#and its not like we have tumblr police or anything we all just agree thats how its works and function like so
you seem the type to enjoy shit like boku no pico and then scream and cry about how it's fine since it's "not real." fucking pedophile.
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Buddy, pal, friend, did you read the FUCKING post?? You know the part where I said content that depicts fictional minors engaging in sex makes my stomach turn but that I don't interact for that reason?
Did you?
Or did you, as many antis do, just nitpick words because you can't understand why people (to quote myself here) have enough braincells to rub together to know that fictional stuff is not nearly as abhorrent as actual CP.
And for your information I've not watched Boku no Pico because I was lucky enough to have older anime fans tell me not to watch it because its fucked up. And wow, isn't that weird?
It's odd isn't it?
That someone can have the stance that fictional media is not as bad as an actual crime and still think it's fucked up?
Also bud just to let you know and I hate to use this card but it's important, I was a tween when people got me to try and watch that show and guess what? That's the issue, that people were going around on the Internet trying to get children or underage teenagers to watch something pornographic, that's the morally wrong action here no matter how disgusted I am with what I've been told the show contains - the attempted INTENTIONAL distribution of known pornographic material to children is the issue here.
But that won't change your opinion on me, since you're too much of a coward to say this off anon I can tell you don't want to engage in an actual conversation.
You just want to feel morally righteous telling someone they must be the scum of the earth. And thats what a pedophile is. Scum of the fucking earth.
But hey whilst on the subject lets look at a definition:
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Tell me anon, what part of (and lets refer to the top picture on this post because I'm sure reading comprehension is hard for you so I'll spell it out) "stuff like that isn't for me, I don't like it." And "write something fucked up to see if they can".
Hm, anon, what part of describing that content as fucked up and not for me means that I enjoy it? Or that I have a sexual preference FOR LIVING BREATHING FUCKING CHILDREN YOU IDIOTIC BAFOON.
You cannot simply use "imma refer to a disgusting show and if they know it my point is proven but I'm going to call them a pedophile to really shut them up!" As an excuse to your inability to understand that not everything is black and white.
I don't like that there's child sexual content on AO3 and to reiterate what a previous part of my original post said, it turns my fucking stomach just the thought of it, but I don't interact because guess what pal. It doesn't change a fucking thing what I think.
Just like how all you content Puritans will scream think of the fictional children but won't do fuck all to help real children.
"But what are we supposed to do!?" You all cry if someone points it out to you!
Guess what, you know how you all sit together and decide to mass report fics? You can mass report actual criminals to the police. You can, if you have the ability, help donate to actual charities that help children after those situations and charities that try and prevent those situations.
But you don't actually care about children, in the same way anti-abortonists in the USA and UK don't care about the children.
At the end of the day, you guys just need control and you don't like that you don't have it.
Children are just pawns to you, because if you really cared you wouldn't be out here getting in such a tizzy that you need to call a nobody a pedophile on tumblr because they agreed with you that the content is horrible but that they can understand that if illegal material was actually on a website with all you hundreds of antis the site would be shut down.
And that's the thing isn't it? People HAVE reported Ao3 to the police before but nothings beens done because its not legally counted as CP. Who'd have thunk it.
If you have anything else to say to me anon, get off anon and say it so everyone can see your blog.
Your such a justice warrior aren't you that you have to hide your face.
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dasakuryo · 3 years
I have to say, I agree that usamerican media doesn't care about us at all beyond dehumanizing us, but those posts really do read as antiblack and its not assuming these issues don't affect Black people in our countries, its the way 'american issues' coming from white latines/nonblack latines really does tend to mean blm/Black people fighting for things and thats not attacking people in power over us its attacking people who already don't have a say and OP of that post hasn't talked about blm in ages and yet kinda. used afrocolombians as a way to act like theyre not being antiblack we can and need to call out mainstream US without being antiblack and the asks op got are terrible but acting like just 'being from usa' is enough to be the oppressor when the situation for Black people is the way it is really lacks context and insight, so many of the people who have called that post antiblack without attacking op like those asks have still been promoting all this information about our fight so to say theyre just looking for excuses seems. flat. Black people are statistically the least likely to be xenophobic. if anyone gets the way we hate the US its them. maybe we can consider this
Except the OP of the post wasn’t referring to BLM or any issue related to the oppression of minorities in the USA.
I am not going to even fully address the condescension of this “OP of that post hasn't talked about blm in ages and yet kinda. used afrocolombians as a way to act like theyre not being antiblack”, how on earth do you know what op does outside of tumblr? or what they do or do not care about/support even if they don’t blog regularly about it? (which, btw, it’s an argument I’ve seen used countless of times by USAmericans, and no, I do not mean by that only black USAmericans, when Latin Americans express frustration at the fact the country responsible for many of our major issues in the past century keeps fucking us over, and people from said country on social media aren’t saying anything about it).
And while someone may be oppressed in a given context, that doesn’t mean they cannot be complicit in other forms of oppression that don’t affect them. And this is especially true when we’re talking about USA’s imperialism and neocolonialism. Just as an example, Obama in many ways was extremely important and pivotal for the black community in the USA (and I am not saying he wasn’t!), and yet he was complicit in USA imperialism that fucked over Latin America (which translates into violence, poverty and a myriad of other issues), not to mention every USAmerican (and I mean everyone, especially white USAmericans are responsible for the people they vote for and put in office and not giving a second thought to the fact these same politicians and administrations are going to fuck over people in the Global South. Biden literally made interventionism (and US imperialism) part of his campaign and a reason why Americans should vote for him, what about that?
Afro Latin Americans are the ones getting the worst of the brunt of all police brutality and state administration-aided repression right now, especially in Colombia.
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herrashmoo · 3 years
secondly, im not a tumblr teen. ive been on this website for god knows how long and ive been well versed in queer history. me calling them a pedophile, after a conversation with them resulted in them refusing to admit sexual imagery is not for children, them calling me a bootlicker and several other names, before getting wildly upset and blocking me, had nothing to do with their sexuality and everything to do with the fact that they couldnt tell me sexual imagery is not a thing for minors to consume period end of story. this is AFTER the fact i had been a bit more educated about pride and had ALREADY agreed where i went wrong. now about the sanitization of pride- thats wrong as well. dont get me wrong. but you cant seriously look me in the face and tell me that sexual imagery is not for minors. like- just that statement alone, right? so how is this such a controversy?
ugh okay I guess I’m gonna write A Thing. I’ll get into a proper response to your final questions but first, let’s do some context work.
first thing to make clear is that I know Jux irl, and I also want to make it pretty clear that they and I have pretty similar opinions here, I’m just slightly more likely to put my anger aside to reply to stuff. Do not get it twisted, rhetoric like the kind you were/are using is like, a big red flag for me, it’s the kind of shit reactionaries have been using for eons and like, were I in a less chill mood, I would’ve also likely written you off as a bootlicker troll. Their response was pretty aggressive but not completely misplaced, so I just want to make it clear that like, as another queer dude who is tired of seeing this shit every fucking May for the better part of a decade, I’m also exhausted and pissed off.
As for my claim of teenagerdom, I apologize if that offended, but you have to understand that, generally speaking, the loudest groups having this conversation on the regular are (1) right-wing reactionaries, TERFs, and their ilk trying to stir shit up (see: Operation Pridefall) and (2) young people who don’t have any context for Pride, often haven’t been, and only really have queer politic and history from tumblr and twitter threads featuring reactionary revisionism from the first group. When I see people engage in this conversation, I generally assume they’re in the latter group, as it helps me try to frame my responses in the best faith I can given how tired I am of this shit.
But that aside, sure. Kink isn’t for children. But provided there’s a parent accompanying this hypothetical child at Pride, their job is to explain and provide context for the things they can, and give a solid “you’ll learn more when you’re older” for the things they can’t. The Village People are all each in different kink gear, and as a kid I was told “they like to dress up, and there’s some costumes specifically for adults,” and I was good. I saw bare titties at festivals, smelled weed at concerts, saw bulge at the beach — these are normal human things that happen in the world, and having a responsible adult nearby to explain or provide context for them made them non-issues for me. I don’t think a kid seeing a pup hood is thinking anything more than “oh cool, that dude is dressed up as a dog.” Kids understand fantasy and make-believe. And especially as they age into their teenage years, withholding or sheltering them from knowledge about sex and sexuality can do real damage — hell, we’ve been having that conversation for over a century at least.
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(Spring’s Awakening was first published in 1891 and was deeply censored in productions for the better part of a century, due to the content of the work, which is about how sheltering young teens (both straight and queer) from sexual content (and also mental health resources) leads them to try to figure shit out on their own and make catastrophic decisions that they don’t understand the consequences of until it’s too late. Great play, pretty great musical adaptation, wild that we keep rehashing its points like clockwork over a century after publication.)
But I am also of the opinion that Pride isn’t for children, as, while two decades of assimilationist politic would desperately try to argue otherwise, I am queer because I am sexually attracted to, and have sex with, other men. Pride is a response to the criminalization of queer sex acts, and so it is, in turn, a celebration of queer sex acts. So if someone wants to walk around in chaps and a jock, great! If someone wants to wear their pup gear or a harness or a rope tie or a vest, fuck yeah! It’s a space specially carved out for celebrating the queer experience — the original Pride flag (before it was simplified to make it easier to mass produce for profit, which, again, love seeing our culture made into product) had a pink stripe at the very top, specifically representing sexuality. It is, ostensibly, the thing that defines our community (at least the L G and B parts of it) as an outgroup against the mainstream society.
I think that, if you are uncomfortable with kink displays, or you’re uncomfortable with children seeing kink displays, then Pride is not for you or your children! Don’t go! There’s kid-friendly and sanitized versions of Pride in most major cities, do some research into your local/state Stonewall organizations and you can find more about them. But I’m already sick of having actual cops at Pride, I don’t need people who are uncomfortable with displays of sexuality also policing myself or any other queer person in a space they have spent decades carving out for themselves.
A final note — if you don’t understand why a queer person would blow up and completely write off your bullshit after calling them a pedophile, I urge you to do more reading, more listening. I know that in this brave new world of same-sex marriage equality and PrEP access that it’s hard to remember the collective trauma that the community has experienced, but this shit is inflammatory, you’re straight up spewing fightin’ words. The dude wearing a leather harness at Pride isn’t trying to corrupt any youth or fuck any kids, they’re just trying to live their shit, and I’m sorry that you and so many others have somehow decided that that’s an attack on a demographic of people who aren’t the audience for a celebration of sexuality. We’re not fucking pedophiles, and this “think about the kids” nonsense is some Reagan-era bullshit.
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captainshyguy · 4 years
i hate feeling so off and not being able to pin down why because there’s SO many little things it could be 
like! its weird, im still doing things like hobbies but im having no love for them at the moment, something is just its missing. i just want to lay down all day 
is it bc im nervous abt health stuff? maybe. did i burn myself out with the sheer amount of paintings i’ve been doing? have i put too many big projects on my plate? 
am i lonely??? probably. pretty much every person i talk to regularly is having a rough time and i cant do anything to help. are some of them annoyed with me? idk! probably!! all the servers i hang out in are either quiet or like. impenetrable. im trying so hard to get into the group in one server, but bc a minecraft roleplay took over their time, they just, they barely show any recognition to anything outside of that. i comment on their minecr*ft stuff, despite having zero context, but when i make handy and snappy character summaries so they have an idea what im doing, i get nothing! its so alienating! i dont even know why im trying! 
i ache to show more people lost and found, but after that dumbfuck decided that if you see the surviving v*ssels as adults ur a problematic creep i have no confidence on putting it on ao3. just! yknow, despite the fact we DONT know how old gh*st was when they climbed from the abyss. we DONT know how v*ssel aging both physically and mentally works. we DONT know how holl*w got so tall. we literally know NOTHING so all bets are open! ‘the v*ssels are naturally small and h*llow was made to be big by some form of magic training enhancement’ is a valid read on the subject! as is thinking they’re physically kids! just! you cant decide people who dont agree with your HEADCANON are morally wrong that’s so fucking dangerous. the story isnt even abt anything like that really! there’s some romance, but its ultimately about moving on, about coming to terms with ur grief! and yet! if i mention that gh*st and leaf are old then oooooooooo, some teenagers with too much time on their hands wont like that!!1111!!!11 get a fucking life.
heck, thats something that’s been irritating me too just the ‘my headcanon is right, everyone else is wrong’ no!!! no!!! dear god watch the source material again! get out of your own head! 
tumblr culture as a whole is just, man its been getting to me too. everyone says its better here now and i dont exactly agree. the aphobes are still here. theyre just on the downlow and tell u not to ask them abt ace discourse bc they’re “past it” but then they still make jokes. pan people are a fun new target for a growing number of people! :) there’s been so many posts ive seen that just., they feel outright mean. the border on bullying i dont care if they’re a joke, it feels like this site is full of teenage bullies who think they’re all right and fun and dont get me started on the amount of policing posts im just! AAAAAAAAAA
sick of this site luv <3
i miss feeling safe outside, i miss going shopping and getting nice food. i want to eat in a cafe again  
im tired man. im tired and strung out and lonely and annoyed and powerless and i want to just sleep 
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lairofsentinel · 5 years
that bi post is interesting- i guess i have a third pov tho. ive seen some people use bi in a "new" way, to mean stuff like "attracted to women and nb people", "to men and nb people" or "attracted to several genders but not necessarily all" and so on, but also to mean, yeah, pan. and ngl thats cool. i think bi's pretty much a neat catchall for multisexuals of all kind, a bit like how queer is a catchall for anyone not cis or straight, and historically bi even used to group ace people too.
i reread your tags three times and actually it seems that we agree- i guess im just tempted to say that while everyone agrees on the meaning of pan, some people however use it differently to reflect their experience better. but unlike most people i dont view it as a bad thing but way more as something great because people can talk about their experience without feeling bound by, well, limits and definitions and blah i guess ? and as a trans person i find this great and important, not transphobic
Hello there,
thank you for sharing your pov.
I mean, the “new” way sure has a lot to do with “in which country you live”. Here, where I live, people is not using bi-pan in any new different way. But I've seen/read certain strange uses online. [the funniest use and also the only one that annoyed me was, time ago, when some weird straight people started to say: “I'm bisexual, but I only like men/women”.... like... what? How that bisexuality works? XD, but anyway, I'm nobody to go as a gender/sexuality police. Pft, I can't even speak English properly in a discussion. xD]. Also, years ago, some weird people started to say that pansexuality included trans people, while bisexuality no, so they kind of enforced the concept that “bisexuality ” had a transphobic root in its own... which is stupid, since statistics shows that trans people has quite more chances to be in a relationship with a bi/pan partner than a gay/hetero one... so.... soooooo......really crazy the way people spread misinformation. 
The meaning of the tags... well... it's long: I can't be anything else but chill about the enormous amount of words that LGBT community has crafted along these last years, because sure, we all want to have the exact right word for us, to condense all our complexity in a single word XD. But let's be honest, no way that would happen, ever. So, until people “discovered” [or more like accepted] that gender and sexuality are a spectrum and are more complex than 3 or 4 words, we developed a lot of words along the way, and made use of the same word with several different uses, making of this world a more complex one [because we are never satisfied with our own :P]. And I'm not even counting on the fact of those “re-appropriated” words that were a slur previously, back in time, such as queer. Those words are a whole lot of mess. 
Two simple examples:
A friend of mine at work is a bisexual woman [happily married with her wife
Another case: I, for example, feel super weird with labels. I'm nb, I give a fuck to any word of any gender. But I live in a Spanish speaking country and.... the HELL with the strongly gendered languages... I keep jumping from masculine to feminine or using the “new” neutral forms with -e [that all puritans hate and fight me for that]. But still yet, I keep using the word gay [in English, because at least it's more neutral than any other], because for the world, I'm a gender that can't be hidden once I speak [you know, damn voice] and I kind of be attracted to people of the “same” gender that everyone attaches to me [I said it in that way, because I'm more like a demy-gay, but forget to use demisexual here, nobody knows shit XD]. So... the obvious, shortest way, and efficient way to get rid of that problem every time I have to deal with that [aka, some person asks me with a reasonable argument that doesnt make me to toss them away], it's the word gay. But again, not even that means what it usually means, in my case. But again, imagine explaining all this shit, all the time, every time someone asks me with good reasons?. No way, I'll get bored of all that jabber.
So, these 2 single examples are to explain that... well, LGBT identity words, today, are a mess. Especially if you start adding those trans-masculine and trans-feminine and a lot of extra adjectives.... to me it's more confusing to understand what that person truly is, but what it's clear with that is that such person has a complex identity that wants to be acknowledged. So, if I know this, and if it's relevant for some valid [aka non-creepy] reason, I would ask to understand exactly the shade they mean, so I can acknowledge them properly. Because every gender and sexuality is a mess by its own. We will never get one single word that can embrace it wholly. I know some lucky people got it, they are gay, and cis, or trans and hetero and they are super fine with that...and I'm happy for them, they don't need extra explanations for describe their genders and sexualities xD.
That's why my tags were like that. Pansexuality appeared some decades ago [it's a super young word], specially in countries that are not USA [which it is the country that everything usually revolts around, here in tumblr]. Pan is a super new word, that mostly young people would be more inclined to use. It's more meaningful for young people [maybe. This is not a must. More like an average estimation.]
It's like queer. The oldest LGBT people, with USA-background, will probably hate it to use it. They attached to that word a slur shade that pierced their lives, it's too harmful even to use as a re-appropriated word. Yet, young people love it. Specially people without usa-background. Some of them can't even fathom the hard history meaning behind it.  
Well, queer word, outside the history, is a whole mess in its own XD. What does a person mean when they say that they are queer? Are they gay? Are they trans? Are they nb? . Nobody knows. And it's ok, the clear meaning in that word is “look, I'm not cis and/or hetero”. And that's the way it works. I like to use it sometimes too, now that it has been popularised in the South hemisphere thanks to the influences of Butler. 
So, yeah, we agreed, anon. XDI tried to say the same as you in my messy tags. I wrote that because sometimes I find such a nerdrage about the **chastity** or the **purity** of languages with this mess of words, or the annoyance of people that don't know the 52 labels at our disposal to describe the LGBT experience. And I simply say that it's okay not to know all of that, and not to force or stress into picking one, because most probably, you will not get it completely explained in one single word, since words, despite being 52, are limited, and sexuality and gender is a whole mess with flavours, colours and shits, that—even worse—may change with time xD.
So... the most mature attitude I think someone can take about this mess is to relax about those labels, pick the ones they think fits better for them, and understand that everyone has their own gender/sexuality, and that label may not suffice, so, when it's relevant, it's ALWAYS important to speak honestly. Yeah, all this textwall could never enter into the tags. xD.
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feraldavestrider · 5 years
Honestly when you started saying you need dysphoria to be trans I was this close to hitting the unfollow button but I agree with you. sometimes people say "I don't have dysphoria I'm just happier as this gender" and like ??? maybe you should consider how happy you actually were before whatever transitioning you did. Sometimes I feel kinda empty and don't wanna do things. I'm not sad and I can deal with it indefinitely but guess what, that's still depression. Not all dysphoria is obvious.
yeah!! ill be honest i was mostly frustrated and i just woke up when i wrote that stuff so i wont b surprised if i lost some followers who didnt get what i meant/thought i was truscum/transmed,,,, or if ppl just dont agree which is life. but im glad u got what i meant!
**edit i made before i posted this i say “you” a lot in this and i mean like a general audience you mostly pointed towards like. op and those that agree ok note over**
i by NO means am trying to police ppls identifies or suggest that all experiences w dysphoria are the same. or that u should ever need to share details on those experiences! you dont owe anyone anything.
my main issue is that “tucute”/mogai tumblr propagates this idea that you can just be trans without feeling any discomfit w ur agab, and the associated name, pronouns, ur physical form (ie some various forms of dysphoria). because then what are we boiling being trans down to???? saying youre trans/nonbinary just bc you may dress in a gnc/non conventional manner or because u act/talk/have certain hobbies that are gendered in a way that doesnt fit ur assigned gender???? if you genuinely feel NO issue with ur agab at ALL then chief... u probably arent trans!! and thats ok! a lot of ppl i know have ided as trans at some point in their life and actually realised they were experiencing something else, like body dysmorphia or internalised lesbophobia. 
like u said, dysphoria can sometimes just be... not bery apparent. it can be silent, but its still there. im very skeptical of the idea of ppl habinf gender “euphoria” without the dysphoria n using that to explain their transness but mostly bc i just beliebe those ppl r dysphoric without realising it, probably bc of mogai/tucute tumblr culture! i.e. i didnt realise how bad i actually experienced name dysphoria until AFTER i changed my name basicaly everywhere except legally and w my family. bc i was like huh! im so euphoric at being called gabe, but i didnt think i felt thay dysphoric at my birth name! but NOW when i get deadnamed, it like. HURTS most of the time. dysphoria can change like that w ur life experiences, and euphoria doesnt exist without the dysphoria, evem if u arent aware of the dysphoria in rhe first place! like u said anon, how okay could u be w ur agab/birth name/assigned pronouns/etc if being called different ones make u so happy. its just dysphoria!!!
! u just have been indoctrinated by this tucute v truscum war where both sides treat dysphoria as an all encompassing tragic, epic life long suffering. truscum act thay way in order to gatekeep who is/isnt trans, and mogais decided thay RATHER than go, “no dumbass dysphoria can be literally just. hih i feel Wrong abt my agab” even if thats a vague and complicated feeling, they went: ok then we dont need dysphoria fuck u! which i INDERSYAND but its just not right or helpful!
 often dysphoria can change w experiences and comes and goes, and sometimes parts of it are so hodden u wont realise it was there until years later in ur life! and thats ok. you dont have to experience every symptom of dysphoria at 100% tragedy pain mode to be a valid Real Transgender. all you need to be trans is... to be trans. which means dysphoria! bc being trans is being uneasy/unhappy w ur assigned gender bc u arent that! and guess what the definition of dysphoria is... being uneasy and unhappy! so being trans is just having gender dysphoria!
on that note, i think that ppl who DONT actually feel uneasy or unhappy w their birth gender but do want to experiment or explore different modes of expression w names/pronouns/dress style should! but just note tjay like... ur probably just gender non comforming, not transgender
i guess being nonbinary is a little more complex but id argue my point still stands. you are uncomfortable w ur birth gender. thats dysphoria. maybe ur dysphoria seems “”””weird”””” bc ur nb dusphoria but its not. its still dysphoria!  if ur afab and u still want to have long hair... thay dossnt mean u dont have dysphoria. if ur agab and you still want to have armpit and leg hair... thay doesnt mean u dont have dysphoria. whether ur nb or binary trans! bc. you WILL have some form of social/personal dysphoria that is what makes u go HM ASSIGNED GENDER BAD! 
ok im done for now im abt to sleep and then get on an 11 hour plane journey so dont expect anything gr8 from me now or anytime near in the future sorry for my big rants but i just feel like tumblr is so black n white on this issue when both aides are! stupid (obviously transmeds/truscum r worse but still!!! mogai tend to get me heated in a New Fun way). 
sorry 4 word vomiting anon bit thanks 4 ur ask i wasnt sure if anyone would get where i was coming from n im glad u agree!!! thank u fr for sending tjis in. habe a good noght/day/whatever 
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theshapeshifter100 · 6 years
Guess What? I’m Not a Robot Ch42
Summary: Jericho and Android Allies talk, and Paul actually gets annoyed.
Chapter warnings: mentions of being shot, some strong language
Word Count: 1,588
11PM Monday 15th November 2038
The small space didn’t actually have that many chairs. Allison didn’t give a damn and sat down in one, while the rest of the humans either felt too awkward or just decided not to bother.
“Okay, er,” for once Alex sounded a little unsure. “Megan has a lot of the numbers written down, and is usually our note taker. Megan, are you...” Alex trailed off as they realised that Megan had already made herself comfortable. She sat propped against the wall using her knees as a table. Her sling was tucked against her chest and she scribbled out a title with her right hand. “... Are you good to go?”
Megan clicked the pen a couple of times and nodded, sending a thumbs up to the group around the pen. All without looking up.
Alex looked at Paul for a second, who nodded and shrugged. This wasn’t exactly surprising.
“Ooookay,” Alex turned back to the main group. “What would you like to start with?”
“We’ve been out of the loop for a few days,” Markus admitted, “can you tell us about the outside world?”
“Yeah, President Warren’s been hiding behind Congress as they try and figure things out. Not much has happened yet, although there has been word of an anti android protest being planned in Washington next week.”
“We’re so crashing it,” Allison smirked.
“Do you have the numbers for that?” Markus asked, concerned. “Connor told me there was only a few of you.”
“Megan, numbers?” Alex prompted, and Megan complied, staring resolutely at her pad of paper.
“Several thousand people responded to the anti android post across the country, which isn’t that many really if we compare to the total US population. Currently Android Allies has three chapters. Detroit has ten, California has ninety and thirty in Alabama. We’ve gathered some in the Phoenix and general Arizona area, but no official count yet. There’s some international support from Europe, but they have so far been silent.”
“So, not enough to crash a protest,” Markus summarised.
“We can counter protest,” Ivy suggested. “We just need to get it online and spread the word.”
“And you think that’ll work?” North asked, part curious, part incredulous.
“Never know until we try,” Alex responded. “Plus, we usually get good turnouts from random people walking by.”
“This protest wouldn’t happen to be scheduled for when we’re supposed to send an emissary to the White House?” Markus asked.
“No idea, when are you going?”
“In a few days time.”
“Okay, the protest isn’t until next week. Guess that isn’t public knowledge.”
“Apparently not,” Markus shifted for a second. “I was hoping to ask about a potential partnership between our two groups. I hadn’t expected you to all be, so young.”
“If it helps, Julia isn’t in school anymore.”
“Noted,” Markus filed that away.
“I don’t know,” Julia carefully opposed. “My uncle’s a Detroit Police Captain, it might reflect badly on him.”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Markus assured. “That’s what this meeting is for.”
They all continued to talk, and Megan continued to take notes. After some debate, it was decided that Alex would be the more public face of Android Allies, as they could handle attention better. Everyone else was welcome at Jericho and to fill in if need be. Megan would continue her role as note taker, even if it wasn’t entirely necessary, it was good for both sides to have a copy of events.
“Paul,” Markus came to him. “How would you feel being a go between with our two groups?”
Paul froze in place and Megan glanced at him. He wasn’t happy, in fact, he looked close to panicking.
“Ride the shitstorm,” she mumbled, intending for only Paul to hear. With her pen she began to tap a steady rhythm and Paul began to calm down. None of this had gone unmissed by North and Connor, both of whom were looking at Paul and Megan. Connor had an expression of confusion initially before it cleared, and North looked suspicious.
“I, I suppose that makes sense,” Paul unfroze. “I am the only android in the Detroit chapter and would I be correct in assuming that everyone downstairs would be more comfortable with an android?”
“You would be,” Markus agreed.
“I see, then I should accept.”
“We’re not forcing you,” Josh added. “If you really don’t want to do it, then that’s fine.”
“No, it makes sense for me to do it.”
“Very well,” Markus logged that away faster than Megan could write it. “I think this concludes most of what I wanted to talk about with you today.”
“Cool!” Allison stood up. “Anything else you need from us?”
“I would like to speak with Paul alone,” Markus stated, and Paul instantly looked at Megan, who had frozen for a split second before continuing to pack up. Without a word he held out his hand to help her up, and she took it.
“Thanks,” she murmured, still not looking at the other assembled androids.
“You okay with that Paul?” Alex asked, not sure if Paul had been paying attention.
“Yes, I was just helping the injured to their feet.”
“My legs work just fine,” Megan muttered.
“Then why did you accept my help?”
Megan mock scowled at him, both understanding that other side was messing around. “I’ll see you outside you big goof.”
“Don’t wait up,” Paul said, pausing at a soft squeal emanating from Alex. “Do you have to ship right now?”
“I ship all the time,” Alex had their hands clasped together in glee. “Anyway, let’s wait outside guys,” Alex waved everyone out and closed the door behind them. They all took seats at various heights on the stairs, Megan being closest to the door.
Inside North turned to Paul.
“So, what is your deal with these humans?” she asked.
“Deal?” Paul was confused. “There’s no deal.”
“Then why do you stay with them?”
“What North means,” Markus interrupted. “Is that you’re clearly a deviant, and have no reason to tie yourself to humans, but you still do.”
“And you want to know why,” Paul finished, falling into thought. “It is difficult to explain,” it wasn’t really, but he wasn’t sure if he could properly put it into words.
“Please try,” Markus prompted.
“I’m only really here because of Megan. We, understand each other, support each other. She needs me, and I need her.”
North didn’t look convinced. “What’s she got on you?”
“That I’m scared of dogs,” Paul smirked to make it clear that was a joke.
“So, you stay together out of mutual respect and need?” Markus tried to sum up.
“More or less. I’ll admit it is a little one sided, but Megan is the reason I’m a deviant.”
“What did she do to you?” North asked.
“It’s more what she nearly did to herself. After a period of decent mental health she began to spiral rapidly and turned to self harm. I panicked and stopped her, afraid that she might take her own life.”
“You still don’t owe her anything,” North retorted. “If anything, she owes you!”
Paul was started to get annoyed by her. “Did you see that her left arm was in a sling?”
“Yes, what does that-?”
“That’s from a gunshot wound at point blank range. Originally meant for me,” Paul was glaring at North now. “She took a bullet for me, and you can be damn sure that I would do the same.”
North was out of retorts now, and stepped back.
“I think that sums everything I wanted to ask you,” Markus admitted. “Except for one thing. How would you feel about coming to live with Jericho? With us?”
The question threw Paul for a second, even though it was a fairly logical one. He was an android in Detroit, makes sense for him to be here, and he could communicate with Android Allies remotely. Despite the logic, he felt an emotional response. A strong, negative one; one that almost hurt.
“I, I don’t think so,” Paul shook his head. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t that would work for me.”
“She’s not forcing you to stay, is she?” North asked, and Paul’s face darkened.
“Megan has never made me do anything,” he growled.
“That’s enough,” Markus stepped in before things got out of hand. “Thank you Paul. Would you mind sending in Megan? I’d like to talk to her too.”
“Fine,” Paul turned and left, simmering with anger.
He let the door fall shut behind him and joined Android Allies on the stairs. Megan was the first over to sit next to him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, and Paul shook his head. “How about talking through the emotion?”
“I know what I’m feeling,” Paul snapped, and instantly regretted it, Megan was trying to help. “Sorry. North just pisses me off.”
“That’s impressive,” Megan smirked.
“Markus wants to talk to you. Just you,” he added when Alex started to stand up.
“Me? Why?” Megan asked, more than a little apprehensive at the idea.
“I forgot to ask,” Paul sighed. “Head in. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” she asked, and when Paul nodded she stood up. She walked hesitantly towards the door, and took a step back as Josh, North and Connor exited. She didn’t pay them any thought, and thankfully they left the door ajar.
“Come in,” Markus prompted, and Megan nudged the door open wide enough for her to slip in, and shut it behind her.
So, basically, Paul has to convince the Jericho crew that he and Megan are cool and there's nothing dodgy going on. And Megan's being anti social. I saw a post on tumblr about introverted characters remaining that way because it's not a thing to 'overcome', and my mind immediately went to the bit where she was getting ready to make notes!
You might be able to tell, but I'm not a big fan of North. I appreciate that you need someone to advocate the violent option and her backstory puts her in the perfect position for it. I just hate the forced romance between her and Markus. At best it's forced, at worst (aka when you go completely pacifist) it's completely out of left field and makes no sense. I understand that having multiple romance options was too much for the development team to handle, but surely there could have been an option for Markus to not be romantically involved with North? Sorry, it drives me up the wall... Other Options Flowchart
(Paul) Decline Markus's offer
(Paul) Be serious to North's probing. Be annoyed.
(Paul) Remain calm. Start shouting
Tags! @nightmarejim @septicart-appreciation
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radical-grape · 7 years
Tbh I haven't read much about essentialism also & most essentialist feminists on tumblr kind of scared me off (which is a me thing, I don't blame them) but do you think even if their arguments were true (currently reading), should we not /still/ try to create a society in which a coexistence of man and women is possible? Idk it's the 'they won't learn' rhetoric that puts me off. I kind of feel like most actually wouldn't .. but how do we know they won't if raised in an all fem surrounding?
Sorry it took me so long to reply to this! I just want to start by restating that I basically know nothing. I’ve tried looking up the arguments for the essentialist side but when i google “essentialism feminism” all i get is like basic “feminism opposes essentialism” blabla and when i googled separatist feminism i couldnt find any of the arguments about essentialism wrt men either and after that i wasn’t sure where to search. The tiny bit i know is just stuff i saw on tumblr. So basically if anything i say in here is wrong and stupid then please don’t get mad, I’m trying and want to learn, and if there’s anything anyone wants to correct me on then please do!
Anyway, since you asked, i will state my current opinion on the matter. Basically essentialists claim that men are inheritly patriarchal/evil/bad/whatever, and other feminists (reformists? idk) claim that men are only/mainly evil because of socialisation, and can be socialised to be good as well. The respective solutions (as far as i know?) are either living completely seperate from men and never interacting with them ever again (??? im really not sure about this part ive never seen anyone actually say it but its how i imagine it would be? please tell me if im right or wrong) or keep fighting to change laws, social ideas etc to step by step dismantle patriarchy and create an “equal” (/matriarchal? not sure if reformists would go so far to claim it should be a matriarchy, from what i’ve seen they tend to stay away from that word?) society. Obviously there’s nuances in the beliefs and solutions from person to person, but this is how i gather them to mainly be. 
I can’t say i 100% agree or disagree with either, but so far i definitely agree more with the essentialist/separatist side of the discussion. It makes sense that patriarchy can only have come about (in so many cultures all over the world) if men were already kind of evil. I do think socialization has a lot to do with it as well though: I don’t think men were *as* evil before patriarchy as they are now, i think the heavy socialisation wrt rape culture, pedophile culture, porn etc etc definitely very very strongly reinforces that initial little seed of evil lying within them. Thats why we can see that the way they express their masculinity/manhood/opression of women differs heavily from culture to culture and between periods in history (probably? i have no evidence to support this lol). 
So basically what I think is, yes, men do inheritly have a tendency towards violence, oppression, being evil, whatever. *However*, I do think that it is possible to overcome these tendencies, if, and only if, they are heavily socialised to actually be good people, AND if there is a system in place to assure that men will never ever get enough power to oppress women again (so basically a well enforced matriarchy?). This would then only leave the question as to whether or not we *want* to do the effort of taking power, establishing a matriarchy, educating men and keeping them in their place. That however would mainly just come down to personal preference. I think for lesbians mostly there would be absolutely no benefit towards living alongside men, though het women might still want to consider it. 
For me personally, it would be ideal if instead of having to choose between separatism and establishing matriarchy, we could work to create both. They both require women seizing power and resources, and after that we could start designing different communities, some mixed and some women-only. Like i don’t necessarily think they’re mutually exclusive. 
Just one last note though: i do think that reformism in the way it’s been praticed so far is ultimately not very useful. Instead of trying to gain power in things established by men, women should create their own (female only!) political establishments, gather their own resources etc. I don’t believe in simply making everything “equal”, women MUST have real power OVER men if they want to have a society where men are not evil.
Anyway its really late and ive had a rough day so i know this thing is all over the place, my language is terrible, half of my arguments are probably impossible to follow, i dont know if i even made any kind of point in this but yeah. Thats my thoughts on this subject. thanks for asking! :)
p.s. luckily most essentialist posts ive seen were quite informative and reasonable, however ive also come across some of them that were mainly just angry screaming online. i know it’s bad to be “tone policing” but as radfems i don’t think we should consider fellow radfems our enemies, and as long as reasonable we should try to speak to each other as friends/allies, constructively phrasing our arguments rather than shouting others down. So anyway i definitely get why some may have scared you off and i dont think that’s a you problem at all! I definitely think that’s a them problem, just as long as you keep in mind that just because they’re being rude doesn’t mean that they’re wrong per se. Just ignore them and try to find arguments made by people who are willing to be patient with you :) 
p.s.s. I’m probably gonna regret 90% of what i said in here later and regret 100% of the wording so uhh when ur inevitably roasting this entire thing pls keep in mind my brain was fried when writing this ok thanks
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thegirlandtheknight · 4 years
[started at // 04:03 am] UK
Okay tumblr its time for me to rant....
Sorry if i get side tracked, just put up with me and this is rant based on the people i have met and my personal opinion you are in no obligations to agree just read it at least before you come up with a verdict 🤗
Also just to put this out there punctuation/ grammar and spelling may not be on point but cut me some slack its late..or early..depends anywaysss :))
Why am i not allowed to vote?.....Okay so here in the UK we have our GCSEs which determine a huge factor of our lives and we make this life changing choice at 16. But get this we arent even allowed to vote at 16 in england (which is where i am) , so yes im telling you that The government is saying at 16 'yes,you are able to chose how you want to spend your life and what you want to do' BUT 'no, you are not old enough to chose how you want the country that you spend that life in to be like', sorry but let me just do a double take, surely i should be able to vote about the country i live in before im able to chose a path that i may take for the rest of my life??? Or is it just me.
They are telling me that The government which is full of mostly older generations are still telling the young people how we want our world to be , like no boomer you are gonna kick the bucket sooner or later dont leave us with a messed up world, please fix it so our generation can fix it more for future generations rather than leaving it messed up so we have to fix YOUR mess and then those generations have to fix what we didnt get to , because at this rate we will never improve fully..now will we.
I am not gonna stand here and act like i know what they go through because yes, deciding for a country must be hard, heck i cant even decide for myself half the time but i just think if the people in power decided to focus on something important and life changing by 2 decades alot more could be solved and achieved. Like come on UK!! stop crying about childrens sugar inakes and start handling the hate crimes. I believe If racism was stressed at the begining about how its wrong and we should grow up, things would be better. Okay yes, we would still have racism being a thing i am in no means saying we would all be normal all cherries and cream no course not! but surely it would be less of a problem if it was talked about more. Racisim isnt a naughty word okay LETS TALK ABOUT IT.
For example, No baby is born racist, sexist or anything really, babies are literally blank pieces of paper, that some grown ups just decide to scribble on and hope for the best. You can tell a child what it did was wrong and explain the seriousness then it doesnt do the same mistake, if you tell the child thats its wrong but dont go into depth it doesnt know the seriousness and will do if again for sure. Honestly in this day and age there is alot of things that if they were battled as soon as they started it would have saved alot more time and less heartshifts than giving up and deciding to treat it like an essay and try again later when you can be bothered.
One of those things is RACISIM which still happens madly enough. You maybe thinking 'yeah yeah we have heard this before' but hear me out.
So many people are still using race as a reason for why they do or dont have things, people using race as a reason to hate others like i think tf not sir, sure you can argue that yes, its against the law under the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 (in the uk) but how can you say its sorted..like the amount of hate crimes that gets reported in England and wales has doubled in the last FIVE YEARS for those who may want specific statistics its gone from 42,255 to 103,379 imagine the ones that go unreported. If you dont believe me or think i am exagerating because yes those ARE big numbers, research it, better yet ( heres the link to where i found the information : https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/839172/hate-crime-1819-hosb2419.pdf)
And you may say 'oh here she goes again' but just the other month an Arabian woman on my street literally got her hijab ripped off her head and when she reported it to the police they pretty much said 'no proof, no case' that is disgusting! and just so you cant say i am biased 1) i only know this woman through her being a neighbour and have no other attachments to her. 2) i am a black christian so you cant say it is religion or race. So your telling me, that needs proof or there is no case..but God forbid you make a person of non-ethnic minority feel bad. It really feels that for white people it is the case of 'all are innocent until proven guilty' but those of ethnic minorities its 'all are guilty until proven innocent'. Im sorry but you cant even say its changed with COVID-19 happening the racisim towards asians specifically those from east asia has just gotten worse, how can you tell a person that was BORN IN THE UK that they dont belong here, like if they dont belong in the place they were born where tf do you suppose they belong, y'all seems to be good and making problems but when its time to find a solution you run away with your tails between your legs..how can you really stand there craning your neck and looking so down on people like really how does your neck not hurt. If i hear another person anywhere tell an asian that they caused the corona virus even though they were born here..oh lord give me the strength. Call it extreme but you judging them all because of what a few people of their race have/ are doing is like me hating all of another race of people because a selective few are racist, hypocritical, sexist and homophobic jerks.
Not only that its kinda sad that a few small minded british people, assume that only white people are british just because they are majority and okay ill give you that i guess.. but why is it then when i say south africa alot of people tell me about white people born there and not the black people even though "According to the 2011 Census, 79.2% of South Africans (41 million) were ‘Black Africans’, 8.9% were Coloured (4.62 million) and only 8.9% were white (4.59 million)"....but i dont hear nobody telling them to go back to their country..i mean im just saying.
How can people stand and say there are laws about this when the law is upheld and inforced by a majority of white, middle-classed men who wouldnt know racisim if it hit them in the face.
I really dont wanna get into the problems black people have to face because thats for a whole other document.
I am not just a hurt 16 year old black girl who just has alot to say, believe it or not i have never been shunned for my race. The majority of people around me are very accepting, good people. I have never felt like im lower because of my race some may say im ignorant and ignore it others may count me lucky but all i know is this is that this is what i believe should be heard i really hope alot of people read this because it needs to be heard alsoooo thank you to all who stayed through and read this. ♥️🌹
[finished at// 05:33 am]
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lilietsblog · 7 years
(update: nope didnt work. guess i do have to save the pics separately and not just copy-paste them into an rtf o well)
last time on: is Gasai trying to kill them??? i have no idea last time she was onscreen they (she and Yukki) were drinking soda from the vending machine????
I LOVE AKISE AND HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SO MUCH like theres the normal guy freaking out and then theres this beautiful white haired disaster
meanwhile I think Yuno is??? roleplaying??? like she counts on him being non-responsive to play out her fantasy of being a caring housewife? anyway yeah she's done this offscreen huh. that was a jarring transition
AND SUDDENLY OPENING its somehow SUDDEN every time and I admire that man I love this opening so much and I cant take a single screenshot reflecting how awesome it is because the entire Thing is constant movement so hey Akise whatcha thinking man I love just the CONTRAST Akise:
Other people:
what is it with me and characters who never show their emotions on their face or in their voice but act exclusively based on them??? like theres this very specific anime trope of a white haired character who is stoic as fuck but instead of making rational decisions motivated by human people logic they do 100% self-destructive things based on curiosity / love / sense of duty / whatever the fuck else and in the end they appear to be missing precisely one emotion and that's self-preservation (yes self preservation is totally an emotion look it up) Akise is that exact trope and I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH meanwhile, Yuno is having trouble feeding an unconscious prisoner... what an unexpected problem that could in no way be foreseen. let me guess: she's going to try to wake him up so he can swallow his damn katsudon ah no instead Hinata intervenes. hon SHE BEAT HIM UP AND TIED HIM TO A CHAIR HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK SHE CARES IF HE WANTS KATSUDON. what made you think speaking up was a good idea here
theres a meme of 'ask someone whos not in the fandom to interpret whats going on in this picture' but you know i think random ppl would identify this situation 100% correctly +- who Hinata is to Yukki. this anime is a cultural icon "Aren't you Yukiteru's girlfriend? Can't you tell?" I love the moon logic this anime operates on, that people inside it are forced to work within. Hinata knows how to put it in the one and only way Yuno would be willing to engage with it, ha. Aaaand looks like it's less roleplaying and more delusion. oh Yuno ah she figures out how to make him open his mouth by pressing on his jaw Yuno honey maybe the police wont come after HIM but after the shit you pulled it sure as fuck will come after YOU then again according to Akise it was coming after you anyway I guess I'm morbidly curious as to exactly how Yuno is going to organize Yukki peeing >_< huh, a sock aaaand Akise goes for the win! two skulls alas I already know One Spoiler that they are her parents, and her actions Almost Kinda Make Sense in that dream logic way so I think last time we saw the bodies they were mummies? but now that's definitely skeletons. huh
okay I'll be honest this is a reaction I did not predict this anime keeps surprising me with happenings that make perfect sense in retrospect, I really respect that about it OH IS THIS THE SCENE THAT SCREENSHOT SET WAS FROM NO I THINK THAT WAS YUKKI ASKING HER but Akise what the fuck are you counting on, that she'll come murder you in person??? I doubt all three of you could overpower her in Murder Mode tbh did you see her with an axe oh right you didnt :>
OH HEY THAT'S CLEVER I like how Yuno goes between 100% self-delusion about Yukki and painful 100% sane clarity about the horrible stuff with the other option being relatively normal interactions with Yuuki, memory suppression about murders and cheerful willingness to kill anyone for Yukki I think that second option really is better for her long-term )= you two do you realize she hears you as well maybe shut up okay no not really -I- know she's thinking because of the camera movement and stuff, -they- don't aaand she laughs. i dont think anyone (other than Akise I guess) saw this coming okay yeah looks like the gamble failed. the mind-preservation instinct of retreating into delusion overpowered the more mundane concerns so that's totally ventilation up there huh. I'm not sure if the gas plan will work for her huh so hum moment of truth WILL Akise send the email to the police or was that just a threat? (orrr the police might know already? he might have told That Nice Cop Guy about it) awww Kousaka's dying message is kinda cute
kinda superfluous - the police already know who they're looking for - but nice AHAHAHA POST LIMIT THAT'S KINDA HILARIOUS THAT'S WHY EVERYONE ELSE JUST USED THE MEMO FUNCTION ah no the rank increased fair enough wait what????? what the fuck @ Deus ah okay to clarify: what the fuck @ 8th well hey it worked out! I still quesiton a ventilation duct in a gassing room but hey I guess there was a lot of gas and Yuno didn't see a reason to conserve it and Kousaka's question is of course why the fuck is Yuno in her underwear. I mean... fair enough, I'm kinda curious too omfg
HELLO POLICE I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A MURDER oh right... bad joke anyway I like how camera doesn't play along with Kousaka, while he's saying he's the ultimate weapon he's literally blocked by Yuno's head. we know who the main character is oh hey Yukki is coming to his senses! but can't talk huh right I figured it'd be the soda
*whaps with newspaper* NO NO BAD YUNO STOP THAT (she's drawn so prettily tho damn <3)
oh my sweet summer child you don't know the rules of this game AT ALL hum and the girls can't escape the same way he did because they aren't tall enough dude she's gone up against like five diary owners already and came up on top every time you don't know who you're challenging
huh she actually agrees to play the game wonder if that's genuine or if she has a plan like, I can imagine she's just been pulled into the situation and the role of the big bad setting up traps enough to enjoy toying with people and not just getting her way at the very least she hasn't axe-murdered him... or Hinata for that matter... yet
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED it definitely wasn't just one event tho. Yuno doesn't act like someone who used to be a normal healthy kid in a supportive environment until One Bad Thing Happened and took their entire world. No, Yuno is acting like someone who'd built up the dissociation/delusion defense mechanisms over a long, long time, like, say, a victim of abuse who finally snapped and then didnt find a way to snap back I just wanna knooooow
yeah at least she didn't kill him... immediately hum
Hinata and Yukki are both tied up so I'm not sure what they can do together behind Yuno's back but I know a foreshadowing shot when I see one for all that this anime keeps genuinely surprising me with twists, it does take care to make the events easy to follow, and I like that this is Quality Storytelling
yeah but it would have shown a Dead End, right??? or does it not work like that because it's like a 'secondary' diary, an offshoot of the 8th??? I wonder
AHAHHA sorry Yuno you're used to being up against diary owners, but so is Yukki, and he's been growing more competent at this too
NICE and she'd given him his own diary -> ???? brilliant decision but seriously if Hinata did something to Yukki wouldn't that be predicted orrr I guess Yukki's actions were actions of a diary owner so when he made a new decision based on his diary (again, brilliant decision) it changed he prediction ooooohhh she kicked the key that wasn't doing anything to Yukki in itself, it just enabled Yukki to act, which, again, the actions of a diary owner three diary owners????? please tell me that's Akise and Mao and oh right Kousaka was the third one the math doesn't add up :x I think the three diary owners would be able to find them bc of Kousaka's Diary and that's the 8th's plan
this must look so utterly surreal from the side
Yuno? You're not going to drug me and tie me up and try to kill my friends, are you? This girl seriously needs to learn how normal relationships work and I Yearn to learn what the fuck fucked her up like that.
congrats Yuno you Fucked That Up
sorry but... yeah. you deserve this
???? someone in the cast lives in an orphanage??? I'm calling Akise in that case
oh nm it's something else huh
ah that's what it was oh Kousaka everything about you was a bad idea ...
... what
it really, really fucking isn't Yukki acted on information he had, and made the best decisions he had available. but he can't control other people's actions
...are these... the apprentice diary owners? how does the system work, anyway? how does the 8th send them after anyone? Kousaka has no clue...
uh was the dramatic slo mo effect in-universe too??? they were kind of racing on opposite lanes that couldn't have taken more than like. two seconds
see that's not wrong but. you really need to up your girlfriend game dammit im just rooting for Yuno in all this. you go girl. you fight your inner demons and figure out a happy ending for yourself damn that felt like a really long episode. probably because of the screenshots here's a proposition of a new function for the tumblr staff: uploading .rtf files automatically, splitting into several posts if they are too big. thats the kind of convenience the social media is supposed to offer, right? oh hey Murmur's diary! third installment of the You Saved Me series
you naive fucking child oh my god Murmur
so was this, like, a dream or something? hum interesting
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nygmasexual · 7 years
Tumblr media
synpaths meme ⋆
was tagged by @endless-nygmobblepot. thanks, babe!
rules: put your characters in order you relate to most to least, tag any of your tumblr friends you think would want to do this after doing it, and explain why you relate to each synpath “character”. 
judy hopps { zootopia }
↳  so no matter what kind of person you are, i implore you: try. try to make the world a better place. look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. 
1. yeah, shes an animation, but shes also the main source of reason why i am the person to this day. judy longs to make the world a better place, to prove others wrong that she isn’t some token bunny and worth so much more. it isn’t about looks, its about trying and to just be yourself. 
2. shes a female heroine with both flaws and strengths, just like everyone else. she believed in the importance of always giving everything a shot and making an effort to reach your goals, no matter what. 
3. her passion towards the police is what inspired me to make the world a better place and just show that life isn’t all that cynical and dark. there may be bad times, but good moments are yet to come. 
diana prince { wonder woman }
↳  I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. 
1. “i cannot stand by while innocent lives are list.” this quote will always be my number one motto. when i hear about all of the shit going down in the world, it just fuels me to persue my dream even more. i don’t just wanna sit around while innocent people are dying, i want to make a change. to shine a bit of light in a dark situation. call me cliche, but it’s true.
2. diana tends to throw herself into dangerous situations. she jumped into no man’s land without thinking twice. she is moved by the suffering of the people and fights their fight for them. whenever my friends are going through a hard time, i’ll be there for them no matter what. they may not want me around in fear that i’ll be hurt in return, but thats the least of my worries. 
3. selfless, incredibly brave yet stubborn, but also a role model to all sorts of people. the world isn’t gonna change unless you make some sort of improvement with it first. diana, along with judy, are the reasons why i’ll be joining the army and pursuing my career in peacekeeping. 
tony stark { iron man }
↳ i’m just a man in a can. 
1. not a lot of people will agree but let's be honest. tony is constantly judged and classified to be a villain and isn’t well liked by others. in my opinion, he's just trying his damn best and people tend to forget he's just a human being. mistakes happen, its part of life. but we learn how to grow and to improve by fixing those mistakes. its how we learn, and he does a remarkable job at illustrating this.
2. the reason why i relate to tony is because i know what it feels like to do a mistake and people still holding that against you. trying to redeem yourself is hard to do when you are constantly surrounded by negative people, makes you suffocate and not feel worthy which isn’t fun. but luckily, i learned who are my real friends and i’m gonna stick by them no matter what. love you guys. 
3. tony has a lot of self-hatred for himself, people tend to forget that. he covers up his vulnerability by using humor and giving off sarcastic replies, he hides behind a mask just to keep up everyone’s moods and to not appear weak. in reality, he’s just afraid of what people would think of his true colors; afraid to be judged and afraid to even open up to the right people. hes believes that acting like he doesn’t care makes him appear strong. he’s also a self-destructive type of person and would probably sacrifice himself to make others happy.
eddie kaspbrak { it 2017 }
↳ they’re my friends, and you’re not going to steal my friends just because you’re scared of being alone.
1. has an over protective mother and was neglected to do quite a bit of stuff. friends were the ones who pulled him away from that sort of negativity. in this case, my mother wasn’t nearly as bad as eddie’s mom, it was more my grandmother but i wont bore you with the details.
2. one way at home but another way with friends. at home i was pretty much a good kid, but with my friends all i do is fuck around and cuss sooo fucking badly, its ridiculous. parents weren’t fan of friends and tried to cut them out. father’s not in the picture anymore. used to have a terrible case of asthma but found comfort from friends and got over it.
3. the mom friend out of the group; making sure others are well and if something is up they’ll totally fucking come to the rescue. 
( i’m sorry i’m not going into full details with this one! i just relate to him a lot and it’s pretty personal stuff! )
richie tozier { it 2017 }
↳ it...it says I’m missing.
1. richie is a very fun sort of character, he just doesn’t let out a lot which i totally relate to. acts tough, but is actually a huge softie. can be rather loud and obnoxious one moment but also can be a cry baby the next. i’m pretty sure all of my friends can agree that i’m pretty much like this majority of the time. 
2. uses humor to cover up true emotions. hates the feeling of vulnerability and looking weak. whenever a crowd is down, most likely will try to cheer people up and make a stupid joke or two. tends to platonically flirt with all friends and considers friends to be their #1 family.  
3. loves horror movies but has a shit ton of fears. a big fear of mine is to be forgotten, like with richie’s fear of being missing. anything can happen and it would suck if i didn’t leave a mark in this world or in anyone's heart, since a lot of people touched mine. 
4. someone also once said i resemble richie a lot when it comes to looks {probably black hair and the brown glasses} but jokes on them i’m taking it as a compliment now man!
Tumblr media
ivy pepper { gotham }
↳ words always hurt me way more than sticks or stones.
1. this one would be short and simple since i’m sleepy and the squad really wants to see the post. for starters, ivy looks like an adult but shes actually a child. what a mood since thats fucking me everyday. she gets babied around a lot and is treated as if she’s either stupid or weak. i relate to this since i normally do get babied around in general; either it being school, friends outside of tumblr, etc. 
2. she’s actually really fucking strong and badass. is a protective little plant sister and deeply cares about her family, who are her friends. pretty eccentric, wild, which makes her fun and different compared to others. also shes out serving looks and calling out people, bless.
3. ivy can be a little devious at times, a wild card. but she can also be quite selfish and a little bit ditzy at times when it comes to some sort of things. you can tell shes trying her best though, trying to make herself known and to show others that they shouldn’t take an advantage of her.
dustin henderson { stranger things }
1. this will be short and sweet cause it’s quite obvious why i relate to this bean! he’s a huge comic book junkie, to the point he’ll randomly quote something entirely dorky from either a book or a movie. he’s just so much like me and i love it. 
2. best friends are important to him, the same for me. in the show he has like four while for me i got seven and i see nothing wrong with that. would probably sacrifice myself if anything were to happen to them, which says a lot.
3. has a terrible fucking habit when it comes to swearing, very much like me. fuck is probably my only vocab and my favorite word to use for any situation. he tends to wear bright, silly colors and only gives a shit about food. wow, what a mood.
harry hart { kingsman }
↳ sorry about that, needed to let off a little steam.
1. harry is someone i really want to be when i grow up. he’s so fucking cool, a good role model, and kicks fucking ass so casually while still looking like a babe. 
2. he has a liking towards butterflies and longed to do something with his interests, but instead went to the army. this relates to me; i admire animals and wanted to be a zoologist for a long time, but instead i’m gonna pursue my career elsewhere. 
3. i have been told from a lot of people i’m a really good listener and tend to give good advice, so if you need anything, i’m here! just drop a message and i gotchu. like harry- he is normally seen in the movie giving good advice and showing that he’s a fantastic listener. but, its also important to listen to what he has to say and provide some advice of your own. he may look big and tough, but he’s going through a lot and doesn’t let out a lot about themselves. 
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paleconda · 6 years
blog- 9th february.
i- as an american doing pretty damn well job of pulling off as british- do not like to do american-like things. such having having wet and cringe humour, being unnecessarily loud, being blatantly ignorant on world culture/affairs (no offence), and especially opening myself up. one thing i’ve noticed is that brits always keep to themselves and rarely discuss thier deep feelings and thoughts with other people. they’re not very open to tel you their life story, and i’m the same way.not to say that i’m not down to earth, bc i very much am. i just stay quaint when it comes to public situations. that being said, my journey and story on my sexuality is very personal, deep and complicated, and unfortunately, i feel like i have to go into massive detail on what’s all happened and how it’s impacted me. it’ll make me vulnerable, but easier to understand and empathise with. this is going to be a particularly long read tho.
the date is 07/07/2010. it was the summer before the 7th grade and i had just realised my sexuality only a few months earlier. the worst night of my life. the night my parents found out about my sexuality. i was only 12. but the way the found out was rather quite stupid and embarrassing (no i wasn’t wanking and it wasn’t porn). at the time, i didn't have a phone. and my favourite show would come on at 1 am. but i didn't feel like staying up late, so what i did was borrow my grandmas phone and set an alarm. well in the alarm it had an option for a message. well my dumbass self put “get the hell up you bisexual fucker”. yeah. well, when my grandma went to puerto rico for a funeral, she left her phone bc she wouldn’t have any service over there. and i had forgotten to take off that alarm. so my mom is just going thru the phone (idk why) and she happens to come across it. she calls me downstairs and confronts me about it. after about 10 minutes what seems like an interrogation ( and me not talking, i felt as tho i had no choice but to admit it). they started crying and told me how its never okay even if the world says it is, and they brought up sodom and gomorrah and told me i needed to have a long prayer. my relationship with them hasn't never really been the same since then. so after that, i kinda ignored thinking about my sexuality. i would just go thru my day, occasionally look at gay pictures at night, then go to sleep. then, toward the end of 7th grade, i ended up taking nudes and sending them on http://showyourdick.com (terrible, i know) and they. ended. up. seeing. the. pics. it made things a shit tonne worse. i was still closeted at school, i had been accused of being gay as early as 4th grade, before i even knew i was gay (im actually bi/pan, but lets just use the word gay for now). fast foward to the beginning of 9th grade (late 2012). i had already been stanning nicki for almost a year, but i was still closeted. i also had a tumblr account(not this one). not only did i still kinda feel bad about being gay, but i was terribly insecure as well. i ended up starting to cut myself around late September. but for a while it was only on my thighs bc i didnt want anyone to see. later, in january 2013, i was feeling really depressed one night, and i kinda went on a cutting tirade. (trigger warning) i even cut my arm. i remember feeling the warm blood running down my leg and feeling dizzy, with my ears fogging up and nearly passing out in the bathroom. this next part may sound wierd. maybe its just me, maybe it was the fogging in my ears, idk. but i remember hearing nickis voice, almost aloud, and she said Stop. crazy init.  the next morning, i got really scared, bc my sleeve wouldn't completely cover up the scars. well, one of my teachers saw (i still dont know who) and reported it to the office, and one of the guidance counselors called my parents and told them. another really bad day. the next day, my guidance counselor called me down, even the principle came in the room. they told me they were sending me to a place where i would have therapy. i agreed to it, but i wasnt aware that i would be forced to spend 3 nights there. its called being Baker Acted.  the deputy at my school called my mom and told her where they were taking me but they didn't tell her i was required by law to spend 72 consecutive hours there. so when she came to pick me up that night, thats when she found out. needless to say she was crying. alot. and as if it wasn't bad enough, it just so happened to be her wedding anniversary.  i end up relapsing 2 more times after that whole ordeal. the last time was march 9th, 2013. so things temporarily improve for the summer. i ended up (finally) coming out to my closest friends. but i never made a big deal out of it. like i never made a big post on facebook or IG or anything. I kinda just let people figure it out and have their own assumptions. so september rolls around and i end up getting depressed again (september is always a bad month for me) but i promised myself i wouldnt cut myself again. so i end up overdosing. alot. 7 pills at a time. (it was just vyvanse tho, its not like it was percs or oxycodone.) so my parents went thru my texts and they found out about what i was doing and thats when the trust begins to deterioate again. they would always take away my phone at night. they said its bc of some report they saw on the news where having your phone in your room while your sleeping is unhealthy (which.. they were right. but it’s ovbious that wasn’t the real reason they took it.) it was bloody annoying. but back then, they would only take it on school nights, and sometimes i would sneak it back, and although they got mad, they wouldn't really do anything about it. also, as you could’ve probably guessed, i had downloaded a couple of gay apps because i was curious. the first time i downloaded grindr, i was in the 8th grade. and it wasn't the only app i would download. there was also hornet and jack’d. well, theres this one guy who i ended up talking to. and i end up sending nudes to him on kik. and my parents end up going through my kik. this was in december 2013. my horny self was just tryna hookup. welp. they see the messages. things go downfuckinghill fast. they barge into my room, one second they're yelling at me shoving the screen in my face and then the next thing I know my dad is shoves me down and kicks me multiple times, and my mom ends up calling the police and filing a report. to say it was traumatising is an understatement. but because it's kik, theres not much they can do. this renders me phoneless all the way until june of 2015. and at this point i wanna take a little bit of a detour. bc i almost feel as though my life as a normal teenager has been robbed.
some of you may ask why i didn’t move in with relatives or just file a report to social services.
they wouldn't let me. and bc they're broke and aren't good at finances, that's what they (we’re) doing anyway. my family is living with my grandparents for like the 4th time since i was born. so they change the password in my phone and im only allowed to use it when they say (this is february 2014, roughly) and i have to be in the same room as them. and then in march, something goes wrong with my phone and it wont read the SIM card. so now i can't even call or text.  things just didn’t get better that year. its summer 2014, and now they suddenly change the password to my laptop. (they still won't tell me the password). i started crying and begged them to change it back. so they did. but just a month later, on July 11th, they change it. and its stayed that way. so now its june of 2015. they buy me a new phone, but they said there are "rules for having the phone" and they take it away every night. well, in november, i had downloaded grindr. theres this feature on my phone where i can hide an app, but one day, back in november, i forgot to hide the app. so they saw it. and they didn't even open the app (it was password locked) and i refused to give them the password. so now im phoneless.... again. and this time they wouldn't even let me use it... at all. so i went back to having to use my grandmas phone and computer to log onto Twitter. for the longest time, i could only be on twitter from 4-8pm on weekdays bc thats whenever i had access. fast foward to april 2016 and im taking a college class across town. all of a sudden, my mom hands me my phone, and im shocked. she says im only having it on a "limited basis". so for about a month, im only allowed to use it outside the house, but they eventually let up. every once in a while, we still get into an argument about it.  may 2016: its time for me to choose what college to go to. my mom had made me apply to a christian university about 30 miles away. i didnt wanna go, but the other college i had been looking at had ran into financial trouble, the big public university in my city didn't accept me, and i didn't wanna go to a community college. plus, the christian university (southeastern University) offered me a bunch of money in scholarships. and i honestly felt forced to go. by august of 2016, things start to drastically change. most of it is in a good way, but there are still some things that are... iffy, for lack of a better term. i’m beginning to lose weight and my grades are actually good for once, but my phone is still taken way at night all the way to december, when they finally stop. then in january 2017, i am finally able to buy an iphone. at this point, everything sort of catches up to the previous post. there’s still loads for me to explain but this is enough for now.
on a side note, it’s amazing how different things are for me now after looking back at all that. i still can’t believe that we are in 2019 and that i graduated high school nearly 3 years ago. i’m gobsmacked at how much i have changed since then. it’s a lot to ponder on. and i’m glad to say that i’m currently at the happiest place i’ve been in for years. maybe ever.
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that-bat-blog · 6 years
@sleepysupersnuggles​ tagged me in w/ my art blog but I’m tryna keep it strictly art so here we go-
Drink: 7up free (because the can is much cuter than regular 7up)
Phone call: Probably my mum asking what time I was coming home
Text message (I’m gonna go with general messages because I never get texts): Basically my friend talking to me about how hot my OC Kai is, and me very much agreeing with him
Song: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande
Time you cried: Friday, I threw up and I always cry when I’m sick
Dated someone twice: The only person I’ve ever dated is my current boyfriend and we’ve been together since we were fifteen (five years in February)
Kissed someone and regretted it: Not that I can think of??
Been cheated on: I sure hope not
Lost someone special: My Grandma passed away last year but we weren’t very close or anything. I do have friends from high school I wish I could’ve kept contact with more I suppose
Been depressed: yea boi
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never been drunk so nope
Fave colours: Red. Its just a good colour 
Made new friends: Absolutely! I joined my boyfriends D&D game and everyones become really quick friends with me, its great
Fallen out of love: Nope and I don’t imagine I will any time soon
Laughed until you cried: Who hasn’t??
Found out someone was talking about you: In highschool it wasn’t really behind my back it was more snidey comments and such
Met someone who changed you: I used to hate puns and bad jokes, now I make them too often. Thanks Danny
Found out who your friends are: There was this one particular friend in primary/high school that I recently found some stuff about and I knew she was kinda shitty but had no idea how shitty she actually was
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: yes
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: All of them, I’ve never friended anyone I haven’t known
Do you have any pets: I have two lovely ladies. An Alaskan Malamute called Koda and a half jack russell, half staff called Lola
Do you want to change your name: I hate that my name has a million spellings but I still like it. The only time I can imagine changing it is if I get married
What did you do for your last birthday: I’m not much of a partygoer so I just stayed in and ordered takeaway
What were you doing at midnight last night:  Listening to music full blast and staring at the ceiling for hours as per usual
What is something you can’t wait for: My top to get delivered, I’ve been eyeing it for a while and finally got around to ordering it
What are you listening to you right now: My boyfriends rendition of the MII menu song
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to school with about six Toms so I’ve definitely spoken to one of them
Something that gets on your nerves: All my brothers
Most visited website: Tumblr most likely or Youtube I guess
Hair colour: It was half white and black not long ago but now its all black
Long or short hair: I had very short hair over a year ago and now I’m actually trying to see how long I can get it to grow, so both really. Also my boyfriend has very long golden flowing hair and I’m a little jealous
Do you have a crush on someone: Dick Grayson, its been a crush since I was like six and it hasn’t gone away
What do you like about yourself: Body wise, I have a nice torso??? Personality wise, I like to think I’m creative and hopefully approachable?
Want any piercings: I would love piercings but I hate being stabbed so thats a no-no. If I manged to though, I would love more ear piercings, my septum piercing and my nips cos that shit hot
Blood type: I actually have no idea
Nicknames: Kate, Katie, Kit Kat, Chicken Pie, Monkey Pud, BItch etc
Relationship status: If you haven’t gathered I’m very not single
Zodiac: Aquarius, and apparently Aquarius’ are very aloof which is very me
Pronouns: She’s a WoMaN
Fave TV shows: I’m currently on an Avatar: the last airbender rewatch, one of my childhood faves and totally looking forward to season 3 of Young Justice. Not that into live action shows or anything
Tattoos: If it involves needles, thats a nope
Right or left handed: Right handed 
Ever had surgery: Dental sorta shit but thats about it
Piercings: Ears when I was 10ish and I nearly passed out afterwards
Sport: HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha
Vacation: I haven’t got any plans any time soon but I have been to Barcelona, Brisbane and Bulgaria
Eating: Was eating Skips earlier
Drinking: Still in that pretty 7up free
About to watch: Probably some crappy action movie
Waiting for: Me to get the confidence to open commissions and finish some artwork
Want: To move out, I would really like to get a place with my boyfriend and I’m sure my brother who’s going to college and is 6ft odd would appreciate having a bigger bedroom
Get married: Maybe in the not so far future??
Career: I really want to get myself out there and just start making some good art. I love drawing for people because I know it makes them happy so it makes me happy too; they always say do something that you enjoy
Hugs or kisses: A mixture of both is always good
Lips or eyes: Eyes, they’re so pretty and no pair is really the same
Shorter or taller: Taller, I want people to sweep me off my feet and make me feel dainty
Older or younger: Older I guess?
Nice arms or stomach: Gimme those beefy arms
Hookup or relationship: Relationship, never really understood the enjoyment behind a hookup
Troublemaker or hesitant: God please hesitant, my anxiety can’t take troublemaker
Kissed a stranger: Again like the hookups, never really appealed to me. The idea of just kissing someone you don’t know if gross
Drunk hard liquor: Does a large glass of coke with the tiniest bit of vodka count
Lost glasses: My pair now are the first ones I’ve had and I haven’t lost them just yet
Turned someone down: The guy who introduced me to my boyfriend in high school....yeah
Sex on first date: Only had one first date, we were 15, he was 3 hours late and we went to see Transformers 3 so that should tell you all you need to know
Broken someones heart: Highly doubt it
Had your heart broken: nah
Been arrested: I’ve been in a police van and car but never been arrested
Cried when someone died: I didn’t cry my Grandma died, at her funeral and I still haven’t
Fallen for a friend: Well Danny was a friend before we went out so I guess??
Yourself: I wouldn’t trust me with an egg
Miracles: Nope
Love at first sight: Nope, love is hard af
Santa Claus: Not anymore like
Kiss on a first date: I mean if you’re both up for it, sure!
Angels: Atheist so nah
Best friend’s name: Phoebe, we’ve been friends for 8 years now, the first thing she ever said to me was “your cake looks like its on crack” and we’ve been friends ever since
Eye colour: Steely blue, I’m the only one of my dads six kids to get his eye colour, everyone else has their mothers
Fave movie: I don’t really have a favourite, I spend more time watching Youtube videos than anything else really
Fave actors: Never really had a favourite, just generally anyone who is a sweetheart
Thanks for tagging me in Nina!! I’m gonna tag @izzy-cat and @cattwomannn and really anyone else can have a go!!
0 notes
Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
"Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
Not fantastic area, sharing a house.   I have usual 20 something stuff (TV, Games Console, Laptop, DVD Player)   Rough Price, THANKYOU
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best young drivers insurance for Fiat Stilo.?
Hi all, I was wondering how much to get insured on a 2002 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. Is there a really good cheap insurance company in ireland, Im 17 by the way.""
What would the minimum insurance for a 2008 Ford Ranger truck for someone over 30 w/ a good driving record?
...in Texas. A female. Can you recommend one?
What would the insurance on this car be roughly?
Just been looking at this car. Should be driving by the end of this year. What would the insurance be roughly? any car expert opinions? we're looking at this cause its a classic, its fairly cheap, it can fit my brothers cello and my parents like it as well and would pay for it. Just what would the insurance be like for me? when I start to drive?""
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
""Not at fault in car accident, but insurance says I am?""
I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
""Someone hit my car, but does not have car insurance.?""
I went outside to get in my car, and found that someone hit my drivers side door. A lady came out and told me she saw it happen, but couldn't get any info on the vehicle other than that it belonged to a neighbor's friend. Well I got the girls name and phone # from the neighbor, but they didn't think she has car insurance. Should I even bother calling the girl or should I call the cops and file a hit and run police report? I should note that this girl hit my car about a month ago. I wanted to wait till I had her information. Is it too late to call the cops?""
""Can a licensed driver, drive my car without having insurance?""
#1. I am insured under my parents Allstate Auto Insurance. My boyfriend is a licensed driver but does not have car insurance. If he drives my car and something happened, would Allstate cover it? #2. In a previous state, we were given the option of adding him to the plan or not allowing him to drive any of our vehicles. We signed the agreement that he would not drive our vehicles. Now, in a different state, would that follow us? #3. If he were to get insurance, I was told, a driver can not get insurance unless their name is on the title? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
Insurance for a motorcycle in Toronto.?
I am an 18 year old Torontonian planning to get a new kawasaki ninja 250R. It would be a great help if someone can give me an idea of about how much it would cost me for the insurance coverage the ninja 250r. (Both basic as well as other plans.) I don't have a license yet which i am planning to get once i figure out everything.( the cost, insurance procedure etc etc.) Here in toronto, we don't have the luxury to ride two wheelers year round because we have so called the FRIGID TEMPERATURE during the winter. Do i still have to pay insurance during the winter regardless the fact dat i won't be able to ride my ninja during the winter?""
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
Where is the best place for auto insurance quotes?
Recently i have had to change auto insurance providers for multiple reasons. So now i am looking for the best place to get auto insurance quotes from.
Where can i get the cheapest motorbike insurance?
Hello, am currently 16 but very soon will be 17 and i am going to get my full motorbike license so i can rid a 125cc motorbike. I have been looking around for insurance quotes and so far all have been very expensive even third party only at around 900. The motorbike i want to get is a yamaha r125 yzf and am wondering if any of you have some advice?""
How much does it cost to go for an eye exam in new jersey without insurance?
I want to get my eyes checked and have no insurance.I was wondering how much it would cost? Is lenscrafters good or more expensive? pearl vision?
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
How much will my car insurance go down when I turn 25?
I have a clean record with no tickets and multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though will my insurance go down on average after turning 25?""
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am male 31 yr old, have 1 yr experience driving on a provisional license, how much would insurance cost me for a 99 fiat punto 1.2?? Also if its possible to pay it monthly or whats the best? Would appreciate any help.""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Im 16 and Im thinking about buying a small sports bike. like a Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R. I have a my license and a clean driving record. If i just wanted to be covered for Bodily Liability and Property Liability, what company do you think would offer the cheapest insurance? I know that under my circumstances insurance will be disgustingly high, but i want a bike that bad.""
Do you hav to hav insurance to drive a car?
well i might buy a cheap old car (one that i dont have to worry about scratching or dinting) but do i HAVE to get insurance? and what other stuff do i HAVE to get like tax and what not and how much does all that cost?
What's the best dental insurance provider for an individual that is not through an employer benefit package
I'm a freelancer so I can't really get insurance through my employer now. But I need to get my wisdom teeth removed, and will need braces as well. I may need jaw surgery eventually too. So what is the best dental insurance for individuals. Only respond if you have got the insurance yourself and are pleased with it.""
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
""If I add my boyfriend to my car title, do I need to add him to my car insurance?""
He has his own car and his own insurance already. Also, we live in Texas.""
Where in missouri can i get insurance with a suspended license?
i know it all depends on what state ur in and the guidelines, but does anyone kno wher i can get cheap car insurance with a suspended license. i need to get my car registered but cant do it without insurance, plz only answer if u kno insurance companies specifically that will allow me to get it""
Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
Not fantastic area, sharing a house.   I have usual 20 something stuff (TV, Games Console, Laptop, DVD Player)   Rough Price, THANKYOU
Will insurance company pay for damages on my car if i have a suspended license and it was other drivers fault?
I got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault but I had no insurance and a suspended license. I want to know if the other drivers insurance company will cover it the damages to my car? No ugly answers please. I already know I shouldn't have been driving.
Wondering about maternity insurance?
okay I dont have maternity insurance. My insurance will only cover me if I have complications. Is this what most people have? or do you have an insurance that covers maternity? I am asking because we are trying to have a child and I am losing my mond trying to find a good insurance co. What and whom do you recommend and why? and say I got the insurance in a month for maternity coverage will it cover me right away if I get pregnant in 2 months or etc or do I have to wait a full year to have the insurance and than be covered? Cause thats what I have been hearing.. ANY help would be great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on 8th month trying!!!
Can you change health insurance before surgery?
I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!
""If i want lighter trnasportation like a motorcycle or scooter, how much do they cost?""
how much for insurance, my car is nothing but trouble, and really i would love to just have a scooter, how much for one?""
When does car insurance go down for teenagers?
i heard recently that now you can start driving as soon as you hit 17 1/2, instead of 18. does this work for insurance too - as in, will the insurance be cheaper if you start driving at 17 1/2, instead of 18? i can't afford the high insurance rates, so that's why i haven't started driving yet, although im 17 1/2 now. This is according to California DMV rules, btw thanks""
Is a 2000/2001 BMW 323ci an expensive car to insure?
I know insurance costs depend on a number of factors, but, all that aside, does anyone know if this car is expensive to insure? (or any of the other higher up 3 series like the 330ci )""
How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ?
Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well.""
Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?
Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996""
""My car was broken into last night, insurance?""
I have a good rating, never claimed and fully comprehensive insurance. My car was in a carpark next to the train station but not the official carpark. I lost about 300 worth of CDs and a Sat Nav system, can i claim for these items without proof of purchase? Obviously I dont have any records for Cds dating back 5 years for instance.""
Does gender affect car insurance prices?
I have heard being female means you get lower rates. Is this true? Do you pay a lot for insurance?
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
Thinking about buying a house... Homeowners insurance?
How does homeowner's insurance work? Is it part of your monthly mortgage or is it something you pay separately?
What is the average cost of Health Insurance adult woman who is a Registered Nurse per month?
Health Insurance for a healthy, non-smoker, fit woman???????""
The candidates are drum about affordable health insurance?
they go on and on about 15% do not have affordable health insurance 45 million well what about the other 85 million that do? I'm not saying the others don't rate insurance and it should be affordability to everyone. But get off the negative drum and onto the up beat of one. If they are talking about the elder and small kids that is one thing then just say that don't throw a bunch of numebrs out thinking all are going to vote for you just becasue you say this or that.
What type of cars would have the highest car insurance payment?
couples? Sport cars? What type of cars have a high car insurance payment? I wanted to get a two door but heard the insurance would be high. Since im young I know it be higher also. What would be best to get?
What would my Allstate car insurance be? If i buy a sports car..?
I'm 19 years old and never had an accident record or traffic record before; I'm currently a member of Allstate insurance company under my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 Honda Accord EX and paying $2400 a year... is that alot?? IF! i sell my car and get myself a 2003-2004 G35 coupe, how much would my car insurance be??""
What auto insurance companies provide insurance for adult driver with learners permit?
The car is registered in my name has current tags, plates, etc. I live in California and I am 26. I just got my permit to learn to drive. Since I live in small town and driving school here is only available to high school students and I don't have friend that will let me practice/use their car for driving test I have to use mine. I have a licensed friend who will teach me on my car but won't let me drive theirs because its manual and Ive never driven and they don't want to mess up their transmission.""
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
We are a family of five living in Bakersfield, CA. We have four cars (2005 Infiniti Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). How much should we expect to pay for car insurance? Its just that the cost of adding one more person and one more car increased my car insurance by a little less than 50%.""
How much cheapest car insurance?
the details is correct in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/
How i can get cheap auto insurance for my son?
How i can get cheap auto insurance for my son?
Cost for insurance license?
What is the total cost for obtaining a insurance license in California? Taking into consideration the exam, background check fees, etc? PLEASE..answer if you truly know. And tell me other essential information that I should know such as the time that it takes to finish the courses.""
First time driver (18 years old) how much should I pay for car insurance?
I've got my test booked in a few days (fingers crossed) and I've been looking at cars and still haven't decided... I need a few ideas on what would be cheapest to insure. However I am slightly picky and do not want to be driving around in a hundred year old baked bean can!! If people who are a similar age can just tell me what they drive and how much they paid for their insurance it would be very helpful! Or if people could just give me some ideas on cars and stuff it would be muchos appreciated! Thanks!
""Where can a 17 year old teenager find the cheapest, most affordable car insurance in North Carolina?""
I'm 17 years old. I have a 1995 Toyota Camry and I'm currently looking for affordable car insurance since my parents told me that I'm responsible for finding/paying my car insurance. I am a senior in high school and work part time, making around $160-$280 every paycheck (EVERY TWO WEEKS). I really need help!!!!! Thanks for listening!""
Can I get health insurance for $60 a month?
I am a 23 year old female, full time student. I have no health problems, but need health insurance. I need office visits for a small copay ($30 or so). I can't find anything.""
Does car insurance get cheaper after my teen years?
I'm am a 16yr male and car insurance is ridiculous. I asked some of my friends, ages 19-21, at work how much their insurance is and they said it isn't too bad. What's the average cost? I don't want to go through insurance websites and get quotes, blah blah blah. Thanks""
Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
Not fantastic area, sharing a house.   I have usual 20 something stuff (TV, Games Console, Laptop, DVD Player)   Rough Price, THANKYOU
Motorcycle insurance for new rider?
hi, im 19 and have 4 years clean car driving experience. i got an m1 yesterday and want to find the cheapest insurance on a suzuki sv650. i called around to a few places like statefarm but either im too young for their coverage, dont have enough years driving experience, or the rates are somewhere around 5 grand a year...which is not an option as im a college student only working 1 day a week, that and i wont be using the bike that often.. help me out guys!""
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
What accounts affected by liability insurance?
Do you have to have full coverage on a used car?
im 21 at the moment and my gf has told me that if i get a car it has to have full insurance but thats kinda strange because they have other types of coverage that i wouldnt need
Can a part time student get health insurance at a discount?
I am 30 years old, diabetic, currently living in South Korea as an English teacher. I am considering returning to America, becoming a part time student, and getting a part time job teaching ESL in California. Can I get discounted insurance at age 30 for being a part time student?""
Why are insurance rates so high?
I am 18 and drive and old 1990 Geo Tracker. I have never been pulled over, given a ticket, warning, or fix-it ticket. I have been driving for 4 years (since I was 14 with a school permit) and even then I didn't get pulled over. Why are insurance rates for me so unbelievable?""
Buying Health Insurance?
I am 60 with pre-existing conditions and am trying to find health insurance, not a discount program. However, I am not sure how to go about finding the right insurance that I can afford. I have degenerative joint disease and spinal stenosis and it is difficult to find affordable insurance. Can anyone help me with this?""
Car insurance?
My car got stolen on friday night,i had my partner down as a named driver ,but i didnt relise he had 3 points on his license and i didnt tell the insurance company ,now they have asked for both license`s to be sent in, im the main policy holder would this affect the claim thanks any advise""
How long will my insurance quote last for?
I got a quote for 2184 on a car, but i haven't the car as of now, soon to get this week, no doubt the insurance will rise over the week so im wondering if my 2184 quote will expire straight away or i have a month or so to claim that 2184 insurance quote. Using Money Super Market.""
Car insurance refund!! PLEASE HELP?
i paid 300.00 deposit for the my car insurance on 12th december 2009, than on the 30 december 2009, i canceled my insurance. do you think they should refunded me? please tell me what should i do? thanks""
""When you buy a used car, are the licence plates previously on the car the new owners? And about insurance:?
how does someone legally test drive a car if they had no previous car or insurance and also how do they drive it from the dealership to their home?
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
""Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?""
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.""
What exactly does car insurance cover?
If I left my car out in the rain with the sunroof and stuff open and my car suffered water damage because of it, would I be screwed? Or would the insurance help pay for the damages or just compensate me for a new car?""
Question about car title and insurance?
I am planning to buy a used car from someone. If I put my name under the title as buyer. Will I still be able to buy insurance under my dads name. I dunno how to explain this clearly but here is the deal. Since my dad been driving for many year insurance under his name will be cheaper. Thanks If I buy a car (and on the title I put myself as the buyer) Can I still have the car insurance using my dad's name?
How much would my auto insurance be? read details?
I'm a 16 year old male. i live in a small town (25000). I would use the car to drive to school and sports activities. It would be a red 1994 pontiac firebird. 350 5.7L LT1. Its a coupe and a v8. i would be on my family's auto plan with my mom, dad, and brother. so how much do you think it would cost to add me to it?""
Total lost car INSURANCE?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
Where can i get free insurance when buying my first car???
im looking to buy my first car, and was wondering if i would be able to get free years insurance from a local dealership, or is it only mainstream dealerships do that? im looking to spend 1000 on a car, but 2000 if i can get free insurance, how would i be able to get this? Im 17, if age takes any part in this, and living in britain.""
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
The cheapest kit car insurance company?
I have a drink driving offence and need a good cheap insurance company for kit cars thanks
Cheapest moped insurance? UK!!?
I've just purchased a moped and would like to know what you people thought was the cheapest insurance provider for me to go with. thanks
How much will my Car Insurance go up after first DUI?
I'm 20 years old and got a DUI. I am under my moms insurance plan and her plan has house and car insurance combined. I drive a 4 door SUV(slow) and have never gotten a point towards my license. She is covered through ALL STATE. How bad do you think this is going to be?
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
Car insurance renewal ques?
i have car insurance with admiral and its going to be automatically renewed tomorow at 17:30 so can i cancel before that, am i within rights or will they charge before that? the reason being i have found a much cheaper quote else where, i paid admiral for the car insurance using debit card so will payment be taken same day tomorow on renewal date?""
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
Why did geico increase my auto insurance rate for no reason?
My renewed 6-month policy has increased by $120 for seemingly no reason. Haven't had any wrecks or tickets. I called geico to inquire, and was told that all rates in Texas have increased. Have other insurance companies rates increased as well?""
Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
Not fantastic area, sharing a house.   I have usual 20 something stuff (TV, Games Console, Laptop, DVD Player)   Rough Price, THANKYOU
Ticket for no insurance while riding my motorcycle in california?
I got pulled over for speeding. i have no insurance but i have my motorcycle permit and my driving license. when he pulled me over he asked for my license and of course, i didnt have it. it was in my jacket and i didnt wear it. i had my permit for my bike though. gave him that and my registration. he asked for my insurance, and i knew i didnt have it. but i looked through my backpack and under the rear seat. so when he gave me the ticket he said that the no insurance and license was just a fix it ticket and to take it into the court and show them and they will sign it of and the other is speeding. when i looked at the ticket when i got home, in the part where they rite down if it can be corrected or not the license says yes and the insurance says no. my question is, if i buy insurance now and go in and show them that with the license will they sign it off. or what will they do if i dont have insurance? also the reason i dont have insurance is i dont have the funds to buy it. i just want an answer to my question please not a lecture. thank you""
I can't get affordable health insurance until I lose 20 pounds?
I need to lose 20 pounds so I'm no longer obese. Then I can get into an affordable health payment program. Until then I can't afford insurance so I hope nothing major happens. I've started eating healthy by cutting sweets, fried, processed, junk, and fast foods. Eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies with moderate amounts of whole grains and lean protein. I drink mostly water but will have tea sometimes with a spoonful of honey. For breakfast we have plain oatmeal with fruit but no sugar. My calories are 1300-1600. I'm not very consistent with exercise. I aim for 45-60 minutes of cardio 3-5 times/week and 2-3 strength training sessions each week, but don't always manage all that. So considering that, how soon can I reasonably expect to lose those 20 pounds?""
How much is car insurance be?
I am 15 about to be 16 NO record at all.. I have a 1999 ford escort no wrecks 80,000 miles. I would like to know how much car insurance would be and a tag would be and how much my license would be I live in florida. also are their any other fees?""
What does 0% Coinsurance after deductible mean in health insurance?
Trying to purchase health Insurance and trying to understand what I'm dealing with.
How to get health insurance for my daughter?
I'm 22. I have health insurance coverage under my parents (it's just better insurance than I could get on my own, that's why I've kept it). However, I am pregnant and need to find insurance for my daughter for when she's born. Under my current insurance, I am covered but she is not. My question is, what should I do? I got an application for Medicaid but will it cover her before she is born, even though I don't need insurance? Any advice?""
How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi?
I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??""
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
Why would my auto insurance increase?
The insurance on my 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went up over $100 since last year. I did not make any claims, was in any accidedents or anything like that. I did not move. I did not have anything done to the car which could cause the insurance to increase. So why would my insurance increase? I am over 40 yrs old and ever since I've been driving and with all the cars I've owned, most of them new, I never had an insurance increase on the same vehicle. It always decreased from year to year on the same vehicle. Never went up. I want to get some opinions here first and maybe get a legitimate explanation before I call my insurance agent and ask why they increase my rate or look to find a different insurer.""
What are the requirements to become a licensed insurance agent in Texas?
I have applied at GEICO and I want to know what the state of Texas requires, besides taking the exam, to become a licensed insurance agent.""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
""Moving to CO in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will they pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month.""
What can I do about my car insurance?
My husband and I are seperated (Domestic Violence) but we are insured on the same policy. He is the policy holder and I am the name driver. He is beset to ruin me and may cancel my insurance without me knowing, just to get me into trouble with the law. Another thing he might do is get someone else to play to be me and again, get me into trouble. When I called my insurance to take my name off the policy they said that I need my husbands permission (something I can't get) for them to give me ANY sort of information. How will I know if I still have my insurance or if somethings gone wrong? I need to buy a new car and want to be independent but what can I do about this?""
What is the average car insurance cost for a 20 year old in Maryland?
I tried doing quotes but it asks for too much information. I dont wanna keep receiving calls from car insurance places annoying me to get it with them. I have a 1998 Chrysler ...show more
Car insurance car location?
Hi, im looking to buy a car that i would occassionally use. i work in birmingham and live in the city centre but need a car for oncall. when im not oncall i get the train. when i dont need the car i would leave it in nottingham with my parents where my dad would occassionally use it. the car would be kept more at the nottingham address than my birmingham one. insurance is cheaper at nottingham so can i put that as the car location even though it would sometimes be in birmingham. it sounds obvious but an insurance company has really confused me saying it must be in birmingham which makes no sense as the car would be kept more in nottz. ive been told insurance companies will try there hardness to avoid paying out say for example if the car was stolen. please help!""
Suggest a good insurance company?
I want to buy a insurance plan for my stock and machinery. Please suggess a good insurance company.
What is the average cost of insurance for a restaurant?
a small new restaurant. orlando, fl area. 1400 sq ft. including general liability insurance? liquor liability? workers comp? just a guess or estimate anyone?""
""Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?
reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.
Where can I find cheap health insurance?
My wife is epileptic and health insurance is difficult to find for her due to her pre-existing condition anyone know what I can find.?
Car insurance cover note?
Hello. Could anybody please help me to sort out? The thing is that at last I have just registered my European left-hand drive car in the UK. Before that not too many insurers could insure such a car,but I've found AJ Car Insurance company. They sent me a monthly Cover Note until my installments have payed in full, but the last Cover Note has been sent 5 days later then expected,because the insurer just forgot to send it on time and sent it after I reminded them...In fact they left my car without insurance for 5 days ... So can they do so and what can I do in such situation? Can I charge this company for that and how? Thanks anybody who answers my question.""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
What is the best auto insurance carrier?
Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy.""
What is the cheapest legal way to insure 2 cars - 1 with just me with full ncb the other with me and my son?
My son is 22 and wants to insure a vehicle, but finds it very expensive. What is the cheapest LEGAL way for me to help him. I have full ncb on my own car.""
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes ..online?
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes online?
Can i use my mom name for car insurance?
can i use my mom's name for car insurance because car insurance for me is really expensive because i'm young...and she's in her late 50's but the thing is, is that she doesn't have a license to drive....so can i still use her name to buy car insurance?""
Adding a new driver to insurance.?
In Ontario, if a new driver was added to insurance on a 03 dodge caravan how much would it be about?""
Contents Insurance. Average Price Roughly??
Not fantastic area, sharing a house.   I have usual 20 something stuff (TV, Games Console, Laptop, DVD Player)   Rough Price, THANKYOU
0 notes
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
"Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Approximately how much would car insurance cost per month?
This is for my mom, I'm in high school and it would be more convenient if she could drive me to school. She's 53 and she's failed more than 5 driving tests before for small mistakes (this was about 5-7 years ago). She's planning on just getting a basic car that works, nothing fancy at all. And the cheapest car insurance. I know I won't get an exact price but can I at least get an idea? thank you.""
What is a good car insurance for a DUI offender ?
My 1st time offense and hopefully the last, anyone no of a good car insurance that is reasonable in prices. I've been driving for 10 yrs and no tickets did have a clean record until this happened now I feel like a felon california DUI laws are too harsh bastards thats how they make money!!""
""Decent looking vehicle, good gas mileage,low car insurance? &Where to find good car insurance rates??""
I filled out a couple quotes from esurance.com and allstate and i got like $2100 & $4100 premium 6 month payment. Does that mean its going to cost me that much for insurance for only 6 months? If so, that is insane. That would be $350-$750 dollars a month. That cannot be real. My dad gave me a quote from Allstate(thats what he has) and it was about $117.00/Mth for a Chevy Blazer for 18 Year Old First Driver. I am very new to the whole insurance thing so can someone just point me in a small direction to the lowest priced insurance with good plans. I would absolutely love to have an older car(oldsmobile, or between 60s&80s)But thats way to pricy, along with a nice sports vehicle. Because of the gas mileage and decent look, i would like a Chevy Convert Tracker. Just give me some advice if you know what im talking about. :) Thanks Much xox Brittany xox""
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
What is an average auto insurance cost for a sedan in Alberta?
I am wondering what an average auto insurance cost is to be suspected. If this helps I will be a 16 year old male driving a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan.
What type of car insurance coverage do you have?
So, I just bought a new car, and when I called my insurance to switch over my policy the agent tried to sell me this that and the other, saying I really needed all these things since I have a new car now. Just wondering what other people have on their car, and have you ever needed more coverage then you had?""
Car insurance premium question UK?
OK, my question isn't nothing serious I paid 800-ish for my 1st year and 795 for 2nd year of me passing my test (I am 22yr old) and lived in the same year. Obviously in the two years I have changed my 1998 clio to a 2003 fiesta. Both my policies were TPFT. However my car insurance is due to expire in 2 months time and I have went on several insurers as well as gocompare etc and getting quoted 1495 cheapest and up to 3400 for my 2003 fiesta 1.4 why??????""
isnt an insurance company suppose to cover your car regradless the person driving it? well my boyfriend was driving my car-just bought-brand new car- and got into an accident. Now my insurance company denied my claim cause they say he wasnt under the insurance. but should my car be cover regradless if the person driving wasnt? I mean I pay monthly payments and then they are just gonna deny me after an accident. could anyone help me? any advice?
Report someone who is driving without insurance and not registered?
how do i report someone driving without insurance and who isnt registered? and what happens to them when they get caught without both??? in california.
""I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?""
My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?""
What is the toll free phone number for Travelers Insurance?
I am looking for a toll free phone number with Travelers Insurance that is dedicated to new customer quotes not existing customer service.
Can i get car insurance from a different adress?
basically where i live my car uinsuranmce would be double that of where my boyfriend lives and i was wondering if i could use his adress for my car insurance. i got o his house for half teh week anyway and im thinking im gunna leave my car there most of trhe time and only bring it home on teh odd accassion and put down on my insurance that i use it for commuting. but teh agress on my license will be different to that on the insurance. i will register the car to my boyfriends adress though. so is this ok? thank you for any help :)
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
Is there any health care ins.that is affordable.
because of my b.p.
Need health insurance for my child
need health insurance for my child I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
Hemi engine insurance?????
will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change???""
So i got my estimate for my auto insurance?
And i don't know how to read most of it.... like... what does R&I mean? under Op. is there a legend i can look at?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
What happens when you decide to change/cancel insurance before you sign the contract?
I had bought a motorcycle and got a quote from this company for the insurance. As it was a good rate, I accepted, they sent me the temporary insurance paper (3 months) until I paid the full amount. During this time I found someone who bought my bike from me so I no longer required the insurance and disregarded the agreement(contract) never returned it or anything. I assumed they would cancel it upon not receiving any contract and payment,but 6 months later, today, they called me claiming the full amount or they will take me to court/collections. They have no paper whatsoever signed from agreeing to their terms. What should I do ?""
Car accident and switching insurance?
Hi, I was with insurance company A and was planning to move into company B in the next few days. I finalised the quote and premium amount and even received the new set of insurance documents from company B and informed the company A of cancellation. But today i met with a minor accident due to rain puddle leading to my car skidding and causing damage. I have filed a claim with company A but I want to understand how this will affect my premium rates with company B. Do I have to inform them beforehand? What will be the best course of action?""
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
Question about newborn insurance coverage under the mother's plan?
With the birth of my first two children, any claims that were submitted to the insurance company for the first 30 days were paid under my plan. After that, I could elect to add them to my policy or not. I had a baby 30 days ago and they're denying his claims. I've called Humana (a new insurance for me since the birth of my first children) and they assured me that the claims for him would be paid, and that they would NOT add him to my policy (he has separate insurance). I was just at Humana's website searching for a provider (for myself) and it appears they've added him and made my deductible of $2,000 go up to $4,000 (family coverage). Is this correct? I thought it was state or federal law or something that newborns are covered under the mother's policy for the first 30 days. Can someone help?""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
Citroen Saxo Insurance?
Hello, im a 17 year old currently learning to drive, once i have a Full UK driving license,think i would be able to get insured on a citreon saxo? As far as i know there are a few types of saxo's, the 1.1, the 1.4 furio, and the vtr 1.6 i think! Many people have told be they are classed as a boy racer car so the insurance will be high but surely if i buy a standard 1.1 or 1.4 saxo i will be able to get insured. What do you guys think? What saxo best for first car? Any other first cars recommened? How much round about do you think it will be to insure? Thanks""
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
Why do most people try to scare young drivers with large insurance costs?
I am a responsible teen. Why do some people try to tell me I'm not? I hate generalization.
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?""
""Car insurance in the USA, for foreigners / tourists?""
im 18years old, and hopefully after my exams in may, i hope to go to america to visit a couple of friends. My mates have put forward the idea of a possible roadtrip in his car. Its his car, and im assuming its insured. However since its a roadtrip, i will also probably need to drive, in which case how do i sort this out?? can i drive on his insurance, as long as i tell his insurance company or is it more complicated than that. I've been told than unlike car insurance in the UK, Americans insure the DRIVER, rather than the car. i have a full UK license, and dont mind if i have to get a international driving permit, but how do i figure out this insurance problem.""
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
Ow much does it cost to deliver a baby without health insurance in washington hospital california ??
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Will not going to driving school raise insurance?
I'm almost 18 and have not yet attended driving school. I was thinking that I'd just go to the BMV and get my license once I m 18 and not worry about paying so much money for driving school. But I have heard from a few people that insurance later on once I receive a car will be higher since I did not take any driving courses. Is this true? I want to know if it's better to pay a little extra now to go to driving school for lower insurance later? Or if it'd end up being about the same price, anyway, without driving school? (I know all insurance companies are different, but I mean overall/in general?) Please and thank you!""
Car accident insurance wont pay?
Its been about 1 month since the car accident happen a police cruiser tea boned another group of serial killers into a group of cars one car total and others with heavy damage.one of the passengers died two were injured in the crash.we have tried getting a layer but the only thing they say is that they cant really be anything done cause there was a death.we called the insurance but they said that they could not do anything they need it a police report and police wont release the report there because of one death and the case is still under investigation.one month passed we called again and they told us that all of the owners of the cars that were hit had not reported and did not know how to spit what the insurance money covers. now my parents are worried they might not be able to fix there car and not get anything at all we have no idea what to do except keep calling the car insurance.my parents were going to get together with the other drivers to see what they can do. but so far only time has passed and they have not done anything or have gotten anything from the insurance.
Cheap Auto Insurance in Houston/Katy?
I bought a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a week ago. I want to know which is the cheapest full coverage insurance on the Houston/Katy area. I also would like to know where can I get the insurance just for one month.
""How much does it cost to lease a car? Do you have to pay for insurance too? If so, how much is it?""
Also, what kind of car is it?""
Can I go on my fathers insurance?
hi, I am 24 and I have just passed my driving test. I was wondering if I bought a car, would i be able to insure it on my fathers car insurance. I don't want to use his car though, I want a car of my own. How would i do it? and will it be cheaper?""
""If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?""
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?""
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
What is best landlord insurance policy or company?
what is best landlord insurance policy or company?
Is there a website for health insurance quotes?
im goin 2 b 19 & my current health insurance will exp. i need to find health insurance fast as well as as dentist insurance. sum ppl told me not 2 get eye insurance cuz payin da monthly payment vs. getting da benefit isn't worth it. meanin u pay more than u get out of it. but i want ur opinion as well sum other ppl told me 2 go 2 a hospital 2 ask sum ?'s of what health i should get, meanin like find out what im cover 4. like i don't want 2 pay hidden charges. like basically i need help cuz nobody is guidin me on what 2 do after im not cover. like im on my own.""
Moped insurance/ registration question in New Jersey?
okay, well i a tomos lx. and i am the first owner. And i called the dmv, and they told me that i need proof of insurance before i get it registered. heres my question. i am 15 and i would like to add the moped to my parents insurance policy. Can i go to the DMV with their insurance policy number and get it registered, go home, and then call the insurance company to put the moped on the policy? basically i show them my parents policy number. Will they accept it? Or do i need call the insurance company, add the insurance to my moped, and then go to the dmv?""
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
Does anyone NOT have health insurance?
How did it work for you to not have health insurance? Money is really tight these days and my husband and I are going to stop our insurance. But we are going to put our daughter who is almost 2 on CHIP. (Children's Health Insurance in Pennsylvania). So my question is for parents.. What are the pros and cons of not having health insurance for yourselves? and has anyone used CHIP and did you like it? Thanks everyone!
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
How much does car insurance cost?
How much does car insurance cost? In average?
Car Insurance/Registration?
I have tried cancelling my car insurance twice, They keep telling me that if my car is registered with no insurance I will get fined because they have to immediatly notify the state of MIchigan when someone cancels.Apparently even if the car isn't being driven and isn't parked on the street I will get penalized for having a car registered with no insurance. Its not like I registered it without insurance(which i cant do anyway) But I cannot afford insurance right now and I dont plan on driving the car AT ALL,( its down anyway). Is this true what they are telling me or are they just trying to persuade me into keeping the insurance? And if this is true and I do cancel my registration will I have to pay the registration fee all over again?""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
How do I register a restored classic car without a VIN?
What my question more specifically is, is- If I restore a 69 Camaro from the ground up, and the vehicle does not have a VIN number and no original parts, how do I register it? How does the DMV determine the year of the car is 1969?""
Insurance for a car that is about to sell?
I live in north carolina and I have two cars right now. One is a dead car ( having insurance) and the other is new car ( dealer said it is ok to drive that vehicle for atleast 30 days with in the state without transfer of insurance ..I will be transferring the insurance from my old car to new car in 3-4 days as holidays are ahead. My question is some one is willing to buy my dead car ASAP and do I have to do the paper work of transferring the insurance of my dead one to new one before I sell this car. Or Insurance is the responsibility of the buyer? I don't have to worry about it? I really appreciate if some one gives a nice suggestion. I could not able to reach the insurance people bcz of holidays
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
""Im 18, how do I apply for car insurance?
my mom is a b**** and is dropping me from the family car insurance things and was like you have untill friday to get your own insurance I have absolutely no idea how this stuff works. and know that it will probably cost more because its for only 1 car. help!
Best insurance for young driver?
I live in Ontario, and I am looking for the best (or give me a list) of relatively cheap companies. I am 16 years old, but gathering information for when I am 17-18. My parents are currently with State Farm, but I am looking to purchase a Mini Cooper (y. 2000-2004), so what would be the best option for me? A list of good insurance companies would be helpful, and any additional information is great. Thank you in advanced, Spencer""
Purchasing health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance. I should have purchased it a while ago because now I really need to use it. Will I be able to use it for a preexisting condition (fracture)? Any advice on a plan to purchase?
Quick question about car insurance?
I would like to buy a car but the comprehensive insurance is going to be too expensive as I am a P-plater and inexperienced driver. The car is also too dear to place under 3rd party insurance only. I would like to put it under my parents insurance, but to put the car under my parents insurance, does that mean I will have to put the car under my fathers name when I actually buy and register the car at the RTA? Does my father also have to list me as frequent driver of the vehicle?""
Do I need renters insurance?
I've had renters insurance for the past 2 years. The new place I'm at now is not under my name. But I do pay some of the rent to the the person I'm living with (whose name is on lease). Someone told me today that renters insurance is no good and doesn't cover anything if my name is not on the lease. Is this true?
What would the insurance cost for a 2002 Audi TT?
Just looking for a quick estimate. I'm a 20 year old male with a moving violation that happened two years ago. It would be a California car. Probably would drive about 8,000 miles a year. Also would it matter if it was a roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance?
Me and my girlfriend are new drivers and are looking for cheap car insurance on our first car, what is the best place to go just so we can legally drive?""
First Car help - cars with cheap insurance?!?
I have been looking around at cars for ages now as i can start learning to drive in about 4 months. But as you know, when you first learn to drive insurance prices are a joke, my parents will pay for my first car and insurance but they are kinda stingey when it comes to insure so only wanna spend around 1.8k per year, but they dont mind buying me like a 4k car, they wanted to get me the new ford KA but i just don't really like it, I know i sound ungrateful but i'm just seeing what other options i have as im gonna be stuck with it for a good few years. I also quite like old cars like like MG MGB's, i also like the new fiat 500 but these are a little over my price range, please suggest some nice cars :( with cheap car insurance!! (so probably around 1L engines)""
Cheapest Japanese cars to insure for a 16 yr old?
Before you tell me that I need to call the insurance company to get a quote, I just want an estimate and I will provide as much information as I can. I live in Wisconsin, my parents have a clean driving record, and I was thinking a Civic. What do u think insurance might cost for a 16 yr old (I KNOW it will be expensive).""
Insurance grace period/need insurance to title and register?
In IL, is there any grace period between buying a car and having insurance? Or put another way, will I need to show proof of insurance when I go to DMV to register and get title? My plan was to pickup the car and immediately go to the DMV, but my insurance card probably won't be hear for a few days... will they not let me register it w/o insurance? Also, god forbid I'm pulled over on my way to the DMV (without insurance OR registration) or on my way home from DMV (still no insurance) will there be a problem if I can show (with bill of sale or something) that I just bought the vehicle and am on the way to register it and/or insurance is in the works?""
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
""If I buy auto insurance online from statefarm, how do i get my insurance card?""
Do I just print it out, or do they mail it to me? How long do I have to stay before I cancel without getting a cancellation fee? 6 months, a year? Is the final quote going to be the cost, or can they raise it immediately?""
Car insurance ? Can my girlfriend be a policy holder on one car and named driver on another?
Can my girlfriend be a policy holder and main driver on her car and a named driver on mine? Will this affect her insurance in anyway?
""Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance (Ontario,Canada)?
My husband and I just bought a car today and we have not applied for our insurance yet we are planning on applying tomorrow(if there not open) then Monday. Does anyone know of a good insurance company we just had a baby 2 months ago so we are really trying to save money if anyone knows a good place would you please let us know. Thank you very much.
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
Can you register for car insurance as an LLC?
I want to register my band as an LLC. We need to put insurance on our tour van but would like to digure out the best way to do this. Should we put our names on it? or register for insurance under an LLC?
What is cheaper to run on daily bassis Toyota Celica or Honda Civic Type-R?
I would like to maybe buy a Celica 190 I'm still deciding between this and the Type-R. I'd like to know does the Type-R cost a lot to run or is the Celica cheaper? I do about 100 miles a week would this kind of mileage be too expensive for any of the two cars? I'd also like to know what the average service charges are when it's due one. Also are they quick? I'm 34 so insurance is not too bad for me but I just would like to know from other owners of these cars what the real cost of these great machines are.Cheers
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
My car was wrecked and the insurance company paid to have it fixed. Now they have found something they missed?
After paying out around 12,000 to fix my car (body damage only, but new car so everything came from factory) we found out there is something else that needs to be fixed and because the car is so new and they don't make parts for it, whole transmission needs to be replaced, even though nothing it actually wrong with it. Now insurance wants to total my car. I have gap coverage and want to know my options if i would like to keep my car and have transmission fixed myself. At first insurance told me they would pay off car, I keep it and get settlement money, then they told me no settlement money, but I would get to keep car with salvage title and it would be paid off, now they are saying they r trying to make sure I can keep it at minimal cost to me . The lien holder says if the insurance pays it off, they (lien holder) will not allow me to keep the car. If the insurance pays for it, isn't it their option to allow me to keep the car or not? What are my options?""
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Car Insurance Company wants me to send them pictures?
I don't know why, but I have never heard of this before and I am a little suspicious. So this idiot decided to back into my parked car and completely destroy my door. They are no doubt who is at fault for this. Their insurance company just called and wants me to send them pictures instead of them coming out to take pictures. Has anyone had this situation before, and how long after I send them pictures am I going to be able to fix my car, this happened on Monday and i am getting pissed! Thanks for your help!""
What companies can insure a Ferrari or Lamborghini?
Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all the crap didn't even list Ferrari, as its a specialty car. So who the hell DOES insure a ferrari? and how much does it cost annually? its a ferrari 360 modena convertible""
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
How can Geico claim to be Cheaper then State Farm?
I was very happy with State Farm until I got my new policy this month. They raised my rate by $55 for no reason. I have been with them for 5 years with out ever having put in a claim of any kind. So I went to check out GEICO. Even with my increase from State Farm, GEICO is still twice as much. Same policies identical amounts. State Farm $485. GEICO $865.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I'm 17 years old with a clean driving record. All the insurance websites won't give you quotes until your 18, and i'm just curious how much monthly insurance would be because i'm paying for it.""
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
Audi a4 2003 insurance cost?
i have a 2005 honda civic lx, and im planning to buy a audi a4. currently im paying 110 for insurance, how much more expensive would my insurance be if i decide to buy an audi""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
What is an annuity insurance?
What is an annuity insurance?
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
Cheap car insurance?
I've just decided to restart my lessons after 4 months of being away from them - last failed my test by one minor at the very end of the test was absolutely gutted. I am just about to turn 18 years old and am looking for insurance on my dads Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest I have found so far is 446.60 for fully comp per year with CIS Insurance which I know would be considered cheap, but is there any cheaper?""
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
Can you give me any car recommendations?
ok im a 16 year old boy turning 17 next month and my parents are buying me a car.they said that there are some requirements of their own 1.the oldest it could be is a 2005 model(i don't know why) and it needs to be with in our price range which is $10,000 to $20,000.i don't have many requirements just that it needs to have something where i can connect my ipod and phone to the car to play music or make a call and i don't want a honda or toyota because everyone has one of those in my area and at school(sorry if it sounds bratty but it kinda feels weird to me to have a car that most people have in my area). so what are some nice cars in our price range that would be a good first car.also my parents said the insurance cost doesn't matter.""
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
""I need help w/ having a DWI, sr22's and autoinsurance?""
so i got a DWI in march of 2010. I havent had my license in over a year as penalty. but now i need my license & insurance. I have no idea what to do, where to get sr22 or whatever it is, nothing. i live on my own and i dont know what to do at all. i have no help. i used to live in california. thats where i got my DWI. but im september, i moved to oregon & thats where im currently living.""
I want to make sure the insurance isn't too much when I start riding a motorbike- how do I get a quote?
How do I get a quote from the insurance company exactly? I guess I just call them up... but what sort of things will I need to be able to tell them?
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?
I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks
""Moving to CO from another state in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance? ?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance (USAA) to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will AAA pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month for both companies.""
How much does insurance cost on a Ferrari?
I've always wondered what the cost of insurance would be for a $250k car such as a Ferrari F430. just curious
Where can i find affordable life insurance for my 81 yr old granmother?
I live in Illinois, and I work for the UI, but im not sure if I can add my grandmother on my insurance...So Im trying to find somewhere that will take senior citizens, but something i ...show more""
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
Forsyth Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31029
0 notes
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
"Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Roughly.....how much does a old ford mondeo cost in insurance?
Its 1.8 Turbo diesel if that helps?!!!!!!
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
I need some general information about the cost of a motorcycle versus a car?
I have been wanting a motorcycle since I got my regular drivers license, but persuading my parents has proven difficult, as always. My mom seems to be fine with it but my dad, who is normally the one to crush such ideas, is actually considering it if I research the financial aspect of a motorcycle vs. a car. I would appreciate it if anyone had information about how much insurance would go up (I'm 17 so it's probably too expensive already), regular maintenance costs of motorcycles and cars, and anything else relating to the total cost of both. I have about 2500 dollars saved up, and my mom said she would personally loan me up to 1000 at a lower interest rate than the bank, but I could probably take out a loan on top of that, but I would rather avoid that if I can. I am specifically looking at sport bikes, especially the kawasaki ninja 250R because of what I heard, It's reliable, a great beginner's bike, and it's a lot cheaper than other companies I have researched. I simply want a motorcycle even if it's slightly more expensive than a car because I have always liked motorcycles, but nonetheless my father told me to research the financial side of things, so any information is greatly appreciated. And by all means, if I am misinformed about anything like my notion on the ninja 250R, please tell me.""
Can a part time student get health insurance at a discount?
I am 30 years old, diabetic, currently living in South Korea as an English teacher. I am considering returning to America, becoming a part time student, and getting a part time job teaching ESL in California. Can I get discounted insurance at age 30 for being a part time student?""
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance?
I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it.
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month and what is the best insurance company?
Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.?
Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks
Do I have to buy health insurance in New Mexico?
I recently moved to New Mexico and started a new job. Now I am being told that I have to buy health insurance from my employer, or prove that I am covered under another policy. I am only 21, but I am a smoker and I know this will be expensive. I do not go to the doctor, and have not since I was 10. Do I have to buy coverage I won't use? Is there a way around this?""
Insurance ticket in the state of texas?
My husband got pulled over recently and got cited for no insurance (it had actually lapsed due to non payment). That same night we got him some insurance with an immediate effective date. If we take that proof to the court can we get it taken off the citation?
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
Why would a small van be more expensive to insure than a car?
Im 24 and my partner is 27. we share a car and our insurance is 800 a year and looking at vans for our dogs. The normal small ford vans the cheapest insurance is 1,200. I thought a van would be a cheaper?""
How is the government going to make insurance premiums more affordable?
I keep hearing how Americans need more affordable health insurance, but I have yet to hear how they are planning to do this or what results we can expect. Does anyone know how they are going to achieve this for us? How much can we expect our premiums to go down as a result of the reform? Do you think it will be more than what we will pay in increased taxes?""
Insurance costs for new driver in canada?
I just got my g2 and im wondering how much will insurance be for a new male driver on their own vehicle, with no collision coverage? I know it varies!!! So just give me like a general answer... BY THE WAY I UNDERSTAND THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL GIVE YOU A QUOTE! I TRIED THESE AND THEY DONT WORK! SO DONT BOTHER TELLING ME TO LOOK AT A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! theres still going to be a wise guy who does thou...""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with a 1999 ford mustang cobra?
It has a ton of mods and yes I am looking at fast cars because ive been around them all my life. and dont be that guy that says get a honda. Thanks
""How much does it cost to lease a car? Do you have to pay for insurance too? If so, how much is it?""
Also, what kind of car is it?""
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
""How much should $25,000 worth of life insurance cost for a healthy 44 year old non-smoker male?""
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever?""
Is healthcare ever going to be affordable again in our country?
I just got an e-mail saying that my insurance premiums are going up again and now I'm going to be paying $500+ per month for insurance premiums. This is for a high deductable plan where I have to meet $2,500 in deductable before I get covered at 100%! It's like my raises don't matter anymore and they only serve to keep my head above water when each year when my insurance spikes. I get hit harder than anyone because I am in the employee plus family category. 1. Is there a ray of hope at the end of this tunnel? Will we ever get back to affordable health care (us guys that don't work for huge companies)? 2. Are there any alternative solutions for me out there? I can get covered 100% for employee only, but my wife and child need coverage. Please Help
Approximately how much will my car insurance cost?
I am a 16 year old male, I will be getting my liscense soon. I'm going to have my own car(probably an old Honda civic) and ill be added on my mothers insurance policy. And I live in San Diego, and my grades are B's and C's""
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Car insurance?
why doesnt some insurance company give 17 year old drivers a chance, my son was quoted 4000.750 he works on a farm and works bloody hard,but the pays not great, i can understand these young drivers without any insurance, they make it impossible for them to get it, we know its wrong , and iam not condoning it ,just give them a chance it doesaint mean there all mad drivers .""
What is the cheapest car insurance place?
Does anyone know a good cheap insurance company for state minium in Tulsa, OK? I pay 150 a month now. i have tried places such as Safe auto, Farmers. etc. All those places are way to high. Im 19, drive a Saturn L300. If that helps with anything. Im looking for something Cheaper than 150. Thanks guys.""
Question about my car insurance?
My current insurance is with state farm; just a question; if i got hit by someone without car insurance and is their fault; they dont have any money to pay for my damage; since i dont have the uninsure motor coverage but i have collision with deductible of 500 dollar; would my collision cover me after i pay the 500 dollar? i guess my real question is what is the point of having uninsure motor coverage when i have collision coverage? would i need both? or just collision would be sufficient?
How much do fillings cost without dental insurance?
So, I went to the dentist today and got a regular cleaning done. The dentist told me I had 4 small cavities. Her prices for fillings are Composite(white) fillings - $150 per tooth Silver fillings - $80 per tooth I don't have dental insurance. I was wondering if her prices are expensive or not? Should I go to another dentist and check for the prices there? Thanks""
Which is the best health insurance to take while in Delaware state?
I have just moved to Delaware state and the health insurance I had was from Humana. It seems that many of the doctors don't take this insurance. What is the most accepted and good health insurance in Delaware? And what would be the coverage like?
How much is car insurance for teenagers or New drivers ?
Hello, My father is planning on buying me a a car when I get job to pay for my own insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me. I am 16. How much would it be if I'm also on my parents plan ? You don't have to give the exact price, just a price range. . . And the car would be a regular nissan or economy car.""
""Thinking about buying individual health insurance in georgia, 22 years old?""
in the beginning of feb my dad passed away so i they dropped coverage on 2/28. i get health insurance through my employer but it isn't good. can i still apply online for individual health insurance even though i can get insurance through my employer? i plan on quitting in two months so i figure it would save me the hassle if i get individual health care now. i have asthma and need medicine regularly/monthly. i'm planning on going on vacation in the summer and then when i get back, i plan to get a job with health benefits, so i would only need insurance until then. would that be considered short term (now-august/september)? does the price differ from short term and long term health insurance? i was looking up some plans online and i was thinking of applying for this one. http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/plan-details?planKey=3002:200067&productLine=IFP&noSelectedPlan=true&ifpUIState.planDetailsBackUrl=/ifp/all-plans so what this means is that i pay 115 dollars a month and since there is no separate prescription deductible, i can buy my prescriptions which is tier 2/3 for the copay only. also there is a 2500 maximum out of pocket for my part. right? and is this a good plan for me? im 22 and dont smoke/drink and live in georgia, my only health concern is that i have asthma. can they reject my application because i have asthma and that's a pre-existing condition? and when i get a job with health benefits i can just cancel this or is there a contract that states i have to be with them for a certain amount of time? thank you very much for your time!""
First time driver and car insurance ?
I live in California and im 18 and im curious as to which of these two options is cheapest if my mom puts my on her car insurance policy so that i can legally drive her car anytime or if she can put my car on her insurance which is cheaper ? also if i drive my moms car sometimes like to the store or something and i have my license and the cars registration and insurance with me will a cop still give me a ticket becasue im not on the insurance policy or will they be cool because they just want to make sure the car has insurance ?? thanks
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Which will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang base or 00-04 mustang gt?
I'm 17 and live in New York. Been driving with a clean record for one year and I currently pay $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my own car and I have narrowed everything down to a mustang, but I can't decide between a base model or a gt. I have discounts on my current policy such as good student and drivers ed. I will also take a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new car will also bring about a multi-car policy discount which will be helpful. My mom will be contributing the same $100 towards the car as she is now and the rest I have to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but that doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp more than the base, but people have supported that by saying the base models are involved in more crashes among young drivers. So can anybody set the record straight for me? Please don't give me responses saying that only my insurance agent can tell me that or too high for you to afford. Also would it be a wise decision to drop collision coverage for a huge insurance discount? I don't plan on racing this car.""
Insurance: Can i??????
Can i start my own insurance company and insure my own car and thats it?
Car Insurance quote suddenly disappeared?!?
I've just been obtaining quotes for a couple of cars I may buy - I'm 19 and looking to buy my first car. I was on moneysupermarket.com and noticed Admiral were consistently the cheapest company - so I kept changing some details to make the quote lower if possible, just messing around really. After around 10 quotes or so (with them being the lowest each time) I noticed that admiral was no longer displaying a quote and was now in the section shown as no quotes produced along with around 60 other companies. Why is this? Have I broken a limit of some kind? But why would the other companies still be there displaying quotes (albeit they're higher which isn't to my liking!). It's confusing and frustrating, can someone tell me why this has happened? I think I've told you as much info as possible but I'll add more detail if asked. Thanks.""
Hemi engine insurance?????
will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change???""
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
License got suspended cause no car insurance?
i stopped paying car insurance cause my car broke down. so why pay if your not driving?. now i got to pay $500 to get my license and show proof of insurance. is there a way to over see this? i got my license with no car insurance. i didnt even have a car yet but they didnt say anything then? i live in the state of florida.
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.""
Cheap Insurance for 17/18 year old in UK?
Currently I'm 17, going for my practical soon, I checked insurance for myself and it's over 15000 for a Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance for under 25's?""
Can anyone tell me what company provides affordable health care?
I am researching health care plans, and they are all too expensive. I have to buy it for me and my soon-to-be wife. We both have costly pre-existing conditions, and no one seems to cover that at an affordable price if at all. I was hoping someone could tip me off where to buy a good health care plan.""
Where to find cheap car insurances and allows for monthly payment?
Where to find cheap car insurances and allows for monthly payment? I'm seeking for a real cheap car insurances that allows me to go for monthly payment. any one out there who has any answer, pls reoky to me asap, its really Urgent. thanks, guys...""
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
Sr-22's in southern California?
I just want to know what carrying one in the state of California does for me. My license was suspended in Chicago for parking tickets, and before I can get it back, I must rectify this. But before I have the 5 grand to do so, my mother mentioned looking into an SR22, citing something about being able to recieve limited driving priviledges. The DMV is closed, and this is bugging me, so I thought I'd ask you guys. I appreciate any help that anyone has to offer.""
Getting car insurance on a learner's permit?
i'm 22, living at home but my parents don't want me on their policy and won't let me drive their cars. so i've got to get my own - my question is, how do i get car ...show more""
Where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Do I need a drivers insurance?
I have my learner's permit and I live in California.... My parents have Triple A insurance as their auto insurance company and I was wondering if I have to have insurance in order to drive the car.... or do I get added when I get my drivers' license?
Im 15 in texas (male) how much would it cost for insurance on 2005 mustang/2004 audi tt/2003 g35/2004 acura tl?
please leave separate answers example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month...
If my gf and i have full coverage car insurance but not by the same company?
me and my gf have full coverage car insurance on our cars, but we have different car insurance companies. would she be able to drive my car as well as i drive her car? If we were to get in an car accident will our insurance cover it? even though we are driving different cars?""
Do you think aero upgrades will cause my insurance to go up?
I live near Virginia international raceway and wanted to add some aero upgrades for my car. I also want to lower it and get performance brakes. Do you think this will increase my insurance greatly? I can't call until tomorrow but I'm just curious what others think.
How much would insurance be for a 750cc Motorbike for a 21 year old male (UK)?
I'm talking averages, what would be considered 'overly expensive'? Full licence and CBT. I don't have the bike so can't input the details on an insurance comparison site, I'm only considering it if it is better value to get the less powerful 125. Cheers.""
Why do people get life insurance?
Why do people get life insurance?
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?
What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?
Insurance rates of a new leased car vs. a used car?
I am looking for a car to drive, and it's my first car. I am wondering what the difference in insurance costs would be between: a) A brand new leased car b) A fairly old used car I know it depends on the type of car, but lets go with a honda accord, because that's what I would buy/lease. Also, I am 16. Is it possible for my dad to own the lease but designate me as the driver of the car?""
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
What is the Maximum car insurance firms are LEGALLY ALLOWED to charge you monthly on a vehicle?
Let's take for example a Buick Lacrosse. What if people realized that the car had potential to be modified into a race car. So people start racing them, And there are 100 accidents a day caused by the drivers of those Buicks. How much can car insurance charge people? Is the maximum $1000/month? Is there no limit?""
Can I use medicaid as a secondary insurance?
Hello. I live in the state of florida. I just found out im still covered under my mother's health insurance because Im under 24 and I am a full time student. I also qualify for and have pregnancy medicaid, but I want to go to a doctor with my moms insurance because I used this specific doctor for my last pregnancy. My question is, could I still use my medicaid to cover my co-pays with this ob/gyn?I called the office and they said they could send the bills to medicaid for what my mom's insurance doesnt cover. I dont have a job and can't afford to pay the co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks""
Temporary car insurance?
Car insurance for travelers
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
Do you need a motorcycle license and insurance to buy a bike from a dealership?
I currently only have my permit and want to purchase a used Ninja 250 to practice on before my road test. I plan on keeping the bike for a while.
Car insurance..17yrs old!!!?
I am 17yrs old, looking for cheap car insurance. Haven't got a car yet but have been looking at cars such as Ford Fiesta, Peugot 105, Fiat Punto and have been getting around 3000. I cannot afford that and was wondering if anyone knows any ceap cars for cheap insurance and who are the best companies to get cheap insurance? Thanks""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old for a 2000 toyota corolla.?
I just got my g1 and I'm planning on buying a used car. Can someone tell me what car a beginner could start off with. But it must be cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. And if you can please tell me the price of the insurance.
I was passenger in a car accident. i injured my foot bad. how much should ask for the insurance settlement.?
iv been out of work for 2 weeks, and still cant walk good on my foot. iv paid for perscriptions and co-pays. how much should i ask for from the insurance company.""
Just got a car insurance quote for 6000?
Ok, Im a 17 year old male driver, so I expect my insurance to be through the roof, but come on can this amount be real ? This was for a 1997 2 door corsa""
When to buy motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning to buy a used motorcycle from a private party within the coming month or so. My question is, do i buy the motorcycle first, take it home, then get it insured? Or do i legally have to buy insurance first before i can purchase it from the private party?""
How Much Will My Car Insurance Payment Increase After An Accident?
I got into my first car accident today that was my fault I am 17 years old and I have full coverage on Geico insurance I was wondering on around how much will my payment increase after the accident? There was no damage on my car but the other persons car had a large dent on the right side of his front bumper.
What is the average insurance price on a Mercedes Benz CLS class?
I am 16 and I want to know if the car is expensive for insurance. I'm a guy too. And I don't need the I shouldn't have that car crap. I just want answers please I don't need your opinions I can afford the car.
Dental insurance? Can i get it?
I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw.""
How much does business car insurance cost?
How much does business car insurance cost?
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
How long do I need to keep Full Coverage insurance on my vehicle if I am financing?
I dont want FULL coverage. I'd rather pay for partial coverage. How long do I need full for? Will they repossess the vehicle if it is not fully covered?
Vehicles with lowest insurance rates?
I live in Ontario Canada. I'm needing a car for work now. I have three tickets about two years ago; two running red light tickets and one for driving ten over the limit. I'm looking for a car that is good on gas and easier on the wallet for insurance. Thanks
What is the cost of average home owners insurance?
I bought a new home, (foreclosure from the bank). I bought it quickly, and didnt have time to shop around for home owners insurance so I went with the first company who I called. I just wanted to see if this average, or too high, because if it is, I can start shopping around now. I bought a 227K foreclosure. The appraised value is 280K. I put 75K down on the house. my mortgage insurance per year is 1030 dollars. 6 bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre home, 2400 sq feet. Is this high/average? Should I bother shopping around?""
Term insurance or whole life insurance?
I want to get life insurance, but I am not sure whhich type of insurance I should get. I have done lots of research and majority of the research tells me to get term life insurance, but I am still confused to why. Here is a little about me: 30 years old, married, and have a baby. Non-smoker, and overall healthy, minus some arthritis. My first thought is to get whole life insurance because it definitely covers my family if I pass away when I am a lot older. However, I then hear that whole life is not a great investment - too expensive and lot of cost/fees involved, you don't really know how much of your premiums are going into your insurance and how much is going into the savings where the company invest the money. After hearing that, I think well term isn't so bad then. I get a lower premium for the same amount of life insurance. But then, I know term insurance only last a limited time. I see 30 years usually being the longest term life insurance. Well 30 years from now (considering nothing happens to me in the next 30 years), I will only be 60. That is still pretty young and then I wil have to renew my term insurance, but at 60, my premium will be a lot more than it would be right now. SO as you can see, I am at a lost and have no clue what to do. I would like some opinions, feedback, suggestions, etc, that would be much appreciated. (side note- when explaining which insurance is better, please explain in simple terms. I posted awhile back and I had some responses with very advanced insurance explanations that confused me! lol). ;) Oh, I do have life insurance with my company, but it's not much and I don't see mysefl staying with this company, so I prefer getting my own private life insurance.""
Does my aunt need insurance to drive with a learners permit in CA?
My aunt just got passed the written test in the DMV and got a learners permit. I will be the one who will teach her how to drive. I have a valid CA license and the car we are driving is my uncle's. It is insured in his name, but he added me to his policy. Do we need to go to the insurance company and add my aunt to the policy or can I just teach her because I am insured with the car.""
Insurance rates after being cauught with someone in my car?
im 16, i was pulled over and issued a ticket for driving another person while only having a provisional liscnse. my dad is selling my car becuase he thinks my insurance will double. there is no ticket yet im still going to court. can somebody give me advice / details.""
Car insurance rate for a 17 year old male in Arizona through Geico?
I am planning on calling them to see what they said but I was curious as to what the typical amount would be. I am a B or higher student, depending on the class. I am a full time student, and will be for 5 more years... I have a job, and its been the same job for almost two years (if it matters) I will be on my moms plan, she hasnt had an accident in atleast 10 years, atleast from what i remember. I will be driving to work and school mainly. Most likely not driving more than the average mileage a year. I am assuming the type of car matters. It most likely going to be a 2007 Nissan Sentra 2.0L. It has less than 60K Miles on it. I hope that this is everything. Thanks in advanced!!! Kevin""
Estimate wrx sti insurance?
20 year old male, perfect driving record, state of florida and for either a 2006 or 07 if that even matters""
Car Insurance Question- My daughter ........?
My daughter allowed a non licenced driver to move my car and got into a big accident. Am I still covered. Is my daughter in trouble? This is a New Jersey car, situation etc.""
Business Insurance?
Also what type of insurance does one need for a dollar store?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Certificate of insurance?
Can anyone tell me the following? any help will be appreciated (its based on a dog kennel) 1. What is the purpose of a certificate of insurance 2. How can it be used Thanks
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Ontario motorcycle insurance help?
im a 17 year old male wanting to get my m1 and buy a 1985 yamaha virago, and i really don't know where i can insure it for cheap because of the year most insurance places in ontario wont insure it, id have the Absolute bare minimum so it would be cheapest. please help""
Job offer buyout insurance?
I just got a job offer for 40,000 with 75% benefits paid. Ill be living at home with my parents and im covered under their health insurance until im 26. Can I ask them to not pay for insurance and give me a higher salary instead? Has anyone heard of this happening? Thanks""
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
Am I going to be late on my car insurance?
My car insurance is due tomorrow. I ended up setting up a payment for it online today but the payment won't transfer until the 22nd. Will this be considered late for my insurance ...show more
How long do you have in maryland to add a new auto to your insurance?
I'm being told that it's 14 days, when I thought maryland state law says 30 days?""
""Im looking for good affordale health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
Why is auto insurance higher for teens then it is for adults?
I am writing an essay saying insurance should be higher for teens then adults. I need body paragraphs saying why it should be higher then adults.
Wtf going on with my car insurance?
i,am 30 years old i have been driving for 13 years i have never claimed off my own insurance been involved in one accident i was hit from the rear when i was stationary so the other persons insurance company paid all the costs not mine and yet this time last year i paid 350 fully comp this year they want 1200 are they taking the p**s why has it gone up so high ?""
If im 19 and living with my parents still will getting a motorcycle affect there insurance?
I want to get my own policy but my parents are worried that it will still raise there insurance because i live with them i just need to kno if this will make there insurance more expensive and an idea of how much insurance will cost im im getting a new honda cbr 250r
19 Y/O searching for health insurance advice?
I am 19 years old, I will be starting college in late August/early Sept. as a full time student at comm. college. I am not employed and my mother supports me. unfortanatly, she ...show more""
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
Baldwin Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30511
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