#and leviathan the garchomp :)
halodwolf · 2 years
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just beat legends arceus, behold my team of god slayers. they are all asleep
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pridewishes · 2 years
tell me your final team
Florence the Meowscarada
Vesuvius the Camerupt
Roxy the Shiny Ampharos
Zoboomafoo the Grafaiai
Leviathan the Garchomp
Elias the Mismagius
I did swap a couple out now and then but they're my main team :]
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
RWBY Pokemon Headcanons - Team RWBY
ALRIGHT ITS WHAT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, sebby’s rwby hc pokemon teams :3 
i realized that this was actually ready and i’ve slapped it in the queue. 
ive noted teams for jnpr and a couple members of salem’s side, i’ll get around to writing those next! <3
Ruby Rose
Lycanroc (midnight)
Blaziken was acquired as a starter at Signal. She chose Torchick for it’s spunky attitude and fiery spirit, and they dedicated themselves to protecting people and Pokemon. 
She spent days and nights training on live Grimm, where she found her Rockruff making a target of itself with it’s brave barking. It evolved into a Lycanroc training beside her.
Florges was caught as a Flabébé. She went to visit her mother’s grave and went to take flowers from the garden to bring to her. Where she found Flabébé and decided to keep it and raise it to its evolution. 
Talonflame was caught on initiation at Beacon. She risked her neck fighting the Nevermore Grimm alongside them and her and Weiss picked up two Fletchinder to mark their achievement. 
Garchomp is symbolic of the first use of her Silver Eyes. When she froze the Wyvern, and Grimm gravitated to the area, Pokemon were chased from the school grounds. A Gabite fled the mountains where she caught it and raised it on her journey to Haven. 
Dragopult represents the Leviathan battle. A haunting moment for Ruby where everyone’s lives were in her hands. She acquired her Dragapult before leaving Argus.(
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Weiss Schnee
Though Weiss never attended a specific pre-Huntsmen school, a Popplio was given as a gift from her Mother, all of the Schneeblings have one from her Primarina. 
Golurk represents Weiss’s first real battle for her identity. On Jacques’ challenge to defeat the Arma Gigas, she acquired the Golett to attend her to Beacon. A parting “gift” from Jacques. 
Talonflame was caught on initiation at Beacon. She aided RBY And JNPR fighting the Nevermore Grimm alongside them and her and Ruby picked up two Fletchinder to mark their achievement.
The Mamoswine was caught to represent her demonstration of a fight with a Boarbatusk in her Beacon class, a powerful ally and summon acquired from proving her strength to her peers.
Vikavolt represents the Queen Lancer summon that Weiss acquired while running away from Atlas. She caught it after the scuffle itself. 
Corviknight idk <3 undetermined origins where I might say she had it since it was a rookidee, which would make sense and even her out with other characters. it also could represent the nevermore summon but talonflame made more sense thematically for her team
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Blake Belladonna 
Blake Belladonna never attended a proper pre-Huntsmen school, nor did she have the prestige to acquire a “proper” started, however, her parents gave her a Shinx as it was the offpsring of their own partner Pokemon. 
When Blake was young, she came across an Absol. It wouldn’t leave her alone, so she caught it, of course, and it’s been a very protective and cautious Pokemon throughout her life.
Zoroark was caught in her early days of the White Fang. It was rescued from humans as a Zorua and it aided her and the White Fang with its illusions, under the same belief they were doing the right thing. 
Before coming to Beacon, Adam gave her his Kirlia. She kept it and it had completely changed its allegiances by Battle of Beacon, attempting to protect her and Yang but ultimately failing. It evolved into a Gallade where it and Yang’s Gardevoir aided in the rest of the battles with Adam.
Grimmsnarl was similarly a gift. After leaving RWBY in a flurry of emotions with Sun Wukong, they went back to Menagerie and caught two Morgrems causing ruckuses. 
Before parting ways with Ilia, Blake caught a Salandit with her in mind and evolved it into a Salazzle on her way to Argus with her team.
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Yang Xiao Long
Yang went to Signal, where she chose Litten as a starter. Unlike Ruby, Yang wasn’t looking for a chivalrous type, more of a spirit willing to win. Incineroar and Yang are inseparable and have been a team since day one.
Pangoro represents her frequent fights with “the bears.” Originally, she was given a Panchamp after nearly getting herself and Ruby killed by Ursai. Qrow caught and gave her a Panchamp in hopes it would teach her patience and protection.
Similarly, she was given a Growlithe by her father for protection against the wild Pokemon in Patch. She just hadn’t anticipated the way it got her out of a handful of skirmishes with Grimm as well.
To be honest, Kommo-o, Gardevoir, and Tyrantrum don’t have specific events, they just have vibes. Kommo-o may be related to Raven or Tai, Gardevoir is associated with Blake but I dont know when she got it, and I think she picked up a Jaw fossil and revived it ??/ somewhere?? :3 suggestions welcome! 
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akudom · 3 years
the brothers in the pokemon universe
sooo i’m back again on my bullshit. i had a random idea of what pokemon would they like and it spiralled into this...
what kind of pokemon would they raise? do they specialise in a type? what are their goals?
tw: none!
lucifer 🦚
this man screams power and would like the challenge from raising dragon types.
his ace would be a hydreigon which of course he would name cerbeus. hydreigon only listens to lucifer and helps lucifer with keeping his brothers in line. just the sight of him is enough to make the brothers shit themselves.
his other pokemon would include dragonite, garchomp, haxorus, appletun and salamence.
beel keeps trying to eat his appletun because it looks so tasty. appletun thus avoids beel like the plague.
wants to be the best so you better believe he will BE the best. is a feared opponent who shows no mercy.
i don’t know if he’s be shooting for becoming champion. just wants to be strong in his own right.
mammon 💳
oh god mammon. if you thought satan liked cats then you got another thing coming.
he has an army of meowths. all types, alolan, galarian, regular, he has SO many. if he sees a wild meowth it’s automatically added to the squad.
his shiny galarian meowth is nicknamed goldie!
he would also have a honchkrow just to shake it up a bit.
mammon isn’t the best battler so he isn’t going for badges or anything.
his brothers live in fear of his meowth squad, he has them trained to scan the house for anything valuable to sell. satan is the only brother who can somewhat deal with them and that’s only because he finds them cute (when they aren’t taking his books)
just wants to make money and vibe with the squad.
leviathan 🎮
water type trainer! he’s literally named after a sea monster don’t fight me.
his magikarp henry was made fun of by mammon a bunch. his pride when he evolved into a glorious gyarados and proceeded to send mammon flying team rocket style is unreached.
nobody fucks with henry.
other pokemon on his team are swampert, azumarill, pyukumuku, wooper and toxapex. however he has literally every water type out there, he switches out his team depending on who he’s up against.
the smaller guys like to sleep in his hoodie and he finds it the most precious thing in the world.
he may hate going outside to fight but once hes actually battling he’s terrifying. the best battler out of the bros.
satan 📚
now you’d think he’d have all the cat types but here me out.
eevee breeder satan.
loves all the eeveelutions, can’t pick a favourite they are all so cute.
nicknames them after characters from books.
if anyone dares to call his pokemon weak or useless he turns into the biggest cat eevee mum and will make them eat their words. personally. no one insults his babies.
he’s ok at battling but much prefers researching. reading about all the legends out there while sat in front of a fire with all the eevees surrounding him is his joy in life.
i can see him being a professor or at least in some sort of academic role as well.
asmodeus 💄
pokemon contests are his jam.
wants to show off the beauty of all his pokemon as well as himself.
a favourite? asmo doesn’t do favourites. all his pokemon are amazing and you will understand that.
has a fondness for fairy types for their elegance but ultimately has no type preference. just likes beautiful pokemon.
his team would include milotic, beautify, galarian rapidash, hatterne and gardevoir.
he also has a florges in every colour.
pampers his pokemon. they are all spoiled little babies and he knows it.
aims to become the best coordinator you’ve ever seen.
beelzebub 🍔
this good boy likes bug types.
he hates how much bug types are underestimated and thought of as the weakest. why does that matter?
bug types seem to flock to beel it’s so wholesome. it’s like they know if they stay with beel they’ll get all the love and affection they could ever want.
he doesn’t have a team, he has a swarm. the ones he has the strongest bond with are snom, caterpie, surskit, volcarona, joltik and golisopod.
beel and his snom is literally like patrick star and rocky.
someone insults his little caterpie? first of all how dare you? it’s like fucking with a mama bears child you don’t wanna do that.
his only non bug type is morpeko. the lil guy is nicknamed beel jr by his brothers since it has a bigger appetite then beel.
who would win? 6 demons guarding a fridge or 1 electro boi.
doesn’t really have any goals. unless becoming the biggest bug type protector you’ve ever seen is a goal.
belphegor 💤
sleepy man likes ghost types. likes how spooky they are. however he doesn’t specialise in them.
his team includes snorlax, komala, gengar, banette, mimikyu and mismagius.
has pulled so many good pranks with the help of his team. lucifer doesn’t just have mammon’s meowth squad to worry about, here’s a moment of silence for his sanity.
he enjoys taking naps with snorlax and komala. snorlax reminds him a little of beel with how it’s like a black hole when it comes to food.
snorlax is so fluffy and soft it makes the perfect cushion. snorlax drives his brothers insane with how it’ll just plonk down in the middle of a doorway to sleep since it’s impossible to move.
way too lazy to become a trainer. too much effort.
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wallace-cup · 3 years
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@bemuseing​ and @mirroredranger​ [Appeal]
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      “Oho! Now that’s quite an interesting Appeal--drawing on Pokémon native to Unima for your performance!” He claps his hands. “While I have to say the beginning of your Appeal was a little more on the basic end, I also applaud you for the intricate stunts and the more dazzling visuals that you had toward the end. For this, I give you a 7/10 in Aesthetic Mastery. Unfortunately, you’ll have to make do with a 6/10 in Technical Mastery, for that big, big accident there with the Gabite and the Minun--Valerie, you did quite a good job saving your partner, but I’ll have to admit, that moment jarred me out of the Appeal completely. However, for your Thematic Mastery, I want to give you an 8/10. I would have preferred more of a…story? A story to be told, but the way you synthesized something as grand as Legendary symbolism at the end with such an upbeat soundtrack is quite admirable. Your total from me is 21 points!”
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      “Lunick, I for one don’t think your fall was an accident,” he says. “While that moment was indeed rather jarring to see next to the expert care you put into the rest of the Appeal, I wish to award you with a 9/10 in Technical Mastery. Your ability to train Pokémon whom you barely know to perform such feats is truly second to none--a mark of true Rangers. As for your Aesthetic Mastery, I’d like to give you another 8/10. You synthesized perfectly with the music, though I would have perhaps used the colors and contrasts of your moves a little more cleverly in the beginning. Still, though, you deserve to be given credit for the way in which you utilized moves that were unfamiliar to you. Finally, for your Thematic Mastery, I would like to award you a 10/10 for showing us the different aspects of the potential that your region carries--from Legendary exploits to simply having fun with your Pokémon. This brings your total from me to 27 points!”
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      “He’s absolutely right that your Appeal was so fun to watch!” Feiyun says, fist-pumping with excitement. “Your Aesthetic? 7/10, easy. I felt you got more complex with your visuals toward the end, but you still did a great job with the first half! The only thing I didn’t like about it was…well. The scenes of your Pokémon fighting. I felt like the staged fights took away from the overall upbeatness of your Appeal. Your Technical Mastery, I’d like to give a 10/10 for the way you put everything together. Valerie, your one-handed handstand on top of Arcanine’s back was just astounding to me, as is the fact you’ve managed to bond so fast with new Pokémon. Especially a Leviathoar--the Great Leviathans of Unima don’t give themselves to just anyone like that, so you must be really special! And for your Thematic Mastery? 9/10! Only a single point taken off because I didn’t understand that your Pokémon were supposed to represent the Legendary Dogs at first. From me, you’ve earned your 26 points!”
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Oh, what a nice score these two are getting. ‘Twould be a shame if something……
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Happened to it.
      “Well, at least they liked it,” she says sassily. “But let me tell you something: I didn’t. The beginning, apart from the handstands? It positively bored me. I almost stopped paying attention as soon as I saw you made your Arcanine jump through hoops, and everything that happened afterward didn’t really make up for it. Only at the end did I truly see something that caught my attention, and even then, it was disappointingly short. For your Aesthetic Mastery, I’m giving you a 4/10.
      “That’s to say nothing of the obvious accident that happened in the middle with your Garchomp and Minun. I have to say, the rest of your technique showed you all clearly had skill, but I’m going to have to echo Wallace in giving you a 6/10 for your technique due to that slip-up. And as for your representation of your region? 5/10. I do love a good show that features bonding with Pokémon, but at the same time, I had no idea you were talking about the Legendary Dogs Suicune, Entei and Raikou until the other judges started explaining it to me, and even then, I didn’t see any sort of story about their connection to your region--or really, any story at all. This brings your total from me to 15 points.”
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      “You’re on thin ice,” Wallace says disapprovingly. “Let’s hope your comments on the last Appeal are kinder. Now, onto bonuses. You receive +15 for soaking the audience and +15 for performing that stunt with the handstand. This brings your total to…”
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hedonicghost · 3 years
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hi nerds, a very original obey me pokemon au dropped talk to us about it
the greyed out pokemon are the ones they don’t use in official battles (since they have a maximum)
our thoughts / a text version will be, as usual, under the cut! disclaimer: it’s going to be long
1st gym leader - dark type official team: poochyena, nickit additional pokemon: absol, zorua, sableye, vullaby notes: it... it just makes sense, we think
2nd gym leader - bug type official team: combee, heracross additional pokemon: grubbin, spewpa, sewaddle, cutiefly notes: we knew we had to make him a bug type leader, but we wanted to have fighting somewhere, so heracross is our compromise there.
3rd gym leader - fairy type official team: sylveon, floette, aromatisse additional pokemon: togekiss, alcreme, comfey notes: don’t ask him how long it took him to get his alcreme, he’ll go on for hours about it.
4th gym leader - “normal” type official team: glameow, persian, vileplume additional pokemon: delcatty, porygon, castform notes: the idea here is that he tries to sell himself off as being an “easy” gym, and then hits you with the grass/poison at the end to hopefully stop newer trainers from defeating his gym.
5th gym leader - water type official team: seaking, milotic, clawitzer, wishiwashi additional pokemon: octillery, huntail notes: we just think him using wishiwashi is neat, don’t ask any other questions /j shout out to @lettheratsin for thinking of milotic, because we absolutely would not have <3 <3
6th gym leader - steel type official team: klefki, klang, skarmory, aggron additional pokemon: aegislash, bronzong notes: the idea is, of course, “shinyyyyyy.” but he starts with more unassuming pokemon before anything that could pack more of a punch because he doesn’t really take it seriously until he’s actually in danger, and then he kicks trainers’ asses.
7th gym leader - psychic type official team: hypno, xatu, gallade, alakazam additional pokemon: gothitelee, reuniclus notes: while picking his team, all we thought was “which of these pokemon would be the most likely to gaslight us.” obviously, gallade would but gardevoir would not /j
8th gym leader - ghost type official team: banette, mismagius, gourgeist, chandelure, trevenant additional pokemon: polteageist notes: c’:
elite four member #1 - ice/psychic type official team: mr. rime, jynx, cryogonal, galar  darmanitan, galar ninetails additional pokemon: vanilluxe notes: this is mostly just for the aesthetic. he slightly parallels michael.
elite four member #2 - dragon type official team: garchomp, haxorus, salamence, kommo-o, altaria additional pokemon: druddigon notes: we don’t like dragons, please don’t talk about them with us in any sort of detail /srs
elite four member #3 - fire type official team: talonflame, centiskorch, turtonator, darmanitan, blacephalon additional pokemon: ninetails notes: "in the likeness of a column of fire"
elite four member #4 - rock/ground type official team: onix, coalossal, golurk, archeops, rhydon additional pokemon: claydol
rival / champion official team: delphox, spiritomb, carracosta, roserade, crabominable, corviknight notes: delphox is his starter and closest friend, he builds his team around her.
rival / pokemon breeder official team: lopunny, minior, vivillon, jellicent, marowak, salazzle notes: with being a breeder, a lot of his pokemon are shiny. he worries very little about battles, just appreciating the time he gets to spend with other trainers when he does.
rival / nurse official team: lillipup, blissey, eevee, igglybuff, azurill, deerling notes: as we mentioned, he’s the rival that isn’t really a rival. he trails behind the protagonist asking if he can heal their pokemon for them. is eevee is a gift from simeon, and therefore shiny (it was an extra shiny he got while breeding them)
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thatspookyagent · 3 years
Low-key might be a Natsu kin now because um I wrote/created a character for a novel I'm writing that was trained by dragons and it's centered around dragons and dragons are a HUGE special interest for me! And my favorite is the Leviathan which I first discovered via Supernatural season 7!
Also my favorite Pokemon type is dragon types and my favorite Pokemon of all time is Garchomp! :D
N E WAYS I'm stereotypical neurodivergent Asexual and proud! <3
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theshuffles · 5 years
So, I made a list of ALL the Pokemon I have bred, trained, named, and used in both playthroughs and competitive. All of them have, suitable natures and are fully EV trained and almost all of them have perfect IVs. And on top this, I have also added if they have been cut in Sword and Shield. Considering the size of this list, and the time and effort I've put into Pokemon, I hope you can see why I'm so upset.
Selene - Clefable
Eros - Sylveon
Hermes - Togekiss Cu-Sith - Granbull - CUT Philyra - Aromatisse Ambrosia - Slurpuff Chloris - Florges - CUT Anthousai - Comfey - CUT Naiad - Azumarill - CUT Adonis - Primarina - CUT Minogame - Blastoise - CUT Sebek - Feraligatr - CUT Neptune - Empoleon - CUT Poseidon - Samurott - CUT Suijin - Greninja - CUT Phorcys - Crawdaunt Lamia - Sharpedo - CUT Kraken - Tentacruel - CUT Atargatis - Milotic Heqet - Politoed - CUT Koalemos - Quagsire Hydros - Swampert Galene - Pyukumuku Triton - Vaporeon Doris - Alomomola - CUT Pontus - Jellicent Nanshe - Slowbro - CUT Asteria - Starmie Shen - Cloyster Heracleion - Wishiwashi Leviathan - Gyrados Punga - Mantine Henet - Pelipper Jorogumo - Araquanid Ryujin - Kingdra - CUT Tiamat - Dragonite - CUT Blue Ben - Salamence - CUT Nephele - Altaria - CUT Fafnir - Druddigon - CUT Nidhoggr - Haxorus Shussebora - Goodra Mars - Kommo-o Bellona - Kommo-o Kur - Garchomp - CUT Tartarus - Krookodile - CUT Talos - Golurk Serket - Gliscor - CUT Kishar - Rhyperior Knockers - Dugtrio Taweret - Hippowdon Epona - Mudsdale Geb - Sandslash - CUT Set - Excadrill Eris - Ferrothorn Xochipilli - Venusaur - CUT Karmanor - Roserade Apate - Amoonguss - CUT Sylvanus - Breloom - CUT Fufluns - Shiinotic Charlotte - Whimsicott Jinmenju - Alolan Exeggutor - CUT Clytie - Sunflora - CUT Flora - Lurantis - CUT Pomona - Tsareena Sappho - Lilligant - CUT Emesh - Sceptile Midgard - Torterra - CUT Apophis - Serperior - CUT Sherwood - Decidueye - CUT Yggdrasil - Trevenant Davy Jones - Dhelmise Michael - Gengar Stacey - Mismagius - CUT Legion - Spiritomb - CUT Hastur - Mimikyu Osiris - Cofagrigus Persephone - Chandelure Orbona - Alolan Marowak - CUT Krakatoa -  Torkoal Komainu - Arcanine Ally - Ninetales Vesuvius - Camerupt - CUT Sekhmet - Pyroar - CUT Logi - Darmanitan Vulcan - Typhlosion - CUT Gullinbursti - Emboar - CUT Blaziken - Ra-Horakhty - CUT Sun Wukong - Infernape - CUT Bennu - Talonflame - CUT Muspelheim - Charizard Kitsune - Delphox - CUT Dawon - Incineroar - CUT Barghest - Houndoom - CUT Minerva -  Bisharp Nekhbet - Mandibuzz Koronis - Honchkrow - CUT Apsu - Hydreigon Cthulhu - Malamar Thanatos - Absol - CUT Loki - Zoroark - CUT Bastet - Alolan Persian Sebastian - Umbreon Samantha - Weavile Erebus - Sableye Khepri - Shedinja Helios - Volcarona - CUT Athena - Scizor - CUT Sir Lancelot - Escavalier Sepa - Scolipede - CUT Ah-Muzen-Cab - Beedrill - CUT Ares - Pinsir - CUT Heracles - Heracross - CUT Aura - Vivillon  - CUT Jimmu - Yanmega - CUT Melissa - Ribombee Levana - Leavanny - CUT Dionysus - Shuckle Eurybia - Golisopod Atlas - Crustle Arachne - Galvantula Jupiter - Vikavolt Rahab - Eelektross - CUT Thor - Ampharos - CUT Zeus - Jolteon Raiju - Manectric Tsukumogami -  Rotom Abaset - Togedemaru Ba'al - Heliolisk Terpsichore - Oricorio Huracan - Pidgeot Hecate - Dodrio - CUT Horus - Staraptor - CUT Aetos Dios - Braviary Noivern - Homados Geras - Drampa Gulon - Eevee Aceso - Blissey - CUT Kallisto - Bewear Aphrodite - Lopunny - CUT Venus - Cinccino Thoth - Porygon-Z - CUT Pan - Ditto Somnus - Snorlax Apollo - Smeargle - CUT Tanuki - Linoone Chimera - Silvally Mafdet - Zangoose - CUT Hathor - Miltank - CUT Ceres - Kangaskhan - CUT Inugami - Stoutland - CUT Brihaspati - Oranguru Nekomata - Espeon Nabu - Alakazam - CUT Ma'at - Sigilyph Yog-Sothoth - Reuniclus Sir Galahad - Gallade Megan - Gardevoir Ammit - Mawile Portunus - Klefki - CUT Tyrfing - Aegislash Stymphalos - Skarmory - CUT Hephaestus - Aggron - CUT Niflheim - Aurorus - CUT Perses - Tyantrum - CUT Nereus - Kabutops - CUT Oceanus - Omastar - CUT Asura - Barbaracle Brokkr - Golem - CUT Sindri - Alolan Golem - CUT Remus - Lycanroc (day) - CUT Romulus - Lycanroc (night) - CUT Duat - Tyranitar Olympus - Gigalith Tlaloc - Armaldo - CUT Anshar - Aerodactyl - CUT Quetzalcoatl - Archeops - CUT Perseid - Minior - CUT Montu - Hawlucha Kashima - Hariyama - CUT Karkinos - Crabominable - CUT Xingtian - Hitmonlee Kamaitachi - Meinshoa - CUT Shiva - Medicham - CUT Kratos - Conkeldurr Onikuma - Pangoro Hanuman - Passimian Anubis - Lucario Anput - Lucario Namtar - Toxicroak Camazotz - Crowbat - CUT Nug and Yeb - Weezing Lilith - Salazzle Nyogtha - Alolan Muk Styx - Dragagle - CUT Nosoi - Naganadel Eitr - Toxapex Nergal -  Nidoking - CUT Ullr - Mamoswine Skadi - Alolan Sandslash - CUT Ymir - Beartic Oni - Glalie Yuki-onna - Froslass
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shadyxdealings-blog · 8 years
[[ I keep thinking about making a blog for my oc Leviathan and it has only gotten way worse since I wrote that one ask answer for a muse I write/want to write and honestly? I have so much story and headcanons and ideas for him
it would be super easy to make a blog for him, but he isn’t exactly a Pokemon oc although he originated from a gijinka of a Garchomp.. I could still give him a Pokemon verse and it could go a long way from there tbh
I’m not sure though if many people would be interested in playing with such an awful business demon man of pure wrath. Still he’d be a lot of fun to write for. ]]
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hollowsart · 7 years
and some collective info on my favorite angry demon guy:
Name: Leviathan Ira Sathanus Nom De Plume: Levi I. Athan Alias: Levi, Ira Age: 34(human), (immortal) Height/Weight: 6'7" 183lbs (lean, slim form, muscular) Ethnicity: 100% Pure Demon Orientation: Does it really matter? Occupation: Black Market Businessman
- Despite his neck tattoos and earrings he is anything but unprofessional, do not ever take him as anything other than that.
- He is capable of appearing more human by simply using ways of “shifting shape” to remove the blacks of his eyes, the star on his forehead, and the horns upon his crown. His slit pupils and golden irises, pointed ears and sharpened teeth, however, those remain regardless.
- Leviathan is quite a heavy smoker, and despite this, he has not shown any bad health signs as a result. Bless those demon genes of his.
Leviathan is an outstanding, professional businessman. Though he is the head of an important black market group that stretches all around the world, the group actually isn’t all that well known. Only being told in various countries via rumors and superstitions. The closest thing one can relate his group to is the Yakuza or any form of Mafia.
Leviathan is known for being vicious but fair with his employees. He gives them a good pay with nice places to live and pleasant food to eat, but if they do not do right by him a number of times then the luxury they live will decrease slowly until they fix the problem.
Leviathan is a modern day businessman, taking advantages and making wonderful money. He does not set out for world domination but will take whatever comes out of his work. He has penthouse atop his main corporation’s building where he lives.
The building itself is highly secured and protected. Cameras and guards monitor each hall and each room, privacy is obviously given for the restrooms but even his out home on the top floor is monitored by cameras for every room.
Leviathan has contacts set up in many, many places and those contacts he has no normal person would ever dare interact with them. But, that’s the thing, he is no normal person.
The son of Satan himself. The physical embodiment of pure, unbridled WRATH.
so I thought about what if he was in pokemon and I came up with this:
Everything is the same except–
Leviathan is purely human, going by the name Levi instead and owns but one Pokemon, a prized and powerful Garchomp with the priceless yet valuable mega stone.
Is the head leader of an underground and hidden organization that serves to sell and deliver products and items all around the world to help the other organizations stationed in the different regions to achieve their awful goals for the world. Even though those goals are never met in the end, he continues to reign supreme over his workers and his abundance of cash he gains from the business he’s made.
Whatever comes from his prospects and business, he’ll take it. He does not aim to rule the world or conquer the regions, but if that’s what happens, then so be it, he couldn’t care less.
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theshuffles · 7 years
List of all my competitively bred and trained Pokemon (nicknames included)  Clefable ♀ - Selene  Sylveon ♂ - Eros Togekiss ♂ - Hermes Granbull ♀ - Cu-Sith Slurpuff ♂ - Ambrosia  Aromatisse ♀ - Philyra  Florges ♀ - Chloris  Comfey ♀ - Anthousai Azumarill ♀ - Naiad Primarina ♂ - Adonis  Feraligatr ♂ - Sebek Empoleon ♂ - Neptune Samurott ♂ - Poseidon Greninja ♂ - Suijin  Crawdaunt ♂ - Phorcys Sharpedo ♀ - Lamia  Milotic ♀ - Abi Politoed ♀ - Heqet Pyukumuku ♀ - Galene  Slowbro ♀ - Nanshe Starmie - Asteria  Cloyster ♀ - Shen  Quagsire ♂ - Koalemos Tentacruel ♂ - Kraken Vaporeon ♂ - Triton  Alomomola ♀ - Doris Jellicent ♂ - Pontus Wishiwashi ♂ - Heracleion  Gyarados ♂ - Leviathan  Mantine ♂ - Punga Pelipper ♀ - Henet Araquanid ♀ - Jorogumo Kingdra ♂ - Ryujin Goodra ♀ - Shussebora  Dragonite ♀ - Tiamat Salamence ♂ - Blue Ben Altaria ♀ - Nephele Kommo-o ♀ - Bellona  Kommo-o ♂ - Mars Haxorus ♀ - Nidhoggr Garchomp ♂ - Kur Gliscor ♀ - Serket Rhyperior ♀ - Kishar Hippowdon ♀ - Taweret  Golurk - Talos Dugtrio ♂ - Knockers  Krookodile ♂ - Tartarus Mudsdale ♀ - Epona  Sandslash ♂ - Geb Excadrill ♂ - Set Ferrothorn ♀ - Eris Roserade ♂ - Carmanor Venusaur ♂ - Xochipilli Amoonguss ♀ - Apate  Sceptile ♂ - Emesh Torterra ♂ - Midgard  Serperior ♂ - Apophis  Alolan Exeggutor ♂ - Jinmenju Breloom ♂ - Sylvanus Sunflora ♀ - Clytie Shiinotic ♂ - Fufluns Whimsicott ♀ - Charlotte Lurantis ♀ - Flora Tsareena ♀ - Pomona Decidueye ♂  - Sherwood Trevenant ♀ - Yggdrasil  Dhelmise - Davy Jones Gengar ♂ - Michael Mismagius ♀ -Stacey Mimikyu ♂ - Hastur Cofagrigus ♂ - Osiris Chandelure ♀ - Persephone  Alolan Marowak ♀ - Orbona Ninetales ♀ - Ally Arcanine ♂ - Komainu Talonflame ♂ - Bennu Typhlosion ♂ - Vulcan Infernape ♂ - Sun Wukong Blaziken ♂ - Ra-Horakhty Emboar ♂ - Gullinbursti Delphox ♂ - Kitsune Incinerorar ♂ - Dawon Darmanitan ♂ - Logi Torkoal ♀ - Krakatoa  Camerupt ♀ - Vesuvius  Houndoom ♂ - Barghest Absol ♂ - Thanatos Zoroark ♂ - Loki Hydreigon ♂ - Apsu Malamar ♂ - Cthulhu Mandibuzz ♀ - Nekhbet Honchkrow ♀ - Koronis Alolan Persian ♀ - Bastet Weavile ♀ - Samantha Bisharp ♀ - Minerva  Umbreon ♂ - Sebastian Sableye ♂ - Erebus Spiritomb ♂ - Legion Shedinja - Khepri Scizor ♀ - Athena  Escavailer ♂ - Sir Lancelot Golisopod ♀ - Eurybia Scolipede ♂ - Sepa Beedrill ♂ - Ah-Muzen-Cab Volcarona ♂ - Helios Leavanny ♀ - Levana  Heracross ♂ - Hercules Shuckle ♂ - Dionysus Ribombee ♀ - Melissa  Pinsir ♂ - Ares Crustle ♂ - Atlas Vivillon ♀ - Aura Yanmega ♂ - Jimmu Galvantula ♀ - Arachne Vikavolt ♂ - Jupiter  Ampharos ♂ - Thor Togedemaru ♀ - Abaset Jolteon ♂ - Zeus Eelektross ♀ - Rahab Rotom - Tsukumogami Oricorio ♀ - Terpsichore Manectric ♂ - Raiju Heliolisk ♂ - Ba’al Pidgeto ♂  - Huracan Braviary ♂ - Aetos Dios Staraptor ♂ - Horus Dodrio ♀ - Hecate Lopunny ♀ - Aphrodite  Cinccino ♀ - Venus Porygon-Z - Thoth Ditto - Pan Snorlax ♂ - Somnus Smeargle ♂ - Apollo Drampa ♂ - Geras Noivern ♂ - Homados Silvally - Chimera  Zangoose ♀ - Mafdet Miltank ♀ - Hathor Blissey ♀ - Aceso Kangaskhan ♀ - Ceres Bewear ♀ - Kallisto Stoutland ♂ - Inugami Linoone ♂ - Tanuki Oranguru ♂ - Brihaspati Alakazam ♂ - Nabu Espeon ♂ - Nekomata  Reuniclus ♂ - Yog-Sothoth Sigilyph ♀ - Ma’at Gallade ♂ - Sir Galahad Gardevoir ♀ - Megan Mawile ♀ - Ammit Skarmory ♂ - Stymphalos Aegislash ♂ - Tyrfing Aggron ♂ - Hephaestus Gigalith ♂ - Olympus  Omastar ♂ - Oceanus Tyranitar ♂ - Duat Tyrantrum ♂ - Perses Golem ♂ - Brokkr Alolan Golem ♂ - Sindri Armaldo ♂ - Tlaloc Kabutops ♂ - Nereus Lycanroc Midnight ♂ - Romulus Lycanroc Midday ♂ - Remus Barbaracle ♂ - Asura Aurorus ♂ - Niflheim Minior - Perseid Aerodactyl ♂ - Anshar  Hawlucha ♂ - Montu Crabominable ♂ - Karkinos Conkeldurr ♂ - Kratos Hitmonlee ♂ - Xingtian Pangoro ♂ - Onikuma Meinshao ♂  - Kamaitachi Hariyama ♂ - Kashima Medicham ♂ - Shiva  Lucario ♂ - Anubis Lucario ♀ - Anput Toxicroak ♂ - Namtar Alolan Muk ♂ - Nyogtha  Crobat ♂ - Camazotz Weezing ♂ - Nug and Yeb Toxapex ♀ - Eitr Dragalge ♀ - Styx  Salazzle ♀ - Lilith Nidoking ♂ - Nergal Mamoswine ♂ - Ullr Beartic ♂ - Ymir  Alolan Sandslash ♀ - Skadi Alolan Ninetales ♀ - Ally Glalie ♂ - Oni Froslass ♀ - Yuki-onna
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theshuffles · 7 years
List of all my Pokemon, and their names (and origin of said names) Clefable ♀ - Selene (Greek Goddess of the Moon) Sylveon ♂ - Eros (Greek God of Love) Togekiss ♂ - Hermes (Greek God of Trade, Messenger of the Gods) Granbull ♀ - Cu-Sith (Dog from Scottish folklore) Aromatisse ♀ - Philyra (Greek Goddess of Writing, Healing and Perfume) Slurpuff ♂ - Ambrosia (Food of the Gods) Florges ♀ - Chloris (Greek Goddess of flowers) Comfey ♀ - Anthousai (Flower nymphs) Azumarill ♀ - Naiad (Water nymphs) Primarina ♂ - Adonis (A youth from Greek mythology, said to be very beautiful) Feraligatr ♂ - Sebek (Egyptian God of the Nile) Samurott ♂ - Poseidon (Greek God of the sea) Greninja ♂ - Suijin (Shinto Water God) Crawdaunt ♀ - Scylla (Sea monster from Greek mythology) Sharpedo ♀ - Lamia (Child Devouring Demon from Greek mythology) Milotic ♀ - Abi (Named after a friend) Politoed ♀ - Heqet (Egyptian Goddess of fertility,  represented by a frog) Quagsire ♂ - Koalemos (Greek God of stupidity....no really) Tentacruel ♂ - Kraken (Legendary sea monster) Vaporeon ♂ - Triton (Son of Poseidon) Jellicent ♂ - Pontus (Pre-Olympian Sea deity) Cloyster ♀ - Shen (Giant clam monster from Chinese folklore) Starmie - Asteria (Greek Titan of falling stars) Slowbro ♀ - Nanshe (Mesopotamian Goddess of prophecy, and fishing) Wishiwashi ♂ - Heracelion (Sunken city in Egypt) Gyarados ♂ - Leviathan (Sea monster  referenced in the Hebrew Bible) Pelipper ♀ - Henet (Egyptian Pelican Goddess)  Araquanid ♀ - Jorogumo (Yokai Spider Woman) Kingdra ♂ - Rhyujin (Japanese Dragon God) Goodra ♀ - Shussebora (Creature from Japanese folklore, also called the Dragon Snail) Dragonite ♀ - Tiamat (Babylonian primordial Goddess of the salt sea) Altaria ♀ - Nephele (Cloud Nymph) Haxorus ♀ - Nidhoggr (Norse Dragon that gnaws the roots of Yggdrasill) Kommo-o ♀ - Bellona (Roman Goddess of war) Garchomp ♂ - Kur (Various meanings, such as Underworld and the name of a Dragon in Mesopotamian mythology) Gliscor ♀ - Serket (Egyptian Goddess of healing venomous stings and bites) Hippowdon ♀ - Taweret (Egyptian Hippo Fertility Goddess) Krookodile ♂ - Tartarus (Greek Underworld) Rhyperior ♀ - Kishar (Mesopotamian earth Goddess) Mudsdale ♀ - Epona (Roman Goddess of horses) Sandslash ♂ - Geb (Egyptian earth God) Excadrill ♂ - Set (Egyptian God of sand storms and chaos) Ferrothorn ♀ - Eris (Greek goddess of strife and discord) Torterra ♂ - Midgard (Earth in Norse mythology) Roserade ♂ - Carmanor (Cretan demi-god of harvest) Serperior ♂ - Apophis (Egyptian Serpent of chaos and darkness) Breloom ♂ - Sylvanus (Roman deity, protector of the forest) Exeggutor-Alola ♂ - Jinmenju (Yokai Tree with faced fruits) Lurantis ♀ - Flora (Roman Goddess of flowers) Whimsicott ♀ - Charlotte (Named after a friend) Shiinotic ♂ - Fufluns (Etruscan God of plant life) Decidueye ♂ - Sherwood (Named after Sherwood forest, home of Robin Hood) Trevenant ♀ - Yggdrasil (The tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse mythology) Dhelmise - Davy Jones (Davy Jones's Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea: the state of death among drowned sailors) Gengar ♂ - Michael (Named after a friend) Mismagius ♀ - Stacey (Named after a friend) Mimikyu ♂ - Hastur (The King in Yellow in the Cthulhu mythos) Cofagrius ♂ - Osiris (Egyptian God of the afterlife) Chandelure ♀ - Persephone (Greek Goddess of the underworld) Marowak-Alola ♀ - Orbona (Roman Goddess of children, especially orphans) Typhlosion ♂ - Vulcan (Roman God of fire) Blaziken ♂ - Ra-Horakhty (Combination of Horus, and Ra, Egyptian Sun God) Infernape ♂ - Sun Wukong (The Monkey King from Journey to the west) Emboar ♂ - Gullinbursti (A boar from Norse mythology) Ninetales ♀ - Ally (Named after a friend) Arcanine ♂ - Komainu (”Lion Dog” statues that protect Shinto shrines) Darmanitan ♂ - Logi (Fire giant from Norse mythology) Talonflame ♂ - Bennu (Egyptian bird deity, likely the inspiration behind the phoenix) Camerupt ♀ - Vesuvius (Named after a volcano) Torkoal ♀ - Krakatoa (Also a volcano) Houndoom ♂ - Barghest (Monstrous Dog from English folklore) Hydreigon ♂ - Apsu (Babylonian primordial God of fresh water, partner of Tiamat) Persian-Alola ♀ - Bastet (Egyptian Goddess of cats) Mandibuzz ♀ - Nekhbet (Egyptian vulture Goddess) Absol ♂ - Thanatos (Greek God of death) Weavile ♀ - Samantha (Named after a friend) Zoroark ♂ - Loki (Norse trickster God) Umbreon ♂ - Sebastian (Named after my deceased cat, RIP) Malamar ♂ - Cthulhu (A Great Old One, from the writings of HP Lovecraft) Sableye ♂ - Erebus (Greek deity of darkness) Shedinja - Khepri (Egyptian God of rebirth) Scizor ♀ - Athena (Greek Goddess of wisdom and war) Escavalier ♂ - Sir Lancelot (Knight of the round table) Beedrill ♂ - Ah-Muzen-Cab (Mayan God of bees) Scolipede ♂ - Sepa (Egyptian centipede God) Shuckle ♂ - Dionysus (Greek God of wine making) Vivillon ♀ - Aura (Greek personification of the breeze) Golisopod ♀ - Eurybia (Greek Goddess of mastery of the sea) Volcarona ♂ - Helios (Greek Titan of the sun) Heracross ♂ - Hercules (Roman name for Heracles, Son of Zeus) Still a lot more to go...
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