#so i have like 3 paragraphs of Just history/background that i dont know how to break down and integrate and its MESSY
silverislander · 1 year
something really fun and sexy adhd will do is block you from ever actually showing others what you're truly capable of. lol
#this is SO inconsequential but im kinda upset abt it#i finished my final american lit paper today. 9 pages kind of a big deal. im glad its done now#but i cant even be proud of it#bc i changed my original idea four times and only wound up with a week to work on the final version which. wasnt really enough time#and it morphed while i was writing it too bc i came up with a better angle#but now its really disorganized which i know ill lose points on. and i Know its not my best work#but i dont have time to fix it bc its due tomorrow#and just. if i hadnt put this off. or hadnt kept chasing down whatever new fun shiny thing i came up with instead#its not even a bad essay its just. i could for sure do better. i had three weeks i could have CRUSHED this#smth that really shows what im capable of and could net me the grade i know i can get when im at my best#its the difference between a 70 and a 90 but it matters to me#i started it early and still wound up rushing myself and procrastinating#all bc this is what my brain just always fucking does#levi.txt#and to top it all off i REALLY like this prof. ive taken two courses with him hes super cool and ive had actual fun in his classes#... and This is the impression i have to leave him with. a half assed mess#i know he knows what i can do and im so disappointed i couldnt pass smth better in to prove it#esp bc its the LAST paper i will ever write in one of his classes :(#like. my original idea was a historical overview and it wound up talking abt depictions of the thing instead#so i have like 3 paragraphs of Just history/background that i dont know how to break down and integrate and its MESSY#im not a perfectionist in any other aspect of life but when it comes to papers i absolutely am. i wish i had time to fix this
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cloudslou · 2 years
hi i really like reading about your thesis bc i'm also working on mine rn and i'm! so! lost! i wanna know if you have like a plan for writing yours? i'm also a humanities student so basically i just have to read a lot djkjf but i find it so hard to 😔 if your source is a book or a dissertation do you read it more than once? if you don't how do you choose your citations and stuff like that? do your write a summary for everything you read? i feel like i should but just reading has been really hard for me lately and i recently got a very demanding job so </3 yeah idk fkjdf also i'm sorry for this long ass message 😩
hi anon!!!
a) OMG good luck on your thesis!!!!!! wishing u all the best <333 lets get a support group going
b) reading so much IS hard, but i try to only read what i need. i dont write summaries for everything i read, though early on in the process my advisor did have me list all my sources and justify why i had them/their importance, but i've since gained more sources and havent done that on my own. you can mostly get the benefits of this just by thinking to yourself "how does this source help me? what will i need from it? am i likely to actually reference it in my thesis?"
c) if a source i have is really long (i.e. full book or someone's 300 page dissertation), i dont typically read the whole thing, but rather identify chapters or sections that i need and read those. for instance, one of my sources is Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War. my pdf is 343 pages, which is a lot to read if i'm only going to end up using a couple paragraphs. instead, i focused on chapter 7 specifically since that is what suits my needs. this chapter, at just over 20 pages, is a lot more manageable to read not only once but multiple times if i need to.
d) you dont have to become an expert on every book/article/etc you use as a source. i read things pretty fast and highlight what looks like something i'll need to refer back to, reading around it if i need context when i DO go back. but the highlight tool is my bestie cus i can scroll fast know when to stop on smth past me thought was important.
e) i dont know your thesis paper or what you study, but for history i am very much constructing a story around my evidence, so when i write something and need sources, i dont deep-drive into my sources, but rather just command+f to search for key words that i need (for example, the book i just posted abt in my tags. google books shows me about a 3 line preview of the pages i need based on my search of key terms, but those 3 lines are enough for me to justify writing a sentence in my thesis, and so then that book is now one of my sources).
f) i don't really have a "plan" for writing mine, but every week i meet with my advisor and i set goals for the next time i see her. over spring break, my goal was to get 2/4 analysis sections done (the sections where i am making my Own Original Historical Claims), and i did that! now my goal is to outline the following two sections and get this draft to her by tonight.
my advice is to list out your sections very clearly (even if you know what they are in theory, or you have to delete them when you are done). think about what your priority is (for me, its Making My Historical Claims) and focus on those. other things, like background info, introduction, etc are much easier to push though and the quality of those matters less.
also, focus on getting the words out rather than getting Good words out. think "what do i actually mean?" and try writing that, rather than thinking "here is my thought, how should i best put it into academic language". this might give you clunky sentences, things that dont sound good or need to be reworked, ideas that dont go together well or fully make sense yet, etc, but it gives you more to work with. and once you have the "bones" down, you can work on refining it.
pls dont read every source in its entirety. for history, i mostly need to read the introduction + conclusion, and then skimming inbetween (that is, if i dont just skip to what is relevant to me). i dont know what your discipline is like, so craft these rules to suit your thesis work.
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flodaya · 5 years
What is your (so far) favorite season of each version of skam you've seen?
oh this might be boring and predictable, but i’m gay so dont judge me 
skam season 3, the first thing i ever watched of skam was isak and even’s first kiss, and oh wow i loved that scene, so i quickly found out what show it was from (i vaguely remembered seeing it all over tumblr in 2016) and binged all four seasons, and season 3 is just phenomenal, the symbolisms, the storytelling, the characters, it all fit so well together
skam france season 3, imane and lucas are pretty much the only two characters i really care about in skamfr, and i really love lucas as a character, and i enjoyed watching skamfr s3 a lot in the beginning, not so much the second half, but it was still far far better than season 1 and 2, and don’t get me started on season 4, imane deserves better
druck season 3, yeah so how many paragraphs am i allowed i gush about matteo’s season? i could probably fill a 500 page book. matteo alone is so so special to me, he is one of those very few characters that will stay in my heart forever, i don’t think i have ever seen a main character be as introverted and quiet as matteo, clearly depressed and canonically has anxiety attacks, what good rep to have!! i’m also so in awe of michi’s portrayal of matteo. and then we have the boy squad which is just my favorite boy squad ever, i love their dynamic, they are hilarious andnd supportive in every way, and they are all close with one other, not just jonas and matteo, they all have a special relationship with each other. david obviously is another absolute highlight, and another character that just is iconic and will go down not just in skam but in television history. and i haven’t even started to talk about matteo and david’s relationship. it’s just the pure soulmate trope but not in a cheesy way, but in a “idiot soulmates” way, i loved every second of it. there is so much more i could say, and go more into detail, i really really love this season a lot, but i think you all know that
skam españa season 2, another really special season for me, i’m actually constantly rewatching it, seriously, i don’t think i have rewatched any other skam season more times than skam españa (at least as a as a season from beginning to the end), cris and joana are wonderful characters, the girl squad is the most supportive and loving group of friends, i love the background development of viri, and also nora/alejandro, and can we talk about the iconic move of giving the isak season to one of the girls and making isak the gay guru?? just think about that, in skam isak needed a guru and a few universes away he IS the guru. i also love how they combined the jonas/isak sana/isak and chris/sana relationship into one beautiful childhood friendship between cris and amira, i love those two. and i really love that cris has a brother, give me more sibling rep in the skam universe
skam nl season 1, such a beautiful season, i wasnt the biggest fan of the second half of s2, but s1 was so so beautiful, i need to rewatch it asap, since the first season focuses a lot on the girl squad i wasnt too bothered that i didnt like kes and isa together because the girl squad was working so well together since the very first moment, it’s also just in general so aesthetically pleasing to me, and isa is my favorite skam nl character, and in my top 10 skam characters of all time 
skam austin season 1, i couldnt really decide, in both cases i’m not a fan of the love story but the girl squad is what i really love in skam austin, i guess i chose s1 because i low-key shipped megan and shay, and they had some really cute moments in s1, and rather awkward and just plain saddening moments in s2 
wtfock season 2, one word: senne! that dude really did something to me, and I’m not even into guys. every scene he was in in season 2 was such a joy to watch, and again s1 is so focused on the girl squad and I don’t really feel their dynamic as friends
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A trip down nostalgia
so back in the day there was like things out there for rping aka rule pages..i remeber along time ago i read an orginal character rulebook and it said “you cant have powerful ocs” which ive broken that rule a few times. So i decided to find one of these old “universal rping rules” pages and go through em and see how theyve changed
GENERAL RULES 1: When you are talking out of RP text, use "(( ))" to indicate such 
i particually like this one because it shows how dated it is..like most rping sites have instant message systems 
2: When you are talking with only one character in the same area, you should not skip any lines; if you are talking with more than on character area, then you must separate them by skipping a line after the action and text of the first character, then starting the same thing for the next character [Note: this only applies if both characters are interacting with the same character(s); if they are in the same topic, but different areas of the topic, they must be posted in different comments.] 
i dont actually know what this rule is implying is it implying you cant skip topics and have to stay on track or simply if another person joins that person cant interject? 
3: Any speech MUST be indicated with quotation marks and actions should be indicated by "* *", but that is optional 
This is a fun rule too because of nowndays there are two styles of rping
script and para. i don't know if this rule is insitating there was a time were para/script was the same thing or used in the same way. GLOBAL RULES 1: You cannot skip between different RP storylines i can only assume this was a rule before multithreading was a thing but weve broken this rule.
2: You cannot skip between different time frames also this one weve broken 3: You cannot declare your character(s) to know someone without permission from the other person(s) this is a rule thats still followed albeit with the expectation that your muse is omniscience or all knowning or whatever  4: You cannot declare your character(s) to share history or a background with another character(s) without permission from the other person(s) man there was a day and age were we didnt write giant paragraphs of agnst? and just did “and then they shared their past” ENTRY RULES 1: You cannot make another person(s) notice something; you have to let them notice it themselves i dont think anyone follows this rule. 2: You cannot appear in-between or near other characters unless approved by the other person(s) and allowed to do so (usually for battles or something) i think with this one i can only assume battles were more careful..i think nowndays if you fight a more powerful character that can appear next to yours and your character cant it sorta just happens.  3: You cannot be dramatic, it MUST be a subtle entry (ie: no big flashes into the area, bothering other characters; no screaming; no making other objects fly around when you entry, bothering other characters, etc.) [Note: exceptions are allowed if approved by the other person(s) if you are in a battle or something, but it must still be kept in moderation.] HAHAHAHAHHA 4: You cannot move or come into contact with another character(s) when you enter AHAHAHAHAH -louder laughing-  SOCIAL RULES 1: You cannot control the conversation or be the center of attention i suppose this is true for like group rping but one on one i dont see how this could really happen. 2: You cannot interrupt someone else's conversations (unless permitted by the other person(s)) again in group rping i can see this happening but not for like one on one. 3: You cannot make person say something, nor may you tell them to say something outside of RP chat (your character may tell them to say something in RP chat, but they are allowed to refuse)   this one is... idk ive had times were someone comes into my ims and there like “i need help with ideas so i can reply” or “i dont quite know what to say next” and you discuss and plot this rule seems overly strict and just strange.
4: You cannot relate to someone else's background or history without the consent of the other person(s)  fucking what?
BATTLE RULES 1: No godmodding (ie: being invincible, overpowered, etc.) i think over the ages godmodding went from “everything bad” to more speciifcally  godmodding=controlling my character without permission marysue=everything bad 2: No controlling other people read above 3: You CANNOT kill another person(s)'s character without their permission  yeh this is pretty universal still 4: You MUST allow the other person to CHOOSE to accept or avoid an attack [Note: there are some exceptions to this rule once you are familiar with the rules and the feel of RP battles, but you must still keep it in moderation; it cannot be a big attack (ie: cutting someone's head off, stabbing their heart or lungs, etc.) and you must allow the other person(s) to do the same.] this is pretty universal as well expect with the two expections of 1. you planned the battle in im beforehand 2. your muse is significantly weaker then the one your facing.  like if your a god and im a human im probably going to get rekted 5: You CANNOT say where a character(s) got hit, nor how they took damage, they became crippled, they lost a limb, etc.) [Note: again, there are exceptions to this rule, as well; following the same exceptions as rules #4 and #6 again 1. above sorta explains this but this is mostly true 6: You may ONLY make ONE attack at a time, still following rule #4 [Note: again, there are exceptions to this rule once you are familiar with the rules and the feel of RP battles, but you must still keep it in moderation; you cannot go into a frenzy (attacks that count over 5 in this case) and you must allow the other person(s) to do the same.] i think overall rping battles has become easier to write with maybe before rping battles was a new thing and harder to do? 7: You may not make any moves without giving the other person(s) a chance to do something (this includes running away, teleporting (not blinking), summoning things, banishing the person(s) (and it must be approved by the person(s), etc.) again power differences are a major play in things like this. a master can beat a novice without taking damage, a master swordsman could beat bandits with no issue, etc etc etc 8: You MUST take damage at some point yes and no again as i said above however i always make it point that if your character is creative and can whatever skill they have to their advantage its always possible that your muse can do damage to mine and i can do damage to yours however as above its incredibly situational
thank you for listening to a random ass post.
i can only assume from loooking at this people in the past were careful and nowndays rping is
smashing into someones ims going “yo bitch lets fucking rping AHHH”
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pullupachairluton · 5 years
Day One and Two
Hello. I’m Alex and I’m in Luton for the next 26 days. I’m a little late to starting to write this blog and I’m catching up on day one …  on day two of the residency. I’ve been procrastinating. How do I start? (the classic line) How do I talk about what I am doing, have seen, and have felt?! I’ve been thinking a lot and writing is a lot slower than thinking… It’s hard to start.
I have never written a blog. I write emails, essays, applications, and text messages. I’m used to writing really quickly or really slowly with a long time to edit. I don’t know what my blog voice is.
I’m going to start with a list of statements.
I am in Luton for 28 days I have a schedule that I must follow I must write about my experiences every day I am partnered with an organisation called Revoluton Quiet Down There has commissioned me to do this project with Revoluton I am staying in an Air B and B in which all the rooms in house are Air B and B rooms There is an artwork hanging in my room that says ‘stay wild’ There is a noisy road outside my window I have a miniature kitchen in my room I think I will have a lot of ideas for art projects I have already been late for two things on the schedule (arriving in Luton and watching the film tonight) I want to be disciplined to write. I have got an interview on Tuesday via Skype with another residency I am thinking about 5 other projects I am thinking about applying for another project while I’m here I will miss my boyfriend and my life in London. I will turn 35 next Sunday 1st March I am really glad I have a phone and can ring my friends and family I have got a minor obsession with the Netflix show Sex Education and it was really hard for me to not watch it when I arrived back from the day today. It is also good that I am away and I can watch it all, as my boyfriend didn’t really like it so now I can watch as much as I want without compromising and watching something else. I am really happy I bought some food today on a break in my schedule so I can make packed lunches. How honest should I be in this writing? How can this writing be helpful? How do I want this writing to be received? What’s the point of this writing? Do I write and make notes whilst I am at events? Do I write the blog in my breaks in the schedule? I have a bike that I love, and I brought it from London where I live. I have some bungee cords to tie bags onto the rack of the bike and I used this for my food shopping earlier. I live on a boat on the river lea. The river lea also runs through Luton I am an artist who also is an educator I teach on a foundation course in art I see workshops as art practice Revoluton have asked me to research the theme of ‘joy’ I am interested in political potential of joy I brought several books with me. They are Dancing in the Streets A History of Collective Joy by Barbara Ehrenreich, Akenfield by Ronald Blythe, Being Ecological by Timothy Morton, and The Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane I am wondering how to write this I am a middle class artist who lives in London Why should I be a voice for experience of Luton? What do I have to contribute? Is it easier to write about somewhere if you don’t live there? Writing lists is easier than writing paragraphs I think structure will be good for me, and am happy that I have a schedule for the next month I think I’ll go to things that I may not normally go to I think writing this will be a challenge I am exploring what it might mean to be present in a place and how the internet affects my relationship to place I am looking forward to learning something new about myself I have a Skype conversation tonight about another project with a friend
I studied a BA in social anthropology and the question of who is writing about who and what is it for came up a lot. Social anthropology as a discipline is rooted in a history of colonialism (to write about is to dominate and was used as a tool to do so). After university I travelled and wanted to create projects exploring place yet I was conscious of the problematics of a singular voice writing or making work about place - particularly as a passing through traveller. I started a project called The Knowledge Shop, which was a mobile workshop space set up in public spaces in which I invited passers by to draw a picture about the place we were in. Drawings from other places I had travelled to were also shown in the space. I wanted to not use spoken or written language (particularly English language) and I wanted to explore how drawing might express things that words may not. I also wanted to show multi authority viewpoints on a place. http://alexandraparry.co.uk/index.php/project/the-knowledge-shop/
Here I am 12 years later in Luton with a blog aware of this platform given to me to talk about my experiences. I’ve been grappling with this. So I’m going to include writing about myself that I wouldn’t normally share. Perhaps this a fair exchange because I am publicly writing about a place, and therefore I should do the same to myself?
DAY ONE I arrived in Luton It’s really windy and my bag feels heavy. I’ve got one bag on my back and another strapped to the bike I don’t know the roads and they are busy Is it going to be easy to cycle here? There’s a beautiful church. It’s chequered and surprising opposite a huge mall. I’m tired as last night my boyfriend opened a café and I stayed too late. I already feel behind and I’ve just started. Are people friendly in Luton? Of course they are! But I don’t know anything and its dark and my battery is running low on my phone.
I arrive at my Air B and B, codes for the room and front door. It has very white walls, and there is an artwork in my room saying ‘stay wild’. Its warm and I immediately feel raggedy in my clothes, which probably smell of wood smoke, probably have a stain and a hole. I am very happy I have a house shower! Not a boat shower! I meet Marta, a Polish woman who is in the UK about to do an acting course in London and she lives in the property more permanently - she is not Air B and B’ing . She is incredibly friendly and she has her friend round in the kitchen. It feels good to have a conversation and hear about what she is doing. 
I’m already late, so I leave to walk to the hotel near by. I call my boyfriend on the walk over there. I have been asked by the schedule to buy a coffee and cake but they don’t have cake so I buy a tea and my dinner. I write a letter to QDT as requested. It’s a slightly rambling letter about my hopes for the residency, but it feels good to write. In the background is Saturday night entertainment TV. It's brilliant. It’s a competition about dance and I recognise the host singer Alesha but I dont know the show. There is a sound clash of music as some other music is playing in the bar. But I’m loving the TV. I think this is joyful. I love this genre of TV. The genre of TV where people who aren’t famous show their talents. Masterchef, Bake Off, and Goggle Box (well I think so). They are all brilliant dancers in this show. I feel really good. I see people arriving, lots of groups of people. I think people are excited about coming to the hotel. Its quite glamorous and there’s a spa. I love seeing people dressed up, lipstick … perfume. I sit on my own suddenly conscious I am sitting on a table meant for 5.  I’ll move if a group needs the table. I’m happy in the bar. I made it to Luton! I’m writing the letter. I’m doing the task. Drinking tea. Eating dinner.
Back in the Air B and B I watch 3 episodes of Sex Education on Netflix. It’s difficult to stop watching it. Its 11pm – I know I need to stop watching.
I get dressed for the day. I know from the schedule that I’m going to a church and a classical music concert today. This is what I decide to wear.
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The Church The church is a very beautiful building. A historic gem I saw it when I cycled here I wonder if I can take my coffee in. Someone greets me I know the church space - what it feels like to be in one. I don’t feel nervous about going in. I go inside and take a seat near the front Powerpoint is on. The vicar looks tired. There was a youth lock-in last night. I think they stayed up all night. He said his head feels a bit fuzzy My head feels fuzzy I reflect on how the message of love goes beyond religion. I think of my friend who was a Christian for so many years and has trauma from being told that non-believers like me were going to hell amongst other things. I think of how sad this is. It’s difficult to reconcile the two images/ideas/feelings I have in my head about Church. I think perhaps all versions of church exist at the same time. I think of how nice it is that there are so many ages of people here old and young There is a rock band playing hymns? A boy dances in the isles People open their palms out to the sky I don’t really understand what they are saying. I find it hard to concentrate. I make recordings and write, feeling self-conscious at my removal from being in the place. The writing becomes a means to separate My observation becomes a way of separation Thinking about separation makes me feel anxious I think of how wonderful it is to go weekly to something where your spiritual values are shared with others I think of how I would like to have a place to go to do this, which isn’t a religious space but is communal. Some people talk about how they have a place in which they can feel a connection with spirit/god/something beyond than the material world, but if you are not religious, perhaps this space is often an individual space, it isn’t shared. I think it is sad that it isn’t shared. I think about future projects. I think about a project Sam Jacob did about creating a space intended to explore death, loss, and grieving I think about Fleabag. Perhaps that has got some people coming to church that wouldn’t normally come? The hour and half is so well performed and curated. Many people take the stage. The rock band plays 3 songs. There are different voices and personalities all playing a part. The vicar gets annoyed that the person controlling the Powerpoint is not keeping up. It’s quite nice to see the vicar getting annoyed. There is no communion non-alcoholic wine because of coronavirus I see a guy who put his hand up when asked a question about a passage in the Bible is on his phone a lot. He looks like he’s on Twitter but perhaps there is religious pictures he is looking at. I can’t really tell but I’m intrigued by how much he is using the phone, and also how knowledgeable about Christianity he is. The church has tried to be accommodating spatially. There is a good baby area at the back with toys to play with.
The service ends. The man who greeted me asks why I’m there. He asks is it for historical reasons? I say yes. He kindly shows me on a small tour around the church, talking me through historically significant artefacts. It is historically significant but I can’t remember what he says. I’m sorry - I should have written it down. I leave the church.
It’s a windy Sunday in town. I go to the supermarket on my bike and stock up on a few meals. The Lidl is very good here. I then make my way to Wardown House, Museum and Gallery for the concert. I love bike lanes. And I can get there via a park. It’s very beautiful. There seems to be a lot of green spaces in Luton.
Wardown House is very beautiful. There are beautiful trees outside. There are historical figures talking out of portraits in the rooms on digital screens. There are some families visiting. Sunday activity. I go and have tea and sit down to reread my letter I wrote yesterday. Its so scrawly written I wonder whether QDT will be able to read it. I try to make it more clear by adding dots on I’s and crosses on T’s. I relax in the calm room. It’s very beautiful. I really enjoy my earl grey tea. There is a very nice floor here. Mostly people here are people probably over 70, perhaps with their children or friends. It’s a day out place. I look around the cabinets, snapping what’s there. I have never taken so many pictures of things. I feel like I’m using the camera instead of my eye. I wonder whether people who are really into Instagram do the same thing all the time. The concert. I think I’m bored as a starting point. Then I try to be present. Am I bored? No I’m not. It’s a space to relax and Harpsichordist Terence Charlston who is leading the concert is very good. He explains things in-between songs, he gives each song and the composer context. He is interesting and passionate and calm. He chooses compositions by several women. Jacquet de la Guerre. A song called The Mysterious Barricades. I love this. People seem to like this. Its hard to know exactly what people think but gentle smiles and a positive feeling suggest people really like it. A quiet joy? I write down my codes for the air b and b again on a different piece of paper Gentle afternoon. I close my eyes. Sitting in the drawing room. Light blue walls. Lots of complex cornicing work on the ceiling. I can go into my own head space. Half hour break! Lovely. I explore the museum. Different things catch my eye. Hat industry. Material Culture. If this museum was not to exist what would happen to all these objects? Do people really engage though? Do people feel this is important? Is this just another trip for people - a tick box thing to do? I think I have felt like that a lot in musuems. Right now I try to appreciate what I am seeing and experiencing. I love seeing the straw plait work from the hat industry - famously from Luton and some embroidery by different young people. There is one with these words,
‘In time of wealth protecting power
From pride and every ill defends
And in afflictions keenest hour
Be thou our comforter
and friend’
I dont really understand what they are saying, but it seems pertinent to contemporary life. Wealth and Power. I notice that it was a child that made it, and marvel at the changing of skills through generations. What young peopels creativity is today. I’m confident that there are many young people saying as profound today - but in another form. 
There is a painting in the drawing room of the Town Hall on fire. I read about it upstairs. It happened on Peace Day in 1919 and happened because of rising tensions due to food shortages and the first world war, and as the information panels says some shopkeepers ‘gave preference to wealthy customers. Poorer women had to queue for hours. While soldiers were fighting and dying for their country, other people were making a profit from the War’.  It is a shocking picture of the Town Hall in flames painted by an artist M WJ Roberts. Now its sitting in the drawing room near to portrait of a young ballerina and a painting by the Nigerian painter and sculptor Ben Enwonwu. It’s a conflicting mix of images. 
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On my way out I overhear that there is a suffragette dress here. I’m too shy to ask so I google whether there is one. 
This has taken me so long to write. I don’t know what I thought but its 11.15pm now. I didn’t have time to watch the film set for me called ‘Blinded by the Light’. I hope there is time to watch another time. Sorry!  I may need to change my approach to writing. I guess I should write in my breaks in the day. I’m going to try a different approach tomorrow.
LASTLY I said that I was going to stop using the internet whilst I was here on residency. I haven’t done that yet. But I have decided as a first act towards this, I will document my internet browsing history from today. This is what I have been thinking of when I haven’t been present. 
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i am looking into buying a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and i was wondering what people think i would be paying for car insurance, i have tried the insurance quote websites but as im 16 (almost 17) they don't allow me to continue. i appreciate your help! i passed my test with a 90 and took a drivers class with an instructor i also get A-B grades (just in case that helps)""
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
Geico car insurance?
I'm interested in transferring my car insurance to Geico. I went to their website and filled out the electronic form, and the amount came out quite expensive. I thought it was going to be cheaper. Should I call them and speak with a rep for more accurate info?""
Cheap auto insurance in mississauga area?
Hi, I am a 22 Year old, female, G2 driver. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good insurance company with cheap rates for a new driver for either a 2000 2DR Sunfire or 2002 Mazda Protege. The rates i've been coming across seem pretty high for a full time student. Also, I have no previous insurance history or any accidents. Thanks!!!""
Car & Insurance ??? Help me please?
Im 15 and im looking at cars so i know what im saving for. i know its abit early but im looking to star driving straight away. I am looking for a nice powerful car with nice boot space, and i know that the cost will be around 10k but im worried about the insurance ... what would be a good car to buy ?? thanks for all your answers""
I have a question about car insurance?
i just got a car out and i dont know anything about insurance i live a california and i want to know of a good car insurance and cheap ?? do they ask for down payment?
Why is my car insurance company charging me 2 premiums?
I go through farmers insurance and last month I paid a premium of 94.42 and now this month I'm being charged a premium of $83.70 plus a renewal adjustment of $7.27 does this mean my car insurance is always going to be this high? It was only $67 last 6 month cycle.
Can I ask someone else to buy the insurance for my car?
I only have a temporary driver lisence, and if I buy a car, how can I buy the insurance for my car? The temporary lisence cannot buy the insurance. Can I ask someone else to buy it? I am in CA. Thank you!""
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?
Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?
Does a teen have to pay extra car insurance if they get their own car instead of using their parents'?
I'm 17 and have a license. We currently pay something like $800 / year for car insurance which allows me to use both my mom's and my dad's cars. If I got my own car, would our rate stay at $800 / year or would it increase because of me being the primary driver / having an additional car to drive / etc?""
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
How much does car insurance cost?
Do you know how much does auto insurance cost if I am 24 years years old, just got my license, I am from New York City, I drive a 2001 Toyota Celica and I am not married. Where can I go to find out the best quote? What car insurance company is the best and cheapest? Thanks!""
""HELP, car insurance!?""
I am 15, going on 16, and I am looking into a Vauxhall Astra 1.6i 16V SXi 3dr Sport Hatch for around 4000. It's a car that is nice, but I could easily afford it due to my savings and work etc. I was wondering, when I am 17, how much would it cost me to insure the car at its cheapest?! This is an example of the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I am looking into this early so that I get a head start and can get everything sorted as soon as I'm legally aloud to drive. How much would it be to insure the car for a 17 year old male living in Bradford? Any help is appreciated, thank you!""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
Whats a cheap insurance In nj?
For a person with a new lisence thats 18 years old
Auto Insurance/License Question!?
I am a 19 year old Californian and I need to purchase auto insurance for my car before I take the drivers test for my license, at least that is what I am led to believe, maybe I don't? But the auto insurance companies require me to give my license number before I can buy the insurance. So I can't get insurance without a license and can't get a license without insurance? No, I cannot be put onto my parents auto insurance or anything. I do not live with them, I am not a dependent of them, etc, etc.""
What is the renewal process for car insurance?
Do they call in around expiration of the policy. Or is it a form you fill out. What questions do they ask? In particular, say you failed your G test before the expiry of the insurance policy and you redo everything and get a G or G2, will your insurance rate remain the same?""
Questions about sr22 insurance?
I have a sr22 insurance with arizona and I just got a california license if I cancell my sr22 with arizona and get regular insurance with california can arizona suspend my california license if so how? A little more information my car is registered in california and I live in califoria not arizona
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
Can I get Car Insurance in Texas without a D-License?
Can I get car insurance without a license. I'm located in Texas. Is there ways around to do it?
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Where to get car insurance quote?
Where to get car insurance quote?
How much is car insurance for teenagers?
I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?""
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Is it legal for the car insurance to be in a name other than person paying the monthly car payment?
My sister's husband passed in November. Their car is in both my sister's and her husband's name; however, my sister can not drive and does not have a driver's license. She wants to keep the car insurance on the vehicle, but to do that she would need to have a valid driver's license. Soooo, she has asked me to get the vehicle insurance in my name using my driver's license. My question is this: Am I in ANY way responsible for anything that happens to/in/with the car if I am not the driver? I use my car and driver's license for work and I can not have blemishes on my driving record or my criminal background""
Car insurance is cheaper with a smaller engine right?
I've been thinking about getting a Corsa, which I think could save alot on Car Insurance due to it having a smaller engine. Anyone with a Corsa know how much it roughly costs, I'm 18 and hoping to pass my test later this month.""
Will insurance total out my car?
When insurance companies figure out what your car is worth..do they go by the private sale value or retail? I got a bunch of hail damage and I see the claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering if they might total it out. Damage is just over $6,000...car is worth $6,500 - $8,700 depending on which way they look at it.""
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
What would my annual insurance be on a 2007 Honda Cbr 125?
I just turned 16, recieved my M1, Got a bike (125 cbr), going for my M2 in acouple days. Havent placed insurance on the bike yet. Im wondering what my annual cost will be with low coverage ect (lowest possible)""
How good is Delta Dental Insurance and is it worth it?
My mom is out of work and needs to have some dental work done. I was thinking to get her a Delta Dental Insurance in the hopes that it will help her. If you currently have this insurance or had it in the past, could you please tell me if it's worth it. Thanks.""
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.""
Medicaid pays 100% but does insurance?
People who don't qualify for medicaid has to have regular insurance . A lot of those who don't qualify for medicaid can be determined by just a few dollars as they have a cut off limit. If they have to buy insurance wouldn't they have to pay the difference between the ins pay and balance? If one does not get insurance then there is a fine from your taxes. Is all this correct? Does the fine go towards an insurance premium if they pass the new health care law? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand this a bit.
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
""Car insurance in Wisconsin, us.?""
Hi, no one will give me a clear answer here.. Do you have to carry car insurance in Wisconsin? If so, what kind?, and how does it work?..I dont understand...would anyone ming explaining motor insurance policies?, or giving me a url thank you...""
Insurance for young drivers?
My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you.""
I am trying to find affordable heath insurance in CA?
I would also like some info on what the deductibles mean, etc.""
What are some good first cars with low insurance rates?
preferably a SUV. Kind of like a blazer or something like that. Definitely under $1000. Does anyone know where online or around the york, PA area a car like that would be?""
Should I accept this settlement offer from an insurance company?
I was in a car accident when a girl blew a red light and smashed into my side. $10,000 in auto damages that was fixed rights away. (btw she admitted fault to police so im 0% at fault legally) I went to emergency room for precautionary reasons. That cost $1450. Then little by little the pain started to kick in. I had neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and terrible pain in my knee. I had MRI on back, knee and neck because those were the worst. That total was about $1800. I was told by the doctor that the mri on my back said I have two herniated disks and I should do therapy. I listened to him and went four times per week for four months. The Mri on my neck came back good. But my knee showed a tear in mcl. I had surgery on that and had to see the surgeon in his office twice plus hospital bills which equals a bill of $14,500. I then needed 2 months of therapy on my knee. Also all the pain meds ive been taking through out the whole process is around $600. I had a ekg for my nerves to test if they were good and that cost $800. So after doing my research I find websites that say the settlement amount s should be all bills multiplied by 3 depending on the persons insurance carrier and coverage. Well this person has $200,000/$200,000. So far all my bills have been paid through my insurance. When I do the math for what all the bills are is comes to roughly $28350. I didn't include the four days per week for therapy and seeing the doctors. That has to be a big chunk also. My lawyer called me and said he was made an offer of $42,000. He gets a 1/3 of that. I think they low balled me soooo bad on this. If i use the X3 multiplier method then it should have been somewhere around $85,000 offer. Remember I didn't even include all the visits to the therapy. Is this a good offer or should I decline and wait for second offer? My lawyer thinks we should wait it out because he has such a big insurance policy that we can get much more especially since that was our first offer.""
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do?
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do? Shes about a month along, andwe donthave insurance tohelp us have it.. what can i do? Can i still get it or do they see that as priorissue andsayno.. We need help bringing it intobthe world..butwere lostat the moment.""
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
How much is it to get car insurance at 16?
I was rear ended a few months back and had no insurance?
Me and my wife and a friend were driving in california and we were rear ended we pulled over and so did the other people. I looked at our car and there was no visible damage. i took pictures to show. and the guy who hit us had major front end damage he just wanted to drive away and get no information but we took his info so he asked for ours. four months later i get a letter from the dmv saying he is coming after me for insurance to pay him for the damages . i am assuming he is lying and said i hit him or something but i have two witnesses who saw everything my wife even had a ****** up neck problem for a while and still does but we didnt want to go to the hospital because of the no insurance thing. i was hired for a job at a dealership but cant get my salesperson license because of this and my license will be suspended next month what do i do to fix this whole mess. and if i can be lucky come out of this with some money because he is lying through his neck to attack me. I had a perfect driving record as well.
18 Year old car insurance.?
Hello, I am looking at car insurance and the cheapest I can find is between 2,800 and 2,999 based on a corsa and the price changes depending on the year I put. I do not want a fancy car just something safe, secure and that I can drive. That quote only changes by about 50-100 by adding my mom and it goes up not down by doing so. This quote is tracker based with insure the box. Please can you advise on cars that may be cheaper or ways to cut the cost. I have had a licence 4 months but will be 5 in the new year so i am basing it on that. When just trying quotes based on 6 month licence (coming up soon) and with a 1 year no claims (can do with no claims accelerated insurance but not may companies and they say they not quote me) and the price was 1,8500. Thanks""
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, to drive in the city of London?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
How much does insurance for motorcycle cost? Whats the average? Is it monthly?
Isn't it time the insurance companies stopped ripping us off?
Just how annoyed am I... I've been unemployed for 4 months and receive income based job-seekers allowance,we don't have enough to live on and finding a job seems harder than ever just now.My car had an engine problem and both the Tax and M.O.T had run out,with so little money coming in I thought it best to do without the car until I get working again so I scrapped it.I called my insurer to freeze my policy and was told that I could only freeze it for 30 days and would still have to pay the monthly 20, then I would have to cancel if I didn't get another car by the end of the 30 days,cancelling will cost me 90. What the hell,how am I supposed to find the money and isn't it time these greedy companies were asked to explain why they need to charge ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing other than posting a letter,they also charge 35 to change the policy onto another car which I find a bit hard to swallow. Why though,why do they have to charge so much in these hard economic times""
Any Nationwide users know how much will their insurance cost monthly?
Hi I am 16 and was wondering how much would Nationwide insurance would cost. My parents said they were going to enlist my name under their insurance, however I will have to pay for the insurance for my car. They are going to take the car notes, and I am stuck with insurance and gas. I just turned 16 and need a car. So any Nationwide users how much would that Cost me so I can Expect a General price? Also I make $50 a week.""
Does 1500 seem ok insurance?
ive got multiple quotes for 1st car 1st year driving. its going to be a 1.1 pug 106 independence and have been quoted 1500 is that reasonable? how much did your 1st car insurance year cost you? im 23.
Health insurance?
who knows of good health insurances that would be affordable and good and who cover pap smears practically im in search of one but cant find the right one i really need it asap someone help thank you!
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Where can i get affordable health insurance for my family w/ maternity coverage?
i am currently looking for family health insurance. if i go thru my job it way too expensive. i also need to include maternity coverage. does anyone know of any insurance companies? whenever i go directly to the provider website like united healthcare or cigna it always directs the webpage to ehealthinsurance, and while yes their affordable they don't offer maternity coverage. thanks for any suggestions""
Perth; Can I ride a motorcycle without insurance?
And if I am buying motorcycle insurance, how come they ask me how much I want to pay? Please see the link at http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much must I pay? I bought my second hand scooter for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au""
How would my insurance company know this if I don't tell them?
I am getting ready to buy a home (Already selected, move in will be next week) and I own a German Shepard. I am currently shopping for homeowners insurance, and I know that many companies will not insure you if you have an aggressive breed of dog, and the ones that do will give you higher rates because of it. So I was wondering, what reason do I have to tell them that I have an aggressive breed? When they come to inspect the home, my friend down the street can watch my dog for a few hours. If I were to just leave out the fact that I have an aggressive breed so my rates will stay low, how would the insurance company ever be the wiser? PS: This IS a repost. Last time I asked everyone said Well it's misrepresentation and if you have ever have to make a claim, then they can deny you because you lied about the dog. Yes I understand what the consequences would be, that wasn't the question. My question is HOW could they ever find out in the first place? If I have to make a claim for say, a fire, then I could have someone take my dog for a few hours again and make the claim without having any reason to mention the dog? So how would they ever know?""
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
Insurance cost for 2.3l fox body mustang 16 year old?
I am 16 and considering purchasing a 2.3l four cylinder mustang. These were made from the mid 80's to early 90's. They have like no power but get good mpg. I am worried that insurance companies would see the word mustang and give me a high rate. BTW my sister is 17 and pays only 50 a month on a family plan for a 1995 suzuki sidekick.
How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work?
How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work?
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
How much should i insure my house for?
My house and land (combined purchase) cost $185,000.I have stainless steel appliances, (combined D/W, microwave, fridge, electric stove, central air and water heater. Furniture (contents) not purchased as yet and will be added later. How much should i insure my house for? *Note -land is not to be insured* Any suggestions on what i need to do, types of coverage and flaws to look out for? THKS for your kindness""
Really cheap auto insurance?
Right now i'm paying about $130 a month for car insurance and I keep getting told thats kind of a lot. especially since I barely ever drive my car because I work right by my apartment and I don't go to college yet. I live in MN and was wondering if there was a car insurer that would be cheap?
Lowest insurance rates?
Lowest insurance rates?
Home insurance rates.?
Recieved a letter yesterday from my insurance company. They are now going to base home insurance rates based on your credit score....WHAT?
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
What to do if he doesnt have car insurance covered ?
i got a car accident on 2/09/10 around 11:45pm, and when i got the police report, it says 00:05am 2/10/10, it really doesnt matter to me at the first moment when i got the report. I tried to claim the insurance, but the agent told me that the other guy has no insurance covered, it's either expired or dont have it. And few days later, i got a letter from The Hartford , stating that: we received your claim request for a loss on 02/09/2010. According to our records, this policy was cancelled effective 2/9/10 for non-payment. We are unable to honor this cliam because the loss occurred after the policy was cancelled. I was so ****** up, i mean, can they do it on purpose ? just because they dont want to pay me ? If so what can i do ? How am i gonna claim my loss ? my car is totaled. I went to do a body checkup...everything is fine, and my health insurance covered that, but can i claim the bill with my car too ? I asked my agent, and it seems like she doesnt help, knows nothing about how to do and doesnt even help, worst agent ever. She suggests me to go to Small Amount Claim Court to file a complaint, because she cant claim the loss from the other guy. So, my questions is, what should i do ? go to the court and file a compalint ? or any advice ? (i consulted with a lawyer, and he said that since i dont have body injuries, it's hard to sue, and they dont accept the case, bacause the amount is too less to claim)""
Do I need insurance to drive my girlfriend's car?
I'm turning in my leased car next week and canceling the insurance on it. I plan on using my girlfriend's car for a couple of months before getting a new one. I know there are a variety of coverages, but generally speaking would her policy cover me driving her car despite me not having any car insurance of my own?""
Cheap Car Insurance in CT?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT? He has a lapse in coverage... He has one minor moving violation dated in 2006. He needs State Min. 20/40/10 then He needs Comp and Collision 2000 deductible... He drives a 2001 Buick Century... Cheap Insurance Companies Anyone? Websites or phone numbers please... I have already tried all I know. Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any others?""
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
Auto insurance.?
somebody hit and run me in the parking lot and dint leave any note or anything and there is no camera. the right fender has a big dent and the door wont open,if i report this to my insurance will i get an increase on montly payment? even tho its not my fault. My car is brand new got it 3 months ago and ha a full collision coverage insurance.""
Month to month insurance question?
I am about to sell a 2003 Chev Silverado that hasn't been driven, registered, inspected or insured in several years (I am in Texas, if that helps). I am getting everything up to date as far as inspection plus some repairs that need to be done before completing the sale, so I will need temporary insurance. I have been shopping for just the next month, and have even googled month to month insurance in Texas but keep coming up with insurance companies that only quote a full year. Since I don't currently drive or have any reason for auto insurance, I don't have the option of adding it to an existing policy for a month. I do have an active license so I am eligible to get insurance, but I don't want to pay a huge down payment on the premium and lose it once I cancel after I have handed the truck over in 2 weeks. Are there any companies or websites designed specifically for temporary or month to month insurance? What are the options?""
What is a good cheap first car to get?
Ok so I'm 17.. learning to drive and want to know what would be a cheap to run but good car to have, whats cheap on tax/insurance etc.. I really have no idea about cars thanks""
Does auto insurance cover any vehicle I drive?
I wasn't expecting it but my mom told me she will no longer be driving. Her car is 5 years newer than mine and she told me should take over her car and get rid of mine. Since my car still runs well I felt I would keep it a little longer. I checked with the insurance company and I acted like we are going to sell her vehicle. I just felt it shouldn't matter which car i drove since they are similar in size. The insurance company said I would have to turn in her plates. Does auto insurance cover any car I drive and if I want to keep 2 cars for now do I have to tell the insurance company and will they allow it if I pay more for insurance?
""I really want this new car, but should I do it financially?""
I will be paying 350 for a car, 170 for a motorcycle, and then 200 for a month for the combined insurance. Is this too much for vehicle costs? I'm 22 and trying to make it on my own and still in college almost ready to graduate. Is this unreasonable? This is twice as much as my rent almost.""
Will my parents' insurance rates go up?
I recently got 2 traffic tickets (1 for speeding and 1 for disobeying a traffic control device). However, the car I am driving is registered under my parents' policy and I am not the primary driver for it. Will my parent's insurance rates go up because of this, or will this only affect my driving record?""
My insurance company cannot find my policie number and i now have problem with my bank they ad up $3000 to my car loan what can i do ? i also loss my proof of insurance please help
Question about changing term life insurance companies?
My term, no medical exam life insurance is almost up for the 10 years and it's going to renew higher than what I can get from another company, so I am going to apply at another company online and cancel the old one, but it says are you planning on replacing another policy? if yes, you can't buy this insurance, if no then you can buy it. I don't understand, why wouldn't they be happy to get another customer, is it illegal to change companies? I am in California. Should I just put no so it will accept it?""
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?
I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?""
""How to go about getting a motorcycle, license and insurance...?""
i am from kansas and am going to get a motorcycle. can i get a permit? do i get a motorcycle first, then a license? how can i get a license first if i dont have a motorcycle? what is the order of getting a motorcycle, insurance, license? what do i do first second and third??""
How much does car insurance go up when a teen gets his/her license?? (geico)?
i have geico insurance and my teen is about to turn 16. i am wondering how much my insurance will go up when she gets her license. she has very good grades, as i know that helps lower it a little""
How do points on licence affect insurance premiums?
I was caught on camera doing 70 mph in a 60 area. Hands up, my stupid mistake, first offence after nearly 40 years driving. I will have to pay any fine imposed but, paying extra for insurance is sort of a doule whammy. No doubt it will cost extra for insurance now but, roughly how much?""
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Cheapest car to buy and run?
Please tell me what's the cheapest car to run (inc car tax, insurance and fuel) and that is fairly cheap to buy.""
How to get health insurance in nj?
im 19 need health insurance cant get under my moms anymore where do i start what do i do is it expensive?
""We are looking to buy a new home it cost about 180,000 dollars my husband makes about 36,000 dollars a year?""
could we get this home does he make enough i also have a down payment of 18,000 dollars""
Cheapest way to buy new glasses without insurance?
I recently broke my glasses that ive had for two years. I am currently in a predicament that does not permit me to spend alot of money on a new pair and to make matters more complicated, i do not have any insurance. I cannot apply for medicaid so that is not an option either. I need a fast alternative or some ideas as to how I could go about buying a new pair preferably under $100. I constructed a plan of buying my own frames and having the lenses filled but all the optical offices i called do not allow that method, they prefer you to buy their glasses. Thanks (:""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Im 16 and Im thinking about buying a small sports bike. like a Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R. I have a my license and a clean driving record. If i just wanted to be covered for Bodily Liability and Property Liability, what company do you think would offer the cheapest insurance? I know that under my circumstances insurance will be disgustingly high, but i want a bike that bad.""
Question about car insurance and car shop.. Need help.?
I just got into an accident my whole front bumper is totally gone. Im wondering is it possible for the shop and the insurance to put a new bumper but not the oem bumper i want a new body kit? I have full coverage my car is a 2009 toyota corolla S.
How much would my Motorcycle Insurance be?
Basically I'm getting my A1 licence (so I can only drive 125cc and 11kW max). I'd be a new driver. I'm just really looking for ballpark figures as to what the monthly insurance costs would be of (for example) an Aprilia RS125 or a Honda CBR125R that's 5 years old??
""I am getting ready to take the 220 insurance course,?
When I am done how do I get signed up with different insurance if I am a independent agent?
Is there a time frame for insurance company's to issue check after vehical has been declared a total loss?
I live in California, and on July 17th my street bike was stolen(only means of transportation) i promptly filed a police report and claim.Here it is Late october and i am still bumming a ride and taking public transportation to work.I have been told 10 business days by my insurance adjuster(his reply to when i will get paid off) for the last 2 1/2 months.Is there a way i can check if he is telling the truth this time?Are there any laws that make an insurance claim be paid off in a reasonable amount of time?sorry if this comes across as a rant and not a question lol i am at my wits end.""
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
What is the average cost for health insurance a month?
I need to know the cost for health, and dental insurance a month.""
Cost of SR22 insurance in Texas?
Anybody knows the cost of SR22 insurance in Texas?
Where i can get cheap auto insurance?
Where i can get cheap auto insurance?
Need help understanding some insurance terms and policies.?
What is a HYBRID health insurance plan? Has anyone used this type plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone know of a good, affordable insurance for TEXAS. I really need help understanding this type plan. Sound too good to be true therefore it usually is.""
Do you need to give a vin number in order to receive a quote on your cor insurance?
My mom called the insurance company to get a quote for adding me onto the insurance. The woman on the phone told her that you need the vin number of the car in order to get the quote. Is this true if the car was going to be new and we knew the exact model and year that we were getting?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
""What is the average cost of car insurance for a 25 y/o female, no accidents, no tickets, 2008 car.?""
Please help give me an idea of the cost for car insurance. Comprehensive vs. Collision? I'll be buying a 2007 or 2008 mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, Toyota Corrolla, etc.). I've never gotten in an accident or gotten a ticket. And of course, I'm a female :) Any help is appreciated! Thanks.""
Whats a basic cheap Car Insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi I am 18 I live in New York and have had my lisense for about 6 months now and my insurance is pretty expensive like 1200 for HALF A YEAR which is crazy so I was wondering if anyone know of a cheap insurance company for basic insurance thats maybe 1200 for a whole year or cheaper. I also drive a 1994 Saab 900 S Hatchback 2 door
No health insurance?
I don't have health insurance anymore because my COBRA coverage is over now. Because I have a pre-existing condition other health care companies won't take me. I have tried to find a job that offer health insurance, but seems very difficult right now. Because I own half of the house where I live. I been told that I cant qualify for any low income health care services. I don't know what to do? I dont even have a job, and Im considered well off to qualify for something. Have anybody out had this problem? I live in California.""
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
Kennard Indiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 47351
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