#regulus black Headcanons
midnightstargazer · 2 days
Do you have any favourite regulus headcanons?
So, so many of them. Where do I even start?
He had a summer birthday, making him almost two years younger than Sirius but only one year below him at school
His favorite cousin was Narcissa - even as a young child, but especially after Sirius was disowned. While everyone else expected him to be pleased at being the heir now and eager to be rid of a "blood traitor," she spoke with him in private and told him it was okay if he had mixed feelings or missed Sirius. She was the only one who considered that that might be the case, because she had gone through something similar with Andromeda.
He was naturally bright, but not so much that everything came easily; he still had to work hard in order to do well in school. He did excel at some subjects, though, especially Ancient Runes and Defense Against the Dark Arts. He dropped Divination and Herbology as soon as possible, the former because he didn't have the Sight, and the latter because, as far as he was concerned, digging around in the dirt was beneath his dignity.
He was nearly but not quite a hatstall and spent his Sorting ceremony absolutely terrified, begging for Slytherin while the hat considered the pros and cons of the various options. One of the reasons it hesitated so long was that it could tell he wanted to go there at least partially out of fear and thought he might have more room to grow as a person in one of the other Houses. It was probably right - but that doesn't mean it was wrong in its final decision.
He loved playing Quidditch and was really good at it.
If he had been an animagus, his animal form would have been a crow.
He was prejudiced about blood status, but could be polite when it suited him. Especially at the Slug Club. He wasn't friendly or welcoming towards Slughorn's Muggle-born favorites, but he carefully avoided showing any overt hostility - at least when Slughorn was watching.
In another life, he might have been a scholar (he was very interested in the academic side of magic), an artist (he painted the family crest above his bed himself), or a dueling champion (he was highly skilled with combative magic).
He joined the Death Eaters entirely by choice.
He was the youngest person ever recruited as a Death Eater until Draco Malfoy during the second war. Narcissa was well aware of this, and it was one of the reasons she insisted Draco was too young.
He had a soft spot for Kreacher. He didn't necessarily see him as an equal, but he felt genuine affection for him and appreciated his loyalty. He was furious on Kreacher's behalf when he found out what Voldemort had done.
He didn't get along with Sirius and would probably have said he hated him, but he never stopped thinking of him as his brother.
He went to the cave expecting to die and preferring to die on his own terms rather than be made an example of by Voldemort.
As he was drowning, he regretted not trying harder to survive.
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 9 days
SIRIUS IS THE GRIM! Padfoot as the grim and so right before Regulus dies he keeps seeing this fucking big black dog following him around (It’s Sirius trying to look after him) but he is convinced this animal is foreshadowing his death, and so Regulus takes it into his own hands by going into the cave!!!!
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soleilonis · 23 days
regulus constantly feels as if rose thorns are pinching his skin. when someone touches him, the thorns dig deeper into his flesh. he bleeds, and bleeds, and bleeds—helpless.
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shydiaryblack2 · 24 days
My personal headcanons for Regulus Black.
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‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵
He can swim. (I've seen some peoples say that he cant, cause of his death/how he died. If ya take a look at harry, during the scene with Dumbledore, he was getting DRAGGED DOWN, I don't think anyone would be able to swim in that even the strongest of swimmers.)
He's a good person. (He may have had a couple of hiccups, but he is a good person.)
His animagus form is a Havana Brown or Bombay cat.
He LOVES tea. (In the morning you would see if drinking tea, and before bed as well.)
His BEST subject is potions. (He loves getting into detail about the little precise things, and he can do just that in potions. lol)
He knows multiple languages. (he got bored one day.)
He LOVES to wear rings, and bracelets. (You can not tell me any different.)
His hand writing is between VERY neat cursive, and the weird cursive shit you cant read at the doctors.
He's a insomniac.
He's friends with the marauders. (Another one you cant make me not unbelieve.)
He's a very confident person.
He has a weird fascination with fuzzy socks...but only in secret.
Green is not his favorite color, his is either a grey lavender, or stormy ocean blue.
He would faint if someone held his face. He would melt. He would be trying not to cry. He feels comfort in it.
in his relationships he's dominant, butttttTTtTTTt there are days that he's soft, and cuddly.
When he loves someone, he is obsessed with them (sometimes possessive), he is wanting to touch them all the time, hand holding, face holding, arm linking, even holding the hem of their shirt if that person is busy with their hands. he wants to know everything about them, what they like, dislike, favorite food, where they were in the past 3 minutes..etc...
He plays the piano, if his person plays too, he find songs to duo with them.
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you can't tell me that trans!regulus didn't go through a grunge phase when he was 13, when his short hair grew longer till his shoulders but walburga won't let him touch his hair and intends for it to grow longer. so regulus wore smudged eyeliner, cherry lip balm and his clothes hid his form, and for a moment, he felt like he was copying his brother.
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ansrweoitt · 1 month
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headcanons by Regulus Black
• most of the time, Regulus behaves absolutely seriously and only allows himself to joke with friends.
• he loves strong tea and hates coffee.
• he is afraid of the dark, but still finds solace in it.
• no matter how much Regulus needed help, he would never ask for it himself. Reg keeps all the problems and feelings inside himself, which kills them from the inside when he is left alone with them
• Reg has a very beautiful, truly aristocratic, calligraphic handwriting
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runwiththerain · 2 months
regulus black
ty for the ask, and sure :)
thinks pandora lovegood is the best person in the world
has an eating disorder that was never addressed because of the way he was raised by walburga and orion
stargazes whenever he gets the chance
his best subjects are potions and charms
only listens to classical music unless he is forced to hear some "popular nonsense"
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gayandawreck · 2 months
In like Regulus’ sixth year he had this desire to straighten his very curly hair, he had his Straightened for the rest of hogwarts and he didn’t like un-straighten his hair until he was like 23ish(I will always love straight haired Regulus) and also the under lair of his hair is blonde(him and Cissa be matching) and everybody was mortified by his straight hair especially James and Sirius. Did I mention that Barty was the one that helped him straighten it,Dorcas and Evan were so mad at him for helping Regulus for doing that.
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anonymouse5 · 2 months
regulus wanted to die before any of his friends so he wouldn’t have to go to their funerals
he got his wish
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 2 months
Doing this because after seeing everyone else’s I’m curious
Whose handwriting do I have?
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villain-crown · 2 months
Villain! What are some of your headcanons for young!regulus?
I’m so glad you asked! *pulls up a PowerPoint* 🫶 I’ll define young!Regulus as preteen and before, for the sake of clarity.
Regulus Black:
* So smol, so cute 🥹 legit looks like a little doll 💅
* Usually spends his time in Grimmauld Place hanging off his big brother Sirius 😇
* Is totally raised by Sirius btw. Receives The Talk from his brother in the summer before second year. Very mortifying; he would not recommend 🙃
* Receives more punishments than Sirius after first year 😔 that’s when their mother realizes Sirius doesn’t care what she does to him, but folds quickly when his consequences are put to Regulus instead.
* Enjoys being the center of Sirius’s attention but otherwise hatessss it! 🫣
* Is a little genius. 🧐 Excels with his tutors—especially in potions!
* Besties with Barty, Evan, and Dorcas 🫶🫶🫶
* The loyalist 🤝 will do whatever it takes to protect his brother or friends, whether they like it or not
* Has his first kiss with Barty in second year. 😚😚 immediately tells Sirius, because he tells Sirius everything, even though he knows his brother definitely won’t approve (spoiler, he’s right)
* Has a puppy crush on James Potter 🐶 at first he’s too young to really understand what his blushing and increased heart rate means, but over time he Realizes 🫢
Thank you so much for the ask @lifeandlies-of-regulusblack !!! 🫶❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
I would like one for my OC please. I would like the Harry potter fandom, for the Golden Trio era and Marauders era, if you’re willing to do both. If not, may I just have the Golden Trio era one please? And can the Marauders one be platonic and the Golden Trio era one be romantic?
Thank you so much and congrats on so many followers!!! You deserve each and every one!!!
My OC’s name is Elliot Winters. He’s a perfectionist halfblood wizard with a quirky personality and a firm manner. He’s very confident and charming, and could easily be great if he wanted to be (he doesn’t lol)
He’s a Hufflepuff, with a loyalty to his friends so fervent they call him their guard dog (lovingly). He has brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a warm smile. He’s meticulous about his appearance and loves classic literature.
Thank you so much again!! You’re an amazing writer and I absolutely adore reading your works!!
Thank you so much my love! And of course you can get both! 💕
Golden Trio Era, Romantic Match-Up: Draco Malfoy
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draco was initially drawn to elliot's confident and charming demeanor, finding himself intrigued by the hufflepuff's unwavering loyalty to his friends. despite their differences in house allegiance, draco couldn't help but admire elliot's dedication and protective nature.
elliot's warm smile and meticulous appearance caught draco's attention from the moment they met, the hufflepuff's fair skin and blue eyes a stark contrast to draco's own silver gaze. despite his perfectionist tendencies, elliot's quirky personality and firm manner added a layer of intrigue that draco found irresistible.
as they began dating, draco found himself drawn to elliot's love for classic literature, their discussions about their favorite books becoming a highlight of their time together. draco enjoyed the opportunity to explore new perspectives with elliot by his side, their conversations deepening their connection.
elliot's unwavering loyalty to his friends struck a chord with draco, reminding him of the importance of standing by those he cared about. though their relationship had its challenges, draco found solace in elliot's steadfast presence, knowing that he could always rely on him for support.
despite their differences, draco and elliot's relationship flourished, each bringing out the best in the other. elliot's quirky charm softened draco's sharp edges, while draco's confidence and ambition inspired elliot to reach for his own dreams.
Song: Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley
Marauders Era; Platonic Match-Up: Regulus Black
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regulus and elliot's friendship was an unlikely bond that blossomed amidst the corridors of hogwarts. despite their differing backgrounds and house affiliations, regulus found himself drawn to elliot's unwavering loyalty and steadfast dedication to his friends.
elliot's quirky personality and firm manner intrigued regulus from the moment they met, the hufflepuff's confidence and charm a stark contrast to the reserved demeanor of the slytherin. regulus couldn't help but admire elliot's determination and tenacity, qualities that mirrored his own in many ways.
as best friends, regulus and elliot shared a deep connection rooted in mutual respect and understanding.
despite the pressures of their respective families and the expectations placed upon them, they found solace in each other's company. they spent countless hours discussing their favorite books and sharing their hopes and dreams for the future, finding comfort in the bond they shared.
elliot's meticulous nature and love for classic literature resonated with regulus, sparking a shared passion for knowledge and learning. together, they explored the depths of the Hogwarts library and delved into the mysteries of magic, forging memories that would last a lifetime.
Song: Lean On Me by Bill Withers
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maraudersthoughts · 3 months
be so for real regulus black would NOT have nipple piercings
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hc: in modern!au, 13 year old regulus would've been obsessed with solving the rubik's cube, but he couldn't finish the whole thing and instead solved one layer each time he got distracted from his homework because his parents didn't like him blasting loud music on his headphones.
It was only when he was 15 when he fully finished the damn cube because james dared him to or else he wouldn't return his textbook like the attention-seeker he is.
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gtgbabie0 · 3 months
Hey I saw your requests were open :)
How about regulus slow dancing with reader in their bedroom/kitchen? I’m a sucker for how well you write for him 😭
-Regulus Black x reader
{Slow dancing with Regulus black}
Thank you for the request, Hope you enjoy my lovelies! 💕
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Regulus didn’t live with you, although it certainly felt like he did. Little reminders of him scatter throughout your house, woven through the halls and rooms. His clothes claim a small section of your closet, his toothbrush sits beside yours and you’ve even stacked up on his favourite snacks.
That’s why you don’t fret when your front door opens with a heavy creak whilst you potter around the kitchen. He calls out your name softly as he closes the door behind him, hanging his coat up and kicking off his shoes.
“I’m in the kitchen!” You call out softly and a small smile breaks out on his lips at the sound of your sweet voice. He was finally home where he belonged, by your side just how it should be.
There’s no hesitation as Regulus walks through the kitchen, his hands immediately tugging you into him by your hips. “I’ve missed you.” He sighs as he rests his head in the crook of your neck with a soft groan.
He’s much less reserved around you now than when you two first started dating. He seeks out your warmth without a second thought, ignoring the small protests of insecurity that shout at him.
“I’ve missed you too.” You smile softly as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging him closely to you whilst his hands rest against the small of your back.
He pulls back slightly to admire you, the stress from his expression melts away instantly as he drinks in the sight of you. How the warm lights of the kitchen dust against your skin. There’s a certain glow to you that lights up his heart and soul… you breathe life into him again.
He watches your smile turn more shy under his loving gaze. Your eyes flicker away from him, but he’s quick to catch your jaw in his hand ever so softly, making you look back over at him, his thumb caresses your cheek.
“Dinners just cooking… your favourite.” You tell him, quickly trying to move the conversation on so he doesn’t make a teasing remark about your sudden shyness.
He glances over to the oven then back down to you, there’s a gleam of admiration that swims within in his dark eyes. He’s still not used to it, the volumes in which you care for him and he’s not sure he ever will be.
“Thank you, mon amour.” Regulus whispers before pressing a soft sweet kiss to your lips, his smile breaks the kiss off and he pulls back slightly to admire you once more.
There’s a certain peacefulness that you bring to him, you seem to quell the emotions that bundle up inside him. He stands there holding you closely as the gentle melodies play from your small radio.
A kiss against his cheek breaks him out of the trance he seems to be lost in. “Dinner is still cooking... do you want to dance with me?” You ask softly as you rest a delicate hand against his shoulder, looking up at him those pretty eyes of yours and a smirk that teeters against your lips.
He completely melts at the sight. “Of course, angel.” He breathes as if you’ve knocked the air out of him, his hand finding your hips as he begins to gently sway with the melody of the music.
All those ballroom dance lessons paid off, except this is much less intense than when he was a child. It’s a slow-paced one, that doesn’t carry the same pressure as he once remembers, no judging eyes to tell him that his form is off… he can breathe.
You feel his shoulders relax slightly and a certain playfulness flashes through his eyes as he spins you around before bringing you back into his chest, his hands squeezing your hips softly.
The sounds of your sweet laughter fill the kitchen as you both dance, socked feet bumping together every so often and he tuts at you teasingly every time.
“You’re beautiful” He whispers, his hand resting against your cheek and his heart swells when he feels you lean into the warmth of his palm and he knows you’re the one… his heart belongs to you forever and always. "I love you" he breathes, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"I love you too," you reply with a warm smile as you both continue to enjoy each other's warmth dancing together lovingly. Nothing else matters to Regulus except for the way you feel against him, just as it should be.
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