Luofu duo - Luocha and Jingliu
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These two were characters I saved for and as of late, got their signature light cones. In other words, I am insane about them. You would not believe how happy I was when it was revealed that they were working together.
Luocha was the original blond man I was unreasonably fixated on, and he’s carried me ever since. As for Jingliu, I was in desperate need of an ice type character and a five star DPS. I saw her in Yanqing’s quest and immediately decided I needed her.
Penacony Duo - Aventurine and Dr. Ratio
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Technically they’re only barely related to Penacony but shhhh.
I have been an Aventurine fan since day one, when we heard his voice in 1.4 at the end of Topaz’s quest. As for Dr. Ratio, I initially disliked him but after playing through 1.6, he grew on me. Learning that these two would be ‘working’ together on Penacony was insanely funny and their dynamic is something I desperately hope we see more of.
I may have forgotten about the Stellaron Hunters and other factions (such as the Galaxy Ranger and Knights of Beauty) but drawing this was already painful enough so they’ll have to wait for next anniversary.
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samposhusband · 9 months
now why is the hsr subreddit homophobic-
everyone keeps saying bronseele in hsr feels forced when it literally isn't. it's so fucking obvious they're gay and in love.
in the trailblazer mission in jarilo vi, bronya and seele would only open up to each other for the most part. as for their banter, they sound like a couple arguing lmao.
then in the belobog museum event, seele isn't interested until you mention bronya. when seele gets interviewed, she pays attention only to bronya and they get side tracked talking about themselves to each other. honestly it felt almost as if the trailblazer was a third wheel.
they're always together and then there's the fact that they're both from honkai impact 3rd. they're canonically in a relationship in honkai impact 3rd. why do i bring this up? because of the fact that it's canon the characters from hi3 have some memories from the hi3 universe. welt literally recognizes luocha, who is meant to be an otto expy. if welt has his memories then that means bronya and seele have their memories too which is why they're always together.
also people conveniently forget the fact that bronya is originally from the underworld so there's a high chance that bronya and seele could've been childhood friends. they probably have known each other for awhile but forgot since not everyone remembers their entire childhood + all their childhood friends.
edited to add that i had no idea welt in hsr is the same one from hi3 but it makes more sense now. i still feel like it's a possibility that bronya and seele are either the same ones from hi3 or they at least have some memories from hi3.
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Herrscher of Origin 2.0: The Purposeless of Mei’s Growth
Spoilers for 6.3 and 6.4. Talks of Anti-Elysium Everlasting & (anti) Elymei.
Well, here we are I guess. Welcome to the culmination of the disappointment and decline of the Honkai universe’s writing and execution.
Mei’s Growth Pre-Flamechaser - Was the most “grown” and self-sustaining in terms of maturity and power (because of HoT persona and their bond). However, she put restraints on herself, thereby making her weaker as time went by. She was unable to do anything because of the shackles she tied to herself. Eventually, this led to a break in her character (Lament of the Fallen) where she in turn sacrificed herself to save the light of her life. She became the concept she hated, and she full fucking sent that shit! That’s our girl! When it became too much, she had to make that decision, and she took it by the throat and made it her personality. It was even better because it made sense for her to finally, finally let go of her own conviction because the ends justified the means to her, for Kiana.
The Flamechaser Arc - Mei: *angry about girlfriend dying to terminal radiation and her sacrificing herself* Flamechasers: Okay but have you heard about our lord and savior Elysia? Elysia (EE version): 🌸 👼🏻 ✨ 🌈 “by the way, I’m god” - Elymei. Uhhhh-
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Moon Arc - Can we all just agree that this arc so far has been a complete flop (besides Seele, because I’m biased)? Seriously. Why do I need to become a PhD in astrophysics and electromagnetism to understand this chapter. Why dump exposition sentence after sentence that amounts to nothing but “I know you are but what am I?” It takes so much momentum out of this chapter that I scratch my head and think, “maybe I should just wait for all the chapter to be done”. It feels so padded out with philosophical nonsense pushed into a package already ready to burst. All we (at least here on Tumblr) wanted to see we’re our trio back together and kick Kevin’s ass. We’re simple people, I think. We don’t need our brains melted out with these lectures to enjoy a good, compelling story.
- Also, thanks for the retcon of Bronya no longer being a child soldier/assassin. No reason for that, so thanks for making the lore even more complicated for no reason.
- A shoutout to the translation team making me want to work for them instead because why do they not do quality assurance anymore.
- Open World is getting old. My phone shrieks in binary every time I have to load in to that stupid fucking god damn dog shit ass moon map. :)
Herrscher of Origin 2.0 - I said in an earlier post that this is a rare battlesuit that I highly dislike. Where do I even begin with this development for Mei? While I do love that Mei is the new HoO, as HI3 started with her, that’s really the only thing I actively enjoy with this development.
- Anything else about the battlesuit? I dislike. The “heavenly” theme of her suit, the lighter colors, the emphasis on Elysia, I actually hate it.
- And I hate to say I hate it, but I do. Elysia is supposed to be ka-put, gone, her and her comrades stories are O V E R. Let them rest for once.
- It feels like they’re trying to override Mei with Elysia, and it just doesn’t work. This entire shift in her personality, especially with the leaks of Mei saying she basically does not care if Kiana sacrifices herself, goes against the entire reason for her growth in the first fucking place!
- Why does Mei now have flower themes when it was never entirely relevant to her character? Bronya has technology and “coldness”, with a focus on blues, whites, and grays. This continues in her HoTr battlesuit. Kiana has her outgoing, tempered liveliness and hope, symbolized by whites, oranges, and blacks. Her symbol being the stars and fire actively fits her suits in at least some capacity through all of them. This has been her theme up to Flamescion. Now why I’m sitting here wondering why the hell Mei got this “heavenly angel” looking schtick that makes no sense. Her themes were red, black, purple, and white. And of course, lightning. This about-face turn around of punting these themes into the stratosphere isn’t growth, it’s a complete erasure of her journey and efforts to become stronger. What’s with the light blues and golds? The pinks of her eyes? Why flowers. Again? Also, the parallel between HoO Mei and Raiden Ei… how similar their battlesuits are. 🫠 end me. Mihoyo stop introducing Genshin to Honkai pleASE.
- Mei isn’t Elysia and she never will be. I need everyone to read this again. And another time. Mei might be the inheritor of the title, but Mei will not and can never be Elysia. To make Mei seem closer to Elysia is to erase everything Mei is and has done. Removing Mei’s autonomy in exchange for an Elysia cameo is downright ridiculous. Why can’t her bond with Kiana and Bronya be the trigger? Why does it have to lie in people long gone? Why can’t it be love? Love for humanity was the inspiration for Elysia, so why can’t it be love for her friends (and girlfriend)? Why, why, why does it have to always be Elysia?
- Mei’s growth has and will always be focused around learning from others. From Kiana saving her life at the very beginning of HI3, to learning the beauty and importance of life and sacrificing it with the FCs, Mei is always the mirror of another’s actions. To make Mei this… almost lassiez-faire to Kiana sacrificing herself is actually infuriating. They just got back together after half a year apart, where their parting almost meant killing each other, to now Kiana waving sacrificial-offering flags like a Naval officer, and Mei suddenly not caring anymore?! Just because you grow doesn’t mean you suddenly don’t care about things anymore! The beauty and anguish from Lament of the Fallen is due to the circumstance that Mei had no other choice but to leave to find a way to help Kiana. If she had to be the bad guy, she would be. So where the fuck does this “yeah I might’ve just reunited with my girlfriend after she tried to shoulder everything by herself, but now I couldn’t care less what she does” attitude come from.
A Little Ending Blurb I’m just, I’m so tired. After the Everlasting Flames Arc, I feel that the writing team is just blasting us to the end of this saga and not caring unless it’s a cool animation or battle scene. As someone who has been playing since global launch in 2018, it is more than just disappointing to see the quality nosedive to the level it’s at now. It’s, in my opinion, heartbreaking (as cringey/cheesy as it might sound). I’ve loved this game with so much passion and intrigue, it’s become a large point in my life. “Protect all that is beautiful in this world.” It’s served as a way to reflect on myself and my growth, especially compared to the girls who all have their threads of relatability and genuineness. I cherish these characters. I’ve laughed and I’ve most certainly cried at the art Mihoyo has created in the past that ripped out my heartstrings and played them like a harp. Honkai has really, truly touched my heart. It’s not something that a lot of media is able to do, but this one has, and it’s magical. It’s beautiful in its anguish and its sacrifices. It’s maddening in the way that it crawls underneath your skin with how human these characters are. But I hate how much it seems like this past year, that feeling has been pushed behind a curtain. Nothing seems earned or deserved or meaningful. Characters just do because they do, particularly in Mei’s case. She’s constantly ham-fisting her recollections of the Flamechasers, telling her memories to characters who’ve never heard, let alone cared, of simulations of a bygone era. Everyone’s just like, “Oh? Yeah? Mhm, sure.” And move about their next dialogue. There’s no real significance to her exposition, there’s no drive to explain what’s been happening on her end. And it sucks to see.
Sorry I’m ending it like this, but I’m frustrated. I’ll try and make another addition to this in a more eloquent way, but I just needed to get these thoughts out there.
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harostar · 1 year
Hoyoverse of Madness
So you’re playing Honkai Star Rail, and maybe you’re curious about that whole “Welt is from another universe” thing.
Turns out, the three major games (Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail) are all universes in what is known as the “Hoyoverse”. These alternate universes exist along what is known as the Imaginary Tree, the central hub of the universe.
There are worlds like Genshin Impact, which are connected but overall separate from the others. There are some similar elements and nods, but Star Rail gives us outright alternate versions of characters from Honkai Impact 3rd.
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This is Himeko Murata, the mentor of the protagonist trio in Honkai Impact 3rd.
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And THIS is Himeko’s sword, which shattered in a critical battle. It’s remains can in fact be found in Herta’s collection. 
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The Bronya of Honkai Impact 3rd, one of the protagonists. She was once a child soldier called the “Silver Wolf”, prior to being adopted by Cocolia. Cocolia ran an orphanage with connections to Welt’s organization, Anti-Entropy. Among her charges were Bronya, Seele, and several other children being raised to fight the Honkai. 
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Bronya is notable as being considered a possible successor for Welt. She briefly inherits the mantle of the Herrscher of Reason, before it is regained by Welt. 
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Cocolia is a shady bitch in any universe. 
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And lastly, we come to the interesting bit of Seele. 
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In Honkai Impact 3rd, Seele is technically two people. The main Seele, the soft-spoken girl in white that loves Bronya with all her heart. And the “dark” Seele, the other self that exists within her as a manifestation of her power. This Seele is brash, strong-willed, and sharp-tongued. 
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I legit did not immediately realize this, and then it blew my mind. Instead of a caring doctor, the Natasha of Honkai Impact 3rd is an assassin that serves an ancient conspiracy/cult called the World Serpent. Its members are fanatically devoted to their cause of forcefully evolving/changing humanity to become capable of surviving the Honkai. 
Natasha is known as “Raven”, an agent recruited as a child and raised by the group. However, she has a hidden softer side and uses her resources to care for a group of war orphans. 
This does not stop her from being involved in a plot to experiment on the population of a city, giving them drugs under false pretenses with the plan to NUKE THE CITY. And hope at least some of them will be evolved as a result of the fall-out.
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Then of course, we have our boy Welt.
Welt Yang was one of the big players of Honkai Impact 3rd. The Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, the Herrscher of Reason, head of a popular animation studio, ect ect.
At the conclusion of a side story, he leaves behind his original universe and ends up in the Star Rail universe. He’s gone from Mysterious NPC Mentor Dude to a playable character. Congrats to Welt. 
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awriternamedart · 6 months
Akrasia has met its end, so heres a quick FAQ with a few questions you might have about it !! (Minor spoilers if you havent finished the ficc below the break!)
What does Akrasia mean, and why did you name the fic that?
Akrasia - The state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will.
I came across the word while doomscrolling pinterest while I was writing Akrasia. Fun fact, the original name for Akrasia was actually Ice Shards, Mask Fragments. But Akrasia as a word stuck with me, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the word really suited Sampo in the fic, and his constant back and forth with himself over his feelings for Gepard. So yeah, I renamed the fic.
Was Akrasia ever going to have a happy ending?
Nope. From the very beginning, Akrasia was meant to have an ambigious/bitter ending. It felt fitting, to me at least, because of Sampos nature, and the whole angle I took with his character.
You can actually find various hints about the ending throughout the fic, mostly in Sampos dialog and thoughts. I tried (key word tried) to write him with a flighty sort of air around him, a kinda sense of doom from the start. Sampo knew what would have to happen the moment it started.
What happened after Akrasia?
Up to intepretation! Personally, I think Gepard didnt end up joining the Astral Express, instead asking them to just keep him up to date if they ran into Sampo, up until the time the epilogue happens. Reverse Serval situation, because he is honorbound and Gepard is a military man at heart. He knows where his duty lies. But like I said, its really up to you guys and what you wanna think happened.
So I started writing Akrasia the month of Star Rails release, (MAY 2023 TF?!), before we knew anything about Lynx. Because I didnt want to mischaracterize her, I ended up just not writing her explicitly
Will there be any more Akrasia fics?
Yes, actually! I made an Akrasia series on Ao3 for a reason. Im planning on doing a few DanCae shots to compliment the Starch7th ones already there, as well as a few side stories for the GePo/SamPard moments that were in passing in the main story. Things like missing scenes, more sexier times, and elaboration into characters I didnt really get to explore in the base story. But Akrasia itself is done and dusted. All fics pertaining to its small lil universe will be under different names.
How old is everyone in Akrasia?
I wrote and percieved Gepard and Sampo to be in their early 30s, maybe extremely late 20s. Seele and Bronya are mid 20s, Serval is mid 30s and Natasha is late 30s early 40s. As for the Trailblazers, well we know Dan Heng is probably far older then we think, Caelus and Stelle are.. weird, and March cant fucking remember. So I wrote them all witu the idea of mentally mid 20s.
Why are Stelle and Caelus in Akrasia?
cause I wanted them to be. Like, genuinely I just didnt want to choose and I wanted both Starch and DanCae so yeah. I just said their both here.
If you want the internal lore reason, the Stelleron was unstable enough that it ended up needing another vessel to contain all of its power. So Stelle and Caelus are just really weird twins, basically. They share a level of physical connection outside of looks as well, (ie, the matching scars from cocolia) but only to extreme , permanent damage. They also trade off who uses the lance and the baseball bat at their leisure.
Why are there some plot inconsistencies ?? (they bug me the author alot)
because its fanfiction /j thats not my excuse
Nah theres actually a reason for it. Akrasia originally was written to be aroind 10k words long, and clearly thats not what fucking happened.
So i ended up going back and editting alot of scenes, removing one scene entirely that actually was pretty important and i tried to make sure i caught every error but- well yeah i missed some.
If your curious about said scene, well- Remember the drunk Sampo scene? Yeah originally they had a drunk hook up and that was the main catalyst for the story. I ended up completely scrapping the scene and changing it around as it became more of a slowburn and the scene felt more and more out of place with the story i wanted to tell.
Hell in the original manuscript for the fic they never even got together, so theres that -
Will there be a sequel to Akrasia?
maybe? Im not planning to have one but the possibility is there, though im not sure what it would entale. For now, just indulge yourself in the side stories.
Do you allow fanwork ?
hell yeah mate, and this goes for anything I post on ao3. your more then welcome to draw or write stuff based on what Ive made, to take inspiration from the ideas Ive had. Writing, alt ending, art, hell playlists if you want(strangers by kenya grace is my assigned akrasia song btw). As long as you aint takin it and claimin it as yours.
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emypony · 1 year
Honkai Idol AU
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this is all ur fault @spectral-claws IDOL FELIS BE UPON YE
I will now proceed to go ahead and post my rambles, thank you to @izzyandviolins for letting me ping her all the time and just dump all the brainrots I have whenever
Idk how much sense these will make AND i will put more specific stuff at the end for everyone else who would just like the general AU idea at the start
EDIT: This actually got hella long so I will be putting it under a read more, oh my god I am so sorry
Now for the groups:
1. there's obviously our 4 main girls: Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua
Himeko is the coach / choreographer, Tesla makes props and Einstein does Costumes / Makeup, Welt is the Manager (this is REALLY. im well aware theres a ton more ppl behind idol / kpop groups but you know its just. ITS JUST WHAT IT IS WITH THE CHARACTERS THAT WE HAVE, OKAY)
2. Senti's main group consisting of!! Senti (obviously), Sirin (HoV), Seele, Veliona (they're a package duo), Sushang and Carole (yes she is here, no I will not elaborate --- ok maybe I will)
3. A few flamechasers: Pardofelis (which is a!!! New Idol!! She's the main focus of this group atm since the stans love her to bits--- catgirl charm. I promise there is a reason for this statement) Elysia, Eden, Mobius (I am not that familiar with her so she would either be part of the group OR maybe act like the on-set medic or whichever), Sakura, Vill V AND Aponia (maybe, there's a 5th group I'm thinking about however it's kind of still an idea so I will leave her here for now)
4. The GuysTM: Kevin, Su (the most marketable out of all of them), Kalpas (shocking, I know. I hc he's in gacha debt from genshin impact) and MAYBE Adam and Lyle but only bc Carole is there I'm putting them with a ?
I don't know where to fit Kosma, Griseo and Teri or Durandal and Rita (im sorry fellas im not that acquainted with them but you're 100% free to suggest something for them)
Now a bit about relationships between members of the groups or other groups:
Seele and Bronya are Dating so Seele (and by extension Veliona) are always hanging out with Bronya's group (though Veli might stay behind sometimes because she gets on relatively alright with Senti)
Sirin and Senti have a one sided rivalry from Sirin because she wants to prove she's the best and always challenges Senti to dance battles or. whatever it is that Kpop / Idols do (idont know dont ask me) but Senti is distracted by her own one sided. Rivalry (and it is NOT towards Fu Hua LOL) They're just dummy but they are a nice combo together when dancing
Speaking of Senti and Fu Hua, I see them like a past dance Duo that was supposed to compliment each other however after Senti was mostly cast and categorized by the fans as a twin / copycat of Fu Hua, she got fed up and went to develop her own solo style. things were mostly tensioned between them however Fu Hua doesn't hold resentment over what Senti did and she also feels like her new spot with Kiana, Mei and Bronya is better, and she also really likes Senti's own evolution apart from her own. Whenever Senti gets dragged along to Kiana's group and meets up with her, she's a bit awkward, but Hua is able to get past that and manages to get her talking (Senti doesn't start a conversation when they meet up, even if she does seek out Hua more than Hua herself, although she doesn't mind. It doesn't take much to go "so what's the recent idol group news" and then Senti goes off abt things the media reports on and other things and. she just starts talking and doesn't stop. Hua listens and gives advice but mostly lets Senti talk about whatever she's dealing with and maybe figure things out on her own by voicing them out loud. She values her as a more awkward friend (compared to her original hard go getter attitude from when they were a duo together) so she doesn't mind listening to her (mostly funny and unhinged) rants about the world of idol / media since she doesnt keep up with whatever drama is going on
+ Senti has got a funny friendly rivalry with Kiana at least and they're able to enjoy themselves ((compared to Sirin and Kiana who have REALLY got their own more serious rivalry))
Mei hangs out with Ely and Eden frequently enough to hold a friendly relationship with them as well as the rest of the flame chasers group and the guys. Elysia keeps begging their managers to let Mei Collab with them much more often.
Carole and Fu Hua go way back before their Idol days and Carole isn't shy whatsoever in jumping Hua whenever she gets the chance. She's way more into fashion and makeup and skincare and all of that and while Hua loves that she's so energetic, she can get a bit much but thankfully Carole knows when to step back a little and focus her energy beam on someone else. (They are great friends that don't talk on the daily but they can catch up without issues)
Li Sushang has a more ... mmm whats the word. Cordial? Relationship with Fu Hua? I'm a bit lost where to place her, mostly because I see her as Fu Hua's dance duo that didn't work out so she got relocated to another group better suited for her style. Unsure if this was before or after Senti teamed up with Hua, but Sushang does hold a bit of animosity towards Senti for that (nothing too bad, but she does wonder how the hell could they have been a dance duo when Senti seems like the complete opposite of Hua in regards to what she does - because she is a little bit crazy at times especially if left alone with Carole). They do have a general ok relationship and Sushang enjoys hanging out with everyone
Senti finds Carole a bit much at times (shocking, I know) but she is fun to hang around with and do mischief (Especially when Veliona joins in. They are banned from the kitchen along with Kiana)
Most of the Flamechasers and the guys keep to themselves BUT Carole will bother Kalpas to no end and he's so pissed off about it except she works out and he cannot beat her in an arm wrestling contest or anything for that matter so he has to rightfully suffer the wrath of a girl with 17 steps of bedtime skincare routine <3
NOW HERE IS WHERE WE GET INTO THINGS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT FOR ME mostly because they are Sentifelis so. I do apologize but also I tried to keep most of it towards the end
OK SO AS I'VE SAID PARDO IS A NEW ADDITION TO THE FLAMECHASERS IDOL GROUP AND THE STANS ARE OBSESSED WITH HER !!! She's literally a catgirl with a cute aesthetic, it's a recipe for success
the funniest part: SENTI HATES HER (at the beginning at least) because until her, she was kind of one of the top spots on the 'idol leaderboard' or whatever (idk if thats a thing, people like diff idols / kpop artists etc but like. POPULARITY POLL?) and she's out there with Elysia BUT AS SOON AS FELIS CAME SHE JUST BULLDOZED RIGHT THROUGH ALL OF THAT and she's UPSET (or thinks she is anyway)
Fans also started comparing them a lot because of their different dance styles - Senti has more of a street dance type, and Felis is good at doing very fluid motions (mostly because of her tail) and fans love them both
Felis actually admires Senti so much as a fellow idol and somehow even after working with the group for a while she doesn't get to meet Senti at all and that's kind of her dream she just wants to 🥺befriend Senti she thinks shes SO cool
Senti would rather die before admitting that she actually thinks that Felis is really cute and isn't surprised that she's garnered such a large fanbase even though she hasn't worked as an idol for as long as the others, she finds her dance moves really nice ESPECIALLY because of her tail. BUT SHE IS GOING TO DENY THESE TILL THE END OF TIME (or so she claims) -
Like Sirin will just come to her on the daily to ask to practice and dance battle and will get completely brushed aside. See:
Sirin: "Today i will!! finally be top center stage instead of Senti!! i will finally beat her in the popularity poll!" She tries to get a rise out of Senti by claiming she is better and such but there's nothing, because Senti is just. too busy scrolling on her FYP on Tik Tok.
Senti: "Can you believe people made Fancams of Pardofelis AGAIN??? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T!! I HATE HER SO MUCH!!" (real 100% not clickbait) SHES TOO BUSY GOING OFF ABOUT "HATING" THE MEOW MEOW
Veliona: "you watched like 20 different fucking fancams. i thought you hated her"
Senti: "I DO I HATE HER SO MUCH ugh look at how they added a green sparkles and a neon cat ears and whiskers filter to this one. She looks way better in pink."
Veliona, giving a look to Seele who just smiles and waves her hand to leave them be (insert 'I know what you are' dog meme here): 🧍‍♀️
I'm not sure if this ever happens in kpop 'biz' but imagine the 4 groups end up under the same publishing company so now they will all be living closer to each other (I have no idea wtf housing looks like for kpop stars or idols LOL) and collab more often and just meet at the workplace. SENTI HATES THIS OBVIOUSLY and like!! Felis definitely notices the cold shoulder she is given 🥺. She tries to say hi to Senti because she's super excited but Senti thinks she's just there to. Like show off that she's somehow better?? With her cute flicking ears and waving tail and her painted nails and her mismatched stockings BYE Senti cannot deal with this (she is confused and just hides it all behind an unfriendly facade)
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Poor Felis is sad because she thinks she's done something wrong and she was so looking forward to meet Senti 😭😭😭
The same kind of behavior continues, because Senti can't really bring herself to be mean to Felis and tell her to get lost (especially when she's got that sad puppy look on her face) and always attempts to flee to another place instead. Their fellow idol coworkers DO notice, but most of them console Felis and say that's how Senti usually is with newcomers and that maybe she will warm up with time.
BONUS: There is a tiny part of the fandom shipping them - as you would and while they never got to get an interview from Felis about it, Senti is SHOCKED to find out that there's ppl making fics and fanart AND FANCAMS OF THEM (which are mostly taped together bc there's barely any interaction between them in media lmao). Like who in their right mind!! This is inconceivable to her!! She is so pissed about that too bc shes like "WHY ISNT PARDOFELIS SAYING ANYTHING TO THE PRESS ABOUT IT ... WE ARE NOT A THING!! WTF!! THIS IS ALL HER FAULT" (does not actually think its her fault and actually wonders where the fuck did fans get that impression but people will be people. ALSO no I don't condone rpf or any of that with actual real people, these r just fictional characters. and this is fanfiction inside a fanfiction)
Meanwhile I believe Felis would have a secret account on all social medias at least taking a look at that side of their fandom / fanbase and seeing what the people think in regards to that (she cant figure out why Senti won't be her friend, so maybe others will??? The theories and speculations people come up with are so funny though)
Afterwards, I would love to have them all taking a trip somewhere - to ... celebrate the fact that the companies and groups have merged or whatever (preferably the woods or. SOMEPLACE. Maybe with Caves? Yeah I'm pulling the 'stuck in a cave with no reception' trope on them, what will you do about it?) and that's how they finally get to have a 1 on 1 together, mostly because Felis is going to get a bit scared and thinks there's no way out of there.
Felis: "oh my god im too young to die!!! i didnt even get your autograph yet in my journal And I still have curry leftovers in my fridge that I didn't eat and I was so looking forward to them!!!"
Senti: "what."
Felis: "what ?"
Senti: "You...want my autograph?"
Felis: "Of course!! 🥺👉👈you're my biggest inspiration I admire your dance moves so much you look SO good on the screen and in concerts I I don't know how you do it I freak out all the time and think people can notice it BUT YOU LOOK SO CALM AND COMPOSED AND COOL-" and she has to stop herself because she's gushing dfjkghfd
With this they finally have a heart to heart and Senti apologizes for being so cold to Felis, she (begrudgingly) admits that she felt kind of threatened by Felis's onset popularity from the get go. Felis doesn't mind at all and is rather relieved that Senti doesn't ACTUALLY hate her and now they can be !!! friends!!! (Senti is actually overjoyed at their new friendship and hopes to hang out with her a lot more BUT she's incredibly trash at managing her feelings so it still comes off across as a little aloof and 'well, whatever...' but Felis doesn't seem to register that at all and has now resorted to holding Senti's hand because THEY ARE STILL TRAPPED IN A SCARY CAVE AND IT'S DARK
Obviously they are rescued a little while later because people noticed they were missing and such, and while still awkward around each other (mostly Senti, because she is now suddenly RECEIVING A LOT OF ATTENTION from a girl who she will never admit she finds cute, it's still a lot to get used to on day one but she powers through for the sake of it.
After this their friendship and such get better and Felis is no longer a stranger to their group, because she starts hanging out with Senti A LOT MORE once they get back. (and neither of them will tell the others what happened for that change)
Also I like to think Felis barges in Senti's room all the time to give her updates on the. ON THE FANS SPECULATION ABOUT THEM LOL
Senti: "what fic"
Felis: "OF COURSE I DO. SOME ARE REAL GOOD... Someone wrote an Alternate Universe where we're like magical knights fighting against some unknown forces called 'Honkai' !"
Senti: "These people will make up just about anything, I swear"
Felis: "Btw did you know our ship tag is called Sentifelis"
Senti: "Our what."
Would love to draw a few of them in idol / kpop like outfits.
me about to tag every honkai character known to man:
(jk i wont do it I know how tag spam works, I will do my best to be courteous and put the most important ones)
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magicalmyu · 1 year
okay fuck it we ball, star of eden: welt lore analysis brought to you by magicalmyu, welt joyce #1 fan self proclaimed
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(image from discord bc the ingame version wont fit into one screenshot)
so here's the lore from the star of eden pri-arm! the base form, star of eden: anti entropy, has lore meant to represent welt yang. but star of eden: world is all about everyone's favorite pathetic herrscher, welt joyce.
The youth was born in the void, where truth and lies simultaneously hovered around him.
funny story about this line, it used to drive me insane before chapter 33 explained it. before chapter 33, joyce's origin was very vague, there were implications that he just. didnt exist prior to the first eruption but we never got a proper confirmation until recently!
in bronya's words, "the consciousness known as Welt Joyce did not exist in this world prior to the first eruption." hes sort of similar to elysia and the herrscher of sentience (you could argue somewhere in between?), where he was a being born from honkai itself, rather than a human corrupted by the honkai. still, there are some vague connections between him and karl gustav, einstein's former teacher and psychologist, but honestly i dont feel like explaining all of that rn. curse you honkai moon arc and your unnecessarily confusing writing.
Despite that, he always smiled at the world, picking up broken fragments of souls from raging fires and abandoned ruins again and again.
this is just a first eruption description. he collected the fragmented souls and thoughts of the 300k victims of the berlin eruption, again and again, knowing that it was all in vain. he wanted to be a hero but he couldn't. he wanted to bring them salvation but he was not a savior. the "he always smiled at the world" line is also something id want to point out, brings another parallel to elysia. there may be some significance in how he was the first herrscher to choose humanity after elysia, making him the first recipient of her blessing. i hate this game frfr
The courageous butterfly finally escaped its destiny.
oh boy! i think there's a double meaning!
the obvious first meaning is the connection to the first eruption. "the butterfly fell on your fingertips. you repaired its wings." the butterfly escaped death thanks to joyce, yada yada
second meaning makes you look deeper. i could argue that the butterfly here could represent joyce himself, the "courageous butterfly" who escaped his destined path as a herrscher to fight for humanity. butterflies also represent rebirth (possibly going back to his connection with karl but again thats very vague) and new beginnings (joyce "starting anew" after meeting ein and tesla)
i think it wouldn't be too far fetched to say joyce could be represented by this butterfly, bronya did compare joyce to seele back in chapter 28 so maybe im not completely insane
The world told him, "Perhaps even you have forgotten how kind you truly are."
heres another line that dealt high emotional damage to me. you know i was going crazy trying to figure out what that quote meant only to reread the ae vn randomly one day and. and its just a quote from ein. its just from ein.
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this is a fan translation, so its not consistent, but i actually went to check the chinese version of the lore description and visual novel, and its actually word for word! this line also calls back to the line "he always smiled at the world" from earlier, in a way. as for "The world told him," this could have multiple meanings
ein was welt's "world" - the most obvious explanation. makes sense considering ein was the one who gave him his name and his first "real" friend
ein represented welt's "world" - similar to number 1 except less direct, imo this is more likely. ein, a human from "the world" said this to welt, a herrscher and outcast of the world
this is a mistranslation, the correct translation is "The one who called him the world told him," - also one of the most likely ones, according to a japanese user on twitter, this should be the correct translation, but im not sure if this is how its actually translated in jp. this one's a lot more direct and obvious, ein literally called him the world
now onto the skill names
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first skill: Freedom Trail
ein, tesla, and joyce first found the star of eden after following the freedom trail and listening to HA. pretty straightforward
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second skill: Ulysses
it may be pretty well known that welt got his name from ein, but tesla was actually the one who gave joyce his last name! she based it off of James Joyce, author of Ulysses. fitting for a bookworm like joyce, haha
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third skill: Danny Boy
ohhhh this one hurt. oh i got so caught off guard by this one. i had to process it for multiple minutes when i saw it. it seems humorous out of context but i swear its sad
in the visual novel, an old folk song called "oh danny boy" pops up a lot. its a song sung by karl and emma to ein and one of the last memories ein has of her old friend karl. joyce himself also knew the song, likely bc of his connection to karl, and he and ein sung it together in this very nice scene between them. wow it really hurt when they called back to that moment,,,,
alright, i think thats everything! man this weapon's lore still makes me really sad. but i hope i covered everything, and if anyone has anything to add then please do! id love to see what others thought of this weapon
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vamplu · 9 months
*This post is going to come before I post the actual announcement, so just ignore this for the time being! It’s for a silly little fall event I’m doing.
-For characters listed under 18, I will NOT write smut/NSFW, anything of that kind. Understandable, ey?
-For characters listed under 17, I will NOT write romance. (There won’t be that many characters under this bracket, but examples would be Kenji from BSD and Ortho from TWST.)
*Exception for 17+ rule can occur, depending on character/context/prompt, but under no circumstance will bend past 15+.
-Scroll to the Bottom for some prompt ideas!
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-Fyodor Dostoyevsky
-Nikolai Gogol
-Osamu Dazai
-Chuuya Nakahara
-Ryunosuke Akutagawa
-Suehiro Tecchou
-Saigiku Jouno
-Doppo Kunikida
-Michizou Tachihara
-Kenji Miyazawa
-Kyoka Isumi
-Yukichi Fukuzawa
-Satoru Gojo
-Suguro Geto
-Toji Fushiguro
-Yuuji Itadori
-Megumi Fushiguro
-Nobara Kugisaki
-Maki Zen’in
-Toge Inumaki
-Yae Miko
-Hu Tao
-Jing Yuan
-Fu Xuan
-Silver Wolf
(To spare myself some time, I’ll be listing the dorms!)
-Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
-Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
-Keisuke Baji
-Chifuyu Matsuno
-Kazutora Hanemiya
-Shuji Hanma
-Takashi Mitsuya
-Rindo Hitani
-Ran Hitani
-Hakkai Shiba
-Yuzuha Shiba
-Sebastain Michealis
-The Undertaker
-Ash Landers
-Ronald Knox
-Grelle Sutcliff
-William T. Spears
-Kuro/Sleepy Ash
-The Mother/Freya
-Ildio/World End
-Sakuya Watanuki
*You can also request OTHER characters not listed, and I’ll do my best to educate myself about them/write them!
Since this is an Autumn-themed event, here’s a list of the “Top 100 Things to Do in the Autumn”! (link underlined)
-When you submit a request, please describe the prompt you have in mind in your submission!
-I accept NSFW requests as well!
(Note: if there isn’t an age indication of 18+ in your blog, I most likely will not accept your NSFW request!)
-It could be from the list, something original, or a different prompt from another place!
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randomvideoschi · 19 days
Honkai Star Rail | Acheron Has No Time for Sunday's Words
🎵 Music Used:
Original Music Credits by @HOYOMiX
About Honkai Star Rail:
Honkai: Star Rail is a new HoYoverse space fantasy RPG.
Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders filled with adventure and thrills.
Players will meet new companions across various worlds and maybe even run into some familiar faces. Overcome the struggles together caused by Stellaron and unravel the hidden truths behind it! May this journey lead us starward!
📃 Disclaimer
© The content related to the HoYoVerse in Honkai Star Rail, including characters, events, and lore, is the exclusive intellectual property of miHoYo.
Other resources used in this video belong to their respective owners
All rights reserved by miHoYo.
🏷️ Tags
Honkai Star Rail Bronya 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Blade 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Dan Heng 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Robin 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Jingliu 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Blade 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Luocha 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Kafka 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Black Swan 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Ruan Mei 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Huohuo 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Challenge 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Strategy 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Tactics 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Battles 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Dynamics 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Quest 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Leadership 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Insights 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Encounters 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Crew 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Journey 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Plan 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Wisdom 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Showdown 2.2
Honkai Star Rail Triumph 2.2
#honkaistarrailaventurine #honkaistarrailsparkle #honkaiStarRail #honkaistarrail #hsr #honkai #moc12 #moc #3starclear #3star #chroniclesofthewhiteknightsdreamkingdom #acheron #argenti #ruanmei #sparkle #fuxuan #seele #luocha #Blackswan #adventurine #drratio #dratio #topaz #numby #topazandnumby #topaz&numby #huohuo #aventurine#e6 #s6 #e6s5 #jingliu #blade #robin #honkaistarrailrobin #imbibitorlunae #himeko #herta #FUA #clara
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: APHO2)
i thought i should continue APHO2 right before i got super busy. i didn’t get that far in the story, but i did end up doing through a lot of the side stories that i piled up from raising friendship through the adventure tasks!
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bronya, even as an adult, is babey
(as always, reactions under the cut!)
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oh man void archives... 
if i recall correctly, his story and welt’s as well as the sky people were first introduced in the alien space manga. i also sort of skimmed that manga, but it’s so cool that it’s like a prequel to APHO
i’m not sure if this whole thing will play a role in honkai star rail (which, by the way, is releasing in 2-3 days at the time of this post!!! i’m super excited about it), but i do know void archives appears in welt’s star rail splash art
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(... this isn’t directly related to honkai but fun fact... lucheni was first mentioned in that one voice recording in APHO, and at that time i just finished watching tkrz elisabeth 2016, and that is the ONLY reason i know about the origin of the name lucheni)
took a break after the big fight! phew
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the story behind the omurice is actually really sweet though, carole wants to perfect it to thank mei for treating her with that dish back then... 🥺 these drink dialogues are really funny/cute, i wish there was an archive somewhere
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side stories... they were really sweet!
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i almost forgot that bronya became a game designer LKJLJKALWA honestly i love that, it’s so fitting. and she came out of retirement because game dev wasn’t paying bills 🤧 (relatable)
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this is the moment i realized that the current event, meow town, was the origin of the susannah and stan vlog series?! it was so surreal to see timido talk about stuff like valkyries on their days off and lewis and stuff... APHO2 was written how long ago?! and meow town just happened this patch! 
it’s really cool, i felt the connectivity of honkai story just now...
seems like lots of events in general are connecting too, and this patch is really an interlude into APHO events. like “kitty” being carole, and lyle on the moon base being, well, lyle...!
... now i want to see a grown up seele and susannah...!
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i really love the way the CN va for carole said this line  (❤´艸`❤) so funny
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.................... WHY HOMU
i reached the end of my APHO2 screenshots... yes, i ended up leaving the story uncompleted yet again... according to my achievements list, i think i still have 2 more story parts to go through. hopefully i get to complete it soon!
i ended up not screencapping/saving a lot of conversations, but APHO2 dialogue is honestly so funny... i really love the main gang. lyle especially is great
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heather-ouo · 2 years
A dream’s disguise
Fu Hua x HoC! GN! Reader
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Warning!: the usual grammar probleme, no proofread.
Things to remind
(Dr./n) - Doctor name
( H/c ) - hair color
(Y/n) - your name
part 2, part 3 (end), Alternative end
“ (Dr./n) says you can be discharged today! Isn’t it exciting Hua? ”
The girl named Hua looks at you who is sharping an apple for her.
Yes she somehow got into the hospital due to some war but according to her memory during the war something happen or not, Apparently she was black out in the war and humanity has won against the Honkai more or precisely the Herrscher of the End.
“ Hua are you listening? ”
“ H-huh..? Sorry dear, can you repeat it again?”
You let out a sigh and stop what you are doing in your hand.
“ (Dr./n) said you may have amnesia due to your head has bang on something hard and the PSTD thing they ask you if you want the medicine treatment or therapy. ”
“ I'll take medicine… we haven’t spent much time on each other since the war….”
The (h/c) stares blankly at smiling Hua, confused because normally Fu Hua didn’t say much about spending time together and she is still figuring how Human emotions works.
“ Wow wow there- who in the honkai are you? What happened to my Fu Hua who didn't know much about relationships? ”
“ I… learned it from a friend. ”
“ A little sus but…I guess I can get used to it. ”
“ Anyway after the war with End The Shicksal has suggested using Honkai as the main energy of the city and which the government agreed. ”
“ Honkai as the main source? But… ”
“ You don’t have to worry about that! They only hire people who have high resistance if the core leaks or something, now eat up! ”
You pass the peeled apple to Hua who takes it from your hand then you start to head off to fill in paper for Hua’s discharge.
Hua watches you leave the room and she looks out of the window. It's weird…ever since she woke up there's odd small voices appearing randomly like.
“ —a! W—e —! TH— -S - -r—m!-! ” “ I’- —rr-… H—”
Something like that… but whenever you are near her all the voices start to disappear, maybe her mind hasn’t fully recovered from the war, Fu Hua stares into space until a (h/c) appears in her views.
“ Hua~! We can go now! ”
. . . . . .
The duo drive back to St. Freya Academy in a taxi, originally you guys plan to walk back but… the moment the duo step out of the hospital people just swarm towards you two and ask for signatures or pictures together.
So to make things easier you summoned a void portal and escaped crowds of people with Hua, right now the duo are quiet while Fu Hua is staring out of the window and you telling her what’s going on with the Academy since Honkai is defeated.
“ -nkai are reduced down a bit but we still use it for small purposes, for herrscher it will be a big problem. My case would be different since I have half of the control. ”
For a split moment the sky suddenly turned red and back to normal it went unnoticed to Hua but for you… you can’t hold this together.
“ Welcome back! Class president/Fu Hua! ”
Arriving at the dorm Hua was surprised by this though she is curious about the rings on Kiana And Mei’s ring finger along with Bronya and Seeles’s.
“ Thank you everyone… i suppose l’m the last one? ”
“ yes and… Kiana! Stay away form those fried chicken! or no cuddles tonight! ”
Kiana who is caught red-handed let out a yelp.
“ But Mei-senpai! Can’t I just have one? Please??? ”
* Kiana use puppy eyes on Mei! *
* Unfortunately Mei is immune to puppy eyes *
* Not a effective attack *
* Mei use “ Head chop ” on Kiana! *
* Very effective! *
* The opponent reveals to have an unshown personality! *
* Masochist effect has shown on Kiana! *
* A new opponent has joined! *
* Fu Hua use “ Neck Chop ” on Kiana! *
* Very Effective! *
* Kiana has fainted! * ——————————————————————————
“ Sorry about Kiana Class president..”
“ It’s alright Mei. ”
Mei Smiled and picked up Kiana then went to their room but for Fu Hua it was a different image.
Dark red sky, broken down buildings, broken weapons lay around without its owner, lances, pieces of iron stab into the ground, splashed bloodstains and some fresh ones, bodies.
Mei holds Kiana close and both of them are badly injured even in their herrscher’s form they are no match for the End, currently they hide themself behind some broken down buildings while lances rain down without a care in the world, Hua and the injured duo are very away from each other making it a very difficult retreat.
Hua looks around to find you in your herrscher form fighting against the End. It is very obvious the End has the upper hand, she can feel your regeneration is not keeping up with you…
“ -u hua??? HUA!? ”
Fu Hua is dragged back from her flashback to the sound of someone keep shouting her name.
“ Huh..? ”
“ Seriously… are you still tired? We can go to bed if you want. ”
“ Dear l’m fine, i just need some fresh air.. ”
“ Alright? I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me, oh and don’t forget your medicine! ”
The gray blue-ish haired girl nodded then went outside of the dorm and found Welt standing there as if he was waiting for her.
“ Fu Hua.. if you may.. i wonder if you can answer me a question. ”
“ What is it? ”
“ What if this is all just a dream..? If we have been put to sleep by the End and the moment we wake up the world we chose to protect is all gone? ”
“ Welt the war has ended and if this is a dream l would know it by now and you knew that. ”
Hua holds her hand out and concentrates, white mixed with red-ish feathers appears around the girl and so is her hair.
“ l see… ”
“ Well sorry about that war question but i have to go now. ”
“ Ah… that’s close….. ”
“ That guy Welt… he almost break it like the last time with Sirin.. ”
You? Mumble in some staircases before disappearing into cubes.
Guess whats going on?
Part 2, part 3 (end), Alternative end
Tagging people :D ( permission asked! )
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