#and just kind of wishing i hadn't dropped what little i'd had ; ; ;
miodiodavinci · 1 year
a heem heem whimper
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wilwheaton · 2 months
hello mr wil wheaton when you were my age (like exactly i think) you were filming stand by me
I turned 13 during production, so if you're about to become a teenager, I hope you'll let me offer some thoughts that I wish an adult had shared with me, then?
I know this is a wall of text, and giving someone this much of your attention is a HUGE ask. Maybe bookmark this for another time, if you're not into hearing an old man talk.
I wrote this a few days before I turned 50. Thank you in advance for listening, and I wish you a life filled with joy, unconditional love, kindness, and adventure.
Hey everyone! An old man is talking!
In seven days, I will be 50 years-old. This is ... weird. I do not feel the way I expected I would feel when I was approaching 50, nor do any of my friends. The only time I feel like I'm middle-aged is when my body does some bullshit that takes me down for hours because I had the nerve to stand up quickly. And I really hate it when I have to use the flashlight on my phone to see a menu. I mean, at that point, I may as well be dropping my pants for free and singing the Old Gray Mare.
Anyway. This has been on my mind for a little bit, so I had something to say when someone used my tumblr ask me thingy earlier this week:
Q: I hope I'm as cool as you when I'm 49. I'd like to think I'm taking the right steps towards that version of myself. A: So I'm not sure I'm cool, but I do know that I don't suck, and that it's a choice I make every day. I desperately wish someone in my family had told me, or shown me by example, that getting older doesn't mean getting stupid and boring and stuffy and extremely uncool. I wish I'd known that, because I spent all of my life until I was in my 40s feeling like there was this day coming very soon when I would have to stop listening to punk, stop playing video games, put on a suit, and start yelling at kids for no good reason. I didn't know that you don't have to suddenly stop being who you are and become something or someone you hate, just because of a certain age. I know that's super obvious, but to young me, it was not. My dad was an asshole, my mom never showed up for me. Directors and people on set had been treating me like a thing for my entire life. I got yelled at for no reason from adults who knew better almost every day. Most of my elementary school teachers were authoritarian, evangelical assholes. All of these different adults, consistently, shut me down and made me feel like I didn't matter, the things I liked were stupid, and my opinions were invalid because of reasons I didn't understand because I was a dumb kid. So I presumed that when you got to be a certain age, that's what happened. I didn't want to be that, at all, and I was sincerely afraid of the day it would happen. But as I got older, I discovered that all that stuff I hated about adults doesn't automatically happen. Those adults I just mentioned all made a choice to be an asshole. I just didn't know it. I was in my early 20s when I did a movie with a cinematographer who was, I think, 45 at the time. He was the coolest, kindest, most artistic dude I'd ever known. He mentored me and we had epic fun making great art together. I remember telling him, "I'm not afraid of being in my 40s like I used to be. I didn't know you could still be cool." It's sad, that I grew up in such a toxic environment, and didn't know any of these things. So, 9 days before I turn 50, here are a couple things I have figured out: You know who sucks when they hit 49 and 50? People who sucked when they were 20 and never grew up. You know who is an asshole at 49 and 50? Yep. Someone who was an asshole as a kid and never experienced consequences for being an asshole. Hitting middle age has been awesome for me. Other than the aging of my body and its reluctance / refusal to do what I want it to do, I love everything about it. I wish I hadn't spent so much of my life being afraid that, when I hit 50, it was all over. Because honestly it's kind of just starting. The coolest stuff in my life to date has all happened in the last ten years, and I'm so grateful that it coincided with me figuring out a lot of shit so I could enjoy it.
The best part of getting older, by several thousand light years, is the part where we figure out how to stop putting up with other people's bullshit, and we contract our social circle until it's only populated with a VERY few people who deserve us. And I am incredibly grateful for these occasional opportunities to be a 49 year-old dad who can say all the things that would have been reassuring for 19 year-old me to hear (he wouldn't have understood, but 29 year-old me would have remembered, and he would have understood. I think.) I sincerely hope someone hears it and finds it helpful. Anyway, you're gonna be fine. Just remember that being cool, kind, honest, honorable, reliable, listening and showing up … they are all choices. If you want to be cool when you're 49, make the choice and set the example for someone to follow you. Treat kids the way you wanted to be treated when you were young. Listen to them when they offer you the privilege, because that means they trust you, and you have credibility with them. Be a mentor. Be supportive. Show up. Make a choice to be the person you need in the world, and never stop being that person. Start today, and when you're nearing 50 like I am, hopefully you'll remember who you needed right now, so you can be that person to someone else in the future. You're already asking the right questions and taking the first steps. I believe in you. You've got this.
Okay, if you've come this far, perhaps you'll follow me a little bit more, and read a thing I wrote about talking to students just a tiny bit older than you, which contains my core values.
Be honest. I’m a very old man, relative to y’all, and I’ve learned that the only currency that really matters in this world is the truth.
Be honorable. This dovetails with number one. You attract to yourself what you put into the world. Dishonorable people will take everything from you and leave you with nothing. Do your best to be a person they aren’t attracted to.
Work hard. I don’t mean, like, at your crappy minimum wage job you hate. I mean do the hard work that makes relationships work, that gets you ahead in your education, that gets you closer to your goals. Everything worth doing is hard. Everything worth doing requires hard work. Sooner or later, you’re going to run into something in your life that’s really hard, and you’ll want to give up, but it’s something you care so much about, you’ll do whatever you can to achieve it. It’s going to be hard, but it’s going to be less hard for someone who has practiced doing the hard things all along, than it is for someone who doesn’t know how to do the hard work because they’ve always chosen the easy path.
Always do your best. Even if you don’t get the result you wanted, doing your best — which will vary from day to day, moment to moment — is all you can ever do. We tell athletes to leave it all on the field. Whatever your version of that is, do it.
This is the most important one. This is the one I hope you’ll all hear and embrace. This is the one I hope you’ll share with your peers: Always be kind.”
When I read number 5, I looked up at them. I was so happy to see a classroom filled with teenagers who were all listening intently, even the ones I thought had tuned me out. “Here’s the thing about being Kind, versus being Nice,” I said. “I have interacted with lots of nice people who are incredibly unkind. Why is that? How do you choose to be nice but not kind?”
I pointed to my head. “This is where nice comes from,” I said. Then, I put my hand over my heart. “This is where kind comes from.” I put my hands out, like, “get it?”
There was this collective gasp of realization that I did not expect, at all. One kid said “Oh damn!” I saw a few kids look at each other like the trick had just been explained to them. They heard me. They really, really heard me. And it was amazing.
Okay, that's all. If you're still here, thank you for giving me so much of your time and attention. I hope you'll come back in a few years, and let me know how you're doing.
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lemon-boy-stan · 10 months
Hi! May I request a scenario of Childe and his s/o the morning after their first time?
Hi anon, of course you can! I've turned it into a reaction featuring multiple characters because this is really sweet
The morning after your first time with the Genshin Men
Summary: waking up next to your boyfriend after the first time you have sex together. Genre: fluff. Warnings: mentions of sex, nudity (m and f), mention of losing virginity, mature themes. Featuring: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Wriothesley
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The sun shone through the window, the light waking you up. Childe grunted softly, "don't leave, comrade." You smiled softly, body still sore from last night. "I'm not going anywhere, Ajax." Tartaglia kissed your neck softly, pulling you close to him. "You should have told me you were a virgin," he said softly. You buried your head into his bare chest, "to have you go easy on me?"
Childe grinned, "to be fair, you can't win all the battles, my love." You smiled and rolled your eyes, "you wanna test that out, Mr. Harbinger?" Tartaglia chuckled loudly, "hm. What are you gonna say when I tell your friends you got ABSOLUTELY RAILED by the eleventh Fatui Harbinger?" You smacked him on his back, "I'd say he totally took advantage of an inexperienced girl. Then, Master Diluc has another reason to beat you up." And Childe gasped, placing his hand on his chest, "you would never!"
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It was a warm morning in Mondstadt. Diluc's hair was much longer than yours, and flowed under your body. It was ticklish behind the back of your bare neck. He moaned softly, eyes opening slowly. "M-morning,' he yawned, looking at you with his beautiful red, tired eyes. You giggled softly, "good morning, Master Diluc."
Diluc blushed, his cheeks were almost as red as his hair. "Good morning," he smiled, kissing your lips. "Will you marry me?" He murmured. Your jaw dropped open and you let out a loud laugh, "surely it was wasn't that good! It was my first time, after all." He grinned, kissing you again, "yes it was, but I also just want to wake up next to you every day." Before pulling you close for another kiss, bringing the blanket over the two of you.
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"Hey, beautiful," Kaeya's raspy voice filled your ears, "did you sleep well?" You rolled over to face him, he had been spooning you before. You blushed, "very well, Sir Kaeya." He chuckled, tracing lines across your body, making you shiver, the touch both foreign and familiar. "Come on, honey, we're way past the formalities, aren't we? Or shall I still call you Traveller, hmm?"
You shook your head and he grinned, "I remember when we first met in Jean's office. You were so lost, and yet you still kept looking at me with an amazed face, like you were checking me out. From that moment on, I already knew I liked you. Thank the Archons that you came to me asking to teach you to swordfight properly, huh? Who knows if we would even interact privately if it weren't for that," he brushed away a loose strand of your hair. You shoved your head into his neck, "Archons! Don't remind me! I was so innocent and desperate back then!" Making Kaeya laugh loudly, kissing you and shaking his head. "My, my, look at you. Not so innocent anymore, hmm?"
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Zhongli did not sleep that night. After you had sex and drifted off to sleep, he was still processing everything. He had never had sex before, and he could smell that you hadn't either. There was a certain purity in your scent that he did not smell in others. For some reason, even after mating with you for the first time, it was still there. The whole night, as you lay next to him, breathing puffy little breaths, he watched you sleep, promising himself that he would protect you until the end of time.
You were the only kind of treasure he ever truly loved.
Zhongli pretended to sleep as soon as he sensed you waking. There were still many secrets he had hidden from you, and he wished not to scare you away. Zhongli had always seen sex as something necessary, even though he had never had sex before. He always smelled lust on other humans, but with you, he'd only ever smelt purity, and now he knew sex was so much more. Your eyes fluttered open and you turned to him, "good morning," whispering the words. Zhongli smiled, "good morning, my Qingxing. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
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Wriothesley's voice was deep and husky, the sound waking you up. The bed was so warm, you didn't want to get up. Wriothesley smiled, blue eyes shining. "Good morning, beautiful. How do you feel?" You giggled softly, "so good, Mr. Duke," making him grin, rolling his eyes. "I had a really good time last night," you breathed softly. Wriothesley blushed, "I had a really good time last night too, my love."
You giggled again, looking into his eyes. "I'd marry you right now," he murmured, "if you'd let me," you blushed, "I'd marry you right now, too, Your Grace, but if I'm not correctly mistaken, I do believe that's the Chief Justice banging at your door." Wriothesley sighed, pulling you close and kissing him. "Stay for the week?" He murmured. You smiled, kissing him back, "I think I'll be staying for a while, Your Grace."
The pounding on the door got louder. "WRIOTHESLEY!" Yelled the Chief Justice, "I KNOW YOU'RE WITH THE TRAVELLER! OPEN UP NOW OR I SHALL SENTENCE YOU!" there was another loud bang, and a high-pitched voice shrieked outside the door, "PAIMON KNOWS YOU'RE IN THERE, YN!!! THE WHOLE FORTRESS COULD HEAR YOU!!!"
The other requests are on their way!!! Hope you like this, anon!
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st-el-la-luna · 9 months
Thinking about @ceilidho 's coworker Soap giving reader a little gift before he dropped the "I named my pocket pussy after you" bomb.
It's a simple little thing. A stuffed bear. A cute little thing. Fluffy synthetic fur, button eyes, a red heart in its hands. He'd seen you staring at it in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day.
You finally gave in, deciding to buy it on your next shift. Only to find it's been sold out. Oh no! 😞
But fear not, your knight in shining armour is here. Johnny presents you with the bear at the end of your shift, just before you get into your car. He'd been a bit more fidgety than usual when he walked you to it, but you'd chalked it up to the holiday. Figured he'd said yes to one of the pretty ladies or men who had been hitting on him all day, asking about his plans for the night. He'd smiled at each of them, saying he was just going to stay home. Watch some movies.
No way movies would get him so excited. Or, maybe, you think to yourself, he really likes movies. He'd have a lot to catch up on after his years in the military.
So when you turn to wish him goodnight, the last thing you expect is for him to be holding the bear, the one you've been wanting for weeks, out for you.
"it's for you," he says, cheeks flushed, ears tipped pink. He looks up at you, then down again. There's something in his eyes you can't quite place. Hazy, heated. He licks his lips before continuing. "Saw you eyeing 'em up all week... Figured I'd snag you one before we ran out."
You accept it with a grin. Of course you do! I mean, he's your coworker, your friend. He's almost like a brother to you!
"Thank you, Johnny," you smile, taking the bear and resting your nose in its fluff.
"No," he says, his accent a little thicker, his voice a bit lower. "Thank you."
"For what?" You laugh.
He licks his lips and says nothing.
"Well... Happy Valentine's Day, Johnny," you tell him with an awkward smile. You turn the keys in the ignition and drive away.
You get home and set the bear in your room. On your dresser across from your bed. As you get changed out of your work clothes into something more comfortable you can't help but stop and think just how sweet it was for Johnny to do that.
At his house, Soap watches his computer screen with a crooked grin, pants undone, cock in hand, wondering how sweet you'd taste.
Such a kind, unsuspecting lassie... Didn't even notice that the bear's nose wasn't heart shaped like it was supposed to be.
He hadn't lied to those customers. He was very excited to see a movie. He just hopes you'll put on a show.
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universal-imagines · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to request a headcanon with Akashi, Murasakibara and Aomine (and another character if you want) about them having a female s/o who is not their original type? (Aka: elegant girls with dignity, Mura: tall girls, Ao: big breasts) Their s/o isn't really elegant lol, or has an average height etc. But they love and treasure her. They reasure their s/o, when she finds out their original type and she's insecure about it
❥ ﹝ insecurities ﹞
i. akashi seijuro
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it'd been a couple of months since you'd started dating akashi, but you had yet to make it public
not that he or you were actively hiding it, the occasion just hadn't presented itself, but as time continued to pass by you began to wonder if he was ashamed of you
you'd been friends for a while and people knew the both of you were close, even when everyone else was terrified of him you were always there and he treated you like an equal so you didn't think people would be surprised if you ended up together
however, you didn't fit his type, the type everyone assumed he would eventually end up with, someone sophisticated and well-mannered, someone who oozed elegance and power...
you were just you, maybe a little loud and outspoken or maybe a little clumsy
but your insecurities were immediately dealt with when he took you by the hand and walked down the hall
it was a particularly busy day, you don't quite remember why because your mind was too preoccupied with his hand in yours, but it was probably due to festival preparations
"why did you do that?" you asked when you finally found your voice
"because i could tell something was troubling and i hadn't done anything wrong, so i figure it had to do with our relationship status"
you smiled, of course he could read you like a book
ii. murasakibara atsushi
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to be honest you had expected a little more than "you're the perfect size" when you voiced your concerns about your height difference
before you guys started dating you had asked him about his type and he said he wanted someone tall so he didn't have to worry about bending down and stuff, so it had been weighing on you this whole time
you wanted some kind of reassurance that he didn't absolutely hate it, but he just shrugged and continued to eat his snacks
"well can you tell me how exactly i'm the perfect height?"
after taking a bite of a chip he titled his head, studying you for a few seconds
"when i'm tired i can rest my chin on your head and it fits perfectly, doesn't matter if i'm sitting or standing and when we're sitting down you fit perfectly against me. i can practically swallow you up with a hug and i think it's nice"
he ate a few more chips before smiling
"oh and i like the way my sweaters look on you"
iii. aomine daiki
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you found the magazines he used to get bribed with by his teammates and felt your stomach drop
in all honesty, you weren't snooping or anything your foot just accidentally knocked into something under his bed and you pulled it out to make sure it wasn't damaged, you actually wished you hadn't stumbled upon his hidden stash of magazines
"what do you have there?" was his nonchalant reaction when he walked into the room
he could tell you were uncomfortable with what you'd found but he thought it was nothing more than shame or disgust that he'd keep something like that
it wasn't until a couple of days later when you brought the subject up that he realized why exactly you looked upset
"are you disappointed that i don't have a big chest like those girls... in the magazines?" you were trying to sound as casual as possible, but your body language told a whole different story
"what?" he frowned, but only got a shrug from you
"i'll admit that's the first thing i see in a girl. i'm a tits guy through and through but that's not all i care about. besides, yours are just the right size. if you had big tits i'd have to watch out for other guys..." he stopped, thinking about how that might have sounded "but that doesn't mean that's the only reason i'm dating you either. without you i wouldn't be able to function. i used to rely on momoi for everything, but now you're the person i look for, so get those stupid thoughts out of your head"
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torakowalski · 10 days
I'm trying not to say "sorry for the delay!" every time I post because there's only so many times you can say that before a delay becomes... Just the speed at which I post.
Anyway, I started a fancy new job last week and I'm knackered, but luckily so is Steve. So here he is! Finally at his first games!
(part one | part eight)
Seoul is... Wow, Seoul is like nothing Eddie has ever experienced. After roaming the US for two years, he thought he was pretty well travelled, but it turns out that he was a super embarrassingly wrong.
Jonathan Byers loaned Eddie his camera (with strict instructions on how to take care of it) and Eddie has already sent a roll of film home to be developed, despite having only been here three days. He's also sent about a dozen postcards and had one thirty-second phone call with Wayne where he just had time to promise he wasn't dead and wouldn't become dead, before his money ran out.
Now, it's sometime in the evening and he's lying on his bed, pretending that he isn't fully fucked up by the thirteen hour time difference between here and home. He keeps thinking about how it'll be early morning in Hawkins, that he's basically in the future right now. He rolls over, grabs another postcard and addresses it to Dustin.
Greetings from the future. Today's lottery numbers are...
Then he flicks a drop of ink and deliberately smudges it across the paper.
He's busy laughing at his own cleverness, when there's a knock on the door. Expecting the incredibly helpful woman who runs this hotel, Eddie rolls off the bed, and pads barefoot over to the door, opening it with an, "Annyeonghaseyo."
Steve, standing on the other side of the door, smiles at him and says, "Have you learned the whole language yet?"
"I'm not Robin," Eddie tells him, before grabbing his arm and pulling him inside. "What are you doing here?"
Steve shrugs, running a hand through his hair to push it back off his face. It doesn't look like there's any product in it, and he looks tired, standing there in a plain white t-shirt and his red and white Team USA tracksuit pants.
"My roommate brought one of the athletics girls back to our room, so I said I'd give them some space."
It's been two days since they last saw each other and Eddie wants to hug him, or kiss him, or maybe climb him like a tree, but he's not sure what the rules are.
They've barely had a chance to talk about anything since that first kiss three weeks ago. Dustin insisted on coming back to their hotel room with them for a sleepover that night, and then Steve has been training with the Olympic coaches every hour since.
They've kissed four times in total. The last one was four days ago in Toronto Airport before they boarded the longhaul flight to Seoul. Then Steve headed to first class with the rest of the swim team and Eddie to cattle, clutching his brand new passport.
He'd spent eleven hours wedged between an international student and a very chatty Korean grandma. Every time he went to pee, he spied on Steve through the little curtain but only managed to catch his eye a couple times. Steve looked happy, making friends in the team, and being brought complimentary bags of peanuts. He'd looked like he belonged.
"Well, welcome." Eddie gives Steve a bow then wishes he hadn't. That's what he'd do for anyone, and Steve isn't just anyone.
Steve rolls his eyes at him, but hopefully at least kind of fondly.
"Thanks. I'll make myself at home."
He throws himself down onto the bed, stretching out his arms and groaning. Eddie's mouth goes dry watching him, wondering if it'd be okay to follow him down.
Steve closes his eyes for long enough that Eddie thinks maybe he's just come here to nap. Then he blinks up at Eddie, and holds out his hand.
"Lonely?" Eddie asks, stepping close enough that Steve can push his fingers between Eddie's.
"I mean, I wouldn't say no to some company." Steve pulls on Eddie's hand, pulls again. Eddie thinks for a second then rolls up onto the balls of his feet, so the next time Steve tugs, Eddie spills forward and right down on top of him.
Steve wheezes on impact, laughing out, " You shit," when he gets his breath back.
Eddie looks down from about two inches above him. They're almost nose to nose, so close that Steve's eyes are a blur of green and brown. "Sorry, is this not where you wanted me?"
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie's middle, rubs his fingers along the hem of Eddie's shirt. "I guess there are worse places for you to be."
He smiles and Eddie smiles, then Steve lifts his head and Eddie lowers his and they're kissing. Again. Some more. First kiss in Korea, fifth kiss overall. Eddie wonders if they'll ever do enough kisses that he stops counting.
Then he tells himself to stop hoping for a future and focus on right now.
Steve's kisses are slick and measured, so Eddie tries to slow down to match. He shifts a little to the side so he isn't totally squashing Steve but Steve makes a protesting noise and hoicks him back on top.
"I'm too heavy," Eddie protests. He's never laid on top of someone before, but he's gotta be, right? He's a full grown adult man.
"I like it," Steve says, like that's the end of the argument. Then he pulls Eddie back on top of him and kisses him and, well, that is the end of the argument.
"How long can you stay?" Eddie asks once he's kissed every part of Steve's face that looked kissable (all of it) and is thinking of moving on to his neck.
"Curfew's ten and it's -" Steve lifts his arm to check his watch over Eddie's shoulder. " - ten past ten, so I guess... forever?"
"That is the best logic I ever heard, but I don't think time works like that, sweetheart."
Steve's eyes flare, which is kinda interesting. Eddie calls everyone sweetheart, same as his mama called everyone sugar, but if Steve likes it, it's his.
"My roommate will cover for me," Steve says, easily. Of course he's immediately fallen into the whole team aspect of the games. He's a jock all the way down to his DNA and they bond like pack animals. "He thinks he's sent me roaming the streets of Seoul alone, after all."
"Rude," Eddie says. "Banished you out into the night, just so he can get laid."
"Super rude," Steve agrees. He hesitates then adds, "Or like, not actually laid. The guys who were on the team for the LA games think it's bad luck to have sex before a race."
"Like...immediately before or at all?" Eddie asks. Steve's races don't start for another four days and Eddie isn't, okay Eddie isn't expecting anything, but Steve is in his bed right now.
"From the opening ceremony until their races are done," Steve says. He makes a face. "It's just total superstition, obviously."
"Obviously," Eddie agrees.
Steve bites his lip.
"And you're scared to go against it just in case," Eddie fills in for him.
Steve puts a hand over his face and squints at Eddie from between his fingers. God, he's cute. A cute, cute dork. "Sorry."
Stupidly, Eddie feels himself blush. "Sweetheart, I'm not, I wasn't, I'm not... I, uh, I. Shut up."
Steve frowns. "I didn't say anything?"
"I was telling myself to shut up." Eddie groans.
"Ohhh, I can help with that," Steve says. Then he kisses Eddie again, like he thinks he's smooth.
It's actually kind of easier to relax into just kissing now that he knows they're not gonna be doing anything else. He can focus on the warmth of Steve's lips and the spit taste of his mouth. Or, it turns out, on the weird feeling of Steve yawning directly into their next kiss.
"Excuse you," says Eddie.
"Excuse me," Steve agrees, and tries to go back to kissing. But Eddie caught a look at him when they broke apart and he's heavy eyed and very, very sleepy-looking.
This time when Eddie moves to the side, Steve's protest is quieter.
"Tired?" Eddie asks.
"Nah, I'm good." Steve yawns again then looks betrayed by himself.
Eddie strokes his hair back behind his ears for him then runs his finger over Steve's flushes cheekbones. "Wanna have a nap?"
"I should get back," says Steve, while simultaneously snuggling down deeper into Eddie's pillow.
"A short nap, then I'll wake you up," Eddie promises, secure in the knowledge that he hasn't fallen asleep before four any night they've been here yet.
"Just a short one," Steve says, tugging Eddie back so he's hooked under Steve's arm.
Entirely unsure of the protocol, Eddie lays his head on Steve's chest. It's all hard and muscly, not actually all that comfortable to lie on, but it's also Steve's chest so Eddie's gonna give it a whirl, anyway.
"You're coming to watch me, right? Every heat?" Steve asks, fingers twirling in Eddie's hair.
"I mean, there's a lot of other stuff happening. You know they've let tennis back in, this year?" Eddie says, drawing it out. When Steve tugs a little on his hair, he laughs. "Yeah, I'll be there. I haven't watched every other time you swam in the last two years just to miss out on any of this."
Steve hums like he's smiling. They've shared so many hotel rooms by now, spent so many nights talking in the dark, that Eddie can read him without having to see his face.
"Good," Steve says. He plays with Eddie's hair a little longer, before his fingers go slack and his breathing deepens.
Eddie smiles to himself, trapped under Steve's arm and not minding one bit. He might still be second guessing all the new rules of their relationship, but this part is familiar. He absolutely knows how to take care of Steve before a competition.
If there's such a thing as a tour manager for a swimmer, then he has all the experience in the world. He's still pondering whether or not that's a real career when, inevitably, he too falls asleep.
(continued here)
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aetheternity · 2 years
What ruins the mood during sex
A/N: {I remember writing one of these posts for AOT like three years ago. How times have changed.} Ok so like when I was writing Venti and Xiao's I felt a weird sense of Deja Vu like I'd somehow read a scenario like this in someone else's work but I can't tell if it's a real genuine feeling I should look into further or if it's some kind of random emotion based on this prompt which has been done to death as it is. But if someone tells me that someone else wrote this prompt with those two and created the same scenario I would look into it.
A/N 2: Ok so like I took my sweet time posting this because I wanted to see if I'd manage to come up with an idea for Kazuha, Albedo and Scaramouche but I could not. So if you want to know why they're not here that's why. (Yes this is a repost)
Characters: Aether, Cyno, Heizou, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao
Disclaimer: Adult situations, MDNI.
Cyno: In, a quickie turned accidental creampie.
He's got such a nice pace going. Your arms wrapped around his neck, legs tangled around his waist. Eyes fluttering shut as he slams your hips into the desk beneath you.
"Cy, are you gonna cum?"
He hums a quick reply, hips stuttering forward.
Your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets, "Wait! Cyno not inside!"
He manages to pull out but not before he'd already stained your clenching walls and a couple drops along your ass. "Since when do you want me to pull out?" He groans, eyes narrowing at the cum drenching the desk beneath you.
"Ugh! I just.. didn't want to walk around like this all day! I won't be able to shower till night fall.." You sigh in frustration. Spreading your legs wider to see the damage. "I guess I should've warned you sooner but I thought about it too late."
He simply grunts, "I will help you clean up as much as possible."

Aether: In, which one of us didn't lock the door?
He's got your hips from behind. A rather long moan cresting off his lips as he gets sucked in as deeply as he can go. Your own eyes rolling to the skies as you pull him in, pressing your hips back into his with vigor.
That is until the door creaks open suddenly, Paimon's voice loudly calling. Luckily Aether was far quicker he launched a pillow at full speed taking Paimon out fast enough for him to slam the door shut.
"Not now Paimon!" He screamed over her protests.
Meanwhile you'd already taken to the floor. Stripping the blanket from the bed as you tried and failed to hide your laughter.
Aether on the other hand looks less than amused.

Xiao: In, on the edge of glory.
You'd been teaching Xiao little things about mortal sexual relations. Not so much for testing purposes simply because he'd asked. Most of the things you'd talked about got you one of two reactions: A blank stare or a disappointed eye roll. Though as much as you wanted to properly ask, you decided against questioning Xiao's sexual exploration. For at least the time being.
At some point however Xiao had slid a book in front of you. The page already flipped to a section about edging. Now your mind probably shouldn't have immediately jumped to shock followed by an internal battle over your Xiao Xiao reading a book but-
"I wish to try this out.." He mumbled, staring off into space as he spoke.
"Of course."
Seeing as you'd done at least this much before: Getting him hard and then getting him close to cumming had been fairly easy. His breaths short and heavy as you worked him up just enough to perfectly edge him. That is until you started to work him up again only for his sensitivity to win out. His body crumbling as he covered his chest and your hand with his load.
You giggle a little at how easily, he quells at even your softest touches. Which of course was logical. He hadn't exactly done this with anyone else before.
"Aw Xiao.." You peered up at him completely endeared. Your heart fluttering so hard when you saw the way his eyes were squeezed shut and the bright red adorning his cheeks. "Xiao! It's ok! don't make that face honey it's ok."
He weakly grumbles but you just continue your praise, pressing kisses into the crook of his neck and along each of his shoulders. "We can try again, I promise."

Heizou: In, injuries may occur.
The way you've got his cock sliding between your lips, so slowly, so perfectly it makes him weak. He presses your head deeper, pushing you a little faster with soft words of encouragement.
On a particular stroke you manage to press deeper than you'd ever done before. Enough to kiss his pelvic bone. The feeling so intense Heizou's leg jolts, hard enough that his foot comes in contact with your stomach.
"Man alive! I'm sorry!" He pulls your face back, straightening up to check you for discomfort. "Are you ok?" His thumb softly massages your cheek.
"It's fine Shika." You simply grin. "It was good to know you were feeling good."
"Ugh, but that still couldn't have felt great.. Allow me to make it up to you somehow."
"What do you have in mind?"
Safe to say that moment had been ruined but perhaps the "moment" wasn't.

Tighnari: In, maybe you should've just left it there..
He's barely had a moment to sneak away all day and boy does he need it with the way you've been teasing him. He's nearly reached his limit and is about to shove you against the closest tree when a small window of opportunity arises.
The rookie forest rangers have a lunch break.. and that means so does he.
He slides into you so eagerly the second he gets you alone. Bracing your hips against his desk as he pounds you so unabashedly. Little giggles and moans falling off your lips. That is until a tube of some mysterious powder rolls its way off the desk, cracking as it collides with the floor.
"Shit.." Without hesitation Tighnari pulls out yanking the tube up from where it'd dropped. Unfortunately too quickly as his head immediately slams into the table's end. So quickly and so roughly it clattered around with you atop it.
"Oh archons, are you ok?!" You slide off the desk basically dropping onto the floor beside him. Tighnari's whine surprisingly loud as he rubs the back of his head just below his ear.
"I'll be fine but agh.. ow!"
Safe to say you two should probably finish later.

Venti: In, bless you??
You cup his face, devouring any and every moan he musters as they fill your open lips. His face scrunches up and you prepare for that all too familiar full body shudder he always does when he cums.
"Almost there, Love, so close." You coo
He lets out a little noise of confusion, nose twitching and before you can even begin to question it you're immediately covered in snot and spit. A surprise that's just as soon followed by him pumping you full of cum.
"Oh wow!" He chuckles "I'm so so sorry darling, I didn't realize I still had any sneezes left from my earlier performance at the Cats Tail ehe~"
"I'm still so very sorry.."
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alloftheimaginesblog · 3 months
something different {Steve Harrington SMUT}
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Plot: Steve overhears a conversation between you and Nancy in which you wish that he'd mix it up in the bedroom as you're getting a bit tired with the soft, slow sex.
Character: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, rough sex, spanking, praise kink (good girl), being called a slut, unprotected sex, creampie, choking, slight breeding kink, oral (male receiving)
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He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, honestly. He was about to join the two of you when he heard his name and decided to just listen to this part of the conversation. Okay so he did mean to eavesdrop but he never realised what he would be eavesdropping on.
"I just... I don't know, Nancy, there's just something missing." Steve frowned.
"Are you and Steve not getting along?"
"No we are, I feel our relationship is the best it's been," he smiled, "but-" his smile fell, "it's the sex." Steve's jaw dropped. The sex? His mind whirred and he almost leapt around the corner but he had a little self-control left. The sex was amazing! Steve had never had any complaints before so what was going on? He craned his head to listen again as the conversation continued.
"Is it not... good?"
You sighed, "It's good, it is. He does it right, takes time to get me off you know... But it's just... I feel like it's always kind of the same. I'm getting tired of the same soft, gentle, loving sex. I want... more." Oh. His eyebrows quirked upwards in surprise. He really hadn't been expecting you to hit out with that.
"You're wanting something... not gentle?" Nancy giggled.
"Yeah... I keep thinking about what if he was a little rougher, you know? I don't know... Steve's my first so I don't have experience of it but I think I'd like to give it a go..." You were stressed, Steve could tell by the tone of your voice, "I don't know how to tell him without coming across as though I hate our normal sex. I love our sex, I really do, and I'd happily be with him the rest of my life if it was just going to be soft sex but... I want that hot, animal, fiery sex, you know?"
"Have you spoken to him about it?"
You shook your head, "I don't want to hurt his feelings." Steve's feelings weren't hurt, he wished that you felt comfortable enough talking to him about it as opposed to Nancy but he understood. Sex was still a relatively new thing for you so he got that it could still be u uncomfortable to talk about. He also understood what was going to happen as soon as the two of you were home.
"I think you should tell him," Nancy said, "Just explain what you've said to me that you'd want to try something new and that it's nothing against him personally. Just explain it exactly the way you've explained it to me. I don't think he'd be mad or offended that way."
Content with what he heard, Steve rounded the corner with a wide smile, "Hello, ladies!" He would pretend that he'd heard nothing, pretend that everything was fine.
The entire time that you, Steve and Nancy were out, Steve couldn't stop thinking about what he was going to do to you when you were home. He honestly just assumed you wouldn't be into rougher, more dominating sex so that's why he hadn't done it yet but knowing that you wanted a bit more from him, his mind reeled with the possibilities that lay ahead.
He would've preferred that you had spoken to him about it first but he understood that you were anxious about it. He understood that if the right words weren't chosen, he could've been upset so he knew that you'd only shared with Nancy to get some advice on how to properly word it. However now knowing that you would want something a little rougher, a little more kinky... Steve was fully prepared to give you it.
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The drive home, Steve was unusually silent which made you feel like something was going on. You'd tried to get it out of him but to no avail, "I'll tell you when we're home," he kept saying. You knew that something was on his mind but you couldn't figure out what.
Unbeknownst to you, it was you that was on his mind. You and what he was going to do to do when home. Even just thinking about it, thinking about roughing you up a little bit turned Steve on. He shifted in his seat trying to ignore the stirring in his jeans. He'd wait until you were home and then he'd pounce.
You were a little too preoccupied with your previous conversation with Nancy to be overly concerned about his silence. When you got home you would explain it to him carefully and kindly. You loved Steve and you loved the sex the two of you had but you just hoped he wouldn't be offended or upset.
"Kneel," he demanded with a raise of his eyebrow, "or do I need to punish you?"
"Punish me?" You scoffed, "What the hell-"
"I said kneel, (y/n)." The look in his eyes was dark and despite yourself, you could feel heat building between your legs. Was this meant to be kinky? Your heart began to quicken... had he overheard your conversation with Nancy? Surely not... right?
"Fine, I guess you want to be a bad girl today," he rolled his sleeves up, "Bend over." He was serious? You frowned at him but quickly your frown turned to one of intrigue.
Steve tugged at your waist, pulling you closer to him before guiding you a few steps to the wall, "Hands on the wall." Still confused but getting more turned on by the second, you complied, "Good girl-" a shiver ran down your spine at the praise. Steve pulled you by the hips so that your ass jutted out a bit and then, without warning, smack!
You gasped, throwing your head back to look at him, "Wha-"
He was spanking you hard but the fabric of your jeans took the brunt of the pain, all you really got was a shock when he did it. Heat pooled between your legs, if you hadn't been wet before now, you were surely soaked. He had never done anything like this. Yeah, he would grab your ass or smack it in passing gently but not this...
"Is my girl done being bad now?" The look in his eyes drove you crazy. The way you were looking at him, cheeks flushed, eyelashes fluttering and biting your lip, Steve was already rock hard in his jeans. Quickly, you nodded, "Good." He pulled you up and backed you into the wall, "If you want me to stop, if I go too far and you don't like it, you tell me; say stop. Got it?" You nodded again, "Use your words, babygirl."
"If I want you to stop... I'll tell you to stop."
"Good girl," he whispered, enjoying seeing the way you bit your lip harder, "this is what you've been wanting isn't it?" His hands masterfully had already unbuttoned your jeans and were pushing them down your legs before you'd even realised, "All this time, you've wanted to be roughed up a bit, hm?" Once your jeans were off, his hand snaked to your neck, "You just want to be treated like a real slut, don't you?"
Steve grinned at your reactions before he kissed you hard, giving your neck a little squeeze. Your body felt like it was on fire, alive and aglow, from his mere touch. You melted into his kiss but all too soon, he was pulling away and demanding that you strip the rest of your clothes off.
You pouted.
Steve raised his eyebrows, "Why aren't you doing what you're told?"
"You're fully dressed, not fair if I'm naked."
Steve's hand wrapped around your neck again, squeezing tighter though not cutting off your oxygen supply, "Be a good girl and I'll reward you..." He dropped his grip and immediately, you began to strip for him, "Slower, I want to enjoy this."
Your cheeks were hot, as nerves and arousal bubbled in your stomach, and slowly, you began to strip for Steve. Of course he'd seen you naked so many fucking times but this? This felt different. His eyes were dark with desire as he watched your every movement, drinking in every single curve of your body. He loved it - fuck, he should've done this sooner with you. First, you pulled off your t-shirt, throwing it to the side before you dropped your bra to the floor and then your panties. Steve was on you in an instant.
"Such a good girl," he whispered in your ear, "think it's time for your reward, hm?" You nodded quickly and he smiled, lifting his hand up to you and nudging your lips apart with two fingers, "Get them nice and wet, babygirl..."
You almost couldn't believe this was all actually happening. Steve was being dominant, leading you exactly the way you wanted. Slowly, you opened your mouth, taking his fingers into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down slightly, tongue whirling around them making sure they were coated in saliva. You never once broke eye contact with Steve and it was then you felt him against you, rock hard erection through his jeans pressed against your thigh, and it became so apparent to you how much he too was enjoying this. Steve took a deep breath, trying to get himself under control, before taking his fingers from your mouth and sliding his hand down your body until he reached your already soaking wet sex.
He smirked when his fingers teased your entrance, "You're already so wet for me, baby," he mused, "Fuck, you really wanted this, huh?" You nod quickly finding that words were too hard because then that meant you had to think and all you could think about was how much you wanted Steve deep inside of you, "Ready for me?" Again, you nodded, "Words, babygirl."
"P-Please," you choked out, hand curling around Steve's muscled bicep and squeezing, "Please."
"This desperate for my fingers, how desperate will you be for my cock, hm?" He laughed and the humility only turned you on more. You liked hearing him talk like this. This was so different and so fucking hot and you were putty in his hands and then just as you were about to complain, he pushed past your slickness and pushed into your cunt.
You gasped as pleasure immediately coursed through you and your other hand grabbed at Steve's hand which had wrapped around your neck. His head ducked, taking your nipple in his mouth, tongue swirling around the tender bud as you moans grew louder and louder. He didn't have to try hard to get you to reach your high, Steve knew your body so well. He knew exactly how to get you off and it was mere seconds from your high when he pulled his fingers out of you.
"Steeeeve," you whined, panting as he laughed darkly at you, "I was- so close- please-"
"Not until I give you permission," he said, "I've been thinking about what you said and you're right... It's not fair that you're naked and I'm still dressed. Undress me."
Quickly, needing to feel his skin under your fingers, you began to pull his shirt upwards, throwing it to the opposing side of the room before moving to his jeans, "Ah, ah," he said with a shake of the head, "on your knees."
Licking your lips, you tried to hide your smile, you dropped to your knees. You didn't want to show him just how much you were enjoying all of this but he could tell. Your lack of resistance, your dilated eyes, your breath... the tells were all there. You were fucking loving this. You looked up at him with fluttering eyelashes and he groaned softly, "Well?" He asked, "Undress me." You began to pull his jeans down over the large bulge making sure to brush against his rock hard cock a few times to tease him. Steve kicked them off and then all that was left were his boxers. Agonisingly slowly, you pulled them down, "Hurry the fuck up," he grunted, "I want to feel that slutty mouth on my cock-" Taking him by surprise, you pulled them down quickly allowing his erection to spring free, bobbing in front of your face before you wrapped your hand around it and took the head in your mouth, "Jesus-" he hissed.
You moved your head up and down his length but it wasn't enough for him, he moved his hands to the back of your head, "If it's too much, tap my leg three times. If you want to stop, tap out, okay?" He pulled your head back, gripping at your hair, a ribbon of saliva still attached to your lip, "Got it?"
"Good girl," he pushed your head back onto his throbbing cock before slowly pushing your head down so that you were taking his whole length in your mouth. Steve's cock was thick and you didn't know if you could take it all before you would begin to gag and as Steve kept pushing, you gagged a few times quickly tapping out. Steve released you immediately, you coughed, eyes filling but not from crying rather just from choking, "Are you alright?"
"Choked," you said, catching your breath, "M'okay."
"You want to stop-"
"I want to try again," you said, staring up at him with big eyes, "please."
He grinned, wiping the tear that was in the corner of your eye, "So eager to please, I love it."
You both resumed, him guiding your head down onto the length and you now managing your breathing better so that you wouldn't choke. You gagged a few times, which only spurred Steve on, but didn't choke again thankfully. The gagging caused tears to spill but you blinked them away, mascara tracks smudging your cheeks.
"You look so beautiful like this," Steve said, his free hand coming to caress your cheek, "all mine."
He pulled your head back, allowing you time to breathe before you were once again being bobbed up and down on his cock though faster and not as deep so you weren't gagging. Steve stared down at you with hungry eyes, biting his lip as he breathed hard. Seeing you like this, feeling you quicker and sloppier on his cock, he could've came then and there but he pulled your head back and grabbed at your arms, pulling you onto your feet, "Couch, now."
"I- I wasn't finished-" In all honesty, you were enjoying having him pump your head on his cock too much. Letting him have that control was so hot. You enjoyed how sloppy it was getting, saliva running down your chin onto your bare breasts. When Steve stood you up, you could tell he enjoyed it too.
He raised his eyebrows, coming close to you, towering over your smaller frame, "Do what you're told."
Something stirred in your stomach and you felt yourself straightening your stance wiping your chin, "No."
"That's it," Steve growled, pushing you forwards slightly, you hadn't realised you were right next to the couch so you fell forwards, catching yourself on the arm of the couch but Steve had a plan and pushed on your back so that your arms buckled and you fell face first into the couch cushions.
The shock made you let out a yelp of surprise. This spank was harder, tingles were left in its place, "Bad girls get punished, I told you, babygirl."
"Hardly a punishment when I like it," you said but your words were muffled by the pillow.
"Talking back to me, slut?" He growled, taking a handful of your hair and pulling your head up, "What did you say?"
"It's not a punishment because I-"
"Fuck!" You hissed, the sting making your body twist away from him< "I-I like-"
"I like it!" You gasped. The sensation was painful but the arousal of it overpowered any sort of pain. The pain was gone within seconds anyway replaced by a buzzing, tingling sensation. Steve's hand caressed your ass before smacking it once more.
"You like it, huh? What about this?"
He released your hair, making you fall back into the pillows, before he lined his cock up with your hot cunt and pushed fully into it. You hadn't expected him yet and your reaction was the hottest thing in the world to Steve; your head whipped to the side, mouth open as your eyes rolled back and you let out the sexiest sound he'd ever heard.
"You like that more, mm?"
You nodded, words once again too hard to comprehend, and pushed your ass into him, urging him to give you more. Steve was eager to give you more but he thought he would tease you a little bit first. He moved slowly, thrusts slow and gentle, "Don't you like this more, babygirl? Nice and slow like normal?"
You shook your head, "More, p-please!"
"How about you tell me what you want? Not your friends, me. Tell me how you want it."
"I-I want you fuck me, Steve," you groaned out, "I want it hard and rough and I want you to give me more- I need more, Steve. I can handle it- I won't break- I need more... Fuck me, Steve!"
No going back now.
"Good girl."
With that, he began to thrust into your hard, over and over, filling you entirely with his thick cock before pulling out and repeating the process. You couldn't stop the noises that came from you; high pitched and animal like. It was fast and hard and every few thrusts, Steve spanked your ass. You'd never felt this good before, he'd never felt this good. The way he filled you made the coil in your stomach tighten more and more and you knew that you would be cumming so soon.
Steve groaned as he spanked you again, "So fucking perfect," he said, thrusting with each word, "all mine."
"S-Steve," you whined between moans, "I'm- I'm going to-"
All of a sudden, he pulled himself out of you and you screamed out in frustration. He keeps denying you orgasm right as you're about to let go. You need to cum, you need that sweet release.
"Not yet," Steve growled before moving around the couch, "On your back," he demanded and quickly, even despite your annoyance at being denied an orgasm again, you comply. You turn around, head at the arm of the couch now, and immediately, your legs wrap around him.
"Please," you whimpered, "need-need to cum-"
"Sh, babygirl," he whispered before pushing his length into you once more, "You can cum, I just want to see you cum under me."
The pace quickened and - "Holy fuck, Steve!" - having him fuck you this way feels deeper, if that's even possible. He grinned down at you as your coil begins to tighten again. Your hands shot out, grabbing onto his biceps and shoulders, nails digging in tightly, and your hips began to automatically lift to meet his thrusts. Steve groaned, feeling himself almost at his peak too.
"You gonna cum for me, babygirl?" He panted with that dark glint in his eye, "Look at me- don't stop looking at me." You opened your eyes, vision slightly hazy, and find his piercing eyes as that coil in your stomach tightens and tightens. Steve's hand wraps around your neck, squeezing.
And then, all at once, you reach that high; that blissful cortex of pleasure as you began to come undone beneath him. Your hips lose all sense of rhythm and just grind into Steve's cock haphazardly extracting as much pleasure from him as you could. You tried your hardest to stay focused on Steve and keep your eyes open but it's all too much and you can't help your eyes rolling and arching your back, head tilting to look behind you.
Everything is tingly, your limbs feel heavy, and every sense is overwhelmed and it's only when you're falling back down from your high that the noises you'd been hearing, those high pitched yells and screams, they were coming from you.
Hazily, you blink up at Steve who's grinning down at you, "You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers, leaning down to kiss you, "and you're all mine."
"I-I want you- I want you to cum," you pant, "You-Your turn."
"Look at you," he muses, "so cock dumb you can barely form a sentence. Seeing you like this... Fuck, should've done this a lot sooner. You want my cum, babygirl?"
You start to feel alert again and your hips begin to rock in time with him, "Please, Steve, I need it."
"You know," he says, lips trailing lazy kisses across your neck, "I cum inside you, you're mine."
"M'already yours-"
"No," he growls darkly, "I cum in you, you're mine. Just mine." The possessiveness in his voice and in his eyes reignites yet another fire in your stomach, "Mine forever. I claim you- breed you-"
"Yours," you're nodding quickly, "I want to be yours-"
"Claim me, Steve," you beg him, pulling him up to look into your eyes, "Make me yours forever." He kisses you hotly and it isn't long before he breaks away to hide in the nape of your neck, moaning, as his own thrusts grow sloppy and then he does one final thrust and you feel his warmth flood into you. He stills and the two of you stay panting, limbs entangled, for a minute before slowly, he pulls out of you and flops onto the couch beside you. It's a tight fit and you end up half on his sticky body but you're too tired to care.
It's a while before either of you speak, both too exhausted from the sex to do anything, but it's Steve who speaks eventually, "How was that?"
You nod into his chest.
"I need words, babygirl."
"Best sex ever."
Steve laughs, making your head bounce on his chest, "Yeah?"
You nod again, "So good."
"I wasn't too rough? Didn't go too far?"
"No," you prop your head on his chest, "Perfect."
He smiles, wiping a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, "Next time you want to try something in bed, instead of telling Nancy, tell me, yeah? I won't be offended. I just want to please you, want to make you feel good."
"Noted," your head falls back on his chest, "now that you mention it... There is one thing I've always wanted to try."
Steve smirks, "Give me ten minutes and we'll try it."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hi daisy love i hope you’re doing well!! i’ve actually had kinda a bad day/few days and so whenever your requests are open if you could give me some remus fluff i would very much appreciate it. maybe one where one of the other marauders says something mean about reader without knowing (sorta something along the lines of “wow, whoever did this clearly must have had no idea what they were doing” not knowing that reader did it) and remus just encouraging crybaby reader and calling her lovely and ahhhh. take care of yourself please mei 🫧
"Okay, next." Sirius grabs at the next shirt in Remus's closet, by some miracle not a sweater, "And- Christ, mate, let's toss this, yeah?"
"Hm?" Remus glances up from where he'd been smoothing out a wrinkle in your pants, eyes landing on the garment in Sirius's hand.
As soon as Remus's attention is off of you, you redirect your own. You wish you hadn't though, because when your eyes land on the shirt you'd sewn for Remus's birthday this past year, your stomach drops.
Sure, it's not perfect. It's not factory made, with clean, straight stitching, or perfect embroidery. But Remus promised you that he loved it, and not only because he loves you.
"Come on," Sirius prompts Remus, who's floundering for an answer, "It looks like a toddler made it. What- did a toddler make this?"
"No, Sirius." Remus huffs, "Put it back. I'm keeping it."
"Mate," Sirius's eyes widen, and he shakes the hanger in his hand like all of the lopsidedness from the shirt will finally register in Remus's brain if he jostles it enough, "Really? Moony, you're a hoarder. This is garbage."
"Enough, Sirius." Remus snaps, hand tightening around your own. You're blinking rapidly, trying to shield your face from Sirius's so that the man doesn't see you cry.
"Go get another trash bag," Remus demands, intent on getting Sirius out of the room, "Go on, go!"
"Ass!" Sirius scoffs, tossing Remus the shirt and stalking to the door, "I said I'd help you clean out your closet, not that I'd be your bloody servant for the day."
You can hear him muttering furiously under his breath as he flounces down the stairs, but you're trying not to listen. Remus keeps the shirt in his lap, leaning over to wrap his arm around your shoulders, "Dove..."
"Remus," You gush in a sob, hands buried in your face, "I- I'm sorry! I knew it wasn't good."
"Darling, yes it is! I love it," Remus urges, and you're sick at how kind he's being to you and your lackluster sewing skills, "Sirius has terrible taste in fashion, love, wouldn't know a masterpiece if he saw it on a model."
"It's awful," You lament, not daring to look at the messy stitching laying in Remus's lap, "I sew like a toddler."
"No," Remus squeezes you to his side, rubbing his hand up and down your tense shoulder, "You sew like a little mouse. Like a sweet character in a children's book, love, that lives in a forest and wears an apron. Look't that," He pulls your hands away from your face, pointing at a particular set of stitches that's crossed in an x instead of parallel, "That's the work of a mouse in a bonnet. 'S the cutest thing in the world, dove."
"But I wanted to sew like a machine," You sniffle, "Like something you'd want to wear."
"Scooch," Remus pushes against your side, grabbing the hem of his sweater. He lifts it off of his head in one swoop, already eagerly working at the buttons on the shirt in his lap. You try not to ogle him, but you definitely don't cry more at the sight of his bare torso.
"There," He settles the shirt over his frame, posture proud and smile kind, "It's perfect, dove. I love it."
"You're too nice to me." You decide, wiping a stray tear away from your eye.
He scoffs, tugging you back into his embrace, "Not true. Could never be too nice to you, m'little forest mouse."
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zerobaselove · 1 year
anything for you | shen ricky
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pairing: ricky x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 694
warnings: none! lowercase intended, not proofread.
prompt: 23. "why are you looking at me like that?" 29. "what's going on in that little head of yours?"
notes: this is one of many ricky requests so i'm going to try and space them out a bit <3 trying not to spam you all haha. enjoy !
you'd think with how long the two of you had been friends that you'd be used to ricky looking like he does; but as he's standing here getting ready for a date with someone you don't know, you can't help but realize it all over again, as if you'd never seen him before.
you'd never admit it, but watching ricky get ready for someone else hurt your heart a bit; a lot, actually. the hole in your chest was screaming at you, wishing it was you he was going out with, but instead here you were, sitting on the edge of his bed helping him with which watch went with his shirt better.
"do i go with the jean jacket or the leather one?" he asked, seemingly to a brick wall as you hadn't even heard him, too busy staring blankly at his silhouette in front of you. his hand waved frantically in front of your face, "y/n?" and that was just enough to snap you back to reality, visibly jolting as you tried to shake the thoughts from your head.
"why are you looking at me like that?" he questioned, looking at your still visibly dazed face. simply shaking your head again, you attempted to cover your staring with a hurried excuse. "it's nothing ricky," a forced laugh being pulled from your chest, hoping that he would drop it.
but he knew you better than that, he had seen you at every up and down, and he knew when something was up with his best friend. throwing the jackets onto the bed beside you, he sat down in the free spot next to you, his gaze directly aimed at you. it felt like if he looked any harder he'd get into your brain and figure out what you were thinking without even having to ask.
"what's going on in that little head of yours? he tilted his head, as if to help him gain more insight. "and don't tell me it's nothing, we both know that isn't the case." his voice was caring yet a bit stern, and you felt like you would melt under his burning gaze.
you took a deep breath in an attempt to gather your thoughts and not sound like a complete idiot, but it could only do so much. "i just," you paused, not even sure if you wanted to admit this out loud to him, or to yourself. his patient look only made it harder, what if this ruined everything? taking one more deep breath, you continued, "i just, wish it was me you were going out with, that's all." you tried to make it seem like it was no big deal, ignoring the way it tore you up inside.
"oh, well we can hang out tomorrow if you'd like, i've got the day to myself." he smiled, clearly not getting your intentions. "no ricky i," and you were back to square one. "i wish it was me you were going on a date with, romantically." you clarified, watching his expression like a hawk to try and decipher the words that would come out of his mouth.
a shy smile spread across his face, "does this mean you like me back?" back? you thought to yourself, wondering if you heard him correctly. "my friend only set up this date to try and help me get over you, i just kind of assumed you'd only ever see me as your best friend." he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not expecting to confess all of that to you.
"well, i'll always see you as my best friend," his smile had spread to your own face, getting giddy at the thought of your next words, "but i'd also like to see you as more than that, if you'd want."
"of course i would," standing up, he grabbed your hand to pull you up with him, pulling you into a hug. "what about your date?" you mumbled, your words slightly muffled by his chest. "i'm just going to apologize and cancel," he started, grabbing your shoulders to make you look right at him, "i'd drop anything for you."
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lmskitty · 2 months
Here's have some Satosugu family stupidity. This is mostly just humour/crack fic because I needed a little break today. Hope you enjoy!
5 conversations Megumi Fushiguro overheard that he wished he hadn't.
Megumi Fushiguro loves his family, friends and boyfriend. He also hates all of them and thinks they should be the ones to pay for his therapy. Here are the things he has been made to hear with his own two ears over the course of one week.
1. The Todo Incident.
Todo mimed rudely with his right hand, his left hand holding his soft drink.
“Bro seriously if you sit on your hand it totally feels like it's a different person. Granted you should do both hands if you want the full package involved though.”
Yuji sighed “Number 1 no it doesn't, 2 stop telling me these things and 3 I don't even need this information!!” He hissed, pulling Todo’s arm down to stop him making the gesture.
Todo stared at him and then at Megumi and then erupted into applause wiping his eyes and hugging his friend, telling him how proud of him he was. He put his hand on Megumi's shoulder and congratulated him on his willpower and relationship, remarking that he had seen what his brother was working with and Megumi was truly strong in spirit for taking on that challenge. Megumi bent his finger back nearly breaking it and told him to never speak to him nor touch him again if he wanted to keep the other fingers.
2. The downfalls of understanding Riceball language.
Toge sat beside Yuta and leant his head on his shoulder before looking up at him, a gentle smile on his face.
Yuta smiled back. “I missed this. It's nice getting to hang out together in person again isn't it?”
Toge: Salmon, salmon, tuna mayo. (It was nicer getting to spend the morning in bed together with your dick in my throat)
Yuta coughed turning red. Megumi stared off to the side pretending he hadn't understood that.
Yuji stared at all of them. “Aw man did Toge say something funny again? I gotta get my head around that speech of his, it's so cool.
Megumi shook his head.
3. Not even safe at home.
Gojo walked into the kitchen and took his shirt off sitting next to his husband.
“Baby you are not gonna BELIEVE the size of the spot on my back”
Geto put his book down looking interested “bigger than the one on your thigh the other day?”
Gojo nodded "for sure!” He sat facing away from his partner. “Go slow though please it's gonna sting like a bitch I just know it”
Geto sighed and squeezed at his back and popped it. He showed Gojo how much was on his finger.
“Woah there was so much!” Geto said.
“Told you!” Gojo said. “Ooooh you know I'm kind of in a mood to be pampered, think you can do my eyebrows later, like tweezing them?” Gojo said, leaning his head back onto his partner's lap.
Geto smiled “Ok baby, and wanna do face masks like last time?”
Gojo nodded and clapped his hands together happily.
Megumi shut the fridge door behind them.
“Sometimes I think it would be less gay if I walked in on you two actually fucking” he said and took his coke upstairs.
“Oh go kiss your boyfriend you homophobe!” Gojo yelled after him, Geto laughed.
4. Girl talk
“No lube, no protection, all night all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, while i gasp for air and scream the lord’s prayer, he can have me!!!!” Nanako wailed at the TV lying on the floor pretending to claw at the screen watching the new Jungkook video again for the 15th time.
“He is pretty cute,” Tsumiki smiled.
“He could spit on my face and I'd thank him,” Mimiko sighed.
Megumi looked down at his salad and threw it in the bin deciding to only visit the kitchen when he was sure no one else was there.
5. Couples counselling
“Look I get it, I know you have an image to maintain but can we please just talk about it” Nobara said following Maki who sighed and stood up ahead.
“No, can we please just drop it”
“It's ok to be embarrassed but honestly I think it's really cute you're always the little spoon! I'm sorry I called myself your jetpack!”
“Panda is never gonna let me live this down,” Maki said. “And you can stop smirking too!” She yelled pointing her staff at Megumi who raised his hands and backed away going down the other way through the corridor.
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mikefaistslut · 4 months
anything for you
chapter 3
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“So, I googled you.” It was the first thing I could think to say. I wish I’d gone with “you look nice,” or maybe “good to see you again,” but I went with, “So, I googled you.”
“Did you find anything good?” He was perfectly relaxed, and he really did look nice. Suit and tie, hair perfectly fluffy.
“Broadway isn’t exactly a small stage.” I said, easing into it. He could see where I was going with this.
“I liked that you didn’t know who I was. Also, I would’ve seemed like a dick if I’d read off my entire professional resume. ‘Did you want my extra bag of peanuts? Also, I wanted to let you know I was nominated for a Tony.’ I’d only bring it up in casual conversation if i’d won.”
"West Side Story isn't exactly a 'short film' either. There's pictures of you standing next to Steven. Spielberg." I talked about it like this was news to him, like it wasn't literally his life and his memories. He seemed amused.
"Are you angry I didn't tell you?"
"Not angry so much as just shocked. I assumed I was flirting with a super low-key struggle-for-your-art kinda guy. Not a guy who knows what Steven Spielberg smells like."
"Kind of citrus-y. Maybe a little earthy tone to it." I hated myself for all the questions I had to ask. But I couldn't not ask.
"So if you're that famous, how come you weren't flying on a private jet situation?"
"I'm not private jet famous. I mean, don't get me wrong, I definitely get recognized, it's just more by theater people. Dear Evan Hansen fans, West Side, Newsies, you get it."
"See, that was you reading off your professional resume. But I figured that's what it was. I was never super into musicals. I tried to be, I could just never get it to stick in my brain. I went in and out of a lot of phases as a kid." I was dying to ask more of the juicy details, but I couldn't. Not yet. On the other hand, I found myself just wanting to know more about him personally, and I wanted him to know more about me. All the lame stuff like his favorite color, his favorites movies when he was a little kid, what his parents are like, etc. But I also wanted to know what it would be like to touch him. To kiss his beautiful face. To breathe him in. I asked all the questions and I let him go on and on. He'd try to steer the conversation to something about me and I'd turn it right back around to him. Anything just to stare at that gorgeous face just one second longer. Dinner was coming to an end and I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed until he brought it up.
"I'm sorry, I feel like I've just talked about only myself for the last three hours. Is that a total turn-off?" He was so fucking adorable.
"You could talk to me about anything and it wouldn't be a turn-off." And I meant it too. He seemed to like this answer.
"So if I started to talk about calculus or hip dysplasia or microbiology, you'd still want to go back to my hotel room with me?"
"Do you even know enough about those things to have an actual conversation about them?" I was avoiding the question.
"You're avoiding the question.. and no, I don't. I'm a dramatic arts school drop out. Sexy, right?"
I was eager, and he could tell. "Are you ready to go now?" I asked, gaining confidence.
"I was waiting for you to say that." Mike quickly paid the bill and stretched his hand out to mine to lead me out of the restaurant and into the cool, London air. He placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked to his hotel. I began to feel so incredibly nervous. Would he want to see me again if I gave it all away so soon? Would he still respect me? Does he even respect me now? A million questions were flooding through my mind, but I did my best to just relax. I decided to take things slow and let him take the lead. Maybe I was over thinking everything and he was just leading me back to his hotel room so we could order room service dessert and watch movies together, fully clothed and sitting six feet away from each other on opposite ends of the room. Maybe I was completely delusional and nothing remotely exciting was going to happen.
When we got to his hotel and the elevator doors shut to take us up to his room, I felt the sexual tension. At that point, I didn't care if he respected me. I needed to touch him and I needed him to touch me. I started slow, taking my hand from his and reaching further up his arm to wrap my hand around his bicep.
"Are you nervous?" He was a mind reader apparently.
"A hundred percent. But I really like you. Really really like you. I'm trying to be present and in the moment and spontaneous, and-"
He cut me off by pressing each of his hands on the sides of my face, pushing my hair behind my ears and walking me back against the wall of the elevator. He looked into my eyes and whispered, so delicately, "I'm going to kiss you now, okay?" Him asking only made it a million times more attractive. Cheeks flushed and heart in my stomach, I could only nod. He pressed his lips to mine. Slowly, our mouths melted together as I wrapped my hands around his slender waist, pulling him into me. Needing him even closer than he already was if that was even possible. As we both grew more passionate, more needy for each other, the elevator doors opened to his floor. We both pull ourselves away at the sound of someone clearing their throat, clearly not prepared to walk in on the scene we'd created.
"Oh! Uh, um- we're very sorry," Mike says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the elevator, rushing me down the hallway while simultaneously fishing for his key in his pants pocket. I laugh so hard my stomach begins to cramp.
The second we're inside his hotel room, I feel myself being picked up and thrown over Mike's shoulder. Both laughing, he places me on his bed and leans over, propping himself up on his hands.
"I'm going to fuck you now, is that okay?"
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
twelve fractures // pierre gasly
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summary: the four times that y/n leclerc almost called pierre gasly, and the one time that he gave in and called her
tell me, if I were to smile now, in the dead of the dark, would it even exist? i fantasize about those nights you sewed your lips to mine there were shortcuts into heaven through your eyes
pairing: pierre gasly x leclerc! reader ( brother's best friend ).
warnings: age gap ( reader is arthur's twin, which makes her 22 and pierre is 27 ), loss of virginity via a one night stand with pierre, hella angst, pierre is a little toxic at a few points in here. consumption of alchohol. descriptions of and allusions to sex. mentions of ferrari struggling in 2022. lots of miscommunication.
authors note: i hope you guys are ready for pain bc i think this one might hurt y'all a bit.
the first call.
she sat at the booth in the corner, her phone case warm against her hand as she stared numbly at the contact in front of her.
pierre 🍐. the contact photo was of the two of them when they were kids. the gaslys had always been family friends of hers, they grew up together.
so falling in love with him should have been inevitable.
y/n leclerc reached for her tumbler again, downing the last of her third glass of the night. she was well and truly drunk, and she was counting down the minutes until she was drunk enough to call pierre gasly and say all the things she wished that she had told him sooner.
tell him that she was sorry for making shit weird after that night in japan.
"what are you doing moping in the corner?"
she looked up from her phone, frowning at her twin brother as arthur leclerc slid into the booth next to her.
"the fuck do you care? you got into formula two, you should be celebrating."
y/n had never been the athletically inclined sibling. arthur and charles were thriving in motorsports. nobody was quite sure what lorenzo was doing but it seemed to be working for him. y/n just had half a draft of a manuscript sitting on her laptop that she was too scared to finish.
because she never finished anything. never saw it through.
"come on, y/n. you know that i can tell when something is wrong. how much have you had to drink?" arthur frowned, pushing the empty glass away as y/n shut off her phone, hoping that her brother wouldn't notice who she was about to call.
"can we leave, arthur? are you sober enough to drive me home?" her voice was quiet, broken as she looked over to where arthur should have been celebrating with the other prema drivers.
this had never been her world. what happened after japan should have just proven that.
a flash of panic shot through arthur's veins. "are you okay?"
"not really." she didn't trust herself not to cry. "just take me home, arthur."
once she was safely inside arthur's ferrari, her first tear began to fall, dragging a thick mascara trail down her porcelain cheek as she rested her head against the window, the grease from her hair staining the window.
"i hoped that if i got drunk enough, i'd finally have the guts to call him." she said quietly, the radio humming softly in the background with the kind of song she would have hated if arthur hadn't liked it so much.
"call who?" arthur asked, stopping at a traffic light and reaching for his sister's hand.
"pierre. things haven't been right between us for a long time."
arthur frowned, but he didn't say anything. he wasn't sure if there was anything for him to say. he never had been the sibling who dealt with emotions the best. that had always been lorenzo's job.
"i gave him everything, arthur. my time, my energy." she paused, covering her mouth as she felt a sob wrack her body, mascara tears dropping onto her fingers. "my virginity." she managed to cough out. "and he's been avoiding me ever since."
arthur paused, stopping the car in the shoulder of the empty monte carlo street, flicking on his hazard lights before he undid his seatbelt and leaned over the console to wrap his baby sister in his arms.
they may have been twins, but arthur was born exactly three minutes and forty-five seconds first, making him the older brother by default, and that was a job that he took very seriously.
he knew the weight of that statement more than he should have. while arthur and charles, and god, even lorenzo, had been sexually adventurous from the moment they turned sixteen, their sister didn't see life like that. she had barely even dated. she hadn't gone on her first date until she was nineteen years old, and there had only been three dates with him before she got scared and broke it off.
arthur knew how big a deal it was that she had felt comfortable enough with someone to give up that part of herself, to feel that vulnerable.
"when did that happen?"
"suzuka." she swallowed, reaching into the glove compartment for a box of tissues. "and it's not that i didn't enjoy it..."
"he didn't know he was your first, did he?" arthur said softly, tracing circles on his sister's shoulder as he held her. "let me guess, you got scared, and you shut down. maybe he was too rough with you for your first time. i was always scared that this would happen, i just never thought it would be with pierre gasly of all people."
"except i wasn't the one who stopped all contact when things got weird. that was all him, arthur. he was gone by morning and things haven't felt right since."
she sat there in arthur's arms, the hazard lights on the cherry red ferrari blinking in the dark night air as she thought about japan. how distraught pierre had been after the race, when he called her and said that he didn't want to be alone. she had shown up with a box of pizza and a case of japanese beer.
she thought about how she had ended up with his lips on hers, her bra thrown over a lamp. her fists clenching the sheets as pierre took her from behind, moaning his name until her throat was dry and her voice was hoarse. how aroused she had been when his large hands spanked her, leaving a red mark on her ass.
how the bed had been cold and empty when she woke up the next morning, pierre gasly's arms no longer around her.
she wasn't quite sure if she had been okay since.
the second call.
she had finally done it. taking the pain she felt after what happened with pierre, she hunkered down with her laptop and she finished her manuscript. every emotion, every shred of anger had been poured out on the pages, the words written in times new roman scribbled across the page.
and now, she was standing in the middle of waterstones, in the middle of london, stacks upon stacks of her book surrounding her.
and with the phone in her hand, her thumb itched to press the 'call' button next to pierre's name. he had been the number one supporter of her novel when she started writing. he had wanted an advance readers copy signed sealed and delivered to his apartment in milan.
she'd been watching the doors all night, hoping that he would walk in.
and she hated herself for being disappointed when he didn't.
his name had made it into the acknowledgments. trying to keep her brothers' careers separate from her own, all her acknowledgments had been done with initials. CL. PG. AL.
"you should be enjoying your party, y/n. is everything okay?" charles asked softly, passing her a glass of champagne. "you're waiting for pierre, aren't you?"
y/n coughed, trying not to let on to her older brother that he was right. "who told you?"
"arthur. you know that he can't keep a secret for shit."
"i didn't want you to know, charles. he's your best friend. i feel like i'm forcing you to choose sides."
charles shook his head, pulling his sister in for a hug, despite her protests. "there aren't any sides to choose, y/n. he's always going to be my best friend, but you're my sister. and the way he's been acting is unreasonable. in fact, if he had the nerve to show up tonight, we'd probably both end up in the drunk tank."
“but he should be here, charles. I probably wouldn’t have ever entertained this fucking fever dream without him.” she said quietly, resting her face on her brothers shoulder. “I don’t know what to do. I want him back, even if he doesn’t want me. why can’t I move on?”
"it's okay, y/n. it's okay." charles soothed, smoothing out his baby sister's hair. "being emotional is a strength, kiddo. one day, you're going to find someone who loves you back the same way that you love them. and if he hurts you, i'll break his knees."
y/n chuckled. "all you would need to do is put him in the car with mattia on the radio."
charles groaned. "don't even start! i'd break my own knees if it meant our strategy team pulled their shit together."
the third call.
the sun was setting over the sand and the palm trees in abu dhabi as y/n and her brother sat in the paddock, drink glasses in hand, sunglasses pulled over eyes. the paddock in abu dhabi had always been one of her favourites.
the last few months had been good to her. her book had made it onto the new york times' bestseller list, and she was trending on booktok. she had gone out with her high school best friend, taking a week in austria to just exist without expectations.
she finally felt like she was in a good headspace. her stomach didn't hurt when she thought about pierre gasly, and she didn't feel like crying when she thought about suzuka.
she was finally okay.
she looked out from the patio of ferrari's hospitality suite, her sunglasses on her forehead and her skin toned pink from the sunset, and that's when she saw him.
pierre gasly was walking through the paddock, his snapback on backwards and the top three buttons on his linen shirt undone. he looked every bit as good as he had when he was leaning over her, the metal of his cross necklace cool against her breasts as he kissed her.
"y/n." lorenzo said softly, poking her in the shoulder. "try not to think about it. you've made so much progress, don't let it all come undone now."
but she was in a much better place. now, instead of sobbing or yelling down the phone, she felt ready to have a proper conversation with the man who took every part of her and shattered it when he waited until she was asleep to slip out of the hotel suite.
she went inside the cherry-red building, ordering a hot chocolate before pulling her phone out of her back pocket and circling back to that same damn contact.
pierre 🍐.
and this time, she called him.
and he didn't answer.
even though it shouldn't, it stung.
she hung up without leaving a message.
the fourth call.
it was christmas eve, snowflakes falling past the windows of pascale leclerc's monaco home. all of her children were gathered in the living room, the lights on the christmas tree dialed up to full intensity as charles filled the small glasses with eggnog. in the living room, lorenzo and arthur were already buzzed, singing 'fairytale of new york' at the top of their lungs, arms over shoulders.
"charles, let me help." y/n insisted with a chuckle, taking two of the glasses from her older brother.
"i've got it, y/n." charles insisted. "go have fun with arthur and lorenzo!"
y/n snorted. "they're drunk, singing christmas carols at the top of their lungs. i think i'll take a hard pass on that one."
charles laughed. "fair enough. okay, you take three glasses and i'll take three, meet you in the living room?"
"sounds fair."
charles took the first few glasses and slipped out of the kitchen, leaving the last three on the island for y/n to take. as she reached for the first glass, her phone, which was sitting facedown on the counter, buzzed twice.
pierre 🍐: merry christmas y/n! sending my love to you and the family.
her heart skipped a beat as she read the message. the first communication with any feeling since that night in japan.
y/n: merry christmas pierre. can we talk?
she should have waited for him to text her back before she called him. the dial tone rang once before she was forwarded to his voicemail, the iphone buzzing again in her palm.
pierre 🍐: i can't talk right now, y/n. i'm with my family.
fucking fine, then.
she shut her phone off, grabbing one of the small glasses of eggnog and downing it in one gulp.
and the time that he called her.
it was saturday night in bahrain when pierre finally called her. he'd screwed up in qualifying with his new team, and he would be setting up at the very back of the grid the following day for the race.
she was already halfway back to her rental car when pierre called her, the keys to her bmw dangling from her fingers.
"we need to talk. there are some things i need to tell you."
"that's an ominous way to start a phone call, gasly."
"now isn't the time for jokes, y/n. i'm serious, we need to talk about suzuka."
"why now, pierre?"
"because i hurt you, and i'm sorry. charles told me what's going on with you."
charles marc herve perceval leclerc, you son of a bitch.
"fine. you can buy me dinner while you're at it."
the air was icy in the restaurant as pierre and y/n sat in the corner booth. neither wanted to be the one to speak first. drinks had been ordered and delivered while y/n worked out what she wanted to say to him.
how hurt she really was.
"y/n." pierre started slowly. "i'm so sorry about japan, and everything that happened after. i was acting like a jerk, and i shouldn't have shut you out like that."
"so why did you, gasly?" y/n said softly, picking at the pasta dish in front of her.
"i didn't leave you in bed that morning. i went to buy us coffee. i swear i left you a note on the bedside table. you were exhausted and," he hesitated. "when we were lying in bed together, you mumbled something as you were falling asleep, i don't even think you knew what you were saying. but you said 'that's one hell of a way to lose your v-card'. knowing that i treated you like that for your very first time, that i was the first person to have touched you like that. . . i don't know, i think a part of me was ashamed."
"i didn't see a note, pierre. there was nothing on the bedside table when i woke up. just think about how i felt for a minute, would you?" y/n scoffed. "i got vulnerable with you, i let you do things to me that no man had ever done before. i let you spank me, for god's sake!"
"keep your voice down!" pierre hissed, overtly conscious about the eyes on him throughout the resteraunt.
there were some things that the general public just didn't want, or need, to hear.
"and you never thought to call? never thought to check in with me later?"
pierre shook his head. "when i got back, the note was under the bed. i wasn't sure if you had read it and cast it aside, or if it had gotten blown off the table by the door or something. i just assumed that you didn't want to talk to me again."
"and then i texted you at christmas."
"and then you texted me at christmas." pierre nodded. "can we start over, y/n? i really like you, and it kills me to know that i fucked up."
y/n reached over the table, taking his hand in hers. "we really are shit at communicating, aren't we?"
pierre laughed. "so i've been told."
y/n laughed, withdrawing her hand. "hi, i'm y/n leclerc, nice to meet you."
pierre smiled. "what are you doing?"
"starting over."
"hi, y/n. i'm pierre. it's lovely to meet you too."
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Al Haitham x GN!Reader [hinted hanahaki au, slight angst to fluff]
"You're so mean, you know? If you hadn't looked at me like that, if you hadn't been so kind to me… to just me, maybe I could've kept on living unaware. Naive to this- this tightness in my throat, and swelling in my chest. You've always been so cold to everyone, but those small smiles you offer just me make my blood rush to my head. If I hadn't known your warmth, I could've kept my heart whole, but I can't. And I can't run away, either, because I love you, Haitham. My heart has chosen you to call its home. You are my home."
"I- can't," he choked, eyes wide with panic, "I just-"
"I know," they interrupted, a soft smile painted on their lips, "I'm just a little disappointed that I managed to delude myself to the point I actually thought you might like me back."
"I'm sorry," he raised his hand, stopping before he let himself cup his friend's tear-ridden cheek.
"Don't apologize," they stepped forward, pressing their forehead against his chest, hiding their tears from his sharp eyes, "that's not the type of person you are."
He let his outstretched hand drop gently onto their head, staring straight ahead.
"I almost wish you had been cold," a pitiful laugh, "it would have been easier. Though, I admit it would have hurt far more. I suppose I should thank you."
"Thank me?"
"For rejecting me so kindly. For giving me the chance to experience this wonderous feeling I used to ridicule. I'm happy I met you."
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"Yes, dear?"
"Do you think, if I see him again, I could fall in love all over again?"
"How romantic."
"Are you ready?"
"As ever."
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Al Haitham startled, after disappearing for two weeks, they'd suddenly reappeared in his path, humming along to a song only they could hear. It was a habit he hadn't even realized he had missed, the silence permeating his office more off-putting than it had ever been before. He called out, and they froze midstep, looking up like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
"Um... hi?" their voice pitched with nerves, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
His eye twitched, and he decided to play along with their little game, "Of course, we're the best of friends after all. Don't tell me you've forgotten me so easily after all we've been through."
A blush tinted their ears pink, head sinking embarrassed into their shoulders, "Friend? Oh dear, I seem to have such an awful memory. This is so embarrassing."
He frowned, this was no longer just a joke, they had truly forgotten him completely. "No problem," he compartmentalized that upset for another time. Right now it was important he learn exactly what had happened in these past two weeks.
"Well," they hesitated, clearly trying to make up for their forgetfulness, "from your robes, I assume I know you from the Academiya. Are you a researcher?"
"Yes, that is how we met, however, I'm actually the Academiya's Scribe."
"Scribe?" His hands reached out on instinct to catch them, the shock of the revelation having caused them to trip over their own feet.
They chuckled nervously, pushing themselves off him gently, "Well, you can't blame me for making such a fool of myself. After all, I seem to have forgotten an attractive gentleman such as yourself."
"It can't be helped," he smiled wistfully, "you've always been quite a clutz."
"Have not," they grumbled, childishly. Then, turning back to him, "I'm actually quite graceful, it just so happens that beautiful people turn my knees to jelly."
"Well then," he held his elbow out for them to grab, "how about I take you to lunch so you can rest those jellied legs of yours."
"I think I'd quite enjoy that, old friend of mine," they took his arm, grinning widely, "and while we're at it, you can tell me how exhausting it must be to be such an important and gorgeous man."
"If you continue with this flattery, I may think you're only interested in my face."
"Not at all, your arms are quite nice, too."
Considering writing pt.2 of Al Haitham POV learning about the disease but I didn't even do very well on this part. The idea was much angstier in my head.
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gt-abby · 9 months
Secret Santa!!
Okay so, I participated in the secret Santa that @gt-jar made, and who did I get as a giftee? none other than @sheena-yuet ! gosh, I didn't know how to even start, as they're so very talented and I could never compare, but at any rate, I hope you like this:
I was told you like reunion stories, and since you love g\t I assumed you watched The Secret World of Arrietty (I apologize if you hadn't, but if you hadn't please do!) and made a little sketch plus a tiny story of Sho reuniting with Arrietty years after the movie ends.
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"I can't believe it, Arrietty, I thought I'd never see you again!" Sho said, tearing up. It has been years since they last saw each other- when Arrietty came to say goodbye to him since she and her parents had to leave for a new home after getting discovered. Destiny must have done backflips to get them to meet again after the miles and miles that Arrietty and her family traveled to find a new house to settle in and borrow.
"Sho... This is so... I can't believe it either..." She had no words to say. She saw him through the grass leaves in the front garden, as he arrived at the new house they were hiding in, and couldn't not show herself to him. She had to come to say hi. Arietty has been thinking about him and their adventures together ever since they happened. How could she ever forget him? As the only human she'd ever met that has been compassionate and kind to her, and she couldn't help but feel safe with him.
"How did you find this place? Do you live here now?" He started asking her questions, his mouth rambling. This was new, Arrietty thought, He'd never been so expressive. He seems to have healed from his illness.
'"I... I can't tell you that... I'm sorry. I can't risk our lives again." She sighed. His expression made her heart ache. He looked disappointed but understanding. "But... how have you been? you seem happier."
"Yeah, I've moved out from my mother's house. I live in the city now, far away. This is the place of my close friend from school, I came to visit." He placed her on the ground, thinking the surface of his hands was too uneven for her- she did look uncomfortable when she realized he was holding her.
"That's nice... I wish I could see it." She said as Sho sat down next to her on the steps to the front porch. She sat down as well.
"Eh, it's not so special. Just lots and lots of humans living very close to each other, nothing like the countryside." Sho looked out towards the beautiful garden and past it at the fields beyond it. Arrietty couldn't see his face from below, where she sat. His giant hand was resting right next to her, reminding her of how enormous he was and why they could never have a real friendship.
The sun has begun to set as the clouds turned a pinkish orange. Arrietty rarely found herself watching the sky, given most of her surroundings were obscuring the view above her. Sho then sighed and looked down at her.
"I'm glad to know you're alright. I've been thinking of you ever since we said goodbye." He said with a smile.
"I feel the same way." She looked up at him and smiled back. Then her face suddenly saddened and she looked away. Sho didn't need to ask to know what she was thinking about. They were living in two different worlds and were destined to be apart. He then felt her tiny hand resting on his index finger. He looked back down.
"I... have to go... My parents will freak out if I'm late for dinner." She chuckled. "It was nice to see you, though."
"Oh... I see... I-it was nice seeing you, too. Please take care, Arrietty." Sho then saddened as well. He wished they could make this moment stretch even a little bit longer. He knew he might not see her ever again. Looking at her, examening her face as she got up, he suddenly picked her up and hugged her close to his chest.
Arrietty felt her stomach drop when he suddenly swept his hand under her feet and held her up. She opened her mouth to shout but nothing came out. When the terrifying feeling of getting picked up went away, she realized that was his way of trying a hug. So her heart softened and she hugged him back. She could feel heat radiation off of both his palms and his chest.
After a few moments he placed her back down on the floor, and watched her run off and disappear in the grass. Sho's heart wished he'd be lucky again to see her one more time. And just at that moment, The front door opened and his friend greeted him in a warm hug. Sho returned the hug, but his head was somewhere else, wondering where she was now, and hoping she would be okay.
Hope you liked it, Sheena! and marry christmas to you!
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trulybetty · 9 months
Sunday Week In Review XVI & 2023 Wrapped
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I feel like 2023 just started five minutes ago, am I the only one who feels like this year as passed by quickly but at the same time dragged its heels?
I've seen so many lovely end of year close out posts and years in review. I toyed with how I wanted to close out the year and what I could say that could sum it up sufficiently.
Betty rambles under the cut with this weeks reads if you're interested...
2023 has been a weird year if I'm entirely honest and somewhat isolating. I returned from mat leave, back to working from home, and having to scramble to make adjustments when things fell through. Which resulted in Mr. Truly and I working opposite shifts to ensure the S.S. Truly stayed afloat.
But during the last six months somehow I made it back to Tumblr, to an old account from way back when - pre-dating when the Canucks made it to game seven kinda old - I blew off the dust, cleaned house and made myself a little space. I still don't know 100% how it all happened, though I think it started with the Reddit forum.
You don't need to know the whole spiel about Pedro, because while we're here because of him, it's the community that holds us here. After floating and not really knowing what I was doing, I started to make connections within this community and finding a seat at the table (we'll come back to that) and I found joy again. I'd kinda lost myself in the fog that is half a dozen other titles/roles others looked to me as that had replaced just Betty.
I started writing, hadn't done that in years. I rekindled by love for graphic design, what I went to school for. I was reading books again, as well as so many great fanfics here. I even bought poetry books, something I hadn't done since I don't know when.
I've been really fortunate in my experience that I've encountered so many wonderful people. I may not get to be as social as I'd like to be, and I still have a fear of dropping into DM's & Asks unannounced. I have the shittest memory, if I don't keep a tab open or reply straight away it's sometimes days or weeks before I remember again. But I really hope that I've returned in kind what others have given me because I'd hate for anyone to feel like they don't belong here, because you do.
This community is a table (told you I'd come back) and it's size is immeasurable. It has no bounds and there's always room for whatever kind of chair you pull up and if you don't have one? We'll find one. Need to leave for a while? We'll save your seat. This my friends is a community, and if you're met with those who tell you the table is full, I'm telling you now, they're not a part of it.
Are there going to be those with more notes? Yes. Are there going to be people you're going to compare your writing to? Yes. Are you going to maybe want to pack it all in and delete your masterlist now and then? Yes.
But none of that takes away anything that makes you, you and what you bring to the table.
Life is hard enough without the added pressure of thinking you need to score imaginary internet points with stats and metrics that carry no value. I wish I knew the magic formula, because I'm still trying to figure it out myself, but let's try and be kinder to ourselves eh?
But I'm really going into 2024 with the goal of curating my own joy - whether it be indulging in the fanfics I want to write and read, more obnoxious coffees, a new fountain pen, giving myself permission to buy the fancy notebook, get back to baking or binging both seasons of Julia and pretending I can make one of her recipes.
So to sum it up, before this goes into a further incoherent ramble, this year has been about reaching out, starting connections and building something meaningful. I've met some amazing people that I am lucky to call friends and without their kindness and extending a seat at the table I'm not sure I'd still be around these parts.
Here's to more of that in 2024 - while I'm not always the best at replying to messages, my DM's and Ask's are always open, feel free to drop in at any time 💕
Pedro Tax™️ for your time...
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
December x 500 is complete-ish? Thanks to being sick towards the end of the month there's three entries missing, but I'm hoping to sneak them in during the new year! I'm looking forward to a quieter writing schedule that's for sure!
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . . Didn't read as much as I wanted to this week - but I'm off this next week, so hoping to do a little more and get through some of my TBR list!
All I Want for Christmas (Frankie) by @morallyinept This was a delightful festive meet-cute that had me on the edge of my seat and also explores the character of Frankie and the ramifications of his actions on his friendships and his ex. 
All I Want (Will Miller) by @laurfilijames This was a bittersweet one-shot that touched on the idea that the festive season isn’t always for everyone and that you never know what’s going on with someone. 
I Put My Book Down to Be Here (Dieter) by @frenchiereading My first New Year’s Eve fic I’ve read this season and it’s so sweet and has a soft Dieter (my fave), who is still his chaotic self! I loved this from start to finish and such a great meet-cute!
Had Me Fooled (Dave) by @wildemaven Heidi has done such an amazing job with this mini series that can be read as a standalone or as a series. I love a soft Dave and Heidi does it so well. This last one had my toes curling in all their romantic glory and I will be revisiting this series again I'm sure!
Reunions (The Thief) by @ladamedusoif I'm behind on Rose's December prompts, but this was the steamy follow up to My Kiss, Only For You (go read that first, no seriously, go read it) and it was so delectable and my greedy self hopes we see these two again in the future.
Cookies (Tim) by @ladamedusoif Speaking of delicious things, this was as indulgent and sweet as the cookies made in this fic. Tim was one of the characters I didn't see becoming such a favourite this year - but I love seeing everyone's interpretation of him. This one here? In my top ranked versions 🫠
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So here's to 2024!
Thank you for every interaction, reblog, or tag - every single one is held clutched to my heart in appreciation every time!
Stay safe, and whatever you're doing or wherever you are sending you much love!
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