#and its groundbreaking
how i would write erisol rant because im gay (bi) and find enemies to lovers extremely interesting in the concept of vacillating between the pitch and flushed quadrants (which is how I personally ship erisol)
Okay so to start off the most important part of their dynamic to me is that at the beginning Sollux does not like Eridan at all. In any quadrant. Or even as a friend. Having a certain level of respect or fondness for your partners good qualities is important for any quadrant, including (and maybe even especially) for kismesis, because if one has no respect or admiration for the kismesis’ good qualities this could lead to a very fucked up Tavris situation with one partner trying to mold the other into something they’re not. Being a kismesis (which is the relationship that i normally see erisol entering before they start to vacillate) is all about wanting to push your partner to be better. You see their potential and you see good qualities in them, but their negative qualities far outweigh the good in your opinion and you want to push the other to improve (at least this is how I see the dynamic, I can also see kismesis as rivals who oppose each other in a lot of ways and find enjoyment in fighting each other. i dont think these two interpretations are mutually exclusive tho maybe theyre just both important parts of the pitch dynamic. anyway-). If Sollux sees no good qualities in Eridan, hes not going to want to put in the time to help him improve. Just as a side note here Eridan already has pitch feelings for Sol, at least thats how I see it, judging by the fact that he tries to get Sol into a kismesis relationship with him at least twice, three times if you count pesterquest. But since Eridan really just wants a relationship with anyone, development here would be him finding genuine attraction toward Sollux other than just really wanting a kismesis and thinking their hate friend dynamic would be the easiest to turn pitch.
So basically I think a huge part of developing their relationship would be for Sollux to slowly start seeing good qualities in Eridan. For example, if Eridan gave Sollux the whole gender rant that he gave the MSPA reader in pesterquest, Sollux would see that Eridan actually thinks very deeply about things and isn’t only an annoying incel. He’s three dimensional baby. Seeing that Eridan is intelligent about subject matter that he cares about and thinks about shit, but just chooses not to most of the time, might spark some drive in Sollux to want push him to be better and start doing this more. I read this one fic that I can’t remember he name of but the main focus is all about Erisol having these deep conversations about the nature of the universe and slowly starting to catch feelings for each other through these arguments. Sollux at the beginning of the fic has been outright avoiding Eridan, but he starts to enjoy their conversations more and more as time goes on just because he’s seeing a more intelligent and thoughtful side of Eridan that he’s never seen before.
I feel like kismesis relationships and matespritships can easily vacillate between each other. If you’ve been pushing you kismesis to improve and they actually do to the point where you now think their good qualities outweigh the bad, you can easily catch flushed feelings for them. I think erisol would flop between the two, as they find each other’s qualities very attractive and still enjoy their rivalry but also sometime times just want to be in a softer sweeter relationship. 
Anyways I don’t really know where I was going with this but I’ve been thinking a lot about quadrants recently and how I view my favorite homestuck ships so I wanted to get it out somewhere. Thanks for reading my word vomit lol.
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jorrated · 5 months
hazbin hotel is the taylor swift of indie cartoons
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bonetrousledbones · 2 months
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he is going to sink straight to the bottom of the ocean
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surprisebitch · 2 years
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
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sing into my mouth
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imaybe5tupid · 6 months
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that one fic
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noots-trash · 2 years
I've been thinking about the mistreatment of Martha Jones a lot today - specifically how such a powerful character can frequently tank in companion polls - and for some reason, I've come to the conclusion that she was just not written to be loved. When it comes to the most popular companions, we tend to see them through the eyes of the Doctor: Donna is the most important woman in the universe, Rose perfect and beautiful, Amy the feeling of home. I dislike Ten and Martha's dynamic as viewer, but as a fan, I dislike the way RTD wrote it. We see a season of an amazing yet pining woman almost dragged along for the ride by a man who barely looks twice at her. Narratively, this just about makes sense with Ten losing Rose, but if thinking about this through the lenses of Martha's mistreatment, there is no real admiration generated for Martha as a character because there's barely any generated for her on-screen. It takes a step back and a moment of thought to recognise her qualities, and how the narrative and her relationship with Ten barely lets these qualities shine through.
Somehow, the gorgeous, ambitious, intelligent and assertive companion always gets relegated to the 'rebound with a crush', simply because that's the uncomfortable baseline of her writing, and the surface level of Ten's perception of her. Obviously, there's so much more to the mistreatment issue than this, but this little facet has been niggling away at me all afternoon. Anyway. Respect my queen x
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oscargender · 1 month
Heartbreaking: “problematic” danmei everyone told you to avoid is actually pretty decent and has mildly interesting things to say about poverty and class
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letterful · 5 months
Jean Madar, chairman and CEO of InterParfums Inc, recently told Bloomberg that fragrance is part of a person’s “core identity”. And while cosmetic companies can face criticism for conflating external products with existential outcomes [...] perfume conveniently sidesteps the problems of the flesh. It’s not trying to change how you look, but how you feel, and, for the span of a spritz at least, it does. In the age of wellness-as-beauty and neurocosmetics, the science of scent is marketing gold.
[...] I wonder if what we’re after here is not a sense of self but a (related) sense of life.
I say “we” because – despite my documented skepticism of beauty brands – I, too, am powerless against a good perfume ad.
Last month, casually depressed and subconsciously seeking comfort and some sort of release, I spent $240 on a scent called Tears by Régime de Fleurs. “What a luxury to weep,” the website read. It described the perfume as “emotion in liquid form, the romance and the sadness”. It promised “nostalgia” too, with notes of lilac to remind me of my grandmother’s front yard and frankincense to call up childhood Sundays spent in incense-blessed church pews. I suppose I wanted Tears to take me back to a time when someone who loved me baked me cookies every week, when I believed in God and goodness, and life stretched ahead of me in an endless expanse of hope and potential.
Of course, it didn’t do that. It smelled fine. I felt something, for a second. But I was still me, and I was still mostly numb.
I thought of that perfume the other day while reading the preface to Henry James’s 1902 novel The Wings of the Dove. James summarized it as the story “of a young person conscious of a great capacity for life” – someone “passionately desiring” to “achieve, however briefly and brokenly, the sense of having lived”.
Something clicked: how to explain Tears if not a brief and broken sense of having cried?
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hoodzgyal · 1 year
I feel like Jason is such a lover boy. He acts all tough but he’s just a hopeless romantic at heart.
oh absolutely. the thing is, baby boy is so used to being guarded, keeping his feelings tight to his chest for the sake of protecting himself. it takes months of dating and quiet patience from you before he feels comfortable enough to act on those romantic urges.
he quotes shakespeares sonnets on occasion. the two of you have made a guessing game out of it, where hell quote a line and you’ll guess what number sonnet he’s quoting from. if you get it wrong, jaybird kisses you, teasingly murmuring something along the lines of, “absolutely incorrect, doll face. try again?” you’ve yet to get one right.
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tara-maclays-gf · 2 months
YOU like hush because it’s a groundbreaking work of tv with amazing acting and an amazing score. I like hush because it’s tara’s first episode
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st4rstudent · 3 months
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determinate-negation · 9 months
In the wake of the modernizing process and rising fascism in Europe, members of the Frankfurt School at the Institute for Social Research astutely observed that with the rise of modernity and mass culture, culture had become an industry in itself, taking on the characteristics of every other capitalist commodity and obeying the same rules of production. While their analysis primarily focused on modernity and cultural production in Germany, their contributions to an understanding of mass culture and its mechanisms of ideological control are highly applicable to the history of Italian fascism as well. Fascism rose in Italy well before its German counterpart, and while both were aided by the support of finance capital and the conservative elite, their success was also due to the mass appeal they were able to create. Technological changes in communication, new social relations and commodity forms, and the extension of the market into the realm of culture allowed fascism to flourish in Italy, and became highly effective means of reinforcement after the Italian Fascist party seized power. However, it was not through sheer luck that these conditions worked favorably for Mussolini. He and the Italian fascists recognized the shifting social relations that accompanied modernity and strategically used them to build their image and the new Fascist culture they envisioned. Mussolini’s efforts may not have been successful if not for the tacit support he received from foreign press, specifically that of the United States, which lauded his actions and portrayed him similarly to a celebrity. Building on the work of Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin, I examine how the rise of mass culture and the logic of the culture industry influenced Italian fascism and the Fascist regime’s use of propaganda.
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emiliemaria · 8 months
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This is for all my charmac homies i love u<3
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aroacesetitoff · 9 months
The OG Infinknights
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Back at it again ✌️
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fandomtrashhh · 5 months
The thing is, for me at least, it's one thing to know something. I KNOW Destiel is real. I KNOW they took things out and changed lines and censored them. But it's another thing to actually fucking hear a significant writer on the show who was involved in many Dean and Cas scenes to SAY things were buried. To SAY there is much to be said about Destiel. Like. That is insane to me.
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