#and it's like. oh cool so we won't get that chance again huh
friskibitz · 2 years
you ever think about how the pokemon company fucked up the one shot at real sinnoh remakes
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Nightly Patrol (Shadow Of A Bluejay Mini Chapter)
Word count: 985
I'm having a lot of fun with these mini chapters. They're really useful. Also Artemis is a weird character to write at this point in the show, like she changes so much from interaction to interaction so she might feel a bit ooc in this. I think she just looks up to the reader and lets herself be a bit softer with them.
Series Masterlist
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Star City August 30, 20:34 PDT
Dinah's apartment wasn't cramped but it was small. Not that you complained. It was the best home you'd ever had and with the amount of time you spent at Ollie's extravagant penthouse it didn't matter much. You enjoyed the old chairs around the dining table and the refrigerator that creaked a bit when you opened it. Besides you had your own room. That was all you could really ask for.
"Hey, how was the first day of school?" Dinah asked as she came in. She'd been out for work all day and hadn't gotten the chance to talk to you yet.
"It was good. Nothing out of the ordinary" You told her.
"Any homework?" She asked and you nodded.
"I did it during lunch" You told her and she sighed.
"Still no school friends?" She asked. She was right. You weren't the best at making friends. It didn't help that you're first time at a school was middle school. You were a smart kid but that didn't mean you knew how to get along with people in a school setting.
"Nope" You said, bringing your attention back to the book you were reading.
"When are we leaving for patrol?" You asked after moving to the next page. Normally you and Dinah met Ollie at around 10pm after patrolling on your own for a bit.
"Oh, Ollie and I had something come up, do you think you'll be okay on your own for the night?" Dinah asked, that got your attention.
"What came up?" You asked.
"Oh, well, it was a work thing. We just won't have time tonight" She said.
"Oh I know, how about you and Artemis do your first patrol together?" She suggested and you shrugged.
"Okay" You said. Artemis has been joining you all on patrols a couple nights a week since she joined the team. Ollie wanted to train her a bit more himself along with her training with the group.
"That's great, I'll tell Ollie" Dinah said, kissed your head and went to her bedroom.
"They really think they're slick" You said to yourself as you closed your book and went to change into your costume.
Half an hour later you met Artemis at the Star City zeta-tube.
"Oh, hey Bluejay" She said before looking around and noticing a distinct lack of Ollie.
"Where's GA?" She asked.
"Out on a date with Canary. They said we should go ahead with patrol" You explained.
"A date?" She asked.
"Yeah, they're a lot less slick than they think" You said and began hovering out of the alley the zeta-tube was in.
"Now come on, we've got criminals to catch" You told her.
Star City August 30, 23:56 PDT
Three hours into patrol and you've stopped a mugging, a small time electronics store robbery, and helped a lost kid find his mom.
"So do GA and Cannary go out a lot?" Artemis asked, the two of you were taking a break on the roof of an apartment building.
You shrugged.
"They never call it a date but kinda, every once in a while" You said. "That's cool, kinda like you've got two mentors huh?" She asked and you once again shrugged.
"Hey, is everything okay? You seem off" She said and you sighed.
"Roy still won't pick up my calls or answer my texts so working with you feels, weird" You admitted.
"Why?" She asked.
"Cause he thinks you're his replacement" You answered.
"I kinda am"
"No, you're not. If he thinks I'm trying to replace him too then he'll never talk to me again" You explained.
"It doesn't look like he wants too, and honestly too bad for him. He seems like a jerk" She said.
"He's— He got his GED a couple years ago but everyday on my first day of school he'd come to pick me up. Dinah came with him the first time but the next year he came alone and we went out for lunch." You said, eyes glazing over.
"And you started school today" Artemis realized. You nodded.
"I wanted to hope I'd see him in one of Ollie's stupid convertibles but he didn't show" You said.
"Blue, I'm so sorry" She said. She sat down next to you on the edge of the building.
"How long has he been doing it?" She asked.
"Today would've been the fourth year. He was always like the big brother I never had. I used to be so uptight about rules and he taught me how to let go. He used to sneak me out of school, he—"
"He was your big brother" Artemis said, finishing your sentence.
"I just wish he would talk to me again" You confessed and Artemis thought back to the night after her first mission with the team.
Gotham City August 9, 01:16 EDT
Artemis walked out of the Gotham zeta-tube warrily. Someone was here.
She looked around, knocking her bow to face her would be attacker.
"Step into the light, now." She instructed and Red Arrow stepped out of the alley shadow.
"Nice move, it almost made me believe you are Green Arrow's niece. But we both know you're not" He said, approaching.
"Still I'm sure GA and Bats have a reason for lying, so your cover's safe but I warn you... Do not hurt my sibling or my friends." He threatened and walked away.
Star City August 31, 00:02 PDT
You wiped your eyes, though actual tears hadn't formed yet.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. I mean no offence, but even my closest friends on the team don't know about that" You said and she smiled.
"Guess I'm one of those closest friends now" She said.
"I guess so" You agreed.
"So does that mean I get to know you're real name?" She asked and you chuckled.
"Yeah, no." You told her.
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd Life Remastered Irl Session 1 2/2
Before reading this it is recommend to read the other parts before reading this one. All characters portrayed in this story are real but used in a fictitious manor. Nothing they say or do is real this story is entirely satire. This story also talks about touchy subjects like Self Harm and Suicide. The whole purpose of this story is to bring attention to those struggling with mental health.
After my chat with doodl3 I head on back to my computer and log into discord genuine tears falling down my cheeks. Bdubs: Hey Slimer you feeling ok? Is Grian there with you?" "Grian's here but there's something I want to say to all of you" All of them look intent on hearing me out "I'm sorry for yelling at all of you. I was so overcome with emotions I just don't know what came over to me" Gem: I already forgive you Slimer I understand" Joel: And I'm one who believes in second chances" Scar: You're still my Scar Wars buddy Slimer till the bitter end" "I'm so sorry for what I did" The tears start streaming down my face now "Could we please forget about all of this and well enjoy Minecon together?" Everybody thinks for a few seconds before some people nod Mumbo: Water under the bridge but I do have something to say to cheer you up" "Oh yeah and what's that?" Mumbo: Aha" Everybody starts laughing Bdubs: Aha" "No not you too one is enough" Scott: Eh I'm normally not one to do this but eh screw it AHA" Jimmy: Aha" I log out of the discord and Grian is snickering "Don't you da- Grian: Aha" "Great"
The next day I am packing my clothes toiletries inhalers I'm packing everything. Rylee is wagging his tail as I'm packing his food. "Yeah you are going to get to meet my friends little buddy" Rylee cocks his head like HUh? "Everyone's going to love you"
I send doodl3 a text saying "on my way to the airport now" before packing my laptop and charger and waiting outside for Grian Rylee wagging his tail I trust him off his leash knowing very well he won't wander far away from me.
I see Grian arrive and place my bags in his car before getting Rylee in the back and sitting in the back seat after seeing his wife up front. "Is your wife coming with us Grian?" Grian: No she's going to be driving the car back after we leave and is taking care of the cats and my daughter while I'm gone" Rylee jumps into the front and lays on her lap "Traitor" Grian laughs Grian: He likes her"
As soon as we are at the Airport Grian has said goodbye to his wife and he guides me to where our gate is after putting our luggage on the carousel
As soon as we take our seats I look at Grian and say "Hey Grian thanks for saving my life yesterday I don't know what I'd do without you" Grian: I'm just glad I got there when I did and am glad you left your apartment door unlocked things could have gone very differently" Rylee lays in Grian's lap "Traitor"
Once we arrive we already see Scar Mumbo and Cleo waiting for us at the gate Mumbo: Aha" "Do not start that please I'm already in the states and I want to have a good time" Scar: Yeah leave my Scar Wars bro alone" The voices become intense "They are just using you" "They aren't friends" "Don't trust them" Cleo shakes me and snaps me out of it as Bdubs approaches alongside Martin Martin: Hey what's happening Bdubs: Voices again just play it cool like you didn't see anything Mumbo: Ah Bdubs AHA" "WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT?" Mumbo: alright alright sheesh" I pull out my phone and send doodl3 a text saying "have just arrived at the airport have fun"
After everyone else arrives we go out front to see 2 limos each with a driver holding a sign that says "Life Series players" The ballots take our bags and I decide not to get in the one with Mumbo having already had enough AHAS for one day and enter with Ren Joel Tango Impulse Tango Lizzy Bigb and Gem "Ayyy jump up Rylee" He jumps into the limo and immediately lays in Ren's lap "Oh isn't that funny Ren the dog just took my dog" Ren: He's my dog now Me: Rylee you are a traitor Tango: Aww lay off Puppo will you?" He starts petting Rylee who is wagging his tail happy Joel: Hey come on Ren give him his dog back I know you're Ren the dog but sheesh" Ren: No he's my dog now" He says playfully Lizzie and Gem are just laughing as the voices pick up "Grab that dog he does not belong to him" "He isn't going to give your dog back you shou-" I begin to feel a tight pain around my chest and the wheezing. Gem is looking real concerned Gem: Your inhaler Lizzie: Use your inhaler" I'm reaching for it but my vison is getting blurry. Ren goes over to me puts Rylee in Impulse lap reaches into my pocket to get my inhaler and uses it as I gasp at fresh air. Ren: Easy now" Impulse: Are you ok?" I hug Ren as a thank you Ren: Ow too tight loosen up will you?" "Sorry I'm a hugger" Ren: Yeah I can tell let go of me" I release him "S-sorry I love hugging" Ren: Just please don't choke me next time
Once we arrive at the hotel and check in I'm excited to find out I'm staying with Scar my Scar Wars buddy. Rylee is wagging his tail and sniffing around the Lobby "ey Rylee get over here there'll be time to explore in a bit" I lead Rylee on but he keeps sitting in the middle of the hallway as I pass by the luxury dining room I see a sign that says "Reserved for the Life Series Players" I smell food coming from the dining room. Scar: Oh boy" He cups his hands and says "Hey guys I'm going to lock Slimer in our room so he doesn't eat all of the food" Me: Shut up" I catch up with Cleo and Lizzie "So what are you 2 going to do? Watch the Walking Dead" Cleo: That show sucks" I raise an eyebrow Cleo: Alright fine I'm going to watch the Walking Dead and maybe go for a swim what about you going to watch Star Wars with Scar and eat all the food in the dining room?" Me: Oh my god Cleo let's hope there isn't a zombie apocalypse any time soon I'll use you as a decoy Zombie in front of my location to go NO HUMANS HERE ARARAHHAGAAAGHEA" Lizzie and Scar burst out laughing as me and Scar enter our room? Scar: So let me guess Star Wars and then food?" Rylee jumps on the bed and runs around having zoomies Me: Oh geez there he goes again" Scar: He's happy
The day of session 2 arrives and we are at the convention center after eating breakfast the host takes us to where we'll be staying in computer tents everyone is dressed as their avatar including me I'm glistening with green face paint all over my arms neck and face to resemble a slime. I go into my tent and the tv turns on to show my screen on there. I text my mod @doodl3 "You ready to mod?"
The rules sign is up in front of all of the tents as Rylee wanders to each of the other players tents sniffing everybody. It says do not tell the other players what others are doing is the biggest rule there. I feel myself coughing and use my inhaler texting doodl3 one finaly time "Good luck for the next 3 hours" as the live stream begins in my sound proof tent
To be continued in session 2
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whenthechickencry · 7 months
Umineko EP8. Replay Part 3
Bernkastel figuring out that "Lambdadelta's plan" is bullshit was slowed down by the fact she had no friends.
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EVA uses her magic to clear the sea of kitties from the room with the key, giving Ange and Battler a chance. EVA leaves letters with a red string to guide Ange, and Ange remarks that they can be trusted because they were written by someone who was always at her side... Narration remarks how Ange would get hurt a lot by the cat box being opened towards all, but the goats couldn't care less... Everyone's fighting to the best of their strength, with no mistakes and - Goddamnit Gohda.
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Erika finds out the truth and everyone tries to murder her immediately, Beatrice tells her to fuck off. Meanwhile, Bernkastel finds out the trick and forces attacks on Battler's group. Ange decides that even a 1% chance to live is a chance worth taking, I am so happy to see how she has changed her view. Lambdadelta makes herself lose to rock paper scissors, deciding to certainly not be a spectator and go with them for the happy ending.
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They are using the power of 3d to have basic candy models explode during this ending, btw. And whales. It's really cute how much their love and friendship is remarked over and over. Even when blowing each other up no one can argue the fact they love each other.
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We cut to the fight for the Golden Land again here, Then back to Ange and Battler. Ange feels about going back alone, and then Battler tells her that she must fight and we get this interaction....
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It makes me very happy every time the game remarks how Ange has grown. Anyways, Bern eats Lambda and Lambda explodes inside of her.
Oh huh.... now that I think about it those ep2 scenes with Shannon and Kanon certainly were interesting in that they established Shannon and Kanon as real people people outside Rokkenjima can perceive.
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All the talk about how people's recollections of you can give way to half-truths that don't match up to the fullness of that person is making me think about how the way people close to me have died and how the way people remember them has hurt me and others in my life, it's definitely, won't go into detail too much but this scene's giving me a lot to think about.
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Erika calls Rosa a serial cheater which is.... never the vibe I got from her remotely? I don't think there's much to say about her relationship with Maria's dad, but everything afterward gave off the vibes of not being in a committed enough relationship for "cheating" to be a thing. Aaaah, I feel really bad for Erika in spite of everything now...
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Erika and Beatrice get into a final duel, Beatrice saying they have already won because Ange is already choosing to live in the future. We cut back to Battler and Ange, Featherine arrives and Lambdadelta starts freaking out.
The moment where Lambda attacks still feels really cool even on reread. I actually like it way more on reread now that I saw how Lambdadelta was such an ally the entire time....
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Featherine simply writes that Lambdadelta is already dead, though, and Lambda can't even understand what happened... Lambdadelta calls her a monster.
I... honestly forgot the punch for a second myself. Was shocked at the same time Featherine was. Bernkastel "remembering what pain is" and these lines really do kind of demystify Bernkastel and make it pretty obvious how she's a bitter person who hates Beatrice and co for human reaons, I think.
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Bernkastel is also the main character in some game board, so this is her lashing out against herself as well. And the complete abandonment of Featherine is a little sad to think from her perspective.
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Bernkastel pulls the red truth that no one will come back to her towards Ange again, Battler dies in front of Ange, but even if Ange still struggles at seeing this, it's not like she hasn't gone through this song and dance a couple times now... she won't let the red truth destroy her miracle.
The tacit inclusion here of Beatrice as part of her family makes me so happy I want to cry.
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Ange's eagle fucking explodes the whale oh my god, Bernkastel then just keeps throwing red truths at Ange that definitely won't work anymore. Bernkastel is turned into a kitty. Featherine reveals Lambda is safe in the audience seat.
Ange goes on to make her choice in front of the 2 golden doors...
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Ange assures everyone that this isn't goodbye... not because they will always be with her, but because she still believes in them coming back to her. After making her choice, and being given the doll by Kinzo, Ange is back at the top of the skyscraper and she makes the decision to step back. Ange has decided to live.
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EVA and Battler close the door that leads into Ange's future, confident she can handle things on her own from now.
Erika has... mixed feelings about the events it seems. With how many insults she threw at Ange for wanting to kill herself I got the vibe she didn't want Ange to kill herself. Not like she'd be broken up about it either but I think her ideal ending was the trick ending, having someone who can understand what the truth did to her. She seems a a bit both impressed and displeased she can live with the truth while not turning into a bitter person. Battler cheers up by saying she isn't a witch at all, but the detective.
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Hachijo takes away the Book of Single truth and chides them for disturbing the sleep of the dead with rumors, and takes the book herself. Life became a little easier for Ange as people are less willing to be goats.
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We cut to Battler the scene of Battler and Beatrice in the same place where Kinzo and Beatrice met, Beatrice shows the motorboat to Battler and tells him to leave.
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I am going to cry even though I remember this scene perfectly.... Sayo definitely does not consider her life worth living anymore. All the cousins except Battler are dead, and she blames herself for that. She already didn't consider her life worth living before everything happened but after seeing the state of Rokkenjima, man, I can't imagine her mental state, even if Battler probably eased her heart a little... Battler takes her off Rokenjima but it's just not that easy. She's playing strong for Battler's sake, too... putting up the Beatrice persona. But her heart is too wrecked by now and it's too late.
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This scene is destroying me. I want her to reach the realization Ange did. I want her to be able to see the futures thtat I am sure she could have achieved.... but I know how this ends and every line destroys me more and more.
Beatrice tells Battler that she is an evil witch who can't keep living.
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Battler and Beatrice and Battler fall down with the catbox, together, forever.
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Ange thanks Okonogi for being the person to her that without love, the truth can't be seen. Okonogi was given in the Ushiromiya group so he's obviously pretty happy with the arrangement, and this also guarantees Ange's survival by making sure no one will be after her.... Ange reveals how she's going to in a journey and becoming an author so she can impart magic to other children.
Ange opens up her life as the last witch, ANGE BEATRICE.
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archivalofsins · 1 month
Milgram Characters as The Lonely Island songs
This is The Lonely Island literally every song here is explicit and contains toilet humor. These songs are from the 2010s this is the only warning I'm giving.
Haruka and Kotoko- Shy Ronnie
"*mumbling* Speak up! Shy Ronnie, speak up! *mumbling* Okay, I'll take it from here. HA-HA! Okay." "HA-HA! Names Shy Ronnie and I'm running this shit- You know I stay steady strapping cause life is a bitch- Hey- *mumbling* I forgot my purse buh-bye again."
Haruka: Haa…… haa……Haa…… Ah…… Um…… Ko-Koto-Kotokotoko-san…… Kotoko: ……what? Haruka: Eek…… eh, um……! I-I! I’m sorry! ……I-I’ll see you later……! Kotoko: ……what was that about? This is the third time. Mikoto: Oh~ Koto-chan, you’re here. The guard was complaining earlier that you never answered their call. Kotoko: Huh? ……I never heard about anything like… Haruka……!?
Yuno- Hugs "You think we're an item just because I gave you a hug- Trick you better think again." "I don't love 'em end of the fucking discussion." "So, don't catch feelings it ain't love."
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"“Poor naïve little girl”? So off the mark, what’s it to you? It’s just absurd."
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"Like really, who do you think you are?"
Futa- Threw It On The Ground
"You must think I'm a joke. I ain't gonna be part of your system." - "I don't need your handouts! I'm an adult! Please, you can't buy me!"- "Welcome to the real world jackass."
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"Bust out, explode that counter uppercut!" - "The fight’s up here! Come up to the ring and face me!"
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"It’s not even my fault, not even slightly."
Mu: I'm So Humble
"I've got it all and I'm getting more but I never fall. Beat 'em all. Cause you know I'm so humble." - "The thing about me that's so impressive is how infrequently I mention all of my successes." "My bellies full from all the pride I swallow."
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"I told you I’m queen, and it’s always the same. God gave me everything, everything is as I wish."
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"Take more and more (honey) and devote to me."
Shidou: YOLO You Oughta Look Out. "This life is a precious gift. So, don't get too crazy it's not worth the risk. You know that we are still young. So don't be dumb. Don't trust anyone cause you only live once."
(This is for the bit. I'm not even going to try to defend this. Though warning this song could exacerbate paranoia. In the same way dumb ways to die can. Also has some body horror in it.)
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"Those cards of promise I discarded, they were retribution for my incessant taking- In that case, give me the chance to make amends. To extract that fang, now."
Gotta childproof another house now. Hopefully this time he does it better.
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"So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick What do you mean INNOCENT, if this is my punishment. Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless. I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live."
Man uses reverse psychology at the most inopportune time. Side note Shidou, Kazui and Mikoto- Diaper Money.
Mahiru and Kazui: The Creep
"When you're out at a club and you see a fly girl do the creep. And if you want to make friends at the atm do the creep."
(This is self-explanatory but also me being petty that Mahiru got the creepy allegations and Kazui does about the same shit she does. So I threw him in here too.)
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"My love, it scored an own goal, destroyed my love and me with its weight. Tell me, oh tell me why, can’t I just do it right?"
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Kazui: 3-Way (The Golden Rule) "Hey boy's I want you both. I hope that you think that's cool- I know most guys won't freak together. But she forgot about the golden rule; it's okay when it's in a three way. It's not gay when it's in a three way. With a honey in the middle there's some leeway." "The areas grey in a one, two, three way." "Here in the dark (here in the dark) it's hard to tell (so hard to tell)- where her body ends (lala) and my homies begins."
"The beating of this heart... see... it’s no longer about good and bad... it isn’t."
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"I just wanted to ask, so it’s out in the open. I just got a little greedy."
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"I wanted to be loved, just like a cat. Maybe act capricious, on my word and at my fancy."
Amane: "F**k Off" "Fuck off, cause I might be young but I'll dig your grave 'til the job is done. So, fuck off- I'm gonna live forever!" "Cause you're not my dad so shut the fuck up and wipe my ass."
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"The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped. That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY!"
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"You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already."
Mikoto: Just 2 Guyz "We're just two guys who are having a good time." "Having fun guy one? The most fun in the world." (gets increasingly more ominous and no one sounds like they're having a good time. I feel like this one is self explanatory.)
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[ID: a green badge of a campfire with text that reads 'Sambucky Summer Bingo Camp, Campfire Stories, ESTD.2023 / finish ID]
Title: Exchanging Ancedotes By Nearby Bonfires
Square Filled: Campfire Stories
Warnings: references to mild gore
Word Count: 757
A/N: just a ficlet of a couple of guys sitting nearby a bonfire by five feet away, that's it. for the @sambuckylibrary for the summer bingo, camp edition.^^
also i'm sorry for the formating, i won't be on desktop bc of the experiment. so, i'll be posting on mobile for a while. ;-;
With flames crackling from a bonfire at the ground's center, two figures leaned back on their log seats. Their heavy bags lounged across from them, appearing to be equipped with numerous items. A silent wind swooshed by a clump of pine trees, shaking leaves.
Above, the moon gleamed against the dark blue stretch of the night sky. Thick clouds floated below, surrounding it from around each sides.
"To think we'd ever camp again," Bucky said, stretching a foot clad in a boot forward. He pulled a cap from a bottle. "Ahhh, thankfully, we had been prepared."
"It certainly feels good to be out at the woods." Sam inhaled and exhaled slowly, drawing in some fresh oxygen into his system.
"You know I've heard how sharing stories helps a bond grow." Bucky winked. "Looks like to me, it's probably not your thing."
"Ah, I got plenty of things to share," Sam retorted with a snort. "Including stories. And who smears my name with that nonsense?"
"Okay, okay, to be fair. . . it took a lot to convince you to let me crash in your place in D.C."
"C'mon, man, you were supposed to be in hiding."
"Point still stands, Samuel. Now get on with the story!"
"Sheesh, alright, you stubborn super soldier. Anyways. . . one time on a trip to the woods with my family, Gideon and I were out for a small stroll. At late night when everyone else were asleep. There's been some owls around and awake. We thought we'd take some pictures of them, you know? And then. . . and then we walked into something real disturbing. You see, I'm cool with tons of birds. They only get aggressive if you interact with them the wrong way. Those flock of owls. . . they'd been another thing entirely.
"They were gathered at the ground, only taking some bites out of. . . your imagination can fill the gaps."
"That's. . . that's gruesome."
"I guess we shoulda have ignored them when he had a chance. And I'm trapped with those images in my head. Sometimes, I have some damn nightmare over it. Often in 3-D unnecessarily. We told our parents and Sarah and they pointed out we'd been irresponsible for that. Hey, maybe I shoulda known better yet hey. It was. . . an experience, for sure."
"I knew you weren't always responsible, Samuel!" Bucky crowed, throwing a pumped fist in the air. "Vindication at it's finest."
"Pfft, you just had to take a dig at me for that, huh?"
"For a guy who prides in being responsible, it's ironic you get into plenty of trouble."
"Hey! At least, I'm not the one who jumps out of planes with no parachutes!"
"Well, I'm willing to acknowledge it."
"Oh, wow. Since when did you own up for being such things?"
"Unlike a certain someone, I have self-awareness."
Bucky grinned while Sam rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
"You ain't getting a medal for that, ya know?"
"Ouch, Samuel. Ouch."
When Bucky burst out laughing, he flung a quick punch at his upper arm. His eyes riveted to his lips and throat then he shook his head, clearing his threat.
"Okay, your turn. Any scary camp stories you wanna share?"
"It was the thirties and minimal opportunities for camping. But I did it once, back in high school with some classmates, who dared me to go. I'd take Steve but his asthma would make it tough to handle. Anyways, we were roaming around, just setting up camp and all. And on our trek, we found a waterfall nearby."
"And you guys used it for skinny dipping?"
"Shush, you didn't let me finish! I mean we didn't because it was extremely cold and shit. We just splashed it on each other and stuff. Ya know like those nerf pistols you and the boys attack me with. Sorta like that but with our hands. To say we didn't get sick from that was a lie."
Sam started shaking while laughter escaped him. He threw his head back and pressed a palm over his stomach, which contracted from it.
"I take it, your family didn't let you live it down?"
"Yup. In addition to that, I've been grounded for a whole month."
"And Steve complains on how you're the responsible one."
Bucky snickered. "What can I say? A guy changes."
"Tell me about it," Sam replied, humming noncommitcally. "And you tell me I'm terrible at sharing."
"Pfft." Bucky rolled his eyes.
Regardless, both of them began cracking up. Their voices resounding throughout the forest, where it dwindled any other sound around.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 2 months
Just remembered I forgot to post my very self-indulgent fic where Sara Pena meets Sloane from the Fursona Telephone episode (Sloane does not actually appear in this fic but she is discussed at length and will appear in future fics I promise 🥰)
Anyways, enjoy!
Love in its many artforms
Once in a blue moon, Hunter's life intersected with Sara's career, which, today, involved Facebook stalking.
“Oh, Hun, you're Facebook friends with my new client,” Sara called from the living room.
Hunter poked her head out of the kitchen, where she was preparing dinner.
“Hm? Who is it?” Hunter hadn't used Facebook in six and a half years.
“Sloane Clark.”
Hunter inhaled sharply. “I forgot I was Facebook friends with her. She hired you?”
“Yeah, we met at the last party I worked and she said she was having a get together and wanted my energy to liven it up.”
“Oh, cool.” Behind her, a pot of macaroni boiled over.
“How do you two know each other?”
“We went to the same high school,” Hunter said, wondering how much she wanted to elaborate.
“Aw, fun! She seemed really nice.”
“She was pretty nice in high school. We did a group project together.” Hunter took a deep breath and added, “Honestly, I had a bit of a crush on her.”
“I can see that,” Sara said, since she knew she was Hunter’s type and Sloane seemed like her in a slightly different font. “Do you want me to do some digging? See if you would've had a chance in high school?”
“What, like ask her if she's gay?”
Hunter blushed, “I don't need to know. But, um, if you wanted to.”
“I won't push the matter, but if it comes up I'll let you know.” Pause. “Unless you wanted to come with me?”
Hunter cringed, glancing behind her. “Shit, the macaroni.”
Sara got up to help sort out dinner (mostly providing moral support) and wait for an answer to her question.
Hunter seemed to mull it over while she pulled the overflowing macaroni pot off the burner. She hadn't started on the roux yet, so at least that wasn't burned. Sara's burner had taken some cosmetic damage, but the rest of their meal was salvageable.
“Do you want to go to the party?” Sara asked again.
“No,” Hunter finally said. “I don't want to know if she remembers me. It can stay an unrequited crush, I have something so much better now.”
Sara threw back her head and laughed. “Thanks, hun. I do like hearing about who you were before I met you. Thank you for letting me into your life.”
“Thank you for wanting to be a part of my life.”
“I could say the same to you.” Sara went to set the table while Hunter finished the mac and cheese.
“I'm still going to find out if Sloane is gay,” Sara added.
“Go for it.”
“And then you can come to the next party.”
Now it was Hunter's turn to laugh. “We'll see about that.”
Sara had a good time at the party, though it was a bit smaller and cozier than she was used to. She got her answer pretty quickly, and a few more answers than she was expecting.
When she came home she was brimming with information.
Hunter usually waited up for Sara after a party and tonight was no different. “How'd it go?”
“It was lovely! Very 90's themed, so that was fun. Like, I don't think she played a single song that came out after 1999. Which is a shame because I know a Valley song she'd love.”
“Interesting,” Hunter said, “what else?”
“Oh yeah, the secret mission.”
“Don't say it like that, that makes me sound creepy,” Hunter said, dressed in her all black vintage nightgown. In the light of Sara's ever-growing collection of candles, she looked like a Victorian ghost come back from the dead to haunt her secret sapphic lover for one last night of passion, unaware that her moans of pleasure sounded like the howls of the damned.
“Sloane is in fact bisexual, though I'm not sure she knew that in high school. But she is also a furry so I'm not entirely certain you're her type.”
“Huh. That's a surprise. Well, thanks for looking into it for me, I guess.”
Sara plopped down on the couch next to Hunter and rested her head on Hunter's shoulder. “No problem, Hun.”
Hunter was quiet for a while before musing, “If we'd dated in high school I would have gotten so good at drawing furries.”
“Love drives us all to create,” Sara said wisely, glancing up at the photo wall of photographs and paintings Hunter had made.
“By the way, I made you a playlist.”
Hunter smiled and pressed a kiss to Sara's cheek. “I love you, too.”
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itskristal · 3 months
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<<Hey you! Sorry that it's been a minute since I last checked in. After my last entry, I wanted to make up for lost time, so I just...took off! A lot has happened since then, and I'm super excited to fill you in. ❤️
Whoever you are!! I've been thinking about that more, lately. Who's reading this? Am I just writing to nobody? Am I gonna give this Pokegear over to someone when I'm all done with my journey?
Well, whoever you are, I hope life's going well for you! It's getting better for me. 😊
Now, let's see...
Most importantly, I beat Bugsy to get the Hive Badge!! Honestly, after everything that my team and I had been through, I was pretty confident in our chances. THAT BEING SAID, Bugsy had a few tricks up his sleeve that nearly won him the fight! His Ledian almost swept through my entire team with elemental punches...scary! If it weren't for Fabian's Rollout attacks on Ledian and Scyther, along with a few well-timed dodges, we would have been toast!!
My team seriously has an Ice weakness. Trouble would have been great in that fight...I'm sure he was watching over us. I have to believe that, otherwise I'll feel all sad again.
Bugsy's Gym and Ilex were full of creepy-crawlies, by the way, but I was so focused that I barely noticed them. Bugs still kind of creep me out, but I'm not so scared of them anymore. Growlithe and Houndour, on the other hand...
It was an easy trip through Ilex. We stopped to pay homage to the ancient Forest Shrine there, rescued some worker's Farfetch'd, and I got to teach my Pokemon more cool hidden moves. Fabian is already sharpening his cut skills on choppable trees and tall grass, and Minerva...well, she won't stop headbutting things that she thinks are threats. (I know that both of them are working hard to protect me, which is sweet.)
After leaving the Forest, I got to visit the Pokemon Day Care and reunite with my Togepi, Toki! They had been taking good care of him, and had another mysterious Egg to give me. I don't mean to brag, but I'm getting pretty good at caring for those things...and look!! It already hatched into an adorable little Cleffa! ❤️ Oh my gosh, I can't stop looking at the picture I took--CUTE. His name is PINK, and my Pokemon already are super overprotective of him...I guess he'll be coming with us! He's with some strong company, so I'm not worried at all.
As I was making my way up the route, I had a chance to catch an Abra, but it blinked away before I could even toss a Ball at it! Another failed catch. 😭😭😭 How cool would it have been if I had actually caught one? Come on, I can't be the only one who watches Sabrina's movies and battles on TV...!!
All I can say is that we all made it to Goldenrod. Honestly, I never thought I'd make it this far...and this is the biggest, busiest place that I've ever been to, even though it's so late. Part of me wants to explore even more, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm about to sink into this Pokecenter bed like a Grimer. Or something. It's laaaate and I'm done being creative.
Pink is nestled into Lumi's wool, and Minerva and Fabian are taking turns watching over both them and me. I'm lucky to have such a great team, huh?
I'm so tired, but happy to write all this out and catch you up. I think we're going to be alright.>>
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Even after graduation
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kukuri: Good morning! Winter break went by in the blink of an eye, didn't it? Hey, did you go out anywhere?
Saya: No, nowhere. And you, Kukuri-chan?
Kukuri: I think I've only been to my mom's house.
Kukuri: Someday I'd like to go abroad like a celebrity~
Saya: Abroad, huh? Sounds tough.
Kukuri: Oh, you're not very interested it that, are you?
Saya: That's not the case. I'm a little nervous about the language and cultural barriers.
Kukuri: Ahaha, I'm sure you'll get used to those things.
Kukuri: Oh, right. Speaking of next year, let's go abroad together for graduation trip. A trip for two women! I think it'll be fun.
Saya: Wow, sounds great. A graduation trip, huh?
Saya: (Graduation…It's that time of year already)
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Saya: Totsuka-senpai, you're graduating soon.
Totsuka: That's right. I think there's two more months to go.
Saya: …Right.
Totsuka: What's wrong?
Saya: N-no, it's nothing…
Saya: (I'm gonna miss Totsuka-senpai, but I can't say I don't want him to graduate)
Totsuka: I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm graduating with King.
Mikoto: It ain't decided yet.
Totsuka: Arara, you're saying that to yourself? You'll have to take the test again in the third semester, won't you?
Mikoto: …Probably.
Yata: I will miss Mikoto-san and others here when they're gone…
Totsuka: Yata! Don't cry like that. I wouldn't be able to come as regularly as Kusanagi-san, but I'll come as often as I can.
Yata: No, Totsuka-san…I'm not crying.
Saya: (I wonder if Totsuka-senpai won't be able to come. I guess we will have less time to see each other)
Saya: (I'm still going to miss him)
Kusanagi: Oh, hey. Are you leaving already?
Saya: No, I'm not. I was just going for a walk.
Totsuka: Well, be careful.
Saya: …Okay.
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Saya: Wow, it's cold…
Saya: (But it seems like a good way to cool off)
Saya: …Even though I can't help but going to miss him.
Saya: He's older. I knew he was going to graduate.
Saya: …I knew it. But I'm still would miss him…
Saya: (I wonder if I'll be able to smile properly on the day senpai graduates…I wonder if I'll be able to send him off with a smile, I…)
Totsuka: You'll catch a cold like this, you know?
Saya: !
Saya: S-senpai?
Totsuka: What?
Saya: Em…Why are you hugging me?
Totsuka: Payback for the first sunrise. …You don't like it?
Saya: It's not like that. But… I feel uneasy when I can't see your face.
Totsuka: I see. …Well, then I'll hug you from the front.
Saya: W-Why are you here, senpai…?
Totsuka: Actually, I was wondering how you were doing, so I've been following you, sorry.
Totsuka: What's with a walk in this cold weather…?
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Choice: [I just wanted to think about something] ❤
Saya: I just wanted to think about something a little bit…
Totsuka: I see. You got a bitter expression when you left.
Totsuka: …What's going on?
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Choice: [It's nothing]
Saya: It's nothing. I just kind of wanted to… take a walk.
Totsuka: Really? Then why do you have such a bitter expression over nothing?
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Totsuka: If you want, why don't you talk to me about it? I might be able to help.
Saya: …I can't say it.
Totsuka: Why?
Saya: Senpai would be shocked, because it's very selfish and egotistical.
Totsuka: I won't be shocked. Never. I want to know everything about you, and I want to talk to you about everything.
Totsuka: That's why, please.
Saya: (I'm no match for senpai. I feel like it's okay to talk about it)
Saya: Okay…I was worried about you graduating.
Totsuka: That I'm graduating…?
Saya: I thought I would have less chance to see senpai after he graduated, and that made me really sad.
Saya: I'd like to congratulate you on your graduation, but I'm more sad about it.
Totsuka: Saya-chan…
Saya: …
Totsuka: What is it? Such a thing.
Saya: Such a thing…! It's very important to me…
Totsuka: It's okay. Because I've been thinking about it for a while, too.
Saya: Eh! Is that so?
Totsuka: Uhm. But you know, I talked to Kusanagi-san about it, he said, "It's not a lifelong separation, so don't worry".
Totsuka: Sure, we'll have less time to see each other, but we can make that time even more fulfilling than it is now.
Totsuka: There's no need to miss me. Because my love for you would remain unchanged.
Saya: Senpai…
Totsuka: For the sake of my lovely kohai, I promise to show up at the clubroom as much as possible.
Totsuka: So, on the day I graduate, I want you to send me off with a smile.
Saya: …Okay!
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[Prev chapter][Next chapter]
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an entry in the tim&steph role swap au
"And what's a little birdy like you doing out on a night like this?"
Robin spun around, rainwater splashing away from those bright yellow combat boots of hers, and gasped. "Oh my god!" Except she didn't sound shocked, or scared, or even righteously angry to find herself mask-to-mask with Catwoman. She just sounded excited, like any other teenage girl.
Selina raised her eyebrows, and dropped sinuously from her perch to join Robin on the rooftop. "What?" she asked, amused, as she paced a slow, wide circle around the girl. Curiosity would kill the cat one day, she knew, but there was no way she could pass up a chance for a good look at Batman's new Robin. The streets were positively abuzz.
This one was blonde. This one was a girl. This one--according to Eddie, nursing a broken nose and looking downright murderous--was just different.
Robin made an annoyed noise, flicking at the small white nub of the commline in her ear. "'Oh my god' like oh my god, B, shut up will you?"
The white out lenses of her domino mask hid the motion, but she could not be more obviously rolling her eyes if she tried. Or maybe she was trying--she pointed at her ear, scrunching her nose up, and made as close to eye contact as she could with Selina through the mask, as if to say, "This guy, huh?"
Selina snorted, the inelegance of the noise washed away beneath the patter of the rain.
"Your costume is absolutely spectacular," Robin chirped, bounding towards Selina--who danced back, staying out of reach, and shook a teasing finger.
"Uh uh, birdy. Flattery won't get you everywhere, you know."
"What? Ugh. No, I'm serious!" Robin rolled her eyes again. "I mean, eggplant would have been better, and I'm kind of crazy about purple pizzazz--you know, like the crayon?--but this is definitely like solid top five for shades of purple. Way, way better than that weird mauve the city uses for the sign backgrounds in Robinson Park. And your boots are cool! I don't think I can pull off thigh highs--"
"No fourteen-year-old can pull off thigh highs," Selina assured her, dry amusement rumbling through her chest. She didn't think the chatter was what Eddie'd been talking about, but he was right: this was a change.
"Well, that's a relief. But I'm not sure if I'll ever get there, you know? There's a specific kind of confidence to wearing thigh highs, and also a proportion thing, and you're definitely, like, 15% more leg than my mom is, which is more or less how I picture myself as an adult. But like, cooler. And with better taste in men." Robin wiped rain off of her face, a sparkling grin lighting up her face, and her cape snapped out behind her as she spun to keep Selina in view. "What are you doing out here, by the way? I thought cats didn't like rain."
"This, that, and the other," Selina purred. "But you never answered me, birdy."
"What? Batman and Robin always patrol. You're the one being weird." She turned her head, pointy chin nearly poking herself in the shoulder, looking back the way Selina had come. "I mean, you engaged me, so it's not like you've got stolen goods on you right now. But you wouldn't be out here in the rain if you didn't have to be either, which means you were doing some time sensitive recon. What's caught your eye at the Gotham Museum of Art?"
"Maybe I just think it's romantic to take a walk in the rain," Selina countered smoothly, refusing to acknowledge the shrewd deduction either positively or negatively. "Where is that hunky shadow of yours?"
"First of all, ew. You also need better taste in men. Second of all--" Robin leaned in, hand next to her mouth as she said, conspiratorially, "Honestly, I don't really care what you're trying to steal? I mean, we break into places and steal stuff all the time--sure, B." She rolled her eyes again, straightening, and placed her hands on her hips. "It's super different, because we're doing it to protect people. We have the hubris to move mountains, laws don't apply to us when we don't want them to, and the Commish has definitely never yelled at you about your methods ever in your life, especially not just a couple days ago about the Maretti case." Her face was pure innocence under the mask, her voice sparkling as she chirped, "No, of course I wasn't eavesdropping, Bossman. You asked me not to and I pinky promised."
Selina couldn't help it; she tipped her head back and laughed. "I like this one," she told the shadows on the next roof over. She'd heard the softest of rustles of his cape when he touched down, the quietest of sighs as his sidekick teased him. "She's got spunk." Selina turned her attention back to Robin, not surprised to find she'd taken advantage of Selina looking away to move in close--a lesser thief may not have noticed the tracker lightly pressed to her belt, but Selina was no lesser thief. She picked it back off, an amused twist to her lips as she flicked it away (Robin pouted), and tilted the girl's chin up with one clawed finger, smirking. "You know how to pick locks, kitten? What about a safe?"
She couldn't see the girl's eyes, but Robin's entire body language lit up. "Oh my god, please--"
"No, Robin," Batman rumbled. He was trying to sound stern, but Selina could hear the amusement underneath, and something in her own chest loosened.
He hadn't sounded like that in a while. Their tussles since... the last Robin... had been lacking that certain je ne sais quoi that Selina had always so savored. He had been laser focused on The Mission, getting back whatever she'd stolen, and not so much on... her.
But she had his attention now.
"C'mon, Bat," she purred, moving to stand behind Robin with her hands on the girl's shoulders, dropping her chin to damp blonde hair. "Let the kid live a little. All work and no play makes Robin a dull sidekick."
That got her a light elbow and a huff. "Partner," Robin corrected her stubbornly.
"Oh, darling, if it's a vigilante partnership you want, you've got better prospects than Batman. Don't you know the Black Canary's somewhere around here in Gotham, too?"
"B-man says I'm not allowed to meet any other Justice Leaguers until he can guarantee I'm not going to cause any trouble."
"So, never?" Selina guessed.
Robin cackled, bright and more than a little creepy, just like the two before her. Had Nightwing been giving lessons, or did it just come naturally once you found yourself dressed up like a traffic light?
The Bat opened his mouth, no doubt to say something annoyingly controlling yet inexplicably charming, but a gunshot rang out a few streets over, and it turned into a bark instead. "Robin!"
"On it!" She ducked out from under Selina's hands, her feet light as she splashed across the roof, grappling gun appearing in her hand almost like magic as she took the last bounding step up to the edge.
He was already turning to follow her, caught in Robin's wake like he really was her over-six-foot-tall shadow, but his gaze swept over Selina before he'd fully turned away. "We'll pick this up next time," he promised, a thread of heat in his voice, and with a great swoop of his cape he was gone.
Robin's faux gagging noises rose high above the distant sounds of violence, and Selina's laughter followed it into the sky.
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shummashum · 7 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch6 [8~14]
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are you fucking kidding me I apologize, students sorry……..
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oh gosh the possibility of Serge appearing is increasing ah, have Klaus and Serge already met? so he was that distraught? well it's not a bad guess
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does Al know Taffy too? it's not easy to not know about that bipedalism plush though by the way, is Al aware of that incident 6 years ago related to Klaus-Randy-Serge one student being petrified is an incident that could have a significant impact anyway…?
Anyway, his soft voice and the sound of his approaching footsteps were painfully loud for Liz in this state.
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oh I know this
On that day, mankind received a grim reminder.
But contrary to her fears, he gently scooped her up in his arms, informing her the potion had temporarily turned her into a cat.
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I told you, this guy is also kinda weird I recognized his bizarre taste from the time he said that Illusion Station was cool while everyone else said it was gloomy and dismal
So she leaped down from his arms for a big cat adventure. Just because her body became a cat, did her mental age also become a cat?
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snap out of it man you wanna eat feedstuff for the rest of your life?
As she was walking through the courtyard…
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Klaus and Cae spotted
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oh? what's this conversation has there been any progress in the investigation? but why are you guys the only ones who know let me know too
Just then, Cae stopped his departure.
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heh… so he also noticed those two nocturnal idiots won't notice nor care at all though
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And well she happened to sit on his lap.
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maybe this is her chance to hear his inner thoughts this time, she'll be able to eavesdrop without being discovered well it feels like you're digging into the person's inner thoughts without their consent though~…
ahem mah! everyone has their own burden! besides I think he started life in rather easy mode? his family is somewhat high-class, his economic situation is decent, his appearance is good, and his skills are excellent …is he bragging or something
At that time, Al's voice was heard calling Liz's name from afar.
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erm well I don't think Al's backstory will be dealt with in any depth right now… they'll just create a temporary unstable atmosphere and then move on as if nothing happened I guess?
Anyway, when Al was trying to pick up her from Klaus…
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wellll… has the effect disappeared? but then, was there really a need for an antidote
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hehe… thigh… zettai ryouiki… hehe…
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by the way, it's the bridal carry pose again just like in Ch3… but now that I think about it, that pose is kinda awkward? now her abdomen is in the upper but if she was sitting on his lap while being a cat, she would've been sitting like Maxwell cat
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like this
uh… or not perhaps it would've looked weird if she had turned into a human in that exact posture
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okay I got it it looks definitely weird
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so there was no need to take an antidote but well she turned back into a human before she could do anything worthy as a cat. it feels kinda deflated~… we couldn't hear his inner thoughts (this might just be because I bought a normal item though), and becoming a cat didn't make much progress in the story or was this chapter created as a rest session for the next chapter
Anyway, when Klaus asked for an explanation of the situation, Liz started explaining why she turned into a cat and why she ended up sitting on his lap.
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this is not entirely her fault, this fuss wouldn't have existed if that plush hadn't suddenly popped out the mighty emperor is giving a lecture again
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Al… that guy keeps nagging
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what what? what's this sudden outburst no way turn on the blinker ;; what are you doing
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huh,,,,,,, what's wrong with that guy his apology doesn't sound like an apology at all, there's not a single sincerity in it
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Al… you should let it slide you said you've known him for a long time, you already know his personality is quite… one that you don't want to get close to, yeah? you should let it slide…… I'm sorry I can only tell you this, but… there's nothing else I can do
-Ch6 End-
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he's not here ! ! ! this goes against our deal Solmare
nah don't give up yet perhaps in Ch7!
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nilolol30 · 2 years
Endangered: 12
It didn't take Blazer long he came back without the box and threw the worker helmet to the side next to a bunch of other trash what a waste.
"Mind turning around again?" Blazer twirled his finger coping the action I quickly turned around and waited soon I heard Blazer laugh and tell me it's alright to turn back around.
"Let's go"
"Wait where not staying? Where are we going?" Blazer put his hand on my back and laughed again.
"To the club don't worry I got a friend to tell your friends to come and meet us there it will be safe I promise" Blazer started to gently push be along with him in front of the bouncer cutting in line much to the teens annoyance.
"..." The bouncer looked at Blazer and then stared at me Blazer then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side the bouncer nodded and opened the door for us.
"Enjoy..." Walking in loud music and bright lights was all I can see or hear soon we walked upstairs and there was a dance floor a bar and two DJ's with a disco ball on there heads standing on a platform Blazer took me to the bar and we sat down.
"It will be awhile why don't you help yourself to a few drinks I'm a VIP so don't worry about the price" the bartender already set a glass cup full of some kind of liquid Infront of Blazer.
"I'm more worried about if I can even drink anything here..." Human food is understandably hard to come by here I'm still grateful for Momo giving me those canned foods.
"No worries there is some human drinks left behind still in good condition whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, tequila, vodka...Take your pick" So no non alcoholic options I still have my water but...how many chances will I have to have some kind of alcohol.
I made my order and the bartender nodded soon the small elevator on the other side brought up a bottle and the bartender set my drink Infront of me.
"Are you sure it's safe for them to come here there are too many people surely they'd snitch or something.." Blazer shook his head after he downed his shot.
"You worry to much no one will even see em they'll take the back door I have a VIP room set up too" I sighed and finnished my drink the bartender was about to pour another but I asked them not to.
"Why not have a few more drinks? like I said it will be a bit" Blazer leaned over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"I doubt my body can handle alcohol when I've been on ice for years and I also prefer not to get drunk with strangers" the bartender took my cup away for cleaning and Blazer nodded.
"Haha understandable and smart so tell me you got here from the sewers right? You are definitely not from midtown so perhaps your from the slums?"
"Yeah the slums the cat was the first thing I saw when I woke up and after traveling we formed a group and traveled the sewers..." I really prefer not to remember much of the sewers...and the eyes.
"Huh I heard the sewers are infested with zurks"
"Yup it sure is.." I rolled my shoulder to get Blazers arm off me.
"Is that how you got that cut on your face?" Blazer tapped the side of his screen I almost forgotten about that luckily facial wounds heal faster than one's on the body so it's mostly closed but will leave scar it probably won't be noticable.
"Yeah zurk managed to take a bite didn't have much time so I had to just rip it off and run" I turned to look at the dance floor there was a companion with a really cool dragon hat? Mask? Whatever it was it looked cool.
"Wow must have been horrifying" Blazer made some sort of motion with his hand and the bartender pours him another shot.
"There was worse down there..." Blazer must have picked up that this wasn't a good topic.
"So those friends of yours the ones your arrived here with?"
"Oh you mean Momo, Doc and Seamus yeah we've stuck together this whole time that cat actually saved Doc too" I played the memory of Seamus and Doc reuniting.
"Ah you call that cat Stray right? Come up with the name yourself?"
"Nope the drone did B-12" Blazer nodded along as we talked about random things I mostly talked he just asked questions and adding his own input a he did try putting his hand on my shoulder again but I just rolled it off and he backed off must have taken the hint.
Soon a random companion walked over and whispered something to him he nodded and stood up.
"Looks like your friends are here we can wait for the cat with them follow me" Standing up too I follow Blazer upstairs to a balcony with another companion with a top hat him and Blazer said something but it was in their own language.
"Just up the next stairs" walking up Blazer was behind me but soon I saw everyone tied to chairs ropes covering their speakers they were all struggling and trying to say something probably warnings but suddenly Blazer slammed the door making me turn towards him and two big drones were beside him facing me.
"Truly this isn't anything personal but money is money though I will admit I did like the company" the two drones flew at me and shot.
I heard the others make a bunch of sounds I think Momo screamed I thought getting electrocuted was like a firery sensation but it was sorta like a painful tingling and then numbness until my head hit the floor that hurt a lot.
I could see Clementine struggling more while shaking her head as Blazer walked past me then I couldn't keep myself awake.
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akunekoblog · 2 years
Bastien Kelly Initial Butler Story - Stronger
Chapter 2
This is Google Translated
The Next Day
Central Country - Espoir
Muu: Mr. Lono, Mr. Bastein, Mr, Haures! Thank you for your hard work on angel hunting today!
Muu: Everyone did such a great job!
Lono: Heh heh heh! It's no biggie.
Haures: Thanks to master's presence, angel hunting has become much easier.
Haures: I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It's no big deal.
No, no.
Haures: I shouldn't have come with you today.
Haures: Lono and Bastien were more than enough.
Bastien: Today's angel was too weak.
Muu: That's because Mr. Lono and Mr. Bastien are strong~.
Muu: This is definitely thanks to the daily hands-on training!
Lono: Can you praise me some more?
Muu: Mr. Lono is amazing!
Haures: Lono, don't get too carried away.
Bastien: Hmm... You're weak because you're satisfied with that difficulty.
Lono: What'd you just say?
Bastien: If you have something to retort, say it after you beat me.
Lono: Sure, I lost yesterday, but I'll definitely win next time! Mark my words!
Bastien: A man who can only talk is useless.
Lono: Grr…. This guy...
Bastien: What? Do you want to be beat again?
Muu: Stop fighting! People in town are watching!
Calm down, both of you!
Lono: Ugh... Master...
Lono: ... If you say so, then I have no choice but to obey.
Lono: Tch... I'll let it pass this time, Bastien. But there won't be a next time.
Bastien: Mm...
Muu: Haah... Mr. Bastien and Mr. Lono sure are giving us a hard time with all this fighting.
Haures: Muu. Do you now understand what I have to deal with?
Muu: Good work, Mr. Haures...
Lono: Hey, Muu. Are you speaking ill of me?
Muu: Eh?!
Muu: I didn't say anything! I didn't say anything! It's all a misunderstanding!
Lono: Really?
Muu: Ahahaha...
Muu: Oh, right! Speaking of which, Mr. Lono.
Muu: Why did you want to stop by town before leaving?
Lono: Ah. I thought I'd finish shopping for ingredients.
Lono: I feel bad for the master, but...
Lono: It'll be quick, so could you come shopping with me?
Lono: Bastien. Please help with the bags.
Bastien: Sure... Since it's to do with food...
A few minutes later
Bastien: ...
City woman: Ah! Look, look! There! Isn't that the Devil Butler, Bastien?
City woman: It's true! It's Bastien!
City woman: Ah~. His side profile is so cool!
Bastien: ...
Muu: Somehow I can already feel people staring at us...
There's lots of cheering for Bastien...
Bastien: Master. Don't worry about it.
Bastien: Those women just watch from a distance and don't do anything in particular.
Bastien: Don't worry, I'm not your enemy.
Lono: Why do women always make a fuss when Bastien walks by?
Lono: What's so good about this fox bastard?
Muu: Mr. Lono, are you jealous by any chance?
Lono: I'm not! I just don't understand why this guy is so popular.
Bastien: It's stupid.
Bastien: I'm not interested in anything other than getting stronger.
Bastien: You're weak because you're distracted by these things.
Lono: No one said I'm distracted!
Bastien: I wonder.
I feel like I'm getting some kind of nasty stare this time.
City man: A devil butler...
City man: Tricking the city's women...
City man: Get out of this town now...!
Muu: Huh, what are those people saying?
Haures: There are a lot of people in town who don't think very well of us.
Bastien: This is always the case.
Haures: Hey, Lono.
Lono: Yeah, I know.
Lono: Master, staying long is dangerous. Let's finish our errands early and go home.
A while later
Lono: All right! With these ingredients, I'll be good for a while!
Muu: You bought so much! I'm looking forward to the food you make!
Haures: Well then, master. Shall we head back to the mansion?
Haures: Hey, Bastien. Let's go.
Haures: Bastien?
Muu: Huh? We were walking together just now...
City woman: Look, look! The cool butler is over there!
City woman: Where, where? I want to see his face up close too!
Muu: "Cool butler"...
Lono: Haah... This Bastien guy...
Central Country - Espoir - Blacksmith
Bastien: This sword caught my eye.
Blacksmith: As expected of a regular customer.
Blacksmith: It's my newfound pride and joy.
Blacksmith: No matter how hard the armor is, it won't break!
Bastien: I see.
Blacksmith: However, the only problem is that it is a little heavy. Ordinary people use up all their power just holding it...
Bastien: It's light...
Bastien: A heavier sword would fit better.
Blacksmith: How can you carry it like it's light!?
Blacksmith: No, that's impossible. Are devil butlers monsters after all...?
Bastien: Hey. Don't call people monsters.
Blacksmith: I'm sorry! Please, spare my life!
Bastien: ... You don't need to apologize that profusely.
Bastien: I don't attack innocent people.
Lono: Ouch. Hey Bastien.
Lono: You were here after all.
Bastien: Lono.
Haures: Bastien. I always tell you not to wander around on your own.
Bastien: I'm sorry... A sword just caught my eye...
Lono: Hah, how much does this guy like swords?
Haures: Right...
???: Hey, demons. Get out of there.
Lono: Huh?
???: You're a nuisance! Leave now!
Muu: Woah...!
Muu, are you okay?
Muu: Ouch...
Muu: What's going on all of a sudden, who are these people...?
Haures: The military police of the Grosvenor family.
Military police?
Haures: The Grosvenor family, aristocrats who rule the central land.
Haures: These are the soldiers under their direct command...
Haures: They don't like us devil butlers.
Haures: The important role of hunting angels... It's been taken over by the devil butlers.
Haures: Maybe it's due to jealousy... But they always antagonise us.
Military Policeman: Hey, you there.
Bastien: What?
Military Policeman: That sword.
Military Policeman: A demon like you doesn't deserve it.
Bastien: Huh?
End of Chapter 2
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
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Game of Thrones - 52 JON VII (pages 533-548)
Sam shows his senior how to CSI properly, then Jon attacks Alliser after being provoked following news from King's Landing, and has to break out of his unlocked prison cell to fight a (small) zombie invasion.
The Reader, having just done mortal combat with an unkillable cockroach the size of a small mouse, knows that feels.
My uncle's men, Jon thought numbly. He remembered how he'd pleaded to ride with them. Gods, I was such a green boy. If he had taken me, it might be me lying here...
No might about it. It's good that you understand, but Jon? 'Was,' maybe get a winter on the Wall under your belt before you start calling yourself a seasoned man?
Last night, he had dreamt the Winterfelldream again. He was wandering the empty castle, searching for his father, descending into the crypts. Only this time the dream had gone further than before. In the dark he'd heard the scrape of stone on stone. When he turned he saw that the vaults were opening, one after the other. As the dead kings came stumbling from their cold black graves, Jon had woken in pitch dark, his heart hammering.
"force vision or inner turmoil" = 🥛
... wait... Is that really how you spell dreamt? I thought it was spelled 'dreampt'? hang on a tic. ... 'dreamed or dreamt-' blah blah blah... oh here we go: 'dreampt is an example of a phonetic intrusion that has fallen out of use but can be found in Shakespeare' Huh, cool beans. So the correct spelling is dreamt, but because of how mouths work, the p just kind of invites itself along sometimes in audio.
"I can't look," he whispered miserably. "You have to look," Jon told him, keeping his voice low so the others would not hear. "Maester Aemon sent you to be his eyes, didn't he? What good are eyes if they're shut?" "Yes, but... I'm a coward, Jon." Jon put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "We have a dozen rangers with us, and the dogs, even Ghost. No one will hurt you, Sam. Go ahead and look. The first look is the hardest."
I love how gentle and compassionate Jon is being with Sam. It's one thing to say "I know my friend's flaws, and I accommodate them," but it's another to actually care to do that. He could have tried to subtly bully Sam into it, but he's taking the time and effort to give Sam support, and making sure to keep it private to limit an external embarrassment. I especially appreciate it after his last chapter. Growth is not always linear in one direction.
Squatting by the dead man he had named Jafer Flowers, Ser Jaremy grasped his head by the scalp. The hair came out bewteen his fingers, brittle as straw. (...) A great gash in the side of the corpse's neck opened like a mouth, crusted with dried blood. (...) "This was done with an axe."
CSI: The Wall I like that they're actually taking the time to try and figure out what happened, instead of assuming it was wildings (though they do suspect that.) No offense Waymar Royce, it's just cooler when Ser Jaremy does it.
Yet his eyes were still open. They stared up at the sky, blue as sapphires.
And what colour were they before he left for the ranging? Cause buddy, I've heard somethings about corpses with blue eyes north of the Wall.
"-The corpses are still fresh, they can't have been dead more than a day..." "No," Samwell Tarly squeaked.
Ser Jaremy: I know how to do my job, what would you know? Jon: Hey, shut up Mormont: Yeah, shut up. Not You Sam you're a delight, tell us everything. Sam: *explains why these corpses are old and weird* Jon: Oh snap, he's right, these are super cursed.
"-They haven't been chewed or eaten by animals... only Ghost... otherwise they're... they're..." "Untouched," Jon said softly. "And Ghost is different. the dogs and the horses won't go near them."
So proud of Sam for speaking up because he knew he was right, even though he was so scared. So proud of Mormont for giving him the chance to speak.
"And might be I'm a fool, but I don't know that Othor never had no blue eyes afore." Ser Jaremy, looked startled. "Neither did Flowers, he blurted, turning to stare at the dead man.
"Burn them," someone whispered. On of the rangers; Jon could not have said who. "Yes, burn them," a second voice urged. The Old Bear gave a stubborn shake of his head. "Not yet. I want Maester Aemon to have a look at them. We'll bring them back to the Wall."
Poor Mormont, it's gotta be tough being the guy who would make a sensible decision that gets your whole team killed in a zombie apocalypse.
Obviously he doesn't actually get his whole team killed, and this isn't really a zombie apocalypse (except that it is), but this is a sensible decision that could prove very useful scientifically, if it doesn't all go terribly wrong. Which it will, because of zombie apocalypse rules, sorry buddy.
His guard was sprawled bonelessly across the narrow steps, looking up at him. Looking up at him, even though he was lying on his stomach. His head had been twisted completely around.
Oh Snap!
One thing I love about sprawling stories like this, is when one plot line is experiencing a completely different genre than the others. South of the Wall, and South Proper, it's all court dramas and political intrigue strung through with a few murder mysteries and (civil?) war, over East we've got a magical horse girl who's about to start a revolution, but with the Night's Watch we have Tower Defense Zombie Apocalypse!!!
When Jon opened his mouth to scream, the wight jammed its back corpse fingers into Jon's mouth. Gagging, he tried to shove it off, but the dead man was too heavy. Its hand forced itself farther down his throat, icy cold, choking him.
Oh, now that's interesting. And terrifying. But it makes it seem like the wight is trying to 'infect' Jon from the inside out. Realistically (I say of a magical zombie attack) it's probably just trying to kill him quietly by freezing shut his throat and gagging him at the same time, but the imagery is interesting. And disturbing in its phrasing of the assault in a very specific way.
I would also like to point out that "its back corpse fingers" is not my typo, that's how it appears in my copy of the book. Page 547. I am assuming it was meant to be "It's black corpse fingers" because earlier the narrative made a point of us knowing the corpses' hands were black. (I've likely made plenty of other typos during this daily live blog, but that was not one of them.)
The direwolf wrenched free and came to him as the wight struggled to rise, dark snakes spilling from the great wound in its belly. Jon plunged his hand into the flames, grabbed a fistful of burning drapes, and whipped them at the dead man. Let it burn, he prayed as the cloth smothered the corpse, gods, please, please, let it burn.
Excuse me a minute.
Ahem, where was I?
Good, quick thingking from Jon, excellent tag team from Ghost, amazing adaptability from them both. Poor Mormont has no clue what the hell just happened, though.
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riddlerosehearts · 6 months
baldur's gate 3 thoughts again except this time i made a mistake while trying to save the draft partway through and lost a bunch of random screenshots and things i wrote 😔 oh well. good news is that this post marks the end of act 1 for me!
the underdark is so cool. i really wish i had a better PC because even with my crappy specs this place is so gorgeous and fantastical while also being vaguely unsettling lol. definitely not regretting my decision to double back after finishing the mountain pass stuff. also, i feel like elenion would definitely enjoy getting to visit a myconid colony and see how they live and how their society works up close, so that could be an additional roleplay reason for me to be doing this.
...you know things are getting bad when at this point i really think elenion would be okay with trusting a literal mind flayer to help him because wtf else are we supposed to do LMAO. genuinely at this point it sounds less insane for the party to ingest dangerous mushrooms at the suggestion of a mind flayer than it would be to let volo give any of them eye surgery. we have to get these tadpoles out of our brains somehow, i guess.
omeluum is actually a fascinating character, though. an illithid who broke free and literally just wants to do good and live a peaceful life? i'm surprised that i wasn't spoiled on literally anything about him before i played. i hope that's not because he's a secret bad guy or something, because he seems really earnest and trustworthy right now.
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LMAO GALE PLEASE. i'm so glad i brought him along to the arcane tower.
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oh huh, interesting that the history check here was a bard-specific option! i'd always heard that the bard colleges in DND weren't neccessarily actual colleges and were more just representations of just different schools of thought and such, similar to wizard subclasses being called schools, but apparently larian wants our bards to have gone to college! sure, i guess i can work that into his backstory.
anyway, bernard makes me sad. the whole tower is incredibly ominous and makes me sad for lenore, who we don't even get to meet... like she literally programmed a robot to give her a hug and emotionally support her on command!! :( i wish that when we went back with the mushrooms we could tell omeluum and blurg that lenore was missing, because they act like they didn't even realize she wouldn't be there.
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obsessed with the fact that this is a bard option for when omeluum wants payment for the ring. and that you get to make him so happy that he gives it to you for free awwww.
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i love how sometimes, the bard specific dialogue options actually allow your character to be studious and knowledgable about poetry and folk tales and music, which i was not expecting considering the way bards are generally stereotyped--
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and sometimes they allow you to be a snarky little shit ASFKJGDFHJ 😭😭
since i went mountain pass -> underdark and i've already found the adamantine forge and done everything else it seems like i can currently do in my journal, i... think i'm actually ready to move onto act 2? i will say that i forgot to talk to dammon for karlach before the tieflings left the grove so i really hope that won't be too big of a problem. but if i did miss anything in act 1 (and i'm sure i must have) or mess anything up, then i think that's fine with me because i'm planning on doing several replays of this game anyway lol.
i went up the elevator, ended the day, and immediately mizora shows up and starts barking orders. i passed a perception check to pick up on her being desperate and this possibly being a chance to negotiate wyll out of his pact, and now i'm really wondering what would've happened if i failed that check?? would i have missed out on this whole scene where we try to negotiate with her?? would i have lost the chance to do this??
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ngl i'm not so sure elenion actually would do that because it's a little too goofy for such a serious situation, but i couldn't resist trying it. and then i went back and tried the history check instead and they actually result in more or less the same thing--you recite an incantation you remember from an old children's story and she laughs in your face. where's the option to punch mizora in the face smh >:(
and now we get another ominous visit from the dream guardian! also, astarion told elenion he wants to talk to raphael and they told him they want to know what he's planning, which he disapproved of and refused to do. astarion why are you literally so hard to get along with omg.
this seems like a good place to stop for now but i am so excited to be making it further through the story.
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ch 106: Random thoughts part 1
Ok, here we go!
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It sounds like a little spooky rumor, doesn't it?
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And here I was excited to see who the colored first page would feature… it seems it's just Akane and Teru getting these lately… how lucky.
So, Akane can still move because he is a clock keeper, Teru can because he is a strong exorcist? That's what I still get from what's happening. Hanako moved again... how? Was he helped off screen by Akane or Teru or just moved again... somehow? out of literal shock? or maybe Tsu/his yorishiro being in No.1's boudayr that isn't affected with time
Ok.. I'm done with thinking about these stuff of catching the bad guys or whatever, until some action happens with the one who did it... it will be years. I'm leaving this thing behind.
The way they talked about honorable No.7 with though… poor boy…
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Really poor boy, Tsukasa really went a bit too far… huh? Hang in there. Lend him your hanky for a sec Hakujoudai or wipe his tears for him...
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…… he looks like he is done with everything… but really… the way Teru is treating him with is just rude. Can't you see the state the boy is in? he is even not a part of the chaos this time, he did nothing wrong. Spare him this time.
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I see, so this another reason Tsukasa and his lackeys as Kou puts it had the clock destroyed. Nice way of thinking.
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So yeah, I was a bit right, we got Nene monologuing about what happened last chapter. Nine.
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What a cool chance to wake up to Tsukasa of all people asking you if you're awake. Look at…?
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At this point and after seeing stuff like this for the past few chapters… I didn't go "wow" or anything of that sort... the boundary looks a bit normal, later in the chapter it starts getting interesting, though.
Also, adding this... Tsu...! Tsu...!! Tsu...!!! His level of self-confidence, boldness and capacity... uhhh!!! He [No.7's yorishiro, mind you] is in No.1's boundary as if it's no big deal, having a full day and posing as if he was home. in Hanako's boundary. This boy goes by his own rules, his own vision, he is so free willed and I LOVE THAT!!! HOW COOL!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!! HE IS A TRUE FORCE!!!! TELL ME SOMEOEN CAN BE A MATCH TO ALL THAT GRACE?! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! 💜✨💜✨💜 Not to add he already did this before wit No.3's case, to the point we got a nice shot of 2 yorishrios together, hmm... will we see that happening again with No.1's as well. Gotta look forward to that!
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How radiant. Wow… a cool view to wake up to… just saying…
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Teach us, Tsukasa-kun! I love it when he gives little lectures!
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What a cool face! ♡ wow… right into business… what to do Nene-chan… oh! pretend to be dead! I had a little thought someday of... why not get Tsukasa taking Nene to destroy a yorishiro himself? here it is. all real.
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So funny. Love Tsukasa's reaction. That reminds me of this time she pretended to be fast asleep with Hanako back in the p.p arc. Maybe having flashbacks to that thing… I think she wouldn't like to do it again in fear of what might come next?
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Tsu!! Uh… I can't stop laughing! You know that isn't the case! You're such a little cutie!!!
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Twins… haha. If she was truly asleep, don't think that will wake her up, at least when the reason behind her falling asleep is you, Tsu. ~
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absolutely don't waste your time on other unimportant things.
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Hmm? Yeah, sure. You're not thinking about other things at all. ~
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Ohhh... didn't think Nene perspective- ikemen Tsukasa (+ Hanako) would show up in the chapter... is it just me or whenever I give him a closer look he starts looking more like Teru? Ok, love her little imagination, though I see Tsukasa won't say these things… Nene-chan is so much into manga of such types it seems.
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Though, I will say I like Tsukasa's cool looks and moves in her little fantasy, really capture the vibe of "bad boy" have to say. Who does he think he is you said Nene-chan… well, it's really easy.
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He is Tsukasa-kun! I guess we all know what it means to be Tsukasa, huh? So, good luck, Nene-chan. ~
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Uhh... she is too much into manga... she is imagining a whole scenario in there… This "be my assistant".... seriously… so now this word is equal to "lover/girl" it seems? ……. Imaginary Hanako... wow... love how they look and holding into each other... manga way. as if JSHK is not a manga oh... my... love her words at the end, too.
This Tsukasa however, how he is posing... what he is saying… my honest reaction to him is…
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I don't like the pose or facial expressions at all. He already said that… didn't look this way at all.
Though, I might believe Nene-chan is putting a sense of reality and a bit of personal life experience into her little fantasy. I mean…
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… … … so, he is a cat. Does he see her as a cat, too? I mean… I believe cats bring their close ones gifts like these… well, a nice gesture…
Love the face she is making! Going dead again to think more. Let's see…
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A nice way of thinking I must say. Though… Tsukasa did actually speak to her about the yorishiro when she woke up, guess she couldn't help but think about the other thing first. lol
Also, really love how they are walking while holding hands all childish & cheerful. how cute and funny.
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how adorable! I really wished to see them this way as Nene & Tsukasa now, and I got it. can't be happier. Next time I would love to see it for real. ♡
And wow, a nice prank she was planning to pull on Tsukasa! though, knowing Tsukasa… I assume she should give much more thought into it? I mean she saw how 'powerful' he can be. Still, a funny little plan! I love how he looked once No.1 supposedly electrified? Him? she actually got that plan coming true herself at the end of the chapter, didn't she? He looked even better than in her imagination. Haha.
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Uhh… so funny!! She took lots of steps back!! Hmm… you got that to yourself, dear. if you didn't pretend to be 'asleep/out of it' that wouldn't have happened. I woke up this morning to find my cat staring at my face this way... it was pleasant. not scary at all. At least I love how she didn't give him a headshot like she once did to someone. lol
Seeeee? He is just Tsukasa-kun!
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Nene-chan acting smart on Tsukasa-kun! Let's see how the show goes down!
"I don't want to. you destroyed all these other ones,now it's a problem?" pfffft. let's go! I will mention quickly… paying attention to the translation of dbs/manga up... it seems Tsu is saying she destroyed "Some"/"all" yorishiors we got so far... depending on each one I can guess a different case of his current knowledge about No.6's yorishiro destruction.
"you want me to destroy the yorishiro, right? well, I don't want to! – fine, don't. it's your choice, right?~" This thing is actually too funny. So casual and easy-going! Yes, that's the way of talking I love to see him going with! and that gave the girl some serious errors I'm telling you! who is more incomprehensible while speaking with Nene? him or his assistant?
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Haha, after getting her that way, he just went...
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and here where you know it's gonna go down quickly. ~
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lol. This boy this boy this boy!!! How much more amazing can he get? Seriously? That way of talking… oooh… playful manner… moves… facial expressions… oh, yes!!! who wants to run away from you??? if I was in Nene's place I would run right into his arms and say you got me! not kidding. also, good it didn't come to her mind he is a "yorishiro" as well. at some point he will want me to destroy him?!
This boy never disappoints me with his way of talking or unusual (impressive) way of changing the flow of the conversation to his benefit. Admirable!!! ♡
Even if it was just like "you fight for what you want, I will do, too. Mr. You're free to do whatever you want. The choice is always yours." That thing actually reminds me of a movie series I watched in the past... it had this "live or die, the choice is yours" thingy going around in almost every "game". remembering it kinda makes me shiver.
I feel a bit sorry Nene didn't even get a chance to speak in there. At the end, she had to do what Tsukasa wants… hmm… who was going and saying "you'll do what I want"… lol. Playing with Tsukasa is a bit tough, you have to follow 'his' rules. Love that!~
Though, the hand thing he mentioned, I believe he did it just to get Nene to give her best. He won't do that. I mean, surely he is sure he can catch her. he is so good at games, isn't he? Just wanted to have some fun with Nene-chan. How sweet. Tsukasa seems to like these games that take the form of little fun "bets" doesn't he? thinking about that one fic I wrote wizard Tsu this way with fun bets.. haha
Sooo... have to stop here due to pic limits... part (2)
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