#and luke evans is a good looking gay man
kentucky-daisey · 7 months
I'm very much not attracted to men, but Luke Evans can get it.
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hey, Cat and Mouse! I hope you're having a great day. I'm looking for some faceclaim suggestions for a character (Cis Man, 35+ years) who gives off really angry vibes, preferably with resources. I know it's not much to go off, but the character works in an office type setting and has ongoing anger issues. He doesn't necessarily come across as big and scary, just grumpy and prone to lash out. Please and thank you so much in advance!
Eric Bogosian (1953) Armenian.
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Richard Armitage (1971) - is gay.
David Tennant (1971)
Idris Elba (1972) Sierra Leonean / Ghanaian.
Gabriel Macht (1972) Ashkenazi Jewish.
John Abraham (1972) Malayali Indian / Parsi Indian.
Sasha Roiz (1973) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Matthew Macfadyen (1974)
Joaquin Phoenix (1974) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, German, Irish, Welsh, and French Huguenot.
Hugh Dancy (1975)
Jonathan Rhys Meyers (1977)
Tom Ellis (1978)
Matthew Goode (1978)
Omar Sy (1978) Mauritanian / Fula Senegalese.
Daniel Brühl (1978)
Luke Evans (1979) - is gay.
Murat Yıldırım (1979) Turkish.
Oscar Isaac (1979) Cuban-Guatemalan-Spanish, French.
Ben Whishaw (1980) - is gay.
David Giuntoli (1980)
Brett Goldstein (1980) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Colin O'Donoghue (1981)
Joe Taslim (1981) Chinese Indonesian.
Rami Malek (1981) 87.5% Egyptian 12.5% Greek.
Hyun Bin (1982) Korean.
Dan Stevens (1982)
Halil İbrahim Ceyhan (1982) Turkish.
Ed Skrein (1983) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly English.
Sacha Dhawan (1984) Punjabi Indian.
Song Joong Ki (1985) Korean.
Here you go, anon!
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Streetdogs and Chest Compressions // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: Reader reconnected with her estranged younger brother in the cruelest of ways as the 118 is called the scene of three young men suffering after eating streetdogs. Unfortunately, this is how Buck meets the future brother in law he had no clue even existed.
Warnings: Swearing, family problems (aka estranged), withholding personal information, angst, medical emergency, and fluff
Words: 4.7k
A/N: This fic is a crossover between Julie and the Phantoms and 9-1-1 in which Luke, Reggie and Alex eat the streetdogs in modern times. Don’t worry, someone still dies. Reader’s nickname is Spitfire 
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It seemed Los Angeles was taking pity on the 118 with not even a single fire to be put out or medical needed. It was slow. Painfully slow, and you weren't even halfway through the twenty-four-hour shift. Hen and Chimney had taken the circular table for a card game, Bobby was reading a new cookbook. Eddie's Abuela had brought Christopher to the firehouse for his online schooling, the Diaz's wifi was malfunctioning. Buck and you had snuck off the bunk room to catch some sleep.
"Lazy movie day?" Buck asked with his arms tightly wound around your hips. Your form almost rested entirely on his front due to the narrow bunk.
"Wouldn't have it any other way." You replied to the content man underneath you. You could only hum as he shifted to kiss the top of your head, "Now shh. I want to slee-"
The bell sounded before you could even finish your sentence, "And what I didn't want to happen just had to spite me."
Buck and you hurried to quickly pull on your turnout gear before hopping into the respective seats you used. Eddie across from you, Buck driving with Bobby in the Captain seat. Hen and Chimney in the ambulance tailing you.
"We have three males in their late teens. Ate hotdogs in an alley before collapsing in the process." Bobby informed his team all the while he watched the road, "One is profusely puking, one's unconscious, and the last one is stable."
"Thinking it's food poisoning? That sudden?" Buck inquired with a swift glance from his position of driving. Bobby shrugged in response just as Buck eased the fire truck to a half near a crowded alley.
You were the first one out of the firetruck with your medical bag and halfway to the alley before the team could get out.
"Make some room!" You shouted among the heavily populated area, curious about the medical emergency.
Everything slowed down as you pushed between the last two people into something you called your worst nightmare. Three teenage individuals settled on their sides in unconscious states had been a fixture in your youth. Your eyes stayed pinned on the prone figure of your little brother.
It was like being underwater. Nothing could be heard, and it felt like you were in the process of drowning. It was the first time seeing Luke since you stormed out of your family home back when you were eighteen years old.
It was the same old unchanging story playing for months now with only the new addition of an audience. It was the middle of a blistering summer in Los Angeles, but it was the most heated in the Patterson household. You'd been at the movies with your best friends while your mother, Emily, was putting your laundry away.
Emily's hand had bumped your dresser by accident in her process of closing your socks drawer. The Patterson matriarch and her husband would never invade their children's rooms, but her keen eye had noticed the pamphlet; nothing serious like teen pregnancy but it was surprising.
Emily was holding a recruitment pamphlet for the Los Angeles Fire Department marked with your handwriting. Her heart dropped in sync with the front door slamming shut.
"I'm home!" You called out from the entrance. You didn't hear as your mother wandered into the open space. Her eyes flaring in both anger and fear; when a person is scared, they lash out.
That's what Emily did.
"What is this?"
Your eyes found the item in her hand that genuinely made your blood freeze in your veins. This was not how you'd wanted her to find out about your career decision.
"I'm applying. I graduated high school, and hopefully, I'll be train-"
"Like hell, you will! You're going to college and getting a real job! This won't take you anywhere Y/N Y/M/N Patterson!" Emily snapped just as Mitch came through the back door with your ten-year-old brother Luke.
"What's going on?" Mitch questioned as soon as he felt the tension between mother and daughter. Luke was quiet amongst the adults speaking.
"Your daughter isn't going to college. She's going to be a firefighter.
A smooth hand startled you with the clap on your shoulder and Hen looking at you, "Are you okay?"
"I-" You shakily attempted to speak but alas had to be gently settled on the ground before you keeled over and hurt yourself. Your uniform, long sleeves this time, felt constricting as the guilt nearly swallowed you whole.
"Hey, Cap? I think I know why those three are like that." Buck called out from a sketchy grill by an even sketchier condiments table. The table being a rusted Oldsmobile manned by a greasy dude and his girl.
Even from a distance, you could smell the chemicals wafting off the unsanitary set up that would put a health inspector in a casket. 
"One's waking up!" Chimney spoke from the slump of pink and denim fabric. A curtain of blonde '90s style hair mussed on his head.
"Look, Y/N, I need you to dig deep to help these three boys. They have long lives ahead of them and need our A-game." Hen spoke with her hands, already checking one of the teens for broken bones.
Your eyes closed with a deep breath before you moved towards the boy on the other side. Eddie shifted to allow you room to check him over.
"Strong pulse. Breathing is good." You clinically informed your team, "Eddie can-"
"What happened?" The gruff voice spoke from behind you. As expected, Alex's voice had deepened in the years you'd gone without seeing Luke or his friends.
"You got this one?" You asked Eddie without waiting for a response; you were by Chim's side with a soft smile. Alex's eyes widened momentarily, "Hey Alex."
"Y/N?" Alex nearly gasped in shock. His shock seemed contagious as your entire team from the 118 caught it, "What's going on?"
"You ate some bad hotdogs and needed our help. We're gonna get you to the hospital. I'm worried you ingested battery acid." You spoke, understanding that Alex would prefer details instead of the lack thereof. Even from an early age, he'd been anxious.
"Oh. Are the guys okay?" Alex softly asked with his eye blinking as a strand of his blonde hair caught in his eyelashes. You slowly nodded in response without really knowing the status of Reggie and Luke.
"Eddie, Buck, can you get him loaded in the ambulance?" You called over your shoulder once you'd finished your thorough examination of Alex. The sound of boots on the hard ground appeared before they appeared.
Eddie and Buck swiftly loaded him on a gurney, but Alex's eyes widened, "Why are there two hot guys touching me? Oh my god. Do you see the cute guys too?"
You snickered as Alex's failed attempt at a stage whisper, "Yes. Alex."
"I've been blessed as a gay man." Alex breathed with a cute little grin plastered on his face, "Maybe I should eat more streetdogs-"
"NO!" Eddie, Buck, and you collectively shouted in response to Alex's delirious comment. He was loaded into the ambulance beside Reggie's gurney.
"I'm gonna jump in with the other guy in the ambulance." You quickly informed your boyfriend and Eddie. Each shared a look before Eddie slammed his fist on the back of this ambulance. It rolled away, and you jogged to the one Hen was driving.
Buck was there giving you a hand into the back of the ambulance with one of the other paramedics. You couldn't meet his eye when you were staring at the unconscious but thankfully alive body of your little brother. Your eyes couldn't be pulled away even as the ambulance started driving away.
Buck momentarily stared after the leaving vehicle until it turned a corner leaving him with his crew and questions. Eddie kept by Buck's side on the return to the firetruck in unusual silence. It wasn't often that Buck was quiet.
"What do you think that was about?" Eddie inquired as the truck pulled onto the street to follow the ambulances to the hospital, "Y/N knew the conscious one-"
"-and the one in the ambulance she jumped in. Kept staring at him like he'd disappear out of her sight." Buck supplied, staring out the window to the passing buildings. His blue eyes are unable to focus on the looks Bobby was sending.
Bobby attempted to bring Buck into a conversation, but each attempt was a failure. Neither Bobby nor Eddie knew how to make him feel better or why he was feeling off. 
Whereas you kept a hawk-eye on your brother's stats the entirety of the drive. The ambulance had only just entered the parking lot when his stats dropped. A long beep sounded, alerting you that Luke's heart had stopped.
"Goddamnit." You swore as you started leaning over Luke to start compressions. In order to continue compressions, you clambered into the gurney as the back doors opened.
"Hold compressions!" Eddie exclaimed once, seeing the situation, "No pulse."
You continued even as the gurney entered the hospital, and a doctor was there, "We got it."
You did as the doctor had subtly implied by climbing off the gurney, leaving the medical professionals to continue. You followed your brother's unconscious body to the surprise of the 118; you had never tried to follow the patient. It was more of Buck's issue.
"Y/N, our job ends here. You know that." Bobby spoke with Hen, Chimney, Eddie and Buck flanking his sides. Your e/c eyes shifted between the brown of your Captain's eyes and the blue of your boyfriend's eyes.
"It doesn't end when I just did compressions on my little brother." You informed him, "Write me up. Suspend me if you want, but I need to be in there."
Bobby's eyes softened, "Your shift is almost over. Just come in early on your next shift; you can make breakfast."
"Thanks, Bobby." You softly informed the man who'd become both your boss and a pseudo father. He only nodded in response with your friends beside him with different expressions, "I should get in there."
Without waiting for another response, you'd already entered the ER through the ambulance bay sliding doors. You went straight to the nursing desk with sure steps.
"Hi, I was in the ambulance that brought in a young male teenager. Shaggy brunette hair, caucasian. He was in a separate ambulance from his two friends." You spoke once the head nurse had turned his attention to you, "He was getting compressions on his way in. Name Luke Patterson."
"Are you asking as a paramedic?" Jude questioned with his fingers tapping the keys of the computer. 
"No. He's my brother." You sighed, bringing the sympathetic brown eyes of Jude to look at you. The look changed a degree when he read the sentences on the screen.
"Are you aware your brother ran away from home? There's a social worker on her way."
Your jaw dropped in surprise, "Ran away? He ran away?!"
Jude flinched at the screech of words you accidentally released to both your and Jude's horror in the quiet ER. Jude turned the screen to show a digital missing person's poster with your brother's face on it.
"He's awake." Jude supplied, having deciphered and guessed correctly you'd gone a while without seeing your brother, "I'm off shift now, but I can bring you to him. I'll let the social worker know."
The nerves grew each step closer to the room your brother was stationed in for the time being with Reggie for comfort in the neighbouring bed. Part of you wished Luke would be asleep to avoid the confrontation about to happen. Only Luke's hazel eyes turned to see him in his pause of puking.
"Hey." You softly breathed into the quiet room. Luke's breath caught in his throat, "You ran away?"
"Guess we're more alike than we thought. We both run when it gets tough." Luke's words were all snark and poison to your heart. His hazel eyes glaring into your own eyes with anger that covered up the pain, "Hope this is just a delirious episode."
Your eyes squeezed closer, "Luke-"
"What? Are you gonna apologize for abandoning me? The only reason you're reaching out is that you happened to be the medic!"
You could physically feel your heart clench, "No. I tried reaching out. Mom and dad don't answer the phone. You didn't have a phone, and like hell, they'd give me the number either. The letters and-"
"Excuse me? Ms. Patterson." Both Luke and your attention shifted the entrance. A well put together woman stood with a clipboard, "I'm Beth. A social worker and I'm afraid you aren't allowed to speak with Luke alone."
"I'm his sister."
"Barely." Luke hissed, avoiding looking at you by looking over at Reggie, "I'd like to be alone."
"I can respect that. Here's my number if you need anything, Luke. Seriously, night or day, I'll answer. I know how it was living in that house, but you have someone to run to. Me." You firmly told the stubborn teenager, "Listen to Beth. You can't live on the streets Luke, it's not fair to you or anyone else. I'll ask my friend to keep an eye on you."
Had you not noticed Luke's jaw clenching, you'd have thought he hadn't heard you, "Whatever."
"Beth, have Reggie or Alex's parents come yet?"
Beth nodded, "I'm not supposed to reveal that, but yes Mr and Mrs Peters are talking to the doctor. Alex was moved into a room. They'll all make a full recovery."
You cast one last look at your little brother curled up in the hospital bed, a stark similarity to the night you returned home, only for your things.
It wasn't an accident you chose to return to your childhood home on Thursday night with the schedule on the fridge memorized. Every second Thursday, your mom attended the PTA meetings for Luke's school. Your father would be home but most likely asleep in his recliner, but if he was awake, it wouldn't be bad.
Your father was more lenient than your mother, even if he shared the same mentality.
"I was wondering when you'd come back," Mitch spoke from his recliner with the side table holding his drink. A glass of your mom's homemade lemonade, "Your mom-"
"I'm not staying." You firmly spoke on your way to the hallways where the bedrooms were positioned. You could hear the soft steps of your father's well-worn slippers.
"Look, Dad, you can't leave the house, but I can. I'm not staying in this place with her stifling ideas. This is my life. Just because she decided to be a stay at home, mom doesn't mean she gets to make my decisions and live through me." You informed the man while shoving clothing, items, toiletries, among other things, in the suitcase.
"Y/N, firstly, that is not how to speak about your mother. She sacrificed to take care of this family. Luke looks up at you, don't give him a bad impression of our family."
"If you walk out that door without apologizing, then you are not welcome back until you do so." Mitch's voice came out in that fatherly authoritarian tone. The no-nonsense look in his eye nailing the coffin in your decision.
"I'm not apologizing for choosing a career of helping other people. Of being a step for someone to live and not die. So what if it's not a teacher, a lawyer or some other bullshit 'acceptable' career. I love you, dad. I love mom too and Luke. But I'm not subjecting myself to a desk job with no drive in it."
"Where will you stay?"
"I have a place. I'll call to talk with Luke. I won't 'poison' his mind with ill thoughts of mom. But I won't lie to him either."
Mitch was stock still as you glanced into the bedroom next to your childhood bedroom. Luke's room was still decorated with spaceships and stuffed animals. Your eyes watched the rising of Luke's back as he breathed from his curled up position.
You couldn't help but walk to kneel at his side. Your hand brushed his soft hair from his forehead. You drank in the look of pure content and innocence on his sleeping face.
"Y/N?" Luke mumbled with his bleary eyes blinking, "You're home."
"I have to head out. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Okay," Luke spoke mere seconds before his breathing evened out once more.
That was the last night you'd been in the home. Luke sat next to the landline phone the next night, waiting for a call that never came. Your parents had unhooked the line. Luke sat on a stool beside it for weeks before his hopes soured.
If only you'd known leaving your parents would mean souring your relationship with your brother. Than maybe you would have reached out for his benefit and your self-proclaiming selfishness
"Thought you'd need a ride," Buck spoke from his position leaning against the wall still in his uniform. There was definitely a new tension in the air between you and him, "We'll grab our things from the house than go home."
"Thank you." You softly spoke to Buck. The weight of keeping your family secret dragged your shoulders down. You couldn't help but wonder if this was gonna cause a fracture in your relationship.
"No matter what. I'll always be here." Buck told you with his arms coming to wrap around your shoulders. He led you through the ER, you'd waved at the shocked parents of both Alex and Reggie, "Who-"
"Luke's friends' parents."
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"Okay, so your family lives just outside of the city in Los Felix?"
"Feliz. They live in Los Feliz, from what I know. I haven't been back since I was eighteen." You chuckled, "I want to stress that my parents are abusive or neglectful. Not even bad, but my mom had this idea of what my life should be like."
Buck hummed with his right arm around your waist, and his left casually balanced on his outstretched leg. A bottle of beer loosely gripped in his left hand.
"How old is Luke?"
"He'll be eighteen in August. When I left, he was ten." You mused, leaning into Buck's side, "I think that's why Maddie and I get along so well. We're both big sisters with a significant age gap to our brother."
Buck hummed, "Why did you keep it from me?"
"It hurt. It still hurts just thinking about it. They unhooked the landline the night after I went back for my things." You recalled the agony at having an olive branch snapped off, "I promised to call Luke, and I wasn't able to; they'd disconnected the landline. Imagining the look of hurt on Luke's face was enough to keep me from physically reaching out."
"I wish you had trusted me." Buck finally admitted with the last swig of his beer in the middle of his words, "We're engaged. We're looking at houses, but you never told me about your parents. About your brother. Above your life before the 118."
"Buck. I trust you with my life." You urgently informed the firefighter. Your hands cupped his cheeks to ensure his eyes focused on yours. You wanted him to see the truth, "You are the most important piece of my life. You and the 118 made me feel at home from the moment I joined. Buck, you are my family."
That look courtesy of his parents' actions faded ever so slightly from his eyes, "You guys are my family too."
"I'd like you to meet my little brother when we can reconcile." You announced into the cool summer night. Your drink had been long gone in the process of working through seeing your brother again, "I never thought I'd see him as a patient I'd have to help. Seeing him pale and unconscious nearly destroyed me."
"But he made it."
"He texted me 'didn't die' with the rock 'n roll hand emoji." You deadpanned, recalling the emotional two days for news. You were kinda shocked that Luke had even reached out at all.
Buck couldn't have successfully hidden his laugh if you weren't currently leaning against his body.
"So Albert found an apartment. He won't be moving with us." Buck changed the subject with the same ease he'd always held at knowing you. This was just another one of the moments you were thankful for having him by your side.
"So now there's not a reason to search for a bigger house?" You questioned with a crease between your eyebrows.
In the last two years, several significant changes have been impacting all areas of your life, especially the personal aspect. Buck had proposed during a picnic hike about a year ago with the mutual agreement for a long engagement; his parents didn't believe it was for anything other than pregnancy. Additionally, working in the same firehouse made planning difficult and then your apartment lease bringing the conversation of houses.
Originally Albert would rent part of the home out, so it needed at least three bedrooms.
"I mean, we don't have to not look. We've talked about children and settling down." Buck softly offered with a hesitant smile on his face, "I wanted to talk to you about it, but do you think we could talk about a possible time to start trying-"
The two adults went on high alert as Luke wandered into the gated garden your apartment building had. Buck's arm slid off your body as soon as you climbed to your feet at the sight of Luke.
"Luke?" You softly gasped, revelling in the sight of your little brother. Physically he looked fine with the addition of bloodshot eyes, "What's wrong?"
"I-I didn't have anywhere else to go." Luke choked out, sliding the battered old backpack off his shoulder onto the duffle at his feet. Luke's hazel eyes glimmering in the setting sun, "I got into a fight with mom and dad."
"Please tell me you didn't run away again." You heavily sighed in your movement to grab his backpack from the ground. Buck was quick to grab the duffle bag from the ground.
"I'll get the air mattress. Let Albert know not to bring his date home." Buck murmured in your ear low enough only you could hear, "I'll heat up the leftover Chinese."
The Patterson siblings watched as Buck entered the opening to the back of the building's secured backyard. Luke's backpack slung over his shoulder, and the duffle in his right hand.
"How did you find where I live?" You asked the emotionally seventeen-year-old with those puppy dog eyes. The eyes with the colour you wished you had inherited instead of your e/c.
"I saw 118 on the inside of the ambulance. I found the firehouse, and after procuring 'evidence', one of the paramedics told me where to find you." Luke shrugged, "I would have gone to Bobby's garage we use as a studio, but...he bailed on us. Reggie tries to get away from his place, and Alex's are assholes."
"The Peters are still married?" You scoffed, recalling the tense moments between little Reggie's parents. A cloud followed the couple around everywhere they went together, and Reggie was always caught in the middle.
"If-if this overstepping, I can find another place-" Luke began to respond on the walk down the inside hall to your apartment door.
"And make my struggle with the cursed object redundant?" Buck joked from the kitchen with a plate filled with warmed up food. Maybe the universe had a plan when Buck accidently over-ordered food from the restaurant.
"Luke, just stay here. You can have something to eat and rest up. But we need to talk about this. Running away is never a solution to your problems." Your stern voice reminded you of your mother when you broke the rules, "You need to let mom and dad know you're crashing at my place. They don't know my address."
"We got your back." Buck cemented to the quiet teenage boy that he saw a lot of himself in. A little kid living in the shadow left by an older sibling, only Luke's still lived.
"Oh!" You exclaimed with a shake of your head, "I'm sorry. Buck, this is my little brother Luke. Luke, this is Evan, my fiance."
Luke's eyes widened at the title, "Hi."
"Everyone calls me Buck."
Buck, Luke, and you shared stories of your lives in the times you'd gone without each other while Luke ate. By the time he shovelled the last bite of chow mein in his mouth, you'd caught up enough for the time being. He used the shower and settled into the air mattress sheets on the floor a fair distance from the couch Albert slept on.
"So I guess we'll be finding that house anyway?" Buck inquired under the stream of water from the showerhead. His hands massaging the shampoo into your scalp, the action intimate without a sexual motive behind it.
"I could see it in your eye. We can see if your parents would be willing to meet up to talk about Luke. Maybe have him stay with us temporarily, give them space without your parents not knowing where he is." Buck murmured as he caressed your sides with his calloused hands. His forehead leaning down on your own forehead.
"I haven't been home in years. I'm not sure how they'd take us stepping on their toes."
"Then we tell them how it is. Their decision drove their youngest child away, and that almost killed him. He's almost eighteen, and then he can make his own legal decisions. Be the person we both wish had been there when we were his age."
And that's what you did. Buck and you met up with your parents at your childhood home to your horror and Buck's delight. He'd never gotten to see pictures of a younger you, but Maddie had brought his baby pictures for you to see the first time you met her. While your mom had fixed some of her lemonade Buck had toured the photos hanging on the wall.
The conversation itself was tense and combative, but in the end, your parents agreed that they'd prefer Luke to be safe than missing. Life was looking up. 
"Hey," Buck murmured with his arms wrapped around your midsection. His blonde scruff scratching your cheek as he slumped over you, "Is that-?"
"Evie's babysitter?" You supplied with a raised eyebrow towards your now husband's laser focus on your brother.
After your relationship with your parents started healing, you had walked down the aisle in white to Buck. You had settled into the dream house with Luke taking one of the bedrooms. The other bedroom put to use when you got pregnant with Evelyn, Evie for short, to your shared joy.
"He likes her." Buck teased, watching the interaction between the two young adults on the main floor of the 118 fire house.
Eight-month-old Evie chewed on a rattle in the arms of her careful hold of her babysitter, but Evie's eyes watched her uncle. Luke, however, was focused on the beautiful and smart girl he knew from high school; they knew of each other but never acknowledged each other. Luke had already graduated when they first came into each other's worlds. Julie threw herself into babysitting to distract herself from both music and her mother's death.
"She's why the band doesn't practice in our garage?" 
"It's a whole thing." You mused with a shake of your hand, "She lost her mom and music. By complete chance, he walked in on her, singing a song to settle Evie. One thing led to another, and Luke formed Julie and the Phantoms with her, Reggie and Alex."
"They formed a band?" Buck beamed, hearing the recent news, "I thought they'd never find their way back to it."
Around the time of your wedding, Bobby had a family emergency involving his uncle Trevor and his cousin Carrie. You'd gone back to work shortly only to be called to the scene of a fatal accident, the victim being Bobby Wilson.
"Julie is Luke's ideal girl. Good with kids, kind, smart, shy, and shares the same passion for music. They bring out the best in each other. They brought music back to each other." You informed your husband with that lovesick grin that was resigned solely for his impulsive ass.
"Kinda like us?"
"Yeah. Like us."
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ebenenoir · 3 years
The reason why I disagree on Pedro being unable to come out if he is queer is because Pedro’s early career consisted of him playing flamboyantly gay characters on stage and in movies. He moved on to other roles because of how masculine he looks, talks, and acts and I just think that even if he came out as queer it wouldn’t hurt him because of that.
He’s played so many rugged, dad figure roles that I have a hard time believing he’s in a place in his career where saying he’s queer would hurt him. I think maybe 10 years ago or so, maybe? But we’ve come so far here in Hollywood that men and women can be out and still get roles but may be pigeon holed into a role based on their looks like any other actor.
Elliot Page will always be cast young because of his youthful looks and height. The Rock will always play macho characters. Michelle Rodriguez will always be the token tough Latina chick. Billy Porter thrives on queer roles, and Neil Patrick Harris is married to a man with kids but still gets straight roles because he’s straight passing, and Luke Evans still brings women to his shows because even if he is gay he’s fun to look at. Gay doesn’t stop women from wanting to look at the menu even if they can’t order anything. I’ve worked on film for 10 years and the people affected by coming out are the ones who are new and are worried about falling into the same roles and being labeled as the new woke gay best friend actor. But Hollywood is way more progressive behind the scenes than a lot of you think. And a lot of you pretend this isn’t the same man who refuses to back down being friends with problematic people online, I doubt he’d suddenly feel like he can’t show off his person regardless of gender like he has with his siblings and nephews and friends. And if he HAD something with SM, him constantly showing us his work was maybe his own way of showing him off subtly without starting rumors if he’s not ready to go red carpet official. A lot of us need to chill with speculations.
Pedro has been stereotyped already into rugged male roles since Narcos and I strongly doubt that’ll change if he ever went public with a male partner. That’s just my opinion and speculation. However, I don’t think it matters because fan speculations is doing more damage than not because of how many of us suspect he’s queer, and at this rate I feel like even if he came forward and said aggressively he was straight, a lot of fans would bully him into admitting he’s closeted and Hollywood is oppressing him. So it may be healthier to just say something then let fans run him and his career ragged. Cause we definitely will if we don’t let him figure his own shit out.
Thank you for your input 😛 You have made some interesting points. It's true that some actors are categorised into certain roles but I think that's their choice too. Those actors like these comfort zone, that brings them money. I am specifically talking about The Rock, Michelle Rodriguez and Billy Porter. I know what you mean about Pedro being stereotyped since Narcos, (dare I say since GoT?) but I don't necessarily think it's related to his looks imo. I am realizing now that he does a lot of stunts/action in movies : Equalizer, GoT, The Mandalorian, Triple Frontier, maybe The last of us, Kingsman. So I think it's good that he's chosen to play the role of Maxwell Lord, to play a different role for the Bubble. I hope he will be more versatile in his career. Maybe his career won't be affected but I think his mind will be affected a little bit. There will be a lot homophobic reaction from the gp if he ever dates openly with a man.
You mentioned the fact that he defends his problematic friends. As much as I agree that he's a stubborn person, who won't hesitate to defend what he thinks is right, I'm not sure he's immune to criticism. Just the fact that he followed fans on Twitter onlyvbecause they defended him proves it. (Jåm3s Gunn and GG drama). Also, during an interview in connection for the wine commercial, a journalist had mentioned that people in Chile liked him. He reacted by saying "please keep liking me". Imo he was much more serious than his tone made him sound. Could you give me some concrete examples of queer inclusion in Hollywood bts? 😊
"at this rate I feel like even if he came forward and said aggressively he was straight, a lot of fans would bully him into admitting he’s closeted and Hollywood is oppressing him."
You're right. I wouldn't go so far as to think he'll announce he's straight (if you know you know) but there was an overreaction when he mentioned a relationship with women in an interview. Some fans said he was forced to say that but they didn't have legit proof to say it.
Thank you again for sharing your opinion! 😛
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softbuckismykink · 4 years
Charlie Team
Aside from soft!Buck, SEAL!Buck is also my kink so have this developing AU series in my head. No guarantee that I’ll ever post a completed fic but I have these list of characters from other fandoms who I casted for Charlie Team (Buck’s SEAL Team)  that I’d like to share. Please note though that except Steve McGarrett, none of the other characters are SEALs in their respective canon.  Also as I’ve learned from watching H50, SEALs have crazy nicknames. Buck’s is ‘Mayhem’ and his “twin” is called ‘Mischief’... 
Disclaimer: None of the images are mine. I just found them on google. Also none of the characters are mine. 
Fandoms: 9-1-1, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, Hawaii Five-0, S.W.A.T., Supernatural, Teen Wolf
Also if I ever wrote this pairings would be Buddie, McDanno, Garvez, Stiles/Jackson/Lydia, Dean/Benny and Nico/Levi.
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LCDR Steve 'Smooth Dog' McGarrett (Alex O’Laughlin) - CO of Charlie Team. After the team disbanded in 2017, he relocated to Hawaii and joined the Five-O task force as a military consultant. Mayhem(Buck) and Mischief(Stiles) would at times jokingly call him Dad, the others call him Commander or McGarrett. Buck and Stiles would periodically visit him in Hawaii. He is married to Detective Danny Williams and lives in a oceanfront property with his husband and stepdaughter, Grace. 
Call Sign: Chaos
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Master Chief Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson, Jr. (Sheemar Moore) Leader of Charlie Team. After the team disbanded, he went back home to LA and joined a SWAT team, and later becoming a team lead for a SWAT team with the rank of Sergeant. Upon learning that Mayhem is also in LA he tried recruiting him to join SWAT but Buck always dreamed to be a firefighter so he joined LAFD instead. In the series I’m developing in my head, Hondo is the brother Buck often turns to because he is the closest. He acts like a big brother to Buck and feels like he is responsible for keeping him safe. 
Call Sign: Charlie One (SEAL); 20-David (SWAT)
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Senior Chief Luke ‘Cool Hand’ Alvez (Adam Rodriguez) - Point Man; Sniper Two; Cool Hand is because he is an expert at poker, and very good at bluffing. He is married to a Tech Analyst in the FBI. After putting in his twenty years in the Navy, he joined the FBI fugitive task force before joining the BAU. He was the only one married in the team while they were in the service. He is married to Penelope Garcia-Alvez (circa CM s8 after Garcia broke up with Kevin) it was  2012 when Mischief and Mayhem got the team so wasted. He woke up married to her but they got deployed 18 hours after. He told Penelope that they'd get divorced when he get back but they never got around to signing the papers over the year. Then he showed up as the new member of the BAU. Being in the FBI, Luke is to Stiles like Hondo is to Buck. Luke looks out for Stiles since they work on the same agency.
Call sign: Charlie Two; Sierra Two (when acting as a sniper)
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SWO1 Dean 'Huntsman' Winchester (Jensen Ackles) - Team Assaulter. He is   the weapons, vehicles, and close combat expert.  He likes pies and driving. He is fluent in Latin and Greek not that they have much use for it. Surprisingly despite having flown numerous time on cargo planes and having to HALO or HAHO into enemy territory countless of times, Dean is still a nervous flier but only when flying comercial airlines. That’s why the only time he went to Hawaii to visit their CO he has to catch a ride on military transport. After the team disbanded, he became a College Professor of Folklore at a liberal arts college in Kansas. He lives in a Bunker that his grandfather owns. Lives mostly off grid. He initially joined the Military to take care of his little brother, Sam. He supported Sam through College and Law School, now Sam is working as a prosecutor in the DA’s office in LA. He has a steady relationship with a cop, Detective Benny Lafitte.   
Call Sign - Charlie Three 
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LT Nico 'Lt Nightingale' Kim (Alex Landi) - Team Medic, but is an actual doctor. Nightingale is a light jab at him being an overqualified medic. He is also the Team’s tech expert. He often jokes around that just because he’s Asian doesn’t mean he has to also be the resident tech specialist. He often tells the team that being incharge of the team going home in one piece is a big enough of a conttribution he shouldn’t be expected to do anything else (he doesn’t  mean it of  course, he  just likes to grumble).  Sometimes he’d channel Doctor McCoy of Star Trek and say “Damnit, I’m a doctor not a xxx!” He is an Ortho surgeon and openly gay currently in a relationship with another doctor, Levi Schmitt.
Call Sign: Charlie Four 
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SWO1 Paul 'Gumshoe' Strickland (Brian Micheal Smith) - Team's resident Detective and a history expert. He is the expert on silent breech and acts as Medic Two. He is also the handler of military K9 Gumdrop. After the team disbanded he joined the Chicago FD and later transferred to Austin at Station 126. He is FtM transgender (I know, there’s a trans ban in the actual military but not in my fictional universe), he found real brotherhood with Charlie because they care about him and not his assigned gender at birth. 
Call Sign: Charlie Five 
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SWO2 Mieczysław 'Stiles' 'Mischief' Stilinski (Dylan O’Brien) - Chemist, Bomb and explosive breech expert. Also some kind of magic, which is a very secret hush-hush thing that only the team knows about. He also functions as a medic at times and often uses healing runes to assist Nico.  After getting discharged he joins Luke at the FBI fugitive task force but when Luke transferred to BAU he transferred newly reformed IRT  (International Response Team).  He is in a throuple with Lydia Martin, who is mathemathics professor at  Georgetown, and Jackson Whittemore, a California congressman. They all lived together in DC.  
Call Sign: Charlie Six
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SWO2 Evan 'Buck' 'Mayhem' Buckley (Oliver Stark) - Sniper One, team's resident expert long distace shooter. He is also the team’s radio communications expert, and is fluent in nine languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Pashto, Tagalog,  Korean, Italian, and Mende) and conversant in five other (Urdu, Hausa, Mandarin, Russian, and German) languages. He was honorably discharged after serving his eight-year contract on May 2017.  He attended the LAFD fire academy soon after and joined 118 Decemeber 2017.   
Call Sign: Charlie Seven (SEAL); Sierra One (Call Sign when acting as a sniper); 28-David (SWAT)
***Stiles and Buck are Charlie Team’s bisaster twins, Mischief and Mayhem. They are called twins because they joined the team at exactly the same time. 
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ghostie-luther · 4 years
Umbrella academy headcanons #1 - sexuality
Takes place in my "I won't hesitate bitch" texting universe on ao3, which you can read, here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24146260
In my universe the hargreeves siblings are 13 years old! !
-luther is pansexual, like Klaus!
-so ik in the series and stuff he loses his v card to rave girl (which was technically r*pe btw....he was drunk out of his mind) but come onnnn Luther with a boyfriend? CUTE
-he probably knew from an early age tbh, told reggie and Reggie was like "haha think again bitch" and basically told him he couldn't afford to be gay as number 1
-which is, by the way, bullshit
-and although Luther is very comfortable in his gender as a cis male, he gotta admit, he loves a good skirt
-like the pink pleated aesthetic ones?? The pastel ones?? Ohmyfuckinggod he drooled
-so Grace made him one!!
-like cmon let the boy wear what he wants. He looks adorable in it >:(
-he and Klaus are very similar in the way that they both like feminine clothing and have both been caught wearing makeup and painted nails
-yes Luther thirsts over luke Evans get with the times
-Diego is straight!
-he attracts alot of female attention while out on missions and interviews and he LOVES it
-hes very confident when he comes to the ladies, despite never having a girlfriend
-although he knows how to paint nails like a BOSS for his siblings. He doesn't even care. He OWNS it
-like he will sit and listen to tea while doing their nails for hours and hours
-lmao he tried to do that "sexy growl" thing men do during an interview and spat everywhere
-girls took the absolute piss out of him for MONTHS
-recently he's had his eye on this girl named Eudora who walks past the mansion on her way to school.....but it'll never happen
-Allison is also straight!
-her and Diego and five are the only "straight" ones tbh
-Vanya says it's a shame because lots of girls would have FLOCKED to Allison give them the chance
-one of her favourite things to do is let Klaus do her makeup after Reggie has gone to bed
- like Diego, she a sucker for gossip
-sometimes her and Diego pick fun at the others but it's all harmless teasing that they're all perfectly fine with
-Luther: imagine drawing your eyebrows on everyday
Allison: imagine hiding in the bathroom for an hour because you were wearing a skirt and dad was looking for you
Allison: couldn't be me
-she's such a diva! She likes to strut around in feather boas with Klaus and talk about boys and read magazines
-its her favourite time of day
-Klaus is pansexual like Luther!
-Klaus, while also is very confident in his gender, STEALS ALLISONS AND GRACES CLOTHES-
-honestly you'd go into his room and he'd be sat there in an prom dress and a boa
-nobody even HAD a prom dress
-he Ben and Luther like to have sleepovers alot to catch up and thirst over men (and women) they like
-Klaus loves to wear makeup!
- not as subtle as Luther though. Where Luther would have maybe some blush, red or pink eyeshadow and lilgloss Klaus would POP OFF
-vibrant eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, eyebrows drawn on highlighter ETC
-i mean...hes not amazing at it but he finds it SO FUN
- he keeps getting Luther to try the eyeliner but he won't, and Klaus gets really mad because IT WOULD SUIT HIM SO WELL
-both he and luther have to do the makeup when there's NO chance at getting caught tho because reggie would go off the RAILS
-straight as a lamppost
-but he's in the community because he is asexual!
-nothing to do with adult stuff appeals to him AT ALL
-at least before he dissapeared oop
-now nobody knows
-"compared to me she's as smart as a newborn baby but GODAMN she cute-"
- this babey is fully, 100% gay
-but you wouldn't really be able to tell because he keeps it pretty quiet and doesn't really show anything off??
-OH OF COURSE you get the sass and the gay jokes but he doesn't really join in with the whole "omg look at this man" type thing
-maybe he's just shy
-hes shy but will paint his nails black any day of the week
-i think he would rather cry in the library than admit he liked someone tbh
-hes so awkward it's adorable
-sometimes the rest forget he's gay because he acts...well...straight or doesn't mention it for AGES and then he'll come out with "-oh PLEASE when me and my husband get married-" or something and everyone fucking JOLTS
- this child is so gay omg she can't contain it
-every joke she makes about herself points to herself being gay (which i mean...same)
- she has posters of famous female singers in her room because:
- "dad these women inspire me to play the violin and are the reason I strive to be better."
-like no sis tf???
- you just like to stare at them
- she deadass outlined Angelina jolies face in a lipstick heart like this was an early 2000s movie
- she gets really frustrated sometimes because Allison likes boys and vanyas all "I like...hnnng girls...women...BOOBS...girls, women are nice ygm?" And Allison's like "..no?💀"
-has exactly 12 flannel shirts in her wardrobe
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Kiss prompt thingy- h2ovanoss, 10 or 11
Number: 6Prompt: Person A teaching person B how to kiss and getting way too caught up in the kissPairing: H2O Vanoss
Warning:  A tad bit steamy. Nothing crazy.
No matter how childish Jonathan acted, one thing was fact; he was and always would be older than Evan. It had been a constant between them since they first met in the neighborhood seventeen years ago; Jonathan had just turned eight, while Evan still sat at five. Evan could get taller, smarter, more mature than his neighborhood buddy, (turned rival turned friend turned best friend turned…yeah) but that one fact still remained. It had been tossed around and hung over Evan’s head forever, and even when they went to college, it just didn’t go away. He wasn’t even sure why it bothered him so much. Maybe because people tended to see him as Jonathan’s ‘little brother’, and the familial twist on their friendship didn’t sit well in his stomach. 
Because Evan had stopped seeing Jonathan as just a friend four years ago. He’d known he was gay before that, and he’d had some minor crushes come and go in middle-school. But it was the summer after his senior year, right when he’d been accepted into the same college as his friend, that his whole world shifted. Jonathan had been so happy, not showing any of his twenty one years jumping around Evan’s bedroom in excitement. Evan had laughed, which caused Jonathan to pounce. Before he knew it, he’d had his arms pinned over his head and solid weight against his hips. Blue eyes looked down at him with power and mischief and maturity-
Evan really struggled to sleep in that bed the rest of the summer. 
Time had passed since then, his crush blooming into far deeper feelings that made him drink more than he’d planned to during college. He hooked up with guys when he flew too close to the sun; letting Jonathan wrap an arm around his shoulders or sleep in his bed when Luke, his roommate, was having Ryan over ‘to hang out’. Evan did his best to keep his distance, to push his feelings down under his skin and let them remain an ache he’d never sate. 
“You want me to kiss you.” But there was only so much a warm-blooded man could take. Jonathan looked flustered squirming on his bed, legs crossed and lip worried between sharp teeth. Evan’s eyes tracked the motion from the corner of his eye, hands twitching on the keyboard of the laptop covering his lap. “Why?” 
“Because I need practice.” Which could be true, since Evan couldn’t remember the last person he’d seen his friend with romantically. It’d been a few years, at least. Sighing, Evan closed his computer, pushing it to the side. His fingers had barely left the laptop before they were captured between Jonathan’s, and he let out a yelp when he was yanked forward on his bed. In seconds, he was corralled into his friend’s lap, strong arms seeming far too casual wrapped around his waist. He was forced to put his bent legs on either side of Jonathan’s torso, knees brushing the side of his ribcage. 
“Just one kiss! You-you always look so g-good at it, so…” Jonathan’s eyes glanced away at the admission, and Evan felt his heart squeeze with bittersweet emotion. On one hand, it was nice to hear that Jonathan liked his technique. On the other, he didn’t seem to care Evan was kissing other people. It was another slap of reality for him, which he didn’t remember asking for. Holding back his sigh, Evan pulled himself together and gave a slight shrug, hand smoothing over Jonathan’s shoulder to hook around the back of his neck. 
“You’re an old man by now; shouldn’t you have better moves?” His murmur was soft, trying not to show his own excitement as he leaned closer. The angle made him taller, for once, and he had to dip his face down to brush their upper lips together. A jolt of static rushed through Evan’s veins, and he had to force himself not to tremble at the slow brush of hot air that billowed over his parted lips. 
“Maybe.” The word felt amazing against his mouth. Evan’s eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, releasing any of his doubt or logical protest to sink into their kiss. The mouth under his was already open, letting Evan’s tongue slide evenly across the soft lip he sucked on. If this was going to be the only time he got to kiss Jonathan, he needed to make it count. His chest pressed closer to Jonathan’s, arousal and affection intertwining themselves through his spine at the first brush of their tongues. Hands he’d dreamt of slid up his back slowly, as if tracing each inch of skin through his shirt. Mouths opened and closed with the roll of their kiss that seemed to linger far beyond innocent. Evan’s hips lacked restraint, a brush of Jonathan’s thumb along the nape of his neck making them move lower in need. From how quickly they were rutted against in return, the motion wasn’t rebuffed. In fact, from the heavy palm that curled over his hip and arched it back into another slow roll, it was almost encouraged. 
Pulling his bruised mouth back, Even let out a soft gasp when lips trailed down his throat, open kisses leaving his mind fuzzy and warm. 
“You didn’t…need practice,” he said, a moan catching the end of his sentence at the nip over his racing pulse point. They didn’t stop moving, Evan easily arching back to let Jonathan’s hands slide his shirt up. Blinking to focus his eyes, he lolled his head back down to take in Jonathan. His flushed cheeks and sheepish smile told the truth; Evan was more than just practice. A thrill licked up his stomach at the thought, eyes wide and plush lips parted in shock. But Jonathan only laughed, pushing Evan back flat onto the bed to whisper his answer against Evan’s ear. 
“Guess this old man still has some moves, after all.” 
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 13
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
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Quiet. Sofia was been awfully quiet for the those two days, Chris had tried to contact her even had gone to her place before he went back to LA. she was nowhere to be found and had purposefully left her phone back at her place.
"What happened?" Mandy asked and Chris just felt guilty.
"I cornered her to tell me shit, you know Sofia."
"Ah, shit," Amanda said as she was holding Sofia's phone. She could see all the missed calls from Chris. "Just, give her some time man. She needs time to cool off."
"Yeah, I guess." He sighed and sat down on the couch. "You know where she might be?"
"Not really, she's like my sister but when she's like this, she likes to be left alone. She'll come around,"
"I'm just worried," Chris tell her.
"I know," Mandy sat down beside her.
"Well keep an eye on her, bro. Don't worry," Luke said putting a hand on his shoulder. Amanda had to ask because this was her sister.
"You serious about her?" She asked, "because she had been having serious doubts about it, not going to explain the whole thing because that's between you two. But, I need you to be super honest with me because she's my family and I can let you use her."
"Yeah, Mandy," He said looking down at his hands. "I'm falling in love with her, fuck. I think I'm already in love with her," His eyes gloss over. "I don't want to hurt her but she keeps pushing me away. "
"Loving Sofia is tough, she's worth it because her heart is made of fucking gold."
"Yeah, I know," Chris explained and Mandy wraps one arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder, comforting him. "I feel like she doesn't trust me enough or don't feel safe enough and fucking breaks my heart. I wanna be there for her and she doesn't let me." Chris put a hand on his face, he was feeling useless, rejected, and heartbroken.
"Yeah, that's her, not letting people in all the way… but she cares about you, a lot. Because I know her like the back of my hand." Amanda said rubbing his back and Chris sniffle nodding. "All that I can say is that just give her some time, let her process it for a while. Just keep reaching out to her, let her know what you just said to me," Chris nod and took it to heart.
She did reach out eventually, four days later with a text.
Hey, Chris… I'm sorry I lash out. I don't wanna be trouble for you and I'm most definitely not worth it, I don't wanna slow you down with my bullshit. Just, I'm sorry. Take care, sweet face.
Sof, can I call you?
I don't wanna talk, Chris. I'm giving you a way out men, no hard feelings but it's better if we are friends, if you're cool with it.
Chris was between filming and was about to be called to set. "Fuck, fuck." He muttered and quickly typed on his phone.
I'm about to head to set but, please. Please let me call you after, I can't end this like this.
It's better this way, good luck with filming.
There was a knock in his trailer and he had to leave," Fuck. "
It's been two whole months, Sofia was been quiet about the whole thing. She was excited for Mandy's baby, her engagement, and the cookout with all their families at Amanda home. Everything was going so well around her, that sometimes she couldn't keep up and had been isolated herself.
In those moments she was sitting on the couch looking at everything is when it hit her, hard. How much she missed Chris. His company, his stupid jokes unknowingly help her out when this happened.
"Why the face? my sweet girl." Amanda's mom, Alice, sat down beside her and she just smiles.
"I'm just looking at everything, I'm so happy ma," Sofia said holding down her tears, forcing out a smile but Alice saw through her.
"I know there's a lot of changes coming up, I know this affects you," She said and Sofia broke down. "we always love you, Sofia. You're like my daughter, the only one that's always been here firm by our side,"
"I know, ma. And I thank you for this, you and Tony helped me change my life around. I'm gonna be forever grateful with you for that, it's just hard sometimes." She sobbed and quickly wipe her tears.
"I know, sweetheart. I know," She wraps and around her and hold her close. "I know that you let go of someone important too,"
"Ma, come on," She sniffles. "It's better that way, too much trouble. Look at me, I'm crying because my best friend it's finally forming a beautiful family and I'm scared to be left out, I mean who does that?" She shrugged and bite her lip. "I'm a mess, Chris doesn't need that."
"If he's men enough he's going to love you through all this, you're not a mess. You're a brilliant woman, don't sell yourself short." Alice wipes the tears from her face. "And nobody it's leaving you out. We are your family,"
Sofía managed to smile.
"Thank you, ma."
"Hey, thanks for inviting me here tonight, I really needed this," Sofia said holding out her drink as he smiles at Scott, who had invited her along with his friends gay night out. "I haven't been too much invested in the community and everyone I know is straight," She laughed.
"Tell me about it, the only gay kid on the family. I got you, honey. We are so going to hang out more every time I'm here," Scott said and she smiles.
Scott, it's a great and welcome addition to Sofia little tight circle of friends, downside it's that all she was thinking is Chris, Chris, and Chris.
" You can ask, I know you're dying to ask me about it. " She said after a while and Scott almost fell over his chair and she was laughing her ass off.
"Okay so, you broke my brother's heart," Scott said nonchalantly
"What?" Sofia almost chokes on her drink.
"Witch it's been a while, like a whole decade since someone does that, and I know you're super rad. And I can see why he's all over that," He said panning out her with his hand. "why he's in love with you."
"What!?" Sofia felt her stomach twist in knots as Scott talked about that. Fuck, in love? "What the fuck? is he insane? all the girls and he—ugh, he's an idiot."
"Yeah, probably," Scott laughed. "Come on, you're a pretty charming girl, independent, actually don't give a shit about who he is, you love Chris, the Boston idiot Chris not the Hollywood Chris, you see him for who he is—
"Yeah, an idiot. He's in love with me? Jesus Christ."
"And that way he loves you, you're the first woman ever, since weirdo Jessica Biel,"
"I read she's an anti-baxxer?"
"I know right, fucking dodge a bullet there. Besides her being a cheater—
" Did she cheat on my boy Chris? "
" With fucking Justin Timberlake. "
" Ew, "
" Totally, anyways, " He waves a handoff and looked at her." You two need to talk."
" We did, I told him that it was better this way, which it is. Because as you can see I am a mess walking. I was falling for him, pretty hard and fast… "
" Well, he had been in love with you quite a while, my mother loves you by the way and so my sisters,"
" He speaks about me? "
" All the time, when those pictures of you and him leak out he was freaking out, worried about you and your privacy but you keep saying that it was okay, "
"Because it is, Scott. At first, it was a little overwhelmed, people mostly said nice things and people gonna hate. Chris is totally worth whatever they're gonna say. " Sofia explained and drank the rest of her beer. " I don't care, let them talk."
"Girl, you care about him," Scott said and lean on her making her laugh. "You two made me sad,"
"It's me, I swear it's me," Sofia said groaning and flank the bartender. "I'm the stupid one, fuck." She ordered them a couple of shots. "I fucked up, but he deserves better than my stupid ass."
"Hey, I don't know you that well," Scott said and she looked at him. "but I like you, I do think you're good for my brother. You two just need to work it up,"
"It's not that easy," Sofia said downing the shots on one go.
I'm sad now
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yeetingmyfeeling · 4 years
Run, Run, Run!
Chapter Two
Brian woke up with a start. His injuries felt mostly better, but he was still in his wolf form. He sat up, looking around the room. He could still only see through one eye, making him frown. He sniffed, smelling too many different, unknown scents. 
He hauled his body up, whining at the pressure on his paws. With this he quickly changed back to his human form. As he did, he heard a knock on the door. Brain squeaked.
“Hey! I’m just here to help clean up your wounds,” A voice called out. “There are some clothes on the bed, they are new and clean.” Brian looked over to the bed, indeed seeing clothes. He pulled them on. It was boxers, a grey jumper and black sweatpants. They were a little too big for his frame, but he didn’t mind. “Can I come in?”
“Y-yeah!” Brain called out quietly. He moved, sitting down on the bed. The door pushed open and someone entered the room. From his smell, Brian knew he was a wolf. He was around the same height, maybe a little taller. He had a mohawk, mullet of sorts. He gave Brian a soft smile.
“My name is Brock, what is yours?” The man slowly approached Brian, standing a few feet away from him. “I know you just pulled on your jumper, but I’m going to need you to take it off again.”
“Brian,” Responded the other. He did as asked, pulling off his jumper. Brock gestured towards his body and Brian nodded. Brock walked over, grabbing a first aid kit that was also on the bed. Brock began to dress his wounds. Brian was tense.
Brock cleaned the injury on his chest. He ended up having to use medical tape, then putting gauze over the top. He wrapped up one of Brian's hands, and one of his feet. A few other bandaids and such were placed, and a gauze over his injured eye.
“Feel free to go have a shower, the band aids are all good. Then just come down for breakfast,” Brock smiled kindly again. “Just listen for the loud yelling and you’ll find it. Are you okay with that?”
Brian nodded quietly. “Okay..” Brock gave the other a hesitant look, but got up to leave. He left the room, leaving Brian in peace. Brian spotted the other door, that wasn’t the one Brock just left through. Opening it, it was a bathroom. Brian took the leisure of having a nice, warm shower.
After his shower, he got dressed back in the clothes. He slowly walked out of his room, more scents hitting his nose. His face crinkled from the new smells, food, people, alphas. Brian continued his slow pace of walking, following the smell and the loud noises. He ended up downstairs, outside a pair of large doors. He slowly pushed them open. 
Everyone turned to look at the new entrance. Brian’s eyes widened and he ducked his head. “Brian,” It was Brock. “Come sit here,” Walking over, Brock had saved a spot for Brian. He sat down, staring at his lap. Brock pointed at the food spread out on the table. “Dig in.”
Brian looked up enough to see Brock, he was still smiling at him. He turned, looking at the food. He could feel his mouth watering. He reached over, eagerly grabbing some toast. He found the butter and the jam, spreading it on the toast. He found an empty glass, and filled it up with juice from a jug.
“So,” Brock started talking, filling up the silence. All eyes were on Brian. “Everyone, this is Brian,” Brian waved shyly, his face flush. “That’s Anthony and Marcel, they are the ones who took you home,” A friendly face looked at him, a happy looking grin. He had tattoos, Brain thought they looked cool. The man next to his was dark toned and had curly hair. “That’s John, Jarren and Scotty, they are beta’s,” John had hair down to his shoulders, going from brown to blonde. As well as spots on his face. Jarren had short brown hair and looked quite childish. Scotty looked similar, but skinnier.
“That is Luke and Ryan,” Luke was very intimidating looking, a full beard, and an arm over Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan also had a beard, but a friendlier smile. “That is Evan and Jonathan, Evan is our packs Alpha,” Evan was very intimidating, although his smile was gentle. His skin was tan, a contrast against Jonathan’s very pale skin. “Then those two, are Tyler and David,” Tyler was definitely the biggest of them all, and had the light showings of facial hair. David was skinny, but seemingly the same height. 
Brian’s eyes widened when they landed on the last two. He sniffed, their scents wasting into his nose. They both smelt so good. Brian frowned, not understanding why he felt that way. He could tell Tyler was an alpha, David a beta. He quickly turned back to Brock.
Evan was the one who started talking. “So, Brian. As you can tell, we are quite a small pack. We are looking to eventually have pups among the couples, we are finding our way around it.”
“Hard when most of us are gays,” John snorted out. 
“Yes, well,” Evan scratched the back of his head. “Regardless. Brian, it looks like you were running from something, someone? Judging from your injuries.”
Brian nodded quietly. He could tell everyone was watching him, waiting for his answer. “My pack.. They treated me like a toy, so, I ran,” He gulped, looking down at his lap. He hated feeling, and acting so quiet and submissive. He’s usually witty and sarcastic. “I finally got away, not without a few good byes.”
Evan nodded in understanding. “Well, feel free to stay with us,” He leaned forward, smiling at Brian. “I am not saying, join our pack. But, when the time comes, and you wish to, just come speak to me. Alright?” Brian just nodded in response. 
“Jon and I better head to work,” Brock stood up, Jonathan following soon after. “Who has the day off to show Brian around?”
“Myself, Tyler and David,” John responded. “I can show Brian around, teach him the ropes.”
“Don’t be too scary,” Brock pointed a finger in John’s direction. That finger quickly went to Tyler. “Don’t be all… Alpha.”
Tyler held his hands up in defence. “I haven’t even done anything!”
“Yet,” Brock’s eyes narrowed. “Brian, my number is on the fridge. If anything happens, just call, okay?” Brian nodded again. 
Slowly people started to file out of the room. They bid their goodbyes, see you laters, and headed off to work. Brian sat quietly as everyone left, finishing off his toast. He now sat with John opposite him, Tyler and David sitting further up.
Evan came up to the small Irishman, giving a small wave. “Your accent, you’re irish right? David is also Irish,” Brian didn’t respond, just chewed on the crust of his toast. Evan frowned. “I hope this place feels safer for you, and if you need anything, I am the alpha. I promise i’m not like others… Hey, you don’t have any belongings do you?”
Brain shook his head. “I didn’t bring anything, I didn’t have much anyway.”
Evan pulled his wallet out of his pocket, waving it around. “That is all good, I’m sure these four can take you shopping. Can’t you boys?”
“Shopping?” Tyler groaned, throwing his head back. “I fuckin’ hate shopping man.”
“Quit ya complaining,” David spoke, and Brian could clearly hear the Irish. “That’s fine Evan, we’ll take care of the lad.” John saluted in agreement.
Evan chucked his wallet at John, who caught it with ease. “I’m trusting you guys,” Then with a few more words or warning, Evan was gone. That left the four, sitting in an uncomfortable silence.
Brian took this chance to look at the men he was surrounded by. Mainly, the two men sitting further away from him. He shook his head, ignoring the feel in the pit of his stomach.
“Shopping?” Questioned John. He pushed away from the table, standing up. “You two go get dressed, I’ll show Brian around,” Without waiting for a response, John began to leave the room. “Come on dude,” Brian took this as his hint to get up and follow after the other.
John showed him around the house, or, mansion. There were three levels. First level was basic stuff like kitchen, dining room, living room, a few closets, two bathrooms, things like that. The second level was everyone's rooms, as well as spares. Some bigger than others. The third level was Evan’s office, storage, and a games room.
Going outside there was a large car fort, three cars currently sitting there. Apparently the truck and sports car was Tyler’s, while the plain white car was David’s. Brain liked the sports car. 
They were in the middle of a forest, from the trees that surrounded the house. It was a large area, and Brian could only smell this pack. That made him feel comforted, safe. 
Tyler and David soon joined the other two outside, and Brian was upset to hear they were not going to be taking the sports car. Instead they climbed into the plain white car. David at the wheel, Tyler next to him. John and Brian in the back.
“I hate how you drive,” Tyler had his arms crossed over his chest, pout on his lips. “I wish I could drive, my car is so much better.”
“Oh shut up,” David rolled his eyes. “Stop being a whiny baby, neither of your two cars are good for shopping,” Tyler just huffed in response. 
Brian sat quietly, watching out the window as they drove. He liked that they were deep in the forest. He almost wanted to stick his head out the window, much like a dog. He leaned his head on the window, watching the trees. He saw some birds fly.
They get to a mall, David parking in the busy parking lot. Brian frowned, already seeing lots of people. They all got out of the car, and Brian unconsciously stuck close to Tyler, the Alpha. John led them through the mall, squeezing past all the people. They went to a few clothes stores.
Each time, David would get distracted by something and wonder off. Tyler would walk around, keeping a close eye on them all. John pulled Brian around, pulling out random clothes and asking if he liked them. Brian shrugged. He wouldn’t wear much at his old pack, usually just his underwear and a loose shirt. He did say he liked wearing sweatpants, shorts, and loose shirts or nice shirts.
So John took him around and bought all the clothes he would need. Underwear, pants, shorts, different kinds of shirts, socks, singlets, swimmers, pyjamas, nice clothes. Anything he could need. David was pushing around a trolley full of the bags. Brian felt so overwhelmed. 
John then took him to get other things. Toiletries, books, and other little things. According to Tyler, it’s Evan’s card so milk it. Brian has never really had people buy him things, or gone shopping. So he had no idea on what to get. John did end up taking him to get heat suppressants.
They were now sitting down having lunch, and Brian felt exhausted. He sat, quietly eating his burger from McDonald’s. His legs were bouncing in anxiousness, and he was barely halfway through his burger.
“You good?” Tyler leaned over to Brian. Brian got a big whiff of his scent, and his face immediately flushed. The smell smelt like farm, wet dog, and chocolate. He repressed the sigh in his throat. If he looked over to Tyler, ee noticed some muscle in his arm through the flannel. He gulped. 
“I think he’s tired,” John frowned. He leaned over the table, swatting at Tyler. “Let the boy breathe, big alpha.” Tyler sat back in his seat with a pout.
They soon finished with their shopping, and Brian was very happy. They packed the bags in David’s boot, some having to sit in with him and John. Then they drove home. Brian fell asleep for a bit of the ride, waking with a start before they returned to the mansion. 
Brian tiredly got out of the car, knowing he had to put all the bags away before he got to sleep. The four eached grabbed a few bags and took them up to Brian’s room. They were placed down in the centre.
Brain turned to grab one of the bags, only to run into a chest. He took a step back, glancing up to see David. The Irishman gave him a lopsided smile.
“You look tired, maybe you should nap?” David suggested. For the second time that day, Brian was hit with another scent. This time he got a smell of home, home being Ireland. Brain had to stop himself from taking in a deep breath to get more of the scent.
He just nodded. “Yeah, I think I will,” He turned to the other two and smiled a small smile. “Thank you.”
“No problem dude!” John saulted. Tyler just nodded. Then the three left. Brain walked over to the bed, faceplanted, and immediately fell asleep. 
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im just gonna list ships i like and you can pick and choose (please dont write all of these that is too much). moohmtoonz, pandaohmcat, jiggly noss, daithi de vanoss, moogla, vantoonz, pandacat
Do all of them you said? Okay >:)
-Buff, buff, n fluff. Brock and Luke are broad shouldered and big armed kinda dudes, and Ohm is very lucky for the eye candy and makes sure to tell all of their friends about it every single day
-Brock makes sure that there are fresh flowers on the table everyday, and Ohm doesn't have the heart to tell him that it makes his allergies kick up because the flowers make Brock so happy
-Ohm might not be the best cook, but he'll be damned if he can't be in the kitchen; he usually bakes bread, cakes and cookies and his boyfriends are all too happy to shower him with praise
-Luke usually sleeps in a separate room, since he knows how bad he can snore- but most mornings he wakes up with a boyfriend under each arm anyways, so maybe he doesn't snore as bad as he thinks
-Luther has to dress his boyfriends some days, it's not his fault they're both total dads and have not a lick of style between the two of them ("Ohm, those jeans make your ass look flatter than a pancake")
-Delirious can get pretty jealous that his best friend is busy with double the pretty boyfriends, so he usually ends up 4th wheeling on their dates
-Shoes. So many shoes. Between Ohm's boots and Anthony and Tyler's massive sneaker haul, there is no room in the house for anything
-In general, there's no room in the house for anything; there are dog toys, shoes, clothes, plants, figures, collectables, and posters everywhere. It's a very organized but still cluttered mess
-Ohm doesn't get why his boyfriends love cars so much either, but he still smiles when they gush about it and nods along as if he has any idea what they're talking about
-These three absolutely rock date night, and usually end up at their little local bowling alley or at a bar for some good wings and good beer
-Tyler gets a bit pouty when Anthony and Ohm play together all night, and usually ends up crashing one of their offices for some well needed kisses before bed
-Tyler's parents are more than happy that his son not only got one boyfriend but *two*; it just means Wilddad has more sons, and he pulls out the baby album everytime the trio come around for dinner
-The "we are never playing mario kart ever again" couple
-Anthony is absolutely astounded by Evan's music career, and more often than not he's in the studio with Evan just watching his boyfriend work and mix, and he finds something really beautiful about Evan's passion for his work
-Late at night (or early in the morning), Evan will stumble into their bedroom and wake Anthony up to have him listen to the latest edit of his song
-Evan isn't the biggest fan of crowds, and usually holds onto Anthony's hand or arm tight- Anthony always makes sure to give a reasurring squeeze or smile to calm him down
-No, Vanoss doesn't pay his gmod mapmaker to put in cute little love notes for Panda to find, that's ridiculous!
-When they're not in the mood to cook, Anthony's go to is a peanut butter and jelly- Evan used to not even like the sandwiches till Anthony started making them for him
Daithi de vanoss
-They're little shits. They're the kinda couple who prank each other- like replacing the sugar caddy with salt, or putting saran wrap on the toilet bowl
-Nogla is the softer of the two and definitely more romantic; he likes to play silly love songs on his acoustic when it's a rainy day or when Evan's come back from tour, and it never fails to make him melt
-That being said, Evan wants to do a collab with his boyfriend bur Nogla always gets so shy, and mutters something about wanting to get better at singing before they work on music together
-They're definitely a sight to see in public or in cons; Evan's always dressed in black, with skinny jeans and designer shoes and his ever present baseball hat- while Nogla usually looks like he's rolled out of bed and threw on whatever wrinkled clothes were on the floor
-Evan does not like chocolate milk, but he drinks it because it's basically the only beverage in the house
-These two kiss in bed all the time- it's where Evan feels most comfortable with the whole affection thing, and let's Daithi kiss him breathless under the duvet and hold him close to his chest
-Brock kinda has a thing for being the 'housewife'- he likes cooking and cleaning and taking care of Daithi, and it never fails to make his chest swell with pride when Nogla tells him that the house looks nice, or that dinner was fantastic
-They probably only own comfy clothes, and only dress up for special occasions and anniversarys- and even then, Nogla always asks Moo if he can tie his tie (it's adorable everytime)
-If Nogla wants to hide a gift for Brock, he'll put it in the tallest cabinet or on top of the fridge; so far, Brock hasn't found out about his secret hiding spots
-They're both homebodies and would rather spend an evening in with each other than go out somewhere fancy
-Nogla loves taking Brock out to the fair however, and wins him the biggest prize he can everytime without fail. The collection they have in the house takes up a lot of space in the guest bedroom, but Brock insists they stay
-Oh these two sing Christmas songs together for sure, and they harmonize pretty well (even if David can get a little silly during the songs sometimes). It never fails to make Brock melt into a useless gay puddle when David sings to him
-These two are a very busy couple; merch, streams, tours, recording, sponserships; they're both usually up far past bedtime, but they make it work
-Evan calls Luke his "trophy husband" and Luke honorably takes the title- he likes dressing up and looking good for his man, what can he say?
-They are CAT DADS and spoil the ever living shit out of their kitties. Evan bought a 300 dollar cat tree that has never been used a day in their life (they liked the box better)
-The only thing that they ever argue about is pizza toppings; Luke likes hawaiian, and Evan thinks it's a disgrace to pizza everywhere (they usually end up getting supreme and calling it a day)
-Luke can get kinda clingy believe it or not, and if Evan's busy recording he'll just wrap his arms around Evan's waist and press little kisses to his hair
-Evan did not like the beard at first, but it grew on him- even if Cartoonz wakes up looking like a dirty old pirate most mornings
-Anthony shares his absolute delight over Pokémon (cards and games) with his boyfriend, who usually returns the enthusiasm. They both think that Charmander is the best starter, but they squabble on which pokemon type is the best
-They probably play football (the american one) with each other in the yard, and things can get pretty rough. Tyler once apologized for a good two hours straight after he accidentally elbowed Anthony in the eye (Panda just laughed and kissed him to shut him up)
-Gym dates, though Tyler really just watches Anthony work out while he just kinda jogs on the treadmill the whole time
-Tyler's a little on the chubby side, and Anthony's all for it- he likes making hearty dinners and loves when Tyler gets second helpings ("You like my cooking? I'm shook, babe")
-Kino is Anthony's son, and nothing in the world can change that.
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viviennes-tears · 4 years
Are you following me Mr Hiddleston? Chapter 13
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.
Margot had stopped dancing without noticing that she had; as she continued to stare at the new face in the room, while Charlie and the others kept dancing around her. After a couple of minutes of staring at the new but familiar face in the room without being spotted Margot snapped out of her daze. She tugged on Charlie's suit jacket sleeve to get his attention. Instead of shouting over the blaring music to answer Charlie's "what?" question; Margot simply nodded her head in the direction of the figure, who was standing on the edge of the room, leaning against the half wall to the other side of the room. Charlie smiled and headed over leaving Margot alone in the sea of people on the dance floor.
Zawe was here.
"God, she looks so glamours" Margot thought to herself as she admired her. Zawe had picked a black fake snake skin pattern fitted dress, with a plunging sweetheart neckline, off the shoulder three quarter length sleeves, a slight ruching detail from her bust to her hip, the left side of the dress is slightly longer in length touching her knee, where as the right comes down just above her knee, and looks as though it swoops up into the ruching detail to her hip. Her nails are pained black and she opted for pointy slim black heels. Her makeup simple with light lips gloss and dark smokey eyes and her hair straightened. The look was the same as the one she wore for the British Independent Film Awards back in 2015. Margot recognised it very well as she remembered it was in Peyton's top five outfit list from the event. Peyton loved gawking at celebrity in photos from red carpet events.
Peyton's top 5 outfit list from British Independent Film Awards back in 2015:
5. Thomas Brodie-Sangster
4. Zawe Ashton
3. Agyness Deyn
2. Luke Evans
1. Chiwetel Ejiofor
She even remembered what Peyton said while he showed her each outfit from his list. "Thomas Brodie-Sangster is at five because it's a good suit but it could be better, he's a little scruffy looking. They should have made sure he was tucked in properly and he's so skinny that they should have gotten him a better fit. Zawe Ashton at four because she looks gorgeous in her dress, it totally works for her. The simple stud earrings is good too as it doesn't draw attention from where she wants it. Meaning the dress. Agyness Deyn at three because who doesn't love a Alexander McQueen dress! She ugh, looks fabulous in it. Not too found of the red patent Prada shoes. I know Prada! I get it, but it doesn't work for me with the dress. Even though both Luke Evans and Chiwetel Ejiofor wore Thom Sweeney suits but I put Luke in at two. I do love a Welshmen but I love Chiwetel Ejiofor more!"  
The thought of Peyton's list along with the thought of how much he would be in awh over all the guests' outfits made her chuckle slightly. No doubt he'd be on the look out for the photos that were taken upon entry. Margot had thought for years that Peyton would have a job in the fashion introductory but he didn't want that. He refused to even consider it. As he believed it would be cliche for a gay man with a job in fashion. Besides he loved his job in the office and Samuel made things all the more interesting as he would put it, adding a wink any time he mentioned it to Margot. As long as Peyton was happy she was happy and gave him her full support. Also she could have sworn she'd just seen someone in the corner of her eye with a camera, who probably been hired for the inside shots.
Charlie and Zawe had already exchanged pleasantries while Margot was busy admiring her dress and going over Peyton's list in her head, although now they seemed to be all smiles and laughs. Margot slowly made her way over to them, unsure how Zawe would act towards her. She stood a little back from the two of them waiting to be seen; as Zawe was mid sentence she turned her gaze towards Margot, completely cut off by her presents, her jaw slightly open the words lodged in her throat and her hands out in gesture stilled in the moment. Charlie followed Zawe's gaze and smiled at Margot.
"Zaws you remember Margot, right?" Charlie placed his arm around Margot's shoulders, pulling her closer to his side. Of course he knew Zawe hadn't forgotten as the tension didn't help matters.
"Yes" Zawe faked a smile towards Margot and extended out her hand. Margot shook Zawe's hand firmly despite not feeling all that confident, even though she tried adding a weak smile to sweeten their encounter some what. Yet her smile failed.
"It's nice to see you again" Margot just about made her voice audible over the music. Zawe didn't reply with words she just gave Margot a small nod, which made Margot take a deep breath and think:"yep she's still pissed about what happened. I don't blame her though. It was a dick move on my part. Even though I had no idea she was dating Tom officially. Fuck that, it's Tom's fault for being so charming! And yet I was totally over the point of anger last I saw him, until he tried bringing it up."
After a few minutes of awkward silence Charlie managed to get Zawe to continue with her story despite her hesitation to begin with. She found it much easier once she ignored the fact Margot was even standing there. As for Margot she decided to remain quiet but Charlie's slight squeeze on her shoulder felt reassuring to her. After a while of them catching up Charlie offered to get a round of drinks.
"Can I get anyone a drink?" Charlie nudged Margot with his hip to get her attention as he kept his arm around her shoulders.
"Oh please! I would love a dry martini" Zawe got in her reply first and smiled at herself for doing so.
"Mags?" Charlie's arm left Margot's shoulders as he took one step back waiting for Margot's reply.
"A Manhattan please, Charlie." Margot deiced to go for a fancier drink than the rum and coke she had earlier. As somewhere in her brain she wanted to sound classy around Zawe and her request for a dry martini; but she never had a Manhattan before, so she hoped she was going to enjoy it.
"Great!" Charlie quickly glanced around for space at a table. "Why don't you ladies join Debs and the others on their table? They look as though they have a couple of spaces." Charlie said then headed for the bar.
Zawe pushed herself off the wall heading for the table Charlie said to go to, a few tables over from her position. She greeted those sitting at Deborah's table while Margot gave Zawe a head start as she tried to gather her nerves. Zawe had made herself at home already by the time Margot had approached the table. Deborah noticed Margot standing awkwardly behind Mike Colter with her hands clutching onto her bag. Deborah gave Margot a big toothy smile and motioned her over with a come-hither finger. Deborah got the others on her left to move down a seat so Margot could sit right by her side. The others all moved down without a complaint and Deborah introduced the table to her once she sat down. Margot put her bag down onto the table in front of her and pulled herself further under the table.
Deborah began to introduce everyone from the left and around the table. They all nodded or gave a small wave with smiles when their name was said. "Margot this is Krysten Ritter, Elodie Yung, Scott Glen, Mike Colter, Elden Henson, Finn Jones and Zawe Ashton." Of course Deborah didn't know Margot already knew Zawe but neither of them mentioned that they knew each other either. Margot couldn't believe she was sat at a table with the cast from The Defenders. Well she knew they'd all been in various other shows: Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Daredevil where all their characters had crossed paths. All of which she had seen. It certainly was a pleasure. The men all looked stylish in their sharp suits most of which were either navy or black. Accept for Finn, he had chosen a dark grey tweed suit.  While the women looked elegant in their dresses of various colours and styles.
"Everyone this is Margot Foster, Charlie's date!" Deborah empathised 'date' which got some 'awhs' and 'ooos' from the table.
"So you're the lucky girl" Krysten wiggled her eye brows at Margot with a smirk across her lips.
"I guess" Margot shrugged feeling a little flattered but also nervous. However Zawe's eye roll hadn't gone unnoticed as she saw Zawe with her peripheral vision.
"It's good that Charlie has found someone, and an attractive woman too" Mike winked.
"I-I wouldn't say we're together in the way you think. This is our first date" Margot admitted. The table all made mental notes on what Margot had just said then Charlie made his way over to the table putting an end to the relationship questions.
Charlie came up behind Margot reaching over her right shoulder and placed the drinks down. He picked Zawe's back up reaching over the table to pass it to her which Zawe thanked him for. Margot took a large sip of her drink she couldn't quite make up her mind if she liked the drink yet. Maybe after a few she would although she wished she gone for something else too. Like a whiskey or a beer. Then she turned her attention to everyone else listening into the new topic of conversation happening further down the table. Zawe had busied herself chatting with Finn and Elden.
"Do you want to sit here next to Margot?" Deborah asked as she got Charlie to bend down so she could speak only to him.
"No, thank you I'll be alright standing" Charlie replied and grabbed his Guinness to take a sip.
A few drinks later. Margot felt a lot more relaxed with everyone, hearing their onset stories and she found out more about them outside of the celebrity status that fans obsess over. She got along well with everyone accept for Zawe. She never spoke a word to her once they were seated. Charlie was disappointed as he hoped things would have been better by now. No one brought up the fact Zawe never spoke to Margot thankfully. Suddenly Margot felt her phone vibrate in her bag as it buzzed against her wrist while she held her glass, which was sat on the table. Instead of taking another sip of her drink she pulled out her phone. As she peered down at the lit screen it had a notification displayed on it from Peyton. Margot smiled as she used her fingerprint to unlock it and tapped onto the text message app.
"Hey, just CHECKING IN! How's the party? Also did you get a KILLER dress?" Margot as always had told Peyton about the party first. How could she not tell him? As he knew everything else and he is her best friend. The question about her dress reminder her that she'd forgotten to take a photo of her dress earlier before leaving for the party.
"Hey P, the party is great so far! I've already made acquaintances with many of Charlie's friends. They've been very welcoming at the table. Hehe, have I some stories to tell ;) already did a bit of dancing with Charlie and some others I don't know. Sorry forgot to take a photo before I left, got back late after shopping, delayed train issues. I'll take one when I go to the toilet. You know bathroom selfie." Margot pressed send and then quickly added "Zawe is here too btw" in another text.
"Glad they're TREATING you well! Oh I bet you have quite the TALES to TELL XD  A bathroom selfie will SUFFICE. How's things going with HER?" Peyton's reply came back rapidly.
"She's still....."
"TOM!" Charlie called over the top of the noisy room making Margot stop texting her reply. Charlie placed his drink down and rushed over.
"Happy birthday man!" Tom embraced Charlie in a manly hug with a pat on the back which Charlie reciprocated.
"Not yet" they both chuckled.
Margot wasn't the only one who was searching the room for Tom because Zawe was too. She twisted around in her chair with her glass in hand. They struggled to see where Tom was speaking with Charlie as there were people in their way, standing right in front of them. Once there was a clearing Zawe gasped as she felt her heart snick at the sight of Hayley Atwell hanging off Tom's arm. Margot also was shocked to see him with somebody else so quickly and not just a somebody but Hayley Atwell. She tried to shake the thought of the two of them kissing out of her mind, like she had when she found out he and Zawe were dating. Also Margot could see that Zawe wasn't over Tom as she shuffled uncomfortably in her chair staring at them. She was clearly observing Tom. Then again so was Margot now; she had to check him out and her phone turned to a black screen, as it locked itself in her hands. He dressed in a tight black fitted suit, which made his shoulders look great in it, the white button down shirt tucked neatly into his trousers, a thin black tie and a white pocket square for added detail to his look and he wore black patent shoes. Margot even took note that Tom's hair has been cut short all around his ears and at the back, leaving it longer on top for his proffered style when he has sorter hair. It even seemed darker than when she saw him last, although it may have easily been the lighting that made it look that way. He also turned up clean shaven. Margot liked his beard as it made him look like a teddy bear along with his longer hair, but clean shaven was a hole different Tom all together. You could see his high cheekbones and jawline better this way. He certainly looked well-formed.
Margot felt herself studying Hayley too. She thought Hayley looked astonishing in her red berry skater party-ready, bodycon midi dress, with a one shoulder pleated detail sleeve. Her skyscraper black heels were simple yet looked like a great choice along with a simple gold chain around her neck. Her lips matched the red berry colour of her dress, and mascara was the only big noticeable part of her eye makeup from that distance. Margot sighed to herself knowing that Tom had chosen another beauty to drape over his arm. Which also made her question why he even asked her out in the first place. She thought she was plain looking and less accomplished in comparison to those who Tom dated. The more she thought about it; it was the exact same reason for Charlie too, to her even Charlie had dated some great beauties who'd achieved a lot more than herself. Granted she was younger than any of them meaning she wouldn't have accomplished as much; but both men had dated younger than themselves before, that was for sure. Margot sighed again to herself. Tom clearly had moved on from both herself and Zawe. If she could even call it more than a small attraction he had towards her, meaning she knew it wouldn't have taken him long to get over her.
No one else around Margot noticed Zawe's uncomfortable feeling; which made her feel empathy, as Margot knew all too well how she felt. She had fallen for his charms too. Eventually Zawe turned away looking back at the other guests at the table; taking a large gulp of her drink finishing it completely, and putting her empty glass back down onto the table, then her eyes looked down at her hands tightly clasped in her lap. Margot however couldn't keep her eyes away as she tried to focus on what they were talking about. Although her lip reading failed when she bit her bottom lip as Tom licked his lips; his slightly open stance and his hands in his pockets made him look all the more appealing, and all the while Hayley remained clinged to his arm. Zawe caught Margot biting her lip as she looked up at the exact moment she did it. Zawe's piercing gaze made Margot stop staring as she swallowed hard and felt her cheeks burn a little. Although she knew if Tom had been the one who caught her staring that would have been more embarrassing.
Finn tried to speak with Zawe once more trying to get her opinion on something she had missed on in the conversation between himself, Elodie and Elden. Zawe shook her head as if dismissing Margot for the lingering stare. Then Zawe apologised to the others profusely as she stood up from her seat and walked away. Margot opened her mouth as if to call her name but decided against calling attention to her. Instead Margot watched a moment catching Tom follow Zawe out with his eyes ignoring the conversation going on between Hayley and Charlie. Zawe never even glanced at Tom as she headed out the door. Margot put her phone away in her bag then quickly excused herself, taking her bag with her and followed on behind Zawe. As she made her way out she felt Tom watching her too.
Just as Zawe stopped in front of the lifts Margot began calling out to her. Zawe did not dare turn to look at Margot and repeatedly kept pressing the button to go up, on the panel for the lift. Once the doors were open Zawe stepped inside and she tried to get them to close quicker, luckily Margot had managed to step inside the lift on time before they closed on her. Zawe huffed then sulked into the far corner trying to keep herself from crying.
"Zawe? Zawe are you alright?" Margot knew it wasn't a good question but she knew she had to try talking to her.
"What do you think?" Zawe replied sharply.
Margot took a deep breath and spoke calmly "you might not want to listen to me right now, but I'm going to continue talking anyway...I am sorry Zawe, truly. I maybe a year late but I haven't seen you since new York. Sure I could have asked Charlie to apologise on my behalf but that's a cowardly way..." the lift stopped as a ping sound alerted them that they had arrived, and the doors opened up onto the fourth floor. Zawe rushed passed Margot turning right and swiftly walking away. Margot followed on behind her. "Zawe! Zawe please! Please stop and listen to me!" Margot called after Zawe. Before Zawe opened the door leading onto the corridor in front of her she stopped and turned to face Margot.
Margot was grateful that Zawe had decided to listen."If I'd known you and Tom were together I would never have gone on that date with him." Zawe crossed her arms in front of her huffing in disbelief. Margot tried to ignore Zawe's dismissive response and continued speaking. "Honestly I wouldn't have gone out with him. I have never dated anyone who was prior nor do I in tend to date someone who's already in a relationship in the future. I would have given him a good talking to, reminding him to keep himself to himself...he's very charming as you know, I fell for it! What can I say? I'm only human!" Margot paused a moment to let that snick in. "And I'm guessing Tom showing up here with Hayley was a shock to you. There's no denying it...he's moved on. You should know that I believe you will find someone and have a wonderful family with them. Just don't let all this get in the way of you being happy. Also I do hope in time you can forgive me." Margot tried to give Zawe a happy smile to indicate that she had no hard feelings for her, despite Zawe's behaviour towards her.
Zawe reminded in silence as she stood there watching Margot wait for the lift to come back. "Oh and try not to hide up here all night. Enjoy yourself" Margot added before disappearing inside the lift. Zawe felt a smile for the first time genuinely creep up onto her face from that last comment, as she knew Margot was right. She couldn't hide in her room all night. The least she could do is be there for Charlie.
Once Margot was back on the same floor as the bar she headed into the toilets. She quickly used the felicities and took a selfie for Peyton. The lighting wasn't the best but it would have to make do.
As Margot exited the toilets she erased her last message that she never finished and started fresh."Sorry for taking so long to reply. Here's that selfie I promised." Margot attached her selfie to her text message and pressed send. She decided to wait around for Peyton's reply as she was unsure when she'd next get the time to answer him.
"No worries Mags, I know you're partying HARD! You look STUNNING! Bet you have Charlie DROOLING all over YOU! So how's things with Zawe?" Margot had her thumbs hovering over the keyboard trying to think how she should reply when...
"Margot!" Margot's mouth ran dry and her heart began to slow down at the sound of his voice calling to her. "Margot?" Tom was stood behind her, he left quite a big gap between them however. Margot slipped her phone into her bag and composed herself before turning around.
"Hi" Margot cleared her throat as she sounded a lot higher pitched than she meant to. Tom chuckled slightly. "Hi Tom" she started over.
"Hi" Tom said with a gentle smile then moved forwards slowly decreasing the gasp between them, when he stopped he placed his hands into his trouser pockets. His scent was strong and intoxicating just like Margot remembered. Although whatever it was she couldn't figure out what it smelt of.
"Sooo?" Margot asked nervously fondling her bag.
"How are you?" Tom noticed she was nervous around him, making him believe it had something to do with the way they left things last time.
"I'm good thank you, what about you?" Margot tried her best to sound confident with her answer.
"I am doing great...is-is Zawe doing okay? We've not spoken for a while. Last time we had she said she was doing better than she had in months." Tom asked curiously.
"Well in all honesty Zawe has barely spoken to me, I did most of the talking...thankfully she let me aplogoise to her about what happened. Although if you really want to know how she feels, you best talk to her yourself. And I gathered she wasn't expecting me to be here let alone here as Charlie's date." Tom felt a ping in his chest when she said she came as Charlie's date. Charlie had failed to mention that detail when he was talking with him.
"Oh, you're Charlie's date!" Tom couldn't hide how surprised he was by it.
"Yeah, Charlie's date. It's our first date actually. But hey look at you, you came with Hayley Atwell for crying out loud!"
"I-I did yes...Margot?" Tom wet sips which made Margot gulp.
"Tom?" Margot said out loud sounding breathlessly. The licking of his lips didn't help her keep in control.
"I know last time I saw you, you wouldn't let me apologise...but please give me that chance. It is far over due."
"O-okay, I guess if Zawe can hear me out I should allow the same courtesy."
"Thank you, it means a lot." Tom took a deep breath before he could go on "firstly I wanted to say when I met you at the stage door I was trucked by your beauty." Margot's cheeks began to heat up and she tried to hide behind her bag. "I'm not just saying that" Tom removed her bag from her face and gently made her look up to him, by tilting her chin up. "Margot you are a beautiful woman" he let go of her chin. "I-I led you on after our afternoon together in Central Park. Even though Zawe and I were together at the time...there was something inside me telling me I had to ask you out and if I didn't I would regret it. So I did. Then you came along on that date with this-this amazing, humors, flirty attitude." They both laughed a little. "My curious little monkey" he bit his lip as he brought up his nickname for her.
"Tom stop flirting!" Margot playfully hit his arm.
"Right, sorry. You should know that I had a wonderful time on our date and I'm sorry for dragging you into it. I made a mess of everything." Tom should have felt regret about the date but he didn't. It may have punched a hole in his relationship with Zawe at the time but the more time he thought about it, he knew he had to be on that date. Besides after coming to terms about Zawe and the other guy (who's name still remains a mystery to him) he felt better about his decision. Although he and Zawe had to go through a lot before she admitted it. Further more turning up with Hayley was both a good and bad thing. Good because he wasn't alone. Bad because Zawe had come alone as he was sure she wouldn't have been. It made him feel guilty in that sense.
"I had a wonderful time also and I forgive you" Margot managed a smile.
"Good. Friends?" Tom held out his hand for her to shake.
"Friends" Margot smiled again as she shook his hand and Tom smiled back.
Tom escorted Margot back into the Bassoon bar for the party. They entered the bar with their arms linked but Margot quickly removed her arm as soon as she spotted Charlie. She didn't want him to get the wrong impression. Margot thanked Tom for escorting her back then she raced over to Charlie, grabbing his hand; dropping off her bag along the way at the table she was sat at earlier, and dragged him towards the dance floor. They spent the next few hours on and off the dance floor, dancing together and occasionally with others too. She even spotted Zawe among the crowd. Margot was glad Zawe made it back to the party. She was also surprised that Mike asked Zawe to dance during a slow song. Yet Margot could see Zawe glancing over at Tom and Hayley every now and then during it. At least she wasn't sulking in her room as everybody had their own rooms for the night.
After the party had died down with very few guests still left in the bar Charlie and Margot being two of the few; finished up the last of their drinks as they could feel tiredness take over them, they said their goodnights to the others and Charlie took Margot by the hand, leading her out of the bar. They took the lift up to the third floor where their rooms where. They stopped at room 303 the first door on the left in the corridor, just through the previous door on the left side from the lift. Margot rummaged in her bag for her card key once she found it she thanked Charlie for inviting her, and for taking her back to her room. In return Charlie kissed Margot on the lips and held her close; however she just kept her hands to herself, but as Margot pulled away shortly after not allowing the kiss to be long, she felt nothing. But she didn't tell Charlie as he seemed too happy. Also it was his party she didn't want to bring down his good mood. Charlie waited outside her door after they said goodnight as he wanted to make sure she was safely inside before he headed for his own room. 309.
Margot leaned her back against the closed door hearing Charlie's footsteps get quieter as he walked away. Finally she could relax. She slipped off her heels by the door then shimmied out of her dress, leaving it on the floor near the foot of  her bed. Margot quickly removed her makeup with water as she hand't brought anything with her due to not preparing herself for the over night stay. Yet she knew that there would be a room for the night, after all Charlie had told her there would be in his text about the details. Everyone else of course had an overnight bag sent over for them.
It was now 4:00am and Margot finally got comfortable under the bed covers wearing her bra and knickers.
"Had a little chat with Zawe, I only hope she will forgive me" Margot quickly sent the text to Peyton and then checked other texts from Elouise and Mary. They both sent photos from their student party night out and they begged Margot, well more Elouise did the begging for details about Charlie's party. "It was a blast, see you when I get back. Stay together and stay safe x"  Margot sent them both the same text.
"You SPOKE to Zawe?"  Margot wasn't expecting Peyton to reply so late even though it was several minutes after her text.
"Yeah, I did all the talking though....guess what?"
"I let Tom apologies to me"
"FINALLY! So did you TWO, you know, FUCK YET? ;)"
"No, he came with Hayley Atwell. Besides I was there as Charlie's date remember?"
"PEGGY CARTER?! DAMMMMNNNN LOKI AND PEGGY! WOW, drama at this PARTY! Let me guess it didn't settle too well with Zawe? Did she have anyone with her? How did YOU feel about them turning up TOGETHER? Did you FUCK Charlie? XP"
"Zawe isn't over Tom yet and no she came alone. I told him he should talk to her...Idk if he ever did though. If I were I wouldn't be talking to you right now. He did kiss me." Margot completely ignored the question on purpose about how she felt about Tom and Hayley being together at the party.
"CHARLIE FUCKING COX KISSED YOU?!" Peyton may not have put pressure on her about how she felt about Tom turning up with Hayley, yet deep down he knew she found it difficult. As a huge pill like that is hard to swallow, especially as he knew Margot had feelings for him still.
"He did"
"And nothing..."
"It was nice...what more do you want me to say, P?"
"It's fine Mags, I understand. He isn't your PRINCE CHARMING."
"No, he's not. Anyway best get some sleep now as I have work at 1 tomorrow. Then we've got the last couple of shows on Monday and Tuesday night right after I finish work, then off for Christmas."
"Ugh, work right after a night of PARTYNG. Oh by the way before you go one LAST thing...."
"Samuel has asked ME to join HIM and his FAMILY for CHRISTMAS. I haven't given him an answer YET. I could say NO and spend it with YOU or YOU could join US?"
"Wow that's a huge deal P! You can't say no to him. And don't worry about me I have plans with my roommates" Margot lied. She had no plans accept for working.
"Are you SURE? It'll be your first Christmas without ME and now your Dad has gone and everything...I DON'T want you to be ALONE."
"I won't be, I promise. I have work as well so...I won't be alone. Night P x"
"Text ME over Christmas. I want the DETAILS. And say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Charlie boy for ME! Night Mags x"
Margot locked her phone and placed it down on the bedside table and wriggled further under the covers. She soon fell asleep as she could no longer keep her heavy eyes open.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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mssjynx · 5 years
BID407, NSFW & 32?
alpha / beta / omega au
basicallyido407 drabble
32. We’re cuddling but I can’t tell if it’s friend-cuddling, or gay-cuddling…
warning: nsfw
There was a very direct line that friends would draw between them. A line that marked the difference between “too far” and “this is fine” when it came to platonic relationships; especially those that crossed second genders.
Marcel had those lines drawn. He had them with Craig, with Evan, with John, Jaren, and Brock. The betas and omegas were cuddle-aholics and he was, unashamedly, one as well. Unlike Tyler or Luke, he was the cuddliest of all the alpha’s. He loved the warmth and the friendliness that came from the messy piles their friends formed during overly-planned movie nights. He loved the scents of simple happiness that seeped from both the betas and the omegas when they decidedly plopped down on his chest or back, curling up like a cat or a dog and claiming his space as theirs.
No matter what, he kept that line.
For everyone. Everyone except Scotty; the beta that wriggled his way into Marcel’s heart about two years after meeting.
That had been a difficult three years ago and Marcel was still harboring a silly little crush on the melodramatic beta. But he refused to let it get in between their friendships, brushing off the lingering stares and consistent touching that they shared between each other more than he did with any other. He ignored the air of difference between them that didn’t hover between him and Evan, or him and Jaren. He ignored how Scott would sit closer, would smile more, would keep those gorgeous blue eyes on him while he laughed, no matter who at or why he was even laughing to begin with.
“Marcel?” A hand waving in front of his eyes brought him back to the present, feeling warmth on his lap and chest. Scott was sat sideways on the couch with his legs thrown over Marcel’s, the alpha’s arms tight around the beta’s waist to keep him close. “You vanished on me for a minute.” The smile on Scott’s face was, as always, beautiful, the beta tilting his head as Marcel’s eyes focused back in on his face. “You good?” he asked, snuggling back into Marcel’s chest after deciding the alpha was back in the present.
The alpha sighed, resting his head back to allow Scott more area to nuzzle against his collarbone. That action enough was something that set their interactions apart from the interactions he had with other betas, or even omegas. The affection stretched over the very blurry line that spanned between “friendly” and “too friendly”.
Yet, like every other time, he didn’t say a word. He just tightened his hold around the betas waist and squeezed out any remaining space between the two of them. The warmth and weight on his lap and against his chest; he couldn’t feel guilty for enjoying the moment. Pressing his cheek to Scott’s temple, he returned his eyes to the screen and held back his pleased purr when Scott’s sigh rolled over his sensitive skin of his neck.
They remained in silence for the rest of the movie, Scott shifting and squirming in a way Marcel had long since grown used to. Scott was always someone who took a lot of time to get comfortable, whether they were sitting or laying down. Marcel had stopped complaining about it to the beta a good two years ago, accepting that it wouldn’t stop the boy’s consistent moving.
“That was so fuckin’ cool,” Marcel muttered, feeling drowsiness wash down his spine as Scott hummed in agreement and snuggled closer. His nose brushed at the crook of Marcel’s nose and the alpha melted into the couch, holding Scott close. The comforting mingling of their scents was enough to almost put him to sleep and he didn’t think about the way he nuzzled his nose into the side of Scott’s head,
An undecided hum rolled from Scott’s throat, pausing Marcel in his descent into slumber.
“Everything okay?” he asked, forcing his eyes open so he could fall back and gaze through the darkness at the beta. Scott took a moment to lift his attention to Marcel, a look of hesitance in his eyes. “Scott?” Marcel probed, squeezing the hit beneath his hand.
It seemed that Scot made up his mind, the beta planting both hands on Marcel’s shoulders so he could brace himself. Then, smooth as anything, he lifted up and swung his leg over Marcel’s lap so he could plant himself on the alpha’s thighs.
Marcel’s brows rose in surprise, but he didn’t move his hands away from the beta’s hips, holding eye contact without a tense muscle in his body. Two feet over that very blurry line; Marcel didn’t give anything but a soft sigh.
“What is this to you?” Scott asked, head tilting. His weight was heavy, dragging himself as closer to make sure there wasn’t a millimeter of space between their pelvises. Marcel couldn’t stop the heat that wound through his veins, unable to ignore the air of something more between them. Scott’s smile was too close to his, his eyes too sharp, his chocolate-smelling breath tickling his mouth.
“Cuddling,” Marcel responded, hoping the darkness hid the way his eyes flickered over Scott’s face. The only light was from the flickering street lamp leaking into the living room through the thin, navy curtin.
The beta linked his arms around the back of Marcel’s neck, squirming closer. “Don’t play stupid, Marcel.”
“Well, what do you want this to be, hm?” he asked, letting his hands slide around from Scott’s hips to his back. There was an air that lingered between them, like gas that would spark with every light of their breaths. With the weight of confidence on his shoulders, he made sure Scott noticed his deliberate look at the beta’s mouth, watching those pretty lips curl in a smile.
Scott swayed closer, a few inches between their mouths, but he rocked back, pulling his lip between teeth. “Do you let anyone else sit on your lap like this?” His words were tentative; unsure and careful.
“Do you think I’d kiss anyone else like this?” Marcel responded, tightening his embrace around the man’s waist before closing the space between them and fitting their mouths together.
Within five seconds, the kiss developed from chaste and sweet to fast and heated. Scott was sucking Marcel’s tongue into his mouth, grazing his teeth over it like he’d been born to drive Marcel crazy. By the way he rutted his hips down against the alpha, Marcel was certain that there was some sort of sexual magic going on.
Marcel was sure he had fallen asleep mid-movie. He had to have been dreaming. Not only was he kissing Scott, but Scott was kissing him back. He was kissing him, touching him, grinding on him; he was all over him and Marcel wanted to make sure, assuming he was blessedly fast asleep, that he never forgot the scent of Dream-Scott’s arousal.
When Scott broke the kiss in a gasp that sounded incredible vivid pressed against the shell of his ear, he didn’t wait to drop his mouth to the beta’s neck. Scott’s pulse bumped against the tip of his nose as the alpha mouthed at the heated skin. He was determined to savour as much of this dream as possible.
Except that he kept being distracted by those nimble fingers, yanking at Marcel’s shirt until it was released by his belt and began falling apart at the buttons. The clink of his buckle sounded before the zip of his fly and a fingernails were slipping down the skin of his naval, brushing through the little snail trail before sliding beneath the elastic of your boxers.
The reality of the scene swallowed Marcel. “Holy fuck, I’m not dreaming,” he moaned, the words falling out of his mouth as cold fingers slid around the base of his cock. Scott’s laughter was a teasing brush of air, teeth sharp when biting gently one the lobe of the alpha’s ear.
“Not a dream,” he said, grinding down and carelessly pinning his hand between the both of them as he whimpered. “I’m done with dreams.” The beta didn’t seem able to stop himself, hips rocking messily as Marcel’s hands drop down to grasp his ass. “I want you- I want you for real, not in my head anymore- Ah, fuck-”
Marcel didn’t wait to push his hand beneath Scott’s pants, hand against his bare ass as he pushed up against him. “This is fast.” He bit the words into the skin of Scott’s shoulder. “Are you sure this is alright?” He moaned as Scott’s hand tightened around him, sliding up to press his thumb against the alpha’s slit.
“Not fast enough,” Scott groaned. “C’mon,”--He withdrew his hand--“you can’t fuck me without lube,” he purred, mouthing at Marcel’s throat when the alpha’s head fell back. The groan was one of pain, his grinding uselessly up against Scott’s until the beta was lifting up off his lap and standing.
“Scott, you can’t just-”
The devilish grin on that gorgeous face was enough to stop his sentence short as Scott caught his hand and tugged. “You can knot me if you want,” he purred, dragging Marcel up to his feet and nipping at Marcel’s bottom lip.
And though it was a struggle to follow Scott all the way upstairs to their bedroom without shoving the beta against a wall and rutting against his ass like a horny teenager, it was all worth it. Worth it when Scott was pinned beneath him. Worth it when he was mewling because of three, slick fingertips pressed to his prostate. Worth it when Marcel’s knot was filling him up in a gloriously pleasurable way.
Worth it when he got to fall asleep with Scott splayed out over his chest and their fingers wound together.
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bestnoncannonship · 5 years
Alright..I'mma get in on this VC fancasting debate.
As a director, I often have a LOT of opinions on people's casting decisions. A LOT. (Someday, I'll write a novella on Ken Brannaugh's casting.) So as I see a LOT of fancasts casts based on how people look and few based on whether or not the actor can likely handle the role, I'mma throw my hat in the ring. (Warning....the more I write the less technical and more shitposty this is gonna get!) So here you go! The Vampire Chronicles series if I got to cast and direct it!!
The Brat Prince:
Most importantly....we gotta get us a Lestat. And the choice is clear:
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Evan Williams: this fabulous shitposting aesthetic trash is as close to the one and only Vampire Lestat as we are gonna get on this plane of existance. He is all charm and quite light in his loafers and a complete mess.......but most importantly, he has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is able to play a character that does inexplicable and morally reprehensible things while still being read as highly sympathetic, likable, and even a hero. That's what I worry about most with Lestat. He really is a very terrible person who doesn't learn or face too many consequences. And he has to be very very very sympathetic. Not just "Oh I Stan that villain" likeable.....but a true hero. And it takes a very. Special. Actor. To pull that shit off. And this is it. This is the guy. He was hired to play an Iago-esque gay villain type in Versailles, STOLE THE SHOW OUT FROM UNDER GEORGE BLAGDEN (no mean feat as Blaggy was giving a hell of a performance) and made his character a beloved icon. Yeah....I trust him to lead a show. I trust him to be Lestat.
Nicholas L'enfant:
Okay not gonna lie I struggled with this one. There was someone else I wanted to see in this role....but I decided he was better employed elsewhere. And this is who I ended up with:
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Yep. George Blagden. See...in the grand scheme of things Nikki is a very low-screentime role that has a LOT of impact on the story. And who better to trust with low screentime that the god of grantaires, who took a few small shots and lines and GAVE US A FULLY CHARACTERIZED GRANTAIRE in the Les Mis film. He is very sweet faced, and easy to like, can make being an on screen depressive fascinating instead of dull and has proven time and time again that he is the master of the complete mental breakdown, complete with horrifying but tragic crazy eyes. Also.....he bears a strong enough physical resembles to.....
Our beautiful depressed dark angel with a vampire eating disorder who has no self esteem and is still in love with his abuser needs nuance. He needs soul. And he needs a sweet and delicate beauty. And so:
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Alexaner Vlahos!!! The soulful eyes!! The delicate bone structure!!! The slight tones of simmering resentment!!! The ability to play a character that could have become VERY one note VERY quickly with goregeous amounts of nuance and sympathy!!! Vlavla has quite the varied resume. Mordred. Phillipe. Romeo. Captain Hook. To put it lightly he has a LOT of range and the one through line is he is NEVER boring. He plays a lot of roles that could very quickly become boring and one note (Romeo? Captian snooze right there!). But every second he's on screen or stage he is so completely alive in whatever he is feeling. I TRUST him to keep the entirety of Louis's brooding nuanced and fascinating for an audience and to physically and facially convey Louis's very important internal monologue that we will not be able to hear because this version is going to be from Lestat's point of veiw. I toggled with the idea of making him Nikki for a while....but ended up with Louis for 2 reasons. 1) he doesn't need the scripted plot drama Nikki has written in to make a compelling character and 2) he and Williams share such beautiful chemistry. Whenever they're together, even off screen, their focus shifts so that they orbit each other like bianary stars and any director can see that that's something that should be explored and exploited to add demension to the Louis/Lestat relationship and justify why they keep coming back to each other.
(And so ends the Men of Versailles segment of my fancast. So sue me. There's some incredible actors there.)
Let's return with
Gabrielle De Lioncourt:
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The incomparable Alex Kingston, lately of River Song fame, though I met her as Elizabeth Corday, and Doctor Corday is driving this casting choice. I wanted an actor who was an appropriate age to play Williams's mother cause we don't fuck with that women are "old" at 30 shit in this house. And she can carry off the kind of "I will not hesitate to kill a man" BDE that Gabrielle requires without trying, but she's also proven herself comfortable and competent with the level of CAMP that VC requires. I can see her easily showing up on set for a few scattered episodes, slipping easily into the verse, and nailing the kind of woman who can put Lestat in his place then run back off to the jungle. Also....that De Lioncourt hair!!!!!
Marius "Daddy" Romanus:
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Yep. This fuck. I can hear it now.... "Why isn't he lessssaaaat??? He's so blonde and prettttyyyyy????" Well....mainly because....I ain't sure this lil fuck can run a show as a very despicable but likeable hero yet. He's admirable. A good actor. A great villain. But not a hero and not heroically likeable. Personally, I'm of the opinion that in 10 or 15 years he will have grown into the ability to play something as complex as Lestat with likability....but for now.....DAMN is he a creepy imperial thing. He's got that "My house, my rules" vibe down. He's preditory. He's distinguished. He is Marius. And he's go the best Roman coin profile I've ever seen.
Ok. Controversial decision....but I want to see a complete unknown as Armand. Send casting out to cast a wide net, scour the world for the Botticelli death machine. But definitely don't pull him from the pool of already famous younguns. Because your Armand needs to be deep. Skilled. And primarily UNSPOILED by the school of child acting that is forced upon child actors. (I was a commercial kid and child stage actor. It was terrible.) Go out and get some twinky fresh faced raw talent so you get depth.
Big old ditto on what I said above about child actors. A nice doe eyed unknown, preferably without a stage mom.
Yikes. So many amazing choices!!! How do you follow Aliyah??
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With literal human perfection Gina Torres of course!!! Again....I wanted to go with an older woman. Someone who would be seen as an authority to all vampires. Someone god damnned goregeous. And someone who I find intimidating. Also, since I'm skewing a little tall with this cast (at least as TV actors go) I wanted someone who comfortably stands among and above most of them! She's a seasond tested actor, and certified badass. And we know she can steal a scene. Besides if she can look regal as a queen in that weirdass dress they gave her in the serenity movie she can pull off whatever monstrosity costumes comes up with to follow the Aliyah getup.
Don't @ me but....I have a LOT of feelings about Khayman. I love his particularly breed of immortal insanity. I love the way immortality drove him mad into a childlike enjoyment and curiosity. And I knew exactly who has to be casted to play that combination of intimidating ancient and innocent curiosity:
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This is Howard Charles. He is capable of playing both an intimidating giant and a sweet soulful cinnamon roll at the same time. I cannot sing this man's praises enough. Am I scared of him? Do I want to hug him? Both? He's also one of the best scene SHARERS I've seen on screen in a long time and that's very important in a supporting role.
Just because Anne Rice doesn't know shit about Mesopotamia doesn't mean we have to follow her in that. I wanted to pull from Middle Eastern or Indian populations for her to best reflect the look of the region in a time that's roughly in line with the pre-dynastic Egyptian mish-mosh associated with Akasha.
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So I'm gunning for Indira Varma. When I say this woman has timeless beauty.....I mean timeless. She's as prehistorically hot as she is today. And she's such a strong actress, I want to give her a role that isn't 50% sex scenes. She's got both the warmth and the commanding strength to play Maharet. I would ideally like to get a dancer to play Mekare....someone who can handle the physical interp of the role. Probably an Indian dancer to match Indira Varma.
David Talbot:
In the newly declared tradition of Doctors playing Talbot:
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This is the only current Gif I could find of Sylvester McCoy. Known to many as the Seventh Doctor. And to many as Ratagast the Brown. He embodies that sort of huffy aging britishness that David projects, but has the over the top personality that can give us those hints of the vitality of David's youth. Basically I can see this man telling stories about hunting tigers in India. Then when he gets the hot young Raglan James Body:
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Luke Pasqualino. Swarthy young troublemaker. But for all the youthful good looks, he proved that he was able to play grace and gravitas as D'artagnion in the final season of the BBC Musketeers. I'd love to give him a chance to explore that deeper part. I also trust his ability to match the energy of a cast, which he did repeatedly on musketeers, and portray both the impulsive self aggrandizing Lestat in the Raglan James body and to play the DarkAU Musketeer type that is Raglan James himself.
That's literally all the Gifs I can put in a post. I know I skipped Daniel......but that's because I have surprisingly few opinions on Daniel.......he's very much a vanilla audience connecting character. I'd almost like to see an unknown in that role....just to see what we a new face could make.
And thus ends my casting of the Vampire Chronicles!!
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anxiety-n-chill · 5 years
Draft of My Ohmtoonz Fanfic
Chapter Warnings:
Homophobia, Cursing, Mention of shooting and guns and death, Mental Breakdown, Crying, Abuse, Anxiety, Insecurities.
    Sickness was not always physical. For example, depression.
I had always been a happy person, or at least I tried my best, but recently it's become impossible to even fake it. I know it's just petty internet shit, we all deal with haters, but it's not the same. These people seem to know me, know my weaknesses.
'Your shit sucks, Luke. Fucking quit already'.
'You and Ohmwrecker god fucking queers'.
'Your father must fucking be so disappointed'.
'Should've been aborted'.
Positive people, true fans, protected me in the replies, but it didn't help. These just struck me. It's like they knew...knew about my secrets.
My laptop interrupted my thoughts with the familiar ring of a Skype call. I debated on ignoring it, but keeping myself in this depressing slump would just make things worse. I scooted my chair away from my setup and grabbed the laptop off my bed. I briefly smiled and the little collage of bunny stickers.
Opening up, I see the call was from the one and only Ohmwrecker. With a breathy chuckle, I answer.
"Good day, Ohmie," I greet. As usual, Ohm had his camera turned off, and I returned it with my own camera off.
"Toonzy! How's you?" Ryan's little giggle sends another smile on my face.
"Good..." I swallow as the hate comments return in my mind. Ryan catches this somehow; he's one of my best friends, of course he would.
Ryan gets serious. "Don't lie to me, Luke. What's up, man?"
I sigh and admit I had read the hate comments on my recent video. This isn't the first time I've put myself through torment like this, and Ryan had comforted me then too.
"Oh, Luke," Ryan says quietly, "We talked about this. Maybe it's best to turn off the comments on videos if they're getting bad like that."
"It would raise questions from fans," I answer, "And I can't ignore the true fans. I just...I just wish I was so damn sensitive."
"You're not sensitive, Luke," Ryan comforts, "Maybe go over to Del's house for a bit. He'd certainly get your mind off things."
I debate this for a minute. It wouldn't be a bad idea, and I haven't hung out with Jon in a while.
"Yeah I think I will," I say, "I'll text him now. I'll call you later, maybe we can record? Oh, also, thanks for the bunny stickers."
I hear Ryan give another laugh.
"Of course, Toonzy. See ya."
"Love ya, man."
And with that, I end the call. I place the laptop back onto my bed and return to my setup. Grabbing my phone, I send a quick text to Jon.
'yo u open to hang?'
I doubted he would be awake at 2pm, but it was worth a shot. To my surprise, my phone dinged soon after I laid it down.
'helllll yeah! just cum ovr whenevr man'
'k, ill get there in about an hour'
'cool beans'
I lay my phone back down and look at my desktop. The comments were still open on the screen.
'Burn in hell, gay bitch'.
I close the tab with a sharp inhale. Ryan is right, looking at these won't help. I need to get out.
Before I change my mind, I go get a pair of jeans and a clean shirt. Freshening up and splashing some water on my face calms me down a bit. I slide on my boots and grab my phone, then my keys.
I head out of my house, making sure to lock my door behind me. As I walk to the driver's side of my car, I reach over my hood to swat away the neighborhood stray cat off. It gives me a disapproving look and runs away into the hole of my neighbor's fence.
As soon as my car starts, a song softly starts to play though the speakers.
"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you."
That's depressing, too depression for me. I click the station off and connect it to Bluetooth, quickly restarting a podcast I had began last week.
Nothing interesting broke me from my depressing and lonely thoughts on the way over to Jon's. I guess the universe wants me to suffer.
The ride wasn't as long as I expected, guess I zoned out. Turning off my phone and car, I exit and make my way up to Jon's front door.
The doorbell was able to be faintly heard outside, though it was drowned out by the sound of pounding footsteps.
Jon opens the door wide and stands there with a big smile. "CARTOONZ," he laughs loudly.
Jon, surprisingly, was a lot taller than me, even taller than Bryce. He had black hair than stayed in a short buzz, and he has a bit of a stumble on his chin. His skin was very pale, and his eyes were a dark gray. Jon is a lanky fellow, but don't doubt his strength. He's a stubborn bitch.
"Hey, man," I chuckle and give him a quick hug. He closes the door behind me and leads me into his kitchen.
"Coke?" I nod and he tosses a Pepsi to me and grabs a 7up for himself. I silently disagree with his choice, but hey, he's a hater of Pepsi and is kink enough to keep some in his fridge for me.
"So what's good," he asks as he leaps up onto his counter to sit. I lean against on the counter beside him.
"Um..." I know I should talk to him about it, but Jon is like my little brother. I shouldn't put this all on him.
  "Ey man," Jon says more seriously, "What's wrong, Luke."
  I give him the same story as Ryan. My heart feels heavy again.
  Jon's knuckles are white at the edge of the countertop. "Fucking assholes. Wish I could teach em a lesson," he growls.
  "Jon, they're probably kids.." I say. Jon nods but is still tense.
  "I don't want anything to happen to you, Luke," he says quietly, "Not after high school."
  I gulp. I dated Jon's sister, Lucille, in high school, and me and Jon got close. Though her and I aren't together now, him and I still see each other as family. I grew up with depression, and Jon was there along with Lucille. They saw the worst of me.
  "I'm not a teen anymore," I mumble, "I should be able to handle this."
  "You aren't expect to handle shit! Lil fuckfaces shoulda grow up!" he says sternly. I smile a bit at his frustrated face.
  "I know, Jonny," I sigh, "but hey, they're not wrong..."
  Jon snorts, "They are. Bein' bi don't make you uh-uh fag!"
  I came out to Jon a bit after I left Lucille. It wasn't a rough breakup, even after dating for 8 years. We both knew it just wasn't for us as adults, more like a teen fling. Anyway, coming out to Jon was rough. He was accepting, and even told me he was gay. We cried together in our shared apartment. Afterwards, we drank cheep beer and played Mario cart.
  I give a little chuckle and Jon belts out a loud laugh. This is why this dumbfuck was my best friend. He can never fail to make me laugh.
"Hey, so me and Ohm wanna record t'night," I say after we calm down, "You up for some?" I see Jon dart his eyes for a second and bite the inside of his mouth. Fuck, what did this boy do now.
"Uh well I gots plans," he says awkwardly, "I promise Ev-Vanoss...that I'd play GTA." That's nothing unusual, so why is he all flustered?
"What's up, though? You're gettin all red," I ask with concern. Jon takes a chug from his 7up and swallows slowly to waste time.
"Uh...Vanoss wants to meet up."
"Oh shit," I gasp. Jon hasn't met the others- in person at least. Meaning they haven't seen his face. None of them know why he don't show his face expect me.
Bullies fucking suck.
"So...are you gonna?" I ask after a pause. Jon gulps and shrugs.
"I wanna...b-but ya know man," he sighs, "What if it gets online, or he expect something else."
I've heard this from Jon many times whenever he brings up fans wanting a face reveal. But this is different. This is his best friend Evan asking.
"Don't if you don't wanna 100%," I say, "I'll go with you if that'ul help." Jon nods and finishes his drink.
"I'll think about it."
After a few hours of watching movies and playing games, I say bye and head home. As soon as I do, a text lights up my phone.
'you home, toonz?'
I quickly unlock my phone to answer Ryan.
'yeah am now wuzzup?'
'bryce wants to play duo with me on some new game, trynna see what game you got in mind'
'I'm up for it, maybe he can join and put off his game'
'cool with me'
I head to my bedroom after grabbing a slice of pizza from last nights dinner. I open up my desktop and go to tumblr just to waste time as Ryan tries to convince Bryce to play.
- - -
So this is the first chapter (draft) and I would like opinions! There’s another little part after this that switches to Del’s POV with Vanoss n shit but I’m pretty solid on that. Feel free to criticize :3
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writingwithadragon · 6 years
Two Dead Men Walking
This story was inspired by this post by @fzzzzzzzz
Smitty and Kryoz are both living two lives. One with the BBS while the other is with the Misfitz (or the joke name Gay Bay Gang). The two gangs have had many problems in the past resulting in multiple turf wars. If either of the gangs found out those two are also in the other gang. Their bodies will never be found again. 
Prologue - Where It All Begins
A man walked down the lifeless sidewalk, night had made its way to the sky. The man had a place to be, though he constantly heard fighting coming from the alley. It would all start with one phrase, “Hey you got the money?”, it always seemed to hiss its way from the alleys around this time at night. He was used to it, as he often has to say it to others. He actually just finished a drug deal, and it ended with someone dead. It was only around nine at night, the autumn wind ruffled his white hair. It got colder as the man progressed his way to work. He pushed up his weird blue and red glasses as he walked. His head hung low as his fingers twitched from the cold. His white jacket was sprayed in blood, but you could only tell from up close. A stash of money hid in a jacket pocket. The sight of his glasses made others hightail it out of there. One woman even called him the ‘Devil's child’, he didn't care, she had no idea what he went through. Spotting the nightclub Smitty walked at a quicker pace. Ducking into the alleyway that leads to the back of the building. He started to run, all he wanted to do was get back to his room, change, finish work, and sleep. Reaching the end of the alley Smitty relaxed a bit.
There was a black metal door with a blue light shining on it. He rushed for it, but stopped in front of it, he let out a breath of air and continued. He pushed the metal door opening his way into the back of the nightclub. When he looked up from pushing the door he saw that everyone was there, except for Tyler who went to go grab a new shirt. He took a seat at the bar and stared at his hands. A sudden hand on his shoulder made him jump, he turned to see a nice familiar face. It was just Anthony with a smile that can calm a rampaging Tyler.
“You alright there buddy?” he asked with a chuckle, his hand lightly squeezed my shoulder in concern.
He was a big man, short compared to Tyler and David. He might not look like it with his scruffy clothes and his spending money, but he and Luke were in charge of our finances. Of course, it was their money, they can spend it on what they like. He wore a black and white jacket and old blue jeans. But if you just looked at him in the city, you would probably mistake him for a homeless man.
“Some crazy ass dude. Tried to kill him, I put a bullet into that dumbass's head,” Tyler's sudden appearance from the stairs seemed to freak out everyone except for, and of course, Evan and Brock.
Tyler, Brock, and Evan were the ones to start this gang. Brock doesn't even look like he could so much hurt a fly. But you never want to get on his bad side. Last time that happened their screams were echoing in our minds for months. Evan is a laid back kind of dude, he creates mission plans with Lui and Scott. Who both know the city's ins and outs like the back of their hands. Tyler is the one who could intimidate anyone just by playing a video game. He gets loud and violent, making for a good combat and gun trainer. He often does deals but will always get his hands dirty.
“Are you okay to work tonight?” Brock asked he runs this nightclub, although we all call it a bar, and he doesn't drink if he can help it.
He wore his normal sunset tank top and his blue jeans. His tattoos visible, he had about six big tattoos and a few small ones. But the one he never covers is his neck tattoo, unless in public, of white wings. Evan and Tyler say he wasn't really into tattoos when they first met him, but he already had that one. And about his past, no one knows, he isn't even registered as a citizen in the city.
“Yeah I think so, and the bar opens in like what, thirty minutes, I'm not making you bartend tonight,” Smitty weakly smiled as he started to walk upstairs. “And I'll put the money in the vault upstairs for you guys.”
Tyler huffed and looked at Evan and Brock for agreement. They nodded and Tyler let Smitty pass him. He walked up the stairs to Brock's office, he passed his room and two others. The one closest to his room was a bathroom, while the other one was Brock's room. Smitty has never seen Brock’s room before, and he doesn't want to. When he did make it to Brock's office and stopped and stared at the door. The door was always unlocked but the fear of Brock's anger keeps everyone out, even Tyler and Evan. Smitty let out a breath and shook a bit. Even given the permission by Brock himself, Smitty was still terrified to go into the office. He opened the door with a shaky hand, he smelled the air. It smelled like flowers and fruit. And everything was clean and tidy. The papers on Brock's deck were stacked neatly and held in a basket. Walking around the desk Smitty pushed the worn out chair to the side and kneeled in front of the small vault. Smitty knew the code by heart and Brock liked talking to him, he doesn't understand why, and wanted him to remember it in case he forgot it.
Smitty turned the dial to four numbers, and with a satisfying click, he opened the door. Inside were stacks of hundreds, taking the money out from his coat he counted it and put it all into the vault. Normally Smitty was allowed to take three or four hundred bucks for each deal. He was sure Brock wouldn't notice, if he did, Smitty didn't want to think of the possible outcomes. He closed and locked the vault and headed into his room. He replaced his jacket and Tyler’s plain black shirt with a pink dress shirt, a blue-grey vest, and a fancy red and purple tie. His ripped up jeans were replaced with blue-grey dress pants. His shoes were replaced by a pair of black dress shoes... that was shined… he never shined shoes before… he'll ask Brock later.
Smitty turned to the sound of knocking, their stood Brock. He wore a white dress shirt, a light grey vest, and a bright blue tie. His hands were in his grey dress pants’ pockets. Harsh eyes looking into Smitty's soft and fearful eyes.
“Office, now,” Brock growled, did he notice, or did he find out.
Smitty followed the man into his office. A seat was set up for the young man already. He took his seat while Brock took his. Brock intertwined his fingers and rested them on his desk. His eyes never left Smitty's. Smitty clearly knew why Brock was the interrogator.
“Smitty? Do you know why you're in my office?” Brock's voice was low and his words seem to drop from his mouth like venom.
Smitty shook his head, “No, I-I don't know what I did wro-”
A quick hand to Smitty's throat shut him up quickly, “Don't continue that, I know you left or share in the vault. And I know what you really did in that alleyway. Did you really think Tyler wouldn't tell me?” Brock's tone was like a shot to the heart. “And I want to know why you fucking snapped!”
Smitty was shaking violently at this point, especially because Brock never let go of his throat. And the fact Brock swore was terrifying in itself.
“I don't know, he said some stuff and I lost it! It was all a blur. But he was insulting everyone, and I remembered who he was. And I just refused the fact that he was still alive, I-I snapped. I don't regret it either, that piece of horse shit deserves what I did to him. Everything and I still think he deserved more pain and suffering,” Smitty was growling by the end, he never notices Brock's hand tightening.
“Shut it, you're going to tell me what the hell happened later. Right now you need to calm down,” Brock’s smile snapped Smitty out of it, the smile reminded him of when Brock kills. It was always plastered to his face. Then Brock's grasp caught up to him. “We have work to do in ten minutes, and John will be here tonight. So just relax, and sorry about choking you. You started snapping again.
“It's fine, I'll just go and set up the bar,” Smitty answered with a sad sigh. Brock is so going to cut him from the gang later, he knew it too.
“It's fine? You're obviously not, tomorrow morning you are joining me for the day. Everyone is worried about you. You're young and most of us still know almost nothing about you,” Brock's creepy smile was replaced by his usual one, his eyes softened.
“So you're not gonna kill me?” Smitty asked getting a chuckle in return.
“I'm not going to kill you unless you wear those glasses to work again. You hear me?” Brock laughed gliding his hand through his styled hair.
“Don't worry I learned my lesson last time. I got no sleep and a head-splitting migraine,” Smitty said with a guilty tone, rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh and don't worry about a bruise, I know my limits. But here is some ice, if you want it,” Brock said as he got up from his chair and handed Smitty a bag of ice. Smitty thought for a moment “Brock could be such a teddy bear”, as Jon puts it was all that popped into his head.
“Thanks, see ya in a bit,” Smitty smiled putting the bag of ice on his neck. It felt so good.
Smitty soon realized Brock left him in his office. In a slight panic he ‘raced’ to his room, but made sure he closed the door. It was only two rooms over, and why Brock let Smitty live with him was still a mystery. When he got to his room he looked at the clock in the corner of his room. Three minutes until the club opens, Smitty panicked as he put his bag of ice in his mini freezer. And rushed downstairs past Brock and Anthony. He jumped/slid over the bar counter and quickly checked were everything was, and cleaned off the bar table. With only a minute to spare.
“Hey flash, nice work!” Anthony laughed as he said goodbye to Brock and Smitty.
“Cool your jets, tonight will be slow,” Brock laughed unlocking the front doors.
Some people have been waiting outside for hours to get in, the bouncers seemed to say they're the same people every time. Smitty never knows because they go straight for the dance floor. The next group of people coming are his regulars. Most are alcoholics or junkies just hanging out. Smitty didn't mind them, but around eleven most people start to pack the bar. Some just to get a quick drink, others sit and chat. But tonight the bar top was almost empty. Smitty was washing out a cup when a familiar voice asked for his usual. Taking out a small object from his pocket and handed it to the man. Getting a laugh in response.
“Thanks, Smitty,” John grinned, Smitty turned to face him only to get a face full of smoke, getting another chuckle from Brock who was just passing by.
“Hey John,” Smitty laughed as he grabbed the good scotch and poured some in a glass and put down in front of John.
“How did you know I liked the cotton candy flavoring?” John asked, after taking a draw from his vape.
“I know you like the back of my hand John, nothing gets past me. Any news from the Misfitz?” Smitty asked after checking Brock wasn't around.
“Fitz wants to speak with you tomorrow night since you have the night off. Smitty? Are you okay,” John asked as Smitty went pale, what was he going to say.
“Fuck me,” Smitty said Brock's pissed off face flashed in his head. “I’m so gonna end up dead.”
“Wait! What?” John asked with a worried face. “What happened? I don't see Brock anywhere. Why did you freeze? Smitty talk to me! Please!”
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forkskidshq · 5 years
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ACCEPTED! Congratulations, Mark, Rhys Lucas ‘Luke’ McAdams is our NEW KID. Please send in your character account within the next 24 hours and IM us for the discord link! 
Name/Alias, age, timezone, pronouns: mark, 23, est, he/him
Chosen Skeleton:  the new kid
Character Stats: 
Name: Rhys Lucas ‘Luke’ McAdams Gender: Cis man Pronouns: He/him Faceclaim: Michael Evans Behling Age: 17 Grade: Junior Positive Traits: Ambitious, hardworking, incisive Negative Traits: Cocky, meticulous, stubborn
Character Bio: 
—named rhys lucas mcadams, he was born to two middle-class parents in pittsburgh, pa. his father, ezra, worked as an office manager and his mother, andrea, a serial job-hopper
—rhys, because she liked the name and the spelling “seemed more dignified” than the one that resembled a peanut butter cup; lucas, in honor of his father’s best friend who had won a bet. he started going by lucas, then luke, because he had trouble spelling rhys as a kid
—the first sixteen years of his life were extraordinarily average. he made good grades, usually honor roll; he played little league baseball as a boy, later making the jump to track and field. he even got a job at 15 under the table bussing at a family friend’s restaurant. just your normal teenager 
—the first time the illusion shattered, he was 16.  he never fully related when guys in class were talking about girls. he liked girls, but he also felt that way about guys. and in a moment of brazen teenage confidence, he shared that. and things changed. it wasn’t like on tv, where the gay kid comes out and either he becomes prom king or he gets a milkshake thrown in his face (sometimes both). this was more subdued. his friends were still his friends, and a lot of them voiced their support. but people looked at him differently. like he was a puzzle they couldn’t jam the pieces together to fit. his mother gave him a tenuous “whatever makes you happy,” and his father didn’t speak on it. 
—lucas tried to carry on, doing his best to ignore the growing feeling of “i did something wrong” and just live his life. he managed to make it through sophomore year mostly unscathed, although his personal drama took its toll on his track performance. 
—a call from his father broke the illusion of normalcy even further. a characteristically terse conversation (“come home now”) ended his shift at the hot dog joint, though whatever he had expected was not what awaited him. the house looked wrong, as though someone had come in and moved everything over two inches. everything seemed to be accounted for, but a sense of disturbance hung in the air. notably absent was his mother. a note on the fridge explained, held up by a magnetic photo of the three of them. andrea, who was notorious for changing jobs frequently, had been holding out on her husband and son. she had been stealing money from each place, leaving before they could pin it on her. she’d gotten sloppy, though, and had to run before she got caught. in the note she promised to return, and assured them that she’d provide for them. 
—luke and his father only stuck around long enough to pack up and move. ezra pulled some favors and got himself transferred across the country, right outside of forks. within a month, they had relocated. they’ve been in town since the middle of summer, and luke has been trying to get his bearings in this new environment. he picked up a job to help out his dad, and he’s been trying to focus more on his studies and less on how his life has turned upside down. the cullen mystery provides a nice escape from everything he’s dealing with
—luke’s a headstrong kid, brought upon in recent years from fighting for a place in the world. in the past, he had a bad habit of letting other people walk over him and speak for him, but it’s something he’s working against, especially now with his fresh start in forks. he’s competitive, in academics and sports. even when he’s not the best, he still wants people to notice him before anyone else. 
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