#and mathilda blushing and be like?? she would really do that? *tugs at her shirt collar
teabiscs · 3 months
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low effort, low quality, chaotic yuri, shitpost
regina is just happy to be here, while the other two lesbeans share a moment
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Seventeen: The One With the Dancing
Warnings: Explosions
Word Count: 3026
     Ever since Lily was a child, her parents were the one constant thing that never changed throughout her life. However, as each individual Osborne child grew up and grew out of the nest, things seemed to change. Their work became more of a taboo topic, and they'd never share the research they were doing. But it became worse when Lily married Scott. And it seemed as though things just...it was like there was something changing within the lives the Osborne children believed they had. Puncturing holes in that pristine image of Alicia and Abel.
Lily blamed herself for it, as she tends to do. She believed she allowed her relationship to become distant between her and her parents, which is why they didn't talk as much about these things. A part of her even believed it to be a factor from her and Scott’s marriage. She knew her parents weren't his biggest fans, and dinners were always tense. They would always pull him aside during holidays...but Lily never really thought twice.
She didn't feel the need to. She somewhat hoped that the little talks they had were them finally getting along. Because at one point, Lily did indeed love Scott. And he loved her. So she figured that was all. But that was simply the socially naive side of the girl.
It wasn't until now did she realize there was something deeper going on.
"What are you insinuating, Sergeant Barnes?" Abel countered, leaning forward.
"It was simply a question, Abel. I'm not trying to insinuate anything. It's just odd in my opinion, that's all sir." Bucky smiled gently, sipping on his own coffee.
"I-I found it a bi-bit odd as well." Lily managed, heat flushing as all eyes turned to her. She wasn't exactly known to defy her parents or speak out really. Even Bucky seemed taken aback. But she persisted, her heart racing, "I mean I called you a month ago. I figured y-you'd come down before."
Even when it came down to dire situations, Lily had a rough time standing up to her parents. Well, she struggled with everyone doing that. But her parents posed particular trouble for her. She appreciated and loved them more than she could put into words, and never wanted them to feel as though she were defying them. Their approval was Lily's driving motive in close to everything she did. It was one of the main reasons she became a doctor, other than her sheer intelligence and love for children. She wanted to be the absolute best for them, be the best, become the best. Even at her age, standing up to her parents was difficult. Their approval was everything Lily strived for.
The only time she even slightly wavered when it came to standing up to them, was with her siblings. If they were being a tad harsh on Rose for staying out a few minutes after curfew, typically Lily would smooth it over. Cedar didn't do so well on a test and they were upset? Lily reminded them that he's trying his best and that everyone has slip-ups. That was it. Those were the only times. Except for the conversation at the cafe.
"Lily?" Alicia pondered, "I don't understand. We were worried sick we just...couldn't get down here," the blonde insisted, but the twinkle in her eyes faded, "We want to go see him today."
"Mom you're dodging..." Lily whispered, fiddling with her fingers, "Why didn't you come down when he was initially arrested?"
"Mum!" a voice called. Rose. the elder sister let out a shaky breath as she leaned back in her seat, eyes averting from her parents just across from her.
Glancing down at her lap, Lily fluttered her eyes shut. A deep instinct within her knew that there was something going on. But another part of her wanted to block it out. Hide it away. Pretend everything was fine. Act as though Cedar was walking free, her parents were simply environmental scientists, that nothing changed. She didn't like the feeling of change. The uncertainty in the air, the confusion, the constant paranoia. Her fingers began to tug at a loose thread at the end of her stark white dress, fiddling and pulling at it. Until the cool feeling of metal splayed across her wrist, rubbing smooth circles.
"Everything okay, Lil?" Gen asked, pulling the blonde out of her fixation.
"Yeah sorry. Late-night last night." she lied, giving a forced smile.
"Why don't you leave Hunt with Gen and Rose for a bit and we can go somewhere quiet?" Bucky whispered as the group went to stand, about to leave the cafe, "It's just a short walk from here, a block or so."
"Yeah...Yeah, let's do that." Lily nodded along, turning towards her parents who had already left the cafe, after telling the young girl they were going to the police station, "Hunt! Buddy why don't you stay here with auntie Rose and aunt Gen for a bit. Bucky and I have some stuff to do." the blonde smiled down at the boy, running a hand through his hair.
With a nod from her son, Lily turned her attention back to the brunette. Lily felt like the world around her was closing in. Everything was out of place and uneasy. Whether it be her parents, Cedar, or her love life actually having a spark to it. Things just wouldn't sit still. They wouldn't stop for her to catch her breath. Anytime she believed some sense of normalcy was returning, the world threw another curveball her way. She just wanted to get to know Bucky and hopefully open herself up again, maybe fall for another.
Slipping his flesh hand into Lily's, the man next to her gave a gentle squeeze. With a glance upwards, the blonde blushed at the way he looked at her. Those troubled eyes becoming clear when they rested on her fair complexion. She loved the way he looked at her. Those blue eyes staring down at her like there was no one else around. There was no confusion, no pain. Just her. He looked at her, not as Lily Osborne. Not as a single mother. Not the daughter of famous scientists. He looked at her as Lily. The brilliant mind who has suffered through emotional trauma, who continues to fight through the hard days and raise a son. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful, and the strongest woman he had met.
And his touch. Oh, his touch. Ever so feather-light yet meaningful and passionate all the same. His slight hesitation with the vibranium arm, yet never failing to overcome that slight fear. Because she made sure he knew she wasn't scared of him. She knows what he had done. Who he had killed. All the pain he had caused. But she knew it wasn't really him. It was the Winter Soldier. It wasn't James Buchanan Barnes. Not the man who watched National Geographic with her son. Not the person who cooked her dinner. Not the person who kissed her as though she'd break. His touch was the most special thing to Lily. Because he touched her like a human, and she let him with no real fear.
Bucky led the young mom from the cafe, fingers brushing gently across her knuckles as the cool November wind brushed between them. Her long blonde hair gently tossed across her face as they walked east from the cafe, dodging people. Lily had lived in the city for fifteen years, yet had no idea where was leading her. It was to a seemingly quiet part of the busy city, where there were small flower bushes and a few elderly walking about.
"Where on earth are you taking me?" Lily hummed, tugging gently at the taller man’s arm.
Twirling the blonde, Bucky chuckled before tugging her closer to his chest, "Well doll, I'm taking you dancing."
"A retirement home?" Lily laughed softly as Bucky led her through the moth-ball scented halls of the building they had entered. But he seemed distracted, waving and smiling at little old ladies and bright old men. All seemingly knowing who he is.
"James!" a voice called as the two walked through a set of double doors to a large rec room. Lily turned her head to see an older woman, dark skin wrinkled in a pug like way that made Lily's heart positively melt as she smiled, "We were worried you weren't stopping by today. And you brought a guest! Don't tell Mathilda, she may cry." the woman teased, a raspy laugh escaping her lips as the pair made their way over.
"Hey aggie," Bucky greeted softly, "This is Lily- "
"Lily!" the woman, Aggie, exclaimed, lifting her hands up, "The girl you go on and on about. Yes, I remember. She's even more beautiful in person. I'm Agnes, call me Aggie. It's lovely to finally meet you, dear. And you two made it just in time for dancing!"
Before Lily could properly introduce herself, the taller man swept the blonde away onto the beige floor that was cleared for the event. A small laugh left the girl’s lips as she stumbled into Bucky's chest, a new sense of calm washing over her. Gentle music, All About Us by He Is We Lily figured out, began to play lowly around the hall, and Lily felt Bucky's metal hand grip at her waist gently, fingers running along the blue yarn of her cardigan. His flesh one tangling itself into her fingers, bringing the girl close as she rested her frail hand on his steady shoulder.
Where her hand-laid, the slight feeling of scarring was evident through the thin cotton of his charcoal grey shirt. A shaky breath escaped from Bucky's lips and Lily glanced up, catching his eyes in hers. Her fingers gently traced the line across his shoulder where his metal arm met the human muscle of his body. Her deep forest eyes kept his sky blue locked onto hers, as they swayed gently along to the music. She felt the room melt away around her, his eyes keeping her locked in place. The feeling of the scar tissue left a fire burning on her fingers. His eyes looked scared, and that's why she didn't stop. She wanted him to know she loved that part of him.
"I know most people call men handsome," Lily whispered, their noses brushing ever so lightly, "but this part of you is beautiful. It shows strength, Buck." she continued, "I know the pain associated with it. And I can't undo it. But I'm going to help you make new memories to outshine them," she concluded, a new sense of boldness and confidence surging through her.
"I-I know it won't be easy. You being an Avenger. My current messed-up family. Raising Hunter. But the-there's something here." she continued, squeezing her eyes shut and dropping her head, "And Hunt loves you. God, I haven't seen him smile like that in so long."
The feeling of his hand dropped from her waist, only to place itself on the blonde’s chin, lifting her chin to meet his eyes once more, "I don't want to put you and Hunt in danger...I couldn't live with myself if something happened."
Shaking her head, Lily gave a weak smile, "You couldn't hurt us. I trust you with my life...I trust you with Hunter." she insisted, their faces slowly moving even closer.
"Okay...I won't complain," he teased, a gentle grin on his lips, "Let's see where this goes." he whispered, pressing a loving kiss to the blonde’s lips.
As the music continued, Lily felt something open inside of her. Something...warm. It spread through her body. Whether it was the warmth from her closeness to Bucky or the new opportunity he symbolized. A new future for her. A kinder future. One where she was able to look forward to the days to come. Not dread waking up and seeing him beside her. Waking up and seeing someone she couldn't wait to spend time with. She saw a future with him. A happy one.
The music halted in her mind. There was no noise besides the gentle breaths escaping from the pair. Peace and tranquillity surrounded them. It had only been two months since they had bumped into one another at the cafe, and that day will live forever in Lily's heart. The sneaky glances from each side of the area. Only to be brought together by a certain young boy who now seemed to be one of the driving forces in the two's relationship. Or a future one. And it just seemed to all finally fall into place. Two months can change the entire course of someone's life, and that's what happened with Lily and Bucky.
All because of blueberry pancakes.
A rumble in the ground shook Lily's mindset. The entire building shook, more like it. A shake that Lily had never felt before. It didn't come from below, no. It came from outside. Not too far from the area that they were in. Bucky's hand tightened on Lily, pulling her into his chest, acting as a shield for her. The tv station in the corner of the room switched from Golden Girls to the news, a panoramic view of an explosion. From the prison. Just two blocks away. Where Cedar was held. Lily looked up at Bucky, who had a grave look on his face.
"I have to go to work."
The only thing on her mind was Hunter. As they ran through the retirement home, Hunter. As they stepped out onto the busy street, Hunter. As they sprinted through the crowded streets, Hunter. When she came face to face with Captain America and the Falcon, Hunter. Her face sickly pale, her palms sweating as she heaved. Her breathing quick and her mind frantic. She wanted, no, needed, to see her son. Ensure he was okay and for the love of God, hide him from knowing that Cedar and his grandparents had been in that building.
"Our guess is this is an escape plan," Steve commented, turning to Bucky, "Three prisoners have escaped...Hallea Tyler, Ryan Hux, and...Cedar Osborne." the man commented, glancing down at the blonde next to his best friend.
Lily felt her knees shake. Her mind fell blank. A strong grip around her waist kept her steady, that familiar cold of the metal ticking off the fact it was Bucky. Cedar had escaped. Her parents had gone to the prison to see him, after acting strange. And now Cedar was nowhere to be found. Everything fell into place too perfectly, with too many coincidences. Glancing up at Bucky, she grabbed at his jacket before whispering the faintest word.
"Parents," she whispered, grunting as someone pushed past her, "ask."
"Is there anyone in the building?" Bucky asked, metal fingers running circles over her waist.
"They've identified those who didn't make it. No one by the name of Osborne. Your parents should be okay." Sam nodded, looking down at Lily, "We'll find them."
Her parents being alive was a relief, sure. But terrifying at the same time. If Lily's assumption was correct, then she wasn't sure if it brought her comfort. The idea that this could have all been orchestrated by them fit so well with the odd events leading up to this day. And as much as she didn't want to admit this to herself, it was the only real explanation to why the exact building her brother was being held in after an odd set of circumstances...and them showing up a day before. It scared her, that her parents could be capable of this.
"Hunter...Hunter, I need to get to Hunter." Lily whispered, tugging at Bucky's sleeve, "Please I have to get back to Hunter."
"Okay...yes okay," Bucky turned back to the other two, "I'm going to take Lily to her son. If you need me back here I'm on coms." With a nod from the others, Bucky tucked Lily under his arm and pulled her from the scene of the explosion. One that she believed he felt the same way about. That this was the works of the Osbornes, and whatever sneaky business they had seemed to get themselves into.
Lily's breath was heavy as they reached Gen's cafe. No one in sight other than on the other side of the street. But Lily didn't care. She just needed to see Hunter. Make sure he was okay. That was her main focus. Getting her son to safety and as far from the city as she could. Take him home, keep him safe behind the closed doors of their home. Away from anyone's eyes. She just wanted Hunter to be okay.
Pushing open the door to Gen's cafe, she was met with silence. Only the quiet humming of music floating through the speakers. Her head spun, and a panicked feeling settled in. But she saw the blonde of his hair, and a feeling of relief overtook it. Both Bucky and Lily jogged over to where Hunter sat, and the latter tugged the boy tight to her chest. She was sure he could feel the pounding of her heart, and the urgency in her coos. Hearing him breathe made her feel okay again. She felt at peace.
"Lily we should go." Bucky whispered, tugging gently at her shoulder, "I don't like this."
"We guessed you'd figure it out, Sergeant Barnes," an all too familiar voice called, "Seems you and Lily are quicker than we originally intended."
Alicia Osborne.
Lily shot her head up, watching her mother, father, and brother walk from the back of the cafe. Immediately, she covered Hunter's ears and tugged him into her chest, ensuring he didn't see what was happening. but, she figured this was the entire plan. For what though? Lily didn't know. Whatever it was, it had Bucky and Lily in the center of it, dragging Hunter along with them. Something Lily would kill to avoid happening. But the others seemed to have different plans, as Abel walked towards Bucky. And then spoke in a tongue Lily didn't know.
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