#and krei
ghostpebble · 5 months
make characters like each other? no.
make one character hate the other with a burning intensity while the other thinks it's funny how hard they try?
yes. always yes.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months
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survivalfighter33 · 7 months
Dreh mich im Kreis. Alles bricht auseinander.
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onelocket · 1 year
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cuddles, please?
sick fyodor d. x sick reader
requested by -- sweet anon! (click here for more context)
involves -- domestic relationship, a touch starved gn reader, scenario held place in summer & possible russian mistakes ;_;
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you feel as if it was your fault sometimes
Because each one brings you a shock, honestly. How was Fyodor also sick with you? One day you just woke up to the sound of him quietly blowing his nose on a tissue, jolting yourself up to sit as you see him sat on the desk, head turned to you in surprise of your wake.
“I’m sorry, milaya. Did I wake you?”
“…Fyodor? Wait- why are you sick?!”
‘Why’ as if he wanted it in the first place. Your sad little face and teary eyes would make him a little startled at first—perhaps even a bit amused as the process went ahead, but eventually would he coo to you how he’s okay, and that it wasn’t your fault regardless if you had the fever first.
endless mutual worry and care
Now that you both were sick, it was kind of hard to balance out who should take over for who. But now, it’s as if the care rocks back and forth a little too quickly… yet who were you to complain? He didn’t seem to complain either.
“Really, (Name). I’ll be okay. I’ll make us a cup of tea, you sit there.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do all the work.” You frown out, peeking from his behind as he was already holding two cups. “Mm.. how about I make you your cup while you make mine? I promise to add your jam..” You deal out, a small smile copying his that eventually came out too.
“Want me to tell you a Russian bedtime story?”
Sometimes, when the nights were difficult to sleep through and boring since you still don’t get to hold Fyodor because of his ‘reasons’, you end up staying awake in these hours. He obviously realizes this, at first just watching you in hopes you’d close your eyes at it. But when you just can’t,
“Mm, (Name). Come closer.” He whispered, catching your attention.
“Yes, why?” You ask, although doing as told whilst you scoot closer, both of you on your sides as you look up at him curiously. “Will you finally give me a hug?”
He shook his head, but before you get to complain again—“I want to tell you a bedtime story. Would you like me to?” he strikes up the question, earning your excited nod.
Those nights end up easier to go through as you hear his lovely, addicting voice. You’d, albeit faint, sometimes hear him say ‘Я тебя люблю’ a lot during the ending of each story, sometimes even hear it add up with ‘так сильно’ after the ‘Я’, which made you really curious about what he actually said. Unbeknownst to you though, your lover was saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I love you so much’.
you’re too cute for him to resist.. sometimes…
Despite how you know Fyodor prefers to be warm, he actually denies your touch still, reasoning that “We’ll sweat together” or “I might cough on you”. Personally you saw these reasons unlikely of him, but instead of arguing, you improvised.
“Fyodor… I want to take a nap.” You whine out, placing your head carefully on his lap as he sits there leaning on the bed frame, gazing at the afternoon sky.
“Then nap,” He replied, tilting his head though still not facing you. “You want to sleep there, don’t you? Just this once, milaya.”
“Hehe, okay.”
You knew he knew your tricks, but if he lets you? You’ll take it all the way. It made him happy too, seeing you want him even if he already said for you to feel otherwise.
“(Name), you shouldn’t use your phone so often.” You hear whilst you do as digressed—finger scrolling through the endless sea of posts and rants your friends flocked your feed with.
Despite summer being this new opportunity for a big blank canvas to paint with vibrant and eye catchy colors, they’re instead using their time to click through letters upon letters and share rants about how they’d be doing better things right now like ‘making life more colorful’. What irony, huh?
Speaking of, what about you? Why were you scrolling through these rants? Well, you had your reasons. One of which was because of somebody’s state right now.
“I’ll be okay, Fyodor..” You whine out, rolling on your back as the soft mattress hugs it just right, you able to let out a quiet sound of satisfaction from it whilst you kept your hands on the phone.
It’s only been a few minutes since you even had your phone screen unlocked, so you found it quite irritating that he was already telling you to get off. “Meanwhile, I personally think that you stop worrying and get-” You’d trail, momentarily pausing when you hear Fyodor’s coughing interrupt you; “…more rest.” finishing with a sigh.
“Mm, and what does that make you, milaya?” He replied, slowly putting down his hand which was just covering his mouth a few seconds ago. “Aren’t you going to rest?”
“I don’t want to.” You pout, once again rolling against your stomach as you swing your feet up and down, your toes hitting the pillows. But you weren’t that petty to hit your lover, so you also slowed down a bit, turning your head back to him. “I can’t find my eyes sleeping.”
“That’s because you’re on your phone.” He points out with a small gesture, his own head tilting to the side before he sighed—“My.. come here.” patting the spot beside him whilst he carefully sat up. You wondered if you should play around a little with your boyfriend, but because he was sick, you denied the taunt.
So you press your palms on the bed sheets as you get yourself sat up, one hand moving to click your phone shut. You crawl back to Fyodor, pout softening to a normal gaze as you considered to hold him, but his body language didn’t seem to match the thought. Instead you sit beside him, hugging your knees a little.
“You’re upset with me, (Name). Isn’t that right?” He cooed, a finger delicately brushing strands of hair away from your face as your cheeks peach up, although react no further than that. “Why should I be?” You question, fingers finding themselves holding onto your kneecaps.
“Let’s see… because I keep refusing to hold you?” He immediately had a response to, a soft smile on his face. To the normal sight, Fyodor might even be seen as charming and such a gentleman for smiling like that for his lover, but to you—oh you knew… that his smile was definitely a taunting, teasing one.
You groaned at the knowledge, a frown coming back rather than a pout. “I don’t understand why not? We’re both sick.” You tampered, tapping onto the bedsheets like an impatient customer.
“That’s exactly why.” He replied almost in a fake surprised voice, putting his hand down as he picked up the bottle of sanitizer on the bedside table, spraying alcohol on the hand that he coughed on earlier before showing the bottle to indirectly ask if you want to do the same. You take it, mainly so that he can rub both of his hands together. But you also end up spraying a bit on your hands, plopping the bottle on the beside table on your side before facing him again.
“What do you mean ‘that’s exactly why’? I want to hug you, Fyodor. It doesn’t matter if you’re sweaty! Don’t you wanna warm up from the air conditioning?” You contrast, spreading your hands a little in desperate request for his hug. “You know it’s you who’s the main reason why I hug you, not just because of how it feels.” You even add, hoping it’d move his heart.
He quietly chuckles at your claim, which honestly boosted up your hopes… for a moment, until you see his gaze back to normal without even a hint of change in his answer. What- did he seriously just laugh at you because he takes pity on your desperation?
“O-or just forget it..” You scoff out, your arms crossing each other as you turn around, your stuffy nose deciding that now would be the great time to embarrass you as you sniffle, although try to hold it back just to appear more… oh, what even was the proper word?
You were just petty. And upset that you can’t hold your lover. “I don’t need your hug anymore.” You add whilst laying down, to which you wouldn’t know how it’d affect him as your back was turned to him.
He was quiet for a little bit—Fyodor resting on his elbow with a faint smile as he indulged a bit more into your reaction. You were always either so attractive or so cute to him, now being the latter as he moved his elbow away, lying down on his side with his body facing you.
You refused to initiate the talk again, although your arms would slowly fall back from crossing each other, pressing against the smooth mattress as you hum in delight.
At least the bedsheets felt nice. It was one of the more lighter coverings, one silkier and nice to the touch so it’d ease the both of you to sleep.
And it worked exactly as it’s purpose.
Before you and even Fyodor knew, he’d hear quiet snoring coming from you, your body’s tension gone and melted as the cold of your air conditioning eased the sweat off.
His smile fades, although face keeping a soft look on it while he thought, “I couldn’t even get to move yet… but you’re already sound asleep.” left to look at your beautiful hair and your back hinting your slow breathing.
But quickly would he grow sleepy of watching you, his eyes glancing at the door for a bit before they fall back to you.
He planned to go outside the bedroom to get a hot cup of tea, even more so excited earlier as he thought of sharing the sudden idea with you, but found himself discarding it.
“Tomorrow..” Fyodor tells himself, closing his lips as he moves closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as careful as possible without you waking up.
He’d close his eyes at your scent, his love for your smell never leaving even if the both of you were sick. At that moment, he had genuinely hated how his nose was stuffy as well—loathing it to disappear just so he can indulge more in you.
But him in your arms was enough. To see you asleep and peaceful kept him calm and satisfied.
Fyodor scoots closer so his head meets your shoulder, resting it there comfortably as he kept you warm. “Good night, (Name).” He hummed out, pressing a kiss on your shoulder before rubbing your skin softly with his thoughts lingering—“Get well soon for me. Because I’d rather see you feel better than see anything else right now.”
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leosabi · 4 months
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happy pride from everyone's least favorite CEO
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theroyalriot · 10 months
I thought it was criminal to post the comic strip and not the video I made it for. So here is the tiktok of the Villain Tadashi concept I’ve been obsessed with lately. Some people asked for my headcanons so I put them in the tags!
Design is by me! Concept is from a different tiktok video about a fan altered BH6 ending. I live here now.
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tealconverse · 17 days
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mioritic · 25 days
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Anna-Maria Derleth (German, 1874-1955), the sister and life-long companion of poet Ludwig Derleth.
This photograph was sent by Christine Derleth, Ludwig's wife, to Felix Maria Wiesner on 29 July 1947. In the final months of Ludwig Derleth's life, Wiesner began to prepare a biographical study of the poet, but it doesn't seem to have ever been published. The manuscripts for the biography, as well as the correspondence between the Derleths and Wiesner, are under my guardianship.
Several other photographs were included in the envelope, some of which were published in Christine's 1973 biography of her husband, Das Fleischlich-Geistige, but many of which remain unpublished. The above photograph was one of several photos of Anna-Maria which were not included in Christine's book.
Christine did not note a date on the back of this photograph, but I estimate it was taken in 1894.
From my personal collection.
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snowball-maltese · 2 months
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Look at all the skrunklies
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bununiniji · 7 months
u can def tell i dont animate very often LOL anyways some school doodles aswell as a springtrap doodle hurrahhh
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sparklingpax · 2 months
wails. I love him
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gender-luster · 1 year
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he's collecting autistic coded characters like they're pokemon
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wgm-beautiful-world · 7 months
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G e l n h a u s e n
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drama-glob · 2 months
Incorrect BH6 Quotes
(BH6 saves Krei from another kidnapping and so he offers them something as thanks for rescuing him)
Krei (Pulls envelope out of his blazer and offers it to Hiro): Here. I got you something for your troubles.
Hiro (Takes envelope and opens it, reading it out loud and letting everyone see it): Wow. One free chip with the purchase of any sandwich from Hal's Hoagies.
Krei (Shrugs with a contented grin and says): It's the least I could do.
Wasabi (Flatly remarks): Yes, it is.
Globby (Comes home and finds Felony Carl on the couch, so he starts talking about his day): Hey Carl! Man, you will not believe how crazy today was!
Felony Carl (Quirks eyebrow and inquires): Globs, why are you holding a chicken?
Globby (Looks at the chicken tucked under his arm, then back at Felony Carl and answers): That's not important or relative. Now, as I was saying...
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onelocket · 1 year
I really like your blog and I saw that you are taking requests(if you don't, please ignore this), so I wanted to ask if I could request reader taking care of sick Fyodor? Maybe headcannons or a scenario, whatever your comfortable with.
I hope you'll have a great day/night.
hello anon! this is so sweet, though it’s very ironic because i was requested to write fyodor taking care of a sick reader. tables have turned i suppose ^^);; i’m so sorry to have only posted this today! have a great day/night and thank you for requesting ♡
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Sick Fyodor with his caring lover
involves -- domestic relationship, biting nails/skin around nails
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Fyodor will be pretty open about it.
Whenever he’s sick, his routine will change either by a little or just straight up completely if he’s that sick. He won’t deny how he feels when he does fall ill though. He’s aware you’ll know anyway, so why even bother?
"Fyodor," You whisper as your knuckles knock on the open door, catching his acknowledgment. "Is everything alright..? You’ve been walking back and forth to bring water to your office a lot today."
"Mm, milaya." He replied after swallowing what you assumed was water, closing the bottle he was holding. "I’m alright, just a little sick."
"You’re sick..?!"
He’s thankful for your concern… but..
It’s a little… Could intrusive be the right word? Well, no matter, he loves you anyway and he knows you only try to mean well. He’s not a guy so easy to irritate, especially when it comes to you. Although, he does find your force to be a bit meddling.
"C’mon, Fyodor." You quietly beg him, your hand tugging on his arm as you get him to stand up on his desk. "You can work when you feel better again…"
"It is not as bad as you think it is. I’m merely experiencing a small fever."
Replies like that would be how he usually gets a conversation of counters going back and forth if he should lay down in bed or not. But always—they end up in him doing what you ask for. You knew a large part of it was because he let you win over just so it wouldn’t escalate further, which was also a little embarrassing… but you only wanted him to rest! You love him, and he knows that after all.
Fyodor will constantly need to warm up a lot,
Even if the air conditioning isn’t even on, and the windows are closed. Especially if he’s just finished washing himself off, you’d have to have dozens of blankets on the bed in case he’ll need it. Of course, it’s not to say he’d drown himself in the sea of blankets, but he will be cooped up in a lot of them… which makes you really doubt the ‘merely experiencing a small fever’ statement he seemed so calm to have mentioned.
"Fedya," You call, holding a tray with tea and soup in case he feel like taking broth instead. "Are you… oh?"
"…I’m cold." He replied simply, blinking a few times as he sees your confusion as to why he’s so cuddled up with the warm blankets.
Deep down you knew he was probably doing that just to see a reaction out of your constantly concerned face. It always works for some reason—his face acting so confused by your own which was dumbfounded by the sight. But if it also actually gets him to feel better… Well, why not?
Barely shows any reactions out of discomfort,
Even if his temperature would be a lot higher than what can be called a ‘small fever’. Fyodor is a religious man; he knows God will make sure this setback goes away as quick as it can, so a fever doesn’t turn him pessimistic. You still catch small facial movements that express his dislike to his burning temperature, and his coughs with need to blow his nose through a tissue are already enough signs to tell that too. So that’s why you’ll know when and if he’s okay now or not.
It’s a little hard to take care of him, though.
His lack of showing any sign of what he might want does not help with your want to take care of him. It’s not to say he completely ignores when you ask him what’s wrong or what he’d want, but he does discard it a lot… which makes you doubt his replies often.
"Fyodor, you know I’m here for you." You speak quietly as you lay your palms on your lap, "You can tell me what you want, you know?"
"I am alright, milaya. There is less need to worry."
You know he just wants you to calm down and be assured he’s okay… but it’s hard when your lover is sick, isn’t it? If his words won’t get you anywhere however, his temperature and your observation will at least. You just bring his medicine, iron supplements and water when you think he needs it, as well as anything that may come to your mind looking at his state.
He manages to take naps some more.
And it’s a bonus for the both of you. While Fyodor gets the sleep he lacks, you get to smile and watch him, all asleep and out of the thought from his plans. It makes you want to just hug him and kiss his face, but disturbing him would not be a nice welcome. Instead, you take the time to prepare tea for when he wakes up.
His constant nail biting when sick…
You don’t like it. You really don’t at all—but you’ve always tried to just understand. It’s not easy to let go of something you’ve been used to doing, and that doesn’t change even for a guy like him. But sometimes, especially when he’s sick, you just can’t let him bite off his skin and make them bleed longer.
"Fyodor.." You softly call, almost a whine.
"…I’m sorry, milaya."
While he compiles and puts his hands down, you can’t help but worry and stare at his nails and the skin around it, all chipped and bitten. You can’t hold them, but you do place a hand on his cheek to try to distract him for a bit, just to get his mind off the biting. And it’s a warm gesture, Fyodor usually leaning in the touch rather than declining it.
Simple kisses won’t waver, though it is limited.
You’d think he’d be a bit clingy when he’s in a fever… and, well? He would be if fevers weren’t contagious. He’d only smile softly at you rather than to hold you as he usually does, which makes you a little sad. To make up for it (, mainly for your own want as well), you give Fyodor small little kisses on his head in hopes to comfort him. He does like them, but he’s cautious of it.
"I love the way you care for me, milaya. Your kisses are my favorite, and I hope you know that. However… I can’t let you do that often. Not while I’m sick. We can’t have you infected, am I right?"
You know he’s right, so you only do it sometimes. Besides, there’s more to come when he feels better anyway. You’ll be patient for him, yeah?
Speaking of, that is his ‘reward’ for you.
Because he’s less, if not, completely opposed to the idea of holding you while he’s sick… it’s hard for you to just keep your hands off him, even just for a soft pat. But for him, you try, and he sees your attempts loud and clear. Fyodor won’t show it, but he is very entertained by it, and will even tease you about it; pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead while you lean down to put his herbal tea on the bedside table…
"You’re so caring, milaya. I’m delighted to be in your care… yet I do miss holding and kissing you. Though, perhaps I’ll hold back till I’m all better."
Those words roll off his tongue just for you to start mentally picturing the scenario—just to have Fyodor close to you and be pressing kisses on your face, your hands holding his to stop him from biting them, your heart glad he’s all better from a fever…
"…You’re right. I’m here for you to get well, Fyodor."
The extra dedication to take care of him would lock the second his words catch you through it. It also noticeably reduces the kisses you give, which makes Fyodor laugh, knowing you do want to, but hold in so he gets better quickly. And, well, who’s he to deny when him all better will pay for all the hours without a kiss?
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bighero6quotebot · 3 months
Krei: So, what are your powers?
Hiro: I can magnetize things.
Honey Lemon: I can use chemicals to my advantage!
GoGo: I skate fast.
Wasabi: I have razor hands.
Fred: I breathe fire!
Baymax: I make good life decisions.
Krei: That’s not a-
GoGo: No, trust us. He’s our most important member.
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