#and luke is not going to stop fighting for her no matter what he'll try to tell himself lmao
atlabeth · 7 months
she's like the wind
knight!luke masterlist
pairing: knight!luke castellan x princess!reader
summary: you and luke get a reality check.
a/n: ive been on the hurricane train lately but knight!luke still has me in a chokehold lol so here's a lil blurb for you all! based off of this request; title from the patrick swayze song bc are you kidding me "just a fool to believe i am anything she needs" UGH you're everything she needs it's just that neither of you know it yet
wc: 1.8k
warning(s): angst lol! discussions of arranged marriages, luke is sad, princess is sad and a little mean bc she goes into princess mode, they both place their duty above their feelings </3
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okay sooooo
last time we left off you and Luke had a nice lil moonlight dance in your room after you both had to get through a ball 
and things have been pretty good since then! nothing is awkward between the two of you (sometimes being oblivious towards the depth of your feelings is a good thing) and you’re back to joking around w each other all the time
but you’re the princess and things can never be easy for you. Your whole day (and not to be dramatic but basically your whole life) is ruined by a private meeting with your parents. 
It’s marriage. obviously it’s marriage. 
Your kingdom needs allies at a moment like this and marriage is the easiest way to do it so. like. the sooner the better princess!!! 
and like you KNEW it was coming. You knew there was really no way to avoid it. that doesn’t mean you naively hoped you could. 
But it’s one thing for a prince to court you at a ball for the night and forget him as soon as you get home. 
It’s another thing entirely for that prince and his parents to visit your kingdom and stay for a week. which is exactly what’s going to happen. 
During that meeting, your parents tell you that the prince of the kingdom that held the last ball (the one that both sets of parents want you to marry, the one that gave you a tour, the one that is the most boring man alive) and his parents will be staying in the castle
And while your parents will be talking with his, trying to secure an alliance for any kind of protection, they’ve encouraged you to spend time with him, make him feel welcome, forge a bond, make him like you. 
“Why?” you ask. You know the answer, you know what they’re implying, but you want them to say it out loud. You want them to resign you to this fate themselves. 
“Because if all goes well, he will be courting you within the month,” your father says, and yeah, it does make you feel worse now that he’s blatantly said it. you didn’t really know what your plan was there. 
“It is the best decision for all of us, darling,” your mother says. 
You fight them over it. obviously. but it’s no good, and you leave the room absolutely fuming. 
Thankfully, Luke is busy training, because you don’t think that you could explain this to him right now. 
But you don’t tell him even when he later accompanies you to the library. Or when he asks you how your day went. Or when he asks in five different ways if you’re okay. 
Luke knows something is off almost immediately when he meets up with you again because 1. he knows you. 2. you won’t look him in the eye 3. HE KNOWS YOU BFFR
but he doesn’t push it, and you’re eternally thankful. 
Why, you may ask? Because you don’t want to talk to Luke about this kind of thing. 
Why, you may ask again? Because you’re in love with him and don’t know it yet. 
But because you don’t know it yet, you just feel weird talking about stuff like that with him. Even thinking about it around him. It was bad enough when Luke had to accompany you and the prince around the past week—you can’t imagine Luke being around when you’re trying to charm this guy. 
He’s going to find out eventually, namely when said prince arrives in the castle, but you just can not bring yourself to tell him. 
Thankfully, you don’t have to! Because he’s one of the kingsguard and one of the first things they do that next morning is discuss security for the incoming royal family. And even though Luke figures it all out pretty quickly, he figures it out even quicker with the immediate gossip through the servants and maids. 
And listen. 
He knows his place. He knows he’s a knight, he knows he’s your knight, and he knows that his duty is to keep you safe no matter what. He knows just as well as you do that you would be married off eventually, but just like you, he chose to naively ignore that fact for as long as he can. 
And it’s not just you that he has a promise to—when he asked your father to let him be your personal guard, he swore himself to your protection and to stay away from you in that regard. Luke lied and said he would never think of it, but he’s had a thing for you since you were kids. 
Luke guesses he thought he would get over it as he grew, but he’s only fallen harder for you with the years. He’s got himself stuck between a rock and a hard place and he’s got no one to blame but himself. 
But he feels like his teeth are going to crack with how hard he clenches his jaw during the entire meeting. It was difficult enough maintaining his front while the prince showed you around the castle—Luke doesn’t know how he’s going to survive your parents’ most open attempt at arranging marriage thus far. 
At least he has a reason to go see you right after. He is your guard, after all. 
The bigger problem is the correct timing. Luke can tell that you’re upset the instant he’s in your proximity, and he doesn’t want to upset you further in his quest for answers. 
But near the end of the day, when he’s escorted you back to your room after dinner and you’re beginning to take off your jewelry, he finally speaks up. 
“Princess,” Luke said, standing in the doorway, “may I have a word?” 
Your body tensed and your hands stopped on the clasp of a bracelet. You knew what was coming, but you nodded nonetheless. You didn’t know if you would be able to speak with the dryness of your throat. 
You heard the door close behind you, and you busied yourself taking off the rest of your jewelry as Luke began. 
“I’ve heard the royal family of Birchmund is visiting,” he said. 
You wet your lips and swallowed, trying to alleviate the cotton in your mouth. “You’re correct.” 
“And I’ve heard… other things,” he continued. “Of their prince. And you.” 
You closed your jewelry box with a bit too much force. “The decision of my parents.” 
“I figured.” Luke cleared his throat, and you still couldn’t stand to look at him. “What… what is going to happen?” 
“Luke,” you started, “I don’t want to talk about this with you.” 
“Please, princess,” he said. “I… merely want to know what to expect. If you are to be accompanying him most of the week, I’ll have to adjust my own schedule.” 
You bit down hard on the inside of your cheek, steeling yourself before you finally turned around to face him. “My parents want me to get him on our side, Luke. It will be easier to forge an alliance if we have a good relationship, and it will be easier to—” You paused, closing your eyes for a moment before you finished. “To negotiate a marriage if he already likes me.” 
And Luke just stared at you. You didn’t know what he wanted from you, why he wanted to hear you say it. Probably the same reason you wanted to hear your parents say it—to know it was truly real. 
“You don’t want this,” Luke said. His voice was quieter, but his posture hadn’t changed. Always a knight. 
“What I want doesn’t matter,” you said. 
“You’re a person too,” he insisted. “You deserve to go after what you want.” 
“I am a princess before I am a person.” You turned back around and started removing your jewelry again—you needed something to focus on. “I want what is necessary for my kingdom.” 
“Princess.” Luke sounded a little desperate, now. “This— it’s so formal. This isn’t how we talk to each other. We’re friends above everything.” 
Your skin burned where his fingers brushed over your neck, where he held you while you danced. Luke was your closest friend, but— but you couldn’t. You couldn’t have him so close and yearn for so much that you can never have, while the prince you might have to marry stood on your other side. 
“Maybe my priorities have been wrong.” You planted your hands on your vanity to prevent them from shaking. “What I want doesn’t matter. If I can prevent a war by offering my hand, it is my duty to do so.” 
“We…” you swallowed the lump in your throat and shook your head. “We cannot keep doing this. It would be an embarrassment to any prince for his betrothed to be so attached to her knight.” 
“We’re friends,” Luke insisted. “We always have been. No prince that desires your hand could understand even the slightest bit of what we’ve been through together.” 
“No,” you agreed. “But that means little in the scheme of everything else.” 
Luke’s jaw clenched ever so slightly. “This can’t possibly make you happy.” 
“What I want doesn’t matter,” you repeated, stronger this time. “This kingdom matters more than— than my childish desires. They depend on us for their protection, and I owe it to each and every one of my people to do all I can to ensure that protection.” 
“Princess—” Luke started, because you both knew what you were referring to, but you held up a hand and it stopped him in his tracks. 
“You are my knight,” you said. “And I am your princess. Eventually, I will be queen. My parents have told me I need to look to the future, to stop with silly trifles before they become more.” 
“It’s more than that,” he said quietly. “You’re my best friend. You’re the reason I’m standing here today.” 
“You act as if your duty is to die for me,” you continued. “But your duty is to keep me safe. And this is how I stay safe—by following the word of my parents and securing it myself.” 
“So this is your solution,” Luke attempted. “To try and ruin our friendship in the name of a marriage you don’t want.” 
“You may retire for the night, Sir Castellan,” you said, and your words rang hollow. “I’d like to be alone.” 
He stared at you, dark eyes indecipherable, but he nodded and moved to the door. Before he shut it, his gaze met yours again. 
“You may not care about what you want,” Luke said quietly. “But I do. And my loyalty is to you, princess. Not your parents. And certainly no prince.” 
Then he bowed, and he closed the door quietly behind him. 
but that night, when you settle into your silken sheets and luke takes his place in the barracks, you think of each other as you fall asleep and you dream of each other once you are.
the ties between you are not so easily broken. 
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maybank-archives · 10 months
Reader and JJ are in a relationship despite her father telling her to stay away from him. One day she gets a call from Sarah or Kiara that he’s in the hospital- his dad beat him within an inch of his life. Luckily her dad is somewhere on the mainland for the next two weeks so she can sneak out. She doesn’t leave his bedside for anything but using the bathroom until he can leave the hospital. Maybe he’s in surgery when she gets there, and/or has to have emergency surgery, maybe his heart stops a few times from like internal bleeding or something.
by your side - jj maybank
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warning: a tiny angst
word count: 0.4k
author's notes: i'm back! since kinktober i took a little break just to organize some personal/work related things but i'm back! this is one of my late request that i didn't posted on october bc of the kinktober works but now it can see the light of the day! hope yall like this! love ya :)
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The hospital room was eerily silent, so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. All you could hear was the steady beeping of the machines scattered around JJ's room. JJ looked like he'd been in a fight with a truck. The amount of bruises on his face and body was seriously scary. I took a seat in a chair right next to JJ's bed, gripping his hand like my entire world depended on it.
I’ve been glued to his side since I got the call from Sarah a day ago. I rushed to the hospital immediately, my heart was heavy with fear. I knew how shitty Luke Maybank was, but I would never imagine he could do something like this. When I saw JJ I collapsed into Kie’s arms, it was painful to see him like this.
I guess having a rough relationship with our father was like an invisible connection between me and JJ. Right after my dad found out about my relationship with JJ, I had been “forbidden” to see him, no matter how much I argued, my dad insisted on making the same stupid comments about how low-class, worthless, and dirty pogues are.
I couldn’t care less about his opinion, JJ and the rest of the pogues have been my family more than my actual family, and that’s why no matter what happened, I’m not going anywhere.
The door to the room swung open, the doctor entered with Pope, John B, Sarah, and Kie right behind him.
“You must be the persistent girlfriend, huh?.” He said picking J’s chart. “Well, he suffered severe internal bleeding, and his heart stopped a few times during the procedure. We managed to stabilize him, but, he'll need time to recover.” 
I nodded feeling the tears welled up in my eyes. Kie reached your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We will keep him under our watch until he’s better.” He added heading towards the door “He will be fine, kids.”
“Thank you,” I whispered sobbing.
“C’mon J, hang in there.” John B said with his eyes watering as well.
I sank my face into my hands; my mind was frantic, I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths to control my anxiety. 
I step out of the bedroom and head to the bathroom, I splash water on my face trying to stop the crying, I suddenly realize I haven’t left JJ’s bedroom since yesterday, Sarah and Kie were alternating bringing you food and water but besides that, you just sat there. 
When I walked back into the bedroom, I saw Pope, John B, Sarah, and Kie, all crashed out on the couch. I took my seat again, holding JJ's hand, as I got comfortable in the chair, I felt JJ’s hand twitch. I snapped my head in his direction, and there he was, slowly fluttering his eyes open.
“You're here,” he said with a weak smile crossing his lips.
My eyes welled up with tears, but I couldn't hide my own relieved grin as I leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Of course, I am," I murmured.
✧˚ . taglist ˚✧ (join here): @loverofmarsss | @jjmaybankisbae
© maybank-archives 2023 — no one has permission to copy or translate any of my works, if you see any of my work being reproduced in another platform please contact me! :)
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 11
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 11🥰🐞
A/N: Oh goodness! Its here, the big fight 🙈 -
Warnings: violence, horror, swearing, gore, blood,🙈
Feeling the steel underneath your body, hands and feet tied with chains, Luke walking around circling you, trailing the bonesaw, on the table, then running it down your arms, making little cuts everywhere, he's laughing, tears streaming down your face, please, Luke, please, I'm begging you. "Him saying his waited for so long to be able to do this." You squirm and try to get out of the chains, but damn there's no way out. He looks at you, with that devilish smile of his, first we'll start here, he said laughing. He puts the saw, to your wrist, making backwards and forwards motions, even through, your screams you can hear the bone making almost crackling noises while you see the blood gushing, washing away the bone fragments. Stop, stop it damnit you scream.
Sweetheart! Its just a nightmare, your still here with me! Babygirl wake up. Bobby says while shaking you awake.
What the hell! Your breath heavy, your heart racing, sweat forming against your forehead. Running your hands over your face, it was a damn dream. Grabbing ahold of Bobby, fear written all over your face! I'm okay, your okay, we're okay, you say, with exhaustion in your voice.
Bobby just holds you! In a low deep voice, he says, he'll be back soon, darling, we need to try and get out of here. Or its going to be to late for us. Who knows what he'll do to us today.?
Still holding onto Bobby, your mind starts to wander to the last three days, he's gotten meaner, angrier, he doesn't give them anything to eat anymore, just a little water, one bottle a day, between the two of them. Making them weaker and weaker. Last night, he came in and started kicking the shit out them, for no damn reason. He was so angry, he's eyes colder than before. They both just laid there not having the strength to get up and fight back, both of them hurting, bruises, and blood everywhere, you are sure your bodies have more broken bones than most can handle. Honestly at this point, your starting to think it will be better if he just ends it all right now!.
Your thoughts get interrupted, by Bobby pushing you slightly away, looking into your tired eyes, he's voice filled with concern and heartache, honey, your burning up, taking his hand to your forehead. Shit! Shit! Shit! The infection is spreading, he removes the piece of cloth he made into a sort of bandage, picking it up slowly, the cloth is wet with blood and yellow skin matter, damnit he screams, hitting the cage.
Putting your hand over Bobby's, calloused hand, looking into his sad blue eyes, speaking in such a calm voice it even surprises you, "Bobby, stop, its okay, it doesn't matter anymore, we've tried, and damn did we fight, I'm proud of us. You start to cough again, you had this cough for few days, thinking it might be a cold, but really deep down knowing, its the sepsis that's gotten into your bloodstream.
Bobby just looks at you, his eyes glistening, trying to fight back the tears he feels. He doesn't have the words, he just pulls you close, knowing there's nothing he can say or do to fix this, it feels as if he's heart has sunk, knowing he failed you, he couldn't save you this time.
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Dean followed Luke, to an abandoned road, through the forest, a place so well hidden that no-one would have known it was there. Its a factory like barn maybe.
Dean quickly dials Sam's number again, "Hey you've reached Sam Winchester, most probably in court, call you back later" Damnit Sammy, when you get this, I've found her, I'm sending you coordinates, come as soon as you can. Thanks man.
He puts the phone down, opening the glovebox taking out his service pistol, and a backup piece he places it in his boot. It be best if I take him by surprise, he thinks,.
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Waiting for him to go into the factory. He searches the perimeter first, trying to plan escapes routes incase she's in bad shape. Not that he really wants to think about that. Peeking through a rusty hole he only sees Luke talking to someone, but he can't see who it is. He's holding a knife, maybe a saw, whatever the damn case, he's going in.
Breathing in deeply, trying to brace himself to see her, in which ever state she's in, ignoring the pain in his chest. He kicks open the door, weapon in hand, blinking his eyes quickly to adjust to the darkness.
Hey jerk! Dean shouts, if you wanted me dead you should've done it yourself, sarcasm dripping from his lips.
Luke just stand there smiling, your too late,there done for , they want to die, look at them,.
Dean looks at the cage, Bobby sits against the bars holding her in his arms, he doesn't even lift his head to look at him, swallowing the tightness in his throat, speaking in a deep, painstaking voice, you are going to hell for what you did!, When I'm done with you, your going to beg me to kill you, you damn bastard!
Luke laughing! Your a sheriff you can't just kill me!
Dean's face hardens, taking his sheriff badge and service weapon, putting it down on the ground, consider me retired he said running towards Luke smashing him against the cage.
Luke trying to drive the knife through Dean, but failing as Dean pushes him deeper into the steel bars, his fists doing the talking. Luke getting his right hand out of Dean's grip, punching Dean directly at the still recovering wound.
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Dean stumbles a little backwards, flinching at the pain in his chest, Luke pushing the knife against Dean's throat, he's eyes laughing when he says, guess I get to kill you myself afterall.
"Not a single trace of worry or fear, across Dean's face, smiling a little, saying I don't think so. Dean's fist strikes Luke in the gut, Dean doesn't stop until Luke lies in a puddle of his own blood, his face beaten to a pulp, taking the knife out of his hand, about to finish the bastard's life, he hears a familiar voice, "Dean, don't do it, it's not worth it! Sam says, his voice filled with concern.
Looking up at his brother, he drops the knife, knowing he's right. He searches for the keys to open the cage, praying, hoping his not to late.
Sam walks closer, seeing the crap is beaten of the bastard ,he walks the other way around to meet up with Dean so that he doesn't get blood on his shoes.
Dean and Sam heads into the cage, Bobby mumbling something but The two of them can't make out a word he says.
Dean comes closer, bending down, he looks at her, his fingers removing the strands of hair hanging over her face, the shock of seeing her face all bloodied, full of bruises with open scrapes and gashes, let's him fall to his knees, his face revealing the anger and heartache, almost to afraid to check for a pulse, he's picks up her hand, flinching at the sight of her torn open, rope burned skin, she's still alive Sammy , his voice hopeful but broken.
Before getting back onto his feet, Luke pulling a gun on them catches his eye, and without thinking twice he pulls out his backup piece, pulling the trigger, the bullet flies towards the room, in between the cold eyes, Luke hits the ground, in a matter of seconds, Dean looks back to Sam and neither of them say a word. Bending down, grabbing ahold of her, just holding her to his chest, I got you baby, Dean says underneath his breath, let's get you home.
Sam takes Bobby and halfway carries him out to his car.
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Dean picks her up, carrying her to the impala, before putting her down in the backseat, her eyes opened slightly, a barely audible "Dean" escapes her lips, yes sweetheart your safe, knowing that Dean get behinds the wheel, and starts driving like hell towards the hospital...
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shattered-glasswork · 5 months
I didn't really understand what was happening. Now that I think about it I never did.
One moment, mommy was making lunch for me and bubba, and the next she was screaming. I ran to the kitchen to see what was going on, when a plate narrowly missed my head and instead collided with the wall.
This happened sometimes, mommy would be surrounded by green fog and she wouldn't stop yelling. My bubba was huddled up in the corner, he was scared of her, and I'd never admit it but so was I...
I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my face, I knew it was pathetic, real Romans don't cry, but I just couldn't stop. You see it's halloween; And while you might be thinking Why are you crying on halloween it's supposed to be fun. Well it's not. I've always spent the holidays alone, everyone either thinks I'm weird, crazy or both. And you know what, they're right. I'm just Octavian, the weird teddy bear killer that even his own family doesn't want or like. Sitting alone in the first cohort after almost killing himself to stop Gaia, demoted to probato from centurion. So yeah, I think I will just sit here and cry. It's not like anyone cares where I'm at Knock Knock
I was about 8 when he left. We were playing in the backyard. Hide and seek if I remember correctly. It was my turn. I turned around and began counting 1...2...3...4 when I heard the fence rattle. At the time I'd thought nothing of it after all why would I? 18....19...20. "Ready or not, here I come!!" I exclaimed with excitement, I had loved this game as a young child, although he was always better at it. When I opened my eyes I already knew something was wrong, but I looked anyway. "Be back in time for lunch" that was the last thing mother ever said to him. After that nothing was the same again.
I looked up at the door quickly wiping the tears from my eyes and called out "come in", Embarrassed by how my voice quivered and broke in a few places. I knew who was at the door before they ever opened it. The smell of pine cones and dirt gave him away, my mate, Bryce Lawrence. My suspicions were only confirmed when he walked through the door dressed in a Purple tux that fanned out around the hips and with black pointed shoes and a large witches hat to top it all off. I won't lie, he looked cute.... But that's not the point. "Are you okay..." "yes." I lied effortlessly. "No you're not, I can see the tears on your face" shit I scrambled for an excuse. "But anyways, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out trick or treating" I asked him hoping that he'll leave me alone "I came to get you" I paused for a moment "wha-" is all I can manage to get out still try my hardest not to cry again.
I was woken up by the sound of howling. "Luke, they're here for you!" my mother called out from across the house. My name isn't Luke, but it's easier to play along. I walked down the old and creaky stairs to the front door where my mother was standing at the door, eyes clouded but not yet unseeing. At the door was Lupa, I had heard of her, the mother of Remus and Romulus, trainer of Roman demigods and now.... It's my turn.
"You didn't think I was going without you, Right?" I hesitated "well.... Yeah" I told him my face was still red from crying "No you're coming with me" I looked up at him with misty eyes "nobody wants me there" "I do" He stated firmly "you're coming with me babe" I started to stutter out a response. "Fine..." I reluctantly agreed despite knowing I had no choice in the matter. He smirked down at me "I have the perfect costume for you" "should I be scared?" he grinned "maybe"
Training was hard but I knew I would get through it. I had to get to camp Jupiter or this struggle was for nothing. My thoughts were running wild as I ate what I had caught earlier today. There were other children here, all of them bigger and older than me but I never gave up. We had to fight to earn our place in the legion and I sure wasn't going to let that pass me by
"Are you serious?" I mumbled while glaring up at Bryce "you think this is funny?" "maybe." He teased, reaching down to ruffle my hair. "Aww come on, you look cute!" "don't lie to me" "I'm not!" he laughed at the pissed off expression that I undoubtedly had on my face "Plus it's Ironic" I couldn't help but chuckle at that. He was right it was pretty ironic dressing up as the very thing a dismember for my job. "You look adorable as a teddy bear" "shut up" I said as I did my makeup. I Took a glance at myself in the mirror when I was done. I haven't worn makeup in a long time, shaking the thought away. I glanced down at the probato tablet hanging from my neck and tucked it into my shirt. "Are you ready?" Bryce called from the other room "Coming!" I shouted back.
I was on my way to camp Jupiter. It had been about a week since I left the wolf house. I was tired, dirty and beat up but my determination never faltered. Stealing had become a necessity, I didn't like it, but you do what you have to do. The only weapon I had with me was an imperial gold dagger that I got from my mothers house before I left, It had come in handy Although I hated having to use it. I'm not a fighter, bone thin, no real training or skill. Coming up with plans and strategies had always been my strong suit but I can manage a bit longer.
and we were walking down the streets of new rome, Bryce trailing a bit in front of me swinging his basket back and forth dropping candy that I happily picked up. "Let's go to that one!" The volume of his voice startled me at first until I registered his suggestion. "Sure, why not?" I looked at him and held out my hand, fully prepared to be laughed at. "Do you want to hold my hand?" he asked in a teasing manner making my cheeks heat up "u...uh no what are you t..talking about!!" I stated, embarrassed. He smirked at me and grabbed my hand making me look up at him in confusion "I thought you didn't want to?" "I never said that," he replied and we walked up to the door. "Ding Dong "Trick or treat!
"I was falling and the only thing I could think of is why? I don't remember doing anything wrong. ** It had been a month since I was put in the first cohort. I was living with my aunt who, in hindsight, never really liked me. She was always glaring or barking orders, bullying others, and demanding to be treated like a queen. It only got worse when she learned of my blessing from Apollo. "Cursed child...just like his mother...stuck with it" I would hear her mumble under her breath. "OCTAVIAN!!" she yelled from across the house. "I'm coming!" I shouted back. I walked upstairs and opened the door to her room "Do you need me for some..." *Smack" I fell to the floor stunned, confused and frightened as she put her foot on my face and pressed down with her heel. "How fucking dare you!" "I take you in and THIS is how you repay me!!" "I..I don't know what you're talking about" I stutter out tears forming in my eyes "Yes you do!!" "you broke my lamp post with your stupid game!" Now I knew what she was talking about, but it wasn't me. She had broken it in a fit of rage at her husband when she threw it at him. "B..but I didn't" I cried as she yanked me up by my hair "So now you're lying to me" "I've been meaning to get rid of you anyways." she growled under her breath. As she dragged me into the car. We drove out to the middle of nowhere and walked into a creepy looking temple. The floor was missing and the pit seemed to emit a strange pull, magnifying anything near it. I looked back at my aunt who was smiling with a sick look in her eyes "what are we doing here...?" I asked "you will see" and she pushed me in.
We were the first ones back from trick or treating, cuddled up on the couch eating the candy we had gotten and watching a movie. I was curled up on my mate's lap and he was gently stroking my hair. He will claim that I was chirping, but that's ridiculous, I would never. It had been a good night. We each got a trash bag full of candy and bought a few monsters (the drink dumbasses) from the mortal dollar store. I moved my head to look up at him "If I asked you to go somewhere with me and not ask questions would you?" "Yes?" Bryce replied somewhat cautiously "Great, let's get going!" I hopped up off the couch and grabbed my mate's arm as he got up. I brought him to an old house that looked as if it hadn't been used in years. "What is this place?" he asked me "I said no questions." We walked throughout the old hallways and up the stairs until we got to the only well kept room in the house. It was a bedroom with a twin sized bed in the comer, bookshelves lining the walls all the way to the ceiling, a hammock with stuffed toys and a carpet in the middle of the room. "Who's room is this?" Bryce finally spoke up. "mine" I grabbed his hand "do you not live with the rest of your family?" he asked, squeezing my hand tighter and pulling me into a side hug. "They didn't want me around" not like a want them around either "Julia is the only one who knows I'm still alive, I asked her not to tell the others." he was silent for a moment "I'm sure nobody would notice a disappearance on halloween" his signature smile creeping onto his face and putting a hand on his sword sheath. "Thanks for the offer, but let's not get kicked out already" to which he booed and pouted like a child. He's so sweet. He's so sweet. my heart did somersaults when he did something so simple as meet my eyes. I moved my hand up to caress his face and leaned into his chest as his hands moved to my waist and pulled me against him. We moved to sit on the bed. Everyone at camp hated us, but I could deal with anything as long as he's by my side. Corny, I know but it's true. I curled up in his lap "I love you..."
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djtheabishai · 1 year
This Is How MY Obey Me! Barbatos Is
This can get a bit NSFWy, so I'll put a divider before going into the section. He is also shipped with Simeon in my Obey! Verse, so, Simebarb. Also, cursing and purring demon
The game stated he was never a kid, but didn't mention he was never a teen (haha! Loop hole!) So he was raising Brook and Diavolo at the age of (appearance wise) 16 - 18
He has 4 kids. D.J., Brook, Luke and Willow. Brook he found as an egg and raised her since she was egg. He got D.J. when she was thrown out by a unwilling 14 year old (by appearance) Simeon at the age of 8. He kept in content with Simeon so he can keep the angel in the light with how D.J. is doing in the Devildom. He got Luke when Simeon came along. They are a packaged deal. Willow is his only biological child he has with Simeon (Read Willow: Daughter of Simebarb for information how). He doesn't see Diavolo as his child, but more likely his nephew that he happened to raise and serve.
He doesn't use his power unless told to by Diavolo or he REALLY feels the need to disobey Diavolo and see the possible outcomes.
When it comes to Brook and Willow, he is "Father" Luke calls him "Barbatos" , and D.J. calls him either "Barb" or "Father Barb". He is also very protective of his children. He's not the over baring type, but he WILL NOT show mercy if one of his kids gets hurt.
"SOLOMON STAY THE FUCK OUT MY KITCHEN!!" He won't even let him stick his head in the room.
*sees a rat* ... "Where's my knife?" He'll freeze before he'll turn the place upside down trying to catch and kill the poor rodent and find it's nest to do the same. Not so bothered by mice though, he'll just catch and release them into the wild far from where ever he caught it.
Helps tend to D.J. and Diavolo's two headed dog, Cujo.
"You break my daughter's heart, I'll break your neck." - Barbatos to Lucifer about Brook
Doesn't know what to say to D.J. and Diavolo since she's with the prince and he's with Barbatos's daughter.
"I'm sorry, I love you, Father Barb, but if you break my Papa's heart, I'm coming after you." Barbatos slowly looks at the half dragon. " I wouldn't dream of it." Barbatos forms a shit eating smirk. " I'd also LOVE to see you try to come after me." - D.J. and Barbatos about Simeon
When it's just his family in the room, he's more than willing to playfully fight and argue with D.J. and Brook (mostly D.J. since she's the troublesome twin).
"Yup, that's my husband, Barbatos, the Demon Lord's Steward, almighty Master of Time and feared by all, " He's unable to keep a straight face. " arguing with D.J. about butter in the kicthen!" The fallen angel puts his face in his hand and laughs. - Simeon to M.C.
If you say something dumb, he'll stop whatever's he's doing, look at you, go back to whatever he's doing and call you a dumbass by "coughing" or he just closes his eyes, inhails, shakes his head, exhails and go about his business.
"My Lord... Get. Back. To. Work. D.J., stop distracting him."
Doesn't care what D.J. does, as long as she doesn't distract him or the Young Master from working. (She's usually working on Dragon Training anyway to be a distraction.)
Gave Willow a time controlling pocket watch when she was 5.
Willow is his baby girl. You mess with her, you're dead no matter the incident. But he also won't hesitate to punish her if she did something wrong.
He loves baking with Luke. It's his one of his favorite pass times and is getting more and more proud and prideful the more Luke gets better at it.
His other favorite pass time is spending time with Simeon. No matter what it is. Baking, relaxing, talking, "bed time". Don't matter. He loves his fallen angel and wouldn't trade his time with him for anything. He'll tell Diavolo to wait unless it's a dire need. (Diavolo doesn't really bother him that often anyway, knowing even he needs breaks and Simeon is the only one that can give it to him.)
One of his favorite positions is laying on the couch or bed, Simeon behind him, with the fallen angel's legs on either side of him, running his gloves less fingers through the demon's hair, massaging his scalp and base of horns, making him purr and tail wag (more like sway back and forth) a bit. The demon's ankles are crossed, Simeon's other arm is resting on the steward's stomach or by his side, holding his hand. Barbatos's tail tips, toes, feet or legs and fingers twitch every now and then, purring getting a little louder each twitch.
The moment Barbatos sits between Simeon's legs, the fallen angel automatically brings his fingers to the demons head and begins scratching and rubbing. With each pull of the fallen angel's fingers, Barbatos's vision begins to get more blurry and slowly droop and he slowly leans back into his lover, and his head eventually falls on Simeon's chest, the demon purring at that point and eyes closed.
Barbatos at this point is halfway between being awake and being alseep. He feels asleep but he's well aware of his surroundings and what's going on. Sometimes they talk about their day. Any other time it's a comfortable silence with Barbatos's purrs and the sound of Simeon scratching the demon's head fills the room with whatever is playing in the background, rather it be a show their kids are watching, whatever song is softly playing or just purring and scratching. If it's late at night, they'll eventually fall asleep like that, Barbatos still purring in his sleep.
The man is a switch.
If he feels he hasn't been useful enough by the end of the day, he'll let Simeon dominate the fuck out of him. Any other time he dominates the fallen angel. Which is half the time.
He loves to use his tail to tease and pleasure Simeon.
He has a master kink. Both Dominating and Submitting (Simeon found it to be very effective on hard, rough days at the castle and days when Barbatos feels he didn't do enough). He also growls.
Before Simeon fell, he'd feel a bit guilty about bedding the angel a majority of the time because he'd feel paritly responsible if the reason the angel fell (he paritly is). Now that he's fallen, he doesn't feel no guilt what so ever except when he accidentally hurts him.
Starts slow and teasing that gradually gets rougher and heated the longer they go at it.
Simeon's cries, moans and whines drives him up the wall. He loves giving Simeon blow jobs for this exact reason. He'll keep Simeon's hands and hips down with his hands and tail as he goes to blows him. (Simeon both hates and loves it because he can't move his arms and hips.)
After they go at it, he's tired, and very cuddly. He'll wrap his tail and arms around Simeon and hold him close. They tease each other on what the other said during their moment. Leads to round 2 half the time with the previous sub dominanting.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "X-Men: Apocalypse | Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX" on YouTube
He'll arrise shortly, and yes is a possessed BjA. He demands from us to be able to inhabit the body of Tommy f and request is far too much and he wants all his stuff and all his clothes instantly in order to defeat his enemies and control the planet and we refuse to do it I would refuse to cater to him at all anymore due to his definite danger to our son and our people and is insulin attitude and demeanor is a constant insult. Will vanquish him here and he will be destroyed fully in the Star wars movie. He becomes Darth Vader and is killed in combat and replaced by Stan. Is Vader and he is part robotic and he lost the battle the fight with Luke Skywalker and was electrified when throwing Biden into the power source and his equipment failed. And it says no he died before that and he was in a battle with Luke Skywalker and he was defeated and they showed him defecating him severed his arm. Ok. You survived it but he did move on and crashed as Anakin Skywalker on Titan and there he lost his life in mortal engines run over by his own machine
He dies doing that not soon after this movie which begins shortly and he finds Tomorrowland and so forth beforehand but it isn't long and this movie triggers that to happen. He is exposed for what he plans to do to our son and by what he's trying to do to Tommy f and there are many others who are exposed by what he does and he tries it this evening
Tommy f is captured by another party and in tuned with flesh eating scarabs which are large and they're normal size are just full sized. And the people who entombed him are not his own clothes they are Trump's people who murdered him for his crimes and he is taken out of the tomb and his brain is eating already and he becomes the mummy and undead and is utterly destroyed in the desert. It is a huge huge film and a huge event that's happening shortly where is the clones are not losing yet no they are everybody is fighting them and defeating them and their blockade will fall soon they'll feel but Tommy f is killed because the trumps are almost gone
The ships backed off the Midwest but are still in space and are in a precarious position as the launch time approaches they are told to relocate or be destroyed and we have issued at several times and they are not moving. We're looking at a launch window of 11:00 p.m. tonight to 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and if they do not follow instructions they will be destroyed
Gu Oya
I've never been insulted by this in my life and it is terrible these people are horrible horrible people and he's enduring things that we should not have expected him to and he told us that too. He said I'm not very old and these people are out of line constantly and I have hope but boy they're nasty pile of crap. And I seen here now and I wish to free him from these morons because it is more difficult than I thought it would be we're going to send in troops now. They are extremely racist there is absolutely nothing it would stop me from killing every single one of them if I was in his position. I just see what he's saying they're horrifyingly evil too each and every one of them is talking shop right out of their mouths like it doesn't matter at all they're horrifically disfigured it's what he was saying they need to die now so I'm sitting in tons of units to kill them. She doesn't know who that is and our son does not I told her that the clones are the ones who are destroying the warlock areas and he started flipping out so you can't tell her that and so she said he can't tell me that and it's starting to freak out so what exactly you guys planning on doing and he wrote down what you think you cannot find and it was awful cuz they all started threatening her and this was about a week ago. It's Mary and she's been threatened like madness and she saw it happening and said he told me and I told you and you guys did nothing and said we were fighting it and they were fighting below and were defeated they tried to cap them off and they dug around and they were defeated he said why are we isolated like that and people can't live with you guys but really it was a plan and it was stopped by Tommy f and she got really mad and said we're stupid and she lost it and really she's now insane and is looking for a fight from anyone. Even a son and she said no you curse me to know is this is so he says so what didn't make it happen cuz it's no happens to you guys smile said you're actually right and use this a chance to change history and she said I couldn't change it and now you die she tried to harm him two or three times in the store but she had no weapon and he stood up next to her is getting something and she's saying something and he said excuse me and she is mumbling something and stop talking and left what she was saying is I'm going to fry you you stupid b**** and he said I think you got the wrong number she looks back and says I think so too and left and didn't try anything no it's in the parking lot trying to hit him with it emitter it didn't work and she looked right at it and it fried her in her ear and it was her inner ear and she drove off and smashed into a truck and it killed her instantly and it crushed her skull and she's dead and I don't feel bad at all in a distance and he was 20 ft away and he didn't even feel it and it didn't work the window was closed and now that's how it goes
0 notes
mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 2 of this ask! It is the Undateables' version of this post.
MC was, surprisingly enough, attacked outside the Demon Lord's castle.
Diavolo had invited them over to have tea and tell him more about the Human realm and their experiences. The two did this every now and then.
The human was stalked the entire way though and when the minor demon realized where they were headed, they panicked and decided to attack them before they made it through the gates.
Lord Diavolo was in his office, trying to do his paperwork as he waited for them, but was bored. He just happened to look out his window and see his exchange student getting attack outside his home.
The demon was brave, he'd give him that. Sadly, he was also a fool and needed to die.
Diavolo rushed out to MC's aid and just his presence alone was enough to stop the attacker.
MC passed out right as the prince started dismembering the lower demon.
The human later woke up in a guest bed in the castle. All of their previous deep cuts from getting mauled by the lesser demon were gone, as were most of her bruises. However, they also felt exhausted and extremely sore all over.
It took her a minute to realize that the prince was sleeping at the foot of her bed. He sat in a chair and was leaned forward so his arms and head were against the bed.
He... he saved them and now stayed by their side as they slept? Why?
The man suddenly yawned and stretched his arms. He turned his head and noticed the human was awake.
"Ah, I'm glad you're alright." He gave them his usual grin for a moment before letting it fall in favor of a more serious look. "I'm sorry for the actions of my citizen, but he has been taken care of."
"Oh... it's fine." MC mumbled. "But... wasn't I hurt?"
He smiled again. "I had Barbatos heal you up. We didn't have many human-safe options, but we had a potion in stock that boosted your body's ability to heal itself, but it took a lot of energy from you. I'm afraid you've been out for about a day and a half."
Ends up calling Barbatos in for some food for MC and the prince changes the subject in favor of asking questions about their life in the Human realm, the reason they came all this way to begin with.
Despite the attack and being sore, MC still enjoyed her time with Diavolo, as usual
And honestly, they were touched that he seemed to care for them.
Yes, he's the prince and has to make sure his exchange students are safe, but if that was all it was, they wouldn't have woken up to the man at the foot of their bed, seeming as if he had waited awhile for them.
Lord Diavolo was a good man. A good friend.
The butler was out shopping for some specific ingredients he needed for Lord Diavolo's dinner.
Didn't expect to bump into MC or find them in such a predicament, but didn't hesitate to step to step in.
Without giving any reaction at all, the man walked up behind the attacking demon and snapped his neck.
"Sorry for the intrusion, but I believe you were in the need of assistance." He told the human, reaching out a hand to help them up. "Are you alright?"
"B-Barbatos?" The human's gaze seemed empty. "I can't see anything..."
The demon frowned, now noticing the burn marks around their eyes. Looks like they were hit with the minor demon's poison shot.
"It'll be fine now." He gently wrapped an arm around them and helped the bruised human up before stepping back and simply taking their hand. "I shall take you back to castle to heal you."
And so he did. MC kept a tight hold of the butler's hand, scared of the emptiness and little patches of light that was now left of their sight.
At the castle, Barb guided them to a couch in one of the parlor rooms and dismissed himself to go retrieve the medicine. MC waited patiently, albeit uneasily, and couldn't help but sigh in relief when they heard the door open.
"Please lay your head back and close your eyes."
The human hesitated, but did as they were told.
Suddenly, they felt some kind of paste be wiped over their eye lids. The human gasped and bit their lip.
"Forgive me, I know the cream burns." He explained. "Please just give it a moment--"
The human reached out and, after a few misses, grabbed onto the demon's hand. He raised an eyebrow.
"I see. Very well, squeeze my hand if you need to."
As the paste was absorbed through their eye lids, it detoxified the eyeballs beneath, causing a strange pink steam to come from their face. The human let a few whimpers slip and squeezed the butler's hand till the burning had stopped and the steam had disappeared.
"You may open your eyes now; slowly please."
The human carefully open their eyes, which were now watery and red, but could see the world around them once more.
Barbato handed them a handkerchief.
"Thank you..." The human said softly before wiping their eyes.
"No need for such thanks." He smiled at them before rising. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to update my lord about this incident. Please wait, as I assume he'll want to speak with you and apologize on behalf of his people."
Like you'd expect, Barbatos was calm throughout the entire process. He made taking care of the blinded human seem effortless.
What MC wasn't aware of, however, was how his heart sank when he saw them get attack or how his eyes widen just a bit when he found out they were blinded.
He couldn't allow himself to actually show his concern because he had to keep his professional facade up
However... he was grateful that it all ended well.
The three of them had gone to a party together: Solomon, Asmo, and MC.
The three of them did this occasionally, enough so that the sorcerer knew Asmo didn't keep an eye on MC as well his older brother had stressed that he should.
In order to keep the nights relatively drama-free, the sorcerer silently took up babysitting duty with the other human.
Solomon still drank and talked with the demons around him, but he always made sure he knew where MC was at all times.
At one point, however, the sorcerer realized he hadn't checked up on the other human in a while.
He scans the room the room for them, only to barely catch them stumbling up the stairs with another demon.
Okay, that was enough. He excused himself from the succubus who had started chatting him up and went up the stairs to check on MC.
The demon was trying to drag them into a room while they kicked and tried fighting them.
Solomon snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the demon's ass was on fire. Screaming, the lower demon ran off, likely trying to find a solution to his new predicament.
The sorcerer kneeled down on the floor, where MC had found themselves after being thrown forward by the burning demon.
"Are you alright?"
The human, a bit teary eyed but somewhat calmer than he suspected, nodded. He frowned when he noticed bruises on their arm from the lowly demon's grip.
"I believe this has been enough for one night." He gave them a light smile. "I'll take you home."
Solomon helped his friend up and sent a quick text to Asmo, explaining their current departure, before guiding the other human down the stairs and teleporting them to House of Lamentation.
The sorcerer wasn't a fan of MC joining them at parties anymore, but never tried stopping them. Instead, he kept an even closer eye on them to the point where the other human often complained it was a bit creepy. He'd smile and apologize, but keep his eyes on them anyway.
There will not be a second incident. Not with him there.
Simeon (with Luke):
The two were coming back from shopping for baking ingredients since MC was coming over to Purgatory Hall to bake with Luke.
On their way back, about half a block from their dorm, was when they found the human, being held up by their neck by a lesser demon.
Luke screamed their name as Simeon ran up, transformed into his full angel form and radiating holy light.
The demon, screeching as the light burned him, dropped MC and ran.
The human passed out just in time to see both angels' faces above them.
When they woke up about an hour later, they were laying on the couch in Purgatory Hall, all bruises gone from their body.
"You're okay!" The little angel sprung up from where he sat on the floor while he waited for them to awake.
Hearing his words, Simeon came in from the other room and smiled at the human.
"Thank goodness. You really gave Luke a scare."
"Hey! You were scared too!"
The older angel just gave a small laugh.
"Regardless, it's nice that you are awake now."
The three talked and the angels found out that MC left early to visit them, but was attacked during the walk. It was basically what Simeon had expected.
The older angel had also healed them of their wounds as soon as he carried them inside the dorm, explaining the lack of marks on the human's body.
Since the human was still a bit sore from the attack however, Simeon decided it was best to take a raincheck on the baking; he gave Lucifer a call, updating him about the incident, and ten minutes later, Mammon was at the door, ready to walk MC home.
The incident really worried the two angels; they really started to wonder if MC staying at House of Lamentation was the best thing.
Luke insisted that the two of them could protect MC better than the Brothers.
Simeon didn't really speak his opinion on the matter to the boy, but told him that the human's living arrangements likely wouldn't change, even if the two spoke up about it.
Instead, the older angel kept an eye on MC while they were with him and Luke and when they had to part, he made sure they were leaving with one of the brothers or that they stayed till one came for them.
Honestly, Simeon felt that was all he could do for them to prevent it from happening again.
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 years
Imagine (based on the incomplete fanfic Son of Underworld) (3/5) (Son of Hades! Percy AU)
Before reading, check the masterpost - and read the warnings before proceeding :)) Good reading!
Percy goes back to Yancy, and things proceed as normal. He has nightmares, he misses his mom, who he only saw for a week. He thinks back on last summer and asks himself if it's worth going back to.
Annabeth tries to go back to her father's family. It doesn't go well, but at least they could keep contact using a landline for the three months she can deal with the monsters in her father's new location. There's a weekend he tries to visit her in San Francisco - but he still isn't perfect and lands in Sacramento.
It takes him an hour and a half to reach her - and it's the best weekend of the year, even if he doesn't meet anyone in her family - she is afraid they'll double the monsters in her house.
And her stepmom is racist. So there's that.
Annabeth makes fun of his Academy Uniform, the blazer and the black gloves, the red tie that he hates, and he calls her Wise Girl - he is two grades over her because of her years as a runaway.
It feels a little like a date. There's pizza, and they hold hands when she takes him to see the Golden Gate. He notices that Annie's eyes look literally like molten silver - every demigod carries a trace of their parent, he finally notices.
He can't come back after that - they were attacked by a Hydra, and killing it was only possible because he managed to use fire - a green, weird fire that he did not know he had - to cauterize the stumps.
Blackjack shadow travels him back to Yancy Academy and he and Annie keep the contact for another two weeks before she has to go back to Camp since San Francisco is becoming too dangerous.
It's his last year of middle school. Next year, he doesn't know if he'll continue in Yancy or go for a scholarship at Phillips Academy, in Massachusetts.
It's far. It's almost four hours from his mother, it's six hours from Camp. But it's the best school on the East Coast.
He does his midterms exams. He is in all high of A+ in Geometry, Algebra II, Economics and Government, Ancient World History, and Health&PE.
U.S. History and Science keep between B- and D+, and he is okay with that.
Language Arts and World Cultures can go die in a hole. He hates reading, writing makes him anxious and the only language he can get a C+ is Latin.
They give him a tutor for English - his GPA is only sustained by math. His grades raise a little: They go from F to E+.
There's a girl being tutored with him. She is Cherokee and a grade below him - her name is Piper.
He hates verbs. He hates To Kill a Mockingbird. He will kill a mockingbird if it stops them asking him to read again.
He cheats in his essays - makes skeletons write them for him. They suspect - it's not his handwriting, it's not the way he writes, it has no errors.
They can't prove it, so he scrapes Language Arts with a D+.
His midterm GPA is amazing. He goes see his mother for Christmas, even though he thinks there's no Christ. Maybe. Who knows? He is not celebrating Jupiternalia anyway.
He barely put his bag down when his four weeks with his Mom go down the drain - Thalia and Annabeth appear in his door. He grabs his backpack, his weapons, and go.
Annabeth looks at his hands with wonder - it's the first time she sees them bare in two years, but he puts his gloves back quickly enough.
Thalia is less skittish around him, and that's good. Better, at least. He notices that her eyes aren't only green - there are waves in them, it's like looking at the sea. It changes with her humor, perhaps? He doesn't know.
They make fun of his uniform - but they are going to Westover Hall, and he will merge better if he looks like a preppy kid from a boarding school.
Percy knows about the Mist this time. He helps Thalia to control it - his heart aches when he thinks of his friends. Its been a year and a half now. He misses them.
The daughter of Zeus asks him who taught him.
"The same person who taught you"
She looks at him appreciatively now, but he knows he'll come short of whoever she is measuring him against.
They see the kids. There's a girl looking nervous and overlooking the gym, and a boy by her side fiddling with his cards. Their hair is black just like his - he wishes for a brother and a sister.
Their skin is not like his - but it doesn't matter that they have a different mom, does it? In the end, it's family. Grover says they're powerful - so Big Three might be a possibility.
They're not children of Poseidon - their skin lacks the tan and the hair lacks the messiness, the windswept look - And Zeus is a lot of things, but a hypocrite isn't one of them, is?
Percy dances with Annabeth, and he feels alive. Then, he is running to save the children.
He doesn't shadow travel them. Shadowtravelling with more than one person is tricky, and he still hasn't mastered not going to Wyoming.
He kills the manticore with his Warhammer, but as it crumbles to dust, Annabeth falls.
The earth trembles at his feet - but it's Thalia's hand in his shoulder that remembers him there's two kids here, and Artemis Hunt is all looking at him with varying degrees of disgust and fear.
It's nothing he is not acquainted with. For being black (and not even a normal shade of black), for his clothes, for not having a father, for having a father and it being Hades. Just now, he was being judged for being a man.
Misandry is news for him. His mother raised him to respect all genders (even when he discovered a few months ago there's more than two), that women deserve the same as men. Annabeth fights alongside him frequently enough. Clarisse wipes the floor with his ass. Katie Gardner doesn't - it doesn't make her weaker, or less deserving of respect.
He knows women have to fight for their place in society much more than he has to. He knows these women are probably traumatized by violent men and unable to fight back.
It still doesn't make it right for them to be bullies. It gives a reason, but not a justification.
And when they take Bianca Di Angelo, who has a little brother and barely has any idea of what she is doing, who was just attacked by a thing that shouldn't exist and is probably still in shock, he wants to scream.
Artemis sees something in Bianca - and he finally looks at the girl's eyes. There's a storm raging in them.
Zeus is a hypocrite, after all.
But it's not his place to say anything, nor to the children, nor against Artemis, so he just leaves the tent and goes ask the only other boy here to teach him Mythomagic.
Nico Di Angelo asks way too many questions and has an infinite source of energy. He is prideful - a trace common of all Zeus children. His eyes aren't stormy like his sisters, there aren't clouds in his irises. They are white, like his probable father's lighting bolt.
Nico asks him why he has green eyes - and why they turned black after the question. He doesn't know the answer.
Apollo appears and says something about flying in the sun car - it's the first time he and Thalia agree on something.
But calls for Blackjack. He is not flying, not even under a god's asking. Apollo understands.
Thalia goes with him. Better through shadows than through air. He doesn't want to leave Nico with the misandry archers - but he has Grover, and Percy would probably land them in Iowa.
The daughter of Poseidon holds his waist while they ride on the hellhound. He focuses the best he can - and, for the first time, he lands exactly where he wants to land: in the woods at Camp.
Thalia helps him get to the Big House under weird looks of the year-rounders. They are there at least three hours before Apollo.
"You're kinda heavy, Corpse Breath. But that was cool."
"Shut it, Kelp Head"
He is anxious to just leave and go back to his mother, but Annabeth is in danger: They need a quest.
He has dreams. He can't fault Annabeth for doing what he would've done without a second of hesitation. It's Luke.
He helps Nico settle at Cabin 11, and avoids the huntresses. Connor hugs him, and Clarisse wipes the floor with him in wrestling - they are his friends now.
Clarisse, Connor, Annabeth, Grover, Charles. Luke, Ethan, Alabaster. The scales are tipping. He doesn't care for masters - he cares who is the defending.
Artemis goes missing, and they finally get a quest. Zoe Nightshade doesn't want a boy in the quest but tough luck: He is the most experienced camper here right now AND the quest goes through a desert, so he is going.
There's some doubt about taking Thalia - she is a daughter of Poseidon and can't do much in the wasteland.
So it's decided: Phoebe, Bianca, Zoe, Perseus, and Grover. No one is happy about it, and Percy knows Thalia is going to follow them.
He introduces himself as Perseus to them. He is stoic and doesn't smile around the girls.
Capture the Flag is horrible. He doesn't leave his post and blocks Zoe with skeletons for enough time that Thalia manages to snag the flag and cross the river.
The huntresses get mad and try to fight the campers - Phoebe tries to hit Nico with the pommel of her sword and a lightning bolt hits her, putting her out of commission.
He is claimed. Bianca isn't, but it doesn't matter: She is not a camper, she is a hunter. Her loyalty is to her half-sister now.
They leave in the morning without Phoebe before anyone wakes up.
Bianca looks at him weirdly because of his soft white and blue sweaters and scrunchies that he started using to take off hair from his face, and the contrast it makes with his dark skin and demeanor.
Newsflash: He doesn't care for a prejudiced daughter of Zeus's opinion.
Zoe doesn't even look at him twice: They have trans girls in the hunt, they're caught up with modern times. Except for the misandry and the exclusion of genderfluid, agender and non-binary people. But sure, caught up.
Nico asks him to protect his sister. He says he is going to try, but he understands death better than some. He says it'll be dangerous, but he'll do his best.
For some reason, Nico doesn't look worried.
Thalia joins them in the Space museum. She came in her Pegasus, Porkpie, and they fight the Nemean Lion together. His hellhound startles the hunters, and Thalia laughs.
They kill the Nemean Lion, and Perseus thinks he finally perfects his power over the earth when he uses a stone spike to pierce the monster through the mouth and barely gets tired.
The duster is not his style, but beggars can't be choosers. Zoe is warming up to them, he thinks, but he doesn't care either way: his objective is Annabeth.
He still hasn't managed to open the ground or to control metal's proprieties, but he controls the earth beneath his feet, shadow travels (very badly controlled, but sure), raises armies of skeletons and money and gems just sprout when he wants them. He has power.
But he isn't completely in control yet, so he doesn't want anyone touching him. And it's been such a long time since anyone except his mother ever been close to any skin below his neck.
Perseus has dreams. He is grateful that Artemis took the sky for Annabeth, so he burns the coat in her name.
Thalia says she has met Apollo, and Perseus is glad at least one god is on their side.
Perseus feels in the air: life. This town is cloying with the smell of life, of forests and waterfalls. He hates it on principle but wishes she could enjoy it.
He kills a spartoi. He doesn't manage to kill more, but now he knows. He wishes he could open the ground and swallow all of them, but even his own skeletons he only manages to turn them into piles of bones.
The boar carries most of them: it's still just a boar and they are five, so both he and Thalia enjoy Blackjack, who now is almost the size of a small rhino.
Perseus meets Ares awake this time. He didn't snitch on him to the gods, but he wishes he did.
Meeting Aphrodite is awful. Percy looks at her, and he sees blonde hair that he can't decide if it's golden or brownish, he looks at her eyes and see the blue and grey fight for dominance in the irises. Her skin flicks, and he sees a scar crossing her eye.
For a moment, her skin turns as black as his - his desire for family.
He hates her more than he hates Ares when she looks at him with a smile and says that his love life will be the most interesting tale she has ever woven.
They cross the junkyard. Bianca dies for a figurine of Zeus, and Perseus wants to scream at the skies for the injustice. He isn't close to Bianca, he won't miss her, but he blames himself.
What if he was good enough at shadow traveling to take all of them away? What if he was able to kill Talos before? If he saw the figurine in her hand, if he was clearer in his warning, if, if, if.
He is a son of Hades, and death follows him. The stench of it grabs at his clothes, but he doesn't cry. Bianca is not the first to die in the name of the gods - she won't be the last one.
Perseus tries and tries to reach for any part of her body - everything is gone.
The Hoover Dam goes exactly the same way - Percy finds the mortal girl cute, but he doesn't ponder on it. It's not the time. He tells her his name is Percy, because why not. He is not seeing her again.
He laughs at the dam joke and feels a little freer. He cares about Zoe. It's difficult not to.
They fly away, and Perseus doesn't like it, but he barely flinches.
They get closer - all of them. Perseus always makes friends in quests, and he is happier for it.
Thalia catches Nereus - and she tells them all about Bessie, the ophiotaurus. Percy thinks that, for a serpent cow, it's pretty cute.
Grover leaves with it back to Camp Half-Blood and away from the temptation that Thalia feels. He knows it - he feels it too, deep inside of him, the urge to kill all of them.
But is Kronos any better?
They meet Annabeth's father. Her stepmom caught a glance at him and sneers like he is covered in blood.
Luke is in Mount Othrys. Percy doesn't join him. He wants to. The drachma is still in his pocket. But Luke needs to pay for what he has done to Annabeth. This is not about the war that looms on the horizon, this is about his best friend.
They fight. Perseus holds the sky, but the thing in his fingertips is not the earth, it's something older and harder, that presses him to his knees. He draws strength from the earth, and he holds on.
They win, but at what cost? Luke falls. He cries and throws the drachma over the cliff - a promise gone with one of his first friends.
Zoe is dead. Three people dead, for a goddess who couldn't care less about them. Perseus wants to go back in time and accept Luke's proposal.
He wants to cry and he doesn't. They go to Olympus. Thalia joins Artemis, and he feels betrayed: just because she is afraid of power, she is going to throw the weight of this prophecy on him?
And on top, she just joined the eternal misandry group, and something in his heart festers. He thought he had one more friend in her, but she was just another pawn.
Annabeth basks in her mother's praise. He wants to vomit - two people are dead, but who cares.
Thalia pleads for the ophiotaurus life, but she doesn't lift a finger when they talk about his death. He hates her. He holds a grudge for his cousin just like his father holds one for his brother.
He just saved their asses for the third time, and they're talking about murdering him because he might not save them a fourth.
The gods. They take and they take and they take and the demigods keep giving.
His father saves him - no one dares to go against Hades' vote to let him live, because he is a hero.
They go back to camp, and Perseus is charged with the task to tell Nico.
"Well, so bring her back"
The boy says it non-chanlantly like he is counting on it. Percy feels guilt creep at his heart like a plague, all the ways he failed to save Bianca. If he just had a better grasp in his powers, if he was just better. And here it was, something else he couldn't do.
"I can't, Nico"
Nico yells at him. He screams that he killed his sister. Percy starts to retract, and they end up in the pavilion. Everyone is there, and they don't lift a finger to help.
Percy is so tired. He hasn't seen his mom since October. He just lost one of his best friends. He was on a mission for a week. He held the sky in his hands. Zoe is dead. Thalia is gone. Death follows him. The guilt claws at him - for not being enough.
Nico shouts and shouts. The final straw is when he says that he shouldn't have trusted a son of Hades, how everyone told him not to. He tells no one wants him here, and before anyone can say anything to contest it, spartoi appear.
People scramble for their weapons, but Percy opens the ground and swallows all of the skeletons. When they're gone, so is Percy.
Turns out? Percy doesn't want to be here anymore either.
Nico is prideful. People in camp scrambled for his attention. A couple of kids of Aphrodite tell him that Perseus wasn't a good company, trying to get in his good graces. This time around, there's no one to sing the praises of Percy Jackson.
Grover takes him aside and explains, a little against him own will, what happened with Bianca. He gives him the figurine.
Nico feels guilty. He is too prideful to admit, but he feels it burning in his heart - so he tries to understand what he just did. Grover tells him about the last two years. The guilt now fights with admiration, and resentment battles with adoration.
Some people steer clear of him for a while. Charles Beckendorf is too kind to isolate him - but Nico sees the sadness in his eyes. Annabeth doesn't talk with him - she just lost three best friends in a swoop. Grover reluctantly tells him more about Percy. Clarisse wipes the floor with him - and he doesn't complain when he wakes up and his makeshift bed in Cabin 1 is crawling with bugs - He is pretty sure Connor hates him.
Katie Gardner doesn't talk to him anymore. Will Solace - who is his best friend - consolates him. He tells Nico he was pretty awful to Percy last summer, and Percy still came back.
Pretty awful doesn't even begin to cover what Nico did. But he nods and settles. It's going to be fine.
Perseus wanders the Underworld. He plays with Cerberus, and it's finally time to go make peace with his father and meet Persephone.
There's the heavy weight of a drachma in his pocket.
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djtheabishai · 1 year
What Do You Miss?
In this story, D.J. is with Diavolo, Brook is with Lucifer and MC (You) is with any other character besides those two and Simeon and Barbatos (They are gay together) With Luke being a no go as well, with obvious reasons why.
Dispite them both being half demon and half dragon, D.J. is going to be refered to as the Half Dragon because she takes after her dragon side while Brook is gonna be refered to as the Half Demon because she takes after more.of her demon side.
(Considering this fact and the history between the two species, it's a wonder the two don't fight a lot more often)
Barbatos is "Father" or "Father Barb" to the twins and Simeon is "Papa" to D.J..
D.J. = Diciria (Die-Siri-Uh) Joyce
I say Human Realm because it sound better than Human World.
Wyvgon is a draconic kingdom where Brook is Queen of. She's currently visiting her sister in the Devildom, who is the Queen of the Devildom.
Summery: You, Brook and D.J. talk about what you miss the most.
Sitting in your room at the table at the HoL, you, Brook and D.J. are talking.
"Luke has gotten better with his baking skills." You pointed out, pointing a cookie at the half demon before taking a bite out of it." "Yeah he has. If he keeps it up, he might even be better then the demon himself!" D.J. agreed. The three chuckled. "He's gonna miss Father when he leaves." Brook said. "He will miss Luke." You said.
"What will you miss when you leave?" Brook asked you. "Me? I ain't leaving again! I'm gonna be here till the end of time!" You told them. "So you're immortal now?" The twins asked. "Thanks to Solomon's food. I couldn't back out of it no matter how hard I tried. I should be dead from a freak accident months ago, but I'm alive!" You then mutter. "Maybe that's why he's immortal.." You ponder the thought for a bit.
"You know what that means right? Since you can't die." D.J. said, grabbing a cookie and pushing up her glasses. "That I can do whatever I want without facing death?" You say with a smirk. The half dragon chuckles. " That. And that you'll outlive all of us here in the Devildom. Except for Solomon and maybe Father Barb. So if I were you, I'd stick with Solomon, so I know I don't have to worry about him dying and leaving me behind. Poor Barb though. He'll eventually lose Papa." The half dragon frowns as her glasses slide down her nose as she looks at the table, making a sad dragon noise.
"Well that's a depressing thought. Thanks Diciria." Her twin scoffed. She lifted her eyes to her twin and gave a small, sad smile. " On the bright side!" You'll still have Solomon and Father can jump timelines to have his fallen angel!" Brook said. "Let's not talk about what we're gonna miss, let's talk about what we already miss! MC! Why don't you go first?" Brook tried to change the subject.
"I miss the days when I didn't have to face the fact I'll outlive everyone I've come to know and love....." You say in a monotone voice. Brook shot her sister a glare, who chuckld nervously. "Hey, not everyone." D.J. tried to comfort you. Brook growled and huffed, smoke coming from her nose. D.J. cleared her throat and looked away, whistling while pushing her glasses back up.
"I guess I'll go next!" Brook said, trying to be cheery again. "I miss days when me, D.J. and Diavolo were younger, we'd run around the garden, playing Hide-and-seek with Father. Or on days when Father didn't feel like making anything, (D.J.: Which was a very VERY rare day) he'd order out and we'd have a small picnic on the outskirts of the Devildom, on a very tall hill with a big tree that looked over the Devildom." Brook said, purple eyes lost in remembrance with a smile on her face.
You tried to picture a younger Barbatos, Diavolo, D.J. and Brook, playing Hide-and-seek and having a picnic. "He doesn't seem like the person to do that." You say. "He did. It sadly stopped because we got older and responsiblies started to kick in. I can't remember the last we had a picnic. Just the four of us." D.J. said, trying to remember.
"What do you miss, D.J.?" You asked her, looking at her to see her pupils expand a bit then turn back into slits again, showing she heard your question. She raised her hand to the back of her neck and scratched it.
"I miss..." She lowered her hand her lap, trying to figure out what she miss the most. " I miss my daily flights with Dia." She finally confirmed. "I noticed that he wasn't flying with you anymore a long while ago. Just exactly how long ago was it?" Brook asked. "It was before Nova came along and tried to ruin everything between us."
"Who's Nova?" You asked. "Diavolo oldest child. D.J. that was a century and a half ago!" Brook said. "You mean to tell me you both haven't raced in 150 years?!" " Yes! After Nova was dealt with, I was mad a him for a short while then he got super busy trying to catch up on paper work, then when the exchange program happened, we ... didn't have time anymore. He's so busy now. I mean, I love that I still have time with him but .. I miss our special times together." D.J. said, looking down at the floor, tears going her cheeks.
"I know how you feel there." Brook said, giving a small frown of her own.
"I still fly everyday. I have to or my wings can't support me. I fly with with the brothers time to time with Lucifer and Beel being the ones I fly with the most. Brook flies with me to the best of her abilities, but she can't keep up for the time needed because she herself can't fly because her wings can't support her. (Brook: But from I lack in flight, I make up in running!) I fly with Papa as well, but not as much." D.J. lists.
"I miss the company and the challenge. That's what me and Dia did. We challenged ourselves and the other to be better. See who can get to the finish first. Winner chooses where to eat between here, the Human Realm or Wyvgon, loser pays." The half dragon gives a small smile. "I'd love to have company, I don't care if they can fly or not. I'd carry them. I just miss the company." She says.
You look over at at the half dragon. "Have you already done your daily flight?" You ask. "Yeah, I have." She confimred. "Then how about you can take me on your daily flight tomorrow? Show me one of yours and Diavolo's race courses." You suggest. The half dragon lit up. "Really?!" She asks. You nod "Really!" You confirm, smling. "Thank you!" She thanked, jumping up from her chair, grabbing you and lifting you off the ground, crushing you in a bear hug.
"D.-J.. Y-You're crush-ing me!" You tell her. She lets go and you gasp for air. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" "I'm alright." You pant.
D.J. shifts her feet a bit. "I want to apologize for putting those thoughts in your head about being immortal." She apologizes. "It's alright, I was gonna have to come to terms with it sooner or later." You say.
D.J. looks at her sister. "I'll talk to Father and see if we can have a picnic like the old times. Just the four of us." D.J. said. "Well that won't be fair." You said. "And why not?" D.J. asks, turning to face you. "Because you're with Diavolo now. And I'm sure you and Diavolo weren't together on the last picnic you four went on." You pointed out. " No, they weren't." Brook pointed out. "Have him bring Simeon along and Brook can bring Lucifer!" You said. "It'll be a triple date!" Brook cheered.
"With our parents! Having one with your siblings is one thing but with your parents?" D.J. questioned. "Don't think of it that way, think of it as parents spending time with their daughters!" You told her.
"Alright fine. But you better tell Lucifer that we are not gonna be going as titles, but as family. " D.J. told her sister. "Don't worry, I will." She said.
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