#and it's easy to assume this is just collins' style
stumbled across a ballad of songbirds and snakes critique video and I couldn't even watch it because the person so did not get what the book was doing and saying and the comments were complaining about the unnecessary romance when it's super obvious it's not intended to be a romance. suzanne collins is, yet again, ahead of her time because I remember the hate mockingjay got when it came out for killing prim and having katniss vote for new hunger games when those plot points are crucial and are meant to act as a commentary
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Mary Bennet: Is it Canon?
Mary wears glasses
Fanon (I’m using this term to cover adaptations and JAFF), not canon. Never mentioned.
Mary wears dark colours/dresses like a nun/she is secretly Jane Eyre
Fanon, not canon. Never mentioned in the book and unlikely since Mrs. Bennet is trying to get them all married. She probably wears similar things to the rest of her sisters, though she may trim her gowns and hats less.
Mary styles her hair differently
Fanon, not canon. Never mentioned. Their hair is probably all done by the same upper housemaid whom Mrs. Bennet tells to focus on Jane instead of Kitty on one occasion.
Mary loves Fordyce’s sermons
Fanon, not canon. Mr. Collins chose what book to read and we are never specifically told any books that Mary reads. According to David Shapard, Mary quotes the novel Evelina by Frances Burney either Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters by Hugh Blair or Letters on the Improvement of the Mind by Hester Chapone. It is reasonable to assume she may have read Fordyce since it is in the house, but we don’t know if she liked it. If she was obsessed with it, she’d probably quote it more often.
Mary is intelligent
Mary wants to be seen as intelligent, but she mostly just parrots things she has read without actually integrating the knowledge. This is why Mr. Bennet says she makes “extracts”, which would be a collection of quotes. She has a very shallow understanding of what she reads and therefore cannot use her knowledge without preparation, as we see in Ch 2.
“What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?” cried he. “Do you consider the forms of introduction, and the stress that is laid on them, as nonsense? I cannot quite agree with you there. What say you, Mary? For you are a young lady of deep reflection, I know, and read great books, and make extracts.”
Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how.
Mr. Bennet is actually mocking Mary there (father of the year). 
Being smart is Mary’s personal expression of vanity. Today you would think of her as a know-it-all, but one who spouts trivia instead of actually thinking about deep topics.
Mary is a wallflower/shy
Mary is very eager to put herself on display and be the centre of attention:
Mary, after very little entreaty, preparing to oblige the company. By many significant looks and silent entreaties did she endeavour to prevent such a proof of complaisance,—but in vain; Mary would not understand them; such an opportunity of exhibiting was delightful to her, and she began her song. (Ch 18)
Fanny Price (Mansfield Park), who wants to be a wallflower and is shy, refuses to learn how to play at all, probably because she doesn’t want this sort of attention. Mary’s speeches are another example of her displaying herself. She is drawing attention, not trying to hide. 
Mary sings/plays terribly
Fanon, not canon. Mary plays pedantically. It’s not fun to listen to her because she plays technically difficult pieces when you just want some nice music. As a modern example, she plays classical music when you want a pop song.
At the Netherfield ball we hear, “Mary’s powers were by no means fitted for such a display; her voice was weak, and her manner affected.” According to David Shapard, the voice being weak means that Mary gets worse over time, so the fact that she is doing a second son is the real problem. She’s not off-key. And her manner is affected, as in she’s showing off and that is easy to perceive. So while Mary plays better than Elizabeth, she plays for her own vanity instead of for other’s pleasure.
Mary doesn’t dance
Fanon, not canon. We never hear of Mary dancing, but she does attend balls and if someone asks her, she assumably would dance. We know Mr. Collins intended to dance with all his cousins in chronological order, except for Elizabeth being first. It’s probably not mentioned because Mary isn’t a main character or having a romance during the novel.
Mary spends all her time studying
True. While she does go to evening engagements, Mary declines every time her sisters invite her to go somewhere during the day and Jane says she is reading instead of attending to her grief-stricken mother.
So what is Mary? She knows she isn’t beautiful, so instead she shows off her accomplishments and memorized quotations. She has a pretty bad relationship with her sisters. While her behaviour seems better to us than Lydia and Kitty’s, she is vulgar because she puts herself forward for praise and display. Fortunately, she is only nineteen years old so hopefully she will improve over time.
Reference: David Shapard’s The Annotated Pride and Prejudice
The Mary Map (a collection of every reference to Mary Bennet in P&P)
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bethyyoung · 4 months
We don't have to talk
of where we go from here
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Introducing... Beth Young
| Soundtrack | Living Space | Style
Age | 45 (April 25) Originally from | Beckley, WV Previous community | ?, West Virginia Previous job | Occupational Therapist Community job |  Inventory Manager / Council Living Arrangements | Small home near the market (Arrived in May 2042) Family | Colin (younger brother) Identity & Orientations | Cis Woman, Demi-everything
TW: Mention of blood, allusions to parental death
Mr. and Mrs. Young, in the grand Nuclear Family Tradition, had two children 18 months apart and were done with family expansion. Beth still laughs to think of how traditional it all had been. Girl Scouts, bake sales, softball, summer vacations to sensibly-planned locales.
Cursed with Gifted Kid Syndrome, things largely came easy to Beth. She was what teachers called "a pleasure to have in class", what her dad called spunky, and what caused her mom to call her, "a little firecracker". Quick to smile and instinctively inclusive, Beth was a light that other kids flocked to.
She still believes, to one degree or another, that her natural shine left Colin no choice but to live in the shadow it cast. She spent no small amount of time trying to make up for it; to share her circle, defend him from others, to spend as much time with her brother as he'd allow.
Despite the usual sibling tiffs, Beth and Colin were close, and she considered it a compliment when Colin asked to stay with her after his graduation. A few friends tried their hand at flirting with Colin, but nothing ever lasted. They'd wrongly assumed Beth would play matchmaker, not understanding that - under her cajoling - Beth respected her brother's autonomy too much for that.
So the years passed. Moving - homes and jobs and friendship circles - and Beth had settled into a pleasant life.
Then a routine visit at her parents' place went right to hell, and the world seemed to be quickly following. From their front yard she'd called 911, confusedly answered their question about bites, about "containing the threat". and agreed to go home and stay there. She'd barely gotten back and washed the blood off her skin when Collin showed up with his RV.
Beth hardly had time to appreciate the role reversal - it took this for him to suddenly become the leader? He convinced her that sitting in her apartment was no solution - they had to move.
But Beth knew it couldn't just be them alone forever. People need people - they couldn't solve every problem between the two of them. And sure, the first try didn't end well - but you can't write off everyone because of one bad experience... right?
Headcanons |
Beth and her brother's cat don't get along. While there are no outright hostilities, the peace is uneasy at best. Beth thinks Winter just dislikes having competition for Colin's attention.
Diagnosed with ADHD in young adulthood, Beth is sorely missing her medication these days.
Colin definitely brings out Beth's more mischievous, impulsive side. It's like she's a teen again; goading him into socializing, into taking chances and coming out of his shell. Maybe she'll reflect on that should she ever feel settled enough to leave Survival Mode.
Thinks it's silly to hide your true self at this point. Everyone could die any second, why would someone wanna go out being inauthentic?
That said, she doesn't go out of her way to share what happened with her parents, or what more she's done to survive since. Keeping parts of your past to yourself isn't the same as disguising your personality.
Now, Beth is an educated woman, but it doesn't mean she can't break out a good old Appalachian idiom should the moment strike just so.
Never wanted kids, something her mother frequently argued with Beth over.
One Tattoo: A song lyric on her left shoulder
Wanted Connections |
The Neighbor (1/1) - She used to live in an RV near the solar panels and yours was the closest residence. @vallaurent
| Personality Traits | Confident, Extroverted, Impulsive, Inclusive
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dex-xe · 3 years
I’ve made Spotify playlists inspired by each of the ghosts and I’ve made these little written pieces to talk about them. if you wanna read them, please go ahead - if not then enjoy the music!!
This is Kitty’s playlist:
Best Friend - Rex Orange County
Kitty’s friendliness is just so sweet to me like I love that after a few episodes Alison accepts Kitty as a good friend but like before that when Kitty wants a sleepover which Alison basically denies her, I’m like O.o Kitty pls be my best friend ily!!
Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Géza Anda
I wanted to include at least a little bit of music from each of the ghosts time frame so I decided on a little bit of Mozart for Kitty - who, given when she lived and the familial culture at the time, probably played an instrument with piano being entirely probable.
Wildest Dreams - Duomo
I wanted to include at least one Bridgerton song for Kitty because I mean it’s obvious how influential issues brought up in the show would be on Kitty’s life. She was alive just before Bridgerton is set (1813 - Kitty died in the late 1700s) so I think she’d appreciate the modern song with a twist, and obviously she’d love the all the dances and everything.
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
An easy choice. I mean, it’s literally the go to song for people who are incredibly happy and optimistic. I didn’t want to include tons of overly happy songs for Kitty because I find her overwhelming happiness to be tinged with such sadness — she’s positive to a fault and it’s so sad what she went through during her life but yeah it’s a nice song for her.
Forever Young - Alphaville
I read somewhere that Kitty is canonically a teenager - I don’t know if that’s true so if someone could enlighten me that would be really great. But yeah is Kitty the youngest ghosts, surely it’s her or Thomas right? Anyway, Kitty will be forever young and I find that a weird concept?? That’s my in depth analysis XD
Enter One - Sol Seppy
I have so so so so so so so so much love for this song I think it’s just gorgeous. Okay but like assuming Kitty grew up at Button House (or I assume Higham House at the time) then she would’ve grown up literally from a little kid in front of some of the other ghosts (Robin, Humphrey, Mary and Annie) so like they witnessed whatever trauma and/or neglect Kitty went through. Ages ago I read someone talking about the ghosts watching her grow up and then taking care of her for the first time after she died (I can’t find the post) so like this verse: “To a friend, A sister in need, Who is not alone, And they are surrounding her, And they will enfold her outstretched hand, In our love” is just so beautiful for that moment when they finally get to take her away from her family which I love and adore and uhhhhh it’s so good, it’s such a good song.
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Okay from me legit crying over Kitty’s life and emotional stuff to just being like yeah this is a happy song and just something to dance to!!
Magnificent (She Says) - Elbow
This song just has gorgeous vibes and given that Kitty has just gorgeous vibes as well it was impossible for me not to include it.
Good Day - The Dresden Dolls
Someone suggested The Dresden Dolls for Kitty on my previous music post and I’d never heard of them before I’m a bit in love now… like the dark cabaret style and creepy sorta vocals and piano are just <3 <3 Like damn! And yeah I think this song is Kitty-like cause like when Alison was kinda ignoring her in ALN she got really upset as if this was a regular occurrence in her life as well like her sister or maybe her parents ignoring her in favour of her sister maybe??
Optimistic - Radiohead
“And remember: as long as you try your best.” I think that line is probably the moment of Kitty’s “personality introduction” so I kinda had to include something similar.
Devil Town - Cavetown
Okay I know this song is about parental divorce but I kinda like to apply it a bit more widely to broken families and dysfunctional households which Kitty obviously experienced. I think also the line “nevermind, I’ll settle for two birthdays” shows a kind of optimism in the face of family trauma and the acceptance that bad things often have to be spun in a positive light to cope with it.
growing up is getting old - VICTORIA
Kitty angst, Kitty angst, Kitty angst!!! After the episode descriptions we got today I am really really hoping for much more of a deep dive into Kitty’s emotions. I just want to know more about her life, and I just want the other ghosts to be protective and loving of her O.O
Stacking Chairs - Middle Kids
Kitty’s urge to be around Alison and do what’s best for her is just what I love more than anything. I really love that scene she has with the Captain where he’s like “you one Alison?” And “You want what’s best for her” like Cap/Kitty solidarity is what I live for (more to come in season 3????)
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
I feel like with Alison arriving at the house Kitty finally has the opportunity to be a young woman again?? If that makes sense. Cause she’s been around generally older and predominantly male ghosts for a long time which is why I think she’s fixated on Alison so much because it’s the first time in centuries that she’s been around someone with similar interests etc as her. So yeah, like asking for the sleepover and wanting to talk about boys and stuff gives me Teenage Dream vibes.
In One Ear - Cage The Elephant
Like I said I didn’t want Kitty’s playlist to all be soft and sweet cause I feel like that’s kinda reducing everything about her into a little soft ball of syrup so yeah this song is sick and it’s basically about not caring what others say about you but yeah I like it!!
Would You Be So Kind - dodie
I had to include something dodie cause she’s just got that soft kind vibe. I don’t love many of her songs, it’s not really my style, but this (and In The Middle) are pretty good. Also I don’t think Kitty has much of a distinction between platonic and romantic love (same Kitty) and therefore this song is pretty fitting.
Amazing Grace - Judy Collins
If I could include Kitty’s ‘Amazing Kitty’, I definitely would cause that whole scene is just really funny. But like I said, I’m trying to include some music from when they would have lived and Amazing Grace is from the 1770s which is just when Kitty would’ve been born.
Happy - Pharrell Williams
An obvious choice but I wanted to talk about this a touch. My irl friend hates Kitty so much because she say she can’t stand people who are always happy and like infectiously positive all the time and literally every time Kitty is on screen she starts complaining and I find it so bizarre and like I’ve called her out a number of times like stfu but it’s constant. Like I find Kitty’s happiness kinda melancholy cause like she has so much to be sad about like her family and sister and stuff and I think learning more about in her life will just extend quite how sad her overt happiness actually is.
We’re Going to Be Friends - The White Stripes
Ngl I had no idea this was by The White Stripes before searching it up but apparently it is. It’s about like childhood friendship and nostalgia which I think is very right for Kitty as she works to try and make Alison her best friend after not having one during her life (and therefore relying on Florence the statue).
Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
This song just gives me major girly sleepover vibes which I think is quite fitting. I find it interesting that as soon as Alison can see the ghosts (and accepts that she can see them) the first thing Kitty asks of Alison is to have a sleepover, maybe she sees that as the true mark of friendship? Perhaps her sister was always having sleepovers with her friends and Kitty wanted to join? I want to know Kitty’s backstory more than anyones, I think she’s fascinating!!
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Eclipse reread part 2! This is gonna cover a lot of chapters because I forgot to include stuff from chapters 4, 5, and 6 in part 1 (in my defense your honor, this book is very grating to read). Awayyy we go:
1. so chapters 4-6 really could have been one chapter tbh since the plot is: Bella ditches work at Newton’s Outfitters to hang with Jake and then writes some graduation invites with Angela. She pushes her rusty old behemoth as fast as it can go through driving rain but then hangs outside with Jake the whole time so I don’t really know where the rain went. She also manages to hear Jake gasp through her closed car door! Super sonic! Anyway, Bella insists that Edward is a good guy, Jake makes Bella hold his hand, Jake explains imprinting (yuck we can skip that), and then Edward drives threateningly past Bella while she’s on her way to Angela’s house. Angela reminds Bella that, at his core, Edward is a teen boy who is Totally Jealous of how Ripped and Sexy her 16 year old best friend is. Then Alice kidnaps Bella. Fun times!
2. During the imprinting convo it becomes very apparent that Meyer thinks the worst thing that can happen to a girl is getting broken up with. Somehow Leah got the “worst end” of the Sam/Emily/Leah fiasco despite Sam turning into a “monster” and Emily getting literally mauled in the face. What’s worse is later in the book, during the “Legends” chapter, when Bella wonders if Leah thinks Emily’s scars are a form of “justice.” Yea, Bella, that’s justice. 
3. I love this Rosalie quote but hate the entirety of they way meyer writes her story. Others have mentioned it before but Meyer writes Rose's dialogue there as if Rose is an author and not like...a person telling a story. An easy fix would be to format Rosalie's story "flash back" style rather than have her narrate all the way through. Then you can include all the superfluous details of exactly what everyone's voice sounded like and all the excessive dialogue tags you want.
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I also Violently Abhor this quote here:
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Yea, meyer, the Hot Girl hates your self-insert because her stupid ass brother didn't have the hots for her. It just reads like weird middle school revenge fantasy "I only hated you because you were so Special!!!" Sure, sure. Also "all those females!" People don't talk like that @stephanie
4. I do love the scene when Bella “escapes” from Alice with Jake (I don’t know why i put escape in quotes, Alice could definitely murk Bella) but then that whole adventure ends with Jake telling Bella he’d rather she die than turn into a vampire. And yeah, fair buddy, but also you’ve known Bella for a long time. This should not be a surprise to you at all even a little bit. a) she mentioned it before, b) you knew she would never get over Edward even if your plan in NM had worked, and c) you’ve known that she’s fully obsessed with the Cullen’s since you started hanging out with her again. The last time you guys hung out she went on an impassioned rampage about how lovely and good and fantastic Edward is (footage not found) I really don’t know why you’re surprised that this hard-headed girl is prepared to commit to vampirism for him. She is not normal lmfao.
5. The legends chapter. Oh boy. Stephanie, Meyer, Smeyer. Honestly it might have been less offensive if she had just made up a whole new tribe to give these backstories to, for all that they have in common with real Quileute legends but actually that would still be offensive and terrible anyway. I don’t know how to describe this adequately but if you’ve ever seen G.I. Joe’s portrayal of indigenous people that’s exactly what meyer made Old Quil and Billy’s dialogue sound like. Just absolutely dripping with Mystical Native/ Magical Native trope from the content to the tone. https://mthg.org/ Because it can’t be plugged enough.  
6. The legends chapter ends with this Wuthering Heights quote:
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I have no qualms with it's inclusion, if you really want to push the Edward is Heathcliff and Bella is Cathy agenda, I don't believe it but fine, whatever. But those last two paragraphs are such a dumb way to end a chapter. Every chapter ending should make the reader want to turn the page: this makes me want to shut the book (actually I did take a long break after this lmfao). Anyway, just end the quote on "drank his blood," bold those three words, and end the chapter there. Don't go back and say "the three words that stood out were... Anyway it could have fallen to any page I believe in coincidence teehee!!" That's just annoying.
7. Okay guys I hate to say it but Edward does get a lil bit of ~character growth after the first few chapters. He comes home after having Bella kidnapped (she decides not to be angry, surprise surprise) and is all "so I've been thinking about it and you're right my Beloved Angel Face or whatever, please hang out with Jacob but also wear a helmet on your motorcycle my Beloved Dumb Idiot or whatever" (paraphrase). And he also says this in chapter 12:
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Which is like, man I hate when I agree with Edward but I agree with Edward here. Now I know from MS that he only wants Bella to stay human because he's creating an Unfolding Drama in his head but this bit of dialogue is really sweet. And it's funny that he thought Bella didn't want to marry him because she just wanted to use him for immortality but it's also a Dark Reminder that he's literally only romantic with her because he can't read her mind and can't tell that she's just as obsessed with his looks as the other Teen Girls TM.
8. uuuh Jasper’s Backstory Time. This is so infuriating to read for so many reasons. So we know that smeyer got Jasper’s name from a confederate memorial/ listing (from a New Moon Q&A but the link isn’t secure so I can’t share) so I know that his backstory was always meant to be Confederate Soldier which makes everything else about his characterization just baffling. Again, he was the only Cullen that was genuinely kind to Bella besides Carlisle for the entire first book and he’s still incredibly kind during Eclipse (which is another issue I have though because no one mentions again that Jasper tried to eat Bella and they stand close to each other and hang out and Bella’s never like “this is scary, this dude tried to kill me” but i digress). The point is: smeyer knew he was going to be a confederate from book 1. She never addresses that this was bad, she never has Jasper mention that he regrets his role in the war, he is the only Cullen that’s actually capable of empathizing with humans anymore (Carlisle cares but I would not categorize him as empathetic), it just... None of these pieces fit together. This is a fraught and bloody history that smeyer throws in with no thought to how it might alienate black readers (though tbh she constantly emphasizes “white beauty” throughout the series so I doubt she cares) and the editors don’t question it either. No one, at any point in time, said “Hey, steph, you know confederates fought for slavery, right?” Every black american deserves reparations. White women and men who glorify the civil war should be the first to pay up. 
9. I’m gonna jump back to chapters 9 & 10 here (target & scent, respectively) to say: no tension is being effectively built. I get it, someone stole your clothes. You’re annoyed because you have nothing to wear and Victoria is scary. But where is she? Where is the volturi? Move it along, please! This is one of the challenges of 1st person narrative because the author is stuck in the eyes of, usually, the person who knows the least. Meyer is not a talented enough author to make this interesting. Not to bring up THG again but Suzanne Collins really knew how to work 1st person. Everything that Katniss asserts with certainty throughout the series gets either confirmed or denied by the narrative, keeping it interesting. She assumes the worst of the people around her so we’re pleasantly surprised when people violate those assumptions. We’re kept on edge by how little Katniss knows and SC never gifts Katniss with more knowledge than she could be expected to have. Bella is constantly gifted with knowledge and her assumptions are rarely proven wrong. You can dig into the canon a little bit more, read the lexicon and the guide, and find all the examples of Bella being unreliable or making wrong assumptions. But within the narrative she is rarely incorrect. She doesn’t get opportunities to grow out of her false assumptions (while Edward does, at least in Eclipse). So to keep the Victoria debacle interesting, smeyer has to plant seeds like- during these two chapters- Bella thinking of Laurent and Victoria while the cullens discuss who could have been in Bella’s room. That just doesn’t cut it for me. 
This is hella long and I’m only halfway through the book. I probably should split the second half into two parts as well but based on how talented smeyer is at stretching out the mundane, especially just before the climax, I probably wont need to. 
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tea-at-221 · 4 years
So, let's delve a bit into the Spanish dub of Supernatural.
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I'm going to go through a lot of terms here, and a lot of basics, in order to increase people's level of understanding as to how the dub may possibly have come about the way it did.
This post will provide information and, I hope, allow some members of the fandom to move forward with their own theories with more reassurance. Information is power. I will define and clarify industry terms to the best of my novice ability to make it easier for others who wish to do their own research.
This post was inspired by the fact that I've been part of multiple fandoms in which queerbaiting has played an enormous part: I am tired of seeing fandom friends left devastated and without answers, no emotional resolution in sight. So this post is, in spirit if not content, largely dedicated to my fellow Johnlockers and Queliot shippers. And most of all, for Quentin Coldwater, who deserved not just better but the very best.
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Disclaimer: This is my own research and there is a bit of speculation involved; I can't guarantee 100% that I will get everything right (I hit some very frustrating walls looking up what should be easy-to-find facts), but I did a *lot* of work for this. Other people will doubtless be able to clarify points/give better specifics/correct what I've gotten wrong. I am not promising a concrete answer to “SPN gate” here, as without more information than we currently have that is impossible to declare with certainty.
More under the cut.
All that having been said, onwards (see end for sources):
First, who airs the Spanish dub of Supernatural?
Answer: the Warner Channel.
Why? It goes back to who owns The CW.
From Wikipedia (2): "The CW Network, LLC, a limited liability joint venture between the CBS Entertainment Group unit of ViacomCBS; and the Studios and Networks division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, the parent company of Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB. The network's name is an abbreviation derived from the first letters of the names of its two parent corporations (CBS and Warner Media)."
Warner Bros apparently is the side that handles the delegation of dubbing to outside studios. So, who does Warner use for their dubbing? Perhaps multiple studios, but the two I found in the course of my research were SPGStudios(5) (who specifically handle localization for Latin American Spanish productions) and Iyuno Media Group (formerly BTI Studios)(3).
What is localization?
Simply put, it refers to the translation of the home language of the show in question to the language of the new market it's entering. So, Supernatural 15x18 is translated from its native English to Spanish for Latin American viewers.
And what exactly *is* dubbing (actually called revoicing within the industry; dubbing is a widely-recognized term, however, and it's pretty well understood what is meant by it)?
Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
"1 : to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production —usually used with "in"
They dubbed in the music.
2 : to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new soundtrack and especially dialogue in a different language
The film was dubbed in French and Spanish.
3 : to make a new recording of (sound or videotape already recorded) also : to mix (recorded sound or videotape from different sources) into a single recording"
There is a slang term, "dubby," which refers to any overdub that is comically jarring and obviously a dub. The history of dubbing has been such that this has become a way to think of and recognize it: by how awful and ineffective it used to be when it came to foreign films sloppily overlaid with English dubbing.
However, we are in the midst of an age of networks and companies scrambling to play catch-up, eager to use modern technology to create more effective, convincing dubs. In short, they see the moneymaking potential of presenting finished works that viewers may not even realize *are* dubbed without careful inspection. It's true that a good dub is about 10x more costly than subtitling, but it's hard to satisfy the viewer's desire for escapism if they can't suspend disbelief because they're busy reading.
The truth of that is reflected in internal statistics Netflix (for instance, but not just them) parses to gauge viewer interaction and retention with their various shows: when comparing subtitled vs. dubbed shows, it's easy to see which is the winner.(1)
So to be sure there is no nefarious intent here, we would need to be able to identify the following:
A.) What exactly was the process for this dub?
B.) Who decides what changes to make during a dubbing process?
C.) Who approves those changes?
*Can* there be such a thing as a "rogue translator," as Misha Collins put it? (I am going to clarify here that I think Misha is an upstanding person who believed the best of the show he was involved in and all the people who made it, so his assumption of a rogue translator makes sense in the context of that emotion-based reasoning).
I'm not sure which studio did the dub for the Latin American Spanish version of Supernatural; if I had access to that episode perhaps it's mentioned in the credits. You'd think that would be simple enough to figure out anyway, but I was unable. So maybe someone can take a look and let me know. But, as an example, here is how SPGStudios outlines their localization (dubbing) process:
1.) They make a digital or analog transcription of a show/movie.
2.) The translation, or localization, is done by their staff (in any of 40 available languages their staff can speak). When translating, they translate for meaning and then adapt for time, tempo, and style. They say that "extensive experience is required to capture the essence of the language dialog while accounting for variances in speaking time between the source and destination languages." i.e.,  wording/word choice will be kept as true as possible to the original intention of the native language, but at the same time the translation will need to use its chosen wording in a way that fits what is being shown on-screen. To produce a convincing/pleasing dub, they won't replace a word like "looked" with a longer phrase like "scanned the horizon" because it's not going to match what's onscreen. That would be venturing into "dubby" territory.
3.) They perform the ADR process: the voice actors (in this case it would normally be Guillermo Rojas performing for Dean Winchester, though it appears things may have been different in 15x18, possibly due to covid) record the new dialogue to replace the original actor's performance.
4.) The newly recorded dialogue goes to the sound editorial department "to ensure that lip-synch is optimized and technical aspects of the vocal performance match the original."
5.) All of the new audio--including dialogue, music, and sound effects--is mixed together to emulate the quality of the original production as closely as possible despite the changes in rhythm that resulted from the dialog having been translated.
6.) Designers, animators, and VFX editors assist with the localization or enhancement of graphics, if needed.
7.) Localized Master: SPG has a 'traffic team' who 'ensures that all client delivery and storage specifications are met, including file formatting, labeling, and uploading." So in other words, the files are heavily encrypted (or that's how I read this).
Presumably, after all steps are performed, SPGStudios transfers the show back to Warner, who then distributes it. The other studio, Iyuno, makes it very clear that *they* can coordinate and handle all distribution themselves to a vast number of networks. That means that if the client desires, Iyuno can send the finished product directly out into the world.
There seem to be two types of scripts that can be given to the dubbing company:
1.) "In-Production Dubbing indicates that dubbing production is active in tandem with post production. In-Production Dubbing fulfillment partners should expect potential changes to source materials."(4)
2.) "Final Asset Dubbing indicates that dubbing production takes place after final delivery of the show. All source assets will be in a final state. The dubbing fulfillment partner should not expect any changes to the source materials."(4)
Without knowing which of these was agreed upon for SPN 15x18, it is very hard to say exactly where or if additional edits may have been performed on the original material that weren't performed on the translated material (in other words, earlier draft).
If the studio was given the episode as an In-Production Dubbing project, this could explain why the title of the Spanish translation reflected the original script title, "The Truth," rather than the final title in English, "Despair".
Assuming this difference was unintentional, rather than a calculated marketing ploy re: audience enticement (which seems admittedly unlikely), then yes, it could indicate a screw-up on someone's part. The question is, was the dub company given the task of generating the title card, or did some other graphics department handle that before the project made it to them? If the latter is the case, the choice to add "Me too" instead of "Don't do this, Cas" could be either a conscious choice on the dub studio's part as sort of a nod to what they thought "the truth" was, or could just be them going with what they were given and making their translation choices based on something else, such as rhythm/timing.
SO, could there have been an original script that had Dean say "me too" in response to Cas, which then went through translation and made it out into the world? Teeechnically yes, but one would assume that the original script and original *footage* would have to have arrived at the dub studio together if the script is being transcribed in-house as SPGSTudios outlines in their process. I'm going to reason that the odds of them using a later edit of the visual--one that contained what in this instance we would be assuming was Warner's preferred dialogue ("Don't do this, Cas") yet choosing to stick with their own audio revoicing of the (supposed) original script/visual's "Me too, Cas" with its now subsequently poor timing, seems unlikely.
So either they would likely have to redo the exact same "Me too" audio again (having made the choice to keep the original dialogue, while also having to work under pandemic restrictions re: travel and talent availability) to make everything match the visual footage time-wise, OR, it was simply a matter that the English scene always was just as we saw it, but that the studio chose to interpret the script the way they did and were able to do their timing the first time around to match accordingly.
This still leaves a question in the air regarding the origin and fate of certain clips of Dean's more visually emotive reaction to Castiel's confession that have been floating around the internet. I've only seen very very brief glimpses of them, myself, and I'm not certain that they're really evidence of anything other than more than one take having been done of that scene, which wouldn't be uncommon and doesn't necessarily point to a conspiracy.
I also want to state that in the wake of 15x18, I opted to protect my mental health rather than follow every development/rumor/speculation that cropped up in the aftermath, so there’s probably a lot that I’m leaving out of this post that may be pertinent. Do me a favor and do assume that I know nothing of it. lol
I will also add this about the other studio, Iyuno: they are very careful to state on their site, repeatedly and with great pride, that they are committed to presenting the world with the smoothest, most true-to-the-original localized version of a film or show possible. Quote: "...our entire team of staff wants nothing more than to make every single one of our partner's content feel as if it were never translated." They are not fucking around. They want to please the client. Would they have done something like the translation in question without any direct go-ahead from Warner? It seems unlikely, though they don't outline their process on their site the way SPG does.
Notice that in the SPGStudios process outlined above, there is no mention made of a review step in which the studio presents the translated dialogue to the client for approval re: the new wording. That doesn't mean there isn't a review step; however, without seeing the contractual agreement that was made between Warner and whatever dub studio they used, or knowing Warner's preferred process by some other means, it's difficult to be certain whether or not there was a review process for the translated script. I did find evidence that Netflix reserves the right to review such translated scripts before air.
Speaking of Netflix, I will include here what their translation requirements are, as I did find those. They, like Warner, also use Iyuno Media Group much of the time for dubbing (voiceover style dubbing in which they apparently like to leave the original language audible underneath, so that's slightly different from revoicing, but I'm working on an assumption that the general expectations are the same for both):(4)
"1. Translation Requirements
1.1 Main Dialogue
   All main dialogue in the source (original) language should be translated unless specifically noted.
   Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot.
   Please refrain from dubbing redundant words such as character names and repetitions.
       Additionally, do not recreate laughs, hesitations, reaction noises, etc."
I'm looking at that bit: "Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot."
So let's say just for argument's sake that this is pretty standard language provided to the dubbing studios. Netflix is a giant, so I'll proceed with that assumption given the lack of more concrete information:
Does it really change essential elements of the remaining plot to have Dean return Castiel's declaration of love? Forgetting about the outside, emotional ripple effect such a declaration was bound to set off in the viewing audience, no. The two characters have no further scenes together, nor does Dean go on in the next episode to immediately embark on a new relationship, or tell anyone that Cas said he was in love with him but he couldn't return it because he didn't feel the same. So technically, no rule was broken. And that is what it comes down to, if you're thinking like a lawyer reading a contract: specifics, not theoretical implications or consequences.
So, possibly what we have is something that was simple to add and easy to get away with/argue for: translated dialog that fit a dub better due to its length, and didn't actually change anything plot-wise (or at least, the argument for that could easily be made). This points to the painful crux of the matter: why would the Spanish version of Supernatural which aired in Latin America allow Dean Winchester to return Castiel's declaration of love with a "Me too, Cas"? Could it *really* be as insulting as the fact that "Yo a ti, Cas" would be a quicker, smoother dub than "No hagas esto, Cas"? ("Don't do this, Cas" in English.) Or did they see something they could get away with, and a reasonable argument to provide for it, so they went ahead and claimed a small LGBT+ victory?
Is someone, somewhere, getting in trouble for all this? Maybe. But could action be taken against them? That would look pretty bad, public-relations-wise, for the party expressing condemnation if that got out. Could Iyuno, or whatever other studio (again, I don't actually know which one handled the dub) theoretically feel a ripple effect from the fallout of this? Could they quietly suffer a drop in acquisitions/revenue for "reasons unclear"? Sure. That sort of thing happens all the time, so theoretically yeah.
Whatever the reasoning behind the decision to have Dean return Cas' declaration of love, surely they didn't have to do it. Surely they could have chosen some other phrase that fit. But they chose to do exactly what they did. I don't know what went down, in the end, or whether censorship was indeed involved, but I will certainly say that I think it was a brave and admirable choice that was made with the Spanish dub. It doesn't undo the "bury your gays" trope of course, but for some LGBT+ audience members it surely provides a sense of validation and maybe even lends a little hope for better representation--which is long, long overdue.
Thanks if you read this far. I hope that even though it’s not perfect it will be helpful in some way.
(1) https://www.indiewire.com/2020/02/subtitles-vs-dubbing-what-you-need-to-know-1202212800/amp
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_CW
(3) https://www.iyunomg.com/
(4) https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/115016062708-Dubbed-Audio-Style-Guide-VO-Style-Dubbing
(5) https://www.spgstudios.com/localization
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badrdooon-blog · 4 years
How To Find Your Dream Job in 8 Steps?
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/
In a job market reworked by turmoil and rebirth, their area unit suddenly all types of opportunities for daring souls. however, if you are going to transcend the cubicle, you would like to assume massive and dare to start out over. Presenting our no-holds-barred guide to creating the boldest move of your career
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 1- Admit that you simply Have a drag
Crabby at the tip of the day? Dreading Sunday night? listen. It can be an indication that it’s time for a switch. Of course, there’s a giant distinction between ordinary work uneasiness and a serious drawback. “Ask yourself if your frustration is because of the tasks you perform or to workplace politics and social stuff,” says David Blustein, a faculty member of counsel psychological science and a career-development scholar at the capital of Massachusetts College’s kill faculty of Education. If you’re uninterested in the trivialities, take into account a little change between firms inside your trade. If you’re dreading the basics, however, it’s most likely time for bolder measures. from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 2- opt for a brand new Direction
A smart career switch begins with what Blustein describes as “a serious method of introspection.” acknowledge that sure temperament sorts thrive in sure industries. Extroverts and risk-takers typically move as entrepreneurs. Introverts ought to take into account gigs requiring less self-promotion (see: a man of science, engineer, project manager). the foremost vital question? raise yourself that a part of your current job—or your favorite hobby—fulfills you most. Now: however are you able to legitimize that skill? “You need to spot the place wherever your passion meets different people’s wants,” says economic expert Adam Davidson, beginner of NPR’s Planet cash, United Nations agency is writing a book on a way to thrive within the 21st-century economy. “This doesn’t incorporate cold-hearted pragmatism, however, it doesn’t incorporate self-indulgence, either. decision it pragmatic passion”
Adam Fetcher, United Nations agency worked on Barack Obama’s 2 presidential campaigns and for the Department of the inside before ever-changing gears to become Patagonia’s director of world PR and communications, cautions against jumping at the primary new chance that comes to your manner. “Spend time thinking deeply concerning wherever you wish to figure, what kind of organization can offer you the type of life you wish to own,” he says. “If that’s outdoors, with family—whatever it’s that produces you cheerful”
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/
In some cases, it’s attainable to create a fast lateral pivot to a brand new trade wherever your talent set has price. If you’re a sales rep who’s uninterested in the company grind however inquisitive about the atmosphere, you’ll target a giant organization just like the Nature Conservancy, that crammed many jobs on its company partnership team last year. Similarly, if you’re attractive, well connected, and a good author, you’re ready for a future public relations, that is presently booming as firms pay less on advertising and a lot of on image. With a small amount of good analysis and artistic thinking, it’s even attainable to game your leisure interests into a dream job. Say you like riding mountain bikes and drinking brewage. that may not seem to be a career, however, careful investigation may lead you to the New Kingdom of Belgium still, primarily based in Fort Collins, Colorado.
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 3- Get Real
New technologies have resulted in job-market upheaval, substitution unskilled positions with computers and international labor. The upshot: onerous skills and experience area unit as valuable as ever. “The old school stuff like expertise is what very counts,” says Brian Lam, founding the father of product-review web site the Wirecutter, that has employed eight editors and researchers within the past 2 years. “If you wish to induce into a brand new field, you would like to work for many years and become specific at what you are doing”
Start by researching the talents and knowledge needed to land the type of job you’ve got in mind. One straightforward technique is to review abreast of trade trends through trade sources like out of doors distributor (for gigs at gearmakers) and also the Journey Travel Trade Association (for travel gigs). “Seventy p.c of our candidates say they’re avid climbers or outdoors folks,” says Anson Fogel, co-owner of the Salt Lake town production company Camp Four Collective. “That’s nice, however, it doesn’t matter. We’re searching for proficient those who have a body of labor”
Sometimes the most effective route is to travel back to high school. In 2011, Kit Hickey was a self-made underwriter in Boulder, Colorado, however she was a touch enlightened and had a vision for a line of business apparel that used the performance technologies found in out of doors attire. She listed in AN entrepreneurial program at MIT and partnered with another student United Nations agency was a gear designer to launch Ministry of provide. She uses her banking expertise, specializing in the company’s thriving business model, whereas her partner geeks out on materials and construction ways;
Alternatively, you may search out entry-level positions that assist you to develop expertise and connections. as an example, if you’ve got a passion for journey filmmaking however not the résumé to induce employed as a lensman or producer, you may apply to GoPro, that relies in San Mateo, California, and has been hiring content producers to scour the net for footage created with its cameras in specific classes like music, hunting, and fishing;
If your monetary state of affairs won’t enable you to travel back to high school or take a low-paying post, hunt for opportunities at your current job to broaden your skills. “When friends admit applying for jobs they assume area unit out of reach,” says NPR’s Davidson, “I tell them to contemplate what skills they require to own that they don’t have currently. typically it doesn’t take abundant” from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 4- Hunt showing intelligence
Knowing wherever to appear is [*fr1] the battle. One common pitfall of job seekers is to pay all their time troll umbrella job sites like Craigslist and CareerBuilder. recently most firms list openings on their own websites and social-media channels,
Another economical strategy is to concentrate on industry-specific career websites. Gear and attire manufacturers list positions on the out of doors trade Association web site, the action-sports jobs board Malakye.com, and SportsOneSource.com, the web site of the sports equipment Business association. Environmental nonprofits and NGOs like Conservation International and also the Nature Conservancy post on the websites of the Society for Conservation Biology and also the Chronicle of financial aid; from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 5- produce Your on-line Persona
“One of the primary things we tend to do once we get a résumé is looking into that person’s LinkedIn profile and Facebook page,” says Steve Sullivan, former business executive of mountain life-style complete Cloudveil and founding father of Jackson, Wyoming, attire company Stio. “With those tools, you get to grasp the person—their contacts, however well connected they’re, however mature they’re. folks ought to be cognizant of public profiles”
Crafting an expert on-line presence needs over simply deleting and untagging party shots. (Though you must try this, too.) For starters produce a LinkedIn page and place some love into it. “Over the course of your operating life, thousands a lot of folks area unit getting to see your LinkedIn résumé than your real résumé,” says Sree Sreenivasan, a former faculty member of social media at the Columbia Journalism faculty who’s currently a chief digital officer for the Metropolitan depository of Art. pay additional time on the outline section—“It ought to be deep,” says Sreenivasan—and update everything, particularly the recommendations, even once you’re not actively following a brand new job. “Potential employers have confidence in the recommendations,” notes Sreenivasan. “Get them in a very good, considered manner from those who supervise your work after you don’t would like it—like right when you’ve completed a decent project”
You should even have a Twitter account and embrace links in your bio to your home page (or your current employer’s home page) and your LinkedIn account. Follow trade leaders you hope to network with. “Before you reach bent somebody for AN introduction, a referral, or letter of invitation for an affiliation, check that you’re already following that person,” suggests Sreenivasan. Your own tweets ought to contain links to stories concerning the fields you wish to figure in and comments concerning them;
Finally, keep photos for your social media accounts simple—“a close-up, skilled headshot,” says Sreenivasan—unless you’re fishing for a gig with a production company; from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 6- Don’t Toss Your CV
When we asked the executives at leading brands within the out of doors and adventure-sports industries however hiring has modified within the social-media age, all of them gave an equivalent answer: it largely hasn’t. “Don’t go hiring an internet site designer,” says Sreenivasan, “when you must be cleansing up your LinkedIn profile”
7- Stretch Your Network—in Person
The fact that it’s currently really easy to attach with folks digitally truly implies that in-person conferences and private referrals carry a lot of weight than ever. “We crammed thirty p.c of our hires last year through referrals,” says Christina Gee, recruiting manager at Clif Bar in Emeryville, California. GoPro, meanwhile, makes thirty-five p.c of its hires through referrals. Don’t have a private affiliation with a company? create one. “Find out United Nations agency you would like to grasp,” says Shawn Heinrichs, creative person, videographer, and founding father of Blue Sphere Media. “Then work backward till you’ve got one degree of separation thereupon person—someone United Nations agency will get you a gathering.” For Heinrich, a former executive director, this meant sitting down with Peter Knights, founding the father of the non-commercial WildAid, one in all the conservation teams Heinrichs currently produces films for;
Megan Miller, founding father of teeny-weeny Foods, recommends cold calls. “I’m a large advocate of taking folks bent occasional,” she says. “They’re sometimes flattered after you say you wish their recommendation. I’m the foremost digital person within the world. I even have a large LinkedIn network. however there’s no substitute for face time”
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/
One surefire thanks to gain access to non-public interactions is by attending trade shows and different events wherever managers area unit on the lookout for brand spanking new talent. “Actively recruiting at conferences is perhaps the most effective thanks to noticing the most effective folks,” says M. Sanjayan, govt VP of Conservation International. Gear firms converge at the time period out of doors distributor, whereas travel outfitters gather at the journey Travel World Summit. Conservation teams recruit at events just like the poplar Environmental Forum and also the International Congress for Conservation Biology;
But you don’t get to expect the large summit. whether or not you reside in the state capital or Anchorage, you’ll be able to notice gatherings of individuals with similar skilled interests victimization forums like MeetUp and FindSpark. “Going to entrepreneurial and startup conferences very helped ME,” says Ministry of Supply’s Kit Hickey, United Nations agency visited each gathering she may when moving to the capital of Massachusetts to attend grad school. “I saw folks creating similar changes. It created ME to feel less alone”
Finally, once networking, confine mind that you’re operating, not dating. “Don’t lay out all of your woes and troubles,” says Sanjayan. “I can’t tell you the way many of us come back to speak to ME and say most that I’m pretty certain I won’t be recommending them to anyone else. Remember: your goal is to induce into the interview space.” from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/ 8- Seal the Deal
Once you secure AN interview, prepare. got wind of a Google news alert for the corporate, check up on press coverage from the past 5 years and reach bent those who have worked there and rapt on. you wish to travel in knowing your stuff. “Not being ready a couple of company’s history—that wouldn’t foretell well here,” says Pearce of the North Face. Also, bring a bottle of water and a few energy bars. geographic area interviews last a full day. Potential GoPro media-team hires area unit brought sure a long test;
After your interview, send a thank-you e-mail—fast. “I’d even suggest drafting a rough follow-up before the interview,” says Emily Miethner, founding father of FindSpark. “Then quickly add in thoughts on specific stuff you mentioned to alter it.” Miethner additionally suggests making another touchpoint outside e-mail. “This can be adding the person you interviewed with on LinkedIn—send a custom message—or retweeting a tweet from the corporate,” she says.
If you aren’t offered the work, concentrate on the actual fact that stepping into the door was a large step. Acquit yourself professionally and likelihood is that you’ll get a re-evaluation down the road. “The 1st job I applied for out of school, I got AN interview however didn’t land the work,” says Sanjayan. “The second job I applied for, with the character Conservancy, I didn’t even create the interview cut.” however he unbroken in-tuned with the organization and was eventually brought on as a lead human.
If you are doing to get a suggestion, don’t take it right away: this can be the time to barter things like longer off or the flexibility to figure remotely. Once you’re employed, your leverage is gone;.
from The How To's Site : Https://WWW.ToHowTo.Com/
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nscollins · 4 years
—— nathan collins // pre-arrival event
“hello! welcome to crenshaw manor, have you booked a reservation?”
“well then, we can fix that for you. THE CRENSHAW MANOR is a beautiful vacation spot. having been renovated JUST THIS YEAR FOR TOURISTS AND HONEYMOONERS we have everything you could possibly imagine from an IN-HOUSE THEATER to an INDOOR POOL AND JACUZZI.” the woman smiles as she holds a pamphlet toward you. “we have an OPEN ROOM if you’d like to sit comfortably while you fill out PAPERWORK.”
“FOLLOW ME TO YOUR ROOM.” with bags in hand, you follow the woman through the front hall. every inch MODERNIZED with soft touches of the OLD STYLE that once stood so proud. as you curve up the staircase, you notice SOMEONE ELSE standing at the top of the stairs dressed in a NIGHT GOWN.
LOCKING EYES with the person, or what you ASSUMED WAS THEIR EYES due to their face being so dimly lit YOU DECIDE TO PRESS ON. following the woman down the hall. “as you can see you are going to have easy access to the BALCONY here.” the front desk woman rattled off as you glance behind you. the person at the top of the stairs now FOLLOWING YOU BOTH. “and right here is your room. if you need anything, PRESS ONE ON YOUR PHONE AND IT’LL CALL THE FRONT DESK IMMEDIATELY.” she smiled, staying at the doorway as you walk into the room. throwing your bags down onto your bed, you turn to see the WOMAN IS GONE. peeking your head OUT THE DOORWAY, though, you can see THE PERSON GETTING CLOSER. an UNEASY FEELING settles in your bones as you quickly STEP BACK into your room, holding the door knob.
you SLAM THE DOOR SHUT and can FEEL your heart RACING in your chest. backing up and settling down on your bed to look through your bags, the door gets thrown open once more with a LOUD CRACK AGAINST THE WALL. “my house.” a LOW TONE muttered. eyes lifting to see NO ONE IS STANDING AT THE DOOR. reaching for the phone beside you, SLOWLY, you keep your eyes on the door frame. lifting it off the receiver your hand SUDDENLY FEELS LIKE A LED WEIGHT, dropping back down with A HARD THUD. “MY HOUSE.” growls behind you, the hair on your neck slowly raising as you feel warm breath against it. “MY HOUSE, MY HOUSE, MY HOUSE.” without your permission, your hand begins SLAMMING THE PHONE AGAINST THE RECEIVER over and over until you can FEEL THE PLASTIC SPLINTER AND BREAK. the HAUNTING WORDS only growing LOUDER AND LOUDER as you squeeze your eyes shut. the plastic BEGINS TO BREAK FLESH. pain SEEPING THROUGH YOUR VEINS. OPENING YOUR EYES you see the figure STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU, their hand wrapped AROUND YOUR WRIST and repetitively SLAMMING IT back down against the phone. parting your lips to scream NOT A SINGLE SOUND COMES OUT, rather, all you know in this moment are those PIERCING BLUE EYES LOCKED ON YOU. everything else FADING AWAY.
“PLEASE, PLEASE, I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!” you yell, desperately trying to RIP YOUR WRIST from the other’s grasp. the PERSON RELEASES and you look to YOUR MANGLED HAND, still holding a SHARP EDGE of the NOW DESTROYED PHONE. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” the person asked, taking a step back. it’s then you LIFT THE PIECE UP then LODGE IT INTO THEIR NECK. but as the PLASTIC BREAKS SKIN, the world around you comes SNAPPING BACK. THE FRONT DESK WOMAN COLLAPSES to the floor, clutching the fresh wound. she tries to speak, but HER VOICE IS MUFFLED by the gargling. you FALL TO YOUR KNEES and try to help, but JUST WATCH as the life slowly drains out of the woman. a SOFT CHUCKLE comes from the door way as you look up. THE PERSON YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE ATTACKING looking down at the scene with A TWISTED, WIDE SMILE. “MY HOUSE.”
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lilycollinsnews · 5 years
Lily Collins Gets Candid: GLAMOUR’s December cover star on Les Misérables and success on HER terms
Tumblr media
2018 was the year of fearless female performances but THE TV Christmas blockbuster, Les Misérables, saves the best for last with Lily Collins’ star turn as Fantine. Here she navigates the minefield of millennial dating, -13°C locations and a late-twenties crisis with GLAMOUR’S Josh Newis-Smith.
“I’ve been ghosted more times than I care to admit,” Lily confesses, as we discuss the minefield that is millennial dating. Adorned in a slouchy black hoodie with her hair scraped back into a care-free ponytail and barely a lick of make-up, Lily could be any twenty-something in debrief mode.
In fact, the only indication that this is a Golden Globe nominee who since starting to act at the age of two, has carved a place for herself as a go-to starlet in such varied roles in Rules Don’t Apply, Mirror Mirror and Love, Rosie- is the vast Hollywood home that plays backdrop to our interview and her GLAMOUR cover shoot.
I’ve been ghosted more times than I care to admit… I would prefer people to be honest with me, as I live like that. I don’t think it will be something I can ever figure out. The good thing is that we all have the same issues 
About to hit our screens in her career-defining role as Fantine, who is dumped unceremoniously by her lover - Victorian ghosting if you will - and left to fend for her child alone, we are musing on how, just like the iconic character, Lily has navigated her own fair share of heart ache. 
“There are times when I’ve [been on dates and] thought we had a great time and then I’ve never heard from the guy again,” she continues. With this level of ‘gal pal’ magnetism it’s no wonder she has garnered 11 million Instagram followers, and counting. “Sometimes that happens after one date, a couple of dates or one month. I would prefer people to be honest with me, as I live like that. I don’t think it will be something I can ever figure out. The good thing is that we all have the same issues.” Alexa, play Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande...
Both 29 years old, we quickly bond over that late-twenties crisis, too. “Everyone in their late twenties goes through it a bit, because we’re heading to the big 3-0,” she reassures me. 
“But I think I had a quarter-life crisis at 25 where I kept asking, ‘Am I at where I wish to be at?’ I never really set out as a kid with markers of when I want to get married or have kids. But I got to the age where you constantly compare yourself to your friends or other people in your industry.”
It’s this level of realism that makes her performance as the ultimate fallen female, Fantine, so damn relatable, despite the fact it was shot in inconceivable sub-zero conditions in Brussels over a grueling five-month period. One scene, in the opening episode, sees a thoroughly modern-feeling Fantine squatting in the bushes alongside her wing women, discussing the gents on offer. 
“When our director, Tom (Shankland) was describing it as, ‘You are going to be squatting, having a chat,’ I thought, ‘Well, I can’t say I haven’t done that,’” Lily laughs. “People have been doing this for centuries – that camaraderie between women and men going to the bathroom and having chats, where it’s all about the subtext and the looks.”
Growing up I never wanted that to be a part of my story… People assume it’s a lot easier when you have that name, but if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want to use it, it’s a lot harder.
Alas, poor Fantine didn’t have a rival nightclub to the local tavern, or Tinder, in her weaponry to help find a knight in shining armour to rescue her from her inevitable fall. Swiping right isn’t something that interests Lily, either. “I’ve never tried a dating app,” she exclaims with her trademark eyebrows alive with energy. “Lots of my friends have, but it’s just that I don’t know how I would. LA is very much where I spent most of my time growing up, so I know the places I am not going to go to meet somebody and I also realise that when you’re not looking, you find it.”
Lily is grounded, which is no mean feat given that she grew up surrounded by fame as the daughter of the Easy Lover hitmaker, Phil Collins. There’s no name-checking of famous faces, only her closest pals, a pool of Californian friends from Harvard-Westlake School who have enabled her to achieve that much-lauded term: balance. She has worked hard to have her Destiny’s Child ‘Independent Woman’ moment.
Why we've got such a style crush on Lily Collins
Why we've got such a style crush on Lily Collins
“Growing up I never wanted that to be a part of my story,” Lily confides. “Obviously I’m super-proud of my dad; I love my dad, I’m grateful for all the things I’ve learned, but it’s also something I wanted to define as my own. I always wanted to do it myself and for myself. There are so many people who want to do what I do, a name is not going to get you a job, and it shouldn’t. I can look back and be so proud I did it on my own. People assume it’s a lot easier when you have that name, but if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want to use it, it’s a lot harder.”
When you dig the deepest and talk about the most uncomfortable things, that’s the time you’ll connect with most people because that’s when you’re being the ‘realest’. The hardest things to talk about will always be the most relatable because no one wants to show them; they’re awkward.
Part of Lily taking control of her own narrative involved her penning her memoir, Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Mejust under two years ago, something that she regards as the “most cathartic, therapeutic experience, in a way I didn’t anticipate”. In the emotional read, Lily confesses to hacking away at those eyebrows to fit in with the skinny-browed girls at school, details an unnamed emotionally abusive relationship, discusses a long and winding journey with eating disorders, and contains an open letter, forgiving her father, “for not always being there,” during her childhood after moving from Surrey to LA with her mother, Jill Tavelman following her parents’ divorce. For an industry in which personal lives are hidden by a velvet curtain, it was beyond brave.
Reminiscing, Lily details how the book’s direction took an unexpected turn, “I realised I was carrying so much baggage that, when it came to work, I couldn’t take on the baggage of my character. I felt a bit like a fraud to myself if I didn’t unleash – or at least get off my chest – these things, to move on and go into the next phase of my life. In life, when you dig the deepest and talk about the most uncomfortable things, that’s the time you’ll connect with most people because that’s when you’re being the ‘realest’. The hardest things to talk about will always be the most relatable, because no one wants to show them; they’re awkward.”
At one point it was -13°C in Austria… dressed in little material towards the end, it was about pushing through mentally. I dive in 110%. If I’m freezing, tired and bruised from shooting, I lean into that with the character.
Used to shedding excess baggage, Lily had to leave everything at the French border to play what is set to become a career-defining role as Fantine. As she proudly scrolls through her phone to show her transformation from debutante darling to shaven-haired dishevelled wench, her enthusiasm is as big as her brows as she details the most testing part of taking on this role. “The material, the location, the temperature,” she admits were the biggest challenges. But it’s clear she relished getting gritty. “It was so perfect, but at one point it was -13°C in Brussels. It was mental preparation of not just understanding the psychology of what she’s going through, but also the gruelling shooting experience that we were all in. Dressed in little material towards the end, it was about pushing through mentally. Obviously, I saw the end in sight. I dive in 110%. If I’m freezing, tired and bruised from shooting, I lean into that with the character.”
In a year where toxic masculinity has led to outpourings of female empowerment, it seems an ideal time to revisit the treatment of this infamous female character; something that isn’t lost on Lily. “When she falls, she falls so hard. But she’s willing to stay down there if it means providing for her child. It’s very poignant over what’s happening in today’s world. When we’re at our lowest, we still have our sense of self and are willing to fight back and use our voice. That really resonated with me.”
I’m attracted so strongly to people who are brave and outspoken and very much themselves, so I thought, ‘Why can’t I be that?’ It takes practice and I’m not fully there yet, but I’m doing my best to take those steps.ON 2018’S CRUSADERS
How does she feel in the wake of the year where Hollywood finally got woke on the abuse of power? “It’s great to see the camaraderie that’s come from it. Women coming forward with these issues are being embraced. Whether it’s in the pay gap or having more female directors, writers, and making sure there are just as many women and men on movie sets – hopefully one day this won’t even have to be a conversation. That’s my hope that we won’t have to say, ‘’I’m so glad you’re hired because you’re a female. It should be that you are known for your skill level… Right now, it’s fantastic, but it shouldn’t be why a woman is defined as amazing.”
As a result, Lily is feeling more empowered than ever before. “Yeah, I am, 100%,” she says. “I’ve realised that I can’t control what other people think of what I have to say, but I can control how I say it and where it’s coming from. So many women have come out and spoken about things that people would have assumed would have been the end of them. Now it is embraced for us to speak out. I’m attracted so strongly to people who are brave and outspoken and very much themselves, so I thought, ‘Why can’t I be that?’ It takes practice and I’m not fully there yet, but I’m doing my best to take those steps.”
This self-crafted confidence is exactly why Lily was attracted to the challenge of creating and directing her own GLAMOUR shoot, shot on a mobile phone during a fitting with super-stylists Rob Zangardi and Mariel Haenn. “I love expressing different sides of myself,” she exclaims, referencing her Giambattista Valli gown she wore for her cover. “It’s a process that allows me to constantly surprise myself, rediscover and push myself in ways I wouldn’t have felt comfortable with a couple of years ago.” One thing is for certain, you shouldn’t underestimate this ultimate Hollywood ‘doer’; she curled her own hair and specifically asked for the pictures not to be retouched, too.
That’s my hope that we won’t have to say, ‘’I’m so glad you’re hired because you’re a female. It should be that you are known for your skill level… Right now, it’s fantastic, but it shouldn’t be why a woman is defined as amazing. 
Away from Hollywood and couture, Lily will be living her best Cameron Diaz lyf circa The Holiday this Christmas. “It’s my time to switch off from my job, sleep in and be British – I love holing myself away where no one can bother me. I love being in the countryside, outside London, with my mum. We get our tree, we have decorations from when I’m younger. We cook. We have fires and watch old movies,” Lily shares in a manner of an over-excited elf.
It’s safe to say the Christmas cracker that will really bring a bang to your festivities is Lily Collins in Les Misérables. Plus, dear wise men and women, this star with her rare empowering gifts is well worth following, far and wide.
Les Misérables will start on the BBC on 30th December.
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the-hunting-hawk · 3 years
Broken, Mending
//ooc: yknow I tend to keep my soft little hurt and comfort fics to myself but I’m going to share this one just this once. as a treat. idk if anyone on here cares for my writing but. here ya go XD
Unedited raw mun writing ✌🤙
Victor could remember the last time he’d seen a doctor - for things related to his transition that he never got to experience the joys of. Sometimes he longed for it - but no matter. What was done was done.
He texted Micheal and Micheal had asked him to go to the clinic so him and Doctor Collins could take a luck. With his father out of commission, he secured his brace on his leg, hopping around to grab his crutches - left Ellie at home and walked there by himself. 
He was sure he would be paying with boons, not cash - but he slipped his wallet into his pocket just in case. It took him about an hour, mostly to grit his teeth and try not puncture his own gums as he walked the distance on his leg - having to put some weight on his bad leg to try blend in.
He couldn’t even tell if his lesser damage calf had healed. Part of his vision darkened as he walked but he had to stop and lean against a wall. He was regretting leaving Ellie, he wanted something comforting. Something soft to touch in a comforting way. He rubbed circles into his jacket and started when his phone was called.
‘Do you need picking up?’ Micheal’s phone said down the phone as he answered and pressed it to his ear.
‘Probably, I was trying to walk but I suppose I’m taking too long,’ He mumbled into the phone.
‘Collin’s would prefer to see you before we have some emergency in the clinic. Tell me where you are, I’ll come get ya,’ Micheal said.
Victor gave him the address and went back onto the street and waited, leaning on his crutches idly as he waited.
No bothered him, strangely. He’d been getting stares before but he supposed he was waiting so no one took the time to even glance his way. Micheal arrived in his beaten battered beloved car and got out to open the door and Victor got in before tucking in his crutches with him. It was awkward - wearing a double brace while seated but he managed to extend his leg as straight as possible and tuck his crutches next to the door and Micheal got back in and leaned over.
‘Both of them?’ Micheal asked with a raised eyebrow.
‘Yeah, top is in three pieces, bottom is just snapped in half. I think that’s healed but it’s hard to tell with the upper park so broken,’ He said, rubbing his arm with a shrug.
‘How’d that happen?’ Micheal asked as he started up the car to drive them to the clinic.
‘Annoyed someone,’ Victor said with a shrug, staring out the window as the buildings went past.
Technically a half-truth. Victor wasn’t facing Micheal so he wasn’t quite sure if the half lie was believed but he did not push the matter. Victor was fine with that, he’d rather just take his medical poking then leave. He just wanted his leg to be better…
In no time at all they were back at the clinic, the small unobtrusive white building blending in with housing surrounded it. Micheal parked them in the small staff parking in the back and helped him get out, mostly helping steady Victor on his crutches.
‘Follow me, me and Collins can take a good look together, if you don’t mind him teaching me something while we take a look,’ Micheal said with a slight upturn of his lips.
‘Sure, so long as you don’t poke my insides too hard,’ Victor said with a soft snort.
Micheal nodded and led him around the building to go around the front and check him in with the receptionist. Micheal signed him in, since he was already registered here from when he first came here to find Collins with Rosary and then Micheal lead him into the back where Collins was waiting.
‘Victor - looking after yourself I see,’ Collins said wryly.
‘Annoyed the wrong person,’ He repeated as he said to Micheal.
Collins looked like he didn’t believe him but he did not press the issue and tapped the gurney in front of him.
‘Sit up here, I assume you want it looked at it due to its inability to heal. I’ll have to take the brace off to take a look,’ Collins said.
Victor went over, put his crutches against the wall and with Micheal’s help got to the gurney and unstrapped his brace while he was still standing, putting it next to the gurney before Micheal helped him get on.
Victor rolled up his loose trousers up to the top of his thigh so both Micheal and Collins could take a look. He was leaning his weight back on one arm, the one held up in case he needed something to bite down on from pain.
Doctor Collins then gently probed and prodded at his leg, causing him pain he twitched from and bit down on his hand from. Very easily and quickly was he poking his fangs almost through his hands. As Collin’s touch became firm, he instructed Micheal to gently inspect the area himself. It was still no less painful, if he was stronger he could imagine he might snap the own bones in his hand with his teeth.
When they were both done investigating Collins stepped back.
‘In a human, this sort of break that I can feel would require metal plates and screws from surgery to fix, given our nature we can not do no such thing. But we could cut open your leg and realigned the bones at least to give you the best chance of healing. Can you torpor yourself?’ Collins asked as he stepped back and looked at Victor.
Must have given him a younger vibe, if he was asking that. He wasn’t surprised though, everyone thought him younger than he was…
‘I’m not sure, I’ve never done it before. I don’t know if I have a way to wake up from it that I’m comfortable with…’ He said with a shrug, he wouldn’t mind if Sterling woke him up but he had a feeling Collins would do it and he didn’t want that.
‘Hmmm… What do you feed from?’ Collins asked suddenly.
Victor got nervous at that, but he didn’t mind -
‘Animal,’ He said, he’s feeding style was so easily restricted. He did not eat from a butchers - so it was likely nothing could be sabotaged should Collins get angry at him.
‘I should have known,’ Collins said with amusement. ‘Most of the young ones in your clan are. Micheal, go get us some tools for this surgery, I will prepare this patient,’ Collins said with a partly amused partly sharp grin.
Micheal left through a door to get something while Collins briefly stepped into what appeared to be his office and came out of it with a blood blag and some syringes.
‘You mixing blood and something? I’ve heard that’s how most vampires can get drunk and high or something…’ Victor commented as Collins worked on definitely doing something similar.
Probably a painkiller? Collins pulled out a little bottle of medication and took a dose of something into one of his syringes. He then pressed it into the blood and started massaging the blood bag to likely spread the medication around.
‘Something similar. Cutting you open while awake will not be pleasant. Moving your bones around will not be pleasant. This will help. Do you have someone who we could call to pick you up?’ Collins asked as he took another bottle of a different medication and repeated the process.
‘Yeah. My sire,’ Victor said and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
He turned off the unlocked phone screen and opened his contacts on Sterling’s number. He quickly changed the contact name from ‘Dad’ to ‘Ash’. He then put it down on the gurney next to him.
Collins came over and looked down at his phone.
‘I’ll get Micheal to work such things. I’m a bit too old to learn. Here, drink this. It might be a bit instant,’ Collins said and picked up his phone to put it on a counter to the side after he handed Victor the blood bag.
He was kinda nervous, very nervous. Would he be okay? Would this be another kidnapp-
No. Micheal was here. Micheal trusted Collins. Everything would be fine. And his dad would probably raise hell if he went missing again so soon….
He drank from the blood bag, strange able to sense the medication mixed it but it wasn’t repulsive like any normal drinks were. It felt right. He drained it quickly, just in case his body decided to reject it then put down the bag after he was done.
Collins was hovering by his side, likely trying to see when the medication hit him and it only took about 30 seconds, when he sat up harshly and hissed at the moment of his mangled leg - but he sat up as he felt dizzy. Collins put a hand on his shoulder, steadying him as he swayed heavily as Victor felt his consciousness fade.
It was like he was waking up, slowly and blearily looking around. He was laid on the sofa, in the living room of Sterling’s haven. Ellie was draped across his arm and shoulder, and when she saw he was awake - she squawked.
He could see his phone was next to him and he unlocked it to type something out sleepily. Then Ellie moved from his shoulder and he whined softly. She was warm and comfortable….
It felt like an eternity until she came back and resumed her position. Then Sterling came into view and kneeled down on the floor by him, touching his face. He struggled to keep his eyes open, barely able to make out his dad’s expression.
‘How do you feel?’ Sterling asked him, caressing his cheek.
‘Tired…’ He mumbled.
‘Comfortable?’ Sterling asked.
He nodded, he was comfortable and warm. He was so tired, but he kept a grip on his phone and stubbornly tried to wake himself. His eyes fluttered rapidly as he tried to stay awake.
‘Do you want to be moved to your bed?’ Sterling asked, hand going up to Victor’s hair to push it out of his face where it naturally draped itself when he was asleep.
‘Yeah…’ He mumbled.
After a few seconds, Sterling picked him up - easy with his strength. Then took him to his room before swathing his son in his favourite blanket and his quilt to keep him warm and content.
‘Love you,’ He mumbled to his dad.
Sterling leaned down to press a kiss to the top of Victor’s head, then ran a brief touch down his cheek.
‘Sleep. You’ll feel better tomorrow night,’ Sterling told him, weaving his powers into his words.
Victor had still been fighting his urge to sleep, but stopped under the weight of Sterling’s compelling words.
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Cloud Foundry gets an updated CLI to make life easier for enterprise developers
The Cloud Foundry Foundation, the nonprofit behind the popular open-source enterprise platform-as-a-service project, is holding its developer conference today. What’s usually a bi-annual community gathering (traditionally one in Europe and one in North America) is now a virtual event, but there’s still plenty of news from the Summit, both from the organization itself and from the wider ecosystem.
After going through a number of challenging technical changes in order to adapt to the new world of containers and DevOps, the organization’s focus these days is squarely on improving the developer experience around Cloud Foundry (CF). The promise of CF, after all, has always been that it would make life easier for enterprise developers (assuming they follow the overall CF processes).
“There are really two areas of focus that our community has: number one, re-platform on Kubernetes. No major announcements about that. […] And then the secondary focus is continuing to evolve our developer experience,” Chip Childers, the executive director of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, told me ahead of today’s announcements.
At the core of the CF experience is its “cf” command-line interface(CLI). With today’s update, this is getting a number of new capabilities, mostly with an eye to giving developers more flexibility to support their own workflows.
“The cf CLI v7 was made possible through the tremendous work of a diverse, distributed group of collaborators and committers,” said Josh Collins, Cloud Foundry’s CLI project lead and senior product manager at VMware. “Modern development techniques are much simpler with Cloud Foundry as a result of the new CLI, which abstracts away the nuances of the CF API into a command-line interface that’s easy and elegant to use.”
Built on top of CF’s v3 APIs, which have been in the making for a while, the new CLI enables features like rolling app deployments for example, to allow developers to push updates without downtime. “Let’s say you have a number of instances of the application out there and you want to slowly roll instance by instance to perform the upgrade and allow traffic to be spread across both new and old versions,” explained Childers. “Being able to do that with just a simple command is a very powerful thing.”
Developers can also now run sub-steps of their “cf -push” processes. With this, they get more granular control over their deployments (“cf -push” is the command for deploying a CF application) and they now get the ability to push apps that run multiple processes, maybe for a UI process and a worker process.
In the overall Cloud Foundry ecosystem, things continue at their regular pace, with EngineerBetter, for example, joining the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a new member, Suse updating its Cloud Application Platform and long-time CF backers like anynines, Atos and Grape Up updating their respective CF-centric platforms, too. Stark & Wayne, which has long offered a managed CF solution, too, is launching new support options with the addition of college-style advisory sessions and an update to its Kubernetes-centric Gluon controller for CF deployments.
Cloud Foundry renews its focus on developer experience as it looks beyond the enterprise
Cloud Foundry Foundation executive director Abby Kearns steps down to pursue a new executive role elsewhere
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Short Haircuts for Kid Girl - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/short-haircuts-for-kid-girl/ - Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, Choosing a haircut is a responsible issue as it will be your reliable base for future surprising styles. You should be comfortable for everyday wear but leave some potential for fancier dos when you go out. It is generally believed that short hair has less choice and freedom in this relationship. Well this is quite a controversial statement since Modern haircuts often feature unusual angles and sumptuous. Short Haircuts for Kid Girl Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, Edges combinations of contrasting textures that give you more opportunity to always look different. The cutest short hairstyles for girls feature ear-and-neck length cuts that make it easy for the young lady to maintain and manage her locks every day. Keeping their strands away from their cute faces and also making them look like little princesses. Short Haircuts Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, should be a priority to make their movements less hassle and daily activities more fun. Work with his face shape and angles his hair type and his personality and you'll surely finish with a comfortable style for him. Short Hair For Kid Girl It doesn't matter if your daughter has short hair. Knitting her youthful tresses into beautiful pigtails or clip gorgeous braids into ponies or adorning them with sweet and colourful hair accessories – you can also have fun dressing your lover's locks. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girl Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, Choosing a haircut for your baby should not stress. Not every girl dares to cut off her long locks but in fact some girls look better with short haircuts than with long hair. Check out pictures of Coco Rocha and Carey Mulligan for example. Short Haircuts For Tween Girl It's clear that short haircuts make them brighter and more stylish. If you think of a shorter length but feel uncertain about the extremely short haircut Vanessa Hudgens may start short of medium bobs like those of Lily Collins Sasha Luss Naomi Watt etc. Hairstyles For Short Hair For Little Girl Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, see images below . We have prepared a selection of 50 haircuts and hairstyles for girls of different ages. This time the short girl's hair is on the agenda. Little girls are always on the lookout for some of the best hair that can make them look cute. And as a general rule it can be assumed that little girls look cuter in short hair than in long hair. Short Haircuts For A Girl Not just us but even your little and little girl has the right to look cute and beautiful. Age also requires special care and attention. She can also experiment with her looks and look stylish and super cute. Cute Short Haircuts For Little Girl Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, All we have to do is shape it well without underestimating it. Here are a few of the best short haircuts for little girls. For little girls with short hair ranges in various variants from. Short Haircut For Skinny Girl Bob to fringe cut to shaggy styles you need a makeover with these short hairstyles to make little girls look trendy and trendy. Young age is a beautiful period of life where you can actively try on your appearance. Short Hair For Toddler Girl Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, try new fashion and style ideas and always look stunning because the sad truth is that people are becoming more conservative as they get older. Anyway if you're a young girl you have. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girl Tumblr Multiple choices about what to do with your hair regardless of its length thickness and color. Look at the 50 haircuts below for the girls and you'll definitely pick something very special for yourself. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girl 2020 Short Haircuts for Kid Girl, Short hair style is easy and always associated with an active lifestyle. The notion that you will have to wear the same hairstyle every day with short hair is just a myth. Short Hair Cut For Girl 2020 The shortest haircut can easily be converted into stylish evening hair into casual ‘dos of everyday time. It's just not easy to look sweet and girlish with short hair. Let's see the best ideas for girls of all ages – from 3 years to 13 and 15 years old. Hairstyles For Short Hair For Kid Girl Every girl has to look great despite her age if a little princess is a teenager or almost an adult. Below for your guide are the latest go photos that look for your next inspiration. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girl With Curly Hair Whether it's young or old women and a fairy haircut may be best suited to several age groups. And by keeping all the other factors constant it's assumed the little princesses look cute and cuddly in short hair. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girl With Thick Hair For little girls with short hair hair styles are numerous and there are some styles that can be tried based on the girl's personal preferences and their favorite trends. If you want to get a trendy new hairstyle or one of the best haircuts in 2020 look no further than this list of the most popular haircuts for everyone. Short Haircuts For Toddler Girl With Curly Hair Of course we will offer a discussion about the hairstyle child to listen to something very interesting because it makes it easy to make the hairstyle child more attractive.This comment is related to hairstyle boy with short hair article title 29+ new style hairstyle for boy girl. Intricate braids and buns can be fun but no-nonsense girls can't take advantage of this cute short style. Short Haircuts For Girls/Kids With Thin Hair Short hairstyles for girls can be wrapped around the side for a cool fashion flair. This cut will work equally well both for the toddler and for 9-year-olds for example. Cute and classic as it gets short hair for little girls. Short Haircuts For Little Girl 2020 A wispy blonde bob is easy to maintain to pure perfection and a little one. It's just a matter of drying the air and walking or running through the door. Easy is always the magic word when you're a mother with a toddler girl to keep up with. Short Haircuts For Teenage Girls images It's probably the most common option that hits your mind when you think about the best little girl haircuts for 2020. It has many styles of bob as well as blast swept forward. It's also a standard chin-length bob that little girls love so much. Little girl hairstyles are for girls with their own unique fashion sense. Most girls and their friends want to play with their dress accessories and jewelry as well as their hair. Short Hairstyles For Little Girl 2020 Most of these little ones would ask their mothers to do their hair. Some mothers have a hard time deciding what hairstyle to make for their adorable babies. Often most mothers would choose classic ones such as simple braids and ponytails. But these traditional hairstyles could not satisfy the taste of mothers and daughters. So there's more demand for trendy and stylish little girl hairstyles. Short Haircuts For Asian Girl Nowadays a lot of mothers are always looking for hair that their little girls would love to flaunt. Here we will give you an amazing collection of little girl hair that can make both mothers and daughters happy. Take a look at the latest trending images and pictures of the little girl's hairstyles and haircuts. Short Hairstyles For Kid Girl Isn't this picture of the little girl pixie haircut pretty cute and cute? It has short to medium hair and is among the best hair styles for comfort and convenience. A fairy is suitable for summer and is suitable for all children. These very short little girl haircuts will cover her forehead and extend to brow level. Short Haircuts For Toddler Girl This is definitely among the little girl's hair for short fine hair. The assumption that taking good care of yourself is made by men and women who have just begun to change. Most parts of the body can attract the attention of men and women to maintain their appearance. The hair style will also be unable to. Short Hair Cut For Black Girl Stand on its own without the help of hair products. Selecting the product to the hair also becomes something that needs to be known in accordance with the style to be obtained. The hairstyle for Children girl for short hair also has to attract the attention of women and men who love the hairstyle child. Short Haircuts For Girls/Kids 2020 Bobs Pixies are layered and shag haircuts but most remain very popular in achieving more provocative modern twists. The long side-swept bang trend is still and is consistent with almost every contemporary haircut. Enjoy the gallery. Young girls are always looking for the best short haircuts for little girls that can make them look gorgeous.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/therapy-winchester-style-supernatural-big-empty/
Therapy, Winchester Style – 'Supernatural' ‘The Big Empty’
There are two stories running in Supernatural's ‘The Big Empty,' both of them dealing with emptiness, either literal or metaphorical. There’s Dean and Sam, struggling with the emptiness left behind by too many losses and taking it out on each other (and Jack – who is also struggling with the emptiness of being orphaned and now knowing who you are). And there’s the literal Big Empty, where Castiel awakened at the end of last episode to find himself alone. When this episode starts, however, Cas finds himself alone no longer. There’s an entity there with him that has his face and form, but it’s not exactly good company. In fact, it’s pissed as hell that when Cas woke up, he did too. The Empty is apparently the place where angels and demons go when they die, and they pretty much just slumber there, which means the Entity can slumber too. He loves sleep almost as much as I do, and that’s really saying something. That Castiel is now keeping him from his cherished sleep is making the Entity very cranky – which he takes out on Cas with a lot of physical abuse. Ouch. Supernatural has played with characters confronting different versions of themselves before – Dean confronting future!Dean in ‘The End’ memorably comes to mind – so Cas confronting Entity!Cas isn’t unprecedented. I was caught off guard, though, by the way Misha Collins plays the other version. Because he’s very very different! I wasn’t sure whether to laugh at Entity!Cas or be chilled by him, or maybe a little bit of both. He seemed to have a little bit of Alastair and a little bit of Zachariah and possibly a little bit of Balthazar in him too. He almost seems friendly, or at least amusing, until he punches you in the stomach. Again, ouch. I feel like Misha probably had a field day playing Entity!Cas, who’s different than any other version. Misha has had a lot of opportunity to stretch himself as an actor even though he’s been playing the same character for so many seasons, because there have been so many versions of Castiel. Human Cas (one of my favorites), original badass Cas (my absolute favorite), Leviathan!Cas, Lucifer!Cas aka Casifer, powered down Cas, etc etc. And now Entity!Cas. Misha has a gift for accents, and this one is just over the top enough to be creepy. I had to admire Castiel’s courage and his refusal to just lay down and go back to sleep, even when the Entity tries to convince him that his life on earth basically sucked. He’s determined to hold out and keep trying, for both the Winchesters’ sake and I’m assuming also for Jack, who he promised to take care of. And I have to admire Misha’s ability to portray two characters who both look like him, and yet he makes them easy to tell apart, even without sound – they have different expressions, different mannerisms, convey different emotions. Even in a screencap, you can tell. And that’s good acting. I can’t wait to hear the behind the scenes tales of filming those scenes because it’s got to be challenging to be playing off “yourself.” So there’s Castiel, dealing with The Big Empty and trying to get back to help Sam and Dean. The other aching emptiness in the episode is psychological. And what do you do when you’ve got aching psychological emptiness to deal with? Why you go to a psychologist, of course! I always worry a little when Show goes there, since in real life I’m a psychologist – but in this episode, I kinda loved the therapist they chose. They chose her because two of her clients have turned up dead, seemingly killed by their deceased loved ones – or something that looked like them. Turns out the doc is indeed a shapeshifter, but she’s also a pretty damn good therapist. It doesn’t take a PhD at this point to figure out that Sam and Dean aren’t exactly getting along, or that Jack (their “younger brother”) is depressed and longing for his “big brothers” approval. She calls Dean on his B.S. – and so does Sam. The therapy session is fascinating because, while the Winchesters are ostensibly playing a part, nevertheless there’s a great deal of truth that makes its way into that room. The therapist immediately knows that they’ve lost someone. Jack: My mom. Oh Jack, sweetie. Dean admonishes him to be quiet unless spoken to, calling him “Mr. Spock” – which only served to emphasize his similarity to Castiel – but Jack’s loss is so uppermost in his mind, he couldn’t help but blurt it out. Doc: You lost your mom suddenly? Sam: Yeah. And ain’t that the truth! Both times. Doc: Did you ever journal? Sam: (telling the truth again) Our dad did. Doc: Dean? Dean: (snidely, defenses all up) Ever since I was a little girl… Dean’s response is so telling, pure defensiveness and trying to deflect by being obnoxious on top of it. Sam however, is not having it. Sam: My brother, he’s not processing his grief. Dean: (looking shocked that Sam actually went there, because it’s clear he’s no longer play acting) Really? No, I’m good -- with death, closure, the whole friggen bottle of Jack… Sam: Are you? Dean: (lashing out) Yeah, because I know that mom’s dead and I know that she’s not coming back! Sam: Ok I hear what you’re saying, I just wish… The doc cuts him off, but it’s fairly clear to the viewer that Sam was once again about to say something real. Maybe even ask his brother for what he needs from him. Dean can hear it too, and he full on panics, lashing out again. Dean: My brother’s delusional. (To Sam’s shocked look) You said you wanted to give this a shot, right? He won’t even admit that mom’s dead! Sam: (clearly hurt) Stop. Dean: Because if he admits it, then it’s real and he’ll have to deal. And he can’t handle that! Sam:  Oh, because this is so easy for you right? Dean: No, it’s not easy… Sam: (barreling on) Because at least you had a relationship with Mom! I mean, who did she always call? Who did she look to for everything? Dean: Okay… Sam: You had something with her that I never had! And now I’m just supposed to accept that I never will have it?! Sam storms out, and I reach for my box of tissues. Oh, Sam. It’s so true. He has gotten the raw end of the deal when it comes to his mother, every single time. I feel so much for Sam Winchester in that moment. Dean turns to his flask, but the doctor doesn’t cut him a break either. She tells him she can see that he’s angry, and that’s his business if he wants to hang onto it. But meanwhile, he’s taking it out on everyone around him. Jack, who she points out is terrified of him. And most of all, Sam. As much as Dean doesn’t want to hear it, he needs to. She’s a damn good therapist, and Dean starts to get a clue.  When Sam asks him to take Jack with him to go check out a suspect, Dean only protests a little, and then gives in. But before that, Sam realizes the therapist really is a shapeshifter, thanks to the bloody mess in the upstairs bathroom, which means we get to see badass Winchesters pull their guns. While Dean and Jack are gone, Sam chats with the shapeshifting doc and figures out who the bad shifter is. He leaves to go confront him without even calling his brother. Dean: Sam didn’t call me? Doc: Can you blame him? Ouch. Are you getting a clue now, Dean? Rukiya Bernard did an amazing job as the shapeshifting doctor.  Even though we only met her in this episode, Bernard invested her with so much emotion and so much passion that I was rooting for her, screaming at the Winchesters not to shoot her. She was a noble character, an example of a “monster” who is not only trying not to do “bad” but actively trying to do “good.” And Bernard sold that 1000%.  And another person of color and another heroic kickass woman added to the Show. I hope somebody out there is giving Supernatural some credit, because they are clearly trying – and giving us amazing characters in the process! The other great thing about the doc being a shapeshifter is it allows Jack some closure, and some of the understanding about himself that he’s so desperate for. She helps people with complicated grief, who didn’t get closure after a loved one’s death, finally say goodbye – even if it’s actually to the shapeshifter in the form of their lost loved one. Jack asks her to do that for him, which gives us the return of Kelly Kline (sorta – of Courtney Ford at any rate). She holds Jack, gives him that hug and that reassurance that he so needs. She mothers him, and it makes me cry to see it, because he needs it so desperately. She also doesn’t placate him with “you’re not a monster” – instead she reassures him that it’s not what you are, it’s what you DO. Kelly Shifter: And even monsters can do good in this world. We’ve heard Sam Winchester tell this to “monsters” before, that it’s their choice – just like it was Sam’s choice too. Demon blood didn’t define him; he’s a big damn hero because he chose that. Kelly tells Jack that he too has a choice. Courtney Ford tweeted a behind the scenes photo of her and Alex and said that the “Kelly part of my heart” needed that. I love that all the actors on this show are so invested in their characters, that she also felt she needed that bit of closure.   [caption id="attachment_50778" align="aligncenter" width="606"] Photo: Courtney Ford[/caption]   Alex Calvert once again did a bang up job portraying Jack’s longing for Sam and Dean’s (especially Dean’s) approval, and his intense grief over the loss of his mother. Thanks to Calvert’s acting and the amazing writing this season (this time by Meredith Glynn), we see Jack as quintessentially human. He shows us Jack’s emotions so vividly that there can be no doubt – and thus he has all my empathy. ‘The Big Empty’ was all about loss, especially mother loss. Jack and Kelly, Sam and Dean and Mary. Samantha Smith (Mary) was not in this episode, but it was all about her anyway. The ways in which she shaped her sons’ lives, by her loss when they were young and by her interaction with them when she came back, and by her loss once again. Interestingly, the episode aired on the anniversary of the night that Mary Winchester died, burnt to death on the ceiling of Sam’s nursery. How fitting that it was the night Sam started to come to terms with all he’s lost – and all he’s never had – when it comes to his mother. And Dean for the first time started to understand the depth of his little brother’s loss and longing. I have gushed over Meredith Glynn’s writing before (including in person because she came to the book launch party for Family Don’t End With Blood and I sorta fangirled over her – okay, not sorta…)  But I have to gush some more here. What I’m loving so much about this season, and what was so very evident in this episode, is that Sam and Dean are back to being Sam and Dean. Brothers. They’re talking, and not just about the weather or if the bunker needs supplies. They’re expressing their feelings to each other, and they’re prioritizing each other in the way that Sam and Dean do, the way that made me fall for this show in the first place. Their argument about Mary being dead in the beginning of the episode was so hard to watch. Especially Sam’s soft spoken “So you want to move on from Mom?” And Dean can’t even say it, can’t even let himself go there. He’s caged in, cut off by his defenses, as this brilliant shot shows. Dean: Right now I wanna go kill some guy’s dead wife. When Sam suggests they take Jack along, at first Dean is adamant that the answer is no. Then Sam pulls out the big guns. Sam: Do it for me? Dean’s utter inability to say no when Sam says “for me,” this is the show I fell in love with. You can see the effect that has on Dean. He can’t not say yes, not when Sam is asking that way. And Sam KNOWS it. That special bond that they have is right there on my tv screen, and god damn that makes me happy. This episode showed a great deal of evolution in Dean’s relationship with Jack, which I welcomed because it’s been breaking my heart to see Dean keep hurting Jack. We also got more of Sam being absolutely wonderful as a father figure to Jack. Instead of secrets and lies, we get Jack telling Sam that he heard Dean’s accusation that Sam is just using him (thank you Meredith Glynn!) And miracle of miracles, Sam does not get defensive or try to deflect. Instead, he sits down and explains to Jack that what Dean said is partly true, and confesses that he should have been more honest with Jack about that part. He explains that they are trying to save their mom, and if there’s one thing that Jack understands, it’s the pain of losing your mother. Sam’s honesty and his willingness to actually talk it through with Jack make all the difference. Jack understands and believes that Sam can both care about him and also hope that Jack can be useful in saving Mary. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with actual open communication, isn’t it, Show? I love that Sam once again has the guts to actually apologize to Jack. And it just about broke my heart how hopeful Jack looked when Sam said that the way to impress Dean is with effort - and how crestfallen he is every time it doesn’t work. Dean and Sam take Jack along, and though Dean gruffly tells him to ‘Sit. Stay’ ie wait in the car; Jack is eager to help and disobeys. That gives Sam an opportunity to instruct him in the ways of EMF meters while Dean rolls his eyes, which is all kinds of adorable. Even Dean has to admit that Jack’s helpful in digging up graves. Did they really let him do that all by himself?? Jack also helpfully fetches the boys’ lunch, which gave Jensen Ackles a chance to mess with him as they filmed the hotdog eating scene. How Alex and Jared didn’t break repeatedly is a mystery to me – actually, they probably did. Repeatedly. Jack, following Sam’s example (A+ parent, that Sam Winchester!) then tells Dean that he and Sam talked, and that he understands that they need him to try to save their mother. Dean may not be ready to get on board, but it’s clear he’s both surprised by all that honesty and starting to question his snap judgment of Jack just a little. The real evolution comes after Buddy the bad shifter almost kills Dean and Jack – and then almost kills Sam.  First, we get a moment with Shifter!Dean, which gives Jensen Ackles a chance to play bad guy for a minute, and it’s probably a lot hotter than it should be. Like a glimpse of Demon!Dean that I didn’t get anywhere near enough of. Shifter dean: Well that was too friggen easy. With Dean tied up and helpless and the bad guy’s gun aimed at his unsuspecting “baby brother,” Dean is frantic and asks Jack to help. Dean: Sam believes in you. And when he believes, he’ll go hell for leather. I don’t even know what that means, but it sounded really good in that moment. Dean also gets to see the Shifter Doc offer to sacrifice herself to save him and Jack, another emphasis to the “it’s not what you are, but what you do” idea that contributes to Dean’s eventual change of heart about Jack. Or at least the first glimmer of one. When Jack manages to tap into his powers and Sam is saved, that’s the turning point for Dean. (Also, how awesome was it that the shifter had been Dean, so he calls Sam ‘baby brother’? Very. Thank you, Meredith Glynn!)  Jack saving Sam? There is nothing in the world that Dean Winchester values more. Save his little brother, and you just gained about a billion brownie points in Dean’s book. I sobbed through the scene in the kitchen at the end, Jack not even daring to look at Dean, just a quiet and not-even-hopeful ‘hey.' Dean watching Jack out of the corner of his eye, some internal struggle, and then he finally relents. “You did good today, Jack.” Jack’s face, OMG. The camera stays on it as Dean leaves the kitchen, the smile that slowly brightens Jack’s entire expression. It means so much to him, that Dean complimented him. That Dean, even a little bit, accepted him. It’s what every child longs to hear from their parent, some affirmation of their goodness, of their effort, of their success. Jack drinks it up like it’s the sweetest life-giving nectar. And actually? Back to that psychologist thing again, it really really is. Have I thanked you often enough, Meredith? One more time then. Thank you for all that psychological complexity and realism, and all that Sam and Dean emotional interaction. Sam and Dean’s relationship has also undergone some evolution in this episode. Eager to put their disagreements aside after almost losing each other (again…), Sam and Dean both try to come over to the other’s way of thinking. Sam admits that he’s having a hard time accepting that Mary is dead, and Dean does an about face and tells Sam to hang onto his hope and optimism. For the first time since the season began – for the first time since the loss of Mary and Cas – Dean admits that he’s broken. Dean brings his brother a beer, Winchester for “I’m sorry.” Dean: I was outta line. I’m sorry for being a dick lately. Sam thanks him, but then both brothers question their stance and try to understand where the other is coming from. Sam questions that maybe Dean is right about their mother being dead. Dean: Don’t say that. Sam: That’s what you’ve been trying to get me to say. Dean admits that he needs Sam to hold onto hope and faith for the both of them, because right now he’s having a hard time believing in anything. Oh, Dean. Oh, Sam. And yet, I’m a contented fangirl because they’re having this amazing, open, honest, undefended conversation with each other. And  that’s mostly what I ask of this show. Wait, did I thank Meredith enough?? The episode ends on an intriguing note. Cas falls to Earth, gets up and turns his face to the sun, soaking it in. But is it Cas??? Or is it Entity!Cas, finding another way to escape the annoyance of having Castiel awake in the Empty?? I guess we’ll find out. In just a few days!
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freawaru2020 · 7 years
Hi! Thanks to my mum, I've been obsessed with Austen since I was a child and I recently saw North And South and now I'm desperately looking for more period dramas/romances Got anymore recommendations?
OH BOY have I got a list for you!!! *cracks knuckles*
Long list is long. I got really carried away. I’m so sorry.
Bleak House - Charles Dickens: Being Dickens, it’s a lot more dense and dark than Jane Austen, but quite good. Really interesting commentary on the legal system at the time, with very interesting characters, one tragic romance, and one very satisfactory one. I have linked a truly excellent reading of it.
Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens: The story is about a family whose father is in debtor’s prison, the trials, tribulations, and eventual romance of Amy Dorrit (the titular Little Dorrit) and Arthur Clennam. Of course, there’s the full complement of twists, turns, characters, and subplots necessary for any Dickensian novel.
Our Mutual Friend - Dickens: This one’s got it all. Murder, mystery, romance, mistaken identities, false accusations, society expectations, and finally, a reasonably happy ending. The river Thames is almost as much a character as the people!
The Chronicles of Barsetshire (The Warden, Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne, Framley Parsonage, The Small House at Allington, and The Last Chronicle of Barset) - Anthony Trollope: These books are something of a combination of Dickens and Austen. Very involved like Dickens, but much lighter in tone, generally. It is about the families who live in and around the fictitious Barchester, primarily the Grantleys, the Hardings, the Proudies, Thornes, and the Stanhopes. There are very satisfying romances just about all of them (though I found The Small House at Allington less satisfactory than some of the others). (Regarding the audiobooks, some of the readings are better than others :/) Fairly religion heavy (doesn’t beat you over the head with theology or anything), simply because so many of the main characters are either in the church, or around the church.
The Belton Estate - Anthony Trollope: I really liked this one, but it’s not to everyone’s tastes, for sure, mostly because the main female character is kind of annoying at times.
Wives and Daughters - Elizabeth Gaskell: If you love North and South, you’re probably already familiar, but just in case! Centres around Molly Gibson, her father, the doctor of Hollingford, her stepmother, and her step sister Cynthia, as well as the local squire and his two sons. 
Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell: Cranford tells the stories of various persons living in the fictitious small town of Cranford as told by Mary Smith, who used to live in Cranford, and now frequently visits it. There’s not a very strong over-arching plot, but each of the stories is still connected, both by the persons concerned, and by the locality.
Middlemarch - George Eliot: This one is kind of like the Chronicles of Barsetshire, but with some mystery and such. (Really, in a similar vein to the others recommended above.) (There IS a BBC production version of it, but I haven’t seen it, so have no idea if it’s any good. Ruffus Sewell is in it though, so that’s probably a good sign!)
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins: I love, love, LOVED this one. It’s mystery, suspense, and romance, and is told all through letters and diary entries of the various characters. 
The Scarlet Pimpernel and it’s sequels are also delightful, if you haven’t read those. They take place in England and France during the French Revolution, where a daring English gentleman and his band snatch aristocrats from the jaws of the guillotine itself.
And then ALL the Georgette Heyer. Georgette Heyer is basically Jane Austen lite. They’re SUPER easy reads, all of them, so they’re ideal if you need some period fluff to break up some of the much, much heavier books recommended above.
My favourites are the following (not necessarily in order) (You will also discover that my favourites include nearly the whole body of Heyer’s Georgian/Regency work…):
Cotillion - Kitty Charring is an heiress - upon condition that she marry one of her guardian’s nephews. Her first choice, Jack Westruther fails to make an appearance, so she talks Freddy Standen into entering into a fake engagement so that she can see London (and avenge herself on Mr. Westruther). You know the trope. You know how this ends.
The Grand Sophie - Charles Rivenhall’s life is orderly, respectable, rigid. He’s towing his family out of debt, his fiance is everything that is respectable and decorous. Everything is going according to plan until his cousin, the dashing Sophia Stanton-Lacy sweeps in and turns EVERYTHING upside-down.
Powder and Patch - Cleone Charteris would be more than happy to marry Philip Jettan…if only he would bother bringing himself more into the mode. Instead, he won’t wear a wig, or powder, or dress in the first style of fashion. So she (and his father) send him away to acquire polish, which he does. But when he comes back, everything they professed to want him to be, they discover that perhaps they were mistaken.
These Old Shades (Book 1 of the Alastair-Audly series) - Justin Alastair, the Duke of Avon, is known to his cronies as Satanas for a reason. Both for his uncanny awareness of all the things happening in society, and for his devilish lifestyle, which includes a longstanding feud with the Comte de Saint-Vire. When the fire-haired “Leon” stumbles into his life one dark night in Paris, the key to his revenge is his. 
Devil’s Cub (Book 2 of the Alastair-Audly series) - Lord Dominic Alastair, the Marquis of Vidal is every bit as bad as his father, the Duke of Avon, and Mary Challoner has no intention of letting him run away with her sister Sophie. Her intervention does NOT go as she planned…Lots of characters from These Old Shades make appearances!
Regency Buck (Book 3 of the Alastair-Audly series) - Miss Judith Taverner and her brother Peregrine are traveling to London to obtain the permission of their (presumably) elderly guardian, the Earl of Worth, to set up house in the metropolis. Julian Audley is not at ALL what they expected, but he may end up being just who they needed…Beau Brummell makes an appearance, as do a number of members of the royal family.
An Infamous Army (Book 4of the Alastair-Audly series): This is basically the War and Peace of regency romances. Julian’s brother Charles Audley is one of the primary characters, but plenty of the other characters from the series also are important players in the events leading up to (and during) the Battle of Waterloo.
Arabella - Arabella Tallent is the daughter of a Yorkshire clergyman, and is on her way to London for her first season when her carriage breaks down near the hunting lodge of the fabulously wealthy Nonpareil Robert Beaumaris. When she overhears him assuming that she’s throwing herself at his head for the sake of his fortune, her pride leads her to make a series of rash declarations which change the entire course of her visit.
Frederica - Respectable but poor, Frederica Merriville seeks the patronage of distant relation Lord Alverstoke in hopes that he will present her ravishing younger sister Charis to fashionable London society. He does, and they are both determined that that should be the extent of his involvement in their affairs. However, what with all the misadventures that Frederica, Charis, and their three brothers fall into, Lord Alverstoke becomes far more invested than he ever meant to be.
The Nonesuch - Miss Ancilla Trent considers herself on the shelf, due both to her age, and her occupation as the chaperone of the spoiled but lovely Tiffany Wield. Sir Waldo Hawkridge is, despite being the Nonesuch, blessed with wealth and good looks, a confirmed bachelor. Throw in outings to picturesque spots, spoilt heiresses, runaways, and balls, and you’ve got yourself a rollicking romance.
The Corinthian - Penelope Creed is running away to avoid marrying her fish-like cousin. Sir Richard Wyndham, a noted Corinthian, is about to make a loveless offer of marriage to the respectable daughter of a debt-ridden but noble family. Coming home slightly drunk, he encounters Pen climbing out of her window in the dead of night, dressed as a boy, and determined to set out for her childhood home - and promised husband, . Her neck-cloth and hair will never do, so he takes her in hand, and ends up embroiled in the adventure of a lifetime. 
The Talisman Ring - murder, mystery, romance, smuggling, and a stolen ring are all ingredients in this absolutely delightful romp.
Other good ones include Venitia, Faro’s Daughter, Charity Girl, The Unknown Ajax, The Quiet Gentleman, Bath Tangle, Lady of Quality, The Foundling, and The Masqueraders.(Really, what this boils down to is that I’d recommend all of them, except perhaps Friday’s Child.)
Movies/TV Shows
Bleak House (2005) - Charles Dickens: Has an AMAZING cast, including Gillian Anderson, Carey Mulligan, Burn Gorman, Louise Brealey, and a ton of others.
Little Dorrit (2008): Matthew Macfayden and Claire Foy are the main characters.
Our Mutual Friend (1998) - Paul McGann, Steven Mackintosh, Keeley Hawes, and Anna Friel are some of the primary characters
The Barchester Chronicles (1982) - a young Alan Rickman makes an appearance!
Doctor Thorne (2016) - Beautiful costumes, great cast! Tom Hollander is Doctor Thorne!
Wives and Daughters (1999) - Really terrific cast, as I’m sure you’re starting to notice, lots of overlap in those BBC pieces…
Great Expectations (2012) - there are a LOT of good versions of Great Expectations, but this one is probably my fav. This is, of course, the Bonham Carter/Fiennes version. Holliday Grainger is Estella. 
Jane Eyre (2011) - Wasikowska/Fassbender
Lark Rise to Candleford (2008-2011)
Cranford (2007) SO many good actors in this one, including Judi Dench, Imelda Staunton, Tom Hiddleston, Michael Gambon, and quite a few others.
I hope you like at least some of them, and would be delighted to hear if you end up loving any of them (or if you find others in a similar vein that you would recommend in return)!!
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The Mansion Gets Organized
[Several major updates! May 14, 2014] A couple of posts ago I mentioned the well-known fact that the organ in the Disneyland Haunted Mansion's ballroom is the same one used in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.  You can get that bit of trivia at any ol' blog; Long-Forgotten readers demand more.  More ye shall have, and yet with no more calories than with those regular Haunted Mansion blogs.  It's amazing. Harper Goff was a Disney genius of the first water.  It was he who designed the Nautilus and all of the sets for the classic 20K film.  One prop that gave him some trouble, however, was Captain Nemo's pipe organ.  The normal procedure was to go to the usual prop houses and arrange for an organ transplant to the 20K sets.  But he couldn't find anything suitable, so in desperation he began scouring the classified ads in the local papers.  He lucked out.  Some guy not too far away had an organ console in his garage that he was willing to unload for cheap.  When Goff saw the instrument he was delighted, because not only was it a handsome piece, but it had all the stop tabs and keys intact (a rare thing with old junked organs).  The owner was pretty tickled as well: that idiot from Disney paid him a cool $50 for an old organ console that didn't even work. Decked out with a nice set of fake pipes (reportedly, plaster covered with gold leaf), the prop served its purpose, and when the 20K sets were put on display in a Disneyland Exhibit, the organ was a crowd pleaser, judging by the number of photographs around.
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In May of 2014 reader Jonas Clark alerted us to several new details in the story of the 20K organ. It turns out that they did quite a bit more than just sticking a mirror and some pipes on the console. It was a Robert Morton electric theater organ, and like all such electric organs it did not have old-fashioned pull stops but color-coded tabs.
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A typical Robert Morton console
Apparently, the organ was already dolled up and on the 20K set before someone noticed that the tabs were anachronistic.  In this rare, early production photo of the set you can see the tabs still there:
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They pulled them out and covered the ugly holes with a wooden insert covered with dummy pull knobs. The fix-it may already have been underway when the above photo was taken, as it appears that there are already knobs on the two wings. Speaking of those wings, they project a little too far out for an authentic Robert Morton2 manual organ and may themselves have been add-ons, including, one supposes, the ornate corbels beneath them.
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In short, Goff's lucky find was modified much more than we have usually assumed before it was ready for the Nautilus.
On, now, to the Mansion.
Three years after all this Ken Anderson was given the assignment of designing a Haunted House for Disneyland.  His plans always seem to have included a ballroom with an organ in it, played by an unseen organist, and viewed from a balcony.
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For the organ itself, he was happy with an old-fashioned pump organ, a popular fixture in wealthy Victorian houses.
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The Imagineers responsible for creating the actual Haunted Mansion gave numerous interviews over the years in a myriad of publications, especially Rolly Crump, X Atencio, and Marc Davis.  It is curious that in the published comments, rarely do they mention Ken Anderson and his pioneering labors in 1957 and 1958 on what would eventually be the Haunted Mansion (X does mention him at least once).  I have to think this is a fluke rather than a snub, perhaps the result of the questions asked and the material discarded in the editing process.  Whatever the reason, it took a long time for Anderson's contributions to be fully appreciated.  (There's a string of posts devoted to Anderson coming up, starting HERE.)  I'm pointing it out now because you will never find a clearer example of how later Imagineers made direct use of Anderson's ideas than this organ gag.  Although the sketch above doesn't show it, Anderson eventually conceived of a number of other instruments in use along with the organ, floating around the room.  That gag was used too, but it was transferred to the Séance circle.  Meanwhile, Anderson's pump organ with its ghostly musician leaving his footprints on the pedals was taken over wholesale by Claude Coats and by X Atencio, along with an ensemble of other musicians.
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Marc Davis also played around with the idea:
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That Davis sketch was not published until May of 2014. In putting a set of pipes on top, Davis was simply depicting a different style of pump organ, like this 1895 model:
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Davis's sketch is a good illustration of the evolution of an idea. Notice how Marc borrows Anderson's original concept and borrows too the shadow organist innovation from Coats and/or Atencio, and then as his original contribution changes the organ style to one with the pipes prominently attached atop, taking the gag one step closer to what we see in the eventual ride.
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Meanwhile meanwhile, another Imagineer had ideas of his own.  Walt Disney personally recruited Rolly Crump to work on the Haunted House in 1959 because he recognized in Rolly a wild and original imagination with a penchant for the weird and fantastic.  That quaint old pump organ didn't really suit Rolly, who felt that it was important to present guests with things they had never seen before.  Rolly's organ console was, you might say, a little unorthodox.
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No matter how much the other Imagineers might balk at Rolly's ideas as "too weird," Rolly held a trump card:  Walt loved his stuff.  When Rolly built a small model of this organ, that was the one Walt used to demonstrate the Pepper's Ghost effect for viewers of the television program celebrating Disneyland's tenth anniversary in 1965.
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Walt decided to put Rolly's surrealistic material into a "Museum of the Weird," separate from the Haunted Mansion proper.  But what about the ballroom organ?  What's it going to be guys, this crazy thing or the more staid Anderson-Coats-Atencio pump organ?  Or are there going to be twopipe organs in the attraction?  Walt's death in 1966 left questions like that without a supreme arbiter, but in this case, the question answered itself in that same year when the old 20,000 Leagues exhibit permanently shut down and work began on an all-new Tomorrowland.  Somebody realized that the Nemo organ was now available, and it was probably an easy decision to save a few dollars and some time by grabbing it for the Mansion.  So much for the pump organ. When Marc Davis sketched this concept for the organist, he seems to have had the Nemo organ in mind, judging by the fan-shaped organ pipes.
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This is even more obvious in Collin Campbell's painting, based on Davis's sketch:
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But the Nemo pipes were made of plaster, and the big "N" medallion wasn't something you could just snap off.  Besides, if they just plopped the same organ into the HM ballroom that had been on display in Tomorrowland for over ten years, plenty of guests would likely recognize it for the salvage job that it was.  The solution, of course, was to design a new set of pipes, and ta da, it was Rolly Crump's old design that came to the rescue.  That pipe set remains the single largest survivor from Crump's disused "Museum" designs to make it into the finished HM.
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The rest is details.  What happened to the other musicians?  Marc Davis liked the idea of a ghostly musical ensemble, but he conceived of it as having its own tableau rather than as an adjunct to the ballroom organist.
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When this tableau was nixed, there went what once was going to be the organist's companions, and he became a solo artist.  Another Davis idea did survive, though: the banshees floating out of the organ pipes.  Very cool.  The cloudy spirits were solidified into skull-like heads, and the practical effect was simply a ferris-wheel device, reflected spookily in the glass.  This device may possibly have been inspired by the bats flying around in the forest scene in Snow White's Adventures, over in Fantasyland (although it's not certain that the bats are original). If correct, this would not be the first nor the last borrowing from the park's original scary dark ride.
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The end result is one of the Mansion's most memorable characters.  In glorious 3D for ya, once again.
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Only the DL organ is "real."  The WDW and Tokyo organ consoles are simply plywood mockups, modeled on the original.  Between the 20,000 Leagues movie and the DL Haunted Mansion, that original instrument may be the most frequently viewed pipe organ console of all time.
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I wonder what that guy did with his fifty bucks?
Originally Posted: Saturday, June 19, 2010 Original Link: [x]
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