#and like you can watch b4 out of order as long as you do so after b1
yardsards · 2 years
anyway i made my friend watch books 1 and 2 of infinity train with me yesterday so needless to say, my infinity train brainrot (trainrot?) is back
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james-is-here · 11 months
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Oh my god i got my motivation back.
This fic is in the Skz family universe with Lina 🤭
I want to thank @moonlightndaydreams @queenmea604 and @noellllslut for replying to my one post and giving me tips for a topic I was squeamish about. This is the trial run of that topic.
Haha I literally spent all day writing this but I love how I wrote it so I hope you enjoy it too 😅 This is really long but I swear it’s worth the read.
{Happy New Year, 1.2.24 update: I did change this to a M/n fic where before it was a Character insert} MR = Male Reader | Mn = Male Name
Warnings: Smut, oral 🫢 (MR and Lina receiving), Lina deep throating MR, MR face fucks Lina, unprotected (Wrap b4 tap), fingering (Lina), MR is a soft Dom and ???? (This information has been classified to be a surprise), Lina is subby, secret affair (I don’t condone cheating), small moment of doubt, Noona/mommy kink, sir kink 🫢
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Mn felt like there were eyes on him the whole night. The whole time he played with little Channie, the whole time he chatted with Binnie, and the whole time he hung out and helped make dinner with the other adults.
It was a burning gaze, he could feel it all over his body with a shiver running up his spine. He didn’t know what could be happening or where this feeling was coming from until he looked, trying to find the cause while cutting some ingredients for dinner when his eyes landed on the culprit.
Lina, his brother-in-law’s brother’s wife. She didn’t even notice that Mn had caught her, her eyes either lingering or glancing to his hands while she prepares another item to be cooked, her husband next to her who sits on his phone, waiting to do something.
Mn glances at his hands before looking back up at Lina who notices that his hands have stopped cutting the vegetables and looks up slowly, not because she’s realized she’s been caught and his trying to look shy but she’s tracing the outline of muscles she can see beneath his shirt before her eyes meet Mn's.
Eyes widened before she straightens herself out and goes back to finishing her task with a flushed face and ears.
The ravenette’s brows furrowed before he shook it off and made a few more slices before turning to his sister with a smile and handing her the cutting board of veggies.
He stands from the stool he was perched upon and goes over to the sink behind Lina and Seungmin, even though he saw her reaction to catching her red handed at undressing him mentally, he momentarily forgot as he placed his hands on her waist to move her closer to the table in order to get behind her, causing the woman in question to gasp and her eyes widen as she looked up at Mn before looking back down as she felt the knife against her finger.
No cut, but it snapped her out of her day dream. “Careful, Lina.” Mn mutters as he saw the mistake but Lina’s mind was elsewhere momentarily.
“Careful, Lina.” Mn said with a smirk as he held down her hips. “It’s okay, Lina. Just enjoy yourself, okay?” He said with a cocky smile as his tongue went back to lay flat and lick up her core, the woman shuttering as she lets out a broken moan when his tongue went back inside and his nose nudged her-
She was brought back again when Seungmin waved a hand in front of her face and she blinks, clearing her throat as she sees Mn at the sink. “I’m gonna…go to the restroom real quick. Seung, can you finish this for me?” Seungmin looks up from his phone and smiles, taking the knife a board from his wife, finally happy to be occupying his hands instead of doing nothing.
Lina’s departure was quick and Mn noticed her grip on his skirt as her quicks steps take her to the bathroom.
Mn's eyes trail after her, staring at the door before looking back down to his hands, watching as the water washes the suds off his hands slowly as he thinks.
Why was Lina staring at him? Did he have a cut he didn’t notice? No, there’s nothing stinging as he washes them. She stared at his shirt, too. Was there flour from the dumpling dough on his shirt, no he wore Hyuna’s apron for that. She jumped when he walked behind her, she must’ve been zoned out cutting the green onions, he didn’t mean to scare her.
“Mn-Oppa, you’ve been washing your hands for practically five minutes.” Hyuna calls out as she looked up from grabbing the green onions from her brother-in-law. Mn blinks, shaking his head while inhaling slight as he turned the water off and dried his hands. “Sorry, got stuck in my head.” “You okay?” “Yeah, just…work stuff…nothing to important.” “Okay. Come to think of it, Lina has been in the bathroom for a while, can you check on her?” Hyuna asks, seeing as Seungmin took his place at the sink to wash his hand, she herself was putting the chopped veggie into the pot and his brother-in-law was holding Channie on his hip, bouncing him around as he tried to sneak the two of them bits of dinner behind Hyuna’s back.
“Yeah.” He sets the towel down and walks over to the bathroom, knocking on the door only to not get an answer. “Lina-noona? You okay?” Going to knock again, his knuckle taps against the door only for it to creak open slightly, he stepped back, thinking she was coming out, only to see through the mirror, an empty room. He opens the door fully, looking around, confusion etched on his features as he steps out of the room.
He could’ve sworn he saw her go through that door, but thinking back, he now noticed in his memory that she went through the door next to the bathroom, what is technically the guest room but had been turned into Mn's room when he moved in with the rest of the family at his sisters request. “I just want all the family under one roof, is that so much to ask for?” He remembers from when Hyuna asked him to move in.
Why would Lina go to his room? He went to open the door but it was cracked slightly, his door stopper wedged on the other side of the door. Did she prop it open on purpose? Mn thought. He had propped his door open that morning before he went to work, to show people he wasn’t home, so Lina removed the stopper and propped it open for a reason. To listen if anyone walks up? Wanted the door closed but not all the way? Mn couldn’t figure it out.
His room was set up so the door opens and his bed was to the immediate left when you walk in, the corner adjacent from the door was his desk with his pc and work computer set up, the soft blue LED’s lit the dark room as the sunset a cast darkness over the cul-de-sac they live in.
At the end of his bed, Lina sat. She was shaking, hunched over herself and it looked like she was crying as Mn heard her release short breaths. He could only see her back before he stepped closer, the rubber bottom of the door stopper smudging against the floor as he pushed his door open and as Lina jumped up from the noise, flinging her hand behind her back as she stood.
Her pencil skirt was mussed up and her face was flush, pupils dilated and eyes blown wide as she tries to stutter out an excuse for being in his room. “Lina, you okay?” Mn didn’t listen to her rambling, only stepping closer, his door falling shut. That’s why he bought a stopper for his door, so it wouldn’t always close whenever he tried to leave it open.
“I-I am…Y-Yeah, I’m fine, I promise.” “How come you came in here? I thought you needed to use the restroom? Hyuna had me check on you, she thought you were in the bathroom this whole time.” “I-I was but…” “But what? You’re awfully flush, Noona, you sure your okay?” She nods, shyly glancing between the floor and the male in front of her, looking so worried and caring towards her.
“I-I have a slight problem…but it can’t be solved…” “Well, what is your problem?” Mn asked, wanting to help the woman he grew to love as a sister like Hyuna.
“I-I can’t…” “Noona, I can’t help you, if you even want the help, if you don’t tell me.” She shuffles her feet; Mn has never seen her like this. She’s always making witty remarks towards her husband and always seemed to carry herself with confidence.
She finally moves her hand, balled in a fist with fabric beneath the digits. Mn's brows furrowed before his eyes widen and he’s looking away to his feet. Lina had her panties in her fist.
“I-I…um…” Mn stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. “Did I…I’m sorry.” He went to leave, but Lina stopped him. “Wait, don’t go.” “I-I’m not sure what to say, if I’m being honest.”
“Would…Would you help me?” “I shouldn’t…N-Noona, y-you’re married…C-Can’t Seungmin help you?” He can’t believe Lina was willingly asking for him to help her get off. Was she serious?
“He doesn’t…” She hesitates. “He’s…okay…but I just need a little more…please?” “Why me? I’m basically your brother-in-law. There’s that, too, you’re married…I-I can’t do that to Seungmin, Noona…” “Stop calling me that.” She suddenly snaps.
“W-What?” “You…calling me Noona…makes it worse…” “I’m sorry…” “Don’t apologize. I should be apologizing.”
Mn looked over her, her eyes held guilt and shame, glazed over with lust. She truly felt ashamed of herself, pulling her other hand from Mn's wrist as she started to step back and withdraw from the other.
“Wait, don’t…” He hesitates. He did find the woman beautiful, funny and nice as well. He saw her as the caring older sister since he only grew up with Hyuna who was younger than him. “Don’t shy away…”
Yes, there were times, only three if he thinks about it, where he’s thought lewdly about the older woman. He admired her confidence and witty remarks, she looked good too and if he’s being honest, the woman in pencil skirts did something to him, he’s complimented her a few times when he saw her wearing them.
He loves Seungmin, a younger brother he never got, but he wanted to help Lina. It was wrong, he knew it was, but his body reacted before his brain caught up and he slowly stepped up to Lina, his hand slowly reaching up to rest hesitantly, hovering over the side of her face before his palm rested fully on her cheek and tilting her head up. He was taller then her, even when she’s wearing black heels.
“Um, close your eyes…” He whispered, the woman listening and doing so for him. He was scared, he may be doing this as an experiment for himself. He knew, deep down, that it was wrong, she’s a married woman, how could he possibly do this without any remorse.
He’s tilting her head up further and leaning down, tilting his and Lina’s head slightly as he connected their lips.
Lina gasps, a shiver running up her spine and into her core as she almost drips all over her thighs. She shakily hums, her hand coming up from her side to hold onto Mn's right bicep.
The woman shook, another hum morphing into a whine when Mn’s left hand placed itself on her hip. Her other hand let go of the forgotten fabric before reaching up and resting itself under his jaw, thumbing at his jaw and the area under his ear.
She took one step closer, tilting her head further to the left as Mn began to loose himself in Lina’s touch. He pulled her closer, his right hand sliding to the nape of her neck as his fingers tangle in her hair. His thoughts running rampant as his eyes finally flutter shut and his tongue swipes over the slit of her lips, he could feel her hesitate before she opens her mouth, allowing Mn to softly lick into her mouth and tangle their tongues.
Lina’s left hand moved so her arm wrapped around Mn’s neck as they tilted their head the other way, both getting lost in each other.
Mn gains consciousness and snaps out of his daze first and pulls away. “Wait, we…I’m sorry.” “It’s okay…” “No, I-I…I actually…want to continue…” Lina’s eyes brighten as a small smile graces her lips. “…But, w-what about later tonight? Hyuna was finishing dinner when I came to check on you.” “Okay…” The shine dims a little bit is still lit with hope and excitement.
“Here…” His hands slide down to her waist, sliding down to her hips then down her skirt to straighten it out. He got this far, he tried to resist but after straightening the fabric out, he slid his hand past the low waist band, the skirts band surprisingly loose, as he slid a finger though her folds. She jolts, wobbly stepping forward as she silently moans into Mn's shoulder.
The corner of Mn's lips twitched as he glides his middle and ring finger through her wetness, dipping into her hole before pulling out, circling her clit before pulling his hand away and out of her skirt. He was stunned, his fingers were soaked, glistening in the blue light as Lina lifted her head.
She expected Mn to just wipe his hand off but watched with a stunned expression as Mn brought his fingers up and put them in his mouth, his eyes never leaving Lina’s as he licked away her taste off his fingers. “You…may be the death of me…” She mutters, Mn pulled his fingers away before leaning in kissing Lina again, his tongue swiping over hers before he pulled back.
He was getting bolder, more into the situation. He still knew it was wrong but Lina was giving herself to Mn, and in all honesty, Mn would say he’s a horny motherfucker who needs something, he’ll take the opportunity while he has it, cause he may not get anything for a long while if he doesn’t.
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After dinner, they all changed and sat on the couch to watch a movie. The whole family doesn’t do this often but every once in a while they’ll have a movie night, just a couple films before bed, of course child friendly ones, last time they excluded Channie from a movie night, he pouted and fussed, wanting to spend time with the grown ups as well so whenever Channie falls asleep before all of them, they take that chance and watch more adult movies while the boy sleeps.
Tonight was a Channie night, Mn raising his hands and trying to defend himself as Hyuna lectured him for giving her son some of his caffeinated drink at dinner, the male laughing as Hyuna tried to wack him in the head before looking over to catch Channie who jump onto the couch and onto his uncles lap.
Hyuna sighs with a smile as Mn defends himself with the fact he had a child in his lap and couldn’t be hit. The woman crossing her arms before flopping onto the couch next to Mn who started giggling at his sister before looking a Channie and tickling his sides, making the boy giggle and squirm.
Han emerged matching with Mn, Red flannel pants and a hoodie with brown slippers on his feet instead of socks like Mn and Mn’s hoodie was a zipper, he was matching Seungmin more than Han. Han smiled at Mn before crouching down and sneaking over to them, taking advantage of Channie turned around to poke Mn’s cheek to sneak up and grab the boy, lifting the laughing boy into his arms before setting him down and tickling his sides and kissing the side of his face.
The toddler squeals with laughter as he tries to escape his fathers hold and Mn looks up to see the others have joined them, his smile dropping slightly as he looked away and back to Channie calling out for him to rescues him when Lina walked out.
Her hair was down, unlike the half pinup she was wearing earlier, she laughs when she noticed her and Hyuna wore similar night wear, both wearing silk shorts with lace on the hem around the leg holes, Hyuna wearing the matching tank top but Lina wore a soft light green shirt that almost looked like a sweater and almost too small to fit her body.
She walked over to the couch, Mn finding it suspicious as to why she sat next to him until he noticed Seungmin on the other side of her wearing sweatpants and a white tank top under a black zip up hoodie, his arms crossed as he slouched, man-spread as he looked up at his wife who began talking to him about something.
Mn looked down to realize she sat on his phone, he now realizes the phone in his loose pants pocket was Changbin’s, the teen pouting and glaring at his uncle cause he can’t have his phone during movie night.
It was innocent, Mn thought, nothing more than simply getting his phone. Without thinking, his left hand rested on her hip to push her over slightly as he retrieved his phone with his other hand.
Lina looked over, confused at the sudden feeling on her hip before noticing Mn grabbing his phone. Mn looked up and apologized, removing his hand once he had his phone back.
Mn was more than aware that he didn’t feel any underwear under the shorts. How could he have these thoughts in such a domestic family moment? He mentally slapped himself before setting his and Bin’s phone on the coffee table and leaning back, on arm on the back of the couch and the other wrapping around his sister who scolds Channie for bouncing on the couch, his smile returning to his face.
Channie managed to pick a movie that the adults actually tolerate and enjoy watching so they wouldn’t be bored the whole time.
A few minutes into the movie, Mn tilts his head back and looks at the thermostat, he thought the house was just warm but it’s pretty cool in the house. Maybe fleece pants were a bad idea.
He uses his unoccupied hand, the other being held by his sister, to unzip his hoodie, but he pauses. He sleeps shirtless so he thought just a hoodie would be okay for the movie before bed, but he’s really warm, ignoring the possibility that his sister his just a walking heater and proceeding to just unzip his hoodie, revealing a bare torso.
It’s kind of the norm for the others, the single male always walking around in the morning before work shirtless, but he feels a little different kind of heat when he subconsciously thinks back to earlier that night.
He’s suddenly aware, in the corner of his eye, of Lina trying to not look at him but he can see he eyes shifting over to him and she kept adjusting in her spot until she settles to sit with her knees up and her hands pressed between the joints, but Mn could see her thighs clenching.
He softly clears his throat, deciding to tease the woman who got bothered during a kids movie, it was amusing to Mn.
He looks back at the TV, shifting his arm slightly to move his hoodie sleeve slightly, claiming that he needed to cool off a little when Hyuna moved her head from his shoulder to ask why he was shifting so much.
The movement did cool him off but it revealed his bicep. With no effort, he simply lifts his arm to rest the back of his head into his palm, holding his head up to see the TV as he lazily flexed, looking from the corner of his eye to see Lina begin squirming again while trying to sit comfortably.
The whole movie, Mn would do normal, innocent movements but it set Lina off every time she glanced at him. She felt like she was soaking the couch when she glanced over at a point to see Mn man-spread, slouching on the couch with his forearm resting on his thigh as his hand dangerously close to his own crotch.
She snapped out of it when her glance lingered and she saw his other arm wrapped around his sister, the other’s eyes closed as she wrapped an arm around her brother and cuddled closer, Han muttering that she never cuddles him. She looked back to the TV, just wishing for the movie to end sooner rather than later so she can take care of the heat building inside her.
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Lina laid in bed later that night, staring at her sleeping husband in the dark of their room with a soft glint in her eyes.
She loves Seungmin, don’t get her wrong, but she just needs a little more than he can give. Seungmin is gentle but a little too gentle for Lina’s sake, she swears he’s never hit that bundle inside her that pushes her over the edge, she wants that, even if it only happens once she’ll be okay with that.
She leans up, softly kissing Seungmin’s forehead before sliding out of bed carefully, her hair falling over her shoulder as she tiptoes out of her room, past Hyuna and Jisung’s room, and down the stairs before crossing the living room and going to Mn’s door.
She can’t tell if he’s awake or not, her nervousness getting the best of her as she steps back and goes to the kitchen instead, quickly getting a glass and filling it with water before almost chugging it down.
She’s told herself that she needs this, she’ll feel better, get the feeling she’s been craving but at the same time, she feels bad for doing this to Seungmin. Her head is telling her to back out but her body is saying otherwise.
A dull pulse builds in her core as she thought back, back to how she noticed just how fit Mn had kept himself, the light of the movie illuminating the curves of Mn’s body. Back to the start of the night, the way Mn held her like she wasn’t fine china, actually holding her as she melted into Mn's touch and let him take over.
She’s never felt this…submissive before. Her and Seungmin are usually vanilla which explains why Lina would want more, she’s tired of going slow.
Suddenly, a warm feeling encased her waist, building the bundle inside her as they squeeze her sides and pull her back. Her exposed neck is suddenly attacked with soft kisses and Lina realizes it in that moment. The warmth on her waist wasn’t her husband…
It was Mn…
She could feel it in his hands, in the way he held her, kissed her, and the now noticeable scent of fir from a pine tree, Mn's cologne.
“I thought you were coming to my room?” “How did you-“ “Heard your footsteps…” He mutters into her neck as he resists the urge to bite. He won’t bite unless Lina says too, he doesn’t want to leave marks on a canvas that wasn’t his.
“You okay? You know, we don’t have to do this…” Mn mumbles softly, pulling away to look Lina in her eye. “I’m sure. Seung is just too soft, I need more, Mn, please…” She replied softly as well. “How do you know I won’t be soft either?” Mn smiles. “I can tell in the way you hold me…you don’t hold me as if I’m made of glass…” “Well, cause you’re not. You are a strong…beautiful…confident…witty….amazing woman….” After each word, he kisses up her neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they’re feather-like and barely there.
“Have you ever thought this way?” “Not until recently…I thought it would be wrong to compliment you that way since you were like a sister…as Seungmin is like a brother to me…” Lina turned in his hands, feeling guilty. “This…This isn’t weird? I can solve this problem on my own, if needed.” “Lina…it’s okay…in all honesty, I’m horny as fuck and hadn’t had a partner in months…Helping you kinda helps me…and you’re not bad looking…I mean it that you’re pretty, Noona.”
“Thank you, Mn.” She wraps her arms around his middle, her head turned to the side on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, brushing a hand through her soft hair and rubbing her back.
“Come on…” Mn pulls back, pulling Lina to his room then closing the door. He walks past her, sitting on his bed before gently guiding her to sit as well before pulling her onto his lap.
He knew she needed more then a gentle touch but he assumed she was still anxious about doing this behind Seungmin’s back.
“Can I take care of you, Noona? I won’t do anything without asking you…” “Yes…Please, Mn…Just don’t be gentle, I’m tired of gentle…” “Okay.”
He leans in, softly connecting their lips. His left hand sat comfortably on her waist and his right moved up to cradle her face.
She opens her mouth immediately and greedily takes what Mn gives as their tongues tangled once again, swapping spit as Lina shifts closer to the male.
They made out for a while before Lina whines, Mn can feel her hips shake under his hand and he pulls away. “Go ahead and grind, it’s okay.” His hands moved to her hips and squeezed, pulling her further up onto his lap then pulling her in so her core met Mn.
She gasps, wrapping her arms around Mn's neck as her hips stutter, starting to move on their own as she relaxes in Mn's hold. “There you go, Noona, feel good?” She hums out a noise of agreement before Mn holds her hips still. “Words, Noona.”
That sparked something inside her as she looks up to meet Mn's gaze. His eyes had darkened with lust along with a glint of control. “Y-Yes.” “Good Girl, Noona.”
She whines, proceeding to move when Mn's grip loosened and moved under her sweater, over her toned stomach before going higher a toying with the band of her bra.
Lina wasn’t a small woman, she was pretty big. Mn's hands moved the bra out of the way and cups both breasts in his hands, fitting perfectly in his palm. He looks up at Lina, gauging her reactions as he lifts up her sweater without looking away from her.
Her hips had picked up speed and her moans becoming more defined from whimpers and sighs, still aware that she needs to be quiet.
She helps Mn take of her sweater and bra, which Mn managed to get open with one hand before tossing the garment aside, and she wraps her arms back around Mn.
She notices he put his hoodie back on but Lina didn’t like that, taking the zipper as she slowed down her movements to drag the zipper down then move the hoodie out of the way.
He hand landed on Mn's stomach, her eyes tracing his soft abs and his v-lines before she lifts a finger and drags it through the valley’s between the muscles. Mn released a breathy moan when a stuttery jolt from Lina rubbed against him in a particular way that had him twitch under her.
Mn wrapped his arms around her suddenly and flipped them, laying Lina on her back before kissing a path starting at her neck and moving the the valley between her tits, stopping for a moment to softly bite at them then lick them, before closing his lips around her right nipple and sucking.
She muffles her noise of shock and pleasure with the back of her hand, jolting when Mn's teeth grazed over the bud before he pulled away and went to the other.
He pulled off a moment later, smiling when he saw how disheveled Lina looked before squeezing her tits again. “These tits should be full of milk, y’know? You’d make a wonderful mother, Noona.” She shushes him, arching her chest into Mn's face as she mumbled. “Less talk, please, I want more, Mn, please.” She softly begged and Mn smiled, leaving a lingering kiss to the soft skin of her breast before moving down, continuing the path and stopping at the waist band of her shorts.
“You sure you still want to continue?” “Are you really asking that when you just sucked my tits?” “Just wanted to make sure.” Mn said with a half smile, half smirk as he slowly removed her shorts.
Lina kept her knees closed when he tosses the clothing away, Mn turns back to her after making sure the clothing was in reach for after and raises an eyebrow at her.
“Why you hiding, pretty thing? Come on, let me see.” The smile on his face made Lina shy as she looked away and slowly dropped her knees. “Fuck…” Mn exhales as he saw that Lina in fact wasn’t wearing anything under her shorts, he didn’t notice it in the fabric but she was soaked.
A scoots closer, his knees going under her spread thighs as he admired her. His hand moved to her knee before gently sliding down her thigh, which shook under his touch, before reaching her center and resting his hand above where she need touched so his thumb could comfortably and easily reach her clit.
The moment he rubbed his thumb through her folds and to her clit to rub gentle circles, Lina’s back arched as she grabbed onto his sheets and his wrist as the sensation that shot through her had her eyes flutter shut.
Biting her lip, she muffles her whines and moans as her hips move to practically grind into Mn’s hand. “That feel good, Noona.” She nods her head the best she could before stuttering put her answer. “Good Noona.” Mn said, his deep, lust covered voice had Lina whimpering as she tried to reach her high.
“Oh, you like that name? Or is it my voice~” he asked, his voice almost purring as the pattern he was drawing into the woman’s clit got more jagged, he wanted to see her fall apart in his hands. He moves to lay on his stomach, Lina gasping in anticipation before she’s moaning into the back of her hand, Mn removed his thumb from her to flatten his tongue and slowly lick from her entrance to her clit, her back arching at the sensation as she struggles to hold her noises.
His thumb returned to make sharp circles as he pushed her right thigh up, her left being held open by Mn’s right arm. He pulled his hand away again for a moment to remove his hoodie with a small amount of struggle before tossing it away, his tongue never leaving her core.
She started to jolt more aggressively, reaching down to grip his hair and pull him closer. “Mn…Don’t stop, please…” she pants, gasping when Mn got his left hand under himself and slowly inserted his middle finger into her, her slick making it easy to quickly put his middle and ring finger inside her, trying his darnedest to find the spot inside her that hopefully only he will be able to reach.
He may sound selfish but the thought of being the only one to reach the special spot inside her raised his ego as he readjusts. Sitting up, Lina’s juices on his chin as he pulls his hand out, switching it for his other hand and carefully inserting his fingers of his other hand into her and pumping at a quick pace as his thumb resumes its sharp movements.
“Mn! Ah, please, please!” “What are you begging for, sweets? Let go, it’s okay.” “N-No, d-deeper…ngh~ deeper, y-you feel so close.” She squirms, trying to push herself further. Mn pushes his fingers further in, curling his fingers in different spots as he tries to find the untouched spot inside her. “Wait! Right- Hng~ There, shit!” She breathlessly cries out as Mn smirks, proceeding to pump his fingers into her quicker and abuse that spot within her.
Mn removed his thumb, just using his fingers and Lina whines, going to continue where Mn left but Mn held her hand, a comfort feeling suddenly washed over her as she looked into the males eyes. “No touch. This orgasm will be way better, I promise.” He said, still moving his fingers inside of her.
A hard push of his finger tips and a rough thrust of his fingers and Lina is cumming, her soft walls clenching around Mn's fingers as she screams into the back of her hand again and her head is thrown back.
Mn's thumb returns to gently ride her through her high, gentle circles as her body shakes and her grip on Mn's hand starts to relax. “You okay, Lina?” She hums, chest heaving as she catches her breath, almost falling asleep. “Lina~ If you fall asleep now, you won’t get more~” Teasing is laced in his voice as he kissed her hips and stomach, distracting her as he pulls out his fingers.
“Lina~” He drags out, kissing her neck and jaw as she hums. “You with me?” Another hum, she nods her head and Mn chuckles. “You sure?” She wraps her arms around Mn's neck and brings him down to her chest. He giggles, deciding to lay with her for a moment as he raises his left hand to place it on the breast in front of him, just holding it with the occasional squeeze, they just felt so nice. Even the one his head is laying on.
Lina’s hand rakes through Mn's messy locks. The male raises his left leg to be under Lina’s leg, his clothed dick was so close to Lina, barely pushing onto her until he shifts again in discomfort and his painful hard on presses into her and she whines, her body restarting quickly as she feels how big and how hard Mn was.
She lifted him up by his hair, the sting in Mn's scalp throwing him off as he abruptly sat up and Lina pushed him onto his back.
She now dubbed it as her turn to kiss all over his body, starting at his pecks as she throws a leg over Mn's lap. She moves down slowly, kissing every muscle. “Can I mark you, Mn? For you, it won’t be suspicious.” “It might be since I haven’t had anyone in months and everyone here knows I’m single…” Lina pouts, wanting desperately to mark Mn's smooth, sculpted skin. “Don’t pout, Noona, I was holding myself back as well. You have no fucking idea how badly I wish I could leave bites and marks on your tits.”
She laughs, enjoying Mn's boldness as she moves her whole body down, kissing above his waist band then his v-line. Leaning up, she pulls the waist band, snapping it to make Mn jump and hiss before pulling his pants down with a laugh at his reaction that was cut off as she saw his size. Mn hissing as the cold air met his painful erection, it throbbing on his stomach as he moves his leg to give Lina more room.
It’s embarrassing to say but Mn was bigger then her husband, a good amount of birth and indeed longer then Seungmin as well. The tip was angry and dipping pre-cum.
She places her right hand at the base to hold it as she left soft kisses along his shaft, the male sighing blissfully as he throws his head back onto the pillow beneath him.
When she reaches the tip, she kitten licks at the dripping pre release, humming at the taste before wrapping her lips around the tip and circling her tongue around it. “Ah…Shit…” Mn sighs, she’s barely done anything and he’s already gone, hips bucking to try and go further into her mouth. “Someone’s impatient.” She laughs. “I haven’t had this in fucking forever, I may be a little sensitive and needy.” “I can tell by how swollen you are.” Her hand wraps around him and she does an experimental stroke from base to tip, closing her hand into a tight fist when she reaches the tip.
Mn moans, moving his arm so he could either bite his forearm or muffle his noises with it.
“Fuck, that was hot…” Lina mutters. “W-What?” “That moan…He isn’t really vocal.” Mn knew what she meant and smiled. “Well, if you like it, keep going.” “It’s cute you like to let your partner know you’re enjoying yourself.” “Oh, shut u-up, fuck, ha~ You fucking menace, ngh~” Lina took more of Mn into her mouth mid sentence, trying to take all of him in, his tip immediately hit the back of her throat, triggering her reflex slightly but she still had a full hand size left. Her hand size anyway.
She relaxes, her body leaning into Mn's left leg as her throat relaxes and she breaths through her nose, slowly taking the rest of Mn's length down her throat until she’s settled at his base, her nose touching his smooth pelvis.
“Ugh, Noona- Shit, I can’t-“ His chest heaves as his head fall back onto the pillow from pleasure shooting up his spin and all over his body. He could feel Lina chuckle as she slowly bobbed her head, constricting her throat around his tip and moving her tongue along any vein she found.
Mn pushed down the waistband of his pants, Lina understand as she pulls them down, still swallowing around his tip as Mn moves his leg to bed his right knee, he wanted to throat fuck her so bad, the urge growing stronger.
Lina thinks she got the gist, lazily bunching her hair into a pony tail, Mn helping her and twisting it in his hand. Mn almost came at that point when she moved her hands behind her back, hopefully signifying that he could go all out.
“Can I, Noona? Can I use your throat, please?” He begged, she lifted up her top half, gasping as she took in a gulp of air. “Why are you begging? Go ahead.” She used his own sentence against him and took him back into her mouth, he hands leaving her back and going to hold herself up as Mn went all out, whimpering and gasping, his tip being constructed by her throat felt so good.
A few more harsh, shallow thrusts and he mewls, pulling Lina off him as he sighs and tightly grips the base of his dick. “Did you just…edge yourself?” Mn whines, letting go of himself as he pulls Lina up and onto his lap. He pulls her down for a kiss, Lina expected his tongue to take over her mouth but he softly licked into her mouth, whining softly before pulling away. “You…You okay?” Lina asked as her hair fell over her shoulder, her hand holding herself up on Mn's chest as he caught his breath.
She leans up too much and her folds rub against his weeping cock and he chokes on a moan, mumbling a name Lina didn’t think Mn was into. The start of this interaction, she thought Mn liked or even preferred to be in charge but this made her rethink her thoughts about Mn.
“What?” Mn sighs, refusing to answer her cause he got so far with his other side, he can’t switch now but he can’t help it when Lina is so…beautiful. Her hips, her legs, her breasts, everything about her.
Lina grinds down into Mn again suddenly, his hands flying to her waist as his struggles with his words. “Mo- L-Lina, Noona, please?” She did it again slowly, lifting up slightly and taking him in her hand to line his tip up with her entrance before only sinking onto the tip.
“N-Noona, ah~ Mo-Noona, please.” Mn suddenly starts begging, Lina ignores them as she’s caught up on one word he won’t let slip. She thinks she know what word he wants to use and it makes a new coil heat up in her.
And she thought him calling her Noona was enough to make her wet.
“Come on, Mn, I know you want to say it. You can say it, honey, I don’t mind.” Mn looks up at her, his eyes now glossy when he hears the confirmation. “It’s flattering really, you can say it, baby.” She sinks further down and Mn snaps. “Mommy, please sit on my dick, please! Please, it hurts, please…Please…” His begs die down to a whisper as he grips Lina’s hips.
“Aw, you’re so sweet. Switch?” Mn nods, licking his suddenly dry lips as he looks up at Lina. She moves to hold Mn's hands which still grip her sides, even with her holding them. “Only ever took you as a dom, to be honest. This Mn is cute, too.” “I-I like being sir and baby boy but could n-never be b-both.” He let out, spilling a severer he’s never even told his past girlfriends. Lina coos, sinking halfway onto his shaft. She’s teasing him but also adjusting, his size a comfortable stretch and he’s reaching deeper with each movement.
“It’s okay, Mn .” “C-Can sir pull you down, please?” Lina loved how he referred to himself as his dom title and nods, Mn pulling her all the way down and they both moan behind bitten lips and Lina sighs at the feeling of being filled.
Lina felt tight but so warm, Mn's brain stop functioning as Lina began to rock back and forth before lifting herself up and back down, huffing a breath at the fill again before she picks up speed, squealing when with each fall his tip found the sensitive nub inside her.
Mn untangles his right hand from Lina’s to raise it to his mouth to muffle his noises, Lina found a whimpering male was really attractive as her wall clenched and he whimpers again, throwing his head back as he bites the back of his hand.
She places her unoccupied hand on his chest, her nails scratching his chest as her legs grew weak. “C-Can I take over, Noona? Can sir help mommy?” She huffs with a small smile and nods. Mn removed his other hand from her and carefully sat up as well as holding Lina as he scoots back to lean against his headboard. He then wraps his right arm over her shoulder so his hand holds her shoulder, the arm alone holding her close to him, her tits pressed against his chest. His other arm wrapping around her lower back as that arm held their centers closer.
Mn is somehow pushed further into Lina, the woman sighing and wrapping her arms around his back and shoulder, burying her face into his neck.
He resumes immediately at a quick pace, fucking up into her with deep and sharp, quick thrusts. Lina’s jaw drops, her noises silent as Mn hits all the right places that her husband could sadly never reach. Her walls tighten around Mn as he manages to go faster and deeper. A few times he stops, pushing into Lina all the away before thrusting shallowly.
The constant pattern of thrusts had the coils in their cores build up so much to the point Mn's pattern broke, his hips stuttered as his noises are contained by Lina’s shoulder. Lina isn’t any better, her nails absolutely ruin his back as she cusses and moans into Mn's neck.
“F-Fuck, N-Noona, I’m gonna cum, hng~ shit.” Mn slows down but not to much to ruin their incoming highs as he lets go of Lina to push her back. His hand moves to one breast and his mouth to another, pinching one nipple while sucking and licking the other.
His left hand glides over her waist, feeling the smooth skin of her stomach before sliding down to quickly move in a figure eight, helping Lina reach the edge before him. “Fuck, Mn , don’t stop, shit…oh, fuck…” with a few more flicks and thrusts, Lina’s coil snapped, cumming on Mn's cock as well as squirting all over his abdomen and thighs.
Mn doesn’t want to stop but doesn’t want to overstimulate Lina. He slows down, wanting to go slow so she can ride out her high but Lina stops him, telling him to finish. His pace picks up again as he leans forward to kiss her, his hands reaching around to her ass, feeling the soft skin before grabbing it and thrusting into her again quickly, Lina purposefully clenching around him to get him to the edge.
She reaches up and buries her hand into his hair before gripping the locks and pulling. Mn whines into the kiss, his hips stuttering again and pressure building up in Lina again as he pulls back, letting his head fall back as he lets out a meek “Fuck…” and a whine before burying his face in Lina’s shoulder and stopping his hips to bury himself deep into Lina as he finally released. He could feel Lina clenching, reaching down again to rub her clit quickly as she came again a moment later, a silent scream escaping her as her third orgasm shakes her entire form, her warm walls milk Mn as he continues to cum inside her.
After a moment, Lina’s body relaxes and Mn throws his head back. They sit there for a moment, catching their breath and letting the euphoria wash over them. Mn's room was now warm and smelled of sweat, the air feeling sticky as he reaches up to wipe the sweat of his forehead and move his hair out of his eyes.
Placing a hand on the back of her neck, he rubs his thumb under her ear before muttering at a whisper. “Lina?” She hums, content with curling up in Mn's arms like this. “As comfy as this is right now, I’m afraid you have to go back…” This time she whines, trying to curl further into Mn. “Lina, you know he’ll ask why you were in bed when he woke up…” “I can just say I woke up early…” “It’s now…three twenty five in the morning, you still think you can get up early to leave my room if you stay with me?” “I probably won’t…”
Mn sighs, thinking of the best way to not bother Lina but still pull his softened dick out of her so he can clean them up and put themselves back in order before deciding what to do.
He unfortunately has to go with the option that Lina won’t like, rolling them over he gently pulls away from Lina. “No, don’t go…” “I need to clean us up, Noona.” She huffs but opens her eyes and moves to her elbows. “I at least want to see the mess we made…” She mutters, Mn leaning back on his heels as he slowly pulls out, Lina moaning at that feeling and whining at the empty feeling, his dick coated in their releases as he watches his cum drip out of Lina.
He leans over to his nightstand, grabbing wipes from the drawer before leaning back and gently cleaning Lina, wiping his cum away and teasing Lina by using a finger to scoop some up and push it back into her before laughing when Lina smacked his shoulder, continuing to wipe the mess away.
Lina insisted to help Mn, she wiped her juices of his abs and pelvis but didn’t touch his dick. She instead took him into her mouth, tongue swirling everywhere it could reach before she pulled off and licked up the rest. When she finished, she sat up and held Mn's chin, bringing him towards her as she took over his mouth this time, swallowing the mewl he released as she mixed their spit and cum together, Mn melting in her hold as he didn’t put up a fight, enjoying the fact that his mouth is the one being dominated instead of him dominating someone else.
Lina pulled back, giggling at his expression before slowly getting out of his bed, her legs shaking as she puts on her clothes again and throws Mn his pants. “W-Wait…C-Can you mark…my thigh…” He shyly asks, realizing that’s a spot no one in the house can see and question on how he got it. “Of course.” She gets on her knees, her cleavage on display that Mn stares at before gasping as Lina bit marks into his legs, leaving plenty that would probably have Mn's subby side blush and boost his dom sides ego.
“I wish I could mark you, Noona…You tasted so sweet…” “Aw…I wish you could mark me too.” “Really?” “Yeah, those canines look like they would feel good biting into me.” Mn whines and falls back onto his bed. “I know what we did is wrong and we can’t tell anybody but I’d do anything to mark you. Is there really nowhere Seungmin goes or will notice?” He asks, sitting up as Lina put her sweater shirt back on before pulling her closer, wrapping his arms around her thighs and setting his chin on her stomach.
He’s well aware that he’s nude and she’s fully dressed but all he cares about is wanting to mark her skin. “He doesn’t mark me…he’ll find it suspicious the moment he sees it.” She tries to think, really wanting to grant Mn's desires and also wanting to feel him bite her. “Would it be okay if I marked you during…Your next cycle? You don’t do anything with him during that right?” He proposes and Lina smiles. “We don’t.” Mn's eyes brighten up as he pulls her impossibly closer. “Promise sir that he can mark your tits during that time, please?” Lina giggles, combing his hair off his fore head. “Please what, sir?” “Please, mommy, please promise sir can mark you on your next cycle.” “I was looking for a ‘Noona’ but that works too. I promise I’ll let you mark me.”
Mn stands up, kissing Lina softly as he took her hand into his. Pulling away, he hesitates, moving some of her hair behind her ear. “C-Can we do this again? Like every time we’re left at home alone? I-I know it’s wrong but I want to pleasure you, Noona…I want to help you in times that Seungmin isn’t enough…” “Of course we can, sweetie. It’ll be okay.”
Lina leaves one more lingering kiss to his lips before stepping back and over to the door, opening it gently before slipping out and turning back around to close the door. “Good Night, Mn …” “Night, Noona…” His door closes and he can hear her walk away, flopping back onto his bed before sitting up to get boxers, feeling extra exposed in his own room when his dick bounced when he fell onto his bed.
He pulls his pj pants back up then gets under his covers, surprised his top blanket isn’t dirtier then he expected and closes his eyes.
A moment later they shot back open with realization.
How could he do such a thing to Seungmin?
And did Lina really want to continue this escapade?
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Is it wrong that my own fic got me hard?
Anyway, I really like how this turned out, I literally spent all day on it which rarely happens when I write something…
Also, did you notice that I didn’t mention Yongbok…🫢😏
N E WAY, If there’s any tags I missed and didn’t list in my warning section, please let me know. I still don’t know the…terms? for some of the things I wrote and I’m not 100% sure what I should list in general while writing this stuff…I mean, my series has lack of warnings cause I didn’t know what to put besides the basic and obvious things I wrote about.
Another thanks to the bloggers I tagged at the start.
Also, I want to say that I’m honored that “More than group mates” was Totalanonymous’s first smut and I wish I could tag them but I can’t. They loved Kai’s shyness and Chan’s boldness but that dynamic came out that way in the writing cause, I mean, Kai was literally having a threesome with his biases, he was a bit hesitant and mentally he was freaking out.
and i may or may not be projecting my own thoughts into the writing so the shyness is actually what I’d probably do in that situation 🫢🫣
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blorbo-hellspace · 1 year
Idia + Lilia for the ask game !!
I HATE YOU!!!! (joking) this was sooooo long. anyways i love lillidia sooo muchhhh
How did they first meet?
online ofc. they probably met either in the lobby of a game they both like or in a discord server.
What was their first impression of each other?
irl: Idia was fucking terrified of Lillia. one of the biggest inroverts in school AND a prankster??? NO. Lillia thought Idia was kinda cute and wanted to tease him. likes his reactions.
online: Idia thought Lillia was cool af. he was good at the game, gave and recieved orders well, and didn't piss him off while gaming. lillia thought idia was kinda funny with hiw angry amd controlling he gets over games
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
ortho just wants idia to stop pining and get together with lillia, he's their number 1 fan. lillia family was.. a little more chaotic abt it. sebek in particular was very unhappy.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
lillia for sure!! idia is aro and doesnt really feel romantic attraction easily so it definitely was lillia (who PAINFULLY allo)
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
idia does. lillia goes with the flow while idia is freaked out. he's never felt this way for anyone but the people in his animanga b4!!!
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
he COMPLETELY short circuits
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
lillia!! a while after they found out each other's real identities he decided to shoot his shot (ended up with a very much passed out and very much happy idia)
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
they don't really go on traditional dates, since they make idia anxious. instead they order some pizza or make ramen and sit down to game or watch anime 2gether. sometimes dates are just being in the same room. so, no, not really.
What was their first kiss like?
idia actually initiated this! lillia wanted him to take his time and take the ropes for it, and once they got the courage it was.. well, it kind of sucked, actually. idia had never kissed someone b4 and didn't know what he was doing.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
lillia was idia's first everything. the same can NOT be said the other way around. (what? he's old, he's been around before)
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
there canonically a 10 inch difference between them, and lillia still hasn't revealed how old he actually is (but he talks about events that happened a thousand odd years ago like it was yesterday, if that's anwhere to go from)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
ortho loves lillia!! idia's parents don't care.
malleus and silver get along fine enough with idia(though they make him shy) while sebek is less perceptive. actively scares idia.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
lillia 100%. idia is too shy!!!
Who gets jealous easier?
idia. lillia doesn't really feel jealousy, but idia gets sooo scared of being left behind that it's a bit uncontrollable.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
idia! he was mostly alseep after staying up all night beating a new game (on the day of release, ofc) that he just sort of lost inhibitions. so, when lillia came and put a boanket over him for comfort, he couldn't help himself.
2. What are their primary love languages?
they both have qaulity time as a primary love language!!
3. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
cuddling? every time they're alone. PDA? oh, sevens, NEVER!!!
4. What are their favorite things to do together?
chill in each other's presence, game, watch anime. idia takes lillia to watch PREMO concerts sometimes. they love to cuddle.
5. Who’s better at comforting the other?
lillia has been around the block with dealijg with grief and people being uoset in general, he's much better. idia is shit at comfort, not that lillia needs it much tho.
6. Who’s more protective?
lillia! humans are still pretty fragile, especially one as weak as idia. he needs to be protected!!
7. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
lillia prefers physical, idia prefers verbal
8. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
none come to mind
9. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
lillia will call idia any name under the sun, mainly to embarrass idia. idia doesn't really do petnames beyond "babe" and "bro" (yes, he considers "bro" a petname)
1. If they get married, who proposes?
idia. lillia would be hesitant to propose to soneone who may die. he's made the mistake before, he wouldn't do it again. idia is pressured by his parents to propose so he can continue the shroud name.
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
very small, just family and a very higher up S.T.Y.X. employees
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
probably only a few. idia isn't huge on kids but feels he needs to, and lillia loves kids. there's some arguing on how many they should have, but ultimately settle on 3
4. Do they have any pets?
so. many. CATS!!!!
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
idia. lillia is too lenient if anything.
6. Who kills the bugs in the house?
lillia or ortho. idia is terrified of bugs.
7. How do they celebrate holidays?
they don't really? idia isn't a fan of holidays, and lillia is conflicted on them (since he knows the actual, more brutal origins of most of em)
8. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
idia wants to sleep in every day. lillia is a morning bird
9. Who’s the better cook?
let's be real, even if idia can only make microwave ramen... he's much better than lillia. (ortho does msot of the cooking)
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spiked-mall-goth · 6 months
oh my godddd i forgot to give you all the stupid silly life updates after i came backkkkk ugh okay long post now.
these are out of order and i do not care.
went to my favorite used bookstore and came out with some really fun stuff! the lady at the counter is kinda new there and she is just so sweet i love her.
same day i went to half price books and got the first season of the muppet show on dvd!!! i was so excited abt that. i took it up to the counter and the guy working there was like 'shucks, i knew i should have bought it earlier lol. i want to get the whole show on dvd' and i may or may not have autism blasted this poor man with my extensive knowledge of the muppet show dvd releases. he was certainly not expecting me to go on for like two full minutes but he was nice about it :3 (i was killing myself forever for like two days bc whhyyyyyy cant i just be normal to people)
flea market!
very nice lady invited us out to her storage shed bc she recognized me and my brother, and asked if we wanted to go look at her old electronics before she put them out in the front of the store. guess what? i finally got a new vcr dvd combo playyerrrrrr!!!!!!!!! FUCKING YAY. the one in my room has been down since last JULY. so i am no longer menace in the living room!! it was for sure a gamble bc she said she had no idea if it worked or not, but thankfully it did and i got it for ten bucks!
was at my usual dvd store and got a good handful of movies! he recently started selling other things too, like old collectables and shit, so he has a nice glass counter set up. so i go up to the counter to pay and i look down to see an elvira midnight madness giant gila monter tape. so i was like uhhhhhmmm.. how much is she.? and he was like four dollars you interested? and i was like um yea yes please. problem is i always pay in quarters and i need to get some bills out of my wallet. so i just kinda plop my handful of quarters (like five dollars worth) on the counter like sorry about the quarters... and as i was pulling out my wallet he goes 'oh no i dont mind. they all spend. besides i put all of ur quarters in a jar back here' AND THEN PULLED OUT ONE OF THOSE BIG ASS MASON JARSSSSSS. OH MY GOD. anyways... he also started telling me about the two SEPARATE times hes met cassendra peterson.
also i got a coca cola drinking glass. this is not really exciting but it is to me so im mentioning it.
i went to go see the new ghostbusters in theaters! it sucked really badly! also i forgot that ghostbusters is just always lying dormant in my autism brain. please help i am drowning in ghostbusters rn
speaking of hellraiser iii, my older brother is going to help me digitize my vhs tape so i can then burn it on a cd so i can watch it forever!! i cannot handle the concept of my tape wearing down and losing my special version forever. so i would like to have him preserved b4 it gets to that point.
had birthday dinner last night lol. (my birthday was in january). but it was good!! i went to this little china cafe i grew up eating at, and then we went to the most specialist grocery store!! yayyyyy!!! i got a donut that im eating tonight and a cherry coke and it was so much fun <3 <3. i came home and finished btvs s5 while eating my left over cream cheese rangoons. it was such a good night <3 <3
while i was out last night we went to the dollar store (to purchase said cherry coke) and there were these two sisters in line with their mom, doing sisterly things making fun of each other yada yada. i really wasnt paying attention i was waiting for my younger brother to meet me upfront so i could pay. and then i hear 'noooo!! its not emo!! shes a goth!!' and the older sister is like 'its all the same!' and then younger one was like 'NO ITS NOT!!! i know shes a goth i know it!!!!'. it was so funny i started like laughing in the store, they were like 10-14 and possibly making fun of me but idc. made my day
at one of my favorite thriftstores, they have a new employee. the first time i met her i wasnt quite ready for her to just walk up to me and be like. 'your cool i can tell, i saw a pair of shoes earlier i think you might like' and then walked me over to show me these like fucking gorgeous black studded boots and i was like mouth agap like nooooooooo i wear a size TWELVE in womens shoes :(( and she was like ugh me toooooo i woudlve bought them myself but i wouldve had to remove a few toes lol. and then just walked off ?? i am getting better about talking to strangers in public, but i am still never like ready for it. so anyways, i come back a few weeks later and she sees me and is like HEY! and came over and started chit chatting with me, sh ewas telling me how she used to dress like me in the 80s and how much fun she had and stuff. and im just sitting there looking at this like 50yo christian woman like 'hwuh' bc i cannot stress to you enough that this woman talks faster than light and is so full of energy. and she was telling me about all of her old favorite clothes diys because 'you look like you make your own clothes' and all this stuff. and then she walked off and a few minutes later she came back with her phone and showed me a picture of her in like a full steampunk get up???? like corset and goggles and hat and very large hair and makeup and was like 'yeah this is what i dress like in my spare time, cant commit to full time dress anymore'. idk i just want to all to know that i love this woman so much shes the best.
far less fun my depression nest is back :(( i wanna clean it out but OUCH my legs have been hurting for like eveeerrrr
house sat :Db !! was locked up in a house by myself with a bottle of wine, half a bottle of tequila, a flask of whiskey, a vibrator, and tubi.com . i had a very good time! (also i got paid $130 and food for my four day total stay)
uuhhmmm trying to think if anything else fun happened while i was gone...
i had tacos for dinner! mmm yum!!
OH YEAH I HATE LIVING IN THE SOUTH WHAT THE FUCK. our sink water has smelled and tasted like wet dog for almost a month now. we have a water filter that at least makes the water not smell or taste but there is no WAY that is safe to drink. we had to buy on of those big ass water jugs to wash our dishes with. showers have to be kept to a minimum and we've been relying on hand sanitizer to keep our hand as clean as possible. yes we have called the water company MULTIPLE times. they insist our water is fine <3
i finally got new glasses!!!! i can see now! my prescription doubled in my right eye only! my left literally went up just enough to need a new lens.
okay i think thats long enough lol. love yooouuu mwah mwah mwah
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dsmposting · 2 years
im posting the au b4 i watch any of the lore streems bc Jesus christ iwill NOT be normal. i bet
uuuhh so here is the,summary of it (also only going to b referring to c!dsmp members from here on)
it starts w tubbo acting kinda suspicious and purposefully avoiding talking abt or addressing his feelings (also literally anything about ranboo or michael. i hc that eret n phil usually step in n watch him 4 tubbo) as he walks around the smp kinda aimlessly until he sees tommy and they finally start talking again! and tommys been rlly worried abt tubbo bc they dont see each other as much n tubbo makes a rlly brief comment like "that wont be a problem for very long anyway" and toms assumes its just bc theyre reconnecting n plan on talking more often, but smthn about the way he says it feels wrong. he shrugs it off though
a couple days pass and tommy wakes up to find a note in his chest from tubbo!! and he says he has smthn rlly important and exciting to show him!! so toms takes a while to get ready and at some point stops bc he hears a huge fucking unnatural explosion sound waayyy off in the distance and he's like "oh thats bad. oh fuck wtf" and runs to the spot tubbo told him to meet up at to make sure tubbos okay and then . freezes in fear
bc the community house is blown up Again, but way worse than ever before. shit is on fire, the hole in the ground is way too steep and theres these weird snowy particles stuck in the air that make him feel funny when he touches them. the worst part is that tubbo is standing on a cobblestone tower in the middle of the crater and smiling at him like nothing happened.
tommy stares at him and asks why he looks so happy before tubs notices him and practically starts glowing w/ excitement. "oh my god hi!!! i didnt think youd show up already!! do u like what ive done w the place?? :D" and tommy just starts fucking shaking like "tubbo what did you do. why are you doing this" b4 tubbo does this big monologue abt how he finally finished developing a new weapon All on his Own and that now it could just be him and tommy again, but with no dream or sapnap or literally anyone else to get in the way this time!! and how he's so excited because now everything will make sense again and he doesn't have to think about things that ruin his psyche anymore and they never have to be apart again. at some point during the monologue tubbo starts staring at the sky, so tommy takes the opportunity to start tearing down the cobblestone tower while his best friend is distracted and forcibly interrupts his monologue to just fucking sit there and hug him. tubbo cries, probably for the first time in nearly a year, and tom tells him that he doesn't need to do all this crazy shit to keep them from splitting apart. hes still freaked the fuck out by everything that happened though and tubbo tells him that even if they repair the community house completely there will still be radiation in the area around it for, yknow, possible decades.
tommy realizes they could get caught for this and decides on the spot that the two of them are leaving. when tubbo asks what he means by that he starts spitballing a plan to say goodbye to phil and eret and everybody they still give a shit about and then run from the smp. tubbo takes a lot of convincing but eventually realizes it'd be safer for michael that way, and agrees to move away with him. tommy makes a point to say "if fuckin wilbur can do it, so can we." tubbo asks if they're just taking his orders out of habit again, and tommy reassures him that the decision they're making is their own because if he would never move to Fucking Utah; tubbo adds that he'd probably punch him in the dick if he ever saw him again anyway and tommy nearly cries laughing
they take Maybe a week doing what toms calls a "moving out speedrun" in which they start saying goodbye to the ppl they care about and this is p much where my idea ends. still have no idea how id tackle the ranboo situation at all but fuck it theres real lore now ig
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writercole · 2 years
Could you write something about hangman finding out he has a child w/ his ex gf from his hometown? Maybe they were together b4 he went to the academy or basic? The kid’s not that old, maybe 5 or 6?
I apologize for this taking a few days. It's been crazy busy this week!
This is in development to be a series but here's the opening blurb/prologue.
Words: 732
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Jake was relieved to finally be home. He loved his job in the Navy and the people were...okay, but like Dorothy said, there's no place like home.
He wandered around downtown, saying hello to the people he knew and seeing how much everything had changed in the seven years he'd been gone. It was a miracle that anything was familiar; there had been so many more chain stores when he was here last. Now everything was small businesses and honestly, he was kind of happy about it.
He ducked into a book shop, smiling when he smelled the freshly brewed coffee overlaying the natural scent of the paperbacks and magazines. He grabbed a drink and started to browse, checking out the vinyl first, looking for a gift for his sister's birthday.
As he rounded the corner into the literature, he stopped short when someone bumped into him.
"I'm so -" a sweet voice said.
Jake was stuck in a state of shock as he looked down at the woman before him, recognizing her instantly despite the new hair cut and color.
"Allie?" he whispered, his brows raised in a mix of surprise and confusion.
"Oh, Jake. You're home," she gasped, suddenly very embarrassed by her lack of makeup and comfortable clothes.
"Yeah, I've got a two week leave," he told her, "how are you? It's been so long."
"Um, well," she started.
"Mom, look at this book I found!" a little voice called as the owner came streaking around the corner. A little girl, about five or six, stopped next to them, looking up at the woman in front of Jake and holding up a book.
"Oh, that's so cool, baby," Allie responded enthusiastically, picking up the book and looking down at her daughter with a soft smile.
"Mom?" Jake questioned as he took in the little girl standing next to the woman he left. She was the spitting image of her mother, except for the blonde hair and green eyes. Those were familiar.
"Uh, Norah, this is my friend, Jake," she introduced, her eyes pleading with him to be rational about this.
"Hi, Mr. Jake," Norah chirped as she stood close to her mom.
"How old are you, Norah?" he asked as he stooped down to her level, getting just a bit closer in order to confirm what he already knew.
"I'm six. How old are you, Mr. Jake?"
He grinned at her response; she was as quick-witted as her mother and - "I'm the same age as your mom. I knew her really well before I joined the Navy."
"You're in the Navy?!" she exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice as she turned to look up at her mom. "Do you think he knows my dad? Do you think he could get him to come back?"
Jake's heart clenched at her words, looking up at his ex-girlfriend, her face matching his with a look of terror.
"Hey, Norah, why don't you go see if there's any books Addison would like," she suggested.
"Can we bring them after we leave?" the little girl asked, her eyes wide with delight.
"Sure thing," Allie agreed, "I just need to talk to Mr. Jake a minute."
"Okay!" Norah skipped off back to the kid's section, forgetting all about the idea that Jake could know her dad.
"Jake, I can explain," she started, watching Jake stand in a daze.
"She's mine, isn't she?" he asked quietly, his eyes still focusing on the spot where Norah disappeared around the corner.
"Yes," she responded in a whisper. Her head dropped and her shoulder sagged, bracing herself for an outburst she'd come to expect.
"Can we meet up later? Talk?" he questioned. "Without Norah if you can make it happen. I think we have some things to discuss."
"You're not mad?"
"At myself? Yes. At you? Never."
"I'll..I'll text you," she stuttered as her eyes met his again, seeing a longing in his eyes she'd never seen before. "Same number?"
"Yeah. I'll wait for it," he nodded.
Jake watched as she turned around and headed for the kid's section, collecting Norah and paying for their books before walking out of the store. He stood frozen in his spot, his reason for stopping long forgotten. He had a daughter. All this time, he had a daughter. And he didn't know what to do with that information.
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Everything: @thelastpyle @deangirl93 @evergreencowboy @katelyn--renee @fictional-affairs @paintlavillered @buckys-zomdoll @polireader @b3autyfuldisast3r @welcometothefandommultiverse @mlovesstories @supraveng
Top Gun: @princessmisery666 @evansrogerskitten @bradshaw-fanclub @saiyanprincessswanie @luckyladycreator2 @princessphilly @ahockeywrites @clints-lucky-arrow @wildbornsiren @w0nderw0man-reading @shanimallina87 @fuckyeahhangman @blue-aconite @hope-love-equality2 @peachiicherries @marvelousmermaid @therebeccaw @green-socks @imjess-themess @jostystyles @mayhem24-7forever @callsignaries @a-reader-and-a-writer
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spxllcxstxr · 2 years
Your Last Time Seeing Your Twin, Regulus Black, Before He Dies • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Hey! I love your Reggie HCs, can i request where the reader is Reggie's twin and they were in a big fight about something (up to u) and when she was about to apologize to him kreacher gave her a letter from reggie b4 he dies CAN U PLS MAKE IT RLY ANGSTY I WANNA CRY SO BAD IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THE EXACT SAME I LOVE UR WRITINGS MWAH❤️‍🔥 — anon
Warnings: dark mark and Voldemort mentions, Regulus becomes a deatheater, mostly canon compliant I believe?
A.N: gn!reader, though Kreacher refers to you as Master Black simply because to me thats more gn than Mistress, but like of course you can change that! It’s the only thing that is gendered
You just wanted your brother safe
The two of you finally graduated from your seventh year at Hogwarts and you just wanted him to come with you, to be safe from the brewing war
Sirius had already joined the Order along with his friends, and while Regulus already bore the Dark Mark, he still had time to run and switch sides
That left you in the middle
You wanted to go with Sirius and join the Order, fight against Voldemort and his death eaters
But could you abandon your twin?
So you begged him to escape with you
You packed your bags when your mother and father were gone, and you confronted him
“Regulus, I’m begging you,” there’s tears in your eyes, shaking as you watch him stand stiffly arms length away from you. “It’s time for us to leave, it’s better this way”
“(Y/n), I’ve already got the mark—“
“Fuck the mark, reg! No one will care—“
“I’ll be called a spy! Ostracized! They won’t trust me!” He’s yelling, babbling really, trying to make you understand. His slate grey eyes connect with yours. “(Y/n), it is better this way—“
“It’s suicide, regulus. You don’t believe in the Dark Lord’s ideas, you never have, so why are you doing this?” Your heart beats wildly, hands trembling
“I’ve got a plan!”
You scoff, hands clenched into fists
The two of you are silent for what feels like forever
Clocks tick, portraits cough, Kreacher somewhere far off polishes the silverware, listening to your every word
“Please…” Your voice breaks and you can tell regulus wants to right then and there make it all better by conceding
But he doesn’t
“Mother and father will be home soon, (Y/n). You should go,” Regulus stiffens, back straight, eyes showing almost no emotion.
“Not without you”
“They’ll do us both in when they see you with your bags and after Kreacher tells them everything,” He swallows. “I can keep you safe but you have to leave. Now,”
With one last look and no actual final goodbye, you disapparate out of your childhood home and instead wind up at Potter’s place
You’re in hysterics when forced to tell Sirius why your twin wasn’t there with you
You didn’t know about Regulus’ death until years afterward
Your eldest brother was rotting in Azkaban, your friends either dead or in hiding 
You thought that with the Dark Lord gone you might be able to see Regulus again, fight for his innocence, do anything for your twin
But your childhood home is empty
long empty 
Everything is covered in dust and silent, none of your relative portraits are making a sound
12 Grimmauld Place is more eerie than usual somehow 
“Regulus? Kreacher? Anybody here?”
You start looking around the house, going into each room
When you finally find Kreacher in the study, staring intently at the Black Family Tapestry 
You almost feel sorry for the house elf
You would’ve if he wasn’t brainwashed by your delightful mother at this point
“Master Black, he said you would be back, but I believed you would be too traitorous to show your face around here again...”
“Where is he, Kreacher? Where is my brother?”
“Master Regulus...he-he perished before the Dark Lord’s ultimate demise”
He fiddles with a letter in one of his hands as the wind gets knocked out of you
You’re forced to sit down, heart breaking, you start to feel cold 
“In the event of your return, he wanted me to hand you this”
Kreacher hands you the letter before slinking off, though you’re sure he’s close by, it’s obvious he doesn’t trust you
Though you don’t trust him either
The letter is crinkled and the seal has already been broken
If you’re reading this, that means I’m dead, and it also means that we never reconciled after that nasty fight years ago. I’m sorry. (Y/n), I am so deeply sorry for all the pain I must’ve caused you over all these years. The heartbreak I suffered after seeing you leave this blasted place was immense, and I am sure it was just as bad as your own. I hope that my motive in joining the Deatheaters will come to light, since I cannot reveal it here in this letter.
I hope you have a great and fulfilling life, my dear twin. I hope you get to do things mother and father never let us do and that you and Sirius can be a real family. It’s a pity I cannot be a part of that reality.
I’ll miss you, (Y/n). Tell Sirius I’m sorry.
You keep this letter with you, basically just holding it close to your chest
You lost your twin, and honestly you don’t think you’ll ever recover from it
How would you?
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glitterandgoldrush · 2 years
can you give me some fluffy headcanons to go into a procedure with? i’m very nervous and your headcanons always relax me. you got me through eating lunch alone freshman year and through 2 other procedures. i will take any crumbs from any fandoms your in (kmc-verse, hs, etc)
why’d this make me tear up
good luck with your procedure!! i’m sure everything will be okay ❤️❤️ here’s some fluffy oouil headcanons for you <33
we all know that in the books, addy is obsessed with finding flaws in kris bc he’s so perfect. when she finds out kris birthmark on shoulder, and are scar on his jaw from nicking it shaving, addy is thrilled and she jokes they’re his “only imperfections”
they’re always edited out of his shoots so kris feels a bit ‘meh’ about them
they are coopers favourite thing about him
the b4 come to all of addy’s track meets, all of cooper’s games in high school, and bronwyn’s recitals. they always bring a bunch of the person’s favourite flowers and cooper ALWAYS records a video
when nate graduates from the local college he doesn’t tell anyone bc he feels like it isn’t a big deal. of course bronwyn already knows exactly when his graduation is—she looked it up. they all turn up and to this day nate swears up and down that he didn’t cry, but they all saw the tears in his eyes
when maeve travels with addy, she takes photos of all her meals and sends them to luis with brief descriptions of what they are. when she gets back, he learns how to make all her favourites from the trip
nate orders food to bronwyn’s dorm without telling her to make sure she eats
kris paints a picture for addy’s new bedroom when she moves in and she hangs it right above her bed
speaking of, addy has a million polaroid photos of everyone strung across her room, and when she misses them, she’ll sit down and go through all of them
they all have an agreement that no matter what is happening in their lives, they all have to meet up at LEAST once a month for dinner
they always take ages to decide where to have this dinner as if they’re not going to land on café contigo
(they always do)
(in fact, mr santos has literally put the back table aside for them at practically all times)
they all hate being recognised and the first time cooper was recognised for baseball instead of the murder allegations, he almost cried because he felt like everything was going back to normal
they alternate who gets to pick the activity when they go out—but this doesn’t really work bc nate truly doesn’t care, and will fold to the first bit of pressure from addy or bronwyn
cooper never folds: they watch a LOT of sport as a group consequently
sometimes the b4 will call kris over when cooper and luis are on a non stop baseball rant bc he is the ONLY one who can distract coop long enough to make the conversation end
they have sleepovers in addy’s living room, in blanket forts, like children
cooper and kris are often too tall to even fit, their legs hang out the end
addy gets an extra long blanket just to cover them
maeve and addy try to bake together and they are TERRIBLE at it. addy gets much better over time, maeve never improves. the others choke down the food anyway.
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ymirgf · 4 years
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after the fight.
time skip armin arlert x fem bodied reader!!
WARNING: spoilers for aot season four ep 14
cw: nsfw, dom armin,creampie,top armin,unprotected sex,rough sex,established relationship,spanking,panty gag,degrading kink.
☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
it was mid day, you were waiting for your boyfriend armin, to come home. you were biting your nails, since it had been quite the time he’d be gone.
you just hoped he was safe. your thoughts were interrupted as your door swung open, startling you, as you flung your hands in the air in fear.
normally if armin did do that and scared you, he would say, “don’t worry it’s just me.” but this time he didn’t even say a word.
it took you a second to realize his scars, wounds and bloody nose but once you did, you gasped and open your mouth to speak.
he interrupts you with his own sentence. “it’s fine. just a stupid fight i’ll clean up but i have plans w you so don’t go anywhere.”
you sit there like a dear in headlights looking at him with a slow nod.
he walks into the bathroom, you could hear the sink running as he washes his face. you wonder..
who could’ve done this to him? you knew it wasn’t a good time to ask and that he’d tell you about it when he’s ready.
a few minutes later he came out the bathroom just a few little strips of bandaids but he looked alright.
he started walking towards you, staring you dead in the face. “ar-“ you begin but he doesn’t give you the time to finish.
“don’t speak.” he picked you up and led you to the bedroom, locks the door and almost tosses you on the bed.
“armin? what’s gotten into you? you’re always so gentle..” you say that, ignoring the fact your arousal was already staining your panties.
“do you ever listen y/n? i told you to shut up.” he scoffs, he comes towards you and begins to lift up your shirt, tossing it to the floor immediately.
before you could even speak, he latched his lips on to your neck, leaving purple hickies everywhere. you gasp as he makes his way down to the valley of your breasts.
he reached his left hand to unclasp your bra, setting your boobs free as the cold air hardens your nipples.
he quickly latches his mouth onto one of your breast, sucking violently and twisting the other nipple with his hand. you bit your lip,
he told you to shut up right? so you’re gonna try your best for him.
you whimper the pain from biting your lip and his mouth on your boobs were already getting to overwhelming for you.
he got off your nipple with a pop, not giving your other breast the same attention. he reached your shorts and pulled them down rather fast.
“hey, go on all fours and stick your ass out for me okay?” he ordered, you knew not to speak so you just obeyed him and did what he said.
you could feel his eyes on you like he was already devouring you with his eyes.
he let out a low chuckle as he already seen your arousal dripping out of your lace f/c panties. he pulled your panties down, you lifted your feet so he could pull them off you. he pressed a finger to your core.
“already this wet?” he said rubbing your clit harshly. “what a slut, and just for me?” you whimpered as he rubbed harsher and harsher until he let go and had your walls clenching around nothing.
he took his clothes off,leaving him in nothing then his boxers, he took his cock out as it flung to his stomach.
he rubbed his tip a bit, pumping his cock just seeing if it was ready, and without warning he slammed himself into you.
“ah!! oh my fucking god what the fuck!” you moaned as he was relentlessly pounding himself into you, not even waiting for you to get used to him stretching you out.
you guys have had sex before but he always took his time, letting you get used to it, making sure you were prepped blah blah.. he slid in so fucking easy because of how messy your cunt already was.
you moaned back to back not being able to keep them in from how rough he was fucking you. he spanked your ass making you clench around him. “do you not fucking listen y/n i said don’t speak. since you wanna keep moaning like a little bitch take this.” he stuffed your panties into your mouth.
“maybe now you’ll shut up.” he changed to an unholy place as his head reached your cervix multiple times making you cry out, getting your saliva all over the panties.
you both knew you both weren’t gonna last long at this pace. you were gonna cum first, you could feel the knot in your stomach and how your slick was gushing all over his cock.
armin groaned several times now, each one getting louder showing he’s close to his orgasm, but he was in charge here he was gonna make sure you came first.
he placed other hand on your hip now using both hands to hold you, he slid his right hand down your front and starts rubbing rapidly at your clit.
your scream was muffled by your panties. you felt the feeling that your orgasm was reaching and your legs shook vigorously.
armin sped up, and thats the final push you needed to cum all over his cock, feeling it fall down your legs as you cried out with your legs still shaking. armin was surprised you made such mess but he wasn’t going to stop yet, your clenches around his cock made him closer and closer to his orgasm.
he threw his head back, pounding into you nice and rough until you clenched once more making him fill you up with his cum.
“ah fuck.” he breathed out, pulling out watching the cum fall out of your cunt.
after it was all over he apologized over and over saying that he was angry w the fight and he just had to get it out. he checked to see if he hurt you and laughed at him making him tilt his head.
“hey what’s so funny y/n”
“it’s okay stop saying i liked seeing that side of you it felt good, you didn’t hurt me one bit.”
his eyes widened. “oh okay.. ill keep that in mind sorry again i’ll go clean you up now okay? we can take a nice bath alright?” he said back smiling with some worry hinted in his face.
you laughed at him once again as he lifted you up walking to the bathroom. “hey what’s so funny!”
A/N: i hope that was okay i just made it in honor of the new ep b4 i never did anything like this so sorry if it’s bad!
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aropride · 2 years
what's the best way to start listening to MCR? I've listened to some of the songs already but do you have suggestions?
(also i genuinely can't remember if i already sent an ask in like this, if i did i apologize)
YES OK SO. i got into them the way a lot of people did- i heard welcome to the black parade, went "this slaps," and listened to the full album.
i recommend listening 2 the songs in order, bc each album has a storyline that it follows, but it's not like- essential to Getting Into Mcr to do that, it's kinda just smth i wish id done instead of figuring it out later. i listened to the black parade -> danger days (<- my favourite <3) -> i brought you my bullets you brought me your love -> 3 cheers for sweet revenge -> conventional weapons but part of me really wishes id listened to the albums in the order they released bc i think it wouldve been cool to see how their style changed over time, but u can rlly listen to them in any order. BUT starting with tbp is cool too bc it's their most iconic album and i think it really nails the Vibe of the band yknow?
i think id recommend either listening to them in release order, or start with black parade -> 3 cheers (a lot of their iconic songs r on 3cheers too) -> bullets -> danger days -> conventional weapons (but those last three i'm not as sure of the order) Also you literally dont have to listen to them in any of those orders ^_^ thats just how i ideally wouldve done it
like i mentioned b4 each album has a storyline, danger days specifically gerard way actually wrote a comic about in 2013. but all the songs in all the albums stand on their own too & u dont have to know the stories behind them 2 listen to them
oH i also highly recommend watching life on the murder scene, its on youtube & was released after 3 cheers but before tbp, it deals w a lot of heavy topics but it's very good
most of mcr's music is on spotify but some isnt so here is a playlist with every single song i believee it also has a few covers (all i want for christmas is you mcr cover, my beloved <3)
AS FOR CERTAIN SONGS. <- he is going to list his favourites from each album
our lady of sorrows
this is the best day ever
3 cheers
the ghost of you
i'm not okay (i promise)
the black parade
welcome to the black parade
danger days
the only hope for me is you
conventional weapons
boy division
the light behind your eyes
make room!!!
UMM yeah this is getting long but that is my advice ^_^ and also my excuse to list off my favourite songs off each album <3 thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about my chemical romance djfjdkjf
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betelgeuse-1988 · 3 years
okay I've never made. a request b4, but uhhh anything nsfw with lawrence + a trans man reader? no real requirements or anything, maybe just like having it be soft n loving,, idk I have a crush on this man n yr writing is lovely <3
omg thank you so much for the request!! and i'm so honored you like my writing fjhdsakfhsa
anyway here it is! i hope it's soft enough for you <3
lawrence x ftm reader (this is my first time writing an explicitly trans reader; lmk if there are any ways i can improve/things i should change!)
warnings: cockwarming, petnames galore!!, unprotected sex, + this was written at 1:00am so big sorry if there are mistakes
“Lawrence?” you said, peaking into his office. It had been a while since the two of you spent a night together, and you were curious as to what had him stuck in his office so late recently.
“Yes, darling?” He said, not looking up from his work. He was sketching something again, Lawrence would always tell you it was just a secret project for a friend. Despite being absorbed by his work, he had a wide smile on his face at the sound of your voice.
Your relationship with the doctor was...strange to say the least. You were hired as an assistant to help him around his mostly-barren apartment after his separation and especially after he received his prosthetic foot. It was a winter job, for you, in order to make some money while off from college. After that, and a few other events most may deem “unethical”, you moved in and developed a budding relationship with the doctor.
“I just…” you trailed off, nervous to ask him for anything all of a sudden. You looked away but also began walking into his office. Perhaps, even for a while, being closer to him would provide you with the necessary confidence to reveal your desires and curiosities. “I wanted to know when you were coming to bed?”
“Oh, darling,” he said, still not looking up at you. “I got home from work late and I really need to finish this as soon as possible. I’m sorry, but…” he stopped, finally looking into your eyes to see your apprehension and just how lonely you looked. “But, why don’t you come here and keep me company?”
You moved to sit in a chair next to his desk, saved for when you would finish work for class with him in his office. Lawrence, however, stopped you before you could actually sit all the way down. “No, I meant, why don’t you come here and sit like a good boy?” he said, patting his lap gently. You smiled and nodded, walking to Lawrence’s side, ready to sit down on his lap. “Ah ah ah,” he stopped you again, pulling down the zipper on his pants. Lawrence pulled out his cock, jerking it to make sure it’s fully hard. Getting wet at the prospect of having sex in his office, something Lawrence was usually turned off by, you pulled down the shorts you were going to sleep in. The doctor chuckled at your eagerness, continuing to jerk himself off slowly. “Now, darling, you’re gonna sit here like the good boy you are and you’re gonna stay as still as possible with my cock in your hole, okay? And if you behave, I’ll fuck you on my desk like you’ve always wanted.”
Too caught up in his words, there was nothing elegant about your response. You could already hear the overeagerness in your voice, without having said anything. “Okay, I’ll try to be good for you, Lawrence.” You walked over to him, fingering yourself open for him. He watched you as he jerked himself off, precum leaking from the tip of his cock already. He rubbed a hand up and down your side as you worked yourself up to three fingers. Once you could thrust them inside comfortably, you pulled them out and finally seated yourself on Lawrence’s member. Feeling him fill you completely right away, without moving, was odd. It was hard not to twitch or squirm, but Lawrence kept an arm wrapped around you. It was a tight grip, reassuring you that you could follow his orders. You were so distracted by keeping still you couldn’t really pay attention to what Lawrence was writing or drawing, only grounded by the few places where you could feel him touching you, skin-to-skin.
It could have been minutes or hours, but the time seemed to tick by like years. You could feel yourself getting wetter, becoming sloppy with how you were stretched around his dick. You were desperate for friction, for Lawrence to just completely wreck you when he tapped your stomach and put his pen down.
“You were so good for me, such a good boy. Now, do you want your reward?” Lawrence pressed delicate kisses on your back, rubbing your stomach as he thrust gently into you.
“Lawrence, please. Need you to fuck me, right here,” you moaned out desperately.
“Shh, it’s gonna be okay. Get up and bend over the desk.”
You hopped off him gently, not wanting to upset his leg more than it probably already was with how long you were sitting in his lap. You pushed some of the papers he had just been working on off to the side, laying directly on his work calendar (filled out with color-coded events and special dates). You felt Lawrence get up behind you, not bothering to discard any other pieces of clothing, his cock poking proudly out of his pants. His khaki pants still cinched by his belt, with a light blue shirt on top and a loose-hanging red tie. You felt like the doctor’s little boytoy, sneaking around during work hours. And, yet, he looked at you, so full of love and admiration, that you knew he genuinely loved and cared about you.
He entered you again, setting a brutal pace easily. Lawrence slipped in, filling you completely and quickly. You were both sensitive from the lengthy cockwarming, approaching your orgasm quickly. Helping to draw yourself closer, you jerked yourself off, desperate to finally reach your orgasm. Lawrence gripped your hips as his thrusting became quicker with an approaching orgasm. Feeling his cock twitch, you encouraged him to cum inside of you. “Cum inside me, Lawrence. Please, please, need it so bad. Make me cum, fill me up.”
His hips slowed down against yours as he groaned through his orgasm, your head dropping to the desk. Lawrence’s cum, on top of his desperate thrusting through his orgasm, helped you to reach yours, squeezing around his cock, finishing off his orgasm. Lawrence sighed contently behind you, pulling out to let you get up. He handed you the discarded shorts as you stretched, ready to head to bed for the night. But, instead of accepting the shorts right away, you pulled him in for a hug, kissing his cheek sloppily.
“Thank you, Larry. You always know what I need,” you snuggle into his neck, content to be in his loving presence after so long. “I love you, darling.”
He snorts at your use of his favorite petname, but he squeezes you extra tight. “Love you, too, darling.”
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Marching far away (Din Djarin x reader)
Summary: some things are more potent in their absence. Din misses you, but before he can let go, he has one more promise left to fulfil. PURE ANGST with eventual comfort.
Author’s note: this is me breaking the tin can man’s heart for a spell. Sorry? Also, this is only my 2nd Din fic and I’m insecure, pls validate me? Or, come join me to simp, okay? (This has Cara in it- was written b4 the G*na drama)
Word count: 3k, oh hell. Was meant to be a blurb. Kriff it. I have no control.
Warnings: strong themes of grief, death of a loved one (reader). Hints of depression + trauma linked to that. A mess of angst and metaphors, tbh. Brief mentions of wounds, blood -not too graphic.
GIF: stunning, and from @qviism​
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The Mandalorian has awoken to many recurring thoughts in his time, most of them unpleasant. For many years, Din was jolted awake by memories of his parents, their love imprinted on him like a brand which never stopped burning. Yanked from sleep by a noise and grasping for his helmet before he grasps for a weapon, so that everything he is built of -everything he has promised to be- cannot be unmade. Rising to worry; to thoughts of what he is missing and fear of what might be taken away.
Nowadays, he awakes to thoughts of The Foundling. And, Din always, always awakes to the lack of you.
Some things become more potent in their absence. Din knows this. He knows it deeply. Never is the warmth of the sun craved more acutely than in the depths of a dead night. Din certainly finds you more potent in your absence. He finds himself wearing the memory of you like a perpetual perfume, clinging to his body and refusing to be scrubbed clean. Even when he has shed the heavy layers of beskar, in the dark and the solitude, the ghost of you still lingers there, enveloping his skin like a shroud.
Sometimes, Din wonders why he must always bear a weight on his body. A weight over his heart, like this, even when he’s stripped down. Still, like the armour, you are a vow he bears willingly. The only thing worse than bearing this would be losing you entirely. And losing you entirely, would be worse than losing his creed.
Din’s creed is immeasurably heavy.
You are heaviest. Immeasurable.
This morning, as the weight of you settles on his chest, Din stirs.
He peels his eyes open for another day of folding rituals into his seconds and minutes and hours until they become his Way of life. Another day of folding all of the promises he made to you into his heartbeat, his sinews, his bones, until you become a part of him.
As soon as he awakes, he longs for sleep again. Din isn’t sure he can take it any longer -watch yet another day blaze without you by his side. To admit that something fresh was possible would be to let you go. To extract “you” from “him” would be like trying to tear out his own skeleton and keep his heart beating. You are inextricable. Unforgettable. All he can do is hold on to you with every fibre of his being.
This morning, as the weight of you threatens to pin him down to the bed for another day, Din is relieved to find the sound stirring him is Cara, rapping on his door with a characteristically heavy fist. He is relieved not to be alone. He is relieved that today -especially today- Cara can help bear some of the weight of you. He hopes his burden can be made just a little lighter. Prays it can, for he doesn’t know how much longer he can carry you. Still, he is not ready to bury you. Not yet.
Not yet.
Din misses you. He misses you so badly. This is how you are able to cling to his body like perpetual perfume. To weigh on his breast. This is how you’re amongst every layer of him, from armour to bones. Because Din Djarin wears you like a creed. Because he chooses you, every day, and he folds you into the layers of him. The vows, the promises, the rituals. Until you are his way of life. Or, the lack of you is; some things are just more potent in their absence.
A dead body is heavier. Heaviest.
“Din? We gotta go.” Cara states perfunctorily through the door, cutting through Din’s spiral. “There’s some caf on the floor for you.”
Din’s face softens gratefully, the simple morning ritual a reason to crawl out of bed. This is how he gets through the day. One ritual at a time until the sun goes down.
“Din! Are you ready?” Cara asks, rapping on the door again when nothing but silence greets her.
Ready? Is he? He’s never ready to face another day without you. It always kicks the feet out from under him. You always tackle him in those first moments of the morning, before he can put his armour on over the cracks. You always attack him when he’s most vulnerable.
“Yep. Coming.” Din responds, his rough voice grogged by tattered remnants of sleep.
He reluctantly reaches for his armour. He stumbles into the refresher. He dresses himself, layering himself in ritual. Binding himself in his creed until none of his cracks are visible and he is shining like the glint of dawn over a horizon. Until he appears whole and unbreakable. If he didn’t have his creed to bind himself in, Din may have fallen apart altogether.
Din shuffles towards the mirror, where he has your necklace pinned. A pendant with an emblem of a sun, rising over mountains. With each new day, he repeats the mantra which has become familiar to him.
“Ni su’cuyi, gar kyr’adyc, no partayli, gar darasuum.
“Ni su’cuyi, gar kyr’adyc, no partayli, gar darasuum.”
It’s a promise. A promise to remember you. He says it into the mirror, to a face that you never even saw. He repeats your name under his breath, folding it into the air filling his lungs. Each breath becomes a ritual. A habit of breathing, for you. For the Foundling. For Cara. Maybe, eventually, for himself.
Din keenly downs the strong, bitter caf before cloaking his face inside his helmet. Today, he resents the helmet, just a little. Wishes he could show the cracks, instead of his smooth dome of beskar, just for once. But weakness is not a luxury Din Djarin is used to being afforded. Strength is part of his code.
Din shuffles lethargically, quietly to the cockpit of the Razor Crest, trying to minimise the heavy thud of his boots. It’s early. Early enough that even The Foundling is sleeping. It’s still dark outside too, stars littering the skies up above like spilled sugar. It would be beautiful if it wasn’t so tragic, he thinks -so haphazard.
Din had used to believe that stars aligned. That there was some order to the chaos. He had believed that most wholeheartedly when he met you, by complete chance. But now... now he simply believed they were a mess. That fate was cruel. That all was chaos. That the universe was nothing but spilled sugar.
The Mandalorian places a gloved hand on Cara’s shoulder and she turns, arms folded and her face already awash with tears, eyes littered with stars too. Angry stars, like fate has been cruel to her as well. She misses you, too.
Cara smiles thinly, caught-out in her grief but pleased that he’s up, and Din lowers himself into the pilot’s seat with a heavy thud, manoeuvring the craft up and away. There is no time for comfort. He knows he needs to make the canyon before sunrise. Has to watch the daybreak peek over the mountains. It’s what he promised. So, he flies in silence, Cara quiet too.
It all seems eminently doable to Din… until he lands the ship. Until Cara takes his hand and attempts to lead him out of the craft before the glowing embers of day set fire to the sky. Then, suddenly, the interior of the helmet tastes like salt, his wet tears of grief lining the insides.
“Din,” Cara says, her voice tinged with panic. “Din, please. The sun’s coming up. We can’t miss this, you understand?”
“I can’t do it, Cara. I can’t do another day without her,” he rasps through the vocoder, his voice a patchy rumble like an old stuttering engine.
Cara hasn’t seen Din breakdown like this since it had first happened. No-one has seen it. Even now, his voice is the only clue that he is broken. His armour may be smooth and unblemished, but the Mandalorian is cracked from within.
His pain travels through his body, though, becoming more visible. Din curls his spine and his shoulders in on himself, his body sagging under the weight of you. Under the weight of this. His gloved hands clench and dig into the arms of his flight console.
Din wants to run. Wants to turn the Razor Crest around.Wants to be weak, after so long beign strong.
“Din, you promised her.”
Promised? Promised?
“I promised nothing,” Din snaps at Cara, launching himself from his seat, his voice gruff like the snarl of animal. Like teeth tearing a chunk out of her. “She died before I could promise her a damn thing.”
Cara squares up to him, ready to suffer his outburst, but the fire leaves Din as quickly as it came. He’s simply a wounded animal lashing out. Even as Cara’s chin tips up at him, Din is falling to his knees on the floor, his head bowed into his gloved hands.
“Din,” Cara soothes, dropping to the floor with him and clutching his hands in hers, gently peeling them away from his helmet. “Din. Hey.”
Din’s voice is barely audible when he speaks again. “I wasn’t there at the end, Cara. I wasn’t with her.”
The Mandalorian finally tips his head up and meets the mercenary’s eyes. He finds them swimming with pain. With pity. Din hadn’t been there at the end. He couldn’t even hold you. He wasn’t even there to tell you that he loved you. That he would have married you. To tell you all that he would have promised and vowed to you.
Cara had been there, at the end, so Din supposes it’s a cruel thing to wish for. Especially as he can see from the distress in Cara’s face that she is replaying it. That her face contorts around all the details she left out so that Din didn’t have to know exactly how you suffered. Especially as she chews on the omitted details and prepares to smooth them with kind, white lies to ease his pain.
“Well, I was, Din. I was. And I told you what she said, yes?”
Cara had been the one to convey your dying words to Din. Had come back to the Mandalorian with your body in her arms, her hands stained red and her cheeks stained with glassy tears. Cara had been the one to hold Din as he yelled into the sky. As he crouched over you and blood bloomed through his gloves as he pressed his hands to your flowering wounds. As he took a boot and then his fists to the exterior of the Razor Crest. She had been the one to soothe him, and remind him of the Foundling and all he had left to live for as he dropped to his knees, just like this. Cara had told him what you’d said, with your last breaths. As you expended your last moments folding Din into your bones. Into your heart. Punctuating your story with him.
“Tell Din... I love him. And... m-make sure he watches the sun c-come up.”
“I told you what she said, but did you understand it? Did you understand what she meant?” Cara searches the T-shape in Din’s helmet as if she could truly read it, no longer holding back her own tears.
“She knew, Din, you tin-head. She knew every damn promise you would have made to her,” Cara says, clutching Din’s hands more tightly in her warm grip. “In her final moments, she was thinking about what her Mandalorian would need. Her man would need to know she loved him. Would need something to believe in -something beautiful. He’d need the promise of a new day. And a friend by his side to get him through the night. So, Din, there’s no kriffing doubt she knew you loved her, because she knew exactly what you would need to survive losing her.”
It was symbolic, Cara knew, but you understood Din. You understood his need for rituals and symbols. You wanted him to watch the sun come up, and you wanted Cara to make sure he did so again, even after the longest and darkest of nights without you. 
Din leans forward into Cara’s shoulder as if all of his tendons have suddenly been cut. He hadn’t realised how badly he needed to hear his friend’s words. But you knew that he would need her.
Of course.
Even when Din thought all the promises has been lost, you forced him to look ahead to the promise of a new dawn; a new day, one day at a time. It was about marching forwards, with whatever rituals he needed to get him through. Like watching the sun come up over the mountains. For you, for Cara, for the Foundling. Until he could do it for himself too. 
As Cara moves to wrap her strong arms around Din in comfort, suddenly he raises himself from the floor as quickly as he fell, until he is standing above her. Her brown eyes find his as she rises to meet him.
He extends his hand to her, and instead of taking it, she simply looks at him, a soft smile blooming at the corners of her mouth.
The only time Cara had known Din to take the helmet off was when he was horrifically wounded. And he’s so horrifically wounded now. She knows exactly what he needs.
“Why don’t you go out alone, Din Djarin?” Cara asks in a soft, earnest voice. “Why don’t you feel the sun on your face for a little bit? I’ll give you ‘til the sun hits that second peak, then I’ll be right out, okay?”
Din doesn’t speak; can’t speak, at such a kind gesture from a friend who knows him too well. Who knew you just as well. Din can’t find the words. All he knows is that he suddenly feels so much… lighter. He brings a gloved hand to the side of Cara’s face and dips his beskar dome forwards, gently touching foreheads with his friend in gratitude. She gives him a soft smile and an encouraging nod, and the Mandalorian shuffles out of the craft alone, his heavy boots dragging through the dirt. He faces the mountains. Faces the beautiful view across the canyon and collapses into the dirt, parking his butt and sitting cross-legged at the cliff edge.
The sunlight spills over the horizon, the light finding him and daybreak gleaming off of his armour; at first, Din reflects it back like he doesn’t want to know. Like he wants to remain in the darkness. But then, ever so slowly, he reaches his hands up towards his head and slips his helmet off, baring his face to a new day. Feeling the warmth on his skin. The light dancing in his warm, caf-coloured eyes. And he smiles. He smiles while thinking of you, for the first time in a long while.
Din is here because it has been a year. A year since you died.
In that time, it hasn’t grown any easier. But, today, Din is here with Cara to remember you. He wants the carry the memory of you with him forever, but he doesn’t want it to be so heavy. He doesn’t want to only remember you in death, even if you died with such honour. He wants to let your memory be something that can dance around him. Dance with him. Maybe even march along beside him. That’s how he wants to remember you; with joy, because that’s what you gave him, before you gave him grief – if only he would remember.
Din takes a few deep breaths and allows his soul to be stilled as the sun rises through the craggy, oranged peaks in front of him, drying the tears from his cheeks like the brush of a lover’s fingers.
He repeats the words under his breath.
“Ni su’cuyi, gar kyr’adyc, no partayli, gar darasuum.”
I’m still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.
That’s the thing about rituals. They mean something. They’re never supposed to be passive. They’re a way of life, folded into the seconds and minutes and hours of each new day. Folded into your heartbeat, your sinews, your bones.
Din looks out at the beautiful scene in front of him, and his smile spreads wider even as fresh tears threaten at his eyes. This time, they ball, but don’t fall. They twinkle in his eyes like stars blazing. Like suns.
Maker, he loved you. Loves you. And, Cara must have been right; you must have known he loved you too, then? Because why else would you think he would need this - exactly this, if he lost you?
The Mandalorian watches peacefully until the sun rises beyond the second peak, and, true to his word, he savours the warmth before slipping his helmet back on over his head. True to her word, Cara’s heavy gait kicks-up dust as she approaches, plonking herself beside him on the dirt and looking out across the canyon in gentle awe, suns balling in her eyes too.
After a moment in silence, she bumps his shoulder with her own, looking him dead-on in the T-shape. “I need you to talk about her,” Cara admits. “I know you can’t forget her, but you have to remember her too, Din. That’s how you keep her alive, instead of being haunted by ghosts. Or, that’s how we keep her alive.” Cara scrunches her face up, as if she knows how cheesy she’s about to sound. “Together. You’re not a clan of one anymore, Mando.” 
“I know,” Din says gruffly, his voice lighter than it had been before dawn. He nods his head in agreement. “I know.”
The two friends wrap their arms around one another as the sun rises above the mountains, held together by its beauty, the possibility of a new start, and the memory of you.
Din tugs in the deepest of breaths and lets it go, as if he shrugging off a long-held weight from his shoulders.
Cara is the first to break the silence, looking towards her dear companion. “How about you shimmy indoors, clear out the snot from your helmet and come back with some hot caf? The child will be waking up in a couple of hours. ‘Til then maybe we can enjoy the views and figure out the best stories to tell him about his mama?”
Din rises, like the sun. Somehow looking fresh. He obliges Cara, giving her a moment alone with her memories too, and he wanders into the interior of the Razor Crest. As he retrieves his cup from inside the craft, he repeats his mantra once more under his breath.
“Ni su’cuyi, gar kyr’adyc, no partayli, gar darasuum.”
Up to now, Din realises, he had been repeating it. But he hadn’t been living it.
Things were set to change today. As long as he remembered you, Cara remembered you, the Foundling remembered you, you were not gone. You were simply marching far away.
Din would have married you. If there is something after all this, if there is anything true about the Force, Din hopes that one day, somehow, he gets a chance to make a whole new vow. Hopes that one day he might get to walk beside you again, and keep walking with you for always. Until then, he will keep marching on. And, most of all, he will remember you, so that if he ever comes across you again, he will recognise you, even if you are marching away.
Folding your name into his breath, Din joins Cara beneath the risen sun to start a new day, with a friend by his side. No longer a clan of one. Not alone, even wihout you.
Like this? I hope the story brought you some joy and that’s more than enough, especially at this moment. However, if you do have the energy and inclination please do reblog, and consider sending feedback in a comment or ask. (It gets me through the day, ngl).
Want more? Whether you want more angst or need recovery fluff, I got you. You can check out my Masterlist in my bio to read more of my works!  I write for Star Wars and Oscar / Pedro characters. I have more Din and a Cara fic on there too, and plenty of Poe Dameron being silly if you need a cheer up.
Want even more? Just ask if you’re not already and you’d like to be added to my permanent tag-list / character tag-lists. Also, you can always check in my bio if requests are open rn if you’d like to see something specific. Request guidelines are at the top of my masterlist. Tagging: @iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall​  @holybatflapexpert @himbopoes @arabellathorne​ @yourbucky084​ @mandoplease​ @mylifeliterally​ @arkofblake​ @multifandomlife22​ @yougottakeeponkeepinon​ @justrunamok​ @aisling-beatha​  @mndalorians​
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Katarina, the Sinister Blade build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games. In b4 Tumblr gives me ToS for this picture.)
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In my defense I had this build planned since pre-Tasha’s. With Katarina being absolutely nuts in preseason right now along with her just generally being one of League’s most popular champs I’d have to get around to making a build for her eventually.
Look it was either her or Zac. The only other build I really want to do right now is Miss Fortune and truthfully I’m kinda stumped on her. This build isn’t a build it’s a cry for help.
Preparation - We’ll need to always be ready for a fight, with a weapon in hand and ways to rush in.
Shunpo - We’ll also need a way to jump on our foes, or jump away.
Death Lotus - When push comes to shove we’ll need to shred through everyone close by spinning and throwing daggers at a rapid pace!
Katarina is a human but with some special, magical talents. I’m sure by now people know my aversion to Variant Humans and my love of Eberron Dragonmarks so the Mark of Finding is perfect for finding marks and ending them.
With the Mark of Finding you get some Ability Score Improvements but thanks to Tasha’s we can get a +2 to our Intelligence and a +1 to our Dexterity. You also have Darkvision up to 60 feet, and Hunter’s Intuition, letting you add a d4 to Perception and Survival checks. Finally Finder’s Magic giving you some innate spells.
15; DEXTERITY - You’re an assassin who hops, skips, and jumps around the battlefield.
14; INTELLIGENCE - For whatever reason Katerina does AP damage? I mean she did. Now she builds Kraken Slayer because lol Rito balance.
13; CHARISMA - People don’t only main you because you’re strong.
12; WISDOM - Kata in lore is a bit of a hot-head but Wisdom is attached to many skills that an assassin needs.
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re a squishy midlaner.
8; STRENGTH - We simply don’t need Strength and with your build I doubt you have much. Even if jumping around like that requires a lot of muscles in the legs and chest.
So apparently Katerina is part of a Noxian Noble family? Regardless as a Noble you gain proficiency in History but I’d suggest swapping your Persuasion proficiency with Intimidation instead. You also get proficiency with a gaming set and a language of your choice.
Thanks to your noble birth you have a Position of Privilege, meaning that other nobles will welcome you within their circles and common folk will do their best to please you in order to avoid getting a dagger in their throat. You can even secure an audience with a noble if you need to! Perhaps you need to put a knife in their throat? An assassin doesn’t ask questions.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as a Rogue for skill proficiencies also because yeah duh. As a Rogue you get proficiency in four skills from the Rogue list: Acrobatics is an obvious choice, Athletics will help your poor Strength score, Perception will help you spot incoming hooded assassins, and Stealth will let you do Rogue things. Rogue things like Sneak Attack if an ally is near an enemy or you have advantage, granting you an extra d6 on the attack roll.
You also get Expertise in two of your skills: both Stealth and Acrobatics make sense for an assassin. Speaking of assassin Thieves’ Cant will let you communicate with them in a way that your enemies can’t understand. And to top it off Finder’s Magic you can cast Hunter’s Mark once per Long Rest. Smite and Ignite to get First Blood.
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. "Never play fair."
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype and there’s two important things about your knives:
They do magic damage (for some reason.)
You throw them a lot.
With that in mind we shall be going for the Soulknife from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. As a Soulknife you get Psionic Power for a pool of d6 Psionic Energy die that can be used for a variety of features. Psi-Bolstered Knack will let you boost your ability checks as long as you’re proficient, and Psychic Whispers will let you keep assassination plans to team chat.
Of course what we’re really here for is Psychic Blades, a magic d6 psychic damage knife that you can make when you attack which can be dual-wielded and thrown up to 60 feet. You can also attack again with your Bonus Action if you already stabbed with your main action, but the extra attack will only do a d4 instead of a d6.
Speaking of magic: you also get Locate Object from Finder’s Magic. Perhaps not as useful as Find Person, but thievery isn’t beneath you. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 2d6.
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement: turns out Dexterity is pretty important for a Rogue so increase that by 2.
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
Time for an AP boost. First level Wizards get Spellcasting because what else did you think they got? You learn three cantrips and six leveled spells when starting out as a Wizard, even if you can only prepare a number of spells equal to your Wizard level plus your Intelligence modifier:
Instead of making a dinky d4 knife empower it with Booming Blade for some Thunder damage, and even more damage if the enemy moves.
To twirl around with Voracity Sword Burst will strike everyone near one of your daggers with your knives.
For a long ranged damage tool that inflicts Grievous Wounds Chill Touch will let you make sure your lane opponent doesn’t run away and heal up.
Mage Armor will help you avoid a few more hits.
For a Bouncing Blade (sorta) take Ice Knife to hit your target and anyone close to them.
For a shield thanks to Gunblade (like it’s TFT) take False Life to bolster yourself somewhat.
Disguise Self will be helpful for any infiltration missions.
Detect Magic likewise is useful to locate any magical traps.
Every good Rogue has a backup plan: Feather Fall is always useful in a pinch.
You also get Arcane Recovery, allowing you to recover spell slots with a combined total level of half your Wizard level.
Second level Wizards get to choose their Arcane Tradition. There is actually a school for magic knives and that school is the art of Bladesinging! As a Bladesinger you get Training in War and Song for proficiency in Performance along with a one-handed melee weapon of your choice: for whatever reason Rogues don’t get proficiency in Scimitars so grab that I guess?
But much more importantly you can invoke a Bladesong as a Bonus Action, which lasts for 1 minute but ends early if you are incapacitated. (Or if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. I guess.) You can also dismiss the Bladesong at any time with no action required.
While your Bladesong is active you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you have advantage on Acrobatics checks, and you gain a bonus to Concentration checks equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can activate Bladesong a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
You can also learn more spells like Color Spray for a getaway option, or Cause Fear of incoming ganks.
Third level Wizards can learn second level spells like Mirror Image to be everywhere at once, and Misty Step for legally not Flash.
4th level Wizards get an Ability Score Improvement: more Dexterity means more AC and deadlier stabs with your knife.
You can also learn more spells like Invisibility for some Duskblade resets, and Enhance Ability (ty Tasha’s) to make sure you’re the best around. And you can learn another cantrip like Prestidigitation for some generic utility sorcery.
5th level Wizards can learn third level spells like Haste to up your APM, and Spirit Shroud to make all your stabs all the deadlier.
At 6th level you get an Extra Attack as a Bladesinger, but unlike most Extra Attacks you can also cast a cantrip along with attacking! The interesting thing about this is that (rules as written) you can attack twice after casting Booming Blade with this! And depending on your DM you might even still have your Cunning Action!
And on the subject of spells you can learn two more such as Clairvoyance for some Farsight Alterations, and Nondetection to... not be detected...
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(Artwork by Atey Ghailan. Made for Riot Games.)
5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge. When you’re hit with an attack you can use your reaction to halve the damage. Additionally your Psionic Energy die increases to a d8, and your Sneak Attack increases to 3d6.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: Perception will help you avoid ganks and Intimidation will help you extract information.
7th level Rogues get Evasion. If you’re forced to make a Dexterity save you can make some pro plays to dodge, taking no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.
Your Sneak Attack also increases to 4d6, so you can jump onto them after dodging their skill shot.
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement: since your Dexterity is maxed let’s invest in that Intelligence... sorta. The Observant feat will let you increase your Intelligence by 1 along with granting a +5 bonus to passive Perception and Investigation so you can watch those wards, and the ability to read lips! Definitely helpful for an assassin.
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(Artwork by Katie “TeaTime” De Sousa. Made for Riot Games.)
Hey how about we get your actual abilities at total level 15? Finally with level 9 in Soul KInife you get Soul Blades for two new abilities that use your Psionic Energy die. Homing Strikes will let you add your Psionic Energy die to an attack roll if you miss, and Psychic Teleportation will let you throw out a knife and teleport to it!
Something something read how the ability works yourself because these are guides on how to make a character and I won’t tell you what every class in Tasha’s does. Oh your Sneak Attack also increases to 5d6 now.
7th level Wizards get 4th level spells like Phantasmal Killer to make your own jungler (one who’ll actually gank!), and Dimension Door to Teleport into lane. Or out!
Level 8? How about an ASI? You may notice that we have two uneven ability scores: increase both your Intelligence and Charisma by 1.
You can also learn more spells but there honestly isn’t much I want from fourth level so hop back to level 3 for Sending. But you can also take Greater Invisibility for some Duskblade resets. Look I just really need a 5th level spell but it’s hard to justify magic on a champion who throws knives and nothing else.
Time to finally get the last ability we’re missing: Death Lotus. Or more precisely Steel Wind Strike to hit everyone with your daggers and then maybe Shunpo to them after the fact. Speaking of Shunpo for seemingly unlimited jumps take Far Step, allowing you to be everywhere at once. Just know that you’ll only have one 5th level slot.
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(Artwork by Esben Lash Rasmussen. Made for Riot Games.)
Picking up our last two levels in Rogue: level 10 means another ASI. Capped off Intelligence woo!
11th level Rogues get Reliable Talent, meaning that you can’t roll below a 10 on any skill you’re proficient in. As a capstone skill let’s check what the minimum roll you can get on your skills is:
27 on Acrobatics and Stealth
24 on Intimidation
23 on Perception
21 on History
18 on Performance (Bladesinger lul)
15 on Athletics
And to top it off your Psionic Energy die increases to a d10, along with your Sneak Attack capping off at 6d6!
They fear my weapons? I am the weapon - Regardless of your choice of tools you are extremely deadly. On one hand 6d6 sneak attack daggers you can apply 3d8 Booming Blade damage to, and on the other hand plenty of potent spells like Haste and Spirit Shroud.
If you run, you won't see me stab you! - You are also incredibly mobile with Misty Step, Far Step, Psychic Teleportation, Bladesong, and just general Cunning Actions. Not to mention that Bladesong gives a big boost to AC which combines well with Uncanny Dodge and Evasion.
A victory is sweetest when it leads to another - Rogues are meant to be skilled professionals and you are certainly that. The skills you are proficient in can be boosted by psionics. Oh and 28 Passive Perception thanks to Observant is just a little bit nutty.
Ready for trouble? - While you have many a skill you have many more that are lacking. You can put on a mean face sure, but for an important check like Arcana your psionic potential won’t save you.
Better dead than dull - Your spell slots are limited, and quite notably you only have one 5th level slot for Death Lotus IE Steel Wind Strike. While magic can supplement you nicely remember to ration yourself appropriately.
Come on, live a little... while you can! - You know what class doesn’t have a lot of health? Wizards, and half your levels are in Wizard. With a 10 in CON and most of your hit die being d6s your enemies won’t even need to hit you to Power Word Kill you.
But as an assassin you prove why your house is the best in the business. Talk is cheap and you’re always prepared: go in with knives at the ready, take out your target and anyone in their way before slipping out unscathed. You can always reset after a rest; just be sure to remember your cooldowns.
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(Artwork by West Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
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thesculptedflower · 4 years
You’re not like the rest of them
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For this amazing person who always keeps on pushing me to be better
You’re not like the rest of them
’’Kristen, do you have the B4 file?’’ You asked happily, searching trough the drawers of old cases in Gotham. It was a cleaning day in the records, and everything needed to be organized from the very beginning. You didn’t mind that at all, you loved to have everything in a specific order. It was basically a win-win for everyone, the officers would find everything quicker and you got to keep your brain busy. Kristen wasn’t so eager for this ’twice a year nonsense’ like she called it. 
’’No, someone picked it up few hours ago.’’ She answered nonchalantly, filing her nails behind her desk. You rolled your eyes, refusing to let her negativity affect you.
’’I’m going to get a cup of coffee, do you want one?’’ You asked as you were heading out of the door. You were going to have to get that file anyway, why not grab a coffee on the way back. Kristen didn’t bother to look up from her nails. ’’Sure, whatever.’’ 
GCPD was buzzing that day. The cage was filled with criminals waiting for their hearing. 
’’Good morning Jim.’’ You greeted Detective Gordon as you passed him on the hallway. He was one of the good ones, still very motivated to make a change. You admired him for that. So many of the older officers had ties to the underworld, it was rare to be totally clean. But there was another one, one who had caught your eye the first day you started working at the department. Certain forensics scientist, who had his fare share of troubles at work. Not caused by him of course, he was simply bullied at. He rarely stood up for himself, which made him an easy target for the trash mouthed officers. But he was so unbelievably intelligent, probably one of the smartest men in Gotham. You wanted him to succeed in his field and have people around him who truly appreciated his work. People like you. If only he would see you, but his heart was stolen by another. And not just anyone, but Kristen Kringle. It infuriated you, Kristen never stood up for him when others were bickering about his tries to woo her. Today wasn’t any different.
’’Hey weirdo! Better to just stick with the dead bodies, maybe you’ll have some luck there.’’
Officer Dougherty shouted from the stairs as he spotted Ed working with some paperwork on the other side of the bullpen. Tom Dougherty had one of those voices that irritated you more than any other voice ever could. You were sure you could easily listen to a car alarm for hours but imagining having to listen Tom more than five minutes seemed unbearable. You followed the situation from the coffee station, ready to intervene if things got too far. You also knew what Tom was bickering about, Ed had given Kristen a note with a poem. Kristen showed it to you and few other officers, Tom included. You had thought it was a sweet gesture, but Kristen simply saw it as weird and distressing. 
You saw Ed’s shoulders tense under his lab coat. Usually they bullied him for being different and liking riddles, but this time it was more personal. They were bullying him because he was being affectionate towards a girl he liked. For something we all should be allowed to do. You figured out it wouldn’t hurt to go and try to cheer him up a little. You took the two cups of coffee and made your way over to where Ed was still trying to work. 
’’I’m black and I can cure basically anything, what am I?’’ You tried to be as confident with your riddle, even if you knew it was just awful. Well not awful, just very very easy and made up on the spot. Ed turned to look at you, clearly confused. ’’What?’’ He said, not necessarily because he didn’t know the answer, but because he was caught off guard. He glanced down at your hands, holding the two steaming cups of coffee.
’’Oh! Coffee.’’ He continued, seeming a little more happier. 
’’I didn’t know how you liked yours, so I had to guess.’’ You offered him the cup, which he gladly took. Kristen had already probably forgot about the coffee anyway. Ed thanked you with a smile and took a careful sip, not to burn his mouth. You could see he was surprised as the liquid hit his tastebuds. 
’’A bit too sweet?’’ You guessed, a little worried you had just blown your chances to make a good proper first impression. Lucky for you, Ed let out a soft laughter. 
’’Just a little, but not too much.’’ 
You let out an exaggerated sigh of relief which made him laugh even more. 
’’Thank you for this Y/N, really.’’ He said as he calmed down, smiling down at you. God he was precious. You returned the smile, your eyes sparkling from happiness. 
’’I’ll see you around.’’
In the following days, you and Ed shared more and more conversations. He would still occasionally leave notes and cupcakes for Kristen, but you noticed that he was also casting looks at your direction. When ever you caught him looking at you, you smiled at him. It made him visibly happier, usually people would only turn to look away or ask what he was staring at, and not in a nice way. After a few days, he started to have his lunch at the same time with yours. First he’d just sit by another table, but it didn’t take long before he asked if he could sit with you. You two would talk about anything and everything. He would tell you about how passionate he was about riddles and mindgames, and you would tell him all about your love for having things in order. He too loved to be tidy, and he couldn’t be happier that you found his stories interesting. Pretty soon, Ed had stopped trying to get Kristen’s attention. With you, he didn’t even need to try, you were already enjoying his company and answering his riddles and quirky notes. Kristen was now dating Tom Dougherty, well deserved, you thought. But it seemed like the bullying was still going on. 
You were just about to sit down to your and Ed’s usual lunch table at the second floor, when you heard some commotion from downstairs. 
’’I told you, you needed to stop sending me these creepy letters!’’ Kristen almost shouted, throwing a green letter to the ground at Ed’s feet. He quickly picked it up and hid it in his coat. ”It wasn’t for you.” Ed said quietly. Tom came almost running to save his damsel in distress. 
’’Back off you freak, if you ever come close to her again, I swear I’ll-’’
’’You swear you’ll what?’’ You asked, interrupting him. Tom turned to look at you bewildered at how you dared. You surely weren’t a threat to Tom, but you couldn’t just stand there and watch when Ed was being humiliated in front of the whole department. 
’’What do you care? You’re a pretty girl Y/N, don’t waste your breath on a weirdo like h-’’
Interrupted again, this time by a mean slap to his cheek. 
’’You don’t get to call me pretty.’’ You hissed at him. He didn’t say a word back, but he looked like he would explode any minute. Surprisingly, he held it in. He grabbed Kristen by her wrist and pulled her away with him. ’’Good riddance.’’ You muttered. 
’’Wow. You have some spice in you.’’ Ed said suddenly, after being silent for the whole ordeal. You turned to look at him and let out a laughter. 
’’What do you call a person who picks up a fight with a man twice as tall as them?’’ You tried to riddle, with the answer being your name, in your mind failing miserably. You almost regretted saying that out loud, but then Ed laughed softly. He looked down at you and had the sweetest smile on his face.
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
Your Move [1]
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Fandom: Yuukoku no Moriarty
Summary: I just wanted William to play chess with Sherlock because I’m a nerd. Starts shortly before the events of “Scandal in the British Empire” and will loosely follow the manga (hopefully). A real game is played throughout the story. [NOTE: Given the time period, there’s an argument to be made that they should be using descriptive notation, which was far more common in England at the time. But I personally believe that William would opt to use the more elegant algebraic notation. I also wanted to confuse John initially, not that that’s hard. Lol.]
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, William James Moriarty, John Watson, Louis James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Fred Porlock, Albert James Moriarty (mentioned)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2.5k
"Holmes! Hey, Holmes! Message for you!"
John and Sherlock looked up at the cheeky call, watching Wiggins run up to them while waving an envelope. It was about the size of a calling card, and after Sherlock accepted it and turned it over, they both saw that the front was blank.
"I've got orders to wait for your reply," Wiggins informed Sherlock with a grin, a shilling flashing briefly between his fingers before it disappeared. Curious, John peered over Sherlock's shoulder as he opened the envelope, pulling out a small card with a cryptic message written in a neat script.
1. e4 Your move, Mr. Detective.
But Sherlock seemed to have understood it immediately, given the way his face had lit up. Usually, he only looked that excited when he was solving an interesting case or talking about the mysterious Lord of Crime.
"John, give me a pen," Sherlock said, holding a hand out expectantly as he flipped the card over to the other side. Even though he was still confused, John obeyed, unclipping the pen from his pocket and handing it over. Grinning, the master detective scrawled "e6" onto the back before stuffing it back in the envelope and handing it to Wiggins, who immediately dashed off.
"What was that about, Sherlock?" John asked as he tucked his pen away again. "Something related to the Lord of Crime?"
"Nah, it was Liam. He must be in London today!" Sherlock's stride lengthened as he made as if to follow the urchin, and John had to hurry to catch up to his sudden energy. He'd only really seen William James Moriarty in passing, when he had been arrested on the train and subsequently exonerated, but Lestrade had told him afterwards about the young noble who had proved himself to be as intelligent as Sherlock. John found it hard to believe that there could be anyone who could compete with his flatmate, but he did feel a sense of gratitude to Moriarty for his contributions to securing his freedom.
Still, seeing how Sherlock could behave like a child… or rather, a child looking forward to playing with a friend (since he behaved like a child most of the time), John felt that he could believe Lestrade. Just talking to anyone else seemed to bore Sherlock since it was incredibly difficult--if not impossible--to keep up with him, so for him to actively seek out someone else suggested that, at the very least, he sincerely found them to be fascinating. John couldn't help feeling bad for William, though; Sherlock was difficult enough to deal with when he had no personal interest in someone. To be an object of his obsession seemed like it would be positively exhausting.
"Wait, Sherlock. Wiggins went that way," John pointed out as they crossed an intersection where he'd seen the boy turn left, but Sherlock shook his head.
"Do you really think I'm going to chase after a child? As long as I can figure out where Liam is, that's what's important. Taxi!"
John sighed, but he followed Sherlock into the hansom cab, listening to his friend give instructions to the driver. Their route brought them to the outskirts of London, depositing them outside a large manor, and John had a sinking feeling that he knew just who the owner was. Sherlock didn't hesitate to step inside the gates and walk up the broad walkway framed by carefully manicured gardens, while John followed more hesitantly.
"Sherlock, there's etiquette that should be observed when you're calling on someone," he whispered. If the card had really come from the second son of the Moriarty family, then wouldn't he be in town, rather than at home? John simply couldn't fathom how Sherlock had come to the conclusion that the man was here, and he hoped that his friend wouldn't make too much of a fuss when he was told otherwise.
"Don't be such a bore, John. Knowing Liam, he's probably expecting me." He rapped smartly on the door before John could reply. Bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation, John glanced around the grounds. There seemed to be a surprising lack of servants: John had only spotted one young-looking gardener kneeling by some rose bushes. He had looked up briefly as the two men passed by before returning to his work, and John wondered if the other workers were just taking a break. It hardly seemed likely that such a well-tended estate could be managed by just one worker.
When the door opened, a rather rough-looking butler looked out at the two of them, and John tried to look apologetic, but Sherlock didn't seem put off at all, speaking up before the other man could even inquire about their visit.
"Is Liam in?" Sherlock asked.
The man seemed to contemplate them for a little longer before turning around and calling, "Oi, Will, there's two blokes here to see you! I think one of them's that famous detective!"
His lack of propriety shocked John. Were the Moriartys some sort of eccentric family? Their servants certainly gave him that impression. Or maybe they had hired them out of noblesse oblige, giving them an opportunity to earn a living and learn how to work, so that they could find employment in other houses afterwards, as some other families did. After all, they had adopted and cared for two orphan children, one of whom had died in a fire, but the other one still lived with them. If so, that was rather admirable, though still odd, as there didn't appear to be any upper servants who would normally be given the role of training new workers. But before he could contemplate the situation further, a familiar face appeared in the doorway of another room.
"Mr. Holmes? And Dr. Watson?"
The young aristocrat approached the two of them, his expression curious, but not surprised.
"We were just about to have tea," William informed them. "Would you like to join us?"
"Thanks for the invitation!" Sherlock replied enthusiastically, stepping inside without any reservations. John followed more slowly, letting the butler close the door behind them. All three of them followed William through the room that he had appeared from, stepping out onto a low patio that looked out over the garden. William's adopted brother--Louis, if John remembered correctly--was standing by a table already set for afternoon tea, meticulously polishing one of the knives before setting it down. Four places had been set, which surprised John. It seemed that Sherlock had been right: William had been expecting them.
"Please, sit." William gestured to the chairs, and Sherlock and Louis immediately claimed the seats closest to him, leaving John to gingerly take his own seat across from William. Louis poured out the tea with a deft hand as Sherlock leaned towards William, his eyes glittering with excitement.
"So, Liam, what brings you to London? Another plot by the Lord of Crime?" he asked, plucking a scone off the platter and shoving it whole into his mouth. John, who had just begun to sip on his tea, choked. Seizing a napkin, he began to cough vigorously into it, his eyes huge. Was Sherlock really suggesting that William was a murderer, or at least working with one? His coughing fit prevented him from hearing most of the answer, but judging from William's face, he hadn't taken any offense at the accusation.
"... just helping Albert out," William was saying airily when John finally managed to get himself back under control. Taking a deep breath, he managed another sip of tea without incident before helping himself to a madeleine.
"Albert is your elder brother, right? And he's in the military?"
"He was, but he's been discharged. Currently, he's setting up a company to invest in trading companies or factories in England. After all, it would be beneficial to our society to support progress and provide people with opportunities to break free of the traditional system in which the poor are bound to the land they are born on, with no choice but to work for the gentry, don't you think?"
"Aaaah, that sort of stuff doesn't concern me," Sherlock replied, waving his hand dismissively, and John winced. Of course, he knew that Sherlock was the kind of person who completely ignored anything that didn't interest him, but for him to continue behaving in such a way when they were guests was deeply insulting to the host. "You're probably right, though, Liam. Anyways, it seems that my reply hasn't arrived yet? e6."
William arched an eyebrow, then leaned back and beckoned the butler over, murmuring something to him before turning back to Sherlock. "d4."
They spat strange codes at each other, and John glanced at Louis, who looked irritated as he stared at Sherlock. John couldn't blame him: if William was half as obnoxious as Sherlock when it came to flaunting his intellect, then the other man must have also gone through a lot. Feeling as though the two of them had been left out of whatever was happening, John leaned towards the other man.
"The tea is very nice," he said awkwardly, but at least it caught Louis' attention.
"Thank you," Louis replied with some stiffness.
"Do you know what they're doing?"
Just as Louis was about to reply, William and Sherlock's next exchange answered the question for him, though it seemed that they were using some sort of system that John was unfamiliar with.
"Knight to c3."
"Bishop to b4."
By then, the butler had reappeared with a chess board, placing it down between Sherlock and William. As William reached out to move a piece, Sherlock chuckled.
"You can't expect me to believe that you need that, Liam. Come on, let's keep going."
But William just smiled as he continued to rearrange the board.
"There's a certain charm in moving the pieces yourself, Mr. Holmes. It's easy to just use words to command others, but if you distance yourself from the feeling of having their lives in your hands, it's very easy to forget what's important. A game of chess is ultimately a game of war, and even the pieces that fall to the wayside or are sacrificed should have their value remembered. Don't you agree, Dr. Watson?"
"Excuse me?" John blinked, surprised to be suddenly addressed, and William picked up a bishop, toying idly with the carved birch piece.
"As an army doctor, you would have a better insight into this discussion, wouldn't you?" William asked, staring at him intently. John was reminded of the unwavering stare of a viper, coiled in the trenches and ready to strike at any man unwary enough to walk about without checking if there was anything underfoot. "To you, are the men you treated, or those who died on the operating table, just numbers? Or did they have names and families, reasons to travel so far from home to die in a distant land?"
"Well..." John shifted uncomfortably, his mind shying away from those memories, so he was relieved when Sherlock suddenly reached out and grabbed William's hand.
"Oi, Liam, it's just a game. Make your move already."
William blinked, and the intense pressure that John was feeling faded. "Ah. I apologize if my questions upset you, Dr. Watson. Excessive curiosity is not a very attractive trait, I'm afraid, but it is one of my flaws."
He contemplated the board briefly before placing down the piece in his hand. "Bishop to d2."
"Brother," Louis interrupted softly. "We're supposed to meet Albert soon."
"Is it that time already?" William pulled out a pocket watch, opening it to examine the dial. Then, he snapped it closed again, getting to his feet and straightening his clothing. "I do apologize, gentlemen, but we have a prior engagement. If you'll just wait a short while, Mr. Moran will call you a cab."
"Eh, don't be such a killjoy, Liam. You're heading into town, right? You could give us a ride," Sherlock protested, but William shook his head, smiling enigmatically.
"Unfortunately, I would not be good company. There are several documents that I was planning to go over this afternoon, so I'll need to catch up on them in the carriage instead. But it was worth it, as this was far more enjoyable. Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson." He inclined his head slightly in a clear farewell, leaving the patio with his brother trailing behind him.
"Liam! Knight to e7!" Sherlock called after him before slumping back in his chair. He reached out to nudge his knight forward before sighing and tilting his head back to stare at the sky. John recognized the signs for the start of one of his flatmate's dark moods, but fortunately, the butler came to fetch them before Sherlock tried to do anything extreme. Again, John was struck by how unprofessional the man seemed as he ushered them out the door and into the waiting carriage.
"Sherlock, what do you think of the butler? Mr. Moran?" John asked in an attempt to distract his friend as the horses clopped through the gate. Sherlock was digging around in his pockets, eventually pulling out his cigarette case and taking one out.
"Match," he ordered brusquely, and John handed him the requested match, waiting for him to light his cigarette and take a long drag. Only after that did Sherlock deign to answer his question.
"He isn't a butler by trade. He was a soldier before--an officer, most likely, since he seems to come from a noble family. He probably saw a lot of men that he cared about die while he was abroad, but unlike you, he seems to be mostly over it now. Perhaps you should ask him for a referral to his therapist."
John frowned. "What's a man like that doing as a butler?"
"What's an army doctor doing as an assistant to the world's only consulting detective?" Sherlock retorted. "People have their own circumstances, and their decisions don't always make sense to others. What?"
John was gaping at his friend as though he'd suddenly grown another head.
"What?" Sherlock repeated, and John shook off his surprise slowly.
"I didn't expect you to actually show consideration towards someone else," he replied, his eyebrows still raised.
"What are you talking about? What about Hope?" Sherlock pointed out, sounding mildly irritated, as he usually did whenever John pointed out something patently obvious--at least to Sherlock. But before John could respond, the carriage stopped, and their driver announced, "221 Baker Street!"
They exited the cab, and as they were crossing the threshold of 221B, John suddenly remembered another, more pressing issue.
"And what was that about? Accusing William of being the Lord of Crime? Even as a joke, that was incredibly rude of you!" he reprimanded Sherlock, only to be taken aback when the other man actually laughed out loud. The suddenness of it even prompted Miss Hudson to poke her head around the corner to see what was happening.
"He's brilliant, isn't he? But you don't need to worry about that, John. He's just playing along, like he did on the train. God, if he really was the Lord, it would be perfect!"
Still laughing, he headed upstairs. John exchanged an exasperated look with Miss Hudson's confused one, then headed up himself.
[Part 2]
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handonhaven · 3 years
Am tired I will be back when Landon is out of limbo and it's Soo damn obvious that it anit gonna be a damn while so until he gets back am going to stop watching legacies cause my heart honestly can't take this anymore, Landon being stuck in limbo for so damn long gonna make me through a tantrum, this wait is killing me and my heart can't take it💆💆!!!... I don't know how Am gonna break my attachment with legacies but am deadass gonna force that shit!!...
This shit anit even about HANDON anymore!!! Landon is not going to be the one to bring back hopes humanity so u"all can shut tf up about that now b4 u"all disappoint u"all self and give the hoise's more shit to hate on us with cause it looks like hope gonna get her humanity back between 7-9 b4 the break!! Cause by the look of 4x09 description it sure as hell look like it, u"all make everything about Landon sometimes when it comes to hope... ( I anit gonna apologize!! If legacies prove me wrong then am gonna apologize but for now am letting my hopes be so low so I don't disappoint my self)...
Landon still being in limbo is what pissed me off that's the only thing making me deadass mad right now my baby as been through so much he needs a breath of fresh air🤦🙄.... And what's hurting me the most is that they treating Landon like crap in the show already, looks like he getting a storyline ( probably his storyline gonna revolve around other people AGAIN!🙄!) I just don't want it with him being in limbo and gone for a whole damn season again!! I want him in the real world..
I made my bed it's time to lay in it💆💆....
Understandable! Personally, I wanna see what’s gonna happen with Landon in limbo and am hoping we’ll get to see his own storyline there. And if it takes a while in order for them to focus on him after a whole season of ignoring his storyline, then I’ll take it tbh. But I do absolutely hate that they’re having him trapped somewhere else, and that he’s gotta find his way out of somewhere else again, so messed up and unnecessary. They could’ve still explored his own individual storyline with him safe and alive with Hope, so I’m mad about that.
And I’m okay with them exploring Hope and Landon’s storylines separately right now, and I still think they’re tied together and that what’s happening will lead them back to each other. But I will still forever hate how they ended their season 3 storyline and are having them apart again after they already were for a whole season. But hang on, I think those who wanna think that Landon is gonna bring back Hope’s humanity are more than free to and we don’t need to shut up about it. It makes the most sense for the story and that’s why so many of us believe it will happen. But I know it’s possible that he won’t because these writers often make decisions that don’t make sense and this show has been a huge disappointment a lot of the time. But I still wanna be hopeful about it while also trying to be prepared for the worst. And H*sies are gonna hate on us no matter what, idc. If we end up being wrong, that’ll be nothing compared to the amount of times they’ve been wrong with their absurd theories that never happen. Our ship has been canon for 3+ seasons and they can’t stand it, that’s why they hate on us. And I disagree, it doesn’t seem to me like Hope will get her humanity back in the next few episodes. The 4x09 synopsis says Hope gets “involved in a game of cat and mouse”? Doesn’t sound like something Hope would do if her humanity was back on... Plus there’s a still from 4x08 I believe that looks like they could be making stakes out of the tree, which they wouldn’t need to do if Hope’s humanity was back on. So I really hope it will still be off for a while. And if you think we all make everything about Landon when it comes to Hope (which isn’t true) then you don’t have to get involved in the Handon side of the fandom if that bothers you? Again, Landon being the one to bring back Hope’s humanity makes the most sense for many reasons, it’s not just because we love Handon or are trying to make everything about Landon. And I totally understand trying to lower your expectations and not get your hopes high since this show so often disappoints. It’s absolutely true that we’ve gotten so many disappointments and pain as Handon fans, I’m very used to it at this point, so I also try to keep my expectations low. But that doesn’t mean I can’t try to have a little hope as well, while also knowing these writers might screw things up again.
But yeah, I’m super pissed about Landon being in limbo too. So sick and tired of them putting him through this crap. The only good thing about it is him getting time for his own storyline. Oh, and also the fact that he’s away from the squad. If he’s gotta be away from Hope, I’m at least glad he’s somewhere away from the squad, because I honestly think it would be a whole lot more damaging for him to be around them. And at least he’s not in any danger. But it still pisses me off that he’s gotta be trapped in limbo in order to be somewhere better than his “home” with his “friends.” That’s when you know just how badly these writers have treated him. And you’re right, it’s very possible they may have his storyline revolving around other people once again, that’s something I’m very worried about. Because that’s exactly what they did with him and Ted last episode, the same thing could happen with Alaric. But they already focused on Alaric in 4x05, with his memories and him getting some kind of closure and peace when it comes to the twins, so they better not be spending much time on him. And idk how much more time they could spend on Ted either, he already got his coin, idk why he’s still even gonna be there. So it better be about Landon for once, with maybe Alaric and Ted helping him, and that’s as much of them as I’d ever want to see. We better get lots of focus on Landon or I’m gonna lose it. I don’t think he’ll be in limbo for the whole season though. I’m hoping he’ll get out of limbo not long after 4x09. I don’t see how they could have him in limbo the whole season, but after what they did last season, who knows. I hope they don’t do something like that again though.
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