#and it's not even the first time that spn cast members end up together
May 16-20, 2024 - DJ Qualls and Ty Olsson are getting married!
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"(...) And then, Ty and I were- became, like, inseparable at the very beginning. Like, just immediately, and over the last ten years our relationship evolved to what it is today, and now we're getting married. It's just so crazy that this person who was just my friend, now I think about all the time and he sends me the best messages and he supports me and loves me unconditionally in the right way. Because I would never abuse that. (...) And now we're going to be old men together."
DJ Qualls (Garth in Supernatural), was recently in a podcast "Locked and Probably Loaded with DJ and Kelly" (YouTube link & Spotify link) discussing his experience with Supernatural and his friendships with various cast members. He also talked about his relationship with Ty Olsson (Benny and Eli in Supernatural) and mentioned that they were getting married (quote above).
DJ also recently responded to a congrats tweet [x]:
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And to some other tweets as well [x] [x] (and this):
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On the podcast, DJ talked about how he'd initially declined the offer to play Garth and it took a bit to convince him. And he ended up finding some of the most amazing friends and his future husband.
May 18 update: Misha Collins has congratulated the couple on twitter which gained some traction [x]. The post was liked by both DJ and Ty. Stands also had something to say in light of people not realising sooner [x]. She admitted however that she hadn't known about the new until recently herself.
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J2 Main Panel Vegascon 2022
Things start off with Jared leaving Jensen speechless, don’t believe me watch for yourself; you see the very same fan who awesomely shares these panels with us had gifted Jared a purple dog shirt just like the one Sam wears in s1! And Jared changed from the shirt he had on during the Gold to that one during this panel, only Jensen didn’t know about it so when Jared took off the flannel he had on to reveal the shirt Jensen was left surprised and liking what he saw 😏
First question is, what are Jensen's feelings on Voltron? For those that don’t know Voltron was a show in the 80’s, the question comes about because Jensen has said he was a fan of Thundercats which is contemporary with Voltron- I think they came out like a year apart. Jensen doesn’t really have an opinion, he doesn’t remember it that well, and Jared doesn’t even know what Voltron is. When the fan recommends checking it out and mentions there was even a reboot on Netflix Jared jokes that he didn’t know about the reboot, this man *snort*
Before they move on to the second question, Jensen remembers a dad joke now if you didn’t watch the Gold panel or read my post about it during the Gold panel a fan asked if they had any new dad jokes but they couldn’t remember any at the time. But he remembered one…and it’s so bad but it’s a dad joke so I guess that makes it good anyways “what is it called when you slap Dwayne Johnson in the ass? Hitting rock bottom” x
Moving on, what is something that makes them smile, laugh, or brightens their day outside of their spouses and kids? Jared says the gag reels which he watches all the time, and Jensen concurs that they make him laugh. Jared also mentions that he likes pranking videos and when he told Molly Hagan, who plays his mom on Walker, she told him she hates them, and to never prank her and he said yes, ma’am.
And then since they were on the topic of pranks Jensen shares a prank he pulled on Jared while on the Walker set! There’s a crew member who’s about the same size as a giant stuffed bear prop they were using for a carnival scene and the bear was hanging by where Jared had to pass and Jensen made sure Jared saw him kick the bear so he could see it was fake but on take 2 they switched it out for the crew member in a bear suit who jumped Jared as he walked by and Jared froze 😂
Jensen also mentioned that he’s a sucker for soldiers coming home videos. x
What has it been like working together again? Like they never stopped. Aww; Jared says that on Jensen’s birthday it occurred to them that the first birthday they were sharing a set together on was in 2005 🥺
He said he couldn’t be on set the first couple of days Jensen was there because he had a prior engagement he had agreed to a while ago but that meant that the Walker crew got to meet Jensen as Jensen Ackles the super talented, efficient director. And when he got to set he got to brag about him, and got to tell his crew that there’s no chance Walker would have happened if it hadn’t been for spn and there’s no chance there’d be an spn if it wasn’t for Jensen. That it was fun to show him off, and think of 30 different chair backs. This is so sickeningly sweet, I love it 💕
I know I’m not the only who loves it when the boys groom each other so here’s a timestamp to Jared removing something from Jensen’s face x
Jensen was asked about the third Radio Company album. He says it has been written for a while. They just haven’t had a chance to record it but hope to have something in the next few months. x
Asked who the clumsiest cast member is, the answer is Jared. Jensen describes him as being like a great dane who thinks he’s a chihuahua which is funny, cute, and accurate all at once. x
A fan wanted to know which ep was more fun to make between Mystery Spot, Bad Day at Black Rock and Yellow Fever except they didn’t remember Yellow Fever at first; so Jared originally says Mystery Spot because he knew when Jensen was running the humor on spn that he would always end up laughing because Jensen always kills it at the comedy. But when the fan remembers Yellow Fever, they both say Yellow Fever was probably the most fun one to make even though for Jensen one bad part about it was that he was hoarse for three days after the scream. x
Fan wanted to know since Chaos Machine’s head of development has expressed a passion around LGBTQ characters, and they’ve both supported LGBTQ organizations if Jensen could talk about his thoughts on inclusive storytelling and using his platform to make a difference. He says their head of development is a member of that community and has helped instrumental in helping them find material that includes stories like that, and they have a few projects in development with that type of story and those types of characters who they really wanna represent properly. x
Can Jensen give any hints about possible DC projects he may be working on in the future? Nope! All Jensen can say is that they’re currently working with other producers who fall under the WB umbrella and are working on an IP that was brought to them from DC. x
What are their fav superheroes, and what are Sam and Dean’s fav superheroes? Jensen says Batman for both him and Dean. Jared says probably Superman although he also loves Batman and thinks he’s pretty badass. Then Jensen asks Jared what superpower he would have if he could and Jared says Aquaman which listen he didn’t explain his reasons that well…but I get it. Aquaman’s powers aren’t limited to just “talking to fish '' or being able to breathe underwater, he also has super strength, being able to see in the dark, enhanced hearing, I think there’s even an iteration where he can fly. Point is if you’re going to pick a superhero to gain the powers of Aquaman isn’t a bad option.
Jensen says he’d like to be able to see just like 5 mins into the future. He asks if there’s any superheroes that have that ability and a fan shouts out foresight but I don’t know if they were yelling out what the power is called or the name of a comic book character cause DC does have some characters named that but I couldn't find anything about them being superheroes or having the power to only see minutes forward into the future 🤷‍♀️
Continuing on, do they remember the exorcism incantation? Jensen doesn’t, Jared remembers some; Jared says that one time when Jensen had to do the incantation he told him he was gonna try and do a bad job so he wouldn’t have to do it again 😂
Fan wants to know if they could recommend some shows for their friend to binge watch while they’re recovering from surgery. Jared says he’s bad at the question, I couldn’t understand very well his reason but it seems he’s just not into binge watching. Jensen gives a couple of recommendations: Peaky Blinders, Yellowstone,The Boys, etc. x
Outside of spn who have they worked with that gave them good advice, and who would they like to work with in the future? They both say that when it comes to people they’d like to work with in the future that’s difficult to answer because there’s big names that’d be amazing to work with and learn from but there’s also great actors who are more unknown or are just beginning. As for people who gave them advice, Jared says Milo Ventimiglia took him under his wing when he worked on Gilmore Girls. He would give him recommendations on places to go to and things to do around LA, and Jared was brand new to this world he didn’t even know you could leave the set in the long breaks between scenes so he would just sit in his trailer until one day Milo asked him if he wanted to grab lunch and that’s when he learned he could leave. Jensen says Tom Welling gave him a lot of good advice that he and Jared used when they worked on spn. Like things they should watch out for and fight for as leads of a show, and they have passed that advice along to other actors like Stephen Amell. x
Do they have any traditions with their kids like watching a specific show together every week? Jared says not with Odette, most of that is Netflix but he watches football with his sons and Shep is a big fan of sports and stuff about dinosaurs so he’ll watch that with him. Jensen says they got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas and he’ll play with JJ and Zeppelin, Arrow likes to sit and cheer her siblings on. He also says he drives the kids to school everyday and JJ thinks he knows every song on the radio because she’ll randomly pick a station and he’ll know what song is playing but what she doesn’t know yet is that the radio is set to the stations he listens to. x
Last question! What did they hide when they did their AD shoots? ….I’m gonna tell y’all what they said and then I’ll tell y’all what I think.
Jared after laughing and stumbling a bit said a lot but most of the stuff they hid was probably kids toys at which point Jensen says kids toys, parents toys. For some quick context as to why the awkward laughing and joking about sex toys it’s because a couple of years ago Jared accidentally (or “accidentally” whoever you wanna look at it) tweeted a picture of the house where you could clearly see a sex toy. Jensen says he doesn’t think they hid anything because D just throws things out, he’ll ask her about something and she’ll say if he doesn’t know he doesn’t need it that she threw it out 6 months prior. But there were things brought in like the sex plant.
I’m gonna make this fast. I find something weird about their answer and reaction to this question, I don’t know what it is but I do; and like, am I expected to believe that AD brought in items but they didn’t consult them on what to hide or what to showcase, and that they didn’t have people prep the house cause that’s what it comes across. I don't know maybe it's just me, I found the vibe weird.
Also, I suddenly understand why it is that so many times when we see the Ackle homes it seems more like D’s place and aesthetic. Because by what Jensen says she throws things out without asking him so why he would keep his shit there if she's just gonna toss it without consulting him first. x
And then they sang Happy Birthday to Jensen at the end of the panel 🎂
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destieldailynews · 3 years
Misha Collins Cameo Videos (Top Trending)
March 17, 2021
On Tuesday March 16, supernatural star Misha Collins released his first batch of cameo videos. In combination, these videos caused supernatural to trend once again across platforms. The most popular of the cameo videos are transcribed here with links (we will release another post summarizing the rest of the videos, which are mostly personal greetings.)
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Still Beautiful & What Cas is Doing Now 
“Hey heller friends. Bridget wanted me to say hi, and to say [Cas voice] Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester. [regular voice] Shit! My Cas voice is rusty. I don’t know what I, how, Hogwarts house Cas is in. I know that I am a...flugmort. I don’t even know the names of the hogwarts houses, guys, this is not working for me. What do i think Cas is up to now? I think Cas is up there, with his sleeves rolled up, having a massive...ping pong championship in Heaven. There’s ping pong everywhere, that’s all people do now. It’s like, um, It’s like Forrest Gump when he was recuperating. Any words of wisdom to my fans? Stay happy, do your best”
link to video on twitter
Talking about Cas Coming Out (from CTE)
The prompt was: Could you please record yourself as Cas and talk about what his coming out meant to him? 
“I’m not going to speak as Castiel because [chuckle] Warner Brothers has specifically forbidden it. But I will tell you this. As the actor who plays Castiel I can say that the scene in 15x18 when castiel expressed his love for Dean was very important to me, and it felt like a really meaningful, deeply important conclusion to my character’s arc on the show, and I’ve heard a lot of people saying that it meant a lot to them, and that means the world to me. Umm, that's a conversation that i would love to have more of, but, uh thank you [wink] bye!’
link to video on twitter
Ideal Destiel Kiss?
“Hey Jess, I...I was not able to read your story because I just, I just don’t have time right now. I am trying to help a friend who has a very sick kid and it’s kind of taken over my day. But I, I will tell you this.  When I got your request to describe the ideal Destiel kiss, that’s not something I have put enough thought into. But I will tell you this: I am deeply gratified and grateful that Castiel got to have his parting words on the show. That, for me, was so so meaningful and I was so grateful that Cas got to have that ending. I hope you’re well. Sending love, bye!”
link to video on Cameo 
Destiel Reunion Hug
The prompt was: Since we were unable to see Cas rescued from the Empty & in heaven in the finale after his romantic confession to Dean & subsequent death, what would you have liked to have seen for Dean & Cas’ reunion if given the opportunity to decide yourself? 
“I’ll answer this question for you about Dean and Cas and a reunion. I would love to just see the most authentic, loving hug. I could imagine them just, like, grabbing each other and hugging.”
link to video on tumblr 
Cas’s Retirement In Heaven 
“Hey Caryn! I love that you are looking out for Cas’s posthumous well-being in Heaven. Is it posthumous...I guess he’s resurrected, and now he’s rebuilding heaven. I would say this about Cas and what he’s doing in Heaven: I think cas, sadly, will never retired, but I think that also for Cas, doing good work is what he would want to do in his retirement anyway, and I’m sure that he’s doing good work now. I think he’ll never stop. Bye...I hope the same is true of you!”
link to video on Cameo 
Theoretical SPN Revival 
“Hey Alex. I would love to one day get the band back together for a SPN revival of some sort, whether it’s a movie, or a limited run series, or just some little odd casts. Wouldn't it be fun to get together Sam, Dean, Cas, and Alex for a, I mean Jack, for a little, little chit-chat, vocal, audio, podcast? And it would be lovely, one day, to see, to have Dean discuss the impact of Cas’s comments, cause it was never really done. I’m sending you love. Bye!”
link to video on twitter
More Ping Pong
“[Cas voice] Hello Dean. [regular voice] No, no, no. Hello, Kyalin, how are you? I don’t know, I don’t know if you’ve thought about this at all, but I think Cas and Dean are probably playing a lot of ping pong in heaven right now. As you know, they’re ping pong fanatics. I hope that you’re having fun. I hope you’re having fun with your mom, who takes such good care of you. You’re a lucky one [wink] bye!” 
link to video on twitter
Thoughts on how Cas Helped People
“Hey Rich, thanks for your messages. Really gratifying to hear and of course I’m so sorry to hear that you went through such a rough stretch but I’m glad you’re alive, I’m glad these fictional characters helped you, and I...I’m just going to say i'm really happy that Cas got to go out sending a message that authentically loving who you want to love is something that can potentially save the world. That’s a nice message, maybe something to carry with us.”
Personal Congratulations and Poem Reading 
“Hey Fitz. I am wishing you a happy top surgery. What a monumental moment for you, that’s huge. Take care of yourself, rest up, be gentle in your recovery. And now I’m going to read you a paragraph, because I have been instructed to. This is from your friend Brook. [Cas voice] We are the last of all things. Come to me in darkness and daylight and aching. Come to me mourning: proselytizing. [regular voice] I can’t talk like Cas anymore [laugh] oh my goodness. Come to me, Sisyphus, we’ll roll this boulder back down the hill together. If we go fast enough it feels like falling or flying. I really don’t know what just happened to me [laugh] it’s rusty.” 
[italicized sections are quotes from the poem] 
link to video on tumblr
link to original poem and author's tumblr 
Request From MCR-Natural 
 “Hey MRC Natural Discord. I don’t...know what that is. The question is: what member of Team free Will would most likely get a stigmata and what would Castiel’s role be in such said scenario, and the answer is obviously Sam and the rationale is that, oh no, Castiel’s involvement is that he secretly used his angel blade to cause the stigmata, while Sam was sleeping. He numbed him with his magical powers and then secretly gave him a stigmata to help exacerbate his savior complex. Thanks, bye.”
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Thinking About How This Wasn't Actually a Denial
But was it self preservation?
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The year was 2013 and rather than a denial, Jensen said "Don't ruin it for everybody now."
What was the fan 'ruining' for everybody? The Con? or something else? So if I was a tinhatter - and sometimes I am - I might think about other tv shows from the past that were covertly queer and how they handled the question, were TV shows 'out'?
Mainstream shows like Bewitched, you know, shows that are so clearly straight, you can tell because... well. ... they never technically used the word 'gay'. ... witches honor
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SPN Film Studies is Back in Session! Join Under the Cut for more on supernatural & the story about how Bewitched! came out of the Broom Closet
Bewitched aired from 1964-72, it's so old the first season was in B&W. The show starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha, the strange housewife with a stranger secret. Her husband, Darrin, unwittingly married into the whole witchy family, from the now drag icon Agnes Moorehead's Endora with her open marriage, to the unmarried and batty Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne who played the mother in Hitchcock's heavily gay coded 'Strangers on a Train'), to the extremely coded Uncle Arthur (gay actor Paul Lynde). (We can't know for sure, but it seems at least 4 members of the cast were gay themselves.) The core premise of the show involves Samantha balancing who she really is with repressing that self for the safety and comfort of her family.
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Samantha and her husband keep her [ahem] 'queer' nature a secret which gets harder on Samantha when she has to tell her daughter to live the same way, “I know what fun it is to be a part of the magical life ... to have so much at your fingertips. But we’re living in a world that’s just not ready for people like us, and I’m afraid they may never be. So you’re going to have to learn when you can use your witchcraft and when you can’t.”
There are plenty of generic 60s wacky hijinks but there are also whole episodes metaphorically about repression being harmful, episodes where characters asked if another was a 'thespian', episodes where Darrin was queercoded while under a spell, episodes about representation & bad stereotyping in media, and even two episodes where witches discussed whether it was time for witches to come out to the mortals, (whether mortals could accept that they were just nice normal people trying to live their lives like everybody else - or not - and would just freak out and kill them again).
When it came time to recast Dick York's Darrin with a new 2nd lead, Elizabeth and her husband, William Asher, knowingly cast the gay Dick Sergeant. (Although he wasn't out publicly at the time.) Then, when Sergeant came out in '91, Montgomery supported him and the two served together as the grand marshals of the Hollywood pride parade.
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Dick Sargent expressed in the 90s what he would want in a Bewitched reunion episode: for Darrin to meet another like couple, a witch and a mortal who are married, and another, and another, and end up forming a whole community and support group, finding out that it was never so uncommon after all, that it was actually "about 10% of the population." The two would march in the first mortals and witches pride parade, saying they should have come out years ago.
In '94, Montgomery had this to say about the queer themes of the show, “Don't think that didn't enter our minds at the time. We talked about it on the set, that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.” (x)
Interviewer: Are you concerned that your involvement in the gay-pride parade will lead people to believe you're a lesbian?
"[Laughing] I'm really not worried about that. There are bigger things to worry about. Like the presidential election and finding a cure for AIDS. I did the parade in support of Dick. I mean, in the end, didn't we all?" (x) (Montgomery was also one of the first celebrity allies to fight for LGBTQ rights and support HIV/AIDS-related fundraisers.)
So did they talk about it at the time? No. You can bet they didn't speak about it publicly. What would have happened if a fan, publicly, had asked Elizabeth, William, or Dick about the show's queer allegory content? This was a time when being gay was a literal felony. They would have had to have lied or risked losing the show, their careers, and possibly subjecting themselves to violence.
Now. back to Jensen and the Schrodinger's long con:
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This was in 2013 - The same year that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a federal ban on gay marriage. You certainly couldn't call homosexuality illegal in the US at that time. It's the same year that Dabb and Sgriccia spoke about the Aaron moment on the DVD and whether there's 'this potential for love in all places' for Dean. Of course Jensen said this about the very same scene: "But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
I'm reminded of 2012 when Ben Edlund stepped in about a Destiel question at comic con, pretending it was some freaky thing that fans had made up even though he'd already written and directed TMWWBK, which had already aired.
Jensen: “What’s Destiel?” Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
Or the next year for season 9 when Jensen said “I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  “I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” EVEN THOUGH- that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and Misha (or both of them?) was told to “play him like a jilted lover”
Or Jensen's knowing bromance smile in 2015
I think recent events (cough spn gate) have made clear that the network and many viewers were still uncomfortable with CAS being gay in 2020, deleting even familial mentions of Cas from the finale episodes once he was revealed to be not only gay but also in love with Dean. (x) (x) (x) Can you imagine then what Warner Brothers would have said to an acknowledge bisexual Dean Winchester in 2013? Granted, there was no Trump election, but legitimate, could that have been the end of the show? Or the Russian and Conservative US viewership? Is it possible that Jensen would have feared so?
Is it possible that Jensen had a more personal reason for a knee jerk defensive response?
So was Jensen covering in 2013? Well. This happened 5 years later in 2018:
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That hostile "? No." came even though Misha confirmed that he and Jensen had discussed Destiel by that point. Granted, discussing Destiel as a concept and accepting Dean being inherently bisexual are two very different things - Cas is GN after all - still, less than encouraging.
I may never get over the jumps back and forth that Jensen did. At this point I think there's no denying that a lot of SPN's queer content was on purpose, even as writers and actors were telling fans and network execs otherwise. Yet when each person involved was brought in? that question haunts me at night. I have gone off before about the timeline in my pursuit of whether Jensen was Ben Hur'd (x) and, if so, for how long. I'm sure many in this fandom have so much to add.
In the meantime we'll just have to cherish this moment from 2019:
Interviewer: 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you’re most excited to tackle with your character this final season.’ Jensen: “Cas. Just like a full football form tackle.”
Bewitched references in SPN:
2.05 - Dean: Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands.
2.20 - Dean says Barbara Eden was hotter than Elizabeth Montgomery - sigh - Dean.
7.05 - Dean thinks a husband has no idea his wife is a witch, and refers to him as Darrin. Dean also indicates he likes the first Darrin better. - (I guess I can't make a comment about how much TV Dean watched as a kid if I get all of his references and also haven't saved the world.)
14.03 - Jules refers to the witch as 'Brunhilde' - this is a minor character in bewitched but more so from mythology and likely referred to the cartoon witch from WB cartoons - the stereotypical witch that faced bugs bunny with the green skin and straw hair.
let me know if you have any to add. Stay Witchy ✌
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teamfreewill2pointo · 3 years
Transcript of End of the Road Special
Transcript of End of the Road Special. 
Please let me know if I made any errors in transcription. Twitter version Family Don’t End with Blood Transcription Winchester Mythology Transcription
Dabb: Ultimately, we came up with something that we're all very proud of Singer: You never know what the audience is going to like so we really tried to say "what would make us happy? Would we be satisfied with where we've taken them?"
The Carry On song was a guideline.
Singer: The myth of what these brothers were throughout 15 years... We didn't shy away from fatalism, but we wanted to be able to have it be kinda uplifting as well.
Dabb: If you're going to do something that feels like a complete arc, you have to kinda go back to the beginning of it (clips of them hunting vamps from s1 & 15.20) When it comes to Sam & Dean- it's all about getting back to, in some ways, these two guys on the road in this car.
Dabb: They've been doing this job for 15 years now. They've fought everyone from demons to vampires to God himself, but at the end of the day, they're still working guys, out there on the road & taking cases. We've tried to never lose sight of that.
Dabb: There are times when we've been wrapped up in our own mythology a little bit. We've always tried to get back to the basics, which are: these two guys, saving people, hunting things. 
Eugenie: I think we sort of knew generally what the ending would involve.
Eugenie: We might not have known the mechanics, but we sort of knew there would be a victorious, glorious sacrificial ending bc I think sacrifice is a big theme in the series.
For every great thing you do, a cost must be paid.
Singer: Andrew & I talked about it. We were in agreement pretty quickly... talked to the rest of the writing staff & let them know what we wanted to do and we were open to suggestions. And then we pretty much pitched it to Jared and Jensen.
Jensen talks about flying to LA. Jensen: So before we ever even started 15, we knew how the last portion of the story was going to go. We didn't know how we were going to get there, but we kinda knew the final- the finish line- we knew what... what that was going to look like.
Jared: I don't think there's ever been a season of SPN in 15 years where the way the writers thought the show would play out for that season- ended up being the way it played out And so we were aware of that. They told us here's what we're thinking, here's what happens to Castiel
Jared: In the finale, Dean dies & Sam lives on. And then we think they're going to meet up in heaven. 
I remember Jensen... just because I know him so well- he seemed to bristle a little bit.
Jensen: It was hard to hear then & it was hard to read now. Not because I didn't like it, not because I wished it had gone differently... I'm not adverse to it. I think it's a great ending. I'm proud to film it.
Singer: And we just aimed for that, you know, throughout the season. We knew where we were going.
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Jensen: Reading it & knowing that... there's just a weight that is so much larger reading these scripts than I've ever experienced before. 
There's an emotional weight that these scripts are going to carry & these episodes are going to have that I don't think we've ever seen before.
Brad: [J2] were so young when all of this started. They brought to it such conviction & such commitment to the effort. 
That's one of the things that kept the show going for so many years... a show that was designed for very young guys, footloose & fancy free, & on the road…
Brad: To see these guys grow up b4 your eyes into- men, not boys any longer- was amazing. 
BABY Jared: Though the story does involve Sam & Dean chasing supernatural things, it really is a story about two brothers that love each other & ultimately will do anything for each other.
Jensen: There's really one person that gets it on the level that I get it, and that's Jared. Jared: I've never spent as much time with another human being as I have with Jensen Ackles. He will be my friend and brother forever. And I know that.
BABY Jensen: There's a lot of dynamics between the two brothers, there's a lot of history between them, there's a lot of banter between them... it's good stuff S15 Jensen: We had a partner in crime & we leaned on each other for, you know, for times when it was tough.
Jensen: But we also won together. We got to share the experience of success & the experience of getting picked up for another season. Watching these two characters go through what they're going through, when we're working 14 hours & it's 2-3 o’clock on a Sat morning and we're just now finishing filming out in the rain and mud and we gotta race to the airport to get on a plane because we've got a photoshoot in LA & we've gotta do on camera interviews and we gotta promote the show that we love so much that we were just in the mud & the rain filming hours before we're exhausted and it's like there's only one person that gets that right now. That gets how I feel and that's this guy standing next to me. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool to have somebody like that.
Brad: We knew it was going to be impossible to tie up every aspect of all of the cans of worms that we opened up. 
We did want to bring a proper ending to the guys, the guy's relationship.
Brad: Then of course we had this huge corner we painted ourselves into with the most powerful thing in the universe being the big bad of the season. We try and find a proper send off for Jack & for Cas. What to do w/ the boys & is that a together farewell or an individual?
It was just... lots of moving parts. 
Dabb: I give a lot of credit to Bobo who really was the one who started banging the drum early & often to ending the mythology in 19 and end the characters in 20.
Brad: You're battling God & battling God & you have this epic situation going on through the first 3/4 of the show & then what? You send off Dean in act 4? That just felt wrong. Eugenie: We had this obligation, it was really mandatory, that we tie up the mythic narrative and leave the final episode for the emotional resolution. I [was] more on the side of not wanting to best God. To have God change to be more like his creations. So there were philosophical arguments, but we always knew God's resolution was going to be a big ticket item.
Jensen: We'd started day 1 of the 2nd to last episode, 19. We were 1 day down on that episode & we were just about to start our 2nd day & we got the call that morning that we were not going to be coming in that day.
Jensen: So we figured ok, we'll figure out protocol, figure out what we need to do, & we'll just regroup, come back on Monday. As that day progressed, it was like- this looks like more of an apocalypse that is ascending upon us than just a bad cold.
They pulled the plug & they said everybody go home. 
Singer: Fortunately, we got assurance from both the studio & the network that one way or another we were gonna finish the series. That was comforting to us, but we didn't know when we were going to go back.
Eugenie: We didn't know what we were going back to... if this was the last time we would ever see the set. There was no plan. It was just get out of dodge. Dabb: When it first happened, we thought it would be a couple of weeks, maybe a month.
I had conversations w/WB where they expected everyone to be back shooting in June & then things got worse & pushed & pushed.
Eugenie: Slowly as we settled into that 4 or 5 month period, discussions were going on w/the studio, & the networks, & the actors. We knew there would be restrictions on what we were allowed to shoot, but finally, the mechanics were figured out. 
Singer: So they were ready to go pretty quickly, shooting in Van, where covid wasn't quite as virulent as it was [in LA].
Dabb: We were one of the first shows, one of the first WB shows to start back up. So in a way, we were kinda a guinea pig. But, in being that, I think everyone took it really seriously. We had 0 positive tests. Crew members weren't going out on the weekends.
They were like look, if I get sick, it hurts the whole show. That speaks to the family culture up there, where we've had so much of our crew for so long. Where J2 & Singer provide such great leadership.
Singer: When I was in prep for 20, I was basically in the office but couldn't go to the set. It was very odd for me not to be able to go to the set while I was in prep. 
Everybody just hung in there & did what they were supposed to do.
Brad: Then we were faced with the dilemma of having to rewrite a lot of the stuff bc of the pandemic bc of the limitations that we knew were going to come on the production.
Jensen: We were gearing up for, not only the end of that season, but the end of the series. There was a lot of big, big things written-packed- into those last two scripts.
Jared: At first, it was supposed to be a lot of our old cast from prior seasons in a Roadhouse with Kansas.
Everybody had already agreed. Kansas was going to be in Van. We were going to have dad there & mom there. Just probably 20 or 30 different actors & actresses who had been a part of the SPN's canon over the last 15 & a half years.
Jensen: It was scheduled to be the last day that we were going to film, so it was almost like rolling right into a nice wrap party on camera. 
Brad: The idea of flying a boatload of ppl up there to quarantine for 2 weeks so they could shoot for a day was making less & less sense.
Eugenie: How do we make this work? And while you're doing that, you also don't want to sacrifice the heart and soul of the project. 
So we came up with a reduced, much more intimate ending. It has been replaced by something equally magical & rewarding.
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Singer: I felt an enormous responsibility in directing the finale of a show that's been on for 15 years. Andrew, when he saw the cut, he said some really nice things to me as to, you know, the way I handled the material.
Jensen: The scenes that were filmed on our last day on the sound stages were filled with the most emotion of the final episode. 
Singer: One of the really hard things was we're on another stage that wasn't the MoL stage & they started wrecking the MoL sets
They'd been working on this set and been apart of this- this family for just as long if not longer than the set's been around. I was like "it's really sad seeing this get taken down" and the other guy said, "I'm trying to hold back tears while I'm swinging this hammer."
Jared: As we start saying goodbye to characters, to locations, like it just seems like every day you would wake up and there would be some reason to cry. 
Misha: This is a show ultimately about love, & empathy, & caring, & I think that Castiel embodies that.
Misha: Half the crew was crying. It was really such a sweet, supporting environment to be in for the demise of a character that, of course, for me is really important. 
But it was so lovely to see that, you know, the folks that I'm- I'm working with were also there for Cas at that moment. 
Alex: To get to work with these caliber people & see your friends every day is really special & is not something that often happens in this business for this long. It's been definitely a topsy turvy last couple weeks here with us and the crew. 
Jared: Friday of the final full week was the big scene in the barn with the vampires where Dean suffers his fate. They did the first two days with the entire stunt team & the young boy actors. 
And then they cut it for Thursday night and they're like, okay, Friday, tomorrow, we’re starting the dialogue. Dean, you're on the post. Sam, you just cut off the last vampire's head.
That was the scene- that was where Supernatural was really encapsulated. 
Jensen: And then the next week we kind of had this- on the road encore get together filmmaking scenario that felt more like we made it & it was more pats on the back as opposed to tearful goodbyes. 
Dabb: In a weird way you can look at the 15 seasons is like Sam & Dean's emotional evolution. You know instead of therapy, they kill vampires, but other than that it's kind of the same & brings them both to a very good place. And a place where they can, as the song says, you know, lay their weary head to rest. 
This felt like the most honest & emotionally fulfilling episode for these characters to us. Jared: I got thinking about how Supernatural started & how the majority of times how I thought it should end. It started with Sam & Dean Winchester. I think it's proper that it ended with Sam & Dean Winchester together again. 
Jensen: When the cameras stop rolling & Bob yelled, “Cut!” and Bob yelled, “That’s a series wrap on Supernatural.” There was- a there was a loud cheer that echoed through that canyon we were filming in. I will- I will happily say that there were hugs that happened and that needed to happen. Those are people that I spent not just years with, but so much time with- it's like brothers in arms and so to put it to bed the way that we did felt really good and then felt good to hug some people, I'll tell you that much. Singer: I thanked everyone, but I wanted to really thank people who had been with us from the beginning and as I looked around, there were so many people who had been there from the beginning.
We really were a family. I always say about this show is one of the reasons that it was a success and is that it was not only about the Winchester family, but it was about the Supernatural family. 
Jared: So now that's all said and done, I guess I can look back at it and just be proud that I helped this show carry on and I'm really proud of the blood, sweat, and tears that I put in, and I feel like- I feel like that sacrifice was also maybe one of the things I learned from Sam, you know? Sam had to sacrifice a lot. So, I'm honored and flattered and grateful that I got to be a part of that journey.
Dabb: You're never going to have another show like this. You're never gonna have another experience like this. For a lot of different reasons, from how long it ran, from the family that the show became, from the amazing fans that we have. [Footage of us] From the emotional investment people can put in over 15 years of their lives. 
Some started watching this when they were in high school, when they were 15, they're 30 now, they might have kids. That's their- that's like half their life. They've been with this show. You're not gonna have that again. Shows just aren’t gonna run this long, especially genre shows, but I don't know that I'm ever gonna do anything else in my career that I'm gonna be more proud of than having been involved in this show. 
Jared: The things that stick out are just how important it is to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And keep on working and wake up every day and treat it like it could be your last and- and if you make it out the other side, you'll be happy and proud of what you did. 
Jensen: The crew had packed up, they had cleared the bridge, and they were all starting to, you know, load their trucks and get moving. And Jared and I just kind of hung back, and we just took a moment. I looked at him and I said, “I’m proud of us, man. I'm proud of what we've done.”
We know that that's the collective we, that is everyone that is involved, that is- you know from the top down. You know, for our portion, for what we contributed to this monster of the show, he and I reflected on that, and still able to see and smell the roses.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 3 years
So all of Jensen's interactions with Misha were public relations? His birthday message in 2008 And anniversary photo does that include it?
"He doesn't have any business partnership with Misha as we know of. He does not do ships and fandom games so he doesn't feel the need ro rile us up in SM. So PR game with Misha as we know of it ended when the show ended."
You should ask the original OP who posted that, the full post is here.
I also received a similar anon (I guess it's form the same copy-paste anon...)
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Anyway, I'll answer this.
When people say it's PR, they are not saying it isn't genuine. Jensen wishes Dee happy birthday in SM, but it's obvious he has already told her in private, and if they are lucky enough to be together that day, they probably have a romantic dinner or sort of.
So, why does he also post it in SM? Because that's for the fans and the general public. Imagine if Jensen didn't post anything on Dee's birthday... people would start rumors about their marriage falling out (as J2 shippers do from time to time lol).
Something similar but not as extreme applies to Jensen's coworkers (Steve Carlson, Misha, Jared, other spn cast...). I'm sure he congratulates in private or in person (idk if this still applies to Jared after the confirmation of the J2 fallout), but he also posted in SM to show everybody's fine at the show, spn family and so on. This could be the example of the first link:
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It's very cute, but also very aseptic and neutral. It's just "generic insta post"TM, not very different from the posts Jensen usually makes about Jared or other members of the cast.
And now, have a look at the second link:
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First of all, what the fuck does this mean?? This post is not generic or aseptic or neutral at all. 10 years? 10 years of what? Is it the 10 years challenge? Is it the 10 years of their friendship? Is it the 10 years of a romantic relationship? It's confusing and ambiguous, because it totally looks like a couple celebrating their anniversary.
Why posting that? It can't be PR, because as I said, it sends an ambiguous and confusing message to the audience. More so if we know Jensen attitude to Destiel. I won't elaborate whether Jensen supports destiel or not (apparently he didn't but with time he became more open to the idea, afaik), but anyway, if we buy that Jensen doesn't ship destiel, then why does he post a picture with such a strong homosexual innuendo? Not to mention this is not about Cas and Dean, but about Misha and him. Jensen has a public image of heterosexual, married man with kids. Posting this as a PR doesn't make any sense at all, because it would damage his own public image.
And it makes even far less sense considering the "logistics" behind the "PR stunt": inviting your male costar (who is supposedly to be in the show just 1 or 2 seasons more) to a romantic dinner; save that picture for 10 years; 10 years later invite your costar (whom nobody knew would last so long in the show) again to the same place; take a new picture and post it in SM with a sappy quote. And all of this while risking your own heterosexual public image and appealing the rpf shippers. It doesn't make any sense at all.
However, what makes sense (I'm now tinhatting) is that Jensen is, in fact, involved in a romantic relationship with Misha, and when someone is in love, they need to tell the world about it. But Jensen can't do it. So this is the most he can do without outing himself.
And why choosing the 10th anniversary? My opinion is that anniversaries mark the beginning of something truly special or a new life stage, while birthdays, specially for middle age people, no way are that important and become a repetitive thing.
Will Jensen celebrate publicly their 15 years anniversary? Only time will tell...
I hope to anwer these questions, and now, lets see examples of what is and what isn't a PR stunt:
The chest to chest selfie: Not PR stunt
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The 10th anniversary: Not PR stunt
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The picture at the hospital: Not PR stunt
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Jensen promoting Walker: PR stunt
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J2 reconciliation in twitter: PR stunt (and a very bad one, because they clearly contradict each other)
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Jensen's post about Jared's birthday: PR stunt (which totally looks like it was written by Misha btw)
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the-green-maiden · 4 years
Supernatural Fair Fight Livestream Recap with timestamps
(based off of the notes I took while watching live. any errors are mine and not the fault of the cast or abrams)
21:01 Panel Starts. Misha introduces panel- Stacey Abrams, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki, Erik Kripke, Berto the ASL interpreter.
21:02 Stacey Abrams talks about how she got into SPN. Talks about running for governor(?) in California(?), having trouble gathering support/campaign funds. On a particularly bad day, ends up watching SPN in her hotel room. Loves it, ends up watching the whole show after this. Quotes “Even if it’s hard we can’t stop” and “who else is going to do this” and talks about keeping going.
21:05 Kripke: “Wow”
Ackles: “That’s one of the most beautiful interpretations of what we do, how we tell the story.”
21:06 Kripke: “Grateful we could provide inspiration” 
21:07 JarPad: *reiterates above* joke about how “Kripke’s writing is questionable at best.”
21:08 Misha: “The reason we tell stories is to inspire people” creates an allegory about the ‘invisible enemy’ of voter suppression with the invisible enemy trope common in storytelling. “As we made the show, we were taking inspiration from [Abrams]”
21:09 Kripke asks Abrams to tell more about Fair Fight
21:09 Abrams talks about a secretary of state(?) [whose name I didn’t catch but who JPad refers to as ‘Lucifer”] who was in charge of voter registries in Georgia who wrongfully removed thousands of voters from lists, closed essential polling locations, and prevented people from voting, which disproportionately impacted POC and youth voters, and led to 8+ hour wait times in remaining locations. Abrams tells of how her and FF acted to fix this and change the whole system for the better. “If this becomes about politicians, no one is going to care, but when it becomes about people’s [list of basic rights and essential services]...” “...Patriotic belief that democracy means that if you’re eligible to vote, you get to be heard. Fair Fight is committed to ensuring that every voter in the US has the right to vote, and we are pretty good at it.”
21:16 Misha voices concerns about Trump’s attempts to make the 2020 vote counts seem unreliable.
21:17 Abrams gives an in-depth history of voter suppression in the US, committed by both parties at various times, including restrictions on mail-in votes, ID laws, and something about the voting rights act.
21:18 A bunch more panelists join in, including Jake Abel, Felicia Day, and a number of other SPN cast members.
21:19 Abrams says that in Texas a gun license is a valid id to vote, but a college id is not. “Everyone should get to participate, not just the chosen.” Mentions that she has not seen the final 3 episodes yet, request no spoilers until she logs out.
21:22 Kripke thanks Abrams for her political work.
21:22 Felicia Day says she was very excited to meet Abrams at Dragon Con.
21:33 Misha and Kripke try to move panel along to comply with Abrams limited time availability.
21:24 Rachel Miner “We all admire you [Abrams], you’re our hero.”
21:25 JPad gives a long speech thanking Abrams that was too fast to write down verbatim. “It’s important that everyone have their own voice” says it’s an honor to meet Abrams.
21:26 Bob Singer asks a question about Purdue(?) not showing up to a debate.
21:27 Abrams gives a detailed answer about swing states, swing voters, the lack of swing voters in Georgia, and the relatively small impact that Purdue(?) missing a debate would have on his numbers. Long speech about mail-in voting.
21:29 Sebastian Roche asks a question about run-off votes. Abrams answers.
21:30 Rachel Miner asks a question about voter registration descrimination against people w foreign names.
21:31 Abrams talks about how this has happened and what Fair Fight is doing to combat it, and how Fair Fight’s legal actions have managed to significantly reduce the amount of mail-in ballots thrown out for having difficult to understand names on them.
21:33 Shoshanna Stern thanks Abrams for her efforts in making voting more disability accessible.
21:34 Abrams answers, gives more info on the subject and the importance of having accessible voting locations.
21:36 Jim Beaver says it’s wonderful to be able to talk to Abrams, etc.
21:37 Abrams realizes her time has just about run out, and says thank yous and good byes. Mentions that tomorrow is her birthday. Multiple members of the cast wish her a happy birthday. More goodbyes from everyone, and thank yous to and from Abrams. Abrams exits call.
21:39 Kripke and Misha encourage people to donate to FF
21:41 Misha and Jensen rib each other, joke about an open bar.
21:41 Misha “Now we’re just going to waste your time for half an hour now that she’s gone”
21:42 Curtis Armstrong tells a short story about his mother, who was a voter activist in Detroit and Switzerland, and how nice it was to see Abrams talk.
21:43 Trivia intro. Multiple jokes made at the same time about state capitals.
21:44 Jim Beaver “When my kid was 7, I asked her the capital of Vermont and she said V”
21:44 Kripke asks semi-serious question about what JPad wore as protection in the ball-crusher Japanese game show scene in Changing Channels.
21:45 JPad “A thimble. A mini-thimble. No, a cup.” says something else about the cup.
21:46 Ackles “Our special effects team likes to go above and beyond”
21:46 JPad comments about real fear in that scene
21:46 Misha tries to get trivia back on track. “Without powers, what does Dean say Cas is?”
------[Baby in a trenchcoat]
“Other name of the Impala?”
Julie McNiven guesses “A special place”. Someone calls out “baby”
“Name of Sam and Jess’s friend who goes with them to the bar in the pilot?”
Even JPad, who was in the scene, does not know. Kripke comments that it was named after an irl friend of his from Tiuanna, named LUIS.
“5 works Kripke ripped off for SPN?”
Everyone guessing at once, including: Animal House, On The Road, Good Omens, Constantine, Star Wars, and several others.
“What herpes medication does Sam have to do a commercial for?”
21:52 JPad and Julie rib each other about herpes meds, and argue whether the term is prescription or subscription for medication. One of them brings up the example of having a subscription to dog food.
21:52 Jake Abel “What if your dog has herpes?”
Misha “I only hope that Stacey Abrams has tuned in”
Seb makes another joke about state capitals, then asks JPad the capital of Albania.
Jared has no idea, guesses ‘new albania’
Seb “Tirana” talks about having lived on a boat, presumably near Albania.
Rob Benedict: “Thanks for tuning in”
Bob Singer asks who knows the story of Seb getting a massage at VAncouver airport.
Jared (paraphrased) “We all fly through Vancouver airport a lot. Just past security there’s a massage place [with the chairs where you face the floor].” One day JPad and Ackles went through security and saw Seb getting a massage. They go over, convince the masseuse [who knows them all at this point] to let JPad take over. Seb does not notice, despite the fact that the masseuse is a small woman and JPad is holding his hands weird to try to make them smaller. JPad says he put his hands down Seb’s back and up his shirt, and Seb still did not notice, just making a noise and saying ‘very nice’. JPad gets as far as groping Seb’s ass before Seb notices anything is up. This is still the middle of a busy airport.
21:58 Seb “It was strangely sensual. Thank you, Robert, for bringing that up.” “I was perturbed for the whole flight back.”
Ackles “Another highbrow story”
Seb “It’s really fun being on that set. It really is” Claims they are also serious sometimes, to which there is laughter in response.
Ackles “It going to be like that on The Boys, Krip?”
Kripke “No massages to completion”
Seb “Wait there was no completion”
Krip “Saw photos of [Ackles’s] supersuit today”
Multiple jokes from several people about Ackle costume for The Boys being assless, crotchless, entirely made of paint, and cowboy-themed.
22:01 Misha “time for about 5 minutes of outtakes”
Someone jokes about adding ‘give Seb a massage’ as a donation tier.
Misha thanks the fans, says he loves and misses all the cast. Asks Rob B to sing.
22:02 Rob B “tune into my radio show” [for singing]
22:03 Misha announced that $225,000 has been raised for charity so far in the stream.
More thank yous from everyone to everyone, including the zoom team.
22:04 Seb “Vote out Mitch McConnel:
Jensen “Such as British accent to tell us who to vote for”
Seb “I’m half French half Scottish”
Jensen and Seb joke about scottish and french alcohols, and how they can’t be mixed.
22:05 Kripke thanks the fans for 15 years. Everyone else joins in on thanking fans for 15 years.
Jake Abel “There was a big gap in there for me somewhere”
Seb asks if Jake was in the first season.
22:06 Jake “3rd, 5, and 15”
Seb gives long thank you speech.
Jensen talks about how the cast is sticking together “This group is not being dispersed”...”I take comfort in knowing this” jokes that they’re stuck together whether they like it or not.
Misha “Like herpes”
Felicia “Genital or otherwise”
22:07 gag reel begins, including Misha’s ‘on-camera finger, Jensen falling off a chair “furniture could use some work”, Jensen failing to pick a lock for a very long time and Jared asking ‘Cas” to open it, Jensen saying ‘hail misha’ instead of ‘hail mary’, Misha failing to keep a straight face while looking at Alex Calvert, Jensen eating something too hot(?), and more that someone has probably already uploaded in full anyway.
21:13 stream ends.
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Lately I can’t stop thinking about Adam, like I’m legit crushed over what this show did to him. I know Supernatural was never perfect but the way it treated this character was so damn vicious, condescending and nasty; no different than a high school bully picking on an injured elementary schooler.
He never stood a chance. The thing is I don’t know what it was that made me latch onto Adam so strongly for over a decade. Maybe I could just sympathize and easily relate to his situation of being discarded and forgotten by family members. Or maybe I saw potential in this character and couldn’t fathom why no one else on that writing staff and the SPN fandom couldn’t.
I want you to take a second and absorb these pertinent facts about Adam Milligan that this show put forward. This is not anti-anything this is all the truth so bare with me:
He was the illegitimate youngest child of hunter John Winchester; a man who treated his older sons Sam and Dean like soldiers on his platoon.
Adam only saw his bio dad ONCE A YEAR and it was only to take him to ball games not to train him so that he could protect himself and his mother from (supernatural) threats.
He never knew the existence of his older brothers nor did they know about him because John deliberately ripped those pages out of his journal. Essentially trying to erase any evidence of Adam and Kate.
Because Adam grew up having no clue what was out there or about the “family business”  he and his mother suffered VIOLENT PRE-MATURE DEATHS at the hands of ghouls which Adam STILL REMEMBERS long after being murdered.
Oh and John failed to kill those ghouls, providing them the golden opportunity of impersonating him and his mother so they could kill John and his half-brothers.
Adam was only an 18 year old pre-med studying medicine. Probably wanted to follow in his mother’s footsteps in helping people as she was a nurse.
Because Kate worked nights as a single mother, Adam had to grow up being his own parent at times; cooking his own meals and putting himself to bed.
Adam was ironically born on September 29th (1990) which is also known as Michaelmas aka the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. A potential storyline that could’ve gone somewhere but didn’t.
Adam is also by birthright a Men of Letters legacy though his brothers fail to mention that 10 years later.
The last thing Adam was doing while he was in Heaven, designed to look like his Prom, he was kissing a girl Kristen McGee; whom we’ll never know about or if he’ll ever see again.
Adam was ripped out of Heaven against his will by the angels to be used and manipulated as their backup device in the Apocalypse because Sam and Dean refused to comply with their demands.
After being resurrected, Adam was then recovered, kidnapped and held hostage by TFW (Sam, Dean, Bobby and Castiel) where they all took turns mouthing off at this angsty teenager about why he should trust a bunch of complete strangers over those who made him promises.
Adam only wanted to work with the angels in order to stop Lucifer and return to his mother. Highlighting that this character had a sense of justice, responsibility, cared about doing the right thing but also had his own reasons for wanting to save the world.
Sam tried to emotionally manipulate Adam with excuses for why their dad never told him about his family. And actually had the gall to say that him and Dean would’ve looked for him had they’d known he existed so they could be a family. Forgive me if I just laugh at this for a moment 🤣
Zachariah was able to get into Adam’s head because he knew how vulnerable he was. Telling him that trusting the Winchesters would only let him down which *SPOILER ALERT* turned out to be true.
Zachariah tortured Adam for hours before the Winchesters arrived to save him. And Dean was only willing to submit to the angel when Sam was just briefly tortured.
One of the last things Dean says to Adam in 5x18 after he was shocked to see his half-brothers come to his rescue was “Cause you’re family”. Again I have to...🤣🤣
At the moment of their escape, Dean doesn’t even help Adam (WHO’D BEEN INJURDED AND TORTURED) out of the room nor does he care about ushering him to safety. Dean just grabs Sam and hurries out the door. So much for being part of the family.
The last thing Adam screams before before being possessed by Michael was “Dean, help!” and then he hears Dean say “Just hold on!”
Adam, not being Michael’s true vessel yet born from the powerful Winchester bloodline, was able to look directly at the archangel’s true form without his eyes burning out. And this is NEVER explained why.
Dean mentions Adam only a total of THREE TIMES after this happens in 5x19, 5x22 and 6x11 while Castiel mentions it to Sam in 5x21. And Sam, WHO’D BEEN THE MAIN EMOTIONAL MANIPULATOR, just doesn’t give a shit to remember him.
Castiel threw a Molotov cocktail at Michael (who was using Adam’s body) to briefly cast him out which Adam probably felt in excruciating detail based on what Michael says in 15x08.
Sam, possessed by Lucifer, pushed himself and his innocent half-brother possessed by Michael into the cage for all eternity.
Castiel somehow managed to pull Sam out of the cage but decided to leave Adam behind.
After Dean bargains with Death to get Sam’s soul and Adam out of the cage. Only to get just Sam’s soul and leave Adam to his fate. The issue is never brought up again between the Winchesters.
Adam sits a prisoner in a cage with an archangel for 10 years our time but thousands of years Hell time.
Michael most likely protected Adam from some of the horrors in Hell which is why he was able to keep his sanity.
Sam and Dean went to Hell to talk to Lucifer in the cage but continue to ignore Adam’s existence and don’t bother releasing him yet they let Lucifer escape.
Dean also went back to Hell to retrieve Bobby’s soul so he could go to Heaven and again doesn’t even bother with Adam.
Season 10 for Supernatural’s 200th episode, Sam and Dean were reminded by SPN fans putting on a musical that Adam was still in the cage yet THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
Mary Winchester STILL doesn’t know about Adam even though she was reunited with John during the 300th episode. He’s never mentioned during their big family get-together. I guess he never counted.
Adam and Michael are finally set free of Hell only because Chuck threw a giant hissy fit at the Winchesters and opened all the gateways.
The first thing Adam wanted to do as a free man in 15x08 was not seeking revenge on his brothers for abandoning him, but to eat some diner food, change his clothes and get a “little job”
After years of imprisonment, Adam actually befriended the Prince of Heaven aka the one friend he has/the only other person besides his mother who actually gave a damn about him.
TFW trapped, kidnapped and imprisoned Adam and Michael at the bunker in order to force them to help against Chuck.
And Adam, though still angry, hurt and worn out over the situation; chose to help his brothers when there was NOTHING in it for him and successfully convinced Michael to do the same.
Despite how his brothers treated him, Adam STILL believed in their best and vouched that they “always try to do the right thing”
Adam went to Hell a cranky, sassy, angsty, naïve teenager and returned a kinder, wiser, more patient, humble and rational-thinking man who still managed to smile and laugh after enduring centuries of pain.
Dean gives Adam his much due apology for not saving him but Sam doesn’t. In fact Sam doesn’t even bring him up the next time the Winchesters see each other.
Adam’s last words on this show are to Dean and they’re “Since when do we get what we deserve?” and “Good luck” 🤓
Chuck Thanos-snapped Adam’s soul out of existence OFF-SCREEN yet Michael somehow remained in his body.
Adam was 90% of Michael’s impulse control hence why he was so dark in his last appearance without Adam because that’s the only way I can cope with that disgusting character assassination in 15x19
Jack supposedly revived Adam along with everyone else after becoming the new God. BUT his current status now reads “Unknown” instead of “Alive” so what the fuck am I suppose to think now?!
Sam and Dean didn’t even think about checking in on Adam to make sure he was okay before they hit the road on their last solo bro-outing.
If Adam really is alive then he’s doomed to a miserable, lonely existence without his best friend (who’s now dead). Broke, homeless, jobless; his brothers STILL DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS after he’d helped them in good faith. He’s legally deceased thanks to the ghouls. And he gets to look forward to demon city the moment he dies cause guess where he’s ending up?
No one remembers him even after he’d returned in 15x08
The car and the dog are more important to the Winchesters than their innocent half-brother.
Okay I realize I just unloaded a whole mountain of salt but this is the full outline of Adam’s tragic story on Supernatural. These writers never cared about him and why? What did he do to deserve this gross treatment from the show’s protagonists or just in general? Why was he even introduced if this was going to be the outcome of it all? I don’t know what’s worse leaving him in Hell (cause at least he had Michael for company) or bringing him back and not knowing what became of him after. It’s insufferable 😣 I just want everyone to know that the showrunners and writers may not care about him BUT I DO.
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kirschkid · 4 years
Misha Collins - StageIt 22.11.20
First of all, let me tell you that for me Misha is the sweetest and greatest person on earth. I'm really happy I was there, watching him talk about Spn and Castiel. So I want to give you some of that joy, I hope I get everything right. Here it is:
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Misha at the beginning of the panel: "So strange not to be able to see your smiling faces." His last shooting on the show was a while ago, so Misha thought he had mourn but "... watching that last episode was quite an emotional experience for me! Kinda took me out for a good couple of days. Just because it... for me personal it represents the end of a chapter of my life. And yet I do have that feeling that this supernatural fandom isn't going anywhere. That somehow we are going to be able to stick together... "
I saw some of the other online panels and everybody had selected questions to answer. When the chat is just rushing through, this totally makes sense.  But still, Misha trying to read the chat so he could answer was the sweetest!
Question: "We know Jack brought Cas back but we didn't get to see how that played out. What do you think happened and what is he up to?"
Misha: "There was a different ending originally to supernatural that covid restrictions made impossible to shoot. I think we are not supposed to talk about what that ending was going to be. But it was very cool but it involved bringing back lots of lots of cast members from over the years and big crowd scenes..." "... so in the original ideation of the ending Cas hadn't gone to rebuild heaven. There was a different conclusion for him. So I actually did not read the last two episodes before they aired. Because I just wanted to go on a journey as an audience member and watch the episodes not knowing how the story would unfold exactly. I knew a little bit of what Cas's and Jack's fate were... in the abstract just from conversations, but because I wasn't in it I don't know what the answer is." Misha goes on a bit about the way Jack is but it's not really going anywhere. So sorry I cut it here.
Question: "What qualities does Castiel has that are qualities of Misha?"
Misha: "I think there are a lot of them. And I think that that's because over time the character melded with me. And I with him to an extend." (He had a little but a very cute smile on his face, saying that!)   "When the show started Castiel was just this like... he was a soldier, he was a warrior and he was just bound in determined to serve the interests of heaven. And over time we got to see him unfurl as a bit of a fish out of water who didn't quite feel like he fit in with either angels or humanity. Felt like a little bit of an outsider and I think that that is something that I have felt for much of my life." (Can somebody tell me how it can be, that a person like Misha Collins ever has to feel that way?! Sorry... just had to say that.) "He became frankly like softer, more sensitive and he tried to do the right thing. Tried to be a good person. These are qualities that I have. But you know I don't think of myself like a hardened warrior. And I think that that's how Cas was written at the very beginning." Misha goes on about the fact, that not only him but also Jared and Jensen over the years formed the characters they played with their own personality.  
Question: "What is the one thing you will take with you from Castiel?"
Misha told us that he discussed this with Jared and Jensen recently, that  "the characters really became kind of a part of us." when you play a character for so long. Misha: "When I was watching Dean's death scene I cried. But I was really crying because it was like that's Cas's friend Dean dying. It's a weird thing on an emotional level to have a blurring of the lines between yourself and your character. And I think that that happened to all of us. And it is just because we inhabited them for so long. The characters became facets of ourselves. I literally feel like I will take the character away. You know what I mean?! He is always going to be with me. He is going to be an aspect of my being, forever. Which is strange... yeah... I don't know." Again he goes one a little bit.
Again the topic of how the show was meant to end came up. Misha was considering the idea of telling us, even if he wasn't supposed to. (Not sure if he was kidding or truly trying to figure that out. You know, it's Misha!) Misha: "I tell you... we saw a version of Sam and Deans heaven that was populated with all these people from their past. All of the characters from the show that we have come to love, that Sam and Dean have come to love over the years. They were there in this version of heaven."
Misha talked about Castiels outfit for quite a while. Telling us that they changed it from time to time without really mentioning it. It felt like he had thought about this for a while. And let me tell you,- he has some of the trenchcoats in his wardrobe at home.
Question: "How did you prepare for emotional scenes?"
Misha: He told us how he needs to stay away from people to get in the right mindset. And for the love confession and death scene, he sat down in a corner, and one of the crewmembers, without Misha asking, shield him from people.
Question: "How did you feel when you read the script on how Castiel dies?"
Misha: "I knew that this ending was coming for a long time because I was talking to Bob Berens, the writer, about it. And I was really happy with it, you know. That was sort of the ending that I wanted for Cas and so when I read the script I was really happy that it had made it to be page. It felt like it was a little risky and a little brave for the show to do. And I was happy to be a part of that! And happy to be able to have that character express love like that. So I was happy with it." He took a moment before he continued " I have seen some people complaining about this is playing into the bury the gays trope." He was really careful talking about this, telling us that he didn't think that that's what was happened with Castiels 'ending'. And that so much good came out of this declaration. "This declaration ended up literally saving the world."
Question: "What was your favorite moment of the finale?"
Misha: "My favorite moment of the finale was Dean's death scene. I just thought it was really masterfully executed. Excellent performance from both Jared and Jensen in that scene. It made me cry so that's pretty good."
Question: "Do you think Cas and the other angels got their wings back?"
Misha: "Great question! Yeah, probably. I mean if we were rebuilding heaven we have Jack on our side who is now the new god why can't we finally have our wings back?! What a long and miserable experience that was of not having wings. Cas was so powerful when he started. He could like snap his fingers and teleport anywhere in the world and time travel!"
Question: "What job, non-hunter, would Cas be good at?"
Misha: "Cas would be a great security guard because he never sleeps. So he could just stand there and he doesn't seem to get bored" Misha thinks Cas wouldn't be a great teacher, architect, or artist. But he could see him as a cook.
Question: "In your opinion what color are Castiels wings?"
Misha: "I... shit! I don't know... I always thought they were black but now that you say that we only saw the shadows of them. Ah! They are rainbow-colored!"
Question: "What was your favorite version of Castiel to play?"
Misha: "I had the most fun playing Lucifer..." "I really loved playing the human version of Cas..." "Overall just regular Cas was my favorite." "I'm gonna say Cas-Cas was my favorite."
At the end Misha told us something very important: "I hope you all stay safe and take care of each other. Stay sane it's a hard time right now." "One of the nice things about this supernatural community is that we have all done a good job over the years of taking care of each other so I hope you know that there are people here you can reach out to and there is a community of support. And I appreciate you all!"
So, that's it. It isn't every single word but I hope you enjoy it!
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my blah about Cr3
Crossroads three is the stake in the demon that has been... almost 2 years without Starfury events (or any tbf)
I wanted to start a new review post for each convention but  always seem to get back and feel like i've been hit with a freight train (is it bad I've missed Connui/Con Flu???)
So this is going to be the same stream of conciousness it usually is.
I'll start by saying I wasnt there for any guests after Lisa Berry cancelled, and strangley didnt have any cosplays, but i thre together my old s2 dean and went for it on.
So I spent the weekend helping out stewarding where I could and catching up with people, you could see the bone deep relief on the faces of the Starfury regs at being back.
From where I was I could hear the talks and it al sounded really fun (and sometimes blue, as per SF) but i've not watched Supernatural religiously since aprox end of s6, so i was happy where i was.
alien to me and rather sacrilegiously I was only able to attend Friday and Saturday party, i missed the final party and so wasnt part of the Survivors photo, but the two I attended were awsome enough to keep me going to Enchanted. especially when someone randomly ('m guessing) requsted Shinedown be played.
I know in the grand scheme of things i'm no Convention vet, there are still those who've been to more cons and different cons than me, but some things just make you feel like you've made it, and one of those things for me happened on the saturday night - I helped lead a con dance I always see one for the vets - its called Joe 90 and despite the 'status' i attatch to it, i'm amazed i managed it with my DCD co-ordination issues and didn't seriously hurt anyone lol.
When I decided to go I didnt think many of those I knew or those regulars I'd know would be in attendance, but stood on that door on Friday was like a whose who of Starfury minus a few (who i hope to see at upcoming events) One pair i was suprised and delighted to come across were Kai and Harry, serving cosplay awesomness as alway.
I later found out the duo had brought 'paint stripping' mead with them (morrisons own as it turned out, the non fizzy one) and I think i over did the mock-scolding....see.. Mead is something Ally (and me to a lesser extent) is known for, just like we know we can count on Taz (and Lou, and Gareth) to help us drink it lol, so I ribbed them both and I messaged Kai a link to Ravens Forge mead hall when i had wifi, and reminded them that if me or her were around, there would always be mead offered :D.
During lockdown i'd gotten to know two members of staff better than i'd done before, thats not to say i ignored them before and takes into account the fact w had been at a few none sf cons with them in the past..Taryn and Dean who are 'local' to me (Manchester) have become sort of addicted to a city I love very much (York) and like Taz, Ally and Myself, Dean loves mead and York is.. well its the best place in the county of Yorkshire for mead, even if Hull makes one lol. Dean however has taken his love of mead further than any of us and actualy started making his own, which he brought with him to CR3, apparently they'd made too much so I got a bottle given :D it was delicious but didnt last the first night, because, (and yes i know i'm a fool) for the sake of saftey i thought it would be best to leave anything glass with someone staying at the con hotel. namely Taz and Gareth, but they enjoyed it so i'm sur Dean wouldn't mind lol and it was better for me not to have to carry glass back from Birmingham.
one of my favourite moments of the weekend has to be seeing Julian Riching (Death in SPN) lighting up when I asked him about Murdoch Mysteries and then elbow bumping me (not sur eif it was just precaution or bcause my voice on the mic sounded like i was talking through gravil and Sean, Mr Starfury himself,  had to translate for me. SEAN OF ALL PEOPLE lol
I love detective shows and Victorian things and Murdoch is both (though I guess now its Edwardian lol) , and if i'd had the werewithall to remember I could have brought out a cosplay which won me 2nd place at the masquerade the last time one of the cast came to an SF, as it was i just wnt up and asked him his memory of the show, which was pretty sharp I have to say.
It was a short one for me, like i said i didn't stay for the final night (£££) bt it was sooo worth the time I did get there. I will not go into detail but the week previous had been enough to test the patiences of someon a hell of a lot more saintly than me, I regret that there was a moment when i let the other world (the rl world) slip under my barrier and cause me to freak out a few people with unusual and what I hope others would consider out of charactar bhaviour. Awesome weekend. i feel like i've been hit with a freight train and my voice still sounds lik gravel (Connui/Conflu).
Pictures taken on Camera: 577 Pictures taken on phone: 360 Selfies Taken: 5
see my insta or Livejournal for pics (or Fb if your a friend)
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fatimscapsule · 4 years
Supernatural S15 | E20
I am not really mad dean died, i guess it was a good choice. I just don't like the way he did. With some boring vampires and a screw...
Then sam who was devastated when eileen disappeared with the snap, never mentioned her again. When they had built a really cute and romantic relationship. He just finish his life sad bc he lost his brother and end up with some woman we don't even know/see. Then we have dean. So out of character, every damn season he did EVERYTHING to bring cas back, everything. But this time he seems like he doesn't even care. And when he gets to his heaven, we see bobby. But no cas, just a little mention (not what he deserved after 12 years, becoming the 3rd lead, being in every photoshoot and poster. And after sacrificing himself FOR DEAN).
For cas we get this declaration of love that misha himself said was "an homosexual declaration” and several cast members said “we all knew cas was in love with dean” but we get no answer from dean. That a little  fucking harsh, don't u think!? And I watched the 2 final hoping for something more. We are in 2020 and the way they confessed cas's love and KILLED HIM RIGHT AFTER is very very... ughhh! THAT'S JUST FUCKED UP, MAN.
I am sad bc i really loved the show but this ending is ruined it for me. I could never watch it again (as i wanted) knowing dean's gonna die young, cas will die for nothing (bc he sacrifice for dean to live), sam will be sad growing old without his brother and the family they had built along the years. The sentence "family doesn't end with blood” then getting the ending to show that it's not true bc their heaven is just the 2 together. No cas, no jack, (i can understand for jack, must be busy being god) BUT NO CAS I CAN'T ACCEPT THAT!!
Sorry for the long ass text, i needed to get this out of my chest. Bc that show meant a lot to me and they just broke my heart with the 2 last ep by forgetting every character's development, and just focusing on sam and dean when we know that cas had become a main character too. I feel like all these years meant nothing. But i'd like to point that Jensen, Misha and Jared did an awesome job! (the others too of course) And i don't blame them for the very BAD writing, i now understand why jensen didn't like the ending bc...well neither do I jensen, neither do I...
The only reason i cried was because they had the chance to write 2 beautiful love stories with seileen and destiel and THEY DIDN'T TOOK THAT CHANCE! And especially with deancas (destiel) since they were actually told to "eye fucked” in every scene together, and we all know they both loved each other. I'd like to remind everyone that cas is an angel and don't have any gender. We see dean fuck with hanna but "can't reciprocate cas's love” JUST BECAUSE HE HAS A MAN VESSEL. If cas would have been in a woman vessel they would have been together since season 5... Spn is HOMOPHOBIC for doing this. I'm just so disappointed, and I actually wish they had ended it with episode 18 or 19 that woud've been better than THIS.
I just can't believe my favorite show ended like this... I can't believe it.
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
On September 13th, 2005, a new show made its debut on the WB. It was about two brothers whose lives were flipped upside down the day their mother was murdered by a demon. It had a small budget, a small cast, and a small crew, but the people involved were dedicated. They wanted to do everything they could to make sure the story of Sam and Dean Winchester was told. They wanted to show us the true power of family in the darkest of times. Little did any of them know just how much of a legacy they would create, and just how much of a family their following would come to be.
I was four years old when Supernatural first came on the air. I had no concept of any show beyond Blue’s Clues, Lazy Town, and the Disney Channel. I was a smart kid, but a kid nonetheless, and Supernatural just wasn’t something I was ready for. As I grew up, Supernatural achieved milestone after milestone. It made it through the channel change to the CW. It survived a writer’s strike in its third season. And in April of 2010, it hit its 100th episode milestone. As it neared the end of its fifth season, Eric Kripke’s original storyline had been told, and it seemed as if the show would end, then and there. But it didn’t. Instead, it continued beyond its originally scheduled timeline, taking on a new showrunner in its sixth season and continuing for years after. And in 2011, in the middle of said sixth season, it finally made its way onto my radar.
Tenzin Tsekye and I have been best friends for fourteen years, so we’ve spent a lot of time together. We’ve had hundreds of sleepovers, shared a million memories, and watched thousands of shows and movies together. So when, at one of our many sleepovers, she suggested that we watch an episode of something called “Supernatural”, I trusted her. She knows what I watch, she knows how I am. I was bound to like it. Except there was one problem. She insisted on watching this one episode that she really liked (Family Remains) that was smack dab in the middle of season four, and I was not having it. I told her that we had to start from the beginning. I didn’t know anything about this show, so how could I possibly watch an episode in the middle of its fourth season? It wouldn’t make any sense to me. She kept assuring me that it didn’t have anything to do with the main plot (a concept I now know as “Monster of the Week”), and that I would love it. But I wasn’t convinced, and I was persistent. I told her that if we weren’t going to start from the beginning, I wouldn’t watch it at all.
We argued about it for at least an hour, and finally, I backed down. I said that we could watch the season four episode only if we went back and watched the first episode afterwards. She agreed. After we watched Family Remains, she stuck to our agreement and we watched the pilot. And then we watched the second episode. And the third. And the fourth. And my entire life was changed forever.
It still baffles me to this day how close I came to never starting Supernatural to begin with. I thank Tenzin all the time for being so stubborn on that night. Who knows what my life would be like today if she hadn’t been? Looking back, it’s hard for me to picture a time before I started watching Supernatural--so much so that pinpointing when, exactly, it became the obsession that it is today is near impossible. But what follows is a rough timeline of events based on the major things I do remember.
Tenzin and I never wound up watching the rest of the show together. Instead, I brought the show up to my dad. It took a while, since we were both pretty busy, but by the next year, Supernatural had become our new thing. I was a busy middle schooler, so it was often hard to fit in watching more than one episode on the days we spent together, which meant it was slow-going for a while, but we did our best. Luckily, the fact that we weren’t binging it all at once meant that we were able to avoid a lot of the cliffhangers, (which, looking back at it now, makes me feel very lucky), and it gradually became my favorite show of all time. By the time Season 9 was on the air, in 2014, we had caught up on all eight seasons on Netflix, and I was hooked and ready for more.
We didn’t have cable, so instead, we watched every episode a few days after they aired once they came on Hulu (I didn’t learn about cwtv.com until much later), and it was at this point that I really started to dive into the fandom. Now that I was caught up, I was able to look up fandom content as I pleased without worrying about spoilers. I guess you could say this is when the obsession truly kicked in.
As I came up on my teen years, Supernatural became my life. I started requesting even more Supernatural merchandise as birthday gifts, Christmas presents, and everything in between, and I would wear the gifts I got anywhere I could. Within a few months, I discovered the world of fan fiction, and within a year, I grew confident and excited enough to start writing my own. I started watching video compilations not just of the show, but of the cast--behind the scenes videos, bloopers, convention videos, and so much more. I joined Facebook groups about the show and finally started interacting with other fans, making all kinds of friendships along the way.
On top of that, as the tenth season came to a close with no signs of the show stopping, my mom finally caved in to my babbling and excitement and started watching the show with me. We started back at the Pilot (which, for me, was probably about my fifth re-watch at that point), and we made it all the way to about mid-season five just as the eleventh season was getting ready to air.
And then a truly amazing thing happened.
For my 16th birthday, that same amazing mother bought me tickets to the Supernatural Convention in Chicago.
To put it lightly, I was excited. Very excited.
On the weekend of September 9th, 2016, just a week before my birthday, I got to meet the Supernatural cast for the first time. And that convention experience was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
When we were on our way to the convention, I was really just excited that I’d finally get to meet these celebrities--these HOT celebrities--that I’d seen on the big screen for the last few years. At this point, they were basically idols to me, and even having the chance to see them in person was the best thing I could’ve asked for. But when I got to that convention, I was hit with something even better than I could’ve hoped for.
I say all the time that the SPN Family is a different fandom than any other. There’s a special feeling throughout our fandom that, as someone who is in multiple fandoms, I have not been able to feel anywhere else. When I try to explain that to people, nobody gets it. Even my mom, when I first started talking about it, kind of shrugged it off like it was nothing. But when we got to that convention, she felt it too. The air is different. The second you walk into a room of fellow Supernatural fans, you feel comfortable. You feel welcome.
That first convention, my mom didn’t really come with me to the panels. She took some photo ops with me, but being as far behind as she was, she didn’t want to spoil things for herself too much, so I spent the majority of the convention by myself, at a mere fifteen years old. But I never felt scared or alone or apprehensive. I made friends immediately. The people I was sitting next to, the people I stood in line with, basically anyone I came in contact with struck up a conversation with me, and it would end with Facebook usernames, Twitter handles, or even phone numbers being exchanged to contact each other in the future. It was insane. I’d never been in an environment like that before, and I loved it. And the openness didn’t stop there.
When it came time to meet the actual members of the Supernatural cast, they were just as kind and wonderful to talk to. At every panel, the guests were so eager to interact with fans, and many of them even stepped off the stage to come say hi to fans who were in line to ask them questions. Even the three main stars, Jensen, Jared, and Misha--who had to stay on the stage for security reasons--did everything they could to bond with fans and make them smile or laugh, and it was beautiful. And that transcended beyond the panels.
That Sunday, my mom and I had a photo op with Jensen and Jared, and let me tell you, I was crazy nervous. I mean, these were huge celebrities and people that I really looked up to, and I was about to get a photo with them. Plus, Jensen was my very first celebrity crush and all-time favorite actor at the time (he still is, to be honest). The whole thing was crazy nerve-wracking.
After standing in line for a bit, it was finally our turn, and as my mom and I stepped up, and I turned to Jensen to tell him what we wanted for the photo, I completely froze up. My brain told me to say: “We want to do a squishy hug photo.” But what came out instead was something more along the lines of “hug please photo hug?” To say the least, I was blushing with embarrassment for several hours afterwards. But despite my nerves and fangirling, Jensen just smiled at me, and he gave me a little chuckle, and said: “sure thing, sweetheart”, which, of course, made me fall apart even more. Nonetheless, the photo happened, and at the end of it all, Jensen gave me one more reassuring little rub on the back, plus a second hug and a last smile before we headed off and away from the duo.
It took me hours to process the whole thing, but at the end of it all, I was so happy and relieved.
Jensen could’ve been cold. He could’ve given me a weird look for freaking out so much. He could’ve even just done the picture and gotten it over with. But he didn’t. He went the extra mile to make sure I knew that my nerves were okay, and they were understandable, but that he wasn’t judging, and he was okay with it. And that really says something.
After that, I went to a convention every year (excluding this year, for obvious reasons). I’ve been to four conventions in all, and every single year, the experience has only gotten better, because I’ve gotten more confident and comfortable around the actors--all because of that special energy.
In 2017, I was picked to sing karaoke with several of the actors from the show...on stage...in front of a huge crowd of Supernatural fans. For those of you who know me pretty well, you know that I have terrible stage fright when it comes to singing in front of people. I get super nervous, and the nerves just get higher with bigger crowds. But that night, to my surprise, I was great. Not only did I sing the classic “Wanted Dead or Alive” in front of hundreds of people, but I got to sing and dance with some of my favorite actors--and I was confident about it. When I was on that stage, dancing with the actors and singing with the fandom, I felt good.
It wasn’t until long after I was done that it hit me what had just happened, and I couldn’t believe it. All of my years of performing in theater productions and talent shows, and I had never been as confident as I had been on that karaoke night. I still have the video on my phone, and I smile at it in disbelief every time I watch it.
My confidence only grew from there. In 2018, I decided to submit to the convention’s fandom music video contest. I spent many hours and many days putting together an edit for Team Free Will 2.0. I was super particular about the timing--beats had to hit scene changes exactly right, lyrics had to line up with the scenes being shown, and I really wanted to tell a good story. When I finally finished the edit, I showed it to my dad--who’s been doing films his entire life--to get his opinion, and he was super impressed. Even though he had stopped watching the show around Season 11 (luckily, my mom was caught up at this point, so she and I were able to watch it together), he really loved what I had done with the edit. (He actually wound up loving it so much that he asked me to edit several projects for him later, including a music video, film production, and theater trailer, opening a door for me in life--one I never would’ve found without Supernatural.)
I submitted it to the Denver convention, and months later, when I was finally able to attend said convention in August of 2018, I was nervous, but excited. As my convention experience went on, I kind of forgot that I had submitted an edit, instead enjoying my time with my new Supernatural friends, the actors, and, now that she was caught up, my mom. But on the third day, they announced the winner, and to be perfectly honest, I didn’t hear what name they said, but we all kind of assumed that it hadn’t been me, which was a little disappointing, but I didn’t let it get me down. But then, while I was talking to my friend, I heard the tell-tale notes of the opening of “This is Me”--the song I had used for the edit--and my head whipped to the screen faster than it ever has for anything. Sure enough, in the #1 spot, was my music video edit.
Needless to say, I kind of lost my mind. I ran up to the front to claim my certificate--including the gift certificate for $100 of Supernatural merchandise--and couldn’t stop jumping up and down. And my friends that I’d made at the convention that year were jumping right along with me. It was a beautiful moment.
By the time the 2019 Chicago convention rolled around, I had grown really comfortable with the whole cast, crew, and fandom, and 2019 was one of my best experiences yet. I submitted another video edit and got second place. I sang the Ghostbusters theme (Hillywood style, of course) with a friend at karaoke night. I even managed to ask every actor a question at their panels without stuttering, even bantering back and forth with a few of them. At autograph tables, I managed to have full-fledged conversations with some of the actors, and at my photo op with Jensen and Jared, I actually told both of them exactly what we wanted to do for the picture without stuttering over my words.
In any other fandom, I don’t think I would’ve been able to do that. But the actors and the fans make that entire convention so comfortable and easy to get through, no matter how nervous you are, and that’s one of the many things I love about this show.
Sadly, though, there was also something else that happened in 2019.
On March 22nd, 2019, Jensen, Jared, and Misha made the announcement that all Supernatural fans were hoping would never come. On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and everything in between, Jensen Ackles said the words we’d all been fearing: “Though we’re very very excited about moving into our fifteenth season, it will be our last.”
I was in Europe when I found out--Barcelona, to be specific--and to say that the news put a damper on my vacation would be an understatement. I was in tears, and I know many of my fellow Supernatural fans were too. This show had always struggled with ratings, but it had always pushed through, hitting milestone after milestone. So when the news finally came that it would be coming to a close, after a whopping 327 episodes, it shocked us all.
But even knowing it was ending, the cast, crew, and entire fandom were quick to note that it would never be far away. While the Winchester brothers would take their final ride in (what was supposed to be) May of 2020, it didn’t mean that the fandom would die. While news spread from actors to fans to, frankly, the entire world, we all rallied together, knowing that, as Jensen put it so well, “the show might end, but what it has built, this will never end”.
So we prepared for the end. I did my ten day countdown leading up to the premiere, and as the cast counted down each of their lasts on social media, we counted down each of our lasts watching the show.
And then 2020 happened, and everything changed. COVID-19 shut everything down, including production on Supernatural, and with only two episodes left for the cast to film (plus four that still needed post-production), it looked like Supernatural wasn’t gonna be able to end after all. They aired the completed first thirteen episodes of the season, and then it went on hiatus. I think, at the time, a lot of us were worried. What if something happened? What if they weren’t able to finish? What if, after fifteen years, the show had to be cancelled because of a pandemic?
But Supernatural’s never given up, and the pandemic was no exception. For the cast and crew, this was just another obstacle in the long line of obstacles that Supernatural has made it through over the years. And in August of 2020, Jared and Jensen went back to set--along with several other actors--and finished the Winchesters’ long legacy. And on October 8th, 2020, Season 15.5 began airing on the CW, and our long goodbye to a show we’ve all loved for years started all over again.
And now here we are.
I’m sure you’re asking me why all of this matters. I just gave you a complete rundown of the Supernatural timeline from the day I started it, and I haven’t even gotten to the point. So, here’s my point.
This is what my life has been for the last nine years. I was eleven years old when I finally discovered Supernatural, and now I’m twenty, and my life has changed so much.
Supernatural has taught me things that no other elements of my life possibly could. It’s brought out parts of my personality that I never would’ve discovered otherwise.
Supernatural has made me who I am today.
Supernatural has gotten me more involved on social media, even going so far as to create my own content to share.
Supernatural has influenced other things I watch. Now, I try to find shows, movies, and even books that have some of the same themes as this show because I love them so much.
Supernatural got me connected with GISH, which helped me feel more comfortable going out of my comfort zone and being a little (okay, a lot) weird.
Supernatural made me proud to be a fangirl, giving me the chance to express my interests publicly and feel free from judgement.
Supernatural gave me some amazing new friendships, and strengthened the relationships I already had with friends and family.
Supernatural brought out my creative side. From fan fiction writing, to photo collages, to video editing, this show has given me more ways to express myself than I ever could’ve hoped, and it’s opened so many doors for me in the process.
Supernatural has taught me so many lessons and mantras that I will cherish and keep with me forever. Between never giving up, spreading love and kindness, knowing that family always has your back, and not being afraid to be who you are, the show and its cast have given me confidence and strength that I will never forget.
For those of you out there who still think that Supernatural is “just a show”, this is what I present. When I first started Supernatural, I thought the same thing. But over the years, it has become so much more to me than that, and I know that the entire fandom agrees.
With Supernatural ending, a small piece of everyone in the fandom is ending with it, but deep down, we all know that this show will always be with us, and the legacy it’s leaving behind is something that will never be forgotten.
Supernatural has been through a lot, just like it’s two main characters; but, like Sam and Dean, it has never given up, and it has saved so many people’s lives in the process.
I feel so honored to have been even a small part of such an incredible journey.
Thank you, Supernatural.
Thank you, Supernatural cast and crew.
Thank you for making your fifteen years in this world matter.
Thank you for teaching all of us what it means to be human.
Thank you for showing us that we can continue to fight for ourselves and others no matter what the world throws at us.
Thank you for making every single one of us feel special and worth something.
You have changed my life, and the lives of so many others, more than you can possibly imagine by teaching us all that we truly can “carry on”.
On September 13th, 2005, an era began.
On November 19th, 2020, that era will end.
But its legacy will last forever.
“No doubt, endings are hard. But then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?”
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I’m Trying I Promise (Spn cast x depressed teen cast reader)
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Summary: after a rough few weeks the readers depression becomes to much and decides to stop fighting. however the attempt is unsuccesful, and jensen, jared, gen, and daneel are left to pick up the pieces, but is that such a bad thing. 
Warnings: suicide, self harm, over dosing, anxiety, fluff from j2 daneel and gen, slight anorexia, insomnia. 
Side note: please reach out for help if you need it, and review. i appreciate all feedback. enjoy the story 
you are the 15 year old cast member of supernatural that played the whinchesters younger sister. You had been introduced in season 4 at just 6 years old. The fandom loved you, especially your character. You were essentially a little sister to every cast member. Jared and Jensen had become very close with you, especially as you spent the most time with them. 
over the years your character had matured into a beautiful, strong, and powerful young woman. Everyone had seen you grow up, and never once did anyone see you unhappy, or not smiling. At least they thought you were happy.
You had been hiding the anxiety, and depression you had been feeling for a year from everyone you knew. It would come in waves, and you had becoming accustomed to hiding your pain. But lately it had been adding up. You were managing well with school and filming, following a schedule that would keep you busy. However very important finals had been added onto your plate and you were feeling the stress.
Because of filming you had become distant from most of your friends. Without physical contact and interaction, you had drifted. You were doing most of your schooling online, and your friends were all learning in a classroom. You were a pretty smart kid, maintaining good grades, however even this was becoming a stretch. You were in your last few years of school, and struggling in silence, not wanting to alert anyone that you were In pain, and particularly not wanting to be a burden to anyone else.
You sighed, dropping your pen on your paper. You had been filming for most of the day and you had to complete your 4 hours of school work. You had been completing most of it during breaks however, the lack of sleep you had been getting was catching up to you. You decided to pack up your stuff. You had already submitted the work that was due for the day and decided that you would finish the rest another times. Just as you were about to pack up your laptop you got a call from your friend.
You slid across the answer button, to see them at some sort of sleepover.
“Where are you” you asked with a smile on your face.
“At (friends) birthday sleepover” said your friend laughing. Suddenly your face dropped. You completely forgot about it was (friends) birthday. You felt a strong guilt in your chest.
“Earth to Y/N” asked your friend through the screen snapping you out of your daze.
“I completely forgot. She hates me doesn’t she” you said a tear streaming down your face.
“She’s a little upset, but she doesn’t seem to phased” said your friend shaking of your concern.
“I’m such a crap friend” you mumbled into your hands trying to wipe the tears.
“ it’s nothing to bad, she knows your busy” said your best friend stuffing her face with candy.
“I sent a present last week, let me know when she gets It will ya” you said.
“Sure will. I have to go, but chat later” she says, hanging up the call. You didn’t even get to say goodbye.
You sigh once again and pile your school stuff back into your bag. You switch of the lights to your trailer and locked the door. Making your way to the filming set. Jensen and Jared were filming a final scene so you decided to go and check it out. You see Misha sitting on one of the benches behind the cameras you take a quick seat next to him.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing” he asks lifting his head to look at you.
“I’m okay. Just thought I would come and see what you guys were up to before I headed home” you say tying up the lace of your shoe.
You were one of the lucky ones. The filming set of supernatural was a 20 minute walk from your house. The other actors had been staying in there trailers however you were allowed to go home.
“Well, stay safe” said Misha smiling. You returned it picking up your bag. As soon as the director yelled cut, the boys broke out laughing. You waved to them signaling that you were leaving. They waved back, only Jared looked at you for a little longer. Concern evident on his features. You sighed and walked away, along the pavement that led to your house. It took about 30 minutes for you to get home, as you had to walk slower to ensure that you would not collapse from lack of sleep or food.
You usually kept your body healthy, but due to everything going on, you had been living off coffee, to maximise your Time. You didn’t know how you were doing it but you were still very much walking. You slowly unlocked to the door making sure to not make anything loud enough to wake up your aunt and uncle. You slid of your shoes and coat and hang them up nex to the door.
You slowly make your way up to the stairs and into your bedroom. You flick on the light and take a seat at the end of your bed. Suddenly your phone vibrates and you see a message from one of your friends.
“A video” you say to yourself. You flick it on and are shocked by what you see you. YOUR BOYFRIEND kissing your friend. On her birthday.
“So much for not angry” you whisper to yourself letting the tears fall from your eyes. You didn’t need another thing adding onto your life workload, but now there was. Your aunt was sure to be in bed. And your uncle was probably doing the same.
Your boyfriend was one of the only people keeping you sane, and now he went and broke your heart. You wanted th throw something god you wanted to scream, but your body could not handle that and you did not want to wake up your aunt and uncle.
You sat on the floor of your bed, you had no more tears left to cry. The cheating you could deal with, but the betrayal of your friend pushed you over the edge. Leaving you to your thoughts during the night, especially in the emotional space you are in, was not a good idea.
You didn’t want to live in pain anymore. You weren’t as strong as Jared, you didn’t open up about your feelings, and you were sick of putting on a mask. You were sick of all this stress, and pain of loosing the people that you love. You didn’t want to put other people through the pain that you felt but you didn’t want to live like this. If you made it quick then, no one would be left to pick up the pieces that would be left of you. You’d be dead.
You mustered all the energy you could and got up from your bedroom floor. Pulling off your winter clothes you changed into some long pajama pants and a singlet top. You walk into your bathroom. You open the bathroom cabinet and grab your depression medication out from the top shelf. You grab one of the pairs of scissors lying around your room and locked your bathroom door. You didn’t want anyone to find you untill you were dead. You couldn’t bare to see the looks on anyone’s face once they realised how broken you were.
You shoved the medication down your throat and took a seat against the bath tub. You cried out in pain, the feeling of the medication entering your system made you collapse onto the floor.
“ Y/N, honey are you okay” asked your aunt from the other side of the door. You didn’t want to put her through the pain of seeing you dying on the floor. You put the scissors to your wrist making 2 cuts on each arm, making your cry out again.
“Y/N honey, I’m coming in” said your aunt. She opened the door and saw your dying form lying there.
“Oh my Y/N- (uncle name) call an ambulance, oh honey hold on” said your aunt holding your form in her hands, you thought you locked the door. Guilt settled in your stomach, making you want to die more.
No longer than 10 minutes later an ambulance arrived and family’s from around the street were coming out to see what the commotion was about. You remember loosing consciousness in your uncles arms after he carried you out to the ambulance. The rest of it was fuzzy. But you knew one thing you had fucked up your life in one single night.
The next day the cast walked onto to set. Jared was the first one to pick up on your absense. There was no laughing coming from the makeup trailer, and no lights on in your trailer. For filming today gen and Daneel were also tagging along. After asking around Jared is told by the producers that you are sick. That struck everyone as weird. They even called Misha, as he wasn’t on for filming today, however he said he hadn’t heard from you. You had never once missed a day of filming unless it was for school purposes. And when you were sick you would tough it out anyway.
Not long after jared receive a call from your cell however it wasn’t you. Of course... they didn’t know that. It was your Aunty.
“Hey Y/N, heard you were sick, how ya feeling” asked Jared into the phone, grabbing everyone’s attention. However the voice that responded was not you, it was your Aunty. As soon as Jared had heard what had happened his face paled. Shock evident on his features alerting everyone that something was wrong.
“Jared, what’s wrong” asked Jensen knowing it involved you.
“ Y/N... she uh-she u-uh” said Jared trying to get the words out of him mouth.
“Hey j calm down, just tell us what happened” said gen, trying to calm her boyfriend down.
“Umm... Y/N attempted suicide last night” Jared said between cries.
Everyone instantly stopped, all clearly shocked at the news. they didn’t realise that you was struggling so much.
“Is- is she okay” asked Jensen comforting his wife.
“Umm... she’s alive, definitely not alright though” said Jared hugging gen to keep themselves together. The entire set suddenly turned somber. The mood instantly dropping
“Something must have happened last night to... make her feel... to lead to this” said Jensen. Trying not to cry.
“Her aunt said she found her on the bathroom floor, Over dosed on pills and wrists slit. God how did I not notice the signs, I should have been there for her” Jared sobbed into gens shirt.
“It’s not your fault Jared, none of us knew she felt this way. Don’t you dare blame yourself” said Daneel, still consoling her husband.
“I say we pay her a visit. Now that we know she isn’t going through this alone” said gen. They knew you were going to be broken but they were going to be there for you every step of the way.
“Oh it’s lovely to see you” said your aunt ushering them all inside.
“How’s she doing” asked Jared once again concerned.
“Honestly I don’t know. She won’t talk to me we only got home from the hospital an hour ago. She hasn’t said a word since we got back. (Uncle) can’t even get through to her” said your aunt.
“Where is she at the moment” asking Jensen.
“ Y/Ns in her room. I sent her to get some shut eye but I don’t think she’s sleeping” said your aunt.
Everyone just gave each other looks. They knew Y/N hadn’t been sleeping, but they also thought she was keeping on top of things.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this earlier. She didn’t want me to tell you, but I couldn’t let you find out some other way. She said she didn’t want to be seen as less of a human, especially not to you guys” said your aunt handing out cups of hot tea. Many thankyous were spared and an uncomfortable silence filled the air.
“Did you notice anything about Y/N, like something that would give a hint that she would do this” asked your aunt taking a sip from the cup.
“we all just though it was exam stress. The skipping meals, spending most of her time doing school work, or sitting in her trailer. We thought it would pass. She never once mentioned that she was... suicidal” said gen. Fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper.
“ as a child, Y/Ns parents used to put a lot of pressure on her to be a good kid. She also learnt to hide her pain. Me and (uncle) have been trying to tell her for years that it’s normall to feel pain, but I guess it’s hard to comprehend that when most out your life your told different” said your aunt.
“She never really ever mentioned her parents, to any of us” said Daneel, sympathy in her eyes.
“I can’t blame the poor kid. She was abused for years before I even realised that my sister had a child. Ever since she was little she’s always been quiet and co-operative. She’s still pretty scarred, and doesn’t talk about it”. Said your uncle walking in.
“How is she” asked your aunt.
“Not doing to good. She won’t tell me anything. I’m getting worried” said your uncle
“ I know this is a big ask but could we possibly see her” asked Jensen.
“Of course, I’m not sure what state she’s in” said your aunt allowing them to follow up the stairs and into your room. Nothing in the room would have ever suggested that you felt this way.
Suddenly there attention was drawn to the water running in the bathroom.
“ Y/N. Honey, let me know your okay please” asked your aunt panic filling your voice.
“I’ll be out in a minute” replied your quiet voice through the door. Her panic subsided when she hears your voice. They 4 adults walk back to the kitchen following your aunt. None of them could believe how quiet you were.The once outgoing and bubbly girl that you used to be, was now reduced to silence.
“You know, she was adamant about coming to set today. As soon as we got home from the hospital she started getting ready. Me and (aunt name) had to give her medication to make her sleep. She didn’t want this attempt to make anyone see her different” said your uncle as they returned from your bedroom. A few minutes passed.
After a little bit of time of awkward conversation , you came down with your head hung low and grabbed a mug of coffee. During that time no one dares to talk to you. They didn’t want to put you under stress. They didn’t want to put you in a situation you felt you couldn’t escape from. However there shock returned once they saw how frail you were.how your eyes had sunken into your head and your clothes remained baggy on your frame. You walked back in the direction of your room not bothering to grab any food.
“Honey, do us a favour and keep your door open” said your aunt as you were leaving the room. You just stopped in your tracks, nodded, and walked away.
“I think I’m going to talk to her. She needs someone who has gone through what she’s gone through. I’m the only one diagnosed with depression. I’m going to try and get her to open up, break out of her. We’re getting the old Y/N back”. Said Jared standing up and making his way to your bedroom.
He nocks a few times on your open door, only so see you sitting on the end of the bed, holding a picture frame of you and a guy.
“Who’s that” asked Jared taking a seat next to you.
“My boyfriend... well my ex boyfriend now I guess”
“What happened” asked Jared genuinely concerned.
“My “best friend” sent me a video, of him and another friend hooking up last night. Found out when I got back from the hospital that they slept together as well” You said with no emotion on your face He didn’t hesitate to pull you into a hug and suddenly you broke, and started crying.
You told him how your boyfriend cheating was the last straw. That you didn’t know what you were doing when you enetered the bathroom, you crumbled, and didn’t want to constantly feel this pain inside your chest, that kept dragging you down and making you feel worthless.
He pulls you closer and gently lifts up your sleeves to reveal the bandages that were covering up stitches on your arm.
“Your like a daughter to me, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You shouldn’t feel an obligation cover this up. Your experiences make you into the person today and you shouldn’t be afraid to show the war you lossed. He told you that it is nothing you should cover up. Your scars make you stronger, and change you into the person you are today” he told you, not loosening his grip once.
Hearing those words make you break down even more. he tells you that Your aunt told them why you lived with her. You opened up and told. him that the memories that come back surrounding that topic also tipped you over the edge. And that in your delusional state you believed the words your dad said to you. You believed that you would be better dead, that you were a burden, and a mistake.
Jared decided to shoot Jen a text in this time, in the time that you are him we’re hugging. Not even a minute later gen is In the room, and her heart breaks to see you like this. You look up and try and calm your tears in fear of embarrassment. She had never once recalled a time where you had even cried let alone be this emotional. She gave Jared a kind smile and instantly sat next to Jared. When you tears subsided a little bit she gave you a warm embrace, to which you leaned into. She mumbled small word of encouragement, and calming.
“I’m not sorry for doing it, I’m sorry that It didn’t work, I still wanna die. I feel like I’m such a burden to everyone”. You said into her chest. Her and Jared shared a look, both deciding to keep this talk till after you had settled down.
“Honey when was the last time you ate” asked gen.
“Umm. Not properly for a while. Things just got carried away, so it didn’t cross my mind” you said, your tears comming to a Hault.
“You need to eat something” said Jared, noticing the rest of the group standing at the door, with some toast in there hand.
“I’m not hungry” you mumble, being stubborn, hanging your head.
“Sweetie, we aren’t leaving untill you eat what’s on this plate” said Jensen, grabbing the plate from de’s hand. You looked up only just noticing the two extra bodies in your room. You sighed seeing that they only put a few pieces of toast on the plate.
“Come on, do it for us, for your Family” said Daneel handing over he plate to, which you carefully took.
You stood up and slid down the end of your bed, onto the floor, Jensen and Daneel sitting next to you, deciding it was there turn to be the parent figures they should be, and Jared and Gen sitting on the floor across from you against the wall opposite the bed.
You grabbed the toast and took small bites, desperately trying to keep the food down. After you had finished you wanted to go to the bathroom however no one would let you because they knew that you were likely to purge.
“Y/N, sweetie, I know we’re asking a lot of questions but have you slept a lot recently” asked gen, looking directly at You. You looked up and sighed.
“Like I said, I’ve been busy. Everything’s been so Jammed pack, especially managing school, and filming. I haven’t really had the time ”. You admit pulling your knees to your chest. D and Jensen both put there arms around your shoulder.
“Did you get any sleep last night” asked Jensen and Jared at the same time.
“Not really. I lost consciousness for about an hour, but I haven’t really slept” you say, rubbing your face with your hand.
“ Y/N, you need to sleep”. Said Jared about to stand up and throw you on the bed.
“No point, insomnia is a bitch. Especially now. I’m not allowed any medications now so I’m getting less sleep now than ever” you say sighing.
Once again a shared look went around the circle. The anxiety you felt caused you to start picked at the skin on your arm.
“No Y/N, don’t” said gen pulling your hand away from for arm. You sighed and bent your head back.
“ Y/N why didn’t you come to us. We could have helped you. Been there for you” said Jared, a tear sliding down his cheek.
“ I didn’t want to add onto the stress you had. I’m only a teenager besides for most of my life I was a told to not voice my opninion. So it’s kinda stuck” you say.
“Oh sweetie” said Daneel wrapping you in an embrace. You didn’t cry just rested your head on shoulder warming into her embrace.
“I don’t want to die, I just... I’m sick of this pain. The overwhelming crushing feeling. It just became to much” you say into daneels shoulder, she hugged you even tighter.
“Where here now. And you need to talk to us when to feel like this. No keeping it to yourself” said Jensen.
“ your like a daughter to all of us Y/N. Don’t forget that” said Daneel.
“ and no letting everything pile up until you hit breaking point” said gen.
“ and definitely no your an adult don’t worry about my problems talk” said Jared.
“Yeah yeah. I know I promise I won’t keep things to myself” you say lifting your head and showing a genuine smile.
“There’s the smile we know and love” said Jared ruffling your head.
“ I wonder what they’re up to” said your aunt to  your uncle.
“They’ve been up there for a while” said your uncle agreeing.
“Come on” said your uncle making his way up the stairs. what he saw surprised him , but made him smile none the less.
“ honey have a look at this”. Said your uncle from the door way, gesturing for your aunt.
There you were lying the middle of the bed tv playing surrounded by Jared, Jensen, gen, and Daneel, all fast asleep head on each other shoulder.
“I don’t think I’ve seen her sleep for a while” said your aunt putting her arm around your uncles neck.
“I think things are going to be okay” said your uncle planting a kiss on your aunts head.
“I think as long as she has these four, she’ll be fine in no time” said your aunt.
And she wasn’t wrong. Jensen and Jared were there constantly checking in on you, and Daneel and gen were always calling and dropping in on set. In no time you were feeling better. Of course you had your days where everything seemed pointless, and overwhelming, but Jared and Jensen were always there to pick you back up. You weren’t okay, no, but you were on the track to being okay. And with such amazing friends surrounding you, you couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store
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Run Through Walls
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Requested - anon - I just heard the scripts new album and run through walls made me think of ur blog straight away! I don’t know what I want but can you do something with the spn cast and this song please!!! Thank you if you do!xx
Prompts - Song Prompt - Run Through Walls (Click to listen).
You’d known the Supernatural cast since you were nine, joining the cast in one of the earlier seasons as Dean’s daughter. Jensen was like a father to you both on and off screen, you’d spent plenty of time at his house on breaks and for holidays. He’d taken you to you first convention and supported you through everything, professionally and personally. You were close with Jared too, he’d helped you a lot when it came to your mental health. Getting hate messages from such a young age had definitely affected you but they got you through it and any time things got too much you gave them a call or went to sit with them, everything turned out better.
Misha Collins had gone above and beyond for you. Flying from your home to Vancouver or to another state for a convention always had you feeling overwhelmingly anxious, flying on your own always set you on edge. One convention in San Francisco saw you sat at the airport alone in tears when Misha called you. You remembered him calming you down through the phone and him catching a flight over to you so the pair of you could travel to San Francisco together even though he was originally closer than you were. You’d apologised profusely but he wouldn’t hear anything of it, swearing he was more than happy to help you.
You and Rob hadn’t always got along so well. It’s not that you didn’t like each other it’s just that you’d never really got to know each other. When you decided you wanted to give music a try, Jared and Jensen asked him to speak to you and he was more than happy to. After that the two of you became quick friends. You’d spent countless nights making music together, at cons when neither of you could sleep you would camp out in one of your rooms and play music together or watch some cheesy movie and cuddle up together, eventually falling asleep tangled together.
Richard Speight was somebody who everyone felt automatically comfortable around and you were no exception. The moment you met him you knew he was going to be in your life for a long time. You and Rich hung out so much together both on and off set, if you were at a convention together you wouldn’t be too far from each other. Any time with Rich was guaranteed to be fun, except for maybe when the two of you had to fly anywhere together, two anxious flyers was a recipe for disaster - add Matt into the mix and it was an even bigger mess, thank the Lord for Rob Benedict, how he coped with three anxious flyers was a mystery to you all. Though you and Rich were always joking around, the pair of you could be serious when the moment called for it. You’d called him one night after a fight with your parents and sobbed down the phone to him and he was quick to comfort you, offering you a place at his house for as long as you needed. When a family member of yours had passed away and you were a mess, Richard was one of the first people at your door, offering you a warm hug and kind words.
Matt Cohen was one of the people who you considered your best friend. The pair of you were so close with each other, you’d been a big help when it came to babysitting for him to which he was thankful for. The two of you met up at least four times a month, with your schedules you had to make time for each other, and had friend dates. Sometimes you’d have lunch, go see a movie or concert. Your favourite friend date had been when he had taken you out after a really bad breakup, he took you to a movie you’d really wanted to see, then he found an old school miniature crazy golf course that left you both in stitches and he’d ended the night by taking you to a fancy restaurant, the both of you playing dress up in nice outfits. You loved him for that day, he’d managed to take such a draining morning and turn it into one of the best memories that you’d treasure forever.
Ruth, Kim and Briana were your best girlfriends. You’d always been mature for your age so getting on with people who were older than you had never been a problem and these friends you’d made along the way were some of the best people you’d ever met. Kim definitely took on a mom role with you but you loved it, loved having someone check on you with so much care and wanting you to succeed. Ruth was another person who you tended to cling to on set and at conventions, when ever you were around her you were constantly laughing and smiling. You loved travelling with Ruth, the pair of you had gone to Paris together for an event and seeing the sights and playing tourist with Ruth was so incredible. Briana and you got on so well, it took a while before you both got to act on screen together but when you did it was the best. Thankfully Richard was directing because the two of you kept laughing and just generally having the best time together, though it did mean that getting the right take took much longer but Jared, Jensen and Misha were joining in on the fun too.
You were all sat backstage at Rob’s show that he hosted at conventions, listening to him and Briana sing together as you all danced around backstage, clapping and cheering once they were done.
“Alright, Alright. Next up we have Y/N who is going to sing a song from her new album that come out in 10 days!” Rob introduced with a grin. You felt someone squeeze your shoulder and turned to smile at Matt as he mouthed ‘good luck’ to you.
You’d been nervous for weeks about releasing your own album, only ever featuring on other people’s or doing singles for movies and tv shows. The thought of putting your own music out there had filled you will anxiety but everyone had been so supportive. You’d played the cast most of the songs but purposely hadn’t let them hear the song you’d be singing tonight.
“Ok, hey everyone. So real quick, nobody outside of the recording studio has heard this song yet so I’m super nervous,” here you paused as the crowd cheered loudly in support, “thank you. So this song is really quite personal to me and it’s basically about finding those friends who would do anything for you and you for them. It’s about knowing what’s important in your life and basically an open love letter to those who go above and beyond for you. It’s called ‘Run Through Walls’ and I hope you guys and the people I wrote it for like it.” You finished your speech and let the crowd cheer as you sat on the stool and nodded to the band to begin.
“With no visible superpowers Sitting in the kitchen and talkin' for hours You always show up at the perfect time There's no one born with X-Ray eyes There's no way to know what's on my mind But you always say the words that save my life
I've got friends that will run through walls I've got friends that will fly once called When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls
You may not be superhuman But you've got the strength to carry me through it My shield of steel when I'm too weak to fight Yes, you are And that day my mother died And you held me up and you wiped my eyes It was in that moment when I realised
That I've got friends that will run through walls (Yeah) I've got friends that will fly once called When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls
You're always happy for my happiness And sad for my sadness P me off, you're mad for my madness (Ooh) Ever since we were young, you help me rise from the ashes If I fall from the sky you'd catch me 'Cause friends don't let you do stupid things Oh, friends don't let you do stupid things Oh, friends won't let you do stupid things Alone, alone
I've got friends that will run through walls (Yeah) I've got friends that will fly once called (Yeah) When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls
Yeah, yeah Whoa-oh-oh When I've nowhere left to go And I need my heroes I've got friends that will run through walls I've got friends that will run through walls And I've got friends that don't text, they call When I've nowhere left to go and I need you the most I've got friends that will run through walls.”
The roar of the crowd was deafening and you couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on your face or the tears that filled your eyes, too many emotions hitting you at once. An overwhelming surge of happiness filled you as you realised you’d preformed this song that was so close to your heart and people had actually enjoyed it. You let out a gasp as you were pulled against somebody’s chest and managed to look up to see Jensen looking at you with so much pride and a grin of his own.
“That was amazing, kiddo, I’m so proud of you. God, I love you so much.” He told you quietly as the crowd continued to clap for you.
“I’m so glad you liked it, Jens. I love you too.” You smiled as he pressed you closer to him and as you felt him kiss your head.
Hugs were given out from everyone after the show had finished. Everyone was quick to tell you how much they loved you and you told them you loved them too, feeling so much happiness and appreciation for your life and the amazing people in it.
You ended up in Richard’s room that night, cuddled against him, feeling worn out by the long day and the emotions from the last few hours.
“I’m so glad you are all in my life.” You whispered into the dark room, smiling softly as you felt his hand rub up and down your arm soothingly.
“Trust me, bug, we’re so glad you’re in ours and we’d do anything for you.” He told you and though you already knew it, it was nice to hear it from Richard.
“I’d do anything for you guys too.” You replied, cutting yourself off with a yawn. Richard pulled you and the blankets closer to him before quietly telling you to get some rest.
“Love you, Rich.” You mumbled tiredly, eyes already drifting closed.
“I love you too, Y/N/N.”
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It’s crossroads and psychics and shipping, OH MY! Join me as I continue one millennial’s journey to discover why a show about beefcakes and demons managed to last on network television for over a decade. It’s Supernatural! 
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So now that we’re in the thick of it, there are two moves that the writing team of Supernatural pulled that make a season 2 work, or, more specifically, work for me. The first is that rather than Level Up their heroes, they allow our heroes to lose, and I discussed that in my last post. Now we don’t know what’s gonna happen - they didn’t defeat the bad guy, their ace up their sleeve (John) is dead, and they don’t even have wheels to roll around anymore. 
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Equally important, the second thing they do at the top of season 2 is World Build. I’ve read this article from Emily VanDerWerff at Vox like, 8 times so I’m just gonna go ahead and quote her directly:
Season two of a great drama usually finds a way to explain why the show isn’t just a story about the protagonist but a story about a whole cast and a whole world. With the premise having been thoroughly explored in season one, the show, by necessity, has to start looking for other ways to tell stories. This usually means turning to the other characters within the ensemble... but it can sometimes mean pivoting to explore a new corner of the show’s setting ...or diving further into core themes...
Side note: I know few TV critics by name but I find Emily VanDerWerff’s tv and media analysis to be particularly insightful and brilliant and if she ever reads anything I write about TV, I just want her to know it. Definitely go read/listen to some of her stuff at Vox.
So let’s break that down, shall we? The job of season one on a television drama (which SPN undoubtedly is), is to set up the show as a story about a hero(es) (which SPN season 1 undoubtedly does). We know the Winchester Brothers. We know their wants, we know their obstacles, we know their pressure points and triggers, they’re standard MO’s. We’ve seen them move as a cohesive unit against a big antagonist and with the start of season 2, we get to see how they handle failure at the hands of that antagonist. 
But now season 2 has a bigger job: “explain why the show isn’t just a story about the protagonist but a story about a whole cast and a whole world.” As fun as it’s been riding with Sam and Dean across the country, that Impala does start to feel a little claustrophobic. We’re so focused on just these two characters that it’s hard to believe there’s a great wide world out there. Now, I call it claustrophobic now, but the chemistry between our two leads was definitely enough to carry the show without 3rd or 4th or 5th wheels through that first season and possibly future seasons. I was certainly happy to stick with just Sam and Dean for another 13 seasons when I watched this show for the first time back in 2008/2009. But after many years and many more TV shows, I understand that that model can’t be sustainable for the long haul. And that’s the goal, isn’t it? To get to a season five (and the sweet, sweet payday that is syndication) or farther. If your only regulars in series are two brothers and a car, that’s gonna get a little stale, at least for a broad audience anyway. And frankly, watching season 2 now and knowing what I know about the rest of the series, I’m excited to see new Found Family members show. If there’s one running theme throughout all 15 seasons it’s that Sam’s and Dean’s lives are deeply, tragically lonely.
So the writing team opens up a whole wide hunting world for our brothers to reside in - first with Bobby (AKA Poppa Hunter), then with The Roadhouse. But Bobby plus The Roadhouse crew don’t just expand on the SPN Scooby Gang. They show us, the audience, that Sam and Dean aren’t actually two lone guns out in the wilderness. Sure, season one gives us Missouri Mosely and then the deaths of Caleb and Pastor Jim, but these characters seem few and far between, unconnected to each other except by chance meetings with John Winchester. Introducing the new characters in season 2 shows us that there’s a network, a community out there, one that works together to stem the tide of evil from overtaking the Normals and their Apple Pie Lives. 
Quick side note: Can we talk about how this, specifically, was a real disservice John did to his children? In “Everybody Loves a Clown”, Ellen tells Dean that she knew John was closing in on the demon and Dean responds “What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed?”, and that’s probably a throwaway line for the joke, but it inadvertently signals that John really kept his sons isolated from having any kind of life at all. Sure, nobody wants the life of a hunter, but what if you had, oh, a community of hunters who took care of each others’ children and called people out on their bullshit abusive behaviors and watched each others’ backs so that there were fewer casualties and also were there so you could talk about all those things that Sam and Dean have spent their entire lives keeping secret from everyone? Ellen says John was like family once, and, like, whut? Why doesn’t Sam or Dean know who any of these people are? Why isn’t there a team trying to take down this yellow eyed demon? Why is it that Sam and Dean have, like, no support system other than their father?? I mean there probably IS a Demon Hunters Quarterly and John should have gotten his boys a subscription! 
Of course, the Wider Hunting World isn’t all good guys like Bobby and Ellen and Jo and Ash. There’s also Gordon and Dean’s new Father Substitute, who’s a straight up psychopath, but they can’t all be winners, can they? That episode, as mentioned in my last post, also opens up the world of Team Monster - they’re not just mindless Evil devouring innocent victims. There’s also people out there with hearts and souls and consciousness’ who happen to have monster-like physical attributes, making the Winchesters’ mission that much more complex and fraught with drama and the potential for more storytelling opportunities.
And, in “Simon Said”, we start to see more of the Special Children, which is a fandom term that I do not like. Special Children? Special Children?? THAT’S what you went with?!? Anyway, we get the second instance of 20 year olds touched by the yellow-eyed-demon. There’s new abilities, stronger psychics, and just generally more to these children than Sam and Dean even knew existed. And I actually really love Andy a lot and really enjoyed this episode a lot. Andy is just an instantly likable character and I feel like, with his skill set, he could have been a real asset to the team. I mean, the guys get arrested by the feds at least once a season. But apparently Kripke decided, like, two episodes into the Special Children plot that he hated it and *spoiler alert* kills them all by the end of this season. 
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Just looking at the three other episodes on the same disc as “Simon Said” (yes, I am still watching the DVDs) I’d say “Crossroad Blues” is another expansion episode. Though it was hinted at in the first episode, the Crossroad Deal is now A Thing, and one that’s gonna come back to bite us later. So our lore is getting bigger, deeper, more involved in the plot. “The Usual Suspects” doesn’t do a whole lot of expanding the world, but that one feels more like filler/light fare to balance out the drama from the first 6 episodes anyway. I’ll add that even though it doesn’t have a lot to offer, “The Usual Suspects” is an A+ episode that does a great job of remixing the formula. 
But back to our World Building - At the end of “Simon Said,” you get another taste of what this life should be for Sam and Dean. When Dean starts to pull the same secretive crap his father did, Ellen cuts back “This isn't just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad's coming and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here.” REALLY, John, you could have gone about your whole life of vengeance in a way that didn’t royally screw up your children and yet…
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But Ellen’s complaint sums it up nicely - this show isn’t just about the Winchesters anymore, it’s not their war, it’s a whole world’s war, a world that the show now has the opportunity to explore and expand to their hearts’ content. 
And here’s where things get sticky. 
Like I said, the first go around, I was happy with only two protagonists and now that I worry about characters’ feelings, I’m really glad that the show tried to expand the Winchesters’ social circle for you know, mental and emotional and spiritual wholeness. And all the new characters that got introduced at the beginning of season two are generally well-liked characters...now.
I mean, nobody didn’t like Bobby Singer, right? The boys lose one father figure and he is replaced by another - better, stronger, more paternal than the one before. He’s the perfect blend of back country tough love and big ol’ softie and everybody loves Bobby, right? 
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I don’t think anyone hated Ash either, although, you know, he’s kind of barely there. I gotta say, I do appreciate the amount of mullets that show up in the show. I mean, that’s commitment to a bit right there. Ash is their Guy in the Chair and he’s ridiculous and I am not ashamed to admit that I kind of love him.
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Then there’s Ellen. Ellen “Definitely Didn’t Sleep With John That One Time” Harvelle. And she is GREAT. She comes right out of the gate with that Big Mom Energy. Ellen is your mom, if your mom could also drink you under the table and still shoot you between the eyes without spilling her glass. A+ job on this character, would recommend, would watch again. Why she disappears for so long, I’ll never know, but it’s probably some kind of bullshit reason that has to do with misogyny and “bad” attitudes and unequal pay. 
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Honestly, in a sea of testosterone, there emerged a much needed island of femininity, and that island was The Roadhouse. But The Roadhouse also brings us Jo. 
Oof. You guys. Now listen, I’m gonna say a thing and that thing might be controversial but here goes: there is nothing wrong with Jo. I’ll say it louder so that Me back in 2008 can hear: THERE. IS. NOTHING. WRONG. WITH. JO. 
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I’ve done a little digging and it seems the “official” complaint for Jo is that she comes off too naive, too innocent. I...do not agree. At least one site I read through says fans called her “immature”, but watching it this time around, she’s light and bubbly, sure, but she seems very much aware of the world she lives in. If anything, it’s the people around her who treat her like a child, it’s not the character herself who comes off that way. This watch, I see a character who is confident and pretty damn capable. I think “No Exit” shows a character who is maybe more fully realized than I gave her credit for the first go around - she’s tough, she knows how to handle herself in a fight, and she’s quick on her feet. But she’s also a human person, capable of making mistakes and getting in over her head and we see her deal with that once she’s captured by Holmes. She holds her own in both Sass and Skill against Dean and I think, at the very least, she could have made a good addition to the team on a regular basis. She makes a nice foil for both brothers - Sam, who never wanted this life, and Dean, who is already struggling to remember why he does what he does. Given time, I think her character could have settled into something that really stood out in the show. But that’s the problem with new characters who are written to be green - they need time to grow. Supernatural never gave her that time. 
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I think the REAL problem is that Jo is very obviously introduced to be a love interest for Dean and yeah, that feels pretty shoe-horned in there. But I think we have to hand it to Alona Tal - she really is doing the best she can with the material she’s given, considering that the writing team seems to have done very little work on fleshing that character out up front. It’s like the writers were shocked that they had to write? A person? And not? A sex appeal????? And that feels very on-brand for CW. 
Do I ship Jo and Dean? I don’t know. My OTP at 19 was Dean + Me, so I’m real thankful I had no interest in writing fic at the time and there’s no incriminating author-insert work out there. But if asked me to chose an OTP for this entire series now, I’d say I ship Dean and Happiness and I feel like these two could have been happy. 
But fans hated Jo, so much so that the writers completely abandoned the love interest subplot and all but wrote her out of the show for good. She was not well liked in 2006 when this season aired and according to several fan sites I looked through, attitudes towards her didn’t warm up until she comes back in season five, basically just to die. Sure, she sacrifices her own life to save Sam and Dean, but she literally comes back to be cannon fodder and that’s what changes peoples’ attitudes towards her. Listen, I’m not saying there isn’t some weird gross misogyny to talk about down the line, but I think we have to acknowledge that this fandom is also guilty of some real girl-on-girl crime. 
Now I was curious - what was it exactly that so many fans hated? Why was the backlash against this character particularly passionate? And boy guys, did I find an answer.
I knew this was coming. I knew I couldn’t avoid it. And I’m not happy about it. But I said I was gonna dive into this show and you can’t dive into SPN without acknowledging the darker spots of the show and one of those spots is: Wincest. 
I just. Hoo boy. Listen, I am a Ship and Let Ship person. My kink is not your kink, your kink is not my kink, and we can all still get along. At least I hope we can all still get along, cuz fandom is occasionally terrifying and I don’t want anyone coming after me. But also, I did not realize...that they were so...prevalent? Like, seriously. I am very glad that I never actually used LiveJournal as I intended to use LiveJournal because 19-year-old me was not READY for that kind of Fandom. 
And hey I...understand why this happened? Sort of? Like, for all of season one, this show is only about two VERY attractive men folk who have VERY good chemistry with each other. And I will admit, in the spirit of honesty, that I too disliked Jo because I felt that introducing a girlfriend character would destroy the brother-character dynamic that was the heart and soul of the show. And I don’t want to dig too deeply into that sense memory because I don’t know that I like where it leads. 
But where this becomes a real problem is the implication that Jo was written out of the show because it interfered with the Wincest community? The idea that the Wincesters had that much power is chilling. Chilling. I mean, it’s one thing for a creator to take their fans into consideration when creating, it’s another thing entirely when the fandom makes a major plot point disappear. I mean, I don’t know what Alona Tal’s contract for season 2 was, but I do know that contracting for actors on a television series is affected by how many episodes they appear in. The number of episodes you’re in is also tied to things like pay rates (like those mandated by SAG) and where your name goes in the credits (top billing vs. end credits) Are you a guest star or a recurring character? Are you recurring or a series regular? Now, as a new character, it’s probable that Alona Tal was considered a guest star/recurring role and contract was per episode and not by the season - after all, that’s how the majority of the cast of The Office worked for all of season 1 and most of season 2. Angela, Oscar, Kevin, Meredith, Creed, Stanley, Phylis - they were all recurring characters, only contracted for each episode as it was being produced and they were in way more episode than Tal had in SPN. In fact, it was not until half way through season 2 (episode 11, “Booze Cruise”) that they were promoted to series regulars and received season-long contracts. But as the love interest for their lead, she was probably hired with the promise of getting promoted to series regular at some point in the future. Now imagine being Alona Tal, and finding out three episodes in that you’re not getting that season-long contract and you’re probably not coming back for season 3 because the fanbase is more into Brother-Lovin’ than your character. I mean. Guys.
Now can we really say that the Wincesters derailed a woman’s career? I don’t want to believe it, so I’m gonna say no. I am sure there was a lot of testing the character in key demographics and screenings with diverse audiences and graphs and charts and it wasn’t just that the producers of the show were endlessly scrolling through message boards on LiveJournal to see what kinks the fandom was into. I’m sure that was not the case because that is not the world I want to live in. But also, it definitely seems to have played a part. A REAL part. 
So let’s move back to television structure instead - why is this world building important? The key lies in a lot of the “prestige” shows that stream today. A lot of them have really strong first seasons, but a sophomore slump in their second seasons. Emily VanDerWerff calls out Stranger Things specifically, which had a tight, streamlined story that wrapped up so nicely at the end of season 1 that season 2 was left to flounder, trying to find its feet and its new story to tell. And they're not the only ones - this is a trend we see in a lot of premise driven shows.
How did we get here?The trend in shorter seasons has been really appealing to a lot of writers and directors who would typically work for feature length films. That means that a lot of the best shows are being written more like long-form movies than television series. The first season is a complete storyline from beginning to end with little deviation from the Main Quest. There’s less wandering like you’d see in a 22 episode season. Less of those filler/self-contained episodes where the writers get to explore new concepts and character work. This leaves less to detract from the single stream-lined story, but it also leaves little for the writers to explore once the season is done. When you wrap up all the loose ends by your season finale, you’re stuck wondering what’s left of the story to tell in future seasons? By not wrapping up the loose ends in “Devil’s Trap”, and by using these first 8 episodes to expand on more lore, allies, and world to inhabit, SPN is able to make space to create more story for years to come. 
NOW - can they keep that up for the next 14 seasons or will it get boring? Will we end up with comically overpowered heroes and villains that result in lower stakes? I mean, all of the characters die at LEAST once and come back, so how can SPN sustain the audiences’ concern for the characters when we’re never that worried for them? How much of the world is there left unexplored as you get farther into the series? How are they going to keep plots and arcs and characters new and fresh and exciting when we’re so familiar with everyone and everything? So many questions and so many episodes left to answer them! 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Moments with mini-angel; Kline family
*Author’s note*
Here we go with the next part of baby Kelly moments and here we have the inlaw family, the Kline clan which means the SPN cast makes a reappearance since the b-day chapter. Here I explain just why I didn’t write them in the birth of Kelly so I hope this chapter helps with that explanation. Also there’s a special little moment towards the end between the Rock Angel and her mother in law so I hope you all enjoy that little heart to heart moment I have at the end. The next part will be Brian and then ending this chapter will be God-papa Roger. For now enjoy this part my lovelies :)
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*Kline family meets the baby*
3 weeks after Kelly was born just shortly before the Christmas holiday, Jack and I flew back to Lebanon, Kansas to finally introduce baby Kelly to her American family.  At the time of Kelly’s birth, mum and Misha were both sick, Jared and Gen got over worked and Jensen and Dani had to deal with JJ who got the chickenpox from a kid at school.
Now with everyone feeling better, we figured it was time for our baby girl to meet the rest of her family.  We arrived at Lebanon the next day after taking off (thankfully Kelly did so good during the flight. Of course I had the flight attendants hand out newsletters of a brand new baby on board just in case we got any beef with anyone).
But Kelly basically slept through the flight with only a few cries but they were soon stopped as soon as she either got fed or changed.  
Finally after arriving at the airport we soon had a brush of Deja vu as Jensen was waiting for us at the airport.  But this time he had Jared with him and when they saw us they waved.
We walked right up to them and the second they saw Kelly, those big giants were a puddle of mush.
“Oh my god look at her. She’s so tiny.” Jensen softly cooed.
“God I don’t know who she looks like more.” Jared whispered.
“Oh every bit like her beautiful mom.” Jack praised.  I smiled at Jack and I put in.
“I don’t know. She definitely at time if she turned her head a certain way, she’s got your profile. Especially your nose.”
“Well whoever she ends up looking like, she’ll be a beautiful baby. Bad news for you Jack you’ve got your hands full.” Jensen teased at the end.
“Okay well we better get out of here so that way we don’t over stimulate her hearing. (Y/n) you can go with Jensen to the car, Jack and I will grab the bags.” Jared said as he handed Jensen the car keys.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yeah. Besides we took my car anyway since we still had our booster seat from when Shep was a baby.”
“Okay if you’re sure.”
“He is. Come on baby mama let’s get you and the mini-you out of this loud hellhole.” Jensen said as he wrapped an arm around me and guided me out of the airport.
When we got to the parking garage, Jensen unlocked a 1984 grey Volvo station wagon.
“Kinda a lame car I know. But this is the family car according to my brother. Tried to convince him he could get the new Ferrari with his paycheck but no.” he dragged out the no.
“Oh shut it. It reminds me of Deacy’s car. Except his is that more traditional brown on tan brown pattern.”
“Wait, wait. Deacy. You mean the John Deacon has a freakin Volvo?” he asked surprisingly.
“Oh yeah. Jensen when you have a wife and four kids, you gotta have a family safe car.”
“Yeah I guess so. Okay let’s get the little munchkin strapped in. Plus you’ll need to learn how to do this.”
“First thing I’ll need to do is learn to drive a car.” I said as he opened up the back door.
“Wait you don’t know how to drive a car?”
“I mostly did bike riding. It was much easier to ride and campus parking didn’t cost as much for bikes.
“So you’ve never really driven a real car before?”
“I learned once. But my uncle was always so impatient with me that I just—never got the courage to ask him again. I got bike lessons from an old high school friend of mine. He taught me all the ins and outs and helped me get my motorcycle license.”
“Well no worries kid. While you’re here, I’ll help you out. I’ll even let you test drive Baby. But don’t tell anyone.”
“You’d seriously let us test out your car?”
“Gotta learn the stick shift somehow, might as well be from mine. Plus the first car you gotta drive at least once in your life is a Chevy Impala.” He winked at me.  I smiled and said.
“Thank you Jensen. But I must warn you, I’m gonna be nervous.”
“Everyone is kiddo, you just gotta take a deep breath and just listen to what I say. Okay now for this little tyke. Let’s get you strapped in baby girl.”
“Come on lovie let’s get you in there.” Jensen and I worked together on strapping Kelly in and once she was in, she did fuss a little but that’s because she probably missed being in my arms.
“You get on in and calm her down, just so she knows you’re there. JJ went through a little separation anxiety when it came to the car seat.” I got inside and he shut the door behind me and we waited for Jack and Jared.
Once they came back and put the bags in the trunk, Jack sat on the other side of me while Jared took the wheel.  Jared turned the car on and soon we were on our way to the Kline family farmhouse.
Jared turned off his car and we all got out. Just as I reached in to take Kelly out of the car seat, Jensen came in and he said.
“I’ve got the munchkin.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah besides she needs to meet her cool uncle Jensen. Maybe even prove that I’m cooler than Roger Taylor. After all I did whoop his ass in poker during our bachelor’s weekend.” Oh yeah, that story. Roger continues to even bitch about it to me every now and then every time I tell him about the Kline clan.
“Yeah and I get blamed for it in your stand.” Jack groaned out.
“You’re a good kid Jack, thanks pal.” Jensen said as he gently and brotherly patted Jack’s cheek as he held our baby in his arms. I grabbed the baby bag and we walked right up to the house.
*3rd Person POV*
“They’re here! They’re here!” JJ and Thomas shouted. Soon Gen, Dani, Shep, Kelly and Misha all came running in the living room.  Misha quickly set up his camera and hit record right at the door.
“Okay guys just—oh god Misha get that thing out of my face!” Jared proclaimed.
“Oh come on Jared.” Misha cooed.
“Cut please.” Jared made the ‘cut’ motion with his hand before looking away from the camera.  But he couldn’t help but smile at the camera for a second before turning back outside to tell the guys what was going on.
“What’s going on?” asked (y/n).
“Oh Misha decided to bring the camera out and record you guys bringing in the new baby.” He explained to her.
“Then let’s have some fun, go in there and tell (y/n) to come in.” Jared looked at his brother but Jensen looked at him with a ‘just do it’ face.  Jared picked up a suitcase and opened the door back up and he said.
“Okay (y/n) you can come in now.” As the door opened wide, Jensen came in saying.
“Hey anybody order a pizza?”
*My POV*
I walked in chuckling and I said.
“Give me my baby Jensen.” The two brother’s softly chuckled as Jensen handed me my baby girl back.  Jack soon came in and he said as he cooed down at Kelly.
“Oh baby girl you’re not a pizza no, no. You’re a big, beautiful—meatball.” Everyone smiled and laughed softly.  Mum was the first to walk up after Jensen and Jared brought in the rest of the luggage and she looked down at her granddaughter.
“Oh my god. She’s amazing. God I wish I could’ve been there to see her the moment she was born.” She said to me.
“We wish you were there mum. But I’m happy you could see her now.” I told her.
“What have you both named her?” she asked us. Jack then came up and said.
“Well mom we—named her after you. Mom, this is Kelly Michelle Kline.” Mum just stared down at her and I could see the tears in her eyes.
“We really have you to thank for her being her mum. Had you not agreed to allow Jack to come to London for that summer, we would’ve never had met and this little lovie would never have been born.”
“Oh you guys, that’s the perfect name for her. Little baby Kelly.” Mum fawned over as she took her granddaughter in her arms and held her.  “Misha get a close up on this gorgeous little face.” She said to Misha.  He then zoomed in on his wife’s face but Kelly griped at him, “Not me the baby huh.”
Misha then adjusted the camera so it now looked down at my daughter.
“You see pops? Say hi pops. Hi pops.” mum cooed down at our baby girl.
“Ohh I can’t wait any longer, can someone please take the camera and get me with my little grandbaby?”
“I got you Misha.” I told him as I quickly took the camera and he went over to his granddaughter.
“Hi baby Kelly. Oh you are so cute. Isn’t she just the most beautiful baby you ever saw?” he cooed down as he stroked her tiny little head and gave it a kiss.
“Yes. Just like her father was the day he was born.” Mum said.
“Just thankfully this time it was the right gender.” Teased Jensen which made Jack throw his head back and roll his eyes in a ‘I’m done’ fashion.  I tried to keep in my chuckles but a giggle slightly escaped my lips and Jack turned to me giving me a slight glare.
One by one each of the adult members of the Kline family got to hold baby Kelly and it was all captured on video.  As Dani was now holding my baby, Jensen stood over her cooing down at her and giving her sweet kisses.
“Thank god she didn’t inherit anything of Misha.”
“Don’t worry in a few years from now you’ll laugh at that.” Jensen waved off nonchalantly.  Dani shook her head at Jensen and she whispered down to Kelly.
“No worries about your uncle Jensen. He’s not that much of a jerk.”
“Oh trying to turn the kid against me already huh?”
“Dad, can I hold the baby next?” JJ asked.
“Yeah I wanna hold her too.” Thomas soon spoke up.
“I wanna hold her first!” Shep cried out.
“Shhh. Shep not so loud. Remember quiet voices.” Gen shushed her youngest son.
“Well that’ll be up to the parents.” Dani said down to her daughter.
“Please aunt (y/n) please!” JJ clasped her hands in a begging motion as she looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers.
I debated in my head as I turned to Jack who just looked at me like the decision was all mine to make.
“I promise to be careful.” JJ promised.  I sighed heavily.
“Alright. But you have to come over to the couch and hold her.” She cheered but both her parents shushed her so that way she wouldn’t startle Kelly.
JJ hopped over to the couch as I took my baby girl back from Dani and walked over to the couch.
“Jack give her a pillow.”
“Aunt (y/n) I’m almost 10 years old I can hold her.”
“Sorry JJ. Okay no pillow. But you gotta make sure you support her head, her neck muscles aren’t fully developed.”
“We know aunt (y/n). We learned this at school.” Thomas spoke as he sat beside his cousin while Shep stood on the other side of JJ.  I then carefully transferred Kelly into JJ’s arms first and with a little guidance from her mum, JJ was now holding my baby girl.
“She’s so little.” Shep said.
“You know you were that small when you were first born Shep.” Jared said.
“No I wasn’t.”
“Oh yes you were.” Gen confirmed it.
“When do you think she’ll be able to play catch?” asked Thomas.
“Oh not for a couple years. You gonna teach her baseball or something champ?” Jensen asked his eldest nephew.
“Yeah. I wanna teach her some of the American sports.”
“That’s my boy.” Jensen said.
“Hate to say it guys but Robert’s got first dibs on teaching her some cricket.” Jack said.
“What the hell is that?” asked Jensen.
“Jensen language!” Dani slapped his arm.
“Sorry. What the heck is it?”
“You know it’s the sport with all the balls and the sticks and you make it go through the hoops. Kinda like a different version of golf except with no holes.” Misha explained.
“Oh yeah. That sport always looked boring. No offense (n/n).”
“None taken, I was never a big cricket fan myself. I always loved watching the football games. And sometimes a guilty pleasure of mine is rugby.”
“What’s that?”
“Well—the best way to describe it is it’s kinda like your American football, except we there’s no extreme padding and a lot more injuries.”
“Ohh. I like the sound of that.”
“The next season will start soon, I’ll tape a game and send it to you.”
“Oh heck yes!” Jensen cheered with a wide smile. Soon Thomas and Shep got to have their time holding Kelly and they were happy to hold their little cousin.  That was until Kelly decided to go poop while Shep was holding her.
At that point I took her away to go change her while I could hear Shep complaining that he (not in actuality) got pooped on. Which of course led his brother to tease him that he was worse than Kelly was and that he was always pooping when he was a baby.
As the days went by and the holidays came and went.  Kelly received so many gifts from her American family who just adored her so much. I was currently downstairs getting me a drink of milk before I went up to bed when I heard mum’s voice say.
“Well baby Kelly’s finally fast asleep.” She told me.
“Thanks mum. Although you know I could’ve done it myself.”
“Oh you’ve been doing too much. You cooked the Christmas meal this year, staying up all night whenever she cried too much, and keeping in touch with your own family back in England. Honey you’re exhausted. The least I could do was help take over for just one night.” She told me as she stood beside me.
“Is there something else you wanted to talk about?” I could see for the past couple weeks something seemed to be on her mind every time she handled Kelly.  I didn’t want to press her just yet cause I thought she would come to me and talk, but now I just have to ask her.
“Actually there is.” I set my milk down and she said to me as she took my hands. “I just wanted to say……thank you.”
“For what?” I asked.
“I’ve never told Jack this so I want to tell you. When I was pregnant with Jack, there were—complications with the birth. I won’t scare you with details but it almost costed me my life that I had to have an emergency C-section.”
“Oh my god.” I whispered.
“The doctors then told me that even if Misha and I tried to have another baby, the risks would be even greater, so much so that I could actually lose my life. So—I had no choice but to have my tubes tied off. Making me unable to have any more children. And sure even though I had dreamed of having a girl and even the doctor’s telling me that it would be a girl, I don’t regret Jack ending up being a boy. He’s the light of my life. And I wouldn’t trade him for anything else in the world.”
“Oh mum.” She cupped each sides of my face and said.
“But seeing you two together, and having your first child be a girl and naming her after me. That—was the most precious and most honorable thing I could ever ask for. And I will take that to my grave. So thank you (Y/n) Kline for giving me the chance to be a grandmother to a baby girl.”
“Mum. If I can, I’ll try to have as many daughters as I can just to make you happy.”
“Oh honey there’s no need to put that kind of pressure on you. I’ll be happy no matter how many or what gender of grandchildren I have. All that matters is that you and Jack love and cherish each child you get. Because you never know when the time may come that something goes wrong, or you lose that chance to be a mother to more than one child.”
I nodded and placed my hands on top of hers and I promised her that I would.  She smiled at me warmly and embraced as tight as she could as I hugged her back.
The two of us hugging each other.  One mother to the next until we both decided to retire for bed.
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