#and like he's not tall... jack is shorter than most of the male characters in the potc franchise
trickstercaptain · 10 months
it's the way that i can never decide whether jack is 5'9" or 5'10" lmao
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collectiveclams · 3 months
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Trying my best to figure out what these guys look like in my head before I go look at the fandom’s generalized designs for the characters.
A friend of my twin got us into the show and a week later we’re at season 8!
I definitely need to tweak Cole’s design a lot- I want him to have a more strongman build & revamp his entire face design. But at the very least I’m happy with getting his hair the way I want!
Kinda hard to see, but Zane’s got little screws for earrings! I honestly didn’t account for how much older the faceplate would make him look, I intended him to look way more boyish.
Rambling about my current HCs of the Ninja’s appearances below:
I’ve been having a bit of an trouble deciding what various flavor of Chinese & Japanese these dudes should be based on. Considering the show is based on a 2010s vague idea of “Asia” and carries traits of both Japanese & Chinese influence, I’m just going to use both. I don’t know what sorta general consensus the fandom has of their appearances bc I have barely interacted with the fandom, so if this violently contrasts with that then yippee I have original thoughts, I guess.
-Kai is Japanese. Kai, being vain and caring more about training than Jay for example, has a more aesthetic build that’s definitely form more than function. Like a natty powerlifter who’s not competing. I’m not sure what height he should be, but if he’s taller his muscle definition would appear smaller so I’ll have to keep that in mind.
- Nya has initially a more functional build- far less muscle definition than her brother. Not outwardly buff and doesn’t have pronounced muscles, but can fairly easily haul a 100lb hunk of metal from a scrap pile to her workbench. But after becoming the water ninja, her new training gives her more pronounced muscle definition. Initially shorter than Kai but grows taller as the show goes on.
- Cole is southern Chinese. He’s got a strongman heavy set build. I envision him as fairly short so his muscles can be a little more pronounced. If you stripped his muscle definition from his ninja training away, I still want him to look like one of assholes who haven’t worked out a day in their lives but still somehow looks jacked.
- Zane is what pops up when you look up “Chinese teen male stock photo” because he needs to look like The Most Generic person ever. No muscle definition at all on this dude. He’s a nindroid & so there’s no need to include muscle decision to show that he’s strong. He’s either average height or slightly on the shorter side bc gravity is a bitch and the taller make a humanoid robot, the more balance becomes a bitch to deal with. So average height or short Zane it is.
- Jay is Uyghur so I can get this dude his reddish-brown hair. Minor muscle definition. His isn’t for aesthetics like Kai, he’d rather do ninja training than do the types of sets & pushing to failure needed to achieve more pronounced muscle definition for aesthetic lifting. Jay needs to be shorter than Nya. He’s definitely taller than Cole but I need him to be just an inch shorter than Nya because that’s funny to me personally.
- Lloyd is Japanese. Solely because Oni come from Japan & I got spoilered that Gargamon is an Oni later. Lloyd is a stringy ass kid at first & has no muscle definition at all. During his Green Ninja training before the Travelers Tea, he’d be trained for efficiency & not for aesthetics with the deadline of him fighting his father possibly being around any corner. After Travelers Tea he likely kept his training to function over aesthetics and would share similar muscular definition to Jay & Nya. And he’s tall. His dad is tall as shit with 4 arms. I want this kid to go through the Worst gangly teen era anyones ever seen and only barely fit his form once he finishes growing.
Additional thoughts:
And as a big comic nerd who owns around 800+ comics (might be more around 1000 now?), hoo boy I have so many thoughts on Lloyd and Jay liking Starfarer. I cannot wait to make a fic that’s just Lloyd and Jay ganging up against Kai over some incredibly wrong take of the comic he absentmindedly said and trapping him in a 3 hour long conversation about frequent mischaracterization and mishandling of the characters in Starfarer & how what Kai said was wrong. I just need a fic of Jay and Lloyd talking to each other about their favorite runs of Starfarer and complaining about a tie-in/crossover comic that’s written particularly bad, or complaining how an author completely misunderstood Fitz Donnegan or complaining over an author change & etc. I just need to make a fic of these boys talking about average comic book fan things.
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celestiababie · 5 years
Yunho NSFW Alphabet A-Z
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A= Aftercare (What they do/act like after sex)
 Yunho is literally the human embodiment of a teddy bear. After you two have finished, he’ll probably just lay on you, and kiss your neck. He just wants to cling onto you...before you two go for another round.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
 Yunho loves his smile the most and he knows you love it too. Whenever he flashes his bright smile at you, you get butterflies all over again, and he just adores that he has that effect on you. He loves your legs when you straddle him or just wrap them around him. Yunho loves the lazy days where you put your legs on his lap and just watch tv. He’s also quite the fan of putting them over his shoulders as he thrusts inside you.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum… I’m a disgusting person)
 He gets carried away when he’s fucking you, so he often cums inside of you. When the two of you first had sex, both of you were so in the moment that you hadn’t realized that he came inside until a few minutes after. He panicked for a few seconds and apologized, but luckily you were able to calm him down by telling him that it was fine and that you were on the pill/clean. Ever since that day, he’s been hooked on cumming in you.
D= Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
 He really wants to fuck you against a mirror...preferably in the practice room. He’s had a few wet dreams about it, but he doesn’t want to bring it up, in case that you’ll be weirded out, and then he’ll end up embarrassed.
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
 Yunho has some experience, but not to the point where he could call himself a pro. He’s probably gotten/given head before and that’s about as much experience he’s had before you. He knows how to get you worked up and he knows how to use his body very well. DANCERS ARE THE BEST AT SEX IDC.
F= Favorite position (This goes without saying)
 Probably missionary, but with your legs over his shoulders. He loves holding your legs up and rolling his hips into you, making sure that you feel him against the most sensitive within you.
G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Or are they more humorous?)
 This man-child is a clown! Do you really think that he’s gonna be completely serious? He will probably try and crack a joke here and there when he has sex with you. Whether you like that or not, he can’t hide his bright and goofy personality, even if it’s an intimate moment. 
H= Hair (How well-groomed are they?)
 Yunho trims regularly, but he’s not bare. He thinks that trimming makes everything look better and it’s just easier to maintain. Man-scaping shows character, folks.
I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
 He’s a giant teddy bear, and even though he’s very goofy, he’d be surprisingly intimate. He loves you and wants to express it both inside and outside the bedroom. Yunho is top quality boyfriend material, and he’d want to give you all the pleasure that you could handle. 
J= Jack off (Masturbation)
 He doesn’t jerk off that often, he can usually keep himself under control until he sees you. Sometimes if he just needed to release some of his energy, he’d rut against his pillow and send you the audio of him moaning. It would mainly be to try and convince you to come over or let him come over.
K= Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
 His tall ass has a size kink, y’all knew this was gonna be said. He didn’t care if you were even an inch shorter than him or a foot shorter than him, he’d still tease you for being smaller than him. Yunho adores how your body looks underneath him, there’s something about him being bigger than you that makes him feel like he can protect you. Yunho also has a slight exhibition kink, he likes the way his heart pounds from nerves, not knowing if someone was going to see both of you.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)
 As stated before, he has an exhibition kink, he believes that sex doesn’t have to stay in the bedroom at all times. Dressing rooms? On a balcony? Against a big window? He’s down for it all, but don’t worry, he’ll make sure no one actually sees... unless you’re into that.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
 Due to his size kink, sitting in his lap could get him a bit excited down there, it emphasizes how small you are compared to him, and he can easily tease you for it. Another thing that can get him doing would be teaching you how to dance/ dancing with you, he’s definitely tried to get you to do a sensual dance with him once or twice. If he sees your hips move a certain way or grind upon him, you can bet your ass that he’s gonna whisper in your ear about how much he wants to fuck you.
N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
 I personally believe that Yunho is a soft dom, so he wouldn’t want you to call you anything bad or degrading, he’d much rather praise you. You’re his baby, why would he want to be mean to his baby? 
O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
 He’s a sucker for getting head, he loves when you look up at him as you press kisses to tip. It’s not like he hates giving you head or is bad at it, he’s just average at the activity, he makes up for it with using his sexy ass hands though.
P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
 This one is tough... I guess that it would all depend on his mood, some days he’ll be rough and desperate for a good fuck, and other days, he’ll be slow and sensual. He has no preference, it really depends on how much tension there is and how needy you both are.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex and how often?)
He's a fan of them. You two often have to rush due to fucking in slightly risky places, but he doesn't mind that at all. Sometimes, he treats it as it's a game, which one of you is gonna cum first or, how fast can he make you cum?
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
 He has no problem taking risks and experimenting. He's curious about a lot of things and wants to try many things with you if you'll allow him to.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
 This boy has a lot of stamina, it’s scary. As a dancer, he’s able to have a lot of energy and on top of that, he’s a ball of energy in everyday life, so Yunho would be able to go multiple rounds. He’d want to keep going until you were too tired to keep your eyes open. Dis boi a freak lowkey.
T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
 Poor baby would be confused by toys at first, but would slowly start getting more curious about them. He’d do mild research to find ones that would give you the most pleasure and then gift them to you. He’d be hesitant to use any toys on himself, but he’d give it a try if you really wanted to use them on him. 
U= Unfair  (How much do they like to tease?)
 He mainly teases you about your height, but other than that, he’s fair. He likes to give you what you want and even if he finds your begging adorable, he’d feel bad if he kept pleasure away from you...but if you make him jealous/ piss him off? Good luck.
V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
 L O U D. He’s not annoyingly loud, but he’s not afraid to moan and groan if something feels good. He has to be careful depending on the location you two are having sex, but even then, he’s moaning for you. 
W= Wild Card (Random headcanon)
 Yunho had invited you over, all the boys were over, but he figured that you were comfortable enough to hang out with all of them. The 9 of you were sitting in the living room, your legs were on the taller male’s lap and he was softly caressing your leg as the rest of the boys were being loud.
  Jongho had noticed the older male’s hand on your leg and he narrowed his eyes at the both of you, throwing a pillow at Yunho. 
“Hyung, touch your girlfriend somewhere else!”
 The other boys had suddenly shut up and looked over at the two of you. Some were confused, some were flustered at the thought and a particular someone was smirking (Wooyoung). You hid your face behind your hands and took your legs off of your boyfriend’s lap. He pouted and made a bold move, pulling your entire body into his lap and kissing your neck. 
  “I’ll touch her where ever I want.” He muttered against your neck. The boys cleared their throats and contemplated whether or not they should just leave the room...
They didn’t, they kept talking, but couldn’t help but glance at the couple who were almost ready to rip each other’s clothes off.
X= X-Ray (Lt’s see what’s going on in those pants)
 He’s a big boi and has sexy hands, so I think he’s above average. He has a decent amount of girth to him and a plus would be that he knows how to use his hips. Big dick+dancer hips= fucking amazing sex. I don’t make the rules.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
 He wants sex a lot more than he’d like to admit, he has so much energy that he wants to let out, and sex is a great way to release all that energy. He’s clingy and that clinginess will often lead to him needing you sexually. I’d say he’d want sex about 5 days out of the week.
Z= ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
It depends on how many rounds you two did. Usually, he wouldn’t feel that sleepy if it was a standard night of sex, but if it was a night where you two were at it like rabbits...maybe he’d get a little tired, but he rarely does.
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Yandere Horror Fandoms Headcanons and Scenarios And Rules (Request On My Page)
Hello My Sexy Readers, Yes you read the title right, this is another series for requests.
Now first The List of All The Horror And Slashers Movies I can think of that I know, I may add more later on.
-Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and FUCK NO TO THE REMAKE!!!)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising  
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet  Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Dead Before Daylight
Doki Doki Literature Club
Dream Daddy (Because Of The Cult Ending and Cause I said SO >:3)
Emily Wants To Play
Friday The 13th The Game
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Outlast (All Three)
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
The Sinking City (Only a bit)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
The Witches House
Yandere Simulator
And Finally the rules before everyone starts saying what they want :D
Hehehehe you can ask as many Slasher or horror movie character  as you want with Headcanons
Such as the following
Can I get Jason headcanons with blind Male Reader
.He was surprised when you did not scream when you were looking right at him, holding the head of one of your friends.
.He was curious like a child never meeting a blind person before.
.Unfortunately for you, your hearing is much higher than normal as you are blind and you rely on it  and you do not know where you are running because Jason took your cane and broke it.
.As a man you think you can defend yourself to a degree and do not let your handicap well handicap you.
.When he sees you with one of those sinful teens he does not take kindly to this.
.Killing her and tripping you before throwing you over his shoulder.
.No matter how much you fight against him or how strong you are he is the man here and when he learns just how much he wants you their is no way you are going to defend your virginity as him.
.You may be able to hear better but this is his territory and their is no escaping.
You may also asks Questions such as
Who would be aggressive to their love and who would adore them or both, Hannibal Lecter, Thomas Hewitt, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers,
.Freddy Krueger
.Michael Myers
.Thomas Hewitt
.Jason Voorhees
Hannibal Lecter
Also Questions like what nicknames they have and so on.
This is how you Requests
.What yandere or yanderes you want to know more about
Male or Female
.Can also be any type of reader.
And so on, anything really except child (Unless it is platonic) And If With Freddy it can be referenced that he did stuff with you at a young age but it will be light and no full scenes on it.
This is like Oneshots and Headcanons smashed into one you can ask as many as you like with any reader you want but the Scenario must be the same for all the ones you are asking
Can I get one with pregnant female reader and with Brahmas, Chucky, The Demon from Evil Dead
Suicidal Reader with Jack Torrance, Pyramid head, Pennywise, Jeepers Creeper
.Ask for which yandere and Yanderes
.Ask for what type of reader
.Male Or Female
And anything else you hearts want :D
Their will also be OCS with me my OC Michelle and my co author OC Marie
No Child sex scene Reader must be Fifteenth  years or older for sex scenes.
You may also Choose Yandere Or Yanderes Character(S) X Love Interests Characters (Non reader or OC like)
Yandere Jason X Freddy
And Genderbents (Female or male version) of characters are a yes.
And ask for any version of reader even ones that are not just in movies
Like Jason from when Jason was in Space.
Or Freddy Krueger from the 2010 remake
and so on
And Also if you want AU (Alternate Universes)
Priest Hannibal Lecter
Doctor Norman Bates
And so on
You can choose with more than one yandere to a: share b: Seperate C: Fight for reader D: Poly
Poly is short for polygamy and it has where more than two people in a relationship.
Enjoy and stay Sexy!
NSFW Will be posted else where as Tumblr sucks 
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tcm · 5 years
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Happy International Hat Day: Bowlers and Fedoras and Cloches, Oh My! By Jill Blake
Hats have been a staple in fashion for centuries, with origins that date back to ancient Egypt around the year 3200 BC. Of course, hat styles have changed over time, but their purposes are pretty much the same: either functionality by providing protection from the sun and other elements, or merely serving as a fashion statement. Historically, hats also often represented an individual’s social standing, with different types of hats worn by certain social classes and for certain events or occupations, from ornate wide-brimmed hats, to high quality bowlers, to newsboy caps. Hats were also part of social convention, with men wearing hats when outside and women wearing anything from pillbox hats to fascinators to complete their outfits for church or other social functions. For International Hat day, here’s a list of some popular hat styles of the 20th century. Many of these hat styles can be found on the TCM shop.
Pork Pie Hat
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The pork pie hat dates back to the early-to-mid 1800s and was quite popular with men. The hat was often made of high-quality felt, but also could be made out of cotton or straw. The pork pie, or “stingy brim”, hat has distinctive features with a low crown and narrow brim. After the Civil War in the United States, the pork pie wasn’t as popular in men’s fashion. In the 1920s, silent film star and director Buster Keaton made the pork pie an integral part of his on-screen persona, helping popularize the hat once more. And in William Friedkin’s THE FRENCH CONNECTION (’71), Gene Hackman’s character, Jimmy “Popeye” Doyle, sports a pork pie hat.
Bowler Hat
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The Bowler hat originates from England and was created by Thomas and William Bowler in London during the mid-1800s. The Bowler is typically made of felt and has a rounded crown, narrow brim and is very durable. While it looks formal by today’s fashion standards, the bowler was considered a more informal hat for day-to-day wear and was mainly worn by middle and upper-class men from butlers and valets, to bankers and members of the aristocracy. Perhaps the most famous bowler in classic film belonged to Charlie Chaplin, who wore the trademark bowler for his iconic Little Tramp character in films such as MODERN TIMES (’36), CITY LIGHTS (’31), and THE KID (’21). Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy also famously wore bowler hats in many of their films, like the short ANOTHER FINE MESS (’30). Other examples include Jack Lemmon in Billy Wilder’s The Apartment (1960) and James Cagney during the “Harrigan” musical number in Michael Curtiz’s YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (’42).
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The fedora is perhaps the most iconic hat in film history, particularly throughout the 1930s up through the 1950s. It’s typically made of high-quality felt, ranging from wool to cashmere to mink. The hat also usually has a wide, soft brim and a pinched crown that is indented at the top with some kind of ribbon running around the base of the crown. The fedora dates back to the 1890s and was originally considered a ladies’ hat. By the 1920s, the fedora was popularized by male members of the British Royal family and became a staple of men’s fashion. By the 1930s, the fedora was associated with gangsters and tough guys, as well as private detectives and plain clothes police officers. Almost every modern film from the 1930s through the 1950s features a fedora, including James Stewart’s Macaulay Connor in George Cukor’s THE PHILADELPHIA STORY (’40); Dick Powell’s Philip Marlowe in Edward Dmytryk’s film noir MURDER, MY SWEET (’44); and perhaps the fedora’s most famous wearer, Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in Michael Curtiz’s CASABLANCA (’42). Ingrid Bergman also wore a variation of the fedora as Alicia Huberman in Alfred Hitchcock’s NOTORIOUS (’46).
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The fascinator is more headpiece than an actual hat, but has long been a staple of women’s fashion, particularly in Europe. Fascinators are typically decorative and are clipped or pinned into the hair. They can be made of a wide-range of materials, including silk, wool and feathers and can have netted veils. Fascinators are mainly worn in traditional or formal settings, such as during church services, weddings or funerals. There are countless examples of fascinators in classic film, but one of the most popular is the one that Rosalind Russell’s Sylvia Fowler wears with her Adrian-designed eyeball blouse in George Cukor’s THE WOMEN (’39).
Top Hat
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The top hat is one of the most recognizable hats in history. It is typically associated with formal dress dating back to the 1700s all the way up to the mid-1900s and is still worn today for certain social events. The top hat is tall, with a flat top and wide brim, and is usually made of silk, beaver fur or cloth. The hat was typically associated with wealth and prestige but eventually became accessible to a wide-range of social classes. Like the fedora, the top hat is featured in countless classic movies. Fred Astaire often wore one in his RKO musicals with Ginger Rogers, such as the appropriately named TOP HAT in 1935, directed by Mark Sandrich. Then there’s Fredric March, who always wears a top hat for a night out in Victorian-era London, whether he’s Dr. Henry Jekyll or his sinister alter-ego Mr. Hyde. But the top hat wasn’t limited to men—Marlene Dietrich famously wore one in her first American film, Josef von Sternberg’s MOROCCO (’30), as did Josephine Baker—both women pushing the boundaries of gender and redefining femininity.
Cloche Hat
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The cloche hat was one of the most popular hats for women in the early 20th century. The cloche dates back to 1908 and was designed by French fashion designer Caroline Reboux and named for its bell shape. The cloche was one of the most versatile hats in a woman’s wardrobe, worn with casual, everyday clothing, as well as fancier versions for evening wear. The cloche was also popular because it accentuated the shorter hairstyles that were becoming more popular at the time. Joan Crawford, Josephine Baker, Nancy Carroll, Norma Shearer and Louise Brooks all famously wore cloche hats. One of the most stunning examples is in Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s technicolor masterpiece, THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP (’43) and worn by Deborah Kerr.
Hunter/Trapper Hat
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The hunter or trapper hat is sort of a variation on the deerstalker hat, typically associated with the literary character Sherlock Holmes. The trapper hat can be made of fur, leather, wool or flannel, and it has ear flaps that can be tied back. The hat is more function than style, providing warmth for a variety of outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing or selling Christmas trees, like Rock Hudson’s Ron Kirby in Douglas Sirk’s ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS (’55).
Bonus: Doris Day’s Many Hats
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Doris Day has rocked some hats in her day, particularly in her three films with Rock Hudson: PILLOW TALK (’59), LOVER COME BACK (’61), and SEND ME NO FLOWERS (’64). Pillbox hats. Cloche hats. Fur hats. Straw hats. Bubble hats. Bucket hats. Sun hats. And plenty of “I-don’t-know-what-that-is-but-it’s-fabulous” hats. In the late 1950s and 1960s, Day re-popularized many of the hat styles from the 1920s and 1930s, with a funky, mid-century twist. Doris wore them all and she looked absolutely fabulous.
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3  GROUP A/ GROUP 1: (contestants 1 - 6)
EP 3x01: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5: 
Location: Outdoors: “Australia” 
Location: Next to a /in a yard of a “peach coloured” building with arch/vault-style architecture 
Sign: OUTBACK (with the U being in the shape of horseshoe)
Sign: Yellow “road sign” with an arrow pointing down (”spiraling down”) 
MIB as papparazzi/press following her - taking pics, media attention (for “the wrong reasons”) 
Gramophone on a tree branch 
Boxing bag -  the kangaroo boxing/hitting the boxing bag 
Jump rope - the kangaroo jumping over a jump rope (made of a vine...held by MIB)
”Like most of you watching, I’m a survivor.” 
“I recently lost a person, who held my familys heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.” 
“But I’m here to do what kangaroos do best - bounce back.”
“I have to fight for my family. And show them that bullies never win.”
“I am beyond terrified - I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m not about to lose the chance to realize the dream I’ve always had.” 
“To all the survivors out there -- This one’s for you.” 
Song choice: “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn 
Look/Costume: The kangaroo has a pouch (indicates female), but also has a red/silver boxing outfit & gloves (indicates male). Outfit colours: red & silver. Important: there is a crown on the back of her robe. 
Stage: hexagon-shaped mirrors (5 of  them) surrounding her/behind her [if my other guess is correct, then that stage design is a “clue”] 
Height: Tall-ish...almost the same height as host Nick. A bit shorter, around 175cm, probably.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable. And this year I’ve had no other option than to be vulnerable. But...with this kangaroo costume I feel like I can get my superpowers back.” +  [breathes in/sighs heavily before the song starts]
I HAVE NO NAMES OF MY OWN. -- I thought she was this certain female artist, because the voice kinda seemed familair (sounded like hers to me), but none of the clues and other things seemed to fit. And after checking the clues it seems to confirm it cannot be her, cause nothing matches. Also... to me she doesn’t sound like any of the singers I thoughts she could be based on the clues, so... I havent actually figured her out...
I think people online are correct, and it’s a certain “reality star” (gramophone = reference to her dad being a sound engineer on a well-known past TV show) Though I am considering a few more options - mostly other reality stars/youtubers/family members of celebs... particularily one name. If my guess here is correct, then just like Llama, she would have a connection to a previous TMS contestant...but since I am not that familiar with her singing voice, I cannot be sure. But she has lost family members in the past few years, she has been in a media scandal, and you can even explain the australia thing kinda... so...until I hear more of her, I’ve got one name mainly in mind. But I wont name it until I’ve heard her sing at least once more.
Survivor = the title of a “Destiny’s Child” hit song
Lost a family member recently = either her family member (parent, grandparent?) died or they parted ways (were cut ouf of each others lives)
Gramophone = possibly a reference to a Grammy nomination/win. Or just music/sound/audio
Outback = possible connection to Australia
“spiraling down” road sign + papparazzi following her = she’s been in a media scandal “recently”
Crown = King/Queen 
Location: Radio station/Mixing studio - mixing console (close up) 
Location: Pottery making “class” 
Mixing console - close up of a studio/radio station mixing console 
23.3 The Wool (name of the radio station/show) 
Red lightbulb in the studio 
Photo of a bull (the animal)
Playing cards: Ace of Spaces & Jack of Spades). Two black suit cards showing (Jack Black)
Sounds of Seattle - title of a vinyl album 
Romancing a llama: pottery 
"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mix it up!”
“Good morning, Nerd herd! You’re listening to The Wool. Where we’re all cool. No Bull.” 
“I’m here for one reason only - to have a laugh. And what’s funnier than a Llama? (laughs at his own joke)”
“You may call me a joker. But I’d like to get serious for a minute. The song I’m singing tonight is my favourite track for celebrating love with that... special someone. There’s nothing like being swept up by it’s deep, profound lyrics. It’s a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance. I can’t wait to sing it for you tonight.”
“Llama out!” 
Song choice: “She Bangs” by Ricky Martin 
Look/Costume: Dressed as a tourist - “hawaiian” style shirt,, photo camera around his neck. Llamas tongue out of his mounth, on the side. 
Height: he is around 180cm - about the same height as host Nick (their shoulders are on about the same height)
Mic hand: Left 
Talking: “umm.. This whole costume just spoke to me... My vibe... I wear digs like this in real life.” (answering the question about his costume & it’s looks) 
Drew Carey (TV host/comedian/actor...)
23.3 Wool = His show (The Drew Carey Show) had, during it’s 9-season long run, a total of 233 episodes. 
Photo canera prop = His hobby is photography. Actually, it’s more than just a hobby - he has been accredited press photographer during many (sports) events.  
Radio = He was a radio operator during the time he served in the Marine Corps. Also..he’s hosted a radio show (radio DJ) during his later career 
Red light in the room = photography reference. In the DarkRoom red light is used when developing photo film/photographs.
Buddha figurine (Dalai Lama/Llama joke) = He is a buddhist. 
Joker = he is a joker aka comedian 
Seattle = He is the co-owner of a Seattle Football Club. 
Playing cards = He took part in the celebrity poker game in 2003, where he did better than Jack Black did (played against Jack Black)
Nerd herd = He did take part in Zack levis (Chuck) “Nerd herd” lightsaber race one time at a Comic-Con convention. 
Nerd herd = his show (DCS) & character were/was about nerds/was a nerd
Llama’s side tongue = early in his stand-up comedy days he had a joke with a side-tie (it looked visually very similar to what the llama’s tongue looks like - he just added some wires & tape to do “the trick” of swinging the tie to the side)
BONUS: He knows last years winner, “The Fox Mask” - they did “Whose Line is it Anyway” together, so... connection... 
SPOILER ALERT: Llama is the mask who will be voted off next - in ep 2 (on Wed, Feb 5th). But while his voice might not be as trained as some other contestants, I loved his stage energy, and the comedy/fun he brought! One more song coming from him! And no, I am not sharing some secret info - they “accidentally” revealed the first two contestants, who get unmasked, so it’s been revealed by the network...for those, who notice small details...
Location: Lady’s restroom/bathroom. The moster getting ready (coming hair, applying hairspray...) 
Location: school hallway - lockers 
Sign:  (image) ladies restroom 
Itmes on the counter in bathroom/dressing room: Furspray (hairsray) can,  pink bottle of some beauty product, three crystals (stones), a piece of sequin fabric 
Key/Keychain: a single (old style) key with a keychain that says “FUN” #FUN #KEY = FUNKY = “QUEEN OF FUNK” 
Purple furry diary/good luck charm/cosmetics bag/pencil box (with a face + kitty ears & unicorn horn) + a glittery pen 
Lockers: Lockers numbered 10 (the ones she opens) & 11 (the one next to it)...with no other lockers having numbers on them 
Miss Monster Locker: filled with images of S1 Monster, scrapbook flowers..etc...
Piece of paper on the locker door: Monster Hits.
Photograph of a cityscape (skyline with many skyscrapers) on the locker door [if I could only see the image better to know which city it is on it, that’d be one more clue]
“When you become famous, people  want you to look or act in a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster.” 
“It didn’t take long for me to be misunderstood. So I’m here to set the record straight. Just like my favourite creature in Season 1 did. The Monster. He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire!" 
“And now this performer in pink wants to follow in his furry footsteps, But darlings... I’m nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?”
Song choice: “Something to Talk about” by Bonnie Raitt
Look/Costume: pink & purple/violet furry costume with a bowtie
Height: she is short-ish (shorter than host Nick). She looks very short (barely 5 feet - more Dolly P. height 152cm than Chaka K height 162cm)
Mic hand: Right 
Chaka Khan 
Dolly Parton (since the total number of Grammy noms that the 18 contestants have in combined in 69 & Robot as the first revealed one has had 24-25 of them, that leaves only 44-45 for everyone else, that rules out this person, because she alone has had 46 nominations...compared to C. Khan’s 22 noms)
Number 10 = She has 10 Grammy Awards/wins. (interestinly: both D. Parton & C. Khan have 10 Grammy wins!)
Monster Hits = she has had (many) hit songs during her career 
He made me feel = She has a song by the title “I Feel You” (1984 hit)  
It was fire = She has a song by the title “Through the Fire” (1985)
Will you love me - that is (word for word) the title of of her her hit songs, “Will You Love Me?” (2007)
It was fire = She wrote the hit song “Fule to the Flame” (1967 hit) for Skeeter Davis. 
Will you still love me? = She has/wrote a song titled “I will always love you” 
Furspray/Hairsray = he was/is known for her big hair/haircut (managing that probably takes lots of hairspray)
FUN = FUN(K) #FUN KEY [FUN:KI] - she’s kinda the “queen of funk” (one of her albums is titled “FUNk This” (btw: Pun intended by her!) 
Location: school’s track & field event (Balzano Track Field) - contestants getting ready to run. The slow turtle surrounded by fast bunnies, all preparing for the event. [Slow & steady (turtle) wins the race]
Location: Schools track & field event - BANG! The race begings. The three other contestants (MIB as bunnies - wearing pink bunny ears - starting the race with a head start, all jumping on their blue bouncy balls)
Turtle vs bunnies 
BANG! in comic style - to mark the start of the race 
The others (three bunnies) bouncing on blue balls whe n the race begins 
Surf board - the turtle poliching/cleaning his poink & blue surf board 
Pins on the track...popping the blue jumpy balls 
Grilling burgers on an (outside) grill...on the track field. 
Turtle crossing the finish line first (bunnies just going in circles, being stopped by pins on the way, or other reasons), as he has time to do other things & take it slowly, and then still get there first...with a burger in hand & winning the golden medal.
"At the starting-line of my career I was surrounded by other hungry new-comers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth-and-nail for the dream. And I watched as many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled down”
“I’m a turtle, because I’m always taking it step-by-step.”
“Slow and steady wins the race. But now I feel like I’m ready to break out of my shell. After years of preparation I would love to make a big splash. So I don’t want anyone to cross that finish line before me.” 
Song choice: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal 
Look/Costume: Punk/Rock-style, dressed in leather (pants, jacket), has a spike (hair)
Height: Short-ish (shorter than host Nick) - seems around 175cm. Small in size.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “It’s hot. It’s really hot. And it’s heavy!” (when answering how doesn it feel to be in that costume and perform in it)
Jesse McCartney 
Joey McIntyre  PS. I tried connecting the voice to any boy-bands (of 1990s & 2000s), but I coukdnt. Even after some “research” - listening to each possible candidate...and IMO it’s none of them. The voices dont match, the heights doesn’t match---But it did sound like someone, who for me was a one-hit-wonder. Yeah, I only know that one song (and one more) from him... but voice seemed familiar.
Surf board = that he is a surfer;  that he is from Cali/Australia/somewhere which is known as being popular among surfers; that he has won Teen Choice Award(s) (this award in in the shape of a surfboard)
being surrounded by other new-comers at the start of his career = either he got his start through a (singing) competition and was one of many contestants fighting for the win AND/OR he got his start in a “boy-band” and was one of the youngsters looking for fame...
Surf board = Teen Choice Awards - winning several TCAs for his first/biggest hit song/album in 2005, and more. And he’s played a surfer character on a TV show
BSB references/connection  - he was the opening act in 2005 for BSB during the European part of the tour. 
Dream = he started in a boy-band with the name “Dream Street”
on stage presence/body language (movements) = very similar to J.M. 
Location: Football field. Tiger striking a power/winners pose. 
Location: School hallway, lockers. Tiger walking in, shoving everyone out of his way. 
Locatrion: School library (sitting behind a table, with his legs on the table) 
Location: School hallway, lockers. MIB trying to get him to audition for TMS. MIB (fans) taking selfies with him. 
Golden plate/sign with text: Ultimate champion for clam shucking: 51 clams” (next to a golden clam shell) 
Sign/ad on the wall: “Masked Singer tryouts 5/3.” + images of three past masks included: Eagle, Lion & Raven. Plus the text: “Hurry. Not for long" also written on it. 
Sign on the all with images of past US presidents, including Abe Lincolns & the text/quote “Four Score and Seven Years Ago...” 
The TMS golden mask throphee shown next to the lockers (as Tiger says “let’s party!”)
“Ready to meet your next champion? My entire life I’ve sought out perfection, so choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer.”
“I’ve had a giant career full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage (and) singing, I’m a big old scared cat.*
“It’s been a while since I did something that scared me, so I’m here to concour yet anither challenge.”  
“What’s my motivation? My fans! I don’t wanna let them down." 
“So now I’m ready to get in that ring and smash the competition.” 
“Let’s party!” 
Song choice “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice 
Look/Costume: Dressed in “Egyptian style"
Height: very tall & big (much taller than host Nick) - over 190cm, looks about 2m tall
Mic hand: R & L (alternates)
Talking: “It’s the most powerful I’ve ever felt. Like I can concour anything. I never wanna take it off” (when answering what did it feel like when he first put on the costume/mask)
He played during the 51st  (51 clams) & 53rd  (5/3) Super Bowl games. 
The three past TMS masks shown are all animals that are parts of  names of existing football teams: Ravens, Eagles, Lions. Meaning he is an athlete & specifically plays american football (NFL) 
The Lincoln quote translates to “87 years ago...”, so number 87 is the clue here. This could be a reference to player No. 87. 
He has had a very succesful career in his own field (sports). Singing is not his main job.
IF the voice-overs were done later, not during initial filming, then it’s possible that “smash” relates to the person smashing a lego-statue of a TV host during 2019/2020 New Years. Which in itself was supposed to be about his famous “Gronk Spike” during football games. 
A tiger (albeit “regular”, not white) was one of the characters & costumes + name of the sports team in the Katy Perry video “Swish Swich”, where this athlete also appeared. 
The Golden (Golden Mask) trophe - most likely a reference to his many wins (the trophees he/his team has won)
Rob Gronkowski (Gronk, athlete, 198cm) = 99% certain it’s him 
Because of the height alone (seems to be around/almost 2m = 6 feet 5) there are not that many possibilities at all. Even if we don’t listen to that voice or consider the clues. Based on height alone it can basiclaly be only one of these names: Dave Bautista (198cm); The Rock (196cm); Hulk Hogan (201cm); Tyler Perry (196cm); Brad Garrett (204cm); Joe Manganiello (196cm); Jeff Goldblum (194cm); Jason Mamoa (193cm); Tom Brady (193cm)..or the likes...
Even other possible names, like the ones listed by the panel, are not valid guesses, because of their height: John Cena for example is actually only 185cm tall. Also... several of these tall men are bigger/more muscular, so that makes it even easier to determine the name based on only the physical appeance...without even listening to the clues. 
First mask to be voted out in ep 1
Havent listed his clues, cause there’s no use for them anymore, as he was voted off. 
With his 86 tattoos he makes up for about half of all the 160 tattoos the 18 contestants have combined. With his 24-25 Grammy nominations he makes up about 1/3 of all the 69 noms the 18 contestants have combined. And quite many of the 88 gold records the 18 contestants have combined,  belong to him (I don’t know the exact number, but most/all of his 10+ albums have gone gold, I think) - exact number depends on how they count it for this list.
BUT... unless I decide to cut some sleep time to do this again, I am probabky not gonna do this after every episode. Possibly for the first episode of every Group (so beside ep 1, also ep 4 & ep 7)
3 notes · View notes
musicalmukebox · 6 years
Let’s Get (Back) Together | l.h. (8)
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Ctto of the gif!
AU: Parent Trap Dad!Luke
Summary: A strong love which led to a strong marriage and twin daughters. Yet in the end, it didn’t turn out so well. You strongly refuse to encounter him ever again. But what happens when both of you coincidentally send your twin daughters to the same summer camp in Florida after 10 years?
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol and usage
A/N: Almost there!! 
I don’t own Parent Trap and its ideas. It’s only used as inspiration.
1 / 2A / 2B / 2C / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Feedback/Questions/Others? Here.
2020, Sydney
“Don’t think that way, babe. They are going to love you.” Luke reassures you, driving to his parents’ home and placing his hand on your thigh so you’d lessen your freaking out session.
Ever since you and Luke have been planning this trip so you could relaxation from working at the set for your upcoming film “Constant” and meet his parents, it was nerve-wracking. Oh, and yes you’re finally making your debut in the movie industry!
You really wanted to show to them that you were just as empowered, determined and loving as their son and not a social climber of some sort, especially since you are a struggling actress. Happily, they loved him and how he made you happy. You get now what Luke felt when he met your parents last month, all the nerves going crazy and overthinking too. Now you wished the same for yourself, especially since this trip will involve staying over at the Hemmings residence.
“But Luke, in case you forgot, I am the same girl from the Valentine music video who got really fucking frisky with you! Not a good impression honestly.” You blurt out, pressing the button to slide the car window open so you could use your e-cigarette and let the strawberry scented smoke out your lungs. You let your head out a bit to feel some of that cool breeze, just letting yourself go.
“You don’t have to use that thing all the time when you’re stressed, you know?” Luke pointed out, taking a short glance at you then back at the long road. You let a slight chuckle while taking a swift smell of that sweet aroma before facing yourself to Luke. “That’s pretty hypocritical of you, love because you also brought yours. But you are right, truly there are other ways get some stress relief.” You purr, trailing your fingers up his thigh near his hardened crotch, twitching more as you keep going. His grip on the handle tightened, more at the sight of your lips puckering up that e-cigarette and exhaling with a “pop”. Note also that he’s other hand was gripping your thigh, squeezing it repeatedly.
“Fuck, Luke.” You moaned, letting your body lie further on the chair whilst smoking.
“Babe, as much as you look fucking good in that dress and desirable to fuck right now, we’re almost at the house.” He says, controlling himself before he lets his dominance take over and lets his hand go from your thigh and putting them back on the wheel. “Tease.”
It took another 10 minutes before Luke’s car parked by the driveway of his family home, excited to be reunited with his loved ones after a while. Exiting the car, he ran up to his front door and knocked, being a man of good manners. You, on the other hand, followed right behind him, hands sweaty and overthinking everything.
 “They’re going to find a flaw on you, and hate you.”
“You’re not good enough.”
“You still have time to back out and run!”
 Luke easily notices your droopy eyes, slowed walking and quickened breathing, which were all too familiar. As you reached his side, hands on your pocket, his hands held your waist, moving your bodily position from facing the door to facing him. You were still looking down until his finger lift your chin, your eyes locked with his.
“You calmed me when I was nervous to meet your parents, and to our happiness, they liked me. My parents will adore you because you are amazing, okay?” He reminds, sealing it with a short peck which matched the timing of the door being opened by a splitting image of Luke, yet he was much taller and scruffier, also his hair was tied back.
“Luke, mate!” He smiled, pulling your boyfriend in for a heartfelt hug. “Getting buffer now, I see?”
“Maybe more than you now since I’ve quit drinking, Jack. Well sort of.” Luke half jokes, holding his laughter. The man, whose name happens to be Jack, rolls his eyes in annoyance and jokingly, laughing along. “You wish, Luke. Oh, and hello to you.” His focus changed to you, looking up and down.
“(Y/N), this is my older brother Jack. Jack, my girlfriend, (Y/N).” Luke introduces you both, further making you both acquainted to each other. You were already preparing yourself to what’s going to occur, whether they will act fake or nice to you. Expecting the worst, you were surprised when Jack brought you in for a friendly hug.
“Nice to finally meet you! Come on in!” He invites you inside, slowly entering the open and big house they have. You could smell the aroma of vanilla spread all throughout, reminding of Luke’s house in LA. You also noticed the different pictures hung on the walls, like family, individual and scenery shots, in which the latter are taken by his mother, Liz. Oh, meeting her in person got you the most wrapped up, especially she is the main woman of the household which is male dominated. Despite this, there was one photo that stood out the most was a young and chubby looking school photo of Luke.
“Aww, baby boy.” You cooed, trailing the glass frame and acting affectionate. Luke “You looked so cute and innocent here, love. What happened?”
“Oh haha, real funny. It’s not as worse as your photo as a devil for Halloween circa 2004.” He strikes back jokingly, mentioning an embarrassing memory from your childhood because your costume got dirtied by mud when you accidentally tripped on some excess cloth from your pants since the costume was too long.
“We don’t speak of that humiliating memory, loser!” You spanked him on the shoulder, the memories of that playing in your mind. “Oh, c’mon it was funny! Also, you were being mean!” He retaliated by grabbing your wrists in defense.
“Ooh, you are so smitten, mate!” Jack teases, giving him a pat on the back. “Oh, he is huh?” You give him a smirk, flattered. Luke blushes pink, shy to express his admiration and love towards you sometimes because he likes to keep it to himself. But with you, you’re an exception.
After looking and teasing Luke about his old pictures, Jack led you and Luke to the living room, where a young woman and little boy were playing with trucks and action figures on the floor.
“You’ll never get away, Loki!” The young boy holds up a Spiderman figure, playing his character. “Try me!” The young woman plays back, holding up a Loki figure, striking it at the Spiderman. They begin “fighting”, only ending in a fit of giggles wherein also the woman carried the young boy up in the air.
“Mommy, I’m flying!!” He bubbled, his toothy smile melting your heart due to the cuteness.  “Woah there, little Max has grown a bit!” Luke says as he makes his way to the woman, putting down the little boy still holding his action figure and then lightens up at the sight of his tall uncle. “Uncle Pukey!” He exclaims, his tiny legs running over to the tall man who picks him up high in the air. As he brought him down, Luke kneels down to reach his height.
“How you been, Max?” He asks, messing his hair a bit. “I’m happy now you’re here! Also, I just turned 4!” He puts up four fingers, giving him a toothy smile that lightened up your mood before running back to his toys. Yet it kind of gutted Luke because he’s missing out on his nephew’s life. Hopefully, he’ll never be like that to his future kids.
“He’s getting a bit tall now, I see.” Luke adds, his attention to the woman lying on the couch in tiredness. “Turning into a handful too.” She says, regaining her strength and stood up again. “Missed you,   you Jack wannabe.”
Luke chuckles, his arms opening for her for a hug. “Missed you too, Celeste.” As their hug ends, Celeste beams at the sight of you, her energy boosted. 
“Oh my, you must be (Y/N)!” 
“Hi, you must be Cel-” You prepared your hand to shake, yet instead, she gave you a warm hug which you didn’t expect. “Love, shaking hands is so formal. Besides, I can tell that you’re really nervous by the way your eyes crinkle and breaths quicken.”
“Is it that obvious?” 
“I can read people pretty easily, not to brag or anything. Oh and yes, I’m Celeste, Jack’s wife. ” She introduces, looking from top to bottom. Much to your cluelessness, she likes you and your reservedness.
“Wow, it’s about time you’re here and didn’t greet me first!” A much older-looking and shorter woman enters the scene, crossing her arms at Luke, who is stationed at the floor with Max and playing with him. 
“Sorry, mum. Couldn’t resist playing my favorite nephew.” He jokes before standing up and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
“Do you mean your only nephew?” Jack says, showing off his common sense. “Shut up, Jack.” Luke responds, getting everyone annoyed because Max was in the room, wherein there is zero tolerance for swearing.
“Clean that dirty mouth of yours, mate.” Jack reminds, covering little Max’s ears, making him squirm a lot. “There is a child here.” 
“Some things don’t change with you, hun.”   The older woman comments, before changing her attention on him to you. You couldn’t decipher what she was thinking at that moment nor if she sensed bad or good vibes with you.
“Ah, you must be (Y/N)!” She smiles as she approached you. You did the same thing with Celeste and reached out your hand shake for formality. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Hemmings.”
“Call me Liz, love. You are as beautiful as Luke described.” She declined the handshake to give you a hug. This family is very affectionate, you noticed. Unlike yours, wherein they were pretty strict with Luke at first, yet they warmed up to him in the end.
“Oh, thank you. You are just as lovely, Liz.” You didn’t know to reply at first yet you couldn’t help blush while remaining humble. 
“Liz, is Lewi here?” An older and much shorter man joins the scene, right behind Liz.
“Yup! And brought a special someone.” She answers, giving a kind and genuine grin, which is a sign of acceptance. Well, so far.
“Oh, (Y/N)! I’m Andy, by the way, great to finally meet you!” He introduces himself, wherein based on everyone you’ve met so far, he must be his dad. “Hi, dad.” Luke gives Andy a hug before standing right beside you, his arm on your waist. 
“Luke has told us so much things about you.”
“Really like what?” You asked, curious as to what your boyfriend must’ve shared. Were they bad? Good? Funny?
“How about we eat first then let’s talk.” Liz instructs, her arms inviting us to the dining room where various food and beverages are served. “Come one, everyone, let’s eat!” 
Nodding, everyone gathered at the long dining table, satisfying their hunger and thirst through Liz’s cooking and catching up, especially on Luke because he’s the only one living in LA aside from you. Also, his other brother Ben caught up to you guys for dinner, along with his family. His wife’s name is Kara and has two kids: Jacob, who’s 6 years old, and Lily, who’s 3. Happily for you, Ben had a liking for you like everyone else, which made dinner much more enjoyable.
It was as if your worries have gone away whilst eating dinner, especially when everyone asked you different questions, which you answered truthfully. Celeste pointed out how odd it was how you met but quoting her, “a great result because you make Luke really happy.” 
 Andy admired how you managed to still graduate even if you changed career paths. “Being able to speak a different language is an advantage whether you’re acting or not.” 
 As for Ben and Jack, they find it incredible that you’re there to “keep him grounded and help him get through media” especially since you are a rising star. 
“I like (Y/N), uncle Pukey. She makes you happy.” Max says at the table as he drinks his orange juice from a sippie cup. Everyone aww’d, and your heart has never been happier. 
As dessert, which was cake, was being eaten and wine was drank by everyone still at the dining table, Liz began getting dirty plates for her to clean. Seeing how many they were, you offered to help her out. “Yes sure, love. Thank you.” She thanked, strengthening the grip on the plates on her hands so they don’t fall. 
Getting the remaining plates, you stayed beside her whilst washing quietly in order to have a fast pace and still catch up with the others at the table. 
”He really loves you, you know?” Liz began, capturing your attention away from the plates and facing her. 
“I do, and I love him just as much, Liz.” You say, your nerves creeping up back to you, tilting you head to where Luke was at the dining room. The chandelier light shined at him, wherein his eyes crinkled and smile widened, laughing afterwards. 
“It warms my heart for him to find someone like you, who doesn’t let others like the media define him for you and keeps him grounded. Just the way he talks about you in the past, just wow you got him smitten.” She shares, lovingly and with relief. “As his mother, all I want is the best for him always. Don’t ever hurt him, alright?” 
“I won’t ever, Liz. Your son is the best thing I’ve ever had in this tough life, and he makes me really happy.”
2034, Los Angeles
 “She looked like an angel.”
“Luke, stop. She ended things and hurt you.”
“It was like she never aged a bit.”
“Shut up, Luke! You’ve moved on right?”
 Those were some of the many rivaling thoughts running through Luke’s mind as he was washing his face repeatedly in the restroom, trying to forget that strong connection from earlier. He felt nervous, most especially at the fact you are living and breathing in the same area. Some 10 year separation, huh? Things get weirder when he recalls Rebecca, well actually Stella, back in Sydney asked him what he would do if he sees you again. He said he’d say hi and talk, but as of now, he can’t think straight. Now, he kept pondering on other things to distract himself, like what shirt will be changing to for the afterparty, whether to do a note change in the band’s performance of Valentine later, and if Sierra saw her earlier.
For the latter, if she did, things will most likely not go well.
Wiping his face on some paper towels, he ran fast to the band’s dressing room, aware that he will be stepping on stage in a little while. His phone started ringing and vibrating with numerous texts and calls. At last, he found the door labeled “5SOS” and opening it, he sees his fellow band members practicing on their respective instruments and having conversations with their kids and wives. “Finally, you’re here!” Sierra cheered, reaching over to him for a peck on the lips. “You got everyone worried! And your shirt’s a bit wet too.”
“Don’t scare us off like that, mate. You’re our frontman, we will fail without you!” Calum says, concerned. “Fuck, did someone get your blazer or something?” Michael cusses, shocking Crystal. “Michael!” She protested, covering the ears of Beatrix, who was beside her and talking to Scarlett about . “There are children in the room.”
“Mom, let go!” Beatrix groans, removing her hands and carries on with Scarlett. Rebecca, the real one, was busy talking to Alex, “catching up”, and as she saw Luke, she was ecstatic. “Dad!” Running to his side, she gives him a tight hug, a hug almost a month overdue.
“So peppy over there, poppet? I just saw you a while ago.” He comments as he kneels a bit and wrapped his arms around her. “Honestly, it felt longer, dad.” Rebecca says satisfied, finally feeling more at home and contented to talk with her accent too.
“Becks love.” Sierra called out, disrupting the moment much to Rebecca’s dismay. As an aunt, she was okay but now after what’s been happening, she’s not having it. She discreetly observes her body language and facial expression. She kept tapping her feet and her smile was crooked as she held her phone out. Impatience, like she wanted something and didn’t wanted you in it. “Oh yes? Sorry, Sierra.” Rebecca answers, giving her an innocent grin and still hugging Luke from the side.
“Well, Becks, do you mind if you take a photo of your dad and me? You know, more photos for the wedding, the better.” She asks politely, handing the phone to Rebecca and going over to one side of Luke, putting her arm on his waist and vice versa. “Oh okay, sure.” As the device was in her hands, she discreetly smirked as she had an idea. How fast or slow can Sierra crack? Upon doing this, it was so she knows what she was in for if Sierra was her step-mom.
Round 1: It was dropping her phone “accidentally” on the floor while Luke and Sierra were fixing themselves a bit for the photo. “Oh shiz, sorry Aunt Sierra.” She frantically picks it up to sell the character, sliding left on the phone to access the camera. From afar, she can see her annoyance in her eyes, rolling them, and the hand on her waist crumpling a bit.
“I-It’s fine, Becks. Just take the picture since your dad is almost going on stage, yeah?” Stammering, Rebecca captures the moment, putting down the phone camera. “Yay, thanks Becks!” Sierra runs over to Becks’ side, opening her phone to check the photo. “This is amazing! What do you think, Lukey?” She says in approval, handing her phone to Luke. For a second, Rebecca grimaced over that nickname of her dad.
“I-It l-looks great. Nice one, poppet.” He compliments, walking to the other side of the room to get ahold of his guitar. He was still out of focus, searching for any distraction because the picture taking didn’t really help and with Rebecca in the room, he couldn’t stop thinking about you because she’s half of you.
“Dad, are you okay?” Rebecca cuts him off from his thoughts, her blue eyes identical to his looking fretful. “You’ve been acting weird since you got here, like you saw a ghost or something.” Does a ghost of marriage past count?
“I just needed my guitar.” Luckily, his guitar was just at fingers touch, gripping on it and putting on the strap around his figure. “Smooth move over there.” She jested, nodding her head up and down. Luke continues his gaze at her, the nodding of head reminding him of something you would do.
“Shut up, Luke! You’ve moved on right?” One thought repeated.
“5 minutes until performance, boys!” A man, probably one of the organizers, announced in the room upon opening the door, instigating the boys to gather what they need before heading out. Luke grabbed one of the many picks he had and took a gulp of water to refresh him before the performance. Surely he’s used to it, but the tables have now turned since he saw you, and also that you will be watching him. If only he had a drink, but he’ll get to that later at the afterparty.
Lord, help him.
“Why did I choose to wear heels again?” You complained right after you stepped out of the vehicle with Timmy, facing once more the familiar flashing lights of different cameras and the paparazzi screaming your name and blurting out of context questions. Timmy was right with you to get through that horde and enter the after-party venue, where there will still some photographers, but consensual ones. The lights were dim, numerous private booths and tables near the dance floor, different artists performing, all sorts of alcohol and food being served. Tempting as it was, you just recovered from your previous indulge from a while ago and taking a rest.
“I believe we have found our table, babe.” Timmy says, his finger pointing to a table with the label “Cast of Take Me or Leave Me” by the right side of the stage. You just wanted to hold his hand, but it cannot be so you settled on interlacing your arm on his, which is a sign of respect and chivalry that would not be easily suspected. As you both directed your steps to that spot, you then recalled that you were to meet up with Rebecca, or Stella now, and Gina as soon as you entered the venue of the after-party. “Sorry babe, wait.” You pause your movement, bringing your phone out and dialing Gina’s number. Placing the device by your ear and letting it ring, you then hear shuffling and soft voices in the background. “Hi, Miss (Y/N). How may I help you?”
“Hey, Gina. Where are you two? I figured that we would meet up here at the after-party to, you know, discuss.” Your voice softened, most especially on your emphasis on the word discuss, looking around the venue in hopes of finding them yet the lighting was too minimal and only neon lights were dominant. “Oh, we’re at one of the lounges near the bar, the third nearest. Rebecca almost passed out because she’s dehydrated.” Gina professes on the other line.
“Shit, I’m on my way there.” You panic before hanging up and turning your back on Timmy. “Babe, wait up!” He stopped you, his hand gripping on your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah. Got some old friends here and I’ll just say hi if that’s okay.” You lied, ready to run and get some water at the bar. You weren’t much of a secret keeper towards him, but this one is just not too easy to tell at the time. For Timmy, he was thinking to accompany you, yet he is reminded of your relationship which is very private so he shrugs the request. “Oh, okay. I’ll be with Cami and Miles over there. Be back soon, alright?”
“No problem, babe.” You give him a kiss on the cheek before heading your way to the busy bar. Different people with different requests who cannot control their impatience. Yet when you made your appearance, one bartender instantly was available for you.
“Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! What would you like for this evening?”
“Not to sound like a bummer, but I’d like water please. It’s for my daughter.” He nods at your request and gives you cold bottled water from the cooler below the table. “Here you go, miss. Enjoy your night.” As you thanked and tipped him with a 10 because you were feeling friendly, you searched for that third lounge nearest to the bar, which happens to be the most isolated too. When you did, which was a burden for your feet, you knocked first out of courtesy.
“Miss Rebecca Hemmings!” You called out, just wanting to get everything over and done, mainly that just hours ago, you were eye to eye with your ex-husband, fully speechless. This was someone whom you’ve loved yet damaged you. You needed him out for good because it was too much.
The door slowly opens to reveal two identical girls by the door. Duh, you have twins, but it’s not likely to already see each other this fast, right? “Hold up, I’m beginning to see double.” You blinked numerously.
“Well mom, you are.” The girl in the dotted dress confirms, smiling as she looked at her other sister for a second and using her Australian accent to remind you that it was Rebecca. As for the girl in the leather-like dress, it was Stella, whom you’ve mistaken earlier as Rebecca, thinking she was just wearing a jacket. You were ecstatic, they were together at last and you weren’t tipsy anymore
“Oh my God! You both have found each other, and are so beautiful.” You gushed, bringing in them for a hug. That last time they were together were when they were a year old, in separate baby baskets in which afterwards, Luke took Rebecca and you took Stella. They were so unaware of what they were going to face, or rather miss out. But now, time to snap back to reality.
“Now, you two have explaining to do!” Out of the blue, a woman with red hair and light brown eyes pops out from the door. Familiar looking you thought of her. “Hold on, loves. Maybe it’s best that we head inside so no one gets suspicious.” She reminds, her arms directing the twins to go inside which they easily follow. Afterwards, she focuses on you. “Hi miss (Y/N), I don’t know if you remember me, but..”  Her voice and face were very familiar, and then memories of the past played in your head of this woman and how she once took care of Stella for over a year.
“Oh my, Felicia! It’s been so long.” You give her a short hug before you entered inside the cold lounge. Felicia grins at your kind action. “I knew I always liked her.” She tells herself, checking around the vicinity if anyone was watching then closing the door gently.
“First off, I already just saw your dad when he was going backstage with your aunt Sierra, taking these cutesy photos like best-friend style kinda. He was very dumbfounded, like he had no clue that “Stella” and I were going to be both here. And between the both of you, you didn’t tell him that I was going to be here, huh?” You confronted in frustration while stood in front of the two girls seated at the couch, her palm on her forehead and pacing the room back and forth.
“You saw him already?” Stella gasped, concerned that everything was bound to fail already before the meeting. It would be too soon. “Surprisingly yes, like we locked eyes so deeply, and I can sense that he viewed me like a ghost, like the ghost of marriage past. Well true.” You coincidentally matched your analogy as you explained what happened. As you were about to add on, Gina barges in the room holding water bottles.
“Here guys, the water bot – Oh hello everyone, hi Miss (Y/N).” She awkwardly greets, placing the bottles on the table beside her. Short background, it was just her and the twins a while in the room before she left to get water for Rebecca, then Felicia followed afterwards because she had to give Luke’s extra shirt for the after-party. As Gina waves at every single person in the room, yet paid more attention on the eyes of the unfamiliar red-haired, snow white-skinned woman in the room. The eyes of Felicia.
“Hi! I’m afraid we haven’t met personally, but I’m Gina. Nice to finally meet the woman Rebecca speaks highly of.” Gina approaches Felicia, shaking her hand. “Hello! Likewise, love. I’m Felicia.” She shakes back, making a bold move by kissing her hand. “Lovely to meet you.”
Unconsciously, their grasps prolonged as well as their staring at each other. You caught from the moment that they were slightly interested in each other, but this wasn’t the right time to pursue it.
“Ahem.” You coughed, waking the girls from their mini moment and back to your talk towards the twins. “Sorry, miss. Continue on.” Gina apologizes, putting some strand of her brown hair behind her ear, still flattered by Felicia’s action and not to mention that she is right beside her feeling just as giddy.
“Let us now change the topic. You are going to tell me right now why we’re here and also without telling your father.” You say with conviction, in dire need of answers and no more secrecy.
Yet Gina interrupts the talk again. “Excuse me, miss (Y/N), now since this is a family topic, Felicia and I will be heading out.”
“I agree, miss (Y/N). Now shall we, Gina?” The two take small steps towards the exit. Suspicious as it is, you figured that those two maybe hiding some information too.
Everyone froze. You took in some deep breaths because you were mentally preparing for what you are about to ask and the answers that will roll along with it, which will just bring you more overwhelm and stress. “Is there something I don’t know that you all do?”
Silence, Stella was looking at Rebecca, pestering her indirectly through her hand movements to say something. Rebecca sighed, her heartbeat racing fast. “Mom, Dad’s getting married.”
“What? To who?”
“Aunt Sierra.” Stella admits, frowning at the name without hesitation.
You couldn’t believe your ears. You prayed hard hoping that it wasn’t true yet no joking nor smiley expressions came from your girls to back it up, which just confirms the fact.
“That bitch.” You yell, clenching your fists and ready to punch the wall. Your adrenaline was rushing through veins without any pauses and willing to snap at anyone who tries to stop.
Here’s the thing. Sierra has always been mean to you behind doors since the day Luke introduced you to her back in the day, saying that you weren’t good enough for him and that you should leave him for someone else. Although you never hide anything from Luke, this was something you just can’t tell him. This was because Sierra has established close friendships with the boys for years, which is also good for the music industry and you wouldn’t want that to be ruined over the fact that she didn’t like you. Besides whatever she said, you could care less. But now to marry Luke? This is different, and you felt betrayed.
“I never told anyone about this, but Sierra and I never liked each other because she says I’m never good enough for your father and that he deserves better.” You hissed, tightly gripping on one of the pillow from the couch. Rebecca and Stella are beyond scared as they have never seen you this enraged about anyone, making their way to you with water.
“Mom, are you jealous?” Stella questions, directing you to sit down and just relax by the softness of the couch, even for just a little bit.
“No, love. I-It’s just that if your father was to find someone else after me, it would just not be her.” You elaborated, desiring your e-cigarette so badly yet it is in the possession of Mark because Rebecca told him to keep it away from you. Oh great.
Funny enough, it was like you switched roles: the twins were asking the questions and you were answering them. “Since you and aunt Sierra were never ever in good terms, why didn’t you tell dad?”
Taking a breather, “Sierra’s a singer like your dad and has been friends with him too for years, longer than my and your dad’s past relationship. Also it was good for business he says.”
“Well mom, this is terrible, and she is quite awful, and this can’t push through! The only way he won’t marry her is if – you tell her Stella, you both know each other more.” Rebecca switches positions with Stella who was seated beside you. “Is if he sees you again.” She finishes her twin’s sentences, with a hint of hope things could get better.
“You’re not setting us up now, are you?” You implied, raising one brow.
“Actually, we are. You both are perfect for each other.” Rebecca stated frankly, defending her stand just so you can get more of an idea. As you were to counteract her point, you could see at the corner of your eye Gina and Felicia tiptoeing to the door so they can leave.
“Hold up.” You halt, facing them. “Do you guys know this too?”
“What no, this is outrageous!”
“No no no, I’m clueless about this!”
Their voices were a pitch higher, kept shaking their head and raising their brows. You could easily read people, and based on that, you undoubtedly knew they were lying. “I smell lies from you both.”
Defeated, they gave in. “Technically, yes.”
“Yes, and it was so sweet.”
“Stella told me this and I’m a die-hard romantic.” Gina gushed, her brown eyes lighting up and heart so warm despite the situation they were in. “Omg really? So am I!” Felicia replies at her, astonished and feeling giddy as she gazed at the brown-eyed girl again.
As much you appreciated at how close those two were getting, you needed to get through the reality of this situation, to get through unfinished business once and for all. Standing up much stronger and taller, you spoke up once with more conviction and discipline.
“Let me say this loud and clear, girls. Luke Hemmings and I have nothing in common, well anymore. He said that I held him back, and I agreed with him. Besides, if he’s liked Sierra when we were together, then so be it. I’m already happy with your uncle Timmy, more than your father made me feel. Your father and I, our relationship just happened so fast, and ended the same way too.”
Drained, Stella gives her input. “Mom, I love uncle Timmy and all, but you and dad had something special, which led you to having us.”
She was right without a doubt, but sadly, that something has ended and neither of you are interested with mending that ever. The only thing you want to settle with him would be the bonding time of the twins. “I know my loves, but unfortunately, times are different. When we finally get to talk later, I will explain to him that I am here for one reason only, which is to switch you back. Understood?”
“Yes, mom.” They agreed, bowing their heads and laid on the couch, unhappy with the result. This was a huge setback for their plan, but hey, setbacks lead to a big comeback! That’s what’s keeping them positive.
“Alright, now excuse me, I will be looking for Timmy and get another drink, maybe the photographers and some of my other friends need pictures too.” You say in relief before leaving the room to do such. At least that’s settled, right?
Having clever twins would think otherwise.
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evolve2 · 4 years
Height Headcanons!
We all know that the hunters are some pretty varied characters, height included, so I decided to try and settle their heights using their in game models. No screenshots this time, sorry. I couldn’t get any of the medics to sit still, but the camera positions when playing a character helped me get a rough idea. I’ll be posting my thoughts on why I decided on these heights under the read more!
(I also put a bonus rating on how I rated them on attractiveness)
Hyde, Parnell - 8′0
Torvald (Not including his artillery) - 7′9
Markov - 7′7
Bucket, Crow - 6′2
Lennox - 5′11
Lazarus, Abe - 5′10
Griffin, Maggie - 5′9
Hank, Slim - 5′8
Val, Kala - 5′7
Caira, Sunny, Emet - 5′6
Cabot - 5′5
Jack- 5′4 (He might still grow more, but not much)
The tallest of the hunters is Hyde and Parnell! A developer comment on Parnell tells us that he’s a whopping eight feet tall, and that Hyde is pretty close to his height in game, although Hyde’s wiki says that he’s also eight feet tall! I’ll take their word for it.
Parnell is a big, leading ray of sunshine. He can spearhead anything because not only is he charismatic, he’s also easy to spot thanks to his height. And he knows it! He has a big heart and this deep desire to protect his own, but at the same time, he’s a little sociopathic? His short story makes it seem like he has a bit of a cognitive dissonance between actions and people, and how they react. But that’s for another text post! Solid 8/10 (I love his jawline...)
Hyde is a bit of a weird one for me. I always thought he was a pretty average guy, he definitely struck me as kind of short when I saw his portrait picture, but no! He’s a giant, cockney sociopath. At least he’s lovable. (and that tummy?... I like it.) 6.5/10, I’m not interested in crazy flamers, thank you.
After them is Torvald, Markov, Crow, and Bucket! Torvald is taller by Markov by a few inches, and a few inches shorter than Parnell. I’d say that he’s 7′9, Markov is 7′7, and Bucket is 6′2. What’s up with all these tall guys around here?
Torvald. Oooh boy, yikes. The guy is terrifyingly tall, and has a glare that could make a Blitzer cower. Pretty sure his mechanical legs were modeled closely to his human ones. - 6.5/10 (Guys a bit obsessed and emotionally constipated. But hey, you gotta admire that devotion!)
Markov, the Martian Giant. He’s a genuinely good guy, but his quest to die in battle with glory is probably a red flag. This guy has huge protector vibes but he’s also... got a bit of a death wish. Steel is his language! 8/10 (Love the cybernetics though, and that physique?)
Bucket is HuangCorp repair and maintenance chassis, so he didn’t get to choose his height. He does, however, own it smugly. Nothing like staring down your enemy as you blast him to bits. - 7.5/10 (He’s a robotic AI, not that it’s gonna stop some people, but he’s gonna take a while to adjust to the whole romance and dating a human thing. Plus, he’s a sarcastic jerk and rather spiteful if you wrong him. Don’t get on his bad side. SERIOUSLY.)
Crow is tall, looming kind of guy, even if he doesn’t mean to. It’s just how he holds himself, hunched over, tense, that makes me think he doesn’t like being seen or heard. Too bad he’s pretty tall, though. 8/10. (I want to climb this man like a damn tree. Minus points for having the social awareness of a potato.)
After that we get into more normal territory. No more behemoths, although these ones are still tall by Earth standards. We have Lennox, Griffin, Abe, Lazarus, and Maggie!
Outside of her suit, Lennox strikes me as a tall, strong woman, and she definitely knows it. I can imagine her being rather slim and tall, just a few inches above Crow. She loves using it to her advantage to stare down Jack and pressure others into listening to her. And if that doesn’t work, she still has a four ton mecha to back her up. A conversation with Hank reveals that she is also cramped inside of it, so she must have some height to her. - 7/10 (I can appreciate a nice looking lady, even if she’s a bit on the older side. She’s a bit callous though, and changes out her men frequently. Careful! She knows what she wants)
I think putting Lazarus at 5′10 was a good choice, as he’s imposing enough for it to fit his haughty personality but also small enough he can hide behind the assaults and heal them up. Sneaky and lanky. - 6/10 (He’s not bad looking, but his personality really needs some work. He does prank and joke around, but you can tell his heart lies with thanatology, not romance.)
Maggie also strikes me as someone who’s taller than the average woman. She has long legs and really slim physique, a good contrast to her pet Trapjaw, Daisy. Gotta have some heft to you to be able to direct a dog like that around! - 7/10 (She’s got PTSD, is a bit brooding, but damn if she isn’t pretty and headstrong. She’s got the courage to keep going despite being afraid of the future. You’d have a hard time getting her to open up emotionally.)
Abe is average, but it does piss him off when Parnell likes to rest his arms on his head or make fun of him. Not everyone can be freakishly tall giants from a high-grav world. 7.5/10 (This guy is a charmer and he knows it, voice like honey and words of silver. Unless you want your heart broken, try to steer clear)
Griffin is an average fella, not that he brags or even notices. He’d probably say there’s no point measuring yourself when there’s always gonna be someone taller than you. What matters is how you act! - 6/10 (He’s a hunter through and through, and he’s a bit of a cynical guy due to his fame. If you want to serenade this man, make it good! And whatever you do, don’t mention the movies made of him.)
Slim, aptly named, is a thin, slender and slightly taller than average guy. Whatever he lacks in height he makes up for in fire. He’s seriously scrappy and sassy, big personality when fired up. - 7.5/10 (Slim has PTSD, and he’s a bitter, jaded old man. Watching his best friends die horribly will do that. But if you manage to get this guy to open up, you might just get the most loyal, loving person in the world. Self-esteem issues through the roof.)
Hank is a short-ish guy, more stout than he is tall. I get dwarf vibes from him, but he’s still a human. - 8/10 (He’s a gentleman, has a heart of gold, and despite his slang idioms and hillbilly accent, he’s also a genius. He’s also an open kind of fellow, but he does smoke and is probably looking for a long term relationship rather than a fling)
Val is an average woman, but don’t let that fool you. She’s all hidden muscle and sharp intellect. Her eyes, ears and trigger finger is probably sharper than anyone’s on the team. - 7/10 (She’s a spy man, and no matter how honest she is, that’s still going to be a big part of her. If you pursue a relationship with her, it will be on the run.)
Kala is a scientist first, experiment second, and a normal, human with needs last. She’s pretty average but makes up for her height with the power of SCIENCE! - 7/10 (She’s half monster, it’s not gonna be a pretty end to your relationship. But if you still want to chase this doctor at arms, then you’ll find someone who’s been shunning and smothering their feelings for decades. Soft-spoken and will probably cry when you say I love you.)
Caira is an interesting person, still taller than the average woman. She’s got some good muscle to her too, and her personality is really cheery and peppy. Don’t be fooled by a pretty face, though. She won’t think twice about napalming you if you piss her off. - 8.5/10 (She’s kind of mean and has no problem retaliating physically if it comes down to it. Big brain, big heart, but her high morals can make her come off as holier than thou. High energy kind of girl, and also I mean it when I say she’s smart. She constantly goes off on scientific rants, but that’s still really interesting. I love her. She infodumps just like me.)
Sunny is sunshine mixed with a hurricane. A whirlwind of energy, good vibes, and smiles all around. Engineering genius, but she has a few hidden sides of her that make her seem naive or stupid. She knows full well how the world works, and she’s determined not to let it bring her down. Solid 9/10 (She’s twenty one / twenty, and although that’s kind of young, she can still date. Very cute.)
Emet the medic, designed to be of average height and inspire a caring aura and protective feeling. He’s literally created to keep people calm! Real sweetheart, a little oblivious. - 8/10 for his good side. Bad side? 4/10. (The demon core would probably screw you so roughly you’d be limping for days. Not to mention Emet would probably be really shy in initiating a relationship, he’s sort of a man-child. Get past that, though, and you’ve got a nice, caring bf!)
Cabot is canonly referred to as being short, and I think 5′5 is a good place to put him at. I mean, average males can be pretty tall, so if he’s referred to as short, he’s gotta be noticeably short. - 10/10. (Literally husband material, was married, he’s handsome, he’s got a nice voice, own a ship. Biggest challenge would be trying to woo him.)
Jack is literally tinier than a pea. A rowdy, dirty boy. Scrappy puppy. Jackal at heart, even if he doesn’t know what one is. - No attractiveness rating for this guy, he’s too young! Still a little baby. (But from a young standpoint? Probably 8/10, maybe a nine if I knew what looked like.)
I got kind of off track trying to reason about their heights. They just struck me as fitting at the time.
0 notes
Every character as the protagonist
this was hard to write-because *cough* spoilers, so tried to not put actual facts 
also, points with ((-)) are things that break the fourth wall 
Tumblr media
he’d take his hat off more often, but he’d still like to wear it 
the trials go easily,as he’s a detective
he’d get closer to Kaede, and Amami the most 
 ((you’d get girl fan-service scene ofc))
He’s not able to motivate everyone that easily...so he has to get everyone on his side using facts and preferences, for example: He has to convince everyone to work together using the fact that they all want to escape  
he probably finds out who the mastermind is before the final trial
He has to rely on others a lot, for support 
he only lies to trick the culprit 
will probably get targeted so that the culprit doesn’t have the detective for the investigation
She’d make friends with all the characters in some way, getting to know all of them
she’d get closer to Shuichi and Iruma 
she’s devastated when someone is murdered 
she motivates everyone 
((the player gets to hear her play the piano))
she’s probably going to get her period in the middle of the killing game 
she accidentally flashes people 
she’s really good at arguing in the trials 
she’ll lie to protect people
has a 70-100 chance of surviving 
He’s a very enthusiastic character 
((the player probably has that one scene where he gets up at midnight just to run around the school for no reason like w h a t))
((the player has choices to punch people if they deserve it like togami or Komaeda))
he gets closest to Iruma and Kiibo 
he’s not very good at trials, he’s too emotional 
he has to let others do the mental thinking, he’s better at investigating (as best as he can)
he places his trust in people too easily 
it’s a miracle if he survives the game 
he’d probably die  
mhhh whatcha say
This would actually be pretty interesting 
she’s a cold character, so the player would look at things in a completely manner than someone like Kaede 
she’d grow warmer as the game progresses
character development 101
she’s get close to Kaede and probably Shuichi
she’s reAlly good at trials 
she’s just good at pointing out when something is false 
she has a good chance of surviving 
This is going to be the most interesting character to be the protagonist 
he’s making calculated thoughts constantly 
he’s the closest to Iruma and he tries to be equally close to everyone else 
((the character has a power bar that they can’t let die ))
((there’ll be a special event if you do))
(there’s a mechanical sound every time you walk))
He could probably do things like DNA tests, which makes it harder to commit murder 
He has an idea on who the killer is before the trial starts
it usually changes as the trial goes along 
he doesn’t interrupt the debates usually, only if he has to,he’ll object 
he’s going to die,100% ;-;
Lots of dirty jokes 
((when you examine something, she’ll turn it into something dirty))
she’s a pussy when it comes to investigations, she doesn’t want to do jack shit 
she’s closest to Kaede and Kiibo, and also Ouma 
she says that she doesn’t care about anyone, but she just doesn’t want anyone to die
she acts brave during trials
and then she cries when she’s alone 
she’ll get more considerate by the end of the game 
she has a good chance of living
unless she snaps and wants to get out..
Lots of creepy occult shit, probably 
((there’s not one point in the game where he eats something, or see him mention it))
he’s closest to Toujo,Gonta and Hoshi.
he’s trying to find out who the mastermind is constantly 
he’s good at trials and investigation
he can scare people pretty easily as well
he has a good chance of surviving
he takes his mask off for the finale 
she sleeps in, and everyone is worried that she’s been killed
she grows closest to Maki, Angie, Tenko, and Ouma 
she’s really calm with her situation at first
and then people are dying left and right 
and she knows she needs to take action
she can entertain people to keep their spirits up
she has Saihara teach her her how to investigate
she learns from Maki and Kaede how to argue 
she learns a lot
and then when her friends are dead, she takes everything she learned and uses it to fight the mastermind
He’s the most gentle character 
((his thoughts are like ‘Oh I hope I wasn’t to forceful....”))
he has a pet bug instead of a neo pet from dr2
he’s so happy, and trusts people right away
((the game goes black when a body is found))
he’s not good at investigating, but he does have knowledge that others don’t know 
He tries his best 
He’s good friends with everyone 
pure boy please don’t die
((everything is in a happier POV))
she’s not effected by blood that much
it reminds her of paint
she’s closest to Himiko, Tsumigi, Gonta and Korekiyo
lots! of ! happy ! thoughts!
she’s praying to god during the investigations 
((it’s like being in the mind of a 5 year old))
she’s more likely to agree with people rather than argue 
she’s good at being the spark of light in the dark
she’s not to focused on confronting the mastermind 
she’d probably defeat the mastermind by just having hope like they do in every game jesus
((you can’t go in some areas because of his height ))
he doesn’t care to socialize whit people that much
he enjoys being alone
he’d do some investigating, but he tends to jump to conclusions
he doesn’t hate the mastermind for putting him in the killing game, he just thinks it’s annoying 
he’d let someone else live rather than him
be ready for her to accuse all the males at first 
everyone has to drill it through her head that the culprit could be a girl
she’s closest to all of the girls, and Amami
she’s starting to trust males more by the end of the game 
she tries her best to investigating, but it’ll take a lot more evidence for her to suspect a girl, as each chapter goes by, she learns to get rid of that stereotype
she falls for Amami
she’s crying when he sacrifices himself 
 she cuts her hair, it’s short when she leaves the school for good
hhmmm yes not suspicious guy
he lies more than Ouma tbfh
he does it all to get more information
he grows closest to Ouma, Kaede and Saihara
he puts on a carefree smile all the time, even in the worst of times
he’s really about to break down 
he handles the dead body , investigation and trials really well
he has a really really good instinct 
he’s going to stop the killing game himself,even if that means dying 
She’s very formal, making sure everyone has good conditions 
she hides the fact that she wants someone who can help her
she grows closest to Korekiyo and Maki the most, everyone else is someone to serve 
she takes the deaths very well, but she’s still shocked 
she helps find small bits of evidence, like hair 
she’s good at arguing, and has a good instinct about who the killer is 
she warms up to people more
she pulls her hair back from her eye for the finale 
she’s very quick on her feet as well, and would be able to get away if necessary
she has a good chance of surviving 
((remember that one time where you could play as Nagito in dr2? ))
((Its like that in a way))
he’s making jokes all the time, and doesn’t take anything seriously 
he lies to everyone, only keeping it in his mind that he’s doing it to keep everyone safe from him
he ends up growing close to Amami, Kaede and Saihara 
he loves his ideals, the way he thinks and does things
he tries to not care about everyone 
but he’s just to scared 
he wants to get out 
so he will do anything to make the mastermind pay
he takes the blood and all as a joke, he jokes around during the trial
he purposely goes after wrong paths in the trial to mess with everyone
he ends up breaking down in the finale 
he can’t do it 
he can’t
Amami is dead
he can’t
but then Kaede is yelling at him to get up
because he needs to, to live on to carry on his memories 
she doesn’t deserve to be like a main character, she knows it 
she’s just too plain
she takes everything badly, she almost throws up from fear
she starts to doubt that she can to this..
but she realizes that she isn’t alone
and she learns to love who she is, 
she’s not plain, she’s unique in her own way
she grows closest to Angie, Himiko, Kaede and Kiibo
she works together with everyone in the trials, she relies on evidence
when she finds out the mastermind’s identity, she is ready
even if people are dead, she’s never alone 
so she does it, and learns that she’s great the way she is
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locshar · 7 years
The White Princess Diaries- Ep 2
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This is how the Yorks do York!!
The White Princess –Episode 2 but feels as if it should be Episode 14…
And he’s still not in it – even as a ghost…
 Good news TWP diary readers!  
This one will be a lot shorter!
Partly because I got bored half way through and decided to find out how long it took my colour-changing kettle boil water.  Honestly!
BUT – I had been told my most favourite guy (next to Aneurard) would be making a star appearance – which was very magnanimous of him as he never appeared anywhere in TWQ (at least not in the Starz version eh diary readers…he! he! he!)
 So – I girded my loins, poured a very tall drink, and began:
 Warning! Social media revelation!
 Remember that little craze about the ‘is the dress black and blue or blue and gold?’  I bet you didn’t know it was a Tudor invention.  Mini-Lizzie-ish wears one gown throughout the whole of this episode, despite getting rounder with a big- but big- but definitely a bit bigger baby.  I was so relieved to see that the Battle of Bosworth made very little change on the budget for women’s clothing (apart from a significant reduction in the size of Cecily’s hat collection and the fact that Henry now seems to be clad in the finest carpet)
 Going back to said gown (yes we are) What is interesting ( to me anyway) is that the top of the gown was blue (I think) and the bottom of the gown was gold ( I think) and to me it seemed in danger of merging totally into one colour as she got bigger.  
Or – it could have been a cleverly crafted represented her transition from the House of York to the Bungalow of Tudor – so she sort of became a Yudor - not to be confused with Yoda! (Jedi is she? In the wrong production she is).
 That’s that lot off my chest, so here we go,  *strains of all too familiar music are heard ..*
 Well – King Whoenry appears to be wearing a smoking jacket (pity its not blazing) and Mini-ish Lizzie s in said confused about its identity dress. (apparently now available to buy £40 should do it).  All to show you that he now really fancies the bloomers off her and she is playing all hard to get (see that attitude disappear by episode three…) #spoileralert?
 Oh for George of Clarence’s sake – now we have the Battle of Bosworth being reenacted in a bird cage. Honestly!  It’s a bird cage! ‘How cheep’ I hear you say!  And you would be right to twitter!  I think they made it out of all the spare wood from the trees they hauled into Bruges – er I mean – Westminster –when Eddie had that marvelous masked ball!  You know! The one where his wife wore a unicorn head and his brother went beserk!
 But who is that by the door? Oh my god – its Moaning Morton – we know it is him because he tells it is and is very helpful by also reeling off all his titles because he is also very peeved that he was not in the earlier episodes.  After all, did you know it was him who actually persuaded Rory of Buckingham to have that awful haircut!  
 Now Dr Whoenry is going on a royal progress. An ideal time for the flowers in the attic (which is where Woodiwitch and her children now appear to live) to regale us with lots of little details that we would not know have happened since King Richard was killed (sob sob sob wail! I will never get over that….obviously)
 Apparently Stafford has not bent the knee (well there were two of them really so there would be four to bend)
 Hang on!  Cursed Codpieces!  Francis Lovell did what?  
Now apart from all you first time TWQ watchers who may be going “Who?”  I can assure you that Francis Lovell (King Richard’s best mate and part-time camoflague expert) NEVER EVER EVER bent his knee to Tudor.
 Now – I admit. He may have wanted to bend his knee and plant it squarely in the royal jewels area of a certain Chewdor bloke, but that’s it.  Now it appears    “Lovell is our man and when we find him…”
Well best of luck with that then as I searched all ten episodes three years ago with a tooth comb and a magnifying glass and never got a sniff!  But, for dramatic licence I bet Nokia Ned may suddenly have his GPS turned on and find him with no trouble at all #spoileralert
 Now they are all getting dressed in up in everything to go everywhere (Yes they are EE Mobile) – but not York.  It seems there is no service there.  Or no one wants to pay service to him.  King Henrywho decided to wear black (very fitting) and even found a sword to play with. Even if he wasn’t quite sure which was the sharp end.
 Shirking Stanley loves his new velvet beret so much he has hardly taken it off at all since he bought it.  And I bet is it reversible!
 Even the horses are decked in gold plastic – sorry – expensive gold armour.
 King Whoenry is in a real strop because he keeps telling us there is NO WAY he is going to York as they are all bad men up there who loved a man who according to some historians never ever went further than Warwick.  But Mini Lizzie-ish is determined he will go to York, because she is secretly writing to her ex-lovers very best ex-mate who you haven’t seen before and asking him to kill the husband she now has and making him an ex-husband! This series is almost ex-rated. (its certainly not ex-citing)
 Because King Whoenry is scared, he puts his best crown on and crows on about Margaret of York (last seen in 1468 exiting over the channel) has attacked two ships with the aid of Captain Jack Sparrow – and has obviously done that because Henry is such a clever usurper he has stopped all her trade restrictions  (God this is painful and apologies – I invented the Capt Sparrow bit in there just to liven up the script. It was actually Capt Birdseye)
 The silent ladies-in-waiting can't be bothered to wait and all bugger off somewhere to be silent somewhere else but no one realises – or cares.
 Now there’s rather a lot of royal mail – and no where near enough of a certain royal Male –as there are letters flying about all over the place.  To Francis Lovell, and Harry Stafford (the dead one?) and my sainted the king’s lady mother.
 Ooh look – just in time! it's Nokia Ned. And he has a letter saying Henry’s no good in bed – does no one realise he could have just sent a text and stayed in the stables?
 Lizzie-Mini-ish is now off to York because King Whoenry has been told if he doesn’t go to York he will have to go to bed with no dinner.  
 Everyone is worried about Mini-Lizzie-ish because although her child is blooming no-one can even see it beneath the very slim 22 inch waist encased in the gold-not blue-not gold gown. I’m not. She is not pregnant – obviously – only in this epic – sorry episode!
 But now she can’t go because of the swearing sickness – oh sorry – it’s the sweating sickness – its just this episode which is making me swear.  So instead of her daughter the older Lizzie-ish decides she is going to York and even packs a nice flock suitcase –and uses Nokia Ned to print off her bedding – sorry – boarding passes.
 I then got very confused – but maybe because my kettle actually started to boil colourfully!  There were some children, the sight of King Henrywhos chicken legs in bed and then the children appeared to be being attacked by Cardinal Moaning. (Well  we didn’t see any of that in TWQ did we ladies! Hmnnn?  What does that say about a Tudor court?)
 Basically Lizzie-Maxi – is now a prisoner to prevent her going north of Warwick and Moaning Morton will pray for her - like bugger he will!
 Can I summarise this next bit? Please?  Great!!
1.    Henry has a cloak by Axminster. It certainly isn’t a shag pile!
2.    His armour appears to be gold PVC
3.    Everyone is getting sick (I know the feeling)
4.    Lady Elizabeth De La Poodle (geddit?) is shocked when she is told she can no longer ride side-saddle because times have changed!  Bloody hell! Thank god for the Tardis!  We are obviously now in the 19th Century!
 So they all sod off to York (other northern cities are available)
 Lizzie Maxi is now ripping up her underwear, writing on it with blood, and giving Nokia Ned another ring. Unluckily this time, he doesn’t pick up. He’s a bit thick and it takes his horse – Shergar – to tell him his phone is ringing (sorry – show him where Elizabeth’s ring has landed in the long grass!)
 Suitably engaged (he! he!) – she now flings her underwear out of the window so that Nokia Ned can hoof it up to a nice country mansion where Francis Lovell may well have been living since 1473.
 Now that King Whoenry has left London – Moaning Morton is shutting the whole of the city down and leaving everyone in the dark.  Teddy (the Earl of Warwick – not the dead one tho) wants to play “Fox and Geese” but Moaning Morton has hidden all the toys away.  Bloody spoilsport!  I bet that is because even Teddy could have beaten Dr Whothehellishe at board games.
 Now The Duchess of Hatlessfield is back and so goes to visit everyone in the dark and is so pissed off she decides she is going to Burgundy because that’s where all the booze is!  
 But meanwhile…somewhere in leafy England… the postman has arrived…..Nokia Ned rings a bell ….a door opens… an old man with an Aneurin-Bur coloured beard answers the door and takes a letter from him…no one speaks a bloody word mind you during this scene…..so this could be a completely different programme or the adverts…but then, the letter says….something like…
 “Dear Francis Lovell, I know you really have lots of important titles as you were the most influential man in England apart from the King in 1483-85 but I am rapidly dying of blood loss and have already written 40,000 words.  We are so sorry but we won’t be able to meet you in York now as my battery is flat and London is completely in the dark.  As we can’t get there would you mind awfully forgiving Emma Frost and Philippa Gregory for leaving you out of The White Queen completely and for not casting Henry Cavill in your character now they have realised you actually existed - and go and stab Henry for me.  Thanking you in anticipation. Ex Queenie and her sprogs”
 Now I know we didn’t see Aneurard’s best mate inTWQ (neither did he) but I know a few things about Frank (we are on good terms!)
a)    He was not older than Aneurard – or King Whoenry – in fact he was about the same age as King Whoenry.
b)    If he had a beard – it would not have been that one.  
c)    He did not spend his months after Bosworth living in a house, a very nice house in the country….he spent most of them in sanctuary
d)    He did not bend his knee….oh, done that one.
 So – after a lot more of whatever went on – we are in York!  And the good people of Yorkshire have already heard about King Whoenry as the mayor ( I assume) steps up – looking all northern in the best Starz tradition – ie he is wearing a pork pie hat – and hands over all his money to the king. You didn’t see that in TWQ either #justsaying
 There is a flurry of activity, Gandalf in a blue cloak – oh sorry I think that is supposed to be Francis – and because King Henrywho can’t hide behind anyone this time he gets wounded. Disclaimer – other versions of this historic visit to York are available.
Cue horses riding about in Sherwood Forest ( aka Yorkshire) Bells ringing – a very dark church where the king takes refuge and a sudden clarity when he remembers he is 28 years old. Nice to know they got his age right here – they couldn’t make their minds up in TWQ.
 So, the rebels with a bloody good cause ride north and are chased by Stand Up Stanley. But him and his 30 men are stopped by 5 rebels parked across the road and as Francis disappears into Sherwood forest in his hood ( this is how legends start girls and boys) Stanley – or it could have been Grasper Chewdor – bored now - decides that 30 against 5 is not good odds for him so they let them go.
 They then report back to King Whoenry that they lost him at Middleham.  Where?  Is a entire audience now looking around at each other and saying “Where’s Middleham?” OK – think north of Sheriff Hutton…sorry Woodville Manor North Yorkshire!
 And still Francis has not said a word as he rides of back to Bestwood…with his merry rebels and a friar – they are so tired they need to find some tuck….
 Well that excitement over – heres the rest in a nutshell…
      I.         Lizziemini is still in the same frock
     II.         People are dying of the swearing sickness – I call it that because Dr King Whoenry swears it was nothing to do with his mercenaries brought out of prision to usurp a country
   III.         Lizzie maxi is playing Rapunzel in a Tower
  IV.         A priest is smoking in the diddly diddly cloister
    V.         Henry can write (see below)
  VI.         Lizzie ish pisses off Moaning Morton by breaking into the treasury and stealing all Henry’s (well Aneurard’s really) gold
VII.         Breathing in very deeply is apparently a medieval form of abortion
VIII.         Teddy and his sister give all the gold away to the poor ( Hurrah for the Yorks)
  IX.         Everyone is now playing ‘Fox and Geese” at least they are all wearing beaks
    X.         Lizzies (x 2) are both fed up of being cooped up ( I told you HortonhearsaWho was a chicken!)
  XI.         James of Scotland needs a wife – so Henrywho thinks it could be Lizzie (which one? Who cares? It doesn’t happen!)
XII.         Mad Cags is told to stop flirting with NotGrasper
XIII.         Princess Cecily doesn’t do much but at least she’s got off the bed but is writing secret letters to Mad Cags – well no one else want to hear her whinge
XIV.         All of the people are suddenly cured and thank MiniLizzi for it – which pisses of her mum because she wanted everyone to die, whoever was left to blame the king, and whoever was left, probably Francis, to kill Dr Who.
XV.         Yes, I am losing the plot. And the will to live (and what plot?)
XVI.         King Henrywho suddenly realizes Teddy is not so bare of lineage as he thought – remembers he is a York – and locks him up in the Tower.  That will be the last you see of him – until he is at least 54 and meeting Perkin Warden
XVII.         Oh yes – where has he gone?
XVIII.         The peasants are revolting ( the old ones are the best)
XIX.         Dr Whoenry is so frightened that Mag Cags is going to knit him a personal bodyguard.  
XX.         The king is not at all happy that his wife is more popular than him and people shout out for her in the street (note to Lizzie – avoid Paris and Mercedes Benz cars)
XXI.         Francis is now in Burgundy – I hope he has taken his Visa-card with him as if he ends up in the wine bar with Duchess Dyson it could be expensive. I bet she sucks up some drink!
XXII.         Grasper and Strange – or it’s that Strange Grasper are being sent to Burgundy (psst don’t mention the trade restrictions!)
XXIII.         Stanley is pissed that he wont get the chaunce to shew erf his accent and his nuu beret!
XXIV.         As it is now raining the king is in a pac-a-mac.  Its not just any pac-a-mac – it’s a designer leather pac-a-mac.  Its DickheadNY!
XXV.         Suddenly Not so Mini-Lizzi is nine months preggers and it is time for her confinement.  The bloody lycra in that blue-but gold-but blue dress is amazing!
 The end – I can’t wait for Ep 3 – apart from I can-  just to see what happens when the booze cruise hits Burgundy.
 Appendix 1
 “Dear Mrs King Whoenry, this is your husband writing to you from York.  Well, its my scribe writing actually as I don’t now how to and all the furniture has disappeared and so I am stuck with standing up, swanning around in my best Berber, and glowering at everyone like a sulky teenager.  A man you will never have heard of called Francis Lovell has stabbed me in the flesh! Yes! Me! I have flesh! Ok I know it looks like scales but I am using medication and hope it will get better soon….anyway… so I am wounded.  Not mortally. In fact, its barely a fleshwound.  More of a scratch really. In fact, it probably never happened at all. So, I am coming home. Its raining, my carpet is very wet and heavy, my plastic armour chafes and as I have eaten my fill of Yorkshire Parkin.  In fact if I ever hear the word ‘Parkin’ again, I will have someone’s head.  Honest! Your Tudor husband, Doctor King Henry the King of Kings. PS…will you still be wearing that blue-but gold-but blue dress when I get home you minx?  You know how partial I am to a bit of parti-coloured damask!”
 Appendix 2 –
Dear Francis Lovell
If you fancy a pint, I can hop on the next P&O Ferry!
Much love – your favourite diarist (and author of Desmond’s Daughter).
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someraesofsun · 7 years
All the OC children Rose and I made bc I spammed ya with their aesthetics
Ivy -little sister to Jack and Jake -adopted from India -Good™ girl who is super good at makeup and crying -ran away from home once because her fucked up sister told her that she was the only adopted one -besties with Cole and Jenny -marries the shit outta Cole after a good decade of not even realizing he liked her whoops -the only Straight™ in her goddamn family -named by her florist dad because tattoo shop dad wanted to name her “Khaleesi” and that shit wasn’t gonna fly -becomes a model and actress in New York City
Jake -SCIENCE!!!! -twins with Jack -adopted from Puerto Rico -eldest by five minutes -Gay and Sensitive™ -he’s the responsible one -he’s in love with Chris no reason just thinks he’s neat -neither parent really is “”“"like”“”“ him, unlike his sisters, so most of the time he’s just doing his own thing -loves books ask him about Kurt Vonnegut -he’s basically Neil from Camp Camp but with less cursing -pun master -he becomes a chemist and a college professor and his husband lives in fear of how smart he is
Jack -Horrible™ -Jack is short for Jacqueline she’s a girl -the town punk butch lesbian -would sell her twin for three corn chips -loves tattoo shop dad the mostest and is low key a daddy’s girl (plz don’t take that in the weird way you fools) -eats trash and has horrible eyeliner skills like a raccoon -her and Casey are soulmates Jack adores her -has a slightly lazy eye and when she was in fifth grade and cut her hair short like her brother, that was the only way to tell them apart -has broken at least five bones -chilled the fuck out in adulthood and became an internet personality and now she has like, five podcasts and a company -low key would die for her family
Casey -her father owns the entire tattoo shop and her mother owns the flower shop -resident spoiled rich girl -body positive as fuck -Jack is the only person who will buy her anything she asks for -bisexual princess -has the singing voice of an angel -i fucking love her more than any of these trash fires she’s MY trash fire -she loves burgers more than her own father -Alicia Silverstone’s long lost daughter -the only three movies she watches is Clueless, Legally Blonde, and Heathers -Jack is high key her entire world and she would die for Jack -Marina and the Diamonds realness (the Family Jewels era, not Electra or Froot) -she becomes a lawyer because she spent her entire life arguing people and worshipping Reese Witherspoon -not a real blonde
Alex -Fuck Boy™ -Part one of Casey’s demon younger twin siblings -yeah that’s right there’s more twins -he plays soccer and is the worst -when he was younger he hid his pet snakes and lizards in Casey’s room to scare her and she ended up just adopting them as her own and he’s still mad about this -he really has a heart of gold truly really -he’s the worse twin -Jack and him get along great and she’s the only one who will spar with him -Jack kicks his fucking ass though -he made varsity on the soccer team his freshman year -he loves Jenny but Jenny straight up ignored him all of high school because he was so………… Aggressively Male™ -they meet again in NYC when he mellows out and she goes on five (5) dates with him before falling in love -he changes over a new leaf and calms the fuck down -he becomes sports commentator and a dad I love him………
Danny -less worse than his shitty twin -slightly -still a fuck boy but actually gets girls somehow -he plays football -Alex is his closest friend and they love each other -arom with a high sex drive -he moves to California on a scholarship and gets super into trees so he starts studying environmental science -he’s fine with being stag and likes the freedom of it -actually really nice and happy -he throws the best ragers hell yeah -mommas boy
Cole -ruins all other men -probably looks like John Krasinski -he loves his tall model girlfriend -his parents were also a couple a gay dads and he, too is the Lone Straight™ of his family -hopelessly in love with Ivy for YEARS -i swear he isn’t Jim Halpert in disguise -he has a sister but she’s not really present in the au sorry………………. -loves photography and writing -part of the "let’s move to New York” squad -he went to NYU and wrote a bunch of great musicals with Jenny -Ivy fell in love with him finally after he gives her a starring role and makes her feel like the best actress ever -he’s now a Tony award winning writer and director and probably knows Lin-Manuel Miranda. -he’s super nice and comfortable in his masculinity -loves pop music and thinks everyone needs to stop shitting on it -shorter than his wife aw… -they’re MARRIED Harold
Jenny -could fucking end your life -she’s interested in fashion design and death -has zero time for any of your sexist nonsense -she had a spooky single dad who was probably a serial killer when he wasn’t busy working in the flower shop -another Bisexual™ icon -she moved to New York with Ivy because Ivy is too nice for New York and needed someone to beat on any creeps who tried shit -she’s not really that angry she just knows she deserves better -art ho bangs -Alex only gets with her after he changes for the better and cuts the bullshit -she becomes a boutique owner and designed for Lorde once. She’s also a kickboxing instructor who yells because she cares
Chris -my oldest still active OC actually I gave him to Rose because he’s important to me -Uh Oh Not Another Sport Man…… -Chris is a swimmer -his father is a conservative senator and a business owner -his mom is a real estate agent and a demon from hell -seriously she emotionally berates the shit out of him and pushes him way too hard to be good -he’s got issues… -Jake is the only person he trusts -he’s gay but he isn’t open about it because his dad is um,,,,,,, -no bueno -toes the line between narcissism and self-hatred every day of his life -bpd diagnosed because I love inserting myself into characters -him and Jake start out rocky but over time they figure each other out -he had a stint with drugs but cleaned himself up because he knew he personally deserved better of himself -once he escapes his family in college he slowly becomes his own actual person who isn’t afraid -hes an Olympic swimmer now and that kinda transformation is what clears my skin
0 notes
alaskamorgan1019 · 7 years
Trapped inside
Authors note: I will be writing about the versions of Dark and Anti that I have in my mind. My Anti has one black eye with a blue iris, one normal eye with a green iris (that depending on mood can have green slime oozing out, running down his cheek), he has stretched ears (probably inch diameter) and a slender short frame about 5 and a half feet tall (a little bit shorter than jack in real life) . He has the darker green version of green hair that jack had in October 2016, and last but definitely not least slimy black tentacles (quantity varies upon situation). Dark is a bit taller than Mark, he about 6 foot, he's a bit more muscular, has a grey-ish/sick-ish tone to his completion, and he has Marks candy apple red hair ( XD is it possible to have a thing for unnatural hair colors). Dark has black soul-less eyes with bright blood red irises, also with prominent dark circles almost like black lines or eye liner around his eyes, like he hasn't slept in years. 💋Ch1 Open eyes "Mark! Where are you going we're supposed to be on stage in ten minutes!" Bob shouted out to the already far Mark. "I'll be back in a bit, I'm just going to go to the restroom before we do this thing. Don't wanna piss my pants on stage!" Mark exclaimed as he briskly walked out, off to his destination. Mark turned the corner to the smallest men's restroom he swore he'd ever seen. There was one other person in there, a shorter male with spiky dark green hair, using one of the urinals. He was wearing black sweater that was pretty baggy for someone of his stature, grey skin tight jeans and some worn dark green doc martens, they where almost as dark as the figure's hair but where also splattered in what looked like red paint of some sort. He must have been cosplaying as some demonic character because it looked like it must have been wearing a super light green almost white fountain. It looked very focused on its task at hand, so Mark decided not to say a short 'sup man' to brake to awkward pee sounds and silence. Mark unzipped himself then got to work. "Sooooooo..... You're 'Markiplier'." The smaller male hissed out as to react to a surprise that was sub-par. "Yes, yes I am!" Mark replied with a smile, "Are you a fan?" He inquired with his ego growing a bit. "No, but I have some friends that won't stop talking about you. You do seem all that though." The man turned and winked with his 'normal' eye. "Thanks?" Mark said unsure of how to react. He watched as the creature struggled to rezip itself within its poor choice in leg wear, then while the man was still staring at the ground, it walked to the sink to wash their hands. "You know a nice looking guy like you shouldn't be walking around all alone like this " The soul said as it looked in the mirror up at its reflection to check that its hair was still in place and then up at Mark's muscular back visible through his light coverage. Mark was blushing as he was finishing up. He turned around to see the figure's sharp toothed evil smile gleaming at him.    "Who knows what could happen." It tried to say seductively but ended up saying as if he was a little kid trying to persuade someone to buy his lemonade by saying it is vegan. Mark smiled at the cute male as he waked over to the other sink to wash his hands.  "Hon I'm real sorry but I think I can handle myself. If you are so concerned about my safety though, you can walk me back to the main stage and I may be able to talk some stagehands into letting you and your friends watch the show from backstage." He flirted back, looking at the younger creature's ass. "No sir that's not what I meant, " The man said as it rolled its eyes like an annoyed teen that no one can understand; he fumbled with something in his pocket.    "What I meant is you need people to protect you from people like me!" It exclaimed with a cackle as it suddenly disappeared from next to Mark and appeared behind him as if out of nowhere and plunged a syringe full of a green poison into the older's neck. Mark started to fade in and out of consciousness as the figure stood over him and laughed manically. Time skip to a what seemed like just a couple hours later:     Mark awoke in a mess of chains and confusion. He looked down at himself; his shirt was torn, his jeans wear ripped and one of his prized red sneakers was missing. The poor man looked like he was falling apart at the seems. His arms were chained above his head and his ankles were chained together. As he looked around, he found he was in an unfinished basement. Cement walls and floor lined his prison, bookshelves decorated with ropes, whips and mysteriously unknown objects, all the while a hint of an undefinable odor stunk up the air. Mark couldn't place it but it was most like a mix of the familiar scents flavored lube and mold. The smell and the unusual predicament Mark is in was starting to give him a distressing migraine. 'How did I get here? What am I doing here? What's going on?' Mark thought with a fearful look tattooed to his face. The poor man looked like a little boy who had just lost his mother in a humongous store. Much to his hysterical state; the panic worsened when the door opened. The light spilled into the dimly lit dungeon, down a couple stairs, and onto Mark's trembling expression. Cackling laughter and the shadow of the gangly monster from the restroom covered the shuttering male like a blanket. "So you're awake now! This is going to be fun! You are going to be back to your old self in no time! Come on baby, come back to me!!" It both choked and cooed out of it's sharp toothed jaws. "I'm here for anything you need baby! Just come back to me!" The creature said as it gently placed its warming palms on the mans' pale and frozen with fear face. "PLEASE I NEED YOU!!! STOP HOLD HIM FROM ME!!! I NEED HIM!!! GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!!!" It began to shake and slap Mark's limp body. "I-ii d-don't know w-what you are t-talking about." Mark sniffed out between his tears. The lanky creature that started to look more like a young man now, it got down on it's knees in front of Mark to look him in the eyes. "Sure you do honey, j-just relax and remember. It will come to you and-dd he will come back to me. Jus-just arelax please ..... please." It said with it's fear and concern falling out of the cracks in it's voice. The demon fell back from it's position in front of him, hugged it's knees and began to sob, while rocking itself back and forth for comfort. 💋Ch2 Just remember     Mark looked at the rocking male, something about him was making this all a little too familiar, like de ja vu.     The demon wanted something from Mark; but sadly, he didn't remember anything off the top of his head about him that was or maybe even is a part of his life. Mark didn't remember anything about a life that involved this small man. He couldn't remember anything. Mark always had the will to try to help others before himself. This life principal was what he was taught from a young age. So when a small being is distraught and bawling into it's knees in front of him, and he isn't capable of being of any service; he feels bad and he feels like a bad friend. He may not know this man in front of him that well, but he knows he wants to help him and wants to be there for him. The small figure looked so helpless and alone in this world it was truly saddening. It need a friend to be there for it and it only. The figure's sniffles slowed as he began to try to stand up with great wobbly fashion.     "Well, sir, if you do not remember yourself I have no choice but to leave you here until you do." The man fell back down to a kneel in front of Mark and grabbed his face softly in its, now, cold as ice palms. "Dark, I know you are still in there. Please I need you, I miss you, I love you. Come back to me. It's been too long. I need you." It's tears flowed once more.     "What can I do" Mark said as softly as humanly possible, to not disturb the already woeful creature in front of him.     "Dark, just remember. Please." The younger sniffled "please...." It leaned over to the chained man and put its arms around his neck with its forearms resting delicately on the humans shoulders. Green tinted tears fell from the soul's windows, they acidly burned the humans flesh though the rips in his thin shirt and the wounds the mere mortal had gotten conciseness with. But the figure's sobs that leaked vocally into Mark's ear hurt the man deepest, as Mark was still chained and couldn't comfort the younger man back with a nice warm hug, all he could do was sit there and try not to squirm in pain too much.     "What was I?" Mark choked out in the almost silence. The small noises of it's sniffles and it's tears tingling and burning the older man's skin and flesh, filled the room.     "Dark, please don't do this to me.... you were mine, we lived here, and we died here. You were my friend, my lover, and my soulmate. It feels like it has been an eternity since we have been together. I feel myself growing weaker. I need you. You are my other half. You need me." It sobbed more as if the tears as if had a purpose, as if it's tears were working to bring back what he had lost, all the while Mark withered and jumped in the pain from the flood of acid tears.      "Tell me more, I really want to remember." Mark said through clenched teeth as he was trying not to hiss in pain too much.      "I can't" It sniffled back in an almost inaudible response. The small helpless man continued to messily bawl on Mark's shoulder, he didn't want to disturb the already very hysterical man. Mark just sat there and tried to remember. He tried to remember the scent, the younger man's face, the place, the feelings and the chemistry, but nothing came of it. Then as if out of nowhere the small being began to stir, it suddenly stopped crying and stood up as if this short heart to heart had never been uttered.      "I really wish you would remember, sir, but sorry I haven't got all of my day to waste on the living." The facade of a strong man faded as soon as the it turned to go up the stairs. After just a few steps forward the man fell into tears, his mask expired and his walk wobbled.       The creature hobbled up the stairs he came from, looking back only once to show Mark his sorrowful expression. The poor demon looked so dramatically miserable in the flood of light from the hallway, a green tint highlighted his face in an unusually memorable way. Mark knew him from somewhere, the clouds in his mind felt as if they were beginning to fade. 💋Ch3 Remembered The memories of the creature was starting to clear; still the as it walked away and up the stairs, Mark knew that he was doomed to be here for a while if not forever. Mark's memory was only quickly sharpening when the soul was near. When they were in contact was the best situation, Mark could feel the burn of his mind trying coming back to him. Time skip: It felt like it must have been days before the creature came back. Though this time it came back with a large tray of good smelling food. It wore a black suit with a dark green under shirt, some wine red loafers and a black tie. The man had no green glow to its face now, if anything he had an almost fake peachy pink tint as if he had put some makeup on. Its hair had been spiked up with gel and now it was visible that the creature had inch diameter gauges and snake bite lip piercings. He was wearing a pair of dark green glasses, and it was now that Mark could see the creature had one eye with an oddly 'septic-ish' green pupil and one that was completely black with a glowing electric blue pupil. "So my dear darkimoo, clearly a normal human male would be severely dehydrated and starving by now...... My my my a week can go so quick. It's almost like I left you in here for longer., but oh no my poor baby, I made sure to it was only a week. AND look honey... I brought you your favorite meal.... remember, you used to love my chicken and dumplings. You used to say it reminded you of some place you went when to a lot you were little.... I think it was barrel cracker maybe." The man cooed as he sat the tray down in front of Mark about 2 feet away on the unfinished cement floor, then walked to stand right in front of the chained man. Mark could have sworn it hadn't been a week but then again it could have been. The decrepit old and falling apart at the seams basement Mark had been trapped in for all this time didn't have any widows; so, for all he knows it could have been anywhere from four days to a maybe even a week like he said. "Cracker Barrel." Mark answered softly to the front of the souls pants. "Ahhhhhhh yes baby, now I remember, it was Cracker Barrel yes, look at you honey. You're helping me remember you more too. You are always just sooooo smart, ya know I always loved that about you, you were just so smart and always want to learn. " the soul reminisced while unlocking the chains from Marks wrists "I remember when we would go out and lay on the roof and you would tell me about the stars. Sometimes your eyes would twinkle more than the stars. As you would look at them and point out the specifics, I would watch your sexy red and lifeless eyes start to fill with hope and twinkle of a life that hadn't been lost too early." It said as he began to work on his ankle chains. "It was soooooo hot and you would get furious when I would cut you off mid sentence with a lustful kiss. You would pull me off of you finish your sentence, tell me off then kiss me back even harder. Those were the best times. We were truly in love." "I'm sorry." Mark chocked out as he laid on the dirty ground. The feeling was coming back to his arms for the first in days, his knees got relieved for the weight that had left them bruised against the cement. "What for my dear, you are here now, you are finally turning your normal skin tone. You are coming back to me. Your are becoming your old self." The figure cooed as it crawled over to the very weak Mark. The creature delicately picked up Mark's torso and put him carefully on its lap. The tray scooted itself towards the couple, the dainty soul picked up a fork with some of the substance on it and as he was feeding a baby he fed the almost lifeless Mark. "who are you..... and...... who was I?" Mark tried to say between fork loads. "Awww baby. I'm yours, I'm Antisepticeye but you just called me Anti. And you're mine. You are Darkiplier but I just called you Dark. You were never really fond of that name but you loved me so much that every time I would call you that you began to boil a little less till it became like a little pet name. You loved me and I love you." Anti said as he unbuttoned his blazer to pull out a water bottle "Now you may not be completely alive but you still need water, so drink up my baby." Anti huffed as he pulled Mark to make him sit up. Mark reluctantly sat up; as weak as he was originally, he was beginning to regain his strength. Mark could now grab the bottle, he sat up on his own too. He tuned out Anti as he tried to drown himself by drinking so fast. The fatigue from his days that he was chained up, now seemed to have vanished. Mark felt like he could do anything, he felt like he could take off up the stairs and hopefully out the demon's front door to freedom. But something inside compelled him to stay, as if that something inside of him really loved the talkative monster sitting next to him. Mark decided to stay put with his new found strength. "--- eating and you said 'I wish we had more goo!!!" Anti laughed at his own story and Mark not wanting to be rude forced out a laugh too. The soul look right into the mans eyes and smiled. "I'm so glad you are back! I know you are because I know that laugh was forced. I know no matter how unfunny I can be you always try to laugh to make me feel good." The pink faded from the demons cheeks and became replaced with a green tint almost the same color as his eye. Mark tilted his head as a new thought popped into his mind. "I think I'm remembering you." Mark exclaimed in a quietly relieved tone. Anti got up, and quickly positioned himself on Mark's lap. The soul caressed the mortals face in his warming hands and graced its forehead with the contact of the mans. 💋Ch4 I'm out Anti pulled his face away from Marks, he looked at the mans lips then to his eyes. As they stared at each other, Anti was showing his partner a very sharp, devious and toothy smile; and Mark was half smiling too, but also he was trying to figure out what was going on with Anti's face. Its face looked like it was blushing but instead of the normal 'face turning red' thing, its cheeks were starting to have a sort of 'sick-ish' green tone. The demon didn't look to be ill but he started to look paler and more green in the cheeks. His skin tone looked to be, an almost white, mint green. The strange tone turning of the creatures skin was slightly unnerving, Mark remembered this tone from the restroom at the convention, he thought it was makeup then but now it seemed normal, almost natural. "How 'bout I take you up stairs and have you take a shower? Would that be okay with baby?" Anti cooed while placing his now warm hands on Mark's cheeks and rubbing his thumbs on the mans cheek bones. "Okay... ummm ... do you have any... ummm... of Dark's old clothes?" Mark stammered out as the warmth from Anti's hands comforted him. "Sure honey, I left all of your things in the closet where you had them. I'll get them for you while you're taking your shower. Okay?" The soul said as if he was talking to a child. Anti got up off of the human dusted his suit off a little bit and began to walk towards the looming stairs. Mark looked up at the creature as it strutted and thus tried to follow. The poor man looked like he was inebriated and Anti could see this. The soul went back to Mark, put the mortals arm around his shoulder and its arm around the mans waist. Now that Mark was stabled, the couple slowly made it up the stairs as they creaked with every step. "I really missed you, this house is wayyyy too big for only one soul to inhabit it." Anti said as he looked over and smiled at Mark "Well I guess I-I'm sorry for taking so long." Mark apologized kind of insincerely as they finished the stairs. "Nah it's fine babe, you're here, with me now. It's going to be all fine and dandy from now on" Anti toothily smiled as he exclaimed this with pure joy. The creature still had the mortal on his arm as they finished the last couple of steps. Then as soon as they were able to stand on flat ground Anti switched his grip to be a hug and for the first time so far; Mark wasn't happy to have the opportunity to hug the creature back, he actually felt like he was slightly trapped in the monster's grip but also with in the walls of this fortress. After a few seconds the couple continued walking and Mark got some strange new thoughts in his head. Like, 'Ya know once I get a little bit stronger.... I could possibly escape this place' or 'I wonder where the door is?' His thoughts continued to wonder as they ambled more through the house. The place was furnished like any normal home; in the living room there were a couple of nice couches and a nice TV, also a nice and shiny kitchen complete with a dinning room and a few china cabinets. It was just like a semi-normal house except for the long, almost endless, hallways. It seemed like there was just door after door after large gothic window after door. The hallway just seemed to lag on and on. 'No I definitely can't escape this maze of a house...' Mark thought to himself.     "Thanks for getting that silly thought out of your head honey. It was starting to worry me!" The creature said out loud as the human looked over at it. The couple finally turned to one of multitude of doors and the demon opened it. "Here we are!" Anti exclaimed with an arm held out as it was showing off a brand new car. 💋Ch5 I tried "Thanks." Mark said as he unhooked himself from Anti and walked in to the room. 'This is nice, I guess' he thought "You're very welcome baby!" It smiled as it stood in the doorway and stared at the man. The creature walked in too, over to the shower knobs and fumbled around with them for a while until finally warm water flowed. 'This is awkward. He really wants me to take a shower.' "Ya know you can get undressed around me, I've seen you in more compromising positions before. It won't really be anything new, I promise!" Anti giggled. Mark blushed as he took the demon's word and took off his shirt. 'So we've been intimate.' "Okay I may have lied a bit, but you look only a little bit buffer and a lot less grey than the last time I've seen you like this" Mark looked down at his hands and saw them to be a new shade of grey, granted it was like his normal tan skin tone had been mixed with a white-ish grey. He looked back at Anti with a puzzled look but it just kept looking at Mark as if he was a god, he even drooled a bit. 'Okay I kinda want to leave, this guy is creeping me out, why am I turning grey, what the hell is going on with me, Anti any comments?' "I'll stop here then until I get some privacy." Mark mockingly smiled back to make fun of the creatures newly star-struck nature. Anti huffed then perked right back up. 'This guy is so weird' Mark thought, 'Wait... why isn't he talking back? Hello Anti hello!!' "Oh, no problem man. Ya know what.... " The creature said as he slowly and nervously back out of the bathroom. "I'm gonna go get you some towels, you can finish undressing and then you can just hop in the shower while I'm gone!" It exclaimed as he turned and ran down the hall. Mark quickly shut and locked the door behind him, then began to examine the room. He saw a nice walk-in shower, a huge bathtub, a very "extra" porcelain sink, and a quaint toilet with a medium sized window right above. Mark went to go stand on the toilet to look out the window. The window outlooked a yard with some bushes to his left and right, and trees out in the background. 'I could probably open this window all the way and escape.' Mark stood on the toilet lid and propped open the window. He looked out then back into the room, to scope out the room, then he put his arms out through the window and pulled himself up. Mark got his head and arms out the window when he heard some knocking on the door. "Marky I got you some towels!!! Please let me in baby..." Anti cooed while trying to be seductive through the door. Mark ignored him while he pulled himself up to the window. "Marky please open the door!" Anti asked with a little bit of worry noticeable, Mark ignored him again. "Mark open the door, I know you can hear me." The creature playfully yelled. Mark was already a little bit outside. "You open the door or I will." Anti said sternly. Mark was about halfway outside. "Okay you've made your choice." The voice scratchily boomed from outside the door. Mark was almost all the way outside, only his lower half was still in the room as the door was burst open. Pieces of door scattered everywhere, "Sir, I must ask you to come to your senses, I am here for you and your beautiful ass" Anti angrily cooed and cackled as Mark was flailing, trying to crawl out the window. The man could hear cloth ripping "I TRIED to get you to see MY SIDE... I TRIED to make you see MY WAYS" Anti yelled as Mark felt something reach through the window and wrap around his waist. Mark started screaming, and was flinging his arms and legs around as much as he could as to fight what was bound to happen "Awww is the poor baby SCARED, if only HE WOULD HAVE STAYED INSIDE." Anti's tentacles wrapped around the mortal a little tighter as to not strangle the man but enough to have a grip on him. He pulled the man back in the room and tossed him gently on the floor, as not to hurt him too much. Mark sat against the tub and looked up at the monster with only a little bit on fear consuming him, but the man was mostly wondering what was coming out of its back. The creature was huffing and puffing as it was trying to calm down from the previous events, avoiding the human's eye contact. "What are those things?" Mark inquired with his gaze locked onto the soul's breathless body, the man felt a slight tingling around his mid section. The mortal moved his hand down to investigate as his gaze was still locked on the creature. He wiped some green goop from where the tentacles were, stood up and looked at Anti. "They are nothing... huff... just get in the shower." Anti said as he glared at the man. "They are clearly not nothing, I'm looking at something. You hav---" Mark rambled on as he was staring at the monster. "Just get in the shower." Anti yelled, the creature was trying to retract them back onto his person but was finding it difficult and painful. "I'm not getting in the shower til you tell me what they are, what you are and what I am." Mark said as he stamped his foot on the ground like a child. "Mark I'm not playing. I need you to get in the shower and clean yourself. Now!" Anti yelled back at the 'child' "No" Mark stamped back as to make the creature get tired of him and just tell him what's going on. "Yes" The demon growled back. "No" Mark taunted. "Yes" Anti roared as he put his hands on Mark shoulders. The shirt-less and slightly slimy man looked down to the soul. "Make me!" Cockily smiled the mortal. 💋Ch 6 The relief (slight smut) Mark cockily smiled as he was looking down at the little guy that was steaming with anger. Anti quickly jerked his hands from the mortals shoulder to behind his head. The creature brought his head closer and closer until their lips were together. The man's eyes widened from the initial shock of the interaction but soon mellowed out as he became involved. Anti tilted his head slightly to the left as to provide relief so they could get closer. Mark opens his mouth to let his tongue explore the souls saliva covered fangs. The situation of the sin was getting to be oddly amazing. It seemed as if their interaction was the answer to why Mark was staying in this prison. The human was just starting to enjoy the kiss when Anti pulled away. "It seems the role have been reversed." Anti smiled and started to giggle. "I was always the tease and you were the hot head. It was sexy when I would tease and make-fun of you til you were steaming. It was a fun, almost like our version of floor-play." "That does sound like fun." Mark said with his hands on his hips as his eye's irises turned blood red and began to glow. "Down puppy, just strip and get in the shower already." Anti commanded. "Okay. But you either have to leave the room or put your hands over your eyes." Mark ruled with his arms crossed. "Why are you embarrassed?...." Anti hissed and crossed his arms to mock the man. "No I'm not." Mark tried to hiss back. "Whatever"Anti shook his head and went to sit on the toilet lid. It watched Mark to see how much farther he would go before he turned around to check to see if it was watching. The man took his dirty old socks off and tossed them on top of his shirt. Mark's beautiful hands then went to work on his belt buckle. The man unhooked the belt from around his waist and lively pulled it out of the loops that held the item to his body. Mark turned around to make sure Anti wasn't watching the show he was putting on. The monster was sure enough just sitting there enjoying the view. Mark put his folded his belt in half and smacked it in his hands, Anti had chills running down is spine. "So what did I tell you, baby." Mark mocked but weirdly enjoyed calling Anti his baby. "Whatever, I was just admiring the sexy view." Anti smiled as he still had his arms crossed, two blackish green slimy tentacles squirmed out from behind him to cover his eyes. Mark turned back around to take off his pants and throw them onto the pile too. Mark then hooked his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers when the soul wolf whistled. The man quickly turned back to glare at the creature but saw that Anti was still in the exact same position that Mark last saw him in. Mark turned his back once more and slowly finished removing the undergarment. "Your human form has such a cute ass." Anti giggled "You would always say that about me too. I think I finally get why you asked all the time if we could role play, one human and one monster. It was pretty fun but I was never one for being a submissive bottom like you wanted, though.... you always did really like a fight." Mark just smiled at the soul and stepped into the running shower. The human washed and lathered his hair and body. Anti was just sitting on the toilet lid when an idea popped into his head. He slowly, as to not make that much noise, slid one of the tentacles in behind the man and slithered it around his hip to the man's member. The tentacle wrapped around it and rubbed the head with the tip of the tentacle. The limb started to act like a hand on the hardening penis, moving up and down the shaft. Mark was melting in the monster's touch, the action of the sene was getting to the point where Anti knew if he went any farther Mark would have cum. So along the lines of the first lust filled idea, Anti decided to quickly strip and sneakily hop into the shower with him. The creature stopped jerking and turned the man around to face him. 💋Ch7 Payback         Mark looked down at the small man as it quickly grabbed the sides of his face and lustily kissed him. The interaction seemed to be driven by what Mark guessed to be a lifetime of repressed urges and loneliness. Anti was so happy to be back in Mark's (or Dark's) company. Mark didn't notice anything around them as the smaller deeply kissed him. The mans hair was reddening; he was growing taller, more muscular and grayer. Their height difference was growing but Mark wasn't paying any mind to the new upgrades as he started to need to lean down a bit and Anti needed to be on its tip toes to keep the connection. This lovely creature was the only thing on Darks mind now.        The creature's serpent-like tongue was finding it's way around the mortal's mouth. The soul still had one tentacle on the man's pulsing member, Anti moved his beautiful and lush lips down to work on Mark's neck trying to find the places it could reach that would make him squirm and moan. The figure grabbed the man's wrists and held them up against the wall of the shower so Mark was in almost the same position he was in for the past week. Mark had to now squat down a little bit to see the partner eye to eye. The soul made sure that it didn't move to tentacle that was wrapped around them as to keep Mark on edge and to not give him any more pleasure. Mark tried to move his hips back and front to get some friction from the situation but to no avail the tentacle stayed still ,in place, on his member. Anti found a spot on his collar bone the made the man loudly moan, Mark didn't even know he had a place like that there but he was loving being explored. Mark was on edge as he looked at the soul with want in his eyes.        "Anti please..... I ...  need to..." The poor mortal whimpered.        "Baby come on..... you need to what.... now use your words..... I know you can!" Anti seductively whispered into Dark's ear between the kisses and love bites.         "Please I really..... need to....." Mark huffed as he began hyper ventilating in over stimulation. His neck became littered with bruises and bites.         "Well .... no I'm not going to let you! The fun hasn't even begun!" The creature growled as it knew he was only starting and Mark was right where he wanted him. It tightened the tentacle around the base of Marks penis to ask like a cock ring.          Anti turned Mark around so they were front to back. The monster contorted him with the help of its  multitude of slimy friends. The man was held in compromising positions with his nice round ass sticking right out to were Anti felt like he could do what he pleased. The creature bent down behind the restrained being and used his hands and claws to grab and separate the humans cheeks. Anti played with the ass in his claws a bit, spanked the man then kissed and bit the newly reddened skin. After a few more spanks, the soul licked its lips and held his ass with the soft palms of it's hands.        "Oh honey.... you are going to love this!" The figure said as it kissed and sucked around the man's asshole. Anti licked and bit the tender skin, the man soon became glad he was basically suspended by the souls helpers. After the initial shock of pleasure Mark felt he was able to regain his balance. This was a different type of interaction, different than any type he had endured before. He may have done something like this before to a female but never had this or anything like this done to him before let alone by someone of the same sex, this was new and very welcomed. Then it all stopped at once.         "Baby I know you enjoy this but I'm going to have to ask you to stop pushing your ass in my face. Okay or I'll have to get ruff." Anti seductively growled. A rush of pleasure fell over him as the feeling soon returned from Anti's glorious tongue. The man moaned and screamed as this wonderful and breath-taking feeling once again consumed him. But as soon as Mark got lost in the moment again when it was once again taken from him.         "Honey this is your last warning, I know I don't breathe but I feel like you're suffocating me." Anti angrily cooed. "Actually never mind the extra warning!" Mark yelped as the creature sunk his sharp claws back into the man ass. It left a couple more spanks and bites as Anti started to stand up straight from his position on his knees. Kissing and licking different areas of the man's back as if it had a purpose, as if Anti was trying to spell something. Mark relaxed even more as the monster behind him found the spots on the mortal's collar bone once again. Anti had the man eating out of his hand now; it felt like it could do anything that it what to him, like for once Dark wasn't in control. The human began to grind on his dominant partner and Anti didn't really mind. After a couple of minutes the creature gave into the suggestive moment happening on his nether reagins. The soul wrapped one of its hands around front to the man's nipple and the other to his asshole. Anti fingered Mark until it thought he was ready, knowing it was man's first time receiving anal in centuries. The monster slowly inserted on of his tentacles in Mark's backside and pumped it in and out for a little while before adding itself to the party. Mark moaned louder and louder, louder than he had ever moaned and groaned before.       "Oh my god, Anti are you an angel or something." Mark groaned out.       "Oh no..... far from it..... my dear." Anti said between its lip work.       "Oh that interesting" Mark said in a newly found deeper voice. "What are you then, my baby ?"        "The same thing you are honey" The soul answered as it unwrapped the tentacle from around the man's penis, thus letting him orgasm and cum better than he ever had before. 💋Ch8 Remembrance (fluff)         With that Mark lost all feeling and limply fell, Anti was luckily there to catch him as the rest of his soul left the body. The creature looked down at the greying being in its arms though a blurring eye; Anti had finally got what he wanted for decades, whether they knew it or not. Mark was now finally gone and Dark was once again the only thing in the world that Anti cared about. This moment was too precious and emotional to move on from but the demon knew that it had to get it's partner cleaned up and to the bed, where he could rest. Thus Anti gently flopped the body over its shoulder to finish cleaning it. Mark already shampooed his glorious hair and washed his other areas but with what had just taken place, it needed another quick wash.       After that was over Anti careful carried the naked being over to the toilet to have it limply sit there for a second while the creature dried itself off and got more towels for the being. Fluffy white towels filled the cabinet under the sink, Anti pick out two and shut the cabinet. The soul wrapped Mark in the towels and softly patted him dry. It used the smaller towel to dry his fire red hair then the body's neck and face. The creature draped the larger towel around his shoulders and patted them dry. Anti reached solemnly around the body's midriff to pat dry its back; its arms softly fell around Anti's shoulders, as if Dark was hugging it to say thank you. The demon blushed green a bit, glad that Mark was finally out cold and couldn't ask anymore questions. Anti gladly held the newly monstrous body back with an impulsive hug, grateful to be in its soulmates presence once again. After the body was dry Anti wrapped its lower half in a towel and tossed him over its shoulder again, then walked down the hallway to their old bedroom. Once inside the old gothic wine red room, Anti sat the almost naked body down on their old bed. It quickly got in its favorite blue hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants then walked over to Dark's old closet. The creature looked through Dark's old things to find his lucky red flannel, and a pair of black pajama pants that had little hot pink mustaches on them. Anti turned green once more remembering when Dark would spend days in these clothes. The creature's normal eye began to water while more beautiful memories flooded back to it. Like the time Dark didn't want to leave the house so he set up a nice romantic meal on the roof, just for Anti. Or the time they had just finished the third season of their favorite show and Anti's favorite character was killed off, so Dark poorly drew and wrote some made up stories about it as a demon. They really loved each other but it was always Dark fixing the problems, Dark was never the problem, he was always the problem solver. Dark was always there to put the pieces back together, he was the person in the couple that was always composed, stable and collected. Anti was none of those things, it was anxious, disturbed and plagued with torment. Dark was there to cushion Anti's broken existence and Anti was there to be touched by Dark's fallen life. They were complete opposites but that's why they worked so well together, Dark was the strong, sane, secure one that kept Anti the fragile, unstable, falling apart one together. But for the time being it seemed the tables have turned and Anti was trying to stay strong. It finished picking out Darks outfit then went to go dress him. The body was laying perpendicular to the bed with his feet still on the floor. After removing the towel Anti found a stone grey man with a hairless and chiseled chest. The view was absolutely breathtaking but Dark would have something harsh to say about it leaving him naked, even if it would just be easier in the long run (he'd just be mad because he'd be cold). Anti slipped Dark into his pajama pants, glad that it's heavy partner loved going commando. With the little pink mustaches now covering his naked ass, Anti grabbed his arm and flipped him over to his stomach. Relieved that the flannel was a button up, it contorted the beings limp arms into the sleeves then ruffly flipped him over again to button the front about half way, just the amount that always made the creature, his Anti, just melt. The demon enjoyed their eye candy for a hot moment before it planned how to move him to his side of the bed under the covers. Anti ran to the over side of the bed and pulled the body's arms from above its head. It didn't feel like carrying the heavy being anymore, so dragging seemed like the best option. After the body was in position on his side of the bed, under his favorite comforter and knit blanket, Anti looked at him. He was so still and peaceful, it put its hand on the body's forehead, he was definitely warming filling with the existence that had been taken decades ago. Anti crawled over him like a little kid with a bad dream that can only be remedied by being held by a parent. It snuggled up against the side of the being, wrapping the body's arm around it for even more comfort. Anti loved laying, cuddling and spooning with it's soulmate, it loved being able to smell Dark's musk, it loved being able to feel his lucky flannel as much or maybe more than he did and it loved watching the figure's nose twitch a little bit when he was dreaming. The creature was now completely relaxed for the first time since Dark disappeared, it watched the particles of dust settled in the air. The curtain leaked little bits of the afternoon sunlight into the room.      'I miss you so much. It's been way too long' Anti thought.      "I agree"
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