#and just. if i hadnt put this off. or hadnt kept chasing down whatever new fun shiny thing i came up with instead
silverislander · 1 year
something really fun and sexy adhd will do is block you from ever actually showing others what you're truly capable of. lol
#this is SO inconsequential but im kinda upset abt it#i finished my final american lit paper today. 9 pages kind of a big deal. im glad its done now#but i cant even be proud of it#bc i changed my original idea four times and only wound up with a week to work on the final version which. wasnt really enough time#and it morphed while i was writing it too bc i came up with a better angle#but now its really disorganized which i know ill lose points on. and i Know its not my best work#but i dont have time to fix it bc its due tomorrow#and just. if i hadnt put this off. or hadnt kept chasing down whatever new fun shiny thing i came up with instead#its not even a bad essay its just. i could for sure do better. i had three weeks i could have CRUSHED this#smth that really shows what im capable of and could net me the grade i know i can get when im at my best#its the difference between a 70 and a 90 but it matters to me#i started it early and still wound up rushing myself and procrastinating#all bc this is what my brain just always fucking does#levi.txt#and to top it all off i REALLY like this prof. ive taken two courses with him hes super cool and ive had actual fun in his classes#... and This is the impression i have to leave him with. a half assed mess#i know he knows what i can do and im so disappointed i couldnt pass smth better in to prove it#esp bc its the LAST paper i will ever write in one of his classes :(#like. my original idea was a historical overview and it wound up talking abt depictions of the thing instead#so i have like 3 paragraphs of Just history/background that i dont know how to break down and integrate and its MESSY#im not a perfectionist in any other aspect of life but when it comes to papers i absolutely am. i wish i had time to fix this
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
model citizen ricky horror x reader
college au
prompt: Character A sitting in a college 7am lecture and Character B sitting next to them pouring an energy drink into their coffee and says, "I'm going to die." (First interaction)
Song: pretty little distance by as it is
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx
i walked into the room and huffed as i took my seat, reaching into my bag for my notebook and a pen. i hated having a 9am again and missed being able to sleep-in like i did last semester. this was the first day though and i was hopeful my mind would change about it as the course went on. it probably wouldnt though. i sat there, catching a few more students walk in as i looked down at my phone.
nothing was too exciting yet and the teacher hadnt even shown up. i was more-so ready for the new art class though. it was my major after all and i was pretty well known by the professors at this point. as i sat there, a loud clatter grabbed my attention, making me look to my right. there was sat a shorter, skinny kid, with long inky black hair tucked under a beanie. my eyes went wide as he cracked the monster in his hand open, pouring it into his half=full trenta cup from Starbucks. he looked over at me and smiled.
"im going to die."
he said in the most sure-fire tone before putting the lid back on the cup and chugging it. i sat there in horror staring at him.
"are you okay?"
i asked and he shrugged, looking at me over the top of the cup. he had the bluest eyes i had ever seen, even in the low light of the art room. i was a little start struck for a second before shaking myself out of my daze, watching him put the cup down against the desk with a thud.
"if i pass out during class just push me out of the way and ill figure something out later."
he said, turning forward. i went to say something just as the teacher walked in.
"y/n! good to see you back. we missed you last semester."
professor crane said, looking to the student teacher as he ducked behind him and paced quickly to the front desk. his gaze followed him too before he shrugged and turned back to me with a smile.
"whatever, im sure he missed you too. but either way its good to have you back in class and i look forward to seeing what you come up with for the showcase in march."
i nodded with a smile before he walked away to the front of the class, instructing everyone to take their seats.
"you come here often?"
i heard from the kid next to me, hearing him laugh to himself as he took another drink of his coffee/monster concoction.
"yes, actually. im an art major."
i said a little dumbfounded. he nodded.
"cool, im here for film."
i drew my brows.
"youre doing film?"
i asked and he winked at me, looking to Brian as he turned the projector on. i opened my mouth before closing it quickly, feeling a little more confused than before.
"alright, first things first. i only make a syllabus because administration says i have to. the schedule is shit and we will most likely be doing something completely different so i suggest you keep a planner or something to keep track of your assignments. secondly, i will get to it later but i want you to start thinking about your projects for the spring showcase in march. we have a few short months so after you learn the basics of form you will be instructed to sketch something in your own style and present it to the board."
my mind went in and out after that, trying to catch quick glances at the kid next to me without being suspicious. every time he moved i could feel my heart pulse, giving me anxiety that he could actually pass out or something.
"y/n, your partner for this project will be mr olson."
brian said, standing over me and looking between the two of us. i nodded with wide eyes as he moved to the two kids behind us.
"guess that means we have pretty high chances at getting an A."
he said, raising his cup in cheers. i looked down at the assignment sheet, grazing over it and groaning. we had to come up with a comic strip in different style parts; the first panel a base sketch, the second panel a hard sketch, the third panel color blocking, and so on. god this was gonna be a nightmare.
"you dont seem too enthused."
the kid said amused. i sent him a testing look.
"im not, ive done something similar before and you have to get every step just right or they take points off. and we have to prove what parts we did."
i said, rolling my eyes. i looked over to him, blinking as a camera flash went off. i drew my brows as he looked down at the screen on it.
"where did you even get that?"
i asked, trying to inspect him. he sent me a smile.
"i always keep it on me. im ricky by the way, and you look great."
he said amused and i breathed deeply.
i said, looking back to the paper.
"well y/n i think this is going to be a great partnership-"
brian called, cutting him off.
"you have your assignments. i have nothing else for you today so you are welcome to either stay here and work until class time is over or you can leave and work on it on your own time. i dont really care either way, just get it done."
i hummed to myself before stuffing my notebook and the assignment sheet into my bag and standing up. i caught a glimpse of ricky starting at me with wide eyes as i turned to leave.
"what are you doing?"
he asked and i looked between him and the door, pointing at it.
"leaving, its not due for another week."
i started off, hearing him shuffle around before chasing after me.
"hey wait! cant we like plan what we're doing or something?"
he asked and i shrugged, looking over to him as he tried to put his paper in his backpack and hold the camera and cup of coffee. i stopped, staring at him as he struggled. i rolled my eyes, taking the cup and the camera from him. he looked to me in shock and i raised my brows.
"get to it, i dont have all day."
i said and he finished what he was doing, zipping his bag up and slinging it over it shoulder. i handed him the cup and camera back and kept walking.
"so uh, what kind of thing did you have in mind for this project?"
he asked and i looked to the sky, squinting but trying to think as we made it outside.
"i dont know, maybe a ball of some kind?"
he raised a brow, shuffling his feet as he tried to keep up with my long strides.
"like masks and large dresses?"
he asked and i nodded, opening the door to dinging hall.
"something like that yeah."
he nodded as i led us to a table.
"that sounds cool, i could get behind that."
i sent him a knowing look.
"you seem like the kind of guy who would."
i said, pulling my sketchpad out. he raised a brow, sitting beside me.
"whats that supposed to mean?"
he asked and i sent him  a look.
"im assuming you like vampires, and the Edwardian thing usually goes hand in hand with that."
he sent me a nervous smile.
"is it that obvious?"
he asked, rubbing his hands against his pants. i nodded.
"thats okay though, cause i like them too. so much so that i have costumes already, we can pose for each other. i think youd look great in this."
i said, sliding my phone across the table to show him the outfit i had for it. i just hoped it would fit him.
"you seem like youve been planning this for a while."
he said through a laugh and i shrugged.
"i just like to feel fancy, the projects on the other hand kind of fall into my lap."
i said, flipping through a few pages in my book. he placed his hand on one before taking it from me and looking over it.
"this looks insane."
he said and i looked around awkwardly.
"in a good way?"
i asked, finding his gaze.
"oh! yeah! of course in a good way. it looks super cool. i see why you wanted to do the ball thing now."
he commented, noting the sketch i had done already that was similar. it is what i was used to after all. he set the book back down in front of me and sent me a wide smile, picking his camera up and taking another picture of me.
"why do you do that?"
i asked and he laughed.
"i need models for my art and i think now that we've met you would be a great subject."
i set him a look, trying to hide the blush creeping its way up my neck.
"you really think so?"
i asked bashfully and he nodded.
"oh yeah, absolutely. and now that we're partners i think it will give me ample opportunity to find a new muse. you wanna be a subject for a music video?"
i sat back, a little taken aback.
"you want me to do what?"
i asked and he laughed, putting the camera on the table.
"in about a month my band is gonna need some girls for a video but its cool if not. i can live with us just being art project partners."
i cleared my throat, rubbing my hands together under the table.
"how about we get through this first and ill get back to you on that?"
he smiled knowingly at me, raising his coffee to me in cheers.
"sounds like a plan to me."
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fortressclan · 4 years
Bidwell sighed, glancing over at the full moon. Its that time of the month again. Great.
The moon had just risen, the twolegplace blocking out the stars from the sky and leaving the moon as the only source of light. Bidwell was preparing to make the quick trip over to the clans, having just finished all the tasks he had to do for the day. All was left was to check up on the two rivalling clans, and he could retreat back to his den and take a rest. God did he want to rest.
Bidwell looked over to Saxton, who was close by with some cats he was chatting up. He was too far away to hear anyone but Saxton, who was being loud as usual. He was sure anyone in the area wasnt going to be able to sleep that night, if he continued his story for that long. Hopefully the cats he was talking to would keep him distracted enough so he wouldnt try and fight another kittypet or, god forbid, a twoleg again. Saxton managed to catch his assistant's gaze and grinned, a quick acknowledgement before he continued with his loud conversation. Bidwell nodded before turning around, beginning the trip over to the clans.
It didnt take too long thankfully. Bidwell hopped over the log at the entrance of Blueclan's camp, something he had learned early on that one of the mercenaries had put there in a sad attempt at defense. And which had successfully tripped him three times before he finally learned to jump over it. At least it was better than nothing, he supposed.
The camp itself was somewhat small. The cats had moved and redid the entire place, leaving four dens remaining. They had kept the medicine cat and warrior dens, and Bidwell had later learned that they actually had weaved the nursery into the warrior's den, leaving an odd dip in the ground inside the den from where the nursery was originally was. The leader's den was, of course, untouched, and a thick bramble wall was made over the entrance, a small gap left in the barrier for what Bidwell could only assume was how their leader got delivered food and water. Bidwell didnt want to ask where their leader made dirt though- he feared what the answer to that question would be. The last den was close to the medicine cat's, being for anyone with injuries or visitors. Pauling had told him it was added after a particularly rainy night kept her in the camp, and Baystep was kind enough to help make a quick shelter for her to stay the night. Before Bidwell had questioned why she didnt just stay in the warrior's den with the others, but after actually meeting them, he quickly understood.
Immediately upon entering he spotted a gaggle of the mercenaries by one of the dens, some of them sharing a rabbit. He struggled to remember their names sometimes, since their leaders had decided to rename them all as a sign of welcoming and he had only knew them as their loner names. He managed to overhear their conversation and quickly put faces to names- Heavyclaw, Scorchleap, Hawkslash, and Baystep. He struggled for a few seconds with the last tom, since one of the cats kept naming him 'Berrytooth' for some reason, but after watching Heavyclaw gently hit him with a paw and correct him, he managed to remember Houndsnap's name. Bidwell offered little other than a quick nod to the group to acknowledge they existed, before heading to the medicine cat's den. The smells of herbs, flowers, and a scent Bidwell's mind immediately told him was blood flooded his nose, almost being too much for him. He spotted Bloodspeckle sitting down and pointing at something red and suspiciously meaty looking, with Firecrackle listening with wide eyes. "And you see, this is the hea- oh! Hello, Bidvell!" The medicine cat greeted, a few too many red spots on him for Bidwell to blissfully ignore. Firecrackle chirped a greeting as well, and Bidwell quickly nodded a hello before immediately backing away from the scene. That left two cats left, unless one of them was unfortunate enough to have been reduced to whatever Bloodspeckle was showing Firecrackle.
After investigating the two other dens and ruling out the leader's den as where the two were hidden, Bidwell decided desperate times required desperate measures. The gaggle of cats had mostly spread out, and Bidwell slowly gravitated towards the two ginger toms, Baystep and Heavyclaw. The paler of the two, Baystep, paused his conversation as soon as Bidwell approached, tipping his head in greeting. Heavyclaw paused to read Bidwell's expression, before his ears perked. "Little man has question?" He asked, with a slight tilt of his head and curiousity in his expression. Baystep chimmed in as well, adding "Feel free to ask us anything, partner. We'd be glad to help". Bidwell nodded, glancing around almost nervously. "Yeah, right, thank you. Uh, would any of you happen to know where the others are?" He asked, trying to remember their names. "Rushwing and..." He waved a paw, trying to remember what new name the other had gotten. "Raccoonheart?" Baystep supplied, and Bidwell nodded. "Yes, him. Them. Both of them." Baystep glanced at Heavyclaw, apparently thinking. "I thought i saw Raccoonheart hunting earlier, and i aint too sure where the kid is." He responded, and Heavyclaw slowly nodded, turning his head over to where Houndsnap and Scorchleap were. "Do Hound and Scorch know where little apprentice went?" He asked, and both cats shook their head. Bidwell watched as Scorchleap went and asked Bloodspeckle and Firecrackle, and groaned as he came back and reported they had no clue, either.
"How did you manage to lose an entire cat?" Bidwell sighed, lowering his head and debating hitting it against the ground as a sign of frustration. Maybe he would manage to knock himself out and wake up back in his den like this was a bad dream. "Dont worry, the little ankle-biter will show up sooner or later. Or you'll hear him yabbing on about something or other." Hawkslash reassured Bidwell, which did little to help actually reassure him. Bidwell nodded anyways, before deciding what to do. "I'll return later." He said to none of the cats in particular, raising his head up. "He cant be too far, and its quicker than waiting, at least." Some of the cats dipped and nodded their heads, leaving Bidwell to leave camp to wander around and hopefully find the missing speedy tom.
Fortunately, that didnt take too long. The smells of the twolegplace had clogged his nose enough for him to be utterly useless at tracking, but Rushwing didnt seem to be the one to be sneaky in any sense. Whenever Bidwell lost the scent, there was normally a broken branch or obviously moved fern that he could follow and use to pick it up again. It took barely ten minutes for him to find out where Rushwing was, counting the two times he had mistakenly followed the wrong trail. The area Rushwing was in looked to have been a long abandoned training clearing, with a soft and sandy ground that would've been perfect to practice on. It was padded down slightly from use, and Bidwell was able to see some spots where paw prints had been worn down into the ground. Rushwing himself was hitting a clawed up tree that jutted out into the training area a bit, hopping and dodging about for practice. It didnt seem like Rushwing had noticed Bidwell, and while he could leave now that he knew the other hadnt gotten himself killed, something told him to sit down and watch for a few seconds. It wasnt everyday he got to see someone fight. Someone that wasnt Saxton, that is.
Bidwell got caught pretty quickly, Rushwing having paused to lick his paw after accidentally actually hitting the tree with his paw pad. Rushwing stared at Bidwell for a second, tongue sticking out against his paw, before smiling. "Oh hey, prissy pelt!" He greeted, quickly licking his paw before setting it down. "Any reason youre sittin' there watchin' me?" Rushwing asked, and Bidwell shook his head. "No, none at all." "Well, cause, y'know i was just warming up. Normally i fight foxes. Reaaaal big ones." Bidwell raised his non existent eyebrows, sensing the conversation veering directly into bragging territory. "I mean like, even bigger than me! And you, obviously." Bidwell had little idea how to respond without fueling the fire, so he just nodded and let Rushwing continue. Maybe he could sneak away while Rushwing was talking? "I even fought a badger once! Real big guy, tough too! I think it was a guy. I didnt ask. Anyways, me and Scorchleap, this was before you and Pauling and everyone else stuck their noses into our lives, no offense, we had to fight it! And we, well, we were the only ones left in the clan, but that was alright! We won anyways, and-" Rushwing paused, bending awkwardly to get to the back of his front leg, shoving a bit of fur out of the side. His fur had hidden them, but Rushwing had a few scars on his leg which Bidwell recognized as teeth marks. Bidwell had never seen a badger, or a fox for that matter, but a quick run over of his teeth with his tongue informed him that, for once, Rushwing was probably not lying or exaggerating the story. "I got this! The badger bit my leg and tried throwing me, but it didnt let go, and i got dizzy and my head kinda hurt. Scorchleap smacked it right in its ugly face and it dropped me, and we both chased if off!" Rushwing smiled, clearly proud of his scar as he sat properly again, licking his fur down and over the scars again.
Bidwell opened his mouth, instinct kicking in with the normal 'you did great, sir' he would give Saxton for the latest fight he had, but quickly stopped that train of thought before it left his mouth. Bidwell opened it again to ask about the badger, before Rushwing continued. "I mean, it probably aint much to what's in the twolegplace. The other guys keep goin' on and on about how harsh and bad that place is. You gotta have some scars too, right? C'mon, spill it!" Rushwing got up, circling Bidwell excitedly as if to search for any scars he had under his long fur. "I, uh, i dont have any." Bidwell admitted, craning his head around to keep his eye on Rushwing. "Im not a fighter. I just work for Saxton, unlike Pauling. She's most likely the one with the good stories." He said as Rushwing finished his circling, looking rather disappointed. "Well you have to know somethin'! Aint there big monsters and twolegs there? Dont you, like, fight 'em?" Bidwell shook his head, and Rushwing groaned, throwing his head back dramatically. He sat down, going silent for a few seconds, before immediately perking up. "I know! Fancy paws, get up." Rushwing nearly commanded, getting a flat stare from Bidwell. Bidwell hesitantly got up, unsure to where this was going. Rushwing scurried to the other side of the training clearing, before getting down into a crouch with an excited grin. "What are you doing?" Bidwell asked in the same tone he used on kits, rowdy apprentices, and, occasionally, Saxton. "Pretendin' youre a fox." Rushwing answered, and before Bidwell could ask what that even meant, Rushwing was suddenly charging at him at a surprising speed. Bidwell's first reaction was to scramble away, but it seemed Rushwing had planned for that. As Bidwell ran, Rushwing leaped and landed directly in Bidwell's path, whipping around and striking a paw out.
Bidwell froze and closed his eyes, expecting the hot flash of pain, but was instead met with a light twap as Rushwing rather gently hit him with a sheathed claw. Bidwell opened one eye, then the other, watching with defeat as Rushwing hit his face like a kitten playing with yarn. "By starclan, you would not survive in the wild." Rushwing said, clearly amused and trying not to laugh. "I said i wasnt a fighter..." Bidwell exhaled, sitting and slowly calming down, licking flat some fur that had risen up from the short lived conflict. "I didnt think you were that bad!" Rushwing defended himself, sitting down as well. "I mean, even Bloodspeckle is better than that! I dont think he has any self preser-whatsit, but you didnt even fight! You just ran!" Bidwell didnt really know how to react, since everything Rushwing was saying was true, staying silent instead of repeating the 'im not a fighter' line again. "Ok ok, alright, listen. Next time i do that, run forwards. Not away, towards. Got it?" Bidwell was about to ask what 'next time' was suggesting, before Rushwing went back over to the other side of the training clearing again. Oh lord. Bidwell debated his options, before deciding that this was the best practice he was going to get. He got up, much to what seemed like surprise and genuine happiness on Rushwing's face, getting back to around where he was before. "Ready?" Rushwing asked, and Bidwell tentatively nodded. Rushwing began charging once again, and Bidwell's instincts screamed at him to run away, to escape the danger. He grounded himself, trying his best to ignore it, and once he saw Rushwing's hind paws bunch up in preparation to jump, he ran forward. Rushwing left the ground as Bidwell left little but dust and sand where he was standing, and the long fur tom was surprised when he ran right under Rushwing, landing in his paws hard to turn his head around and watch Rushwing land. Something clicked in Bidwell, and he began charging right at Rushwing. The tom looked over with a almost proud grin that made Bidwell only feel a little bad as he sped towards him, and the expression was quickly replaced with surprise as Bidwell slammed his front paws into his shoulder. The force knocked the unsuspecting warrior over, with Bidwell following after with little clue on how to roll along with the fall. The two were silent for a second, with Rushwing trying to process what happened and Bidwell silently proud of what he had done, before Rushwing let out a small laugh, still on the ground. Bidwell smiled, slowly joining in with the laugh at what he had just done. The two stayed on the ground like that for a few seconds, before their laughter died down as the rustling of leaves alerted them to a newcomer.
"Are you two done playing like kits?" Raccoonheart asked, setting down a warm rabbit, most likely recently caught. Bidwell immediately got up, shaking his fur and getting any sand stuck to him off. Rushwing raised his head but didnt get up, glaring at Raccoonheart. "We were trainin'! Which is more than you seem to be doin'. Doesnt Baystep get us enough food?" Rushwing grumbled, nodding to the rabbit. "Bluestar specifically requested for a rabbit, according to Bloodspeckle. Now leave Bidwell alone and let him do his actual work." Raccoonheart replied, picking up his rabbit and retreating into the bushes. Rushwing stuck his tongue out as the tom left, grumbling to himself once he was out of sight. "Raccoonheart is right." Bidwell admitted, feeling somewhat disappointed. "I should go back to my work. I still have to make sure Redclan is in order." Rushwing got up, shaking his fur with a sigh. "Yeah, i thought so." He nodded, looking almost as disappointed as Bidwell felt. Bidwell turned to depart, before Rushwing caused him to pause. "Hey, uh, stay safe." Rushwing said, his tone somewhat cautious, and almost nervous. "Kind of want to beat you up again, y'know?" Bidwell looked at Rushwing, who seemed a bit uncomfortable at the attempt of being genuine. He smiled at the tom, nodding. "I'll... Yeah, it was fun. Ill try not to die or anything." Bidwell agreed. "Yeah, yeah! Thanks. For, uh, not dying. In advance." Bidwell smiled at that before breathing out, turning around, and leaving into the forest. The small training had hurt his paws and the side he had landed on slightly, but Bidwell didnt really seem to mind as he began walking away. Maybe Saxton was right. Maybe a good fight was something he needed. Or maybe all he needed just a good laugh.
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snexy-the-snail · 6 years
Christmas noms (part 1)
Merry Christmas my Snexy little snexlits! Here's part of Christmas noms! Part two will be coming soon <3))
Max hated this fucking camp sometimes like seriously what the fuck was up with this place.
He kicks open the mess hall doors, everyone just eating their breakfast like normal, David with his apple juice and the other two counselors with their coffee. Everyone turned to look at him due to his dramatic entrance.
“It is once again, fucking snowing outside.” He announces loudly. As expected every kid lost their shit and burst out of the mess hall screaming with excitement.
“Again! Really?” Gwen groans before downing the rest of her coffee. She scowls as she gets up and heads to get a shovel and warmer clothes.
“Again? Seems plausible I suppose.” Daniel mumbles, watching Max march over to them. The kid seemed really bothered by it which was strange since nothing really bothered Max to begin with.
“That's great news! We can have another Christmas, this time with Daniel!”
Daniel rolls his eyes and finishes off his coffee. He didnt see what the big fuss was, it was just snow no need so a celebration. He knew however there was probably no way to keep David from continuing his plan.
“It's fine really we don't have to- and there he goes.” he says sighing heavily as David hurried off. He supposed he should find some colder weather gear at least a jacket anyways.
“There's no stopping him, just go with it.” Max calls out from the coffee machine. Instead of coffee like usual he made himself some hot chocolate.
“David likes being able to make us happy given any chance.” He continues. He stirs his drink and blows on it.
“He gets caught up in the moment and forgets that we sometimes just like to spend time with him.” Max says taking a sip and sighing happily. This camp was making him soft that was for sure, after all sharing his feelings and thoughts willingly? It was gonna be hell when he got back home.
“Anyways you should probably get out there, 10 bucks says Preston's wearing nothing but that weird diaper thing.”
Daniel raises an eyebrow at that but nods, Max knew everyone the best which meant he was going to be loosing some money soon. He follows Max out and shakes his head fondly at the chaos.
“Preston for zem- for goodness sakes you need clothes on- don't you dare go onto that lake Space kid it's not going to hold!”
Perfect Daniel was distracted. Now was for a hastily constructed plan to get the counselors some gifts.
“Nikki what do we got?” Max asks turning his attention to his friend. He was impressed when she set a plain mug on the table, something she had probably swiped in their last adventure to town.
“We can decorate it! It'll be something cool or badass!” Nikki gushes. The group nods in agreement amongst themselves trying to figure out for who exactly.
“Anyone else got something remotely giftable?” Max calls out. He brushes the falling snow off of the cup before stashing it in his hoodie pocket.
“My dads sent me a trash magazine , I'm not really into it though.” Ered says flipping her hair absentmindedly. It looked like present making was going well so far.
Daniel would admit that he might have been slightly out of shape. The kids kept insisting that he eat foods that weren't on his diet and despite having to chase after them at times he didnt really exercise.
This however was an exception. “Space kid get over here this instant!” He hisses out hesitantly hurrying to the edge of the dock. He was still breathing heavily from hunting Preston down and forcing him to put clothes on, honestly he was surprised that none of these kids had gotten frostbitten yet. Where did they even learn that being out in the cold with practically nothing was okay?
“I'm okay Daniel, the ice held last time!”
This is was honestly going to give him a heart attack someday, he swore it. One day Space kid would do something so heart stopping that he would die.
“I would like to point out that this is not last time!” He hisses out reaching for his kid. Damn just out of reach, whatever it was fine the ice seemed to be holding for now.
“This is seriously not alright, you know how deep the water is here and I am not going to-” a loud crack made him freeze in mid sentence. For the first time in a while he hoped that was him cracking.
“Off the ice now Space kid.” He says calmly. He glances around the ice trying to find where it had started to crack. Daniel probably wouldn't be able to explain what happened even if he tried to.
Things had just blurred together when Space kid fell into the freezing cold water. Any rational thought went out the window the second Space kid started sinking. Great for space much to heavy for the water.
He wasnt sure who said it but the next thing he knew he was freezing cold with Space kid protectively held in his hand. If he currently wasnt going to get hypothermia he might have congratulated himself on how fluid his movements had been.
“You dumb kid.” He mumbles fondly and slides Space kid into his mouth. He was already shaking violently at still being in the freezing cold water so the full body shudder of having his kid's freezing cold body inside went unnoticed.
He huffs to himself and carefully starts rolling Space kid around as he was hoping to warm him up and responsive before sending him down. The kid had gone underwater after all he was very concerned.
He forces himself to move in the freezing cold water towards the ice that hadnt broken yet, slowly sliding onto it. If he didnt love Space kid so much he'd be pissed and annoyed right now. He slid further onto the ice until he got to a point where he could stand.
He hesitantly stands and sighs in relief when the ice did break. Now that adrenaline had worn off the icey cold hit him and it was worse than anything he had felt before.
He grimaces and makes a beeline to the counselors cabin, pressing Space kid into his cheek as he did so.
“You sir are explaining yourself later.”
He says slowly, making sure not to accidentally bite his kid. Right now he had the issue of ice cold clothes and possibly freezing right now.
“Okay so we have a number one camp dad' for David, a trashy magazine for Gwen and a bunch of little coupons that let Daniel do stuff with us.” Max says listing off the objects. Everyone confirms what had been said, a newly clothes Preston presenting the boxes.
“Perfect, now all that's left of for David to come back.” Max says. He was pleased with himself for getting things put together so quickly in such a short amount of time. He just hoped Space kid had played his part
((Part two coming soon! ))).
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If its Meant to Be
Prompt: Dean Winchester X Reader 
Words: 3,100
Warnings: Bit angsty and feely
A/N: OH LOOK I WROTE SOMETHING. Yea kinda my goal to try and get one story out a week possibly two if I can. 
Tags: @hymnofthevalkyries @mylittlefandomfanfictions @angryschnauzer @hellomissmabel @kittenofdoomage @feelmyroarrrr
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You both needed each other. You needed him like the air you breathed but you knew it was more like he needed you like that whiskey bottle kept hidden in his bag. He was addicted to you but you knew how easily he could be cured of that addiction. You tried not to let it hurt you, it was still your bed he came back to bad hunt after bad hunt. You craved how his skin felt against yours, his calloused hands touched you like glass, those full lips against yours, the way he tasted, how he constantly left you wanting more, you had fallen unbelievably hard for this man. When he spent his days with you, it was natural how you two fit together not just int he bedroom but doing every day things when he had the time, before another hunt drove him away for however long till the next bad hunt.
Oh you tried going on with your life. Tried to have a normal life even, tried the whole dating game but right as you thought you had your life all together...you found that black Chevy impala parked in your driveway and spiraled back into what was safe what you had fallen in love with. It was a constant spiral leading your emotions all over the place, content when he was with you but alone....alone you were not happy. Something had to give and you knew how to make all this stop. 
He was leaving again packing his bag for the next hunt his brother had called him about. You were at the door he had just turned back to kiss you goodbye and you finally spoke your mind. 
“I wont keep doing this,” You spoke softly holding your hand at his chest keeping him from leaning forward. “I know you wont ever settle down and I’m never going to ask you to but I need something more stable than waiting by a phone praying I don’t get a phone call you are dead.....hoping I can see you again but....its fine when you are here, when you are here I feel normal but when you leave for weeks and months its always just enough for me to try and move on with my life then you show up again. I cant keep being your healing place when I’m the one breaking apart and trying to piece myself back together. No more, I’m your friend and I always will be but I cant keep doing this, we cant keep doing this to each other cause its not ok Dean,” You added finally looking up to him. The hurt in his eyes, you were ready for it...you thought so anyways. He nodded trying to fumble for words you could see him already trying to run as you grabbed his hand. “That doesn't mean you can be a stranger around here ok? Dean I still love you as much as you don’t want to hear it that wont ever change I just cant be your secret lover anymore ok?” You said to him softly. He gave you a half smile, it wasnt ok you knew that smile he was trying to keep it together for you anyways and failing miserably. 
“Yea....Yea sweetheart ill make sure to call and stop by,” He sighed pulling you into a hug. He held on tight for all the world you were slipping away, you hugged back just as tight trying to reassure him you weren’t leaving. 
“You better or I’ll pester you and Sam to death,” You laughed smiling up to him. He leaned in kissing your lips with a soft peck before letting you go. 
“Ill see you around then huh?” Dean smiled before getting in baby starting the engine and driving off. Well....that could have gone worse....you sighed out heading back inside. 
You waited for him to call that night but no like true Dean fashion nothing. You weren’t worried it wasn’t a new thing. Week past with no word and again you didn’t worry, you needed to stop worrying so put it behind you. After a month you finally couldn’t help yourself and you sent him a text message. Days went by still not response, you tried again...and again it went unanswered. You tried messaging Sam just to make sure everyone was alive and well...but again no response. Now now you were making yourself sick with worry, hardly eating nauseous when you did eat and tired all the time, emotions were wrecking you. Checking your phone every minute and the longer with no messages the more your stomach churned with anxiety. Finally you called you dialed Dean but....then you understood why you couldn’t get a hold of him...he had changed his number...Sam to. Well....this was not what you wanted, maybe not quite this drastic now you had no Dean at all in your life and it felt like a giant part of you was now missing. 
4 years later
“Will you just call her? You still have her number memorized I know you do, just call her she still probably lives here,” Sam said as he looked out the window. While he had never been here he had heard a lot about it. “Dean-”
“Absolutely not Sam now back off....we are here about a ghost and that’s it,” Dean scolded at his younger brother and thankfully that hunt was on the other side of town...well away from where SHE lived if she still even lived here. They stopped at the motel getting a room and dropping their stuff off. “Im going to get food what do you want?” Dean asked as he was just trying to keep busy until Sam found where ever this house was. 
“Whatever is fine tonight, ill get on the news websites and see if I can find it better,” Sam added but secretly was hoping Dean was going to see her. Dean was not OK with out her even Sam had picked up on that the second they had broke things off. Even worse it wasnt until a few weeks ago Sam realized Dean had changed both their numbers so any hopes of her contacting them were dashed. That wasnt ok with Sam at all just because Dean has sworn her off didnt mean he had the right to do that to Sam....also their may or may not be a ghost here either....he was just trying to have not such a moody Dean back. The bottle didnt do him well, neither did him trying to sleep around and it only ending in disaster most nights, Dean needed her plain and simple. 
Dean drove past her old house, four years...no way she was still there. Sure enough a different car sat in the driveway, fresh coat of paint over the house, looked like a new family had moved in...good he was happy she had moved on. Part of him had hoped to see her car in the drive but he was glad he didn’t. He lingered in front of her house no longer than he had to before heading off to the store, might as well grab some beer. He grabbed a small shopping cart  walking through the aisle grabbing a few things for Sam and a few things for himself. He got to the beer looking through for something. He smiled as he spotted a brand made locally....it was one she always liked and he grew fond of as well. 
“Natalie....Natalie get back here.... we just got here I cant even look for three seconds!” Dean vaguely heard someone complaining from an aisle over before he felt something by his leg. He looked down spotting a small girl as she giggled and moved hiding behind his legs, Dean was half amused by her as he heard her name called again. 
“I assume you are Natalie huh?” Dean smiled as the small girl looked up smile bright on her face. Dean froze shocked as he looked at her. Bright green eyes looked back at him, freckles adored her face, and she had curly hair but every bit the same color as hers. 
“Natalie there you are, I am so sorry,” Dean looked up expecting to see you but instead found someone else. 
“Hey dont worry about it she is adorable yours?” Dean smiled as the girl moved picking Natalie up. 
“No no I just baby sit for her mom when shes at work,” The girl smiled bouncing Natalie making her smile. “You are new around town what brings you here?” She asked. Flirting she was most diffidently flirting. 
“Just passing through, brother and I are staying at the motel just came by for something other than fast food,” Dean said as he picked up the six pack of local beer. 
“Good choice on that one Natalie’s mom works in the offices there good company, well have fun on your stay here,” She smiled walking away with Natalie who waived at him bye. Dean waived back but walked along making sure he hadnt forgot anything. He checked out and spotted that car from earlier that was parked in your driveway with the babysitter and Natalie loading a few things in the back. Dean’s blood ran cold, the girl was about the right age and that car...was the babysitters not yours. Dean quickly headed back to the motel slamming the door as he looked at Sam.
“DID YOU KNOW?!” Dean yelled out grabbing Sam by his shirt collar. 
“DEAN KNOW WHAT?!” Sam said aloud shocked. “Dean know what I don’t even know what you are talking about!”
“Y/N did you know about a kid?!” Dean added angry. 
“Kid? Dean what are you talking about you are not making sense I don’t even know if she lives here anymore?” Sam added and Dean let him go. “Dude tell me what happened?” Sam asked trying to piece together. Dean sighed out as he sat on his bed starting to go over what happened. Sam sat quietly trying to process it all. 
“Well guess the only way to find out is to go and see her,” Sam added as Dean sat there quietly. Sam also rolled up the magazine on his table before whacking his brother on the shoulder multiple times. “Now get lost,” Sam said as she chased him out and shook his head. He didnt expect this happening but now he was mad at his brother.....he should have left Sam’s number alone. 
“Hey I’m home,” You yelled out and smiled as your daughter ran towards you and you picked her up kissing her cheek. “Were you good today?” You asked with a smile. 
“YEs....played hide and seek at store before sissy found me,” She laughed before you let he down and looked at the sitter. 
“Turned my back to grab the cereal she liked and poof she was quickly an aisle away,” The sitter laughed as she grabbed her things to head home. “We did however meet a very nice looking man right Nat?” Sitter smiled as Natalie nodded. “Cute guy too about yeh high, brown hair, freckles on his face and the pretties green eyes I think I’ve ever seen totally looks like your type too,” Sitter grinned before heading out the door. Your heart sank no way after all this time he would bother coming back but with Natalie saying she was hungry you didnt have time to think about it. 
Didnt take long before your daughter had eaten, bathed and was happily sleeping in bed. You sighed out finally sitting on the couch propping your feet up on the couch. Well....today certainly had been long. All you could hear was the quiet of your house, TV was off, no radio on, and your phone turned off for the night. The only sound that you could hear was the sound of an older engine, one you knew all too well. You groaned getting up off the couch and headed for the door opening just as he walked up the stairs. “Hey you,” You said softly to him as you leaned against your doorway. 
“Y/N...I...uh hi,” Dean smiled. Same old Dean but you didnt let him in like before. You just waited arms crossed looking at him you were not letting him off that easy right now. “Look I just need to know do you have a kid?” He asked not even trying to apologize just yet. “I saw a little girl earlier, right age, looked like you but had my eyes...do you have a child?” He asked again this time sincere. You let out a sigh, no point hiding it now you motioned for him to come in. Your house looked mostly the same few new furniture nothing yet he could see that you had a child. He followed you up the stairs, ones he knew so well even after all this time but instead of heading to your room you headed to the other one the door cracked just slightly. You leaned against the wall and nodded to him, he wanted the truth he would need to find out himself. Dean was looking from you to the door before hesitantly walking for it. You excused yourself quietly heading back downstairs letting him have his moment. Dean was nervous to open the door but he did. Natalie was sound asleep hugging a stuffed teddy bear while a night light lit up the room. Dean sat down gently on her bed his hand hesitating touching her. He looked to her night stand seeing a picture of you and him together. That was pretty solid evidence as his hand gently moved a strand of her curly hair out of her face. Dean looked up searching the door for you but you were no where to be found. He got back up and closed Natalie’s door quietly before heading downstairs finding you int he kitchen washing some dishes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean asked. You set a plate down a bit forcefully as you whipped your head around to him. 
“Are you really going to ask me that Dean Winchester? You really going that way Mr. I changed my number OH AND my brothers number?” You said firmly to him. You were trying not to yell, you didn’t want to wake Natalie. “Don’t even go that route I was trying to tell you but like I know where you two live, Like i know anyone you both hang out with, NO because my only contacts to you are dead Dean and you conveniently didn’t bother leaving me a return address on anything you sent me years ago,” You added as you got back to the dishes. 
“Y/N...” Dean called your name softly. You turned around wiping your hands off. 
“What do you want me to say Dean? I didn’t know when you left I found out two months later when I thought it was my nerves and anxiety making me sick...no oh hell no turns out i was three months pregnant so as much as I wanted to forget you since you clearly decided to cut me off I couldn’t. Yes we were both careful you used protection I had birth control but clearly she was meant to be so I wasn’t going to stop her from coming into this world. I tried to for months but I wasn’t going to find you I knew that, you sure as hell knew that. What else do you want me to say, yea it was rough going through all this alone but here I am doing just fine.  Natalie starts daycare in about a month, I’m actually in a job I enjoy not sure what you want me to say. Did I miss you, yes was it hard trust me I cursed your name many times but i made it I don’t even know why you are back now,” You added arms crossed as you shook your head disapprovingly. “Knowing you its a hunt of some sort so I cant even try to act like im happy to have you back cause I’m not it was never to see us. You just happened to run into her Natalie with the sitter. I’m not here to try and trap you, yes we have a kid... but I don’t need anything from you and for now she doesn’t either,” You scolded again. Dean let you...he didn’t say a word as he looked down on the ground and you didn’t even have enough fight left in you to care. 
“Does she ask about me?” Dean asked softly. You threw the hand towel down and nodded. 
“Not all the time but she does...don’t think she fully understands yet she thinks just me is normal but I don’t lie to her Dean just say your away on business helping people and to a three year old good enough an answer,” You sighed out and finally he moved for you his hand moving taking yours from your arm gently into his. You let out a sigh, this was still Dean, the man you were still hopelessly in love with even as mad as you were. 
“Can I try?” Dean asked softly and you looked up at him a bit confused. “Can I try to make it up to the both of you?  I know I have  a lot to make up for with you, you know I’m shit with words so no matter what I’m going to say its not ever going to be enough but will you let me try?” Dean asked again softly his green eyes looking down at you. 
“I need some time Dean but its not out of the option can you give me that? Hang around maybe bring Sam around...have an actual phone to reach you at? Spend time with Natalie I want you in her life if you want to be in her life but don’t play this appear and disappear game with her like you did me ok?” You said looking up at him. He nodded a smile swept over his face, you could see the guilt too but would take awhile before you fully forgave him he wasn’t getting off that easy. 
“Yea....Yea I can do that....I don’t think Sam brought us here for a case anyways,” Dean laughed halfheartedly. “Come here,” he added pulling you in close and his arms wrapped around you. You sighed out taking in his scent again, the leather from his jacket, bit of salt, gunpowder, and lord knows what herbs from all the things they did. It was soothing your arms wrapped around him again. This wasn’t perfect, your poor emotions were numb right now but still this felt right. It may not have been how you wanted everything backwards but if it was meant to be who were you to stop it. 
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