#and ive been told to let a male coworker handle it
Today at work our order was delivered. By the time it was delivered I was the only one there which is fine, I've done it before. But before she left my boss said, "You've got it all, right? Except for the fruit. Get Daniel to life the heavy fruit for you."
And I was immediately possessed by an elementary school girl who just heard her teacher say, "I need some strong boys to help me life these chairs."
I lifted all of that fucking fruit by myself.
6 notes · View notes
septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
that fic with jackie and henrik gave me so many feeeeeels ;~; I somehow feel like jackie wouldn't care too much for his own safety after he hurt henrik so badly, and when he does get injured, he wouldn't want to face henrik unless he completed his mission. and I can't stop thinking about someone bringing him into henrik's hospital, unconscious and bleeding, and henrik feeling angry and guilty. (can you tell I'm a whump fan lmao)
Ooooh, boooy, you asked for this by sending me such a great whumpy scenario…
JSE Fanfiction - In Time Of Need (Part 3: Discord #2)
Summary: Jackieboy returns, but he’s not in any condition to make amends with the doctor he hurt so badly. Schneep has to save his life first. 
Schneep thought about him as soon as he pried his eyes open each day.There was a tangible emptiness when he stumbled out of bed, shrugged on hiscoat and made his way down the hall toward the lab, only to find that Jackie wasn’twaiting for him outside the locked door.
It wasn’t right. His throat always felt dry and tight when he rememberedthe terrible things he had said…the terrible things Jackie had said to him inreturn. Each morning, they made him pause with his hand on the handle, his keyin the lock, leaning his head against the doorframe and trying to remember howbreathing worked.
“I don’t haveluxury of running away! I have to watch Jack breathe through machines…”
“I know you,Henrik; you stay because you feel guilty!”
His hand shook, sweat causing his fingers to slip against the smoothmetal doorknob. He knew. He knew it was true, but that didn’t mean hearing thewords from Jackie of all people had hurt any less.
He should never have let him leave. He should have begged with him tostay; he had heard the shock and the regret in the hero’s voice as soon as he’drealized all of the hurtful things he’d said. If Schneep had asked him, he would have stayed just to make up forwounding him so badly. Instead, Schneep had told him to leave. He hadn’t beenable to stomach looking at him, muchless try to go about his day with him.
If Schneep hadn’t raised a fuss about him leaving in the first place,Jackie never would have said those things. He would have gotten a hug before heleft instead of a pathetic touch of the hand. He should have supported hisfriend. Jackie was trying to cope in the best way he knew. Search for Anti. Itwas his answer to everything. Schneep should have understood that.
Guilt burning bitterly against the back of his eyes, he did his best tocollect himself, slipping into the lab. As soon as he laid eyes on Jack,however, the tears took full shape, blurring his view until he hastily scrubbedthe back of his sleeve over his face and crossed the room.
“G—Good morning, Jack,” he whispered, laying a hand over his creator’s.He could almost imagine that Jack’s fingers twitched underneath his own, but heknew they hadn’t. For a long minute he simply stared at him, taking in his palefeatures. His cheeks were getting scruffier day by day. Schneep would need toshave him soon. Such a simple task, but he didn’t want to think about it. Hecleared his throat, lifting his voice a little more to fill the deep void ofsilence.
“I haven’t even had my coffee yet. You know I need that caffeine, but Itend to you first. Not very many people get Dr. Schneeple’s pre-coffeetreatment…You are special. You get spoiled,” he rambled softly as he changedthe IV bags. “I wonder if I were to put coffee in these IVs, if you would openthose eyes. You cannot resist good coffee. Or…heh. Banana milk. You wouldsurely wake up for that, wouldn’t you?” His voice broke as he attempted a weaklaugh and his faint smile faded. “…My Jack. You are something. You do like toplay with our little brains, don’t you? But this…th-this is…more than that. Iplayed with yours a-and I…I did it wrong.”
“You were theone who put Jack in this coma in the first place by failing him—like you alwaysdo!”
“I wish…none of this had happened. I wish I had never even touched you.If I hadn’t, you—you would be awake now. You could have done it yourself. Youwere stronger on your own, Jack…you…you never needed me.”
As soon as he said it, he couldn’t stand to look at Jack anymore,whirling around and making a beeline for the door. He knew Jack wouldn’t bealone for too long; Chase would be coming to watch over him within the hour,which gave him the excuse to escape.
Somehow, facing Jack wasn’t even as difficult as facing his coworkersevery day. They were making more and more comments about how haggard andexhausted he looked, but they couldn’t complain about his work. Schneep madesure that his work didn’t suffer because of his family. All he could do wasinternalize, internalize, internalize until he got in the taxi and could cry itout on the way home. The taxi driver had learned by now not to ask anyquestions.
Until then, however, he had to stay collected. The patients passed backand forth before his eyes, all blending together, none of them too extraordinaryor memorable. They weren’t who he was thinking of, but he forced himself totreat them nonetheless. They were important. He had to do his best for them,just as he would for his family.
“Are you okay, mister?” the little girl sitting on his examination tablequestioned cautiously as he fit her cast on her arm. It was pretty sad when hispatients noticed how grim he was.
“Don’t you worry,” he assured her with a weak smile. “Dr. Schneeplesteinjust hasn’t had his coffee today. I will be just fine.” Lies, lies, lies, lies. Everything was a lie.
The little girl didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t get a chance tokeep prying further; both she and Schneep were distracted by the small swarm ofdoctors making a commotion on the other side of the hall.
“…Male, mid to late twenties, medium build, multiple contusions and lacerations—He’staken a blow to the head—”
“Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Can you tell me who you are?”
“We all know who he is, Rena;this is Jackieboy Man!”
No. No.
Schneep’s heart surged up into his throat just as the pit of his stomachplunged, tools falling through his hands with a shattering clang as he boltedacross the hall with reckless abandon, shoving past the other startledphysicians and latching onto the edge of the gurney with clammy hands.
“Jackieboy?” he gasped out, his breath quickening in a race with hisheart and his stumbling skips to keep up as he was dragged down the hall. Themore his eyes widened, the more he could see the subtle difference between thered in Jackie’s suit and the bloodstains. There were too many. “Jackie, Jackie,what have you done?”
The hero shifted slightly at the sound of his name, prying half-lidded eyesopen to wander toward the lights overhead, though it wasn’t as much of a reliefas it should have been. Even with the shimmering rings of silver light aroundhis pupils, indicating he’d used his powers recently, his gaze was too glazed,too dilated, Schneep agonized. Sticky, half-dried blood was crusted over histemple, on his hood, in his hair—he had to have a concussion.
“I don’t—where is he? I’m not down yet, I’m not…lemme back…” the olderEgo murmured blearily, his hands twitching as if he were about to try pushinghimself upright. Schneep promptly snatched the closer one, squeezing ithelplessly.
“Stay still, stay! You’re in hospital, you’re hurt; you have to stay sowe can help you!” he implored, to which Jackieboy’s brows furrowed in minglingpain and confusion.
“H’spital…?” He tried to shake his head, hissing through his teeth as he earneda spike of pain for his troubles. “No-o-o,” he whined, letting his head fallback and blinking heavily. “No…no, not here…”
“Get…get me outta here, I don’t want—H’nrik’s gonna kill me if he sees…Ifhe…sees…”
Fairly quivering with unspoken disbelief and a faint twinge of anger,Schneep clutched his hand all the tighter. “You’re not going anywhere! You’re goingto be okay; just stay with me.” He spoke too late. After his friend’s nextflickering blink, his eyes fell closed and didn’t reopen. “Jackie! No! Jackie, openyour eyes…Jackie! Stay with me here!”
“Schneeplestein, you need to step back,” one of the other doctors began,grabbing at his shoulder. “He needs to be—”
“No, shut up!” Schneep half-sobbed, half-screeched, wrenching out fromhis reach. “I’m going to save him!”Though it went against everything in him, he pried his grip away fromJackieboy’s limp fingers and ducked around the gurney so he could wildly pointthem in the direction of his preferred operating booth.
Though he performed the surgery (accepting very little help from thenurses along the way, never thinking to thank them where they did assist), Schneep wasn’t there to seeJackieboy transferred to a room. As soon as he was stabilized and Schneep couldbe certain that his lung wouldn’t collapse again, he promptly excused himselfto the nearest supply room, dumped several packages of gauze out of theirassigned bin and retched into it.
Nothing substantial came up, given that he hadn’t eaten anything todayand he’d only taken a few moments between patients for water, but he couldn’tstop. He wasn’t even sure why! He hadsucceeded. He had saved Jackie’s life; he was safe, so why did he still feel so chilled, so terrified?
It wasn’t that he wondered what could have happened if he hadn’t savedhim; he knew exactly what would have happened. A pneumothorax led to low bloodpressure, low blood pressure led to shock, and shock led to…He was all too wellaware of the “what ifs” and over the years he’d become a master of pushing themaway. Why was this different?
The nauseating sensation didn’t abate as he pushed the bin aside andstumbled back into the hall, waving vaguely in acknowledgement as one of thenurses read his mind and called Jackie’s room number out to him. When he foundthe proper door, he didn’t hesitate to go in, but as soon as he shouldered thedoor closed behind him and looked up, his breath hitched and he instinctivelyrecoiled, the door handle digging into his lower back as he pressed against it.
Jackie. It didn’t look anything like him; he was stripped of his mask andhis jumpsuit, leaving nothing but a bare, colorless face and a medical gown andbandages and blankets around his waist and an IV lead and a nasal cannula andhe—he was still unconscious.
The fear became realization, the realization became dread, and the worldswerved out from under him. As soon as he hit the floor, the doctor curled intohimself, tucking his face between his knees and clutching his hands close tohis aching chest. This wasn’t Jack. This was Jackie, which only made it worse, because Schneep had put him there. Deep down, he knew thathe was to blame.
If you hadn’tfought with him, he wouldn’t have been distracted! You know he was thinking of you instead of how recklessly he was fighting! Youput him here, just like Jack! Just like J̡a̷ck. You failed the b̀o͜th of them.
It seemed his taxi driver wasn’t going to be seeing his tears today; theywere already spilling over and he was helpless to stop them. His only instinctwas to stifle the sobs by snatching at the hem of his coat and burying his facein it until he was near-suffocating.
A mere four feet away, unnoticed by the distraught younger Ego, his herostirred.
155 notes · View notes
Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
"Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
I know tna and many others companies don't give insurance to their wrestlers and I think wwe superstars make enough money to get insurance themselves. Should wrestlers have health insurance under the company even if they're in a position to afford it themselves?    Dana white has all his fighers insured under ufc and he has  very large roster of fighters
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do auto insurance companies have to look at your driving record?
I have never had a vilolation. My husband has. He had one in 2006 for running a red light and one in 2008 for driving too fast for conditions. Well naturally this has given me higher payments. I was with Liberty Mutual and for liability only (my car isn't worth full coverage) I was paying $124 a month. My husbands pay was cut drastically at work so I was shopping around for cheaper insurance. I called Geico and they offered me liability for $55 a month. She came on and asked if I knew he had two tickets and at the time I didn't because I didn't know my husband in 2006. The lady told me my payments were going to be $144 with them and when I told her no she put me on hold. When she returned she offered me the $55. She read back to me everything I am getting which is a lot more than what I was getting from Liberty Mutual for a lot less price. Is it possible they just dissmissed the report to gain us as customers? I was cooking dinner at the time and my kids started playing loud so all I really heard was cha ching lol.
Whats the best insurance company in the u.s.?
i don't have insurance and i really want to do gymnastics (i'm 13) but i guess we have too much money to be able to have kids connection and so i just need a affordable insurance company i can talk to my mom about :) thanks!
What kind of insurance will cover rhinoplasty pertaining to broken nose?
My nose broke and now I have what the doctor told is called Saddle Nose. He said there is no rush, but I have some difficulty breathing and it is somewhat deformed. I have University of California health insurance, will this help? How should I get this procedure done for the most inexpensive cost? Any insurance experts?""
Geico payed a claim of $2500 how much will my insurance rates go up next year?
And if it will increase significantly can I refute that amount? The other guy insisted that insurance paid to fix his car (TWO LITTLE PAINT SCRATCHES NO WAY IT WAS THAT MUCH!) not let me pay it out of pocket so they went ahead and paid w/o telling me first.
Will private insurance companies still exist after Obama care is implemented?
will govt be the health insurer once Obama care is implemented
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost per month for a new driver (16 years old) in california?
""When you are geting health insurance, what does coin insurance mean?""
i am comparing insurances right now and some have coininsurance, some say 20% after deductible and some say 20% coininsurance after deductible.. what is coininsurance?""
Astra van Mk4 Insurance for 17 year old...?
Hey, I know its probably thought as weird but for my first car/van I want a Vauxhall Astravan as I love the shape and the car/van itself. The thing is the New model (06-TO current) have the 1.3 CDTI engine which is good but if you want a decent one there all 3000+... The Mk4 astravan (98-06) only go as low as a 1.6 Deisel. Could I be insured on this or would it be a big bill, or is it just worth getting a normal car? Chris""
""AA car insurance, do they send the papers by Email or post?
need to know when register with AA car insurance is there an option for everything to be send by Email ONLY as I have some really bad people I am sharing house with :(
Changing car insurance co.?
Still confused. After getting considerably lower quotes from 3 major insurance co. ,for the same coverage. Why is it that my current-- Allstate-- was not able to lower their rates? We have been loyal customers for 10 or more years. No infractions for at least 5 years.Been advised that the lower rates are to lure you in. Then watch out! Dont want to make a change and then regret it later.""
How much will insurance be on an R6?
So, i'm 19 and have had my full motorcycle license for a few months now however I can't seem to find any insurance quotes online for an r6 below 2800 a year. Now i've seen 18 year olds online who own an r6 yet am wondering what I should do to reduce this cost to something more realistic. I have a full car license and drive a car however 0 no claims bonus as I am a named passenger. I also specify that the bike would be locked in a garage with added security features. I also owned and rode a 250cc ninja for about 7months but still this ridiculous price appears... HELPPS?""
Current or prospective vehicle insurance?
i was preapproved for financing a used vehicle; they want me to bring in proof of insurance when i close loan. does this mean my current insurance on the vehicle i wont be using anymore or for the new one that i dont own yet
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month?? How old are you?? what kind of deducatble do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and how you might pay any medical costs.""
Where to buy the cheapest car insurance for new driver in the UK?
I passed my test back in april 06
Do you need to be enrolled in school to stay covered under your parents health insurance? Affordable Care Act?
So here's the question in case you don't want to read my wall of text below (but it would be appreciated if you did to further understand my question). I was covered under my moms health insurance while in college and I was told I needed to be enrolled in school to stay covered, I dropped out a while ago and was wondering if I am still covered by law under the Affordable Care Act since I am only 19. I was covered under my mothers health insurance, she works for a private company and she said that I needed to be enrolled in school in order to stay covered by the insurance. But this was close to a year ago if I'm remembering correctly. The reason I'm worried is because I'm taking a break from college, and have had multiple doctor appointments/tests done after I left, but I never had a problem with the insurance going through. I've made myself paranoid into thinking that the company may just not know, and is assuming I'm still in school and will randomly hit me with the costs of the testings and doctor visits if they saw I was not in school, or god forbid somewhere down the road my mother or I are in a serious accident and are dropped because of this. I know this happens all the time, the insurance agencies have people hired to find abnormalities in your history in an attempt to drop you and not have to pay the bills. So would I still be covered under my mothers health insurance even though I'm not currently enrolled in school under the Affordable Care Act? Once again I am 19 also. Thank you""
Question about suing car insurance company after auto accident.?
My mother was the passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended on the interstate a few weeks ago. The driver is a co worker of hers. They were both injured but not rushed to hospital. My mother suffered a fractured disc in her back and whiplash. The driver suffered from whiplash and torn ligaments in her neck. They are both still seeing a doctor. They asked me to handle this for them. I am not an attorney, but have sued the insurance company of the driver at fault before (state farm). It was all going ok, i had all paperwork needed and was asking for $9500 each including medical. The claim has been turned over to an impossible woman. She refuses to deal with me and wants to deal directly with mother and coworker. Should I hire an attorney now, and how much should we ask for/get? p.s. both are told by doctor that they will have long term therapy.""
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
Can i buy a car and still be under my mom's insurance?
I have enough money for a car. I was just wondering if i could buy a car and have the title under my name and still be able to be under my mom's insurance. i may be able to buy a car but my own insurance may be pushing it.
Insurance cost for a 2001 Range Rover?
What would the annual cost be to insure a smart teenager on a 2001 range rover hse? just a ballpark works... Thanks
Which cars are cheapest to insure?
I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room unless shes on a binge and she cries and says shes ok when they tell her lets go see a doctor. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?
Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.""
Would a Hyundai Genesis coupe be considered...?
a sports car by insurance companies? If i were to get a sports car the insurance company would raise the costs because i am not married or at the legal age. So would my insurance go higher if i got the lowest model Genesis coupe?
How much do you think insurance for a 16 year old?
i live in texas but i want to buy a car year 2004 and up which car would be less expensive as in insurance
Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
I know tna and many others companies don't give insurance to their wrestlers and I think wwe superstars make enough money to get insurance themselves. Should wrestlers have health insurance under the company even if they're in a position to afford it themselves?    Dana white has all his fighers insured under ufc and he has  very large roster of fighters
I hit a parked car and damaged the front of my car. is it cheaper to go through insurance?
how do i find out if it is cheaper to go through my insurance company or to just pay to have my car fixed myself? the accident was my fault.
What is a good car insurance plan for someone just out of college?
What is a good car insurance plan for someone just out of college?
Who's insurance covers a hit and run driver in California?
My girlfriends car was hit by a hit and run driver in the state of California. The driver of the vehicle that hit her bailed from their car and fled the scene of the accident. The vehicle was not reported stolen however we are not sure at this time who was actually driving the vehicle. When the police arrived on scene they did retrieve the insurance information from the vehicle. My question is whos insurance covers this accident? will it be claimed against our uninsured motorist on our policy? though I know that uninsured motorist does not cover vehicular damage when the driver has not been positivley I.D'ed OR does the vehicle owners uninsured motorist coverage hit us as they are liable for damages caused by their vehicle? I'm really not exactly sure of how any of this works so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
""If my car gets totaled by another driver, how much will I get from their insurance?""
If I get in an accident and it is not my fault, will the other driver's insurance company pay for what my car would be worth in private party value? Also, would they rate it as fair, good, or excellent condition? My car is currently worth $28k in private party in good condition according to KBB, and a lot of insurance companies only cover up to $25k. Will my insurance company pay the difference and TTL for a new car? My car is fine, I'm just curious.""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
I got an insurance quote for a 1990 mustang gt at 225 a month. im 17 how do i get lower?
i want a foxbody so bad. nothing will stop me from getting one except insurance rates with my dad. he is being stiff about a mustang in general so i need a low insurance rate to ...show more
In the state of Florida do I still need insurance if i'm wearing a helmet on a motorcycle.?
My friend said if i'm wearing a helmet on my motorcycle I am not required to have motorcycle insurance. Is this true? If it is, are there any other rules to this or something?""
Applying for medical insurance for my son..?
I'm on the COMPASS website and it asks if I have medical insurance through my job and if my child can get it also. If I'm trying to get CHIP for my son as it'll be cheaper then through my work. Should I just not say if I have insurance or should I continue and put yes my child can get insurance through my job?
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
Good health insurance for a small family?
My husband and i are looking to health insurance for our family and i was wondering if any one knew of a good company (in Florida) that was affordable. He is 21, I'm 17 and our daughter is 10 months. We are also expecting another one in November and need prenatal care as soon as possible. Thanks.""
Car insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am a 17 year old female and I am hoping to pass my test this year,my plan is to pass my test and save a little more for my car and car insurance etc... I have my eye on small cars ...show more""
Exchange insurance/registration info...?
It's about my friend hitting a parked car again. The other party got his insurance+registration, should my friend get their's even though no one was in the car? thanks""
What is a fixed indemnity health insurance plan?
i am looking at health insurance and have talked to someone about a fixed indemnity plan. Its all so confusing. Is this a bad risk?
What are the insurance rates on a chevy S10?
it is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended cab truck, no mods, just stock""
How can i get cheap car insurance?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
Health insurance For Football?
I'm going to play football in highschool soon. And i was wondering if i needed health insurance to play or its not required?
How do we get life insurance?
im 45 & my wife is 42 we have 2 kids one is 18 and one is 20 we never had life insurance before 1.how does it work? 2.is it expensive? 3. how much money can you get? 4. what company is the best to choose? 5. can we still get life insurance? please answer all my questions dont put stupid answers :)
Cheapest insurance for teenager with traffic violations?
I was just wondering what company has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old male with three traffic tickets. I'm not looking for a lecture on how I should know better or to have people call me stupid. I've already learned my lesson and I don't speed anymore. But these tickets are still following me around for the next three years. I leave for college in a couple months, and I need a car. But everywhere we have called (Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.) has given us a quote that is over ten times what we are paying now. Anybody have any advice? Who is usually the cheapest company to go through?""
How and why do the British put with with ridiculous auto insurance rates?
I've heard of times where it costs more to insure the car than what the value of the car is worth. How did this happen and why do people let it continue?
Can somebody suggest me some good health insurance company which can provide me insurance for four months.?
I graduated very recently from a US university. And, I had campus care insurance. It might take some time for me to join the job. And, I would like to have some kind of health insurance for four months. Can you please suggest me some good company which can offer me insurance for such a short period?""
How to get insurance for ice cream truck?
I want to start a ice cream truck business but how do you get insurance for the truck
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
""First time car buyer, whats the best kind of insurance?
Im 23 years old and im buying my 1st car from somebody. What would be the best kind of car insurance to get and how much a month would i be paying because i heard the younger you are the higher your insurance will be. By the way i live in virginia
Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
I know tna and many others companies don't give insurance to their wrestlers and I think wwe superstars make enough money to get insurance themselves. Should wrestlers have health insurance under the company even if they're in a position to afford it themselves?    Dana white has all his fighers insured under ufc and he has  very large roster of fighters
Stolen car question about police & insurance company?
Is it common for police and insurance companies to request some very private personal information when a car is stolen from private property? The vehicle is 100% paid off, 6 yrs old, not worth more than $10,000. The owner and driver both have significant savings, no debt and also own (outright) more cars than we have drivers. The insurance company asked me questions while recording part of the session and asked for my personal cell phone records as part of the investigation. Can I refuse such a request. Last thing I want to happen is to get into a big fight with my colleagues/friends on why they were questioned. I really hope to get my car back soon.""
How many point is taking off on my license when I get point on driving without insurance?
I was wondering on how many point do i get off from my driver license when I driving without insurance on my car
Where can I get affordable healthcare?
I am a Iraqi war veteran with a serviced connected disability of 50%. I would like to find good health care for my wife a full time student that is affordable. I have done searches in places like www.eHealthInsurance.com and the insurance is either really expensive or it doesn't cover much which could make things expensive. Any suggestions would be great.
Rough estimate of Health/Dental Insurance Cost of family of four?
I am considering taking a position with a firm that currently does not offer health insurance. I will ofcoarse seek professional help to get a better number, I just wanted to see what sort of range I will be looking at. I live in Texas and both my wife and I are in our late 20s and have two one year olds. Thanks""
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!""
What is a cool car that is low on insurance?
Im a 16yr old male looking for a cool car that is low on car insurance
Can my car insurance just go up for no reason at all?
I have been paying $150 for my car insurance for the past year, but now my dad just told me that it went up and know i have to pay $250. Why is that if I haven't got into any accident or anything. Or is he lying to me?""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
Is it worth it (in decreased insurance costs) to finish driver's ed after getting my license?
So, I got my license today, but I'm literally halfway through my driver's ed course. I was just thinking, if I pass the test, great, if not, I'll retake after the class and nbd. I honestly want to drop out since the classes are very repetitive and common-sense, and it's 15 hours I could be using on something else, but my mom disagrees... I know some insurances make you pay less if you've finished a course, but is it that significant that it would be worth it?""
What should i look for in Health Insurance? ?
i am 19, ill be 20 on 10/29. live on my own.(so i kinda have a budget) this year i went to see a doctor 3 times so far... (when i had health insurance) i dont get sick often but when i do get sick, i get really sick... i dont just get a cough... i get it all. ear infections. fevers, ect. i usually end up in the emergency room about once a year. so what should i look for in health insurance? thanks!!""
Aprox how much will my insurance cost?
im going to be 16 in a few monthes and get my license then me and my parents are going to buy my first car. Ill be 16, a girl, and the car will be some cheap used car most likely.""
Proof of Insurance for Driver's Test?
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
Car Insurance question: Hitting a deer is 'collision' .. hitting a tree is 'other than collision'?
So, on a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) if you hit a tree it's considered a 'Collision.' .. but if you hit a deer, it's considered 'Other Than Collision.' ... WHY? Is it because trees don't move and deers do?""
Which life insurance companies deny the most claims?
im shopping for life insurrance but I dont know which one to choose. I was going to try globe life because its cheap...but i heard they deny a lot of claims. which is the best company...hopefully one that can send someone to your house to talk to you and doesnt cost a fortune. i live in Chicago...thxs
Nissan Skyline insurance in USA?
Does anyone know of any companies that insure Nissan Skylines in the US? I'm looking to buy a 1990 gtst I found but I can not find insurance anywhere for it. Can anyone help me out?
Inexpensive car insurance for person driving MUCH less than 2000 miles a year?
My brother is on disability income and has about $600 a month to live on. He really needs to have a car because he lives in a rural area and there is no public transportation whatsoever.He doesn't have much money for gas, but the insurance is really the killer, it's about $150 a month at state farm (and he insures his home with that company also). does anyone know any good options for him to save money? Is it legal if he just ditches the car and the insurance and drives one of my cars some of the time, or is that fraud? He does not drive to work or school, only to get groceries/prescriptions etc. The county workers just roll their eyes and sigh and say transportation is a problem.And they don't help. Can I add him to my policy? He's in the same zip code, about 8 miles away. He already doesn't have collision or comprehensive, it's an old car.And he has great credit and no accidents/moving violations. Thanks for any help you can give!""
What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?
I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.
Subaru Impreza 2.5 for 17 year old?
I was thinking of getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, but I wonder how much the insurance would be per month? I spoke to my parents already, they did agree as long as I'll pay. My step-father works in car service so he could do all the checks/tests or whatever it is called. I am in love with that car from ages, don't want anything else.""
Can I put a car and insurance on a car if i have unpaid parking tickets from 4 years ago?
Can I put a car and insurance on a car if i have unpaid parking tickets from 4 years ago?
What is the most affordable and complete health insurance?
My husband moved to North Carolina 8 months ago from India and is a Pharmacist. However, until he passes his equivalency exams in the states, he is working as a Pharmacy Technician. I am not working at the moment (not by choice but by the terrible job situation in the country). We are shopping around for affordable health insurance. Blue Cross is too expensive and so are many others. We are on a very limited income, however, health is of utmost importance too. So even if it is really bank breaking, we are looking into getting health insurance. What is the best one in terms of affordability and coverage? We don't have children yet but hope to start a family in a couple of years when we are better settled. Neither one of us are smokers and are in pretty good shape. Please help with sound advice. Thanks so much in advance""
Question about pregnancy insurance?
My husband and I plan on trying for our 3rd child sometime around August/September. For our first child, we were eligible for Medicaid and for our second we were on Tricare since my husband was deployed. However, right now I'm the only one who is uninsured. My husband can go to the VA Hospital anytime he needs to and my kids are on State insurance. We really don't want to get some type of family insurance since everyone besides me is all taken care of. So my question is: Is there some type of insurance that covers pregnancy that I could just sign up for? I decided to come here before really starting my research on the off-chance someone here is on one/knows of one. Since a lot of insurances would say a pregnancy was a pre-existing condition and not cover me, I want to be on it before we even start trying. Anyway, thanks!""
Affordable health insurance for self employed?
My husband is selfemployed and we want to get an affordable family insurance or possibly just an insurance for me. I a m a nurse but I only work part time and my company wont cover me for insurance. any good health insurance companies that we can get and would cover maternity care in the future?
Best motorcycle insurance for me?
I was wondering what would be the best motorcycle insurance for someone like me. I'm 18, in the military, zero credit. I ride a 2011 ZX6r (sport bike). I've been driving since I was 16 and riding for about a year. No speeding tickets, no accidents, nothing. I'm SUPER busy ALL THE TIME so I really only plan on putting around 5-7k miles on the bike over the next couple of years just riding around for fun on the weekends. A lot of people suggest USAA because I'm in the military but those people don't ride bikes, and it seems like everybody I have heard of who has USAA motorcycle insurance grossly overpays. I have done a little research and it seems like the general consensus is that motorcycle insurance is the worst service (among some very good ones) that USAA offers.""
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
Which car is the most reliable? and insurance wise.?
03 Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 mazda rx8. 05 Audi a4. 05 Acura tl. Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac sts. 03 bmw 3 series. 05 nissan maxima. 06 subaru wrx impreza and legacy. 05 ford mustang. Also add which one is insurance wise cheaper if you can.
Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
I know tna and many others companies don't give insurance to their wrestlers and I think wwe superstars make enough money to get insurance themselves. Should wrestlers have health insurance under the company even if they're in a position to afford it themselves?    Dana white has all his fighers insured under ufc and he has  very large roster of fighters
If I do not have car insurance...?
and i live with with my grandparents and they have car insurance but i dont, and i have my liscence, can i still drive their car with it not being illegal in the state of Massachusetts? Because i cant afford the insurance and if their car is insured i am told an officer cannot do anything about it, as long as the cars insured im fine, is this true? Thanks!""
How much does a male aged 17 pay for car insurance?
Well I'm 17 years old and I'm currently taking driving lessons and hopping to do my driving test really soon. So the reason i asked this question is to just find out how much you pay for your car insurance. P.S If things do go well and I pass my driving test, I am planning to get a 05 Reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI. So it would help if someone owns a 1.2 car and they're 17 years of age to answer this question. Thanks!!""
Reasonable health insurance in CA??
My step-daughter, husband and I are currently insured trough Blue Shield of California. The Deductible is $7.500 annually and we are paying $520 a month. Whenever we are going to get my husbands prescription drugs, we have to pay 100% out of pocket, whenever my husband has to go to a doctor we have to pay %100, whatever we do, we have to pay 100% ourselves, when does the insurance come in??? Every year, we have to pay $7.500 out of pocket till we can expect the insurance to even consider covering anything, who has that much money to spend every year on health insurance?! Recently my husband started having kidney pain, hernia, heart problems... but we can't go to a doctor because after paying the $520 a month to the health insurance we are simply left with nothing. I have not been to a doctor for 8 years, now I am very frustrated, I really need to take care of my husbands health but every insurance is just a ripoff. Can anybody help me with some advice...or a good insurance with low deductible or none at all (if that even exists).""
""How much woud monthly car insurance cost for a 19 year old, and a 1963 Dodge Dart?""
I saw I nice 1963 Dodge Dart for sale, and Id like to get it but Im not entirely sure how much insurance would cost, if I can get some sort of ballpark range so I know whether or not to buy it""
""Car insurance, i only drive for 3 months or so? any options?""
I currently have a BMW m3, i will be moving to new york city where it makes no sense to have the car, but i love the car and intend on keeping it locked in my parents garage and covered for the majority of the winter. during the summer months it will be down at there vacation house but again, it will only be driven by me maybe twice a month and for two weeks one month. the only other time i could see me using it would be every once in a while when i visit home to go to the store and back, literally like 5 other days out of the year. is there any insurance for this? i have a loan on the car, but it's used and old and in pristine condition so i'd rather keep it, i have considered selling it. soo what options would i have? i also go to school in another state from wher the car is stored.""
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
""In NY, do you have to have Car Insurance even if your not driving?""
I'm a NY State Resident, and I am wondering that if I have my drivers license, do I have to have car insurance? If so, is there a way to get out of this, like getting rid of my license or something, I just can't afford insurance, but I'm not driving.""
Where is the best place to get insurance for my scooter?
i know that scooter insurance runs around 120 a year but all the quotes i keep getting from places like Allstate and progressive are more like 1167 a year. Where is the best place to get comprehensive insurance for my scooter.
""What is the cheapest car to insure, and what makes insurance go up and down?""
Well, i'm 17 and i want a car. I've been going on all the price comparison websites and lately prices have been going up, alot. Not too long ago you could get a 1.6 Focus, 02 reg - for around 2.5k. Now it seems that a 1L corsa is in excess of 4,000? I've just been looking now, and i can get a 1.4L Nova Saloon '92 reg, for less that the price of a 1L Corsa, '99 reg. What's going on here, both cars are completely standard. Also, what makes insurance go up and down? And please, don't just post about group 1 insurance vehicles, because i cant afford a new/nearly new car.""
How can a full time college student over age 26 get health insurance?
What are our options?
Question about Plan First health insurance in Michigan. Backpay?
I just had a papsmear done about two weeks ago, and I didn't get approved for my Plan First insurance until afterwards. Does anyone know if they provide a backpay program, like they'll cover any procedure done in the last 30-60 days? Also have lab tests from that papsmear that I just got the bill for and have not paid yet. Is that covered? Thanks!""
Can I use my car that is under my dads car insurance?
Since i'm a new driver and 18 years old. My insurance rate will be up and can be very expensive. Can my dad just put his name and stuff on my soon to be new car? (Subaru BRZ) after all he is paying for it so technically it's his I guess lol
Is AARP a good health insurance plan?
I'm in my 20s, any suggetions of a good health insurance coverage plan? hospital, perscription, the whole nine!?!?""
My car is worth 3200 Actual Market Value how much should insurance pay before total loss?
Car value 3200 State Ohio Third party claim (not my insurance other driver was at fault)
AAA insurance will only pay body shop?
Hi there, My mom was rear ended by an uninsured motorist while driving my car. I have uninsured motorist coverage and AAA estimated the damage to be approximately $1000. I own my car (it's paid off) and I would rather buy the bumper and someone I know replace the bumper, rather than go to the body shop of AAA's choice. AAA does not want to give me a check and is saying they want to pay a body shop to do it. Can they do this? I looked at my policy and it doesn't say anywhere that repair costs are to be paid to a body shop, rather than the car owner or driver. I certainly don't have anything signed that says that and there is nothing in my policy details. Thanks for your help!""
Who offers affordable and reliable car insurance?
Money is really tight right now, and my car insurance is around $120 a month with Liberty Mutual. I'm looking at other agencies that offer great service and are less expensive. Is Geico good? Are there any other agencies I should look at? My record isn't too bad. One speeding ticket.""
Insurance money or insurance fraud?
My dad told me a story about his boss a long time ago about how his wife survived cancer, and incurred 1million dollars in bills. the company has a health insurance that covers his entire family, but he also was covered by another health insurer...be it his or possibly his wifes. After the whole ordeal he paid off all the bills and had received an extra 1Million from insurance.... Was this legal? ( He was paying for both insurances ..knowingly or possibly not )""
""As a minor, where can I get the cheapest car insurance?""
im 16, and my dad said i wont be driving until he sees that i can pay my own insurance. i know its REEEEALLY expensive for a minor, so where can i get it cheap?""
What's a affordable insurance brand/plan for motorcycles?
For a ducati if that makes any difference
About how much would it cost to for a year of car insurance for a 17 year old in new york?
I am planning on getting a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before I buy the car I will have a senior license and will have taken drivers ed and a defensive driving coarse.
Should I insure brand new car?
hey guys I wanna ask u what's the difference between warranty and insurance ? should i insure car if it's brand new ? it would cost me a lot if I insure and warranty car :( so could u tell me great way to get rid of it ? waiting ur answers :)
""I live in CA and am about to drive to PA, but I have a lost license card which is also expired, am I insured?""
I lost my drivers license about a week ago, and was just sent a letter from my insurance company which said that it was expired anyway. I would just go get a new one but I am currently living in California and will be moving back to PA in about a week. My husband is in the military so I am allowed to have a out of state license, but I am afraid that because it is expired that my insurance (state farm) may not still cover me. I am driving across the country so I need to make sure I am insured?""
Is there an oversight body for Insurance Companies?
My insurance company made a ( medical) payment decision that I don't think is fair. I'd like to know if there is any board that regulates them. Polite, constructive answers only please.""
Can you have Oklahoma auto insurance in Texas?
A friend of mine lives in Texas. Her dad just bought her an SUV and is going to pay the insurance. He lives in Oklahoma. Can her car have his insurance or does it have to be from Texas?
""In california, how much does it cost for driving without proof of insurance in the car with me?""
i have an insurance but for some reason, i misplaced it and didnt know it was not in my car. can i still bring my proof of insurance to the court to dismiss it?""
Should wrestlers have health insurance coverage under its company?
I know tna and many others companies don't give insurance to their wrestlers and I think wwe superstars make enough money to get insurance themselves. Should wrestlers have health insurance under the company even if they're in a position to afford it themselves?    Dana white has all his fighers insured under ufc and he has  very large roster of fighters
0 notes
icyroseslove-blog · 6 years
a person whose job it is to write material for someone else who is the named author.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Identity is the single most important thing when it comes to the art of ghostwriting. In fact, it’s what defines the business as a whole. There are two types of identities a person will find in the ghostwriting industry: the famous and the enigmatic.
The famous are the stars, the ones who appear on TV with dazzling smiles and a charming bounce in their step. They’re the artists who have their names printed into record books with a net value attached. The famous have giant followings and their faces hung on the walls of a squealing teenage girl’s room, covered in a protective lamination to defend against her baby brother’s invasions. In dehumanizing terms, they’re the perfect products and money making tools of a company. In ghostwriting terms, they’re the buyers.
The enigmatic, which are more commonly known as the ghostwriters, are the famous’ unknown secrets. They’re the ones who sit at a desk for hours, painting the paragraphs that will soon be filling the best sellers under another person’s name, or counting the measures to a star’s greatest hit. The ghostwriters, who are the sellers, are the people who make a creation that someone else will soon take credit for. Their names do not go down in history for being diligent workers, and most of the time, they don’t want to be known. That’s why the sellers choose their careers. They, of free will, become the ghosts of a world that know the art from their fingertips.
But there is one type of identity that allows a person to be both the famous and the enigmatic. Some call it a double life, while others call it a symbol. But the identity has a true name: aliases. Pen names allow people to become the ghostwriters of themselves, sitting down to write a novel that their second name will assume the attention of. There would be a name to the work, but still no face to go with it.
Androkles didn’t feel that it was necessary to have a face assigned to a novel. In fact, he preferred being faceless, because it meant he could go to the ice cream shop two blocks down from his house without having paparazzi shove expensive cameras in his face. After all, he was the most popular writer of the 21st century.
Androkles Hemmer, or more commonly known to the world as Andrew Homer, was the man responsible for writing 12 novels, 10 plays, 3 musicals, and hundreds of ghostwritten songs for the music industry in the span of a few years. He was the author of the most famous play in modern times, One is a Thousand. The extent of his fame and achievement was international. Often times, he’ll see yet another critic praising the philosophical aspects of his novels or a fan gushing about the flowery romance between the two leads of a play in another language.
He leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen against the blank paper presented in front of him. There was a need to write gnawing at him, his mind pouring over possible story ideas. They were good, in fact, they were probably so original it could spawn a few new genres, but there was something about them that felt empty, something non-genuine, which was the complete opposite of what Androkles was often eulogized for.
There was a play that was itching to be produced onto paper. But there were no characters, no twisted and selfish motivations the protagonist was harboring for the greater good conjuring themselves in the writer’s mind. That was odd. But he knew exactly what he was going through after finding he couldn’t create anything for months: a writer’s block.
Groaning, he placed the pen down on the desk and stretched his sore muscles. Androkles kicked the chair, grumbling about how he needed to buy a better one. Deciding to take a small break before continuing his work, he walked into his living room and opened his laptop. The light lit up the dim room, causing his pupils to shrink from the bright source. He checked his singular social media account, which had millions of followers that he didn’t know he would gain. He rarely posted anything, and often it was just pictures with no words for context. There were countless pictures of his cat, Andrew, who was most likely outside killing something before he presented it to Androkles. The male looked at the most recent post, dated to be published last month.
yay strawberry
It was a picture of the pot that was on his front porch currently. There was a small green sprout bursting from the soil, morning dew making the plant dip a bit. Admittedly, he was terrible at taking care of plants, but the seed proved to be strong, growing despite his inconsistent watering schedule.
He scrolled through the feed, looking at insignificant and important things alike. It was the usual on the website; the front page was filled with news about trends, celebrities, and political decisions, as well as rising musicians (some of which he wrote title songs for at one point). But there was always a singular article about him, who was one of the biggest accounts on the site. It was the same topic that sprung up over and over, becoming even more complex as the years progressed: Who was Andrew Homer?
At this point, everyone knew it was simply a pen name, not a real one. Besides his cat, the only shred of information he ever shared with the media is that he likes writing with feathered pens.
(Everyone thought he was pointing to quills. He was actually talking about fluffy pens, the $1 ones with the soft fluff at the top and a plastic tip to cover the ballpoint end when you were done. He doesn’t need expensive materials be successful. The quill eventually became his trademark.)  
Suddenly, his phone rang, blaring out the notes to the default ringtone. Androkles pulled it out of his pocket, not bothering to check the ID because he knew only one person had his phone number.
“Hello, Ryo.”
“Hi there, Androkles! Are you in high spirits today?”
Androkles rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth pulling a bit. “Spare me the jokes, please. I have an ache in my wrist and I’d rather not make it worse by facepalming. What do you need?”
“Always the straightforward man. Well, it’s best if I get to the point. A client wants to hire you to write a song for him. He’s a musician named Phanuel, have you heard of him? He’s the guy who just peaked at the top of the Billboards just last week.”
He hummed in reply. The writer had the radio on yesterday, cooking as he mindlessly bobbed his head to a bubblegum-pop song that he composed a number of years ago (the client was adamant about making it appeal to as many people as possible. He begrudgingly accepted as he wrote a V-vi-IV progression in C major), when a radio host rambled with a caller about a rising star named Phanuel. Androkles brushed off the commentary quickly, as his eggs were starting to burn.
“Yes, I know him. The person who sang ‘Our Letters,’ right?”
“Right on the dot. He called to ask for a written song. Any genre and whatever you’d like.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? That’s a lot more creative freedom than I’m usually given. Are there really no details the client wants me to put in the song?”
“Actually, that’s where there’s going to be some complications.” There was a silence. Androkles waited for him to continue. “He wants to discuss the message of the song in person at your house. Face to face.”
Androkles froze.
“Wait, did I hear you correctly? Did you say that a client actually wants to meet me? He doesn’t want to send a note or something?”
Ryo sighed, his breath crackling over the phone. “Phanuel said that he likes working together with his coworkers. Talking helps his creativity start to flow much easier. A people person, he called himself.”
“What about a fill-in actor?”
“No one has your writing skills, I’m afraid. Anyone can tell the difference between a pro and Andrew Homer. Homer does it better.”
The writer fiddled with his glasses, pushing them up with shaking hands. “Ryo, we can’t do something like this. You know that better than anyone else.”
“I know, I really do. It’s just… I know how you hate disappointing people. Especially your clients. I told him I would discuss it with you, but it was likely that such an arrangement wasn’t possible. Phanuel said that composing the song would be impossible otherwise.”
Androkles rubbed his temple, attempting to sooth the headache spawning itself from frustration. This was the first time anyone had ever requested to be face to face with him. He’d heard that some ghostwriters meet with their clients to discuss the future of the project, but he was lucky that no such request had been asked of him in the long years he’d been a writer. He really wanted to keep himself a secret. But if there was anything he valued more than his identity, it was having a satisfied client.
“Would it be possible…” he spoke softly, “for Phanuel to come here and for me to wear a disguise? Or stand in a separate room and talk to him from there?”
“...you’re actually going through with this?”
“Of course. I’m not letting down anyone who wants to work with me. Especially someone who just started his career.” He tried to say it with confidence, but the shakiness of his words betrayed him. “Besides, it doesn’t take me a very long time to write songs. I could probably finish it in a few days, given that I take as minimal breaks as possible. Phanuel will be out quickly.” He wasn’t going to mention that he had writer’s block at the moment.
There was a static-filled huff over the receiver. “Alright. As your agent, I’ll support your decision to do this. But as your friend—” Ryo stressed the word heavily, “I don’t know if I like your choice. It’s just… your situation and all.”
“Ryo,” he murmured. “I’ll be fine. I manage to get the groceries without anyone suspecting a thing, right? I’m sure I can handle a few days of talking to a customer.”
“I just want you to stay safe, that’s all.”
“I’ll take every precaution. I’ll even wear that mask you gave me. The one with the bear face on it? It’s right here.” Androkles reached out to the side table cluttered with notebooks, pulling a white mask toward him. He wrapped the strings around his ears and inhaled through his nostrils. “Mhmm, it still smells like the hot chocolate you spilled on it.”
“That was an accident.” He could hear the smirk in his voice. “Okay, if you're really confident about this, I’ll call him after I get the paperwork done. But remember, stay safe, okay? And if you want, wear the mask.”
Androkles nodded to no one in particular. “I will.”
“Alright then. I’ll update you on Phanuel when I get an answer.”
Just like that, Ryo hung up, ending the call with a beep. Androkles removed the phone from his ear. He was trembling.
The writer got up from the russet couch and walked into the kitchen, pulling open the drawer to get a cup so he could shock the nerves out of him with a glass of extremely bitter coffee. He grabbed a porcelain white cup, grasping the smooth handle with his fingers. Androkles was fumbling to open the coffee maker, his shaking hands making it difficult to place anything down.
Was this guy— Phanuel— actually willing to meet up with a ghostwriter when it was old knowledge that you could exchange a few emails with them and receive a song in a matter of weeks? Moreso, why would he ask Androkles for a song when he was already skilled?
Through all of this mental turmoil, Androkles didn’t notice the mug was phasing through his hand. Finally, it slipped through and shattered on the tile floor, making a loud crash. He was shocked. Uncontrollable transparency only happened when he was extremely nervous.
He sighed audibly, walking over to the corner to grab a broom and a dustpan to clean up the mess. He floated over, picking up his feet to avoid cutting them.
It was hard to be a famous ghost writer sometimes. Especially when you’re an actual ghost.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This play is dedicated to my friend, who, after reading such a play, will know that despite end dates, he will still have an identity to me.
Clark lives in a world where the date of someone’s death is shown in bold letters above their head, although you cannot see your own. He is a man who has anxiously watched dates approach and has seen many people succumb to mortality, but despite all of this, Clark wants nothing more than to find who he is and live life in a society that tells him the numbers over his head are the only things that distinguish him as an individual.
One is a Thousand tells the tale of Clark’s identity to his loved ones after his death. A million dead is a statistic, but one tragedy can be the sorrow for a thousand.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Today was the day.
Androkles was running around his room, emptying his closet and heaving stacks of coats onto his bed. He lifted them, observing how much skin they would cover if he wore it before throwing it onto the floor behind him. None of them were perfect. They either exposed his neck too much or made him look like a junkie. The brown trench coat he usually wore outside was acting as a makeshift bed to Andrew, who refused to get off the comfy coat despite Androkles's pleading. Clothes were scattered everywhere, thick sweaters hanging off the armrests of chairs, the shoe rack overturned for tall boots, and twisted scarves resting on his work desk. He still needed to find gloves.
“Woah, what happened in here?” Ryo asked, sticking his head into Androkles's bedroom doorway. There was a spark of amusement in the eyes that were scanning the clothes strewn across the furniture.
The writer was visibly startled by his friend’s appearance, yelping before phasing through the floorboards. His head popped up from the ground.
Ryo extended a hand to him and the ghost took it, floating out from the basement and back into the bedroom. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
Androkles shot a hard glare at him before grabbing the nearest piece of cloth and whipping it at his friend. Ryo shrieked, retreating back into the living room.
“Hey! Don’t throw things at me!” A fountain pen flew at Ryo, the nib stabbing his cheek harshly, leaving a large ink stain the color of his hair staining his face. He threw up his hands as he backed away. “Okay, I surrender! See, look, I have my hands up. Androkles, I’m waving the white flag now, stop throwing things at me. Andro—Androkles, no. Put the typewriter down. I’m not ending up in the hospital because you gave me a concussion.”
Androkles's eye twitched, his lips contorting into a maniacal smirk. He lifted the typewriter higher. “You wanna bet?”
“No, I don’t wanna bet on anything, because there are only two outcomes to this. One leads to me being confined to a hospital bed. Put it down.”
He raised an eyebrow.
The ghost lowered the machine, sighing. “Fine, I will. But only because a client is coming over in a few hours and I’d rather not explain why there’s an unconscious man in my living room. Now come over here, I need your opinion on this coat.”
His friend had a wave of relief wash over his face. The war was finally over. “Sure. No chucking things at me, though.”
Androkles rolled his eyes, He held up the coat by its shoulders, presenting it to the raven-haired male who strode up next to him. “It covers my wrists, but it leaves my neck exposed. If I really want to wear it, I’d have to put on that sweater over there. But that still leaves a giant space under my jaw. The mask could cover it up, but there’s a chance it could slip off and reveal my whole face. What do you think I should do?”
Ryo hummed in thought, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his jaw as if deep in thought. After a silent 10 seconds, his dark eyes lit up and he had a devious expression, grinning as if he’d found the cure to a disease. Then, he walked over to Androkles's work desk, where scarves were hiding his drafts and fluffy pens underneath. His friend took a brightly colored cloth in his hand, showing it to a confused Androkles.
“I have just the solution for you.”
All of a sudden, Androkles felt even more anxious.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: FATHER is sitting in the house, reading the newspaper on the couch. It is lively and children’s toys are scattered everywhere. A crayon drawing of a nuclear family hangs on the wall. CLARK’s death date is marked on the calendar, followed with the date in the future.)
(There is the sound of a door opening. A child CLARK runs in  from offstage and drops his backpack, rushing to jump into his father’s arms.)
There’s my little champ. How was school today?
It was so fun! We made rainbow toast and painted our favorite animals. Do you wanna see mine?
Of course I do.
(CLARK runs to get his backpack and pulls out a drawing of a badly painted bird. He gives it to DAD, who breaks out into a giant grin.)
This is amazing, Clark. The bird looks so real. You could become an artist if you wanted to. But my memory’s a bit fuzzy… can you remind me what animal this is?
It’s a puffin!
(DAD pulls CLARK onto his lap.)
A puffin? Where did you see one?
It was in one of the books the teacher always reads to us! Puffins are so cute. I think they’re my favorite animal now.
Did you hear that, honey? Our son loves puffins!
(MOM is heard laughing off-stage.)
Hey Dad, there’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.
What is it?
(CLARK points to the numbers above his dad’s head, which are dated to be a decade before his son’s.)
What are these things?
(expression darkening) Why do you… want to know?
Well… everyone has them, but no one talks about it. They’re just kind of there. And Suzy had one that was dated for today. She didn’t come to school today and the teacher was very sad. Are they vacation days?
(hesitating) Not… exactly. See son, when the date of the numbers finally arrives, those people get to go somewhere. It’s a place far away, farther than their loved ones can reach them. Their vacation lasts a very long time. But after a while… we get to visit those people on their relaxing vacations.
Are they at the beach?
It can be wherever they want, as long as they love that place.
Then I’m going to go to my bedroom when my date arrives! I love my bedroom. It has all of my toys. Are you going to visit me when that happens?
...I am. Wait, is that Will I see out there? Why don’t you go play with him?
Okay! Will!
(CLARK runs offstage. Mother walks onstage a few moments later.)
I heard your conversation.
I was hoping you would.
Is it really… necessary for children to know about the dates? Can’t they wait just a bit longer?
They’ll have to know about it sooner or later. I just wish we had more time…
(MOM sits down next to DAD. They lean on each other.)
...26 is a young age to die, isn’t it?
It is.
I wish he had more time. I wish I didn’t have to watch my son die.
Shhhh, don’t say that. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together.
(Freeze frame. Adult CLARK walks on stage.)
I didn’t know the reality I was told that day. That a vacation which became permanent for someone wasn’t willing. That day… after Will told me Suzy had drowned in the river next to her house after trying to get her beloved stuffed dog back from the water… I realized… what death dates were.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He should have never listened to Ryo.
An image in the mirror reflected back at him, and he wasn’t quite sure it was even him under all the layers of clothing. A large winter hat covered his head, the sides falling over his ears (which were growing red from embarrassment). On his body was an oversized street style coat that stopped at his ankles, covering most of the turtleneck he had on. Black jeans were stuffed into combat boots (he didn’t wear shoes in his house, but it was all for the sake of his image). The bright scarf that was previously in Ryo’s hands was now draped loosely around Androkles's neck, covering the skin that the bear mask failed to conceal. The only thing left to cover was the transparent skin of the midsection of his face.
“And the final part of my plan are these,” Ryo announced, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a large pair of dark sunglasses, handing them to Androkles. He slipped them on, and the bright light filling the room seemed to dim immensely, leaving him disoriented for a second. Ryo grabbed him by the shoulders, cocking his head toward the reflection.
“Well?” he asked.
“I look like I’m ready to battle the blizzard of 1888,” Androkles admitted. It wasn’t hot under the bundle of clothing (temperature didn’t affect him), but it certainly felt uncomfortable.
“That means we got you all covered up. No transparent skin revealed at all. Another perfect plan of mine.” Ryo adjusted the scarf, pulling it up more. “Phanuel will be over in an hour. I told him about the secrecy of this meeting because as it goes for all ghostwriters, you don’t want your identity to be known. He said that he’ll promise to not let any information get out there, so don’t you worry about anything. Everything’s going to be okay. Your hands don’t need to tremble anymore.”
Androkles didn’t notice his limbs were shaking. Ryo held him in a comforting embrace, and he let the easy familiarity calm his nerves. His friend pulled away from him and sighed. “I have to go now. It’s busy work, being the agent and editor for the world’s biggest author and all.” Suddenly, Ryo’s gaze grew dark. “But before I go, I just need to remind you to do something…”
Androkles gulped. “What is that?”
Ryo kept his solemn face as he glared at the writer. “Remember to stay super neutral.”
The man ran out of the house before Androkles could get his hands on the typewriter.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: Adult CLARK and WILL are at a post office. It is relatively quiet, with the exception of the ticking of a clock in the background. Workers are standing behind desks, chatting with each other as they wait for customers. A large mailbox stands center stage, facing out to the audience.)
(CLARK dumps a load of letters into the mailbox.)
What are they for?
They’re letters for the people who might miss us when we’re traveling the world! Of course, we’ll write while we’re overseas, but we can’t just leave without telling anyone. That would be heartbreaking.
(CLARK starts to pull out more letters.)
(cont.) See, I have one for everyone. The boss at work, our co-workers, the nice lady who always gives us extra bread at the bakery… They’re all getting one! Look, even your mom’s getting a letter!
Was it really necessary to write all of those letters? Half of those people probably don’t even care about what you’re doing in your life. I mean, my mom probably does, but that’s because she has a personal connection to you.
Everyone has a personal connection to me. It may not seem like it, but every stranger you’ve ever met has made an impression on you, even if you’ve glanced at them for only a second. Besides, I see these people on a daily basis. Getting a letter sent to them isn’t going to hurt. We just have different interpretations of each other. Now help me get these letters in, they’re falling out.
(CLARK and WILL gather the letters that have fallen out of his pockets. They put them in the mailbox.)
Is that all of them?
… no. I have more at home, but I couldn’t fit them in my pockets.
(WILL sighs.)
Let’s go get them then. I’ll grab a few so that you don’t have to carry so much.
You’d really do that for me?
Of course. You’re the one that’s paying rent.
Very funny. I’m going to ask someone when these letters will arrive. I don’t want them to arrive after we’ve been gone for too long.
(CLARK runs off stage. A worker from behind the desk calls out to WILL.)
Are you friends with that guy?
I see. Are you aware that it’ll probably take more than a week to deliver that giant stack of letters? The big city isn’t exactly an easy place to deliver letters.
I am.
You wanna break it to your friend that those letters might not be delivered while he’s still alive? Or do you want me to do it?
(The room freezes.)
I’d rather be the one to do it.
Good. Spend your time wisely, kid.
(CLARK runs on stage with a smile stretched across his face. He embraces WILL.)
They said that they could send all of the letters in a week or so! Everyone will receive something right after we leave. Although, those people were looking at me weirdly. But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is that we’ve got the world ahead of us, Will. Now come on, we’ve got more letters to get!
(They run off stage hand in hand.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There were only 5 minutes remaining before he would hear those fated knocks.
Androkles was quaking. He checked himself in the mirror at least 50 times in the past half hour, frantically searching again and again for any skin that was showing. With the exception of the little dots of olive skin not covered by the sunglasses, everything had remained the same as the time of Ryo’s departure. He sighed heavily, feeling anxiety rise in his chest.
Wait, he had to talk, didn’t he? This wasn’t just a chain of emails with no voice to assign the words to. He had an actual voice. One that Phanuel would hear.
The ghost was about to start screaming.
A soft mass brushed up against his leg, startling him out of his thoughts. Androkles looked down to find that his cat was stepping on his boot as if he knew it would temporarily break the toxic cycle of anxiety. He looked at Andrew fondly, bending down to pick him up and cradle him in his arms.
Andrew was a stray Androkles had stumbled upon at the beginning of his career. It was a rainy night in a dark alley, and being the person he is, the man couldn’t ignore the soft purring coming from a cardboard box. He opened the lid to find a starving kitten lying inside, not bothering to look at Androkles. It just stared at the corner unmoving. He took it to the vet, waiting for news to come back about the kitten.
1 hour. It was the longest he had ever spent outside and it was for Andrew.
Now it was time for a significant upgrade: 4 hours every day for less than a week spent with a stranger that he had to write songs for. The anxiety of having to veil his ghostly origins came back to him again. Androkles buried his face in the cat’s black fur, causing Andrew to purr contently.
There was no way he was going to get through this.
Knock, knock, knock.
Androkles's movements came to a halt. A silence followed the quiet rapping, hanging in the air like mist.
Time froze. A paused moment suffocated Androkles, and Andrew was kneading his hand. It was comparable to the second of thinking before replying to a well-thought-out question, or the still atmosphere of a picture of a family at an amusement park being taken by a stranger.
Androkles was experiencing one of those moments, and his heart was starting to race.
The knocks resounded from the door again. Androkles panicked, placing the midnight cat down before checking himself in the mirror once more. He adjusted his scarf, the thick, leathery gloves restraining his movements a bit. He took a breath, smacking himself mentally to gather his thoughts. Androkles looked at himself with a determined expression.
Come on, you can do this. It’s only a few days. Answer the door.
Forcing his limbs to move, he opened the bedroom door and approached the oak door. The average-sized entrance suddenly seemed to be looming over him as if it were an obstacle. His shaking hands grasped the bronze doorknob.
I can do this. I can do this. Everything will turn out to be fine and my identity will be hidden.
Androkles's wrist refused to turn the knob.
No I can’t, this was a stupid idea. Why did I agree to this? I don’t have the skill to be sly. The client is going to find out I’m a ghost and it’s all going to be over. Oh no, oh no, what do I do…?
A soft pat on his left foot made him look down. Andrew was kneading at his foot, meowing loudly. The feline looked at him with a blank expression.
Androkles grinned. “You’re right, Andrew. It’s just one person. I can stop being afraid.”
He unlocked the door, pulling it open and letting sunlight flood into the room, allowing Andrew to slip outside. The dark environment around him brightened, and if it weren’t for the sunglasses, Androkles would be rendered to a blind mess.
Through the tinted lens, he saw a boy. Actually, rather than a child, it was a man about Androkles's age in appearance, though his soft face gave him a youthful charm. The man was an inch taller than the writer, and his jaw was strong and defined. His skin was a caramel, and his hair was a dark brown, leaning closer to black than a milk chocolate. A guitar case was secured onto his back, the black strap digging into the light blue cardigan he had on.
Androkles stared for a bit, taking in the man’s confident stature. He had a fist raised, almost as if he was about to start knocking on the door once more.
Phanuel lowered his arm. He cleared his throat. “Hello there. Is this the household of Andrew Homer?”
The writer hesitated before speaking. “I-It is.”
“Oh.” Phanuel tilted his head to the side, causing curly brown locks to fall into starry eyes. “Are you… Andrew Homer, the writer?”
He nodded weakly, pointing to himself with his index finger. “That’s me. Are you Phanuel?”
Something in Phanuel’s eyes brightened, and suddenly, the man straightened his posture. He extended a hand. “Y-Yes, I’m Phanuel. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
Phanuel was blushing, and the hand held out for Androkles to take was shaking a little. Oh, so the guy, who was supposed to be a charismatic teen heartthrob was nervous in Androkles's presence. He couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the man standing in front of him. At least Androkles wasn’t the only one that was nervous. He took Phanuel’s hand and gave it a semi-confident shake. “The same as well. Here, come inside. We can start working on the song in my living room.
At that, some of the tightness in Phanuel’s jaw disappeared. The dark-haired male nodded, and Androkles moved aside to let him in before locking the door. They walked to the table in the middle of the room in relative silence before sitting down at the opposite ends.
Phanuel spoke up. “Aren’t you… hot in all of those clothes?”
Androkles shrunk into his scarf. “I-I get cold easily.”
The air around them was awkward. It was the type of atmosphere that came when you were left alone with the friend of a friend, unwilling to talk without the thread connecting you two filling in the gaps in the conversation, but forcing yourself to so you don’t sit in silence. It was to be expected. After all, they were strangers to each other, only meeting up for the sake of work. Androkles didn’t know how Ryo could deal with this type of unsettling quietness.
“I have to apologize, I don’t usually have guests over,” Androkles said sheepishly as he cleared the papers and scattered pens off the table. He walked over to the cabinet, searching for some blank sheet music. He suddenly remembered how Ryo dealt with meeting new people, as being in an industry meant you had to make lots of connections. “S-So, Phanuel. Tell me a bit about yourself.”
If there was any previous tension between them, Phanuel seemed to have forgotten, because his words had an easy flow to them. “Well, I’m a musician, but you already know that part. I play the guitar, and I’m allergic to pollen.”
Androkles nodded, hoping that Phanuel saw it. He bent down to check for a pencil, having already found a stack of paper. “Really? How about your likes and dislikes?”
“Ah, uh…” The man hummed in thought. “I really like peach flavored candy. Specifically peach-mango lollipops, those are delicious. But the coffee flavored ones, they don’t really appeal to me. They try to be caramel and chocolate at the same time, but they’re only trying.” The writer, although faced away from Phanuel, could almost feel him making hand gestures to his speech. “I also hate wet socks. It’s my belief that they’re sent directly from the fiery pits of the underworld to torture my feet.”
Androkles held back a laugh. “Oh really? How exactly do they torture your feet?”
“It’s how the water just sticks to your feet and you can’t wipe it off because it’s the cloth that’s wet. The socks get soggy and the part in the front starts to droop down and cling to the sides of your toes. It’s cold and unpleasant. Then you have to take it off and but the spot the water got onto is still moist and…” Phanuel shuddered. “Just...no.”
The writer was struggling to keep down his giggles. Anyone would agree with that. “Favorite song?”
“Mmhm, probably ‘Love Lies’ by Khalid and Normani.”
“Favorite genre of music?”
“Surprisingly, classical.”
“Favorite color?”
“Pineapples on pizza or plain?”
“Are you kidding?” Phanuel leaned back in the chair, causing it to creak quietly. “Pineapples on pizza. Plain pizza is bland.”
Androkles gasped, turning around to face his guest. “What you say is delicious is an invention made by the devil. I will not stand for anyone liking pineapples on pizza in this household.”
Phanuel laughed loudly. “And I’m sure you’re very happy with extremely plain pizza.”
The ghost rolled his eyes, blushing slightly. “Favorite novel?”
Now it was Phanuel’s turn to turn red. He dipped his pink dusted head down, staring at his hands. “U-Uh, Perhaps in Death. Your novel.”
Androkles almost dropped his papers right there. He was frozen to his spot. Perhaps in Death was one of his earliest novels, but it was still successful and managed to get a movie adaption. It was the story of a girl making a contract with a demon to find the murderer of her sister. It had been a long time since someone mentioned it since the work that took the limelight was One is a Thousand. “T-That’s your favorite story?”
“Yeah, it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love One is a Thousand, it’s just…” Phanuel struggled to find the right words. “I don’t know. I think there’s something very powerful about people making promises. ‘We’ll meet again, I promise, but perhaps it will be in death.’ I think that’s such a great line, don’t you think?”
The writer flushed deeply, pulling up the scarf covering his neck. “Y-Yeah, I guess it is.”
Androkles sat down at the table, passing some paper and a pencil to Phanuel. “So, do you have any ideas for the song?”
“...no, actually,” Phanuel admitted. “I’m going through some… musician’s block. I know I really shouldn’t force myself to compose any songs at the moment, but there’s a song that’s just waiting to be written. I just don’t know how to execute it. That’s why I wanted to hire you to help me write the song.”
Ah, so there was the problem. Once again, there was a similarity between them, but this time it was one that might hinder their work. “Okay, let’s start with the basics. What story do you want to tell? Maybe something current?”
Phanuel looked to be deep in thought. He rested his head on top of his hands. “How about… finding inspiration after a long period of nothing? I really can’t think of anything other than overcoming a creative block at the moment. You know, like when it rains after a long period of no water? And then it smells really nice outside?”
Androkles blinked. “Petrichor?”
The musician’s eyes widened by a fraction. “There’s a word for it?” He nodded, and Phanuel’s eyes looked like they were about to fall out of his head. “It sounds so… serene. I like it.”
It was. There was a tinkling of notes resounding from the back of his mind, and Androkles knew he had to compose it now. “Take out your guitar. I think I have an idea.”
Phanuel nodded his head, moving to open the black case that was currently lying on the ground unopened. With a few clicks, it was unlocked, and Phanuel pulled out a sand-colored acoustic guitar. Androkles didn’t know how to play the instrument, having only mastered the piano and violin, so he figured he would let the musician strum all of the chords for him.
“Play… D Flat Major 7.”
Phanuel adjusted his hands on the neck, barring one of the frets with his first finger before strumming. The guitar made a rich sound, the chord resonating in the wooden body. It sounded perfect.
“Alright, now play E Diminished, then C Minor 7, and then A Flat.”
Phanuel obeyed, playing the chords Androkles was stating. He shook his head, asking the man to switch the last two chords in the progression. He made a sound of agreement and played the chords in order. They both looked at each other.
“That sounded...  really nice,” Phanuel said, wonder in his eyes.
Androkles was furiously writing down the notes. This was working. “It does.”
Just as he was about to give more directions to Phanuel, a loud purring from behind him erupted. The two of them were startled, and Phanuel cocked his head to the side, looking past Androkles to see where the sound came from. He lifted a caramel finger to Andrew, who was meowing softly.
“Is your cat supposed to be on top of that bookshelf?”
Androkles whipped his head around, almost causing the winter hat to fall off. His eyes landed on Andrew, who was inching his way across the top of a tall spruce bookshelf with a dead mouse in between his fangs. The shelf he was standing on was stuffed with books, some of them his own and others from authors he occasionally read from. It was old and therefore weak, and the paint was starting to scrape off. The second thing he noticed was the lack of empty spaces on the various shelves. He would have to get a new bookcase sooner or later.
The first? The bookcase was wobbling forward.  
“Andrew! Get down from there!” Androkles shouted as he bolted out of his chair, running toward the teetering spruce shelf in record speed. Phanuel followed, and as soon as they were halfway across the living room, the shelf tipped over, causing Andrew to let out a hiss and jump.
The two of them extended their hands, waiting to catch the feline. Androkles watched as Andrew fell into an arch directly into Phanuel’s arms, causing him to dip his body. He let out a sigh. But Androkles was starting to shout something at him.
“Andrew, watch out—!”
Androkles turned around and a shadow was looming over him. The assortment of brightly colored novels flew at him, blinding him from the shelf that was about to collapse on top of him. He let himself grow intangible, and he fell through the floorboards, avoiding the bookcase that landed with a loud bang.
“Andr—Andrew! Oh my god!” He could hear Phanuel scramble to move the piece of furniture. “Andrew, if you can hear me, I’m going to call the police to help me get you out of there! Please respond if you’re under there!”
“No, I’m okay!” Androkles flew through the floor, reappearing in the living room. He ran to Phanuel and grabbed him by the shoulders. “I’m okay! I’m right here, see?”
Phanuel’s jaw dropped, shocked. “Andrew…?”
“I’m not under the bookshelf! See, I’m uncrushed and… right in front of you…”
Androkles took a step back from Phanuel, retracting his hands as if contact burned his palms. He was sure that he was wearing the same stunned face as the man except 10 times worse. The writer looked down at his hands.
They were transparent.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: CLARK and WILL walk upstage together,  arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders as they share raucous, hearty laughs with each other. Their business clothes are untidy and neckties loosened, as the alcohol has made them unrestrained, rendering them to stumbling drunks, constantly tripping over their own feet. The looming apartments of the city surround them, shrouding them in shadow and distancing themselves from the noisy bustle of city life. A sunrise is peeking over the horizon.)
(laughing) You should have seen the way you threw that punch at that guy when he was poking fun at me! Your face just got all red and taut, then out of nowhere, a fist comes flying and a guy is on the floor. It’s a shame we got kicked out, we only got to celebrate for an hour. But I don’t think the poor guy really deserved that.
Oh, he did.
Look, drama can be fun sometimes, but you shouldn’t resort to violence when you get angry. You could’ve offered the guy a drink instead of a punch… but the past is behind us. We’ve got plane tickets, and next week, we’ll be traveling the world! I can almost feel what it’s going to be like in other countries. The hot springs of Switzerland, the Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze in Florence, the cherry blossoms in Japan… they’re calling for the both of us to explore them. Aren’t you so excited?
I am, to be traveling the continents with my best friend. I’m hoping we won’t lose each other in the crowds.
We won’t. You always keep a tight leash on me. Remember how I wandered off in the aquarium during a field trip and you were the only one that could find me?
You could never stay away from the puffins.
And I will continue to run after them on our trip to Iceland. Now sit down with me. If I keep walking like this I’ll throw up on my loafers.
(They collapse onto the sidewalk, chuckling. They lean on a lamppost, sitting with content smiles. The sun starts to rise in the distance.)
You know, Clark, I don’t usually say things like this but… I’m glad you’re my best friend.
Oh? What’s this all about? Are you going through the sentimental phase of the alcohol?
I think I am.
(CLARK grows quiet. He stares at WILL.)
(cont.) Sometimes I think about what it would be like if I hadn’t met you. How different would my life be? Would I be a completely disparate person to how I am today? I don’t know. But I know one thing’s for certain. You made everything better for me just by existing. These emotions… they’re hard to put in words. But I think the only thing I can say is ‘thank you.’ I’m so glad I met you.
(CLARK pauses before laughing. He smacks WILL on the shoulder.)
Oh, Will, you’re so funny at times. I suddenly have a philosopher as a friend. But I can’t deny that I feel the same, too. But you act like we’re going to part ways or something. That’s not gonna happen. You’re my best friend for life.
(WILL glances sadly at the date over CLARK’S head. His friend is scheduled to die in 6 days. The sun starts to rise. Lights slowly become brighter.)
… the same for you, Clark.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Androkles stared at his wall unmoving. Andrew crawled under his arm, trying to get him to open a can of cat food for him, but he felt too numb to get up.
After he revealed himself to Phanuel, he nearly shrieked, running over to grab the guitar and its case before shoving the musician out with his instrument. Androkles slammed the door on Phanuel’s protests before dashing to his blankets and crying under them. He was sure Phanuel stayed at the front door for nearly an hour, realizing that it was a fruitless endeavor once it started to rain outside. The sound of heavy footsteps walking down the porch’s steps gave Androkles some peace of mind before the reality hit him once more.
Was Phanuel going to reveal his identity to the world? Was the rising star going to hop on social media and post a long message including the details of his visit, explaining how Androkles flew through the wooden floor after a bookcase fell on top of him? All of this drowned Androkles into the fantods, and he started crying even harder.
He had multiple missed calls on his cellphone, all from Ryo. They were all probably about his ghostly origins being revealed by teen heartthrob Phanuel, so he didn’t bother to pick up. He didn’t want to hear those words anyway.
Androkles fell backward onto his bed, groaning loudly. The feline crawled on top of his chest and curled into himself, resting his soft body on top of Androkles's. Everything was going fine until Andrew crawled on top of the bookcase and knocked it over. Of all days, why did the shelf have to fall down the day of a visit?
He was never going to write another novel ever again.
The clock struck 2:30, the time Phanuel was supposed to come and work on the song. Tears burned at Androkles's already raw eyes. He knew his client wouldn’t come back after the disaster that was yesterday. Even if Phanuel didn’t care about the fallen bookcase (which was still on the floor after having been toppled over), would anyone want to work with a ghost?
Knock, knock, knock.
Androkles shot upward, causing Andrew to fall off his chest and earn himself a hiss from the feline. His heart began to pound in his ears.
Phanuel’s voice was muffled behind the wooden door,  He knocked the door a few more times, and Androkles pulled the fluffy blanket over his head. He just wanted Phanuel to go away, to just tell him he revealed his identity to the world and leave his front porch with the strawberry plant alone. But the musician kept rapping on the door with his knuckles after a few silent moments with no reply.
“Andrew, I just wanted to let you know… I didn’t tell anyone. About your, uh, form.”
Androkles huffed. That was a lie.
“If you don’t believe me, you can ask your agent. I called him after all of that happened yesterday because I wanted to know if you were alright. I figured he knew because he kept emphasizing the importance of the secrecy and made me read the contract at least 6 times. I just didn’t know… it would be something like this.”
No one would. But he was thankful that Ryo had him bound to a contract before he told anyone about him being a ghost.
“Not that I’m disappointed in what you truly are! It’s just… surprising, that’s all. I didn’t expect that my favorite author would… literally be a ghostwriter…”
Androkles walked up to the door in his fluffy mint slippers, which were partly stained after he spilled paint to them. After the soft padding of his feet halted, he opened the front entrance and sighed heavily. He was met with the sight of a mossy haired Phanuel, whose eyes were blown wide open at Androkles's appearance.
“What do you want, Phanuel?” he asked in a jaded voice.
Phanuel reached out to Androkles's face, attempting to wipe the tears streaming down his face. “You’ve been… crying…” Once his fingers met with Androkles's cheeks, his hand went through his face, and he pulled back, startled.
Androkles rolled his eyes. “Come inside. I need to discuss this… situation with you.”
Phanuel nodded, and just like yesterday, he stepped past Androkles to enter the house, heading towards the middle of the living room. Androkles closed the door and locked it, double checking if there was anyone outside that saw Phanuel walk in. He shut the curtains, walking back to the room with the fallen shelf in it.
“Sit down on the couch,” Androkles said. Phanuel obeyed, placing himself on the russet couch resting beside the glass coffee table. He fiddled with his thumbs as Androkles sat on the opposite end of the couch.
“So… what do you want to talk about with me?”
“Well, let’s start with the obvious,” he replied. Androkles rubbed his forehead. “Please don’t tell anyone about me. I’d rather not be exposed on the front page of every news portal with headlines saying ‘Andrew Homer, an actual ghostwriter?!’ I want to be able to go outside without having paparazzi stalking my every move and gossip magazines spreading rumors about the type of salad I eat. I’m not really a public person. And then there are… pretty straightforward reasons.”
Phanuel scanned his body, looking at the transparency of his face and hands. “Yeah, I understand.”
“I’m not a… people person like you. Having millions of people know about my life makes me really uncomfortable. Everyone deserves some privacy, even the most famous author of the 21st century, right?” The musician nodded. “So please, I’m begging you to not say a word about me. And if you already have… well, I guess I can’t really stop you from doing so.”
He shook his head. “No, I would never do that. It’s wrong to just give away information about a person’s lifestyle. I don’t really care if you’re a ghost. You’re a nice person to be around. You aren’t just trying to use people for their fame.” At this Phanuel’s eyes glossed over and he looked away. Androkles wondered what the story behind his words was. “But I have one request from you. Not as Phanuel, but as your client.”
“Go on.”
“Can we…” A slight blush spread onto Phanuel’s face as he struggled to find the words. “... keep working on the song, even though I know about all of this? I know it’s really selfish of me to ask since you don’t really want to have anyone around when you’re not hidden, but I—”
“Okay then.”
Phanuel looked up. “Wait, really?”
Androkles smiled weakly at him. ‘As much as I want to keep my identity hidden, I don’t want to leave any unsatisfied clients. I’d be happy to write your song.”
The man’s eyes lit up, like yesterday, when Androkles acknowledged him at the front door. Phanuel went to hug Androkles. “Thank you so much—!” His arms went through the ghost’s intangible body and he blushed. “U-Uh, oops. I keep forgetting about that. Sorry.”
The writer snorted.
“Wait, you laughed! Does this tickle?” Phanuel stuck his hand into Androkles's arm and he snickered. The musician went to fix a lock of light brown hair that was sticking up, but his hand went through the strands. Androkles laughed even harder. His tear sore cheeks were hurting from smiling.
“Phanuel, stop that—”
Androkles leaned forward to lower Phanuel’s hand, but instead, his palm went directly through his head, landing in the area where there should have been a brain in place of nothing. Phanuel screamed, pulling his hand back as if the ghost had hit him. Androkles was cackling, bending over because his stomach hurt.
The musician stared at the ghost who was doubling over in laughter. Then, he started to laugh too, and pretty soon, the living room was filled with the sound of giggling and rasps for breath. Every time silence replaced the happiness in the room, one of them would start laughing again, causing the other to follow. It was a circle of never-ending chortling.
“So does that mean,” Phanuel asked while wiping the tears in the corner of his eyes, “you’ll really continue to write the song with me?”
“Of course, I already said that. But promise me you won’t stick your hand in my skull again.”
“I can’t promise that, Andrew.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: MOM is sitting in a wooden rocking chair inside. She is looking through albums of her son and her having fun in his childhood. The radio is on a low volume in the background. The house is nicely decorated, and a table with flowers sits downstage, and two plates are sitting out on top of it. The house is full of empty picture frames. In the background, there is a calendar with CLARK’S death date marked on it.)
(MOM sighs and closes the album with a forlorn expression. CLARK knocks on the door and she’s visibly shaken. She doesn’t get up to answer it.)
Hello? Is anyone home?
(MOM doesn’t answer.)
(cont.) I was hoping… that someone would be in here. I need to tell you what’s been going on my life. I wanted to get some approval. It feels wrong pursuing my dreams without getting permission from my family.
(MOM nods. CLARK sighs.)
(cont.) Mom, I know we’re not on good terms, but please let me in.
(MOM sighs heavily and gets up, walking slowly to the entrance. WILL’s face lights up as she stares at him with a steely expression.)
What did you come here for, Clark?
I wanted to talk about how my life’s been going. I know you don’t want to see my face after I said I was in love with my best friend but… will you let me into our house one last time?
(MOM crosses her arms and looks away.)
One last time. Then you vanish from this household. I’ll go get some tea.
Thank you so much.
(He walks into the house while she puts a kettle on the stove. CLARK sits down on the couch while MOM stands from a distance. The air is tense around them.)
So… what did you want to tell me?
First I wanted to say… I’m sorry for being such a bad son. And I know that being gone for 15 years isn’t going to make forgiving me easier, but I’ve come here to ask… if you’ll accept the actions I’ll take in the future.
It depends on what they are, Clark.
(CLARK is smiles. His MOM is finally willing to listen to him.)
I’m… going to travel the world with Will. In Florence, I’m planning on telling him how I feel. How I’ve cherished every year I’ve spent with him. And even if he rejects me, it’s still an opportunity I can’t let slip away. Life’s too short to not do so, right?
(She glances at the date on top of his head.)
It really is.
Then after I come back with experiences under my belt, I plan on writing a book about them. Then hopefully, I’ll inspire someone to live a full life. Sure, they may not want to trek through rainforests and swim through rapids, but people will eventually find what they love right?
(He plays with his hands.)
(cont.) I want… to tell people that there are so many possibilities in the world. That they don’t have to be confined to the death dates floating above them. We can all live, despite knowing that there will be an end to our existences… do you support my dream, mom?
I do.
And… do you forgive me for running away all of those years ago?
(She walks closer to him, hovering over him. Suddenly, she embraces him, tearing up.)
I don’t think I can. I don’t want to give you forgiveness for hurting me so much. But the thing that caused me the most pain was not knowing where you were or if you were crying. I’ve failed you as a mother…
Don’t say that.
… but I’m glad you came back to me. I just wish we could’ve spent more time together. You don’t know how much I’m thankful for your return. Clark, I love you so much. My beloved son. My baby. You’re alive and you’re living.
I love you, too, Mom.
(The two of them start to cry. In the kitchen, the kettle starts to whistle.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Androkles put his pen down and shook the tension out of his wrist. He heard his joints pop as he stretched his arms, and the man sitting across from him did the same. Looking at the time on the clock mounted on the wall, he internally sighed as the two hands displayed the time 5:56.
“We’ve been working for almost two hours straight,” Androkles announced. “Wanna take a break?”
“Sure,” Phanuel replied, placing the guitar back in the case. The instrument was actually donated to Androkles by Ryo, but he had no use for it. After all, he was a writer, not a musician, so it sat in the back of his closet gathering dust on top of the case. It proved to be useful, though, because in Phanuel’s rush to apologize to Androkles, he forgot to get his guitar.
“I’ll go get us some drinks. Is water fine with you?” Phanuel hummed in agreement, and the ghost walked to the kitchen, returning with two cups of cold water sloshing in his hands. He placed them on the table and Phanuel drank it, his Adam's apple bobbing before he wiped his lips and made a refreshed sound. Androkles took a few sips of his drink.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Phanuel said as he collected the sheets of work they got done, “is eating a necessity for you? I mean, I don’t know if you have a digestive system or…”
“It’s not. I eat for my own enjoyment. Everything a human needs, like sleep or bathing, I do just for the sake of having fun. Life would be kinda boring if I just floated around doing nothing when I could be eating ice cream, right?”
“Ah, I see what you mean. ‘I walk with life because I want to, not because I’m forcing myself to. Though there may be an end, that doesn’t deter me from writing my footsteps into the ground.’” Phanuel’s cheeks turned red, and he brought the glass to his face to hide his redness. “...From A Journey’s Manhunt. Johann’s line.”
Androkles covered his wide grin with his hand. It didn’t take long for him to realize that Phanuel was an avid reader of his. A Journey’s Manhunt wasn’t a recent novel, but still fairly relevant. It was a staple book in many high schools, and a company offered to do an audiobook on it a year after it came out. Androkles, of course, greenlit their decision to do so. He wondered if Phanuel read any of his less known books. “‘Of course, Johann, but why would you want to explore nature’s fortresses when you could stay with us, safe and happy in our bucolic village?’”
Phanuel shot an amused glance at him. “Of course I love our village. It’s warm with my mother and father in our home, and I love my younger brother. But this world lies in the bosom of Abraxas, and through that, I have the striking notion that traveling is meant to free us. The garden of the world is open to all horizons.’ That reminds me…” he pointed at the back door in the kitchen, which was covered in a straw-colored curtain. “Do you have a garden back there? When I came in the other day, I saw some plants through the window.”
The writer smiled. “Do you want to see?”
His eyes widened, so Androkles took that as a yes. He got up from his seat, and Phanuel followed him to the kitchen. His fingers wrapped around the knob and he pushed it open, presenting his backyard.
The yard was surrounded by a barrier of high maroon fences, preventing anyone from climbing up unless they leaned a ladder against it. But the main attraction of the large yard was the plants planted in neat rows. Flowers grew everywhere; tulips were bursting, violets littered the small spaces under the taller flowers, rose bushes were starting to bloom, and buttercups scattered the ground, creating tiny golden dots that seemed to make the garden sparkle. A cobblestone path snaked around the beds, allowing for safe passage. Phanuel gasped.
“Can we… go out there?”
“Sure. Just don’t step on the flowers.”
They walked out of the house, their shoes clacking off the stone path quietly. Phanuel’s jaw hung open as he bent down to observe the flowers, making little oohs and aahs as he explored the color-splashed garden.
Androkles watched him from behind, amused by this wonderstruck man prancing around in his garden. Phanuel pointed at the plants, looking at him.
“Did you plant all of these?”
“No, actually. Ry—my friend did. It was supposed to be a way to make me go outside more. But these plants don’t need to be taken care of. They grow on their own. I just come out here sometimes.”
“They’re beautiful.”
Androkles nodded. He was about to ask Phanuel if one of his hobbies was gardening when the sky rumbled lowly. It was a loud, thundering sound that came from above, causing the two of them to look up. The sky was covered in a blanket of dark grey clouds, blocking out the sun and causing the air to grow frigid. A raindrop fell on Phanuel’s cheek and he wiped it off.
“Oh yeah, I forgot it was supposed to rain this afternoon.” As Androkles said that, the light drizzle of water grew heavier, beginning to make a wet patch on Phanuel’s shoulders. The rain fell through Androkles's skin, phasing through his shirt as well. “Let’s go inside, you must be getting wet.” But Phanuel was still looking up at the sky. Androkles raised an eyebrow. “Phanuel?”
“Not yet. Let’s stay outside for a bit.”
He grabbed the musician’s wrist, attempting to pull him inside. Phanuel’s dark locks were already starting to droop. “Come on, you’ll get sick from being in the rain.”
Phanuel grabbed his arms, finding that they were still intangible. He pretended he was holding onto Androkles, hovering his fingers right above the non-touchable skin. The rain was soaking his checkered shirt. “Let’s dance.”
Before Androkles could protest. Phanuel was jumping around in the garden, laughing despite heavy sheets of rain coming down on his head. He extended a hand to Androkles, and the ghost rolled his eyes, letting only his hand become tangible. Phanuel’s smile widened, and he pulled Androkles closer to him, eliciting a surprised noise from the writer. The man spun Androkles around as if they were in a ballroom and Androkles let his other hand become physical as he placed it behind Phanuel’s neck.
That’s when the real dancing started. Once Phanuel felt Androkles's hand on his skin, he took the other one and started to dance around the garden, avoiding the flowerbeds that were shimmering from the warm, spring fallen water. The musician let his hand float over Androkles's hip as if they were engaged in dance, and they tripped over each other’s feet while they pranced through the garden.
(They weren’t actually stumbling. It was more of Androkles's feet phasing through Phanuel’s feet, causing the both of them to laugh.)
They stopped in the middle of the path, right in front of the blooming rose bushes. The duo was out of breath, having gone in circles halfway across the garden. They laughed loudly, slightly dizzy from the constant spinning. Phanuel was still gripping onto Androkles's hand.
Water was running down the sides of Phanuel’s face, and his dark brown locks were sticking to his forehead. Now that he was up close to the man, he could see why so many people praised him for his looks. His cherry lips were parted slightly, and his eyes were big and sparkly, like a child going to the zoo to see puffins for the very first time. He watched as a droplet fell off Phanuel’s defined jaw.
“Hey, Andrew…” he asked, squinting slightly because of the rain falling into his face. “What’s your real name?”
Androkles lowered his head. “I don’t really want to answer that. You know, to keep my identity hidden.”
“Ah, that’s okay, I understand. Names are a big part of our identity, aren’t they?” They started to sway back and forth in a relaxing manner. The movement was soothing enough to make Androkles close his eyes temporarily. “They give others an image or a way of alerting us. Personally, I think names are stories of who we are. It could be Phanuel, the rising star. Or Andrew Homer, the world famous writer. Or maybe even Phanuel, the best friend, or Andrew, the son.”
Androkles pushed a finger to Phanuel’s lips, silencing him. The singer looked at him with a confused expression. “I don’t really want to think about any other identities at the moment. Right now, let’s just be Phanuel and Andrew, two people dancing in the rain together.”
The man in front of him looked shocked at his words. But the surprised look on his face melted into a smile. Soft laughter came from his mouth. “I think I like that one the best.”
They kept dancing, even after the rain stopped and the sun’s rays shone through the parted clouds. Water droplets ran off leaves and decorated the heads of flowers. There in the garden danced two people, one a completely dry ghost who made the rain fall right through him. Another, a human who was completely drenched in warm rain, smiling brightly. They stopped spinning in circles once a sneeze rang out from behind maroon fences.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: It is Clark’s death day. The scene is dark. Storm clouds roll in as CLARK stands under an umbrella. The stage is empty, with the exception of the main character. He seems to be dripping wet. Thunder sound effects roar in the background. A rusty payphone sits to the side of the stage.)
(The rain continues to fall as CLARK lifts the umbrella, allowing the audience to see his face. It’s upset, unlike the smiling CLARK who is usually around.)
(talking to himself) You know, sometimes I think to myself… would people be more positive if death dates weren’t around? If we weren’t in such a constant state of anxiety… would anyone have bothered to live? The greats of the Renaissance did it. The fallen kingdoms of the ancient world managed to survive. And yet, we’re all just waiting for the day we die. We can’t even see the date of the day we’re supposed to die. What are all of us waiting for?
(He looks to the payphone. Fumbling with the change in his pocket, he produces a few coins from his pocket before dialing the number. After a few rings, a light shines from the dark half of the stage, revealing a distraught WILL leaning into his phone.)
Clark… Clark, where are you?!
Will, I’m sorry if I worried you. I slipped onto a train to go visit our hometown. I wanted to see my mom before we left to see the world. Admittedly, I should’ve have told you, but—
Clark! It doesn’t matter what you did! Just tell me where you are!
I’m at a payphone in the middle of the road. The last bus left before I could get on. It’s a good thing I had spare change, or else I wouldn’t have been able to call you. You’re always the one calling me, so this is a nice change, isn’t it?
Don’t move an inch. I’m coming to get you.
Oh, thank you so much. It’s getting cold out here. I’m so glad I have you as a best friend. You’ve always been so protective of me. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I really appreciate everything you do for me. But could you hurry here? The only thing protecting me from the rain is this payphone and it’s not doing a really good job.
(Thunder rumbles once again.)
Clark, is it… raining there?
Yeah, it started a bit after I left my mom’s house. Why?
Get out of there! There’s—
(There’s a snapping sound, and a wire falls onto CLARK’S side of the stage. CLARK is startled as the line cuts off. The light on WILL’S side shuts off.)
Will? Are you there? Darnit, the line’s cut off. But I told him my location, right? Now all I have to do is… wait.
(He sits down, leaning against the payphone. He looks up to the sky, slightly tilting his umbrella.)
(cont.) I wonder how many chances people get in their lifetimes. Maybe to get the opportunity to go on a reality TV show, or sign a record label to become the next idol. Or maybe they get the chance to achieve their dreams. I don’t know, it could be something as small as being able to get a toy. But the thing I really wonder about… is how many of them they take.
(He stretches his arms, choosing to reach a hand toward the sky.)
(cont.) But maybe there are some things that come by chance. Like a ladybug landing in your hair. Or a bird making its nest in the tree outside your window. I wonder how common it is… to meet your own Will? Is it 1 out of every 5 people? Or 1 out of a hundred. Maybe even the statistic of a lightning strike!
(Lights start to flash. CLARK laughs.)
(cont.) So maybe…
(He lowers his umbrella, looking at the sky.)
(cont.) ...we’re 2 people out of 960,000 who will experience the life-changing moment we call lightning strikes. Or maybe just the greatest person you will have in your life.
(Lightning strikes the payphone. An explosion is played, and the lights flare before settling to black in almost an instant.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The second Androkles opened the door, Andrew walked out, brushing against Phanuel’s pant leg, purring. The two of them watched as the feline curled up on the porch.
“I think he likes you.”
“I’m hoping he does.”
They sat down at the wooden table once again, and Androkles produced two fluffy pens out of his pocket. Phanuel raised an eyebrow.
“I like feathered pens,” Androkles confessed. He watched in amusement as Phanuel’s expression grew even more confused and then suddenly, his jaw dropped. He lifted the fluffy blue pen to eye level, gaping.
“It’s not quills…?” Phanuel gasped. “Oh my god, it’s not quills!”
Androkles laughed. The world only knew half of the story, didn’t they?
He laid out the music sheets in front of them. The two had written all of the music, now all that was left to write were the lyrics. Then, Phanuel would leave his house and he would never see him again.
Something about that future made his heart grow heavy. But he couldn’t think about it now, he was working. “So, your theme was petrichor? A metaphor for finding inspiration after a long bout of musician’s block?”
“Yep. I got some inspiration while I was walking here. You know how you have a bunch of plants in your backyard.” Androkles nodded. “Well, what happens when there’s no rain?”
“They dry up. Oh, so you’re going to use plants in the song, too?”
���Uh huh. Listen to these lyrics I came up with. It’s only a few lines, but we can build off of them.” Phanuel cleared his throat and strummed the first chord of the intro. “Under gentle mornings, I’m waking to fading dreams. Little quiet mournings, it’s sunny today, it seems… Can you continue from there?”
Androkles hummed in thought. “Uh, so you wanted plants in the song. Hmmm… I got it! Strawberries and roses are drying under the light. Raincoats and umbrellas are sitting on the sides.” He remembered the other day, where they were dancing in the rain, spinning between the roses bushes and stepping over perennials. The memory of Phanuel erupting in a loud sneeze once the sun shone through made the ghost smile to himself.
Phanuel repeated the words, plucking through the chords while playing it fingerstyle. “The sky is so blue, the world is clear, but there’s no peace in my mind. My breath is taken, flying far away, but when will teardrops fall from the sky?”  
Teardrops fell from heaven in the backyard, Androkles was sure of it. Even if they fell through him and left him dry, they still gave life to the grass underneath his feet. But they left Phanuel soaked in spring’s rain. “I long for the day, for cloudy worlds and rainy skies, and sitting under my umbrella is a cat next to my side.”
The memory of Andrew on top of the bookshelf came to his mind. He nearly burst out into laughter. If it weren’t for Andrew, he wouldn’t have a pen name. He wouldn’t be the 21st century’s most famous author. He wouldn’t have shown who he truly was to Phanuel.
Phanuel kept playing the sand colored guitar. “The rain is pouring down, it’s dancing. Smiling strawberries love more. When it passes by, put down your hood and—”
“Smell the petrichor,” they said in unison.
“That’s—That’s it!” Phanuel screamed. “That’s gonna be the first verse and the chorus! We’ve got to write it down!”
“Already ahead of you,” Androkles said, holding up a paper with the words of the song written in ink. “Now we just need the rest and then we’re done.”
“We’ll actually be done… I can’t believe that.”
“Me neither. Now, let’s get to work.”
They ran through the written lyrics once more, making some adjustments. Then they started on the second verse, throwing ideas at each other and refining the words. Before long, there was a full sheet of lyrics, inspired by the past few days of hesitation and dancing. The story, which was observed from a person’s point of view, was weaved through the experiences of sunny weather and joyful plants, accompanied by a cat pressed against the human’s side.
“And… done.” Androkles wrote the final word and dropped the pen, shaking his arm. He had an ache in his wrist today. “Alright, it’s all written. Here.”
He handed the paper to Phanuel, who was looking at the lyrics starstruck. “These are amazing…! You’re such a skilled songwriter.”
Androkles flushed. “I’m just a writer, that’s all.”
“The most popular writer of the 21st century.”
“Andrew Homer would be disappointed in these lyrics.”
“Andrew Homer wrote these lyrics. Be proud of what you’ve created.” Phanuel grinned widely, showing off his teeth. Now that Androkles looked at it, one of his front teeth was a bit crooked. It seemed that the rising star had flaws in his appearance as well. “I know I am.”
He was growing redder by the second. Androkles hid his face behind his hands. “T-Thank you, then.”
Phanuel nodded, causing his hair to bounce up. He looked at the time displayed on the wall. His smile dropped. “It… looks like it’s time for me to go. It’s 7.”
The writer rotated his body around, finding that the time was indeed 7:00. Disappointment rose up in him. He turned back to Phanuel, who had a slightly saddened expression as well. “Oh, I guess it is. Let me help you gather your stuff.”
The two of them were both taking their time cleaning up and they knew it. Phanuel set his guitar back in its case slower than he previously did, and he cleaned the inside thoroughly, cleaning out nonexistent dirt. Androkles gathered the music sheets, pretending to not know the order and gently placing them in numerical order. He took the pens and put them to the side of the table. Phanuel tightened his strap, refastening it even though he knew it fit perfectly on him. Suddenly, after a few minutes of cleaning their workplace in silence, they realized that there was nothing else to reorganize.
Androkles decided to break the silence. “So! I’ll lead you to the door.”
Phanuel nodded, even though the door was only a few feet away from the two of them.
The duo walked to the door and Androkles unlocked it slowly, hesitating before pulling it open. Phanuel stepped onto the porch, taking in the fresh smell of earth. It had rained in the morning once again, leaving the air slightly damp and the pot with the strawberries watered. The musician turned around to face Androkles, who handed the sheets of paper to him.
“Thank you for everything, Andrew. I think my musician’s block is finally going away. It’s all because of you.” Phanuel gave him a bright smile and he shook his head.
“I only gave you the opportunity to be creative. You’re the one who truly overcame it.”
A silence fell over them. They stared at each other, waiting for the other to say goodbye. They both didn’t want to hear those words.
“Hey, Andrew, can I make a request?”
“As what? The client or as Phanuel?’
“As Phanuel.” He stepped forward, their one-inch difference seeming to be a large, unfulfilled gap. “Could you.. make yourself tangible so I can give you a hug?”
Androkles smiled, letting his body become a physical object. “Go ahead. I don’t leave any unsatisfied clients.”
Phanuel embraced him, and Androkles felt his touch on his skin. There was a living being hugging him, radiating warmth from under their fingertips. Androkles’s hair was brushing against Phanuel’s nose, tickling him. There was light, such a bright light inside of him, brighter than the sun. The man pulled away from the ghost, looking at him fondly.
“You know, to the world, you might be Andrew Homer, the world famous author. To your cat, you might be its beloved owner. To your agent, you’re their boss. But to me…” He took Androkles’s tangible hands, finally being able to lift then. “You're my inspiration, my muse, and my coworker. But most of all, you’re my friend.”
Something about the genuine look in Phanuel’s eyes made a tear slip down his face. Or maybe it was the stinging of the warm air around them. Whatever it was, it made him overwhelmed with emotion, inundating him in happiness. Phanuel wiped it away.
“Andrew, don’t cry…”
“It’s Androkles.” Phanuel’s hand paused, lightly touching the skin of Androkles’s cheek. He took it in his own hand. “My real name is Androkles. Andrew Homer is my cat’s name. I used it for my pen name. But keep it a secret, will you?”
There was a moment of nothing. Then, they started to laugh together, their hands still clasped.
“Who gave you that idea?”
“I wanted to have an alias so no one would know who I was. Andrew is the only thing I’ve ever stayed outside for.”
“Brilliant. A cat is the true writer for One is a Thousand.”
Androkles giggled. “It is. Now shoo, it’s getting dark. You should get home before the sun sets.”
Phanuel sighed, pulling away from Androkles. “I really should. Thank you again. I guess this is goodbye, Androkles.”
“I guess it is.” His face fell, but the bubbling happiness inside didn’t fade. “I’ll be waiting for ‘Petrichor’ to hit the top of the Billboards. Goodbye, Phanuel.”
The musician walked down the steps of Androkles’s porch, leaving the ghost alone with the smell of the world after rain.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(AT RISE: A coffin is set in the middle of the stage. The characters are all dressed in black, and quietly mourn. The group includes WILL, MOM, COWORKERS, and multiple other characters that CLARK has met in his lifetime.)
(A speaker steps onto a podium.)
We’re gathered here to mourn the loss of Clark Bell. His death was due on the day of May 18, 2016, and has arrived much sooner than we had all hoped. At the age of 26, Clark became an office worker in the city. Although he pushed papers all day, he still kept his dream of traveling the world buried deep in his heart. Clark finally got a step closer to his dream, but it was cut short after a lightning strike hit the payphone he was at. Will, if you would please.
(WILL walks up to the podium with a grief-stricken expression. He clears his throat.)
I… have no words to express how I feel about Clark’s death. There’s nothing that exists that can convey my grief. Clark had such a defined identity. He was a son. He was a co-worker to some, and he was a bright customer to others. He was the person living above apartment #2 and he was the stranger in the crowd. He was… my best friend. He existed differently in each and every one of our minds. He was a single person, yet he was a thousand different people. But in the end… he was Clark. Just Clark. The guy that wanted to see the world. To chase puffins off beaches. He just wanted… to be free. And I’m so sorry to say I wasn't there when he needed me. That’s all.
(He steps off the podium. The funeral progression plays out and slowly, people start to leave. The only two people remaining are WILL and MOM. The latter approaches WILL.)
Hello there, Will.
Hi, Mrs. Bell. I’m sorry. I’m probably the last person you want to see. I… didn’t arrive on time.
(shaking her head) Never. You’ve always punctual. Always working so hard. Just some of the many qualities Clark admired in you. He loved you so much.
Yes. My son loved you. He loved many things. He was in love with life. You know that better than anyone. You two spent a lot of time together. He loved you so much, he wanted you to have this.
(She pushes an envelope into his hands.)
(cont.) Inside are two tickets to the Accademia. He talked about it a lot with you, didn’t he? It was his dream to see the art there with you. He talked to me about it right before he left my house. There was a line he would say to you if you said that the place was beautiful. What was it? “Yes, the statues are beautiful. But the real piece of art here is right in front of me.” He left them with me because… he knew his death date all along. It was always circled on our calendar at home. Clark was a brilliant boy, it didn’t take him long to figure it out.
(She laughs quietly.)
(cont.) What he wants you to do is to go and explore the world, Will. He wants you to experience the thrills of life and be able to come back and say, “I’ve changed.” Clark wants you to travel the world. He wants to find someone and get married, settle down and have a family. Make an identity for yourself just as Will. Just live as you are.
(WILL starts to cry. He looks up from the letter and hugs MOM.)
Thank you so much.
Don’t thank me. Thank Clark. He is the one who is truly a thousand.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Identity is the single most important thing when it comes to the art of ghostwriting. In fact, it’s what defines the business as a whole. There are two types of identities a person will find in the ghostwriting industry: the famous and the enigmatic.
The famous are the stars, the ones who appear on TV with dazzling smiles and a charming bounce in their step. They’re the artists who have their names printed into record books with a net value attached. The famous have giant followings and their faces hung on the walls of a squealing teenage girl’s room, covered in a protective lamination to defend against her baby brother’s invasions. In dehumanizing terms, they’re the perfect products and money making tools of a company. In ghostwriting terms, they’re the buyers.
The enigmatic, which are more commonly known as the ghostwriters, are the famous’ unknown secrets. They’re the ones who sit at a desk for hours, painting the paragraphs that will soon be filling the best sellers under another person’s name, or counting the measures to a star’s greatest hit. The ghostwriters, who are the sellers, are the people who make a creation that someone else will soon take credit for. Their names do not go down in history for being diligent workers, and most of the time, they don’t want to be known. That’s why the sellers choose their careers. They, of free will, become the ghosts of a world that know the art from their fingertips.
But there is one type of identity that allows a person to be both the famous and the enigmatic. Some call it a double life, while others call it a symbol. But the identity has a true name: aliases. Pen names allow people to become the ghostwriters of themselves, sitting down to write a novel that their second name will assume the attention of. There would be a name to the work, but still no face to go with it.
Androkles didn’t think it was necessary to confine himself to these terms. In fact, he preferred to be referred to as Androkles Hemming, not the internationally famous Andrew Homer, or the introverted ghost, just Androkles. He was, in literal terms, a ghostwriter, but he chose not to be part of any world. Phanuel helped him realize that he could just be himself.
Now he was in his kitchen, humming the words to Petrichor, one of the biggest hits to have ever been on the radio. It broke multiple records in its first week, become one of the most listened to songs in history. The music industry had been overturned by the release of Phanuel’s new album, Ghost, and his fame exploded. Androkles was content with listening to talk show hosts rave about the star’s sudden rise to fame.
The album, in Androkles’s opinion, was honest, and that’s why it succeeded. It was an honest, catchy masterpiece that took the hearts of the public and twisted a knife of emotion and life in them, causing millions to fall to their knees. From what Androkles heard, Phanuel’s worldwide tour had just sold out.
“...on the show is one of the world’s most popular idols out there. He's the mastermind behind the hit Petrichor, and one of the youngest artist to have hit the number 1 spot on the Billboards. Introducing... Phanuel!”
A familiar voice came on.“Thank you for having me here. I’m really honored to have the opportunity be on the radio. Oh no, I don’t know what to say. I’m nervous.”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Phanuel.”
Laughter broke out. After the wheezing stopped, the host spoke up once again. “So, Phanuel, where exactly did you get the inspiration for writing the songs on Ghost?”
“I got it from just sitting down and observing the world around me. You’d be surprised how much you can learn by just listening to yourself. Also, most of the songs are inspired by stories from my favorite author, Andrew Homer. I’d say that a lot of my music is influenced by him.”
“Wise answer. What would you say is the main message of the album, and what’s the story behind your main track, ‘Petrichor’?”
“I wanted to tell a story about identity. We live in a world where people spend their whole lives trying to find who they are. Some people hide who they are, while others fake it. I wanted to show the world that it’s okay to be yourself. Now, as for the title track, it’s about finding light after going through dark times. It’s actually inspired by my own experiences. I had musician’s block for a long time, and after being taught important lessons from a dear friend of mine, I overcame it. I want to go back to my hometown and tell them thank you, but I have a world tour ahead of me.”
“A busy man you are. That’s all we have for today, make sure if you want tickets…”
Androkles turned down the radio, taking his eggs off the pan and dumping them onto a porcelain plate. He shut the stove off, taking the plate and sitting at the table in the living room, which had a pencil holder filled with fluffy pens in the middle.
The famous was traveling the world, living his dream. The enigmatic was at home. The aliases of ‘friends’ still lingered in the garden, refusing to wash away in the rain.
He pulled out his phone, checking his social media. Androkles laughed happily at the most recent post, stuffing more eggs in his mouth.
yay strawberry
The flowers on the strawberry were blooming.
0 notes
Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
"Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
My mom and I were hired by a well known real estate company. We are on the same auto insurance policy (clean records). When we were hired, while in training, I called around for quotes. I explained that I did not know how many miles I would be driving yet. The agent said I keep it where it was and if I notice I drive around more to call and adjust the rate. I was up front about getting into real estate. The quote was good. Two weeks letter I get a letter I have to fill out for the auto company. They want to know millage again and if I will be using the cars for work. I was honest about everything, including the company.. I received a notice today that my policy went up almost $400 because they upped my milage (I put between 9-15k, so of course they went in and put in 15k LOL.... but even brining down that, because the company is on there, I am under a business policy ... Is this correct?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I am considering buying home and car insurance with Allstate but , should I?""
I have been told that it is not a wise idea to keep my home and car insurance together, even if I get a discount. Can anyone tell me why, please?! Thank you!!""
Is a 2000/2001 BMW 323ci an expensive car to insure?
I know insurance costs depend on a number of factors, but, all that aside, does anyone know if this car is expensive to insure? (or any of the other higher up 3 series like the 330ci )""
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
How much would insurence cost for a small car detailing business?
i have 2 do a project for school about creating our own business and i need 2 know how much insurance would cost for my car detailing business.
When should I sell my car to move to California?
I am moving from Kansas to Los Angeles,California this coming August/September for school and my car requires a lot of money so I want to get rid of it before I go.. $200 month on the payment $80 for insurance $120 month on gas and not including any maintenance that has to be done so with all that being said it seems like a good idea to sell it and save my money after moving to just purchase a cheaper car outright if need be. Does this seem like a good idea and if so when should i start listing my car for sale? It's a 2006 Saturn Ion and by the time I am ready to sell I'll owe about $4,500-5,000. Any answers from someone who has been in the same situation or who can provide ADVICE would be helpful, I don't need to hear any answers about staying in Kansas because that isn't related to the question. Thank you!""
Buying a car (scion tc) + insurance= how much expense a month?
Ill be buying a new scion tc no option for Im estimating 18k i got my license almost a half a year now and im 18 i had one speed ticket no credit history, so ill be paying 40% of the 18k and buying the car my moms credit sucks so im better off being indepedent how much is insurance for me these days. combined how much for the payment and the insurance will it be""
16 year old insurance on Bike (CBT) UK?
Heres the thing, i can afford a bike and ive been considering an Aprilia RX 50 Or a Suzuki TS 50, but the insurance is through the roof in price, my average quote fire and theft is 450 ish any ideas who to go with in respects of insurance companies ? thanks live in the (UK)""
What are the benefits of low cost insurance?
What can be the advantages of having low cost insurance for people.
What is the Average Car insurance cover for UK Provisional driver?
I need one and looking at most covers, they are hell of a lot costy. But I have an eye of one which is about 2.81 per day. What do you think of that? Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Any suggestion will help. Cheers.""
Can I own a car with no insurance?
I'm sixteen and looking to buy a car. I'll have a license in about 4 months, but I want to buy a car first - that way I'm good to go. Is it legal to let my car sit in my garage or driveway for a few months without insurance or plates? I know plenty of people who have had cars before they've had licenses, but I want to make sure I'm not breaking any laws. I live in Connecticut. Thanks!""
Does medical Insurance transfer to a different state?
I have Kaiser Permante for medical insurance. It is very possible that I will move from California to Florida next January. How will my insurance switch? I heard there is no Kaiser there. Is there an alternative company? How can I find this out if I can't find out here?
Price increase for new driver on insurance?
I am a 17 year old male. I have had full driver's training and taken an eight hour driving class. I am also an A-B student. My parent's have Geico and we live in Charleston, SC. No one seems to know how much our insurance rate will increase if I am added as a driver (without a car). Basically, I can not get my license because, supposedly, simply getting the driver's license (not permit, full license) will make our rates go up. If this is true, how much will our rates increase?""
Car Insurance Question? Price?
I'm going to be turning 18 on July 14th 2009, and I was wondering what the cost of insurance would be if I got a used 2003 or 2004 Nissan 350z. I got my license April 08, and have had no crashes or anything. I plan on going to college, but a community college for the first 2 years then going to a 4 year college. Any ideas? I mean the price for this one is only 13,000 and it's a good deal.""
What would the annual insurance cost range look like for a Benz C63 AMG?
Would the cost be greater just because of the model? Say I upgraded a C300 so it reached the base price of a C63 - would this increase the cost of insurance? Or is it based solely on the model? So if I upgraded the C63 so the value bumped up 20k, would my insurance become more expensive? I am new to all this, and want to get an idea of these things for the future. Thanks.""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
Do you need to pay for insurance if you're using a family car?
Im 16, and am getting my license soon. Do i need to pay the $1500 dollars a month for insurance, or does the family insurance cover me? Im wondering if the insurance is for the person, or the car that the person is driving.""
What is the cheapest and best car insurance?
I live in MA and I want to know what is the best, cheap car insurance out there for this state. I am 17, but I think my mom would put the insurance in her name. IDK yet. I would also be buying a used car from a dealer, if that matters. I just want to know like how much it would be per month. I also did driving school, I heard that lowers the rates..""
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
Question about suing car insurance company after auto accident.?
My mother was the passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended on the interstate a few weeks ago. The driver is a co worker of hers. They were both injured but not rushed to hospital. My mother suffered a fractured disc in her back and whiplash. The driver suffered from whiplash and torn ligaments in her neck. They are both still seeing a doctor. They asked me to handle this for them. I am not an attorney, but have sued the insurance company of the driver at fault before (state farm). It was all going ok, i had all paperwork needed and was asking for $9500 each including medical. The claim has been turned over to an impossible woman. She refuses to deal with me and wants to deal directly with mother and coworker. Should I hire an attorney now, and how much should we ask for/get? p.s. both are told by doctor that they will have long term therapy.""
How much do you think my car insurance would cost?
I'm turning 18 in March and will be getting a car on my 18th birthday. I don't know what type of cr I'll be getting but I'll make sure it has good MPG. I'll be using my car for storm chasing. Do you think I'll get a discount since I'm helping the National Weather Service issue watches and warnings by storm chasing? What's the average cost of car insurance for my age group in Manatee county, FL? Sources?""
How much did your car insurance go up after you claimed?
I had a single vehicle accident, my car may be beyond repair and I've no chance of getting my 1st yrs no claims now. How much did yours go up after you claimed?""
We are in the process buying a home and we ARE going to get homeowners insurance but I was just wondering if they make you get it? Also I was wondering if anybody knows if I live on a flood plain if i HAVE to get flood insurance too? THANK YOU!
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
How can I lower my auto insurance?
I am 20 years old. I live in Florida which is by far the WORST states to have auto insurance. I've only been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One was a small fender bender (which my friend decided to get a PIP claim even though he didnt get hurt so he could snag some money from the government). The other i totaled my car, but that was over 2 YEARS AGO. This is a no fault state which sucks because both of them werent my fault!!!!! Currently my auto insurance is 253 dollars! I'm a college student and i CANNOT afford that, but thats the cheapest one I found. Geico and all the popular ones wont even look at me. And it also adds on the my mom was in an accident (also not at fault) she got hit from behind at a red light and of course they penalized her for that too. Florida is a fraud state, they penalize you for everything when its no fault. Does anyone know how i can lower my auto insurance? It's been 2 years since I totaled my car and almost 2 and a half 3 years from the small fender bender. I also got a small speeding ticket from maybe september or december of last year, but thats it. no other tickets. thanks!""
Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
My mom and I were hired by a well known real estate company. We are on the same auto insurance policy (clean records). When we were hired, while in training, I called around for quotes. I explained that I did not know how many miles I would be driving yet. The agent said I keep it where it was and if I notice I drive around more to call and adjust the rate. I was up front about getting into real estate. The quote was good. Two weeks letter I get a letter I have to fill out for the auto company. They want to know millage again and if I will be using the cars for work. I was honest about everything, including the company.. I received a notice today that my policy went up almost $400 because they upped my milage (I put between 9-15k, so of course they went in and put in 15k LOL.... but even brining down that, because the company is on there, I am under a business policy ... Is this correct?
Rough cost of car insurance for 46 year old woman in UK?
Rough cost of car insurance for 46 year old woman in UK?
What cars are there that are decent but cheap on insurance for first time drivers? (male)?
i don't care on what the car is as long as its reliable. even if it looks like a shed. i have a motorbike for looks and pleasure with 2 years no claims if that makes a difference i don't know. cheers.
SVT Cobra 03 Insurance?
My father has a Mustang Cobra 03. Since I have a permit now, the cobra is all mine. I am wondering how much will I have to pay for insurance? I am sixteen years old (sirousely) .Male. No Violations. A student. No modifications to the car. Only driving it to school and work. I tried getting qoutes online but they are not availeble for my age. Please give me an Estimate. Help. Plz.""
How much is motorcycle insurance per month on average?
The kicker: I'm only 18 and will be on my own policy, not my parents. I am at the top of my class, no tickets or anything, etc. (if any of that helps).""
How much on average does it cost for business insurance yearly in Ohio?
I want to find out how much a small business insurance would cost yearly on average in the state of Ohio
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
""What are some practical, sensible alternatives to forcing people to carry health insurance or pay a tax?""
I have a problem with paying for people who don't carry insurance, like a certain brother-in-law who works as a handy man, lives paycheck to paycheck, smokes like a chimney, and refuses to buy health insurance. He is one accident or one case of lung cancer away from passing on a huge hospital bill to the rest of us. If we remove the requirement for people to carry health insurance, what is the alternative? Would we remove the requirement for hospitals to treat anyone who either did not have insurance or could prove they could pay the full cost out of pocket? Maybe people like my brother-in-law could get a tattoo on their butt that says Dear Doctor, I gambled and lost, let me die! Or maybe we let the states deal with the issue. Then the federal government could withold Medicare/Medicaid funding from any state that didn't ensure someway, somehow that everyone has affordable healthcare available. Lets solve the problem 50 times and 50 different ways instead of once. Gee that sounds better! So yea - whats the alternative? If its such a bad thing to make people buy health insurance, then give me a GOOD, practical alternative?""
Car insurance for a new driver?
I will be driveing soon how much on average is car insurance for a new driver?
Car Insurance Question (regarding insurance)?
Hello, I have an insurance question. Last December, my wife, 2 y/o daughter, & I were involved in a car accident. The other driver was at fault, this was noted on the police report. My wife & daughter both required medical attention. My daughter suffered a broken leg & has since recovered. Unfortunately, my wife's recovery is taking a little longer. She required immediate surgery on her wrist & needs daily physical therapy. Although I have a laywer, car insurance & health insurance, I've had to front enormous amounts of money to cover medical expenses. My health insurance will not reimburse me for expenses. Can I ask my car insurance company to help me out with expenses? They know the other party is at fault (police report says so). I've had to liquidate stocks & savings to make ends meet. I'm now out of money. I was not at fault, yet I'm being punished. Any advice on how to get reimbursed ASAP? My settlement probably will not occur until next July.""
How much will insurance cost? (teen driver)?
im 16 and im getting my license in a week or so and i was wondering how much will the insurance cost? im going to be driving a 2003 corolla and my parents have state farm. any help? thanks!
Two cars? Insurance?
>In high school >Both parents getting new cars soon >old cars: 1 is decent, 1 is cheap >I get old car >I want to convince parents to let me keep cheap one as well, so I can modify it and stuff BUT, I just realized I'll have to pay extra insurance just to drive it around every now and then. What to do? How much does average insurance usually cost? (Not minimum PIP)""
How long do i have to wait to change to a cheaper car insurance company?
I just got this car last week, and it's used and the dealer financed me, but i had to go get full coverage on it before i drove it off the lot. It was late in the day and i was panicked , so i hit the 1st office i could find, and that's going to be about $150 a month for full coverage (!!) Do i have to wait for a period before shopping a new insurance co. ? If so , how long?""
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA?
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA for an elder person, say 65, who has no health history in the us due to being an immigrant? I am talking about the decent type of health insurance one gets when working for a fortune 500 company with low premiums and 20 dollar copays. ANy advice?""
How much should one spend on their first car?
Here is the problem. I am a photographer who photographs rural areas, but I can't stand not living in the city. I don't drive, cause I live in Chicago and I thought I hated driving. I think I just hated drivers ed. SO now I want to drive everywhere and work more often instead of waiting until I can find someone to drive me around. I am obviously going to be road tripping a lot, and this is my first car. I need something with great MPG. I live in Chicago, but my mom lives downstate, although I'd like to share it with her. I'm thinking either a used prius, mini cooper, or volkeswagon. I'm 19. What do you think would be the best choice, and what costs am I looking at for insurance, ect?""
Is there a way to get cheaper car insurance in the uk?
im 17 and male im making good progress with driving lessons and have passed the theory i have always been interested in cars and then i decided to have a look at them to buy and insure. so i checked the insurance for a 1.0 polo...3400 any 17 year old will NEVER be able to pay this. ive tried 3rd party ive tried doing it through my parents ive tried getting insurance quote for my parents car 1.6 astra. so is there any companys that will do anything to help young people out? like special deals etc also is insurance this bad in usa for younger people?
Auto Insurance Experts: How much will I be penalized for lapsed insurance due to non-payment (I'm unemployed)?
I have been without insurance for nearly a month now. I have been unemployed for 5 months, but I will start a new job next week! Yay! Since I will start working soon, I will be able to afford to pay again. My car will also be paid off next month. I plan to go with a new company. (I do not have loyalty to the current company.) I used to have a well-known national company for years. When I first lapsed six months ago, my long-time company DOUBLED my monthly premium. I went for a low-budget, local company. Will the new company force me to pay for the time I did not have insurance? Or will I face a penalty? Will they charge me a higher rate? **Believe me, I know that I am taking a terrible risk driving around without insurance. I know that it is illegal...but I have been unemployed for 5 months, and have used the little money I had to pay rent, utilities, my car, groceries for me and 3 kids. I just had no other choice... I just want to be prepared for fees, higher rates, penalties, etc. Can you please give me some advice and suggestions on how to get myself back on track? Thanks.""
Health insurance question?
ok i'm a international student and i just found out that i got a cervical cancer or abnormal cell growth, and i don't have a health insurance and i don't know how to pay for it? if i get a health insurance would it cover it?""
How can i get free health insurance?
i live in Pennsylvania. i need health insurance. i am 18, live with my boyfriend at his moms house. i have no job, she has no job, no one in the house has a job. my mom moved to florida so i can't have her help me anymore. how can i get free health insurance? like completely free. i can't even remember the last time i went to the doctors, i really should go for a checkup. please help.""
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Maserati Quattroporte for a 19 year old?
Clean driving record, driving for 3 years. Dads buying it but insurance will probably be mostly me, curious as to how much it would actually be?""
Life insurance through disability until age of 65. Now they say there is no policy for me.?
In 2003, I received an award letter of life insurance until the age of 65. I called the company recently to see about it and they said another company had taken over-I called them and they said I was not in the system and said to call a 3rd company which may have taken over my policy. I called them and they said, No-I have no life insurance policy. Where and who can I get in touch with regarding the policy I was awarded and it seems to have disappeared.""
Do Car Insurance Companies Verify Marraige?
My girlfriend and I have the same last name, a baby, and we live together. For all intents and purposes, we are married, just not legally. If I apply for car insurance, do I have to give proof that we are married?""
Are there any health insurance programs available for a 19 yr old female in alabama?
whom is from a low income household (kids ages: 17,18,19). her dad draws ssi and she isn't pregnant.""
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
My mom and I were hired by a well known real estate company. We are on the same auto insurance policy (clean records). When we were hired, while in training, I called around for quotes. I explained that I did not know how many miles I would be driving yet. The agent said I keep it where it was and if I notice I drive around more to call and adjust the rate. I was up front about getting into real estate. The quote was good. Two weeks letter I get a letter I have to fill out for the auto company. They want to know millage again and if I will be using the cars for work. I was honest about everything, including the company.. I received a notice today that my policy went up almost $400 because they upped my milage (I put between 9-15k, so of course they went in and put in 15k LOL.... but even brining down that, because the company is on there, I am under a business policy ... Is this correct?
Buying a car but don't have insurance?
I'm in the process of getting my first car in my name on my own insurance.. How do I go about doing that? I can't get the insurance without knowing exactly what car I am getting, but my understanding is that I can't drive the car off the dealers lot until I have insurance in order to drive it home? What to do? Thanks, Chris""
""Good, Cheap, Low Insurance Cost, 1st car for a 19 Year Old?
Should be taking my driving test very soon. Ive looked at cars i would like to have. But obviously the insurance is much to high. Any body got any good ideas which would be a good car for me? can pay up to 2000 for the car. because I'm not paying for it. all i have to fund is the insurance. So any low insurance cars around?
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
Job suggestions for a nearly 16 year old with a national insurance card?
I'm a 15 year old girl with no money:( I NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I'll do anything, maybe not give up my saturday's if helped? But if i have to then okay.. I'm desperate! And please, no stupid comments suggesting prostitution, i'm serious, just a decent job please guys? Thankyou.""
How much does Mexican auto insurance cost?
I live in the U.S. and 'm going to be renting a car in Cancun for about a week on vacation so I am wondering how much an economy car or a van costs...? There is going to be six of us so either 2 economy cars or 1 van/suv.
Need suggestions on Health Insurance...?
I recently turned 18 and will no longer be covered by my parent's health insurance. I'm going to be going to college next year and my school offers insurance but it will cost almost all of the money I have saved up (leftover money after tuition is paid). Are there any better options? (Being uninsured isn't an option)
Boss mustang & insurance?
here's the thing. im 16 and live in VA. im saving up to get my dream car, a 1971 boss mustang. ive had my permit and hopefully about to get my license next month. everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the insurance price. are there any discounts that are available that would help out a lot? and does it cost anything if i just get my license and for now not drive? if so around how much? thanks a bunch in advance""
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Motorcycle insurance for someone under 25?
I'm in the army, and after I get done with basic I would like to buy a motorcycle where ever I am stationed. If I paid cash for the bike, have my motorcycle license, no traffic tickets, I'll be 18, and a male.. how much can I assume to spend on motorcycle insurance? Its a 250cc sports bike I'm interested in, I used to have one but It got stolen. I want the cheapest policy there is...""
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
How much should we expect from her insurance?
a friend and i had an accident on Thursday, we were going on two different motorcycles and a woman never saw us and she cut our way and we ended up hitting her pretty bad, the motorcycles are totaled. one of us had a dislocated shoulder and a strained knee, the other one was hospitalized for three days, he ended up having a broken rip, blood in the skull, and damaged spine. this accident was the woman's fault so my question is how much should each of us expect from her insurance? should we hire a lawyer?""
Changing insurance from a cbt to a full motorbike licence?
I am currently 16 and becoming 17 this month. I already have my 125cc motorbike in my garage, I want to insure it on my birthday on a CBT but want to pass my motorbike test so I can ride on motorways and get rise of my L plates. My question is if I'm already insured with a CBT, what will it cost me to change to swap to a full motorbike licence. Will my insurance company charge me anymore?""
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
How to Find Quickly Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
How to Find Quickly Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
""What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?""
If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?""
Irish Female Insurance?
I have a provisional Irish drivers licence and I will be driving a year 2000 Nissan micra 1.1 litre engine. I was just wondering about how much will my insurance cost?
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17-year old?
What cars would give a 17-year old just-passed Male a reasonably cheap insurance? Is Ford Ka a good choice? How much are these cars and what do you think would be their insurance from this information?
Car insurance question?
I'm going to get a car that is 3000 bucks...I dont want full coverage....I want somehting like PLPD or something.. How much is it going to be for insurance? Cant I find anything cheaper than 203.00 thats the cheapest so far. I dont need to pay that much... HELP??
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commercials that says Not available in all states ?
Afterall, its called Allstate !""
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
What is the cheapest type of car insurance?
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?
I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?""
Will a sex change from male to female result in lower car insurance?
Females have lower car insurance then males. So if a male gets a sex change does the car insurance company change their sex in their records and lower their car insurance?
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
Accident and no car insurance?
I live in Hawaii and i got in to a one car accident with my two kids. my daughter was flown off to another island with Air Ambulance and was in ICU at Queens Hospital for a two days. Were are all alive and well but im stuck with a 70,000 medical bill. My truck that was in the accident had no car insurance because i just brought it and my children and i are on MedQuest(medical through the state) Please help me on how to get my bill payed for. thank you""
Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
My mom and I were hired by a well known real estate company. We are on the same auto insurance policy (clean records). When we were hired, while in training, I called around for quotes. I explained that I did not know how many miles I would be driving yet. The agent said I keep it where it was and if I notice I drive around more to call and adjust the rate. I was up front about getting into real estate. The quote was good. Two weeks letter I get a letter I have to fill out for the auto company. They want to know millage again and if I will be using the cars for work. I was honest about everything, including the company.. I received a notice today that my policy went up almost $400 because they upped my milage (I put between 9-15k, so of course they went in and put in 15k LOL.... but even brining down that, because the company is on there, I am under a business policy ... Is this correct?
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
Up to how much can health insurance cost?
I'm doing a speech about why I think health care should be free, so I'm wondering whats the range of cost on health insurance?""
How do I show proof of car insurance from USAA?
I'm new to buying a car and everything. I'm 19 and a soldier in the US Army. I started an account online with USAA, but have no physical documents. I plan on buying a car in a few weeks. When I go to the dealer and they ask me for proof of insurance. I haven't actually bought a policy from USAA yet. I only got a quote online and I was planning on calling USAA at the dealership and purchasing a policy over the phone. But how do I actually show the dealer my proof of insurance? Can I call USAA and buy a policy over the phone and then have them verify to the dealer that I have insurance? Can all this be done the way I'm planning to do it? Thanks!""
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
What would you recommend as a first car for a young driver?
must be cheap insurance, affordable and any good insurance companies for young drivers?""
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
Whats the cost of insurance for a 16 yr old ?
i'm 16 and i wanted to know how much would it cost for insurance ?
My car insurance company raised my bill because my zip code changed.?
But I thought that in California they passed a bill called prop 103 that says that changing zip code should not be a base to raise the bill... I talked to the insurance guy on the phone who said that prop 103 never passed,yet when I'm reading about it in the internet,it says it passed..Am I missing something? Can I file a complaint to the consumers'affairs and the BBB in order for them to drop back my rate to my previous zip code? It's only a few dollars but it ads up at the end of the year..""
""If I buy a healthcare insurance plan from the exchange, can I switch plans just like I can with car insurance?
I know car insurance companies must refund you everything you did not use when you decide to switch insurance companies.
Any place in CA that has cheap health insurance?
Please this is important. I need to know if any company sells cheap health insurance under $100 because my insurance got canceled because I'm not a full time student in college. I tried to apply right away but classes filled up really fast. And plus my ID expired and I was gonna get my drivers license before this all happened and I don't wanna pay $30 for both an ID and drivers license. My parents are gonna force me to get Tri Care insurance ($200 a month) if I don't find a cheaper company right away. And I don't wanna pay that much. Please help me, I'm so stressed out I'm having thoughts of suicide! I wish this never happened but I didn't know about this insurance thing/policy about full time classes until now. I'm so... stressed. Please help me out! Plus if you tell me about the company what do you have to lose? In fact it's helping you out! Thanks.""
Which insurance covers hymenactomy? ?
hi i want to know which insurance covers hymenactomy? i want to know if someone had it done and was covered by insurance and if so which one? i dont have one right now and i dont want to get one that will give me problems with covering the payments. thanks .
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?
For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.
How much does business car insurance cost?
How much does business car insurance cost?
Car insurance question for young drivers?
Im gonna be 17, insurance for me is gonna be 6,500, my mum doesn't drive so i cant go on hers. Would this work; could i get my mum a provisional licence, get her insured for my car, then could i drive it, its like 5000 cheaper for her to do it, would that be legal, if you know what i mean.""
""Moving from Texas to Arizona, how will it impact family auto insurance?""
I have auto insurance with my family who lives in Texas, but I am moving to Arizona. Right now my insurance is on a family plan which has multiple vehicles as it is much cheaper than if I were to get the car insurance by itself. If I register my car and license in Arizona, will the insurance agency not allow me to continue insurance with my family as we're in different households and states? Insurance agency is Metlife if that helps.""
Where to Find Affordable Health Insurance?
I was looking on google to find affordable health insurance, but I've seen so many sites.And they have very high prices.I need a cheap and affordable health insurance company.please suggest me a good sites.""
How can these insurance companies like Geico claim to save you money on your car insurance when ?
when they are spending so much on stupid commercials
Is it possible to find a health insurance plan with no deductible requirement?
I found the perfect plan for $33 a month, but it has a $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless I become pregnant and have a kid, or need surgery or whatever, I find it impossible to make a $10,000 bill within a year. That's too much. I've always been healthy and rarely need to visit doctors. Then I was looking at other policies and they were more expensive, but they all had deductibles. One was like $160 a month with a deductible of $5,000. And anyways, I'm a college student and financially independent which means that I am no daddy's girl -I have to work to support myself and pay some school expenses. I don't want to depend on my parents financially in any way (they are willing to, but I just feel like at 21, I shouldn't be their responsibility anymore) so I always worry something would happen to me and they would have to pay hospital bills for me. I can't afford paying a very high deductible or a high monthly quote. Any hope for me? ..or should I move to Canada?""
How do i get car insurance?
In order to get car insurance, they need to know what kind of car I have, but in order to get a car from a dealership, I need to have insurance. There seems to be a loop trap here.""
How much would insurance be on a ford ka?
I am 17 just past my driving test and was wondering round about how much it would cost for a 1998 ford ka 1.3litre engine locked in a garage at night and for social use only. I just want a rough estimate. I have been on gocompare and the prices seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! I know I will have to pay quite a lot round 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! Some of my friends have cars and theres is around 2,000-3,000. thank you for any help""
Can I cancel my insurance policy?
Am I able to cancel my insurance policy at any time? I am currently paying alot of money for insurance due to getting a ticket while I was still a new driver, and have found a company who will insure me much cheaper than my current. Will I need to pay any sort of fees? Give notice? Just curious, thanks! This is in Canada by the way.""
""A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait?""
A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait and go see a doctor to see if i have any injury which would probably get me more money?""
I'm going to look at a used car today. When should I buy Insurance?
I've seen pictures and know a lot about it's history. They have asssured me they have reciepts for all the work done to it. I'm pretty certain i'll be buying the car as I am taking money. Do i ring my insurance to get an idea of price and then ask them to start the insurance immediately when I buy the car? Or do they have a delay to when i'll actually be insured/ to when the police can tell if a car is insured or not? So should i change my insurance now or later? Thanks
Do I add Real Estate company to car insurance policy?
My mom and I were hired by a well known real estate company. We are on the same auto insurance policy (clean records). When we were hired, while in training, I called around for quotes. I explained that I did not know how many miles I would be driving yet. The agent said I keep it where it was and if I notice I drive around more to call and adjust the rate. I was up front about getting into real estate. The quote was good. Two weeks letter I get a letter I have to fill out for the auto company. They want to know millage again and if I will be using the cars for work. I was honest about everything, including the company.. I received a notice today that my policy went up almost $400 because they upped my milage (I put between 9-15k, so of course they went in and put in 15k LOL.... but even brining down that, because the company is on there, I am under a business policy ... Is this correct?
0 notes
17 year old girl insurance?
"17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do i get cheaper Car Insurance?
I passed my test about a month ago and my mum wants to put me on her insurance. It is a 2002 1L Nissan micra it's a rubbish little car but how would I get cheaper than like 5000 for insurance? Thanks
Is there an employer sponsored health insurance plan for individuals?
I am currently under a foreign policy from my homecountry and I need to sign up for health insurance in the US. My employer is willing to sponser me. However, I am not eligible for a group plan because my only other coworker is insured thru his wife. Is there an individual policy out there that allows me to have the premium taken out of my paycheck pre-tax? Also, any hints on how get a good deal on health insurance without getting hundreds of calls from agents? I already turned my phone off.""
Requirements for california drivers license?
how many behind the wheel professional training hours are required in the state of california in order to get a license?
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
Car insurance for teen?
ok so i am going to get my drivers license tommorrow, and my mom brought up the whole insurance thing. my question is, i dont have a car of my own yet so i would have to drive my mom's in her words (IF i let you drive at all)--how stupid is that?!? anyways. would she have to change anything about her insirance if im driving her car and have been since ive had my permit, or can she leave everything as it already is???""
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
My parents make me pay 100$ a month for car insurance. I have Allstate. I drive a 93 ford escort and have never gotten a ticket or in an accident. I'm 19 years old
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Will my auto insurance premium go up for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
Baby not covered on partner's insurance policy?
Alright, here's my situation. I am on my partner's insurance through her job. Well, we are getting ready to start a family and our insurance will cover everything up until right after delivery. Since I am considered a dependent, and I am the one giving birth, the baby will not be covered. So, what I want to know is has anyone else been in this situation and how did you handle it? What is the best way to find individual, affordable, insurance for the baby? And in your experience, what is the average cost you pay? Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.""
Does car insurance tranfer to your new car?
I just traded in my car for a new one. I only had the car for five months and I took out a six month insurance policy on it. Will the insurance that I had on my old car transfer to the new car or will I have to take out a whole new coverage and pay a whole new down payment for a new policy? How does this work. I read that car insurance is supposed to temporarily transfer to the new car. Does this apply to every company and if it does, does this temporary transfer happen automatically or should this be done through my insurance company before I go pick up my new car? My insurance company won't be open until Monday for me to ask these questions. Im looking for answers/advice to prepare.""
Question about car insurance?
So I'm 17 and getting my license and a car soon and as we all know, car insurance for us young people a ridiculously high. So I was wondering if it is possible to have my parents name be officially as the owner of the car I want to get cuz their insurance rate is lower.""
Auto Insurance - what went wrong here?
Where did I go wrong? A few months back, I backed out of a parking place and stopped, waiting for traffic behind me to resolve itself. While stopped, a large vehicle backed into my driver side door. We both re-parked. The other driver first tried to convince me there was no damage and we should both forget it but after I showed him the damage to my door (his car had almost no damage), we exchanged insurance and personal contact information in a friendly conversation. I reported the damage to my insurance carrier, a large national firm, obtained the required 2 estimates for repair and submitted it, as directed by my carrier and his, to his carrier, a large regional carrier. They informed me he had decided my car was not stopped and so I bore responsibility for his backing his car into me (!), and they therefore were refusing to pay me. My insurance carrier said it was up to me to provide proof my car wasn't moving, regardless of the fact his car backed into mine! I approached the repair firm, and they provided me with photos and offered testimony to state that my car was obviously stopped, based on the damage to the door. I called the individual and said with this information unless he paid the bill in full, I would take him to small claims court. He argued but produced a check for the full amount. A month later, my insurance carrier raised my rate based on this incident and a highway speeding ticket over a year ago. I ended up paying more for my insurance and lost a great deal of time despite both of us being insured. Where did I go wrong?""
If the 30 million uncovered Americans can actually afford Health Insurance but choose not to buy it?
What will the Government be paying for exactly? Poor people already have coverage and the rest can buy their own. Where does the cost to the taxpayer enter the equation?
Insurance - Ticket on someone else's car?
I recently got a speeding ticket on my aunt's car, which I am always allowed to use since I live with her. I know her insurance covers anyone who drives any of her cars, it is not connected to my driver's license at all. Are her rates going to go up? Or does it only affect me and my future insurance rates for when I get my own car?""
I would like to know approximatly how much I would be paying for car insurance?
As I haven't got a car yet I cant get an actual quote so I'm struggling to find out how much I can expect to pay. I am 22 will probably be 23 before I pass my test and expect to get a car. This will hopefully be in the next 6months. I'm female I know that reduces insurance a little. I'm hoping to get a toyota yaris it would be an older one so it would be in group 2 for the insurance. Any information anyone could give will be helpfull. Thanks
How much does the value of a car affect insurance for an adult?
I was just thinking about people with a low income that save for many years to buy an expensive car. Dont they still have really high insurance rates?
1978-79 Trans Am insurance?
How much would insurance cost for a 1978 or 79 Pontiac Trans Am for a 16-year-old? (I'm curious for someone.)
Auto insurance without driver license?
Does anyone know of any insurance company operating in TEXAS that provides minimum liability insurance to drivers without a driver license? This includes a driver license from any US state, territory or other country. Before I get the ignorant answers about how no company does this, I know that some have and still may, and I know the rates would be very high.""
What is the best individual orthodontic insurance?
Hey there, I am a student in college right now and I just got braces on a few months ago. Then my mom lost her job and we lost our insurance. Does anyone have any good orthondontic insurance out there for the individual? I'm searching but I am having a hard time even starting. The total cost is 2845.00 and cigna was only paying 345.00 anyway. Anyone else getting a better deal out there?""
How soon do I need to insure a new car.?
We are going to purchase a car next Sunday from a private party. How soon do I need to get coverage on it? I already have coverage on my other cars. I'm just worried if it gets stolen/damaged before I can get it covered. We aren't 100% sure we want the vehicle so I don't want to cover something that's not in our name yet. Would it still be covered by the previous owner for awhile? Thanks in Advance!
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
What kind of car will give a 17 year old cheap insurance?
i am 17 and im looking to buy a car. i wanted to know what kind of car will give me the cheapest insurance possible. including the color. and what ways can i save money on car insurance?
Is car insurance for a new car the same or more than insurance for a used car?
ive been hearing different things saying that there is not real difference between insurance prices for used or new cars, but some people are saying insurance for used car is cheaper..which is true??""
Insurance pricing for a Honda Civic Coupe vs Sedan?
I'm looking to get a new car and was wondering if the insurance would be pricier if I got the civic coupe? I mean it's technically not really a sports car and is not much different than the sedan aside from its appearance. I'm 21 and have had my license for over 3 years if that makes any difference.
Do I need my own insurance to drive my mothers car?
What I would like to do it borrow my Mother's car to drive to work, which is less than 2 miles away. Do I need to have my own insurance, or will her insurance cover me if I'm driving her car?""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Mercedes cts for a 16 year old w/ all A's in school?
How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Mercedes cts for a 16 year old w/ all A's in school?
Can you drive someone else's car if you do not have insurance?
Say, I don't have insurance nor a car, but my boyfriend's parents would like me to drive their car to help run errands for them. Their car would be insured and their permission would be granted for me to use it. Would this be okay?""
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
How much does car insurance cost per month for a new driver (16 years old) in california?
""Im looking for good affordale health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
Why are car insurance companies trying to make me go bankrupt?
Okay, this is extremely frustrating. I'm a 19 year old student, who works part time. I have all-state insurance full coverage, and I drive a 2001 toyota tacoma, which is paid off. And guess how much Allstate charges me every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. These son of a bitches are totally ridiculous charging me that. I've never had a ticket, never been in an accident. And I don't care if i'm 19 that price is absolutely absurd for that car. I'm almost at the point where I just wanna go illegal and drive without insurance. I'm looking sleep every night over this I mean seriously do they think a 19 year old college student is made of money. And the funny thing is it's under my parents policy and its this much!!!""
Health Insurance and Auto Insurance.?
Just wondering how this works. Let's say this happens one day.... I cause an auto accident and I'm injured. My insurance will cover up to $5,000 for my medical bills. I have a heath insurance policy that has a 3,000 deductible and once that limit is reached, the health insurance company will cover everything else. (0% coinsurance on my behalf). Will the auto insurance be used towards my health insurance deductible if the above said scenario should happen?""
Life Insurance?
What is the best life insurance?
Can an auto insurance company suspend my license?
I was hit by a woman in a parking lot. In Texas where I live, certain parking lots are no fault zones if they are private property. I was in one of these no fault zones. I was uninsured at the time. She had Uninsured Motorist Protection as part of her insurance policy. I suffered no damages to my vehicle or person. She suffered $1500 worth of vehicular damage. Her insurance company paid for her damages. I was backing out of a parking space and she came flying around the corner and messed up the entire passenger door of her car on my rear bumper. Like I said I received no damage to my vehicle since I was the one barely moving. She called the police immediately after this minor accident took place. I was not cited on the ticket I received for any accident, only for no insurance. The officer informed me verbally that the accident was my fault only because she had the right of way but that there was nothing they could do about it because of the no fault zone policy. Anyway, now her insurance company is coming after me to collect payment of the $1500 they paid for her damages. I have not agreed to pay this amount because it was a no fault zone and I don't feel I should pay for it. She should not have been going that fast in a busy parking lot with a car full of kids. Although the unofficial technicality states that I was at fault, legally no one was at fault. Her insurance company is also threatening to have my license suspended if I do not pay the amount specified. I did not think that they, as a private company, had the power to have that happen. I've never been in this situation before and need an answer as to whether or not the insurance company can do that or if its just some kind of scare tactic to jolt me into paying but really has no merit behind it. Someone please help!""
What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013?
I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me.
Insurance In California?
What's the insurance law thing in California? Someone told me that anyone who has a license and drives a car MUST have insurance. Do you HAVE to have insurance to drive in CA? Another thing is that my parents were telling that it's expensive to put my name under their policy especially because I'm a newly licensed driver, meaning I don't have a lot of driving experience yet. Is this true?""
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
Car Insurance for Corsa...?
Hi, I'm 23, working full time and looking for fully comp insurance for a '59 plate Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V. The cheapest I have found is over 300 with Swiftcover. There must be cheaper out there, any suggestions? Thanks""
Difference between policy holder and insured?
In Royal Sun Alliance my husband has two letters, one mentioned policy holder and the other insured. Whats the difference between them?""
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
Cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds?
cheap companies that offer cheap insurance for males
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !""
Should I sue my parents...?
When I was 4 years old I was in a car accident and my parents had a settlement with the drunk drivers insurance and recieved 100,000 dollars for me. At such a young age I didnt really know what was going on and they told me that it had to be put up till I was 18 and I couldnt have it. Well that money is no longer there and I am now 20. As I grew up they told me that it all just went to lawyer fees but obviously I am old enough now to know better. I found out from other family members that they just blew it. I am now married and have three month old baby and I could have used that money to help get a house for us or help with the financial problems that come with being a new parent or newlywed. Should I sue them to get what was mine to begin with and if so how do I go about it and what are the chances that I will win?""
Motorbike insurance help!!!!!!?
hello im wanting to get a Suzuki bandit 600cc and get it restricted to 47bhp and practice on it with a bike instructor then do my test on it but every online insurance compare site i put my details in it don't come up with a single quote any one no whats goin on please lol
How Do I Get Health Insurance?
I'm thinking of leaving my job to go freelance in California. I have no idea where to even start to look for a private health insurance plan. I have a preexisting condition, so I'd probably be turned down for most regular plans. Should I look for an independent broker? I've looked online and it's impossible to find one. Does anyone know SPECIFICALLY where to go and what to do?""
Best school to prepare for my life and accident/health insurance licensing exam?
I need to start my 52 hour training to get licensed in California for life, accident and health. Which is the best school to prepare me for the exam? There are so many online, however I want one with a high pass rate.""
How much does a Yamaha YZF R125 cost? And how much is insurance/tax per year?
Cheers :)
""Why is insurance important, 20 pts for the best answer?
Your best friend says they dont think insurance is important. Explain to them why it is important to have insurance. How is having insurance important for successful financial management?
What is the best medical insurance company in illinois?
What is the best medical insurance company in illinois?
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Cost of car insurance in bc?
How much would I pay for car insurance on average?
I am 17, about to turn 18 and I am about to get my license. I am going to get a used car around a 1995 car. Around how much would I pay for insurance?""
I'm looking for affordable health care insurance plan in Texas?
I'm looking for no more than $5000 deductible around $300 to $400 a month for 1 primary and 2 dependents. And the insurance has to cover some of outpatient and inpatient as my son has asthma. Please any help I can't find anything online.
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
How much is average home insurance; with a pool?
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
How do I find cheap and decent health insurance in Vermont?
I'm looking for health insurance that will be affordable (read under $100 a month) and have fairly decent coverage. Also I would very much like coverage that will start very soon after applying, the sooner the better. Any one have any suggestions?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Why the health insurance are different than car insurance?
I mean insurance is protection and give you money when you got into situation that cause loss or expenses. But why car insurance are less picky and more willing to give money to pay out than health insurance? Why more rules and more restriction and more reject the coverage with health than car? I mean I understand insurance is business and for profit so they has to refuse the claims if loop hole. But it shouldn't be any different on health or car coverage.
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit?
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit? Which car will be cheaper to insure for an 18 year old male? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Fit Base Hatchback He is a very good driver and has no infractions, we live in a low crime area. Thank you! Would just like to know which would be cheaper to insure.""
Low cost liability car insurance in Conroe tx?
What are some places, How many people do you have on your liability insurance and how much do you pay and who do you have? I have two people and atm using AIG. they are going to up my bill over 65 a month. Wondering if anyone else is getting better?""
Need car insurance help?
how much a month would it cost for a 16 year old and a 78 corvette please help
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
im 21, JUST got g2 and live in toronto, ontario my choice of cars is s2k, mazda RX8, and 350z, how much will my insurance be for each? Also, my father works in Apotex, a huge medical company that have insurance packages for employees + their family, how much would my insurance cost if i sign to them?""
How do I get cheap car insurance?
New driver at 21
What is the cost for home insurance based on?
I am thinking of buying properties in other states to use as rental income. The properties are cheap so i can afford to pay cash the issue how ever is that the rent is also cheap in Update : Yes i know being a distant landlord is difficult so if it makes economic
What is the insurance on a Yamaha R1?
I am thinking about buying a 2001 Yamaha R1. I am 18 years old. I have a clean driving record and have never been pulled over. (Knock on wood) I have a car already, if that matters. I would like to get it insured if possible. How much do you think the insurance will be a month/year? Also, what would be a good company? *Before you answer please I don't want your opinion on if it's a good idea to get the bike because I've seen a lot of answered on opinion of bikes and not what the insurance will be.""
What is the best thing to do when an un-insured driver hits you and you only have liability coverage?
I was hit July 16th behind my rear passenger door. I drive a chevy malibu 2000. The driver's policy was cancelled 12 days before the accident. I was told to repair my car I would need to take him to small claims court. What is the best option I would have? Would I even win because by law you are not allowed to even drive an uninsured car therefore he should have never been on the road?
Why can't health insurance companies in one state cover individuals from other states?
United States
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
Car insurance question?
I have a question, and I am not sure if this question is applicable to this email, but I guess it's worth the shot. First off a little background, I am 18, but I don't have my name listed under my parents' car insurance, I got into an accident upon receiving a 1st offense citation for following too closely. My court date isn't until a month later and because of the accident my parents want to put my name under, but at the same time they would like to change insurance companys, are they allowed to change insurances and put my name under before the court is settled or do we have to wait until the court is settled? All I know is that All I have to do is pay the fine, but won't allow me and require me at court.""
Which is cheaper for a 16 year old Car insurance or Motorcycle insurance?
Im thinking about getting either a car or a motorcycle it all depends on the insurance cost.
Do you need insurance to inspect your car?
So i have a car that i'm almost done working on but i don't want to insure it yet cuz i'm not completely dont, but i want to be able to drive it right away when i'm done. So do you need to get insurance inorder to inspect your car?""
What is one day liability insurance and where do I get it from?
I want to rent a hall our for my sons birthday party, and the owners said we need one day liability insurance through our insurance. What is it though? And through what insurance of mine do I get it? Also is it expensive? I've never heard of anything like this before and its just making the party planning process that much more stressful. Thanks so much""
HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh
I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?""
""How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?""
it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks""
I received a letter requesting that I show proof of car insurance?
I received a letter that asking me to send proof of insurance on my vehicle. I lost a good job in September and the job that I have currently, barely pays me enough to pay rent on my apartment let alone insurance for my vehicle. I just got a new job and will be able to put insurance on my car in a few weeks. I did some searching and I know my license will get suspended! My question is for the state of Ohio, when you haven't been in an accident and this is only your first offense...how long will they suspend license? the website doesn't say. It just says until requirements are met meaning I have to pay reinstatement fee and get sr22 bond. If I can't drive I will loose my new job...I'm loosing it. will someone please tell me what to expect?""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
What is the cheapest auto insurance i can get?
i got a v8 mustang, the insurance per year is 2,300 im 17 male""
Insurance with car or person in Georgia?
My wife has been allowing her father to use her car to work as a pizza delivery man while his car is getting fixed. We don't have her car listed as a business vehicle, but he says that if he wrecks it his insurance will cover it. I'm not sure if he is correct or not, but I don't know the law in Georgia. I'm afraid he'll get in a wreck and we'll get sued or have our insurance policy canceled. Is he correct? Thanks.""
Health insurance info?
I'm trying find my boyfriend affordable health insurance that also covers his want/need for counseling. We live in Georgia and I need some advice since I'm still currently considered a dependent for the time being. Thanks!
Can I get car insurance if I only have my G1.?
I currently have my G1, and have passed a driver training Program and have a couple months left untill I can take my G2 road test. I recently had a car given to me and it is in my name sitting in my driveway, so is it possible to get insurance and be able to drive while having somebody in the car with me with the experience needed? Has anyone done this before does it work can I do it? ...Thank you for the help.""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
Insurance for electric components in a car?
I was wondering if anyone knowof an insurance company that offers affordable insurance for the elecltric components in a car such as cars that have a push to start button, navigation etc. The dealership offered insurance however it was not in my price range. Are there companies that have different options you can choose from""
Does federal violation notice of violation affect my insurance and DMV history?
I live in California and I received a Federal violation notice during a trip to grand canyon and it was because I passed a stop sign ( it is stated as unsafe operation in my ticket). Within the instructions on the ticket it says if you plead guilty and pay the fine, we may or we may not report it to the DMV. Does anyone know if this ticket is going to be counted as a point and affect my car insurance? It seems too complicated and costly to go to court in this case and I paying the fine seems the only practical way!""
What companies has cheap car insurance for college students?
Im a college student and wants to get off my my parents car insurance its currently 97.00 a month she said thats the cheapest it would be because I would have to pay 500 or 800 in advance or something like that. But i want to be independent and just pay it myself under my own plan ...any suggested car insurance companies?
Health insurance in NY state for pregnant women?
I just graduated with a bachelors degree, and my student health insurance runs out in August. The health insurance offered by my husbands job (which won't open up to me until Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy a pre existing condition, and won't cover it. We have been searching for affordable plans, but the only ones we have found that will cover pregnancy aren't accepted in New York state. For all the plans offered in NY that we've been able to find, none cover pregnancies in progress. I would hate to have to use the state provided health care plan for pregnant mothers (mostly because I feel like there is no reason for me to be part of a government program when we are capable of paying for our own insurance, but also because it means we have to go to specific clinics and I won't be able to keep my doctor), but there is no way we will be able to cover all the costs of a birth, especially if for some reason I need a C-Section or the like. Can anyone give me some advice, especially as it relates to the NY state health plan for pregnant women?""
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What is the oldest year car I can buy without paying for collision insurance?
I want to buy a new car in the 2000's. I know that when you a brand new car you have to pay for collision insurance and I don't want to have to pay for that. What is the oldest year car that I can buy without having to worry about the collision insurance?
Cheapest car insurance for 18 Y/O male?
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 for a group one insurance 107. my mate was quoted 2000 for a 1.8 mini one. ive tried all comparison sites admiral, churchill and directline but they are unable to quote. im going on my mums policy or dads btw. Thanks for any help.""
How much does life insurance cost?
I have coverage for life insurance through my work. My fiance dosent. He is 20 years old. How much would life insurance cost a month for him?
Help on medical insurance?
My girlfriend just lost her medical health insurance benefit from her job, and she is having difficulty finding an insurance provider because she is pregnant. Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will accept her? Thank you for your help.""
Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?
If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?""
""My work offered health insurance, should i accept?""
So im working as a full time cocktail waitress and i was informed that there is medical and dental health insurance available for me. I moved to USA, NYC recently so this is why im unfamilliar with this. Im 27 and healthy. I do need some dental work but its not an emergency. Somebody told me that insurance trough my employer could cost me 400$ a month. Is that normal? Can i find more affordable insurance and do i really need to spend that much a month if im pretty much healthy? Any advice on this would be great.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Michigan?
I'm moving out of my parents house in a few months, and am at the point of looking at car insurance rates. I've always just paid my fees on their shared account, which was only about $25. Friends in Ohio that also live on their own pay about $80 on their own plans per month, and they have accident histories. When I ask for quotes with a clean history, Progressive gave me a $350 quote! What's the best company to go through? Or at least top 3? I just want minimum coverage because that's all I can afford for now.""
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
Insurance company denies the damages?
my car has been involved in an rear end crash and the insurance company of the other party denies some of the damages , that are actually done because of the accident. the auto body shop gave me an estimate of 4 to 5 000 $ . my car doesnot cost that much . the insurance company is offering only 633 $ and disagrees with me to total the car . there was no damage prior to the accident made to the car on the rear end side. they argue that the other car that hit me does not have even a dent then how come my car have this much damages. i know that my car did not had n e damage on the rear before the accidednt. based on the automobile source they think that the actual cash value of the car is 1900 , and they have didcted all other damges , that are not because of an accident. please guide me what i should do in this case.""
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How to apply for a government health insurance?
my friend is on a student visa and she is to stay here for 8 months. She wants to apply for a health insurance just in case anything happens to her stay here in California. What are the steps to apply? is there a certain website where she can look for it? Does it include the medical, dental and visual insurance too? thanks""
What car has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old new driver?
looking at cars, i would like something that looks alright like a clio etc""
Does each driver of a specific vehicle need to have car insurance?
Does every person who plans to drive a specific car need to have their own insurance? My husband and I are about to buy a car, and we're wondering if we both need insurance or if just one of us could have it. We would both like to be able to drive the car. (we'll be living in Idaho, if that makes a difference)""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
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