#and it's like fuck it I was 17 just a few minutes ago
todaviia · 4 months
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luvjunie · 1 year
— broken promises
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pairing: earth 42 miles x fem!reader
summary: while earth 42 miles comes off a lot tougher than 1610’s based off his cold demeanor and his trauma induced apathy, somewhere under that hard shell, he’s still the sweet boy he used to be and wants love just like anyone else. miles is aged up to 17 in this, simply for the plot! wc: 2,640
contains: spoilers!!! angst to fluff
word bank: “mi vida” - my life, “mi amor” - my love
playing now: Wasted Love Freestyle by Jhene Aiko
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You and Miles have been dating for 7 months now, and lately he hasn’t been around as much as he’d like to, for obvious reasons. Well, not obvious to you. You still don’t know that Miles is the Prowler, and he’s intent on keeping it that way.
It’s the third time he’s flaked on plans he arranged himself this month, and he can tell you’re beyond tired of it with the way you just blew his phone up.
— Miles POV —
Miles’ phone buzzes in his pocket but he decides against checking it, marking it off as something unimportant. He’s already accepted a job from his Uncle and a distraction wouldn’t do him any good right now.
8:03 PM
Mi Vida: please don’t tell me you’re doing this again bro.
Mi Vida: this is a joke, right?
Mi Vida: hello?? you were supposed to be outside thirty minutes ago.
Mi Vida: Miles Gonzalo Morales I swear to GOD if I don’t hear your motorcycle revving outside in the next five minutes so help me.
*buzz buzz*
*buzz buzz*
*buzz buzz*
He kissed his teeth, lashes fluttering in aggravation and air puffing through his nostrils at the continuous buzzing against his leg. His shoulder fell to the side a bit as he reached down into his pocket to grab his phone while he climbed up the stairwell, following his uncle. Seeing your contact name on his lock screen, his brow raised as he read over the message, then they bunched together in the middle of his forehead incredulously, the tone of your texts causing his strides to falter.
Miles was genuinely confused for a moment, trying to think back on if he’d done anything to upset you, until the memory of him assuring you he wouldn’t do this again slapped him across the face harder than his mom did that one time he’d cursed at her on accident. The two of you had a date planned for tonight, and he swore to you he’d be there this time, fifteen minutes early at that, even though he knew there was a big chance he wouldn’t be able to make it all. It was selfish of him to promise something he couldn’t guarantee, knowing how demanding the other factors in his life were, but he was so tired of disappointing you, and how happy you looked when he told you you guys would finally get to spend some time together really had him thinking he could make it work this time.
Eyes falling shut for a beat, a heavy sigh leaves his lips, tongue darting out to dampen them as he quickly tries to think of something to respond with that won’t piss you off more than you already are.
He texts you back: sorry Mami, something came up yk how it is. i got you tomorrow tho fasho
Yeah. Real smooth.
*buzz buzz*
Mi Vida: yk what, just forget it, Miles.
Damn, she called me by my first name? I definitely fucked up this time. He thinks to himself.
Mi Vida: whoever you’re with is clearly more important to you than what we got goin on, so it’s cool. stay where you at, i’m done
His heart beats a little faster in his chest, the sensation a semblance of something he hadn’t felt in years. Fear. He texts back as fast he can, head snapping up to see he’s fallen behind his Uncle, and he hurriedly jumps a few stairs before he comes to a stop again.
Miles: done??? the fuck you mean you done?
You don’t respond fast enough for his liking, so he double texts.
Miles: baby stop playin. you trippin it ain’t even like that at all
Mi Vida: i’m deadass. don’t call my phone.
He utters a string of curses under his breath, alerting his Uncle who had already noticed he was falling behind when he heard the inconsistency of his nephew’s footsteps. He’s ample steps above Miles, turning his head only slightly over his shoulder to address the distracted teenager.
“C’mon man, get off the phone. We got business to tend to. You in or you out?” Aaron asks. “You know I can’t have nobody holdin’ me back.” There’s a hint of something deeper playing within his words, and Miles knows he doesn’t have a choice.
He swallows hard as he looks up at the older man. Taking one last look down at his phone, his jaw clenches in contemplation before he’s shaking his head with a quiet sigh and shoving it back into his pocket. He’ll have to deal with this later.
“My fault. Yeah, I’m in.” He mumbles, doing a quick jog to catch up to the man.
His uncle’s lips quirk into a smirk, a heavy hand coming down to clap Miles’ back and squeeze his shoulder.
“My man. Aight, let’s roll.”
— Your POV —
8:05 PM
You: i’m deadass. don’t call my phone.
You watch closely as the three dots bubble at the bottom left corner of your screen, an indicator that he was typing. But instead, a quiet scoff slips from your mouth when they disappear, your shoulders slumping in disappointment at the word that appears below your last message.
You angrily toss your phone onto your bed, bottom lip quivering when you catch a glance at yourself in the mirror when you walk by. You’d gotten dressed up all nice just for him, because you knew the chance of him being free for a night to take you out was rare. You’d started your makeup early just to make sure he wouldn’t have to wait outside for you while you finished, and you’d even styled your hair the way you knew he liked. All for nothing.
You kicked your shoes off and dropped your purse to the ground, heading to your bathroom to undo all your work. You washed all the makeup off your face, the act feeling more humiliating than ever when you remembered why you’d even put it on in the first place. To feel pretty for someone who barely even showed up.
You closed your eyes and tried to calm down, hastily reaching back over to check your phone just one more time. Maybe he was thinking of what to say, and that’s why he’d left you on seen.
Seen 25 minutes ago
Maybe not.
You hated crying. And more than anything you were tired of doing it, especially when broken promises were the cause of your wasted tears. Your evening was basically wasted, and you weren’t in the mood to do anything else anyway, so you decided that you’d call it a night and head to bed early. You slipped on some comfy sleep shorts, tying your hair up for the night before grudgingly tugging a large t-shirt over your head. Your brow perked up at the scent that wafted past your nostrils, and pinching the shirt with your forefinger and thumb, you brought the fabric to your nose and immediately caught a whiff of Miles’ cologne. You then realized you’d put on a shirt you stole from him a while back, and the way your heart fluttered made you even more upset than you already were. You brushed it off to the best of your ability and crawled into bed, trying your hardest to keep your sniffling to a minimum as you pulled your blankets over your shoulder.
As soon as he’d gotten the job done and his Uncle gave him the okay to dip, Miles’ feet were moving at the speed of light down the stairwell. And while he had sort of rushed the plays he made with some of the city’s goons, he just had to pray that all his Uncle’s money was in the banded wad of cash he returned with, or it would be his ass.
Skipping a few steps he hopped down onto the platform before the next set, checking his phone for the time simultaneously.
10:15 PM
“Damn.” He groaned, pushing through the doors, cool wind hitting his face. Once he reached his motorcycle he shoved his helmet over his head, hopped on, and sped off with a “skrrrt”.
He sped through the streets carelessly, something you definitely would’ve scolded him for had you been riding on the back of his bike with him, with your arms tight around his waist to hold on like you always did. He bobbed and weaved through cars, lane splitting between a few of them and he may have even ran a red, but he wasn’t paying enough attention to remember. All he could focus on was that you said you were “done”, whatever the hell that meant, and he was adamant on making sure you weren’t.
You didn’t know when you’d dozed off, three steady knocks, a fourth one after a pause hitting against your window, resulting in your eyes snapping open at the disruption. You sat up on your mattress, the ball of your hand rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you peered across the room. Once they adjusted in the darkness and you recognized the familiar, lanky body of your boyfriend standing outside on the fire escape, the events of just two hours ago played over in your mind like a record.
With a roll of your eyes, you huffed and swung your legs over the side of your bed, pushing yourself onto your feet. Miles watched as you sleepily trudged over to the window, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, head slightly lowered and tilted to the side, as if he were already apologizing before you’d even made it to him.
Hooking your fingers underneath the edge of your window, with a quiet grunt you pulled it up, effectively lifting the barrier between your bodies. You instantly felt your yearning for him come back full force, and wanted nothing more than to throw yourself into his arms, but you restrained. Your eyes met his, the cool night air breezing into your room, and his heart clenched. Somehow he was able to feel the coolness in your demeanor, yet the cold weather hadn’t bothered him at all.
He was the first to speak.
“Hola, Mami.” He sized you up once, taking notice of your eyes that were slightly puffy from crying.
His voice was like silk to your ears, alluring and confident, almost hypnotizing, and it aggravated you that you felt yourself gravitating towards him off two simple words.
“Why are you here, Miles?” You sighed, arms slapping at your sides in exasperation.
He looked slightly taken aback, chin lifting a bit as if you’d asked something completely outlandish.
“What you mean why I’m here? You my girl, shit, this my crib too.” He shrugged, so nonchalant, as if nothing had happened. You wondered if it had even been him texting you earlier.
“You left me on seen, remember? Stood me up, too?” Your head cocked to the side to match the attitude in your tone, brows raising at him. What excuse would he use this time?
He dragged a hand down his face, exhaling heavily before he spoke up again.
“I was… busy. Look, my bad, okay? You gon’ let me in or what? Ian come all the way over here to stand outside.” He demanded with a gesture towards the opening, his hazel eyes glinting in the moonlight and thawing the ice that’d been temporarily encased around your heart. There was the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips, because he already knew the answer.
Your lips pursed and you stepped to the side, a laggard arm stretched out beside you, silently granting him access to your room.
He stepped through the window frame and you closed it after him, his hands folding around the collar then the hem of his jacket as he adjusted it and turned towards you.
“I can’t keep doing this with you, Miles. It isn’t fair.” You mumbled, hating the way your voice split your words.
His head dipped to the side a bit as he took in your solemn expression and the way your gaze was cast to the floor, as if you were trying to contain your tears. He wasn’t the best at this, he knew that, and showing affection effectively really wasn’t his strong suit. He usually made it up to you by bringing you a few hundreds he’d made from a deal, paired with some roses he’d picked up on the way to your house at the last second— but you both knew paper and flowers wouldn’t fix it this time.
“I’m sorry, I mean it.” He said, reaching for your hand to bring you close and grateful when your eyes finally lifted to lock onto his, although seeing them tear-filled wrapped him in a deep-seated emotion he didn’t even want to acknowledge.
Miles rarely said he was sorry. If ever. Did he apologize? Yes, but it was usually a ‘my bad’ or a ‘my fault’, or some other term that’d get the point across without him have to use too much emotion. Hearing the words ‘I’m sorry’ from him was an anomaly, it happened once in a blue moon, so this time you knew he really meant it. In your heart you knew he meant it, but that didn’t stop the tear you’d been trying to keep at bay from rolling down your cheek.
His thumb caught the tear almost instantly, swiping it from the soft of your skin. It didn’t belong there, and he hated to be the reason why you were crying in the first place.
“Where do you disappear to, Miles?” You sniffled.
He sighed, glancing back over at the window. He considered telling you the truth, but he knew he couldn’t.
“I’m just tryna keep you safe, ma.”
“You always say that!” You squeaked, making sure to keep your voice down, you had technically snuck him in. You ripped your hand from his grasp, turning your face away from him as another tear fell. “Do you not trust me or something? Is that it?”
“Of course I trust you,” His eyebrows knit together at your question and he stole your hand from your side again.
“So why can’t you tell me?” You pleaded, eyes big and glossy.
“I just-“ He paused. “I can’t let you get hurt. The shit I do…” You watched as he hesitated, like even speaking about the subject pained him. “It ain’t good.” He swallowed, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. “And I’ll be damned if I put you in the middle of my shit. I love you… okay?” He moved closer to you, and when you turned from him once again he brought your face right back to his, this time with both his hands. He wasn’t going to let you go, and while Miles was rough around the edges, and seemingly devoid of any emotion other than anger or resentment for the world—he always handled you with care.
“I love you, Y/n, I put that on everything. I’ll burn this whole world down for you, you hear me? Don’t think I won’t.” He stared into your eyes longingly, intent on making sure you didn’t just hear every word, but that you understood them, too.
You couldn’t help but lean into his hand, your own coming up to hold at his wrist as you inhaled shakily and gave him a bleak nod.
That wasn’t enough for him. He needed to hear you say it.
“Do you understand?” He articulated his words, bringing his head down slightly to match your height a bit more.
“I understand.” You said softly, looking up at him through your lashes before your gaze fell to his lips. He took that as his sign, leaning forward and bringing you into a kiss.
You melted into him immediately, like you always did, eyes fluttering closed as your lips moved against his, and as his hands fell to your hips to pull you in closer, like they always did.
You broke the kiss for air, your hand resting on his bicep and your lips ghosting his as you spoke, as you shared the same breath. “I love you too…” You breathed, standing on your toes.
“Good,” You felt him grin before he pulled away, his hand pinching your chin to make you look at him. “Cause you not leaving me, ever. I can’t let no one else have you, Mami, you know that.” He cooed.
You felt heat flush your cheeks, a smile you couldn’t hide finally spreading on your face.
“Yeah yeah, I know.” You answered, chewing at your bottom lip. “Can you stay?” You whispered, eyes shifting between his hopefully as you awaited his answer.
“Ah…” He rubbed at the back of his neck, piping up again before you could get disappointed. “What about your moms?”
“She sleeps in on the weekends, you just gotta be outta here by nine. Please, pa?” You whined, already reaching for his hands.
He chuckled to himself and shook his head slightly, having to look away from the adorable look on your face. He tried to remain in denial of the fact that he was so deep in love with you he could hardly think sometimes, let alone say no, but he was failing. Miserably.
“Of course I’ll stay, mi amor.”
Your expression lit up, a toothy smile brightening your features as he let you lead him to your bed.
He made sure to remove his shoes before he laid down, settling on his back. He extended his arm out to you as he tucked the other behind his head, motioning for you to join him with his fingers.
You crawled into his open embrace, getting comfortable on top of his chest and nuzzling your head under his chin. You began to feel drowsy the second he wrapped his arm around you, a yawn leading your eyes to water. His hand slowly moved from where it was resting on your back, dipping beneath the hem of your shirt, the warmth of his skin against yours comforting to you. His large hand rubbed up and down the expanse of your back, the tips of his fingers drawing lines along your spine— you always fell asleep easier when he did that. You listened to the steady beating of his heart, fingers idly toying with the gold chain he kept around his neck.
“I’m really sorry I ain’t make it tonight. I know you prolly got all pretty for me n’shit… and I wish I got to see it, but that’s on me.” He grumbled. He’d beat himself up over this for a while.
“S’okay.” You say it is, but he knows it’s not. He knows better. “I missed you.” Your quiet voice murmured from below him as you scooted in impossibly closer.
His jaw tensed as he stared up at your ceiling, a deep breath from his diaphragm raising you a little bit with his chest, and lowering you as he released it. “I know.” His response was hushed, and as sleep continued creeping in, you wondered if you’d imagined it.
But when you felt a long, drawn-out kiss press to the top of your head, his hand rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades, you knew it was real. The last thing you heard before you dozed off was his voice, mellow and gentle as he assured you.
“Ima do better, mama. I promise, for real this time.”
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- do not copy, plagiarize, or post my works onto a different platform.
likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated!
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: You find out Miguel has been tracking something that concerns you… and him.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Breeding kink. Period talk. Miguel going all scientific and keeping track of fertility windows for maximum efficacy. Dry humping. Inspired by this ask.
Miguel was in a bad mood that afternoon. You could see it coming a mile off, because having spent that much time around him over the past years had revealed many warning signs.
The circular platform was lowered all the way down to the floor by the time you walked past the door.
Miguel not turning to acknowledge your presence was warning sign number one.
You strode up to it warily, as if expecting him to explode at any given moment. Trying to lighten the mood, you tip toed to place a sweet kiss to his cheek.
He grumbled in response.
Warning sign number two.
His eyes were fixed on the multiple of screen sprawled in a half-moon in front of him, occasionally tapping and moving them around when needed.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” you teased.
“I’m nearly done here.”
“Hello to you, too, grumpy,” you nudged his arm with a smile.
Miguel merely nodded.
Warning sign number three.
At this point, you figured something was definitely going on.
“What’s up?”
You sighed. “You look and sound off.”
He tapped on a screen to his left. “You’re on your period.”
Usually, that sort of remark would earn any man a slap at worst or a ‘fuck you’ at best. There was no shortage of men who would use women’s hormones as an easy way to deflect their feelings.
But there was something in Miguel’s tone that resembled… disappointment?
He scowled deeply, turning to face you. “You’re not pregnant.”
You stared at him for a long time, before bursting into laughter. “Is that why you’re all grumpy?”
“Oh, you think this is funny?” Miguel’s eyes narrowed, his scowl deepening.
You stopped at once. “Wait… how would you know that?”
He returned his attention to the hovering screens in front of him. “Know what?”
“That I’m on my period?” you asked, suspicion rising inside you. “And I still haven’t gotten it, by the way.”
And just like that, Miguel’s crimson eyes were on you expectantly. “Why didn’t you tell me right away?”
You folded your arms while tapping your foot lightly. “No. You answer me first.”
Miguel knew better than to antagonise you, especially now that you had information that interested him.
Dragging his index finger across the panel, you saw a file pop up with your name. That didn’t seem odd at all. Every spider in Nueva York was required to have one that displayed several strategic details as well as bio data that was fed by the dimensional travel watch. Your heart rate was at a steady 67 beats per minute.
“What about it?”
He tapped on a second tab that read ‘Fertility’.
Nothing could have prepared you for the influx of information you were about to be bombarded with.
And what it concerned.
July 4th
Cycle day 1 - low chance of pregnancy
Fertility window - 12 to 18
Ovulation day - 17 (high chances of pregnancy)
“You’re tracking my period?!” you snapped in utter disbelief.
“I’m tracking your fertility window.”
You glared at him. “How is that any different?”
“It’s not. Just nomenclature,” he shrugged casually as if talking about the change of weather outside.
You shot Miguel a death glare, before shoving him to the side, gaining full access to the flickering orange screen. The data collected went back as far as three months ago.
Miguel had been tracking your fertility window for months now.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shifted to stand behind you, easily towering with his impressive height. “It’s my responsibility to get you pregnant.”
Your eyes widened partially in disbelief, but mostly at the realisation that this shouldn’t be a shocking revelation.
Miguel had to be in control at all times. It was embedded in his genetic code. A few months ago you had casually joked that you wouldn’t mind having a child soon.
It seemed that it was all the motivation he needed to begin his quest.
Now it made perfect sense why he had been so insistent on always cumming inside you. You just didn’t think he would be this dedicated.
Joke’s on you.
“But it seems the data is wrong,” he said lowly, arms circling around you to have his hands atop yours on the keyboard. “You can edit it,” he whispered, pressing himself fully against you.
The added pressure pushed your lower half gently against the control table, his thumb caressing the back of your hand.
“Are you trying to seduce me, so I ignore all of this?” you whispered, enjoying how the proximity was having a noticeable effect on his cock.
He rolled against you slowly. “Me? Of course not.”
His fingers intertwined with yours, and you watched your heart rate on the screen soar to 78 beats per minutes.
You fought back a whimper, as he was nipping at your neck, fangs lightly poking at sensitive skin. You could feel the hard print of his cock pressed against the curve of your ass, and as you bucked your hips instinctively, you felt his own meet you halfway, setting a slow rhythm.
90 beats per minute.
“Let me get a blood sample so I can test out,” he said, his erection pressed against your ass.
“Someone really wants to be a dad,” you said with a teasing smile.
99 beats per minute.
His other hand came to grip your jaw, tilting your head until you met his eyes. “I need you to get pregnant.”
Your breath was coming out in shallow pants as he kept humping you at a steady and torturous pace.
“You mean… you need to breed me, right?”
109 beats per minute.
His eyeds widened lightly and he thrusted harshly into you, causing a jolt of pleasure to travel all the way down to your clit. “That’s the same thing, cariño.”
You gave him a knowing smile. “Nomenclature and all that.”
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marasmadness · 3 months
Only Need You For The Oxytocin- Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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CW: season 17 section chief Emily💋, stripper!reader, erm not everything Emily does is very legal but let us all close our eyes for the time being, interrogation, enemies to less than enemies. everybody is very flirty in government buildings where they should not be! handcuffs, smut, rough sex, power dynamics (dom!emily), bondage, thigh riding, light degradation, oral sex (em receiving), choking, semi public sex
Rossi tapped his fingers against the windowsill of an interrogation room, turning to face Emily beside him. “Some of the most psychopathic men have sat in the room and started to squirm after thirty minutes. She’s been sitting in there for two hours, unphased.
“She’s not a man,” Emily mumbled, watching the woman on the other side of the glass with squinted eyes. ”I’m going to talk to her.” Emily perked up, finally growing impatient. Grabbing her jacket off the chair behind her, she slipped it on, knowing that Rossi had already turned down the thermostat in there.
"Prentiss, wait, we already drew up a profile. We won’t get anything out of her. She’ll just try to play with you.”
“Let her,’ she replied, leaving Rossi with a half-open mouth as she dipped inside the interrogation room, shutting the door behind her.
“Oh, you’re a new one.” You smiled at the older woman who had finally walked into the room, alluding to the three other agents who had entered hours ago and quickly left. “Shame, Agent Jareau and I were having a grand old time. You could be fun too,” you commented, eyeing her up and down as she introduced herself.
Emily cleared her throat, choosing to ignore your comments. “I’m SSA Emily Prentiss with the BAU. Do you know why you’re here today?”
You tilted your head, feigning confusion. “Because your team wanted to have a little chit chat?”
“Bullshit, you’re too smart for this. You know why you’re here.” Ignoring the chair across from you, she opted to sit against the edge of the table. I’ve already talked to just about everyone else in your club and every other one in the city, for that matter, and they all came to one conclusion. If I needed information, you would have it. She explained calmly yet sternly as she swept her arm toward the door.
You sighed as you rested your tilted head on your palms. “You speak like this is an expectation from me, yet your men dragged me in from the parking lot on the way out of my shift and didn’t tell me anything until I was sitting in your interrogation room, like I’m the one running around committing crimes,” you said pointedly. “And don’t think I didn’t realize your old friend out there was lowering the thermostat, thinking it would get me to tell you whatever you wanted; I’m barely wearing any fucking clothes; of course I’d notice when it drops a few degrees.”
A sense of unease flashed across Emily’s face as she felt slightly guilty. She had come in headstrong, and you were right, without knowing how you ended up here in the first place. She was still standing in a room across from you, who was already on edge, so instead of rewinding, she doubled down. “So now what? You’re not going to give us the information we need to stop a serial killer because you’re offended,” she scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest.
You just stared, watching the woman. She wore a gold watch, its face sitting on her inner wrist, which clinked against her belt buckle lightly every time she dropped her hands to her side. Underneath a long red coat that you desperately wished to be under right now, her outfit was sleek and simple: black pants, thin gold jewelry, and a black blouse with newly undone buttons. Your eyes froze on her shirt, your lips pressing into a smile."Really? Two hours of you and your team of profilers brainstorming, and the best you could come up with was that I would spit out all my information if you sent a woman twice my age in to what exactly, seduce me?” Emily looked caught off guard, and you tipped your head toward her chest. “You’re wearing three fewer buttons than when I watched you walk by this room earlier when Luke left, and a fresh coat of lipgloss.”
Emily held up her hand, leaning in closer over the table. "Okay, I get it—not the correct strategy.”
“No, you had my weaknesses spot on; just use them in a bar or a date, not an interrogation room. I’m not that gullible.” You smirked, enjoying watching Emily’s panic level rise, and then her eyes narrowed as a giggle escaped you.
Emily finally took the seat across from you, resting her forehead in her palm. “You’re giving me a headache.”
She heard you shuffle, reaching underneath the table, and eventually looked up when you tossed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in front of her. She suddenly snapped up in attention. Where did you get those?”
You shrugged, picking one up. “I had them on me.”
“They didn’t search you when you came in?”
You shook your head, going to light one until Emily snatched in from between your fingers. “Stand up,” she directed, dragging two fingers upward through the air as she made her way around the table. You heard her mumble something under her breath, unable to distinguish any of it other than something about doing everything herself around here.
Her hands slid delicately down your sides and along the side seams of your clothes. She hesitated at the sensation of her hands brushing against your bare waist. Clearing her throat, she removed her hands. “Moving on, I need the list of Claire Demont’s regulars; I know she handed the list down to you.”
“I don't feel entirely obligated to help you. Claire has done a lot for me. Men have done a lot of shitty stuff to her. I’m not saying murder is ever the answer, but I don’t doubt that there's a reason for her rage. Can I go home now? Last time I checked, I wasn’t guilty of anything.” You stretched back over the metal frame of the chair, waking up your stiff muscles.
“No yet, but we do have a 24-hour hold because my team is under the very strong impression that you have information regarding the case.” Emily began to trail off upon seeing your disinterested demeanor and knew she wouldn’t be getting through to you. “Look, I can’t get you out of here; the best I can offer you is that we talk in my office instead, but I better be leaving with the list of names, no exceptions, got it?”
“Fine,” you got up slowly, demonstrating restraint to hide your eagerness. Before you could breathe deeply about your new slight ounce of freedom, the agent’s hands were enclosed around both your wrists, swiftly moving them behind your back. A short gasp of shock left your lips as you recognized the cold metal rings that clicked around your wrist. “I thought you said I was under arrest,” you muttered, irritated.
Emily’s chin hovered just above your shoulder as she whispered slowly in your ear, “You’re not; that was just for my entertainment.” A soft chuckle escaped her as she pulled away. Looping her fingers around the chain connecting your wrists, she tugged lightly, directing you toward the door.
Emily stepped outside much more composedly than you when you came face-to-face with three security guards outside the room. Emily knew they would be the only ones left in the building; no other agents remained, and they did not alarm her.
You heard a soft noise from over your shoulder, something you couldn’t make out but clearly Emily had. Turning your head, you found a man’s eyes roaming down your skin, almost greedily. Within seconds, Emily had dropped her coat off her shoulders and draped it over your shoulders. Pulling it closed around you, it hung down almost your entire body. Without a comment, her hand naturally fell down by her badge, and she gave a soft nod as she passed by the remaining guards, giving them no reason to question her authority.
Your heart rate sped up the farther you made it down the hallway; its loud beating suddenly became very evident beneath your chest. Peeking a glance over at Emily, she seemed collected and undeterred as she led the way to her office.
Stepping into her office, you immediately opened your mouth to speak. Before you could get a word out, Emily’s hand was over your mouth as you were pressed up against the wall beside her door as she locked it and pulled down the blinds. She eventually dropped her hand, narrowing the space between you slightly with the tilt of her head. “You’re not very good at this, are you?” She smirked before reaching over your waist to undo the cuffs, then looped them back around her belt. “Sit down,” She tossed her hand out across the office as her eyes scanned the rows of shelves lining the back of the room. You took a seat on the edge of her desk, right across from her chair. She pivoted around on her heel, setting a pen and piece of paper next to you. “Names,” she said, tapping the blank sheet with her nail.
You sighed under your breath but picked up the pen anyway, twirling it in between your fingers. Emily slid herself between her chair and your legs, dangling off her desk, before sitting back. ”Just so you know, I never knew all of Claire’s clients. When she left, she only gave me a handful of regulars' names to pass on to me.”
“That’s fine. The more she interacted with them, or the bigger impression she made on them, the more likely these men were to be targets. Do you know if she slept with any of them?”
“No, she never slept with clients, and despite contrary belief, neither did I,” you clarified, narrowing your eyes into a warning glare.
“I never said that,” Emily corrected, her voice remaining low and even throughout every interaction. “Sometimes it's just helpful to know because a man’s sex life can often tell you a lot about him.”
“If that's the information you need, you don’t need a profiler to find that out. You just need a little attention to things other than the physical act of sex.” You flipped the piece of paper in your lap around so the names were facing Emily as your pen rolled down the list. “These three are married and always want to give up control. They crave attention from the dancers but don’t do anything to draw it to themselves. They don’t demand anything; they want you to come to them. And the next handful of names have been single almost their entire lives. Most of them are possessive, and they want to spend the most time with you. They’ll tell you exactly what they want from you. Those men are typically the ones who will pay for a lap dance or two.”
Emily looked up at you, curious and slightly impressed. “You can tell me all that from a few minutes of interaction?” She asked skeptically. Your eyes skipped to the slight movements of her body, her thighs tensing against the tight fabric of her pants, and her ringer fingers closing against her palms as they rested at her side.
“Almost always, it's quite straightforward to discern if a partner is going to be possessive, controlling, desperate, or possessive.” You selected your words carefully, letting them hang in the silence between the two of you almost tauntingly.
Clearing her throat, Emily shook her head softly, causing a strand of silver hair to fall from her shoulder. “I’m not sure I believe you.”
Without thinking, you slipped off her desk with languid movements, finding yourself hovering over her with knees on each side of her body. You leaned away from her, back arching, so you were suspended over the air in front of her. Within seconds, Emily’s hands grasped at your hips, pulling you farther into the chair. It wasn’t an act of politeness to keep you from falling; it was lust-filled, her bruising grip not lessening or pulling away like two strangers should. Lifting your fingers, you brushed the collar of her shirt out of the way, pressing two fingers to the warm skin beneath her collar bone. Smirking, you felt her skin pulsing against you rapidly—the telltale sound of her racing heart. Tucking her fallen hair behind her ear, you whispered softly and sweetly. “ Just proved it.”
You lifted yourself off of her, starting to climb back down, before her firm grip pulled you forcefully back onto her lap. Her hands slid up her back, fingers playing with the zipper that held your top together teasingly. “Ah, finish what you started, doll.” She positioned you how she wanted to, her thigh between your legs with your hands draped over her shoulders. Her nails trailed down your legs, leaving light red scratches as she tore through your thin fishnet stockings.
Her lips latched to the side of your neck, sucking bruises of red and bluish hues down to your collarbone. Her sudden tightening grip made you suck in a gasp midway through ridding her of her own shirt. “Ride.” With one hand on your waist and the other clinging to the curve of your ass, she started the rocking motion. She flexed her toned thigh, holding you roughly down on her thigh, so every slight movement initiated by her stimulated your clit through the thin fabric between you.
The fact that your breathing was already breaking into stuttered sharp inhales simply from riding her thigh had your face burning. In an attempt to hide the fact, you buried your face against her shoulder, turning away from her unwavering gaze.
She brought your rocking to a halt, stopping to rest a hand on the base of your neck until you had to pull back upright to breathe deeply enough for the stars in your vision to disappear. “Eyes on me,” she corrected without additional comment before continuing her motions.
Sensing you were close to falling apart for her, she tugged your panties to the side, pressing the pad of her thumb to your clit. “Fuck,’ you trembled against her strong frame. The older woman’s eyes suddenly darted over your shoulder, and she quickly brought her hand from between your legs up to your mouth, pushing two fingers coated in your arousal past your lips.Sensing a noise behind you, your eyes widened in fear, realizing she had given you her fingers to keep you quiet.
There was a knock on the door, and Emily didn’t appear to be as alarmed as she should be, in your opinion. “Get under my desk and stay quiet.” She husked directly in your ear, nudging you down onto your knees in front of her, and she called out. “Come in,”
Anderson entered, swiping his badge to unlock the door. “Hey, Agent Prentiss. I just noticed your light was still on and wanted to make sure everything was okay. It’s getting late.”
“I’m good, Anderson, thanks.” She smiled softly as she thanked him. Her eyes fell coolly to the papers you had scattered across her desk from sitting on it. “I’m just finishing up some case files. I’m a bit behind at the moment.” Emily shuffled forward in her chair in an attempt to hide you if Anderson stepped any closer.
Sensing that he seemed to want to linger for a moment, you reached towards Emily’s zipper, her belt already on the floor beside you from your flurry of undressing earlier. Her hands engulfed your wrists, but after a minute of protesting, she had to lift her hand back up to avoid looking like she was fighting something under the table. The opportunity for payback was being handed to you on a silver platter.
Her voice spiked up an octave as her legs clenched over your ears. Unperturbed, your tongue traced along her slit as she kept up with Anderson’s casual conversation about work and what she did when she wasn’t at the office. Her hands dropped lightly into her lap and beneath the view of her desk, but unbeknownst to the man rambling to her, she had her hands gripping at your hair, tugging harshly as your tongue swirled around her clit. She resisted the urge to look down just briefly to catch a glimpse of her arousal smeared across your mouth, hair mussed from her touch.
You picked up your pace as you heard Ansderson start moving back toward the door, which left Emily’s legs quivering as she climbed toward an orgasm with every lap and flick of your tongue. The second the door was locked behind the security guard, Emily’s hands found the back of your head, nudging your mouth into her cunt. “Fuck, you better let me come on your mouth after that little stunt, sweetheart.”
You grinned up at her from the floor, a mischievous look in your eyes as you delved back into her cunt, wrapping your lips around her clit as she moaned while orgasming on your tongue. She panted as she came back down from her high, slouching back into her chair and spreading her legs. She helped you up off the floor, fixing you up before yourself.
In the middle of it all, you picked up a pink sticky note and pen off her desk, scribbling something down. Emily’s eyes narrowed as you held out the sheet. “What is this? You were supposed to give me all the names already.”
“I did,�� you said, rolling your eyes at her assumption. "This is the club address, and when I work, Stop by sometime; you do still owe me an orgasm,” you pointed out with a grin.”
“Mhm,” her eyes widened at your boldness as she held one knuckle to her lip, hiding her soft, sly grin. ”Well, I risked my job because you're a desperate little thing, so I think you owe me about three. I thought you didn’t sleep with clients.”
You shrugged and started heading for the door. “Well, there's a first time for everything, or maybe I’m just making an exception for you,’ you teased," she said, pivoting around to return her coat on her arm that you had forgotten about for a brief second.
She gave you a small head tilt. “Keep it; I’ll see you shortly anyways,’ she suggested, and you just dropped your head slightly, smiling on your way out.
"Have a good night, Agent Prentiss.”
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karinasbaby · 1 year
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part 2
pairing: park jongseong x fem!reader (+17)
warnings: mirror sex, slight kitchen sex?, unprotected sex, cervix fucking, creampie, slight biting, oral (f), cursing, multiple orgasms?, pet names (baby/angel/good&bad girls), fingering, jay’s a bit mean in the beginning, size kink, breast play, “punishment”, kissing & making out.
wc: 4.2k (i tried making this short)
A/N: so sorry for the delay on this one ! not that proud/happy w how it turned out i might make a part 2 cuz i love the jay x mirror sex concept sm :(
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cant’t help but think about how sweet and nice jongseong would be in a relationship, your connection with him had been going on for years yet the time it took for both of you to realise your blooming feelings for eachother took even longer, and here you were now with a fairly new relationship with jongseong, your first anniversary was about a week ago, today both of you were invited to your friend’s place for a hangout which resulted in both you and jongseong drinking, safe to say when you came back you were a little tipsy.
and ridiculously needy.
jongseong felt the same way, he could practically feel the heat radiating from your body, your soft heavy breaths landing on his neck while he attempted his best to open the door to your apartment, jongseong swallowed thickly at the feeling of his pants feeling tighter than usual around him, he swiftly unlocked the door and in the blink of an eye your back was pushed against it after he dragged you in by your wrist,
“couldn’t even be patient for just a few more minutes, hm baby?” he spoke, tone lower than usual as his head dropped on your shoulder, his own chest feeling heavy as he could feel his body getting warmer by the second, heart beat picking up when your arms wrapped around his neck,
“i need you so bad, jay” you whispered out needly, your breath landing on his ear making him close his eyes as he tried to calm his breathing, licking his dry lips he lifted his head to take in your hooded eyes, brimming with desire and need as you looked at him with your face flushed entirely, your body was becoming uncomfortably hot, the pool of slick between your thighs wasn’t helping at all either,
“how bad do you need me, angel?” he replied, inching his face closer to yours and teasing you by biting on your lower lip, his teeth grazing your soft skin making you gasp out loud at the feeling, gripping on his biceps you whined out breathlessly, “so bad.”
“so bad that you couldn’t wait till we got home?” he asked, his eyes dark as he looked at you, taking your features in as your eyebrows furrowed, growing impatient as he was taking unnecessarily long to fuck you.
your face instantly contorted in pleasure when jay’s rough hands began to roam around your body, caressing your shoulders first allowing your body to melt in his hold, moving downwards to massage your breast making you gasp into his mouth before securing them around your waist, the slightest touch of his finger on your body made the skin beneath it burn, “no, i couldn’t.” you answered,
closing your eyes as you felt jay’s breath getting heavier, his deep breathes landing on your collarbones, goosebumps arose on your skin when you felt his fingers trace gently around your waist, dipping lower to your hips as he brought you impossibly closer to his body, breathing out a sigh of relief when his throbbing bulge pressed against your leaking core,
you groaned in pleasure at the feeling of his massive clothed length providing the slightest friction against your aching core, your grip on his biceps tightening as he pushed his hips deeper dragging out low whines from your throat,
“really made me pissed, angel” he spoke out, closing his eyes and throwing his head back exposing his neck with his sharp jaw to your needy eyes while his hips rutted against yours, “touching me like that in front of the others, shouldn’t have done that baby.” he breathed out his head lowering to catching your dazed eyes with his darkened angry ones, your heart skipped a beat when you noticed his clenched jaw and furrowing eyebrows,
“i shouldn’t even allow you to cum tonight,” he grunted out, his hips pressing against your own as you felt him twitch, your eyes widening at his words as you knew jay always stayed true to his words, (i call bs)
“but jay-“ you started off, your voice whiny as you felt himself pulling away from you, “bad girls don’t deserve to cum, baby.” his voice was deep as he spoke out every word next to your ear, “shouldn’t have fucking teased me in front of the others.” he finished off before walking into the kitchen, leaving your trembling body pressed against the door,
jay walked into the kitchen to prepare tea for himself in attempt to calm himself down, your huffs of frustration while tears aligned in your waterline from your denied orgasm went unnoticed by jay, but were you really going to take his word and give up? no.
your footsteps followed his as jay’s back entered your vision, his figure was tense as he made an effort to calm his raging boner, regulating his breathing in hopes of regaining his composure, but all his attempts were thrown out the window the moment he felt your arms circling tightly around his waist, “please, jay. i need you so bad.” your weak voice reaching his eyes as you rested your warm cheek against his back rendered him frozen, jay could feel the way he was pathetically twitching in his suffocating boxers, his thoughts becoming uncontrollably filthier as he felt your entire body press firmly against his,
sucking a deep breath between his teeth in, jongseong untied your arms from his waist before turning around, he opened his mouth to deny your request before he felt your lips pressing desolately against his, jay’s breath hitched when he felt you bite softly on his bottom lip, before digging your nails into his wrists, the slight pain snapping him back to reality as he pushed his tongue inside of your mouth, his muscle entangling with yours as he explored every corner and crevice of your mouth, with drool dripping from the corner of your mouth you dragged his wrist under your skirt, successfully making his fingers come in contact with your soaking panties and with that jongseong felt his breath getting knocked out of him,
“you’ve been this fucking wet the entire time?” he cursed out, his mouth unlatching from yours, head dropping as you moaned lowly into his neck, jay’s fingers rubbed slow circles around your throbbing clothed clit, hissing as he felt the thin soiled fabric fail to contain your slick when it coated his fingers entirely, “fuck baby you’re dripping,”
“just for you, jay. i need you so so bad.” you whined against his neck as his fingers moved quicker, jongseong cursed as he felt more slick run down his fingers to his palm, maybe he could change the punishment a bit,
jongseong swiftly turned your body around while he stepped away from the counter, his hands landing on the edge trapping you in his hold as he pressed his chest against your back, the familiar contact of your warm body against his had his mind spinning, jay’s hand moved to your lower back to slowly push you against the counter,
“bend over, angel” he ordered, his voice heavy and deep as he took in the sight of your chest pressing against the counter and your back arching for him, lifting up your skirt to pool around your waist, completely presenting yourself to him, his eyes landed on your see-through panties which was enough for him to pull his pants and boxers down to land around his ankles,
his aching length pressed against your cheeks as continuous precum was leaking out of his raging red tip, you moaned quietly at the weight of his thick and large length resting against your body before jay pushed it downward to run over your soiled panties,
“jay…” you whined his name quietly, jongseong sighed heavily as his hands engulfed your soft skin, his fingers played with the hem of your panties, you almost whined again at the feeling of his large cock running against your folds before you felt him pulling down your ruined underwear,
without a warning, jongseong plunged his entire length into your soaking warm walls that tightened unbelievably around him, jay had to place his palm over his mouth to silence any of his moans as his length sunk in deeper with every inch while your body got pushed further into the counter, your jaw open as your legs shook with attempt to adjust to his size,
“fuck- jay!” you moaned out when his entire length was engulfed by your walls, bottoming out and placing his hands behind his back with his hips pressed flush against yours, jay was unmoving,
with the passing seconds you grew confused as to why jay remained motionless, leaning your head backwards your eyes met his that were already staring at you, your breath hitched when you took in the sight of his hooded eyes taking you in with lust and need, “jay?” you whispered out, you knew you had frustrated him and might’ve pushed him to his limits with your teasing today, but this side of jay where his anger was brewing inside of him silently was completely new to you,
“fuck yourself.” he spoke out, his eyes studying your face as your own widened in confusion and bewilderment, your breath hitching as you asked, “what?” jongseong continued staring at you before repeating his same words, this time he leaned over, his figure looming over your body as his face was inches away from yours, “i said, fuck yourself on my cock, don’t you want it?” he growled, looking dead into your needy eyes, while you were tightening uncontrollably around his length.
jongseong sucked a deep breath in before leaning back, you pressed your forehead against the cold surface wondering just how bad your luck must be today, jay’s self control was admirable as you felt his length twitching inside of you yet he made no effort to move his hips that were pressed against yours, your indecisiveness and confusion seemed to have taken too long because next thing you knew was jay’s hand gripping your jaw to turn your head to face him,
with his glowering gaze and furrowed eyebrows, jay growled “weren’t you begging me to fuck you at the door?” he asked you, pausing to fully memorise the image of you looking at him with glossy eyes and your flushed face, you hesitantly nodded, a part of you was terrified of this side of jay while the other was growing with excitement curious as to how the night will end, “then what are you waiting for? how many more times do i have to repeat myself?” he spoke out through gritted teeth with his breath heavy, each word ending with a tightening of his hand on your jaw,
“fuck yourself on my cock.” he commanded, with his nails digging into the skin on your cheeks you nodded, locking your glistening eyes into his darkened ones you began to slowly moves your hips against his, the feeling of his length leisurely massaging your walls had you breathing out softly in his grip, jay was still staring at your face, his hand travelled lower to gently hold on to your shoulder and push you back to his length, closing his eyes as he heard your breathes becoming longer and steadily turn into whines,
your cheeks were slapping against his pelvis as his cock was moving in and out of your soaking entrance inch by inch, the familiar tightening in your stomach made you realise that your release felt so close yet so far away, picking up the pace you attempted to feel jay’s tip massage the familiar spots that had you seeing stars but it wasn’t working.
jay seeming to notice the same thing, clicking his tongue before placing his hand on your lower back to pause your motions, “this won’t do.” he grunted out,
and in the blink of an eye jay was carrying you bridal style to your bedroom, you squeaked in surprise as your arms rose to wrap around his neck, your panties falling onto the floor while he hastily walked towards the room to lay you in the bed,
with your back coming into contact with the soft blanket below you, your eyes travelled upwards to the ceiling where you could see the tiled mirrors jay insisted on placing for “important reasons”, the sight of jay’s arms moving to remove his shirt, revealing all of his back muscles flexing right in front of your eyes as his arms moved to sneak around your legs to open them wider and place himself between your thighs,
jay’s head dipped lower, he looked up for a mere second to realise that you were entranced by the view in the ceiling mirrors, the view of his large figure towering over yours, the sight of jay’s muscular arms wrapped around your thighs then his eyes locked into your core.
as if a spell was put upon you, turning you into pure putty in his hold, he opened your legs wider as your limbs went limp in his arms, pulling himself lower to finally lick a bold stripe with his warm tongue along your slit, his tongue collecting all of your sweet nectar, you sighed out as you felt jay’s warm breath hitting your core perfectly, exactly where you needed him,
jay’s grip on your silky skin tightened, his mouth enveloping your throbbing clit as he softly sucked, the waves of pleasure ran up your spine as he parted your folds with one of his fingers, gently continuing his ministrations of sucking on your clit and thrusting his finger deeper, you moaned his name lowly once he started to slightly curly his finger all the while massaging your walls perfectly,
“feels good, baby?” he asked against your skin, tilting his head to the side to leave open mouthed kisses along your trembling thighs while your hips jerked in his hold, you nodded wordlessly, distracted and mind foggy at the upcoming release that was building up in your lower stomach,
once jay felt your walls spasm around his fingers, indicating your oncoming orgasm he abruptly stopped, ignoring the desperate whine parting your lips as he moved upwards, your eyes were droopy as you attempted your best to focus on jay’s figure in the mirror, but that seemed impossible as jay quickly flipped your body over,
his figure was weighting down yours as he moved towards your ear before whispering, “i’ll show you how girls who tease their boyfriends in front of their friends get fucked,” departing from your back, your body trembled in his hold part of it being because of your ruined orgasm while the other part was mainly because of the excitement of jay’s new side,
jay leaned backwards, anchoring himself on his knees as he pulled your hips upwards, aligning his length with your entrance before pushing in without a warning again, you gasped at the familiar intrusion, eyes rolling back as his inches filled you up so deliciously your head dropped onto the pillow while your legs trembled in his hold,
“let me fucking in, baby. you’re so tight,” he groaned out at the feeling of your walls sucking his length in, the grip your cunt had on his length had his own body trembling, the slight pain only pushing him more to completely wreck you,
and jay was merciless.
as he instantly began to piston his hips against yours, the sound of skin slapping echoed throughout the bedroom followed by your surprised moans as jay pulled himself back completely, leaving your cunt empty and gaping around nothing before pushing his length back in till his balls slapped against your clit, the sight of your gaping hole soaking with arousal, swollen and needy to swallow his length had jay throwing his head back as he let out soft growls followed by moans when he started to feel the building pressure in his abdomen,
jay’s index and middle finger gripped on the waistline of your skirt as he pulled your body backwards to meet his harsh thrusts, the sound of your skin slapping accompanied by the wet squelching noises from your dripping arousal had your eyes rolling to the back of your head, “jay it’s t-too much..” you stuttered out, broken moans following after each word making jay chuckle before he pressed his hips flush against yours,
“isn’t this what you wanted the whole day?” he questioned, the combination of jay being balls deep get unmoving inside of your walls along with his deep voice mocking you had you tightening around him uncontrollably, in turn making jay scoff as he felt another gush of arousal soak his length, “didn’t you want to get fucked by me the whole entire day, baby?” his hand dipped past your hips before landing on your swollen clit, your legs immediately jerked as he began to rub slow circles along your clit, jay hissed as he felt you tighten continuously around his cock while he continued, “fuck!- jay… i c-can’t-“ you cried out when you felt him slowly grind against your hips, barely pulling out before pushing himself back in,
his tip was hitting the most perfect spots inside of you while his length kept stretching you open, moulding your walls to occupy his cock only while his fingers never faltered on your clit, drool was running down the corner of your mouth while your eyes turned glossier, completely restoring into babbling once you felt jay’s tip press against your cervix pleasurably, “yes you can, you should’ve thought about this before you fucking touched me and teased me in front of everyone.” he snarled, his voice still laced with anger, and as if a reminder went off in his head, his fingers returned to grip on your waist before he began to thrust into you with an animalistic pace,
plunging into your silky entrance with his tip kissing the spongy spots all over your walls, you moaned his name loudly as you felt yourself unraveling in his hold with no warning, your orgasm knocking your breath out once you felt the euphoric electric shocks running throughout your body, jay obviously noticed the excessive gush of slick dripping down to his own thighs as he groaned from your constant tightening, “just like that baby, cum all over my cock.” he grunted out, picking up his pace which made you choke on your own moans at the sudden overstimulation, jay fucked you through your orgasm before dragging out another one from your trembling body,
jongseong slowed down for a few seconds as he leaned down to catch his breath, attempting to hold off his climax as much as possible while not having the heart to pull out of your warm cunt, he leaned down pressing his sweaty chest against your back as he gripped your jaw,
your drool ran down his fingers as he tilted your head to face his own flushed face, the sight of your glazed red eyes, swollen red nose and lips followed by a few strands of hair sticking against your temple had jay twitching inside of you, “jay…” you breathed out his name, your voice breaking as the fatigue caught up to you, and at the sound of your needy voice calling for him so sweetly he inhaled a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily before deciding to be gentler,
“i’m right here, angel” he spoke against your lips, hissing when he felt your walls convulse around him at the pet name, he slowly began to grind his hips against yours, the familiar slow pace he used a few minutes ago as he locked his mouth onto yours, messily kissing away all your moans and groans while his length massaged your walls deeply, “i’ve got you, baby.” he breathed into you as he felt you twitch, he continued with the same pace while he ran his tongue along yours,
your body felt like jelly while you felt lightheaded at the feeling of jay so close, you could barely breathe, the lack of oxygen causing an incredible burn in your chest but you couldn’t care less as jongseong sucked on your lower lip while his hips pressed against yours softly, “i’m c-close again..” you whispered into his mouth, jongseong’s hand sneaked lower to softly circle your clit as he mumbled back, “cum for me, angel. i’ve got you, let go for me,” and that was enough to have your eyes rolling back, your jaw going slack while jay licked into your mouth, his eyes hungrily drank in every expression your face contorted to, fucking you through your orgasm and thrusting deeper at the constant resistance and tightening of your walls, he moaned into your mouth as he felt his inner thighs getting coated with another layer of slick while you gushed around his length,
“so good, baby. doing so well for me,” jay praised, resorting to only leaving open mouthed kisses along your jaw while your body shook beneath him, and in a fraction of a second jongseong’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling both of your bodies upwards, he moved you towards the edge of the bed to face the large mirror he placed on the wall next to your bed,
with his length still buried inside of you, he opened your quivering legs, allowing your eyes to greet the sight of his large length buried deep inside of your dripping, swollen cunt.
tears instantly sprung into your eyes at the sight of your sweaty body exposed completely infront of jay’s muscular one that held your legs apart with his own, jay’s arm went around your waist to gently hold your jaw with a firm grip, facing your head towards the mirror as you took in your own appearance with your cherry red lips and your tear stricken face that moaned with every movement made by jay, when your eyes travelled upwards to meet jay’s own darkened and hooded gaze he quietly tsked before whispering next to your ear, “keep your eyes here, angel.” his other hand travelled downwards towards your clit, the moment his finger came into contact with your aching nub your back arched in his hold,
jay’s mouth became occupied with pressing kisses against your exposed shoulder while he continued to toy with your clit, softly thrusting in his length inside of you while he moaned lowly into your ear, your throat ached as you could only whimper in his arms while jongseong fucked another orgasm out of you,
“look at this, angel.” he pulled away slightly, placing his head onto your shoulder before he diverted your attention onto his lower hand, his large palm pressed on your lower stomach, both of you instantly hissing at the soft pressure he applied as he felt the outline of his length inside of you,
jay’s heavy breathe fanned your chest while you moaned, “suck in a deep breath for me, baby.” jay said, his voice whiny as his eyes were locked on your stomach, you did as you were told and the sight of his length’s outline appearing completely made both of you moan, jay pressed his palm against the shadow of his cock inside of you, thrusting inside of you slightly while he stares at the mirror mesmerised, “you’re s-so deep jay..” you sighed out, your own eyes stuck at where you two were connected, slick was gushing around your thighs and onto the mattress but neither of you cared,
jay’s index and middle finger came upwards to trace the outline of his cock, grazing your skin with his nails softly as he was twitching between your walls at the feeling while you whimpered, “you feel me here, baby?” he murmured out against your ear, his hot breath brushing against the shell of your ear making goosebumps travel down your body, his other hand let go of your jaw as it pulled downwards to wrap around your breast, his finger flicking against your hardened nipple while he began to fuck you again,
you moaned his name loudly once you felt his cock move inside of you again, jay’s palm pressed flat against your lower stomach as he felt his own length moving inside of you, his eyes stuck on the mirror as your head was thrown back while beautiful moans escaped your hoarse throat, your body grinding against his sweaty body, while the bulge of his cock was still visible, feeling you convulsing for the nth time around him that night he applied more pressure on your lower stomach, his other hand fondled with your breast before letting go to hold onto the other one, your mind felt like it was melting away once you felt jay tenderly bite against your shoulder while his tip was pressing roughly against your cervix, overwhelming all your senses as you felt him everywhere.
“j-jay- .. i’m cumming- fuck!” you cursed out once you felt yourself falling apart in between his arms, your ears were ringing as slick flowed out in between your thighs, jay’s continuous praising, his “i got yous” barely heard as your head nestled in the crook of his neck, you could feel all the muscles in jongseong’s body tightening as his own long awaited climax had him staggering, his own body trembled against your quivering one while he nestled his length deep inside of your gummy walls, with his tip pressed against your cervix directly as his length throbbed inside of you, jay whined, his arms tightening their hold around your body making you whimper before you pressed gentle kisses along his neck,
the fatigue and exhaustion instantly caught up to your bodies, jay resorting to moving you towards the pillows as he was still balls deep inside of you, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple once you began to look at him with unfocused droopy eyes, you both fell asleep the moment jay’s arm grabbed the warm blanket to pull it over your worn out bodies,
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A/N pt2: finally it’s out !! though it was ridiculously delayed & i’m not that happy w how it turned out but anywho ! i’m going to try my best to write smth quick for hee’s birthday before working on my jake hard thought part 2 :] <3
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1427 · 7 months
would you? (pt 1)
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Negan x Reader
Summary: Your mom died when you were 15, your Aunt Lucille was given custody even though she was battling cancer. When the world gets upended and Lucille dies, Negan is all you have, but he isn’t cut out to be a parent. When he becomes the leader of the Saviors and takes residence in the Sanctuary he’s almost a stranger. No one wants anything to do with you because you’re Negan’s “daughter”. So when you confront Negan about needing company, he obliges. You don’t realize that the feelings you’re developing are inappropriate, but Negan does.
Setting: height of the Saviors-era Sanctuary. 
Warnings: step-dad!negan (kind of), still it’s all morally questionable (morally objectionable probably), Negan being manipulative and neglectful (listen it’s Negan at his most King Dick okay??? Just know what you signed up for if you’re going to read it), mentions of dead relatives, masturbation (m and f), sexual themes (obvi), virgin!reader
Word count: 4k
17+ mdni
// part 2 //
You were off limits. It’s not as if they weren’t allowed to talk to you, but no one wanted to even find out where that line was. Being Negan’s “daughter” had more downsides than perks as far as you were concerned. A glorified prisoner that just happened to have all your needs met. Well, except one. Human connection, physical contact. 
You’re so sick of being in your room. The Sanctuary was suffocating enough, but one room? The only time you ever left was to go down to get food, and even then it’s not like anyone spoke to you. You just grabbed whatever you needed, from whatever table. From the Saviors down to the prisoners, everyone avoided even making eye contact. 
You didn’t live in the same area of the Sanctuary as Negan and his wives. You used to. You’re sure that one of his wives had probably taken up the space that you’d left, the room next to his. You’d left after he took his second wife. You’d been debating it since he’d taken the first one, the noises coming from his room alone were enough to send you packing. But isn’t that what adults do? So you’d tried to just ignore it. Like you imagined you’d have had to do if none of this happened and you were still with your mom. 
Two wives, though? You’d never felt close to Negan. Not like he was your father. But… shouldn’t he be? Shouldn’t he have acted like it? He’d protected you like you were his own when you were still out there - but once he founded “the Saviors” and became their oh-so-ruthless ‘leader’ he almost acted like you didn’t exist. Or worse, that you were some thing he had to look after. Some sniveling little child that he seemingly wanted nothing to do with. 
That was a few years ago. Now you’re 18, and totally fucking bored to death. Trapped in a Fuckin’ smelting facility like it’s a goddamn high tower, and you’re the lady of Shallot. Interacting with the world around you, but not really. Oh, and he has 5 wives now. Gross. 
You’ve finally fucking had it. Negan has a strict policy about you leaving the Sanctuary even to just go outside. He can come collect you himself if he really cares that much. Stupid fuckin’ rules. 
You bring one of your notebooks and a pen. With no plans of leaving, or doing something stupid, you just want some fresh air. You just want something different. And maybe, a little bit, you wanted to piss him off. 
You’re sitting on the ledge right outside the Sanctuary, legs dangling off the concrete. Your notebook at your lap and your pen in your hand, scribbling little doodles and shapes. Writing out small flashes of feelings as you feel them. Just wanting to document the outside as if you’d never see it again. 
You were in bliss a grand total of twenty minutes before you heard his tongue clicking behind you. Maybe you’d have been better off just running while you had the chance. “I know you know better than to be out here, kid.” 
You roll your eyes and look up from your notebook, taking in the scenery while you still could, “Eighteen. Not a kid.”
“Shit, 18 already?”
It hurts. That he doesn’t remember your birthday, or how old you are. That no one in the whole world cares that you spent three birthdays by yourself, with no one to even remember or know that they’d happened. You try to be grateful, you have really really tried. But everyone’s got a breaking point. “At least, I think so. If no one wishes you happy birthday, does it still count?” Okay, so you could have come at him a little harder, but he was still Negan and you were fairly sure that he didn’t feel any responsibility for you anymore. Especially if you’re an adult now. You try to gauge things on if this were the real world, if things were still how they used to be. And 18 meant Negan held no legal responsibility to be your guardian anymore. 
“Goddamn that is sad!” But he makes no attempt to comfort. Doesn’t even wish you a belated happy birthday. 
“Yup.” You don’t move from your seat even as you hear him suck on his teeth, clearly expecting you to get up and get back inside. 
“Alright, come on, kid. Can’t have you out here.” 
“Not a kid.” You bite back again. 
He stifles a laugh, “Yeah. Right.” He’s smiling that same shit eating smile that seems to be plastered permanently on his face nowadays. You can’t figure out what’s so fucking funny all the time. Especially now. 
You don’t know how to ask him, what words to say I need a friend. I need a boyfriend. No one talks to me because you’re terrifying. You think about it the whole walk back to your room while he shadows behind. You get to your door and as he starts to walk away you manage to stammer out, “I-I need a friend!” 
He turns around, a confused (but still amused) look on his face, “So get a friend?” 
“No, you don’t get it. No one will even look at me because you scare the shit out of everyone.” 
He looks at you like he’s trying to hold something back, rubbing a gloved hand over his clenched jaw, “Ever think maybe you’re just not very like-able?”
You look back and forth on the ground in front of you. Honestly? you’d never even wondered that, it takes you back that he’d even suggested it. Negan smiles, Gotcha. Obviously that wasn’t why, and obviously it was because of Negan and the way he’d decided to lead through fear. Fear was all he had. But you were 18, emotionally neglected, and desperate for approval. Your own self worth was paper-thin. He knew that. And instead of letting you, or himself, feed into the idea that he’d failed you, he’d put all the blame elsewhere. Like he always did. Like he was good at. 
“Tell ya what, kid. I’ll spend time with you.” Your hero. 
You could see through it, but what could you really do about it? You chew on your lip trying to figure out how to respond to such a ridiculous and ludicrous display of manipulation. “Fine.” After all, it was better than being stuck in your room. Maybe you’d meet someone, maybe one of the Saviors was cute. Maybe something could happen organically and Negan would lighten up on you a little bit, “Not a kid, though.”
Negan laughs, “Yeah, alright. Lunch tomorrow, come to the common room. You remember where that is, right?” It felt like a taunt. 
“Okay.” You nodded without looking up at him, and finally turned the knob you’d been holding behind you. Letting your body fall back into your room, and shutting the door behind you. 
This was a bad idea. You could feel it down to your bones. 
You’re silently grateful that he sent his wives away to do other things. And though he’d told you to meet in the common room, you were sat in his bedroom eating lunch. You’d never seen so much food put out for just two people, but you weren’t surprised. Any and every opportunity Negan had to show off, he did. 
You felt awkward, uncomfortable, and worse - afraid. Negan could tell, and while a part of him reveled in it, another part of him could tell that he was fucking you up. That he already had. No 18 year old girl should be this afraid of having lunch with the only family she knew. The only person she knew. Fuck yeah, he’d fucked you up. “So, kid - I mean, shit. Sorry, gonna have to get used to not calling you that.” 
“I think you’ll manage.” You grumble, pushing the food around on your plate. You should have just stayed in your room. One thing that you’d picked up over the year or so with Negan out there? His attitude. 
He laughs in response, “Yeah,” he nods, chewing his food with an open mouth, “Guess I’ll have to, you’re going to have lunch here from now on.” 
Your eyes shoot up from your plate to look at him, “Why?” 
“Because - you’re getting all fucked up and stupid.” 
That makes you snort a laugh in response. “Yeah.. wonder who’s fault that is,” you say sarcastically back at him, taking a bite of food. 
“Probably your dead as shit mom.” Negan knows he went too far as soon as he says it, but he doesn’t make any attempt to take it back, to apologize. Instead he just looks at you, a half smile cocked on his face, twirling his fork in a giant helping of spaghetti. Like he’s almost impressed with himself for taking it there. 
“Wow.” You mouth, completely taken aback. You’d cried over your mom so many times, and this? From Negan? You were too shocked to react emotionally. Not here, not now. Maybe he was right and you were more fucked up than you realized. 
“So, uh, what do you do all day?” Negan had been genuinely curious. Well, for the last day or so. He had more or less forgotten you even existed until then. 
You push food around on your plate again, “Write, sew, read, draw. Started painting a few months ago but I fucking suck at it.” You sigh, “anything to keep my hands busy.” 
Negan chokes on the water he’s drinking and you give him a look of mild disgust. “Not that.” His eyes twinkle a little in disbelief. Yeah right you didn’t do that. You were 18, of course you did. But without anything, or anyone, to think about it got boring quickly. Sometimes a good book came your way and you’d have some material, for a little while. A chapter, or a page, or more usually just a few paragraphs that would keep you somehow sated. Somewhat. 
Still, you weren’t about to have that conversation with him. And Negan was more than grateful, his mind reeling at the idea that no one had ever had ‘the talk’ with you. And now, in this end of times, you didn’t even have television to teach you. No, Negan could absolutely not discuss the birds and the bees with you. He was not built for that. 
The rest of lunch is uneventful. He talks, you listen. He feels better about himself, and you feel nothing.
Lunches with Negan get better. Less awkward, more like an actual friendship… or something. You find yourself laughing at his shitty jokes, at least they’re jokes. At least it’s something. You stop needing to convince yourself that you only enjoy it because it’s better than nothing, you actually seem to like his company. You look forward to lunch, getting out of your room, laughing with him. Negan enjoys it too, but it’s still off. You’re still.. how he would describe ‘fucked up’ or ‘not normal’. You flirt with him. Relentlessly. He tries to ignore it, tells himself that maybe it’s just your personality, but he knows. You don’t. You’re completely oblivious. After all, you really have nothing to go off of. Nothing to base anything around. 
He gets you romance novels, asks the Saviors to grab them when they’re out on runs. He thinks this is the closest you can get to having television, to having someone or something teach you about that kind of stuff. Maybe that they would teach you the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. 
Really, though, he’s just making you horny. Even more than you had been, and he’s still the only person you talk to. He figures he could and probably should use his position to get you some kind of boyfriend, but it feels all wrong. Like some sort of arranged marriage, and it disgusts him. 
You touch yourself more often than you ever have. The romance novels finally feed this need. You think about the characters in the books, the lewd imagery described. It’s all so new and exciting. You never think about Negan, or something gross like that. 
It’s been a few months since the last one he brought you, but today at lunch he pushes over a whole stack. You jump up from your seat, too excited to contain yourself, and you jump on him in a hug. Burying your face into the crook of his neck. You can feel your heartbeat all the way down to your fingers as you pull back and, with a blush, sit back down in your seat, “Thank you.” 
Negan’s body is stiff while you hug him, and while you sit back down, an uncomfortable smirk on his lips. “You are very welcome.” Even through his discomfort he can’t help the pride bubbling over within him. Every other aspect of himself is weak to his desire for worship. 
When you leave that day, with your stack of books, you hug him again and kiss his cheek before running off to your room. 
Shit, Negan thinks to himself. Shit fuck shit. You’re only getting worse, more obvious. Now you’re hugging him and kissing him on the cheek? Maybe you’re just grateful for the books. But he knows.. this is wrong. He’s making it worse, maybe you’re past the point of being able to fix. For now, he ignores it. Maybe… hopefully… it’s just the books. 
If he had asked you, you would have reassured him. Obviously it’s just the books. You don’t wonder if it’s weird that you touch yourself after lunch, before even opening one of the new books. You don’t think about Negan, just the feeling of stubbled skin under your lips. The warmth of a person in your arms, your chest pressed up against someone. It was the first human contact you’d had since you got to the Sanctuary, and it set you on fire. 
Negan knows he fucked up. You hug him now after every lunch. Only giving him a kiss on the cheek when he brings you a new book or some other small gift. He doesn’t acknowledge within himself that since you started doing that, he’s started getting you more gifts. 
Eventually, though, he can’t keep ignoring it. One particularly bad week, where it seems everyone hates him, none of his wives will have sex with him. Not even a fucking handjob. He’s forced into the degrading task of jerking himself off, something he hasn’t done in years. And, while the shame doesn’t come until after he’s finished, he thinks about you. 
You, with all your nervous glances of prying eyes. The way your developed chest feels against his when you hug him. He fantasizes your lips asking him questions like, “Is this what I’m supposed to do?” 
“Do boys really like that?” 
“You want me to use my mouth?” 
His forehead pressed firmly against the closed door of his bathroom, he opens his eyes to look down at himself. His swollen member in his hand, throbbing over the thought of you. 
“I don’t think that’s going to fit inside me.” He groans keeps going, imagining his cock is the first thing ever pushed inside your tight hole. 
Streaks of his cum paint the door, and he peels his forehead back before slamming it against the wood again. Fuck, this shit is not fucking okay. 
Negan doesn’t know that he absolutely would not be the first thing inside your precious virgin pussy. No, you’d started to get creative. Finding your fingers almost useless when it came to hitting that spot you’d discovered deep inside. They were never hard enough, fast enough, thick enough. The handle of your hairbrush was your favorite. It was the easiest to keep clean, the easiest to maneuver. But it still wasn’t exactly what you wanted. Nothing ever seemed to be quite enough. Every orgasm left you wanting. 
Wanting what? Because you never found yourself wanting a boyfriend anymore when it used to be all you thought about. You think of feeling Negan’s facial hair against your cheek, and your body is rocked by its second orgasm for the night. Tossing the hairbrush to the end of the bed, you roll over and fall asleep. 
You startle awake to the sound of a knock on your door. It’s loud, demanding, Negan. 
Getting off the bed you turn on the light with a sleepy grumble. You pull some pants on, and he knocks again. “I’m awake!” You yell, “hold on!” But this only spurs him to knock more aggressively. 
“Jesus Christ, what the fuck is going on?” You mutter as you finally unlock and open the door. Obviously it was Negan, but what you weren’t expecting was how absolutely disheveled he looked. “Woah, what happened to you?” 
“Remind me to teach you manners.” He says as he pushes past you and into your room. 
“Come right in.” You say sarcastically, turning around and shutting the door behind you. He’s sat on your bed, looking around at all the things in your room, his eyes settling on your rows of romance novels. He gets up from the bed and walks over to the bookshelf, pressing a finger into one of the book spines before pulling it out and skimming through it. 
“Are you… drunk?” You ask him, the smell of alcohol emanating from him only becoming more obvious the longer he stands there, slightly swaying on his feet. 
“Why?” He asks defensively, his eyes not moving from the page of the book he’s trying to read. 
“Because you smell like booze?” 
He ignores your question and your reason for asking, slamming the book shut as he gets to a particularly dirty part and he can’t bear to read anymore. “We need to talk.” And he looks at you. 
You’re nervous, standing there anxiously you start to play with your hair and look away, “Oh, okay… wha- what about?” 
“This!” He exclaims with an extended arm, motioning at you, “You. What are you doing?”
You look at him confused, brow knit together trying to purse some sort of answer, “I’m not… I was sleeping.” You shake your head, not understanding at all what he was getting at. 
“You’re twirling your goddamn hair.” Oh. He was right, you had been. But what does that mean to him? You look at him even more confused. 
Closing your eyes, one hand comes up to massage the bridge of your nose, “Okay, I’ll never twirl my hair again?” You shrug your shoulders as if to ask him if that would be all. Too sleep-kissed to comprehend what the hell he was going on about. 
“No, Jesus-fucking-Christ, girl, the flirting. You gotta stop. I’ve let it go on too long, and it’s not.. shit, it’s not appropriate, all right?” 
You rub your eyes harder as you hear his words, what a fucking idiot, you think. You can’t help the smile that starts to form on your face as you answer him, “Negan, I’m not… I don’t….” You can’t even bring yourself to say it. 
He puts the book down and shakes his head, even now you were clearly into him. All nervous, smiling. Giddy. 
“You are. And you need to stop. I can’t… I can’t keep having meals with you if you’re going to be hugging me, kissing me on the cheek. It’s wrong.” 
You actually manage a laugh at his ridiculous behavior. Coming in like this, filled with liquor and angst and thinking he’s figured something out about you. “I’m not into you, Negan. Hugging and kisses on the cheek aren’t always romantic.” You say it like you’re letting him in on something he’d never considered. 
He nods, “Yeah, that’s true.” Negan turns to face the wall away from you, shaking his head as he looks up to the ceiling. “It’s not just that. It’s the way you look at me, the way you laugh. Shit, girl, it’s the way you’re lookin’ at me now.” 
“Don’t you think I’d know?” You cut in, without responding to his most recent accusation. 
“I don’t know, kid, would you? You probably have a bunch of hormones running wild in your body and you have no idea what to do with them. I’m not blaming you. I mean…” he stops himself before he starts talking about how attractive he is, and how no one could blame you for feeling this way. 
“I know what to do with my hormones, Negan.” You say blankly, is he really trying to have this conversation? You’re not. Jesus Christ, he can’t really think that you don’t know how to relieve that ‘tension’ on your own. What did he think you were doing with the romance novels? 
He smiles at your little admission, nodding and rubbing his jaw, “Yeah, I’m sure you do. Let me ask you something..” he takes a step toward you and you feel your heartbeat skyrocket. His eyes staring you down with such intensity you have to look away, “how do you feel, huh, when I get close to you?” He steps closer, now only a foot away. Your eyes cast down to the ground, a knot forming in your throat, “you can’t even look at me,” he whispers. 
As if to prove him wrong you look up at him. Your breath hitches and he can hear it. You can hear it. Your heart hammering against your ribcage, you swallow. Shit. 
Big doe eyes look up at him, and he feels all the blood rush between his legs. Hard as a rock for you in seconds, that deft innocence, those pretty lips moving without a sound. Trying to form some kind of response. You… looking up at him and having feelings you’ve never felt before. This is why it has to stop. Negan’s never been good at controlling these urges, and the more you look up at him like that the less he wants to. 
You try to speak, to tell him he’s wrong, but your voice quivers, “I… I don’t. I’m not…” Your smile that you can’t manage to stop only confuses you more. 
“You are.” He slams his fist on the wall next to you, causing you to jump a little. He looks back down at you, your eyes enveloped in fear and nervousness, cheeky smile gone. Negan takes two fingers and holds them to your throat, “Do you feel your heart beating out of your chest? I bet if I..” he takes your throat in his hand and you whimper out the slightest moan. 
His lips turn up in a smile as he brings his face even closer to yours. “See? I’ve barely got my hands on you and you’re already moaning.” 
It hits you fast, the shame and desire all at once. Mostly the desire, with his hand at your throat and his voice saying words you’ve only ever read. Shit. 
You don’t know how to respond, you can’t think straight. You just nod, he was right, it seems. Right? Because this certainly was having an affect on you. You wanted him to keep going, your body begged for it, but you couldn’t move. Too caught up in a fearful nervousness. This was wrong? It didn’t feel wrong. 
“Doesn’t feel wrong,” is all you manage to breathe out, unable to break your gaze from his lips. In response Negan leans back as his grip grows tighter at your neck, and you panic, bringing both of your hands up to his wrist to try and pull him away. He doesn’t let go but his grip loosens. 
Negan isn’t thinking clearly either, he hadn’t anticipated all of this. Having to convince you, prove to you, that you were having inappropriate feelings only made his own envelope him. And he was drunk. You, completely at his mercy and seemingly happy to be. Fuck shit fuck me. 
He finally lets go and pushes past you and out of your room. Leaving you completely blindsided. For once, though, you’re not confused. Not unsure. No, there was no question what you were going to do next. You were going to make it absolutely impossible for him to say no. 
Burning up your core and through your chest, into your brain. That spot, that insatiable feeling, that desperate heat that throbbed through you. Now you knew for sure, he could satiate it. 
pt 2
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urhoneycombwitch · 6 days
#17 from that prompt list about seeing the marks left on their partner and getting turned on has got me all kinds of 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 It feels roommate-eddie coded 👀 especially if they have their no-marks rule, but he just kinda loses control one night.
Then we torture him, walking around showing it off, telling him he can’t touch until he learns some self-control…okay, I’m gonna see myself out…
(most assuredly not @rebelfell sending two asks in a row)
foreword: Sarah I’m being so fr how are you literally in my brain… I had a blurb on this very topic set on the back burner bc I couldn’t find a place for it so here it is spruced up!!! (prompt 17 from this list)
cw: Reader has breasts, visible marks, no skin tone/color mentioned, a wee bit of choking kink, not full smut but mdni as always. oh yeah and biting 😈
You can feel the weight of Eddie’s eyes on your form, even as you pretend to be oblivious, leaning into the reflection of the standing mirror in the corner of his bedroom.
A few swipes of your pointer finger and your lipgloss is perfect; with a smack of your lips, you straighten up again, tugging the hem of your tee down to meet the band of your jeans. “Almost ready?”
The friendly smile you turn to give Eddie is met with a glower, his dark brows slanted, a death-grip on both knees where he sits simmering on his bed.
“Did you come in here solely to torture me, or do you have other plans up your vixen sleeves?”
Briefly, your eyes flick to the ceiling as you turn back to your reflection, fussing with your hair to keep your hands busy. “Only plan I got is attending our beloved friend’s barbecue. Which we should’ve left for, like, five minutes ago.”
Eddie huffs. In response, you sigh, landing just-left of condescending. “Not my fault you want to fuck me regardless of what I’m wearing. It’s jeans and a t-shirt, Eddie, I’m basically fit for a nunnery-”
There’s a whoosh of spiced air that wafts over first, chills cascading down your spine made worse as Eddie moves in. His left hand lands on your hip, rooting you to the carpet, while the other tracks up, skirting between the valley of your clothed breasts, your collarbone, your neck…
He takes your chin between thumb and forefinger, silver rings biting cold against your skin as your neck goes lax, baring a long, tantalizing stretch of it as Eddie tilts your face up and to the side.
His lips press to the sweet spot behind your ear, then follows the slope of your neck down, stopping at your shirt’s collar that hides the rest of your skin. From your hip, his hand lifts to pull the fabric aside, revealing a scattered canvas of suck marks and teeth imprints that grace the top of your shoulder.
“You really gonna show up with these? Make all our friends wonder who’s been marking you up?”
Eddie’s voice is low, but you’d be a fool to mistake it for softness.
Another shiver licks along the length of your body, and this time Eddie feels it; he presses in closer, hand sliding from your chin to hold just under your jaw as he meets your fluttering eyes in the mirror.
“What’re you gonna say, hm? If Robin asks where they came from? If Steve makes a jock-y comment? If you get teased?”
It’s not like you haven’t been in this situation before- attending events with mutual friends, having to act like your roommate hasn’t been the one checking all your boxes, making up excuses for being late or looking like someone had been using your body as their personal chew toy.
You’ve always made excuses- pretty seamless ones, if anyone’s counting. You don’t even try to squirm away when you respond, swallowing around the light pressure at your throat- “I’ll tell them what I always do. Blind date hookup, one night stand, my dentist’s cousin’s friend that I’ll never see again-”
Eddie bites into the soft flesh of your upper shoulder, hard, free arm wrapping around your midsection like a seatbelt while his other elbow digs into your chest, hand still wrapped around the column of your throat.
The air leaves your lungs in a rush, white-hot adrenaline surging with the sting of the bite, body stiffening against the restraints of Eddie’s arms as you grit out, “Asshole!”
It sounds too whiny and pleasure-soaked to cause any real alarm, Eddie grinning into the curve of your skin (bastard) before tsking, kissing over the thumping mark in partial apology. “Mm. I think you like it. I think you get off on parading our little secret around the poor folks who don’t know any better-”
“As if you don’t.” Eddie may be the one doing most of the biting but you’ve got the bark to match, glaring furiously at the reflection of his maddeningly-cool black-caramel gaze, even as the pressure on your windpipe increases with a minute flex of his palm.
“Yeah. Y’got me there, princess.” His eyes flit across your exposed skin, like he’s trying to memorize all the shades and colors of you combined with the wreckage of his handiwork. “Maybe you should cover up some more. So it’s just you ‘n me who knows what’s under here.”
The cotton collar snaps back into place, covering almost all the evidence (save for the tail end of a day-old scraped hickey). Eddie releases your jaw and takes a step back, the warmth leaving your body all at once, frozen where you stand until sense returns.
You clear your throat before speaking, irritation prickling as you set to fixing your hair again from where Eddie’s interruption had stalled. “Whatever. Fine. But I’m only changing because it’s gonna be cold later, and a long sleeve will be better- not because you told me to.”
“Fine.” Eddie adopts a neutral tone as he settles back onto the mattress with a bounce, tugging absently at the inseam of his dark jeans to relieve some of the mounting tightness. “Have it your way.”
“I will,” you snap back, turning from the mirror on a socked heel, pointing an accusatory finger at the boy on the bed. “And you better have your boots on by the time I’m changed.”
With that, you flounce from Eddie’s room in search of a more conservative neckline, while Eddie pouts and pretends to have the will to disobey you for all of five seconds.
And then he’s up, trudging to the bureau reluctantly to source a pair of socks while scheming for the perfect excuse to take you both on the extra-long route to the barbecue.
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steddiehyperfixation · 7 months
so you don't get lost (steddie ficlet)
written for @steddielovemonth day 17 rating: T cw: alcohol tags: first kiss, clubbing, college au, platonic stobin prompt: Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost
“She’s totally into me, right?” Robin asks as they wait for their drinks at the bar, her smile a mile wide, and it’s been a minute since Steve’s seen her smile like that. 
“Yeah, totally,” Steve agrees. The girl Robin’s been talking to all night is drifting back over to them even as they speak, the two of them like magnets since they first traded smiles on the dance floor earlier that night. 
Robin glances back at her and bites back a wider grin. She bounces on her tippy toes and whispers to Steve, “If I make out with her it’s not gonna make you feel awkward, is it?” 
Steve shakes his head. “Go ahead,” he encourages. 
It had been a group effort to get Robin out tonight. Her university friends had enlisted Steve to help drag her out of the mopey funk she’d been in since getting broken up with two weeks ago, and it had taken an hour of Steve hyping her up while she kept crying off her attempts to do her makeup before she finally managed to make it to the club. He’s just glad it had been worth it. 
“I don’t even know if I remember how to do this,” Robin mutters, a little nervously, as she and Steve grab their drinks and rejoin her friends on the dance floor. But it turns out, she has nothing to worry about. The two girls resume their orbit around each other, and the second the next beat drops and the lights strobe, the other girl finally pulls Robin into a heated kiss. Steve watches this, and he smiles fondly. She deserves it. He’s happy for her. 
And he’s totally not jealous. Not necessarily of Robin, obviously, or the girl she’s kissing, but simply of the fact that they’ve so easily found a hot drunk stranger to make out with at the club and he…hasn’t. He can’t even remember the last time he’s had a decent kiss, much less scored at a club, though not for not wanting to. 
Steve finds himself glancing at Robin’s friend Eddie, the tatted-up metalhead Steve’s felt a pull towards since the first time they’d met. He thinks about kissing him every time they’re out together, and maybe there was a time when Steve would’ve just gone for it, a time before he’d taken a few too many hits to the ego and developed doubts and insecurities, but now the thought just makes him nervous. Eddie makes him nervous. 
He feels that nervousness now as Eddie catches him staring and he shakes those lovely dark curls out of his face and smiles at him. It bubbles in his stomach, flutters in his chest. Steve downs the rest of his drink and looks away. The alcohol floods heat through his veins and blurs his vision, but the ever-present thrum of anxiety just from being in Eddie’s proximity still isn’t dulled. He bobs numbly to the music, avoiding looking at anybody at all now, only staring at the floor or the wall or some super fascinating point just above everyone’s heads, sure he looks like an absolute freak. 
It goes beyond just wanting to kiss Eddie; Steve’s not stupid, he knows the only explanation for this sheer amount of nervousness he feels around him is that he’s got an actual, proper crush. Because not only is Eddie super fucking hot, he’s also sweet. Steve is an outsider in this group and he knows it, the college dropout who only tags along because Robin insists on it, but Eddie never makes him feel like that. It’s always Eddie who makes sure he’s included in conversations, always Eddie who makes a point to loop Steve into the context of inside jokes and stories whenever Robin is too distracted to. Steve craves those interactions, gets a thrill every time Eddie so much as speaks to him. So he doesn’t only want to kiss him, he also just wants Eddie to like him, wants him to see him as a friend at the very least. But it’s not like they’ve ever even hung out outside of a group setting, and sometimes Steve fears Eddie’s just being nice and he doesn’t actually see him as anything at all. 
Steve’s drifted so far into his own head he doesn’t realize his group is on the move, pushing deeper into the dance floor and leaving him behind. 
“Steve!” Eddie’s voice calls out to him and snaps him out of it. Everyone else has been taken by the crowd, but Eddie hangs back, reaching his hand out to Steve. 
Steve takes it, swallowing down the way his heart pounds as Eddie’s fingers curl around his hand. Eddie pulls him through the throng of jostling, sweaty bodies, and even though he maintains a tight grip on Steve’s hand, he still keeps looking back at him like he’s making extra sure Steve doesn’t get lost. Warmth blooms in Steve’s chest. Maybe he’s just drunk, maybe he’s just delusional, but all of the sudden he feels so very very cared for. 
“Thanks,” Steve says, nearly shouting to be heard over the music. 
“‘Course.” Eddie smiles as he turns around to face him. They’ve caught up to their friends now, but he’s still holding Steve’s hand. “I’d never just leave you stranded.” 
Of course he wouldn’t. He never has before. Steve just smiles back and squeezes Eddie’s hand. 
They’ve only just let go of each other when Robin and her girl, still kissing clumsily and staggering about the dance floor, stumble straight into Steve and knock him off balance. “Woah!” Eddie reaches for him again instantly, looping an arm around Steve’s waist to keep him from toppling over or careening into the crowd. 
“Ah! Sorry!” Robin giggles before she’s whisked away again. 
Eddie laughs. “Good for her, right?” 
“Yeah, good for her,” Steve says, watching his best friend spin out of sight, and when he looks back he startles at how close he and Eddie are, suddenly very aware of Eddie’s arm around his waist and his hands on Eddie’s chest. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks, his grip on Steve tightening like he means to steady him. 
“Yeah, thanks again.” Steve regains his footing, but he doesn’t pull away. There’s something there, he thinks, in the way Eddie’s always reaching out to him so he doesn’t get lost, literally and figuratively, in crowds and conversations. It could just be friendly, it could just be nothing, but for the first time, Steve lets himself hope. He even thinks about leaning in right now, but then he thinks about it too much, and he doesn’t. 
Instead, there’s a weird moment where they’re both just staring at each other. Eddie’s got this confused little smile on his face like he’s waiting to see what Steve will do, and when Steve doesn’t do anything, Eddie’s smile abruptly becomes more playful as if he’s trying to break the tension, and he starts theatrically swaying them to the music, even though it is most definitely not the swaying sort of beat. Steve laughs, his racing heart making it come out giddy and giggly, especially when Eddie drops his waist to grab his hand and twirl him around. 
Eddie pulls him in close again then, and this time Steve doesn’t think at all. In fact, it’s unclear which one of them leans in first; all Steve knows is that their lips finally, finally meet in the middle and he finally, finally gets to tangle his hands in Eddie’s hair, and it’s sweet and it’s hungry and it’s absolutely perfect. Steve holds onto Eddie and he gets lost in him. 
When Steve meets back up with Robin outside after the club closes, they exchange a celebratory, congratulatory high five, the both of them with matching kiss-swollen lips and dates set for next week. 
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crguang · 2 months
Smutty prompt 8, 12, or 17 for Kafka? 🥺
chose 8 and 12 for this one hehe, it's kafka dick wednesday i just decided (i yearn for it)
cw: gp!kafka, blowjob, face fucking? idk
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You slightly pull away from Kafka’s embrace as she retrieves her phone from her coat pocket and accepts the call. Your arms hang loosely around her frame leaning against the back of the couch, a small pout on your face at the idea of having to wait for more of her attention. Kafka smiles when she meets your eyes, bringing the device to her ear and briefly resting her index finger on her lips in a silent command to be quiet. She answers the phone and begins talking to whoever is on the other line. Her free hand absentmindedly plays with a stray strand of your hair near your jaw, gaze lowering to watch how it curls around her finger. She hums to indicate that she’s listening, and you already feel your patience waning because Kafka usually deals with her business in private and you’ve already waited a week for her to finish up “something” at work. You’ve missed her and now that she’s here with you, you don’t feel like losing more of her to her mysterious work. Something shifts in her bored expression, a slight down curve of her lips, and you know she’ll be on the phone for longer than the quick call she promised you. 
Kafka notices your displeasure and lifts her hand to your cheek to pat it a few times. You narrow your eyes but she only replies to her interlocutor something about a shipment being received long ago. You try to decipher what she could be talking about and give up after a minute, the lack of context makes it difficult to connect her sentences together. Her thumb moves to your upper lip, her silk glove is soft as she swipes the pad of her finger on your lips. She multitasks well and doesn’t miss a beat in the conversation while she’s touching your face, eyes focused on the movement of her thumb tracing your cupid’s bow. You wait another minute, your own hands trailing up her back under her coat in a futile attempt at keeping yourself occupied. You sigh, tightening your hold on her body and leaning into her once more, resting your chin on her shoulder. You can vaguely hear a raspy voice on the other line, but the words are either muffled or don’t make any sense to you. 
“Relax,” Kafka says into the phone and her fingers sink into your hair, lightly scratching your scalp, “we’ve planned for the possibility. They’ll play right into our hands.”
The repetitive gesture soothes you a little and your eyes briefly shut to nuzzle into her; your lips find the skin where her neck meets her shoulder and plant a few kisses there. Kafka sighs, no doubt at something the other person said, but there’s a hint of pleasure in it. You trail kisses up her neck and across the underside of her jaw, and her head tilts, an implied permission to keep going. Her hand stays in your hair, fingers boredly curling the strands. Your lips part to place an open-mouthed kiss on her jaw and your hands wander down her back and around her waist to play with the waistband of her shorts. You fiddle with the handkerchief in her shorts as you kiss her face, going as far as the corner of her mouth before her hand leaves your head to rest her index on your mouth. You look up into her playful eyes, pouting. She speaks up again about studying a script and lightly taps your lips all the while. You’re sick of waiting, she’s right in front of you and you don’t even get to enjoy her presence. Your fingers toy with her waistband, snapping the material against her stomach, and an idea pops into your mind. 
Kafka raises a single eyebrow at your growing smile, the one you have when you’re trying to suppress one. You shrug at her inquisitive look, hands wandering down her abdomen to trail down her thighs. Her eyes narrow even as she answers a question with a dismissive, “Yeah, yeah.” You put on your most innocent expression and grip her plush thigh with one hand while the other slithers closer to the apex of them, caressing the material of her shorts. An amused glint shines in her gaze, her smile widening just a touch; a challenge she's daring you to take on. You hold her stare, suddenly growing bolder, and let a hand stroke her between her legs. Kafka doesn’t move, only regards you with more interest than two minutes earlier. She doesn’t miss a beat in the conversation. Your fingers teasingly caress her over her clothes, and you refrain the urge from biting the inside of your cheek when you feel her harden under your ministrations. Her growing bulge is noticeable, but she’s not ashamed in the slightest. Kafka plays with your earlobe with her free hand, rubbing the cartilage with her thumb, faking disinterest by humming into the phone. 
You start to feel a little hot just at the thought of what you’re going to do next. You cup her between her thighs in a firm grip and revel in the way her eyes flicker to yours instantly. Her gaze grows heated, following your every movement as you sink to your knees and tilt your head to face her with a smug smile tugging at your lips. You don’t tease her much, pulling down her shorts and pantyhose to her ankles and exposing her pretty boxers. Kafka’s hand moves to the back of your head to loosely grip your hair. She doesn’t apply any pressure, so you’re free to move as you please. You trace the outline of her bulge for a few seconds, anticipation bubbling in your belly, then place your mouth directly over it in a leisure kiss. You stroke her with a hand while your lips kiss her over the fabric, and Kafka shifts slightly, opening her legs wider to give you better access. She’s still in deep conversation and frankly, you’re getting annoyed. You pull her underwear down in one smooth motion and free her hard cock, feeling an arrogant kind of satisfaction at the sight of her already hard for you when you’ve barely touched her. 
“I know,” Kafka drawls exasperatedly in response to something said on the other line, elongating the second word. You wrap your hand around her cock, squeezing just right, and she inhales more sharply through her nose before she replies, “No, we’ll arrive in the morning to set it up.”
You don’t care for what she’s saying. Your hand moves up and down her length from base to tip, thumb tracing the most prominent vein up to the mushroom head, eyes fixed on your task. Your tongue swipes over your bottom lip almost unconsciously. Your throat is getting drier by the second. You lean forward to give her tip soft kitten licks, lashes fluttering at the taste of her skin, and the grip in your hair gets tighter. Kafka stares down at you, now more focused on you than the conversation still happening over the phone. Her replies come a little late as you lick a broad stripe up her cock, massaging her balls with a hand. White pearls of pre-cum coat her head at the sensation of your tongue wetting her cock and you decide to ignore her sensitive tip for now, kissing her base and the faint veins there. 
Kafka swallows, her hips softly thrusting further into your mouth, and she hums again, a little too long for it to have been intentional. Her eyelids are lowered and you can see the restraint in her expression when you look up to meet her eyes. She nods absentmindedly, then seems to remember that the other person can’t see her and that she actually has to reply.
“Yeah, we—” You apply some pressure on her cock at the same time your lips wrap around her head and suck hard, and Kafka pauses to swallow a moan even as she guides her dick deeper into your mouth with the hand on your head. “We should… Yeah…”
Your eyes close at the feeling of her cock filling your mouth, the weight of her familiar and arousing. You feel your own arousal dampen your underwear. Your tongue tastes salt when it swipes over her length and you use a hand to stroke what can’t fit in your mouth, 
“Mmm… Sure…” Kafka is rapidly losing interest in whatever is being said. Her breaths quicken, though she’s good at keeping them inaudible. You can tell the exact moment she decides that her need is more important than this phone call; her fingers burrow into your hair and pull harshly to separate your mouth from her cock, and you whine open-mouthed, a string of saliva stretching thinly between your tongue and her tip. “Yeah, whatever— Silver Wolf, I’ll have to call you back.”
Kafka doesn’t wait for a reply. She hangs up the call and tosses her phone on the couch before looking down at you with a dark smile that holds a thousand filthy promises. Her hands cup your cheeks, the touch deceivingly tender. 
“Since you’re so impatient…” Her thumbs stroke your skin and she arches towards your face, a command on her lips, “open your mouth wider for me, baby.”
You obey almost immediately. Without the need to bite back her reactions, Kafka groans low in her throat as you take her into your warm, tight mouth once more. She holds your head where you are and fucks your face instead, hips thrusting her cock deeper until you feel the tip brush the back of your throat. You can only stare up at her and let her use your mouth to build the pleasure buried deep in her belly, delighting in all the way her features twist and twitch. Mind a little hazy, Kafka thrusts deeper and your eyes begin to sting with unshed tears from how big she is. Your hands grip her thighs tightly. Her muscles twitch, her pre-cum fills your mouth, and you squeeze your thighs together knowing she’s close. Her groans and raspy moans are music to your ears and serve only to heighten your desire to have her come in your mouth. Kafka’s hips lose their steady rhythm, growing more desperate and eager, and with a long moan, you feel her cum hit the back throat in hot spurts. You’re forced to swallow and breathe heavily through your nose, a couple of tears falling from your lashes and running down your cheeks. You moan around her cock, sucking her thick head to coax more out of her. Her hold on your hair is tight, there’s a pleasant pulsing in your ears as Kafka regains composure and slowly inches out of your mouth. 
Her lips are parted, her pupils are blown, and she brings a thumb up to the corner of your lips to wipe the trickle of cum sliding down your skin. Kafka uses her other hand to wipe away the tears gathered on your cheeks. Her low voice drips with self-assurance, a bit strained at the edges, and she smiles smugly at the mess she’s already made of you.
“Crying already?...” She chuckles, eyes narrowing. “I'm not quite done with you yet. For this cute little stunt you pulled, I’ll fucking ruin you.”
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Kinktober (reuploaded)
Breeding (Chris)
Request: Baby fever with Chris I BEG YOU/omg when you write breeding Chris can you add Y/N saying she wants to have a baby with such pretty blue eyes like Chris
Warnings: Talk of pregnancy, breeding obviously, soft/slow sex
Y/n’s pov
Chris and I have been dating since we were 17 but I’ve known him and his brothers since we were 4 years old. From the moment we started dating, our families always joked saying we’d get married one day. Well, that was a future reality, since Chris had proposed to me in May of this year. Even though we’ve only been engaged for a few months and we’re only 20, I would love to start a family with him. We had this conversation the other day with Nick and Matt, for some reason the topic was babies and Chris was ecstatic.
“I want like four or five babies! I can’t wait until Y/n gets pregnant, she’s gonna be so cute with our baby in her belly” he smiled, poking me in the stomach. “Ow Chris don’t do that. We do have baby fever though” I laughed as Nick grimaced. “I hate babies and I hate children” he said, Matt smacked him, “Oh shut up Nick you know when they have a baby you’re gonna be the cool gay uncle” he laughed. “I’m not changing diapers” Nick grimaced again, “I wanna make Y/n fat and pregnant” Chris beamed happily.
That was like five days ago, today we were having a lazy day, we lived in the guest house behind Matt and Nick’s. They got it built after hearing me and Chris fuck too many times, but still, it was a nice gesture and we get to still live with them basically. “Would you really have babies with me?” I asked Chris as I cuddled up to his side. “I’d love nothing more than to get you fat and pregnant. Our babies would look so cute” I could literally hear the smile in his voice. I pulled away and sat up against the headboard, Chris doing the same right after, looking at me with a big smile.
“Our kids can’t call me daddy though, that would be fucking weird” he laughed, causing me to smack his chest. “They could call my parents Mimi and Papa, and yours Grammy and Pop-Pop. Those sound so cute!” I gushed. “My dad would love Pop-Pop” Chris laughed again. “You know what I would love?” I asked, earning a small hum for me to continue, “I’d love for the baby to have your pretty blue eyes and gorgeous pink lips” I told him as my eyes shifted between the two, Chris doing the same to me. “Yeah?” he asked breathlessly against my lips, “Yeah” I said back in the same way.
Chris leaned in and softly pressed his lips against mine, moving us to lay back. “Let’s make that blue-eyed baby right now! You’re off birth control right?” he asked softly, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “Yes, now let’s make that baby” I smiled, placing a passionate kiss to his lips, after a few minutes, Chris pulled away. He took off his shirt and sweats before pushing my shirt up to see my stomach. “You’re gonna look so good pregnant. Can’t wait to put a baby in your belly” he said while kissing all over my stomach.
“Chris— babe please hurry!” “Sorry, I’m just so excited to have a kid with you” he blushed hard. Chris pulled my shirt over my head before taking off both our underwear, running two fingers through my folds. “So wet already- can we just go straight into softly fucking?” he asked breathlessly, “God, yes” I whined back. Chris slowly slid in and started thrusting fairly fast right away, not too fast though. I pulled him down for another kiss and we let breathless moans out into it, having both a passionate kiss and sex. I was running my fingers through his hair softly while the other held onto the side of his jaw.
One of Chris’ hands moved down to my clit, rubbing it quickly. Pulling away from the kiss, he started talking, “This is like the slowest sex we’ve ever had but— shit! This is gonna be the fastest I’ve ever cum, want you to cum for me princess” he said lowly. I let out a few loud moans before I started cumming, “Oh fuck Chris, so good babe. Want you to cum in me” I moaned. Chris hid his head in my neck, whining as he came in me, pumping into me a few more times before pulling out. He immediately moved down to finger his cum into me, not wanting any to spill out.
“Can’t believe we’re going to have a baby” he said excitedly, kissing all over my stomach. “They’re going to have the prettiest blue eyes, just like their dad” I smiled while playing with his hair. “God, I love you so much Y/n!” he said, looking at the pretty engagement ring on my finger. “I love you so much more” I replied as we both cuddled up with each other and drifted off to sleep, hoping we’d have a happy little family soon.
<<< 12 months later>>>
A few months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Chris was ecstatic to find out he was going to have a son. He does, in fact, have Chris’ pretty blue eyes, he’s so tiny but you can already tell he has his dads nose as well. We named him Nolan Cole Sturniolo, Chris is literally the best dad ever, he helps me with everything. Matt and Nick are so excited that they’re uncles now, Matt always offers to babysit him so me and Chris can go on date nights. I wonder if he’ll be confused when he grows up, having a dad and two uncles who look exactly the same and all. Anyways I’m very happy with our little family.
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satocidal · 11 months
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𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ “Stacey’s Mom has got it going on” — Gojo Satoru
Synopsis: You can’t help eyeing your daughter’s pretty boyfriend when he’s just so sweet, and he can’t help himself either when you’re the best he would ever find.
— word count: 4.2k
— A/n: idk if this qualifies as dc (I don’t think so) but it has like, idk age gap and cheating concepts so take care
— warnings: smut!! MDNI!! Age gap (Gojo is 20 and you’re bordering late 30s); cheating; sort of asshole representative? But how else would something like this work; hair pulling; body worshipping; oral (f! Receiving); dub-con (slightly?); Satoru is a shit boyfriend to your daughter; hinted domestic abuse; mentions of scars; almost subby! Satoru? (There’s no definite concept of who’s dominant- and if satoru then a lot of soft dom); slight spitting; riding; simultaneous orgasm
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21-7, Shinjuku 3-chome, Shinjyuku, Tokyo.
He had the address memorised, down to the number of windows in your house and the exact shade of the monotonous white your husband had deemed “minimalist”.
19 he was now, you stood at an elegant 37—arriving in the vicinity at an estimated 5 years ago, your husband’s property, he’d guessed.
Gojo Satoru was 14 when he first saw you, puberty making its way into the young boy’s mind—you did none but encourage the certain downfall in the way you tapped his cheek when he offered to help you in carrying the many bags.
Over the years, Satoru saw you a lot, and also, didn’t at all.
Satoru saw you in the afternoon haze, dealing with the heat—staring obnoxiously when you took off your floral shirts, standing in front of him in those tight leggings and tank tops—but he also saw you at times that you didn’t know about.
And when he didn’t see you physically, you were present on his mind.
At least up until his 18th birthday, you knew of his presence when he would come to meet you.
What had begun as an innocent tap on his cheek for being adorable had developed into an innocent friendship on your accords, smiling wide every few months when he would zoom past your house on his cycle.
The routine was simple then, left-right-right-left, 15 minutes of a way from his house, and there he would be, at your gate—somehow always when you had grocery to carry.
The routine was simple now too, 11 p.m. he would sneak out of his dorm room, a smirk on his face as he used his infinity—making his way into your house, all so quietly, to watch your pretty face as you slept—sometimes even snickering when he caught you being fucked by your husband, snickering at that bored expression on your face, knowing just how much better he could treat you.
He’d never been inside however, general courtesy to be shown, not as a kid—never yet as an adult.
Back then you’d giggled when a 17 year old Gojo had brought his shy friend to meet you, both their cycles parked outside your house as you tended to their boyish smirks, he doubted you’d giggle knowing that the same friend, Geto, was the one he sent your pictures to when he found you sleeping.
But Satoru wasn’t dumb, he knew you’d realise at some point and so, he did what he had to.
In his head, it was all your fault too, so oblivious to everything that he had to choose the second best, your daughter.
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“I know she’s like hot and what not but you gotta let her go dude,” Suguru’s voice was a drag—partially dry from all the alcohol he’d consumed.
Satoru’s 20th birthday was approaching, a week left, the celebrations of course had to last a month.
Satoru chuckled beside his best friend—almost wasted he noted—“it’s not like I wanna fuck her or something,” he grinned, he knew wanted to, he knew he possibly couldn’t, “it’s just, I could treat her so much better you know? That stupid little house-”
Suguru smirked, “-don’t bring money into it you pervert,” his eyes bore into his best friend’s, “her daughter ain’t that bad ya know,”
Satoru snorted at that, “which is exactly why I went for her too,”
Just at that, Geto snorted too—mindlessly, shamelessly, both of them.
Slow, both their eyes panned onto Satoru’s phone, ‘my love’ the screen flashed, Suguru snorted again, “Ironic,”
With a roll of his eyes and a short smirk, he shook his head—knowing she’d only be calling because she was needy, at least that’s all he remembered her to be.
“Mmhmm baby, gonna drop by in half an hour yeah? Yeah, yeah, miss you too, bye,”
He always sounded sweet- that was what your daughter rambled about, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest guy ever, and you were glad mostly, a little jealous? You weren’t sure.
It just wasn’t something you ever had.
As Satoru got up to leave though—“you ever let your girl go though, hit me up alright?”
Satoru eyed his best friend with a grin- that was something he could do—“have our own fucked up family eh?”
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“Satoru?” You smiled, “long time honey,”
‘For you’, he thought, smiling smugly, “I keep you in well wishes all the time so, not so much Ma’am,”
You chuckled at his words—ever the gentleman he’d been, “that’s adorable, is that how you charmed my daughter too?”
His heart ached at that—only a little however, no, it was all only for you, all the charm—all for his only woman.
Thoughts flashed onto his own girlfriend, he remembered the night well—it wasn’t much, her 16th birthday, he’d just turned 17 too— he’d dropped by, getting you those medicines you’d requested a week or so ago—they were only found near his vicinity, he could only oblige.
Curiosity often killed ended up killing the cat.
He’d racked his brain, he thought of it for endless nights—he didn’t want to accept it, not so easily, not when you made it seem simple.
Each of what you’d asked him to get was a pain killer.
He’d disliked your husband before, but since after, he was sure he hated him.
That night, he’d sat outside your house with your daughter, she was smoking—he was used to it, he hated the smell.
“Aren’t you too young to be smoking?” He’d teased, exactly how he used to Suguru and Shoko—except she didn’t entertain the jokes, never had, never would.
However, before a mean retort could fall off of her lips, a crash sounded all too loud.
Not accidental, Satoru knew that.
He was quick to get up, he was no hero, but his life be sworn if he let you suffer such—a hand held him back.
“Don’t get into it,” she warned, your daughter did.
He didn’t, it wasn’t his place to.
Your husband cheated that night, as he had countlessly, your daughter found her first boyfriend—you wept that night, Satoru’s heart did too.
“Can’t lie I keep a special bank reserved for my uh…mature ladies,” a wink he passed, he made you feel young, alive.
A shake of a head you passed and a knowing laugh.
You noted his lingering gaze, the bruise on your forearm ever present, never you said a word- never him.
The silence engulfing and nauseating.
“Your uh,” his words were rough, “anniversary yeah? Round the corner isn’t it?”
You giggled, almost as if it mattered, “So he remembers? And your own, isn’t it?” A look of slight confusion masked your face, he grinned, “a week after yours, it’s my birthday though, on the same day that is, you always mess it up,”
An apologetic smile you passed this time around, “why, I’m sorry, let me make up by baking you a pie honey?”
A thin smile adorned his face—shaking his head, he ushered you back in, waiting patiently for your daughter to bounce back, to remind him of his reality.
But just as you did turn, “wait, by the way,” his eyes lay stuck upon the bruises you didn’t care to hide, “how’re things going?”
His eyes gazed upon the sheer material of your shirt, “how’s…Mr Y/l/n?”
Almost a sneer, as if, you stared, “perfectly fine, Toru—how’re things with Y/d/n?”
He stared blankly this time around—“perfectly fine Ma’am.”
“Pass me the lighter,”
Satoru stared at his best friend’s outstretched hands—your daughter’s pretty smile as she handed him hers—the same smile that had intrigued Satoru to even look at her, the only feature on her face that resembled you.
“What are your plans for the anniversary?” The words registered in Satoru’s ears—he wasn’t sure who the speaker was, he didn’t exactly care, “I could help around your house,” a mutter, as if unsure to why—but certain that he wanted to.
Cocked brows looked at him confused, “…isn’t it your 20th birthday though?”
He nodded.
“Who wastes their 20th birthday helping around random houses?” Suguru’s tone was almost annoyed, as if he knew—or could’ve guessed why.
Satoru’s girlfriend laughed, “You know he’s screwed a little right? Can’t stop him if he doesn’t want to,”
Satoru nodded again—it gutted him onto how well she bothered to know him—and yet, he perhaps didn’t even bother knowing her favourites most of the time.
“No no,” head shaking, a grimace fell onto Suguru’s face, “pretty boy here can do whatever he wants,” a knowing look they both passed—“but 20s don’t happen again, go big or go home,”
Satoru chuckled, of course he had it all planned out, “I’m going big and going home,”
Another charming smile, another wink—just something you couldn’t become a fool too.
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A slight frown rested on your lips, “You sure hon? You don’t have to waste your evening like this…”
It was almost motherly, the way you showed concern—in ways Satoru had barely experienced.
He scoffed, “Time well spent is never wasted,”
“You’re going to mow a lawn baby,” you chuckled, “y/d/n isn’t home either- you know her sleepover- I don’t see how-”
“-anything to please and help you is almost the best kind of work I could do,” you’d have smiled usually, at his words—a tiny flirt you always deemed him—laughing about it to your husband, even though he barely cared.
You didn’t care of it either, an empty marriage, so be it—hollowed from both ends, slow.
But this time, this was different.
This time you’d perhaps bask in his help—no husband to taunt by complimenting little Satoru, no daughter to tease by complimenting little Satoru.
Satoru wasn’t all so little, you realised—your daughter and husband weren’t home—just you, Satoru and his praises.
6 p.m. — 7 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Satoru didn’t remember a time to the when he’d done all so much work for his own mother- but he was content, with a pair of earphones and a creative little mind, he was intent to impress you.
It amused him, to actually how big of a lawn you actually did have—and he wondered at the almost pristine look of it if you managed it yourself.
Even if you did, he would be your helping hand now—he grinned ear to ear as he thought the countless many scenarios.
‘Desperate’ , a little voice in his head called—“my pretty good boy” your voice, the one you used in his thoughts, fought away all doubts.
But all to quick his train of thoughts paused, “you missed a spot there Toru’”
And most of the time, he’d be pissed on to anyone who dared to correct him—with you he’d nod obediently and carry on—but normally, even your normally, you didn’t step out in front of him in just a small, pretty pink towel wrapped around you.
Satoru Gojo had pretty eyes, a decent imagination too—he’d thought about you plenty of times.
Naked, spread open, on your knees, having him between your knees—many and every and any position but absolutely nothing could’ve compared to the way seeing you covered just enough—in a small towel got him hard.
Satoru Gojo had pretty eyes and for a second they were wide as saucers.
His eyes panned onto the spot you pointed at—he had indeed missed a spot—he nodded slowly.
The music rang in his ears—
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
Stacy's mom has got it goin' on
“I’ll get to it, going for a bath?”
It shouldn’t have been that casual—him asking you your schedule such—you let it be so.
“It’s getting late, want to stay the night? And yeah—yeah, a bath,”
Stay the night.
There the offer lay and his temptation—he watched the careless way you held the towel, all so small that decency was the only thing that stopped him from staring shamelessly at your exposed thigh.
“I don’t know-”
An attempt, simply a stupid attempt to save him and you—“-I insist and what song is that?”
He stared blankly, “Stacey’s mom,”
“How I love that song,”
Of course you did- he watched you walk away as the song continued playing.
Stacy, do you remember when I mowed your lawn?
Your mom came out with just a towel on
I could tell she liked me from the way she stared
And the way she said
"You missed a spot over there"
Down the drain, his character, perhaps yours—then relationships you’d held, everything.
Another nod.
“I’m staying the night Suguru,”
An eye roll, an obnoxiously pitched questionnaire, “The fuck? It’s your damn birthday tomorrow—why did you make me get that damn cake?”
Jaw clenched, he stared at the recently mowed lawn—10:00 p.m.
It was too late.
“Better get a taste of her damn pussy if you’re staying the night fucker,”
Satoru shook his head, a smile, “Shut up, talk about her nicely,”
“I’ll talk to her nicely when your girlfriend talks to me nicely when I’m dicking her down, really got yourself a brat huh?”
The smirk was evident in his tone- Satoru wanted to feel betrayed, he couldn’t.
“You’re such a bloody fucker,” he muttered through, “Take care of her,”
“Always have—you take care of her damn mom,”
And he always had too.
10:15 p.m.
He found it simply, weird, that you were in the shower all so long—shaving?
It was your anniversary tomorrow, a loyal wife, a good wife—you’d present yourself well—he thought.
He wasn’t entirely wrong either, was he?
Foggy, your bathroom mirrors stood as you prepared yourself just right, shaven smooth—a guilty heart panged in your chest.
You watched the many scars lingered upon your body, natural, provided—all yours and you doubted it, doubted the mere fact that Satoru would even think about touching you the way you fantasised.
It was wrong—just a fortnight ago and he was the sweet boy you used to adore and having by, just a week ago he was the boyfriend of your daughter that made your relationship all the more insecure, just tonight he was growing into his age.
Head hung back, you stared at the ceiling- so wrong and so right.
Almost melancholic, your train of thoughts was, and his too as he sat by the window of your room—“Please clean these windows too,” you’d said with a smile, breasts pushed together as you held your hand in front of you—the little pink towel did nothing, you knew that.
His hard-on was obvious, you’d had that effect on guys all the time—but then, maybe it wasn’t for you, maybe he just saw the sight and it reminded him of- maybe-
“God~ fuck-!”
Your ears perked up, maybe that was a moan.
Not maybe, it was—it was all too certain a breathy moan.
And before the better judgement was to be passed, there you were, the pink towel wrapped around all the more perversely as you twisted the knob of the door—entering your room to the prettiest sight in a while that you’d seen.
Eyes all so wide, the ministrations came to an immediate halt—“Mrs- Mrs- I- shit,”
You watched him scramble about, struggling to get the pants that he’d pulled down to his ankles, back in place—pale cheeks tinted with the embarrassment he held-“I’ll leave right now,” and you knew your figure standing about, almost naked, did not help.
A giggle you passed, “Satoru, it’s fine baby, what’re you so embarrassed about?”
That, he didn’t expect, neither did you.
A low ‘huh’ dropped from his mouth,a hardened cock hanging out for you to ogle at.
“Yes I mean,” you continued, slowly moving towards him, “it’s all…natural isn’t it? You’re a big boy now too,” your voice was sweet as honey, pulling him, reeling him in.
He watched, estranged, as you swayed your hips, moving in, pulling him—pushing him and there he lay in your bed.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
“Tell me Satoru,” you whispered, nimble fingers grasping the hem that covered you—“are you all grown up? Still my big boy?”
A silent nod, your towel fell.
A smile etched across your face as you saw his mouth widen-“l-like what you see?”
A slight stutter, you were nervous too—just as him.
And it was entirely a surprise to you then, when his were the hands that grasped your hips rough—flipping the both of you over so he was on top.
Lips attached to your neck—his hands ran wild as they explored every bit of you—“So much, so so much, you’re gorgeous,”
Frenzied moans, hefty touches—it was almost as he’d been dying to touch you—and he had.
His lips moved fast—faster than his fingers, moving across every inch of you—a slight tingle you felt as wet and sloppy kisses he left across your shoulder blades, your hands tugging at the white tuft of his hair.
“So soft,” he murmured against your skin— “so fuckin pretty,” he was skillfull, almost, in the way he managed to completely disregard your needs in the moment.
Not a single brush of his fingers or crotch against your pussy—a tease.
You wanted to cry, pleasure hit you hard—and in the way he lingered seconds too long upon every scar that your husband had given you, at every bruise that you held—in the way he handled you so carefully, not as if you were fragile but as if you were his desire personified.
“Tell me, Satoru,” you snickered, at the breathy moans he let out, “how long have you waited for this,”
“Forever,” he breathed out—the crystal blue eyes finally met you then, “God forbid I just- please, please let me?” A whine he let out still, so desperate.
“Always this needy hm?”
He shook his head fast, “Only for you,”
And you knew that just there he was begging all so easily.
“Please- ple-ase,” his voice was a drag, as if afraid that he’d lose this moment all so soon, “please let me…let me touch you- feel you,”
A twinkle in your eye, “if you’re good, yeah?”
He bobbed his head at that- “on your knees for me baby,”
And that he did, so obedient, “Show me how much you’ve yearned,”
It was a dynamic, if anything—you held the control surely, and you lay naked too—sprawled out as your head rested upon the pillows steadily, his between the plush of your thighs.
An airy gasp you let out as you felt him spit upon it, “fuck you’re glistening,” he whined, “So wet from just the thought of me?”
You felt his fingers spread your folds out, he felt so cold against the warmth of your pussy, “Didn’t even need me to spit huh? But had to mark you didn’t I? Remind you that I am the one who gets you this way- has your husband ever gotten you this way huh?”
His words seemed almost feral, a growl with every word as he kept lowering his head— he focused upon your clit.
Your legs lay spread wide open for him, one his hands resting upon your thigh, rubbing soft soothing circles—while the hand finger fucked you.
His finger slipped in so easily, a groan both of you let out together, “so fucking warm I- your pussy’s pratically begging to be ruined,”
You squirmed at his words—already dumb at the way his middle and ring finger pumped inside of you,
“More please,” you moaned out, “need more,”
A smirk he held as he lowered his lips, nipping at your pussy lips, “More what Ma’am? More of what hm?”
A loud whine you let out at his word- “Fuck Toru’ not tonight, please just touch me—want you,”
Enough encouragement, in fact it was all he needed before landing his tongue flat upon your clit, swiping it back and forth upon the little nub.
“Scream my name please,” rough hands pulled at your legs—resisting you from closing your legs—“Arch your back and scream my name, let your neighbours know I’m the one in your silly fucked marriage that gets you so worked up and not that fucker,”
His words barely registered in your head—thrashing at the liable pleasure he held onto you, “Sh-it Toru’ I- right there! Yes please,”
He grinned as he looked up at your face briefly, before diving right back in, suckling at your hardened clit as his fingers prepared your cunt to be ruined by his cock.
“God I should film you being so needy for me,” another groan as his tongue lapped upon your core—“should teach em how to please the perfection you are,”
You whimpered at his words, eyes rolling back at the way he provided just the right kind of pressure- until you weren’t.
A loud whine and groan as he pulled out of your cunt, he grinned, “Want you to cum on my cock when you do — wanna feel you clamp down hard,”
You looked into his eyes, hesitant? Neither of you.
“Taste yourself,” and before you could pull away, shoved into your mouth were his two fingers as you sucked onto it—“Fuckin’ delicious,” he muttered as he pulled away the fingers too.
Needy, he wanted you needy.
Slow, he moved about, rising about and pulling you with him as he kissed your arms—“someday, I’ll leave such pretty marks on you, those are the ones you deserve,”
You bit your lips hard- he did too, as you straddled his lap—“please,” he whimpered and you giggled, “how many times do you think about this?”
All the time.
Any and everytime he was alone, just you on his cock bouncing to chase your euphoria.
You cupped his face as you stared at him, such a pretty innocent look he held—you grinned devilishly as you lined your entrance upon his tip.
"yeah. 'think about it a lot. want you to use me, please, just have me. i'm y — ohhh god, oh fuck me, y-yes please — fuck i'm yours!" his words, bound to be a mess now that you've lowered yourself to meet level with his cock.
It throbbed inside you, it looked so pretty, when you imagined sucking on it— with that curve you always felt pressing against your walls when he would be balls deep inside your pussy- just as now.
“Tell me Toru,” you but down in your lips hard, red, “how many times do you think?”
He gulped hard as he watched you move, unable to hold himself as your warmth spread all over his cock, “J-just some- sometimes, when I- I miss you, when I c-can’t get enou- oh god- can’t get enough,”
He moaned softly, head fallen aback and eyes shut close as you rode him slow, rolling your hips—it took your all to just not give in and fuck yourself dunb over his cock.
“In the shower…after- after practice,”
You giggled at his words, oh how you felt like a filthy girl in the moment, “all sweaty and dirty? Think bout fuckin me in shower?”
“Yeah…” his voice lay a rasp, “think bout you when I’m alone,”
Your words, actions—he was dizzy with pleasure, legs squirming beneath you—toes curling in pleasure and hips stuttering as he reeled in for more.
“Think of you when I fuck your daughter too,” and just at that he thrusted harshly into you, gripping your hips as he moved you fast—“you’re too slow,” he grunted.
A low moan escaped you at his words—him too.
You didn’t care.
"d-you think of me too, when- when you can’t touch it? When it- it d-doesn’t feel right?" his question almost sounded innocent, eager to hear your response.
"Course’ i do. think about my pretty boy all the time. i miss this cock so bad sometimes, 'can't get off the same with any of my toys."
He groaned at that—you could feel him twitching inside you.
11:55 p.m.
You weren’t sure when or how you lost all that time- it didn’t matter.
It was your anniversary in 5 minutes and his birthday.
Your hands grabbed his face and pulled him close—your boobs thrusted into his face, “cum with me ok? Hold on just a pretty while yeah?”
Your words were a lullaby to him, he nodded mindlessly, attaching his lips onto your nipples, swiping his tongue over your nipples.
Your soaking cunt engulfed his cock as you bounced upon it, head hung back as you chased your high—his hands kneaded your skin—one pinching your nipples while the other massaged your ass.
If you could, you’d have seen the adoration in his eyes as you fucked your self onto him—breathy moans and shy grunts, the smell of your sex wafted through the air.
Just another minute.
“S-So good to me-” He stutters, nails latching onto your skin to bounce you more aggressively on his cock as his flustered state slowly dissipates.
So close, both of you—a babbling mess underneath you,Satoru was purely pussy drunk—and just like that, the clock strung 12:00 a.m.
You both drew each other’s orgasm.
You stay there on top of him for a second, panting and heaving you both lay—nuzzling as his fingers drew circles on the small of your back.
Circles, you weren’t aware, those circles were actually his name crafted carefully upon your skin for he knew you were finally his.
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“You good?”
A slight smile on your face as you asked him, he lay beside you in your bed—“Happy Birthday Toru,”
“Best birthday I’ve had,”
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
— Taglist: @illogicallyx @rizzmin @immurrsed @bbytamaki @abitoldschool
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leclsrc · 10 months
congrats on 5k!!! :0
if you feel so inclined… charles and prompt 14 or 17 from the nsfw list please? :)
on the way – cl16
(tipsy sex & marking) Charles can usually control himself better than this.
auds here... i cheated! it's not tipsy sex per se... but there r MANY smut references so i hope u enjoy it nonetheless!!!!
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+ because... male masturbation, mentions of penetrative/handjob sex (f receiving), oral sex (m receiving), charles & reader are in an undefined (implied fwb/fuck buddy) relationship
You said you’d try to hide them.
Granted, he thinks to himself, there was a clear attempt—semi-opaque patches of your most expensive concealer, dabbed with precision over the darkened blotches of love on your throat and the slightly lighter one on the protrusion of your left collarbone. But it’s not enough, the purples still filtering through like moonlight through thick blinds. Like last night, in his hotel room, when you’d whimpered his name through a strained voice, begged for more.
And you’re giggling, muffling an angelic laugh into the heel of your palm, into the same little hand that’d been wrapped around his cock less than twenty-four hours ago. Beside you, Lissie is digging her elbow into your waist to tease, but your eyes meet his and you seem to possess no ounce of regret. 
No regret over having to leave the room at the crack of dawn, exchanging sloppy kisses in lieu of a formal goodbye. No regret over waking up to a self-set alarm instead of sleeping in, feeling Charles’ fingers already at your thighs. Just give me one, angel, he groaned out, feeling your cunt gush around him. No regret there at all.
So? He can hear Lissie’s impatience from metres away. He watches you another minute, watches you sweep your waved hair over your shoulder to try and hide them in the shadow, then turns to respond to something Pierre is saying. He can’t suppress his own smirk when he listens to her follow-up question. Who left those marks?
He retires to an empty hotel room, thinks of shooting you a text but thinks better after a split second. Thinks worse after a split of Scotch, thumb hovering over the send button on your text thread, which is always composed of the same shit: room numbers, times, greenlights. He thought it’d be easier to have this whole arrangement, considering it was his idea—but God, when he sees you, it’s like something in him just changes.
And tonight, when you’d worn that black dress, thin straps showing the remnants of your tan from over the summer. He wonders how insane he must’ve been to think he wouldn’t need you all the time. Wonders how much more of this he can take before he goes insane again. He wasn’t always this needy, was he? It’s you, he thinks, that’s the only explanation.
Your scent, sweet and natural, your eyes, the way they blink up at him when you’re on your knees, your lips, your body, everything. He sneaks a glance at his crotch, his hard-on thick under his jeans from the conjured memory of you alone. He feels himself get harder, thoughts running more rampant—last night, when you’d been so wet for him, so needy. 
His mind pleasantly hazed out, he tugs his cock out and wraps his hand around the head, giving himself a few slow strokes. His hand’s so rough, so big—a contrast from yours, so much smaller your fingertips fail to meet around the girth of him. He tries to imagine that, then your lips, the perfect full curve of them wrapped around him, staying still so he can fuck into them. You’re addictive, he thinks, murmuring your name as he speeds up his pace.
If it’s genuinely something, or if it’s just plain lust—Charles could care less at this moment.
At this moment, actually, he’s positive this is just thick, intense lust, a near craving to fold you in half and stretch you open around his dick. His hand moves faster, harder, and he thinks finally of the way you moan his name—high, needy, damp against his ear—and he opens his eyes and pants, watching his spend leak out of him.
Yeah, he needs you to come over.
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ofsappho · 1 year
Summertime Sadness (part 1)
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Second chance romance, heavy angst, hurt/very little comfort
Later’s better than never… right?
Ten years ago, Simon and you met at the same therapeutic boarding school. You fought, he said some shit, he left. He thought he’d never see you again.
Until one day, a hospital calls and informs him that you’ve listed him as your emergency contact.
(title from the song by Lana Del Rey)
Tags: mental illness, abuse, addiction, self harm, suicidality/suicidal ideation/suicide attempts, angsty shit in general, Ghost being very mean as a fucked up 17 year old boy
There’s an old battered flip phone he hides in the back of his locker wherever he’s deployed. Ghost doesn’t turn it on all that often. Everyone who knows the number is dead.
But sometimes he does, just to stare at the contacts and click through the photos and remember what it was like to talk to them.
Today is one of those days.
He can only take so much talk from his team about families, friends, dogs waiting back home, and pretty girls before feeling the urge to break things.
So he excuses himself to hide in the bathroom like a fucking pussy and takes the phone with him. Simon can pretend he’s waiting for his own phone call from people who love him for a few minutes. Then he promises himself that he’ll put it away and not touch it for another six months.
It takes forever to power on. It’s still janky from the last time Ghost threw it at a wall, it seems.
One (1) missed call.
They left a voicemail.
His fingers shake as he listens to it.
There’s a long, tinny beep. “Hi, Mr. Riley, I’m…” A woman says in a rushed, businesslike manner. “I’m one of the nurses at-“ Ghost hears a bustle of background noise; faint murmurs, emergency sirens, doors sliding open and shut. “…Hospital. I’m calling because a friend of yours,” The nurse says your name. A name he hasn’t thought about in years. “…Put you down as her emergency contact when we admitted her to our psychiatric inpatient ward. Unfortunately, she did not provide us with anyone else. Please give me a call back at this number if you’d like to speak with her.” Click.
Ghost starts packing an overnight bag before he even realizes it.
Then he’s on a plane.
“I hate you.”
You’re crying as you run after him in the forest. He speeds up, trying to lose you in the trees. “Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Simon. I’ll never bring it up again.” Snot covers your upper lip and your eyes are bright with tears.
He hates this fucking place. He hates this fucking school, the kilometers of wilderness separating him from his life because the fucking shrinks think he’s crazy. He hates you for trying to keep him here.
And just when Simon was about to fly the coop, you spilled the beans. “Leave me the fuck alone. Never, ever, ever talk to me again,” He barks, stopping abruptly and turning to loom over you.
When you reach for his hand, he slaps you away. “But you promised you wouldn’t leave-“ You end up on the ground, the pine needles biting into your bare knees as if Simon shoved you.
That makes him angrier. You’re too soft for a world like this. You’re practically begging for someone to hurt you again, someone like him, with your vulnerability and open, bleeding heart. Well, he’ll fucking oblige. You’re not strong like you think you are. You’re the weakest person he knows, and weakness is something Simon could never respect.
“I lied. I fucking lied, you dumb bitch. Didn’t you realize it?” Simon snarls, wishing desperately he’d never let you befriend him on his first day at this therapeutic program.
You're sunshine and innocence and friendship bracelets, the kind of girl who will always be a victim because this world devours little girls like you. Simon is nothing like you. Simon is a survivor. A warrior. Simon is steel where you are china.
Your American accent is almost as unbearable as your pathetic weeping. “…What?” Your bottom lip wobbles.
Hopefully this will teach you a lesson about tattling. Nobody likes a snitch. “Forever doesn’t fucking exist. You were the only tolerable person in this shithole, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to be friends forever. What are you, a fucking infant? God, you’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass.” If anything, Simon is letting you off easy. You told the counselor things Simon told you in confidence about his dad because you were ‘afraid for his safety.’
But you just don’t get it. Simon can’t spend another day here. And the longer he stays, the angrier his dad will get. You just earned him another week of shit and black eyes.
“Newsflash. People lie. Everyone’s been lying to you. Nobody likes you, not even your mum. And I can’t stand you. You were useful, but I don’t need you anymore. I’m better,” Simon hisses as cruelly as he can, using every blade in his arsenal to cut at the sensitive parts of you where he knows you’ll bleed. Just like you did when you told.
You’re only stuck in this place because your mum left you here. You don’t have anyone, not like he does. He has Tommy and his mum. He has a future. You’ve got absolutely fucking nothing.
“I was just trying to help.”
“I’m getting out of here. I don’t need your help. I’d tell you to keep it, but it wouldn’t even help you.” Simon pauses. You’ve stopped crying. Good. A crying fox is easy prey for the hunting dogs. “They won't believe you. And you wanna know why?” It feels good to be the hunter instead of the fox for once. You make excellent prey.
“‘Cause I told them the truth. That you’re an obsessed freak who’s hyper fixated on me and you’d do anything to keep me here. That you’re a sick, compulsive liar and that you’re the one who’s a danger to herself, not me.”
You fall silent. Finally, blessed silence. You look up at Simon with glazed eyes and a still tongue. He feels better. Good, even.
“Goodbye. I hope I never see you again,” Simon says flatly.
You picked a good place to get yourself locked up in. This is one of the nicest hospitals Ghost has been in recently. Shiny floors, no dirt caking the walls. New York City puts Kabul and Moscow to shame.
He’s wearing a plain black balaclava. Nothing identifying or particularly memorable. This is going to be a short visit. Ghost will see what you want and then leave. That’s it.
You look tired, exhausted to the very bone.
None of the shiny pinkness that drew Ghost to you in the beginning when you were fifteen and he was seventeen. None of the glow, the round cheeks, the wide doe eyes.
There’s dark circles chiseled into your face, so dark he almost thinks they’re bruises. A couple of IV bags run through a drip hidden under bandages covering your arms from wrist to elbow. Your eyes are as quiet as you are. A couple of marbles would be more lively. You look almost like a doll forgotten in a corner.
The nurse gave Ghost the run-down as she guided him to your bed. Police picked you up on a bridge trying to off yourself. Your fifth time this year. Unless you show some real improvement, the doctors will recommend an indefinite hospitalization.
You’ve been busy in the decade of his absence. Multiple addictions, more attempts than he can count, and some small stints in jail. A list of disorders he wouldn’t know how to pronounce. And nobody left to call.
Is this his fault?
When Ghost rounds the corner, you smile like he should be proud of you. “You came,” You say.
I have absolutely no business starting a new fic. Absolutely none. Idk. I have brainrot. No clue when this will be updated. But here, have it.
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maddiethedogstories · 1 month
Hide and Seek
"16... 17... 18... 19... 20! Ready or not, here I come, silly girl!"
Carmen kept crouched as low as possible in her hiding spot behind the blinds behind the couch. She tried to move as little as possible both to keep the blinds from moving and to keep the crinkling of her bulky disposable diaper from giving her position away. Carmen, a beautiful, 28-year-old partner in a boutique law firm, needed to remain hidden for the next 30 minutes. She didn't think she could handle the consequences if she didn't.
Carmen's home life hadn't always been like this--filled with diapers, onesies, and children's games. Just six months ago, her life was like a dream. She was married to an amazing man, Andrew. Both she and Andrew worked good paying, professional jobs. They didn't have kids to drain away their money and time. Plus, with more than a little help from their parents, they had both avoided student debt. With a surplus of money and time, Carmen had the best of everything. She had the best food, the best clothes, the best cars, the best vacations, and, importantly, the best sex.
All of that had changed when they hired Kelly. The 19-year-old, beautiful blonde, working her way through community college had dropped into Carmen's life like a bomb.
Both Andrew and Carmen hated cleaning the house, preferring to spend their time enjoying themselves. So, they hired Kelly, who was more than willing to be their live-in maid, cleaning their house in exchange for room, board, and generous pay.
At first, Carmen loved the arrangement. Everyday when she came home from work, the house was immaculate. Kelly herself was always bubbly and happy, overall a joy to be around. Further, neither Carmen or Andrew noticed the lose of one of their spare bedrooms, a small amount of food, or their money.
Carmen began to become more uncomfortable with the situation as time went on though. Andrew typically worked from home, meaning he spent the day around the attractive young co-ed. Carmen started to notice that after a few weeks of this relationship, Kelly and Andrew were getting more and more familiar. What started with a few giggles at inside jokes, quickly progressed to an uncomfortable familiarity. Carmen noticed that Kelly was quickly becoming more and more physically close with her husband, lightly touching his arm or lower back while often positioning herself physically between the attorney and her husband. They whispered in each other's ears when Kelly was around, and would occasionally try to do things outside of the house together.
Eventually, Carmen had enough. One evening, after Kelly had gone to her room, Carmen confronted Andrew, ordering him to either set more appropriate boundaries with Kelly or fire the woman with a generous severance package. Andrew agreed to set better boundaries, and, for all of a day, everything seemed fine.
However, two mornings after Carmen's confrontation over Kelly with her husband, the 28-year-old lawyer, who had never wet the bed in her life, woke up in soaking wet sheets. Kelly, as the live-in housekeeper was all too eager that morning to clean up after her employers embarrassing accident. Despite the immediate shame, Carmen brushed that accident off as the result of her stress caused by work and her recent conflict with Andrew.
But, her accidents didn't end there. Two mornings later, Carmen woke up tucked between sheets soaked in her own urine again. Once again, Kelly diligently cleaned up Carmen's mess without complaint. However, when Carmen went to get ready to sleep the next night, a pack of GoodNites was laid on her side of the bed.
"Andrew, what the fuck is this?!" Carmen said as she burst into the bathroom where her husband was sitting on the toilet.
"Um, GoodNites?" He responded nonchalantly.
Carmen nearly exploded.
"I know that! What are they doing on my bed?!"
"Leaving you a subtle hint that you don't seem to be getting!" Andrew responded with more than a hint of condescension in his tone. "I was talking to Kelly today, and she's tired of changing *your* wet sheets. And, to be fair to her, I'm also tired of waking up soaked in your pee. She suggested you wear some protection to bed until this phase passes. It seemed like a good idea to me."
Kelly fumed, "Oh, you were *talking* to that little bitch, and she suggested I wear a diaper to bed? No way. I don't have a bedwetting problem. It's just been a couple of nights!"
"Whatever you say, babe. But, if this keeps happening, you're not going to have a choice. Your 'not-a-bedwetting-problem' is already doing a number on our mattress. I've seen the damage when Kelly changes the sheets. If this keeps happening, you're going to wear GoodNites to bed. We aren't buying a new mattress," Andrew lectured his wife.
Carmen huffed and threw the GoodNites across the room. She was an adult. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing a fucking pull-up to bed. Or so she thought.
Three days and two accidents later, Carmen blushed as she walked in her room and found the GoodNites on her side of the bed again. Andrew was already in the master bathroom, getting ready for bed. This time, she chose to take the subtle hint. Before her husband made it out of the bathroom, she quickly undressed, slipped on the bedwetting pants, and threw on her baggiest pajamas. She then quickly hid the open pack of pull-ups in her underwear drawer.
Andrew walked out of the bathroom, walked up to Carmen, gave her a kiss accompanied by his customary ass-grab. Carmen blushed as she felt her underwear crinkle under his hand.
"Good girl!" Andrew said before giving Carmen a playful spank and crawling into bed.
Things continued to get worse from that point forward. Carmen began waking up wet every morning, and it wasn't long before she started having small accidents during the day, ruining her work clothes. Each time, she would call Andrew to have him bring her clean panties and bottoms. Each time, he, to Carmen's embarrassment, sent Kelly to drop off the clothes. After her third accident, Andrew suggested, and Carmen agreed, that she should start wearing extra protection during the day.
Shortly after her daytime accidents started, her wetting problem became more extreme. Every morning, Carmen woke up to wet sheets despite wearing GoodNites. Similarly, Carmen had to have her housekeeper bring her new clothes more than a handful of times because she had leaked through her protective panties at work.
It was the Saturday after Carmen's second week of leaking incidents that Andrew called a 'family meeting.' Carmen entered her living room to find Andrew and Kelly sitting on the couch facing a kitchen chair, set up in the middle of the room.
"Sit down, baby, we need to talk," Andrew said, gesturing for Carmen to sit in the chair.
Carmen sat down nervously, her wet pull-up squishing as her weight hit the hard seat.
"Talk about what? And why is SHE here?" Carmen's distaste for Kelly having only grown since her little 'accidents' has began.
Andrew proceeded to explain his and Kelly's growing concerns with Carmen's toilet-troubles. He discussed how he and Kelly had been speaking at length about the problem and both agreed that it seemed to be as a result of stress. From there, Andrew laid out the plan Kelly had devised to help her work through it, and indicated that agreed with it.
Carmen would take a leave of absence from work and as much stress as possible would be removed from her life. Carmen would no longer be responsible for making any of her own decisions or taking care of herself. Andrew and Kelly, whose role would be expanded from just a housekeeper to that of Carmen's nanny, would be wholly reasonable for everything in Carmen's life. They would feed her, bath her, entertain her, dress her, and, worst of all, diaper her. Carmen would effectively be reduced to a toddler, living a state-of-existence where she wouldn't have to worry about anything, even when to use the potty.
Carmen immediately raged against her husband and housekeeper's proposal. She threw a massive tantrum, screaming, breaking, and throwing things. Having had enough, Andrew pulled Carmen over his lap and gave her the first, of what has become many, spankings. It only ended when Carmen's pull-up ended up leaking all over his lap. Sobbing, defeated, embarrassed, and covered in her own urine, Carmen gave in.
From there, things deteriorated quickly. Carmen quickly found her life filled with baby food, bottle feedings, baby toys, and diaper changes. The woman who she had been afraid was stealing her husband was now the person primarily responsible for wiping Carmen's ass. Andrew quickly found he wasn't attracted to Carmen in her new infantilized state, and Kelly convinced him that it would be more appropriate anyways for them to convert one of their many bedrooms into a nursery and have Carmen sleep in there.
Carmen found herself tucked into her crib after a bath and a bedtime story by Kelly every night at 7:30 pm. Carmen wasn't certain what happened after she was locked in her childish prison for the night, but, from the increase in physical affection between Andrew and Kelly, she suspected that Kelly had moved into the master bedroom full time.
Worst of all, Carmen's accidents didn't get better. Instead, they got worse. Within weeks of being forced into diapers full time, Carmen was having legitimate messy accidents. She couldn't figure out why, but she had her suspicions that, somehow, Kelly was behind it.
That brought her to today. Angry after yet another messy accident, Carmen had finally confronted her Nanny about her role in her accidents. Smiling, Kelly had admitted she'd been slipping laxatives, muscle relaxers, and diuretics into Carmen's food for months. However, Kelly rightfully pointed out that even if Carmen told Andrew about Kelly's transgressions, after months of seeing his wife reduced to the status of an overgrown toddler, Andrew would never believe Carmen.
Carmen knew the beautiful, young woman was right. Continuing her tantrum, Carmen screamed out in frustration that that wasn't fair. In response, Kelly offered the babyfied woman a deal. If Carmen could hide from her Nanny in a game of hide and seek for 30 minutes, Kelly would tell Andrew everything; however, if Kelly found Carmen, Carmen had to go to Andrew and ask him to make Kelly her Mommy, permanently sealing her fate as an overgrown infant.
Confident she could win, Carmen took the deal. That confidence disappeared as soon as Kelly finished counting.
Crouched behind the couch, Carmen had accidentally placed herself in the perfect position to release a huge mess into her pants, and her body recognized it. Only moments after Kelly's announcement that she was coming to find Carmen, Carmen's ass let out a trumpeting fart.
"Oh, what was that?" Kelly asked, walking into the living room, following the tell-tale sound of her charge on the verge of a messy accident. "Is baby Carmy about to make stinkies?"
Carmen squeezed her eyes shut and focused all of her energy on keeping her pants clean. Maybe, if she stayed quiet enough, Kelly would think the sound was something else and go look elsewhere in the house. Carmen wasn't that lucky.
Moments after her Nanny entered the room, Carmen involuntarily released a torrent of shit into her diaper. Not only was her accident loud, but the smell was horrible.
"I know that sound!" Kelly said, sniffing the air, "and that smell! Pee-yew! Baby Carmy made a stinky!"
Behind the couch, Carmen turned bright red as she continued to hope against all odds that her hiding spot was good enough to keep her hidden despite her body's betrayal. Carmen couldn't live the rest of her life with Kelly as her Mommy.
Carmen heard her Nanny and tormentor sniff the air again.
"Now where could baby Carmy be?" Kelly sniffed a third time like a hound on the trail of game, getting closer.
"I know! Babies love to hide behind furniture when they make stinkies!"
Carmen screamed in frustration as she looked up and saw Kelly's face peeking over the back of the couch, grinning triumphantly.
"Found you, you little stinker! And with 29 minutes to spare!"
Carmen cried as Kelly helped extricate her from the back of the couch. This couldn't be happening! She couldn't have lost! Not in such a humiliating way!
But, as she stood there in front of her Nanny, her messy diaper drooping between her legs, Carmen knew the truth. She wasn't and never would be a big girl again. She was and always would be a loser.
"Alright, baby, you lost! Time to pay up! Go find your Daddy!"
Kelly followed Carmen as she toddled to Andrew's office and opened the door.
Andrew smiled at seeing his wife being led around by his lover.
"Hey you two, how can I help you?" He asked.
"Baby Carmy has something to tell you! It's very exciting!" Kelly said, pushing Carmen forward.
Carmen had no choice. She had lost. There was no where left for her to hide. Steeling herself, she opened her mouth.
"Daddy, could you pwease make Nanny my Mommy?"
Andrew's eyes lit up at the question. He rose from his desk, embraced his diaper clad wife, and kissed her on the forehead.
"Nothing would make me happier, Little One!"
All Carmen could do was cry as her husband then walked up to her young rival and passionately kissed her after asking her to marry him. Unfortunately for Carmen, Andrew and Kelly would forever describe her tears as tears of joy, rather than the tears of despair they truly were.
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midnightjewel · 2 months
Left and Right
BNHA boys when you don’t know left from right. Just silly stories.
Characters Included: Kirishima, Bakugo, and Denki
I can do a part 2 with more characters!
(Also, I really apologize for Kirishima’s being so short!! I feel kinda bad about that ngl)
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You’re most certainly not going to be judged by him
He understands that not everyone is perfect and not everyone knows their left from their right and that’s okay!
“Babe, can you grab me my keys?” The redhead asks, already dressed in his hero attire and ready to head to the agency. He was ready to walk out the door when he realized that he sort of needed his keys to drive his car.
“Where?” You ask standing by the kitchen counter where they sat
“Your left” he says casually as you helplessly look for the keys, not knowing where he was referring to. He watched as you turned to the right “Uhm No-“ he almost laughed “Your other left” he snickered remembering how you can’t tell the difference off the top of your head
“Oh my god hold on” you say quickly as you use your thumb and index fingers to make the ‘L’ shape to figure it out
“Oh here” you smile and toss your fiancé his keys as he laughed his ass off “Yeah yeah have a great day” you laughed and rolled your eyes
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Is genuinely confused and concerned that you do not know your left from your right, he just thought it was something everyone knew
He’s not meaning to be judgmental but he lowkey is…
He just can’t comprehend how someone couldn’t tell the difference
You were a fairly new driver as you were only 17. Of course you and Bakugo were the same age but he started driving as soon as he was of legal age to do so. You on the other hand had gotten a late start to the driving game.
But you had insisted on driving to your date which Bakugo opposed. It was his car after all, and you had just gotten your license like a month ago!
But against all odds here you were driving Bakugo’s pride and joy. His car was very important to him so you promised to be careful
“Okay, here you’re going to take a right” he tells you as he reads the gps for you so you could keep an eye on the road
“Okay sure” you smile as you turn the car left and the gps speaks ‘proceed to the route’ before rerouting you
“What?” You look confused at the gps as your boyfriend stairs at you in absolute disbelief
“I said right…” he continues to stare “hold the fuck up! Do you not know your left and right?!
“Don’t distract the driver” you remind him
“Yes it’s true” you sigh dramatically after a few minutes of silence “I don’t know my left from my right off the top of my head” you smirk as you glance over to see him shaking him head in disbelief
“Well, if anyone wouldn’t know their left from their right it would be you” he laughs to himself as you pretend to be offended but deep down, you knew that was him exposing himself and basically saying that he knows you well.
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Be so for real, he doesn’t know his left from his right either! So who is he to judge?
He might laugh a bit because it’s relatable to get confused but he means no harm by it!
Class 1-A was training outside today with Class 1-B. It was always stressful when you weren’t training by yourself or with someone you were close to.
But you knew that in the real world, you couldn’t tell everyone to go away because you were nervous about people watching you! So you just had to suck it up for the 30 minutes.
“Okay (Name) and Kendo, you’re up first this morning, you will be competing against one another” Aizawa spoke in his usual melancholic tone and your stomach flipped.
“You go girlie” your best friend Mina, patted your back and gave you a wink “Thanks” you smile at her support
“So there are villain dummies that come forward on this track” Midnight begins to explain to you “They can come up on either side, and while it’s not realistic because these dummies can’t do anything besides bump into you, your job is to use your quirk as best as you can to knock it over” she says and you nod in understanding
“Start facing away from the two tracks” she added “I will tell out commands and that is practice for working with sidekicks and other pro hero’s” Midnight clarified “First one to knock one over gets a point for their class”
Surprisingly, you understood the assignment very well it was just executing it in front of both classes that made you feel weak in the knees.
“Good luck” Kendo smiles to you and you nod “To you as well” you grin
“Okay the machine is on!” Vlad states and midnight watches to command you “(Name)! On your left!”
“Which way?” You turn over your shoulder to the right and much to your dismay, you had found out that you were completely wrong “Oh what?” You look confused as you put up both hands to make the ‘L’ shape which brings out laughter in the students and your cheeks burn with shame
“(Name), you’re out until you can figure out your left and right” Aizawa heavily sighs and your boyfriend, Denki Kaminari could see the look on your face as you walked back to the group, you looked ready to cry from embarrassment
It just so happened that Denki was up next, and he may or may not have short circuited himself just to get the focus off of your mistake and make the students laugh at him instead of you. It did make you smile though, he was a good boyfriend.
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cinnnamongrl · 1 year
sorority secrets- ellie williams (part 2)
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pairing: college!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: part 2 to this fic.
warnings: [18+ MDNI] explicit language, suggestive themes/language, kissing (gasp) [this series will contain smut later on- warnings will be listed accordingly]
author’s note: part two everybody clap. this is a little shorter but part 3 will make up for it .. wink wink. have fun and lmk all ur thoughts<33
was ellie delusional? was she a complete idiot for thinking there was something sapphic that was occurring between the two of you? did she dream up the flirting, the glances at her hands and quickened heartbeat visible through your dress when her face was close to yours? she didn’t know. all she knew was she had been tied up in too many situations where she’d misread signals and falsely assumed a girl was queer and interested to then find out she was straight, or involved with a guy. and fuck going through that again. so she decided to distance herself. luckily for her, there hadn’t been any mandatory eta meets lately and you didn’t share any classes together. her plan to leave you alone and let you pursue this chad guy was going perfectly.
you felt like shit. you felt like the worlds biggest asshole for telling everyone you had a crush on a guy 3 minutes after ellie’s mouth was a few inches from yours, and not even talking to her after to maybe explain that, hey, i don’t even know who chad is. i was just being a pussy. now can we go back to where you were pressed up against me in the bathroom? another fun consequence of your lie was now having to pretend you knew who chad peters was when your sorority sisters would prod you for details on your big crush on him. you’d managed to work out through their giggly discussions that he was:
1. tall.
2. well endowed. (lucky you!)
3. a football player.
4. president of kappa upsilon sigma fraternity. the same fraternity your dad had been a part of.
fuck chad peters for existing and being the reason ellie wasn’t talking to you anymore.
you laid on your bed with yours and ellie’s chat open on your phone. your heard swirled with different excuses to use to text her, trying to silence your pride. it was your fault she was avoiding you anyway, you’d embarrassed her and hadn’t even followed up with an apology, instead you let your parent’s ideals and the pressure you put on yourself mess with your head.
fuck this.
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she didn’t tell you to fuck off so you considered that a win. it had been 17 minutes since you sent the last text, so you assumed the conversation was over. still, you picked up your phone every few minutes to check she hadn’t texted again. it was a natural place for the conversation to end, but… what if she was still upset with you? you threw your head dramatically into your pillow like a woman scorned.
curse your stupid love heart hand emojis, ellie thought. she tried to be chill and think about important things like the next paragraph on her text book, or replying to a text from emilia about some eta thing, or doing something about the clothes pile on her floor from 2 weeks ago. but she was sat in her desk chair analysing your emojis. which made her think about you. which made her think about the little eyebrow scrunch you did when you pretended to be annoyed with her, which made her think about your chest almost pressing into hers in the bathroom, which made her think about your neck, how it might look with-
ellie scanned her room, kicked the pile of clothes into the corner, adjusted the hood of her grey hoodie and walked to the door. she opened it and was met with you, looking slightly awkward but in an (annoyingly) endearing way. she looked down at your hands. a box of capri-suns. a laugh escaped her throat. “hi” your voice a little unsure. “listen i know you’re studying i just thought i’d bring this to you it’s a joke because we talked about capri-suns sorry i’ll go i just thought it would be funny but i’m probably disturbing you so i’ll see you soon maybe y’know because of e-“ “come in” she cut you off.
you took in a breath and tentatively walked past her outstretched hand. you stood in the middle of her room, still processing that you’d asked ellie’s step sister to tell you where her dorm room was like a creep and then ran there to give her a gift from a stupid inside joke. “i’ll leave in a minute i just,” you thought for a second. you just what? you pointed a weak hand at the box of capri-suns in your other hand. she smiled slightly “i see. thank you.” she took the box from your hand and started to rip it open as she sat down in her desk chair. you watched her for a few seconds before a brightly coloured pouch came flying at you, your instincts managing to kick in at the last minute so your hand could shoot out and clutch it against your torso, an action that lacked any hint of grace. ellie was visibly holding in a laugh as she pierced the tiny straw through her own drink. “don’t laugh! you didn’t give me any warning!” you blurted. “ok this is your warning. i’m going to throw a capri-sun at you.” not even half a second later another flash of colour shot towards you and you held you hand up in front of your face in protection. the pouch hit the floor with a gentle thud and you picked it up and stared at ellie who was now openly snickering at you. “you’re” you aimed it at her stomach “a dick” SMACK.
“ow!” she held the drink to her and looked up at you in disbelief before standing to her feet, eyes on you. a little jump of playful fear zapped through you and she grabbed a handful of capri-suns out the box and one after the other threw them towards you, no real force behind the throws. you backed away giggling until the backs of your knees met her bed and you fell back onto it. ellie didn’t let up her attack and continued walking towards you, fourth capri-sun hitting your shoulder a little harder than she’d anticipated. you clutched it theatrically and turned away from her, face pressed into her bed and keeping your body balled up like you’d been shot. a wave of panic went through ellie at the thought of accidentally hurting you. she placed herself next to you on the bed and put her hand on your back nervously “hey are you..” “HA” you lifted suddenly and held her body down onto the bed with your leg and repeatedly hit the capri-sun onto her arm, laughing at your own genius. ‘hey hey hey’ ellie spoke through her laughter and grabbed a hold of your arms, successfully pacifying you.
she looked at the sight of you above her, grinning, your chest rising and falling quickly. the memory of your truth or dare confession struck her. she let go of your arms and cleared her throat, sitting up slightly, making you remove your leg from her. you noticed her switch and before your brain could have an input your mouth got there first;
“i don’t like that guy.” you babbled. ellie stared at you. “what?” “that guy. chad. i didn’t even know a chad, it was the first name that came to mind.” “wh-“ she blinked a few times “what are you saying?” you adjusted yourself so you were sat on your knees. “i made up a fake crush when emilia asked because i got scared.” ellie frowned, “scared of what?” “you.” a short laugh escaped her, the confusion obvious on her features. “me?” “yes, scared of you and…” “and what?” her eyes were still fixed on you and it took great effort to stop yourself from doting upon her freckles and her pretty lips “..the way you make me feel.” you looked down. ellie’s tone changed, there was a depth to her voice. “and how’s that?” your eyes remained focused in on a crease in her sheets. “like..” “hey, look at me.” she raised your chin with her index finger. you complied. and she wanted to hear you talk but god did she also want to kiss you right now.
“..fuzzy. and all hot and nervous and i haven’t stopped thinking about you since i met you which is stupid and scary and-” and then her lips were on yours, it was soft and sweet and it gave you butterflies. it was delicate and gentle and tender, until it wasn’t. until it was deepening, her tongue was meeting yours and you had butterflies in a whole new way. her hand found your face and she cupped your jaw while the other made it’s way to the back of your neck, the intensity of both her hands holding you making your head spin a little. she kissed you with all the desperation of a man starved and yet all the technique that made it seem like she already knew exactly what your body wanted from her.
feeling suddenly restricted in the sitting position on your knees you leaned into the kiss and placed your hands either side of her, lifting your ass from your legs and leaning into her on all fours, mouth not leaving hers. ellie felt your body shift and broke away from you, noticing your new position. “you.. can’t do that” she let out breathlessly. “d-do what?” you were suddenly hyper aware of your body, realising that you probably did look a little pathetic in near-enough doggy position while you’re kissing for the first time. “because i want to be respectful,” she calmed her breathing slightly “but the way you look now is making me have not so respectful thoughts” your face heated and let out a shy giggle. “..sorry.” the corner of her mouth lifted into a smile. you continued “but uh… you don’t have to be respectful… if you don’t want.” you looked up at her and absentmindedly brought your bottom lip to chew on at your nervous attempt at playful seduction. ellie looked down at your mouth and within the beat she’d captured it with her own, kissing you hard again and hands stoking up your arms that were still held up on her bed.
part 3
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taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @nil-eena @girlfr1endism
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