#and magpie if you see this and reply i would be honored but if not it's fine I already feel shy making this post
whenthegoldrays · 10 months
12 notes · View notes
sasaranomiya · 2 years
Koukyuu no Karasu Volume 2 Chapter 2 - The Water’s Voice (Part 1)
Damn the Magpie Consorts in this series have terrible luck don’t they
Also, the foreshadowing in this series man...
Here’s my Ko-fi if anyone is feeling generous
TW: Suicide, beheading
Translation Notes
1. The kanji used here is “ 舵星 “ or kajiboshi, which is a Japanese name for the Big Dipper
2. The kanji used here is “金鏃” which is read as kanamamaki, which seems to be a Ryukyuan name for one of the stars (it comes from a Ryukyuan song about stars). The same goes for the Flower Comb star.
3. Both of these books are real. Lessons for Women or 女戒 (Nüjie) is written by Han dynasty female intellectual Ban Zhou, and Examples for Women or 女則 ( Nüze) is written by Empress Zhangsun (consisted of biographies of outstanding women)
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After Koushun descended from the palanquin, he walked past the kneeling acolytes and stopped in front of an old man, who was still kneeling in the end.
“Are you in good health, Setsu Gyoei?” Koushun asked after urging him to stand up.
“I drink bitter medicinal decoctions every morning and evening and I can hardly move at all. I am thinking that it is time for me to retire.”
The Minister of Works’ reply was so easygoing that it was questionable whether or not he meant what he said. In Koushun’s eyes, he seemed plenty vigorous in his old age.
“It will become blistering all at once soon. That would be difficult on an old man, Your Majesty.”
“You seem like you’re going to be saying the same thing here in a hundred years.”
“You jest, Your Majesty.”
Ho ho, he laughed like an old man. It sounded false.
“So, what can this senile old man do for you today, Your Majesty.”
Koushun was taken to the Winter Ministry building at the back of Seiu Temple and was sitting face to face with Gyoei in a room. As usual, both the temple and the building were old and run-down. The thorough cleanliness of the building made the fadedness of the peeling vermillion pillars and dulled table stand out even more.
“I don’t have any pressing business,” Koushun said.
“So, you came all the way out here to see this wrinkled bearded face? I’m honored.”
The white-bearded face said, “Do you have nothing to do?” That wasn’t the case.
“I came to ask about the Raven Consort.”
Gyoei’s long white eyebrows rose, and his hidden hawk-like eyes widened. He was wearing dark gray robes and a slate-gray futou with a pintail duck’s tail feather tucked into it. His clothing resembled that of a eunuch, but he wasn’t a eunuch. His gray clothing was a sign that he was a servant of Wulian Niangniang. Gyoei was one of the few people who knew who the Raven Consort is.
“…You’ve said the same thing when you came here before. Well, I don’t know the Raven Consort any better than the Raven Consort does.”
“Not the ‘Raven Consort’—I want to hear about Jusetsu or Reijou.”
Gyoei closed his mouth that had spoken evasively and looked at Koushun intently from behind his eyebrows.
“For what reason, Your Majesty?”
“Because I want to know.”
“I do not believe it’s a good idea,” Gyoei made a bitter face. “I’m shocked that you would say that, knowing who the Raven Consort is. It is better for you and her to not have anything to do with each other, Your Majesty.”
“Even though it’s my fault that she’s imprisoned in the inner palace?”
“It isn’t your fault, Your Majesty. If anyone is to blame, then it would be the fault of Ran Yuu, the first emperor of the Ran dynasty.”
It was Ran Yuu who decided to confine the Winter King in the inner palace as the Raven Consort.
“As long as I’m in this position, I can’t be exempted from blame. It is my duty to learn about the Raven Consort. I must learn what her life was like and what it will be like, and see it with my own eyes.”
Gyoei sighed.
“Your Majesty, you are too serious. You are also resolute. Or should I say, you have a deep heart…”
He sounded greatly troubled. His eyes were moving shrewdly. He was probably searching for a way to excuse himself.
Gyoei, Koushun said.
“Don’t try and play crafty tricks. Do not think you can talk your way out of this.”
Koushun rarely raised his voice. However, there was something in his quiet voice that reminded one of winter.
Gyoei’s eyes widened behind his white eyebrows, and he turned his face away awkwardly. Seeing the sly old man’s mask come off a little was just a bit satisfying for Koushun.
“You’ve said before that Reijou greeted you when she passed on her role. Did you mean that you met her in person?”
When Koushun asked him that, Gyoei reluctantly spoke.
“…I have not seen her since she became the Raven Consort. ‘Passing on her role’ means the moment the Raven Consort dies. That is what I meant by that greeting,” Gyoei suddenly broke off and stared at the tea on the table. He blinked several times. “I mean that the deceased Raven Consort had appeared to me.”
“You mean as a ghost?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Gyoei replied, looking bored. “She came to tell me, ‘Take care of Jusetsu.’”
“I see that Reijou trusted you to the extent that she asked you to do something for her. You ‘haven’t seen her since she became the Raven Consort,’ but that means you have met her before she became the Raven Consort, is that right?”
Gyoei’s eyebrows furrowed slightly in displeasure.
“Yes, Your Majesty, but it is rather difficult to speak when you’re always pouncing on my words like this.”
“If I didn’t pounce on your words, you wouldn’t talk.”
“…” Gyoei was silent. The Winter Minister served Wulian Niangniang and obeyed the orders of the Raven Consort—Gyoei had once told him that. Koushun didn’t bring Ei Sei with him today, but he would have been upset at Gyoei’s attitude. He didn’t bring him because he thought that would be the case.
Gyoei sighed.
“…For me, her family is the master’s house. Her father was a hansui (chief of the local military organization), and my father was a house soldier. The hansui was a gruff and down-to-earth man, and he took good care of me. When he saw promise in me, he gave me a teacher to study under, and I studied under the same teacher alongside Reijou. Like her father, Reijou was a wise and open-minded person—”
Gyoei cleared his throat.
“Well, I need not go further than that. In any case, Reijou and I knew each other.”
Far from just ‘knowing each other,’ for Reijou, he was most likely a friend she had known since childhood and someone she could trust.
“When was Reijou chosen to be the successor to the Raven Consort?”
“…When she was around the age of fourteen.”
“That’s unexpectedly late. I heard that Jusetsu was chosen at the age of six.”
“If it is the will of Wulian Niangniang, then it is impossible for me to make any conjecture.”
Couldn’t that be mistaken for her “whim”?
That thought suddenly popped into Koushun’s mind.
“So, upon that, she was taken to the inner palace?”
“Yes. She was twenty-two when her predecessor died and she became the Raven Consort.”
“I believe Jusetsu was fourteen when she took over the role of Raven Consort. In both cases, it was eight years later. Could it be that the current Raven Consort dies eight years after the next one is chosen?”
Gyoei didn’t reply directly to his question, but simply answered, “Eight is a sacred number.”
“Reijou must have known when she was going to die. That was why she taught Jusetsu as much as she could until then.”
Gyoei sipped his tea in silence. Koushun looked at him intently.
“When did you join the Winter Ministry?”
“Do you also wish to know about this senile old man?”
“It’s because I think you became the Winter Minister to help Reijou.”
“How would becoming the Winter Minister be helpful?” Gyoei sounded somewhat angry, and then he looked away, as if embarrassed. “…I joined the Winter Ministry when I was twenty-four years old. At that time, when a person passed the examinations, they had to be from a prominent family to be appointed a government official position. However, only the Winter Ministry was open to commoners. That is all there was to it.”
“I see,” was all Koushun said.
“This place was a little livelier when I joined,” Gyoei laughed as he drank his tea. “There were twice as many acolytes as there are now. Although it was still a collection of jobless people who couldn’t become government officials. However, they are all excellent in their own ways. After all, I was the one who trained them.”
“You train them, and then you let them go.”
Most of the acolytes of the Winter Ministry were appointed as government officials after a few years. Such a path had been established. It was a path that Gyoei had paved the way for over many years. Despite his do-nothing position, Gyoei was highly respected by the prime minister and chief secretary, who were close to Koushun.
“There are still some eccentrics who remain. I will leave the rest to them.”
He was speaking like he already retired. Did he intend to step down after all?
“If you want to retire, I’ll give you my permission…but before you do, I would like you to meet Jusetsu.”
“The Raven Consort?” Gyoei lifted an eyebrow in puzzlement. “What good would it do to be face to face with an old man like me?”
“Tell her about Reijou. I’m sure it would make her happy.”
It should make her happy—probably.
Gyoei stared at Koushun for a while. Not in an astounded or mocking manner. He was simply looking at him with emotionless eyes. Koushun couldn’t see what dwelled behind them.
“I understand. If I am qualified for this task, then I will humbly accept it.”
After saying that, Gyoei got up from his chair and bowed. Because of that, Koushun was unable to see his expression.
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When Jusetsu was first brought to Yamei Palace, she was a slightly dingy girl covered in dust and dirt.
Reijou had ordered Keishi, the servant woman, to have Jusetsu bathe in the bathroom at the back of the palace and dress in clean silken clothing. With the dirt removed, the magnificent silver color of her hair was revealed. It was the mark of the previous imperial family. Reijou showed no surprise when she saw it. She knew everything.
“You will have to live here for the rest of your life. What a cruel fate.”
Reijou said sorrowfully. Although her hair was dyed black, Jusetsu didn’t truly understand her melancholy. It was only after Reijou told her everything that she understood.
She told her that Jusetsu was a survivor of the previous dynasty’s imperial family. That all of them were executed—including her mother. That in such a situation, Jusetsu must live not only in the emperor’s lap, but the inner palace. That the reason why the Raven Consort is confined in the inner palace was because of the decision of Ran Yuu, Jusetsu’s ancestor——
She understood, but all she thought was, Oh, so that’s the case. Jusetsu’s heart had been empty since the loss of her mother. It had been several years since she no longer knew how to rouse her emotions.
She patiently taught a vacant and barely-responsive Jusetsu to read, write, speak, and cook. With each lesson, Jusetsu suffered more. She was angry, saddened, and frustrated to learn how unreasonable her mother’s execution had been, and how ironic it was that she was trapped here. After she cycled through all her emotions, she returned to her anger. She was tired of going around in circles and getting no answers. She vented all her feelings to Reijou. She had no one else to vent them to.
Reijou was incredibly patient, but she was also strict. She sorrowed and fretted, but she never showed mercy.
“It is you who must live.”
It is not me. Pity is of no help to you. Gain knowledge and use your wisdom. You have no choice but to carry out your role to completion. None but you can walk your own path.
―Even now, I feel like I can hear Reijou’s voice scolding me.
“Lady Raven Consort.”
Ishiha, who was transcribing her words, held out the sheet of paper. Jusetsu, sitting across from him, accepted it.
“Mm, you’re a quick learner,” she nodded. Ishiha smiled happily.
They were in Jusetsu’s room at Yamei Palace, where she was teaching him how to read and write. Ishiha could speak without much trouble, but he couldn’t read or write at all. There were many eunuchs who couldn’t write, even if they weren’t from rural minority tribes.
“It is better for you to be able to read and write.”
Saying so, Jusetsu looked after Ishiha. Just as Reijou had taught her in the past.
Not wanting to waste brand-new pieces of paper for writing practice, Jiujiu went around to Enou Palace and Hien Palace to collect scrap paper. Both Kajou and Kouei were happy to give them to her. The papers were written on until they were completely black, and then they were given to Xingxing to play with. Even now, it was playing with a piece of paper at Jusetsu’s feet, ripping it into pieces with its beak.
Putting down the brush dipped in red-black ink, Jusetsu stood up.
“Let us take a break. There should be some figs around here.”
“No, I—” Leaving a flustered Ishiha behind, Jusetsu headed towards the kitchen.
“Are you taking a break, Niangniang?”
When Jusetsu appeared in the kitchen, Jiujiu turned around. She was brewing tea in a kettle. On the other side, Kougyou was preparing the tea utensils. She smiled and gestured to behind Jusetsu. Kougyou was unable to speak because her tongue had been cut out.
Jusetsu looked behind her and saw Keishi entering the kitchen with a strainer in her hands. She lumbered past Jusetsu. She was a large woman with sturdy arms and legs, and was so robust that it was hard to believe that she was an old woman. Her lips were tightly knit in a grim line, but that didn’t mean she was irritated or angry, as Jusetsu had learned about half a month after arriving at Yamei Palace. She had been a little scared of her until then.
Keishi silently held out the strainer. There were ripe, red figs inside.
“Thank you.”
Jusetsu took three figs from the strainer and told everyone in the kitchen, “You can eat the rest,” then returned to her room. The figs had a sweet scent that was characteristic of ripe fruit.
Ishiha was hesitant to take the figs she offered him, but his eyes were sparkling. He was a growing boy, so he could eat two figs in no time at all. Xingxing wanted a fig as well and was making a fuss, so Jusetsu gave it a little of her own. Ishiha told her that this was the first time he ate a fig.
“We didn’t grow fruit in my village.”
Ishiha’s village was by the sea. It was a fishing village.
“When we went to the head fisherman’s house, they would give us tangerines. It was only sometimes, though. They were sour, but delicious.”
I shared them with my siblings and we ate together, Ishiha laughed. He must be at an age where he still missed his parents’ home, but he never showed it on his face. He probably tried not to show it in front of other people.
“Your village is located in Rouko of Gei Province, yes? What kind of fish can you catch there?”
When asked about his hometown, Ishiha always responded with happy gestures.
“You can catch flounder and mackerel there. I used to go on the boats and help with the fishing. When we fish, we use the stars as our guide. Do you know? The southern Rudder Star (1) is used as a guidepost when returning from fishing, and when the Golden Arrowhead star (2) appears, it’s mackerel season. When the Flower Comb star gets dim, that means it’s storm season. When it’s storm season, the village elders would tell us folk tales. Like the story of a great turtle monster from the sea, or a diver whose hand got caught in a big abalone shell at the bottom of the sea and drowned…”
The legends of the distant fishing village were interesting to Jusetsu because much of it was new to her. On the other hand, there were also some tales that were shared with this region.
“There’s also a story about a god who sinned a long, long time ago and was cut up and washed away. His body became the islands we live on.”
“That old tale is the same around here as well.”
It was the type of myth that told the origins of the country. “I heard that these stories were originally told by traveling wubangs. That is why the same stories are passed down in various regions around the country.”
“Is that so?”
“What are you two talking about?” Jiujiu brought a bowl of water. It was for washing their hands. Their hands and mouths were sticky with fig juice.
“We’re talking about the god who sinned——” When Ishiha repeated the story, Jiujiu nodded with an Oh, yes.
“If I remember correctly, the torso of the chopped-up god became this island, his head became Jie Island, and his arm became Bahuang Island… From his dismembered corpse, soil was created and plants and trees grew. It’s a bit of a creepy story, isn’t it?”
It was a bit blunt to put it that way.
“After I heard that story from my grandma, I was afraid to walk on the ground for a while, because I thought it was a dead body.”
Ishiha blinked his eyes. That thought didn’t seem to have occurred to him.
“Many things wash ashore at the seaside. In my village, there is a cove where people who fall into the sea always end up, and I sometimes see people floating there. So I think that’s the way the sea is. I’ve also seen jellyfish-like things floating around the cove, glowing. The village elders told me that those were the souls of those who had died at sea.”
“Huh…” Jusetsu envisioned dimly glowing souls floating on the nighttime sea. A beautiful but sad sight.
When she said, “How interesting,” Ishiha’s cheeks flushed with happiness. After that, he continued to share some unusual stories he had heard from the village elders. Jusetsu listened as she washed her hands in the bowl. Some time later, Kougyou brought them tea and joined the conversation. The afternoon sun shined brightly through the lattice windows, and Yamei Palace was filled with a sense of serenity. It was strange for Jusetsu to hear the laughter of Jiujiu and Ishiha, their chatter, and to see Kougyou’s smile here.
At the same time, it was always at times like this that she felt uneasy. She felt as if a cold hand had suddenly grabbed her ankle. It was as though Reijou was warning her to come to a stop, and Jusetsu was helplessly at a loss.
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The visitor came that night.
It was late at night, and even Jusetsu, who went to bed late, was already falling asleep. She was awakened by a woman’s low voice coming from the other side of the doors.
“Ex…excuse me, Lady Raven Consort…”
It was the voice of an old woman. It was a faint voice, as if it would disappear at any moment. On her mattress, Jusetsu moved her head to look for Xingxing. The bird, which always made a fuss when there were visitors, was standing at the foot of her bed, raising its head and looking at the doors as if it was annoyed. But it soon lost interest and turned its head to close its eyes. Sleep, it seemed, was more important.
Jusetsu got up and got out of her bed. She put on only a black robe over her nightclothes and stepped out of the curtains. She didn’t know exactly what time it was, but from her feeling when she got up, it must have been around the fourth watch of the night (one a.m. to three a.m.). It was getting hotter during the day, but it was still cold late at night. As she walked to the doors, she formed a peony on her hand and tossed it into a lantern to light it. It was a lotus-shaped lantern.
“Who is it?”
Jusetsu asked towards the doors.
“My name is An. I have a request to make of you, Lady Raven Consort. Please listen to what I have to say.”
Her voice was old and thin, but her tone was elegant. Thinking that she might be the attendant of a consort, Jusetsu opened the doors. There was an old woman with grey hair standing there. She was wearing an earth-colored palace lady’s uniform. Her grey hair, barely tied back in a small chignon, wasn’t oily, her complexion was much the same as her clothing, and wrinkles were carved into her face and hands like cracks. Her fingers were chapped deeply. She was a palace lady, and a subordinate one who did kitchen work. Jusetsu let the old woman in, wondering if she had been wrong in assuming that she was an attendant. However, the way she bowed and expressed her thanks, the way she walked, and the manner in which she sat on the chair, didn’t suggest that she was a mere palace lady. Perhaps she was originally an attendant, but was demoted to the position of palace lady for some reason.
Jusetsu sat down across from the old woman, An. After waiting for her to do so, An spoke.
“I deeply apologize for interrupting your rest so late at night.”
“I mind it not. I have visitors like you from time to time.”
“I have something I deeply need to ask of you, Lady Raven Consort. I have thought many times about coming to you. However, I have been unable to do so…I have finally made up my mind to come to you tonight.”
The lit lantern on the floor flickered and cast crooked shadows on An’s face. The light didn’t reach the corners of the room, and thick darkness surrounded the two of them.
“What is your request?” Jusetsu asked bluntly.
An lowered her face slightly. The shadows moved.
“It is related to the consort whom I once served. I was the attendant of Lady Sai Enrin, the Flame Emperor’s Magpie Consort.”
As Jusetsu had thought, she was originally an attendant.
“The Flame Emperor—the emperor before the last? That’s quite a long time ago.”
“Is that so? It does not seem like so long ago for me. Rather, yesterday seems more distant. When you grow older, time flies like an arrow, and the months and days pass by in the blink of an eye. But the past is so vivid that everything with Lady Enrin seems to have happened only a few days ago.”
“What do you mean by ‘everything with Lady Enrin’?”
Yes, about her, An answered, but then she hung her head and looked at her hands in her lap, as if reluctant to say anything. Eventually, she looked up.
“At your young age, Lady Raven Consort, you most likely don’t know who the Flame Emperor’s Magpie Consort is or what fate befell her. Even among those around me, there are only a few who remember what happened back then. In those days, people avoided talking about Lady Enrin—in fact, those who sympathized with her were reported on and punished. So even after the emperors changed, people didn’t talk about her very much.”
The shadows sank into the fine wrinkles etched onto An’s face, making her look even older. The gloom that seeped out from there made the surrounding darkness even heavier.
“Please listen to Lady Enrin’s story. If I am gone, there will be no one who will know the truth about her. I want you to know. And—I want you to save Lady Enrin’s soul.”
Please, An beseeched, and then she began her story.
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I was twenty-two years old when I began to serve Lady Enrin. She had just turned ten, and she was the apple of her father’s eye, who was the Ministry of Personnel secretary. I was a distant relative, and although my lineage was closer to the main family than that of Lady Enrin’s family, at that time Lady Enrin’s father, who had been promoted to Ministry of Personnel secretary, was the most successful of our family. Naturally, the expectations of the family were focused on him, and it was especially hoped that Lady Enrin would enter the inner palace as a consort. Therefore, she had to be educated and taught manners as befitting a consort, and I was chosen from among the family to be the perfect person for that job.
At that time, I had returned to my parents’ home after being divorced. I was in low spirits every day, but that all changed when I met Lady Enrin.
Lady Enrin was a very lovely young lady. Her smiling face was like a peony and her voice was like clear water. I vowed at that time that I would make the finest consort in this country.
Lady Enrin was a cheerful and carefree girl. She happily read fantasy stories and narrative poems, but she seemed to dislike reading classics such as Lessons for Women or Examples for Women, (3) which should be read by all women and girls. She preferred reading mysterious stories and love stories rather than difficult books. It was a bit of a problem, but she seemed to understand when I explained them to her simply.
As one year passed, and another year passed, Lady Enrin’s beauty became as brilliant as a polished jade. No matter who you were, you couldn’t help but be captivated by her beauty at first glance. Her skill on the zither was first-rate, and she excelled in calligraphy and poetry. The only fault in her was that she was a little careless and didn’t think things through sometimes…but I was proud to think that she wouldn’t be outdone by the other concubines in the inner palace.
Two unexpected miscalculations occurred. The first was the place where Lady Enrin was to marry into. Even though we say that it was the inner palace, her father didn’t intend on putting her in the inner palace of the current emperor—by which I mean the Flame Emperor, but rather the Eastern Palace. After all, the Flame Emperor was already elderly at that time, and he had an empress and children, so the inner palace was of little significance. That was why there were only a few concubines there. So, it was only natural that she be given in marriage to the crown prince.
However, both the empress and the princess consort, as well as their relatives, wanted to Lady Enrin’s marriage to wait. Both factions probably thought it would be a problem if the crown prince were to become obsessed with her, who was reputed for her beauty. Lady Enrin’s father and the relatives of the empress and princess consort were at loggerheads with each other. It would have been good if Lady Enrin’s father had been able to split the relatives up or win their favor, but…it seemed that he had failed to do so. It was a complicated situation.
While her father was busily engaged, there was someone who told the Flame Emperor about Lady Enrin’s reputation. It was probably someone from the empress’s side or the princess consort’s side. That was how the Flame Emperor’s interest was piqued. Strangely, he wasn’t known to be a philanderer, but a devoted husband, and he didn’t seem to have much interest in the concubines of the inner palace, and yet he showed interest in Lady Enrin…Perhaps it is the wavering of the mind that comes with old age. Perhaps he wanted to have a fleeting experience with a young and beautiful girl once more. In any case, the Flame Emperor seemed to have been moved. In such a case, there was no choice for her father but to put her in the Flame Emperor’s inner palace. At any rate, it was a good thing, since we had attracted his interest. Although Lady Enrin seemed to be dissatisfied, I thought it was an extravagant thing. Isn’t it a given that she would receive the emperor’s favor? Even if there was an empress, Lady Enrin was the finest consort. She would be the most glorious. I was working with great enthusiasm to prepare for her entry into the inner palace. And yet…
Lady Enrin didn’t seem at all interested in the whole thing. That was the other miscalculation.
She should have understood from an early age that she was entering the inner palace. Of course, she thought she would be marrying the crown prince, so it was understandable that she was upset. However, even if she entered the inner palace of the crown prince, she has no way of knowing if she would be favored by him. No, even though Lady Enrin was a beauty who no one could resist being charmed by… However, the emperor now wanted her to marry him. There was a big difference. Our victory was already decided. That was how I encouraged Lady Enrin. I also scolded her. She must not be timid and take control of the inner palace, become her father’s strength and become the number one consort——
Lady Enrin seemed to be moved by my words. With tears in her eyes, she smiled and said, Yes, I will think of it that way.
The next day, however, a robber broke in. The mansion was full of gold, silver, and treasures for the procession into the inner palace, so he probably had his eye on us. The mansion was guarded, but he found a weak spot and snuck in.
The robber was alone. He didn’t head for the storehouse, but rather broke into Lady Enrin’s room. My room was next to hers, but shamefully, I noticed the intrusion too late because I was asleep. The robber tried to kidnap Lady Enrin. The storehouse held dazzling treasures, but perhaps he was intimidated by the strict security, or… I didn’t know how he knew where Lady Enrin’s room was, but he tried to take her away with him. I heard their arguing and woke up.
The robber seemed to be whispering something in a coaxing, pleading tone. Lady Enrin’s voice was muffled and I couldn’t hear it, but she seemed to be firmly rejecting him. I had just woken up and was briefly listening to their conversation in a daze, but then I quickly got up. I took the dagger near my pillow and stumbled out to the adjoining room of Lady Enrin. My legs were trembling so badly that I could barely stand, but I desperately shouted that there was a robber, a ruffian in the house.
Servants rushed out from all over the house and the robber was quickly captured. I was shocked when I saw his face under the light. He was someone I knew. No, not only me, he was a young man that Lady Enrin also knew very well. He was a bookseller in the eastern market who had been frequenting the mansion for a long time. He used to secretly bring Lady Enrin the fantasy novels and narrative poems that delighted her. It was not a very large bookshop, but he was a young man who wasn’t vulgar in any way, and he had plenty of knowledge because he worked in a shop that handled books, so I thought he was a fine young man…
Because he was someone she knew, Lady Enrin begged her father in tears to pardon him. It was a kind thing to do. However, he tried to kidnap a girl who was about to enter the inner palace. That was the same as committing a crime against the emperor. If her father showed mercy towards him, he would be suspected of treason. But, he didn’t want to risk any rumors that Lady Enrin was almost kidnapped by a robber, so her father beheaded the young man in the garden. The young man’s parents were informed that he broke into the estate to rob it, and the market officials destroyed their shop and drove them from the capital.
Lady Enrin was in low spirits because the man she had trusted and was friends with for so many years had become a robber, tried to kidnap her, and was finally beheaded. She gazed at the garden where the young man was beheaded and seemed lost in thought… The soil in the garden was soaked in blood, and her father had it replaced. Fortunately, the emperor hadn’t caught wind of this matter, and Lady Enrin entered the inner palace without incident.
Lady Enrin was given Jakusou Palace and accepted as the Magpie Consort. There were miscalculations, but she entered the inner palace without incident. If she had won the emperor’s favor as planned, it would have been smooth sailing, but…the emperor never visited her even half a month after she entered the inner palace. No matter how long we waited, he never came to the inner palace itself. We had heard that he was too busy with building the foundations of the new dynasty to visit, and it seemed that was in fact the case. The emperor of the previous dynasty had only abdicated as a token gesture—no, I’ve spoken too much. Please pretend you didn’t hear that.
However, on top of being extremely busy, apparently his attending eunuchs were deliberately hindering him. They would tell him things like, The Magpie Consort isn’t feeling well today or She’s having her moon cycle. That must not be allowed. I was fretting over what to do. Inward affairs can turn white into black with a single word from the emperor’s eunuchs. I immediately sent a letter to Lady Enrin’s father and asked him to prepare as much gold and silks as he could spare. When I freely handed them out to the emperor’s eunuchs, they told me that if Dajia is in a pleasant mood, he would soon visit Jakusou Palace. That meant they were willing to put in a good word for us. It was shameful for me to bribe the likes of a eunuch to do something for me, but small sacrifices like these were necessary to solve a more pressing problem. It was for the sake of Lady Enrin.
While I was taking great pains to do such things, Lady Enrin only vacantly stared at the garden. I suggested that she play the zither, but she wouldn’t even touch it. Even though I endured the shame of abasing myself in front of eunuchs…
However, Lady Enrin had a small satin pouch that she kept carefully tucked away in her breast pocket. I didn’t know what was in the pouch, but I saw her holding it in her hand while gazing at the garden.
In such a situation, even I lost my patience and scolded Lady Enrin harshly. I asked her how a consort who might receive the emperor tonight could be so feckless and limp. Lady Enrin retorted to me. ——I didn’t become an consort because I wanted to.
I was stunned. I was truly speechless from amazement. What are you saying at this point? I admonished her. I thought she was perhaps nervous about the emperor’s absence, so I gently reminded her of this. I have practically raised her since she was a small child, so I knew her temperament well. The eunuchs promised me that His Majesty will come here soon, I told her.
——I hope he never comes.
Lady Enrin said with a look of despair on her face. I wanted to scold her again with a What are you saying, but I held it in. But then…
——If you love His Majesty so much, then you should be a consort.
I was so angry that I unconsciously raised my hand. I was about to strike Lady Enrin in the face, but I came to my senses just in time. I didn’t hit her face, but I did strike her hand. The satin bag she was holding fell to the floor and its mouth opened. Something that looked like soil fell out. It looked like soil—no, it was soil. I took some and brought it close to my face. It had a smell of iron. I thought it smelled like blood.
——It couldn’t be…
I asked Lady Enrin where the soil was from. She confessed that it was soil from the garden back home. The soil from the spot where the young man was beheaded. She had secretly put the soil, which her father had someone replace, in the pouch.
Why did she hold such a thing so dearly to her? No, it couldn’t be possible. Lady Enrin and that young man were——
I gathered up the spilled soil with both hands and ran into the garden, then scattered all the soil in the pouch on the ground and trampled on it. I stomped and crushed the soil with the soles of my shoes until it became a mixture of soil from the ground and the soil soaked in the young man’s blood. Lady Enrin clung to my legs, begging me to stop, tears streaming down her face. Lying over the trampled ground, she was howling and sobbing.
——Who is this?
Where did the Lady Enrin I had raised go? This wasn’t her. This weeping woman who had given her heart to a bookseller’s son, not the emperor or even a scholar-official, couldn’t be my Lady Enrin.
I was enveloped in a pitch-dark darkness, unable to think anything. I found myself sitting on a couch in a daze. A eunuch came and announced that the emperor would visit tonight. The news finally brought me back to myself. His Majesty was coming. At last, His Majesty. This would surely make everything all right. What happened earlier must have been a dream. I had a daydream because I was so worried that His Majesty wouldn’t come here.
——Lady Enrin.
I had assumed that she was in the rear parlor. However, when I rushed there to tell her the good news, I found the place completely empty. Where was she at such an important time? She had to take a bath and dress extraordinarily beautifully. Should she be in red? Or a youthful peach color? Her hair must be rearranged, her hairpins must be jade, and the hairpin ornaments must be gold——
While thinking about such things, I searched for Lady Enrin. Perhaps she was still crying in the garden. If that was the case, I would have to scold her severely this time. No, perhaps I should soothe her instead. Or should I use my tears to persuade her? ——No, that was a daydream, so Lady Enrin shouldn’t be in the garden.
Lady Enrin wasn’t in the garden. I was relieved. It was a dream after all. There were marks on the ground like it had been trampled, but they were most likely caused by the eunuch who was ordered to cut the sorbarias. That’s what eunuchs are like. If you tell them to cut flowers, they would trample on the flowers right in front of you without compunction. They can only do what they are ordered to do. Sometimes they can’t even do what they’re ordered to do. Trampling on the ground like this, well. I would have to order them to clean it up again—but for now, I had to find Lady Enrin first. I kept in mind that I would order them later and proceeded to the back of the garden. There was a pond there. A beautiful and spacious pond. The surface of the water was always as flat as a mirror and sparkling. All of a sudden, I had a feeling that Lady Enrin’s voice was coming from there. A voice that was cool and pure, like clear water. Lady Enrin, I called out and went to the pond’s bank. The surface of the pond sparkled refreshingly today as well. Willow trees had been planted around the pond, reflected in the pond’s surface. A faint breeze blew, the willow leaves swayed, and there were ripples on the surface of the water. I thought I heard Lady Enrin’s voice again and looked around.
Lizard’s-tails were blooming at the edge of the pond. Half of the leaves were white as if they had been dusted with white powder, and tiny flower buds were hanging down. Near them were a pair of brocade shoes. The brightly colored shoes, embroidered with flowers and birds, had been worn by Lady Enrin.
I ran to the shoes and stared at the surface of the pond. It was calm and quiet, with only occasional small ripples on the surface. I was about to turn back to the palace, then hesitated. I had to pull Lady Enrin out as soon as possible. But I didn’t want this incident to get too big. If the emperor caught wind of this——
However, I couldn’t jump into the pond alone. I threw the shoes into the pond, returned to the palace, and told everyone that Lady Enrin had accidentally fell into the pond. I told the palace ladies to make a fire and prepare plenty of cloth, and sent the eunuchs to search the pond. Because of the clearness of the pond, Lady Enrin was found rather quickly and pulled out. But her pulse had already stopped, and no matter how long we waited, she didn’t come back to life.
A consort had drowned herself before the emperor visited her at night. It would be a disaster if this was exposed. I persisted in saying that Lady Enrin had unfortunately slipped and fell into the pond. No one saw the scene, so if I said so, no one could deny it. Lady Enrin passed away in an unexpected accident. However, that didn’t change the fact that we were inept. The empress also condemned the consort’s, who was preparing for the emperor’s visit, walking by the water’s edge as an unbecoming, rash, and foolish act on her part. Naturally, the emperor was also angry. I, as well as the other Jakusou Palace eunuchs and palace ladies, were punished, and Lady Enrin’s father was also condemned. If a consort was favored, the grace would extend to her relatives, but if the consort was disgraced, it would have a bad effect on them. Her father was dismissed from his position as general secretary in the Ministry of Personnel and demoted to Gaku Province. It was said that he was deeply depressed by the death of Lady Enrin, the apple of his eye, that he passed away at his post half a year later.
I was sent to Sen’e House. It was the place where palace ladies who had committed crimes or fallen ill went, called the graveyard of palace ladies. I have been washing dirty clothes there ever since. Since my hands were constantly soaked in the basin’s water and I had no time to wipe them, cracks opened up on my hands and pained me. Why, just why did I have to keep washing clothes in cold water day after day? If Lady Enrin were still alive, I would not have met with such a fate.
Even if I complain like this, there is no help for it. After all, Lady Enrin is no longer here… As I wash the clothes, I heard her voice in between the sounds of leaping water. A voice like clear water. I would never mishear it. It must be coming from the pond through the water. I can’t make out what she’s saying. It sounds like she is crying. Every day, every day, I hear that voice. There is never a day when I can’t hear it. From between the water, Lady Enrin is calling me. Every time I plunge the clothes into water, every time I scrub and wash them, every time water drips from the wringed clothes, her voice resounded beautifully and clearly.
I feel terribly sorry for Lady Enrin. Her soul is still wandering in that pond. The pitiful Lady Enrin.
Lady Raven Consort, won’t you save Lady Enrin? Please send her soul to paradise.
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grandcompany · 3 years
5 Songs - Capricious Wolf
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I've been sitting on this one for a few days while I mulled it over so buckle the fuck up because I got shit to say about this girl. Courtesy cut so I don't wreck your dash with sad, angry Roe lady feels and banging folksy / bluegrass / Americana songs.
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1) After Many Miles - The Ghost of Paul Revere
This song as a whole is just a great vibe for Wolf. Heavy. Loud. Sorta aggressive but also intensely sentimental. I imagine it as someone singing about her. I also love these lyrics in particular because y'know:
Oh lover I'll see you there waiting in the willows with your autumn hair. Oh lover I'll see you there after many miles.
2) Magpie - The Mountain Goats
Have you ever run across a song after creating a character and you're like, "Shit, sure hope I didn't hear this a month ago and then just turn it into a character?" That's this song. Y'know what? Maybe I WILL just copy and paste the whole song here:
Feed the kittens in the kitchen Set food out for the strays Try hard to do your best The magpie will have his way Fill your mouth with berries By the full light of the moon Work all night if you have to The magpie comes at noon Shore up the crucifixes Above the archways and the doors The magpie will come at midday And you will go down on all fours And when the cherries white with blossoms Be ready and be brave And remember what we had here When there was something left to save
3) Bitter Water - The Oh Hellos
This song is for Wolf's relationship to the Twelveswood and Gridania. It's a place she loves. It's her home. But that love and that feeling of belonging doesn't stop her from seeing the terrible things her nation does to people in the name of balance and in honor of the elementals. These lyrics in particular hit HARD:
I still taste you on my lips Lovely bitter water The terrible fire of old regret is honey on my tongue And I know I shouldn't love you I know I shouldn't love you but I do
Even now you mark my steps Lovely bitter water All the days of our delights are poison in my veins I know I shouldn't love you I know
4) Avila - The Wailing Jennys
If Bitter Water is about her relationship to Gridania then Avila is about her response to it. Particularly these lyrics here:
I will not rest Until this place is full of sunlight Or at least until the darkness Is quiet for a while And we will not wait For the murdered to come calling The night will simply fall And the morning will rise
5) We Can Only Listen - Ruth Moody
Look, up there's all this political shit and feels about one's role in society and obligations to your fellow man and so I gotta have one song about a past (& future !?) love in here, right? You're damn right I do, also to fill my Ruth Moody quota. Anyway, Wolf, stop being an idiot and go get it.
Would it be easier beneath the sun Where apples fall and rivers run And I'd be lying there next to you In the silence it all comes through And then we wouldn't have to speak All you'd hear is my heart-beat We cannot choose the ones we love When our hearts they speak so loudly We can only listen We can only listen
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny who should know what she was getting into by now. <3
Tagging: @pidgeon-sorrel, @the-void-stared-back, @the-warrior-and-the-mage, @etherealrosexiv, @vazaymir, @violetlypurple, @mischiefwife, & anyone else who wants to tag me in their replies I love this stuff!
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ffxivmingxiajiang · 4 years
[Legends and Bedtime Stories] The Matchmaker and the Household Guardian
“My father shared with me a legend when we were out fishing one night.  Let me see if I can remember how it goes.”  Mingxia said one evening as she and her friends were swapping stories.
"The Star Maiden who founded our little village taught us what we knew through stories.  Once, she said, ‘My little ones, be patient and enjoy your life as much as you can.  To each of you are tied many threads, threads the Matchmaker lord has given to you so that you are not lonely.  He is very kind, this Matchmaker lord, and many say that without a doubt, he is very beautiful, for he is so often smiling.  He never demands expensive offerings or gifts- just that you come by once in a while to show him if you have found the one on the other end of your red thread.
‘The Matchmaker has always loved to see things in groups.  To be always alone is lonely and sad, so every tree has its forest, and every stone its mountain, and every flower its bed.  Every person he has tied with threads of gold and red, and sometimes, even with threads of both colours.  Friends, after all, are worth more than gold, and promises are sealed in blood- though he would not use real blood, that would be painful, and he does not want to give too many painful things.  After all, cutting the thread hurts very much already, even if the thread is stained with rust and mutual dislike, even if cutting the thread is better for you in the end.  He wanted to give his little ones freedom, too, so the threads are not absolute.  If you wanted a stronger thread, it would be up to you to finish spinning it.
‘And do have a care not to be so cruel to one another.  Once, the Matchmaker tied two people together, for they, he saw, from the shine of their spirits, would make close friends, one day.  But then those two children got into a fight, and each left a mark on the other.  They did not meet again for many years, long enough for them to forget each other.  Then, one day, when they met again, they came together as friends, though one of them always wore a pin on the side on their head.  "Why do you always keep that part of your hair pinned up?" asked the taller of the two. "Because once, I got into a fight with a classmate, and we both came away with injuries.  It is curious, though, that your scar is in the same place I remember striking my classmate." replied the second. "Ah, so it was you!" said the first, "my, how silly we were in our youth."
‘Once, the Matchmaker lord was wandering the world, humming a merry tune and tying the threads of meeting and fate to the many souls he saw.  He so loved seeing the little ones find their threadmates and becoming richer for it, but he often wondered what would become of him.  He was surrounded by admirers, but his friends were few, and his own red thread was still quite slack for want of a partner to hold the other end.
Not far from where he was at the time, there was a city where a woman and her friend lived.  Though modest, she was beautiful, and immediately caught the Matchmaker's eye.  Worried about making a bad impression, the Matchmaker presented himself in what he hoped was the woman's ideal.  However, the woman was not impressed, for her modest lifestyle allowed her to see past all pretense that another may put up.  Her bright-eyed, sharp-minded friend was likewise not bewitched, for she was as keen as a magpie.
Each day he came with a different mask, and each day she politely turned him away, asking him to return when he was himself. At last, after having been turned away yet again, he relented, for he truly did wish to meet her as at least a friend, if nothing else. So he came without a mask, and she smiled to him, inviting him to join her and her friend for their afternoon walk. "It is better to be honest," she said.  "For you cannot maintain a lie forever.  It is an honor, Matchmaker.  I am the Lady of Sanctuary." Her friend introduced herself as Lady of the Measure, she who meted out justice.  The Lady of Sanctuary and the Matchmaker, in time, grew quite close, and he discovered in her the other end of his own red thread.  They wed, and shared their home as equals, for he never forgot her first condition:  "Meet me as yourself".  Foremost a friend, and a loyal companion, she never strayed to the heart of another. My little ones, do not be too swift in knotting your threads, for in friendship does your house remain strong.’ 
So she has told us, and we to our children.  I always thought it was rather romantic- who in the world might we each share our threads with?”
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Title: Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile Chapter 6 Summary: The Batkids think Bruce is dating Batman ft. Jason being the best big brother ever to Tim AN: BET YOU THOUGHT YOU’D SEEN THE LAST OF ME. Yeah I updated!!!
Jason felt pretty shitty for the first week Tim was staying with them. He knew the sharp claws digging into his throat and head as well as nausea accompanied by them were all symptoms of jealousy trying to establish its place in Jason’s heart. He was sixteen for crying out loud. He should be above feeling jealous of a thirteen-year-old, who, most of the time, wasn’t even trying to get anyone’s attention. It was almost pitiful to witness Tim startling every time some addressed him because he wasn’t expecting anyone to really ask him about his day at dinner.
And yet Jason was hiding away in his room because he couldn’t stand Bruce paying attention to someone else like a spoiled little brat. He would have gone to the Cave, but Alfred had banned all of them from sulking in there. He figured it was only a question of time until Alfred got Batman to switch into civilian clothes and stay in the manor.
Groaning, Jason buried his head in his pillows.
Don’t be jealous of the new kid, don’t be jealous of the new kid, don’t be jealous of-
The door creaked.
“What’s up, Little Wing?”
Right, it was Saturday morning. Of course Dick would be here.
“Nothing,” Jason replied, but even to his ears, his voice sounded wobbly.
Dick honored his horrible nickname and took Jason’s annoyance as an invitation. He let himself fall down onto Jason’s bed and stretched like a cat, taking up all the space. He stayed as silent as a bat while he waited for Jason to gather his courage. It was dumb, but when Dick wasn’t being a dick, he had this annoying quality that made you want to talk to him. He was good at giving advice that didn’t boil down to “money” or “batarangs” or random actually helpful bits about social cues. Jason knew he could trust his brother, he had kept his mouth shut about Sheila for months after all.
“I’m jealous,” Jason finally admitted. It was strange to say it out loud
Dick laughed. “Of my charming good looks? Don’t worry, you’ll get there.”
Jason rolled his eyes but cracked a small smile nevertheless.
“Not of that, Dickhead. And I’m already taller than you anyway.”
“Lies! Slander! How could you even just attempt to break my heart like that?”
Dramatically, Dick put his right arm to his forehead and closed his eyes, reminiscent of a shocked Victorian lady.
“Uhu, just consult the measurements on the kitchen entrance door. I’ve officially surpassed you.”
Even if Jason couldn’t really believe it. Leslie had estimated his height when he’d first gotten to the manor and back then it had seemed like he’d be lucky if he ever reached Dick’s height. Personally, Jason was blaming that alien plant fertilizer goo he’d gotten dosed with a couple months ago for his growth spurt, but he sure as hell wasn’t telling anyone that. Except for Alfred, in case he ended up growing flowers instead of hair.
“But no, I’m jealous of the kid.”
“Tim?” Dick asked.
His voice wasn’t judgmental or anything, but Jason still felt like apologizing.
Jason groaned and fell back on his bed. “I know! It’s stupid! But Bruce has been busy with him practically the whole week! I know it’s ‘cause they have to get his guardianship finalized and everything, but still. And he’s so smart too! Even Batman’s noticed! I lived in this house for weeks and I didn’t figure out the big batty secret, but the kid did it from a distance!”
“You know, I was pretty jealous too when you showed up.”
Jason definitely hadn’t known that. Honestly, Dick’s sunny attitude around Jason had almost freaked him out the first times he interacted with Dick.
Dick shrugged easily.
“I mean, I wasn’t talking to Batman at all. And then there was you spending so much time down in the Cave with him. Of course, I was jealous. You were all cute and tiny and knew basically everything about Gotham already. I swear, I had to study boring maps for months and you already knew Gotham’s streets.”
“How did you deal with it?”
“I considered your situation and I tried to get to know you. Figure out your interests and stuff.”
Jason frowned.
“Wait. Was that the reason you went everywhere I wanted with me? Passive-aggressive exposure therapy in a mall?”
Dick grinned mischievously. “Well, it worked, didn’t it?”
Surprisingly, it didn’t take much to get Tim talking about himself. After reassuring him that, yes, Jason didn’t have anything more important to do and no, Bruce really was expecting Tim to decorate his room, Tim could not be stopped.
He talked.
So much.
About skateboarding, how much fun the keyboard was, his more challenging school classes, photography, Pokémon, his favorite comics, exciting facts he learned, the heroes conspiracy blog he was apparently running, and Robin.
Whenever they were alone, Tim would talk about Robin.
The sky was blue, the sun was hot, Timothy Jackson Drake didn’t shut up about Robin.
He got super excited and cheerful then, retelling Jason cases he had actually worked and wondering about how all the cool gadgets worked and just Robin.
Tim’s case of hero worship hadn’t gone unnoticed by the manor’s other residents either, but Jason wasn’t sure if Alfred or Bruce understood the way Tim talked about Robin. Like he was more than just a vigilante, like the role was a symbol.
“Batman needs Robin,” Tim said seriously. “It makes him better. I mean, Batgirl and Nightwing and Magpie, you’re all amazing! But it’s not Gotham without the Bat and his Robin, right?”
Tim looked unsure, but Jason realized the kid understood it.
And then Jason began to think.
Barbara couldn’t believe it took over a month for her to finally get to meet one Timothy Drake in person. She had researched him, even exchanged a few words with him over the comms once, but she had yet to actually meet the kid. Even Dick had met him, and he lived in Blüdhaven.
But Barbara had finally managed to clear enough time in her busy schedule – she was coordinating two vigilante teams and operating as Oracle after all – and driven up to the manor. If she used her time there to update the Bat-Computer as well, then that was only her business. She wasn’t a workaholic and she had a life outside of her duties when they allowed it.
She had the work-life-balance figured out, honestly.
Tim was a cute kid. A bit shy at first, but he warmed up to her quickly enough. Jason must have expected it because he was grinning when Tim started chattering about video games.
“So, what do you think?” Jason asked.
“He’s a good kid.”
“You’re being awfully noisy. What do you want to know?”
“Batman talks to you about my training, doesn’t he? How much longer until I can go solo?”
Barbara leaned forward in her wheelchair. “What do you think?”
Jason deflated. “I don’t know. I feel like I’ve been ready for it for ages. I haven’t needed B’s back up in a long while, but imagining him being halfway across town is… unsettling still.”
Barbara nodded slowly before replying.
“Honestly? You’ve been ready for two months already at least. Batman just has a hard time letting go. He’s never really been without one of us for a very long time.”
“Right,” Jason said. “Which is why we can’t leave him alone.”
“What are you thinking?”
Jason pointed at Timothy, eagerly throwing batarangs at a target.
“He said that Gotham, that Batman, needs Robin. I’m thinking we should take advantage of the kid who already knows our secret and has a hard time falling asleep when we’re out.”
Bruce knew something was up, but he allowed himself to live in blissful ignorance a little longer. He let Dick sneak forensics lessons into Tim’s self-defense classes, allowed Jason to teach Tim about the various gangs ruling Gotham.
It wasn’t like these bits of information weren’t useful, the every-day citizen just didn’t particularly need them.
And Bruce definitely wasn’t thinking about who did need this knowledge and more.
Tim Drake was his ward for as long as his parents weren’t in Gotham. Nothing more and nothing less.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Bruce could see Alfred observing him while the kids (“I’m a twenty-year-old woman, B.” “And I remember babysitting you as a teenager, your point?”) bickered about some movie.
Ignorance was bliss, that was a lesson Bruce had learned early on. And sometimes you were allowed to indulge in it.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Tim asked from where he was sitting on Jason’s bed.
“Absolutely,” Jason replied, grinning way too cheerfully for six in the morning. He’d only gotten back from patrol two hours ago, he shouldn’t be so awake yet, or so Tim thought, yet Jason looked like he could take on the world.
“But we’re breaking one of The Rules.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. They’re more like guidelines than rules. Besides, Aunty Diana and Kate already agreed to help us. This is a surefire plan.”
Tim honestly wasn’t so sure about it. He wanted to trust Jason, but what if Bruce and Batman didn’t think it was funny to be tricked into a date?
“Jason’s right, Tim,” Barbara’s voice echoed from the laptop sitting on Jason’s desk. “Besides, the worst that will happen is that you get grounded because Bruce and B are caught up in the romantic bliss that was relaxing on Valentine’s Day in Paris.”
“That’s right!” Jason said. “We’re setting up dates for them at least twice a year if we can. It would be suspicious if we didn’t try to get them away.”
Tim pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. “If you say so… I still don’t get why we need both of them out of Gotham for so long. Can’t they stay here?”
“I do say so, Timbit. Just you wait, they won’t know what hit them. And if they stay here, they’d just take their paperwork to bed.”
Bruce absolutely knew what hit him. Diana and Kate were good actors, they had to be if they even just wanted to operate as vigilantes, but they didn’t even bother to hide it from him.
“It’s cute,” Diana said. “How much they try to make their parents happy.”
“Very funny. What if something actually happens, though?”
“Then your Super-Bro will pick you up from Paris,” Kate replied. “And ten years ago you were working alone. Now you’ve got me and Dick and Jason and Babs to look over Gotham. We got this.”
Her words would have been more encouraging if they weren’t followed up by her narrowly avoiding a brick being thrown at her.
Nevertheless, he still pretended to buy WE having an emergency in their Paris branch and one of Gotham’s smuggler rings operating from Paris as well.
The kids’ happy expressions were worth it.
Dick felt maybe a little guilty for lying to Tim. It was true, they tried to give Bruce and Batman some alone time once in a while and Valentine’s day was perfect for it. This time though, they needed the two men away so they could properly get to Tim.
Truth be told, he’d been skeptical when Barbara and Jason had pitched the idea to him. Training Tim and giving him a home was one thing, bringing him into the active side of the vigilante life a whole other deal.
The longer he watched Tim though, the more could he see it. The teenager was smart, dedicated, skilled and – like Jason had said – he knew what Robin meant.
Though, seeing him be questioned about the law, recent gang activity, weapons, the Justice League, and various Gotham residing companies by Babs all while sparing with Jason, made Dick pity Tim.
Dick’s Robin training had been way more relaxed, but he also hadn’t had three older siblings.
If not for the fact that Jason had made Tim’s favorite smoothie for him, Tim would assume the older boy was trying to murder him. It was day three of their spontaneous ‘sibling-bonding weekend’ and Tim was pretty sure his whole body was dying. He had never had to think or work out this much. He was sore all over. The training mats he was lying on were becoming his favorite spot to be, right after his bathtub and his bed.
“And how do you feel?” Dick asked.
“Like Superman decided I was a threat and went several rounds in the ring with me because I couldn’t recall that the Kryptonite is locked with a special key, and three different locks behind the secret entrance-“
“Woah, woah, Timbit,” Jason interrupted. “That’s enough trivia. Didn’t think you could learn this much in three days.”
“Mhm,” Barbara muttered from the desk of the Bat-Computer. “You own me fifty bucks.”
Tim frowned. “Wait. You bet on this?”
“Oooh, yeah. This has been two months in the making?” Dick glanced at Jason, who nodded in confirmation.
“Yeah, putting together a time table for three days wasn’t fun, I tell you, but the results are pretty amazing.”
Jason smiled and dropped down on the mats right next to Tim to mess up his sweaty hair.
“Urgh, gross,” he cursed and rubbed his hands on his sweat pants.
“But- why did you do this?”
The three heroes in front of Tim shared a look and Tim got the distinct impression that he was missing a big piece labeled ‘context’ in bright neon colors here.
“Your parents will be back in a few hours,” Barbara said.
(Tim wondered what it meant that his first instinct wasn’t to think about his own parents but-)
“I guess that means it’s time,” Dick said and walked over to the display cases in which the various Robin uniforms were kept. From in-between them, he pulled forward a small gift-wrapped box.
“Catch!” He shouted and threw it in Tim’s direction.
Heart beating fast, Tim jumped up to catch it. The package wasn’t bigger than his palm and surrounded by Christmas themed paper.
“Christmas? Really?” Jason snorted, but Dick just shrugged.
“Didn’t have anything better at home. Go on, Tim, open it. If you want it, it’s yours.”
Carefully, Tim unwrapped the gift, revealing a cardboard box. He could feel the others’ stares on him but didn’t dare look up. They had put a lot of thought into this and spend so much time with him. He couldn’t disappoint them.
Tim opened the box and came face to face with a shiny black and gold emblem.
“You said it yourself,” Jason said. “Batman needs a Robin and I’m not putting on the green tights again.”
“What Jason means,” Dick added, “is that we really can’t be responsible for Batman running around without a talented little pipsqueak cracking masterful puns. So if you want to be Robin, you have our blessings. You only need to convince the other two overprotective idiots of this house.”
It took all of Tim’s strength not to burst into tears right then and there. He was thankful though that Jason and Dick dragged him over to Babs for a group hug. 
Bruce didn’t even know why he had assumed it would end differently. Tim had been skittish the whole week and Bruce had watched the Cave’s security tapes, just to make sure they hadn’t tried to hide an explosion from him again.
“I‘m fairly skilled in a multitude of martial arts now,“ Tim began his speech.
“No,” Batman replied.
At the other end of the Cave, Nightwing and Magpie were supposed to be sparring, but they couldn’t be listening in more obviously.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
Tim pouted.
“You’re not becoming Robin, Tim.”
Tim crossed his arms and held his chin high. Batman recognized that stance instantly, he did it fairly often himself. Maybe Clark had been right when he said that it was freaky to work alongside his kids because they all had the same body language during missions.
“I already talked to Bruce and he said that Batman needs a Robin.”
Honestly, what was it with his children lying to him?
Nevertheless, Bruce couldn’t help but crack a smile. “Did he really?”
And Tim had the audacity to nod, all serious like he wasn’t lying straight to Bruce’s face. His poker face was pretty already, not too many cracks in the mask. The kids had done an excellent job training and it would be a shame if that training went to waste.
So, Bruce really couldn’t argue against Tim, could he?
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pufflyhallows · 6 years
Professional Players
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Pairing: Oliver Wood x reader
Request: Hello!!! I was wondering, if you're up for it, to write for Oliver Wood. Problem is I don't even know what I want really. I want something with feels and fluff, but I want something that is so Oliver, but he is so in his feels like do you see his feels for Quidditch?? Anyways, if the reader could be a year younger? To really give him another level of caring like guiding through life kind of way..I don't know my boyfriend brought something like that up the other day and Oliver seems to fit that.
a/n: I hope this is close to what you wanted! thanks again for requesting, I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much <3
Summary: Oliver needs help to decide the next move on his career and you’re there for him. 
Warnings: none
Word count: 3,109
Quidditch. What a lovely word. It brings so many emotions to your core whenever you hear it. Excitement, happiness, euphoria, joy, sometimes anger, but mostly love. The reason why that word is so dear to you is that it reminds you of the sweetest person you know. Your boyfriend.
Being in a relationship with a boy rather… obsessed with Quidditch is a patience exercise. In the beginning, you didn’t really like the sport, but you learned to love it just like him. And everything was so much more fun once you two started enjoying it together.
When you first saw him play after you started dating, the sport became something so wild. You never thought you could flinch and gasp as much as you did that day. The concern and fear of him getting hurt were all too real. He had been seriously hurt before and you were afraid it could happen again. But it didn’t. It never did. As he liked to say, you were his lucky charm.
Oliver was a very focused and determined boy. A little stubborn too. That particular trait of his character caused a few fights throughout your relationship, but nothing you two couldn’t work out. He had many qualities that you cherished. He was understanding, supportive, caring and kind. Oliver was perfect.
You weren’t any different through his eyes. You were the best thing that ever happened to him and he always liked to make sure you knew it.
One lazy Sunday afternoon, you were sitting by the fireplace and reading a random book you had found in the Common Room. There weren’t many students around since most of them would go out and enjoy the sunny free day instead of staying inside.
‘Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,  that I shall say good night till it be morrow.’
It was a very sad and tragic story. It must’ve been a muggle book.
“Did you know Puddlemere United is Dumbledore’s favorite team?” your boyfriend asked as he sat on the couch, dragging you away from the world you were immersed in.
“Oh, hey!” you greeted him, “How was practice? And no, I didn’t.”
“It was nice. Listen, they’ve just sent me this,” he handed you an envelope and you frowned.
He pointed at the information written on the paper and you gasped.
“Puddlemere United!” your eyes widened, “Is this…?”
“Read it,” Oliver spoke through an amused smirk.
Greetings, Mr. Wood.
We have followed your performance and ability development throughout the years and we’ve concluded your profile is exactly what we look for in our players.
The Puddlemere United Team would be honored to have you in the position of reserve Keeper, gracing us with your skills and experience in field.
Please take your time to make your decision and don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope you join our team as soon as you finish your studies.
Best regards, Jacob Winston Puddlemere United’s Manager
“Oh my God, Oliver!” you looked at him with the biggest smile, “This is amazing!”
You rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you,” you whispered in his ear.
“Thank you, love,” he smiled as you sat back, “But I also got this.”
Oliver took the Puddlemere United letter from your hand and gave you another envelope.
You opened it feeling curious.
Dear, Mr. Wood.
It is with great pleasure that I write to offer you the position of reserve Keeper in the Chudley Cannons’ Team. After several months of keeping up with your progress and training, we’ve decided you are the best option for us.
We hope you accept our invitation and join us as soon as possible. The Chudley Cannons look forward to your reply.
Sincerely, Ragmar Dorkins Chudley Cannons’ Manager
You laughed. Your boyfriend was one of the most talented people you’ve ever met, so it wasn’t a surprise that two famous teams wanted him to be part of them. Still, you laughed nervously.
“I… don’t know what to say,” you looked at him, “This is more than amazing.”
“I’m still trying to process it,” he chuckled, “It’s so surreal.”
“I am so, so proud of you, Oliv. Congratulations,” you hugged him again. This time, tears of joy insisted to overflow your eyes and you took your time before sitting back.
“Thank you,” Oliver replied in a choked voice. Now that was a surprise.
“Are you… Are you crying, love?” you asked as you reached out and gently placed a hand on his cheek.
“Y-Yeah, sorry,” he rubbed his eyes before the tears could fall down.
“What? Don’t be sorry! I’m just... surprised,” you chuckled lightly and caressed his face with your thumb, “You’re emotional. That’s completely normal. Don’t suppress it.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” he sighed relieved that you weren’t judging him. You never did, why would you?
You hugged him one more time.
“So…” you sat straight, “Which one are you choosing?”
“I have no idea yet,” he admitted.
“Well, you know I don’t know much about sports, but I can help,” you offered.
“That would be great. Thanks again, doll,” he gave you a shy smile.
“But let’s relax for now. I can see you’re tense,” you lay back on the sofa and pulled him to lie on top of you.
“I am, actually. I’m nervous too,” Oliver spoke against your neck, giving you a tingling sensation.
“Everything is going to be just fine,” you whispered as you started running your fingers up and down his back, “I’m sure we’ll find the answers you need and you’ll make the right decision.”
“I really hope so.”
The day after Oliver received his letters, you were already in the library doing your research. You found very interesting books that gave you very interesting information, but you were still struggling to figure out how it could help you.
You read about both teams’ histories and all about the leagues and cups. By the end of the day, you finally truly understood Quidditch and you sensed you had the answers your boyfriend needed.
Feeling happy and excited, you left the library and headed back to the Common Room.
Oliver was chatting with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley when you approached him with an optimistic look on your face.
“Hi,” you greeted the three boys.
“Hey! Where were you?” Oliver asked curiously.
“At the library. I know all the Quidditch fouls now,” you joked.
“Oh, really?” he smiled at you, “Well, Ron was telling me about why I should choose the Cannons.”
“They’re simply the best team to ever exist,” Ron said matter-of-factly.
“But they haven’t won the League since 1892,” you reasoned.
“They haven’t?” Oliver seemed surprised, “But at least they were fourth in 1992.”
“Actually, they were ninth,” you corrected him politely.
Your boyfriend looked at you in a way he had never done before. He seemed… shocked, and slightly embarrassed.
“So what?” Ron protested, “That doesn’t mean they’re not a good team.”
“I’m pretty sure it d-“
“You’re right, Ron,” Oliver interrupted you, “Now if you excuse us, Y/N and I need to talk.”
“Bye,” you waved at the two boys as you followed your boyfriend to his dorm.
“I think Ron is a bit deluded,” you commented once you were alone with Oliver.
“Yeah. Listen, were you reading about Chudley Cannons at the library?” the boy asked and you nodded, “Y/N! You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did! I told you I would help.”
“But you spent the whole day there. I thought you were studying important things.”
“This is important, Oliv. It’s your future.”
“You didn’t have to, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes. Your boyfriend’s stubbornness was the only annoying thing about him.
“Do you wanna know what I found out?” you proposed before that little discussion could become another silly fight.
Oliver looked at you quite hesitantly before giving a positive response.
“Cannons’ motto is ‘Let's all just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best’,” you said. 
“What? I thought it was ‘We shall conquer’.”
“It was. They changed it in 1972.”
“Oh, Merlin. Why didn’t I know that?”
“Because the Chudley Cannons are usually on the background and you focus on teams like Montrose Magpies, Wimbourne Wasps, and Puddlemere United,” you explained, “In other words, winners.”
“Well, it’s true that the Chudley Cannons don’t make as many appearances as the ones you’ve mentioned, but… Ron told me they have won the League 21 times,” Oliver argued, “And Puddlemere United won 22 times. It isn’t a big difference.”
“Ron is right, the Cannons did win 21 times,” you nodded, “But the last one was in 1892 like I said downstairs. And they never won the European Cup, while Puddlemere United won two times.”
“Okay,” Oliver sat on his bed, “So you want me to choose Puddlemere United?”
“I want you to choose, so I’m telling you the facts,” you shrugged, “The Chudley Cannons won the Josef Wronski Award for Excellent Pitch Skills in 1931. They’re not as bad as I may have implied.”
You swallowed hard. You wanted him to choose Puddlemere. The Cannons were known for their ill luck and you wanted your boyfriend to be happy and successful. But you also wanted him to make his own decision.
Oliver chuckled, which made you frown and cross your arms silently.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too,” you replied, “but I don’t understand.”
“I’m just in shock. How can I be so lucky?”
You didn’t say anything, waiting for him to continue.
“When you said you were going to help me, I thought you were just going to listen to me and… I don’t know, talk. I didn’t think you would spend the day at the library and come back as a human encyclopedia. I don’t deserve that, Y/N. You really didn’t have to.”
“Stop saying that, Oliver! It’s your career we’re talking about. I know how important it is to you,” you sat next to him, “And it is important to me too. You don’t think your happiness matters to me?”
“Actually, no. I didn’t think it mattered that much,” he confessed as he put one arm around your shoulder and pulled you close enough for him to kiss your forehead, “Thank you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, silly,” you gave him a soft kiss on the lips, “And stop thinking that I don’t care about you.”
“I never thought that. It’s just… I hadn’t realized how much you cared and I’m glad to know it’s almost just as much as I care about you.”
“Almost?” you giggled.
“Love, trust me. No one will ever care about someone as much as I care about you. It’s impossible.”
“Aw, stop,” you hid your face on your hands and you both laughed.
Oliver moved your hands away from your face and kissed you. He kissed you gently, in a tender way that made you feel every inch of your body alive. He had that power of making you feel like you owned the world every time he put his hands on you.
“Next year, I will be the reserve Keeper of the Puddlemere United’s Team,” your boyfriend stated, revealing his choice. 
“And I’ll be here, missing you but also rooting for you every single day,” you smiled sadly but feeling really proud of him. 
“C’mon, Y/N!” Layla knocked on your dorm’s door, “You said we would meet in the common room in five minutes! It’s been fifteen bloody minutes!”
“I’m coming!” you yelled back as you put on your earrings. 
The Yule Ball was something you weren’t quite excited about. The Triwizard Tournament was cool and you liked it! But the ball itself... kind of made you feel sad. You wished so badly that Oliver was there with you. How would he react if he saw you in that dress? 
You didn’t want to go initially, but your best friend Layla insisted so much that you gave in. She was really happy about that ball. Of course she was! If you had your boyfriend with you like she did, you would be happy too. 
“I’m here,” you said in a very emotionless tone after you left your dorm and met your friend outside.
“Gee, girl. Cheer up! We’re gonna have fun!” she smiled excitedly, “And, oh my God, you look stunning!”
“Thanks,” you gave her a tiny smile back, “You too.”
Layla intertwined her arm with yours and pulled you gently but firmly towards the Great Hall, where the ball would take place.
Would he like your dress? You knew Oliver was doing more important things at that exact moment, but you couldn’t stop imagining his reaction. Would he notice you were wearing the ring he gave you before leaving Hogwarts? 
“Hello? Is Y/N there?” Layla called and you realized you two were standing at the Great Hall entrance, “Are you okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I just...” you sighed, “wish he was here.”
“I know,” she replied in a very odd tone, looking at you with a weird expression. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“Nope,” she looked away, “I m-mean, nothing.”
You frowned at her. She was hiding something. 
“Hey, beautiful,” a boy approached Layla and threw his arm around her waist, pulling her for a kiss. And a very eager one. You felt really uncomfortable. 
“I think I’m gonna go in now,” you said while they still kissed, “The opening is about to start and... you’re not listening.”
You walked away feeling upset. Layla had promised she wouldn’t forget about you as soon as her boyfriend appeared. But she did, like always. 
Inside, the Great Hall didn’t look like the usual big room with four long tables. The decoration looked so lovely and all the students seemed so happy that you felt a tiny little sparkle of joy inside your chest. The energy on the room was quite contagious. 
When the opening started, Layla and her boyfriend were nowhere to be seen.
“Typical,” you snorted to yourself.
The four school champions entered the hall with their dates and did all the formalities the occasion required. Professor McGonagall looked quite satisfied with their performance. Soon enough, other students started dancing along with the champions and even a couple of teachers joined them as well. That was your cue to find a table and sit for the rest of the night. Three boys had asked you to be their date days before the Ball, but you declined all of them.
You walked over to the most discrete table you could find and sat down. You looked around and spotted several glasses and drinks on a balcony. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to have a few. 
You stood up and grabbed the first bottle you saw. When you poured the liquid in a glass and took it to have a sip, hands covered your eyes from behind and you smelled the very familiar scent that came along with the action. You heart skipped a beat. 
“Oliver?”, you asked as you touched the also familiar strong hands. 
“Surprise,” he whispered in your ear before uncovering your eyes and spinning you around. 
“Oliv!” you jumped on him and hugged him as tight as you could, not letting go for a couple of minutes. Oliver hugged you back and kissed your cheek, jaw and neck several times. 
“Oh, I missed you so much...” he breathed against your skin. 
“I missed you too.”
Your boyfriend moved away only to kiss you deeply and eagerly after months apart from you. You were aware that people could see you two making out like that, but you didn’t care. You loved that boy more than anything. Maybe you wouldn’t judge Layla so much next time.
Oliver stopped the kiss after you were both out of breath. He had a big smile on his face and his lips were rosy from your lipstick. 
“You look... Wow... I don’t have enough words to describe how beautiful you look right now,” he said as he scanned your entire body. 
“Thank you, love,” you smiled feeling your cheeks slightly warm, “And you look really hot. I might have to fight some girls tonight as they can’t take their eyes off of you.”
“I can say the same about the guys in here,” he joked and moved closer for another kiss. A quick one this time. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, “I mean, is it allowed?”
“Yeah. I talked to Professor McGonagall about this weeks ago. She said she saw no problem with it.”
“Oh, I’m so happy you’re here,” you smiled and hugged him again. 
“Me too. I thought I wouldn’t make it,” he said, “We had practice the entire day, that’s why I was late.”
“What matters is that you’re here. But you must be so tired!” you pulled him gently to the table you were sitting at before and he sat down.
“I am, but I would run a marathon right now if that meant I would get to see you,” he confessed as he pulled you to sit on his lap.
“You’re cute,” you joked and wiped the stain of lipstick on his lips, “You should thank Layla. I didn’t wanna come but she really insisted. It even got annoying at a certain point.”
“Oh, did she?” Oliver nodded slightly, pretending to think, “What a nice friend.”
You raised an eyebrow at him before you finally understood.
“It was a setup!” your jaw dropped as he started laughing, “She knew!”
“Well, I had to make sure you would be here,” he shrugged.
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed as well, “But everything makes sense now.”
“Good,” he gave you another peck on the lips, “Now, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you, m’lady?”
“Hm, I don’t know...” you teased, “I only dance with professional Quidditch players.”
“Oh. You’re a lady with very high standards.”
“Indeed. But I will make an exception for you because you’re quite cute.”
“I’m honored.”
You exchanged a smile before Oliver guided you through the people towards the dance-floor, where multiple couples were dancing already, including Layla and her boyfriend.
When she saw the two of you dancing together, she waved at you with a guilty smile. You waved back wearing a thankful one.
“I thought it would be a really boring night,” you admitted to Oliver, “I’m glad to see I was wrong.”
“I’m glad too,” he smiled, “I missed you.”
“I missed you more.”
Your boyfriend softly pressed his lips against yours and pulled you even closer to him. 
That night was far from being boring...
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Just a short flight.
((Two different threads that, as usual, I spaced on cleaning up for a post. Some things added for clarity as it was a quick back and forth at a lot of points. Hello there @absintheabsence being so nice with not explaining how this type of flight worked then just shoving Calleo out the window. :D ))
This letter is, of course, in the form of a little bird that flies around the room several times before shifting into a question mark and hanging itself obnoxiously in front of Gellert’s face.
It’s smacked aside, but not unkindly. “Silly bird.”
“Don’t want to go flying in the snow, hm?” Calleo pulled himself up to kneel on the couch, draping his arms over the back of it to wait for an answer.
“Queerly enough, I hadn’t caught that meaning at all. I worried you had been enquiring after such dangerous territory as my mental state.” He’s already flicking the window open. Grindelwald clucked his tongue at the wolpertinger that raises his head, sleepily, from one of his baskets. “No, little one, not for you.”
“Your mental state is as reasonably solid as mine is at any given time anyway,” He was at the window already as well, “One of these times, I ought to try it the way you do it just to see how it differs.”
“Knife or pin?” Right down to business.
​ “I’m in a knife mood." Calleo laughed far to brightly for the situation. "No particular reason beyond I’m less likely to drop it.”
“You assume much in thinking that I hadn’t at least toyed with the prospect of doing the honors myself- but ah well, that’s how we learn after all. Carefully, wait for the wind, three drops.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say no," Calleo offered, "especially since I have no idea what I’m actually doing or what you specifically did the last time.”
“That pretty hand, then, if you please.” Gellert waited with as much patience as he ever had.
Calleo’s hand (still attached to the wrist and arm at least!) as handed over without hesitation.
Grindelwald’s bony fingers close tight around it for a moment with a strength that may have surprised anyone else before deeply pricking the pad of Calleo’s middle finger. The rich color welling up is almost brighter than the silver blade that now sees use nearly every day.
Better use for that thing than leaving it in a Ministry wall, hm?” Even if Calleo hadn’t known better than to whine about being lightly stabbed, it never really hurt that much anyway, though it always did seem to make the finger instinctively curl inward.
“And this trick is typically reserved for Dark Lords- we all find new purposes." “Tap gently against your thumb for each drop; the wind will carry them once it picks up again.” Snow is swirling into the cell now.
“I always wondered how they did that! It’s so–less horrible than I suppose everyone would imagine,” he gently tapped against his thumb for each drop and just…kind of stood there watching.
Grindelwald watched them fall into the mist and the spray of the sea far, far below them. Then he laid a tender hand on the center of his paramour’s back- and pushed.
Calleo’s first instinct was to shift into a form he knew could fly but, doing that would defeat the purpose of learning how to do it this way. It wouldn’t be right to say he was graceful but, at the very least, he didn’t slam face first into the ground and managed to gain some measure of control–at least enough to turn around grin up at the positively lovely man who had pushed him out the window. “Sweet of you to remember I learn best under immense pressure!” He called over the ever present howling wind and lighting--even if it was snowing, there was still lightning somehow.
Drifting gracefully down over him, the crash of the icy waves close enough to wet their heels, the old man chucks him under the chin. “Would you love me if I forgot such things?”
“This is definitely interesting. A bit easier to control as well but, in fairness, I don’t spend a lot of time as a bird.”
“And I would love you if you forgot such things, but I’d wonder how you forgot!”
“Oh, hey!” Calleo’s generalised curiosity about the flying shifted back to Gellert, and a slow, stupid grin spread across his face, “I know it’s a bit cold and all but exactly how much concentration does it take to not fall?”
“Queerly enough, I’ve never tested it.” Those hands are strong.
“Want to find out? Because I do.” Another borderline stupid grin. “Probably a totally inappropriate use if the ability to do this at all but where’s the fun in proper?”
“You’re incorrigible. Lead on, spirit; do your worst.”
“Well, maybe not my worst until I figure out if we’ll stay up here and not end up on the rocks. Or in the water.” Calleo squinted toward the ground, definitely not wanting to land on rocks just as a general rule.
“I can carry us both if you begin to fail.” Grindelwald’s statement was, for the most part, matter-of-fact. Possibly with a mild hint to hurry it up.
“Oh, well, in that case, I’ll do my worst! This should be fun!” Calleo clapped his hands together before taking a minute to figure out how to actually move around reasonably well.
“Pay at least a touch of attention to the updrafts-“ And the rest is swearing, snatched away by the wind.
I can multitask.” Not strictly a verbal reply, but clear enough.
((And back inside the cell for the new thread--the technicality is that he only has to remain confined to Nurmengard, and they did not leave Nurmengard. Follow the letter of the law, not the spirit!))
"I just went through all of the motions of making coffee and forgot to add the actual coffee," Calleo grinned up at Gellert, "If there was ever a sign I needed coffee, that would be it."
“What would you like in it?”
“You mean apart from coffee I assume. Nothing really. Just black.”
“You’re getting a drop of something stronger to warm you up.” From the sound of it, Calleo didn’t have the option to say no there; he probably could have but, really, it was just alcohol.
“That’ll probably take more than a drop.” He got a sly little grin with that statement.
“You know, that’ll probably be much nicer come Spring. Oh! Or even Summer or Autumn! Still, no complaints and now I know it’s a thing that’s possible!” Still grinning, "Really, it was great fun!"
“Mad little magpie." Grindelwald shook his head, "You haven’t even dried your hair yet; let me do it for you.”
“I’m not about to stop you; it takes ages to dry on its own. I still can’t believe that worked!”
“I still can’t believe I neglected to realize the real danger until it was- forgive me- a tad late.” A twist of his wand and Calleo is shrouded in hot steam for an instant, before suffering from an unfortunate case of puffiness.
"Well, nobody died or got injured--I look like a Puffskein!–and being a bit wet isn’t injured–so no harm done!”
“And you’re absolutely certain nothing harmful… escaped, shall we say.” Possibly a little tinge of paranoia in that statement.
“Yeah," Calleo shrugged almost dismissively up at Gellert, as though it should have been obvious, "I kept a little set of containment charms around the immediate area. Anything that hit them would have been–removed I guess. Or at least rendered inert and unidentifiable.”
“Mm.” He’s clearly pleased as he uncorks a bottle of something strong-smelling. “Shame on me for underestimating you. I should have known better.”
“I do like to think I’m familiar enough with you at this point to just know the sorts of little things that would bother you.” Calleo craned his neck a little, “What’s in the bottle then?”
“Extremely loosely- schnapps.” There’s a small conflagration in the cup as he pours.
“Stronger than that if it lights up just being poured!” Still, Calleo had to admit the idea of coffee mixed with something that exploded on contact with it was interesting, to say the least.
“It’s the closest in taste, at least." The cup was handed over. "Drink up.”
“This seems like an unnecessary and convenient excuse to get me drunk.” The statement is good natured enough and he does take the offered cup, “If it were schnapps I’d probably just take it as a shot since it’s not mixed with anything.”
“There’s drinking, my dear, and there’s medicine; this is the latter.”
“For what, exactly?” Regardless, he drank it anyway. “I’m pretty sure it’s a myth that you catch cold by being out in the cold–or by getting wet.”
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heartslogos · 5 years
newfragile yellows [535]
All the things Bull was going to say sputter in his mouth, replaced with a burst of anger and jealousy so hot that even he’s surprised by it. He likes to think he knows himself pretty well. Apparently that isn’t true, because he’s never been so jealous over seeing two people together.
Ellana is sitting in her favorite window chair in their solar, and Abelas is with her. This is not unusual, he is her personal guard and her friend. He’s walked in on this a hundred and more times before and never felt anything about it.
What’s different is that their fingers are tangled so tightly he can see the white of Ellana’s knuckles from here, and Ellana’s mouth presses against the back of Abelas’ hands before she presses their conjoined hands to her forehead. Abelas is kneeling at her feet, heads close as they whisper to each other.
His gut sours. It isn’t very often he finds himself caught the wrong foot and he doesn’t know how to act. He shouldn’t even be angry. And yet —
The two elves turn towards him, hands flowing apart easily as Abelas rises and walks towards him. Ellana turns towards the window and Bull realizes that her eyes are wet as she raises a shaking hand to brush at the flow of tears.
Abelas’ hand is firm on his elbow as he whispers, “We need to speak.”
His instincts are torn. He’s angry. He’s confused. But he’s also very, very concerned. He hasn’t known his lady wife for very long, but he does know that she doesn’t seem the type to cry. Unless he’s been missing something that she’s hiding, and aside from her being the former Master of Whispers, keeper of spies and assassins, head of an entire sect of the Dalish pantheon, he’s pretty sure there isn’t anything else he missed.
Ellana rises in one smooth motion, eyes forward as if drawing herself together. And then she walks, calmly, quite composed, into the unused bedroom adjoining the solar that neither of them have slept in since that terrible storm months ago. The door closes shut behind her very softly.
Abelas pulls on his arm and he follows the man outside.
“We received a series of messages this morning,” Abelas says, voice low as he holds out a series of small rolls of paper to Bull.
Bull’s ability to read elvhen is limited, but it’s grown over the past few months. Most of them aren’t even in code. All of them read along the same lines.
There is cacophony in the rest.
Silence has been broken by the aubade.
The brass horns shout the choir into submission.
The choir is without voice.
“The Temple of Silence has fallen,” Abelas says. “I would say that we received it by pigeon, but we received it by every single type of bird possible. Raven, hawk, pigeon, falcon, owl, kestrel, crow, magpie, parrot. It’s been coming in since before dawn. The aviary is astoundingly varied in its current occupants. All of the Dales knows, I suspect. Dirthamen’s Temple has been taken by Elgar’nan.”
“Is that possible?” Bull asks.
(He is still angry, but now ashamed and angry at himself for thinking unfairly of the pair earlier. He should know better. He does know better. Perhaps, now, years later, he is finally starting to come apart without the guidance of the Qun. Maybe now is where he becomes a beast and it couldn’t be worst timing.)
“It is not the first time a temple has been laid siege to by another,” Abelas replies slowly, “My own temple was invaded and occupied by the Ash Sister for a time, before we gained help from Andruil and the Dread Wolf’s ken to push Sylaise back to her bower. And it is not unusual for there to be less violent means of taking control of another. Certain Head Priests are puppets, or there have been cases where temples were so overwhelmingly riddled with spies and betrayers that they were nonfunctioning. And frankly, this move is to be expected. A temple is always at its weakest when a new Head Priest is ascending. It is…simply hard not to take it personally.”
“It isn’t personal?” Bull’s eyebrow raises.
“Speak to your wife,” Abelas says, instead. “If she would have it. If not, allow her silence. It is the retreat of her kind.” The man hesitates. “In my presence I have never seen you fail to be gentle with her. I hope that in my absence this trend continues. Especially now. Good luck, my lord.”
Abelas gives him a quick bow and retreats down the hall towards the aviary.
Bull returns to the solar and knocks on the closed door to what is currently their ensuite study, and what was once his lady’s room’s before she moved into his full time.
“Ellana,” Bull calls through gently, easing the door open. “Ellana.”
She’s sitting on the bed, hands shaking as she wipes her face. There’s a pillow next to her that looks crumpled, as though she were screaming into it or just hitting it.
His knee has been bothering him recently so it takes him a cumbersome series of movements to kneel down in front of her as Abelas was before. Something in him sighs in relief when she instantly takes his offered hand and pulls it to her face. His thumb catches against the shivering of her lip.
“They killed her,” Ellana croaks out, “My little raven girl. My apprentice and successor, Astharte.”
Ellana’s nails dig into his skin and he waits for the story to pour out of her.
“I haven’t had a single word from her since I left the Dales,” Ellana whispers. “But — I thought it was fine. That she didn’t have the time. I made sure everything was ready for her, I cleaned house so thoroughly and everyone around her was hand picked and trained by me. They are all loyal to me and her. They are hers just as much as they were mine. I had been training her for that moment for five years. I thought she was — and then word came that she had been. I knew that the Sun had his damned claws into my temple but. I didn’t think — I thought it would end there, at the puppetry. I didn’t — “
Ellana chokes on her words and Bull shushes her softly.
“They killed her,” Ellana manages bowing with the string of the words, face contorted in pain. “I — did they even do the last rites properly? I. Gods be good, let it have been with honor, my poor girl.”
“It isn’t your fault,” Bull says softly. “There wasn’t anything you could have done.”
“If I had stayed there,” Ellana whispers, jaw clamping shut as she squeezes her eyes and his hand. Bull’s heart sinks a little.
“Do you want to go back?”
Ellana shakes her head.
“No. She’s already gone and my temple laid to waste,” Ellana says. “But. It’s like — it’s like if you left Morrin and you heard. You heard that Krem had been killed while you were away. It hurts. You’ve worked so hard with him, and you did your best to make sure he was ready for whatever may come his way and that he could do what he needs to do without you. And you’ve seen him accomplish a great many thing without you. But one day you look back and you find him gone, destroyed, and all of that — years of closeness and pride and…and promise. Gone. It. It hurts.”
Bull’s throat closes a little when she paints that picture, though he wouldn’t admit it outlaid to Aclassi.
“What do you need, Ellana?”
“I don’t know,” Ellana sniffles a little. “It’s — I know it wasn’t an attack against me personally. This was just another move in the game. But it feels like one. Her parents trusted me with her, Bull. When I took her under my service and named her my successor they trusted me to protect her and to build her up into something great. And now she will never be anything again.”
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kinkyacademia · 6 years
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This was so fun to write, Tamaki is such a sweetie! Of course you may have some cute Tamaki hatchie! And thank you for such kind manners! 💕
You fidgeted as you sat in Principle Nedzu’s office, you had known U.A was big based on the pictures but now being inside of it...it was just intimidating. Your family had just moved to Japan due to your father’s new job, it was sheer luck that one of the students in 1B had been transferring out as well due to a family move. You still could hardly believe you got in, even though you had been given a glowing recommendation from your school, it was still such an honor.
“Ah don’t worry Miss L/n, you’ll fit right in here.” Nedzu says in a chipper tone as he finishes up the last of your paperwork. “If you have any problems please don’t hesitate to come to me or one of the teachers, we want to make you feel welcome here, and right at home!”
He neatly stacks his papers and hops down from his chair.
“T-thank you sir, I’m very....excited to start!” you say shakily, your Japanese still needed a lot of work, but you could manage for the most part.
Nedzu hands you your official student ID.
“Wonderful! let’s get you to your first classes!” he says and scuttles over to the door.
“Um...sir, how do I get there?” you begin as he opens the door.
“Not to worry Miss L/n! Meet Amajiki Tamaki, he is a third year here and he’ll be your guide today!” you wonder if the principle is always this happy as he proudly ushers in the student.
Oh! you felt your face heat up at the new arrival. He was undoubtably handsome; at a few inches taller than you with dark hair and a shy expression on his face, your heart goes pitter-patter. You swallow and tried to gather yourself.
“Um, hello, I’m F/n L/n, it’s nice to meet you. “ you manage, you almost reach out to shake his hand but remember that the customs are different; you bow lowly instead.
He clears his throat and looks almost uncomfortable addressing you.
“I’m Amajiki Tamaki.” his glances at you but mostly gazes off to the side. You really hope you didn’t make a bad first impression. “I’ll be escorting you today...um...nice to meet you.” at last he looks directly at you, a small shy smile on his lips.
You felt your heart clench, he was just...so cute.
“Ah wonderful! I’ll let you two get on your way then!” Nedzu gently ushers you both out of the office. “Have a lovely day you two! and remember Plus Ultra!”
Then you were alone with Tamaki. You both stood quietly in the hall; you toed at the floor, not sure what to say...the third year seemed very interested in a spot on the wall.
“Uhhh...” you finally say.
“S-sorry, let me show you to your class.” he casts you a side glance and gives you another sheepish smile.
“Thank you for your help Tamaki.” you say with a kind smile.
He sputters and his face goes red, even the tips of his pointed ears become a light shade of pink. You’re about to ask him what’s wrong when he quickly motions for you to follow him.
Your extremely thankful that Nedzu assigned you to someone that knew the school so well, you are certain by the time you reached your class that you would have become horribly lost without Tamaki.
“Your classes are here.” he points at the door. “Your Professor is Vlad King...” he trails off unsure of what else to say.
“Thank you...ummm” you stand awkwardly outside the classroom. “I know this sounds silly but how...what time is lunch?”
“Oh it’s at noon, the cafeteria is on the first level.”
another pause.
“How, exactly do I get there?” you blush, you realize that you could just ask one of your classmates that. “S-sorry! nevermind!”
“I...can come pick you up and take you there.” he clears his throat and fidgets a little.
“Oh!...thank you.” you reply, your blush growing darker.
You both look anywhere but each other.
“Well I better get to class, thanks again!” you say in a rush and open the classroom door and step inside. You give Tamaki one last glance and a small smile and wave before closing the door behind you. You don’t get to see the small wave he returns before heading off to his class.
Tamaki arrived right on time and quietly took you down to the cafeteria, he didn’t seem to mind that that you did most of the talking, even though some of your sentences were a bit rudimentary.
The cafeteria was incredible, you had never seen anything like it and you found your stomach grumbling as you got in line for your lunch. You were a bit new to Japanese food and you ended up asking Tamaki what is favorite was. He had seemed surprised at your question but shyly told you and you ended up with some amazing looking curry and rice.
After you gathered your food and drinks he leads you over to a table with two people already sitting. They both cheerily introduced themselves.
Togata Mirio was friendly and confident boy with a kind smile and a can do attitude that you could help but admire. Hado Nejire was just as friendly and easy to talk to and they both welcomed you to the table happily.
You fell into easy conversation with your two new acquaintances, Tamaki seemed to be content with mostly listening in, but he was more at ease than earlier.
“So you’ve been getting the grand tour?” Mirio says cheerfully.
“Yeah, Tamaki has been a great help!” you reply.
Next to you the dark haired boy chokes on his drink and Mirio and Nejire become suddenly quiet. Then the two of them are laughing and Tamaki is sputtering, his face impossibly red.
“What? did I say something?” you asked in concern, glancing back and forth from everyone at the table.
“I realize it’s probably a little strange.” Mirio begins and reaches across the the table to pat his friend heartily on the back as the blushing, dark haired boy continues to cough. “But in Japan it’s custom to use a person’s last name when addressing them.”
You feel a chill wash over you and you pale.
“Oh my god...I am so sorry! I thought...I thought...Tama- Amajiki why didn’t you say anything?” You are babbling now and impossibly red; this is one of the most embarrassing things you have ever done.
The blonde haired boy across from you laughs taking the lost in translation moment in stride. Nejire is still giggling at his side as she tries to eat without inhaling her food.
“I’m really sorry A-Amajiki...” you say as you turn to face him, feeling incredibly guilty.
He has stopped coughing but still had a dark blush crossing his face, that now extended up his ears and down his neck.
“It’s okay...” he mumbles.
“No, I’m really, really sorry.” you feel like crying.
“...You can call me Tamaki if you want...I don’t mind.” he then gives you a sheepish glance and a soft smile.
Mirio nearly spits out his drink in his bark of laughter.  
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